#also feel free to interact with this post! i'd be very interested in hearing other peoples' thoughts or experiences
youneedsomeprompts · 2 years
How to write: ethnicity & skin colour
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requested by: anonymous request: How exactly can I describe a characters ethnicity/skin color casually, without it sounding like a specific scene that just exists to describe the skin color? I hope this makes sense lmao… I just want to write a scene where I casually mention someone’s ethnicity or skin color
description of appearance: No matter if skin colour or hairstyle or clothes, a text is more dynamic if you don't dedicate an entire scene/paragraph to it but rather sprinkle the necessary information in here and there. However, there can be instances where it's conducive to the plot to put that entire paragraph (e.g. introducing a new important character with backstory). Otherwise, I'd say try to keep it short and put it where it serves the plot.
ways to incorporate...
... a description of appearance:
when a character makes their first entrance (describe everyone's colouring - POCs' and white characters')
the impression their complexion makes together with their clothes: "the bright yellow of their shirt complemented their dark skin"
the way their colouring interacts with lighting: "the grey weather took away the rosy hue of their fair skin"
when appearances create a contrast: "I immediately noticed them because they were the only other black person"
... ethnicity:
let the characters mention it where it makes sense
regarding the narrator you've chosen for your story, it can also be blended into an inner monologue
include parts of their culture: traditions, terms, family, etc. (this also allows to bring up their ethnicity repeatedly over the story and not only at the beginning)
show their struggles: are they affected by social struggles? then show it!
words to use to describe skin colour:
... basic colour descriptions:
... more specific colours (try sticking to familiar/common words that can be easily visualised):
... prefixes or modifiers (can be easily combined with basic colours):
... undertones (pre-dominant colours underneath the skin - often warm or cool, sometimes also neutral and olive):
... avoid food analogies as it's often received as offending, fetishising, and/or objectifying.
That's all I can provide as of now but I'm sure you guys have aspects to contribute. I'm very interested to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to add to this post whatever you like to/can share <3
And for more information, maybe also check out @writingwithcolor for more specialised posts on the topic <3
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midnightmah07 · 1 year
As I talk more to people on this platform I feel a bit of a necessity to state some boundaries just to be safe
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- please NEVER refer to me as the b word or anything offensive like that, I can handle aggressive humor with people I get closer with but I don't like when people call me these things even if it's playful.
- if you can avoid curse words please do so!! I personally don't like them because of my religion, so if you can avoid speaking curse words near me I'd appreciate it! This is not a hard rule as I won't mind if you curse a few times, but if you have a really dirty mouth please try to tone it down when talking to me.
- please use tone indicators when making jokes that you believe may be mistaken for something rude, especially if we're not that close.
- I don't mind hearing ramblings, I love seeing how excited people talk about their passions, but please ask if I'm comfortable with you doing so beforehand and be careful with how often you do that.
- please do not flood my inbox. I don't mind people coming to my inbox frequently but if what you're sending me can be talked either in DMs, comments or reblogs, do not send me billions of asks. It makes me uncomfortable and honestly makes my blog a huge mess. If I come to my inbox and see like 10 asks from the same person I will not answer.
- on that note, I may add that you guys do not info dump about your OCs 24/7. I do like hearing about other people's OCs, but a lot of the times that's literally the only thing they're talking about. I'm not a dumpster, I'm a human being with my own interests. If you're just coming to my inbox to dump your OC's lore, and it starts feeling like a monologue and not a dialogue, I'm just not gonna answer until you start talking to me normally again. I'm sorry to sound a bit harsh, but it's tiering when people only talk to me to dump about their OCs.
- don't look down and badmouth my religion in any way, shape or form. Being a Christian is the most important part of me and it defines who I am as a person, so please be careful with what you say. Also, my views, beliefs and convictions are and will always be dictated by my religion, I will not attack you for believing something different from me but respect is a two way street, if you attack me for saying stuff accurate to my religion and faith, you're getting blocked.
- don't talk about political issues with me unless you're willing to be respectful. I've seen a lot of friendships being torn because of how different their political views were and I'd hate that to happen to me and my moots. In fact, if you can avoid this talk, please do so. If you must know my stance politically, I mostly align with conservative values.
- unless you were rude to me or attacked me, if you see I have you blocked/soft blocked, it's probably not personal. This is the internet so I will block/unfollow people who post stuff that make me uncomfortable/I don't think what they're saying is correct. Doesn't mean I don't think they're a good person, just means I don't want to interact with them. I have NOTHING against them if the day ever comes that I block/unfollow someone on Tumblr "at random"
- don't talk about anything nsfw/explicit with me. I might not be a minor but this type of talk still makes me very uncomfortable. If you send me something in my inbox that's nsfw/explicit I will delete it and pretend to not see it, however if you do it because you want to make me uncomfortable or if you do it more than once I will block you.
With that all said, feel free to talk to me whenever you want, just be mindful of these boundaries :))
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Damn, this next alphabet is kicking my ass and then I have so many more to do-- (I'm excited to do them, I love long form headcanons and overthinking things into essays and covering a lot in one post, they just take so long especially when my brain ain't working--)
Anyway, have the rest of my sexuality headcanons!!
The Outsiders Queer Headcanons : (Part 2)
Tim -
gay, 100% into men.
has dated/hooked up with women because he's "supposed to," but they always have to make the first move and he never really enjoys it.
pretty open about it. not really the type to bring it up unprompted, keeps his personal life personal, but if asked he sees no reason to hide it
what's anybody going to do about it, fight him? okay, he'll kick their ass. he ain't scared of what anyone thinks about what he does in his own free time. they're the ones that brought it up, they can mind their damn business.
Curly -
unlabeled, if asked he'd just shrug. he likes guys sometimes, he's pretty sure he's liked a girl or two before.
no thoughts, head empty. he has put zero thoughts into it.
maybe somewhere on the arospec, his romantic interests are really muted
still there, just not strong
for him, a partner is more of a MAJOR best friend that he happens to be physically attracted to as well
"wait, do any of the Shepherds like girls?" you ask
well, I just said that Curly likes girls sometimes... but let me introduce yall to
Angela -
pan and proud as FUCK
and has MASSIVE game, more than her brothers combined
poly as well, loves group dates and having partners that interact with each other especially
gets really into queer spaces/community, will actually seek out lgbt spaces and such
loves going to drag performances, she's loud and social and likes dramatic make up and costuming, she has a natural draw to drag queens.
Sylvia -
bisexual, prefers men, might go her whole life without even thinking of herself as anything but straight outside of modern au
like, in modern day after hearing about different sexualities then she might clock the feeling after realizing that being attracted to women is a thing
but her attraction to women feels different than her attraction to men, so she would probably just think "oh, we're REALLY good friends and I'd totally kiss her if she wanted to, but that's just how girls are right??"
it isn't even preference so much as it's intensity of attraction, has more small crushes on women and few bigger crushes on men
Evie -
aromantic, bisexual and slightly prefers men
not very romantically affectionate (is platonically affectionate), but is okay with having a partner that is. she just won't initiate or crave it, but she doesn't mind it. romance neutral in general.
does want to date still, loves a good qpr, will communicate with her partner about her lack of romantic attraction but doesn't feel the need to be open about it with others. she's in a relationship, it can be read as a romantic relationship, she isn't correcting anyone
Sandy -
homophobic in an ignorant way
"no, I don't have a problem with the gays, I know some gays!!" girl, NO.
won't be intentionally mean, doesn't like when people are blatantly homophobic, but also won't put effort into changing herself and won't call out other's around her. might give an eyeroll and a "stop, be nice!!" at most.
thinks that since it doesn't actively affect her it isn't really her place or business
Cherry -
bicurious, but probably ultimately straight
is such a girls girl, very platonically affectionate, thinks girls are so pretty, so the thought of dating a girl has crossed her mind
also, she has ass taste in men and has definitely said "a woman would NOT treat me like this" but, boo, I have met women that would treat her like that and if she would just date a man that isn't garbage then she'd see that it's her standards that are the real problem
does try dating a few ladies, really isn't feeling it, feels really bad for leading them on and ends up staying longer than she should because she really loves them as friends and doesn't want to lose them
is the super pretty, casually flirty straight girl that 99% of sapphic people have unfortunately fallen hard for.
