#amethyst system board
Red stimboard??
It's been over a week but here you go! Credit under cut!
Song: Melancholy pianist2028
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ghostinthecodes · 1 month
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Name: Sathva
Race: Twi’lek
Age: 28
Weapons: Blaster pistols, vibro knife
Class: Gunslinger/slicer
Alias: Cerulean Fang
Known Locations: N/A, Sathva likes to keep her typical haunts and whereabouts discreet.
Personality: Sathva is a force to be reckoned with, embodying a fiery spirit that burns brightly in everything she does. Quick with a sharp retort and even quicker on the draw, she carries herself with a confident, almost mischievous energy. Her wit is as sharp as her blaster, always ready with a clever comeback or a playful jab, making her a lively companion and a formidable adversary.
Beneath her playful exterior lies a deep well of determination and a fierce sense of independence. Sathva enjoys the thrill of outsmarting her opponents, whether in a firefight or a battle of wits. She’s a master at using her charm and humor to disarm those around her, often leaving them underestimating the true danger she poses.
However, crossing Sathva is a dangerous mistake. She’s vindictive, never forgetting a slight, and she has the skills to make sure those who wrong her regret it. Her vendettas are pursued with the same fiery passion she brings to everything else, making her a relentless enemy.
Appearance: Sathva stands at 5'5" with a fit and agile build. Her sky-blue skin is striking, adorned with bold black stripes that trace the length of her lekku. These long, graceful head-tails are often draped around her shoulders, the right one resting over the front of her shoulder, while the left cascades down her back.
Her visage is sharp, with high cheekbones and full lips that  frequently curl into a sly smile complimented by her sharp, piercing amethyst orbs that seem to see through deception and gauge intentions with a single glance. A thin scar runs over her right eye.
History: Sathva was born into the harsh and unforgiving world of slavery on the Outer Rim. As a Twi'lek, her value was often judged by her appearance, but from a young age, she displayed a sharp intellect that set her apart from others. Her owners, recognizing her potential, forced her to work in the tech pits, repairing and maintaining various machines and droids. It was there, among the wires and circuits, that Sathva discovered her true talent: slicing.
Sathva's mind was a labyrinth of codes and algorithms, and she quickly became proficient in hacking into secure systems, bypassing security protocols, and manipulating droids to her will. She spent her nights secretly learning more about the vast galaxy outside her chains, dreaming of freedom and the life she could lead if she ever escaped.
Her chance came when she was tasked with repairing a starship for a powerful crime lord. While working on the ship, Sathva secretly sliced into its navigation systems and set a course for a remote, uncharted sector of space. On the day of the ship's departure, she took a leap of faith, boarding the vessel and using her skills to override its security, sending it into hyperspace. By the time the crime lord's men realized what had happened, Sathva was long gone, free at last.
Now a free woman, Sathva decided to use her skills to carve out a life for herself in the galaxy as a gunslinger/slicer.
Notes: While skilled with blasters and tech, Sathva’s favorite form of combat is getting up close and personal. She finds close range combat thrilling, loving the added danger. 
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novantinuum · 5 months
Fandom: Steven Universe Rating: Teen Audiences Words: ~1K Summary: “What’s going on—?” he croaks to absolutely no one (weakened, vulnerable, alone, pathetic—), a jolt of fresh panic surging through his entire system. He’s never seen a gem flicker before. He has no idea what this means.
Got a short one-shot for y'all today! This was a quick lil' guy I whipped up within the past week to boost my Camp NaNoWriMo word count in between working on other projects.
It's a canon-compliant fic set during the SU movie.
“What’s going on—?” he croaks to absolutely no one (weakened, vulnerable, alone, pathetic—), a jolt of fresh panic surging through his entire system as he watches the diamond at his core outright flicker.
He’s never seen a gem flicker before. He has no idea what this means. But even more urgently… his gaze snaps up to all the gemstones littering the grass like it’s a damned battlefield… he has no idea how he’s supposed to de-escalate this situation if he can’t successfully bubble this rogue Gem. The others will reform in no time, of that he’s sure— but so will she. And when she does, what’s stopping her from pulling out another weapon and attacking them all over again? 
Steven shakes the grim thought out of his head, exerting a surprising sum of energy in dragging himself back to his feet. (Stars, he’s so out of breath…) But no— no. He can’t allow himself to get so caught up in the brambles of such nebulous what-ifs. Come on, Universe. Stay resilient. Stay positive. There’s only one mission that matters at the moment, and that’s gathering up that weapon and all these gemstones and moving them somewhere safe. He’s capable of that much, at least.
Still… that anxious, always hyper-vigilant part of himself he tries hard to keep buried can’t help but dread the worst as he shoves that heart-shaped gem and the pink scythe into the deepest depths of his jacket pocket and drags his spent, trembling body up the hill to retrieve all his loved ones.
Steven collapses face-first upon the couch the second all the Gems are safely deposited on the living room coffee table, heaving what has to be the single most exaggerated groan of exhaustion any one soul has ever produced. 
Good golly.
Amethyst is usually back by now. That sure doesn’t shine any optimism on this situation, now does it? What on Earth did that scythe do to them?
And what the heck did it do to me, he thinks, the mere act of baseline existence leaving him as wiped as a marathon runner even though he’s literally lying as flat as a board. It’s a kind of total body exhaustion he rarely experiences, far more intense than a hard day’s workout or multiple nights of poor sleep. 
In fact, now that he ponders his predicament, he hasn’t felt as drained as this since—
He pales, his heart pounding at a somewhat uneven tempo. With much effort, he pushes himself upright again… yanks up the bottom hem of his shirt to splay his opposing hand across the familiar planes of his own gemstone, tracing their edges until his pulse calms down and he stops feeling so itchy and paranoid. No. Stop. it’s not like The Incident at all. He’s whole. They’re together, not split in half, not disconnected from one another.
Or at least… (he swallows. Hard.) Not physically.
Flashing a frustrated grimace, Steven gathers the gem of their attacker in his palms and attempts to form a bubble around it again. And again. And again. No dice, alas. The result is the same no matter how hard he tries. Even if he manages to fashion one large enough, it bursts only a few heartbeats later, leaving him breathless and haggard and with nothing to show for it. He wipes away the sweat that’s started to bead upon his forehead, and— rather defeated by this failure— dumps that damned gem back on the table a tad rougher than he probably ought to. 
Okay. So no bubble. Great. Just great. Absolutely peachy. What else about him is broken right now?
He throws out his arm, envisioning his shield bursting to life in front of it. And to his credit this hard-light weapon does briefly appear, but only as a glitchy flicker. Ugh. All right, so his shield’s a complete dud, too. With this in mind he sees no real point in testing any of his other powers. It seems his gem’s simply on the fritz now, no thanks to her. (He shoots a dirty glare at those pink, ever-taunting facets.) Plus, he figures an attempt and failure to float might prove disastrous. Best not to test fate today with how his luck’s been so far.
Steven clenches his fingers tight, painfully aware of how tense his whole body is right now. He outright can’t help it. This is the single most stressful thing that’s landed on his doorstep since the Diamonds crashed Garnet’s wedding. And not only that, but with all these muscle groups activated at once he can feel his pulse thrumming like a never-ending mantra within his wrist, its tempo frustratingly irregular. It reminds him a lot of how Dad describes his caffeine intolerance. Both keyed-up and jittery. Thrown to the brink of fight-or-flight but also exhausted to the point of collapse. It’s insufferable, and without the guidance and encouragement of the Gems he has no clue what he’s supposed to do about it.
