#also i had the hardest time coming up with a name for this project
marymekpop · 2 years
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⟢ highlight of the hour: our blooming youth [1/20] ⟣
I must meet His Highness. My family’s death must have something to do with His Highness. His Highness must know why my family was killed. 
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httpscomexe · 2 months
Forbidden Secret Desire
Summary: You just can’t seem to find yourself in this stupid school for freaks, but just when you’re sure no one cares anymore, a man with adamantium claws disturbs your groaning with a promise. Except he forgot to mention everything good comes with a price.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Logan Howlett x Reader
Warnings: (Individual warnings per chapter) Anxiety, hints to violence, loneliness, I guess angst, manipulation (The reader is helpless and will look for anything to make her happy), some hints towards suggestive material near the end, bad language word use, pet names.
Word Count: 3523 (Find all chapters here) Chapter 2
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again.
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Xavier's Mansion.
Also known as the school for “Gifted Youngsters,” or simply for what society prefers to call, “Freaks.”
You’d been there for a few months. You have a very unique power, something even Xavier himself doesn’t understand how to control.
You get these looks all the time when you're walking in the halls of the mansion. You notice it when people cover their mouths to whisper about you and you can’t not notice it when you seem to create a bubble around you as some of the kids try to keep a distance.
Yea, it hurts. You couldn’t deny that either. Sometimes you’d even have to find a restroom really fast to cry to yourself in one of the stalls, but even that hurts when some of the students quickly flood out of the restroom after you enter.
Nobody knew how much it hurt you, nobody even knew what powers you really had. If they did, you would’ve already been sent to the ice box, but luckily, you didn’t know how to use your more dangerous powers. You figured Xavier probably knew about them, considering he can read your mind and he knows just exactly how powerful you really were, but he didn’t know if you knew about them. And what you don’t know, can’t hurt you.
The hardest part was going to class. While everyone else had a table of four people, you sat alone. You did every project alone, with high soaring grades by the way, and you never got to speak to anyone during discussion or free time before the bell rang.
Sometimes you wish you were just… normal.
Of course, you weren’t the only person that was avoided. There were a few other students and even some of the adults that were always avoided. The only true friend you seemed to have was Hank McCoy. Everyone used to fear him, thinking that he couldn’t control the “Beast,” so he knows how you feel. But sometimes it only felt like he tolerated you because you were smart, and you were the only student that could aid him in building anything related to tech, and nanotech, and coding, and all that good stuff.
“Have you figured out why it isn’t working?” Was the first thing he asked you as you walked into his lab. Not a good morning, no how’s class, and not even hello. “I was thinking it had something to do with our maths, that maybe we calculated something wrong but I’ve looked over it again and again and couldn’t find a single thing wrong with it.” He tells you, picking up his notebook which you could see was now full of mathematical equations and random scribbles which seemed to radiate with frustration.
“I don’t think we got the maths wrong, I’ve checked it about a thousand times.” You say quietly, then gently put your bag full of books down under one of his desks so it wasn’t in the way. “Pretty sure it just needs to be smaller. Nothing really about maths though. Other than that, the fibres need to be smaller.”
“So it is the maths?”
“Eh, kind of.” You groan a little and stretch before grabbing a small, delicate pair of tweezers. “This is still too big.” You tell him, placing a sample of part of your tech down under a microscope, strong enough you’re surprised it couldn’t see atoms. “See, this is about as thick as a piece of hair, which is about the size of…” You sigh, looking back at your maths. “It’s about 50,000 nanoparticles, so not a lot, but we need it to be a little smaller.” You tell him, then look away from the small bit of tech to look up at him, his eyes squinted in your direction as is he was trying to understand what you were saying. “Okay I’ll dumb it down. It’s about as thick as a piece of hair right now, we need to numb it down to about… only one hundred nanoparticles, so it should be about as thick as graphene.”
“What’re you two nerds going on about now?” Another voice cuts into your explanation. It was none other than the gruffy voice of Wolverine.
“Oh hey, Logan.” Hank abandons the workstation to go over Logan who was making himself some coffee. “Just figuring out something about nano…”
“Nanoparticles.” You finish his sentence.
“Yea, that.” He says plainly, not bothering to look at you as you turn away from their conversation and look through the microscope.
“Now how do I make you that small…” You whisper to yourself, gently lifting the particle string with your delicate tweezers and examining it through the microscope. “Hmm…” You hum to yourself.
“Y/N!” Hank calls for you, and you turn around. “I’m going out to pick up some lunch for the both of us. What would you like? I’m getting Mexican.” You tell him what you would like, and he takes a moment to clean his work area and stuff his wallet in his pocket before he finally leaves. Leaving you to stand by your desk, doing all the work that has to do with nanotech, but also leaving the Wolverine with you.
“So what exactly are you two working on?” You hear his voice behind you, then you see him next to you.
“Teleportation. Not as complicated as you think, it’s just the fear that gets to everyone really.” You look away from your work, and your eyes land on him. His arms crossed as he leaned on a nearby table, showing enough respect to not sit on your working table.
“Seems complicated. What could possibly be scary about it though? It's just teleportation.”
“Well. If you think deeper into it. Your body and every single atom and particle of your body has to be completely broken down into an uncountable amount of smaller pieces and then your body has to rebuild itself in the secondary location, you just have to hope that it rebuilds you correctly. Or the next thing you know half your right arm is also half of your left leg with toes for fingers.” You say without taking a breath, taking a deep breath after letting it all out. Staring back up at him, his eyes were now squinted in confusion.
“I don’t think anyone is scared of that except you. I’ve never even thought about that.” He shrugs, taking a sip of his scalding hot black coffee.
“Yea well… I’ve had a lot of time to think about a lot of things.” You tell him through gritted teeth, mumbling before grabbing your notebook.
“You know…” He pauses, placing his hot coffee mug on another table away from your work before walking back up next to you, placing his palms on your table where there wasn’t electronic junk lying around. “You aren’t the only one.”
“The only one?” You question, turning and grabbing another tool before looking under your microscope, turning the string around to try and figure out how to break it into a smaller piece, without actually breaking it.
“The only one that’s feared.”
You stop what you’re doing, still looking into the microscope but not actually paying attention to what was right in front of your eyes.
“I’ve seen the way some of the other kids look at you, bub. Like there’s something wrong with you. I know how it feels to not fit in.” He crosses his arms as he leans against your table, attempting to get your full attention. He clears his throat before speaking again. “I’ve seen you in the halls. Your name is Y/N, right?” You nod, his eyes and yours locked onto each other. “Logan.” He says, reaching his hand out to shake yours. Your hand basically gets engulfed by his as your soft hand meets his, which were rough and still yet soft, that surprised you, considering… “Hank talks about you a lot also. Not like he loves you or anything, he just tells me you’re smart. Like really smart.” He shrugs.
“Hm…” You hum a little. This is the first conversation you’ve had with someone in this school where they’ve actually treated you like a real human.
“Considering the way you explain this stuff, I’d say he’s probably right about you being smart.” He nodded towards the nanoparticles still sitting under your microscope, it was hard to see from even a foot away considering it was the width of a single piece of hair. “So what exactly is a nanoparticle? Or nano…”
“Nanoparticle" is correct. It just like a piece of tech or anything made of tech like certain fibers that can be visible to the naked eye but they’re very small. Just this one piece is the width of 50,000 nanoparticles.” You carefully pick up the string, and gently put it in it’s container.
“And what was that other thing you mentioned earlier?”
“It’s made of about 50 to 100 nanoparticles, and it can be seen with the naked eye through a refraction of light in a mirror or clear substance that has a bend in it.”
“I’m not completely sure what any of that means. But I trust you know what you’re doing.”
“Yea, I’m kind of a nerd.” You chuckle awkwardly, then reach down to pull your bag over your shoulder, your social battery is pretty much near zero for the day, or maybe week. This was you first time ever speaking to Wolverine and you just nerd out on him? What were you thinking?
“Alright, I got food. Where are you heading?” Hank finally comes back, a bag full of boxes with the three of your foods in them in his right hand as he enters the lab, letting the metal door close behind him.
“I’ve got a bit of a headache, I was gonna go back to my room.”
“Well you know the rules. No food in the rooms.”
“Yea, yea. I know.” You sigh, setting your bag back down as he hands you your box of food and you hop onto one of the clean counters to sit down as you eat your food.
“Have you seen Xavier today?” He asks Logan, handing him his food also.
“No, he’s out on some special mission with Mystique right now, won’t be back for about another week.”
“And what does he have you doing? You never leave your room so I’m assuming he's’ got you doing something?” Hank stands next to Logan as they both talk back and forth.
“He has me teaching his third class and fifth class. I guess that one is the anger management class and the other is meditation.”
“Ah, so he’s got you teaching the two classes you used to fail in.”
“Ironic, isn’t it?”
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After working in the lab, a lot shorter than usual, you actually head back to your room. You hate to admit it, but you’ve been ecstatic to meet Wolverine for years, and when you finally get to have a conversation with him, you just geek out on him about nanotech?
As you hang your bag on the wall and remove your jacket only to throw it on the back of your desk chair, you can’t help but want to just smash your head on a wall until you’ve forgotten about everything that’s happened today.
You mope as you walk into the centre of your small room, stopping and staring at the mess on your desk, a bunch of full notebooks covered in little pen markings of maths and science that no one else in the school would understand.
You walk to the desk, take one of the notebooks in your hand that had some free space left, and drop down on your bed. Reaching behind your head, you pull your sweater over your head and discard it on the floor before leaning against your headboard and clicking the back of your pencil until the led is at your desired length.
As soon as the tip of the led touches the paper, your mind wanders. That was so embarrassing… You realise, scribbling random maths into your notebook. I can’t believe I just made a professor hate me too… Not only had you dissociated, but you also completely nerded out. You talked about nanoparticles as if it was the only thing you cared about. You care about more though. You care about the family that was so scared of you they sent you off to this stupid school, calling you a freak and breaking all ties with you. No, you don’t care about them. But you care about your friends so much! You don’t have any friends. Hank is very special to you, he holds a space in your heart. A very, very small space. Yea he doesn’t care about you, you’ve just been able to make about a thousand breaks in his experiments. Then of course he would take all of the credit when he would show it to Professor X.
Why do you even try? I guess working with Hank is the equivalent of the other students going out to the mall with their friends. The only difference is he wasn’t your friend.
You take it back, you had one friend. If you could even call someone you only text cause you’re too scared for actual confrontation, a friend. Nightcrawler- or Kurt. The one guy who’s ever made an actual effort to try and be your friend, he’s just always out on missions. Or so that’s what his actual friends tell you. Maybe you should send him a text and actually verify whether he hates you or not… You get up from your bed and unzip your bag, sticking your hand into the pocket where you always shove your phone, but it’s not there. What the fuck? You take your bag off it’s hook and search the rest of the pockets, and still no phone. You go to your bed, searching under the covers and getting on your knees to check under the bed, still no phone. You check your desk, your discarded sweater, and you sweep the floor with your eyes looking for it, thinking it might’ve just fallen out of your pocket. You hate seeming desperate for a simple device that rots your brain to default, but God that phone is your escape.
“Hey, is everything alright-?” A voice cuts into your messy search as you turn around and your door is cracked just enough for him to stick his head in.
“Sorry, Mr. Howlett, I just can’t find my phone.” You chuckle awkwardly, standing in the centre of your room as he peeks around your room at the mess you’ve created.
“Again, you can call me Logan. I don’t mind it, I prefer it actually. Do you mind if I step in?”
“Yea, it’s fine. Sorry for the mess, I haven’t really had time to clean it.” You nervously link your fingers together in front of you and let your thumb pick at your skin as he comes in, closing the door gently behind him.
“It’s not a mess, just a sweater on the floor and notebooks on the bed.” Sweater on the floor. Of course. Yea, you were standing in the centre of your room, in your shorts and a black fucking clasp on bra. Now you suddenly feel naked standing in front of him, so you cross your arms, hoping to hide at least some of the embarrassment.
“Well uh, what’s up?” You try sounding cool but immediately cringe.
“You left this in the lab.” He tells you, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out your phone, handing it to you backside up, so you could see the glittery phone case, adorned with pink sparkles. “Was gonna give it to you in class but you kids go crazy over your phones.”
“Oh I wouldn’t go crazy…” You tell him, humour in your voice as you awkwardly look around your room, the sheets halfway off the bed and your pillows tossed in the middle, the result in the crazy search for your phone. “Would just be a little annoyed…”
“So is everything okay?”
“Yea, why do you ask?”
“I was knocking on your door and sayin’ your name. but you didn’t answer.”
“Oh,” You laugh dryly. “Sorry, sometimes I get lost in my head and kinda just block out all sounds and sometimes I’ll block out what’s in front of me."
“Oh I see.” What do I say to respond to that? “What were you working on?” Why is he still here?
“Honestly, I don’t know, I was just scribbling.”
“Had enough maths for the day?” He jokes.
“Had enough maths for the month.” You mumble, but then he laughs. A short laugh. But a laugh nonetheless. Isn’t he annoyed by you? Why is he still- “What would you be doin’ if Hank didn’t have you doing all this brain stuff?” Oh.
“Well uh, nothing probably.”
“Not one for hanging out with your friends?”
“Friends? Hah!” You laugh with sarcasm, then walk over to your discarded sweater, bending over to pick it up, deciding to distract yourself with cleaning. “It's not easy for a freak to make friends.” You mumble to yourself, hoping he wouldn’t hear, of course, he did.
“You’re not a freak.” He crosses his arms as you look over your shoulder at him.
“Yea sure. Everyone in the school would so easily disagree with you on that.” You say back, folding the sweater before tossing it into your dirty laundry basket. “Professor X won’t even let me leave the school because he doesn’t trust me. I’m sure you’re no different.” Shit that was supposed to be said in your head. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You’d smack yourself right now if it wouldn’t make you look stupid, if he wasn’t in your room still.
“So you think everyone’s the same?” He asks, more of a statement.
“No I- I don’t mean it like that. I just-” He clears his throat.
“Come here.” He demands, looking into your fucking soul. So of course, with a gaze as threatening as his. You stand right in front of him after you walk up to him like Bambi in a traffic headlight. Wobbly, and frozen. “Good, now look at me.” Oh, you forgot that part.
You looked away from his shirt, and tilted your head back to look up into his eyes and for a man who’s so adept at killing his eyes were so soft, and broken…
“If you didn’t randomly blank out, you would’ve also heard Xavier when he told you the only time you could leave, is if it’s with someone else in case there’s an emergency.”
