#also i've learned in my research that there are like 4 ways of saying sorry in italian
mrs-luigi-vargas · 1 year
fighting last minute cringe to get this fic up lmao
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roxineedstosleep · 8 months
Could you do a snippet for yandere platonic Batfam where reader accidentally gets hurt and is able to hide it for a few days until someone (May be Dick?) finds it and asks / gets upset about it? Love your writing!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Hi there!!!
First of all: Thank you sweetie!
It's been a while since I've written, mostly because of the university, I'm about to graduate and I'm crazy because I'm approaching my final exams (I even have to defend my research work to be able to get my bachelor's degree)!
But, I got to thinking a bit about what you have written above… and even more so because I myself am a little bit crashed after my last film shoot for my final year of my degree. And can I just say that being in a bad way and having to hide it is terrible.
So… here goes!
(I'm sorry if I sound a bit comical in this writing, but I think the best way to get over something is to laugh at yourself a bit so you don't think about the pain too much; I hope you enjoy it anyway.)
Disclaimer: I don't know if you've noticed, but English is not my native/mother tongue. Occasionally, when I think too much, I write them in my language and then translate it in a trusted translator. So, if there's a grammatical problem or a strange term, it's the translator's fault.
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Let's face it… having a large family is terribly exhausting.
It's never quiet enough, everyone is in everyone else's business, you can't leave your favorite mermelade in the fridge for less than a day. Someone is always occupying the bathroom or using your favorite shampoo or watching something on TV at too much volume and someone is probably occupying your bed at nap time.
Did I mention about meddling too much in other people's business? Yes? Well… triple it.
Having multiple siblings was new.
Having multiple siblings, a father and a butler/grandfather isn't exactly bread and butter either.
It wouldn't be so bad to belong to a large and numerous one if it was your blood family and you had lived with them all your life. I mean, sometimes blood is too thick and you have no choice but to learn to love them or just be nice to each other.
Like I said, it wouldn't be so bad if they were really your family.
But the Waynes were not your family. Not distant relatives or anything like that.
You were just living your life, as quietly as possible… and poof!
New room, new butler/grandfather, pets beyond belief, 4 new male siblings and a father with serious emotional constipation issues. And, to add more salt to your wound…. all have serious abandonment issues and death-related trauma.
After several escape attempts, sleep strikes, hunger strikes and any other kind of protest that an anarchist could be proud of… you realized that it was simply impossible to get out of this without risking the path of death.
Which, to top it all off, was also unreliable because apparently your older brother Jason had revived as well as another of your siblings. So no, dying was also not a viable option to which one could resort in the worst case scenario.
What to do?
Well, not much. Trying not to die of suffocation of affection or finding a way to have privacy while going to the bathroom just seemed to be the best survival tools you could resort to.
What does that entail?
It implies that Tim was going to give you hours and hours of lectures on his latest discovery of a case, even if you don't understand half the things he's told you or mentioned at all.
Richard and Damian trying to teach you new tricks almost every second, taking you to the Zoo or not leaving you alone to go to the bathroom.
That Jason, oh holy cow he is the only one more relaxed, takes you with him on his motorcycle to eat ice cream and to the public library. Without being able to scape, because it seems that you have a kind of GPS inserted in the bone marrow.
(Sometimes you don't know if it's true or not, but sometimes you also felt pain between your bones, almost during the cold seasons, and you didn't want to burst your poor little head thinking of different viable possibilities knowing them. No scars, no remembering anythins about any surgery).
Have a grandfather who will not hesitate to make you cookies, your favorite foods whenever you want … without leaving you aside at any time.
Plus a terribly quiet father, who if he can will carry you for as long as you spend time together, won't let you near the secret basement and enjoys being in the same room with you.
Do you see any privacy in this?
No, because even at the bathroom door would be the pets trying to get in and see you for themselves while you want to do your business.
The worst of that? Titus always judge you when you close the curtains.
As I mentioned and it was clear: Having a large family implies little privacy… Having a large, obsessive family means NO privacy.
So, knowing that you have over 50 nanochips tracking in all your clothes, two security monitors embedded - God knows how - in your body (monitors that only tell you if you are in designated safe place), 20 high definition surveillance cameras in every room and a Great Dane chasing you like a chick …. How the heck do you fall down the stairs and hit your pelvic bone without anyone noticing?
No kidding, how?
And if you had to blame someone for your fall… you'd totally blame Damian for it.
It's not that the kid pushed you down the stairs, but over time he had tamed himself into various things and relaxed into looking his age. You know!!! He started acting like a normal teenager!
What do Damian's kids do at his age? Well, they leave things lying around and have messing around them when they can, of course they do!
You just wanted some yogurt with orange marmalade. Maybe some oatmeal cookies. Alfred had left it for you in the fridge when he noticed you'd been watching video tutorials on homemade marmalade for hours. Who were you to deny such a gesture of generosity?
I mean, Alfred was the one who allowed you to hide in the attic for hours on end so you could have some time to yourself.
And how did it end? You, slipping down the main stairs of the old Wayne mansion, down a nicely polished wooden staircase, rolling all the way down (which is no small flight of stairs, it should be noted) to the bottom of the first floor.
Now, lying on the ground is not so bad in itself. What is bad is not being able to feel your legs and still not being able to understand how you manage to tidy up your neural wiring so that your legs can still move on their own and go to the kitchen to rescue all the delicacies Alfred left you in time.
And it's a good thing you managed to do it… because within seconds Bart had rushed in to ransack the fridge and the fruit basket.
But that's not the point.
The important thing is that this time you managed, I insist a little on the feat of action, to climb up to your room and not notice how you couldn't really feel your legs.
You ate, you lay down… and to your bad or good luck, you couldn't get up …. and without anyone noticing there was an emergency and everyone went out to sort it out.
Weak limbs, limited movement and you don't want to mention the embarrassing actions you did in order to go to the toilet.
It's not like you hid it either, I mean, there was no one who could even notice because they weren't entirely available to watch you. Nor is it that you would have run away, otherwise they would have been at your side in less than a second.
The detail, as they insist, is that you had probably bruised your back badly and your body was now taxing you extra for your food craving.
I insist, you did not hide anything.
But still, when you're found completely itchy on the floor, ridiculously trying to run away in the direction of the bathroom… that's when everyone really goes crazy.
First, having to carry you and not dying of embarrassment when you notice that Bruce definitely doesn't give a damn about having to carry you to the bathroom and do almost everything for you.
Or having Dick and Jason carry you and fit you into some kind of weird medical scanner they have in the cave.
Or that Tim keeps track of your periods, types of meds you take and, for fuck's sake, knows how the fuck to inject something into your spine.
Or that Damian had the gall to look a little embarrassed when he heard that a pair of boxers lying outside the laundry basket was to blame for all this.
NO matter.
At the end of the day they heal you, pamper you, leave you alone when you need to take a nap and figure out a way to fix it without looking like complete maniacs who built some kind of internal plumbing that sucks up the dirty laundry and throws it straight into the washing machine.
Like the time they didn't look like maniacs by sanding all the edges of the tables and nightstands.
Or the time they bought a whole brand of sanitary towels when they realised that not all women use tampons.