His breath quivering as he feels his gemstone glitch out within him yet again, he pulls his phone out of his pocket. (And boy, is he surprised the screen isn’t cracked after the mighty tumble he took up on the hill.) He taps into his messages and— his finger hovering over Connie’s picture for a moment longer than it ought to— (no, don’t worry her, just let her enjoy her space camp)— ultimately selects his dad’s contact.
Pls come quick as you can, he types furiously. Town in danger (???) from new Gem, everyone got poofed. At house.
The teen slumps back upon the couch, letting himself sink back into its plush, reassuring comfort. There. At least Dad might be able to help. And even if he can’t, well… 
(He wipes away that annoying stray tear pooling at the edge of one of his eyes. Childish, he chides himself. Stupid.)
At least it’s better than weathering this storm on his own.
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pridepoisoned · 6 months
@infernalpursuit sent: [ @busygirlgcttagc Pokèverse time AND mix n matching prompts heehe ] creepy location meeting in an undisclosed government facility + ❛ may i have my gun back? ❜
In the dead of night, Hoenn's hulking DEVON CORPORATION lies dormant, its sleepy, surface-level appearance concealing the constant thrum of underground activity occurring in its top-secret satellite facilities.
...At least, the facilities are supposed to be top-secret.
ERIS EVANS rules over these underground realms with an iron fist, ever-quick to snare intruders like a mother spider at the heart of her web. Most captures turn out to be foolish first-time criminals in over their heads or just misdirected wanderers. In any case, both types are swiftly disciplined without much incident, Devon's darkest secrets scared right out of them.
Occasionally, however, a case falls into Eris's lap that proves too tantalizing, too intriguing to ignore--and tonight's latest captive has earned her personal attention.
LARA CROFT. A familiar-sounding name, shrouded in mystery. Eris has heard the infiltration details from some terrified guards: she somehow wandered straight into the heart of the heavily-fortified lab system, and managed to overwhelm scores of Devon security before finally being sedated and brought before the lead scientist. (Now, Lara slumps in silence, bound securely to a metal chair and still mercifully uncon-)
May I have my gun back?
Eris startles at Lara's sudden question--spoken from the shadows--and a small vial slips out of her hand and shatters, sizzling and crackling on the lab floor. Despite this unexpected turn of events, the small half-smile never leaves the scientist's face, her glasses glinting as she steps over the spill to get a closer look at her...subject. Fascinating.
"...Impressive," she murmurs, languidly waving a needle in her gloved free hand. "My latest sedative compound was supposed to last twenty hours, at least. It's a potent mix of Venomoth toxins and Parasect spores--so the slumber is supposed to be absolute." (Eris takes a seat atop her desk, amethyst hues twinkling as she lets out a playful sigh.) "...Well, you proved that hypothesis wrong. Back to the drawing board, I suppose. Or, perhaps some further testing would be appropriate..."
Her hungry tone hangs in the stale laboratory air, lingering ominously.
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"...In any case, your reputation precedes you, Miss Croft. A flair for the dramatic, a fiery entrance--it took nearly our entire security force to bring you down. I wonder...what could you be seeking here? After all, nobody wanders into these restricted areas without a reason." Eris rests her chin on a palm, surveying Lara's reaction as if she's under a microscope. "As for your gun..." Her lip curls subtly, and she nods towards Lara's weapon--neatly disassembled into little pieces upon her desk. "...I'm afraid I can't accommodate that request at the moment. Curiosity got the better of me, and I just...couldn't help myself."
The needle glints in her hand, undoubtedly loaded with a fresh compound, and Eris smiles again. (She's always had fangs.)
"You've already proven to be quite the disruption tonight. Cooperate, and I'll make this as painless as possible..."
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lazysublimeengineer · 2 years
lost kitten
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Summary: Halfway starts with happiness for me
Halfway house, lost kitten in the street
Characters: Ranpo Edogawa & Nakajima Atsushi
(A/N: I don’t own anything from this franchise. Respectful ownership belongs to Metric for this song and Kafka Asagiri for this manga).
Don't say yes if you can't say no
Victim of the system, say it isn't so
Squatted on the doorstep, swollen on the blow
Leaving without you, can't say no
Nothing gets past Ranpo’s keen, chartreuse irises.
So, when his line of sight grazed over Atsushi’s form the next time the other placed the stacked of papers onto his desk with an awkward smile on his lips and a pure sparkle of curiosity pooling around his amethyst eyes, he’s quick to dismissed him as a lanky male with an airheaded disposition and a terrible person who can’t say no to other people even if he doesn’t want to do it.
A doormat with no self-preservation.
Atsushi’s existence wasn’t worth thinking about so he focused on other things.
Even when the other was kidnapped back then he didn’t hold back on his own opinion of questioning the agency’s want of saving him when it’s Atsushi’s fault for falling into that kind of situation in the first place.
Because of his stupid kindness. Naivete. And didn’t have an ounce of self-regard for himself.
Even if Fukuzawa had persuaded him successfully back then to rescue the young lad, a twinge of acerbity pooled within him as he complied with his team’s wishes and successfully rescued him with his great assistance.
Ranpo had tried to dismiss it and paid attention to other important variables of their mission even though numerous emotions had arisen within him which had his mind and heart swam into pools of confoundment.
Halfway starts with happiness for me Halfway house, lost kitten in the street Hit me where it hurts, I'm coming home to lose Kitten on the catwalk, high-heeled shoes
Boarding on the train was a pain in the ass.
There were a lot of things that needed to be considered which always made Ranpo’s mind came into a screeching halt when processing more important information inside his head.
But most of all he hated it when he had to stare at the railway map at the train station like it was an object consisted of alien language.
For all his cleverness and intelligence, he had a terrible spatial awareness when it came to directions.
Most of the time he loathed some missions that required for him to take on the train.
“Ranpo-san…?” Atsushi’s hesitant voice in the background reached his line of hearing and halted his thoughts and concentration.
“Yeah?” He asked noncommittally.
“I already bought some train tickets so we’re good to go…” The other’s voice faltered slightly at the end which caught Ranpo’s attention and turned around to face him.
Ranpo saw the look of hesitation and slight embarrassment coloring the other’s face but what caught more of his attention was the other holding a bottle of—
“Ramune?” He voiced out.
“Oh. Uh, yeah. I figured that you might be bored and probably thirsty from the heat and waiting for too long because of the long lines at the booth. So, this one’s for you Ranpo-san but I’m not sure if you’d want a drink like this—.”
“Open it and give it to me.” Ranpo cut him off lightly.
Atushi blinked at him owlishly before complying to his words and twisted the cap off from the lid. The soft, sizzling sound of the soda permeated his ears as soon as Atsushi opened it and handed it to him.
Ranpo took it in silence and drank from its contents. As the other was mostly self-conscious around him to notice anything else, one of his eyes opened slightly and let his dazzling emerald orbs bored right through the other’s soul.
He guessed that lost kittens had an interesting side after all.
No more hard-headed Saturdays They got it, they want it, they give it away Tell me one thing you would never do I was looking for a hooker when I found you
Ranpo was used to it by now.
The incompetence and inefficiency of the police in this place was something that irked him in the past but he grew mostly out of it and regarded them with a cold indifference and distaste.
But this was one of those days that his backhanded comments and smart aleck remarks had made Ranpo landed himself in hot waters with one of the police officers.
He didn’t look like it but he had a basic knowledge of self-defense techniques from Fukuzawa himself which wasn’t to be trifled either as he was trained by a previous assassin.
