#also i assume a lobotomy
How dare you 😡
Exer is pointy
Not NO.
It's yes, stars.
Get it right
british scum
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spark-circuit · 1 year
imagine if I made all of the sephirah play monopoly... (excluding the As)
I think you should invite Ayin at least for the sheer hilarity of Angela potentially bankrupting him.
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angelsdean · 3 months
desitel feelings / love timeline (2 me)
immediate attraction in s4 (hello he has eyes!)
s4 - 5, going from allies to friends, crushing hard and shooting his shot / flirting, but all of it goes over cas's head
s6 betrayal / cas's s7 death: when he starts realizing that the way he feels abt cas is Different and More than just a crush / friendship. bobby and sam not reacting the same way to cas's betrayal and death really starts to get the gears turning. then when bobby dies, dean also realizes his grief over cas is different from his grief over bobby. (also the keeping his coat, carrying it with them in every new car all throughout s7. like that man was in Love-love.)
s8: purgatory solidifies dean's feelings. all dean can think about for a year is finding cas, saving cas. he prays to him every night. his mind is just a skipping record of cas, cas, cas. i think by this point he's accepted his romantic feelings for cas. and by the end of s8 he was ready to tell cas how he felt in the crypt. he changes "love" to "need" (which imo is MORE insane and vulnerable actually) and then dean perceives cas's actions after the crypt as a rejection of dean's feelings). meanwhile, cas has not yet even realized his own feelings for dean are romantic love yet, more on that in a minute.
s9 - s12 imo are dean grappling with the fact that his love is unrequited and trying to live with that and maybe move on (drowley summer of love).
s13 -s14 : first the widowers arc of it all. dean realizing no matter what, cas was IT for him. there's never going to be anyone else for him. he doesn't want anyone else. dean accepting that cas is effectively his life partner and he's fine with them staying platonic (bc he still thinks cas doesn't feel the same way). dean stops hooking up. dean is content with the family unit they have made for themselves.
s15: dean grappling with the knowledge of chuck's manipulation over the years. dean questioning what's even real ("is his love for cas even real?") cas asserting that they are real. divorce arc. destiel miscommunication at its finest. dean once again thinking cas doesn't care for him the way he cares for cas. dean nearly losing cas again in purgatory and deciding to put his heart on the line (was going to confess before cas cut him off). then---cas's "i love you." dean overwhelmed in the moment. dean still not sure what cas's words mean until cas is taken by the empty and he processes the speech and declaration. and then he realizes--cas was in love with him. it was mutual. they could've had it. they could've been together for years. the one thing they both wanted---
immediate attraction in s4 (hello he has eyes! many eyes in fact!)
s4 - 5: going from allies to friends. cas remembering what it's like to FEEL again ("for the first time") after his millionth lobotomy. dean re-awakening those feelings, both for humanity at large and for dean specifically. but cas doesn't have a name for these feelings yet. he attributes them to his bond with dean / assumes most people feel like this about dean.
s6 - 8: cas largely still attributing his feeling for dean to their unique bond. cas putting the mission first. cas also dealing with his own guilt over his failures. not a lot of time for him to process his feelings for dean.
s9: cas has his italicized "oh" moment. i think it's a combination of being human and for the first time all the angel stuff isn't there, he can't attribute his feelings to their "bond." he's rooted in his body for the first time, really in-tune with his physical reactions too. i think early s9 is when he starts to realize his feelings for dean are different but he's still not quite putting a name to them. then metatron calls him out on those feelings (his snarky knowing "he's in love...with humanity") and then dean dying really solidify cas's feelings. he is now aware.
aaaaaand then s10 - 12 is him grappling with those feelings at the same time that dean is really starting to accept that cas doesn't feel the same and is trying to accept that they'll be nothing but platonic and move on. so that's why you get stuff like dean calling cas their "brother" (he's trying to be ok with this) while cas looks sick to his stomach bc he is just now really accepting and processing the fact that he's in romantic love with dean. gotta love that classic destiel miscommunication, never being on the same page at the same time.
by s13 he's accepted he's in love and is now thinking it's one sided and this is all they'll ever be. he's also still kinda avoiding it all throughout the later seasons, putting the Mission first again, leaving more often, focusing on jack stuff. really just putting his feelings on the back burner.
then s15. just like i said in the dean bullet point, the divorce arc stuff is more classic miscommunication. cas so badly wants dean to ask him to stay. dean so badly wants cas to stop leaving. they both need to just have one good conversation about all of this. anyways, the "i love you." truly i think mr. avoidant cas would have continued to keep his feelings for dean to himself perhaps forever, had it not been a life or death situation where he realized telling dean his feelings would trigger the empty deal. but he does tell him. and my personal headcanon is that when he does tell him he gets hit with a wave of feeling from dean (along with the love in his eyes) that basically confirms to cas that dean actually has felt the same way all this time. and also, i think cas has partially known for a while but let his own self doubt and insecurities convince him that dean couldn't possibly feel the same.
Additionally: i do enjoy another late seasons variation, where BOTH of them have a mutual awareness of each other's feelings, but they both let insecurities and circumstances convince them it's not the right time, or they don't deserve to have this. they keep putting off talking abt this thing between them because there's always another apocalypse or big bad. because saving the world always comes before their own personal desires and happiness. so they keep putting it off until it's too late, until there's no time left. by s15 they're both feeling desperate. it's the end. they both feel they need to say something. dean tries in The Trap. cas finally does in Despair. and then there's just no time left. it's over. they never got to have it. (YET. because their story ain't over!)
anyways, i'm multitudes girlie and can enjoy many different interpretations, esp in fics, but this is my main destiel + feelings interpretation for when i'm watching the show and engaging with canon.
TLDR: they both start Feeling things for each other immediately. dean realizes these feelings are romantic love and puts that name to them first around late s6/s7. dean Accepts these feeling around s8. while cas has his realization that these intense feelings are romantic love around s9. and accepts them at some point between s10 - 12ish.