“Emergency from what? Me losing my temper?”
“Exactly that.” Is what shuts you up. “When I said I know how you’re feeling, I meant it.” His voice softens, and you feel your throat knot as you hold back embarrassing tears. “It wasn’t easy for me to make friends either, but honestly I prefer to be in a small crowd. Normally I’m not the one to comfort a student, but you just don’t seem to want to talk to anyone. Why’s that?”
“I’ve tried talking to people. They just give me a look and then walk away.”
“Does that actually happen? Or is that just what it feels like?”
Shit. You hate to admit it, but he makes a point.
What the fuck. Was your next thought as his hand moved up and he gently placed his hand on your cheek.
“I know you hate everyone at this school from the fucking bottom of your heart, but I’m gonna have you try to refrain from hating me. We can strike a deal by letting me take you out of the mansion. I’m sure you’d love to get out, can’t remember the last time you left.”
“Never have.” You whisper, shrugging your shoulders. Your voice is only quiet so your tears aren’t cascading down your face.
“Well if you can just promise to behave, and tell me when you’re getting stressed, then I’ll supervise you like Xavier wants.” He tells you, promising some sort of freedom. “I’m not saying I’m scared of you. If anyone is scared of what you can do, it’s you. Am I right?” You nod. “Use your words, bub.”
“Yea…” Your voice cracks as you barely mutter an entire word.
“Hey, hey…” He says softly, then he suddenly pulls you into a hug. “I’ve got you.” He gently rubs your back, which by the way is still bare since you never got to throw on another shirt. “Just cancel your plans with Hank, I can help you more than he ever will…”
He promises. His fingers gently run over the metal clasps on the back of your bra as you loosely wrap your arms around him, embracing his hug and you nod, not able to formulate any more words as you cry quietly against his chest, your tears wetting his shirt as you both stand there in silence. A quiet smirk on his face as he holds onto you…
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partycatty · 8 months
I can't get enough of young Johnny MK11! I love him, god!🥵 How do you like this topic for fanfic? Fem!reader put his jacket and glasses on his naked body, and took sexy selfies.😎❤️‍🔥 Johnny saw this aaand here I’m already giving way to your fantasy hehe~
Thank you in advance! I like the way you write! Well done💕
i'm not sure if i read it right ?? lmk, but i went with my interpretation
johnny cage > call me
johnny's out late working, as usual. you've had enough of waiting and decide to bait him into coming home early
notes: do you guys also like genuinely tweak out wishing he was real? he's so perfect? peak malewife? wishing u were [REDACTED] his [REDACTED] rn?
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• you were often left to your own devices when it came to living with johnny. he, after all, was a star constantly running around on new projects. any studio would be at his knees for just one contract. he was hollywood's richest man, and you were lucky to call him your boyfriend.
• sure, it had it's moments. the paps stealing upskirt shots from you wasn't ideal, neither was the bush stalking. but you could see past that. what was hardest was when johnny would be gone all through the night, dressed in that stupid ninja mime getup that you learned to loathe since it pulled him away more than his other works. does the world really need a ninja mime trilogy? yes, apparently.
• boredom overtook you, since browsing on your phone for eight hours was now becoming a horrible habit on your neck - and mental stability. you took to mopping the floors, tidying the countertops, dusting his awards. finally, you settled on your walk-in closet.
• it was spacious, big enough for you to each get a side. your side was always decently organized to your liking, but johnny's was... atrocious. jackets hung on one sleeve, some on the floor. the only thing that was neatly organized on his side was the giant rack of sunglasses. he always had a pair to match the outfit and occasion. he probably had about three pairs on him at work.
• as you tried to rearrange his clothing, his distinct, classy scent filled your nose, sticking to the inside of your nose and you couldn't help but feel heated. you missed him, him and his dick. you took a deep whiff of his iconic blue and purple jacket, the one he left at home knowing he'd have to get in costume anyway.
• you threw it over yourself, embracing your torso and spinning in the mirror. it fit him perfectly, but on you it was like a blanket. the sleeves sagged off of your arms and your midsection was swimming. his size was impressive, his form shaped like a greek god.
• you couldn't help yourself, the memories of him and scent turned you on. blame pheromones, dammit! but, you realized you could take advantage of this.
• throwing your shirt off, you donned the jacket again, wearing it like he does - chest exposed. a purple pair of sunglasses practically screamed your name from the rack and you put them on. you looked just like him...! no, not really.
• touching yourself in his clothes was not a new idea, but there certainly was a new idea blossoming in your head. you pulled your phone out and snapped a mirror selfie, trying to flex like he does but your muscles were muffled from the loose fabric.
• how's this for the next cagecon? you text johnny, attaching the photo. you didn't expect him to reply right away, considering he was at work. but before you could lock your phone for the moment, his name popped up within milliseconds.
• don't take me away from work, baby! johnny replies with a winking emoji.
• what if i want to? it's so lonely in your mansion, you reply with an angel emoji, sitting on the edge of your shared bed as you fight a grin. you angle the phone downward, capturing your bare chest. your nipples brush against the jacket, making them stick out through the front. johnny takes a moment to reply, but you feel your phone vibrate once, then twice, then three times.
• fuck, you're so hot in my clothes.
• i'm taking my break early. can't work with a boner.
• the third message was a short video of him palming himself through that stupid costume. the only thing you can thank that outfit for is how prominent it makes his bulge.
• phone sex through texts was also nothing new to you two, considering the distance. as your fingers sink under your panties, assuming that's where things will go before you get a fourth message.
• call me. please.
• you sit up straight, biting your lip. his desperation always got you going. you kicked your pants and panties aside.
• you send one last photo, your body spread out on the bed in his clothes. your hand conceals your dripping pussy playfully.
• why should i? you shoot the message out, giggling at your own words.
• johnny doesn't even reply, he opens your message and calls you. you eagerly accept his call. his voice is echoey and rough. you realize he's hiding in the bathroom. his breathing is heavy.
• "are you proud of yourself?" he asks in a low rumble, trying to stay quiet but his flustered huffing makes his voice whiny. "look at what you did."
• he sends a photo. his cock is eager and out, and you see a teardrop of precum on his tip. you happily exchange that photo for another one, a short video of you gingerly touching yourself. he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
• "i couldn't wait til i'd get home," he admits, and you hear the slick sounds of him jerking off. "i want to, i want to come home and fuck you like that, but i'm here for another two hours."
• "you couldn't have waited?" you ask in disbelief, circling small loops on your aching clit.
• "no." johnny's reply sounded so sure of himself, so convinced in his words. he was as firm as he would've been if you asked him if he killed someone. he knew this to be a fact, he could not wait. "i can't help it, sweetheart. you're just so... god."
• his breaths get heavier and needier, you can sense he's speeding up on himself. you try to match what you assume is his pace, one that he confirms through another video. he held the phone below his dick, giving you a delicious view of his abs and bobbing adam's apple as he swallowed hungrily.
• his arms were painted white, but his hands were his usual flesh tone since he wore gloves for the costume. even still, his veins were incredibly prominent and really helping you reach your climax.
• "we gotta make this quick, baby," he grumbles into the phone, muffling his moans through bitten lips. you're a little louder due to your privacy, much to his delight. "people'll start looking for me."
• "johnny," you whimper out, back arching up off of the bed. "i'm already close." through your haze, you get a video of you masturbating wildly, the jacket now sliding down to your sides and fully revealing your tits as you fuck yourself. "i-i need you, i need you so bad-"
• "i know, baby," he breathlessly replies, straining himself to avoid moaning out your name and attracting attention. "let me hear how badly you need me."
• you could only spew out utter nonsense at this point as your orgasm is dangerously close. he seems to get the memo, though, and gives you permission to cum with him. your needy cries and his muffled grunts make a perfect chorus that you only wish were in person.
• when your breathing slows, as does his, you hear him chuckle to himself. a new message appears in your chat.
• his weeping dick was cradled in his palm, as was a entire handful of semen dripping down his fingers. he wanted to show you just how hard you made him cum from phone sex alone.
• "round one was now," he mumbles as you hear him tear a piece of toilet paper to wipe his hand. "round two is when i get home. you gonna be ready for it, princess?"
• the phone rests on your bare, damp chest as you fixate on the ceiling. you take the sunglasses off and wipe your face with a smile.
• "i'm always ready," you reply with a giggle.
• "that's my girl. see you in two hours. i love you." and with that, he hangs up, leaving you a naked, sweaty mess that's only concealed in his jacket.
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qwimblenorrisstan · 3 months
Cassian w a teenage daughter hcs
- Cassian was absolutely MEANT to be a girl dad, and I will stand behind that as long as I live
- He’a just so sassy and playful but also this big muscular warrior
- At first he would be soooo careful with a little girl or baby, but he would be delighted when he figured out that maybe you like being tossed up or roughhousing with him
- Your shrill squeals and giggles would have him absolutely whipped. Like he was already too far gone at that point and he knew it. Your adorable little eyes could get anything out of him
- Once you were a teenager, he was in for a rough ride.
- Not only were you moody and prone to outbursts, but you were also trained in combat BY HIM and it was coming back to bite him in the ass
- The first time you yelled at him he would be utterly befuzzled, like just staring at you and wondering “what did I do??”
- Like he would be so confused that he’d go ask Feyre and Rhys what was going on and they would just say puberty and hormones and he’d be so lost. Like what is this demon that replaced his little girl??
- He would go quiz Nesta on EVERYTHING about it, like taking notes just so he knows how to care for you
- He already knows every single one of your favorite foods and snacks, and when you’re on your period he is supplying each one of them to you, chocolate, chips, ice cream, comfort foods, everything
- Devlon wants him for a meeting at Windhaven? Too bad. Rhys needs him for business? He can find someone else. Every bit of his time is devoted to you and you alone, giving massages, heating pass, cuddles, trying his hardest to make you laugh and smile.
- When you have one of your outbursts and start yelling at him, he would literally just pull you into a hug and refuse to let you go, no matter how you kicked and scratched or even bit at him to get free, and eventually you’d stop struggling and just cry into him
- Cassian would def listen to all of your girl gossip, and would go along with it too, like she did WHAT with WHO??
- He would help you with all the last minute school projects you procrastinated, or if you like were struggling in school he wouldn’t yell at you, he’d probably just try to help you with homework (your grades got worse after he started helping)
- Would give EVERY boy he sees around you a dirty look so bad that they would never dare approach you, and he barely notices he’s doing it half the time too
- All the sleepovers. So many sleepovers with your friends and he would probably mix up their names more than once or twice or seven times, and maybe make awful jokes that had all of them cracking up at his expense, but he would let you have your friends over as much as you wanted
- There would be specific nights where you and him and maybe Az or Nesta if they got dragged into it would watch comically awful movies. Like terrible, awful overly graphics and effects that’s so god awful you spend the whole time cracking up while Az or Nesta would just sit there, unimpressed
- He would go out to bebop around the streets of Velaris if you got too holed up in your room or were restless, would take you to the best chicken place that knew him by name, or go try some unique cuisines that you usually don’t visit or aren’t used to do you could try them out
- Would encourage any and every hobby you picked up and be your personal cheerleader no matter what it was or why you liked it, and would still support you if you decided to drop it or take a break
- Honestly just the best dad out there <3
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Spencer's Choice
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: angst, reuniting long lost love, heartbreak, impossible choice to make
Summary: Breaking up with Spencer is the hardest thing you've ever had to do. You left and returned years later, only to run into him again. Feelings return that you thought were gone. Spencer has a choice to make: you or his family.
Square Filled: goodbye letter (2021) for @cmbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Ah, back in your hometown. You miss the way the sunshine feels on your skin even when the wind blowing is almost at freezing temperatures. You miss the way the cars sound as they’re rushing down the road as a reminder that people need to leave earlier when it comes to this town. You miss the small-town feeling of everyone being so close-knit that you can check up on your neighbors and see how they’re doing every day.
You miss home.
You haven’t been back in the United States in a little over a year, and back in this town for much longer. Ever since you left after you graduated, you really haven’t looked back. It killed you to do so but you were on a mission to better people’s lives with your degree and experience. You’re a very skilled architect who has been involved in many unique projects all over the world. It’s been one big adventure that you love having. You’ve met genuinely good people, tried amazing and unique food, delved into different cultures, and got to experience what others only dream about.
Now you’re just glad to be back in your hometown, relax, and spend the money you’ve been saving for years.
You walk down the familiar road next to the park you used to go to after school every day with your friends. There is something brown in the middle of the sidewalk but upon closer examination, you see it’s a child’s teddy bear. You pick it up in hopes there is a name or a number you can call, but the only thing you can find is an address. Weird. Most people don’t put their addresses on kids’ toys but who are you to judge?
With a quick Google search, you find the address is only two blocks from where you’re at. This is your chance to be a good samaritan and return the bear to a child who is probably missing it. You find the house easily and walk up the porch steps. You knock on the door and wait only ten seconds before it opens. A young girl about the age of seven is standing there with sad eyes.
“Hi, does he belong to you?” you ask and produce the bear.
Her eyes light up happily when she sees the toy. 
“Thank you so much!” she squeals and grabs it from you.
“Marissa, what did I tell you about answering the door without your mother or me?” you hear her dad say.
You look up and lock eyes with the only person you’ve ever been in love with: Spencer Reid. You two were high school sweethearts back then, and it was clear to everyone at that school that you two were going to end up together for life. You were in love with him so much and wished you could have stayed, but it broke your heart to break up with him.
You have always wanted to be an architect even when you were younger. Your parents got you Legos that you could build houses from, and you’d build all sorts of different houses with different rooms for everything a person could need. When you got to your junior year, you applied to different colleges for architecture which also included colleges outside of the United States. Never in a million years did you think you’d ever get into those colleges but your mother encouraged you to apply.
Four months before graduation, you got an amazing offer to study at UCL in London with the opportunity to be an intern side by side with one of the most famous architects at that time. What an amazing opportunity, your mother told you. Yes, it was but there was one thing holding you back: Spencer.
It started one of the biggest arguments between you two. It lasted for months leading up to graduation. He obviously didn’t want you to go since you’d be in a different country, but he didn’t want to be the only reason why you’d stay. You wanted to go because this would be an amazing opportunity for you, but you didn't want to go because you didn’t want to leave him.
It took months to come to a decision but Spencer convinced you to go. Long-distance relationships never work out for anyone, and you didn't want to put Spencer through the pain of not seeing you every day or being with you. Breaking up with him was and still is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do.