Besides Ranpo view the other people who resorted to violence as a retaliation as a lower being than himself as he found them dull and lacking in sharpness in thinking that fists could solve everything.
Ranpo was ready to block out the other’s officer’s incoming fists when someone blocked it already much to his brief surprise.
His eyes grew wide for a moment as he stared at Atsushi’s paws effectively caught the other’s fist and blocked his attack.
“I’d appreciate it if we don’t resort to violence sir. Especially not hitting on Ranpo-san who’s currently lending his hand and skill as a detective in solving this case.” Atsushi’s firm voice rang out.
It was rare to see and hear Atsushi being like that.
He knew that he got some hidden claws but it’s usually overshadowed by his meekness and insecure behavior most of the time.
“Tch. Whatever. Don’t think that both of you are some hotshots just because your talented people.” The officer sneered as he withdrew his fists and walked away grumbling to himself.
And just like that.
Everything went back to normal.
You've got my eyes, you've got my eyes You'll never be mine, ah, but you've got my eyes
“I can defend myself earlier.” Ranpo’s casual voice shattered the deafening silence as they’re both walked back to the train station after Ranpo solved the case at the pier.
Orangey hues spread out through the sky as the sun was already setting down in the late afternoon.
“I know Ranpo-san… But deducing something from a complicated crime such as this in just less than a few minutes is a great talent itself even greater than my own honestly… And people such as the police officers should learn to respect and appreciate that…” Atsushi paused and looked at him with a serenely downcast expression on his face, a fragile yet smile of understanding marring his features.
It made Ranpo paused gazed at him with a brief expression of being taken aback for a few seconds.
And that’s when Ranpo knew.
Atsushi was one of the genuinely accepting and selfless people he had met in his lifetime.
When you lie, I cover it up When you hide, I cover it up When you cry, I cover it up When you come undone, I cover it up
Ranpo had realized his initial lukewarm reception towards him.
Because he saw his younger self in him.
Naïve. Accepting. Kind.
It disgusted him.
But he was more disgusted at himself.
He had turned into some jaded, cynical being disguised in the faux sweetness of his confectionaries and quick remarks to other people.
Emotions hadn’t been his strong suit and Ranpo knew that his sharp tongue and disposition with other people had always got him into trouble rather out of it.
But an unknown, niggling feeling within him had urged to take a good look at Atsushi and pay more attention to him.
And his intrigue grew with each moment passed them by.
So pent-up, I was coming home to you Happy in the nighttime, howlin' at the moon Sippin' on a cocktail, drinking in the loo There's something about you I hold on to
Days trickled by that turned into weeks.
They both found themselves in being partnered often in missions together.
Mostly because aside Atsushi being too kind in refusing tasks and partners being assigned to him, he was one of the few people who possessed a genuine patience that can rival a saint when it came to dealing with Ranpo’s fractious personality.
Their silence inside the train rides slowly turned into occasional small talks: mostly with Ranpo commenting idly on his observations about other people and ranting about everything else. Until it turned into a two-way street of conversation between the two of them.
Ranpo found out even with their stark differences, they have oblique similarities.
They’re fiercely protective of people they care about even if it’s in the form of different entire beings.
Opinions of the people they greatly respected and admire about were both important to them.
When the train ride was over, Ranpo had looked over the horizon where the sun was setting peacefully.
A maelstrom of emotions was awakening within him as he stayed longer by Atsushi side.
And he didn’t want it to end.
When you lie, I cover it up When you hide, I cover it up When you cry, I cover it up When you're blind, I cover it up
(A/N: Yeah, pretty damn late getting into this fandom. But what can I say? Ranatsu is the first rare ship that caught my attention in this franchise, and I just had to get this out of my system. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you).
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uniasus · 1 year
I saw a YGO plotbunny ~somewhere~ and it hasn't left me alone. I don't really like kidfics, but here I am, typing away, and oh boy in these first 2.5K words we've dived into the Japanese child care system, parental pressure, the stress of being a celebrity, and probably an unnamed YGO polycule because who the F would make Mai/Joey/Kaiba a thing. Except me, I guess.
Please send help I don't know what I'm doing or why.
You have a fucking kid 
Yugi's mind skipped as he read the ping from Kaiba. What was he talking about? He didn't think Kaiba was that interested in the focus group Yugi was conducting today, and just why was Kaiba pinging him anyway? Free days at Kaibaland were one of the few times he put down his phone. 
His tablet buzzed again, this time with an attachment. Glancing at the kids trying out the new racing game - didn't seem to be any confusion - Yugi opened the file. 
He froze and the world went silent. 
Kaiba had sent him a candid photo, a boy on the other side of a chessboard. The board was expected. Kaiba allowed the kids to challenge him on free days and if they won, or at least gave him an interesting game, he'd sponsor their schooling. It wasn't the reward he'd gotten for defeating Gozubura, but sometimes Yugi doubted that was an award anyway. Paying the way for a kid in the premier private school in Domino was more Kaiba's style than adoption anyway. 
The kid in the photo was an uncanny ringer for a younger Yugi. Wide, amethyst eyes. A baby face. He didn't have Yugi's dye job, but his short black hair had the same tell-tale spikes if softer and shorter.  
Kaiba sent another message. If you don't claim him, you're fired 
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dsmpstimboards · 8 months
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requests are: open!
i have: 4 request(s) at the moment!
ran by @constellationofaries; i'm aries, i'm an adult, i use it/they and i'm very tired, all of the time. this blog is sfw. no DNI.
i take requests for any dsmp character/duo, just make sure your request includes what type of stims you want. i will not do CC requests. i also take requests for just moodboards (still pictures). same rule applies, please include what types of images you'd like.
i also tag the gif sources if i can find them.
if i am uncomfortable with a request i will answer it either way explaining why i won't be doing it. it won't just rot in my inbox, but i reserve the right to deny a request.
tagging system below the cut.
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not a board - anything non-stim or non-mood.
not requested - a stim/moodboard that i made, without it having been requested
(x) stim - how i tag specific stims. ie. sand stim, water stim, slime stim, chain stims, etc. will listed below in the masterlist for convenience.
c!character - how i tag characters involved, or duos if i know the name thereof/if it was provided. will listed below in the masterlist also for convenience.
if it's very requested of me to do so i will also start tagging other things such as colors! please be mindful as it may take a bit for me to tag all my posts properly though.
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stimboards by character
c!schlatt stimboards
c!dream stimboards
c!dreamxd stimboards
c!phil stimboards
c!punz stimboards
c!quackity stimboards
c!sam stimboards
c!techno stimboards
c!tommy stimboards
c!wilbur stimboards
m!pandora stimboards
stimboards by duos/trios/quartets and/or known ship names
c!emeraldduo / c!techza stimboards
c!prisontrio / c!awesamdreamity stimboards
c!sbi stimboards
c!stagedduo / c!drunz stimboards
stimboards by stims
ad stimboards
amethyst stimboards
armor stimboards
book stimboards
candle stimboards
card stimboards
casino stimboards
casino slots stimboards
chain stimboards
choker stimboards
claw stimboards
clock stimboards
cloud stimboards
coin stimboards
crown stimboards
disc stimboards
drink stimboards
dripping stimboards
emerald stimboards
feather stimboards
gear stimboards
gem stimboards (refined)
gemstone stimboards (rough)
handcuff stimboards
hand holding stimboards
hot cocoa / hot chocolate stimboards
honey stimboards
lava stimboards
necklace stimboards
necktie stimboards
orca stimboards
roulette wheel stimboards
ruby stimboards
shoe stimboards
suit stimboards
whale stimboards
whiskey stimboards
wing stimboards
winter stimboards
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Divination | Pendulum |
Also uses a board for “Yes, no, maybe.” Can be used to help lost things [I ended up finding a lost cd that I was looking for] 
I mentioned I dislike the ouija board and yet why am I okay with Pendulumn? Best way to describe it is that a spirit board is like a phone call. While a pendulum is like a text message. 