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lady-harrowhark · 2 years
I promise I’m going somewhere with this but I am currently fixating on how seeing Naberius’s trident knife in the beginning of HtN gives Harrow the Gideon Memory Migraine™, despite no clear connection to Gideon:
Ianthe considered this. She nudged the confection basket hilt of the rapier at her hip aside, and took out a long knife that, again, ran a hot rill of pain down your temporal bone. It was—though you had never bothered to learn—Tern’s main-gauche, his trident knife, a long blade from which two other blades would spring at the press of some hidden mechanism; she flicked that mechanism now, and with a snickt they burst out like a firework, two hard points of gleaming steel. She flicked it again, and the blades went snickt back into their housing.
Is it simply that it’s something from the Canaan House era in general? Or is there more going on? Stick with me here.
One of my pet theories I’ve been harboring since Kiriona’s wounds were revealed is that Harrow herself wounded Gideon after she threw herself on the fence, paralleling Jesus’s side wound from being speared after his crucifixion. They needed to ensure Jesus was truly dead, and presumably Harrow also needed to be well and truly sure that Gideon was dead before proceeding. Ianthe says she put a sword through Naberius’s heart to pin his soul in place for her ascension, and we see his body run through with the sword. Harrow needing to do the same to Gideon would certainly be some very juicy angst fuel.
The other crucial component here is one of my other favorite pet theories: that Harrow knew Gideon’s sword was haunted, likely before even coming to Canaan House. I’ve seen a few people do some more detailed explanations about that, but I’ll do a brief rundown here. 
Harrow says as far back as GtN about the sword “I never liked that cursed thing anyway; I always felt like it was judging me.” After the events of HtN with the River and Canaan House 2.0, we know she has an innate and potentially subconscious talent with spirit magic; it seems likely she was able to sense what was in the sword whether she knew exactly what was going on or not.
In HtN, Guideline #3 in her her pre-lobotomy letters to her post-lobotomy self has several stipulations (wipe it down with arterial blood nightly, coat it in regenerating ash, don’t cut flesh or bone with it) that sound a lot like precautions one would take to keep a soul from hopping out of it.
When discussing the sword with Abigail in Canaan House 2.0, we get some very specific qualifiers around how much information Harrow is able to provide about the sword. Directly before remembering that the sword was Gideon’s we have: “Harrow’s brain, though still a jumble, was no longer a mess in a darkened room. Memory had gifted her a small torch she could light the disarray with.”
After that, she struggles to recall further details, her own brain providing obstacles: “The light was not proving helpful enough: she was, in desperation, kicking over piles of the rubble in her own brain.” In the end, she’s able to tell Abigail: “I hated that damned sword for years. I don’t know why; it just felt strange - rancorous. I cannot deny that I often assumed its edge would be the last thing I saw. I don’t know.”
Circling back to the final battle of GtN, we get my favorite little nugget of support for this: Harrow is described as looking “affrighted” when Gideon tells her to go get her two-hander. I’d initially taken that to mean she was startled (and maybe a bit annoyed) to find out that Gideon had brought it at all, or freaked out at the situation in general. But I’ve begun to wonder if she specifically didn’t want Gideon to bring that sword with her to Canaan House because she knew, or at least suspected, what it contained.
Which brings us to the trident knife. If Harrow needed to fix Gideon’s soul in place by impaling her herself, and she knew there was a malevolent soul in the two-hander that could conceivably hitch a ride in another body that it came into contact with, she would have needed a different tool for the job… Which may very well have been the trident knife. Seeing the weapon she used to mutilate her cavalier’s body with seems like exactly the sort of thing that would bring on one of Harrow’s Gideon-induced headaches, no? It’s also notable that when Harrow sees this knife, it’s directly before Ianthe stabs her through the hand, again analogous to crucifixion wounds. I gotta say, if this holds water, there’s a certain poetry to both Harrow and Gideon receiving versions of the Holy Wounds on the blade of the same knife.
(Edit to add: further theorizing prompted by @camilla-rekt‘s fab addition can be found on this reblog)
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nona-gay-simus · 9 months
I keep thinking about The Body telling Harrow 'she told me not to tell you'. On my first listen through I assumed this was referring to Gideon, because I was looking for any proof of her.
On my second, I didn't even question it. But does that even make sense?
As I have stated before I don't believe Gideon can see/interact with Harrow's hallucinations the way Harrow can (and if she can see them, she can definitely distinguish between hallucinations and reality). It's also very OOC for her. Gideon was angry, Gideon would want Harrow to know she was there.
So the only she this 'she' could possibly refer to is pre-lobotomy Harrow. And that makes so much more sense! Of course pre-lobotomy Harrow would warn her own hallucinations not to tell post-lobotomy Harrow. Of course she would be referred to as a 'she' and not 'you' because she is 'dead.'
And now I'm crying about all the fail-safes Harrow put in place to preserve what she thought was Gideon's revenant. I love that mean little goth so much 🥹🥹
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*NOTE; propaganda is out of order due to poll length!
Eugenides Propaganda:
the entire plot hinges on a detail he lets the reader (and every other character) assume is true. I don't want to spoil it because it's a really fun reveal but he is lying from the first second he appears on the page and you can't trust him to tell the full truth about ANYTHING related to himself and his goals. he mostly does it to keep his advantage and not have other characters be suspicious of him but it's just so fun when you realise he's been lying the whole time
Harrowhark Propaganda:
She gave herself a lobotomy and gives completely incorrect flashbacks to the previous book. Things that straight up did not happen. Gaslight gatekeep girlboss.
She’s schizophrenic (confirmed by the author) and also lives in a world with necromancy and ghostly revenants. She’s not just an unreliable narrator for readers, she’s an unreliable narrator of her own internal experience. She knows this and has to work with people around her to compensate for it. Descent into spoilerville below. Seriously Do Not Read if you want to read these books. There’s also the little matter about how she is *not actually the narrator* of a huge chunk of the story that we are initially led to believe is being told from her perspective.
