#all he needs to know is FALCON'S FURY
dc-marvel-life · 2 years
Perfect Fit
Pairing: Wanda x Natasha x reader
Word Count: ~2.6K
Summary: Y/N is the new member joining the Avengers that came from a top-secret program in SHIELD that she was in all her life. Now that she has joined the team, she is experiencing life for the first time. She has caught the eye of the two most powerful women on the team.
A/N: I haven't had any requests, so I am posting a story that I am making on my AO3. This will be a series. My request is still open. 
Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
We all know that there are infinite different universes that are different from one another. This one is the same as the rest. In this universe, the Avengers made the team ten years ago with a group of teenage superheroes. Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Winter Soldier, and Captain Marvel made the original team. Five years later, Spiderman, Black Panther, Yelena, and Kate join the group.
They all live on the Avenger compound, a vast building that houses the Avengers and their every need. Thanks to Tony, the facility is all high-tech and has F.R.I.D.A.Y. It has many bedrooms, bathrooms, a game room, a movie room, a weight room, a training room, a vast kitchen, a pool, a garden, etc.
The team is running smoothly, but SHEILD has a program that they want to test out. The program is called Project Gene X, and it is a program that had eight infants with the mutant gene. When the mutant gene was discovered, SHEILD ensured they were on top of it. They were able to find eight infants that they were able to keep in custody legally. All the kids did growing up was train and discover their powers. Over time, not all of the kids could stay in the program for different reasons, but there were only two in the end.
The two were fighting for the open spot in the Avengers, and Fury finally made a choice. The team knew they would get another teammate soon, but they didn’t know when.
Fury called a meeting with all the Avengers in the conference room at the Avengers compound. Now they are just waiting for Fury to show up.
“So does anyone know what this meeting is for,” Tony says, tapping a pen on the table while looking around the room.
“Maybe we are all going on a huge mission,” Bucky says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Ooo, I hope so because I haven’t been on any mission recently. I need to get out of this compound now,” Sam says, leaning back in the chair.
“Let's hope Fury doesn’t send us on a mission then, so we can all go out tonight. How does that sound?” Carol says.
“I like that idea! I’ll call a few clubs right now to get us on the VIP list,” Tony says, pulling out his phone, and everyone nods.
“I can’t wait to go clubbing!” Peter says excitedly.
“Not you, young fry,” Natasha says, and everyone laughs. At that moment, Fury walks into the room, and everyone goes silent. Everybody's attention goes to Fury, waiting to see what he called the meeting for. “I bet you all are wondering why I called this meeting. Well, I wanted to get you all together so you can meet your new teammate Agent Y/N Y/L/N” Fury says. Y/N comes into the room with black cargo pants held up with, a black utility belt with many pockets, and a black short sleeve shirt. She goes and stands next to Fury with her arms crossed behind her back.
“Agent Y/N was part of a secret project that has been going on for years in SHIELD. Now she has earned a spot on the team with you all. She has the mutant gene and will be a great addition to the team. I won’t give you guys a mission for the next few days, so you all can get to know one another. I hope you all welcome her with open arms,” Fury says, then walks out of the room.
Once Fury closes the door, all eyes are on Y/N. The room was silent, and Y/N didn’t know what was happening.
“So tell us about yourself, Y/N,” Steve says, breaking the awkward silence filling the room. Y/N stood there momentarily, not knowing what to say to them. Since she was a baby, she has been training with little to no social life. Her only friends were the people in the program, but once they left, they never stayed in connect. It was just the way of the program not to have many contacts outside. Y/N never developed her own personality, but she knew one thing.
“I am a homosexual!” Y/N blurt out after a minute of not responding to Steve’s question leaving everyone wondering. Then Y/N says that and shocks everyone. Some people tried to hold back their laughs because they thought it was a joke.
“I am sorry that I said that. Well, I am a homosexual, but you know what I mean. I didn't know how to respond when you asked that question. My whole life was about being in the program, so I don’t know too much about myself,” Y/N says with her arms still crossed behind her back.
“What is this program/project that Fury said that you were in? I have never seen you before or heard of a secret project,” Clint asked curiously about what SHEILD was hiding from everyone. Y/N was hesitant because she was told never to talk about the program unless it was with someone with an equal or greater level than her.
“Yes sir, the project was…..” Y/N started to talk, but Clint stopped her.
“Don’t call me sir. I feel so old when you say that, and I am pretty sure we are the same age,” Clint says while faking like he had a chill.
“No problem, Mr. Barton,” Y/N says.
“No, no, no, just call me Clint. You know all of our names, right?” Clint ask.
“Sorry, Clint, and yes, I know all of your names,” Y/N says, and she can feel her body tighten. Y/N’s mind is going a mile a minute because she worries she is messing everything up.
“Relax, sweetie, you are too tense and thinking too loud,” Wanda says in a calming voice. Y/N looks over at Wanda, nervous.
“You can hear my thoughts?” Y/N says in shock. Y/N knew that Wanda was powerful and could read minds but not like this.
“Yes, I can. I promise I don’t read minds for fun. I can only hear them without trying because you are overthinking right now. Take a deep breath in and out,” Wanda says with a smile. Y/N takes a few deep breaths in and out and finally calms down a bit. She eventually moves her arms from behind her back.
“I am sorry. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time and can’t believe it is happening. Now I am a nervous mess. Anyway, my project was called Project Gene X. I was taken in by SHEILD as an infant because of my mutant gene. Growing up, I was trained to be the best agent while using my powers. Our end goal was to be a part of the Avengers. It was down to one other person and me, and we had to fight for it. I won, and now I am here,” Y/N proudly says.
“Wait for a second! This is crossing way too many lines! So you are telling me that SHIELD pretty much had their red room! I need to talk to him now about this,” Natasha says, getting up from her chair. Wanda gets up and tries to calm down her girlfriend.
“No, Natasha, it wasn’t like that. Every year after we hit age five, we were often asked if we wanted to stay in the program. Most of the kids dropped out by age 14, and only the other person left in the program was me. It sounds like the red room, but it isn’t at all. I had a great time there and enjoyed myself very much,” Y/N says to everyone but most importantly, Natasha. You can see that Natasha is mad right now because her hands are balled up, and her face is as red as a tomato. She looks like she will fight someone, but Wanda is beside her to calm her down. It seems like they are having a conversation with their minds. After a bit, Natasha takes a deep breath and sits back at the table.
“Okay, it is not as bad as the red room, but it is still like it. I will talk with him about it later,” Natasha says.
“Yeah, Project Gene X doesn’t sound too well, but he did the same for us ten years ago, starting the Avengers. We were like, what 13-16-year-olds running around saving the world. What is done is done; let's move on and have a great time with our new team member,” Sam says, trying to lighten to mood.
“Yeah, I agree with Sam! That means we should all go out and have a party!” Tony says, pumping his fist because he wants to attend a club tonight.
“We are supposed to be bonding as a team, and we can’t go to the club because Peter is only 20 years old,” Carol points out to Tony. Tony quietly mimics Carol.
“Or we can have a party here and invite people to come, so no one is excluded. How does that sound?” Kate says.
“Not a bad idea. Now we need to throw the best house party ever! I will make some calls now,” Tony says, getting up and calling someone.
“So let’s get you to settle into here, Y/N. By the way, to formally introduce myself. I am Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, and I am 25. The rich boy over there on the phone is Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, who is 25,” Steve says, and everyone starts to introduce themselves with their real name, superhero name, and age.
“So Y/N, you say you were in the program because you have the mutant gene. What is your power?” Sam asks, and everyone's attention is back on Y/N, wondering what her power is.
“My power is absorption. So any material that I touch, I can turn my whole body into that. That is why I have this belt with different strong materials like vibranium, adamantium, diamond, chromium, and more,” Y/N says while removing her metals from her belt. She puts them all out on the table, then picks up the adamantium. She holds the adamantium in her palm and turns her whole body into adamantium.
Everyone is in awe of Y/N’s powers. She turns back into her usual self and puts her metals back into her belt.
“Now, that’s an extraordinary power that can come in handy. I am happy that you are on the team; now, let’s give you a tour of the facility,” Steve says; he stands up, leading the way to give the tour while everyone else shuffles out of the room except for Natasha and Wanda.
“Wait! Can Nat and I give the tour to Y/N?” Wanda asks. Natasha whispers something into Wanda’s ear to make her laugh. Y/N looks at the pair, confused about why they want to give the tour.
“Of course,” Steve smiles and looks to Y/N, “you will be in good hands. I will catch you later,” Steve says and leaves the room, leaving only Y/N, Natasha, and Wanda staring at each other.
“Are you ready for the tour?” Wanda asks.
“Yes, I am. Let me go and grab my bag” Y/N walk over to the door and picks up one small duffle bag.
“Is that all you have? You know you are moving in here for good, right?” Wanda questions Y/N.
“Yes, this is it. My whole life is in this bag, actually,” Y/N says, a little nervous because she didn’t know that she was supposed to have more than this.
“It’s okay, I understand. Being an agent means you must pack light,” Natasha says to comfort Y/N.
“Thanks, Natasha. Since I will be here for the long run, maybe I can do some shopping for stuff,” Y/N says, and Wanda squeals in excitement.
“Shopping trip!” Wanda says, jumping up and down.
“Dorogoy, maybe we should let Y/N get settled first, then talk about going on a shopping trip,” Natasha says to Wanda, then looks at Y/N, “also you can just call me Nat,” Nat says to Y/N with a soft expression.
“Okay, Nat, and I would love to go shopping. Never been on one before,” Y/N says, smiling at the pair.
“Alright, we will go shopping with you one day, but for now, let’s tour the place and show you to your room,” Nat says, and they take Y/N on a tour of the building showing all the bells and whistles. They end up in front of Y/N’s new room.
“And the last part of our tour is your room. This is great because right across here is our room,” Wanda says, pointing to the door right across.
“You guys share a room?” Y/N looks at them curiously.
“Yes, I would hope so. It would suck that I didn’t share a room with my girlfriend of what….. 7 years now,” Nat says, looking lovingly into Wanda’s eyes. Y/N smiles at the pair and looks at their hands to see two rings. Nat and Wanda notice it.
“They’re just promise rings that we gave each other when we were 18,” Wanda clarifies.
“That’s so sweet,” Y/N says with a bit of disappointment because she did have a crush on Wanda and Nat for the longest time after finding out about them years ago.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Wanda asks.
“No, I have never been in a relationship with anyone. I have done stuff with people, but those were mission-based, and nothing ever came out of it. The good thing is now I am free and single. Ready to get out there,” Y/N says and starts to laugh, with Wanda and Nat joining her.
“Sorry, that sounded lame saying it out loud,” Y/N says and continues to laugh. Y/N opens her room door and gasps.
“Wow, this room is so big, and I have a queen bed,” Y/N says, running into the room, dropping her bags, then jumps onto her bed.
“And the bed is so soft. I am going to love this place,” Y/N says, getting comfortable in bed while Nat and Wanda watch in awe.
“She is so cute,” Wanda says, and Nat agrees with her.
“So why did you guys want to show me around the place? I am just curious” Y/N sits up in bed, looking at the pair.
“If you want us to be honest here, we wanted to show you around to get to know you and become friends. We are always together, and we need more friends that are women. Yes, we have Kate, Yelena, and Carol, but it is not the same. Yelena is Nat's younger sister, and they get on each other nervous all the time, but it is out of love. Plus, we think Yelena and Kate are secretly dating and not telling anyone. Carol likes to hang out with Sam and Bucky to do dumb shit with. So we saw you and thought we could have a new friend to do stuff with,” Wanda says moving side to side like she is nervous about something.
“Well, I will be an honor to be your friend,” Y/N said, smiling at them and making Nat and Wanda melt.
“Gosh, you are so cute. I think I can say that we are happy to have become friends for the two of us. We will let you get settled here before the party tonight. If you need us, we are across the hallway,” Wanda says and starts to walk out of the room, with Nat closing the door to leave Y/N in her thoughts.