The Pendulum has been used for hundreds of years by professionals and lay-people to find hidden treasures, diagnose disease, and locate missing persons. Even gems beneath the earth. Predating the pendulum, dowsing or divining rods were employed to discover where water, oil, or minerals existed underground. The words divining, even though the pendulum's range of use is far more extensive.
Some people say that the pendulum creates a bridge between the logical and intuitive parts of the mind. Some say that the pendulum connects them with a higher power called ‘divining’ as the information is believed to come from a divine source. Research indicates that the pendulum responds to electromagnetic energy that radiates from everything on Earth.
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Cleanse your work space, clear your mind before beginning. Sit with good posture with your feet flat on the floor. Hold the pendulum loosely in your hand with the pendant dangling.
What use is a pendulum | Gain your information. Subconscious Mind> Your body and cells of your body. Your higher Self [the intuitive part of your spirit]
Other Spirits. |  How to Use a Pendulum.  Clockwise: Waiting/answer. Anti-clockwise: Waiting/Not available. Yes: An answer/Position. No: Not available/Position.
The pendulum is a simple but effective divination tool that is easy to use, each pendulum connects directly with the user's energy. Basic results can be interpreted with the swings including when the answer is not available.
 It is a portal to the highest self which is how the pendulum works but it can be used to connect to others energy. Usually, it can be used to connect to others' energy. Usually it is for the purpose of divination or healing. 
Your partner with your pendulum.
To establish how your Pendulum works with you, hold the pendulum over the circle about and ask the following questions to help you establish how best you will work together.
Show me “Yes.” Show me “No.”   {Observe and note the direction of movement of each} Show me “Maybe.”  If movement is weak, say “Show me a strong____[Yes,no,Maybe]
Then ask the following test question to understand how you will recognise your answer.
Am I (Say your age) ____ Years old? You should get your movement for YES. Then repeat this question, using an incorrect age to check your answer. You should get your movement for NO.
Formulate your own easy test questions to help establish recognition of movement patterns for each answer.
Some people that use a pendulum prefer to start the tool in motion before asking a question. I have found that in holding the tool still and then asking your question, there is less doubt in the answer to the question. ________________________________________________________
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Amethyst: Healing. Helps boosts body's immune systems into eliminating toxins.
Rose Quartz: The Stone of unconditional love and reconciliation. A good choice in times of crisis. Smoky Quartz:  The go to stone for drawing negative energy away from a person or place.
Sodalite:  The stone of wisdom, used for making logical decisions and phrasing pertinent questions.
Golden Altar: Used for spiritual connection as well as healing on all levels.
Citrine: The well-being crystal, good for dowsing food allergies.
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thegameshowblog · 3 months
*they continue looking at the game the spot where their ears would be quickly turning pink
*to further explain the board is 14x14 spaces with 3 general circles of different levels of gems (which give points)
*the outer being at the edge made of mostly 2's(citrines) and 1's(amethysts) the next ring being made of 3's - 6's and the core being made of 4 of the 6's(sapphires) 7's(rubys) 8's(emeralds) and 9's(diamonds)
ooc Settlers of Catan is a time constraint inducing thing to play in person given the lack of proper online version and intricate systems
ooc which would be very evil of wires to play in text on more then one level
*he listened*
*HT might understand this however I do not what the shit am I reading*
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mca-official · 4 months
🌒 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 🌘
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Hello and Welcome to Moon Child Academy! A prestigious behavioral boarding & Magic School for girl from ages 7 to 18.
Set on the Sages Island, we are well acquainted with the Night Raven College and the Royal Sword Academy.
I, the Headmaster Daphne Poca, will be managing this blog along with our four best Teachers and the five Dorm Queen's.
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🥿 Orcados - Seelie Marisol
The Dorm Themed after the Blessed Glass Princess who suffered years in vain till a friendly Fairy Godmother gifted her a chance to turn her life upside-down, and got her a marriage with her true Soulmate the Prince.
Orcados holds timid and friendly Girls mirroring the Glass Princesses soft heart and good nature.
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🐸 Parratol - Roséane Luminiet.
The Dorm themed after the Frog Princess that wanted nothing but to open a restaurant, but was turned into a Frog. Though, along the way of being turned back, she fell in love with a soul sharing her fate, and together they had the brightest future you could wish for.
Parratol holds quiet and hardworking Girls that won't give up their dreams no matter which lovely Prince comes across them.
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📿 Elephador - Anné Nozakov.
The Dorm themed after the Tough Princess that was separated from her Family during a Revolution and grew up in an Orphanage under another name. Till she one day meets her significant other, and goes on various adventures with the outcome of finding out about being royalty.
Elephador holds strong and tough girls, who are loyal and responsible, always a parental figure and open to listen to your problems and worries.
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✂️ Albasan - Solaria Kyrim
The Dorm themed after the Adventurous Lost Princess who lived in a Tower after being kidnapped and raised by a greedy woman and got freed by a Criminal who showed her the joy of living outside.
Albasan holds adventurous and confident Girls who, just like the Lost Princess, want to see so much more of the Outside. Just being with them is an adventure.
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🗡 Alpatel - Amethyst Chrysanthemum Nicolette Rhianonn.
The Dorm themed after the Great Female Warrior that disguised herself as a Man to attend military training in place of her old Father, and ended up saving the whole Country.
Alpatel holds joyful and secretive Girls that live up to the Warriors Name.
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Now, lastly, our Uniform:
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Ocs attending this School are open to create!
Please, no NSFW asks on this blog. Host is a minor, and the current student ocs running this blog are aswell.
DO NOT FAKE CLAIM US. Mod is a system, and fake claiming, even from another system, is NOT okay!
We will not answer asks that make us uncomfortable.
We're totally fine with shipping! As long as your Muse is around my muses age.
Please specify who you're talking to.
This idea and blog belong to @miku-hime, and no one else.
Thank you!
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the-amethyst-system · 2 years
Quiogenic stimboard?
Yep! Sorry it took so long! -ame
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havnblog · 7 months
No, Apple — you’re not the main reason I buy Apple Products
In the court cases against Epic, this round of regulatory scrutiny from the EU, and other more, Apple has made their sense of entitlement abundantly clear. Every piece of business that happens on their platforms, is to their credit. And developers are lucky to be able to pay them almost a third of their revenue for the privilege of being on their platforms. If Apple understands that their relationship with developers is reciprocal, they hide it well.
I like all my Apple hardware. Heck, I even love some of it! I also like the operating systems, the general focus on privacy, and the way the different parts of the ecosystem work together. But I think I could enjoy a Framework laptop, Asus phone and some Sony earbuds as well! The things Apple makes and does isn’t the main reason I keep buying Apple products. It’s all the fantastic third-party developers, mostly indie, who make great software for the Apple platforms.
I know that Apple makes some great tools, APIs and frameworks to make this happen — so I’m not saying they shouldn’t get anything for their trouble. But this idea that it’s a one-way street, where only Apple gives other companies business, just feels so wrong to me.
So even though I know neither Tim Apple nor any other Apples, will read this post, I feel the need to give shout-outs to some people Apple is at the mercy of.
