#also he could always commit more arson
robynator · 5 months
it would be fun if it turns out amc!louis did actually eat the baby. it took him an awful long time to deny that and i would not put it past him to lie to make himself look better in that situation (which he is more than willing to do)
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koolaidoverwriting · 2 months
Hii! Could I request some general dating head canons for Toby?
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CHARACTERS: Ticci Toby, Gender Neutral Reader
A little late, sorry! I did include the waffles joke. I will never exclude the waffles joke.
CW: It's All Fluff, He's Socially Awkward and Cute, Mentions of Childhood Abuse
Toby was born into a life of violence; he's been exposed to it, been a victim of it, and he's committed it himself. You, along with his colleagues, are an escape from the raw and harrowing reality of his life. You are the person he holds at night, whispering to you how you make him better — how you two complete each other.
He vows to never treat you like his father treated his mother. He wants to keep you happy and satisfied, doing everything he can to provide you support But, he's insecure about the relationship and will often ask you for reassurance.
He's overly affectionate. Toby will want to spend a lot of time with you. You go on a date at least once a week — even if it's something small like watching a movie together in the living room. He's also real touchy, holding your hand whenever he can, caressing your skin just to feel your warmth, and giving you small kisses over your body that make you all bubbly.
There's gonna be some biting involved between you two. Playful little nips on your collar. Toby sees biting as a form of love, but he'll stop if you ask him to. He just likes hearing your flustered laughs.
Sharing clothes is a huge yes. Toby thinks you look adorable wearing his t–shirt or hoodie. In the winter time, he'll be sure to pass you his coat — even if you're already wearing one; he wants you to be warm! "My goggles look so funny on you!" he jokes all the time.
If you make him waffles for breakfast (or for any meal, really), he'll be overjoyed. He has his own waffle–maker collection and will absolutely look at waffle–makers on Amazon with you.
Toby got hurt a lot. He couldn't feel the pain, so he often joked about it. Now that he's with you, and he's seen how worried you get, he's started to take care of himself more. Toby's new–found self preservation is shocking to the other proxies, but to you it's sweet.
Toby likes playing with fire. Hell, he'd have the greatest time committing arson with you if it wouldn't endanger your life. On cozy nights, you may go to the backyard, start a bonfire and burn random stuff. He claims the stuff was found in the cellar; but you've definitely seen these items in Jeff's bedroom... Maybe that's why they have such a rivalry.
Toby's gallery has an album dedicated to you. Pictures of you he's taken; the selfies you've sent to him; pictures of you two. Toby loves it all! He's the type to spam your messages with compliments after you send a picture of yourself.
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!!! toby having a waffle–maker collection is such a funny idea to me and only me i am so sorry guys. i love him though. fun guy. i definitely think he's a jokester type too. always cracking puns and joking about him getting hurt when it's not funny at all... then apologising when he sees your concern.
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naddiesflower · 1 year
Flirting with them as a hero
Characters: Shigaraki, Dabi, Kai Chisaki, Mr. Compress
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You wouldn’t see each other often when you’d go out on patrols
But oh boy, when you did
Poor shigaraki bro
To a person who didn’t know either of you, it would like you are the one harassing shigaraki
“Can’t you go do hero stuff somewhere else?”
“I could, but i wouldn’t be able to see you.”
Scratches his neck more often in your presence because, “they make me feel nasty inside”
It’s obvious you can’t see what he looks like under the hand he wears
And Shigaraki has curiously inquired a couple of times why you’re so flirty if you don’t know what he even looks like
Like clock work you always answer:
“Well i think you probably look cute under that hand.”
And cue Shigaraki trying to escape from you claiming that
“You’re weird and annoying.”
You’re one of the few heroes who come across Shigaraki so often
Its because he finds you so interesting and he semi-memorized your patrol schedule to bump into you more often 
Anyways, during one of your guys fight you somehow manage to knock the hand off his face and-
Oh wow
And he has a mole right by his mouth?? 
Omg how does he look good with a bloody nose
You recover from your short trance
“Looks like i was right about you being cute.”
You’re so glad you were able to knock off that bothersome hand off his face or else you would have never seen his reddening cheeks
You reach for a part on your hero suit and rip off a piece of fabric
You reach towards his face, Shigaraki surprisingly doesnt pull away from you, and wipe at his bleeding nose
Shigaraki only stares at you starstruck during this
After you deem your work satisfactory you toss the fabric to the floor and stand up and walk away 
You call out to Shigaraki
“That was a cute look on your face back there.”
Shigaraki just watches you walk away and out of the abandoned warehouse you guys were fighting in
Eventually he also walks away but not before picking up the discarded piece of your hero outfit, making sure he kept his pinky far away from the fabric
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Likes you cuz you’re not the cookie cutter type of hero and you’re actually fun
“A hot guy with a fire quirk, i don’t think it’s mere coincidence.”
You catch him off guard so hard 
He thought you would be an uptight kind of hero
The last thing he ever expected from you was to flirt with him
“You seem fun.”
And you did end up being fun
From then on the both of you would bump into each other more frequently
Dabi concluded that the more buildings he burned down, the more you would show up 🤭
“Why is it that your always on my tail?”
“Well maybe it’s because i want to see your face more often…also because you keep committing arson.”
Another thought that came to you is that fire really did suit Dabi
You would never admit out loud, but he did make chaos look like such a beautiful thing
“Hey what do you say, when i finally send you to the cellar how about we have a jailhouse date?”
“It’s a shame you’re a hero or else i would take you up on your offer”
Over time you’ve come to notice his disdain for heroes
Yeah villains normally hate heroes, but something was different about his hatred
But even with your position as a hero, Dabi was fond of you despite objecting this himself
“Join us, i’m sure we could offer you more than those crappy hero agencies.”
You pause and Dabi thinks for a second you might really consider his offer
But you murmur something he barely catches
“Maybe at an earlier point of my life i would have.”
You don't give him a chance to ponder on your statement before you’re charging to fight him
Something about that last encounter shifted something in yalls situationship
This was very evident when you had bumped into him in the most unexpected way
You were off duty and was walking down an abandoned alley way (because that’s totally normal)
But the sound of pained groans catch your attention and you snap quickly into hero mode, looking for what you assumed to be an injured samaritan
the injured part you guessed correctly
the Samaritan part not so much 
you stare at the bloodied form of Dabi huddled next to a garbage bin
Dabi finally takes notice of your presence and he immediately starts trying to burn you
"HEY! look im not going to hurt you!"
you bring your hands up in a surrender motion
Dabi only stops when he's aware that you're out of your hero uniform 
but he's still wary as he sneers at you
"You here to take advantage of me? finally put me behind bars like you wanted?"
"Shut up and let me help you asshole"
Dabi has no choice in the matter as you're already tending to his wounds
and quite frankly he's too tired to fight you
he stares at you and he can't help but think how much more attractive you looked up close 
and how stupid you were
You could have taken advantage of him in his weak time
But you’re here helping him
a villain
“Your kindness will be your downfall you know?”
“It is my job you know.”
when you're done you stand up with a huff and look like you want to say something but settle with
"go to a real doctor and get that thoroughly checked out."
Dabi watches you walk away and thinks
In another time maybe the both of you could have been partners in crime
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Absolutely despises you at first
He’s never seen a hero like you before (derogatory)
The first time you both met was during an undercover mission you were assigned to
Acting as a villain trying to work under Kai
You lead him down the alley way
“Sorry we had to meet in this dingy place, i’ve heard how much you despise dirty places.”
He’s almost impressed that you’d consider his ick
Almost, so the most he offers you is an acknowledging grunt
“It’s not the worst i’ve seen.”
And it truly isn’t
Just when he thinks people can’t any nastier they just somehow do
“Alright so what do you say about my proposition?”
Kai feigns thinking
He already knew who you were
And he thought you an idiot for trying to take him on your own
“I think you’re foolish.”
You hear your hero name being called through the earpiece you have
“You need to retreat right now!”
Thankfully your reflexes are fast or else you’d be reduced to nothing
You look up to where you were once standing and catch Kai’s eyes
They catch you off guard so hard you can barely hear the yelling in your ear piece
You just blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind
“Kai you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen.”
“Another word and i’ll make you disappear”
“Not even when it’s singing your praises?”
“Sing them in the afterlife.”
Kai was never able to disintegrate you
And you got away mostly unscathed
You also got a serious tongue lashing from your company, but it’s whatever 🙄
His eyes still on your mind when you go to sleep that night
Kai’s mind is also plagued by that night 
He can’t stop thinking how idiotic you were
But his mind keeps replaying the compliment you said
He’s not great at feelings, but even he could feel the sincerity that oozed from your voice
He doesn't have to imagine about you often though
Because somehow you’re always able to sneak your way inside the hideout
He theorizes it has something to do with your quirk, since it was never explicitly stated to the public what it was
Which leads to a kind of back and forth between you guys
You usually sneak in to gather intel
But you mostly do it because you like to mess with Kai
You’ll never forget the time you had managed to get into his office
Which you weren’t aware of at the time until he walked, wide eyed upon seeing you
He’s not surprised to see you, only disappointed
Mostly in his men for letting you get past them
“What are you doing in my office?”
“Oh wow, no bird mask-? Wait, this is your office?”
You say as you spin around in his chair, you had just entered into the first room that you came across
A sly smile crosses your face
“I guess you could say it’s fate that we cross each other like this huh?”
