#also very miffed at like most of my family
fae-morrigan · 3 months
hi! could you elaborate on the "jon beefs w batman" thing?? id love to read it, but i don't know much about comics so i wouldn't know where to look :(
So, the series that introduces this is largely Son Of Kal El. It's Jon's big 18 issue solo book, its super fun, there are gay people, there is dismantling a colonialist government. More specifically the Beef Inciting Incident begins issue 10, takes up most of issue 11.
So, Jon's dating Jay Nakamura. Cool guy, refugee from Gamorra (place that is colonized that theyre trying to fix), independent journalist known as The Truth. He works closely with this group named the Revolutionaries.
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Super cool, right? Jon's having a golden time.
Then, Lois pisses off Lex (long story but its equally hilarious), bad enough they're worried about the family's safety. So, Batman shows up to whisk them to the safe house.... but Jay's not allowed to come.
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Jon's pretty miffed about this, and then Batman decides to be Batman and drops THIS bombshell:
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We get his reasoning the next chapter: Jay's buddies, the Revolutionaries? Yeah, well, lets say they believe in DIRECT action. They've killed a lot of people (Pssst, you can read more about it in Suicide Squad: Bad Blood, which is one of my favorite books).
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Jon does not buy what Bruce is selling. He argues with Batman about it, DESPITE NOT KNOWING WHETHER OR NOT BATMAN IS WRONG, because the idea of BRUCE telling him who and who not to make out with is SO EXISTENTIALLY INFURIATING that he just. Straight up runs off.
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Now, this gets resolved pretty quickly. Pa tells Bruce to knock it off because he's not exactly better in love, in a great scene that is one of my favorites from the book. Jon talks to Nightwing, then talks to Jay, and Jay is like, "yeah. They are kind of violent extremists, but they were also the only people who helped me when I was fleeing systematic medical torture and ethnic cleansing, so." We don't really get Jon's thoughts on this, but he ACTIVELY works with them in the finale with the stipulation they don't kill anyone, so we can kind of assume that even if he's not down with them murdering people, he's DOWN down with their Liberation politics. Which is neat!
... But Jon holds a grudge against Batman. Big time. Like, seriously. We really see it up close in Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent, where he's just... Dude. This isn't even YOUR batman.
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^ Like, I think we all know he's referencing what happened with Jay here. Its VERY on the nose.
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Even Injustice!Bruce is like "Dude, I literally just met you".
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Like, seriously. Not even his Batman. Just batman-shaped. And he's catching CONSTANT strays from Jon. Its a whole thing. Before that moment, Jon and Bruce were actually quite chill: Jon even made him tea during the SOKE annual! Up until that point, Bruce was kind of just "damian's scary dad". Ever since That Exact Moment where Bruce was like, 'your boyfriend is a terrorist,' Jon has been like:
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slippinninque · 9 months
Winter With Fontaine
The feeling of your finger tips dusting cinnamon and sugar away from his lips is just as addictive as all the sweets you make. He also takes his baking assistant duties very seriously, everything must be tasted.
Despite the chill that overtook most during the winter season, he was shocked to see you get a near boost from it.
He loves the excuse to put his cold hands beneath your big-ass sweaters, holding onto you as you squirm and squeal.
Helping you deliver scarves, hats, and socks that you've begun knitting/gathering up to those who need them. Fontaine discovered that he likes giving gifts to the elderly the most.
Winter used to be bad for him. Cooped up in his darkened home, kept at bay from his only family by a single door. Cold from the drafts he never bothered to fix. Now he is excited because your home has become a winter time oasis, filled with warmth and new beginnings.
He woke to the feeling of your icy little feet sliding back into bed. He tucked closer, pressing his face against the softness of your breasts and inhaling the warm vanilla. He curled up and around you, throwing a leg over for good measure.
"Who said you could leave the bed?" He could feel you laughing as your arms came around him, "You took my heat, woman."
Your answer was to pepper his face with slow, soft kisses until the frown on his face turned into a sleepy pout.
In this little wonderful space of calm, the sounds of rain and wind dancing outside his window, Fontaine hoped you knew he loved you before slipping back into sleep beneath your lips.
"You're still laughing."
"I have been sitting here in literal silence."
"I see it in your eyes."
A snicker rocketed out of Fontaine's mouth and your whined, trying to move away from where he was so tenderly disinfecting your knees.
"Don't be like that, I fell too, baby!"
"Yeah, 'cause yo' ass was laughing so hard at me!"
There you were, trying to mind your business and be a good girlfriend to take out the trash! Then an ice patch purposefully formed right in front of your trash can.
One minute you were admiring the frosted branches, the next you were on your stomach Family Guy Style both of your knees on fire. Before you could clear your dizzy, you heard a terrible yelp and the ground near you shook as the love of your life slipped and fell right onto his ass.
And here he was again, laughing again in your face. You tried to repress the urge, but the memory of seeing Fontaine lift his head and look around as if he were pushed...
You curled in on yourself, holding in your snickers as best as you could.
"I should be the one up on the sink, g'damnit. Fell all on by back an' shit, trying to make sure yo' lil' ass was okay." Fontaine shook his head and went back to dabbing your knees.
"You did fall kinda hard, didn't you?" You straightened back up with a sigh, "How fast were you walking down the stairs, anyhow? You should know better when it's icy like that."
Fontaine's head tilted to the side and he stared up at you so miffed that you lost it again. He slapped on the band-aids and began packing up the first aid kit, only adding to your amusement.
"My black ass was only out there 'case someone just had to take out the trash! What do I tell you?"
After tossing the first-aid kit beneath the sink, he put his hands on either side of you. All trace of humor has left his face and to anyone else, he would have appeared thunderous.
You hopped off the sink to go toe-to-toe with him, wearing your own sneer.
"I couldn't leave it, I was the last one to stuff something in it!"
"What do I tell you, woman?"
Fontaine was now nose to nose with you. The sudden eye contact was going to trigger your giggle and the fucker knew that was the only way he could win.
"You claim...that bad things happen when I take out the trash."
"You got chased twice. By the same racoon, mind you."
You took a deep breath to extinguish your laugh, hiding your smile behind a dramatic frown.
"Way to bring up my trauma. Why don't ya just tell me to stay in the kitchen and make sandwiches while you're at it?!"
Fontaine's expression rippled, you nearly had him, "Women ain't supposed to take out the trash, I been told you that. It's bad luck!"
Your expression slipped at his theatrics and you couldn't catch it. Fontaine broke quickly after with a snort. Your own chuckles flowed out and you eventually admitted,
"I was scared of that raccoon, though. That's why I only take the trash out in the daytime now."
Ever the gentleman, Fontaine turned away but you could still see the bastard's shoulders trembling in the mirror.
"Baby, if you could have heard the-the way you said--
You already knew what he was going to bring up your panicked cry of old and you confirmed,
"It came straight at me!"
Fontaine laughed. Folding over you so you both leaned against the sink. You laughing into his crewneck, unable to stop yourself from hugging him. If he laughed like this every day, you'd get chased down by every raccoon in the Glen
In there, that small upstairs bathroom with the loose tile, with the snow falling steadily on the world outside, you understood devotion.
Together you sat on the front porch of your home. It was getting rather chilly, but Junebug insisted that you 'witness greatness'.
"Our block's kids got winter beef with the kids a few blocks over, 'specially with Maeve's boys." You explained to Fontaine who only got up to make more hot chocolate.
It was rather great, though. Once school was let out, it was like a great battle of old. Next Block Kids vs. June n' Da Gang. Snowballs and kiddie curses went flying, but by the time Fontaine returned with enough hot chocolate for a hockey team--a truce was reached.
You passed out the mugs together, enjoying the sounds of the tired but delighted little warriors that defended your home turf. Fontaine tucked you closer to him, pressing a kiss to your temple.
He looked as happy as you felt, watching as one of Junebug's friends gleefully broke the peace treaty by shoving snow down one of Maeve's boys pants.
end notes: thank you for reading! I needed to get this out to make room for my other fics lmao.
Tell me what you think! (More to come? 🫣)
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DFF Questions And Theories Recap
I wanted to do a post where I could put down all the major questions that are still unanwered from the show and give all my thoughts and theories on each.
What Happened to Non?
Earlier I saw this post by @slayerkitty that pretty much outlined my own thoughts on this.
I have been leaning into the idea that the boys pranked and drugged him for a while now. And episode 7 just confirmed it.
What I am the most unsure off, is what happened after. Because the fact that some of these boys seem to be sure he is dead while others aren't makes me think that something happened after the prank
Now is Non alive? This one I am not sure off, if he is I am leaning thowards maybe him being in a coma or catatonic or in some kind of hospitalized situation, maybe under a fake name, thanks to Phi's dad.
Because the Mafia (Tee's Uncle) want him dead, so a fake name for both him and his brother/family might be to keep them safe.
I am not positive he is the third killer (if there even is one) if he is alive.
Most of my brain is on camp Non is dead. For the simple reason that Tan especially seem to be focused on knowing what happened to Non, and/or getting a confession. And if he can talk to Non there would just be no used for that. There would be no need to wait that long. I don't know just a feeling.
Who Are The Killers and How Many there are? And Is Tan Non's older brother?
I will start with the obvious, Phi has to be one of the killers, we are all on board with that.
While my previous theory was that Tan was not the brother and the brother was an unknown player I think I have changed my mind.
I am now 90% sure Tan is New, Non's older brother. Am I still a little bit miffed they probably casted an actor who is the same age as Barcode to play his older brother, yeah, but I figured if the actor pulls it off I can overlook the real life age, it's not like we have not ignored that before in BL land.