Marcia -
aromantic and asexual
has fallen into a lot of comphet, has absolutely dated a handful of men because her friends all were in relationship
slightly romance repulsed, thinks it's all just so boring
but is BOMB at coming up with pick-up lines and stuff, is witty as hell and will get flirty sometimes. she just doesn't want anything even slightly serious. it's a mental exercise, some friendly back and forth, nothing more. anything seriously romance-heavy gives her a major ick
sex-neutral, is interested in anatomy and artistic nudity (think figure drawing), she's not squeamish around the idea of sex and isn't even strictly against having it
just very... scientific about it. not very emotional, will work out theories or ideas in practice. likes to see what the human body can do, likes playing with dynamics, sees it all as research
doesn't really like the idea of a long-term relationship, likes her independence too much
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
Hi! don't know if you answer asks like this but just curious as a fic writer do you feel different fandoms have cliques where some writers only comment or promote writers they're friends with and not all? and in relation to this, do you think stats are the most important thing to a writers success in a fandom? I know this might seem random but just admire your writing and wanted to hear your thoughts
Interesting ask. Okay well, first off, I squee whenever somebody says they ADMIRE my writing *fans self with nearest flat object, in a flattered, flustered, and ego-inflated emotional state*
second off, I'm fairly new to Tumblr, so I am not the most knowledgeable about this
that said, I think that people on Tumblr do a pretty pitiful job overall of promoting content with reblogs, and comments are even rarer!
I have a core group of people whom I've noticed will always reblog my fics, and I absolutely have friendship-y feelings for them even though they're internet strangers, lol. (I love you guys! 💗)
I think that if you're creating quality content and you aren't an asshat, people will eventually catch on and wind up flocking to you. It's the quality of the content you're putting out there that matters most.
But also be smart and try to post regularly, try to write things you know people love (certain tropes, pairings, kinks, etc). Post at peak times of day, make sure your queue is full and set to post at least several times per day. Stuff like that.
If your OTP/fandom is less popular, commit to writing some micro fics about more popular pairings/fandoms/tropes, just to draw more readers in--They will then be more likely to give your niche stuff a try!
As your followers # grows, you'll get more promotion, just because of sheer numbers. So yes, I think having more followers is important if you want to see more engagement with your content overall. (but again, that follows smart posting and quality content)
However, it only takes a handful of awesome supporters to make for a great fandom experience on Tumblr!
As to cliques, I have experienced some pretty hateful bullying and exclusion on the platform, related to an incident where I was abrasive and made a point about free speech, censorship, being willing to discuss vs cancel, and people who are reactive instead of rational (antis).
long story short, my old account was sent death threats, constant harassing, and vile anons, before being vindictively deleted by a rogue staff member (yes, I've gotten confirmation that this is abuse from other Tumblr representatives)
Antis and trolls definitely flock together in cliques, so exclusion can happen there. Cliques can be helpful in that they weed out the nasties fast.
For example: on my new account, I have noticed that perhaps 20 or so accounts have me blocked--most of them are smalltime/not so great bloggers, but about five of them are very popular Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan authors whose content I would probably otherwise be reading and commenting/re-blogging.
I don't think I interacted with most of them directly on my old account, but they are in the cliques that the antis were in, so they hopped on the block-Sarah train based off of whatever their mutuals said.
I don't read other people's fics on Tumblr so much as I do on Ao3, and I'm more about posting my own stuff on Tumblr, so the blocking isn't really an issue with me (mostly they're the ones losing out on the content promotion I would be doing for them, lol).
I think if people are going to be nasty, negative, reactive-not-rational, not willing to discuss, and just generally mean spirited, do you really want them promoting you anyway? Probably not.
As to the people who are not that way, I'd say: PEOPLE NOTICE WHEN YOU REBLOG AND COMMENT on their stuff.
so the more YOU promote other content creators whose stuff you like, the more they will feel affinity for you and promote your stuff!!
I suggest following TONs of people who are in your fandom--many of them will notice and follow you back. That's the best way to get started if you want to grow your account. But also like I said: put out quality content--honey draws bees; and promote other people's content to create good relationships with mutuals.
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coldstoicism · 11 months
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001. ⸻ Writing and artwork on this blog may contain mature themes such as canon-typical gore and violence. Posts will be tagged accordingly. Mortal Kombat is not a game for the faint hearted so do proceed with caution if blood & gore are triggering themes to you. Only follow & interact if you're 21+.
002. ⸻ I'm an adult with responsibilities and a job outside of writing, I might sometimes take a day or two to respond to you. Please be aware of that and don't assume I'm ignoring you. I'm doing my best to get back to everyone and I apologize if responses sometimes take longer.
003. ⸻ English is not my first language. While I'd like to think I have pretty decent grammar, I might make mistakes sometimes, especially when it comes to correct punctuation as it is vastly different from that of my native language. Please be patient with me, I'm trying my best.
004. ⸻ I use small text to write, but I don't mind switching to the regular text size for better accessibility. Just let me know ahead and I'll make sure to adjust the text size for my posts accordingly. I also use icons in my posts.
005. ⸻ This blog is crossover friendly and open to writing with original characters. With all the different timelines existing in the Mortal Kombat universe, the possibilites to craft unique stories are pretty much endless. Don't be afraid to reach out if you have a cool plot idea, I would love to hear it.
006. ⸻ I feel like this should be self-explanatory, but no godmodding, no taking control of my character or anything of the likes. It's very annoying and it will take away my enthusiasm to continue writing with you.
007. ⸻ I'm above engaging in petty drama with anyone on here, I made this blog to write for my favorite character and for no other reason. I can't stand negativity and toxicity. If I see you being rude to others, spreading hate or even bullying other people in the community, I will instantly block you. If you have a problem with me, feel free to reach out to me so we can have a civil conversation about it.
008. ⸻ Please be aware that my portrayal of MK1!Bi-Han is not 100% canon-accurate. While I tried to make as little changes to the character's personality and backstory as possible, some aspects of him will be based on my own headcanons. The writing for him in MK1 is annoyingly inconsistent, contradicts itself on multiple occasions and sometimes even makes no sense at all, so I won't be adopting much of it into my portrayal. Do not expect me to write Bi-Han as a one-dimensional joke villain just because ❛ it's canon ❜ in the current timeline. If that's the portrayal you're looking for, you might want to look for someone else to write with. That said, this blog will feature different versions of Bi-Han from different timelines, so please do specify the timeline you'd prefer for the plot to be set in. For now I only write Bi-Han as Sub-Zero and I haven't decided on whether or not Noob Saibot will become a secondary muse on this blog yet, but it's well within the realm of possibilities.
