#all my babies have had such amazing superhero babies
Whatever It Is, I Guarantee The Answer Is Yes
by @thestarkerisobvious and @cutepandaprincess
Tony couldn’t keep his hands off the rise of Peter’s ass no matter how hard he tried… he was only human dammit… but when Peter shifted, exposing more of his ass to Tony’s hands, Tony’s hands just went up.  Caressing the small of Peter’s back, running over his shoulders and the back of his head, all these were lovely pastimes too. He hadn't been completely sure he would be making out with his brilliant (beautiful!) intern tonight, but now that he was...
...he didn’t want to hurry this.  If his hands went lower, his twenty-something-intern might get the wrong idea and decide it was time to move things along.  But right now… right now was perfect…
Tony couldn’t remember the last time he had been allowed to kiss someone for this long.
Pepper had made fun of him in the early years, back when they were still intimate.  Laughed at him wanting to make out like a teenager.  He had no way to explain to her that it was the part he needed most… the closeness, the intimacy.  The feeling of being cared for when another human being cradled his face in two hands.  When the clothes came off… well, that was just mechanics.  Something to be done with and then dismissed.
Pepper had been profoundly different, because after the clothes came off and the mechanics were finished, the intimacy actually began.  After she was satisfied, then she was ready for the part Tony needed.  A little of the kissing, mostly the closeness and the cradling.  
With men it was different.  Men Tony’s age didn’t expect it, and boy’s Peter’s age were all too eager to show off… usually their oral skills… usually headed south before the first kiss was over.
But this was different.  
Tony was embarrassed at how much he was moaning… but every time Peter put two hands on the sides of his face he just melted.  Sometimes he pulled back just to look up in amazement at the boy’s face.
Sometimes Peter would start kissing downward and Tony’s heart would break a little, knowing this part was coming to an end…
Then Peter would come right back to his mouth again and the melting started all over again.
Peter was a mix of feelings now. He could hardly believe he was here, in his boss's penthouse. In his lap. In his arms. Peter wanted more of this, at the same time he wanted things to get started. (And at the same time he was trying very hard not to think about what would happen if...)
He kissed all the way of Tony's face, his lips, his neck, his goatee. Moaning at everything Tony did with his hands. Moaning at everything Tony did to him. 
God… this was perfect… 
Sometimes Peter would put his hands on Tony’s face, sometimes Tony took his hands and put them on the sides of his face himself.  Both felt like heaven.  
“My god you’re perfect…” Tony whispered… it was not an adequate description of what he was feeling right now, but it was all he had.
Over the years he had learned to keep a certain distance from other people… people in business, people in the superhero business, people in bed.  It was safer that way.
In the past 10 minutes he seemed to have forgotten all he had learned.
“Peter… you’re making me crazy…” he moaned helplessly.  This kid had put a spell on him, there was simply no explanation for it.  
One hand ran possessively up Peter’s back, pulling his shirt up with it.  The other hand squeezed greedily on a handful of ass.
Peter moaned loudly, blushing hard when he realized the sounds he was making. He helped Tony get rid of his shirt. Panting softly when he felt the man's eyes on him. 
"Tony… fuck…" his hair was a mess, sweaty and glued to his forehead. He opened his mouth again, then closed it again. The words just wouldn't come. 
”Yes” Tony whispered, moving suddenly to kiss Peter on the mouth again.  What he whispered next he whispered directly against Peter’s lips.  “Whatever it is, baby, I guarantee the answer is ‘yes.’” 
Peter pulled away enough to speak. This was as good a time as any. He took a deep breath and strugged to find the words.
"This… I've never… been with anyone before…" he admitted, embarrassed. 
Tony blinked in confusion.  Then he blinked several times in confusion.  It didn’t help that this most beautiful body was inches in front of him, and he was ready to cover every inch with his mouth.  He needed to taste it, needed that in a powerful way…
...but wait…
He pulled back enough to fully focus on Peters face, looking into his eyes, perplexed.  
Was Peter saying… was he admitting he had never been in a relationship before??  And did that mean he wanted Tony to… Tony’s chest tightened and his mouth went dry and his heart pounded. 
He wanted that… wanted that like a drowning man wanted to breathe. Wanted this brilliant, beautiful boy in his life.  Wanted it so badly it was OBVIOUS he should say no.  Nothing he wanted like that could be a good thing...
“Kid… are you… are you sure?  Are you sure… you want it to be me?  I mean I’m nine miles of bad road…”
Peter nodded eagerly. "I want it to be you… I'm… I'm… not sure I'll be good at it… but I'm enjoying this," he admitted, closing the distance and kissing Tony's lips. 
"Can we continue? I mean… I understand if you don't want someone as inexperienced as me..." he started to ramble and feel insecure. Covering his chest with his hands nervously. 
Automatically Tony took Peter’s hands and placed them on his own chest, even as he tried his best to puzzle out the incredible information he was receiving.
When Peter had started talking it had occurred to him that he had gotten it wrong… of course Peter wasn’t talking about his first relationship, he was saying this was the first time he had been with his boss before...  which made sense since he had never worked for anyone before… but wait… even that didn’t make sense… now Tony couldn’t figure out what he was being told.
He did catch the part where Peter was enjoying the kissing, so he leaned forward and kissed him very gently, brain spinning.
Then he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the boy for a moment.  It was a ruse - it was to hide his face as he tried to puzzle out what this could possibly mean.
He had caught the word ‘inexperienced’ … the exact opposite of the boys he had been dealing with for the past several years.  Those boys were eager, sometimes over-eager, to show off their skills (and some, of course, were professionals.)  None of them had ever announced that they were inexperienced… 
This was a puzzle.  And vitally important - he had to ask the questions very delicately.
Now they weren’t even kissing - he was just holding Peter, rubbing his hands up and down Peter’s back.  He was taking too long, and it was getting awkward.  He had to say something.
He kissed the boy on the side of the face and spoke very carefully.  “Okay... give me information.  
“You mean… you’ve never been… with an older man?”
Peter swallowed hard. Oh no.
He was going to have to say it out loud, wasn't he? 
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martiniblues · 8 months
spidey boy ; 이민형
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pairing spiderman!mark x female!reader
synopsis mark has tried to hide his secret identity from you for as long as possible, to keep you safe, of course. little does he know that you’ve untangled his web of lies long ago and will do anything in your power to get him to admit it. just when you've had enough of him lying to you, he ends up getting caught in the act trying to save your life.
genre established relationship, fighting (if you squint), lots of fluff, slight violence and cat-calling, slightly suggestive, mark calls reader “my girl” and “pretty girl”.
wc 2.9k
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“do you think that spiderman guy is actually as good as everyone says he is?” you ask mark, who lay peacefully in your lap as your fingers ran through his hair.
you two had been hanging out after school, as you usually do, watching random channels while you both indulged in each other's day. however, you had articulated this hangout the night prior.
a few days ago, you had aimlessly been searching through mark’s backpack in hopes of finding your calculus notes, which you had so graciously let him borrow, only to stumble upon a very familiar red and black mask balled up in the bottom.
at first, you thought mark had hit peak fangirl. he was obsessed with the superhero after all, completely drawn to the tv or newspaper whenever spiderman was mentioned, but so was every other human being in your city.
so when you began noticing how mark’s late-night appearances and “fashionably late” activities began lining up with the famous building-swinging superhero, your mind put the pieces together.
you tried to understand his point of view and why he wouldn’t reveal this very key detail about himself. it hurt you, though, feeling as though there was something in you that made him not feel comfortable enough to expose himself to you.
so, you compiled a plan to get the truth out of him organically, or as organically as this could be.
“wha… what do you mean?” your boyfriend’s head quickly snapped up, turning on his palm to face you with a questionable look knitted into his features.
a smile teasingly pulled on your lips, knowing you had hit a sore spot in his ego. how couldn’t he be proud of himself? after all, he was known as the hero of your city.
“i don’t know,” you continued, leaning back against the couch, watching your boyfriend swing from building to building on the screen in front of your bodies. “he just seems too full of himself, like cool you can swing from buildings and hang upside down, but we have police and firefighters for a reason!”
it took everything in you to not break character, slowly watching mark’s face grow red at your painful statements. he just looked at you, eyes blown wide and brows pulled so close together that you were certain he could get stuck like that.
with a small giggle, you reached out, brushing your thumb between the crease in his brows and bringing it down to caress his cheek.
“what’s with the face, baby? don’t tell me you're obsessed with him too.” his face slowly relaxed as your soft hand held his face, but his brain was still scrambling with your previous statements.
how could you find him not absolutely amazing? he could swing from buildings and hang upside down!
“you don’t think he’s cool? not even a little bit?” mark’s eyes followed yours to the screen. spiderman now being shown saving an older woman from getting mugged.
“i think he’s cool, i guess.” you looked back at your boyfriend only to find his eyes already on your face, his previous expression appearing again. “babe, you can’t be serious.” mark leaned back, feeling completely bewildered by your nonchalant attitude towards his heroic duties.
“it’s not that big of a deal."it’s not like you’re spiderman, so why should it matter if i like him or not?” you titled your head away from the screen to watch his eyes grow wide, and you could audibly hear his breath hitch.
“but…” he quickly let out before catching himself, looking at the tv to see his segment disappear. “but what?” you teased, beginning to feel bad for your ministrations.
he looked back at your face, sighing heavily. “nothing, just like the guy a bit," he said before lying back in your lap to hide his face from you.
this was going to be a lot harder than you thought.
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“hey baby~” mark cooed as he stepped into your apartment, takeout bags in hand. you quickly sprung up from your spot at the counter, running to hug your boyfriend after not seeing him for awhile.
after your first attempt to disclose his true identity was unsuccessful, you held off from bringing up the topic for awhile.
but you had finally decided to take a different approach this time.
“i missed you, pretty girl.” the nickname made your cheeks heat up as his cold hands held your face in front of his. he inspected you lovingly, relishing in the fact that he could finally hold you without school being in the way.
“missed you too," you replied before kissing him softly. mark dropped the plastic bag on the counter beside him, pulling you firmly against him. his lips were almost enough to make you forget about your plan.
“god, i’m hungry.” you pulled away, making him laugh at your cute antics, and he joined you on your couch to eat. as you sat, you pulled off your (mark’s) sweatshirt to reveal the key details of your plan.
mark quickly noticed the black spiderman logo displayed across your chest, at a loss for how quickly your opinion of him changed. “you like?” you asked, flaunting the red baby tee you had bought earlier that day.
“i- i thought you thought spiderman was stupid." he nearly choked on his food, trying not to blush at the image of his girl repping him like this.
“i never said he was stupid, mark. i just thought he was overhyped, but i now understand where all the love is coming from.” you looked down, ogling at your new shirt, sure of its effect on your boyfriend.
“oh…” he tried to fight the grin, trying to cover his lips, but couldn’t contain his relief. “glad you finally came around, baby.” he smiled before shoving his face with more food.
“you’re not jealous?” you asked, beginning to take on step two of your plan. “he is a guy, after all.”
this made mark actually choke on his food. “what? why would i be jealous about that?"
“i mean, your girlfriend wearing a shirt for some muscular superhero who is most definitely sickly hot under that skin tight suit he wears while saving lives." you went on swirling your fork in your food, looking up every so often to see mark’s cheeks darken at the compliments.
he held his head down, but not enough for his flushed ears and cheeks to go unoticed. “why are you so red, baby? i still like you more, you know; spiderman can’t take you away from me.” you reached over and combed your fingers through his hair to feign worry.
“that is, unless he happens to swing by and sweep me up with his insane muscles.” you winked, making your boyfriend turn into a tomato.
“yeah, you wish he would do that.” mark  joked, trying to deflate his growing pride, which you continued to boost.
“what? are you saying i’m not worthy of spiderman’s fantastic biceps picking me up and swinging me through the night sky?” mark looked at you quizzically.
you couldn’t be serious, could you?
mark discarded his food, crawling over to trap you beneath his body. "fantastic, you say... and what are these?” he made reference to his own muscular arms peeking through his fitted white tee.
"marvelous," you replied, sliding your fingers softly over your boyfriend's muscles. how lovely it was that you didn’t have to dream of spiderman’s biceps as they sat right in front of you.
“better than fantastic in my book.” mark smiled before catching your lips in his.
your spiderman shirt was soon discarded in that moment but continued to linger in mark’s head days later.
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“i’m just gonna go grab a few things. i promise i won’t be long.” you stood in your doorway, attempting to run to the store to get a few things before it got too late.
mark hated this.
“why cant i just go get it or go with you?” mark wrapped his arms around you from behind, making it increasingly difficult to slide on your shoes. he kissed you all over your neck and face, held your hand, pulled at your jacket sleeves, and even attempted to block the door entirely to try and get you to stay, but you were as determined as you ever were.
“i’m a grown woman, mark. i can run down the block by myself.” you turned around in his arms, reaching for your keychain next to his head on the wall, hanging by a hook.
“it’s dangerous out there. wouldn’t want my pretty girl getting hurt.” he slouched against the wall, still holding onto your hand as your whole body nearly made it out the door.
“good thing spiderman will be there to save me from any danger.” you teased him before slamming the door in his face, preventing him from getting anymore words out. not that he could form any from your statement anyway.
as you made your way through the isles of the tiny convenience store down the block from your place, you began to notice a dark figure popping into your vision.
a man decked out in all black and wearing a dark baseball cap pulled down just enough to hide his eyes followed your trail through the store.
he just coincidentally needs the same things, plus it’s freezing outside. that’s why he’s covered up so much, you thought. you can't say much about covering up with your giant black puffer jacket nearly swallowing you whole.
as your shopping trip continued, you couldn’t help but notice the figure not picking up a single item they inspected.
how weird, you thought.
“have a nice night!” the sweet cashier bid you goodbye before you quickly made your way out of the store.
as you exited the glass doors, the figure from earlier greeted you outside. your steps increased in speed as you noticed the figure continuing to follow your path.
you: mark could you meet me outside
you: creepy dude won’t stop following me
you: dude answer the phone
you: mark come on this is serious
you huffed, knowing the figure was still following you from a distance and aggravated by mark ignoring your texts.
“what’s a pretty girl like you doing out here alone at night?” the figure spoke from your side, somehow managing to come up beside you without you noticing.
you stayed silent, pretending to be interested in the cement beneath your feet.
“hey! i’m talking to you!” the voice barked, noticeably irritated by your lack of interest. “i asked you a question, bitch!” a hand grabbed your wrist tightly, stopping you in your tracks.
thinking it was the figure, your body froze seeing spiderman right in front of you. stumbling back, you watched your hero step in and fight off the creepy man, knocking him over before webbing him to the alley wall ahead.
“try and speak to her again, and you’ll get much worse than a few webs on you.” the familiar voice of your boyfriend came out deep and threatening, making your breath hitch. you had never heard him speak like that.
while the bum continued to try and yell through the webs plastered over his mouth, spiderman turned to check on you.
“everything all right? he didn’t touch you or hurt you, babe- i mean, mam?” the fumbling of words made you laugh slightly, knowing the dork under the mask.
“i’m all right, thanks to you, spiderman.” you swooned, so caught up with the fact that your own boyfriend was spiderman and that he had practically beaten and webbed a man to a wall for you.
“what could i ever do to repay you?” you asked, trying not to trip over your own feet at the way the suit hugged mark’s muscle so well. more than any t-shirt ever could.
“just doing my job, as always.” spiderman leaned his body against the wall smoothly, resting his head against his fist. you two stood there in a few seconds of silence, both not knowing what to do.
“you better get headed home; it’s getting late.” he coughed, finally breaking out of his daze.
“no swinging around the city for me?” you asked, pretty disappointed that your boyfriend was about to make you walk home alone. “no can do, web swinging with lovely ladies is a daytime activity only; i wouldn’t want anyone to miss it.” he pulled his body from the wall, shooting up a web to hang from a sign above your heads.
“what a shame. guess you’ll just have to give me a show of the city another day," you replied, watching as mark swung his legs over the sign to hang upside down effortlessly.
definitely trying to impress me, you thought.
“i can see what i can do.” he crossed his arms over his chest before you stepped forward on your tiptoes, placing your hand on his cheek, making him short circuit.
“thanks again, spiderman.” you spoke, leaning into him to place a quick kiss on his mask-covered cheek.
“of-of course. any day, mam,” his voice cracked at your actions, making you laugh as you turned away to walk home.
mark hung in bliss before realizing he was supposed to be at your place, not saving your life in a spidey suit.
you rushed through the door, dropping your bag on the ground and making a beeline to your room. the only place with a window mark could slide through without getting caught.
you swung open your door to reveal a maskless spiderman half way through your bedroom window, eyes wide, body frozen.
you froze in shock, almost surprised that your plan had finally worked. "gotcha," you smiled, leaning against your door frame satisfied.
“uh…” mark scrambled, attempting to put his mask back on as if it would make you forget seeing his face entirely. as he tripped and tumbled around your room, you slowly made you way behind him.
“mark,” you began, attempting to get him to calm down. “baby,” you turned him slowly as he finally got his mask back on. “mark? who’s mark? that your boyfriend or something?” he attempted to deepen his voice to throw you off.
he realized this was unsurprisingly unsuccessful, noticing the smirk that continued to show on your face. “you know him, don’t you, spiderman? he’s the boy who just kicked ass and saved my life less than ten minutes ago.” you said, gently pulling off his mask to reveal your boyfriend’s face.
he stared at you, not knowing how you felt. “look, i can explain this all,” he nervously let out as he looked anywhere but your eyes.
before he could explain, you kissed him softly, wanting to ease his worry and express your gratitude. he saved your life after all, and not just by being spiderman.
“i’m not mad, not at all.” you looked into his eyes, noticing how at ease he seemed to be at the relief of your words.
“i’m so sorry i didn’t tell you sooner. i was so scared you wouldn’t want to be with me or be scared of me,” he ranted, trying to make you see his side in case you had lied and were even the littlest bit mad at him. he hated when you were mad at him more than anything.
“why would i not want to be with you? i love you, mark, so much, it’s crazy.” you pulled his face into your hands in disbelief at his words. “and plus, how could i be scared of such a handsome, strong, crime-fighting superhero who so happens to double as my boyfriend. if anything, people should fear me,” you joked, ripping a laugh from his lips.
“how long have you known?” he asked, pulling you closer by your waist. biting your lip, you looked down, trying to hold back your laugh. “remember when you borrowed my notes for class and forgot to give them back?"
you didn’t even have to finish, seeing the realization wash over his face as the words fell from your lips.
“yeah, maybe putting your suit in your backpack wasn’t the best place.” you both laughed at the situation at hand; mark was completely dumbfounded.
“so that’s why you talked such shit about me and bought that stupid shirt!” he continued to put together the pieces, gripping your waist tighter as he laughed at his own stupidity.
"ding, ding, ding!” you replied, pulling away slightly to take in his whole look, still not being used to see him like this up close. “yeah, definitely need to see you in this more often now."
mark flushed, turning into putty in your presence. your eyes traveled all over the intricate details and meshing of the suit. how it hugged his body and made him look completely unreal.
“do a little spin for me, doll.” you teased, wanting to ease up all the pent-up emotions still hanging in the air. mark giggled at your stupid comment but did as you asked nonetheless, turning slowly for you.
turning completely to the back, not a second went by before mark felt a harsh slap on his skin. “fuck baby! what was that for?” he whined, reaching down to rub the irritated spot.
"sorry, i couldn’t help myself when you have an ass like that, mark lee.” you smiled at his pained expression, putting your arms back to lean against your vanity, still ogling at your boyfriend’s physique.
“guess i really do need to wear this more around you.” he placed his hands on either side of you, trapping you beneath him.
“maybe the story time can wait till later.” you breathed before his lips pressed themselves to yours.
“i love you so much, my girl."
“i love you too, spidey boy.”
now you had mark completely to yourself, spiderman and all with no secrets left to hide.
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© martiniblues | do not copy or translate my work!
note | more spider!mark WHAT CAN I SAYYY WHAT CAN I SAYYY. he’s literally my fav mark to write ever like pleaseee get him as the korean peter parker asap!!! anyways, hope you loved this and my request box is always open <333
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milswrites · 1 month
My Superhero
~ Cassian x SingleMum!Reader
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My Beautiful Girls Series Masterlist
Based on this request
Summary: Your daughter calls Cassian dad for the first time.
