#also need you to know that you almost got a musical au AND a clown au bc those were the first two songs that popped up lol
honeyhobies · 1 year
🔀 and punkflower?
work til the mornin' - amira unplugged, lexie hayden — cowboy au
but keep them in NYC - just a strong horseriding community where the stables are on the outskirts and the horses are a welcome regularity in the city.
miles has long become a fixture of brooklyn with his horse, spider. and she is beautiful, a black snowflake appaloosa whose lighter speckles seem to shine almost chestnut in direct sunlight; appreciative whistles often reserved for impressive sports cars follow in her wake as she clops down the sidewalks. spider probably knows the streets of brooklyn better than anyone, has a propensity to nuzzle the heads of children and teasingly nip at the hoods on unsuspecting passersby—and even, if the rumors are to be believed, is no stranger to stopping the occasional crime under miles' expert direction.
she's loved, he's loved, and there's an unspoken truth that if anything were to happen to either of them brooklyn would go on the charge in their name.
hobie's not from brooklyn, or nyc. he ends up in the city out of necessity when a friend's couch opens up and he can make an escape from his past. so when he spends his first weekend there walking around to get his bearings of this new place, he's stunned by the number of horses that seem to just...blend in. there's relatively little reaction from the crowds, they seem to navigate around the horses like it's second-nature, and hobie is intrigued. where he's from, seeing this many horses means needing to make a trip out to the countryside.
where he's from, the people with horses within city limits only belonged to cops. not freely in the hands of new york city residents.
he wants to know everything about these horses. eventually, he gleans from someone who didn't take one look at his spiked vest and narrow their eyes where the stables are, and hobie doesn't wait, he goes that night to check it out. get a better glimpse of what this club's about, check out the horses on his own time, and—
sue him. that pretty speckled black horse looked like she fell in love with him just as much as he did. it's not his fault that the padlocks on the stables are rusty enough to break easily, or that she was all too willing to be led out to the ring and mounted by someone with zero riding experience. nor is it his fault that when she reared up onto her hind legs that hobie didn't know where to grab on that wouldn't hurt her, and thus fell off onto an arm that apparently is just as easy to break as a padlock.
it is, admittedly, his fault that the first thing he did when the fuming owner stomped up to him the next time he shows his face at the stables was ask for the horse's name, the guy's name, and his phone number, in that order, before thinking to apologize.
(uncle aaron knows something miles doesn't know, he's sure of it. bc he otherwise can't figure out why his uncle would offer hobie a chance to join the club, as well as offer miles up as his partner.)
((the first thing miles does is throw hobie a shovel. if nothing else, at least he's going to be off cleaning duty for awhile.))
send me a 🔀 and a pairing, get an au ask game!
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darling--angst · 1 year
Yan!Doa and Reader who's two faced—highschool au
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Pairing: Nikolai, Fyodor, Sigma x Reader (separate)
Type: Headcanons
Genre: Yandere???
Warnings: Yandere themes, manipulation, unhealthy relationship, stalking, obsession, invasion of privacy, mentions of blackmail,
Synopsis: The new semester started and a new batch of students come to Yokohama International school after JHS, that included you. However, you caught the attention of the top members of the student council
A/n: I took a break from making your oneshot requests because I'm hesitant to make one where Ranpo has an s/o who uses drugs, mind you I have no knowledge in drugs whatsoever. I literally made this a week before my semester starts.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
He is popular among all the years whether it be the seniors or the juniors.
He was what people call the perfect student.
All his grades are perfect, and he was handsome, he's also the president of the student council
Face of the council
He won many awards throughout every year.
Represents the music club with his cello
Though, he finds praises meaningless, after all they are just empty words.
He saw himself as the saviour of all the pathetic and imperfect humans.
At first he loved how when he walked in the hallways everybody would turn their attention on him and sang praises.
When he sees a new student, his first move is to make an impression(which he thinks as too easy).
He was quiet, he never got involved in trouble, he 'helped' those who asked.
He saw himself as an incarnation of an Angel, the path to salvation from their sins.
But he eventually got bored, then you came in.
He first thought to play you to 'save' you and then, he grew realize that you aren't a simple sinner but something else..
He saw you as his 'equal', and plans to have you one way or another.
Saw your true face while reading a book or smth
He'll make the first move and confront you abt it.
Will blackmail you with that information if needed only you refuse to be his.
Nikolai Gogol
He's mostly loved by the juniors but at the same is weirded out by him.
Most seniors think of him as a laughing stock
He's part of the student and always takes a seat next to Fyodor
(it means that his position is next to Fyodor's, making him the second highest in the student committee)
Which many finds shocking
He is academically gifted, when he's not paying attention and a teacher asks him to solve something, he'll joke abt it first but solves it with no struggles whatsoever.
Probably still a clown
He likes messing with Sigma.
He pranked him while sleeping one time and dear lord everybody knew what he did.
Loves to prank teachers, juniors, senior, anyone, no everyone.
Almost got expelled for a reason nobody knows
Most thinks he bribes the teacher that's why he gets top grades.
Can be smart if he wants to.
You can ALWAYS find him inside detention, the bathroom, or teacher's office.
He would go on measures just to make sure you aren't with anybody else.
Def would use the security cameras to see you.
He saw your true face because of this and he never loved you more. (He hated manipulative people but not you since you aren't manipulating them, kinda??)
Will use the information to his advantage
If you started dating someone, he'll blackmail you.
He loves the way you think and your view of the cruel people around you.
He would play along with your act.
He's timid
Many saw him as a sweet individual who's willing to help others
He's loved by all the teachers and juniors because of how kind he is.
Loved by most of the student council.
Def has a lot of junior fangirls
He despises dislikes Nikolai Gogol. He would definitely avoid him.
Manages the complaints of the students or the internal affairs teachers are too lazy to do.
Has to clean up after Nikolai because Fyodor ordered him to.
Knows something is wrong about Fyodor but can't figure out what.
He thinks of you as an innocent angel who he has to protect.
He once saw your true face but thought that it's normal to get angry.
Hates when Nikolai touches you/is around you.
He'd be clenching his fist when monitoring things during break time.
Will never try to hurt you in anyway possible like the other two.
Nikolai's number one prank victim. Some even pity Sigma.
One time in JHS, when he was sleeping his hair had bubblegum in it(Nikolai did it) so Nikolai suggested he cut it.
...he did.. and that's the origin of his bad double bowl cut.
Would treat you to lunch on whatever you want.
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A/n: I'd make a oneshot/series about this, maybe.? Whichever you guys prefer I guess...
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eggwars · 1 year
temptation tuesday
rules: share something about an idea you have/something that's speaking to you/an au you'd like to see and are considering writing/etc. etc. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
Thank you for the tag @just-slightly-chayotic and @viva-yas-vegas
since I got tagged twice I guess I'll share two tidbits? I currently have four-ish chaptered fics I'm rolling around in my brain. What to share~? What to share~?
I'm putting this under a cut because it got quite long lol fic below!
Okay so my second or third most developed one is probably my KimChay mermaid AU?
So for the mermaids, it started off as a branch idea from another AU I'm working on with Tea. They have also been my muse for this one, which is going to have some Little Mermaid vibes (Kim is nosy in every universe) but with some fun twists. I have some snippets written for this one already!
Sound travels differently on the surface. In the water, his songs are close, intimate. The sound doesn't travel as far, but it's rounder, a bubble of music.
On the surface, sound is sharper, it travels farther, straight across the air like a thrown spear. Kim can't decide which is better. Some of the songs his mother used to sing sound better above the waves, so he finds the closest abandoned beach to sing.
But one day, he's swimming to shore when dulled notes drift over his ears through the water. It's not singing, it sounds like one of those many-stringed instruments humans bring on fishing boats. 
Kim hovers in the water, indecisive. The sound's coming from above the waves, close to where he was going to perch for the evening. Kim should turn around. That's what his brothers would say. He hasn't listened to them in years. 
Kim makes his way inland, belly close to the sand, making sure the powerful beats of his tail don't make waves in the calm evening surf. He's maybe 5 meters from the small beach, when the first hummed notes of a song filter through the water to him. He needs to surface, he needs to hear it. Coming up behind a convenient jut of rocks, Kim's ears finally hear that clean air-sound.
It's beautiful. The singer is clearly young, their notes hesitant, but warm. Kim can't help himself. As he pulls the bulk of his torso on a flat part of the outcropping, he begins to harmonize under his breath. It's as easy as swimming, singing with this boy. And the human's a boy, he can see that now. He misses a few notes when he sees him. He's odd-looking. Humans usually are. Their two legs make them appear shorter than merfolk, and their skin is soft all over, like a hatchling's nascent scales. 
But there is something about this one that gives Kim pause. Maybe it's his voice. Maybe it's the way his fingers cleverly find the next chord to play. Maybe it's the glowing golden of his tan skin.
It's those eyes, Kim thinks, as they meet his. It'd almost be comical, how round they become, if not for how the setting sun has turned those driftwood eyes a deep sea-glass amber.  
Kim has slipped off his perch and is streaming back into deep water before he realizes. 
Oh, he's beautiful.
He wants to sing with him again.
Boom. mermaids. I have some fun world building I'm working on for that :)
Alright and another one for ya! I'm not gonna go into too much detail on the premise of this one, but the Clown Car, y'all know. I haven't written anything for this AU yet, but it's my baby. My child, my most unhinged of thought spirals. My clowns have been subjected to it, there's a playlist already, I have yelled about the world building and I have tortured friends with all the potential angst, but I have not put any thoughts to word.
So, now you're gonna get my first snippet.
The first thing that hits Chay, when the smell of burning oil stops singeing his nose hairs, is how green it all is. He’s not really surprised, he saw Earth from the portholes aboard Orpheus every day. Logically, he knows there were still swaths of green speckling the planet, but seeing it is another beast altogether. For one, it’s greener. Whatever had happened, whatever they avoided all those years in orbit, it had at least done some good for the local flora. 
A shout from behind him drags Chay out of his trance. The spacecraft he called home for three years, The Orpheus, lay in a hulking mass of twisted metal and black smoke, the smell of exhaust still hung heavy in the air. Most of the crew had managed to crawl their way out of the smoldering remains, tarnishing their white landing suits with dirt stains and holes, but Bank has a leg pinned under what used to be the support strut between two habitation pods. It now resembled something like a melted twizzler. 
The shouting had come from Ice, calling the other crew to help fish Bank out of the wreckage. Chay turns to move toward her, but is caught, enraptured by a streak of color in his periphery. A flower. It’s a stark orange, with five petals curling outward invitingly, its pistil and anthers long and the same color as the petals. Some kind of rhododendron, Chay thinks. He hasn’t seen a flower in the wild since he was a child. 
More noises echo through the crew behind him, but Chay can’t pay them any mind. A flower. A flower, growing right there out of the dirt with no greenhouse, no fertilizer, exchanging gas with the Earth’s atmosphere. And it’s blooming, He traces a fingertip reverently over a petal. He’s almost sure his fingers will pass right through it, but they don’t. Its petals are soft and slightly warmed by the afternoon sunlight streaming through the forest canopy. It’s real. 
The murmuring behind Chay grows pointed and excited, before Song calls his name in a whisper shout. Chay turns around to see the crew, standing hushed and quiet. They look like they’ve paused in the middle of what they were doing, and are staring off somewhere into the brush behind the wreck of the Orph. Chay leaves his flower with one last caress, and walks parallel to the wreck so he can get an angle on what’s caught everyone’s attention and then– 
There. In a gap between two wild, untrimmed bushes stands a doe. If wild plants were rare then wild animals– well. 
She stands, ears and nose twitching as she stares down the eight of them. Chay remembers Porsche telling him once about a deer he and Mom saw when they were camping. In those days, the outdoors were more livable, he’d say. The deer had been a stag, young with short antlers. They had come across it while hiking a short trail, and it had skipped away in its hopping gait before Porsche could get close. Now, Chay waits for the doe to realize what they are and bolt. Her nose twitches one more time, and she takes a step forward. 
And then the doe charges. 
So. That's what's tumbling in my brain right now. I don't know when I'll write it bc I have a lot of world building to do and lots of different ideas for plot points. Basically it's gonna be novel length and i'm dreading it :')
okay so that's it for me, idk who all's been tagged so i'm just gonna throw my seeds to the wind. @shubaka @fuckyeah-itme uhhhhhhhh yep idk. anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! Have fun!
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laooneart · 2 years
The Babysitter Club
Ok so did any of you know Joe Keery was a musician? I didn't until like two weeks ago. He is not only an amazing actor but also an amazing musician, and it got me thinking that maybe Steve should include some musical talents into the fanfics? But I didn't come here to tell you to do that if you're a writer, I came to propose this AU I've been thinking of for a while now.
It's summer in Hawkins and there's nothing to do or hear on the radio, when all of the sudden people start talking about this new band that's been broadcasting their music and some song covers on the radio. It's new and everyone loves them, but the thing is, no one knows who they are since they've never revealed their names to the public. The town started calling them the "Babysitter Club" since their broadcasts start after care few and it just seemed to stick to people's minds.
Billy has heard of them obviously but has never actually listened to their music since he thinks it's not really his style, but with nothing to do and a radio in his room just gathering dust, he turns it on and starts looking though the centonizations until he lands on one that seems to be it. The song starts with a bass, followed by a guitar chord and a drum; that's when he realizes they're playing "Psycho Killer", he decides to leave it on for tonight, at a volume he can hear but is quiet enough that his father's snores won't allow the same to hear the noise and come shut the radio and him up.
A few months ago
Their freaking vocalist just quit.
Nancy tries to convince them to stay but it's decided, they found a said "better band than this clown show" and they're out. Eddie is furious and Robin is just sitting on the couch thinking of something and murmuring to herself.
"We're so screwed" Eddie said after almost bitting the head off the poor ex-vocalist.
"Well, it's not like we were getting any popular or any gigs so" Nancy said closing the door to their practice room.
"Wheeler we just lost our vocalist" Eddie bit back pinching the bridge of his nose.
"You can sing, Eddie" She crossed her arms saying this.
"Not the songs we play, I'm a metal singer not a soft rock one" He mimicked her stance and crossed his legs while leaning on a table.
"We agreed our base music would be soft rock, it's the ground level for everyone. Plus it's what everyone listens to these days. I promised that we would play a metal song, someday, but unless we start making decent money out of this it isn't happening"
"Yeah, well then there go our dreams of a band...Robin what the hell are you muttering about?" Eddie had finally had enough with Robin's muttering.
Robin looked up with glow on her face and then said with a smile neither Eddie nor Nancy had ever seen her with, it terrified them.
"I think I found our new vocalist"
"What?" They both said in unison.
"My best friend, he can sing! I heard him doing it out in the school's parking lot and he was really good!"
"Robin, that's great but would he actually want to join?" Nancy said with a small smile.
"I mean, he might've freaked out a bit when he found out I heard him. And maybe he asked me not to tell anyone but I'm sure he'll say yes!"
"Pleeeeaaaaaseeee?" Robin begged and put her hands together in a pleading manner while pouting.
"Robin, I hate singing in public, last time I did everyone laughed at me"
"Wasn't that in like first grade?"
"Yeah but-"
"Please, Steve, we need you...I need you, you know, me, your best friend? Whom you've told everything? The first person you told you weren't so much in the path of a heteronormative spectrum?"
"Do not try to manipulate me into doing this, I already said no"
"But Steve, if we don't start making money, we won't be able to pay the rent of the place we practice at, so we won't have a place to play in and our music dreams will be burned along with our reputation."
"What reputation?"
"Steve I'm serious! This is really important for me and my bandmates. If you don't wanna do it for them, at least try for me."
"...Fuck...ok fine just one try, if I hate it, I'm outta there and we won't touch the subject ever again, got it?"
"Um...hi, I'm Steve, Steve Harrington" he scratched the back of his neck while waving at the two people in front of him.
"Hello Steve, I'm Nancy, I'm on the keyboard" Nancy was very formal and cold but also very warm and nice.
"Eddie Munson, bass and guitar" Eddie seemed wary of Steve and looked at him up and down while leaning on the couch
"Oh, you play guitar? Electric or acoustic?" He got excited and started smiling.
"Both...but for the band electric" Eddie raised an eyebrow and relaxed a bit
"I...I play electric too" he lowered his shoulders
"Really? Hmm" Eddie seemed to start thinking of all the possibilities this could bring
"So, Steve, Robin told us you sing? We would really like to hear you if that's okay?" Nancy interrupted, smiling.
"Oh, y-yeah"
"The mic is there and you plug it in-" Robin started really happy that Steve was doing this for her and also scared because what if they don't like how Steve sings? Steve would never forgive her.
"I know how microphones work Robin"
"Since when?" she asked sarcastically with a smirk.
"Whenever you're ready" Nancy smiled warmly as she situated herself between Eddie and Robin.
"R-right" He grabbed the mic and...
And he sang, and holy shit was Robin right, this guy was amazing! He was a bit nervous, and you could kinda hear it in his voice but with a bit of practice their band was gonna make it big. He sang "Killer Queen" by Queen and he hit the notes perfectly. They started practicing imediatley.
Hiiii, did you guys like it? Idk if I should turn this into a comic or just keep it a kinda fic. Sorry if it badly written I was just too excited to share this idea and started barfing everything into the keyboard.
Also go check out Joe Keery's band! It's called "Djo"
Should I continue it? Any recommendations?
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charliedawn · 3 years
The Joker. ~Valentine's special and introduction to the second season of my Slasher AU series. Enjoy.
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"Boss..He's back."
At the news, Jack didn't hesitate before breaking the neck of his associate that fell lifeless on the floor. He had payed a lot of money for Arthur to never return to Gotham..And yet ? It seemed that the only way Arthur Fleck would ever leave Gotham definitely would be in a body bag..He let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head, trying to get the man out of his head, the man who created the Joker. Jack gritted his teeth, knowing that Arthur would soon be here to claim his due, as he had warned Jack a long time ago.
"I may be leaving, but I'll be back and I expect you to have done great things with this city by the time I come home.."
