#alternate universe spies
jhdanes · 8 months
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When one of your friends is a self sacrificing idiot and takes the first bite of the Carolina reaper papper, and your other friends are overdramatic as f**k. Featuring my oc, au!kat and Au!Hunter. Ps. Sorry that there arent more reels had an infection and just coughed a lot and slept, hoping that i dont die. Enjoy the art meme tho XD #WendellandWild #theowlhouse #toh #starvstheforcesofevil #starvsevil #jackiechanadventures #totallyspies
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f1prompts · 6 months
any (galex, landoscar, lestappen, even old grid like sebson)
another spy au (sorry, im on a kick)
person A is a spy, the other is just someone that lives in the town where person A is doing some recon. They've been set up for a long time undercover, including a full job in town and a fake identity.
person B owns the bakery near person A's new life, and they sllowly fall in love. But person A knows it can't be forever (unless it can?)
DW: getting together, fluff, hopefully angst with a happy ending? but an open ending works too
DNW: character death
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queerquaintrelle · 3 months
TURN Week 2024: Switching Sides
"Some King's men who might let some things slide..." - Hamilton: an American Musical
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Or: The alternate universe when John André sees how little he is valued by the English (either for his lack of ability on the Battlefield despite his deeply intellectual and clever mind - overlooked for his efforts to the cause of King and Country, God save the King! <- until Major André is actively overlooked for being French and Swiss) André's father was from Geneva and his mother from Paris. So, hearing out Benjamin Tallmadge's side of things - facing either being branded a traitor to a side which loathes him (not you Peggy Shippen) -- in a most overdramatic and xenophobic English way or facing being hung by the neck as he squirms and eventually dies of lack of air. John André, no longer Major André, says, "Gentleman, to hell with the lot of you," and joins The Culper Ring - on their side, and lives to tell the tale.
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needlesandnilbogs · 22 days
Topics of my classes this semester, as ranked by the likleyhood I use that information to write fanfic:
0) Portuguese. I write city spies fanfic and I would love to write more Rio fic
1) Number Theory. Applicable to city spies fic about Monty and probably useful in all spy related or mirrorverse fics wherein I use codes and encryption
2) Historical costume and dress. Self explanatory mostly (historical fanfic aus).
3) Analysis. I don’t see writing about functions that much but perhaps another new magic system and therefore a fic to match?
Infinity) Glee club. (sorry irls but there is really no easy way to work that into a fic directly)
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tyiaunia-harris · 3 months
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Amechu week day three: two spies who fell in love
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blam-marie · 6 months
Hey tumblr have a look at this scene and let me know what you think about it please thanks :)
Tristan Jones stared out of the café windows at the cruise ship moored at the docks with the same unnerved trepidation he imagined straight people must feel, just before they married someone they would proceed to jokingly call ’the ball and chain’ in their wedding vows. He didn’t want to get on the ship. He was going to, and he had been reliably informed that he was expected to have a good time while on it, but he personally remained dubious that such a good time could be achieved.
For one, he would be far away from any means of repairing his electronics if they broke, and his electronics were his life-line. For two, the planned itinary of the ship was set to take him into several areas where he would be completely outside of signal range, which was worse. He hadn’t even known such areas still existed in this day and age of magically-boosted satellites and wizard wifi. For three, he was supposed to go on the cruise with Klaus Reed, of all people. Now, it wasn’t that Tristan had anything against Reed. He liked him well enough, had even worked together on occasion. But Reed was excited about the cruise, and a mismatch in attitude like that was always a pain to work around when you were trying to settle into a new cover identity.
Oh, right. There was also that: Tristan Jones wasn’t going on the Three-Months Dream All-Around Tropical Wonder Cruise as a vacation or anything of the sort. He was going on it as a spy working an undercover assignment against his will.
Think of it like a reward, his boss had told him, because he was an asshole. You’re my best agent, so you get the best assignment. In agency parlance, that meant: ‘you pissed me off somehow, but since you consistently bring in results, I’m not allowed to punish you. So I’m going to send you somewhere very scenic, for a mission that will be either mind-numbingly boring if you’re lucky, or extremely fucked up if you’re not.’ And since Tristan was an experienced agent, and he had a sense about these things, he could already tell that the second option was the most likely, even though he’d hadn’t even set foot on the godforsaken boat yet. He’d only needed one look at the mission brief to be able to tell.
According to the files he’d been given, half of the passengers of the cruise were set to board today, and another half at the next destination. Given the speed that the tickets had been sold, the lack of publicity for the cruise, and previously gathered data on some of the passengers, there was a high possibility that most if not all of the people about to board already knew each other, and may be involved in some manner of scheme. Unfortunately, what manner of scheme remained unclear, and it was one of the things that Tristan was here to uncover. With his luck, it might turn out to be anything from a terrorist plot to a weird sex cult.
Tristan scrunched his eyes shut and shuddered at that last thought. In the back of his mind he prayed to whatever deity oversaw spies (like all good spies, the god of them probably knew better than to let anyone know its identity, so he never put a name on his prayers and trusted that they reached the right godly department anyway) to not let him walk into a sex cult. Or at least not while partnered with Reed.
