#fluff and love and friendship
ymaohoh · 4 months
'Dating Chrissy' - Hellcheer Fic - Oneshot
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'It seemed that word had traveled to all the bachelors of Hawkins High that the Queen Bee herself was open to dating (and her bonehead ex was safely out of the picture). So it fell to the brave and brightest knights to try for her hand.' Chrissy's single and Nancy encourages her to try dating. Eddie's not so thrilled. Eventual happy ending and post-Vecna. Also on Archive.
Eddie cupped his hands together and yelled… “Cunningham! C’mere. You’re a goddamn genius!”
The entire hallway seemed to freeze and then turn as one to peer at the head cheerleader who was trying (and failing) not to giggle. She was scooping out books from her locker with a very bemused looking Robin Buckley waiting beside her. Both of them were well used to Eddie’s dramatics. 
Chrissy grinned. “Yeah? No duh, Munson. Tell me something I don’t know.” 
Eddie was beaming from ear to ear as he strode towards her, weaving round the surprised students like he didn’t even notice or care about the stares. That Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham were friends was old news by now and so were the rumors about devil worship and black magic and so forth. No, for some explicable reason Chrissy seemed to enjoy The Freak’s company and their peers moved onto the next boiling pot of hot gossip. 
They didn’t know that the perfect and angelic looking Chrissy was a glorified freak at heart too.
(and boy how she’d squealed when Eddie first pointed it out, after stumbling across her trying to headbang - adorably - to his mix tape. She’d swatted his arm and said ‘Eddie!’ in such a breathy happy voice that it became a badge of honor now. Big bad scary Eddie had softened like cookie dough at the mere sight). 
More importantly perhaps, the other students at Hawkins High didn’t know about spring break or how the pair teamed up with other loveable misfits (‘The Party,’ Henderson dubbed them) to save the world like freakin’ superheroes. 
Chrissy had nearly died that evening in Eddie’s trailer and that was a decent enough ice breaker, all things considered. Ever since then they’d sort of been thrown together - the loser junkie and Queen Bee - and it turned out they made an excellent duo. Chrissy brought the brains and the brawn, and Eddie had a smart mouth and wheels. 
That kind of thing formed friendships, you know? As did carrying around the secret of Vecna all these weeks later because it was supposed to be kept totally hush hush. 
Annoyingly the government suits thanked them all most profusely and patched up their wounds - but their thanks didn’t extend to canceling finals or handing out honorary diplomas. Which meant the older kids still had to knuckle down and study. 
So all in all, things were looking pretty swell for Eddie right now. 
He presented his latest Math test like it was the holy grail itself, spun from solid gold. 
“B plus, baby, which means…drumroll please, Buckley…” he grinned as Robin dutifully taped her knuckles against the locker. “...I’ve passed O'Donnell’s class! The school’s gonna have no choice but let me graduate in green this summer, so long as I keep my head down and play nice. This dumbass you see before you is going to finally graduate. I fucking knew 1986 was going to be my year!” 
Chrissy gave a loud whoop and bounced on the tips of her sneakers. She looked like she wanted to launch into a whole new cheer routine just for him. 
“Eddie! That’s amazing news! I’m so proud of you!”
Eddie laughed and swung his arms around her waist before picking her up and spinning them around in circles. Chrissy giggled against his chest and didn’t seem to mind even though they were causing a small spectacle (Eddie didn’t give a shit but Chrissy could sometimes get blushy and pink if people paid her too much attention). In the distance, somewhere, Eddie heard Robin offer her own congratulations and pat him on the back. 
“Knew you could do it, Eddie!” Chrissy was saying. "I just knew it."
He set her down and jammed the test safely into his backpack. He couldn’t wait to show it to Wayne. Though his uncle never scolded him for his piss poor efforts with school before, he held out hope Eddie might someday find the motivation to straighten up and apply himself. 
(the government did fork out a tidy sum of cash in exchange for their silence and Wayne right away set up a college fund for Eddie (while he lay unconscious, being sewn back together like Frankenstein's monster). There was enough left over for Eddie to buy a brand new van and amp for his guitar which cheered him up). 
Maybe Eddie would actually get to use that fund now. 
“Nah, it’s all down to you, sweetness. Couldn’t have done it without your expert tutorage. Gonna buy you some candy or a big bunch of flowers to say thanks. What’s your poison? Roses? Want some wildflowers, Chriss? Or what about…what are they called? Chrysanthemums, like your name. I’ll fill your bedroom with them.” 
When she first offered her help, he’d not been optimistic honestly. A dumbass is a dumbass, right? But hell, Chrissy was a wonderful study buddy and again they proved they made an excellent team. He thought about all those late nights together studying old test papers, the cute revision cards she made with her pink and purple gel pens, the study timetable she decorated with stickers. Turns out Eddie’s a sucker for a gold shiny star sticker...especially when Chrissy herself pressed it to the tip of his nose.
O'Donnell should seriously take notes.
Chrissy swiped her hand against his arm playfully and gave it a squeeze. “Eddie, you’re sweet, but you don’t need to do that. You worked really hard and earned this fair and square. We talked about it... the answers were already there in your brain - just whizzing around like bats. You just needed help focusing and writing it all down.”
“We should celebrate!” Robin suddenly interjected. Eddie and Chrissy both seemed to jump, as though they’d forgotten she was a part of the conversation. “This definitely feels like something we should celebrate with cliche party hats and balloons. How about Saturday night at Steve’s place? We’ve got the night off work and I know his calendar... he’s got like zero plans.”
The bell rang so Chrissy shouldered her heavy backpack and they began to walk towards the lunch hall. 
Feeling a bit guilty for leaving her out, Eddie flashed Robin a huge grin and said that sounded great. They began to talk about logistics, invites, playlists, and Robin promised to bring along a pack of her dad's fancy imported beers if Eddie swore not to play any Black Sabbath. 
“As long as you don’t force me in the pool again, I’m sweet, ‘cause these glorious curls can’t handle it. And I’m not playing strip poker with you again because you clearly cheated last time and Steve nearly had a stroke,” Eddie chuckled. He noticed Chrissy was a bit quiet and gently bumped her shoulder. “How about it, Cunningham? Party this weekend at Harrington’s mansion? It’s time I finally showed you how to hangbang like a true rockstar.” 
Chrissy bit her lower lip. 
On hindsight Eddie should’ve known that things were going just too well for him. He was due a cosmic kick between the legs.
Chrissy began to speak and three things happened to Eddie all at once. His legs forgot how to function so he missed a step, his stomach heaved like he was going to seriously throw up, and it felt like some devilish spirit had just tipped an ice cold bucket of water over his head. It wasn't pretty.
“I…I’ll be there, Eddie, of course…but I might be a little late,” she said slowly. “I’ve got a…well… a date. You know Andrew from English class, Robin? Well he asked me if I wanted to see that new horror film this Saturday and I kinda' said yes. It’ll be rude to rearrange last minute, but it’s an early showing so maybe I can ask him to drop me off at Steve’s place after? You think he’ll mind?”
Eddie was vaguely aware of Robin saying something like oh wow. That’ll be fun, Chrissy. I’m sure Andrew won’t mind dropping you off afterwards. I thought you hated horror films or did he suggest it so he could play the ‘oh she’s scared so I’ll hold her hand’ move? Guys are seriously stupid. Is this your first date since…you know…?
Chrissy nodded.
“Since Jason? Yeah. I know it’s only been a month... but Nancy knows Andrew from the school newspaper and says he’s a real great guy. She thinks I should…what did she call it? ‘Put myself out there’…and try dating again. I got with Jason when we were freshman, you know, and it all happened so fast. He gave me his letterman jacket and we went out for milkshakes …and then we were suddenly boyfriend and girlfriend. He’s the only guy I’ve seriously dated…which I guess sets a pretty low bar,”  she added with a blush. 
It hardly needed saying but none of Chrissy’s new friends liked her stick-up-the-ass ex-boyfriend Jason Carver. Since the first day he’d been an absolute boor about Chrissy helping the party fight Vecna and threw his weight around when he felt ignored or sidelined (which he usually was). 
Chrissy admitted they’d been on the rocks for ages and his speech at the pep rally was when she knew for certain it was truly over. She’d just…outgrown him. 
And now she was talking about dating again. 
Eddie noticed that her hand closest to him was twitching and she was gnawing at her lip so hard it was in danger of being chewed right off. He suddenly felt like the world’s biggest jackass when she clearly needed a friend right now. 
Sighing inwardly, he took a deep breath. He tried to look supportive just like Robin. “You know what? I think that sounds great.”
Chrissy and Robin both looked up at him.
Chrissy’s baby blue eyes seemed to widen. “Oh Eddie, I’m being so selfish. If you want me to cancel, of course I will. It’s amazing news and I do want to celebrate with you. Honestly…do you want me to take a rain check?”
“No no, it’s fine. I’ll see you afterwards anyway, right? We can hang out then. You should go on the date, Chriss. Honestly.” 
“Abso-fucking-lutely. It’ll be good for you to…put yourself out there. Nancy's right.”
“Oh. Okay…if you’re sure."
“Totally sure. Fly your freaky flag, Cunningham.”
He even pumped his fist into the air for good measure.
Chrissy smiled and then excused herself to go to the bathroom. 
Eddie and Robin waited outside and Robin peered across at him. She was wearing such a painfully exasperated expression that Eddie couldn’t ignore it…though it would serve her right if he did. He sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair before speaking, knowing full well where this conversation was heading. 
He’d had similar awkward chats with Nancy and Steve and Dustin which usually resulted in a lot of eye rolling (and name calling). 
“You look like an owl.”
“I’m just flabbergasted, Munson. Truly flabbergasted.” 
“Right…go ahead and spit it out before you explode.” 
“The wonderfully beautiful and amazing Chrissy Cunningham, who is honestly too good for the likes of any of us really, just asked if you were sure she should date…and you responded with…and I quote… let your ‘freaky flag fly’. You know that was the exact moment in chick flicks where the romantic hero finally admits their true feelings, and they both swoon and kiss face. It was the perfect setup…”
“Buckley…I swear to god...” 
“You’ve been making gooey eyes at Chrissy since day one, Munson, and now she’s ditched dickhead Carver and ready to move on…and you give her your blessing? Really? You’re seriously okay with the idea of her dating Andrew and holding hands and smooching and…”
The hallway was pretty busy and although Robin was using her inside voice, Eddie was still nervous about being overheard especially with her throwing around words like swoon and smooch. And also yeah…he wasn’t totally over the moon with picturing Chrissy doing any of that stuff with whoever the hell this Andrew was. 
“What exactly am I supposed to say?” he shrugged. He crossed his arms like a shield.
"You could start with being honest."
“Fine...here's the shitty truth. Did I think that maybe there was something between me and Chriss when everything went down with Vecna? Sure, yeah. I’d freak out when she flirted back or hugged me…but clearly I was wrong or misread things, and she only sees me as a friend. Which is fine, by the way, being her friend is a fucking honor.”
Robin was shaking her head. “Dude, it wasn’t nothing. We all noticed it.”
“Yeah? Look, it doesn’t matter either way. Deep down I knew how this fantasy would play out and I’ve got no expectations. This is reality. She’s going to a good college after summer and she’s so smart she’ll ace it and have this amazing perfect life…and my dumbass will only hold her back. I know how goddamn beautiful and amazing Chrissy is, okay? She’s a fucking angel. But I’m…me… and like you just said, she’s so far out of my league it’s like we’re a different species; she’s some lovely elf and I’m this cave goblin. I get it. In the real world…me and her just don’t make sense. I know it. She knows it. You know it.” 
Shit. He hadn't meant to let it all come pouring out at once. Clearly he'd been bottling up more teenage angst than he knew.
Robin was looking at him now with something akin to surprise and sympathy. She was evidently not expecting this outpour of brutal honesty from him. Sarcasm and jokes maybe, or him telling her to go to hell, but not whatever this was. For all her wise cracks and joking, Robin was annoyingly perceptive.
“Big words for a fantasy nerd. She’s your fairy muse, the princess at the end of the quest. You think you can really let her go?” she asked after a pause. 
“If this really was a dumb movie and I admitted all this stuff…you know what would happen? A big fat nothing. She’d blush and say ‘sorry, Eddie’ and be so crazy kind when she let me down. No swooning or…riding off into the sunset or whatever. Sorry to disappoint.” 
“So what if she has a good time with Andrew? What if they hit it off and sparks fly. You’d be fine seeing that?” 
“Fuck no but I’m still not going to say anything.” 
Eddie cleared his throat. “Look...I wasn’t lying to her. It would be good for her to date someone other than that prick Jason. After everything we’ve been through…she fucking deserves to be happy, you know? Let her be a kid and have some damn fun.”
He’d been so proud when she mustered the confidence to finally dump Jason, and when she stood up to her crappy asshole parents too. She was grabbing life by the horns and who was he to throw a spanner in the works because of feelings? 
Robin sighed. She looked like a deflated balloon.
“You’re a good guy, Eddie,” she said. “But this is going to end in heartbreak.” 
“I’ll handle it. Just stitch me right back up again, right? What’s a few more scars…”
‘Let her have some damn fun.’
He didn’t feel so benevolent when Saturday finally rolled around. 
Eddie arrived at Steve’s that afternoon trying to keep upbeat (the freshmen were coming so they decided to start the celebrations early so they could make their curfews and still have time to par-tay). He found plenty of other things to think about... and Robin came through with the promise of fancy booze as a well done gift.
Steve started up the BBQ and bought some beers and wine coolers with strict instructions to the younger party members they were only allowed one (though Lucas definitely swiped more). He was wearing a jazzy orange apron and still somehow managed to look effortlessly cool flipping burgers. He’d clapped Eddie on the back when he arrived and murmured something about third time’s the charm but he sounded genuinely pleased for him. He seemed fine with them commandeering his home for the evening (or was just used to it by now). 
Nancy had brought along party hats and balloons and streamers (again as promised. They looked like something from a kid’s birthday party and Eddie beamed - especially when she strong-armed Jonathan into wearing a pointy hat). 
They decorated everything tastefully at first, but after some wine coolers Nancy and Robin became more confident with their artistic abilities and the garden soon turned into a mess of white and red streamers and balloons.
Chuckling, Eddie settled back onto one of the pool loungers and cracked open the lid of his fancy beer feeling pretty good. Steve passed him a burger with all the trimmings and Max put Kate Bush on the stereo. 
(Dustin had heard about the gold stickers from Chrissy and brought along a sheet as a gag gift. Eddie was now sporting a star on either cheek. Jeff had them stuck all over his face. They were currently paying a silent game of who could pin the most on Steve without him noticing.)
It was chaos and Eddie loved it. They were all such weirdos.
They talked about everything and nothing for a while when he noticed Lucas and Max holding hands. They were dating again and it seemed to be going well. 
But seeing that made him think about Chrissy who was at that exact moment in time (he checked Nancy’s watch to be sure) sitting in a dark movie theater with her date, watching a scary film. Chrissy was terrible with horror films - she’d had to hide behind his hands when Will put on Friday the 13th - so it was a cunning move on Andrew’s part if he wanted an excuse to get close to her. Plenty of chances to hold her hand, tuck her close to his side, maybe even wrap his arm around her shoulders if he was feeling brave. 
Was she holding his hand right now? Were they sharing a soda with just one straw? 
He didn’t know Andrew nor did he want to give Robin the satisfaction of asking. Was he another Carver with big shoulders and perfect smooth blond hair? 
Eddie seriously needed a joint and Jonathan joined him down the street to smoke. It helped a bit.  
It was nearly 8pm when he finally heard a car pull up and the passenger door slam shut. They all looked round as Chrissy opened the side gate and stepped through to the garden. It was getting dark (though Steve had rigged up some electric lights), and they were still hanging out in the garden drinking and playing silly games. 
Chrissy gave them all a big wave and smiled brightly. She was thankfully alone. 
They beckoned her over (Nancy rushed up to give her a hug) and Eddie noticed no one asked where she’d been which meant they all knew about the date. He noticed Dustin and Steve glancing at him to gauge his reaction. 
Chrissy snagged a wine cooler from the icebox and plopped down in the spare spot beside Eddie. She wasn’t dressed up exactly but she’d made a noticeable effort to style her hair and put on a blue sundress that Eddie had once said was pretty. She was wearing a new perfume too. 
“Hey guys. What’s with all the streamers? Steve, why do you have stickers all over your ass?” She giggled. 
“Goddamn it.” 
“We like to party in style, Cunningham,” Eddie smiled in greeting. Jonathan had two party hats on his head now and was putting on some Dio. Finally. Jeff and Gareth let out a cheer. “Drink up, you’ve got some catching up to do. Wheeler was just explaining why there’s no bouncy castle.” 
Nancy spluttered something about not being kids anymore which was Robin’s cue to then suggest strip poker which everyone shut down. Steve offered to play normal poker and she accepted it grudgingly. 
The freshmen were ready to head off anyway and Robin went to the kitchen for more beers. 
“I still don’t know how to play,” Chrissy whispered to him. 