(Spoilers) Holy shit she is THE most unreliable narrator. This gremlin gave herself a lobotomy so that she could forget about Gideon Nav, the most important person in her life (for magic soul-preserving reasons) so half of the second book in the series is spent gaslighting the reader about a book they just read. She comes up with an entire alternate version of the events of the first book in the series to carefully exclude any mentions of Gideon, and any time someone says ‘Gideon’ in front of her she LITERALLY has a stroke and/or an intercranial hemorrhage as her brain overwrites the word with someone else’s name. God occasionally intentionally triggers her memory revision to get out of difficult conversations. She also hallucinates ALL the time (unrelated to the lobotomy). She shows up at her frenemy’s room in the middle of the night (think little kid stumbling to their parents’ room and saying “I frew up”) to ask her to come check underneath her bed for the corpse that’s been wandering the space station. When frenemy checks underneath the bed, frenemy claims not to see anything, and Harrow is such an unbelievably unreliable narrator that it’s an open question in the fandom as to whether frenemy genuinely didn’t see the corpse or if frenemy was just yanking Harrow’s chain. Harrow is also haunted by a literal ghost that fucks up her already fucked up alternate history. Girlie will pick up a piece of paper and read from it the most violent and haunting piece of prose ever composed, when in reality all that’s written on the paper is the elementary school Superman S*. I am NOT joking that is a real goddamn scene. Harrow was created to win this poll. TLDR; she has brain damage and memory loss, she hallucinates, and is also haunted. * https://twitter.com/vestenet/status/1301012651145859072
Girl is so unreliable, she unreliably tells me events I was there for!!! She's retelling the previous book and I'm like "girlie, this is absolutely not how it happened". Also, she gave herself a DIY lobotomy, it has to impact your memory center I guess
She literally had a lobotomy, how can she be reliable
More Propaganda under cut!
Harrowhark is simply the unreliable narrator of all time. Can’t remember shit because of a lifetime of trauma? Check. Maybe lying to yourself and those around you a bit? Most definitely. Being gaslit by the survivors you depend on to orient you to reality? For sure. How about a little bit of canon schizophrenia? She’s got it all. Ghosts? Or something? Spirits that are attached in some way to your body and are not perceivable by others? Sure, sure! But how about spirits that are attached in some way to your body and are gonna use you to hijack others’ bodies and maybe kill God, too? Absolutely. Wee bit of DIY brain surgery? If it would make you an unreliable narrator, friends, then Harrowhark Nonagesimus has been there, been subjected to that!
Okay I don't know that much about this series since I haven't convinced myself to read all of the first book, but this is my blorbo in law so I'd feel bad not spreading propaganda (all of what I'm saying is something I've read, as to prevent myself from straight up submitting misinformation). So all of Harrow's unreliable narration takes place in the second book, Harrow the Ninth. Basically, without her even seemingto acknowledge it, Harrow's brain is very fucked up during this book, to the point where even she's not sure how reliable her narrative is. There's many questions left unclear as a result of her fucked up little brain, like what's real, what's fake, whether we can trust her judgement, whether even she can trust her own judgement, whether her original cavalier is dead or not (Harrow is convinced she is), etc. Let me tell you, I adore unreliable narrators who aren't even that sure if they're reliable. I have yet to eat that trope up here in this circumstance, but this poll might not run again by the time I do, so for now, here's my messed up blorbo in law.
OKAY SO REMEMBER MY GIDEON SUBMISSION? HARROW DOESN’T! SPOILERS AHEAD BECAUSE SHE LOBOTOMIZED HERSELF TO FORGET GIDEON BECAUSE THAT’S A HEALTHY WAY TO GRIEVE AND THEN IN THE ONLY PARTS OF HER BOOK THAT SHE NARRATES (THE REVISED CANAAN HOUSE PARTS) IT’S LITERALLY A ROOM FULL OF GHOSTS HER BRAIN SUMMONED TO DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT SHE CUT HER BRAIN IN HALF TO FORGET GIDEON. she also is a) haunted and b) psychotic, experiencing hallucinations her entire life of both the ghosts haunting her and less supernatural hallucinations- bells tolling, bones rattling, her parents (some of the only dead people NOT haunting her), etc! in the revised history of canaan house that her brainghosts invent, she brings along someone who knows about her psychosis to help reality check her when she tells him go! her caregiver as a child and support when she got older, crux, is a horrible man- but at one point, when someone other than harrow is in harrow’s body and tells him “i am not harrowhark, i am sorry,” his response is simply “aye, you’ve said that before too. who are you then, if not my lady harrowhark?” showing his familiarity with her psychosis and his love for the child he wouldn’t dare see as a daughter. but enough about that lets talk about her unreliable narration! she lies about her feelings of course but she also simply hides the truth from everyone, all the time, compulsively. also literally the entire section of her book that she narrates is a lie she’s telling US about a lie she’s telling HERSELF and no one understands even a little bit of the truth until like the last act of the book. queen.
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kit-williams · 3 months
The less formal primarchs carrying their beloved like a ferret has me in actual stitches. How do the rest of the primarchs carry you??
Assuming this is a grab you without thinking
Lion: holds his beloved properly (princess carry)
Fulgrim: either under his arm or a princess carry
Perturabo: if he's not thinking about it very much a ferret otherwise just over the shoulder better hang on
Khan: under the arm
Leman: pick you up under your arms or literally grab the back of your clothes like how a man will just pick up a baby
Dorn: princess carry
Konrad: will hold you like how a child holds a stuffed animal, or throw you over his shoulder and you better hang on (you will most likely end up getting an unintended piggy back ride from him)
Sanguinis: bridal carry so that you also look graceful in his arms when he flies
Ferrus: ferret hold or under the arm or even one arming you
Angron: back of your clothes
Robute: bridal like a proper lady
Mortarion: ferret, under the arm, or just holding you in one arm
Magnus: use his psykic abilities to carry you or will also 100% ferret hold you forgetting you're there when he gets excited
Horus: bridal or over the shoulder (he will slap your ass)
Logar: also bridal (he wants you to be close)
Vulkan: will one arm hold you
Corvus: princess or bridal
The twins: they will totally hold you together but also it depends one will do over the shoulder the other will do bridal
(I don't have my tag list on my phone)
(Update got to my tag list)
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog
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siriuslywhimsy · 1 month
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no longer postblocked fuckers | times ive been postblocked: 2
odysseuscore -> siriuslywhimsy
﹒⟡﹒; they ﹒﹒︴ he  ◎﹐
☆﹒ꕀ﹔odysseus / sirius / cyrus, moots can call me ody and more ﹒ꕀ﹒
ꕀ﹒ᶻz ; bisexual / transboy / and more / introverted !!