Once again, he didn’t have anything against the guy! And it’s not like Tristan was a prude or anything. He just… not with colleagues. Or other agents, even if they weren’t colleagues. Never again. That was a hard limit that he had set for himself years ago and he was going to hang on to it. It made his whole life so much less complicated.
Speaking of Reed, he sure was taking his sweet time. Tristan checked his watch. It was very fancy and very obviously a knock-off of an expensive brand, and would likely break down on him halfway through this mission. You’d think that would be annoying, but he knew that it was a feature, not a bug. Nobody thought that you were an undercover spy with military-grade equipment if your phone screen was cracked and your watch was a piece of shit. (That wasn’t the reason why he had been given it, though. The reason was that the hacks who worked down in Equipment hated him. It wasn’t his fault if they got offended when he returned his gear with obvious improvements in the softwares and hardwares. He wasn’t trying to insult them, he just needed shit to fiddle with on long boring stakeouts. He was a technomancer, of course he was going to mance the tech! What else did they expect?)
At T-minus-30 minutes to departure time, Reed still hadn’t shown up and Tristan was fidgeting with his undercover identity’s cellphone. He wasn’t actually supposed to turn it on until he’d boarded the ship, to reduce the risk that his movements before embarking could be retroactively tracked. But his partner was way beyond late now, and Tristan needed to know what the fuck was going on. Reed had been delayed, obviously, but Tristan didn’t think it was a catastrophic — or permanent — delay, or he would have received some signal to abandon mission and gtfo. So, what, was Reed just stuck in traffic? Did he slip on a banana peel and twist his ankle? Had he misread the briefing packet and was waiting in a completely different coffee shop? Tristan’s thumb hovered over the phone’s home button. He was just going to text him real quick using the café’s wifi, and then hack into the router to erase his tracks. With his skills, he was reasonably sure that no one but his partner would ever see that message.
The café’s door jingled. Tristan glanced up and away, reflexively, then froze. He slowly put his phone back down and shifted, ready to spring up from his chair. Right, so the mission was fucked-fucked. Good to know.
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Yeah alotta posts close to eachother, don't mind me
So you know from my pinned post that BA is in a futuristic timeline, so much so that phones aren't needed to communicate anymore and aren't really a thing people need anymore-
There aren't really any physical meetings, as projections can just pop up about anywhere, glasses have all this tech in them- no one really needs to learn languages anymore as devices can translate as a person is talking-
Now all the seven kingdoms (CITIES) are varied in how advanced they are- how futuristic- of course Hugo's city is the most advanced and gosh half the things fly or hover- nothing stays on the ground... and they may have somehow created a portal.
NEARLY EVERYTHING IS TECH- including the animals-
Cue in Donella saying "back in my day, animals were real"
Olivia- Olivia was the first AI mouse- not that anyone really needed an ai mouse- and of course, Hugo built her. Liv is highly advanced, maybe more than any other robot- though she doesn't look it apparently. Just don't judge a book by it's cover, even if it looks run down and rusty.
Ruddiger- ah yes, the dearly loved Raccoon cyborg of Varian's. Ruddiger lost his back legs and an eye from an incident shortly after Varian first threw him out- of course he came back and V couldn't just leave him like this so- Cyborg raccoon with lazer eye.
Karma the ferret- a random ferret that seems to have followed Yomg around for unknown reasons- everyone thinks Karma is a spy but she isn't, just a- real ferret- one of the rare cases of an unharmed real animal.
Max- the only full on robo horse te City of Corona have, he's brilliant for crime fighting and keeping things safe. He also weirdly has an obsession with apples, despite not being able to eat them.
Pascal- we have another cyborg situation here- in this case pascal is mostly Cyborg- I mean with everything he's gone through this was bound to have happened.
(Next BA post will be charectar information)
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Due to my absolute nonsense, I have two new ideas-
One is partially dedicated to a mutual, the other’s one of my own design buuuttt hear me out: spies. or pirates. Take your pick on which one to talk about first. I’ll still write about both though!
Chaos is ahead!
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onceandfutureclotpoll · 5 months
Title: The Bet (The One with the Las Vegas Wedding)
Author: Detochkina
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Merlin Emrys is used to living life on the go. As an agent for the Agency of Magic, Merlin’s days are consumed by travel, exotic locations, and battling a faceless rival -- an officer from the competing Bureau of Corrections, who is always hot on his heels and ready to one-up him.
When Merlin is sent on a mission to Las Vegas to secure a powerful artifact, he allows himself one night off. Just one, because he bloody deserves it. Drinks and foreplay lead to a bet with a hot financial advisor he just met. Merlin ends up as a newlywed. Oops.
Part Two:
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felixisfruity · 5 months
saw a tag on ao3 and i was like hehe my mutuals like a thing that’s like that
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jhdanes · 1 month
MINI COMIC UPDATE! || AU-GUST 2024 || MONDAY, 19. August || 2024
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☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ 𖤓 WEBSITE𖤓 SUPPORT𖤓 TIKTOK 𖤓☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ Spies AU bartender Steve was not prepared XD.