You’ve had a few flings over the years that never meant anything because none of them were him. It took a really long time to stop crying over him. Now, seeing him right in front of you is bringing all those fights, that love, and every conversation you’ve ever had with him back. It’s a bit overwhelming, to be honest, and you step back to ground yourself.
Marissa looks up to see her dad looking at you with the same look you’re giving him.
“You don’t look at Mommy like that,” she observes.
“Why don’t you go inside and play? I’ll be right there,” Spencer says distractedly.
Marissa looks at you and goes inside to play with her teddy bear. Spencer steps outside and closes the front door for some privacy.
“I can’t believe you’re standing in front of me right now.”
This isn’t a good idea. You’re going to start crying because the truth is, and you’ve tried so hard to bury it, you’re still in love with him. If you don’t get out of here quickly, the patch over your heart is going to tear and you’re going to start bleeding all over again.
“I’m sorry. I can’t be here right now. I have to go.”
You turn around and walk down the porch steps, but Spencer jumps toward you.
“Wait.” You turn to face him and he sighs in frustration. “I have to get Marissa to the doctor. How long are you in town for?”
“As long as I want. I’m in between projects right now.”
Maybe the reason why you told him this is for the false hope that you two can resume right where you left off.
“Please don’t leave. Please meet with me for coffee tomorrow morning. You remember Jack’s Cafe, right?” How could you not? It’s the place where you and Spencer had your first date and first kiss. “My number hasn’t changed if you still have it.”
“I do,” you whisper.
He never changed it in hopes that you’d call it. You got home after parting ways with him and cried yourself to sleep. Seeing him again after all these years is reverting your mind back to high school graduation. You’re not much better the next day. When you wake up, you decide you’re not going to meet Spencer and just leave. However, when you look at past messages between the two of you on your phone, he deserves this meeting. You deserve to catch up with him.
You rush into the coffee shop knowing you’re late. Spencer is sitting at the table you two used to sit in every single time you went here.
“I thought you weren't going to show,” he says when you sit across from him.
“Honestly, I almost didn’t.”
Spencer slides a coffee over to you and you catch it to prevent it from falling. Just based on the smell alone, you know he still remembers your coffee order.
“How have you been? Any interesting projects you’ve been on?”
You don’t know if the small talk is good or not. It’s to distract you from the real issue but you welcome the distraction.
“Yeah, I’ve done some work in third-world countries with nonprofit organizations. We’ve built homes for people, homeless shelters, and enclosures for animals who are suffering and endangered.”
“That’s amazing. I’m really happy for you.”
“What about you?”
“I pursued my career in the FBI. I have been a profiler for many years. I’m retired now and get to teach others before they go into the academy.”
“Retired? You’re still so young. What happened?” you ask and sip your coffee.
“I went to prison for a couple of months for a crime I didn’t do. It messed with me mentally so I decided to take a different approach. I’m still involved with the FBI just as a teacher.”
Once you two get into the groove of talking, it’s like no time has passed. You’re laughing and having a good time with him as if you didn’t break his heart all those years ago. You’re falling in love with him all over again.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
Just like that, you’re back to how you were feeling before. The laughter dies off and you pick at the ends of your sweater.
“No. I haven’t had a steady relationship since--” You stop yourself from saying it out loud. He understands what you’re trying to say. He reaches over and grabs your hand. As soon as he makes contact with your skin, you quickly pull away from him. “You have a family.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“You look happy.”
“Yeah, I am.”
His words tell you one thing but his tone tells you something completely different. There is a longing in his eyes that suggests he would drop everything in his life if it meant he got to be with you.
“I’m really happy for you,” you say with tears in your eyes.
“I shouldn’t have come here. You have a wife and daughter now.” You drop your voice to a whisper. “I’m too late.”
You’re already out the door before Spencer can process your words. Not only was coming to this coffee date a bad idea, but coming back to your hometown where Spencer also lives was an even worse idea. The projects waiting for your involvement will have to come a little earlier than planned.
You hate doing this to Spencer but you write a letter explaining how you feel about him and this whole situation. Once you’re done, you head to his house hoping he isn’t going to be there. You walk up the steps and notice something in the window next to the door. Spencer is sitting on the couch next to his wife and she’s comforting her. About the botched date? About you? About something else?
Damn it. Why did she have to be gorgeous?
You stick the note in the door and swiftly turn to leave. Spencer sniffles and looks up to see your long hair flowing in the wind. At first, he thought he was seeing things but then his brain caught up to the rest of him. By the time he walks out there, you’re already gone. Your note sways to the ground so he picks it up and starts reading it.
I am so sorry for the way we left things all those years ago. Leaving you was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and hurting you was never my intention. I love you with all my heart and wish things had ended differently between us. You have a family now that I never wanted to disturb. I kind of thought by coming back here, I’d be reminded of what’s really important. Seeing you after all these years did just that. I don’t want to hurt you now, but I’m leaving. I’ll be accepting other projects that need me, and you can continue to be with your family. I wish you the very best.
Spencer can’t let you go this easily without letting you know how he feels. He tells his wife he’s going over to Derek’s house but ends up going to the biggest airport in the state. It’s the airport that has the most flights coming and going so you have to be here. He doesn’t know which flight you’re going to get on so he buys a ticket for one of them and hope for the best.
He rushes through the entire airport in search of you, wishing you hadn’t gotten on one of the airplanes yet. He’s sweaty and disheveled but determined to find you before you board. He runs around the corner and scans the many gates with people boarding their planes. There at the far end of the building is you. You’re in line to get on the plane.
“Y/N!” Spencer yells.
You don’t hear him and move up in the line. Spencer breaks out in a run in hopes of getting to you in time. You hand the attendant your ticket so she can check you in. She doesn’t question the dried tears on your cheeks as she does. Once finished, you grab your ticket and walk onto the bridge.
“Y/N! Wait!”
Spencer runs past everyone and tries to get onto the bridge but the two attendants posted there prevent him from going in.
“Sir, you need to wait in line like everyone else.”
“Please, I just have to talk to her.”
“Sir, I can’t let you on there without a proper ticket.”
“Y/N!!!” Spencer screams to get your attention, hoping you’re not too far away. He waits agonizingly for you to show up. He’s about to yell again when you come around the corner with tears in your eyes. “Y/N, I need to talk to you.”
“Spencer,” you gasp. You leave the bridge and take him off to the side. People stare but go about their business to give you two some privacy. “What are you doing here?”
“Please don’t leave.”
“But your family--”
“Please don’t leave. I can’t bear to watch you walk away again. I let you go once. I can’t--refuse--to let you walk away again.”
Spencer grabs your face and kisses you like he should have done all those years ago. You get lost in the way he’s making you feel so you kiss him back. It feels so good to feel his lips on yours again. He feels like home. The image of him and his wife pops up in your head, and you pull away from him with tears streaming down your face.
“What about your wife? Your daughter?”
“I don’t know but please don’t leave. I love you.”
He’s only here because of the feelings you drudged up. He was happy before you came back into his life.
“I can’t do this right now. I have to get on the plane.”
“Please don’t get on that plane,” he begs.
“Miss? Are you getting on? We’re taking the last call,” the attendant asks.
“Spencer, I have to get on the plane. They’re waiting for me.” You step away from him even though it kills you to. “You have a family now. Maybe if I never left before, things might have been different. I can’t do that to them.”
You hand your ticket to the attendant even though she allows you to go through. Spencer watches you get on the plane, and the attendant shuts and locks the door behind you. Spencer has a very important choice to make:
Does he go back to his family and pretend this never happened or follow you? Stay with what’s comfortable or follow the one woman who has always made him feel alive? Her or you?
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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satansapostle6 · 7 months
The Crush | Percy Jackson
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Percy Jackson is a cool, simple guy who is also the famous son of Poseidon who helped save the world. But, talking to the pretty girl in his English class still seems impossible.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter One: Pussy Jackson
Percy sat behind Chloé in English. She was tall and intimidating, and he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to work up the courage to talk to her. Sure, he wasn’t in high school anymore, but he still felt nervous around her like he was sixteen years old again. Chloé Jardine was, after all, the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
He knew Chloé was a Roman demigod, a daughter of Nox, the Roman equivalent of Nyx, the goddess of darkness and the night. She was a fairly typical child of Nox, a sort of minimalistic goth.
She had long, pitch black hair, with tiny micro bangs partially covering her forehead. She was also noticeably pale, as if she only ever went out at nighttime. Most people thought she looked scary, but Percy thought she looked magical.
Chloé had a decent amount of tattoos, including a pretty sizable spider web on her neck. She had a lot of piercings, including an eyebrow piercing and a vertical labret on her lip. She didn’t really wear makeup, but she was very obviously a goth. She was smart, and she didn’t talk a lot at all, which drove Percy insane. He made it his mission in life to know as much about her as possible.
Every time he saw her wearing a band T-shirt of some kind to school, he’d make a note of the band name and look it up later if he wasn’t familiar, and listen to all of the songs he could find.
So far, he’d listened to Type O Negative, Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, Kittie, and Rob Zombie, only affirming his opinion that she was the coolest person on earth. His best friend, Grover, thought the behavior was just a little bit obsessive, but didn’t really think it was that bad.
That day in his college English course, he was sitting in his seat, listening to Soundgarden during the lecture on his laptop with the tab open, secretly hoping Chloé would have some some reason to walk back and look at his computer screen. Soundgarden wasn’t goth, of course, but Percy had seen her wear one of their shirts.
“Hey! Pussy Jackson!”
Percy frowned to see Clarisse La Rue sitting in a seat a couple rows behind him.
“Move your fat fucking head, I can’t see!”
“‘I’m doing fine, thank you, Clarisse’,” he mocked her under his breath. “‘How was your weekend’?”
Percy was startled to look up to see Chloé turned around in front of him.
“Will you two shut the fuck up?!” she whispered, staring at them in disbelief.
Percy’s face must have been beet red as he tried his hardest not to explode. He was dying of embarrassment as he tried to come up with some sort of answer.
“Uh, yeah! Sorry!” he apologized in a whisper.
Chloé just turned back around, shaking her head as she continued taking messy notes on the assignment due dates. Percy leaned forward slightly, looking curiously at her notebook. He found her handwriting interesting; it was kind of small with a lot sharp edges, written in haste without being too messy, almost like a doctor’s handwriting.
Percy knew he must’ve been lost in his horny ADHD world, because before he knew it, the instructor had just finished announcing the next project, a group project worth 20% of his grade.
“Alright, the groups are posted up here, so you can all come and take a look. You’ll have the rest of this class to figure out a presentation topic and get started,” the professor, a woman in her forties, announced as she retreated to her desk.
Alarmed by the words ‘groups’ and ‘presentation’, Percy anxiously made his way down to the whiteboard with everyone else, terrified to receive his group assignment. He prayed silently that he’d get at least one smart kid in his group, and zero Clarisse’s. As he slowly scanned the list of names up and down, his face went pale as he found his other two group mates. Clarisse La Rue and Chloé Jardine.
Percy wanted to kill himself immediately. Not only did he have to work with Clarisse, but he also had to figure out how to work with Chloé, who had just told him to shut the fuck up not two seconds ago, the first words she had ever spoken to him. He glanced back at Clarisse, who was standing beside Chloé. Neither of them looked very happy about the group assignment.
Percy glanced over at the peofessor’s desk, contemplating whether he should try and get a different group. He decided against it, figuring he’d had enough embarrassment for one day. Signing as he realized he’d have to face Chloé eventually, he walked over to where the girls were standing, ready to face the music. He’d fought monsters and faced imminent doom before, and somehow this felt exactly the same.
“I’m not doing all of the work,” Chloé crossed her arms.
“What makes you think you’d be doing all the work?!” Clarisse asked defensively.
“Because I’m in a group with you!”
“Hey…” Percy waved awkwardly, trying to break the ice, which seemed to also somehow be scalding hot.
“Oh, yeah. You’re in this group too,” Clarisse rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, unfortunately,” Percy retaliated childishly.
“Okay. We need to come up with a topic,” Chloé reminded them. “Which one should our presentation be about?”
“What are the options?” Percy asked, watching as she just let out a long sigh.
The next hour of class went by as slowly as possible. By the end of it, Clarisse had stormed out of the classroom, and Percy and Chloé were left sitting together exhaustedly. Chloé sighed as she got up, heading out of the building as Percy followed her.
“Sorry about Clarisse,” he offered sympathetically. “She drives everyone who has to deal with her insane.”
“Yeah, I’m starting to get that,” Chloé nodded.
Percy felt odd, and completely out of place the entire time he sat in class discussing the project with Chloé. Every time she spoke to him, he felt more stupid. He knew nothing about what he wanted to do for the project, and he was even less prepared to answer these questions when asked by Chloé Jardine. And of course, Clarisse also being a part of the group didn’t help.
But Percy figured it was almost worth it, getting to work on the project with Chloé, with her cool hair, tattoos and piercings, and blue eyes, the same icy blue eyes that mesmerized him when he spoke to her. Percy had to clear his throat and check his breath twice before smiling at her as she turned, just having ordered a coffee from the kiosk nearby.
“Hey,” Percy wheezed, realizing how eager he sounded stalk to her, cursing himself silently.
“Hi,” Chloé said with slight surprise, sipping the warm coffee.
She looked at him expectantly, wondering what it was he could’ve possibly had to say to her. Chloé had already done a brief mental scan of Percy; she knew that he was the Greek son of Poseidon, by his shaggy black hair and sea green eyes.
She knew from the perpetual dopey expression on his face that he was attracted to her in some way. She’d seen the way he looked at her and assumed that it was mostly more sexual than emotional, based on the way his eyes lingered on her skin and the way he was constantly averting his eyes from her chest.
“See you,” Chloé smiled, politely excusing herself as she walked away.
“Fuck,” Percy muttered under his breath as he watched her walk away.
He sighed in defeat as he watched Chloé walk away from him, thinking of a hundred things in that moment he wished he’d said to her.
“It’ll never happen, you know.”
Percy whipped around quickly, alarmed as he turned around in the direction of the voice he’d heard. Naturally, the disapproving voice had belonged to Annabeth, his sharp-witted child of Athena ex-girlfriend.
“What?” Percy questioned defensively.
“You and Chloé,” she responded promptly.
Percy crossed his arms. “What makes you think—”
“That you’re infatuated with her?” she asked him. “I know you, Jackson.”
“I’m not infatuated with Chloé,” Percy rolled his eyes at her.
“Well. Infatuated or not, her ex-boyfriend is Sean Morley. The son of Apollo?” Annabeth Chase smirked. “With the blond hair, and the shoulders?”
“Why are you so invested?” he ignored her, questioning her skeptically.