Jack had agreed, but to tell the truth ? He had done nothing but rob banks and create his bar..Well, he had also won against Batman on multiple occasions, so that had to count for something, right ? He shook his head and tightened his hold on the steering wheel. Arthur was nothing but an old fossile, Jack had the power now..Why would he be afraid of the man ?! He was still only just a man..He started driving towards his bar to relax and maybe have a drink, but was surprised to see Arthur, waiting for him just in the front of his bar, his back turned to him and his hands in his pockets. As if he could sense him, he turned around and smiled before waving at Jack when the car pulled over next to him.
"Hello there, Jack."
He greeted him politely and it took Jack all of his willpower not to roll his eyes as he muttered under his breath.
He didn't think he would actually show up at his bar so soon..He wasn't ready to explain everything to his gang, or Harley who had never met Arthur before and thought he was the original Joker..D*mn it.
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He got out of the car and was about to step inside the bar without greeting Arthur, but reconsidered, faking not having recognized the man without his clown makeup. He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks as he was about to enter the bar to turn around with a large toothy grin, his silver teeth almost blinding Arthur by how bright they shined.
"Heeeyyy Arthur ! I didn't recognize you without the makeup ! Do you mind if I leave you outside for a moment ? There's something urgent I need to take care of.."
Arthur's smile faltered for a moment, but he still nodded politely, remaining respectful.
"Of course..I understand. Take your time."
Jack nodded briefly before entering and slamming the door behind him, dropping his smile almost immediately as he saw Harley, dancing on a pole in front of a few of his men..He groaned, annoyed. He knew that Arthur wouldn't like seeing a bar where his old hideout used to be, especially with a hot babe dancing and putting on a show. Jack could already tell that he was going to earn a lot of disapproving stares from his former mentor, especially since Arthur wasn't an idiot and could probably hear the music from outside..He then grabbed Harley's wrist and yanked her off the pole harshly to take her apart for a moment, to explain the situation to her and make sure she wouldn't take any rash or dumb decisions while he was there.
"There is a very important man that is about to walk through that door. Don't embarrass me."
She nodded vividly, not wanting to upset her puddin' in any way, even though she had never seen him so..agitated ? He looked nervous and uncharacteristically out of control..Suddenly, the door opened and Arthur stepped in. The music immediately stopped upon his arrival and most of the men already had their hand on their gun. However, he only asked Jack calmly where was the bathroom and Jack lead him to it with a fake smile plastered on his face before coming back, clearly not happy by his men’s disrespect towards Arthur as he suddenly shot one of them in the leg..
"If I see even one of you point a gun at this man, I’ll shoot him in the head, understood ?!"
His men all fearfully bowed their heads in agreement while two of them dragged the one who was shot outside quickly, not wanting Joker’s wrath to be directed at them next. Harley didn’t look at them however, she didn't even hear the gunshot, only frowned curiously at the door where the mysterious man had disappeared in, wondering what kind of man could push her puddin’ to act even crazier than usual ? Who dared make her puddin' so upset ?! On Valentine’s day no less ?! Her who thought she could have a little love birds romantic getaway with her puddin’ ?!
"Mister J..Why can't we just kill him ?! I don't like him.."
If looks could kill ? Harley would already be dead where she stood..Her puddin' looked enraged as he suddenly covered her mouth with his hand.
"Listen very carefully..You will NOT touch a hair on this man's head. This man is very important for business, sweety. So, keep your mouth shut, understood ?"
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Harley had no choice but to agree..Just at that moment, the stranger stepped out of the bathroom and Harley opened her mouth wide as he..HE LOOKED JUST LIKE HER PUDDIN' ! How dared he steal his style and still be breathing ?! But, when she turned towards her Joker, he didn’t look that surprised and only put on the smile he usually reserved to very important business partners, as if he already knew that that man would copy his style and walk out as if he owned the place ?! She wanted to kill him all the more..But, when their eyes met, all of Harley’s rage disappeared, only leaving this sort of unreasonable dread inside of her…Was that how her puddin’ felt right now ? Who was that guy ?! She opened her mouth to ask, but her puddin' sent her a warning look, reminding her what he had told her earlier.
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"I'm not interrupting, am I ?"
Arthur asked as he eyed the both of them with a small knowing smile and Jack quickly put back his polite façade as he replied, lowering his hand from Harley's face.
"Not at all..Sweety, could you let the men talk for a moment ?"
Harley took a moment staring at the odd stranger before the order registered in her mind and she nodded obediently, knowing what would happen if she dared protest. She shivered as the memory of the last time she got punished for disobeying.
"Sure thing, puddin' !"
She happily hopped out, winking cheekily at Arthur on her way out who smiled at her, watching her leave intently.
"Your girlfriend ?"
He finally asked Jack when he turned around to face him who only shrugged before slumping down in a nearby cherry-red armchair.
"Yeah..Until the next one."
The smile full of innuendos he addressed Arthur made him want to puke. What a vile man..He had presented himself as a good candidate at the time of his arrest, but he had only dirtied Joker's reputation since he left..He had sold weapons to the highest bidder and spent his time entertaining a pitiful childish rivalry with the dark knight..This wasn't what Arthur stood for. It wasn't what he wanted. He wanted a fairer world, but Jack had only brought more chaos and misery to the city. He still pretended to agree with the man and sat down in front of him.
"So..What can I do for you, Arthur ?"
"I want my city back.."
Jack almost choked on his own drink as there was no hesitation in Arthur’s quick answer.
"W..What ?! Is this some sort of joke ?!"
He shouted in shock, but the look that Arthur gave him made him understand that this was not a joke. Jack shook his head in disbelief and leaned back with a wide condescending grin, showing his true self as Arthur appeared fearless, coming in HIS bar with such an outrageous demand. The old man’s stay with the loonies had stolen the last functioning brain cells he had apparently ? Jack would have to remind him the current status of things..
"Sorry, teach'. But, this is my territory now. You know what ? You should have stayed out of Gotham, Arthur. *laughs* Why am I even talking to you ? Gotham is mine now..You've got no allies in the city. I made sure of it."
But, far from feeling intimidated, Arthur only chuckled darkly before leaning forward and whispering.
"You don't listen, do you ? It's over. You did a great job..But, I'm back now. I told you that I would eventually return. Don’t act so surprised."
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Jack gritted his teeth at Arthur’s confidence, as if he knew something that he didn’t and it pissed him off to no point. He suddenly stood up, pointing a gun to Arthur's head.
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"Careful..I'm very different from the man you trained. You can't show up and ask me to give up everything I worked so hard for."
Arthur tilted his head to the side with a small amused smirk, unimpressed by the gun pointed at his head.
"Everything YOU worked for ? My my my..Haven't you grown into a cocky little man ? Are you sure you want to do this, Jack ? Don't you remember that you owe me your life ?"
Jack remembered, he remembered all too well.
Flashback :
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Jack was hiding from the local mob who had succeeded in trapping him in an old factory and he knew that the police wouldn't waste any time before catching up to him. He was finished..and then, the bat had arrived. He got scared and fell in a pool of chemicals..Arthur found him and saved him. He then asked Jack if he wanted to be his student/successor ? Jack had agreed and then, thought he would get rid of Arthur by sending him away…The man even agreed, knowing full well the somewhat hidden intentions of his student. Maybe, it was time for him to see what the young generation could do ? But, Arthur had grown to hate seeing his successor on TV during his time away, causing nothing but more problems for the poor and miserable in the city of Gotham..He had to get out of the hospital and all it took was a bunch of criminals to take over the hospital and free him..
Jack looked up and glared at Arthur before pointing the door significantly, lowering his gun. He wouldn't shoot the man. He wouldn't waste his time shooting a ghost.
"Get out. This city doesn't belong to you anymore and I will take you—still being alive—as a permanent erase of any debt I ever had towards you. You may have created me, Arthur, but I evolved with the sharks, while you were with the sheep.."
Arthur had to repress a laugh. The sheep ? Did he ever meet Pennywise and Penny ? Oh..The boy would come to regret it. But, he wouldn't talk about them to Jack, he would only try to add them to his little collection of goonies and buffoons. Arthur had stuck around the hospital before leaving, after the Redemption freed him, to make sure the nice nurse and the others had found a way to handle the situation. Once he was sure everything would be alright, he left. Gotham was still a mess and Jack hadn't done anything to make things right. Criminals still roamed the streets, even more than before and the people's protests against society slowly dwindled to nothingness and the united fight for change had slowly gone astray during his absence. Now, nobody wanted to fight anymore and everyone was too preoccupied by staying alive to do anything about the surrounding misery..He thought he would let his successor take care of things, but he was obviously wrong as the man's will to change this city for the better had turned to opportunism and personal greed. Gotham needed its true Joker back. He had felt sick just looking at Jack on TV, surrounded by crooks and thieves, obviously loaded with other people's money..This wasn't the image of the Joker he wanted. However, Jack was right. He had no allies anymore and he would have to make friends quickly if he wanted to stay alive and make things right. And, lucky for him ? Jack had just unknowingly provided one. He nodded and forced himself to sound defeated before standing up and leaving his office. However, he stopped just in front of the door to give a side glance to his former student.
"Remember that I gave you a chance to surrender, Jack.."
To which Jack answered with a mocking scoff and did an awful imitation of his signature laugh.
"I’m not Jack anymore..I’m the Joker, remember ? And, do take a drink on your way out..On the house."
Arthur rolled his eyes at the invitation before stepping outside, determined to get his drink before leaving..
When he was outside, Arthur's eyes roamed the room for his target, one that he found sitting on a stool at the bar counter, crying her eyes out and swallowing head first her fifth or sixth drink by the rows of empty glasses next to her. He sat next to her and asked a whiskey to the barman..He would make good use of this drink and Jack would regret ever opposing him.
"Are you okay, miss ?"
He asked with fake concern and Harley seemed surprised as she looked around, wondering if he was indeed talking to her ? But, as there was no one else around, she finally answered by nodding vividly, not wanting him to rat her out to her puddin'.
"I'm okay.."
She answered with a tearful voice and Arthur took a sip of his drink—obviously not fooled by her tough act—before adding.
"A fine lady such as yourself shouldn't be crying on such a very special day..You know what day it is, right ?"
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"Yeah..I know. Seems like it'll be another Valentine's day with me, myself and I..The best company."
She sniffled and quickly tried to dry her tears, but the red streaks that her tears left behind on her face betrayed her and Arthur got out a handkerchief that he handed her courteously. She smiled gratefully at him before taking it and wiping the rest of her tears with it. They then sat silently next to each other until Harley finally burst, all her emotions just pouring out of her in waves to this man, this stranger.
"I just wanted a nice day with my puddin’, ya know ?! We could have gone for ice-cream and blow some stuff up afterwards ! You know ?! Like every couple on Valentine’s day ?! But nooooooo..Business is just too important and he’s got no time for his Harley anymore !.."
She pouted and used her index to twirl her drink in its glass absent-mindedly. Arthur listened to her. He didn’t interrupt and just let her get everything of her chest before addressing her a compassionate smile.
"I see..Well—I'm not him and I would very much like to eat ice-cream and "blow stuff up" if you're still up for it..?"
"Why ? So you can get all of Joker's secrets out of me ? Hard pass."
Harley scoffed, but still eyed the man with a certain amount of interest..Afterall, it wasn't everyday a man actually showed her any sympathy..not that her puddin' would let anyone too close to her. Arthur sighed in fake disappointment before raising his hands in surrender.
"Ah. You caught me..It's not because I just arrived in the city and wanted to spend a few hours with a beautiful woman who could show me around ?"
Harley arked an eyebrow at the man's obvious sarcastic answer before gulping down her last drink and crossing her legs to face him, a drunken smile on her face and her eyes sparkling with curiosity at the intriguing man. He was charming to say the least..She then batted her eyelashes heavily and let out a small giggle before resting her chin on the palm of her hand, signifying she was interested indeed.
"~Keep talking."
Arthur smiled victoriously, knowing he had now her full attention and crossed his own legs before mimicking her position with his own chin resting on his palm.
"Well...I thought of a little ice-cream shop just down the street which used to make the best strawberry ice-cream back in my days and, to make your puddin' pay for his less than gentlemanly conduct, exploding something that symbolizes your love ? Any ideas ?"
Harley thought about it for a moment before a devilish smile appeared on her face.
"~Oh..I think I got just the place."
A few minutes later :
Harley and Arthur, each with an ice-cream cone in hand, crossed the street leading to the Ace Chemicals factory. Unbeknownst to Harley that this place was also where Arthur had found and saved Jack: a symbolic place for the both of them. Perfect. Harley brought her own hand-made bombs and Arthur had to admit that the girl had talent..They both separated to pose the bombs and once that was done, they both exited the building and watched the building be overtaken by fire and smoke, smiling at each other and then looking up at the building's remains lighting up the sky.
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It was almost romantic and Arthur smiled as an idea came to mind and he extended his hand towards Harley who frowned in incomprehension until her face lit up at his next words.
"Miss, would you do me the pleasure of a dance ?"
Harley tried to contain her excitement, but she still squealed excitedly before putting her hand in his.
"Boy, would I ?! My puddin' never asked me to dance before ! By the way, my name's Harley ! Harley Quinn ! Ya don't need to call me miss !"
Arthur nodded and smiled before standing straight again. He put his hand on her hip and she put hers on his shoulder while they both waltzed away down the street, smiling at each other and dancing to the magical music of fireworks, destruction and chaos; following a rhythm only them could hear..Harley felt good..When was the last time she had felt this good ? Probably when she had first met her puddin'..To add to the magical atmosphere of the moment, Arthur noticed a man with roses in his clutch, spooked out of his mind by the explosion and looking at both individuals as if they were crazy to dance as the fire reached the sky, but Arthur only handed him a coin and the man shakily took it before giving him a flower. Arthur smiled at him before taking it.
"Thank you, my good man."
He then gave it to Harley who smiled widely in response and accepted it, inhaling the sweet fragrance. She knew better than to trust this man, but he sure could make a girl swoon..
A policeman yelled from across the street and Harley was already ready to shoot him, but Arthur was faster and took her hand to start running. Arthur could have killed the man, but he didn't want to break the woman's expectations and thought running away would be far more effective, and he was right. Harley giggled happily while she ran next to him, their hands still intertwined. They both jumped in a cab and Arthur gave money to the driver to drive back to Harley's place. She seemed almost disappointed for their time to over so soon, but it quickly disappeared when he burst out laughing. It wasn't on purpose, his condition returning yet again to make him ashamed. He tried to stop by covering his mouth with his hands, thinking that the woman would take it personally, but her own laugh covered his as she threw her head back and raised her legs up and down frantically.
"THAT WAS SO FUN ! Boy..I knew it ! You're the original Joker ! The one who disappeared a few years ago ! I knew your face was familiar ! This laugh ! You were the one who blew Murray's brains out ! Boy..That was one Hell of a show ! I still remember. I was actually a fan of the show when I was a college student !"
Arthur's laugh died down and he then asked, genuinely curious.
"I see..Do you think I shouldn't have ? Do you think it was wrong of me ?"
Harley's eyes widened as wide as saucers and she then burst out laughing again, but quickly gave the reason of her hilarity.
"Nah nah nah ! You got me all wrong ! I mean..Yeah, his show was entertaining, but everyone knew he was a bastard ! Making fun of his guests and thinking he was high and mighty in his fancy studio ! You actually shooting him in his smug richy pansy face. was the most fun and entertaining thing I've ever seen on TV ! Truly !"
He smiled and leaned his forehead against the window on his side of the cab to look at her properly. She was a young woman with a very colorful personality and he could see that she could easily become someone of value, someone even greater than her "puddin'", that was for sure. She knew who he was now, and yet, had no fear telling him things as they were..He liked her. Truly.
"You're an interesting one, miss Queen. No doubt about it.."
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She beamed at him and playfully punched his shoulder.
"Aww ! Stop it ! Ya gonna make me blush !"
Miss Queen. She was endearing, really. She was one hell of a spitfire, but he wasn't complaining..Plus, he could tell that she was more intelligent than what she let on..Harley looked at the flower in her hands and smiled wistfully.
"I wish my puddin' could have at least bought me a flower like this one.."
Arthur repressed the urge to roll his eyes at the mention of the awful man who truly wasn't worth anyone's time..
"Don't worry, my dear. I'm sure he was just too busy to remember."
Harley seemed to think about it hard and her hand unconsciously tightened around the rose's stem.
"Too busy, heh ?"
He could tell she was boiling inside. It was funny how she was so easy to manipulate ? Jack must really have had his fun with her..He could have made something beautiful, something dangerous out of her and make her undying loyalty a weapon. Too bad he had only seen the girl as some sort of his personal cheerleader of crime more than a true partner in crime, or maybe he would have actually done some good things to this city..made good lasting changes ? The girl sure had her head on straight, even though she also had a very distinctive mind of her own and a heart..The heart being the best way to win her over and make her evolve into something beautiful and dangerous..if only taught the right way. This was maybe why he made the following proposition.
"Maybe I just chose the wrong person to associate with ? What do you say, miss Queen ? How about we both work together to right the wrongs of this city ?"
He outstretched his hand towards her and Harley's eyes widened, looking around as if she was waiting for her puddin' to step out of the shadows and grab her or kill her for even entertaining the idea..But, he wasn't there and Arthur knew that she just needed a little push.
"Come on, miss Queen..Aren't you tired of always having a man's boot over your throat ? Jack may offer you to be a simple asset to his plans, but I promise you that I will make you a queen..We will be partners in crime. You and I.."
Harley hesitated. She had only spend one day with the man. Who knew if he wouldn't just play with her and leave her once he got what he wanted ? However, when she looked into his eyes, she could see something in there that made her seriously doubt he would ever treat her in such a way..In one day, he had shown her more kindness and attention than many men in her life, even her puddin'..Her puddin' was scared of him. On the other hand, it might be for a very good reason ? She stared at his outstretched which seemed so inviting. She liked how he treated her like a lady and he didn't sound like someone who would actually leave her to save his own a**, not like her puddin' who had left her many times behind when he didn't find her useful anymore..At the end of the day, she was just tired of crawling to the feet of someone who she knew would never see her as an equal..She wanted to fly, and she knew that the man with the outstretched hand in front of her could offer her that. She had a feeling in her guts and her guts were usually never wrong..She smiled widely before finally taking a decision and shaking his hand.
