#also every time i read something in french it feels like a made up language.
skellowmare · 1 year
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been learning french for 10ish years (actively or not) and sentences like this are still beyond my comprehension
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atthebell · 5 months
do you have any recommendations/resources to learn spanish?? i've been using busuu for about 104 days now, imo opinion it's actually pretty fun and i like it but i think my main problem with it is that it goes too fast?? it's hard to explain. it's also started to feel kinda repetitive to me. i still love busuu and i'm going to continue with my course, but it'd be nice to also have something else. like, preferably not an app, maybe a textbook or a website or something :D i don't really WHERE to find resources for language learning, despite being bilingual, i never really had to look on the internet to learn the languages i speak now, i picked it up from the people around me you know?
i've also been ''using'' duolingo but tbh, i really hate it. it feels boring to me, everyday it's ''ok what sentence am i going to be forced to write for the 40th time today?'' the single 'square' has 5 lessons and a 'unit' has around 10-8 of those squares and to finish a 'unit' you have to do about 50-45 of those lessons, which is shit because a 'unit' is only going to teach about 3 sentence structures and if you're lucky maybe 5. it's so shit, those greedy fuckers basically made it unusable. i've been using for about 140 days now, every single day i take at least one lesson, and it STILL has not taught me a SINGLE spanish tense. btw, i even had an entire phase where i would finish UNITS in about an hour and a half (1 min or less for every lesson) and still not a single ''pretérito Indefinido'' actual pain 🫠🫠 one day ll delete that app, one day (i guess that's why i like busuu in the first place, it actually teaches you these tenses and even some slang while duolingo makes you write ''papá, quiero visitar a nuestra abuela'' for the 700th time this week)
i want to watch vods and stuff, but tbh, i feel way too embarrassed? like, i don't know enough spanish to really understand them and even when they say basic sentences that i understand, i still have to listen to it multiple times and slow down the clip for me to really get it. the thing with spanish is that i'll understand the meaning of the words being said but i need to take a second or so to really comprehend what they mean together you know? i don't want to have to watch the stream slowed down because that would definitely make me feel stupid 😭 maybe when i have better spanish i'll start watching vods. although i do listen to spanish songs sometimes, it's fun :D
first thing: you don't have to feel embarrassed about needing time to process things/needing to listen to things slowed down. language learning is difficult and there are a lot of obstacles for many people; this is something i do understand and want to stress that i get that it's hard. you are not a bad person or an idiot or whatever for having a hard time understanding things-- you are still learning, and besides that, sometimes hearing things isn't someone's strong suit (it absolutely did not use to be mine, but i've practiced a lot and gotten much better at it. i'm still much much better at reading text in other languages, but it is something you can always improve on). if you need to take extra time to watch things, that is not a personal fault of yours nor does it make you stupid. everyone has different skill sets, and you can always practice to get better.
second thing: my own criticisms of both busuu and duolingo, along with their strengths. duolingo first, because i've used it since like. idk like 2016? not consistently but i've used it far more over the years and i'm very familiar with various changes they've made and the esp, ptbr, and french courses. busuu ive only been using for a few months
to get it out of the way, the recent change to laying off translators and using more AI in lessons. this sucks, obviously, for a myriad of reasons. machine translation cannot match with human translation, and frankly never will be able to. there are vast amounts of nuance and cultural context necessary for translation, along with the fact that an AI led course does not actually hit on all the things someone needs, particularly on a basics/foundational level. and from an ethical standpoint, laying off a ton of human translators because you think you can replace them with inaccurate machine translation sucks and is why so many people have dropped duolingo, myself included.
duolingo also has limitations in terms of format-- it gamifies language learning, which can make it feel more accessible to people and makes people want to open it and practice every day. however, most people use duolingo to do one lesson once a day and that's it. they're not getting in practice from lessons previously completed, they're not drilling vocab or conjugations, they're not actually maintaining or even remembering what they've already learned. obviously there are people (like myself, when i still used the app) who practice far more than that and continue to drill previous lessons, but that's not the majority, and it's not incentivized by the app. the paywalling of completing certain lessons and being able to drill error words also sucks for this reason. basically duolingo is not an ideal setup for actually maintaining knowledge once you go through it the first time and also the way the courses are laid out just. does not, imo, actually make sense. they rarely actually explain what they're trying to teach you and they don't get into enough detail on most concepts. and there is no incentive to review, which is hugely important. not an ideal situation for language learning, especially on its own.
my pros for duolingo: it gets you to practice daily. this is honestly what i use busuu for at this point-- when i get a notif for it, i open it up and flick through a lesson, but i also pull out a textbook or two to look at things there and practice stuff. if whipping out duolingo every day helps you practice a language, that is, at bare minimum, something. preferably you should be studying for at least 15min if not up to an hour or more of a language a day in order to really pick things up and maintain them; you can absolutely use duolingo or busuu for that (busuu i think is far less well formatted and oftentimes the lessons are very specific vocab, at least in the later courses).
for busuu, my issues are like. it's a poorly made imitation of duolingo, aside from a few things. the community aspect is something i REALLY like-- being able to send an exercise to a native speaker and get feedback on what to work on is great, especially with how it's a short answer question that lets you form your own sentences and try out vocab in context. that's a wonderful feature, and i really think it gets at something duolingo is completely missing.
but yeah like i said in terms of the lessons, busuu has very strange ways of teaching things. firstly, it's usually super specific topics and vocab that aren't paired with anything conceptually that helps you progress. usually in a language course, it's best to pair a concept you're working on with either relevant vocab or something that can be used to talk about similar subjects/in similar ways (for instance, subjunctive with food/restaurant vocab, so that you can build sentences both with the new vocab and using the new verbal form in ways that make sense, i.e. "I'll have whatever she's having, If I were to order the pasta, I would get a salad too," "If I were richer, I would always order filet mignon" (side note subjunctive is very difficult for eng speakers so idk if these examples actually make sense 😭))
also busuu will repeatedly teach me something phrased one way or with a certain word and then mark me wrong and insist i use a completely different word/phrase. i cannot figure out why it keeps doing this it's very frustrating. and it has recently been teaching me some european portuguese which is not what the course is supposed to be so i'm just baffled by what's going on there.
another positive for busuu, at least in contrast to duolingo, is it teaches you the vocab and phrases before quizzing you on them, which duolingo does not do. this is like a positive and also an "eh, idk" because i get why duolingo does that-- it's trying to throw you into using surrounding context to figure out what a word means, and that's a very good way to practice, but i think it doesn't necessarily achieve it well and sometimes will just spring random words on you without enough context for you to know what it's referring to without just clicking on the word anyway.
also neither app are good at teaching you verb conjugation or tenses which is really unfortunate for spanish and portuguese in particular, as they're both languages where verbs are really really key AND where understanding tenses and their names are important, particularly for native eng speakers who never got taught tense names or like. any terminology for languages in english 🙃
also here is a thing i wrote up complaining about duolingo & verbs ages ago: Duolingo does not teach you things explicitly. It expects you to pick them up in a semi-immersive style, which works okay most of the time for most people but for many people makes actually learning and understanding parts of a language very difficult. For instance, it won't teach you the exact difference in usage between ser and estar, in Spanish or Portuguese. This difference is something I spent weeks on in Spanish class in high school and continued to review the rest of my time learning Spanish in an academic setting-- it is a key element of two of the most important words in the language. Duolingo also doesn't explain stem changes or irregular verbs and their typical endings-- it simply expects you to pick these up and memorize them through sentence usage. Basically it's very obvious Duolingo was created by english speakers who were never taught key elements of their own language (this is not a dig on their personal fault; i was also never taught any of this shit about english) and don't know how to go about teaching a language, and the limited format doesn't help.
third thing, finally getting to what you actually asked: there are a lot of resources for learning spanish online! i'm not as familiar with them as i'd like, as i learned spanish in an academic setting, but i'll do my best to list some things out and anyone else can feel free to add on. i've been meaning to make a language learning advice post for literally ages and i guess this is going to become it lmao.
here is a video explaining how to make duolingo work for you along with other resources: A Linguist explains how to make duolingo actually work (tl;dr pair duolingo with conversation partners, textbook work, listening to music, watching movies, etc. etc.)
i've tagged this with my language learning tag, which has a bunch of resources including some specifically for learning spanish.
tumblr user salvador bonaparte has a drive of free textbooks you can check out here, including a ton of spanish resources. i also recommend looking around the internet/specifically linguistics tumblr to find more resources as well as looking at used bookstores/amazon/etc. for spanish textbooks to use, as that will provide a more thorough foundation along with other programs/types of learning.
i've never used babbel or any other online program like it, but spanish tends to be one of the more resource-heavy languages because it's so widely spoken, so typically spanish programs on various apps/sites are REALLY thorough (duolingo's spanish program is by far their best course, with a ton more resources than most other programs. you can go up to the equivalent of at least c2 on there i believe, versus many other languages where they don't even list the CEFR levels)
finally, the not-so-online answer: if you're in college/have a nearby community/junior college, consider taking spanish classes there! this option probably costs the most out of any others, but i genuinely think an academic setting is the a great way to learn a language for many people. if you're not one of them, that is totally fine, but an actual spanish course at a college is likely to be the most thorough way to learn the language. also many CCs/JCs offer spanish classes online, so if you can't drive or for whatever reason can't go to in-person courses, you'll likely still have options.
this is everything i can think of right now but i also want to add once again that learning a language is difficult!!! i know that, and i know that i complain a lot about monolinguals, but i am specifically complaining about people who refuse to engage respectfully with languages that are not their own and dismiss anything they don't understand as being stupid/not worth their time/culturally worthless. i am not complaining about people like you, who are trying really hard to engage with non-english content AND are trying really hard to learn another language.
i also think learning languages is one of the most incredible experiences there are and that expanding the kinds of cultural and social boundaries that you engage with is a really important facet of humanity that i wish more people would participate in. i get riled up because this is something i'm really truly passionate about, not because i think anyone is stupid or whatever for not learning. i want people to just try it and give it a chance, even if it's hard for them, and i'm glad that you are trying, anon. <333
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bellabean24 · 2 years
I’ve never requested anything before so I hope I’m doing it right. Could you please do #18 for zoro and sanji? Sfw or nsfw, either is fine. Please and thank you I’m so excited 🙏❤️
Their Love Language
A/N: Thank you guys for 300 followers love y’all ♥️
Sanji x Gn!reader and Zoro x Gn!reader
Word Count:1136
Prompt 18
Warnings: SFW & NSFW, PDA, Fem body mentioned and mentions of him being pussydrunk, food mention, pet name: Sweetheart, My Love, cunnilingus, overstimulation(Sanji), mention of being drunk, reader is kinda a book worm, pet name: Pretty, Baby, slight orgasm control, hair pulling, ass slaps, slight breeding kink, tiny little praise kink(Zoro)
Headcanon Prompt List | One Piece Masterlist
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I think its pretty noticeable that Sanji's love language is both Physical touch and Acts of service 
Sanji is very touchy loves PDA loves the idea that he can touch you and that you will except his touches 
When you first started dating Sanji was very hesitant about his touches always asking if you were comfortable then over the months he would just brush his hand against your arm, sly touches on your back, leaving chastes kisses on you cheek 
Sanji also likes having you in the kitchen with him when he is cooking meals for the crew
He has you sitting on the counter, spoon feeding you anytime he wants you to try something 
It's mid afternoon, you and Sanji are in the Kitchen as he prepares lunch, every now and then Sanji would bring the spoon up to your lips asking you how it tastes. “Taste good, sweetheart?” taking the spoon into your mouth moaning as the warm food hits your tongue, “Tastes amazing Sanji.” 
Now we all know that Sanji loves cooking but what he loves even more is just cooking for you
You're not feeling well? Don’t worry Sanji is running to the kitchen to make you soup. You wanna have a day out with him? He is packing a picnic basket if you’re docked on an island. If not he would have a picnic date with you in the aquarium on the Sunny
There are times when you forget that you need to do your laundry, and when you go to grab it you find already done and folded in the basket with a note on top “Seen you needed your laundry done so I did it for you- Love Sanji ♡”
You had made the decision to be lazy today, it's probably around 9 in the morning, you have been woken up by a knock on your door. “Y/N my love, I have you breakfast for you.” telling him to come in, Sanji walks in with a plate of french toast and fruit with a side of coffee. “I’ll be back later with your lunch, sleepyhead” he tells you as he places the breakfast table on your bedside, and leaving a kiss on your forehead he walks back out of the room
Sanji also puts your pleasure over his 
He could and does spend hours eating you out 
Sanji likes having you in the missionary position or in the lotus flower position he just really likes being close to you
There are times that you want to give Sanji head but he would only allow you to if you're in the 69 position only because he wants to please you as well 
Sanji has been in between your legs for an hour now making you cum more than 3 times. Your juices are dripping down his face, “Sanji.. Please I’m too sensitive” you try to plead to him but he doesn’t listen he’s too pussydrunk to even hear you. The only noise Sanji hears is the sound of him slurping your juices and  his fingers going in and out of your wet cunt. “You taste so good Y/N, I can stay here all day”   
Zoro’s love language believe it or not is also physical touch and quality time 
Zoro likes having you in crows nest with him as he works out 
He also likes laying his head on your lap as he takes a nap but not in front of anyone it as to be in the comfort of your room or in the crows nest 
Zoro also likes when you both are just sitting in silence together 
You're sitting in the corner of the crows nest up against the wall reading a book as Zoro works out, the silence between you two is so comforting that you don’t realize you are nodding off. Before you know it you are slumped against the wall book laying on your side. Zoro sees you asleep, stopping his workout he decides to lay with you, he gently moves your head to lay on his shoulder, giving your forehead a kiss. Zoro lays his head on top of yours and lets sleep over take his body. 