About the number I waffle back and fort. I am currently leaning more with there are only two killers. But I can't ever fully commit to it. If you discount the quick appereances I think I have a handle on who did what and when, mostly. And they could have definately pulled it off just Phi and Tan.
Again I do still think the way the guy that is supposed to come pick them up was introduce feel like a set up for a third killer. But it could just be about making sure they are trapped there. I don't know.
I think that Tan might be a bit of blank character on porpouse because if he is the brother, which I am becoming more and more sure with each episode, the bulk of his characterization will be post reveal.
It's definately a delicate balance to struck, because if you make the character too distinct then the reveal feels like it's coming out of nowhere. I really like the actor's microexpression and the way the camera stays on his face sometimes, I think it's very subtle and the actor does a very good job with them.
Who realesed the video?
This section is a bit shorter, I mostly just want to highlight the two post I have seen pointing out some stuff about the video
This one by @firstmix
and This one by @raelle-writing
I wanted to add that maybe Tee and/or Top hide themselves in the office because they thought they could film the teacher giving Non money, and then caught something else instead.
I also think don't think (EDIT: I made a mistake in the og post) it's Jin that realesed the video.
Humans or Suprenatural
I am firmly on camp there is no supernatural, there is no cult. It's all staged.
I think the killers might be using drugs on the boys (see this post by @lukaherehelp for an excelled post on that)
And maybe some sort of induced hynosis/trance on Top, but it also just might be that the drugs and the fear are making him more inclined to help the masked killer, especially if he already thinks it's a ghost.
Also I don't currently have a specific post or remember the specific person sorry my memory is trash, but someone pointed out that sounds, the voices they hear and stuff, might also be used to fuck with people, if you are the person with that theory and see this tell me I will edit this. EDIT: @slayerkitty pointed out it was @shannankle who had this theory, thank you.
I think the dissapearing quick motionless apparitions might be some sort of projection. Specifically something tech related. I am thinking about Tan weirdly awakard talk with White about how he totally doesn't know anything about technology (that was a lie if I ever heard one)
And finally last but certanly not least: What are the killers realtionship/attitude thowards White and What is White role in the story?
White is the wild card, he wasn't supposed to be there. We have at least two conflicting statement on whose idea him coming with them was. Tee initially says, we agreed you would be good if you came and then says actually you didn't want to come and I instited later.
I don't think he is one of the killers there are way too many shots of him alone that make no sense if he is in on it.
Phi seems to be occasionally protective over him. In the scene where they are seeing Tee and White make out he is laughing with everyone but then after Tee says enough my little one will be sad (something of that effect) he turns to see White being embarred and puts a stop to it. He also always seem to want to keep White at the house where he could be safer.
Then of course there is the little awkward moment with the hands when Phi is telling him what to do for the shoot. It was such a odd moment to include, that it makes me believe there is something behind it we are not seeing.
Tan instead seems to be gently stearing him in a specific direction, the direction where he asks questions and wants the truth. Someone left the page of newspaper about Tee's uncle before leaving Fluke and White alone in the house, probably hoping that White would find it. I don't want to used the world manipulation yet, but it does feel a little like he is using him.
White has to be one of the final standing boys. I am not sure if he is going to be the only one. If Jin didn't realsed the video then Jin might also make it. And of course it depends about the killers. Making the killers so symphatethic the audience root for them is always a gamble if you want to end your series with both of them dead.
Is White meant to have some parallels with Non? Tee obviously is trying to change himself and be better for White, although he struggles between care and selfinesh still. White might also come from a poor background, the boys might have been more nice to him because they felt guilty about what happened to Non. There is also that moment with the rash that I think will have a bigger meaning eventually.
And has @shannankle has pointed out in their post on colors. He and Phi have some color connections with the orange.
I think that is it. Obviously the last question is about the ending, but I don't really have any theories I am ready to share for that yet. As you can see I am sure of very little.
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py-dreamer · 2 years
SBI & RodentHybrid!Reader
GN!Reader, (this is my first time doing something like this-)
Rats, mice and most rodents alike are under-appreciated in my opinion and I had some SBI brainrot I could not stop.
How did they find you?
Philza had just adopted his 3 chaos sons and was not expecting to have anymore children.
Tommy was 3, Wilbur and Techno were both 10
however, one day he heard tiny squeaks during a trek in the forest.
he thought it was just a regular mouse but it was too loud to be one so he followed the source and peered in the bushes and in it was lil' ol' you
you couldn't have been more than a year old by the looks of it and you were absolutely tiny! you could fit in the palm of his hand
you were also freezing cold and there were no adults around so... guess Phil's gonna adopt another child then!
Your rat features:
I put down rodent hybrid cause' I couldn't make up my mind if you were going to be a mouse or a rat (there's a difference!) so neither can your family!
You have the cartoonishly big mouse ears (think Mickey Mouse) and also a long thin and scaly tail
You also have delicate whiskers and a itty bitty nose that has a surprisingly good sense of smell
There are small patches around your body hear and there
Also, smol. Extremely small. You are by far the shortest in the family. Mice are really small so I think you'd grow to 1ft 6 at most
Rats have strong teeth so you also have a set of really strong buck teeth
Since Techno once talked with a piglin, and Phil's chat are literally crows, you can talk to other rodents
"I'm not like other people! I'm 1ft 6, I have the best sense of smell, I can talk to animals and I have a tail cause I'm a foocking rat baby"
Life with the SBI
it was rather difficult to adjust to the new family member because of the drastic height differences but nothing they couldn't handle
All the seats, tables ect have a little ladder carved in or have a step-ladder attached so you could climb up
Stairs and doors. They were going to be a problem. So Dadza made like a little elevator out of string, small planks of wood and pulleys so you can get up and down the floors. Each door in the house also had a small doggy door on it so you could easily enter...though one time a stray cat had gotten in and chased you around the house so the main door and the door to the backyard had to have little locks installed on the little doors too.
Once you got a bit older, Dadza realized it would've been a very tiring life for you to have to climb up every seat and every table and every shelf you want to use so he made a little hole in the wall under a table and built tiny furniture perfect size for you and helped you decorate your room
Any soft fabric in the house was a perfect napping spot for you. your family would often find you nesting in hoodies, cushions, jackets, cloaks, blankets ect. (Although once Wilbur almost sat on you when you got a little too comfortable and fell asleep on the couch)
I'd like to think whenever you were mad at one of your brothers, you'd steal their stuff (that you can carry ie Tommy's disc, Wilbur's beanie, Techno's gold) and hide it in your room or a small crevice that only you can fit in and they'd be to big to fit in and reach their stuff.
You would also take advantage of your size and hide in places impossible for your family to hide in but not for you! You were always the hide and seek champion and could evesdrop on your brothers from inside the walls or inside a chest.
Midnight snacks. Just all the snacks. Rats can fit through any space they can get their heads into and some can chew through metal so there was nothing stopping your hungry tummy. Phil was even considering enchanting the pantry to prevent you from theiving all the snacks (you'd share with your brothers though, Phil was just miffed you ate all the snacks before dinner and could get ill)
When you guys were going out and you couldn't keep up, you'd just ride in one of their bags. You were extremely light and it was hard to keep up with their long legs so this was a perfect solution (you 100% fell asleep in a bag once and the family almost flipped the house upside down looking for you)
Your relationship with Dadza
We already mentioned him earlier but he loves you very much
Phil was a lot more nervous to take care of you cause he'd never raised a child this small before
He was very hesitant to let your brothers hold you when you were a baby because you were just so small and fragile-
When you were little and went out with him, you always had to be on him or holding his hand. Sitting on his hat, his shoulder, riding in his bag, him carrying you, he didn't mind but you couldn't be let out of sight especially in large crowds or tall grass.
He always had at least one of his crows keep an eye on you when you went outside to play just in case anything goes wrong
He still worries about you a lot but knows that at least you can defend yourself now.
Your relationship with Wilbur
he was your big brother and you both love each other a lot
it took some time getting used to you but the moment he saw such a tiny baby, he just went 'SMOL CHILD I WILL PROTECT YOU'
in the early days, when Philza couldn't take care of you, he'd hand you to Wilbur who'd spend time with you and Tommy. Be it going to town, making a new song, going to meet Sally, he was mostly glad to bring his little siblings along
While he cared for you a lot, he still played tricks on you sometimes like when he told you that birds eat mice and you just became terrified of Phil and his crows for a good week XD
He was much more relaxed when it came to your safety (not that he'd let you go into the woods alone, like just be less protective than dadza) though he would just be wary when you guys are with a lot of people so he'd prefer it if you were riding on his beanie. He'd get weird stares but as long as you're safe, he didn't care
when composing songs and you're with him, he'd sing the lyrics and you'd sometimes squeak them back in your high-pitched voice and he would either laugh or die from cuteness...or both
rats also generally have better hearing than humans so when he was composing a song, he'd ask for your opinion to see if it was good or not
Your relationship with Techno
when you were first welcomed into the family, he didn't know what to do-
don't get me wrong he got the same 'PROTECT DA CHILD' feeling as Wilbur and even the voices told him to 'PROTEC SMOL THING' when he got them later on
it's just that you were so small that he was afraid he'd hurt you he was never as gentle as his twin or his dad and Wilbur seemed to like you so he figured he'd him take care of you like Tommy
though one day, you were out in the garden. Techno was training, Phil was in the house, Wilbur and Tommy were with friends. A stray zombie found its way to your home and it started to attack you.
you were too small to get away quick enough and tripped but just as the zombie was about to hurt you any more, Techno shot an arrow through that f*cker's head he then realized you were too weak to defend yourself so decided to train you to be stronger
Wilbur was unsure about letting you wield a sword but Techno insisted it was for the best. Eventually, Tommy bugged him enough to train him too.
it took a while but after enough time and hard work, you were able to wield a few light weight weapons and were able to hold your own at pvp by quickly darting and dodging around your opponent.
when you weren't training, Techno read you and Tommy greek mythology. Tommy would sit in his lap and you would rest on his head (if he felt like it, he'd let you two braid his hair)
like the rest of the SBI, he gave you a piece of golden jewelry, for you it was a small earing
Your relationship with Tommy
I'll be honest: Tommy didn't really like you at first
He was glad to not be the youngest but he didn't realize that he'd get less attention due to you being a baby
they still loved him of course, but Tommy couldn't help but feel jealous when Dadza helped you make your own room or when Wilbur took you on their trips to town or when you'd always be carried by Wil or dad or when Techno started training you before him ect
he'd always try to ignore you or glare angrily and naturally, you reciprocated the behaviour and thus you two always had a sort of rivalry
he'd call you names, yank your ears, tail or whiskers and in turn, you'd call him names, steal his stuff and sometimes bit him if he pulled too hard
But then, one day:
You were 10 and sitting by yourself on the swings in the park. Barely anyone else was there and you were doing your own thing. It was one of the rare opportunities when you could be alone. I mean, you did love your family and all but it was nice to have some alone time too. You were minding your own business when suddenly:
"Hey are you a doll?"