"Partners ?", he asked to confirm and Harley nodded frantically before voicing their agreement out loud.
"Partners !"
To be continued....
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Everything you never thought to ask and never wanted to know about my Josépan playlist/history with and opinions of the ship.
The journey of this playlist has been a long one, starting on Amazon Music and my old, janky and now defunct Ipad.
A word on the origins of the playlist:
The playlist was not initially Ducktales focused because the two didn’t exist in Ducktales yet. I was rather unenthusiastic back in the day about this ship (oh how the times change) but I had stumbled across a song that didn’t fit them and Donald but fit just them very well and wanted to make an animatic of it. So, I cobbled together some songs I thought fit the vibe and made a playlist.
The history behind the story that inspired it:
I’ll spare you from starting at the very beginning. But, when “The Town Where Everyone was Nice” premiered I was already thoroughly and utterly obsessed with the cabs; I remember how beyond ecstatic I was for the episode. My hype for the Ducktales versions of José and Panchito continued far beyond what seems to have been normal for the average cabs fan. I found myself drawn to the ideas put forth by those versions of them. I don’t really remember what the tipping point was for me to break down and make my own college AU but eventually I did. It was affectionately dubbed “The TV Show That Will Never Happen AU.” José and Panchito were enemies to lovers or at least to friends. And it was around that time I began to go CRAZY with the headcanons as I got more active in the fandom. While my ideas for the Ducktales versions of them grew and grew, so too did the time between them appearing in “The Town Where Everyone was Nice” and their alleged next appearance in the show. When fans noticed the distinct lack of José and Panchito in the season two finale of Ducktales, Francisco Angones, @//suspenderofdisbelief on Tumblr answered these two separate asks that I might have engraved on tombstone one day:
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I was GONE for the ship after that. I developed another AU for them based around their time in Baia trying to get people to fund their attempts to become famous musicians. Also, slowly falling in love... It was affectionately titled “The Fan-Comic that Will Never Happen” but not yet connected to my college AU. I don’t have much of a timeline for it after this point, but with that AU I really hit my stride for interpretations of the two characters and their dynamic. The version of them I hold dear in my heart and headcanons came to be. Then “Louie’s Eleven” came out and absolutely destroyed a lot of my headcanons (just kidding, just kidding). Since the new canon material didn’t really jive with a lot of the wholesomeness I had built up I was left with a lot of something else: angst. I LOVE angst, but the two’s bitterness and arguing...It was hard to accept at the time. Me and @cartoon-lizard on Tumblr, my IRL best friend, wound up writing a Josépan fic fueled on a bit of that angst and by her grace, a lot of my headcanons. I titled it “My Reverie is Being Haunted by That Ass.” In it Panchito makes an ass (rimshot noises) of himself by running off with a producer he met by chance during a visit in Duckburg to try to become famous. And doing so without so much as a second thought to the person he’s been living with/sort of dating for over a year. It took me a while but eventually I figured it out. These weren’t three separate AUs, these were three separate pieces of the same AU. And so my masterpiece never meant to be made came to be: “The Trilogy: College/Baia/Reverie.”
“The Trilogy” Itself:
The story will never be written for a variety of reasons, personal and practical. But if it ever were to be written it would be three separate fics, aka: College, Baia and Reverie.
College encapsulates their college years (duh).
To set the stage:
Panchito: A friendly, arrogant and easily excitable musician with big dreams, good grades and a whole lot of anxiety and insecurity. He has complicated feelings towards his identity as both trans and pan and how that might affect his dreams of becoming famous, but is overall bright eyed and innocent enough.
José: A lazy (depressed), charming, pessimistic, tbh kind of a douche and deep in the closet gay man. He tends to push forward a very “Manly man” persona to make up for his own deep seated internalized homophobia brought on by a shitty upbringing. He just got away from said shitty upbringing and doesn’t really have any hopes for his future...Maybe to travel a bit?
José and Panchito start as enemies, both fearing losing their one real friend, Donald, to the other. Despite this the three start a band and the two’s rivalry becomes far more friendly. They get particularly close during the trip down to Acapulco for spring break where the general feeling of being disconnected from life and reality leads to several rather romantic moments between the two...They almost become a thing several times but never quite do. However, they are very good friends by the end of college. The three stay in contact for a while after college but eventually lose touch…
Baia timeskips forward 13 years later (I know it's only 10 canonically, I always say 13 for reasons) to a conversation between Panchito and José on the Sunchaser at the end of “The Town Where Everyone Was Nice.”
Panchito: Life hasn’t been kind to Panchito...His need to be famous, to be something in order to be someone has led him to push a lot of people out of his life so he can better focus on “Work.” Or drive them out by constantly asking for their support, financial or otherwise. He has no friends and even his relationships with his loving and supportive family are strained. Currently, he’s working freelance as a performer at childrens’ birthday parties (in his eyes: a clown) and goes home to a sad, empty apartment every night to stare at a notebook full of half written songs and muster enough energy to eat cereal for dinner for the third time in a row. Needless to say, his optimism is wearing thin.
José: A lot of hard work on his part, some good therapy and mmm; drugs have put him in a pretty good place. He’s more or less got his life together now, is way less of a douche and is more of a realist than a pessimist. He’s also pretty much completely comfortable in his identity as a gay man. He’s been trying to explore romantic relationships, but unfortunately (likely due to the loveless marriage between his parents making him strive so hard to believe that love is real that he puts the unrealistic goal of true love above all else) feels incomplete without one and double unfortunately has a tendency to be drawn to toxicity and abusive situations. So other than a string of (short lived) bad relationships, he’s actually doing great!
Panchito has already asked Donald to drop everything and stay with him down in Baia to try to get funding for the band. Donald said no. José has a steady job, a decent apartment and a supportive friend group back home. He's also long since lost interest and hope in their college dreams of being famous...José says yes. The two have a bunch of wild and wacky shenanigans trying to get funding and both dance around their growing feelings for each other until it explodes and overwhelms them. They rush into a romantic relationship head first with no real ground for it to be built on and unrealistic expectations of what the other can give them. Despite all this, things seem quite happy...for a while…
If you've made it this far, <3, CONT. in pt 2.
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floweryavenue · 3 years
Ugh, so, I don't even know if anyone is actually gonna read this, and I'm not really the one who would participate in fandom very actively (I was always a passive observer, liking other's people content), but the stuff with the leaks of the extra 8 pages of snk ending has been really bothering me for the last few days, and I really need to get a few things off my chest.
I really wanted to wait till 9th June to form my full thoughts. However, since basically all pages have leaked anyway and quite a reliable source confirmed there is basically no additional context to them whatsoever, I decided I might as well write this anyway and vent somewhere to clear my head so I can finally move on with my life to focus on other things I like and with other important irl stuff. Moreover, since Tumblr seems like a reasonably safe space to do so (comparing to one hell of a Twitter...) I might as well do it here. So, let's go.
So, basically, my main problem with those pages is simply that... you just don't do that. No. You don't release an ending, make people think it's really the end, then say you're gonna release a few additional pages that won't change anything but simply clarify some things, and then, two months later, release these pages indeed but not only they don't actually clarify anything, but in fact, create even more plot holes. Furthermore, as a cherry on top, they change the ending quite completely. If those pages had been included in the original release, most people, myself included, would've moved on by now. But noooo, make us go through this hell again. Great :))))
And as for the content of those pages, well... I can't help but feel they really did quite a disservice to Mikasa, one of my favourite female characters ever. My biggest problem isn't even that she 'moved on' (whatever that means at this point, coz I feel like fandom has been successfully managing to butcher that term ever since 139 has dropped) and started a family on her own because I'm fully aware that falling in love again after you first love died is an entirely normal thing irl. But ffs, we're not talking about irl here; we're talking about snk and Mikasa. And the thing that MAINLY bothers me, is the way it has been presented.
I'm not going to delve into the husband's possible identities, 1) I'm not interested at all in participating in any ship wars, 2) because we don't even get to see his face and sources say we indeed don't get any direct confirmation in that regard. Not that this matters anyway, because we get presented with Mikasa on the one hand staring her own family, but on the other, still continuing to visit Eren's grave repeatedly throughout her life and in the end, getting buried with a scarf on, her dearest remembrance of Eren, and maybe even getting buried next to him (even tho, the latter is still not 100% confirmed, bcs here sources are contradictory, but judging by the general mood of those pages, I'd not be surprised at all if it turns out to be the case).
That makes me think the whole family-stuff was used only to present the passage of time and the fact that Mikasa never fully got over Eren, bcs we don't see the family in any other context besides the visits to the grave. And that leads me to my other question - was introducing the family really NECESSARY, then? Couldn't Mikasa simply visit the grave with Armin, and maybe even with Armin, Annie and their kids? Idk about you, but that would make 100% more sense to me. Also, don't get me even started, how much in the wrong way it rubs me that Mikasa, the character who, as we know, always deeply cared about others, even strangers (Gabi, etc.), would just drag her husband, her children and grandchildren to the grave of her first love on which she had written 'my most beloved, my dear'? Do I really need to elaborate on how WEIRD that is?
But I guess that's on me for believing a male author would write a satisfactory conclusion to the main female character (not Mikasa touring around Hizuru, not Mikasa playing with kids at the orphanage, no! Forced family plot, instead! Take that!)
As of Eremika, aka my most cherished paring ever since 2014... I guess the only good thing in that mess is that at least it doesn't invalidate them. If anything, it validates them even more, because the stuff I've mentioned earlier prove their love was eternal and Mikasa never truly got over it. So, all in all, I'm gonna still cherish them forever. There are still many unexplored aspects of their bond, so I believe we, as a community, have a big room to explore (pls, I'm begging you, explore with me all the possibilities of their four years in the cottage in the mountains, I swear, that sh!t has so much potential it's unbelievable).
As of Paradis getting destroyed, well, that leaves me bitter, even though after doing some thinking, that really might be the least out of place thing in those pages. At least according to sources, it happens when Mikasa is already dead, so at least Eren's wish of giving his friends long, secure lives came true. However, that would be it.
And as of titan's power still being there and some kid apparently finding the source of it... this just screams 'sequel-baiting', AND I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. That's it.
To end my definitely too long rambling, I just wanna say, I really would have liked to wait till 9th June to publish my thoughts, but as I've said, those last few days have been driving me crazy and I really wanted just to get all of it off my chest and move on. I want for now to just focus on my irl things, like working on my master's thesis and other stuff giving me joy, like Eurovision next week coming back after 2-years-absence due to pandemic. Eurovision is one of the few things that I love, and I intend on fully enjoying it next week, not sulking on those leaks too much. And if by some completely unexpected miracle I get pleasantly surprised on 9th June (even tho I truly doubt it at this point) - that would be only a win for me, I guess.
Anyway, please remember, all that I have written here is ONLY MY OPINION, and if you disagree with anything, that's valid, you're completely entitled to that. I'm not publishing this to argue with anybody, only to clear my head. That's it.
If anyone has read this too long personal rant of mine - thank you, I'm kissing you on the forehead right now. 
Oh, and remember - EREMIKA IS CANON. And always will be (no, that one is not up for discussion). 
Also, we have that official High School AU, and Eren right now is quietly snoozing on Mikasa's shoulder during another Twilight marathon she made him to take part in, and Armin and Annie are dissing people together on reddit while bonding over their pretentious taste in music. That's canon, Isayama told me after I had phoned him to ask wtf.
PS To think I was almost sure those extra pages will be about Mikasa's reunion with the rest of the alliance... I guess it's time to put that clown make up on. 
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atlafan · 4 years
She Doesn’t Like Him
Hello! This is my entry for @majorharry‘s 20K fic celebration! This was such a fun idea, and I decided to use a few of the prompts to help move the story along. “I know you’re busy, but…can we talk?” “I’m pretty good at minding my own business. You should try it sometime.” “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” “Cover up, please.” and “Well, maybe I don’t want to just be your friend.” I didn’t put any smut in this, for once in my life, I didn’t know who would end up reading this, so I wanted to keep it a little more tame than I usually do. Plus, who doesn’t love fluff, right? Hope you enjoy! This is an office worker!Harry AU. 
Warnings: angst and fluff
Words: 4.4K
Harry got along great with all of his coworkers, well, almost all of them. For some reason or another, he just couldn’t crack Y/N’s code. She was short with him, barely ever looked at him, and if she did, the eye contact was minimal. She’d look at his forehead or nose. He wasn’t sure if did something to piss her off, or what. No one else was bothered by him. Harry was one of those guys that could usually look on the Bright-side, find a silver lining, and everyone appreciated that about him. Once in a while if he said something optimistic in meeting, he would catch Y/N rolling her eyes or shaking her head.
The really interesting thing was that Y/N was nice to literally every single other person in the office. She was bubbly and personable. Harry just brought out this unpleasant side to her, and she hadn’t even noticed she was acting that way until he finally worked up the courage to bring it up. Harry didn’t want to work in a hostile environment, and he thought it was best to go straight to the source before talking with his supervisor about it. One afternoon he decides to knock on her door.
“Come in!” She says, not looking up from her computer.
“Hey.” He says as he slips inside. “I know you’re busy, but…can we talk?”  
She looks up from her computer with a scowl on her face. She sighs heavily and gestures for him to sit. He does so and looks at her, waiting for her undivided attention.
“Sorry, just let me get this email out.” She says as she types even faster than she was. Once she clicks send, she turns her body so she’s fully facing Harry. “What’s up?”
“I’m just going to be blunt…do you have a problem with me?”
“What? Of course not, why?”
“It’s just…I feel like every time I’m around, you flip a switch. It’s like you don’t like me or something…”
“Oh.” She blushes slightly out of embarrassment.
“In fact, I think this is the most you’ve ever even looked at me.” He frowns. “If I did something…I don’t know what it could have been…but would you tell me?”
“Harry, I’m so sorry…I think I’ve been a bit rude…subconsciously.” She bites her bottom lip and looks away. “I’ve been dealing with a lot lately, and I’ve been taking it out on you, which is wrong, and unprofessional.”
“To be fair, you’ve been like this with me since we’ve both been here. I don’t think you’ve ever even smiled at me.”
“Do I need to smile because I’m a woman, or are you someone that just needs the validation?” Harry’s mouth falls open. “I see you, Harry. You float through this halls, bounce from office to office, cracking jokes. It makes me wonder when you actually ever get any work done.” She leans forward and rests her chin on her palm.
“You’re not like this with everyone…just with me.”
“I apologize if I’ve been cold towards you, really I am. I’ll try not to be, okay?”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.” She graces him with a weak smile.
“I hope you don’t just think I’m a goof off, I really do work hard.”
“I’m sure in your own way you do.” She sighs and turns her attention back to her computer. “Are we done, I got about fifteen emails alone just from sitting here with you.”
“Um…yeah, we’re done…thanks for the chat.”
“Anytime.” She says without looking at him.
He leaves her office and closes the door behind him. What she said was starting to seep in. Did others see him as lazy or a clown? Harry worked really hard, so what if he would go chat with others when he needed a break? He also wondered what it was she was dealing with. He hoped she wasn’t alone with whatever it was. He was no stranger to therapy. Harry saw someone once a month or more if he needed it. Once he’s back in his own office he sits down and looks out the window. At least she said she would try to be nicer.
Y/N’s version of being nicer, was avoiding Harry at all costs, which he hated. He was a people person, and it killed him when people didn’t like him. He knew it was stupid to think that way, but that’s anxiety. He saw her in the break-room, grabbing her lunch out of the fridge. He decided to spark up a conversation. He thought maybe she would like him more if she got to know him better.
“Hi, Y/N.”
“Hello.” She says, putting her container into the microwave.
“How was your weekend?”
“Fine.” She wasn’t looking at him.
“That’s good.” He stands up and walks over to her. “I went to the movies with one of my best mates, haven’t seen him in a while. Have you seen any good movies lately? I like going when I can. Sometimes a few of us from here go, maybe you could-“
“You know something?” She looks at him now, just as her food is finishing. “I’m pretty good at minding my own business. You should try it sometime.” She snatches her food, and brushes by him as she walks out.
Harry sighs heavily and runs a hand through his hair as he watches her leave. A couple of other colleagues walk in to have their lunches.
“Harry! Haven’t seen you all day.” Lora pouts. “Come sit with us.”
“Think I just lost my appetite.” He frowns.
“What’s wrong?” Amy asks, as she sits down. Harry sits with her and Lora.
“It’s Y/N. She hates me.”
“Y/N?!” They say at the same time.
“Y/N doesn’t hate anyone.” Lora says. “She’s way too nice to hate anyone.”
“Well, apparently she’s nice to everyone but me.”
“Have you tried talking to her?” Amy asks.
“Yeah, we spoke Friday, and she said she’d try to be nicer to me, but…she just snapped at me out of nowhere.”
The women look at each other. They knew Y/N for a while now, they never really noticed her attitude towards Harry, but now that he was bringing it up, things were starting to click.
“Is it because I’m one of the few guys here?”
“No.” Lora squeezes Harry’s forearm. “She likes men plenty. I’m sure things will get better. She really is lovely.”
Harry felt better after speaking with the ladies at lunch. He usually enjoyed gossiping with them as it was, but it was nice to be able to vent a little. He was standing at his desk, rocking out to some music, working on some data when Y/N stormed into his office and slammed the door shut. It startles him, and he pauses his music immediately. She was fuming.
“Y/N, is everything-“
“Stop, just stop!” She charges towards him. “I told you to mind your own business, didn’t I?”
“Y, yeah you did…”
“So what do you do? You run off to Amy and Lora, your little mother hens to tell them I haven’t been all that nice to you. I stay away from you, I keep it professional, I do not to be your best friend.” She crosses her arms.
“I never said we needed to be best friends, I just wanna know why you’re literally nice to everyone here but me.”
“I’m getting divorced!”
