#alright! gn!
astarion-approves · 9 months
Hello! So hopefully this isn't too similar to stuff you've done previously if it is feel free to skip, but may I perchance request a wee drabble of soft astarion caring for a particularly vulnerable tav after he takes maybe a bit too much blood. Like, tav is all pale and cold, tremble-y and dazed- maybe a wee bit delirious or confused, ya know blood loss things. (Someone needs to be making sure Tav is getting some juice or something after all the blood they're giving to astarion and losing in battle) thank you!!! I love your work! You're doing a great service for the astarion lovers <3
Astarion x GN! Tav
A poor bloodless Tav is just a bit out of it.
Tags: Gn! Tav/reader, OOC Astarion, confessions, hand feeding, 850+ words, short and sweet
Read below or on AO3
“Astarion.” Shadowheart approached him, waking him from his daytime nap, her lips pressed together and a glare already prepared before she even reached his tent. “Have you noticed something wrong with Tav?” 
“Hm?” Astarion blinked up at her, his arms resting behind his back and not bothering to move as she stared down at him. “No, why?” 
Shadowheart rolled her eyes and tilted her head to the side, gesturing for Astarion to look in that direction. Astarion sighed and sat up in his bedroll, glancing to where Tav stood. 
They held a single kiwi in front of their face, their eyes narrowed as they stared at the fuzzy fruit. 
Astarion blinked as he watched them. “Shadowheart, for just how long have they been standing there like that?” 
She shrugged. “I’m not sure. Long enough for me to notice?” 
“By the Hells,” Astarion cursed and stood up, jogging past Shadowheart and making his way to Tav. 
They didn’t even notice him approach, their staring competition with the kiwi still on going. 
“Tav,” Astarion gently grabbed their shoulder, earning a gasp from Tav and the thud of the kiwi as it fell to the ground. 
“Shit,” they said with a frown. “I was going to eat that.” 
“I didn’t mean to startle you—“
“Do you wanna share it?” 
Astarion looked down to where the kiwi laid at Tav’s feet, it landed directly into a muddy puddle. “I’m not sure you should still eat that, darling.” 
“Damn,” Tav replied and sighed. They turned to walk away, bumping into Astarion’s shoulder and nearly falling to the ground. 
Astarion reached out quickly and caught them, holding Tav in his arms, surprised by how little strength they had. They trembled in his arms, their skin a few shades lighter than it normally was—
“Tav, did you eat anything after I fed from you last night—?”
“Yes! Actually… No… I’m not sure?” 
Astarion clicked his tongue at Tav, letting out a quick sigh before scooping them up and into his arms completely. They both said nothing as Astarion carried them to his tent, the human opting to snuggle their head into his chest as he carried them. 
He carefully lowered them into the makeshift bed, Tav smiling up at Astarion and attempting to pull him down and into the bed with them. 
“Ah, ah, ah, not quite yet, my dear. We need to get you a little snack.” 
“I’m your little snack.” 
“Yes, you are. My cute little snack.” Astarion chuckled as he left the tent in search of some food. It was rare that Tav would forget to eat something after one of their feedings, the human insisting on being awake for it these days as they claimed they enjoyed the intimacy. Not that Astarion disliked that, in fact it made his bite much more enjoyable knowing that Tav was there and happy to share their blood with him. Amongst other things…
Soon Astarion returned with clean fruit in hand, cut strawberries and a few blueberries prepared and resting in a bowl for his companion to enjoy. “Here,” he said and held a strawberry to Tav’s lips. “Eat this.” 
“I wanted a kiwi.” 
Astarion smiled and ran his free hand through Tav’s hair before pausing and carefully easing their head up and into his lap. “I’ll make sure to get you more kiwis later. For now, please eat.” 
Tav pouted, but allowed Astarion to feed them the berry. 
“My apologies, Tav. I must have taken more blood from you than usual. I didn’t notice how you were feeling.” 
“Don’t be. Maybe I just like when you hand feed me.” 
Astarion rolled his eyes and pressed a blueberry against their lips next. “Then I will gladly feed you fruit every day. It’s the least I could do.” 
“I love you.” 
Astarion froze, a slice of strawberry halfway in Tav’s mouth as they gazed up at him with tired eyes. “Tav—“
They pushed the berry to the side of their mouth with their tongue, only struggling slightly as they quickly chewed it and swallowed it down. “I know you’re not there yet, that you might not ever be there, and I know I probably look like shit right now—“
“But I love you, and I’m always willing to feel faint for a little bit if it means making you happy.” 
“Tav,” Astarion placed the bowl to the side. “What would ever make you think that I don’t love you?” 
Tav’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“Do you have any idea how much I adore you?” Astarion laughed. “I don’t need your blood. Of course.. I do rather enjoy it, but I don’t need it.”
“Could you honestly see me hand feeding fruit to Lae’zel because she gave me a little blood?” 
Tav snorted. “No.” 
“Of course not, my dear. Only you.” Astarion lowered himself, kissing Tav softly, briefly swiping his tongue over their berry flavored lips before pulling back with a smile. 
“So… does this mean we’re dating?” 
“I would certainly hope so. What other vampire spawn is going to feed you strawberries? You won’t find another like me.” 
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sinkdestroyer3000 · 2 months
Your car broke down in a long stretch of woods while you and your friends, were on a road trip. As everyone was busy freaking out not knowing what to do. You saw a dirt trail. You pointed it out, everyone in the end decided it would be the safest bet. Since you could find a ranger station or maybe a camp site that would be near civilization.
A not so long trek later, and you all find a cabin in the woods you taking the lead, you knock and someone opens the door. They looked as if they had lived in the woods for some time. not bad, just scruffier than normal city folk.
They invite you all in for dinner with a promise of food and directions to a ranger station
Thanking the kind stranger, you all come in being led to the dinner table and being served meat and an assortment of vegetables that looked home-grown the
stranger only put meat on their plate, which was odd but nothing to think too hard about
As you all talked to the stranger, you realized there were many things off about them. their eyes being slightly too big, their teeth more pointy than normal teeth and the oddest thing being how they spoke not the mannerisms though odd could be brushed off as not speaking to many people being in the middle of the woods and all but their voice had an almost painful tone almost like it was unnatural for them to speak that way
As you glance around the house, you to fail to realize how the stranger has been staring at specifically you
You realize how shady this person is the photos on the walls have no photos of them and the photos there are look like driver's licenses and IDs
And the shoe rack near the door is filled with many shoes sizes and styles non seem to match to the person in front of you feeling a bubbling anxiety that felt like it would spill out if you ignored it, you ask you use the restroom
They happily lead you there, pausing you before you go in to ask if you feel alright. You nod, saying you're just anxious from the car braking down. They nod and tell you that they'll see what they could do before you head in
You put your headphones on and put a five-minute timer on so you can calm down, trying to shake the anxious feelings. As the five minutes come to an end, you walk out
You're friends greet you before thanking the stranger again for how kind they were for giving them a hot meal and directions even you already at the front door don't fail to notice how silent the stranger has been until they lash out ripping one of you're friends to shreds as the rest of you scramble out terrified screams coming from different directions you hear it chasing another friend who was close by on all four sounding unnatural when you get a glance its limbs are twisted in ways you've never seen before as you climb a tree to avoid being spotted you notice as you see the last slivers of light dip into the mountains away you see a watch tower in the exact direction the thing said a ranger station would be dread fills you realizing it knew you'd all run. It sent you in the wrong direction for that exact reason
The night was cold. You could hear the thing crunch on your friends and cry out in their voices, but you knew it wasn't them and by some miracle you survived. While in the tree you could vaguely see a trail to a camp so that's where you went when the sun was well and up little did you know you had something following close behind
You got to the station and tried to tell the rangers about what happened, but they said there's someone who owns the land, but they were polite. They said they would ask them questions, but that's all they could do without evidence
They help you get your car fixed, and you drive home, a new feeling of paranoia and grief for your friends and a hatred for the thing that made such both a terrible yet amazing trip so terrible.