“Stick with me kid, you can be on my team,” he said conspiringly. “Only don’t blurt out what cards we have like last time, ‘kay?” 
Chrissy grinned and she nudged her leg against his. “Sorry I’m late. I’m really proud of you for today, Eddie. Now we can graduate together!” 
Eddie nudged her back. 
He very deliberately didn’t ask about her evening nor did she bring it up either, though Nancy apparently cornered her later on for a full breakdown. Eddie had just decided that he was at peace with things and didn’t need to know any details (the date was over, right? And she seemed happy to be here with him) when he walked in on Nancy and Robin discussing it in the kitchen while fetching ice. 
Nancy noticed him right away and raised her voice so that he could hear too. 
“...she said Andrew took himself way too seriously. Said it was like being with Jason all over again. Apparently he kept going on about all the writing awards he’d won and it came off as serious bragging, and he’s got his whole life planned out where he’s going to be this famous writer. You know Chrissy, she’s way too polite to shut that shit down, but she’s after fun, right? Who needs all that heavy stuff on a first date? She said it was like being interviewed for a job.” 
“Ugh. Way too much male ego,” Robin cringed. “Guess there’s not gonna be a date two for Andrew?”
“I doubt it, but she said it’s not put her off dating. Let’s hope the next guy shows her a better time.” 
Nancy was very pointedly looking at him now. 
He rolled his eyes and went back through to the other room where they were still playing poker. Robin was winning but Eddie and Chrissy were coming a close second (all Eddie’s doing - Chrissy, bless her, couldn’t bluff at all). Jonathan was staring at his cards as though he could magically change them with mere force of will...though maybe he was too stoned to see clearly.  
Eddie sat down on his seat and took a very large gulp of his fancy beer. 
Chrissy was leaning across the table to look at their cards and kept whispering questions in his ear, so he wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her over so she could perch on his lap instead. Her perfume smelled like strawberries and vanilla and he took a deep breath. 
“Sit tight and buckle in, sweetness. We’re gonna win.” 
(they didn’t, but they were having too much fun to care)
Though poor Andrew didn’t get another date, Chrissy soon found herself another one. It seemed that word had traveled to all the bachelors of Hawkins High that the Queen Bee herself was open to dating (and her bonehead ex was safely out of the picture). So it fell to the brave and brightest knights to try for her hand.
This time it was a guy from the Photography club. Jonathan gave him the all clear when Chrissy probed. 
“He’s called James,” Chrissy revealed at lunch. She was picking at her sandwich. “He was very sweet actually - he wrote me a little note saying how he’d always had a soft spot for me from afar. We’re going to park up by the lake and go for a hike this weekend.”
Lover’s Lake. 
“A hike on a first date?” Nancy raised an eyebrow. “It’s not exactly traditional…”
Jonathan shrugged beside her. “I think it’s nice. Plenty of time and space to talk in private and get to know each other. He’s a quiet guy.” 
He promised to take Nancy on a hike and she softened like melted butter. 
“I think he’s going to bring his camera actually - he said he would show me how it works and then maybe we could develop the photos together too.” 
“All alone in the darkroom,” Robin sniggered. “This James seems to have it all figured out, I’m half impressed. What are you gonna wear, Chriss?” 
“Oh! I guess my workout gear? Or would that be too casual? Maybe I should wear some shorts? I can’t exactly wear a dress if we’re hiking.” 
“Wear those tiny black shorts you’ve got. That’ll give him something to photograph.” 
Chrissy blushed to the very roots of her hair but Eddie noticed she didn’t say no. 
Eddie kept silent throughout and focused on his own lunch. 
Unlike Andrew, Eddie actually knew James and had even sold him weed before. James was very different from Jason's all-American vibe; tall, dark hair (that always looked perfectly tousled), and a serious (but sensitive) expression on his face. He could often be found with a camera slung around his neck wearing the kind of shabby clothes girls seemed to feel were cool and artistic. 
Eddie sat behind him in class Friday afternoon and tried hard not to glare daggers into his back. Was he thinking about the weekend instead of whatever war the teacher was droning on about? He would be. 
To Eddie’s utter dismay James actually turned around when the bell went and gave Eddie a tight smile. 
“Hey Munson, you know Chrissy Cunningham, right? You’re friends?” 
“Well I’m taking her out this weekend, maybe she told you? But I’m kind of freaking out a bit…I mean…it’s her, you know? I thought maybe I should buy some flowers and surprise her? Do you know what she likes?”
A diabolical part of Eddie wanted to mess with him but he managed to keep his cool. This was for Chrissy, after all, and he wanted her to have a nice time.
“Get her Chrysanthemums,” he said, getting to his feet. “And make her laugh, alright?” 
That whole weekend Eddie tried to keep busy. He cleaned his entire bedroom, gave the kitchen a scrub, even mowed the patch of grass out front. Wayne didn’t say a word though he pressed a hand to Eddie’s forehead to make sure he wasn’t feeling sick. Eddie tried to practice his guitar but found his concentration was all over the place. 
He thought seriously about taking a long drive (maybe towards Reefer Rick’s and a certain lake nearby) but tossed the idea aside. 
When he got to school Monday, he wanted to just head to class and forget all about the weekend - though at the same time he desperately wanted to hear every detail too. It had been a gloriously sunny weekend (perfect for stomping around nature) and the lake had probably looked picture perfect. Did they have fun? Joke? Did Chrissy wear those tiny black shorts that cupped her ass so perfectly? Most importantly… did Chrissy have a nice time?
It was Jonathan who finally took pity on him. They were sharing a smoke out in the woods before lunch period. 
“Go on…hit me with it,” Eddie breathed out long and hard. 
Best to get a heads up now before lunch with everyone’s curious eyes flickering to him to assess his reaction. 
Jonathan watched him carefully as he spoke. 
“...Chrissy called Nance up last night on the phone. Said the hike was nice but really awkward. Apparently James turned up with roses which she hates and barely said a word the whole time. She figured it was just nerves and tried hard to fill in the blanks - you know how nice she can be - but he wouldn’t take the hint.”
That Jonathan was saying that, when he was a pretty awkward guy himself, must have meant it was truly bad. 
“I guess you and Nancy won’t have to share the darkroom.”
Jonathan coughed and blushed but rather tellingly didn’t say a word. 
Eddie couldn’t help but feel pleased that it was a dud even though Chrissy looked pretty disappointed when she spoke about it at lunch. She told them how beautiful the lake was but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t coax much out of James which was frankly bizarre because even Mr Wheeler had warmed up to Chrissy. If she was a D&D character she would have critically high charisma stats.  
Eddie noticed that after Chrissy finished talking she didn’t touch her lunch. Her fingers tore up the sandwich into little scraps while their friends tore into James, oblivious. 
He could almost see the cogs of her brain turning. Hear the anxious little thoughts gnawing away at her confidence. 
Screw that. 
So of course Eddie interrupted and started talking about the time Jeff got so high at Rick’s place that he jumped into the lake fully clothed, forgetting that he couldn’t in fact swim. It had taken both Grant and Eddie to fish him out because he wanted to stay in and make friends with the ‘fishes’. He mimed it out at the lunch table, hamming it up to the max, and making Jeff’s blazed expression even more cartoonish. Jeff himself sat at the table and laughed along with the others at the performance, taking it in his stride. 
Eddie watched as Chrissy picked up her lunch and began to eat. She sniggered along with everyone else when Eddie pretended to be Jeff falling asleep in the bathtub (when they finally dragged him back to the house to hose down). 
She even munched on the chocolate muffin he threw at her. 
He felt his chest relax.
Chrissy was a popular girl and so the date offers naturally kept coming, and Chrissy bravely didn’t let the last attempts put her off. She wanted to try dating and reasoned surely the next one would be better? 
And it was. 
This time it was with another jock from the basketball team who Lucas was friendly with. He was called Christopher and apparently didn’t care about stepping on Jason’s toes one bit if it meant landing a date with Chrissy. Even Eddie had to admire the bold move. 
(and yes Chrissy laughed when Dustin pointed out the inevitable dilemma should someone call out ‘Chris/Chriss!')
Christopher was a jock but Lucas promised Chrissy he was one of the good ones and she accepted his offer to go to the town fair that weekend. Christopher had the typical athletes frame and swagger, but the smile he gave Chrissy by her locker seemed sincere. 
Eddie didn’t even need to get the lowdown from Lucas that Monday because he went to the fair himself along with the others. He was having a pretty good evening eating cotton candy and scaring Steve in the Haunted House, when he spied Chrissy and Christopher lining up for the ferris wheel. 
Keen to be a gent, Christopher was maintaining a decent amount of distance between them but when it was their turn to step on the ride, Christopher placed a hand on her lower back to help her up and they sat snuggly together in the small car. There was something intimate about the way their bodies were pushed together and they whispered back and forth. 
He saw Chrissy tip her head back in laughter and felt a knot in his stomach. Eddie really fucking tried not to stare. He truly did. 
That Monday Chrissy told them the date went well and Christopher had walked her home after, even impressing the dragon that was her mother when she spotted his letterman jacket. That bothered Eddie more than anything else, honestly, especially when he glanced down at his ripped jeans and scuffed boots. Her mom was such a damn cliche. 
Eddie had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. 
“...But I’m not sure there’s going to be a date two,” Chrissy said, nonchalantly sipping her water. “We both like sports but we don’t have much else in common, and I don’t know how I feel about dating another athlete…no offense Lucas...but it’s a lot of pressure. Plus the smug look on my mom’s face kinda turned me off. The last thing I want is for her to think I’m trying to crawl back into her good books by dating someone like Jason.” 
“But it went well?” Nancy pressed. “You had fun?”
Chrissy smiled. “Yeah I did…I think we can chalk that up to one successful date so far.” 
Then came David from the swim team. He had a BMW but was more interested in looking at his reflection than looking at her. 
Then came Joshua from band. Chrissy called him sweet but way too handsy. 
(Eddie felt his jaw clench, what did she mean by handsy? He was saved by Nancy who offered to find her guns…hard to say if she was serious or not)
Annnnnnd then along came John. 
John picked up weekend shifts at Family Video and asked her if she wanted to grab a milkshake after school. He seemed confident and cool and Steve told her he was saving up to take a year off before college and do some enlightened soul searching. Chrissy and Nancy made impressed ‘oooo’ noises when Steve explained that meant backpacking around Asia.
“I’ve never thought about traveling,” Chrissy said. “I think I’d like to, you know. California, Paris, maybe Rome? Wouldn’t that be so romantic? Or maybe go to England and see all the castles and lakes. I don’t wanna’ be stuck in the midwest forever.”
So they went out and had milkshakes. It was all so cute and twee. He knew Chrissy would probably pick strawberry, her favorite. 
The next morning Robin pounced on him as soon as he parked up his van. 
“So Chrissy rang me last night after John dropped her home on his motorcycle,” she greeted. 
“Be still my beating heart. How punk rock.” 
“The date went seriously well, Eddie. Chrissy’s made up. She was gushing about how interesting he was and how dreamy his eyes were. She reckons they’re the same colour as the sky...”
“Don’t you think it’s a bit early in the day for kicking a man when he’s down?” he grumbled, slamming the car door with more force than was strictly necessary. 
“They kissed.”
Honestly, that alone felt like a fucking bullet to Eddie’s chest and his face might’ve betrayed this for a fraction of a second before he pulled on his best DM mask. Instead he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He tried to look as cool as a cucumber though his thoughts were racing. Maybe it was only a polite peck on the cheek and Robin was just winding him up? Goddamn, had she worn her bubblegum lipgloss? Were tongues involved?
“And you’re telling me that delightful piece of gossip because…?” 
“Because she had a nice time! For all we know there could be a date two,” Robin explained, exasperated. “This is getting out of hand now, Munson.”
“Who Chrissy dates or… kisses…is none of my business, Buckley. I told you, there’s nothing between me and Chrissy. We’re just friends.”
“Look, I saw you at the fair looking fucking devastated when you saw her cuddling with that Christopher guy. What if she sees John again and this time they do more than kiss…what if they have sex?”
“What? You gunna’ be fine hearing all about that?”
“...it’s not…” he groaned. “I can’t have this conversation. Seriously.” 
He tried walking away but she clung onto his arm. 
Eddie looked back and was struck by how serious Robin looked.
His voice cracked a little as he said, “...they really kissed? She said that?”
Eddie groaned and rubbed a hand over his eyes. The idea of Chrissy doing that did bother him. It bothered him more than he could’ve ever imagined. He knew he had no right to feel jealous but it crept over him like a wave. Everything he’d said to Robin before all this dating mess was still true - he still believed Chrissy was out of his league, that she deserved better - but hell, he hadn’t even tried. He’d given up at the first hurdle and she was slipping away. He was such a damn coward. 
He thought about the last few weeks, about how desperately he wanted to be the one to take her out for milkshakes and hold her hand on the carnival rides. More than that…he wanted to be the guy to make her giggle and smile and feel happy.
But...didn't he do that?
Something twisted in his chest and he suddenly realized he was that guy. Had been all along. Didn’t she light up like a star whenever he hugged her or clowned around just to cheer her up?
She always looked at him like he was the only other person in the world. They were the perfect team, totally in sync.
Chrissy was his goddamn dream girl.
What the fuck was he doing?
“I don’t believe for one minute you’ve given up on her…” Robin said. 
Eddie sighed. “I’m such an idiot.” 
“Is it too late, d’you think? Is she into John?”
“She’s into you more. Always has been.”
“What if…”
What if she didn’t feel that way anymore? What if she wanted to date John and go traveling? He had a motorbike and all Eddie had was a beat up van. What if? What if? What if?
Robin picked up on his panic and she offered him a shaky smile.
“Let me give you a piece of advice, loser to loser. If you want a chance with Chrissy Cunningham you’d better step the fuck up and ask her out now, because honestly? I think you’d be really perfect together. She’s been looking for you all this time, bonehead.”
Eddie huffed a laugh into the collar of his jacket and knew he was blushing. 
He clapped Robin on the shoulder. She was a pretty good friend, even if she was annoying as shit. 
“Now go get your princess!”
Eddie didn’t go to Chrissy right away. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it right. He didn’t want to be one of the other guys who casually held her back after class or slipped a note in her locker asking if she wanted a date. He was Eddie. Her Eddie. 
And Eddie’s pesky brain had a tendency to go into overdrive. 
So that weekend he drove like a wildcat to the ‘nice side’ of Hawkins. He didn’t dare knock at her front door wearing a suit and tie as he was pretty certain her mom would call the cops. Instead he parked his shitty van down the street and approached by foot. Her home looked exactly like a showhouse from the cover of Better Homes and Gardens magazine; pristine, tidy, unnerving. Even the grass was mowed in perfect lines. 
It was a reflection of Chrissy from before. Like ivy, it threatened to strangle her. 
Eddie would rather take his crappy trailer anyday. 
(so would Chrissy. She said she felt more at home in the Munson homestead than she ever had at her childhood home. It kind of sucked that she felt that way…even though it made Eddie’s stomach twist into knots). 
It started to rain (obviously) as he approached the house and carefully climbed the trellis. 
The rain made the wood slippery. It wasn’t the first time he'd scaled the side of her house, but it was the first time he’d done so carrying a heavy rucksack over his shoulder. He hoped the trellis would hold the weight okay. It would be just his luck to come crashing down into Mr Cunningham’s award winning rose bushes and alert the entire neighborhood. 
He knocked smartly at her window. 
“Eddie!” Chrissy hurriedly opened the window. Her expression was one of total shock. “What are you doing, you weirdo? You’re totally soaked!”
She was wearing a fluffy pink bathrobe and slippers. She looked as sweet as cotton candy. 
She was tugging him inside and he landed on the carpet with a soft thump. They waited for a second to see if the noise would summon her demon of a mother, but all remained quiet. She grinned at him like they were co-conspirators of a jewel heist. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked again.
She’d clearly just stepped out the shower. A neatly ironed outfit was spread out on the bed behind her and she had the radio on. He vaguely recognised the preppy tones of Cyndi Lauper.
“Clearly just dropping by to see you, Cunningham. Thought that was obvious.” 
Chrissy wrinkled her perfect nose and he had the irresistible urge to bite it. “And you didn’t want to use the door because…?”
She offered him a towel to dry off with and he took it gratefully. His teeth were chattering…from the cold and nerves. Eddie didn’t get nervous often but Chrissy always had this effect on him.  
“I’m making a grand gesture.”
Only then did he open the rucksack. Chrissy watched him silently as he brought out a (crumpled) bouquet of orange and yellow flowers. Then a checked blanket. Then some cutlery and a Tupperware box. Then a few other items to really set the scene. He'd always had a good eye for detail.
He sank to his knees and spread it all out on her bedroom floor. "You're gonna' have to imagine the carpet is grass and there's a babbling brook somewhere."
"It's a picnic. Why are we having a picnic, Eddie?" she knelt down beside him on the blanket. "You made peanut butter and jelly!"
Her favorite snack. She used to have it as a kid before her mom got so fussy and it reminded her of her grandma. He used his lighter to light a candle and placed it carefully between them.
