#always a little teary when i finish a project
reds-skull · 1 month
The finale! Post script will be uploaded right after this, fair warning it's a damn long one lol
Thank you for reading this far, this chapter is called "Where All Permanence Rests". Enjoy!
Edit: I forgot to add the final poem before, it's fixed now!
Page 67 of the “Blooede Starvatfōre-dēde”, parable 18:
The village people, hearing of the hunter’s fall, Find before them, the Blind man and the Beast, Yet they do not look with malice, they do not fear, As the veil has been taken away, their eyes see truth, That this is no Beast, but a man. The Beast, the Cursed Man, He does not rejoice, for the Blind Man has seen him justly, When all saw a monster.
I don’t think I’ve ever written an actual letter, like this. Certainly not in circumstances like these. But this is the most secure way to contact you. I shouldn’t talk to you at all, if we’re being honest, but… I couldn’t just leave without a word.
In the following weeks, or days (depending on when this letter will reach you), you will receive news that John MacTavish is dead. And for all intents and purposes, in all ways but physical, I am dead.
I’m writing this to apologize, and to thank you. 
Simon never thought he would return to Mexico by his own volition. Even before Soap, he refused to take jobs anywhere near Central America.
Only Johnny could give him enough strength to be here.
It also doesn’t hurt that they’re not here to fight the cartel.
“déjennos en paz!” a man screams further down the cobbled street. ‘Leave us alone.’ 
From the American-accented shouts that follow, the man’s pleas are ignored, “donte esta el Irani?!”
A woman joins the man, screaming that they don’t know. Simon continues sneaking past dark roofs. They can’t afford to attack just yet - their target has far too many soldiers in their disposal at the moment.
A couple of shots ring out, making his steps falter. The woman screams in anguish. He closes his eyes, attempting to not sink into the familiar embrace of cold indifference, like his instincts tell him to.
Being more than a weapon has its downsides.
“Johnny. Solid?” Simon answers on their private comm line, his partner’s voice relieving some of the uncomfortable ache cinching at his guts.
“Aye. Think I can see ye.”
He looks around for a moment, finding the red skull mask across several rooftops, crimson barely visible in the low light, “did you find any sign of the Vaqueros?”
Simon can almost feel Soap’s frustration from here, “negative. Only thing Ah’m seeing are American bastards and fucking corpses.” he grunts, “feels like the Hunter all over again…”
“Focus, Sergeant.”
“I am, LT.” he watches Soap’s form disappear between buildings, “gonna get on the ground, search for anyone we could rescue.”
“Copy, I’ll keep an eye on Graves.” Simon clicks off, knowing they both need the silence. 
I’m sorry I couldn’t be a better brother to you. That I couldn’t take my head out of my arse and simply live a normal life, be normal. I think I never learned how to. But you deserved better. Could you tell maw I’m sorry as well? I don’t think I’ll make it to Christmas in the next… However long I have left to live.
Don’t worry about me (I know you always do, and always will), this is why I wanted to thank you.
After you called, on the day I got the notice of the eviction… I realized I couldn’t do this anymore. Couldn’t pretend I was fine, couldn’t keep this same, soul-crushing monotony, day in, day out.
Laswell contacted them two days ago, asking them to land in Las Almas and keep an eye on an American PMC called “Shadow Company”. They came to Mexico to collaborate with Mexican Special Forces to capture an Iranian and his stolen missiles. On paper, the citizens of Las Almas shouldn’t have been involved at all.
Graves and his Shadows move to another building, where several men have been rounded and lined up against a wall.
Reality never seems to match what’s on paper, when it comes to wars.
The Shadows lift their rifles, and shoot the civilians.
They don’t know what made Graves turn. But that’s not Simon and Soap’s job to figure out. Their only interest is to minimize civilian life loss and rescue the Vaqueros, the Mexican soldiers the Americans betrayed.
A weak voice on the other side of the block catches his attention. Simon makes the split second decision to take his eyes off Graves and investigate.
“No- let her go!” a woman, a mother, screams at a Shadow ripping a child away from her.
The kid in his arms cries, “Mommy! Mommy!”
“What do you think you’re doing, I’m with the police-!”
Simon catches another soldier moving to shoot, and in a flash, he takes hold of two throwing knives, and buries them deep within the Shadows’ throats.
The policeman and his family look at the soldiers fall with horror and confusion. Simon jumps down, revealing himself.
“Find a vehicle, and get out of the city. The Americans are not going to stop until they find what they want.” he grounds, staring at the cop’s eyes.
The mother asks shakily, “what- why are they doing this-?!” but the cop pushes her and the child, nodding grimly to Simon.
He climbs back up not a moment later. A voice in his mind tells him this maneuver might’ve costed him his cover, but alongside it, Simon doesn’t feel regret. He has learned to appreciate any win, no matter how small. And for those people, it is not small.
So I ran. I can’t tell you to where. I can’t tell you what I found there.
But I can tell you who I met. He’s… fuck, how could I describe him?
He was such a cunt at first, you would’ve ripped him a new one. But I learned he was also running away, in his own way. That he’s been running for a long, long time. And when I met him, when we actually started working with each other…
I felt like I was alive for the first time in a year.
“Ghost” Johnny startles him from thought, “found a Vaquero. Yer…?”
“Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra. Who are you?” a farther voice barely comes through the radio.
“Soap. Laswell sent us.”
“Kate Laswell? Are you with Shepherd?!”
Simon grinds his teeth, “we’re not under anyone’s command, Parra. Not military.”
“You’re… you’re mercenaries?” he can hear Parra curse under his breath, “is it just you two?”
“Aye” Soap answers, “Laswell hasn’t burned ye yet - she asked us to help ye.”
The Sergeant Major seems to sigh in relief, hopelessness coloring his next words, “I’m glad. Though… no.”
He sounds more assured when he speaks again, “my soldiers and Colonel have been captured by Graves. I’ll need any help I can get to rescue them.”
“You got it.” Simon rumbles, “any intel on their location?”
“Negative. Alejandro has a safe house outside the city, I might be able to find out if we get there.”
“Alejandro?” Soap asks.
“My Colonel.” Parra says, noticeably sadder than before.
“We’ll get him back, mate.” Soap attempts to comfort, “Ghost, still got eyes on Graves?”
Simon internally grimaces, “...negative. Had to help some civvies.”
He didn’t expect the pride in Johnny’s voice, but in hindsight he should’ve, “understood. Ye see the church tower from here?”
Simon looks at the far distance, a tall building lit by an orange glow towers over the city, “affirm. Lets RV there.”
“Aye. Keep yerself safe.”
“You too Johnny.”
I don’t know how, but I have the feeling me and him were meant to meet. Not in a soulmate kind of way… I’ve been feeling things like that a lot, since I ran. Like this is where I would’ve always ended up being.
You will not meet me again, most likely. Me and him… Just our presence will put you in danger. There’s a reason they had to kill us both on paper. Can’t tell you what we’re doing that required that, but you know I was never one to stick to things like “rules” and “laws”.
We’re not alone in this, we have allies, people that want to do good, but are stuck in a system that refuses to change to do that good. I wish you never experience the amount of evil truly festering this world, and we are fighting so you never will.
He begins combing the streets for Graves’s trail, mostly tuning out the conversation between Soap and the Sergeant Major. From what he does listen to, Graves’ betrayal seemed to come out of nowhere - they had successfully disarmed a missile not a day prior, having interrogated a cartel lord who aided the Iranian.
They were so close to finishing the mission. Which is why, when the Shadow commander turned around and stabbed them in the back, only Parra managed to shake off the shock and escape.
Graves is still on the hunt for the Iranian, convinced he’s hiding in Las Almas, while also searching for Rodolfo. It won’t look good for business if he can’t wrap up things cleanly, Simon muses darkly. He had enough encounters with PMCs in the past to know how they operate.
He eyes a group of Shadows standing around a couple of fresh bodies, all seemingly focused on their comms. 
After a few moments, one of them answers to whoever is ordering them, “I’m here with a few others, sir, we can go search the area for the Mexican.” the soldier pauses to hear the response, “yessir! Let’s go, they spotted him at the northern plaza!”.
The group instantly starts sprinting, Simon following while radioing to Soap, “Johnny, Shadows heading to the northern plaza, said someone saw Parra!”
He hears the Sergeant Major through Soap’s comms, “mierda!”
Simon has to jump over an alley when the roof he’s been running on ended, “I’m on my way to you, can you hold them?!”
Soap huffs in a way that tells him he has something up his sleeve, “we’ll smoke up the plaza, they don’t know Ah’m here.”
He can just imagine Johnny’s sharp grin under his mask, “going undercover, hm? A man after my own heart.”
“Always, Simon.” Johnny whispers, just for his ears. Simon ignores the way it makes a shiver go down his spine.
Up ahead, a plume of smoke rises between buildings. Soap leaves his comms on, letting Simon hear how Johnny takes hostiles down one by one, going quiet until his cover is blown.
In the streets below, more and more soldiers funnel towards the plaza. Simon grits his teeth, pushing his legs to run faster. He will not let Johnny enter a losing fight, not if he can help it.
The shooting abruptly stops, making his heart still. A few moments pass before he can hear Soap’s voice growling, “let him go.”
He can hear the Shadows laughing, a churning noise grating on his ears. Simon slows, keeping to the swaths of darkness.
A half circle of Shadows formed in the plaza, Parra and Soap facing them. In the center, a shadow holds a pistol to a young boy’s head.
Simon doesn’t even attempt to swallow down the disgust that rises in his throat.
“No can do, pal. Drop your weapon and give us the cowboy, or the kid gets hit.”
He drops behind the Shadows, knife slipping down his sleeve silently. With careful steps, he closes in on the center soldier, while Parra curses at them.
Over the soldier’s shoulder, he meets Johnny’s eyes. With no words, they communicate. He waits for Soap’s signal, watching his Sergeant lower himself. To the Shadows, it seems like he’s bending down to place his SMG on the ground, but Simon can almost feel the tension coiling within Soap’s muscles, readying himself to fight.
“Alright, Alright!” Soap shouts, “I’m dropping my gun, just let the boy go.”
Johnny nods minutely. Simon strikes.
In a motion he’s done a million times before, the knife swings in an arc before burrowing into the Shadow’s neck. Simon doesn’t waste any time pushing the body aside, grabbing the young boy and pulling him back.
Soap snarls, righting his gun and spraying bullets to his left, clearing a path for him to take the kid and shove him into cover.
He swings around, ducking under a hostile’s incoming knife, unsheathing one of his own and easily stabbing it into the underside of his jaw. He throws it at another attacking soldier, noticing Soap and Parra being pushed back into a corner.
One of them gets the jump on Soap, the two falling to the ground in a struggle. His heart leaps to his throat, where it shouts, ‘Johnny!’
Simon takes a rifle off of a body, inhales to steady his breath.
Focuses his rage on the targets and shoots.
He drops the gun, rushing to Soap. The bodies on the ground don’t move.
A fast-paced chant screams in his mind ‘where is Soap is he broken is he dead have you failed him-’ 
“Ngh… Steamin’ Jesus, this fucker’s heavy.” Johnny grumbles, shoving the body covering his off.
Simon stares at him for a moment, before dropping to his knees and pulling him up. He searches for injuries on Soap’s body before two gentle hands stop him.
“Ah’m good, mo chridhe. Solid.” Johnny’s hands don’t let go, instead caressing his bloody palms.
An unexpected wave of emotion crashes into him, filling his lungs with warmth. He doesn’t know if it was the split second moment where he thought Johnny might be dead, or the gentle way he’s now comforting him, somehow always knowing when he’s panicked.
Maybe it’s all of it, that makes Simon blurt out, “I love you.”
And Johnny, despite having the majority of his face covered, looks up at him with so much care, blue eyes almost glowing behind the red mask.
Those eyes crescent with joy, Johnny pushing his forehead to bump against Simon’s in affection.
“I love ye too, Simon.”
And Simon finds himself thinking, that this is what he was meant to be.
I’ll be trying to write as much as possible, but if this is the only letter you’ll ever get…
Just know that if I died, I went down fighting, and I went down with him. And I couldn’t have been happier with the way I lived.
I love you so, so much.
Page 100 of the “Blooede Starvatfōre-dēde”, parable 20:
Where is your destination, now that the curse has been lifted, The Blind Man asks, with nothing but kindness on his tongue. I have no place to belong to, the once-Beast answers, Nowhere, but the path I walk with you, my fallen knight. Then we shall travel together, until we return to the earth, And perhaps, if God is to be so merciful, The paths we take will always, and forevermore, Be only by the side of the other.
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notafunkiller · 5 months
not made of glass
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Summary: After shopping for your Christmas tree and running into an old acquaintance, Bucky's mood completely changes.
Pairing: director!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader
Warnings: 18+, age gap (r is 24, Bucky is 36), degrading, praising, chokíng, teasing, dirty talk, language, pet names, come eating, jealousy, a little metal arm kínk, daddy kínk, no condom (but they are both clean and r is on birth control), implied aftercare, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 3.3K
story masterlist
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: An extra thank you @lavenderhaze967​ for her help and support!
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
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He’s sulking. You don’t know what happened since you came from the tree shopping, but he’s been like this for hours.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I can try to take over,” you offer for the fourth time from the living room.