Annabeth smiled, patting his shoulder sympathetically. “Because. It’s fun watching you refuse to learn,” she said as her demeanor softened.
Annabeth walked off and disappeared, leaving Percy to do a lot of thinking.
Chapter Two
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fr3sh-tragedies · 1 year
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[Mean Girls 2004] Janis Ian x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.45k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Mentions of feeling possessive, language (?), implications of feeling like a burden.
[A/N]: This is based off of the movie from 2004, not the musical, but I changed a few things to help it better fit today: the characters have modern cellphones and use social media such as TikTok and Instagram.
 Janis was well aware of how her mannerisms could come across to others who didn’t understand her. She knew that sometimes, even if she tried her hardest to prove otherwise, she came across as overprotective and possessive of her loved ones. When she had been friends with Regina back in middle school, things started to spiral. Regina soon started dating, only a few months shy of moving up into her first year of high school, and started to ignore Janis more and more, especially once things were official with her very first boyfriend. Janis, who had grown accustomed to spending every day with Regina, would text and call her relentlessly. The two of them would make plans, only for the blonde to cancel last minute without letting her know, essentially ghosting her each time.
After this happened a few times, Janis grew apart from the others and left the school for the rest of the year, cutting ties with Regina. When she returned to start her Freshman year of high school, she had a whole new style. Finding comfort in her new gothic aesthetic, she finally began to express herself the way she wanted, long forgetting about the bright shades of pink Regina would force her to wear in middle school. Because of this sudden change, Regina made it known she didn’t approve by convincing others to poke fun at her, progressively growing more aggressive with her bullying. After all, how would it look if she was still friends with the "weird punk girl?"
Soon after she started to become an outcast, Janis distanced herself from others, all except Damian and her fellow art lovers. She found solace in the company of her friends. She sat with them at lunch, chatting away about art projects and contests coming up in town. It was hard for her to connect with others outside of her circle, too worried there would be another repeat of what happened with the one girl she thought would be her best friend for life.
A student transferred into the school one day, however, and immediately caught Janis’s eye. She was introduced to the class, gleefully waving to everyone as she spoke her name, and was guided to sit beside the goth at the back of the classroom. Right away, Janis grew obsessed with her. From the moment they first spoke, [Y/N] was always on her mind. She was dressed similarly to Regina, although she never wore pink. Instead, she wore muted shades of yellow, green, and blue. Her style was comforting in comparison to the eyesore the Plastics wore everyday.
Even with her brighter clothes and nature, [Y/N] seemed to have more in common with Janis than either of them would’ve thought. Both were openly vocal about their opinions, not necessarily caring about anyone else’s views, albeit [Y/N] tended to take on a more open-minded approach. The two of them could also frequently be heard coming back at someone with a clever, snarky remark when insulted or teased. What drew Janis to her most, however, was her love for art. She was silently grateful that the two of them shared the same art class. Eagerly, they’d babble away about what either of them were working on. For each group project, Janis would ask if she could work with [Y/N] instead of whoever she was already paired with, to which the teacher would reluctantly agree.
Rather shortly after their first meeting together, Janis invited [Y/N] to her table, not entirely surprised to see that she got along with everyone immediately upon sitting down. Damian noticed Janis’s interest in her instantly, and once again, Janis wasn’t surprised when he started to taunt her relentlessly for it. He’d even begun to message her back and forth. Here and there, when the texts would grow too frequent too shortly, she’d block him for an hour or two before unblocking him to message him back and ask if he wanted to hang out.
One day, while mindlessly swirling her spoon around in her half full pudding cup as she curled up on the couch, Janis sheepishly admitted that he was right about her feelings for the newcomer to their group. Damian cheered triumphantly and bragged about how he knew it the whole time, laughing when he received a playful elbow jab to the arm or gut. Eventually, he set the teasing aside and asked her if she planned on confessing to her and asking her out. She shrugged, expressing her worry that [Y/N] wasn’t into girls or that she would laugh at her for taking an interest in her. Damian stared at her for a moment as if she were crazy.
“Uh, hello? Janis, are you insane? Have you not heard the way she talks about women? There’s no way in hell she isn’t as gay as you.” Janis rolled her eyes at his words, but reflected on them regardless, wondering to herself if she might have a chance with her. “Well, yeah, maybe. But what if she does say yes to dating, and then Regina or someone else finds out and makes fun of her for it? I don’t want her to deal with all of that shit. For fuck's sake, she just joined the school.” Damian shrugged. “Hey, she seems to be pretty tough. Like you.”
After a few weeks of planning, cowering, and chickening out of her plans, Janis finally managed to invite [Y/N] to her house when her parents were away for the night. The two of them watched a few movies while snacking on junk food, gossiped for a bit, and then bundled up under blankets as the mood shifted. Janis had turned in her spot on the sofa to gaze over at [Y/N], her eyelids lowered as she got lost in thought. [Y/N] noticed Janis’s staring after a while and questioned her about it, worried she had something on her face as she subconsciously swiped at her mouth. Janis chuckled at her motion and shook her head.
“No, nothing’s on your face. I just…” She sucked in a breath, unsure of how to carry out her confession. Her mind wandered back to a few hours prior when she had been talking to Damian about what she should say. She sighed, her teeth catching her bottom lip for a moment before she finally looked back up at the girl seated in front of her, who was now gazing at her with curiosity.
It took several tries, but Janis was eventually able to tell her about her feelings. There was an overwhelming wave of relief that washed over her upon learning that [Y/N] was interested in women. Uncharacteristically, the goth fell silent, too shy to ask the question burning on her tongue. Her eyes dropped down to focus on her nails picking at one another as she tried her best to steel her nerves. Finally, after swallowing the lump she hadn’t even realized formed in her throat, she managed to squeak her question out.
“Would you wanna go out with me?”
She freaked out after a soft giggle came as her reply. Her head lowered, allowing her to hide her disappointment-filled eyes behind her fringe. “Sorry,” [Y/N] murmured, gently grasping Janis’s shoulder. “I’m not laughing at you, I promise. Not about your confession anyway. I’ve just never seen you this shy before. It’s nice seeing this side of you.”
Janis sighed softly in relief at her words, smiling and finally lifting her head back up. “So, is that a yes?” [Y/N] grinned, shifted over on the couch cushion, and placed a small peck to the ravenette’s cheek. “Of course it’s a yes, you dork. How could I say no?”
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After talking about a few boundaries after they started dating, Janis began to proudly show her girlfriend off, sneering at anyone who would glance at her wrong. And just as if it were clockwork, Janis was once again starting to come across as possessive. [Y/N] would record a small video or take a quick selfie to post to her Instagram or TikTok, and Janis would always be seen in the frame in one way or another. She’d do whatever she could come up with, wanting to set a reminder that [Y/N] was hers.
When taking a picture in bed to send to a friend on Snapchat or through chat, Janis was touching her in some way, whether it be an arm draped casually around her waist, stroking her hair, or just laying directly on top of her. When taking a mirror selfie, she’d stand behind her and hug her from behind, or casually be doing something in the reflection, such as untying and retying her boots or pretending to check something on her phone. She wanted it to be known that [Y/N] was taken. When they had to go their separate ways for a bit, she'd not-so-casually drape one of her trademark army jackets over [Y/N]'s shoulders, kiss her on the cheek, and tell her she'd see her in a bit. Then, when she was in classes without her, Janis would start sketching [Y/N] from memory. She'd come back to them later when [Y/N] was in front of her to clean the illustrations up.
She wasn’t overbearing with her tendencies, however. Not once did she have a problem with [Y/N] going out on her own or wearing something that showed off her body. On the contrary, she encouraged her to wear what she was comfortable with and be independent out in public. After all, she wasn’t going to be able to stay with her every second of every day, even if she wished she could. She’d compliment her on each of her outfits and even make suggestions that would help her feel more confident, such as framing certain parts of her body.
And after what happened with Regina a few years prior, she made sure not to overwhelm [Y/N] with calls and texts where she was constantly questioning her about where she was at all times. There were times when she would call back-to-back, but those instances only happened when she grew worried. Janis would ask her to let her know when she made it home safely, but if she never received that text, she would start calling to make sure she was okay.
The only time she would make it clear that she was going to go with [Y/N], no matter where she was going, was when she knew Regina or someone close to Regina would be there. The last thing she wanted was [Y/N] being cornered and made fun of without her there to stand in. She knew [Y/N] was fine on her own and that she could defend herself just fine, but she also knew Regina–she knew how brutal and manipulative she could be. She didn’t want [Y/N] to suffer with the same kind of bullying she already had to deal with herself.
During arguments with other students, including Karen and Gretchen, Janis usually blew them off with a quick, witty remark and walked away, not wanting to deal with the headache they would cause if she gave in. Whenever she saw [Y/N] being picked on, however, she would lose her cool. Insults and sarcastic comments would spill from her lips with a terrifying accuracy, never afraid to cause a scene if it meant the person picking the fight would leave [Y/N] alone. More often than not, a teacher, staff member, or even [Y/N] herself would have to pull Janis away and help her calm down. Not even Damian had ever seen her grow so aggressive towards someone–even when Regina was involved.
On more than one instance, Damian truly thought Janis was about to get into a fistfight with whoever she was arguing with.
Even when the two of them were alone, whether it be at [Y/N] or Janis’s house, the goth would get defensive over her. There had been a time towards the end of the first semester when a new dance was growing popular on TikTok, and [Y/N] hopped on the trend almost immediately. It wasn’t necessarily suggestive, but it certainly wasn’t modest either. To add onto the tone of the song, [Y/N] put on a bit of a revealing outfit to fit in with the other dancers.
She had set her phone up in the den of Janis’s home, having been there for the past couple of days to keep her company while her parents were away on a vacation that Janis didn’t want to have any part of. As the countdown timer for the video went off, Janis happened to peek over from the doorway leading into the kitchen, wondering what was going on. As soon as the dance started, that familiar feeling took over her senses. A couple of seconds in, she leaned against the doorway, watching as [Y/N] cussed to herself under her breath, stepped forward, crouched down, picked her phone up, and stopped the recording.
As she started the video over and repositioned it and herself to try again, Janis silently stepped forward into the frame. When [Y/N] shifted to let her hips move back a bit for a move, the ravenette--now standing directly behind her--moved closer and slipped her arms around the shorter girl’s waist. She tugged her firmly against her own torso and gently dropped her chin onto [Y/N]’s shoulder, glaring at the camera and lifting her hand to flip it off.
She knew Regina was likely going to watch the video if it were to be posted, so she wanted to send a “friendly” reminder that [Y/N] is off limits and she has someone with her to help her fight off any teasing she may throw her way. In the back of her mind, she knew Regina would comment on how controlling and possessive she was coming across as–a repeat of their final year in middle school–but she didn’t care at that point. It would crush her if she knew someone was making fun of her girlfriend when she could easily prevent it. Or, at the very least, lessen how aggressive it was.
[Y/N] smiled and chuckled at her actions, letting the pad of her thumb glide across Janis’s arm as she leaned back to kiss her softly on the cheek. “Hun, it’s fine. I’m yours, okay? You know that.” Hesitantly, Janis let go of her and stepped back, allowing her to stop the recording again. She typed something into the caption, then started the video over, asking Janis to let her finish the dance. Janis agreed and stood back a bit further.
She watched as [Y/N] carried out the entirety of the dance. At the end, there were still a few seconds left where the song played freely. [Y/N] improvised a few moves as she chuckled, pulling Janis towards her at the end and letting her wrap her arms around her again. She pressed another kiss to the girl’s cheek and slid forward in an attempt to end the recording. Janis caught her, however, by carefully gripping her hips and tugging them back against her own. She pressed a kiss to [Y/N]’s shoulder with a small smile before finally letting her go.
 She watched with a content grin as [Y/N] picked up her phone and twirled around to face her, smiling ear to ear as she bounced over to stand in front of her again. She tapped a few buttons on her phone before pulling the ravenette into a hug. “I honestly didn’t think I was gonna be able to figure out how to do the whole dance in one go,” she murmured as she leaned back, smirking at the feeling of Janis’s arms resting around her waist.
With a quick motion, she slipped from the goth’s embrace long enough to grab ahold of her hand and tug her towards the couch. As she did so, she snatched the remote from the coffee table and plopped herself down on the middle cushion. Janis followed suit, sitting down closer to the armrest. She watched as [Y/N] clicked the TV on and scrolled to YouTube to browse through the random videos suggested to her, asking which one they should watch first. Janis shrugged and hummed. “Whatever sounds good to you.”
After a moment or two, [Y/N] managed to settle on a video and turned it on. Before she could get comfortable, her phone began to ding and buzz repeatedly, prompting her to glance down at the several notifications popping up on her lockscreen.
She looked over at Janis, who had clearly noticed the sudden attention, and beamed at her. “It’s just people on TikTok talking about the dance. Nothing bad.” She held up her phone to reveal the likes and comments rolling in on the videos she had just posted. Surprised, Janis’s eyebrows raised as she scanned the screen. “You posted it? I figured you would’ve waited until you didn’t have to worry about me ruining it.”
“What? Why would you ruin it?” Janis shrugged and averted her gaze, glancing between the carpeted floor and the TV screen. Her arm lifted far enough for her chipped, painted nails to scratch anxiously at the back of her neck. “Ah, I don’t know. I guess I’m just worried I’m too much sometimes. I don’t want you to think I’m, like, obsessed or something. I mean, I am, but not in some kind of controlling way, y’know? At least, that’s not how I’m trying to have it come across.” She murmured on a bit longer, trailing off and sighing when [Y/N] laughed softly at her rambling. “Sorry,” she whispered much softer.
“No, no, don’t apologize. I think it’s cute when you ramble like that. And don’t worry, it’s not coming across like that at all. Not to me, anyway. In fact, I actually find it kind of attractive when you get all protective over me.” Janis’s head perked up at her words. “Really?” “Yep.”
She smiled, her tense features softening as she nodded. “I’m glad.”
She glanced back at the TV for a second before shuffling forward, sliding behind [Y/N] to hold her and let her lean into her chest. Softly, she let her head plant itself against the girl’s shoulder, hiding the lower half of her face. She peeked out from behind [Y/N]’s hair and watched her tap away randomly at different posts she scrolled past, liking and saving a few here and there. After a moment, Janis let her hand slide up [Y/N]’s torso and down her arm to link their hands together. She squeezed her hand gently.