A little kid had just picked you up by your waist and you were frankly very startled. You started wiggling, trying to get out of the kid's grasp but it was too tight.
"You're a very weird doll"
The kid held you tighter and you squealed out for help.
"I'm not a doll! Let me go!!"
The child gasps "A talking doll! Mama, mama! Look, a talking doll! Can I keep it please?" they called their mother over
A woman strides over and looked down while you were trying to get out of there. She gasps in horror and shrieks
She then snatched you out of her child's sticky hands and threw you at full force into the mud.
"GET BACK YOU VERMIN! GET AWAY! RETURN TO THE MURKY SWAMP WHERE YOU CAME FROM!" She screeched while you were trying to process what just happened and collect yourself.
All of a sudden, you heard a very angry yet familiar voice from the bushes
He then pounced and shoved the prick and her brat into the mud.
Without warning, she grabbed Tommy and tried to trip him over him but before she could, you sneaked up behind her and bit down hard on one of her legs. Tommy then grabbed you and booked it out of there with the screeches of the witch behind you.
Once you two made it back home, you started to clean yourself up when Tommy handed a towel to you. He said nothing and looked away but the gesture was all it needed. The both of you were silent but a mutual care about each other started to grow that day.
it took a while but you two soon became thick as thieves
he even introduced you to Tubbo later on!
You and Tubbo relate to each other on the fact that you were both often underestimated and your shorter heights compared to everyone else.
Life in the smp
you decided to follow Wilbur and Tommy when the left home and promised to write to your dad and older brother
by now, you were as tall as you could be and could defend yourself reasonably well
you, Tommy and Tubbo absolutely cause chaos together. I mean the rat, the racoon and the goat? Who makes better thieves than that?
You definetely participated in the disc wars, stealing Tommy's discs back from Dream whenever you could
During the L'Manberg era, you decided to join your brothers' country and became good friends with the rest of the L'Manberg members. You had a little uniform and everything, you helped to plant flowers and decorate around the country since it was a bit hard to place down blocks.
L'Manberg really felt like a second home and a second family for you even with the constant battles, you still had each other and that was enough.
Then you and everyone else lost your first lives during Eret's betrayal and Tommy had to give up his discs (you wanted to steal them back but Tommy told you that it was ok and they'd find another way) but hey, at least you guys were independent now...right?
Then the elections happened. You were sure your brothers would win until the votes were revealed. They were banned from the country and you desperately scurried after them, trying not to get trampled in the angry mob
You helped them set up Pogtopia and that's when Wilbur decided to give you a job.
With all things considered, you were arguably one of the best spies on the server: You were tiny and hard to spot, you can hide in places no one would think to look, you were fast, agile and hard to catch, you have a far more superior sense of hearing and smelling and can therefore sense if anyone's coming much easier, and you can communicate with rodents; one of the most common and unsuspecting animals.
Therefore, Wilbur gave you and Tubbo the job of spying on Schlatt and Manberg. Tubbo would pretend to be on their side and you would eavesdrop from the shadows.
You should've been more wary of Wil's behaviour, he looked like he was loosing it but still wanting to help your brother, you accepted the job and spied on Manberg, giving Pogtopia info when you could.
Techno came to help and you thought that it would be alright from now on...then the red festival happened. Tubbo gave his speech while you watched from behind the curtains. Then he was boxed up and you could only watch in horror as Techno walked to the stage to execute your best friend.
You thought it couldn't get any worse when someone grabbed you from behind and took you to the stage. JSchlatt held you by the neck and learned that you were the spy sneaking info all along. And before you knew it, he squeezed your throat and you died from suffocation on stage.
Wilbur couldn't look you in the eyes after that and you were told that Techno shot a firework at Schlatt cause 'it wasn't part of the deal'
After the final battle, you couldn't be happier. You were celebrating with all your friends and looking for Wilbur before the ground shook and everything exploded.
You lost half your tail and parts of your left ear that day. But that loss couldn't compare to the loss of your brother, dead in your father's arms
You tried your best to return to normal and just when you started to recover, Tommy was exiled. You followed him to Logstedshire and tried to stand up for him against Dream but he was too strong.
Tommy convinced you to leave him and that he'd be ok and you naively believed him.
When Techno took him in, you followed him and couldn't be happier; your family was back together!...well most of them.
Then doomsday happened. Techno didn't tell you his plans and you were in shock as to why he would blow up L'Manberg now.
He then told you about the execution. That while you were with Tommy in exile, he was going to be executed by the butcher army. That news shook you to the core but you couldn't think straight with your second home being blown to smitherines again.
Afterwards, you decided to take a break from society and ran away to live by yourself in a small home you built in the woods for some time to recover.
Tommy would visit sometimes and told you about the hotel he was building with Sam Nook, Tubbo visited when he could, he even brought Ranboo with him once and told you about their son Michael. Philza visited once, he told you that Techno was doing alright but just hasn't found the time to visit. You didn't answer when he knocked on the door.
(Sorry if the end sounds rushed, its because it is. I just didn't know what to do about the rest of the extensive lore but let me know if you'd like more of these x reader stuff, only platonic though. Anyways, until next time my lovely marshiemellows!)
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miilkybnn · 1 year
I know these have been requested already but I adore your 09 and cowboy Ghost/Roach/Soap art and would love to see more!! Also, do you have any cowboy/gunslinger headcanons for the three??
I, too, adore ’09 GhostRoachSoap AND cowboy/ranch life GhostRoachSoap so you absolutely WILL see more of them, I promise!!
As for ideas/hc for the cowboy au, it’s a lot more “ranch life” based than gunslingers so if you are into that, keep reading below the line!
If not, then you are more than welcome to skip over this :}
Disclaimer: Most of my ideas are a bit scattered so I apologize for the messy layout, I’ll try my best to keep it coherent. Also, this is not all of them I don’t want this to be overly long
The AU takes place in Roach’s family ranch where all three members have been discharged from duty.
In this AU, because I like happiness, there is no war over the horizon and is simply a group of people living their lives out on the rolling plains of either Texas or Tennessee— I’m leaning more towards Texas just because I know more about the agriculture of the Texas plains.
In this AU, the 141 & Co simply live their lives from either being retired/discharged/etc. While everyone is involved (except for Shepherd, eat shit and die Shepherd), they all do their own thing but primary attention is mainly on GhostRoachSoap
Roach (+ extended background):
Roach and his other 5 siblings have the ranch under their and their parent’s name. He and two of his siblings, the youngest and the second oldest, are more active in taking care of the ranch's needs now that their parents are well into their ages. The other three help ever so often with more minor things but they have their own families to tend to and his parents don't actually live in the ranch anymore (again, due to age) and live closer to the city.
Roach, however, is the main caretaker for the ranch. He spends the most time on the land and is often alone, that was until Ghost and Soap came
His accent left when he joined the army. Came back tenfold after a week on the ranch.
Has a collection of cowboy hats and each one serves a purpose (although his favorite is his very worn-out Cattleman that he leaves by the front door to take on his way out)
Expert horse rider. I'm not saying you would see this man at the Rodeo, but he’s had his fair share of bucking broncos, and not ONCE has he been bucked off.
Though there are horses on the ranch, his horse is Estella— a Chestnut American Quarter Horse with three white socks (forelegs + right hind leg) and a star + stripe. She loves to chew on people’s clothes if they turn their backs on her.
Has slept in the barn before (multiple times) and regrets it every time (wouldn’t recommend it, very lumpy and you WILL wake up with straw in places you don’t want it to be)
LOVES cattle work, and hates paperwork 💀 (he lets Ghost, and his two other siblings take care of it) due to this, he is good at reading the animals and knowing when something is wrong!
Are good friends with the vet! (It’s his ex 💀) (They broke amicably though so it’s okay!!) (“So, like, when I kiss you??…. it’s gross” “OH thank God, I thought it was only me")
Gets SOOO distracted when Soap is picking the hay bales. Bff short circuits for a good minute before Ella gets miffed at him and throws her head back
Cows > sheep (will make an exception for baby lambs tho)
Along with Ghost, realistically both would not actually retire in some rural Texas town but because I can, let's say they decided to retire to some rural Texas town.
Soap is the most recent member to the farm and took to it like a duck to water. (We'll ignore the times he forgot to lock the chicken coop). He was on active duty but after a close call that was too close to comfort, he decided that maybe it was time to retire. Price is the one that mentioned the ranch to him, although at the time he did not know it was a ranch.