At this point he’s used to your sugary words, but he can’t help the way his cheeks heat up, thankful for the mask he’s wearing right now
He doesn’t know why, but he feels like entertaining your shenanigans 
He walks over to his swivel chair and he can see the way you look at him
With apprehension, but mostly curiosity
He grabs the back of the chair, spins you to face him, and places both of his hands on the arms of the chair
Kai leans in, getting close to your face and manages the most sultry voice he can manage
“Fate? Or is it because you like me so much?”
He notices your expression start to change
And he’s so sure you’re going to be a flustered mess
What he doesn’t expect you do to is to hit him on the chest, effectively pushing him back, and start laughing
“What’s so funny?”
“Hahaha! No nothing- what you did was just cute.”
Honestly what he did made your heart race
And the way he looked at you omg-
Your laughing was out of nervousness, but he didn’t need to know that
Kai glares at you and huff, “get out of my office.”
Finally calming down, you stand up from the chair
“Yeah yeah, i need to get going anyways.”
You walk up to Kai and pull down his black face mask
Kai’s eyes widen and he flinches back the slightest
This causes you you smile a little bit and you lean in to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek
“I knew you would be handsome under that mask.”
With that you walk away from him and out the door all nonchalant
Kai stares at your form the entire way
He would have liked to meet you under different circumstances, but he knows that could never happen
And it never did
He’s apprehended not too long later and you knew it would eventually happen
But that still doesn’t stop the ache in your heart when you find out
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Will flirt back
“Oh you’re fun, you probably wear that mask to keep people from falling in love with you right?”
He immediately matches your energy
“Then should I take it off so you can do just that my dear?”
Compress usually has fun fighting against heroes, but not as much as he does with you
You’re like a breath of fresh air compared to the usually serious heroes he comes across
He looks forward to bumping in to you 
Him flirting back with you was an absolute surprise
It’s not that you flirt with every villain you fight, you had just assumed he would be some being filled to the brim with anger and rage
And you wanted to provoke him
Well he wasn’t one bit provoked and for once you had fun fighting
You both see each other a handful of times afterwards
But one of the meetings had stuck by your mind among the rest
You bump into compress during patrol
But this time he's not alone
He’s with a young blonde girl
You would have immediately thought the worst and jumped into fighting him if you hadn’t already been aware of the kid’s description in the League of Villains files
You can’t help but feel sad about her situation, society failing her and making her turn to unethical means to survive
You’d be sympathazing with her in your mind had she not interrupted your thoughts
And what she says catches you severely off guard
“Is that the hero you have a crush on compress? They’re so cute!”
Not once did her ever say he had a crush on you (though that doesn’t mean it wasn’t true)
He just mentioned your encounters off handedly to the group and it somehow led to Himiko gushing over one of your fansites whilst smacking his arms and saying, “look, look!”
Compress is half expecting you to be disgusted
“Is that so?” You look over to Compress and and raise an eyebrow
“Have you already fallen for me so quickly, though I can’t really blame you.”
You playfully flutter your eyelashes at him
“It would be hard not to fall for you my dear”
Himiko is squealing about how cute the entire thing is and Compress just can’t help but laugh
You begin to walk in their direction and pat Compresses’ shoulder
“Don’t make me work extra tonight.”
They weren’t doing anything yet, so you’d let them be
Before you walk away, Compress pulls a rose from one of his sleeves and hands it to you
You take it from him with a smile and walk away from the pair
Eventually you notice he’s gone for a while 
You would understand if he was making himself scarce from other heroes, but it’s like he straight up disappears
And you’re secretly kind of sad about it
But he was a villain and him disappearing should have never surprised you
But one day you spot him, funnily enough where you both met each other
You thought you might have been hallucinating because you had come to accept that he kicked the bucket
The first thing you notice is his left robotic arm
Concern flashes across your face, that surely had to have been the reason for his absence
Villains also had their own enemies, so you’re 100% it wasn’t some freak accident and someone did this to him 
You want to ask him if he’s okay, joke about it but the only thing that comes out of you is
“Who was it?
He looks at you questioningly, you’re usually so playful with him, but he likes seeing this new side of you
“Worrying over a villain my dear? I must say that’s not a very wise thing to do.”
That’s right, as much as you wanted to worry about him, your job wouldn’t allow that freedom
“I was only wondering who got to the mighty Mr. Compress before I could.”
Compress huffs out a laugh and walks towards you until he’s right in front of you
He takes of his mask
Your breath hitches, not expecting him to ever do such a thing
And then he removes the black fabric from his face
You’re too busy admiring how handsome he is to even notice him reaching for your hand and grabbing it
“Please,” he raises your hand and places a kiss to the back of it. 
“Call me Sako.”
You repeat his name, making sure to look into his eyes the entire time
You knew nothing could bloom between you two, but it wouldn’t hurt to keep playing this dangerous game
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suzukiblu · 4 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for Octopus behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“I mean, unless you’d rather have gotten a tutor or something, I guess, probably Batman could’ve helped me find you a tutor,” Billy says, shrugging a little awkwardly. He used to help other foster kids with their homework a lot, though, and he taught a couple street kids he knew some bits and pieces of stuff, at least. And also–“Wisdom of Solomon, you know? It’s, um, kinda a thing. Anyway, I’m gonna help you with your powers, so it’s the same kind of thing, right? And it’s normal to read to your kids, too.” 
“I don’t need to read to be a weapon,” Lynn mutters, still looking down at Tawky. “Not if I’m being deployed with a team, anyway.” 
. . . Billy thinks maybe he could just go ahead and burn down whatever’s left of Cadmus. Like. Morally, and all. Ethically. Whichever. 
“I’m not helping you with your powers so you can be a weapon,” he says firmly, making himself keep his voice even so Lynn won’t think he’s mad at him. Or, uh–royally fucking pissed at him, more accurately. That’s Cadmus. Like, definitely it’s Cadmus that he’s royally fucking pissed at. “I’m helping you with your powers so you don’t get hurt or accidentally hurt anybody else. Like–so you can use them however you want.” 
“I’m the thing that gets used,” Lynn says as he folds one of Tawky’s ears back and forth, voice and expression both just distant enough to make Billy hate literally everything that’s made Lynn feel like that. 
He is definitely gonna put in a request with the League to let him burn down whatever’s left of Cadmus. Either that, or there’s gonna be a real convenient thunderstorm concentrated right on top of it, and a whole lot of equally convenient and equally concentrated lightning strikes. 
And if that fails, then there’s gonna be a twelve year-old “civilian” sneaking in with some matches and lighter fluid, and he’s just gonna commit arson the old-fashioned way. 
“If anyone ever says that to you again, I’m gonna make them sorry for even thinking it,” he says as evenly as he can. Lynn’s mouth tightens. He keeps his head down. 
“. . . why would you have read to me?” he asks, the question a little guarded. “That wouldn’t have taught me anything.” 
“It would’ve taught you that I’d read to you,” Billy says. Lynn–frowns, like maybe he doesn’t understand what he means. Billy’s not sure he understands what he means, just . . . 
His dad read to him. And his mom too. 
And Uncle Eben definitely did not. 
And Cadmus didn’t read to Lynn either, he’s betting. As far as he can tell, all Cadmus ever did was jam a really biased education into his head and lie to and mind-control him, in fact. 
Cadmus was just really awful to Lynn in general, as far as Billy can tell. 
Lynn thought they’d have kryptonite here, so . . . yeah. Cadmus was definitely awful to him.
Billy really, really wants to make sure that Lynn’s first thought is never something like that again. Or at least, that his first thought is never something like that when it’s about him. 
About the person who’s taking care of him, he means. Lynn should–he shouldn’t–
Billy always felt safe with his dad. With both of his parents. He wants Lynn to feel that way too, because Lynn deserves to feel that way too. Like no matter what tries to hurt him, it’s gonna have to go through somebody else first, and somebody who’d never just stand by and let it get to him. 
Billy doesn’t know if Lynn’s ever felt safe in his life, all things considered. He grew up in a pod being lied to and woke up to mind control and more lies and got attacked by, like, a giant mutated jerk of a doctor who’d been controlling and hurting him all his life already, and then he left the only place he’d ever known just because he thought it was the right thing to do, and . . . 
Yeah. Billy can’t imagine “safe” is a feeling Lynn’s all that familiar with yet. 
Can’t imagine he’s ever really felt it at all, at this point. 
He–swallows, a little, and then makes himself smile at him again. Lynn’s still not looking at him, but Billy figures he’ll hear it in his voice, if nothing else. 
“I’ll read to you anyway, if you want,” he offers as he links his hands together behind his back, his voice coming out a little awkward; a little quiet. He doesn’t mean for it to, but . . . “Even if you can do it yourself.” 
Lynn doesn’t say anything. He rubs the pad of his thumb across one of Tawky’s paw pads and then squeezes it, just a little. Billy doesn’t blame him for wanting to hold somebody’s hand right now. It’s–a lot, probably. All this is probably a lot. 
All this is definitely a lot, and Billy doesn’t blame Lynn for anything he’s feeling about any of it at all. When everything changes all at once like–when somebody’s whole life changes and they lose everything and everyone they had before, and . . . and . . . 
It’s just a lot, he knows. 
Of course it is. 
“. . . sure,” Lynn says, and glances up–not at Billy, exactly, but in his direction. He’s looking at his shoulder more than anything else, Billy’s pretty sure, but that’s fine by him. He brightens instinctively, resisting the urge to float up a little in excitement. 
“Cool!” he says. “Um–okay, yeah. Cool.” 