You don’t know how to cook. And even if you tried, you wouldn’t be as good as him, but you don’t want him to do it if he doesn’t feel alright.
“No, no, it’s fine.”
You sigh when you hear his voice. He sounds so off... but he refuses to tell you what’s happening, and you can’t push him more. Maybe it’s work.
“Bucky, you know you don’t have to do anything, right? We can order something. If you don’t feel like it, I can even...” But you pause, knowing better than to continue the sentence. Both: give you some space or leave you alone for a bit would be wrong. “Did something happen? With the project I mean.”
You drop the ornament on the couch and make your way to the kitchen.
Without waiting for him to answer, you wrap your arms around his waist from behind, pulling his back even tighter against your chest.
The Christmas tree and the food can wait. And you definitely don’t care about his covered in flour apron. You just want him to know you’re there.
You feel him tense for a few seconds, but you don’t move, instead you place your palms on his chest and hug him harder. That’s when he melts, his shoulders dropping a little. You smile before leaving a small kiss below the back of his neck.
“Who made you mad? Who do I kick?”
“I’m not... I told you I’m not mad,” he murmurs, but you don’t buy it.
“Ever since we bought the tree, you’ve been acting strange. You’re so tense, bubba.”
Bucky sighs, shaking his head at the same time as he decides to cover your hands with his. They’re warm and a little sweaty.
“I am just nervous about the food. I don’t want to screw it up.”
“Did I do something wrong? Tell me, don’t lie to me when I clearly want to solve this.”
You take a step back, upset, dropping your hands. This is not going to be a good conversation if he isn’t going to really talk. You don’t even know what you did wrong.
“Hey, hey! You didn’t do anything wrong. I am so sorry, but it’s really-”
“If you say it’s nothing one more time!” You snap, unable to keep your voice down. You don’t want to fight with him, you never do. It’s the worst feeling in the world, but he refuses to share. He is so stubborn!
“I am sorry.”
“Just tell me what happened. What made your mood change like that?”
“It’s silly,” he says, wiping his hands on his apron. “Nothing happened. Just... you know, it happens.”
Of course mood changes can just happen, but, in his case, unless it’s something that is really bothering him, it doesn’t last for so long. And he always talked to you about it, so it must be something you did.
“Did I do something Bucky? Did you,” you bite your lip when you feel yourself starting to get teary. You’re not going to be a cry baby. “Feel embarrassed by me?”
He jumps, bringing his hands to cup your face gently. You don’t move, enjoying his touch so much. “Bubba, no! No, no, no. I told you, you’re perfect. Fuck,” he curses, looking away. “I should be the one asking you that... if you feel embarrassed to be seen with me”
“When we met with your... friend. I know we talked about our age difference before and all of that, but-”
You interrupt him before he can finish that sentence, still shocked. He was sulking for hours because he thought you’re unhappy to be seen with him all of a sudden? “When have I ever been embarrassed to be seen with you, bubba? I thought I made my feelings quite clear from the beginning. Did I say something today to make you feel this way?”
You’re trying to remember anything that could have triggered this type of thought, any gesture... anything, but you genuinely can’t find anything.
“This is the thing... you didn’t. You were just yourself: sweet, funny, and amazing. You reunited with your friend and all I could think was how much I want to...” He closes his eyes as if he’s fighting something inside his mind.
“Wanted to do what?” You push him to continue, happy he is finally opening up. You hate when you don’t know what he’s thinking about because you can’t reassure him like this.
“I’m a jerk, baby. I wanted to wipe off the smile on his face and take you to the car to fuck you. It’s immature, I know.” He brings his hands to his hair and he pulls. And pulls. “But I’ve never had this urge before. It was eating me alive.”
“You were jealous of Mickey?”
“I was, yeah,” he admits immediately. “The way he looked at you, the familiarity, the jokes... you giggled at his comments, and I thought I am gonna make a scene right there and then fuck you until you’re so full with my come you start dripping.”
That surprises you even more. You didn’t expect him to be jealous, especially not on this level since he’s always calm and collected, and you’re the one going crazy. And him wanting to fuck you with this urgency? It makes it even more interesting.
“He smiled quite a lot, didn’t he?” You bring your hand casually to his chest again. “Well, we know each other after all. He was one of my professors’ assistant, remember?”
Oh, how can he forget?
“Yeah, I remember very well, baby, trust me.”
“Should I tell you a little secret?” You move your fingers up until they reach his bottom lip. You want to distract him, to push him to get what he wants, ao you can see more of this side of him. “I kinda had a crush on him. He was like the hottest guy in my classes, you know?”
She immediately notices a flicker of darkness in his eyes, as if she’s just touched a nerve.
“You had a crush on him, huh?” He asks through his teeth, but not aggressively at all, more like challenging. He probably knows what you’re trying to do, but he still responds.
“Yep.” You grin playfully. “A huge one. My first real crush to be honest.”
“You’re enjoying this.” Bucky shakes his head, smiling.
“I don’t enjoy you thinking I’d be embarrassed to be seen with you.”
Surprisingly, he grabs your waist, pulling you toward him. You whimper when your breasts crush against his chest but stay still.
“You know exactly what I meant, don’t play.”
“And I see your mood changed all of a sudden.”
“Are you horny because I got jealous? Is that it, baby? You want me to-”
You groan, interrupting him, as you move your hips a little to meet his.
“I am horny because you were so close to going feral on me.”
Bucky smiles in a way you don’t think you’ve seen him smile before. It’s playful in a different way, as if he’s hiding something, and the fact you’re in the dark brings him endless satisfaction. Then he grabs your cheeks with his left hand, the coldness making you jump a little.
“You wanted me to go feral on you, huh?”
You don’t let him enjoy the moment for too long as you cover his hand just to move it lower until it rests on your neck, nothing you’ve never done before. But he surprises you again by actually squeezing the sides teasingly without taking his eyes off you.
You can’t help but whimper. You’ve wanted him to choke you for so long, but you didn’t want to push. It looks like he did too.
“Want you to go feral on me now too.”
You expect him to tease a bit longer, maybe even make you beg for it, but he doesn’t. He quickly rips your shirt in half, buttons flying eveywhere in the room, but he doesn’t give a fuck.
At least you aren’t wearing a bra, otherwise it would be ripped, too.
He’s not gentle when he turns you around by your hair, and you groan, the pain bringing pleasure, when you feel his fingers close to your roots. Your knees are suddenly weak too, but his grip on your waist as he pushes down your pants and panties at the same time keeps you on your feet.
He’s never been so fierce with you... always so careful. But you wanted this. You craved this.
“You’re gonna get it, don’t worry.” He pulls your hair again, and you moan. “Gonna make you my comeslut in a sec. Walk.”
You don’t say anything as you move to the living room quickly, with his hand still in your hair. You step out of pants and panties right before you reach the threshold. You don’t him to slow down, you want him to fuck you the way he craved it when you ran into Mickey.
“Hands and knees.”
You turn your head as much as his grip allows it and smile. “Ask me nicely and maybe I’ll consider it since you held back today. Why should I-”
But he doesn’t let you even finish your sentence as he is pulling your hair to guide you down. He’s not even doing it hard, but it makes you so wet. You love this side so fucking much.
“I’d advise you to do what you’re told.”
Even his tone is more demanding and deeper. You close your eyes and, despite your urge to be a brat again, you get on hands and knees as he told you. You want his cock more than anything.
“Like this?” You tilt your head enough so he can see your smirk, knowing the patronizing tone will drive him crazier.
“Need to fuck the attitude out of you, don’t I?” He smiles back, lowering his sweatpants. You turn your head, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing you blush.
“You can try, but we both know that’s-”
He’s not just at your entrance, he’s pushing inside you.
You gasp, surprised he did this without warning you.
“You okay?”
You nod, hoping he can see you, when he grabs your ass. He pushed only a bit, waiting for your approval.
“Bubba?” He whispers, and you can sense the worry in his voice. But you’re really wet and horny, and you want to be fucked.
“F-fine. I’m fine, keep going. Please.”
“James?” You try, unsure, feeling him getting inside you deeper and deeper.
“Sweetheart, that’s not what you usually like to call me, is it? Don’t lie to yourself.”
“W-what?” The way he’s filling you makes it impossible for you to focus. You can barely breathe properly.
“Aren’t you a comeslut for daddy? Why do you prolong your suffering?”
“I’m not...” you whimper, playing around. “I’m not a comeslut.”
“You’re right, you’re not. Yet.”
He starts thrusting pretty slowly, probably wanting to make sure you’re getting used to it, but his hand in your hair shows you that things aren’t going to be so tame for long.
“God, look how fucking wet you are, doll. Taking me so well, hungry for my cock.”
You whimper, thrusting your ass back because, as he speaks, he slips out of you completely, letting you empty.
“Daddy, please.”
You don’t care if your neediness is evident in your voice, Bucky already knows you’re desperate for him. And after he’s been sulking and refusing to tell you why, he owes you this.
“Come on, fuck me. Gimmie... gimmie your cock. Pound me. Didn’t you say you were gonna go feral?”
He doesn’t need another invitation, and you realize immediately he is not going to hold back as he grabs your hips with more force than before and slams inside you. His balls hit your clit over and over again, and you moan even louder, tilting your head so he can get the hint you want him to pull your hair. But he ignores it.
He continues to fuck you without stopping, making sure to almost pull out completely a couple of times just to push back in hard, driving you crazy.
“A crush, huh? Your first real crush.” He sneaks his metal arm under your body and squeezes one of your breasts.
“Try again or I stop right fucking now. I’ll use your mouth, and you won’t get to come.”
You gasp and almost tell him he wouldn’t dare, but wouldn’t he?
“D-daddy, please. I love you.”
Even though you can’t see him, you know he’s smiling.
“Do you?”
“So much, please don’t stop.”
He’s slowing down a little so you can speak, matching his thrusts with the way he is playing with your breasts.
“You’re so adorable when you’re cockdrunk. But should I-”
“Please, I had a crush on you too.”
When he frees your breast, you want to scream. You didn’t lie, and he knew it. You had a huge crush on him as you were filming, but it was innocent and cute. The dirty thoughts started after, so why is he so annoying?
He doesn’t drop his hand, though. He moves it higher, wrapping it around your neck.
“That’s it?” He playfully squeezes the sides of your neck, and your eyes roll back in pleasure. He knows exactly what buttons to push, and the more you fuck, the better it gets. “Just a crush?”
“I love you, daddy. And I need it faster, please.”
He doesn’t just fuck you faster as you want, he also somehow fucks you deeper, his fingers tightening instinctively on your hips. You’re a moaning mess at this point, unable to say anything else but his name, and even that comes out stuttered.
You can barely keep your head straight when he starts really choking you. You expect to feel like you’re suffocating, some panic or discomfort, but his cold grip on your neck only makes it hard for you to focus on anything... impossible to think, and a little dizzy.
“You’re a fucking tease, aren’t you?”
Tears. You feel many tears leaving hot trails on your cheek. You can’t even open your eyes.
“You just wanted to be pounded so hard that you taunted daddy with his jealousy. Bad girl.”
You’re so, so close, you can barely even hear him. Your ears are ringing and you moan loudly. You have no idea how he even can speak.
“Fuck,” he whimpers when you unconsciously move your hips back to meet his thrusts, desperate for more before he slaps your ass twice. The moan you let out is so high pitched even you are surprised. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? You’re a whore for a bit of pain.”
You are. You love it with him because you trust him. You know he’d never go too far even when he’s wild and crazy like this. And that only turns you on more and more. You’re so close that you can almost taste it.
“But you’re my little baby, aren’t you? I’m the one y-you need. Fuck!”
You’re screaming before he can even finish speaking as the strongest orgasm you’ve ever experienced takes over your body. It’s a blinding pleasure you can feel everywhere: from your pussy to your head and even fingers. And the way he keeps thrusting in and out of you at the same speed prolongs it.
“D-daddy, please,” you groan when the pleasure turns into sensitivity. You want him to feel at least half as good as you do. You try to open your eyes as you tilt your head back so he can see you, but the tears make your sight blurry. “Please... c-come inside me. Give me your come, fill me up, I neeeed it.”
And while he moans your name, he does, making you realize he’s been really holding back his release all this time. He drops his hand from your neck just to grab a handful of your tit and squeeze as he comes. And comes. And comes.
“Jesus, d-doll. Take my come. Got so much for you. So, so much.”
You love how feral he is, how it feels to be used like this. You want to be his toy.
“Thank you, daddy. Thank you for your come.”
You feel the pressure and weight of his chest pressing against your back, but he doesn’t let go of your breast, fondling it gently.
“Fuck, this was...” He doesn’t even finish his sentence, trying to catch his breath. You are both sweaty and warm, but you don’t care. You love being so close to him.
“This was so fucking good, bubba. Why did you hold back all this time?”
He doesn’t answer straight away, instead he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck to the middle of your back, rising at the same time.
“Didn’t want to hurt you, bubba.”
“Told you I am not made of glass!” You try to stand up, too, but your knees are so wobbly that Bucky has to help you, wrapping his metal arm around your waist. You feel his come start to drip out little by little and you moan, scooping some of the come with two fingers and then bringing it to your lips.