Now Zoro is not big on PDA he think that his affection towards you should only be shown in private 
Zoro loves (but would never admit it) to be the small spoon like on days where his muscles are sore and he's getting ready for bed all he wants is to be held by you, He won't tell you directly but you know when he wants it cause he would be extra clingy and kiss your neck till you get the point  
He also likes when you're both at an island and you want to explore, you’ll grab his hand dragging him from shop to shop hands still entwined together
Zoro likes when you give him massages
He also gets very touchy in public only if he is drunk off his ass
You just finished up the book you've been reading when Zoro walks into your room, slugging towards the bed before he collapses in the spot next to you,  face in the pillow arms under it.  “Zoro, do you want a massage?” you ask slowly, getting up to sit on his lower half. “Please Y/N.”
Now Zoro likes giving backshots he fucking loves doggystyle 
Zoro not someone that his soft when yall are having sex he also likes when you finish first then at the same time 
He would pull your hair, slap your ass 
Zoro also likes the cowgirl position he likes being able to watch you struggle to take him all and he likes that he can pull you down by you neck for a kiss
Zoro really loves when yall fuck because it feeds his quality time love language 
You are currently on all fours as Zoro pounds his thick cock into your wet hole. Feeling the tip of his cock brush against that sweet spot, “Zoro, I’m gonna cum” you moan out as his hand comes down to meet your ass in a hard slap “Not yet, hold it in for me, pretty.” Zoro’s thrust starts to pick up, you squeeze his cock from the sudden change of pace, Zoro grabs a fist full of your hair bringing you up to his chest. “You wanna cum baby? Hm? Then cum for me.” Once you hear him give you permission to cum you finish with your body shaking as Zoro cums deep inside your hole. He gives your ass one more slap before pulling out and watching cum leak out your abused hole, “You did so good for me baby” he gives your forehead kiss as he sets your body back down on the bed.  
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© Bella 2023
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marvelousbuckley · 1 month
Pardon my french!
BuckTommy Positivity Week 2024 - day two
this challenge is so fun, thank you so much @bucktommypositivityweek! and thank you @searching-for-the-moon for the inspiration
Prompt: nicknames and terms of endearment
You can read it on AO3 or down below. Every fic will be posted on AO3 as chapters of the same fic!
“Mon chéri ?”
“No way, it’s how my ex’s mother called him.”
“Ok then, what about mon coeur ?”
“That’s how HE called me.”
“Hard no.”
Evan frowns, wrinkling his nose while he crosses a new line on his list, clipboard steady on his hand like he has been doing this his whole life. How can their friends think it’s annoying? Evan, with a focused face, his cutest than ever.
It’s been five days since the blond man discovered Tommy’s ability to speak French. The pilot knows that, if they had had the possibility to spend every minute of the week together, Evan would have not been able to talk about anything else.
To be fair, Tommy is not the kind of guy who praises himself a lot, nor he is the kind who shows off. But seeing the impact that it had on Evan, he played along the few times they saw each other, for his boyfriend’s pleasure. It started with words now and then, inserting one or two in the middle of a sentence, his smile growing bigger each time it flustered Evan. He played dumb for a while, denying doing it. After that, the next step had been to whispers secret promises in Evan’s ears every time the other man started to fall asleep on his arms, settling him for a night full of dreams, mostly heated ones.
“Je te veux pour toujours.” Was the phrase that he said the most, loving the taste of the last words on his mouth. Pour toujours. Forever. It made Evan shivers even though he didn’t know what it meant.
But now? Now Evan is looking at his list of French pet names, all serious, and Tommy cannot believe his luck. He knows how smitten he his, but he doesn’t care. Doesn’t want to hide his feelings anymore, especially since it his Evan that he loves. Evan who changed his whole world, who offered him the sweetest rom-com life he could have wished for.
Him having spend most of the night reading about French language and vocabulary is just another reason for Tommy to loves him.
Tommy’s dating life hadn’t been all bad. He had had serious partners. Not a lot, but few happy ones. Nicolas had been one of them. Three years, a house, hours and hours of movie nights, an introduction to his pals from the army. A clean break-up, more like fading away from each other really, and the need to find something else for both men.
They still called for Christmas, exchanged text for new year and birthdays. Nicolas had been proud of him when Tommy finally come out, even if it never bothered him to be with a closeted Tommy who could not assume his sexuality while on the job, Gerrard and all. Tommy went to Nicolas’ wedding a few years ago, had a great time with old acquaintances, even hooked up with some sexy guy from the other groom side of the family.
So, French was not a trauma for him. And Evan searching for something cute to call him in this language that fascinates the younger man? It is incredibly, stupidly hot.
“The website also suggested mon chou but apparently it means cabbage?” Evan lets himself fall on the couch next to Tommy and sets his head on the older man’s shoulder. The gesture is comforting, with a sense of habit that gets Tommy all smiley and giddy when he thinks about it too much. They’re accustomed to being together, but it is still a joyful feeling to truly experience it. Tommy can’t help himself but shift a little so he can kiss Evan’s head while his eyes perks at the list. Evan is halfway through it, a disappointed look on his face.
“Why is there so many options? We have sweetheart, dear, love, honey, babe… But them? I understand why it’s called the country of love.” Evan sighs and a light laugh leave Tommy’s lips, pushing him to kiss Evan’s head again. His boyfriend’s hair smells like coconut, a new shampoo that makes Tommy crazy. He always loved coconut cake, now all he wants his to devour the man he loves. One of his hands becomes adventurous, coming to play with the edge of his t-shirt, a finger brushing past it to touch Evan’s skin, caress all the way up to his ribs. He feels Evan’s body tense and then relax, leaning for more before his brain takes the controls back and he straighten himself, shooshing and pushing the adventurous hand before he turns back to Tommy who looks at him with a lazy smile.
“What?” The older man asks.
“This is serious Tommy, I need to know how you feels about mon lapin or ma biche.” Tommy’s face talks by itself, a displeased looks taking possession of his eyes.
“No way, it is not happening. You’ll not call me by an actual animal name.” His reaction has Evan chuckles and crosses another line.
“Knew it.”
Tommy rolls his eyes while Evan continues. Mon homme (“which you are”), mon bébé (“I’am a freaking adult!”), petit cul (“I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing it right”), chouchou (“Hell no”), bébou (“that’s it, I’m leaving you”). It is endearing, but it is also starting to annoy him a little. He would rather do something else, something less cute and with a less lot talking. If he thinks about gagging his boyfriend, well, it’s up to him.
After a little longer he finally moves. His hand grabs Evan’s shin and he turns the man towards him firmly. His lips come crushing Evan’s mouth and he’s happy that his boyfriend was still talking because it allows him to slip his tongue in him, kissing the younger man eagerly and with passion. A kiss that has Evan moans and drops the clipboard, his arms quickly wrapped around Tommy’s neck.
The older man deepens the kiss, grips Evan by the hips and lifts him in one motion, which pulls out a laugh from his boyfriend between their lips. Tommy smiles, his mouth still on Evan’s. He carries him all the way to the bedroom where he swings Evan on the bed. The blond moves in a hurry, letting enough room for Tommy to come lay on top of him, his mouth now really close to Evan’s ear.
“What about trésor ?” He ask, a naughty tone in his voice. It makes Evan shivers with anticipation and want, need even.
“Wha-What does it-it means?” Evan replies, as curious as he his aroused.
“Literally, it means treasure.” Tommy answers before he drops a kiss on his neck. “You could translate it to sweetheart but-” He stops again, this time taking time to kiss Evan’s jaws, a trail that goes from his ear to his shin. “I think it means more in French. It means that you are precious to me and that I want to keep you to myself for ever.” His lips finally go and ravish Evan’s mouth, pulling a deep moan out of him.
Yes, Evan thinks while Tommy’s hands start to unbuckle his pants. Trésor is fine.
- Mon chéri : it is a kind of sweetheart but it's mainly used by old grandma with youngs ones,
- Mon cœur: my heart,
- Je te veux pour toujours : I want you for ever, 
- mon lapin : rabbit, 
- ma biche : doe,
- mon homme : my man, 
- mon bébé : baby, 
- petit cul : small ass, but affectionately. yes, we say it, a lot,
- chouchou : this one is not really translatable ???
- bébou : it's a french web reference lmao,
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annefolklore · 1 year
Theodore Nott Headcanons
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His favorite color is deep blue
He mainly speaks italian and english but he can also speak french because his mother was French
It brings me to an headcanon that I thought about. I headcanon his mother to be French and after her death, he tried his best to not forget her language because it’s the last thing that connect him to her.
He says his favorite class is Transfiguration, but it’s secretly Muggle Studies because he used to buy muggle things with his mom to see what they were for.
When you’re looking for him, most of the time he’s by the lake on a bench or sat by a tree.
He’s a hatstall because the Sorting hat was hesitating between Slytherin and Ravenclaw
He actually tried being in the quidditch team as a chaser or beater in fourth year, but didn’t like being bossed around by the captain so he quitted
His first crush was Hermione Granger during his third year because he admired her knowledge and how she doesn’t let herself be walked on. His favorite memory about her was how she punched Malfoy in the face
Theodore always thought girls never looked at him, but oh boy he was mistaken…it’s like he’s blind and it took him to accidentally hear his 2 of his friends, Daphne Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson, joking about how many girls wanted him and how their “son” is growing up fast. He still lightly chuckle when he think about this memory.
Not a headcanon but he hangouts with Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne, Mattheo and Enzo. But among them, he prefers being with Pansy and Daphne (he will never say it out loud 💀) because he kinda like how they baby him and tell him all about girls thing. Like I can imagine him randomly being invited to their sleepovers and they put makeup on him, skin care, they gossip ect. He mostly like their inside jokes and how everyone around them is confused. He feels good knowing they’re completely comfortable with him to the point where they change in front of each other because it’s not weird and Pansy says “It’s only weird, if you make it weird”. Outside of the girls, he likes being with Blaise
Talking about his favorite girls, him and the other boys made a pact of protecting the 2 at all cost. None of the girls know about the pact, they just think that as male friends, they act like such by scaring away boys that come near them.
Most people call him Theo, but Pansy and Daphne call him Teddy
But anyways
He’ve always hated his father, Faustus Nott, mostly because he was the one who killed his mom, right in front of him with his fists
He cried after getting the dark mark
He wears rings and got an helix piercing before the seventh year after a drunk evening with Draco, Blaise, Mattheo and Enzo
He’s always making fun of Draco because he cannot run fast to save his life 😭
He’s the one of those that don’t study that often but get good grades
His favorite weather is cloudy/rainy because it finds comfort in them. He loves it the most when it’s pouring outside and he’s in the comfort of his dorm/common room reading a book.
He’s a night owl and goes to sleep at like 3am
His friends and himself are just a big happy family
Theodore is so photogenic!! He doesn’t even know it, but Pansy and Daphne always sneak pictures of him without him knowing and he looks majestic in every single one of them
He swears a lot but not too much yk?
He smokes when he’s preoccupied by something and during Voldemort’s return, he would always have a pack of cigarettes with him
Blaise and him speak in sarcasm most of the time and it’s so funny to watch 😭
I like to think he has a lot of moles/beauty marks on him, especially on his chest
He’s an observer, discreet and pay attention to his surroundings
He’s a good 6 foot 2-3 with long legs and Mattheo always fake-jump with a hand on his heart when he sees him. He calls him slender-man
He has the dead eyes with dark circles under them like he hasn’t slept in a decade
During breakfast he only takes 2 French toast with a cup of either coffee or tea, depends on his mood
His type in girls would be the quiet ones, like him. He likes them shy, maybe a bit nerdy who doesn’t talk a lot. Brunettes, maybe blondes, he doesn’t mind which house she’s in but she must get along well with his friends.
He doesn’t spend much time at his manor anymore, because he wants to avoid his father much as possible. So instead, he basically lives at the Zabini’s, his room is right across Blaise’s. Mrs Zabini loves him as if he was her own and treat him as such. What Theo loves doing is helping her around the house just to hear her say “What a wonderful boy you are!…Take him as an example Blaise!” And how his friends rolls his eyes while doing his best middle finger to Theodore. “Blaise, leave him alone!”