009. ⸻ I do not condone hate, homophobia, racism or anything of the sorts and if I see someone partaking in such problematic behavior that will warrant an instant block.
010. ⸻ Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of writing romance plots, I don't have any preferred ships for Bi-Han and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I just don't see Bi-Han as someone who's particularly interested in romance or relationships. Depending on how his character develops in the current timeline, that might change in the future.
011. ⸻ Lastly, if you have further questions, feel free to send me a message at any time.
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advertisesouls · 4 months
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#𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒: an independent, private, selective and mutuals only blog for my h.azbin h.otel oc xifeng. please note that i am unaffiliated with the fandom and do not condone anything that v.ivziepop has done and continues to do. my name is solar, 31, and i use they/them as my pronouns! thank you sm for your interest! ♥ please also note that everything here is still a huge wip, too! also, with the nature of xifeng's character, there is a dead dove warning on her.
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about | history / involvement in the series!
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rules are underneath the read more!
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considering the nature of xifeng's character as well as hazbin hotel as a series, there's a good amount of topics that i'll be tagging for in threads. these are, but will not be limited to: cannibalism, gore, murder, suicide, attempted sexual assault—amongst a handful of others. i will always tag for these if they come up in threads!
i must ask for my own comfort, however, if you would like to follow me, please be mindful and tag for the following: adultery/cheating/infidelity, domestic abuse, gaslighting, sexual harassment and alcohol abuse/alcoholism (i am completely fine with casual drinks in threads. this is mostly stemming from angry drunks!) thank you for keeping these in mind when we're interacting — it does mean a lot!
if there's a specific thing you'd like for me to tag for, then please let me know! your comfort always comes first! ♥
as far as my dni criteria goes, it's the usual: no racism, lgbtq+phobia, ace erasure, etc. i will also make it abundantly clear that  i, in no way, will tolerate proshipping in any form, so if you do support this, then please do me the favor and kindly hardblock me. 
i do not want to hear your justification as to why proshipping should be allowed on this platform, thank you.
besides that, please be mindful that i am only here to have fun. this is a hobby and will be treated as such. please do not badger me for replies (a small reminder here and there is fine, though) as i suffer with chronic fatigue and pain and also have to be my mom's caretaker 24/7, so i may also be away from my pc at times. i also suffer from adhd, major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder and my spoons are virtually nonexistent all the time.
please do not use me as a meme/aesthetic resource, do not like every post i make, etc. shipping requires both chemistry and effort as i do not want to be the one solely expressing interest in continuing said ship. if no interest is expressed within a couple of months, i will consider the ship to be dropped. you are more than welcome to approach me to ask to continue the ship, however! as far as romantic shipping is concerned, it's very unlikely to happen as i ship xifeng with @praeteritus-memories' alastor and we've plotted extensively for them to where i consider lu's alastor to be both my main and exclusive alastor.
also, please do not drag me into drama. i don't care for it. i don't have time for it. i don't have spoons for it. If there is someone that i’m interacting with that is considered a threat to the RPC, then by all means, feel free to privately contact me to give me a heads’ up. I am pro-callout to a degree, but only when there’s irrefutable evidence in the callout itself. lastly, please don't use my tumblr ims or discord dms as your personal venting space. i'd prefer to be asked beforehand if it's alright to vent to me because my spoons are always low. another thing that i would like to emphasize is if you interact with or condone the actions of the following, then please, hardblock me as well: aku, damon / omen / rxgelord (eyesofbluebitch/burnyoubastard), hearty, zero / kign typo, myers, loke / neku, miles, shannon / pink. this list will be periodically updated should further callouts emerge.
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psd / template credits go to @frcknbats, @robsources, @queenofseouls, @carestuff, & @supersources!
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egoepicure · 1 year
just gonna ramble about my personal experience with being objectum!
also making this a little "share your story" post!
feel free to add your own experience, regardless of how odd you may think it is or how few people you see with the same views.
are you posic? no? do you believe your objectum feelings are due to or partially due to past experiences or neurodivergency? do you only feel certain attraction for objects and do you feel attraction to people? do you experience stuff with your objectum identity that you dont often see other objectum people talk about? i'd love to hear different peoples pov of this!
my personal stuff under the cut!
I feel a tad bit odd about my personal experience with being os/or / objectum. i'm not posic really? i dont view objects as having souls or being alive in any capacity, though a lot of people ive seen on here do that. for me, having something fully able to react and such as a human does kind of puts me off as it brings back any stress of human interaction i experience. this isnt to say i think nothing of the objects around me.
im more of a lowkey spiritual person, i dont practice many things activily, but i hold beliefs. one of those beliefs is everything having energy inside of it. this isn't necessarily a soul or being alive, but regardless of that energies can be attractive. its why i consider myself masc-leaning os/or. things with more "masculine" energy or far more attractive to me.
i can come up with personalities, names, gender, etc for objects, and usually they come naturally based on that energy, but when it comes down to it i dont believe anything of that sort is necessarily real. that doesnt stop me from being attached to and attracted objects, concepts, places, etc.
people have never been very interesting to me, im not sure how much of that is influenced by my being ND (though, definitely the lack of even platonic or familial bonding is part of that), and for me alternative things have always been easier for me to bond and become attached to and i refer to myself as aroace because of this, since im really not attracted to people at all. objects have always been a safe space for me to seek comfort, be openly awkward or embarrassing, experiment, confide in, and honestly it has always been more satisfying and less negative for me that connecting with people, since that doesn't come naturally to me personally.
my object bonding doesnt stop at just positive bonds either lol, there are some objects i HATE (especially some of the machines at my work place... i swear they are difficult on purpose, only act up when they shouldnt... they have the energy of cranky old people doing everything out of spite...). but usually, my bonding is more confusing, i dont think in the simply terms of bonds (platonic, romantic, sexual, aesthetics, whatever) as ive never really understood them too much, and a lot of them overlap or are different depending on time and mood or object ofc. objects are also a space i dont have to be worried about that with though.
i know a lot of objectum people are very attached to their objects of course, and i am too, but due to past experiences with having things taken from me / thrown out on me / changed without my permission, and nd issues with apathy and such i dont think im as caring about "hurting" (again dont view my objects as alive so they cant really be hurt imo) or throwing away objects as even sentimental non-objectum people honestly.
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nimue-hidden-lake · 11 months
Welcome To My Lake!
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Redone intro
This is a side blog! Due to circumstances I cannot properly interact from my main (@thelakeofnimue). Until the issue is resolved (however long that might be) I would like for you to interact here (asks, dms, pings, reblogs)! Also if I follow you it might not show up properly. Just a heads up!
Hello there! Please, call me Nimue. I’m 22 years old and German (English is my second anguage). I am on the aromantic spectrum. I am genderfluid and thus what I identify as will shift on a whim. Please ask me for pronouns and what gendered terms I'm fine with at the moment! Or use They/Them and do not gender if you want to play it safe all the time. Due to this I also prefer to not label my sexuality (not like I know what to call it anyways).
I write a lot and sometimes draw. I will also make random posts though. I also write f/o imagines for everyone to enjoy! Let your mind go wild!