“This is going to be the best time of my life,” Y/N says, sighing and lying in bed.
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xoxobuckybarnes · 6 months
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March 2024 Stucky Fics
Now! That’s What I Call 90’s Slow Jams (Rated: M, Words: 10K) by deadonarrival
Summary: Steve goes home for the wedding of Becca Barnes and while he’s there he runs into his old crush. Her brother. Except now they are both hot as shit. Oh no whatever will happen.
(You Can't Choose) What Stays and What Fades Away (Rated: G, words: 3K) by Taste_is_Sweet
Summary: At some point in everyone's life, the first words their soulmate will ever say to them will appear in deep black writing on their skin. The words fade to light grey when a soulmate dies. Sometimes new words replace them, whether they're wanted or not (These were the words Steve was born with, running in a messy, uneven line across his skinny little chest, beneath both his collarbones: You okay, pal? Those jerks didn't hurt ya too bad, did they? Steve woke up from the ice in 2011 with the words, Who the hell is Bucky? circling his heart, in printing so precise it barely looked human. Steve hated them.)
For Words to Say it Right (Rated: T, Words: 25K) by Squeaky & Taste_is_Sweet
Summary: Turns out when you're missing an arm, everyone asks are you okay? all the damn time. And when your soulmark is one of the most common questions in English, it's even worse. Generic soulmarks are a bitch.
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) (Rated: M, Words: 111K) by dorian_burberrycanary / @burberrycanary
Summary: The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road? A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it as part of the all-American road trip, detours included.
The Simple Life (Rated: E, Words: 114K) by howler32557038
Summary: "The simple life." "You'll get there one day." "I don't know. Family, stability...The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy-five years ago. I think someone else came out." Bucky wants to be part of Steve's life. He wants to be an Avenger. He wants to be a good partner. Unfortunately, sometimes that means not telling Steve everything.
a league of our own (Rated: E, Current Words: 40K) by burning_brighter / @burnin-brighter
Summary: Steve's sixteen-year-old son's one and only dream is to play in the Major League. He thinks he has a shot when the team get a new coach, retired MLB legend and Steve's high school crush, Bucky Barnes. Steve hasn't thought of the man in many years, but seeing him brings back many memories that push Steve to reach out to an old friend and maybe make new ones on the way. What happens when Steve gets to know Bucky properly? What happens when they open up about their darkest secrets and deepest fears? There's really only one thing that can happen.
hey now, you're an all star (get your game on, go play) (Rated: E, Current Words: 81K) by buckyismybicycle / @buckyismybicycle
Summary: Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong. PS - you do not need to know hockey for this, I promise.
Every Me and Every You (Rated: E, Current Words: 60K) by deadto27 / @deadto27
Summary: Bucky Barnes is doing his best. He's getting by after the blip, after Sam became Captain America, after Steve...well, it's best he doesn't think about that. The point is, his life is different now, and he's trying his best. He just wishes the hollow feeling in his chest would go away. ----- Bucky gets blinded by a bright light as the tear seems to implode in on itself and there’s an odd little jolt as the pulling stops, and then Bucky’s blinking, trying to get his vision right again as he loosens his grip on America. “You okay?” he checks, still squinting. He’s probably not blind, he thinks. It just feels like it right now. “I’m okay,” America tells him and he sees her nod shakily as his vision starts to clear, and he carefully lets go of her, seeing that she can support herself, hands pressing onto the floor next to her. “Uh…I don’t think I am,” says another voice, and Bucky turns his head so fast he might give himself whiplash. Because he knows that voice. He knows that voice better than any other voice on the planet and he’s missed that voice
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reality-exodus · 29 days
The Falcon and the Owl
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x Reader!Stark Word count: 2377 Summary: reader and Sam meet at the party during age of Ultron and flirt when there’s a fight Sam saves reader’s life.
I was never an official avenger thanks to my brother, Tony, I didn’t care that much after a point. I had taken an noticeable part in the SHIELD as a manager of the Stark Industries and the main graphist designer for my brother’s crazy ideas. I was a doctor in reality with love of experimenting in genetics, Nick Fury was particularly interested in my love for that subject and had me in the helicarrier many times…
Tonight though, it was a day off. It had been a hard mission for the avengers and they needed a small soiree so I contacted Maria Hill and James Rhodes and had it arranged immediately, calling  the closest of the fellow heroes that saved the world last year. I was fixing the cava carefully as the guests began to arrive.
I was sitting at the top of the stairs leaned on a pillar with a glass of rum staring down at the party, I liked that everyone was having fun. I saw my brother with Thor they were speaking and giggling as Nat was serving them, there was Helen with Rhodey speaking as Banner approached Nat in the bar. Clint was with Maria and Happy laughing and drinking beers.
“How come you hosted a party Steve, didn’t know Avengers were a social club.” Sam joked, I didn’t flinch it wasn’t polite to listen to conversations you weren’t included.
“We had a tough week, so Dr. Stark made this surprise for us.” Steve approached me and turned down to me. “Why are you sitting here…?” he asked me and smiled down at me.
“I am spectating the children Steve, making sure they are having fun.” I smiled back at him. “So children… are you having fun?” I asked and turned at the two.
“Are you sure avengers ain’t a social club?” he asked and turned at me confused.
“Steve… look down there…” I pointed to the floor he looked confused and did stare at where I was showing him. “You dropped your manners, because you didn’t  introduce us…” I joked and Sam laughed while Steve rolled his eyes and nudged my side. I laughed and slapped his hand, he knew I was ticklish.
“I assumed you knew him since you invited him…” Steve spoke and looked between us. Sam turned at me to see what I would reply.
“To be honest he doesn’t ring a bell.” I spoke up and looked at him. I tried to be as indifferent as I could, I do not know why…
“That’s a first, people usually remember me, especially women.” Sam responded with a smile, it was a funny smile.
“I like your confidence… but I still do not recall your name.” I reminded him, I just  had the need to get over confident and self aware people a bit off their little cute castle of confidence… that’s what childhood trauma smells like, with a brilliant minded brother like Tony.
“Sam Wilson, Trauma counselor and pararescue Jumper U.S. air force… and very charmed” Sam spoke bowing lightly and looked at me with a playful gaze. I held back a chuckle, it was a natural response when people were matching my sass and weren’t awkward or scared of how I responded. Steve had left us alone and I didn’t realize when it happened.
“Nice to meet you Samuel, I am Y/N, Y/N Stark. Co- Owner Graphic Manger in Stark Industries, Neurosurgeon, Shield agent in the science department… PhD in Metropolitan college at Pathology.” I introduced myself and smiled at him cocky, he was taller than me even though I was wearing heels, for a moment I saw Tony’s gaze over at me but I turned my back.
“Ah, is that all?” Sam asked and looked at me, taking a sip from his drink.
“No there are more. I just don’t want you to feel bad.” I spoke up coldly my gaze looked at him trying to not look at him, with a polite and slightly amused smirk, he seemed to enjoy it. I was enjoying it…
“Oh do tell, Perhaps I will  visit a Trauma Counselor afterwards” Sam joked back and I raised my eyebrows at his responses.
“I happen to be a Forensic Genetist from the SHIELD academy and a teacher for Russian… I also speak Italian Greek and French… and I paint in my free time.” I added and sipping my glass of wine elegantly. “I’ll cover the expenses if you are feeling overshadowed I smiled but I got serious clutching my head as I heart a high pitched frequency as if electrified cables were on contact.
“Are you alright…?” Sam asked me his hand gently touching my forearm, I turned down stairs at my brother, he looked buzzed as well but he kept talking with the people at the small lounge.
“Yes, i am but-Oh…” I spoke and looked at my original design working. “Ultron…” I murmured as the robot stumbled, Sam was dragging me slowly closer to the rest as I was staring at it, it’s a bad habit I had… it was a magical feeling see my designs alive and walking every time Tony created something I designed I was swallowed by this feeling of satisfaction, he looked good and he would look even better with the final designs and the color it would look even better than before.
“Mhm- Some dreams, gotta kill the other one-.” The robot mumbled in low volume, he grabbed his head, Sam had me moving backwards slowly. “He was a good guy…” he said and turned at us.
“You killed someone…” Steve asked, I hadn’t realized how close to the rest we were;
“How did you activate yourself- You weren’t even half built.” I asked and looked at it.
“The other guy helped me… He was a good guy.” He responded again, it was as if we had an actual conversation
“Who sent you?” Thor asked, staring at it like death, the tension in all of them was giving me the chills, even Tony seemed anxious on the matter.
“What do you plan on doing?” my voice was heard, it was a recording the robot was playing it. “I see armors all over the world” then it was my brother’s voice.
“Yltron…” Bruce realized and stared at my brother…
“In the flesh…” the robot spoke and excuse me was that sarcasm I heard in his tone, other than coldness and reality. “Well not yet… Not like that, I have some updates to perform and a new body, the one mother designed for me… Its under construction, the other guy gave me the blueprints.” He said and turned to me.
I heard clicking, agents preparing their guns… “Jarvis…” I whispered, it was the man that raised me when my parents passed away Tony was 21 and I was 14, Jarvis was our butler, he was named after him since AI Jarvis was our baby sitter.
“I am on a mission, Peace at our time.” He said and the walls of the lab behind him broke by my brother’s flying suits that started shooting at us. Sam got my waist and pulled me behind the table Steve flipped as he was swiped away.
“Stay here- you’ll be-“ Sam was to say looking down at me as I raised my dress and took out the small knife I hid to my thigh.
“I’ll be safe- I know, I didn’t mention gymnastics before huh?” I asked and raised my head from the side, he pushed me down by my shoulder as there was a shot towards me.
“You look like you don’t know it thoughj. It’s a knife Y/N how will you fight robots with that. scratch the tin cans?” he asked me infuriated by what he translated as ignorance and recklessness.
“Well, I am a scientist Wilson I know how to disable them… I only need something sharp, other than your jaw.” I said, hopefully the flirting would manipulate him into letting me do what I want.  Rhodes slid down the stairs to get to us, as I waved at him. But before he could reach us a suit blasted him, “James” I exclaimed and looked at that way.
Sam turned to help him but a suit snatched him, he was trying to make it to let him be but as he mentioned this was not human, he seemed to struggle. “Y/N don’t do it” he spoke as I was already climbing up stairs to get on to higher ground and tossed my heels aside.
“Tony cable color.” I exclaimed jumping over the railings. My hands and legs hugged the back of the robot as I shoved the knife between the neck and the clavicle, it was one of the two vulnerable spots I left.
“Damn you Y/N what are you doing! Ugh… Black and white…” Tony spoke his eyes pinned on me as Maria Hill pushed him aside…
“Get off of it, I got this!” Sam groaned, still held firmly by the evil robots.
“You really don’t look like you are enjoying yourself Wilson and I intend to alter that.” I spoke, my voice heavy as  was trying to find the cable my brother said, once I shoved the knife in the thin opening the armor allowed Sam to fall and smashed me to the wall- I felt the air move out of my lungs as we the hand it grasped my neck and brought me to the front. I was squirming- couldn’t breath- I saw Sam jump over it and finish my job.
I fell to the ground, as Sam landed on top of the robot, I turned over and saw Helen, hiding behind the piano and I ran towards her when a robot was right above us, I got in front of Helen- then I thought… I am unarmed, I cover her with myself when Steve came right in front of me to do the same- When the robot was to shoot Clint got the shield and tossed it to him protecting us... and then throwing it to Thor who smashed it.
