#ally x marle
askpuyopuyo · 7 months
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A thread of my favorite Puyo pairings for Valentine's day.
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fontthingy · 2 years
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holy shit gay people!!!!
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neokatt · 9 months
and finally my favorite ship!!!
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I absolutely adore these two so much shaking them around AAAA
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fourmoony · 1 year
james potter x f!reader
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fluff. 1.5k.
Summary: James brings home a baby. A baby that is not kidnapped.
part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - masterlist
James is standing in the doorway with a baby in his arms.
You’re so grateful he’s even there, that he’s made it back alive – albeit a little bloody and battered, glasses askew and his face covered in dirt – but alive nonetheless, that you don’t even notice the baby, bundled in a warm, fluffy blanket, wrapped safely in his arms. He’s bouncing his arms gently, probably trying to soothe the baby who’s making soft noises, and it’s really a sight to behold. It’s not until he steps through the doorway and gives you a nervous, lopsided smile that you fully register your boyfriend is holding a baby.
You blink. Once, twice. A third time.
James grows progressively more antsy. He chews his busted lip, winces, and then shifts back and forth on his feet. You have no idea where he could even have procured a baby. He’s been on an order mission for the past four days, scouting possible allies with the vampires whilst simultaneously moving important potions ingredients from one safe house to another, making sure the Death Eaters are always two steps behind order movements. Realistically, there’s been zero opportunity for James to come across a baby that he could just – take home.
“You’re home,” You breathe, because truly, that’s the most important part of the whole ordeal. James is here. He’s safe. He’s alive. Another mission down, and James has returned home. So, you’re glad. Grateful, unbelievably so. But also confused. Deeply confused.
“You have questions,” James is arguably calm about the situation, like he’d expected you to be eyeing him with hesitation – he was right – and he’s already rehearsed this in his head. “That’s normal.”
“Normal,” You repeat, the word tasting foreign on your tongue because nothing about this is normal. “Jamie, you’re holding a baby. Tell me we’re just like, babysitting, or something and you haven’t kidnapped someone’s child!”
James winces at your – albeit, quiet – yelling. The baby whimpers in his arms and immediately James shushes it, bouncing slightly on the spot with a desperate look in his eyes. He’s out of his depth, it’s obvious by the panicked way he’s looking between you and the baby, something pleading in his eyes.
“I didn’t kidnap her,” James argues childishly.
Okay, so, the baby is a girl. And James didn’t kidnap her. You turn and walk towards the kitchen, James follows, hot on your heels. The kitchen is a bit of a mess. There are your dishes from dinner, the bin is full, and there’s a couple of empty cartons for the recycling dotted on the counter closest to the back garden door. But James doesn’t flinch, he surveys his surroundings, but ultimately ignores the mess you’ve allowed to take over the small space in the days he’s been away.
“We were flying over Surrey when Marls spotted the dark mark over a muggle area,” James launches into explanation while you busy yourself with leaning over the sink and running the warm water. “We stopped to assess damage, but the Aurors were already there. Her family was killed, baby. The muggle government won’t touch the scene with a ten-foot pole – not that the baby had any other family, anyway, Alice already checked – and the Ministry won’t do anything except send her to an orphanage.”
The suds around your hands suddenly feel too much. The soup crusted around the side of your dinner bowl won’t come off and you scrub aggressively at it, focussing on that instead of the fact that your boyfriend has essentially just told you he’s informally adopted a child at random, without discussing it with you first.
Well, you know there was no time for him to discuss it. You can’t be mad at him for that. And, really, you can’t be angry at him, either, for bringing her to your home. She’s safe here. She’s already suffered an incredible amount of trauma, and she barely looks more than three months old. Your heart softens with your resolve, and you lift your head to look out of the window above the sink. The cottage you and James live in was a gift from his parents – a gift that had made you incredibly overwhelmed until you found out it had been under their ownership since before James was born, anyway – and has enough room for a swing set and a slide, maybe a trampoline. There’s a spare room, upstairs. Sirius will grumble about giving up his room for when he visits, but you’re sure he’ll get over it with some encouragement from Remus. The cottage is pretty much baby proof for James and Sirius’ sake, anyway. You have enough expendable income to completely kit out an emergency nursery necessary.
The argument isn’t really that you can’t afford to have a baby, or that you don’t have space for a baby. It’s that you’re nineteen, a year out of Hogwarts and in the middle of a war. Things are bad, times are scary, James is gone at least a week out of every month, you spend most of your days confined to the inside of a potions lab with Lily, making key potions that the Order need to work efficiently. You’re still kids yourselves, fighting a war that is taking everything from you.
But the way James is holding her like she’s the most precious thing he’s ever seen, rocking her, and cooing at her, you melt when you turn to face them, and it just feels – right, you suppose.
James looks up, smiles tentatively. You’ve always known he’ll be a great dad. He’s so full of light and love. When he loves, he loves with his entire heart. He loves dotingly and loyally. He’s so sure, standing there. Even though you can tell he’s trying to respect you, waiting to show his excitement until he knows how you feel, you can also see how much love he already has for this little girl, how sure he is that here, with him and with you, is the best place for her.
You take a step towards him, around the kitchen island, and hold your arms out wordlessly. He places her in your arms so gently and then watches as your eyes meet hers. They’re big and round and so blue you feel the breath hitch in your throat. She’s gorgeous. Big puffy cheeks and tufts of dark hair on her small little head. Her tiny lips are curved into a tired pout. You can’t help the smile that overcomes you. When your eyes lift – reluctantly – James is staring at you both. There’s something sickly sweet about the look in his eyes, warm like coffee, sweet like honey.
“We’re at war, Jamie,” You tell him, “Having a baby is a bad idea.”