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queerquaintrelle · 1 year
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Turpin is condemned to die. To hang upon the gallows high.
Or, the AU in which Benjamin Tallmadge faces the gallows.
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needlesandnilbogs · 5 months
4, 26, and 30 for the ask game? 🥰
4: a story idea you haven't written yet
... most story ideas I write down whatever comes to me and work on it for as long as I keep my interest up, usually that's a few paragraphs or so? I don't think I really have "things I haven't written" so much as "things I've started and want to finish eventually" lol. I guess the closest thing is the "just a name for the au and a note on the plot or a single sentence" stuff?
... at least for murderbot. I have a lot more discrete ideas with no words for city spies like the superhero alternate universe that @fishyupmywishy and I considered for a while (can't dig through discord dms for all of this but clementine was a hero turned supervillain named Queen Orange (now Dark Orange) and Paris had a chess theme), "#giveMontyAGirlfriend2k23" (monty/magpie shipfic), and a mirror universe.
One day I will write all of these. I swear. also I absolutely do not have an au problem shut up
26: are you able to write with other people around?
I write everywhere. Very often on my phone, very often when I'm around other people. so yeah.
also I write in linear algebra bc the professor doesn't teach so I'm only showing up for the attendance grade. and in the dishroom when it's quiet and nobody's doing any actual work. so.
the fanfic brain rot is real okay
30: share a fic you're especially proud of
I did this one earlier but in the interest of practicing being able to talk about my stuff without falling apart in embarrassment, here is a different fic I am proud of: Preserving the Mines, aka what happens when an adhd person raised by historians hyperfixates on 1854 sacramento for a month and then gets really into it. aka what if murderbot and company were gold miners during the second gold rush. (read the tags and keep an eye on the content warnings. it does deal with slavery and the aftermath of the Perkins case)
Since I shared something at most half related when Stars asked this number last time I'm going to share a fun note from my "research" aka do you want to hear about one of the few historical inaccuracies in the fic: the location of the Preservation mining camp.
they should not be hanging around Paradise Beach because there's no gold there nor is it a good place to camp, but there they are bc this is a site I can imagine the physical features of fairly easily. also this is a public river beach now known for both nudity and drowning, things mb would hate.
I have way more stuff about this au I never posted, I should go back to writing 1854 overse's diaries and 1854 mensah's letters to her parents and share some of those eventually lol
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sillysnowden11 · 2 years
Secrets and Shadows is receiving a update soon!
AU Shikatema featuring spies, betrayal, and eventual smut cause why not. Finally decided to dust off this WIP and write again happy 2023 everyone!
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yesterdaysnewts · 2 years
Hi yes hello here are a random assortment of saf aus i have some of which I have already talked about but hahahah branrot
Saf x pacrim au
right so essentially Curt and Owen are jaeger pilots but then Owen 'dies' so Curt retires, only returning for the end of the world where it turns out Owen isn't dead but instead took up a different role within the PPDC
Teacher au
Curt's a maths teacher and Owen's an english teacher, with the two becoming close while having to be form tutors for the same form. The student body thinks they hate each other however hence funny stuff enues. Easily one of the more happy aus in this collection
Childhood teenage? friends au (canon era)
Curt (round about 16) gets outed as being gay in his hometown so he runs away. One a train up north he meets a guy who owns a mechanics shop in London that's currently short on staff during WW2, the guy offers him a job and Curt excepts landing him in London. There he meets a young Owen, still dealing with the grief of his parents deaths and currently homeless because of the blitz, and the pair of them form a bond
Childhood again teenage? friends au (modern era)
In which Curt's grandparents own a campsite where they have a little cafe on site where Curt works when he's not busy. One morning after a storm that has had Curt running about, helping his grandparents prepare food and ushering guests inside before they get blown away with their tents, Owen and his family show up. Curt and Owen become friends being similar ages.
Actor/Celebrity au
Owen is a theatre performer and Curt is and action movie star. They meet when put on a celeb special of show. or alternatively they put in the im a celeb jungle cause i think thatd be funny
sports au
Owen is a rugby player and Curt is a baseball player. They meet at some fuckjng sports gala idk how professional sports work and get so drunk they have a one night stand, the two are now left to deal with their feelings and fending off press due to some images taken.
thats all for now i can feel myself going delusional as its almost midnight and im i am tieed as fuck id any of this deosnt make sense it is because i am tired i am always tired but my body does not wait when it comes to my specialist baby girls
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Genuinely try to make angsty Varigo aus where they end up separated but either I can't deal with it and make an optional sequel for the story myself (SILVER LINING as an example)
OR MY PARTNER CAN'T DEAL WITH IT AND THEN I MAKE A CANON HAPPY ENDING (BA-or Broken Apart- my extremely futuristic au where phones are rarely used anymore and oop. There's evil spies)
SO I FINALLY MADE ONE THAT I HOPE WILL NOT CHANGE- based on the song heather:3
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