Don't worry, they're looking out for you… even if they look like deranged Arkhan freaks in the process.
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amongussexgif · 8 months
Question from a guy thats stupid and doesn't know anything about computers. How do i start learning more? Like i would say i know the basics but thats it,do you have a source or something that you use ? (Again sorry if the question is stupid i just don't know)
Not a stupid question at all!
The basic resources are JayzTwoCents, Gamer's Nexus, and LinusTechTips. I've ordered them by reliability there.
When it comes to picking parts, which I suspect you might be struggling with, there's a lot to consider. Websites like PCPartPicker, PC Bottleneck Calculator, and videocardbenchmark are all fantastic resources.
Here are a few things from me to you, though:
1. NVIDIA are evil; if you want a GeForce card, buy refurbished. Also, 40 series cards are WAY overpriced for what you're getting. I'll always recommend AMD's Radeons anyways though, since they have way more VRAM.
2. Intel are selling snake oil right now and I wouldn't buy anything from them. AMD's Ryzen chips would be my choice even if Intel weren't being scammers right now.
3. ASUS have been consistantly fucking over their customers for a few months, so don't buy from them (especially their motherboards and graphics cards). JayzTwoCents literally banned them as a sponsor because of their horseshit and faulty products.
4. Research manufacturers just as much as you research the parts themselves! MSI is the king of the game right now, but everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. For exams, Gigabyte uses a concerning amount of ABS plastic, ASUS are pulling an Apple, and Zotac can be pretty inconsistent.
5. If you're buying a pre-built (which I wouldn't recommend, but you do you), research the builder and read as many reviews as possible. I know Build Redux is big right now because they sponsored LTT a bunch, but their shipping materials are cheap and reviews say that computers are being delivered broken. Digital Storm overprice the FUCK out of everything, iBuyPower are filthy liars, and Alienware pre-builts are built so odd that it'll be hard to do maintenance or upgrades later on.
Oh, and take everything with a grain of salt. Things change frequently, so there's a decent chance that certain brands or products are better or worse than a few months ago.
And if you have specific questions, ask them specifically! "What graphics card should I buy?" Is a very different question than "what's a good graphics card to pair with my cpu?"
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grimgoregrimoire · 6 months
I'm sick of hearing; "Writing is a refreshing way to cleanse your mind and put you onto a better path."
Babes, this path may have been paved with good intentions, but it was recently patched up with glass shards and used needles.
Also I haven't slept in three days, so here's a list of other bullshit I'm sick of bitches saying to writers.
So much for refreshing.
☆.𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.☆
Feckin Friday 22/03/24
🐈‍⬛️ 1. "Write what you know."
Okay, yes! You shouldn't bullshit your entire book, but also, don't be confined to only what you know. Do you think I know anything about corpse reanimation? Whelp, that didn't stop me! It's good to learn something new, and it's great for your writing to expand your repertoire. Hell, who knows? You might find your new niche. Besides, research is your best friend.
🦇 2. "But my friend, cousin, neighbor, cat's best friend's sister in law's spouse wrote their book in (a ridiculous small amount of time)!"
Well, good for them! They're still going to get slingshot into the sun with the rest of us anyway. Not everybody is the same, and the only thing that ALL writers have in common is that they write things! Find what works for you and tune out the rest of the bullshit, including your own. Don't bully yourself for not writing! We are only on this earth for a very small amount of time. Take care of yourself!
🐦‍⬛ 3. "You have to have a plan/outline/entire plot done before you start writing!"
This is just *ugh* bullshit. Like yeah, sure, if you're a normal person, I guess plot it! But you know what? I've got an illiterate, hyperactive squirrel behind the control panel of my brain, and he's on his sixth line of coke. All I have to say to this is JUST WRITE it'll either all come together when you go over it later or it will be cut. Either way, it's putting words on the page, and that's great practice.
🕷 4. "Writing is your only job, and you have to treat it as such."
Gross. Look, even if someone is lucky enough to be able to write as a full-time job, I guarantee you that writing isn't all that person has does.
A lot of us are parents or keep our houses, most of us are still in school, and a majority of us have to work at least part-time to afford to write!
Writing should be treated as a job in such a way that you take pride in it, but it shouldn't be something you're forced to do.
You know how people say, "If you love what you do, you never work a day."
There ya go.
🕸 5. "Follow this plan!" / "Writing’s easy!"
I have three things to say to that.
Bite me, bite me, bite me, BITE ME.
Look, I am so glad that Stephen King smokes three blunts and eats a pile of shrooms as a part of his routine, I AM SO HAPPY THAT WORKS FOR HIM! But it's not gonna work for me and it's probably not going to work for your poor stressed out little writer friend who is six months behind on sleep and is trying to catch up with shots of espresso and tall boys of redbull. We know you mean well, and we really appreciate hearing new things to try. Don't get that twisted! But I'm sorry, there is just no gospel or quick fix to writing.
What's some other shit you're sick of hearing people say? Come on! Let's trauma bond!
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radical-boy-kisser · 21 days
Hihi!! this might b a bit long, sry 4 that :))). how do we/I tell if I'm a system? I've been doing A LOT of research specifically on osdd 1b, bc I fit most every symptom, but I don't like self diagnosing. on the other hand I don't have the resources to get diagnosed. I can list symptoms in comments if u guys need. but yeah we r really confused rn. sorry I keep switching in between I and we pronouns. Also we feel like my child hood wasn't traumatic enough to have osdd so I feel like we r making it all up!! anyways sorry this was a bad tangent! hope u hv a nice day :)))) /nfta
Hello!! Thank you for reaching out to me, but I will preface my answer with this:
Anyways, as a system I can list some of the symptoms I experienced before realizing I was a system and some now and if you relate to a suspicious amount then maybe that's your sign!! (Very very sorry if this is not enough/what u asked for 😭)
Also, self diagnosing is perfectly valid in this situation! Self diagnosing is valid when you don't have the resources and do proper and extensive research on the subject, and even more so with DID since so many people don't diagnose it, with some outright refusing to!
Here are some of the symptoms I experienced before realized I had funky people in my head :
• Gaps in memory, such as not being able to remember what happened the entire week, or even that same day. Especially more so for stressful/traumatic events. (Also just straight up not being able to remember most of your childhood. Again, assuming you're a system, you're not gonna think you had enough childhood trauma because DID is meant to make you completely forget that ❤️)
• Feeling like a completely different person. The first time I actually noticed I switched, it felt really intense and whenever I'd (wasn't ME, obviously, but I'm using "I/me" for the sake of simplicity) try to recall myself, it'd be a different person with a different name and physical appearance and such, and the name "Max" felt so distant and as if it didn't belong to me.
During the first times I'd switch when it first developed, I'd feel like someone different during that time, but I'd usually not notice/forget about it later
• Identity crisis central
Now, here are some of the symptoms we now experience knowing we're a system:
(We still experience memory gaps and such obviously. Also, not trying to say our symptoms just straight up switches after we realized we were a system, these are just some we have realized are symptoms of DID and now look out for)
• Seeing messages, tasks done, notes written that I have absolutely no recollection of doing
• Not feeling like myself, but also no one else in particular and it's like "who am i" (blurring)
• Disassociation. HEAVY disassociation.
