#also i am now more concerned about my dc obsession
So I've been dealing with a really bad fever for the last few days, and apparently i had written something i have no recollection of writing so here it is:
Tim had dug himself into a hole.
To anyone that knew him, that fact wouldn't be too surprising. Tim had always been a very capable individual, but every now and then he became too in love with how capable he was and he would trip over his own ego. Usually the boy could get out of the messes he created, the sudden humbling giving him a clear head, but this time, he didn't think he could climb his way out on his own. 
The first shovel of dirt of this metaphorical hole came over 4 years ago, lining up with the first shovel of dirt of a literal hole. 
Jason Todd had died. Robin had died. 
Batman was in shambles. 
And 13 year old Tim Drake thought that because of the knowledge he had, it was his responsibility to fix him. 
Batman needed a Robin, and despite what Nightwing had implied, Tim was nowhere near cool enough to be Robin. 
So what would make Batman get his own sidekick? If his enemies had one! Batman would be forced to find someone else to deal with the sidekick while he dealt with the actual Rouge. 
The Joker was obviously out. Beyond the fact that the Joker was horrible, Tim may be joining up with a villain but that didn’t mean he wanted Batman to hate him. 
That meant he needed to find someone Batman didn’t enact a lot of violence on. That got rid of the Scarecrow and the various crime bosses (Black Mask, the Penguin, etc.). Bruce had been close to Harvey Dent, but a 50% chance of death was a percentage that was just a little too high for Tim (oh how that would change). Most of the lower tier Rouges (Kite Man, Mad Hatter, etc.) had gone under after the got wind of Batman's fury, not to mention that Tim really didn't want to spend his days smelling like ketchup. Poison Ivy and Killer Croc were cool, but their skills weren't exactly ones Tim could replicate. 
That left Mr. Freeze, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and the Riddler. 
The Mr. Freeze was more gentle with kids, their “villiainly” being based on the actions of adults, and the latter three were in it for their own interests rather than the purpose of killing or invoking fear, Catowman wanted shiny things, Harley wanted chaos and fun, and while the Riddler didn't share the same soft spot for kids, he respected intelligence. 
Tim chose Catwoman; the least lethal, and the closest with Batman. The skills she could teach him would also be more helpful in other situations.
It took about a week from the day he knocked on Selina Kyle's door to convince her to train him, but soon enough, a couple days before his 14th birthday and a few more calls to 911 about petty thieves left in the wake of Batman’s grief then Tim would have liked, “Stray” entered the scene. 
And his plan was working! 
The first time Batman had seen the second pair of cat ears he had paused mid ass-kicking of a carjacker and followed the duo, leaving the guy with more teeth then the others.
Slowly but surely, as time went on, the punishments the Batman inflicted started to fit the crime. By the time Tim was 15, he even thought he had seen a small upturn at the corner of Bruce’s mouth as he witnessed a bit of friendly banter between the two cats!
This was when the young villain had started to become a tad bit overconfident. In his defense, he had managed to keep his identity hidden from even Oracle! Lifts in his shoes, a voice modulator, make-up to disguise his facial features, along with a set of the same goggles Catwoman had kept and physical information from being revealed, and Tim Drake never interacted with Selina Kyle so there was no reason that anyone should have suspected him.
That overconfidence is what led him to replicate his plan. If one Rouge sidekick had benefits, then two Rouge sidekicks would mean double the benefits!
Solving riddles wasn’t too hard for the young boy, being able to see double meaning and red herrings was a skill taught to him by Janet Drake, and he took to the escape-room-esque plans for his heists quite easily. The thing he couldn’t figure out was creating riddles of his own. Mother had taught him that knowledge was power, you only reveal it if there was something to be gained, so purposely revealing information about his intention, helping his opponent was not something Tim was accustomed to, not bound to the compulsion to always tell the truth.
If the boy truly wanted to replicate the Riddler, then he would have to learn from the man himself.
Convincing the enigmatic man to teach Tim was easier than it had been with Catowman, the impressive display of bypassing the puzzles that hid the location of the game-playing criminal certainly helping.
Now, 15 years old with an unexplained skill boost in his AP Lang class (the lessons on wordplay were a definite help), The Riddler’s protege, ‘The Puzzler’ became the newest addition to the Gotham Rogues. He resented that name by the way. It was supposed to be Sibyl or Sphinx, they were on theme because they spoke in riddles and though he would deny it, the use of greek figures were his own little way of mocking Oracle, who still couldn’t figure out his identity. But apparently Poison Ivy and the Riddler had brunch once a month (something about being the green Rouges?) and she had heard the Riddler refer to him as “the little puzzle piece” when he was talking about his apprentice and the puzzle theme stuck despite how uncreative the name was.
This is when things became a bit hectic. Not only did Tim have to hide his nightlife from Batman and his parents, now he had to keep his two mentors from realizing that their mentees were the same person. 
He managed to convince Selina that the reason he was so busy lately was the AP classes that came with sophomore year, and while it wasn’t a lie, it certainly wasn’t the full story.
Nygma was easier to deceive. Tim had refrained from sharing his actual identity with the man (just because he would tell the truth in his puzzles for the sake of theme didn’t mean that he would be sharing personal information if it wasn’t needed. The only reason he hadn't hid it from Selina was to gain her trust, something that wasn’t needed with the Riddler) so just saying that he was busy was enough.
All the effort was worth it though. Things kept getting better.
Nightwing was seen in Gotham more often, and Spoiler (someone who Tim initially thought was trying to steal his thing by being a sidekick of the Cluemaster, only to realize she was working against him) had been seen fighting alongside the Batman one or twice. 
On an unrelated note, Stephiane Brown suddenly had her tuition for Gotham Academy paid for in full by the newly created Jason Todd Foundation.
Since things were going so well, he decided to push his luck a little further.
Unfortunately for Tim, he would soon realize the reason he was known for his bad luck in the future.
It started off like other times. Tim convinced Harley Quinn to take him under her wing, and “Ace” made their debut along with Tim’s 5 in AP Psych (Thank you Dr. Quinzel).
Steph and Tim happened to share a few classes together, and went from study buddies (Tim helping her in Chem, and Steph helping him in American History) to close friends.
Spoiler officially joined the Bats, and there were rumors of another bat joining the clan as well. Well there were no actual rumors, but the newest Wayne kid, Cassandra, had started joining him and Steph at their lunch table so her becoming a new bat wouldn’t be too surprising.
Soon enough though, things went to shit.
To start off, the first time Spoiler met Ace, she threw a brick at his head.
Second, His parents had caught him sneaking out and had grounded him, meaning that he now had to wait until they did their last check on his room at 12:00 to sneak out. 
The lack of sleep was starting to catch up to the highschooler. Handling 3 separate nightlife identities was hard enough, but doing so while exhausted was even harder.
After pulling an all nighter to study for a test the night before, he had gone to Selina’s apartment dressed as Ace, and had both costumes not been mostly black he would have been undoubtedly caught before he managed to fix his mistake.
Puzzler once spent a whole night sounding like Stray, and he didn’t think that his “sore throat” lie was all that believable.
Tim accidentally made a cat pun instead of a bat one when engaging in vaguely flirty banter with Spoiler as Ace and Harley had set him down to have the talk, stating that she would love him no matter who he liked and she would be happy to serve as a wingman for him and Catwoman’s protege. It would be funny if it wasn’t so embarrassing.
Third, Cassandra Wayne definitely knew something.
Tim’s “rumors” were right. 2 weeks after Cass had first joined their table Black Bat made herself known. By pinning Puzzler to the ground.
The next day Cass spent the entire lunch period staring at Tim. When he attempted to throw her off by invoking a mix of Stray and Ace’s mannerisms she stopped staring, instead choosing to freak Tim out more by smiling knowingly. At his wide eyes she mimed zipping her lips and throwing away the key only throwing Tim off further. Cass was too smart to not have known, but there was no reason she wouldn’t tell if she did know, right?
Last, but not least, and the worst of all:
Jason Todd was alive.
I have no clue where i was going with that last line, but i see a vision, so I'm hoping it will come back to me, but if not, any suggestions or constructive criticism (or a better puzzle themed name for tim) would be helpful
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
But with you, it’s different...
So, I’ve combined two of my great obsessions: Criminal Minds and Taylor Swift. Pretend the reader is Taylor Swift in the sense that she wrote and recorded the songs, but that’s it. Also, the songs are all out of order and not from the albums so just pretend that’s okay. I don’t reference the albums, but individual songs and yeah. It’s honestly kind of a mess, but also makes me happy. This is part 1! I have most of it written, so I should be able to post the other parts pretty soon. I think there will be 3 actual parts and then a short epilogue! Last thing, Spencer is a little out of character. I (try to) explain that later!!
Summary: Reader is a famous singer with a murderous stalker. Spencer has to go undercover to protect her. 
warnings: mentions of murder, anxious reader
Word Count: 7940
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You weren’t expecting anything out of the ordinary to happen tonight. It was just the usual Saturday night. Honestly, you were looking forward to having a boring two weeks off. You absolutely loved touring and performing and seeing your fans, but it was going to be great to have some time just to write again. Writing music has always helped you de-stress and get your emotions out, and you were supposed to finally have a chance to do just that. However, the universe had different plans. Plans that involved the FBI.
This was your second night in DC. It was the first of some of the bigger cities on your tour where you were doing two shows, so you are even more exhausted than normal. You really only just started the US leg of your tour, but the two weeks off was well earned from the Europe, Asia, and South America legs.
 As you begin to perform the second to last song, you start to feel the familiar sadness you get when finishing a show. It’s almost as though the adrenaline rush from the excitement of so many screaming fans is wearing off and you can’t help but feel a bit sorry that the fun is coming to an end. After so many performances though, you’ve learned how to hide the emotions and give the audience your best fake smile. The last song is where you have some real fun, so just make it there.
 As you duck off stage to change for the final performance, you can’t help but notice the small group of people conversing, quite tensely, with your security team. They don’t look like the normal fans who would try to sneak backstage, too official. You make eye contact with one of them. He looks to be about your age, but you’ve never been great at guessing. There’s something about him that makes you want to find out exactly who he is right now, but you can’t. 
You’re left wondering about his identity as you run back onstage for the grand finale. You feel a genuine smile appearing as you feel the heat from the fireworks and listen to the happy cheers from the crowd. You’re last song goes off without a hitch, but you’re exhausted. There’s nothing you want more than to just shower and sleep, but there’s always a buzz about the cast and crew that prevents anyone from leaving right away.
 “Thank you for a great second night DC! Goodnight!” You shout into the mic as you duck back offstage to ride out the post show high. You are still chatting with some of the dancers you’ve become friends with when Carrie, the head of security, comes up with one of the men you saw arguing with her earlier.
 “Y/N? Can I talk to you for a minute?” You turn, surprised to see the stern man standing behind Carrie. “Yeah, sure.” You turn to excuse yourself from the dancers, wishing them a goodnight before turning back to Carrie.
 “We can go do your dressing room, that’s where the others are waiting.” Carrie says with a nervous smile on her face.
 “The others?” You ask confused, jogging to keep up with the brisk pace she has set for you and the stern man. “Who are we talking to?”
 “I’m sure you have a lot of questions. We will explain everything as soon as we meet up with the rest of the team.” The stern man spoke quietly, but with confidence as he followed behind you and Carrie. Before you could ask anything else, you were being ushered into your dressing room, coming face to face with the other two people you saw arguing with Carrie earlier. The first one you notice is a woman with jet black hair and fierce eyes. The other is the tall, lanky man you made eye contact with.
 You’re a little excited to get a closer look. He looks a little awkward at first glance, but you can tell he’s a sneaky sort of attractive underneath the perfectly placed tie and the comfy cardigan. Before you can get too caught up in how good looking these three strangers are, you turn to the stern one and ask “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” Your tone clearly indicates the confusion you’re feeling. 
 “Ms. L/N, my name is Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner. I am the Unit Chief for the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI.” You can feel your eyes go wide as he shows you a badge with his picture and title. Before you can respond, he begins talking again. “These are SSAs Emily Prentiss” the woman gives you a reassuring smile and slight wave, “and Dr. Spencer Reid.” The sneakily attractive one nods his head in your general direction.
 The woman just introduced as Emily chimes in “we are here because we believe there is a killer targeting fans of your music. We have been tracking murders for the past two weekends. The first was in Louisville, Kentucky, then Columbus, Ohio, and then two right here in D.C.”
 “I was just in Louisville… and Columbus.” You feel yourself beginning to get dizzy as you try to comprehend what the agents are telling you.
 “Yes, and now you’re in DC.” The boss man is talking again. “We made the connection this afternoon as you had two shows here in DC.” The room is starting to spin as you listen to the man talk. “After more digging, we found each victim had purchased a ticket to your show. Additionally, they all had social media accounts dedicated as fan pages to you.” Agent Hotchner continues speaking as you nod along, trying to comprehend how this was happening. You don’t even realize you are tuning him out as you begin to sway on your feet. You can see his mouth moving, and the growing look of concern on his face is the last thing you see before the world goes dark.
 You can hear a faint beeping as you begin to wake up. For a moment, you are blissfully unaware of the murders before the memory of meeting the three agents comes back to you. You instantly sit up and look around, trying to figure out where you are. You can see a very muscular bald man through a window, talking to someone in scrubs.
 Scrubs. A nurse. You are in the hospital.
 Your heart rate begins to calm down before skyrocketing again when you hear “Ms. L/N?” from the other side of the room. Turning with wide eyes and a scared expression, you throw your arms up to defend yourself from the unknown voice.
 “Sorry! Sorry, uh- I didn’t mean to scare you! I’m Dr. Spencer Reid.” Instantly you relax again at the familiar face. You drop your arms back to the bed, shifting into a more comfortable position before asking “Okay, Doctor. What’s wrong with me? Why am I in the hospital?”
He looks at you with a sheepish expression, rubbing the back of his neck before he admits, “Oh, I’m not that kind of doctor. I’ll go get a nurse or someone. Try to think back on what you remember before waking up here.” He shuffles out of the room as you try to replay the conversation with the other agents.
 Well, it wasn’t much of a conversation with them doing all of the talking, but still. The unknown man from outside your room window and the nurse he was talking to come into the room with Dr. Reid. The nurse begins checking your vitals as she asks you some questions.
 “Hi there. It’s good to see you up. How are you feeling?” She wears a small smile.
 “Oh, um, I feel fine. I think. I’m just confused about how I ended up here. I remember talking to the agents at the arena, but that’s it.” You close your eyes as you try to remember more, but nothing comes to you.
 “That was only about 45 minutes ago, dear.” The nurse’s kind voice helps settle you. “You fainted while the agents were talking to you. They brought you here. You should be good to leave in a few minutes as long as your vitals are good.”
 “Thank you.” You return her kind smile as she marks information on your chart before leaving the room.
 “Ms. L/N, this is SSA Derek Morgan.” The Doctor Agent is talking again.
 “Please, call me Y/N.” You rub your head, continuing to try to remember more about your condition. Before either man in the room can speak up, a new thought occurs to you. “If I fainted, why doesn’t my head hurt? The floor in my dressing room is not soft.” You look between the two men for an explanation.  
 The doctor shifts his weight from foot to foot a blush appearing on his face as Agent Morgan speaks up. “That is because Pretty Boy over here” he claps a hand onto the doctor’s shoulder “caught you before you hit the ground.” “Oh, um… Thank you.” You can feel the blush beginning to form as you think about his arms being around you.
 “It was no problem, really. Can we ask you a few questions?” He moves on quickly. “Oh sure thing Dr. Reid. Or Agent Reid. Agent Dr. Reid?” You can feel the blush growing as you ramble.
 “Just Sp-Spencer is fine.” He cuts you off before you can continue suggesting different honorifics. “What do you remember from what Agent Hotchner was telling you?”
 “He said someone was mur-murdering fans of me.” Tears spring to your eyes as you think about it. “That someone was killed in Kentucky and Ohio and then two people here in DC.” You squeeze your eyes shut, willing the tears not to fall.
 Get a hold of yourself.
 You feel a new weight on your hand before hearing Spencer begin talking again. “Take your time.” You open your eyes to see him patting your hand delicately. He moves back after you take a few deep, calming breaths.
 “I’m sorry. I just feel awful knowing people are dy-dying because of me. Is there anything I can do to help?” You choke on the words a bit, realizing the full gravity of the situation.
 “Do you recognize any of these people?” Agent Morgan pulls out photos of three women and one man, handing them to you to sift through. He seems to be staring at Spencer, but you just focus on the pictures. You can feel the tears building again as you realize who they are.
 “I do.” You take another breath before continuing. “I haven’t met them before, but they are all really active on different social sites. I try to talk to as many fans as I can ya know? They are why I am where I am. Is that why they were killed? Oh god. No no no no.” Your breathe increases in speed as you think about everything that is happening.
 “Hey, hey, hey, none of this is your fault.” Spencer is patting your hand again as he tries to calm you down. Just then, the nurse comes back with some paperwork for you to sign in order to leave.
 “You are free to go Ms. L/N. Just sign these forms and hand them in at the desk on your way out.” She exits the room swiftly.
 “Would you mind coming back to our office to finish talking?” Agent Morgan asks.
 “Of course not. Anything I can do to help.” You turn in the forms before following them to a black SUV. Spencer opens the door for you to get in the back before he slides in next to you. You don’t even have the brain power to consider why he isn’t sitting in the front. You just grab his hand and squeeze it, unable to get the thoughts out of your head that this was all your fault.  
 “This is not your fault. You had no idea what was happening, and now that you do you are trying to help.” Spencer looks at you reassuringly as he squeezes your hand right back. You simply nod back. You don’t trust yourself to speak without crying. You just need to calm down before you get to the office.
 About 15 minutes later you pull up to the FBI building that houses the BAU. They must’ve brought you to a hospital near Quantico. They lead you through security up to the fifth floor. You walk through a set of glass doors, passing a few desks before entering a conference room. “Do you need anything? Coffee, water?” Spencer asks as Agent Morgan leaves the room.
 “Oh, um, no I’m okay for now.” You stare at your hands as you go to sit down. “Actually, could I get a jacket or something?” You gesture to what you’re wearing as you ask. You haven’t had a chance to change yet, meaning you are wearing a black, sequined romper that is basically a leotard with how short it is. Perfect for performing, but not exactly FBI attire. “Of co-course! I’ll be right back.” He practically runs out of the room.
 A few minutes later, he pushes the door back open. “Here’s some clothes you can change into if you want. Or just a sweatshirt.” You look up from your position in the chair, rising to take the clothes.
 “Thank you.” You look from the clothes to him realizing you need to change, but are in a room full of windows in an unfamiliar building.
 He catches on a few seconds later, leading you out of the room. “The bathroom is this way!” He squeaks out as you both walk down a hallway outside the glass doors you came in. “I’ll wait here to show you back.” You smile as you brush past him, whispering thank you as you close the door.
 You instantly take off the romper, sliding on some FBI sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt that smells like vanilla and new books. The scent is oddly comforting. You would think a standard FBI sweatshirt would smell new, but this scent is calming your nerves. You fix your makeup as best you can before heading out of the bathroom. Spencer is a few feet away talking to a beautiful blonde woman. She looks effortlessly gorgeous. She smiles as she notices you, waving you to join them.
 “Ms. L/N, it’s lovely to meet you, although I do wish it was under better circumstances. I am SSA Jennifer Jureau, but you can call me JJ. The rest of the team is waiting for us to join them.” She smiles kindly, but you are frozen in place. You feel like a deer caught in the headlights.
 Spencer grabs your arm lightly, pulling you out of your trance. “It’s okay. Just breathe.” He whispers as the three of you start walking back toward the conference room you were in earlier.
 He lets your arm fall back to your side before guiding you back into the room behind JJ. You freeze again upon entering the room. You recognize Agents Hotchner, Prentiss, and Morgan, but are surprised by the other two faces. There is an older man with salt and pepper hair smiling kindly at you. He reminds you of your father. Then there is a very bubbly blonde, in a very colorful dress and matching glasses.
 They introduce themselves as SSA David Rossi and technical analyst Penelope Garcia. The unit chief begins to describe the case again, going slower this time given your earlier episode. “We believe the unsub is targeting fans of yours who he believes is unworthy of your attention. He worships you and views his victims as people who are not devoted enough to you.”
 You can’t decide how to respond, so you wait for another agent to continue. “Do you know of anyone who might be overly obsessed with you? Maybe they sent you letters that were a bit more personal than normal?” At this point, you decide you are done being controlled by this situation. What happened to those people is awful, but you can’t change it. You need to be strong to help prevent it from happening to anyone else.
 “I haven’t finished my fan letters from this week yet. I try to go through as many as possible, but there is only so much time in a day.” At this point you are pacing. Walking around has always helped you with thinking things over. “There is one letter that sticks out from three weeks ago. That was before the murd-” you stutter on the word. “Before anything happened though. Could that be relevant?” You ask, looking hopeful. If the agents are surprised by your change of attitude they don’t mention it.
 “It might be. What did it say?” Agent Hotchner asks, the same stern expression adorning his features.
 “I don’t remember all of it, but it looked like it was written on a typewriter, so it stood out. It said something about how they wondered if my hair smelled like peaches after I finished a show. I thought it was weird because my shampoo is peach scented, but how could they possibly know that? I figured I must have met them in passing, you know. I meet a lot of fans just walking around the different cities. Something just felt weird about this letter though. Like a bad feeling. I mean, my hair doesn’t really retain the scent of my shampoo all that much. So how could he know that unless he knew what shampoo I use? But actually, I use a personalized shampoo so I can change the scent every time I but it- it must’ve been a lucky guess, right? Maybe I just look like I would use peach scented shampoo” You feel like you are talking a mile a minute, but you can’t get yourself to stop. You practically fall back into your chair as you finish rambling about the letter, looking up to see unmistakable expressions of concern on the agents’ faces.
 “What? What does that mean? Oh god- How does he know my shampoo smells like peaches?” You look between all the agents as they seem to be communicating with just their eyes. You resort to taking calming breaths again. They’ll fill you in eventually, you need to breathe. You drop your head between your thighs as you push your chair away from the table. Breathe in for 7 seconds, hold for 7, and breathe out for 7. This always helps calm you down before a show.
 You choose to ignore the agents quietly talking to each other again as you focus on slowing your heart rate back to a normal pace.
 “Ms. L/N?” You look up exasperatedly, “Please, just call me Y/N.”
 “Then you can call me Penelope!” The woman has such a kindness to her that you can’t help but smile back at her.
 “What can I do for you Penelope?” She seems a bit surprised, but she responds in kind.
 “I just wanted to ask if you wanted some coffee. Or water or anything?” You smile at her kind gesture, rising from your seat.
 “Actually, some tea would be wonderful. But, please, let me come help you. These guys seem like they need to talk and it would probably be easier if I wasn’t in the room.” You smile as you walk out the door, leaving the agents slightly stunned at your observational skills in your distressed state.
 Penelope follows you out and leads you to what you assume is the break room. “We don’t really have much tea, but I know where the good doctor keeps his private collection.” She whispers conspiratorially as she searches through a small cabinet. “Aha! Here it is.” She presents you with a pretty impressive collection of teas. You opt for the simple peppermint. You have always found peppermint tea the most soothing.
 She hands you a mug before gesturing to the Keurig on the counter. You place the teabag in the cup, selecting the largest cup on the machine, and brewing hot water for your tea. The two of you don’t say anything while it steeps. Penelope speaks up when you move to sit down at the small table.
 “I just have to say, I am a huge fan of yours.” You can’t hide the smile that forms on your face. You have always loved meeting fans. They are just so sweet and you appreciate them beyond belief.
 “Thank you so much!” She seems a bit relieved at your response. “That’s honestly so nice to hear right now. I kind of feel like a mess.” You gesture to the oversized clothes you’ve got on.
 “Please, you look so gorgeous right now. It’s amazing. Your music is amazing too. I absolutely love Begin Again! It’s so romantic!” She gushes over the song.
 “Honestly, that one took me forever to write. I was in a pretty bad place after a bad breakup, convinced I would never love again. Dramatic, I know.” You roll your eyes at yourself. “But then I saw these two people in a café, and they just looked so happy. The idea of a new love forming so casually right in front of me was beautiful.” You smile thinking about the couple, wondering if they are still together.
 “Wow, so you can really right about anything?” She looks while asking the question.
 “Pretty much. I mean, they won’t all be good. It could be the tiniest moment or a huge thing in my life. Inspiration comes from everywhere. A lot of songs actually draw from multiple experiences, not just one thing. I could totally see myself writing a song about you.”