James nods, “I know.”
A beat of silence passes. An understanding, maybe. It’s a bad time to be two nineteen-year-olds having a baby. But it’s there, in the way James looks at you. He’s never been one to have perfect timing. He asked you to be his girlfriend in the middle of an argument. He asked you to move in with him after school when the first Daily Prophet announcement about the war being confirmed happened. He’s brought a baby home out of nowhere, in the middle of said war. But it feels right. Holding her in your arms, James standing so close you can feel his warmth.
“What’s her name?” You ask, smiling sweetly at James.
He beams. He just – he beams. You know that he knows, then. You’re in. For better or worse.
“No idea. Alice had the muggle police contact the muggle social workers, who had no idea of anything about her. Bit of a mystery, really. But we get to keep her. Keep her safe, love her, raise her. So, I think it worked out. Is that bad?" James whips his head up, like his words surprised himself.
You chuckle lightly, "A little."
"What do you think we should name her?" You ask, eyes flitting back down to her. She's fallen over into sleep, blue irises gone from the world and you feel a tinge of sadness. You miss the bright blue of them, already. She's huffing softly, lips parted cutely. There's something magical about the way she's captured your heart in ten minutes flat. She might have magical powers, after all.
"Not sure. We can think on it. Our meeting with the ministry to officially adopt isn't until Monday." James speaks softly, in awe of the sight of you both.
You nod, "We better ring for Sirius and Remus, send them off for a cot, and then coax them into helping us build it."
You hand her over to James, he takes her, and then make for the phone. James stops you when he speaks, voice an amused whisper, lips pressed to her head, "They're already on their way."
"You knew I'd say yes."
"I knew you'd say yes. How could you not? Look at her." James is all honey voiced as he coos and holds the baby up for you to see and you melt.
She's the cutest thing you've ever seen. You're in awe. She's got your heart, well and truly. It's a strange feeling, to have such adoration for a human so small, who you've only just met. But you know you'll lay your life down to protect her. You'd do anything to make sure she's safe. She promises love, in the darkest time. You can already see the difference in James since returning home. He's lighter, full of smiles, gentle, happy. Usually, after missions, James is dark and brooding. He's filled with a darkness that only being a soldier can bring about.
James is looking at her so lovingly it makes you want to cry. She's happiness, and love. She's-
"Hope." You say, the ghost of a smile on your lips.
James looks up, brows furrowed, a question.
"Hope Potter." You affirm, tears in your eyes.
Your heart fills when James leans forward, presses a kiss to your lips, careful not to jostle Hope, "I love it. I love you."
"I love you. Both."
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Thoughts on Kris x Ralsei
This is so long I had to split it up into parts - this is Part 1, which looks into how the roles that Kris and Ralsei are given contributes to the idea of their romance. As more parts are written, they'll be linked below in this handy-dandy TOC!
Part 1: And They Lived Happily Ever After <- (You Are Here!) Part 1.5: I Believe Your Choices DO Matter Part 2: A Pair of Star-Cross'd Lovers Part 2.5: In Another World, We Could Have Been (Just) Friends
Okay, so.
Wanted to elaborate a bit on my viewpoint of this ship, because I don't think it's something I've ever really discussed before and I think it's actually a very interesting dynamic (or at least has the potential to be, depending on where the rest of Deltarune goes).
So, Kralsei is cute, isn't it? It's fun to hug the fluffy boy and watch him melt into incomprehensible stuttering and blushing. All the little signs he's really, really into Kris, all the cute little snippets of dialogue you can initiate with him, all the alone time they spend together, in both chapters... honestly, the game makes it hard not to root for this pairing.
And yeah, it's cute... in a very surface-level, don't-think-about-it-too-hard kind of way. But once you start thinking about it... hoo boy. There is. A LOT to unpack here. So much more is going on just under the surface, and once you see it, it's difficult to un-see it. And in my opinion, it makes the Kralsei dynamic so much more nuanced, more compelling, and potentially quite tragic.
Now, a disclaimer: it's fine to like this ship on a surface level. No real harm is being done, these are fictional characters and it doesn't matter what reason you enjoy it for - if it provides comfort to you and gets you through, then more power to you! This is more me sorting through my thoughts on the subject and is not a judgment on how others approach it. With that said, and in the spirit of full disclosure, this will go into slightly uncomfortable territory - picking apart the idea of destined love, the deconstruction of common romance tropes, how outside manipulation might play a part, and even the potentially incest-adjacent nature of the relationship. If you don't want to deal with any of that, you can stop reading right now, and that's okay. Please continue to enjoy Deltarune in the manner that is best for you, and thank you for your attention thus far :)
If you're still with me, then please click the read more and we'll get started.
Part 1: And They Lived Happily Ever After
The first thing you have to understand is that Deltarune is utterly determined to cram the notion of Kralsei down the player's throat. The game is not subtle about this in any way, shape or form. Everything from the narration, to the dialogue, to major game events, to item interactions, and even the roles that Kris and Ralsei play both in the story and the party, serves to reinforce the notion that these two are very likely to end up romantically involved with each other in some way.
Let's look at the characters first. Kris is portrayed as the noble knight - stoic, unwavering, courageous, a natural leader - clad in medieval-inspired plate armour and wielding a sword and shield. And Ralsei is the archetypal princess - demure, dainty, kindhearted, nurturing - who uses magic to heal his allies and pacify enemies.
I did not mistype there - Ralsei is a prince, but the characteristics associated with him are more commonly found amongst female healers in JRPGs. Think Fina from Skies of Arcadia, or Marle from Chrono Trigger (minus the temperment), and you might have an idea of what I'm on about.