He loves reading, his favorite genres are philosophy because it makes him think and say the same smart sentences to his friends afterwards (especially Mattheo and Draco) even tho they don’t understand a thing he’s saying. He likes the classics, horror and romance (yes I see you coming, he reads smut). When he eventually gets a girlfriend, he does to her the romantic things he have read and say loving things the characters said.
His patronus is an eagle/hawk. No I didn’t do any research, I just can picture him with those kind of bird on his arm yk?🧍🏾‍♀️
He genuinely thought he wasn’t gonna survive the war or be put in Azkaban if he even manages to live. During his seventh year, at night, when everyone was asleep in his dorm, he would write letters to his friends and even wrote his will. He gave his clothes and his things to Blaise. 95% of his money was left for Pansy and Daphne while the rest was for charities and do not be fooled by the 5% because the number still have a lot of zeros in it. He wanted Draco to have his wand, he wanted Mattheo to have his rings because he would catch him looking at them in envy and gave Enzo his owl and books. He wanted to have his portrait in each of his friends’ house so he can visit them whenever he wants.
In a modern Hogwarts, he would listen to Chase Atlantic
He plays the piano and a bit the guitar
He loves poems and write some when he has inspiration, Draco have read one of them when he saw Theo had asleep on it and was curious about what he was writing.
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hermitw · 4 months
Jjk theories / opinions / thoughts part 3 uwu (they are becoming more stupid and less coherent, let's go)
-Gege began the rumor about sukuna drinking his own milk. It is TOO MUCH OF SOMETHING GEGE WOULD SAY I cannot be convinced otherwise
-Gojo's twink death happened in the prison realm
-kenjaku was involved in founding the star religious group. He's already been making pacts with sorcerers for a thousand years, so putting him in the Nara era isn't a stretch. We already know he made several attempts to interrupt the star plasma vessels. (yes I blame him for every thing ever. His fault. And I think he'd rather watch things crumble than do the work directly bc then it's like a game, unexpected things happen and it's more interesting. Bro is always playing games even with curses smh)
-Hakari would have started a fight club to fund Kirara's transition. Idk if the higher ups would have had issues w trans students or just with Hakari's unconventional domain and methods (not hesitating to lose a foot bc he'll get it back, for example), but Gojo called them a lot of variations of conservative idiots so it seems likely I think. And they left the school before she even came out, bc Panda didn't know.
-kinda unfair that Yuta gets to transfer into Gojo with his best outfit on, he didn't have to dress like Edward Cullen for years to get there (pls don't get offended I swear to God it's a joke but also I do kinda feel this way lmaoooo)
-how the fuck do nanako and mimiko's technique work? They're twins right? I get the feeling like Mimiko can't use one on her own, but she likes to threaten people with her doll and Nanako can hang people with it. I rly wish we got to see them more (I want to believe they survived sukuna bc Geto would have prepared those girls to stay safe, maybe there's just a time lag or something pls)
IN THE AIRPORT SCENE there's even Toji but those girls are not there so that gives me hope I kajahxkakdn (I get that maybe it's Gojo's mindscape but how would he have known that Haibara showed up to Nanami? It's not just his imagination imo, those girls are alive, I need them to be.)
-I miss rainbow dragonnnnnnnn I'm so sad and still mad at toji (despite my theory that he lost himself bc the worm is banana fish I'm just bitter lmao)
-I'm so fucking sad that we didn't get to see Hanami's domain. So I made one up myself but I don't have a name for itnkajsxjskmax I just think Hanami needed a redemption arc like Choso got :(((
-the other dubs are so fkn good that when I'm tired of it I'll just play that shit in another language. The first minute of the series in French tho made me laugh so hard I had to change it. But the exchange event in German was so good
-remember when Megumi brought out Max Elephant against Noritoshi Kamo? It's like. He knew that the blood manipulation weakness was water. Maybe that's a benefit of growing up in one of the 3 major clans.
-I feel like no one ever talks about how Megumi lost Orochi AND one of the demon dogs that was with him since he was a kid when he also watched Sukuna rip out Yuuji's heart. Like we all talk about how he gets more upset over losing animals than people but all 3 of those events at once... I was rly sad at first bc I wanted to see the snake more too.
-Megumi's head bleeding in every fight for most of the anime is meant to represent that his weakness is in his head.
-when it's raining, that shows that the characters are up against something bigger than they are prepared for. (I made a whole list of every use of water and its symbolism but God I feel insane)
-the shibuya arc hurts less to watch after the first 5 times (I think? I'm on My 9th watch and I think 2 1/2 read. It's hard to keep track at this point)
-I want to see the extended mahoraga vs sukuna fight in theaters I'm so jealous oh god
-I cannot be convinced that a single character in this show is heterosexual. Everyone is gay except for hakari ig but he's an ally so
-I think that Miguel and Larue might be together but idk
-kinda weird that no one mentioned nanako or mimiko (like how no one mentioned todo and he was fiiiiiine I knew he was having fun in the culling game the whole time)
-despite how much I love hanami, my favorite animated Gojo scenes are when he is exorcising them. The English dub especially oh god
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pinky-in-blankets · 9 months
TADC: ✨️SideQuests ✨️
A Clue! A Clue!
Route: S.O.S!Au
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Scribbles hissed in protest at the thought of going through every single book in the Potion makers shelf. Pomni, Caine, and herself were currently investigating the Ragdoll's Quarters.
The little Jerboa had taken one of Ragatha's Favorite ribbons and hidden it somewhere with the assistance of Jax under a guise of a prank, So they'd have plenty of time to search. If anything, those two could annoy eachother for hours.
"SO My Dear, Do tell me.. what exactly are we searching for?"
Caine mused as he poked a few of the empty vials and nearly knocked them over. Pomni was Quick to catch them and gave him a look.
"Anything that's suspicious or out of place."
She replied while placing the vials back in order. The last thing she wanted was Caine to be here during her investigation, seeing as he's a suspect.
But she need to keep a closer eye on the riddlemaster.. as he was the hardest to get a read on. It would be better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer after all.. yeah. That was totally the reason.
"Everything in this place is suspicious. I feel like I'm in a witches Cavern.."
Scribbles murmered under her breathe as she filed through the different books. She probably wasn't looking as throughly as she should- but ughhh this was so dusty and boring. "Tears of the world", "A handmaidens guide to Etiquette", "Darling, If you only Knew-"
Scribbles let out a slightly agitated cry as a big book fell on her noggin. The other two turned their heads to see what the commotion was.
"Little Knight?"
Caine asked as he walked over curiously to see what was wrong.
"You okay?"
Pomni asked as she also headed over, trying not to laugh. Whenever something hit scribbles, she sounded like a strained squeaky toy.
"Mmhm.. I'm okay.. just this silly Book.. Huh? That's weird.. this is the only book in another language. Isn't everything here set to "English"?"
Scribbles mentioned as she held up the book to the two. The entire book was written in French.
"That.. That is odd."
Pomni mused as Scribbles opened it and flipped through the pages. She squinted at the fancy calligraphy and let out a frustrated hiss.
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"How can anybody read this stuff? I cant even read the title."
" Base de données des utilisateurs."
Caine chimed in, causing Both Pomni & Scribbles to look at him. He simply spun his cane around with a bit of pride, assuming that he's managed to impress the two.
"Why I can read MANY languages. French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian-"
He began to list off one of his many setting before pomni put her fingers to his teeth and shushed him.
" YES yes that's very impressive Caine but could you maybe just read this in ENGLISH?"
She motioned to the pages of the book the little Jerboa held out to him. He gave an awkward chuckle before nodding.
"Ah- But of course my dear! Allow me to shed some light on this verbal mystery!"
He stated as he began to read out the listed words in the pages... he was reading out names. But not just any names.. Names of all the missing persons on this case.
This was a HUGE piece of evidence.
Pomni Said with a bright grin as she did a little jig in place. After months of wild goose chases she's finally making some solid progress. Caine had no idea how this book made her so excited but the sight alone made his non existenant heart flutter a little bit. Might as well join in the cheerfulness.
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"That's simply marvelous my dear~"
Pomni couldn't contain her excitement as she immediately ran up to Caine and threw her arms around him. He was taken aback but happily spun her around a little as they had a small victory.
Scribbles was quick to catch the book before handing it back to Caine when he finally stopped spinning Pomni. Her face had flushed with the silly laughter she had.
"Finally.. I'm finally one step closer to finding out who's behind this all. Thank you. Thank you so much Caine.."
" Oh no, It was my Pleas-"
Caine began but immediately stopped mid sentence as he felt something wrong. It was as if the ground had went out from under him...?
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As if he slipped on something, Caine went crashing to the ground and the Book went flying.. and landed right into Ragatha's Main Calderon.
It bubbled and fizzled as the book all but discenigrated into the green liquid.
A deathly silence fell over the room as Cain slowly sat up, Feeling the burning stares of the two Behind him.. even He knew that a Simple "Oops." Wouldn't fix what he had just done.
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He felt his Code run cold as the strained Sound of Despair in Pomni's Voice can be heard.
"Caine... What did you do..?"
Song of sorrow Au belongs to @snuffydoo
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lilareviewsbooks · 1 year
The Goblin Emperor 5/5: I’m Bored and I’m Having So Much Fun
5/5 stars
446 pages
Contains: an emperor that doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing; kindness as like a plot point; court intrigue!!!
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The Goblin Emperor has been on my TBR for years, now. I’d heard someone say, a long time ago, that it was a weird book, and that “you’ve never read something like this before”. Of course, my curiosity was piqued. I love weird, funky little books, that turn you upside down and shake you a bit, especially if they’re speculative fiction. So The Goblin Emperor went into my TBR, until this month, when the mood to read it finally struck me and I sat down with it.
But The Goblin Emperor is not best described by “weird”, in my opinion, nor is “uneventful” a good descriptor, either. I think those of you who have read the book will agree with me that there are several big events throughout the story that capture your attention and are major turning points for the characters. However, it’s impossible to avoid, when recommending this, the fact that it is… boring?
Let me be clear: I don’t mean this in a bad way, at all – I had so much fun reading The Goblin Emperor. Nor am I using it to suggest that Ms. Addison’s writing choices were inadequate. I’m using this word because I think it’s the best way to describe what happens here. 
I’ll explain myself: it’s not that nothing happens in The Goblin Emperor, but the pacing is slow. And not in a bad way – things just take their time. We follow our main character in an almost day-by-day basis. We watch him wake up, have breakfast… And at the end of the day, we are with him as he puts on his pajamas and goes to bed. 
And then there is the fact that Ms. Addison takes what I called an “almost anthropological approach to describing culture” in my review of the Teixcalaani Duology, by Arkady Martine. Much like Ms. Martine does in her two books, A Memory Called Empire and A Desolation Called Peace, Ms. Addison takes her time to consider every move in its cultural context. If, in A Memory Called Empire, the most striking element of this approach is the Teixcalaani smile, which differs from how other parts of the world chose to do so, here we see this attention to detail in the elvish language.
In this world, “we” is the default first person singular. It’s the formal “I”, and “you” is the formal second person singular. Watching these characters drop this formality barrier or decide to put it up makes for a beautiful addition to the dialogue and character relationships throughout the book. It also, of course, tells us much about this world and this culture, which is bound tightly by strings of formality and tradition. (And is also a reflection of how other languages work, in the real world. French, Italian and Spanish, for example, have formal yous, as I’m sure other non-European languages do, too. This makes me super curious to see how this quirk was translated in languages that already have this as a feature. If anyone knows, please tell me!)
This almost-anthropological lens, however, adds a stillness to the story that makes it move slower, taking more time in each of the character’s movements. Which, in turn, makes this book a little more boring.
But, like I said, this is boring in a good way. This stillness, this slowness, allows us to spend ample time with our characters, really getting to know them. And the world sparkles around them, made so vivid by this attention to detail, this approach to a fictional culture. It feels alive outside of the pages, like we’ve only popped in for a visit, and the clock will continue ticking when we’re not there.
But the crux of the story, and the reason why it needs to slow down, the most, is our protagonist, Maia. Maia is the youngest, half-goblin son of the elvish Emperor, who scorns him. He is secluded to a remote location with his cousin Setheris, until a messenger arrives – the Emperor and all his other sons have died in a freak accident, meaning Maia has inherited the throne. With no education in politics and no friends, Maia journeys to court, where he will learn to rule.
And although he’s put in this position of power, and finds himself, in several ways, helpless and dependent on others, Maia never loses his kindness. He’s a generous soul who strives to make decisions for the good of others, and this is the axis around which the rest of the plot moves, slowly, forwards.
To really understand this kindness, to dig into it and be aware of its various implications, its causes, it’s necessary to spend quite a while in the company of Maia, as he blunders forward. And what a journey it is! I’ll tell you, “boring” might be a good word to describe this book, but so is “compelling”. When it hooks you, it hooks you, and it leaves you wanting to bury yourself further and further into this world, to know more, to spend more time with Maia, and find out all the intricacies of his language.