“No way! That would be insane.” You smile at her enthusiasm.
 “I’m serious! You just give of this energy that is so positive, it’s hard to remember ever being sad. I think it would be about how confident you are. Something like…” you trail off as you begin to hum, setting up your phone to record. “You’re the only one of you, baby that’s the fun of you. And I promise that nobody’s gonna love you like me!” You hum a few more bars before ending the recording.
 “That was insane. How do you do that?!” She has a wild kind of excitement in her eyes.
 “I don’t know. You just inspired me.” You grin at the shocked expression in her eyes.
 “Sing it again!” And you can’t help but give her what she wants.
 You hum a bit more of a melody that could work before jumping into the words you already said. You add a few more here and there, but nothing concrete. In your focus on singing, you don’t hear the door open behind you.
 “I’m the only one of me, baby that’s the fun of me. Oh oh oh. You’re the only one of you, baby that’s the fun of you. And I promise that you’ll never find another like me.” “I don’t doubt it.” You turn in shock to look at the person behind you, seeing none other than Spencer Reid in the doorway. You don’t notice the flush of embarrassment on his cheeks that you heard his comment, just like he doesn’t notice the matching expression on your face. Penelope though, she notices. And, she can’t wait to tell Derek.
 Spencer clears his throat before speaking again. “We’re ready for you to come back in if you’re up for it. We want to talk to you about a plan to keep you safe.”
 “Sure thing.” You grab your tea from the table before you and Penelope follow Spencer back to the conference room. You sitting cross-legged in your seat. You feel much calmer after chatting with Penelope. Song writing has always been cathartic for you, and it is reassuring that hasn’t changed.
The agents waste no time getting down to business. “We believe the unsub has broken into your tour bus. If the letter was from him, it would explain how he knows about the peach scent.” Agent Rossi starts.
 Agent Morgan continues, “It’s an easier target than a hotel room or your personal home since fewer people would be securing it.” You nod along with them. You are determined to stay strong through this.
 “We want to completely ensure your safety, so we think it best to send an agent to stay with you while we work on the case.” Agent Prentiss chimes in. You feel like you’re going to get whiplash looking between all their faces.
 “Since we haven’t ruled out people on the crew, we want this to remain as secret as possible. We will inform the head of security on your team, but other than that the agent will be undercover.” Agent Hotchner, stern as ever, appears to be studying your reaction.
 “Okay.” You sigh. “Okay, I can handle this. I’ll be fine. I’ll have an agent with me. Who’s going undercover? Do you have a cover story planned?” You look at Agent Hotchner with nervous eyes.
 “We wanted to plan the cover story with you to make it as believable as possible. What are you planning on doing for the next few weeks?” You consider what your plans consist of. Honestly, nothing but songwriting.
 “I plan on mostly working on songwriting. I usually go to cafes, parks, or anywhere really with people for inspiration. If I already have an idea, I’ll write from my hotel room or from home if I’m there. If any of you have any musical experience, then we could make up a cover story about a new writing partner. Nobody would really question it because I write with new people all the time.” You glance around the room to see if anyone is willing to take you up on your offer. Nobody says anything for a minute. They are communicating with looks again.
 Penelope chimes in “Reid knows how to play the piano!” You can’t help but latch on to the statement as you turn toward Spencer.
 “Really, that would be so helpful! I normally write to piano or guitar and then add any additional instrumental later in the studio. If you can play, then the story would look even more believable!” You are actually getting excited about this idea working out. You finally feel like you’ve helped them with something. They probably could’ve figured it out without you, but still.
 “Yes, I can play. I mean, it’s just mathematics if you think about it.” Spencer responds quietly, like his mind is somewhere else.
 “Reid, if you feel comfortable with it, that story sounds like great cover.” Reid nods at Agent Hotchner. “Great. You can go to your place and grab some clothes and anything else you’ll need.” He says to Spencer before turning his attention to you. You watch as Spencer walks out with the rest of the team before turning to meet Agent Hotchner’s eye. “It’s best if we stick to your plans as closely as possible. If the unsub is someone who works with you, he will likely notice if you start changing your behavior too much.” You nod in response, mentally going through everything you do from day to day.
 “Agent Reid will stay with you in your hotel room if you are comfortable with it. That is the safest arrangement since he will be close by if anything happens. We will also have agents tail you when you go out in public. We’ll have a rotation of agents in the rooms around yours each night to allow Reid to rest as well. He knows how to contact us, but we will program our numbers into your phone as well for backup. Do not hesitate to call any one of us if something feels even remotely wrong, no matter the time. Do you understand?”
 Again, you nod in response. It’s a lot of information to take in and honestly, you’re still thinking about sharing a hotel room with Spencer.
 “We will need to see the letter you mentioned earlier if you still have it. We would also like to go through the fan mail you currently have and any new mail that comes in. If you see anything else that feels off or seems suspicious, tell Reid or call one of us. If you remember anything else, tell Reid or call one of us.” He gives you a questioning glance to ensure you are following.
 “Basically, tell Reid everything. Got it.” You try to remain lighthearted even though Agent Hotchner’s serious expression hasn’t waned in the slightest.
 “It’s good to see you’ve got a good attitude about this. It’s hard to remain calm, but it will help limit any suspicion on the part of the unsub. We don’t want to escalate his plans. Do you have any questions for me?” He gives you a reassuring look as you contemplate everything he’s told you.
 “What does unsub mean?” you blurt out, surprising both of you. “Sorry, that was loud.” You cringe. “I just meant, why do you call the criminal, unsub?”
 You can see the faintest of smiles on his face as he replies, “Right, we can get pretty wrapped up in a case. It stands for unidentified subject. We try not to assign nicknames or anything to the perpetrators as it can affect their behavior.”
 “Right. Behavior.” You try to sound like you understand, but honestly this is so much different from all the detective shows you’ve seen. Apparently, Agent Hotchner notices and explains more.
 “We catch criminals by analyzing their behavior and trying to predict what they’ll do next.”
 “Like psychology? Nature vs. Nurture and mental disorders?” You ask, suddenly very curious about how this all works.
 “Yes, just like that, although we normally go a little deeper.”
 “So what can you tell about this unsub? That way I know what to look for.” Agent Hotchner seems pleased with this question.
 “The unsub is a man, likely 25-40. Age is the hardest thing to predict, so don’t follow that guideline too strictly. He likely suffers from antisocial personality disorder stemming from negligent parents and has always had trouble interacting with people. He is highly organized, which usually indicates high intelligence, but in this case could be due to the time he spends alone planning. His lack of social skills has resulted in him only working menial jobs. He won’t have worked anywhere for more than a few months before finding a new job since people find him odd or off-putting. He has always felt as though he deserves more because of his self presumed high intelligence. It is possible you met him in passing and any act of kindness toward him resulted in an obsession with you. He doesn’t have the courage to approach you, so he watches from afar or online. That’s how he found his earlier victims. Since you don’t have any shows in the next few weeks, his MO might change slightly. That’s why we want to be so cautious and make sure we can ensure your safety.” You sit quietly for a moment, trying to picture anyone who fits the description. You try to meet the people who work with you, but you certainly don’t know everyone. You were honestly hopeful the description would point you toward a suspect, but you’ve got nothing. “I can’t think of anyone like that, but now I know what to look out for. Thank you Agent Hotchner.” “Please, call me Hotch. Do you have any more questions?”
 “Just one, you said earlier that maintaining a sense of normalcy will prevent us from escalating his plans. What plans exactly?” You were nervous to ask this question, wondering if you really wanted to hear the answer.
 “We don’t know exactly. It is possible the unsub has been trying to work up the courage to talk to you, but since you won’t be doing shows, it is unclear how he would make contact. Reid and the other agents will be looking for anyone who appears to be in a lot of the same places you are. If you notice anyone more than one time in a day, don’t hesitate to-“
“Tell Reid or call one of you. I got it.” You smile at him again. “Thank you again.” He nods as you both exit the room. Spencer isn’t back from picking up clothes yet, so you aren’t sure exactly what to do. Penelope notices you searching the room and waves you over to her. She is talking with Agent Morgan.
 “Y/N! I was just telling my Chocolate Thunder about the song you started earlier. I just need to know, what does this fine specimen inspire you to write?” She sounds so excited you can’t bear to let her down. You study the man in front of you, searching for something to sing. You don’t know why, but there’s a certain sadness in his eye. He hides it well with his masculinity and the clear smirk on his face, but you know he’s been through some shit.
 You don’t want to kill the mood though, so you stick to something a little lighter than past pain. “Well, Pen, I have to say he looks like a heartbreaker.” This only encourages the smirk on his face. “The type to love ‘em and leave ‘em.” You have had a song in the back of your mind for a while so why not break it out now. Penelope shrieks as you start humming, drawing a crowd. Again, you set up your phone to record. The rest of the BAU agents crowd around Morgan’s desk as you start singing.
 “Magic, madness, heaven, sin, saw you there and I thought, oh my god, look at that face. You look like my next mistake.” That draws a few chuckles as you continue humming. More words pop into your head as you think about past relationships and what the media loves to say about celebrities. “Screaming, crying, perfect storms. I can make all the tables turn. Da dada da da, Keep you second guessing like, Oh my god, who is she. I get drunk on jealousy.” You hum some more, really getting into the flow of the song. “Cause darling I’m a nightmare, dressed like a daydream.” The group claps as you end the recording.
 “That was actually pretty impressive.” Agent Morgan smirks at you some more.
 “Well, to be honest I’ve had the melody in my notes for weeks, but I just couldn’t think of the right words.” Yet again, his smirk grows.
 “I guess I’m just that inspirational.” You choke back a laugh as you roll your eyes. You hadn’t realized the size of the crowd you had garnered. You can’t help but knock him down a few pegs.
 “You know what, I changed my mind. Agent Morgan’s song would be called I Knew You Were Trouble.” The entire group laughs at that one, but all the sudden you actually have another idea.
Before long, Penelope is asking you what songs you would write about the entire team.
 “Start with Hotch!”
 “Well, Hotch is so serious. So it’s kind of hard. His face just screams ‘I’ve been through it and dealt it out’. Maybe something like… your string of lights is still bright to see oh, who you are is not what you did, you’re still an innocent.” Even as you half sing it, the one line feels like it could lead somewhere big. It’s not quite right, but it’s a start.
 “That’s so cool. Do me next! And please, just call me Emily.” You nod at her as you think back over your previous interactions.
 “Alright, don’t get mad but something just popped into my head and I can’t un-hear it. They say I did something bad, then why’s it feel so good. Most fun I ever had, and I’d do it over and over and over again if I could.” The smile on her face told you everything you needed to know, but so did JJ.
 “You absolutely nailed it. That is Emily to a tee.” JJ chimed in. “I’m kind of scared to see what you can come up with for me!” Your head is swimming with lyrics and melodies, but it has been so long since you’ve had this much fun writing music with a group of people. It’s become such a solo activity for you, but these people just have so many stories to tell.
 “Okay, let me think.” You pause as you observe JJ. You can tell that she is such a sweetheart from the few hours you’ve known her, but you know you would be intimidated if you went to high school with her. “Sorry to be blunt but, you’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face. Cause look at your face.”
 “Why thank you!” JJ smiles as you defend the lyric choice.
 “I know you are so sweet and I of course don’t mean to say you are just a pretty face, but you really do have a pretty face.” The group chuckles again and nods in agreement. “Oh, wait! I’ve got another one. You took a Polaroid of us, then discovered, the rest of the world was black and white. But we were in screaming color.” That one came out of nowhere, but it felt right.
 “Beautiful. Okay, okay! Rossi’s turn!” Penelope says right as the man walks out of his office.
 “My turn for what?” He looks skeptical of the group, but in a loving way.
 “Y/N is coming up with song ideas for everyone! She just did Morgan, Hotch, Emily, and JJ! She did mine earlier. So it’s your turn!”
 “Well then by all means, be my guest.” You close your eyes as you think through the words swimming in your head.
 “While, Rossi, you have a kind aura. You seem like a parent to this group of rowdy children. Reminds me of my dad.” Again, the group laughs. You begin humming, lightly patting the desk in front of you as you think back on memories of your own parents. “I don’t know why all the trees change in the fall, but I know you’re not scared of anything at all. Don’t know if Snow White’s house is near or far away, but I know I had the best day with you today.” This tune was softer than the rest, more emotional. Everyone stops laughing as they listen to the soft melody you created.
 “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to kill the mood.” You feel slightly awkward with the new found silence.
 “Please, bella, that was beautiful. You really know how to read people.” Rossi hugs you as you blush, thanking him for the compliment.
 “That only leaves the resident genius. What would you write about Reid?” JJ poses the question and suddenly all eyes are on you. In all the commotion with the other songs, you didn’t notice Spencer exit the elevator. He walked in soon enough to hear the question. Deciding not to interrupt the conversation, he hangs back to listen to your answer.
 You can feel the blush heating up your face, subconsciously hugging the sweatshirt he gave you to wear earlier. After all the short melodies and lyrics you’ve come up with, you are way too tired to put your feelings toward Spencer into words.
 “I’ll be honest, it’s been in my head all night.” You begin to hum, knowing this would be a song about how you felt when you first saw him backstage, to when you spoke to him in the hospital room and all the little moments since then. “Your eyes whispered have we met…” you fill in for lyrics you’ve yet to write by humming. “All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you.”
 “That was beautiful.” Spencer says from behind you. You jump in surprise, nearly falling out of your chair. You didn’t even realize he was in the room.
 He looks sheepish as he apologizes for scaring you. “Are you ready to go?” He asks, reaching out a hand to help you up. The rest of the profilers share a knowing look as you rise from your seated position. They all wish you a goodnight as you and Spencer enter the elevator to head to your hotel. The ride to the parking garage is quiet. You keep humming that same melody, looking for the right words to fill in the blanks.
 Spencer leads you to another black SUV opening the passenger side door for you to get in the car. He tosses his bag in the back before getting in and starting the drive.
 “Penelope said it was my turn, did you do songs for everyone?” Spencer beaks the silence. You turn in your seat to look at him before responding.
 “Kind of. Mostly just ideas of songs. Morgan’s was the most put together, only because it was a song I already started. I recorded the whole thing though. That way I won’t forget any ideas. I can play it for you when we actually start to write some music!” You are honestly surprised by the range of ideas you have.
 “Wh-what? You actually want me to help you write songs? I th-though that was just a cover.” All of the sudden Spencer seems nervous and shy. You put the ideas swimming through your head on pause so you can devote all your attention to him.
 “Spencer, don’t worry about it. You don’t have to come up with any profound lyrics or brand new chord progressions. But, since we are going to be spending a lot of time together, you do have to talk to me. Otherwise it would just be weird.” You try to lighten the mood. You can tell by the way he relaxed his shoulders it worked a little. He nods in agreement as he parks the SUV in the garage dedicated to the hotel you are staying in. You take the elevator straight up to the 11th floor. It’s honestly reassuring to be able to lead him somewhere after everything that happened in the past few hours.
 You dig around in your bag- that somehow followed you on your journey from the arena to the hospital to the FBI building and now back to your hotel- to find the room key. No matter what you try, you can’t seem to slide the key card into the slot in the right way. Every time you try, the little light glows red before beeping indicating the door is still locked. After the fifth try, you are about ready to scream.  
 Suddenly, you can feel the heat from Spencer’s body as he slides up behind you to take the room key. He slides the card into the door, wiggles it around, and then slides it back out. To your surprise, the light glows green and the door unlocks. You must be exhausted to be this shocked at the fact he opened the door. You can’t even seem to force your feet to move. You just stand there like a fool, mouth agape.
 “Why?” Spencer turns to look at you with a confused expression. “Why couldn’t I… How did you…?” You just point to the door. He places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you into the room. He places his bag just inside the door before he turns around to close the door and lock the deadbolt.
 Even after he led you into the room, you turned around so you could keep staring at the door. You don’t even realize you started crying. Spencer guides you to the bed and tucks you into the blankets. You know that you are going to wake up in an hour because you never sleep in pants, but you just don’t have the energy to fight him on it. He turns off the lamp, but before he walks away, you grab his arm.
 “Can you stay?” You have never heard yourself sound so frail. You squeeze your eyes shut, willing the tears to stop. Spencer looks conflicted, but ultimately sits down next to you, his back against the headboard. You lay next to him in the dark, not quite touching. Once your breathe calms enough that you can talk without bursting into tears, you ask “how do you do it?”
 “Do what?” You smile at the sound of genuine concern in his voice.
 “How do you deal with this kind of stuff all the time? I feel like I’m falling apart. I want to be strong about it, so I can help. But then all of the sudden I can’t keep it in anymore. I just… how do you make it seem so easy?” You feel sniffly again, but you try to focus on your breathing.
 “It’s not easy. I hope it never becomes easy. It’s gotten easier, of course, but the minute I stop feeling everything is the moment I let them win. To feel pain in situations like this is human. Somebody wise once told me our best defense is our ability to empathize. It’s a completely natural reaction to experiencing something so traumatic. 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. That's 223.4 million people. It would be...” He trailed off.
 “It would be what?” You angled your head up to look at him even though you couldn’t see him in the dark.
 “Oh, it’s nothing. I tend to ramble. I’m sorry.” He sounded so dejected, you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching for his hand. You had to shift on the bed a bit to reach his arm, so you ended up leaning your cheek against his thigh, tossing your arm over his lap in a sort of make shift hug.
 “I like it. It’s calming… and informative.” You couldn’t help but smile into his leg. “People who complain are just jealous.” That actually makes him laugh, but it doesn’t sound like a happy kind of laugh. More like a self-deprecating one. “I’m serious. You are clearly smarter than everyone else is, and you are sneaky attractive. There is a lot to be jealous about.” You dig deeper into his lap as you squeeze his hand in yours. The last thing you remember before falling asleep is the feeling of Spencer running his free hand through your hair.
You wake up slowly, eyes adjusting to the dark. You can just make out the numbers on the bedside clock to be 4:37. You must have fallen asleep talking to Spencer. Your head was still resting on his lap, his hand in your hair. You untangle yourself from the sheets to rid yourself of the extra layers that woke you up. It takes a few minutes of digging around in the dark to find one of the t-shirts you normally sleep in. In that amount of time, Spencer, still sleeping, rearranged himself to be laying on the bed rather than leaning against the headboard. You stopped for a minute to observe his sleeping form. He looks so at peace compared to the furrow of his brow and the glint in his eye that normally mean he’s thinking too hard.
 As soon as you lay back down in the bed, Spencer gravitates toward you. Before long, your head is resting on his chest, his arms wrapped around you. You breathe in the scent of vanilla and new books; the rhythmic pattern of his chest rising and falling lulls you back to sleep.
Part 2
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wildsunscorpion · 3 years
How Bum Geon Woo communicates through his body language (Plus how he's actually giving the special treatment Eui Joon's been yearning for)
I reread DCS for, like, the tenth time now. Yes, I'm obsessed ohmygod! I'm liking how these two characters are written so far. I originally wanted to break down just Chapters 20-24 of DCS because the first time I read it I got just a little annoyed with how Geon Woo (a.k.a. Ahjussi) was, let's say, just kind of pushing Euijoon's limits. But I ended up doing more than just Chapters 20-24. Dios mio.
I was just a little tired of seeing the same trend with guys in manhwa. They always seem to be domineering, especially if their partner is the "sweet and naive" archetype. (Eui Joon, I think, does not really fit into this mold.) Of course, that's usually because they're dealing with their own issues, and I don't really blame them.
But I like DCS because it justified that kind of behavior in Geon Woo when he was having sex with Eui Joon (in Chapters 20-24, particularly). Lol I'm probably the only one who realized this later than I should have ehehe. I'm still posting this tho.
His antics speak volumes. It's amazing how I missed all those details just because the sex scenes were. Steamy. As. Fuck. Good lordy! Geon Woo is definitely a man of few words (He once said Eui Joon makes him talk like he would for a whole year, haha!), so it would make sense to communicate whatever's going through his mind in a situation through body language.
I also want to add the times that he makes the effort to hold a conversation with Eui Joon. Geon Woo doesn't really talk when he doesn't need to, so it's important to pay attention to his actions.
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Chapters 0-12
The first time we get a glimpse of Geon Woo's side of the story was when Eui Joon finally confesses to the person who's been his crush for 3 effing years, Hyeon Woo. Eui Joon is inexplicably happy when Hyeon Woo says he'll consider and comes to the convenience store in good spirits. Geon Woo, keen as always, notices, and when Eui Joon tells him what happened this is what we get:
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It's the way it was framed. How we see his reaction from behind rather than from the front. He turns away, seeming to go inward and brood once again.
Afterwards, another gangster comes. The guy challenges Geon Woo for taking too long at the front of the line. Geon Woo asks Eui Joon if he smokes, and when he replies that he doesn't, Geon Woo "borrows" the lighter on the countertop and uses that to throw a stronger punch to the man behind him, who temporarily falls unconscious. Geon Woo turns back to Eui Joon, seeming to have something else to say. But he sees the frightened look on Eui Joon's face and decides to keep it to himself before leaving through the door.
"And..." He pauses, turning to Eui Joon. "... Never mind. Good work."
In the succeeding panel, Eui Joon is nonplussed. He wonders out loud, "What is happening?" Couldn't have said it better, girl. Geon Woo was just taking out his frustration and he had the perfect opportunity at the moment.
The second time was when Geon Woo invites Eui Joon to drink after the incident with Hyeon Woo (who basically asks Eui Joon to cheat with him and inebriates him—probably with the intention to take advantage of him). From the side stories, we learn that Geon Woo has taken an interest in Eui Joon after seeing him for the second time, and when he comes by through the hallway—finally discovering they were neighbors—and witnesses the two, he sees it as a chance with Eui Joon.
He invites Eui Joon out to drink, after Eui Joon's suggestion for a dinner at 2 in the morning fails to entice him. Eui Joon rambles his questions away, wanting to get to know him better, but Geon Woo doesn't immediately answer and catches him off guard when he "casually" inquires after his sexuality. Not the smoothest move there, lol, but in the side stories we see that wasn't really his intention.
"Damn it, why did I ask that question? It just slipped out..."
He answers Eui Joon's questions afterwards, surprising Eui Joon with the fact that he's actually been listening to what he's been saying for the past minute. We're starting to see just what kind of a person he is (Listening skills are always a plus in my book).
A little later, we see them on their way back to the apartment. Eui Joon asks Geon Woo to tell him anything interesting because he's been the one talking all night. Geon Woo acquiesces, asking a question that may have been part in consideration of Eui Joon's vulnerable state, and perhaps also part due to the possibility that he worried about him.
"Come to think of it... School has already started. Isn't it tiring to work 'til dawn? Aren't you working too much?"
Geon Woo's face is a little hard to read. So every subtle change in his expression says something. If you read the manhwa, you'll see the slightest bit of concern in his eyes. It's hard to catch until you've read the side stories (at least for me, haha).
One more thing I like about Geon Woo is that he doesn't meddle when it's not his business. He knows the state of Eui Joon's family—their inability to afford his college tuition, his hospitalized brother—and he knows he can help. I mean, I don't know how wealthy and powerful he is as a gangster but he probably has the means to. But he rarely opens the topic to Eui Joon.
Aaaand onto Chapter 8! Just before the first sex scene in the entire series. Eui Joon is crying because he had a shitty day both at school and at work, poor thing—all because of Hyeon Woo. He cries even more when he notices that Geon Woo, who came to the store every day, didn't come to the store that day. When he encounters him outside, he breaks down, catching Geon Woo off guard.
Geon Woo tells his lackey to leave and asks Eui Joon to stay. Eui Joon tells him he was fine and proceeds to go back to his room, but Geon Woo frightens him when he says he was already being nice. And then we get this:
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"Ah, I don't mean it that way... Just a while."
That gentle tug is honestly so uncharacteristic of the usual ruffian behavior we often see from Geon Woo. It's a nice sweet detail that proves what he says in Chapter 26 (when he finally confesses) that he treats Eui Joon differently from others.
Eui Joon cries his heart out to Geon Woo, and Geon Woo just lets him. Afterwards, Eui Joon resolves to forget about Hyeon Woo. By finding someone, hmm, more physically endowed.
"I must find someone more good-looking than him. With a nicer body... And a bigger dick!"
Clueless guy basically described the man beside him.
To that, Geon Woo says:
"How long have you known me? You really dare to say anything like that in front of me?"