Little did you know that you had a new admirer
Something about you felt nice the thing they were eager to know more . It was curiosity at first, but as they continued to watch you they became more enamored with you mannerisms that most would find weird the things that made you happy the things that annoyed you
You were perfect, and they wanted to know more. They wanted you to tell them secrets only they would get to know. They would learn to love like a person if it made you love them back
They took the identity of a new neighbor you never met before introducing themselves and finding opportunities to bump into you. After a year and a half, you finally were able to call them a friend. They were content with whatever you wanted them to be as long as you would stay and keep talking to them with that angelic voice of yours.
As long as you stayed.
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transmascaraa · 4 months
hi! could i request fluffy kabedon moments with gaming? accidental and/or intentional is up to you
— 🧷anon
bf!gaming headcannons!
your bf was a bit clumsy, and sometimes you two ended up in some... rather cute positions.
bf! gaming x gn!reader
author's note: OF COURSE!!!!! that's so cuteeeee i hope you like this one<3 btw i did unintentional because then the both of you will be flustered and i find that adorable🫶
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-now, things like these don't happen often
-but they don't happen too rarely either
-it's just that on some days, gaming is a bit more clumsy
-and sometimes, it's worth it
-when it happens, nobody knows which one of you is more flustered
-like this one day...
-you were walking with him through liyue.
-a beautiful nation, truly.
-the colors, the music, everything about it.
-it just had a calming aura.
-and the streets were busy.
-it was really crowded, so everyone was pretty much pushing eachother.
-and unfortunately, you and gaming were one of those being pushed...
-"have you seen the flower shops? they are SO beautiful." he said, talking to you, entertaining you.
-"yeah, i have, they have one of the prettiest sumeru roses there! they even sell those rainbow ro-" you started talking, but got interrupted by some stranger who was "in a hurry".
-"*sigh* anyways... like i said, they even sell those rainbow roses from Fontaine." you continued.
-"yeah, and the art shops? they're basically almost like just printed pictures, but you can feel the paint if you touch it!"
-"yes! i bought a painting from there the other day and-" the two of you were pushed into an alleyway.
-gaming ended up kabedoning you unintentionally.
-he was looking at you, flustered.
-but you were also flustered.
-"u-uhm... sorry..." he apologized.
-"i-it's okay... uhm..." you didn't know what to say, either.
-he slowly got out of that position and looked at the ground.
-you stood next to him, still holding his hand.
-he looked back up at the crowd they were once a part of...
-"how are we supposed to continue walking now?..." he tried to change the topic, the red hue never leaving his cheeks.
-"i-i don't know..." you replied, looking back up at the crowd, too.
-while the two of you got back in the crowd, sure, you were still blushing a bit...
-but a bit even when you were back home.
-neither of you mentioned this ever again...
PERSONALLY i find this really adorable even tho it's pretty short
i hope you like it anon💕
i loved your req btw<3
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princesskkfish · 7 months
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I know u enjoy nature and so I thought this would be a nice gift :] hope you have a absolutely fantastic day and hope you know how incredible of a person and artist you are!
and @/somerandomdudelmao is also in this :P
alternates under the cut
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My brain is very tired so ima go to bed but hope you have a wonderful day Tap!
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🪿🪿🪿🪿Dove! 🤌👏🫰 ayoooo
I’m here for the followes event —
I’d like to yhhh request prompt #3 with Jade :] 🔪
It can be fluffy/hurt/comfort honestly whichever you’re feeling (I know sometimes the writing does what it wants once you get into it lol)
Backup prompt: #4
Backup characters: Malleus, Riddle
Thankfuho you (I just wokeu p and can’t type to spell but whatever I’m just leaving it ❤️)
Discovering Old Secrets; Jade Leech
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, implied romantic relationship
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; I originally had something else in mind that used the knife emoji but my brain wasn't braining. But this, this is so much better and fluffier than I had planned /positive.
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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You were down in the basement, lantern in hand illuminating the way. The power had gone out, and of course, the fuse box was in the basement of all places. Sevens forbid the person who built the cottage you were staying in actually put it in an easy-to-access spot. Nope! They had to put it in the creepy, old, basement. And since Jade was out getting groceries, that left you to fix it yourself. So, lantern in hand, you started fiddling with the fuse box, trying to find the one that had blown. At least you had some prior experience, what, living in Ramshackle and all; you had become well acquainted with getting stubborn fuses to work for you, even jokingly calling it your unique magic. 
“Come on, work for me baby,” you muttered, and all of the lights flickered to life once again. “Ha ha! Me? One! Fuse box? Zero!” You dusted yourself off and looked around the basement, now that you could see everything.
Apparently the people who rented this place out didn’t take out all of the old owners’ boxes, and they were just laying there collecting dust and cobwebs. There couldn’t be any harm in just taking a tiny peak, never know what you could find.
As you were gently looking through the boxes — hey, they’re probably old and you didn’t want to accidentally break anything — you heard the front door open and close. Jade was back which meant you had been digging for a bit. Sighing, you stretched, and made your way to the kitchen with its bright yellow cupboards. 
Jade hummed you a greeting and chuckled a bit at seeing the dust. “What did you get into while I was away, dear,” his voice was teasing, but he was genuinely curious.
“Welllll,” you drawled, “the power went out so I had a little fight with the fuse box, I won by the way, and discovered some old boxes down in the basement and was seeing if they held anything interesting.” A loud sneeze escaped from you, a result of all of the dust. “But all I found was a tonne of dust, way too many spiders for my liking, and,” you fished around in your pocket, “this key.”
Jade set the groceries down and came over to inspect it. “Well that’s rather interesting…” he murmured. “May I?”
You handed him the key, curious about what he seemed so interested in. Sure it was pretty, made from silver and inlaid with abalone and pearls, which were now weathered with time. There must have been a good reason why it peaked his interest.
Jade wandered into the living room, and started running his hand under the shelves of the large bookcase which was built in the wall. And then he stopped, a proud and large smile gracing his face. He placed the key into a divot in the bookcase, and it swung inwards, revealing stone steps leading down. “Looks like you just helped discover an old secret, my dear,” he chuckled, beckoning you to follow him down the stairs.
Slowly, you followed him, the light from the cottage helping to illuminate the way, as well as a pale blue glow from below. And then you stopped, having reached the bottom. In front of you was what looked like an underwater sea cave, with a shallow beach. And light gently filtered from a small hole at the top, causing the blue glow that you saw.
You looked over to Jade, hoping for an explanation, but you found him looking at you instead, expression soft.
“What did you mean by old secrets,” you whispered, not wanting for something louder to break the serene scene.
Jade took your hands in his and led you to the water, just deep enough where the water lapped against your calves. “The key you found, this place,” he briefly broke eye contact so he could observe the cavern before they travelled back to you. “It opens a secret meeting place, where land and sea can live together… it was forged by the love of a human and a merfolk.”
Just like us. 
Jade continued moving deeper until you were chest deep in the water, and he dived under, changing into his merform before coming back up. “And is only discovered by those curious enough to pursue it.”
Tags; @aqua-beam @azulashengrottospiano @eynnwwyjth @hisui-dreamer @identity-theft-101 @krenenbaker @officialdaydreamer00 @savanaclaw1996 @silvers-numberonefan @twistwonderlanddevotee @xxoomiii
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Can't stop thinking that after what some of the M6 went through, trauma must have taken his toll on their intimacy. I have some headcanons about how the M6 handle their trauma in smut-fluff situations. Idk, it seems "wrong" to just ignore the fact? We didn't often get the chance to read some trauma-handling that isn't "oooh I couldn't stand the idea of sex but ☆magic love☆ healed me in just one thrust!"
Please note: Not meant to be realistic, let alone feticize it, it's just something that resonates with my idea of them. I'm no professional and didn't experience first hand most of this but if you did and doesn't rub you right please let me know and I'll try to do better.
So here's my headcanons about ~
Handling Trauma
Muriel ♧
Muriel doesn't mind nudity per se. Being shame about it something tied to social modesty, and him being a mountain hermit, it feels kinda natural to him.
But seeing entwined bodies? That's awful for him. The touch, the musle tension, the groping and the expressions, the sight of skin and flesh bending under his hands and a body pressed under him... no.
That's too much, too similar to wrestling for your life. He can't stand it.
... which is very difficult, given that he'd want to hold you tight, drawn his loneliness into your scent and be one with you.