“I—I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Of course you didn’t! Because I didn’t want you or anyone else to know! But now, I just had to explain to them why I’ve been a little pissy towards you. You wanna get to know me, Harry?! Wanna know why we’re getting divorced?! My husband, whom I’ve known for ten years, my best friend in the entire world is gay. He’s just come to terms with his sexuality, and I have to be okay with it and support him! It’s not that I’m not, I’m very happy for him. He’s free and open to live his life as he wants to now, but now I’m left to pick up the pieces. I want to hate him, but I can’t!” Tears were welling up in his eyes. “I almost wish he had just cheated on me or something, but no, he’s gay. And you know what my family had to say about it? All they said was how stupid I was. How could I not have known? Obviously I didn’t know! If I did, I wouldn’t have married him after three years of dating! He feels terrible of course, but he’s been too busy going out and meeting men to notice or care that I’m crumbling from the inside. So you’ll have to excuse me that I’m not jumping at the chance to laugh at one of your stupid fucking jokes!”
Harry stood there stunned as she stood there catching her breath. It was clear she had been bottling all of this up. He felt terrible for her. There was a lot of turmoil going through her. He wanted ask what all of this had to do with him, but maybe he could get to the bottom of that later.
“Let’s get a drink after work.”
“What?! Are you crazy? What makes you think I would possibly want to go anywhere with you?”
“Y/N.” He sighs. “Swallow some pride and let me take you out for a drink after work. You seem like you need to let out some steam, and if I need to be the target, I’d like to have a shot in front of me.”
It was the most adult thing Y/N ever heard Harry say. He was actually being serious.
After work the two decide to meet at a local pub. They sit down at the bar, and Harry orders two shots of Jameson. They clink their glasses and take the shots.
“You know, I actually think I needed this.” She smirks at the empty small glass, and Harry orders two more.
“So…no judgement or anything, but walk me through your marriage.”
“Well, we met when we were freshmen in college, and became fast friends. He was my best immediately. We were always together, and then one day he kissed me. I was actually dating someone else at the time, so he apologized and said it was because he was drunk.” She shrugs. “My boyfriend and I at the time ended up breaking, up and that was when he and I got together. We were together for a few years before we got married. We’ve only been married a year.” She sighs and takes her next shot. “Keep ‘em coming.” She tells the bartender.
“How did he tell you?”
“He made me this really nice dinner.” She smiles and then her eyes well up. “I thought he was going to tell me he was finally ready to start trying for kids, but…I was wrong. He told me that…I basically kept him alive, that I was the only person that could make him smile, but something was missing. He grew up in a really conservative home, and even when he went to college he still had so much repressed. He told me he wanted to be with men. He didn’t cheat on me or anything, he said he’d never hurt me like that, but he works with a few gay men, and he was talking to them more and more. Things sort of clicked for him one day. We just finalized the paperwork over the weekend, and on Friday I have to leave work early to go meet with our lawyers to finalize things.” Her voice cracks. “We have to sell our house, and I haven’t figured out where I’m gonna go yet. It all still doesn’t feel real.”
“I’m so sorry, that’s a really tough situation.”
“It’s been so weird, packing up all our memories. And I honestly couldn’t tell! Whenever we…well…you know…he was always very passionate.” She blushes and wipes a few tears away. “We have a glass of wine each night as we pack things up. Sometimes we laugh and other times it’s just silent. He feels terrible, and I’ve been trying not to make him feel more guilty.”
“Where’s he going?”
“He found some guys to move in with…in a different part of the city.” She sighs. “I suppose it’s better to not have brought a child into it.”
“Can I ask…why you’ve been taking things out on me?”
“You…you’re just like him.” She looks away. “Not physically, but you have the same exact sense of humor. I picked up on it early on, and maybe at first I liked it, but when things started to go wrong you just started to piss me off. That, and you’d always be so cheery. It was annoying…” She takes another shot and so does he. “I’m sorry, Harry. It was a stupid reason not to be nice to you and to be nice to everyone else.”
“You’re going through a lot, I understand.” He puts a hand on her shoulder. “I’m going to tell you something I’ve never told anyone else.” She looks at him. “I see a therapist once a month. I have my own issues. She’s amazing. I could give you her card, you need someone to talk all this through with.”
“I suppose you’re right.” She sighs. “Talking to you has made me feel a little better…guess talking with a stranger is good.”
“Hey, I’m not a total stranger. Despite your bad attitude we do work well together.” He grins.
“Don’t push it.” She smiles and shakes her head. “This was much needed. I didn’t know Jameson could go down so smoothly.” She was starting to slur her words.
“So, you said you weren’t sure where you were going to live?”
“I’ve been looking at some apartment, but I’m bummed. I’ve really liked living in a house. Maybe I could rent a detached condo or something.”
“This may sound a bit forward, but I actually rent a house. It’s a rent to own situation. It’s spacious, and I could honestly use a roommate.”
“Harry, you’re not seriously asking me to move in with you.”
“You’d have your own bathroom. We’d just be sharing the kitchen and laundry…and the living room, oh, and I guess the-“
“Why are you being so nice to me? I’ve been so awful, and-“
“Because I’m a firm believer in treating people with kindness. Plus, I wouldn’t mind my monthly payments going down. You’re used to living with a guy too, shouldn’t be too weird for you.”
“I haven’t agreed to anything yet.”
“Sure you have.” He smiles. “You’re sure as hell not going to move in with anyone else from work. And I can only guess your parents have offered, but that’s not an option for you is it.”
“Dear god.” She pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger.
“Let me know when you can move, I’m more than happy to help.”
Y/N couldn’t believe that she was moving in with Harry, but she really had no other choice. She sure as shit wasn’t going to move in with her parents, and all of her close friends were married with kids. She couldn’t afford to live on her own, nor would she want to. Much like Harry, she was a people person. She’d go crazy if she lived alone.
Harry helped her move and everything. Got her things settled, explained how the washer and dryer worked, as if she didn’t already know, and he explained how he liked things organized in the fridge. She thought it was interesting how particular he was. She even started seeing the therapist he recommended, and she was doing better. She kept in touch with her ex-husband, but she told him they needed some time apart. She needed time to fall out of love with him.
Y/N and Harry were having a ball at work now, and it made him so happy. They had way more in common than she thought, and she loved getting to gossip with him after work in their now shared home. Things weren’t even awkward! She was grateful she had her own bathroom, and they both seemed to be on different laundry schedules. One night she was sitting in her room, watching some TV when she spilled some soda on her shirt.
“Oh, shit.” She groans. She peels the shirt off, and puts on a new one. She puts her robe on and heads down to the laundry room. She stops short when she sees Harry in there, only in a pair of boxers, tight boxers. “Cover up, please.” She says as she turns away.
“Y/N!” He practically shrieks. “I’m so sorry!” He snatches some sweatpants and a t-shirt and puts them on right away. “I’m decent.” She turns back around to look at him. “Sorry about that. You don’t usually do your laundry at this time.”
“I know, I, uh, spilled and, um…”
“Oh, let me take a look at that.” He takes the shirt from her. “I’ve got some stain fighter, I can throw this in with my next load if you want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m already putting some stuff in, not a problem.”
He smiles at her and sprays some of the stain fighter on the spot before tossing it in with his things. He presses the button and sits up on top of the dryer, grabbing his book.
“Do you always just sit in here? It’s not like you’re in an apartment building.” She smirks.
“Old habit, I suppose. To be honest the sounds of the machines are sort of calming, and it gives me a chance to catch up on my reading.”
“Oh.” She nods.
“Does that need to be hung up or can it go in the dryer?”
“It can just go in the dryer, it’s a bed shirt.”
“You were getting ready for bed?”
“I was just hanging out, watching TV.”
“You should watch TV with me more. We eat dinner together.”
“Yeah, and then I like having time to wind down, just be with myself, you know?”
“Oh, right, yeah.”
“But I like knowing you’re in the house.”
He smiles at her and puts his glasses on, opening his book to where he had dog-eared it. She thanks him again for washing his shirt, and that was that. When she gets back up to her room she tries not to feel flustered when she thinks about the small glimpse she got of his body. He was littered with tattoos, and she had absolutely no idea. Sure, she had seen the ones on his arms, but on his torso? His thigh? Y/N always liked tattoos. She didn’t have any of her own, but she really liked them on men, for some reason.
The next morning, her shirt was folded on top of the dryer. She smiles and brings it up to her room to put away. Sometimes in the morning, Y/N could faintly hear Harry singing in his shower. He sang everything, nothing was off limits. Sometimes it was Gary Pucket and the Union Gap, and other times it was The Backstreet Boys. After living together for a few months, she noticed he would sing certain songs depending on his mood. Lately, they had all been love songs. She wondered if a new woman had come into his life. It made her happy to know Harry was happy.
She was making some scrambled eggs in the frypan when he comes downstairs. He was still humming whatever song he was singing before.
“Want some eggs?” She asks.
“That’d be great, thanks.” He smiles at her. “What’s your Saturday look like?”
“Just hanging out for a bit, and then…well…I don’t know. I’ve been invited to a party tonight, but I’m not sure if I want to go.”
“Why not?”
“It’s at Dave’s…”
“You’ve started speaking more?”
“We have.” She nods and scoops some eggs onto a plate for him. “I miss him, he was my best friend. Him and his roommates are having a big party, and he really wants me to come. I just don’t know if I could walk in there alone.”
“Hello!” He waves to her. “I love parties, I’ll go with you.” He sticks his fork into the eggs and takes a bite. “Delicious as always.”
“Thanks, and…you don’t already have plans?”
“Not really.” He shrugs. She doesn’t quite believe him.
“You really wanna go?”
“I do.” He smiles. “It’ll be fun.” He looks down at his chipped nails. “Should probably fix these up.”
Y/N giggles to herself as she watches Harry walk away. He could get frantic when he needed to go somewhere. She found his little quarks to be charming. Whatever woman was now in his life was a lucky lady.
“You look really nice by the way.” He says on the drive there. She was wearing a black dress, nothing special, she thought.
“Thanks.” Her leg was shaking. His large hand reaches for her knee.
“Are you nervous?”
“A little.”
“You can hold my hand the entire time if you want.”
“You’re the best, Harry, thank you.”
Once they get to Dave’s she takes a deep breath, and they go inside.
“Y/N!” He practically says in tears, kissing her on the cheek. “You look wonderful. I’m so glad you came.” He straightens up when he sees Harry. “And who is this?”
“I’m Harry.” He smiles and shakes Dave’s hand. “We live together.”
“Oh?” He smiles and Y/N and gives a wink.
“It’s not what you think.” She chuckles. “Come on.” She loops her arm through his. “I need some wine.”
Dave leads her into the house and introduces her to the new people in his life. After a couple of glasses of wine she felt perfectly fine. Her and Dave were laughing like old times. Harry was mingling with the other people. He would glance over at Y/N to make sure she was alright. The house was packed with people, and he sort of wanted to get her alone. He notices that she’s gone out on the balcony for some air, so he follows her.
“Hey, stranger.” He says to her.
“Sorry, I left you completely alone in there.”
“No problem, found plenty of people to talk to. Although, I have to admit, I really like talking to you.”
“I like talking to you too.” She smiles. “Now that I’ve had some liquid courage, I have to ask, who is it?”
“Who’s who?” He chuckles.
“The girl you’re madly in love with.”
“Wh…what are you talking about?”
“I hear you singing in the mornings, you’re repertoire has been nothing but love songs lately. So, who’s the lucky lady?”
“Oh, Y/N.” Harry shakes his head. “There’s no one new.” She looks at him confused.
“Then why all the love songs?”
“I’m definitely in love, you were right about that, but I haven’t met anyone.” He steps closer to her and takes one if her hands in his. Her heart nearly stopped.
“We’re friends.”
“Well, maybe I don’t want to just be your friend.”
“How…I mean…when did you start feeling this way?”
“A month ago.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “We were so in sync when you first moved in, it was great. Then one morning you made extra toast and bacon and eggs. You just…made me breakfast, out of nowhere. It was so nice. I was really happy that you had started being nicer to me, and then I just realized that you in general made me happy.” He uses his free hand, that wasn’t squeezing hers, to tuck some hair behind her ear. “You don’t have to feel the same way, maybe it’s just some silly crush, but I think you’re really special. You’ve been through a lot, and Dave’s really lucky to have your heart. I guess I’m just hoping you’re ready to give it to someone else.”
“Oh, Harry.”
She wraps her arms around him, and he does the same with her. They hold each other close for a little while.
“You have so much love in your own heart, and you really want to give it to me?” She asks.
“I do, if you’ll let me.”
“I think I could be open to it. I’ve been so happy living with you. To think I used to be so mean.” She pouts up at him , and he thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. “Would you kiss me?”
“You want me to?”
He smiles and leans down. His nose brushes against hers before their lips meet. She tasted like the wine she had been sipping on, and he didn’t mind one bit. Her hands tugged at his hips to pull him closer. His lips were soft, and she wanted more. He cups one of her cheeks to deepen the kiss. His tongue swipes along her bottom lip, and she opens up for him. At first maybe just to take a breath, but when he licks into her mouth, she’s not mad about it. Her tongue meets his, only for a moment, before she pulls away. She smiles up at him, and he’s beaming down at her.
“And to think I didn’t want to come tonight.” She laughs.
“We would have kissed eventually, I’m sure of it.” He grins and she swats a hand at his chest.
“Oh, shut up, and order our uber.”
“You wanna go so soon?”
“Hmm, stay here or go home and make out?” She holds up both of her hands as if she has weights in them. “Seems like the latter wins.”
Harry laughs and kisses her cheek. They both go back inside and say goodbye to everyone. They get into the uber and head home. Y/N felt really lucky. Over the last few months she’s been able to get to know Harry really well. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t like him. She had no idea he had these feelings for her, but she was delighted it was her he was singing about. Even though going through a divorce sucked, and she had to grieve over her long gone relationship with Dave, he was living his best life, and now, so was she. Y/N didn’t know what the future would hold with Harry, but she was starting to believe that everything happened for a reason. As he pulled her closer to his side and kissed the top of her head in the car, she knew that everything in her adult life was leading her to him.
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angelictaehyun · 4 years
Growing Pains
⤷ In kindergarten, he accidentally punched your nose. Thankfully, from that, a loving, caring friendship blossomed. Since then, you both had been attached at the hip, until suddenly... you’re halfway across the globe, a couple thousand miles apart.
PAIRING; yeonjun/reader
GENRE; singer!yeonjun, coming of age au, angst, slight fluff
WARNING; mild swearing, heartbreak, abandonment, angst
Honestly, five-year-old Yeonjun was nothing short of a nightmare. Though, he was seen this way only by you. 
On a sunny day, sometime in kindergarten, he sat crouched on the playground’s field, searching for a ladybug. As for you, you believed if you found a ladybug, it could grant you a wish, thus you joined the young boy in his quest. You sat next to him, mindlessly searching the grass, and when he looked up to see you... he panicked. Other children, as he was told, are unclean and gross, and that’s exactly the sentiment he told himself as he pushed you onto the grass, causing you to scrape your elbow and bleed. You couldn’t stop sniffling as a big, crocodile tear trickled down your face; he felt terrible. In the palm of his clammy hand, he held a tiny, red ladybug, and seeing you cry, pushed him to give it to you. 
"Please, just take it,” he quivered nervously. He thrust his hand in your face to present the small creature, but he ended up punching your nose. Unsurprisingly, you began full-on bawling. 
He ended up in the principal’s office, and despite his feeble attempt to explain the true incident, his nap and playground time was taken away as punishment. Shortly after, he sulked back to class, passing the nurse’s office. Through the tinted, glass window, he saw you laying on an uncomfortable cot with an ice pack held over your nose and gauze over your injured elbow. 
He was miserable. 
He decided to genuinely apologize. He despised the idea of you being upset with him, even though he didn’t know you. After a stolen pint of ice cream from the school’s cafeteria, a pleading fest, a horrendous papier-mâché, and a heartfelt apology, you decided he wasn’t the worst. As for Yeonjun, he decided he liked you and suddenly, in the blink of an eye, he was glued to your side. 
But you didn’t mind. It was hard to resist his smile. 
· ──────────────────── ·
The day you decided Jung Mina was your absolute, garbage, worst enemy, you were nine. 
On your first day back at school, you had gone to the restroom for a quick minute, and when you returned, you found she had stolen your diary to read in front of the class. Though she was quite the golden child, pissing you off to no end. Fortunately, your school’s field day neared the horizon and you decided to show her up. You wanted everyone, specifically Choi Yeonjun, to see your pure, unadulterated talent. You decided to absolutely destroy her in each event. 
You were quite the vengeful nine-year-old. 
Yeonjun, on the other hand, felt hesitant to follow through with your field-day-domination plan. Mina was just too pretty. Her hair smelled like sage and he had the biggest crush on her, unbeknownst to you. He was scared to mention his deep, dark secret, especially after you vocalized your complicated plan. You received virtually no help from him on field day. Despite that, you had won nearly every event. Unfortunately, somehow, you remained tied for champion with Mina, but the tiebreaker seemed quite simple. All you had to do was win a human-wheelbarrow race with Yeonjun, it was almost too easy. 
And in all honesty, you would’ve won had Yeonjun not dropped you in the middle of the field and trip over your body, easily distracted by an air kiss from Mina, herself. He’d been lovestruck, but he didn’t have much time to dwell, especially not when you were squashed under him. He scrambled to help you back up, hoping he didn’t completely ruin your chance but it was too late, you had long lost the race. He turned to you, meeting your unkempt ponytail, narrowed, piercing gaze, sweat, and pursed lips. He was terrified, rightfully so. You told him off in the middle of the field, him withering in shame as he took in your colorful wording. 
You chose to ignore him for a week, leaving him pouty. He decided to relive the past and create another papier-mâché, steal ice cream, and beg for forgiveness at your front door. He stood in the doorway, glancing at you with big, apologetic doe eyes, as an onset of a tear formed. Your resolve crumbled as you pulled him into a forgiving hug. As you pulled away, you admired his puffy lips which tilted into a small smile, and for the first time in your life, you felt your heart flutter. 
He never did tell you about his crush on Mina. In the end, it didn’t quite matter. 
· ──────────────────── ·
Year thirteen, you experimented with makeup. A lot of it. You tried different brands, colors, and styles. Yeonjun would be lying if he said you didn’t resemble a clown, but he kept his mouth shut and let you figure yourself out. Unfortunately, people were mean. When boys laughed at you behind your back, he made sure to drag them outside and put them in their place. When girls acted catty, he held you when you cried. When your family fell apart, he sat and devoured ice cream until your stomach ached. When you decided to join the dance team, he cheered you on at the audition. 