Warnings: Fluffy goodness.
"Evie, baby? Isn't there something you wanted to ask Cassian?"
You look to your daughter, her round cheeks burning red at your question as she moved to hide behind you. Head shaking shyly as she tugged on your dress before quietly asking, "Can't you do it mama?"
Sighing, you made to give in, unable to argue with her begging stare. Yet Cassian spoke first, moving down onto one knee before he held his arms out to the timid girl, an encouraging smile crossing his lips as he softly prompted, "Come here Eves, I would love to here what you have to say."
Evelyn's wide-eyed gaze turned from Cassian back to you, your daughter seeking input as to what she should do next. "Go on baby," you coaxed, hand coming to meet the small of her back to gently push her in the male's direction, "you've got this."
You watched on with a smile as Evelyn nervously shuffled towards Cassian, her small hands coming to to meet the male's outstretched palms before he carefully pulled her into a loving cuddle. "That's more like it," the general grinned, lightly squeezing Evelyn's shoulders in comfort before he continued to speak, "now what does my darling baby girl have to ask me?"
Cheeks dusting pink at his words, Evelyn avoided Cassian's adoring gaze as she bashfully mumbled, "Will . . . will you come with me to school?" Cassian permissed his smile to remain as he briefly glanced at you for context, hand absentmindedly rubbing circles into Evelyn's back as he patiently waited for an answer.
"For career day" you clarified, eyes bright as you watched the scene before you, "Evie has to do a talk and she wants us both there to watch." Cassian's cheery eyes turned back to Evelyn, an exaggerated gasp leaving his lips before he earnestly replied, "I would love to come and watch you talk at school Eves."
Your daughter continued to blush, a timid smile working its way onto her lips before she quietly uttered a small thank you to the male. His hazel eyes watering, Cassian moved to place a gentle kiss onto Evelyn's forehead before he countered, "Thank you, little dove."
You beamed at the pair before you, heart full of love as you watched Cassian affectionately dote on your daughter. The general's loving gaze meeting your own as he beckoned you towards him with a motion of his head. Softly nudging Evelyn closer into his arms in order to free up some space as he whispered, "Budge over Eves, we've got to make some room for mama."
"Stop fidgeting Cassie, you look amazing" you reassured, moving your comforting hands to lace with his own clammy ones as you pulled them down from the collar he was continuously straightening. "You think so?" he anxiously asked, looking down in uncertainty at the shirt he had opted to wear for the occasion, "Maybe I should have worn my tunic instead."
You chuckled warmly, pulling the male to a stop before the entrance of the school. Tenderly giving his hands a loving squeeze before you spoke, "It's a school Cassian, not a palace." The general nodded along to your words, looking down at you with appreciation as you continued to ease his worries, "Evie doesn't care what you're wearing, she just cares that you're here."
"You're right, as always" Cassian gratefully smiled, lifting a gentle hand to cup your cheek as he placed a swift kiss upon your lips before pulling away to rest his forehead against your own. Hazel eyes flooding with determination as he confidently smirked, "All right then, let's go see our girl."
"Ah you must be Evelyn's . . ." the teacher's voice trailed off as she watched Cassian walk into the room behind you, eyes blowing wide as she took in the foreboding figure of the Lord of Bloodshed, "parents?"
"Oh uh, no I'm-"
"Yes we are" you finished before Cassian could get the words out, your thumb moving to caress the back of this hand as his surprised gaze fell to your nonchalant form. A low growl of contentment rumbled in his chest at the casualness of your answer, a possessive arm coming to wrap around your waist in order to pull you closer to his side.
"Uh wow, well. . ." still flustered by the general's appearance in her classroom, the teacher struggled to get her words out, "please d-do sit down!"
Thanking the female, Cassian made to eagerly lead you towards the front of the classroom. Yet your gentle tug pulled him to a stop, a sad smile crossing your lips as you explained, "Cassie, I think your wings may be a little too big to sit at the front."
"But Evie-"
"Will still see us, even if we are a little further back" you promised, Cassian's wings hanging lowly as you pulled him to sit at the back of the room. The astonished stares of the other parents following the two of you as you passed.
Once seated, Cassian craned his neck over the crowd of waiting parents. Eyes scanning the children stood at the front of the room as he searched for the one face he so longed to see, a beaming smile gracing his lips as they finally landed on Evelyn. Hand raised as he wildly waved at the little girl who blushed at his overenthusiastic greeting.
The pair of you sat in baited anticipation as you listened to the other children speak, your hand coming to rest on Cassian's thigh in a useless attempt of trying to stop his impatient shifting as you waited for Evelyn's turn to arrive.
When the time finally came for your daughter to timidly shuffle her way onto center stage, your encouraging thumbs up were overshadowed by Cassian's excitable shout of support.
Evelyn flashed the pair of you a grateful smile before she shakily exhaled, her hands nervously locking together as her worried eyes flickered to you for assurance. Softly nodding to her in comfort you mouthed, "You can do this baby."
Evelyn's once tense shoulders relaxed at your words, the young girl inhaling deeply before she finally began to speak, "The person I love most has the bestest job in the world" Cassian nudged as your shoulder as he sent you a cheery wink, brows wiggling comically as he reacted to Evelyn's mention of you.
Yet his smile didn't last for long, grin dropping at the next words your daughter spoke, "He is a superhero! He's big and strong and . . . and he always makes sure to keep our High Lord and High Lady safe."
A shaky gasp fell from Cassian's lips at the realization that Evelyn wasn't talking about you. His trembling hand darting to grasp onto yours for support as Evelyn continued to speak about him. Your little girl looking straight at the teary-eyed Illyrian as she did so, "But even though he gets very busy saving the world, my favourite thing is how he always makes time to play with me when he comes home, even when he is very tired.”
A soft sob broke from Cassian's mouth at her words, the male sniffling as he made no attempt to hide the downpour of emotion that had washed over him. His watery eyes shining with love as they never strayed from Evelyn for even a moment.
"He fights all the monsters under my bed and in my wardrobe and he always makes sure to kiss all of my boo boo's. But most i- imporan- importantly he always shows me and my mummy how much he loves us. So even though he is the bestest superhero in the world, I love it even more when he is just my dad."
When she finished, Cassian was too stunned to react. The sound of his cries being drowned out by that of the other parent's applause. With all the speeches now finished, Evelyn eagerly ran over to greet the two of you, only for her smile to drop upon seeing Cassian in tears.
“What’s wrong baby?” You asked in concern, a comforting hand coming to rest on her shoulder, “It’s alright, you did so well Eves.”
Yet Evelyn wasn’t looking at you, her disappointed eyes stayed locked on Cassian.
"You . . . you didn't like it?" Evelyn asked weakly, silver tears beginning to line her eyes at the sight of the weeping Illyrian.
"Like it?" Cassian answered, moving to sweep Evelyn into his arms, "No baby girl, I loved it." The general proceeded to cry further as Evelyn stretched out her little hands to wipe away his falling tears, her face considerably more cheerful now she knew she hadn't upset the male.
"Mummy helped me write it . . . I just wanted everybody in school to know that my daddy is a superhero!"
Cassian's shoulders shook as he cried, his hand moving to pull Evelyn's head to his chest as he embraced the smiling girl. Lips pressing against her head in a gentle kiss as he replied, "Being a superhero is fun, little dove. But being your daddy is my favourite job."
Notes: Feel free to send me any more scenarios you’d like to see!! This family makes me feral and I will write for them forever.
@brekkershadowsinger @sarawritestories
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gilbirda · 16 days
Personal coach Red Hood
Idea by @impyssadobsessions where Jazz needs a personal trainer from a gotham hero and chooses red hood. Eventual ship content. This is more of a setting so far but i have ideas. I accept ideas too, im just balling
I'm going to try a more chill and lax posting with this bad boy. I feel like my rigid way of organizing is making me feel restricted so this will be 1000% vibes and let's see where it goes.
Part 2
Jazz knew this was a stupid idea. Dangerous. Suicidal, maybe, depending on who would answer her call. But she still had to try.
You may be wondering how a twenty something young woman ends up following Gotham heroes around with a notepad. She wasn’t looking for an autograph, or for the latest scoop on the heroes, trying to uncover their secrets.
She was actually writing down their patterns and observations in behavior, trying to map their patrol routes and create a decent enough file and expectations of the heroes.
What did she need the information for?
She needed a personal trainer.
No, not the kind you hire at the gym. She already tried that and it didn’t work. She also tried MMA, and kickboxing and just to see if she could do it, Judo. All were interesting and gave her a pretty good picture of what her body was capable of, and a guesstimate of her physical limitations.
But no. She needed something else, something more… tailored for what she actually needed the training for.
She needed to intern with a hero. The term “sidekick” felt wrong for what she had in mind, since she didn’t want to be that hero’s trainee forever. Or was interested in the current superhero scene at all. They were doing just fine without her.
She just… she felt left out. Danny was amazing but he didn’t need her, not as much as she would have liked. He was a hero, and a pretty good one, but he wasn’t in any place to train her. Not that he wanted to, since he usually avoided her every time she brought it up.
Her baby brother was all grown up and he didn’t need his older sister anymore. 
Jazz shook her head. She was being ridiculous. Danny would always need her — she just needed to do her homework and keep up with him on her own. If she just trained enough and could hold her own in ghost fights, she was sure Danny would be grateful and appreciate her support. Who knows, maybe he would be happy that he didn’t need to be wary of ghosts day and night, and actually rest and focus on his neglected studies.
She yawned, lamenting another night that looked to be a bust. Maybe the heroes were busy tonight? Maybe they were on a big mission away? Unlikely that all of them were away, there were usually at least a few of the Bats flying around the city.
Why Gotham, you may ask? Of all the funny-dressed crime fighters on Earth, why these people? 
They were human.
That piqued Jazz’s interest. She had been between the Arrows and the Bats, but finally chose the Bats because Gotham had one perk over Star City: unlimited supply of ectoplasm. The place was almost as coated in the thing as Amity, which she was grateful for. It saved her from going back and forth to places rich with ghost activity and fishing blobs to eat.
Don’t ask too many questions about the consuming blob ghosts part. It was a necessary evil.
However, it’s been a few months and all she got to show for her efforts was a notepad filled with scribbles she painstakingly copied to her computer and a lot of frustration.
Until one night she caught Red Hood alone as he checked his phone. She waited until he was done texting — she had manners thank you very much — and jumped in front of him before he had the chance to grapple away.
“Hi— oof.” 
Thanks the ancients for her reflexes and Judo training, she blocked Hood's punch and following kick. It would probably bruise but it wasn't the end of the world.
“What the fuck?” 
“Hi,” she tried again, “I'm Jazz.”
He didn't punch her again, which she took as a good sign. Instead, he took a step back and squared up like he was expecting a fight.
“I’m not looking for a fight,” he scoffed but let her continue speaking, “I’m looking for… I guess you’d call it a mentor? That sounds weird… A personal trainer? No, that’s wrong too. Hm, I wonder if there’s a word for ‘person who is the only one that can teach you very specific information in a field of interest that legally, or otherwise—’.”
Red Hood cleared his throat, making her jump.
“Are you for real?”
“Yeah? I am real.”
Hood looked at her in silence for a few moments. Then, he sighed and rubbed one gloved hand against his helmet. 
“Listen, girl.”
“Jazz,” somehow she got the impression he grumbled, but the voice modulator did its job really well, “I have things to do, ok? Crimes to stop and stuff. So… yeah. Goodnight.”
He turned around and picked the grapple gun from inside his jacket.
He jumped and misfired the gun, hitting the wall of the building instead of the roof, like he was supposed to. As the gun recalled the rope, he looked over his shoulder at her. Jazz understood he was glaring at her, she could feel the daggers on her skin.
“Hear me out, ok?” He didn’t move or said anything. “I need— I have tried hiring a trainer, at… back at the gym. You know? But that wasn’t enough. I think I need to train with an actual hero—”
“Listen,” the word was accompanied by the hook of the grapple clicking into place, “whatever it is you are looking for, you definitely are not going to find it with me. So. Scramble.” 
He made a shooing gesture with one hand and aimed the gun without looking, shooting it and amazingly enough, hitting the edge of the rooftop. He made a salute as he was launched to the air at high speed.
Jazz didn’t follow, mesmerized by the skill. Hood landed with a flip and without breaking momentum, started running to the next rooftop, jumping impossible lengths. The way he moved was confident, powerful and measured.
She wanted to do that. She needed Red Hood to train her.
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gffa · 1 year
You would think, after a month of voracious reading of BATFAMILY fic, that I would at least begin to slow down, because I still primarily read I’m Having Dick Grayson Feelings And I’m Making That Everyone Else’s Problem, but I have also discovered that I have Jason feelings, I have Tim feelings, and I have Damian feelings. Which of course I knew before, but what I really learned is that other people have made this my problem now, too. And by that I mean that there’s amazing fic on all of the Bat babies and I am not immune. So, you may still have to scroll a bit, but if there’s an idiot badass with black hair and blue eyes, you’ll hopefully find something here to cry about with me, because what are any of us even in this fandom for, if not for the Feelings Hell About Vigilantes With Emotional Problems? BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I’M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ it is with my whole life by dustorange, dick & bruce, 2.2k      Nine-year-old Dick’s been kidnapped. Bruce tries not to fall apart. ✦ World’s Finest: Lake Weekend by WingFeathers, dick & bruce & clark (& clark/bruce), 10.3k      Bruce and Dick invite Clark to the lakehouse for a long weekend around Rosh Hashanah, but Dick has trouble sleeping outside the Manor, and Bruce isn’t as available as he should be. And all of this brings up a question: what exactly are the three of them, a bat-vigilante and his ward and his superhero boyfriend? Could they be something like a family? (And how will they eat with Alfred not taking care of them?) ✦ Revision by takadainmate, dick & bruce, 3.8k      New to Bruce Wayne, new to being Robin, new to being alone, Dick didn’t believe there would ever be anyone there for him again. ✦ count the stars by emavee, dick & bruce, 3.7k      He doesn’t know what to do. It’s not like he can stop the storm. If he could wave a magic wand and make the sky clear—or even if he could call up someone from his large contact list full of metas who could control the weather—he would. He would honestly disrupt Gotham’s weather patterns if it meant Dick would stop crying. Or: Dick doesn’t like thunderstorms, so Bruce takes him somewhere where they can’t touch him. ✦ cautionary tale by drakefeathers, dick & bruce & young justice, 11.4k      Q: “Why did Queen Bee want Robin taken in alive in Bereft?” A: “Think of Speedy as a cautionary tale.” ✦ batman & robin by chickenmuffinsoup55555, dick & bruce, 4.8k      The Batman has a shadow. A shadow clad in reds and greens with a smile like sunshine. Bruce is adjusting. ✦ five times someone told Bruce he was a good dad… by emavee, dick & bruce & clark & selina & cast, 10.3k      …and one time it mattered ✦ Phobias by RascalJoy (DarkQuill), dick & bruce & alfred, 18.4k wip      It was stupid. It was irrational. Dick knew that. There was no good reason for him to be afraid; he had been doing this for most of his young life. And yet… Five times Dick fell, and the one time Robin didn’t. ✦ I Hate Dick by JeanjacketCarf, dick & bruce & talia, 3.7k      “Robin wrapped his legs around the Bats’ neck and rested his head on top of the cowl. Then he stuck his tongue out at Talia. Talia felt her face growing hot with anger. She tried to restrain it. The Bat loved this child for some unholy reason.” ✦ shades of blue by thatsveryambitiousofyou, dick & bruce, 2.4k      Dick Grayson has blue eyes. Or the one where Bruce tries harder BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ Withdrawal by Sohotthateveryonedied, dick & bruce & cast, 1.8k      It’s been six hours since he got dosed. The green ring around his eyes has been faded since dawn. It won’t be long before the withdrawal hits him in full force. ✦ The Post-Mission Ponderings of Brucerman and NightBunny by Ptelea, dick & bruce, 4.8k      This is just sheer (metaphorical) fluff to follow up on the (somewhat more literal) fluff of Wayne Family Adventures, season 2, episode 54, S'tel ees a cigam wohs! Heavy on the puns, even heavier on Bruce being struck by amazement at how much he loves his oldest son. ✦ gotta make a stand (but I am just a man) by CaptainOzone, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.3k      Bruce makes it back to the Cave, injured and exhausted, but remarkably alive. He expects Alfred to meet him. He meets someone else. Or: a third credit scene in which Nightwing makes an appearance. ✦ The Hand in My Hand by audreycritter, dick & bruce, 4.4k      Dick offers himself in exchange for some hostages and it does not go as planned. ✦ Yesterday by I_Have_To_Get_Off_This_Planet, dick & bruce, 1.5k      Dick was pretty sure this was what dying felt like. He was curled up, almost in fetal position, on his bed in the Manor. He was there for the holidays, and he had been looking forward to their entire family being together for once. Even Jason had agreed to come. And now he was gonna die before Christmas even arrived. ✦ I Bet On Losing Dogs by Anonymous, dick & bruce, 2.5k      (Or; Bruce’s relationship with his oldest and how it slowly starts to mend, with only a little push from his friends.) ✦ You can pick your battles but you can’t pick your poison by woodenwashbucket, dick & bruce, 1.8k      “Hey, am I bleeding a lot somewhere?” Nightwing asked. Batman gave him an unimpressed look, but Nightwing shook his head. “Seriously. I feel off.” Nightwing wobbled. Batman grabbed him by the shoulders before they could find out if he would have fallen, and Nightwing met his eyes with undisguised alarm. “Ok, maybe worse than off,” he said. BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ what’s past is prologue by Icestorm238, dick & bruce & jason & damian, time travel, 18.1k      Dick Grayson, bestowed with the memories of an alternate life, decides that things are going to go better this time. Priority number one: preventing Jason’s death. ✦ exactly how this grace thing works by irnan, dick & bruce & barbara & jason & cast, de-aged!dick, 22.7k      Dick gets de-aged. You’d think this would be a routine thing. ✦ sick day by daringyounggrayson, dick & roy & titans, 1.2k      Dick tries to power through a cold and lead a training session with the Teen Titans. It doesn’t exactly work out. ✦ The Gravity of Tempered Grace by CamsthiSky, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & selina, 10k      He’s sick, he finally catches on, and at that moment, a cough builds up in his chest, and he barely has enough energy to sit up enough to let his lungs work properly. A coughing fit later, and Dick’s breaths are making a horrible wheezing sound that makes him sound like one of Titus’ chew toys. That’s bad. He’s pretty sure that’s bad. ✦ you swallowing matches by torielle, roy/dick & bruce, NSFW, 8.2k      A month after being fired as Robin, Dick is forced to attend a Wayne gala, and is grateful for a particular friendly face. ✦ The Shape Of You (Was Jagged And Weak) by WinterSky101, dick & bruce & slade & jason & tim & damian & batfam, 40.6k      Six months ago, Nightwing died. They never found the body. Last week, Deathstroke arrived in Gotham. He brought a partner with him. ✦ You say you wanna stay by my side (Darling, your head’s not right) by wlwintersoldier, roy/dick & lian & donna, 2.5k      Dick is stupid and reckless on a mission, whats new, and Roy deals with the fallout ✦ Laundry Mishaps by JeanjacketCarf, dick/babs & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & duke, 3.5k      Dick’s siblings often show up unannounced and take his stuff without asking. It’s how they show their love. Or Dick’s washing machine is commandeered for Steph’s laundry, his clothes disappear, he goes to girl’s night, has brunch, gets a little shot, and picks his baby brother up from school in about a week and a half while the secret group chat has a grand old time. BATFAM FIC RECS - JASON TODD IS AN ASSHOLE CAT, I’M GONNA THROW HIM AT DICK BECAUSE IT’S FUNNY (AND MAYBE SOME OF HIS OTHER SIBLINGS TOO): ✦ Two Dead Birds by InsaneTrollLogic, jason & dick & tim, time travel, 29k      There’s some lunatic in a red helmet running through Jason’s territory. He wants to think it’s a copycat. He’s wrong. BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK AND DAMIAN WERE THE BEST BATMAN & ROBIN, I’M NOT HEARING ARGUMENTS ABOUT THAT EITHER: ✦ Won’t You Stay A While? by fishfingersandjellybabies, dick & damian & cast, 2.8k      Ric did not expect to find a child sitting on the hood of his cab. Damian did expect to get his brother back. ✦ birdgrief by windupclock, dick & bruce & damian, 1.5k      How could you? Dick doesn’t say. Get out of my sight, Dick doesn’t say. What the hell is wrong with