I will talk about whatever I am interested in so this is a mish–mash of posts and reblogs. I might take my time to warm up but I love meeting new people and interacting with others! Hit me, ask or reblogs whenever you want (even if it's just for f/o gushing, I love hearing it)! You can also DM me if you want to talk more!
Nice to meet you! I hope I am able to get to know you better in the near future!
For more info, read below the cut!
I am a selfshipper / yumejoshi and I am very open about this! I do not mind interacting with people who are not so feel free to interact with me either way (may it be posts, tags, dms or the askbox)! But if you do not feel comfortable with this fact, I suggest that you avoid this blog altogether since I share and post about this stuff a lot!
I love to write and talk about writing! Writing is my passion! I've been doing it for over a decade now! If you need advice, I'm ready to help! Also feel free to tag me in any of your writing! I'd love to read it! I'm still not sure to reblog some stuff or not. Give me a head's up if it's ok to reblog your stuff!
I experiment with my writing. While most of it is sfw and rather light hearted, I can and will write about darker themes sometimes! These posts receive a content warning however and I have a tag available in my tag list so you can filter that stuff. 
I am primarily an OC/Canon shipper and I will gush and write about these ships a lot! I also multiship in that regard!
I am not a single fandom blog! Though I have a primary interest which can change. My current primary interest right now is Hypnosis Mic.
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General Tag List
#Nimue’s Whispers – Personal thoughts or headcanons
#Nimue's Lake – My written works
#Deep Waters – Written works dealing with heavier topics. I recommend blocking this tag if you wish to not see any of it!
#Waves – Answered Asks
My creative works
Nimue's Library (#Nimue's Lake)
Nimue's Dark Corner (#Deep Waters)
Nimue's Sketchbook (#Nimue's Sketchbook)
Fandom List
These are only a select few of many which mean a lot to me. Those marked bold are my current fixations.
Ensemble Stars
Hypnosis Mic
Bungo Stray Dogs
The World Ends With You
Fire Emblem
Obey Me!
Project Sekai: Colorful Stage 
Touken Ranbu
Honkai Star Rail
Fate/Grand Order
Kid Icarus
Osomatsu series (Kun & San)
Genshin Impact
These are just some of my interests! I am enjoying many more fandoms! If you want to know if I am part of a specific one, ask!
Selfship Stuff
Overhaul? Yes. But I try to be a bit more careful with f/os nowadays so a lot are pending. I mainly focus on Ensemble Stars and Hypnosis Mic tho, so expect me to gush about them the most. I mostly post about Fling Posse at the moment. I love all of my f/os though!
"Shipped with s/i" means that I ship them with my s/i but I do not consider them f/os! I just enjoy the ship dynamics. Thus these ships are not personal to me by any means and I would not rank them as my partners due to a lack of feelings for them.
There are also a few f/os who are a bit complicated due to past circumstances (I rather not talk about it). Once I recovered and sorted my feelings I add them to the other rows especially Romani Archaman, I love him so much and want to decleare him my boyfriend again you have no idea... However long that will be. I love them though and plan to add and gush about them eventually once I moved on from the situation! I just don't know when that will be...
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Iffy sharing Fling Posse (Ramuda, Gentaro, Dice), Henry (FE) and Blaze romantically (except with my friends). I will not block you but I might block your tag (if possible) or not follow back and/or interact with your posts (related to that f/o) if possible. I will also do it if we share f/os you feel uncomfortable sharing with. If I miss it though, I apologize. Just notify me if I do! If I follow you first (or reblogged something from you before) or if we already know each other from another platform, we are good though. I'm fine sharing everyone else though!
My top secret f/os are f/os I keep a secret for own reasons and at most I will vague post about them in public (if ever). I talk about them in private though and publish fanfics about them elsewhere. There is a chance I open up about them one day but no gurantee (I doubt it matters since none of them are f/os I often write about as of now). I am fine sharing them though!
Ramuda Amemura - 15th November
Gentaro Yumeno - 22nd November
Dice Arisugawa - 23rd November
Ritsu Sakuma – 27th June
Rinne Amagi - 11th August
Izumi Sena - 24th September
Hokuto Hidaka – TBD (confession to be written)
Leo Tsukinaga - TBD (confession to be written)
Blaze - TBD (confession to be written) (sharing with a friend)
Henry - 25th May
Arataki Itto - TBD (confession to be written)
A list for my platonic f/os can be found here! Sharing is aok!
My main OC (S/I) for Ensemble Stars
Hypnosis Mic S/I
Bungou Stray Dogs S/I
S/I in Arknights (coming soon)
S/I in Fire Emblem Awakening
Etsuko Amata (Genshin Impact Version) (coming soon) (shipped with Itto)
Fling Posse Selfship / Yumeship Masterlist
Selfship Tags
#Nimue's Beloved – Romantic F/O Stuff
#Nimue's Family – Familial F/O Stuff
#Nimue's Besties – Other Platonic F/O Stuff
#Ritsann – Ship collection for Ritsu/Ann
#Ramuann - Ship collection for Ramuda/Ann
#Gennann - Ship collection for Gentaro/Ann
#Diceann - Ship collection for Dice/Ann
#Hokkann – Ship collection for Hokuto/Ann
#Rinnann - Ship collection for Rinne/Ann
#Izuann - Ship collection for Izumi/Ann
#Leoann - Ship collection for Leo/Ann
#Ittsuko - Ship collection for Itto/Etsuko
More coming soon
Other OCs & Ships
That won't mean that I do not ship any other OC/Canon stuff. I do actually and am still doing so. I also just love writing and creating characters as a whole.
Etsuko Koge (Enstars Version)
Karl Wolff (Ensemble Stars)
Oriko Himejima (Ensemble Stars)
Anneth (Kid Icarus Uprising)
Iris (Kid Icarus Uprising) (coming soon)
Nikke (Kid Icarus Uprising) (coming soon)
#Madoriko – Ship collection for Madara/Oriko
#Natsann - Ship collection for Natsume/Ann
#Juann - Ship collection for Jun/Ann
more to be added… 
Discord Stuff
Another way to reach me is Discord (it is usually easier tbh, I will check DMs there more often and am often online). The name is e_v_e_ (Eve)
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Discord Profile at the moment (that is me)
Also running a (somewhat active) selfship server! Feel free to join us! Invite here!
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DNI if…
you are here to start drama or talk about drama. I will be honest, hearing about any type of drama can stress me out and I prefer avoiding it here if possible. I myself will never talk about drama either, no matter what it is! Also, please do not involve me in any drama! 
you have a problem with content involving OCs and self inserts, leave! This includes OC x Canon + S/I x Canon content as well!
you are…
A racist
A bigot
A transphobe
A p*dophile / MAP
Other Blogs
@lake-archive - Overall writing
@astral-express-conductors - HSR Fanblog (18+)
@nimue-at-night - 18+ Blog
@crew-catz - Hypnosis Mic Fanblog (OC focus)
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canonrpfinder · 5 months
Hello there!! I am 20+ and I ask that you also be 20+ to interact as well! While I am NOT looking for smut or NSFW, I am only comfortable and interested in RP with people near my own age. Thank you!
Anyways, onto the ad! Would anyone be interested in a Legend of Zelda RP, specifically for Breath of The Wild/Tears of The Kingdom? I'm primarily looking for a Zelda against my Link! The two of them have my entire heart in BotW+TotK. I adore their dynamics across the two games and would love to do something with the two of them that explores that! If there is another character from BotW/TotK that you'd rather play as instead, feel free to let me know and we can talk about it! I wouldn't mind playing Link against other characters from either game though keep in mind that I am only interested in doing something romantic between Zelda and Link.