Thank you for reading this review! I’m working on a list of similar books, which will be called something like “Books for Humanities Nerds”, so if this sounds like your cup of tea, keep an eye out! Have a nice day :)
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thomotomo · 1 year
Quackity x Male Reader pt.1
Summary: You're a French streamer who got invited to the QSMP and you just have a huge crush on Quackity, even though you wouldn't admit it.
CW: Use of Quackity's real name a few times.
A/N: Sorry I'm showing up every few months to drop you something and then I'm letting yall starve so today you get Quackity content cos I got a crush on him now lol. (And I need to feel some love cos I'm single af. Also I'm sorry I wrote this instead of sleeping lol)
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You had been so excited when you received the invitation to join the server, as a language nerd you couldn't wait to hear people discuss in a multitude of languages.
You had gotten addicted to playing on the server from the first seconds and so you stayed up until very late at night.
So since you had a completely fucked up schedule the two of you were bound to hang out together a lot.
And so the two of you kept talking more and more outside streams and outside of QSMP, staying up late on discord calls, chatting and playing together.
You had gotten an invitation to the Twitchcon and while you had been hesitant to participate you had ended up accepting to be able to meet everyone.
So you asked Quackity if he was planning to come and while he hadn't planned it at first you were trying to push him to come join you and meet everyone IRL.
He had told you he didn't knew about it yet but he would keep you updated.
You were on stream one night, completely engrossed in your build when your phone shone, it was a discord notification from Alex.
You couldn't read it as you were mid-stream but you made sure to take a break to refill your desk with drink and to check it out.
As you were taking sodas out of your fridge you checked the message Quackity had sent you.
Your face immediately lit up as you read that he would come to Twitchcon Paris.
It had been very late for you but now with the excitement coursing through your veins you didnt feel like sleeping anymore.
You settled back in front of your cam, your grin a little bit wider than earlier and hopefully it wasn't noticed by anyone.
You kept playing for a couple more of hours and as soon as you ended stream you texted him to see if you could jump on a call.
The two ended up on call and you stayed up, discussing excitedly together. You were stimming a lot as you did, even though you didn't show that to him
And yeah, maybe you had developed a tiny bit of a crush on him throughout all of those months (but you wouldn't admit that to anyone).
For the next few weeks all you could think of was Twitchcon so you kind of drown yourself into your work so that time would goes on by quicker.
On the 8th of July you could barely function like a normal person, as soon as you woke up you sent a message to Alex "We're meeting today omg?!?!?!?" (yeah you clearly aren't the most subtle when you have a crush on someone).
He had texted you back the cutest picture of himself you had seen and it just felt to you that your heart was about to explode due to all the emotions you felt so early in the morning.
You prepared yourself and went to the venue, you had put on your best clothes (well best clothes for the heat).
You met up with some of the other French streamers, discussing for a good while as they were the only one present so early.
You didn't have anything planned to do until much later so you enjoyed the early hours of the convention by browsing the shops and artists' alley.
At noon you went and ate with all of the other QSMP content creators present, chatting excitedly with everyone. You were very happy to talk with them and even though you had chatted a lot in private messages it clearly wasn't the same thing now.
You had sent to Quackity the pictures all of you took together alongside the message "We're just waiting for you now."
Which he replied to with "Dw I'll be there soon!"
And you couldn't wait for him to be there.
After the meal you had the meet and greet.
You had enjoyed meeting all of your fans and right as you left the meeting area, you checked your phone and seeing a notification from Alex you couldn't help but grin, you were sure of one thing, he was here at the venue.
You had to restrain yourself from running, but if your pace was a tad faster than usual if was between you and yourself.
As you reached the backstages you could see Etoiles, Philza and Aypierre alongside Forever who was hugging Quackity.
You joined them quietly as you watch the two other guys hug each other and joke around.
You discussed with Etoiles, laughing together as you watched Forever do the "pay the server dance" to Quackity.
A few minutes later the two separated and you beamed at Alex when he turned back towards where you and the others were.
He harboured a shocked but excited face when he saw you and both of you also jumped into each other's arms, laughing together.
You couldn't help but notice that he was a bit smaller than you, which you hadn't expected but you didn't care.
The two of you immediately jumped into conversation with each other, the conversation flowing as easily as it was over computer.
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girlfromthecrypt · 8 months
First book I finished in 2024
The Glutton by A K Blakemore is a historical fiction novel; a reimagining of the life of the real French soldier Tarare who was said to have an unfathomably large, at times inhuman appetite. This was the first book I finished in 2024, and I finished it in two days over two long sessions. I'm normally anything but a fast reader and I actually haven't finished any of the last three books I purchased before this. My attention is fleeting, hard to be captured and easily lost.
The Glutton captured and held my attention for the entirety of its length.
I had never read anything by A K Blakemore before, so I didn't know what I was in for, but I was immediately charmed by her style. I don't often enjoy flowery language and poetic prose, but somehow, it really worked for me here. The story of Tarare is a gritty, gloomy and at times disgusting one, but even the darkest parts of this book are told in a narrative voice so beautiful that it makes them seem idyllic. This deeply unsettling contrast had me absolutely engrossed until the end, and when I had turned the last page, I was genuinely sad that it was over. Which made for a weird mix of emotions, given how disturbing the subject material was at times.
And I have to underline that it was, indeed, disturbing.
I have consumed a lot of dark literature and am very desensitized. Most of the time, I don't enjoy horrific fiction because the elements contained within strike me as senseless, gratuitive and void of substance. I didn't have that feeling with The Glutton. There was a lot of grittiness, yes, but it was never just for “the effect”. Every time the writing made me feel uneasy, it directly related to the inner world of the protagonist and the circumstances of his life, the current time period and its hardships. And even if it didn't have any kind of meaning, it was still told in such stunning prose that it almost felt romantic. Again, none of the things that happen in this book are comforting or beautiful, but with the way they're being told, it almost deceives you into believing they are.
Another thing that I loved about this was that the prose never seemed overdone or pretentious. It was more like a steady ebb and flow perfectly tailored to any given point in the story. It never seemed out of place or ill-fitting while at the same time being VERY MUCH out of place and ill-fitting, but it was always intentional and highly effective.
After I finished this book, I felt genuinely empty, and I just knew I was going to miss it. Now, a week or so later, I do. I really feel like this book is something special, and I'm definitely going to pick up The Manningtree Witches (also by A K Blakemore) as soon as I get around to it. The Glutton was not only a huge joy (though joy might not be the best word for it) to read, it actually made me want to read more. That's also why I wrote this review in the first place. I hope more people check this out and like it as much as I did.
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wutheringmights · 2 months
hi! i’ve read in the dream house and speak bc of your reviews and Loved them. i find your analyses to be really insightful, i trust that when you recommend something theres Something of value i’ll get out of reading it. are there any books you’ve loved that you haven’t posted abt here yet? and how do you find new books to read? thanks for being so thoughtful abt your own writing and the books you read that it inspires me to study and improve my own work 🫡💞
Aw thank you! I always feel like I am yelling into the void whenever I make posts about the things I'm reading, so I'm glad you enjoy reading my thoughts <3
For books I haven't posted about yet... I just finished Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid (and will make a post about it soon). It's not a perfect read, but if you like horror and fairytale tropes, you'll get something about this.
Besides that, I recommend The Bell Jar by Slyvia Plath, and the works of Robert Cormier (I Am the Cheese and The Chocolate Wars are two of my favorites). If you like war stories, All Quiet On the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is required reading.
I really enjoy the works of Octavia Butler. Kindred is my absolute favorite, but Parable of the Sower is very relevant to the current political moment. Future Home of the Living God by Louise Erdrich also scarred the fuck out of me, but is a great work on reproductive rights.
I did an entire seminar on Virginia Woolf. Besides Mrs. Dalloway, I think Into the Lighthouse and Orlando are very good.
For the classics, I love Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. One of the first classics I ever fell in love with was Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, though Great Expectations is also exceptional.
One of my favorite books of all time that I never discuss with anyone anywhere is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, for obvious reasons. Read this book for two reasons. One, it will fuck you up. Nabokov's work with perspective and unreliable narrators is fucking insane. Second, Nabokov does something with the English language that I have never seen before and will probably never see again. If anyone has a command of the English language, it's him.
How do I find books to read? Some of the books I read before they are recommended to me by friends or by someone online. As long as you avoid romance/romantasy, BookTok/BookTube/Bookblr is a great place to get recs. I watch a lot of CariCanRead on Youtube because she reads a massive amount of books I have never heard of and is generally really honest about what books she liked/hated and why. I also windowshop at bookstores and libraries and just check out what is available on the shelves.
Honestly, the best advice I can give you is to let go of the idea of every book being impeccable art. You do not have to always be reading the Great American Novel. You can read books that are silly and outright trash. Once you shed the idea that books are some higher form of art, you remember that they are made to be entertainment. Like movies, there are going to be days where you want to watch post-modern French films or Oscar-winning movies about the turn of the century. There are also going to be days where you want to watch a silly comedy, or a trashy reality TV show, or you just go to the movies for something to do.
It's healthier for you if not every book is life changing. I have read some really bad books (some on purpose), and I have read some books that were just aggressively mediocre. Even if they didn't transform me into a better writer/reader/person, they were still worth reading. And when you give yourself permission to read books you might not necessarily like, it gets easier to try new genres and take risks on unfamiliar works. That's where you get new experiences. That's where a book sneaks up on you and smacks you on the back of the head with something that will absolutely make you change the way you see the world.
If anything, just try reading things you normally wouldn't read, be it sci-fi, memoir, historical epic, classic romance, etc.
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kitwennim · 2 years
I wrote this on Twitter but I have two followers so I wanted to try here.
It was the middle of the summer when Steve and Robin ran away. It was unexpected, but it just happened, Hawkins was an unbearable nightmare on their lives and it had never felt like home, so, one night both grabbed all their belongings, stuffed them on Steve’s car and drove to Dustin and Max’s place to say their last goodbyes.
Both kids cried a little but the eye bags on Robin and Steve’s face stopped them from begging them to stay. They knew it would kill them.
Robin read her whole old diary to Steve in their way to Indianapolis, translating all the bits she had written in other languages and laughing every once in a while over how in love was she with Tammy. All of her old plans to run away to Europe were there, she had a whole trip planned, so when Steve and Robin entered the airport and saw that the first flight available was to Lyon both bought their tickets with their own savings without hesitation. About five hours later Robin and Steve’s parents arrived to the airport to find Steve’s car parked between the hundred of cars of other travelers and the little boards with all the flights tagged as deployed. They were gone.
Robin did all the talking at first, Steve just followed her holding her hand and eating whatever Robin had managed to fit in their budget, the hostel they were staying was horrible and they didn’t know anyone, but they were free. The croissants tasted amazing, the people didn't even paid attention to them and the streets were beautiful at night, so they stayed there as long as their money allowed them.
Steve studied harder than he had ever done it to learn to move on his own, he was used to be alone, learning in a new place to do the same wouldn't be hard, and he had Robin with him now, he wouldn't be alone anymore.
Sometimes he would order by himself his food, or pay at the grocery store, sometimes some locals would tell him little grammar corrections and he would feel embarrassed, going back to his ‘stupid self persona’, that stigma that everyone had of him, but everyone was so nice, they understood him, they made the effort to understand him unlike other people.
The day that everything changed on Steve was when a tourist asked him to take a pictures of her in French and he understood her. He felt so warm over the fact that people didn’t know who he was, and if he was capable or not, they asked him because they saw him as someone who could help, and Steve felt useful without having to risk his life for once. Steve couldn’t be happier.
By the time their old savings were running low, Robin had managed to get some tutoring jobs for kids and Steve had landed a job at a local restaurant as chef. A secret of Steve was that he was amazing at cooking. A friend of him had got him the job at one of his friend’s father restaurant.
So they saved money again and by the time two years had gone since they had left Hawkins they left Lyon now, jumping this way around most of the most touristic cities in Europe.
About ten years later they had already visited (and worked, and made friends and even fucked) France, Italy, Andorra, Portugal, and Spain, settling on the last one.
It was around 3 in the morning when Max called (because time difference) and Max laughed loudly when Steve answered in Spanish.
By the time they settled on Spain Steve spoke a good chunk of French, pieces of Italian and Portuguese and he had also learned Spanish and some Catalan, something he never imagined he could be able to do . Forced proximity to a language was a real thing. Robin on the other hand was on another level, excelling all the languages from the places they had live in, but that wasn’t anything new. Steve was more than thankful because he wasn’t sure he could’ve done it without Robin.
Max allowed both Robin and Steve rant a little about their new lives in Spain now that they were awake, she felt a little guilty over waking them up (mostly because the hadn't had the chance to talk a lot lately). After hearing how well was doing Robin at this company she was working as a translator and how nice were the kids she was tutoring and how Steve had been very stressed the last week hiring cooks for his restaurant, Max finally invited them to Will's first gallery.
It was no surprised for any of them that Will was already hosting a gallery of his art but both Robin and Steve felt suddenly very aware over the fact that it had been ten years since they left and last saw all of the party, they all had graduated now and were working their new paths.
They accepted the invitation gladly. Some vacations would be good from their new agitated life in Europe.