So, you started slowly. Lights off (easy thing in his hut), you touching gently his chest, tracing his features with the lighest strokes.
He touched you as if you were a bubble ready to burst. His caresses were like leaves falling on your naked body, barely heavier than his warm breath on you.
Way later, the two of you discovered that he enjoyed using his lips way more than his hands - that didn't brought anything horrible back to his memory. Your -and his- bodies became maps to be traced with kisses and lingering sighs of desire.
He wanted to see you come, for he needed to see that those body of his was capable of giving pleasure and not just pain. You had to lie still on the furs of his bed, tights spread open to not make him feel chocked between them, your hands in his hair like a breeze.
Coming under his tongue left you shaking, grasping at the furs for comfort. You hurled in a ball, with a racing heart and short breaths that made you look so beautiful in your fragility that he couldn't help to - finally- lay beside you, taking you between his arms.
It's not like that night solved everything, but now the darkness of his hut is heavy with your moans. He still can't bear the sight of your body writhe against his, but now his hands knows all the mountains and valleys of your body, tracing the paths he came to know by heart. Now your curves melts into his, as the patience you took to know each other carved them as water on stone.
Does it work? Idk, I'll keep adding to it if I feel like it does
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idkfitememate · 3 months
Got bored couldn’t sleep so here are my jumbled up thoughts from 1 AM, sorry if it’s misspelled or not GN (plus idk who the character you’re speaking too is as I write this note) I’m not in an aware state of mind rn LMAOOOO-
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry-”
Over and over you repeated those words to a still Tanjiro as you clutched at his pants, kneeing on the pebble-ridden ground.
Behind you and in front of him was a desolated village, corpses strung about in different ways.
Blood soaked into your skin and caked your hair. The iron stench followed you as your fingers forced the crimson liquid onto this clothes, taunting him with your sin.
That same sin that left your mouth a bloody mess.
He could recall a time, a much happier time, when he would call to you on summer days and you’d both sit in your worn and hand-me-down clothes and shoes, holes stitched closed and teeth missing, in the middle of flower fields. One making a flower crown for the other as you both stared into the bright blue sky speckled with fluffy white clouds.
How you’d knock your heads together, you always complaining about how hard his was - like stone you’d say - when you both laid in the tall grass.
How your hand would encompass his as you dragged him through the streets of the small town down the mountain from where he lived.
Where he lived…
Turning away from your still sobbing form, he took a glance at the mountain in the distance.
His mountain.
… Once upon a time, that had been your nickname for him.
“My Mountain.”
It was meant to show how he was the one thing keeping you grounded, something to look and gaze upon in awe and wonder. A force of nature not to be trifled with and a pillar of hope amongst men.
… His sword felt heavy in his hand. A part of him itching to get it over with. He’d raise his arm up high to the gods and slash it down with honor. To feel the blood on his skin.
Your blood.
Another part desperately wanted… no. Needed to understand why. Why you choose to become this, this is… if you choose.
A scene of thick snow in a barren forest played through his mind. That same stench that floated around you filled his nose with the sharp coolness that winter often brought. A heavy weight on his back as tears blurred his vision, causing him to misstep and fall, tumbling down a small… it was larger than a hill but smaller than a cliff, he reasoned.
That horrid growling that haunted his dreams. It had gotten better as months passed, but that first growl he heard had been etched into him, into his very soul. Stitched into his being as a driving force to ensure he never heard it again.
That she’d never make that noise again.
Your wails broke him out of his trance, cold gaze meeting your puffy eyelids as you sobbed louder, his eyes locking onto your sharpened teeth, still stained with blood, something small stuck to your canines.
Hair and flesh.
His stomach twisted but he forced the feeling down. With how wide your mouth was opened, he could see down your maw and into your throat. He watched as it flexed and moved, gyrated almost, as you forced those retched screams and cries from your throat, begging for some kind of mercy.
He was sickened, as he had every right to be. You were no longer human. You had committed a terrible sin, his mind reminded. Unlike the one he was trying to save, you gave into those urges, those horrid, vile and canabalistic desires.
Though, could they be called canabalistic anymore?
You weren’t human.
Your sharpened nails tore through the fabric of his pants, gracing his skin with red lines that slowly began to bleed. Your eyes, when they opened, had oddly shaped pupils and shining colors, entrancing almost. Your skin was unnaturally colored, with bulging veins running across the surface. Your hair was a shade no humans could ever reach, shining and plentiful and in seemingly good health, unlike when you were… alive.
He remembers when you both had met for the first time.
He was younger and his father was in much better shape, taking both coal and wood down the mountain with his son not far behind.
Your mother owned a small stand that sold small hand-made trinkets and otherwise made from wood.
He was hugged to his father’s leg as your mother bought wood directly from him to carve, her fingers marred and covered with bandages. He then saw you.
Your face was sunken and your eyes just a bit too big for your head. Or perhaps it was the fact that your head was just practically the skull, no fat or anything of the sort. It was the same for your body.
Small and thin, your clothes hung baggy off your body, almost looking two sizes too big for you. Your hair was thin and ragged, looking like a doll with its hair pulled out in chunks.
Despite this, you smiled at the other with far too many missing teeth, waving with your also bandaged hands.
He waved back.
Looking at you now as snot and tears dibbled pathetically down your face and into your mouth, that of which then drooled lazily onto the earth, he could still see some of the old you, the one he knew, in there.
They way the breeze shook you gently as though it would take your fragile body with it - no matter how light - or the way he had saw you hungrily shoving fistfuls of the meat down your mouth as though it might be stolen from you, how you shivered and jittered when you saw him in excitement before slowly beginning to shake and cry uncontrollably.
A small part of him felt bad, with how you crawled towards him on hands and knees, practically begging him to forgive you. How you prostrated yourself before him as though that would change anything, pleading with him to ‘help you’ and to ‘save you’.
His mind screamed that you were beyond saving.
That you were nothing like his sister.
He hadn’t even noticed his own crying until he felt sharpened claws on his cheek, though they weren’t yours as they were still buried to the hilt in his leg.
Instead, his gaze locked onto pink serpent like eyes, veins noticeable as the pupils dilated and contracted with visible worry. Long black hair with orange ends blocked you from his line of sight as the one he was doing this - all of this - stood before him.
His sister.
She turned to look at you, that same mixture of disgust yet pity rushing over her, he could smell it.
The siblings stood and stared down at your form as you continued to wail and cry. His sibling at his side gently grasped the blade in his shaking hand as she helped him raise it skyward, her palm gripping the back of his.
But just before they could release the blade-
“Wait!! Please!!”
A females voice called out from the carnage.
And out from your tiny hut at the end of the village crawled your mother.
She looked better than she had in the past, her skin having a much healthier glow than it had last time they had saw her, and she was much more steady on the old crutch the boy had seen her using as he left town to help his sister at the very start of their journey.
She hobbled over to your crying form, ‘shushing’ you and bending down, the crutch falling with a ‘thud’. She grabbed your head and rested it on her chest, running a hand through your hair as you continued to cry and beg for forgiveness. Tongue and throat bleeding from how worn they had become from your screams and hollers.
“I’m here… mothers here… you were doing so good… I know you didn’t mean too…” Her words settled over the scene like freshly fallen snow.
Her clothes and skin were untainted by your sin, a stark contrast to you, the boy, the girl - who had all but been drenched in blood by this point - and the bodies of those around you.
He couldn’t bear to look into their faces as he knew he’d recognize far too many of them.
Far to many lives snatched away.
He wondered how your mother, bless her heart and soul, could even look at you in this time. She obviously knew that you were the cause of this carnage and chaos, so how could she?-
“After you left,” she began, her words slicing through his train of thought, “the people turned on us. I could no longer offer my goods and services as we had no one to chop wood.”
You shook and shivered in her grasp, heaving heavily, greedily taking in massive gulps of air as though you deserved it despite the lives you took.
“It got to a point where we were forced to survive off the scraps and otherwise. Our home was taken from us and we were left in the alleys, begging to whomever would listen.”
Your voice was gone so you whimpered into her chest, listening deeply to her beating heart, something you would never allow to stop as long as it was in your power.