Aside from this, I am also interested in playing BotW/TotK!Link against other Links from the other games! I dont have anything too specific in mind for this one yet, I just think it could be fun as well as have potential to be really interesting! I dont have a preference for writing against a specific version of him so feel free to play whichever Link you'd like, if you wanna do that instead!
Now about plots! I greatly enjoy character development (both for the characters involved individually as well as together) and plot driven sort of stuff but I am also just looking for some simple fun and a good time so I'd like for the RP to have a nice balance between being character/plot focused and silly shenanigans! If you have a preference for one or the other or if a plot we come up with leans more towards one side, I dont mind also focusing on one side over the other either. Having something for the characters to work towards even if it is something small just helps me keep interest in the RP!
I have a few loose and simple ideas in mind that we can possibly use as bases to come up with something more solid or we can come up with something else entirely together! I'd like for the both of us to have fun and get something we both want out of the RP so I'd love to be able to talk things out and create something alongside you :D If you have any ideas or anything like that, don't hesitate to let me know either! I'd love to hear and try to work something out from there with you.
My reply length is more on the longer side of things but please don't stress about needing to match that, I'll try my best to match you either way. All I ask for in return is no one liners. My interest fades very quickly with them. I try to aim for atleast one reply a day, this can change depending on the lengths of our replies as well as just free time and stuff like that but in general I try for once a day. I am very laid back with response times as well so please take your time.
I think that's everything! If you have made it this far, thank you so much for reading! This will be on Discord, like this post and I will reach out! Hope you have a good day/night and hope to hear from you soon!
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trainerbede · 5 months
HOPE PLEASE TALK ABOUT P5R I need to know how you feel about akechi at the end yudkdkfk and I'd also just love to hear your thoughts about the game and the characters in general! also, just to make sure, do you know what you need to do to unlock the extra content at the end of the game? otherwise you might miss it.
WAIT WAIT I was answering your other ask and I never saw this one. what. tumblr straight up did not send me an ask notification 😭
CELE AND I DID ACTUALLY FINISH P5R A FEW WEEKS AGO AND I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS, we unlocked all the extra content too, so no worries. somehow on a first try we managed to do most things: every Mementos request, all of the confidants with some free time to spare, and about 80% of the compendium. it'll be hard to put all my thoughts in one post but I'll try and just touch on the main parts!
first of all. Akechi. lmao. I definitely went in expecting to like him, since I've had a lot of mutuals who were very big into shuake from the time I've been into saiou and v3 (I guess they're ship-in-laws of a sort). I wasn't disappointed, because I did like Akechi quite a lot by the end, but I was a bit surprised that he didn't quite give me brainworms the way I expected him to.
if I had to give a character ranking, I think Sumire would be my top fave, followed by Maruki, and then Yusuke. Akechi probably comes right after him, and then I have a harder time ranking the rest (it's probably either Ann or Haru though).
I'm really, really glad we played Royal bc I cannot imagine only playing the original and being satisfied with that. especially when the Shido parts were so frustrating and had some of the weaker writing compared to the rest of the game. the 3rd semester was just such a better way to wrap things up and did a world of good for Akechi's character and fleshing him out a bit.
I really do find the relationship between Akechi and the MC so interesting. like, while I don't think Akechi will ever be quite as high up on my list of characters the way someone like Ouma is, I do think he shines best when it's as a foil for the protagonist. all of that resentment and feeling like things could have been so different if only he'd had the same opportunities or friendships, the whole "two sides of the same coin" thing, I LOVE that sort of thing in my ships. I also really wound up attached to the idea of the royal trio as an ot3 where Sumire and Akechi both just share the MC most of the time, lmao.
everything with the 3rd semester bad ending... I love it so much, those kind of "ideal worlds where something is actually very off and unsatisfying" is right up my alley. I kind of wish the game had gone even further with making the rest of the phantom thieves resist leaving Maruki's world and even getting mad at being told to doubt their own happiness, which was something they apparently touched on in some of the discarded voice files, but then they sadly cut them out and everyone came around pretty easily :(
the main reason I put Yusuke in my top 3 earlier I think is bc he actually gave me more of what I was initially looking for in Akechi's relationship with Shido, but with Madarame instead. I really was expecting the game to touch a lot more on Shido manipulating Akechi or essentially forcing him to become an assassin, you know, really focusing on the whole "kids trapped in their role in society by rotten adults" theme that is so crucial in the game, but there really wasn't... much of that? Shido didn't even know Akechi was his son (other than maybe some suspicions according to his cognitive self, but those didn't ever amount to anything so it's kind of the same) so he barely ever interacted with him outside of an employer-employee context. and Akechi was the one to actually approach him with the idea of murdering people in the Metaverse, so it's like... fkskjdjs agh, everything with Shido just really does frustrate me, I feel like he's got such weak writing but he's also impossible to ignore bc he's such an important part of the game.
meanwhile Yusuke and Madarame's relationship was such a more believably complex picture of abuse and manipulation (it reminded me a lot of Bede and Rose from swsh, lmao). I was actually really shocked at how well everything about the Madarame arc aged; usually Persona games have a few parts of them that don't age well at all, but it was totally the opposite here.
I had kind of gone through the early parts of the game back when it first came out without finishing the whole thing, but I remember thinking at the time that the whole Madarame plagiarism thing felt heavy-handed and too on-the-nose. now, living in an era where topics like art theft and plagiarism and art as nothing more than a soulless means of spitting out money is more relevant than it was 7 years ago... yeah, the Madarame arc just felt surprisingly relevant overall, and Yusuke's conflicting feelings of love and obligation vs. his growing awareness that he's being taken advantage of and seen as a tool was just the icing on top. also his autistic swag. I love him.
as for Sumire and Maruki—the game is so much better for them being in it. Sumire has one of the strongest arcs in any of the 3 "modern" Persona games, not just in 5. I'm usually a firm advocate for "girl they added in the remake game" supremacy (Marie p4g got done so dirty by the fandom and I'll never forgive people, she's a good character), so I was so, so happy that Sumire had such an interesting backstory and complicated relationship with her sister. her identity issues, her struggle with self-confidence, the way she can empathize the best with Maruki's view of the world bc she has also wished to just bury her head in the sand and run away. I love her.
meanwhile Maruki truly is the game's saving grace as an antagonist. Shido was god-awful and Yaldabaoth was, hmm... fine but not quite as interesting or compelling as either Nyx Avatar or (redacted p4 antagonist names bc I don't know if you've played p4 yet), but Maruki wipes the floor with all the other p5 antagonists. his tragic motivations, his fucked-up "I know best" attitude that dismisses human free will and autonomy, I love it. I think something about Maruki altered me and Cele's brains forever, lmao. also the choice to have him as yet another foil to the MC, from their designs (glasses, messy hair, sort of slouched/nondescript posture) to their inability to leave someone in trouble alone without helping them... it's just so interesting. I love you Takuto Maruki you messed-up man with a savior complex.