All Price told him was “if you are looking for something a little different, take a look here" and looking he went.
Not on the friendliest terms with the cattle dogs but boy do they LOVE him (they’ve tried to herd him multiple times and have succeeded) (he cusses both Ghost and Roach out for watching and letting it happen)
Loves the nitty gritty work. Hay bales? Check. Cleaning the stables? On it. Shearing the sheep? The Clippers are all warmed up already. If there’s a job that involves getting his hands dirty, he is the first in line
Sheep > cows
His horse is a Buckskin American Quarter Horse that he very proudly named Buck. This name came after Roach told him the color of his coat but was reinforced when Soap tried riding him and was almost bucked off. They became the best of pals after that, and Buck occasionally tries to nibble Soap’s mohawk for fun.
His favorite chore is feeding the animals! He loves watching them all flock to their food and munch away. He doesn't find it much of a chore as it fills him with such joy to see all the creatures he cares for flourish.
Gagged the first, second, and third time he saw a sheep give birth. Man has seen a soldier’s leg come clean off from a bomb and recovered in less than 5 minutes but BIRTH? Get the bucket ready.
Discharged after a mission had gone wrong, Ghost had no idea where to go. With no family to go back to and no friends to crash with, civilian life was looking very bleak until Price came to him with a plane ticket and an address to some rural town in Texas.
Ranch life was… different for Ghost. It wasn’t bad per say, and he can’t really find much to complain about, but it was just different. It is... steadier? softer? he's not too sure but at least it lets him sleep easier at night.
It took him and Roach a while to find a rhythm. It wasn’t easy and it was very awkward at first but eventually they were able to settle on something unique for them that worked out.
Sheep > cows
He likes to roam around with the LGDs. He greatly respects their jobs and has grown a soft spot for them. He knows he’s not supposed to distract them, but he just can’t help himself and always gives them a good belly rub.
Became good friends with the farrier. Farrier does most of the talking but Ghost will join in here and there. He really likes learning about the Farrier's different methods and likes to watch him work on the horses. (Lowkey thinking about making Jackson the farrier bc why not)
One of my favorite personal hc's about Ghost is that he is shit at naming things so yeah, he named his horse, Horse. Roach almost took his horse privileges away because of it but anyway, his horse is not an AQH like Roach/Soap but is instead one of the two draft horses the ranch has! His horse is Blue Roan Clydesdale with a very splotchy coat that loves peppermints and loves napping her days away (she’s had three kids alright she deserves it)
Genuinely enjoys doing the ranch paperwork. Sure, he has to ask Roach here and there where some of the stuff is at but honestly? Could spend hours reading and organizing the books and such. He's very interested in the topics discussed.
Earliest riser. His favorite time of the day is just before the sun peaks over the horizon where everything is blue and foggy, where condensation sits on his skin, when the crickets are still chirping, and when the mourning doves are softly cooing. Roach wakes up soon after him.
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abiiors · 1 year
with the article mentioning ross with his niece briefly, i can’t help but daydream of a fic where on his days off they go to meet his family for the first time. and she is all nervous but he comforts her.
also just from the glimpse of what we see of him when he isn’t touring , it feels like he really values spending quality time (could be his love language?) with friends and family. even when touring. really gives husband lol
bestie you are SO RIGHT! like this man is absolutely husband material and i love how much he values spending time with his family and friends. about meeting his family for the first time -
i think it happens a couple months after you first start dating. they have been really curious about you for a while and after getting hounded on texts and calls several times he finally asks if you would like to meet them. you would! absolutely! and the fact that he wants to introduce you to the closest people in his life makes you feel immensely special. so he just BEAMS at you as soon as you say yes and is all like "oh darling, they're going to LOVE you!" (almost ends up saying "as much as i do" and then gets flustered because the L word has not been said yet 👀) ANYWAY! you're very excited, already daydreaming about seeing all the embarrassing (adorable) baby ross photos and hearing about what he was like before you knew him and so the date is set. he has a few weeks off after a summer festival they're playing at and you decide a long weekend with his family would be the perfect plan.
which is when the nerves set in...
all the excitement from a few weeks ago starts draining away day by day the closer you get to the weekend, all of it replaced by nerves. and at first, you don't tell him. you're an adult! you can deal with meeting new people! and you don't want to go crying to him like a baby. but it manifests in small ways anyway. you start asking him questions like what clothes you should pack and how many and he's laughing, all confused like "baby, it's summer and we're only going to see my family for three days. just pack your cute summery dresses. i love those.' and you have to resist the urge to roll your eyes at him. so you just calmly reply "yeah, your family. whom i'm meeting for the first time. you can get away with wearing an old, hole-riddled t-shirt, i need to make an impression." and then poke him in the ribs when he giggles lol because he thinks it's super adorable that you're stressing over meeting his family like this.
anyway, the packing is done (with little help from him 🙄) and you've practised your polite "i'm a completely normal, great person" smile in front of the mirror and you've memorised people's names and faces and what they like and dislike (also subtly tried to ask him about any girls he's brought home before you and how that went). yet, you feel all jittery and just a ball of nerves all morning as you get ready and load your bags in the car. and of course, he notices. he sees how your knee bounces up and down while you wait for the toasts to be done, how you only finish half of your coffee because the nerves make you nauseous, how quiet you are; lost in your thoughts and he actually feels a bit miffed because he's so excited for today and he wants you to be equally as excited. but he also understands where you're coming from so right as you check everything one last time before leaving, he grabs your wrist and tugs you toward him so he can wrap his arms around and finally asks if you're nervous. straight to the point as always.
you consider lying but you also do want to be comforted and told that everything is going to be fine. it's actually going to be great. so you just let out a small pathetic "hmm" and he's instantly pressing little tiny kisses on your head, telling you about how excited they are to meet you. he shows you a text from his mum where she calls you "gorgeous" and a text from his sister-in-law telling him how eager she is. most importantly, he reassures you that he's going to be there through all of it. "i'm going to be so clingy that you'll get sick of me," he jokes which finally makes you laugh. so you give him a small (still nervous but a bit less than before) kiss and leave out the door.
the car ride puts you some more at ease; he has his curated playlist that you both sing out loud to at the top of your lungs and whenever he can, he rubs soothing circles on your knees and gives you cute smiles and kisses. just an absolute sweetheart. the nervous butterflies are still there as you get closer but they are nowhere near as intense as they were before. and finally his mother's house comes into view, cute and cosy. she opens the door and hugs him tightly and immediately ushers both of you in excitedly. introductions are made and you soon realise that she's very easy to get on with. secretly you're also glad that his brother and sister-in-law aren't here yet and very grateful that he planned this in a way that won't be overwhelming for you. the whole time he's beaming at the two of you, already becoming friends after half an hour of meeting each other. already ganging up on him together (hehe) and he pretends to complain and makes proclamations of betrayal but secretly he's fully lovesick at this point <3
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sugarywishes · 20 days
As I've been kind of ignoring them up to now with my questions, I may as well give them so love. So, what was the nature of the Emily Family & their relationship with the Afton Family? Did they have any members they liked and disliked, and naturally as time went along, how did Henry's feelings on them change in particular as he slowly realised the truth about his business 'partner'?
Alright, time for me to write about the most boring family in FNAF /j /j, answers below as usual! (Sorry for how long this took to get answered!)
Henry first met Barbara when his cousin had returned from Vietnam and brought her along (basically his cousin was a missionary and had befriended her family, and since yk, it was the 60s the Vietnam War was still going on, she felt super unsafe being there and he thus made a deal with her family to take her aboard for a while and return her once things died down, what they didn't know was he was from the U.S so she was pretty miffed about that.) She didn't speak English, didn't really like America and just wanted to go home at that point. Henry took it upon himself to try and cheer her up by spending time with her, and they pretty quickly fell in love :) Polar opposites attract!
Before Barb died, Henry was a lot more relaxed and carefree. As I said in his intro post, he was still kind of a party animal (although less extreme than college), and Barb preferred peace and quiet over loud music and wild dancing. She got pregnant and they were super excited to have the baby, Henry was hoping for a boy so he could make him his little clone (he would say that as a joke and it would get Barb mildly annoyed) she was hoping for a girl so she can do mom and daughter things with her. But unfortunately, she didn't get that chance when she died in childbirth, leaving Henry as a single (and very overprotective) dad.
And from there since Henry was still friends with William, Charlie and the twins would also become friends since they were closer in age (I mean they were all born the same year so 🤷) Also worth mentioning that Barb didn't really get a chance to know Will and Clara and Mike, she's only met them like maybe 4 times but she thought positively of them (because she didn't know about how kinda messed up they are...)
Now let's head back to Henry, for members he did like, well he did like all of them (to an extent, he only tolerated the kids because Charlie was friends with them and they're his friend's kids, if he didn't know them he'd suggest Charlie to avoid them) Deep down he's always been a little afraid of William, he thought he was a little off putting during college but thought maybe it was because he was shy. Turns out he was just like that and it would be awkward to cut him off now! For his relationship with Clara, it was also neutral/friendly. He only actually got to know her when she was miserable and living as an Afton, and it's been a little weird.