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i am SOOOO normal abt bsd and tim burton movies :3 the scream fan ever
big sebastian (sdv & pressure, i go both ways /silly) fan. <-hasnt even played pressure
i prommy i am a professional brain surgeon. let me give you lobotomy for an oyster /ref
:3 is my gender btw. i am nothing and yet everything. everyone loves me and no one loves me. i am perfect and flawed. (i am genderfluid)
art blog is @bisexualtimelord :3. if you even care
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ody’s yapping sessions ; regular talking and original posts.
asks for the sunshine ⋆☀︎. ⋆ ; asks.
the sunflower reblogs ꒱ ₊˚⊹ ☼. ; reblogs (that are not on my side blog).
letters of sadness ꒱ ₊˚⊹. ; vents
girl of the year ꒱ ₊˚⊹. ; gf tag
count fagula ✰₊˚⊹ ; yearning
important ; notices and stuff
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@three-eyed-skullbunny : my beautiful wife charlie 💗💗💗💗
@genderfluidsgetguns : my uncle lee !!!
@violentsaints : my dad, james (i call him arrecho tho :3) !!! (also ethan said he wasn’t my dad too so i can’t tag him 😔)
@starmanbutitsregulusblack : my little brother rowan
@garden-of-runar : my little sister runar :333333
lemme known if you wanna be removed or added into the family :P
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𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐍. — blog is currently under construction. dividers by @cafekitsune
lemme know if i should drop a kinlist!!!
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I'm going to expand on one more deranged (very unlikely) theory before I go to bed.
So, many people have pointed out that Fyodor's last words were Jesus' as well, shortly before he died and was resurrected three days later. @originalaccountname makes an excellent point that the other side of the Page was set to be activated on the next full moon... which is in three days.
But I also suggested that Fyodor did something to Sigma - and here's how we can merge these theories, through the power of flex tape and my egregious lack of sleep.
Here's the thing about Fyodor's ability. We still don't know how it works but many people have commented on how he only seems to use it on non-ability users - and it kills them instantly. Blood spurts from their heads. We've never seen him use it on an ability user... so many people assumed it couldn't kill them. When Fyodor lets Sigma take the information from him, Sigma sees everything and passes out, comatose from sheer information overload. But it's entirely possible this is not the only thing Sigma "received". Fyodor simply allowed him to read whatever he wanted, and his ability also works through touch. Is it possible Fyodor's ability activated too?
If that's the case, what did it do?
Well, this was where I kept saying - guys, I think the split personality has an element of truth to it. While that performance was all an act - perhaps it draws from the truth of Fyodor's ability. Maybe the killing people part... is actually the ability not working the way it is supposed to. Then what else could that action of allowing Sigma to read him (and thereby making contact) be, but some kind of precaution in case he were to die?
I'm suggesting that Fyodor's ability may involve some kind of possession. A possession through corruption over time.
If that's the case, it would make Fyodor something that perhaps was once human but is no longer - if he's been surviving by transferring himself to others through his ability, then might it be said that he has ceased to be truly human? We know abilities require human souls... but what if both a person and their ability were to transfer to another body - would the body not have to be suitable to harbour an ability? It implies ability users are the only ones who are suitable "hosts"; for people without abilities, they cannot take the strain of the invasion of Fyodor's being and die instantly.
Fyodor is likened to a demon or conjuror. If he is able to hijack others' bodies, then that's rather like a demonic possession. What does this have to do with Crime and Punishment? Well, I won't speak on the book itself, but I will say that in Dead Apple, Fyodor says "I am crime" and his ability responds with "I am punishment".
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He sees the two concepts as "close friends". Crime as the body, punishment as the ability. Two possible interpretations - one, Fyodor learned how to cheat death using his ability, which is a "crime" that he commits to carry out his "punishment" on those who are sinful (this "crime" could've been learned by poking around human brains, which may explain why he knew how to give Ivan and Nathaniel a lobotomy lmao). The other is that the "crime" is whoever he happens to be inhabiting (as an ability user, he sees them as sinful innately), and the "punishment" is inflicting his ability on them to corrupt them and take control. In other words, his true punishment can only be inflicted on ability users - death is not punishment and is seen by him as release.
There's also the final words he says, which are Jesus'. I want to go back to Sigma for a second. A man written into existence from nothing for some as yet unknown purpose... Is it possible he will awaken three days from now?
If so, it's possible he could use the Page on the full moon, goaded into it by the piece of Fyodor that was transferred to him, in order to actually, properly resurrect Fyodor, and/or slowly take over Sigma's body and mind as he gains more control from the inside. That is all.
Hope this was at least coherent. I can barely keep my eyes open I'm so tired
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rebelfire · 3 months
Anybody else think that the Trudy Trout mystery could be drugs? I've seen robot and lobotomy theories and love those, but housewives in the 50s were miserable and given drugs to put a pep in their step, namely amphetamines. I think Beth has even mentioned this before (can't remember if it was during a Peach Pit episode).
As far as the robot theory, she may be obedient to her husband but that's a social expectation she's meeting, and she has a bit of a rebellious streak. If her kids are assumed to be robots then "mommy's little helper" (the sleeping meds in ep 2) makes a bit less of sense. Plus, if she's a robot why does Tucker need to send her away to have an affair? He could just wipe her memory or power her off during those hours, or just make her okay with it. 🤷
Stimulants could make sense with how high strung and energetic she appears. (Also wondering if she's directly dependent on Tucker for them.) At a high enough dosage stimulants supposedly can cause manic episodes, which feels very Trudy. 🤔
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writers-potion · 6 months
Hi, I am trying to write a homosexual book that takes place in the 20s. I am unsure where to start and how bad the 20s was for homosexuality so if you have any tips it would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.
Homosexuality in Historical Fiction
I'm going to answer this in two parts: (1) Tips for writing queer historical fiction, and (2) the 1920 gay culture.
