#also i don't know if you mean desktop or mobile theme
astrhae · 1 year
hi so i just read your hanahaki fic and it ruined me and like i am actually crying it was so so so good but also i read your deleted scene with jespers pov and that was amazing too!! and i saw that you said that you had another deleted scene and i would love to see that too (and any others that you have) if you wanted to share them?
(also i actually adore the entire vibe of your blog it's so pretty)
hi hello thank you so much *slides tissues over* i'm so glad you liked the fic so much and that you liked the deleted scenes too!! there are... quite a lot of them that i literally made an "appendix" section in my word document 😅 this fic truly was a monster to write because of how many scenes and jumps there were, and while that was a whole lot of fun, i also had to test and remove many, many scenes too keep it manageable. most of the deleted scenes are just dialogue without much prose to them though, because i had a Vibe but then realised the fic was going to be too long --- but here's a deleted scene that i polished up just for you 💙 it's in jesper's POV too because you all really are enabling me to write more of that 💕
“You kept it,” Jesper stared at Wylan.
Wylan’s gaze skittered away, hands clasped behind his back as they stood there, side by side, at the threshold of the mansion’s storeroom. He looked every bit a mercher, now: all the soft lines Jesper used to tease him about were gone, replaced by a gauntness from the sickness.
It had been a month – a month since the embassy, since Wylan had lied still on the bed, and the Shu Princess’ fiancée had come under the cover of the night. Do it, Jesper had told her to save Wylan’s life.
They’ve gone too far for me to save him, she had warned Jesper. This might not work – he might never feel again, never –
Do it, Jesper had repeated. Wylan had wanted this, had counted his own life worth more than his heart, and Jesper had to agree. Jesper had to be grateful that Grisha didn’t get sick: if Wylan came out of this not being able to love, then at least Wylan came out of this.
Then Jesper would still love him, anyway, whatever happened.
So she had done it, and Jesper had watched as a delirious, barely conscious Wylan had coughed and coughed – Wylan wouldn’t remember it, later, feverish and shivering, from both the sickness and the canal waters, and Jesper had promised, over and over again: I love you, I love you, I love you.
And Wylan, eyes clouded with fever, had tipped his head blindly toward Jesper’s voice, and apologized.
Now – now, a month since, Wylan was still recovering. He showed no signs that he remembered any of it. Jesper had been careful not to linger, unsure if Wylan wanted him, but he had stayed in one of the guest rooms that Marya had forced him into.
They ate meals together, Wylan staring at Jesper silently all the while before he disappeared again into his rooms, closing himself off as Kaz scrambled to keep the business afloat and Jesper tried to keep out of the way. With Nikolai and Zoya pleased that things had gone as smoothly as they could, Jesper wasn’t expected back in Ravka anytime soon, and he stayed in Ketterdam to pick up what pieces he could, trying to at last keep his promises.
Marya showed him the cracks in the house – the places where paint had started peeling, floorboards creaking, the carriage rattling, and Jesper placed his hand over them. He placed his hand, and called on his blessings: an act of prayer, an act of penance. He couldn’t heal the places where Wylan’s ribs had cracked from the roots that had wrapped around them, but he could at least fix the foundations. Could at least strengthen them.
He hadn’t known what to expect when Wylan had called for him earlier today.
He certainly hadn’t expected Wylan to lead him up to the attic, to show him a room full of everything he’d left behind. All the coins he’d turned into lopsided keys sitting in a jar by the far end of the room, the bullet fragments and shrapnel from his failed attempts at distracting himself. The mess of a canvas from when Jesper had tried to paint for Wylan, all those years ago, eighteen and too young to understand the weight of it. The weight of this.
His powers reached out to them all, now, the room a riot of metal and memory and color, all his hats and all the ledgers from his debts –
Wylan had kept it: all the good things, and the bad.
“I wanted to burn them,” Wylan spoke to him for the first time in weeks. “I wanted to burn it all.”
Jesper took a step inside, his feet leaving footsteps in the dust. “I wouldn’t have blamed you.”
“I broke some of them,” Wylan admitted, staying at the threshold, gaze shifting toward the broken glasses to their right, the shredded fabric, the shattered frames. “But I – I didn’t have anything left.”
When Jesper had left – so quickly he’d terrified even himself – he hadn’t had to time to bring much. He had thought it was for the better: a new start, without all his things, all his memories trapping him. He turned around to face Wylan, now, their past in scattered pieces around them.
Jesper didn’t need any of this. He just needed –
“I would have come home,” Jesper promised again, confession turned into sin, into vice, because even now, he still loved Wylan like an addiction. Like benediction. “I would have come home, if you asked.”
“And you would have resented me for it,” Wylan’s smile was a knife. Jesper wasn’t sure if it was a knife meant to cut Jesper, or himself. Did it matter? Either way, they both hurt.
His powers itched, needing to reach out, crawling beneath his skin, clawing at it. Grisha didn’t get sick: their fevers just burnt through bone, through soul – their powers demanding more than they could give. Wylan couldn’t love again. Not after the sickness. That was fine: Jesper would love him enough for the both of them.
“I already did, a little,” Jesper admitted, because hadn’t Wylan wanted him honest? “I resented you, but I missed you more.”
Wylan studied the floor. Eyes fixed at the distance between them.
“You stayed,” Wylan whispered.
“Do you want me to?”
He had stayed in Ravka for himself, but for Wylan too. He would stay here for himself, and for Wylan too. He owed it to them both to see whatever was left between them through: Wylan wasn’t a debt to be repaid, or a broken thing for Jesper to fix. He was a chance that Jesper wouldn’t let himself lose. Not again.