Lynn ducks his head again, looking more towards the wall now. He’s still holding Tawky’s paw, though, and he didn’t, like, go run off and hide in his room or get mad or anything, so Billy thinks things are going okay, really. Even if–even if some of this is a little harder to talk too much about, maybe. 
He really does want Lynn to feel safe with him, though, so he’s gonna have to be able to talk to him about the harder stuff too. 
He can do that, he promises himself. Or–he’s gonna do that, anyway. He’ll figure it out, one way or the other. 
Lynn deserves a dad who can do that, and Billy’s already decided he’s gonna be the kind of dad Lynn deserves, so–yeah. 
He can do it. 
He wonders if his parents ever felt like this with him. Felt like–like it was hard and scary and weird, but like they still needed and wanted to figure it out and do it right, whatever it took. Like it was more important to do it right than . . . than anything else. 
He doesn’t know, obviously. And he’s never gonna get to ask. But . . . but he hopes he’s at least doing this right enough that they would’ve been happy about it. Been–proud of him, for taking after them. Being like them, even just a little bit. 
They were both really good parents, and he just . . . they’re gone, and he’ll never see them again, and no one really remembers them the same way he does. No one loves them the same way he does. Not anymore. 
So–so if he can be a good dad to Lynn like they were good parents to him, then maybe at least there’ll be a little bit more of them left in the world. A little bit more that they got to do; got to make happen. Make matter. 
And maybe . . . maybe that means Lynn will love some part of them too, technically, if Lynn ever loves him. 
If Billy does this right, anyway. 
“Do you wanna walk to the library too?” he suggests. “It might be a little farther away than the diner, I think, but not too bad. And, um, we’ve got super-stamina and all, so yeah.” 
“. . . I’ve never walked that far before,” Lynn says. Billy blinks, wondering how Lynn knows that. He didn’t say how far it was for sure, just–
“You’d never walked as far as the diner before?” he realizes. Lynn nods stiffly. Billy’s chest sort of–hurts a little, maybe. “Did you like it, or was it too much? I know it’s kind of exposed and there’s a lot more people than you’re probably used to and all, so it’s okay if–” 
“It was fine,” Lynn cuts in, and then hunches his shoulders a little. “Uh. I mean–it was fine.” 
Billy’s own shoulders slump a bit in relief, and he smiles wider at him. Okay. That’s–okay, yeah. 
He really likes Lynn. Like–Lynn’s really easy to like, he means. He’s glad about that. Not that he was gonna take anything back or send Lynn back if he was hard to get along with or anything, obviously, but . . . he’s still glad, yeah. 
Really glad.
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weepingtalecowboy · 23 days
Fanfic prompt: the chain wants to make Wind have a childhood and because of that they enforce bed time
And wind instead of fighting them on their decision
Just agrees to go to sleep and at first they are nervous about him lying to them
And all stay at the tavern that night but no matter how much they checked
He didn’t sneak out nor did he wake up the entire time (he didn’t even flinch when someone tested if he was pretending)
Nothing happened the entire time and they checked on him and he truly seemed unconscious
So after a while the chain starts hanging out at pubs while one member stays behind in case of an emergency (usually legend or twilight because they don’t seem like the type to hang around public places for no reason )
Doing adult stuff (the good old life regretting decisions)
Like gambling
Drinking till they pass out
Playing cards
And more
What the chain didn’t know was that Wind was having bird adventures and committing crime (with seagull Marin and the occasional flock of other birds)
Because if you use hyoi pears you are unconscious
A perfect ability to get sleep and commit arson at once (and make people permanently afraid of gulls and birds of any kind)
The chain quickly became aware of a crazy seagull that was spotted stealing important documents and try to find it in case it was trained by a spy
(Legend was even more pissed at the fact that a seagull was used for the purpose of infiltrating a dangerous area)
And that is always an unpleasant experience because you have to be political about it for people (because spies can quickly derail into a full on war because of that they decide not to take Wind with them ( hypocritical because they let WILD and RULIE OF ALL PEOPLE WITH THEM )
Wind seemed unusually happy to not get to come with them and stay
And after seeing the gull behave more cautious and careful than before they took the mission
It only seems to confirm that the spy knows that they are looking
That is a dangerous situation for Hyrule
(Wind is just sending the others on a wild gull chase not realizing that he is about to start a war )
When the chain sees the gull get close to a tavern they are staying at they all freak out badly
Because that was the ONE day that they all had left together and wind is completely alone and a pretty easy target
Because how could they not notice that the spy would target the only person who was part of their group and by themselves a lot
After trapping the gull securely with a magic binding they find Wind not waking up anymore no matter what they do the gull just starts gulling more aggressively by laughing at them (wind is in hysteria because that was not at all what he wanted )
After leaving to figure out what it did to wind
They all start freaking out again because no matter how much they try (and hyrule tries a lot ) wind isn’t waking up anymore
And even the lens of truth show that wind is missing his literal soul
What kind of monster are they dealing with
Wind also starts freaking out because he just realized that he can’t get back to his body and that he is trapped in a bird cage
The whole thing only escalates further when he escapes and snatches Wild‘s slate trying to communicate but instead accidentally bombs a warehouse with important items in it
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brights-place · 7 months
do you mind doing a Branch x rock troll reader?
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Branch dating an Rock troll! S/O
Pairings: Branch X Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: Sorry for the late post I've been kind of busy hon! anyways take the request! <33
- He met you when poppy introduced you to him since you were going to be helping him expand the structures of pop village - Branch would be confused at first when he realize he likes you - You slowly started to bond after awhile of hanging out and him learning about your genre as he told you about his back. - It's known pop Troll is extremely happy, strives happiness and seeks fun above all things which is so like them but its also true that they are prone to absolute panic when things go wrong, often overreacting in a comical way - But branch didn't have that atrribute well he had the panicking bit but the happy and fun part? that was... uhmmmm yeah no - Branch takes awhile to open up to you especially after well The Rock world tour - I mean come on! Barb was leading an world tour and all the crimes she has committed has changed his whole view of rock trolls though he is trying to welcome them slowly - This Dude Is Autism Coded you can’t change my mind! (I’m autistic) - Attempted world domination, Attempted cultural genocide, Hate crimes, Terrorism, Piracy, Malefic, War crimes, Crimes against trollkind, Mass invasion, Mass kidnapping, Serial grand larceny, Mass brainwashing, Unlawful imprisonment, Abuse of power, Conspiracy, Psychological abuse, Extortion, Minor arson, Assault and battery, Mass property destruction, Attempted mass slavery, Corruption, and Public endangerment! He has an whole list of crimes that were committed by barb
- Though after awhile of hanging around you he couldn’t help but feel relaxed and allowed you to touch stuff in his bunker
- He Let you meet Gary and you are the only one allowed to hold Gary and know everything about him. (Gary from trollstopia if you know)
- Branch enjoys how you listen to him when he rants about things
- You were so worried when he said he would drink his own sweat which you told him not too and is unhygienic
- After awhile he would notice subtle things about you and would learn more about you and your hobbies which poppy pointed out was kind of weird for branch since he never does that for other trolls a lot but him doing that for you? Poppy smirked - He fell for an ROCK TROLL! - This man was so confused and questioning himself as you were standing in front of him telling him about your new song that you wrote and were gonna preform with Petra, Romper and Rose - He was an pop troll... you were an rock troll you were different!
- Branch would listen to you about speaking about your genre and you listen about pop genre aswell - You two would do duet songs of rock songs and pop songs but if you could convince him to sing rock songs with you he would try... It turns out he’s good at it
- You teach him some Rock n Roll greetings and handshakes which he got used to
- He did the handshake infront of poppy doing the rock n roll greeting handshake with Riff and Barb who laughed and they told him where you were which made branch flustered
- Poppy stared at him with sparkling eyes squealing questioning if you two were dating which you weren’t… Yet!
- If Branch ever found something that would suite you for example some studded belts or leather braclets he would think of you and would buy it
- Whenever you meet up he would always have an gift that reminded him of you
- His love language is Acts of Service, Quality time and sometimes Gift giving
- Though he wouldn’t mind some affection from you since whenever you see him you hug him tightly
- Introvert X Extrovert type of bond!
- You are his opposite and that’s what he loves about you
- Your smile your laugh and yes you may be different genres but he loves you so much because of it.
- Your comfortable in your own shell and you help him to become comfortable with himself aswell!
- branch is thankful for you though you mainly come to his bunker then he comes to volcano rock city since he finds it hard to breathe due to well the lava and Asch along with the foggy presence
- Though he will visit if you can’t come if your sick or your doing an show
- He stared up at you when you were on stage signing while playing your guitar while maintaining eye contact with him
- After the show was done you rushed to him hugging him squealing excitedly glad he came to see your show
- He couldn’t help but stare at you with an spake in his eyes which you returned before leaning in kissing eachother with an smile on both your lips
- Barb coughed into your hand as you giggled while branch hid his face in your shoulder grumbling
- “Love you” Branch muttered as you smiled back “I love you too”
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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ivegotyourbackbuddie · 3 months
Working on the Fourth of July is always an adventure at the 118. Whether that’s a good or bad thing really depends on who you ask.
But when they get the call to a structure fire at an abandoned building with two victims… no one can really say it’s a good thing.
Buck is fidgeting on the way to the scene enough that Eddie nudges his knee as an encouragement to speak what’s on his mind. Buck gives in immediately. “Isn’t it a little early for people to be setting off fireworks?”
“They didn’t specify the cause of the fire,” Bobby replies.
Buck frowns. “But it’s the Fourth of July.”