He used to like Mike's company when he was smaller, when he was in his teens he didn't really think that Mike would even want to talk with him since he might've been 'too lame and old school' for a teenage boy like him. With Elizabeth, he was more receptive to her since Charlie spent the most time with her, but he knew she could be explosive (sometimes it would result in her fighting with Charlie and he'd have to intervene and contact Will about it) he didn't really talk to Evan a lot (cause Evan was usually indoors in his room) but it too was also a little awkward to talk with him since he felt like he had to be very delicate with what he said towards him (in Henry's mind he basically thought of Evan as a baby/toddler, messed up mentality there bro)
Okay, going onto Charlie, she also got along with the Aftons, to the extent that she could. She knew from Mike that William was not a very kind father, but she half-heartedly believed the words he said because he was nice to her (of course he *had* to be, if he was cold and distant from her like he is any other kid besides Evan, Henry would probably not even talk to him anymore) so she thought of him as a cool uncle who let her do whatever she wanted (unlike her dad). She didn't really interact a lot with Clara however but Clara treated her with respect and Charlie gave it back too, so in her book, Clara was fine.
For the Afton kids, as I said she used to have a crush on Michael when she was younger 💀💀 but that's since passed. She doesn't really like him that much now considering he's a bully, but he was still nice-ish to her so she'll try and keep things civil between them. She's the closest with Elizabeth (cause yk, they're both girls /lh) and while being friends with her can be kind of exhausting, she still considers her her bestie! And for Evan, again she wasn't too close with him (because he was isolated a lot, he didn't get chances to play or talk to her at all either because of his own anxiety or Elizabeth not letting him because it's 'girls only!!') But she was probably the only kid his age who was nice to him, so it's warm but distant.
Okay now onto to the final part of your question!Henry's always felt a little perturbed by the Afton family but he chalked it up to them just being abnormal by his standards. By the time Evan's death happened, and the Aftons were shamed for being related to that accident, he kind of used it as an opportunity to cut them off, one; because the incident kind of fucked up business with Fredbear's, two; William was taking (in Henry's opinion) too long to grieve and too long go be away from the company so no money was coming from him, and three; to protect himself and Charlie from being associated with them.
So during the time he fired and basically irl blocked William and his family, he expected them to just leave town to save what little face they had left. So you can imagine his horror when his daughter is mysteriously found dead, he didn't immediately suspect William (he probably should've, considering Will never returned his keys to the restaurant...) and thought she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It left him super depressed 😔
After a few years (btw in my rewrite he also made the Withereds' OG location and the Toy location) a bunch of other kids began disappearing within the pizzeria after being lured by someone in a mascot costume...so employees of the establishment were the top suspects (At this time Will and the rest of the family were in hiding so no one even thought of suspecting them), then a few more kids went missing around town, and now even more people were being wary of the pizzeria! By that time, Henry had become worried that someone was specifically targeting the restaurant locations, someone that he might've known. (Then he immediately realized it might have been Will, but that can't be, he hasn't been seen in a few years!)
Then William had come out of hiding to frame Henry for everything, gathered the parents of the missing kids and got them to testify against him, and thus got Henry arrested and sent away to a mental hospital. One can't blame him for being pissed at Will!
So yeah, by the time FNAF 6 occurs in my re-imagining, they hate each other so damn much 😭😭 should've just done old man yaoi like the other nerds in the Fandom /j /lh
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fox1656 · 1 day
Roar! 8
Jake's eyes widen. "Awwwwwww! It's so cute! I wanna pet it!" He tries to step forward, but Alex restrains him, and the stoat looks miffed.
"I will not allow myself to be pet," the stoat says with contempt. "I was sent to show you the way to my masters base of operations. He is very eager to meet you." The stoat seemed to grin as it's eyes glittered.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Alex said, arching an eyebrow, his arm around Jake's shoulders. "Also, how do you know about our mission?"
The stoat chuckled. "Why, the whole forest knows of your mission. Most are just too timid to step forward. You do reek of..." The stoats nose wrinkled, "...humans."
Jake raised his hand. "I mean, we are humans."
The stoat seemed to grin again. "Yes, but we know that you are utsati. Those that can change their form."
Jake looked quizzically at Alex. "Bugatti?"
"Shut up Jake," Alex said, not taking his eyes from the stoat. "So why you?"
The stoat looks sad for a moment. "Unfortunately, I owe Andren a great debt. My finding you is part of my way of repaying that debt. My family was in danger many years ago, when there was a landslide. Andren saved us, and I have been in his debt ever since."
Jake looked sympathetically at the stoat, but Alex's face was stoic.
"Let's trust him Al," Jake said.
Alex bopped Jake on the head. "I told you not to call me that." Alex's arm comes loose from Jake's shoulder and Jake takes a tentative step away from his best friend. "Okay, we'll follow you."
The stoat looked delighted. "So glad to hear it."
Jake rushed forward and patted the stoat, and the stoat swiftly bit Jake's finger. "I said no petting," the stoat said with a snarl.
Jake stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked on it. "Owwww. Dat hurd."
"Don't do that you idiot," Alex said, pulling Jake's finger out of his mouth. "It might get infected. Here," Alex pulled alcohol out of the first aid kit and poured a little on Jake's finger, making Jake squeal. Alex just rolled his eyes and pulled out a bandaid and stopped. "Jake... Why are there only cute cartoon bandaids?"
Jake looked nervous. "I-it's all I could find."
Alex just rolled his eyes and then said, "yarrow, right?"
"Yeah," Jake said, nodding and wincing in anticipation as Alex grabbed a fresh sprig of the herb.
"Open up," Alex said, holding the herb up to Jake's mouth.
Jake's face blanched. "Just use the mortar and pestle. I...I hate that stuff."
"I know you do," Alex said, looking serious. This is what you get though. He held the herb against Jake's closed lips.
Jake finally gave in and took the herb in, chewing it with a grimace. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"Just shut up she chew. Now spit," Alex said, hold out his hand.
Jake spit out th green mess, and Alex gingerly applied some to Jake's finger, making Jake yelp and dance, while Alex held his hand in place.
"Stop being such a baby. It'll get better in a minute." Alex applied the bandaid and released Jake's hand.
Jake shook his hand, and the stoat looked up at them, a look of boredom on its face. "Shall we go?"
"Yeah. Let's pack up," Alex said, starting to pack up.
As the boys and the stoat started to head out, a crow flew over and croaked, "leave! Leave! Leave! Leave them alone!"
The stoat glared up at the sky, until the crow dissappeared. "Some of the animals up here aren't as charitable as yours truly." The stoat seemed to grin and it's eyes twinkled.
Alex motioned, still not trusting the stoat. "Let's just get going."
The stoat scampered off and Jake and Alex followed behind, unsure what they were getting into.
Hope everyone liked th chapter. Let me know your thoughts in th comments, and if you found th Cherokee word, let me know what you think it means 😉
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the-elder-polls · 8 days
TSC Friday is here again, and I’m back with my girlfailure of a Dragonborn!
This week, I’m bombarding y’all with inane little facts about my darling Avari.
Her birthday is the 30th of Morning Star, but her birthsign is the Serpent.
The name “Avari Hellebore” isn’t her birth name, but one she gave herself when she ran away from Honorhall at 16 (we don’t know when kids age out of there, so I’m going by modern American laws, I guess). Avari, because she liked it and it sounded vaguely Dunmeri. Hellebore, after a toxic flower that blooms in the middle of winter, because she hoped to embody it’s strength and beauty.
Continuing along the name line, she didn’t grow up under her birth name either, because nobody knew it; it was omitted from the note left with her. She was called Gretchen, after Grelod, and absolutely hated it.
Her actual birth name, the one only her mother knows, would have been Katariah Desidenius. (If ya know, ya know)
After leaving Riften, she spent a few years in Windhelm, with all the unpleasantness that entails. She moved on to Morrowind when she was 18, Cyrodiil when she was 19, and returned to Skyrim at 21. She’s been wandering the province ever since.
She’s not officially part of any of the factions, but has some sort of tie to all of them.
She’s demisexual!
She’s got really restless hands, and took up knitting and weaving to keep them busy. If she makes you something, you’re part of the family now.
She refuses to sing in front of most people, but she hums under her breath when lost in thought, and can occasionally be caught belting Ragnar the Red when she thinks she’s alone.
She used to have a very noticeable Rift accent (because there should definitely be more diverse and traceable accents in a setting like Tamriel, damnit!), but it faded some during her travels.
Pre-Helgen, she had waist-length hair. It caught fire during her escape, though, and she lost it up to her chin. She was secretly very proud of her hair, and thus miffed at having lost so much of it.
Absolutely cannot stand physical contact with most people, but is ridiculously touchy with the ones she likes. She practically hangs off her adoptive brother like a koala, the menace.
When she doesn’t stink of the road and whatever cave or ruin she just crawled out of, she likes smelling like lavender and wildflowers. Makes her feel pretty.
While undeniably curious about her parents, she refuses to search for them. The way she sees it, they’re either dead or clearly didn’t want her, so why open herself up to that pain?
She’s getting awfully tired of having to correct people who assume that she’s from Morrowind, especially after facing xenophobia there, too.
desidenius you say.... 👀 she sounds so intersting!! i love her already. i also wholly agree about the accents thing!!
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sonicasura · 2 months
Kafka and Psaro's home
This was it, the last time in a long time they would see there original home.
It was... emotional to say the least for Kafka to leave this house. It's were so many memories were made.
The house were Psaro's first words were said
The house were Psaro celebrated his first Birthday
The house were Kafka watched Psaro beat his very first videogame Pokemon Scarlet ( Psaro's a gamer just like his papa)
And so, so many other cherished memories that Kafka and Psaro would have to leave behind now.
It felt like an eternity as Kafka and Psaro packed there belongings, everything that was of value to them. Pictures, movies, plushies, clothes, videogames, and a couple other items of importance, too the duo. While these items seemed childish they were important to both Father and Son, as these were the things that they bounded with over the years ( and well Kafka still was a child at heart you know) each packed with the up most care and placed within the armor van.