A strangled noise escaped Wylan, so similar to the cough that Jesper flinched at it –
“I want you to stop hurting,” Wylan said, just as he had all those years ago, when push became shove became fall. And then – “I want to stop hurting.”
Jesper stumbled forward, stumbled closer, pulled into orbit – pulled out of it, until distance became touch and his hand reached for Wylan’s – and Wylan’s reached for his, trembling, trembling, trying.
“I want you to be happy,” Jesper took the words, and made them his own. Made them his wish. “I want to be happy, too.”
Because he was selfish, because he was certain. Because he was trying, too.
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Alright kids, listen up because @staff have pulled off a corker of a hot mess and have decided to add "Community Labels". I guess they've decided we can't be trusted to add our own warnings and people can't make sensible choices with what they engage with.
But why does it matter to me?
Tumblr have made labels AN OPT IN SITUATION which means every single blog here is automatically set to hide any triggering content
If you want to continue to be able to access and read fanfiction PLEASE go into your settings and click "show" on at least the "Mature" and "Sexual Themes" labels!!
ALSO IOS USERS: there's an extra fun "Hide additional content" bit just to really try and block us from any hopes of success. Make sure you opt out of that too otherwise I think content will be blocked on the mobile app!
Attached to this post are screenshots from my settings so you guys know what to look for. I could only find it on my desktop settings and not on the mobile app (for now at least)
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[I feel like I should add I don't want to sound like I'm pressuring anyone... if you don't want to see certain content obviously keep it hidden and protect yourselves BUT this post is mainly targeted at the horny little gremlins I write for who will be suddenly deeply confused when their smut supply is cut off]
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thewebcomicsreview · 10 days
So, Gunwild, the writer of Cassiopeia Quinn, made a comment on that post about webcomics turning into illustrated prose
gunwildversuseverything said: I was hoping this would prompt a discussion about formats and expression, but no, it’s about artist versus writer workloads and “amount of story” being reduced to equations and word counts and update schedules. Figures.
And you know what, it's a good point. So instead of getting into the Artist vs Writers debate for the millionth time, let's take a look at how you, and artist and/or writer, can get a story told on the internet. For the sake of this discussion, lets assume you don't have any actual preference for a given medium that might influence you, you just want to know what's right for your story and will learn whatever skills you need.
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Comics are the most visual-heavy medium that a solo project can realistically do. This has several business advantages (pictures do better on social media), but it's also a good fit for stories with a bunch of things that are interesting to look at. Cassiopeia Quinn is a story heavily featuring weird alien races, cool spaceships, and attractive young women with extraordinarily casual dress codes. These are visual things! And visual things can be conveyed super quickly and subtly using visuals. Imagine just the "Cassiopeia doesn't wear pants" gimmick, if this was written out. If Cassiopeia gets a description of her appearance the first time she shows up in chapter one and then it's kind of glossed over, the reader would forget. If every time Cassiopeia entered a scene Gunwild had to go
Cassiopeia sauntered up to the motorcycle rack. Her own rack was barely contained by a dangling strip of black fabric, visible through an open orange jacket. Black elbow-high sleeves, covering her hands, matched her thigh-high stockings, separated from her black panties by her thigh pouch.
Somehow it's a lot less cute when it's written out like this, huh? And it also takes way longer to read that then it does to just look at her on the page, which increases the chance your readers might get bored. Comics are the medium that takes the most time to make and also the least time to read, which makes readers a lot more likely to put up with exposition or a plot tangent that doesn't really connect with them. Even if your comic has bits that don't grip your readers, they can grip themselves if you show them interesting bits.
The main downside of comics is the "equations and update schedules" part. They take a looooooong time to make, even compared to everything else. It's also got issues with how people read it. A comic that looks good on a desktop often looks too small on a phone.
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This style is so strongly associated with Homestuck that a lot of people who weren't making explicitly Homestuck-themed comics seem to have been scared off it. But it's a perfectly cromulent format. It reads well on both desktop and mobile, and lets you use art for all your visuals while using text for dialogue and character thoughts. It's not, however, the best fit for every story. Because each panel is separate, it can be hard to make an exciting action scene this way, which is part of why this format is also associated with special animated pages (I mean, besides "Homestuck did it"). The panels don't really flow into each other, and there's a constant switching between looking and reading.
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Distinguished from the Text Under a Panel Style mostly by the ratio of text to art, without a hard line demarcating the distinction between them. This style also reads well in desktop and mobile. Well, it should, but a lot of webcomics who switch to this style tend to stay in their webcomic format, meaning it's a picture of text that doesn't resize legibly, grumble grumble. I don't....I don't know if I need to explain the concept of "text" to people. You know what words are, and if you don't there's nothing I can say to explain it.
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I'm not going to claim to be a visual novel expert, but the main advantages are that it's the most art-efficient medium of any of these (because you can flat-out reuse art), the main disadvantages are that you'll usually need music, it's maybe not as well suited to long monologues, and most importantly that it's not a good method for drip-feed three-day-a-week updates. You kind of have to release the entire thing all at once, or at least in large episodes.
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A comic like Out-of-Placers is mostly traditional, but uses illustrated prose for lore updates. Prequel is text-under-a-panel but not always, and of course Homestuck is the absolute king of format switching, even ignoring the animations. The upside is that you can use the best format for any given scene, and that you're constantly keeping your readers on their toes. The downside (besides having to learn to do all this shit) is that you kind of have to commit to the bit and get your readers on board early with the idea that you're going to just be doing whatever this week. It's also harder to take full advantage of any one medium if you're constantly switching them up
I'm sure I'm forgetting about two hundred formats, but what are the biggest ones I'm missing?