You whimper the moment you get a taste, looking at Bucky to show him exactly how you feel about it. Quickly, you bring your index finger that is still covered in come to his lips, wanting to share with him.
Without hesitation, he opens his mouth, letting you smear some come on his tongue before he cleans it all by lapping at your finger.
You smile. “Promise you won’t hold back, and that you’ll talk to me the next time you feel like this. I could never be embarrassed by you or to be seen with you, bubba. You’re my baby, okay?”
Bucky smiles too, letting your finger out of his mouth with a pop. “I’m sorry, you’re right. And you’re my baby, too.”
“I know, but I was scared I did something really wrong and I didn’t...”
You don’t know how to continue, but you don’t have to as he pulls you into a tight hug, your head resting against his chest.
“I am sorry. I let the jealousy blind me because I felt insecure. I sometimes wonder if I’m enough for you.”
“Enough?” You sigh, kissing him all over his chest T-shirt. “You are everything, and you make me so happy. Please, don’t ever doubt that!”
“I’ll try, bubba, and thank you.” You feel his lips on top of your head, so you close your eyes, enjoying this moment. You’re gonna show him how much he means to you even more. “Do you feel sore?”
“A little,” you snort. “But it was soooo worth it. We have to do that again. Gosh, and the way you choked me, Mr. Barnes!”
He starts laughing at your tone, which makes you laugh too. This is your Bucky. You love him so much that you wish you could take away all of his fears and second thoughts. He is yours, and you are his.
“Noted, baby. You’re not made of glass.”
“Nope.” You break the hug just to take a step back and look around. You made a mess, and you haven’t even finished with the Christmas tree.
It’s gonna be a long evening.
“Gonna run you a bath, then we can continue with,” he waves around. “Deal?”
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sweet-evie · 11 months
Baby Megumi & Best Sister Tsumiki Headcanons feat. Teen Dad!Gojo because I love this family unit, and my JJK brainrot is worsening the closer we get to 6th of July. 🫠
These are probably done before, but idgaf because we're about to see baby Megumi and high school Gojo again~ 🥹 Also, I'd rather do these instead of write fics because my Death Note X Code Geass crossover still needs my attention.
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Megumi has a stuffed animal collection. 🐺 It started with one stuffed wolf that Satoru got him for his 1st birthday with Gojo, and Megumi pretended he didn't like them, but ummm... 8 years later, Megumi has 75 animal plushies. I like to think they're all small and cute.
If Shibuya and the other BS didn't happen, Megumi would have received another stuffed animal or two for his 16th birthday. Because tradition. 🥹
Just like Megumi has a collection of stuffed animals, Tsumiki has a collection of dolls. *cough cough* Barbies... It started with Licca-chan and eventually Satoru caught her eyeing Barbies in toy stores, so he bought her one. And then two. And then whole sets for Christmas or her birthday or whenever she showed Gojo her report card.
In addition to dolls, Tsumiki definitely had one of those big Barbie houses when she was 8.
Tsumiki ropes Megumi into playing dolls with her. He does it to make his sister happy. And they always include Megumi's stuffed animals.
Tsumiki had Barbie Posh Pets. (Totally not projecting... Maybe I am). I had those as a kid and the set includes a pregnant mama cat + 3 kittens. You can open the mama cat's tummy and take out a pink kitten. (That's kind of fucked up when I think about it now 🤦‍♀️). I imagine it's that sort of nightmare-inducing shit that Satoru notices and gets because he thinks it's funny. 🙃
The Barbie Posh Pet in question that Tsumiki definitely owns:
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Anyway... Speaking of Barbie... Tsumiki saw her first Barbie movie because Satoru brought home a Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper DVD on one of their movie nights. He was just assuming she would like it...
She liked it, and they always had Barbie movies in the movie night roster ever since. Tsumiki loves them. Megumi thinks they're whatever but is amused, because Barbie movies have talking animals, and Satoru just loves to poke fun at the plot.
Megumi watches wildlife documentaries for fun. He's a National Geographic and Discovery Channel kid. He has a DVD collection that came with the encyclopedia set Satoru bought.
Megumi liked movies with animals. Are we surprised? He's seen all of the Dr. Dolittle movies.
Tsumiki cried watching Bambi. 🦌 Someone else definitely got teary-eyed while watching Bambi too. That 'someone' will also never admit it, even if Satoru totally caught that particular someone rubbing his eyes with his small fists during that scene.
Speaking of getting teary-eyed at watching cartoons. Satoru's damn lucky he can hide behind his blackout sunglasses, because he was totally sad and emotional when they finished watching The Fox and the Hound. 🦊🐶 You look at that Tod and Cooper friendship and tell me it doesn't remind you of SatoSugu a little bit.
The refrigerator in Megumi and Tsumiki's apartment is stocked with 80% sweets. It's Satoru's fault.
Satoru attends Megumi's and Tsumiki's parent-teacher meetings in elementary school, and he's popular with the PTA parents (especially the moms). Megumi hates it, Gojo revels in the attention. Some teachers invited him to be in the PTA, but ultimately, this special-grade sorcerer always has to decline. He's way too busy.
Elementary career days = Satoru telling the kids that he's a very powerful magician. 🎩🪄🐇 The kids believe him and the adults think he's joking. Well technically, he isn't.
Satoru is prone to bribing child tantrums with McDonalds. It doesn't always work.
Satoru, Megumi, and Tsumiki definitely went camping a couple of times. Sometimes Shoko tags along, but she never stays overnight.
Satoru lost Megumi at the mall. Tsumiki always found her little brother. He's honestly not that hard to find. He's either in a bookstore or a pet shop or a toy store that sells things Megumi likes.
Tsumiki is very forgiving of Satoru's tendency to lose Megumi in the mall.
Ice cream or parfaits for dinner are normal when you're living with Gojo. 🍨🍦
They've been to Disneyland. 🏰
Megumi likes zoos and aquariums.
Tsumiki is fond of handcrafting appreciation gifts for Satoru. 🎁Friendship bracelets, knitted socks and mittens she made in homeroom once that are way too small for him, multi-colored dreamcatchers (she made one for Megumi too of course), birdseed ornaments, lots of origami, very small bead bowls, flowers made of cupcake liners, etc.
Satoru has all of Tsumiki's DIY handicrafts tucked away in an Air Jordan shoebox. He also has a jar full of origami paper cranes that Tsumiki made when she was in her origami phase.
Satoru always took the kids to fun festivals whenever he could.
Satoru gave Megumi and Tsumiki the childhood they deserved -- gave them the childhood they were almost robbed of when Toji and Tsumiki's mom abandoned them, gave them the childhood Gojo never got to have.
All of that before Megumi lost Tsumiki and his life started spiraling for the worst. 😭
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cveasie · 4 months
My haikaveh headcanons:
- Haitham falls first, during the academia years, but he just kinda... accepts it? He's not the type to voice his feelings, he'd rather show them through his actions - even if they aren't clear enough for the other person to understand. He doesn't need Kaveh to know. He just needs Kaveh to... feel appreciated, in any way. For him, love is another language to master; not only for the sake of Kaveh, but also for his own. He cherishes the feeling and never denies it.
- Kaveh on the other hand, falls harder. I'd like to imagine that it happens some time after he'd moved in with Haitham. Somehow, through this sense of normalcy, domesticy, he starts to dig deeper into Haitham's actions. More importantly, gradually, he starts to notice: he starts to notice how his heart clenches in this burning feeling of appreciation, of belonging. It just feels right - Haitham feels right - they, together, feel right. And, oh, he loves him, and he has for some time now. His love for Haitham feels right as well.
- While Haitham knows Kaveh like the back of his own hand, he doesn't even consider that his feelings are mutual. Kaveh has always been focused on the academics, driven, passionate – romantic relationships didn't concern him during their academia days. While a romantic at heart, reality just often... fell flat, and Kaveh didn't mind it whatsoever. So, Alhaitham has never seen Kaveh crushing on someone. Of course, he notices the architect's sudden nervousness around him – Kaveh tends to bite his lips when anxious. Of course Haitham sees the way Kaveh starts to spend more time on his hair and make up. How could he not? How could he not, when his braids look more perfect than ever (though the scribe finds Kaveh's messy hair equally beautiful – the sign of his hard work, of his passion), when the jewelry matches the blouse perfectly, every day. Mere noticing however, doesn't equal with knowing. And Alhaitham hates the feeling of uncertainty, this weird, almost uncharacteristic anxiety for him. Something has changed. Why? What has caused Kaveh to feel such devotion, that even his dark circles have almost disappeared under a neat layer of concealer? So, he starts to pry. Subtly. He takes an extra minute to get ready, just so he can talk to Kaveh a little more, hoping for any kind of information. In the evenings, he starts to sit unusually close to the architect, watching him sketch – maybe its a new project? A new client? Why wouldn't Kaveh tell him? To his absolute misery however, the architect only seems to draw further and further away. He starts to stumble on his words, starts leaving for work earlier, as if embarrassed, as if he couldn't even look at Alhaitham. That's when it strikes Haitham – maybe he is the one making Kaveh uncomfortable?
- It starts with a question:
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Asks Haitham one day, during a seemingly peaceful evening. Kaveh's cheeks are dusty pink, and he's smiling to himself. With the question, his expression changes almost completey.
"Is my junior suddenly insecure? It's so unlike you to ask about such things..."
There is a hint of teasing in the architect's voice, but even that cannot hide a clear nervousness in his behavior. There is a sudden tension in the room, and Alhaitham also starts to feel anxious.
"Well... you've been acting strange, that's all. After observing you for quite a while, I've come to the conclusion that the problem must be in my presence – it's the only logical option".
Then, Kaveh's lips are on his. Things happen so quick, he doesn't even have time to respond, to kiss him back, when the architect is looking at him with teary eyes and a hand over his mouth. He looks terrified, ashamed, suddenly so small, despite his usual confident face. All of this takes Haitham a bit too long, because Kaveh is suddenly standing up.
"I'm... sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't think, I just acted, I..." he doesn't get to finish, when his hand is grabbed in a gentle grip, and he's lead to sit on the couch once again.
Then, they talk. For this whole time, Haitham doesn't let go of Kaveh's hand, looking at him with gentle eyes, full of disbelief. He doesn't even notice the tears on his own cheeks until Kaveh makes a snarky remark about it. After two hours of talking, he kisses Kaveh back. After few years of waiting, he kisses Kaveh back. And to Kaveh, this feels right.
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pensat-i-fet · 10 months
Not important enough (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**Another request I got a couple of weeks ago that really intrigued me when I first read it and I finally got what I thought was the right idea for it. I hope you enjoy a bit of angst and fluff on this lovely Sunday afternoon ❤️**
Word count: 2753
Your eyes hurt from staring at the laptop’s screen for too long so you took your glasses off to massage the inner corner of your eyes, trying to relieve some of the pressure building near the bridge of your nose.
“Take a break”, said Rúben but you shook your head while keeping your eyes closed. “Come on, don’t be stubborn. You won’t be able to work properly while your eyes are teary from how tired they are”.
“Are you the doctor now?”
“Yes, it’s Dr Dias’ advice to take a break”.
You chuckled seeing his serious face. He was definitely not a doctor but he was right. So you got up and walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea that could help you wake up a little.
“I could make it for you”, offered your boyfriend.
“I appreciate it but you never get the milk ratio right. And you always forget the honey”.
His pouty face made you laugh again and you got up on your tiptoes to peck his lips.
“I still love you despite your inability to make good tea”.
“It’s just you being too complicated”.
“I prefer high maintenance. Sounds more expensive”.
Even though Rúben couldn’t make tea, he was very good at getting your favourite biscuits so you could have them with your cuppa.
“Thank you. I can’t even remember when I last ate”.
“You’re working too hard”.
“Well, this project won’t finish itself, sadly. But it’s almost done. And then we enjoy showing it off to the world”.
Rúben moved closer to wrap his arms around your waist. “Everyone will see how smart you are and I’ll have to fight them all off. As if being pretty wasn’t enough for you. No, you had to be a genius too”.
Laughing at his joke, you turned to face him. “Well, when they see you by my side, they’ll know to keep their distance”.
“See me?”
“Yeah, you’re coming to the presentation, right?”
“Why would I? I’m not a doctor”.
“I’m not a football player and I go to your matches”, you said, removing his arms from around your body.
“It’s not the same, you understand football and can enjoy it. What am I supposed to do at that presentation? I won’t get anything you all say. I’m a dummy”, he tried to joke but you weren’t in the mood for jokes.
“It’s not about understanding it, Rúben. It’s about supporting me like I support you”.
Grabbing your cup, you went back to your desk. You were fuming but didn’t want to argue more. You were exhausted from all the hard work your boyfriend didn’t even care about.
“Of course I support you. I spent the last week worried about you working too much, trying to get you to take breaks, worried about your health…”.
“Sorry to be such an inconvenience to you”.
“That’s not what I meant. I like being worried”, he groaned, realising he just kept saying the wrong thing. “I don’t like being worried but I like looking after you. I don’t mind. I just…”.
“You look after me for weeks but can’t spend two hours sitting on some comfortable chairs listening to me talk about something I’ve worked on for months”.
“I told you, I won’t understand a thing so it’d be boring for me…”.