Max of course didn’t tell anyone other than Dustin.
Around a two weeks later when they arrived they decided to visit a gay bar that Max told them about the day she called them in the middle of the night claiming she had just gone the day before (both Steve and Robin had found it odd but the kids were odd anyways so they didn’t question it)
After leaving all their luggage in their hotel and heading to the bar they waited around twenty minutes before they could finally enter, and as soon as they did it they started to fight over who was going to get drunk, because of course Steve claimed it was Robin’s turn to take care of him because he took care of her after that party they had in Catalonia, but Robin reminded Steve that she had to run his restaurant a whole day (which was horrible because Robin can’t handle the stress of such a crowded place) that time Steve had been hungover after a party in Barcelona. So the fight keeps going on and reaches a bartender who is laughing excitedly at the sight of two (still) sober friends throwing in their faces the times they had to take care of the other.
So the bartender promises he will be back and leaves still amused because he has to serve more drinks, that's his work, the thing is he had to serve specifically Nancy and Eddie’s drinks who happen to in the same bar together (after forming a very nice friendship discovered by their mlm and wlw solidarity). After all, after Steve and Robin left they were all they had before moving to Massachusetts, Nancy going to college and Eddie working around in the music scene that Salem and Boston had.
Hence why when Steve screamed that he was not going to drink soda and sparkling water when there was Tequila in front of him both Nancy and Eddie turned to find their old friends, because they could recognize those voices everywhere. They could even after ten years. Yet no words came out of their mouths, they were both gaping at a loss of words.
Mostly because Steve looked so different now, he’s wearing glasses but they suit him amazing, and he has a new haircut that enhances his jawline not to leave behind the fact that Eddie can tell Steve is still in very good shape even from the distance, and it bothers Eddie, it really does, because who gave Steve the right to look so good even after all these years. He was supposed to be the guy who peaks in high school and then has his downfall, but if anything, he looked better than he ever did (something the old 21 year old Eddie would find impossible because Harrington was already the definition of perfection back in the day). He is glowing, Steve was genuinely shining, he looked like a whole different person.
And Robin, she has long hair now, it goes all the way to the curve of her waist and Nancy tries to focus on that detail but she can't, she can't do that because Robin is laughing and smiling when Steve tries to reach the Tequila bottle and Robin is fighting him to not do it, but even when Steve is next to her, she looks like she’s the only one in the room, or at least the only person Nancy wants to pay attention, and Nancy isn’t sure if this is how she remembered Robin ten years ago.
And Steve let’s go of the tequila bottle when he makes eye contact with Eddie, Eddie Munson, who is standing a few meters away from them, wearing his classic leather jacket and vest combo. He looks taller but Steve is almost sure is because he’s wearing boots. His hair is even longer now but Steve can’t tell how longer because it’s tied on ponytail that allows Steve to see all the new piercings Eddie has gotten, it also allows Steve to see his neck and for some reason that gives him a chill. So Steve froze, because he remembered wishing to meet a girl with the same facial features that Eddie had back in the day when he didn’t knew some things about him. He knows things about him know, and Eddie is there.
Robin doesn’t get any time to scold Steve for letting the bottle fall because she finds herself in the same situation when Nancy, next to Eddie, smirks at her. And Robin feels like she 17 again because that’s the same smirk Robin remembers ranting Steve about how she was tired of liking people who would never like her back (the same night that they decided to ran away) Nancy being one of them.
When times moves as it should once again the bartender comes to the rescue and finally catches the bottle, speaking at the same time, bringing them back from the shock.
"Little gift from them—" he mutters placing in front of Robin and Steve two shots of tequila as he nodded towards their staring opponents.
It tastes sour, Steve and Robin immediately remembered why they hadn’t drank tequila in a long while, the Barcelona party had been almost a year ago. Exchanging a witty look they both wondered if the fight that they just had was worth it because they no longer enjoyed alcohol like they did in Italy and France, at the beginning of their adventure. A not so proud moment of them.
With a loud clash on the counter they left their caballitos behind and decided to reach Eddie and Nancy. And it’s awkward, it’s always awkward, mostly because Nancy and Eddie were still hurting a little over the fact that they left, as much as they didn’t want to admit it. And Robin and Steve are scared, because they know it wasn’t the best way to leave, so most of their polite chat comes in short sentences and whispers, which isn’t good because the music is loud and it’s actually hurting Steve who has to lower the volume of his hearing aid, something only Eddie notices but is scared to ask.
But they try, and Nancy as bold as she always is takes the first step and invites Robin to dance. And they disappear in the crowd, Robin giving a slight nudge to Steve to push him to try, but nothing comes on. Steve tried first and asked Eddie if he preferred Italian or French food because he could cook any of them if he ever wanted but Eddie hasn’t tried any of them. Then Eddie gives it a chance and asks Steve what does he think about the recent Grammy nominations but Steve is lost because he barely knows what music is trending, most of the time the ambience of his restaurant is in charge of the managers. So they stop.
Steve doesn’t try again but attracts Eddie’s attention when he laughs after seeing a girl wearing a Padres shirt in the bar because he’s a Mets fan. And Eddie just jokes that he’s actually a Padres fan (he doesn’t know much about baseball but Wayne is a Padres fan and he is one by inheritance) so Steve is about to apologize when a guy interjects and claims he’s a Mets fan too.
And Steve feels good to find another Mets fan, but this wasn’t the circumstances he wanted to find one, and he doesn’t have the heart to cut him or politely decline him because he hasn’t done this in a while, the restaurant consumes most of his time and he already had a few ‘friends’ who he hung with, so the guy just keeps going over the season and the players. But he stops, he stops when Eddie throws his arm around Steve and pulls him a little closer to him. The poor ginger just stumbled a few times before he went back to his friends a little embarrassed.
"Figured you needed help" eases in Eddie and Steve smiles, genuinely. And that’s it, that was the breaking point they needed, because after that none of them can shut up, and neither separate, because unconsciously (totally consciously) Steve grabbed Eddie by the waist and pulled him closer too.
So when Nancy and Robin laugh seeing them Steve can’t help to roll his eyes sensing his best friend eyes, but he doesn’t care because he feels okay like this. And he can also see the way Nancy’s hand never left the curve of Robin’s back as she guided her dancing. He can also tell there is a slight blush under her freckles, and they’re both sarcastic and know each other too well so the next morning is gonna be embarrassing for both of them, but that doesn’t feel important right now.
The night goes on, at some point Eddie asks if Steve wants to leave and they do, about four hours later he arrives at his hotel only to find Robin arriving at the same time and they both laugh over the fact that they had only come back to the hotel to not worry the other. They both fall asleep before they can tease the other.
The next morning Eddie and Nancy are waiting for them in front of the hotel.
Both Max and Dustin laugh maliciously and high-five each other when Steve and Eddie arrive together and Steve is wearing Eddie’s leather jacket that he lent him last night when he drove him back to the hotel. Nancy and Robin are just behind, Nancy helping Robin to do the tie she had completed her outfit with.
So when Mike ask Max if the bar he had recommended her (which turns out it’s a bar the 4 eldest know) was fun, she doesn’t know what to say, because she didn’t go. But she smiles.
"Yeah, it was pretty good" jokes Eddie answering Mike’s question while side eyeing Steve who just rolls his eyes and gives both Max and Dustin a we'll-talk-about-it-later look, even though he doesn’t have any complaints.
The day goes on, and the gallery is a success, they see the rest of The Party, and enjoy gathering with them, Steve and Robin try not to cry but every once in a while Eddie and Nancy catch their eyes looking glassy because they missed so much. But at the same time, both Nancy and Eddie notice the way Robin and Steve move, and they see the freedom in them, there is no hint of the fear they had in Hawkins. They also reach for the other constantly just for simple touches of reassurance and they can both see that if they hadn’t left, they wouldn’t be here today, so this feeling of hurt leaves both of them.
When the gallery ends, both Nancy and Eddie invite Robin and Steve to a double date everyday of the week before they have to go back to Spain.
And they need to figure out things because they’re living in different countries, and they all need to meet again because they’re not the teenagers they were, but they feel like they have time, unlike in the past, this time they feel and know there is a future, so they’ll work on it.
I hope this is well written because my wrist gave up almost at the end.
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Trying (and Mostly Kinda Failing) to Give Meaning to Lyric Placement and Background Shapes in "Cat"
(Or: me going insane over things I’m not even sure mean anything)
Hello people of the jury! Today I want to talk about a few things about Kazui’s latest MV, Cat, which have been eating at my brain for a while. Essentially, the way that the transcribed lyrics show up all over the place, out of order, in different colors and languages; the shapes we see throughout the background in different colors; and what both of these things could mean. I emphasize could because it’s all a mess and I’m not entirely confident we’re supposed to read into these things as much as I’m reading into them here. But oh well, if I don’t share this my head is going to explode, so I might as well.
(There’s also a chance a lot of what I say here has been said before. Sorry if it’s redundant)
CW: Suicide and depression, tumultuous relationships, internalized homophobia.
OP what the fuck are you talking about
Let’s start with what I mean by “lyric placement.” As you’re probably aware, the Cat MV has its lyrics transcribed in a very particular way. Sometimes words show up way after the lines are said, sometimes they’re repeated, sometimes they’re in French, sometimes they have extra words thrown in there, etc.
The main thing that tipped me off that something may be up is this line:
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As you can see by the subtitles, the line is:
Since when have I ignored my feelings? It’s better to be a let down, than be let down yourself.
However, the MV also has the word “lie” on screen, even though it’s never said in the lyrics. Unless the subtitles are wrong, but I trust that’s not the case.
Now, if I had a nickel for every time a weird-ass MV showing the inner thoughts of a blue haired liar with somewhat homoerotic undertones had English words which appear on screen yet do not correlate to the Japanese lyrics being sung… I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice. (/reference)
And it’s not difficult to figure out why that would be the case. If you recall from his second voice drama, Kazui believes he should have kept lying to Hinako, to keep her happy. This is also stated in his interrogation questions.
(T1) Q18: Do you regret your “murder”?
Kazui: I do regret it. I should have kept lying.
Unless he’s lying, which he has no reason to do, we can tell he would have preferred continuing the lie if it meant Hinako stayed happy. That means, in his eyes, being a let down is worse than being let down himself. That’s why the word “lie” shows up when he says the opposite in the lyrics, he doesn’t actually believe it. It’s assumedly just something he told himself right before “letting down” Hinako by telling the truth.
So, since the MV pulls a cute little trick with this line, is it possible that the placement of the other transcribed lyrics is significant? Well, that’s what the rest of the post will try to answer.
Then there are the colors. As you know, geometric shapes of all kinds of colors appear throughout the MV, and I believe these could mean certain things. Take a look here, for example.
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to touch, to caress
That’s the lyric we’re shown as Hinako’s crush towards Kazui is made evident for the first time in the MV. And in the background, we see a blue circle and a pink circle intersecting, and in the video, pulsating like a heartbeat. If we assume blue to be Kazui and pink to be Hinako, it’s showing the idea of the two being together, “touching and caressing.” I noticed this thanks to Napkin's MV analysis, I recommend you watch it if you haven't!
So now, if that really is significant, are the other shapes and colors significant? For one, as blueepink07 pointed out in this post, it’s possible large part of the color scheme was chosen to align with newspapers, because Kazui wants us/Es to uncover his lies as if we’re/they’re getting information from a newspaper, or something like that. For more specific ideas… that’s what the rest of the post is for.
>The placement of the lyrics sometimes recontextualizes their meaning, and we have to figure out how.
>Lyrics in French, which are always smaller, are used in two ways. Either they simply repeat what the English words say, to give them emphasis, or they replace English words, which usually happens when the line alludes to Kazui’s "temptations", aka his homosexuality. And yeah, I’m assuming he’s gay, because in my eyes it’s honestly more heavily implied than some of the stuff we believe about other prisoners. I’ll give some of my reasoning later.
>The color of the lyrics and the shapes in the background can often be important, though there's a non-zero chance a lot of it is just aesthetics. As a warning, some of the wilder things I bring up not even I fully believe, but I'm going for the completionist route. If you have any better ideas for any of these, please feel free to tell me!
>Blue represents Kazui, pink represents Hinako. As much as gendering colors is stupid in concept, it is useful for symbolism, so.
>Light green represents Kazui’s "temptations", since it’s connected to the green apple which shows up repeatedly.
>Yellow… Okay, so this one is where stuff begins to break down. It’s really hard to tell what yellow could mean, but seeing the meanings the color usually has, I’ll say it represents a sort of desire for happiness. It’s similar to light green, but not quite the same, it’s more general. Yet, it still makes the same dark green color when it mixes with Kazui’s blue as light green does. His happiness and temptations are closely linked. Yes I’m even bringing the intersectional colors into this.
>Red represents Kazui’s deepest desires. It’s the color which floods the background as he bites the pigeon, after all. It’s “stronger”, deeper than light green and yellow, but it’s sorta similar still.
>A darker red appears occasionally on some intersections, possibly representing blood and therefore Hinako's death.