Get Your Language Right
Vocabulary is key to capturing how homsexual people identified themselves and interacted with one another at the time. Consider:
The kind of language/code used at the time. For example, gay men in the 1950-60s would have spoken Polari to skirt UK’s strict anti-homosexuality laws. This might mean your characters say seemingly ridiculous things like, “Bona to vada your dolly old eek!” (good to see your nice face)
Authenticity vs. Sensitivity. We don’t need to perpetuate old slurs just because they were used “at the time”. Would the readers of today (your target audience) be accepting towards use of such language? 
Is it really necessary? Just like in the case of foreign languages and dialects, it may be better to just refer to the code/secret language being spoken rather than overdoing it in dialogue. Also, does your character identify themselves as a part of this community at all?
Balance Between Struggle and Hope
Often in historical LQBTQ+ fiction, if the conflict is badly written, the readers are just going to feel angry and frustrated. Because:
Even the likable, otherwise reasonable characters won't be able to accept homosexuality easily, often opposing it downright.
Homosexual characters may be confused, struggle with self-doubt and self-hatred (which can't be fun to read, obviously)
The norms of the time make any “resolution” rather disappointing (compared to modern times).
Your goal is to juggle between these strong negative emotions to convey the central message and let hope shine through. Linger too much on negativity and your novel will be dark, but treating these themes 'lightly' will make you sound shallow.
So, treat oppression just as you would write a physical antagonist. It's powerful and a possible life-threatening opposition to the Lead, but it has flaws, loopholes and needs time to regroup before it hits our Lead again with increased force.
+ General Tips
Beware of giving your characters hindsight. As a writer, we know what happened both before and after the time period the characters live through, but they don't! The characters not being able to predict what comes can be a good tragic element.
The word “homosexual” wasn’t coined until 1869, and didn’t become common parlance until the early 20th century. From at least the very early 17th till the mid-19th century, the most common term for women was “tribade,” referring to the act of tribadism (scissoring). Some people used the term “fricatrice.” In the 18th century, “lesbian” and “Sapphist” started to become more common terminology. Men were called sodomites and pederasts (a word which didn’t have the paedophilic connotation it does today). The word “homophile” was coined in 1924 and was most commonly used by gay men and lesbians in the 1950s and 1960s.
“Gay” didn’t take on the almost exclusive meaning of homosexual until the 1960s, and even then, it was still used in the old sense of “merry” more than a few times. Only in the 1970s did it finally emerge as the most popular, mainstream word.
Less suspicions were aroused by a lesbian couple living together for decades than a gay male couple. Many people assumed they were just two very close spinster friends, not that it was a Boston marriage. There were many more questions about why two men would want to live together.
To avoid the very real risk of jail, lobotomy, conversion “therapy,” or the loonybin, sometimes a gay and lesbian couple would enter a ménage à quatre. Though it appeared on the surface as though two straight couples lived in the same duplex or right next door, they were actually just lavender cover marriages. Some had children (through various means) and co-parented.
Photo booths were seen as a safe space where a same-sex couple could kiss, cuddle, and embrace without fear of arrest or public suspicion.
Some lesbian couples were able to adopt children as single women, in jurisdictions which permitted that. More daring couples underwent artificial insemination and then went abroad to give birth, coming home with “adopted babies.”
Similar to the handkerchief code in the BDSM community, some gay men signalled to one another with red neckties and green carnations. Parisienne lesbians signalled to one another with violets in their hair.
There’s a long history of gay bathhouses, dating back centuries. Since male homosexuality was illegal and severely punished, a bathhouse was among the few places it was safe to meet potential partners and engage in sexual activity. Even the very real fear of police raids didn’t deter patrons. Manhattan, Paris, and London were home to many famous (and luxurious) gay baths, but there were plenty of lesser-known ones in other cities.
While not everyone was lucky enough to have a lavender ménage à quatre, many people had individual lavender marriages. Sometimes the spouse knew s/he was serving as a cover, sometimes not.
There were also more “traditional” ménage à trois marriages, composed of the lavender couple plus the true same-sex partner all living together. Sometimes these arrangements were composed of a bisexual plus a partner of each sex.
People did NOT casually out themselves! They could only confide their secret to other confirmed friends of Dorothy and extremely radical allies who had proven they could be trusted and wouldn’t turn on them.
You don’t have to make your straight characters raging, violent homophobes, but it’s completely unrealistic and historically inaccurate to show them all immediately, unquestioningly, lovingly accepting their friends’ homosexuality if the secret comes out. They might agree to not let anyone else know, but the friendship would probably be over. Other people, a bit more open-minded, might eventually reconcile but never be able to completely shake the belief that their sexual orientation is unnatural, strange, or wrong. Some people might only come around after decades of estrangement and realising gays and lesbians are just like everyone else.
To avoid discovery, some lesbians called one another by male names in their letters. Some liked those nicknames so much they continued using them in real life.
1920 Gay Culture
The United States - The Roaring Twenties 
As the United States entered an era of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity in the years after World War I, cultural mores loosened and a new spirit of sexual freedom reigned.
Harlem’s famous drag balls were part of a flourishing, highly visible LGBTQ nightlife
"Pansy Craze”: gay, lesbian and transgender performers graced the stages of nightspots in cities
lesbian and gay characters were being featured in a slew of popular “pulp” novels, in songs and on Broadway stages (including the controversial 1926 play The Captive) and in Hollywood—at least prior to 1934, when the motion picture industry began enforcing censorship guidelines, known as the Hays Code. Heap cites Clara Bow’s 1932 film Call Her Savage, in which a short scene features a pair of “campy male entertainers” in a Greenwich Village-like nightspot. On the radio, songs including "Masculine Women, Feminine Men" and "Let’s All Be Fairies" were popular.
On a Friday night in February 1926, a crowd of some 1,500 packed the Renaissance Casino in New York City’s Harlem neighborhood for the 58th masquerade and civil ball of Hamilton Lodge.
Nearly half of those attending the event, reported the New York Age, appeared to be “men of the class generally known as ‘fairies,’ and many Bohemians from the Greenwich Village section who...in their gorgeous evening gowns, wigs and powdered faces were hard to distinguish from many of the women.”