“Boring? You think I enjoy seeing 6-0 wins against Nottingham Forest?”
“You’re missing my point”.
“I’m not missing any points, Rúben. I see this very clearly. I'm not important enough for you to make a small effort”.
He flinched at your tone. You didn’t raise your voice but he could hear the hurt you felt in every word.
"It's like you only care about my career because it makes you look good".
“What? What does that even mean?”
"Every video you do, every interview is the same. Look at me. I'm so smart and I date someone smart. I'm not going out with bimbos like all the others".
“That’s not what I’m doing”.
“You might not notice but it is. It seems to me that you talk more about my career with others than you do with me”.
"Is that how you feel?"
"Yes, sometimes it is. Right now, for example".
“I never meant to make you feel like that”, he says, his voice so low you could barely hear him.
“Yeah, well…but thank you for giving me an excuse to not go to your matches. I also find them very boring. But I’ll make sure to tell everyone I’m dating a footballer just to show off”.
Rúben was hurt by your words but cared more about how he had been hurting you by doing something he wasn’t even aware of, so he just left you to keep working. When you were angry, you needed time to cool down. So he would give you time.
But by the time he was getting ready for bed, you were still working and he didn’t know what to do. Normally, he would try to get you to stop working so you could rest. But now he feared another argument happening so he didn’t say anything.
The following morning, Rúben woke up and found your side of the bed was empty and it looked like you hadn’t slept there. That really worried him. He knew you were capable of staying up all night working. You told him about all the times you did that in uni during exams.
But you weren’t working. You were asleep… on the sofa. He shook his head, noticing your bad posture. Now you’d be angry at him and in pain. Great.
“Wake up”, he said gently, caressing your face.
“If you want to sleep, you need to go to bed. Your back will kill you later for sleeping here”.
You finally turned to face him and he noticed the way you looked at him. No longer angry, but still hurt.
“What do I need to do so you forgive me? Name it and I will”.
“Too late to pretend you care, Rúben”, you said, getting up and going to your bed.
He followed you, but when he saw you cover your head with the blankets, he let you rest. There will be time to talk later.
Bernardo worried seeing how weird his friend was behaving since he got to the training centre. He didn’t push him around once, so there was something wrong for sure.
“What’s going on?”, he asked, sitting next to Rúben, who had been staring at his phone for a while.
“You’re acting weird. Everything alright?”
“Sure, other than the fact that my girlfriend doesn’t even want to speak to me because I’m an idiot”.
“What did you do?”
“She’s been working on this huge project for months and has to do a presentation next week”, he said, and Bernardo kept nodding to show he was listening. “And she thought I would go to the presentation but I didn’t expect her to invite me. I mean, that’s for doctors and such. I’m not smart enough to be there. So she got angry at me for not supporting her”.
“She’s got a point”.
Rúben sighed. “I know she does. But that’s not the worst thing. She thinks I only care about her career because it makes me look good to date a doctor. But that’s not true”.
“So”, said Bernardo, looking at Rúben’s phone. “Your solution to that is buying flowers? Really?”
Rúben locked his phone, annoyed at his inability to fix this. “It’s a start. She likes flowers”.
“I think what you two need to do is talk”.
Rúben knew his friend was right but still bought a bouquet of flowers on his way home. It couldn’t hurt, right?
No response. Maybe you were out. That’d actually be good because you need the fresh air.
“Hi”, you said, taking your laptop from the kitchen to go back to your desk.
“You don’t need to hide from me”.
“I need silence to work. And are those for me?”
“Yes, I just thought it could cheer you up to see some fresh flowers. I got your favourites”.
“Thanks”, you said, but barely looked at the bouquet and went back to your desk.
Rúben knew he should allow you all the time you needed to stop being angry but he had to leave in two hours.
“Please, let’s just talk and fix this. I have to leave and I don’t want to be away from you knowing you’re mad at me”.
“We can talk when you come back from the match”.
At least you wanted to talk. “Ok. I’ll leave the tickets under your name like always…”.
“Don’t bother. I’m not going”.
“What do you mean you’re not going?”
“Too boring. And I have work to do”.
“But you’re always at my matches supporting me”.
“Yes, I know. I wish the support went both ways instead of being so one-sided”.
With that, you closed the door and Rúben knew there was nothing he could do. So he picked up his things and left. He could drive around the city for a couple of hours and try to relax. But the guilt didn’t allow him to do it.
You hated arguments. Always had. But arguments with Rúben hurt even more. Still…you were right to be angry. You were only asking for two hours of his time when you had spent God knows how many at matches. Even travelling to other countries to support him.
But then you went to the kitchen and saw the flowers and felt terrible for being so harsh. You could feel the tears in your eyes while you got the vase and placed the flowers there. He was trying but just didn’t understand why he had hurt you so much.
Somehow, you managed to sleep for a couple of hours. And when you woke up, you headed to the shower to get ready for the day. There was a lot of work that needed to be done. And then there was Rúben.
Rúben also only slept for a couple of hours, which wasn’t ideal before a match. But he couldn’t stop thinking about your argument. And knowing you weren’t going to be there supporting him really showed him how painful it must have been for you to hear he wouldn’t attend your presentation.
The match was thankfully pretty uneventful. Otherwise, he would have been in trouble because he hadn’t been able to concentrate properly at all. His teammates must have noticed how silent he was but didn’t say anything. They knew he didn’t take it well when his performance was subpar so they just assumed that was what was bugging him.
“Hi. Can you drive me home?”, he turned when he heard your voice and found you standing awkwardly. “I called an Uber to come to the stadium so…can I go back home with you?”
He nodded, not believing you were there. “I thought you weren’t coming to the match”.
“I’m always here to support you, Rúben. No matter how badly you mess up”.
He finally had a reason to smile and the smile only got bigger when you hugged him. “I don’t deserve you”.
“Don’t say that. And I’m sorry I was so mean to you but you really hurt me”.
“I know”, he said, moving back to look at you. “I get it. And I’m sorry. I’d love to go to that presentation even if I don’t understand anything. I want to support you, always”.
“You don’t have to…”.
“But I do. And…yes, you were right about me showing off how smart you are. But it’s not to pretend to be better than others. It’s just because I can’t believe someone as smart as you would want to be with an idiot like me who only knows how to kick a ball”.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You also know how to head a ball”, you joked, making him laugh. “You aren’t stupid, Rúben. I would never date someone stupid. I've got high standards”.
“I feel very stupid now”.
“Wait until you go to the presentation, then”.
After months of hard work, it was time to show it to the world and you were absolutely terrified.
"Why are you staring at yourself like that?", asked Rúben when he got inside the room and saw you standing in front of the mirror, only wearing a towel after your shower.
"I forgot everything I've ever learnt".
"No, you haven't. Did you take something for your anxiety?"
When you shook your head, he went back to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and then took one of your tablets from the nightstand. You thanked him and took the tablet, letting out a big sigh afterwards.
"Need anything else?"
"No, I just have to get dressed and do my hair and makeup. Nothing too fancy. I won't take long".
You grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom. And just twenty minutes later, you came out and Rúben couldn't stop staring at you.
"You look so sexy".
"I'm not supposed to look sexy, Rúben. I'm supposed to look professional".
You went back to the mirror to see your outfit again. Was the skirt too short? Should you do the top button of the blouse too?
"You look professional. But also sexy because you just can't help it".
That made you chuckle. "Heels or flats?"
"Heels and that skirt…".
"Rúben, you're drooling".
"And that's just from imagining it. When I see you actually wearing them, I'll need CPR. Thank God I live with a doctor".
You rolled your eyes and found the earrings you wanted to wear before putting on your heels.
"See? You didn't faint".
"No, but is this normal?", he asked, grabbing your hand and putting it on his chest so you could notice how fast his heart was beating, which only made you roll your eyes again.
"Let's go or we'll be late".
Only five minutes into the presentation, Rúben realized how wrong he had been. Boring? This topic was fascinating!
He actually enjoyed listening to the physios whenever they chatted with each other about the player's injuries. Even if he didn't understand many words they said. But he made himself feel better thinking he probably knew them in Portuguese but not in English.
By the time you were done with the presentation, he was even more impressed by how smart you were. And you always played it down saying you just knew the same as every doctor but Rúben could hear other people whispering about how brilliant your presentation was so he knew that brain of yours was very special.
Everyone stood to applaud you and your colleagues but no one did as enthusiastically as Rúben. Actually, one of the men on his right looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"She's my girlfriend", he said, pointing at the stage.
The only boring part was having to wait for you by the car. So many people wanted to talk to you and congratulate you…but Rúben just wanted to get his girlfriend back.
"Finally!", you said, approaching the car and taking your shoes off.
"You were so brilliant!", said Rúben, lifting you in his arms and spinning you around. "Everyone talked about how good your research was. You should have heard them. And you looked so good too. My extremely smart and sexy doctor".
You were still laughing when he finally put you back down. "I take it wasn't boring then".
"Boring? I have so many questions. Let's get in the car and you can start answering them. That last bit about the muscle tissue blew my mind".
"I'm a bit tired of talking. Could we leave the questions for tomorrow?"
Rúben realized how exhausted you looked and nodded. "Sure, whenever you can and want".
You got into the car and closed your eyes, trying to calm down after such an intense event.
"But just one thing. That first procedure you explained, could it be applied to athletes too? I think our doctors would love to hear your presentation".
Opening your eyes, you turned your head to look at your boyfriend. And you couldn't help but smile at him and his excitement. "Do you want me to do the presentation again but for them?", you laughed.
"Only if I get to be there. I'll bring a notebook to take notes and everything".
"Don't worry. I heard you're sleeping with the professor, I'm sure she'll let you borrow her notes".
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stars4ni · 1 year
skz + when your anxious
hyung line + gn reader! ☁️
warnings: anxiety, crying, stress
genre: fluff + comfort
maknae line
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Bang Chan: You were at a hang out with friends when one of your friends made fun of your outfit you were wearing as a joke. You were hurt but didn’t want to show it, so you just laughed it off. You started to feel anxious and we’re bouncing your leg up and down. Chan started to realize that you were feeling anxious because of that rude comment. He placed his hand on your thigh, “baby are you okay?” You looked at him as you shook your head. “Aw baby” he looked at you in worry. He put his arm around your waist as he pulled you close. He leaned into your ear and whispered “you look absolutely beautiful today, their just jealous” he kissed your cheek. You smiled as you placed your head on his shoulder. “Channie I want to leave” “okay let’s go love~”
Leeknow: You are sitting on the couch finishing a project on a very short deadline. You started to feel very anxious as you thought you wouldn’t be able to finish the work in time. You put your head in your hands as you sighed. Minho sitting next to you quickly looked at you. “Kitten what’s wrong? Hmm?” “I’m so stressed, I can’t do this” you started to get frustrated and tears streamed down your eyes. “Oh baby…don’t cry” he pulled your head into his chest, stroking the back of your head. You continued to cry on his shirt, soaking it with tears. “Baby it’s okay…I’m here” “cry it all out, I don’t mind” You looked up at him with teary eyes. “Min what am I gonna do?” “How about you ask your professor for a extension okay? And in the meantime you get some rest, you look like you need some sleep kitten” he said and kissed you. “Do that for me okay?”
Changbin: You and him were hanging out with the rest of skz at his apartment. You were feeling anxious out of the blue, it might of been because you always get a little nervous when changbin is cuddly with you around people. But it wasn’t just that you had a lot of things on your mind like work, family, deadlines, and a lot more. Changbin had his arm around you, you guys were all talking about random things. The anxious feeling just hit you, you pulled Changbin’s arm off of you. You stood up to go to the kitchen to drink cold water, that always helps. Changbin realized you were acting off, he looked at you in the kitchen chugging water. He was familiar with your habits, you always drank water when you were anxious. He got up walking over to you, he back hugged you. “What’s making you anxious hun hmm?” You turn around to face him, hugging him. “Can we go to your room?” You asked. He nodded, grabbing your hand and walking to his room. He closed the door and sat on his bed with you. “Talk to me okay? What’s wrong?” You leaned over to lay in his lap, looking up at him. “I just get shy around other people when your touchy, and I’ve been stressed about work and-” you started to tear up. “Hey hey it’s okay…I’m here” he started to caress your head. “Come here” he said as you sat up and hugged him. “Breathe baby…just breathe”
Hyunjin: You laid on hyunjin’s bed as he sat across the room drawing. You were laying on your bed. Scrolling on your phone looking at tiktoks as you then see a notification pop up. You open to a email, you read the email as you start to worry as it’s from your college. It explains how you have failed one of your core classes and have to take it again. You start to panic as this changes all your plans for the next few years. You put your phone down as you sign very loud. Hyunjin realizes something’s wrong, “princess what’s wrong?” He says as he gets up and sits next to you. You lay your head on his lap as you start to cry. “I’m just so annoyed, I failed my class and now all my plans are ruined” Hyunjin holds your hand, “hey it’s okay…it will be okay, I’m sure you will figure something out” he caresses your hand. “I feel like a failure, I really tried hard for this class…and I still failed” you say starting to tear up. “Baby…your not a failure, classes can be hard. Especially in college, don’t put yourself down too much” he says leaning down and kissing your forehead. “Just know I am so proud of you, and that’s all that matters” you sit up as he then kisses you on the lips. “I’m so so proud of you love~”
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biniminisblog · 11 months
Good Boy Gone Bad | Lee Felix
chapter six
word count: 1.5k
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“so how was it?”
the moment you step out of the classroom, your friends, chan, miyeon, and jisung immediately come to your side, curiosity and worry evident on their faces.