Psaro: Papa? * Sniff*
Kafka: What is it buddy?
Psaro: Wil-Will we b-be * Hiccup* ok?
That question broke Kafka's heart, the sheer fear eminating from Psaro, made Kafka want to soothe that fear. To tell him that everything would be alright and they would be back home soon and watch some Pokemon or Yo-Kai-Watch.
Though... that would be a lie, Kafka had no idea what was going to happen next, so Kafka decided to say this.
Kafka: Psaro, I'm not sure if everything is going to be ok, however I do know that I will be right next to you the entire way, and no one will hurt you or me. This will be tough however I know your strong, just like me. We can overcome this together, now * Brings out Goobert plush* Goobert is worried about you and he feels rhat if you hold him you will feel better.
Psaro did just that, finding comfort in the Slime plush in these trying times
Kafka: Now come on bud, whatever comes our way we will face it together
Placing the last of there belongings in the armor van they entered the vehicle that was surronded by Defense Force agents and were driven off to the base to be placed in protective custody.
However out the sight of everyone they didn't notice a strange Gargoyle like creature, that was pink, had a bird like face and horns, and sported a blue tunic, shoes and sword.
????: CAW, CAW, I can't believe it, after all these years we finally found you my King. CAW, I must go report this to the others immediately.
As the strange creature flew off towards parts unknown, no one could predict what the future held
They will see their house again but it'll take awhile for the arrangements to be made. Luckily the terrain is perfect for training or running tests with Psaro's more monstrous form so a small outpost would be installed nearby before our the family comes back. Mina is kind enough to hire someone to upkeep the house until then.
Looks like the game to determine Psaro's fate has begun with the arrival of the Hawkman. The DQ gods have seen his various paths(the games) alongside the potential change he could bring to all. A few decided that Psaro deserve a second chance and reborn his soul in a different world so he would flourish.
I will say the Zenith Dragon is not behind this and was very miffed about it. Especially when word somehow got out to Monsterkind about their late master's revival. There is one more surprise that nobody expected though.
A side effect Psaro's caretaker, Kafka had inherited from the powerful bond he formed with his son. The ability to not only tame Monsters but also kaiju similar to a monster wrangler. Something that becomes known on the night Kafka gains his powers and accidentally turn the Spider Yoju that would attack Futaba's family into a Summoning Medal upon its defeat(think DQ Warriors mixed with Yokai Watch.)
You can say he really earn his Kaiju Tamer title there.
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lunerians · 5 months
would YOU like to hear some fun kieran and florian facts from my apple of my eye series? here you go.
regarding sweet foods and sweets, kieran has a preference for fruit-flavored stuff, but not the artificial ones! I feel like he'd also like tanghulu as well as other candied fruits.
kieran used to drink energy drinks almost daily pre-indigo disk, but he doesn't drink them as much anymore.
florian's choice of caffiene is tea! mainly because it's a common staple from galar. they like to put sugar and creamer in their teas, and have a preference for black teas. early grey is probably his favorite tea, though he loves trying out all sorts of teas.
since moving to paldea, though, florian's more open to drinking coffee; kieran, on the other hand, despises coffee because it tastes bitter.
florian also usually carries a big thermos of hot tea since it can get really cold in the early mornings and at night.
even though they both run a little hot, they actually love wearing each other's outerwear (jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, etc.) are they both dying in the heat? yes. are they going to take off their jacket? no. after all, it's their favorite person's clothes :)
florian probably smells really clean, like laundry detergent or the outdoors, whereas kieran always smells like candied apples. his hydrapple loves getting pets and playing around with him, so its supersweet syrup ability kinda just. rubbed off on him. permanently.
so florian's obviously from galar, right? but did you know that he's actually cousins with elio (protag from pkmn sun in alola)? both of his alolan regional forms (ninetails and raichu) were caught there when their family went to visit a few years back
also their raichu is shiny. because I have a shiny raichu named hersey.
florian is also very well known as like. That Guy that shows up whenever and usually in the weirdest places. they spend most of their time in the wild shiny hunting for pokemon (and he has a tendency to just. not check his phone at all for hours) so ppl just cannot get a hold of him unless he’s like. in the same physical space as them.
kieran's the sole exception (plus his mother) of ppl florian actually responds to on time. they’re also probably the only ppl in his favorite contacts, just so that he still gets their notifs when he’s on dnd (which is. all the time. shiny hunting requires a lot of focus!!)
on the topic of phones. kieran gets one. its a plot reason but he gets one eventually. he really wanted to wait until he saw florian again so he could have them as the first person in his contacts but carmine wouldnt let him (he has to contact his family somehow! kieran was kinda miffed about it)
kieran’s sooo a default texter. like normal caps and autocorrect. he still spells a few things wrong but he fixed it in another msg if he can. he also doesn't msg as often since he’s not used to having a phone and generally uses it to keep in touch with his friends and family.
if kieran has any social media its def to just research the trends in the competitive scene (and most of his posts are reddit style where he does intense theorycrafting with other competitve nerds)
florian's also like. ghost level texter. they will leave you on read (not actually, they turned that off so penny would stop getting mad at him for not replying for days.) he’s definitely very casual regarding tone and doesn’t talk much via text. he is, however, a big fan of calls! especially calling kieran (to no one’s surprise)
kieran's also the only one that florian actually texts to in a somewhat expressive manner. when kieran shows his texts with florian to the others theyre all like. are we talking about the same person. are you sure that’s florian and not an imposter.
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yujateaandpi · 2 years
Im sorry its been something i’ve noticed a lot in human designs but why is Leo the only turtle who resembles Splinter even a little bit when they’re ALL his bio kids and would technically be half japanese? Its just weird because the most common theme for human turtles I’ve seen is “black kid black kid black kid lightskinned blasian kid who is also leader” and its starting to rub me wrong. You’re not the only person doing it, but you are the first person to show up on my dash when the question has been itching at me.
Wow. It's actually remarkable that anyone is remotely miffed about this, but let's talk about it.
I am an East Asian artist from a multiethnic family. Some of my family members appear very Asian. Some appear very Middle Eastern. From personal experience, I can assert that all because somebody does not have the stereotypical features of one race does not make that ethnic identity any less valid. Donnie, Raph, and Mikey are also Japanese and Black. Calm down.
It is also a popular headcanon that human Leo looks more like his dad because it is stated multiple times in the show that he particularly resembles him (such as in the fish and ladders episode, or when they literally wear matching outfits in the Battle Nexus). Sometimes Blasian kids get an extra dose of the "Asian." It does not make them any less Black. It also does not make their other siblings any less Asian.
Additionally, TMNT is a franchise with heavy found family themes. Even if they're not genetically related, it should NOT "rub you wrong" to see siblings from different races, nor to see someone who is more Asian in appearance in a leadership role.
This is a largely safe fandom and it is valid to ask questions but we're talking about a sweet silly show about turtles. Let's keep this a microaggression-free space, shall we?
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okay. so voltron’s second season (”seasons” 3-6) were. well.
i have to say that i sort of vastly preferred the first production block. i definitely think the show was more in its element with the episodic “defeat zarcon” stuff than with... to be honest, i have no idea what’s happening.
i mean it started off pretty good. could have gone in a lot of directions. i was interested in the idea of lotor, whose ideology seemed to be a very good contrast to zarcon’s but still seemed to be a good villain. a darker side to the alteans, the fact that the lions can bond to multiple paladins, etc etc etc.
like idk, i know there are people that would take issue with it but it would have been kinda cool if various characters could bond to the different lions sometimes, and the relationship with each one could reveal something about the character. like maybe it would have been a contrast to zarcon, who was hyperfixated on the black lion and thought that because it was the leader, it was the Important One or whatever.
anyways this is called “inflammatoryfandomblog” and it’s time for the griping.
-> the plot is about quintessence, which... the galra empire depends on for some reason, even though it was really the druids we’ve seen use it before, and they were destroying whole planets for the stuff and using it to power zarcon’s little ego “i’m going to get the lions trip.” it’s kind of unclear what else uses it. and i think that’s like my main issue with this season/production block? aside from the S1-like episodes, it feels very muddled and hard to really get into.
i just. am trying to make sense of lotor’s plan. or haggar’s plan. or what they each wanted. or what even what quintessence does. quintessence seems to be like, a... theme-thing... for being too entrenched in the past and what you’ve lost, and so being poisoned by it is losing sight of the present by trying to recreate it. at least that’s what makes the most sense. it’s not, uh, subtle--but it’s not used well enough to relieve it of the Magical Bullshit feeling. 
(this is something she-ra has over voltron; whatever plot magic BS happens is generally woven in better, thematically, with adora and glimmer and catra--but this just might be because there’s a lot less characters and she-ra very early on drops the pretense of being political in any way; it’s the type of series that’s very transparent with that--it says “yeah lmao our world doesn’t matter this is basically a basic family story with princess/scifantasy icing”, while voltron is very different in this regard, and so this approach does it no favors, because how it developed its world was a very good selling point for me in the first production block)
like “oh we just offer them more quintessence and they’ll listen to me” seems like a really bad justification for......... anything......... and idk if they even needed that plotline, i feel like lotor wanting to create an “inclusive/fair empire” is a pretty interesting oxymoron without the weird altean magic stuff. that haggar also unlocked. somehow. i wasn’t very invested in it i suppose; it failed to sort of convince me at any point of being true to the setting, which was a real strength of the first season.