He took a deep breath. It was now or never…
“Are you going to see John again?”
She was clearly not expecting that. She blinked. “I…He mentioned something about meeting up again, yes.” 
“Chriss. Do me a favor?”
He watched as her lovely blue eyes widened in surprise. 
“What do you…”
“Go out with me.”
His heart missed a beat.
“Go on a date with me. We can do whatever you want… a hike or a dinner or movie. Whatever. Just as long as it’s with me. I’ll be real honest… I meant it before when I said you deserve some fun…but it’s been crazy watching you go off on these dates and come back each time goddamn bored or disappointed. You deserve fun, Cunningham… and I’m it. I’m the fun. Come out with me and let me show you a hella' good time.”
He wanted so badly to hide behind the curtain of his hair, but held steady. He’d been practicing that speech for hours - trying so hard to make it sound light and funny - instead of spilling all the lovey dovey stuff that he truly felt. Maybe one day he’d get a chance to say all of that...but... baby steps. 
“What do you say, Chriss?”
And then Chrissy was grinning from ear to ear. She began to giggle which turned into a laugh which turned into happy tears. If he could bottle that fucking amazing smile he would. He found himself grinning back.
“What took you so long, Munson?” she beamed. “I’ve been waiting forever for you.”
They should engrave that on his headstone. No words would ever sound sweeter.
She slipped her hand into his.
“So that’s a yes? You gonna date me?”
“I’m gonna date you,” Chrissy agreed. “I’m gonna date you so hard.”
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demigods-posts · 1 year
imagine percy inviting annabeth over to dinner after the sea of monsters and him introducing her to his mom as his best friend. imagine annabeth trying not to cry tears of joy because no one has ever called her that. imagine as she leaves to head back to camp that night, she does tear up a little when she explains to percy how much being called his best friend meant to her. imagine percy from that point forward calling her his best friend any chance he gets because he knows how happy it makes her.
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mellosdrawings · 3 months
Hii!! So sorry for going on an absolute spree liking all of your posts ;; your art style is super expressive & I love the way you use crosshatching! As well as all your headcanons (you are so real abt cane user azul, i didnt realize how many cards he's sitting in!!)
I was curious, do you have any headcanons with Ruggie & Jamil? Especially with your N2 squad theories and their canon interactions durin GloMas, I'd love to see what you think of them~
First, never apologize for any liking/reblog/other spree, you have no idea how happy it makes me to have someone like what I do so much that they dig into my previous stuff!
And thank you so much for the compliments I'm ansbsjsbsjsn about them 💕
For Ruggie and Jamil, I have a whole bunch of different headcanons depending on the situations.
First their GloMas interaction gave me life. I found it so perfect, just the two of them finally letting their inner gremlins take over without worrying about their image. It was PERFECT !
I also love that their Signature Spells have the same "manipulation" base, but Ruggie is about the body while Jamil is about the mind. (I usually love adding Jade to the mix with his ability to force the truth out of others. I call the three of them the "Manipulation Gang". I'd love to see the three of them actually gang up some day.)
Jamil and Ruggie also have the same servants-to-spoiled-rich-kids background. I feel like they'd have the most terrible gossip while washing clothes or something. I just can't really imagine them not be friends of sorts. Just pestering about the latest wild nonsense their master has been up to, wondering if they should exchange their burdens (pre chap 6, Jamil would never agree after that) and just generally let the worst of them show to the other coz they don't mind.
In the context of the N2 Squad, Ruggie would definitely be a needed push for Jamil. The kind of "Please just date him, Leona’s mood is only getting worse and I'm tired and if I hear 'im moan about you once more I'm gonna murder you both" or something like that. Ruggie knows the inner workings of Leona, knows the inner workings of Jamil too from their laundry-gossip, and while I can imagine him strive in chaos he would immediately go complain to either Leona or Jamil if their turning around each other made his job harder. After the N2 Squad starts dating though, I can def imagine Ruggie try to profit off being friends with Jamil to get favors from Leona (and maybe Vil too coz why not?)
(Also Ruggie is def Jamil's first fan when it comes to cooking and always tries to have him give him spares from a previous party or whatever.)
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Kirishima gives Todoroki S*x Tips | Todoroki x Reader Fic
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: Shoto Todoroki x Fem Reader! 💋, Shoto Todoroki x Eijiro Kirishima Friendship
Genre: Fluff, Sex, Friendship, NSFW
CW: MDNI!, discussing sex, foreplay, p*rn, hickies
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Shoto Todoroki doesn’t really get sex until he gets it.
He loves you and knows you want to do it…so naturally he does research. If there’s one thing Shoto is good at, it’s mastering a subject
When Kirishima loses his virginity, he lets Shoto ask him questions. They sit late into the night at the library, reviewing and analyzing Kirishima’s 30 minutes of action. Shoto takes notes and in that straightforward way of his, asks for Eijro’s opinions on positions, foreplay and hickies.
“Did you perform oral sex on her? Is the female anatomy confusing?” He asks, causing Eijiro to go red in the face. Eijiro nods yes to both. “It took a few minutes, but once I got into it, I figured it out pretty quickly!” He says earnestly. Shoto scribbles down a reminder to Google some detailed diagrams of the female body when he gets home.
 “Foreplay is super important, because girls need to, like, warm up before they’re ready to bone.” Eijiro adds, motioning for Shoto to keep taking notes.
“I didn’t know that.” Shoto blinks, surprised. To be fair, he had never really thought much about sex until you’d brought it up a few months earlier. He knew the rudimentary mechanics from middle school health class, but had never wondered what went into the act beyond the basics of reproduction.
“Shoto. My dude. This is going to be harder than I thought.” Eijiro puts his face in his hands. “How does someone our age have little to no knowledge about sex?”
“I wasn’t interested in it until now.” Shoto says flatly. “But now that Y/N wants to do it, I want to, too.”
Eijiro stares at Shoto thoughtfully through his fingers. “That was a pretty chivalrous response.” He admits, lifting his head from his hands. “You just want to make your girl happy, I can get behind that. But Shoto – if you don’t want to have sex, you don’t have to. Enthusiastic consent is key to solid intimacy.”
“I really want to do this.” Shoto says insistently. “I don’t really understand what all the hype is about, but I want to try it with y/n. I want to feel close to her that way. And maybe once I do it, I’ll understand.”
“Alright, man. Then I’ll help you. Consider me your Sex Expert. Your Sexpert!” Kirishima grins at his witty wordplay.
Shoto looks at him skeptically. “Haven’t you only had sex once, though? How much of an expert can you possibly be?”
Kirishima deflates. “I don’t see anyone else out in the library at 11pm giving you sex advice!”
“So let me teach you what I know.” He says sagely. “Just call me your Sex Sensei!”
Shoto snorts out a laugh. “Pass.”
“Fine, be like that. Regardless, you are now my student. I will shepherd you into the next phase of your sex life with chivalry and grace.” Eijiro is really getting into the bit now. One look down at Shoto’s nervous face pulls him back down to Earth. “What’s wrong?”
“This is a lot. What if I’m bad at it? And what if y/n hates it?” Shoto closes his notebook and looks pleadingly at Kirishima with his mismatched eyes. “You’ve got to help me.”
“Calm down, man. It’s really not as big a deal as you think! And I’ve already committed to being your Sex Sensei, so we’re going to see this through together.” He motions for Shoto to open up his notebook again. “Now let’s start with the basics – have you ever watched porn?”
--------------- FIN for now! ------------------------------------------------
I'm working on a longer fic to really dig into this exploration for Shoto! I love the idea of Kirishima being such a bro and trying to help his friends however he can. I also LOVE the idea of Kirishima fucking someone once and believing that makes him the resident expert on sex.
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ericshoney · 4 months
Our girl ~ The Sturniolo triplets
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Warnings: Some language, my first Sturniolo triplets oneshot
It was a warm Thursday afternoon. You sat on the large white sofa, scrolling through your phone as your head rested on Matt's lap. Both of you sat in a comfortable silence. Nick was in his room, editing the up and coming video of the week and Chris was....you had no idea, but it was quiet, which worried you.
As if the man could read your thoughts though, Chris soon appeared in the room. He gave you a wide grin as his eyes met yours.
"Let's go out!" He exclaimed.
"What?" Matt called.
"Are you deaf, dumbass. I said let's go out." Chris repeated.
"Where?" You asked.
"I don't know, I'm bored though." He answered with a shrug.
"I'm not just fucking driving around the cit-" Matt was quickly cut of by Chris' shouting.
"We'll decide in the car! I'll get Nick!" He shouted, running up the stairs to Nick's room.
You giggled watching him run off, sitting up so you could grab your shoes. One thing you loved with being friends with the triplets was no dull moments.
"Fucking goof." Matt mumbled, making you giggle more.
"How about happy ice?" You suggested as he got up of the sofa.
"Sure. I know Nick will agree." He said.
You nodded as you slipped your shoes on, silently Matt tied your shoelaces for you, knowing you always struggled to get them right and have them untied before you even got to the car.
"What the fuck, Chris!" You both hear Nick shout, as Chris comes running down the stairs.
"What did you do?" Matt asked with a sigh.
"He fucking jumped on me as I just finished editing!" Nick shouted before Chris could respond.
You look up at Matt to see him sigh again, you held in your laughter as you rushed to the stairs to the garage.
"Oh well we're going to happy ice!" You exclaimed.
"Hell yeah!" Nick exclaimed, his anger suddenly gone.
As Chris was yapping on about all the different flavours, you quietly, but quickly, climbed into the front seat of the car. Matt climbed in the drivers seat and laughed seeing you next to him.
"He's gonna get mad." He said.
"No he won't, he loves me." You state.
"Your not wrong." He replied.
You smiled as you heard Nick and Chris' voices get closer. Nick climbed in the back of the car just as Chris stood next to your closed door.
"Hey! That's my seat!" He exclaimed.
"Hey! That's my seat!" You mimicked, making the other two laugh.
"Your no fun." He pouted, sliding in next to Nick.
"You want to swap?" You offered.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked.
"Yes." You answered.
"Then no, your comfort means more to me than the aux." He said with a smile.
You smiled wide as Matt began to drive. You had some music playing as the guys sang along, you gazed out the window, watching the world go by.
Soon you arrived at happy ice, Nick ordered for all of you, which you were always grateful for.
"Hey look at that puppy!" Matt exclaimed, looking out the window, as a lady with a cute puppy walked pass.
"Aww! It's so cute!" You squealed, making the triplets smile. The one of many things they loved about you was your sweet personality and seeing you smile.
"Here you go, sweetheart." Nick said gently, passing you the sweet treat.
"Thank you!" You exclaimed, taking a bite happily.
The four of you then left, eating as you walked down the street. The guys stop to let you catch up every time you see something shiny or cute. Something particular that caught your eyes was a small moose soft toy. It was so cute you thought.
"What caught your eyes?" Chris questioned as the three siblings trailed back to you.
"Just a moose soft toy, nothing special." You mumbled, your eyes not moving from the cute item.
The guys knew it wasn't nothing, as you didn't move on. They shared a look as Nick nodded. Matt and Chris quickly distracted you as Nick went into the store and bought the moose for you, when he came out, you had returned to the car, the three of you on your phones.
"I'm back~" Nick sang as he slid into his seat.
"Did you get it?" Chris blurted out, earning a slap from Nick.
"Get what?" You curiously asked.
"Here." Nick placed the bag in your lap, leaving you confused as you peaked into the bag. A cute gasp escaped your lips.
"Woah thank you!" You exclaimed, making the three smile at your happiness.
"Anything for our girl." Matt said.
You held the toy close as Matt drove home, the smile not leaving your face, happy with how your day with your friends went.
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colourstreakgryffin · 3 months
Hey there, fellow writer! How are you doing? :) I just wanted to request a platonic Angel Dust x Nephew (or Niece) reader who is the son/daughter of Molly from when they were alive. Angel hadn’t really got to know them as he had died when they were little, so now that he's reconnected with them in hell, he's trying to bond with his niece/nephew as they are older now
Oh, Hello, fellow writer! I have returned from being dead and this is quite fun! Awww. Another Angel request and of course, it’s hella wholesome. I love it! Can do so! Have a great day, loves!
Angel Dust- Little Spiderling
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You know, right away, Angel drags you back to the Hotel when he finds out you’re his niece/nephew by pure accident. You aren’t the little one he remembered once seeing his beloved Molly having but you’re still a minor, not eighteen yet! So, he must protect you! And he will!
Angel has a barley functional life down here and is really struggling through it but the one thing he knows how to do is express his love for people so he does it a lot to you
He tries SO hard to let his walls down to bond with you, to let you know you matter to him and he won’t shut you out. You are really the only person he doesn’t act like a sarcastic prick to but he will not tell you his problems since you’re his family, not his therapist
He really wishes he got to know you when you were both alive, he was so wrapped up in his own life, he didn’t acknowledge you. He barely remembered your name and he is clueless on what you like so he just tries to bond with you by trying to seem like that ‘cool Uncle’
Angel asks for advice all the time. He asks Husk, Charlie, even Vaggie. Advice for how he can try bond with you better and how to talk to you better. He already became your guardian… at his own word, so he needs to know how to connect with you
Angel often gets you gifts, it’s how he sees making you happy with him. Like, he’ll buy something whilst he’s out than he’ll offer it to you when he’s back at the Hotel, smiling so nervously and hoping you’ll like it. He is that one awkward but loving Uncle!
Angel basically dies again, of pure joy, when you express love or appreciation. He already has so much guilt for how little he knows you and how little he paid attention to you back on Earth but now, he wants to try again and he really wants to rekindle so he believes all his effort is always rewarded with the way you smile at him and say ‘thank you’ or ‘I love you’ or ‘I’m glad you want to join’
Angel is also that uncle who goes ‘aww, you’re so pretty. I remember when you were so little! Now, you’re big!’. If he had pictures of you, he’d be admiring them whilst crying
Angel does seem like a selfish man but he’s really only selfish with… everybody else. When it comes to you, he spoils you. He kinds parents you. He doesn’t know how to tell you your mom’s in Heaven so he distracts you with other stuff and he even shows off his beloved Fat Nuggets, to make you smile
Angel has a habit of picking you up, since he is much taller than you, and putting you on his back when it is time to go. He only does this when you escape the Hotel or leave against his wishes, and he can always keep his eyes on you this way
He also puts you on his back if you’re tired or want a nap or even miss him. You weigh nothing to him, and he can handle it well
Angel also loves taking you out to shopping trips with him and Cherri. He loves dressing you up in feminine/masculine clothing and praises you so you feel confident. You look great, and in-fact, he’ll buy that outfit so he can see you in it again and boost you up like a good Uncle does!
Angel actually trusts Cherri with you. He is very protective over you so really, only Charlie and Cherri have the permission to take care of you when he is busy
Sinners often confuse you for Angel’s son/daughter, mainly for the way he treats you, and even Valentino has called you ‘Angel’s kid’ before but he doesn’t take that shit from anybody and sets it straight. You’re his beloved sister’s baby and whilst he loves you, he’d never act as if he is your parent. He is your guardian, get it right
Angel teaches you how to cook the meals of the family. He loves cooking and he’s happy to be a mentor so he’ll ensure you know how to take care of yourself if you’re ever without him and know how to whip up a fine Italian cuisine. Cooking together is one of his personal made bonding methods
As well as baking. Angel knows you like baking so he tries to bake with you. Four arms are very useful and yes, he messes up a lot but the way you laugh at his attempt makes it feel like his eggy crispy frosting mess of a cake was totally worth it. You’re growing to like him more and not be annoyed with the fact he didn’t really care for you much in your past life
I will say now. Angel apologises a lot for the past but you take it maturely and understand his point of view. Though, your acceptance doesn’t remove Angel’s guilt and he takes a long time to feel better about himself, even when you two grow closer and you become more and more fine with him being your guardian
Angel doesn’t understand why he didn’t acknowledge you all those years ago… you’re so cute. What is there to not like?
Angel always sees his twin sister in you. You even look like her, so it means you look… more than a bit like Angel too, and he’s glad. It reminds him that he’ll always have a piece of his beloved sister with him as well as a family member who doesn’t dislike him
Angel’s kinda clingy, straight up. He cries whenever you do something he considers ‘cute’ and mews and calls you ‘Spiderling’ whilst hugging you. Angel is also THAT type of Uncle but it’s pretty cute how attached to you he is
Once more, he does get jealous of Arckaniss. He wants to be your favourite! Not his older brother so he sweeps in and steals you away from when you were talking to Arckaniss too much for his comfort. He is soooooo much better!
Really. Angel, in this entire situation with you, is trying and always trying. He tries to be the best guardian for you, he tries to be the best best friend for you, he tries to be the coolest best uncle for you! He tries and he hopes it works
He is actually fine with you calling him ‘Anthony’ over ‘Angel Dust’ and to make it fair, he calls you your real name over your demon name too!
“Spiderling? Hey! Hey! You’ve been out all day! How come? I thought you liked our shopping trip together! I’m your coolest uncle, aren’t I? You liked that scarf I got you! Should I get another? Yeah? Yeah? What do you think?”