Think of knights and princesses for a moment. Imagine St. George slaying the dragon to save a helpless damsel. Imagine Lancelot and Gwenevere. Robin Hood and Maid Marion. Link and Zelda. Squall and Rinoa. Every single fairy tale involving an imperilled princess and a knightly rescuer. For a more modern take, imagine The Bodyguard. Ness and Paula. I could go on, but then we'd be here all day.
Suffice it to say that there is a pretty entrenched tradition surrounding these archetypes - a male-coded, phsyically-adept, courageous, stoic, action-oriented figure, is paired with a female-coded, magically-adept (depending on the medium of course), less-physically-capable by comparison, emotional, and more passive foil. The (male-coded) knight protects and rescues, the (female-coded) princess nurtures and soothes.
It is a very, VERY emotionally-charged dynamic, by its very nature. Through their acts of service to their protectee, the Knight displays their devotion and care for the Princess, and is in turn emotionally-enriched and cared-for. There is a great deal of physical and emotional vulnerability between them, and it is therefore ideal for romance stories.
Look at Kris and Ralsei again, through this lens. Kris is immediately put into the role of Knight, and Ralsei quickly establishes himself as a classic Princess. Almost instantly, before you've even become aware of it, you've made the connection - they're going to fall in love, because that's what ALWAYS happens in these stories. Ralsei supports and encourages Kris, both in dialogue and in battle, and Kris...
...Kris, uh...
...hug Ralsei sometimes...?
...they... they give him a ribbon...?
...no, that can't be right.
But it is right, for two reasons. One, Kris doesn't have to do anything. The roles are already established, and Ralsei is playing his part like a pro. And two, Kris doesn't do any of those things in the first place - you do. It's the player who hugs Ralsei, who gives him the ribbon, who picks the dialogue options, who makes the connections. You're the Knight in this scenario, not Kris.
Because Kris doesn't get to make that choice. Kris has to do what you tell them to do. And many of us have already jumped to the conlusion that this romance is happening, becuase that's what always happens. The Knight and the Princess fall in love. They get married. They live happily ever after.
So we ship them, because hey, it's cute, and it's easy. I can't stress enough how easy the game makes this. I'm fairly convinced that Ralsei was designed by comittee, like the Funzo toy in that one episode of the Simpsons. Like he was created with the sole purpose of being the most disgustingly adorable, lovable, awkward little cinnamon bun that ever existed. Like he was created to generate the maximum emotional response in players. It's the cuteness response dialled up to 11, and we are almost hard-wired to want to protect this little bundle of fluff from any and all danger, because lookit how sweet and adorable he is! The glasses make his eyes look all big, his fluffiness is reminscent of that of baby animals, he stutters and fumbles his way through dialogue, and you just want to scoop him up and put him in your pocket or something.
And so, we're more than happy to fulfil the role of the Knight to Ralsei's Princess. Whether Kris actually wants to or not. Because it does become increasingly obvious that outside of our influence, Kris is still their own person, with their own goals and desires, but no real agency with which to pursue them. Would that we could know what they truly want, but we are never presented with an opportunity to find out.
The thing is, Kris is not particularly... knightly. They play pranks on their friends, they swipe sweet treats from their mother, they seem to enjoy getting a rise out of people, and particularly from Asriel, if the story about "dropping the lizard into the pit to jump higher" is any indication. They sleep through class, yet by Berdly's grudging admission they are the "third smartest in the class". The only reason they go to church is so they can drink the "sick fruit juice". They don't seem to have any issue with prank-calling their mom, while she's taking about them with their tutor, while they're standing just out of sight, while they're balancing a trash orb on their head.
Nothing about this behaviour screams "Knight." If anything, it would make more sense for Kris to have become a Rogue-type character upon entering the dark world. So the question remains - why is Kris forced into that role? And to what extent is the seemingly "fated" romance between Kris and Ralsei part of that role?
Folks, we have barely scratched the surface here. If I keep writing here this will become a novel, so I have to stop for everyone's sanity. But I will follow up soon, looking into the ideas of Purpose and Destiny and how they relate to Kralsei in-game. If you've stuck with me up to this point, let me just say thanks, because wow I wrote a lot here, and it's probably a bit rambly and says the same things two or three times, but I just. Had to get this onto the page in some way or another, so... here it is.
Thanks for reading, and see you in the next one :)
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areyoudreaminof · 1 year
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For the final day of @nestaarcheronweek, I've curated a playlist for our music loving girl. I wanted to showcase Nesta's complexities and her deep love for music with songs of strength, anger, loss, and love. Listen to it here! And come for a lyrical deep dive behind the cut!
Fresh Laundry-Allie X
You said you're always on my side But what if my side has changed too much? Then tell me, who am I? You said you're always on my side But what if my side has lived too long? Something has to die Who am I?