He was always protecting and supporting you, even when you weren’t aware. 
Lastly, when Homecoming approached, he was by your side as your unofficial date.
You both sat on the gym bleacher, overlooking your classmates who were either awkwardly swaying to the music, stuffing their faces at the snack station, or making out with each other. You regretted attending the dance, considering your boredom. though, when your watchful gaze traveled back to the couple kissing, a brilliant idea came forth.
“Junie, you know, neither of us has had our first kiss,” you observed, leaning slightly to see his reaction. He simply hummed in response, not fully listening. You continued, “... and I want to have my first kiss. I think we should have our first kiss with... each other.”
He stayed still, showing no indication of acknowledging your statement. You didn’t blame him, the music was quite loud anyway, you could barely hear yourself. You pretended you didn’t say anything and for an awfully long moment, you both stayed silent. Though that silence mixed in with a hint of embarrassment got too overwhelming, you had to excuse yourself to the restroom. As you left, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He definitely heard you, but he didn’t know how to process your ask let alone go through with it. He spent so much time, deep in thought, that he failed to realize your absence. When he snapped out his pensive state, he searched the massive gym for you and found you almost immediately, but you weren’t alone. You were pressed up against a dirty, filthy wall, experiencing your first kiss with someone that most certainly wasn’t Yeonjun.
He stood frozen, feeling a bit creepish, yet he couldn’t move if he wanted to, he couldn’t even breathe. Unfortunately, you didn’t stop until a while later, forcing Yeonjun to watch every second in complete agony. Your hair was messy and you were out of breath— that sight broke Yeonjun’s heart. The other boy dragged you onto the dance floor and when you spotted Yeonjun, standing absolutely dumbfounded, you sent a big smile and cheeky wink his way.
You seemed too cheery, and though he was your best friend that should’ve reveled in your happiness, all he saw was red. He felt pure, unadulterated rage, and jealousy. He was supposed to make your first kiss unforgettable, not the other boy.
It was supposed to be him.
· ──────────────────── ·
At fourteen, you decided you didn’t necessarily like your boyfriend all too much, especially since someone else already held your heart. Sure, you felt the loss of your first relationship, but the realization that you’d loved Yeonjun for longer than you cared to admit, hurt more. Though, what hurt the most, was the conclusion that your love was likely unrequited. That night, you sobbed into the phone, and the second he heard your cracked voice, he hopped on his bike and headed in your direction.
It didn’t matter the time, he needed to make sure you’d be okay.
Naturally, he believed you were heartbroken from your breakup, so he attempted to soothe you with ice cream and cuddling. He pulled you against his chest and softly caressed your hair as you watched Titanic; it was supposed to make you feel better, but it made you feel significantly worse. He belted out the movie’s famous ballad in a feeble attempt to lift your spirit and for the first time that night, you smiled. It was a fake smile, of course, but he wasn’t privy to that. Nonetheless, he thought you looked breathtaking.
You complimented his soothing, silvery, beautiful voice — it made his heart swoon.
He was fourteen when he decided to become a singer. It was also at fourteen, he realized he was hopelessly in love with you.
· ──────────────────── ·
At fifteen, you rode the dinky, old subway with Yeonjun to a company audition — one he eventually passed and became a trainee for.
You were there the day he stepped foot into the building for his first training session. You were there when he felt like a loner amongst the other trainee, and you were there when he decided to become the absolute best, letting nothing get in the way of his dream. He set his sight high, and with that determination running through his bloodstream, he decided to express his undying love for you. So when you kissed him back, on the roof of his house, under the moonlight, after eating a gallon of ice cream, he felt like he had everything in his grasp.
After that night, you never let each other go. You stayed by each other’s side and fell more in love as the days passed by, remaining blissfully unaware of the pain the future had to offer. At least you were happy, even if that happiness was on a ticking clock.
· ──────────────────── ·
You were eighteen when you packed a bag and said goodbye to Yeonjun.
A month before high school graduation, you irrationally decided to study abroad in America. You weren’t stupid, you knew about the promise he made to himself when he was younger, his whole schtick of letting nothing stop him from his dream. You knew you were a hindrance, and it was only a matter of time before he realized that as well. You loved him with your entire heart, that much was obvious, but you didn’t want to be the thing to hold him back. He begged you to stay, he said he could have you and success, something you both knew was a plain lie. He couldn’t have you and be an idol, it was one or the other, but he was too stubborn to admit that to himself.
He drove you to the airport in a painfully silent car ride. He was angry, hurt, devastated by your decision to leave him, but you, on the other hand, felt complete and utter relief. He was so close to reaching his dream and all you truly wanted was his happiness, unfortunately, leaving was the only way you knew how to ensure it.
You cried as you said your farewell to him, but his blank face gave no indicator as to how he truly felt; he had barely spoken a word to you the entire week leading up to your departure. He stood motionless as you kissed his cheek, completely devoid of emotion — it hurt you. When you walked away, you felt heartbroken but much lighter. He watched your figure travel through security, unable to bring himself to leave. When you turned for a final glance, you noticed how broken he seemed, but you knew he’d piece himself back together — it would just be without you.
When you turned the corner, leaving his sight, he let every emotion flood his body. That night, he sobbed into his pillow, crying harder than he ever had before.
He’d lost you.
· ──────────────────── ·
You truly discover yourself at twenty. You graduated university earlier than everyone else, got your first and only tattoo, decided America wasn’t great, and moved back to Seoul. Hell, you even found your signature scent.
As much as the country itself sucked, your time in America served you well. You got your first job, experienced university life, made a friend or two, dated a lot, but most importantly, you got the degree you diligently worked for. Of course, it was hard to be away from him. You spent months holed up in your room, refusing to leave the apartment. It hurt the most when you watched his debut, seeing his face rushed every memory back to you. However, over a long period, you slowly pieced yourself back together and moved on. Eventually, you were able to think of him without feeling a sharp pang in your heart.
When you moved back, you weren’t surprised to see his handsome face plastered along the subway or on large billboards. It brought up old scars, habits, memories, but it reminded you that he was able to achieve everything he sought out to do. You, of course, knew he would, he was too stubborn and hardworking to fail; he was meant to succeed.
You just hoped he was happy.
While you were self-discovering in America, Yeonjun nearly gave up everything. He wasn’t proud to admit it, but countless times he almost bought a one-way ticket to you. However, a newfound brother held him back and kept encouraging him to move on. Not long after, he thanked Soobin for his support, had it not been for him, Yeonjun would’ve given up everything. He understood why you left and it was that knowledge that pushed him to work harder, he just wanted to make you proud, even if you were out of his life. He worked tirelessly to debut and once he did, he realized that despite everything, it was worth it.
If it was meant to be, he’d find you again.
He let his mind stray to you from time to time. He couldn’t help it, you were the love of his life. He truly hoped that wherever you were, you were happy.
· ──────────────────── ·
At age twenty-one, on a warm summer’s night, you left your apartment to head to a convenience store, searching for a pint of ice cream and an iced coffee, and maybe an energy drink if you were feeling desperate. Not a month into moving home, you had decided to pursue a master’s degree, but on a night such as this, where you frantically searched for any source of caffination just so you could complete your dissertation, you sorely regretted it.
You were met with harsh, fluorescent lighting as you entered the store but it was a welcomed relief, especially after staring wide-eyed at a computer screen for the past week. You browsed then snack aisle, too preoccupied to notice the soft jingle of the opening door. a tall, lean figure strut past your aisle, standing in front of the drink section for a bit, clearly having trouble deciding on a beverage. You made your way to the front, feeling content with your pint of ice cream, iced americano, and a bonus bag of pretzels. On your way, you stumbled into the hoodied boy and you cursed yourself because only you would run smack into the only other customer in the shop. You scrambled to pick up your scattered belonging, “Oh my God! I’m so sorry, I didn’t see where I was going, I’m such a klutz. Next time, I’ll pay more attenti—”
“Y/N, it’s you...” the soft, hushed voice cut off.
You stared at the young boy’s feet, slowly lifting your gaze to scan the rest of him, stopping at his broad chest, too afraid to look into his fox-like eyes. You knew it was him, of course, you did. It was the same deep, soothing, honeyed voice you spent your childhood falling in love with. Your breath caught in your throat as you dared steal a glance at his face. When you finally met his piercing gaze, he thought he saw the universe in your eyes. He opened his mouth in silent awe as a stray tear cascaded down his cheek. He moved toward you as if you were a flighty deer, and hovered his face closely. You thought he was going to kiss you, and surprisingly, you were quite eager despite the time apart. He pulled you into a loving embrace, so tight, you believed he’d never let go — not that you wanted him to.
That night, he accompanied you home.
Your heartfelt reunion was more than you could’ve asked for. He spent the night with you, doing nothing but catching up, laughing at past memories, eating ice cream, and slowly falling back in love. When he pressed you against your sink, he kissed you with everything he had. At that moment, you understood that despite the painful heartache, everything worked for the best.
You were truly meant to be, you found your way back to him.
Everything was complicated, unsurprising for an idol, but he saw the way you looked at him; it was a look that said you’d move every mountain and all the bright stars in the sky, just to make him happy. It was the same way he looked at you.
He told himself once, when he was a young five-year-old, that he wanted to stay by your side. He left it once, but he’d be damned if he ever left it again.
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mojjisxng · 4 years
dance, baby! | prince!niki au
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pairing- niki x gender neutral reader (there is a mention of a dress, but anyone can wear dresses, not just girls, sooo yeah)
genre- fluff, angst if you zoom in with a microscope, forbidden love
warnings- literally one swear word (if that counts lmao)
word count- 1.5k
a/n- correct me if i’m wrong, but this is the best piece of writing i have ever done, probably because i spent a bunch of time on it. i feel really proud of this au, so it would be very very very appreciated if you gave it some love🥺😘 -issy❤️
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mellifluous sounds from the string orchestra rose in volume, from a soft murmur up to a clarion call, which seemed to penetrate every nook and cranny of the Ume Kingdom; the ball was about to begin.
for palace servants like you, the annual new year’s ball is a taxing and mind-numbing event. the truth of the matter is that you had to rush from handing out drinks, to taking guests’ overcoats, to then clean up after everybody, all the while being treated like shit by most attendees. however, there was an upside; you were actually allowed to wear A GOWN this year. the dress appeared to gleam every time the dazzling lights of the ballroom caught it, and it’s blush pink satin with intricate gold detailing soft to the touch. although you felt gorgeous in your new getup, the wisps of hair falling from your updo due to the labours of your work, got on your nerves nearly as much as the pompous guests and the clanging music that hurt your overworked brain. after about two and a half hours of attending to the royal family and their acquaintances, you finally found a slot of time to stand and take in the jovial atmosphere of the party. weeeeell that was until you felt a faint tap on your shoulder….
now, the beloved prince niki was on the opposite end of the ballroom to you at the start of the ball, where he had to interact with all of his parents’ ‘friends’ (more like people they can use to boost the status of their kingdom). these tight-lipped exchanges usually surrounded the topic of arranged marriages, as an irritated niki had to listen to a plethora of noblemen’s daughters blether away about how great they were. all the poor boy wanted to do was let loose a bit and dance, but he knew he’d get severely scolded by his parents. you see, rumours circulated (very true rumours in fact) that niki had a passion for dancing and would always be seen leaping down the grand palace halls- giving him the immensely unfortunate sobriquet, ‘the pirouetting prince’. when he eventually escaped the clutches of the desperate and power-hungry party-goers, niki sprinted with superhuman speed to a secluded corner of the room. that’s when he laid eyes on you; not for the first time though. in actuality, you and niki had established an unexpected bond, which had started when you were mopping the floors of the palace’s spacious corridors and happened to trip right onto niki’s patent leather shoes. you thought he was going to yell at you, just as any other member of the royal family would, yet the kid only started howling with laughter. you were utterly shocked by his easygoing behaviour, mainly because you always thought that he purported the same air of regality as his strong headed parents, even at such a young age. nevertheless, that’s how your friendship, aaaand maybe some other feelings blossomed. this led to secret conversations away from the prying and disapproving eyes of the other staff, the monarch, and his wife. sometimes you two would sneak out of the palace to go on late night adventures in the city, strolling along the cherry blossom avenues, too engrossed in your own little world to care about anything else.
all of the air left niki’s lungs as soon as he saw your ethereal figure in the distance. even though your hairdo was as good as ruined, you had sweat lining your brow and your resting bitch face was at its highest level of ‘i want to die and i also want all of you to die’, he thought you exuded the most magnificent energy in the room. even the classical music, which honestly constantly ground on his gears sounded marvellous when he looked upon you. so he bounded over to you like a puppy to their favourite human, and lightly patted your shoulder.
you pivoted around when you felt the tap on your shoulder, and was faced with a dashing prince niki. a deep blush immediately tainted your cheeks and crept down your neck, at the realisation that niki was talking to you in public.
“h-hey prince niki, do you require my service?,” you stuttered.
“uhhhh yeah i do require your service,” he mocked your politeness, “i require you to come and dance with me. what’s with the formalities all of a sudden?”
“well i didn’t expect you to come and talk to me with all these people around; you know that your parents don’t like that we’re friends.” in fact, the king and queen despised that he was friends with a lowly, working-class servant like you.
“anyways, i can’t dance with you, i have a job to do unlike you,” you continued with a hint of jealous spite in your voice.
niki shot back with nonchalance as he grabbed your wrist and tugged you along behind him, “well i’m the prince, the future ruler of the Ume Kingdom, so what i say goes, which means you’re going to put that tray down and dance with me.”
and that was that.
gracefully, you and niki almost floated around the dance floor in time to the bounding waltz that enriched your ears. what you failed to notice as the both of you stared into each other’s love struck orbs, was the king muttering to his guards, commanding them to separate his son from you. it was a good thing that niki detected the shifty and brisk movements of the palace guards just in time to instruct you to run. swiftly, the pair of you manoeuvred through the swarm of people, bolted into the vast, luscious gardens and made your way to the centre of the hedge maze, built on the wishes of a five year old niki many moons ago.
when you reached the middle of the colossal maze, you both fell onto a marble bench, catching your breaths as though you had ran a marathon. finally, your heart rate decreased and you turned to face niki, who was already observing your every move, “niki, when they find us, i am soooo going to get fired, maybe even exiled. i’m terrified of losing you at the best of times, never mind us being caught interacting right in front of a bevy of your female suitors!”
“yeah i’m scared too, but even though i’m afraid, i strongly believe that we should do our best with the situation; let’s just try. it should be obvious by now that i like you, i like you a lot, so i think that we should change their outdated attitudes on the relationship between stupid social class and love,” niki declared with conviction.
“i like you a whole lot too, but it’s not that easy. maybe your parents are right to judge, i’m just a poor scullery maid, who has no parents and nothing to offer,” you replied dejectedly.
“listen to me y/n, you are the most fair and precious person i have ever laid eyes on. you are intellectual, generous and you have the best sense of humour that even the jesters are jealous of-”
“wait- are you calling me a clown?” you teased.
“n-no i didn’t mean it like that. i told you to just listen didn’t i? i’m not finished. you’re eyes hold the andromeda within them, you’re lips outshine the loveliness of the roses in these very gardens and the brightness of your cheek would shame those stars up there.”
the poetic words that spouted from the boy in front of you brought a tear to your glittering eyes. no words could leave your mouth, too choked up to utter a word, so you engulfed him in the warmest hug niki had ever experienced and smashed your pouty lips onto his porcelain cheek. that was confirmation enough of your feelings towards niki. even so, he whispered words of comforting optimism into your fluffy hair, “we don’t need the approval of anyone, we should be able to run for our hearts, run for our lives, run for our dreams.” he paused to press a tiny kiss to the crown of your head, but continued with all the solemnity he could muster, “we can make this work, we will make this work.”
so as the new year materialised into view, the young lovers could be seen under the pale moonlight and twinkling constellations, huddling close to avoid the light pinches of the winter zephyr and dreaming of their future together.
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writeofmind · 4 years
a ghost?! (pt. 1)
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Genre: fluff, slow burn, multi-shot <3
Pairing: College!Rosé x Reader
anon: Hi! If possible could you make a master list of all the fics and scenarios you have posted? 😅 I’d also like to request a blackpink college AU focused on Female Reader x Rosé 🥺 lots of fluff and maybe some slow burn and smut? I’d be happy with any Rosé fluff or blackpink fluff though 🤍🤲🏻 thank you 😊
A/N: hi, j anon! this is part 1/? of your slow burn college!au. :D I will try to make this as slow and fluffy as possible. i don’t have a specific plot that i’m sticking to rn, but i have general ideas that i’m very excited to write. that being said, feel free to send in suggestions as to how you want this story to go! (or you can leave it up to me, and be in for cute surprises >:) ) 
a ghost?! | caramel lattes | your favorite regular
There were two things that you learned from living your college life. One, you definitely weren’t a morning person, and two, your roommate was a ghost. 
Not literally. The thing was just that you had never formally met them; when you moved in, they weren’t home, and when you would wake up in the afternoons, they would already be long gone and out of the house. Your schedules never lined up with each other, so for the past few weeks, you’ve just been barely missing them, not even knowing their name. 
You didn’t mind, really. The apartment was kept clean at all times, so it really did feel like only you lived there sometimes. But, you can say: if your roommate was a ghost, then they were the loudest ghost. Ever.
It was just your luck to be paired with them, too; they would be up at the crack of dawn, most times even earlier. You’d often wake up in the mornings to music playing or their (you’re sure you can say her) voice singing along. If you were being honest, the latter was your preferred way of waking up. She did have a wonderful voice, and you wished you could get yourself out of bed to tell her that; but she just woke up way, way too early. 
Today was another one of those days. Music was blasting in the background, yet another replay of “Call Me Maybe.” 
Ugh, god... you raised your head at the rude awakening, squinting your eyes at the door. Not this song again.
Based on what little you knew about your roommate, you had an image in your head of what she may look like. To put it short, you imagined a sorority girl, in a way. The type that dance and sing along to pop songs, dresses in tank tops and jeans, partying everyday, that sort of thing. You figured that maybe she didn’t party a lot though, considering she was already home and sleeping when you would walk through the front door. 