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rain-day-today · 4 months
One thing that really rots my brain is the idea of the guild during the og baby fairytail members time and the domesticity of it. Cause like no way was gramps letting a bunch of super powered ( and incredibly destructive) 7-14year olds out of his sight.
Just imagine:
Little Natsu and emo teen Laxus having breakfast while very quietly whispering about their respective hoards collections of cat theme things ( I KNOW LAXUS IS A SECRET CAT LOVER I JUST KNOW IT)
Tiny Gray having an emo phase. Mira (a punk 14 year old) helping him out (after teasing him of course). The two spending many hours and lots of jewel to find and look through dozens of fashion magazines. Eventually falling asleep sprawled on the floor in a nest of semi-laminated paper.
Tween Lissana and levy giggling over the kissy scenes in books and Erza overhearing them. Spitting out her cake into Laxus’s face which makes them burst out into full on cackling.
Little Cana teaching natsu to make card pyramids for 3 hours and when he finally gets it, Elfman knocks it over. Every one thinks Natsu is going to punch someone, but he doesn’t, instead he starts full on bawling. Nobody knows what to do. Little Natsu cannot be comforted. Levy shuts him up by shoving candy into his mouth while cana really quickly rebuilds the pyramid.
Erza and Mira having a dance off on some of the tables ( mira breaks 3 of them in half with her stomping, Erza somehow stabs one). This is how everyone finds out to never take either of them to parties cause they dance like the deaf baby of giraffes and a buffalo.
Gray and climbing a tree to the very top and forgetting that he doesn’t know how to get down? He stays there till the next morning and seethes for the next week cause LISSANA had to carry him down.
Natsu following Gray around like a lost puppy his first week cause “he’s friend sized” and what else was he supposed to do? He knows nothing! Dudes not even from this time period. At least if he follows loud stripper he knows he wont get run over by a car. Gray not noticing or caring that he is being followed cause little guy has his own problems to deal with and “as long as he doesn’t take my food or breath on me.”
Cana having a plague doctor mask that elfman bought for her 13th birthday. She wears it to scare the shit out of everyone at the sleepovers.
Weekly “sleepovers” in the guildhall because it’s easier to do gramps weekly count of them when they are all lined up in their my little pony sleeping bags (yes this includes laxus and mira)
When Romeo is born they have a guild wide contest on whose name he says first (the answer is his own cause the little dude is a true fairytail wizard)
Levy managing to give everyone a heart attack after casually admitting that she hasn’t slept or ate anything but crackers and coffee cause she was trying to teach herself the equivalent of ancient greek.
Laxus and gray not knowing how to hold a baby (romeo)
Natsu “teething” on Erza. Everyone stares in shock cause there’s just Erza sitting there stone faced in full armor while Natsu chops down on her arm like he has rabies. ( he still bites her even when they’re older if he’s really stressed)
Everyone having a default crush on laxus or Mira
The guild kids try to make homemade shaved ice with grays ice and end up covering the entire town with really weird ice sculptures
Mira scaring the shit out of kids with her demon souls during Halloween
Someone stealing Mira or Natsu’s food and ending up with a burn on their tounge followed by natsu trying to “kiss it better”
Levy dozing off on the rafters and falling down onto poor elfman
Spin the bottle but instead of kissing you fight (grays idea)
Laxus has a spray bottle filled with water mixed with really bad smelling cologne that he uses to spray people when they’re bad, like cats.
No one in the guild knew how to swim until they turned 16 Lissana still can’t swim.
Its really really common to see elfman or gray duck-taped to the wall (its levy who does it)
Dont fall asleep around teen Mira she will draw titties on your face. (Where do you think natsu got it from?)
They all took a living 101 class when lissana was 13. It failed miserably. Laxus ended up being the grandfather to 6 rats and 3 hamsters
Laxus takes Lissana and Elfman out for brunch once a month because it pisses mira off to no end.
Levy, Lissana, and Laxus accidentally forming an L name club and plan their “meetings” within earshot of Mira and Erza to make them jealous.
“We should get cookies!”-levy
“And ice cream!”- lissana
“(Super smug face) im craving strawberry cake.”-laxus
*sounds of Erza bursting into flames of jealousy*
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entomolog-t · 1 year
A borrower and his pregnant wife hunker down in a new and safer house after a last minute move due to their old residence adopting a cat. She is dealing with constant cravings, so the husband takes it upon themselves to try and steal more and more random (and frustratingly hard to open/carry foods).
Prying open the fridge, stealing whole cans to try and crack open, trying to figure out how to steal various liquids without just puncturing the cartons...
Inevitably, this risky behavior gets them caught. They managed to pry the fridge open again, only for the human ( who moments ago was asleep) to sleepily open up the fridge. In their panic they manage to get their legs stuck in the barred rack, leaving them in full sight of the human.
The human shouts falling back at the unexpected sight and for a moment the two just stare.
The human reaches for him and this time it's the borrower who falls back, leg still stuck between bars. Their pleas just slip out-
"Please, I have a wife and a child on the way- "
The human pauses, his hand changing orientation, going from reaching to grab to offering an open palm to help the borrower stand.
They're caught by a young man roughly the same age as them. Though taken aback by the bizzare scenario, the human offers a nervous smile and asks them what they were trying to get.
The borrower sheepishly admits they were trying to get pickles and peanut butter.
The human man lets out a genuine laugh, nodding as if agreeing.
"Dude, my wife gets the same craving!"
The borrower is surprised at the revelation, but for some reason he finds the similarities between their situation reassuring.
The man helps him out of the fridge and packs up some food for him, adding a few extra snacks as well as multivitamins for his wife. All the while the two quickly bond over their situation. Both are first time fathers, both are terrified yet excited, both are head over heels for their wives etc...
The borrower doesn't leave right away. They stay up talking, opening up a beer or sharing a late night coffee. Regardless, the two somehow manage to put the bizzareness of their situation on the back burner due to the excitement of finding someone else that can relate.
Just two soon to be Dad Bros trying to navigate uncharted water.
Bonus points if both their wives are listening in like "What the fuck is going on?" But neither of them want to go through the hassle of getting up to investigate because they're sore and everything sounds fine..
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multifandomkpop3 · 4 months
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𝐎𝐭13 𝐁𝐅𝐅! 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚙, 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚆𝚘𝚘𝚣𝚒 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚑𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛
𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚂𝚟𝚝 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚡 𝙱𝙵𝙵 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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iluvcarmzatto · 3 months
Catching His Eye
Mikey Berzatto x female!reader
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Warnings: cursing, fluff kinda sorta, flirting, drinking, one drug used (weed)
Summary: Mikey and Richie go out to a bar to hang out and then Mikey sees the reader and tries to make a move.
A/n: HEY GUYS!! I have a couple of pretty cool ideas for Mikey fics! This one is going to be relatively short since the Mikey series I’m working on needs some extra work. anyway I just wanted to do something different and I thought this was a perfect idea so I hope you like it! LOVE YA💗 THIS DOES NOT CONNECT TO THE SERIES! ITS JUST A ONE SHOT YALL!! <= FYI
“Hey Mike, you tryna head over to the bar?” Richie said over the phone hoping that his best friend would say yes. “Cousin, of course. It’s fuckin Friday night.” said Mikey said and with just that sentence alone he knew it would be a fun night.
“Hey Tiff! I’m gone for a few hours.” Richie said as he headed out the door with his car keys. “Ok! Love you.” “Don’t do anything fuckin’ stupid.” She said sternly at Richie while looking at him. He chuckled, “Of course not.” “Love you too. Call me if you need anything.” She nodded and with that he was gone.
Mikey left his house and grabbed the keys. He got there a little earlier than Richie since he lived a bit closer to the bar than him. He waited in his car until Richie showed up.
Richie’s car pulled up in right next to him in the parking lot. Mikey smiled and got out the car. “Hey what’s up man?” They dapped up as they walked towards each other. “Feels like it’s been fuckin’ ages.” Mikey said while sighing. “Mike, it’s been three weeks since I took off.”
“Oh shit yeah! How’s Tiff?” Mikey asked while his eyebrows pulled together. “Shes good man she’s good.” They both walked to up to the bar and conversed more about best friend shit.
They ordered a couple of drinks and were laughing their asses off. “HAHA! Fak almost failing the fuckin’ inspection is probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.” Richie said obviously the loudest one in the bar, and that bar was pretty loud.
Mikey and Richie weren’t too drunk but they were definitely feeling the kick of it.
You walked into the bar tired of work that day and a drink was all you wanted. The dress you wore was god awfully tight which you liked since you liked showing off your body that you worked so hard in the gym for.
You didn’t work out for the approval of men, you worked out for yourself because of it became almost a stress reliever but also was a way you could look into the mirror and be confident.
You had to admit that today you looked amazing in that dress.
As you walked closer to the bartender you asked for one tequila shot. The chair on the bar was just what you needed right now. Sitting down felt like a relief. You sighed and pulled your phone out of your purse.
You caught Mikey’s eye fast. As soon as you sat down he noticed you, not sitting too far away from him and Richie. “Cousin, look at her god damn.” Richie turned around and saw her. “Damn, she’s beautiful.” “Tiff wouldn’t even be mad at me sayin that, hell, she would fuckin agree!” He said laughing.
Mikey chuckled at him. He kept staring at you while you were taking your shots and scrolling on your phone. Richie noticed him looking at you and said, “Mike, go over there and just talk to her.” If she catches you staring at her she’s gonna think you’re a fuckin’ creep.”
“You’re fuckin’ right man.” Mikey said conflicted on what he should do.
You got up and asked the bartender where the restroom was. Since this was the first time you had been to this bar, you didn’t know the way around it at all. He told you where it was and you walked over there quickly. When you were walking, Mikey saw your ass move in the dress. “Oh my god, she’s fuckin’ perfect!” Mikey said with that image permanently implemented into his mind.
Richie laughed and said, “Starin at ass all night ain’t gonna get ya too far.” He said. Mikey laughed, “Yeah, yeah I know but I haven’t been in the game for a while.” “What if I fuck it up?” He said and looked at Richie, his brown hair falling into his face a little.
Richie looked at Mikey and said, “Cousin, you won’t fuck it up, you’re Michael fuckin’ Berzatto you always find your way man.” He patted Mikey’s shoulder. Mikey chuckled, “Yeah yeah I guess you’re right.”
“I know I am” said Richie confidently. Richie started laughing, “what?” Mikey said smiling. “I don’t know it’s just crazy to me after all these years of being best friends, you would be the one asking me for advice about this type of shit” Richie smiled. “Shut the fuck up dude” Mikey said while laughing.
You came out the restroom and turned around the corner. Richie saw you and said, “There she goes” fuckin’ opportunity of a lifetime right there.” He shrugged. “Your choice” Mikey rolled his eyes and finally got up. He walked over to where you were originally sitting.
You approached closer to your seat and saw this man with brown hair and brown eyes. He was extremely attractive and you were wondering why he was going closer to where you were.
You sat down at your seat and turned your head to look at the man. “Can I help you sir?” You said politely, while doing a half smile. He looked into your eyes. “Can I buy you a drink?” He said smoothly but on the inside he was nervous. You intimidated him so badly. You were the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid his eyes upon so of course you would make him nervous.
“Depends on what you get me.” You said in a voice that you didn’t use often until you saw attractive men. He leaned in, not too uncomfortably close but was still being smooth with it, “whatever you want” you smiled.
“I like you. You’re fuckin’ awesome.” You said. You weren’t drunk but you still felt a little tipsy. He laughed, “Appreciate the words of affirmation.” He said and smiled at you. Richie saw you guys from his seat and smiled. “I’m so glad I talked him into this shit.” He thought to himself.
“Two shots of tequila please.” You said to the bar tender. “Coming right up ma’am.” He said. “So what is a beautiful woman like you doing here in a shitty bar?” Mikey said. You shrugged, “I had a long day and this was my closest way to let go of all that shit for today and relax.”
“No shit, we have the exact same reason.” He said. You laughed, “A lot of people come here to do that so I dont think we’re special for that.” “Here you go ma’am” the bar tender said while sliding your drinks to you.
“Thank you.”
“Cheers” you said while raising ur glass up before swallowing it all down. “Cheers” Mikey said while staring into your eyes. He put the cup on the bar. “Shit! That’s strong.” Mikey said while closing his eyes tight.
“What? Mr big strong guy can’t handle a shot of tequila?” You said laughing and touching his arm that was very built. He chuckled and looked at his arm after you touched it. “Oh my god” you said embarrassed I’m so sorry I usually am not this bold I swear like I’m a quiet type of pers-“ he cut you off, “it’s ok sweetheart I don’t mind.”
“Sweetheart” my god you could’ve melted into your chair right there. Sure guys would try and get at you but none like this. He was funny, chill, handsome, and easy to talk to.
He smiled at you and you smiled back. “So does this tequila shot master have a name?” He said while looking at you. “Oh shit! Yeah I forgot to introduce myself, usually I’m much better at this, I’m just drunk as shit” you laughed at yourself. “I’m y/n” “what’s yours?” “Michael but everyone calls me Mikey.”
“Mikey is a good name. You said trying to keep conversation since you wanted to talk to him more. “Thank you sweetheart.” He said while putting his hand on his chest.
“Hey uh you wanna come over to my seat, my cousin Richie is over there and I forgot he was over there.” “I love talkin’ to ya doll but I don’t wanna leave him there by himself.” You completely understood and having nothing else to do you said, “sure! I’ll follow you Mikey.”
You saying his name was all he wanted to hear. He walked back to where Richie was sitting. Richie looked up and saw Mikey followed by you. “Let’s go Mike! He better thank me for this later.” Richie thought as you guys got closer to the stools.
“Y/n, this is my best friend Richie, Richie nodded and stuck out his hand for you to shake it. “Nice to meet ya sweetheart.” You smiled at him, “Likewise” you said. I thought you said he was your cousin?” Mikey looked at him, and said, “Nah, we’re not blood related but I’ve known him for so fuckin’ long we basically are cousins.”
Richie laughed, drunker than he was before, “I can’t believe Mikey has finally managed to find someone that is actually nice.”
Mikey looked at him embarrassed that he even said that. “Thanks Richie!” “For that comment!” You chuckled, not really knowing what to say. You sat down and just felt like you belonged with those two.
You vented about your job and they did too and just talked about life and where you were from. All night long everybody was laughing and having a good time. Then Richie checked his phone for the time, “Fuck! Tiff! She’s gonna be so mad when she realized I stayed later than I told her.”
Mikey looked genuinely concerned for him. “Well man go ahead, I’ll see ya soon cousin.” He stood up and hugged him. “Nice to meet ya Y/n!” He said running off to his car. “You too Richie!” Mikey yelled, “Drive safe fuckin’ idiot!”
Richie laughed and got into his car, “you know I will!” You couldn’t help but laugh at their conversation. You loved their relationship and wished you had a best friend like that.
You and Mikey walked out of the bar and sat on a bench just outside of it next to a tree. When you sat down you let out this big sigh, “I need to get out of the dress.” You said kind of getting annoyed by it at this point in the night. He looked at you, “You look amazing in it.” He said while looking at you with his brown eyes that felt special and important.
You didn’t know how to explain it. Like he admired you.
“Thank you.” You said smiling. You pulled out a blunt and your lighter from your purse. He looked over, “You smoke?” You nodded, “The best stress reliever to exist because you just fuckin’ forget everything.” He nodded “I think need that shit right now too.”
“Oh yeah?” You said lighting up the joint. You put it to your lips, inhaled, and blew out. You handed it to him. “What could you be anxious about? You got a girl waitin’ at your house too?” He inhaled it and blew out. “Fuck no” “I’m not good with relationships.”
“She gotta be real special for me to actually try and not fuck it up. Other than that, it just adds more drama in my life.” You nodded and internally was disappointed that you may not get to know him further.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes passing the blunt back and forth. Watching cars go way past their speed limit on the street.
It was never an uncomfortable silence, it was actually pretty calming.
“You know something, my whole life is just a fuckin’ mess” you turned your head slowly to him and continued listening. “I feel like everyone has these high expectations of what they want me to do with my life but in reality I don’t know what I’m fuckin’ doing.”
“Shit is scary dude.” You continued nodding and listening. You finally chimed in, “Yeah well, life is a fuckin bitch.” You ever heard someone say if you ever want god to laugh you should tell him your plans.” He shook his head. “Nah I never heard of that one but that shit makes sense.”
“Well whatever you do in life, I know you’ll figure it out and be great at it.” “Even though I just met you, it feels like we’ve been friends for a very long time.” He smiled, “I was thinkin the same thing sweetheart.”
You guys talked some more about life. “One question Mikey” “Shoot” he said. “Will you potentially maybe want to see me again?” “Like a date.” “You would get the real y/n and not this version who’s tired and out of it.”
“I would be a fool to say no darlin’” he said while getting closer to you. You had never felt safer being close to anybody in your life. “And by the way, this version of y/n is perfect.” He said reassuringly.