Too shy to ask right out, Janis leaned her head to the side to nudge [Y/N]’s neck. “You, uh,” she started. “You don’t think I’m too much, do you?” Although she couldn’t see it, a wide smile cracked across [Y/N]’s lips. She clicked back onto TikTok and onto her profile, pulling up her recent video and angling it to let Janis see it from her position and read the caption.
Janis grinned upon seeing her girlfriend’s dance on the screen, humming and nodding once it was finished. [Y/N] swiped to the next video she had posted. Janis then watched the second video, cringing a bit at her own actions being played back to her, but glancing down at the caption that caught her eye.
My knight in shining armor shielding me from all the creeps.🤺❤️
She chuckled softly and swatted teasingly at [Y/N]’s arm. “You dork. You know how corny that sounds?” [Y/N] laughed with her and nodded. “Yeah, I know. That’s the point. You know I love a good cliche.” They smiled at each other, slowly leaning in to share a small, chaste kiss. [Y/N] leaned further into Janis’s touch. She sighed at the feeling of the strong, warm arms around her waist, focusing on the comfort for a moment before speaking again to finally answer the question she had been asked.
Her free hand slid down after dropping her phone, allowing her to cup the side of Janis’s face that wasn’t pressed against her neck. The tips of her fingers gingerly fiddled with the tips of her fringe that tickled her skin, brushing them away enough to let her stroke the soft skin on the ravenette’s cheek. At the feathery feeling, Janis’s eyes fluttered shut. She sighed silently and opened her eyes again when she heard [Y/N] speaking.
“But no, I don’t ever think you’re too much.”
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 19 days
Summarizing their last chapter of the LITA special novel (when the novel takes it's biggest time jump):
Rain lived with Payu throughout college, since Payu's home is close to campus.
When Rain graduated, Payu quit the company he works at in the show, and starts his own small firm. He asks Rain to come work with him, but Rain turns him down. Rain wants to get a job on his own ability, prove himself, and then come work with Payu when he has the skills to hold the job by his own merts, not because he's sleeping with the boss.
Rain has a brief stint at a crappy firm, then gets a job at a much nicer one where he rapidly matures. He is highly respected within 3 years, brilliant, innovative, and is quickly put in charge of his own projects.
But Rain is upset that Payu had to see him struggle and within months quit the first firm he was at, so he lowkey doesn't think he's worthy of working with Payu. That Payu would have brought up working together again if he thought Rain was good enough.
On weekends and evenings, Rain was helping Payu with projects or renovating the office space, and Payu was drowning. Eventually Payu was forced to hire a staff to help, but he's still struggling under crippling workloads as the only main architect.
Eventually, as Rain takes on more and more responsibilities, he no longer can help Payu.
Rain moves out of Payu's house to go back to his parents home (closer to his office). He and Payu see each other once a month if they're lucky, and at one point Payu has to stop even going to the races for several months (Prapai was also in a wreck, and after recovering he and Payu kind of quit the illegal races and (when Payu has time) handle above-board races at Pakin's legal track).
Payu's talent makes his firm popular, but the workload is crushing, and he blames himself for canceling weekends with Rain over and over, until they kind of fight about it. Rain trying to reassure him it's alright, Payu getting mad at himself, even though he is so tired that the fight happens with Payu laying on Rain's lap.
Eventually Rain goes to Payu's house and finds out Payu hasn't been home in a week because of work. Sunday night, and he's still at the office. So Rain goes to see him.
Payu is so deliriously tired and happy to wake up to find his head on Rain's lap again that he begs Rain to come work with him, even though he swore years before he would let Rain tell him when he was ready.
But... Rain was waiting for Payu to decide he (Rain) was up to standard and ask. So Rain immediately agrees, but needs 3 months to finish up or hand off the projects at his other job. Payu more than happily agrees, because now there is a light at the end of the tunnel for both of them- where they can actually be together all the time.
Payu had resisted hiring another full architect because he was holding the spot for Rain, so with them sharing the load, the work isn't so overwhelming, no one is drowning, and the firm is near Payu's house, so Rain moves back in.
... I think they might have forgotten Saifah still lives there, so like... if Saifah knows what's good for him, he'll give them a week alone before his cockblocking antics start up again.
I should also add- Payu finds a kind of illustrated/audio guided story he quickly falls in love with. It has simple, 4-panel animations in a very basic style, and a voiceover telling a story bit by bit. The story is called "Love Storm", and Payu quickly realizes he's hearing Rain's voice. Rain created it to share his and Payu's love story, and named the app Love Storm as a permanent declaration of his love for Payu (if you weren't aware, Payu = Storm). The implication that Love Storm the novel and the first half of LITA were Rain telling the story to anyone who would listen, and Payu happens to stumble across it. It's the only fiction Payu follows, and Rain's voice gave him strength on his hardest days.
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rc-writes · 1 year
𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨 | 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
pairings: benny weir x reader (could be seen as platonic or romantic)
warnings: two curse words??, if you’re reading this as platonic there’s one mention of wearing couples costumes but friends can totally do that to, uhh i think that’s it
a/n: alright i could have probably thought of a million more but it was literally 1am when i wrote this and i was tired lol. also i will admit that was me fulling self projecting on the info dumping about movies part and wanting to text someone at an ungodly hour, but in my defense i do genuinely think benny would do those things as well. also this was requested by an irl friend of mine who mentioned friends to lovers after i finished this so look out for that coming soon! also this is my first writing related thing i’ve posted on this blog in like 2 years!!
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will try to learn spells just to impress you
of course there was a few that went wrong
maybe more than a few, but it’s the thought that counts right?
will send every meme or funny video he finds
does not matter if its 3pm or 3am he will send it immediately after he found it
which speaking of 3am i can see him not being able to sleep so he tries texting you
if you answer i can see him texting “hey what’s wrong?? why are u up so late?? everything okay??” and completely ignoring that he too is also awake at this hour
“you are aware you texted me first, why are you up”
“i asked you first”
benny absolutely loves video games and will want to play a few with you even if you don’t like video games
which if you’re with him there a good chance you love them too
but if you don’t you will most likely start liking them even just a bit because he makes them fun
getting to spent time with him and watch him do something he loves makes it special
it also can be really funny
can guarantee at least once he’d say “watch this babe” or “this ones for you” and immediately fail/die
this is also something that definitely happens in the outside world with him trying to throw something away or something
pure of heart, dumb of ass
also i don’t know shit about video games so i cannot go into anymore detail then this lol
is 100% down with spontaneous movie nights whether that be binge watching movies at home or going to the theater
if it’s a movie he’s obsessed with but you’ve never seen he will be trying his hardest not to info dump and potentially spoil the whole thing
but if it’s a movie he knows you have seen he is more than willing to explain every single fact about it he knows
“did you know that while filming this bit they had film it completely in reverse to make it look like that?? insane right!?”
speaking of movies if it’s a horror/scary movie you can bet he will try to act all tough and not scared before it starts
even if you already know how much of a scaredy cat he is he will try to play it off
but the second the first jumpscare happens there will be popcorn flying everywhere
he is no longer allowed to hold the bowl
you’re still finding popcorn in the couch
he will still continue to pretend that he’s not scared despite shaking like a scared chihuahua
you will have to be the one to grab onto him
which then leads to him hiding his face into your neck or behind you
he still refuses to let you turn it off even if you insist it’s okay
there is a part of you that feels bad but also a part that thinks it’s so funny
your contact names in each others phones are han solo and princess leia
the only suggestions i will take on this is that yours is han and his is leia
will take you to every convention within driving distance
if the convention if for some game/show/movie you don’t know be prepared for a whole powerpoint presentation or a weekend of binge watching whatever media it is
“didn’t you just say you hated doing a powerpoint for history??”
“babe this is way more important and interesting than anything school can teach”
you both will be going all out costume wise every convention
i can totally see you guys going in couple costumes or like hero and villain
if the latter you two take turns on who gets to be the villain or hero
if you are with benny there is no way you can be a halloween hater
he can do freaking magic, of course it’s his favorite holiday!!
this also can follow what i said for conventions with the costumes
at some point there is a competition on who can get the most candy
if he loses, he will say that the candy was just too hard to resist, and he had to eat just one piece that turned into him eating many pieces
this is a true fact whether he loses or not
side note if you can go a whole night of trick or treating without eating a single piece of candy while doing so i don’t believe you
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helshollowhalls · 1 year
I have some thoughts. On Mysta's graduation. And the current state of Nijisanji in general.
At the end of the day, I am not surprised. I expected someone else to graduate first, hell I even expected Niji to keep more of an iron grip on their money makers aka Luxiem in order to milk them for more cash, but I digress.
Mysta is graduating and it only goes to show that their 'money first, talent... third? last?' approach comes back to bite them in the arse. This might be the potential wakeup call for everyone who has yet to realize that the entire English branch of Nijisanji is crumbling away in record time because of the absolutely abysmal talent management and treatment of the livers.
I refrained from speculating who would be the next ones to graduate after Nina - simply because I will leave that job to the anonymous leakers on the site/platform that shall not be named here. Apparently Shu and Vox were brought up as the potential next people to graduate (this is according to a recent Depressed Nousagi stream but he didn't show any screenshots so take that with a massive bucket of salt.) Mysta was allegedly also mentioned down the line, but he seemingly wasn't the first choice.
Honestly, if you think about it the entirety of Luxiem must be so done mentally. They didn't know what to expect when they signed up to become Nijisanji's first male English-speaking Vtuber group. They waltz onto the scene, explode in popularity all over the world out of nowhere basically and suddenly they're Niji EN's favorite child. The company is milking them for all they have because OH BOI do they rake in the cash - not to mention from a target audience that was completely ignored before in the EN corporate sphere - female viewers.
In a lot of things the boys weren't given any choice. Jazz On The Clock? The first ever second unit song in Niji EN ever and it was released even before their anniversary. With Luxiem being the fourth EN wave in total it felt a little counterintuitive - Wouldn't they start another potential wave of unit songs with LazuLight, their first wave? Well, now that Light Me Up is out and Pomu talked about the entire fiasco of LazuLight basically fighting management tooth and nail to be allowed a second unit song, I think most of us can guess how things are going at Anycolor. And in case you're not entirely convinced, just look at the amount of Luxiem merch Niji has put out compared to any other EN wave.
It's not just JotC, but their anniversary/irl Japan meetup stream as well. That stream was something that personally really rubbed me the wrong way because it felt very inauthentic. It felt like the five of them were just shoved into a room at the Niji HQ to play Smash and do some batsus while the executives and managers proceeded to lock the doors and breath down their necks for the entirety of the stream. The stream had a very different feel to it - Comparing it to other Luxiem collab streams or even other anniversary streams. Management didn't consider it necessary to order Obsydia or Ethyria to Japan and record their anniversary streams at the Niji HQ - Well, that would be because none of them make the company as much sweet sweet cash as Luxiem - Closest would maybe be Selen. And even she has been public about the management fuck-ups - I am talking about her outfit design contest here, of course.
But back to Luxiem. I don't follow them as closely as I used to in the beginning, infact I am only subscribed to Shu out of the five, so let's start from here.
The entire wave collectively tweeted very salty and sarcastic remarks about the official announcement of the EN 3D Live Concert being "postponed due to COVID" earlier this year. But out of all of them, it seemingly hit Shu the hardest. I noticed that he was streaming less and less, infact he still isn't streaming as much as he used to.
Ike... oh boi, where do I even begin. Judging from his spontaneous irl hangout with Vox recently and the amount of projects he has been involved in as a vocal mixer, not to mention his two recent songs of which one is an original, this man seems to be working 30 hours a day and is stressed to the max.
Mysta made his personal situation and his ongoing burnout/lack of goals to work towards very clear in his graduation announcement stream, so I won't go into detail.
Vox has also been streaming less frequently. During the course of his employment at Nijisanji he got diagnosed with ADHD and PTSD (I believe), started therapy and medication, had a panic attack during an ASMR stream, started new projects and also some personal issues in his private life to deal with.
I have to be honest about Luca - I don't really know anything about what is going on with him apart from the fact that he planned to move again and got a puppy.
In conclusion, I could see reasons for anyone of them graduating anytime soon. Management isn't treating them well - Management isn't treating anyone in EN well, it seems - and at some point that fact doesn't warrant staying with the company anymore. Plus, money isn't really an issue for any of them at this point I assume - Especially Vox and Mysta. Both of them have enough money to fulfill their potential aspirations as indies or under another agency or manager.
Infact, apart from a couple of livers I can see anyone graduating next because of how Nijisanji handles things.
Some may argue that it all started going downhill when they kicked Yugo or when Zaion got terminated - Regardless of what you think, at the end of the day, the entire branch is seemingly falling apart right in front of us and Nijisanji's reputation is tanking, especially with the English-speaking fanbase, while Hololive idly sits by and watches the drama unfold.
The consequences of Mysta leaving and the message it sends about Nijisanji and how they treat their livers can't be understated.
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backmuscles21 · 7 months
I'm Right Here
Recombinant Lyle Wainfleet x Reader
Summary: Waking up as a recom wasn't the hardest thing you'd be doing that day. I did a little extra bonus for this boy, I had an idea but she was short. She's at the end.
Warnings: smut, explicit language, shower sex, public sex, humiliation, PDA, public nudity, size kink, biting, sub/dom undertones, quiet sex, porn with plot.
Waking up blue was hard to endure, you were now multiple feet taller and you had a tail. Not to mention all your senses were dialled up to 11, you heard a soft groan next to you, and you turned your head over to see another Na’vi body waking up. You could only tell who it was thanks to the tattoo on his shoulder, Lyle Wainfleet, you felt your ears flick as he woke up. You were calm, you woke up and just wanted to lay there, looking at your hands and seeing blue freaked you out but you were told what happened and you calmed down.
You remembered; you signed up for this.
You slowly sat up and the staff disconnected you from all the wires and just in good time too, Lyle was having a freak out. You pushed him down by his chest, you put your face in front of his and tried to be calm.
“Lyle, Lyle baby. It’s me.”
He recognized your voice, he remembered it, his ears twitched, but he didn’t stop trying to get away. So, you did what you thought best, you climbed on top of him straddling his waist and placed your hands on his shoulders.
“It’s okay. It’s Project Phoenix. We signed up for this. Remember? I’m right here.”
You could see all the staff around you looking at the two of you curiously, it only now occurred to you how secret you kept your relationship. The only people that knew were those extremely close to you and it wasn’t really by choice, Lyle just can’t keep his hands to himself and he likes to brag. His hand came to rest on your hips and slowly trailed down your thighs before he gripped your hips to roll them over his.
“Lyle, not here,” you were embarrassed and the scientists were staring, you looked over your shoulder to see them trying not to look.