you? Dick doesn’t say. Tim storms out. Dick is left to deal with Damian. ✦ we’re like long lost brothers who found each other (and love each other like family) by drakefeathers, dick & damian, 9.3k      ongoing collection of scenes set when Dick is Batman and Damian is his Robin, ranging from cute to sad (hopefully not too sad). not chronological. ✦ I’ll Carry You by BrickSheep, dick & damian & bruce & tim, 2.1k      Dick Grayson will take every opportunity he can just to carry Damian in his arms. ✦ in my own imperfect way by notquiteaghost, dick & damian & bruce, 1.8k      Dick jokes, a lot, about being the only reason Bruce still remembers how to talk to people. About breaking him in for everyone else. He was Robin first, and he was Robin longest, and he’s why Bruce took in the others, he’s why Bruce isn’t dead in a ditch somewhere. And the jokes are funny! He’s never trying to be passive aggressive, or guilt trip, or whatever else. He and Bruce have spent enough time, now, pointedly not actually looking at each other, pulling words out in painful fits and starts. Dick knows where they stand. They’re good. But. ✦ (Un)Fortunate Son by Syl, dick & damian & bruce & cast, 26.1k wip      Bruce reaches a decision about Damian. Dick disagrees and decides to do something about it. BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY’RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ Overcoming Our Antecedents by Batbirdies, jason & bruce & dick, 31.4k      Bruce swallows, closing his eyes for a brief moment before he takes another, steadying breath and presses both hands to his face. He just needs a moment. Needs to remember where he is, what year it is, that Jason is not actually fifteen, he only looks like he is. This is temporary. This is just a temporary problem that needs to be contained until they can change Jason back. This is not a repeat of events already passed. This is not a second chance. ✦ what’s past is prologue by Icestorm238, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & barbara & steph & cast, time travel, 84.9k      Dick Grayson, bestowed with the memories of an alternate life, decides that things are going to go better this time. Things take a few unintended turns, and the consequences of his actions ripple through his family. ✦ And the Scene Slips Away (To the Evenness I Fake) by Kirazalea, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & duke & alfred & cast, rape aftermath/read the tags, 37k      One mistake is all it took to force Jason back into the wonderful world of the Wayne family. Now publicly and legally alive once more, he’s forced to spend the next two weeks of his life stuck in the Manor with the whole family. This leads to several strengthened relationships and the realization that maybe he’s missed a few things over the years. Things that he’s now determined to get to the bottom of. ✦ now the clock is melting (so’s my mouth and so’s my mind) by SilverSkiesAtMidnight, tim & bruce & dick & cast, 4.1k      The League’s base is not built to welcome strangers. Bruce is not a stranger. ✦ what catches and who holds by victoria_p (musesfool), dick & cass, 3k      Dick never wanted to be Batman. Cass always did. ✦ Bet on it by Lysical, jason & damian & jon, 2.4k      Even Damian could admit that his older siblings occasionally had their uses. “I need your assistance,” Damian said, voice low and tense. “No,” Jason replied, and hung up. ✦ a soft place to land by unchosenone, dick & tim, 3k      Tim rubs the back of his head, trying to affect a joking tone. “I knew I should’ve just gone for the new escrima sticks.” Dick is ready to be a good big brother to his grieving little bro. Tim flips the script. ✦ Consanguineous Ministrations by Briarwitched, bruce & kon-el & clark & dick, 23.9k      “Who gave you a baby?” Dick demanded, the instant Bruce opened the front door, eyes drawn immediately to the sobbing infant on Bruce’s hip that he gently bounced to no avail. At the same time, Bruce muttered, “I told you, it’s fine, you didn’t have to come.” Alternatively titled, “Let’s give Batfleck alien baby problems”. ✦ The League of Extraordinary Bowling Bats by chibi_nightowl, dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce & alfred & cassandra & stephanie, 5k      “What did Dickiebird do? Steal all your other shirts?” The shirt is bright green with wide yellow stripes pretending to be a pin stripe running vertically across it. On the back, in bright red letters, “Timmy” is spelled out. “You’re next,” he spits out, shooting Jason the worst glare he could muster. “He’s got one for you too.” ✦ a cheese raspberry flavored void (except not really) by dottie_dc (dottie_wan_kenobi), Marzue, SilverSkiesAtMidnight, Squintyfist (ErzasCake), dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce & alfred & cast, 3k      “Jason.” Dick walks up to the desk, suspiciously peering around. Jason jerks and attempts to get in his way, but Dick is quick and fully willing to vault over his brother. Only, Jason immediately latches onto him, and the momentum sends them stumbling back, knocking into the desk. It’s a good thing Jason stopped him, for right behind the desk, where Dick would’ve landed, is a swirling void. ✦ The Talk by InsaneTrollLogic, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian, 2k      Bruce never gave Dick the Talk. Dick was grateful for that right up until the time Damian sat through his first health class and started asking questions. ✦ Brothers in War by IaMcHrIsSi, jason & dick & cast, 3.2k      Jason, Cass and Damian ran from the League. In Bludhaven, they run into Dick. Literally. Dick just wanted to get breakfast. ✦ Baby I’m Bi Bi Bi by Sohotthateveryonedied, dick & steph, 1.5k      Dick catches her staring. “Oh, yeah. Forgot I had that. I bought it for when Wally, Donna and I were planning to go to Gotham Pride last year but a Joker thing came up and I didn’t get to go. You can just toss it. I have a ton of other bi merch and I only bought that one because Donna pressured me into it, anyway.” Steph looks down at the t-shirt and bites her lip. “Actually…I think I’ll keep it, if you don’t mind.” ✦ two attempted robberies too many by tsuchann, dick & bruce & jason, 2.2k      Dick could have knocked out the man before he had the chance to blink let alone pull the trigger, but he wasn’t dumb, and he worried his reaction would have caused the other robbers to shoot, because in the bank, at the middle of it all, with a gun pressed to his head, was Dick’s little brother. ✦ That the Ripest Might Fall by Ellegrine, TheFightingBull, dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce, reverse robins, 2.4k      Jason stared at the fallen chandelier. The priceless, fallen chandelier. They were dead. They were so, so dead! ✦ the butler’s neighbor by deargalileo, tim & alfred & bruce, 16.6k      it starts with a baseball, thrown onto the wayne’s property. it’s alfred’s job to deal with such happenings, of course. but over tea and galas, it turns into so much more. after all, why should bruce be the only one allowed to adopt any child that he finds? ✦ the straw drawer by deargalileo, dick & bruce & jason & tim & alfred, 7.4k      sometimes, love is stored in the straws. a story about family, traditions, and gifts, through the medium of crazy straws. (a companion piece to the butler’s neighbor, so i would suggest reading that first) ✦ you gotta push all the doubt to the side of your mouth by danishsweethearts, dick & stephanie & cast, 1.7k      Steph practices mindfulness. BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK/BABS FOREVER AND YOU CAN SHUT IT IF YOU DISAGREE, THEY’RE ADORABLE TOGETHER: ✦ Crime and… by Ladymercury_10, dick/babs, 1.7k      “Are you punishing me with glitter? That’s not a very good punishment, Babs.” ✦ the dickbabs baby au. by thychesters, dick/babs & batfam, 49.1k wip      Telling Dick she’s pregnant is much more stressful than she was hoping it would be. Them telling the rest of their families and friends? Yeah, easier said than done. BATFAM FIC RECS - I WILL DIE ON THE HILL THAT TIM DRAKE’S TRUE LOVE INTEREST IS CONNER KENT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD: ✦ buy back the secrets by sundiscus, tim/kon & bruce & clark & jason & cast, 48.1k wip      He takes a long, slow breath. Ignores the glares from the other students. “Superboy,” he murmurs. “It’s me. If you’re listening, I could use some help.” Or: 5 times Superboy saves Tim Drake, and one time Tim Drake saves Superboy. ✦ Grevious Misuse of TTK (or, Alternate Uses for TTK) by Cfae8, tim/kon, NSFW, 1.4k      Tim wakes up to someone touching him. But Kon’s hands haven’t moved. ✦ The Lost Art of Minding Your Goddamn Business by JpegDotJpeg, tim/kon & jason, 2k      Tim just sputtered, looking thoroughly scandalized for someone standing in the middle of the irrefutable evidence of his own fornication. If the furniture looked this bad, Jason couldn’t imagine that little Timmy had escaped Superboy’s super cock completely unscathed. “It’s not that bad,” Tim said, gesturing to the carnage, but he didn’t even sound convinced of his own words. “It looks like the fucking honeymoon scene from Twilight in here.” ✦ Practice Makes Perfect by rotasha, tim/kon & jason, NSFW, 18.3k      Kon is trying to seduce someone – he won’t tell Tim who – and he enlists Tim’s help to try to hone his flirtation skills. This surely won’t end in disaster for Tim, who’s had a thing for Kon practically since they met. BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT’S WHAT I’M HERE FOR: ✦ Wait, What? by PandasandDucks13, dick & bruce & titans, 2.4k      Dick Grayson finds something interesting while applying for college. On a side note: He should really evaluate how many felonies he commits on a regular basis ✦ Dawn Breaks Through the Window by sElkieNight60, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian, depression/read the tags, 14.7k      Without realizing it, Dick has fallen into a listless apathy, but when an incident cuts a little too close, Bruce and his brothers are there to remind him just how loved he is. ✦ Wisdom Always Chooses These Black Eyes and These Bruises by audreycritter, dick & bruce, 3.2k      After a severe, life-changing injury, Dick and Bruce have an epic fight and then fall back together. Sometimes, family hurts you the most, but that doesn’t stop how much you need them. ✦ your continental divides by isawet, reisling, dick & bruce & damian & barbara & cassandra & stephanie & donna & roy & wally & artemis & cast, rape aftermath/read the tags, 26.7k      When running doesn’t work and working doesn’t work, home is the place you go where they have to take you in. Dick’s home has never been Gotham; it’s always been the people.
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 15, Undermined - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of SA, discussions of sexual situations.
Word Count: 1k
Previously On...: You went through Bucky's text history with Jade. It was... illuminating, but also soul-crushing. You're not sure how you're going to get past this.
A/N: Thank you all so much for the engagement you've been giving the story! It means so much to me to see everyone so invested! I love you all! Some of ya'lls theories are WILD, and I love them! Keep 'em coming! And if you've sent me a speculation or comment and I haven't replied, it only means that I can't respond without giving away too much information about what's to come, so I feel it's best for me to keep my trap shut; not that I don't appreciate and love you!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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The next several weeks passed by quietly. Or, rather, as quietly as living in a towerful of superheroes could be expected to be. You and Bucky danced around each other in a strange sort of limbo since you had officially broken up–almost two months ago, now– no longer lovers, yet not quite just friends. It was difficult. It was painful. He would say something, or give you that look, and you’d be so tempted to melt into his arms. Hell, or rip off his fucking clothes. But you’d remember everything that had happened, the way your life had been completely unended in the span of an evening, and the urges would vanish like smoke in the wind, and the walls would return around your heart.
You’d wanted to ask Steve about what Bucky had said– about getting erections when he sparred, but he was still ignoring you, not wanting to engage with you in any form of conversation that didn’t directly concern Avenger work. It was beyond frustrating, the length his cold shoulder had gone on for, but you couldn’t force him to engage with you.
There was, however, one person you could ask, though you were fairly confident Bucky would be furious at you for doing so. Oh well, you thought. If he didn’t want you asking questions about it, he should have never given you reason to question the things he told you in the first place.
“Hey, Sammy,” you said, cornering your friend in the training room after he finished a run on the treadmill. 
“‘Sup, Baby Girl?” Sam wiped his brow with the hem of his shirt. “Come to watch Ole Sammy get all sweaty?”
“Ew, gross,” you shoved him playfully. “Not even a little bit. I have a question for you, though.” You handed him his water bottle, and he took it from you gratefully, chugging down a few swigs before looking back to you.
“Shoot,” he said. “I got all the answers.”
You chewed thoughtfully on your bottom lip, wondering how exactly you were going to word your inquiry. “You ever spar with Bucky?”
Sam slowly lowered his water bottle and eyed you suspiciously. “Why?” he asked you slowly.
“It’s a simple question, Sam,” you responded as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Have you sparred with him, or not?”
Sam narrowed his eyes, as though trying to determine whether or not you were luring him into some kind of trap. “I have,” he drawed out.
You raised a brow. “Anything… weird ever happen to Bucky when he really lets himself get invested in a fight?” you asked. “Anything… unusual?”
“So, he finally told you about that, huh?” Sam asked, mirroring your stance. 
“I’m gonna need you to be more specific, Sam.” You put all of your weight onto one foot. 
“Well, either you know, or you don’t,” Sam argued. “It’s not my secret to tell you.”
You were growing frustrated at his reticence to give you the information you were looking for. “Come on, Sam. Let’s just say Bucky told me about something that occasionally happens to him when he fights, but I don’t know if I can believe him or not. I’d ask Steve, but he’s not speaking to me at the moment, so you’re my only way of confirming if what he told me is true or not. I need you to be straight with me. Please.”
Sam studied you, his expression unreadable. “What the hell happened between the two of you, Pocket?”
“Nothing I want to talk about right now, Sam,” you told him, your impatience beginning to show. “Are you going to tell me what I need to know, or not?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sam said, finally giving in. “Alright. So, sometimes, when Tin Man really gets into the heat of it, he gets…” Sam coughed, clearly uncomfortable with the line of conversation, “excited.”
“Excited.” You rolled the word around in your mouth. “More specific, Sam.”
Sam rubbed his eyes. “Jesus Christ, Baby Girl. You gonna make me spell it out?” You nodded, eager for him to get on with it.
Sam’s eyes rolled heavenward, as though he were praying for the Lord to give him the strength to deal with you. “Sometimes he gets a fucking boner when he fights, alright? You happy now?”
You should be. You really should be. It meant there was one thing, at least, he’d been honest with you about. But it wasn’t nearly enough.
“Did he tell you why?” you asked, instead.
“You’re just asking me to break all kinds of confidences today, ain’t ya, Baby Girl?” You gave him a pointed look.
“Fine, fine,” Sam finally relented. “It was awkward as hell, the first time I noticed it happen, but Barnes said it was a left over from the shit Hydra did to him when they were programming him to be the Winter Soldier. They wanted to make him… excited by the fight, aroused by it.” Sam shook his head, disgusted by what his friend had endured. “So, they did all kindsa shit to merge the two– sex and violence, until his body couldn’t tell the difference between ‘em.”
You blinked once, twice, three times at Sam’s words. You supposed you should feel grateful– here was confirmation Bucky’d spoken the truth to you, and you were fairly sure that Sam wouldn’t have lied to your face to save Bucky’s ass. And yet… and yet. Sam, and Steve, as well, had been privy to this part of Bucky’s past that he’d felt the need to keep from you. Even that thought brought you more conflict: if it was something Bucky had shared with Sam and Steve, it made the fact he’d shared it with Jade less significant. But, the angry voice in the back of your head insisted, he’d still chosen not to share it with you. And that still stung. Your thoughts just spun in circles.
“Got anymore horrifically awkward questions for me?” Sam asked, and you realized you’d been silent a bit too long.
“No,” you said, shaking your head as though to clear your thoughts. “Uh, that was it. Thanks, Sam. I appreciate it.” You turned to leave the training room.
“I’d say ‘any time, Baby Girl,’” Sam called after you, “but that was awkward as hell and I sure as shit never want to talk about Bucky’s erections with anyone ever again!”
<- Previous Part / Next Part ->
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Hey Cate, I love your writing and love the way you portray Spencer and I would love if you could write a blurb where it's father's day and Spencer is with reader and their twin daughters(#girldadspencer) and it's just fluff with him and their family anyway feel free to just ignore me
thank you <3 dad!spence is my favorite to write, and girl twins!! say less
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The soft morning light filters through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. It was Father's Day, a day of celebration and appreciation, and as always, you had plans to make Spencer feel as treasured as he deserves to feel.
Spencer stirs in his sleep, blinking his eyes open to find you're not next to him. Like the majority of the mornings in the last eight years, he hears your voice first. "Okay, be really quiet." You instruct your twin daughters, whose feet pitter-patter on the hardwood as they walk closer to his side of the bed.
They watch him eagerly, and their eyes dance with excitement when his eyes open.
"Good morning, Daddy," Payton says, her voice filled with anticipation.
Spencer sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and smiles at the sight before him. "Good morning, angels. What's all this?"
With matching grins, they climb onto the bed next to him and present him with handmade cards.
Their little hands had carefully crafted heartfelt messages of love and appreciation, and you had adored watching them talk about how much they loved their dad.
Spencer's heart swells with joy as he eagerly takes the cards in his hands, studying the colorful drawings and heartfelt words.
For the best dad in the world, one card reads, adorned with stick-figure drawings of your family.
Daddy, you're our superhero, the other card declares, complete with a stick-figure drawing of Spencer wearing a cape.
Tears threaten to escape Spencer's eyes as he looks at his daughters, overwhelmed by the love they've expressed for him. "Thank you, my sweet babies. These are beautiful, you're both such talented artists."
You place a tender hand on Spencer's shoulder as you sit in bed next to him, your smile filled with adoration watching him interact with them. "You're an amazing father, Spencer. You've guided our girls with kindness, patience, and so much love. We wanted to make this day special for you."
Spencer can't have asked for a more loving and supportive family, it's everything he ever wanted. With his daughters perching on either side of him, he embraces the moment, cherishing the love that surrounded him.
As the morning unfolded, you all gathered in the kitchen, the tantalizing aroma of breakfast filling the air. The girls, eager to help, don miniature aprons, their tiny hands assisting you in preparing a special Father's Day feast.
Spencer sits at the kitchen island, watching the beautiful chaos unfold before him. He marvels at the way you effortlessly multitask, balancing cooking and laughter, while the girls enthusiastically pour ingredients into bowls, their giggles echoing through the room.
"You two are doing so well helping Mommy." Spencer praises, his eyes filled with pride. "I'm lucky to have such talented chefs in my life."
The twins beam with delight, reveling in their father's words of encouragement. Together, you cook a delicious Father's Day meal.
As you sit down to eat at the table adorned with their handmade cards and a bouquet of flowers, Spencer looks around at his family. In moments like that, he's always reminded that he has everything he wants.
"I'm truly grateful for all of you," Spencer says, his voice filled with emotion. "Being a father is the greatest gift I've ever received. You bring so much love, light, and happiness into my life."
"And we're grateful for you, Spencer." You reply. "We're lucky to have you."
Your daughters echoed your sentiments, their innocent voices chiming in unison. "We love you, Daddy!"
As you continued to eat breakfast together, laughter and conversation fill the air. Being your husband and a dad, Spencer feels a profound sense of gratitude for having such a beautiful family. And he feels ever luckier that he gets to have those two important roles for the rest of his life.
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sseniita · 5 months
breaking generational trauma*
*pls give me a better name for this, im going insane
“She’s like me.” 
The villain stared at the child bouncing in the hero’s arms. The hero’s expression wasn’t unlike one she had when she begged for mercy on behalf of a civilian. Simpler, it was similar to when she had begged the villain to take care of her dog while she was away on a mission or when she wanted the last slice of pizza. Overall, the helplessly hopeful demeanor on the hero's face was one villain had become not only familiar with, but also weak against. 
“Hero, where did that come from? Put it back.” urged the villain, gesturing towards the bundle of blankets in her arms. 
“I can’t! I won’t!” The hero held the child closer, protectively, as if the villain was the one being irresponsible here. 
“Like you?” The villain asked, intrigued. “There is no one like you, Hero.” 
The hero readjusted the child on her hip, freeing one arm to grab paperwork rolled up in her back pocket. “That’s what I thought! Look!” She hastily handed over the crumpled up letters to the villain. It didn’t take more than reading the title for everything to click. 
“Experiment 02? You mean-?” 
“She’s from the same tests! We came from the same lab! They were going to do exactly what they did to me- to her-”
“Because of the success you were. I get it.” There was a pause between them for a second. 