Which comes off as slightly hostile at first. The next panel shows a dark aura surrounding Geon Woo, which Eui Joon interprets as distress from his implications of doing it with him—whose sexual preference so far remains ambiguous (In the side stories, we learn that Geon Woo himself struggles with figuring this out.). But then, he surprises Eui Joon when he slowly leans in to kiss him.
CUE SEX SCENE! I pitied Eui Joon a little because he wasn't really in the best state when Geon Woo offered this. In Geon Woo's defense, though, from the moment he found out that Eui Joon was gay he saw doors opening. When Eui Joon said something like that, I think his attraction to Eui Joon finally caught up to him and he couldn't resist the opportunity. He definitely wasn’t distressed by the implication of Eui Joon’s words; he was distressed by the decision he had to make—to go through that door or not. Because he knew he wanted it, even though he was constantly denying it from the start.
“This dirty thought wasn’t something that I have planned from the beginning.”
The day after, Eui Joon is a little rattled. He doesn’t know how to treat Geon Woo after that—not when he realized that sex could be that hot and satisfying (uwu). Geon Woo appears to be unaffected while Eui Jon’s brain is in knots about everything. But the questions Geon Woo asks tell us that he’s beginning to show Eui Joon a little emotion. He asks to see Eui Joon’s face to inspect the healing bruise he got yesterday (the one that Geon Woo covered with a bandaid—which was so sweet, huhu). And then, he asks if he was tired after school.
“Let me see your face.”
“School classes. Are you tired after taking them?”
From my perspective, he wasn’t just asking for the sake of being nice to the person he slept with. The story still hasn’t covered much of Geon Woo’s history to know whether he had been like this with his previous partners. Although there was a moment in Chapter 27 during one of their conversations when he gave us a little glimpse:
Geon Woo: It's normal to cry over pathetic things at your age. Eui Joon: Have you cried like that before too? Geon Woo: No. Eui Joon: Then how do you know that? Geon Woo: I just... know. Because there was a guy like that around.
From the time Geon Woo invited him out to drink, I think Geon Woo was genuinely concerned when he asked how Eui Joon was doing.
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Chapters 13-26
Geon Woo's love language, I think, is his actions. He fights off the gangsters that bully Eui Joon into giving them discounts or even paying for them from his own pockets so they won't have to. He gives Eui Joon food and medicine when he finds out he was sick (the morning after having sex with him in the car for hours, lol). He likes taking care of the person he likes. So in Chapter 26, when he "confesses" to Eui Joon, that was Geon Woo pointing out that he's been doing the same thing all along.
"I mean, look at me just once... What kind of person I am. How I treat you. Take a good look at it. If you think that I'm good, then pick me. If not, you can throw me aside." "But. Before you do, you should understand this. Until then, I don't intend to let you get away."
This "non-confession" (he actually tells Eui Joon it wasn't a confession) actually says a lot about Geon Woo. His attitude towards their relationship is very blunt and straightforward. Once he's made a decision, he stops listening to his doubts and stands by it. I don't really know when Geon Woo decided that he liked Eui Joon. It was more slow-growing. In the side stories though, we see him considering this big-time when this thought crosses his mind:
"There's the common phrase of having the opportunity to meet your fateful love. If there's a sign for it, would it be possible to stay vigilant?"
AHJUSSI YOU SOFT-HEARTED ROMANTIC I CAN'T T^T He becomes more bold with Eui Joon afterwards, but he's still a little prickly. He's constantly weighing his options, trying to figure out in what way will doing the things he does for Eui Joon benefit him, if at all. In Chapter 13, when a customer comes inside the store and forces Eui Joon to pay for what he bought, he's on the scales. But then the memory of that morning flashes through his mind, and he remembers how the simple act of Eui Joon giving him his number had made him smile like an idiot. He beats the customer for him, taking the money he owed, and gives it back to Eui Joon. He even manages to casually ask him out on a date. The guy can be smooth as fuck.
Eui Joon: Are you saying... we should eat together? Geon Woo: Sure. I guess I've done something worth compensating. Will you give me my reward?
Take notes, people! At this point, Eui Joon has gotten him wrapped around his finger, and he didn't even know it! Of course, Eui Joon still thinks their relationship is only purely sexual, but then Geon Woo begins doing these uncharacteristically tender gestures that Eui Joon initially interprets as Geon Woo giving him special treatment.
"Let me see your face." "School classes. Are you tired after them" "I'm thinking that... You'll look good in short hair, too."
And Geon Woo even tries to initiate a conversation with Eui Joon when he feels like Eui Joon couldn't take the awkwardness. A good example was when Geon Woo treats him dinner at the restaurant.
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"...." "Is this your first time coming to this kind of place?"
Somehow, these things he does still feel kind of forced, like he was genuinely annoyed at Eui Joon and everything he did. Even when he asks to do it with him again and Eui Joon refuses because he was still sore, there was a moment of frustration that shone through.
It was a sign that Geon Woo was still confused about the things he was feeling towards Eui Joon. He knew he wanted him physically, but then he doesn't take up the woman's offer that evening after Eui Joon refuses him. It wasn't actually written on paper, but knowing Geon Woo's character he might have felt uneasy about going through with it. Not particularly on Eui Joon's behalf, but it may have been unconscious because of his budding feelings.
His feelings were something that rattled him, and he was usually undeterred in any kind of situation. What rattled him more was that Eui Joon didn't know anything about what he was going through.
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"Being naturally attracted to you, and going through unfamiliar emotions. This feeling should only be felt at an adolescent age."
We're seeing him from behind again. The use of this perspective in manhwas / mangas / comics usually makes you feel like can't tell what the character's thinking about, but most importantly that they're most likely about to go do or SAY SOMETHING DAMN IMPORTANT. Like, maybe, telling their feelings to the person they like!?!?!
"Eui Joon-Ah. I like you."
That actually surprised me hella lot. I'd originally thought Geon Woo was the tsundere type, but he was more honest with his feelings than I believed. However, he hadn't been completely convinced by these feelings until Eui Joon had offered to break it off. Suddenly there was an exit to his situation, but he didn't really feel happy about it. He was frustrated at not being able to properly understand what his words made him feel. Because the truth was he didn't want to break things off. He just wouldn't admit to himself at the time that the reason was he actually wanted Eui Joon.
We could see him debating it himself, poor thing:
"I didn't expect myself to be in a situation where I couldn't even understand my own feelings. I should've figured it out the moment I couldn't understand my sexual preference. I'm not that young anymore... What is this?" "No... It could also be a spur of the moment... It doesn't seem to be like that. It might also be due to pride, but I feel it's not necessary for these kinds of feelings to affect my pride... But even when it's like this, I still want to..."
Geon Woo decides to "have a little fun" before conceding to Eui Joon's request to "end their entanglement". But I've noticed that whenever something bothers Geon Woo too much, he takes a smoke. When Eui Joon makes the suggestion, Geon Woo does just that.
The slightly rough way in which Geon Woo treats him afterwards shows his frustration. He grabs his arm roughly and pulls him towards the car, but he doesn't realize he was hurting Eui Joon's wrist with his own watch until Eui Joon whines in pain—at which point Geon Woo just laces his hand through his instead. Which I thought was so sweet T^T
When Eui Joon freaks out about doing it at the school where he studies and asks Geon Woo to consider it for him, Geon Woo says, "Do I have to consider that for you too?" And when Eui Joon asks for him to do that, Geon Woo replies, "I guess I've been too nice to you." THE MAN WAS FREAKING FRUSTRATED!!! Geon Woo even challenges him to stay quiet, telling him no one will hear them if he does. Throughout the whole thing, Geon Woo wanted to dominate him, daring him to take what pleasure he could give him, but with an aggression that bespeaks the storm in his heart and mind. Reading it back, I realized just how damn hot that scene was. I mean, goddamn. After Geon Woo admits his feelings, there's a serenity about him afterwards. He no longer has to second-guess taking care of Eui Joon or expressing what he felt towards him. He gives him food and medicine the next day since he caught a fever. He "invites himself" to watch a movie with him since they both had nothing to do for the rest of the day. The guy was basically courting Eui Joon, haha. Not a confession, my ass XD
And then, when Eui Joon opens up about how he rejected Hyeon Woo, Geon Woo tells him he'll also wait for him for around three years T^T
MY HEART I CAN'T T ^ T ☙ ☙ ☙ ☙ ☙ So that's kiiind of a long breakdown. I included as little pictures as possible. Copyright and all that. I just really like this series so far. I want to be able to read the original someday. Hopefully I'd be able to learn Korean T^T. If you like this as much as I do, chat me up =D would love to hear other thoughts.
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spencersawkward · 3 years
switchblade faith//spencer reid - chapter 9
summary: one month after joining the BAU, Clea is still settling in. between solving murders and getting acclimated to DC, the only comfortable thing in her life is her new friendship with Dr. Spencer Reid. (Baby Spence)
pairing: Fem!OC x Spencer
word count: 4.1k
content warnings: tattooing/tattoo aftercare, mostly fluffy!
A/N: hi! it's been a while since i updated this series, but i love it too much to leave it behind and i'm also always going to be obsessed with sub!spence. anyway, all my tattoos are stick and pokes atm so if some of the tattoo stuff if a little off, i'm sorry!
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it's really a matter of principle that keeps me bound to the promise. if I were a weaker woman, I would back down from the chair, would have shaken my head and told JJ that no, actually, I will not be getting something permanently inked on my body purely for the fulfillment of a bet.
but with most of the team around me and a couple flutes of champagne flowing through my veins, I give in. it's going to be small, even though I'm not going to see it until it's done. Penelope and Morgan being in charge of the design scares me, though. I start to get nervous that I'm going to end up with a unicorn tramp stamp.
"where are you gonna get it?" Garcia nudges my shoulder once we get inside the tattoo parlor. her eyes are traveling over all the intense artwork, which I can already tell is very much not her style. the walls are covered in intricate prints from past customers.
I think to myself for a moment. if I'm being completely honest, there's one place I've been meaning to get a tattoo, but never have. it's easy to hide, which is good. as long as the design they choose isn't horrifically embarrassing, I'll do it.
"I'm thinking..." I pull the waistband of my jeans down a little until it's right below my hip bone. "there."
"sexy." she says suggestively. I laugh.
"depending on what you guys have decided to give me, yeah." I angle for a hint, but Penny isn't caving.
"are you ready?" Morgan asks, having returned from the front desk area, where he's been talking to the artist. I take a deep breath, peer around at the rest of the team. we look like an odd bunch in here, an assortment of ages all gathered in a dark tattoo parlor.
Spencer's watching me with a concerned expression and I realize that I've been staring around for a decent amount of time. he doesn't say anything, although I've noticed that he's got a certain face he makes right before he does-- and he's making it.
"Clea, are you sure you wanna do this? you don't have to." JJ touches my shoulder suddenly. I realize that they think I'm genuinely worried and I let out a laugh.
"yeah, I'm fine," I turn to Morgan. "lead the way, handsome."
the tattoo artist has me lie down while he preps all his tools, snaps on his gloves. everyone sees me on my stomach and Emily gasps.
"are you getting a tramp stamp?"
"what? no," I giggle. "I'm gonna get it here." I show them the spot I just showed Penelope, and Spencer raises his eyebrows. Prentiss whispers something in Morgan's ear and the suave agent smirks.
"you're gonna like this." Penny grins. I glance at the tattoo artist to see how he reacts to that statement, but he's got a good poker face, unfortunately.
"are you being serious or are am I gonna hate all of you?" I ask.
"maybe a bit of both?" Spencer says in a slightly higher pitch, looking pleased to be in on the joke. I stare at him in disbelief.
"he knows what I'm getting, too?" I point disdainfully. Morgan laughs at the attitude.
"I told him on the way here."
I shake my head slowly and turn my attention to the boy genius, who is hiding a proud smile. there's a boyish quality to it that makes me feel a little better. I have to pull the side of my pants down as I turn on my side for the artist, and a peek of my black underwear makes Prentiss let out a whistling noise. my cheeks turn pink.
"shut up."
"are you ready?" the tattoo guy asks me. it's only then that I notice we're close to actually getting this done. I have no idea what's going on my body-- but there's no time like the present, right?
it's the buzzing of the machine when he finally touches the needle to my skin that surprises me more than the pain itself. I feel myself resist the urge to move away, but I'm still enough for him to keep working.
"how's it feel?" Emily asks.
"like getting a tattoo." I wince. Penelope softens, looking between her coworkers guiltily.
"oh no," she complains, then comes over to me and grabs my hand in hers. "is this better?"
I squeeze tightly at the stinging sensation across my thigh, but she doesn't pull away at all.
"yeah." I smile. everyone is watching me intently, so much so that it puts me off a bit. "can we talk about something, maybe? it doesn't help when you're all staring."
"sure," JJ grins. "so..."
the pressure to start a conversation kills any potential for one, and then Spencer clears his throat. "anybody wanna see a cool magic trick?"
I snort and the rest of the team lets out a chuckle as the genius pulls a deck of cards out of his pants pocket. Morgan pats his shoulder. "I hope it works this time."
"it worked last time!" Reid protests, but his cheeks have taken on a slightly rosy hue. I watch him shuffle the mysterious deck and do some fancy tricks that I've never seen before, the corner of his mouth quirking with a sudden air of confidence.
Penelope is still holding my hand, and I can feel the metal of her sparkly rings pressing against my fingers. I choose to focus on the theatrical movements that Spencer is definitely using on purpose instead of the strange, sharp pain.
he fans out the cards and shows them to me, smiling. "pick a card, any card."
"hmm..." I tap my chin thoughtfully and stare at the bright red designs covering the back. I wonder if it's a rigged deck, or if he actually knows tricks. he doesn't seem like the type of person to be into magic. but then again, Spencer is full of surprises. I grab a random one in the middle, pluck it out and memorize it. a red six of spades.
"alright, then..." he grins and slams the deck back into one neat pile, then does some weird shuffling move again and shows the fanned-out deck to Morgan this time. "your turn."
Morgan's gaze flickers between the cards and Reid's face, which is trying to suppress a smile. the dimple on the right side of his cheek twitches once. when Derek taps a card near the end, Spencer nods and does the same thing that he did when I picked one.
except this time, as soon as he's got the whole deck together, he taps them a bit too hard and they go flying. fifty-two-pick-up style, Queens and Kings and Jokers tumbling to the linoleum floor in a defeated descent. my eyes widen and second-hand embarrassment rolls in, followed by the team's stunned silence.
I even feel the tattoo artist falter a bit in his work.
"oh." Spencer says. JJ puts her hand on his shoulder.
"Spence, it's fine."
"no, no, it's not-- I practiced this, like, fifty times last night--" his face is bright red as he drops to his knees. Penelope glances once at you and you return her stare with a pitying expression. Emily goes to help him, then Morgan and JJ.
"let me just..." he gathers up the remaining cards that they hand him, putting them back together into the pile again. I watch as he goes through them, somehow counting at lightning speed before frowning. "we're missing one."
everyone looks around, but it's obvious that there aren't any more stray cards lying about. I feel bad for him, not only because it didn't work but because he practiced it so much. I've been wondering what he does on the weekends-- magic tricks never even crossed my mind.
then Spencer's face lights up.
he comes over to me and gestures to my side, right by the spot where the tattoo artist is working. "may I?"
"uh--" I glance down at where he's pointing, the small patch of bare stomach. "sure?"
his fingertips graze beneath my tummy, between my skin and the smooth leather of the tattoo table, and snatch a card out from under me. it's barely a touch, but my breath hitches in my throat. my fingers tighten just slightly around Penelope's.
he holds up a red six of spades. the enormous grin on his face gives him away. "this wouldn't happen to be your card, would it?"
I gasp and nod, amazement on my face before it's wiped away by the sharp pain of the needle. Spencer displays the red six of spades to the whole team, then basks in their surprised applause.
Emily's smiling in disbelief. "you really had us going for a second."
"wait, wait--" I poke his leg and Spencer turns to me. "how did you do that?"
there's no way he could have hidden it there without me knowing; if he had slipped a card beneath my bare skin, surely I would have felt it. but the magic man just shrugs and shakes his head at me.
"a good magician never shares their secrets, Clea."
this time, the blush spreads over my cheeks. he's cocky right now, and I'd be lying if I said I'm not enjoying it. he's in his element, I realize, even if it is an unexpected one. and as he puts the cards into his back pocket, the group erupts with questions.
he's done magic before in front of them, but they seem to be awestruck by his performance this time. admittedly, I think the whole klutz act really added a nice dramatic element to it.
I'm mostly quiet for the rest of the tattooing process, although everyone else is chattering about the trick and how well the ink is going to turn out. I'm still wracking my brain for ideas of what they chose, but I honestly don't know. I've been banned from peeking.
maybe this was a mistake-- I've only recently joined this team, and already allowed them to decide what's going to be on my body forever. at least it's small. and maybe I'll actually like it; who knows?
when the artist lets out a satisfied sigh and turns the needle off, however, I find myself twisting around and staring frantically at the new design.
"oh my god."
it's a tiny airplane, with two dotted loopty-loops behind it. just small enough to be adorable.
"what do you think?" Garcia asks, eyeing it herself. they all gather around to admire the new design that sits on the outside of my upper thigh. I giggle.
"I love it."
"don't sound so relieved." Emily laughs. I can't help the bubbly excitement in my stomach.
"sorry, I just didn't know what to expect."
Spencer is staring at the ink when he turns to the tattoo artist. "how long until you think it'll be healed?"
the guy stands up to get treatment stuff for it. "I'd say about two weeks, but it varies from person to person." he leaves to grab cling film.
"I thought for sure you'd be the one to know that." I smirk at the genius. he shoves his hands in his pockets, makes sure the artist is out of earshot, and then looks back at you.
"I do know." he scoffs.
"uh huh." I laugh.
"actually, for the record," he lowers his voice. "I'd recommend at least three weeks instead of two. the last thing you want is infected flesh."
"yum, Spencer. thanks for that image." I smile with wide eyes and he shrugs.
it's quiet when I shut the door of my apartment shut behind me. I've got a bag full of supplies with me to clean the new art, and I'm feeling lethargic after getting lunch with the team. because Rossi wasn't around to foot the bill, I made the mistake of offering to pay.
we've got the day off after the most recent slew of cases, so I've determined to spend the rest of my day well. I could curl up with a nice documentary, or I could scrub my kitchen and do a little tidying up around here. god knows the film of dust on my bookshelves needs to be wiped away.
oh my god.
am I boring? maybe. possibly.
I shake the thought from my head and bring my things into the kitchen to organize. after spending a few hours cleaning up, I go out grocery shopping, then come home to sit down with a book. my errands take up so much time, I don't even notice the DC sunlight sinking beneath the harsh lines of the city, drenching my apartment in a silky darkness poked through with lit lamps.
it's already 9pm and I kind of want to hang out with someone, but I doubt any of the team wants to spend any more time with me than they did before lunch. or they might have plans with their families.
well, I know one person who definitely doesn't have plans.
I pull out my phone and hit Spencer's contact before I can talk myself out of it, knowing full well that it's not a big deal but still becoming a little nervous. it rings three times before he picks up.
"hey, Spencer."
"Clea. what's-- what's up?" he sounds more confused than anything. probably because I just saw him about an hour ago.
"I know it's late, but do you wanna come over? I'm bored and I feel like you know more about tattoo cleaning than I do." it's a weak excuse.
"why would I know more about tattoo cleaning--"
"you know damn well why, Reid," I laugh. "don't fish for compliments."
there's a slight laugh on the other end of the line before he replies. "I'll be over soon."
I wait patiently, preparing two mugs of coffee in the meantime. I'm sure we'll both want the caffeine, because I have no urge to turn in early tonight. my stomach twists a bit when he calls to tell me he's here, and I go to let him in. I'm not nervous.
except I actually am a little bit nervous when I open the door and there's Spencer with a shy smile and a coat that's a bit too big for him. it hangs off his narrow frame, and I realize that it must have just started raining. his hair is wet and there are dark spots on his clothes where the water has seeped through.
"get inside, my god." I move aside so he can come into the apartment and warm up. he walks in, looks around at my walls. I realize that he's never been here before. "welcome to my humble abode, Dr. Reid."
"it's nice." he compliments without much emotion. I lock the door and turn just in time to see his hand shaking at his side.
"thanks. let me take your coat." I glance out the window, where I now notice the rain pelting the glass.
Spencer shrugs off his jacket and hesitantly lets me hang it on the hook by the door before turning to him with my hands on my hips. "so, how are you?"
"I'm good," he smiles a little and runs a hand through his hair. "I actually read an article on the way here about those psychedelic mushrooms we were discussing the other day."
"is that, like, our thing, now?" I joke and gesture to the couch, where two mugs of hot coffee rest on coasters. he sits down gingerly on the cushions, sitting at the very opposite end of the couch from me.
"I can send it to you, if you'd like." he smiles.
"please do. I've been hoping for some titillating reading, recently." I hand him the mug and he stop before taking a sip.
"how many sugars did you put in this?"
"relax, genius, I'm not out to get you--" I catch his eye. "yet."
he giggles and takes a sip, then another. the smile tugging at my lips is too obvious for my liking; I'm just glad that I got the amount of sugar correct. it would have been funny to ambush him with a sweetness attack, although I think making him come here in the rain was punishment enough.
"have you ever had oat milk?" he asks out of the blue. I frown.
"yeah, why?"
"just wondering. I'm lactose intolerant and was considering trying it."
"you're lactose intolerant?"
"mhmm." he nods enthusiastically.
"I watched you eat three yogurt cups in a row yesterday." I chuckle at the memory of it. he eats so much and remains as skinny as a telephone pole.
"I love dairy." he shrugs it off. I pull my legs up beneath me on the couch and give him a serious expression.
"well, personally, I think oat milk tastes horrendous and it makes me want to vomit, but you should try it."
we start to talk about various nondairy alternatives for coffee and it ends up being a surprisingly fun conversation. talking to Spencer has its own charm-- it's not just a conversation, it's a fully immersive experience. from his ambitious vocabulary to the unconscious gestures he makes, all of it keeps me hooked.
I rest my cheek on my palm, elbow leaning against the back of the couch while I nod along to him talking about almond farming. he's got a disdainful expression on his face as he brings up its environmental consequences, punctuating every few sentences with another sip of his coffee.
the rain is still pouring outside. thunder occasionally rolls over the sky and shakes the windows in their panes. my eyes flit from his face to the view when a flash of lightning catches my attention.
"--sorry, we should clean your tattoo." he seems to catch himself mid-thought, realizing that he came here to help me and not just rant about the business of almonds. I smile.
"no worries. this stuff is interesting to me, too."
"there's this documentary out now about it, too, that I've been meaning to watch."
"yeah!" his face lights up. "if you want, we can--" he clears his throat. "we can watch it together."
he blushes as he says it, and I can tell that he's worried about how his intentions will come off. he can't take it back, so he runs the pad of his index over his middle finger and fidgets in a subtle way.
"that sounds like fun." I don't want him to feel weird. we've only hung out a few times, and I'm sort of looking forward to it.
"great," he straightens and adjusts his shirt, which has gotten slightly rumpled from his curling up on the couch. his tie is crooked, too. "where are the cleaning supplies?"
"in the kitchen."
"perfect, we should be doing it in there anyway." he stands, pushes a bit of his hair behind his ear while he waits for me to follow-- and I do, albeit with a wince from my tender side. it doesn't hurt as much as I expected.
he follows me into the minuscule kitchen and doesn't hesitate to start going through the things the artist gave me to take home. there's some foam wash and special moisturizer for it, not a lot. it's small enough that the care will be minimal, which is reassuring.
it's only when Spencer's washing his hands that I realize I'll need to unbutton my pants again in order to reach the tattoo. which means this is about to get at least slightly awkward for the both of us.
he turns around just in time to see me unzipping my jeans and his eyes widen.
"how else do you expect to clean it?" I laugh, and he gulps, visibly. his Adam's apple bobs in his throat and he nods in understanding.
"y-yeah, of course." his eyes are everywhere but on me. suddenly, my kitchen walls are incredibly interesting.
I shove down the waistband of my pants until they're just below my upper thigh, then I sit up on the counter and clear my throat. "I can cover some of myself if that makes you more comfortable."