“Then one night, under the shadow of the moon, a man wondered into our quaint little alley. His eyes were as red as a plum, his hair as black as ink. His suit was western, black, white, and embroidered with gold.”
The boy watched as his sister’s eyes grew wide for a moment before lowering into a glare. He could hear your growl slightly from your face pressed into your mother’s neck.
“He attacked in a moment, speaking something of ‘not much, but it’ll do.’ He went for me first, I assumed it was because of my naturally weak state, so I resigned to my fate with little resistance, hoping he would spare my child in good faith. But instead, they jumped on his back, throwing hands on his eyes and head butting him, much like you would’ve, they said.”
She sighed, then moved your head to her thighs, you nuzzling into them with a whine.
“He pushed them into a wall, then jabbing a finger into their forehead. He glanced coldly at me, telling me I’d make a ‘Good first meal’. That was the day we learned of… Demons”
Her voice shuddered as she continued to run fingers through your hair.
“Though, when they awoke, they did not attack me, they stared. We learned the next morning of their vulnerability to the sun, I quickly hid them away. Forced them down from their sudden hungers when they showed, forcing them to sleep instead.”
The boy glanced to his sister. That was something you had in common, it would seem.
Sleep to hide the hunger pains.
“They were doing great, up until a few hours ago. Someone had taken things… too far. He stole my crutch, demanding I wed him despite my decrepit form, claiming he had eyes on me before my late husband. And when I said no, he slammed me to a wall, saying I had no say in the matter and he was to wed me anyway. That I should’ve felt happy that someone even glanced my way anymore, that I was ungrateful for not jumping on the opportunity, especially with a child living in poverty with me. I, of course, still said I objected, and then he… he slapped me. Something inside them snapped I tried to hold them back but… I suppose they were just tired with how they all dared treat us. Either as monsters tormenting us, or by-standers doing nothing.”
All eyes melted into your form as you snored lightly, chest finally rising and lowering at a normal pace. Tears still ran down your face, however.
“Truly, they are sorry. Don’t you understand?”
Her hand went to the boys sister.
“You hold onto one just as closely as I. Do we not share a similar sorrow?”
‘We do.’ They boy though, wanting nothing more than to steal his sister away from this world, to stow her away from this worlds gaze till the end of time.
And yet, he had a duty to the people, and you had broken that cardinal sin.
So with his still raised hand, connected to his sister, he whispered an apology to both you and your mother, before swinging it down before her eyes.
Your head rolled peacefully off to the side, a smile and ‘thank you’ on your lips as you faded away, the dust of your form clawing into the air.
In your place, your mother wailed.
Two pairs of arms wrapped around her, grief filling the town as all three began to wept for innocents lost and time never to return now that it had been lost. As they huddled like a family, kneeling on the dirt pathway, as your mother’s kimono became drenched in your sin, the blood of others.
As the sun began to rise and they all moved into a still standing home, taking off their shoes as they entered. As they laid down onto the futon together on the tatami, cuddled into each other’s warmth.
Sobs dying down and becoming echos of the past as three heartbeats became one, breaths slowing to near halts as they reluctantly relaxed and gave into the gentle hands of sleep.
Then, Tanjiro woke up.
Surrounded by a softly snoring Nezuko and curled up Zenitsu who grumbled with the foot of a starfish-posed Inosuke in his face to his right.
On his left?
You and your mother, her skin, nails, and eyes matching yours as you both cuddled to his side to share warmth. His eyes met hers as she smiled.
“Thank you… for saving us from that awful fate Tanjiro…”
Her lips curled into a smile as you muttered something in your sleep, her arm reaching over you to push you into her body. Her arm continued to stretch, petting the redheads head.
“Your kindness truly is a gift of the gods…”
She yawned, licking her lips, before letting her head rest on the pillow given to her and you to share.
“Thank you…”
Tanjiro smiled at the people around him.
At his family.
Feeling safe and protected, he let himself drift off, feelings of comfort and contentment rushing through him like the roaring waves of the ocean or a flame burning bright within.
Yes… This was home.
And he’d do anything to protect it.
Alright that’s enough writing okay byyyyeeeeee I’m gonna go to sleep nowwwww Good niigghgttttttt
It’s like 2:30 am rn LMAOOOOOOO
I’m delirious :3
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abyssruler · 2 years
you: casual player, likes playing with him because you think it’s fun and you genuinely enjoy the relaxing atmosphere when the two of you play
cyno: serious player, competitive as hell, closeted sore loser, is plotting every move in advance in his head, has back up plans for his back up plans, victory is the only thing on his mind
“What do you think we should eat for lunch later?”
“Your sweat and tears after I defeat you in this round.”
“Hm, yeah, I think chicken would be good.”
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lifeiskentastic · 10 months
gn!Reader in one car with Holland March in the middle of a traffic jam
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Gif by @adoresbenho
A/N: Tell me, would you read a fanfic about Ryan Gosling's five-minute role as a lecherous elf on snl New Year's episode? (this sounds so crazy, but Ryan is so cute with the pointy ears, bangs, and tall hat... I just need to write it.)
Summary: Agency partner Reader once again gets stuck in a traffic jam with Holland;
Song I recommend: Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen was just made ror Holland;
Word count: 724 words;
Nice reading!
It was just another morning as the third member (counting from the moment of join, although Holland always argued with Hilly to take over as "second" as if it were something really important) of the detective agency. It was just another morning traffic jam in Los Angeles, the only advantage of which was extra time to shave or drink a cup of coffee. After all, as it turned out, working as a detective requires punctuality, which in the case of Holland March was a big problem. So from the very beginning of the day, you were in a hurry, rushing to get things done, and only during irreparable traffic jams could you afford to exhale.
Holland could finally shave, and you could have a cup of strong coffee instead of breakfast.
For such occasions, Holland even kept a thermos of coffee and mountains of plastic cups in the car. No matter how many times you persuaded him to get rid of at least half of them, he categorically refused, calling it a "necessity of life." Well, given that he also used them to drink his liter-long supply of alcohol, it's not surprising.
The only thing that remained a mystery even to the three detectives was why a jar of whipped cream kept appearing in the glove compartment of his car. Although you had a bold guess that after you told Holland that you loved whipped cream coffee, he took it too much to heart.
"Do you think Healy is there yet?"
You asked, sipping from your cup.
"Oh, yeah, Mr.I'm-right-on-time-because-this-is-an-important-job has been there since sunrise."
You couldn't help but laugh out loud at that. The special relationship between your two partners couldn't help but make you laugh, literally, every day.
Holland beamed with pride when he managed to make you laugh.
"Oh, and also..."
But another laugh from you didn't let March finish his sentence. But what could you do? Still, the naive look on Holland's face with a piece of shaving foam on his cheek was more amusing than you could have imagined.
"Pfft... Ha-ha, wait..."
You reached for his cheek to brush away the remaining lather as Holland watched you in pure embarrassment. His eyes looked even more confused when you were a few millimeters away from his face.
However, you quickly returned to your seat, showing traces of white, puffy foam on your palm.
"Is that what made you giggle so much?"
This made you think back to that unsuspecting look on March's face, caught up in his own joke, and made you laugh uncontrollably again.
"I'm sorry... You just looked so cute."
"Did I?"
Holland leaned closer to your seat, scrutinizing every part of your face. You were about to ask what he was going to do, but...
"Aha! Found it!"
His head came as close to yours as possible, and he touched something near the tips of your lips with a triumphant exclamation.
"Is that cream? You're such a sloven."
Holland's finger did indeed show traces of cream from your coffee. And your partner seemed to be expecting some kind of funny reaction from you, looking expectantly into your soul, but you were honestly not in the mood for it... Still, your heart was still racing from being so close to Holland. For some reason, when there were so small distance between the two of you, you began to feel strange jolts inside your chest.
When you barely regained consciousness, the only thing you could do was to move your whole body as close to Holland as possible, making your partner's eyes widen in surprise once again. You didn't know what was driving you at that moment, but you knew you had to work, and you were within a pinkie nail's distance of March's face.
"You're one to talk..."
You ran your fingers through Holland's mustache, wiping away the subtle streaks of shaving foam that had started this whole thing.
Although you wanted something like this, you hadn't expected Holland to do it first. That he would push forward, quickly crossing the short distance between you, and confidently touch your lips. Of course, you immediately returned his kiss.
