#also i want to get him laid because i think it might fix him
babblingeccentric · 1 year
the reason my sanji posting is so good is because i kind of hate him. i want to beat him up so he goes on a journey of self discovery and becomes a better person. and also because its funny
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ckret2 · 2 months
Chapter 64 of human Bill Cipher being 50% the prisoner & 50% the weird guest of the Mystery Shack:
Soos makes a deeply significant moral decision. To redecorate!
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If you're seeing this picture, it's because I either didn't have enough time to draw a better one before the queue spat out this chapter, or I decided that nothing else I could draw would be half as funny.
Whenever Soos faced something difficult, he talked to Abuelita. And Bill was nothing if not something difficult.
Soos laid out the situation to her in the living room as she watched her telenovelas—she didn't mind the distraction, she far preferred real life drama over anything they put on TV. He told her about the confiscated canes, the daily injuries, the bargaining for food, the threat of forced showers, the bruises and burns and blood Bill said nothing about. He told her about Bill's door trick and how he'd only used it to talk to a teen about life and tuck a kid into bed. Once he'd told Abuelita all his thoughts, she nodded slowly, eyes still fixed to the TV screen; and for the moment, said nothing.
The doctor on TV confirmed the tearful new mother's suspicions that her husband had cheated (DNA tests confirmed the baby was another woman's), and Abuelita muted the show as it went to a commercial break. Soos waited as she collected her thoughts to render her judgment.
"I have been talking to Mr. Cipher for the last month or so. He keeps me company while I cook so I do not poison him again," she said. "I think he is ruthless, manipulative, and self-centered."
Soos winced, but nodded. "That's true."
Abuelita went on, "I like him. He is self-confident. He's blunt in a way you only get when you're old and cynical. I think he is a bad person; but, many bad people are good company."
"That's also true." Soos nodded again thoughtfully. Like whenever a comic book had a young idealistic superhero team up with an old jaded ex-villain who played by his own rules, and they ended up best friends, in spite of their glaring ethical and political differences.
"But, more importantly than whether he is a good person or a bad person," Abuelita said, "he is a person. And if you do not like a person, there are three ways you can deal with him." She counted off on her fingers, "You can kill him; you can avoid him; or you can set your feelings aside, and treat him with decency. Yes, get rid of the people who are bad for you—but no matter how terrible a person is, you must treat him like a person."
Soos's eyes lit up. "Oh, like with grandpa!"
Abuelita nodded slowly. "Yes. Just like grandpa."
"Yeah but—what if treating him decently is, you know... dangerous? Like if he uses any privileges we give him to do bad stuff? The Pines think he will. And I think he might be secretly talking to his cultists or whatever? Who miiight wanna destroy the world? But what if they can't destroy the world actually, and if I tell about the people he's talking to, he gets treated even worse..."
"Without his devil powers, he couldn't destroy a bookclub," Abuelita said. "But, if he is so dangerous, are you going to kill him?"
"No. I actually don't think we can anymore?"
"Are you going to avoid him?"
Soos let out a heavy sigh. "I can't as long as he lives here."
Abuelita shrugged, as if to say there you have it. "You are a good, kind man, mijo. I am sure you will figure out the right thing to do."
He took Melody out for lunch. They went through a drive-thru so they could park and talk privately in the truck.
She took a firmer stance on it than Abuelita. "I do not want to be stuck with Bill forever," she said. "I could put up with it this long because I thought the Pines would get rid of him as soon as possible! Now that he's staying here indefinitely...?" She shook her head. "I really don't like it, Soos."
Soos wasn't surprised. "Do... you think they should have 'gotten rid' of him?"
Melody paused, then shook her head again. "This whole thing is such a bizarre situation. Like, I can get why it makes sense to execute the guy that can end the world, but... I just don't think that's a decision two random guys with a big gun should be allowed to make," she said. "Honestly? I think we should call some federal agency and put him in jail somewhere. You know I've been iffy on Ford's 'only we can contain Bill' thing from the start."
"Yeah. I know." Soos agreed with Ford—he was the Bill expert, he would know—but he couldn't say Melody was wrong, either.
"Our wedding's scheduled for the end of summer," Melody said. "And... I'm sorry, Soos, but I just can't live under the same roof as the guy that turned me into a statue. We'll still get married���"
"—Oh, phew, almost had a heart attack there—"
"—pff, sorry. But if Bill's still in the shack after the summer, then... then I'll keep staying with my aunt, or we could move into your old house and just visit the shack for work, or something... but I can't move into the shack permanently until he moves out."
"Okay. I accept that." Even if the rest of them had sorta gotten used to living with Bill, Soos thought not wanting to live with a former torturer/conqueror/dictator was a pretty reasonable boundary. "I dunno what we'll do long-term just yet, but—we'll decide on something before the wedding."
Melody let out a long, nervous sigh. "Okay," she said. "Okay. Thanks, Soos." She reached across the truck's center console.
Soos took her hand. "But, how do you think we should handle Bill until then?"
Melody stared out the window at the gray sky. The rain had dried up before dawn, but the sky was still hazy. "If we keep guarding him ourselves instead of getting law enforcement involved... personally? I wouldn't give him any kind of special treatment at all. He tried to end the world! He stuck the whole town in a throne! He can just keep sleeping on the floor and being miserable, and I'd be fine with it."
Soos winced. "I see."
Melody squeezed his hand. "But—the fact that you're kinder than that is one of the things I love about you. Even when the creep you're being kind to doesn't deserve it." She gave him a resigned smile. "Do whatever you feel is right."
He considered that. Then he nodded. "I will."
Bill kept Soos's Abuelita company while she cooked, and gossiped with her in Spanish better than Soos's about people Bill had never even met. Bill liked watching cartoons, sports where people got hurt, and weirdly intellectual movies Soos didn't get, and he heckled historical documentaries and the news. Bill was offended by white rice and had incredibly strong opinions about salsas for a guy who'd only started eating them a month ago. Bill hadn't taken his friendship bracelet off once since Mabel gave it to him. Bill might not have been a human; but he was a person.
It was high time they start treating him like one.
Soos came home late in the afternoon with his truck laden down with supplies. Stan's car was gone, and when Soos came in with an armload of wooden boards he didn't see anybody around except Abuelita, napping in the living room, and Dipper, laying on the living room floor watching TV. "Hey dude," Soos whispered. "Where's everybody else?"
Dipper whispered back, "Hey Soos. Stan and Ford are at McGucket's mansion." He didn't look up from the TV. He was watching a rerun of Ghost Harassers on mute. "Mabel's with Bill in the floor room. He's in a bad mood about something so they've been doing karaoke all day."
"Huh." Soos could faintly hear someone playing his electric piano. It sounded like it was on the organ setting. "I didn't know he plays piano."
"He's alright," Dipper said. "His singing's terrible, though."
Soos shuddered. He could imagine.
Well, at least it meant Bill was out of the way. Soos began his first of many trips upstairs.
"What's all this racket?" Stan trudged upstairs to inspect Soos's noises—and abruptly stopped at the top of the stairs as he almost ran into a wooden beam. "What the—?"
"Oh, hey Mr. Pines!" Soos hooked his hammer on his tool belt. He'd put up wall framing to section off the corner of the attic floor that included the window seat.
Stan circled around the framing, inspecting it in bafflement. "Soos, what the heck is this?"
"So, remember at the beginning of summer, when I said that me and Melody were thinking about putting in a gaming room-slash-guest room in the attic? And Ford said not to bother until Bill was gone because he wouldn't be here long enough for me to finish? Welp! Sounds like he's gonna be here long enough for me to finish now! So I thought, hey, might as well, right? No reason not to!" He shrugged. "By the way, do you think I should put the door in front of the stairs, or on the long side of the room opposite the window? If it's in front of the stairs, you can just walk right in the room when you come up, and we'd be able to put a big screen on the long wall; but when you're walking out of the room it'd be really easy to forget the stairs are there and fall, and uh, we already have enough of a problem with that—"
Stan finally got his dropped jaw working again. "But this is where the demon sleeps! Where are we supposed to put him now?!"
"Oh, it's fine! Bill can keep sleeping in here. I'll put up a curtain instead of a door for now. This way the room's ready for gaming once Bill's gone." Soos planted his hands on his hips and surveyed his handiwork with pride.
"Are you crazy? You're giving Bill his own room?! No way! He could do anything in private. We can't trust him with that—"
"Listen." Soos gave Stan a serious look. "Mr. Pines, I respect you, and I love you like the dad I never had except technically I do have a dad but he's off being a deadbeat in Florida or something so he doesn't count."
He pointed at the floor. "But this is my house now. My name might not be on the deed, but my butt is in the master bedroom! And nobody under my roof is living like—like—like some kind of starving hobo sleeping on a bench under a newspaper, you know what I'm talking about? The Mystery Shack is a happy place! Where people come to see dreams come true and have their imaginations expanded! And I won't see it turned into some sad one-man prison!"
Stan stared at Soos, speechless.
"So." Soos took a deep breath. "With all due respect—I'm building a gaming room, and it'll have walls, and Bill gets to sleep in it. Because he's a person! And we're gonna treat him like one!"
Stan slowly looked from Soos to the wall framing, to the boxes of supplies he'd bought for the room and pushed against a wall to wait—to the pathetic couch cushion bed still sitting on the floor in front of the window. "All right. That's—that's fine. I'll let Ford know."
Soos's shoulders relaxed. "Thanks, Mr. Pines."
Stan clapped a hand on Soos's shoulder; looked for a moment like he wanted to say something; then just shook his head and said instead, "Knock off the hammering before the kids go to bed, all right?"
"No problem! I've gotta set up some furniture and stuff in here anyway." He got back to work as Stan went downstairs.
Soos paused his work when he overheard Bill's voice: "Hey Stanford. Figured out the kitchen situation yet?"
Soos had to strain to hear Ford (jeez, Bill was loud) as he said, "We haven't had a chance yet. For now, we can at least leave one of the counter cabinets open."
"Huh." It didn't sound like an impressed huh. "And will this open cabinet have any of the foods you put in the cabinet to hide from me? Or just more of the junk I've already been scavenging."
Ford was silent long enough to provide the answer.
"I went by the grocery store," Ford offered. "I got avocados."
"Uh huh."
"And several pepper varieties."
"Ooh." Bill sounded intrigued in spite of himself.
"And protein drinks. They're nutritious, at least," Ford said. "But—I know that's not adequate. Stan and I will have something permanent figured out by the end of the week."
"I guess it's fine as an emergency measure," Bill said, "but you know how the phrase goes! Give a triangle a protein drink, and it'll eat for a day. Teach a triangle to open the fridge, and it'll eat for the rest of its life. If you lift that curse..."
"We'll talk. But don't get your hopes up. Neither of us likes the thought of giving you the power to come in our bedroom and smother us in our sleep the next time we have an argument."
"Fine." Bill's voice had hardened again. "You've got to the end of the week. But don't forget! If I don't like your offer, I don't have to take it! You can't keep me in this rickety barn anymore."
"I haven't forgotten."
The conversation seemed to be over and Soos didn't hear anyone coming up the stairs. He got back to work.
He felt good. He was doing the right thing.
When Mabel came up to bed, she stared in confusion at the modified attic floor, squealed in excitement when she realized what she was looking at, surprised Soos with a hug, and gushed about how great it was; and then she let Soos know Dipper and Ford were out tonight investigating weird stuff and went on to bed herself.
The first notification Soos had that Bill had come upstairs was a flat, offended, "What."
"Oh, hey!" Soos ducked out of the opening he'd left for the doorway—which he'd ultimately decided to put straight across from the window, to let a little light back into the attic. (He'd have to add more lighting in the main attic now that the window was blocked off.) Bill was standing at the corner of the new room, surveying the work with an expression of deep suspicion.
Soos said, "I was just getting started on this gaming room Melody and me wanted to put in—it's okay though, you can keep using it, we'll just turn it into a gaming room, uhhh... lllater. Whenever, it's cool!"
Bill turned his suspicious look on Soos; but when Soos gestured for Bill to follow him into the room, he reluctantly followed.
"Yeah, I got up the framing," Soos said, "but I couldn't get to the drywall today, so I just stapled up some tarps to be walls for now. But, look!" He gestured grandly. "I brought up the old orange sofa and chaise thingy that used to be in Abuelita's room! They've been in storage for like a year. I bet we could sit, like, six people on it for game nights. It turns out the sofa's a daybed, so we can use it as an extra guest bed for visitors, we do not have enough beds for visitors in the shack, haha. And, check it—" Soos flipped up the lid on a chest he'd placed in front of the right end of the sofa like a footrest. "I put in one of those top-down chest fridges for gaming snacks! It uh, the top of it swings up, that makes it a lid instead of a door, right? Sooo I guess you can use it too, right? You can just, put whatever you want on the weekly grocery list, and we'll put it in here. Oh, and!" He pointed at the ancient TV console table he'd hauled up from the cellar, "I set up a hot plate here, too! So you can cook stuff in the attic! For—for normal legitimate gaming room purposes."
Bill's gaze followed where Soos pointed, from the ancient orange sofa to the fridge chest to the hot plate. He didn't say anything. His expression was completely unreadable.
Soos swallowed. "Oh, and, by the way, speaking of home improvements, I took out the doorknob on the main bathroom, and put in one of those, like, little slidy dealies like public bathroom stalls? Plus I gave the door those swinging hinges—like the kind on saloon doors in the movies, o-or, say, the door into the gift shop—"
Bill whipped around to face Soos.
Soos jumped. He laughed nervously and tried to remember what point he was making. "S-so, um... there's no latch now, so it doesn't latch, which means there's no way to accidentally get locked in—or out, of the bathroom, and... and I don't actually know how much of that you understood, due to the whole curse thing? Just forget everything I just said, I guess, the important thing is you can use that bathroom without asking someone else now! Cool, right?"
He had to turn away from Bill's intense gaze, pointing back at the gaming room's doorway. "Anyway since the room isn't finished yet and you're probably gonna use it for a while, I hung up a curtain instead of a door. And I added that cool zodiac spell blanket thing Mabel gave me inside the curtain! Since you said you liked it so much when you first got here. And like... having it in our room kinda creeps Melody out, I think it might be giving her nightmares? So I thought you might like it better. Anyway I've still gotta do some other stuff, like add power outlets in here, and air conditioning, and... a-and..." He petered out weakly.
Bill was giving Soos the most venomous look he'd ever seen. 
"Sure. Terrific." Bill crossed his arms, seething. "I've slept on the floor, I can cope with sleeping in the middle of a construction zone too. No big deal! I'll make do."
"Oh," Soos said. "Uh... if it bothers you, I could try to get the walls finished tomorrow? Shack's closed tomorrow too, so, I was already planning to keep—"
Teeth grit, Bill snarled, "Don't put yourself out on my behalf."
Soos froze. "Oookay! Uh... well, I'll be getting ready for bed if you need... yeah, no, you—you probably don't need anything. Bye." He ducked out into the attic, letting out a whoosh of a sigh as soon as the curtain swung shut behind him.
Bill had looked like he was two seconds from ripping out Soos's throat. Why? Had he liked sleeping on the floor? He'd never seemed like he had. Maybe he'd preferred the attic's open flooring? Maybe he hated extremely 70's orange upholstery? Was this a mistake...?
Bill watched through the tarp until Soos was down the stairs. Then he lunged over the sofa, hanging over the back by his waist, to reach the attic window seat. He groped for the corner of the seat cushion where he'd hidden Journal 4.
He sighed in relief when he felt the familiar rectangular block in the cushion. He pulled it free: there was Journal 4, along with his two stubby crayons. As well as two marker pens, black and red, with a sticky note wrapped around them that said, "Thought these might be useful, dude!"
Bill's hands trembled with fury.
Soos was brushing his teeth when someone pounded on the bathroom door, making him drop his brush. The door swung open a couple of inches; Soos heard Bill mutter a confused, "What?" before it swung shut again.
Soos opened the door. "Bill? What's..."
Bill's face was completely flushed. It was hauntingly reminiscent of the look he'd had last year right before trying to murder Soos and the kids in Stan's mind. His rage had shot past "apoplectic" and landed on "apocalyptic." Soos understood how Pompeii had felt when the rumbling began. He took a few steps back.
Bill stalked into the bathroom.
He slapped the red pen down on the counter.
And, avoiding eye contact, he muttered, "Fine-tip yellow highlighter would be better. If you've got it."
"Oh," Soos said. "Sure, I... I think I have some skinny highlighters in my office. Just... lemme finish brushing my teeth."
Bill leaned in the office doorway, arms crossed tight, waiting. As Soos rummaged through his desk supplies, back to the door, he got the uneasy feeling that maybe Bill had lured him here to stab him in the back or something. He seemed mad enough. And the office was narrow; if Bill came up right behind him, there'd be nowhere for Soos to dodge...
When he found a new highlighter and turned around, Bill was glowering inches behind him.
Soos jumped. "Dude! You freaked me out."
Bill didn't condescend to respond. He just snatched the highlighter out of Soos's hand and stormed from the room. A moment later, Soos could hear him stomping up the stairs (and stumbling on one step. Soos really needed to figure out how to make the stairs more safe). 
For the life of him, Soos didn't know how he'd offended Bill.
The contraband supplies Bill had hidden behind a loose board in the wall still appeared to be undisturbed. He could only hope Soos hadn't found them during his snooping. For tonight, he could hide Journal 4 there; tomorrow he'd have to find a new, more secure hiding spot that kept it close enough to where Bill slept.
He turned around the hanging zodiac blanket and curtain so Bill's watchful triangular face was guarding the new attic hallway rather than staring into the room.