Fury Oh Fury-Nico Vega
Fury, oh fury don't you misguide me I need my wits to set me free Fury, oh fury don't you misguide me I need my wits to set me free
Little Dark Age-MGMT
Breathing in the dark, lying on its side The ruins of the dead painted with a scar And the more I straighten out, the less it wants to try The feelings start to rot one wink at a time Forgiving who you are for what you stand to gain Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away
I Love You, But I Need Another Year-Liza Anne
I don't think enough Before I say too much I'm digging my own grave With all the shit I say I keep my head high Kinda like a lie I say I'm doing fine Even when I'm losing my mind
The Fruits-Paris Paloma
As you eat it up whole My body and my blood You've claimed it now, so come drink up And there's no need to be concerned About what's left when you are done because You've got me on my knees to pray Or play some other pleasing role But never wonder Where I must have learnt it all
Alpha Shallows-Laura Marling
But the grey in this city is too much to bear The grey in this city is too much to bear And I believe you are meant to be seen but not to be understood
It's going to be pretty tough when you leave You'll help to take a little part of me To make sure you don't treat yourself mean And I want to see all that you'll see
What's Wrong-PVRIS
I know it's so wrong but I'm so far gone Don't need you to tell me I'm so cynical Quit being so over-skeptical Don't need a metaphor for you to know I'm miserable
Peacemaker-Jesca Hoop
Put down your peacemaker blue Warrior Warrior Beaten and broken and bruised Warrior Warrior Come and I'll unlock your chain link armour Seven baths absolve your blood stained honor Your honor Tell the water of
Human-Oh Land
I don't love you human You remind me of the things I hate in me I don't love you human Cause You show me how imperfect I can be Human You're so lonely lonely lonely
You got eyes so azure You got blood orange skin And there's a spark in your centre that's piercing me in I got a night-time shudder and a lion within I got a brain-tricked hunger and you're pulling me in
Willow Tree March-The Paper Kites
You fall through the trees And you pray with your knees on the ground For the things that you need With your lust and your greed weighing down And you weaken your love And you hold it above your head Success is a song of the heart, not a song of your head
Mountain at My Gates-Foals
I see a mountain in my way It's looming larger by the day I see a darkness in my fate I'll drive my car without the brakes
Oh, gimme some time Show me the foothold from which I can climb Yeah, when I feel low You show me a signpost for where I should go
Rabbit Will Run-Iron and Wine
We've all traded lovers and woke up alone And we've clapped for the king though our fingers were cold And I still have a prayer 'cause I love what I cannot control
Water Water-Empress Of
You're just a heart to hold, you're easy to impress I want to care much more, but I'm feeling less awake You're just a heart to break, easy to manipulate I want to care much more, but I'm feeling less and less
Hold On, Hold On-Neko Case
The most tender place in my heart is for strangers I know it's unkind, but my own blood is much too dangerous Hangin' round the ceiling half the time
Shake it Out-Florence + the Machine
And I am done with my graceless heart So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart 'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn It's always darkest before the dawn
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juliendesclefs · 1 month
A question for a possible future fanfic (look under the cut)
Hi everyone!
I come to ask a little question this time...
Maybe you know I like the videogame named Undertale, and in the game's community, the subject on how one sees Chara and Frisk is a sensitive topic.
As I stated in a previous meme post, I headcanon Chara as being a girl and completely evil...
So, here is the question:
I aslo make the poll on Twitter (X), if you voted there, please do not vote here!
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lonelyspriter · 5 months
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Burn Blur is getting improved'n'groovin' on magical girl and superhero's project.
Happy late 32nd Birthday Sonic and hello me again! I returned to Tumblr but username is LonelySpriter, i have new updated artwork based of Sonic X of my 2D platformer and Metroidvania project with inspiration of Codename: KND and Touhou Project - Sonic the Hedgehog 5, the 3&K and Mania-like, he's have pyrokinetic powers (by Potential Fruit). His former name is Nicky Parlouzer in Sonic 4 Rangers! and friend of Sonic and Alex's friends.
Alejandro "Alex" Coleward - the Blazing Hedgehog-Dragon. The main character and protagonist. The most but half clumsy boy, he's meeky leader of team heroes.
His persona: Kind and cute.
Species: Dragon-hog Demon.
Year and birthplace: 9 years, South Island's Hidden Village.
Alias: Apple Lord (by Sonic, referred to Tom from movie as Donut Lord), Needlemice, The Burn Blur, Nicky, Flame Demon, Little Fire Savior, The Furious Thing Alive, The Supreme Overlord Hero.
Alignment: Good (formerly Neutral).
Likes: Useful foods (especially Apples), 9 some things of like from Sonic, swimming, making teach friends how to do, music about orchestral, childish and music box, cactuses and more collecting things, collecting Anarchy Beryls and Chaos Emeralds, Sonic, his girlfriend Rooney.
Dislikes: Chili dogs (because itchy allergic thing on Sonic's favorite food), Egg-Robo's evil plans, friends being threatened or harming, bullies, being lose, losing his powers, crookedness, being mistaken as Sonic by Amy while chases him, being abused by Dr. Done-It, being tickled by someone (mostly by Momoko).
Friends: Tom (best friend, teammate and sidekick, same like Sonic & Tails), Kelly (best friend, teammate and rival like Sonic vs. Knuckles), Rooney (best friend and love interest), Zoe, Onpu, Katie (best friend and friendly rival of speed), Hana, Momoko, Sonic (best friend, fan and friendly rival of speed), Tails (good friend), Sticks, Marine, Mighty, Shadow (close friend), Marle, Trip, Aiko, Hazuki, Rusty 2.0, Omega, Tania (younger sister), Amitie, Ringo, Chris, Frances, Inhabitants of Vampire Valence, Doremi, Pop, Classic Sonic and other Classic heroes, Egg-Robo's robo-minions (Orbot & Cubot only), Sage, Zooey, Roy, Amy (close friend), Knuckles, Big with Froggy, Silver, Tangle, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Kit, Tails Nine (New Yoke City Counterpart).
Neutral & Frenemies: Dr. Eggman (that Alex must help with him but still Eggman nobody cared, sometimes ally), Dr. Robotnik (ally), Dr. Done-It, Dr. Mindman, Heavy King, Tails Nine, Rusty Rose (until being upgraded), Metal Sonic (robo-doppelgänger and arch-rival), Classic Eggman, Classic Robotnik, Princess Bibin, Zavok, Surge (arch-rival and frenemy), Mr. Dr. Eggman, Mr. Dr. Robotnik, Dr. Deep, Dr. Don't, Dr. Babble, Dr. Done-It (New Yoke City counterpart).