Great third-party software
Most of these apps are what I would call indie apps — but not all of them. 1 And I think most of them are only available on Apple platforms currently — but they might be available on, or on the way to, other platforms. I’ve tried all of them, but don’t necessarily use them regularly — but I do use many of them! I’ll also try to give social links to the devs I know — but you are welcome to contact me if some are missing or wrong!
A stock Mac, without utilities like these, feels broken to me:
Bartender, by Surtees Studios, keeps my menu bar tidy and good-looking, and Default Folder X, by St. Clair Software upgrades my open and close dialogs.
My trackpad becomes much more useful thanks to BetterTouchTool by Andreas Hegenberg of Folivora.ai, and all my keyboards do the same through Karabiner-Elements by pqrs/Takayama Fumihiko and Keyboard Maestro by Stairways Software.
Paste, by a small team based in Denmark, is my favourite clipboard manager — but Tapbot’s Pastebot, is also great. (Give Paul, Mark and Todd a follow!)
But I would probably be able to live with just using the integrated clipboard manager in Raycast, an outstanding launcher with a rich extension ecosystem. But Alfred, by Andrew and Vero Pepperrell, and LaunchBar, by Objective Development is also good! I do use Raycast for window management, though. However, if I didn’t, I would’ve been well served by things like Magnet (Crowd Café), Moom (Peter Maurer and Rob Griffiths of Many Tricks), Rectangle (Ryan Hanson) , Amethyst (Ian Ynda-Hummel) or Yabai (Åsmund Vikane)! (And John Siracusa makes some apps for the particular of us.)
Noodlesoft’s Hazel keeps my files tidy, Anybox holds my bookmarks, my board game collection is in Classifier by App Deco, and my digital games are in GameTrack. Menuwhere (Many Tricks again!) makes sure the top menu is always within reach.
PopClip by Nick Moore and SnippetsLab by Renfei Song help me manipulate text, Photomator manipulates photos, and what the geniuses over at Rogue Amoeba can do to manipulate sound, is simply remarkable (I especially like SoundSource and Audio Hijack!)
Some do wood working as a hobby — I do development
And even though I’m very far from being at a professional level, I really like the Zed code editor by the team behind Atom. Panic also has some great software, in Transmit, the Nova editor, and the new Prompt terminal. iTerm , by George Nachman is also good — but my favourite terminal app is Warp. And if I had coded more on my iPad, I probably would’ve used Runestone, by Simon Støvring, and Working Copy more! Oh, and my favourite browser, is Arc by The Browser Company — and if I’m there, in Safari or in Firefox, Jeff Johnson helps me StopTheMadness.
But there’s even more great ways to write notes and other texts
NotePlan, by Eduard Metzger is both my notes app and task manager, and I journal in Everlog by Wessley Roche. But I could very well have taken notes in Bear (Shiny Frog), Craft, Bike Outliner (Jesse Grosjean) or **Taio **(by the developer who also makes MarkEdit)! (Quick shout-out to Obsidian and Logseq as well — even though they are cross-platform.)
Text that I won’t save, starts in Drafts by Greg Pierce, while I write blog posts and more in Ulysses by a team based in Germany. (But MarsEdit, by Daniel Jalkut also supports Micro.blog!) And if I feel the need for a post-it note, I might jot something down in Tot, by Iconfactory, or do some calculations in Soulver by Acqualia Software.
(I’d love to be able to write my emails in Mimestream — but they have got to get on that JMAP support!)
There are also lots of great calendar apps and task managers
Since I have most my tasks in NotePlan, I don’t use other task managers as much. But I sometimes use GoodTask, as it uses the Reminders.app database, but gives a more powerful interface. Things 3, by Cultured Code and Omnifocus by The Omni Group is also great.
If you’re a calendar power user, Fantastical, by Flexibits, is where it’s at. I’m not, so I really like BusyCal, by Busy Apps, that sits somewhere between Fantastical and Calendar.app. I also have a soft spot for n.spektor’s Calendar 366.
Most of these have good mobile clients — but here are some other mobile favourites
Dark Noise, by Charlie Chapman, is a good noisemaker, and Callsheet by Casey Liss is what IMDB would be if it was made by someone who really cares.
His ATP buddy, Marco Arment, makes the app that’s active the most hours on my phone: Overcast And I check the IK Start og Arsenal scores with FotMob.
My favourite calculator, is the weirdly named SC-323PU by Thomas Öllinger., but PCalc by James Thomson is also great.
If I checked the weather in other ways than finding out when I step outside, I could’ve used apps like Carrot Weather by Brian Mueller or Mercury Weather by Triple Glazed Studios. (Here’s a pro tip from me: I use the Yr app, which is a weather app paid for by the Norwegian government — and it’s pretty great, and available in English!) And if I saved recipies, I could use Croutonby Devin Davies or Mela by Silvio Rizzi.
Silvio has also made a great way to experience RSS, with Reeder. NetNewsWire by Brent Simmons is another good option, while my personal favourite is Lire.
iOS also has some fantastic social media apps. I still miss Apollo, by Christian Selig, and Reddit’s policies have made me more or less quit the service. But Narwhal is pretty good if you still use it! Gluon, by Vincent Ritter is my preferred way to browse Micro.blog (also check out his Scribbles project!) For Mastodon, there’s an embarrassment of riches: Mona, Ivory (Tapbots), Mammoth and Icecubes (Thomas Ricouard), to name a few!
And that’s not even mentioning the cross-platform stuff that Apple’s platforms would be way less attractive without. (Looking at you, Vision Pro.) I enjoy YouTube Premium, my main music player is Spotify (testing Tidal currently, though), my main chat app is Telegram (by far the best user experience for personal and group chats!). While these don’t keep me on Apple platforms, the absence of them would’ve pushed away.
Again, Apple does deserve tons of cash and credit — but not all of it. People like the mentioned developers are the main reason I buy Apple products — and not Apple themselves.
And people’s definition of «indie» varies! ↩︎
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Some thoughts on ship naming conventions across fandoms, bc that's what I was thinking about in the shower this morning:
I just think it's super interesting how it changes from fandom to fandom? Like okay. You have the SPN style of just smushing names together, Destiel (Dean Winchester + Castiel) Sabriel (Sam Winchester + Gabriel)
But then you look at like, the My little pony fandom and while they do the sorta the same thing it reads different bc the world of equestria has it's own naming conventions that lend to this, so rather than getting smashed together the ship names are compounded and ended up taking the first word or syllable from one characters name, and the last syllable or word from the second and you get stuff like FlutterCord (Fluttershy + Discord) or AppleDash (Apple Jack + Rainbow Dash)
AND THEN, if you look at at Doctor who, this is a show that had been a thing for 50+ years right, and the cast of characters is just so fuckin massive that the fandom has resorted to the very simple yet effect method of the characters names combined by slashes and X's. EXCEPT. there are a shit ton of variations of the same character so that's differentiated by nickname, numbers or the actors name like. Okay. You have Rose x ten. Which is. Rose Tyler and the doctor but the tenth incarnation if the character SPECIFICALLY. but you also have Rose x TenToo which is Rose Tyler and the godamn clone of the tenth incarnation if the doctor. And shipping is pretty straight forward with the doctor bc all their incarnations are numbered, but then you look at the Master, and since we have no idea how many incarnations there are of the bastard the surname if the actor portraying them is use instead of a number, so we get shit like. Simm! Master or Delgado! master.