He surveyed his atrocious new sofa. If he'd known he would be plagued with this thing in the future, he would have found a way to make Ford get rid of it thirty years ago. Would Ford have thrown it out if his blessed Muse had told him it looked hideous? Maybe, but that would've put a ding in Bill's benevolent image. He could've said the sofa would lead Ford to doom? No, too implausible. Ford had always wanted a nice set of leather furniture; maybe if Bill had claimed the cost of leather furniture was about to skyrocket, and if Ford ever wanted to build his dream sophisticated gentleman's den then he should buy as soon as possible—maybe sell his current sofa to recoup costs and free up space... Yeah, Ford would've eaten that up, he'd have been so grateful Bill was thoughtful enough to care about his silly little life dreams and look out for his financial future. He shoulda done that. Hindsight.
So. What did he have here? A daybed; personal fridge; mini-stove; walls (tarp); two pillows; throw blanket; two markers; a lamp (unplugged); a clock radio (unplugged); a low console table with two shelves, onto which Soos had emptied the contents of Bill's cardboard box of clothes; and an implicit promise to keep a pile of secrets.
How humiliating.
He considered sleeping on the bare floor in protest; but, his back still hurt. Once again, subject to the tyranny of an organic body. He sighed, pulled his bedsheet from the console table, and curled up on the sofa.
The moment he lay down, a scent soaked into the seat cushion made his heart leap into his throat. He was sure he could smell home. Familiar and comforting and right—and for a moment the evidence of his other six senses didn't matter: he had his power back, he was in his kingdom, and all was right with the world. It took a moment to figure out what about the scent had so strongly disoriented him: he was smelling the atmosphere of the Nightmare Realm.
And then took another moment to work out that it wasn't really the Nightmare Realm, but a very similar scent—sulfurous, organic, burning. Burnt hair.
The cushion still smelled like Ford.
Bill groaned in frustration, rolled off the sofa, and flopped to the floor.
After permitting himself a moment of rage at the injustices of the multiverse, Bill crawled up onto the chaise lounge on the left end of the sofa, avoiding the part of the sofa where Ford used to sleep.
The chaise was smaller than his floor cushion bed used to be; but he'd make do.
(I know we're all busy going insane over the website but i'd love a comment when y'all read this chapter lol)
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hyunebunx · 13 days
DENI!!! i've been a little bit out of here 😣😣 but i received the notif of your post......... the soft thought ( more like domestic details, which i love ) is painting hyune's nails. you do not know how to properly do it, because the nail polish always lands on the skin surrounding the nail, and even if you try to do a desing, like a little flower w a couple of points, it ends up all messed up. imagine a quiet afternoon, after watching some tv show, all cozy and warm, and he offers you his nails to practise a little bit. even if you mess it up again, he might actually paint yours and try to follow the same messed up pattern to go matching 🥺
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⁺ 𖹭 . genre: fluff and even more fluff!!
⁺ 𖹭 . a/n: MARS!! i wrote this in one go, istg this is the cutest idea ever :( thank you for helping me and letting me write soft hyune fluff, this fixed me fr. i hope you enjoy, my love <333
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“Can I do it?” You ask, eyeing his clean nails as Hyunjin reaches up to fix his face mask before doing the same with yours, making sure neither of your headbands fell too low on your foreheads.
“Hm?” He hums, smoothing the thin layer of the sheet mask on your already smooth skin, smiling once your eyes meet. “Do what?”
“Your nails.” You nod towards them, catching one of his hands and bringing it to your lips to peck the back of it, much to his displeasure as the action moves the mask around your face awkwardly. Even so, he was so close to you on the tiny couch that you could feel his heart beating wildly, betraying his true feelings.
Hyunjin tries not to smile too brightly as he nods, fondness clear as day in brown eyes even in the dim light of the living room. “Knock yourself out, baby.” He was never one to reject you, no matter how silly or out of pocket your requests were. Hyunjin would move mountains for you, after all, if that meant you’d be happy forever and keep smiling for him until the day he took his last breath.
The tv ran idly in the background, a rerun of one of your favorite shows as you got to work, gently placing both of your boyfriend’s hands in your lap. His small collection of nail polish was laid before you on the coffee table, accompanied by a file, a bag of cotton pads and nail polish remover. Just in case, you know.
Gently taking one of his hands, you subconsciously intertwine your fingers together as you look over the bottles, brainstorming. Hyunjin takes this moment of silence as an opportunity to reach over and turn on one of lamps by the couch, providing you with more light.
“What are you thinking?” His voice is low, not wanting to disturb you, softly pulling his hand away to massage your palm instead.
“Ladybug nails.”
“What?” He laughs, scooting closer.
You nod, reaching for the bottle of red nail polish. Not like you had many options to begin with, Hyunjin’s palette was limited – something you’d never thought you’d say.
“Your nails are always so dark, I was thinking of doing a cute design for a change.”
He arches a dark brow. “You could use white.”
You pause, tearing your gaze from the bottle to stare at him blankly. “Ladybugs aren’t white.”
The laugh that escapes him has your heart double in size, feeling all warm and fuzzy as he throws his head back in genuine amusement, finding you even more endearing than usual. “Alright, ladybug, do whatever you please. I’ll stop interfering.”
And he keeps his promise, quiet as a mouse as you begin painting his nails, attention stolen by the tv and the snacks you’ve prepared for your weekly movie night. Hyunjin has mastered the art of eating with a face mask on, no crumb landing anywhere near and messing it up. There was nothing he couldn’t do, it seemed.
You’re almost done with his one hand when he slowly reaches to remove your face mask, joining his on a napkin on the table. Usually, he’d also massage the remaining serum into your skin but you could tell he didn’t want to bother you from your new favorite past time. A past time you weren’t particularly skilled in, the nail polish getting everywhere around his nail and even on your clothes, staining the material.
“Uh…” Hyunjin turns to you, wondering why you were sounding so disheartened. “I think I messed up.”
Bringing his hand to eye level, Hyunjin studies your work curiously, analyzing every brush stroke and the big, blotchy black spots that were supposed to be polka dots. The colors were everywhere, on his cuticles and even further down to his knuckles. You’ve mostly stuck to the area around the nail so he couldn’t understand how a black spot managed to go that far.
“Baby, are the ladybugs trying to escape?” He smiles, holding back laughter.
You pout and he leans over to plant smooches on both of your cheeks, trying to make you feel better. “Don’t make fun of me, I tried my best.”
Hyunjin nods, grabbing the black polish from your hand. “I can see that.” Without warning, he starts applying it down his index finger in a strange pattern, causing your mouth to fall open in shock. “And it looks great, love.”
You knew he was lying to try and make you feel better, there was no way he actually thought that.
Biting down on his plush bottom lip, he eventually puts the brush away and gets a hold of your hand before pressing the back of his onto yours, squeezing lightly. You’re so confused that no words escape you, wondering if this was his way of getting back at you for messing up his nails and getting his hand all dirty.
“Done!” He beams, looking so much younger with his hair all pushed back and bare face, cozy and cuddly in his soft pajamas. “Now we match.”
Looking down, you realize the pattern he drew on himself was now on your hand too, tiny lines and spots resembling even tinier footsteps. A ladybug’s footsteps. Or tracks, actually.
Forget beating, your heart almost bursts out of your chest and latches onto him, first his cheek and then plump lips, smooching the area before intertwining with his own and running away together like two forbidden lovers. Hyunjin brought so much needed light into your life, you could barely believe he was real and not a fragment of your rich imagination.
“The ladybug that ran away from my nail has found its way home to you.” He finally laughs, eyes two crescent moons. “It’s silly, please forgive me.”
“Silly?” You blurt out, dragging him by the hand just so he can fall into your waiting arms, hugging him tightly. “It’s only silly if you don’t actually draw a cute ladybug on my hand now.” His arms sneak around your middle, face hiding in your chest as yours move over his shoulders, breathing in the scent of him.
“Only if you do my other hand.” He murmurs, placing a linger kiss right above your beating heart.
You can’t help but grin, thankful for having such a kind person by your side. “Deal!”
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orphicdreamers-wp · 9 months
I want to send a request for the umich boys. So every Sunday they have a “family dinner” where the friend group comes over with their girlfriends and they make an actual good dinner every Sunday night. Readers cooking and her boyfriend rutger gets handsy, so they sneak away and come back just in time for dinner, and just in time for the boys to tease rut about the hickeys on his neck
Get Your Lovin On — Rutger McGroarty
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Summary: In which your boyfriend gets handsy while you guys are cooking
Content Warning; mild suggestive content(making out & hickeys), cussing, established relationships, UMich hockey players teasing Rutger & Reader
Pairing; Fem Reader x Rutger McGroarty
A soft laugh left your lips as your boyfriend placed a kiss on your bare shoulder, “Rut, we’re cooking.” Rutger placed his hands on your hips, “Well how am I supposed to focus when you look so pretty?” You hummed, “Tell you what, finish your task of cutting bread for garlic bread while I finish checking this lasagna and we’ll talk then.” Rutger grinned as he pressed a kiss against your lips, “Yes ma’am.” You grinned to yourself as your boyfriend returned to the other side of the kitchen and went back to the task in front of him.
You had turned lasagna and put it back in the oven, setting a timer in 45 minutes to take it out, when you approached your boyfriend and wrapped your arms around his waist, “So how about we go talk? In your room.” Rutger smiled widely, “I’ll meet you up there.” You grinned as you walked out of the kitchen. Luca munched on a handful on grapes as he watched you whisper something in his friends ear and then magically you both left the kitchen.
The moment your boyfriend entered his room your lips were interlocked. Your hands found their way to Rutger’s hair like they always did. His lips lightly sucking at your neck eliciting a soft breathy sigh to leave your lips, “Rut, as much as I love this, all our friends are here. So we can’t do anything more than this.” Rutger looked up at you and smiled, “This is all I need. To be in my girlfriends arms.”
You smiled, “Keep talking like that and you might be getting lucky when they’re all gone.” Rutger grinned, “You say that like I shouldn’t be excited.” You grinned as your lips attached to your boyfriend’s neck. Leaving small hickey’s across the base of his neck. Rutger let out a breathy sigh as he nuzzled his head into you chest. You grinned at your boyfriend as you laid your head against his pillows, “What’s going on in your head pretty boy?”
Rutger shook his head as he traced shapes on your bare arm wrapped around him, “Just thinking about how lucky I am to be with you. Sometimes I think about how crazy it is that your with me.” You furrowed an eyebrow as you sat up crossing your legs over each other, “Why’s that so crazy Rut?” Rutger blew out a breath, “Your perfect, your kind, smart, hilarious, the easy going person I’ve ever met, you have an energy that people gravitate towards. Also your the most stunning person in the world. And I’m just me.”
You smiled at your boyfriend, “I think you are the most amazing person I know, your considerate to everyone, your extremely kind you’d give the shirt on your back to a stranger if you thought they needed it, you are the most reassuring person I know. You say things that make me melt into a puddle because of how sweet you are. You have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. Your laugh makes me feel so safe, and the way your looking at me right now, makes me feel like I’m the only person in the world. I don’t know who I’d be without you.” Rutger grinned as he placed a soft peck against your lips.
Rutger sighed as he melted into you, “We should probably head back out there now. Before they get any ideas.” You laughed, “I’ll be right down. I just wanna fix my hair.” Rutger nodded as he kissed you and headed out of his room. You walked into the bathroom he and Ethan shared and ran your fingers through your hair straightening it. You did your best to cover the hickey’s that were prominent across your collarbone. You made your way to the dining room where Ethan and Mark where prancing around in matching aprons Luca had bought them as a gag gift for Christmas. The two boys were tasked with bringing all the food to the table from the kitchen.
You slid into your seat in between Rutger and Ashley, Mark’s girlfriend. Luca sat directly across from Rutger with a smug smirk on his face upon seeing Rutger leaving his bedroom adjusting the collar to his shirt. You guys sat around the table laughing over whatever had happened in the week since you all had dinner together. You had been reaching out to grab your cup when your hair fell to the side revealing the growing purple hickey on your neck, it was only visible to Ashley and Luca, who both decided to say nothing even though they had both noticed.
You and Ashley were engrossed in a conversation about the professor in your shared public relations lecture. Rutger had thrown his head back as he burst into laughter. Luca grinned to himself as the hickey’s planted across Rutger’s neck was now visible to not just him but the entire group, “So that’s where you snuck off to Rut.” Your eyes immediately widened as Ethan walked over to your boyfriend and pulled his shirt away from his neck, “Damn Y/N you sure do mark what’s yours. Mark look at this!”
At the call from his best friend Mark waltzed over and tried to bite back a laugh, “Hold on she has some too.” Ashley moved your hair to the side revealing the maybe two hickey’s on your neck compared to the many on your boyfriend’s neck. Mark burst out laughing, “I knew Y/N had the power behind closed doors.” Your face was beat red as your boyfriend and you burst into laughter. You jokingly smacked Rutger’s arm, “We need to get our own place.” Rutger nodded, “Agreed.”
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jenchan-writingmultis · 4 months
I love your writings! Can I ask for oneshot with Vil and fem!Reader who is a prankster, troublemaker, is in Pomefiore, has a chaotic personality (something like Floyd mixed with sassy Epel's side). Her fashion sense is questionable by vil because she loves streetwear fashion (especially baggy clothes). Her unique magic lets her turning into anyone (ofc without getting that person's unique magic but imagine the moment when she turns into Neige to make vil's blood boiling)
Fluff/crack, kinda enemies to lovers, sfw (eventually A BIT suggestive)🤭
Beauty in Chaos
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪ Pairing: Vil x Chaotic Fem! Reader
A/n: hoooh this was a tough one! I hope you like it Anonnie! Hopefully, I hit the right spot for this reader! This wasn’t my best work, but I still hope you like it (╥﹏╥) Thank you so much for the request! Credits: The line breakers are from Kaomoji dividers!
Warning: SLIGHTLY suggestive, a bit of angst, mostly fluff. Rough Vil.
Reminders: Ma poupée is a French term of endearment that means "my doll". Masterlist
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
Vil was confused, no he was outright appalled, not only was someone far from the vision of Pomefiore itself assigned to his dormitory, but you also didn’t even have an ounce of decency during the ceremony! Your clothing was ragged, not maintained and you had the audacity to tie the ceremonial robes like it was just some pajamas, he truly didn’t understand when the mirror said that your soul belonged in “Pomefiore”.
"Huh, didn't expect the Pomefiore dorm to be so fancy,” you walked toward Vil, offering him a lazy smile as if you hadn't just insulted him. He glared at you, then grabbed your robes, causing you to squeak in surprise. he began tugging and tying your robes properly. "Hey!" you whined, trying to push him away, but he continued fixing your "style" or whatever fashion disaster you had made of the robes.
“Stay still, you’re going to make this worse for yourself” he was fuming, with finishing touches he finally lets you go, making you huff. “Not cool dude.” you said before pouting.
“Dude?” Vil’s eyes narrowed on you, “From this day forward, you will call me Vil, or housewarden.”  he fixes your hair, his fingers brushing your forehead, making you jump back a bit. The way your “housewarden” randomly touched people made you think he might be a weirdo.
“Okay, ‘Vil,’” you huffed, rolling your eyes, which made Vil angrier. He was being lenient with a fresh potato like you, but you seemed to be testing his patience. “Enough, you’re going to need training. Your behavior and style bring disgrace to Pomefiore’s name.” Hearing that, you pouted further. What exactly was wrong with being a little bit laid back? This guy was bonkers.
Before Vil could grab you to drag you with him, since you clearly didn’t want to cooperate, a tall man with a bob haircut stepped between you and Vil. “Roi de Poison,” he called out, his smile unwavering and affectionate. “I believe Ma poupée could learn a thing or two from your gracious self, yes?” His calming words instantly soothed Vil’s anger, prompting Vil to raise an eyebrow at Rook, and signaling him to elaborate.
“She’s just new here. With your guidance, she could blossom into something magnificent,” Rook continued, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Every freshman here has an eye-catching appearance and soul, as the mirror itself has said. You wouldn’t want her talent and appearance to go to waste, right?”
Vil pondered this, his gaze shifting back to you as Rook looked at you as well. Both men examined your face, then glanced at each other, seemingly communicating through their eyes.
While your style was a jumble of mess, you had a cute face, and he’s curious how you would survive, considering you’re a special case in Crowley’s book. “Potato” he signals you to follow him as he calls the other “fresh potatoes”.
Walking behind him, Rook patted your head, leaving you feeling confused. You looked up at him as he winked, his expression reassuring. “Forgive Roi de Poison for how he treated you earlier; he was on edge because of the ceremony,” he assured you, his gaze drifting back to his housewarden. “I hope to see you shine as brightly as he does, Ma poupée,” he continued. You didn’t quite understand his manner of speaking with all the French nicknames, which you didn’t bother trying to decipher. Nonetheless, his words were encouraging, so you thanked him sincerely.
You didn’t expect such a blatant display of hostility infront of you for a first day, watching as he had the freshmen along with you in one line, you thought that the Housewarden of Pomefiore looked so weak, all dainty and feminine but you guessed wrong since he held such authority, and the way he manhandled you earlier got you excited a bit. How strong, you want to push him to his limits.
The moment you got into your dorm, you were surprised with how huge the place is, tidy, neat and gorgeous, the aesthetic colliding with how yours, the way that Vil fixed your outfit was uncomfortable too, the waistband being too tight around your waist while the outfit was too… stuffy for your taste, sneakily undoing it a bit, you thought that Vil wouldn’t notice since he was busy giving some kind of dorm rules speech or whatever that is.