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girlyholic · 1 year
SEO for Informative JFashion Blogs
You might have noticed it by now, but it is a major pain to get your Tumblr blog to show up in the results of the various search engines. This is mainly because most of them switched to "mobile-first" indexing over the past few years, meaning the mobile version of your blog is what counts and that one is pretty bad by default for Tumblr.
So here a few general tips on how to get your content properly indexed:
get a responsive theme, meaning that it adjusts to the reader's screen size and therefore works as both desktop and mobile version
go into the "advanced options" of your theme editor and turn the default mobile theme OFF, it will make your desktop theme also act as your mobile one
while it's important for hashtags to be visible below posts, make sure they don't show up on the main page as the clutter can make your blog being mistaken for spam
if not already, change the inside of your title HTML to {title}{block:PostSummary}: {PostSummary}{/block:PostSummary}
fill-out the "keywords" meta with what your blog features (example: "jfashion, japanese fashion, information, outfits, inspiration, articles")
add your blog (username.tumblr.com) to Google Search Console and confirm via meta tag as it will help to optimize and boost your blog's performance on the web
at the above, go to "sitemaps" and make the search engine track your latest posts by adding /sitemap.xml
set your custom pages you want indexed to "show"
if you have any important posts you really want to make sure are properly indexed, put their link into the "URL inspection" bar on the top and it will tell you the current status as well as allow you to force indexing
After all of the above it might take a few days to see any results, and if there is anything causing issues preventing your blog from being properly indexed Google Search Console will let you know in its notifications. I recommend to check the site once a while in general as it also gives a nice overview of how people find your blog and what kind of posts they like, making it easy for you to tailor your content to their tastes. It's handy, isn't it?
Let's make jfashion info blogs great again!
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mappishiina · 5 months
"Well, well... I suppose you need an explanation of how all of this works?"
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"You should already know who I am, of course- your boss, the one guiding you in your job as the warden of MILGRAM? That's right, I'm the one and only Jackalope. You'll want to listen up, because I'm only going to explain this once..."
"This blog allows you to send questions to Mahiru Shiina, Prisoner 006. Think of it... like an extended interrogation. You can send them as yourself, or anonymously... whatever you'd like. Put your name on what you say or not, I don't care."
"As with how things work in MILGRAM regularly, what you say to her and how you say it will affect her just like your judgements do. This will help you to better understand the prisoner. After all, I want you to peer into their hearts and minds. It's best if you can truly understand them, in order to make the best judgement you can."
"Oh, and one last thing: this blog is best viewed on its desktop theme, if possible."
"I've also been told to mention that there's 'OOC info' under the cut, whatever that means."
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Hiii. This is, as you can probably guess, an ask blog/rp account! Just real quick under the cut, here's a few basics for conduct:
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I am an adult, but will not be answering any NSFW asks, and I also reserve the right to not reply to anything that makes me personally uncomfortable. This probably won't happen anyway, but I want to make my stance clear just in case. There's a lot of minors on milgramblr and running similar roleplay blogs, and I want this to be a safe and comfortable blog for everyone to interact with.
For consistency's sake, the current timeline of this blog is set in trial one. This may, and likely will, change at some point. I might jump timelines around later. But, starting out, it'll be trial one.
I try to stick close to canon in my characterization, but might indulge in a few personal headcanons here and there, especially to fill in gaps on things we don't know. If you send "magic anons" and things of that sort, I may or may not reply/go with it, depending- I'd like to stick mostly with the idea that any asks sent here are the "voices" that the prisoners mention hearing (so, not being able to physically do anything)... but I also may decide to indulge for fun. Basically, it's up to personal discretion. Just know it might not get answered.
This is probably going to be more of an ask-blog type thing than it is... a rp blog per-se, but I may dip my toes into roleplaying a bit on here as well! Other Milgram RP blogs can feel free to interact, and Mahiru will respond to any asks from RP blogs as if they were being sent by your character. I'll tag interactions with other prisoners with their number!
(I might do art for some asks as well, depending on motivation...)
Oh, and I'll edit this to put a tag index here whenever I figure out what I'm doing for those. Right now my ooc tag is simply #ooc, and any graphics I've used on the blog are reblogged under #graphics credits, as well as being credited at the bottom of this post.
Please just in general be nice and remember there's a real person running the account, and hopefully we can all have some fun with this!~ I've definitely been inspired by seeing other ask blogs/roleplay blogs pop up for MILGRAM, so I'm excited to jump in!
graphics credits: mobile icon + header by ameyumez and dividers on this post by 74n5n.
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fefairys · 1 year
ok i wanna make my own tips post for the redditors
hello welcome :] here's some things i've noticed it seems a lot of you aren't aware of. i might add more later:
first of all, PLEASE turn on custom theme! you don't have to actually make or find a theme yourself as it gives you a default one, (but it is really fun and good to personalize your blog however you want) but doing this makes it easier to view and search your own blog, as i will describe later. this makes it so that you will show up at yoururl.tumblr.com and not just tumblr.com/yoururl it gives you your own page! it's good!! you can only tick this setting on desktop:
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another very important thing: DO NOT FUCKING REPOST ART WITHOUT CREDIT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. honestly you should not report art without permission at all, but at LEAST credit the artist. and saying "idk who did this but credit to them" DOES NOT COUNT. take some time to reverse google image search and find the artist. if you can't find them, DON'T REPOST!!! turning the art into a meme doesn't mean you don't have to credit the artist!!!!!! AAHHH!! ok.