These are all the things that I could think of right now, so I really hope this helps!! I know DID and OSDD-1B aren't the same thing but I really hope this helps!!! (i don't know much about OSDD-1B because I completely forgot everything I learned abt it 😭)
But uhh ya that's all hope you have a nice day as well and good luck on your discovery journey! (Or not! Idk if that phrase goes both ways I'm sorry!!)
Edit : Also pls reach out to other systems please don't take just my take/view/whatever on it 🙏 ty
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marblecakemix · 8 months
Welcome to my humble domain!! 🫧✨
Hi, you can call me Marble (this is my internet nickname), a lesbian in her early 20s from Poland. Just vibing here on Tumblr from time to time. If you want to look into my post/reblogs read my takes on #talk tag.
*I'm an adult and I post things for adults. I don't have time to block minors, feel warned!
You can ask me anything you want. I won't shy away, but remember that I'm not your therapist and all my opinions are biased forward women!
More information about me under the cut! 💕
If the part has * in front of it that means I changed something in the text and/or my views are different than before.
*I'm still quite new to radical feminism and I'm trying my best to learn how to take action. In short, I fight for women's rights and freedom from sex-based oppression. *I'm looking into different ideas too, but this blog is mainly focused on radical feminism.
I desisted in the middle of 2023. I used to be a non-binary/agender and asexual individual for around 3 to 4 years, but I understood all of that was because of internalized misogyny and homophobia and I actually wanted to have my boobs intact and I did like being a woman before I was introduced to the trans community. (For clarification, I didn't take hrt or have any surgeries done. I've only transitioned socially, thank goodness.)
I'm an ex-Christian, now I probably would call myself a spiritual person, researching my Slavic roots at the moment. I have a complicated relationship with faith, so nothing in this department is set in stone.
I believe in critical thinking and triple-checking facts. Everyone can have their opinions, but actions should have a base in grounded reality and unbiased scientific research. Read those books ladies!
I'm mostly talking about my experience as an ex-TRA, a lesbian, a woman, someone who lives in a misogynistic/conservative family and a country that has yet to legalize same-sex marriage, but you can safely transition here even as a minor.
*I'm a trans identified men hater. I don't care. Fuck all men, I don't care anymore. Gender dysphoria or perversion (autogynephilia) in males should have never been "solved" with a surgery and/or irreversible drugs/HRT. No other mental illness has permanent body modification as its treatment, same should be for gender dysphoria. The trans movement (men's rights movement in disguise) is the most harmful thing that happened to homosexual youth and I'm so tired of seeing more people being pushed into it just because they are themselves and aren't scared to dress unconventionally!
I gave up on men. I don't believe men can change, at least not in the closest future. I will probably never trust a man again with anything. The stakes are too high and my life is more precious. I believe that women don't need men, period.
I make mistakes! I'm just a human being and, naturally, I will be in the wrong sometimes. May it be because of the language barrier or me just not thinking things through, doesn't matter. I will try to acknowledge my mistakes and say sorry. I'm still learning and there isn't a better way than through your own downfalls!
I don't block people, unless they're insufferable. We can have different opinions, different lifestyles, different views, but if you're annoying I draw the line there.
I also draw sometimes (I don't have much time for it right now, bc I'm in the middle of my academic years), you can find my work under #my art.
Nothing here is set in stone. As I grow as a person my views will probably change. If you have any questions, just ask them! I'm happy to answer all of them ❤️
Last update: 6th August 2024
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tododeku-or-bust · 7 months
I noticed your "fill my inbox" post so i wanted to tell you about my OCs that i've been working on lately, it might come across weird or maybe much and I'm probably going to seriously expose myself out of anonymity with the details but i hope you'll like to hear it anyways -- I saw a post that suggested more representation for fat emo girls (i misremembered it as "i want to see more fat emo girls") and I became really inspired so i made a sketch of a fat black emo girl. Her being black was just another case of my brain going "*hand raise* Do they have to be white/Would it hurt if they were black?" and the response is often "no" even "that would be more interesting" so I switch it up, and after searching through names, the name Ada stuck. I wanted to give her a distinctly black name because I felt like that isn't done enough and that it wasn't fair, but anyways. I had a character that I made previously, named Nia the Swift, made because I had a lesbian JoJo OC named Vivian (lost sister of Dio) and she totally kicked ass and tugged at my heart strings but I realized that she was the only confirmed lesbian OC I had, so I thought "I need to make another one" so I made him and I made him black and masc and I couldn't resist making him a fancy-dancy cunning vampire. Anyhow, I was thinking about Ada a lot because I got interested in emo subculture so whenever I would think about emo stuff, I'd think about her too. She's a gloomy character, but I didn't like seeing her sad/out of it all the time. A silly idea came up in my head of her getting her hand kissed by Nia and thinking "am i goth?" (subtext: because i think i'm falling in love with a vampire) and I thought it was great. When I made Nia, I didn't really think up any Scenarios for him for a little too long and I felt like he needed to be part of a duo, but I couldn't come up with any solid ideas yet, so I felt like Ada would make an excellent match. I'm swamped with a lot of big stressful things this month but I'm hoping to squeeze in drawing him being very very sweet and gentlemanly to her and her making cute meme emoji faces about it, and maybe some other things involving them. I've been learning a lot about hair lately for it (which is good bc my career seems like it could loom unexpectedly into the "hair" area) and it was nice listening to a tutorial on how to get good box braids while i was on an errand walk. I thought previously that box braids had more than 3 strands, maybe 4 hence the name "box" braids (no, also on closer inspection, no). Sorry for sending you so many big paragraphs and run-on sentences, but I hope maybe you can have my two vaguely described women living in your head rent free now
Yeah lol, I do recognize who you are now 🤣
Well, I'm glad you took the time to stop yourself and decide that she didn't have to be white! That is definitely the first step that very many people don't take!
As for "that would be more interesting", I encourage you to take those next steps and determine why. Why would it be more interesting? Them being Black shouldn't be the interesting part- that would make them sound like they're a token!
Have you done research in Black emo culture? Have you done research into fatness while being Black? Are those things that affect your character's life? Her decisions and her personality? Does it play into how people treat her? That's where we get into the intent! Because I'm not Black and emo, but I can tell you right now her being "gloomy" would definitely affect the way people treat her as a Black woman in reality. I do appreciate that you let her have other emotions though!
I do have an Auntie Ada (rip), and Nia is also a Black African name (it means 'purpose'). Did you know that when you named him?
And no lmao that is not why they're called box braids. I am very glad you took the time to look that up before saying it out loud, because that would have been quite embarrassing in front of the right (Black) people 🤣
Thank you for sharing your Black OCs with me, and I hope you continue to care for them!
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hellobitchlet · 2 months
I've seen a few people mention Liyue as an example to show that Hoyo is perfectly capable of doing proper research into cultures. I want to expand on my opinions about Liyue and culture a little, with some stuff I've been thinking about for a while.