You let your head drop back into your pillow. You were too groggy and beat from work the night before that you blocked out the song, blocked out your roommate’s singing, and fell soundly asleep once again as her music faded out the front door and into the hallways of your apartment. Jeez, that girl needed some headphones.
When you woke up a few hours later, the apartment was silent. There was a sigh of relief from you, and you groaned as you stretched your entire body out. Class started in about an hour and a half, so you decided not to laze around in bed and instead get ready for the day.
When you walked into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat on your way to campus, you smelled something delicious. Sniffing the air, you smelled... something spicy? 
Sure enough, when you walked inside, there was a pan of tteokbokki sitting right on the stove. The aroma of the spiciness itself made your mouth water the closer you got to it- then, you saw a note next to it, sitting right under a bottle of water.
Good morning, roomie! I heard you come home late last night, (not that I was trying to be a stalker, but I couldn’t sleep so I was still up when you got back. Crazy, right?) Anyway, I figured you didn’t eat because I didn’t hear you in the kitchen, so I made extra tteokbokki this morning for you to take with you. I made it a little too spicy, so make sure you grab the water too!!
- PC
Your eyebrows raised higher the further down you read the note. She made you breakfast? And packed you a water? 
How sweet of her, you smiled. You wasted no time in scooping a whole bunch of the delicious rice cakes onto a plate and devouring every single piece. (She was right, though, it was super spicy.) 
That was really sweet of her. I should do something for her, too. I feel bad that I haven’t thought to even leave a note. And PC, huh? I wonder what that could stand for. I should make a mental note to ask. 
After eating and cleaning everything up, you realized that you wasted a little too much time in your own head and was running a bit behind schedule. You grabbed the water bottle quickly and ran as fast as you could out the door, into the elevator, and out the main lobby of your apartment. You didn’t even notice the blonde haired girl you almost ran into along the way. 
When you were finished with your school day, you always dreaded having to go to work afterwards. Not that it was a terrible job, you were just a barista at a café near campus, after all- but you would be tired and drained after pulling afternoon to closing shifts.
So there you stood, leaning against the counter top at your job as you sipped away at a small cup of espresso. You and your coworkers chatted absentmindedly. It wasn’t too busy tonight, except for a few straggling students that stayed to study. Your manager had even offered to let you go home early, but you decided you needed the money- you were practically getting paid to stand around, anyway.
The bell on the door jingled after what seemed like hours (and maybe it was). Your coworkers, all clowns, hid away from the incoming group of customers and shuffled behind the counters, leaving you to take care of them all. You glared at them and groaned internally, but that was the rules of a college student barista. If you’re not fast enough to hide, you face the consequences.
“Hey, guys,” you put on your smile as you approached the register, “what can I get for you tonight?”
When the girls got closer, you were glad that your hat was a bit too big for your head. It covered the burning read at the top of your ears at the sight of how pretty they were— all four of them, to be exact.
One of the shorter ones smiled back at you. “Hiii,” she greeted, “do you guys know what you want?”
The redhead of the group spoke up first. “Yes, can I just have a tea, please?” She turned to the other girls, “I noticed that my voice has been kind of raspy from rehearsal. I hope it’s nothing serious.”
You minded your own business as you punched in the order. “Of course, and for you?” You looked at the tall brunette, who was squinting at the menu board. You had to hide a laugh as you slid a smaller menu to her. “Here you go, our menu is printed kind of small.”
“Oh my gosh, thank you,” she laughed and took the menu in her hands. The shorter one that spoke earlier laughed too and simply pushed the brunette’s hands down. 
“Can we just get two large white mochas, please?” 
You smiled as you punched in that order too. “Of course.” You now turned to the final girl of the group, who stood silently, staring back and forth at the pastries in the case and the menu board. “For you, miss?”
When she looked up at you, you froze. 
Wow, she was cute. 
She smiled at you so sweetly, brushing her blonde hair behind her ear. “Um, yes please, can I get all of the vanilla scones that are in here? Oh, and a caramel latte, please.”
Just from eyeballing the case, there were at least 10, if not a couple more scones in there. You glanced at her with a humorous smile and nodded. “Yeah, no problem.”
As you punched in the order, you made sure that you only rang her up for four scones. It was almost near closing time anyway (you told yourself that, but really you still had a couple hours left), and you didn’t want to have to waste any pastries. 
“Can I have your guys’ names for your drinks?” You popped the tip off of your sharpie. 
The redhead, again, spoke first. “Jisoo.” 
Then went the brunette. “Lisa,” she then pointed to the shorter one, “Jennie.”
Lastly, you turned to the blonde. Again, she smiled, and nodded when she spoke. “Rosé.”
Such a pretty name, you thought to yourself. You made it a point to draw a little flower next to her name, just for funsies. You let them know that their drinks would be ready soon, and you gathered all the scones in the case for the girl to have.
The girls didn’t notice the price difference at first when they paid. After calling out their names for their orders, it wasn’t until they sat down at their table with their drinks and snacks that they realized something was off. 
It was Rosé who came back up to the counter as you were wiping it down. 
“Um, hi,” she spoke softly as if not to surprise you, “I’m sorry, but I think there may have been a mistake?”
You looked up at her from the counter with raised eyebrows. “Oh, I’m sorry. Was your drink wrong?”
“No, not at all! It’s great,” she shook her head and showed her bag of scones, “but, um, I think you mischarged me for these.”
Ah, so she did notice. “No miss, that’s okay,” you laughed at her innocence and honesty. Her face even looked worried just from you saying that. “We’re going to be closing in a couple hours anyway, and to be honest, the scones can be a bit overpriced when you buy a lot. Don’t worry about it.”
Her eyebrows were furrowed in the cutest way possible. “But— are you sure? You won’t get in trouble?”
“I’m sure, I’m sure. It’s fine, really miss.”
“Aww... well, thank you—” she beamed and squinted at your name tag, “Joy.”
Aw, shit. You internally slapped yourself in the face, I put on the wrong apron. 
Of all days to be talking to a cute girl, you weren’t even wearing the right apron with the right name tag. You really didn’t want to have to explain yourself and essentially embarrass both you and the girl right now, and you were quite frankly a bit shy already from talking to her for as long as you have. So you just smiled back. “It’s no problem, Rosé.”
With a giggle, the girl turned back around and hopped over to her table, where you could hear her recounting your conversation. You chuckled.
As your shift went on, the students inside the café began to disperse and pack up their bags to head home. One of the last students to leave was the group of girls you served earlier, and they even made sure to call out “bye, Joy!” as they left. Your coworkers looked at you funny but ended up laughing at your awkwardness once they realized your mistake.
“Oh, come on, y/n!” One of your best coworkers, Seulgi, laughed, “Now you’re gonna be known as Joy to them! Joy is not going to be happy.”
“Look, man, I didn’t wanna correct her, alright??” You sighed and palmed your forehead, “I got nervous!”
“Ah, well,” your other coworker Yeri shrugged, “at least you may not see her again. So you don’t have to be too embarrassed.”
Your shoulders dropped at the sound of that. You may not see her again? Boo. 
Your closing shift went by smoothly and before you knew it, you were walking through the threshold of your already dark apartment. You saw that your roommate’s door was closed and her light off, but her shoes were on the shoe rack, so you knew she was already sleeping. 
You almost went straight to your room to knock out before remembering what your roommate did for you this morning. You didn’t want to just leave her hanging and make yourself seem ungrateful, so you grabbed a post-it note and a pen.
Hi there, roomie, you began, thank you for the tteokbokki this morning! It was delicious, actually, and I only needed a few gulps of water between each bite. (lol, i’m just teasing, it really was good. i love spicy food.) i’m not sure if you like flavorings in your coffee, let alone if you like coffee or not, but here’s some for you for the morning, since you’re usually up earlier than me. you can use any of my coffee cups, i have way too many.
- y/n
After setting up the coffee machine to brew in the early morning, you stuck the note on top and dragged yourself into your room to get ready for bed. 
The next morning, you woke up to silence. No music, no singing, nothing. And it wasn’t early in the morning- it was the usual time you yourself would get up and out of bed.
Huh? you wondered, This feels... unnatural.
You got yourself out of bed and ready for your day as you normally would. You walked into the kitchen for your usual breakfast of coffee and a single granola bar, when you saw yet another note waiting for you on the kitchen table.
it’s no problem at all! i almost thought you hated the tteokbokki when i didn’t see any feedback when i got home. TT TT it’s so funny that we haven’t even met yet. btw, i’m sorry i’m loud in the mornings, i never realized how late you got home every night. i’ll let you sleep in more. :) and you’re so sweet, thank you for letting me use one of your cups, and thank you for the coffee this morning :)
p.s, just so you know a fact about me too, i love caramel in my coffees.
- PC
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yedamismymom · 4 years
Hey could you do some headcanons or au or whatever for the boys as high school students please? and thank u! ♡( ◡‿◡ )
*this has not been proof read so i apologise in advance for any mistakes
Treasure as High School Students
Choi Hyunsuk
Senior. He’s popular. Friendly, cool and kind. Will talk to anyone who starts a conversation with him. He’s got a group of friends who he’s always hanging out with. Has an amazing instagram feed. Different shoes and different bracelets everyday. Drums his pencil against his desk while he looks out the window. Pretty chill and laidback. Just him leaning against his locker, sucking on his lollipop. Looks really sophisticated but isn’t. Isn’t really into relationships so he respectfully rejects whoever confesses to him. Average grades but manages to do his homework on time. Can make anything and everything look cool.
Senior. He’s popular too. A complete savage. News of his disses spread around the school like wildfire. Not a day goes by when he doesn’t brutally roast someone. Be it a student or teacher, no one’s safe from him. Always has his sleeves rolled up and flexes his muscles a lot. Likes to show off his strength because he worked so hard for it. Super extroverted but his closest friend is Junkyu. A lot of girls secretly have a crush on him because he’s cute but no one has the heart to confess to him in the fear that he’ll make fun of them. That’s why his locker’s always overflowing on valentine’s day. He’s confident and witty.
Senior. He’s the student that teachers always talk about because they want other kids to learn how to behave from him. Very respectful, not just of his teachers but also of other students. He’s not very popular, but people know who he is. He’s a part of the student council. A quiet boy who doesn’t really speak to someone he isn’t familiar with. Except for when he’s with his friends. Then he’s almost unrecognisable. He really neat and organised. But he has average grades. Seems kind of cold on the outside. Actually has a girl friend who everyone ships him with. But it’s useless because he’s already in a fix with a girl from his neighbourhood.
Senior. Jihoon’s best friend. That’s how everyone knows him. The only person who can diss Jihoon. So he’s very well known for it. Doesn’t readily talk to girls, even if they’re in his class. Posts singing covers on his instagram. But he doesn’t participate in any musical events at school. Is constantly embarrassing himself. Unexpectedly good at math. Had the biggest fattest crush on a girl in the next grade and even though she’s graduated now, he’s probably still not over her. So many freshman girls like him. A very energetic and optimistic person.
Junior. He’s short and everyone teases him for his height. But he doesn’t care and just goes along with it. Because why not? He’s always jumping on the staircase. Like he’s constantly making huge leaps down the stairs. Turns the class into his own parkour arena. Eats in class. Always has candy on him. All in all just a big foodie. He can dance. Like dance dance. So the girls are always asking him to show them some moves. Possibly has a crush on the girl who he sits next to but it’s hard to tell because he’s either always jumping, dancing or eating. Posts dance covers on his instagram.
Yoon Jaehyuk
Junior. Popular. The school’s heart throb. Every girl has had a crush on him at least once. He’s a charming dork. Is actually very immature. Has a loud laugh. Never does his homework on time and is always asking for someone to let him copy theirs. A lot of college kids follow him on instagram. College girls are constantly in his dms. He gets bullied by the guys in his grade because he’s mister ‘steal your girl’. He isn’t the brightest academically, but he has a lot of potential. Isn’t really friends with anyone in his class. But he maintains friendships well. He’s a sweet guy.
Junior. He’s not that popular because he barely speaks to anyone. If you’re not a friend of his then you can get at least two words out of him before the end of the year. He’s an artist. He’s also very smart. Gets good grades even though he doodles in class. Literally pays attention to nothing. Rarely smiles. Super chic. He’s handsome and he knows it. He’s in the art club and 100% has a crush on the part time art teacher. Because she’s mature and that’s what he likes. He may be quiet but if anyone messes with him he can make them cry. Posts pictures of his artwork on his instagram.
Bang Yedam
Sophomore. He’s popular. A friendly guy who’s nice to everyone. Always helps the freshmen kids. He’s they guy everyone’s dying to be. Participates in every single extracurricular event. He’s always singing. The music teacher loves him. He’s like a son to her. He has good handwriting. Walks around like he’s in a k-drama, but it suits him. His instagram is just as cool as him. Is actually very innocent. He’s literally a baby. Feels so bad about rejecting his suitors. So he buys them snacks to compensate. Is bound to have a k-drama love story soon. Attractive and dreamy. Also maintains friendships well.
Sophomore. Rich Kid. Thinks he’s the shit. Is always showing off his expensive belongings. But he’s not a dick. He’s the kid that senior girls think is handsome. And they’re right. Only the girls in his class and grade don’t have feelings for him. It’s because he’s just too uninterested in girls. Kind of a prick to them. But only when they’re trying to get his attention. He’s always completing his homework in class. Is absent frequently because he’s probably travelling abroad. Has big dreams. Is actually class president because he has surprisingly good leadership qualities. Sophisticated but you can’t hate him for it.
Freshman. Super popular. It only took a week for the whole school to know his name. Heart throb number 2. Looks mean and intimidating but in reality he’s just a nice guy. Doesn’t really talk to anyone except for his friends. Doesn’t have an instagram. Does have snapchat though. Actually prioritises his school work and makes sure to study well even if he isn’t the smartest. Is always talking about his little sister. Ignores girls and will only talk to them if it has something to do with studies. Runs out of his class as soon as the bell rings to go hang out with his friends. He’s nice but not that approachable.
Park Jeongwoo
Freshman. Class clown. He’s literally Jihoon’s son. Jihoon idolises this kid. That’s why he’s popular among the seniors. Hangs out with them a lot. Lunch is his favorite time of the day. Steals snacks from Mashiho. Looks up to Yedam and wants to be like him. Pretends he’s a public figure on his instagram. Wears slippers to school. Goes to the principal frequently. Annoys Haruto. Thinks that every single girl has a crush on him. Runs. He doesn’t know how to walk. Because he’s always running. Sings ballads in the class while standing on his desk. Get’s bullied and feels really bad about it. He is an absolute angel who just wants to be loved by everyone.
So Junghwan
Freshman. He’s a quiet boy. Doesn’t really speak up in class. Get’s babied by the senior girls. So a lot of boys are jealous of him. But he’s innocent so he doesn’t really know what’s going on. Secretly very loud and fun. Like you should have seen him on the field trip. He’s an athlete. Very humble. Will lend you his stationary, no questions asked. Has a hard time balancing sports with studies and needs to be tutored. Listens well to others and is a nice person to have in the class. Is very comfortable with his class and bonds with them well. Is Hyunsuk’s baby and really likes him a lot.  
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omnivorousshipper · 3 years
Ayo! Shaw siblings Soulmates AU where they can visit each other in their dreams please?
Ahem. Sorry about that 😅
When his younger siblings had been born, Deckard had been the happiest child in all of London, possibly the world in his opinion
He loved Owen and Hattie immeasurably and would do anything for them. Even fight off dragons, or knights, or clowns, or any creepy crawly that came for them
And that's what he found himself doing most nights when he was a teenager
He didn't know when he discovered he and his siblings could walk into each other's dreams, but he used the ability to make sure they only had pleasant ones
Both Owen and Hattie dreamed of adventures and doing dangerous and heroic things with each other. It was an often occurrence for Deckard to find them sharing each other's dreams without realizing it
He always knew which one was which. Owen's dreams would be filled with music he had heard recently and become obsessed with. While Hattie's always had the presence of nobility or a friendly monster
He rarely let his siblings into his own dreams. They didn't need to see the much more realistic nightmares he endured
Running from child eating clowns was a lot different from running from their father weilding his belt
And he didn't want to scar them when he began to have more adult dreams as he grew older. He would have to teach them how to stay out of each other's dreams when they got to that age too
As they all grew, they still shared their dreams but were confident in being able to have their own without their siblings interfering
But it became a godsend when Deckard was gone at boot camp and then missions for the military. He again kept any type of horrifying imagery away from them, not needing them to worry. Luckily his younger siblings were simply excited to talk to him rather than learn about what he was going through
This went on for years as all three started to find their own paths in life. They enjoyed talking to each other in their dreams, sharing their waking with each other
Until it all came crashing down
When Deckard had to flee from MI6, Hattie refused to meet him in their dreams. Instead demanding a face to face explanation
All that had ended up happening was Hattie spitting in his face and declaring her separation from their family
Whenever he dreamed, Deckard could still feel Hattie's dreams, they were just barely there on the horizon of his subconscious. But he never dared going close
Hattie already hated him and would hate him even more if he invaded her dreams
He found that he never wanted to dream again
Deckard started to take medication to silence him dreams. And on the rare occasions he did dream, he could tell Hattie and Owen were doing the same as him
It went on for years
Until one day
The day Owen wouldn't stop dreaming
Whenever Deckard would drift asleep, he could feel Owen's dreams bombarding him, almost demanding attention. Deckard had no idea why he was doing it all of a sudden
Until he finally gave in and visited his brother's dreams for the first time in a long time
Owen was wandering through a jungle, music blaring all around him
He looked relieved, but also frightened whdn Deckard showed up
"What's going on, Oh?" Deckard shouted over the music
"I can't wake up."