TAGS/SEARCHING in reblogs, all tags serve to do is (a) leave a bit of quiet commentary, if you're too shy to leave it in the actual body of the post or (b) organize posts on Your Blog Only. tagging a reblog does not make the post show up in the searchable tag. reblogs are not searchable through the tumblr search bar.
to find posts from a certain tag on your own blog, go to yoururl.tumblr.com/tagged/tag. you can also add /chrono to the end of that url to view the posts in chronological order! you actually don't need to tag original posts with every variation of a tag either. for example if you tag something as "r/196", it will show up when just "196" is searched for, because it contains "196" in it. so you dont NEED to tag the post "196, r196, r/196" etc. but i mean. do whatever u want. honestly i think a lot of veteran tumblr users don't even know that. but yeah tagging with a ton of variations like that is unnecessary unless you're spelling something differently or doing an abbreviation as well as a full title, such as "#what we do in the shadows, #wwdits"
also, your posts are searchable by literally any word in the post, whether it be the body, the tags, or even your url. so if your url has 'catboy' in it, and someone searches 'catboy' they will see all of your original posts in the tag lmao. it is pretty stupid but that's how it works.
on that note, FILTERING with filtering tags, it is very specific. so if youre content warning tagging something, please just tag it with the word, like "#blood" because if you tag it "#cw blood" or "#blood ///" people who just have "#blood" blocked, will still see the post! lots of veteran tumblr users don't seem to grasp this either 😭
you can filter out words as well as tags, but that can get tricky because if you filter out "rape" words like "grape" and "drape" will also be blocked, so i only use the word filter to block peoples urls. because even if you have someone blocked, you can still see people reblogging their posts, so if u don't wanna see them at all, block their url as a filtered word.
you can do all of this in the regular ol' 'settings' tab on desktop. on mobile it's settings -> general settings -> filtering
PAGES something i love about tumblr but is getting used less and less is the ability to make separate pages on your blog. the option to do so is all the way at the bottom on the theme customization panel. (only available on desktop tumblr)
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nowadays a lot of people just make a carrd and provide a link to that, but tumblr allows you to make your own separate blog pages! a lot of people use this to make "about me" pages, since it provides a lot more freedom than just the "blog description" section! you can put images on there, and just completely code the whole thing yourself! unfortunately, these pages aren't visible on mobile unless you link to them in your blog description (see my blog as an example) using <a href="link">link title</a> lots of people have links like this in their descriptions that lead to about pages or carrds! you should click on these to learn more about the person you're following!!
some people have "DNI (do not interact)" or "BYF (before you follow)" pages to set boundaries on who they do or don't want following them, as a warning of like "hey if you fall under this criteria and you follow/interact with me, you're getting blocked" so those are good to check for! some folks have lots of strong opinions on these that theyre "stupid" or "useless" but really it's just a warning and setting boundaries. like, if you follow me and ur not supposed to, i'm just gonna block you anyway, it was just a warning that that's what was gonna happen!
speaking of blocking, just fuckin' block whoever you want whenever you want. if you find someone annoying just block them. if they post something you don't like just block them. there's no need to get into an argument. just block! and they're gone! wheeee!!
SIDEBLOGS!!! you can have separate blogs from your main one that are connected to your same account! some people have tooooons of sideblogs for every single fandom they're in, some people just use their main for everything. it's up to you!
note that you can only like posts, send asks, follow people, and reply to posts under your main blog url. sideblogs are just for posting and reblogging in a more organized manner :] it's good to say in the description of your side blog what your main blog is so people know who you are when you like and reply to posts and such! (and also to list your sideblogs somewhere on ur main for the same reason. i use the aforementioned about page for this ^u^)
um that's it for now! there's a lot of other things i could talk about, but i'm sure other posts are covering it.. these are just ones i really want to iterate, especially the tags thing cause i think a lot of tumblr users don't even realize that lol ^u^ i've been active as fuck on tumblr since 2013 so I can answer questions if you have any :)
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vocaloidfactoftheday · 9 months
hello! so hypothetically if someone made a vocaloid art challenge prompt list (like a list of vocaloid songs to use as daily prompts) would it be alright to tag you for it to gain traction? for both the list and a submission form?
(when I say hypothetical I mean there is no list but me and a friend are discussing making one and the logistics lol)
short answer: no, sorry! please don't take any offense, i wish you good luck with your challenge! if you like, you can tag my main blog and i could reblog it there, though i honestly don't think it'd be very helpful either way.
long answer:
i want to avoid using this blog to promote things. which i know sounds hypocritical because i do use it to promote my own things sometimes, but this is just limited to 1. my vocaloid music (which i try to promote very sparingly to avoid spam) and 2. livestreams about vocaloid that i think this blog's followers would be interested in (which i've only done 2 of so far and i don't even remember if i promoted the second one lol...they were respectively "discussing every vocaloid voicebank" and "drawing vocaloids from memory"). once enough time has passed sometimes i'll delete my promos just to clean up the blog
there's a couple reasons for this:
i want to avoid too much irrelevant (i.e. not related to vocaloid facts) content on this blog. this is partially to avoid spam/clutter, which would be intrusive if someone just wants to scroll through to look at facts, but also because this will lessen the chances of the random button (which isn't visible on mobile, but it's on the blog's desktop theme) selecting an irrelevant post when its purpose is to show random facts.
i don't think there's that much of a point to it. promoting my own stuff (particularly the music) does get me a little attention on my youtube channel sometimes, but it realistically makes very little difference. i'm not sure anyone has actually found my music through this blog. this blog has over 1k followers and my youtube channel has under 500, and my subscriber count tends to stay stagnant for long periods of time. i can't imagine it would make much of a difference if i promoted your art challenge - the posts themselves might get more reblogs, but the actual amount of participants probably wouldn't increase very substantially.
i personally find it a bit awkward to promote stuff from people i don't know on this blog. or even from people i DO know, honestly. it just doesn't really fit on this blog. i'd be more okay with doing it from my main, but even then i don't typically promote things i don't pay attention to (like music i don't listen to, commissions from artists i don't follow) or participate in (though a vocaloid art challenge might be different - i don't think i'd participate because i'm a slow artist, but it'd at least be interesting to see the art that results from it)
this kinda loops back around to the "minimizing clutter/irrelevant posts" point - but this is a vocaloid trivia/fun facts blog. this is not a general vocaloid blog, i don't use this to share/post just anything vocaloid related (i do plenty of that on main). if i use up all the vocaloid facts, maybe this will change, but i currently have no desire to stray from this blog's purpose.
sorry for the long response! i hope this doesn't come off as a rant or anything, the main reason i'm posting this publicly is in case other people have similar questions/requests in the future. i appreciate you asking!