It seems that car horns were already blaring behind you and angry drivers were furious, but for now you were too busy with each other to pay attention to such trifles.
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jinkicake · 2 years
Will you write jealousy hcs for Connie, jean, Eren, and armin (either they’re jealous or reader is jealous?)
Armin, Connie, Eren, Jean, Reiner x Reader
A/N: Of course!!!! Let me know if you’d like me to write more for this!!! I love jealousy shit! I’m sorry but I also had to include Reiner like..... I just had to. This is also a good part of a zodiac ramble, sorry.
WC - 2.1k
Armin Arlert
Let’s get one thing clear, Armin is a scorpio (!!!A WATER SIGN!!!). He needs to have you all to himself like he has to be your priority……
Armin is highly sensitive when it comes to his emotions and will get jealous very easily. He won’t show how he is feeling or act on it right away since he does have a level head on his shoulders but, he’ll 100% be feeling it. 
He can get jealous of anyone and everyone, he hates the idea of anyone but him being close to you. In a normal way (and possessive fun way heheh), Armin is very protective and will always have a watchful eye on you. It doesn’t matter if he is in a conversation with someone else or he’s working on something important, if you’re near him then he will immediately be distracted. Little glances will be thrown your way while he writes in his notebook or he might just move to sit next to you entirely. 
In the heat of the moment (when he is feeling his jealousy at its worst), he’ll act calm and unbothered but that can’t be further from the truth!!! Deep down, he’s fucking furious ((not at you -obvi- but the person approaching you)). In almost little time at all, he’ll find a way to remove you from whatever situation you’re in. 
Armin would even get jealous of Mikasa or Eren, not in a romantic way but in a you’re spending way too much time with your friends and he needs your attention way! He gets jealous soooooo easily and will turn into a big pouty mess because of it. Like yeah, he’s so fucking pissed that he’ll also need tons of affection fron you to soothe the ache he’s feeling kekekeke
On the other handddddd,,, when you get jealous,, Armin gets really nervous…. and anxious?
Like he wants nothing more than to fix the reason why you are feeling jealous. He’d hate to know that he made you feel that way,,,,
If it’s someone giving him too much attention, he puts a proper amount of distance between him and them. If his work has taken too much time away from you, he’ll set distinct time slots where he will spend with you. 
Armin is very sweet, a gentle boyfriend so he’ll be sure to make it up to you whenever you get all green and filled with envy!!
But also,,,,, there’s a part inside of him that swells up with pride at how possessive you are over him heheheh Scorpios love loyal s/os!!!!
Connie Springer
Connie,,,, fav bald-headed dumbass, is a male Taurus (and coming from one taurus, a male taurus is the reddest of flags that there is). He’s very stubborn and very perceptive about how he is feeling as soon as he feels it. Connie might pretend to laugh something off or act as if he doesn’t care about it but, that couldn’t be further from the truth. 
He doesn’t allow himself to get jealous. It’s almost like in his own stubbornness, he will push his feelings down because then he thinks he won’t have to deal with them. That method never works and he’s usually left with his stupid frustrations and sometimes gives you the cold shoulder while trying to figure out what to do with them. 
It’s like.. Connie is very clingy (not in a negative way!), and he enjoys being around you and hanging out with you. The two of you are always doing chores together and enjoying each other’s company. However, there will be a point when you start to recognize his clinginess as a sign of his jealousy. This can be seen when he doesn’t part from you ever even when you two have two different things that you each need to be doing. The moment he pulls away from this clinginess is when you have a problem!
As soon as the clingiest ends then comes the ignoring!!! It can be extremely difficult to deal with a petty!Connie but, as long as you keep a clear head and calmly ask him what is wrong and get to the bottom of his hurt feelings then it ends quickly. 
It’s best to get this feeling of anger out of the way quickly because when taurus become hurt, they will always remember that pain! 
Okay…. But when you get jealous, Connie thinks it is the funniest thing in the world. Not because you are upset or uncomfortable but because he can’t understand why you are feeling jealous, like, does he not prove time and time again his unconditional love for you?
He always spends his free time with you and makes sure to keep your needs and desires first in his mind. Your jealousy truly comes as a shock to him and, he might just laugh when you let him know how you feel. 
Howeverrrrr, he will very quickly apologize and make you feel better when he finds out how hurt you’ve been feeling. Taurus are very attentive and when a male taurus cares, he will make sure that you feel you’re very best.
Despite being a red flag, Connie is the greenest red flag ive ever seen!
Eren Jaeger
Oh…. Eren….. He’s fucking crazy. This man is literally a male Aries like…… be careful. Despite being driven and courageous, he’s also extremely desperate and lashes out when pushed to the edge. It’s very easy to tell when he is jealous since it happens so often. 
His type of jealousy is one that needs to be matched with patience. You have such a strong hold over him, unmatchable power, that he can’t fight no matter how hard he tries. He can’t help but want to make sure he’s the only significant factor in your life and he will monopolize all your time to ensure this (what a possessive thing). 
Howeverrrrrr don’t worryyyy, it is a good thing that Eren gets jealous because that means he really loves youuuuu~ And his intentions are relatively pure, okay?
There are times when he can be nonchalant, when Eren can swallow his bitter jealousy and just ignore you until it goes away. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t go away. If you get upset with him over this petty conflict, he’ll quickly come to his senses and beg for your forgiveness and attention. It’s like he’s all tough until he realizes that he’s made you upset LOL
Eren can be very sweet and genuine, you’ll never have to guess with him since he can be so easy to read (as long as you know him well), and he’ll always fiercely protect you no matter what. It’ll be easy to rest knowing you’re his first priority. 
UGH, but the other way around though…. When you get jealous, it sends his pride and ego through the roof like he will get so cocky and hideous (so hot) about it. 
Yes, it makes him feel good knowing that you’re getting protective of him and he finds it hot. Eren is a relatively simple creature, what can I say?
He’ll make sure to ease your jealousy, after he’s gotten a proper amount of it, and he doesn’t half-ass this either!!! In his own way, he’ll tease you and poke you just enough that you get mad but nothing too extreme. The second he notices that you’re starting to feel uncomfortable, he stops and grabs you in his arms. 
Your jealousy made him feel good and now, in return, he’s going to kiss your ass (literally).
If you ever feel like shit from getting jealous, just know that feeling won’t last long because Eren will most definitely make it up to you. 
Jean Kirstein
Jean is much like Eren, given that they’re both Aries. He’s hardworking and extremely caring but, also short-tempered. Fighting with someone explosive and stubborn like Jean is like lighting a match in the middle of an oil spill,, everything will go to shit quickly. It’s not like he wants to lash out at you or fight with you (because really, it’s the last thing he wants) but jealousy is such a wretched feeling and Jean has a very hard time controlling it. 
Yes, he gets jealous very easily and it is also very easy to tell when he is jealous. Jean gets loud and expressive, making sure that his voice booms so that you can hear him. If your attention isn’t on him then he will very quickly make it so that it is. 
Jean naturally gets jealous of anything but, can you blame him? He’s dramatic, he wants to be the center of your world! He will not stand another person giving you attention, it just rubs him the wrong way. Still, most of the time, Jean can ignore his jealousy and subdue it just long enough to get himself away from whoever is pissing him off.
It’s very easy to combat his jealousy, just as easy as it is for him to get jealous. Just give the fire sign attention, that’s it. A little extra affection always does the trick hehe. 
If you just stroke his arm and play with his hair for half of a second, Jean is instantly recovered and puffing his chest in the air like he wasn’t even jealous before. He’s a sweet thing, really,,,,
Oh… when you get jealous, it’s kind of a problem. Aries men are creatures of habit, they can do one thing or another while you can’t do either of the things….
If you’re jealous about something, there’s a good chance that Jean (if he’s swept up in the attention enough) won’t notice. You’ll have to confront him with your feelings and even then, he might just brush you off. 
Only if he can really see the hurt on your face or just how insecure you are feeling (which he can do easily since he kisses the ground you walk on) then he will stop exactly what he is doing. 
Like if he’s surrounded by cadets all gushing over him, he’s going to have a hard time pushing them away BUT, if he knows you are feeling jealous then he will shove them away with ease.