"no, no, that's okay--" he speaks too quickly, then recognizes his mistake. "it's okay. this shouldn't take very long, anyway."
without another word, I shrug and watch him delicately peel away the film. his fingertips are back to barely touching my skin, just like when he pulled that card out from beneath me, and I stop breathing for a moment.
there's also a gel-like substance under the covering, which he tells me is just standard petroleum jelly. Spencer moves with a near surgical (and altogether unnecessary) precision. his eyes are glued to my skin as if forcing them not to stray to my now exposed panties. it doesn't feel sexual at all because it's not, thankfully.
when he uses the foam wash and begins to rub it into my skin, he frowns with concern and looks up at me. "is this okay? you can do it yourself if--"
"it's fine, Reid," I answer too quickly this time. heat rushes to my cheeks. "I honestly thought this was going to be a more complicated process than it really is."
"it's pretty simple, especially for something this small." he shrugs. "obviously, you don't want to get it infected, so I'd just think of it as treating a cut."
silence in our respective positions at the moment makes me nervous, so I change the subject.
"magic tricks, huh?" if anything, I need to distract myself from the way his hand is rubbing over my skin in a totally nonsexual and platonic way.
he relaxes a little, lifting his gaze to mine with a somewhat pleased countenance. "yeah, I love magic."
it's like peeling back a corner of wallpaper and seeing a shade of red beneath; not a lot, but enough to pique my curiosity. "a man of science?"
Spencer shakes his head at the air of faux sophistication I pour into it. "the world needs some wonder."
he says it in an offhand way, although I feel the weight of it from the way he runs a damp paper towel over the last of the cleansing foam. his touch presses into me and his eyes are lowered in a slightly distant way.
"how long have you been into it?" I fight the urge to ask a million questions at once.
"since I was a kid," he jerks back to attention. the grin on his face tells you just how special this is to him. "I used to buy all the books and practice for my mom constantly."
"did you ever do the trick with the never-ending string of handkerchiefs?" I recall one of the only classic moves I know. Reid laughs.
"that one's easy."
"what about the coin behind the ear?" I throw out another one.
Spencer straightens, doesn't even bother to set down the paper towel, before reaching up behind my ear and pulling away with a shiny quarter set between his thumb and forefinger. "you mean this one?"
there it is again, that confidence I saw in the tattoo parlor. he's standing just close enough for me to notice, and I grin as I snatch the metal out of his hand and set it on the counter beside me. "thanks."
"no problem." he laughs.
"you should do that more often."
"the coin trick? I'd go broke." he jokes. I laugh at the rare appearance of Spencer's playful side, hoping to get a bit more of it before we have to go back to being serious at work.
"magic in general, I mean. I think it would brighten up the office a bit."
he thinks about it for a moment, washing his hands again. the sound of the faucet reminds me to put my lotion on my leg. I get to it while he thinks of what to say.
"yeah, maybe you're right."
"I still find it funny that you're into that kind of stuff." I say honestly. of all the things for him to nerd out about, this feels almost comically unexpected. but Reid only gives me a shy smile before replying.
"it always made my mom laugh when I was a kid."
"is she also good at it?"
"tricks? no," he chuckles. there's a washcloth between his long, slender fingers that he's been using to dry them for the past two minutes. at this point, I think he's doing it to keep from fidgeting. "she says it's an old fashioned thing, and that only made me wanna do it more."
"well," I cap the bottle and set it down on the counter, pull my jeans up and lean against the counter with a smile. "I like old fashioned."
Spencer gives a friendly smile. "me too."
taglist (add yourself here or message me to be added/removed!): @reidsconverse @donald4spiderman @awritingtree @gingeraleluke @bewitchedbibliophile @multixfandomwriter @xoxomgg
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
✖For the meme!
the salty af munday meme
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
I’m about to unleash hell, so if you’re easily pissed, I suggest you scroll on. 
In every conceivable way tumblr rp’s changed...for the worst.  I’ve been here since 2011. I’ve seen it all.
Everyone left. How I miss all my past partners...I know people move on, and drama happens, but you know what? I regret nothing. When times were good, this place was AMAZING. So much creativity and censor-free material, you were inspired daily. There were SO MANY more rp’ers and it truly felt like a real community, no matter what fandoms you were in. Plus, people were waaaaayy more eager to reach out and do stuff with you, and cross over fandoms and try any AU or thread style. People WROTE. A lot. There wasn’t a graphic arts contest every 2 weeks, people wrote amazing paras and world built, and we all got SO involved in each other’s threads. I saw way more literacy and way less one-liners. People had their boundaries, and yes there was jealousy abounds, but trust me, the good outweighed the bad. It was way more common to see Lord of the Rings writing with Greek mythos people and Disney writing with anime. And yes, SPN/Dr. Who writing with cartoon characters. I miss all my GoT, Xena, DC, Avatar, and Mythos peeps. I was here for “Rise of the Brave Tangled Guardians” and Monster High. My Eris had so many verses, it was insane. So I remember how people were way more friendly and open and crazy creative with writing. People wanted to explore everything together, and no one was all: “Excuse me you can’t sit with us because we only rp with people that follow our fanon exactly *fartfartfart*” 
No one even heard of dni/trigger lists and everyone played whatever/shipped they wanted. Yes people had preferences, and yes, there were ship wars, but nothing like now. You could still rp with people and not sit through some malcontent’s manifestos on how “I hate that ship so much anyone that ships it is problematic”. If something pissed you off, you just stayed the hell away from it and just vented with your friends off the dashboard. Now, everyone is scared shit-less of offending everyone else, so they don’t do anything--or they’re too private. I get being selective, because I am now, But LORD so many rp’ers now are so closed off and have 1000 triggers and reasons why they don’t want anyone to look at them, it amazes me they have the gall to wonder why no one rp’s with them. GEE I WONDER WHY. Pull the stick out.
I’m not saying creeps and gross people shouldn’t be avoided, and that they didn’t exist---they did. We all have to cultivate our own experiences, but 90% of tumblr takes it way too far. When there’s a TON of rp’ers, you can block anyone and not feel a loss. But now there’s so few of us left, the fact people have so many hang-ups and chase everyone off, is counterintuitive. I guess all the smart people left because they were tired of being censored, hated on, and told they should fuck off for not rp’ing things as politically correct as possible. But now we have an under-population of rp’ers problem, which leads to paranoia, which leads to people being MORE desperate for interaction, which leads to them being rude--when normally they wouldn’t be rude if the community was bigger.
UGH...Politics. Politics are everywhere now. You politically obsessed people chased off the bulk of tumblr rp and artists, NOT the p0rnban. Infusing your personal politics and views into every aspect of a character you’re playing PLUS filling your mun bio with your “platforms” is what killed creativity. Calling people rac.sit or pho.bi.c for every little disagreement is childish and 99% of the time unwarranted and incorrect. Take that shit outside and get it OFF rp. Gee. I wonder why no one feels motivated to write anymore? Who feels motivated to do anything creative if they’re paralyzed with concern that anything they publish on the dash is going to get them anon hate or lose followers and ship mates? You may think you’re cool with “whatever” but that is an ever-present parasite on this site, infecting everyone’s creativity, and we all know it. It’s EXAUSTING thinking in the back of your mind: “shit, if I publish this I may lose my favorite partner.” Even if you’ve written a lot with them, and yes, I’ve lost long term partners over bullshit. So it’s subliminal, even if you think you’re tough and “don’t give a fuck.” Because I don’t give a fuck and believe it or not, I battle how I’m doing things on this blog all the time because so many people now are so petty and unforgiving.
So I guess...I’m not apologizing. This place is composed of too many narcissists that yell fire! in a crowded room if you so much as look at them cross-eyed. Which...prompts them to write call outs about something you may or may not have done in 2016, even if it’s 2021.
Also? You used to be able to ship f/f and m/f without harassment and the cavalry coming into ship sink and slander you behind your back for daring to write women getting love/attention instead of just boys. mm/ff/mf TRULY coexisted. Unlike now, where everyone SAYS they’re for women being treated like “queens” but are hypocritically squicked by females getting off. No one was threatened by anyone’s ship styles, and if someone said they wrote a bi, w/w, or pan character? They truly wrote a bi, w/w, or pan character, not just as a foot note in the character’s bio to get attention.
A lot more has changed and I could rant all day, but these are the main points on my mind at any given moment.
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365days365movies · 3 years
January 16, 2021: Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
I am a massive comic book nerd. Not unusual these days, to be fair. But I’m definitely up there, as far as my obsession with Marvel and DC go. And, yeah, I stick mostly to those two houses, and their various imprints.
Why do I bring this up? Well...remember this movie?
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Kick-Ass was a pretty big deal when it came out in 2010, as it was a Marvel Comics movie that was completely unrelated to the relatively new Marvel Cinematic Universe. Based of a 2008 comic book written by Mark Millar and drawn by John Romita Jr., the film was directed by Matthew Vaughn, and featured a more realistic take on how real-world superheroes would actually work.
Vaughn and Millar by this point at least, were friends. Around 2012, they’re getting drunk at a pub together, and talking movies. The topic of spy movies come up, and how there hasn’t really been a good, non-parody, fun spy movie, and that there should be. And that was the bulk of their conversation.
Enter Dave Gibbons, a legendary comic book artist, whom you may know from drawing the comic book that was turned into this:
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Oh yeah, he’s a big deal. Gibbons and Millar end up getting together to write a fun spy comic book based on this idea. Vaughn, meanwhile, is getting ready to direct X-Men: Days of Future Past, the sequel to X-Men: First Class, which Vaughn directed. That’s a good movie, by the way, even if I have...issues...with the treatment of the X-Men in film. Maybe one day I’ll get into that, we’ll see what happens. Ask me about it if you’re curious.
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Anyway, Millar goes to Vaughn with this script, and Vaughan looks at it and realizes that he needs to direct this movie before somebody else makes it. So he leaves Days of Future Past, and he signs on to...
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I feel like it’s an obligation, as a comic book dude, to watch this film. I should also read the book, but I didn’t do that with Kick-Ass, so to hell with it! Let’s get this recap started! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Starting off with some Money for Nothing, and somewhere in the Middle East, 1997! We go into a stone temple, where some kind of mission is taking place. A surprise grenade causes the loss of one of the agents. The surviving agents are Merlin (Mark Strong), Lancelot AKA James Spencer (Jack Davenport), and Galahad, AKA Harry Hart (Colin Firth).
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Hart, feeling guilty over the death of this agent, tells his wife, Michelle (Samantha Womack) and child Eggsy (yes, Eggsy) of his sacrifice, and gives Eggsy a medal.
From there, we jump forward 17 years, to Argentina where...Mark Hamill?
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Holy shit, it’s Mark Hamill! Apparently, he’s playing Professor James Arnold, and being held hostage by a group of mysterious men. Just then, he’s rescued by Lancelot, showing up with some classic James Bond-style swagger and asking for a cup of sugar, sardonically.
He kicks the asses of these guys, but is SLICED IN HALF BY A MAN WITH SWORD LEGS WHAT THE FUCK????
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I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was watching the best thing I’ve ever goddamn seen. And as if that weren’t enough, she’s working for Samuel L. “Motherfucker” Jackson, playing Richmond Valentine. I am...I am so pleased.
We go to the Kingsmen headquarters, where Lancelot is being mourned by the Kingmen and their leader MICHAEL CAINE, REALLY, HOLY SHIT
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Ahem. Sorry, uh...the star-studded cast has basically caused me to have a minor aneurysm. Caine plays Arthur, the leader of the Kingsmen. Get it? I can dig it, I’m a sucker for a good Arthurian reference. Anyway, now that Lancelot’s dead, it’s time to find a new candidate. Apparently, the man that died 17 years ago was part of an “experiment” by Hart, which Arthur says has failed. Galahad calls Arthur a snob, and says that they need to evolve with the times. \
Speaking of that former candidate, how’s his son doing?
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Not stellar, it seems. His mom is dating a very unsavory gentleman, and not really taking good care of her youngest daughter. Eggsy (Taron Egerton), on the other hand, is a carefree delinquent. After engaging in an entertaining backwards car chase with the police (it’s cool), he gets arrested. He refuses to give up his friends, and he instead asks for a phone call.He looks at the medallion around his neck, and remembers that he can use the number of the back to contact someone for help. He uses a specific code phrase, but it appears not to have worked. But then, Eggsy is turned loose with little more than a phone call. That’s when Eggsy meets Hart.
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We find out that Eggsy has a high IQ and Olympic-level athletics, but has dropped out of the Marines, and has been arrested for drugs and other illegal activities. After being read out by Hart, Eggsy goes on an anger-filled diatribe about the differences in privilege between the two of them. Although it’s short, it’s a powerful speech.
But that speech is interrupted by the owner of the car that Eggsy stole the previous night, as well as his gang. They’re yearning for a fight with Eggsy, and they threaten Hart. He doesn’t take that well, as he shuts the doors and windoes to the pub. Time to teach a lesson.
Yup, I’m giving this fight the posted video award. It might be short, but it’s also one of the best and coolest sequences I’ve ever seen in a spy movie. And OH, it’s giving me that gadget shit I was missing from the Bond movies.
After one of the most enjoyable fight sequences I’ve seen in a while, Eggsy’s understandably stunned. So is his stepfather Dean (Geoff Bell), the leader of the gang that Hart beat up in the pub. He’s not happy, and he beats Eggsy in their apartment, and that scene is...WHOOF. Much to their surprise, however, Hart’s left a device on Eggsy’s back. He threatens Dean through the device, and tells Eggsy to meet him at a tailor that he’d mentioned.
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Once Eggsy escapes from Dean and the gang via nest parkour tricks, he makes his way to the tailor, where Hart officially brings him into the fold, giving him the opportunity to become a Kingsman. He exposits the history of the agency as a private group of spies, meant to protect the world while not bowing to the bureaucracy that plagues government-affiliated spy institutions.
We get to go to Kingsman Headquarters proper, and yeah...yeah, it’s cool. As compared to the other recruits, Eggsy’s pretty obviously out of place. This, of course, is part of the point, as Hart believes the Kingsmen could use someone with different life experiences and background. That would be the experiment mentioned earlier.
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Eggsy’s competitors include Roxy (Sophie Cookson), who appears to actually be polite to him, unlike most of the potentials. They settle in for the night...but not for long. Their quarters fills with water, as the entirety of the Kingsmen head towards the showerheads and toilets for air. While they all succeed, Eggsy is the one who actually gets everyone out, by literally punching the window.
Unfortunately, for one of the candidates...it’s too late. These candidates could die in the hiring process. Rough.
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Sadly, Mark Hamill also doesn’t quite make it, as Hart finds him, surprisingly freed from Valentine’s capture. As he’s questioned, Valentine is forced to kill him via Suicide Squad implant, and barely escaped from his men. Valentine and his henchwoman, Gazelle (Sofia Boutella) are trying to figure out who the Kingsmen are, to no avail at the moment.
Back with Merlin, who’s training the Kingsman candidates! They’re all told to get a puppy! Aw. Eggsy chooses J.B. a pug, under the mistaken impression that it’s a bulldog. And I’m not a pug person...but that puppy is cute as shit.
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Time marches on, and the Kingsmen continue their training. Eggsy’s colleagues continue to discriminate against him, especially Charlie (Edward Holcroft). Hart, who was knocked out by the explosion, eventually wakes up. Valentine goes around to political leaders and proposes his plan to “save the world,” whatever that’s about to mean. Apparently, that includes giving the King of Sweden a surgical implant of some kind. Huh.
This, of course includes some, uh...conflict with Gazelle.
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Eggsy’s in the final 6! As Hart congratulates him over this, we finally get some exposition on Richmond Valentine’s plan. See, that implant is the Suicide Squad bomb that killed Hamill, and Gazelle also has one. Additionally, he’s released a plan to the world that will provide free internet and phone data...forever. Not ominous at all, that.
After a cool skydiving training sequence, only three candidates are left. Hart, meanwhile, poses as a wealthy philanthropist, donating to Valentine’s cause. As a result, he’s treated to an extravagant dinner...of McDonald’s. Yes, it is the best product placement I’ve seen in a while, in case you were wondering. That reveal was hilarious.
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Anyway, their conversation turns from talking about climate change studies and concerns, to their opinion of James Bond movies, in a lovely little piece of meta flavor. At this point, they would appear to understand each other’s role in the play, as it were. Forgot to mention, Valentine’s been kidnapping anyone who disagrees with his goals, while also distributing his free internet cards. So, there’s that. But he’s also trying to figure out what exactly the “Kingsmen” are. Speaking of...
Our three remaining Kingsman candidates are assigned a mission to seduce a young dignitary. However, all three of them make a mistake, and allow themselves to get drugged at a party, by someone wanting to know who Hart and Kingsmen are. When Eggsy wakes up, he’s been strapped to train tracks. Uh oh.
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Despite an oncoming train, Eggsy doesn’t give the man any formation. Which, of course, was the point. It’s Hart, helping to give the Kingsman candidates a little loyalty test, which both Eggsy and Roxy pass with flying colors. But Charlie...Charlie’s a coward who immediately gives everything up, including Arthur himself.
Eggsy gets to spend 24 hours with Hart, before being thrown headfirst into a mission. Hart explains that being a Kingsman means being a gentleman, which Eggsy isn’t. Hart, of course, plans to fix that.
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They head to the tailor, and check out some spy gadgets. And much to their surprise, Valentine is also there, under the guise of getting a suit. Hart takes the opportunity to recommend a hatter, who gives him a top hat with built in listening devices. I love it.
Eggsy, meanwhile, speaks with Arthur at Kingsman HQ. He’s commanded to perform one final test: kill his pug, J.B. Which...yeah, damn, that sucks. He doesn’t do it, understandably. Unfortunately...Roxy does kill her dog. She succeeds...and Eggsy’s kicked out of the Kingsman candidacy. Which feels like a bullshit play, if I’m honest.
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Eggsy steals Arthur’s car, then goes back home. As he’s about to confront his stepfather, Hart brings back the car via remote access, then explains to Eggsy that the gun was filled with blanks, and that Eggsy ended up giving up his shot. He also reveals that the first candidate to die...didn’t actually die! It’s been a ruse all along, meant to test the candidates under the strictest of conditions. Which sucks, obviously, because Eggsy’s out of the program.
And at that point, Valentine says something of note, revealing that he plans to go to a hate church in Kentucky to begin his master plan. Hart heads there, and tells Eggsy to stay put.
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We get treated to just...just the loveliest of sermons. Disgusting. But then...
...that’s the point, isn’t it?
Because Valentine uses the SIM cards to create a signal that drives the parishioners crazy. Hart’s also in the church, however, and he also starts going crazy. Which leaves the question: what happens when a highly trained spy goes up against untrained civilians, has a bunch of gadgets...and has absolutely no restraint whatsoever?
A MASSACRE, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS. And most surprisingly, it’s a massacre that we actually SEE. Hart basically kills almost EVERYBODY in the church. I’ll put the video up, but...y’know, be warned here. It ain’t pretty.
Hart comes to, and realizes exactly what he’s done. He leaves, only to be confronted by Valentine and his men. The Bond metaphor finally comes full-circle, explained directly by Valentine. But instead of explaining his whole plan and devising some complicated way to kill Hart that he’ll inevitably escape from...
He just shoots Hart in the head. Holy shit. And this is while Merlin, Arthur, and yes, Eggsy watch on through Hart’s home feed. Looks like a new Kingsman is needed.
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Arthur tells Merlin to assemble the Kingsmen. But Eggsy...Eggsy has other plans. Thinking on Hart’s words about wanting to do something good with his life. He goes to Arthur to talk to him about Hart’s death. Arthur invites him in for brandy. And that’s...when my mind exploded.
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HE’S FUCKING IN ON IT?!? Michael Caine, NOOOO! Turns out that Valentine’s convinced Arthur of his true plan: a culling. He believes that the Earth’s temperature because there’s simply too much humanity, like a body trying to kill a virus. And so...he’s going to make the virus exterminate itself. And that argument’s enough to win Caine over.
Turns out that the implant is meant to protect those individuals against a neurological signal emitted by the SIM cards, the same one that went off in the church. Arthur, realizing that Eggsy understands exactly what’s going on, poisons him, then asks if he would like to join them. Eggsy refuses...and Arthur sets off the remote poison to kill him.
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But NOPE! EGGSY SWITCHED THE FUCKIN’ GLASSES! I love this movie. Arthur dies, and Eggsy uses the opportunity to dig the implant from his neck. He takes that and Arthur’s phone to Merlin and Lancelot, who realize that they can’t trust anyone at this point. And so, the three of them - yes, the three of them - go to stop Valentine.
And, yeah...I can dig it. OH HOW I CAN DIG it.
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Roxy goes up in an experimental vehicle to bring down the satellite, Merlin is flying the plane, and Eggsy...Eggsy’s the one going in disguised as Arthur, in order to infiltrate the mountain lair of Valentine. Here, he and the other beneficiaries wait it out, while the world literally tears itself apart. Now wearing a bespoke suit and playing the role of a gentleman, Eggsy enters the lion’s den.
But as expected, it’s time to hit some snags. Roxy waits juuuuuust a little too long, and one of the balloons in her craft pops. As for Eggsy, he meets an old “friend” of his in the form of Charlie, who’s now working for Valentine.
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The missile’s fired just in time, as Charlie’s taken out and Eggsy runs for the plane. AWESOME climax here as Eggsy escapes. I mean it; it is VERY cool. They succeed JUST in time, and the satellite is destroyed. However, Valentine’s still managed to partially start the process, and they can’t do anything about that.
Eggsy’s gotta go BACK in, before Valentine gets another satellite to trigger the signal worldwide. Now armed with Hart’s AWESOME umbrella, he makes his way there under heavy gunshot. They’re also teaming up against Merlin in the plane, so he’s not doing great. And that when Eggsy has the idea...to turn the implants on. ALL of them.
It’s amazing. Violence in fireworks. So, it’s too bad that it doesn’t stop the signal. It works, and people start to tear each other apart all across the world. But only for was long as Valentine has his hands on the desk. Eggsy manages to stop that by laying down some suppressive fire.
That provokes a response.
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..This movie is, for lack of a better term, fucking rad.
Gazelle and Eggsy have an awesome fight, worthy of any James Bond movie, seriously. I really want to give it the video post honor, but I’ve done that too much already. For god’s sake, I literally JUST did that.
Gazelle dies (it’s kinda goofy how she dies, if I’m honest), and Eggsy kills Valentine with her prosthetic leg. It’s over, as the signal ends, and Eggsy even gets the girl. Not Roxy, the Princess of Sweden. Not going into it, but it’s funny.
And that’s Kingsman: The Secret Service! Honestly, I gotta say, that was a rad-as-shit movie, and...
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Ooh, a mid-credits scene! Eggsy goes back home, to the pub, where his stepfather and mom are hanging out with the gang. And let’s just say...Dean’s gonna get a little comeuppance. Manners, after all, maketh man.
OK, THAT’S Kingsman: The Secret Service! And that, again, was pretty rad. See you in the Epilogue in a few!
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yicruz48 · 4 years
Teen Titans Review #43
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This issue is the continuation of the Teen Titans (Emiko, Wallace, Roundhouse and Crush) investigating the murder of Brother Blood. 
The issue begins with Damian fighting crime in Gotham City  and collecting data on KG Beast that I believe he uses later in the issue to find him. He is again sputtering insults at Batman’s way of handling things which seems to be his default inner monologue under Robbie Thompson. 
And while I agree Batman methods aren’t the best, it makes Damian seem like a know-it-all that somehow knows more about fighting crime than his father who has spent longer fighting against it. For me personally, this makes Damian to be foolishly ignorant.  
As Damian starts to struggle against his opponents Jon suddenly swoops in to assist him.   
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Although I admit I was pleasantly surprised to see Jon appear again in Teen Titans (even if it was aged-up Jon) there is apart of me that felt like this essentially useless to the story. 
Jon expresses his concern for Damian’s future, he confesses that he has heard and seen things while with the Legion that has made him worry about Damian. I’m not sure if this implies Jon knows about what has been going on in the batfamiy or with Teen Titans although it surely confirms Jon is concerned.  
Although not concerned enough to further question if Damian is really okay. What really frustrates me is that a correctly-written Jon would not just settle with, “I am fine, Jonathan,” especially if Damian turned his back on him as he answered (clearly indicating that he wasn’t okay). The real Jon would most likely continue to annoy Damian about what's going on until he confesses. The real Jon would possibly drop everything with the Legion to watch over Damian. 
Unless, (and I hate to say this) this is an indication that Damian and Jon’s friendship is wavering and drifting apart. In other words, what we may be witnessing is the end of their friendship. 
We are then taken back to Mercy Hall where Emiko (Mainly Emiko) and Wallace are analyzing dirt from Brother Blood’s lair to determine the murderer. Before cutting off to Crush and Roundhouse we are told the murderer intentionally left evidence behind to leave a message to the team. This tells us the suspect is connected to the team. 