The hero was godlike in some ways and machine-like in less important ways. A literal biological weapon, forged since birth. It was an experiment, you could go so far as to call it an accident. Purposeful or not, the hero was the result of a successful lab sourced super-power. It had taken many years for the hero to come to terms with how she became the hero she was, and even longer to investigate and ultimately discover who was behind all of it. Evidently, she had. 
“I can’t let them do it again.” She whispered, holding the child closely to her chest.
It was six months into knowing each other that hero confessed she didn't like being a hero. It was eight months later the villain found out why.
The villain sighed, motioning for her to walk into his apartment. Once they were comfortable on the villain’s couch, he began to ask a million questions. 
Where? A hidden lab. Why? She couldn't leave her there. Her answers we stable and much too clear of mind considering the hero had just stolen a child.
“How old is it?” He finally asked, skimming through the lab documents. 
“It's her. And about 4 months, I think. I just don’t get why they’re starting now. I never found any evidence to show they were doing anything before.” She restlessly bounced the baby. “I just don’t get it.”  
The villain raised a brow at her, she raised one back. “What do you know?” she scooted closer to the villain. 
“Superheroes are either decommissioned or retire around 50. But most lose relevance and popularity by 30. Whether it be they can’t keep their figure, or a newer, shinier thing comes around.” He scoffed. “Never ceases to amaze me” he said half-heartedly, staring down at the documents. The hero’s mouth dropped. 
“I just celebrated my 25th birthday?! You’re saying I’m old and ugly?!” The villain rolled their eyes. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, you’re perfect and probably always will be." He realized what he had just said, he quickly interrupted the hero as she was about to open her mouth. "It’s just how it goes. Once you reach 30, people aren’t as interested. It’s fucked.” The hero quickly caught on. 
“So, she’s my replacement?” 
“Seems like it. Nova, she’ll be called once she turns 15. Thankfully, tests hadn't started on her. They had her on weird ass diet to prepare her, though. You caught her in time.”
The hero was sitting close enough that the villain could peek at the baby’s sleeping face. She was so serene and had no idea what had already been laid out for her, all the pain and suffering, in the name of good. She’ll have no choice. Just like the hero. The villain often stared at the hero in the domestic settings they sometimes found themselves in. He’d imagine her on a lunch break from some normal, boring office job when they got late night coffees during the hero’s night shifts. Or at a dinner party whenever they teamed up and went undercover at some fancy party. God- he would have given anything to save his hero from the fate that was chosen for her.  The little girl had chubby cheeks and looked so dreadfully soft. Just like the hero.
Shit. The villain thought, looking at the baby. I have a chance to save you. 
  The villain sighed and leaned back, done reading the crumpled pages, discarding the documents on the coffee table, defeated, just like that. It only took 10 minutes. Maybe he had gone soft.
“Eloise. Her name is Eloise.” He exasperated.  It was heart wrenching to hear the hero start to coo at the baby. “No living family.” He hammered the last nail on his coffin. 
“Hello, little Lulu. Is that your name? Lulu? You’re so cute! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you” She baby-talked, pecking kisses all over Eloise's forehead, evidently disturbing her sleep. “Oh sorry- sorry!” she whispered to the baby. 
She turned to the villain, eyes twinkling with hope. “I can keep her? Right?” The villain crossed his arms. 
“Hero, I’m not going to tell you what to do.” 
“Haha- that’s your way of saying you unconditionally support me.” She said as she cuddled the baby even closer. 
“Please let that child breathe, hero. You can’t hold her too close.” He reached a hand to push the baby a little further away from the hero’s chest. She beamed. “You’d be a great dad! Already keeping me in line!”
Please don’t start. 
 Despite himself, he looked for the best way to act disinterested and yet not fully close the window on that chance. 
“No hero. I know how much this means to you, but I’m not taking care of a baby. I’m not sure if you’ve forgotten- I’m a villain. This is no environment for a child- even if I wanted one. You have my approval if that’s what you’re looking for, but that’s it.” 
The hero ignored that, making a show of looking around the villain’s extremely cosy and expensive flat. Dark green wallpaper with flowers, a white brick fireplace with old books on the mantel. The place was decorated with the plushiest of carpets, and liveliest of plants. Each curtain hid a beautifully ornate window overlooking one of the safest areas in the inner city. The hero could see the hero offices which she resided in from here. Finally, her stare landed on the large spare bedroom where not only did the hero have a drawer of her things but had also spent countless nights in, recovering and playing patient to a medically trained villain. She raised her eyebrows at the villain. 
“Hero. You are always the one saying you wanted a family. This might be your only chance- ok, I get it. But she can’t stay here. 
“I live in the dorms of the Hero Offices with 20 other heroes! I don’t and can’t have my own place! I’ll be found out for sure! There are probably a million people looking for her right now!”
“Villain please. I can’t let them find her. I need you.” She placed a hand on his thigh, seemingly not noticing the villain’s twitch. 
“Hero. I’m not a good person, you seem to forget. You cannot have that much trust in me-” 
“You are the only person I can trust. Please.” She begged. 
Perhaps the villain wasn’t the only one to blame, perhaps both of them had let this get too far. It started off normally, the fights, the one-liners, and bruises. And out of nowhere, the subtle flirting, the late night talks, the absolutely vulgar displays of emotions they’d never shared with anyone else, hit them like a brick. The hero had changed the villain’s life for the better. He no longer felt unbearably lonely and burdened, haunted by the constant terror and forcefulness of his occupation.
Villain had fallen in love months ago. And he had gotten far in distancing himself and learning to un-love. Now he had to take care of a baby with her that just happened to look like a perfect combination of both of them? His dark hair and tanned skin, her warm brown eyes and button nose. Just perfect. 
“Fine.” He squeezed his eyes shut as the hero leaned against him, setting her head right under his neck, thankfully she didn’t hurl the baby to give him a hug. Maybe I deserve kisses on my forehead for Gods’ sake. He quickly hurled that thought away. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” She beamed, kicking her feet. “This means so much, you have no idea!” 
“Hero, this is temporary. If anyone finds out about this-” 
“Ya, ya, I know. Don’t worry. Everything will be ok! I’ll make sure of it!” 
The villain’s only hope was believing her. She was an atom bomb inside a 25 year old woman after all. Maybe he shouldn’t underestimate her. As she moved in towards the guestroom with Eloise, the villain watched intently, she set her down for a nap on the bed, and once she finally came out she looked determined and extremely excited. She plopped down on the couch making sure they were touching side by side so the villain could look at what she was seeing on her phone. Her fingers scrolled down a website titled ‘what to buy when you're expecting’ the villain groaned.
After an hour of the hero paraphrasing a multitude of blogs and villain jotting down notes, they had completed a list of things they needed to raise a child. The hero deflated when she mentioned how they’d have to skimp out on baby toys and clothes, but she quickly recovered after the villain reassured her money wouldn’t be an issue. Apparently villainy had its perks. 
“So what are you going to do about the corporation? Can you really make sure this won’t happen again?” The villain asked the hero from the entrance way. The hero walked over, baby in arms, the villain helped the hero get her coat back on. 
“Uh well. I maybe, sort of, accidentally, may have burned the place down…? Timidly she made eye contact with the villain who only chuckled. 
“I may have also stolen any hard drive I could have found and threw it in the river.” The villain’s laugh only continued as he put a hand on the small of her back and led her out the door. 
As they were walking to get a car seat- the first of many things on their list- the hero had asked the villain to hold Eloise while she used the lady’s room. She had been asleep when the villain got her but quickly after, she woke up. The villain immediately felt a panic and he feared she might start crying, he held her close, bouncing and hushing her to get her back to sleep. Eloise stared up at the villain for a long time before breaking into giggles, reaching her tiny arms up to touch his nose, getting the attention of the shoppers who started cooing at the handsome man rocking the baby with the loudest giggles ever.  
Right then and there, as he felt the tiniest, softest hands grab his nose, the villain knew he was completely and utterly wrapped around, not only the hero’s finger, but of these tiny fingers as well.
pt 2
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Bumpy Ride
Scarlett Johansson x Actress!R
Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda) x F!R (a blip of a scene)
Request by: 🦥
A/N: I wrote the EO x R kiss as if I was writing a Wanda fic, literally just wrote the imagined scene. | Also, if this is too beyond what you wanted, feel free to request a do over fic. I might’ve gotten carried away.
Warnings: Jealous/Possessive Scarlett.
Smut: Daddy (Top-R), Kitten (Power Bottom-S), Fingering (S), Face-Riding (S) Kinks: Lactation, Praising, Slight Degradation.
18+ | Minors DNI
Labeled, please don’t report.
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Scarlett wore a wide smile as you guided her through the set of your current Marvel film. This was a nice experience for her, watching as the legacy she had an integral part in building continued on through you, and the others.
It was rather bittersweet too though, seeing images from the iconic movies past, when she was younger and in the fittest shape of her life. Now she wears her post pregnancy tummy pouch with reassured pride, and eats a far less restrictive diet as she holds no obligations to have a widely unobtainable superhero physique.
Without Marvel she wouldn't have skyrocketed in her career, and she is beyond grateful to them for that, but she more importantly has them to thank for finding you, and the sweet, domestic life she now lived with you and Leo. The pretty little boy grew in her body, but he shared your likeness, as you hadn't the time to be pregnant yourself, so IVF it was until 2026 when your contract with Marvel was finally up.
When you finally turned to take in your wife after droning on about today's filming, you noticed the deep pout she wore, and you softly pecked it away. "What's troubling you, love?"
"I miss Leo," she confessed quietly, and you smiled sadly at her, the ache in your chest was the same as his smiling face tauntingly flashed through your mind, "Me too my love, I miss his kissable little face, and his sweet giggles at the inappropriate hour of 2am," you kissed her pout away, and smiled as she herself giggled.
"It'll be okay soon, my last scenes today and tomorrow you'll have that important meeting, then we'll steal him back from your moms."
Scarlett burrowed into your offered embrace with a muffled huff, "I miss his baby smell."
"Me too," you snorted as you swayed her body.
"Wait, did you say you had a steamy scene with Lizzie today?" Scarlett's mind finally caught up to your previously uttered words, and that once soft pout of hers slipped into a deep scowl.
You chuckled softly, "I'd hardly call it steamy," your wife however wasn't amused, "It's a kiss."
"A kiss that will create a hoopla of rumors."
"Scarlett," you sighed, it was always the same insecurity, and you'd never get mad at her for it, the fans edits can be quite convincing seeing as how you and Lizzie are literal best friends.
"They have been shipping us since the dawn of time, and that's cause I'm an amazing actress," you subtly reminded her of your profession, the one she shares with you, "Do you know how many men I've had to see you macking with?"
Scarlett shrugged, a silent gesture in attempt to brush passed your honest counter to hers.
"It doesn't really matter either, because I am assured every night when I come home to your loving embrace that you're all mine, and it's not a question baby, I'm irrevocably yours."
"I just wish they'd stop it, you know? We're all married now, with our families in the making."
"Yeah, but also Scar, when you agreed to marry me you knew Lizzie was apart of that deal," you teased her as you brought her into the dressing room so you could prepare for the kiss scene.
Scarlett rolled her eyes, it was the truth, she of course saw Lizzie as family, but she didn't have to like the way the world of Hollywood works.
Elizabeth was your first connection at Marvel as you started filming together, so it was no shock that the two of you hit it off. Then your alliance was set in stone from the moment Age of Ultron hit theaters. People shipped your character with Wanda's, but it was a different era, so the palpable chemistry between you and your new friend was swept under the rug, and it was exchanged for a queer coded on screen pining on your character's ends as she explored the more sellable at the time ship with Vision.
As fandoms do though, they took the shipping a step further and soon it was you shipped with Lizzie. Clips from differing press junkets were stitched together, along with solo interviews where you'd be questioned about the other. Elizabeth and you were platonic soulmates, so it was easy for fans to romanticize your replies.
At the time you were out, you never once hid from Hollywood, and neither had Lizzie, she didn't expressly label herself, but the way she spoke so candidly at times gave her away. So the shipping didn't bother either of you much. But it did bother Scarlett, she had her eyes on you from day one, and once she had you she was constantly afraid you'd leave her for the mutual friend who wasn't still hiding away.
Throughout the years it had only got more and more aggressive, and it infuriated your now wife. It occurred at its peak during a time when Scarlett hadn't wanted to have to come out yet. She was still trying her darnedest to wipe away her forced image as a sex symbol, the last thing she needed was creeps fetishizing your love.
However, after about three interviews with your posse of girls during the Infinity War junket your lover finally lost her composure. Four years of having the love she'd built up with you overshadowed by indecent rumors, well that was enough to drive her to break.
They'd handed the three of you a bin of spicy tweets, and when she was handed one to read about you topping Lizzie she lost it, she glared at the unsuspecting man, throwing the ball of paper at him just before staring directly at the camera as she muttered: "The only person Y/N is topping is me, so suck on that scwitch22."
Scarlett wasn't even embarrassed afterwards, she simply took the spot in your lap, and the interview continued on without a hitch, the tweets were significantly thinned out though. No one wanted to risk another outburst from the shockingly intimidating blonde woman.
"Yeah, as our good friend, not my sister wife," Scarlett eventually huffed after moments of silence, she was too busy watching you change. You looked up to see her arms crossed under her enlarged chest, with her plump lips pursed, and you just could not help but to tease her.
"Well, Leo will one day call her auntie, why not change it to mom?" You dodged her hand as she tried to slap your exposed shoulder, "Y/N, stop testing me, I am still rather hormonal, and unless you wish to be on Snapped, I'd stop."
"A feature on my favorite show?" You gasped with a hand flying over your grinning lips, "You're just the sweetest wife ever my dear."
Before she could actually bring life (or death) to her words you snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her in for a pre hair and makeup kiss. "Stop stressing over the press, you have nothing to worry about, I'm yours!"
The kiss was sickeningly soft, and far too quick for either of your likings, "I love you," you whispered against her lips. "I love you too," she tried to mindlessly chase your lips, but as you pulled away with an apologetic smile she pettily grumbled, "I'm also still mad at you."
"Story of my life," you remarked with a laugh and an indifferent shrug of your shoulders.
Scarlett rolled her eyes at your retreating figure, then after three short minutes stood alone she reluctantly (desperately) followed after you to the trailer for hair and makeup.
Watching you getting into character brought a smile to your lover's face, she adored how you took this role so seriously. Resentments to the rumors aside, she admires the way you and Liz had crafted such a beautiful, long winded story for the fans to devour. Today's scene is actually monumental for the MCU, it's the first intimate confirmation for Wanda and Eliza, so she let her anger go in favor of supporting you.
"You're gonna do great," she whispered into your ear from behind your designated chair, she'd seen your tightly furrowed brows, all she wanted to do was make you feel at peace. You slowly peered up from your script to lock eyes with her through the mirror, and she smiled reassuringly along with her words. "Thanks."
Scarlett nodded, "How can I help my love?"
For the next ten minutes you ran lines with her, there was no reason to worry about her leaking the contents, she wasn't Tom Holland. The woman was a MCU veteran, and knew how to deflect even the slipperiest of questions.
A smirk graced her face as the loosely described kissing scene was up next, she was always looking forward to practicing such lines with you, whether for her film or yours, it didn't matter much; the prospect of letting your costar taste her on you was too exciting.
"Hey ladies."
Speak of the devil...
"You ready Y/N/N?" Lizzie side hugged your scowling wife as she spoke to you with a knowing smirk, "You're a cockblock Olsen."
"Can't have you macking on my woman," she jested, dangerously if Scarlett's glare was to be translated, "She's my woman, remember that."
"She was mine first," Lizzie continued to goad your wife, she would've kept going too, and left you with a monster to drive home with if not for the saving grace of your favorite stagehand.
"Mrs. Y/L/N—Johansson, Mrs. Olsen, the set is ready, and the director sent me to collect you."
Lizzie left with him instantly, knowing when to retreat from a standoff with your wife, and you were two seconds away from doing the same, but your stewing wife stopped your attempts. Her hand swiftly cupped the back of your neck, she pulled you into a bruising kiss, tentatively sliding her tongue in your mouth, unfairly arousing you as she groped your clothed ass. She kissed you until you were near breathless, and mindlessly chewing on her fruity gum.
"Scar," you went to whine, but she traced her thumb around your lips to quell your worries. The lipstick was promptly cleaned off your skin, and a fresh layer was reapplied, it was as if she had never even touched her lips to yours. But the dizzy look in your eye tells her the memory was strong enough without the mess.
For the sake of your career she slid her hand into yours, and guided you to your outdoor set, "Go get em tiger," she winked, and you simply chuckled as she referenced your character's feline tendencies, her silly antics always helped to settle your heart, she was the ideal partner.
Scarlett waved to the familiar director before she settled into your chair, then her eyes zeroed in on the leather jacket they slid over to you, and then she saw the motorcycle. Natasha was always on a motorcycle, it was like her signature ride so she was familiar with the set up for the scene. Scarlett had never been on one though, which now that she thinks of it is rather odd since riding was a leisurely passion of yours up until Leo was born. The Harley taking up space in the garage a daily reminder.
That familiar twinge of jealousy returned to her with a renewed passion as soon as she heard the director call 'action' because then she saw a scene play out that she wanted as her reality.
Wanda was in the process of slipping on her signature red leather jacket, the one she got (stole) from her mentor all those years ago. As soon as the tight fabric melded to her body you were behind her, slipping your hands just below the chilled fabric to grip her by the waist. Wanda hadn't even a moment to think before a squeal of surprise left her parted lips. With an undeniable strength, and incredible ease you lifted the redhead by your grip on her body, settling her onto the bike, then you seamlessly walked around, hand still on hip, so that you could face her, "You're a bit of a show off..."
"I learned from the best," you sadly stated, a subtle nod to the fallen Avenger who'd trained the both of you into the heroes you were today.
Wanda nodded solemnly, a beat of silence held before you went on, "You ready to go honey?"
You went to step away as she nodded, but the redheads hand shot out to wrap around your wrist to halt you. "Would you judge me if I said I was nervous?" You chuckled softly, but your eyes softened when you realized she meant it.
"Baby," the world rolled off your tongue with a familiar ease, and it successfully made the woman blush, "You've literally flown hundreds of miles above ground without a parachute."
"Eliza," she groaned, her grip tightening at your incessant teasing, "I have control over that."
"Yeah, and this is a walk in the park for me baby girl, I am an expert at this sorta thing."
Wanda bowed her head, a new nervousness settling within her bones as you continued to drop the pet names. "What's wrong Wands?"
The redhead picked her gaze back up, shaking her head from side to side, "Nothings wrong."
"You can't hide from me," you pulled a hand free from her loosened grip, and softly caressed her cheek, her breath promptly hitched, "Eli."
"Mhm?" You smiled innocently, but your eyes shone with an understanding that made her stomach erupt with a soft fluttering. Suddenly your faces were closer, breaths mingling as you both waited on the other to close the small gap.
Wanda felt your hand drift to behind her neck, anticipation built within her as you caressed her heated skin softly. Once your eyes fell to her parted lips she knew it was coming, but in a moment of desperation she surged forward to rush the process along. Her lips pressed to yours firmly, there wasn't much room to move at first as she sought to keep you against her, but when she felt your fingers playing with her baby hairs, while your other hand laid against her hip she knew you weren't going anywhere.
You soon guided the kiss, tilting her head with your firmer grip in her hair you slipped your tongue passed her lips. Even with the kiss deepened, you maintained a softness, exploring her mouth with a tenderness that equated to an 'I've loved you for eons, and I will continue to,' she melted into you in total reciprocity.
"We really have to go baby," you whispered once you pulled away, she panted affectedly while your breathing remained steady enough.
"Why?" The witch whined pitifully, "I don't want this moment to end Eliza, it's perfect."
You smiled in agreement, "Yeah, it was."
Wanda pouted as you spoke of the moment in the past tense, meaning it was over, and so you leaned back in to peck it away, "It'll be even better when we get to a safe house sweetheart."
Wanda sighed, "I'm holding you to that then."
"How about I hold you to me instead?" You teased the witch as your leg flew over the bike behind her seamlessly. Wanda rolled her eyes, but she wore a wide smile that you couldn't see.
Wanda melted into your form as you pulled her body back into yours, your arms slid beneath hers so that you could reach for the handles. Her body shuddered once you placed a kiss to the nape of her neck just before you slid a helmet onto her. "Safety first, Avenger or not."