OH AND THEN? if you look at one if the most popular ships, Doctor/Master there are literally so many different names for them? I mean it makes sense these are the characters with the most variations but it varies from shit like Three x Delgado! to names that were made specifically for different incarnation pairings. Timecock having been used commonly for Ten x Simm! and Twissy being used specifically for Twelve x Missy. Whom would probably be referred to as Gomez! We're it not for the differentiating factor that they are the only female incarnation of the master thus far. Oh and then, can't forget about Thoschei, because that is yet another name for them, which uses the smushing technique with the names the characters had before the were called the doctor and the master (Theta and Koschei )
And then you have fandoms like Wander over yonder where it's not the names of the characters that's taken into consideration, but rather, their physical attributes and personality. Black eye? Sylvia has a penchant for punching people out and commander peepers is a little fucking eyeball man with legs Skeleton dance. Wander is this peppy little fuck running around with a banjo and h
Hater is. A fucking. Skeleton.
It's poetry.
I don't even know what is going on in the Invader Zim fandom with the letter thing? Is it an acronym or a combination of different characters initials? Idk! All I know is it fucking works all across the board and the entire fandom adopted the system so kudos to whoever came up with it!
And then look at the Danny phantom fandom. Some of them make sense, using character attributes or parts of their names. Amethyst Ocean, (Sam and Danny, uses their eye colors as a defining feature) Grey Ghost
(utilizes Valerie's last name and Danny being half ghost)
Some of them just try to work of off perceived personality traits and sorta fail miserably but we've been using them for so long there's no point in changing them? Like. Savant par, (Tucker x Danny) and swagger bushie (Danny x dash)
But this master list someone made is so old and we've been using it for so long that it's ingrained in the fandom. I have noticed that newer ships are following the names and traits combo more consistently tho, like Dark Ages (Pariah dark x Clockwork, utilizes prior surname and references clockworks powers)
Idk. Its just. Very interesting how these things develop. I'm sure someone who actually knows jack shit about linguistics would have more fun breaking this shit down but. Yeah.
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i'm a language buff too (sorta -- i'm not particularly educated i just think its neat) and, ok, i had a thought.
if gem language uses modifiers/declension for hierarchy and societal position (objective and subjective), would there be... lets say 'dialects' for the different courts? like. would an equivalent rank in the blue court use a different modifier than the one in the yellow court?
would there be slang used among peers of the same cut? like, all the amethysts were really informal with each other even if they were formal towards their superiors. so would the equivalent gem language reflect that with slag terms used only amongst them?
would one see jargon only used between lapis lazuli and only between bismuth, being specialist gems who do work others dont?
given the hierarchal and strict caste system one wouldnt expect pigeon dialects to naturally form, especially close to homeworld; but groups similar to the off colors and crystal gems would likely make a pigeon if differences like this occurred. can you imagine how strange that would be for those who only ever spoke formal gem outside of their own caste to hear?
(how very bourgeois would a diamond specific dialect be, the special forms and words only the diamonds could use with each other)
Oof, I'm on the fence with this one. On the one hand, local gem dialects would be COOL...
On the other hand, one thing we know authoritarian governments LOVE is standardization, and shaving off anything they deem unacceptable in their ideal structure........
Best case scenario, though, I'm fully on board with your ideas. I think at the very least all the courts would have separate dialects and slang, and White Diamond's would be regarded as the most prestigious and "proper".
Pink's Court, if anything, would be a total soup of gems talking Whatever, making and breaking new memes and lingo every 2 years and everyone else would hate it and it would be glorious.
Separate dialects, or forms of speech between specific types of gems also makes sense! I wonder if that sort of thing would be allowed, as it might slow down communication somewhat and would therefore be considered a hindrance... But that has never stopped anyone 😂
It's certainly very cool to think about!!
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prismartist · 3 years
crystal cliffs headcanons !! by popular demand
the amethyst of their land are believed to come from the essence of dead chorus plants that the wizards brought over eons ago. that’s why they have much more magical property than normal amethyst; they’re imbued with the End
a lot of “dull” amethyst as well (what they call non magic/exported ones) are often “blessed” with chorus to awaken their spiritual properties.
on whatever halloween/souls day thing they have, theres an urban legend that if you wear purple, the spirits of dead wizards will try to take you away and use you for magic, or evil spirits could be drawn to you like how some cleansing crystals are used. perfect scare tactic for kids so they don’t wander off.
that’s why a lot of families leave out crystals as offerings.
you can often seen crystals on altars or graves as well, to kind of regulate the spiritual energy surrounding it.
magic has… lost its touch though. it’s still there, just not as revered as it was. mostly because of the elitism and weakening economy has led those with the knowledge to mostly die and fizzle out. magic is mostly taught through tutors, which not everyone can afford.
most “magic” is mostly superstitions or reliant on gems instead on one’s own innate ability.
any common spells are super basic, super easy ones that anyone can learn. summoning spells, water breathing, growing plants, jumping. to any outsider it would seem cool and magical, but compared to back then, there really isn’t as many scholars and super powerful wizards anymore. the powers they do have are pretty taken for granted.
they’re a pretty isolated kingdom, so they don’t get very many trades, plus other empires don’t find much need for the crystals, as that magic isn’t their interest. so the economy is pretty weak.
thus only those behaved (aka those who adhere strictly to the rules), naturally talented, and rich grow up to be wizards, and once they do, a lot of them leave.
crystals also kind of became scarce in households because with the other nations’ developed disinterest in them, so did the the empire that produced it.
sure they acknowledge magic, they just leave it to the trained wizards who bothered to stay.
also the former head wizard may or may not have been a vain ruler who wished to be treated like a monarch, hence gems “kings and queens have given me nothing but trouble”. they were ousted by a coup, but no one was really sure how to undo the damage theyd done.
it was a lot of damage. including deep-seated self deprecation
then gem came along.
a potential heir willing to break free of her responsibilities in the Grimlands, she came to the crystal cliffs for its education, learning with wizards and studying diligently. she quickly rose to the top of the board and excelled in everything she did, leading her to be quickly appointed Head Wizard once she finished her studies.
but she saw the dilapitated state of the nation, and vowed to better it and denounce the discrimination in the established education system. gem was determined to restore crystal cliffs to it former magical glory.
to solidify that, she even takes in the outcast, those deemed revolting by society, and gives them chances (see the mobs she has taken in as students). she is sure to make the cliffs welcoming to all in the hopes that they aren't deterred from learning magic.
gem helped with a lot of the architecture. she poured a lot of her funds as a royal into the builds. being from the Grimlands (and being a NERD) she has a good amount of knowledge surrounding that and practicality, plus she infused it with the knowledge of what magic had learned.
the amethyst, calcite and even the literal bones the buildings are made of are drawn from what the locals believed were able to regulate and even absorb magical energy.
and that's it :D
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andrewmoocow · 2 years
The Black Pearl Brigade chapter 4: Brain Brawl (originally published on April 4, 2022)
AN: Looks like things are finally starting to heat up! After writing for Dalmatian Jasper & Zoisite and loving how much I made them play off each other, I got a good feeling about the rest of Cinnabar's team. For this chapter, we shall focus on Bloodstone, the Ronaldo-like chief scientist and conspiracy theorist who, much like Ronaldo, is found incredibly annoying by tons of people for acting so damn insane. But unlike Ronaldo, there may be more to Bloodstone than her insane ramblings may imply.
Synopsis: IQ competes against the genius conspiracy theorist Bloodstone for the entertainment of a species that prides intelligence.