“so? were you able to answer?” you looked at them with a deadpan expression, but it didn’t last long when a wide grin spread around your face.
“of course i did! i answered that shit with confidence!” and that was all it took before they all crushed you into a hug, nearly suffocating you. you didn’t mind it as you were too overwhelmed with happiness at the fact that yes, you were able to answer the chemistry test with ease and yes, you can finally relax as you know for sure that you won’t fail this semester. you all pull away and as you start to wonder where somi and yeji are, jisung answers it for you.
“somi has a project with her partner so she couldn’t come and yeji hasn’t finished her exam yet.” you make an ‘aahh’ sound in acknowledgment to that before chan steps forward to ruffle your hair a bit to which you respond with a playful glare thrown at him.
“i’m so proud of you! i knew you could do it,” chan smiled warmly, and miyeon agreed with a warm smile of her own. although you were touched, you knew that wasn’t true. knowing chan, he was probably thinking of all the worst scenarios that could possibly happen, and you were right.
“don’t even lie chan hyung, you were literally sweating buckets while waiting for yn.” jisung scoffs, and chan sheepishly scratches the back of his head, still smiling despite being exposed. “ok fine so maybe i was a little worried.”
“it’s ok, i already knew even before you said anything.” you all laugh, and once the laughter dies down, jisung looks down at his watch and looks back up again.
“hey guys, i have to go, i still have an exam this morning and as much as i want to stay, i’d rather not face professor park’s wrath today.” jisung shudders, and thinking back to the time you’ve witnessed it yourself, you can’t help but sympathize for him.
“that’s alright jisung, we’ll just celebrate once everyone is together.” jisung gives you a hug one last time, but not before landing a sloppy kiss on the cheek to which you wipe with disgust. he laughs at your reaction and pulls away, waving goodbye to you.
“oh, and don’t forget to thank your lover boy!” and of course, since jisung is jisung, he will always find a way to embarrass you. chan just laughs at his antics while your face burns, perhaps because you like the nickname he gave for felix, but you don’t want to admit that just yet. when jisung is gone, miyeon takes both of your hands and excitedly shakes it while jumping up and down.
“i’m really so proud of you yn! i know you’ve been stressing out about this subject for so long even if you don’t show it, and i’m so happy your hard work has really paid off!” one thing about miyeon is that she will always be genuine in whatever she says, and it never fails to fill you with warmth just from her words alone, though you were still a bit shy at her compliments.
“thank you unnie, but it’s really not a big deal—“ miyeon shushes you with her pointer finger before putting both her hands on her hips.
“that’s nonsense, of course it’s a big deal! anything you achieve is a big deal because you are capable of great things.”
“miyeon is right yn, so don’t undermine your achievements. you deserve it.”
you start to feel emotional, and you burst.
“thank you guys, not just for this, but for everything for always being by my side despite my flaws.” when they both start to notice you getting teary eyed, miyeon comes to hug you, and chan rubs your back soothingly. this effectively calms you down before pulling away and wiping your tears.
you felt you were being a bit over dramatic, but you were having a rough week. people were still spreading false rumors about you, you were starting to get confused on whether or not you actually have feelings for felix, and on top that you were studying nonstop, with the latter being your tutor. so it’s safe to say your mind was a jumbled mess. thinking of felix, you now remembered you still had to thank him for helping you.
“hey, have you guys seen felix? i still have to thank him for helping me, even though he was technically forced to.” you chuckle, reminiscing back to the time where you caught him smoking in the back of the school. you never thought to ask him why he smokes, and you make a mental note to ask him that later.
“i saw him by the cafeteria earlier, he mentioned that he has an exam at nine so he’s probably just arrived.” chan says and you thank him. you give him and miyeon a hug goodbye before heading towards the cafeteria to find the freckled boy.
you spot his blonde hair immediately and dash towards him, surprising him as you practically throw yourself at him. he catches you quickly and giggles once you start thanking him repeatedly.
“seriously i can’t thank you enough! without you i probably would’ve bombed that test.”
“oh please you flatter me too much.” felix waves a hand at you and you shake your head in denial, but you don’t say anything.
“but if you really want to make it up to me, how about a date?” the moment the word ‘date’ leaves felix’s mouth, you freeze. a blush starts creeping up your cheeks and your eyes widen, and felix must’ve misunderstood your reaction for discomfort because he immediately retracts his comment.
“i mean not a date! like just a friendly hang out between you and me, you know?” you breathe a sigh of relief, however there is a small part of you that felt disappointed. you quickly dismiss that feeling, not wanting to dwell on that for too long, and you nod your head.
“sure, that sounds like a great idea. just text me the details and i’ll be there.”
“sure! i guess i’ll see you later.” you hum in agreement and you both awkwardly wave to each other before going separate ways. sighing, you wonder if you can make it through later without doing something stupid.
you were about to turn a corner when you suddenly bump into someone. “oh sorry, i wasn’t looking where i was—”
you stopped talking once you looked up. standing in front of you is the one and only jia, felix’s ex and your one-sided enemy. she raises an eyebrow at you and eyes you in irritation. behind her are three of who you assume are her minions, judging by the fact that they just follow jia around wherever she goes.
“and look who we have here, the little slut who can’t seem to keep her hands away from someone’s boyfriend.” jia crosses her arms, and you almost start to feel bad for her due to how delusional she was.
“well technically he’s not your boyfriend—”
“yunjin! did i tell you to talk?”
“sorry…” yunjin squeaks out and you pity the girl. having to stick with jia for so long must get tiring.
wonyoung steps in and flips her long hair, causing it to almost hit haewon who was next to her. you stifle a laugh, wondering how they even became friends with jia in the first place if they were this clumsy.
“what we’re trying to say is, can you please stop hanging out with felix? it’s literally so embarrassing for you.” wonyoung chimes in and both haewon and yunjin nod their heads in agreement.
“yeah cause felix is like super nice and stuff, and you're like—not.” jia glares at haewon who just shrugs sheepishly. you almost laugh at the poor attempt at being rude, but you hold back.
“ok look, i don’t want to fight. so can you please just leave me the fuck alone?” jia gapes at your bluntness, but quickly regains her composure as she clears her throat.
“i’ll leave you alone once you leave my lixie alone, you bitch! have you seriously not learned anything from last year?” rolling your eyes, you don’t find it in you to retort back, nor even feel hurt about her insults. you were just tired at this point and wanted to get this over with.
“fine, i’ll leave him alone. happy now?” she seems surprised by your lack of argument, but accepts it anyway as she scoffs at you.
“good, and if i see you with him again, this won’t be the last time you’ll be seeing me.” her threat does nothing to you as she along with wonyoung, haewon, and yunjin walk away from you. their heels clack and once they’re gone from view, you breathe a sigh of relief.
although you don’t want things to escalate any further with jia, you want to be selfish for once and follow your heart.
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synopsis: felix gets caught smoking by you, the school’s regina george, and gets blackmailed to help you pass chemistry in exchange for keeping his secret.
previous chapter _ next chapter
@marcillfll @tfshouldidohere @veryjeongintxtkid @skzcollision @facelesswrittes @syuuji @stvrfir3 @6demonica9
a/n: when making this, i honestly did not expect jia to be so disliked 😭 this chapter probably made it worse lol. anw lemme know ur thoughts on it and reblog if you enjoyed, thank you!
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ctitan98official · 5 months
@anecia Okay so since you mentioned that Y/N got a tattoo of Alcina’s name, I have to see this experience. Like Alcina’s reaction to it and what happened when Y/N came home to show Alcina. This is just if you want to. Thank you and have a good day!
Okay, cool! Let’s get into it! Post this ask is talking about here!
Y/N: *Fighting back tears of pain as they get a tattoo of Alcina’s name on their arm* S-so, you done yet, man?
Sal: *Giving Y/N their tattoo (Have you seen his “Mother” tattoo? He probably didn’t do it himself, but I bet he gives anybody a tat if they ask for one.)*
Sal: Almost done, Y/N! *Finishes the last letter* There, all finished!
Y/N: *Leans back in relief* Awesome! Do you have a mirror I can look at?
Sal: *Hands one to Y/N*
Y/N: *Panics* This is completely illegible! I can’t even read it!
Sal: *Rolls his eyes* That’s because you’re looking in a mirror, Y/N. The image is reversed.
Y/N: Oh… Hehe. Sorry for doubting you, buddy. It looks good, then! Nice job!
Sal: *Blushes from the compliment* I’m glad you like it. But are you sure that’s all you want? I can add more details or-
Y/N: *Still in a tremendous amount of pain but trying to act tough* NO! I mean, uh… *Shrugs* Nah, I don’t want to shock Alci too much. Plus, you can always add more later, right?
Sal: It’s up to you… *Knows that Y/N’s feeding him bullshit*
Y/N: Great! Well, I guess I better be on my way! *Rushes the hell away from Sal before he can do anything else*
Sal: Wait! I have to give you the care instructions!
Y/N: It’ll be fine! I’ll keep it clean don’t worry! *Runs home*
Sal: *Lost in thought* Oh, Y/N. You’re hard to love, but you’re harder to hate… Okay, that’s a lie. I knew you’d be my best friend from the moment we first met. *Tears up thinking about his best buddy*
Back at the castle
Y/N: *Runs in, looking for Alcina* Babe! I’m home! Where are you?
Alcina: I’m in the kitchen, draga!
Y/N: *Runs into the kitchen, ready to show Alcina their tattoo* Alci, I have something to show you! I- wait, what are you doing?
Alcina: *Wearing one of those frilly pink aprons that moms from the fifties wore* I’m making the girls maiden sandwiches for lunch. I have to cut the crusts off or they won’t eat. You know how they are.
Y/N: *Horrified* Did you say “maiden sandwiches”? And you’re making them on the counter? Where I make my cereal?? … Also, you have to cut the crusts off? That’s adorable!
Alcina: *Incredibly glad that Y/N is easily distracted, wipes her hands off* Well, did you have something you wanted to show me?
Y/N: *Remembers why they raced in there* Yes! I’ve got something I think you’ll really like!
Alcina: *Slightly worried because most of the surprises Y/N has given her in the past have been wildly dangerous or just straight up stupid* Okay… *Winces* Show it to me.
Y/N: *Lifts up their sleeve* Ta-da! Take a look!
Alcina: *Eyes widen when she sees her name on Y/N’s bicep* Draga! You did this for me? *Suddenly a bit teary*
Y/N: *Runs up to give Alcina a hug* Yeah, babe! Sal did it for me! Do you like it?
Alcina: *Leans down and gives Y/N a kiss on the lips, truly touched that they wanted to get her name permanently placed on their body* I love it, Y/N. This means so much to me. *Gently holds Y/N’s face* Did it hurt, baby?
Y/N: *Blanches, wants to look strong* What?! No! But you know me, I just have a really high pain tolerance!
Alcina: *Feels her heart melt because now she KNOWS how badly it hurt, Y/N’s always been bad at telling a lie* Well, it makes me very happy to know that people will have proof that you belong only to me! *Smirks at Y/N*
Y/N: *Cheers* Yeah! And look, I can make it dance too! *Starts flexing their scrawny arm (I’m self projecting here lol)*
The tattoo: *Wiggles in response to the movement*
Alcina: *Laughs at Y/N’s display, plays along* My brawny little Y/N. *Can’t help but pinch Y/N’s cheek at their cuteness*
A week later
Y/N: *Bedridden because they let the tattoo get super infected, decided to blame Sal so they wouldn’t get in trouble*
Alcina: *Has been taking care of Y/N, berates Sal when he comes over to visit* Salvatore! How could you be so irresponsible with Y/N’s tattoo?! They’re your best friend! You should know better!
Sal: W-what?! Y/N left before I could give them instructions on how to take care of it! Y/N was in a lot of pain and they were afraid that I was going to add more detail to it and ran away!
Alcina: *Pinches the bridge of her nose, annoyed* I apologize Salvatore. I should have known this was Y/N’s fault.
Alcina: *Rushes up to the bedroom where Y/N is resting* Y/N! Why did you blame Salvatore? He did you a favor and you treat him like this?!
Y/N: *A bit groggy from pain meds, looks at Alcina from under the covers, eyes widen and they laugh nervously* Hehe… So, I may have over-exaggerated a bit. Sorry, babe.
Alcina: *Thinks Y/N looks really cute snuggled up on her bed, calms down a bit* I guess you getting sick is your punishment for lying.
Y/N: *Excited* So, I’m not in trouble?! I thought you were going to ground me… *Smiles at Alcina*
Alcina: *Suddenly remembers another reason she’s pissed at Y/N, growls* Let’s not get carried away. Why didn’t you get some more detail on that tattoo?! Aren’t I worth it?!