 While Crush and Roundhouse take down more Blood Cult safe houses they discover new information about Brother Blood’s plans before dying. 
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What we find out:
-> Brother Blood wanted to control the whole city with his toxic chemicals. 
-> First on Brother Blood’s hit list was the Teen Titans. Which isn’t surprising since essentially Brother Blood and Black Mask were in Damian’s prison the longest. Its only natural he would want to get revenge on the Teen Titans so much they were first on his list. 
I guess this also highlights that Damian is actually afraid, if he wasn’t fearful that Brother Blood would kill his former team members then he would’ve let Brother Blood let them have it. I guess...thank you for the little compassion Robbie?
The Teen Titans (Emiko, Wallace, Roundhouse and Crush) then regroup to share what information they’ve found. 
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As Crush and Roundhouse reveal their findings Emiko reveals the culprit: Damian (surprise, surprise...not really). 
I have to point this out, but one of the things that annoyed me the most of  this issue was that Roundhouse was somehow surprised that Damian killed Brother Blood. Like out all of the Teen Titans Roundhouse should be the least surprised, I mean he was the who literally wanted to pin the team against Damian a few issues (specifically Issue 35 for those wondering):
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So I don’t understand why the heck Roundhouse caught off guard by this revelation. I understand Crush, but Roundhouse? I don’t know if this was intentional or not but it made Roundhouse come off as fake and playing the emotion up in his favor. And this ended up making me hate Roundhouse even more than I already did. 
But as much as hate him, I guess he was really saying the truth in issue 35:
“Robin’s got us all thinking that we’ve ‘solved crime. ’But really we’re all just pawns in his creepy obsession with showing up his old man.” 
Because looking at the all the issues Robbie Thompson has collectively written, that is essentially what it seems like. 
 As the Teen Titans rush to get to Damian we see Damian still in Gotham city stalking his next prey; KG Beast. 
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 Before we move on, I want to bring attention something that really disturbs me about these panels: 
“But my path was determined by fate. By blood. By Batman himself.” 
Damian is essentially saying here that he was destined to be a killer since birth, because of his legacies, because of his father. This literally goes against everything Gleason wrote in Robin: Son of Batman. Which literally proved that Damian’s upbringings and legacies don’t define him. They are apart of what he is but don’t make him...well him. 
Honestly its devastating how much this trashes Gleason’s and Tomasi’s development.
Also, I am speculating that, “I know the future,” is referring to when Djinn showed Damian what his dream future held. You know the one he shed tears about because it was so beautiful or something? Yea, that one.
Moving on, as Damian is getting closer to make a move on KG Beast (for what essentially happened several months ago) the rest of the Teen Titan’s gang up on Damian. The fight against Damian begins with Roundhouse throwing the first punch. 
Unsurprisingly, Damian manages to avoid anything the Titans throw at him (I say this because if you don’t remember, the Teen Titans haven’t had a chance to train with Damian except Emiko. Although even Emiko can’t take him down).
And motivated by pure blood-thirst and revenge Damian jumps on KG Beast and immediately starts attacking him in order to prove to the Teen Titans what real justice looks like. After again flawlessly moving past the Teen Titans the issue ends with Damian slicing one of KG Beast’s arms. 
-> Wouldn’t be surprised if that bit of dirt that Bruce found in Damian’s room was planted there by Damian intentionally in order to lead Bruce to him. Like why not? If we are shitting on Damian’s development might as will pull all the stops. PS: Surprised Bruce called Damian his son . 
-> I hate Roundhouse, I really do. I need Robbie Thompson to at least do me a favor and make Roundhouse go poof like Djinn.
-> At the beginning of the Issue we are told Damian is “at crossroads” between deciding what path he will take. Toward the end of the issue, Emiko tells Damian he’s “crossed the line.” So I am taking a quick guess and assuming Damian has now made his decision which is essentially becoming an anti-hero.
-> I really hate that Damian is essentially pushing his murder agenda on the Teen Titans. As much as I despise Glass at least he wrote Damian as giving the Teen Titans a chance to work with him or not.  
-> Don’t know if you noticed but most of this issue occurred in Gotham City, in other words: Batman’s city. Damian is really looking stupid by attacking KG Beast in Gotham City where Batman could easily bump into him as he makes the final blow. 
-> I truly hate that Damian is wielding his sword. I saw his sword as a symbol as of a ‘new life’ and ‘redemption’ now it seems like a symbol for his regression.
-> A little confused as to how Damian plans to carry out this plan of “eliminating crime”, like with the help of who? He can’t achieve this on his own. And as skilled as Damian is, he’s  not superhuman-enough  for me to believe it could happen. 
-> I’ve been seeing some people on twitter and tumblr claim that Damian didn’t really admit to murder but I personally took it as he did. I can see their side but I don’t know what to think of it besides, ‘I hope that is what it means and I am reading it wrong.” 
-> Like to mention some theories I’ve seen:
- Damian didn’t really say he killed Bother Blood, so him killing is still not confirmed. 
-This Issue mentions Fear a lot,  it might be connected to the fear toxin.
- Djinn is behind Damian’s odd behavior.
-> Something I want to point out that I did not know if it was intentional or not by the artist:
Damian has this original rounded unity belt at the beginning of the issue: 
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And then brands a different rectangle utility belt for the rest of the issue:
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I don’t know if this was Damian switching belts in order to not be tracked by Bruce or something else...
Also! Please do not move on just yet! Time to stand on my soap box again!
-> This is something I, @wesavegotham​ and @joejimmyjon​ have been discussing:
If you are buying TT issues you need to stop. Please don’t waste your precious money on this comic (plus *cough cough* there is literally websites for you read them for free. Its a bit of wait, spanning about 7-12 hours to be uploaded but this is a way to avoid giving this comic money). Save up your money for Deceased and Gotham Nights. Put your money where it deserves to be spent. Use your money to show DC the comics what your wiling to spend your money for.  
-> Shout out to my fellow twitter Super Son accounts. Continue voicing your frustrations with DC under their posts (constructively of course). It was brought to my attention that my comment, along with some of my mutuals comments were feature in article. Some of them criticizing the unfair treatment of Damian. 
If you don’t have a twitter account, I suggest you get one and join us in voicing our frustrations. 
Okay, I am done now! If you haven't read Gotham Nights #12-13 and Hope at Worlds End GO READ IT NOW!! 
Also I heard Patrick Gleason uploaded some livestreams on Instagram conveniently while we are mourning Damian’s regression.
Really good stories with Damian to cheer you up. All of them one dollar each on comixology.  
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Have you read Nightwing 71 yet? Sorry if I spoiler anything, but Ric was "groomed" "manipulated" and "brainwashed" by owls and, he IS now. I mean, AGAIN. Wow. Does DC ever know that Dick(or Ric) has his own character and personality and he is human, not tool ready to be used whenever or whoever needs? I am getting sick of this Ric grayson the free real estate BS.
I just read it now and its what I was expecting to happen but somehow it played out even worse than I was prepared for. There’s one line in particular that I don’t want to spoil in case any followers still care about that book being spoiled in terms of specific/detailed spoilers at this point, but something the Joker says to Dick near the end of the issue just makes this soooooooo much worse IMO than just another brainwashing for him. 
But I mean, lbr here. This isn’t the Church of Blood or even the Court of Owls messing with Dick’s mind this time. Literally playing God with his entire sense of self and view of reality. Its the Joker. 
This has officially pushed this story arc over even my disdain for the Forever Evil mess, and as far as I’m concerned, the rest of the Batfam should be BEGGING for his forgiveness after all this is said and done, no matter what he ends up doing while under the Joker’s control. I’m honestly going to just skip any fic that attempts to conclude or follow-up from this arc with anything other than the Batfam ALL busting their fucking asses off to do the work this time and put TIME and EFFORT into getting him to trust them or even want them around again at this point, because anything less than that will just leave me steaming at this point. 
Literally the ONLY thing I want to read right now is a fic where someone in his family figures out ON THEIR OWN, LIKE ACTUAL DETECTIVES that no one who has had his mind and agency violated and disregarded as often as he has - just that they even KNOW of - could possibly be alright, and so based off of even just plain simple logic he can not possibly be alright, and so could one of them just fucking SHOW UP for him, and not to try to fix him according to what THEY think he needs but just to be there and ask what HE needs? 
Where they make themselves a resource rather than them the knight in shining armor to his damsel in distress? Where they let it be about HIM instead of it being about them avenging him or them putting him back together or them protecting him or them somehow ending up more front and center and making more of the choices in-story than he gets to even though its supposed to be about him?
Like....just a story where the Batfam doesn’t have to wait until he has a literal breakdown before realizing he’s not okay and hasn’t been for a long time.  Where they look at the LONG string of times none of them have been there when he needed someone, and ask themselves WHY it is that they all expect him to be present and accounted for whenever they need him but none of them ever seem to be around when he could use a hand - even though they all always pretty much know exactly where to find him.....like, he’s the only hero in Bludhaven. They know this. Everyone knows this. 
Like, its not that hard to google “is shit going down in Bludhaven this week y/n” and drive half an hour when they hear his circus just got burned to the ground AGAIN or his apartment building was just blown up or there are four randos running around in his old costumes or the local crime lord just hired a dozen major assassins to all try and bring him Nightwing’s head.
Or his evil dead grandpa who last we saw was being handed over to Bruce’s custody BY Dick himself is somehow out on the loose again, why aren’t his family putting bets on where Rob Zombie’s bound to end up at some point - oh yeah, watching him through his window all creeperlike - I mean, I know their dad’s a billionaire but that’s just easy money. When a dude whose obsession is as hard to kill off as he is and with the backing and resources of a whole secret society of rich fucks who all think Dick’s destiny is to dance on the end of their strings, like when they all show a tendency to keep coming back like cockroaches no matter how many times they get stomped, what’s the best proactive approach to being prepared for the next time? 
Oh right, leave the sole focus of their constant attempts at abduction/manipulation/brainwashing completely isolated, alone and defenseless without even the memory of why he shouldn’t trust someone who shows up claiming to be his great-grandfather even when he actually turns out to be the real deal.....’see, its not that he’s lying about who he is, its that who he is happens to be evil.”
Seriously. HOW is this a family of geniuses??
HOW is fandom so often convinced its DICK who’s the dumbass out of all of them, when this is their brains on “oh no, Dick’s not here to tell us what to do while we bitch at him for it.’
Imagine fics where someone in Dick’s family looks at the HUGE number of holes in their knowledge of his life.....the periods of long stretches of time where NONE of them were in contact with him and thus have ANY idea what might have happened to their infamously-tightlipped-about-when-bad-things-happen-to-him brother/son without them knowing about it.....and wonder...hey, what DID happen to him during those times and isn’t it weird and WORRISOME that he’s never volunteered any info about those periods and we’ve never ASKED?
Aka the years he was estranged from Bruce because Bruce couldn’t pull his head out of his ass long enough to apologize to Dick for firing him and then turning around and hiring a new kid who gets the Wayne adoption AND the Grayson family name that were BOTH kept or taken from Dick when he was still pretty much just a kid himself.
Or the long months Dick spent infiltrating the mobs and then the Society of Supervillains when he was Coping Badly after everything that happened to him in Bludhaven, both what they know of and whatever else they don’t know of that could’ve been driving him back then....driving him straight into the company of VILLAINS rather than them.
Or literally anything that happened to him while he was working undercover by himself for the highly dangerous and infamous spy agency that also tried to take over his brain (PS - how many people don’t know that the ultimate resolution of the Grayson series, the endgame, was Dick battling the main villain for control over his own mind, because guess the villain’s plans for him were? Oh yeah, to be his new host body when he downloaded his consciousness into Dick’s body and kicked Dick’s consciousness to the curb. LOLOL. Ah yes. Everybody wants Dick Grayson - just without the parts that actually MAKE him Dick Grayson.)
Etc, etc, ad nauseam.
Everybody talks endlessly about how Dick Grayson is a people person and the heart of the family and his teams and nobody thinks twice about the fact that this is the same person who is so infamously often left on his own to his own devices battling the worst of the worst and everybody thinks oh he’s fiiiiiiiiiine. Like, I’m not actually sold on the idea that Dick is an extrovert rather than an introvert vs he just fakes being an extrovert very well....but what does it say that everybody ASSUMES Dick is this huge extrovert and yet.....it never occurs to them to seek HIM out and surround HIM with the people that supposedly an extrovert like him should need to recharge and recover after enduring shit like he does?
How about instead of a million fics where Dick’s agency is ignored yet again so the Batfam can dramatically find out about his rapes whether he likes it or not, and insert THEIR idea of what should happen next/how he should deal.....how about fics where he TELLS one of them or all of them about these or other events that have happened to him, on HIS timetable, of his OWN volition....because he WANTS to? Because he’s READY? Because he honestly believes it’ll help him to tell them, that they’ll be there for him, he TRUSTS this....because they’ve already done the work of proving to him they will or giving him reason to believe they will....rather than just leaving him with no other choice?
Think about how often Dick’s casually referred to as the glue that holds the family together or the emotional heart or center of it.....
And then wonder if maybe the reason the Batfam as a whole is so fucked up....
Is because what everyone calls the HEART of it is constantly left neglected, alone, and fucked up and not taken care of, not looked after....
What tends to happen when you don’t take care of your heart? Protect it? Keep it healthy, keep it safe?
Your body goes stone cold. You keel over. DOA.
Don’t want the Batfamily to be cold...distant....a family in name only....
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rainbowsandcoconut · 4 years
Just Saw you like getting questions, so here goes. A followup on the travel favorites. You mentioned it was difficult to narrow down. Would a top ten be easier? I always look for new inspiration LOTR being your first fandom but have you ever been into something no one else understood? 😊
HIIII! 💕 This totally made my night. I am honestly so surprised anyone would care enough to send me an ask, this is so sweet 🥰 Anyone wanting to talk or ask anything should absolutely feel free, I’d love it!
I’m gonna start with the last question since the travel one will definitely be longer 😊
I’ve been into a lot of things no one in real life understood haha. Like Supernatural back during seasons 1-3 ish when I was obsessed and my friends would get tired of me talking about it all the time (thank god for LiveJournal), or cycling (road and track) that I got super into watching one summer and ended up going all over the country to see races and do some photography for, for a few years.
Now traveling. Oh man, you’re really making me miss the days where travel was allowed and where I could afford it lol. Thanks for this question though, it’s really put me in a good mood to remember some of my trips, I hope these don’t disappoint. In case anyone hasn’t seen 3 of my fave travel memories, they’re over here. And now I’m going to spam you all with 10 more of my fave memories from trips. I had to try to go with ones I could find my pics from and I mostly managed, apart from Norway, so here we go:
1. Flying an airplane in Wanaka, New Zealand 🛩 
I got to actually fly a plane! It only fit 2 people (and a cat) and I feel like I was allowed to do waaay too much, likely because it was my instructor’s first time taking someone inexperienced up so he let me do most of take off and also fly most of the trip, and then he even offered to talk me through landing it but I’m not insane so he ended up doing that part on his own. It was super freaking cool, and the view was absolutely breathtaking.
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2. Seeing the Northern Lights, Tromsø, Norway
My best friend did her master’s in Tromsø so I went to visit her for a week in November 2018. I was a bit worried it was too early in the season to see the Northern Lights but one night the whole sky was full of dancing green light! We went up the top of a mountain and stayed there until we couldn’t stand the cold any longer, and it was just an incredible night. I didn’t manage to get any good photos with my phone so I just stole this off Google but it’s pretty accurate
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3. Meeting Rachel Bloom in NYC last year
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is one of my favourite shows, and it’s really meant a lot to me. Yes, it’s a comedy with musical numbers but it also portrays struggles with mental health more realistically than any other show I’ve seen and that’s something I’ve really both needed and appreciated. Rachel is a comedic genius, and her show has helped me through a few tough times, so being able to not only see CXG live at Radio City Music Hall but also get to talk to Rachel after the show made it an incredible night.
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4. Watching the sun rise over Angkor Wat, Cambodia
The history of the Angkor temples is so fascinating, and I managed to get myself up early enough to see the sun rise over Angkor Wat several times. For anyone who may want to go, my advice would be to not elbow your way to the front of the lake, but stand a bit further back while the majority of the tourists scramble to get a good spot. About 90% of them will disappear into the temple once the sun has offically risen and it’s gotten light out, but you want to stay by the lake. The sun takes longer than you think to actually rise above the temple, and by the time it gets there, most people will have left and the area will be much quieter and more peaceful and will give you a chance to really take in the sunrise. Each time I kept thinking maybe the sun wasn’t super bright or the clouds would cover it some because it seemingly took so long, but staying is absolutely worth it.
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5. Early morning Alms Giving in Luang Prabang, Laos
This almost felt like a moment I wasn’t supposed to see but the owner of the guest house I was staying at assured me I was fine to watch. I wasn’t staying in the center of the city, and I was the only tourist out to watch the long procession in this neighbourhood which made the experience feel extra special and authentic as opposed to how crowded I’ve heard it can sometimes be in the city center.
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6. Going to Lawrence, Kansas in 2009
Seeing as I mentioned being very into SPN above, I’ll include my trip to Lawrence, Kansas on this list. I went solely because my friend and I thought it’d be funny to do so because of its connection to Supernatural. We got invited to lunch by the owner of a souvenir shop who was delighted to hear I was from Denmark because her husband had a friend whose dad had once been. We stayed in Kansas City, and I got lost on my way back from the post office one day. An older lady in a car stopped by the streetlight I was at and offered me a ride back to my hotel which I gratefully accepted, only I started to rethink that decision once I realized that the footwell of her car was so full of bibles, I had to step on them, and the passenger door could not be opened from the inside. Obviously I realized this after I was in the car but while I was somewhat freaked out, I still agreed with her that us going past the McDonalds Drive Thru before my hotel was a good idea so her and I could get to know each other a bit... I was way too trusting back then but hey, I didn’t die so yay?
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7. Driving a moped for the first time on Phu Quoc, Vietnam
I don’t have a license for any kind of vehicle and I have never driven any either (apart from a car twice on completely deserted, straight roads) but the owners of the hostel I was staying at insisted it was the best way to get around the island. Once of them tried to show me how it worked on her own moped, then let me try for a couple of minutes and then declared that she’d rent me one for the next day even though she was too afraid to sit on the back while I was practising because my accelerating and breaking were super abrupt. So the next day off I went. I drove into a tree and a sign in the street, got a lot of concerned looks, and I probably broke any and all traffic laws but I had such a fun time and I got to see some incredibly beautiful beaches that I don’t know how I could’ve gotten to without the moped. Important note for anyone doing this: remember sun cream! I sadly don’t have any photos of the moped, but I did take this photo of one of the beaches I visited:
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8. Going to Obama’s first inauguration in January 2009 in Washington DC
I’ve always been into American politics and that interest peaked around 2008, so just in time to watch Obama get elected, and I knew I had to try to go to DC when I started planning my first ever US trip for 2009. I didn’t manage to get onto The Mall as I only made my way downtown around 6 am but I got a spot on Pennsylvania Avenue for the parade. I have never been so cold in my entire life but I’ve also never experienced the kind of euphoria and excitement from a crowd that I did that day. There truly was a feeling of hope for a real change, and I talked to the absolutely friendliest, kindest people while we waited. Plus I got to see Barack and Michelle Obama wave at me (in my direction anyway) as they were walking down Penn Ave which I’ll forever remember.
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9. Going to Kangaroo Island, Australia
I love kangaroos. So much. I will never get over how cool they are. And I got to bottle feed joeys (baby kangaroos) on this island, as well as pet a bunch of tame adult ones, and see sooo many wild ones. Plus I got to see lots of koalas and other wildlife, as well as the beauty of the island. My friend did technically hit a kangaroo (or wallaby) when we were driving after dark but she’s Australian and didn’t take it quite as hard as I did.
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10. Seeing the Colosseum in Rome, Italy
I’ve just always loved this building. And seeing it in real life did not disappoint.
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Oo I low key am obsessed with the fact that Out Here in the population anyone could be a medical mystery and wouldn't know until a doctor scans or tests u or whatever. Do tell if u are comfortable 👀
i don't usually like to talk about my stuff on here but. it's on the mind. basically. i've always dealt with chronic pain and fatigue and migraines, and after a concussion i ended up with more nervous system issues, but. senior year of high school, my illness was getting a lot worse, and some bloodwork ended up showing that my hormone levels were. extremely fucked up. the more we tested, the higher the levels got, so. yeehaw.
basically the levels were concerning to the point where my doctors were like, okay, we're hooking you up with 2 major research hospitals, one in dc and one in nyc. both of which sort of were confounded by me. the nyc doctor found a (non-cancerous) tumor that effects both the endocrine and nervous systems in january, and we were working on hopefully non-surgical interventions for that until march, when, uh. covid happened.
so now, slowly, we're finally making progress after that. still no solid diagnoses--it looks kind of like a few things, but nothing definitive. i obv can't go back to new york, and the dc hospital hasn't been in contact, so we're getting help from a contact of my nyc doctors based here in virginia.
but basically: i'm exhausted and sick all the time and it sucks a lot and also i always have a headache.
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ellana-ravenwood · 5 years
“Are the Wayne kids single ?” - Batsis x Batfam
So...I am a shameless people watcher (don’t judge haha). I get a lot of inspiration from sitting somewhere for hours and just looking at strangers going on about their lives ^^'. Sometimes catching conversations and such and man, many people are borderline obsessed with knowing who their fav’ celebrity is dating and all that. Which made me think : “Mm, wonder if the members of the Batfam, who are definitely celebrities in their world, ever have problems with people borderline obsessing about their love life ? And how do they handle it ?” so um...I wrote about that. And here it is. Hope you’ll like it :  
PS : Since I don’t appear in the Tumblr searches anymore, reblogging my stories is the only way for other people than you guys who are following me to see them...so if you feel like helping out :D.  My master list blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives
“(Y/N), we don’t have to if you don’t want to, you know.” 
“What ? What are you talking about ? Don’t be stupid, of course I want to. One of them will pick up on it at some point anyway, and then believe me, it’ll be much worse. It’s always better if it comes from us.”  
You wince at the tone of your own voice. 
You didn’t mean to sound so cold and a bit condescending, especially since you understood that he was just trying to help you, understanding that you were under a lot of stress and pressure.
Conner Kent. Your boyfriend. He has been yours for a while now, which was what this all thing was about in the first place. 
Growing up as a “Wayne” brought it’s fair share of advantages, and disadvantages.  
The good points were very obvious. No one needed to think much about the “Why being a Wayne is great ?” thing. Everyone knew the answer to that. Money, fame, doors opening for you easily etc etc.
The bad points though...Many people never realized there even were unpleasant sides of being a Wayne, the good points overshadowing this darker facet of your life. But what most people thought was a blessing, could be a real pain in the ass sometimes ! 
Having money brought its lot of “vulture” that wanted to be friend with you just because of this. Having a good network meant that people always assumed everything you ever earned through hard work was just handed to you. And being famous...
Oh, the fame was probably one of the biggest drawback of being a Wayne. Because being often in the spotlight meant that people could get absolutely obsessed with your every move. 
You were lucky enough to have a father who always managed to shield you (and your siblings) from all this when you were a kid...But now. 
Now you were an adult, and you couldn’t always rely on your dad to save you from paparazzi and such. Plus it came with the territory of being a Wayne. Your father prepared you long enough for that. 
He knew he wouldn’t always be able to protect you from the public eye. He knew that, just because you were his kid, at some point, you’d have to appear at events filled with journalists and photographers. 
And though he was able to bargain when you were a child to only have pictures he previously approved published (plus the law was on his side, as pictures of children appearing in magazines had specific rules to follow, and he had amazing lawyers)...Now that you were an adult, you had to fend for yourself. 
Otherwise, rumors would start. Bad rumors. Hurtful ones. 
Your dad taught you long ago that to keep the little privacy you had while famous, you had to give a little first. Or things could turn sour. He could talk from experience, he had some scandals in his youth (one of them being suddenly becoming a single dad while in his early twenties, while being back in Gotham for less than a year after his mysterious disappearance when he was 16, and always refusing to talk about who was your mother um um.This sprout some pretty terrible rumors in its days...But that’s another story).
The trick was to give away enough so that people would be satisfied, without actually saying much. It was important to give them something to chew on. They’d just write something about you anyway, just because of who your family was so...Hinting on things cheekily and with humor came a long way. 