That's when Deckard learned his little brother had ended up in a coma
Deckard stopped taking medication, instead, comforting Owen every time he fell asleep. It was heartbreaking to see Owen trapped in his own mind
He carefully kept any dreams or thoughts of revenge away from Owen's dreams. Those were for Deckard alone
And then any dreams of facing the harsh life of prison were carefully kept from him as well. Including dreams containing the wrong use of handcuffs and certain Samoan
Deckard knew exactly when Owen woke up. It was almost a relief not to feel Owen's dreams pounding against his
And that's when Luke Hobbs ended up back in his life and dreams
Together, Owen and Deckard dreamed of revenge against Cipher, but Deckard kept his celebrations to himself in his own dreams. Owen didn't need nightmares about Deckard being pinned down in the throws of passion
Some time later, Deckard found himself back with Hobbs, and then Hattie was thrown back into his life
There was an unspoken rule between them that they wouldn't sleep at the same time as they tried to find a solution around the Snowflake
Until Deckard nearly fainted on the plane ride to Samoa, Hattie dozing on his shoulder
He could feel their dreams almost brushing up against each other, but didn't dare take that one step needed to combine them. Owen stayed suspiciously wake during all of this time
It wasn't until after Deckard had passed out after defeating Brixton did he feel his dreams being entered
It wasn't the first time he dreamed of Brixton and it wouldn't be the last. Thrashed in his dream, trying to knock the man off him as he choked the life out of Deckard
Taunts and insults spilled from Brixton's mouth as Deckard grew weaker and weaker against his hands. Tears rushed down Deckard's cheeks as he felt himself accept those words
Suddenly, Deckard wasn't in his dream anymore
He was laying on top of a hill he and his siblings used to play at when they visited their grandfather
Sitting up, Deckard met Hattie's eyes
Tears ran down her cheeks as well as she rushed into his arms and hugged him tight
That night, Deckard wasn't afraid to dream
I hope you enjoyed friend!
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chaeryybomb · 4 years
“brick walls” || l.dh
anon: idk how to do these but I’ve had a story idea for a while 🥺👉🏽👈🏽. Y/n has an emotional breakdown at a party and asks best friend ! Haechan to drive her home (idk why she’s having a breakdown but I very much like angst🥺
pairing: lee donghyuck/lee haechan x reader
featuring: seo yoorim and mark lee
genre: best friends to lovers, high school!au, angst, fluff, we going sad boi hours y’all
warnings: mental breakdown, curse words, usage of alcohol
word count: 4K
a/n: dhshdhd I am SO SO SO SORRY that I took a long ass time to finish this, again I’m really sorry fhshd pls don’t hate me
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You were never the kind to let your walls down. You had a stone wall surrounding a kingdom that was your heart, the sole place that stored your emotions. But of course, that wall was never there to begin with. It started out as pebbles surrounding it, which soon turned into bricks, and the older you got, the higher the wall started to build.
You would never admit it, but deep down, you blamed your parents for making you turn out like this. All those arguments and discouraged words tore you down as a kid, so you learned to deflect those words to be stronger. Still they were your parents. Sure they were bad at some aspects, but they had their golden moments. They did raise you and gave you home. Your family was broken, and you learned how to live with it.
Donghyuck was a different kind. He was always smiling and happy. He was literally the sun. The mood maker, the class clown, he made people feel better. You were someone who was quiet and barely smiled. Rain clouds followed you wherever you went whereas Donghyuck made flowers grow on the ground he walked. He was also the sun that made your dark clouds go away.
You were a different person when you’re with Donghyuck. He made you laugh and smiled wider than anyone ever did. Whenever someone asked him how he could be friends with someone like you, he always replied with the same thing with no hesitation.
“You don’t know them like I do.”
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Donghyuck was your getaway. Your door to another dimension. His presence made all your worries go away. He meant everything to you. You wished you could tell him that.
It’s obvious that he has feelings for you, so painfully obvious. The way he stared at you like you were his world. The way he subconsciously holds your hand in his every time you’re together. You were on his mind twenty four seven.
You chose to ignore his feelings. You knew it was selfish for you to do so. You thought if you pretended that you didn’t know that he was in love with you, and just continued to be best friends, everything would be fine. No one would get hurt.
Did you feel the same? Of course you did. You love him so much that it physically pains you knowing that you’ll never be good enough for him. He was sunshine and rainbows, you were raindrops and thunderstorms. You knew that it wouldn’t work out between the both of you, you couldn’t even love yourself. How could you love someone else?
It was unfair to you and Donghyuck. You knew you couldn’t keep leading him on, one day, Donghyuck was going to confess to you and you’d have to face the harsh reality of rejecting him. But you never expected that day to come so soon.
You and Donghyuck were in his car, the both of you were driving back from your weekly movie nights in the local theatre. Donghyuck had Conan Gray’s newest album playing from his radio. You had no objections to his music choice, a few months ago, the honey-skinned boy managed to convince you to listen to Conan Gray’s discography.
When he finally reached your home, he parked outside of your driveway and turned to look at you. You were busy getting your bag off the floor to notice, when you were done, you turned to bid him goodbye but caught him staring at you with a familiar look. The same look he always had when he was with you, he looked like he was in love.
You knew he was going to take advantage of the situation to confess to you. You needed to get out of the vehicle. You had too. Your fingers gripped the door handle but his voice caught you off guard.
“Y/N...” his voice was as soft as silk, he gently grabbed your arm so you were facing him again.
You tilted her head, looking at him with those innocent eyes of yours, yet behind that mask was a pair of panicked eyes. His hands moved until he was holding yours and he started to play with your fingers.
“You’re amazing, you know that right?” He started off. His eyes were trained on your intertwined hands. “You’re beautiful, smart, and strong. I wished you could believe me whenever I tell you how perfect you are,” he slid off one of his silver rings and placed it on your index finger. Your breath hitched at the action. He finally lifted his head up to look at you in the eye, love surrounded his brown irises.
“I like you— no, I love you. I love you, L/N Y/N.”
And there it was. The words you dreaded to hear. The cold air from the car’s air conditioner pricked your bare arms as you shakily pulled your hand out of his, the silver ring easily slid off your fingers and you heard it drop into the cup holder. You watched his face morph into confusion.
“No,” your voice wavered as you closed your eyes. “No, you don’t,” you opened your eyes and repeated. This time your voice was firm.
Donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows. “Yes, yes I do, Y/N. I love y—“
“Stop!” You pressed your hands to your ears. “Stop saying that! You don’t love me.”
He reached over to grab your hands but you flinched backwards. Your back was now pressed into the window as Donghyuck stared at you with a different look this time. His eyes had a thin shield of tears, the look of love was gone and replaced with hurt and disbelief.
“D-Don’t say that, I do love you. I love you so much, Lia,” he tried again.
“No, you don’t, Donghyuck. You...you can’t.”
“Why not, Y/N? I love you! Is that not enough?!”
“Because I don’t!” You spat. Your breathing was heavy and your eyes were filled with tears. But you looked Donghyuck in the eye and said it again. “Because I don’t love you.”
The two of you stared at each other in silence, with tension rising every second. And finally a stray tear escaped from Donghyuck. That was the final movement for you to swing the door open and run into your house. You couldn’t bear to stay in that car any longer, you couldn’t stand the sight of seeing him sad, broken like you.
You slammed your bedroom door shut, ignoring your parents confused faces, ignoring everything. Your back was against the wooden door. It was official. You broke the school’s sunshine, you broke your best friend, you pushed the boy you loved away. You choked out a sob, and soon the tears flowed down your cheeks. You covered your whimpers and sobs with your hand and closed your eyes.
There was no turning back this time. It was done. You rejected him and you saw how the tears formed and how he flinched when you said you didn’t love him. You lied to him. You cried yourself to sleep that night, knowing that no one else in the world, loved you anymore.
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It had been weeks since his confession. Haechan didn’t go to school for 4 days. When he returned, he acted like nothing ever happened and that he was still the same old happy go lucky boy. The only difference was, he stopped approaching you.
He stopped waiting by your locker in the morning with a cup of coffee in his hand, he stopped sitting with you at the cafeteria, he stopped yelling your name from across the hall. He didn’t even spare a glance at you when you crossed paths in school. You convinced yourself that it was better this way. It was bound to happen anyways, no one ever really stays forever.
Of course news spread fast that you and Haechan were no longer the duo. Haechan never denied nor confirmed that you stopped being friends so the students took it upon themselves to say what they wanted to hear.
“Did you hear? Haechan confessed to Y/N last week and they straight up rejected him!”
“I heard they laughed at his confession and called him an idiot.”
“They’re such a heartless bitch. How could they treat someone like that?”
“Right? Haechan was going to leave them sooner or later. They never deserved him.”
At first the words were like a knife being stabbed into you, but you soon let yourself turn numb to them. The rumors weren’t true. You never laughed at him, yet your mind mocked you.
They’re right, you are a heartless bitch. You don’t deserve him.
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Today was not a good day for you. Fridays seem to always suck for you. It started out with the little things in the morning, you overslept and was almost late for school. Your parents were arguing over something petty that they barely noticed you slipped past the door. Since you were late, the bus had already left, so you were left with no choice but to sprint to school.
You barely made it to school in time and luckily you reached before the final bell. But you were then sweaty and the thick blazer you were required to wear was not helping. Later during lunch, someone accidentally bumped into you and split their drink all over your white button-up. You desperately tried to rub the stain off, but with no avail, there was now an orange stain on your uniform. And you knew for a fact that your mother was going to give her an earful for staining it.
And you were right, the moment you stepped into your household, you could feel the tension left over from this morning. Your mother noticed the big stain immediately. One thing led to another, and it turned into an (another) argument. Your mother started accusing you of not caring enough about anything.
She was still yelling when you slammed your bedroom door shut. You let yourself fall against the door with your palms pressed against your ears, trying to drone the yelling out. Your mother was right, you don’t care, you stopped caring. Oh, how you wished you cared.
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Honestly, you didn’t know how you let Yoorim convince you to come to this party. Not to mention you were underage and you didn't drink alcohol. You spent most of your days wallowing in self pity. Everywhere you went, you heard Haechan’s laughter ring through your ears. Yoorim was the only one other than Haechan who annoyed her way into your small personal bubble. The tall girl dragged you to a party thrown by some college students to “help you get over Haechan”.
Sweaty bodies and loud music filled the atmosphere, the stench of alcohol floated around you. The party scene made you sick and dizzy. It hasn’t been 30 minutes and you already regret your decision. Sighing, you pushed yourself off the kitchen counter you had been leaning against since you arrived and went off to find the one who dragged you here. You mentally lectured yourself, what were you thinking? Yoorim was a wild spirit, obviously she wouldn’t be there babysitting you. As you pushed past the bodies of drunk teenagers, you started to feel bad about finding Yoorim.
But you had already caught the taller girl in your field of vision. There she was, playing beer pong. The small crowd cheered loudly when the orange ball went in the red solo cup. You shook your head, maybe you shouldn’t disturb Yoorim. Walking home was always an option. Just as you were about to turn back, Yoorim called out your name.
“Y/N! Over here!”
You grimaced but still obeyed nevertheless. Yoorim threw her arm around your neck, her height giving her the advantage to basically head lock you. You looked up to see Yoorim’s cheeks to be tinted pink. She was already drunk. You tried to balance yourself but found it hard due to the other swaying around in her steps as she tried to aim at the cup.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar mop of black hair. You squint your eyes at the sight. When the figure turned around, your eyes met. You froze and your eyes widened.
Mark Lee, Haechan’s best friend.
What was he doing here? Judging by Mark’s expression, he must know about what happened between Haechan and you. Mark had a sad look on his face, it was sympathy. He gave you a sad smile and small wave but you were still frozen in place. The loud cheers slowly drone out of your ears.
If Mark was here, does that mean he was here too?
As you struggled in Yoorim’s hold, you tried to crane your neck to find the familiar face. Anxiety starts to fill you up, what if he was actually here? You can’t face him. You didn't know how. You avoided each other like the plague, whispers of others followed the two of you like a trail of blood. What were you going to do if you saw him? Would the people here start whispering too?
And suddenly, you felt the stares of others on you. A million pairs of eyes fixated on your trembling figure. Their faces were blurred but they’re mouths were moving. They were talking about you, spreading rumors about her. Everyone was pointing their fingers at you.
You squeezed your eyes shut and your grip tightened on Yoorim’s arm. You couldn’t breath. You didn’t know what overcame you, but with one powerful tug, you dragged Yoorim out of that crowd. Ignoring the confused stares of others and Yoorim’s protest, you dragged her until you were somewhere quiet. When the noise died down in your head, you finally let go of Yoorim's arm.
“What the fuck, Y/N?!” Yoorim yelled at you. But you couldn’t hear anything. Your back was facing her and your hands were pressed against your ears, an action that became a habit. Tears swelled up around your eyes and you kept blinking to push them away.
You were then forcefully turned around by the taller girl. Yoorim's eyes were burning with anger at your unexplained actions. Maybe it was the alcohol that clouded her vision but she didn't notice how your eyes had a veil of tears over them.
"What was that for?!" she demanded. "We were having so much fun and y—"
"I want to go home, Yoorim."
Yoorim stopped mid sentence and stared at you in disbelief. "Go home? Y/N it hasn't even been an hour yet—"
"I said, I want to go home!" you repeat yourself through gritted teeth. You clenched your fists at your sides as you looked Yoorim in the eye.
Yoorim narrowed her eyes at you. "No, Y/N. You don't get to go home. I took you out so you can relax and shit but right now you're just ruining everything! What the fuck is wrong and why won't you fucking tell me?!"
"You always do the same shit. You run away from your problems and you push anyone who wants to help you away! Do you know how exhausting it is to keep up with you?! I tried so hard to be your friend but in the end you still push me away. This is why Haechan left you!" Yoorim gasped and she immediately slapped her hands over her mouth. Her outburst seemed to sober her up. You stood there with your eyes wide opened in shock and lips slightly parted as you soaked in Yoorim's words.
"I— I'm so sorry, I…I didn't me—" Yoorim stuttered out. She reached forward for you but you jerked backward. With every step she took, your feet moved back. You shook your head. You felt the tears finally falling down and with that you turned on your heel and ran.
"Y/N!" you heard Yoorim call out but you didn't look back.
Tears blurred your vision as you tried to navigate your way through the crowded house. Small "excuse me"s left your lips as you pushed past everyone. You had to get out of the house. You couldn't break down right there in front of everyone. Yoorim's words still echoed in your head.
You run away from your problems and you push everyone away.
Do you know how exhausting it is to keep up with you?
This is why Haechan left you!
No, no, Yoorim didn't mean it. She's drunk. She was intoxicated. She wasn't thinking straight. She wasn't sober.
But the drunk mind speaks from the sober heart.
And it was true. All you did was run and run away. You never face your problems. You couldn't face Haechan after rejecting him. You never confronted your parents. You never tried to clear the rumors about you. You thought that hiding away behind her four walls could save you.
And Haechan was the one picking your walls down with a stone pickaxe. When you saw how your walls started to crumble, panic rose inside. You started to patch the holes made by him. You didn't want him to see how broken you really were. You couldn't let all your burdens onto him. You had to let him go.
You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't notice you bumped into someone. "Sorry," you whispered and withdrew yourself.
Your eyes snap up to the owner of the voice.
Mark looked at you with a worried look. He gently grabbed your shoulders to balance you. "Y/N, are you okay?" he asked in a worried tone.
You shook your head and reluctantly shoved Mark away. You stumbled in your steps as tears continued to gather around your eyes.
"Y/N, Y/N! Wait up!" Mark called out but the wall of dancing bodies blocked him from getting to you.
You finally found the door and your face was greeted with the cold wind of the night. You gasped as you stumbled out of the house. You walked down the stairs of the porch and crouched down. Your hand was over your heart as you breathed in heavily. Fresh tears still stained your cheeks and there was a heavy ringing in your ear.
You slid down against the white porch, sucking in short breaths. Your hand found your phone in your back pocket and dialed the first number that came to mind. You wanted to go home and do nothing but curl up in a ball and cry.
You raised the phone to your ear. "Please pick up, please pick up," you whispered to yourself.
He picked up. He actually picked up. It has been weeks since you heard his voice. Oh god, how you missed hearing it.
"—llo? Y/N?"
"D-Donghyuck?" your voice was hoarse, it was barely a whisper. You didn't even know how you managed to say his name within your shortened breaths.
The moment he heard your strangled voice, he was suddenly alerted. "Y/N? What's wrong? Are you crying? Are you okay?"
You felt another wave of the blues washed over you. Tears started to fall and you let out a choke. "I-I'm s-s-sorry, Hyu—ck," you hiccuped.
You could barely blabber out formed sentences, let alone words. All you repeated was "I'm sorry" as you sobbed to Donghyuck through the phone.
Donghyuck's heart clenched at the sound of your cries. "Hey, hey," he softly called out for you. "Where are you? I'm going to come get you, okay?"
"I-I don't k-know, some pa-party with M-Mark. I-I-I don't know w-where, I'm sorry," you sniffled.
"Hey it's okay, stop saying sorry. Stay on the phone with me okay?" You could hear his keys jiggling from the other side. You nodded at his words as he kept continuing to talk to her. "I'm here for you, Y/N."
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The entire car ride back to Donghyuck’s place was silent. He didn’t say anything and the only sounds that came from you were your sniffles. But he kept a hand on your right knee the entire time, the action gave you a sense of comfort.
He wordlessly let you into his house, thankfully his parents were out of town. You didn’t need more people to question your tear-stricken face. Donghyuck told you to take a shower and he’ll prepare some food for you. When you emerged from the bathroom, your face now cleaned and hair damped. A set of his clothes were neatly placed on his bed for you.
It was your favorite hoodie of his that you would “borrow” from time to time and a pair of grey sweatpants. His clothes were big on you, but it made you feel safe, like a warm blanket being wrapped around your thin frame.
Donghyuck knocked on the door and asked from the other side, “Can I come in?”
Your lip twitched into a small smile at his question. You found it sweet that he was asking permission into his bedroom. You replied with a soft “yes” and the door opened, revealing Donghyuck with a bowl of ramen.
He set the bowl at his desk and the two of you were now facing each other. Awkwardness filled the atmosphere. You didn’t know what to say and Donghyuck couldn’t get the words out of his mouth. You stood in silence, the awkward tension was suffocating.
“I’m sorry,” the words flew out of your mouth before he could say anything. “I’m sorry about the other night in your car. I lied,” you confessed. The tears were starting to build up again and your gaze never left the carpeted floor. You took his silence as a sign to continue.