Enemies: Badniks, Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Decoe, Bocoe, Oyajide, Infinite, Nominatus, Retro, Beta, Rough, Tumble.
Voice: Children with inspiration of Lincoln Loud (Overall), Angel De Gracia (Spanish).
(On mouth have sharp tooth like Scourge?)
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puyopairings · 2 years
tag / ship name guide!
finally got around to making a post with every single ship we're okay with! if a ship that isn't, obviously horrible is not on this list it's Probably because we haven't considered it or we forgot to add it. feel free to ask for a ship to be put here either for access or so we remember to tag it
the ships are sorted by era - for example, if you're looking for sig x maguro, you'll find it in 7th, since 7th came after chu.
a final note is that a majority of ships will be tagged by their shorter form. both 'character x character', shortened forms, and extra names will be mentioned and linked even if there arent any posts related to 'em.
serilly x arle -> seriarle
arle x draco -> dracarle
arle x witch -> ???
serilly x draco -> drarilly?
draco x witch -> fightingpotion24 / drawitch
sig x klug -> bookworm24shipping/slug24shipping / sigklug
amitie x klug -> amiklug / klugami / manzai24shipping
amitie x sig -> amisig.
raffina x lidelle -> rafilidelle
raffina x feli -> raffeli
feli x lidelle -> felidelle
feli x raffina x lidelle -> rafelidelle
lemres x schezo -> creepazoid24shipping / lemshreks
lemres x otomo -> lemotomo
ringo x maguro -> applesnail24shipping / magurin
ringo x arle -> ringarle
ringo x amitie -> ringami
ringo x arle x amitie -> ???
sig x maguro -> siguro
klug x maguro -> kluguro
maguro x amitie -> angelfish24shipping / amimagu
sig x maguro x klug x amitie -> blurplepink24shipping
puyo puyo tetris
tee x maguro -> magutee
tee x ringo -> rintee / teerin
tee x maguro x ringo -> maguteerin
ringo x ess -> ringess 💚💚💚
raffina x ess -> raffiess
feli x lidelle x raffina x ess -> raffiessfelidelle
ally x marle -> pastellove24shipping / mally
ally x raffina -> raffially
crossover ships
yeah we're doing this too we might as well. all characters outside of puyo will be marked with their source's name
YUKARI [touhou] X ACCORD!!!! -> yukaccord
yukari x yuyu x accord -> yuyuyuaccord
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cosmicpopstar64 · 3 years
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My copy of Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 seems...off. Has that always been there?
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greenysoliatre · 2 years
draco and marle / ally ?
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If I have to be honest with you I like Draco but I kind of want to know more about her like most of the characters. As well as why does she want to win beauty pageants, I'm not sure that's established yet but let me know if you guys know.
As for Ally/Marle, it sounds cute but I need some more convincing to actually ship it. Though the bonus chapter where you play as Ally in PPT2 was great and it was sweet Marle asked her for help. I wanna see them interact more.
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aurorablue22 · 3 years
Scarface - Young!Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: Somebody decides to mess with Moony. 
(A/N): This can be interpreted as a platonic or romantic relationship between Remus and the reader, it hasn’t been specified! Also, as far as I know, I have created the names and characters of Michael Bershire and his crowd. 
Warnings: violence, blood, mention of scars, heavy swearing. If you are sensitive to these things, please do not continue below the “keep reading” line. 
It was a typical Sunday night for Remus Lupin. As per usual, he had picked up prefect duties for this evening, and wandered throughout the corridors of the castle. 
Midnight was fast approaching, and Remus paused for a moment. Due to him being a werewolf, his senses were amplified, meaning that one of his abilities was superb hearing. 
Lupin cocked his head towards the dungeon staircase, where he heard a bit of commotion. He didn’t even have a moment to approach the noise before the cause was revealed. 
Michael Bershire and his Slytherin gang. 
Remus forced himself not to roll his eyes. Of course, they just had to be out while he was on prefect rounds. 
It seemed that the five lads didn’t notice Remus until he cleared his throat. They quickly snapped their heads in his direction.
“Lupin, ol’ chap! What’re you doing out so late? Haven’t you got a book to read?” Michael Bershire held his head up high, an annoyingly perfect grin plastered on his face. His gelled auburn hair reflected so strongly the candlelight in the halls. 
Remus had to refrain from rolling his eyes as Bershire took a few steps forward. “Gentlemen, it’s approaching midnight. I’ll have to ask you to return to your dormitories.”
“Oh and that we will do! It’s just, we’re a bit preoccupied at the moment. Isn’t that right, lads?” Bershire looked back at his companions, who nodded fervently. 
Remus was taller than Bershire, but because of his horrible posture, they seemed to be on the same level. He bit back a grimace when Bershire’s painfully minty breath stung his eyes. 
“Now if you’ll excuse us, we have business to attend to.” Bershire dramatically turned, his house robes swishing behind him. 
“Well then,” Remus says, “I’m afraid I’ll have to report you to your head of house, and I don’t believe you’d want that to happen. So if you don’t mind-”
And just as dramatically, the Slytherin boy whipped around again. 
“What was that, Scarface?” 
Before Remus could even form words, Bershire was stalking towards him. 
“How dare you speak to me in such an authoritative tone? After all, you’re... well you’ve got mud in your veins!” 
“And blood on his face.” one of the boys behind him added. Remus recognized him to be Adam Percival, the greasiest boy he knew. 
“You’re right Perce, he does have blood on his face. What, was ol’ Minnie upset you didn’t grade her papers for her? Or was it-”
“Shut it, Bershire.” Remus tried his best to compose himself, but couldn’t seem to look away from his shuffling feet. The full moon was only a few days ago, and he’d been left with a couple scrapes around his jaw and cheeks. 