“It’s also still daylight out,” Hen deadpans.
“And just because it’s the Fourth of July doesn’t mean that all fires are related to the holiday,” Chimney adds, raising his finger. “Remember last year when B shift responded to a house fire caused by a Christmas tree still up during the Fourth of July?”
“It’s what they deserve for leaving up the tree past New Year’s,” Eddie comments flatly.
Buck smiles to himself but can’t help saying, “Don’t let Eddie come over to your house if you do. Unless you want him to take the tree down for you.”
Eddie points his finger at Buck. “Next time, I’ll refuse to come over until it’s gone.” Hen raises an eyebrow at him. Eddie sighs, “Chris would leave up the tree and all the decorations year round if it meant he could get out of cleaning up. Every year he insists on putting up more decorations…”
“And every year, he forgets how much he hates packing them up again,” Buck finishes. “So Eddie gives into the puppy dog eyes until New Year’s Eve.”
Hen laughs. “Denny wishes we gave him that long, but Karen has a strict clean-up schedule two days after Christmas that no one messes with.”
“Athena’s second favorite Christmas activity is putting away all the decorations,” Bobby says with a bright smile.
“And the first?” Chimney asks.
Bobby just smiles. Buck exchanges a look with Eddie. They definitely don’t want to know.
Before anyone can press Bobby for an answer, they begin to approach the scene.
It’s a bit of chaos, but luckily they get things under control while Hen and Chimney tend to the two victims - a blonde girl and a brunette guy - who… very quickly appear to be victims of their own consequences.
As Buck and Eddie are bringing the hose back to the engine they quickly get cut off by the young blonde girl yelling, “Can you get my phone from in there?!” while desperately tugging on Buck’s arm as if she’s begging him to save her cat.
Before Buck can say anything, Athena is at his side, charred phone in hand. “I would say yes, but unfortunately, your phone is going to be placed in evidence.”
“Evidence?” The girl asks. “But we were just doing a TikTok trend!”
“A… what?” Eddie asks.
The girl rolls her eyes. “You know. All these couples are talking about how excited they are to get videos of them kissing with fireworks in the background. And we thought we would beat them to it.”
“By trespassing, setting off fireworks in a building you don’t own, and subsequently committing arson?” Athena asks in disbelief.
The girl shrugs. “It was dark enough inside for the fireworks to show up on camera, and we thought it was tall enough for the fireworks!”
Eddie glances back at the building and frowns. “It’s only two stories tall.”
“Yeah! That's more than tall enough!"
Buck, Eddie, and Athena all stare at her with varying degrees of confusion. Then, Athena shakes her head and leads her away.
Back in the engine, Buck nudges Eddie’s knee. “I was right about the fireworks.”
Eddie rolls his eyes but he can’t wipe the fond smile off his face. “I’ve never gotten that trend.”
“You know about a TikTok trend?”
Eddie shakes his head. “No. Just the whole... kissing and fireworks being compared trend.” Buck frowns at him. Eddie continues, “Like… people saying that when you kiss someone fireworks go off. Or the whole 'kissing feels electric' thing. I mean. Do people really buy into that?”
Buck’s face falls when he realizes Eddie isn’t joking. “You’ve never had a kiss like that?” Eddie shakes his head. “You’ve never had a kiss that set every nerve in your body on fire or a kiss that made you get butterflies in your stomach?”
Eddie laughs. “You watch too many romcoms, Buck.”
Buck scoffs and stares out the window for a few moments wondering what it would be like to never experience that type of rush when kissing someone. Sure. Most kisses don’t feel that way, but those with a build-up and all the long-lasting tension that finally snaps the moment you lay your lips on the other person…
“I’m going to make you experience it,” Buck blurts out.
Eddie laughs in disbelief. “What?”
“I’m going to make you experience the fireworks and butterflies and electricity and all that stuff,” Buck decides. His eyes widen as he realizes his blunder. “I-I mean. With your consent of course. I’m not just going to… lay one on you randomly. That’s… not cool. More than uncool! Like… really uncool.”
Eddie glances out the window and laughs as if that's his way of ending the conversation. But then he shrugs and says, “Okay.”
“Okay?” Buck asks.
“Why not? It’s fun to prove you wrong.”
Buck cocks his head to the side and straightens up in his seat. “And what makes you think I won’t have that effect on you?”
Eddie shrugs. “Well, given your history…”
Buck shoves him lightly before leaning over to whisper, “I’ll have you know that none of them ever complained about a lack of spark.”
“Is that so?” Eddie asks, brows slightly raised. His eyes flicker down to Buck’s lips, and Buck thinks he’s got this in the bag already.
“Why don’t you find out?”
There’s a choking noise then Ravi pleads, “Can you please at least do this out of earshot?”
Hen and Chimney complain the rest of the ride about Ravi ruining their free entertainment, and Buck only feels mildly embarrassed that he forgot there was anyone else around. Mainly, he’s relieved that it didn’t happen quite yet. After all, a build-up was required to get the necessary results.
The next few hours of the shift are - dare they say - slow. They only have to respond to one incident at a firework stand where a nasty fight broke out over some firework that turned out to be illegal in the state of California. Bobby ended up lingering around the scene for longer than needed just to provide Athena with some much-needed emotional support.
As for Buck… he’s trying to be as normal as possible. But after a heated gym session of constant longing stares between him and Eddie that caused Chimney to uncomfortably announce his departure… Buck is feeling that familiar tension. That overwhelming desire to risk every sane thought he’s ever had and instead give in to all his desires.
And yes. They have a bet going on now that Buck is very much going to win. But at what cost to him? Because after this… Buck thinks any other kiss will be ruined for him.
But he thinks it’ll be worth it to feel everything at once. Or maybe he’ll feel nothing and things don’t have to change. Luckily, he’s sure he and Eddie could get through anything - even Buck’s potentially unwanted feelings.
While the sun is still out, they only get a few calls, and Buck is grateful for the breather they get before the sun starts to set.
Only, he can’t really get his breath to even out when he’s taking every moment he can to linger in Eddie’s space for longer than necessary, eyes dipping down to settle on Eddie’s lips. Their - thankfully - uninterrupted lunch is almost unbearable because Eddie chooses to sit next to him. And of course, when Eddie gets some sauce on his lip, Buck can’t hesitate to wipe at it with his thumb. Just to sell the moment, he licks the sauce off his thumb, and he swears Eddie is about to jump him at the table.
But before anything can happen Bobby calmly says, “Please don’t make me do unnecessary paperwork today.” And Buck immediately turns red and focuses back on his food. He’s pretty sure he sees Chimney hand a ten-dollar bill to Hen, but he’s too distracted thinking about the way Eddie’s eyes had darkened.
“Buck,” Eddie says bringing him back to the current moment, hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Buck glances around the now-empty locker area and nods. “Just preparing for tonight.”
“Are you sure this isn’t about the whole kissing thing?” Eddie asks with a small smile. Buck glances at him nervously. “Because we can call the whole thing off if you’re getting uncomfortable. But trust me. Even if you make me feel fireworks or it’s the worst kiss of my life, nothing has to change between us.”
Buck laughs loudly partially in relief. “You really have such little faith in me.”
Eddie shrugs and steps closer to him. “Maybe I’m just wondering what you’re waiting for.”
The air between them shifts and Buck wonders if Eddie can feel the tension between them and that unexplainable electricity. He thinks the way Eddie’s hand shakes as it reaches up to cup Buck’s face is an indication that he does.
Then, the bell goes off and ruins the moment.
Buck’s nose brushes against Eddie’s as they both step away only to find Chimney and Hen watching them through the glass.
“Can’t experience fireworks with them there,” Buck says dryly. Eddie laughs.
During the drive over, Buck notices the sun is starting to set. Luckily it’s only a twelve-hour shift so they only have a few hours before B shift takes over. But he still has a bad feeling.
And he’s right.
The next few hours are filled with call after call of Fourth of July related accidents. Including not one, not two, but three different couples failing to execute the TikTok trend correctly.
During one of the less serious incidents, while Hen is treating a couple with slight burns to their arms, Buck is able to grab Eddie and ask the couple for advice about the best poses for the trend. He tries each on Eddie who rolls his eyes but allows Buck to go as far as hold him in a dip.
When he catches Bobby's eye, Buck has a full speech prepared about how he’s being a professional by taking their victims' minds off the pain and keeping them entertained. He and Eddie are definitely not just engaging in public displays of affection, and Buck definitely isn't getting distracted by Eddie. But Buck doesn’t have to utter a single word because all Bobby does is give him a fond look before lecturing the couple about firework safety.
From there it's nonstop calls. Between a firework thrown in a grill, a Roman candle fight gone wrong, an allergic reaction to red face paint, and a random case of rat poisoning in a batch of brownies, Buck isn’t able to really do much about the whole kiss situation.
Well, the air between him and Eddie is heavy, and every time they have a moment to look at each other, they nearly forget where they are. But there’s no moment where the actual execution of the kiss is possible.
And before Buck knows it, the next shift comes in to relieve them, and everyone is getting changed into the clothes they came in. For once, Buck doesn’t hesitate to check Eddie out as he strips his shirt off, and Eddie takes an unnecessarily long time to put his blue Henley on - not that Buck is complaining.
Then, they’re walking out of the station together, Eddie rushing so he can get back to Chris in time to see some fireworks together.
They get to Buck’s jeep first, and Buck hesitates for a moment. His heart is practically beating out of his chest when he realizes this is the last moment today that he can really go through with things.
Eddie’s staring at him as if he’s thinking the same thing.