So, my main interest in Genshin atm is that I've been rewriting the story. One of the main things I'm doing is putting more important lore into the main story. This has led me to looking at each nation from the perspective of "what important things are connected to this place? What can Traveler learn from here?"
Liyue is the first nation Traveler goes to in which the Archon War happened in full force. And with that, we have the adepti, immortal creatures from Chinese mythology that ruled over humanity. Adepti lore is more fleshed out than any other immortal archon group by far, thanks to having multiple characters from that group being playable 5 stars, and Genshin being more willing to make plotlines about them.
And of course, there's the culture stuff. There are two 4 stars who exist to show off Chinese culture, and we get a Lantern Rite every year. There's also Chenyu Vale, whose main draw (aside from more adepti lore(sort of)), is showing off Chinese culture through this brand new city and town.
So, obviously, Liyue's main selling points are adepti lore and Chinese culture. This is both bad for Liyue from a story perspective, and the other nations from a culture perspective.
Let me explain:
It's bad for Liyue because one of the main points having nothing to do with the story, combined with the amount of focus it gets, fills the nation up with so much filler. Aside from Baizhu and Yaoyao, we've gotten 5 new Liyue characters since Inazuma started! Those characters?
Yun Jin- filler 4 star whose gimmick is Chinese opera.
Shenhe- I'm sorry to say this, and I promise that I like her too, but she's mainly Razor if he was raised by a different immortal. Not exactly the same by far, but she functions in the same way. We didn't need another Razor. Razor and Andrius already don't get much screen time.
Yelan- honestly could've been super important with her Pantalone connection, but is instead just reduced to sexy 5 star with a gambling gimmick, to the point where she might as well be filler.
Cloud Retainer- ...ok. I don't have a huge problem with her. Other than being used to make fat jokes about Ganyu, she's neat. But she was fine as an npc, and her moving into the Harbor wasn't all that necessary when she seemed perfectly fine with living in the mountains.
Gaming- filler 4 star whose gimmick is lion dancing.
You get my point, right? The last time I remember something notable story wise coming out of Liyue was the Chasm and Perilous Trail, all the way back in Inazuma. Yet, we've gotten 4 characters, 2 Lantern Rite's, 3 LR skins, and a massive new area from Liyue since. It's so much filler. And we already have enough filler as is.
We've sure gotten more adepti lore, mainly in LR, but.. you know we're only getting that as set up to make more Liyue characters. We've learned almost everything we need to know about their story already, we have pretty much everything except for Zhongli and Guizhong's origins.
And it's bad for the other nations bc Liyue's treatment makes Natlan and Sumeru being like that, mashing European cultures together in Mondstadt and Fontaine when they're supposedly based off of 1 country, and only paying a little attention to Japanese culture in Inazuma look even worse.
They CAN, in fact, show off cultures they have researched. They've never been good at accurate designs, both with a character's appearance and their clothing, but they've still put so much more care into Liyue than other nations! There's no real reason why they can't do that for other nations. And there's no reason why they can't be even better, and make their playable characters look like the people of the cultures they're based on.
I don't have much of a point that I wanna make here. This is just an analysis I've gradually made about Liyue and it's effect on other nations.
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sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
Lesson of the Day: Do your research before you get inked
So ladies and gentleman, I present to you a lesson he may learn a little too late. Exhibit A, Jared's semicolon tattoo on image 3 makes sense, given his history with depression and suicidal ideation going back to Project Semicolon. Not sure about the letter F but it could be short or abbreviated for "fight on" or "fighter", such as seen here (one tattoo on this site being "f;ghter"). No need to elaborate much further on this one really. It's Charlie's Nordic rune inspired tattoo I want to delve into instead.
Exhibit B, image 4 in the Instagram post above is Charlie's newest tattoo. Given what I talked about here yesterday and the synchronicities I've been seeing with wolves coming from the Pads' way and even Charlie's who is affiliated with them. From his last post yesterday, it wasn't too hard for me to figure out what this tattoo is but had never seen this particular "rune" before. This tattoo is a modern take on so called "bind runes", meaning a combination of 2 or more runes.
Problem is, this is actually not even a bind rune that really means wolf, but is more likely a so called runic sigil or a personalized sigil based on what research tells me. Funny thing is though, whoever first made this "rune" spelt the word wolf in English and made this symbol, NOT how it's spelt in Old Norse. As you can see in this image I found the original one on Pinterest shows, really sure you can technically say this symbol contains 4 runes from this view below.... but this is not how combining Norse Runes to make it mean something actually works.
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The word for wolf in Old Norse is Úlfr or Ulf, which is a common name in Scandinavia and even in parts of England. Below is how you actually write Ulf using Viking Age Runes, specifically Group A.
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In other words, this symbol Charlie got a tattoo of is NOT the real combination of 4 runes, let alone this is not even how you'd spell out wolf in Old Norse using Old Norse symbols. Below, you'll see that this symbol he got a tattoo of REALLY is just a combination of 2 symbols for the Old Norse letters O and F. The F symbol below is the Fehu rune, which in short means "cattle", "wealth", and "abundance". The O symbol is the Othala rune, which in short means "home" or "heritage".
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What are you really saying with this tattoo Charlie, you felt most at home living on Jared and Gen's "homestead" with their chickens? Is this really a funny way of saying "FO" short for "fuck off"? Or, did you just do a super brief Google search for "Wolf" and "Rune" and saw this on multiple websites and said "I'm gonna get this rune for my tattoo, 'cause I like wolves. The wolf is my spirit animal!"
This Reddit thread contains a wonderful comment in response to a Reddit user who got the same tattoo Charlie did. Funny in the video below, someone linked to in that same Reddit thread a professor named Jonna Louis-Jensen (who retired from the University of Copenhagen) was mentioned in this video. There's a good infographic of how Bind Runes work, how they DON'T work, and how they could've worked. The wonderful comment is as follows and perfectly summarizes what I couldn't on my own (I don't know that much about Old Norse runes admittedly):
Mathias_Greyjoy * 2y ago Sorry, but nope. That's not actually how runes worked. Looks like this was an attempt at a bindrune. Bind runes especially suffer greatly from misinformation and misconceptions, such as that they were created by mangling together several futhark runes to make some magical symbol or sigil. This is a new age interpretation of how Bindrunes work. Bind runes are used to save space in writing, not make up magic sigils. Check out this infographic to learn more about what bind runes were and weren't-
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Rune letters don't have any individual meaning, magic or otherwise. The runes did have names that also represented things, such as Fehu which means "cattle; wealth" (but it doesn't represent a lucky symbol) and also represents the f and v-sound in the Younger Futhark and Futhorc alphabets. Many of these names are even contested and debated today. But the Norse did not actually stick single ᚠ letters on things and expect to become lucky, wealthy or protected. Anything claiming they did is unattested and not based in anything historic. The runes individually were never thought to influence magically. We know runes were used in some magic contexts, and runic amulets and charms have been found. However, the details are pretty much unknown, and anything claiming otherwise is entirely modern. We have no evidence or reason to believe "Rune magic" existed in the context of single individual runes having any magic meaning. They are characters representing one or more of the sounds used in speech. For instance, there is no such thing as a rune for Family, Loyalty, Love, Strength, Courage etc. They are letters used for writing, like ABC. We don't associate Latin letters with specific meaning, like "A represents wealth or B represents luck". Letters are sometimes used as initials and acronyms sure, like getting initials on a tattoo or necklace. But nobody looks at the letter B and thinks "Ahh yes, B is a letter of nature and fertility. It represents the pollination of flowers and production of honey. It is a letter that gives us the power we need to achieve new beginnings as well as the power to fly and communicate through dance. That's why I wear a B necklace.” That's not how the runes worked in Norse culture. If you see people talking about runes this way it's a modern religious thing they're doing, it's not based in anything historic. In our Latin alphabet A, B, C, D and R aren't magical on their own, but with them you can write magic formulas like "Abracadabra". We do have evidence of those formulas and charms from historic inscriptions, unlike the approach of "this rune represents wealth and good luck". That's how magical runes were: for making charms and formulas, and perhaps even the simple action of writing and reading was seen as exceptional and magical. But they aren't individual sigils. They would sometimes be used in single cases (similar to how we write "u" instead of "you" in text messages), but that's about it. Nobody carved single runes into things (like your necklaces here) to represent "wealth" or "good luck" or whatever. What is much more common is actually invoking it by writing it all out- "Thor grant me good luck" Or "Thor cast out this sickness, protect me". etc. if you want to call that a "spell" then that's how runes have a connection to magic. Give this video a watch and you'll see what I mean. (Real, Historical) Rune Spells
Lesson of the Day: Do your research before you get inked, so you don't look like a fool by those who do.