Michael Bershire was baffled. That is, until he came up with another one of his clever ideas. 
“Boys, I’d say we teach Lupin a little lesson. After all, he should know - given his crowd - that snitches are frowned upon.” The 5 Slytherins slowly stalked towards Remus. “And you know what they say-”
“Snitches get stitches.” 
It was then that Remus was swiftly grabbed by two of the boys, and his arms were held behind him as Bershire swung at his stomach. Once they’d decided he’d had enough, Remus’ arms were dropped and his knees buckled under their forceful kicks. 
They pushed him onto the ground where they continued to harm him; kicking and hitting with all their might. It seemed like ages before they let up. 
Slowly, they backed away, but not before Michael could kneel before Remus’ shaking form. 
“Remember what I said, Lupin.”
And with that, he stood up and hurried away, while Remus was left alone in the dark corridor. 
Sirius’ head perked up as Remus entered the common room portrait hole. 
“Moony you’re back! Merlin we thought you got lost-”
“Where ya been, mate?” James cut him off. “We had to play three extra rounds of exploding snap waitin’ for you!”
Peter sat up from his position in front of the fireplace. “Alright Moony? You seem kinda quiet-”
“Good Godric Remus, you look awful!” Sirius shouted when Lupin faced them. 
“Yeah, and I feel just as great.” he said, taking a seat on the worn out couch. 
James came to sit on the armrest beside him. “What happened Moons?”
After Remus came to explain the series of events, the rest of the Marauders were fuming. 
“Oh I’ll kill him. I’ll kill him!” Sirius shouted as he kicked over a coffee table.
“Sirius please, not now!” Remus groaned, covering his ears. “All I want right now, is to go to my room, and get a good night’s rest. Alright? I’ll deal with this bullshit in the morning.” 
“Here, we’ll help you up.” James offered his arm, to which Remus took politely. Just as they were lifting the lycanthrope off the couch, they heard giggles coming from the staircase leading to the girls dormitories. 
“Who’s there?” Peter whisper shouted, receiving a “You bloody idiot!” and a slap from Sirius. 
“It’s just us!” Marlene whisper shouted back, as she, followed by you and Lily, entered the common room. 
“What the hell are you doing up?”
“Nice to see you too, Black.” Marlene raised an eyebrow. 
“If you really wanted to know, we were hungry, and figured the house elves might have some snacks for us. What’s your excuse?” Lily said, crossing her arms over her pajama top. 
“Remus just got back from prefect duties, figured we would-”
“Sweet Merlin Remus, what happened to you?” you suddenly exclaimed, making Peter jump. 
You rushed over to him, taking hold of his face, forcing him to look at you. 
“It’s nothing (Y/N), really. My transformation was a little rough, that’s all-”
“Remus, your transformation was three days ago. What the bloody hell is all this?!”
“Bershire beat him up.” James confessed. 
Remus turned to face Potter, shooting imaginary daggers at him. 
“She was bound to find out anyway! Besides, look what he’s bloody done!”
“Michael Bershire did this to you? That bastard-” 
Remus gently removed your hands from his face. “Listen, I appreciate your concern, but I really don’t want to deal with this right now. Can somebody please just help me to my room?” 
The boys swooped in and half carried Remus to their dormitories, while you and your girls quietly said goodnight. 
“Can you fucking believe that?!”
“Marlene, hush.”
“That fucking twat. Oh, I can’t wait to see what the boys have in store for him. I bet-”
“Marlene, please! Remus said he didn’t want to deal with this right now, so we’re dropping the subject. I say we go back to our rooms and get some rest.”
“But I’m hungry!”
“Swallow your spit. Now c’mon.” Lily ushered Marlene back up the stairs, before turning back and taking your hand. 
“You alright, (Y/N/N)?” she gave you a knowing look. 
“I’m with Marlene. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for him.”
Lily was the earliest riser in your dorm. That being said, she took it upon herself to wake the rest of you up in the morning. You’d had a half decent sleep, and as you rubbed your eyes awake, you heard the playful banter of Marlene and Alice.
“Marls, get a move on!! You know what we said about those Hollywood showers!”
“It’s Americano, Ally!”
“I don’t give a damn what it is! Get out!”
You and Lily were ready before the rest of the girls, so you walked arm in arm down to the Great Hall. It wasn’t until the Marauders sat at your table you recalled everything that happened last night. 
“Alright (Y/N/N)? That vein in your forehead looks like its’ bout to burst.” Sirius said while grabbing a stack of pancakes. 
“Do you have an bloody clue what you’re going to do about this?! Remus, you can’t let Bershire off this easy.” you turned your head towards your favorite (and slightly bruised) lycanthrope. 
“I swear, I’m fine. And besides, the boys will work up something eventually.”
“Yea, eventually.” James exclaimed through forkfuls of food. “Moony made us promise to not even look at Bershire for a week!”
“A week?!”
James nodded enthusiastically, cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk. 
“Since when do you defend bullies, Remus?!” you practically yelled, clenching the cutlery you were holding. 
“It’s not that (Y/N), it’s just-”
“It’s because he’s afraid of him.” Peter blurted out, making everyone’s heads turn. His hands shot over his mouth in realization. 
“Why is it the only time you open your mouth it’s to say something stupid?” Sirius said, hanging onto a glare. 
“You’re afraid of Michael Bershire?! Remus that’s not healthy! That’s- that’s horrible! Sweet Merlin Rem, I’ll show him what to be afraid of-” Remus cut you off.
“I’ve told you already, please don’t make me repeat myself again.” Remus placed his hand over yours. “The boys will handle this eventually. If you really love me, stay out of it.”