ANYWAY these were most of my thoughts 😭 I could go on and on even more but I've already rambled a lot! I'm still so mad Tumblr never sent me the message notif for this, I just looked back at my inbox after answering the other one and I was like. WHAT. at some point I really should talk about all my thoughts on the other main phantom thieves too but there are so many of them and I've already written so much fksjsksjsj
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findyourrp · 7 months
🗡🛡Hello there!! I am 20+ and I ask that you also be 20+ to interact as well! While I am NOT looking for smut or NSFW, I am only comfortable and interested in RP with people near my own age. Thank you!
Anyways, onto the ad! This will probably be a long shot but I figured it wouldn't hurt to take the chance anyways. Would anyone be interested in a Legend of Zelda RP, specifically for Breath of The Wild/Tears of The Kingdom? I'm primarily looking for someone to play Zelda against my Link! The two of them have my entire heart in BotW+TotK. I adore their dynamics across the two games and would love to do something with the two of them that explores that! If there is another character from BotW/TotK that you'd rather play as instead, feel free to let me know and we can talk about it! I wouldn't mind playing Link against other characters from either game though keep in mind that I am only interested in doing something romantic between Zelda and Link.
Aside from this, I am also interested in playing BotW/TotK!Link against other Links from the other games! I dont have anything too specific in mind for this one yet, I just think it could be fun as well as have potential to be really interesting! I dont have a preference for writing against a specific version of him so feel free to play whichever Link you'd like, if you wanna do that instead!
Now about plots! I greatly enjoy character development (both for the characters involved individually as well as together) and plot driven sort of stuff but I am also just looking for some simple fun and a good time so I'd like for the RP to have a nice balance between being character/plot focused and silly shenanigans! If you have a preference for one or the other or if a plot we come up with leans more towards one side, I dont mind also focusing on one side over the other either. Having something for the characters to work towards even if it is something small just helps me keep interest in the RP!
I have a few loose and simple ideas in mind that we can possibly use as bases to come up with something more solid or we can come up with something else entirely together! I'd like for the both of us to have fun and get something we both want out of the RP so I'd love to be able to talk things out and create something alongside you :D If you have any ideas or anything like that, don't hesitate to let me know either! I'd love to hear and try to work something out from there with you.
My reply length is more on the longer side of things but please don't stress about needing to match that, I'll try my best to match you either way. All I ask for in return is no one liners. My interest fades very quickly with them. I try to aim for atleast one reply a day, this can change depending on the lengths of our replies as well as just free time and stuff like that but in general I try for once a day. I am very laid back with response times as well so please take your time.
I think that's everything! If you have made it this far, thank you so much for reading! This will be on Discord, like this post and I will reach out! Hope you have a good day/night and hope to hear from you soon!
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akai-anna · 8 months
Hiya! I'm sure you're already aware, but since your DCMK gift giver dropped out, your gift giver has been switched to me :D How are you doing today?
I have to say, all the platonic relationships you listed out on your form really called to my heart (like the sakura trio, detective boys, mouri family unit, etc etc)! All of those characters are super near and dear to me, and I love seeing them interact ^_^ I noticed you seemed to especially like Vermouth as well--- what do you think of her character? I just think she's like, really cool whenever she appears on screen hehe
Also, I just saw your recent post about the new spy x family chapter--- I'm glad that other people were getting major Detective Conan vibes too, it was so cute! I'm not sure if you're interested in detco fanfiction, but it really reminded me of this really good SpyFam x Detco crossover fic on AO3 called 'Forged', by HikariAA. If Anya was a detective, murder cases would get solved much quicker, wouldn't they?
(In addition, forgive me for snooping through your blog, but I just wanted to ask about how your darling dog is doing now--- the one you mentioned in your other DCMK anon ask. You don't have to answer, of course! Regardless, all the best wishes to you and her.)
Hope you have a great day, and I'm looking forward to working on your gift ^_^ !
Yes, I've been notified of the change, and thus welcome thee, with great enthusiasm! Thank you so much for accepting to be my gift giver so late in the event. *bows*
Thank you, I'm doing well today so far. A bit apprehensive, since I have an interview today, but I'll try to make the most of it. And once I get home I hope to get a few things done that I've been meaning to (but got distracted from gkjnfjkbn). And let me throw back the question at you: how are you doing yourself, lovely? Also, I would like to hear more about what you like about DCMK! Pehaps you could tell me something that you cherish a lot yet feel you don't see enough appreciation for?
A PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP ENTHUSIAST!!! And gosh, I agree so much, THEY ARE SO PRECIOUS, and they are the reason I'm stuck in DCMK. (I am digging myself deeper and deeper into this hole, and enjoying it.) I live for their interactions, be it in fanworks or canon. And you are 100% right: I adore Vermouth! (As I gushed about that in this particular ask, gosh.) But in short: I love how she is a morally grey. The way she can kill and deceive without batting an eye, being very competent too, only to have her 2 little treasures whom she would protect with everything she has, meaning her own life too? I love her. I love her SO MUCH. It's such a shame she appears so little, NOW THAT IS THE CRIME!!! I'd love to see more of her (WHERE IS MY VERMOUTH BACKSTORY- *GETS HIT*)
SPY X FAMILY IS ALSO PRECIOUS TO ME (THE MOST ADORABLE FAKE/FOUND FAMILY EVER, MY HEART), and to see the reference to DetCo in the most recent chapter? My heart absolutely MELTED, to witness two of my eternal favourites fused together. AND I'M VERY INTERESTED IN FANFICTION (in general and for DetCo too), YES, YES, YES. In fact, no day passes without reading a bit of fanfiction, since I tend to read between the time I go to bed and fall asleep. AND I HAVEN'T HEARD OF THAT FIC BUT I'M VERY EXCITED TO CHECK IT OUT NOW!!! (I love recs, I ADORE RECS.) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! And yes *laughs* Anya would be a great help for sure!
And snooping is more than welcome, feel free to do so in the future, if you want to! AND THANK YOU, fortunately she is doing SO MUCH BETTER, she is not yet fully healed (liver needs lots of time to regenerate), but she is eating with gusto (very good sign) and is more enthusiastic and active (also very good sign)! We are due for a check up in a few weeks, to see if all the medication worked as it should. I forgot to take pictures of her, but have these fairly recent ones (right after she started feeling better) as a treat, of my lil darling. (You have no idea how happy I am to still have her with me, BABY DARLING.)
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silver-heller · 2 years
Huh, there's a letter...🔞
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Read my General Carrd or AU Carrd for info on my F/Os and S/Is. All F/Os can be shared!
My Fanfic Writing // Ao3 // Promo // Lackadaisy AU Timeline
Profile Pic
NO MINORS PLEASE, THANK YOU! MY NSFW blog is heatedmetalheart.
Please practice reblog karma! If you reblog a game from me, send something in. It's rude otherwise and you'll end up blocked.
I often self ship with villains or morally grey characters. If this makes you uncomfortable, this may not be the blog for you! I also have very little care for canon. I am a part of a system and may talk about this from time to time. This is a system and plural safe blog!
I also have the shittiest memory in the wild west. So I apologize in advance if I leave a reblog in my drafts, start F/Oing a character and forget a mutual of mine already does and isn't comfortable with that (just block my silly ass), reblog or post something twice, use the wrongs words, and you get the picture. Please be polite over this, I genuinely don't find people poking fun at this amusing.
Homophobes, transphobes, racists, bigots of any kind, exclusionists, and those who ship adults with minors, or incest (or support people that do). If you hate self diagnosis, you are not welcome here!