You smiled back at him and laid your head on his shoulder. He couldn’t believe he had a beautiful woman laying her head on his shoulder. He was definitely going to tell Richie about this tomorrow.
He was glad he saw you from across the bar because he got to have this moment.
That’s how you and Mikey Berzatto met and the rest became history.
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kingofech0park · 3 months
six ways to say you're my everything
iwaoi (wc: 6,442)
The new kid moves into the house across the street when Iwaizumi is four. Fourteen years later, he's moving to Argentina. Hajime has never been good with words, so how can he find a way to tell his best friend he loves him before it's too late?
Alternatively, a million times Iwaizumi tries to say I love you, and one time the two manage to get it right.
The new kid moves into the house across the street when Iwaizumi is four.
Hajime watches the big moving van pull up in front of the house with great curiosity. He likes trucks. This one comes with a big dining room table, a couch, a little-kid bed frame that’s just the same size as his– and a whiny brat with huge eyes like milk chocolate and brown hair that’s so shiny that Hajime wants to reach out and touch it, and find out if it’s real. The kid seems perpetually anxious, always hiding behind his mother when he makes accidental eye contact with Hajime through the windowpane but still peering out from behind her legs to catch another glance. 
Hajime thinks he’s weird. He tells his mother this, to which she unceremoniously kicks him outside to go make a friend.
So he’s standing outside, scuffed velcro sneakers kicking a rock through the grass when it happens– New Kid is laying down in the grass across the road, looking through the green blades, and then he screams and sprints across the road without even bothering to look both ways. He’s weird. He also runs straight towards Hajime, screaming continuously and uninterrupted, and not even a full body slam into the other boy can get him to shut up.
“HEY!” Hajime shouts at New Kid, who is now fully on top of him and screeching still to heaven and earth and anyone else who could hear him (which is most everyone in Miyagi, Hajime is sure) and the New Kid pauses to take a breath, trembling and eyes huge and glassy with tears as he stares at Hajime momentarily. 
“I saw a bee .” New Kid whispers before the tears spill over and he begins wailing. Jeez. He’s so weird, Hajime thinks, but wraps him up in a hug anyway and pats his back with one tiny hand. The kid buries his snotty crying face into Hajime’s Godzilla t-shirt and as much as he wants to shove him off, the boy’s hair is just as soft as it looks and all up under Hajime’s chin.
“Did it even sting you?” Hajime questions, half annoyed, half jokingly.
“It DIDN’T.” New Kid looks up with indignation, already wiping away the tears. “But it’s a BEE and I don’t LIKE IT.”
“Were you scared? Lotsa people are scared of bees.” Hajime reassures him, patting his back again. The other boy swipes his hand aside.
“I’m not scared. I don’t get scared because I’m super brave!” It’s not a very convincing show, considering the flush on the boy’s cheeks from all the crying and the string of snot dripping from his tiny nose, but he seems dead set on this fact, so Hajime doesn’t push it.
“Well I’m Iwaizumi Hajime.” He says. “I live in the blue house.”
“Iwai… Iway-soomy?”
“IWAIZUMI.” He corrects firmly. New Kid looks like he’s about to burst into tears again as he tries to pronounce it, tongue stumbling over the Z, and Hajime relents. “You can just call me Iwa, I guess.”
“Iwa… that sounds DUMB.” New Kid sticks out his tongue. “I’m Oikawa Tooru.” Hajime is just getting ready to light into him for calling his name dumb when Oikawa says cheerily, “I’ll just call you Iwa-chan!”
“Iwa-chan!!” The new kid hits Hajime with this thousand watt grin, one that feels like sunshine and butterflies and rainbows and makes his heartbeat speed up, or maybe skip a few beats. He brushes off the feeling as best as he can and hides the sudden weirdness underneath a facade of annoyance.
“You’re just mad you can’t pronounce my name, Dumbykawa.”
“HEY! That is very mean.” Oikawa says, stomping one foot. “Iwa-chan is a meanie.”
And so begins the greatest adventure that never truly ends.
Within a few weeks of the Oikawas moving in, Hajime has become Tooru’s brave knight in shining armor, and Tooru his delicate prince.
As much as the brunette claims to be big and strong and valiant, he screams when he sees ladybugs and the Iwaizumis’ dog and cries when Hajime reminds him that he’s shorter. “I’ll grow taller than you one day.” Tooru proclaims, cheeks pink and embarrassed, and shrieks at his Iwa-chan to stop laughing after.
Hajime has never had anyone to share everything with before. They eat melonpan and milkbread together in the green grass of spring and share watermelon popsicles when the sticky heat of summer comes around. Oikawa screams when grasshoppers appear before them as they sit on the curb and leaps into his knight’s arms, screaming “SAVE ME, IWA-CHAN.” as he hides behind tiny fingers. June passes fast and July faster, a blink of an eye in 31 long afternoons spent wading in the creek and catching dragonflies. Birthdays pass by full of excitement and cake and new toys to play with, but their new five-year-old status means something new: by August, the pair have a far greater foe than large bugs and thunder to reckon with. They are going to kindergarten. 
Oikawa doesn’t want to, vocally complaining every chance he gets, and Hajime doesn’t either– but he still holds his prince’s hand and tells him important things, like that it’ll be just fine and don’t you want to get super smart and big like your mom and dad? Tooru nods, face screwed up tearfully like it always is when anything remotely bad happens, and the two prepare for the first day of school of their lives.
The last sleepover of summer hurts in all the best ways. Oikawa is up in Iwaizumi’s godzilla themed bedroom with his alien patterned pillow under one arm and the two play trucks late into the night, the last sunset of freedom streaking gold and orange across the evening sky. They watch movies until too late, eat far too many sugary snacks, and as night falls, Oikawa snuggles into bed next to Hajime despite the existence of a perfectly good futon and whispers into his neck, “Iwa-chan, I’m scared.”
“Me too.” Hajime mumbles. He knows he’s the brave knight. He knows he’s supposed to protect Tooru, his sweet prince, but he’s scared. And they’re only five. And kindergarten feels like the biggest monster he’s ever had to fight, or maybe the end of the world.
“But I’ll be with you!” Oikawa looks utterly shocked, surprise written all over his five-year-old features, rosy cheeks so endearing, eyes so big and brown and warm. “Iwa-chan will protect me and I’ll protect Iwa-chan.”
“Yep! That’s a good idea.” Hajime feels the smile spreading over his face as the brunette snuggles closer. 
“We’ll be together forever, right, Iwa-chan?” Tooru asks. His face is all pink and sweet and worried, and Hajime doesn’t know what to do. Doesn’t have the words yet to say, of course. I want you with me always and forever and no matter what. Doesn’t know how to say I love you. So he just kisses his best friend on the cheek, short and swift, and hides under the covers.
“Yeah. Go to sleep, Dumbykawa.” He mutters, face flushed.
Iwaizumi is sure of the undeniable truth at that moment– as long as they are together, everything will be okay.
Elementary school comes and goes in a whirlwind of time after the two discover volleyball in second grade. 
At first, Iwaizumi is sure it’s another one of Oikawa’s phases that come and go– brief obsessions with constellations, with aliens, with dinosaurs, with drawing, with baking (the shortest, forcefully put to an end by his mother after he almost set fire to the kitchen) but the sport sticks in his life, a new and permanent fixture that changes their friendship in a thousand perfect ways. Time spent wandering through the creeks, Tooru complaining about bug bites, is now spent sweaty and starry-eyed as they both pull off their first decent receives, first basic serves, first sets and spikes that they cheer at, fist bumping as they raucously yell in excitement. Everything about volleyball is new to them both and yet utterly addictive, terrific, fitting into their lives flawlessly like the last piece of the puzzle. Childhoods always pass people by quickly, and theirs is a thing to behold; a thing to dream about in thirty years, a quintessential youth spent finding ways to fly.
But by the end of fifth grade, Hajime is already feeling it– the omnipresent weight of the growth to come, the transition to junior high marking an abandonment of childish freedoms. They have both changed so much since they have met, but volleyball remains, a remnant of a picturesque boyhood to carry onward. Oikawa has latched onto it like a lifeline, and Hajime has to stop him from practicing before he collapses on some worrying nights.
They still have sleepovers often. They practice volleyball constantly, but they still watch space movies at Oikawa’s behest, still share dorayaki and still buy ramune on hot days. But there are other, subtle changes now that they are older; his best friend has begun to sleep on the futon without complaint most nights, and their midnight chatter has become sprinkled with a new topic of conversation: girls.
“Do you have a crush, Iwa-chan? Don’t you think Ishida-chan from our class is cute? She looks at you all the time, you know, I bet she likes you.”
“Knock it off.” Hajime always says, pushing the topic of conversation off before Oikawa can probe too much. The problem with this whole situation is that he doesn’t have a crush. Girls don’t interest him. Boys don’t, either (and it would be sacrilege to admit it if he did). He really doesn’t know what it means to have a crush, anyway. Oikawa has explained it to him before, and he still doesn’t get it.
“It’s like, your heart gets all fluttery and you get excited and you just wanna talk to them! And get to know them. And you think they’re soooo pretty and like to look at them and stuff.”
“The only person I really get excited to talk to is you.” Iwaizumi mutters, voice gruff. “I don’t think I get this whole crush stuff.”
Oikawa looks at him, big brown eyes wide and so, so warm. “Does Iwa-chan have a crush on me?” It’s teasing, but there’s something underneath that Hajime can’t quite place.
“No, Stupidkawa. I don’t have a crush on anyone. You’re my best friend, is why,” He huffs, turning over on his bed. Oikawa sleeps on the futon again and doesn’t whine about being cold, not even once.
Tooru gets even more serious about volleyball somehow, once they’re in junior high.
Hajime has to personally drag him home from practice now that they go to Kitagawa Daiichi and are competing. The setter is always grinding himself to dust, trying to be better than anyone else, trying to bring out the best in every player, and trying to beat the Miyagi prefecture’s powerhouse junior high– Shiratorizawa. Oikawa is far from the little kid Hajime met– he doesn’t cry anymore, biting back every feeling instead; refusing to say if he’s hurting, refusing to admit he’s tired or hungry or has any kind of human need, like it would expose a weakness. Every time they have a sleepover now, talk of girls and crushes is a blip on the horizon of Oikawa’s infinite hunger to practice volleyball, get better at volleyball, be the greatest at volleyball, hit a perfect serve, throw a perfect set, c’mon, Iwa-chan please hit it for me just one more time, I want to make sure it’s perfect. It makes so much sense for him and yet is so puzzling to Hajime; the boy who cried in his arms because he saw a bee, not even getting stung, won’t admit when he’s overstretched the ligaments in his knees again, won’t admit when his fingers bleed as he wipes them surreptitiously on the inside of his dark blue uniform. There’s one incident, though, that really cements this new facet of Oikawa’s personality in Iwaizumi’s mind. It’s during a game.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi are second years, and Kitagawa Daiichi is playing Shiratorizawa. Tooru is spinning the ball between his fingers, preparing to serve, and his eyes are locked on the enemy– Ushijima Wakatoshi, the left handed freak spiker decked out in purple uniform, eyes narrowed as Tooru goes in for his jump serve. He’s become great at those serves. What once was a cheer-worthy hit as long as it made it over the net is now insufficient unless he scores a service ace, and he’s been practicing for hours and hours, training to perfection, training to the point of injury.
Iwaizumi can feel it from his position on the court. Tooru’s knees are just the slightest bit wobbly as he makes his approach, leaping into the air for the jump serve and his hand hits the ball with a deafening crack, its trajectory poorly aimed but its speed and power immense for a middle school team. But Oikawa’s descent from the jump is wrong. It’s like Hajime can see it in slow motion: his best friend landing on both feet, and then his right knee giving out under his body weight, collapsing to the ground.
There’s some shouting and general commotion but the setter pulls himself to his feet, face screwed up in pain, and continues to move– preparing to set the ball, to score a point, to win the game. Determined to the point of detriment like always. But the color drains from his face when he puts weight on the hurt leg, and he is mid-hobble to a setting position when the time-out is called.
“I’m not hurt, please don’t take me out of play.” He’s begging, pleading, when Hajime walks up to him and grabs him by the arm.
“What were you thinking? Getting back up to play? Stupidkawa!” He’s trying not to shout at his best friend, who’s already in so much pain, but Oikawa just launches himself into Hajime’s chest, finally letting the tears loose. It’s a whispered admission, for him and him alone, into his shoulder that Iwaizumi receives: “Iwa-chan, it really hurts.”
“I know. I can’t believe you tried to keep playing.” Hajime admonishes, pulling his best friend up by an arm around his shoulder, helping him hobble out to the nurses’. Tooru is trembling, trying not to cry some more, but holds onto Iwaizumi like a lifeline. “I want to keep playing.”
“I know.” the spiker replies as he sits him down in the nurse’s office. “But you can’t keep playing if you’re hurt, okay?”
“Shit.” Oikawa mumbles weakly into Iwaizumi’s arm, and the spiker doesn’t know how to tell him: I care about you so much. Please don’t get hurt. I love you too much to see you hurt. I want you to be happy all the time.
So he just says, “Stupidkawa. Take better care of yourself.”
“I know.” Tooru mutters, voice distant. “I know, Iwa-chan.”
Hajime doesn’t really get all this crush stuff until he’s a first year at Aoba Johsai.
Oikawa definitely gets it. He’s always gotten it, literally. Confessions left, front, and center, Valentine’s day candy piled up on his desk. He loves sweets, and attention, so he doesn’t seem to mind the overload of girls following him around like lost puppies everywhere he goes. But he never dates any of them, citing he’s too busy with volleyball or some other reason that’s never quite sufficient for his suitors.
There are lots of changes now that they’re in highschool. Like the myriad of girls with one eye always on Oikawa (and by proxy Iwaizumi, because they walk together so much). Like their new teammates and fellow first-years on the team, Matsukawa and Hanamaki, who are rapidly becoming their close friends. Like Oikawa growing taller than Hajime, for god's sake. But the weirdest change has definitely been this crush business.
Why does Iwaizumi get a sudden hole in the bottom of his stomach every time Oikawa is getting a confession? Is he worried that he might say yes?
He just doesn’t want to lose his best friend. That has to be it, right?
But the feeling continues. It happens when Oikawa gets excited about a heart-shaped lollipop someone gives him. It happens when Oikawa doesn’t throw away his confession letters and keeps them in a stack on his desk (“It’s not nice to throw them away, Iwa-chan! Just because you’re bad with the ladies doesn’t mean you shouldn’t respect their feelings). It happens when Oikawa goes on a cautious first date or two, never committing to a relationship but always dipping his toes in, toeing the line, something, never everything, and never nothing. And it definitely happens when Oikawa has his first real kiss and Iwaizumi feels a horrific twinge deep down in his gut that sounds exactly like, I’d feel gross kissing anyone unless it was Oikawa.
It hits him right then and there. And he doesn’t tell anyone his secret, but he’s always been a terrible liar, and the guilt feels so heavy, like an iron ball sitting in his esophagus whenever he swallows back his feelings: I have a crush on my best friend.
It isn’t a revelation in the sense that the feeling is new. It’s more of an epiphany, finally understanding something lost in translation for the last eleven years since they met, and it makes him a little sick to his stomach to finally know. Surely he had fallen for him, really, at a certain time, hour, day, minute. But the feeling seems to him to just be a natural way of being, an undeniable fact. It hurts around the edges, uncomfortable lodged in his heart now that he’s aware it’s there, but the world doesn’t end as much as Iwaizumi is sure it will, and he could never tell his best friend he loves him, so life goes on unchanged. 
Oikawa keeps saving confessions on his desk, until the pile has to be shoved into a drawer. He keeps rereading them sometimes late at night, when he’s sure he’s unlovable, and Iwaizumi keeps working to make sure his best friend knows that can’t be true. How can you be unloveable if I’ve loved you since the moment I met you? It’s what he wants to say. But he doesn’t have the words, and he doesn’t look for them. It wouldn’t change a thing. Iwaizumi would rather have him, incompletely, his best friend and everything and anything, then lose him to a stupid crush.
So he does his best to forget it.
It’s after the last game of an illustrious highschool career. A game against Karasuno. A game that means that Aoba Johsai’s team, and by proxy Oikawa and Iwaizumi, will never go to nationals.
They’ve all cried already. Iwaizumi has already cried into his best friend’s shoulder, wiped Tooru’s tears, compartmentalized all of this as what it is– a childhood dream gone unfulfilled, a good memory to keep nonetheless, and the last volleyball game of his highschool career with his favorite team he’s ever had the joy of playing on. And the last real game with his best friend. But they’re walking home and Hajime knows his best friend’s eyes are too hard to reflect acceptance; he grieves hard and slow and leaves a mark for himself to remember being hurt. 
“You know, you probably won’t be truly happy until you’re really old.” Iwaizumi says, trying to break the silence.
“Iwa-chan! What kind of curse is that!” His best friend’s voice is playful, but it’s off. The loss is still aching. Hajime knows him.