You settled down then, but still scanned the Hall for any signs of Remus’ attacker. The rest of breakfast carried on as usual, the rest of your friends joining you for the meal. 
Sirius walked you and Mary to class, giving you each a courteous bow. 
“Shall I pick you up after your lesson, my fair ladies?” he said in a deep bow, with a rigid posh accent. “The gentlemen and I were planning on.. err.. skipping our courses.” 
You giggled at Sirius’ poor attempt of finding a replacement word for “skip”.
“Yeah, why not. See ya then, Black!” Mary turned towards the door.
“I bid you farewell my lovelies!” he then proceeded to bound down the hallway to Astronomy, which was on the complete opposite side of the castle. 
Your class, Defense Against the Dark Arts, passed fairly quickly. And just as he had promised, Sirius came to pick you up, now with James and Marlene in tow. 
Marlene beamed at the sight of you and Mary. 
“Thank Godric you’re here! I was getting tired of these two.”
James gave her a light shove. “We’ll be meeting Moony and Wormtail towards the east end.”
“Couldn’t convince Lily to come along?”
James looked like he was about to protest, but sighed in defeat. You and your friends continued down the corridor, eventually meeting Remus and Peter after their rigorous Astronomy note-taking. You soon found yourself squished between James and Remus, marching down the main hallway.
“Hey, I thought we were sticking to the east end?”
“Silly (Y/N), we were meeting in the east end.” Sirius explained, as if he were speaking to a child. “Now, we’re on our way to the west end.”
“Ah right, and it makes perfect sense to take the busiest corridor in the school.” Mary quipped, and Marlene giggled.
The walk was pleasant, and filled with greetings from fellow classmates. Every now and then, James and Sirius would snicker about something, or mutter jokes to the group. It was then, that you saw him.
Michael Bershire, proud and tall, lead his pack of nuisances opposite you down the bright hallway. Most students ducked out of the way to avoid him, and a few first years were visibly shaking at the sight of him.  
Your vision went red as you locked eyes on your target. It was time.
“James,” you slipped your bag off and passed it to your left, “mind holding this f’me?”
“Uh, yeah su- (Y/N)!!”
In the blink of an eye, you had left your friends’ sides and found yourself hurtling towards Bershire. Although you were smaller than him, the sheer impact of your collision with him knocked the two of you off your feet. You landed on top on him. 
He knocked his head off the stone floor, and for a moment you thought he’d lost consciousness. But the bewildered look in his eyes told you otherwise. It was now or never. 
“YOU BLOODY BASTARD!” you screamed, letting hell rain down on Michael Bershire. You swung left and right, pummeling his once perfectly sculpted face. You could feel the bruises forming on your knuckles already. “HOW DARE YOU TOUCH REMUS LUPIN?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, YOU BLITHERING FUCK!”
Somehow, Bershire had managed to wrap his legs around your waist, pulling you towards him and flipping your bodies so that you were beneath him. He pinned your wrists beside your head, and you felt the concrete sting your hands. 
‘No, how dare you, you muddy little bitch?!”
And that’s what set you off. You produced a sound that could only be described as a battle cry, and flung your forehead up and into his. Distracted by the headbutt, Bershire’s tense core loosened the slightest bit. It was enough for you crunch up and bring your knees into his groin, causing him to cry out in pain. 
Using his own momentum against him, you successfully flipped around again, resuming your position above his quivering form. Your hands found themselves around his throat, and without realizing it, you were bashing his head in the ground. 
thunk, thunk, thunk.
It was only Professor McGonagall’s shrill cry of fear that brought you back to reality. 
You felt strong hands wrap around your arms and shoulders, whipping around to see that it was the four Marauders pulling you away from Bershire. The Slytherin gang was dragging said boy’s writhing and groaning form onto a cot from the hospital wing. 
You only stopped your kicking and resistance when McGonagall approached you, pointing her finger in your face, looking more angry than you’d ever seen her. 
“My office. Now.” she spoke, in such a tone that visible shivers went down your spine. The boys had yet to let go of your arms, and half carried you down the hallway of gawking and goggling students. 
Once arriving to her office, McGonagall stood in the doorway. She looked expectant and impatient all wrapped into one. You were finally let go of, and slowly turned to the four boys behind you. 
James and Peter still looked a bit shocked, and you found little comfort in the proud look Sirius was trying to hide. But Remus’ face is what hurt you the most.
“Rem, I-” you croaked. He wouldn’t even look at you. “I’m so sorry, I don’t-”
McGonagall cleared her throat bitterly behind you, cutting you off. You whispered another, barely audible “I’m sorry”, before following the Professor into her office. 
Hello my lovelies!! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Let me know if I should follow up with this fic! 
Also, a reminder that requests are open!! <3
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, March 27
Xander: Hmm. And we thought just because we didn't have any money or anyplace to go this would be a lackluster evening. Willow: I know! We could go to the Bronze and sneak in our own tea bags and ask for hot water. Xander: Hop off the outlaw train, Will, before you land us all in jail.