-> i remember being miffed at the lack of shiro/lotor interactions (i mean, the lack of interactions sort of gave it away that this shiro was not worth investing into, especially since it was so telegraphed that druidlady was controlling him, but i was annoyed at the time) because i dunno, real!shiro and lotor could have built up an understanding re: being forced by zarcon to do bad stuff. generally the shiro clone plot is very meh, i feel it would have been better if a) the “real” shiro was actually taken to be some sort of trojan or he’s dead and the clone has to reckon with what it means and be an actual character or b) shiro’s spirit guided them and he was a mentor figure the entire way through, only getting back into a body at some point or another.
generally the entire clone plotline was just kind of worse than most possible alternatives to it, including having both shiros be alive and kicking. as it is now shiro is basically the same as the one from the first production block and can’t have changed.
-> for a second, since most of my predictions panned out in some way, that shiro *was* actually going to be zarcon all along. that would have been wild. similarly a very funny alternate universe is one where the gang splits the comet, gives half of it to the evil alteans and half of it to the galra and simply lets them fight.
-> i liked that the characters went off and had lives/missions outside of voltron (or at least, pidge/keith) and had a few episodes dedicated to those. those, aside from the early “season 3″ episodes and the fun one-shot ones were very enjoyable breaks from the mostly incoherent main plot. i had fun watching them instead of being like “hmm. so this is a Thing now” in the Main Story 
i really feel that ultra-dramatic storytelling is not these writers’ strong suit. which, fair, i mean, i’m not a writer, but i don’t think it’s a stretch to say that they’re a lot better with episodes with some implications as opposed to long, serialized, dramatic structures as a group. i think it might just be a matter of experience; most cartoons until the 2010s were very episodic, and longer stories just have more production/meddling complications which are non-trivial, whereas with episodes, if something doesn’t work... you can just dump it. but episode-episodes also don’t play well with streaming. just kind of an unfortunate media-landscape conundrum there.
(note that japanese animation for example, while it’s very serialized, most of the time has the benefit of having source material already laid out for it. really the equivalent of something like that are like, comic book shows i guess.)
-> animation is really stellar and action is very good. studio mir is great. they always stick the landing.
-> i guess i like that they tried to do something with the idea of “the evil emperor is dead/gone, now what?” which is kind of a difficult plot to write honestly, especially when the main cast are transformer-power-rangers, it’s not obvious how to make them relevant enough to have the focus on them. (and in classic fashion, i don’t really like making suggestions.)
-> lance is going to get with allura nooooooo. i was really invested in the idea that he defects because of a hot girl. instead he just gets jealous of lotor. the sad thing is i really think they could have been at least good friends (lance/allura). the scene where allura replicates trying to flirt with the blue lion is really funny, and lance bringing out everyone’s goofballness would have been a good variant on his general archetype. instead lance is mostly Annoying and gets a few disconnected Scenes. i can’t even really think of a good lance episode this season.
-> pidge baby though. she’s obviously flawed (esp with the prisoner exchange stuff like wth lady) and like. the main plot is dead to me at this point. but i really liked her side episodes. same with keith etc etc.
-> predictions for next season (if i get around to watching it):
-> 1. sendak (zendak?) invades earth. “YOU EARTHLINGS DEFEATED ME LIKE A CHUMP... LOOK WHO’S THE CHUMP NOW???” -> 2. allura and coran start a cow extermination policy -> 3. everyone gets sent to a mental institution and they have to break out -> 4. haggar does some quintessence bullshit and tries to revive lotor or whatever. zombie lotor is horribly mangled and rips a hole through reality again! -> 5. shiro binge-watches all the series he’s missed in the time he’s been dead. he likes kdramas or wuxia. not anime though. -> 6. ?????? lance becomes embroiled in cuban politics. just randomly. (he’s the one who likes anime.)
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snarky-art · 8 months
if you don’t mind explaining, what are each of the specialists’ relationships with their formerly assigned winx members?
Biggest changes out of the way first:
Musa and Riven aren’t together. They start dating near the end of s1 and then break up around 3/4 of the way into s2, basically before the big final battles are launched in Shadow Haunt. They start off a somewhat awkward friendship in s3, and after everything is done at the end of SotLK, they’re pretty solid friends.
Aisha and Nabu aren’t together ever, but fear not they’re besties.
Sky and Bloom start dating near the end of s1 and have a kind of flirtationship during s1, although Bloom takes longer to warm up to him that Sky does to her. They date through s2 and s3 and SotLK, and they’re just as messy as they are in canon. S4, it’s getting to be too much though for Bloom, especially with dealing with balancing Domino and Earth life and getting accustomed to royal life bs and learning an entire culture and history. Bloom’s still very real inferiority issues and messy relationship with her parents are present too because they have to learn who they are as individuals while also trying to overcompensate with each other, Bloom because she’s not Daphne and her parents because they want her to feel she really is their daughter and they love her even though they weren’t there for her whole life and they’re literally strangers to each other with only a blood familial tie and giant legacy holding them together, but this results in putting a shit ton of Domino Court shit on her (gotta make sure she’s included and knows they see her as their daughter and rightful heir despite everything that happened before) and it’s too much too much too much. S4 in my thing is partially Bloom running the fuck away from her responsibilities in the magical world, Domino specifically. She goes “oh I gotta go to Alfea to talk about stuff bye. Oh look, a big thing on Earth what a happy coincidence ok bye for who knows how long I gotta go-“ Her relationships are kinda strained in general in s4 since she isn’t great at handling pressure still, and Sky and her are still having the same issues of not communicating well about stuff and Bloom can’t even articulate everything rn and doesn’t know where to start and now she has to worry about potential queen regency stuff and stretching herself not only between Earth and Domino, but Eraklyon too? No, she can’t do this. She’s tired. She breaks up with him before the big final battle shenanigans and she does it super suddenly and loudly and then dips as per usual and Sky is like. “Wtf? Yo what the actual-“ They talk about it eventually near the end of s4 and Sky is rightfully miffed at how this has been handled and how Bloom is still. Running. Away. He hasn’t been the best to her he admits that but she’s also still doing the same things when backed into a corner. And that’s,, kinda the whole point. They’ve grown the most outside of each other, and then when with each other, are perpetuating the same things that are causing issues. Sky goes we could really work on it this time. Bloom says no, I’m too tired, and for once with Bloom looking at hindsight instead of thinking moment to moment for her basic non magical life stuff, she goes if we weren’t growing and trying to be better for each other the way we should’ve for 3 years, what makes this time different? And that’s that. They don’t really talk much for the first half of s5 but they still have to work together, and it’s Weird, but it eventually gets better. Bloom is trying to get better about not running, and she did enjoy Sky, just not as a partner by the end of it all, and Sky still thinks he and Bloom had some good times together and that she’s fun, so maybe they can try getting to know each other again? As friends this time. And they have a decent start to a proper friendship by the beginning of s6, ending s5 as close acquaintances. They don’t become besties or anything, but they’re close friends and they know they can count on each other.
Flora and Helia is the same as canon. They get together by the end of s2 and are adorable.
Tecna and Timmy get together in s2 and are also adorable.
Brandon and Stella get together in s1 and are the flirty fun sassy couple that everyone knows and loves.