Lyle slowly sat up and kissed your cheek, “who else is up?”
“So far, just us. But Lopez and Ja are here too,” you pointed to behind you and Lyle looked over your shoulder at their bodies.
“When will they be up?”
“Soon, they got dosed right after us.”
“Who else is here?”
“That I know or heard, Quaritch, Z, Prager, Mansk, Zhang, Walker, Fike, Warren, and Brown.”
“I’m glad we both got in.”
“Back together even in death.”
The scientist came up and told Lyle she was taking his IV out and removing all the other wires. “You two can go shower then get dressed, we wake up the colonel last.”
Lyle smiled at you, you knew what he was thinking, he wanted to know what his new body could do. He stood up from the recom-sized bed and picked you up with him as you spoke his name in protest.
“The showers are down there, there are clothes in there too. Also, there are separate rooms for males and females,” a scientist informed the both of you.
“Got it,” Lyle said as he walked down the corridor.
“You’re not listening to her are you.”
“Hell, no. I just got you back. Plus, I wanna know how this body works.”
“So, I’m your test dummy.”
“You betcha. Come on, you haven’t thought about what’d be like to get fucked in this new body.”
“I can’t say it didn’t cross my mind when I saw you lying in the bed next to me.”
“Exactly baby, so no fussing,” he tapped your ass as he pushed the door open to the men’s shower room.
He set you down as he pulled off his hospital gown then yours.
“Damn baby, look how muscular we are.”
You let out a loud laugh, of course, that would be on his mind in addition to sex.
“And look at these,” he reached out to grab your tits, “smaller than before,” he pinched your nipples and you whimpered, “but just as responsive.”
His smirk was making you whimper more as your brows furrowed, he was humiliating you and you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it.
“Come here baby,” he lifted you up and walked the two of you towards a shower stall and turned it on.
The warm water cascades down onto your bodies, it feels nice to feel the warm water washing away the tank fluid off your body. You felt him press you against the shower wall, you could feel how hard he is, and it made you whimper out. You could feel how long he was against your thigh, there was no way this could fit into you.
“You’re bigger than before, so much bigger. I can’t-“
“Shhh, baby. You’ve taken me before. You said that when we were in our human bodies and I made it fit.”
“Stop being so cocky.”
“Can’t help it, baby. You’re just too tiny. Even now, still the shortest.”
“Hey, for the record they measured me at, 7’9.”
“Awe, princess, I’m 8’8.”
“Shut up.”
“Come on, you’re just as cute as ever,” his hand ghosted over your cheek before slipping a hand between your legs. “This should be easy, looks like the anatomy is the same, just bigger.”
“Maybe now you’ll find the clit.”
“Hey, I always make you cum in the end.”
“Yeah, after I help you.”
“You haven’t helped me in a long time princess.”
“Yeah, but you still-“ your words were choked back by him pushing the head of his cock into your opening.
“I love it when you shut up sometimes.”
His thrusts started fairly even and slow before speeding up to the point where you couldn’t even think, his fingers were instantly on your clit. Normally he didn’t start that fast, but this body didn’t have as much stamina as his last did. However, the ribbed parts of his cock were adding so much stimulation that it didn’t matter because him just penetrating you was enough to make you squirm. It happened quickly, you were both cumming, and your hands gripped his shoulders for dear life.
“Fuck, that was hot.”
“Neither of us lasts as long as we used to and these bodies are younger,” you said with a tired smirk.
“I knew right away my stamina has been fucked.”
“I think we both took a hit.”
“Well, we both came now let’s do what we were supposed to do.”
As you both stood in the stall and helped each other wash each other, others were waking up and entering the men’s shower room.
“Bro, you don’t even know,” Lopez shouted to Ja who was next to him.
“Look who’s up,” Ja said with a smirk.
“If it isn’t the two horniest people this side of Pandora.”
“You know you aren’t supposed to be in here.”
“That’s what I said but someone only thinks with his dick,” you said peeking over Lyle’s shoulder as his body covered yours from their view.
“You two fuck already?” Lopez said.
“What do you think,” Lyle smirked over his shoulder at Lopez and Ja.
“You two really are the horniest people this side of Pandora,” Ja said.
“How was it?” Lopez smirked.
You rolled your eyes.
“Bodies are the same. Just like getting off in human bodies.”
“You probably still fumbled,” Lopez smirked back.
“He was surprisingly apt. Other than the fact that both our stamina’s suck,” you said from behind Lyle.
“Well feel free to continue. Everyone else is up except the colonel. They are waking him up shortly.”
“Good to know, Lyle wants to be there for that. If he can keep his hands to himself. This motherfucker tried to fuck the moment he woke up. I swear the scientists almost died.”
Lopez let out a belting laugh as he started his own shower, he laughed again as he heard your soft ow after the sound of a slap bounced off the walls.
A few hours later you were there with pretty much everyone else as the colonel slowly woke up, Lyle was right next to Quaritch’s bed. As predicted, he was extremely combative, he punched a few people and threw them around. Lyle tried to handle it, pushing the scientists out and multiple people held Quaritch back as he fought. But eventually he calmed down and Lyle told him what was going on and he settled down more.
So, there you were watching your colonel get a wrap on everything by watching his human self talk about what was going on. You remember watching yours, you looked so tired, you don’t remember being that way. You talked about why you wanted this and why it would be great, you think it was more of a way to convince yourself at the time.
Then you were being informed of your mission: take down Jake Sully.
That night was interesting, there were a few rooms for the recoms, they were to share a room. It was two bunk beds on either side of the small room, four lockers and a nightstand between the two bunks. It wasn’t too bad; you weren’t really spending much time in here it was just for sleeping. You did get a state-of-the-art gym which made everyone happy so that’s all that really mattered to everyone.
As it turns out, bunks were assigned and it just so happens Lyle is right underneath you with Zdog and Mansk in the other bunk. You were more surprised they didn’t do two rooms, one for the girls and the other for the boys and just make theirs bigger but apparently not. It worked out better for you anyway, you would always have Lyle with you and no one would be the wiser. Except for everyone on your squad, you and Lyle didn’t hide shit anymore and he was so cocky about it.
You were both so open, like during the briefing Lyle just had you sit in his lap. When you slept it would be in his bed, when you went out for your mission, you’d sit next to him on the plane and he’d stick close to you well out in the forest. Not to mention anytime you were training, you loved to spar together only for him to say stuff like ‘looks like I win again.” Or ‘I got you under me again’ or better yet when he learned his sense of smell and he could smell how much he was turning you on ‘do you like when I have you pinned this way?’
That first night was one for the books, it was probably the hottest thing the two of you have ever done. You were both very okay with semi-public sex but this was a whole new level. You were supposed to be sleeping but Lyle was currently taking you to pound town as he roughly thrusted into you. You can feel your legs shake and you try to stay quiet but he’s going so fast and so deep, you feel the tears slide down your temples. You try desperately to keep your moans in check, trying so hard to swallow them but it’s not working. Lyle places his hand on your mouth and pushes his head into your neck as he bites lightly, careful not to pierce you with his new fangs.
“Wouldn’t want to wake anyone up. Z and Mansk are right there,” Lyle whispered into your ear as it flicked in response to his breathy moans.
He keeps his pace rough and fast; it wasn’t long before he had you cumming and shortly after himself. Your lips attached to quiet both of you down. As you lay there tired and spent with Lyle still inside of you, you feel yourself succumbing to the sleep pulling at your eyes.
“You guys are gross,” Zdog says as she rolls over to face the wall.
Lyle smirked at her then back at you and slowly pulled out causing you to whimper, he laid down next to you and pulled you into his chest. You both fall asleep and, in the morning, you get up and get dressed as though nothing happened and clearly Zdog is not impressed.
“If I had known you wanted to join, I would’ve let you,” Lyle said with a smirk as he walked off from you and Zdog leaving both of you slightly blushing while she held a smirk.
“A sub with two doms, she couldn’t handle it,” she spoke up and Lyle laughed as he was already halfway down the hall.
All you thought about was being fucked dumb between two doms.
A bit of a bonus: This randomly occurred to me and it needed to be written but she is so dumb.
You knew you had stuff to do before you went out on the mission, Lyle knew that but regardless he still wanted a piece of you. So, you devised a plan, he laid on his back with you on top of him and his dick currently balls deep in you. You braided your hair well you kept him warm, but he wasn’t having it so to prove some semblance of dominance you rocked your hips while you continued to braid your long hair.
But that still wasn’t enough for him so he was going to take charge and he did, he thrusted up into you. You moaned and hissed at the same time, his smirk and slight giggle made you whimper.
He’s humiliating you again and you’re eating that shit up.
But that doesn’t matter because he does it again and this time it has you stopping what you were doing to curl in on yourself and grip the sheets by his head. He snickered at your reaction, he liked witnessing you trying so hard to have control and something as simple as him taking what he wants has you crumbling.
So, he continues.
He waits a moment before doing it again and this time you can’t help but lay your body against his as you feel everything, he’s giving you. he stops for a moment, enough of a moment for you to tie off your braid and have him flip you over to rut into you.
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hiii congrats on 400 i love ur blog!!
i have a headcannon that jason takes architecture in new rome university to pursue his vision of rebuilding temple hill. can i request an architecture student!jason fic? maybe some engineering student!leo tossed in as well idk haha tysmmm! ~~♡
ೃ⁀➷ Screws and Ceramicsೃ⁀➷
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author's note: I'm sorry this took so long!! I'm back on my writing spree finally!!
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“The exterior facade of the Colosseum consists of four levels, with the bottom three levels composed of 80 arches each. Structurally speaking, the arches make possible the immense size of the structure-”
Jason adjusted his glasses as he was trying his hardest to copy his notes down, as quickly as possible, the professor was going kinda fast but Jason didn't blame him.
They have so much coursework for this semester. New Rome coursework for architecture students included the basics of Colosseum construction, Parthenon preservation and the surprising malleability of marble.
Currently Jason was learning the basics of Colosseum construction. It wasn't easy, but Jason was willing to give it his all, he even asked Annabeth for advice. His dream was to redesign temple hill, after he was done finishing the minor gods project. The only way he could get the permission to professionally redesign the structure of a long existing camp, was to get a degree to prove that he was worthy enough.
Romans do not play when it comes to buildings. Moreover, he didn't want anyone to call him a “nepo baby” and that he only got to design temple hill because he was Jupiter's son. Annabeth had already moved up levels of the architecture courses, and graduated with Percy. Jason was two years younger, by the time Annabeth had graduated, he was only then finishing highschool in California, so he still had a long way to go. Thankfully, Leo took engineering in NRU, so Jason had great company.
“Man, all these Romans do is yap yap and yap in cursive. They know nothing about how engineering works.” Leo babbled, complaining about his professor, who was a legacy of vulcan.
Jason scowled. “What are you implying, Leo? That we Romans know nothing about building stuff? That's the biggest stretch I've ever heard. They've built the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Domus Aurea, the Pantheon, Trajan's Column, Trajan's Market, the Catacombs, the Circus Maximus, the Baths of Caracalla, Castel Sant'Angelo, the Mausoleum of Augustus-”
“Woah woah calm down. I see you've clearly learnt all the names of those Roman buildings for your upcoming exam, thank me later for discreetly testing you. Looks like you really know your stuff dude. Romans are still mid engineers though” Leo winked. Jason stared at him bewildered. He hadn't even realized that he spit out all those Roman building names, he'd been up all night studying them.
“Iuppiter te perdat, valdez” (may Jupiter come at you, valdez) Jason muttered.
“Aww come on, don't go all Latin on me now, did you curse me out?” Leo questioned.
“Well, whether you realize it or not, I seem to be the only one who somehow get you to apply whatever you've learnt in class dude. I mean, I've said like two sentences, and that's enough to get you to yap about Roman buildings and Latin curses” Leo laughed.
Well, he wasn't wrong.
“also you are only proving my point that Romans yap in cursive, I mean, have you seen yourself speak?” Jason gave him a pointed look.
“don't worry, it's cute.” Leo said, patting Jason's hair.
“Well, maybe i yap in cursive because I'm actually knowledgeable.” Jason replied, tersely smiling.
“a little too much of a big head but fair point.” Leo admitted.
“Anyways I'm starving. In honor of you insulting us Romans, Let's go eat some nice Roman food," Jason said, dragging Leo to the cafeteria.
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“Leo, what's wrong?” Jason asked as he slipped inside Leo's dorm room. He hadn't heard from leo in a few hours now and he was getting worried.
Leo was scrambling anxiously, his hands seemed to be having minds of their own as his eyes darted around the room.
“I have like, 2 projects due tomorrow, and I swore to myself that I'd start on them early but I was having so much fun it totally slipped my mind-”
“Okay. Alright. First off, calm down. You still have like, 10 hours till your next class. You can still get it done by then, stressing out only prolongs your progress-”
“Give it a rest Dr. Phill” Jason rolled his eyes.
“I'm just trying to help”
“Well it isn't working, just letting you know, man”
“What's your project about? I'm no engineer, but maybe i could help with building the outer structure or solving machine equations to help make it work better-”
“Oh please yes. I need all the help I can get right now”
Jason smiled.
And so. The architect and engineer started their nerdy fiasco.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
i got you babe - j.h.k
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summary: y/n worked the hardest she ever has on this new project, and she thinks jonah can’t make it to her premiere.
jonah hauer king x reader
this movie had been the best, and also the most exhausting film y/n has ever acted in. she was working with one of the most important directors in a thriller movie. she knew the filming would take a toll, it required her to almost turn into her character, also carrying disturbing plot moments. she also knew this movie was the movie for her. the promotion was booming across the countries for her and it would likely be nominated for several awards due to the script and production.
she had invited everyone to the premiere. her best friends, her family, her boyfriends family, even her boyfriends cast mates. jonah was the most important person in her life. his career was finally starting to skyrocket. he filmed the little mermaid while y/n was also filming, and both of them were at a complete peak in their career. jonah had held her hand at every red carpet, and she held jonah’s on his. everything the other one did was only brought up with praise from the other.
the couple was laying in their bed on their sides, their legs tangled together as they admired the others features. y/n ran her hand through jonah’s soft hair, and his finger was gliding across her cheekbones. “you feeling ok about the premiere tomorrow?”
“i’m just gonna get it over with. i really wish you could be there,” y/n speaks softly in response.
“i know, darling,” he replies, sadly. “i would give anything to be there with you. you put blood, sweat, and tears into this movie and i so badly want to be there holding your hand. i’m so, so sorry love.”