“Potato” he calls out, you continued to loosen up your outfit, not even thinking that the “Potato” he was talking about was you, till you heard light footsteps and a figure looming over you, that got you to jolt and look at him surprised. “Wha-"
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, all your rustling was distracting him. Great another confrontation, you smiled, “Uh, I dunno, I’m fixing my robe?” you answered, continuing your fixing, which in Vil’s eyes you’re putting it back into the style he didn’t like so much. “Is that so?”
The other freshmen were looking at you, sweat dropping while some remained silent and waiting for what Vil will do. “Your display of disobedience displeases me” he said as he smiles, a smile that got you stopping your endeavor, “After you finish “Fixing” your attire, please come meet me here after every freshman including you, has settled in their rooms.”
Extra lessons great, you’re not quite sure why Vil seemed to have hyperfixated on you, all you did have a “unique” style! The other freshmen along with the second years give you pitying look as you settle in the room you got, usually two people share the room, and lucky for you, you got to share it with your new friend, Epel.
“Dude,” he called you out, frowning, “He’s targeting you” he says worriedly, as he takes all his possessions out, while you on the other hand, didn’t bring much but necessities and a Gameboy that your guardian decided to put in your bag in case you get bored. “I can handle it,” you declared with confidence, as you sit down on the soft cushion of your bed. “Plus, it ain’t just me, you’re targeted too” you teased which cause Epel to stiffen up.
“He kept rambling about being the “poison apple” or something, he’s such a…” Epel stopped himself which made you laugh, however, that little moment was stopped abruptly when a knock at the door was heard.
“Vil said, it’s time for your training, come on out” A second-year student calls out as he walks away, expecting you to follow him, which if you didn’t, Vil would be dragging you out of your room, you stood up, Epel gave you a sad look before you pinched his cheek. “You’re making it look like I’m gonna get sacrificed to a demon”
“You are though!”
“shush” you laughed before walking out, Vil was sitting down on an extravagant couch, teacups on both sides and an intricate teapot in the middle. “Come, sit” he invited you to sit down obediently not taking no for an answer, and by habit, you seemed to have sat down with your legs wide open, an unbecoming display for a Pomefiore student.
“Close your legs” he places the teacup down, for your first day you disappointed him multiple times now, why must he teach you every etiquette that was supposed to be learnt during elementary?
“No,” you snide, somehow, his aura from earlier vanished and he just looked like a snappy mother. You placed your feet on the glass table, wanting to piss him off further.
Bad move, before you even placed your legs up, a firm surge of magic encircled your legs, keeping them suspended mid-air. An angry Vil using his magic to keep you from staining the table; He stood up abruptly, forcing you to lower your legs on the floor, grabbing your cheeks as he forced you to make eye contact with him.
“It seems like you don’t intend to learn and respect the rules under my authority” he says, stiffening up you tried to push his grip away from you, but it was firm, it didn’t hurt per se, it was just… rough.
“Hey, let me go” you squirmed causing him to lessen his grip on your cheeks, it was squished making you look like a pufferfish, and that accidentally activated your magic, causing a little poof as Vil pulled away, eyes widening as he sees the face of Neige, staring back at him with the same surprised expression. “Sorry- I didn’t mean” you said, as you tried to turn back, to no avail, your unique magic doesn’t let you since it’s the type of magic that you can’t just turn off, Vil who looked like he just saw a ghost. “What is your unique magic?” he asked, distancing himself, unnerved by the uncanny resemblance of your face to his enemy. You groan, you were gonna use it to leave the dormitory sometimes just to roam around the campus by yourself, it sucks you already got caught, first day too.
“My unique magic turns me into another person that the other despises” you explained, scratching the back of your neck before you realized who you just turned to. “Wait” you looked at your current form, noticing who it was, you looked at the glass table, before stifling a laugh. “You despise Neige?”
Vil on the other hand seemed to not be having any of your shenanigans, this was your first day and you were already trying to rile him up, thrice.  “Do not do this to me” he warns as he clicks his tongue, your power was quite useful, you could work as a stunt double in movies. “Wow, Vil, I didn’t expect you to despise your rival this much though” Walking closer, you fluttered your eyelashes on him, it was a taunt, the face of Neige going closer to him in such a way made his blood boil.
“Come on, Vil-san” you teased him, using the voice of THE Neige Le blanche and the nickname you usually heard from Neige whenever they were together for an interview, and that made him snap, grabbing your collar, he pulls you closer to his face, his gaze on you cold, you could feel it piercing through your soul, its actually scary.
“Your pathetic excuse of wanting to be friends with me will not work on me” he murmurs, you froze a bit, noticing  how he clenched on your uniform, you immediately knew that he wasn’t talking to you but rather the person who you morphed into, feeling guilty you held  his hand, luckily your unique magic finally decided to get you back to your original form, you pulled him into a hug, unsure what to do as you rub his back.
Vil didn’t pull away, he stiffened up at first before he melted into the hug as he squeezes you a bit, an odd gesture, well it was odd for him to lose composure over a freshman.
“I apologize” he murmurs, he still wanted to continue hugging you, however, you two were in the living room, anyone can come and stay there in any moment, so he pulled away, fixing his uniform.
“It’s fine dude,” you said, smiling at him, trying to ease the tension, “We all got our moments, my bad that I triggered something in you” That wasn’t your intention, you didn’t want to see that again considering how upset Vil looked when you transformed into Neige.
“Dude again?” he sighs, although this time he wasn’t angry, maybe all that anger burst out when you shifted into someone he least wanted to see.
“Come now, it’s not bad, dude fits you! Or do you prefer dudette?” you joked as you jabbed his ribs a bit, he groaned before grabbing your head. “Behave” he scolds you, and that precious little moment was broken when Rook came, almost like he was going to cry.
“Magnifique display of affection and friendship! Roi De Poison! Ma poupée!” he says, jumping to both of you into a hug, you jolt before grunting as you laugh, hugging him back while Vil looks less inclined to hug the other back.
“Rook, unhand me” he says as he pushes the man gently, getting him to let go as he fixes his uniform once again. “Seriously” he says disappointedly as Rook smiles at him apologetically, “there is beauty in chaos Roi de poison” he continues, crossing his arms., “I’m sure you two would get along”
All of that happening in just the first day was impressive, you were quick to befriend Vil, although it was more like a frenemies type of friendship, you always end up making his head ache whenever you do things that made Pomefiore look shameful, like eating loudly, planting your legs on the couch when you go back to your dorm.
Christ! When he went to check on you and Epel’s room it was a mess! The pillows on the floor and the blankets too! Disorganized shelves, that day he forced you and Epel to wake up at the crack of dawn just to start deep cleaning your room.
Grumbling as while you were half asleep, trying to fix your bed, it was a task you purposefully did slowly, and Vil was starting to get angry as he grabbed your pillows placing it on the bed, “Why are you so slow?” he asked, pointing at Epel with his eyes, “Look at him, he finished  in just 30 minutes, you’re barely cleaning”
Hearing that you smirked, bumping your shoulders to his “I have the great Vil Schoenheit in my bedroom, do you think I’d let that chance slip by?”
You swore you saw his cheeks heat up before he went to grab the rest of your “Things” if you even call it that, “Do not test me potato, I’m not easily swayed by sweet words” he says as he puts your stuff in the drawer, looking at Vil, you do notice how attractive he was, a few months ago, you wouldn’t even give it a thought, you saw him as a mother hen cause of how endearing he was, attentive but strict, all that jazz.
Seeing him in a different light though, you can tell why a lot of his fans always thirst over him, fair skin, tall, rich, and smart, is the definition of a perfect catch.
Noticing you looking at him, he couldn’t help but chuckle, he knew that gaze all too well, a stare that his fans often give him, although he wouldn’t be fazed by it, this was the first time he saw it on you.
“If you keep staring at me like that, I’m gonna catch a cold” he teased a bit, standing up before he pushed your head down, he felt a bit flustered with the way you stared at him, so he had to. You whined a bit before grabbing his wrist, “C’mon I was just admiring your beauty” you protested, which made him chuckle. “I know”
Despite your differences, you two were getting along well.
Word Count: 2,676
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nibbelraz · 7 months
I thought about something the other day which I nearly wrote but I don't have the patience for- what if Mobei had a sudden epithany while snooping qinghua's house? cause obv hes gonna snoop. sqh is mad sus, and mobei has trust issues with his trust issues. but it suddenly occurs to him that the bed that he constantly steals from his little human is very much rather. luxurious. The mattress is thick and expensive, and sqh rotates and flips it frequently so it doesnt get lumpy. it has a topper(1)
(2) with cooling talismans all over it to make it a good temp for mobei any time he decides to sleep in it. the sheets are silk, soft, and light. they're in his colours. his shades. it's a huge bed- long enough for mobei to lay down fully stretched out and still have room. theres countless pillows made of whatever is best for mobei's hair. they're piled up and spread out in a decadance fit for royalty. its always clean. it always smells like him. hes never seen qinghua in it once.
(3) and surely, he must use it, right? it's still his bed, no matter how mobei frames it. But he knows what sqh smells like, and that scent has never been anywhere but in the fleeting touch of someone who changed the sheets. there's never been a lingering warmth from his humans body on the mattress. its the most luxurious, extravagant, expensive thing sqh owns. its not his. looking around the bedroom- is this his either? can he see anything that he might say with confidence is the cultivators?
(4) the answer is no. There's peak lord things in here, yes, but by the nature of being a spy, that's mobeis as well. So he looks- where does sqh sleep, if not a bed that (should? could?) be his own. The answer appears to be a cheap, small little daybed. It's uncomfortable. Mobei knows how big his human is, and this wouldn't fit him well. It's made well enough, but next to the actual bed in the room? It's a grade up from the floor. If Mobei laid on it he'd be off of it by his hips.
(5) honestly its not even good as a chair. It's uneven and kinda lumpy. There's a vague pillow- flat and showing signs of being folded often. A blanket that looks more like a repurposed curtain. It it bad so sqh doesn't lose it to mobei's wants? or worse, is it what he feels like he deserves? He already knew qinghua wasn't one to spend on himself but, he didn't think it was a possible fear of having it stolen from him. Does he have anything of his own worth having at all? Mobei doesn't know.
(6) anyway this obv leads into a comedy of errors where mobei is like. "qinghua. get into bed." and the man positively bluescreens because ??? literally how is he supposed to take that. and when he sorta makes a movement to just lay down on the day bed mobei is like. do you even fucking have any night clothes or do you just sleep like that. get night clothes. get into my bed. you're being cringe. my king with all respect due; crack? is it crack that you smoke? ))
Knowing them both it really would take Mobei an extremely long time to figure out that wait a minute, Qinghua doesn't sleep here at all?? Especially realizing the bed doesnt even smell like him, but the thought of him trying to fix that is so cute
I can also see him just picking Qinghua up throwing him into bed, Wrapping him up in furs and blankets and then tugging him to his chest
Yes he's comfortable now
Ah I love how Mobei shows his love by trying to take care of his scared sweaty human
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onna-musha-mari · 2 months
Under the Wisteria Tree
Giyuu Tomioka x Hashira! Reader (Gender neutral)(they/them)
Summary: Giyuu finally tells you his feelings in one of your favorite spots.
Warnings: None, pure fluff
(First time posting a fanfic…I tried y’all)
(Wisteria border by @saradika-graphics)
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Giyuu stood there in silence, watching the wisteria petals fell to the earth from their branches above. There was a reason he was here, and not just to admire the scenery of the light dancing through the openings in the trees…He knew that a certain Hashira always came to this exact spot to meditate and relax. Giyuu never planned for any of this, he had never been one to dwell on emotions like this. But, here he was, waiting for that hashira who some might think took the job lightly. Sure, they goofed off sometimes, but they were an efficient fighter. It was something Giyuu lov- oh, wait, no. He might be ready to approach them, but maybe let’s take it slow…baby steps. Baby steps.
“Giyuu? I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Great, caught off guard, perfect way to start this.
Giyuu straighten his stance, now looking towards them with his usual stoic expression.
“Oh, I didn’t notice you had come up to me. My apologies.”
“No need to be sorry…may I ask why you’ve come to the Wisteria fields? I don’t blame you though, it is a very pretty spot, don’t you agree?”
And there was that flush, that feeling that went through him whenever they made conversation. He had never felt it before and yet, it felt good. Very good in fact. It was the reason he planned on telling his fellow hashira that he wished to spend more time with them. In a more…well more close relationship.
“I…merely wished to see the reason why you come here everyday…but I see why now. It is nice here.”
“It is really beautiful here”
Their eyes were fixed on the branches of the trees, while Giyuu’s were focused on the person standing next to him
“Yes…very beautiful. … Anyway, I did want to speak to you about something, important.”
“Yeah? What’s on your mind?”
He sighed before looking them in the eyes
“When we first met, I thought nothing of it. But when I first saw you caring for those girls at the butterfly mansion, then with Tanjiro and his sister. I knew something was different about you. And the more I learned about you, the more I wanted to know. You’re strong, sometimes I think stronger than most, or myself at least, because you can be a great fighter and yet still be so kind to people. I know you’re a good swordsman…but you’re also a good person.”
He looked up, taking a breath before continuing to speak.
“And not only are you strong and caring…you’re beautiful. …”
They looked at him, looking with wonder and surprise as this normally stoic swordsman laid what seemed to be his heart for them.
“I never thought of myself as a person who would ever want to focus on things like this, or did I think I’d find someone who makes me feel what you make me feel. …This is a lot harder than it was talking to Tanjiro about… what I’m trying to say here is, I would love to get to know you even more. And I would like to have a, closer relationship…if that is something you would want too?”
Moment of truth, it’s either they say yes or no. Oh what was he getting himself int-
“Yes, I would love that Giyuu, and thank you. I really didn’t know you felt that way. But, yes, I would love all of that.”
“Wait, really?”
“oh…wow…would you mind if I held your hand?”
“Of course”
They took his hand in theirs…This was really happening. Under the Wisteria tree, Giyuu found the person he wanted to spend forever with, if fate let him. This felt, nice…really nice.
“Thank you”
They looked back at him, curious to what he meant.
“For what?”
Giyuu looked up at the Wisteria trees, once again watching the petals fall around them, the suns last rays of sunlight gleaming against the background. He picked one of the flowers and put it behind their hair before he continued.
“For giving me another reason to be strong…like you.”
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profoundbondfanfic · 25 days
Hi! I’ve been trying to find some good omega!cas fics, would you be able to recommend any? I’ve done some of my own searching, but I can always count on your reviews so wanted to check!
Hey! I hope you were looking for a long list because we got a little carried away with this lol
A Baby for Christmas by DyslexicSquirrel (Explicit, 11k words)
Dean Winchester finds a list of all the Eligible Alphas in town when he’s fixing Castiel Novak’s car and the fact that he’s not on it surprises him more than it should. He’s been pining for Castiel since he showed up in Oak Grove alone and pregnant, but Castiel never gave him, or any other alpha, the time of day. Now he’s on the hunt for a mate. Can he come up with a plan to make Castiel realize he’s the perfect alpha for him and make both their Christmas wishes come true?
A Little Grace by tricia_16 (Explicit, 99k words)
Castiel is well aware that a handsome, surprisingly gentle alpha like Dean was way out of his league even before he made the decision to become a single parent. Dean's been kicking himself for blowing his shot with Cas before he could even ask for it, and now Cas is happily taken (and adorably pregnant) by an alpha who doesn't deserve him. Neither one of them could have guessed that Castiel's baby would be what brings them together, but it turns out that a little Grace goes a long way.
All That's Best of Dark and Bright by orphan_account (Explicit, 21k words)
Dean Winchester is an alpha cop. He's got a soft spot for omegas with kids and a short fuse when it comes to people hurting them. When he signs in for his shift, his first call is to a break-in in a well to do suburban neighborhood. He meets Castiel Novak and his young son, Alfie. Someone has broken in to Castiel's house and scent marked. Castiel is unwilling to offer much information about himself or his life. Dean's happy not to push, but his partner Benny thinks that Castiel might know more about who broke into his house than he's willing to admit. As Dean tries to get Castiel to open up to him, he finds himself drawn to the omega. But Castiel has to be mated, right? He already has a kid. Or at least, that's what Dean believes.
At a glance by Nachsie (Explicit, 44k words)
The first time Castiel laid his eyes on Dean Winchester, he couldn't comprehend two things about him. One, why this incredibly handsome man was smiling at him asking to borrow his drink...and Two? Why he immediately smashed Castiel's drink into another man's face? Whoever said love was dead, never met Dean Winchester.
Decadent by Redamber79 (Explicit, 36k words)
Dean is the owner of Glads n Roses, where he specializes in unique flowers and bouquets, particularly in flower language. He also sells chocolates on the side. When Decadently Yours, a chocolate shop, opens across the street, Dean sees it as challenging his business. It doesn't take long however, before they strike up a deal to sell the new business' chocolates in the shop, and then he begins to fall for the Beta Castiel, even though he knows he's involved with the Alpha Gabriel, though not mated. As Dean and Cas get closer, he discovers something else. Cas is actually an Omega, with the sweetest scent under his blockers. But Dean refuses to poach, and as long as Cas is with Gabriel, he won't make a move. Life, however, has something else in mind.