~~Reptile Boy~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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(We Were Only Falling) Apart (Wesley/Fred, T) by PrincessJulie (Betty_Coopers)
Merry Christmas, Slayer (Buffy, Spike, G) by Cyllene
Wasteland (Tara, Buffy, T) by Susan19
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To Grandmother's House (Buffy/Spike, 13+) by Rahirah
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Dawn of the Future, Chapter 14 (Dawn/Faith, T) by Brenna's Urbangirl Projects
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Mortal Allies Series, Episode 5: War and Roses, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
Le chemin... Le commencement,Chapter 54 (French language- Buffy/Spike, AO) by Violette-Milka
A Letter From The Grave, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Grief Counseling
Web,Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by DarkVoid116
Snippets, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, R) by EllieRose101
Closer and Closer, Chapter 23 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Grief Counseling
Finding Her, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
Friends (Or More), Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by sweetprincipale
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His Legacy, Chapter 41 (Crossover with Batman, FR18) by cmdruhura
Inheritance [Fic Up for Adoption]Chapters 1-7 (Multiple crossings, FR13) by Valy
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Gifset:Cordelia Chase by andremichaux
Gifset:Harmony Kendall by andremichaux
Manip Gifset:BTVS Season 4 by andremichaux
Manip Gifset: Laura Marling- what he wrote by tell-tale-hearts
Manip Gifset:Buffy + Hollywood Tropes by idabbleincrazy
Manip Gifset: Tara & Willow x Remember Youby mxrcyx
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Video: Spike (+Drusilla) || Lonely by Tatiana Marano Edits
Video: Best of Spike - Sweat by CaptainBlondiebear
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Angel Reaction | 1x11 Somnambulist by riley lynn
Buffy 3x06- "Band Candy" Reaction by DodoReactions
Patreon Episode Discussion | Epiphany | Angel Season 2, Episode 16 (With Tim Minear) by Passion of the Nerd
Welcome to Primetime Episode 8: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode Tier List by Nerd Entertainment Network
That TWIST though - Angel Reaction - 1x14 - I've Got You Under My Skin by TheLexiCrowd
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PODCAST: Once More With Feeling-4x6 Wild at Heart by Nerd Subculture
[Fandom Discussions]
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30 Days of Buffy Challenge - Day 26 by frankierose
Changes in Xander's character by anonymous and nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather
30 Days of Buffy Challenge - Day 27 by frankierose
Angel and Angelus wanted to be needed by angel-thoughts-dump
Spike should've tried to turn Buffy in Seeing Red instead by muse-write
Character failings in season 6 by anonymous and herinsectreflection
Season 7 Willow (Tara Grief) by ver-itas
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Killing Ben would make Buffy less of a heroine? by multiple authors
My honest opinion about Buffy by crazy chicklet and multiple authors
Poll: Favorite Angel (AtS) cast by crazy chicklet
Poll: Favorite Buffy (BtVS) cast by crazy chicklet
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Fanfic Discussion of Proud Trophies Won in Foreign Fight by Baphrosia date announced by flow
Into Every Generation a Slayer is Born - March 2022 release date continued by multiple authors
If Buffy Episodes Were Named Like Friends Episodes continued by Double Dutchess and StateofSiege97
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The dodgeball scene in The Pack is 90 seconds of no-dialog perfection by multiple authors
Becoming pt 1: Xander "who cares" speech by Bounceful and multiple authors
Poll: UPN Seasons (Do you like them) by rednax2009
Kate and Angel's frenemy relationship was such an intriguing part of the series by jdpm1991 and multiple authors
Spike and Dawn by NotAnotherEmpire and multiple authors
What is your favorite episode from your least favorite season, and your least favorite episode from your favorite season? by multiple authors
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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INTERVIEW: James Marsters Panel - Fandemic Dead 2022 via Fandom Spotlight
INTERVIEW: Chatting with Charisma Carpenter by Charlie
PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 25th Anniversary Special #1 Preview via Bleeding Cool
PUBLICATION: Buffy: Sarah Michelle Gellar & Charisma Carpenter Talk "Angel" Spinoff via Bleeding Cool
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 3 years
Questions you may have about stimboard requests here!
Are stimboard requests closed?
sort of! i take them selectively, i'll only really do things for characters i like and with themes i like or from mutuals. i'll also do antiship stimboard requests with any antiship flag you find!
But my request (sent in before this post was made)?
i am a massive pushover so even if you sent one i will probably do it! going forward i will most likely not take any stimboard requests unless they are for things i really like or are requested by close friends.
What things do you like?
i like: cloud slime, frosting stims, space and sea aesthetics; most characters from puyo puyo, most biomes from minecraft, most areas in sky: COTL, the ships kurokuru (dark sig x klug) & drawitch (draco centauros x witch) & pastel love/mally (marle x ally); the colors purple, green, orange & yellow you can find more in my rules, linked here!
Do you have a DNI?
yes! this can also be found in my dni linked here and in my pinned, but here's a short version: endogenic/tulpamancer/whatever; map/proship/zoophile; ableist/transphobic/aphobic/homophobic
What else can I request?
p much anything else! a 'short' list can be found in my rules, but if you're unsure you can always ask!!
and that's it- hope you enjoy your time on my blog!
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genderstitch · 3 years
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With hearts | With stripes
Marallygender: A gender related to the ship Marally (Marle x Ally) from the Puyo Puyo series.
A little gender for myself I decided to make after I got the vaccine!
Image id: Two flags, one with 3 stripes and one with 5 stripes. The first flag has two hearts on it, while the second flag has the second and fourth stripes smaller than the rest. The first flag's stripes are mint green, white, and chan, with a yellow heart and orange heart on top of it. The second flag has the same stripes as the first flag, but with two smaller stripes inbetween them, one yellow and one orange. End id.
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jakeluppin · 3 years
well you put 3 so i guess here’s fifteen songs
monsoon - hippo campus
entr’acte - groundhog day the musical
lost boy - troye sivan
the great comet of 1812 - natasha, pierre and the great comet of 1812
marvin hits trina - falsettos
devil i know - allie x
annie use your telescope - jack’s mannequin
ghosts - laura marling
crack rock - frank ocean
boys - lizzo
pretty hurts - beyonce
green - todrick hall
sudden death (omg) - tyler glenn
paranoid - kanye west
lua - bright eyes
for every 🎸 i receive, i’ll make a playlist of 5+ songs from my music on shuffle!
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