“it’s alright, jonah,” y/n smiles to hopefully release some of his pity. “when it’s over, i’m coming right back home to you.”
she leaves a quick kiss on his lips, and jonah is unsatisfied. so, he leans in, deepening the kiss and rolling her on top of him. “i like the sound of that,” he says, his sweet accent swimming through his words.
y/n stepped onto the red carpet and was confronted with camera flashes and yells for her name. she could barely see a foot in front of her, immediately getting overwhelmed by the bright white lights poisoning her eyes. the release of the movie had already been stressful enough, she didn’t need more people screaming to get her attention.
the only person she wanted was jonah. he knew every single way to calm her down and whatever she needed to feel better. she knew the same for him, and she just wished he was here to help her. she just wants to feel his presence, his touch. however, jonah wasn’t there this time, and she had to help herself. so, she forced herself through to the end of the carpet, showing off her dress and putting on a fake beam for the photos that she’d probably see on twitter later.
she hid behind the large wall that concealed her from the photographers. she ran her hand over her hair, trying not to mess it up but desperately needing some pressure off of her. she figured she could have at least a minute alone with her thoughts, but her assistant had walked over to her again. “y/n! there’s someone here to see you, they’re being sent in now. they’ve requested for you.”
y/n sighs. it’s just more press or another interviewer to ask the same questions. she doesn’t want to sound ungrateful. the life she’s been given is beyond fulfilling, and she would never want to take it for granted. but right now, she just wants the arms of her boyfriend to hold her.
she walks around the carpet with blurry vision, trying to contain her tears to maintain her perfect makeup. she fans her eyes, dropping the fake smile and following her assistant to the person who suggested a meeting with her. the second she sees the tall man in front of her, she just wants to fly into his arms. so, she walks over to jonah faster and he starts walking too. he meets her halfway, letting her lean into him and allowing him to take some of the pressure.
“it’s ok, you’re alright,” he reassures, placing his hand on the back of her head as her face is buried into his chest. “i’m here, love.”
“how did you get here?” y/n asks, confused but relieved.
“i managed to move some things around. the producer told me you weren’t yourself, so i knew i had to be here. you’re forever my priority, y/n.”
“i love you so much,” she speaks, pulling away from him and kissing his cheek. “thank you, truly.”
“i wouldn’t chose to be anywhere but with you.”
“y/n!” the voice of her manager rolled in. “let’s start getting back out there.”
“can you come with me?” y/n asks, hoping jonah can hold her hand on the carpet.
“of course, darling,” he says, and they walk out together as y/n’s worries start to disintegrate with his touch.
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @textless​​
Hi! My name is Amadee, and I am a librarian who lives in Arizona. I also love taking photos in my spare time.
Check out our interview with Amadee below!
What got you started in photography?
Both of my parents were very interested in photography. I’d always loved looking at their work, and in high school, I got a 35mm camera as a gift, so I could start taking photos myself. Back then (in the actual 80s), HS students in the Minneapolis area could take classes at area colleges for dual credit. I started taking photo classes at the University of Minnesota and had access to a darkroom and nearly unlimited film and processing supplies without realizing just how amazing that was. I took many photos of friends, acquaintances, and strangers, and I loved looking at work by Nan Goldin and Bill Owens. After college, without access to a darkroom, I stopped taking pictures almost entirely.
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How has technology changed the way you approach your work?
Bluntly, technology allowed me to start taking photos again. The first digital cameras I tried in the early 2000s were terrible: slow, clunky, and with next to no storage capacity. Even so, they seemed like the first step in an interesting direction. By 2008 or so, I had a point-and-shoot digital camera and rediscovered what I loved about photography… except that I no longer wanted to take pictures of people. Soon I started taking photos of tiny things, especially insects, and my little camera wasn’t up to the task. I got a DSLR with a macro lens in 2010 and haven’t stopped taking photos since.
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I know many photographers who are nostalgic for film, whether or not they were around in the analog era. More power to anyone who wants to spend the time and money, but I don’t miss film even a little. For the kind of photography I enjoy, which is almost entirely documentary, the ability to take an unlimited number of photos, and see what did or didn’t work right away, makes all the difference.
You've also written books in the past—what was the most challenging, yet rewarding part of the process?
I was a children’s librarian for many years and just love books. So, when I started writing, I hoped to create books that would connect with kids and spark their imagination. Cortez the Gnome was a book I would have liked to see as a kid, and the art project elements were fun and frustrating. Gentle Hands filled what felt like a gap in my storytimes and gave me a chance to work with a publisher I like very much. Alas, my biggest challenge is that I haven’t had an idea in years! I write occasional blog posts for Free Spirit on topics related to serving youth, but working with kids was the spark for new ideas, and these days my work is mostly admin. I enjoy it more than I would have guessed years ago, but as a wellspring of inspiration, it is not.
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How do you create healthy boundaries in balancing your day job and personal aspirations?
Work comes first every time. That might sound like a drag, but I truly like my job and think library service is critically important. In some of the tiny communities we serve, the library is the only gathering place open to everyone, and the only place to access fast internet, enrichment activities for kids, books, movies, and all kinds of other good stuff. I love taking photos, but I would hate to make a job of it.
What is the hardest part of your process?
The process itself is just fun, and I’d stop if it weren’t. I used to stress about editing and posting photos soon after taking them because I wanted to create a sort of nature journal in real-ish time. That wasn’t sustainable, partly because the subjects that interest me are so seasonal. I might take 2,000 photos in August (peak macro season here), but only 100 in February. Now I just try to indicate when photos were taken and know that I’m the only person who particularly cares about that. For years I posted six new photos each day. Now I generally post two and skip days or longer whenever it suits me.
Right now, the biggest challenges are external. First, my vision is less and less sharp. It’s nothing severe, just a function of age, but it makes me think I’d better develop an interest in non-tiny subjects at some point. Second, some small but annoying health problems have kept me from getting out much over the last year. I used to take a hike or long walk at least once or twice a week, and more in peak bug season. Since last September, I’ve taken two longish walks and mostly stuck to the yard. On the plus side, it’s an excellent yard with an ever-growing assortment of interesting plants and insects.
While this is frustrating in some ways, it’s also a distillation of something I have always liked. Even when I was hiking all the time, I enjoyed going back to the same places, again and again, getting to know them in detail and watching the seasons roll through. Staying so close to home this year has been an extreme version of that, and some aspects of that have been very satisfying.
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I should also say, for the record, that I am not technical at all. I’m not interested in new gear as long for its own sake, and I don’t like messing with camera settings or anything fiddly. My favorite piece of photo advice ever was “f/8 and be there,” which I took to mean finding a basic setup you like and focusing on the subject at hand. I like finding strange or beautiful things that other people might not notice and trying to make them interesting to a wider audience. (Wider than just me, that is.)
What is something you would love to photograph but haven't had the chance to yet? Why?
This is oddly specific, but I desperately want to find an Arizona Unicorn Mantis (Pseudovates arizonae; check out the photos here). Several have been spotted within two miles of my house, but I have never found one yet. They are otherworldly and just fascinating. Insect goals!
Are there similarities or differences in your workflow when it comes to photography and writing?
Mostly difference in that photography is relaxing, and writing is nearly impossible, at least right now.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
There are several excellent photographers who live in my corner of Arizona, and I love their work because it shows different aspects of a place I care about. Also, their photos are just gorgeous.
@fatchance�� is practically a neighbor and an all-around lovely person. He takes beautiful pictures of birds and desert flora, and unlike me, he takes the time to learn about and share good information about his subjects.
@thelostcanyon​ is another south-eastern AZ photographer I admire, and he is also a very good painter.
@inlandwest​ is actually my partner. We’ve lived all over the west together, and I like that his wide-open-spaces aesthetic is so different from my focus on the little things.
A little farther afield, I love @macroramblings​, and Celeste, of @celestialmacros​, @celestialphotography​, and @occasionallybirds​, for their beautiful macro work.  @mostlythemarsh​ is another long-time favorite. He’s not a macro photographer, for the most part, but I like seeing familiar places through the seasons, and I like the stark difference between his environment (east coast/Canada) and my own.
Thanks for such wonderful answers, Amadee. Check out her beautiful photography work over at her Tumblr, @textless​!
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always-sleeepy-headd · 4 months
Happy Birthday, Your Present Is Angst Because I'm Tired and Kinda Emo Inside
This was written for Cross's birthday ages ago and I'm only now posting it lol (Sorry!)
It's Cross's birthday today, he wants to forget and he tries his hardest too. Although it never seems to work and just leaves him with more scars and more pain.
Cross is beginning to love that pain.
Cross burns himself so if you don't think you can handle that I just wanted to let you know.
Also he purges and I know that's a sore spot for a lot of people including myself but I'm tiny bit of a masochist lol (I actually enjoy writing about things that have happened to me or to someone dear to me and projecting on my poor Crossyboo 😔✊)
Don't purge guys, it's not good and can seriously damage your body, and if you have before, I got you babes everything will be alright <3
Even if you're just going through a tough time right now remember everything is temporary, you and I, the world, sadness, you name it, we'll all make it through if we keep trudging on!
Cross wasn't the type for celebrations, it made him nervous and want to hide under something while everyone just chatted it up like they weren't all dead.
He was sure nobody knew this year though, just like the last, and the one before that. A third unnoticed birthday is what he was hoping for when he checked the time this morning, he could go on with his usual day and hopefully not pass out again.
That was really close with Nightmare the other day, he was out training for an especially excessive time and Nightmare came in and had told him to take a break and Cross had barely registered him.
He had turned to the noise but all he heard was a ringing in his ears, he heard Nightmare's voice a second time and he was able to make it out then, "And take a shower or something."
As soon as he heard the door close he had stumbled and blacked out, it was only for barely a minute thankfully. When he got up he found himself on the floor and his heart beating quickly, thank the skies nobody had come in just then.
He had eventually managed to get up and take a shower before being called down to eat dinner, it was a very strange tradition for someone like the Bad Sanses, they always ate meals together. But honestly if you really think about it it makes sense, Horror needed to know everyone was eating, he could go into panic mode if not.
It also made it easier to figure out if something was wrong with someone, that's one of the reasons meals were dreaded in Cross's mind.
That and the fact he can barely handle eating the food, much less keeping it down, and don't get him wrong, Horror's an amazing cook... he just can't. Especially when he's already frustrated with himself.
He barely made it though dinner, Nightmare gave him a few looks but he must have chalked whatever it was up to low self worth and Cross overworking himself, which was what Nightmare thought were the only things wrong with Cross, making it so much easier for him to do what he does next.
Cross's nightly routine always starts hunched over a toilet throwing up his insides and silently crying while doing so, this was easy to do without Nightmare noticing because Dust almost always had at least a small freak out during this time of evening.
Then when he's done throwing up anything and everything he's eaten and kept down he collapses onto the floor and desperately rummages through his box of 'special' things, pulling out a lighter and lighting it across his bone.
The intensity of the heat calms him while at the same time making him restless, he needed something, something.
He would burn and burn and he would even shed a few tears at the pain, just to do it again just to feel the heat of reality mix with fiction.
It was like a dream.
A terrible, awful, dream.
That would eventually bring him to today, he was putting on his overly complicated outfit again and would stare into the mirror as he splashed water on his face.
It was cold.
He wanted heat.
The pain of his burns hurt, he wanted more, more, anything for feeling and control, he would run them under cold water and this was the time of day Chara would say something to him. Chara would run off away from him to look for Killer to watch him play video games or mess with the others.
It was always along the lines of, "Cross, this is seriously getting bad," Or, "I think you should let that heal at least before doing it again..."
Cross didn't trust those words, not from Chara, not from anyone.
He walks down the stairs only to see an unhappy Nightmare and a on the verge of a panic attack Dust.
That was not a great thing to start his morning with, oh well he'll just ignore it at least means the attention will stay far away from him this morning.
Cross doesn't bother a good morning, he didn't feel like speaking. Nor did he really ever but that's life.
He walks into the kitchen to see how Horror's doing as he does every morning but Horror seems quite on nerve so Cross doesn't walk too far into the kitchen, it was a small gesture but very much noticed by the big guy.
"Good... morning Cross," Horror starts, sounding a little on edge, "The boss told me to keep everybody occupied this morning... although I know you usually train.. I was wondering if you'd help me out...?" He asks.
Cross was startled but he would never say no to someone asking for help, it's a habit he could never sway, he nodded but in a more 'are you sure?' way.
"Thanks... I asked Killer but... you know how he is..." Horror says, shuffling around, seemingly understanding Cross's not speaking as him not being up to conversation and handing him a bowl and some chocolate.
Cross gives him a questioning look, "Just... heat up the chocolate so it melts..."
"A-" Cross attempts but his voice fails him, "I- Is there a specific reason that I'm heating up... chocolate...?" Cross asks, they didn't usually even have chocolate in the house, let alone anything sugary but it seems Horror either had a stash or got this special to make something.
"Wanted... to make something." That was enough for Cross, he didn't care to question it any further, besides he really just wanted to get Horror's approval.
Cross, without a word, easily heated up the chocolate over the stove, it began to bring back memories of his AU he didn't want surfaced.
The sound of laughter, the taste of chocolate in his mouth, his arms didn't hurt, the worst he felt was a little sore. Speaking to everyone, not holding his tongue, no, actually feeling the urge to speak real words out loud.
The smell of chocolate cake, kind words he'll never hear again-
His palm burning.
Cross blinked in surprise and lifted his arm off of the stove quickly, he had accidentally set it down on the burner and hadn't noticed, the feeling already so normal to him.
Horror looked over at the sudden movement and asked him what was wrong.
Cross didn't respond.
The words were so caught in his throat, they refused to leave, he didn't want to speak, he didn't want to speak, he didn't want to-
"Cross." He hears a powerful and commanding voice that was unmistakably Nightmare's.
Still he didn't speak but his hand fell from where he was apparently clutching it.
"Is something upsetting you Cross? I can feel your emotions you know, so it would be best not to lie, I will know." Nightmare asks, Cross barely understanding.
Nightmare wanted him to speak.
He didn't want to speak.
He turned towards Nightmare, but still he couldn't even manage to get his mouth open.
"Cross, respond to me." He says and Cross could barely even think, his brain suddenly filled with images of his family's death.
A death of his own, maybe.
And then, his lack of food and therefore energy caught up to him yet again, he stumbled and then blacked out.
When he awoke he lay on the couch with a damp washcloth on his head and a bandaged hand, he almost panicked but realized his arms had no such care, Nightmare hadn't felt the need to check for other injuries thank gods.