So, Buck takes a deep breath and says, “Who said I had to make you feel fireworks today? Maybe I need to build up to it more.”
There’s a slight look of disappointment on Eddie’s face that he quickly masks when he replies, “Yeah, man. No worries at all. Happy Fourth of July.”
“You too, man,” Buck says and climbs into his Jeep without a second thought.
He watches as Eddie walks away from him, fireworks in the distance giving him a perfect silhouette. And Buck realizes more than anything, he wants to feel those fireworks. And he needs to know if Eddie will feel them too.
“Eddie!” Buck yells as he scrambles to get out of his Jeep. “Eddie!” He yells again as he runs to Eddie just before he gets his truck door open.
Eddie drops his bag onto the ground immediately and lifts his hands to cup Buck’s face as Buck crowds him against his truck and kisses him.
There’s that feeling of the tension finally snapping. The fireworks. The electricity. The butterflies. The fire.
But Buck feels something he’s never felt before.
It feels like taking his first breath of air after being stuck in the middle of a fire. Like the first beat of his heart after stopping for three minutes and seventeen seconds. It feels like coming home.
It’s with great hesitation that Buck breaks the kiss, needing to gauge what Eddie is feeling.
Eddie just stares at him for a few moments, expression mixed with so many emotions it's nearly impossible to read. He nods and says, “Yeah, I get it now. Shit. I get it.” Then he’s pulling him in again only to break the kiss to say, “This absolutely changes things between us but in a good way, right?”
“Yes please,” Buck says with a giddy laugh.
Eddie laughs and tries to kiss him again but finds that they can’t properly kiss when they’re smiling so hard.
Later that night, they get a text in their small 118 group chat of a video from Chimney of their kiss illuminated by the fireworks going off behind them with the caption Looks like you guys won this trend.
Eddie begs him not to post it and encourage people to try to replicate it after the day they had. Buck laughs when Bobby sends them a selfie of him and Athena giving them a thumbs up while holding up paperwork. Thanks for putting off the paperwork until tomorrow.
Secretly, Buck and Eddie love the video and want to post it everywhere - with a PSA on firework safety of course. But they ultimately keep it between themselves and the rest of the 118 family because that’ll always be enough for them.
(Ao3 Link woooo)
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nomoreusername · 1 year
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Pairing:Newt x gender neutral reader
Summary:When you and Newt end up in the pit together, you do everything you can to get him to notice you.
I sat across from Mr.Second-in-command who was glaring at me.
"Come on. It was funny,"I defended. "No. It wasn't,"He argued.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You have no sense of humor,"I sighed, clicking my tongue.
"You nearly set the kitchen on fire!"
"You let me almost set the kitchen on fire. You're the one who gave me the matches,"I reminded him. "I didn't realize you were going to commit arson!"He exclaimed. "Arson technically isn't against the rules,"I pointed out. His eyes twitched in frustration.
"Most people have common sense,"He exasperated.
"I'm not most people Newtie."
"Don't call me that."
"Sorry Newton."
"You are so bloody insufferable,"He groaned, hitting his head against a wall. "Good idea. Maybe if you give yourself a concussion they'll let you out."
"You're the worst,"He sighed. "Hey. That was pretty bloody hurtful mate,"I mocked.
"See? That is exactly what I'm talking about. You never take anything seriously. Alby's tried coming up with new punishments, but nothing's ever stuck. You just do the same thing."
"I know. I was there when you suggested new ones,"I shrugged. "Besides, you're here with me."
"I am only here because you always break out if someone isn't watching you. For once in your life why can't you do as you're told?"
I knew I was about to say something that would frustrate him, and so did he. He also knew he set me up for it.
"Because I'm not a bottom."
"You're not funny,"He grumbled.
"Ouch. Your being quite mean today Nettie."
"That's not even a nickname!"
"Would you prefer bottom?"
"I hate you."
"I love you to bottom."
"You two shanks knock it off. People are trying to sleep,"Alby said in an angry hushed whisper. "Sorry. I'll insult him quieter,"I shrugged. "Just keep quiet,"He scowled, angrily stomping away.
"So bottom, what do you want to talk about?"
"This is going to be a long night,"He sighed.
He was right on that one, but he really needs to look on the bright side. He got an awesome new nickname that was reserved only for him.
If only he wasn't such an idiot he didn't see that I got sent here on purpose. How else would I get him to spend time with me?
There was one thing I wished for, and it was for him to think of me as more than a good for nothing trouble maker. I wish he saw me as someone who was only trying to make him laugh when I could tell his smile didn't reach his eyes.
I wish he saw me the way I saw him. Unfairly easy to be in love with.
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cherikdogfood · 4 months
The thing is, Erik loves Charles -- he really does. He just doesn't know how to say it.
Or, Erik wants Charles to know that he truly loves him. So he enacts a plan.
In honor of 520 (which is today!) I've written a short, self indulgent Cherik (modern AU) fic. Enjoy!
The thing is, Erik loves Charles -- he really does. He just doesn't know how to say it.
He knows a simple "I love you" or "Ich liebe dich" will do the job. Charles understands -- he always does, even if he's a terrible telepath and struggles to say the right words himself.
But that's the thing. Charles is a telepath, and he can practically broadcast his love for Erik from anywhere, anytime.
Erik can't do that. He could, technically, project his feelings towards Charles, but it's not enough. He knows it's not enough, he wants to do more.
He wants to show Charles that he loves him, that Charles is his one and only, that there would be no happiness without Charles... Charles is his soulmate, and Erik's love for him is like a burning flame -- passionate and all consuming.
There is no peace without Charles.
He wants, no, needs Charles to know that.
You're mine, Erik often thinks, as he lays in bed with Charles after a particularly rough bout of lovemaking. Charles always falls asleep first, curled against Erik, looking so pliant and gentle and content.
I'm yours too, you know, his mind also whispers.
Charles, of course, continues dreaming, his expression serene.
When Charles wakes, he will go about his day, being his usual confident, boisterous self. But Erik knows...
He knows that underneath it all, Charles questions himself, worries he isn't good enough for Erik, thinks he hasn't done enough for people like them.
Charles hides it well, but Erik knows better.
Charles knows and understands that Erik loves him, he just has a hard time believing it.
And Erik...
Erik never, never wants Charles to doubt them. Charles has no reason to be afraid.
So Erik does his best to show it, to show Charles that he does, in fact, love him.
Because it doesn't matter if the whole world knows that Erik Loves Charles if the person in question doesn't believe it.
So Erik does what he's good at: he makes a strategy, and he executes it perfectly (or as perfectly as it can be, anyway).
Erik's made plans already: he's done his research, marked the calendar, made arrangements, perfected his cooking skills, and bribed roped in a few people to help.
It started on a rather peculiar date, one that Charles wasn't expecting: 25th of January. Erik had crafted a metal spoon with his powers, carving a stylish M and X that were intertwined.
He gave it to Charles, aiming to do so nonchalantly, but his excitement must've been projecting because Charles laughed and asked him what this was for.
"It's just a gift, Charles," he huffed, and Charles just laughed at him fondly.
The next one was more obvious: 14th of February. Valentine's Day: Erik made chocolates, prepared a bouquet of roses, and wrote a love letter. Traditional romantic gestures, all for Charles.
Charles was happy, of course, practically glowing, and his students were pleased to find they had less homework that week.
Erik even prepared a candlelight dinner for the two of them, although they ended up eating less and making out instead, it was perfect.
After that day, Charles thought that was it.
He was wrong -- very, very wrong.
On the 12th of March, Erik dragged Charles away from Hank and his lab and brought him to a nearby river.
"Erik, you said it's late and I should rest, so... Why did you bring me here?" Charles had asked, blue eyes filled with fatigue.
Erik wanted to do nothing more than kiss his tiredness away, but he had a plan and he needed to stick to it, so he resisted.
"Come on Charles, look what I brought," he whispered. He brought out a delicate origami boat (he had asked Raven to teach him to make one), a candle, and a lighter.
"Bloody hell, Erik, if you brought me here to commit arson in the middle of the night, I swear--"
The rest of Charles' words were cut off by Erik, who planted his lips on Charles' and was licking and nipping and kissing him senseless. Charles whimpered when Erik broke the kiss, and Erik had to remind himself what he was doing.
"I wanted us to do this," he smiled and lit the candle, placing it tentatively on the boat before setting it on the water.
"Why are we doing this, Erik?"
"Hush, Liebling, just hurry and make a wish."
Charles' eyes fluttered close, clearly concentrating on his wish, and Erik whispered, "I love you."
He knew Charles heard him because in the next second, Charles opened his eyes and pounced on him.
Erik had to use all his willpower to not fuck Charles right then and there.
The next day, Charles woke up to find all his handkerchiefs replaced, the new ones embroidered, albeit rather clumsily, with hearts.
Merely two days later, Charles opened the fridge and was greeted with an array of blinding white: white chocolate, marshmallows, mint candies, fresh milk, white mochis, vanilla ice cream, leeks, cauliflowers, coconuts and white dragon fruit.
Charles was so taken aback that he almost thought a robber had replaced all their food with... these...
Erik had to reassure him that yes, this was his doing, and no, he wasn't being blackmailed by Raven or Logan into doing this (Erik had been offended that Charles thought Logan of all people could manage to blackmail him. That guy had a metal skeleton...).
Even the flowers in their house had been replaced with white lilies, making Charles shake his head in confusion.
"The things you do, Erik... Sometimes I don't understand..."