Expectations by everandanon (Explicit, 418k words)
For centuries, the Winchester princes have taken omegas from the northern town of New Eden to bear the royal heirs before exiling them to the countryside - a punishment for a past dispute caused by the town's strict beliefs. When Prince John marries Lady Mary of Campbell and puts a Queen on the throne, however, most people assume the tradition has been set aside. Thus, it's a complete surprise to Dean when he's sent to New Eden to retrieve the girl they've arranged for. Cas, as a male omega in backward New Eden, has been ostracized and condemned by his town since he presented. To make matters worse? His sister is being given away to the crown prince of Winchester, never to return. But when the morning before the prince's arrival dawns and Anna is nowhere to be found, the town's council decides there’s only one thing for it: They’ll simply have to give him Cas instead.
Friends Helping Friends (Telling Me What My Heart Meant) by Annie D (scaramouche) (Explicit, 6k words)
Dean and Cas have known each other for about a year now, and in that time, Cas has never gone into heat. So far.
Following His Lead by InvictaAnimi (Explicit, 98k words)
Peak alpha, Dean Winchester, has the perfect life on paper. He owns his own architecture firm, is building a real estate empire, and has the choice of just about any omega partner that catches his eye. A fateful flight to London changes everything for Dean when he finds his true mate, the intrepid freelance photographer, Cas. Cas is gorgeous, brilliant, competitive, and driven. He’s everything that Dean could have hoped for. He’s also keeping secrets from him. Once they find each other, they must remain close until they mate or suffer from the debilitating and painful mating sickness. It wouldn’t be a problem if his mate would stay put, but Dean finds himself chasing his omega throughout Europe, using only the clues his mate leaves him. Dean must choose between his old life and this stranger, his career and his future mate. As an alpha, he is used to being a leader, the one in charge. To be with Cas, though, he’s going to have to follow his lead.
Head Down, Walk with Reason by goldenraeofsun (Explicit, 63k words)
As an omega, Castiel is ineligible for the throne after his father dies. When his uncle takes the crown, Metatron's first order of business is to arrange a betrothal with King John for the hand of his firstborn son, the Crown Prince of Terra. So Castiel flees. On his first night on the run, Castiel stumbles into a band of outlaws just at the border. Injured and wary, he has no choice to stay with them. And although he had planned to return to his own kingdom once it was safe, home might not be the place he left, but instead with Dean, their alpha leader that took him in.
Homemade by saltnhalo (Teen and Up, 5k words)
Dean Winchester, a successful but perpetually overworked and overtired engineer, meets chef and restaurant owner Castiel, his new neighbor. Castiel courts him in the form of homemade meals in Tupperware containers and handwritten notes, and Dean eventually takes it upon himself to return the favor.
In the woods by MalicMalic (Mature, 28k words)
All Castiel wants is to lead a simple life, away from the high society and his controling alpha mother. One chance encounter in the woods makes him believe that dreams just might come true, until life decides to make things complicated for Castiel. As he tries to save himself and his future, he doesn't realize that the solution to all his problems was just around the corner.
Lonicera by zation (Explicit, 46k words)
The one where destiny had a discussion with faith and they decided to have some fun, much to Dean and Cas’ chagrin.
Looking for: Alpha to Match Swimsuit by SillyBlue (Mature, 70k words)
Cas is 44, has a distant husband, a crappy job, and his only child is leaving for college. He plans to distract himself with a beach vacation for which his son and niece convince him to buy a cute swimsuit. But his husband decides he won't "let" him go to the beach dressed like that; a man his age in a bikini? Cas decides to keep the swimsuit - he can easily add "divorced" to the list of things to be sad about during his vacation after all. Claire and Jack decide to intervene by secretly creating a dating profile for one purpose: to look for a man that matches Cas' swimsuit. The unusual profile attracts Dean, who decided to combat his impending midlife crisis by taking some weeks off of work and buying beach wear that he had every intention of banishing to the back of his closet once it arrives. Lucky for him this has provided him with the perfect speedos to match Cas' swimsuit.
No Righteous Path by jupiter_james (Explicit, 111k)
On his 40th birthday, Dean Winchester suddenly begins to worry that he may have lost his chance for a real mate. He's been so focused on his business as a 24-hour roofing and repairman, that he's never taken the time to date properly, or even make any lasting friendships outside of his family. Beginning in their late 30's, alphas and omegas start to lose their mating and bonding hormones, making it more difficult - and often impossible - to mate or bond with anyone past a certain age. But as a modern Alpha, Dean would be content with a companion, at least. Blood bonds aren't the be-all, end-all. However, after a late night emergency roofing repair call from Castiel Novak, Omega, Dean starts to hope. Yearn. The only hangup is that Castiel admits to being as old-fashioned as the books he teaches. Nervous to go against his religious upbringing by being with someone who he can't bond properly, as alphas and omegas are intended to do. But he can't deny his attraction to Dean, and despite his sensibilities, he thinks that, just maybe, he can change for the man he's falling in love with.
Ready To Run by CrzyDemona (EvelynRaith), Inkblooded_Witch (Explicit, 117k words)
Castiel and Jimmy have always been close, on opposite sides of a single coin. While Jimmy’s rebellions have been loud, blatantly throwing every indiscretion in their father’s face, Castiel’s have been quiet, easier to hide, less publicly embarrassing. For this reason it’s no surprise when Jimmy is slated to be married off first. Something they’re informed of right as he has decided he wants to marry Balthazar, an Alpha he’s been courting on the sly for some time. Neither of them have been optimistic about their fates should they be left to their father’s tender mercies. Castiel knows that once Jimmy is gone, he will be next. He likes Balthazar, and sees no reason why they should both be condemned, so they hatch a plan. While Jimmy elopes and boards a steamer to Europe, Castiel boards a train to Nebraska as his twin. Knowing your life will never be the same is one thing, but Castiel never could have predicted what chaos would come of him getting on that train. Starting when plans to slip away before he reaches his intended destination quickly go awry.
real alpha by sharkfish (Explicit, 14k words)
Castiel has used Real Alpha since he was old enough to afford it. They’re a reputable company, and have never disappointed: every few months, Castiel calls in to an automated system to make his request, and within hours, there’s an alpha knocking on his door to fuck the heat out of him. He doesn’t care who it is, what they look like, how much stamina they have, whether they are angels or humans. It’s just an ends to a mean.
Refugee by RachaelLikesYaoi (Explicit, 123k words)
Dean Winchester was used to his brother bringing home omegas from work. They were all basically the same. Quiet, reserved, and... haunted. It made sense, Sam worked for a strictly omega lawyer that dealt with all sorts of different cases. It never really bothered Dean when they were brought home. They fixed up their guest room, replaced a couple of locks, and more often than not he wouldn't even see the omegas. It was easy. A piece of cake. Then Sam told Dean over dinner one night that one of his clients would be living with them for a year to complete his house arrest. A whole year, and no matter how many times his brother told Dean that the guy was harmless, Dean couldn't forget about what the omega had gotten arrested for. Assault. With a deadly weapon.
Roots of Fate by orphan_account (Explicit, 40k words)
Castiel Novak leads a quiet life in the little town of Fairhope. He tends his gardens and takes pride in filling his great-grandmother's footsteps as the town's honorary green witch. His quiet life comes to a halt when he gets a new neighbor and it's none other than the alpha of his dreams and high school crush, Dean Winchester. But Dean's not alone, he has a daughter now. Overnight, Fairhope is flipped on its head as every available omega and beta in town fights for the alpha's attention. Cas tries to help as best he can but Dean eventually comes up with his own solution and that's when the posters show up. Posters that claim that Dean Winchester is looking for a mate. But to win, you have to get a key from a certain orange cat. Let the games begin!
Running with the Wolves by Dancingdog (Explicit, 381k words)
Castiel made one mistake and it landed him with a child. Knowing his brothers would never accept an unmated omega with a child, Castiel chose not to tell his family about Samandriel for six years. But Michael found out anyway and Castiel soon finds himself on the run from his furious family. To save both his and his son's lives, he flees into the wilderness, where the 'wild folk' reside and they must learn to live as wolves rather than humans if they are to survive. Except, the wild folk are not the savages Castiel was led to believe whilst growing up, and he finds that maybe being a member of Dean's pack isn't so terrible afterall. Then his brother, Gabriel, shows up and takes an interest in Dean's omega brother, Sam. The problem? The Winchesters and Novaks have been enemies for centuries.
Scent Deprived by Destielshipper4Cas (Explicit, 41k words)
Dean rescues an omega from an illegal research facility. But after years of scent deprivation, the omega is catatonic at best and on the brink of going feral at worst. Now it’s up to Dean to save him. In order to break past Cas’ defenses, he might just have to let him into his home and heart in return.
The Stars Will Remember by casblackfeathers (Explicit, 60k words)
Being a hunter was all Dean knew ever since his mother had been killed by a demon when he was four. Hunting, offing monsters, and then jumping to the next case was his life. Then he met the most alluring and breathtaking omega he had ever seen and spent the next five years loving the hell out of Cas, their life together filled with the domestic lovey-dovey stuff Dean had never thought he would dig so much. When a simple salt-and-burn goes sideways, it ends up with Cas’ memories stolen from him. Dean is left to pick up the pieces of the life they built together, his ‘make it up as he goes’ strategy to prove to his mate that Dean’s still worth a damn, his only chance at getting Cas back. He’s done a shitty-ass job at keeping Cas safe before, but he will pull out all the stops now to woo his mate again and stir the memories Dean knows are still there buried deep inside Cas’ mind.
Undercover Boyfriend by CassondraWinchester (Explicit, 60k words)
Two men, one lie, and a whole bunch of trouble. Castiel Novak’s in serious trouble. His sister’s destination wedding in Mexico filled with several days of activities, is in only two days. And everyone expects to meet his underwear model Alpha boyfriend — the one he invented. Now Cas has to produce a half-naked hottie or suffer the worst humiliation of his life. But Cas just doesn’t date those kinda guys! Or even know any for that matter. Undercover FBI agent Dean Winchester’s cover is blown and he needs to disappear fast. When he ducks into a bar he runs into Castiel, a comic book artist, one very hot, but geeky Omega. And as luck would have it he just happens to be looking for an Alpha. Could they be the solution to both their problems? Or will trouble find them on the sandy beaches of Mexico?
You can also check our omega!castiel tag for more fics.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Blessed Silence
Summary: You haven't known silence for eight years after your soulmate link manifests as a telepathic connection.
Pairing: Tech x reader, soulmate AU
Warnings: NSFW, unprotected sex, unrealistic first time sex, Soulmate AU so feelings just kinda happen, reader does have a sort of backstory but everything else is ambiguous, reader also is written as female bodied
A/N: I had most of this written, but I just needed some motivation to finish. Turns out avoiding feelings is a good motivator for writing smut. I kinda like this one. It was supposed to be a short fic, but it wound up sorta long. (This is the cut down version too, it was longer.)
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Your brain hasn’t been quiet for almost eight years. 
It was near non-stop, constant chatter about anything and everything. Things from battle strategy to medical knowledge to ship specs, planets, species and languages you’d never even heard of. Your brain was full of it all the time. 
The worst part? It wasn’t even your doing. 
You had questioned for a long time what your soulmate link might be. Most species have them, and they vary depending on each unique link. From marks to timers to telepathy the list goes on and on. You’d know, you frequented that list often. 
Many, many times you had gone through every option on that list, waiting for something to seem right. You had no marks, no timer, no strange dreams, no color blindness. For years you had nothing. You had wondered perhaps if there was something that had been missed, another way soulmates might present themselves that was unknown. 
Or maybe, you didn’t have one at all. 
Until about eight years ago when the thoughts had started. They’re not your own. The voice isn’t yours whispering them. At first you had thought you were going crazy, hearing some voice going at rapid speed in your head. 
Reading back through the list had made you realize what it was. 
You had a telepathic connection with your soulmate, and the nonstop chatter was your soulmate’s mind. 
It really is nonstop. 
The only time it quiets is when he sleeps, and that is sporadic and only in short bursts. 
At first it had been enchanting. You had laid in your bed for hours, listening to his voice think about anything and everything. Quickly, though, it had grown to be almost annoying because he never stopped thinking. Always his brain is going, thinking of things that don’t even make sense to you sometimes. 
That being said, he has been helpful to you a few times. You forget he can also hear your thoughts, since he was almost always drowning you out. A few, sparing times, he had helped you, like when your speeder broke down and you were determined to fix it yourself to avoid overpaying for a mechanic. It wasn’t that hard to figure out, but upon looking at various parts in the shop, you had drawn a blank on what you needed. 
Then, whispering quietly in your mind, your soulmate had told you which parts to get, and had walked you through repairing it. You had thanked him, and then got a barrage of mechanical knowledge and more facts about speeder designs than you had ever wished to know. 
As much as it annoyed you, hearing his voice constantly was reassuring. Your home planet had been entirely untouched by the war, but you had seen news about horrible battles leaving planets permanently scarred and millions homeless. You know he’s involved somehow, given the thousands of battle plans and strategies that flooded your mind constantly. 
It makes you feel a bit better that he has a good reason for not actively looking for you. 
It’s not like you were actively making an effort, but after you had realized he was probably involved in the army, you had squashed that thought quickly. You did want to meet him, if only to slap him for keeping you awake with his constant thoughts, but you weren’t searching him out. 
Fate would allow your paths to cross eventually. Right now was not the time. 
Then the war ended. It’s rather abrupt, with hardly more than a holocast from the Galactic Senate announcing the end of the war and the formation of the new Galactic Empire. You had never cared much about politics, or the war, because your planet wasn’t likely to ever feel the effects of any of it. Largely ignored due to its rather inconvenient placement away from hyperspace lanes and tucked into a far edge of the outer rim, your home was frequented only by those looking to hide. It’s a good spot to do it. 
Despite this, nothing about the end of the war or the new Empire felt right to you, mostly because your soulmate feels that way. There's little you can do about it, and it seems he also agrees. 
The battle strategies begin to shift. Deserter is a constant thought in your soulmate's head. Had they left the army after the war ended? You can't blame them, especially as news begins to reach your planet about the Empire. 
You wonder about your soulmate sometimes, if he's okay. You know he's not exactly safe, given the thoughts you hear. 
Not once has he worried about you. Not once has he even asked. Not once has he tried to communicate. You blame it on his situation. You blame it on his stress levels which have been through the roof. 
You try not to let it hurt. 
So you go on with your life as you had before, desperately trying to keep your farm going. It’s getting harder as time and the planet’s unpredictable weather wears on your tools and your home. You fix what you can, and hope the rest of it makes it to the next harvest. 
You’re in town looking for parts when it finally happens. 
It’s been nearly six standard since the war ended and the Empire took over the galaxy. Your planet still remains untouched and unbothered, hidden away safely in its corner of the galaxy. Visitors are still rare, and usually draw attention when they come. 
You’re haggling for a part when you notice a group of newcomers. Five of them, looking out of place as they talk amongst each other. 
You can't help but overhear the conversation, given your proximity. Your body stiffens as you pick up one of their voices, many thoughts running through your head. You know that voice. You've never heard it in person. Only ever in your mind. 
The emotions leave you like an explosion, your body turning before you can stop it. "You!" You point at the group, cutting him off before he can continue. 
They all turn to look at you, but you're too focused on him. You walk up to him, grabbing him by the chest plate and shaking him.
"Do you ever stop thinking? I haven't known silence in eight years!" You jab a finger into his chest, ignoring the way your finger bends uncomfortably against the unrelenting plastoid. "It never stops. Always something going and going and going. Do you even sleep anymore? And, and you can’t even bother to let me know you’re okay? You...you can’t even ask about me either? I’ve been waiting a long time to even hear from you and all I get is useless facts?” 
He blinks down at you from behind his goggles, mouth parted in shocked silence. 
“Tech,” One of the others says, drawing you back to reality. You’re in a very public place, telling off your soulmate. “You know her?” 
Tech. That’s his name? Or perhaps a nickname. He lifts a hand, adjusting his goggles as he stares down at you. He’s tall, having to tilt his head to look down at you, just as you have to tilt your head to look up at him. 
“Yes, I believe I’ve just met my soulmate.” He says slowly. They all turn to look at you, making you feel a bit self conscious. “We share a telepathic connection. It’s one of the rarer forms of soulmate links, though not the rarest. It’s affected by distance, the further you are, the stronger the connection is.” 
“Maker, he talks as much as he thinks, doesn’t he?” You say, taking a step back. 
“Ha!” The largest of the group exclaims. “That’s going to be really loud for you!” 
“Actually, it will be the opposite.” Tech says. “As the link strengthens with distance, it weakens the closer we are. At this proximity, we won’t be able to hear each other’s thoughts at all.” 
“As interesting as all of this is, we’re supposed to be laying low, remember?” The one that had spoken up earlier says. 
You can’t help but snort, looking up at him. He’s shorter than the others, and has a skull tattooed on half of his face. “No one around here is going to say anything. Well, they’re all horrible gossips because nothing ever happens around here, but don’t worry. They only talk amongst each other. If you’re looking to hide, this is your place. No one cares about this planet. It’s too inconvenient.” 
“She’s right.” Tech says. “It took us two days to reach here from the nearest hyperspace lane. The Republic had no interest in this planet. It’s highly unlikely the Empire will even consider it, since it has a small population and no major exports.” He pulls out a datapad, typing rapidly on it. “According to my research there’s not even a starport on this planet.” 
The one with the skull tattoo stares at you hard, like he’s trying to see through your skin. You can tell he doesn't exactly trust you. But, if Tech’s thoughts were anything to go off of, he doesn't have good reason to trust anyone. 
“This may be our only option for the time being.” Another one says. He’s rather gaunt and pale with a headset on. 
The four of them share looks, seeming to silently communicate for a moment before they turn back to you. “Do you know of anywhere we could lay low for a while?” The skull tattoo asks her. 