The tradition of masquerade and civil balls, more commonly known as drag balls, had begun back in 1869 within Hamilton Lodge, a black fraternal organization in Harlem. By the mid-1920s, at the height of the Prohibition era, they were attracting as many as 7,000 people of various races and social classes—gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and straight alike.
London - Balls and Adverts
Like other large cities at the time, London was home to many drag balls and nightclubs where the gay community could express themselves. 
"Lady Austin's Camp Boys" (1933): At a private ballroom in Holland Park Avenue, west London, 60 men were arrested in a police raid after undercover officers had watched them dancing, kissing and having sex in make-up and women's clothes. But despite facing a lengthy prison term and disgrace, the organiser, "Lady Austin", told officers: "There is nothing wrong [in who we are]. You call us nancies and bum boys but before long our cult will be allowed in the country."
Other gay men found partners through personal advertisements, which could be an equally risky strategy. 
In 1920 the publisher of a magazine called the Link and three gay subscribers were each sentenced to two years of hard labor on charges of indecency and conspiring to corrupt public morals.
Some adverts even appeared in the national press, such as the Daily Express, although they were not quite so blatant. People would ask for 'chums' of their own sex and offer to take people on holiday.
One man responding to an advert in the Link wrote that he was "very fond of artistic surroundings, beautiful colours in furniture and curtains, and softly shaded lamps and all those beautiful things which appeal to the refined tastes of an artistic mind". He added: "All my love is for my own sex", and wrote that he longed to give his love "in the most intimate way".
Gay adverts often had references to Edward Carpenter, Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman, or would say 'I have an unusual temperament'.
Berlin - The Weimar Republic
The Weimar Republic, Germany’s first parliamentary democracy lasted from 1918 until 1933 and was a time of progressive cultural renaissance from cinema, theater and music, to sexual liberation and a flourishing LGBTQ scene.
Berlin was home to around 40 known queer bars, a number which had doubled by 1925. The cabaret bars and clubs like Eldorado were packed to the brim with lust, tassels, glitter and flamboyance.
Drag shows were the norm and stars like Marlene Dietrich (a Berlin-native) and Josephine Baker who were icons for the queer community, performed regularly in Berlin’s lavish halls.
Kiosks sold an array of well known queer publications like Die Hoffnung (The Hope), Blätter für Menschenrecht (Leaflets for Human Rights), Frauenliebe (Woman Love), and Das dritte Geschlecht (The Third Sex).
As homosexuality was still illegal, Berlin’s Tiergarten and other parks, Nollendorferplatz as well as train stations and the infamous octagonal public bathrooms
Underground spaces flourished.
Here's a list of books with an LGBTQ+ POV character, set at least partly in the 1920s:
Self-Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix
Dead Dead Girls (Harlem Renaissance Mystery, #1)
In the Field
The Lady Adventurers Club
Last Call at the Nightingale (Nightingale Mysteries, #1)
A Good Year
The Last Nude
The Sleeping Car Porter
Once a Rogue (Roaring Twenties Magic, #2)
Slippery Creatures (The Will Darling Adventures, #1)
Crazy Pavements
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thattripleabattery · 11 days
Ok so I’m spit balling here so I can have my ideas out for an au where Logan adopted remy
-we’ll say the lobotomy just happened when Remy’s 14, so sinister tells him he’s indebted to him and the first thing he wants is for remy to get his journal from the weapon x facility
-remy does so and at the same time Logan is breaking out, remy is almost killed by some of the guards for being there until Logan comes in and kills them
-Logan’s in a feral state and sees remys only a child and means him no harm so he leaves him be
-remy feels he owes him so he follows him. Logan is apprehensive but sees remys just trying to help, he uses his power to get the metal thing off his head
-from then on their together :D
-sinister assumes remy was killed in the weapon x facility and just asks someone else if they can see if they can get a hold of his journal
I also would like if people added how they think remy would be if he was taken in by Logan at that age
(If I wanted to be extra self indulgent, jubilee is apart of the weapon x program and she’s only 5. They were seeing if they manipulate her powers into something and when they couldn’t do it they were going to have her killed but Logan saves her. We could have siblings along with father son dynamics :3)
You both seemed interested som I’m tagging yall in this
@honey-minded-hivemind @alphabisc
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Shrine of Deceit
Author's note: Alpharius's next chapter in Living Waters AU.
Past =-= Next
Warnings: Alpha Legion Nonsense, let me know if I need to add more.
Summary: 'Zariel' gets a secondary mission. Try and weakly bond to a Gannet Harpy that was just Rejected by a Black Templar.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Zariel had a new secondary mission, besides his normal mission of ‘infiltrate and monitor the band of Loyalists in this section of this city on Ancient Terra. He had been informed that one of the members of a feral war band of Black Templars that had been wandering into the city for supplies that they needed to acquire from the locals, be it the base line humans or in trade with the loyalist space marines had accidentally found his base line human.
Instead of accepting the bond, the stubborn idiot was leaving with a couple of his fellow brothers were leaving the city. Rejecting the bond, per the stern orders of the Chaplain Captain Pet-something. Honestly, there were only so many times a space marine can reject a weaker, lower-level bond before the Warp decided to Punish them and they get hit with the more… Intense bonds.
It’s something that the Alpha legion has been monitoring and tracking since they first arrived on Terra. The many different ways and forms bonds could happen, loyalist, renegade, chaos. From not warp made, to the strongest, most warp-intensive bonds that are almost insanely powerful.
He and a squad of his brother’s were going to assume the face and figure of the foolish Black Templar that had Rejected the bond and would see if they could start to form the basis of a bond with the human.
It is extremely rare and very weak, but sometimes, Alpha legion can find the rare person who clicks with them. It’s a very delicate and difficult balance to do so. He and his brothers all have to be able to be around them, and tend to their other various duties.
He’s the first to meet them, and gently croons to them, in the Black Templar Idiot’s guise and face, his accent matching that of the Fool. They seem surprised, understandably cautious, and painfully hopeful all at once.
Over the next several months he and his squad start to form a bond with the human. Making sure not to be noticed by the other Black Templars in the city. Glad when the war band leaves, surprised that they had stuck around for so long.