In April, Charles wasn't too surprised when Erik took him out to dance and opened his favorite wine and brought him to watch the sunset. It was, after all, a perfect recreation of their first date, three years ago.
Now, on the 20th of May, Erik was sweating as he put on his turtleneck, the one that made Charles' eyes light up and highlighted his slim waist, and checked himself in the mirror.
Everything looked fine... Erik swallowed and calmed the heart that threatened to leap out of his chest.
Everything would be fine.
First, he stopped at the flower shop and picked up the bouquet of roses he had pre-ordered.
Then, he made his way to the address he had sent to Charles. It was a luxurious hotel, one that was far enough from Westchester so that they would not be disturbed by their students.
(Erik had had enough of students, young and old, who had, intentionally or otherwise, cock-blocked him and Charles on multiple occasions).
When he arrived in their room, he noticed the tell-tale metal of Charles' watch and smiled.
"Liebling," he smiled, kissing Charles by way of greeting.
"Erik," Charles smiled. "What's the special occasion? No white food this time?" He teases.
Erik grins. "No. I just wanted to give you this."
He takes out a piece of metal and watches as Charles touches it gently. It's a bracelet of sorts, smooth and elegant and fine edges, and when Charles turns to see the inside, his breath hitches.
Erik had carved those three numbers with the utmost care.
For a moment, Charles just stares, and Erik wonders if his ideas were wrong, all this time, and maybe he should--
"Five two one," Charles says suddenly.
Erik freezes.
"Did I say that right? Or should it be five twenty-one?" Charles muses.
Erik blinks, trying to formulate words, to say something, anything...
"521," Charles repeats, and he reaches out to cup Erik's face gently.
"How do you know?" Erik finally chokes out, too overwhelmed with emotion.
"How do you know, what that means?" He asks again.
"Ah... Charles bites his lip sheepishly. "Let's just say, one of your partner-in-crime accidentally thought too loud..."
Erik grits his teeth. It was definitely Raven, or Hank, or maybe even Jubilee... He shouldn't have asked them to help...
"I saw your notes yesterday, Erik," Charles continues, chewing his bottom lip, "I'm sorry, I know this was all meant to be a surprise, but I couldn't help myself..."
"So... You know everything?" Erik asks.
"Yes, I do, well, I think that day when you gave me all that white stuff, it was White Day in Japan, right? Some sort of Valentine's day..."
Erik nods. 14th of March, exactly one month after the official Valentine's Day, is the Japanese "White Day", where men give their beloved white things to show their love.
Erik has no idea why it has to be white, but it doesn't matter. He loves Charles anyway.
"I wore a white suit that day, remember?" Erik mutters.
Charles' eyes widen and his lips curl into a smile.
"So... You were practically giving yourself to me that day?"
Erik nods and adds, "I'm always yours, you know."
Charles smiles.
"And that day when you gave me a metal spoon," Charles continues, "It was apparently some kind of Welsh Valentine's Day, I think?"
Erik nods. 25th of January, the Welsh Valentine's Day -- usually lovers would give each other hand-crafted wooden spoons, but Erik made one out of metal instead.
(This was definitely not to show off his powers in front of Charles).
"And... On the 12th of March, that day you brought me to the river..."
"The Slovenians' version of Valentine's Day, of sorts," Erik my mumbles. Apparently it was a tradition for children to light a candle in boats and watch it float down the river, and even though they weren't children, Erik thought it was still pretty romantic.
"As for today..." Charles mutters.
"It's five-twenty," Erik looks at Charles gently.
Charles read his notes, so he should understand what it means.
"Five twenty... When you say it in Chinese, it sounds like you're saying I love you, am I right?" Charles says, voice growing softer.
Charles is silent, looking at Erik with indescribable emotion in his eyes. Erik uses the opportunity to snake an arm around Charles' waist and tug him closer.
"So..." Erik is the first to break the silence.
"Do you really know what 521 means?" He asks.
Charles blushes and nods, "Hm. 520 means I love you, and 521 means I do or I'm willing. Something like that?"
Erik breaks into a shark-like smile.
"That's right, Liebling."
Charles' eyes are wet with unshed tears.
"Erik, I love you," he whispers, voice choking with emotion.
Erik plants a kiss on his forehead.
"I love you too, Liebling. But let's say it properly, okay? Today is a special date after all."
Charles nuzzles closer to Erik and hums in reply.
"520, Charles," Erik says. I love you.
"521, Erik." I do too.
"Is that a promise, Charles?" Erik teases.
"You'll have to formally propose first before I actually say I do, Erik," Charles huffs exasperatedly.
"But yes," Charles gaze softens. "I'm always willing to be yours."
Erik can't stop himself from smiling. "I love you, Charles," he says, as he always does.
"I know," Charles whispers.
And this time, Erik knows he means it.
(And if there ever comes a day when Charles doubts it, then Erik will be sure to make a plan and convince Charles that yes, he truly does love him, very, very much.)
#made by cherikdogfood
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newts-limp · 4 months
Warnings: none
Summary: y/n and Newt are stuck together for the night in the Glades Slammer. All y/n wants is attention from Newt but he's just not interested.
I sat across from Mr.Second-in-command who was glaring at me in the cold cell also known as the Slammer in the Glade.
"Come on. It was funny," I defended myself. "No. It wasn't, "He argued coldly.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You have no sense of humor,"I sighed, clicking my tongue.
"You nearly set the kitchen on fire!" He snapped. 
"You let me almost set the kitchen on fire. You're the one who gave me the matches,"I reminded him. "I didn't realize you were going to commit arson! "He exclaimed. "Arson technically isn't against the rules," I pointed out. His eyes twitched in frustration.
"Most people have common sense, "He exasperated.
"I'm not most people, Newtie."
"Don't call me that."
"Sorry Newton."
"You are so bloody insufferable," He groaned, hitting his head against a wall. "Good idea. Maybe if you give yourself a concussion they'll let you out." I remarked.
"You're the worst," He sighed. "Hey. That was pretty bloody hurtful mate," I said, mocking his brittish accent. 
He sighed again.  "See? That is exactly what I'm talking about. You never take anything seriously. Alby's tried coming up with new punishments, but nothing's ever stuck. You just do the same thing."
"I know. I was there when you suggested new ones,"I shrugged. "Besides, you're here with me."
"I am only here because you always break out if someone isn't watching you. For once in your life why can't you do as you're told?"
I knew I was about to say something that would frustrate him, and so did he. He also knew he set me up for it.
"Because I'm not a bottom." I said flatly.
"You're not funny," He grumbled.
"Ouch. Your being quite mean today Nettie."
"That's not even a nickname!"
"Would you prefer bottom?" I smirked.
"I hate you y/n."
"I love you to, bottom."
Just then we heard footsteps leading up to the Slammer. "You two shanks knock it off. People are trying to sleep," Alby said in an angry hushed whisper. "Sorry. I'll insult him quieter, "I shrugged. "Just keep quiet," He scowled, angrily stomping away.
I turned back to Newt.  "So bottom, what do you want to talk about?"
"This is going to be a long night, "He sighed.
He was right on that one, but he really needs to look on the bright side. He got an awesome new nickname that was reserved only for him.  If only he wasn't such an idiot. Why he didn't see that I got sent here on purpose. How else would I get him to spend time with me? 
There was one thing I wished for, and it was for him to think of me as more than a good for nothing trouble maker. I wish he saw me as someone who was only trying to make him laugh when I could tell his smile didn't reach his eyes. 
I liked him.  That was the truth.  But every time I worked in the garden or tried to hang out with him, he thought of me no more than an acquaintance. 
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stardust-sprinkler · 1 year
i loooveee ur college! touya headcannons sm. they make me so happy he would be the best boyf ever. In one post u mentioned how often he gets into fights for u (which is so true) so i'm also thinking it's the other way around. like if any girl tried to flirt w/ him knowing ur together or hookup with him, obv he is rejecting them immediately but i'm imagining reader see's and just backhands the girl so hard 😭
Oh my god, I’m so happy my hcs make you happy!! 💖 I’m honestly feral for College!Touya, my personal pet project over here! Lol
Such a good prompt too! Enjoy~
College!Dabi AU
“Bad Boy Who’s Always Good to His Girl” Series~
• You’ve only felt jealous a few times in your long term relationship with Dabi. Once was when an old flame of his got a little too friendly with him in public. The way they looked at him and tried to tease him despite your boyfriend brushing them off every time—it p!ssed you the fuck off.
• You spent the evening stewing in your thoughts before he pried it out of you in the common area of his dorm. When you finally told him, he blinked twice, shook his head, and hoisted you up to wrap your legs around him. You were complaining and telling him to put you down right now, and he just positively ignored you.
• Boy carried you to the elevator and up to his room before tossing you (safely—this man is obsessed with protecting you so he’s not about to let you crack your head on the headboard) on the bed. He rustled through the top dresser drawer before throwing you a silk rope that he usually used on you and told you to do whatever you want to him for the night. Stake your claim however you want.
• Our boy ended up with bites and hickeys trailing from his neck down to his Adonis belt and claw marks on his back and thighs. No complaints were heard.
• Another was when you were far less restrained. It was a Friday night, this time the party was actually being hosted at the Todoroki’s goddamn mansion—his younger brother was throwing it while the old man was away, and Dabi thought it would be funny as fuck to crash it (maybe cause some property damage, maybe commit some arson—the possibilities were endless).
• Well, eventually (read: inevitably, considering the venue) something had pissed him the f*ck off and he stormed to an outside patio for a smoke. You followed, kissed his cheek while he grumbled & fished a cigarette out of a carton, and then left with the promise of returning with some more drinks.