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daniellasalamao · 1 month
Hi- I'm starting to get interested in digital art, and was wondering what resources/materials/tools you'd recommend using. There's a lot of info out there, but it's kind of bewildering, so I thought I'd ask you directly.
(Also, love your art)
Hi!! When I started I used a Wacom Intuos CTL 4100 like this one below
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In fact I still have this one and it works amazingly even though it's almost 8 years I bought it. These basic tablets (specially by Wacom) are extremely durable and fantastic to work with. If you buy one you can rest assured that it will last you years. So I definitely recommend one of those to start.
But if you prefer something with a display, today I've been using the Kamvas 13 by Huion. It's a bit more pricey tho. I've been using it for almost 4 years now and still works perfectly.
For softwares, it depends on what you're looking to do. If you want something just for drawing, Clip Studio Paint is perfect. It has tons of great settings and features specifically for artists. Another alternative is Krita (that is free!)
But if you want something that can be use to draw, edit, and to do more technical stuff, Photoshop still is the most complete one. But I would suggest you to research about their recent change of terms of use and all the shit show involving AI they been doing.
I unfortunately still need to use it for my work, but if I could suggest, I would recommend you to try another one. Do a little research on YouTube about the other ones. Clip Studio, Paint Tool Sai, Krita, they are all amazing to work with.
There's also Procreate that's a great alternative, but only works in a Ipad, so if you can afford it, I definitely recommend it to, specially because it has, by far, the most realistic painting brushes I've ever seen, like the watercolor, oil and charcoal ones. And it's a very intuitive and easy app to learn.
I think that's basically it. Sorry for the long text. I hope I could help in any way 😊
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kairisk · 2 years
I'm a different anon, but I'm sorry to hear your audience fiddled out with the nsfw ban from years ago! Your art is absolutely gorgeous, and the way you present your ideas in them is so unique! Especially with the Chinese zodiac animals and the quotes you have for each of them!
Also, I'd like to ask how you started making art. I'm very interested to hear the personal journey of artists. Did you always like drawing animals, for instance? Did you go to art school or to a training of some kind, like ateliers? And do you make traditional art too, or is it all digital?
Oh thank you so much!! I do my best as I really want to just keep making art for as long as I'm alive. I'm really happy to hear you say it's gorgeous and unique ( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ _ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) Yeah it is unfortunate, but I still like being here and sharing art on here, so who ever is here to enjoy it, I'm glad! I only hope new people stick around and old ones come back, I've certainly missed getting to interact and chat like this! Oh how cool! I'm honoured ahahaha I'd love to answer these q's into my process and profession so far: I absolutely have always liked drawing animals. It started with dinosaurs, cats and dragons, I loved them all as a child, just their whole concept and how cool I thought they were! I wanted to get good at drawing so I could depict them and make my own designs, and in learning how to draw their anatomy (mostly big cats) my mom got me a book that had all sorts of animals in it and how they worked and how to render these forms. I devoured the book and I gained an interest in all animals through drawing and learning from it. From there I kinda just delved into researching whatever animal piqued my interest! Not to mention dragons (one of my prime interests) are amalgam creatures and so in my pursuit in being able to draw any kind of dragon, knowing a whole lot about different animals is a huge boon in designing them! I did, I actually went to a Fine Arts university as I originally was going to be a bonafide gallery artist and wanted to gain as much knowledge into different techniques and mediums and conceptualization as I could. I'm pretty poor but had stellar grades so Uni was a great option for me to get access to studio equipment and knowledge thanks to qualifying for scholarships and loans. It was like a pressure cooker for 4 years and I can only describe it as the best of times and the worst of times;; I have a Bachelor's Alma Cum Laude in Fine Arts. I do! Since I originally was going to be a physical installation artist, I know how to build and construct kinda whatever? I have a minor in sculpture and I've made something in almost every medium from paper to concrete to silicone to plasma cutting metal and more.
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When I got out of Uni I unfortunately lost my access to a ton of this equipment and wasn't successful in finding a replacement studio due to the financial/location/funding cuts barriers. I kinda became disillusioned with the prospects in the art world at this time and realised this wasn't the only space where I could have a career as an artist. So I changed my focus to becoming an illustrator and character designer. I taught myself digital at the same time I was getting my degree, so I honed my skills from then to be up to snap for production level art. I'm currently art director for an indie game project rn doing exactly that! (Although this is one of three jobs I'm juggling atm, it's why I've been posting less these days, I'm quite busy ( ´ ◇`)ゞ)
That being said I still make things occasionally at my house as I still like making physical things from scratch when I have the time/money to do so! I like making masks and small sculptures, examples of these being this mask and this keychain :3c I always thought that the medium should be chosen based on what best serves the idea in mind, but most of my art is digital due to the production costs for making this art being nearly zero (as long as I have my tablet and electricity!) and having greater access to offer my artistic services with digital media ;o
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emeritus-fuckers · 11 months
how do you do, fellow queers, look how fucking professional i'm being this time, sending an ask like commonfolk/j
for the match-up re-run bc i wanna see nyx struggle with repugnant <3
1. Your identity! i'm sorry for the research nyx
i can very proudly call myself a faggot. my pronouns are they/she/he/xey/per/ghoul, but i'm slowly moving away from the "standard" ones. multigender, but they're all xenogender (ghoulgender, ghoulettegender, gooregender, chaosgender). multisexual (pansexual, asexual, lesbian, aegosexual, orchidsexual, berrisexual). aroallo (aegoromantic, desinoromantic, grayromantic, demiromantic). autistic. theistic satanist.
2. Who do you like?
repugnant. death metal racoons my beloved.