You shrug, sizing up the largest of them. “Well, I could use some help on my farm. If you’re not opposed to manual labor, I have plenty of space.” 
They share another long look, silently debating your offer. You’re not sure why you’re offering space to total strangers, aside from possibly some free help for the upcoming harvest. Also, perhaps, because one of them is your soulmate. 
“We’ll take you up on that offer.” Skull tattoo says, turning back to you. 
You nod. “Great. I’m out on the outskirts, though. It’s a bit of a hike.”
“We will fly and meet you there.” Tech says. “I can find it.” 
“Right.” You nod. Of course he could just read your mind and figure out where it is. “I guess I’ll see you there.” 
You head back to your speeder, setting off out of town and out to your property. You glance up as a ship flies overhead, landing at the back of the house as you drive up. You park in your usual spot, watching as they leave the ship. Skull tattoo takes the lead as they approach you. 
“I’m Hunter.” He introduces himself, motioning to the others. “This is Wrecker, Echo, Tech, and Omega.” He motions to the youngest, a girl no older than fifteen, who waves at you with a smile. 
You introduce yourself, waving back. 
“Thank you for doing this.” Hunter says. 
You shrug. “I am serious about needing the extra help.” 
“Whatever you need, we’ll do it.” He says sincerely. 
“We’ll worry about that tomorrow.” You say, glancing at the setting sun. “You can get settled tonight.” 
You lead them inside, wishing you had tidied up a bit. Then again, you hadn’t really expected to have company. The house feels small with the five extra bodies in it. Just like it used to. 
“My room’s down there.” You point down one of the hallways, before turning to the other. “The three spare rooms are down here.” You lead them down the hallway. “There’s spare clothes in the dressers you’re welcome to, if they fit. There’s blankets in the closet and towels in the fresher. There’s also an outhouse by the barn if you’re feeling brave. I’ll let you get settled and go start on dinner.” 
You scurry your way down the hallway, leaving them alone. You can practically hear the rebuking by your grandmother at letting complete strangers into your home so willingly. It’s not like you had anything of value left. 
And they’re technically not strangers. At least, not totally. 
You curl up in the chair, looking out at the light bugs dancing over the crops. A figure steps out on the porch, slowly approaching you. You don’t have to look up to know who it is. Despite only being around him for a short time, you feel like you’ve known him forever.
“Can’t sleep?” You ask, turning to look at him as he sits. 
“I have no need to.” He says simply. You blink at him in confusion. “We were designed to need less sleep than the average nat-born.” 
“Right.” You say slowly. 
“We are clones.” He explains, holding your gaze. “We were created as part of an experimental unit exploring various enhancements. Hunter has enhanced senses, Wrecker increased strength, and I have a high intellect.” 
“That...makes a lot of sense.” You say. “I figured you were involved in the war. I heard all about your battle strategies and whatnot.” 
“Yes, that could have been very inconvenient if you had been involved with the Separatists.” He adjusts his goggles as he stares at you. “The Kaminoans weren’t sure if the clones would experience soulmates, but the first generation began developing links almost immediately. It complicated things, as soulmate links are strong motivators and many clones deserted in order to find and be with their soulmates. The Kaminoans had to take rather extreme measures and forbid us from attempting to contact or initiate the bond. Those that met their mates had to reject them, as the Jedi do. When I realized we shared a telepathic connection I was worried that may put the Republic in danger, but I assessed you were not a threat.” 
“Thanks.” You say flatly, taking in his words. 
“I wish we could have come sooner, but with the Empire after us after we deserted, I didn’t want to put you at risk. Now that things have settled down, I brought us to this planet in hopes of locating you. I used your thoughts to discern which planet you were on and if it would be suitable for us to hide, or perhaps even settle down somewhere permanently.” He continues, barely pausing to breathe. “I did pay attention to your thoughts. I didn’t understand many of them early on, but I’ve grown to understand you.” 
You blink a bit at his words. He had located you solely on your thoughts, which meant he really had seen and heard them. Even though he hadn’t responded much, and from what it sounds like for a good reason, he had still heard you. 
“You think a lot.” You say lamely, scrambling for a reply. You’re not quite sure what to say. For a while you had been upset that he seemed to ignore you, but from what it sounds like, he hadn’t been ignoring you at all. 
“Yes, a byproduct of my genetic enhancements.” He says. 
“It’s strange, now.” You say, leaning back in your seat, looking out at the town lights in the far distance. “Everything’s so quiet. As annoying as it was sometimes...I never really did feel alone. You...had perfect timing.” 
“Well, they do say fate is never wrong.” 
You smile. “I guess so. My grandparents built this place from the ground up. They were fugitives, on the run from the Republic.” His eyes widen a bit at that statement. “They came across this place by accident, like most do, and decided to settle down. My parents stayed here too, keeping it running while my grandparents got older and eventually passed. My brothers left as soon as they could. I haven’t seen them since. It was around that time you showed up. Shortly after my dad got sick. My mom didn’t last long after he passed. That left me alone. Well, alone with a clone talking in my head.” You smile softly at him. “I’m glad you’re here now.” 
You wake early as usual, the others rising around the same time. Must have been a side effect of being a soldier. You make breakfast before heading out to the barn. You start Wrecker and Hunter on moving some things before taking Tech and Echo to the barely functioning equipment. 
“This one’s the most important.” You pat the combine affectionately. “I was in town to get a part when I ran into you yesterday. She starts, but as soon as you put her in gear, she dies.” 
Tech rubs his chin, staring at it. “I can fix that.” 
The guys settle in easily, jumping right into helping you with the farm. Tech and Echo are a blessing in disguise, quickly getting all of the equipment back up and running more efficiently than they had before. Wrecker and Hunter help you with the more physical things, setting everything up for the coming harvest. Omega becomes your shadow, happily learning about the plants, their growth stages, and how to know when they’re ready to harvest. 
It feels nice, having the farm full of life again. It feels like it used to, when your family had been all together. In a way, you’ve found a new family. You know your parents would be proud, after they got over the shock of you letting complete strangers in. 
After the farming equipment is fixed, Tech moves his sights to the house, fixing and updating everything he can get his hands on. Anything broken or almost broken, he’s quick to jump in with an “I can fix that.” 
You both also begin to grow closer, albeit slowly. Just as you had suspected with his raging thoughts, he constantly needed to be doing something. Finding time to be alone with him is hard, even with the others trying to help. Currently his attention is being taken up by a schematic for a new barn. He had already planned out an expansion of the house for the others for more privacy, which was a sweet thought, but you want to have time with him. 
Your moment comes when you get up late one night, heading to the kitchen for a drink. Your mind has been running nonstop with the harvest nearly upon you and all of the details you had to make sure were perfect. It’s a bit different this time, now that you have help, but habits are hard to break and you can’t stop trying to make sure every little thing gets addressed. 
You head into the kitchen, spotting a glow from the living room. You peek your head around the corner, spotting Tech lounging on the couch in the dark, face illuminated by the glow of a datapad. 
“Tech?” You ask quietly, stepping into the living room, flipping on a light. “What are you doing out here?” 
He looks up, barely moving the datapad. “Wrecker decided to lock me out of the room tonight.”
“Oh.” You say lamely. “That’s not very nice.” 
He shrugs. “Can’t say I’ll miss his snoring.” 
You bite your lip, staring at his scrunched figure on the couch. You shift on your feet nervously, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “You could...come to my room.” 
Your heart is pounding a bit as you stare at him. You had yet to be so forward with him, both of you dancing around that first step. He stares back over the top of the datapad, eyes wide. For a moment you regret offering. For a moment you wish you could hear his thoughts again. 
"It...might be more comfortable." You hurry to add, not wanting to scare him off. "I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep right now and I could use some company."
He moves slowly, hesitantly. He pushes himself to sit up, rising from the couch. You forget how tall he is, used to seeing him hunched over something. You turn, making your way to your room. He follows behind you, carrying the datapad with him. 
You turn to him as your door closes, his eyes scanning your room. He’s drawn to the photos on the wall, ones of you and your family. You come to stand next to him, telling him about each photo. Perhaps you’d have to add some more soon. 
“My grandparents.” You point to the last one. “After their first harvest. They were so good at this, running a farm. They made it seem so easy.” You move, sitting on the edge of your bed. “There’s so much to think about, though. Everything has to go right because if one thing goes wrong it can mess up the harvest and ruin your entire year. They were so effortlessly good at it. It was like a second sense. They knew exactly when to harvest and could read the weather just by looking at the plants.” You shake your head, tears brimming. “I’m so scared of failing. It’s so hard to do alone and...I don’t want to be alone anymore.” 
He kneels down in front of you, setting the datapad on the bed. His hand cups your chin, lifting your face so you’re looking at him. His thumb wipes the tear that slides down your cheek, his gaze soft as he stares at you. “I can fix that.” 
He says it so softly, so sweetly, you want to melt right into the bed. You lean into his touch, feeling the rough fabric of his glove. You desperately want to feel his skin against yours. You stare into his eyes, feeling the magnetic pull between you. You can’t help it, the tension that had been building up over the last few weeks since you’d run into him in town beginning to boil over. 
He’s hesitant as your lips touch, holding back a bit. He’s probably never been kissed. You haven’t either, just going off of what feels right. You can practically hear the wheels turning in his head, the thoughts that are probably racing. Once again, you wish you could hear them this close. 
“You’re thinking too much.” You whisper, pulling away for a second. 
Your fingers grab at his shirt, pulling him in closer as you kiss him once more. He finally moves, his arms slipping around you. You pull him as close as you can, your own arms wrapping around him. You never want to let go. You want to stay in this moment forever. You finally feel whole. For the first time in a long time you don’t feel alone. 
Tech’s hands slip under your thighs, lifting you as he stands. It’s so effortless, like you almost don’t weigh anything. He kneels on the bed, dropping you against the pillows. He falls with you, catching himself on his hands above you. You stare up at him, shivering at the intensity in his gaze as he stares down at you. 
“Tech,” You whisper, reaching for him as he lowers himself into you. 
His body slots between your legs perfectly, like he was made to be there. Well, in a way he was. He fits against you like you’re two puzzle pieces, every ridge of his body matching the slope of yours. 
He kisses you harder this time, pulling his gloves off. His bare hands trail up your arms, awakening every nerve ending as they go. Your body feels alive with energy as he touches you, your brain screaming for more. You want to get closer, you want to feel every bit of him that you can. 
“I can feel it,” He murmurs, trailing his lips down your throat. “The soulmate link. The bond between us forming. It’s been studied over and over but still the actual science of it is not understood entirely. At first they thought perhaps it was brain chemicals sending the signals, but while those do play a role, it’s not entirely what draws two people together so perfectly.” 
Your hands tug at his shirt as he rambles, your own discarded on the floor already. “And I don’t think they ever will.” You say, tugging his shirt off as he sits up. “I don’t think it’s something that can be explained in words.” 
He stares down at you, his eyes trailing down your body. Your chest warms a bit under his gaze, your skin prickling with anticipation. “You are sure this is what you want?” He asks, as if it was even a question. 
“If you don’t get me naked right now...” You don’t have to finish the empty threat, his hands tugging your pants off in one pull. 
You’re already wet, your body more than ready for what it had been anticipating. Most soulmates didn’t make it weeks after finally meeting and initiating their bond. Of course, you and Tech had had minimal contact with each other, but your proximity had been very close. You’re not sure how you’ve made it this long, aside from the mounting stress of the coming harvest keeping the desire at bay. 
Tech slides his hands along your sides, sitting up between your thighs. He parts them gently, staring down at your glistening folds. You smile softly, sitting up a little and grabbing his hand. You guide him to your clit, guiding him on how to please you. 
You moan quietly as he takes over, picking it up quickly. Thank the maker he’s a quick learner. You let your body drop back onto the bed, sighing out another moan. “Kriff, Tech. Just like that.” 
The pleasure builds within you, igniting your body. It feels so good, unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. There’s a coil tightening in your belly, pressure building within you. 
You grab his hand before you cum, stopping him. “I want you inside me.” You say, sitting up to tug at his pants. 
He stands from the bed, letting them drop. You gape at the size of him, opening your legs wider. He crawls between them, pumping his hand over his length a couple times. “I’ve never done this before.” He says, staring down at you. 
“I haven’t either.” You say, swallowing nervously. You’re not sure why you’re nervous. You trust him. 
You wrap a hand around him, guiding him in place. He lowers himself to hover over you, letting your hand do the work. You wince a bit as he presses in, putting a hand on his hip to still him. You probably should have prepared a bit more for this, but you’re too desperate to feel him to care. 
You squeeze his hip, telling him to move. Your arms wrap around his back, holding on as he slowly works his way inside you. The stretch burns a bit, but his lips on your shoulder help distract from the discomfort. 
He groans once he’s seated inside you, his face pressing against your neck. You cling to him, finally feeling whole and content since his arrival. You can’t help but feel like this is where you’re supposed to be, right here in his arms. Despite the discomfort you shift your hips, moving him inside you. 
“Tech,” You murmur, your lips brushing his ear. 
He hums against your neck, gently kissing the skin. 
“Move.” You say, shifting your hips once more. 
He presses up onto his elbows, looking down at you as he begins to rock his hips. It’s a bit awkward and sloppy at first, but he picks up a rhythm quickly. Your lips part as you stare up at him, holding his gaze behind his goggles. You get lost in the intensity of them, the focus as he stares at you. You want to know what he’s thinking, you want to know what’s running through that head of his right now. 
He leans down to kiss you as his fingers find your clit, swallowing your moans as you cum. His thrusts turn sloppy, pressing into you once more before he releases inside of you. You both stay still, lips brushing in soft kisses as you take each other in. 
Tech pulls away from you, stepping into your fresher to grab a cloth to clean you both up with before he slides under the covers with you. You rest against his chest, wrapping an arm around him as he holds you. 
“Tech?” You ask, breaking the comfortable silence. He hums, fingers tracing patterns on your back. “You could have easily unlocked the door.” 
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Yes, I could have. Perhaps I was hoping for an invitation.” 
“You’ve never needed one.” You lean up, pressing a kiss to his lips. “You know that. You’ve always been welcome here.” 
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solitarydemise · 5 months
The Chain
!EddieMunson !MetalheadFemReader
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collage belongs to me
Summary:Eddie likes you but you're not sure about giving him a chance. Warning:Smoking,nothing else there are so many cute things you could have a heart attack.
Eddie smiled when he heard the sound of the guitar and entered the music class. You were singing and playing guitar. His entering distracted you and you took a deep breath "You again,can't you leave me alone for like 10 minutes?" Eddie put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket "No,I miss you so much." he was always acting annoying because when you got angry he would keep telling you he thought you were cute. Eddie sat down in one of the chairs "Come on,keep playing like I'm not here." You laughed sarcastically and put your guitar aside “It's hard to ignore you when you're being so annoying.” Eddie smiled charmingly "Admit it,you even like it when I'm annoying,"
You weren't even sure if Eddie liked you or not because he was so nice and flirty to most of the girls in your school.Even before you caught his attention,you found him very attractive. But you weren't just a person who could easily trust people,especially men. You didn't answer Eddie and he looked at you again "I heard you were looking for a guitarist,for the band." You sat down in the chair across from Eddie “Yeah,but our band is all girls so don't get your hopes up, Munson.”
Eddie laughed and started to fold the music papers on the table into airplanes "What kind of band is this?" he asked
"At first I wanted something in the style of Doom metal but the band members did not fit in well so we are doing Rock and Jazz oriented. We will do Fleetwood Mac covers."
He watched you like he was fascinated when you were talking. As soon as you finished your sentence,he chuckled and looked at you "This is the first time you made such a long sentence while talking to me" you laughed at what Eddieand took the paper he left unfinished and you started folding it "What can I do? I love music". Eddie stood up from his seat and picked up the guitar you left aside "You know,you might need a male vocalist in Fleetwood Mac covers. Lindsey Buckingham played a big role in that band" You smiled and looked at Eddie "And they kicked him out of the band." Eddie laughed and looked at you "Do you always think about negative things!". You laughed andthrew the folded paper plane towards him "No,I'm just a realist Edward." Eddie looked at you and watched you for a few seconds with a small smile appearing on his face "You're so cute."
This was a compliment you weren't expecting. You cleared your throat and started fixing your hair. Without looking at him,you just hummed "Thank you."
While you were at lunch you looked at your friend Robin "Shut up" you said and looked at the table in the corner. Eddie was there with his friends. "I don't even think he really likes me,he's kind of a laid back type". Robin frowned "How hard could it be?" Robin pointed to the table where Eddie was sitting. "He hangs out and playing games with kids that five years younger than him." You looked at Robin and said sarcastically "Your friend Steve also hangs out with those kids you mentioned." Robin sneered “I know and that's what makes Steve easy. Don't be too shy with Eddie,he's not the coolest guy in school or the girls' favorite. He's a total freak,just like you.” You laughed and threw one of the grapes to Robin "Shut up." You took a deep breath "Well,you're right what could happen?.I'll talk with him"
When school was over,you were looking around for Eddie and at the same time,you were trying not to show that you were looking for him. You saw Dustin going with his friends and you walked towards him "Hey,Dustin.have you seen Eddie?". Dustin shook his head "I think he was going to be in the woods behind the school on the way out" You paused for a few seconds "Woods?" Dustin took a deep breath, "Yes,it is a natural environment with trees,plants and birds." You hit Dustin's hat and made him blind "I know what it is,I mean what he's doing there." ,
"Selling weed,to Chrissy" Mike quickly continued. Dustin looked at him "You weren't supposed to say that." When they started to argue with each other,you ignored them and walked towards your car. You were the jealous type and it pissed you off. Well,no one was supposed to see them while making this sale,but why the forest? Couldn't it be a warehouse or a parking lot or something? While thinking about these,Robin knocked your window. You stopped fastening your seat belt and opened the window "What." Robin could tell you were angry. “Easy sweetie,what happened?” You took a deep breath and held the steering wheel "Nothing,just the thought of trusting someone was ridiculous." Robin was about to talk but you interrupted her, "Never mind,I don't want to talk. We have a rehearsal on the weekend,you'd better come." Robin exhaled deeply and watched you drive past. She wasn't about to leave it like that because Eddie was a selfless idiot and you were a girl who could give up on anything at once.