>Purple only exists as the intersection of two colors, but its meaning changes depending on which colors are mixing. When blue and red mix, it’s Kazui’s desires; when pink and blue mix, it’s Hinako’s desire to be with Kazui.
>Orange... shows up like once it's kinda weird. I took to google again, and it usually represents enthusiasm, which is different enough from happiness that I'm comfortable saying that's what it is.
>The reason so many colors have similar meanings is to be able to convey Kazui’s emotions with more nuance. Please bear with me.
>Sometimes, colors mix very little, to the point where I think it’s not meant to be important. I have to add this or else the post is impossible. You’ll see what I mean.
Alright, still with me? Sorry for the prelude, but it was easier to explain it all now before we really get started.
Unhinged Analysis, Start!
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(Ah, Tumblr 30 image limit my beloved. Making me do shitty collages in Microsoft Powerpoint just so I can have visuals in my post about the funny apple man)
We open with the song title for obvious reasons, as well as blue backgrounds because it’s Kazui’s MV, a small overview of the colors we’ll see later, and a lyric repeated in both English and French for emphasis.
Lie until it gets better, follow the king of the masquerade
It’s the main thesis of the song, that Kazui, the king of the masquerade, believes it is better to keep lying until things improve than tell the truth and cause harm.
We also see his name and prisoner number, and an interesting introduction to the colors in circles. These are likely purely aesthetic, but if you want an actual explanation... uh.
To the left, red and blue intersect and form pink, which doesn't usually happen. Usually, when red and blue intersect you get purple or a deeper red, not pink. I think the colors are partly inverted on this scene, noting the darkened background, so we're meant to take whatever the colors would usually mean, and reverse it. So Kazui and his deepest desires intersect on Hinako? Well, it's actually the opposite. Kazui's deepest desires don't include Hinako. Does that make sense? I say this is the meaning because the lyric there is "Love (plus) Destiny = Crap, smash it, shatter it, bye-bye". Keeping in mind the "destined love" is Hinako, it's clear Kazui doesn't like the relationship, we been knew.
The intersection also exists on the right, but there's also a white circle which inverts the inverted meaning and thus shows the truth. (???) So the part where Kazui is by himself turns into an enthusiastic orange and the intersection with his deepest desires turn into green.
You may have noticed that already makes absolutely no sense. I hope you can forgive me. Remember, I said they're probably just aesthetic here.
Anyways, the masquerade lyric and the title show up again but in inverse order for aesthetic reasons, which I think is neat.
I really think this is just an introduction, and there's not much to read into.
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The road the car is on is yellow and blue, with them mixing into dark green in the middle (that color does not exist on its own). As everyone does in life, Kazui is trying to stay on the road to happiness. Yes, we start off with quite a stretch, but most of this is going to be reaching, so. The dark green shows that part of that happiness would be something related to his “temptations”, his likely homosexuality.
There’s a pink circle hovering around, Hinako. She also seeks “the road to happiness”, and has her own desires (the red from the intersection of her pink and the yellow). That leads her to getting close to the blue of Kazui. Eventually, she becomes so prevalent in his life that her pink color strikes through the entire frame, showing the two were probably close in some way before the whole marriage thing happened.
I’ve already explained how and why the word “lie” is added into the visuals even though it’s not in the sung lyrics.
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Behind “I just wanted” we see a blue and a light green circle intersecting almost fully, cementing light green as the things Kazui truly wants.
The circles behind “to touch, to caress” have already been explained.
“I just wanted to be touched” is accompanied with an interesting visual; a light green and a pink semicircle separated by a yellow triangle. I believe this represents the divide between Hinako and the things Kazui truly wants, the divide being his happiness.
You’ll notice that pink and light green intersect slightly, which is why I said sometimes that doesn’t mean anything. They don’t intersect enough for it to be significant. How much intersection is necessary for us to consider it relevant? Well… whatever fits the scene the best :v
“So” is pink for Whit- wrong fandom sorry
“So, it’s wrong?” With the pink “so”, Hinako stands behind all the regrets Kazui might have about what he’s done.
(My arms hurt from reaching too much-)
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This scene is one of many which really makes me doubt the colors actually mean anything most of the time, but I can still try to think of an explanation. A lot of the colors pass by, as if they’re simply events and experiences in Kazui’s life. Temptations, happiness, etc, with nothing intersecting too much. Though worth noting, blue and pink never touch on this scene, as if Kazui doesn’t want to be too close to Hinako, even though she’s an important part of his life.
There is one intersection I think may be interesting, though. Front and center, a blue rectangle is split right through the middle by a red line. Although there’s a lot going on in Kazui’s life, his deepest desires are always right in his core, front and center. That’s part of why red works as these “deepest desires.”
Oh shove that! INNOCENT, isn’t that right?
The lyrics here are just what’s being sung, but it’s interesting that they’re on the floor. It’s almost as if Kazui is looking down on these words, disrespecting them by walking on them. He doesn’t truly think he can shove aside his wrongs, he doesn’t consider himself forgivable. At least, not yet.
(T1) Q19: Do you want to be forgiven?
K: I’m not sure. I also want my weakness to be tolerated, to be honest.
Well, sorry my guy, but I’m still voting you inno, compared to the other people here you did some wrong things but it’s really not that bad.
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(I'm skipping scenes that don't have anything relevant)
The blue background is just because this is the turning point of Kazui’s life, when he succumbs to societal pressure to marry Hinako. A bit self-centered to think of your color when proposing to someone else, maybe, but that’s not entirely new for Kazui, huh? Flawed characters, gotta love ‘em.
However, you’ll notice the lyrics never actually make it into text.
Maybe, perhaps… or… could it come true… like It’s for the sake of true love, who wouldn’t lie for that?
These are some of the only lyrics in the song which are never ever transcribed. The others are:
Let’s take a breather
To be caressed by you, that would be perfection - I wanted to be loved, just like a cat
Lick that sin and oppose punishment, until you can meet the king of the masquerade
I cannot for the life of me give you a good answer as to why that happens, but I can give a weird and stupid answer!
Because “Let’s take a breather” is framed as the start of the conversation Kazui and Hinako had which led to her death, it’s possible the lyrics not transcribed are things Kazui said to her in that conversation, and they show up out of order. Not literally, he wouldn’t tell her he wants to be loved like a cat, but more so the meaning behind them. He told her he lied “for the sake of true love”, as he thought “it could come true” if he just stuck with it long enough. He wanted to be loved for who he is (“like a cat”), and, uh… to savor that sin of lying, so she can meet who he truly is? Maybe something like that.
I don’t know. It’s a huge stretch, but I don’t see why else they wouldn’t be transcribed.
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Oh, yeah, this clusterfuck.
As far as I can tell, the lyrics here are only the ones from the following chorus, not the previous lines. I can make out, vaguely:
Love (plus) Destiny = Crap, smash it, shatter it, bye-bye That sticky-sweet sequence: Dinner + Camouflage + You-Know-What Loving Affection (minus) Love, it’s tacky, this two-way deceit Victim and Perpetrator, let’s keep it simple
I believe these lyrics are represented like this to show inner turmoil, a chaos inside Kazui’s mind. He despises the love assigned to him by “destiny” (societal expectations), but he goes with the sequence anyways: dinners (dates), camouflage (lies), you-know-what (you know what? I don’t actually know what that means, though I can assume). There’s affection, but it’s not really love. This love is a two way deceit, as Kazui lies to Hinako and himself, telling himself this is what he wants.
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“Victim” and “perpetrator” are written only in blue, pink and yellow, representing the union of Kazui and Hinako in search for happiness, but excluding Kazui’s actual desires. (Or maybe it's just the newspaper thing). “Let’s keep it simple” is in both pink and blue because both of them are involved in the “victim-perpetrator” duo.
Notably, “Victim and perpetrator, let’s keep it simple” also shows up in French, again for emphasis. It’s a core part of Kazui’s character that he blames himself fully for what happened.
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So this is the big part for all y’all Kazui/Bartender shippers out there. Kazui grabs a green apple out of a bunch of red ones, and it turns into a glass of an alcoholic drink. (The hand disappears from view for a moment, but it's still the same one as Kazui wears his watch and wedding ring on the same hand). And hey, you know how Hinako is represented by a red apple at the end? (Note how it falls and hits the ground, possibly representing Hinako’s suicide). I and others before me think red apples are women, the ones which Kazui is expected to like, while the green one might be a man.
I say that because it turns into a glass, which may represent the bartender, just as the next line plays:
Phew, oh wow I’m drunk Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you, what would you do?
Note that he says the line, he doesn’t actually sing it, possibly implying it’s an actual thing Kazui said in real life. Now, it’s actually very possible that this isn’t happening at the bar from half itself. As pointed out by errorscribes in this post, the furniture doesn’t actually match either the bar or Kazui’s home, meaning he might be in a secret third thing. Still, however, the connection between the apple and the glass remains, especially since this “one thing turns into another” trick does actually happen a few times in the MV, notably with the wedding ring.
There’s a few more things which make me believe it, but that was just a small tangent to explain why I'm decently convinced Kazui is gay, since I still see quite a bit of discussion around that.
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After confessing to possibly the bartender, Kazui explains he wanted to ask “so it’s out in the open.” Note how that’s color-coded blue, possibly implying Kazui is “out in the open”, as in exposed or, perhaps more literally, out of the closet. He seems laidback and relaxed as he says it, but it’s likely a lie, as the background suddenly turns to an ominous black while he retains the same position.
That’s when he says “I just got a little greedy”, with “greedy” repeated for emphasis. The pink is likely because this is something he wants to tell Hinako, as a sort of half-apology-half-excuse.
The lyrics of the next scene, with Kazui and Hinako having a dinner and all that, are transcribed right after, in what may be both the most interesting and the hardest-to-explain scene for this theory.
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So, here's what I think we're looking at here. It's a chronological retelling of everything that happened after Kazui and Hinako got married, that's why the numbers are there. That's why the song's title, Cat, and Kazui's name are constantly on screen; it's the main story of the song.
We start with a glass falling, the calm before the storm, the moments before the disaster. In French and red, we see the lyrics from the scene prior:
All those things I wanna do that I can’t say out loud I gotta keep it inside and act The beating of this heart… see… it’s no longer about good and bad… it isn’t I realize the futility, but I still can’t help but dream
Kazui is repressing his feelings for now, those things he can't say out loud. The desire to express his feelings slowly stops being about good and bad, moral and immoral, it's a primal need, like a cat's need to hunt doves. See the connection to red?
"I realize the futility, but I still can't help but dream" is repeated in English for emphasis. Even though he knows it will be useless, he can't help himself, he wants to act on his true feelings. In particular, I believe the "dream" is to be loved by whoever the hell he confessed to (possibly the bartender), and this is what caused Hinako to commit suicide, seeing the distorted line in his Voice Character Reveal.
I'm so d[um]b... Wh[y] d[i]d I [h]a[v]e to [dr]e[a]m?
Note that "01" is written in both Kazui's blue and the yellow of happiness, showing that this scene is about him looking for happiness (deep analysis there, folks). Note the arrows, too. Hinako's pink arrow is literally between Kazui's blue and his happiness (yellow).
And that was when his feelings were repressed; because then, the glass hits the ground, showing that number 02 is when things went wrong. The lyric in English is "Phew, oh wow I'm drunk", as it's something Kazui isn't afraid of admitting. But in French, smaller, we see something he may want to say a bit quieter: "Phew, oh wow I'm drunk. Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you, what would you do?"
(By the way, I'm not using direct translations, but rather what the corresponding lyric is in English. Probably should have mentioned that earlier)
We reiterate he’s drunk, potentially to further imply a connection to the bartender, and we have Kazui’s confession. Notice the colors used are yellow and red, possibly because we’re seeing the confession of Kazui’s deepest desires as he attempts to be happy. Well, technically you might say a few things are pink, but since the saxophone is red, I’m assuming that’s the main color we’re supposed to take note of. Instead, the pink is almost an afterthought, as if Kazui is only thinking of Hinako sparsely in brief moments of lucidity from his drunkenness.
03 is the weirdest in terms of colors. The lyric displayed is “Love (plus) Destiny = Crap. Smash it, shatter it, bye-bye.” I believe this is referring to the aftermath of the confession in 02, where the “destined love” of Kazui and Hinako starts to break down.
Why is there orange, then, if the relationship is breaking down? Well, because Kazui doesn't like the relationship. He's originally enthusiastic about revealing the truth and shattering the relationship (orange), because he thinks it will bring him happiness (yellow). Well, enthusiastic is maybe an exaggeration, but it's close to it at least. I'll explain what makes me believe that in a moment, bear with me. However, that's not how that would play out.
To see that it didn't go as Kazui had hoped, we have to look at the blue bars and the orange circles. It took me way too long to notice, but I think the blue bars are for the piano that plays in the scene, like the saxophone that showed up in 02. By that logic, the other thing could be some… kinda flute? I don’t think so. I have no idea what that is.