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kizzyedgelll · 1 month
thoughts on the color green? 💚
thank you!
this ask is very funny to me, because you either know my relationship with the color green and sent it to mess around, or you don't know anything and you just sent me because you like it. if it's the latter, i'm sorry to disappoint ><
truth is i lowkey hate green lmao. i mean, i can't say i truly HATE green because you won't see me saying "ew, this plant is so fucking ugly, it's green", but i don't actually love it by itself. i own 2 or 3 clothing pieces, my only green thing that isn't a plant is an old eraser and you will probably never catch me using a green emoji (unless it's a plant or the brazilian flag). you will also probably rarely see me reblog a green edit here, or making a green edit myself, or making my desktop or mobile theme green. i absolutely hate almost all color combinations including green (special mention to green + pink and green + purple. i fucking hate these). so yeah, i have a really strong opinion on green and i don't even know why KSDJFDSJG
send me “thoughts on ______” asks
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nokingsonlyfooles · 5 months
The menus don't work, the menus don't work, the menus DON'T WORK...
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OK, my few readers. I took a break, I went back to fix the navigation, it's unfixable as-written.
I need some complex stuff in places, I was willing to forgive WP for putting out a new site editing interface that barely works - as long as it has the basic features someone would use on a storefront. I'm an outlier. I know this.
I am using their site editor and their 2024 theme, I should say.
I crossed my fingers and looked for the (now liable to vanish from anything more complicated than a paragraph) "edit as html" option. Nope! It's gone! I can't fix it. I would have to hack the interface somehow to fix this for WordPress, within WordPress.
I had to go looking for plugins. I HAD TO GO LOOKING FOR 3RD PARTY SOFTWARE TO GET A FUNCTIONAL MENU. And, of course, they paywall features I need. I found a "floating" menu that actually does work well enough (it's a little cramped on mobile unless you put the screen in landscape mode, but at this point you should really do that anyway, I can only format so much) but the sub-menu function is paywalled. And I'm actually fucking tempted to buy (haha, I mean "rent") it. Because the damn thing works in dark mode and across devices. And it sticks to the side in a fairly unobtrusive way, which WP's menu will not. It won't stick anywhere. And it sure as hell won't do that thing where you scroll up and it plops down for your convenience.
But if I use that floating menu without sub-menus, it's gonna get longer, and longer, and longer, until it doesn't fit on your mobile screen anymore, or potentially your tablet or desktop, and then I dunno what happens. Also, in order to keep it small, everything is a cryptic icon that displays a title when you tap it (on mobile) or hover over it (on desktop). That's kinda counterintuitive, I don't know if I want my one working menu to be like that.
I might keep looking and find another plugin that also works that well but... it's not likely. Or, if I do, I may run into another paywall. They gotta get their rent somehow!
This is a stupid problem and so far I am unable to come with with a non-stupid solution. I can:
Put all the links in the header menu, and you'll have to scroll through EVERYTHING to find the actual content every time.
Put all the links in the content area, in different places and different combinations depending on the page. (And this would mean doing some reformatting on every instalment AGAIN.)
Start fucking around with the sidebar - I don't know if it works and I'd have to rip up every template I've already made to add it.
Put all the links in the footer menu, and nobody will notice them.
Put all the links in the floating menu (see above for the issues with that).
Make sub-pages for Misc/Notes and similar that are just lists of links and serve the function of a sub-menu.
Actually put the content on the sub-page and have it navigable via anchors (this seems like it would be a bitch to load, but most of my content is just text).
Make a list of links that isn't actually tagged as a menu, thus losing the collapsible function for small screens.
Kill God.
That last one is probably the most doable but I feel like someone would get mad at me. Like, Hazbin Hotel finally got its first season on Amazon, and if God dies they might have to rewrite some shit.
If I don't lay out the money for the cryptic icon menu, we're probably going to end up with three or four accordions that are not technically menus at the top of every page. And I'll hafta check back every once in a while to see if WP fixed their shit yet.
If they don't stick with that site editor and make it useable, all this work is going to vanish like chalk marks in the rain.
I WANTED to put up another six-pack in February. I have it ready to go! But the site doesn't work. If I can't fix it this week, I won't even be able to put things up without illustrations. And forget having time to fill in the missing artwork. I got enough to do trying to kill God!
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lazaruspiss · 10 months
new pinned post :]
hi! I'm Ashton, but Laz and other nicknames are ok too. he/they/it are all fine by me, you can also use neopronouns if you’d like.
(If you are under 18 then do not follow me or interact with any of my NSFW posts. I understand if you happened upon one of my SFW posts and got here on accident, but this is my grown-up space, so please turn around.)
Do not interact if pro-kink or pro-fiction content offends you. You don't want to see my posts and I don't want to hear you complain!
Asks are open for just about anything, NSFW content included. Just be nice.
I take requests! art and edits mostly, although I do write as well. so if you have any ideas then you’re free to ask! I can’t promise I’ll do everything that comes my way, but I do like to try.