"And if you don't love me now,you will never love me again I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain" While you were singing the song and playing your guitar,you dropped your pick and the other members stood with you "Fuck!"
"Actually,they are very successful but the vocals seem a bit too rude"You quickly raised your head when you hear Eddie's voice and smiled fakely when you saw Robin and Eddie in front of you "What a surprise,it's nice to see you hanging out outside of the woods." Eddie didn't understand what you said and frowned "What?" you didn't want to talk about that and acted like nothing happened "Nothing,okay let's start over and try to keep up with me this time." as you were about to start playing again Eddie looked at you "Why are you avoiding talking,you won't even answer my questions. I hate it when you do this." You scoffed and raised your eyebrows "As who?" Eddie paused for a few seconds with your harsh rebuke and stood not knowing what to say "As your friend?" even he wasn't sure of that answer. You laughed sarcastically and continued to focus on your guitar,ignoring him. Eddie looked at you with disappointment for a few seconds and walked out of the garage without saying anything. Robin looked after Eddie and turned to you "Why did you act like that?He was here just for you". You looked at Robin "No need,I'm pretty sure there are girls he needs to meet to sell weed." Eddie definitely heard this,but he ignored it and went to his van.
While you were hanging out in your room that evening,you were thinking about what happened and doing your best not to blame yourself. There were things you were both wrong about. He only said sweet things to you and didn't do anything else,being constantly stuck in uncertainty made you sad and angry.No matter what happened,he didn't deserve what you said to him today.
The other day, you skipped math class and went to the music room. Eddie always did this too. When you got to the front of the classroom, you moved a little closer to the door and you could hear his voice "Take me to the place where you go,where nobody knows if it's night or day. Please don't put your life in the hands of a rock 'n' roll band who's gonna throw it all away" You entered the classroom with an unconscious smile on your face and looked at Eddie "Who'll throw it all away" Eddie looked at you and continued "It needs to be 'Who'll' this is the right lyric". Eddie cleared his throat and rubbed his fingers against the strings of his guitar "Thanks." He was so cold towards you,it hurt but you knew you kinda deserved it.
"I'm sorry about yesterday." You said to Eddie in a embarrassed manner.You remained silent for a few seconds and when you looked up,Eddie was standing right in front of you. He took out his guitar and put it aside and looked at you again "Why?" your heartbeat was already speeding up with Eddie's gaze. "Because I treated you in a way you didn't deserve,but I swear I had my reasons." You had to tell him everything to make him forgive you. "Breaking someone's heart for reasons is something I've experienced for the first time." he said.You took a deep breath "I was angry at you because you're always around the hottest girls in school and that makes me angry, maybe I just feel insecure.But that's your fault because you've always been so uncertain to me." Eddie had a satisfied grin on his face because of what you said. You continued ignoring him because you were a little lost "I really liked you in the beginning,but I had to suppress it for a very long time because I thought you would never go out with me,thanks to Robin I was going to talk with you yesterday, but your little friend said you were with one of the girls and I got so angry,even my heart broke and that's why yes-" your sentence was cut by Eddie's kiss. This was good because there was no other way he could make you shut up. You felt like you were on clouds with his kiss. You didn't respond tohis kiss at first because you were too confused. Eddie took a step back with a grin on his face and looked at you for a few seconds "And?". You stared at Eddie in fascination for a few more seconds "Nothing..." Eddie was enjoying this look of yours so much. You pulled him by his leather jacket and started a rough kiss. You both felt an intense hunger for each other and there was no point in stopping it any longer. When you broke apart a few seconds later,out of breath,you were both looking into each other's eyes "I don't fuck care about the others, you're the only one I love princess"
Used songs:Oasis-Don't look back in anger
Fleetwood Mac-The Chain
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ateriblewriter · 7 months
Butterflies (t.z)
Continuation of I’m Here
TRIGGERS: self harm, self worth, hinting at other things (if you or anyone ever needs help please do reach out)
a/n: sorry this a year late. but here it is! read with caution.
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"Do you have any sharpies? Or a permanent marker or something like that?" Trevor untangled himself from around your body when he felt the time was right. He didn't wait for your answer before he started to rummage through the drawers of junk that were in the kitchen.
Trevor wasn't about to act like he all the answers in world or like he was going to be the one to fix you. Because in reality that would be impossible, you needed someone trained in that field to help you long term. But that didn't mean that he couldn't help in the moment or at least try.
And he had an idea, something that he had seen when he was younger. A reminder for when your feelings got a little too big for you to handle by yourself. It also a place holder until he was able to help you find the correct help you needed. Because he wasn't going to leave you alone to deal with this on your own.
"Um. I think there might be one in the cup next to the sink." You mumble trying to remember where they were. You knew you had some. "Or else it's in with my art supplies. I don't know. I'm sorry."
"Hey now. There is nothing to be sorry about y/n." Trevor carried you over to your couch and making his way to your art corner to start scrounging around for that marker.
It took him a minute to find your collection, it turned out they were with the art supplies that hadn't been touched in months. He picked out two colors, purple and blue, your favorite color along with one of his.
Returning to where he had left you, he made himself comfortable. He snagged a blanket from the bin and laid it across the both of you. Trevor wasn't
"Give me your arm" He said, not asking. You didn't have the strength to question what his motives were, so you presented him with your wrist full of healing scars. He grimmaced seeing them, wondering how long this had been going on and why he didn't notice earlier.
Trevor took the purple marker starting to draw something. He started off with the body, adding some sort of antenna to what was supposed to be it head. He then took the blue marker and made wings on either side of its body.
"A butterfly?" You question rubbing and tracing over the temporary tattoo with the tip of your finger.
Your friend nodded and explained the simple rules: you want the butterfly to live by letting it fade naturally and reapplying it when you feel that certain urge. Oh and if you do act on those urges the butterfly dies.
You could do that. Or at least try. It seemed easy enough.
"You think she's gonna like it?" Trevor asked peeling off the bandage that once covered his newly acquired tattoo that laid on his right shoulder. He was looking to get something new to add to his collection of art in his body and he chose a butterfly design.
"A butterfly?" Mason scratched his head. He was a little unimpressed and a bit confused. But that's because he didn't know the significance of the creature. "I don't know man, it just seems kind of-"
"Perfect, right?" Trevor finished his sentence. He had grabbed a warm wash cloth to clean the remaining goop off.
"I was gonna say weird. But whatever floats your boat." The younger man shrugged. He didn't care what Trevor decided to put on his body.
Trevor groaned, quickly finishing up his tattoo care so they could go meet up with you. You would like the new ink, he was pretty positive of it. He just needed to show it to you know.
You weren't paying attention to what you were doing. Sometimes you do things and it just sort of happens and you don't really remember it. It was almost like you were in some sort of trance. A trance that had you acting upon some of those heavy feelings that had been plaguing you lately.
"Shit" You mumbled when you heard the knocking on the door. You had completely forgotten that Trevor and Mason were coming over. There was a fresh mark on your arm that you needed to take care of.
You hurried to the bathroom in search of some sort of bandage for your arm. Maybe you could play it off as an accident. You didn't need to tell Trevor what had happened. It would be fine right? Oh god you hoped Trevor wouldn't notice.
You just found a bandage, when you spotted the butterfly you had just drawn on your arm the day before. You panic a little, the drawing didn't have a purpose anymore and had to go. You drop the band-aid to reach for a nail scrubber and start to get rid of the butterfly.
"Come on, Y/n, open the door!" Trevor banged on the door again.
"You think she forgot?" Mason crossed his arms. It wouldn't be the first time it slipped her mind that they were supposed to hang.
"No we were talking about it earlier. I highly doubt she forgot so soon." Trevor frowned unsure what to do. Should he wait for you, maybe you were still getting ready. But he had a sinking suspicion that wasn't the case.
Trevor fished the key you had given him out of his pocket and opened the door. He suggested Mason stay there. Mason had no idea what Trevor had walked into last time something like this had happened, so he agreed to stay put.
Cautiously he entered your apartment and started to look around for you. He found you in the bathroom scrubbing away. He notice the red on your arm and put two and two together.
"Hey, Y/n?" He called out. He wasn't fully sure if you had completely heard him so he tried reaching you again. "Can you hear me?"
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" You continue what you were doing.
"Hey. Listen to me. You're okay. It happens. I'm not mad." Trevor wanted to grab onto your wrists to get you to stop scrubbing at the butterfly that had already been cleanly washed off, but you swore you could still see a piece of it. Instead he grabbed onto your shoulders and turned you to face him so wrap his arms around you and pull you in close. "It's okay. Wanna draw a new one?"
Let me know what you think! Anything is appreciated!
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idv-sunsxin3 · 9 months
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Horropedia // Dating Headcanons
Note// First Reverse: 1999 writing. A bit suggestive in some parts. This is my version of Horropedia, so if you don’t like it,,,, you might as well have to write your own because this is meant for my self-indulgence;; sowwy <//3
// preferably female s/o- gender neutral is also okay since I didn’t exactly mention a specific gender :)
As a strange autistic guy, I just imagine him to be the type of guy who probably have indirectly confessed to you earlier before you can even realize that months after- like you're just laid down on an armchair and you suddenly connected lines on the previous lines you once heard him before-
"Ah, hey! I've been waiting all my life to meet someone like you, so I had to come and say hello."
...he literally just say a simple remark with that smile as he gifted you a spirit catcher pistol- and then left....
Sometimes, you might not understand him. But you eventually asked him out on a date (in a normal way for once-).
"Oh? A date? Great! Let's go get coffee together. " :))
Little do you know, he also plans to have a ghost hunting date after that---
Kissing scenes in horror films? Horropedia at first felt a bit skeptical about them, finding that unnecessary... Until he got a crush on you, and then FELL for you - That's when he lowkey wondered in his autism brain... how would a kiss with you feels like?
Oh gosh, so many possibilities;;;
Horropedia would slowly realize the fact that he would unconsciously check his mouth breathing and fix his hair a bit whenever he spots you entering the room. "Who knows when that kiss scene happened cough cough -"/hj
There was a time Horropedia sneakily slipped during those ironically cute kissing scenes in a horror movie.. You may think you would just slip away from the unknown opportunity he would be searching for - But no, you wouldn't even get the peace to resume watching or have time to recover from a jumpscare that happened few minutes ago when there is this silly dork softly nibbling and smooching on your face and neck like that;;;
aaaand now you're making out with him in the middle of the movie ..
It seems there are now more reasons for him to ask you to stay over. ;)
He wants to impress you so bad ever since the moment he heard about you - You just happened to be... ordinary? But at the same time, refreshing... someone who easily connects with almost anyone.
Darn, I think you’re made for him. ☺️ (lol)
At first, he wanted to be the Mr. Mysterious and only introduced himself to you as "Horropedia. "... At some certain point after, he would  bashfully let you call him "Joshua." Just don't get too cocky...-/ih
If you're just as comfortable with dark humor and other kinds of morbid stuff, there is this small scenario where you and Horropedia would roleplay a bit as to help him make up stories involving these morbid antagonists and anti-heroes...- He would be kinda a bit down bad if you say Wednesday Adams stuff technically./hj
He is not sure If he has the right to die or laugh when he gets called "Joshy"... it's cringe, but he finds your silly demeanor very cute and funny.
You happen to be a big listener when it comes to horror movies, horror stories, and horror video games- whatever horropedia rambles at you at 3 am. as if it is a nearly daily basis/ih
He loves sharing hobbies with you, even cherishing the moments when you get to do whatever activities with him that are close to his interests and what he's passionate about...
You can already tell he's not interested in anything else other than that sense of thrill he has for phenomenon or violent drama... but he'll try his best to be flexible when it comes to giving you quality time... Like crafting, cooking, maybe painting?
You might know what he will create in his own hands...- ghost cupcakes, a sculpture of Friday the 13th's killer, Michael Myers mask---
Jumpscares are out of date for him, of course, but then... he still watches those classical horror movies once in a while since they're pretty much fundamental to the art of fear.
Ironically... He does like surprise back touches! Well... As long as it doesn't have to imply his poor posture, back hugs are good to go.
He finds it pleasant to have you sit next to him or on his lap as he plays those Indie horror games(?), "mmmm... Dark deception? World of Horror? Resident Evil? The Last of Us? What about Outlast? What do you think, Babe? :))"
FNAF would be obviously a breeze for him... Bro, imagine him going crazy about fnaf lore, hahahha-
DDLC gave him mixed feelings. He is half glad his baby is not that mad crazy because of that/ih
LITTLE NIGHRMARESSSS- Man, imagine him having these silly moments with how he just concerningly reacts so happily at a kid eating a gnome who just offered a sausage oh gosh-
Watching horror movies with him would be like watching a live commentary channel as you feel a slim hand rubbing your waist throughout the movie.
You might have mixed reactions alongside him when accidentally encountering sex scenes on horror movies...- things might get awkward but he would make sure to close your eyes if you don't like to see that kind of stuff- intercourse is not the option,,,, mass arson it is/ih
I can only imagine Horropedia calling you either your name, Babe, Baby, or  Boo (NOT PUN INTENDED I SWEAR FJNFNF;;) Is usually your name being called normally. Unless he is so so happy,,, or is because he just did something you probably not going to like~ 😇✨️
“Is your name Boo? Because you’re making me scream in delight.” ♥️
Oh boy-
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acourtofthought · 8 months
Sjm didn't make elucien mates and then change her mind. She knew she's going to make elriel endgame from the get go. Even when she had Lucien say, "you are my mate". If you reread the series, acosf comes of as a filler. It was Nesta's healing journey but it was also used to set some of the vital plot points for Elain's book, with Azriel. And she's not going to change the direction of such a solid overarching plot for gwynriel. GA a mediocre ship with an over done couple dynamic. And sjm doesn't have history of bending to the readers whim. As for Lucien, she's already introduced Vassa and laid the foundation of Lucien and Vassa's story. Pairing Lucien with Elain would be a waste of a great story and a great female character (Vassa). She's not going to do that. If eluciens and gwynriels think the time magazine article was a random mention of Elain and Azriel that has nothing to do with sjm or BB they are sorely mistaken.
You mean SJM thought Nesta would be with Lucien only to change her mind with how toxic they'd be together just to pair him with Elain knowing Az was her endgame? Weird.
I really enjoy how you take a journalists own words over that of the author herself.
Somehow the journalist saying that fans speculate about Az and Elain is a bigger deal to you than SJM being quoted as saying because she has it in her own life, she can write about men who are the females biggest supporter, cheering her on and supporting her growth and we then have the author herself writing it so Az gets SCOLDED for not believing in Elain.
And VASSA is a greater female character than Gwyn who became one of the first Valkryie in how many years? Yes, Vassa's many many pages of dialogue clearly prove your point. I think Vassa says a total of 10 sentences throughout the entire series.
Vassa will still be important, but as a side character in Elucien's journey as their friend who will end up with Jurian.
But you got us, E/riel is up there with the greatest love stories of all time.
And Mor backed away. Step by step. "What a prize," the kind said, that black gaze devouring her. Azriel's head lifted from where he was sprawled in his own blood, eyes full rage and pain as he snarled at the king, "Don't you touch her." Mor loked at Azriel - and there was real fear there. Fear - and something else. She didn't stop moving until she again kneeled beside him and pressed a hand to his wound. Azriel hissed - but covered her bloody fingers with his own. (oh....just so you know, Elain was kidnapped and is currently bound and gagged, with the King preparing to put her into the Cauldron but Az is a little too busy focusing on Mor to care).
And somehow had to guard Elain, though I certainly wasn't about to tell Lucien that. Cassian, swearing and pissy, got the short stick, and Azriel only clapped him on the shoulder before heading to the house to prepare. (Here we have Elain depressed but Az is happy to leave her).
Throughout it, he was quiet - removed. Even by his standards. I made the mistake of asking if he'd spoken to Mor since he'd left last night. No, he had not. And that was that. Even if he kept flexing his scarred hand at his side. As if recalling the sensation of the hand she'd whipped free of his touch during the meting. Over and over. (I think you might want to rethink that fanart scene that's floating around of Az flexing his hand for Elain a la Mr. Darcy).
"It's worth a try," Mor sniped. "You're needed here," Cassian said. Azriel looked included to agree, even as he kept quiet. (Elain had a vision with her Seer powers, something Az claimed "We need"......yet he did absolutely nothing about it. He did did not fight for what she was seeing, he did not offer to go. How incredibly supportive!).
"Are we supposed to get the sisters presents?" "No I said, and I meant it. Az seemed to loose a sigh of relief".
Az, to his credit, gave Mor a smile of thanks, a blush creeping over his cheeks, his hazel eyes fixed on her. I looked away at the heat, the yearning that filled them.
Nesta said to Feyre, "Did you tell Elain?"
Before Feyre could reply, Azriel said, "What about Mor?"
"Where's my beautiful Mor?" Az said tightly, "Away."
Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, "There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be expose to." / She threw a nod toward Azriel. "Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to." Don't underestimate her."
Rhysand blinked, "What of Mor, Az?" Azriel ignored the question.
Azriel said nothing. He hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the sexual fantasies he pleasured himself to.
"We defeated Hybern," Azriel confirmed. A glance toward Truth-Teller at his side. Then at Nesta. "Nesta beheaded the King of Hybern by herself."
There you go. That's your beautiful, romantic, SJM planned from the start love story of Elain and Az.
It doesn't matter how many sweet moments you have for E/riel the fact remains that shortly after each scene, Az was written to still be hung up on Mor (funny how his longing glances only became few and far between in the book where Mor WAS NO LONGER IN THE NIGHT COURT FOR A MAJORITY OF THE TIME), where he still disrespected Elain, where he never once gave her credit for the brave things she did during the war, where he never once addressed her depression or the things she lost like her father, her humanity, her fiance.
And the overarching plot already lends itself to an Elucien and Gwynriel endgame. There's no mental gymnastics or changing the characters personalities to make it fit.
Pairing Elain with Az would be a waste of Elain's character. If you cared for Elain as you say you do you'd ship her with Amren more than Az considering Amren had to reprimand Az for underestimating her.
"But it's what Elain wants!"
Sometimes young girls that just experienced trauma are foolish thinking they know what they want even though the adults in the room can clearly see it's not healthy 🤷. Elain is working through it all but once she comes out on the other side, she'll see things a bit more clearly. I think we got our evidence of that when she returned Az's necklace and I can't wait to see if in the next book she finds out about the bullshit he said about her and Lucien.
I have never heard of a more delusional comment than claiming SJM used SF as filler for an E/riel endgame. SJM is on record of saying how Nesta felt keenly alive to her early on, how she feels emotional rereading SF because of her own journey with mental health issues yet you're turning into E/riel fodder.
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datingdonovan · 4 months
a/n: wake up. food's ready. just sat here for a few minutes and rehabbed an old draft that was probably based on this fabulous onceler drabble, I think? also VERY pg13... not really any explicit sex but. it's a lot about sex. my blog and my writing used to be so sfw but cece is back after her most recent troubling sexual relationship and is probably sexier than ever. he he ha ha help me. I hope you enjoy. also reader is gn but does get called beautiful so if that feels gendered or triggering to you please be aware! also mentions of tipsy/inebriated sex!!!! so dubcon in that way? I tried to make everyone not drunk drunk but if tipsy sex is slimy for you watch out for that too
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Yamaguchi wakes up slowly, eyes halfway open, naked body warm. And then he remembers what happened. The muscles in his body all tense at once, and it takes every fiber of his being to stay still. No no no no no. That hadn't happened. Shit. That hadn't happened, right?
But it had. His palm is resting on the soft skin of your hip and despite his best efforts he's squeezing lightly, so fucking nervous, and you're squirming toward him, still asleep, smiling softly, and it had, it had happened, oh god, it had.
Fuck. His ears are ringing with anxiety. What had happened? What had happened? He hadn't drank nearly enough last night for this to possibly have fucking happened.
And the information floods his mind as you nuzzle closer to his chest, your skin flush against his, a soft kiss where your mouth meets his shoulder. You, Tsukki, Tsukki breaking up with you — meanly, meaner than was necessary. You, Yamaguchi, and Tsukki, best friends, best friends since freshman year and Tsukki dating you and Yamaguchi shutting up and enduring it and you feeling tired of Tsukki's pretentiousness and his mean jokes and you telling Yamaguchi about it and Yamaguchi telling Tsukki about it and instead of fixing it making it worse and then you. You. YOU.
You with no more Tsukki, crying into his shoulder, and saying you just want to fuck someone. You're not even angry, you knew this was coming, you just want to fuck someone to forget. And Yamaguchi, the ever-loving asshole that he is, saying yes, yes, that makes sense, instead of saying, no, it's a bad idea. And then your dorm room, and then your sheets, and then your skin, god, your fucking skin. And now probably a hundred missed calls from Tsukki when Yamaguchi can chance a look at his phone, and the swirling feeling of bile coming up his throat, but what the fuck was he supposed to do? Wouldn't anyone have done the same?
He'd been in love with you since he first laid eyes on you, and in better, kinder ways than Tsukki, he knew. You were so beautiful, a ray of sunshine, someone who deserved the world, and to be treated with tenderness, and care. Tsukki just treated you like he did any other adoring idiot who was obsessed with him. Yamaguchi knew you deserved someone who was obsessed with you, and he knew he could be that. He knew he could love you. He had to constantly fucking remind Tsukki how you took your coffee in the morning, and what your favorite flavor of ice cream was, and that it did in fact matter when he got home if you were waiting up for him, and that you actually cared about him more than he knew and he shouldn't be wasting this opportunity treating you like an annoyance, like you didn't deserve his attention. Hell, with everything Yamaguchi tried to do to make sure you were treated right, you might as well have been dating him the whole time.
And he hated how his heart twinged with jealousy every time you chose his best friend over him, but he let it happen, because he loved you, even though he just fucking knew that wasn't how it was supposed to be. And then last night, everyone was tipsy, and you were crying, and he saw the chance to show you what really being loved could look like, and he took it. Fuck.
You mumble something soft and sweet against his shoulder and he remembers what he said last night with you on top of him, the only thing he could find the words to say, in every cadence he could think of, even after you laughed and told him to stop:
"I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you."
Yamaguchi swallows hard.
It hadn't been sex. It had been love. And that was so, so much worse.
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sissylittlefeather · 6 months
Time for another Elvis movie character story!
Spinout: a Mike McCoy Story
A/N: So I lowkey love Mike McCoy from Spinout. Like, he might be my favorite Mike. He's definitely the one I watch the most! He's such a little shit, but he's so cute I'll allow it. Still, he needed to be brought down a peg, so please enjoy this unorthodox fic 😂
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, lots of sex in this one, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, ejaculation, also they drink alcohol in a couple of scenes
Word count: ~5.8k (I know; it's long. But I think it's worth it)
(There are NO GIFS of Mike McCoy, which is criminal. I'll make a few and come back)
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After he married off the three women that had insisted on marrying him, Mike McCoy went back to his life of singing, racing, and hooking up with any woman who was willing.
You start as his new drummer not long afterwards and it takes you about five minutes to realize what he's like. You are less than impressed, to say the least. Still, he's cute enough, so you flirt with him on stage when he comes back to play one of your drums. He winks, and you smile despite yourself, but you're not sold on him yet. Once the show is over, he comes to you, fighting off the crowd of women that's gathered around him.
"That was some show, kid."
"Oh, thanks." You start to pack up your drum kit.
"No, I'm serious. You're great. Would you like to-"
"No, thank you Mike." He blinks, confused.
"You don't even know what I was gonna ask."
"I feel like I do and I'm saying no."
"Okay." He looks at you funny and then goes back to the crowd of women.
The one thing that's changed since you came around is you demand that the group stay in motels instead of camping. He agrees only because it makes it easier for him to bring home girls.
You load up the car with the guys and then head back to your rooms. Mike has a girl in the front seat, so you squeeze in between Larry and Curly in the backseat of the Duesenberg. She giggles obnoxiously as you ride to the motel and you roll your eyes. Mike really is insufferable.
Back at the motel, you have your own room, but you share a wall with Mike. Needless to say, the girl he brought home didn't get any quieter once they reached the room. You put a pillow over your head and try to drown out the sounds. You know whats happening; you don't need sound effects.
When morning rolls around, the guys come to your room to eat the breakfast you've thrown together on the skillet you travel with. This was one of the stipulations to joining the band: you have to feed them. Mike shows up without the girl, thankfully. He smiles at you glowingly.
"You like tired, y/n. Couldn't sleep?"
"Was a little difficult with all that noise."
"Oh, I'm sorry honey, were we too loud?"
"Please don't call me honey. And yes." You go to walk away but realize you're in a small room and there's nowhere to go, so you head out the door to get some fresh air. You're out by the car when he catches up with you.
"What do you want, Mike?"
"I really am sorry, honey- I mean kid. I didn't mean to bother ya."
"Mhmm." You nod unconvincingly.
"Listen, why don't you let me take you out tonight after the show? Make it up to you?"
"You really don't need to do that."
"No, but I want to." You look up at him and do a quick appraisal. He's not really your type- too pretty- but he's not bad. His eyes are kind and his smile is sweet. You'd really like to see what he looks like without his hair fixed. And you haven't gotten laid in months. At least this way you wouldn't have to listen to him with anyone else.
"Oh, alright. Just one drink, though."
"Okay. I can work with that." You give him a half smile and head back into the motel room.
That night, after the show, you find yourself three drinks deep with Mike McCoy and you're having more fun than you expected. He's only had two drinks, but you go ahead and order a fourth one. Once you finish it, you lean over on his shoulder and intertwine your fingers with his. He looks down at you with the strangest expression on his face. But you don't care. He's warm and strong and he smells good and you're in the mood. When he decides it's time to go home, you grab the front of his jacket and pull his lips to yours. He backs away slowly, same strange expression on his face. He shakes his head a bit and then kisses you again quickly. You put your arms around his neck and slide your tongue into his mouth and he pulls back suddenly.
"Yeah, we need to leave."
"Whatever you say, Mikey." He hurries you out to the car, where he puts his hands on your hips and pulls you in for another deep kiss.
"I'm sorry, honey, I just didn't want to kiss ya like that in the bar." He kisses you again. You let him keep kissing you, he's not a half-bad kisser, so you hope it's a hint at things to come. Finally, he ushers you into the car and you drive back to the motel with your head on his shoulder and your hand in his lap. You can feel his erection through his pants, so you begin to stroke him gently. He grunts.
"Honey, you better be careful. You're gonna have to finish what you start."
"Oh, I plan to." He groans and kisses you again before turning back to the road.
When you get to the motel, he swings into a parking space and practically drags you out of the car and to his room. He gets the key in the door and the door open all without taking his lips off of yours. It's clear he does this a lot and you start to get excited that this might be a pretty good night.
He walks you backwards into the room and pulls your dress up and over your head in one move. You get off all four of his layers on top, though it does take longer than you expected. Once you're in nothing but panties and he has on his slacks, hardness straining against the crotch, he lays you down on the bed. He kisses your neck down to your nipple where he nibbles on one and teases the other with his fingers.
"Ow!" He pinches you just a little too hard.
"Oh god, I'm sorry. Did that hurt?"
"Yeah, it's okay though, just keep going." He keeps moving down your body, dropping hot kisses on your skin as he goes. When he reaches the place between your thighs, you lay back ready to enjoy the pleasure he's about to bring you. But after a few seconds you sit up on your elbows and look down at him. Based on the way he's moving his mouth on you, you'd guess this is the first time he's ever done this. You know that can't be right, though. Still, he's moving all wrong in all the wrong places. You're not quite sure how it's possible the be this wrong about what he's doing.
You let him do his thing, hoping that at some point he'll get to the right spot, but he never does. After way too long, he pulls back and says,
"Cum for me baby." And you'd love to. You really really would, but it's just not there and you're not the kind of girl that fakes it.
"Umm... I can't." He looks up at you confused and exhausted.
"I said I can't."
"Oh..." He sits up and wipes his face with his hand. "Too much to drink?"
"Sureee..." You'll let that be the excuse. He seems to be okay with giving up and climbs up your body to line his cock up with your entrance. He's got a beautiful dick, so you hope that this part will be good, at least. But once he pushes into you, you lose hope for that possibility.
He's a jackhammer, and not a graceful one. He pounds into you relentlessly, but somehow also not passionately? He soldiers on, seemingly unaware of how bad he is and you let him, just waiting for it to be over.
"Is that good, baby?" He whispers as he slams into you over and over again.
"Mmm" you give him a half-hearted moan.
"Yeah, it's so good." He grunts and pulls out quickly to pump his cock and squirt his seed all over your stomach. Somehow, he doesn't even do that part right and it gets all over everything.
He rolls over onto his back next to you and you lay there wondering how on earth this is possible. The girl he was with last night sure sounded like she enjoyed it. Maybe it was a fluke? You're not sure you want to try it again though.
"Was that good for you, honey? Did you...?" Again, you're not one to lie to him, but you don't want to hurt his feelings. Still, there's really no other way to say it.
"No, not really." You say it quietly and he sits up, stunned.
"What?" You sit up too and try to ignore the fact that he hasn't cleaned you off yet.
"Well, do you want me to lie?"
"Maybe..." He runs his hand through his hair, legitimately puzzled.
"Can I get a towel or something?"
"Oh, sure." He gets out of the bed and gets a towel from the bathroom. "You want me to...?"
"No, you've done enough, thanks." You take the towel and use it to clean yourself off.
"Why didn't you say anything while we were... y'know... during...?"
"I don't know. How do you tell someone in the middle of sex 'hey, you're bad at this'?" You get out of bed and begin to put your clothes back on.
"That's fair."
"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow, Mike."
"Hey, can we not... tell the guys?"
"Sure. Goodnight." He walks towards you like he's going to kiss you, but you open the door and walk out, back to your own room.
The next few shows you play together are painfully awkward. He tries to flirt with you on stage like normal, but you pretty much ignore him. You're still not sure what to make of the weird sexual experience you had together. Part of you wants to give him an opportunity to redeem himself, but most of you is okay with letting it go. About a week after your encounter, Mike comes to you when the show is done.
"Hey, honey, are you mad at me?" You smile at him awkwardly.
"No, I'm not mad. Why?"
"You just haven't talked to me in a week."
"Oh, well, y'know..."
"Is this because of-" He mouths the next part silently. "...the sex?"
You sigh and put your hands on your hips.
"You want me to lie?"
"It is. Will you give me a chance to try again? Maybe with no alcohol this time." You seriously doubt that'll help.
"Mike, I really don't think it's a good idea."
"Why not?" He pouts and it's admittedly very cute.
"Come on, please? Just one more chance. I'll make it worth your while." He steps close to you and looks down into your face. His eyes are mesmerizing.
"Um... " He leans in close and kisses you gently. Maybe you could give him one more try. When he pulls back, he smiles.
"Let me take you to dinner tonight."
"Okay. We can try this again." He kisses you on the cheek and then goes back to packing the car.
After dinner, you find yourself back in Mike's hotel room naked with him again. He lays next to you on the bed sweating and breathing heavily.
"That had to be better." You look at him and grimace. To his credit, he did try to add several position changes, but that just seemed to throw off his momentum and make it even more awkward. "You're kidding me."
"I'm sorry..."
"What the hell am I doing wrong?!" You look at him skeptically. You're not even sure where to begin.
"Oh, Mike, I'm sure it's just me." It's not you, but you're willing to accept the blame if it means he'll leave you alone.
"No. There's a reason girls don't sleep with me more than once. I always told myself it was because I didn't want to get attached, but they don't usually try again." He almost sounds like he's on the verge of tears. "You gotta help me."
"Mike, no..." He turns and looks at you.
"How would I even do that?"
"Teach me." You roll your eyes and look away from him.
"You're really gonna just let me go back out into the world like this?" You laugh and turn back to him. "You're doing a disservice to all of womankind, really."
"Maybe you could just keep it in your pants."
"Oh no, honey, you know that's not an option." He rolls onto his side to face you and runs his fingertips down your cheek. "Come on, it'll be fun. You can boss me around all you want."
"That is tempting." You roll over and look at him. He seems so genuinely desperate. "Okay, listen, I'll think about it."
He smiles and for the first time you notice how attractive he really is.
"Thank you, honey."
"I haven't said yes, yet."
"Well, thank you for even considering it." He has the strangest desire to ask you to stay in his room overnight. Thats totally not his style at all. He hasn't slept in a bed with a woman in years. Something about you is different, though. He's noticed it since the beginning, but it just gets stronger the more he's around you. Like he doesn't get tired of you and want you to leave.
You get up out of the bed and start to get dressed again. He watches you quietly. Once you're put back together you turn back to him.
"Goodnight, Mike."
"Goodnight, y/n. And thank you... for your honesty."
"Of course." You walk through the door and pull it closed behind you.
Two nights later, you play another show at another bar. Afterwards, you expect Mike to either do his normal hunting routine or try to come talk to you, but he doesn't do either. Instead, he sits at a table alone with a drink and looks at the crowd of people around him. You watch him stare down at his drink and then take a big swig. He looks so pitiful just sitting there by himself. Part of you wonders if this is an act for your benefit, but he seems to really be feeling down. When a girl walks up to him and starts flirting with him, you realize he's not acting. She's pretty, but he barely even smiles or looks up at her. His confidence is shot and it's your fault. The girl finally shrugs her shoulders and walks away. You make your way over to him.
"Alright, fine." He looks up at you nervously.
"Fine, what?" You roll your eyes impatiently.
"Fine, I'll teach you." He stands up and smiles a little.
"Yes, really. Come on. Let's go." You hold your hand out to him and he takes it quickly, following your lead to the car. When you get there, you realize how excited he is and you hesitate.
"Mike, I'm not making any guarantees here. I'm not an expert."
"No, but you're obviously better than me. I'll take any kind of help I can get." You nod and he leans down and kisses you. He wraps himself around your waist and you put your arms on his shoulders. Suddenly, he stops and pulls away. "Wait. Am I bad at this part too?"
"No, surprisingly you're a pretty good kisser. So I know you have it in you. Somewhere."
"Oh, gee, thanks."
"Listen, if we're going to do this, you're going to have to be okay with me being totally honest with you." He straightens up and nods.
"Yes ma'am. I'm here to learn." You laugh a little and get in the car with him to drive to the motel.