Wanda giggled, then her hand spun in the air, and a helmet appeared over your head next, "The rules apply to you too, nine lives or not."
You snorted, then instead of prolonging the teasing banter you kicked the stand of the bike up, revved the engine, then shot off abruptly.
Scarlett watched the heady kiss without even flinching, it was a bit of a surprise to her, but she found herself envying Elizabeth's chance to ride on the bike with you more so than the making out. The directors had trusted you enough to actually race around the lot, and when you and Lizzie returned in a fit of giggles she felt the jealousy only intensifying. It was not fair to you, but she only gave you a curt nod when you asked if she was okay, she once again cleaned the lipstick off your face, then left to try and simmer her rage inside your trailer.
"What's the matter now?" Lizzie joked from your side, and you only shrugged, but you'd never struggled to read your wife, the way she had glared at the motorbike as if it had killed her entire family was all you needed to know.
This silly scene here opened you up to a future night full of making it up to your wife. You sighed softly before turning to your scene partner, you watched a grin take over her face as a realization of sorts had dawned upon her.
"You're welcome," she winked before turning around to return to the set, you two had one more follow up scene to shoot, and then you'd have to face your attractively jealous partner.
The ride home was radio silent; literally, she slapped your hand away when you tried to fill the tense silence with your favorite playlist.
Scarlett pulled into the garage, a heavy sigh left her lips as she unbuckled, but she didn't speak.
Her door slammed shut, she attempted to race into the house, but you were too quick for her. Scarlett's breath hitched when your hands held her firmly in place, "Now, now kitten, why must you make this difficult by running?"
Scarlett tried to keep her angry front up, but when you manhandled her into the air she lost any semblance of control, you spun her around in your hold so that your lips brushed teasingly as you plopped her onto the Harley backwards.
"Is this what you needed baby?"
Scarlett mindlessly leaned back against the handles, her legs spreading as she did, and you couldn't help but to chuckle at the sight of her.
"Such a beautiful, desperate mess you are for daddy, look at you, you're soaked on through."
Scarlett's skin flushed, she didn't need to hear you say it to know it, the lacy, red material was uncomfortably stuck to her skin, and truth be told it had been like that for hours now. Ever since she'd kissed you breathless, and when she watched you handle that scene with a sexy flair she couldn't stop imagining you handling her in a more sinful way. You drove her wild.
"Tell me what you want," you stepped closer to her, ghosting your lips over hers, "I'm not a mind reader baby, but I do aim to please here, so just tell daddy what it is you need from her."
"Can you give me a ride on the bike?" Scarlett was confused herself as the words left her, it was what she genuinely wanted, but you both know she wanted something else much more.
"Oh, I can," you smirked as your lips met hers, "You can ride me however you want Scarlett."
"Fuck," she sucked in a breath as your fingers slid the sticky fabric of her panties to the side.
"Be good for daddy," you coo'd as your fingers trailed teasingly through her folds, she bucked her hips on instinct, causing the bike to shake, so you held her hip down firmly with your free hand, "Relax my love, you know I've got you."
Scarlett's always been super reactive with you, but as she hadn't been touched like this in over six months she was beyond her normal arousal. Her cunt was dripping all over the leather seat, and if it wasn't so hot you might've even cared about it, but honestly the bike needed a polish.
A mewl left your wife's lips as soon as one of your fingers entered her, you kept a slow pace, too afraid to overwhelm her, and even then you still did, she cried out in shock, "I'm leaking."
You looked down, noticing the pebbles of white that left your wife's breasts, she'd only recently stopped breastfeeding your son as her leave was quickly coming to an end. You were truly enamored by the opportunity here, the urge to taste her milk had always been there, but the chance had yet to present itself until now.
"Oh love, that must hurt," you rasped, and the aroused blonde whimpered her agreements as she looked into your blackened orbs, the need you clearly felt for her was palpable, and it only made the sloshing between her legs louder.
You kissed down her jaw, nibbling enough to make her moans sweeter, but not to mar her skin until you reached the valley of her breasts. You sucked harshly, a deeper red blossomed over her hot skin, the sensation only spurred her moans on, and the sound was addicting.
"There you go kitten," you kissed up the side of her sensitive breast en route to her nipple, "Let daddy know how good she's making you feel."
Scarlett nearly toppled your bike over when your lips wrapped around her nipple, the way you curled your fingers just as you began to suckle made her mind go blank, and legs shake. The sound of your delighted moan made her feel an overwhelming warmth, an unexpected wave of pride flooded her chest at the idea that you'd like her milk enough to moan like that.
"Thank you daddy," she clutched tightly to your biceps, curling her nails into the skin for grounding that she usually found in bed sheets. As you moved in rushed kisses over to her other breast you could feel her hips trying to meet your thrusts, shaking your bike again.
"Stay still," you mumbled around her nipple, making her urge to move higher, but even in her dizzy state she still managed to cooperate. In the bed you wouldn't mind, normally you'd encourage her desperate thrusts as you teased her, but this wasn't your usual spot; the bike wasn't exactly the safest place for her writhing.
Scarlett's quick compliance made you beam, "You're always such a good girl for me."
Scarlett smiled dopily, she was a sucker for your praises, her walls clenched tightly around you when you returned her smile. Nothing could ever really describe just how much she loved your beautiful smile, it was almost always all she needed to want to jump your bones.
"Kiss me," she begged, the desperation clear as day when her lip had trembled in anticipation. You didn't waver in your stare as you neglected to give in to her pleas, you instead continued to piston three fingers into her slick hole, curling them every few thrusts, and doing so before you couldn't resist the temptation to kiss her.
"You're close," you panted the truth against her lips as you reluctantly pulled back, if you could you'd kiss her until your lips went numb. She whined, her eyes then fluttered open at the loss of your sensational lips took effect on her. The pleading in the haze of her eyes was clear, she needed you to give her permission, to send her tumbling over that edge. "Go on kitten, come for daddy, mess up my bike like a good girl."
Her back instantaneously arched into your handlebars, the horn being set off as her body trembled, her orgasm had taken it's full effect. You watched in amazement as her arousal gushed around your digits, it was only her first release of the night and she squirted all over.
"Let's get you cleaned up," you whispered as you nibbled down her jawline, soft red marks left behind that you knew would fade come morning, she had a meeting tomorrow after all.
Scarlett was beyond dizzy, your moves turned her brain into mush, but even in a delirious state she knew what she wanted, and she'd get it. You had both always had such high libidos, but with the baby neither of you had the time or better yet the energy to keep up with them.
But in this jealous fueled daze Scarlett was not short on energy, no, only patience. As you went to guide her to the bedroom for aftercare she stopped you, even with shaky legs she managed to shove you down onto the couch, "Lay down, and let me mark my territory," you knew she wasn't asking, clearly you weren't rebutting.
"Thank you daddy," she straddled your thighs so that she could lean in to peck your lips, you saw the way she eyed your top, so as a reward for her manners you slipped it off as she rose.
"Come on kitten, let daddy make you feel good," you beckoned the short circuiting woman forward, and without letting another minute fly by she crawled up your body, her abundant wetness smeared on your skin, and the feeling left you salivating for her essence.
Neither of you felt like teasing tonight, so the blonde plopped her sopping folds onto your face, so you followed her lead, and immediately began to devour her. Raspy, choked moans echoed off the walls of your quaint living room, with how sensitive she was it didn't take long for her to grow sloppy with the way she rode. Without even looking you gripped her hips, now guiding her thrusts, and pressing down harshly to help your tongue reach her deeper.
With your arms wrapped tightly around her thighs you used all your strength to flip her onto her back, the jostling movement led your tongue to press into her sensitive spot just as your thumb showed up to stimulate her clit.
"Oh fuck," Scarlett bucked her hips in sync with your tongue as you continued to fuck her fluttering hole even after her cum shot down your throat, and her entire body subsequently slumped into the lived in couch cushions.
Scarlett's face was serene as she rode out the bliss you'd given her, she tiredly smiled when your lips trailed over her body, tenderness was all that you offered as you kissed over her skin. Lips lingering over the marks she'd despised until you made her love them the way you did.
"Daddy," she groggily whimpered your title, her hands haphazardly reached down for you, and her nails dug into your shoulder blades so that she could pull you up and into her lips.
"You're insatiable Scarlett," you chuckled as she relinquished her lips hold on you, she met your amusement with a smirk of her own, "If you had a smoke show for a wife you'd be too."
"I do," you deadpanned, and she smirked even wider as she winked, "Glad you're self aware."
"Oh, I am, the amount of people that want you is endless," you huffed, a twinge of jealousy to rival hers showing through, but she helped to melt it away with another kiss to your lips.
"We're clearly just Hollywood's hottest couple," she reasoned, "I guess I should have expected all the attention, of course people want you."
"I really do hope you understand that you're all I'll ever want Scarlett," your eyes glistened with happiness, visions of your future with her all you needed to bring you to tears, "You, and Leo are my entire world, nothing will change that."
"I miss him," she reaffirms her earlier feelings, as do you, "Same, I need my bubba butt back."
"But wait, I have a proposal," she mused, and looked to you with a sinful grin and dark eyes.
"I'm listening."
"Well, my meeting won't end until like five, and it's over an hour away to my moms," she spoke with feigned exasperation, "Why would we pick him up tomorrow near his bedtime? That's just irresponsible. We should let him sleep, and use our bonus night off for an overdue date."
"Hmm," you hummed, pretending as if you were actually thinking over her sex coded offer, "I could just pick him up in the morning," you didn't mean it, but you'd never give up the opportunity to tease, and neither would she.
"Nope," she popped the p, and smirked up, "You're coming to the office baby girl, and we'll be taking your bike so no room for the baby."
"Oh, we are now?"
"Yeah, you are my guinea pig for the day as we test out our newest products, I didn't tell you?"
"No, you most certainly didn't," you grumbled, and climbed off of her, she went to protest the loss of your warmth but she didn't get the chance as you threw her over your shoulder.
"If I'm your guinea pig tomorrow, then you're my cum dump for the night," you threw her down onto the mattress, smirking as her dilated eyes widened at your promise, and so you winked. "What? Might as well use our free time wisely."
Scarlett smirked victoriously once you turned away to collect your strap, her plans for a full weekend now coming to life before her eyes. Leo's return will likely be postponed, it's a good thing she already confirmed a Monday pick up.
4,908 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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jackiepackiee · 3 months
Hello, I hope you're having a splendid day!
If your requests are open may I ask for the flags x single parent reader romantic headcanons? I've seen the other one with the mad scientist and I just found it so amazing!
But of course, only if you are comfortable, I don't want to pressure you.
I shall say my good byes now as I have to leave.
Take care of yourself and rest.
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓰𝓼 𝔁 𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Warnings- parent struggles
Type - headcanons
Of course I added Chuuya.
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Albatross -
Did someone say the fun dad?
He admires how responsible you are
Quite literally watches in awe at anything you do
Making a snack? Wow. Hushing your kid from crying? He’s shocked by your skill
Your kid likes cars? He will have an entire lot for them.
Trains? Look, now the port mafia has a and it’s trained named after your kid
Almost like a brother, sorry
He’s immature and has never been around kids
So so gentle however
He’s not dumb, just eccentric after all
You’ll definitely walk in on him covered in paint by your kid, laughing and letting it happen
Tea parties? Tea parties.
7/10, congrats, you have a second kid
Pianoman -
Thinks the absolute highest of you
Will never pry on what happened to the biological parent
But if they hurt you? He’s pulling piano strings
The kid is babied, no matter the age
He’s a leader, and a protecter
The port mafia doesn’t even know you have one
He likes a quiet personal life
No nanny’s, he will clear his schedule if needed
It’s his kid now, and he’s ready to try his best
Smart man, makes sure to let you get plenty of rest
Knows it must’ve been hard being alone
So he wants you to recover from however long you missed the rest you’ve needed
You kid wants a new toy? He will counterfeit money and buy hundreds
9/10, a great dad
Lippmann -
Why the hell is your kid suddenly speaking other languages?
It’s Lippmann. He’s too smart and will make sure to compliment you in French, or Spanish, or German
Your kid becomes so well mannered
“Look, daddy is on TV!”
It’s always fun to have a movie night and watch his newest film
Your kid is an actor now, yeah
Expect many private shows staring your lover and your child
His favorite? Princess/prince with him as the knight
Such an incredible comforter to both you and your child
You’re stressed? He’ll make sure you’re okay while also dealing with whatever’s freaking you out
10/10, just perfect
Iceman -
So goddamn gentle
Your heart will melt, watch out
He’s soft spoken and it must be magic at how well he can console your kids whines
You may know of his work, but only what he does
Not the victims, days, times, anything
But you kid? Doesn’t know a single thing
“My daddy is a superhero”
Yeah, depends on who you ask
He is technically killing bad guys (bad guys to the pm that is)
When you lay down your kid he’ll pull you to the kitchen and play a record
Slow dancing and lifting you up with immense ease
9/10, you may have death of a overheated heart
Doc -
…kinda awkward
He is good with kids, of course
All his years in med school? He had to have seen some children
He’s shy with you, but not shocked you have a kid
Will never judge you, not for a second
Makes sure your body has healed correctly
Back pains from pregnancy (if you are the mom)? You don’t know how but he will heal it
Your kid is like a walking dictionary, muttering words that would only make sense to a surgeon
For a doctor, it’s ironic how much he offers candy to them
“Be good and you’ll get a lollipop from daddy.”
7/10, your kid is always healthy, but he’s a bit childish too
Chuuya -
if you’re a teen parent he won’t care
Supports you and your child with his new pm check
Remember that one wan episode when he said that he would spoil a puppy if he had one?
That’s how he is with your kid and you
You want to take the kid to a new amusement park but the lines are too long for the kid to wait?
He will rent the entire thing, boy has connections
A lot of the sheep were young, so he is good with kids
Won’t be great as a role model, but an amazing protector
Nothing will ever hurt you or the child
If you want, he will definitely let you move in
Warning, the house will be filled with toys that the two of you won’t know what to do with
Overall 7/10 his heart is in the right place but he’s so young
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thatgirlstrawberry · 1 year
Sick Surprise pt. 7 - The Party Kid
In which it’s Eloise’s 4th birthday but someone unexpected shows up at the party…
Warnings: cursing, angst, fluff, death threat, low key dad!spencer, lmk if I missed anything!
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
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“Spence? Is Eloisey’s hair done yet?” Y/N called as she rushed around her apartment. They were supposed to be at the park already but the birthday girl wanted really extravagant superhero pancakes.
In between Spencer’s teeth was a comb as he tried to wrestle the girl’s hair into pig tails. It wasn’t working out very well. Eloise was standing on the counter and Spencer stood behind her trying not to accidentally pull her hair too hard.
“Uh… yeah! It’s… um almost.” He called back. Eloise giggled as Spencer laughed quietly.
Another reason they were late was because Y/N thought that Spencer looked absolutely adorable in his little cargo shorts and polo shirt so she decided to make him feel as good as he looked before Eloise woke up.
She wore a long blue sundress and sunglasses perched on her head. “Okay, great! We have to leave soon.”
Spencer’s eyes widened a bit and he snapped the tiny rubber band into her hair. A minute later, Spencer sighed, proud of her work. The pig tails were a little lopsided but… hey who would notice.
Y/N walked into the bathroom and gasped with a big smile. “There’s my beautiful birthday girl!” She came up and attacked Eloise’s cheek with kisses. The girl squealed and giggled.
“Why don’t you get get a few cookies for the road?” She asked, scooping the girl up and setting her on the ground. The girl clapped and ran out of the bathroom.
Spencer smiled after her and Y/N turned to him. “So…”
He looked down at her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “So…?”
Y/N clicked her tongue. “My parents are coming to the party.” She nodded. “They said that they wanted to get to know Eloise.”
Spencer was calm on the outside but panicking on the inside.
“And I haven’t told them that I’m dating anyone. And I understand if you don’t want to meet them just yet but we’re gonna be showing up together so I mean-“
Spencer laughed. “Has anyone ever told you ramble a lot?” He asked, kissing her. “You’re such a nervous person.” He rubbed her cheekbones with his thumbs.
“I know.”
“I would love to meet your parents.” He sighed, kissing her again. She smiled into it before pulling away.
She buried her head in her chest. “You’re amazing and I love you.”
Spencer kissed the top of her head. “You’re amazing and I love you too.” He replied.
“And I love you for asking Penelope and Derek to get to the park early and set up.”
“Mhm. And I love you for inviting JJ and Hotch’s boys because I was too nervous.”
“Of course baby.”
They heard Eloise’s tiny feet patter through the house again and Y/N kissed his chest through his shirt and pulled away from him. “Okay! Time to go, Eloisey! Are your shoes on, baby?”
“Duh, mommy.”
Y/N watched Eloise and her friends from daycare and the BAU boys run around the playground. She was surrounded by a bunch of the daycare moms.
She never felt like she belonged with their group. All of them had husbands. All of them were at least 5 years older than her. None of them really liked her either and she could tell.
They judged her for not being married, for letting her kid cuss occasionally, letting her kid defend herself— Long story short, a boy had been pulling Eloise’s hair repeatedly and the next time he did it after she told her mom, she punched him in the nose and made him bleed.
Anyway, Y/N felt out of place standing with them, drinking wine in solo cups.
She got a text from her mother saying that her and her father were almost to the park. Y/N excused herself from the group of moms and walked over to Spencer who was running around chasing the kids and pretending that he was a monster or something.
She giggled and watched him. When he realized that she was standing there she waved him over. He pushed his hair out of his face and told the kids he’d be back in a little while and then walked over to Y/N.
“Hey, what’s up?” He asked.
She smiled. “You’re adorable.” She told him, glancing back at Eloise who climbed up on the rock thingy and shouted like she made it to the top of Everest. “And my mom said she and my dad are pulling in so…”
Spencer smiled, clearing his throat. “Should we get Eloise, too? I’m sure she’d like to see them.”
Y/N shook her head. “Oh, she wouldn’t remember them. They haven’t been around since she was just a few months old.” She saw how Spencer’s face fell and shook her head again. “No but it’s okay! It’s fine! We’re fine. Come on, we’ll get Eloise to talk to them during lunch.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the pavilion where a bunch of people stood talking and eating the fruit and chips Penelope and Derek had set out.
“Y/N!” She heard her father’s voice and she smiled. He and Y/N’s mother emerged from the crowd holding hands.
“Dad, hey! Hi, mom!” They hugged her and Spencer stood behind her awkwardly.
She pulled away and noticed Y/N’s mom giving Spencer a judgy once over. She inhaled deeply and bit her lip. “Uh… mom, dad. This is my boyfriend, Spencer.”
Her mother stepped forward and held her hand out. “I’m y/m/n. Good to meet you.”
Her father did the same. “Nice to meet you, Spencer.”
“You guys too.” He spoke, shaking their hands because he was too nervous to tell them that he didn’t like to do that.
Y/N cleared her throat after the moment of awkward silence. “Uh… okay. Well there’s wine and juice on those tables. Also, just some little snacks things. The pizza is on the way and Eloise will come see you guys when it’s here!” She kissed their cheeks and then grabbed Spencer’s wrist and tugging him away.
They stopped by the edge of the concrete where it met the mulch from the playground. Y/N took a deep breath and smiled at Eloise who waved at her from the top of the pirate ship thing.
JJ, Hotch, and Derek had joined them, talking amongst themselves. Y/N turned to Spencer. “I’m sorry that was so awkward.” She whispered.
“It’s okay, baby.” He assured her, nodding.
Y/N pressed her lips together. “I just— I don’t know why they’re here they never have been for any of her other birthdays—“ She stopped mid sentence when her eyes glided over the park. Her breath seemed to catch in her throat.
She pulled away from his side and began to walk quickly towards a man near the playground.
“Y/N!?” Spencer called. He began to walk after her. He looked back at Derek, JJ, and Hotch who furrowed their brows.
The man saw her and his eyes widened. “What the fuck!?” She shouted. She got to him and pushed him quickly. “What the fuck are you doing here!?”
The man started stuttering and backed away from her. “Y/N, wait—“
“No, you need to leave. Now.” She poked his chest.
Spencer caught up to her and grabbed her shoulders. “Y/N who is this? What’s wrong?” He asked, not looking away from the man.
“This asshole is Eloise’s father.”
Spencer’s eyes widened and he protectively stepped in front of her. Y/N grabbed the fabric of his shirt in her fists.