At the end of the day, your happiness is most important to him!! Always!
Reiner Braun
Reiner…. My sweet psychopath…. Is a Leo male, do I need to say anything more about this? (no? I don’t think I do?)
His jealousy can be a bit tedious since he tries his hardest to submerge the feeling but ends up getting choked by it. He doesn’t mean to, but, he might take the frustrations from his jealousy out on you. Not in any harsh way but, he might just ignore you and push you away just to make you push him back and fight him to prove how much you care about him…. Reiner is difficult, we all know this. 
Given, not just his sign, but his entire history and background, it is no surprise that Reiner is so protective of you. He cherishes you and loves you incredibly hard. 
He might not be the easiest to read but when he gets jealous it’s kinda in your face... He’ll hover around you, mildly snooping, as he asks you questions about what you’re doing or who you’re going to be with. Oh! You’re on the phone? Who are you talking to? Why do you have to talk to Eren? Reiner does this in such a smooth way that it comes across as him being curious (which he is) but, you can also see the twitch in his fingers at someone else having your attention. 
Luckily, his open wounds are easy to fix. A little reassurance goes a long way and can prevent a really big explosion of emotions. Stroke his ego a bit (and other places if you’d like) and let him know how much you adore him and love him,,,, Reiner really needs it-
Unlike the rest of these fools, despite being a fire sign, I can’t see Reiner entertaining your jealousy. If this man knows you are feeling upset and insecure, he will fix this the second he realizes it. 
Any doubt that you have, any fear lingering in your mind, will be squashed by his love and affection. There’s literally nothing Reiner can’t talk you out of, he always makes you feel content in your relationships. 
His favorite thing is to just hold you. When his words don’t work, he will always rely on his touch to make you melt into his arms. He’s so sweet when he’s not trying to k!ll everyone, ugh-
You’ll rarely get jealous with Reiner because he doesn’t ever do anything to make you jealous. He’ll never test your feelings or get too close to another person because you’re the only one for him. 
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jellijellybean · 4 months
nsfw takes on some [JJK] characters mdni
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don't laugh at me alright. im soft and mushy most days so there's no hardcore kinks in this one gang. ngl sometimes i get really nervous about posting my writing but then i remember i used to write on quotev when i was fourteen and feel arguably worse. as always put your ages in bios please and thank you. [word count: 2.1k]
warnings: nsfw. slight choking (gojo), overstimulation (receiving w/geto), alcohol mention (shoko), uhh none for (nanami) i believe, nails/scratching (utahime), oral (tojo)
a/n: this was written to be gender neutral. i might do the curses next because i am but a humble sukuna enjoyer (its such a shame he's always on my mind and never on me.)
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I feel like he's the type to set the pace real gentle and slow. He doesn't get the opportunity to shower you with his affection as much as he'd like, but when he does it leaves you breathless.
He drags his palm up towards your neck so he can cup your face in one of those big hands of his. His lips don't stop ghosting over your neck as he trails kiss after kiss until he's brushing against your lips while the hand cupping your face suddenly trails down to carefully wrap his long fingers around your throat.
The squeeze is almost too faint to feel, but your head spins regardless and the chuckle that rumbles through his chest at your reaction makes your stomach explode with butterflies.
His favorite thing though?
Loves it so much when you wrap your legs around his waist, he loves the feeling of your arms wounding tight around his shoulders, how he's practically engulfed by you.
Seriously. He just loves the way you feel when you're here clinging to him down to the right amount of pressure, always leaving him dizzy from the rush he gets. When you whisper his name over and over again he feels invincible.
All the responsibilities, the pain, and sorrow can wait, everything, all his worries, all his hurt can fade into the background when your fingers brush through his hair, repeating soft, "I love you's,” into his mouth until your voice fades and his breath hitches.
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A tease through and through.
The type to whisper that he wants to hear what you want, all the filthy things that enter your mind, he wants to hear it all. Purposely, leaves you begging for more just so he can repeat the words of, "..say it for me one more time," before he thinks of continuing.  He's a bit more calculated with how well he sets the pace too.
Geto’s the type to observe your reactions, see how well you react to the way he slides in, how much pressure he'll need to use to have your legs shaking, and how sensitive you are to his touch. He takes his time to explore and learn just how to make your body sing.
You'd almost be startled by how often he focuses entirely on the way you feel when you're with him. The way you squeeze your eyes shut or when you try to pull him closer has his heart about to burst with the adoration he feels for you at that moment.
Be warned though, because of the pause he takes to admire you, to spend a few moments worshipping your very being — he'll absolutely overstimulate you afterwards, badly.
He might whisper that he's sorry, but he's almost there.. you can take a bit more, can't you? He got so distracted by you, he can't help it! The twitchy feeling below your stomach soon boils into burning pleasure when he continues the pace of his thrusts. He's kissing you, smothering your lips with kiss after kiss until your hands shake and your back arches once again.
Geto chuckles at the way your body tightens just right around him and he can't stop himself from cupping your face and holding it steady enough to keep your lips locked tight together.
Sigh. Isn't he so romantic?
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You'd have to be the one to suggest anything, she's a busy woman with a packed schedule that leaves her exhausted.
Maybe, you decide to surprise her with a home-cooked dinner when she walks through the door and you finally get to see her tired smile as she tells you, you didn't have to.
You say it's the least you can do with the same bright grin you always wear and as you pull out the wine bottle kept safe for nights like this she caves and takes her seat right across from your own. Shoko's very thankful for your presence when you begin to talk about your day while she sits there and listens. A few drinks later and a quick movie leaves you guys on the couch, Shoko hovering above you as your hands rest against her hips.
The movie is long forgotten when you leave little nips and soft kisses against the sorceress' neck. Her shirt, slowly being pushed up and over her head just so you can continue to worship her delicate skin and watch the bites, scratches, and hickeys on her body slowly gain color.
Shoko’s more relaxed if anything, not really in a rush to get to where she needs to go. She is the type to really savor the moment as she tends to get lost in the way it feels the closer she gets to being pushed over that edge.
Something tells me she's also big on using her hands — mainly to touch your skin. Cup your face and trace the scars that you received from the time before you knew her. She even enjoys/savors the heat from your body as it slowly warms up her icy hands, and to Shoko, it's a constant reminder that you're here.
With her.
It keeps her grounded, especially after a long day of seeing sorcerers in different states of agony. You're her rock and she couldn't feel happier with anyone else, after all, you're all she needs in this world.
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Nanami is a bit harder for me to calculate, but he gives very solid and strong vibes, give me a second to explain. Feels like his pace would be as steady as can be.. in the sense that he doesn't necessarily change it much. You might feel him get a bit rougher the closer he gets, really wanting to press deep, but he mostly keeps himself stable and has pretty good stamina overall.
Not the type to really get lost in the moment, but he tends to bask in the way his muscles tense and then how his body relaxes after he climaxes. He's a bit more on the quiet side too, not into talking too much but more into soft sighs and heavy breathing.
Don't expect his pace to be erratic unless you purposely tease him throughout the day — you'll know what's about to happen when he suddenly clasps a hand on your shoulder, pinky close enough to your neck he'd be able to caress the skin if he wanted to. He's ruthless, but still.. restrained in a sense until you goad him a bit more — keep babbling about whatever, tease him until you see the cracks in his self-control.
Man's will be talking then, whispering how exactly you affect him. How you invade his mind on days he needs to focus, how you're always there regardless of what he's doing.
When he's at work he wonders if you're awake. In the car he questions whether you've eaten or not and even when he's dealing with curses he thinks back to you.. at home waiting for him and he finds himself being a bit more careful.
Calculated and calm.
He needs to get home to you after all. Nanami tends to be a little more looser, letting out moans and groans more freely, his deep voice leaves you shivering. He normally falls asleep after nights like these though, arm wrapped taut around your body, making sure to keep you close to his chest. Just hold him tight and whisper that everything will be okay — he'll fully believe you.
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Alright, something about this lady just gives me.. brat vibes (if you can say that.)
She won’t be downright mean to you but will do anything to get a reaction out of you so to speak. I’m talking when you guys are training and she manages to knock you down to the ground with a bright grin on her face all while exclaiming that she beat you!