They left after the Chaplain Captain had a vicious argument with a couple of ostracized Black Templars chased them out. That was also something they were going to send back to their other brothers to monitor that situation.
Black Templars can be highly temperamental at times, and unpredictably predictable. Often quicksilver moods that could become highly destructive and relied upon for muscle and combat. Usually has to be managed and directed and aimed a certain direction to not blast at an unwary Alpha Legionary.
Having a human is… wonderful they are sweet and affectionate with him and his brothers. They make sure to report in on their shifts to tell them what’s happened and what went on so that they aren’t Surprised by something they mention. Each of them are Alpharius, but have their own quirks and traits that distinguish them from each other.
Not that their human as noticed, they are very good at masking their individuality from them. He tends to be the most focused on their health and welfare. Fusing over them if they cough or have sniffles the most. He’s glad that one of his other brothers, Talos, is an excellent cook and is the cuddliest of the lot of them. His third brother, Dolor, is excellent at making crafts with yarn and is the best listener of the lot of them.
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erme-aeterna-arts · 2 months
following this i need to say that durge obviously balances astarion out when it comes to long-term planning, but i'd like to also add some detail on how i see this ability of theirs and what kind of a leader they are.
durge is a cult leader, not a commander of an army and not a politician in the sense that they would not be good at organizing things like cities and states and gaining the support of citizens and stuff. their interpersonal skills are way above average, but they'd make a poor manager, if that makes sense. they find strict organization and discipline boring, their goal is just to get people to do whatever they want, not to establish structure. i'm looking at that high charisma of canon storm sorcerer durge and also my bard+sorcerer durge here. they're an excellent manipulator, there's that intimidation proficiency, so basically their scheming mainly consists of identifying people that can be useful to them/the party and convincing them to do what they want, ensuring that they're an ally for the future etc. durge is a people person, even if it's at times lethal for the people in question.
that's also why our murderous amnesiac becomes a reluctant leader of the group, they manage to resolve conflicts between party members, use their strengths well and more importantly they just usually go with the ideas that the others offer. i think in-game durge is in a lot of pain all the time and trying to figure out what is wrong with them (the urge), so they don't have much space in their head to make plans and scheme, they just go along with what the others think they need to do, while giving it the air that the party came up with these brilliant plans together, so no one would feel salty about things and bother them further. i don't think they notice until at least moonrise that they're the de facto leader of this group, even though they don't really discuss this hieararchy.
additionally, the pre orin lobotomy durge must have planned at participated in a lot of murders on their own or with a small group of other cultists, the bhaalists, as they appear in act3, favour stealth and disguises and there's that invisibility cloak sceleritas gives them back, which also hints in this direction. overall, it makes sense to assume that this type of planning is much like an instict to durge and that they're used to having such numbers with them as the party can be, so their coordination tips would come into use.
+ in contrast with what i wrote about astarion in the previous post (him being effective in crisis), durge would not be particularly good at this, as in any situation that might make them lose control over their mind. the more overwhelmed by some negative emotions they're the harder it is for them to keep the urge in check (and being overwhelmed by some sort of happiness is not fully accessible to them due to the urge beginning to push them even harder towards destroying the source of that joy, so it wouldn't be distracting them from serving bhaal). so if durge panics they end up either killing everybody or immediately leaving and isolating themself so they would not kill everybody.
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I've just realised! We have new chapter intro pics. This one is a stylised Locked Tomb:
Tumblr media
We also had the same one last chapter.
Let's dive in.
PYRRHA worked for Nona, Camilla looked after Nona, and Palamedes taught Nona, all on the understanding that she was not simply a person, but probably one of two people. Nona did not know either of her real possible names.
We're starting with a banger. A quick explanation. This is, someone in Harrow's body, and the three she lives with seem to assume she is either Gideon or Harrow. She hasn't seemed much like either so far.
Nona talked to herself in the mirror even now. When she had been earlier born, and less self-conscious, sometimes she would rest her face against the mirror’s face, and try to reach her reflection. Camilla had caught her kissing it once, and had written about six pages of notes on that, which was humiliating.
This is funny and sweet and sad. Nona clearly loves herself so much more than either Gideon or Harrow ever loved themselves.
I don't think she is Gideon or Harrow. She could be Alecto, having left her memories behind with Harrow in Alecto's body, coming into Harrow's body nearly newborn, completely innocent. She could be some random revenant clinging to Harrow's body.
I suppose she could still be Gideon - reeling from Harrow's soul not being in her body, and working with Harrow's brain damage that is specifically designed not to remember Gideon at all. Therefore, she is now stuck in Harrow's body, unable to remember herself.
I suppose if that's true, even just getting a bit of tenderness from Camilla and Palamedes and Pyrrha is enough to make her love herself?
I suppose we will find out.
If Camilla had six pages of notes on her kissing herself she had about twenty regarding eyes. Nona’s egg-yellow eyes belonged to the other person —the other girl; that was how all of their bodies worked, not only hers.
Lending more weight to the Nona is Gideon theory; the only time we've seen Harrow's body have Gideon's eyes is when Gideon took over, when the Resurrection Beast attacked the Mithraeum.
Also this:
“So someone’s inside me, then? I mean—I’m that somebody?” She always stumbled over this.
Stumbling over Gideon's mere existence indicates this could be Gideon still struggling with the effects of Harrow's lobotomy.
Or Nona isn't Gideon but struggling with the existence of Gideon, thanks to the lobotomy.
Oh Harrow, I mean we knew you fucked up your body big time, but man, this kinda sucks, huh?
(Makes for very compelling storytelling, though.)
“They wanted to see me naked,” said Nona. “It was a sex thing.” Camilla had made a sound, and then pretended it was a cough, and drank a whole glass of water. After the glass of water, she said, “How did you know?” “That’s just the way people look when they want to see you naked and it’s a sex thing,” said Nona. “I don’t really mind.”
This made me chuckle. And points towards Gideon, again, I think.
But Nona couldn’t shoot or fight or think. All she had was a good nature —that wasn’t true all the time, but Nona didn’t want it bruited about that she had a bad temper when she had only ever thrown two tantrums in her life and couldn’t remember either of them.