Cross sat up and took the washcloth off of his head, staring at his hand for a moment before a smell hit his nose.
Chocolate cake.
He couldn't handle this, not right now, not ever.
It was his birthday, a day that he dreaded every year now, October 10th, the day Cross was born.
A day he considers to be the worst day of his life.
Celebration was no more, he needed a way out, he needed to get his frustration out, he needed to burn every piece of bone on his body until it was unusable, then use it anyway.
"Cross, you're awake." Nightmare says, startling slightly.
Cross didn't say a word.
"What's going on, you've been strange all week, more so than normal. Your little nightly negativity bursts have been getting larger and more prevalent every night, I think now is when I interfere." He sighs and Cross almost gasps, Nightmare knew something was wrong.
He didn't want to speak, his body would not let him.
He wanted to cry, his body could not.
He wanted to burn, he wanted to burn, he wanted to burn, he wanted to burn-
"Cross. Are you listening to me?" Nightmare's voice suddenly bursts through his thoughts of self harm. "Cross I'm not kidding, have you suddenly gone mute?" Nightmare says, his voice turning stern but softening a second later, "I promise I won't judge if something is bothering you."
Cross manages to open his mouth this time, nothing comes out though. So he closes it, unsaid words threatening to spill out now and that scares him more than not being able to get anything out.
Nightmare sighs, "At least tell me what happened, Horror was terrified..." Nightmare mumbles.
Cross opens his mouth again, but this time it worked, "I... got distracted..." He manages to mumble, his voice hoarse from little use.
Nightmare sighs again, "Distracted how? You end up with a burn on your palm, which you should have noticed right away if you had your hand on the burner by the way, that's really weird and you might need to figure out what that is supposed to mean, Horror is concerned you haven't been eating enough and passed out due to lack of malnourishment, although I'm going to guess it was overexertion, but then again you just woke up-" Nightmare sighs a third time, "My point is, what the hell got you so upset?"
"Ch-" Cross coughs slightly, rubbing his throat, "Chocolate..." He muttered, "The smell reminded me of something."
"...Oh boy." Nightmare says, realizing this was probably a mistake.
"...What...?" Cross mumbles.
"I think I should just show you, follow me." Nightmare says, gesturing to a door.
Cross got up and followed Nightmare without a beat, anything to get his mind off of his-
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CROSS!" Mostly Killer yells, Cross is suddenly hit with a dump truck of emotions.
"I- I- H- How- I don't-" Cross whispers just loud enough for everyone to hear.
"You told me one time when I was upset about something." Dust says, who happens to be covered in colorful streamers.
"And you told me when I was half asleep!" Killer yells excitedly, he's covered in silly string and Cross realizes that Nightmare has a tiny piece of it on his shoulder.
This made him cry.
He didn't cry in front of others, it was so taboo in his brain.
It wasn't sobs, it was just tears, he barely changed expressions.
Everyone looked startled, they had been expecting Cross to say they didn't need to or maybe even get a small smile out of him, not tears.
Killer immediately ran over when he realized what was going on, "Hey, hey, what's wrong? I thought birthday parties were supposed to be happy?"
Cross couldn't explain so it came out in sobs, Killer grabbing onto him while Cross cried on his shoulder.
Killer caught Nightmare's gaze and gave him a panicked look and Nightmare just shook his head.
Once Cross had calmed down and there were just occasional sniffles every now and then, they had moved one of the couches, "So... is this why you've been acting strange this whole week then?" Nightmare asks.
"S- Sorry." Cross mumbles.
"Do not apologize for things you are not at fault for."
"Sor- uh."
"Poor Crossy baby, he can't stop being a people pleaser~" Killer says, smooshing his face against Cross's in a manner that could be taken as mocking but Cross knows Killer well enough to know it isn't, still doesn't stop him from shoving him off though.
Killer is undeterred, he just hugs onto Cross harder.
"...Are you... okay?" Horror asks, looking worried.
"...Yeah. I'll live." Cross mumbles an 'unfortunately' afterword that only Killer and Nightmare could hear, Killer squeezed a little tighter at hearing that.
"Why did you pass out...? Do you... know?" Horror asks.
"..." Cross can't bring himself to tell them the way he treats himself when they aren't looking.
"You do know, don't you?" Nightmare asks, his tone only slightly accusing, Cross flinches either way.
"Criss-Cross, are you doing something to yourself?" Killer asks.
"Yes." Is the only word that Cross can manage to get out of his mouth, everyone's frown deepens at the sound of it.
"What...? If I may ask." Nightmare says, even though it sounds like you have a choice, you'll have to tell him anyway, he'll just ask you when nobody is around.
"I can barely eat..." Cross whispers, "And when I manage too, I throw it all up, I can't keep food down anymore, I don't even need to make myself throw up anymore... I can do it on command."
"...What?" Horror says, looking horrified.
"I'm sorry..." Cross says and his voice starts to waver, tears threatening to spill again.
Suddenly Chara's voice pops in, "What about your arms?" They say, "I know you already told them some of your bullshit but every morning when I see them they get worse."
"That's not... the only thing..." Cross mumbles, clutching at his sleeves.
"Of course it isn't." Nightmare sighs.
"..." Cross slowly rolls up his sleeves and a series of gasps and exclaims are heard, one from Nightmare as well.
"W- What the hell are you even doing???" Dust asks, his horror not even hidden.
"Burning." Cross says.
"... How much is there?" Nightmare asks.
"All over my whole body... but mostly my arms." Cross says, wincing.
"I- I don't even know-" Nightmare says, seemingly astonished. "You know what? Come here, let me heal you."
Cross was super embarrassed the entire time Nightmare was healing despite Nightmare telling him that it was fine over and over.
It... went away.
The burn is gone.
He needs the burn, the painfully awful heat on his bones to stab at his regret and shove it so deep down it disappears momentarily.
Nightmare notices his... unhealthy... thoughts and lets out a frustrated sigh, "Cross, you do know you're definitely not allowed around lighters anymore right?"
"Okay." Cross says, his emotionless stature coming back, but Nightmare, being so close to him, could feel the addiction in his aura, the temptation and pain that Cross was so good at hiding.
Nightmare frowns at this.
"Come on, I thought we hit something and you wouldn't be an emotionless robot around us anymore." Killer grumbles and Nightmare sends a glare his way, Cross knew Killer was actually worried about him though.
Throughout his entire time at Nightmare's he's seen everyone but Nightmare cry before, Nightmare obviously has his own problems though, he's seen him flinch when he gets glared at or Killer and Dust's roughhousing gets a little too close to him and a hand goes up near him.
They never seem to notice though, they just keep going and Nightmare will sigh and tell them to be nice and that he's going to take a nap. He never does though, he goes and sits in his library and reads what are 'not' romance novels. Cross had seen it himself, Nightmare was reading a book that Cross had read and of what he remembers it was all schmoopy feelings and smut.
He leaned over and said, "Whatcha reading there?" He giggles as Nightmare flinches and turns his head around quickly, his face turning extremely confused as it was not normal for Cross to act like this at all.
"Sorry about startling you, I just recognized the book you were reading." Cross says, holding back giggles.
The horror that showed on Nightmare's face when he said that was unmatchable with anyone he's ever seen die at the hands of any of them.
"You. Didn't. See. Shit. You hear me?" Nightmare had said, Cross replying with a thumbs up and giggling a little.
Nightmare was interesting, although seeing Killer cry was the craziest thing Cross thinks has ever happened.
Killer was supposed to be emotionless, he wasn't supposed to feel anything at all.
And the funny thing about it was that Killer wasn't crying about regret, or his own sadness, or even for someone dead.
Killer was crying about a fake comic about two cats.
Nightmare's face when he heard Killer's sobs in the corner of the room was completely shocked, Killer per usual was sitting on the bright pink beanbag in the corner of the room that had been there as long as Cross has and longer.
As it was just Cross, Killer and Nightmare home at the time, they both had looked over immediately and seen Killer sobbing over his phone, Nightmare had run over as quickly as he could and asked what was wrong.
"The cat dieddd!" Killer responds, sobbing into Nightmare's shoulder.
"...What?" Nightmare had said, confused as ever.
This was also the first time Cross had heard of Color, apparently Color had sent Killer a link to this super cute cat comic about two cats who were siblings but then a human killed on of them near the end of the comic, Color had also apparently sent that 'watch this being back your emotions' and Killer had been like, okay, whatever I guess I'll read it.
But then the cat died and he started sobbing.
Cross had felt bad but then he realized the hilarity of the situation and started to uncontrollably giggle.
Nightmare had looked at him and given the most 'are you kidding me' face in the world and Cross started to laugh more.
Killer's face when Cross started to laugh was so...
Let's just say there was no words to describe the mix of hurt and then awe at Cross's laughter.
Cross didn't emote, that was how it was and how Cross thought it would always be.
Nightmare was the first to change that, then Killer started to hang out with him after that, Cross never realized how funny Killer was. It was hard to see through the insensitive bitchass Killer was when he first met him.
Killer had... changed in his eyes a lot since then, like right now, with Killer hugging on his arm that had already been healed to the best of Nightmare's ability.
Like right now? Killer was the cutest thing Cross thinks he's ever seen.
Killer and Cross weren't dating, neither of them were good enough with their own feelings to deal with eachothers. They liked each other, maybe.
That's how it was and Cross didn't mind, Killer wasn't as much as a bitchass as he'd first thought.
"My apologies about all the festivities Cross, we just were excited that we finally found out when your birthday was and didn't think about how you hadn't said anything for the past three years, or how it might have painful memories attached to it." Nightmare says, finishing with his other arm.
"... I'm fine, I just..." Cross sighs, "My birthday was never a bad thing before... It's not like I have these terrible birthday memories, it just reminds me of... my AU." Cross says, stopping himself before he says family, he couldn't call them that, it hurt too much to think of how they were gone.
"I understand, if you want us to ignore it from now on we will, but I think it might help if your memories of your birthday are not all of things that cause you pain." Nightmare says and Killer nods and whispers.
"I got you a special present." he says in Cross's ear, seemingly excited about it.
"Okay," Cross says, talking feeling so much easier than usual, "I think you're right..."
"Yay!" Killer exclaims, "I can't wait to show you what we got you~!"
Cross exhales and smiles a little at Killer, who sees it and his eyes light up in a triumphant way. "I knew you could smile." He says, getting in Cross's personal space a little.
Suddenly, Cross knew everything would be okay.
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strayheartless · 9 months
I have an AU in my head where Gaia gets sick of the Sephiroth’s shit and ends up tuning him back into a baby and shipping him off to Cloud to raise differently.
Like she full of grandma Pascal’s him like “He said mommy I want to destroy every living creature on the planet, but I said m’hijo, don’t do that do something else!”
And Cloud has only a little concept of what’s happening when he helps Tseng excavate an old project S lab. He had a dream about a Moses basket in the middle of a burning Nibelhiem and the sound of crying. He just thought It was new parent anxiety over taking on Denzel, but it all suddenly makes sense when he looks into an incubation chamber and sees a tiny silver haired baby squirming to be held.
He’s annoyed about it obviously. Gaia seems to be under the impression she says jump and Cloud asks how high, but he’s also smart enough to know that this is a chance to save the General and the planet from an endless war. So he scoops up babyroth and takes him back to edge to raise him.
It’s tough going at first. Sephiroth’s is not an easy baby. He’s fussy; his cries can and will shatter glass; he’s stronger than he should be for what Cloud would wager is only about four months old. He starts teething early; he has opinions about carrots and bananas (much to the walls dismay) once he gets onto solid foods; he’s demanding in that way that only baby’s can be, but it seems a little bit more than that.
It takes everyone a while to figure out that what he actually is, is traumatised. He’s clingy in a way that shatters Clouds soul because if they put him down he panics. If he can’t see Cloud, even for a second, Sephiroth seems to think he’s been abandoned.
Eventually though, Seph settles a little, and it doesn’t feel so much like Cloud is running on two hours sleep accumulatively and sheer will power alone. Seph seems to smile a little more and there’s a little look of wonder in his little mako blue eyes that makes everybody melt.
Tifa finds it the hardest to reconcile this tiny child with the man who murdered her father, and it does put significant strain on her relationship with Cloud for a while (that’s not a judgment on Tifa btw, girls aloud to feel conflicted.)
Barrat on the other hand is of the opinion that the Goddess knows what she’s doing and a baby is a baby even if it did commit atrocities in a past life. It’s not current Sephs fault that his human parents experimented on him and a Alien symbiotic parasite god sent him mad. Current Seph just wants grapes and Barrats enough of a sucker for Rosie cheeks to give them to him.
Vincent is very careful with Seph (who they’ve all collectively decided never to full name unless he’s in trouble.). When he’s home from travelling he speaks to him quietly about everything and nothing. He doesn’t really touch him to start with, which frustrates little Seph who seems to think the cloak will add extra comfy cuddles. Over time though, Cloud,Barret and surprisingly Cid (who appears to randomly know a thing or two about babies.) help him get over his fear of hurting the little boy. Seph really enjoys cuddle time with Vincent, and learns to demand to be “upped” whenever he comes home.
Cloud, for his part is just dad, which he finds endlessly strange. He’d never really taken on that role for Denzel, he was the boys guardian sure, but they’d never really discussed the whole “if you want to call me Cloud that’s cool, but if you want me to be your dad I can be that too” thing. Marlene wasn’t his; Barrat was her dad and Cloud was Cloud. A parent of sorts, but not her Father. He was more like a devoted uncle really.
With Seph though it’s different. Cloud is this baby’s entire universe, and once language starts coming into play, various versions of “dada” become increasingly common. He’s not sure how he feels about it at first; this is the man who slaughtered his mother and decimated his villiage, the man who killed Aerith… but he was also just a baby.
This version of Sephiroth didn’t know what he’d done. Gaia had given him a chance at redemption and Cloud will be damned if he holds the acts of a mad man against a kid; no matter the circumstance.
So he’s dad. He feeds Seph, plays with him, baths him, puts him to bed, reads to him and teaches him everything he can. He doesn’t lie to him, and he always explains when Seph doesn’t understand.
And if Tifa slowly adjusts to being Mama then that’s nobodies business but their own.
Life’s nice being a family. Maybe they’ll add to it one day…
Or maybe Cloud will trip over a double Moses basket one day on the way out of the door to work, and when he looks down he sees two little crowns of hair one dark one red, and similar sets of shiny Mako eyes.
Maybe the little red headed one will cough weakly, and the dark haired one will fuss.
And maybe Cloud will curse himself for being a sucker for babies that used to be evil maniacs.
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