“You don’t get to be here.” She mumbled, moving from behind her boyfriend. She pushed the man back again. “You don’t get to fucking be here, Jake!”
“Listen—“ He held his hands out in front of him and stepped back. “I just— I heard about it on Facebook and I thought I’d stop by—“
Y/N scoffed and Spencer could hear the tears in her voice. “You left us and you thought you could just— just stop by!?” She shouted. “What the fuck is wrong with you!?”
“Y/N, listen. Please.” Spencer shook his head and stepped in front of her again.
“She doesn’t have to listen to anything you say. Get the hell out of here.” He told him. His voice was calm but his face was most definitely not.
Jake scoffed. “Who are you? Some guy playing like you’re my kid’s father?”
“Someone fucking had to.” Spencer said. “I’ll say it one more time, walk away.”
He looked at Y/N. “Come on, let me talk to her. Let me just see her, Y/N. Please.”
She bit her lip and looked up at him. “Why, Jake?”
“What?” He asked, his brows furrowing, a confused smile on his lips.
Y/N’s glare hardened. “Why do you want to see her so badly? Why, after four years?”
He rolled his eyes. “Because she’s mine too, Y/N.”
She shook her head, an angry smile appearing on her face. “No, you lost that the minute you left.” She nodded. “The minute you decided to pack your shit and move across the state? Yeah, she’s not yours and she never fucking will be. So, I swear to God, if you do not leave this park in 30 seconds, I’m going to fucking kill you.” Jake looked scared.
Derek and Hotch walked up behind Spencer and Y/N hearing the last of her threat. Spencer placed a hand on his girlfriend’s back as Jake turned around quickly and walking towards his car that was parked against the curb.
Y/N’s shoulders shook and she turned around, covering her face and walking into Spencer who wrapped his arms around her.
“Do we need to make sure that man leaves?” Hotch asked Spencer. He nodded and Hotch and Derek began to make their way towards the car that hadn’t started yet.
Spencer rubbed his girlfriend’s back. “I hate him!” She sobbed. “He ruined everything! And then he just gets to— to show up like he decided he wants to be a fucking father!?”
He rocked her back and forth as she cried and let out her very violent feelings about Jake, making sure to talk into his chest so no one else could hear it.
After Y/N calmed down, she pulled away from Spencer but looked up at him. “Am I a snotty mess?” She asked.
Spencer chuckled and nodded reluctantly. “Yes but it’s okay. We’ll fix it, okay?”
Y/N smiled but got serious for a second. “Spencer, if you’re planning to leave, I need you to tell me.” He almost spoke but he realized that she wasn’t done. “Because I can’t do this whole thing again. I need to know that you’re here and you’re staying. And if you’re not, I need you to tell me now.”
Spencer leaned down and kissed her deeply. “Y/N, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it as many times as you need me to.” He nodded. “I will never leave you and Eloise. You two are like— my entire world now and I can’t even remember what life was like before you.”
Y/N smiled and sighed in relief. “I am so in love with you and I can’t even explain how much.”
After the Jake incident, the party went by smoothly. They ate pizza and Eloise caught up with her grandma and grandpa.
Eloise absolutely loved present time. She got so many new toys and clothes that Y/N couldn’t even imagine where she’d put it all.
Even Spencer bought her a tiny kid keyboard that she knew she would love. She leaned over to Spencer when Eloise moved on to the next present. “I told you you didn’t have to get her anything.” She whispered.
Spencer tightened his arm around her waist. “I wanted to. Also Eloise deserves it.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I swear, I’m gonna sound proof her room ‘cause she’s gonna be playing that thing night and day.”
Spencer chuckled and winked at her. “You’re welcome.”
Now, the three of them sat on the balcony of Y/N’s apartment on the outdoor couch, eating ice cream. The sun was setting and Eloise was curled up between Y/N and Spencer.
“You have a good birthday, Eloisey?” Y/N asked, wiping ice cream off of the corner of the girl’s mouth.
She nodded rapidly. “I had a weally good birfday.” Y/N smiled, and looked up at Spencer.
Soon enough, Eloise had fallen asleep with her head in Y/N’s lap and her feet in Spencer’s.
Y/N knew that this is how she could see her future. Spencer was there, maybe another kid, a house with a dog or a cat, she wasn’t picky. She just knew that this is how it was supposed to be.
I loved this chapter!! Please comment your ideas or send in my ask box!!
Oop I also forgot to add the Taglist to os you already read tia just ignore it lol
@lavenderrway @riverjane-d
The next chapter of How To Lie To A Behavior Analyst is in the works still!!!
Love ya bunches ❤️❤️❤️
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Let me take care of you pt. 2 - Bangchan one shot
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Summary: your husband, Bangchan, is helping you ease the pain of your 8 month old pregnant belly.
Thank you for the idea, @pettypuppy-jonghyun! I hope this does your idea justice 🫶🏻
“Noona, the baby is due in less than a month now, right?”, Felix asked you as he handed you the plate with the cheesecake. “Thank you, Yongbok. And yes, the due date is in 28 days. But she can come sooner or later”, you explained to him before taking the first bite of the cake.
Your 8-month pregnant belly was aching painfully today. From the swollen feet to the splitting back pain, the last trimester of the pregnancy began to get into you. You grew more and more impatient every time your bladder needed a release. Which was every few minutes.
You used to break down to your husband, Bangchan, due to the hormonal rollercoasters and fear of becoming a good mother in the first trimester. Now it was mostly due to the thinning nerves. You wanted to hold your daughter in your arms, now. But she wasn’t due yet, Bangchan kept on calming you down by repeating the same words: “I know baby, you’re doing amazing. You’re so strong, do you know that? I’d love to carry the little wolf in my arms now too but she has a few more weeks to go, she has to finish developing so she’s all healthy”. He’d hold you close for hours, repeatedly kissing you to cheer you up afterward. You felt bad for acting like a stubborn child but you really couldn’t help it.
Bangchan was at the JYP headquarters with the rest of 3RACHA in a meeting to talk about the planning of the group schedule for the next months. Bangchan had requested to get fewer activities that involved him being by your side for the rest of the pregnancy and the labor. Which was barely impossible since he was the leader of the group and stray kids members had abandonment fear. Instead of minimizing group activities, the suggestion of the new subunit, Minsung, was brought to the table. Hyunjin was busy filming the art show that had been on national tv for the past month. Which meant reduced group activities for the upcoming weeks.
Knowing the circumstances of the job of your husband, you were glad that adjusting the group activities and promotions was even possible. He loved his job, he had poured every single day of his life since was a kid into his dream. He gave up on sleep, food, friends, family, and other opportunities along the road over and over just in fear he’d neglect his dream of being on stage. Back in your dating days, you’d have to force him together with his members to take a nap when he was sick. Sick as in barely able to stand on his kind sick.
He had asked Felix to keep you company and help you out since your body ached since you woke up this morning. You both had played multiple rounds on the switch and watched older videos of the group, laughing over the memories. Before you become pregnant, you’d travel with the band as a staff member for hair and make-up. You were Felix’ makeup artist before so you two naturally bonded the easiest. Then you’d become the makeup artist of both Felix and Bangchan, taking care of the looks of the Aussie line.
“You women are like superheroes, noon. I watched the documentary that Hyunjin send me, about what pregnancy does to your body and it was insane. Mothers are truly strong, they give up so much too. I called my mom afterward and apologized that she gave birth to me”, he said with furrowed eyebrows, making you laugh. “Oh Felix, you truly are an angel walking on earth. But it’s true, I was surprised myself by the female anatomy during pregnancy, it does more than someone would think”, you took the last bite of the cheesecake.
“Do you want to go for a walk and get some fresh air?”, he suggested. But you just shook your head. “No, thank you, sweetheart. My belly feels like it’s weighing an additional 10 pounds today”.
Just then you heard the front door of your apartment open, and shortly later your husband entered the living room. “Guess who’s back”, he goofily said and waved. “Thank you for watching after Y/N, Lix. Changbin and Jisung are downstairs in the car if you want to join them. They are going to play bowling”. The blonde-haired guy nodded eagerly and stood up. “Bye hyung, bye noona!”, he waved and you waved back. “Take care, Yongbok! Thank you for spending the day with me”, you gave him a sincere smile. “No need to thank me for that, noona. Your family!”, he then disappeared.
“How’s my beloved wife and the little wolf doing today?”, Bangchan asked as he kneeled in front of you, eye to eye with you. “The lie or the truth?”, you asked him, biting down on your lip as your daughter threw a strong kick inside you. She was training to play soccer, that was for sure.
“The truth, always the truth, baby”, your husband said and took your hand into his, kissing the top of it. “Is it worse than this morning?”, he asked to which you simply hooded. You were cheerful when you spend time with Felix but now that your husband asked you for your well-being, he unraveled something inside you. You felt your bottom lip tremble as you looked into the face of your husband. “It hurts a lot, Channie. I just want her out now”.
“Baby”, he said softly and stood between your lungs, cooing you into his embrace. Nestled into his chest, you hold tightly onto him as he caressed your hair and back, leaving endless kisses on the top of your head. You began to relax a little before another sharp pain rushed through your back and you yelped. “Ah-“, you pulled back and laid your back against the cushion of the couch. Bangchan held tightly onto your hand, worrying about finding a way to relieve your pain”
“Do you want me to lift your bump for a bit? That would relieve the weight and pressure on your back”, he said softly, caressing your knee while he watched you.
The doctor had suggested to you do a couple of lifts since your back pain had intensified at the beginning of the trimester. Bangchan had learned the right way to lift you and the belly from the physician’s instructions and did them every time your back felt like it was being split open. It did help, even if it was just for a short amount of time.
You nodded weakly and he reached out to tuck the strands of your curtain bangs behind your ear before helping you to stand up as gently as possible. Standing in the middle of the living room, he walked around to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you. Placing his hands below your belly, he gently lifted it, and instantly, you felt the pressure lessen on your back and knees. You sighed in comfort and pressed your back more against your husband’s back. You both stood there, your pregnant belly in the hands of your husband.
“Ready?”, he whispered into your ear.
“Not really”, you mumbled, wanting a few more seconds of comfort.
“Okay, now I’m ready”, you sighed and Bangchan slowly and ever so gently retreated his arms from your belly, resting them on your hips instead, massaging them. The pressure returned and it irritated you more than before. But it would all be worth it, for your baby daughter. Just a few more weeks to go, you told yourself.
“You’re the best mother Leyla could ask for”, Bangchan whispered into your ear, pressing a side kiss onto your temple. “Let’s lay you down, and I’ll massage your legs and feet”, he said and guided you back to the couch.
Once you were settled down with pillows supporting your back, Chan began to massage your legs carefully. “I’m so full of water, I feel like a whale”, you whined. Your legs looked like they were twice their usual size. “You’re not, baby. You’re still the beautiful woman that I fell in love with. You just have these painful swellings due to the water your body storages”, he said softly, working on the swellings.
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softtdaisy · 2 years
this is so self indulgent. imagine peter dating someone who stress bakes. one day peter gets really stressed over a mission and kinda takes it out on the reader and leaves. the reader now thinks that she did something wrong and starts baking his favorite things. eventually, peter comes home only to find out that his apartment has turned into a bakery and that his gf is crying while decorating a cake
peter parker x fem!reader
based on: this request above
summary: when you feel like peter is mad at you, you decide to bake his favorite cakes
words: 803
a/n: I hope this story goes with what you had in mind. you didn't specify which peter you wanted this to be about so I put tasm!Peter but I can change that if you want ♥️
join my secret garden for my 1k celebration 🌸
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“Just…leave me alone. For real.”
That was the last thing Peter told you, a few hours ago. He had just come back from a stressful mission. The type that played with his mind and made him wonder if he was making the right choice by being a superhero. Or even if he deserved to be. 
The thing was when Peter was stressed, he was not the most affectionate boyfriend. So of course, when you started to comfort him, not only did he reject you, but he took it out on you. He said some mean things until he decided to leave, claiming that he was better off alone than here with you.
So now you were home alone, convinced that you did something wrong and that maybe Peter wasn’t even loving you anymore. You were so scared of losing him one day that you saw this kind of moment as the beginning of the end of your relationship. 
And the only thing that managed to calm your stress, or at least to make you think about something else, was to bake. It has always been a kind of therapy, it helped you focus on something other than your problems. And sometimes, after you finished, you felt better. Today, you hoped it would help Peter forgive you.
You made a list of the things he liked the most, to pick some and decided which one you wanted to make. Turned out, you couldn’t choose one and decided to follow different recipes to make sure there would be one he would like to eat when he comes back. Was it a lot of work? Yes. It even stressed you a little more to have to bake all of these without making any mistakes and making sure they were all good. 
When you finished three of them, you felt glad that you had this amazing idea. When you were baking the fourth one, you started to wonder if you weren’t making all of this for nothing. Peter had been good for a few hours already and he still hadn’t given you any news. Was he alright? Was he planning on coming back?
Turned out, he did. 
Peter was coming home after spending a few hours at the top of different buildings. He needed to think about himself, about what he was doing. He needed to come back to place that meant something. And when he arrived at one of the rooftops, he brought you to when you started dating, he realized how bad he was towards you. He never meant to hurt you or to say anything that would break your heart. Most of the time, he didn’t even realize what he said before he saw your reaction. Today he didn’t get to see it since he ran away to focus on himself. But now he was ready to apologize and prove you how much he cared about. How glad he was that you were by his sides.
However, he was definitely not ready to find his apartment smelling like a bakery. There was a mix of his different favorite cakes smells. It smelt good. But it wasn’t supposed to smell like that. It didn’t take him long to understand what that meant.
When Peter entered the kitchen, he found you crying in front of the cake you were decorating. “Oh my god baby, are you alright?” If he knew what was probably going on right now, Peter feared that you might hurt yourself. He didn’t hesitate and took you in his arm, brushing your hair slowly and rocking you slowly to calm you down. He gave you little kiss on your hair to appease you and you seemed to be more relaxed. 
“I…I wanted to make you happy with all these cakes, so that you wouldn’t be mad at me anymore, but I got lost in all of these recipes and…”
“Wait a second.” He took your face between his hands to look at you in the eyes. “Why would I be mad at you? You didn’t do anything wrong.” He frowned, trying to think about something you might have said or done but you were always so nice to him that nothing came to his mind. Then it struck him. “Is it because I left? Because it has nothing to do with you. Just because I needed some time by myself doesn’t mean I don’t love you with all my heart.” Peter took you in his arms again. You mumbled an “I love you too” against him, trusting him.
That’s when Peter noticed all the other cakes. “Ok, so we are going to eat cakes for every meal for a few days.” He laughed and kissed your hair. Nobody ever did this to him. It was probably the biggest proof of love he ever got.
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ymaohoh · 23 days
'Dating Chrissy' - Hellcheer Fic - Oneshot
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'It seemed that word had traveled to all the bachelors of Hawkins High that the Queen Bee herself was open to dating (and her bonehead ex was safely out of the picture). So it fell to the brave and brightest knights to try for her hand.' Chrissy's single and Nancy encourages her to try dating. Eddie's not so thrilled. Eventual happy ending and post-Vecna. Also on Archive.
Eddie cupped his hands together and yelled… “Cunningham! C’mere. You’re a goddamn genius!”
The entire hallway seemed to freeze and then turn as one to peer at the head cheerleader who was trying (and failing) not to giggle. She was scooping out books from her locker with a very bemused looking Robin Buckley waiting beside her. Both of them were well used to Eddie’s dramatics. 
Chrissy grinned. “Yeah? No duh, Munson. Tell me something I don’t know.” 
Eddie was beaming from ear to ear as he strode towards her, weaving round the surprised students like he didn’t even notice or care about the stares. That Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham were friends was old news by now and so were the rumors about devil worship and black magic and so forth. No, for some explicable reason Chrissy seemed to enjoy The Freak’s company and their peers moved onto the next boiling pot of hot gossip. 
They didn’t know that the perfect and angelic looking Chrissy was a glorified freak at heart too.
(and boy how she’d squealed when Eddie first pointed it out, after stumbling across her trying to headbang - adorably - to his mix tape. She’d swatted his arm and said ‘Eddie!’ in such a breathy happy voice that it became a badge of honor now. Big bad scary Eddie had softened like cookie dough at the mere sight). 
More importantly perhaps, the other students at Hawkins High didn’t know about spring break or how the pair teamed up with other loveable misfits (‘The Party,’ Henderson dubbed them) to save the world like freakin’ superheroes. 
Chrissy had nearly died that evening in Eddie’s trailer and that was a decent enough ice breaker, all things considered. Ever since then they’d sort of been thrown together - the loser junkie and Queen Bee - and it turned out they made an excellent duo. Chrissy brought the brains and the brawn, and Eddie had a smart mouth and wheels. 
That kind of thing formed friendships, you know? As did carrying around the secret of Vecna all these weeks later because it was supposed to be kept totally hush hush. 
Annoyingly the government suits thanked them all most profusely and patched up their wounds - but their thanks didn’t extend to canceling finals or handing out honorary diplomas. Which meant the older kids still had to knuckle down and study. 
So all in all, things were looking pretty swell for Eddie right now. 
He presented his latest Math test like it was the holy grail itself, spun from solid gold. 
“B plus, baby, which means…drumroll please, Buckley…” he grinned as Robin dutifully taped her knuckles against the locker. “...I’ve passed O'Donnell’s class! The school’s gonna have no choice but let me graduate in green this summer, so long as I keep my head down and play nice. This dumbass you see before you is going to finally graduate. I fucking knew 1986 was going to be my year!” 
Chrissy gave a loud whoop and bounced on the tips of her sneakers. She looked like she wanted to launch into a whole new cheer routine just for him. 
“Eddie! That’s amazing news! I’m so proud of you!”
Eddie laughed and swung his arms around her waist before picking her up and spinning them around in circles. Chrissy giggled against his chest and didn’t seem to mind even though they were causing a small spectacle (Eddie didn’t give a shit but Chrissy could sometimes get blushy and pink if people paid her too much attention). In the distance, somewhere, Eddie heard Robin offer her own congratulations and pat him on the back. 
“Knew you could do it, Eddie!” Chrissy was saying. "I just knew it."
He set her down and jammed the test safely into his backpack. He couldn’t wait to show it to Wayne. Though his uncle never scolded him for his piss poor efforts with school before, he held out hope Eddie might someday find the motivation to straighten up and apply himself. 
(the government did fork out a tidy sum of cash in exchange for their silence and Wayne right away set up a college fund for Eddie (while he lay unconscious, being sewn back together like Frankenstein's monster). There was enough left over for Eddie to buy a brand new van and amp for his guitar which cheered him up). 
Maybe Eddie would actually get to use that fund now. 
“Nah, it’s all down to you, sweetness. Couldn’t have done it without your expert tutorage. Gonna buy you some candy or a big bunch of flowers to say thanks. What’s your poison? Roses? Want some wildflowers, Chriss? Or what about…what are they called? Chrysanthemums, like your name. I’ll fill your bedroom with them.” 
When she first offered her help, he’d not been optimistic honestly. A dumbass is a dumbass, right? But hell, Chrissy was a wonderful study buddy and again they proved they made an excellent team. He thought about all those late nights together studying old test papers, the cute revision cards she made with her pink and purple gel pens, the study timetable she decorated with stickers. Turns out Eddie’s a sucker for a gold shiny star sticker...especially when Chrissy herself pressed it to the tip of his nose.
O'Donnell should seriously take notes.
Chrissy swiped her hand against his arm playfully and gave it a squeeze. “Eddie, you’re sweet, but you don’t need to do that. You worked really hard and earned this fair and square. We talked about it... the answers were already there in your brain - just whizzing around like bats. You just needed help focusing and writing it all down.”
“We should celebrate!” Robin suddenly interjected. Eddie and Chrissy both seemed to jump, as though they’d forgotten she was a part of the conversation. “This definitely feels like something we should celebrate with cliche party hats and balloons. How about Saturday night at Steve’s place? We’ve got the night off work and I know his calendar... he’s got like zero plans.”
The bell rang so Chrissy shouldered her heavy backpack and they began to walk towards the lunch hall. 
Feeling a bit guilty for leaving her out, Eddie flashed Robin a huge grin and said that sounded great. They began to talk about logistics, invites, playlists, and Robin promised to bring along a pack of her dad's fancy imported beers if Eddie swore not to play any Black Sabbath. 