I also have a ko-fi, it’s not quite the same as commissions (setting those up stresses me out), but I can give you a thank you doodle or something if you donate :]
If you want to use anything I post as a prompt feel free to! Just let me know and link back to me if you post it.
I sometimes post about more serious and/or personal things on here under #ramble tag, so if you'd rather just see my silly and/or horny stuff then feel free to blacklist that.
Another tag you might want to blacklist: #laz's hater corner, which is where I bitch about things that personally bother me. The posts there shouldn't be taken too seriously, but I do get pretty mean sometimes, so be wary of that.
alright! now onto links (tumblr can be finicky about those on mobile, so I’d recommend looking at my desktop page where I have a theme and a sidebar for these)
Here's my ao3.
I can be spotted on twitter on rare occasions.
And I may or may not stream sometimes!
I've been trying to archive filler and fluff text from games here.
There's a page for the Batman: The Dailies comics from 1943-1946.
I also live blog as I read/watch things here!
Here’s a page of some my tags!
And if that doesn’t work, here’s art, fics, edits, videos, memes, and metas.
… And if THAT doesn’t work, I’ll go ahead and put those tags on this post as well.
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reneesbooks · 11 months
writeblr positivity tag
my wonderful morbo @serenanymph tagged me <3 gently tagging @lyssa-ink @lena-rambles @zmwrites @winterandwords and under a cut because it's long. blank questions at the bottom <3
1. What motivates you to write?
the thought of holding the finished book in my hands and being able to reread it and share it. also spite
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
y'all wanna see maura be a little bit fucked up and evil
“My father said something to me often,” Maura interrupts, her eyes narrowing. “The law is the law. None are exempt.” She tosses a disdainful look at the duchess. “Those who have no respect for the law will always have excuses for breaking it.” She bends down and tips the duchess's chin up with a finger. Keelan's fingers tighten around his sword. Maura tilts her head to the side. “Your Grace,” she says. “You asked for mercy. You shall have it.”
The duchess sobs. “Thank you, Your Majesty—”
“Do not thank me, wretch.” Maura's lip curls. “Your mercy is the mercy allotted by law. Tell me. Which foot do you value more?”
The duchess's lip trembles. “I beg you, Your Majesty, mercy—”
“You shall have it.” Maura's eyes are unforgiving. “Which foot?”
The duchess's eyes dart around the throne room, wide and terrified. “I—I don't know.”
“Hm.” Maura releases her and stands. “She can have more time to decide. Until she does, get her out of my sight.”
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
i love all my children equally this is a mean question. currently my favorite chew toy is Jack, who is a minor character in my current wip. Jack is a pathetic disaster bisexual who was left to die as an infant but still managed to survive to adulthood and is using that luck to cause problems on purpose. he steals for a living and flirts for fun and profit. he is in love with his best friend/accomplice Arthur, but can't handle real emotions and is being really thickheaded about it. Arthur is too busy pining for him to notice. Jack is just a little guy. gay boy disaster man. also he killed like 20 people.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
working out plot/worldbuilding issues. i love sitting down and going "ok how am i going to make this make any gddamn sense" and then bouncing ideas around until i hit one that fits perfectly. yeah sex is great but have you ever found the perfect answer to your plot hole that ties together all the recurring themes and arcs in the story AND has an opportunity to use your overcomplicated worldbuilding?
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
mainly dialogue. i love imagining conversations and i've been working on dialogue for a long time. my dialogue used to be so cringey so glad i learned from it
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
we're all a little unhinged about our own writing so nobody minds when you get a little unhinged about their writing. safe space to be unhinged about people's writing
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
i use campfire write and i love it for keeping worldbuilding organized. it has a lot of visual tools which is great for me personally and it's very customizable. highly recommend it, there is a free desktop version that still gets you quite a bit of usage and the mobile app is free
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
i've really enjoyed fleshing out the countries outside of Raedora and how their political systems and cultures are different. for example Guildi also is monarchical, but they have an emperor and their law is absolute, followed exactly as written based on the judgment of the emperor. Fierodia, by contrast, is the homeland of the dragons, so they have two governments--one for the humans, and one for the dragons--and both are a little more democratic in nature, with a Council of the Wise (elders) ruling the dragons while the most powerful magical human families sit on another council that takes petitions from representatives sent by villages and cities.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
open a blank document. i do this in a simple text editor (.txt) because it forces me to look at the words more (idk how else to explain it). write the dumbest thing you can think of. literally. if you get stuck, hit enter a few times and start writing something else. yes even if you get stuck in the middle of a sentence. do NOT let yourself sit there staring at a blank document, just write. even if it's bad and stupid and doesn't make sense. ESPECIALLY if it's bad and stupid and doesn't make sense. write the stupid little plot bunnies that you came up with in line at starbucks. bullet point a short story you'll never write. purposefully write the most gd-awful purple prose. have some silly little fun with it. rewrite snl episodes that you think would be funnier if you were in charge. anytime you are stuck for more than like 30 seconds hit enter three times and try something else. rinse and repeat until the gears start turning for the thing you actually want to work on.
save these files (i have a little dedicated spot on my drive) so that you don't lose your funky little experimental stuff. you never know what you'll find there later.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
i adore @serenanymph's wip beast and all the blorbos found within and how much she supports lacuna. @lyssa-ink's wips my beloved. @zmwrites has some incredible wips and an amazing writing style. i love the worldbuilding from @akindofmagictoo's dragonsong and @oh-no-another-idea is one of the biggest sweethearts on this website.
blank questions:
1. What motivates you to write?
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
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inklore · 1 year
Hey dear! How long since I wrote to you, I don't know if I can ask but could you give me some advice on how to edit/theme/customize your blog in an aesthetic way?