“That was dramatic, I know you mean well. You just didn’t think it through…You want to protect the world but you do not want it to change…” Ultron said and I slowly stood up, I wanted to take a closer look at him, at the design at the way he was standing and functioning, he wasn’t even ready. I walked passed Steve, he didn’t seem to pay much attention to me but Sam did and held my forearm so I would stay in place. “How can you expect a world to be safe if It is not allowed to evolve.” He added and turned, his shiny blue eyes evolving around us. “There’s only one path to peace. Tony was next to me as Sam was holding me back… “The avengers extinction.” The robot growled and turned his shooters at me, I gasped and Tony dragged me behind him before, a second later, Mjonir, was smashing him into the wall…
Sam and Tony turned at me at the same time “Are you okay?” they asked all at once and looked at me concerned before turning to each other, Sam raised his brows while Tony was frowning at him. “Are you okay?” Sam ignored him looking at me. “As I mentioned I know how to take care of myself… you on the other hand need stitches.” I noticed, my throat was sore but I didn’t like looking weak. Only Tony would ever meet this side of me…
“Oh- you noticed… I knew you couldn’t take your eyes off of me.” Sam spoke and winked as he raised his sleeve gently. I iodine and took the needle on the small pair of scissors as I sat down. I was gently stitching him up.
“I can take my eyes of off you now if you want.” I smiled, my gaze was looking at him, to his wound to be precise, I felt my hands shake gently but I ignored it.
“No please.” Sam chuckled and looked at me. I didn’t avert my gaze from my motions though… “You don’t seem as confident as before… I shall remind you my trauma counselor expertise…” Sam spoke and looked at me he held my wrist as I was finishing with his stitches.
“Do not worry about my mental health… Worry about your general health in case you don’t take me out on a date…” I spoke and swallowed.
“Oh- I may be curious on what you’ll do if I don’t do so…” Sam said and approached his face towards me, we were only a breath away but I didn’t flinch. I only stared at him.
“Trust me dearest, you do not desire to witness the ruthless side of me.” I smiled and patted his cheek with my hand and turned my back to leave, but he held my wrist. I paused and didn’t look at him.
“I could call you if you give me your number” Sam spoke, his voice wasn’t funny like before.
“Look for it I do not know it.” I responded and removed my hand from his grip…
I walked further inside the lab, Dr. Banner was coming out as I walked in to see my brother looking there straight faced. His gaze blank. “Jarvis…” I whispered, it was our cute little invasion, he was making all the algorithms while I was trying to give him an appearance, I was 19 and Tony was 26…
Tony’s gaze was raised upon me, he surveyed me for two full moments before he came and pulled me in a hug. “What were you thinking jumping to that armor?” he asked me and cupped my face, he raised my chin up wards to take a look at my neck. “They left a mark…” he sighed and looked into my eyes.
I couldn’t hide from my brother no matter how hard I tried… he was always able to read me. My eyes shone as I looked up at him. I simply sobbed a bit before he pulled me in a hug. “Does it hurt?” he asked me and I nodded looking at him... He kissed my forehead…
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venusfalling · 2 years
Off to Germany Without So Much as a Fucking Goodbye
summary: Episode 2 of TFATWS. You pick up Bucky from jail.
warnings: none?
notes: Well, this only really makes sense if you've watched The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but if you haven't, there are still some fun angst and fluff bits! Married!Reader. Part 2 to There You Are.
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    Jail. Bucky’s therapist called to tell you that your husband was in jail. You had spent three days worrying about him, thinking the worst, but now? Now you were (mostly) angry as you waited for him on the street outside the police station.
    “James Buchanan Barnes!” you yelled when you saw him and Sam leave the station.
    “Shit,” Bucky muttered.
    “Jail! First a stupid text—‘Going to Germany on a mission with Sam’—no explanation, no phone call, no word from you at all for three days! And then, I have to hear from your therapist that you’re in jail!” The way you emphasize your words tells Bucky that he’s really in trouble this time. He tries reaching a hand out to touch you, but you brush him off. You start walking to the car, parked two streets over, and Bucky and Sam follow. The keys that you’re holding begin to bend from the crushing force of your hand as your emotions overwhelm you. All of that anger and anxiety and relief rolled up into one big sob caught in your throat.
    “I can explain,” Bucky calls after you.
    “I am your wife! I deserve more than a goddamn text and secondhand information!” you snap, turning around to face him.
    “Wife?” Sam questions, but you both ignore him. Sam knew the two of you were close after the time you spent together in Wakanda, but five years was a long time.
    “I was worried, Buck,” your voice breaks a little bit, and you finally let Bucky pull you into a hug.
    “I know, I know. I’m sorry,” he whispers into your hair. “It was supersoldiers,” he explains when you pull out of the hug, “part of a group called the Flagsmashers that’ve been stealing vaccines and supplies.”
    “The Flagsmashers? The bad guys really are getting less creative.”
    Bucky continues to explain it all: the tip from Lieutenant Joaquin Torres (Sam’s airforce buddy), the supersoldiers they caught stealing vaccines in Germany, the ensuing chase, and the interference from the new Captain America. It was a lot to say the least.
    The keys in your hand are all but ruined, but you continue to walk towards the car anyway. The lock in the car is metal and, as the ruined keys prove, bending metal is kind of your forte. Car theft is what got you on Fury’s radar after all. Bucky takes the warped keys from you, tucks them in his pocket, and holds your hand. Not all is forgiven, but for now… for now you need him within arms reach to make sure he doesn’t disappear again.
    “So, you two are married. Since when?” Sam catches up to the both of you, having given you space for your lover’s quarrel.
    Not many people know about your relationship with Bucky. Things were… complicated after The Blip. You had waited five years for him, never moving on no matter how much Steve encouraged you to do so.
    You had friends, but you weren’t as close anymore, and your relationship with Bucky was something so close to your heart that sometimes, telling others didn’t feel safe. Bucky, on the other hand, didn’t have many friends, and it took him ages to tell his therapist. It was something she‘d only pried out of him after he’d listed you as his emergency contact. Other than her, the only people who did know were the judge who signed the marriage license and your witness: Steve.
    “Since six months ago,” Bucky replies. Sam is about to ask a follow-up question when a police car siren cuts him off.
    “Gentlemen,” John Walker calls out from the police parking lot sandwiched between the police station and the corporate building next door. “Good to see you again.” He nods in your direction, “Ma’am.” Then when he recognizes you he says, “Wait, you’re an Avenger! You’d be a great addition to our team.”
    Bucky’s hold on your hand grows a little tighter at that, and the three of you stop in front of where John Walker and Lamar Hopkins lean against the doors of a police cruiser. Bucky stands just an inch or two in front of you, as if trying to hide you.
    “There is no team,” Bucky argues.
    “Look, if we divide ourselves, we don’t stand a chance, you guys know that,” Walker continues.
    “So what do you got?” Sam asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
    “Well, the leader’s name’s Karli Morgenthau. We’ve been targeting civilians who’ve been helping Karli move from place to place.” The casual way in which Walker speaks about over-policing groups of people who are already suffering makes you understand Bucky and Sam’s defensive nature.
    “They geo-tag a location, then scramble the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe,” Lamar explains.
    “We think she’s taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps,” Walker finishes.
    “Well, there are hundreds of those all over the planet since The Blip. So, I guess you’ll have to look real hard,” Bucky remarks snidely.
    “Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?” Walker scowls at Bucky, and the look that Bucky returns is more distasteful than his usual glare.
    “Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?”
    The scowl on Walker’s face deepens at Bucky’s question. “No, we don’t know, Bucky. But, it’s only a matter of time before we find out.”
    “Things are really intense for you, aren’t they, Walker?” Bucky shoots back, taking another step forward and letting go of your hand while Walker pushes himself off of the police car.
    “Take it easy. Walker’s right. It is imperative that we find them and stop them,” Sam cuts in. “But you guys have rules of engagement and all kind of authorizations you have to get. We’re free agents. We’re more flexible. So it wouldn’t make sense for us to work with you.” Sam turns and walks back toward the main road. You and Bucky follow, but Walker isn’t finished:
    “A word of advice, then. Stay the hell out of my way.”
    “So, what are you thinking?” Sam is the first to break the silence when you finally reach the parked Cadillac. The one that Bucky only ever drove when he was with you, preferring the motorcycle—which was still at the airfield where he had met Sam three days ago.
    “Well, I know what we have to do. When Isaiah said ‘my people’…” Bucky starts. You remember that name: Isaiah. Bucky had told you about the forgotten supersoldier, the one America never loved enough because of the color of his skin.
    “Oh, don’t take that to heart. That’s not what he meant,” Sam cuts him off.
    “No, he meant HYDRA. HYDRA used to be my people.” You squeeze his hand once, then let go to begin unlocking the car, placing your hand on the door and feeling for the locking mechanisms inside. People really ought to stop making things out of metal.
    Sam scoffs. “Not a chance.”
    “Walker doesn’t have any leads,” Bucky counters. You can see the crinkle in his brow he gets when he has an idea that he knows you won’t like.
    “I know where you’re going with this, no,” Sam says.
    “Where are you going with this?” you chime in, a bit lost in the conversation and still playing catch up to what happened in Germany.
    “Zemo. He knows all of HYDRA’s secrets. Don’t you remember Siberia?”
    “I wish I could forget Siberia,” you grumble.
    “So, what? You’re just gonna go sit in a room with this guy?” Sam questions.
    “Y-yes.” Bucky admits. You want to argue, but you can see by the look on his face that he’s already set on going.
    “Well, if you’re going to see Zemo, then I’m coming too,” you demand, crossing your arms and looking up at him.
    “No, you’re not.” He mirrors your movements and looks down at you.
    “Bucky, where you go, I follow. That was the deal, remember?” You say, holding up your left hand to show him the ring on your finger.
    “Okay then. We’re gonna go see Zemo. The three of us,” Sam decides, opening the car door. Then he smiles at you. “It’s good to be on a team with you again.”
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Free - Helmut Zemo X Female Reader
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Title: Free
Helmut Zemo X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Sam (Mentioned), Bucky (Mentioned), Fury (Mentioned), the Avengers (Mentioned), and Dora Milaje (Mentioned)
Requested by @freestarlight!
WC: 2,574
Warnings: Reader was an ex-SHIELD agent, blip mentioned, FATWS canon violence mentioned very briefly, slight angst, some good ol' flirting, crying, some kissing, confessions, nicknames, Reader is kind of a criminal now..., slight suggestiveness, and fluff
You never thought you'd ever fall in love. You were an agent for SHIELD who worked constantly and had no time for real personal matters or relationships. For years, you did your job. Going on small missions for Fury, filing paperwork, and even sometimes working undercover when needed, but all the while you did your job; and you did it well. You hardly ever thought about a life where you had a "normal" job. Yes, sometimes you daydreamed of a better apartment, maybe even a pet to keep you company on the days you were free from work. And, yes. You daydreamed when you were off work, dressed in sweats on your couch as you binge-watched some Netflix movie. You thought about a life with a sweet partner, a house with a white picket fence, and maybe a pet or two. But you knew with the life that you chose, that seemingly perfect dream wasn't possible.
You never thought you'd ever have a life outside of work, so when the snap happened. A lot of things had changed. SHIELD wasn't as... Alive, shall we say, and you were basically out of the job for five years. You had to think of something. So, when you had the chance, you got a job as a waitress. It paid alright, but not the best. You had to deal with rude customers and low wages, and sadly just working that job couldn't pay the bills. So, you had to take up another part-time job. You were able to get a job in an office building. And with your filing expertise, you went around five hours of the day filing papers, and files, and using the copier machine. Those five years were rough. You sort of missed your job at SHIELD.
You were overwhelmed when everyone came back. Only five years prior did you have to basically restart your life, and now, you had to do it again. New York had become a very stressful environment. The people there were not as trusting as they once were. But, you still kept your head down and your mouth shut and did as you always had done. You were going to survive this new life. You did it once, and you could do it again. And because life just loved to kick you while you were down, you got a phone call a couple of weeks after everyone came back. It was an unknown caller, but for some reason, you answered it. Your brain rationalized that it was a scammer or a wrong number. But, no. You knew that voice from your time at SHIELD. It was Sam Wilson. The Falcon. 
He was asking for your help. Yours! Like you could help him figure out who's been recreating the Super Soldier Serum, really? You were just a Level Two Agent. You didn't know all about the details; you only knew the basics. You wouldn't be a help to him at all. If anything, you wouldn't only get him killed. But Sam insisted you join him and Bucky and find out who was recreating the serum and stop them. You wanted to say no, you really, really did. But, something deep down inside you was nagging you to say yes. You couldn't explain it, not even now, but that feeling... It was like another force, pulling and pushing you. You said 'yes,' and suddenly you were in a plane headed toward Madripoor.