"Okay, where do we start?" He asks almost as soon as the door to his room is closed. He's obviously eager. You think for a second about how to begin. You've never had to teach someone how to have sex before, so you're not exactly sure what to do. Then, you launch into a monologue about how every woman's body is different and just because you teach him yours doesn't mean he won't have to learn again with a new girl.
"Ah ha. That's where we start. You need to know how to read if you're on the right track."
"That seems like a lot of work, honey."
"You wanna get better or not?"
"Yes. Okay. So how do I know?"
"Well women will respond to certain things when they feel good."
"They usually do moan and say 'yes' and stuff." He offers. You purse your lips. These women are not helping.
"You know that's really easy to fake, right?" His mouth pops open. He had genuinely never considered that a girl might be faking pleasure with him.
"Noooo, I know what an orgasm sounds like." You roll your eyes and then start to moan. You gasp and cry out and moan even louder. You close your eyes and throw your head back, running your hand up your chest.
"Yes, yes, oh Mike, yes!" Then you stop suddenly and raise your eyebrows. When you finish your dramatic presentation he stands there with his mouth hanging open.
"Okay. Point taken." You sit down on the bed and he sits next to you. "So how do I know if it's real or not?"
"Look for body cues. Arching her back, grabbing the sheets, curling or flexing her toes. Also like, gritted teeth, faster heart rate and breathing. Sweating. It's hard to fake sweating."
"And if she does those things I should keep doing what I'm doing."
"Yes. Keep it steady, especially with your mouth. Like change it up a bit but if she doesn't respond then go back to what you were doing before." He nods.
"Okay. This is good. What else?"
"I'm not sure. You know what, just try to start and I'll stop you as we go." You gesture with your hands for him to touch you. He looks at you funny again and stays where he is next to you on the bed. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know. I just got really nervous all of a sudden." He smiles awkwardly.
"We've already done this twice before."
"I know but I just... I know it'll be bad..." He looks down at his lap.
"Hey! Look at me." You put your finger under his chin and tip his face up to look at you. "You're trying to get better. That's good. You could just keep going only worrying about your own pleasure, but you're not. Give yourself some credit."
The way you talk to him fills him with a kind of warmth he's never experienced before. He has the urge to kiss you, but not because he wants to have sex with you. He wants to kiss you because he wants to feel connected to you. Gently, he reaches out and puts his hand on your cheek, leaning in to press his lips against yours.
The kiss is more tender than anything you've experience with him thus far and it makes your stomach flip flop. He parts your lips and dips his tongue into your mouth passionately. The intensity continues to increase as your mouths move against each other and, without thinking, you climb onto his lap and straddle him. He runs his hands up under your shirt and pulls it up over your head. He kisses down your neck and for a second you forget that you're supposed to be giving him lessons. But then he takes your bra off and grabs your breasts aggressively.
"Okay... stop." He pulls back and looks at you breathlessly.
"You're grabbing my boobs like they're trying to get away from you. Slow down. Touch me to feel me. Think about the sensation in your fingertips." You take his hands and put them back on your breasts. He looks down at them and squeezes softly. Then, he carefully runs his thumb over your nipple.
"What about my tongue?"
"What about it?"
"Can I focus on that sensation too? Like this?" Leaning forward, he gently licks your nipple until it hardens and you moan softly. He ghosts his lips across to your other breast and gives it the same attention, running his thumb over the other one to keep it hard. Your breath quickens and you run your fingers in the back of his hair. He drags his tongue up your chest to your neck and nibbles on your earlobe.
"There. Was that better?" He whispers in your ear and you nod with your eyes closed.
"Yeah, don't stop." He smiles and moves his hands to your back, kissing the supple skin of your breasts. You grind your hips against him and he groans.
"What happens now?"
"Now you flip me onto my back and use your mouth."
"Yes ma'am." He stands up with you wrapped around him, turns, and then lays you on the bed. He continues the pattern of gentle kisses down your body to the top of your pants. You arch your back and moan again.
"Ha! You arched your back!" He sits up and his eyes sparkle with pride. Something about that really tickles you and you erupt in a cascade of giggles. He frowns. "What? You did! I'm paying attention."
"No, you're doing great. You're just really cute. But don't stop." He smiles again and kisses the place between your bellybutton and the button on your pants.
"Can I?"
"Yes please." He unbuttons your pants and pulls them down and off. Next, he slides your panties down and tosses them to the side. He goes to move his mouth down to your center, but you stop him.
"Okay, now, here, give me your hand." You use your finger to guide his to where your clit is.
"You feel that? That's where you want to focus your attention. Like this." You show him how to move his finger over and around it and whimper with the pleasure. You move your hand away and he presses down a little too hard.
"No! Gentle pressure." He adjusts to be softer and a small moan escapes your lips. "Yeah, like that. Now, give me your hand again."
He stops what he's doing and you take his middle finger and press it into you.
"I haven't done this since high school."
"Oh lord." You laugh. "You should do it pretty much every time." He moves it in and out by himself and then adds a second finger.
"Like that, honey?"
"Mhmmm." He notices that your breathing picks up again. "Now put your mouth on me where you had your finger a minute ago."
He leans forward and presses his tongue to your clit.
"Oh fuck..." You moan and you feel him smile. He begins to move his tongue the way he had moved his finger over and around you and you grab the sheets and whimper. "Yes, Mike, just like that."
Your hips buck into his mouth and he pumps his fingers in and out as he licks you in a consistent pattern with more fervor. You feel the pressure of your orgasm start to build.
"Mmm mmmm don't stop." You whisper through gritted teeth. He does a tickling motion with his fingers and you groan loudly. He feels your walls flutter and he pulls back.
"Are you close?"
"Yes! Don't stop!" You put your hand in his hair and push his face back to your center. He smirks at your neediness and then goes back to licking you with a new determination. He feels your sensitive bud as it hardens in his mouth and your walls flutter around his fingers again. Finally, the coil of your orgasm snaps and your release spills out of you onto his hand as you shudder and pulse around his fingers. You feel the pleasure rush through you in waves that crest and fall as it crashes out to your fingertips.
"Mike, yes! Fuck!" You squirm under him as he continues to lick you. You run your fingers through the front of his hair and push him off of you. He sits up excitedly.
"Did I do it?! Did you cum?"
"Yeah! Can't you tell?"
"Well, after seeing and feeling that I don't think I've ever successfully done it before now. But I did it!"
"Aw, baby." You sit up and hold his face in your hands. He's unbearably sweet in his excitement. You pull him to you and kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips. He rips his jacket off and you tear at the rest of his clothes until he's as naked as you are. You line his perfect cock up with your entrance, but he hesitates.
"I don't want to do it wrong."
"Think of everything you've learned so far. Be gentle. Go slow. Feel the sensations instead of just driving towards an orgasm. And watch my body for cues." He nods and slowly starts to push into you. You moan as he fills you up and you stretch around him. He starts to pump in and out of you.
"Hmm." He makes a strange face again.
"This feels so much better."
"Imagine that." You both smile and he kisses you again.
"Does it always have to be this slow?"
"No. You can go faster and really give it to me, but it needs to be because you're feeling the passion, not just because you're trying to rush through it."
"So, if I do this..." He holds one of your hips with his hand and picks up speed, slamming into you with increasing intensity.
"Yes. God, yes that's good." You grab him and kiss him deeply again and the passion builds between you. Both of you begin to sweat and he watches as your breasts bounce with his thrusts.
"Do you wanna get on top, maybe?"
"Yes." You push him backwards and he sits with his back against the headboard. You put one knee on either side of his hips and he grabs yours and lowers you onto his cock. You bounce on him and his hands go to your breasts again.
"God, honey, that's so good." You grind against him, pushing him deeper and deeper while he kisses your shoulder.
"You like that, baby?" You ask, moaning softly. Again, you forget you're supposed to be giving him lessons.
"I do. Is it good for you?" He asks as he runs his hand through your hair.
"Yes." He smiles.
"I'm gonna cum soon, honey."
"Okay. So when you do, try to direct it to one spot on my body."
"Yes ma'am. Where do you want it?" You pull off and lay with your stomach on the bed. He smiles and climbs on top of you, finding your entrance from behind. He starts with long, deep strokes as he kisses your back. After a few seconds, he picks up speed and reaches around you to gently squeeze your breast again as he continues to press his lips to your shoulder.
"I'm gonna cum. Oh, fuck!" He pulls out quickly and pumps his cock as he directs his release onto your lower back. "Yes, y/n, god, yes!"
He rolls over onto his back, his chest glistening with sweat. Without prompting, he jumps out of bed and grabs a towel to clean you up. He's still breathing heavily when he lays back down next to you and you roll over onto your side next to him. You put your hand on his chest and he grabs it and kisses your fingers.
"Was that any better?"
"That was much better."
"Yes!" He does a fist pump. You roll out of bed and start to gather your clothes. "You wanna stay?"
He's not sure where that came from or why he said it. All he knows is that something about you makes him feel relaxed in a way he never has before. He wants more of that feeling.
"Oh, umm, no thanks. I'll see you in the morning?" His smile falls a little bit.
"Yeah, sure." He gets up and puts his pants on to walk you to the door. When you get there, he pulls you to him and kisses you deeply one last time.
"Goodnight, Mike."
"You too, honey." He closes the door and then stands with his back against it. Why do you make him feel this way?
Even the guys notice that things between you and Mike have improved. You laugh and flirt and the next few shows you play have a better energy than they have in weeks.
What they don't know is you're giving Mike sex lessons every couple nights and have been for the last two weeks. He proves to be a pretty good student and he tries hard to implement what he's learned. Sometimes his attempts fail miserably, but you both just laugh and keep moving. He revels in the freedom he has with you to try and fail and still wind up in your arms again a few nights later. He's never really had a relationship before, so he's blindsided by the way he feels when you tell him you have a date and can't come to his room that night.
"But, honey, I thought we had a date?"
"Did you...? Do you..? Mike do you think we're dating?" He blushes a deep pink and goes back to packing up your drum kit, which he has started doing recently.
"No, I just..." His disappointment is palpable.
"Do you want me to cancel it?" You're not sure why you said that. You have no reason to actually date Mike McCoy.
"No! No, it's fine. I'm fine. Have fun." He finishes packing up and goes to get a drink. There's a weird feeling of guilt or sadness or something that settles in your stomach.
Mike decides it might be time to test out what you've taught him, so he goes to the bar and starts chatting up several different girls. He's not feeling particularly drawn to any of them, though, and he starts to really wish you were there. Still, by the end of the night, he's narrowed it down to a sweet little thing with blonde curls and big blue eyes.
Back at the room, she kisses him and he tries to remember everything you've taught him. He imagines your voice telling him to be gentle and go slow and really feel the woman he's touching. Eventually he opens his eyes and he sees you instead of the girl he's actually with. Suddenly, it gets easier to remember your lessons. He reads her body for cues and adjusts as necessary, just like you said, but he still can't get the image of you out of his head. She makes all the right noises and he can tell that her orgasm is authentic. But what should've made him glow with pride really just disappointed him that it's not you he's doing this with. He shakes his head to try to refocus and goes back to what he's doing. But when he cums, he has to work very hard not to moan your name.
He rolls onto his back, sweating and she laughs.
"That was incredible." He pops his head up.
"Really? You're not just sayin' that?"
"No. That was amazing." She rolls onto his chest. "I could stay. We could have round two in the morning?"
He's never had a girl volunteer to stay and have sex with him again. Something about what you taught him worked. He knows he should say yes, but he just can't. The only woman he wants in his bed is you. So, he does something he's never done before and says no to sex with a pretty girl, sending her on her way confused and disappointed.
He hopes your date was really bad.
The next morning, you do a morning walk of shame and the guys are already in your room waiting for breakfast. Mike looks at you, tries to say something but can't, and then looks away quickly. The other two laugh and make jokes about you showing up in clothes from the night before. You're surprised when Mike doesn't join them.
"Shut up, guys." Honestly, he's tired of thinking about you with another man, but he knows that can't be his excuse. "Y'know, just... leave her alone."
The rest of breakfast goes by in awkward silence.
As you go to leave the motel and travel to your next destination, Mike grabs you and pulls you aside.
"How was your date?"
"Oh it was gr-"
"Never mind. I really don't want to know. My night was terrible."
"Oh? What happened?"
"I brought a girl home."
"Ohhh and you forgot everything I taught you?" He purses his lips.
"No. I remembered everything. It was great. She wanted to stay and do it again."
"I'm confused." You shake your head, puzzled. Mike looks like he might explode if he doesn't open his mouth and say something, but he also stays quiet. He shifts from one foot to the other nervously. "Mike, just-"
"She wasn't you." Your mouth pops open.
"She wasn't me?"
"No. The whole time I just kept thinkin'... I just wanted you." You're not quite sure what to do with this information.
"I think I want..." He looks up at the sky and sighs deeply. "I think I want to, y'know, be with you."
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"
"Yeah. Or my wife. Someday. I don't know I just know that I want you. For a long time. And I don't want anyone else to have you. Ever." You stand there staring at him in shock. Did he really just say wife?
"I thought you didn't want to get married."
"Yeah, I know, but then I met you. And I need you with me, so I think that means we should get married, right?" You laugh a little. He really might be the cutest man you've ever encountered.
"I think it means we should try being in a relationship first. And maybe that'll lead to marriage."
"Are you saying yes?" You think long and hard about your answer. But you'd be lying if you said you weren't thinking about Mike the whole time you were with your date. There's just something about him. You imagine walking down the aisle to him at the end of it in a tuxedo. There are worse things.
"I'm saying yes... to the girlfriend part! We'll see about the marriage."
"Really, honey?" He's practically giddy with excitement.
"Yes." He picks you up by the waist and spins you around. Then he sets you down and kisses you deeply. When you pull back, you look up at him and smirk. "You need more practice anyway."
The End
@ccab @elvisfatass @60svintage @deltafalax @aliypop @rjmartin11 @your-nanas-house @tacozebra051 @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @from-memphis-with-love
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 month
This isn't really angst but I want to share this idea with you anyways, Nicole and Anby get sick, like really sick, so Billy and Nekomata take care of them, Nekomata goes out to get medicine for Anby and Nicole so Billy does some nice things for them while waiting for Nekomata to come back, like putting a cold towel on their heads and making chicken noodle soup for them, and when doing this he gets to hear some muttered apologies from Anby and Nicole about the way they treat him
AHHH THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA -> i'm on it o^o7
posts might slow down for a little bit, but I'll definitely try and knock out what's already been sent in as speedily as possible while ensuring [hopefully] good quality :D
the other format i tried out didn't necessarily do bad, but i think i'll stick to this one after all. since i created the Master List at long last uWu
"Hey, Manager," Billy says into Nicole's phone, trying to keep his voice as unassuming as possible, "Boss won't be able to make it to your hangout today."
"Oh no!" Belle immediately frets on the other end, "What's going on? Is she okay?"
Well. The goal was not to make her worry. Damnit.
Objective failed.
"She's okay. Her and Anby just came down with a... pretty brutal fever, if I'm being honest. They should be fine in a few days, though at max!"
Hopefully. Billy had heard stories about humans with sickly immune systems that... didn't always survive a fever. The stories had never scared him before but...
"Kitty's out getting some medicine for them right now," the android forces himself to continue, lest he dwell on that too long, "And I'm staying here to make sure their temperatures don't get too high."
That's what you were supposed to do when humans got sick, right? He was kind of just basing everything off Nekomata's experience and one episode of the Starlight Knights where two characters- who should be love interests but weren't- got stranded together on a desert planet and one of them had to take care of the other. But the other wasn't really human or anything- so it was kind of an unreliable source of information.
So he also did a quick google search.
"That's great, Billy," Belle's gentle voice brings him back to the present conversation, "Sounds like they're in very capable hands then. My mind is put at ease."
That was nice to hear. That she believed in him.
"Do- do you have any suggestions?" the android ventures, figuring it couldn't really hurt, "I mean- I can totally take care of them on my own, but- surely the legendary, all-knowing Phaethon might have some advice for a plain piece of scrap metal like me...?"
Perfect save.
In the end, Belle doesn't really tell him anything that he didn't already get from Nekomata or from the computer the Hares' all shared. Cold towels, warm soup that's easy on the throat, and lots of rest.
The two Demara's were laid up in one room to prevent contaminating Nekomata. Or him, too, but the only way the android could get sick was via computer virus.
Which- they all learned the hard way. That was not a pleasant experience, nor one he was eager to repeat... but he would if it meant Nicole and Anby could recover faster.
With no time to sit on his thoughts, Billy replaces the cloths on their heads with all the gentleness he can muster. He must- at least- be doing something right, because the two already look more peaceful than they had before the call with the Proxy.
"Mm.. m'sorry.." he thinks he hears Nicole mutter.
Bad dream? He ponders, hastily striding over to fix the towel across her forehead. Maybe she was dreaming of the time Eous shut off in the Hollow and they had thought about turning them in.
Or- Billy had suggested turning them in.
Twasn't his proudest moment. He sincerely hoped Phaethon never found out about that-
"...m'sorry," she mutters again, turning onto her side with a furrowed brow, "..sorry.. Billy.. for yelng' all th'time. You're a good android. Good fr'nd. 'n I... dn't say it... nuff."
If he had been built for crying, Billy was sure he'd be making a mess of his faceplate right now.
The things his family team does to him... he was going soft.
As the android fixes both the Demara's towels, as he helps prop them up and spoon feed the delirious duo medicine and soup, and as he tucks them back in for a nice long nap, privately he thinks...
Maybe that's not such a bad thing.
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