“No matter how many tournaments you win, you’ll still be that annoying guy who chases volleyball forever.” Iwaizumi is trying. He wants to tell him, you’ll be doing this forever. He wants to tell him, you’ll get another chance to win. And another and another and I know you won’t stop until you win everything. And I believe in you– but the words are failing him just like always.
“You always have to throw in an insult.” Tooru rolls his eyes. 
“What I’m trying to say–” Hajime’s brow furrows in frustration, the irritation getting to him. “Keep going without a second thought, anyway.”
Oikawa comes to a pause in the middle of the sidewalk. Does his best friend know how beautiful he looks in the moonlight? The flush in his face, the redness near his eyes from crying, lashes long and still wet, his soft hair swaying slightly as he walks. Hajime wants to tell him all of the most important things. He’s going to lose him soon. They will go their separate ways for the first time in fourteen years. I love you, he wants to say. You’re the love of my life. You’re going to be incredible anywhere. You always are. You’re every star in my sky. Iwaizumi Hajime has never been good with words. But he tries, just like always.
“I couldn’t be prouder to have you as a partner.” He says. “And you’re the absolute best setter.”
Iwaizumi Hajime does not know how to say it yet, how to say I love you , but he can see in his best friend’s eyes that it reaches him anyway.
Everything is changing all over again. Iwaizumi is moving to California for university. Oikawa is leaving, too, but even farther somehow– twelve hours of time difference away from the street with their two houses in Miyagi, to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The setter will train and train, train with José Blanco and train on the beach and grow huge wings that will fly him to the moon and stars. Hajime’s prince is becoming a king, and he won’t need a knight in shining armor by his side any longer.
It’s all happened too soon, and the unspoken confession weighs too heavy, too noticeable in his throat, bleeding all through the spiker’s lungs and skin as the date creeps closer and closer like a scheduled execution– the day his best friend, and possibly the love of his life, boards a plane and disappears to a far-off land to chase stars all by himself.
Iwaizumi has been taking care of Oikawa his whole life. Defending him from ladybugs and holding his milkbread and bandaging his scraped knees and helping him to the nurses’ office. Humming him to sleep on rough nights, spiking every set he throws at him, helping fill out a thousand forms for volleyball team applications. He’s never been good with words, but his love has been spoken through a million actions, a million moments caring, protecting his best friend from bees. Even the ones that didn’t sting. Hajime hopes, prays, pleads, that it’ll be enough. The date of departure creeps closer and closer, and the confession aches as it grows, always too close to the surface to swallow, never close enough to say.
The night before the light of his life vanishes into a memory, though, Oikawa Tooru knocks on his window and ushers him into the muggy midnight of a last Miyagi summer.
Iwaizumi gets out of bed slowly, groggily, rubbing his eyes. They come into focus to show pale, perfect setter fingers pressed up against the glass, cheeks flushed, the prettiest brown eyes on earth staring back at him. He cracks open the window. “What are you doing?”
“Iwa-chan!” His best friend smiles that thousand watt grin that got him so whipped fourteen years ago. It still fills Hajime with that big feeling, a swelling thing that makes him feel invincible, like his soul itself was buoyant, unencumbered by any evil of the world. Light. Free. But Tooru is taller now; there is a smugness in his eyes, muscles rippling along his arms, a full set of grown-up teeth between those pink lips Hajime wants to kiss so badly. His prince has grown beyond where he can reach.
That’s okay. He’s proud of him.
Iwaizumi shoves on scuffed white sneakers and swings one leg, then the other, out of the window and lands in the grass. They’ve snuck out like this hundreds of times before; at six, looking to hunt for fireflies in the stickiness of post-bedtime July; at nine, gazing up at the same constellations they always saw while Oikawa pointed out the Little Dipper, Cassiopeia, Orion’s Belt, Ursa Major. Asking if Iwaizumi thought aliens would come and kidnap them if they stayed out too late. Constantly at thirteen, Oikawa throwing set after set tirelessly or practicing his serves until his muscles ached and his knees were scraped on the pavement, Iwaizumi chastising him for his stupidity and holding his hand while they crept home; drinking at seventeen, sharing a secret sip of stolen beer under the light of a half moon, dew catching on the grass, always sharing Iwaizumi’s big green scarf that kept them both warm even if Oikawa had to lean on his best friend’s shoulder to fit. And now, at eighteen; Hajime feels his heart catch and tear on the jagged ribs that cage it. Maybe because it’ll be the last time this will ever happen, and he is not ready to let go.
“It’s my last night, Iwa-chan! Don’t you want to go out with a bang?” Tooru whispers. His voice is hushed and yet so electric; an undercurrent of excitement and passion and the slightest hint of his petulance. So, so easy to love.
“It’s the middle of your last night.” Hajime mutters dubiously. “Doesn’t your flight leave at 10am? Have you even packed?” 
The silence is loud. Iwaizumi looks at his best friend incredulously. “You really are a dumbass.”
“Shut it!” Oikawa retorts, ever so slightly whining, and God, Hajime loves him. “I wanted to go get snacks first! And you can help me pack, Iwa-chan.”
“I am not helping you pack.” Hajime snorts.
“Yes you are. You adore me.”
They walk to the convenience store with those words ringing in his head. They have far too much weight, and they’re so casual, but so true. How do you say I love you to your best friend after fourteen years of knowing it? How can you even start to explain the way you feel? Hajime could tell him lots of things. He could tell Oikawa his stupid hair is so soft and perfect even when he’s slept on it and that it doesn’t matter how much he fiddles with it, his anxiety is pointless. He could tell him that his eyes are warm like milk chocolate and fringed with lashes and that’s what makes all the girls orbit around him like he’s Jupiter, ninety-five moons always circling and never quite touching the planet’s surface. He could tell him that he hates the way he works himself so hard, hates the way he treats himself. Iwaizumi could say that he hates the way that he has to lose him, hates the way that he will let him go, every time, because Oikawa deserves to chase and pin down every dream he could possibly conjure; win everything, all of it, have the world and all the stars in the sky that Hajime dreams of hanging in those big eyes.
Tooru rushes him in the store, proclaiming various things like time waits for no man! and, it’s the last night of my childhood! as they pick out milkbread and pocky and lychee ramune and all the other things Oikawa won’t have in Argentina. They’re still poking around six minutes before closing, and the cashier gives them a withering glare that sends the setter into a fit of quiet giggles. Oikawa’s laughing is pretty, and Hajime resigns it to memory, keeping careful note of it for later– even though he’d really prefer to keep it, to have and to hold forever. They crack the cold ramune open outside and it fizzes sticky all over the setter’s slender fingers. Iwaizumi calls him an idiot like always and everything in the world is right. 
They wash their hands in the Oikawa house upstairs, quietly so as to avoid detection. The setter’s room is a mess– luggage only half packed, Aoba Johsai jersey slung across a chair, glow-in-the-dark star stickers on the ceiling from when he was scared of the dark peeling, everything unkempt. Socks aren’t in matching pairs in his suitcase, his Best Setter Award from junior high hanging tilted on the wall, blankets askew. It really only hits when he sees Oikawa’s volleyball shoes tucked neatly into the suitcase: he’s leaving. Possibly forever.
Fuck. Hajime loves him and he’s never gonna know.
Tooru decides after half an hour that packing is boring and also sad and it feels like a sear, red-hot and electric when he grabs Hajime’s hand to pull him outside. Too close. Not close enough. He hops onto his bike, Aoba-Johsai teal, and tells the spiker to get on, right behind him.
“We’ve tried this before. You always get too tired.”
“Iwa-chan, I’m big and strong now and I can totally cycle you to wherever I want to go.” Oikawa protests. He’s right, and Hajime isn’t sure he wants him to be.
“Besides,” The setter continues, “It’s a surprise.”
Despite his insistence, Hajime is the one pedaling uphill with Tooru’s arms wrapped around him within five minutes. His calves ache, burning under tan skin, a sheen of sweat along bare arms. The workout still isn’t enough to distract him from the secret buried inside his voicebox, though, and his best friend’s arms glow pale in the moonlight, fingers pressed into Hajime’s torso. They burn holes right through to his skin, cool through his shirt which is altogether too thick and far too thin. Oikawa’s chin rests on Iwaizumi’s bare shoulder, scorching and distracting, and the setter murmurs a myriad of facts Hajime won’t remember in the morning, pointing out constellations and telling him about the Mars rovers; Iwaizumi is too busy noticing the starlight that catches in Oikawa’s eyes, soft on his skin, reflecting off his hair, to care about anything in the sky. The pair emerges at the top of the hill and Hajime curses as he throws the bike aside, muscles aching, Tooru scrambling off him and the burn of his touch ebbing. Oikawa grabs his face. “Look, Iwa-chan,” he whispers, and tilts Hajime’s chin towards the sky.
He is sure the earth must be a tiny dot. The darkness stretches from end to end and the milky way is sprinkled across it like salt or snow, a trillion celestial suns dotting the cosmos. The moon hangs heavy and cold and Iwaizumi is reminded of the Chinese fairytale of Chang’e, the memory flitting by from a mythology elective. She steals a pill of immortality and is banished to the moon for all eternity. Her husband Hou Yi watches her from earth anyway. Hajime wonders if the trajectory of their lives is the same as his own, Oikawa always chasing things that cannot be held, trapped on the moon for eternity. Hajime will watch him from earth anyway. Hajime will watch him in Argentina from the TV, watch him lose and lose again until eventually he wins, watch Tooru win everything and anything forever and ever and love him all the same from his view on the ground. But just for a little longer, the moon is far, and they can look at it together.
The cicadas are chirping and the two lay in the grass, sipping the last of their ramune, passing the box of pocky back and forth as they stare at the stars. Hajime stares at the empty bottle like it has answers.
“I wanted to take you to the planetarium, before you left.” He admits, voice gruff. “They have all the shit you like, the constellations and stuff. I wanted you to see them.” He does not say, I wanted to see them together. He does not say, I wanted to capture all of those stars and hang them in your eyes. He does not say, I wanted those eyes full of stars to close for a moment so I could kiss you, find a way to say I love you, hold you, never let you go. But all the love he feels is laced into every word, hoarse with adoration, and he wonders if Oikawa catches it. He doesn’t look over in time to see the setter’s face screw up in tears, flush creeping up his cheeks.
“Fuck.” Tooru mumbles, finding his way into Hajime’s arms just like he always does. “I’m so happy I have you, Iwa-chan. I don’t know how to tell you, I just–” He wipes his eyes, cheek burning against Iwaizumi’s bare collarbones. “Thank you for being the greatest best friend in the whole wide world.”
Hajime feels his stomach twist, but his heart still beats warm and steady and certain that he is home.
“And,” Oikawa murmurs, head nestled against his best friend’s shoulder, “We have all the stars anyone could want right here.”
The silence is almost comfortable, almost perfect, with the boy he loves tucked safely up against his collarbone, brown hair tickling his jaw, the warm summer night brushing up against their skin and soaking through. But Iwaizumi’s skin is being burned everywhere Oikawa touches, where his cheekbone sears against his neck, where his chin surely scorches his bare shoulder through his tank top, where his arm wraps around his back and clings to his side, where their legs tangle oh-so-slightly in the grass. The smolder coalesces into a glassy marble, hot on Iwaizumi’s tongue: I love you. It aches. Everything aches, yearning, hungry for just a little more than he can have, insatiable by nature, stinging around the edges. I love you seems serrated now, thorny and caught in the flesh of his tongue, unable to escape and begging to be released. The silence is almost comfortable. But it hurts, too, clawing its way into his flesh with the longing for just a little more.
Iwaizumi Hajime has never been good with words. Oikawa tries, just like always.
“Iwa-chan.” Oikawa breaks the spiker from his anguished reverie. “Iwa-chan, this isn’t enough.”
Hajime turns his head to examine his face, swallowing the panic that threatens to explode. “Huh? What does that mean?” He says flatly, emotionless, bracing himself for the sting.
“Fuck. That came out wrong, fuck, it’s just, Iwa–” And for the first time, Iwaizumi really sees him. The boy he loves, shaking. Face flushed. Eyes shining. The tremble of his lower lip, moreso on the left side. The goosebumps on his pale forearm even on such a warm night. Oikawa bites his lip, hard, fingers trembling against his best friend’s skin.
“Iwa-chan, you’re the greatest best friend in the entire world, and it’s not enough.”
“I know.” Iwaizumi mumbles after a moment. “Obviously. You have dreams, and there’s Argentina, obviously–”
“No– fuck– I mean–”
Hajime stares at the ground. Hard. “It’s fine, Shittykawa, I get it–” 
He is cut off by a kiss.
Oikawa Tooru crushes his lips into Iwaizumi like he is dying. His fingers find purchase, clinging onto the black tank top, tangling in his hair, finding lines along his jaw, begging, pleading, stay . Let this be okay. His lips are soft against his best friend’s chapped ones and he squeezes his eyes tighter closed than they need to be, too afraid to see. It’s I love you in a thousand ways that neither of them are quite sure how to say. Hajime tangles his fingers in the other boy’s hair, pulling him close, holding all of him, and Tooru is the one to pull away. The one to confess a secret held and kept for as long as he can remember. “Iwa-chan. You are the greatest best friend in the whole wide world, and I don’t want you to be my best friend.” The setter is shaking. Tears threaten.
“I’m in love with you, Iwa-chan.” He whispers. 
Dead silence.
“Tell me it’s stupid.” Oikawa laughs brokenly. “I know it’s stupid, Stupidkawa being stupid, I know, I know– ”
Hajime kisses his best friend again, every cell in his body screaming to pull that boy closer, hold him tighter, cling to him until he never thinks he’s stupid ever again. It’s rough and hungry and confused and scared, and Iwaizumi Hajime has never been good with words but he’s sure he’ll die if he doesn’t say it, sure he’ll explode.
“I’m so fucking in love with you.” Hajime tells him, holding him so close, staring at those big brown eyes. “I’m so fucking in love with you, Oikawa, I love you more than anything.” 
Tooru’s face is pink and sweet and wet with tears and he whispers, “I love you more than anything, too.”
“Can I kiss you again?” Hajime’s voice is rough. He isn’t good with words. He doesn’t know how to say everything he feels and knows to be true. Doesn’t know how to tell Tooru he’s the center of the universe. But he can see in his best friend’s eyes and all the sparkle in them that he already knows.
“Yeah.” Oikawa whispers, and for a moment, everything in the world is right.
So continues the greatest adventure that never truly ends.
The new kid moves away from the house across the street when Iwaizumi is eighteen.
There’s no moving van this time. Tooru hugs Hajime tight in front of the blue Iwaizumi house and they hold hands the whole car ride in the backseat. They both do their best not to cry. Change is a part of life, one they’re both well aware of by now. 
Hajime gives the love of his life one last secret kiss in the airport. Their fingers untangle as Oikawa says goodbye, vanishing into a dream. But he’s never really gone. He’ll be scared of stupid things just like always, work himself to the bone just like always, get stupid confessions just like always. Hajime’s prince is becoming a king, and he couldn’t be prouder. And when Tooru has caught every shooting star he’s ever wished on, won everything and flown to the moon a million times, he’ll come running home. Gold medals will hang from his hands and clank together with the sound of victorious return, that thousand-watt smile on his face even after all this time, his hair still soft and shiny as always, milk chocolate eyes still the prettiest sight in the whole world.
Iwaizumi Hajime has never been good with words, but he says I love you at the airport anyway.
And, goodbye.
And, I can’t wait to see you again.
I hope u guys liked it! I got so obsessed with telling their story over time and it ended up being thirteen pages long on google docs, font size eleven in the span of about 24 hours lmao.
Also, I'm not 100% sure it's technically six of anything. six ways to say you're my everything just sounded like a cool title. roll with it pls
Thanks for reading !!!
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drunkenkissesatdusk · 24 days
pairings — damian wayne - al ghul x reader x jonathan kent (platonic today guys)
warnings — none except the reminder that you might be going back to school soon so be afraid
summary — the summer hadn’t lasted long enough, and you find you and your best friends cooped up in a room complaining during a heatwave.
notes — hey guys except smth f1 related soon
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━━━━━━━ YOU WERE LAID ACROSS THE FOOT end of Damian’s expansive bed, in a tank top and shorts, your body spread as to not let your body heat up anymore than it already was.
Jonathan was on two bean bags right next to the bed, where you could see him - one supporting his feet and the other supporting his upper body. he too was wearing loose fit clothes that covered as little skin as they could.
Damian was spewed across the top end of his bed, his body much like yours. he also happened to be dressed in loose and airy clothing. it was a god send during this heatwave that suddenly flashed onto Gotham.
no matter how much air circulated the manor, nothing would soothe the warmth flowing in through the walls and any possible place. it was hell on earth.
“are we sure this isn’t the work of a villain?” you groaned, slightly turning your face in order for Damian to hear you.
he made his signature ‘tt’ sound, shaking his head with a weak attempt to hide his grin. his hand flipped to the side, hitting against your upper calf. you smirked, looking away.