Idk, even basic tips are fine, I really love seeing your blog and I think you have really good taste in aesthetics ❤️
hey lovey! it would be my pleasure to try and help you <3. i say try because my explaining skills are the absolute worst but i will do my best lmao. gonna do this in bullet points ok:
have an idea / inpisration / a crumb of what you want your blog to look like! you can find inspo literally anywhere, a friends blog even (but please remember to always ask and don't take it harshly if said person declines you doing so). pinterest is also amazing for this, looking up graphics, different aesthetics, templates, i literally have a board on my pinterest i've had for years now where i get graphic inspo or where i go when i just need to feed my creative juices to put me in the mood to create something. canva is also great, i literally go on there and look up headers, moodboards, etc and just star them for later. keywords are everything as well, so like 'aesthetic here + color, vibe, look, graphic, template' helps sites like canva and pin lead you in the right direction. same with just typing things like 'green, grunge, lovecore, etc'.
edit on desktop! now i know not everyone has a laptop or ipad or the ability to do this but i highly rec it over editing on the janky mobile app where sometimes things save and sometimes they don't. plus i always use one of the random saved user blogs i have to make a test layout / theme so if i don't like it everything on my main blog is fine, didn't change, and i didn't waste all that time on a theme i don't even want to look at lmao. so making a side blog where you do that is also great cause you can just copy and paste your nav post over, you can take the graphics you've already made and upload them onto your main without second guessing if they look good because you've already seen what it all looks like!
start small! by that i mean start with a simple theme or idea and build up from that. don't just start with seven graphics and ideas and overwhelm yourself. sometimes i just think of a color and be like yeah i'm make something with this color or wrapped around that color and i create something great.
ask a friend for help! i can't tell you how many times i've asked friends if this theme looked good or to send me inspo pics or what theme they think i should do, or even asked them to help me find resources. utilize your besties and mutuals.
not everyones aesthetic is the same! some people like messy themes, some like overdone, some like super simple. don't compare yourself to anyone!!!! everyone creates differently, everyone sees colors and aesthetics amd themes differently. no matter what you decide to go with is all your own and great and special.
etc: putting all your most important links in your nav is always a good rule of thumb (anything you really want to highlight as well), if you use pngs they're all over tumblr and pinterest 'transparent' + 'png' at the end or beginning of what you're looking for will always lead you in the right direction, and when it comes to pngs i highly rec adding them to a white background or transparent one and make the size of the background 500px and move the png halfway / towards the bottom (centered) of the background so tumblr doesn't make your header all the way at the top and ugly, don't make your nav post too long, take colors from your images / aesthetics to incorporate throughout the whole theme so everything meshes well together, don't use flashy dividers because it's not good on a lot of users eyes and unless you state a tw in the tags it's just not as cool as some people think lol.
that's all i can think of but if you have any more questions bby my pms are open!!
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xhelladirectoryx · 7 months
Tumblr media
//Greetings! My name is Seth, but you can also call me Kakashi. I'm 35 years old and I’m from Brazil. I've been roleplaying for 11 years. About 4 years on forums, other websites, and 7 years on tumblr.
I work at school so that’s mean pretty busy most of the time. So slow activity and most online on the weekends.
Make sure to read my rules and muses bios before follow or interaction.
For personal reasons, I don't follow first anymore. But if you follow, I'll make sure to check out your blog. Just give me 3 days for it. If I don't follow in a week I probably won't follow back. I don't follow personal blogs. If you have rp sideblog just let me know.
If you are not interested in roleplay with me or with any of my muses. Please soft/hard block. Don't worry, I'll do the same and just move on. Don't ignore me or give me 'HINTS'. The best hint for me is just a block. Simple like that.
This blog will not engage in any kind of drama. If you try to involve me in some, you'll get a soft/hard block depending.
I am not native English. So forgive me for some possible typos and grammatical errors.
I don't roleplay on Discord.
I ask you to trim your posts. I probably won't follow or I'll unfollow if you tend to do that. It ends up getting too much pollution in my dash and it's complicated to navigate on desktop and mobile.
No godmodding.
My threads have a number limit because of my short time here and so as not to overwhelm myself. The number limit for interactions will be next to each muse in the pinned post. That number may change depending on drops or any other reasons.
I don't ship Sebastian with Ciel. Not even him in adult verse. My Sebastian can interact and make ships with other characters. From Kuroshitsuji and others fandoms. However, I only ship Sebastian with only one Grell Sutcliff that belongs to @pyramultimuse If you have a Grell muse, yes my Sebastian can interact but a romantic ship is out of the question.
This blog is multiship but singleship in each verse. I don't do polyship.
Don’t force relationships with my muses. Any ships only with chemistry. Pre-established relationships can be accepted but talk to me first.
Smut threads will be replied to an NSFW side-blog. I’m fine with fade to black as well. Remember that smut is not a priority here. It may happen but I prefer other types too.
I don't roleplay romance or smut with underage muses. But platonic relationships, like family, friends, guardian and teacher I don't see problems. As long as it doesn't go beyond that. If you insist, I hard block instantly.
Trigger themes mentioned in this blog in the vast majority will be death, gore, murder, weapons, alcohol, smoke, suggestive sexual themes and religious themes. If you have a specific trigger feel free to remind me. Personal triggers are lolicon, pedophilia, incest, rape, tripofobia. I ask that you tag these topics appropriately, please. As smut post too.
Any images or art don’t belong to me, obviously, but to their rightful owners.
These rules are not absolute. There might be changes, updates, or something removed at any moment. Thanks for reading this.