This is a safe place for other systems, however, keep in mind you are not the only one who has to take care of their mental health. No, it is not our responsibility to put up with anything your system puts us through. We sympathize with having difficult headmates, and we don't blame others for what their headmates do. However, refusing or failing to deal with problematic members shows this is not the right space for us, and we will block you to protect our system members. Please understand this is for our own safety. A headmate being abusive towards one of my headmates will be taken as seriously as if the host was abusive to myself, period.
And look, I'm gonna be real with you, there's some parts of fandom culture I loathe and will avoid like the plague. This includes;
Headcanon/fanon pushing
The idea of "fandom leaders" that know it all.
Huge media predictions/the creator said this! I want to see it, not hear about it. Especially with F/O deaths, which I am sensitive to.
I pretty much block anyone that makes me uncomfy and to keep track of blogs whose information I read, but didn't want to/couldn't follow. Aka, I do so liberally, so don't take it personally.
💘About Me💘
I'm 21, he/him, and this is an 18+ blog. You can call me Nightmares, if you'd like! In my free time I enjoy fanboying, writing, listening to music, reading, playing video games, and watching YouTube videos. My favorite media is movies and anime, but my favorite genre is probably either horror or romance.
My inbox is always open for general chatting, either about your interests or your F/Os or S/Is. Seriously, feel free to hit me up anytime, I'm shy, but I really do like discussing this stuff with you.
If Discord is preferable, just let me know. I'd prefer to have interacted with you a bit first, though.
[Everything is safe to reblog unless I have turned that feature off. Keep in mind older posts may not have had this in mind.]
Old Pinned Post
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lvcifvr · 1 year
Like, I'm technically bisexual
I'm so fucking gay.
Boys <3 (Feel free to read below, I just didn't want to clog up dashboards with a long ass post with my bullshit rambling lmao)
This is why I don't refer to myself as pan bc, yeah, I can be attracted to anyone, regardless of gender or presentation or anything,
but I've always been more attracted to guys.
Before I figured out I was trans, I knew I was queer somehow but the way I felt about guys didn't feel "straight".
I didn't feel like a girl who liked guys.
And that was hella confusing for a long time until I came across trans stuff online and started reading up and whatnot.
And then, I came out as a gay trans guy, which was perfect for a long while honestly,
but then I realized that I can be attracted to / have feelings for more than just guys so I thought maybe I was pansexual.
Ngl, I wanted to be pansexual because I felt that being bisexual was... looked down on? I guess.
For being "non-inclusive".
When pansexual first started becoming big, it was posed as being attracted to others regardless of gender and bisexual was attraction to guys and to girls. So I called myself pansexual for a while before I realized it wasn't right for me at all because I was so rarely attracted to people who weren't guys. So I went back to gay for a long long time until I forced myself to recognize my rare attraction to women and my attraction to butch / masc identified people who weren't guys.
I started confidently identifying as bisexual when I was around 27 years old, which was three years ago. And now I can very very confidently say that, although I AM bisexual, my attraction leans extremely heavily toward guys and that it is incredibly rare for me to be actually interested in anyone else. I can think a woman is hot but I'm not interested in dating a woman. At least, not right now. If I meet a woman who does click with me and draws me in, I'd for sure be open to being together, of course. I also find myself not really interested in sex? I've been thinking I'm on the asexual spectrum for a long time, honestly. My love languages are physical affection and spending time together and, though I do enjoy reading queer romance that involves sexual themes and sex (very much honestly!), if I think about myself being in those situations, it doesn't really do anything for me? It might be because I'm a virgin at the age of 30 or it might just be because I haven't met the right person OR I AM on the ace spectrum. I do find myself very sensual though. I ache to be held and to hold someone, to kiss them and cup their face in my hands, to lay on each other and to hear each other's breathing and heartbeats. Long, languid make outs and hand holding, being intimate. I adore all of it and I ache so so much for it that I cry sometimes lmao. But, sex? I don't know. It might also have to do with my dysphoria and body dysmorphic disorder, seeing as how I see myself as disgusting and I wouldn't want a partner to interact with my chest or anything lmao. So, maybe some day. I want top surgery for sure, but I'm still on the line between wanting to start T and not wanting to due to how the cis men in my family look. I'm already pretty androgynous and my body is husky. I don't want to lose my hair like the other men in my family and I don't want to get even more "masc" looking. I want to be a pretty, slightly masculine looking guy. And I also do not like being called a "man" because that's not me. I also have trauma related to men so there's that as well. I honestly don't know why I'm typing this all out, but it feels... Nice, to do so, I guess. I think I'm just lonely. 30 years old, no non-long distance relationships because I live in a still very-Conservative state. I'm a disabled bisexual trans guy who prefers guys. I don't have the energy to really go out and meet other queers because of my disability and my job sucking up all of my energy. I definitely don't hide the fact that I'm queer, it's pretty obvious lmao. I wear a pin at work with one half being the bi flag and the other being the demiguy flag with my name and "he/him" pronouns on it. I talk openly about being queer. I don't hide it, I just don't really make it a "thing", if that makes sense? But I'm just so achingly lonely. And I'm afraid that I'm going to die alone. I just... I have so, so much love to give. And I think I deserve to get some myself, y'know?
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cloudwhisper23 · 1 year
I've been wondering, do you have any ocs (other than fnaf ocs)? I've never seen you talk about them, do you have an orignal story that involves them? If so, do you have a favourite oc? I'd love to hear about them :0 (If you don't have any ocs, feel free to ignore this, I just assumed so because of the post you recently reblogged, haha TTwTT)
I do have a bunch of other ocs outside of fnaf! I'm just so deep in fnaf brainrot right now that I've probably only ever mentioned my other ocs like once or twice ever on this blog, but rest assured, they do exist
Currently I have three original stories in the making; each with their own set of wonderful characters. I have a somewhat dystopian story that has two main characters named Hunter and Trixx. Hunter is basically an assassin, and she only does it in order to protect her younger brother. Her reputation keeps them safe and all that. Trixx is really good at reading people. Or rather, he got good at reading people after his family was betrayed, leaving him to assume his entire family is dead. Despite the betrayals he's had in the past, Trixx is very reliable to those he considers trustworthy. The story itself centralizes around Hunter's younger brother getting kidnapped. She and Trixx team up to rescue him.
The second big story I have involves a somewhat realistic scenario. It exists more to help me practice normal interactions, while also helping me practice my restraint (because Lord knows how bad I am at not killing off characters). It focuses on four main characters: Max, Dakota, Coraline, and Sam. Max is the legal guardian of Dakota and Caroline (twin sisters), and he finds Sam out in the rain one day and just brings him home. It's hard to explain in a more general post like this, but I might be able to find my old notes somewhere and just post them on Tumblr at some point. The main storyline is mostly Sam trying to figure out where he fits into the world, without the pressures his parents kept trying to place on him. Sam ran away from home and was homeless until Max and his family took him in.
The third story hasn't had much proper work done to it yet. It's a science-fiction sort of thing, with a mix of fantasy thrown in there. The main character is an alien from another planet just trying to learn more about the planet he landed on. Problem is, one of the species that lives there does not trust the idea of aliens (human parallel, since we never tend to like unexpected new things). He ends up spending time in the forest with nymphs, and this whole situation starts a war. The main ocs from this one are Peregrine and Amaya. Peregrine being the alien explorer who now needs to find a way home, and Amaya being the main guide who helps him survive his experiences on the unfamiliar planet.