Like for example, what your dad always did in regards of women and his relationships. He build himself a “womanizer” persona and always played the part perfectly, so questions about a potential “Mrs Wayne” died down a while ago. 
Nowadays, he just  had to smile charmingly, wink and say “A gentleman never tells” to any question about his current supposed “conquest”, and everyone would be satisfied. 
And oh there were so many pictures and videos of you, standing behind him as he uses his charms to swoon everyone, and rolling your eyes at the all thing. 
In fact, Tim pointed out to you a while ago an instagram account someone made called “(Y/N) Wayne’s sassy eye roll”. It was filled with videos of you rolling your eyes in public (mainly at something your brothers or father did). This account had over two millions followers when he showed it to you, and probably gained more since then. Which wasn’t really surprising. 
Actually, this little dynamic you had with your dad, him (faking) being an extroverted flirty man, and you shaking your head whenever he did that...people loved it. And more than once, you got out of a delicate question someone asked because your dad used his charm and you acted embarrassed and “so done with it” that it made people laugh and move on, without even needing an answer ! 
Implying things without ever confirming them was key in a lot of situations. And using humor and quick come backs was too. 
When people were being rudely intrusive, and asked questions about your personal life, it was easy to shut them down. To answer with wit and sarcasm, and make them want to stop asking you this kind of questions. Plus the public LOVED a good little drama and to see rude ones being put back in their place.
Most of your “fans” were rooting for you, and wanted to know things about you because they somehow felt like you were their friends. Many of them saw you grow up by your father’s side. Your family always been a loved one in Gotham. So...If someone was being an ass to you, of course they’d yell “YAAS QUEEN !!” and talk about how well you answered, not caring about the actual question anymore even if they were curious. 
Yes. Dealing with rude scandal journalists was easy. 
But sometimes, oh sometimes...Sometimes you fell on a nice reporter who didn’t think what they did was wrong in any way, and who was just genuinely curious. Who just wanted to give actual infos to their followers. 
After all, you were a “celebrity” just for being born a “Wayne”. And though you never asked for this fame, it came with some sort of contract that you kinda had to talk about your private life from times to times. 
Which was your biggest problem currently. You weren’t really sure how to go about...All this. 
You’ve always been good for getting away from questions about your love life, by feeding journalists little anecdotes about your relationship with your dad, or funny stories involving your siblings. By deflecting their questions to give them some other hindsight about your life. 
Plus your use of social media, especially Instagram and Snapchat, also helped you get away with a lot. You showed enough, so that people wouldn’t be too curious. 
But you knew that a day would arise that you’d need to actually spill the tea...”Were the Wayne kids single, or not ?”
Go figure why, but this question : “Are the Wayne kids single ?”, was always only aimed at you. No one ever asked your brothers. You wondered if it was because you were the only girl, and people just instantly assume you liked talking about “love” and shit ? Damn gender cliches. 
Maybe it was the reason. But clearly, they were wrong. 
“Love and shit”. Just the way you were thinking about it could give every answer needed. For a long time, you didn’t care much about relationships. 
Even more so since, you being a Wayne, it was difficult to meet guys you could trust for being genuinely interested in you, and not just your name. Plus you simply never felt the need to be with someone to be happy. It didn’t came first on your priority list. 
It actually never even was, on your priority list. 
You were busy with so many other things, you never thought you really needed to have someone involved in that way in your life. 
Plus, maybe, just maybe, the fact your father and mother had a complicated on/off relationship kinda made you afraid of any kind of romantic commitment. 
Batman and Catwoman’s mouse and cat chase was infamous. You didn’t want to ever feel the way they did and still do. You saw more than once, how miserable they could get because of all that. Of course, they had just as much happy moments but...Meh. You’d rather just avoid it. 
Which is why you always seemed to know how to avoid questions about your love life ! You decided long ago that you wouldn’t go the “helpless flirt” way your dad took, and rather borrow the “funny self-deprecating jokes” road. 
You’d just brush off any rumors concerning you and a potential love interest with this kind of humor, and then talk about something else involving your family life. 
And that was it. Easy. Plus anyway, there really wasn’t that much to talk about. 
You were single. You were glad to be single. You didn’t want to get involved with anyone. End of story (and you knew this wouldn’t satisfy anyone’s curiosity which is why you often retorted to deflecting things). 
It was all rather simple and straightforward. 
That was your mindset. Until you met Conner. 
Things changed after that. And though you went through quite a lot of misunderstanding (I wrote stories about this, you can check them out on my master list on the DC one under “Conner” @ella-ravenwood-archives​), in the end, things were great between you two ! 
Actually getting rather...Serious. Which is what got you in that particular mood you were today. What made you somewhat snap at your beloved boyfriend. 
You knew. You just knew that the info would come out eventually. And not knowing when or how was getting you on edge. 
It’s not that you didn’t want to present Conner as your “official” boyfriend. Not that you were ashamed of him or unsure about your relationship. It’s just...getting this kind of thing in the open wasn’t easy. 
You were dreading all the questions about how you met (you couldn’t possibly talk about the truth, and the Young Justice, and coming up with a believable story you could both say was weirdly incredibly stressful), how things were going, wether or not you thought about marriage, living together...kids ! 
This was a step in your privacy you weren’t sure you wanted anyone to cross. And yet...Yet it HAD to be made public ! Because god forbid one of those rude scandal journalists find the truth before you talked about it. 
You could be sure it would bring its lot of rumors and unpleasant things like that. You didn’t want anyone to talk ill about you and Conner dating !! You knew it could really have a bad effect on your relationship...
You witnessed your oldest brother, Dick, and his first fall out with his first girlfriend, Barbara, because the public pressure was too much. Now of course they had other issues and after a lot of things happening managed to work things out and were back together for good (they went through too much together not to), but you didn’t want to go through any of that ! You spend enough nights trying to cheer your older brother up after his break-up, and listening to how things got awful once people started to talk about them...
You already went through so much, with Conner. Convincing your families to accept your relationship was tough for many reasons. You definitely didn’t need some noisy people to speculate about why you didn’t go public or anything...
Which is why you needed to do it now. By yourself. But you just didn’t really know how to...go on about all of that ! 
“(Y/N), we don’t have to if you don’t want to, you know.”
“What ? What are you talking about ? Don’t be stupid, of course I want to. One of them will pick up on it at some point anyway, and then believe me, it’ll be much worse. It’s always better if it comes from us.”  
You wince at the tone of your own voice.
You didn’t mean to sound so cold and a bit condescending, especially since you understood that he was just trying to help you, understanding that you were under a lot of stress and pressure.
You turn to him and smile apologetically, before adding :
“Besides, I think it’s finally time I show you off.” 
Oh it was so easy to make Conner blush. Any compliments coming from you and his cheeks would get that cute rosy tint. You were about to reach for his cheek and caress it lovingly, to complete your not-so-subtile “I’m sorry I was just being an ass” excuse when, as often, your fun and enjoyment at witnessing your boyfriend being so sweet was cut short by...one of your sibling, of course (they always seemed to be around when such moments happened...well today you were visiting the family home, so obviously they’d be there, but still). 
“Tt. There’s not much to show off really !” 
Your youngest brother starts, sneering at Conner. 
Your boyfriend got accustomed to this kind of behavior a while ago now, and only answered with a smirk which Damian thought was absolutely infuriating ! But he didn’t dare say or do much more, because you were now glaring at him and he just knew you too well to risk any other words. Before you could scold him however, your other younger brother, Tim, said : 
“Well, technically speaking, there IS a lot to show. Conner is a, and I’m quoting dad talking about him to one of the Justice League about wether or not he should be one of its new member : “big and able strong man”...bit redundant really. Now, if we speak about conversation and brain...”
Tim snickered, aware of what not finishing his sentence implied, and exchanged a knowing look with Damian. The high-five they gave each others a few seconds after almost stopped you from saying anything. After all, it was so rare to see him bond like that...You just wished it wasn’t in this circumstance. Which made you say : 
“First of all, Conner is a very intelligent man, Mister I-thought-fish-fingers-could-be-found-like-that-in-the-sea-and-were-actually-fingers. And second, he’s also a rather attractive one. So there’s a lot to show off, and you’re just being jealous.”
Damian made an exaggerated gagging sound at you calling your boyfriend “attractive”, but didn’t say anything else (your glare always had such an effect on him), but Tim exclaimed, outraged : 
“Hey ! I was kidding ok ? No need to bring out the jealousy card ! And about the fish fingers, I was seven and you and Jason kept telling me that I was right !” 
You smiled smugly at him, happy you managed to turn the tables on him, and...wow it feels nice. To joke around with your brothers, even if you’re not so sure they’re really joking when talking about your Conner. It was just nice to forget your stress a bit. Nice to think about something else. 
 You came to the realization you HAD to talk about your relationship publicly today, as you were coming home from the Kent farm with Conner and almost got caught by paparazzi. Thanks Gods for Wayne Manor’s high hedges and the fact that from behind and far away, your boyfriend could very well be one of your brother, what with his large frame and dark hair...
But this little event of you two almost getting caught made you realize that you had to go public. You had to introduce Conner to everyone. Because if you didn’t, the truth would eventually come out and it’d just be bad overall. A source of unwanted and easily avoidable troubles. 
You were talking about this all morning with your family, and they were definitely very supportive and agreed with you. You had to talk about it...
Which is why you spend most of your day stressing about it and trying to think about a strategy to bring the subject as smoothly as possible. And so, this little joking distraction was very welcome. 
Your dad’s chuckle finished to make you feel more at ease. It was very rare, to hear him laugh, and when he did, it always had a big soothing effect on you. Even if there was a possibility he was currently mocking you, you couldn’t care less. 
He laughed, and you liked when he was happy and carefree enough to do so. 
You turn to him and he smiles fondly at you. Raising you hadn’t really been the easiest thing for many reasons (none related to your personality or way of being, on the contrary...but that’s another story), and seeing you all grown up brought a special emotion to his heart. 
Seeing you stressed about introducing your relationship to the public made him feel so many different things. 
Nostalgia that you weren’t his little girl anymore. Pride that you grew up so well despite all the hardship you went through, and was such an amazing young woman. Sadness and guilt that it’s only because he was your dad that you had to go through all those troubles (and many more). Happiness because you seemed happy, albeit a bit stressed. Resentment, mainly towards Conner, because he was taking you away... 
His chuckle came from you shutting up Tim with that “fish fingers” comment (and because he was reminded of how cute it was, that arguably his smartest kid was also the most gullible one as a child...oh how you and Jason took advantage of that fact. You also managed to make him believe that the hay wrapped in white plastic in fields were actually giant marshmallows, and that those candy Tim particularly liked were plants), but also because seeing you so worked up over something he never thought you’d even think about much was entertaining. 
You often knew exactly what you wanted and how to achieve it. So the fact you were so unsure right now, about such a trivial thing as to introduce your boyfriend to the “World”...it was oddly funny to him. 
Hence the chuckle. And his next words : 
“I remember being nervous too, when I was about to announce that I was seriously dating your mother.” 
You smile at him and...Oh no. Of course. Of course you were going to turn the tables on him too and try to divert this whole issue : 
“Which time ?” 
Constantly joking about your parents on and off relationship (currently off) was your way to cope with the fact you’d never have quite conventional parents (well, as they said themselves : “they dress as animals at night”, obviously they couldn’t be “normal”). To compensate your fear of having their kind of painful yet exciting relationship (even if clearly, between you and Conner it was completely different  than between them). 
Your dad knew you weren’t quite mocking him, but just teasing. Which is what he wanted to achieve. If you teased him, it meant you were a bit less stressed. 
“When we got engaged. -short pause - The first time.” 
He answers your question, his face stoic even if you know he’s not taking all this too seriously (the fact he added “the first time” proof enough). You smirk and...it always impressed you very much, how your dad always seemed to know what to say to calm you down. 
After all, he was known to be a bit “challenged” when it came to express himself, or his feelings. But for some reasons, he just always know what to say to make his kids feel better. His magic didn’t work only on you, you knew for a fact that in moments of doubts, he always managed to cheer your brothers up to. To bring them back from dark thoughts. 
He knew what it felt like to be miserable, sad, lost and any negative feeling you could think of...And the mere thoughts of his children feeling any of that pained him so much that he always ended up letting his guard down, and letting his heart speak. 
It was always very effective. Like now. 
Even if very simple. Just a few words. You already felt better, more cool headed. Less nervous. More encline to think properly and not panic.
In fact, the way your dad just joked about his own nervousness (and knowing that he had to then announce that his engagements were off which was even worst...) made you see the entire situation in another light. 
You smiled widely at your dad, then at Conner. Ignored your two pouty little brothers who were still vexed about how you easily turned tables on them, and suddenly stood up to go get your phone. 
Conner looked at you, curious, as you came trotting back to him. Your dad, however, knew what this meant. He recognized the little spark in your eyes. He saw it enough to know instantly what it meant. 
You just had an amazing idea to solve your problem. 
Thanks to your dad joking around and therefor helping your mind be more at ease, you were able to foment a little plan as to how would be the best way to bring the news about you having a serious boyfriend. 
You didn’t want to directly come forward with him and say you guys were steady already. You knew that if you did, many people would wonder how long you got together. And the answer to that question would bring too much annoyances. 
If you said the truth, that you’ve been together for almost a year, then people would get vexed that you only just introduced him, even if technically, it was none of their business. They would wonder why they never saw him on any of your social media pages. 
They would talk about why you waited so long before introducing him, and even if your reason was to “make sure things were serious” which was valid, they’d find a way to twist your words, and you didn’t want Conner to think anything of it. You knew he wasn’t one to be easily manipulated, but if problems could be avoided...Then you should avoid them, right ? 
On the other hand, if you said “oh we just got together”, then people would annoyingly give your relationship an “end date” and talk about how you introduced him officially way too fast ! Again, he never even appeared on your instagram !
No. No. Rule number 1 of being famous : give a little info, just enough to satisfy people’s curiosity. Don’t give away too much at the same time, or things will go haywire. 
The biggest problem right now, was that people never even heard of Conner. How would they ? You met while at the Young Justice headquarters. You rarely had the time to go on “conventional” date and even so, you’d then go in places you were sure no one would recognize you (like in Smallville and such). 
You had to first ease him in. Talk about him a bit. Introduce him as a “friend”, before talking about “boyfriend”. So that people wouldn’t be shock. So that they’d slowly get accustomed to him. 
And how to do that ? Well, social media came in handy for sure. 
First, Conner started to appear in your “group pictures”. The one you would take with your brothers, to satisfy the “Wayne fix” people seemed to need. The caption on that first picture of you, Conner and your brothers was : “Hanging with those guys <3 #bestbrothersever #lookatthoseidiots #Waynefam″, as simple as that. 
You replied to a few comments of people wondering who “That dude on the left of Jason” was by replying a simple : “He’s a friend of my brother !” 
It was quite clever really. Bam. Conner was in as “your brother’s friend” (never mentioning which brother was smart, people just assumed it was Dick or Jason and that was it, even if technically, he was Tim’s bestie). And the fact you personally replied to some comments made you closer from the people who wanted to know all about you ! It was a win-win situation. 
Then slowly, he started to appear in your snapchat stories and such. Like “My brother’s friend is a dork”, filming him doing something silly with one of your sibling. 
And bit by bit, he took more space on your social medias. He went from an “unnamed man in your picture”, to “your brother’s friend”, to simply “Conner”. 
The first picture you posted of just you and him had so many comments from people saying things like : “I don’t know for y’all, but I ship them !” or “Oh they’d be a cute couple !” even before you’d hint at anything. 
Literally, this said first picture was of you and him in Metropolis’ streets, picture taken a little blurry on purpose, as if you’d just met by accident. 
The caption read : “Look who I ran into into in Metro-city ! #ConnerK #Thatdork #Mybrosfriend #coincidence”. It was simple, and enough for people to start kinda liking the idea of the two of you together. 
Of course by then, you’d really been together for literal months, but eh, no one but your families and close friends knew. The fact was, you guys dating was part of your “unknown world”. Part of your “superhero World”. You hung out together at the Young Justice headquarters at first. But now it was time for Conner to come and be part of your “Alter Ego” world. 
You posted another picture of you and Conner the same day you “accidentally” ran into each others in Metropolis, of him sitting next to you in a park, an ice cream in his hand, smiling charmingly at the camera. With a caption saying : “Thanks for showing me around dude ! Glad our path crossed #coincidence #Iwaslost #GladIranintohim #mybrothersfriendsarealsomyfriends #suchlonghashtags #ConnerK #icecreamtime #MetropolisSucks”. 
From that point on, it was easy to slowly ease into people’s mind that actually, they kinda like you two together. 
You denying any romantic relationship with him was another smart move. You’d sometimes say : “no he’s just a friend !” and such things whenever people shipped the hell out of you, which made people like and like even more the idea of you two dating. 
You got the inspiration from watching too many TV shows. You know, those incredible slow burn love stories ? Where the lead character has that perfect chemistry with another recurring character, and since their first scene together you’ve been wanting them to date ? But things drag and drag and problem keeps getting in their way and suddenly you would DIE for them ! You are rooting for them to get together soooo bad ! That once they finally do...You’re just incredibly happy, and since you feel like you just witnessed their relationship blossomed for the past three seasons, you don’t mind not having all the answers to your questions about them together, ya know ? 
On the contrary, you want things to keep unfold in front of you. 
Well, you basically applied that TV show trope you love so much to your own fake un-relationship. Posting more and more things with Conner. Cute “friendly” videos, and awesome pictures. 
Conner even started to use his own instagram page, that he never really used before. The message he wrote for you for your birthday, accompanied by a cute picture of you smiling at the camera made so many people write in caps lock “JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY !”. 
Your plan was going perfectly well. Your father was actually very impressed and proud about how you decided to handle everything. From extremely nervous, to a neatly and skilled little plan coming perfectly together. 
In that way, you were a lot like him. Always had a plan. And multiple back up plans. Only most of the time, your initial plans would almost always work. 
Like father like daughter, right ? 
You were so damn proud of yourself. And so happy Conner understood. 
You were perfectly aware that your “plan” could be misinterpreted by him. After all, he could’ve been weirded out by all the “faking” you asked of him. But nope. He really wasn’t. 
You explained to him that you thought that easing things down would be the best and more problem free way to go. That acting as if you weren’t already together since a long time was a good idea. 
You explained all the rumors that could ensue if you just came out together now without saying anything (you could see such rumors every day in scandal magazines, as soon as a celebrity was hanging out with someone else !). 
And he understood. He agreed. Plus, he didn’t mind acting like your friend in public. So far, you both always kinda hid yourself wherever you went together.
So for Conner it was a great change of pace. Even if he definitely understood too why until now you wanted to keep your relationship hidden. You just wanted to be with him without any other worries, to be with him as if you were just a random person, not someone famous ! Plus he knew you were afraid to impose your fame on him, but now, you’ve been together long enough for him to accept that fact, for him to know he’ll eventually have to roll with it if he wanted to be with you...Oh and he wanted to.
He never thought you were ashamed of him, or not serious or anything. No. He understood why you wanted to hide things. He was totally on board. He was actually pretty sure he would have waited centuries for you to be ready ! And now that you were, that he was too, and moving forward with things...Well then he’d do whatever you want him to do. 
He was never into PDA anyway, and it was nice to be able to hang out with you in public without caring much if people took pictures or not. Because it was known that he was “just one of your brother’s friend” at first, so there was no mystery there ! People knew him now. And even started to point out how he appeared before in your brothers’ pictures anyway !
And then once you started to hang out more as friends yourselves, and all that...as your PUBLIC relationship started to bud...Well who cared if paparazzi took picture and titled their articles : “Are (Y/N) Wayne and Conner Kent dating ?!”
To be honest, it was quite a big help that Conner was “Clark Kent and Lois Lane’s kid”. It eased even more your fake backstory of how you met. It was notoriously known that Bruce Wayne was good friend with famed reporters Kent and Lane. So the fact their children knew each others...wasn’t really surprising ! 
It played perfectly in your little “he was just one of my brother’s friend. I never saw him as more than a play buddy for a long time...until that fateful Metropolis encounter !”. Oh Alfred’s acting class he used to give you as a child definitely came in handy ! 
“So, serious question...Are the Wayne kids single, or not ? There has been rumors lately !” 
You managed to pull a bashful smile that was completely fabricated but that everyone would think was genuine. You became quite good, at faking facial expression in public. “Thanks dad”. 
You knew exactly why, this time, they asked you this question. A few days earlier, you gave an anonymous tips to some paparazzi that “the famed (Y/N) Wayne and her rumored boyfriend Conner Kent had been spotted on Gotham’s docks, having a romantic promenade”. 
You let them take pictures of you quickly kissing Conner, as if you were actually afraid someone would catch you. You and Conner played the part perfectly, acting as if this was your first date or something. All shy and small touches. 
You planned for this event for months. It was the culminating point of everything. The time when finally, things would change. And you were so glad that the journalist to ask you this tonight, was one of the few you actually liked. With a charming smile you say : 
“Oh well you know I rarely talk about that, Miss Torres.” 
Gabriela Torres, a famous EW journalist smiles knowingly but insist. She would usually never do that, but there is some pretty incriminating pictures of you and a certain Metropolis boy... 
“A Metropolis boy you say ? No idea who you are mentioning.” 
You say coyly, and you know they’re falling right in your trap. For this little stunt of admitting you’re in a relationship, your brothers gave you permission to talk about their love life. Briefly. 
“I can tell you however that my brother Dick’s wedding to Barbara Gordon is starting to coming up nicely. That Jason is most definitely following in my dad’s footstep. That Tim is still with his high school sweetheart, Steph’ and um...Well, Damian is only fourteen ! I think he’s barely interested in any kind of romance right now. I’m sure he has crushes but...uh, you know.” 
They didn’t really know, but acted as if they did. Because you had a way with words, that just made people satisfied enough. Just like your dad. Plus, they weren’t really interested in your brothers right now, they knew you were just deflecting. 
Gabriela Torres asks once more about that “Metropolis boy”, but this time, she names him. 
“Isn’t there something going on between you and Conner Kent ?” 
You manage to fake being bashful once again. You turn away from the camera. Laugh a little bit nervously, and then turn back to the journalist and say : 
“Well, a proper lady never tells.” 
You then proceed to smile and wink in a very Bruce Wayne-way (again, like father, like daughter) and walk away. 
And you’ve done it. Gave them just enough so they’ll be satisfied, but not enough to truly invade your personal life. 
Conner’s officially in. 
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t feeling nervous at all when you brought your boyfriend to an official and formal event for the first time. 
And oh man Conner ? Conner was almost throwing up because of how nervous he was. But here you were, walking the red carpet under a hundred of camera flashes. And it was time. 
“(Y/N) Wayne isn’t single anymore, it’s official”. 
“Wow, well. This went better than expected ! They really like you Kon !” 
“Yeah ? I was afraid I messed things up a bit by being so nervous...” 
“Oh no, I think they loved that. It brings a certain quirk to you. And it shows you care about making a good impression...You can bet that tomorrow, people will be all over the papers about me being hitched ! And the next day, they’ll forget all about it because then they’ll focus on the fact that there’s, potentially, three Wayne kids that are still single...So all in all, very successful evening !” 
This was such a relief. Finally. Finally he was “officially” your boyfriend, and you’d never have to hide anymore. Awesome. Things really went smoothly ! People truly LOVED Conner. 
And you were all pretty sure it was thanks to your plan of easing things down. When you finally presented Conner as your boyfriend, people felt like they knew him too, after all those videos and pictures and such you posted. 
They had been shipping you two since “way before you guys started dating” (something people often said, and that amused you often, given the fact you celebrated your first year anniversary while you were still not “officially” together), and were glad to see you two making things official. The “I ship them so hard” comment were now replaced by “#relationshipgoals” and other “THE SHIP HAS SAILED !!” and such. 
Wow. Well. Why were you nervous in the first place ? 
And here you were again, nervous beyond all measure, unable to stop playing with the new piece of jewelry on your ring finger...
Conner asked you to marry him months ago, but it was only now that you had time to truly announce it to the World. Your family and friends already knew of course, but your “public alter ego” had to still come out clean about that. 
The day before the gala you were going to, Conner posted on HIS social medias (sounded more logical) a simple picture of the ring on your finger, your hand holding his, and a caption saying : “She said yes <3″. 
The post broke the internet. 
It became one of instagram’s most liked pictures. And people couldn’t wait for your official statement the next day at the gala...And here you were, nervous again even if you knew most people knew already and you just had to confirm things, to “give them the little infos so they could be satisfied”. 