3. What do you look like?
there's a picture. i just dress more like a metalhead now. still wearing too much jewelry. i'm still short (it is a tragedy).
4. What's your personality?
i hate whoever came up with these questions (ekhem, myself).
ISTP-T, according to a quiz i did just before writing this. i'm relatively apathetic, only ever getting truly emotional when i'm overwhelmed. touch-repulsed, but touch-starved when it comes to people close to me. i'm quiet and distant around strangers, but get talkative and open with friends. i struggle with serious self-esteem issues (diagnosed depression, cheers) and i get very anxious about my friends just not liking me anymore and usually need to be yelled at to get my shit together. and then cuddled because i got yelled at. my relationship with emotions is complicated, as i only feel a very faint outline of an emotion most of the time, but i've learned to adapt to it over time and i'm pretty good at adapting my behavior so it looks like i feel a complete emotion.
when it comes to affection, i'm like a cat. i love it, but only when i want it. otherwise i will run away. i also show it in inconvenient ways, i suppose, like randomly grabbing my friends with a weird noise or sometimes (if we're really close) biting them. i feel very uncomfortable around most children, so i despise them.
5. Tell us about your interests!
i'd say repugnant, ghost and in this moment would be my top three bands to listen to, but i also like vocaloid and dolly parton. i always have to have something playing in the background or it's too quiet for me and i lose my shit. i like to read, but i much prefer to overanalyze everything and come up with ridiculous theories and headcanons to write about (i think emeritus-fuckers is proof of that). I like writing, but only stuff i actually enjoy writing, not whatever bullshit they're coming up with for uni. I can't write porn, yet people seem to think that i can, which is honestly hilarious to me.
i like making bracelets and other arts and crafts things, though i suck at it and usually it looks like trash.
i like video games, mostly sims 4 (finally figured out how to furnish it hallelujah) right now, but i like classic assassin's creed games (which means everything that came out before Origins/Odyssey bc fuck i hate these), the saints row series and skyrim too. and uncharted, too. and i guess tekken, but i'm just there for the hotties tbh.
i don't really watch movies, but if i had to pick a favorite, it would either be scream, pearl or shrek.
6. Trivia time!
i know way too much about butterflies and moths.
i have a framed attacus atlas.
my favorite food is instant cupped carbonara.
i have a dog (everyone has seen her at this point tbh).
i have a figurine of the batman who laughs and his three robins.
i love juice. especially apple-cherry juice.
i'm a terrible cook, i can make like three dishes and that's it.
i hate working under pressure and/or with deadlines.
i have a rather controversial sense of humor.
i love wearing too much jewelry.
i adore matching things, from jewelry to tattoos.
and here's a few pics of my cuddle monster.
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This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is…Mary Goore... and DD Sars... and kinda the rest of the band...
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Hear me out on this haha, I have spent way too much time thinking about this and well you'll see XD - Nyx
So you met Mary first. They thought you looked cool so they went over to you.
You got chatting and you just kinda clicked with each other. Especially since you both have a controversial sense of humour. Mary enjoys throwing a few playful insults at you and getting all of that back and some.
You met up a few more times, enough so that you became comortable around Mary and them you. Although there was a discussion about your boundaries when you had to explain that you are like a cat, you only want affection when you are in the mood. Which of course Mary respected.
Mary after really getting to know you declared you one of their favourite ever people by lightly biting your shoulder. (This was okay as you way of telling them the same was to display your affection with a bite.)
Mary then proudly introduced you to the rest of the band. You quickly became close with all of them as to be with Mary is to be with the band. When Mary mentioned you had a dog E. wanted to see lots of pictures. He just kinda quietly sat there as you scrolled through them.
You made them all bracelets, G. got very excited by this. You said they look like trash and DD just kinda rounded on you. He firmly told you about how they weren't trash and how could you be so stupid to think so low of yourself. You just kinda nodded and then spend the rest of the day being cuddled by G.
DD does however get you. He never says it to you but its shown through his actions. He will just quitly sit and listen if you want to talk about it. He might say that you are a fucking weirdo but his expression tells the real story. He understands you and he knows what its like to have a complicated realtionship with emotions. There is a really nice companionship you two have because of this.
Mary noticed how you look at DD like you want him to sit on your face. So one night they say to you while pointing at DD "all you have to do is ask, you know, DD would be more than happy to" and then they gave you a little wink. Mary left it with you, it's totally up to you if you want to follow through on that or not...
Written by Nyx
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histrionic-dragon · 3 months
Help grads register to vote!
This is a quick and easy thing you can do that will hopefully make a difference.
Here's one of the tasks from this week's Americans of Conscience checklist:
Contact: Your local school board members and high school administrators. Script: Hi, I’m reaching out because even though nearly 4 million students graduating from high school in 2024 are old enough to register to vote, only about 30% of eligible 18-year-olds have registered. During graduation season, I’m asking you to use the simple Cap, Gown, and Ballot Toolkit from The Civics Center to run a voter registration drive during graduation festivities and send new graduates into the world as empowered voters.  Bonus: Share the Instagram-ready graphics in The Civics Center’s toolkit on your social media accounts.
I actually contacted the school I graduated from rather than the local one where I am now, because I still know at least one of the guidance counselors there and I figured the personal touch would be at least as effective as Stranger McRandomPerson reaching out--but there's nothing stopping me from doing that too. Or if you're a parent, reach out to the high schools in your child's school district!
Email to admin staff and (I suggest) also the career counselors. Their contact info should be on the school website.
Subject: Email from an alum about registering graduates to vote
Hello [School] Administrators and Counselors!
[IF THEY'RE PEOPLE WHO PROBABLY DON'T KNOW YOU: I went to the website to look up people's contact information, and I'm sorry to say I don't think I know any of you. I guess everyone from when I graduated has moved on, or even retired. If you know any of them, please give them my best.  (Tell them hi from the person who choreographed the flash mob at prom/the one who skipped a year because they were studying in Venezuela/the one who always brought an air horn to chess team matches/anything else wholesomely memorable about you, from the class of [YEAR].)
IF THEY'RE PEOPLE YOU REMEMBER WHO MIGHT REMEMBER YOU: Similar, but lead with the cute memorable story.]
Anyway, I'm reaching out because of a really interesting and important program I heard about recently. Even though nearly 4 million students graduating from high school in 2024 are old enough to register to vote, only about 30% of eligible 18-year-olds have registered. 
Graduation is coming up, and I’m asking you to use the simple Cap, Gown, and Ballot Toolkit from The Civics Center to run a voter registration drive during graduation festivities and send new graduates into the world as empowered voters.  (That's assuming you're not already doing something similar.)  I'm not affiliated with The Civics Center in any way, but I've checked it out and it seems like they're the real deal--nonpartisan, nonprofit, just focused on getting as many young people as possible registered to vote and start a habit of participating in government.
Research shows that people who vote young are likely to keep voting. [IF YOUR SCHOOL HAS A DECENT CIVICS/GOVERNMENT/HISTORY PROGRAM, LEAN ON THAT: [School] does a good job teaching social studies, government, and US history--can you please help give graduates that one final push to get them to put what they've learned into action?] [OTHERWISE, SKIP THAT AND JUST SAY SOMETHING LIKE [School] is launching so many young people into the world soon, just like you did with me # years ago. Can you please smooth the path for those grads in one more way so they can fulfill another part of responsible adulthood? OR SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES.]