She can't remember her "tantrums"? Interesting! Interesting indeed. What were they about? At least one of them was about getting stuck in clothes.
Every day she held a sword until she seriously didn’t care about swords anymore, but she still couldn’t fight with one, no matter how big or thin it was. Camilla had wanted to teach her properly, but Pyrrha said not to, that they wouldn’t be able to tell if anything suddenly came back. Nona couldn’t do the forbidden bone tricks either, even though Palamedes did nearly the exact same thing with big grey lumps of bone as Camilla did with the sword.
But Nona is weak, and doesn't seem to have either Harrow or Gideon's skills. She does have a very, very sweet nature.
Nona was good at: 1. touching, 2. wiping dishes, 3. running her hand over the flat cork carpet in a way that got all the hair out of it, 4. sleeping in lots of different ways and positions, and 5. speaking any language that was spoken to her, in person, so she could see the person’s face and eyes and lips.
That's a pretty good skillset, tbh. I love the languages thing. How??? It's so cool. I'm jealous.
Nona understood everybody, and could speak back to them so that they understood her, and nobody ever said she had an accent. This confounded Palamedes. When she first said that she could speak back by watching them talk and making her lips look like theirs, it confounded him so much more that it gave Camilla a headache.
That is pretty confounding!! Very cool, very mysterious. This isn't anything Gideon or Harrow could do, to our knowledge, and honestly languages never have been mentioned very much so far, so it's certainly very strange.
Was this one of Alecto's skills?
Many people had lived through at least one bad resettlement already. Everyone was crammed on one of three planets now, and they all agreed that this planet was easily the worst, though this always made Nona feel a little bit offended on the planet’s part.
"Everyone"?? All of humanity, presumably minus the Nine Houses, who live at the Nine Houses, and the Cohort, who seem to mostly live on spaceships? Who is "Everyone" referring to here?
You were not allowed to say the words zombies, necromancers, or necromancy outside her house, or really inside it either.
Okay, okay, so these are not necromancers, nor do most of them see necromancy in a positive light. Random civilians, people caught up in Blood of Eden stuff, or both?
Interesting that Zombie is used to refer to necromancers.
Nona was so grateful to have had a whole six months of this. It was greedy to expect much longer.
Another girl, another teenager who's expecting to die by the end of the book. Haven't we had enough dead kids around here?
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lu-is-not-ok · 11 months
the thing I find the most interesting about Walpurgis Night is how in Dante's Notes, it says that Faust explained that the IDs and E.G.Os extracted are of those that are important to not only the sinners but also to Limbus Company as a whole. Which is interesting for 2 our of 3.
Faust makes sense, she made Mephi, she is sorta the leader of the sinners, she works with Vergil and was there for his "recruitment" and has high level access than Dante. She is very important to both the sinners and the comoany.
Hong Lu at first might not make sense but could. Obviously he is a sinner, but I think it's his connection to the company that makes him "relevant" as the notes say. His family. I dont remember where its said but I believe Faust mentions that the company has multiple sponsors. It could be possible that Hong Lu's family is one of these sponsors, and that's how he became a sinner, similar to how K Corp Hong Lu ended up there because of his grandmother.
But the weirdest for me is Meursault. How is he relevant to the company? We know he worked at N Corp. But we also know he wasnt an inquisitor and I doubt he was a member of the new League of Nine. So for him to be important, I think he was probably a high ranking member of N Corp, not only considering that he is "relevant" to the company but also because he has dealt with distortions in the past. Maybe he is where Limbus got some of their own information on distortions....but other than that, I cant really think of any other ways for Meursault to be "relevant" or important to the company.
Iiii think it's less literal/direct like that, personally.
The exact wording of the relevant point is as such:
"Though the timelines and the worlds we can access are expanded during this period, it's not like we'll be extracting random Identities and E.G.O from all over the place. Faust explained that whoever we end up extracting will be relevant to all of us. Relevant... to Limbus Company's current state in some way."
The most obvious interpretation of this (and one most will immediately get) is that while the Walpurgis Night expands the range of the Extraction, it's not a completely random expansion. We won't be getting some random Backstreets Rat Identity, but ones that would be of interest to Limbus Company.
I assume it's sort of an in-universe explanation of why the things that can be extracted here come from the other games specifically. Limbus Company clearly has an interest in what happened at Lobotomy Corp, Vergilius has made it clear in 4.5 that he's interested in the Library, and it's not out of the question for Limbus Company to also have an interest in Moses' Office from Distortion Detective due to their own dealings with Distortions and E.G.O (though that one might be more relevant later on in the story, seeing as it's something that isn't available now but might be later).
That being said, it obviously can't be that simple. This is Project Moon we're talking about, and Faust is outright pointed out to be hiding info on Walpurgis Night in the cutscene.
Now, I don't think it's the Sinners themselves that are the relevant part here. After all, the specific quote is explaining the event as a whole, not just the current iteration of it. If it was about the Sinners and not the specific Identities and E.G.O we'll be getting, then Walpurgis Night would be a kind of shitty Extraction event, cause it would mean those three would be the only Sinners that would get stuff in it, and I highly doubt that will be the case.
Rather, I think the actual thing we should be looking at is the Context and Themes of the E.G.O and Identities in each event.
Look at what we got this Walpurgis Night:
An E.G.O of the Forsaken Murderer with focus put on being restrained, yet that restraint not being enough. It seems to parallel what we know of the Sinners' situations, how becoming one restrains them yet is not enough to completely stop them from acting out.
A LobCorp ID coming from the HQ branch, with focus put on Faust knowing way more than she lets on. This, of course, parallels Faust in the main world, how she clearly knows more about how Limbus Company operates than she lets on.
A Hook Office ID with focus put on the possbility of the Office failing and it not giving enough work to the ID. It might parallel Limbus Company's current state, how it's not yet influential enough to be a for sure success, while at the same time only giving a seemingly small amount of jobs towards one of its most important departments - the Sinners.
If my interpretation is right, then it's likely we're going to see different focuses in the next Walpurgis Night events depending on what information we learn about Limbus Company or how its status changes over the course of the main plot. Though, it is just speculation on my part.
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