Again, you never thought you'd fall in love. But... When you saw him... Dancing to the loud, pulsing music of the dark club... He was tall, wearing a seemingly costly outfit, and he was just chilling; having a good time. You were smitten instantly. You wanted to go over to him and dance, too. But, your body froze in place. You had a job to do, sadly. You didn't have time to go over there. That's when you found Sam and Bucky, and they uttered the mysterious man's name. Helmut Zemo. You had heard that name before. With your Level Two clearance, sometimes you were allowed to review criminal files, and Zemo was one of them. You had read through his file probably more than ten times, almost invested in his saddening story. The loss of his home and family... Even though your mind tried to object, you couldn't help but feel sorry for him; understanding why he was so against the Avengers in the first place. You understood, to an extent, his pain.
For however long, you, Bucky, Sam, and Zemo stayed at his safe house in Latvian. It was lavish, to say the least. You knew Zemo was a Baron and all, but you were hypnotized by the lovely blue, red, yellow, and clear star-shaped glass that made up the four large windows. And during your time staying there, you had grown very close to the Baron. Zemo was sweet, compassionate, and even funny at times. He would subtly poke fun at Sam or Bucky, making you have to hide your grins. 
During one day in the Latvian home, Sam and Bucky had asked you to watch Zemo for the day while they went out for some research purposes. You were a bit hesitant, but that uncertainty washed away when Zemo offered to make you tea. It was calm, the time you had watching Zemo. Even though Sam and Bucky were very cautious of the man, you didn't think Zemo was an actual threat. He did what he had to do, he got his revenge. He was not a threat. He especially wasn't a threat when he walked out of that great bathroom of his in a blue robe, slippers, and chain around his neck. He even offered the bathroom to you next, allowing you to have a nice warm bath to relax and calm you. Of course, you took it.
You sat together, side by side. Just talking. The conversation was a bit awkward in the beginning, but you quickly relaxed in his presence. He was a very charming and soothing person, his accented voice was hypnotic, and the way he looked at you gave you butterflies in your stomach. You weren't used to men looking at you in such an affectionate or caring manner. But Zemo was different. You felt comfortable around him. The tension between you and him melted away after only a few minutes in his presence. He made you laugh, almost crying laughing, he was addicting. And on top of that, he was a good listener, he listened to you. You couldn't believe how close the two of you got in the span of three hours. From small glimpses into each other's pasts to full conversations about everything under the sun. You couldn't remember the last time you felt this... Content.
"So," You turned slightly in your seat on the couch to face Zemo, tucking your legs under you slightly. "Don't laugh but this question has been on my mind for a while."
Zemo gave you a small grin, his arm across the back of the couch, his hand almost grazing your shoulder. "Ask me whatever you want; I will not judge."
Your cheeks flushed, and you bit your lip slightly as you spoke, "What's your favorite color?" You blushed harder when you realized what you had just blurted out, and how silly the question was.
"Well," His green eyes sparkled as he smiled, his accent more prominent than usual, "My favorite color is purple." Your eyes winded slightly in surprise and Zemo chuckled as he continued, "Specifically Dark Orchid. And you?"
"Y/F/C." You spoke with a small laugh, tilting your head slightly as you stared at the man before you, "Why Dark Orchid specifically?"
"Yes, well..." Zemo started, licking his lips. "Dark Orchid, the color conveys a message of strength, mystery, and determination." He smirked, "Descriptors that I believe I possess." He spoke with such confidence in his words. It was adorable, how much confidence he carried in himself. "I find that to be fitting."
"Very," You smiled. "I completely agree, Mr. Baron. Very fitting indeed." Zemo laughed at the title you bestowed upon him. 
Zemo turned his gaze to you, his brown eyes soft and warm as he stared right into your orbs. "I'm glad you agree, meine Schatz. But, please..." The tips of his fingers grazed your shoulder, "Call me Helmut."
A flustered smile formed across your features and your heart began racing. How could you possibly deny this man? "Alright... Helmut."
Zemo had thought you were beautiful from the moment Sam and Bucky introduced you to him at the club. His eyes followed you wherever you went, admiring every inch of your being. Zemo's locked-away heart was rapidly beating in his chest, wanting to escape; and you had the key. At first, he tried to ignore these growing feelings. He hadn't felt this way in a long time; not since he met his late wife. This love, this longing for you, was unfamiliar and frightening. He didn't know if he could do it again, his mind racing with 'what ifs'. What if he did let himself fall for you and you mirrored those feelings? What if something bad happened and you got hurt? What if you didn't even return those feelings? What if you hated him? Would he be alone forever? He had accepted that a long time ago. All those thoughts swirled inside his mind, making him feel sick to his stomach.
But then, in the quiet moments, when you were both relaxing in his Latvian home, he realized that he had fallen for you. Hard.
After defeating the Flag-Smashers, stopping the serum, and the Dora Milaje wanted Zemo. You were scared when they first came to take him away, you stayed close to Helmut's side, thankful that they gave him more time. Those extra eight hours gave you and Helmut enough time to think of what to do. Without Bucky or Sam even suspecting anything, you and Helmut were able to escape. It was a hard task, but the two of you were able to ride off in one of Helmut's fancy cars, right off into the sunset. You almost felt bad for Sam and Bucky, after they had asked for your help, only for you to run off with the man who caused so much pain and mischief. But, when you turned to gaze at the man behind the wheel beside you, the wind blowing through your hair and the sun gently setting on the horizon behind the two of you, you didn't care anymore.
"They are going to take you away, Helmut." You stared desperately up at him, your fingers clenched around the sleeve of his expensive coat.
"It doesn't matter now, my Y/N." He said softly, taking your hands into his. "There is no point worrying about it. I can not stop them this time. I have to go with them."
You rapidly shook your head, "No, Hel, you don't. You deserve a second chance." You pledged, "I cannot allow them to take you away."
He pulled your hands into his, intertwining his fingers with yours, and leaned into your palm, staring lovingly into your eyes. "Please, Y/N, do not try to stop them. It won't be possible."
You frowned deeply, looking down at your shoes, pressed toe to toe with one another, you closed your eyes, tears threatening to spill as you tried to control your breathing. "We don't have to stop them if we leave, Helmut. We can escape and run away. We can restart our lives... You can be free."
He gently ran a finger under your chin, lifting your head up to look at him. He was smiling down at you sweetly, his eyes sparkling with adoration. "My sweet Y/N," He whispered. "They will hunt us down like animals. They will come for you. I can not let that happen."
You felt the tears fall down your cheeks, "I don't care." You cried, "Even if you don't believe it, you deserve a second chance. I know how much pain you have suffered and how much you have struggled. Please, Helmut, don't go."
His hand reached up and wiped a tear off your cheek, cupping your face tenderly. Leaning down, Helmut's eyes fluttered shut as his lips touched yours gently; brushing against you like a feather. He paused, his breathing shallow, and his lips hovering over yours, waiting for your response. You didn't waste another second, leaning up a little bit to press your lips against his, kissing him passionately, feeling his kiss returning your passion. His hands came to rest around your waist and you could feel yourself melt into his hold. His lips moved perfectly against your own as he deepened the kiss, pulling you closer to him until there was no space between you two. Your hands made their way around his shoulders, the fur of his coat tickling you slightly as your fingers raked through the hair on the nape of his neck.
After what seemed like an eternity, you broke apart slightly to catch your breath. Your hands still held onto him tightly as you looked him in the eyes. Your heart swelled as you gazed into his eyes filled with adoration, "Helmut..." You muttered breathlessly, your voice barely audible. 
His hand trailed its way up to your face once again, gently wiping the wetness from your cheeks with his thumb. He smiled softly down at you, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. His nose brushed against yours lightly, as a faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "We should leave soon, my love. We don't want to get caught."
You were free. For the first time in years, you finally felt happy. You felt truly happy.
You never thought you'd fall in love. You never thought you'd have that chance to find someone who loved you for you. You had accepted that fact and had lived your life that way, but, here you were; tangled in the silk sheets of a king-sized bed. The sun softly shone through the small opening in the curtain, casting warm rays upon your soft skin, making you feel sleepy. You turned over, wrapping your arms around a very familiar body. A body that belonged to the man you loved so dearly. You smiled as you kissed along his jawline, before closing your eyes and nuzzling your face into his warm neck. You could feel him smile, kissing your temple tenderly. "Good morning, meine Schatz," He mumbled in that raspy, husky voice. You smiled even wider.
"Morning, Hel." You sighed out softly, your fingers running up and down his spine, and he hummed contently. You snuggled closer, sighing contentedly; enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.
"What should we do today, my love?" He asked, his fingers slowly, soothingly, running up and down your arm, caressing your own skin. You smiled, pressing your lips against his throat.
"I don't know. I mean, it's Sunday, we could stay in bed all day..." You replied, trailing your fingers across the bare skin on his chest.
"I'm not opposed to that," He murmured. "If you wish it, we can stay here as long as you desire, my dove."
You giggled, burying your face deeper in his neck. "That sounds perfect, darling." You replied, letting out a sigh as you felt the warmth of his body surround you.
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classypiratevoid · 3 months
Imagine if | reader x avengers 
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| Imagine if | you x avengers | sorry if anything’s spelt wrong | movie spoilers 
Imagine: Loki needed a place to hide out and you needed a roommate. One thing led to another and the both of you started hooking up, frequently, until one day he left without a word, you never knew who he was until the New York instant.
Imagine: Kong asking you to play video games with him, neither one of you are really good at it so you both get bullied when you had your online matches. Thor always had to stand up for both of you
Imagine: going to a small mom and pop diner with Tony Stark after a long day and eating some burgers and milkshakes. neither one of you really talking about how tough the day was, instead just covering it up with jokes.
Imagine: being Venoms host.
Imagine: getting drunk at a 4th of July Festival and waking up the next day to see you hooked up with Steve Rogers.
Imagine: being the only person who didn't forget Peter Parker.
Imagine: you were married to Pietro Maximoff and Wanda had to tell you he died.
Imagine: (similar to the one above) what if you were the one that took Vision’s life in Infinity War, (just like she did) and had to tell Wanda what you did.
Imagine: (Marisa Tomei version of Aunt May) Aunt May was your mom and Peter was your younger cousin, after he came to live you it didn’t take long to figure out his secret. Of course he doesn’t know you know.
Imagine: the Falcon rescuing you from a burning building or something, he wraps his arms tight around Your waist as you hold on for dear life around his neck. “don’t worry you’re safe now” he says as he takes flight, “I know i’m just not too keen on flights.” You say as you shut your eyes tight and bury your head in his shoulder. “Well, it’s a short flight.” He says with a small smirk as he lands back on the ground, letting you go.
Imagine: Bruce Banner, teaching you Brazilian Jujitsu.
Imagine: irritating Natalia Romanoff every time you have a minor inconvenience with your phone or laptop, like, “hey Natalia can you help me with this? I think my phone is broken. It’s-…” then she just cuts you off with a tired look on her face. like, “let me see it” and all she ever does is turn your phone off and on before handing it back to you but you still show boat it. like, “oh my gosh thank you so much”
Imagine: going on the shopping spree with Pepper Potts after her and Tony got in a fight.
Imagine: you babysitted Cassie way before Scott Lang went to jail and after he got out Margaret asked if you would come with her for a supervised visit. you agreed to it not thinking much of it until that night when Scott friend requested you online, It started off with just catching up as old friends then wanting to know how his daughter was over the years. You knew you would be lying if you said you didn’t find it a little bit attractive how much he cared for Cassie, despite everything he really was a good dad.
Imagine: estranging playlists with Bucky. Like, once every two weeks, you guys give each other a new playlist, his is always filled with some of his favorite songs from 1917-1945 as for you. You always give him playlists filled with songs from 1990-2024.