“As long as you don’t force me in the pool again, I’m sweet, ‘cause these glorious curls can’t handle it. And I’m not playing strip poker with you again because you clearly cheated last time and Steve nearly had a stroke,” Eddie chuckled. He noticed Chrissy was a bit quiet and gently bumped her shoulder. “How about it, Cunningham? Party this weekend at Harrington’s mansion? It’s time I finally showed you how to hangbang like a true rockstar.” 
Chrissy bit her lower lip. 
On hindsight Eddie should’ve known that things were going just too well for him. He was due a cosmic kick between the legs.
Chrissy began to speak and three things happened to Eddie all at once. His legs forgot how to function so he missed a step, his stomach heaved like he was going to seriously throw up, and it felt like some devilish spirit had just tipped an ice cold bucket of water over his head. It wasn't pretty.
“I…I’ll be there, Eddie, of course…but I might be a little late,” she said slowly. “I’ve got a…well… a date. You know Andrew from English class, Robin? Well he asked me if I wanted to see that new horror film this Saturday and I kinda' said yes. It’ll be rude to rearrange last minute, but it’s an early showing so maybe I can ask him to drop me off at Steve’s place after? You think he’ll mind?”
Eddie was vaguely aware of Robin saying something like oh wow. That’ll be fun, Chrissy. I’m sure Andrew won’t mind dropping you off afterwards. I thought you hated horror films or did he suggest it so he could play the ‘oh she’s scared so I’ll hold her hand’ move? Guys are seriously stupid. Is this your first date since…you know…?
Chrissy nodded.
“Since Jason? Yeah. I know it’s only been a month... but Nancy knows Andrew from the school newspaper and says he’s a real great guy. She thinks I should…what did she call it? ‘Put myself out there’…and try dating again. I got with Jason when we were freshman, you know, and it all happened so fast. He gave me his letterman jacket and we went out for milkshakes …and then we were suddenly boyfriend and girlfriend. He’s the only guy I’ve seriously dated…which I guess sets a pretty low bar,”  she added with a blush. 
It hardly needed saying but none of Chrissy’s new friends liked her stick-up-the-ass ex-boyfriend Jason Carver. Since the first day he’d been an absolute boor about Chrissy helping the party fight Vecna and threw his weight around when he felt ignored or sidelined (which he usually was). 
Chrissy admitted they’d been on the rocks for ages and his speech at the pep rally was when she knew for certain it was truly over. She’d just…outgrown him. 
And now she was talking about dating again. 
Eddie noticed that her hand closest to him was twitching and she was gnawing at her lip so hard it was in danger of being chewed right off. He suddenly felt like the world’s biggest jackass when she clearly needed a friend right now. 
Sighing inwardly, he took a deep breath. He tried to look supportive just like Robin. “You know what? I think that sounds great.”
Chrissy and Robin both looked up at him.
Chrissy’s baby blue eyes seemed to widen. “Oh Eddie, I’m being so selfish. If you want me to cancel, of course I will. It’s amazing news and I do want to celebrate with you. Honestly…do you want me to take a rain check?”
“No no, it’s fine. I’ll see you afterwards anyway, right? We can hang out then. You should go on the date, Chriss. Honestly.” 
“Abso-fucking-lutely. It’ll be good for you to…put yourself out there. Nancy's right.”
“Oh. Okay…if you’re sure."
“Totally sure. Fly your freaky flag, Cunningham.”
He even pumped his fist into the air for good measure.
Chrissy smiled and then excused herself to go to the bathroom. 
Eddie and Robin waited outside and Robin peered across at him. She was wearing such a painfully exasperated expression that Eddie couldn’t ignore it…though it would serve her right if he did. He sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair before speaking, knowing full well where this conversation was heading. 
He’d had similar awkward chats with Nancy and Steve and Dustin which usually resulted in a lot of eye rolling (and name calling). 
“You look like an owl.”
“I’m just flabbergasted, Munson. Truly flabbergasted.” 
“Right…go ahead and spit it out before you explode.” 
“The wonderfully beautiful and amazing Chrissy Cunningham, who is honestly too good for the likes of any of us really, just asked if you were sure she should date…and you responded with…and I quote… let your ‘freaky flag fly’. You know that was the exact moment in chick flicks where the romantic hero finally admits their true feelings, and they both swoon and kiss face. It was the perfect setup…”
“Buckley…I swear to god...” 
“You’ve been making gooey eyes at Chrissy since day one, Munson, and now she’s ditched dickhead Carver and ready to move on…and you give her your blessing? Really? You’re seriously okay with the idea of her dating Andrew and holding hands and smooching and…”
The hallway was pretty busy and although Robin was using her inside voice, Eddie was still nervous about being overheard especially with her throwing around words like swoon and smooch. And also yeah…he wasn’t totally over the moon with picturing Chrissy doing any of that stuff with whoever the hell this Andrew was. 
“What exactly am I supposed to say?” he shrugged. He crossed his arms like a shield.
"You could start with being honest."
“Fine...here's the shitty truth. Did I think that maybe there was something between me and Chriss when everything went down with Vecna? Sure, yeah. I’d freak out when she flirted back or hugged me…but clearly I was wrong or misread things, and she only sees me as a friend. Which is fine, by the way, being her friend is a fucking honor.”
Robin was shaking her head. “Dude, it wasn’t nothing. We all noticed it.”
“Yeah? Look, it doesn’t matter either way. Deep down I knew how this fantasy would play out and I’ve got no expectations. This is reality. She’s going to a good college after summer and she’s so smart she’ll ace it and have this amazing perfect life…and my dumbass will only hold her back. I know how goddamn beautiful and amazing Chrissy is, okay? She’s a fucking angel. But I’m…me… and like you just said, she’s so far out of my league it’s like we’re a different species; she’s some lovely elf and I’m this cave goblin. I get it. In the real world…me and her just don’t make sense. I know it. She knows it. You know it.” 
Shit. He hadn't meant to let it all come pouring out at once. Clearly he'd been bottling up more teenage angst than he knew.
Robin was looking at him now with something akin to surprise and sympathy. She was evidently not expecting this outpour of brutal honesty from him. Sarcasm and jokes maybe, or him telling her to go to hell, but not whatever this was. For all her wise cracks and joking, Robin was annoyingly perceptive.
“Big words for a fantasy nerd. She’s your fairy muse, the princess at the end of the quest. You think you can really let her go?” she asked after a pause. 
“If this really was a dumb movie and I admitted all this stuff…you know what would happen? A big fat nothing. She’d blush and say ‘sorry, Eddie’ and be so crazy kind when she let me down. No swooning or…riding off into the sunset or whatever. Sorry to disappoint.” 
“So what if she has a good time with Andrew? What if they hit it off and sparks fly. You’d be fine seeing that?” 
“Fuck no but I’m still not going to say anything.” 
Eddie cleared his throat. “Look...I wasn’t lying to her. It would be good for her to date someone other than that prick Jason. After everything we’ve been through…she fucking deserves to be happy, you know? Let her be a kid and have some damn fun.”
He’d been so proud when she mustered the confidence to finally dump Jason, and when she stood up to her crappy asshole parents too. She was grabbing life by the horns and who was he to throw a spanner in the works because of feelings? 
Robin sighed. She looked like a deflated balloon.
“You’re a good guy, Eddie,” she said. “But this is going to end in heartbreak.” 
“I’ll handle it. Just stitch me right back up again, right? What’s a few more scars…”
‘Let her have some damn fun.’
He didn’t feel so benevolent when Saturday finally rolled around. 
Eddie arrived at Steve’s that afternoon trying to keep upbeat (the freshmen were coming so they decided to start the celebrations early so they could make their curfews and still have time to par-tay). He found plenty of other things to think about... and Robin came through with the promise of fancy booze as a well done gift.
Steve started up the BBQ and bought some beers and wine coolers with strict instructions to the younger party members they were only allowed one (though Lucas definitely swiped more). He was wearing a jazzy orange apron and still somehow managed to look effortlessly cool flipping burgers. He’d clapped Eddie on the back when he arrived and murmured something about third time’s the charm but he sounded genuinely pleased for him. He seemed fine with them commandeering his home for the evening (or was just used to it by now). 
Nancy had brought along party hats and balloons and streamers (again as promised. They looked like something from a kid’s birthday party and Eddie beamed - especially when she strong-armed Jonathan into wearing a pointy hat). 
They decorated everything tastefully at first, but after some wine coolers Nancy and Robin became more confident with their artistic abilities and the garden soon turned into a mess of white and red streamers and balloons.
Chuckling, Eddie settled back onto one of the pool loungers and cracked open the lid of his fancy beer feeling pretty good. Steve passed him a burger with all the trimmings and Max put Kate Bush on the stereo. 
(Dustin had heard about the gold stickers from Chrissy and brought along a sheet as a gag gift. Eddie was now sporting a star on either cheek. Jeff had them stuck all over his face. They were currently paying a silent game of who could pin the most on Steve without him noticing.)
It was chaos and Eddie loved it. They were all such weirdos.
They talked about everything and nothing for a while when he noticed Lucas and Max holding hands. They were dating again and it seemed to be going well. 
But seeing that made him think about Chrissy who was at that exact moment in time (he checked Nancy’s watch to be sure) sitting in a dark movie theater with her date, watching a scary film. Chrissy was terrible with horror films - she’d had to hide behind his hands when Will put on Friday the 13th - so it was a cunning move on Andrew’s part if he wanted an excuse to get close to her. Plenty of chances to hold her hand, tuck her close to his side, maybe even wrap his arm around her shoulders if he was feeling brave. 
Was she holding his hand right now? Were they sharing a soda with just one straw? 
He didn’t know Andrew nor did he want to give Robin the satisfaction of asking. Was he another Carver with big shoulders and perfect smooth blond hair? 
Eddie seriously needed a joint and Jonathan joined him down the street to smoke. It helped a bit.  
It was nearly 8pm when he finally heard a car pull up and the passenger door slam shut. They all looked round as Chrissy opened the side gate and stepped through to the garden. It was getting dark (though Steve had rigged up some electric lights), and they were still hanging out in the garden drinking and playing silly games. 
Chrissy gave them all a big wave and smiled brightly. She was thankfully alone. 
They beckoned her over (Nancy rushed up to give her a hug) and Eddie noticed no one asked where she’d been which meant they all knew about the date. He noticed Dustin and Steve glancing at him to gauge his reaction. 
Chrissy snagged a wine cooler from the icebox and plopped down in the spare spot beside Eddie. She wasn’t dressed up exactly but she’d made a noticeable effort to style her hair and put on a blue sundress that Eddie had once said was pretty. She was wearing a new perfume too. 
“Hey guys. What’s with all the streamers? Steve, why do you have stickers all over your ass?” She giggled. 
“Goddamn it.” 
“We like to party in style, Cunningham,” Eddie smiled in greeting. Jonathan had two party hats on his head now and was putting on some Dio. Finally. Jeff and Gareth let out a cheer. “Drink up, you’ve got some catching up to do. Wheeler was just explaining why there’s no bouncy castle.” 
Nancy spluttered something about not being kids anymore which was Robin’s cue to then suggest strip poker which everyone shut down. Steve offered to play normal poker and she accepted it grudgingly. 
The freshmen were ready to head off anyway and Robin went to the kitchen for more beers. 
“I still don’t know how to play,” Chrissy whispered to him. 
“Stick with me kid, you can be on my team,” he said conspiringly. “Only don’t blurt out what cards we have like last time, ‘kay?” 
Chrissy grinned and she nudged her leg against his. “Sorry I’m late. I’m really proud of you for today, Eddie. Now we can graduate together!” 
Eddie nudged her back. 
He very deliberately didn’t ask about her evening nor did she bring it up either, though Nancy apparently cornered her later on for a full breakdown. Eddie had just decided that he was at peace with things and didn’t need to know any details (the date was over, right? And she seemed happy to be here with him) when he walked in on Nancy and Robin discussing it in the kitchen while fetching ice. 
Nancy noticed him right away and raised her voice so that he could hear too. 
“...she said Andrew took himself way too seriously. Said it was like being with Jason all over again. Apparently he kept going on about all the writing awards he’d won and it came off as serious bragging, and he’s got his whole life planned out where he’s going to be this famous writer. You know Chrissy, she’s way too polite to shut that shit down, but she’s after fun, right? Who needs all that heavy stuff on a first date? She said it was like being interviewed for a job.” 
“Ugh. Way too much male ego,” Robin cringed. “Guess there’s not gonna be a date two for Andrew?”
“I doubt it, but she said it’s not put her off dating. Let’s hope the next guy shows her a better time.” 
Nancy was very pointedly looking at him now. 
He rolled his eyes and went back through to the other room where they were still playing poker. Robin was winning but Eddie and Chrissy were coming a close second (all Eddie’s doing - Chrissy, bless her, couldn’t bluff at all). Jonathan was staring at his cards as though he could magically change them with mere force of will...though maybe he was too stoned to see clearly.  
Eddie sat down on his seat and took a very large gulp of his fancy beer. 
Chrissy was leaning across the table to look at their cards and kept whispering questions in his ear, so he wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her over so she could perch on his lap instead. Her perfume smelled like strawberries and vanilla and he took a deep breath. 
“Sit tight and buckle in, sweetness. We’re gonna win.” 
(they didn’t, but they were having too much fun to care)
Though poor Andrew didn’t get another date, Chrissy soon found herself another one. It seemed that word had traveled to all the bachelors of Hawkins High that the Queen Bee herself was open to dating (and her bonehead ex was safely out of the picture). So it fell to the brave and brightest knights to try for her hand.
This time it was a guy from the Photography club. Jonathan gave him the all clear when Chrissy probed. 
“He’s called James,” Chrissy revealed at lunch. She was picking at her sandwich. “He was very sweet actually - he wrote me a little note saying how he’d always had a soft spot for me from afar. We’re going to park up by the lake and go for a hike this weekend.”
Lover’s Lake. 
“A hike on a first date?” Nancy raised an eyebrow. “It’s not exactly traditional…”
Jonathan shrugged beside her. “I think it’s nice. Plenty of time and space to talk in private and get to know each other. He’s a quiet guy.” 
He promised to take Nancy on a hike and she softened like melted butter. 
“I think he’s going to bring his camera actually - he said he would show me how it works and then maybe we could develop the photos together too.” 
“All alone in the darkroom,” Robin sniggered. “This James seems to have it all figured out, I’m half impressed. What are you gonna wear, Chriss?” 
“Oh! I guess my workout gear? Or would that be too casual? Maybe I should wear some shorts? I can’t exactly wear a dress if we’re hiking.” 
“Wear those tiny black shorts you’ve got. That’ll give him something to photograph.” 
Chrissy blushed to the very roots of her hair but Eddie noticed she didn’t say no. 
Eddie kept silent throughout and focused on his own lunch. 
Unlike Andrew, Eddie actually knew James and had even sold him weed before. James was very different from Jason's all-American vibe; tall, dark hair (that always looked perfectly tousled), and a serious (but sensitive) expression on his face. He could often be found with a camera slung around his neck wearing the kind of shabby clothes girls seemed to feel were cool and artistic. 
Eddie sat behind him in class Friday afternoon and tried hard not to glare daggers into his back. Was he thinking about the weekend instead of whatever war the teacher was droning on about? He would be. 
To Eddie’s utter dismay James actually turned around when the bell went and gave Eddie a tight smile. 
“Hey Munson, you know Chrissy Cunningham, right? You’re friends?” 
“Well I’m taking her out this weekend, maybe she told you? But I’m kind of freaking out a bit…I mean…it’s her, you know? I thought maybe I should buy some flowers and surprise her? Do you know what she likes?”
A diabolical part of Eddie wanted to mess with him but he managed to keep his cool. This was for Chrissy, after all, and he wanted her to have a nice time.
“Get her Chrysanthemums,” he said, getting to his feet. “And make her laugh, alright?” 
That whole weekend Eddie tried to keep busy. He cleaned his entire bedroom, gave the kitchen a scrub, even mowed the patch of grass out front. Wayne didn’t say a word though he pressed a hand to Eddie’s forehead to make sure he wasn’t feeling sick. Eddie tried to practice his guitar but found his concentration was all over the place. 
He thought seriously about taking a long drive (maybe towards Reefer Rick’s and a certain lake nearby) but tossed the idea aside. 
When he got to school Monday, he wanted to just head to class and forget all about the weekend - though at the same time he desperately wanted to hear every detail too. It had been a gloriously sunny weekend (perfect for stomping around nature) and the lake had probably looked picture perfect. Did they have fun? Joke? Did Chrissy wear those tiny black shorts that cupped her ass so perfectly? Most importantly… did Chrissy have a nice time?
It was Jonathan who finally took pity on him. They were sharing a smoke out in the woods before lunch period. 
“Go on…hit me with it,” Eddie breathed out long and hard. 
Best to get a heads up now before lunch with everyone’s curious eyes flickering to him to assess his reaction. 
Jonathan watched him carefully as he spoke. 
“...Chrissy called Nance up last night on the phone. Said the hike was nice but really awkward. Apparently James turned up with roses which she hates and barely said a word the whole time. She figured it was just nerves and tried hard to fill in the blanks - you know how nice she can be - but he wouldn’t take the hint.”
That Jonathan was saying that, when he was a pretty awkward guy himself, must have meant it was truly bad. 
“I guess you and Nancy won’t have to share the darkroom.”
Jonathan coughed and blushed but rather tellingly didn’t say a word. 
Eddie couldn’t help but feel pleased that it was a dud even though Chrissy looked pretty disappointed when she spoke about it at lunch. She told them how beautiful the lake was but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t coax much out of James which was frankly bizarre because even Mr Wheeler had warmed up to Chrissy. If she was a D&D character she would have critically high charisma stats.  
Eddie noticed that after Chrissy finished talking she didn’t touch her lunch. Her fingers tore up the sandwich into little scraps while their friends tore into James, oblivious. 
He could almost see the cogs of her brain turning. Hear the anxious little thoughts gnawing away at her confidence. 
Screw that. 
So of course Eddie interrupted and started talking about the time Jeff got so high at Rick’s place that he jumped into the lake fully clothed, forgetting that he couldn’t in fact swim. It had taken both Grant and Eddie to fish him out because he wanted to stay in and make friends with the ‘fishes’. He mimed it out at the lunch table, hamming it up to the max, and making Jeff’s blazed expression even more cartoonish. Jeff himself sat at the table and laughed along with the others at the performance, taking it in his stride. 
Eddie watched as Chrissy picked up her lunch and began to eat. She sniggered along with everyone else when Eddie pretended to be Jeff falling asleep in the bathtub (when they finally dragged him back to the house to hose down). 
She even munched on the chocolate muffin he threw at her. 
He felt his chest relax.
Chrissy was a popular girl and so the date offers naturally kept coming, and Chrissy bravely didn’t let the last attempts put her off. She wanted to try dating and reasoned surely the next one would be better? 
And it was. 
This time it was with another jock from the basketball team who Lucas was friendly with. He was called Christopher and apparently didn’t care about stepping on Jason’s toes one bit if it meant landing a date with Chrissy. Even Eddie had to admire the bold move. 
(and yes Chrissy laughed when Dustin pointed out the inevitable dilemma should someone call out ‘Chris/Chriss!')
Christopher was a jock but Lucas promised Chrissy he was one of the good ones and she accepted his offer to go to the town fair that weekend. Christopher had the typical athletes frame and swagger, but the smile he gave Chrissy by her locker seemed sincere. 
Eddie didn’t even need to get the lowdown from Lucas that Monday because he went to the fair himself along with the others. He was having a pretty good evening eating cotton candy and scaring Steve in the Haunted House, when he spied Chrissy and Christopher lining up for the ferris wheel. 
Keen to be a gent, Christopher was maintaining a decent amount of distance between them but when it was their turn to step on the ride, Christopher placed a hand on her lower back to help her up and they sat snuggly together in the small car. There was something intimate about the way their bodies were pushed together and they whispered back and forth. 
He saw Chrissy tip her head back in laughter and felt a knot in his stomach. Eddie really fucking tried not to stare. He truly did. 
That Monday Chrissy told them the date went well and Christopher had walked her home after, even impressing the dragon that was her mother when she spotted his letterman jacket. That bothered Eddie more than anything else, honestly, especially when he glanced down at his ripped jeans and scuffed boots. Her mom was such a damn cliche. 