Y/N: My arm went brrrrr :(
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stevenose · 1 year
Okay so I have so many thots about piss kink with Steve. You would bring it up first cause lbr he would have no idea its a thing. Really you want to see him hold it in but you offer to hold it for him first to ease him into it. You drink a ton of water and it's not too soon you're begging him to let you go, and he's confused about how he's feeling but he sees how wet your panties are (and not from piss) and he definitely realizes that he's into it, especially when he fucks you with a full bladder
this post contains piss boy! be advised! if you do not want to see these posts, block the tag ‘cw bodily fluids’.
also contains: reader with a vagina; first time kinks; sweetheart steve harrington!
no you’re so real…
any of my besties who have touched themselves while their bladder is full know it feels better. (and if u haven’t tried it i recommend it like genuinely. kind of game changing ngl)
so imagine steve’s fucking you and you’re all teary eyed and desperate. every thrust is making it harder for you to hold it, and his thumb’s working rough against your clit. he’s so confused - you’re so fucking pretty under him and god, you’re crying, you’re gripping onto his cock like a fucking vice. trying to hold your piss in, it’s making you clench up, and he half gasps, half moans as he fucks you. “d’you have to go?” he asks, eyes half-lidded.
you love him so so much. you love that he’s always checking in on you. and you even love his earnestness, his inability to understand what you want from him. “that’s the point,” you whine. there’s towels on towels on towels under your ass, even a piece of a plastic tarp you had from an old project. you’re supposed to piss. you’ve requested specifically that he ramps up his efforts when you’re getting close so that you can do it right as you cum. he’s fine with it, got a little hot and bothered thinking of how wet and messy it’ll be, how hot it’ll be. most confusing boner of his life.
“right,” he says, thrusts faster and harsher, making the need to go more pronounced. you whine again, gripping onto his shoulders. “oh, that feel good?”
you nod and grab one of his big hands, pausing before you place it right over your bladder, begging up at him with doe eyes. he pauses, then pushes down, and when you keen his eyes go cross.
“fuck!” you cry, writhing. your thighs are on either side of steve’s hips but you still try to close them together, his other hand still working on your clit.
“yeah?” he asks, pace becoming erratic. “you wanna go? huh?”
“holy -“ you gasp, and he pushes down again, a little less hard but keeping steady pressure. “steve! sh-fuck, please please please, gotta - please let me go-“
your tears are so so pretty. steve’s never seen you beg like this before, like your life depended on it. “go on,” he insists, fucking you rough. “piss on my cock, honey.”
it’s a lot harder than you’d think - the actual pissing part. he’s practically pushing it out of you, but your body - your subconscious - refuses to let it out in this new environment. steve sees you struggling, feels you staying right on the brink for him, and in one fluid motion he presses down just right to get you to cum and let go on him.
“oh my god,” he gasps, the hot wetness of it dripping down his cock, to his balls, then onto the towels below. he watches your face while your cunt seizes and relaxes, more covering him after your orgasm is finished. you seem so blissed out after, a smile on your tear-stained face, body relaxed and so pretty under him. like an angel. he gasps and groans as he cums, burying himself balls deep, gasping at how wet you are. so fucking wet - it drives him crazy. he leans down to catch your lips and you giggle, shaking under him.
“holy shit,” he groans, pressing his forehead against yours while he indulges in a few final, shallow thrusts.
“yeah,” you pant. “was it…?”
“good? you kiddin’ me?” he kisses you again. “hottest fucking thing i’ve ever seen or felt.”
you nod happily, but it’s a bit short lived, the wet towels under you killing the mood. “okay - let’s get cleaned up and make sure i didn’t fuck up the mattress.”
“i’ll run the shower,” he says, voice nice and sweet, sliding out of you with an obscenely slick noise that almost gets you both off again.
“what? you don’t like it when it’s on the towels?”
“i’ll take your pussy over a towel any day, thank you.”
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corrodedcoffinkid · 2 years
Can I request Eddie getting frustrated because of his speech impediment?
Eddie hates school projects. Doing the project itself isn’t bad- especially if it’s something he’s interested in- but presenting it? Presenting his work to a class full of people who hated him terrifies him to his inner core.
“Eddie? Would you like to present for us?”
Hands gripping his poster board, Eddie shakes his head. The look the teacher gives him tells him he doesn’t have a choice. He makes his way to the front of the room, legs shaking. He takes a deep breath, trying to remember what Uncle Wayne had told him.
“You’re alright, son. Don’t let them win.”
Eddie anxiously points at the title of his poster board. “H-Hi. My name i’th Eddie and thi’th i’th my pre’thentation on the histh’ory of mu’thic.” Goddammit. When he’s nervous, all his work in speech therapy with Uncle Wayne goes out the window. “I-I mean-”
One of his bullies begins to snicker, which gives the rest of the class the go ahead to laugh too. “Looks like ‘Eddie Mun’thon’ is back.”
Eddie’s face goes bright red.
“Class, please let Eddie finish.”
Eddie looks down ashamedly at his feet. A picture of Ozzy Osbourne that he’d clipped out of a magazine stares at him from it’s spot on the poster board. “Mu’thic ha’th always been important to people-”
The laughs grow louder. Eddie’s eyes squeeze shut to keep in his tears. He’d practiced this presentation so much with Uncle Wayne and Steve. “M-Mu’thic i’th-”
“E-E-Ed-Eddie M-M-Mun’thon has a st-st-stutter t-t-too!”
Throwing his poster board on the ground, Eddie runs.
He runs out of the school, to the parking lot, and to his van. He wants to drive, tries to put his keys in the ignition, but he can’t. His eyes are too teary eyed to see.
Uncle Wayne.
Uncle Wayne can help.
He grabs his phone, and presses one on speed dial. It only rings twice before he hears a familiar voice on the other end.
“Eddie? Son? Is everything okay?” All Wayne can make out on the other end of the line is loud sobs. “Eddie, breathe. I can’t understand you.”
“Th-They laughed at me! I-I didn’t even get to ta-alk about Bl-Black Th’abbath! I ran, I ran until I go-ot to my car! I don’t wanna go back to cla’th!”
Wayne’s not sure if he’s more heartbroken than he is angry. Why can’t those damn kids leave his boy alone? “I’m on my way. Stay where you are.”
By the time Wayne is at the school, Eddie is rocking himself in the driver’s seat of his van. Wayne knocks on the window. “Son?”
Eddie flings open the door, and immediately wraps his arms around his uncle. “I-I tried to not let it get t-to me but it did!”
Wayne rubs Eddie’s back, then presses his head into his shoulder. “It’s okay,” he says softly, “You know that damn speech impediment is getting better, it just acts up sometimes.”
He helps Eddie buckle into the passenger seat of his car. His nephew glances over at his van worriedly. Wayne gently pats his head. “Hey, don’t worry, Steve will get her and bring her home.”
Eddie stares blankly out the window on the ride home.
He knows he’s failed the presentation.
He knows he probably isn’t going to graduate… again.
And yet, Uncle Wayne is still driving him home and comforting him. What did he do to deserve this?
Wayne gets Eddie settled on the couch. Then, he pops open a beer and hands it to the boy. “Here.”
“No thank you,” Eddie says quietly, pushing it away. “I’m not hungry or thir’thy.”
Unusual, but Wayne isn’t going to push it. “You know, Eddie,” he begins, “You’re pretty damn brave for trying.”
Eddie shrugs.
“Whether you can say those damn ‘s’ sounds or not, I’m always going to be here for you, boy.” Wayne notices Eddie perk up- just a little. “I’m so damn proud of you. If that teacher even tries to fail you, I’m going down to that goddamn schoolhouse and handling it. I love you, Eddie, and not a goddamn thing will ever change that.”
Tears in his eyes, Eddie smiles. “I love you too, no matter what.”
“No matter what.”
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starsunderwaterr · 1 year
Headcanons for Dating Cap’n 3! (pt. 1)
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Hey y’all! I’m sorry it took me so long to get this one out! I’ve been busy writing for some other projects and have been really busy with homework!! 
Somehow I lost the question, but an anonymous person requested more Captain 3 headcanons, so here they are! Hope you enjoy, anon! <3
Here are the little baby’s scenarios, eat it up luvs and leave no crumbs <3
All characters involved are 18+
Minors DNI
Warnings: none
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This beautiful baby has been through so much omggg
You met Three when you joined the Splatoon, specifically during Octo Expansion
You had helped Eight through her missions and tried to connect back to Three when she was traveling
You guys didn’t really talk much then, them only talking into their walkie when necessary
After Octo Expansion, you were still called in for smaller missions that required engineering/coding to be done
Even though Cap didn’t say it, they occasionally gave you the honorary smile and head nod
Being in such close proximity with them a lot resulted in you guys spending more time together
You started to pick up on their mannerisms and body language, noticing how they used it to talk more than their words
When this happened??? Cap began to love hanging out with you, but of course, never showed it
Over the course of those five years, you two became very close
Would always be near each other in some way, and there were a few times cap even hung out with you,,,for fun
Yeah, I KNOW
They began to smile a lot more around you, and Agents 1 & 2 definitely noticed, but wouldn’t pry
For the most part, you guys would use some sort of sign to communicate larger things when Three wasn’t feeling up for talking
You learned sign for them because you wanted them to be comfortable with you 🥺
When Three noticed, their heart was WARMMM bro
You guys were at Cuttlefish Cabin, relaxing as you waited for Marie to bring over a set of plans for a mission
Perfect time to practice your sign >:)
You looked over at Cap, and signed “What do you think it is this time?”
The shock Three had on their face bro omg-
It took them a second of shock and you stifling giggles for them to respond, “You learned sign?”
You smiled, your heart POUNDING “I wanted to talk with you.”
That was the moment Three began crushing on you
It wasn’t until you two were helping out Neo with her mission that Three opened up to crushing on your for years
After Cap had told Marie that she couldn’t go on, you ran right over
“I’ll bandage you up. Come on” you signed to them, helping them stand and walk back to the camp
You thought you saw a glimpse of a blush underneath Cap’n’s cap (haaaa), but you didn’t want to prod
As you finished the wrap, they stopped you with a calloused hand, meeting your eyes
In sign: “Thank you, (Y/N).” A pause. “I need to talk to you about something.”
You responded back, nodding, “Go ahead”
There was a long stop, and it looked like she was struggling to find the words… they even grunted a little in frustration, which showed how comfortable she was around you
You tried to cut in, signing to them, “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me-“, but the captain waved you away, her face filled with blush
Another long pause, and then…
Real words…
“I like you.”
Their voice was low and quiet, scratchy even, but it was beautiful
You were in shock, and you couldn’t help but get a little teary-eyed, smiling back at the timid captain
“I like you, too, Cap..”
That really started it all tbh
You guys began dating as secretely as possible (which didn’t last long, thanks to Callie
When Three finally got comfortable with you as a lover, the relationship felt all the more special
They will seldom say it, and I mean seldom say “I love you,” but she always means it through her actions
When you come home, they poke their head out from wherever they are as a way to say hello and it’s so fucking adorable,,,,,,
Like the second they see your face, they melt and rush over to you to greet you 
In private, Cap can be very affectionate on their own terms
Plays with your fingers, compares hand sizes, and she’ll even let you wear their cap on the rare occasion, which is paramount in the honor department
Sometimes you’ll be sitting on the couch reading or watching a show and they’ll just walk past you and throw their cap onto your head like you’re a coat hanger 💀
They think it’s funny when you get thrown off by it, and if you’re quick enough, you’ll catch them smirking and stifling back giggles as they walk away
Speaking of which, you’re one of the only people who’ve heard Cap’s real laugh
The first time you got them to laugh you nearly cried from love
You were in the kitchen trying to make dinner for the two of you, Cap was leaning against the counter just watching you
You forgot one of the overhead cabinets was still open and when you turned to grab something, you WHACKED your head into it
Instantly, a burst of laughter came from Cap
It was a little hoarse, but it was surprisingly warm and airy
They checked if you were okay, but couldn’t stop giggling the whole time 🥹
You couldn’t help but tear up! They were so cute!! but also your face hurt like a bitch-
Cap can also be a sneaky little shit omg
They love scaring the fuck out of you 
You never thought that the super majestic, mature Captain of the Squidbeak Splatoon would love to do anything remotely immature, but NOOOOOO
It’s usually always at night, when you’re walking down the hallway in the dark 
So naturally, you scream, and Cap takes so much amusement in it
Their favorite part (and they’ll never admit it) is the aftermath, because they always throw you over their shoulder and run to the bed to get their soft kiss time in :3
When it comes to kissing, Three loves their feather-light kisses, but when they’re scared, desperate, or feeling more bold, they will put a bit more force and desire into the kiss
They weren’t too fond of kissing at first, just because they felt awkward, and they didn’t really know what they were doing
But even your quick pecks left their lips tingling and wanting more >;3
Now, don’t think so dirty!!!
Three loves to kiss you because they truly feel like they get closer to you... it’s helped them greatly
I mean, talk to Callie and Marie; they’ve noticed Cap’s stress practically deteriorate since you two started dating
Also omg, this is so cute-
Cap secretly loves fashion; I mean, they came to Inkopolis to go “where fashion is made” SOOOO
It’s so cute bc you’ll see them online shopping on their laptop when they’re resting against you, and they’ll oftentimes ask for your opinion on certain pairings, etc.