Utahime can laugh and giggle all she wants about her victory and she might even say that you let your guard down, that you didn’t give it your all, and that you lost — to her.
It might make your blood boil a bit when she says those words to you, a slight tremble in your fingers as you reach for her arm to tug her down.
Now it’s your turn to laugh at the shock on her face, the way she whispers that your tactics are dirty, and the fact her face flushed at the realization of just how close you two were. You’re practically on top of her! She says it with a slight glare but your hands slip under her shirt before she even has a second to open her mouth again. It's funny watching, almost entranced, as her eyes widen before she tries to squirm away.
She stares, jaw slack, as the grin grows on your face when you throw a teasing remark back to her that gets her blood boiling all while teasing her chest. Utahime begins to take this as a challenge — to see who’s the real loser and before you realize it, girl has you flipped over with her hands underneath your shirt. Her strength surprises you as she slowly clambers on top of your body, feeling the way her nails ghost across your skin before digging into your shoulders.
Oof yeah, the nails are something she uses — often. Talking deep scratches along your back and shoulders that burn with an almost addicting pain, might even leave imprints when she cums with how hard she digs them into your skin. Sometimes it has you worried she’s drawing blood lol.
I also get talkative vibes from her, like she whispers soft curses and small threats like, “If you stop.. I’m going to kill you.” (LMAO) but the majority of the time, when you guys aren’t at each other’s throats, she’s a real softy with her words.
Very open about how good you make her feel and will gladly tell you so, but be warned because she expects the same energy back.
Honestly, just tell her how much you love her, how badly she affects you, and just how often she’s on your mind and I promise she’ll be eating out of your palm in no time because.. really.
All she wants is someone to love and appreciate the way she is without the need to hide any part of herself and look who's perfect for that.
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You guys probably met at some bar that served cheap booze and different types of filling foods. The screens on the tv’s playing random sports or the news or even some random cartoon — it’s overstimulating and you don’t even realize it until the sound of someone shuffling beside you is enough to drag your attention away.
The man doesn’t seem to acknowledge you but yawns very openly, you swear you’d be able to hear it if the people chatting weren’t so loud. Toji on the other hand, noticed you from across the room. His first thoughts were that you were cute looking, not really meant to be on this side of town without a reason, so he decided to sit next to you and see if you'd be interested in conversation.
(I can’t describe it but Toji to me doesn’t really give romantic vibes, but he’d still be at least somewhat considerate of your comfort and pleasure.)
Don't expect kisses to the lips and soft pillow talk, expect a bite to your ear and him forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. Just ti keep himself hunched over your body until he's practically engulfing you and everything you are. Has a mix of having such a ruthless pace that leaves you gasping for air each time he bullies his way inside and then having the slow and lazy one with how gentle he rocks his hips into you when he feels like switching it up.
He won't admit it but he loves the fact you can never seem to hide the noises he drags out of you — it's a song only he's able to hear and that leaves him on cloud nine.
Might catch him lying on his back afterwards, staring at the ceiling with a somewhat blank look on his face. You might think that's it. That he's got what he wanted and is about to leave and never speak to you again, but the truth is, he's not sure how to ask if you'd be interested in meeting up like this again and again and again.
It's been a while since he's actually slept with someone he feels like he has good compatibility with and that's hard to find in this day and age. Won't say anything about it but you'll find it kind of weird when you slowly begin to see him around a bit more. Maybe he's walking down the street or standing in line at the grocery store and you see him again.
Call it fate or whatever but he draws you closer, like a moth to a flame. You'll learn about his thing with oral as time goes on. Loves the way you sound with his fingers in your mouth or when it's been such a rough day all he needs is you, on your back, trying to shove his head away while you beg and plead for some mercy.
It's honestly his favorite pastime. Let's just hope you two don't get into anything too frisky because my man is shameless and all I can say is godspeed soldier.
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animasola86 · 1 year
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Just another adventure, right?
My interpretation of the infamous Scriptorium scene:
2.2k words
Sebastian x gn!reader/mc (1st person POV)
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(Original screenshot by @gamesscreens, this post here)
“Cast it on me,” I said and stared up at him in a determination I didn't know I still had in me.
“What?” Sebastian exclaimed. “No! You can't be serious!”
“What do you expect we do then?” I hissed, looking back to where Ominis was pacing up and down the dark corridor nervously. “Ominis refuses to have anything to do with this and I completely understand it. I don't see how I could ever cast the curse as well, but, since you know it, you should cast it. It's our only way out of this, Sebastian!”
He stared at me with his jaw clenched and his lips tight, his eyes dark and conflicted. Then he shook his head and turned away, staring at the door that kept us from leaving.
I walked up to him and placed a hand on his back, gently curling my fingertips against the fabric of his robes. He slightly stiffened at my touch, but then turned his head towards me.
“You can do this,” I whispered. “I trust you...”
He turned around fully, his height and dark demeanour towering over me like an even darker shadow in our grim surroundings.
“You trust me to hurt you?” He inhaled deeply. “I don't want to hurt you. I... can't do this... to you,” his voice was low, vibrating through my very core. “You realize I have to mean it... for it to work...” He shook his head and turned around again, his profile set. “And I certainly do not mean to hurt you...”
“Then pretend I'm somebody else!” I said with a sudden idea. I saw him frowning at that. “Here, I can even put up my hood and turn around!” I started grabbing my hood, but he quickly got a hold of my wrists. I stared up at him with my mouth open. “Sebastian, please!” I breathed. “I know it's a lot to ask, but... only you can do it.”
He looked at me with an intensity that made my heart hammer against my ribcage, that made my knees weak. A shiver ran down my spine as his fingers let go of my wrists and turned to the hood of my robes instead, as he very carefully pulled it over my head. His hands found my face and while his thumbs gently caressed my cheeks, he leaned down towards me. I could feel his breath on my lips as he brought his face even closer until he pressed his forehead against mine, closing his eyes for a moment.
“Just another adventure, right?” I heard him whisper, or rather I felt his voice humming deeply against my skin.
My hands found the front of his robes and I gingerly dug my fingers into them. “Yes,” I breathed.
He inhaled deeply, then leaned back up and pressed his lips quickly on my forehead. I looked up at him unable to say anything else. I couldn't imagine the turmoil (well, a little bit) raging inside of him. Perhaps if I had been forced to do this to him, I would have struggled in the same way, probably even more, considering I still found it hard to fight even the bad guys like goblins or Dark wizards. But to purposefully hurt someone you... loved...
I swallowed hard and turned around, facing the wall, showing him that I was ready (even though I clearly wasn't, I had no idea what to expect). I braced myself, but hearing his equally strained breaths behind me didn't really ease the knot that twisted my stomach. But it was nothing compared to what was to come.
His voice was almost cold, detached, when he shouted: “Crucio!”
The impact was immediate. Like a fiery hot breeze of the sharpest needles imaginable it rushed through me and then it spread. I heard my own screams echoing loudly off the walls as I staggered, sinking to my knees, my muscles tightening painfully. I grasped at my chest as my body convulsed in never ending spasms of agony, like tiny blades piercing my skin, penetrating deeply, twisting around mercilessly, through every fibre of my being. And it was lingering, sinking deeper, corrupting every nerve. I screamed and cried and my tears felt hot and raw on my hurting skin. All I felt was pain, there was nothing else.
Everything hurt.
And it took me the longest moment to realize that I was suddenly no longer alone on the floor. Two arms had wrapped themselves around my writhing form, holding me tightly pressed against a warm chest. And as the worst seemed to be over slowly, though I kept feeling the occasional twitch from my still highly stimulated nerves, I noticed the shaking of another body. Shuddering breaths that were not my own echoed in my ears. Then I felt his voice, puffed against the skin of my neck as he pressed his face against me.
“I'm so sorry,” Sebastian breathed barely audible, his voice shaking badly. “I... I didn't... want this...” He hugged me to his chest, held me as if I was slipping away, squeezed the pain away with every passing heartbeat. And I just lay in his arms, my head resting on his shoulder, trying to fight the urge to just let go and sleep... forever...