Eddie had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. 
“...But I’m not sure there’s going to be a date two,” Chrissy said, nonchalantly sipping her water. “We both like sports but we don’t have much else in common, and I don’t know how I feel about dating another athlete…no offense Lucas...but it’s a lot of pressure. Plus the smug look on my mom’s face kinda turned me off. The last thing I want is for her to think I’m trying to crawl back into her good books by dating someone like Jason.” 
“But it went well?” Nancy pressed. “You had fun?”
Chrissy smiled. “Yeah I did…I think we can chalk that up to one successful date so far.” 
Then came David from the swim team. He had a BMW but was more interested in looking at his reflection than looking at her. 
Then came Joshua from band. Chrissy called him sweet but way too handsy. 
(Eddie felt his jaw clench, what did she mean by handsy? He was saved by Nancy who offered to find her guns…hard to say if she was serious or not)
Annnnnnd then along came John. 
John picked up weekend shifts at Family Video and asked her if she wanted to grab a milkshake after school. He seemed confident and cool and Steve told her he was saving up to take a year off before college and do some enlightened soul searching. Chrissy and Nancy made impressed ‘oooo’ noises when Steve explained that meant backpacking around Asia.
“I’ve never thought about traveling,” Chrissy said. “I think I’d like to, you know. California, Paris, maybe Rome? Wouldn’t that be so romantic? Or maybe go to England and see all the castles and lakes. I don’t wanna’ be stuck in the midwest forever.”
So they went out and had milkshakes. It was all so cute and twee. He knew Chrissy would probably pick strawberry, her favorite. 
The next morning Robin pounced on him as soon as he parked up his van. 
“So Chrissy rang me last night after John dropped her home on his motorcycle,” she greeted. 
“Be still my beating heart. How punk rock.” 
“The date went seriously well, Eddie. Chrissy’s made up. She was gushing about how interesting he was and how dreamy his eyes were. She reckons they’re the same colour as the sky...”
“Don’t you think it’s a bit early in the day for kicking a man when he’s down?” he grumbled, slamming the car door with more force than was strictly necessary. 
“They kissed.”
Honestly, that alone felt like a fucking bullet to Eddie’s chest and his face might’ve betrayed this for a fraction of a second before he pulled on his best DM mask. Instead he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He tried to look as cool as a cucumber though his thoughts were racing. Maybe it was only a polite peck on the cheek and Robin was just winding him up? Goddamn, had she worn her bubblegum lipgloss? Were tongues involved?
“And you’re telling me that delightful piece of gossip because…?” 
“Because she had a nice time! For all we know there could be a date two,” Robin explained, exasperated. “This is getting out of hand now, Munson.”
“Who Chrissy dates or… kisses…is none of my business, Buckley. I told you, there’s nothing between me and Chrissy. We’re just friends.”
“Look, I saw you at the fair looking fucking devastated when you saw her cuddling with that Christopher guy. What if she sees John again and this time they do more than kiss…what if they have sex?”
“What? You gunna’ be fine hearing all about that?”
“...it’s not…” he groaned. “I can’t have this conversation. Seriously.” 
He tried walking away but she clung onto his arm. 
Eddie looked back and was struck by how serious Robin looked.
His voice cracked a little as he said, “...they really kissed? She said that?”
Eddie groaned and rubbed a hand over his eyes. The idea of Chrissy doing that did bother him. It bothered him more than he could’ve ever imagined. He knew he had no right to feel jealous but it crept over him like a wave. Everything he’d said to Robin before all this dating mess was still true - he still believed Chrissy was out of his league, that she deserved better - but hell, he hadn’t even tried. He’d given up at the first hurdle and she was slipping away. He was such a damn coward. 
He thought about the last few weeks, about how desperately he wanted to be the one to take her out for milkshakes and hold her hand on the carnival rides. More than that…he wanted to be the guy to make her giggle and smile and feel happy.
But...didn't he do that?
Something twisted in his chest and he suddenly realized he was that guy. Had been all along. Didn’t she light up like a star whenever he hugged her or clowned around just to cheer her up?
She always looked at him like he was the only other person in the world. They were the perfect team, totally in sync.
Chrissy was his goddamn dream girl.
What the fuck was he doing?
“I don’t believe for one minute you’ve given up on her…” Robin said. 
Eddie sighed. “I’m such an idiot.” 
“Is it too late, d’you think? Is she into John?”
“She’s into you more. Always has been.”
“What if…”
What if she didn’t feel that way anymore? What if she wanted to date John and go traveling? He had a motorbike and all Eddie had was a beat up van. What if? What if? What if?
Robin picked up on his panic and she offered him a shaky smile.
“Let me give you a piece of advice, loser to loser. If you want a chance with Chrissy Cunningham you’d better step the fuck up and ask her out now, because honestly? I think you’d be really perfect together. She’s been looking for you all this time, bonehead.”
Eddie huffed a laugh into the collar of his jacket and knew he was blushing. 
He clapped Robin on the shoulder. She was a pretty good friend, even if she was annoying as shit. 
“Now go get your princess!”
Eddie didn’t go to Chrissy right away. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it right. He didn’t want to be one of the other guys who casually held her back after class or slipped a note in her locker asking if she wanted a date. He was Eddie. Her Eddie. 
And Eddie’s pesky brain had a tendency to go into overdrive. 
So that weekend he drove like a wildcat to the ‘nice side’ of Hawkins. He didn’t dare knock at her front door wearing a suit and tie as he was pretty certain her mom would call the cops. Instead he parked his shitty van down the street and approached by foot. Her home looked exactly like a showhouse from the cover of Better Homes and Gardens magazine; pristine, tidy, unnerving. Even the grass was mowed in perfect lines. 
It was a reflection of Chrissy from before. Like ivy, it threatened to strangle her. 
Eddie would rather take his crappy trailer anyday. 
(so would Chrissy. She said she felt more at home in the Munson homestead than she ever had at her childhood home. It kind of sucked that she felt that way…even though it made Eddie’s stomach twist into knots). 
It started to rain (obviously) as he approached the house and carefully climbed the trellis. 
The rain made the wood slippery. It wasn’t the first time he'd scaled the side of her house, but it was the first time he’d done so carrying a heavy rucksack over his shoulder. He hoped the trellis would hold the weight okay. It would be just his luck to come crashing down into Mr Cunningham’s award winning rose bushes and alert the entire neighborhood. 
He knocked smartly at her window. 
“Eddie!” Chrissy hurriedly opened the window. Her expression was one of total shock. “What are you doing, you weirdo? You’re totally soaked!”
She was wearing a fluffy pink bathrobe and slippers. She looked as sweet as cotton candy. 
She was tugging him inside and he landed on the carpet with a soft thump. They waited for a second to see if the noise would summon her demon of a mother, but all remained quiet. She grinned at him like they were co-conspirators of a jewel heist. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked again.
She’d clearly just stepped out the shower. A neatly ironed outfit was spread out on the bed behind her and she had the radio on. He vaguely recognised the preppy tones of Cyndi Lauper.
“Clearly just dropping by to see you, Cunningham. Thought that was obvious.” 
Chrissy wrinkled her perfect nose and he had the irresistible urge to bite it. “And you didn’t want to use the door because…?”
She offered him a towel to dry off with and he took it gratefully. His teeth were chattering…from the cold and nerves. Eddie didn’t get nervous often but Chrissy always had this effect on him.  
“I’m making a grand gesture.”
Only then did he open the rucksack. Chrissy watched him silently as he brought out a (crumpled) bouquet of orange and yellow flowers. Then a checked blanket. Then some cutlery and a Tupperware box. Then a few other items to really set the scene. He'd always had a good eye for detail.
He sank to his knees and spread it all out on her bedroom floor. "You're gonna' have to imagine the carpet is grass and there's a babbling brook somewhere."
"It's a picnic. Why are we having a picnic, Eddie?" she knelt down beside him on the blanket. "You made peanut butter and jelly!"
Her favorite snack. She used to have it as a kid before her mom got so fussy and it reminded her of her grandma. He used his lighter to light a candle and placed it carefully between them.
He took a deep breath. It was now or never…
“Are you going to see John again?”
She was clearly not expecting that. She blinked. “I…He mentioned something about meeting up again, yes.” 
“Chriss. Do me a favor?”
He watched as her lovely blue eyes widened in surprise. 
“What do you…”
“Go out with me.”
His heart missed a beat.
“Go on a date with me. We can do whatever you want… a hike or a dinner or movie. Whatever. Just as long as it’s with me. I’ll be real honest… I meant it before when I said you deserve some fun…but it’s been crazy watching you go off on these dates and come back each time goddamn bored or disappointed. You deserve fun, Cunningham… and I’m it. I’m the fun. Come out with me and let me show you a hella' good time.”
He wanted so badly to hide behind the curtain of his hair, but held steady. He’d been practicing that speech for hours - trying so hard to make it sound light and funny - instead of spilling all the lovey dovey stuff that he truly felt. Maybe one day he’d get a chance to say all of that...but... baby steps. 
“What do you say, Chriss?”
And then Chrissy was grinning from ear to ear. She began to giggle which turned into a laugh which turned into happy tears. If he could bottle that fucking amazing smile he would. He found himself grinning back.
“What took you so long, Munson?” she beamed. “I’ve been waiting forever for you.”
They should engrave that on his headstone. No words would ever sound sweeter.
She slipped her hand into his.
“So that’s a yes? You gonna date me?”
“I’m gonna date you,” Chrissy agreed. “I’m gonna date you so hard.”
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moonlit-imagines · 5 months
Headcanons for being Scott and Hope’s child (Hank Jr. Edition)
Scott Lang/Hope van Dyne x child!reader
prompt: anonymous: “Scott and Hope have a baby girl (reader). And everything seems to be fine, but somewhere from the age of five, it becomes clear that the reader is a complete copy of her grandfather Hank Pym, that is: she is incredibly smart, she loves ants (she can talk about them for hours), she also has problems controlling anger (she hit a guy in the face at school for saying that ant-man sucks), thinks that there is no one smarter than her and her grandfather, and she also transferred his sarcastic communication style and views on things and people around, for example, when she first met Tony, she said: "You can never trust Stark."”
Tumblr media
somewhere in the distant future a special kid was born
and that special kid had special parents and special grandparents
and those parents and grandparents were two generations of superheroes who saved countless lives (and, well, the world)
so it was no surprise to them that this next generation would be just as intelligent and caring as the ones before them
*cue a toddler with crayons in class*
“and then my grandpa asked the ants nicely to fly him to a bunch of different places and do all these cool things like move stuff around and like do other stuff” -you rambling on
“do you like anything besides ants?” -your teacher
“no” -you, continuing to draw ants on your paper
hank and janet were quite proud grandparents
and scott and hope, your wonderful amazing parents…couldn’t get enough of it
“honey, what about wasps? wasps are cool, right?” -hope
“no” -you
“she’s spending too much time with my dad” -hope
“well, he’s the only babysitter we’ve got since cassie got that new job” -scott
“oh, you mean our old job? yeah, miss those days where we could go flying around getting into trouble and beating people up” -hope
“well, you promised we’d retire so y/n wouldn’t end up with a childhood like yours” -scott
“y/n’s gonna want to be a superhero when they get older, arent they?” -hope
“let’s not think too far ahead. it might kill me” -scott
scott reads you his biography every night before bed
and you always giggle at the parts where your mom and grandpa bully him
“hey, not funny!” -scott
“so funny” -you
“dont get any ideas” -scott
“daddy, are you gonna get arrested again?” -you
“if i do it’ll be grandpa hank’s fault” -scott
you continued spending time with grandpa hank and grandma janet
and they spoiled the crap out of you
hank…got you an ant farm
“now you’re just being ridiculous, hank” -janet
“what? i’m just having some bonding time with my grandchild! hope never wanted anything to do with me growing up” -hank
once you started getting older, you wanted to hang out in grandpa’s lab allll the time. day and night
your parents hated it
“hey, think this one will suck us all into the quantum realm?” -scott
“it was one time!” -cassie
cassie was at hank and janet’s a lot, too, actually. they always wanted to help her with her suits and gadgets and all that
and make sure she had plenty of pym particles
“you have enough, right? here, take some more, i have plenty” -hank
“grandpa, please, i have more than enough, thank you” -cassie
“can i have some pym particles?” -you
“we can play with them in the backyard next time youre over” -hank
you draw new suit designs for cassie all the time
some of them she actually incorporates into her suits
and as you get older, you try to start designing more tech for her
“y/n is really scaring me” -hope
“why?” -scott
“just watch her and my parents together…they’re the same” -hope
“dear god, what have we done” -scott
“dad, look at this new pym particle powered weapon, i just finished the prototype!” -you
“okay, now i’m mad because where was this when i needed it!” -scott
“fifteen to twenty years too late” -hope
“we should have gotten together sooner” -scott
“i disagree” -hope
“wow, not even a pity agreement” -scott
asking your parents if they’ll get back into crime fighting
they said no
asking if you can get into crime fighting
they said no again
so you just kinda stockpiled all your ideas
and did everything you could to further your grandpa’s work
and help your sister
and keep your parents’ minds at ease (doesn’t really work)
and maybe one day you’ll be able to ride those ants and kick some ass like you always dreamed
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 //
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cupidjyu · 1 year
can you do a reaction to how the boyz members would react to another member flirting with their s/o? <33
jealousy, jealousy
(maknae line) when they get jealous over another member
genre: jealousy (ofc), pouty... men, fluff, idk they're just grumpy notes: i kinda changed the prompt because i felt kinda awkward writing another member flirting with a taken person LMAO so, lets say that what they do is completely unintentional ~ sorry anon, i hope you can understand &lt;3 word count: 1.3k
You always knew that Younghoon liked this particular type of bread, the one with chocolate cream inside. It was often hard to find so you always heard him complain. But, on your way back from work, you caught sight of it.
You bought a few, two for Younghoon and three for your boyfriend, Haknyeon. Fortunately, when you arrived at his dorm, Younghoon was there.
“Look what I got?” You held up your bag with a bright smile. Younghoon gasped and he jumped up.
“Is it–”
You nodded and Younghoon was rambling with joy. Haknyeon quickly noticed what was going on so he put down his computer. He watched silently as Younghoon gave you a tight hug.
“Thank you so much, you don’t know how much I’ve craved for this.” Younghoon laughed before pulling away, his hands resting on your shoulders. “You’re amazing, Y/n.”
You started to take the bread out and Younghoon immediately took it and bit into it. 
He looked up at you with bright eyes. “This is so good… I…” He trailed off, suddenly looking behind you. You stared back confused as he winced. “There’s someone…” He pointed behind you awkwardly.
You were about to turn around but then felt warm arms snake around your waist from behind. You inhaled sharply.
“Haknyeonie?” You glanced behind. Except, he wasn’t looking at you. Instead, he was glaring grumpily at Younghoon. The older man only muffled a laugh and took the bread into another room, giving you some privacy.
“What’s the matter?” You laughed.
“You got bread for him but not me? And look how he hugged you…” He grumbled, pouting adorably. You giggled and reached back into the bag to hand one to him.
“What do you mean? I got extra for you.” You pinched his nose, causing him to blush.
“Oh, I…” He whined. “I didn’t know, sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You smiled fondly. “You’re cute actually.”
He whined even louder.
“Mind if we share?” You gestured to the bread now in his hand. He nodded excitedly, all happy again as you led him to sit on the stools.
“Of course.” He winked cheekily, making you giggle. He broke off a piece and imitated an airplane, much to your disapproval. “Say ahhhh–”
“Haknyeon,” You deadpanned with a glare. “I’m not a baby.”
He huffed. “You’re my baby.”
“Oh,” You breathed out. Then you shrugged, pressing a quick peck to his lips. “Okay, that works too.”
It all started when you were having a perfectly normal movie night. The theme was superhero movies and since Juyeon avidly enjoyed them, he had joined the two of you. Additionally, it was Sunwoo who had even invited him. But now, he regretted it.
Sunwoo knew that Juyeon was quite an affectionate person. But, it was different when it was specifically with you. Little did he know, that Juyeon simply had a sibling fondness for you. Every time you would point out a detail in the movie, he would always pat your head and smile.
“Hey, what if she actually is the enemy and she’s just faking being nice?” You asked, wondering.
Sunwoo spoke up, turning to you, “I think so too–”
But then he was interrupted by Juyeon.
“I knew I was right.” You simpered, proudly. And again, Sunwoo noticed that Juyeon was smiling down at you so, so sweetly. 
Throughout the movie, you felt your boyfriend try to pull you closer for some reason. The hand around your waist would tighten, almost protectively. Though, you didn’t mind, as you easily rested your head on his chest. 
After the movie, Juyeon had left and Sunwoo was sitting in bed. He was hugging a pillow to his chest as he watched you bustle around. When you finished, you turned around and almost cooed. Sunwoo looked so cute, with his pouty lips and sad, puppy-like eyes.
“Sunwoo, everything okay?”
“You’re lying.” You raised an eyebrow. He stayed silent, stubbornly staring back. But then, he groaned, frustrated as he fell face first on the bed. He kicked his legs, grumpily causing you to giggle.
“Ah, I shouldn’t have invited him…”
You sat next to him and patted his back. “And why’s that?”
“All he does is smile at you so fondly. It should only be me doing that!” He sat up again with a huff. His hair was adorably messy and tousled. You stared at him in shock before breaking out into a wide smile.
“Maybe he just likes me as a friend, you know? No need to be jealous.”
“But still…” He whined. You laughed and ran your hands through his messy hair. He immediately grew quiet at that and looked up at you with round eyes.
“Did you just– pet me?”
You nodded.
“Oh.” He blushed. “I–It felt nice.”
“Does it?” You began to comb your fingers all through his hair. He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch. “You know, you’re like a pouty puppy when you’re jealous.”
“Is that why you petted my hair?” He glared at you.
He groaned and hid his face in a pillow. But, when he noticed that you had stopped petting his hair, he shyly looked up at you with pleading eyes.
“Can you… continue?”
The two of you were simply trying to figure out how to cook breakfast. But, since you had just woken up, you and your boyfriend were lazily yawning and fumbling around.
“Pancakes? I have no idea how to make those either,” He mumbled, sleepily. His hair was all messy and tangled, like a puppy in need of grooming.
You laughed and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. And in both of your guys’ daze, you bumped into each other.
“Ow.” You rubbed your head.
“Sorry!” He pouted. He took your cheeks in his hands, gently inspecting you. You only laughed and stared back. Then, he leaned in to kiss you on the lips.
“Lovebirds,” A voice called out from behind. You separated with flushed cheeks. Sangyeon was leaning against the wall with an amused smile. “Are you trying to cook?”
“Yeah, and we can’t figure it out…” Eric huffed.
“I’ll show you. Pancakes? I can teach you how to flip them if you want.” The older man offered with a kind smile. You nodded, excitedly.
Eric slumped over the counter, too tired to care. Soon enough though, he woke up when he heard your laugh. The one that was genuine and that he thought was the most beautiful. He looked up and frowned at the sight.
Sangyeon was standing behind you, his arm looped around you to demonstrate how to flip the pancake.
“Oh, I finally did it,” You breathed out.
“You did amazing.” Sangyeon smiled, looking you straight in the eye. You were about to reply but then you heard a loud noise from behind. You turned around and it seemed that Eric had cleared his throat loudly. He was looking you straight in the eye, his head tilted as he raised an eyebrow, attractively.
Immediately, you knew. So, you looked back to Sangyeon. “If you don’t mind… can I practice on my own?”
“Of course,” He replied and he walked out. Then, you put your hand on your hip and faced Eric with a tired expression.
“Are you jealous already?”
He whined, blushing. “Look how he was touching you! He was definitely flirting.”
“He’s teaching me how to flip pancakes.”
“Same thing!” He grumbled. “But fine, if you say so…” And he refused to look you in the eye, as he frowned grumpily. Your eyes softened.
“Baby.” You took his hand in yours and made him face you. “You know that I only love you, right?”
“Yeah?” He looked at you hopefully, leaning over the counter.
“That’s good then.” He nodded. “So if I… do this, you would still love me?”
“Do wha–”
He suddenly tacked you and pressed kisses all over your cheeks, making you smile and laugh.
“Ah, wait, let me flip my pancake.”
“No, you’re mine for now.”
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