In any case, although it's a bit of a stretch, something interesting happens with these bars and circles. It’s hard to describe without the video, but if you look at them (preferably at 0.5 speed or something) you’ll see that when 03 first shows up, the bars and circles appear in a neat pattern, but as the lyric “solidifies”, the bars and circles begin “sputtering”, the pattern breaking down.
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Neat pattern, few lyrics.
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Broken pattern, full lyrics.
So, I think that's meant to represent Kazui hesitating about the destruction of his relationship. He starts enthusiastic, with the pattern stable. But as the idea that the relationship will come to an end starts to solidify, represented by the lyric slowly forming more and more, he starts to realize there might be some drawbacks he hadn't anticipated, which is why he starts to hesitate, and the pattern breaks down. The pattern doesn't have a concrete meaning, it's meant to give the vibe that Kazui is hesitating, which I swear makes sense if you look at it in the video please I swear I'm not that insane yet please-
The reason for Kazui's hesitation becomes evident in number 04. Do you see those white ovals around this number? Don’t they look a lot like clouds?
I believe this is the balcony scene, when Kazui tells Hinako the truth, and she commits suicide. That’s why her pink is front and center, while Kazui’s temptations lure in the background in light green. They’re the context, the set dressing, for Hinako’s part of the play, if you allow me some half-adjacent metaphors. The colors mix into a dark red which almost looks like blood. I don’t think I need to explain how the death scene is connected to blood.
And with this scene in mind, where Hinako dies after learning the truth, Kazui reaches the conclusion represented by the lyric on screen. “Lie, until it gets better, follow the king of the masquerade.” Repeated in French for emphasis,. After Hinako dies, Kazui starts to believe he should have simply kept lying as he was doing before, when he still was “the king of the masquerade.”
Does any of that make any sense? I am grasping at straws and trying my damn hardest to reconcile all these things, but most of them are nonsensical. I have to remind everyone, I’m still not entirely sure I’m not just looking at nothing here.
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The lyric that plays as Kazui falls to his knees is "I can’t stop, I can’t be normal. This feeling, it can’t be gratified", which is transcribed in the next shot.
Before we get to the shapes, we have to talk about the added lyric, which I find very interesting. The word "can't", big in the background and in pink. Possibly because Hinako can't gratify "this feeling." However, there's a funny thing about the word "can't"; it's a homophone of Kant, the philosopher Kazui and Es discuss in the second Voice Drama. I think this might be intentional.
As the characters discussed, Kant believed that lying is always inherently inmoral, even if the liar has good intentions (oversimplification, don't come at me philosophy majors). However, I want to talk about it a bit more in depth. Although I am dumb and I am not very good at philosophy, what I could gather is that Kant believes lying is unethical because it impairs the ability of others to make rational, informed decisions. He argued that because our freedom ends where others' begin, then we cannot lie, for that would impair the other's freedom. Regardless of what you think about this belief system, it's clear some connections can be made with Kazui. Under this logic, his lies impaired Hinako's freedom, as presumably, she wouldn't have married Kazui if she had had all the information from the start.
(Again, I am likely oversimplifying things, but I am not gonna write a thesis on Kant to try and figure out the funny liar Cat-boy)
Why am I bringing all this up? Am I just trying to trick you into thinking I have any idea what I'm doing? Correct! Seems Cat taught you well to avoid misdirection.
But in all seriousness, it's because that logic is the best (read: not actually that good but it's what I have) way I have of interpreting the shapes on the background. There's yellow triangles crossed by blue and then pink, but notably, they intersect little and seem to go in different directions. As if the path Kazui and Hinako are in are different from the one which leads to happiness. The idea here is that while Kazui obviously isn't happy with how things are going, Hinako couldn't be truthfully happy under Kant's ideas. Because she wouldn't have true freedom of thought until Kazui stopped lying to her, so in a way, her own happiness was also a lie. Thus why the lines representing her always go in a different way from happiness. And because she can't be happy, the yellow of her fake happiness turns into dark red as it crosses that word, again possibly referencing her death.
Is it a stretch? Oh, absolutely! I don't even know if I'm interpreting Kant right! But I frankly have no idea what else these things could mean. It's possible some of the shapes are merely aesthetic, and this is one of the scenes which make me believe that. I'm open to audience participation, you figure it out.
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More imagery of a scattered and broken relationship, with blue and pink shapes all around Kazui, but which only barely intersect. The small French words are part of the lyrics, "this feeling, it's yearning to be satisfied." As I said, sometimes French words are some of Kazui's more hidden thoughts. This brings up an interesting dichotomy of "this feeling can't be gratified" being expressed in English and bigger font, while "this feeling, it's yearning to be satisfied" is in French and smaller. It's possible Kazui finds it easier to admit that his feelings can't be satisfied, rather than admitting he wants them to be satisfied. Interesting insight if true, it would mean Kazui has an easier time accepting hopelessness regarding his feelings than actually admitting to the feelings themselves. It sounds a bit weird in text, but I think it sorta makes sense in an "internal conflict" kinda way.
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Let's take a breather
Thank you Kazui, I really needed a breather after all those stretches I made. Anyways, as part of this MV imposed intermission, I want to explain what I meant when I said Kazui was "enthusiastic" to break off the relationship.
Kazui takes off the wedding ring and turns into a cigarette, as Hinako watches in horror. The symbolism here is important; what Kazui is doing is pulling back the curtain, he's revealing how he actually feels about the relationship. It's like a cigarette, something he engages in for some form of momentary relief, relief from societal expectations, but still something ultimately harmful for him. This truth is why Hinako looks so horrified.
And we see exactly what Kazui is trying to do with this relationship when he puts the cigarette to his hand. He's trying to put it out, and in his mind, this is an abrupt and almost violent act, as that's the impression we get from how fast this frame flashes on screen. It's also worth noting, the act of putting out a cigarette like this would also hurt, showing that Kazui is also harmed by this action.
With the understanding that Kazui is actively trying to end the relationship, also shown by him biting the dove later, his expression tells us a bit of how he feels about it. And it's all smiles and smirks up until Hinako falls.
Now, to clarify, I think Kazui is presenting himself as far more aggressive and enthusiastic than he actually was at the time. I really doubt he actually smiled when he broke the news to Hinako. But I also believe it isn't a complete lie, there was some enthusiasm on his part to maybe try to live the life he genuinely wanted. And that's why 03 has the color orange.
I'll repeat it because this really isn't something I want to be misinterpreted on. While Kazui was somewhat enthusiastic to break off a relationship which was clearly making him unhappy, the video is very much exaggerating how much enthusiasm he actually had. At least, that's how I see it.
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As stated, the lyrics cut back and forth very quickly to give the scene an aggressive edge, as if Kazui revealing his feelings is somehow a visceral act of violence. Accompanying the words are the definitions in French, because why the hell not. And yes, some parts aren't transcribed. Don't ask.
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Like I said, red floods the background, as Kazui’s deepest feelings become all encompassing for the scene. They’re what caused Hinako to commit suicide, after all.
As I mentioned, “to be caressed by you, that would be perfection. I wanted to be loved just like a cat” aren’t transcribed, but:
Maybe act capricious, at my word and at my fancy
Are the words which make up a silhouette of Hinako as she’s about to jump. If you’re unaware, “capricious” essentially means unpredictable, acting on impulses. So, like a cat. I believe the pictogram here is meant to represent how Kazui’s “capricious” actions led to Hinako’s suicide, and it doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.
… Well, there’s also a way to read this where Hinako is the one acting capriciously, killing herself purely on impulse. You know, it’s been pointed out before that Hinako’s hair was already fluttering when Kazui bites the dove, implying she was already falling when Kazui revealed his feelings and destroyed the marriage. If you want, you could read this as saying that Kazui is subconsciously aware that his truth wouldn’t be enough to push the average person to suicide, so Hinako was “already falling” in the sense she had some pre-existing issues which contributed to her decision. For example, if she was already suffering from depression. And thus, in a sense, she also acted unpredictably, capriciously, when she jumped.
I think this is a possibility, and it would make Kazui’s inner world more nuanced than it already is. He’s a smart man, so even if he can’t quite get himself to believe it, it’s possible he logically understands suicide isn’t something which people usually do for only one issue. I’m not sure if he would call her capricious, though, feels a bit mean in my eyes.
Anyways, while I wanted to acknowledge that possibility, I still think the first thing I said is the most straightforward interpretation.
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Finally, my torture the video ends with the ever prevalent “Lie until it gets better, follow the king of the masquerade,” this time with yellow, blue and pink. For aesthetics mostly, I imagine, but it is interesting that once the apple splats, presumably representing when Hinako hits the floor, the color pink disappears, so “follow the king of the masquerade” only gets blue and yellow.
Another interesting thing is that the word “Lie” accompanies Hinako as she falls backwards, and it almost looks like a mountain of lies is pushing her back, as in, pushing her to suicide. “Until it gets better” and “follow the king of the masquerade” also have fun visual things, but I do think those are purely aesthetic.
Red consumes the background as we see Kazui covered in blood, the result of his deepest feelings in his eyes.
Finally, the last line, “lick that sin and oppose punishment, until you can meet the king of the masquerade”, isn’t transcribed anywhere. I’ve always found that line interesting, though. What does “licking the sin” imply? Is he speaking to us when he tells us/Es to “oppose punishment”? And have we not met the king of the masquerade yet? Presumably there’s a good bit of background we’re still missing on Kazui, but how far does it go? Is he trying to manipulate us/Es into an innocent vote?
… I swear, this fucker better not have a complete heel turn on trial three. I’m choosing to trust him… for now, but I might have to look into it further.
Still innoing him now though.
So what did we learn? Not really all that much, most of this is somewhat nonsensical, and almost everything else could be gleaned from the lyrics themselves. I just wanted to share my pain, even if I have my doubts about a lot of this. There were a few interesting things to note, I guess. I don’t know what else to add, frankly.
Anyways, inno Kazui. And while you’re at it, inno Amane too.
If you made it this far, then I think you deserve the color yellow! Take care!
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servin-up-surveys · 2 months
survey #232
Do people tell you you have cold hands? YUP!!!!!!!!! This happens a lot.
Do you feel that the shape of the pasta alters the taste? Not the taste. Just texture.
How often do you listen to rock music? If I'm listening to music, odds are incredibly high it's either metal or rock.
In games, do you like to roleplay as good or bad? During first playthroughs, good. I play the game how I feel I would actually do it.
What was your favourite colour when you were 10? Probably pink, lol.
When were you last in a hospital? Earlier this year because I had an asthma attack.
Is there an instrument you don't like the sound of? I'm sure there is if I actually took time to think about it.
Have you ever sponsored an animal? No. This is something I would do if I actually had money, though.
Would you rather be a kangaroo or a sea turtle? Kangaroo. I like social animals and being a sea turtle sounds so dangerous, no thanks to humans...
Do you like to get ready in the bathroom or the bedroom? I get dressed in my bedroom.
What's your favourite Coldplay song? "Paradise." I want it played at my funeral.
Do you have a favourite insect? Butterflies, moths, orchid mantises. I like giant millipedes, too.
Have you ever worn coloured contacts for Halloween? No.
Do you own a scooter? Not since I was a kid.
Which pastel colour is the nicest? Pink.
When did you last play a Mario game? It's been years, I was never big on Mario.
Ever owned an actual piggy bank? I believe so, as a child.
When did you last swing on a swing-set? It's been years. I'd be afraid to sit on a swing, weighing almost 300 pounds...
Do you study any subjects in your free time? German, but I could be more serious about it. I HAVE gotten more dedicated, but I could still be even better. I also like to learn about reptile husbandry (ball pythons especially to improve my own), and I will always read about meerkats if I come across an article from a source that seems reliable. I also like watching advice videos by successful photographers on YouTube, if that counts as "studying." I enjoy learning about their techniques and stuff.
Would you rather become fluent in 3 European languages or 3 Asian languages? Three European.
Are your bedroom curtains long or short? They're shutters, actually.
Have you ever been zip-lining? No, but it seems fun.
Did you carve a pumpkin this past year? No. :/ I say EVERY year I wanna do it, and then I don't. I need to fix that shit.
Have you volunteered in the past 6 months? No.
French fries or onion rings? French fries, easy. I'm picky with onion rings and can't eat a lot.
Why do you take surveys? I'm bored often, they kill time, and I like answering questions. Most importantly but most rarely, they also make me think and help me become more familiar with myself. I've even been made aware through them of things I need to fix.
Do you suffer from anxiety? Generalized and social, yes. Generalized has been very bad this past month or so.
Did you ever take a swimming class? No.
Favorite healthy snack? Does popcorn count?
Favorite Disney movie? The Lion King. I might like the second as much as the first, but I go back and forth.
Do you consider yourself an artist? Yes.
How well can you bake a cake? I've never tried.
Have you ever tasted banana milk? No, I doubt I'd like it.
How many pairs of skinny jeans do you think you own? I own zero jeans.
Do you own a pair of Converse sneakers? Yes, a couple.
If you see a bee in your house... are you going to kill it? I'm going to try to get it outside while possibly being very scared lol, a hornet or wasp would have me fucked up.