I am very much one to pick favorites when it comes to characters, especially when creating a new story. I'd say Trixx, Sam, and Amaya are my favorites from the aforementioned stories above, so I'll try to go more in-depth about them.
Trixx is not actually named Trixx. He determined rather quickly after his older sister Kristen was kidnapped (and is now presumed dead), that knowing something that intimate is dangerous. Trixx is actually named James. He decided on the name Trixx as an alias, so that the main gang controlling the city wouldn't realize he was the same kid whose older sister was a member of a rebellion of sorts. He worked hard on his ability to pick up on tiny gestures and expressions people would make in conversation, learning to read people like open books. Trixx uses this skill in his chosen field, selling information and secrets to anyone interested in the information. He develops a fondness for Hunter when she starts using him consistently as a source for information, and the fact that she never tries to cheat him doesn't hurt either. Trixx is sometimes known to outright lie about information if he believes he's being manipulated or scammed, so people do their best to stay in his good graces. Even then, he knows how to read their body language, and he'll end up scraping information out of the people he's selling information to.
Sam is the younger of two children. His mother is a well-off dentist, and his father is a high-paid lawyer. His older sister Emma is a doctor, and his family expects him to follow in their footsteps. Sam does not know what he wants to do with his life. He's used to all these expectations, so he tries different activities. Sam learns to cook, draw, play the guitar, sing, act, and all sorts of different skills. None of these are things that his parents believe he should continue doing in a career, however. So, a few days after he turns 18, Sam packs up some of his things and runs away. He ends up on the streets, avoiding everyone he possibly can. His parents have reported him missing, and Sam does not want to be trapped into a life he doesn't want, so he hides, eventually making his way out of the city and finding his way somewhere else. After a run-in with a thief, Sam meets Max, who offers him a place to stay after covering for him with the police. Sam tries to leave several times before realizing that he's better off with Max and his sisters. They don't have high expectations from him, and he already helps them so much with his wide range of skills and knowledge. He doesn't realize it right away, but he's meant for a career in family life, which is why nothing seemed to click before.
Amaya is a water nymph. Her whole existence comes with a multitude of expectations. Amaya's species reproduces asexually, meaning she's essentially a little copy of her mother. Her mother trained her to hone her various abilities, and now Amaya is expected to balance human relations along with all of her usual responsibilities in the village. She makes rain fall, calling thunderstorms on occasion, and sometimes she's called in on request to manipulate the weather for certain days of the year. Her priorities as a water nymph mean that she cannot travel very far. Little nymph villages are sprinkled all over the planet, and if she leaves to explore, it means all the expectations are fully placed on her mother. So, until Peregrine arrives, Amaya has not experienced the world at all. Of course, when the humans find out that they're harboring an alien, all their peace agreements go out the window, and suddenly Amaya is on her own, stuck with adventuring, despite knowing nothing about it.
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animeomegas · 2 years
ahh youre so good at character and world building!! if your ocs were in a show id watch it 10/10🤧
do you have any tips on that? ive been wanting to start a blog surrounding ocs and things like that but creating anything beyond personality is so hard😭💔
thank you for sharing your ocs with us btw! theyre so interesting i would commit various acts of violence for both hadrian and matthew
Aww, thank you so much!! That makes me so happy to hear ♥♥♥ Hadrian and Matthew are both so dear to my heart, so I'm glad they have people to protect them hehe.
Why don't I tell you my process for writing OCs and their stories? Hopefully something in my process will be able to help you! And if you do ever start the blog, let me know, I'd love to see it <33
So, here is how I make the original stories and characters:
One: Setting
I always start with the setting I want. Something I like, something interesting! For the sake of this list, I'm going to use an example that I'll write on the fly so you can see how it works.
So, let's go with a magical university! A secretive and incredibly prestigious and hard to get into magical university.
Two: The love interest
Next I choose a love interest that fits with the setting, I don't worry about plot yet! Feel free to rely on tropes and character archetypes here because you'll be adding more depth to the love interest later.
So, who fits the vibes of a magical university. Let's say a prodigy third year! He's aloof, cold and arrogant, not to mention wickedly smart. Those are the basics we start with.
Three: The MC
Now, we think about who could get close to someone like this? I picked someone very prickly and cold who isn't going to be open to much conversation, so how do I make an MC who will be in a situation to force interaction?
He ignores the other students, so she can't be a student and a teacher would be immoral and weird, so who is she?
What about a journalist who specialises in magical theory but can't do magic themselves? The university is allowing one journalist behind their doors for the first time in forever to report on the inside of the university and demystify it a little. They pair her up with their prodigy student to shadow his lessons and get an idea of life there through the eyes of their best student. She has to interview and shadow him, so they have to interact! Done!
Four: Ask a random question
Next, I ask a random question that sticks out to me from the premise and use it to start crafting my plot.
The question that sticks out to me here, is why was the MC picked to do this incredibly important and ground breaking role? Yes, she's talented at magical theory, but there must be people older and more experienced who can do the same?
Now, I answer to question:
The university specifically wanted someone young. They wanted someone at the beginning of their career that they could easily silence if they tried to expose secrets or frame the university in a way they didn't like. They also wanted someone who would be more easily intimidated into following the rules they set and bowing to the wants of the university and figured someone young would be more likely to be like that.
Five: Follow on questions
Now I expand on that question. Why are they opening their doors at all then? And why are they so obsessed with the image they're portraying?
Well, they want a good public opinion on them. People are wary of them, despite respecting the prestige, so they want people to think more positively of them while still maintaining the healthy respect. Why?
What if there was a secret faction to the university that held a good chunk of the upper staff and post graduate students? What if they were so arrogant that they thought they should be the ones running the country? What if they wanted to stage a coup, and this was their method of making the common people more receptive to them to lessen their fight?
Six: The plot
So, what we have here then, is a secretive and elite magical university which is trying to humanise themselves by opening up information to the public for the first time, but is doing so in a heavily controlled and paranoid way. There is a powerful secret society hoping to stage a coup, comprised of some of the most brilliant magical minds in the world, including many teachers and post-graduate students.
MC and the aloof but brilliant third year start to uncover the secret together because MC asks all the right questions as a journalist and the aloof student can never leave a question unanswered.
Boom, there is your over arching plot!
Seven: The bullet point list
Then I just make a bullet list of random thoughts I have to flesh it out, like this:
Student was going to be poached next year after he joined the master's programme. He was important to their cause and they are unhappy that he's pulling away and interacting with an outsider.
The story is told in a combination of normal prose, the articles that the journalist is writing, and the student's diary entries.
Most students look down on the journalist because she can't do magic, but she is so good at magical theory, she rivals the prodigy.
There's a teacher that was thought to be trustworthy, but actually isn't and is a big believer of overthrowing the government and allowing magical people to rule at the top where he thinks they belong.
Etc. etc. etc.
Then, by the end, I have enough of a fleshed out story to pick a scene and write it! While I write that scene, I try to flesh out the characters and their backstories, but you said you were okay with personality, so I'll leave that bit to you!! But feel free to ask any more questions if you want to know how I design backstories and personality x
I hope that helped in some way!! If you ever want to bounce some ideas off me, I'm more than happy for you to do so, either through my inbox or in my dms! I have been told that I am very good as a soundboard for plot writing haha.
Have a good day, anon!!
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