Imagine: kissing Eddie Brock and then venom takes over and starts French kissing you
Imagine: always making cat puns in front of Nick fury because you know how he lost his eye.
I plan on making a X-Men version 😘and possibly a smut version 🙈
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ao3feed-sambucky · 2 months
Kindergarten Tracker
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KzeZFdm by SunsetMaiden “Are you mad at me, Mr. Wilson?” Judging by the way Jay’s voice broke, it was the worst possible outcome in the world. Bucky could suddenly relate, the thought of facing disappointment in the man’s umber colored eyes making his stomach clench. What the hell?! “Nah, you know we’re cool,” he answered, suddenly shifting as if feeling the attention. He glanced up and around, locking eyes with Bucky when he settled on the source. One side of his mouth quirked up in a tentative smile as his warm gaze shifted across Bucky’s face. Bucky sucked in a breath, completely floored at what felt like a defining moment. One he couldn’t explain. Didn’t understand. But still felt a little life changing. He probably just needed to get laid. It’d been a damned long time, after all. What else could explain the instantaneous connection he felt with this pretty, bright-eyed man? Or: A Kindergarten Cop/Tracker mash-up AU where rewardist Bucky crosses paths with teacher Sam, while on the hunt for an endangered woman and child. Words: 3376, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 4 of SamBucky at the Movies Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sharon Carter (Marvel), Brock Rumlow, Nick Fury, Maria Rambeau Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes & Natasha Romanov, Sharon Carter/Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Getting Together, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Teachers, Teacher Sam Wilson (Marvel), Rewardist Bucky Barnes, Tracker AU, Not Beta Read, Good Cat Alpine (Marvel), Based on movie Kindergarten Cop, kindergarten cop au, Alpine the Cat, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Secret Identity, younger MCU characters making cameos as cute little kids, MJ Peter Ned Kate Tyrone and Tandy to name a few, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, last two tags is briefly referenced and does not involve main characters, Minor Violence, Not Brock Rumlow Friendly, like at all, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KzeZFdm
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
A sweetie!reader update pls? Does she survive the gunshot? Are the suspects caught and (rightfully) beaten??
"Falcone is cleaning house," Batman said walking out of the shadows, making both Jim Gordon and Harvey jump. "He's getting rid of anyone that makes it look like he's losing control."
Jim Gordon nodded, "Y/N Y/L/N has been a thorn in his side for years. She's got the technical know how to run it all but she's been thumbing her nose at it for a decade."
"She's still in surgery," Harvey said, trying to reign in his fury- "But we need to work fast. We need to be able to link the shooting to Falcone. Air tight. Because if she dies-"
"We can get him for more than Conspiracy," Gordon finished. Looking between the two men.
Batman nodded slowly. "She's a good person," he said. "She didn't deserve this. Any of this."
"So you'll help-" Harvey started.
"I'm already working the case," Batman said. "I have two leads. I'll-"
"Let me some with you," Harvey said. "She's- this is too important for just-"
"I know you're dating her-"
"It's not about that," Harvey protested. "If we can nail Falcone to the fucking wall, we can fracture the back of all the families at once. The power vacuum will make them all stupid enough to-"
"Fine," Bruce said nodding slowly. He didn't like the ambition at war with the worry on Harvey's face. "But don't take unnecessary risks. She's going to need you more than I will."
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jefarawol · 4 months
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Thancred and I took to the streets, ensure that order was still maintained among the people, and to tend to anyone who may have been hurt in the panic. Finding no one in need of intervention we headed back to the tavern where Lucia and Artoirel had just returned too.
My apologies, Jefara. I bear full responsibility for this...debacle.
There will be time for that later. I, for one, am more concerned about picking up the pieces. What do we know?
According to initial reports, the protest was orchestrated by the young woman whom Lord Emmanellain ordered shot. She and her conspirators infiltrated Falcon's Nest posing as servants and guests. Several were taken alive. Others resisted and were struck down.
Still others took their own lives. Our forces suffered casualties as well, but by the grace of the Fury, no civilians were seriously injured. Still more remarkably, the ringleader yet lives─for the time being, at least. The chirurgeons are doing what they can for her, but she may not live through the night.
Given their impeccable timing, it is like that the Convictors who drew us away from the hamlet were in league with the protesters. Accordingly, we have detained them for questioning.
I'll be sworn that these villains spent as much effort plotting the failure of this peace conference as we did its success.
Well, if the mood of the hamlet is any indication, theirs have been the more fruitful labors. In the wake of the protest, the people seem disillusioned.
You spoke with them, then?
To make sure tensions had calmed somewhat.
I see... Ser Aymeric placed his trust in me. It will be difficult to explain what has happened here.
Remember how far we have come, First Commander. The people's faith may be shaken, but we convinced them before, and will do so again. If we can but find a means to remind them─to show them once more the promise that change holds for all─then this tragedy too shall pass into the past.
We must pray that you are right. Nevertheless, for the time being, I have no choice but to suspend the peace conference, pending Ser Aymeric's final decision. Under the circumstances, I cannot leave Falcon's Nest. Jefara, will you deliver my report to the lord commander in my stead?
Of course.
Get up, Emmanellain. You're going with her.
Go on without me.
...I was not asking. You will answer for your actions. In person. Is that clear?
...Yes, my lord. Come, Honoroit.
Your manservant is not here. In fact, I have not seen him for some time...
Honoroit...? Honoroit! I could have sworn he was...
Emmanellain was swift on his feet at the thought of Honoroit missing, taking to the streets in a dither, Thancred and I followed but it was me who found the boy first, beaten to within an inch of his life.
Honoroit! No, no! What have they done to you!? Honoroit! Honoroit!
Is that you, my lord? You...you seem rather flustered.
Because of you, you imbecile! What in the seven hells happened to you!?
My...my apologies... Some few of the guests expressed a wish to leave...and I implored them to stay. It would seem they took issue with my request.
Gods forgive me... If I had only been more careful with my words!
D-Do not blame yourself, my lord... I know... I know that you and your brother have Ishgard's best interests at heart. That poor woman... She lives in the past, clinging to the memories of the lost. But the future holds so much promise. So much joy. And you...you know that better than any...
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late-to-the-party-81 · 3 months
The Look - Chapter Three
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AN: Here we are for week three of @Buckybarnesevents Hot Bucky Summer and we’re having a little trip back in time to find out how it all started between Joaquin and Bucky. Catch up on Ch1 and Ch2 if you haven't read them yet.
All the love to @kingofsorrow20 for beta-ing.
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden.
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Summary: Nine months ago, Bucky can’t help but notice the way the new Falcon looks at him. He wants to do more than just look back…
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Joaquín Torres
Word Count: 2.6k
CW: Mean Dom Bucky Barnes, Sweet Sub Joaquín Torres, First time, undernegotiated kink, D/S dynamic, verbal degradation, manhandling, face fucking, oral sex, anal sex, Enthusiastic consent.
Bingos and Challenges:
HBS - Week 3 - "Really? Here?"
BaBB June prompt - Face Fucking
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9 months ago
Bucky could feel eyes on him, and his lips twitched. The baby Falcon - Joaquin - wasn’t as stealthy as he thought he was, well off the field at least. Bucky could easily admit that the young lieutenant had some good moves, both on the ground and in the air, but hiding his lingering looks was not one of them.. Although, if somehow Quín did manage to stop his face from showing how much he wanted Bucky, he wouldn’t be able to hide the way his heart rate and breathing picked up whenever Bucky looked his way. 
It wasn’t as though Bucky was upset by the attention. Quite the opposite. Not only did it feel good to be desired, Quín was also very pretty, with his big doe eyes, smooth skin and dark hair that looked as though it was made to be tugged on. Yes, Bucky had indulged in some day dreams about the things he’d love to do to the young man - things he hoped the young man would love having done to him, but sue him - he was only human, and he had needs.
Bucky had also been trying to make his reciprocal interest known too, with extra praise for a job well done, and clapping Joaquín on the shoulder. He wasn’t sure if the younger man had actually identified it as flirting, but he had blushed prettily enough each time to let Bucky know he had a praise kink. Bucky had filed that away for future use. 
He’d also tried being less subtle, squeezing past Quín in tight spaces as well as posing in doorways, hanging off the top of the frame and giving the lieutenant lingering looks of his own. However, it had become obvious that Quín wasn’t going to make the first move, which meant it was now down to him. He didn’t know why, but he’d decided there was no time like the present, which is why he was sitting in a post mission briefing, planning to seduce the young man sitting opposite him.
They’d gotten back from the mission yesterday, sore and tired, so Director Fury had delayed the debrief until this morning, although it was now almost midday. It wasn’t much of a reprieve, as they were being made to go over everything that had happened, every enemy agent engaged and damn near every bullet spent. Bucky stretched his legs out under the table, keeping his smile inside himself when Quín jolted at the unexpected contact, and glanced over the table from under his lashes. Bucky didn’t play ‘footsie’ with him though - he wasn’t that gauche - but he did let his leg just press up against the other man’s as much as possible, and then tried to keep his attention on Sam, who was busily explaining some of the issues they’d faced as Fury looked on, that ever enigmatic look on his face.
Eventually the meeting came to a close, and Bucky hung back, letting Fury and Sam get up first. He then took a few long-legged strides around to Quín’s side of the table, and placed his hand on his team-mate’s shoulder, keeping him pressed into his chair. “If I could just have a word, Lieutenant?” Quín looked up at him, his expression showing that he was a little puzzled and possibly a lot scared. Bucky tried not to grin as he moved over to the door the others had just left through and locked it. He then turned to the security console and tapped in the code to turn the room into secrecy mode. No audio or visual recording. No-one able to get in without permission. Total privacy.
He stalked back over to Joaquín, noting the way the younger man was fidgeting in his seat, and placed his hands on the back of the conference chair, looming over him as though he was prey. Quín slid down in his seat and tipped his head back, to keep Bucky’s face in view, and Bucky could see the beads of sweat breaking out on his brow and upper lip, and hear the wild beating of the younger man’s heart.
“You got something you wanna say to me, Quín?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “Because I’ve seen you looking - watching me. I’ve seen the way you blush when I tell you that you’ve been a ‘good boy’. I hear you stutter when you talk to me, and the way your heart pitter-patters in your chest. I’ve also seen you have difficulty walking sometimes - when you’ve been watching me fight. I’m beginning to suspect you’ve got a little crush.”
He knew he was being mean, teasing the Lieutenant like this, but the way Quín’s mouth opened and closed as he tried to come up with something to say, was beautiful. ”Aww, pretty boy gone all stupid now he’s been caught?” He hoped that he hadn’t read this wrong and that Joaquín really did have a bit of a degradation kink. All doubts disappeared in the next moment as he saw the way those brown eyes dilated, and how Quín’s cheeks started to change colour. However, it was Quín’s mumbled reply that had a feral grin spread over Bucky’s face.
”I… err… Sargeant, I have the utmost respect I assure you.”
“Is that right?” Bucky replied with a drawl “What if I said that, with the right word from you, I wouldn’t show you any respect at all? Just used you for my own debased pleasure?”
There was a heartbeat of silence, and Bucky wondered if the young man would take what was on offer, or turn him down and run. However, Quín’s gaze flicked down to Bucky’s crotch before he looked back up at his face from under those long, dark lashes, a sly smile on his face. “Would that word be ‘Green’, Sargeant? As in Green for go, Amber for slow down and Red for stop?”
”Smart boy,” Bucky couldn’t keep the amusement from his voice. “But I can guarantee you’re gonna be fucked dumb by the time I’ve finished with you.” The tent in Joaquín’s pants was obvious, and Bucky could even smell his arousal, but when Bucky’s hand went back to his shoulder and tried to steer him from his seat to kneel on the floor, Quín suddenly looked confused again.
”Really?” he said, brows drawn together. “Here?”