• It was then that some hot shot spotted Dabi alone and got real up close and personal while they flirted, despite him telling them off several times in a row, “Holy shit, are you stupid or something? I said screw off!” His drag was deep after what he considered his final warning, but they unexpectedly pushed themself up against his chest and immediately his hands shot up into the air and he stumbled back slightly, determined to communicate to anyone who might be watching that he did NOT want this dumbass touching him.
• Fucker made him drop his cigarette.
• He didn’t end up having to do anything further, because next thing he knew, you had your fists balled up in the back of their jacket and yanked them backwards, letting their own weight knock them back on the sprawling lawn. By this point, a small crowd was forming, but you had tunnel vision.
• “Touch him one more time, dipshit, I dare you. I’ll shove this stiletto so far up your ass that I can lace it up through your goddamn mouth, y—!! Hey, where are you taking me??”
• Dabi was grinning like a crazed lunatic as he hoisted you up onto his hip, pleased as gd punch that you were getting in a fistfight over him. The only reason he stepped in was because he wanted you safe more than he wanted to see the mf get their ass handed to them. He never let you as much as bruise a finger if he could help it.
• “C’mon, Matchbox, let’s go steal something out of my sperm donor’s office.”
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protective-mama-bear · 7 months
I already finish Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch design and oh god– i'm inlove with this Hoppy T0T
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(Also, i won't be roleplaying as her but this wonderful person will be! @jumptothemoon they have accept the deadly contract– i mean, my offer :) )
Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch Headcanons
Hoppy is just like her original, quite energetic, loved challenges and most of all, sports! But those personality took a dark turn after being thrown into the deadly and poisonous chemicals that transform her into... well, that.
She would always trembling or skittish, can't control her own body as she would jumps around everywhere or run so fast, even her speech is so fricking fast that it's hard to understand her!
She have a thirst in killing people, commiting arson or burning down people homes or buildings and don't forget that she have a poisonous power that made people died in poison or died by her electrical power.
Her favorite weapon is her hammer! It's quite big but she can easily moves it with no problem! Would use it to smash people brains and the hammer also have electrical power. She call her hammer her 'lucky charm'.
Hoppy sexuality would probably be panromantic and asexual. (She probably doesn't like doing those nasty stuff, it ruin her giddy mood.)
She can get very grumpy if her victim outsmart her but thankfully, those 'smartypants' would always die by her quite brutal play.
If someone try to challenge her, then you could assumed she would accept that challenge but beware... cause the end of the challenge, you would probably be dead by her hammer or her deadly power.
Her poison won't kill you fast as it would make you feel suffer first. When her poison touches you, you would feel an itching first until you felt poison coming out of your mouth then eyes and then slowly, poison would be coming out all of your body until you slowly die... it's VERY painful and Hoppy love to watch it.
Her smiling critter friends is dead because they can't handle her 'rough play' but no worries, one day... she would find a friend that can handle her roughness.
In smiling psychopaths headcanons: Hoppy probably get along well with Violent!Kickin and Corrupted!Picky, they both probably the death trio and by god, whoever unfortunately encounter this trio... bless their soul cause you can't never escape these trio!
Hoppy would also visit the training area in the smiling psychopaths mansion and probably love to spar with Kickin, even trying to riled him up to make the fight more intensed but Bobby would stop them if they get too far... like, getting at each other throat. (Oh great, Kickin have another rival–)
Hoppy least favorite person would be Twisted!Bubba, not because he's creepy, she doesn't care about that but because Bubba is a boring old man! Like, come on Bubs, stop working your ass in that damn lab and play with me!
Hoppy think of Bobby as an older sister but by god, Bobby needed to stop worry about Hoppy and stop ruining her fun in trying to not-totally-murder kickin. But all in all, she likes Bobby.
Hoppy might have a slight awkwardness when around Crafty, that girl is so fricking emotionless, like girl, do you have a soul? Seriously, i could see these two as Hoppy trying to drag Crafty for her Play while Crafty is just, "leave me alone you son of a–"
Hoppy would be the kind of friend that say, "DO A FLIP!" If one of the gang try to jumps off a building... i could totally see that.
And that's all! God, that's a lot of headcanons.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
pleaeese Savannah and Grayson headcannons (no pressure though) ❤️
savannah and grayson head canons
i'd love to make some. absolutely love making head canons so it's honestly no problem since i enjoy it. hope you like these<3.
savannah knows grayson plays the piano and wants to learn to so grayson will sit down with her like once a week and show her how to
they both have a pen collection, and, when they go out, sometimes they'll buy each other pens they think the other would like
savannah also loves swimming so sometimes she'll join gray in the pool and they'll just swim in silence
savannah sometimes asks gray for advice but she's always very reluctant to do it
grayson absolutely can't stand duncan (savannah's shitty ass bf) and punched him once. savannah got mad at him but was secretly very grateful.
when they go out, people think savannah's his long lost twin bc they look so similar.
savannah has never really been into skincare and stuff cause she just never picked it up so grayson shows her the basics cause he absolutely loves it.
grayson attends all of her basketball games and cheers for her.
when she has panic attacks (caused by fucking duncan cause he fucking sucks), grayson will sit next to her (without touching her cause she doesn't like when people touch her when this happens) and talks her through the panic attack. he'll sit there and tell her to breathe in and out until she calms down. savannah will then sometimes lean in for a hug (grayson doesn't initiate it because he knows savannah isn't super keen on physical touch)
savannah found tons of baby pictures of him and teases him about it.
gray is one of the only people who makes her smile.
at first, savannah didn't like him and thought he had it out for her family (we know this already), but she slowly warms up to him the more she finds out how dorky he is.
they play basketball together (@lanterns-and-daydreams came up with this one, my new moot), grayson didn't know how to properly play and he kept dropping the ball on his head.
grayson does savannah's hair. at first grayson didn't know hot to but he made avery teach her/watched her stylists so he could do sav's hair(@catapparently)
he calls her sav and she calls him dork/gray.
sav's a harry style and sabrina carpenter fan (as well as a swiftie) and introduces them to gray (he loves sabrina's new song espresso)
savannah loves tea so grayson makes her some sometimes
savannah will call him the most foul names and gray will just sit there like ok maybe i deserved it
they watched pride and prejudice together and eat popcorn
they love historical tv shows with romance and watch some together
they go on runs together. once gray fell in the mud cause he got too distracted making sure savannah didn't get hit by a car while on call with duncan trying to convince him to leave her tf alone.
gray loves buying her (and gigi) flowers
savannah and gray are always trying to calm gigi down whenever someone gives her coffee. they'll be running after her, calling her name, tripping over their feet trying to make sure she doesn't accidently commit arson.
grayson fantasizes about murdering duncan and sav knows about it
sav knows about gray's emo phase and uses it as blackmail. she found pictures of him during that time and tells him that if he doesn't give her his entire pen collection, she'll post them. gray manages to convince her otherwise (sav is mostly just bluffing, mostly)
they both buy clothes for each other cause they love fashion
they sometimes have these challenges where they have to dress the other up
sav steals gray's suit vests bc she looks really good in them (they're oversized but not too oversized). gray loves when she does this cause it makes him feel loved.
they both have candle collections and steal from each other
they have spa nights together where they just vent.
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sshbpodcast · 4 months
Character Spotlight: Kai Winn Adami
By Ames
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So far, all of the subjects of our spotlight series have been people for whom we’ve had both good and bad character moments to discuss. But what do you do when you’re highlighting an antagonist character? For a villain, being bad is actually very good and that’s so perfectly the case for Kai Winn Adami. So this time A Star to Steer Her By will simply feature a bunch of our favorite moments overall.
Boy, do we love to hate this bitch. Somehow she’s only in 14 episodes even though it feels like she’s always looming somewhere with a passive-aggressive gaze and a “my child” on her lips. Louise Fletcher plays this power-hungry religious icon with such depth and nuance that it was easy for us to come up with a ton of favorite moments. So flip open the Book of the Pah-wraiths below to check them out, listen to our Bajoran chanting over on this week’s podcast (jump to 1:12:58), and walk with the prophets, my child.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Favorite moments
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The Bajoran Scopes Monkey Trial Winn makes a big impression in her very first appearance in “In the Hands of the Prophets” when she’s displaying big Karen energy while challenging why Keiko isn’t teaching Bajoran religious ideology in a public school. And she does it with a smile. And also with a can of gasoline since she surely got that school blown up in one smokin’ power move.
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The sacrifices the Prophets call on us to make are great sometimes Somehow there are even more layers to “In the Hands of the Prophets” than teaching religion in classrooms and committing arson. Winn also puts Neela up to assassinate Bareil so that she can work on amassing power. And when Neela fails to secure a getaway plan, Winn straight up declares that’s fine with her. What does she care as long as her hands stay clean?
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We’re a match made by the Prophets Winn continues to keep her hands clean in “The Circle.” Even while covertly supporting the Bajoran extremist faction, the Alliance for Global Unity, and bedding down with Minister Jarro Essa, Winn manages to direct blame away from herself when their plans have been exposed and gone thoroughly sideways. Jarro can only watch his downfall from under the bus.
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You will never speak to me with such disrespect again!! Kai Winn’s “my child” may sound like a catchphrase, but it’s always delivered with such emotion which Fletcher was so good at. When Kira’s been sniffing around how Winn extracted information from Kubus Oak in an attempt to get Bareil out of the kai election in “The Collaborator,” the soon-to-be kai sends chills down your spine with her cold threats.