Sign with your name, and if you have an advanced degree or flashy title, it probably wouldn't hurt to add that too. It's "look, you set me up so well"--they can be proud of that and inspired to do more for the current students.
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benefits1986 · 9 months
A Very Bad Good Girl x Rewind
Cinema is said to be a reflection of one's nation and its people. I say, any decent film is also a Mirror of Erised that's either too crass or too classy.
One of the reasons why I took up communication research is to deepen my roots on how frameworks are engineered and optimized to fit my current stance. It's not about the shiny badge of UPDi, it's just me being perpetually curious.
One of the things I did over the long holiday break is to randomly check content as I've been too out of touch. Of course, I'd definitely choose Ooku: The Inner Chambers over A Very Good Girl, however, I'd need to immerse myself in local mainstream films, because, one of my very few GCs is poppin' rainbows about an upcoming debrief. Kidding aside, it's my attempt to immerse in the perspective of my "audience of one" when it comes to work. Yes, work. More so, films are very easy access passes to what the pulse of the nation is, even when I'd have to yawn and laugh dryly so many times while at it.
In line with new stories for 2024, let me share my thoughts and feelings about A Very Good Girl. Alert: Spoilers incoming; however, I'd list down the stuff I gathered instead of lambasting and praising it straight up.
1 The male gaze is currently severely butchered but it's still a butch or femme butch scene, after all. Sorry, not sorry. I'd like to see an unapologetic ultra femme era of films in my lifetime, to be honest.
2 Women in films are on their way to find their safe space without sacrificing a safe space for all. Being immersed in feminism and postmodernism, the truth is that you can't advocate for safe space if you aim to silence the males in any social setting. As a reformed radical feminist, I'm still learning this ground. It's not easy, but it's for the greater good.
3 This film talks about how this country is still ruled by familial ties and feudalism.
4 Production and tiny details make or break the story even when your audience of one is but a passerby or a stranger.
5 While the film tackles the power struggle of females, the subtext I'm getting is that it's a class act involving the Philippines and her people. LOL. Money, fame and power are means to make you appear convenient; but, in reality, everything has a floor and a ceiling you can't escape nor evade. The poor and middle class clamor for these three pillars, however, it's all about being good even when you and the rest of universe make really, really bad choices each time.
Side Note: Sana lang, 'wag masyadong antagonized ang rich and poor masyado. 'Di naman kasalanan ng mahirap na mahirap sila in the same manner na 'di naman kasalanan ng mayaman na mayaman sila, right? And I think that this film has made a decent commentary about this topic.
6 As the media is silenced, harassed and policed with literal and figurative machineries, films are more experimental and more vibrant and dull, all together.
7 Scripts and deliveries do not exactly co-exist; but, I'd like to believe that we're probably off to better heights.
8 The agenda setting and unmuting the muted groups may be lost in translation because the dresses and the accessories seem to take the center stage. I know this is an attempt to put forward a more presentable cake to be eaten by the dogs and the underdogs, however, there should always be context so that the audience masticates is better.
9 Research as Paulo Coelho shares in one of his books is super duper integral to any literary work. I also believe that this is what's lacking in most films in the Philippines. 10 After the credits roll, what matters most is the lesson that the audience of one accepts or rejects. Period. Now, the question is: How deep did the film really go?
11 Not all women are meant to be mothers. But any woman can be a mother, so as long as there is a child who's willing or unwilling to be mothered.
12 Being a child is not bound by age, folio or social class. Being a child may be an adult's most "adulting" thing to down.
13 At times, women take too much heat in any kitchen. Asking for help especially when she can't cook is the cross in which women crucify themselves. This bit hits home a little too much, but hey, that's the truth, the hard pill I am downing, currently.
14 This film seems to be an attempt to shed light on dramatic and tragic-comedic existentialism. OPAK. Ako lang naman 'to since bias ko 'yan e.
Is there such a thing as a signature Filipino film style? This is something that I've been searching for since my biases are European or Japanese films. It's actually tough to answer a yes, but saying no seems tougher. There are a good number of films like Sakada, Serbis, Cuchera, Ekstra, Pamilya Ordinaryo, Nerseri, Posas, Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros, Engkwentro, Moral, Anak, That Thing Called Tadhana and Muli that have a strong sense of what the Filipinos are made of. In the same manner, these films seem to remind me of foreign films at some level. I try my best not to compare, however, I guess that I'd have to be more forgiving in my next viewings.
More so, regional films are yet to be highlighted as I know so well that our culture beyond Manila is so rich, pure and worth the budget. As one of Anthony Bourdain's visits to PH says it, we are not even regional; we're archipelagic. I'd like to witness a Philippine cinema scene where there's a vibe of pride about the mundane. I'd like to move beyond fake resiliency, sex sells, more sex sells more even when the lighting and editing is really trashy. I'm hoping to see our own theater arts mold our film dreams, hopes, and fears.
I'd also like to share that dad watched Rewind and shared the whole story with me this morning. I told him that before he starts, I am on the verge of telling him to skip it the movie and his sharing, because it's gonna be a blood bath; however, this is me, letting him be.
Of course, he didn't bother checking the trailer and the reviews. And so, he gave a blow by blow account of this movie's story. In between bashing and laughing with him, he told me that he's been a very bad dad, all this time. He even enumerated the missed attendances because he was "too busy" with work that's actually manageable. He further confessed that he could have been more present in our lives when we were growing up instead of growling like a beast even at our slightest hiccups. He shared that he'd be more than willing to go back in time to make bawi for his misgivings. I flatly told him that he's not giving... giving up, now and until his forever ends, eventually.
It felt as though he's on his Walk of Shame era with a dog cone and butt naked as he goes around the UPDi Ikot and Toki route. But, I tried my best not to get too bored and tuned in. His sharing lasted for almost 45 minutes, I think.
I chuckled and told him several times that it's his first time to be a dad, a parent; so, naturally, things are always on beta test mode. He told me that if he could rewind our past, he could have chosen to give up his dear life for mom to live longer. He meant what he said. This broke my hypothalamus in the same manner that it gave me a piece of peace that I'm aiming at.
I joked him: Dad, 'di ka naman magso-sorry 'di ba? He said: Alam mo naman tatay mo, iiyak, pero 'di magso-sorry. Me: Sus. OK.
I breathed deeply and told him that everything happens for a reason and that I'd like him to be with me for a long while, perhaps, longer than my original ask. I'd like him to let go of the past and should we talk about the good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly, may those be parts of healthy kwentuhans and batuhans. I'm also sure that this is no longer about mother dragon's smirk alone. This time around, it's about me and him and my brother making it together and emerging better.
Ah, January 3, you're something weird, wonky and wonderful! Perhaps, one of the things I'd see in the Mirror of Erised is dad and I biking around Japan for two straight weeks. LOL. Huy, tigil mo na 'yan, back to regular programming ka na in a few hours. Let's go!