“Wow, well. This went better than expected ! They really really like you Kon !” 
“Yeah well, I think I figured that out by now. I do receive the occasional hate online about “not being good enough for you” but I’m pretty sure all those accounts are Damian’s...” 
You snort, but start to genuinely laugh when your little brother gives a half-joking “Tt, not ALL of them”. 
You’re on your way home to your apartment, and as often during official galas like so, you’re in the family car as you all went to the event together. Of course. 
You, Jason and Dick didn’t live in the Manor anymore, but Alfred and your dad always made a point to pick you up so you’d all go as a family. It was important for them, but also for that public image you kept up all those years, of you guys being a very close family (which was true anyway). 
People LOVED when the entire Wayne family went somewhere. They always went completely crazy for pictures of all of you together, which unfortunately were rarer nowadays than they used to. Which made said picture all the more appreciated. 
You finish laughing at your brother’s (half) joke and Conner smiles as you lay your head on his chest, closing your eyes, exhausted after tonight’s emotions and commotion. 
There’s a small silence as Alfred drives the family limousine back to your apartment to drop you and Conner off first, as your home is closer to the city center than Dick’s and Jason’s. And definitely closer than Wayne Manor, where your dad, Tim and Damian will go back after dropping all of you off. 
It’s a comfortable silence. Everyone is very please about how the entire evening went. Your dad would never admit it, but he was really happy and proud that you were going to marry a man such as Conner Kent. 
The silence is broken by said man :
“I wonder what people’s reaction will be when we’ll tell them you’re pregnant...” 
Conner says, before he freezes and a horrified expression slowly creeps on his face. Did he just...Drop that bomb ? While you and him only discovered that fact the day before ? And didn’t say anything to your family yet ? Oh my god, you were going to be so mad at him ! 
But you were already asleep, comfortably nestled on his chest, and your boyfriend, future father of your child...Had to bear the glares your brothers laid on him, the furious shock in your father’s eyes. 
He had to ignore the gasp they all made, the way they refrained themselves from yelling because you were asleep and it was rare for you to get any of that, especially so peacefully. The way they “yelled” silent “WHAT ?!” and threw their hand in the air, the scene being utterly comic, as they tried to make as little noise as possible. 
The way your brothers weren’t sure wether they were happy or mad. The way your dad’s glass of water he had in his hand shattered as he gripped it. The way his expression went from “angry” to “wait, what, I’m going to be a grandfather ?” to finally land on “I’m happy ! But also, how dare you touch my daughter that way ?”. 
And all the while, you slept peacefully, not knowing that this novel piece of news that stressed you out was now out in the open to your family. You had just barely started to foment a plan about how to tell them ! 
For Conner, the ride back to your apartment was a very awkward one. And he blessed the fact that you didn’t wake up as you arrived home, meaning he didn’t have to witness your grumpy self awaking to your family asking you a thousand questions about your pregnancy ! 
He exited the car slowly, making sure to not wake you up, and mouthed a “I guess we’ll talk tomorrow...” to your brothers and father, smiling awkwardly at them, closing the car’s door. Worst timing EVER. And it was a bit surreal, to see their frustrated face realizing they’d really have to wait for tomorrow to ask for an explanation, as the door slowly closed on them. 
At least the good thing about all that, was the fact that you were deeply asleep and unaware of his mistake. That way, he had time to think of something to tell you, of a plan to break the news to you that he accidentally might have slip the fact that you were bearing his child to your family...
Sorry it took me a while to get that story out. I just got extremely busy with life lately...So. Yeah. I had ZERO time to write. Anyway, glad I could finally post this :). As usual, the initial idea I had changed quite a bit along the way, and I ended up focusing on Batsis/Conner more than on the Batsibling as a whole (don’t worry, there’ll be more bat siblings story related, and only them :)), but eh, that happens. I always end up getting carried away by the story.
Hope you liked it (???), don’t hesitate to leave a feedback and reblog, it’s always BEYOND appreciated (motivates to write more and all). Hope you weren’t disappointed or something and...yeah. That’s pretty much it *proud for once I didn’t comment on how insecure I am posting a story*.
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biblio-bitch · 4 years
Teen Titans 1x01 Blind Reaction
I haven’t watched the OG Teen Titans yet. Sue me. I wasn’t allowed to watch cartoons as a kid so I’m playing catch-up here. As usual, spoilers and cursing under the cut! Also. apologies for the short sentences, it was like 3 am.
A disclaimer: This is entirely for fun and a lot of the comments I make are based on my preferences for media as well as the way I, as a writer, would have written things.
If I say something you disagree with (more likely in my analysis posts than my reactions) then I am more than happy to hear your opinions so long as you are respectful! 
If you followed me for Detroit Evolution content I promise I’ll post the rest soon. Formatting and proofreading takes ages. I also might start liveblogging my adventures in screenwriting so look out for that!
That being said, let’s get into it!
[In brackets is added post-watch.]
Holy old animation Batman. It feels like Phineas and Ferb.
BB Sounds like Phineas.
The cheesy intro tho
Seriously which Robin is this cause I think it’s Dick but Idk
“Titans Go!”
The theme song is iconic
Love the OG Raven design
Is the theme Japanese?? It kinda feels Japanese
I love that Starfire’s outfit isn’t like literally a bikini it’s nice since she’s designed like a sixteen year old
Epic fight scene™️. Makes me feel like something’s going to go wrong.
“I am stronger than I look” fuck yeah Star get his ass
Honestly wtf Rob you’re like twelve and you don’t have powers??? Also is he wearing steel toe boots?? I thought they were converse at first. Seriously Batman, what’s with the child soldiers??
Cyborg?? I love him
Ouch that was a fail
Ok the bo staff is a Tim Drake signature as far as I know so wtf???? Which black haired mf is this???
It’s Dick. I googled. [I love DC and I realize that most of the Robins were designed before having diverse characters was a thing but literally they all look the same. Like personally I’d love to see a Romani or other non-white rep for Dick.
 {I gleefully return to this post with news that Dick is canonically Romani! He’s been played so often as white, including in the new Titans, which I will be making a post about, but he was confirmed to be poc in Devin Grayson’s Gotham Knights. He’s part Romani on his mother’s side. She, according to Tim Seeley’s twitter, is an immigrant. He was originally presented without a confirmed ethnicity! My apologies for being uninformed about this. I stated Romani specifically here before knowing because I had seen people talk about him as such and really enjoyed it.}
 Maybe a mixed Jason? I feel like Tim is white mostly bc he’s rich IN GOTHAM,,, but like I never turn down the possibility of poc characters. Damian is canonically middle eastern so if I ever see a live action Damian not played by a middle eastern brown kid I’m rioting.]
What a petulant child. Blaming each other. Now they’re fighting. [This part feels very overdramatic to me personally. I do think that if this wasn’t animated it would be toned down quite a bit. That being said? I do think it’s in character for Dick, especially late Robin-era Dick, to have outbursts like that, especially as a character that I see as needing a lot of control.]
Oh wonderful. He quit. That’s overly dramatic.
Oh goddamn it Slade.
I’m not supposed to know he’s Slade yet tho huh. [Rip the element of surprise with that, I have a habit of learning everything from things before investing my time in it, and my obsession with other versions of DC comics isn’t helpful in this situation. Also the 25 pages of AO3 I’ve read about the Bats gives quite a bit away.]
Oh ew that’s a plasma monster
He looks like fuckin,,, Underbelly! that mf from the Red Hood/Arsenal comics. [Underbelly is the personification of the criminal world. I got through four RH/A comics as of posting this so once I finish that storyline I’ll probably post about it]
“It’s pointless to get upset about Cyborg” breaks glass. [I personally really fw Raven being like ‘master of meditation i feel nothing’ but then these dumbasses get all up in her brain and she ends up loving them like honestly that’s amazing]
“I’m fine” fucks up that punching bag. Master of emotions this bitch. [I don’t think that this little tantrum is entirely because Cyborg left. Again, Dick was raised by Batman, and neither of them are too good about losing control and fucking up. This to me is very much a mix of guilt for having driven away a friend and teammate, anger at Cyborg for leaving, and also anger at himself for a perceived failure. Bruce really needs to get his kids therapy bc the complexes are really shining through.]
Now they’re sad like bitch ur the one who kicked him out???
He’s eating something and it’s gross.
“That stuff can’t be good for you” Robin,,, sweaty,,,
The puns. Jeez Louise.
Immensely powerful half demon lady and the best you can do is some cans?? [Again with the things you shouldn’t know, Theo. Yeah I get that she’s still a kid and the demon lady thing isn’t exactly revealed yet, but I maintain that the barrels -- which I realized that they’re barrels not cans -- could be improved upon]
“You giant zit”??? A Child [Seriously how old is he because it’s concerning that he seems as young as he does. @ Bruce wtf did you do to your kids]
Phase three what an ominous asshole
Again with the puns Rob like jeez just fight this mf
Star,, you’re an alien?? Why are you screaming??
Both eyes on the road while flying Raven
He just extends the bo again bro what kinda bat bullshit is this
Cyborg saving the day!! We gotta love that. “Still got the sonic if you still got the boom” what kids I love them
I love that he just,, brought Cinderblock with him. He’s just that powerful.
Wtf is up with this knockoff Alfred mf with Slade? Also?? What stereotypical villain shit Slade step it up. [Titans (2018) Slade is like,,, so much better at this. Hell, even Arrow Slade is more nefarious.]
[I know it’s stupid to say this about an antagonist from a kids show vs two YA/Adult shows but like?? Titans Slade had the Motive, and Arrow Slade was Deep. In my defense here, I’m only on Ep 1, I’m sure he gets more interesting as the show progresses.
My non-sleep deprived rating? 9/10. Points off for melodrama but points on for nostalgia and attention grabbing. I’m not really into kids shows so I did my best to be fair despite that. Personally I think it’s a little much on the fighting especially for a pilot and it definitely seemed a little bit rushed. But, the animation is fun, I love the way each character is distinctive in costume and personality.
Keep in mind I prefer watching things with writing/pacing like Arrow, The Flash, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the new Titans TV show and all of my ratings are going to be skewed based on a preference for stronger and darker material. 
With that in mind, I did enjoy the episode and I do want to continue watching. I think if I had watched this as a 10-11 year old, it would’ve been amazing.]
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Since this actually happened to my friend last week and I’m now totally paranoid it’s going to happen to me too: person x is trying to sell their house/apartment and person y’s realtor forgets to give notice and person y walks in on person x getting out of the shower...
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Rain pounds down around her as she drives to the viewing she set up last week. It’s time for her to get out of her apartment and have a house for Henry with a backyard. Like, an actual backyard with grass and a swing set and not something that’s covered in concrete and trash from their neighbors. She feels like she’s been saving for years, and maybe she has been.
No, she definitely has been.
It’s hard to be a bail bondsperson and a mom to a ten-year-old boy. Some nights she spends half of her paycheck on Henry’s babysitter, especially because a lot of the time they have to spend the night at her apartment. Frankly, it sucks. But this is the hand life has dealt her, with a large assist from Neal Cassidy and all of his asshole ways, and she’s dealing with it. She thinks she deals with it well, but it’s not like she’s given Henry a life with two parents and ice cream on Saturdays after they come home from his soccer games.
There’s one parent, maybe some ice cream, and Henry likes baseball, weirdly enough. She didn’t know a single thing about baseball until Henry came home one day and told her he was playing it.
She’s a baseball mom.
Like, she keeps a chair in the back of her car and brings orange slices (sometimes donuts when she forgets it’s her week) to games and slathers she and her son down in lotion so that neither of them get burned. Ten years ago when she was in the high school bathroom staring at a positive pregnancy test, she could have never imagined any of this.
Life is weird.
She loves her kid more than anything in the world.
Her car runs through a puddle, mud and water splashing up on the side, and she nearly sways into the other lane. Shit, she needs new wipers too. She doubts that comes with this house. Maybe some curtains and the appliances but definitely not windshield wipers for her car. That would be a little odd. Helpful but odd.
She thinks that she’s pulled up to the right house, the exterior looking the same as the listing online, and she checks the address one more time as a loud crash of thunder vibrates the ground, her car, and seemingly the blood in her veins. She really hates storms. Seriously. Nothing good comes from them except maybe plants and grass getting watered, but all they really need is a light sprinkle. They don’t need a thunderstorm.
Calm it down universe.
Sighing, she pulls on her raincoat, zipping it up as much as she can, and pulls the hood over her hair. She really needs an umbrella, but she gave Henry hers before he got on the bus for school this morning. It’s probably five dollars for another umbrella. She’ll stop by CVS or something on the way home.
That’s a weird word because technically, if she likes this place, and if Henry likes this place when she brings him here at some point, this could be their home.
It’s a mad dash from her bug to the front door, her keys jiggling against the key Ashley, her realtor, gave her to get into the house as she runs. It doesn’t really help, though. Her boots are somehow soaked through, wet grass and mud covering her feet as she tries to shake the water from her coat, water droplets falling to the brick steps that are covered by the roof.
Oh, a nice little covered porch. That’s good. She likes that.
She scrapes her feet against the welcome mat (sorry, house owner) and unlocks the door, stepping inside. It looks just like the pictures, which is always a good sign. There’s a small entryway, light gray paint covering the walls, with a small cushioned bench pressed up against the wall. It’s definitely more for decoration than anything, but she can see she and Henry having a little cubby there for their shoes and his backpack. She’d definitely put a key ring there and then decidedly not put her keys there.
It always happens. And she’s always late everywhere.
With her shoes squeaking on the dark hardwood, she walks out of the entryway and into the living room. It’s kind of small, but then again, so is the house. It’s not like she’s looking to buy some kind of mansion. She’s a single mom looking for a place where she and her son can have their own bedrooms and bathrooms, preferably ones that don’t share walls. It’s not like she’s brining guys back to her house, but sometimes Henry jams out to hard rock (she has no idea where the AC/DC obsession came from, and she’s honestly not sure if she should be letting her kid listen to it) and she needs to sleep.
But her own bathroom? That’s a must have.
She wanders around the living room and the connected dining room, the table and chairs under a rounded archway, and even though she’s supposed to be imagining their stuff here, all she notices is the nautical décor. Seriously. She knows that they live in Maine and the ocean is fifteen minutes away, but this is some serious anchor and captain’s wheel decor. Everything is in dark leathers and deep blues, and if she had to bet, a guy lives here. It’s stereotypical, but stereotypes are true for a reason.
Damn, sailor. How many stripes can you have on each pillow?
Is there a crab on that pillow on the recliner? There is.
It’s a nice place, though, one that hits all of her boxes, and the very last thing to check is the master bedroom. She’s basically living in a shoebox now, so when she opens the last door in the house and sees that there’s room for a king bed (not that she has one) plus a few extra pieces of furniture, she lets out a sigh of relief. The nautical theme is still going on, a white bedspread with blue and green pillows covering the mattress, and above the bed is what seems to be a framed Naval uniform. Or at least the jacket. It’s a weird flex, but it’s not the weirdest thing she’s ever seen. Yesterday Ashley took her into a house that had purple carpeting and a leopard couch.
Nautical is much better.
She’s bringing her own stuff her anyways. The owner is going to take all of his things and never come back.
After looking at the bedroom and watching the rain fall heavily outside, she walks over to the door that she assumes is the bathroom and twists the knob, opening the white frame and stepping into what has to be the bathroom.
Which is being used right now.
Specifically the shower.
Which is clear glass.
With a naked man inside of it.
Holy shit.
“What the bloody hell are you doing in here?” the man shouts the moment he sees her, blue eyes connecting with green. Why in the world is the shower so close to the door? Why is that her concern right now?
There’s a naked man in the shower. Like, she’s getting a full frontal view.
“What are you…what are you doing in here?” she screeches, still staring at the damp hair that’s matted down on his chest and the lean muscles that are beneath. Nope. Nope. Nope. She should not be looking at this naked man who most likely broke into the house to take a shower or something. Damn it, she should have brought her gun inside.
She looks at him one more time, shock still running through her system and causing her heart to beat erratically in her chest, threatening to break through the ribcage, before she looks up at the ceiling, biting the inside of her cheek while her foot taps. Why is she standing still instead of running away? This is the dumbest decision she’s ever made.
“What am I doing here?” the man scoffs, turning the water off.
How did she not hear the water? The rain. The rain must have blocked it out. Or maybe she was too distracted by all of the nautical stuff. Maybe this house turns into a boat and sails away. It might need to if this storm never stops.
“Yes, what are you doing here? Are you one of those creeps who breaks into houses that are for sale and steals things? Or uses the shower? Did you also decided to make yourself lunch today?”
She’s so focused at looking at the pattern on the ceiling that she doesn’t realize that the man has gotten out of the shower and stepped toward her, hovering slightly over her face. Couldn’t he have put on more than a damn towel? She’s probably going to get murdered, and she’s distracted by this dude’s bare chest and the scruff that lines his jaw. He’s crazy hot, and his eyes are much bluer this close.
Crap. He’s probably like Ted Bundy or something.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Not going there. She is not getting murdered today.
“Love, I own this house. What are you doing here?”
Oh shit.
“W-what do you mean you own this house?” she asks, straightening out her back to try to make herself bigger. He’s not that much taller than her with the heels of her boots helping, but it’s still a difference. Plus she has to stop looking down. The towel doesn’t hide much. “Ashely said that no one would be here and I’m free to look around.”
His tongue clicks at the same time that thunder rolls outside, and she takes the brief moment to back up so that she can’t feel his body heat.
“You’re viewing the house. Thank God. I was about to call the cops.”
“And say what? A woman is watching me shower. I don’t think – oh yeah, I could totally get arrested for that. Sorry.”
He smiles at her, white teeth contrasted against the black of his beard, and she absolutely cannot wait to tell Ruby about this. She may very well die of laughter…if Emma doesn’t die of embarrassment first.
And disappointment over not getting the house. There’s no way this guy is going to sell it to her now.
“Yeah, love,” he laughs, tightening his towel around his waist, “you could.” He reaches his hand out in front of her, and she stares at it for a moment too long before taking it and shaking his rough hand, disbelief at this entire situation beginning to sink in. “Killian Jones, house owner and shower taker. I’m in desperate need of a realtor who tells me when to get out of the house so that beautiful women don’t walk in on me in the shower and see all of the features that are not included in the sale.”
“Wow,” she whistles, shaking her head back and forth at the cockiness of this guy, of Killian Jones. Or maybe he’s just confident. He does seem to be laughing a bit at himself, and he could be embarrassed. She swears that she sees the slightest bit of red on the apples of his cheeks. She honestly doesn’t know. “So if I buy the place, you don’t just hang out naked in the shower all day?”
He lets go of her hand and leans forward, seductively winking. That doesn’t make goosebumps rise on her skin at all. “I could if you want me to.”
Her lips part, all words dying on the tip of her tongue. All she can really think about doing is kneeing this guy in the balls, but that doesn’t really seem appropriate. She did kind of invade him in his own home, after all.
“I don’t,” she finally answers.
He shrugs it off. “Fair enough. What was your name again, love?”
“I don’t believe I told you.”
He raises his right brow, lines on his forehead increasing, and she gets the feeling that this is kind of his signature move.
“Would you like to? I’m not Rumpelstiltskin or anything. I don’t get a secret power in knowing your name.”
She laughs at that. She can’t help it. “Funny. My son just got really into fairytales and has been kind of obsessed with Rumpelstiltskin. But I’m Emma. Emma Swan.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Swan,” he smiles, and she notices how he doesn’t question or flinch away at the mention of Henry. Most people do. But this isn’t a date or anything. This is just an awkward meeting, and if she wasn’t interested in buying this house, she’d probably never have to see this guy again. “If you’ll give me five minutes, I’ll change into some actual clothes and show you around the house, give you the real behind the scenes tour. It’s the least I can do.”
She’s not sure why he’s being so nice when she’s the one who walked in on him, but she’ll take it.
“I’d like that.”
After he gets dressed, Killian shows her around the house, telling her all of the ins and outs that she might possibly need to know. Really, he shares far too many weird facts and oddities about the house (like how sometimes he has to slam his hand up in the freezer to get the ice machine to work and how there’s a dip in the wood in the second bedroom that gets worse in the heat) for someone trying to sell the house, but she appreciates his honestly in everything. He’s actually really good at showing the place off, much better than Ashley has been in showing her the other places, and when she asks him if he also works in real estate, he lets out a hearty laugh before telling her that he’s a retired Naval Captain (which explains so damn much about every piece of décor in the house) and is moving to an apartment closer to his new job as the harbormaster. He says he doesn’t need this much space anyways.
It’s the perfect amount of space for she and Henry, though.
She spends an hour or so listening to him talk, which is really far too much time since she’s already looked at most of the house, but she kind of loses track of time listening to him explain things and share stories that give her a little glimpse into all of the life that’s taken place at this house. He’s a charming guy, which is usually the first warning sign to stay far away, but she tells herself that it’s all about the house. That’s why she’s listening to him.
And that’s what she tells herself three days later when she brings Henry to see the place. Killian isn’t there, Ashely most likely actually telling him to leave, but he does leave a note on the counter that she knows is for her.
I left the shower free if you want to test it out. I’d suggest locking the door, love. You never know who might walk in.
“What are you smiling at, Mom?” Henry asks her as he slams a kitchen cabinet door shut.
“Nothing, Kid.”
She goes under contract to buy the house two days later.
Two years later, after dating for nearly all of that time, she asks Killian to move back into the house that he sold to her in some kind of weird full circle move.  
They definitely share the shower.
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demonwriterx · 5 years
My Little Pony Comic #77 preview (Discord’s Girlfriend, yes they were official)
Alright, let’s get into the juicy bits! The preview of comic #77 was very telling as it shows another flashback from Discord, telling the “audience” (which I believe is not “us”) how he and Cosmos first met. Also I did not do a review on #76 because it was filler but I will on #77! which will be coming out on May 1!
Now let’s get into it. Let’s have a look at the first panel. 
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Okay, this is amazing. We see that Cosmos actually made it into Discord’s own pocket dimension, literally tearing a hole in his own space time, and landing in his garden. Also, isn’t it kinda adorable that he is putting tennis balls as flowers and slices of cheese? A-mazing. Also his use of “celestia” being the entity and ponies constantly using her in sentences like “In the name of celestia” or “Oh celestia sake!” great use that Discord also says it. 
We also get a good look as to what kinds on animals cosmos is, if I have to guess I will say. 
Horns of a goat/ram
Body of a cat (maybe tiger because of the stripes)
Mane of a cobra 
Ears of an owl? 
Tail of a scorpion
and her legs are giving me trouble, I am not sure what they are suppose to be like a bird? or Camel? but I think her body is made out of very dangerous animals. Its a good contrast against Discord. 
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2nd page! is very very interesting. Discord was actually the first to fall “in love” with Cosmos. Her or her chaos, maybe both. You can see that in the first panel of the page, his heart is beating out his chest, he has hearts around him in the 2nd panel, he made a private dinner dat and below him he has flowers for her. (I’m pretty sure they are roses. 
I really like the lore that the comic series always set up, I really like the Sombra Arc, the Mirrors Arc, and I am really liking this DIscord’s Arc with Cosmos. I really like how Discord was actually interested and romantically involved with another creature that was exactly like him, powers and all. The one thing they had in common is their chaos. I also like how in character he is in the last panel in the dialogue box, how it took him minutes for her to fall for him? Very Nice. Discord, you sly dog. 
But who is he talking to? In the beginning, I thought he was breaking the fourth wall by talking to us, the audience, but I don’t think he is, and I will reveal it in the third and final page of the preview. 
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Third page! this page shows kinda how long they were together since they went dimension hopping. You can see that they went to Wonderland, (which explains why it is so weird lol). They also tried going to Earth 616 (marvel) and abandoned Prime 1 (I believe that is DC) until he introduced her to Equestria. And you kinda see the obsession Cosmos had. She wanted to control worlds with her chaos. She just wants more and more and Discord gave her that. I also liked how he really cannot control her. Which means he tried before only to realize that he doesn’t have the ability because of how unpredictable she was. 
In the large panel, take a look at Discord’s dialogue. ‘Minor” chaos. He says it twice, adding emphasis to it, towards his “audience” but the pictures says something way different. He changed houses, wreaked havoc, scared ponies, and slowly he was starting to be concerned. But this is where things get...unreliable. 
Discord is the Unreliable narrator. 
He is telling his backstory, him and Cosmos, to Fluttershy. 