”Here,” Bucky confirmed, finding the look of consternation on Quín’s face endearing. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about anything other than getting my dick all wet and messy.” To drive home his point, Bucky pulled down his zipper and withdrew his own erect cock from his briefs, giving it a few firm strokes. Quín’s eyes went wide, but then immediately glazed over, as he leant forward and gave a tentative lick to the head of Bucky’s cock.
With Herculean effort, Bucky held himself still until Quín wrapped his hand around him, and then moved his right hand to cup the back of his new lover’s head, applying a bit of pressure to encourage him to open up.
”You can do better than that,” he encouraged gently. “Bet you’ve been waiting for this moment, dreaming of it. Stroking yourself to it. Suck my cock like you mean it, baby.” He didn’t have to say anything more because with a low moan, Quín leant forward and all but impaled his own throat on Bucky’s length. Bucky let out a hiss as he felt his tip bump against Quín’s soft palate. “Shit, sweetheart! That’s the ticket. Knew you’d be perfect at sucking cock. Born for it.” 
He started to move Quín’s head back and forth, fucking his face, and Quín just let him, his long fingers curled into the fabric of Bucky’s slacks. When Joaquín started to gurgle and splutter, Bucky drew back for a few seconds to allow him to draw in ragged breaths, before plunging back down his throat. ”Fuck. I could just keep going like this. Fuck your face until I bust down your throat. And you’d take it all, wouldn’t you, sweetheart? I bet you’d love my cum.” Quín peered up at him with wet eyes and tried to nod around his mouthful and just that visual sent a shiver of pleasure through Bucky. ”Such a good fuck toy. However, right now I wanna break you in. Get you squirming as I split you open and fill you to the brim.” Quín closed his eyes and whined, shifting on his knees, and Bucky knew this definitely wasn’t going to be a one time thing.
Needing a reprieve before he got carried away and ruined his own plan, Bucky pulled Quín from his cock, watching the way the strings of mixed saliva and pre-cum attached them together, before snapping and trailing down Quín’s chin. Then Bucky pinched either side of Quín’s jaw with his left hand and he opened his mouth as wide as possible. With a dark smile,  Bucky bent down and spat into his mouth, it seemed as though Quín’s eyes had rolled all the way into the back of his head. ”You’re mine to play with now, baby. Now get up and turn around.”
He helped Quín to stand and watched, amused, as the young man wobbled on his legs like a new-born foal, before bending him roughly over the conference table. A quick yank and Quín’s pants and briefs were around his ankles. Letting out a whistle, Bucky allowed his hands to roam over Quín’s naked ass, before giving the right cheek a light slap.
”This fucking peach. I swear you’ve been trying to distract me with this thing.” Bucky grabbed a globe in each hand, lifting and squeezing them, and the whimper that came from Quín made his cock dance in front of him. Holding the cheeks apart again, he spat again, a big glob of saliva running down Quín’s crack and over his sweet little hole. With his right index finger, Bucky smeared it around, watching the muscle twitch. “Can’t wait to eat this peach until you’re crying, sweetheart, but for now, I’ll just have to settle for splitting you apart.”
He pressed against Quín’s rim a little harder until his finger popped in up to the first knuckle. Quín tensed below him and tried to speak. “I’m…I think…D-don’t take this the wrong way….”
“Shhhhh,” Bucky cooed. “Don’t worry, I’ve got lube. There’s no way in hell you could take me dry, not unless you really like it to hurt and don’t want to be able to walk straight for a few days.”
”Oh, thank god.” Joaquín’s response was laden with relief.
Bucky curled over Quín’s back and chuckled darkly into his ear. “There’s no god here, only me, baby.”
He let go of Quín briefly to pull a sachet of lube from his pocket. He ripped it open with his teeth and squirted half the content over Quín’s hole, before getting right back to it. He started to massage the ring of muscle with his fingers, his left hand dropping down to stroke at Quín’s balls and the base of his cock. Quín’s breathing picked up and he started to roll his hips, submitting to the pleasure Bucky was giving him. In no time, Bucky had worked his first finger back in, trying to stuff as much lube into Quín’s channel with each in and out stroke. One finger quickly turned to two and he twisted and scissored his two digits to stretch Quín out and also to search for his sweet spot.
He knew he’d found it when the young man let out a shout and went up on his toes, before bearing back down. ”There it is,” he cooed. “One touch and you go all dumb, dontcha? Just focussed on how good it feels.” He peered around Quín’s body to see that he was pulling his lower lip between his teeth. Adding some more lube, Bucky pulled his two fingers almost all the way out, so he could tuck his third against them and add that too.
Quín threw his head back with a long, deep moan and his cock pumped out a spurt of pre-cum, that landed on the carpet between his feet. ”Bucky! Please!” he cried out, his hands scrabbling on the conference table surface.
”You think you’re ready for this? You had it in your mouth, tried to get your hands around it. You think you’re gonna fit me inside you?”
”Yes! Yes! Fuck! Please!” Quín nodded his head, his cheek pressed to the table top and his eyes screwed shut. Bucky just smiled to himself.
“Let’s find out then.”
Bucky pulled his fingers from the clutch of Joaquín’s body, briefly wiping them on his pants, and squeezed the last of the lube onto his cock. Then, with his left hand on the back of Quín’s neck, holding him still, he notched his tip at Quín’s fluttering hole and started to push inside.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, the warmth and the squeeze of Quín around his cock, threatening to unravel him. However, his attention was quickly back on his lover as he continued to press even deeper and Quín started to moan and writhe under him. He halted his movements, concerned. “Are you okay, baby? What’s your colour?”
He needn’t have worried though. ”Green,” Quín shouted out. “So green. I wanna feel it. I want you to wreck me. Fuuuuuuuck.”
With that enthusiastic consent given, Bucky’s grin slid back into place and he jerked his hips in short movements as he carved a space inside Quín until he was fully seated. He let out a moan of his own as he felt Quín’s hole flutter around him, gently pulsing, clutching him, until the younger man’s legs started to shake and he cried out “Move, please. I need you to move!”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.” He drew back slowly feeling the rippling shudders of the man beneath him, and then slid forward again, smoothly, but firmly. Another rush of power - of pleasure - sparked through him as Joaquín howled once more, and Bucky shifted his left hand to grip the short hairs on the top of Quín’s head and tug it back.
”You like that? You like it hard?”
”’So good. Madre de Dios. Again, please. Just fuck me.”
“As you’ve asked so nicely…”
Bucky pushed Quín’s face back down onto the table top and started to move at a brisk pace, and all the while, he couldn’t work out what his favourite thing was. Was it the way his cock just slid right inside Quín, as though the young man was just made to be his personal cock sleeve? Was it the way Quín’s ass cheeks bounced under each sharp thrust from his hips? Or was it the debauched noises and ramblings of Spanish that spilled from Quín’s lips like a prayer? As he pondered all these things, Bucky reached around and took Quín’s cock in his right hand, thumbing the tip of it, before jerking it in time to his thrusts.
“Come on now, baby. Come for me and I’ll fill you up. Leave you dripping into your pants all the way back to your quarters. You’re gonna feel me for days, you hear? Just come for me. Come for me now!”
At his command, Quín’s back arched, pressing back against the hand on his neck, and with a shout, he spilled into Bucky’s hand as his body rocked with spasms. Bucky couldn’t hold back any longer. With his own roar, he came, his movements becoming uncoordinated as he tried to milk every ounce of pleasure from Quín’s body while filling him with spurt after spurt of his own cum.
As he collapsed over his lover’s back, both of them sticky with sweat, t-shirts clinging to their skin, he knew that he could easily become addicted to this.
Chapter 4
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Tag list: @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989, @kombatfather1796
@christywrites, @doasyoudesireandlive, @endlesstwanted
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hainethehero · 1 year
Stucky AU- where Bucky is Steve's bodyguard and he's always in a state of FML because Steve's a lil shit
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"...it's so unfair!" Steve complained into his phone.
"I mean, I kinda understand why he did what he did Steve," Natasha- Princess Natalia- his good friend sighed over the line.
"Whose side are you on?" Steve cried indignantly, flopping over onto his back as he lay spread eagled on his ironically King-sized bed, for he was a young prince with many years ahead of him before he could even dream of ascending the throne of Mersondawn.
"I'm just saying," Natasha starts, "you disappeared for a whole two hours and no one knew where you were."
Steve rolls his eyes. "Tony just wanted to show me the new car he'd built..." he mutters childishly.
"Tony? As in Captain Howard Stark's son?"
Steve bites his lip. "Yeah. I mean, Tony's my friend, why would Bucky be so worried?"
"You really aren't beating those dumb blonde allegations are you?" Natasha deadpans.
"Wha- I'm not dumb-" Steve protests.
"He's your bodyguard," Natasha emphasizes, "of course he'd be worried!"
"Ugh... I hate this!" Steve whines.
He could practically hear Natasha pursing her lips at him in disappointment over the phone.
"Look," she says finally, "his job is to watch over you like a hawk-"
"He's more like a falcon," Steve mumbles causing Natasha to clear her throat sternly.
"His job is to watch over you and when you pull this near-weekly disappearing act, you're kinda messing with the guy's bread and butter."
Steve is silent for some time, thinking it over before he whines like a spoiled kid. "My bodyguard hates me."
Natasha chuckles, muttering something in Russian distantly before returning to the call. "He doesn't hate you, Steve. You just need to give the guy a break. And apologize for nearly giving him a heart attack."
Steve swallows nervously, eyeing his locked bedroom doors. "He... told Uncle Fury on me and got the 'OK' to incarcerate me in my room."
"You kinda deserve it," Natasha chirps, totally amused at Steve's despair.
"Again, whose side are you on?" Steve grumbles.
"Alright, I gotta go, Yelena has a friend she wants me to meet so.."
"Who is it?"
"Uh, Kate or something. She looks cool so far."
"Well, have fun then," Steve says and he can't help but feel envious because Natasha is out being free while he has to stay locked in his room.
"Hey, let me know how it goes?"
"Sure," he says before hanging up.
He tosses the phone onto his bed and sits up, arms perched on his sides as he glares at the door begrudgingly. He knows his bodyguard is somewhere out there, just waiting to pounce on him. And despite all of Steve's mighty whining, he's a cub in the face of Bucky's lion. The man had always been scary ever since he became Steve's personal bodyguard. And he was even more terrifying when Steve did something stupid. Like right now.
Bucky creeps up on him like a shadow, stopping him from moving beyond two steps of his quietly opened door.
"I thought I told you to stay in your room, punk?"
"G'ahh!' Steve croaks, blushing at his high pitched shriek and Bucky's annoying nickname for him which he secretly loved. "What the hell Buck?!"
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winterironrox · 1 year
Thoughts On Skrull Rhodey
Forewarning, I do not like Skrhodey so if you don’t want to read someone complaining about them scroll past.
At first, I didn’t think Rhodey being a Skrull was bad. He’s the only Avenger in the show so it made sense to me that they went with that. However, that was before G’iah said Rhodey had been held hostage for a long time, he was in a hospital gown, and Feige and the show’s director specified that Rhodey has been a Skrull since Civil War.
We know that that is not possible. The main reason we know this is because we see him bleed many times after Civil War. His blood is red and there is no phasing when he gets hurt. Feige and those involved could create all kinds of excuses for him being a Skrull since Civil War. She’s a really good actor, she needed to be under the radar so she pretended to be paralyzed, she actually did care about Tony so that was her saying goodbye. But the only thing they could say for the visual evidence is “oh the blood was purple and she did phase. you just didn’t notice in the heat of the moment,” or a funny reason could be that it was all makeup not real blood.
Why did they decide to make Rhodey a Skrull since Civil War? Going by the braces and what makes sense to us we would accept him being a Skrull since Falcon and The Winter Soldier. That connects. They took him when he went to the doctors for a check up. Right? He would probably need to do that after being in a world ending battle. There you go, Marvel. End of discussion. You’re all set. But no they had to go with something that is completely illogical.
I will say the only positive about Rhodey being a Skrull is the trans imagery which is probably how they got Don to agree to it since he is a big trans ally.