I’m ordering Chinese food; what do you want? My treat! Pork fried rice, eggroll if you can.
Do you have a cat? I do, name's Roman!
Ever been in love? Twice. I once thought three, but no, I just loved her. It was never like Jason and Girt with her.
Any piercings that you want? Nostril repierced, more on my ears, and collarbone microdermals if my collarbones are ever prominent again.
OTP? Richard and Paul shut up let me ship my old men
Favorite quote? I have a lot, but I'll highlight one I recently discovered that REALLY resonated with me, said by the character Karlach from Baldur's Gate 3: "There's no courage in fearlessness. There's courage in being fucking terrified, but still going forward. Still being grateful. Still trying."
Favorite singer? Freddie Mercury, of all time. I also like Patrick Stump from FOB.
How long does it take you to shower? 10-ish minutes.
The reason I joined Tumblr? I think originally it was for the Rhett & Link/GMM fandom.
Baked macaroni and cheese or regular? Regular, I hate baked.
What’s the first thing you learned how to draw? Idk.
Who wrote the last book you read? Erin Hunter.
What’s the middle name of your best friend? He doesn't have one.
How far away do you live from the closest aquarium? I don't know, honestly.
Who in your family has a birthday in January? Uh... no one that I know of. I was DUE in January.
What’s your favorite country song? Probably "When The Stars Go Blue" by Tim McGraw.
Pizza rolls or bagel bites? Pizza rolls. I was never big on bagel bites.
What’s the last show you really got into that you have to wait for the next season of? Extraordinary Attorney Woo.
When’s the last time you saw fireworks? I could see some fireworks from outside my window on the 4th.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident? Yes.
Do you own a pair of fuzzy socks? Yes.
Have you ever been skinny dipping? No.
Sprinkles or frosting? Frosting, I hate sprinkles.
Do you like mushrooms? Visually I love them, they're so diverse and look cool, but as food, no.
Have you ever worked in a grocery store? I worked at a dollar store.
What’s your Subway order? Italian bread, turkey, bacon, American cheese, banana peppers, pickles, Chipotle sauce. Next time I need to try warming it.
Do you know how to roller skate? I can rollerblade. The only time I used proper skates (two wheels on each side), I broke my wrist lmao
Can you read sheet music? I used to be able to. I could point out a few notes, I think.
What’s one food your family has at Thanksgiving? I hate nearly every single thing I've ever had at Thanksgiving, so I don't pay attention. I literally like honey ham (but not the way my sister's MIL prepares it) and the rolls. That's it.
Do you like painting? Actually no, it stresses me out. I took a class in college and I hated that erasing isn't a thing (yes, you can dry and paint over, I don't care, that's not an immediate fix), and it stressed me out that we weren't supposed to sketch, either.
Do you have to sleep with a fan on? Most of the year, yes. If I'm too cold in the winter, it's off.
Name one thing you put on a salad: I like bacon bits.
What’s the last thing you ordered from a Mexican restaurant? Literally hot wings and fries, I'm not kidding lmfao. It was an appetizer option I just made into a meal.
Do you carry a purse or a backpack? Purse.
What kind of soda is your favorite? Mountain Dew Voltage.
Do you like your in-laws? I cannot fucking stand my sister's husband's family. I'm not married yet, but I love my boyfriend's family.
Toe socks or ankle socks? Ugh neither, both are sensory nightmares for me.
Nachos or chips and salsa? Chips and salsa.
What’s the name of your pets? Roman, Venus, Cookie.
What’s your Chick-fil-A order? I only really eat there if it inconveniences those around me if I don't (like, so they don't have to go to two places), and in that case, I just get the normal sandwich and fries. I try not to support Bigot Bird.
Regular or pink lemonade? Pink.
Chinese or Japanese cuisine? Chinese, I guess, by default. Any Japanese I've tried, I didn't like.
Do you own a pair of Crocs? No, they're absolutely hideous and I've also slipped on Mom's just to step outside for whatever reason and I find them extremely uncomfortable.
Does anyone in your family have a birthday in February? Me, my niece.
What’s your Taco Bell order? Steak and cheese quesadillas with fiesta potatoes, normal Mountain Dew.
Have you ever lived in a trailer/doublewide? No.
Pizza or nacho lunchables? Nachos, the pizza Lunchable is appalling.
Have you ever been to a strip club? No.
Did you ever participate in any pageants when you were younger? Hell no.
What kind of cheese is your favorite? Just yellow American.
Make the perfect taco salad: I don't like taco salad.
Name a character from your favorite TV show: Mozart was my favorite in Meerkat Manor.
Do you like going to arcades? Yes.
What kind of meat do you like the most? Ham, probably.
Snakes or spiders? Snakes in general, but I probably like tarantulas specifically more than snakes.
Have you ever had your nails done professionally? Yes, but only because I tagged along with others.
Is anyone in your family in law enforcement? No.
What’s a fruit you dislike? Mango, as a fruit itself. Texture nightmare. I love mango-flavored stuff. Oh, I absolutely hate cherries and don't really like cherry-flavored stuff, either.
Make the perfect omelet: Just bacon, ham, and cheese, honestly... and salt and pepper, if you wanna count stuff like that I guess.
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coral-melon · 10 months
Hi! looks like requests are open, so can I have a matchup for Obey Me please?
I guess I'll go by 🍰. My pronouns are she/her and I'm pansexual
Appearance: I'm a short, dirty-blonde haired woman (161 cm) and a little on the heavier side 🥲. My hair is usually cut to my shoulders. I like to dress in cute and comfortable clothing, and my friends say I have good taste in fashion. Most of my closet gives cottagecore vibes and my favourite colours are green and pink. I'm half French and half Italian if that's gonna affect my matchup
My MBTI + Enneagram is ISFJ 2w1 and my star sign is Aries, but I'd say I'm VASTLY more chill than the stereotype
Personality and Interests: I like to say I'm a kind and cheerful person, and people just feel at ease talking with me. One thing my friends and family especially likes about me is my smile. They just can't help but feel happy when they see it (allegedly). I mentioned that I was on the heavy side, and that really took a toll on my mental health, especially in my childhood. I had to work so hard to rebuild my self esteem and my own health (kids can be so cruel sometimes. goddamn 😭). I'm happy to say that I'm in a much better place now. I work out because it makes me happy, and I eat healthy for the same reason. I still cannot burn off the stubborn fat though 🥲. My insecurities often get the better of me sometimes, but I try to persevere regardless. My main goal in life is to make people smile, so I want to own a bakery in the future. My family is a strong believer in the power of kindness, so I believe that's how I can uphold that belief. I love making food and my love language is making food for others, especially sweets
Likes: Baking, cooking, sweets, sharing the baked goods I made with my friends and loved ones, anime, video games, clothes
Dislikes: Bullies, confrontation, fake friends, dishonesty, cruelty, spicy food
Hello -🍰! It’s a pleasure to meet you and thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself!
Side note: My hopeless romantic ass couldn’t help but wonder over all the possibilities I could write for you; I hope I can make you smile and have a bit of fun while reading this🥰
I match you with…~
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❥ I can’t even begin to explain just how head over heels he is about you.
❥ I immediately thought Howl’s moving castle vibes.. he manages to find every part of you beautiful, even when you don’t think you are based on conventional standards.
❥ He fawns over the little things you do; to the point where even other demons are shocked with how often he thinks of you instead of himself.
❥ But your smile and laugh leave him with heart eyes.. His heart just wants to pound right out of his chest. He always lets you know how much he loves it! how he’d wish he could seduce you!
❥ As you’ve said, he also find you to be a total ease to be around. He doesn’t feel pressured to have to pose as the figure he has made himself to be and it’s a refreshing break for him. He can just be himself around you; He feels safe ^^
❥ You being the absolute Angel that you are, you’ve never judged him; but instead see him for who he really is. How could he possibly think of anyone else?
❥ Your shopping dates are always fun and eventful. You’re a total doll and he wants nothing more than to just spoil you with outfits. Anything that will make you shine, so he wants you to gain confidence in yourself! And what better way to do that than making you feel like you could take over the world, baby gurl~? ;)
❥ I’d imagine that both of you have a similar way of eating. He works out too, so you can join each other! He’s work out is nothing compared to Beel’s, but that’s the good thing about it; it gets the job done and is very good for the body and mind. Overall, it’s very energizing👍
❥ But you can be open to him with whatever’s on your mind. He’d never brush away your feelings; rather, he always has them in mind. Your always so cheerful that it worries him sometimes if you don’t tell him somethings up.
❥ He himself does it, he doesn’t want to burden others with negative stuff. So both of you come to an understanding and help each other out if you need to let something out of your system.
❥ If you’re feeling insecure about anything, he’ll do anything and everything in his power to make you feel other wise. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, he’ll be by your side every step of the way.
❥ 1000% supports your dream of opening your own bakery! He always takes pictures of everything you make your him; he doesn’t even care if he’s on a diet, he’ll eat and enjoy every last bite of it. If Beel doesn’t get to it first..
❥ And when you open it? It’ll be one of the most sought out bakery in all of Devildom! Your business if gonna boom and your life is set forever! >:D✨
❥ As I e said before, there’s a lot of times where he catches himself thinking about you rather than himself. He loves you, like, a lot! And everyone knows that. But he wants you to know that. You’re precious~
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Aaaahhh! I took too damn long to finish this but I hope you see this and end up liking it! I felt butterflies while writing this, I just hope it doesn’t suck 🥲
Take care and have an amazing day/night -🍰! luv ya~ ♡
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MORE TINTIN HEADCANNONS CAUSE IM BORED (if you don't like then just simply scroll by and let me enjoy my bliss please and thank you)
Tintin has two distinct smiles. Both of them are genuine (because he's an optimistic little lad who sees sunshine when it's raining) but one is more so than the other. One is the one everyone sees: the broad grin that so many cameras have flashed at and is on the cover on every edition of Le Vingtiéme Siécle. The one with round apple cheeks and twinkling eyes so full of innocence it makes one wonder if he's truly seen the wrong end of a gun. It's the one he wears often, the signature Tintin grin. The other is more selective, coming out in moments of pure, uncontrolled happiness. Very few people see it and you have to be extremely close. It's different: more lopsided and crooked, leaving a dimple in one of his cheeks. It makes his eyes crinkle into tiny blue rivulets and anyone who catches sight of it can't help but grin back at him too. When Captain Haddock first saw it, it made him realise that Tintin was in fact still a kid (in my headcannon, unless slexidiied, he's 16-18 because that's canon according to the books.)
Tintin is a massive polygot, but not only can he master how to read and write the language, he also can pronounce it clearly that people often forget that his mother tongue is French. The Captain, who lives in England, has a Scottish accent in the movies and speaks what I assume is English, forgets this every time until he catches the reporter muttering something or other in French. Thebkther thing that catches the captain off-guard is that Tintin refuses to call him "Captain" but instead calls him "Capitaine" because French. It's very entertaining; he goes from a perfectly pronounced English accent to the most innocent Belgian voice ever for ONE SOLE WORD then switches back. It drives people up the wall and Tintin finds it absolutely hilarious.
Random one not so much about Tintin, but more about Mrs Finch. When she first had the little teenager move in to her spare flat at 14 (probablybrather common in those days because you stopped going to school after 12 unless you went onto university or higher education and in my head Tintin didn't have the money for that because ✨Depression✨ (as in the Great depression, not the mental illness)) with a couple of suitcases and a trench coat far too big for him and a white puppy playing excitedly at his feet, she swore from that day on that she would look after him with every fibre of her being. She pops up the first night to see if he's settled and has supper and when she finds out that he hasn't had the chance to get groceries, she bistles down the stairs and comes back up with a massive pot of soup, fresh bread and tea. They sat at the little table for ages, talking and getting to know each other. She discovered that this child had a deep passion for books and adventure and made a mental note to get him as many books as she could. (He went from ten books to 30 in the span of two months because of her help. He was very happy with that.) She told him how she had been a nurse in the Great War and that if he was ever feeling ill to pop down to her and she would get him on the mend. What she didn't expect several months later was to hear the door open and close quietly well after midnight. She opened the door to face the intruder and discovered Tintin trying to sneak back into his flat, absolutely drenched from the rain and almost hiding his arm. He said a brief hello and hurried inside, so she grabbed a teapot and hurried up after him. She definitely did not expect to see him sitting at the same small table, his shirt half off as he dabbed at his arm, nor did she expect to see a gun shot wound slicing through his arm. She shrieked, scolded him severely, then ran back and grabbed her first aid kit, came back, asked him what in the bloody hell happened, was he okay, were there any other injuries that needed attending to and very adamantly told him to stay out of trouble. His response? "But Mrs Finch, it's my job. I have to get these stories and that means I get into trouble." She huffed, gave him a look, studied those innocent round doe eyes and sighed. She made him promise that if he ever needed medical help to never be afraid to ask her or else he will get scolded again. There were many late nights of patching him up then chatting over a cup of tea.
K that's all for now byeeeee
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