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iwoszareba · 1 year
i finished up answering the overdue questions for Aqil (and one for Knave)
@lairiend @gutterspeak @silversiren1101 @commander-lariel @dujour13 @desnas thank you for sending them!! and sorry i got distracted by clownery!! △ Hey Aqil, what’s an awkward fact about Kitsune puberty that most people wouldn’t know? "You probably are aware that we are natural shapeshifters. It's not a spell we have to consciously learn, it's simply an ability that is in our blood and we develop it quite young, alongside things like walking or speech. But that also means it can go a little unreliable when young kitsune are experiencing heightened emotions. You sometimes shift between your forms unexpectedly and involuntarily. For most it relates to some kind of anxiety but not always. I'll give my sisters as an example: Qurin was strongly affected by anger, while Khadija would shift multiple times when she was very excited. It's embarrassing, sure, but it wasn't that big of a deal for us since we are quite open about our family being a kitsune clan. However it must be extremely stressful for those of our kin who prefer to keep a low profile. Do I have any especially awkward memories myself? I guess I do. I was addressing our congregation as the new Meru for the first time. It was probably too soon, I was still a little off from the ritual and getting used to my oracle curse, but I was stubborn and insisted that I could do it. I barely stumbled through my little speech, got all dizzy, shifted three or four times. It was a mess. Afterwards I felt like I made a complete fool out of myself and that it was all over. I went to my father to formally declare that I deserve to be cast out and forgotten but he just put a hand on my shoulder, looked into my eyes and said: "Son, failure is not a matter of making mistakes, failure is letting mistakes you've made define you." So… yeah. It was terrible at the time but I survived just fine. I’m sorry, this probably went beyond the scope of your original question. Anyway, I hope this was a satisfying answer!" invasiveness rating: question itself not invasive, but his own folly of getting too personal was a little embarrassing △ Aqil, with Sosiel – kitsune form or not? "Let me start by saying I admire how much implied suggestive context you were able to express in just a few words. Always a pleasure to meet someone this efficient, I myself have a trouble of being quite verbose.  Another thing I find interesting is how you set this up as a big secret reveal. Yes or no! One word and we will finally know the truth. But let's put a pin in that and run a little thought experiment. No, I'm not trying to stall from time, indulge me. Let’s say you are of elven heritage but every other day you become more human in appearance. It's not a problem and you are at peace, this is simply who you are. But then you find out your beloved finds you attractive and wants to be with you physically only in one of those forms. How would that make you feel? Would you develop a distaste for a part of yourself? Or maybe you start to doubt your partner's feelings and wonder if they truly care for you. I'm not saying that everyone needs to find everything attractive but maybe some relationships would have a hard time surviving or they would devolve into something unhealthy over time. Sosiel has never given anything less than the sense of being loved completely and that is that." invasiveness rating: miffed because it’s literally just his body, but he expects people to be curious, especially in Mendev where kitsune are rare (but 100% thank you for sending it like this, i love thinking about shapeshifter stuff) △ Aqil! You read so many books and learn so many things. Do you keep any 'spicy' books on hand in your library? 'Just in case'? "Just in case? In case of what? I can't wait for the fateful day when my knowledge of "With sword and magic" plotline and 'techniques' will be the thing that saves the day.  I jest of course, I don't think I keep any books of this type on hand at the moment. I did read a fair share of them when I was studying in Absalom, if you ever find yourself there you can seek out Madame Magnolia's Library for Light-hearted Libertines. That's where most of my reading material came from.  Magnolia herself is a wonderful woman, always a delight to talk to and could endear anyone with how open and accepting she is. I once asked how her collection had started and she told me that she would say to her friends 'with every raunchy book I read I become more immune to bleaching' and to join in on the joke her friends would gift her all sorts of outlandish titles. At some point she had so many that it seemed like a waste to just keep them to herself so she started a little private library. After that her collection only grew when even strangers were willing to sell or give her more volumes to fill her shelves.  Recently I got my hands on a little fictionalised retelling of the Knight Commander's 'exploits' during the Fifth Crusade and after reading it through I knew I had to send it to Madame. I wrote a little personalised dedication, tied a pretty bow on it. I hope she gets a kick out of that and may her colours be ever vibrant." invasiveness rating: i guess depends on who would be asking this but in peers type of situation he would be okay. and i really enjoyed making up Magnolia for this question △Aqil, is there anything you wouldn't do to prove yourself to your clan? is there anything more important? "Well of course, if you leave the question this open I can easily imagine scenarios where my decisions and their expectations don't mesh completely. We are all individuals of strong convictions so obviously we clash on details. But our love is not a result of a rigid structure and enforced hierarchy, it's a decision we've made and try to maintain through care and understanding.  I don't have to prove myself to gain their respect and support because I already have it. I want to prove myself because I wish to strive for greatness just as our god teaches.  I guess you could also mean this as 'if the ancestor spirits tasked you with something could you possibly refuse' and then the answer is no. I belong to Nethys and by extension I have to follow the guiding hand of Meru. But then again guidance does not have the severity of commands and I still have plenty of freedom to make my own choices." invasiveness rating: i thought it would get him, i really did. but then i considered it some more and realised he would be prepared to answer something like that because he did think about it himself △ aqil, what are/were your parents/guardians like? "They are wonderful. And I don't say that just to maintain my image of 'everything for family' kinda guy. When I was a little kid I believed that all parents are probably like mine because they are close to old parental archetypes. The father who, while not open with his feelings in words, shows his care through actions and structure he provides and the mother who spoils her children with affection and teaches them how to find joy in life. Of course when I got to experience more of the world I quickly realised that families can run the gamut from good to bad and in-between. And my own in its typicality is far from typical. But what more can I tell you about them…  My father, Bashar Khay, is a very knowledgeable man, serious in demeanour, his very presence commands respect but his wit displays both cunning and sense of humour. He is a teacher of magic theory first and foremost even if he dabbled in other things. The two of us perceive spellcasting in different ways. Where I hear a melody and follow it to its logical conclusion, he sees rules and equations that need to be solved. But he never tried to convince me that my approach was wrong. We would simply compare and contrast and I think it made us both understand the arcane in new ways. Then my mother, Safiya Ineni, ever radiant and full of mirth. People sometimes would tell me that I take a lot after her and I consider that the highest compliment. This may surprise you but she is a bard. I mean she started her learning journey in the usual wizard fashion but when she discovered the joy of combining sounds and magic she knew this was the path for her. And to be fair she is not the usual flashy performer, she uses warm tones of her harp to calm and soothe. Her magic is not only beautiful but also helps those who are entangled in negative emotions and struggle with stress. While I don't have those talents myself, whenever I have a rough day, I play melodies she taught me and it does make me feel better. There is more I could say but I admit that talking about them is making me a little homesick." invasiveness rating: opposite of invasive, he will use any excuse to talk about his family △ for knave, what's your biggest regret?" Regrets, regrets, regrets, regrets, regrets, regrets are for mortals and other beings with enough hubris to think reason has more power than instinct. I follow my nature where it leads me. If given the same set of choices I could make different ones. Or not! But regrets… Does zephyr spite tempest for its destruction? Does tempest begrudge zephyr for its leniency? They are both made of the same force." invasiveness rating: mostly confusing, you could point at a specific thing and he’ll be like “oh yeah, kinda feel bad about that one. i guess?”, ten minutes later point at the same thing and he’ll be like “nah, that was totally fine, idk wdym”
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paracosmic-sims · 9 months
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Meet the Di Luculum family, for @wileyfern 's save file!
Fun Fact!: Diluculum is latin for sunrise/morning light
Private Download!
After two hundred or so years of being a vampire, things are bound to get... boring, as far as Erza was concerned. While transitioning helped, it certainly didn't clench his need for a more enticing existence.
That was, until he met Gustav, and fell in love with the chaos-prone human(?). That certainly brought Erza some amusement, even more so now that the couple married and had their little batling, Carmillia.
The only person still miffed about this arrangement seems to be Kaya, Gustav's adopted child who has to deal with a new stepfather and sister on top of other... changes in her life. But as it seems, her desire for a solid family structure overrides whatever lingering annoyance (And honestly, who could resist Carmie's endearing personality?)
Hopefully, a new start on Forgotten Hollow might help bring some balance to their new life (or emotion, for that stale place).
══════════ Members ═══════════
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Young Adult │ He/Him (Trans!) │ Vampire
Traits: ❖ Music Lover ❖ Familiar ❖ High Maintenance ❖ Perfectionist (?)
Lifestyles: ❖ Close-Knit ❖ Hungry for Love ❖ Indoorsy
Over his lifetime, Erza has achieved a lot of skills [and yet, my game doesn't allow me to give him the Vampire level I wanted :( ]. Though, he never quite looked for starting a family until he met Gustav, who fascinated him on first sight. And although Carmie is still very young, Erza can't wait to expand the family he created, and also teach the next generation. His relation with Kaya is still tenative, but both are putting in the effort, despite their initial issues.
When I was setting his skill levels, the game generated him the perfectionist trait. It seemed fitting, so I accepted it. The question mark is because it doesn't appear on S4 Tray Importer.
The Di Luculum surname is originally his! (Story-wise) Gustav didn't have an actual one before.
I had to physically restrain myself from giving him a Jason Todd-like white streak on his hair. But damn it would have looked good if it didn't override his piercings.
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Young Adult │ He/Him │ Human(?) │ That's a himbo if I've ever seen one
Traits: ❖ Generous ❖ Clumsy ❖ Loyal
Lifestyles: ❖ Close-Knit ❖ Adrenaline-Seeker ❖ Hungry for Love
Being in constant odds with magic really shouldn't be something a human experienced. Not that Gustav ever realized that, though. Honestly, between mediunity and dealing with whatever his daughter ended up being, getting married to a Vampire seems the most common situation to deal with, even with his little blood princess being born. Though, maybe Gustav would like to relax a little - just this once - to figure out where to go from here. But conciliating his needs with what his heart wants is a difficult thing...
Wants to be turned into a Vampire, so he can stay with Erza forever. Doesn't quite understand why his husband is so unwilling to try. (Erza is scared. He doesn't know what Gustav is, but human he is definitely not, and the consequences could be disastrous)
I originally wanted Gus to be a spellcaster, but forgot to introduce him as it in-game. So, he is a "human" with dormant spellcaster blood - a magicless child of spellcasters. He never knew his family, and doesn't seem to ever recognize that this much magic finding its way to his life is at least concerning.
He and Kaya have a Close family dynamic!
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Teenager (closest age to Tween)│ She/Her (?) │ Werewolf
Traits: ❖ Adventurous ❖ Loves Outdoors
Lifestyles: ❖ Outdoorsy ❖ Adrenaline-Seeker
Changes have been common in Kaya's life as of late (or maybe have always been?). Between puberty, her father marrying and having a kid, and... being a furry, apparently(?), it has been certainly a challenge to keep her head above water - and didn't Kaya love challenges. Though the thought of moving to Forgotten Hollow entices her desire to run wild, something about it has making her hesitate. Almost the same feeling she gets around Erza... (is it the fangs? But she doesn't mind Carmillia's fangs...).
Well, it is one more adventure to dive headfirst in!
Gus adopted Kaya when she was a kid, when she was around seven. She doesn't remember her pack bio parents much. But the longing for a strong bond with her loved ones is still there.
(She got lost. But nobody else came searching for her for days. It stings, and its worse to not even know why. They couldn't, they tried and it was too late, she was gone)
Was much more miffed with the though of her dad getting married then having Millia be born. But she is trying, despite it all.
Still is Gustav's pride and joy. He makes sure she knows she is not being replaced, though priorities are changed. All of her colorful style was, in part, influenced by the way her dad picked out clothes for her.
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Toddler│ She/Her │ Vampire │ Traits: ❖ Charmer
Ah! The new jewel of the family, Carmillia certainly knows how to get a spot in the heart of everyone she meets! She absolutely adores her older sister, most of all, and wants to be just like her when she grows up! (Which... might be difficult, given that Kaya is a wolf, and Millia is a little bat. But not impossible!)
Lucky to not have Gustav's spellcaster blood activated. Vampirism and Magic don't exactly mingle well in babies.
I opted to give her grey eyes to look at least a little alike Gustav. But I do think she looks great with darker eyes, and do believe they could get darker as she ages
Yeah, her name was inspired by Carmilla, one of the og vampires.
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