My mind has been reeling for days and I think I figured out a way to make this work.
What I’m about to say is probably reaching and lends itself more to fanfic so get ready.
I think Rhodey being a Skrull since Civil War could work since that was before the Radical Skrulls turned on Nick Fury so everyone was more friendly and if they had a squishy scientist on hand. A biologist or geneticist or what have you who had access to people’s DNA and could have possibly made a formula or serum that made a Skrull’s phase longer lasting. Someone like Dr. Helen Cho or a Skrull scientist.
Helen or some other genius scientist could have developed a substance that needed to be injected or ingested every couple days or once a week that made it where if a Skrull was hurt they kept their shift and when their blood is exposed to oxygen it turned red. Or this substance possibly just made the Skrull’s shift semipermanent. So as long as they kept taking the formula they were basically the person they were impersonating in every physical way. Which would explain why she was still paralyzed and why her blood was red.
But when this scientist discovered the Radical Skrull’s intention to turn on Fury they took their creation and fled. Which would explain why she could then walk “normally” and why her blood went back to purple. (So sorry. I can’t remember her name.)
Now this is when the fanfic side of my brain took over.
I’ve heard rumors that RDJ is coming back for Amor Wars and my mind latched onto that since I still try to ignore his death everyday.
I think that when Carol found Nebula and Tony floating in space they could have done a switcheroonie. Going with the idea that Tony was so devastated by losing Peter that he couldn’t return to Earth and therefore he gave into surrender. The recording he left Pepper -don’t hate me Pepperoni stans- included another where he explained the switch so Pepper would know that the Tony coming home wasn’t him.
After finding out, Pepper was rightfully furious but over time she fell in love with Skrull Tony since the only Tony who wouldn’t want to be Iron Man is a fake Tony. Morgan could still be Real Tony’s daughter-or not- but he doesn’t know about her and she was raised by Skrull Tony. The scene where Tony looks at the photo of him and Peter which makes him decide to invent time travel could still work in this scenario. Skrull Tony sees that photo and sees the child that Tony Stark could not return to Earth without. The boy who’s death crushed a man so monumentally that he agreed to let someone else take his place. He sees the man whose grief allowed him to find happiness in the life he abandoned next to the boy who would have had a pseudo little sister if things had played out differently, and of course decides to try and fix what happened.
I honestly haven’t thought about when Steve was skrulled. I just know he was a Skrull when he went back to be with Peggy. Unless MCU writers know absolutely nothing about the man after all these years of writing him they will make it canon.
Steve is obviously a Skrull because no matter how much he could have been missing Peggy, the woman who had a full and happy life without him and who made him promise that he would work to be happy in this new age, he would not be able to keep still for the next 5-6 decades. Steven Grant Fucking Rogers has never been and could never be the twiddle his thumbs do nothing type of person. I mean Hydra is right there. They are coming to his step-grandson’s graduation party. He is not just going to ask them how they take their stake. No absolutely not.
Steve has one guaranteed location, time, and place where Bucky Barnes is going to be at and alone. December 16, 1991. Steve might not go to save Howard or Maria but he would definitely be there to abduct the Winter Soldier and get his Bucky back. In order for a time traveling Steve Rogers to not do anything about the future it has to be a fake one. Skrull Steve probably wouldn’t care about all the things that have and will transpire or doesn’t know about them because he doesn’t have access to Steve’s brain. Also, it’s plausible that the Skrulls wanted to be close to Peggy Carter because of Shield and Hydra. They could have done it a different way but who’s to say that time travel Steve ended up with Peggy in the end.
So yeah I don’t know when Steve was replaced by a Skrull, I just know he was before the last time travel escapade. I do know however that it would be an absolutely cute comic moment for Tony and Steve to wake up together wherever they are being held and have to figure out what the hell happened, how long it’s been, and exactly how the hell their world went to shit.
If Tony and Rhodey were both Skrulls during Endgame that would mean the goodbye between them was for a relationship and people we didn’t even know. The female Skrull impersonating Rhodey could have been saying goodbye to her sister, brother, parent, friend, anyone and we didn’t know it. Tony being a Skrull would also explain why no one used the soul or time stone to save him when he was dying, js.
What are these decisions Marvel? These aren’t comics. You can’t just try something out and then undo it. Think everything out. Please, I’m begging you.
Also, another thing I think would be funny is when Real Tony figures out Skrull Tony invented time travel. He would be so annoyed. “I figured out time travel drunk off my ass at 27. I knew it wasn’t a good idea then and it’s not a good idea now. It’s such a delicate situation. So much could go to shit,” or something like that.
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gcuienveres · 1 year
who: @casimirtully​ where: one of highgardens many public reception rooms, all grand ceilings and wall-length great windows leading overseeing the rolling fields of golden roses. this is set following the altercation between king casimir tully and prince arron lannister, though prior to the torching of the river market. 
the lion had found himself on his knees before the mighty currents of the trident. it had not been the prince of fair isle himself who had spoken to her of the way there had been a tornado of rage within the audience chamber of the river king; for he had only spoken to her of what was important. their relationship, and the way her actions were making him feel as though he had been cut open. as though by making herself so utterly vulnerable to the black and white matter of justice, she had too stripped him bare and forced him to remain beneath the scorching rays a an unnatural sun. 
with two heavy conversations remaining seared into the very forefront of her mind, her very existence, and the sight of innocent crimson blood seeping over the marble of her chambers from a voice that sounded as though it were more angel than human, the invitation had been extended. why did it feel as though a white flag had been flown? how it felt as though time after time, line after line was drew; correspondence nothing but formal greetings whilst passing one another by in hallways or in crowded rooms. 
a single letter had remained entirely unopened, let alone unread. she knew not why he had sent it: or what it had said. only that she could not bring herself to toss it into flames. and thus, it remained unopened. she moved to sit at the table, before hearing the sounds of another joining her in the room: noting his towering presence. emerald hues only looked back at him, before she turned. her head dipped in respect, hands clasped before the seven pointed star that adorned her neck. “your grace.” 
and those lines had only been blurred, or in some cases, entirely removed by the forces of those around them in the times where it felt as though there had to be something, in entirely nothing. the sight of her draped in white within a dornish courtyard, and fiery red curls beside her as they looked over passages from her book of hours; he had spoken to her of grief that day, soon after the legacy of the murder of her formidable aunt. informed her to get it out, in any way she could; and somehow, even that had been twisted. warped. the music of casimir tully and the words of guinevere lannister ringing in the sounds of children’s ears who were butchered all for their name, and the treachery of those who came before them. 
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“i thank you for agreeing to meet with me; especially in the light of all that had happened.” her brother ordering a king to marry guinevere, threatening to kill his sisters, threatening to torch the riverlands with the fury of the lions.
neither of them had any way of knowing that the grief would only make so much more a prisoner of her own mind. that only a handful of weeks later, the falcon king would be butchered: too ahead of his time, too progressive in a realm that was not ready for it. and that had started with letters, letters that had meant nothing until they had meant so much more. and now, she knew they needed to speak on what had happened these recent weeks. her hand moved to hold the back of her chair, looking upon him: he looked well. he looked as though he had grown into himself, and his rule. 
there was a beat. “i know your grace sent a letter to my household some time ago. do not think i intend to act as though you did not.”
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neopronouns-in-action · 7 months
Neopronouns in Action #080: Knowing When to Run
Neopronouns: zim/zur/zimself which follow the same rules as it/its/itself
Neopronouns: card/cards, which will follow the same rules as it/its/itself for this example.
Replace it with zim  Replace its with zur  Replace itself with zimself
"It is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as it gets a fence set up around its yard so the puppy can go outside without it having to walk it. Its uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting it use, since it lost its. It's going to buy toys and train the puppy itself."
"Zim is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as zim gets a fence set up around zur yard so the puppy can go outside without zim having to walk it. Zur uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting zim use, since zim lost zur. Zim's going to buy toys and train the puppy zimself."
Swift was on zur perch, and zim and Gellert had been speaking – softly, so as not to wake the child – of the weather from the past few days. It hadn’t rained in what seemed like forever, even though it was due.
Swift was on zur perch by the doorway, Gellert lay on his side on his rug by the cradle, his gray fur burnished by the slight coming in through the window that looked out over the gardens.
They had just started to wonder aloud together about when they would be able to go on another hunt with their lord, when suddenly Gellert twitched his head, then sat bolt upright, staring at the window, the fur on his back stiffening. Zim could hear a growl starting in his chest.
Swift asked in alarm, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
Gellert wasn’t excitable and prone to overreaction, and Zim had learned to trust in the noses of dogs. They could sense things zim would never be able to dream of.
But before Gellert could respond, Swift was given the answer when a shadow suddenly blotted out the bright sunlight, and a large shape, even larger than Gellert, came through the window.
Swift didn’t need to ask again what had alarmed Gellert so much. Now zim knew – it was a wolf.
How had they gotten past the castle’s remaining human guards, and all the other animals still roaming the place? But that didn’t matter now – because the wolf was here, in the nursury, with only Swift and Gellert to protect the prince’s infant son, asleep in his cradle.
Swift was not tied to zur perch – zim hadn’t needed to be since zim was a fledgeling – so zim could go on the attack if need be, but it would be more dangerous than anything zim had ever done before.
Gellert was on his feet now, and boomed, “Get out!”
The wolf, who had slunk to the corner by the window to regard the two of them with cautious yellow eyes, said nothing, but darted those bright eyes from Gellert, to the cradle, to Swift, to the doorway, and back to the window.
Finally its gaze settled back on Gellert, and it lifted itself out of the half-crouch it had fallen into, and took a solid, purposeful step forward. Toward the cradle and the sleeping child.
Gellert snarled, and barked again in a fury, “Stay back! I’m warning you!”
In the cradle, the prince’s son woke up and began to whimper.
Swift decided to try and help by adding a screech of zur own, hoping to attract more attention – “Wolf! Wolf!” zim called as loudly as zim could. The child in the cradle began to cry in earnest, adding his wails to the cacophony of echoes. “Wolf! Guards! Wolf!”
But no one came. Most of the humans had gone to the tournament several kingdoms away, and had left behind only enough servants and guards to keep the place clean. Those servants who had been meant to be watching the child had snuck off to the tournament a few hours after the nobles left so as not to be caught, leaving the child under the sole watch of the loyal dog and the falcon, each under the assumption that they were the only ones sneaking off.
The uproar of barking, screeching, and crying echoing off the stone walls drew no assistance from any quarter.
The wolf had paused when Gellert began barking, but as the moments passed without any sign of reaction from anywhere in the castle, its posture began to change, and it stood up straighter.
It took another slow, deliberate step forward, raising its tail and lifting its lips to let its teeth flash in the sunlight and said, low voice cutting through Gellert’s furious barking with calm, predatory confidence, “You don’t scare me, dog.”
Swift screeched, “You should be afraid! Take one more step and I’ll rip out your heart!”
The wolf flicked one ear, almost in amusement, but didn’t back down.
“Just give me the child, and I won’t have to kill you.” It said instead, staring directly across the room with those searing yellow eyes at Gellert, like Swift wasn’t even there.
Zim was smaller than its head, so zur threat wasn’t exactly believable, and they all knew it was nothing but words.
But so help zim sky, Swift would kill that wolf and die trying if it meant protecting the prince’s son.
Gellert clearly had the same thoughts, because he made a sudden mock-lunge with a vicious snarl, making the wolf skitter backward in alarm. Swift might have only had words to offer, but Gellert could back up his threats with his teeth. He was no young pup, he knew how to fight, and he was willing.
Gellert pressed this sudden display of fear on the wolf’s part, advancing halfway across the room, snarling viciously, all his fur standing on end, making him look bigger than he really was, his whole body tensed like an arrow on the string, ready at any moment to leap into violence.
Swift felt just as tense, sitting on zur perch, unable to do anything to help. Zim could try swoop at its eyes and head head, but it would be a risk. A single snap of those jaws could crush zim in a moment, and Swift likely wouldn’t get a second chance if zur bluff was called.