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formulalakana · 1 year
4, 10, 14, 24, 32 <33
Thank you! 🥰
4. 3 topics you’d love to learn more about
I'm a beginner dog breeder so I always love to learn new things about genetics, genetic diseases and other stuff like that concerning breeding, it has always been a big interest of mine and I love to learn new stuff about it.
One of my biggest interests of last years has been learning about different death cultures. I'm really curious about different burial customs and beliefs about death and dead bodies around the world, I think it's really fascinating. One of my favorite YouTube channels is Ask a mortician, I can highly recommend it!
Right now I'm researching different aquarium fish because I'm trying to decide what fish to keep next.
10. 3 things you like eating with coffee
I don't actually drink coffee at all, only tea 😅 But with tea I'd say chocolate, cookies and ice cream.
14. 3 professions that you would like to try
Before my last school and current job I considered becoming a headstone maker but didn't really know what I should study to become one.
Flower shop keeper. I love house plants and last I counted I had over 40 pots of them.
Warehouse worker where I would get to pack orders in boxes. In my current job post days are one of my favorites because I love backing things and printing addresses to them. I don't know what's so fun about it to me but I enjoy doing it 😂
24. 3 places that makes you feel peaceful
My childhood home and my current place. They are almost the same thing because I live next to my parents in a house where my grandma used to live and I've been visiting this house all my life. After she died I moved here.
The fields and forests in this area that I've been wandering my whole life. I'm not good with change at all, I like to be surrouded by places and things that have always been the same way. You should have seen the drama that followed when my dad cut some old trees around my house last year (I had just buried my oldest dog and also my youngest one who died at birth just ten days after that first dog, I was not in the mental state to take even more things changing around me in such a short period of time. Also one of the trees fell onto their fresh grave and you can imagine I was not happy about that).
The sea. Also something I have always visited because I live near it.
32. 3 months you enjoy the most
May. I love springtime when everything is green again but weather is usually not too hot yet. Also Eurovision ❤
June. I don't like it when the weather is hot but I love the bright midsummer nights so much! Also midsummer roses are blooming and they are one of my favorite flowers.
December. I like Christmas time and I love snow. New Years is fun too.
Thank you again, sorry these are so long!
3 things asks
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
pls tell me you don't think disliking lynz is misogynistic lol i must've misinterpreted that
nope! it's totally fine to dislike lynz, i also don't like her myself. she's said some very questionable things and MSI grosses me out, as does her association with jimmy urine. i already know people will want to take this the wrong way so i want to make it clear that i'm not defending any of that. i'm pointing out an irritating mindless pattern of behaviour in this fandom that is immature and reductive at best and misogynistic at worst, which includes:
1. the intensity of the vitriol that is directed at her being disproportionate to most of the men ppl blog about who have done/said similar, if not much worse, things. and honestly in a lot of cases disproportionate to what she's actually done
2. the fact that i see so many people (especially on twitter) blindly jumping on the bandwagon of hating on her often without knowing what exactly it is they're hating her for - and even then, most of the reasons i see parrotted on twitter are either contextless and overexaggerated or not even one of the aforementioned valid reasons for disliking her. i don't know how to tell you this but if you believe everything on lynzuglyliar you need to reevaluate how you engage with information on the internet lol
3. the level of glee with which people hate on her, which truly smacks of old-school fandom misogyny reserved for women who marry your faves or get in the way of your favourite ship. on twitter especially it honestly truly feels like people are delighted to have a wife of the band they're "allowed" to hate on lol. i know a lot of that is coming from teenagers who will grow up and learn more self-awareness but that doesn't make it any less annoying or disappointing to see
4. the ridiculous mental gymnastics required to hate her so much while continuing to be a fan of the person who is married to her and in love with her lmao. sorry but if you truly think she's that irredeemable why are you still here
like. i hate msi and i go out of my way to avoid listening to them. but it's worth keeping in mind that the kind of shock-jock edgy gross music they wrote was not exclusive to msi in the 2000s. i hate it too and think it's stupid and counterproductive to whatever point it's supposedly trying to make but it was like. a thing for a while unfortunately. it was bad at the time and it aged even worse, but gerard and frank at the very least, and probably the others too, vocally enjoyed it. frank voluntarily chose to tour with msi and mcr performed with them multiple times and were always excited about it. if you truly think lynz's involvement with that band is indefensible, you should extend at least part of that criticism to mcr too. the amount of times i've seen people saying "omg frank hates lynz so much" is fucking ridiculous, and it's based entirely on the same kind of conjecture that led people to believe mcr didn't remain close friends after the breakup lol. if you have to make up things like that - or worse, make up and spread infidelity rumours or actual domestic abuse allegations (it's not even rare to see this on twitter) - to excuse their association with lynz/msi, you need to take a look at yourself tbh
this is partly a twitter-specific problem because that platform is literally set up to disallow meaningful or nuanced conversation but it's really exhausting to see hundreds of snippy "she's the devil" tweets and if you say anything vaguely critical of the the way fandom treats her you get immediately shot down with "why are you defending A Racist" with zero context or clarification. i hate to break it to you but if lynz is A Racist of an irredeemable level, so is gerard. hell, so is frank for blindly listening to and promoting black metal bands with nazi associations when he as a metal fan should know better and do his research. lynz's racism in question is the kind that's overwhelmingly common among liberal white women who are into witchcraft-type stuff. again, i am not condoning it, it's still wrong, but you cannot hold her to different standards than you do the guys in mcr. i'm just saying if you're able to acknowledge gerard's questionable statements and attitudes in the past, condemn them, acknowledge that he's changing and learning, but still go on liking him as a person and supporting his art...what is the reason you can't do the same for lynz.
i've seen people on twitter accuse lynz of plagiarism in an impressively tone-deaf misinterpretation of her art genre, sometimes the same people who would call gerard doing something similar a clever reference. i have literally seen people quote male members of MSI making sexually objectifying and openly misogynistic comments about lynz as some kind of gotcha saying "look, even her bandmates don't respect her" and like...if you can't see something deeply wrong with that i don't know what to tell you. i've seen COUNTLESS people bring up vague information "revealed" by her actual estranged family members on twitter after people stalked them to try to get dirt on lynz and if you think parroting back contextless one-sided information from other people's private family drama isn't a) about the least reliable source of information ever and b) deeply disgusting and inappropriate, i really don't know what to tell you
if you despise lynz to the point where you're in mcr's comments telling gerard to divorce her (again. i shouldn't have to say that this is disgusting behaviour) or booing when they perform summertime or accusing her of infidelity or abuse (which i cannot stress enough are rumours originally made up by frerard tinhatters) or anything like that, why are you even here. like what mental gymnastics are you doing to be able to remain a fan of gerard at this point. none of this is activism, if anything it's counterproductive to your point because it's indicative of the lack of critical thinking or maturity that's necessary when you're engaging with topics like casual/unconscious racism and normalised sexual abuse in the music industry
i'm probably not going to say more about this because this isn't really the hill i want to die on considering i don't even particularly like her myself but please i am begging you approach your dislike of lynz with just a little bit of critical thought and self-awareness instead of just blindly despising her for things that most of the men we blog about are also guilty of.
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