When I finally found the strength to move again, I raised my hands gingerly, snaking my arms around him, grabbing at the back of his robes. My movement caused him to hold me tighter, as he inhaled sharply. Then he leaned me back a little and our gazes met. His eyes were dark and clouded, the skin around them red, and his cheeks were wet. He looked at me with his eyebrows knitted and the saddest look I had ever seen on his freckled face. His lips were trembling. I swallowed hard, then winced at the still hurting sensation of it. His gaze immediately grew even darker and I heard him take an unsteady breath.
“Are you...” His voice broke before he could finish his question.
I slowly, weakly raised a hand to touch his face. My fingertips slid over his wet skin and when I did so, I saw a single tear leave the corner of his eye. He tried to blink it away, but I caught it with my thumb and gently caressed his cheek. I raised my other hand and grabbed his shoulder, trying to pull myself up a little. He helped me by pulling his arms tighter around my waist, lifting me onto his lap as he did so.
Now both my hands were holding his face and I held onto it as I pulled myself even closer to him, until his warm, shuddering breath ghosted my lips. “I'm fine,” I whispered, looking into his dark, conflicted eyes. “I'm fine,” I repeated as I caressed his face, my fingertips slipping between his dark, messy locks as my thumbs wiped at his heated skin. “It's alright...”
When he closed his eyes, a few more tears slipped from his lashes and the tension in his face eased a little. His hands clawed at the back of my robes, before they, too, relaxed and started rubbing my back gently. I breathed deeply against his slightly parted lips, my thumbs drawing circles on his cheekbones. The longest moment passed with my heart drumming against my ribs, as the last tremors of the curse slipped from my body.
I leaned in a little more, the tip of my nose nuzzling his skin, before I turned my head and pressed my cheek against his, merging the tears we had cried for and at the hand of each other. I felt him inhale sharply at that and his embrace became even tighter, to the point I had to push my elbows against his chest to not get completely smothered by the immense bear hug he was providing. “Sorry,” he breathed against me and loosened his grip with a tiny snivel.
I grabbed his face again and leaned back, and when he looked at me, his eyes were warm and intense. My thumbs found the corners of his mouth, my gaze wandering over the shape of his lips, and before I knew it, just when my body was finally relaxing again, I had closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his. It was just a short peck, out of instinct, but when I leaned back only the smallest bit, I felt his hand taking hold of my head, his fingers slipping into my hair as he held me close, and then it was him who pressed his lips against mine. It felt ten times more intense as he deepened the kiss, the warm feeling of his breath and the taste of his tears causing me to shiver against him.
His other hand found my face as my own hands wandered up and around his head to get lost in the thickness of his messy hair, my fingertips scraping over his scalp in a desperate attempt to hold onto anything to keep me from falling. But fall I did. Right into the warmth of his mouth, the safety of his embrace, the gentle caresses of his fingers. He tilted his head and adjusted his position beneath me, his lips closing around mine, gently sucking and pressing, tasting every inch of my mouth. I was utterly breathless when he eventually leaned back enough to allow my lips to part slightly, only to dive back in immediately at the sight of it.
I could feel his tongue gingerly pressing against my lower lip and I couldn't help but gasp as he pushed past it and slid into my mouth, my own tongue meeting his like a long awaited friend. (No. Lover.) I smiled at the thought, grabbing his hair tighter as I deepened the kiss by seemingly pressing my entire jaw against his. His hands grabbed my face, holding me in place as he circled his tongue around mine, now really tasting every inch of my mouth, his lips brushing over the sensitive skin of my own.
I breathed loudly against him, completely forgetting everything around us, because there didn't seem to be anything else but the mouth and hands and taste and feel of the boy close to me, when a timid voice suddenly broke through the stupor of our kiss.
“Are... are you two alright? Can anyone say anything?” Ominis asked from the other side of the corridor, luckily completely oblivious to what was happening.
I felt Sebastian tense against me, the movement of his lips halted as he withdrew his tongue and leaned back only enough for us to lock eyes. I breathed against his lips, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. He smiled back feebly, his thumbs caressing my cheeks before he reluctantly let go and leaned back even more. I retrieved my hands from his hair, leaving it even messier than it was before. We looked at each other for another second, then I licked my lips and said, with my voice barely audible and slightly strained:
“I'm fine, Ominis, we're fine.”
“Did it work?” he asked and I heard his footsteps coming closer.
Sebastian quickly stood from our weird entanglement on the floor and helped me to my feet as well. I felt my knees shake, but I couldn't be sure if it was the curse or the kiss that had weakened them. While holding me with one arm, I saw him wipe at his eyes with the other, inhaling deeply as he did so. Then his gaze wandered past me towards the now open door and yet another room visible behind it.
“It did,” he said, his voice low and raspy.
I looked up at him, my hand finding his face. He met my gaze when my fingertips brushed his jaw. Before Ominis eventually reached us, Sebastian leaned down once more and gently pressed his lips against mine. I grabbed his face and kept him there just long enough, my lips desperate to feel his, until a deep sigh echoed through the corridor. We broke apart again and straightened up quickly.
“Could we please leave this place now?” Ominis said quietly, the glowing tip of his wand pulsing rhythmically in the air in front of him. For a moment I thought I saw a frown on his pale face and I blushed deeply when I wondered what he might have heard.
Yet as I saw the tiny smile on Sebastian's lips and the warmth inside his eyes, I knew I didn't care.
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(Original screenshot by @deathlysallows, this post here)
Dear diary, today I had my first kiss with Sebastian. It was a wet one because we had both cried because, oh right, he had hit me with the Cruciatus Curse just before. I was in so much pain and he had been devastated about it and then it just happened. Hmm, yes, a moment I will never forget!
Bonus 2:
Ominis in the back, while the two of them are tongue deep inside the other's mouth: “You realize you're making out on top of the bones of my dead aunt, right?”
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Bakugou hates this fucking time of year. Mainly because of the cold and dreary weather, but also because of the holidays and the upcoming expectations of and from him. He’s a damn good gift giver—when he wants to be, and only because he listens, also when he wants to—but the part he hates the most about it?
Gift wrapping. It’s a damn obligation from hell. He’d rather go out and buy all the gift boxes and bags and bows and shit before he’d ever wrap a gift. Maybe he hates it because he’s not automatically good at it, maybe he hates it because it’s just fucking stupid and useless if you’re just gonna tear through the wrapping paper anyway!
But he does it, for you and only you. Only because you came home at the beginning of the month with armfuls of wrapping paper and bows and gift tags and tissue paper and—and too much red and green and white. You’re so excited, and he can’t deny how cute you look sticking your tongue out when you cut the wrapping paper around the gift you got for Mina.
He stares at the present he brought you months in advance, wonders what’s so hard about wrapping a tiny little velvet box? And discovers his hatred all over again for wrapping paper and tape and shear scissors and dumb sticky bows. But the face you make at him? When he hands you the hand wrapped gift hidden under the tree on a horrendously cold morning?
It makes him warmer inside than he cares to admit. You don’t make fun of his wrapping skills or how there’s too much tape and that one hole he made in it when he gripped it too hard. You only grin at him, tear into the gift with haste, whisper about how nice it is to get some hand wrapped from him knowing how much he hated it. But maybe—maybe he doesn’t hate it so much now. Not if it gets this reaction out of you every time.
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ickiess · 1 year
price x gn!reader. 18+. smut. just a sexual blowjob between friends.
"That's it, love, just like that." The praise goes straight to your head, making the blush on your face deepen. In between his legs, underneath his desk, your eyes close as your captain rolls his hips - softly fucking your throat in his office. The only sounds are the creak of his chair and the lewd noises coming from your own mouth. You can't help it when your hand moves between your own legs to try and relieve the pressure building there.
"Enjoying yourself?" Price teases but you hear his voice catch in his throat, feel his hands tighten in your hair as his hips buck just a bit deeper. As calm and collected he is trying to appear, he's falling closer to that edge because of you. The thought is enough to make you moan around him. There's a muffled curse under his breath as his hips buck again.
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benetnvsch · 9 months
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Idk if they don’t at least hug when they see each other again I may leave the fandom for real this time
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ghostlyfurball · 11 months
girls have one fear and its the fear of revali dying a second death by having nobody alive continue to remember him and his legacy . btw. if u even care.
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