“god it’s so fucking hot.” Jonathan complained, you groaned in agreement. Damian silently listened - or fell asleep. either way, you couldn’t blame him - it was crazy hot, and it made you tired.
like a god in this melting heat, Alfred walked in with a tray of ice cold water and a bucket with three pops in ice. you cheered without moving your head, letting out a small whoop with Jonathan.
Alfred said his goodbyes, and walked out.
the three of you instantly reached for the water, gulping it down without ever taking a breath. “the brain freeze is worth it.” you mumble, setting the cup down on the tray and extending your limbs again.
“i can’t believe we have school next week.” Jonathan leaned back again, his body going rigid in a moments notice.
the fatigue flooding in through the air pulling on the energy in the atmosphere, gathering a synchronized yawn from all of you.
you huffed, flipping yourself over to lay on your back, letting your arms lay lax at your sides. Damian watched you move from where he lay, smirking at your tired expression.
“have you melted?” he nudged you again mostly like he had previously, flipping his arm to hit against your knee. you looked at him with struggle.
“i think so. would you guys still be my friends if i was a giant puddle of goo?” you sighed, letting the next refreshing rush of air conditioner air float on your body.
the cloudless sky beat down on the dark colored manor that you were taking shelter in - a helpless mistake now.
“yeah; i think so.” Jonathan slurred slightly, yawning.
“probably.” Damian’s voice was the only level one, one that didn’t slur a few vowels or phrases.
“i’d be friends with you guys if you were also puddles of goo.” you mumbled. “are you guys tired?” you didn’t open your eyes this time. it felt like 35 pounds were rested on your eyelids - it was nearly physically impossible to open them.
“yes, exhausted.” Jonathan grumbled, reaching for a pop.
“no.” Damian spoke.
you tiredly rose to rest on your elbows. finding yourself now glaring at Damian, you huffed out an ‘unfair’ with a toss of a nearby throw pillow.
Damian smirked, catching the pillow and throwing it at you. you let it smack against your face, making the three of you laugh together.
“we can go swimming.” Damian muttered, sitting up fully.
“oh yeah, you’ve got a pool.” you hummed, managing to stand up somehow. you had to help a weak Jonathan finally get up.
the three of you trudged your way down to the outdoor pool. the final stretch to the pool was most difficult, and basking in the shade while Damian cooled the pool proved to be useless.
“hurry up, Dames.” Jonathan dragged his voice out dramatically.
Damian rolled his eyes, holding a hand out and helping tug you up from where you sat, you both offered your hands to Jonathan, who made it extra difficult to pull him up.
half way through, you let go to turn around and throw yourself into the cold pool. the immediate relief that flooded through you, you happily laughed.
“holy shit, dude this feels awesome!” you waded around in the cold water.
Jonathan and Damian jumped in with you suddenly, and you spent hours in the water before Alfred came out to scold the three of you to dry land and wrapped in towels.
taking your soaking bodies into living room, Jonathan hijacked the remote and changed it to play Golden Girls, intriguing the three of you.
Alfred came back with changes of clothes, and after changing, you were all soon fast asleep on the couch.
the heatwave passed slightly, but was still evident in the sleep shorts and sleep tops you all wore - thin and breathy. also the fact that none of you had blankets to heat your bodies up.
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masterlist — reminder that asks / requests are open!!
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demigods-posts · 5 months
the necklace exchange has to be one of my favorite scenes in the show. because in the books. annabeth gives percy her necklace to symbolize that she'll fight beside him in the face of adversity. when he's about to fight ares. but in the tv series. ares was never the real threat. percy whooped his ass in two seconds flat. the real threat was zeus. zeus is at the head of the neglectful system of which the gods use their children's as pawns to do their bidding. and when percy compared him to a monster. something he has to dismantle or dethrone to survive. he is essentially setting a death sentence in motion. and annabeth. who has blindly followed in the gods footsteps since she was seven. who has done everything they've ever asked. who perceives her value as a person based solely on the gods approval. understood that. and to go from blindly following the gods into to battle. to figuratively fighting alongside percy in the face of adversity. is one of the the utmost expressions of faith between these two thus far. and i love it so much.
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droptheprompt · 1 year
Ive Started writing a story about two Platonic best friends who run away from home and just want to start their life somehow :)) I would like dialogue prompts of these chaotic best friends just bickering at each other and try to survive (with each other), thank you!!!
That sounds like a fun story :D I'll do my best.
"What do you mean you don't know how to start a fire?" "I never had to do it before, okay?"
"Don't you dare to blame this on me, I wasn't the one who suggested it."
"I know a shortcut." "Let me guess, it's longer but also a worse road?"
"Soo, what are we going to do without money?" "Stripping? Find a sugar daddy?"
"How am I supposed to know? You're the smart one!" "Dude, we're both dumb."
"I brought us dinner!" "That's a pile of leaves."
"How did you even manage to lose something that was around your neck?" "I'm not good at keeping things, okay?"
"Did you just lose all our remaining money to a scam?" "But the guy looked so convincing!"
"It's going to rain." "Good thing we have umbrellas." "Yeah? And where exactly?" "...Oh."
"Don't burn the kitchen down before I come back." ... "What did I tell you about burning down the kitchen?"
"Are you carrying rocks in that backpack? It's heavy as heck!" "That's just essentials."
I hope these will help. Good luck with your story!
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escespace · 16 days
Lovely, cute, adorable! Someone check my sugar levels because I can't handle this! It's like my dreams poured into a fic, what any fan of this couple wants to read after a exhausting day
The attraction of one for the other still keeps as a priority the friendship well in complicity with which they began
If I had to choose a trope to read all my life it would be pining and this Fic is the one that made me realize it. 
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table (Merlin) Additional Tags: Fluff, Making Out, the knights know what's up, Tournaments, Arthur Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Pining Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Oblivious Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), First Kiss, Merlin's Neckerchief (Merlin), Good Morgana (Merlin), Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Era, author ignores canon, basically no one died except uther and everyone is good, why? bc i said so, King Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Court Sorcerer Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Knows About Morgana's Magic (Merlin) Summary:
Apparently, the council has nothing better to do than constantly hound Arthur about his love life. When they bring up the topic of finding a queen, Arthur desperately compromises...a compromise that still requires him to accept a lady's favor so that he can fight for her in the tournament. The only problem is the only person whose favor he would accept is Merlin's, but that would be impossible... right?
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resident-gay-bitch · 6 months
Remus loves books, he loves reading so much and Sirius knows this. He knows this so well because half the time when he wants Remus to look at him, and pay attention to him, Remus simply just won’t because he’s so bloody, infuriatingly, adorably invested in whatever book it is he’s reading.
It doesn’t even matter the genre, Sirius has learnt, nor that it’s fictional or otherwise. Just words on yellowing pages, with cracked spines and a warm smell emanating from within, that’s what Remus loves. He likes to escape there, to lose focus, time, and reality. And Sirius respects it.
He used to love reading himself, when he was younger. His favorite books were fantasy action. He got lost in the tales and strange lands, imagining himself as the noble hero, saving lives and running off into the sunset on a noble steed, or perhaps even with a lover.
He’s lost the knack for it these days, mostly. Sometimes he still picks up a book to read, if it really captivates him. Or if it’s so painstakingly good that Remus, rather than just expressing that it was enjoyable to read and outlining the basic plot, rambles about it for ages. Especially if he goes back and reads it a second time over, taking a quill to the pages, underlining his favorite phrases, adding exclamation marks for emphasis, and writing out every thought he has about it.
Sirius always reads those, but mostly for Remus’ input. And mostly so he can sit there and listen to Remus talk about it again, and get so brilliantly excited when Sirius agrees that particular characters sucked, or when they disagree about how certain plot points were brilliant, or how painstakingly heartbreaking the use of symbolism added so much depth to the entire book.
Sirius has two large bookshelves in his room. Both of them he’s built himself because he refuses to let Effie and Flea spend any extra money on him, and he himself doesn’t want to spend money on bookshelves when he can just make them. He also made Remus one, when he first learnt just how much Remus likes to read, when he first moved in with James. He’s still very proud of it to this day.
Point is, he has two large bookshelves, and they’re each only half full of books. There are other things on them, taking up the space. Such as his record collection, which is excessive now, and brilliant, and takes up a lot of space. It’s also riddled with gadgets, and thingamabobs, and dust collectors, and whatsits, as well as little things he’s tinkered.
He’s building himself another shelf at the moment, this one will have a stained glass door- so, more of a cabinet, he supposes. It’s made especially for his records, measured to fit the height and width of them perfectly with just a little wiggle room. That, once it’s done, will clear out plenty of space on his bookshelf for more books.
He’ll build himself another shelf or two, he thinks. Ones to mount one the wall, a place to keep all his little things that don’t really have a place, other than randomly on his bookshelves. He wants to leave as much room as possible.
Because, see, Sirius doesn’t read much. And the books he does read are already found on his shelf, or Remus’, because he borrows them.
But Remus reads a lot. He’s always looking for new books, everywhere he goes. Sirius can’t count the times he’s been pulled into random stores just to look at books for hours, only for Remus to walk out empty handed.
Because Remus doesn’t have the money for books. He never has. Maybe a few, here and there, cheep ones that is, from second hand stores. And on his birthday and Christmas his parents spoil him by picking out a couple of big ones.
But Remus’ money is saved for things other than books.
That hasn’t been much of an issue, because there are libraries. He spends a lot of time in the library at Hogwarts, when they’re there. And over the breaks, he spends it in the library by his house. And he borrows books from Sirius, and James, and Lily, and Peter, and Mary, and Marlene too.
But the thing is, Remus is running out of books. And sure, he’s happy to read the non fictional books, ones about the history of magic, or life in the trenches of the First Muggle World War, or how to bake cakes, or the biography of Salazar Slytherin, or whatever the hell else he can find. But nothing captivates him the way a good story can.
He needs tales to escape in between the more boring stuff. Remus never raves about the non-fiction. Sure, he tells Sirius random facts when he finds them out, or puts his new knowledge to use. But the novelty of a made up world excites him.
Sirius likes to watch Remus read fiction. He likes to watch Remus shift in his chair and tense his shoulders, he likes to watch blush bloom over Remus’ cheeks with a giddy smile as his eyes twinkle and lock onto the page. He also likes when he hears Remus’ sharp gasps, and gets to look up to find him sitting in the most awkward, on edge positions as he fixedly reads, and watches as tears begin to roll down Remus’ cheeks and dance over freckles.
He mostly likes when Remus smiles at his page, sure and familiar, a knowing look in his eye that makes him glimmer right before he looks up to try and find Sirius in the room, and blush immediately when he does before tucking his face back into the pages. Sirius likes that one the best, because he knows, whatever Remus read, it made him think of Sirius. He especially likes when Remus scribbles something on the page right after, or just dog ears the corner so he’ll never loose the page.
Sirius really likes when Remus finds a good story, and Remus clearly also likes when he finds a good Story. Remus doesn’t have the funds to by himself stories and has read his way through the entirety of his local libraries fictional section, as well as everything on Sirius’ own shelf twice.
But Sirius does have the funds for books. He has part of the inheritance his uncle Alphard left when he died, he has his weekly allowance from the Potters, as does James, and he has money saved up from working in Mrs Florence’ garden across the road all summer.
So he goes out, and buys books, and hopes Remus hasn’t read them.
He gets home, and puts them on his own shelf, because the last time Sirius bought a book for Remus just simply because he wanted to, Remus slapped him with the book, made his knee buckle with his cane, and told Sirius to never spend his money on him again.
So naturally, Sirius stole him a book, and Remus hit him twelve times with the new book, called him a stupid fucking idiot, and made him promise to never do it again.
He then promptly went and read the book, and made a note at the very back that Sirius was the one who got it for him, with a star placed by his name, thinking Sirius wouldn’t notice. Because Sirius would never snoop through Remus’ bookshelf when he’s not looking to try and read whatever annotations from Remus’ brain he could, hoping to find one that Remus made after doing his adorable glance and thinking of Sirius. No, no he’d never do that, Remus, he promises.
So Sirius buys himself books, ones that wouldn’t look too out of place sitting on his shelves, ones he doesn’t recognise Remus ever holding (though, that doesn’t mean much as Remus reads at the pace of a race car, Sirius is sure there’s a new book in his hand each time Sirius looks up), and prays Remus will like them. He thinks he will. He likes most books.
Sirius just hopes he makes annotations in them before he remembers they’re not his books, and puts them back on Sirius’ shelf to find.
So Sirius stacks them on his shelf, and waits for Remus to take the bait.
The first time Remus comes into his room once they’re there, he clearly notices, but doesn’t comment. So Sirius goes out to buy another.
The second time, he makes a comment, asking if Sirius ever actually reads the books he carelessly spends money on, and nothing else.
So Sirius buys another book, and begins to read the one with the most interesting cover. He makes sure the spine is cracked, the pages withered, and a crease on the cover from bending it wrong.
Remus notices it, the next time he visits, and asks if Sirius enjoyed it. He didn’t mind it, but he tells Remus he really liked the character named Liam (who reminds him vividly of Remus), and recommends it. Remus takes it home. Sirius rambles to James about how brilliantly smart his plan is for hours.
The next time Remus comes around, he returns the book. It’s in a similar state to when Sirius had last seen it, besides a few extra wrinkles on the spine, and creased pages. Sirius smiles and admires it for a while once Remus has left, with another book, another one Sirius made himself read, he didn’t like that one at all.
Naturally, Remus really enjoyed that one. They argue about it for a while, and Remus tosses the book at Sirius with a laugh, and Sirius resists the urge to throw himself back at Remus.
James and Peter go out in the sun, but Remus’ hip is bad that day, so Sirius stays inside with him. He sits and watches Remus read, it’s one of his own books, one he’s read at least four times before. He’s got a pen between his teeth that he keeps pulling out to scribble things down before placing it back.
Sirius wishes he were a pen.
Remus finishes his book and whines about it for a while, because he doesn’t have another, and he can’t stand to go outside. So Sirius gets up, grabs a book, and plops it in Remus’ lap. Remus blushes. It’s some muggle book, it’s about magic folk, and fairies, and a really cool protagonist with long black hair and tattoos and a winning grin.
He’s not even shy when he tells Remus he bought it so he could read about himself. Remus lightly thwacks him with his cane and tells Sirius to fuck off.
Sirius sits on the bed, and grabs Remus’ discarded book, and opens it up to page one. Already there, marked in blurry ink on the first page reads: this is what it feels like to have a star wish on you, right back. Sirius smiles, and begins to read, mostly for Remus’ annotations, but the book is good no less. It’s about doomed love, written through the metaphore of the night sky, and unsettling undertones of cannibalalistic desire, all wrapped up in one neat little bow that ties itself off with an accidental murder suicide.
Honestly, Sirius understands why Remus likes it now. He’s heard Remus talk about it in great detail before but bloody hell, it’s good. And Remus’ annotations make it better.
“Bloody-fuck.” Remus gasps, catching Sirius off guard. He sticks his head up and wonders how on earth Remus had gotten to the “bloody-fuck” part of the story yet, that’s over halfway through, and they’ve only been reading for twenty minuets.
“What’s the issue?” Sirius asks.
“Do you have an eraser?” Remus asks, “A magic one, for ink? Can’t use my wand.”
“Erm, no…” Sirius mutters. He knows Flea has one in his office, and he’s allowed to go get it if he ever needs, knowing it sits in the top left drawer, right by the paperclips. But he doesn’t say that, not yet.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Remus mumbles, “I forgot it wasn’t- I just… I still had the pen in my mouth.”
Sirius feels his heart race, “Remus, did you… write in my book?”
Remus looks so ashamed, and he holds up the neat pages and flips through all that he’s read, and… yeah, there’s a lot in there already. Scribbled lines, phrases, exclamation points, question marks, little stars drawn everywhere.
Sirius feels himself fall a little harder in love, “You can write in my book.” He mutters and swallows, “You can write in all of my books, whatever you like. It doesn’t matter, I probably won’t read most of them anyway.” Sirius lies. If they have Remus’ annotations he certainly will.
“Why would you buy them then?”
Sirius shrugged, “I had empty space on my bookshelf… I like having them there. Besides, I could read them, you know, I just… usually don’t.”
Remus snickers and shakes his head, “You’re strange- like a dragon. You’re a dragon that hoards treasure. Your treasure is books.”
Wrong, Sirius thinks, my treasure is you.
“A dragon.” Sirius mutters, “Do you fear me, Remus, a big mighty dragon?”
Remus scoffs and turns back to the book, “You’re such a small dragon you don’t even have the ability to fly.”
Sirius throws his pillow at Remus’ head. Remus laughs, flipping Sirius off, which only spurs him on.
Sirius promptly jumps off the bed and changes to Padfoot midway through the air, landing right on the arm of the chair Remus occupies before crawling all over him.
“Get off me, you stupid mutt!” Remus laughs, tacking Padfoot away, “You’re going to rip the book.”
Padfoot only barks and wags his tail high in the air.
Remus laughs again, sticking his good leg out where Sirius now sits on the ground, he uses it to pet Sirius’ side as he fixes his hair and book.
Padfoot tilts his head up at Remus, tongue hanging out of his mouth, as he watches.