Deedee-Magno Hall as The Black Pearl Brigade
Lena Hall as Bloodstone
Avi Roque as Cinnabar
Awkwafina as Kyanite
Michaela Dietz as Unlucky Amethysts
Corey Burton as Intellgia Emissary
Mike Pollock, Cissy Jones & Ben Diskin as Intelliga High Council
Kathleen Barr as Púrén
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Allison Janney as Pyrite
Featuring Jonathan Hyde as Supreme Intelligent One
The Intelliga, quite possibly one of the most highly advanced and intelligent races to exist throughout the galaxy. Having survived for eons through their beyond genius intellect and machinery, they pride themselves on reviewing the intelligence of other races and pitting them against each other in what they dub a Brain Brawl, a competition they hold to see who is vastly more intelligent. On their futuristic home planet of Teslein, some of the Intelliga's high council were busy reviewing future Brain Brawl contestants across the stars.
"Hm, such a bright young lady for an Earthling." The leader of the high council observed as he and his comrades observed Connie Maheswaran preparing for college via a universal surveillance system. "But I fear even her brain might not be able to comprehend our way of life."
"Let us move on." A female member responded as their surveillance turned to Peridot teaching her class how to pronounce photosynthesis. "A Peridot, eh? She could be promising."
"But I was expecting a Peridot to be building weapons of war or performing experiments for their masters, not teaching at a school." A third council member stated before they happened upon Pearl reading a childcare book. "My word, a Pearl?! But they were meant to be common slaves, and this one seems to be reading!"
"How curious." A fourth council member replied, stroking his goatee while deep in thought. "Let us see what else Earth has to offer." The council then began spying on Black Rutile hiding in a cave, working on a device while wearing a holographic welding mask. "I've heard of this Rutile before. Isn't she a wanted criminal?"
"That would get the Diamonds on our tail." The second council member muttered. "Let's try something that won't get us in trouble." Finally, the screen seemed to settle on two Gems simultaneously. One was Bloodstone, who was hard at work on a new weapon while doing some calculations on a holographic board. The other was IQ, busy doing maintenance on the Servant with help from Púrén. "What about these two?"
"Another Pearl!" the fourth member exclaimed in shock. "And that Bloodstone over there is quite intelligent as well!"
"Well, this shall certainly be an interesting Brain Brawl." The leader of the Intelliga declared. "So, are we all in agreement, ladies and gentlemen?"
"AYE!" the rest of the high council answered.
"Motion carried." The leader responded before turning to an emissary. "Track down these Gems at once and extend our invitation to them."
"I shall do as you command, Supreme Intelligent One!" the emissary saluted proudly as he tapped on a smartwatch that made him teleport away.
"Just need to make some last finishing touches here." Bloodstone mumbled to herself as she worked on her latest weapon. "This machine is capable of not just shattering a Gem, but also completely disintegrating the gemstone and leaving nothing behind. And I picked you two to be my lucky test subjects."
"This won't go wrong like the last few tests, right?" one of the Amethysts that Bloodstone forced to volunteer for her experiments. The Amethyst's question would soon be answered as Bloodstone presented her device, a giant laser cannon she had to carry around like a mini-gun, and fired at the Amethyst's gem. Quickly realizing what might happen to her, the Amethyst began panicking while the cannon hit her in her gem before she exploded in a flash of light. Just as Bloodstone predicted, there was nothing left of the Amethyst.
"EUREKA!" Bloodstone yelled excitedly. "I have a breakthrough! What do you think about that?!"
"I think you need to consider why not many people like you, Bloodstone!" the surviving Amethyst yelled. "You're just an insane crackpot whose experiments always get Gems hurt!"
"Uh, hello? I'm a mad scientist in service to a terrorist working for an even bigger terrorist." Bloodstone replied. "It comes with the territory!"
"Yeah, but even before you joined Cinnabar, you always were a loose cannon!" the Amethyst added. "Your theories made you a total laughingstock!"
"I urge you to believe me, my Diamonds!" Bloodstone said to Yellow and Blue Diamond thousands of years ago during the Rebellion, while also surrounded by dozens of other Gems as she presented her latest theory. "This rebellion was all built on lies, a complete waste of our time even! Pink Diamond had all this staged out of boredom and sadism, and she must be stopped! Please, my fellow Gems, we must come together to end this war and stop this shared enemy!"
However, none of the Gems responded for a few precious seconds. Then, they all started to point and laugh at Bloodstone for her outlandish claims. Even the Diamonds let out a few snickers before they silenced their subjects so they could speak.
"I admire your passion Bloodstone, but I find it hard to believe that Pink Diamond would've faked her own shattering out of total boredom!" Yellow Diamond declared. "She may be a pain in the neck at times, but I don't think she'd go that far."
"And a shared enemy, too?" Blue Diamond raised an eyebrow while bringing a finger to her lips. "Clearly, she's gone mad. But then again, she's always been eccentric, right?"
"ECCENTRIC, ECCENTRIC, ECCENTRIC!" the Gems jeered Bloodstone out of the audience chamber as she walked out with her hands in her coat pockets and a scowl on her face. "ECCENTRIC, ECCENTRIC, ECCENTRIC!"
"Oh, mock me all you want, but you'll all see I'm right." Bloodstone snarled at the mocking Gems. "YOU'LL ALL SEE, I TELLS YA!"
"No, we won't!" a voice called out to the scientist amidst the continued mocking, which continued even after she left.
A few hours later, at her lab, Bloodstone decided to vent her frustrations on bullying by doing what she does best, designing new weapons for use in war. However, this weapon would be different from the others Bloodstone had built. "I'm sure White Diamond would love to use one like this." Bloodstone muttered after running a few calculations. "One zap of this, and I'll be good as perfect."
Though Bloodstone didn't look like it, she came out with a few imperfections herself upon creation that made her mind unlike other Gems that shared her intellect. Once she pulls the trigger, those imperfections will be blown away like the wind. Before she could finish the job, however, the door behind Bloodstone opened, and in walked Pyrite.
"Oh, Bloodstone, my darling, how are you?!" Pyrite exclaimed as she skipped into Bloodstone's lab when she noticed what Bloodstone was about to do. "Oh, making yourself a guinea pig again? I swear, you have got to put a stop to that. It's really unhealthy, sweetie pie."
"I know; it's just, I got laughed at for one of my crazy theories again." Bloodstone stated while putting down the weapon. "I had told everyone that I thought Pink Diamond was behind this whole war because she was a total sociopath that was getting bored with how things work here."
"Bored sociopath? That's a little far-fetched if I do say so myself." Pyrite commented, causing Bloodstone to glare at her. "But besides the point, I got a big order coming up, and I need you to help me!" she commanded the scientist. "We got some Prasiolites wanting some of your tools, and we don't have all the time in the world, so chop chop!"
"OK, Pyrite." Bloodstone obeyed the business-Gem's orders before throwing her imperfection remover away and working on some new kinds of weapons. This cycle would continue on for the next couple thousand years during and since the Rebellion, but there would soon come a day when Bloodstone would finally be vindicated.
"So guess what, I was right all along!" Bloodstone declared as she sat across from another Gem in a dark room. "This was all built upon Pink Diamond being a psychotic brat who only wanted to see everything that isn't her suffer! Because of her, we left all those innocent soldiers to be corrupted, and our resources were nearly bled dry!" she began ranting. "And I don't think her little boy will make anything better! He's probably pretending to be all nice and sweet and stuff to hide the fact that he's basically enslaved us all! And did anyone still believe what I had to say?! No!"
"I can see that recent events have stressed you, Bloodstone." Black Rutile said while leaning into the light. "I can definitely relate, as can many other Gems. How would you like to join me and finally be proven right?"