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008-edits · 1 year
Tumblr media
"that makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, categorically, emphatically, GUILTY"
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
✰ lina ✰ any pronouns ✰ 21 y/o ✰ virgo ✰ intp
✧ hello there, my name is lina and this is my edits blog!
☆彡 what i can edit:
━━☆⌒*. icons
━━☆⌒*. headers
━━☆⌒*. wallpapers (both mobile and desktop)
━━☆⌒*. layouts (both tumblr and twitter)
━━☆⌒*. moodboards
━━☆⌒*. stimboards
ミ★ media i can edit from:
━━☆⌒*. twisted wonderland
━━☆⌒*. project sekai
━━☆⌒*. milgram
━━☆⌒*. genshin impact, honkai impact 3rd, honkai star rail and hoyoverse games in general
━━☆⌒*. vocaloid
━━☆⌒*. idol (music) games/anime/manga (love live, bandori, enstars, etc)
━━☆⌒*. bungou stray dogs
━━☆⌒*. kakegurui
━━☆⌒*. chainsaw man
━━☆⌒*. danganronpa
━━☆⌒*. persona 4 and 5
━━☆⌒*. other anime and manga
━━☆⌒*. other anime-like games
✸ rules ✸
━━☆⌒* please write the full name of both source material and the character(s) that you want me to edit!
━━☆⌒* for wallpapers, please specify if you want desktop or phone wallpapers. telling me the exact size you need would also help me a lot!
━━☆⌒* if you have something more specific in mind, please tell me the color(s)/aesthetic/theme you want your wallpaper/moodboard/layout to have (example: kanade yoisaki blue icons, trey clover cottagecore wallpaper). otherwise i'll just go with whatever i think is most fitting.
━━☆⌒* please tell me if you want a twitter header/layout because tumblr and twitter headers' sizes are a bit different. otherwise i'll just assume you mean the tumblr header.
━━☆⌒* for icons, tell me if you want them to have a specific shape (like a circle, a heart, etc)
━━☆⌒* you can also ask for ship edits! (including poly ships)
━━☆⌒* i can do pride edits too, but please tell me if you want a specific flag. sending a picture of it would be very helpful too! (especially if the flag you're talking about has multiple versions, i know that some flags are now considered controversial, so i don't want to accidentally offend anyone!)
━━☆⌒* my limit is one character per request unless you're asking for a ship edit.
━━☆⌒* if you use my edits, credit is not needed, but appreciated.
━━☆⌒* i won't edit anything with real people.
━━☆⌒* this blog is kin-friendly! please tell me if you want me to add "don't tag as kin/me/id" to your request.
━━☆⌒* if you ask for a stimboard, being more specific with your request would help a lot! like what colors you would like it to have, what kind of gifs, etc. otherwise i'll just go with what colors and things i personally associate with that character.
━━☆⌒* if there's anything you'd rather not see in a stimboard or a moodboard (something you find triggering, for example), please tell me!
━━☆⌒* my main blog: @linabirb
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brightsuzaku · 10 months
Continuing my finagling with tumblr themes
In case you didn't know, I updated my tumblr theme, again!
The one at https://brightsuzaku.tumblr.com/ , you know? This one isn't perfect, by any means.... I don't have my avatar/pfp on it, nor my goofy header, but you know what?
The code itself was far easier for me to read, and I have fiddled enough that I am mostly happy with the colors! At this rate, however, I am very close to seeing if I can start work on actually writing my own code, for once.
I dread it, but I really want a two-column look with an unmoving sidebar on the left, and all my text and posts in the center, and can work well regardless of monitor size.
Now that I have a high-resolution main monitor, do you know how microscopic some of y'all's tumblrs actually can look?! I NEED A MAGNIFYING GLASS. (I know most of my friends are fine. Mostly.)
Also, since custom pages are largely a desktop feature, I'm not gonna worry about writing for mobile. If I start work writing my own theme, it's gonna be with huge monitors in mind, and then adjust appropriately.
Mind you, I have barely touched HTML and webdev with any seriousness since maybe 2010-2012, so I am also a dinosaur. Which is fine! Custom blogs are apparently equally prehistoric!
(yeesh, but has anyone heard of span.....?)
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cytokiine · 1 year
Wandering back in for my annual ramble. Twitterpocalypse is ongoing and deeply unfortunate, but it's been lovely seeing old faces resurface on Tumblr and actually stick around. I haven't poked my nose into any Transformers tags lately, so I have no idea how lively or dead they are, but the rest of the website has an energy I haven't seen in years, and I'm enjoying that.
A few folks have gone through this dusty old blog recently and liked a bunch of posts. Glad you're having fun! I assume most people access Tumblr on mobile these days (I sure do myself), but if you check it out on desktop, there's a search bar I embedded in my custom theme that you can use to filter by tag, so that might save you some time if you want content of a specific character. Hopefully it still displays alright.
I'm not sure I'm ever going to recapture the way I used to feel about Transformers. I think of it with fondness but also unfamiliarity. I've been disconnected from it for so long, it feels like a language I once spoke but that I stopped using, and when I try to speak it again, I find the words have slipped away from me. It would come back if I immersed myself in it, but it's difficult knowing where to begin or if I even want to invest that time. So I remember it fondly, and I let another year slip by.
Not without regrets. The people who comment on Reframing once in a blue moon are kind. As kind as every lapsed writer deserves, but sadly, it's a rare understanding. To take a risk on something unfinished, to share your love for a work knowing it may never see another update because, even incomplete, it meant something to you... When you state unequivocally that it was worth reading even if it never gets an ending, it means more than I can express. I want to give you the world. I don't know if I can, but your words matter. Your kindness matters. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for sharing your love and reminding me that I still love this story myself. If I see Reframing through to the end one day, it's because of you.
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