It’s genuinely one of the most wholesome things you’ve seen, bc their eyes revert back to the excited and inspired ones they had when they were 14 <3 <3
When you guys go on dates, they love to show off their outfits in the most discreet ways possible, and it’s so goddamn adorable
God, what would life be like without Cap’n 3?
utmost love to the little love <3 <3
Okay this is getting too long GAHDAYUM go to pawht two if you would like mouwre (so sorry guys my dookie soup dad accent decided to make a cameo!)
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akiitos · 2 years
totally not requesting this on a school night cool emoji cool emoji
inhales can i have angst with prsk males please ok thank you goodbye waving emoji waving emoji
it's night and i'm tired so sorry if this is kinda bad.. i'm writing this first because i felt bad on how this was in my inbox for a while !!
project sekai boys x gn!reader, angst
(i added a little bit of fluff at the end ok.)
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tsukasa tenma !
you and tsukasa got into an argument about how "some stars don't need breaks"
you, feeling neglected, shouted at him and he shouted back some rude stuff that he didn't mean
now here you are
"you're so annoying, i don't need a break! i'm fine! just get out and leave me alone already then if you can't deal with it!" he shouted at you, furrowing his eyebrows while looking down at you. did he seriously just say that right now? you look at him with anger in your tone, and shout back, "fine, tenma. i will then." while turning your back to face the door and walk out. saki, was up the stairs watching the argument.
tsukasa knew what he said was wrong, but it was already too late to apologize. you're gone, and you probably didn't even want to see him at all right now.
he slapped his face, what the hell was he thinking? i'm was being so stubborn right now, he thought to himself. he knew you were upset, yet he still said it. why? he saw your teary eyes, on the verge of sobbing. yet, he was being ignorant. he blamed himself for angering you, upsetting you.
"i'm sorry," he muttered quietly.
but you were long gone already.
he wanted to reach out to you. but you're gone. his cheeks fumed a red color intensely out of frustration. he regret everything he said to you. he didn't even know what to do when he'll see you the next day.
the next day, everytime you saw him at school, he tried talking to you. but you'd always reply in a cold mannor, before speed-walking away. he knew you were avoiding him. he'd try to make excuses to talk to you.
rui caught on to this.
toya caught onto this.
nene did aswell.
the trio offered help. yet, tsukasa declined. he knew he had to do it himself anyways. it was now the end of the day, and you were at the school gate getting ready to walk home. that was until you felt a palm on your shoulder. you turn around and see tsukasa, with pink cheeks. "what do you want? i'm leaving you alone, just like how you wanted me to." you say, avoiding eye contact.
suddenly, he pulls you into a hug. he hides his face in your shoulder, bringing you closer to his body, muttering 'i'm so sorry' over and over again. you sigh and smile softly. he lets go and kisses you sweetly, holding your hands in his.
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rui kamishiro !
• you both fought over his lack of sleep and how he doesn't spend time with you
• he knows it's immature, but the next day he avoided you
• you knowing this, was obviously upset by this
you cross your arms. "can't you just get up and spend time with me please, kamishiro?" you insist. he shakes his head 'no' softly, claiming that he has to finish the gadget for the upcoming show. you groan and get your bag, before heading out the door.
"[name]? where are you-" "i'm going now. i'll wait until you're done with your gadget." you reply bluntly, shutting the door behind you. he frowned. he was sorry that he was being ignorant, but you're already gone.
he sighed sadly. you left him.
you'd come back though, right? of course you would.
the next day arose, and you looked around for rui to ask him his robots were. walking through the halls, you see the particular purple haired boy you were thinking about. walking behind him, he seems to speed up the pace, walking away from you. he was avoiding you now? how great.
you groan and walk away. forget it, you thought. this was now a cycle for the two of you guys for about three days. did you guys just break up or something? but, you didn't know what rui was thinking about. he missed you. he missed talking to you.
he felt immense guilt in him, for avoiding you. he know he has to say sorry, but he can't seem to build up the courage. that was, until one particular day came by. he finally felt like he could do this.
he tapped your shoulder, and held your face, taking you by suprise. he kissed your cheek, and smiled in pity. "i'm sorry, [name]." he says, holding your palm. you blush and look down. "it's fine, i guess,, just- don't do it again!" you say, bashfully.
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toya aoyagi !
• you were upset on how he never really had time for you, and always spent time with someone else
• you tried giving him hints, but he was too dense to notice them
• he never realized until you ignored him for a little while to 'give him space'
you were always with toya, and it was nice for both of you. but, these path couple weeks, he's been ignoring you without even realizing. you know it's immature to feel bad about it, but you've been giving him obvious hints that he should have known by now.
was he doing this on purpose? you asked yourself. maybe he was getting bored of you. numerous thoughts were in your head, until you finally came to a conclusion that would help him.
you'd give him some space, since that is what he wanted. right?
you frowned at the thought, but it was for him. so, the next day you stayed away from him. the first day, he thought that you were in a bad mood. but, the next days he felt that something was up. he would've talked to you about it, but he didn't know how to word his feelings right.
while you were talking to mizuki, toya tapped your arm. "can we talk?" he asked with a serious face. you nodded silently, and let him lead you to a less crowded hallway. that was when he grabbed your shoulders, and hugged you briefly. "[name], are you okay? you've been avoiding me this week. did i do something wrong? if so, then i'll try to fix it, i promise-" he started.
you shook your head.
"you didn't do anything, toya" you reassure him with a smile. "it's just, i thought that maybe you were getting tired of me,, so i decided that i'd give you some space." you admit, saying the last part a bit more quiet than the rest. he frowns and kisses your forehead.
"don't feel that way, [name]. i'm not getting tired of you, and i don't plan on doing so anytime soon." he says, holding your hand softly.
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akito shinonome !
• you fought about how he overworks himself all the time and how he has to take a break
• he denies everything you say, and shouts at you to leave him alone
• well you ended up leaving him alone, and during that time period, that was when he knew he missed you
you groan and shake your head. "akito, can't you just take a break? you're always over working yourself." you say. "[name], i'm fine. stop worrying about me." he replies back, turning away from you. "you're not fine, shinonome! you always come back so tired, and how can i not worry? you're really pissing me off." you argue. "if you don't want someone like me pissing you off, then you should just break up with me."
you look at him wide eyed and feel tears seeping through your eyes. you thought that you had found someone that you'd fall in love with, but did he really just say that? you groan wipe your tears. "fine!" "wait, [name]-" you run out the door and see ena looking at you with a worried face. you avoid her and run back to your own house tiredly.
if only you knew what was going on his mind right now. he regret what he just said, and how you probably want to break up with him. he didn't mean what he said.
he felt bad. he felt guilty. he sighed and groaned.
what was he gonna do now? he knew that he had to apologize one way or another, but how? you probably hated his guts anyways.
the next day, you went to weekend garage and sat down at a booth. ken walked up to you, and saw you upset. he handed you a drink, and walked away, giving you alone time. you silently thanked him.
suddenly, you hear the door open. speaking of the devil, it's akito. he spots you and goes over to you, worriedly. "what do you need, akito?" you ask coldly. ouch. "[name], i'm sorry. okay? i'm sorry. please, forgive me. i didn't mean it. i don't hate you." he confesses.
you feel your vision blur, and smile quietly. he sits beside you and kisses your lips softly. "i'm sorry" he whispers one last time.
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the-redacted-workshop · 9 months
Hi Ray! Uhh it’s your resident lurker, the one who wrote that long-ass ask about Link and Tulin being so similar? Y’know how I said the colors post was giving me some brainrot? Yeah, uh.. this is in part inspired by that. I hope you enjoy? A!! (And seriously, no pressure to respond!! + if you'd like me to remove this for whatever reason, then please let me know!!)
(Also a warning, this is long as shit, like. Almost 2000 words according to google docs, so it is MOST CERTAINLY under a read more! There are TOTK endgame spoilers so. Watch out, reader, if for whatever reason you haven't gotten that far!)
Ganondorf could not kill them. Nor could he kill their spirits, their drive, their care for eachother.
But what he did do to to them sure as hell killed Link’s creativity, for a couple months.
Even now that Sonia and Rauru had returned his arm to him, unscarred and without its old aches and pains, Link found it harder than ever to create with that hand. Maybe the aforementioned is all the reason he needs- it feels nothing like how it should feel. It doesn’t feel like his anymore.
It was one thing when his pains were tangible, physical- he could do something about them, or take something for them. But the phantom pains, both from his scars of days past and his time with the ‘gift’ of Rauru’s arm? There’s so little to be done about them.
But eventually, Link does what he has always done: fight through his discomfort and pain to achieve his goals. Now, that doesn’t mean it isn’t slow going, but he doesn’t bother to note it as often as he used to, these days. Time passing, ‘wasted’, is no problem, now that the threats to his home and friends are gone once more.
He has a new project he’s working on. Gifts, one for all of his friends- Zelda, the sages, so many people that have helped them all along the way. Yona especially, a marriage gift for her for when the time comes.
He makes Zelda’s first. A scarf, themed after her dragon form and lined with beads made of the shards that would break off the spikes of her spine. She has mixed feelings when he first presents it, but the way the beads help her relax turns the tide, and Link doesn't miss how she takes very cooler day as an opportunity to wear it.
Yunobo’s has to wait until Link has all his strength back- it requires stone-carving and metal-working, and he can’t do that comfortably yet- not from a pain standpoint, more inexperience. Same for Sidon and Yona’s gifts, but theirs will come first.
Riju gets a new plush for her collection, fashioned after her favorite sandseal. It wears a plush version of the Lightning Helm crooked on its head, and Link very kindly does not comment when Riju starts getting teary in his home, after a dinner with him and Zelda. The two of them have always been rather sentimental people, at heart, and he will allow her to keep the facade of being anything else if she so wishes.
Then comes Tulin. Tulin, for as long as Link can remember, has been an adventurer at heart. He has all he needs at his home village, all he could ever ask, and the wilds give him all he could ever want, but comfort in the latter isn’t easy to come by sometimes. So Link's idea is something.. seemingly simple, but not so much to make.
Link takes months to make it, longer than any of the other gifts. He has to mine and buy rubies, both of which take time and energy. He has to carefully dye all the thread and fabric he needs, but Sayge is kind enough to lend their services- as well as their keen eye for color. Riju takes the rubies to Gerudo Town so they can be prepared by a proper expert on them, the best anyone could ever know. Link loves the jewels that come from Isha, he knew when he got the finished product returned that he made the right investment.
And eventually, a rhythm builds. Piece by piece, color by color, the gift comes together. And it’s ready by the time Link goes to Rito Village next to join Tulin on a journey.
The day goes as it always does, when Link visits. Tulin still wears the Secret Stone around his ankle, and the colors of the band holding it are still as vivid and clear as they were the day he received it. He even wears a similar, braided band Link made to ‘counterbalance’ on the opposing ankle.
Green, Red, Yellow. May the Windlines carry you far, and come home to me alive. You won’t fight alone.
Link had made it, admittedly clumsily, when Tulin first became a Sage. Link promised to make a nicer one, when he could, but Tulin had refused. He was attached to the gift, it seemed. For the best- Link never found the time to make a better one, as much as he hated that fact.
Link finds Tulin in the Village, assuring and reassuring too many times over that he would be fine. He’d be back in a few weeks with Link, and it wasn’t like they were going to go fight Gleeoks or anything- though Link was sure Tulin would beg to do so.
Maybe they would, but Link would be the one to determine that.
They spend about an hour at the nearest Skyview tower after, Tulin watching the Purah Pad over Link's shoulder as the Hylian points out all the destinations he wants to hit with Tulin- major hotspots for big monsters (no Gleeoks yet, to Tulin’s disappointment), historic landmarks and cool scenery he thinks Tulin would like. There’s no shortage to what he wants to show the young Rito, and there is no shortage to what Tulin wants to see.
So they head to the Leviathan Skeleton there in Hebra, first. Then through the snowfields, carefully avoiding the Gleeok there, to Mount Drena. Tulin meets the Great Fairy (after Link has a long, long talk with Mija about appropriate behavior with Tulin, which she respects) and gets some of his gear upgraded.
Then they go farther east. They check out Thyphlo Ruins, and that’s where they stop for the night, next to the Skyview tower. They set up camp, with Tulin helping clear out and scatter any monster bones they find so that no Stal-monsters pop up first, and then they start to settle the camp itself.
Tulin usually brings a hammock to sleep in, when they go on trips, and when Link returns from checking for any wandering monsters, Tulin is setting up the poles for that. Link takes a deep breath, hand resting on the Purah Pad as he walks over.
Once he’s gotten the boy’s attention with a couple of short, chirp-like whistles, his hands rise to talk. “So, before you set that up any further, I wanna show you something.” He signs slower than he normally would, knowing Tulin can understand him but not always keep up.
“What’s that? I thought we saw all there was to see here.” Tulin perches on one of the poles he has set up, a perfect T-shape for doing so. “Is it something you brought?” His head tilts, eyes shining with a youthful curiosity that Link has to adore. The boy still has that, Link kinda hopes he always will.
“Yes, I actually made something. It’s a gift for you. I’m sorry it took me so long to make it for you, I wasn’t sure what to make until a couple months ago."