He is purposely making himself look less of a bad guy towards Fluttershy by mixing his words like, “he wasn’t looking for trouble” (um yes you were, Discord) and causing “mild chaos” when it was very much Chaotic, nothing mild about it.  
But something is truthful here, and that is being that Discord has no power over Cosmos and what she does. She is unpredictable. Like him, no one controls him. (Except Fluttershy lol) No but really, Fluttershy does not control Discord, he  chose to be her friend and he chose to become reformed, dialing his chaos back. But Cosmos is not interested. Her chaos is frightening, close to killing ponies which Discord disagrees on doing, even if it is for Chaos. Discord will not kill, but Cosmos will. 
Thats the end of the preview, I am very excited to see what is next! 
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geek-patient-zero · 5 years
Part 1, Chapter 4
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Blood War: Masquerade of the Red Death Trilogy Volume 1
Washington, DC--March 11, 1994
Meet Makish, another Assamite assassin. He’s waiting in front of Union Station for a two o’clock AM meeting with his “mysterious employer.” It’s 1:59.
A small, slender male, with mahogany skin, slicked-down black hair, and too-wide smile, Makish attracted little attention other than that of an occasional bum asking for a handout. Or a hooker hoping to make some spare change. The few policemen, anxious to make it through the shift without any trouble, treated him as if he was invisible. Whenever one of them walked by, Makish grinned widely and sang out in a high-pitched, nasal voice, “Good evening, officer. I am waiting for my ride home, officer. Good to see you, sir.”
The “act annoyingly nice” method of getting city people to avoid you works, but I’m not sure it’d go so well for a clearly non-white dude doing it to a cop.
Union Station is the most secure building in DC’s southeast side. Half of the capitol is apparently like something out of a Snake Plisskin movie, or the beginning of Demolition Man where the street gang had anti-aircraft weapons.
The nation’s capital was infested with drug lords, crime bosses, and crooked politicians. Each controlled packs of thugs who engaged in a violent, ruthless war for territory. The small, outmanned, and outgunned District of Columbia police force had long conceded the street to the outlaws. North and West, where the major government buildings stood, were comparatively safe. The National Guard helped keep the peace. South and East, near Capitol Hill and the train station, justice came from the muzzle of a gun.
Remember the author’s note at the start of the book: the setting is a harsher, crueler version of our own world. What this usually means when it comes to Vampire: The Masquerade is that even ignoring the vampires, demons, etc., things are worse than in real life. The gap between rich and poor is larger. Slums are more run down and unlivable. The crime rate, especially homicide, is higher. The politicians and police are more corrupt. Corporations are more untouchable and all-powerful. There’re more specific examples too, like the levees in New Orleans being more poorly built and prone to breaking and flooding the city. Obviously that bit didn’t age well after 2005.
I know what you’re thinking. The most obvious and cynical take here’s that, except for all the supernatural crap, there’s no actual difference between real life and the World of Darkness. It’s 2019, and Poe’s Law reigns.
But whatever the case, this theme is usually subtler elsewhere than here in Blood War, where the fucking capital of the United States is under siege by street gangs to the point where the National Guard has to defend the seat of power but leave the rest to the street gangs and the drug lords and politicians they secretly or not so secretly work for.
Makish looks down on DC’s criminal element. See, he’s not just an assassin. He’s an artist.
Makish couldn’t understand the senseless violence. The cheap hoods who killed for gang honor and loose change disgusted him. They acted like wild animals, with no appreciation for art. Murder needed to be done with style, with panache. Makish was a connoisseur of extermination. Most Kindred thrived on blood. Makish drew his sustenance from murder. He was the supreme assassin in the world of the undead.
Fun fact. In later editions of the tabletop, the Assamites have three different castes: warriors, sorcerers, and viziers. Viziers are the “scholars and artisans” of the clan. Like Makish, they take their art seriously and obsess over it. Unlike Makish, the art doesn’t have to involve killing people. It’s easy to think Makish is a vizier, but since this book came out early in the tabletop’s existence I don’t think viziers were a thing yet. At least not like how they’re described in the link. So he’s more likely just an eccentric warrior.
“I believe you are waiting for me?” asked a voice slightly behind and to the right of Makish. It was exactly two hours past midnight.
“That’s how you arrive exactly on time, McCann, you wuss.”
Makish is caught off guard, since no one’s passed by him for a few minutes. The speaker, a tall and lean figure in a raincoat and slouch hat that hides their identity, appeared from nowhere. He beckons for Makish to walk with him out to the streets, saying that it’s more private outside and “there is work to be done.”
Their destination is east, in Washington’s worst slums. During their walk, they talk business, and we learn that Makish was the one who hired McCann’s would-be assassins on his employer’s orders. The employer’s aware that the assassins died, but he’s all “as expected, things are going exactly as planned” about it like a Greg Weisman villain.
“The other arrangements you requested proceed on schedule,” said Makish. “The work will be finished tomorrow.”
“Excellent,” said the stranger. “Though I expect no less. You come highly recommended. And cost too much for the services you provide.”
“I charge what I am worth,” replied Makish. “Success cannot be measured in mere dollars.”
“A wonderful sentiment for these times,” said the other dryly. “You have an artist’s temperament. In a few minutes, we shall discover if your skills match your arrogance.”
Then raincoat guy’s stripping.
Reaching up, the stranger removed his hat. Makish’s eyes widened when he saw his employer’s features. The speaker’s chalk-white face was that of a long-dead corpse, with decayed skin stretched across his hairless skull. Streaks of crimson stained his cheeks and forehead. With a smile, the horror turned to the assassin. “I am known as The Red Death. Touching my flesh would be a terrible mistake.”
Ah. It’s just Red D. revealing his identity to Makish.
Makish nodded, watching the stranger remove his raincoat.
Underneath the raincoat, the Red Death is still wearing the tattered shroud held together with moldering bandages he had on at The Club Diabolique. He knows enough to hide his identity in public with a coat and hat, but doesn’t want to compromise on his ancient horror look by putting on a pair of sweats or some shoes. The narration said earlier that the streets are empty because it’s the middle of the night and there’s a cold snap, but that’s no guarantee someone isn’t watching. If I were hanging around a slum at two AM, an ugly stranger wearing a coat but no pants or shoes would draw my attention more. I’d think he’s a flasher and I was about to get an eyeful of his withered zombie penis.
Or, that he’s a sitcom protagonist on his way to his girlfriend-of-the-season’s place with a sexy surprise, but uh oh, her parents are visiting, and after some wacky misunderstandings and pratfalls they’ll get an eyeful of his withered zombie penis.
No, wait, you know what he looks like, with his coat and hat over his shroud and wrappings? Imagine a cosplayer who’s been walking the floor of a convention for hours. They’re tired, their makeup and costume’s getting messed up, they’re cold, and they clearly don’t give a shit anymore so they just put on a coat over their elaborate get-up and wander around for another half hour before calling it a day.
They’re still walking east through this crime-infested neighborhood, Makish presumably dressed like a normal person and the Red Death like a half-naked mummy (though not a World of Darkness mummy, as they’re yet another creature that exists in it). The coat and hat aren’t mentioned again, so it seems that Red D. just dumped them on the sidewalk somewhere, like a normal person would. He’s also got his Body of Fire discipline activated.
Though he stood several feet away from the grim figure, Makish could feel the heat emanating from the Red Death’s body. It felt as if the mysterious vampire was on fire, without the flames.
Things have gotta feel awkward for Makish right now. The Red Death makes things even more uncomfortable by changing the subject immediately after revealing himself to grill Makish about his past.
“You are a renegade, no longer obeying the commands of your clan?” said the Red Death. It was more statement than question.
“The Society of Leopold killed my sire,” declared Makish defensively. There was little respect among the Kindred for those vampires without a clan.
They don’t use the word here, but Makish may be what Kindred call an antitribu. Antitribus are vampires who reject the political loyalties and culture of their clan, usually by joining the opposing sect or going independent. Think of a Brujah in the Sabbat, or a Lasombra in the Camarilla. Makish has left the already independent Assamites to become a free agent. Next book, we'll learn he's willing to take contracts on other Assamites, which is forbidden in the clan. While I’m not sure if that makes him an antitribu if you go by the strictest definition, I think it’s close enough that you can call him one.
Makish was one of those vampires who’re close to their sire. He wanted revenge on the Society of Leopold for killing them, but the Assamite elders at their main base in Alamut, Iran refused, concerned that letting him go all Death Wish on human enemies would jeopardize the Masquerade. Remember, while the Camarilla are the sect most obsessed with upholding the Masquerade, according to this book it was first started by the methuselahs after the fall of the Second City, so all vampires are supposed to follow it. Makish ignored orders and killed the humans involved in the hit. And the humans who ordered the hit. And their families. In total, Indian Charles Bronson here killed one hundred and fourteen people to avenge his sire.
“I thought it only proper to make a personal statement of my grief. My sire deserved a fitting memorial.”
Phht. Artists...
The elders at Alamut don’t tolerate loose cannons even if they’re damn good cops assassins, and attempted to summon Makish back to “explain [his] actions.”
“I politely but firmly declined the invitation. That was when I began working as an independent contractor.”
“Six Kindred disappeared delivering that request,” said the Red Death, chuckling.
“They refused to accept my decision as final,” replied Makish. He spread his arms out, as if appealing to a jury. “I had no choice but to convince them that I meant what I said. Five further failed attempts finally convinced Hasan’s minions to leave me alone.”
Makish notes that the Red Death knows quite a lot about him.
“My plans involve both the Camarilla and the Sabbat,” said the Red Death. “While the Camarilla claim this city, there are traces of the Sabbat here as well. I require an assistant loyal to neither sect. You are the best available choice.”
Remember back in the previous chapter when I was ranting about how some of the mystery around the Red Death was compromised so soon after his introduction? You notice how I never brought up how he just straight up announces his Sabbat affiliation? That’s because he was lying about that.
They’ve walked three blocks since the start of their conversation. The narration gives us another taste of the World of Darkness’s version of Washington, DC.
They were deep in the heart of gang territory. With the ruins of rusted cars, weed-infested lots, and seedy tenements, the street resembled photos of war-torn Sarajevo more than the capital of the United States.
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Laying it on a little thick there, Mr. Weinberg.
The Red Death stops in front of a deserted-looking building, described as a “gutted brick structure.” He senses some vampires inside.
“The Camarilla rules the capital, but they cannot be everywhere. A Sabbat pack controls the drug traffic in this part of the city. It is time for them to learn the meaning of fear.”
The plan’s simple, but a classic villain move. Red D. will deal with the vampires, Makish with the ghouls except one. They’ll need a survivor to tell the story.
Question is, why does Red D. need Makish for this part of the plan at all? He was perfectly capable of leaving witnesses during his rampage at the Club Diabolique, and he shouldn’t have any problems handling mortals. It might have to do with how the Sabbat operates. Their low level cannon fodder troops tend to be vicious, stupid, and treated as disposable. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d do that fight scene thing where there’s one mook standing who’d just watched one guy take down all of their buddies but charge him anyway, kamikazeing on the Red Death’s literally hot bod.
They enter the building and eventually come to a basement stairway, but it’s guarded by two security cameras. The Red Death’ll probably have Makish hack them. In Bloodlines, you’d have to find a computer and have a high enough hacking stat (or more likely just look up the passwords on Gamefaqs, because why waste the experience points when you could just do that). Or he’ll just destroy them. Beyond teleporting, it’s not like the Red Death is big on stealth, dramatic bastard that he is. Or-
“Childish toys,” said the Red Death. “I assume you can neutralize them.”
Makish nodded and pointed a finger at the devices. After a few seconds, he smiled. “I froze the picture on their screen,” he declared. “Anyone monitoring the hall will see nothing unusual. I disabled the traps in the floor and walls at the same time.”
...Or Makish could use his psychic powers to remotely hack the cameras and eliminate all the traps. The fuck!? What discipline is that!? If this were the tabletop this would lead to a long derailing argument with the storyteller.
“Fools,” said the Red Death. “Depending on machinery for protection is the mark of incompetents. They deserve to perish.”
People who say shit like this tend to have had laptop trouble--or since this is 1994, VCR trouble--a few minutes beforehand and are being passive aggressive about it. The Red Death’s probably just pissed that his technological illiteracy made him miss an episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.
They head downstairs to a small foyer with all the security stuff, including the video monitors Makish psychic hacked, and a large biker-looking ghoul.
His first glimpse of Makish was his last. He died silently, his head twisted about a full 360 degrees. Though not very big, the Assamite assassin had incredibly strong wrists.
Impressive, but how did he achieve that? Did he twist the ghoul’s head a few times like a bottle cap? Or did he just smack him so hard his head spun around like that scene from Kung Fu Hustle?
They enter this Sabbat pack’s main headquarters, and Red D. flexes his inner drama student again.
“Greetings from the Camarilla,” he announced in a harsh voice. “I am the Red Death.”
"Yes, 'tis I! The Red Death of The Camarilla! I like to do Camarilla things! Antediluvians don't exist! Diablerie is baaaaad!"
Compared to the Club Diabolique, this drug den is a sad little affair. There’s just two vampires, finishing off a victim, and eight more biker or punk-looking ghouls gathered around a TV and watching Beavis and Butthead. No, really, I’m not making a joke. They’re watching Beavis and Butthead. It’s to show that they’re “typical young punks” but to be fair there’s no proof that the Camarilla vampires from earlier also don’t watch B&B during their free time. They just wouldn’t watch it at the club because the parts where Beavis and Butthead riff on rock music videos would piss off old man Vargoss. 
Anyway, Makish immediately gets to work.
Ghouls were tough, stronger and quicker than normal human beings. The taste of vampire blood heightened their awareness and physical abilities. But they were helpless as children against the assassin.
Again, no mention of the whole “no free will, slaves to their master” deal with ghouls.
Makish moved so fast that his motions blurred. He raced from punk to punk in an intricate pattern, resembling a complex dance. His fingers, hard as steel, ripped and tore at the bodies of his foes.
There’s several sentences about all the geysers of blood he’s causing and how it’s splashing everywhere and how the drug den looks like a slaughterhouse now. Normally a vampire would have trouble controlling themselves around so much spilled blood.
Unlike most vampires, Makish held the beast within his soul under tight control. So much warm blood would have sent other Kindred into a mad frenzy. Not Makish. He drank blood when necessary, for the physical nourishment it provided his body. Killing gave him life.
Sounds like someone’s been getting good hunger rolls. Or is it willpower rolls? I’ve never played the tabletop game.
The Beast. It doesn’t get brought up that often in this book. It’s the name Kindred use to refer to the bundle of monstrous urges and compulsions they constantly have to keep in check. Here’s what the White Wolf wiki had to say about it:
“Beast is a term used by vampires to describe the inner predator that strives for control over a cainite's mind.
The Beast is an innate demonic predator that awakens within each and every vampire upon their Embrace. It stands in direct opposition to a vampire’s Humanity (and in some cases the Paths of Enlightenment) and is responsible for many of the debased urges Cainites feel on a nightly basis. In times of extreme distress the Beast can overwhelm a vampire forcing them into a state of pure animalistic fight or flight, which is referred to as Frenzy or Rötschreck.”
If they don’t keep their inner beast under control, a vampire ends up going into a frenzy, uncontrollably killing anyone they either perceive as a threat or who they can feed on, consequences and Masquerade be damned. For example, if Makish were to frenzy right now, he’d kill every ghoul in the room against the Red Death’s wishes and then ravenously try to slurp up all the blood he spilled. Or he’d just run away because there’s a fire monster in the room and fire is bad.
All the other Vampire: The Masquerade media I’ve seen, like Bloodlines and L.A. by Night, tend to focus on the Beast with all the drama and pathos you can expect from monsters trying to keep their humanity. Sometimes they get too wanky about it. Blood War is different in this regard. Maybe it wasn’t as focused on in the early days of the franchise.
We get several paragraphs describing Makish’s kills, and learn more about his “artistic” mentality.
“To the assassin, art meant style and substance. Makish served as his own worst critic.
Don’t we all, buddy. Don’t we all.
A satisfactory murder required a minimum of effort with a maximum result. He strove to waste not a motion. Death was a broad canvas on which he painted his masterpieces of destruction. Whenever possible, he worked with Thermit. The explosive powder provided flash and color to an otherwise drab business. Though the assassin’s expression as he worked remained fixed, mentally he strove to attain the blessed state of the perfect kill.
He kills the first three ghouls in thirty seconds, each in different ways.
The first ghoul died with its throat torn out, nearly decapitated. The second collapsed on the floor in a steaming pile of its own insides, ripped from it with a disemboweling stroke of needle-like claws. The third screamed once, then choked to death on his own blood as Makish slammed his nose into his brain.
This is how Makish’s kills are typically described. The ones that don’t involve explosives, anyway. A simple move, and the victim explodes into a pile of gore, described graphically but almost offhandedly by the narration. He’s dancing around killing these guys in varying ways, and the way it’s portrayed I can see how it could be “artistic”. It still gets tiring after a while seeing yet another description like: “Makish slapped the ghoul on the back, causing his entire digestive tract to rocket out of his mouth. AAAAARRRRRRRRRTTT!!!”
The fourth ghoul is the one Makish spares to tell the story later. He smacks him out of the room, into the foyer. Instead of running, the fool conveniently watches in horror as Makish finishes off his buddies in under a minute.
The triumph of his art rushed through him like a powerful drug. He found the exercise an invigorating, if short, encounter. Simple, uncomplicated deaths, they required little effort. The truly satisfying kills, those done with explosives, would come later.
Yadda, yadda, yadda, you get the point. AAAAARRRRRRRRRTTT!!!
Makish checks to see how the Red Death’s doing. The big guy’s got the two Kindred by the throat, one in each hand, and, in contrast to his quicker Diabolique Club kills, is slowly cooking them alive. Soon, though...
The monstrous figure laughed. A wave of incredible heat poured out of his body, sending the temperature of the room soaring. With a faint popping sound, a trace of fire appeared around the Red Death’s fingers, like a crimson set of brass knuckles. The imprisoned Kindred shrieked in unbelievable agony as the tiny flames touched their cheeks, setting them ablaze.
They burned like dry, rotted wood. Flesh melted, eyeballs exploded, bones crackled and burst like rotted sticks. Makish, no stranger to violence, shook his head in amazement.  In a thousand years of murder he had never witnessed anything like this before. The Red Death was approriately named. He was flame incarnate.
Impressive, but remember that during all of this Beavis and Butthead is playing on the nearby TV. Their uhhhhuhuhuhs and hehehehehes would be heard over the Red Death’s little show. It ruins the moment a little.
(Heheheh! Fire! Fire! Fire!)
Their chosen witness runs away, and everyone else is dead. The Red Death is pleased. He expects news of this will spread.
“The Sabbat anarchs will demand immediate revenge against the Camarilla.”
Sabbat “Anarchs” huh? Well, that’s another thing I’ll have to rant about later. This chapter recap’s long enough.
"Prince Vitel and his council of advisors will retaliate swiftly to any such action. They know the Sabbat hungers to control the capital. A push or two in the right direction should finish the job. A single incident will escalate quickly into a major battle between the rival cults.”
“A Sabbat attack is assured. Leaving me free to pursue my objectives without interruptions.”
The Red Death smiled. “It is almost too easy.”
So Red D.’s acting out false flag operations in order to start a war (a blood war, you could say, and Makish does) between the Camarilla and the Sabbat, which’ll distract both of them from whatever he’s planning. Makish points out that hundreds, maybe thousands of vampires will die. The Red Death concludes by hinting at his true goals.
“The existence of the entire Cainite race depends on the success of my mission,” said the Red Death, all humor gone from its voice. “If I fail, entire generations of vampires will die in a slaughter unmatched in history. I must succeed, no matter the cost.”
*softly, from the other side of the room* “Settle down, Beavis.”
Now there’s one major flaw in Red D.’s plan I can point out. So far, his false flag attacks involved him arriving at a faction’s haven, introducing himself and declaring his allegiance to the other faction before killing a few people. But why is he exposing himself at all? Last chapter, Tyrus Benedict mentioned that the Camarilla has spies in the Sabbat, and presumably the Sabbat has spies in the Camarilla as well. Wouldn’t those spies discover that the same horrible fire vampire is attacking both sides, and come to the conclusion that he’s trying to start a conflict? Even without the spies, wouldn’t they discover the deception when one side, I don’t know, demands that the other side turn over the Red Death or something? Maybe Red D.’s counting on the tit for tat bullshit between the factions crossing the point of no return before it could make a difference? And the Camarilla and Sabbat would never actually team up against him. But he’s still drawing unwanted attention to himself, and at least some resources will be used against him that wouldn’t otherwise if he stuck to the shadows and kept his big dumb mouth shut.
Or maybe I should follow Makish’s lead.
Makish, who had been employed by fanatics many times in the past, knew better than to respond.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Superman: Up in the Sky #4
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Best DC cover ever or greateast DC cover ever? Those are the only two choices.
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Die Tasche. Die Tasche? DieTasche! Die Tasche. Shtop.
The story begins with somebody talking about a race for charity between Superman and The Flash. They say it was televised and that people bought tickets to sit along the route and watch it. Seems like a huge scam to me. How long could it actually take Flash to run around the Earth ten times? Like fifteen seconds? I could probably do the math on it but I don't want to show off. But this story assumes that Flash and Superman didn't run so fast that people couldn't at least see them blur by. So this kid telling the story says that Lex Luthor offered to double the money to charity if Superman loses. And Superman heard it with his super-hearing which meant Superman was going to just have to win no matter what! He'd just have to believe he was faster than The Flash and then be faster than The Flash. Because that's how comic books work. What makes a hero is the secret reserve of strength and will and confidence that only appears when the hero is about to be defeated. People who are defeated aren't heroes because they don't have that reserve. They are losers. Big stupid losers. Did you die from your cancer? Not a hero, jerk. Did you fail to get that promotion at work because you didn't complete the project a hero would have completed at the last minute? Total loser. Did one of your kids drown in the pool because you gave up on the CPR like a big jerko loser dumb-dumb? Yeah. Not a hero. Maybe even a villain! But Superman, being a hero, now had to win the race for charity! And The Flash apparently isn't a hero because where were his secret reserves to beat Superman? What an idiotic failure. Although I haven't finished the story yet! Maybe Superman is still going to lose just like the cover implies! I bet the point of this story is that Superman loses sometimes but nobody ever gives up hope in him! And he always tries his hardest! And maybe even before the race, he made a bet in Vegas that Lex Luthor would bet a billion dollars against him which would pay off like a billion to one!
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Lame. Superman wins.
Superman wins but the dumb kid telling the story doesn't explain how. The kid just goes on and on about contradictions but totally uses the word incorrectly. Like saying "Superman is faster than a speeding bullet" is a contradiction. Is it? How? If Superman is faster than a speeding bullet than he's faster than a speeding bullet and that's not a contradiction! Stupid idiot kid. The kid is so dumb I bet the kid got the story wrong and just made it up to make herself feel better. Because the kid telling the story is the girl that Superman is looking for and she has to believe that Superman can do the impossible (like win a race against The Flash) or else she's just going to rot on whatever planet she's lost on. So the story is about hope or something. Superman hopes and so Superman does. It's kind of like Oprah's Secret, I guess? It doesn't make any sense but since it's Superman, you always know he's going to win. Even that time he died, he won by killing Doomsday as well. So see? Blade was wrong. You should always bet on red! And blue! The second story is also about hope. Hey! Are all these stories about the hope Superman gives people?! I've been duped! I thought this was going to be a bunch of stories about how hard Superman can punch bad guys! Stupid DC Comics hiring some intellectual namby-pamby like Tom King! Writing stories that are all, "Superman shows how faith and hope can inspire us to be better than we are!" Whatever! I hope the next issue is about Superman punching a gigantic space monster! Superman: Up in the Sky #4 Rating: Oh yeah! The second story was about Superman interacting with Clark Kent because they were struck by magic space lightning and separated into two unique people. As if that's a thing! Somehow Superman's Kryptonian DNA makes him all logical and shit while his human upbringing makes him all emotional and valiant and sacrificial and awesome! Isn't that the way it always is? Humans are the greatest beings in the universe because they know how to cry while reading Shakespeare! Everybody else in the universe is a boring old rational Vulcan! If another alien species is allowed to be emotional, they only get one emotion. Like how Klingons are angry and Ferrengi are sneaky and Romulans have huge cocks and Guardians of the Universe are assholes. Only humans have mastered the spectrum of emotion and that makes them the best! Go Clark Kent! You teach that Superman a thing or two about hope! Now merge with him again for next issue and get to punching shit!
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