“I’m...I’m sorry that I pushed you away. I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t love you, Hy—Donghyuck,” you winced when you stopped yourself from calling him “Hyuck”. That nickname was for close friends, and you were almost strangers. It didn’t feel fitting for you to use.
You took in a deep breath and exhaled. “I’m sorry,” you repeated for the nth time of the night. “I-I do love you, but you don’t deserve me. I’m broken a-and messed up. You deserve better,” you finally raised her head to look at him with your glassy eyes.
His expression was unreadable. You’ve never seen it before. You squeezed your eyes shut, your hands fisting at the sides of the hoodie as you anticipated his next movements. You heard his soft footsteps advancing towards you.
You quietly gasped when Donghyuck wrapped his arms around your shoulder, pulling you in for an embrace. He raised his left hand to stroke your head, gently resting it against his collarbones. “It’s okay, Y/N,” he softly said, “I forgive you.”
Those three words hit you like a train and the tears came flooding out once again. You buried your face in his shoulder and your hands clenched at the back of his shirt. Donghyuck held you as you cried, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. He let you cry out until there were no more tears in your system, until he was sure that the walls surrounding your cold heart would be weakened.
You spent most of your time building up brick walls around your heart. You spent years feeling numb and putting up a tough facade. Donghyuck spent most of his time breaking down those walls. He spent his days poking at your heart until it was beating again. You never felt loved and he made sure that he loved you until his very last breath. And for once in forever, you didn’t mind getting your walls taken down.
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jrueships · 3 years
What wips do you have rn 👀 elaborate pspspspsp
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Too many wips.. thats what I have rn.. too many...
WJBFJEBF so the ones I'm most focusing on rn is the spiderman! Donovan/royce au!! So far I wrote the whole exposition and I'm working on the 'enticing incident' LMFAO it's upgraded from my last summary so I have more to write because I'm insane but yeah! It's the one I want done the most but I'm also gonna go on a trip with my buds to this place without wifi for like? Four days so 😭 I might have to finish it there and wait forever until I can post it! And I'm still unsure about the ending!!! THE STRUGGLE
a shorter fic I have in mind still is the russell waiting for kd at a table for two but he never shows up fic! I just really like writing russell widjsbf but not much action happens there! Many just dialogue and a lot of pg fashion/life roasting from Russell's inner dialogue. He's very judgemental of people who give off douchebag frat bro vibes but can't help but feel intrigued by them JABFJWB oh and he makes fun of pg simping for gold diggers
The fics I have written partly but put back in the burner are my donovan/jaylen fic, marcus/giannis, pg/kawhi jealousy fic, pg/kawhi sm*t fic, pg/kawhi space au, and john/trae patroclus and Achilles au! Mainly because they're super long and I get nervous about writing them too much and wasting all my muse on one thing, so I get scared and back off 😭 but I'll tell u the basic summary of them!!
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💙 donovan/jaylen fic is based off the idea of donovan going grocery shopping and getting all mad at the thought of the clippers LMFAO. Basically he's at a grocery store getting flowers for his sports medicine doctor for always putting up with his bullshit (never wanting to sit down and relax so he can actually heal. Playing through the pain). But as he shops, he keeps finding the simplest shit that reminds him of the clippers. Like he sees a claw machine and thinks about Kawhi and how collected that guy is, just chillin in the upper stands, while his team is facing a possible defeat. Donny gets all frustrated because like?? He can't just do that? Just sit back and chill while his team is playing without him? Donny HAS to help, has to GET OUT THERE!! kawhi Doesn't... but kawhi is the one who won a championship. And donovan starts doubting his leadership skills and if he's really good for his team.. if he let them down by being Too pushy and Too in their faces.
+ and then when he's getting a cute card to go with the flowers, he spots one that says "you're the man!!" And he thinks about terance Mann and his great game against them, how proud pg, basically his mentor, was of him. And it makes donovan think about his loss and how he couldn't get that same pride out of Dwyane Wade.
Overall, everything makes him feel useless af and he almost kicks a shelf out of anger. But he calms himself down and goes back to the flowers because he actually only got this little dinky green plant still struggling to bloom? He got it for himself because he felt bad for it LMAO but he still needs to get flowers for his sports medicine doctor. He's goes back to the flower section and who does he see? JAYLEN BROWN all gussied up in his depression fit LMFAO.. but they both are. Jaylen and him try to joke but they're both tired and awkward so it sucks IABDKSBD they basically just ask what the other is doing there. Jaylen is just traveling rn because he got nothin else to do IWBDKS but he bought Deuce a souvenir gift! And he asks Donovan if he can help him put it in his trunk (but really he doesn't need donovan's help. He can pick the toy up himself. He just knows that Donovan is too stubborn to accept help when he needs it but he'll always try helping others out! So he wants donny to think he's helping jaylen but in reality jaylen is trying to help HIm because at the car he invites Donovan to go meet up at a hotel with him where they kiss and have sad *** to make themselves feel better WKBFKSBX) that's basically it!!!! I have literally everything written but the *** scene they're literally my weakness.. I love the emotions they make but I hate.. describing the actions it takes to make them?? Idk I just feel cheesy writing it? It's very tedious and boring to actually crank my brain for a synonym to 'moan' because I'm tired of using that word but it's the only word that really applies to that situation without sounding weird, yknow?? Just very tedious
💙💙💙 OK so marcus/giannis idk bro like... it's just taking so long IWBKENF idk what to say except giannis makes a ton of small jokes at marcus
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💙💙 OK so pg/kawhi jealousy fic... BASICALLY the plot is LeBron hosts some big rich guy party for the NBA because I need a reason to write all these people that live far apart interacting together OKAY??? But anyways it takes place after 2020 lakers winning the championship! Pg convince the clippers to come or else they'll look bad for being the only team not coming and they media will have a field day with them, so the clippers join the party. Basically everyone who later team up in 2021 are talking to eachother LMFAO like James hardon+kyrie+kd are talking while russell westbrook and beal are bonding over dance moves with a jealous John wall pouting in the corner. Obligatory Marcus and giannis interactions because I can. Kyle and demar are laughing together. It's all goood until LeBron waltzes over with his weird ass feet and starts talking to kawhi. Hes being all Handsome and Strong and lowkey flexing his win. Its starting to make pg suspicious so he keeps intruding upon the conversation. His inner dialogue is basically a ton of lebron hate KABFKWB. LeBron sometimes comments back to pg but ends up kinda tuning him outta the conversation and sly dissing him to kawhi like "how does it feel talking to someone who doesn't hit the side of the backboard lol"
Pg is starting to get nervous because he's trying to compete against LEBRON over who's the better teammate for kawhi.. and with his current playoff history.. he's not gonna win. He keeps trying to get kawhi out of the conversation, but lebron keeps drawing him back in and pg ends up giving up or he risks looking like an overbearing girlfriend.. So he slinks off in hopes of distracting himself. Originally, pg thought KAWHI would be the one standing all alone awkwardly in the room with no one to talk to, but it's slowly becoming HIM who's the lonely one LMFAO. He tries joining in bradley and Russ's conversation because HEY!! Everybody leaves russ! Russ must be SUUUPER lonely and DESPERATE for someone to talk to him‼ especially when his old ex durant is out there plotting with his two hydra heads!! paul thought, anyways, but finds out russ is actually having the time of his life clowning around with beal !! That just makes pg even more envious and he walks away with zero satisfaction of feeling superior JABDJSB he tries talking to John wall like "this party fuckin sucks bro" but John kinda barks at him and pg gives up. He tries talking to marcus and giannis but that was a mistake because the two smartiest smartasses in the room start roasting him together so he's shunned back to pretending like he's getting 700 thirsty women in his dms, AKA pretending like he got a text on his phone while he leans alone on a wall LMFAO. After glancing up periodically (and casually) to see if kawhi is still talking to lebron, he later gives up on playing popular and goes to hide in the bathroom like a fucking loser WHDJBFJEBD in summary he kinda broods and steams about how much he hates lebron and how he's 'so much better than him' and he's just thinking of petty insults against him to try and convince the kawhi in his mind not to leave him for lebron. He gets really mad and punches a mirror, but thank God lebron is playing bass boosted music so no one at the party hears it.
But, demar ends up knocking on the door. He needs to shit. So pg is like.. what do I do with this broken mirror and my bleeding hand.. so he tries to keep demar out and they banter and eventually demar notices its kinda weird for pg to be huddled up in the bathroom instead of partying.. he must be getting high or smthin. So he's like "that's fucking stupid. He can go get high in one of lebrons 700 rooms. Why The bathroom." So he just opens the door LANKDN and sees The Scene.
At first he's like "are u paying for that.." to which pg responds with "uhhh. I tripped and hit my head on it" (while clutching a bleeding fist) but then he realizes OHHH pg must be ... OH is he.. no.. he can't be limp wristed... blah blah they end up bonding over their funny situations: demar being jealous of kawhi and feeling like kyle thinks he sucks because of him. Pg being jealous of lebron and feeling like kawhi thinks he sucks because of him. Blah blah it's a bittersweet ending pg becomes a little less of a jerk blah blah I haven't finished it because I'm stupid and WEAK
💙💙💙💙 pg/kawhi space au is just too long I have to be in the mood to write it or I end up dismissing good details I could have included if i wasn't in such a burnt out mind!
💙💙💙 pg/kawhi sm*t fic I gotta be in the mood to detail the h*rny right 😭😭
💙💙💙 john/trae patroclus and Achilles is mainly just an idea but with no plot!
But yeah!!! Those are SOME of my wips!! This post is really long tho so I'll just shout out those!!!@ thank u for the interest tho that's so cute 😭😭😭 it helps me write more when I have a plot lined up to look off of and remember ideas so this is really helpful to me too!!! I'll be shocked if u read this far tbh!! But anyways THANK U ALWAYS FOR THE ASKS, ANON!!!!!
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blouisparadise · 5 years
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We recently received a request for enemies and lovers recs. We already have an enemies to lovers fic rec list here, but after looking at that list, we realized we had much more to add to it and therefore decided to make a part two.
Happy reading!
1) I Couldn’t Get Away From You | Mature | 5185 words
Suddenly in the heat of the moment, Harry’s eyes turned darker as he pushed Louis’ back more and more towards the wall. “Fine.” He plants his lips on Louis’ and begins to roughly kiss him, soon enough turning it into a make-out session.
“Fuck you, Styles,” Louis moans and grips onto Harry’s shoulders, hands trailing up to the taller’s hair and gripping that as well.
“We’ll see about that.”
2) There's More Than One Place To Call Home | Explicit | 8416 words
Harry never asked for much from his neighbors - he didn't care about barking animals during the day or loud talking during the night.
The only thing he needed was silence when he was writing. And that was the only thing his new neighbor wouldn't give him.
Deciding to confront the loud guy who lived next door, Harry found himself ringing his doorbell one night. And that decision just may be the best thing that's ever happened to Harry.
3) Make A Run, Cause Some Rebellion | Explicit | 8824 words
As a general rule, kitten hybrids are small and disinterested in what other people want them to do, slightly evil and at least a little manipulative. Louis prides himself on being all of those things to varying degrees, but especially on being uninterested in what other people tell him to do. He’s still human goddammit, despite his pointy ears and penchant for curling up in the sun and taking naps.
He’s going about his daily business, knocking things over where he sees fit and leaving a trail of mess in his wake. As exasperated as it makes Liam he’s used to it by now, having shared a flat with Louis for almost three years now, and if Louis whines enough he’ll even clean up after him. It’s a great life, really.
With the exception of Liam’s stupid, broad shouldered, entirely too big mate, the one who always comes over to watch sports with him. Louis hates that guy. His hair is always greasy and he brings weird hipster beer with him when he comes that tastes like shit. And he won’t even let Louis have any of it, either. The only reason Louis even knows what it tastes like is because one time he stole a bottle from the fridge and fled to his room before Harry could catch him.
4) Something To Prove | Explicit | 9425 words
Louis is the first and only omega to work at Red Valley Medical Center. Despite being more than qualified, he still faces prejudice for his career choice everyday. From patients refusing his treatment to condescending alpha doctors intervening with his work, practicing medicine in Boston is more challenging than Louis had ever thought it would be.
5) Where Do We Go Now | Explicit | 10617 words
Louis goes off to college ready to start a fresh life away from the oppressive alphas of his pack.  The odds aren't in his favour when his new dorm mate turns out to be an alpha.  Louis hates alphas.
6) Enjoy The Ride | Not Rated | 11103 words
The one where Louis, an omega more than tired of being treated as lesser than alphas, is forced on a road trip by his beta besties only to meet Harry who might just be the alpha he never knew he wanted.
7) I Didn’t Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) | Explicit | 20681 words
These days Louis tends to steer clear of dating alphas. He’s dated too many knotheads in his time, and he’s ready to just focus on school and his friends and his pet monitor lizard, of course.
Too bad the alpha next door won’t take a hint and stop using the worst pick up lines of all time on him. He’s really got to stop laughing with him--and talking to him and walking to class with him and letting him bring him coffee and tea and gifts for his lizard and watching Netflix together and...
8) Written In The Stars (That’s You And Me) | Explicit | 22632 words
Louis pushes himself up on one elbow and stretches enough to just barely trace his fingertips over Harry’s jawline. Harry’s eyes drop to track his movements as he does it again. “D’you feel that?” he whispers.
To him, it feels like all of the universe’s magic lives just beneath his skin when he touches Harry with intent. It feels like something special. Louis watches Harry’s lips part and wants to touch that too. He almost does, but then Harry shakes his head. “Feel what?”
6) Middle Ground | Explicit | 23516 words
Note: This fic has been locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry moves to a new town for work where he meets the enigma that is Louis Tomlinson.
10) When It’s Late At Night | Mature | 25597 words
The Late Late prompt that we all need to get through this excruciatingly hard time.
11) Supposed To Be | Explicit | 26100 words
The Geek Charming AU where Harry's a film geek, Louis' a popular jock, and they both need each other to get what they want.
12) Magical Soup | Explicit | 28850 words
Slytherin prefect Louis Tomlinson's seventh year at Hogwarts takes an immediate turn for the worse when he's made to be potions partners with Harry Styles, Hufflepuff's resident heartthrob and class clown.  Louis has always considered Styles to be a terrible show-off who coasts by on his charm and good looks, but the more they work together, the more he questions that idea.  As term goes on, will Louis be able to admit to himself that he might actually like Harry Styles after all... and maybe, just maybe, as more than a friend?
13) Building Me Up (But Buttercup, You Lied) | Explicit | 31007 words
Harry’s mouth felt dry just saying those words. What he had with Louis was so much more than a simple ‘fuck buddies’ situation. It was slow kisses in the morning between soft sheets and shy smiles, it was holding hands in the afternoon while walking and eating ice cream. It was breakfast for dinner, laughing and licking honey from each other’s lips as they shared goals and even some secrets, it was happiness, it was glow.
To Harry, what he had with Louis meant everything. Until Louis decided it meant nothing.
14) You’ve Set On Me | Explicit | 31100 words
Louis' in an obscure band. Harry's an international popstar. Their paths aren't meant to cross, not like this, but when Louis' band signs on as Harry's opening act, both Harry and Louis are forced to confront the open wounds of their shared past.
15) Nicotine | Explicit | 32245 words | Sequel
"We're two different types of people, Liam. He likes sex and drugs, I like theater and tea. Trust me, we'd never date." Except they would, they do, and neither of them plans on letting go anytime soon.
16) Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat | Explicit | 34572 words
Harry is 98% sure Louis hates him. So he feels like his bewilderment is justified when the omega offers to help him through his rut.
17) Close To Nowhere | Explicit | 34589 words
Louis and Harry are psychics who kind of hate each other. They go to Tennessee to investigate a haunting.
18) Make This Feel Like Home | Explicit | 42032 words
The house on West 28th Street in London is twice the size of Louis', more expensive than the price of all of his house and car payments combined, and is falling apart at the seams.
19) Strangers in Love | Explicit | 42207 words
Louis wakes up to find himself in a marriage with the last man he thought he'd ever end up with.
10) Why Can’t It Be Like That | Explicit | 63567 words
A fashion AU with a royal twist, where Louis doesn't need a stylist, Harry's thrilled to have a real life Barbie doll, and they're both very wrong about each other.
21) I Want You So Much (But I Hate Your Guts) | Mature | 83648 words
AU in which Louis gets accepted to play for the Manchester University Alpha-Beta Football Team. The only problem: Louis is actually an Omega. He is determined to make it big in the football world, though, and he can't do that bound to an Omega team. With the help of a faked doctor's certificate and some pretty strong suppressants he is ready to fight for his dream.
That Harry Styles (Alpha, second year and youngest football captain of the A-B team in ages) doesn't seem to like him complicates matters, though.
22) For Reasons Wretched and Divine | Explicit | 94655 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Ten years ago, Harry Styles was just a nerdy kid with one friend and a debilitating crush on the captain of his school’s football team. He thought the stars were smiling down on him the day he and Louis Tomlinson were paired for their end-of-term Literature project. But because Harry’s life is decidedly not a fairytale, the budding friendship quickly leads to the least happy ending of all time.
Now, Harry Styles is a household name. Barely twenty-seven with two Grammy nominations to his name, the singer-songwriter is poised to take the music industry by storm with his highly anticipated third album. So, what happens when the best producer in the business is also the only person Harry’s vowed never to speak to again?
23) You Drive Me Crazy (But It Feels Alright) | Explicit | 102306 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
“Harry is not short for Harold,” he corrects, his voice as thick as molasses. He lowers his eyes to Louis’ sequined lapels, rubbing one between two fingers. “Is this small or extra small? It looks lovely.”
Louis breaks away from his grip with a petulant huff and pushes him back with two fingers.
“You’re mocking me. Again.”
Harry smiles and it's a real honest swoop of his lips this time. Louis’ stomach swoops with them.
24) Tainted Saints And Velvet Vices | Mature | 126056 words
A self-fulfilling Hogwarts AU in which Louis is new to seventh year and Harry is the resident devil-may-care Slytherin set to make his entire experience a living misery. Due to less than favourable circumstances they're forced to forge an unwilling, tentative relationship for their own survival. Repressed emotions, decidedly unromantic ballroom dancing, Triwizard Tournament tasks, creative jinxes and twilight flying above the Forbidden Forest ensue.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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