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He’s more machine now than man When Bareil’s health keeps failing in “Life Support,” Winn pushes to keep him cognizant as long as is convenient for her. All she wants is the credit for his negotiations with the Cardassian Central Command while also keeping open the option to use him as a scapegoat should things fail. This woman plays her cards so strategically that she always comes out on top.
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See ya later, reclamator To make a good political statement by getting some soil reclamators to Rakantha Province, Winn ends up sending in the Bajoran Militia after Shakaar’s resistance cell in “Shakaar.” And what’s more, she’s presumptuous enough to ask Sisko to send in Starfleet security or else she’ll pull out of Federation membership talks! All for farming equipment. Well that escalated quickly.
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You think you’re the only ones who fought the Cardassians We learn just what Kai Winn was up to during the occupation, and it’s surprisingly humanizing. Winn throws in Kira’s face during “Rapture” how she was put in a Cardassian prison camp for five years, and never stopped preaching about the prophets despite the beatings. And per “‘Til Death Do Us Part,” she also sold gemstones from the tabernacle to bolster the resistance.
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No. We are nothing alike. Nothing at all. What could be better than a Louise Fletcher–Jeffrey Combs scene? We get just that in “In the Cards” when Winn is trying to delay the decision between allying with the Federation or the Dominion because in either scenario her backwards little planet will get stomped on. But it’s her short scene with Weyoun that takes the cake when she reads his pagh and judges him hard!
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Please leave your message for the Prophets at the beep There’s plenty for Winn to be judgmental about in “The Reckoning” when Sisko borrows an ancient tablet without asking and then destroys it utterly. But at the core of Winn’s motivation is desperation for the Prophets to communicate with her, which they’ve never done, so she puts an end to the Prophet–Pah-wraith battle because she isn’t the center of attention for once.
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The Password Is: Restoration Winn’s whole arc in the final ten-parter of the series is a work of art, and so perfectly portrayed. Let’s break it down here, because it all starts with getting fully taken in with Anjohl Tennan in “‘Til Death Do Us Part.” All Dukat-in-disguise has to do is drop some buzzwords and the Kai is immediately enamored with the guy, and bedding down with him by the next episode, “Strange Bedfellows.”
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Everything will change once you step down as Kai. You’ll see. When Winn is having a crisis of faith in “Strange Bedfellows” after receiving a vision from the Pah-wraiths, she wisely seeks out Kira. And the Corporal gives Winn the perfect advice to step down as kai so as not to be tempted by power anymore. And for a split second you think Winn will listen to reason. But she’s still Winn, after all, entirely blind to what she doesn’t want to see.
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Catfished by the Prophets Stepping down as kai is not an option for Winn, who doesn’t believe she has too much power. In fact, she believes she doesn't have enough power! So by the end of “Strange Bedfellows,” she fully denounces the Prophets because they’ve never done anything for her. She admits to Anjohl that she’s never felt their presence and has been faking it for years, but blind faith will serve her no longer. Now she wants results!
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Don’t you recognize the face of your enemy? May the Prophets bless Solbor for giving us such a great reveal scene in “The Changing Face of Evil.” He’s found out that Anjohl is actually Dukat, and Adami’s reaction to this news is so layered and cathartic that we love it. But that tippy top layer is a sense of self preservation that can only be maintained by murdering the hell out of Solbor, that gossip hound!
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Hit it and quit it But that isn’t as cold as Winn can get, as is proven in the next episode in “When It Rains…” after Dukat has gone blind from reading the Book of the Pah-wraiths. Winn cruelly kicks the blind Cardassian out on his ass to beg on the streets of Bajor. “You may return when you’ve proven yourself worthy and your sight has been restored,” she mocks, and it’s stone cold!
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The Pah-wraiths demand a sacrifice The whole series culminates in “What You Leave Behind” in the fire caves with Winn casting aside her devotion to the Prophets and summoning the Pah-wraiths. What she hadn’t told Dukat (with his sight returned for reasons) was that she lured him there to use him as the ceremonial sacrifice, and she righteously poisons his ass with absolutely no hesitation.
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Too little, too late Finally, Winn comes this close to redemption in “What You Leave Behind” when she comes to see the error of her ways (or maybe she’s just bitter that the Kosst Amojen picked Dukat’s husk over her). For the hottest of seconds (cause it’s the fire caves, get it?), she tries to get the book to Sisko when at last she has an epiphany moment, but her fate is ultimately sealed when Pah-wraiths toast her in flames.
What a journey for a character that only appears a handful of times, and we were here for every second. Next week, we’re continuing to give in the Pah-wraiths as we recount our favorite Dukat moments, which will surely be a trip. So keep your eyes here for that, keep following us through the Delphic Expanse as we watch through Enterprise over on SoundCloud or your favorite podcast place, praise the Prophets with us on Facebook and Twitter, and practice your “my child”s in the mirror.
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dragonsdendoodles · 2 years
More headcanons because I want to and I need somewhere to put these that are not my brain
Horace, as much as I absolutely love the kid, is not someone who can draw things. (Have you SEEN his drawing in book one? That kid cannot draw.) Because of this, he almost never plans out any clothes he makes. When he absolutely needs to, he goes to Millard and asks him to draw figures for him so he can put very blocky clothes on top of them. Millard is always happy to do so.
Enoch can kind of draw. He likes to sketch out his homunculi so you’ll find little figure drawings everywhere around his room but he will absolutely refuse to admit they’re his.
He/they nonbinary Hugh. I will DIE on this hill.
On a similar vein, AFAB Jacob, Hugh, Enoch, and maybe Millard (I go back and forth with Mill), AMAB Fiona. Alllll the trans kids.
Not a single child on that island is cishet. Fucking. Fight me.
They have a computer Jacob and Noor got and convinced Miss Peregrine to keep in a safe house outside Devil’s Acre. Jacob taught some of the kids how to play Minecraft on it and now if you can’t find Enoch and Horace that’s probably where they are.
On the few instances he leaves the loop, every time Jacob texts someone or types something on his phone and he’s by himself he reads it out loud to himself the way he would’ve said it in a verbal conversation. He has no idea why he does it and only Emma has witnessed this. She just looked at him funny and shrugged.
Horace knows how to ice skate. If you couldn’t tell by the figure skater including this in literally everything he physically can.
Emma and Millard are just as much partners in crime as Enoch and Horace are. The difference is that they’re not dating or crushing on each other and most of their plots outside of Raid the Village are how to make Enoch and Horace as flustered about liking each other as physically possible. (Occasionally Bronwyn joins.)
I like to think eventually Emma was convinced to play Raid the Village with the others because personally she seems too inclined to burn shit to the ground to be as bothered by it as Enoch said she was
Both Miss Peregrine and Sharon are the group parents. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other, but they both individually looked at these children and said “yep, these idiots are mine” and now every time one of them does something stupid (COUGH Emma and Enoch being given access to fire) their immediate reaction is “what stupid kids. Oh shit those are MY kids—”
As described by my boyfriend, Sharon is the bad influence adoptive father who will absolutely drive you somewhere to go commit arson but if you don’t put your seatbelt on he kicks you out of the boat
Around Christmas one year Jacob figured out that outside the loop he could put a speaker in Sharon’s boat and play music so he played The Polar Express (just the one song) on repeat for an hour and now he’s not allowed to play music on the boat anymore. (The speaker is also somewhere at the bottom of the Thames, courtesy of Sharon and also Enoch.)
Hugh, Fiona, and Millard hate winter. Anytime they have to go to a cold loop for more than a few days or have to go to the present in winter for more than a few hours they sit and sulk until they can go home.
The three of them also learned BSL for Fiona once everything had calmed down again and they actually had time to do it. The rest of the kids kind of know it, but those three are the most fluent in it, and Millard carries gloves around with him anytime he’s wearing clothes so he can put them on and the three of them can talk shit about the other kids in front of them
Okay that’s all :)
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worth-this-and-more · 1 month
I think Ava might be new love for nick. Do theories about oathbound. I think Bree meet with either valec or Mariah. There two pov nick and Bree. One twins going be love interest. Valec history will include more
oh yes oathbound theories i have seen one theory circulating about nick being a morgraine, and if that's the case then ava could be a potential love interest if brelwyn is endgame.
i also feel that zoelle and eljiah could team up with bree under the right circumstances because she can definitely use some more black support. and valec and mariah could meet up with bree but I feel like for the majority of oathbound we're gonna see bree mainly alone. in legendborn and bloodmarked she has always had at least one person with her, but in oathbound she will need to fend off alone majorly until she finds any allies in the new setting.
nick pov is possible, it would create more screentime for him and develop the character further, something that hasn't happened properly in the last two books, or it could also hint to breenick being endgame as well. i do think that William pov could be possible too, since we already got William pov before.
the twins being love interest could be an interesting plot point, maybe with valec. valec isn't shown as anyone who'd get in a relationship rn but it could be developed further on. i am curious about his history with the order, he seemed way more knowledgeable about the working and titles than a normal broker. erebus being valec and sel's dad theory prevails for me.
also, i am kinda scared for bree's father because I fricking love loving parents and if something happens to him I'm literally gonna commit arson because he is the only tether to keep bree from exploding rn. alice could be bonded to William unofficially, so there's that. and also, bree's rootcrafter magic needs to be studied more because aether is fairly known rn but nothing major about her root furnace. and I desperately need more dragon moments the bloodmarked scene was just pure perfection.
i will post more theories as soon as I get time around here
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