“I can really write in it?”
Padfoot scoots closer, licking Remus’ knee.
Remus snickers and shoes him away, “You’re so gross, Padfoot. Your dog slobber stinks, you know that?”
Padfoot barks, resting his paw on top of Remus’ hand for a moment.
“Fine.” Remus breaths, “But you can write in mine too, that means.”
Sirius will be, he knows it.
Padfoot, however, watches Remus go back to reading, too invested to pay him any mind now. He plucks the pen from his ear and starts making more marks. Padfoot rests his head on Remus’ knee, and mindlessly, Remus reaches out to pet him.
That’s how James and Peter find them, two hours later. Remus deeply concentrated, halfway through his book, and Padfoot looking up at him like he hung the sky. James teases Sirius mercilessly about it later.
Over the week, Sirius reads. He reads Remus’ book, the one he left behind so Sirius could finish reading. And Sirius takes a red inked pen, because one time Remus said Sirius looks good in the colour red, and makes his own annotations. There aren’t many, as there isn’t much room left and Remus has basically said it all, but he underlines the things he likes, and draws wonky little circles half shaded in by the things that make him think of Remus (they’re supposed to be moons, and he hopes Remus won’t be able to tell at first, because the first wonky circle is placed right next to the phrase: nothing consumes her they way the need to taste his skin on her tongue does-).
The next time Sirius sees Remus, they’re at the Lupins. He brought Remus’ book with his own red annotations, and two other books, one about space, and one about a dog that dies.
He’s almost at the end of the one where the dog dies, and it’s honeslty devastating. It’s bound to make Remus sad. So very, very sad.
They sit on Remus’ bed, Remus up by the headboard, and Sirius himself laying over the foot on his stomach, a pillow tucked under his chin.
He’s crying, down to the last pages of his book, his heart being ripped out of his chest as he reads. When he started crying, Remus silently extended his legs and crossed them, letting his heels sit on the small of Sirius’ back. Because Remus is brilliant, and he knows Sirius likes to be touched when he’s sad.
He closes his book with a sigh, buries his face in the pillow, and screams. Remus laughs.
“You have to read this, Moony. It’s devastating.” Sirius sobs.
“If you insist.” Remus agrees, still reading his book.
“The dog dies!” Sirius rolls onto his side to look at him, “He dies, Remus, isn’t that horrible. I mean- it was bad enough for me, I can’t imagine what it would be like for you.”
Remus glances up over his book at raises an eyebrow at Sirius.
“You know…” Sirius sniffles, rubbing his nose before waving his hand through the air, “Because I’m a dog, and you won’t be able to stop thinking about me, and losing me, and-“
A pillow was thrown at his head so hard it shoved him back. But Sirius loves the dramatics, so he takes it further, and rolls until he topples off the end of the bed and groans about betrayal. Remus pretends not to listen, Remus continues to read. Sirius wants to give him the world.
Sirius eventually gets up and selects a book off of Remus’ shelf, admiring his own handiwork for a moment. He flicks the book open, and finds no annotations, so he puts it back. He grabs another, finds the same, and repeats.
“What are you looking for?” Remus asks.
Unashamedly, Sirius tells him, “One with your thoughts written out. Those are my favourites.” He picks up another, sifts through, and puts it back.
He turns when Remus is quiet for a while, he’s grinning, like he expects to find Remus with his head in his book, so distracted he didn’t hear. But he’s not.
Remus is blushing, and he’s looking at Sirius so curiously.
“I like your thoughts.” Sirius clears his throat, “You’re smart, they’re interesting. Besides, I hate not knowing what’s going to happen, you always manage to make correct predictions, so good at picking up clues.”
Remus smiles and ducks his head before reaching out and grabbing a book off his bedside. He tosses it at Sirius, “That one’s a children’s novel. It’s about a frog. I’ve annotated it seven times.”
“Brilliant.” Sirius grins, plopping himself back down on his bed and opening the book, “I love frogs.”
Remus laughs, a quiet laugh, embarrassed and bashful. They both continue to read. Sirius pulls out his pen and scribbles a red, wonky circle when the frog finds himself in love.
Four weeks later, and Sirius and Remus have been swapping books back and forth in trade. Remus takes his pick of whatever is on Sirius’ shelf, or whatever he’s “accidentally” left at Remus’ place, and in turn, Sirius reads whatever books Remus has annotated. Eventually, he begins to read his own, purely for Remus’ annotations.
Remus never fails to leave annotations, and Sirius leaves them right back.
One time, Sirius even worked up the courage to write annotations in one of his own books before handing it off for Remus to read, just in hopes of Remus liking them too.
He does. He circles Sirius’ annotations with his own black ink, and adds little stars in random places, and he even goes so far as to argue with Sirius in the margins.
This week, they meet at the movies with James and Peter. As they wait in the popcorn line together, Sirius hands him two books. One of Remus’ own that he’s returning, and one from his collection. He read it, another book about love. There was a line about reliability, and loyalty, and pure, blinding admiration, even in petty fights and bickering, and Sirius took a bold step and wrote: This reminds me of us.
Remus returns the book about a fierce dragon, and slaps a new one in his hands about a man driven to murder by his untidy roommate, “Maybe you’ll learn something from this one, hmm?”
Sirius didn’t get it until the book was done, and he had read every snarky remark aimed right at Sirius that Remus wrote, including the note at the end that requested Sirius keep his mess to his corner of the room before Remus is driven to a murderous fate. Sirius laughed so hard James came rushing into the room out of pure concern.
The next time they exchanged books, Sirius gave him one titled The Picture of Dorian Grey. Remus had already read it. Sirius scoffed, knowing this would happen sooner or later. However, when Sirius moved to put it back in his bag, Remus snatched it away. He only borrowed it last time, so now he could write his annotations, which excited him. It excited Sirius too.
“I have a strange one for you.” Remus said, handing it over nervously, “I… I’ve read this one a lot.”
“Okay?” Sirius asked, taking it slowly, looking at the cover, so withered he couldn’t clearly make out the image.
Remus swallowed, “It’s really one of my favorites.”
“I can’t wait, then.” Sirius grinned, flicking through it quickly and seeing almost no room to leave his own messages.
Remus nodded, “Just… just beware, okay?”
“Okay, Remus, I’ve got it.” Sirius snickered, wiggling the book like a fan, “What, has it got like, wild kinky sex in it. Does this book delve into your deepest desires, Remus? Does it make you feel sexy?” Sirius teases.
Remus swallows and turns his gaze away.
Sirius’ jaw goes slack, “Oh, my Merlin- I… it does.”
Remus blush’s, “Look- it’s not like that, it’s just-“ He mumbles, hiding his head in his hands, “Yes, there is a sex scene in it, near the end. It’s very long, and very detailed. But that’s not- I’m not trying to be weird, okay? I’d prefer to not give you a sexy book-“
Sirius snickers, “I was only teasing, Remus, it’s fine. Is that the weird bit? The long, sensual sex scene?”
“Mostly… it’s… well, I suppose it’s everything that leads up to it.” Remus swallows.
“Got it.” Sirius nods, and because he’s his own worst enemy, he asks, “Do you get off to it?”
Remus’ front door promptly slams in his face, and no matter how hard he knocks, or laughs, or pretends he’s joking, Remus does not open the door.
Sirius goes home, and he very pointedly does not pick up the book. He’s too nervous now. To nervous to read about this sex scene in Remus’ most favorite book and wonder if he’s ever… Sirius flops face down into his pillow and goes to annoy James instead.
When they meet up to swap back, Sirius still hasn’t read the book yet. He makes up an excuse, telling Remus he hasn’t been focused enough to read something important. Remus doesn’t seem to believe him, he seems so disappointed. He gives Sirius back The Picture Of Dorian Gray and barely talks for the remainder of their time spent together.
When Sirius gets home, he flips through Remus’ annotations, reading them all, and having to do a double take at one. Sure, there are plenty of snide comments about Sirius’ good looks, comparing him to Dorian and making theories on how Sirius must be in a similar situation. But there’s one that makes Sirius’ heart race: I’m annoyed at you. This entire fucking book Dorian’s been described as the most beautiful fucking man on earth and the only face I can fucking picture is yours you bloody idiot. Stop being beautiful, please? It’s detrimental to my sanity.
Sirius’ breath hitched in his throat. He ran to James, immediately, crashing into his room and jumping on the bed, not even caring he’s just interrupted James with his shirt off in a very compromising position with Lily. He doesn’t even care that she’s there.
“Look at this, James, read-“
“Really, Sirius? Now?”
“I’m sorry, Prongs, but you’ve got your happy ending so I don’t care- look.” Sirius shoves the page in his face, “What does this mean?”
James shoves on his glasses and gives Lily an apologetic glance before reading, “What the fuck do you think it means, Sirius?”
“I don’t know.” Sirius breathes, running his fingers over the black ink, “It could mean anything-“
“Sirius!” James laughed, flinging his hands into the air, “It means exactly whatever the hell your heart thinks it means, probably.”
Sirius glares and James and turns to Lily, “You’re smart, what do-“
“Might I remind you, Remus is my best friend, Sirius?” Lily smirked, “So no, I won’t be saying anything, and if you’re smart, you’ll know that’s enough. And I warn you, I will be telling him about this.”
Sirius swallowed and glared at her, “Shit.”
“Shit in deed, Romeo.” She giggled, “Go away please.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He sighed, crawling off the bed, “Not too loud, please.”
James tossed a pillow at him.
“Hey, Sirius?” Lily asked, catching his attention, “You should read his book.”
“Right.” Sirius swallows, and very pointedly does not do that. He goes to make dinner with Effie and Flea, and ask them questions about it instead. They just say the same things James did, and they’re old and happy and very in love, so he actually trusts that.
That night, he lies in bed, a lamp over his shoulder, and he learns extactly why Remus seemed so nervous to share this book. Especially about the sex part, which was… well, it was really sexy. Like, so sexy. Sirius didn’t think anything could ever get that sexy. All he could think about whilst reading was Remus, and how badly he wanted to do those things to Remus, and how he wanted Remus to do those things to him. It was terrible, really.
So good, and so terrible, and so delightfully strange to read about. Because, in the start, the main character was engaged to a very wonderful woman. But by the end, he had left her. He left her because he loved a man. Two men in love. Remus’ favorite book was gay, with so many annotations about his own experiences, with a gay sex scene, with annotations about how much Remus liked the sex scene.
And most of all…
Sirius knew exactly what a lot of those annotations meant. Because around them were little stars. Within them they used “he” and “him” and terms of longing and yearning and… and then it got to a point midway through the book where things changed.
Remus stopped writing things like: I think of him. He’s more beautiful. I’m scared to lose him too.
Instead, he just used one word. One word scribbled everywhere. Beside so many different phrases, with different intentions and different feelings. One word that shattered it all, and that word was: Sirius.
Beside the phrase, he’s so beautiful, I hate him.
Beside the phrase, I miss him, I never got to have him but I miss him, no less.
Beside the phrase, kissing the expanse of his throat is something I think about often, no thought could be as beautifully filthy as mine when he’s around.
Beside the phase, I love him.
“Wakey, wake- oh, you’re up love. Are you alright, I’ve never seen you up with the sun before.” Effie teases as she walks into his room.
Sirius turns to her, eyes blinking. They’re red rimmed from crying. He didn’t realise it was morning. He still has the book in his lap, open to the last page where there’s a message. It’s an apology, and then that apology is taken right back and replaced with a heart.
“I didn’t sleep.” He muttered.
“Oh…” Effie mutters when she sees the state of him, “My darling boy, are you-“
“I have to go.” Sirius whispers.
“What?” She asks.
“I have to go.” Sirius says with more urgency, and he scrambles to his feet and makes a run for it.
“Shoes, dear!” Effie calls, and Sirius runs right back. He stuffs his feet in his slippers and runs off again, “Teeth!”
Sirius races back and hurriedly brushes his teeth. She calls for him again to change his clothes and eat when he tries to leave again, but he doesn’t bother. He just grabs the book and runs, tying not to slip in his slippers.
“Where’s he going?” James asked, standing his his doorway.
“Im not sure.” Effie said, “He’s still in his pyjamas. All he had was a book-“
“A blue one?” James asked.
Effie nodded. James rapt his knuckles on the doorframe and ducked his head inside, “Lily, he’s doing it!”
“Oh, yes!” She shouts back.
James gets a slap on the back of his head, “Did you sneak your girlfriend in over night, James Fleaumont Potter?”
James goes red, “Erm… no?”
Sirius is rushing. He couldn’t get Elvendork up and running, she still needs a few more tweaks. So he’s running there instead. All the way to Remus’ at who knows what time of morning.
When he gets there, he’s panting. He knocks on the door, but there’s no answer.
Lyall is probably at work, Hope is probably tending to her garden out back, and Remus is no doubt still sleeping. He’s worse than Sirius, he’ll sleep until something wakes him up, meaning he’ll sleep through till the next morning if nothing does.
Sirius doesn’t wait, he’s around the corner and shoving open Remus’ window, and hauling himself in before he can even think about it.
The desk that usually sits under Remus’ window is not there. So when Sirius dives in head first, expecting to catch himself on a desk, he’s rather shocked to come toppling down to the floor face first.
He groans, splayed out there on the ground, looking at the roof.
“What… the fuck?” He hears Remus mutter, and he pokes his head up to find that Remus is in the process of rearranging his room.
Sirius furrows his brow and looks at the time, “Why the fuck are you up and active at seven ten in the morning?” He runs his face and sits up, “Why are you rearranging your room?”
“I was stressed.” Remus swallowed, “Didn’t sleep.”
“Why?” Sirius groaned, his nose hurts, so he pokes it, which doesn’t help.
“Lily said you read what I wrote about you in Dorian Gray… called me, said you were asking what it meant.”
“Yeah, uhm- ow.” Sirius poked his face again.
“Don’t do that.” Remus grumbled, reaching for his cane and walking over to help Sirius up.
“Sorry.” Sirius yawns, his lack of sleep catching up to him.
“Why are you up?” Remus asked, “You don’t do anything before nine if you don’t have too.”
Sirius smiles, Remus knows him so well, “Didn’t sleep either.”
“Why not?” Remus hummed, casually leaning on his cane in that suave way he does. James doesn’t think it’s suave, he tells Sirius it’s just normal, but Sirius knows better than James. He’s blinded by love, of course he knows better than James.
“Was reading.” Sirius swallowed, holding up the book and wiggling it in his hands, “Uh… I made some annotations back… where they fit.”
Yeah, basically just Remus’ name right beside his own, everywhere, and lots of little moons. He even underlined one very sexy line in the dirty scene that really made him think of Remus, and drew and arrow pointing to it, and wrote both of their names with a heart around them.
“Oh.” Remus swallowed, taking the book when Sirius handed it back.
They were both blushing.
“Go on, open it.” Sirius mumbled, nodding for encouragement.
So slowly, tentatively, Remus did. He opened the book, midway through, and found his name, and little moons, and a million hearts scribbled everywhere there was space.
Remus dropped the book.
Sirius leant down to pick it up, because he’s always willing to do things for Remus. He always will be. He buys books with all the money he’s meant to be saving, to put them on his own shelf, so that Remus might browse and find something he likes. He just wants to please Remus. To make him happy. To make his life a little simpler.
“Oh, careful, it’s on the brink of falling-“ As Sirius stood back up with it, Remus kissed him. Very quick and very short but very on the lips, “apart.” Sirius squeezed out, “Oh.”
“Oh.” Remus muttered.
“Well…” Sirius swallowed, walking past Remus to put the book down on the desk. Because Sirius is respectful of Remus’ things, always has been, and what he wants to do to Remus right now is probably not very respectful. He turns back, and he grabs him, with everything he has, “You’re mine now.”
“Oh…” Remus mumbled as Sirius kissed him, pulling him down onto the bed, careful to help take the weight off Remus’ hip. Because he’s always thinking of Remus like that.
He lays them down, the way that makes Remus most comfortable, and he presses tight against him, and he kisses Remus with all the strength, and love, and devotion he has.
Sirius never stops buying books, and Remus pretends he never figures out what Sirius is doing. And in their own little house, when they buy one a few years later, Sirius fills a whole room with bookshelves just for Remus, and fills them until they’re overflowing.
He never gets tired of watching Remus read. And he never gets tired of seeing his own name written down in the margins of whatever love story Remus just finished reading.
★ ★ ★
This came to me in a dream. I don’t even know why. It was a vision and I just had to write it so… enjoy?
Also, I just had the image of the Ben Barnes fancast edits using the Dorian Grey clips in my head whilst writing this so I had to reference it. I’m pretty sure canonically Dorian doesn’t even look remotely like Sirius, and honeslty, that just makes Remus’ pining even more pathetic lamo.
Also, none of these books (besides Dorian) referenced are real. I wrote this between 2-4 am so I really had no brain cells left that could use real references lol. This was just fun.
If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it here <3
Wonderful Wolfstar lovers who were interested: @lemongrass77777 @weirdtinkerbellversion @lapassemirroir
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