Tulin perks up, hopping off the perch and landing right in front of Link, making the older step back a little. “Really? It better not be a new band, I told you I didn’t want a new one!"
“No no no,” Link signs rapidly, “It’s way cooler than the band. Step back and cover your eyes, I want you to be surprised.” When Tulin doesn’t do as Link asks, Link repeats the instructions twice before Tulin finally groans and walks away, wings over his head.
Link quickly lays out his gift next to Tulin’s setup, making sure it’s not too close to the fire and smoothing it out as best as he can.
When it’s ready, Link whistles again for Tulin’s attention, and he is flying over in an instant. He lands next to the laid out gift, and he seems confused for a few moments before he starts bouncing and flapping around, excited enough to start chirping.
It’s a new hammock, made in the same standard adult size that Tulin usually uses for long trips. Technically it’s far too big for Tulin now, not that the other one wasn't, but it should last long enough for Tulin to grow into. It’s all quilted and embroidered, a feat that took him almost every second of the months he spent on it.
It's all made of the same durable material that Link’s paraglider is made of, made to last and endure the elements- all the elements, even Death Mountain in Link’s experience.
The quilted part itself is an image. Tulin from the front, head bowed, hands cupped to hold his Secret Stone. The symbol on the Secret Stone is embroidered in white and blue, and the symbol is repeated on the backing as well. Green and blue swirls behind the young Rito’s image, like the shrines that have long since dissolved from Hyrule.
The border of the quilt is a rhythm of colors.
Yellow - You’re part of my family, and I am part of yours, as long as you will have me.
Orange - I aspire to keep up with your skill, your stories will be told with awe as you grow.
Dark Green - The Windlines favor you, as your family does, as I do. May they carry you far.
White - These Colors don’t define you though. Don’t be tied down by them, make your own. I know you can. I know you will.
Red - Above all, brother, come home to us, and come home safe.
Every Red patch bears a ruby, and every Yellow patch a piece of the Light Dragon’s spikes, all rounded like beads, all held there by thin but sturdy wiring sewn under the patch, and Link knows the magic in them will keep Tulin warm in any blizzard, any horrid winter. Link won't let him be stuck in a mess like that unprepared, not again.
Tulin looks like he might cry. Link isn’t sure if all he wants to convey to the boy gets across quite right, but Tulin seems to understand the gist of it, judging by how he outright tackles Link after a little bit of Tulin's excited hopping.
He starts rambling, and Link stumbles around a bit as he wraps his arms around the Rito who’s clinging to his torso like he’s a tree in a storm. Link can make out a vast appreciation of the gift, he hears an I love it somewhere in there, and if Link wasn't already grinning (he was), he wouldve then.
Eventually, Tulin untangles from the Hylian, and they set up the hammock together. Tulin is far too careful as he hops in, and Link laughs, signing that “you don’t need to be so careful Tulin, just don't purposefully rip it with your talons and it’ll be fine!”
And that night, Tulin sleeps soundly, deeper in his dreams than a Frok in the Depths. And Link finds himself proud. He thinks he made the right choice, as he himself drifts to sleep. He will not have such a peaceful sleep, he rarely does, but it is made slightly more gentle by the knowledge that Tulin will.
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solarsyren · 2 years
NOT ONE FOR COMFORT | Breach x Masc!Reader
Here’s a gift for one of my first friends in Valorant tumblr, @gunsforarms ! I’m still figuring out Breach’s voice in my head, but hopefully this is decent enough…
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Breach has never been the kind to get too feel-y. A lifetime of crime, running and hardship certainly doesn’t leave much space for emotional processing, and for the longest time he’s been fine with it.
Except for this time.
It’s an unfortunate coincidence, he thinks, that everyone else is out and about on missions or time off. Viper’s been locked in her lab for heaven knows how many hours working on some project of hers, Sage is out training recruits, and Brimstone has a day full of meetings. It’s only him.
Well, him and the muffled sounds of crying coming from the training range. Whoever it is, he hopes they’re not shooting live rounds with teary eyes—he’ll get blamed for any injuries surely, and Sage has already been nagging him about property damage.
“The hell is happening here?” Granted, he could have been more tactful, but playing parent is Sage’s job, not his.
“…Sorry. I can leave, I was just finishing practice.” The new recruit is quick to stand up straight, angrily wiping away tears off their face. “I won’t be long, just need to put my stuff awa—“
“Spikes down, man. I’m not here to kick you out, but your crying had me thinking my ancestors came to haunt me.” Breach’s frown softens a little, and he relaxes his posture.
“Ah. That… I’ll be quieter next time.”
“I’d hope there wasn’t a next time at all.” Breach crosses his arms across his chest. “Sit, tell me what’s got you in tears, and whether or not I should be beating someone up.”
“I’ve just had a rough week.” The recruit is obviously uncomfortable as he shifts and looks around, pointedly avoiding Breach’s eye. “It’s fine.”
“Is it target practice? I can probably pester Sova into teaching you.”
“…No.” There’s clear hesitation in the young man’s face, “I’m just tired, I guess? Of people making assumptions about me and treating me like I’m not capable enough.”
That’s a feeling Breach knows well enough at least. Being a double amputee, there’s been an abundance of people who doubted his ability to complete his contracts, and a plethora more that chose to make that doubt known.
It takes him a second to formulate something to say that isn’t just ‘Fuck them!’, but when he finally finds the words he makes sure to accompany them with a careful pat in the back.
“Stupid people will always project their ineptitude on others. Times might be hard now, and you will probably have to put in twice or thrice the amount of effort that others do to get to the same place, but as long as you meet your goals, who cares if it takes time?”
He grabs a gun from the artillery closet and stands next to the recruit, readying two targets in the process. “Now come on, let’s work on that aim of yours. You’ve gotta hit your shots if you’re following up my flashes.”
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captainnameless · 1 year
I hope you had the best New Years! Would you mind possibly sharing something with us about the little guys with fireworks? Maybe some of them get a bit restless?
i did 🫶🏻✨
something something about Mercedes having a celebration with fireworks. George is parading around with those safety goggles and trying to convince others to wear them. Those goggles almost make it seem like he will be careful but Lewis has to spend most of the time guiding the boy away from walking into the explosives or fussing about with his coat because George is refusing to acknowledge the season and Lewis keeps zipping it up to his chin with gentle admonishment. George loves the fireworks, big wide eyes blinking from behind those ridiculous goggles before mustering up the courage to go ask Lewis if he can go ask if George can light one too. Pretty please.
Charles doesn’t dislike the fireworks, but when it’s another shit race and another bad day he’d very much rather not have them there. He’s already in a bad mood and it’s making the post race interviews even harder because he can barely hear the question and there’s a definite scowl set into his features by the end of it. Sebastian’ll notice, because he always notices. And allows Charles to whine about it while he’s cuddled close to his chest, murmuring words of reassurance into his hair while Charles threatens the creator.
Mick adores fireworks, no matter the time no matter the place. Absolutely yeets himself out of bed when they’re in a Singapore and there’s a bang all of a sudden, curtains flying open and face pressed into the glass before Sebastian even has a chance to reacts. Mick ooo’s and aaa’s with every explosion and narrates the entire show as if Sebastian has not come to watch it with his own eyes. Mick’ll be hyper the rest of night, re-telling and re-telling until he finally settles with a promise of a glittery arts and crafts project later.
Lando is less of a fan when they’re unexpected. There’s a very teary and panicky phone call made and Carlos shows up a little bit later to come and soothe the boy. Helps Lando calm down before telling the younger he’s gonna open the curtains so Lando can see it’s just the fireworks. Lando just hides under the covers. Only daring to peak out when Carlos is back in bed, holding him close and pointing out the loud bangs were in fact just fireworks, and Lando spends his time glaring at them while Carlos rubs his fingers through his hair.
Both Max and Daniel love fireworks. They’re loud and obnoxious and usually mean a good time. Max’ll get plenty warnings of keeping the car in a certain mode after a race is finished but the boy’s just distracted with all the pretty colors in the sky. He’ll seek out Daniel and together they’ll stall going to the media pen just a little bit so they can catch some of the show together.
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risingmoon24 · 4 months
💙Blue Dawn❤️
A Hilda Berg and Goopy Le Grande Fanfiction.
Note: I am not a writer, but this is a passion project I’ve put on hold for a while.
Once, it was a beautiful day in Inkwell Isles. All was well until there was an explosion in the sky!
Cuphead and Mugman had just defeated Hilda Berg, flying past her and snatching her soul contract. This all happened before Hilda exploded out of her moon form. Hilda found herself plummeting towards the ground. The cups were long gone to help her.
Hilda wondered if she was going to die. She didn’t want to die. Nonetheless she screamed for help.
Down below in the forest, Goopy Le Grande, the most fiercest and handsome boxer in inkwells, was not looking so fierce and handsome at the moment as he too had taken a toll on being beaten by the cups. Goopy was almost finished wrapping up his other arm in bandages when he heard faint screams from above. There she was. Hilda Berg. Goopy hadn’t known Hilda that well as she preferred to keep to herself in the sky. He had many times tried to talk to her but she was either asleep or ignored him. But now she needed him most. Goopy without thinking, sprung into action. Using whatever energy he had left, he jumped higher than he’s ever jumped into the sky. Midair, he caught the zeppelin. Hilda was surprised, but didn’t think much of it. She grabbed on to the slime for dear life and Goopy held on to her tightly.
“It’s okay… you’re safe now!” Goopy spoke with a reassuring voice. Hilda smiled and cried.
“That’s nice and all” she said, but then she looked down, “But we’re still falling!!”
Goopy also looked down. They were pretty high up and falling back down. Goopy quickly held onto Hilda in an embrace and faced up so that his back would hit the ground and Hilda would safely be on top. As soon as they hit the ground, Goopy, being made out of bouncy slime, sprang up once more before coming to a stop. Hilda hopped off.
“Thank you so much, blue friend. I owe you my life!” Hilda smiled but then became worried when Goopy didn’t respond.
“BLUE!” She screamed. “WAKE UP!! PLEASE!”
Hilda began to freak out. Goopy laid there more injured from the impact. He was luckily still breathing. Hilda knew what she had to do. She was going to bring him back to her observatory to treat him. After all he did risk his life to save hers, and he barely even knows her.
Hilda and Goopy were in the woods and Hilda needed help. Thank goodness she knew someone in the forest that could help. But would they help?
Cagney Carnation was still recovering from the cups as well as most of the other residents. Him and his daisies really took some damage. That’s when he heard Hilda running towards him. Hilda and Cagney know each other, but they aren’t exactly fond of each other. Cagney for fun likes to shoot seeds at her clouds that she’ll be laying on and try to shoot her out of the sky and Hilda uses her weather powers to burn down his garden. But now they needed to settle their differences.
“Overgrown weed” Hilda grunted.
“Oversized balloon” Cagney Snarled.
Hilda took a deep breath. She didn’t have time for this.
“I need your help, Carnation” she muttered.
Cagney looked confused. “You want MY help. Why? Why do you want my help and what makes you think I’d help you?”
Hilda took a deep breath and tried to compose herself.
“It’s the little Blue blob. You know the one that’s always bouncing around?”
Cagney looked at her in disbelief. “You mean, Goopy? Goopy Le Grande? What about him?”
Hilda was relieved to know his name. “Yes Goopy! He’s in real danger! He’s really hurt” Hilda got all teary eyed, “And it might be my fault! He tried to save me!”
Cagney stopped looking angry but looked somewhat annoyed. “You can stop with the tears. You should know by now that I won’t help simply from the kindness of my heart. I have daisies to feed, it’s gonna cost you.”
Hilda wiped her tears and spoke sternly. “Help me bring Goopy to my observatory and I’ll give you what you want. Name your price, Carnation!”
Cagney sighed. “I want you to make it rain. It’s been dry around here for a while. My crops aren’t getting any better in this heat. If you can use your powers to make it rain for me, then we’ll be even. Deal?”
Hilda nodded. “Deal.”
So Cagney and his daisies got together with Hilda and they carried Goopy to Hilda’s observatory, Goopy had been passed out in his large boxing form which was pretty heavy but they were able to do it..
Hilda nodded to Cagney.
“Thank you Cagney. Now I can properly treat him.”
Cagney nodded back. “Just make sure I see rain soon.”
Soon Cagney and his daisies were off.
Goopy laid on Hilda’s couch and she began to treat his injuries. Hilda bandaged him all up and let him rest. She decided to make some food so that when he woke up, they can share a meal and she can thank him.
Hilda couldn’t help but stare at Goopy while he slept. He was sort of handsome, she thought. Hilda tried to snap out of it.
After a while of sleeping, Goopy finally woke up.
“H-Hello?” He was confused to be in an unfamiliar place.
“GOOPY!” Hilda immediately ran to his side. “YOU’RE OKAY! THANK THE STARS!”
Goopy looked at her and smiled. He began to shrink down to his normal size. A size in which Hilda could hold him. Hilda blushed. He was just too cute.
“Thank you Hilda. I’m so happy you’re okay.” Goopy spoke. “Did you bandage me up?”
Hilda nodded. “Yes! You were hurt and—“
Goopy sprung up and gave her a hug.
Hilda was surprised but hugged back. She’s not a hug type of person, but she let it slide this time.
To Be Continued…
(Should I write more?)
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