But there was one thing zim could do – zim leapt and flew as fast as zim could to the cradle and landed on the railing above the bawling child’s head, ready to make a final stand if the wolf got past Gellert, hoping that if the child could see zim, he would take some comfort. That part at least worked – the child was familiar with zim, and calmed his screams to whimpers at the sight of zim.
Swift stayed there to comfort the child, but kept both eyes on the standoff, unable to hear zur own racing heartbeat over the sounds of snarling and snapping from Gellert and the wolf.
Gellert had advanced to the middle of the room, backing the wolf into the corner, always keeping himself between the wolf and the cradle where both the child, and now Swift were waiting, defenceless. Every line of the wolfhound’s body promised bloody violence, without a single shred of hesitation or fear visible.
For its part, the wolf snarled back for all it was worth, but it had taken back those two brazen steps it had originally made, until it was backed into the corner, still snarling, ears pinned flat.
Gellert stopped, stiff-legged and poised to lunge, and snarled, flashing his teeth, “Leave now, back the way you came, if you value your life!”
The wolf gave another snarl, but even to Swift, it was clear this was made out of of fear rather than aggression. This became even clearer when it cried, “If I leave without anything to show for it, my journey here will have been wasted! Have pity on me, and my pups!”
Gellert lunged and snapped at the wolf’s tail, forcing it to skitter back towards the window to avoid his teeth.
Drawing back again to the middle of the room, Gellert growled, “If you force me to fight you, you will have lost more than your time! I will not let you kill my prince’s son, I will kill you or die trying before I let you get even close! This small bit of meat isn’t worth your life, wolf, and I swear by my own, it is your life you will lose if you don’t leave now while I still give you the chance!”
Cringing now in earnest, tail tucked between its legs, the wolf pressed itself to the wall, inching towards the window. “Mercy, give me mercy, please, dog, I give in, you win. Let me leave and I swear I won’t return!”
“Go! Now!” Gellert barked, “Before I change my mind!”
Without another moment of hesitation, the wolf turned and leapt back out the window.
Finally now here was something Swift could do to help. Without waiting to be asked, Swift launched zimself into the air and swept out the window and up into the sky, immediately spotting the wolf racing away across the grass towards the castle’s wall. Gaining altitude, Swift arrowed after it, determined not to let it out of zur sight until there was no chance of it coming back. If need be, zim would follow it to the ends of the earth.
And if it tried to turn around and sneak back, Swift would be back ahead of it to warn Gellert before it could reach the nursery again.
The wolf darted past a sleeping guard at the gate and sped away across the plain, and Swift sped after it, fast as an arrow and with eyes sharp enough not to miss any sign of trickery, refusing to let the wolf out of zur sight until zim knew it was safe.
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
If you weren’t constrained by falcon and the winter soldier or other non movie sources, how would you write the history of the super soldier serum post ww2?
Honestly, pretty close to how it was written in Horizon; I split the Army and CIA tracks of serum development there and put Isaiah Bradley in the CIA track, so while it was something that happened, it was not part of the same track that Thaddeus Ross and Bruce Banner worked on. I do need to redo my big flow chart, though that's partially because I made that flow chart before I had decided where Alexei's serum came from, which is that it was developed from a serum that was developed from Steve's blood and either sold or stolen to the Russians. I really, really like the idea that every super soldier serum post-WWII was developed from Steve's blood samples, which is what Horizon uses; I think it's a fun (and horrifying) thing for Steve to have to live with and really have to come to terms with, and also kind of highlights the idea that what happened to him was remarkable and is the ideal that people are always trying to reach, for better or worse, mostly worse. (Bucky and Schmidt both have Erskine-serum derivatives, but theirs are the only ones who DON'T have a Rogers-serum base.)
To sum up what's in Horizon, Steve's the ideal; he's the one that everyone is trying to replicate, but no one has any idea what the fuck Abraham Erskine and Howard Stark did. I think it's important to remember that for Steve, it was a two-part process: Erskine's serum and Howard's vita-rays. But no one knows which parts was responsible for what in Steve, or how much of what happened was dependent on Steve's particulars. (I count out What If and Captain Carter entirely because amongst other things, I hate Captain Carter both in concept and execution.)
Post-war, the U.S. government has Steve's blood samples; I split the tracks, so there's an Army track and a CIA track both working on replicating the serum. The CIA track is the one that does the Korean War experiments that result in Isaiah Bradley and the other tragedies that occur. It's more consistent, in that these experiments are continually going on until the 1980s, while the Army track is very stop-start, and will have bursts of activity, but then will suddenly get shut down. SHIELD never worked on the serum; Howard absolutely refused to let them. In the late '80s, Obadiah Stane and Thaddeus Ross are working on a joint SI-Army project that results in the serum that HYDRA steals in the CACW flashbacks; this was done under Howard's radar and as Horizon says, this is what gets Howard killed. The Army then does not work on the serum again until after 9/11, which is the project that results in the Hulk and later Abomination. You cannot talk about the super soldier serum without talking about the Hulk. It is the big green elephant in the room of the super soldier serum.
Those dual disasters, the Hulk and the Abomination, completely shut all super soldier research down cold in the U.S. until Steve Rogers comes out of the ice in 2012, at which point Nick Fury shuts down all American attempts at super soldier research. (But international attempts pick up again, as do HYDRA's.) After SHIELD goes down and Fury "dies", there's a plateau where there's not any research happening, but there's a rise towards it, and Ross finagles his experience with the Hulk and super soldiers into a cabinet position; however the U.S. does not actively start working on a super soldier serum again until Steve goes rogue in 2016 (which FATWS hints at but doesn't say explicitly).
So that's the U.S. I think internationally there's also a lot of work done on replicating the super soldier serum, but unlike America, no one else has Steve Rogers' blood samples. You have to assume that HYDRA tried to replicate Bucky's serum, but it doesn't seem to have ever worked. (I am also a strong believer that in MCU canon there is no evidence that puts HYDRA and the Red Room in the same context as allies, though one could definitely argue that Alexei's serum is Bucky-derived rather than Steve-derived or even independently developed. I just like it all coming from Steve better than the other options.) At some point, various American serums derived from Steve's blood probably got out on the black market, but any time after 1950 we're talking about failed serums derived from increasingly degraded blood samples, and after that failed serums developed from failed and increasingly degraded serums developed from degraded blood samples that were all used up before 1950. But from 1943 to 2010 (TIH), replicating Steve Rogers' serum was a major part of military research across the world, and there were never any successes on his scale. Bucky, Alexei, Isaiah are all various points of success, but in various ways nowhere near the whole Steve Rogers package.
so, in short: bloody, messy, all coming from Steve, something that resulted in billions of dollars of failed experiments and hundreds or even thousands of people dead in the attempt to replicate it across the world and across seventy years. all the human rights violations you can think of! (you ever want to get really depressed, look up human experimentation on Wikipedia and follow that train down to hell.) MKUltra on steroids, but with a much higher body count.
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vaniladraws16 · 1 year
A/N: I think it's time to put Sharon in this chapter because there is always one or more with her, prove me I'm wrong. Ok, Sharon was about to go and ask Steve on a date but she was assigned to babysit a Child?! WE ALL KNOW WHAT SHE BABYSITS!!!
'You can do this carter, you can do this.' Sharon thoughted about getting ready to ask Steve on a date, she had a Crush on him for as long as she could remember, and now she was ready.
She walks toward Captain America's office as she was nearly touched his door someone catches her attention. It was agent Hill.
"There you are Sharon, Nick wants to see you," Maria said, and Sharon groaned in response. "Can it wait, Maria, I finally dare to ask Steve out," Sharon said.
"I know but this is Nick's, you know how angry he is." Maria said Sharon groaned and finally gave up "Fine, aren't you supposed to be on a date?"
Maria laughed "Yeah I got a date with the falcon after my shift." she said, "Let me know how the date goes ok?" Sharon said as she left "all right." Maria said.
Fury's office:
"Whatever you do, show her who's boss." she heard 'Is he talking to someone?' as she continued walking towards his office.
She knocked on the door "You wanted to see me, sir?" Sharon asked Fury turned around "You're just in time agent, I assigned you that not many agents get."
Fury said, "ARE YOU GIVING ME AN AVENGERS MISSION!?" Sharon screamed out.
Then crying came out of the office, Nick turned around and showed a baby right behind him, wait what?
"Uh, Fury that's a baby."
"I know and you're job is to babysit him"
After Sharon left his office with the baby in her arms "SO uh James is it? what do what to do?"
Why on earth is she talking to a baby who can't even speak, and why is she doing the job? she was going to ask Steve for a date but NO she babysits a baby that doesn't know who his parents are.
Alright, thank goodness no one saw her talking to a baby who doesn't speak yet. A knock came on her door. "It's opened," Sharon said then reveal Maria hill.
"I thought you on you're date," Sharon said placing James down.
"Sam got a call, it was from Cap so we had cut our date short but he promised me he'll buy some ice cream," Maria said while she walked into see a cute baby.
"Why hello cutie," Maria said picking up James. "Are you being a good boy to aunt Sharon James?" She said It took Sharon some time to realize that Maria know's James.
"What you the baby?"
"Yeah and the parents as well, you know them."
"Nevermind you're babysitting him?"
"Yeah but I don't know why I'm taking care of him but the parents?"
"They're busy."
As the two are talking, James is getting hungry and began to move around in Maria's arms.
"Oh someone is getting hungry, Sharon you got any baby food?"
"uh no, I don't."
Cue the crying James.
'This gonna take a while.'  Sharon thought.
After buying the food and other things the girls need for James and returning to her apartment and feeding him, washing him, and try to put him to sleep.
"Come on James go to sleep," Sharon said while Maria is making his milk with a crying baby. After cooling down the baby bottle and feeding James, calming down. 
"Ah finally he's quiet, but he's not sleeping." 
"He's probably hungry."
"man who knew parenting is hard."
Turning on the t.v and letting James watch it. Sharon and Maria sighed in relief. "Oh my god, that was a roller coaster of emotion."
"you said it."
The two women began to rest after what they had been thrown.
"Da" James said while reaching for an image of Captain America in the news but Sharon noticed it.
"I'll get it."
As Sharon gets up and walks toward the door and it's the last person she wants to see.
Steve Rogers himself.
"STEVE uh hi what are you doing here?" she asked while trying to clean herself.
"Hey Fury told me to come here," he said still wearing his suit.
Before she could answer a loud sound came.
"DA," James shouted, the two turned away from each other and see James trying to reach Steve.
"James, how did you get here?" Steve said walking into her apartment.
Sharon was kinda shocked that Steve knows the baby.
"Hey buddy, you miss dada?" Steve said grabbing James off the floor and playing around for a bit.
Did he just say...
Steve looked at her with a chuckle on his face.
"Uh yeah, he's my son," Steve said 'That explains the eyes.' Sharon thought.
"So who's the mother?" Sharon asked, Steve thought of answering it.
"You promise not to tell anyone?"
"I promise."
Steve sighed and began to tell.
"James is Natasha's son and me."
"I-I thought the black widow can't have kids?"
"So did she but thanks to Dr. Helen Cho she was able to heal all the wounds that she had in the red room," Steve said.
"Now we have this little miracle." he continued kissing the boy's chubby cheeks.
"Wait how long have you and the black widow together?"
"Oh uh since Ultron happened."
"Thanks for babysitting James I think."
"What do mean, I think?"
"Before we went to the mission, Nat drop him off at daycare I wonder why he's with you guys," Steve said.
"Ma?" James said looking for his mama.
"Alright, bud we'll see mama soon, say bye-bye," Steve said.
Steve grabs James chubby hand and waves it to Sharon.
"Bye James."
"Bye, girls." Steve farewell and left.
"Hello, Nick are you here to pick up someone?"
"Yes, I'm here to pick up James."
"Course I'll show you."
As the worker show Fury where James is he spotted him.
"Hello young one I'm taking you back home."
Fury exited the daycare.
A/N: Not dead haha.
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