"Yes, that would mean so much to me!" Bloodstone eagerly accepted the Rutile's offer. "Oh, it would be my honor to work alongside such a tactical genius like the Striking Shadow of the Rebellion and be surrounded by Gems that won't ruthlessly pick on me for being annoying!"
"Someone's eager." Black Rutile smiled at the scientist.
In the present day, Bloodstone strolled down a long hallway to her quarters, where she intended to hide herself away in shame of how nothing has changed about her lifestyle since joining the Rutile Rebels. "What's the use in this anymore?" she moped while locking the door behind her. "I want to fight for justice and peace for all, I'm fighting for a legitimately good cause, yet still no one will treat me right! If only someone would give me a sign that I can be of use!"
"Hey yo, Bloodstone, come out of there!" Kyanite called for the scientist while pounding on the door. "Someone's calling for you!"
"Hmph, what a coincidence." Bloodstone muttered and opened the door to reveal Kyanite and Cinnabar on the other side. "Anything you need?"
"An emissary of the Intelliga wishes to speak with you." Cinnabar replied, motioning for a blue-skinned, floating humanoid with a medium-sized cranium to appear. "I believe our friend Bloodstone is the one you're looking for."
"A pleasure to meet you, Bloodstone." The emissary said as he shook Bloodstone's hand. "I am an emissary of the Intelliga, and they wish to invite you to their world for a little Brain Brawl against an equally intelligent Gem."
"A Brain Brawl, invited, me?!" Bloodstone stuttered excitedly before she descended into excited squealing. "EEEEEEE, THIS HAS BEEN MY LIFELONG DREAM, EEEEEEE!"
"Yes, we are very happy for you, Bloodstone." Cinnabar snarked while covering her ears. "Now, can you please shut up and behave yourself?"
"Oh, I'm sorry." Bloodstone immediately did as she was told before turning back to the emissary. "So, when can we start?"
"We shall begin as soon as your opponent is brought to Teslein." The emissary explained. "But let us bring you to the arena in the meantime." Tapping on his smartwatch again, the emissary teleported away with Bloodstone, Cinnabar, and Kyanite accompanying him.
Meanwhile, on the Servant, IQ worked hard on new weapons for the Brigade in her laboratory, hoping that they'd be strong enough to assist them in their battles. "Hopefully, with these, we won't get captured again like what happened with Dalmatian Jasper and Zoisite." She muttered to herself. "It's funny, really. We've only known each other for a few weeks, but we've grown quite a bit as a team since Yellow Diamond found us. I'm always there to supply the team with useful information, Cap always calls the shots with ease, Pony is a handy number two, Braids is one of the strongest Gems I know, and when she's given enough motivation, Tails knows how to be a team player."
Just then, Púrén suddenly appeared behind IQ, giving the genius Pearl a scare as she didn't expect the AI to appear. "My apologies." Púrén said calmly. "It's just that Cap has a message for you."
"Just play it back for me." IQ requested the AI, who quickly transformed into Cap to replay her message.
"IQ, we got a job." Cap's message stated. "An emissary of the Intelliga wants to speak with you about participating in a Brain Brawl. Please stop what you're doing and report to my quarters."
"Wait, the Intelliga want to enter me in a Brain Brawl?!" IQ gasped in excitement. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for any sentient being with an advanced intelligence!" She then put down her tools and burst from her lab to meet the emissary. "DON'T WAIT UP!"
Kicking down the door to Cap's quarters, IQ locked eyes with the rest of the Brigade and the emissary standing together before the latter hovered towards Pearl. "Ah, this must be IQ. Quite a fitting name, I must say."
"It is an honor to meet a member of the Intelliga." IQ said as the two geniuses shook hands. "You said you wanted me to enter one of your Brain Brawls?"
"Indeed." The emissary replied. "We have been monitoring the smartest beings in the universe for eons to select them as contestants, and you just happen to be one of the latest. We were also pondering selecting other Gems to enter, but you seemed to be a good fit for this."
"So, where shall we have this battle?" Braids asked.
"This Brain Brawl, as do all Brain Brawls, shall take place on our home planet of Teslein, and the winner shall be dubbed one of the smartest to have ever lived." The emissary declared. "We shall arrive there posthaste with my teleportation watch."
"No need. Allow us to bring you home with our ship." Cap stated. "Púrén, set a course for Teslein!"
"Affirmative." Púrén obliged and began routing the ship towards the Intelliga's home planet. "And good luck on the Brain Brawl, IQ."
"Thanks." IQ grinned.
The Servant touched down on Teslein, a grand and advanced planet that seemed to be colored primarily in cold blues, grays, and blacks. The capital city of Chiteki was particularly in Brain Brawl fever, with billboards all over the place advertising the upcoming bout between IQ and Bloodstone.
"Welcome to Chiteki, Pearls." The emissary proclaimed as he and the Brigade disembarked. "Follow me to the High Council Headquarters now. We haven't all the time in the world."
"So, this is Teslein." Braids nodded while taking in the Pearls' new surroundings, watching the citizens of the Intelliga's home planet gaze at them with amazement and fear. Some refused to acknowledge their crystalline visitors as anything but conquerors, but others were eager to see Gems in real life. "Hm, pretty glorious, I must say."
"Excuse me, Pearls, could I perhaps take a picture with you for a research project I'm working on?" a young Intelligan asked the five Gems as he floated up to them.
"We're a little short on time, but I suppose we can make room for at least one photo." Pony replied as the Pearls struck a pose for a picture. As soon as the Intelligan took the photo, he was off like a light while the six continued on their way.
"I can only assume that boy will probably show that photo off to his friends." Pony muttered before they finally reached the high council's tower and entered the nearest elevator. "At least he wasn't recoiling in fear of us."
"I guess some people have more trouble adjusting to the Diamonds changing their ways more than others." IQ replied while the elevator kept creeping up the tower. "So, who is our opponent supposed to be?"
"Oh, it's someone who is very eager to see you." The emissary answered cheerfully when the Pearls heard a ding. "Oh, speak of the devil; we're right on time." As the doors opened, the Brigade began gaping in shock as they realized that IQ's opponent in the upcoming Brain Brawl was accompanied by someone they never thought they'd see.
"CINNABAR?!" the Pearls yelled at the former general, who turned to them with a cold glare as she stood with Bloodstone and Kyanite.
"Ah, the Black Pearl Brigade." Cinnabar scowled at the mercenaries. "I never thought today would be the day we'd meet each other in person for the first time." Though she secretly wanted to shatter them all on the spot and have Bloodstone be declared the victor by default, Cinnabar kept herself restrained as she politely greeted the Gems that had already outwitted three of her top lieutenants and stuck out her hand. "May the best genius win."
"Good to see you being a team player." IQ replied and shook with Cinnabar, sounding just as restrained as their archenemy.
"If we win, we get to destroy them, right?" Kyanite asked bluntly, forcing Cinnabar to hold her mouth shut as the Supreme Intelligent One made his grand entrance.
"Welcome Gems to Chiteki, the capital city of Teslein!" the Supreme Intelligent One bombastically declared while descending upon his visitors. "You may refer to me as the Supreme Intelligent One, and I welcome all of you to this latest Brain Brawl. Now, what is a Brain Brawl, you may ask?"
"We didn't ask anything." Braids replied cluelessly.
"Well, to put it simply, a Brain Brawl is when we select two individuals from across the stars to compete on our homeworld for the ultimate prize of being dubbed the smartest ever to exist." The Supreme Intelligent One continued, ignoring Braids' literal reply. "The contest will be held in a series of three challenges. First, the contestants face off in a trivia challenge themed around a certain topic. In your case, the questions shall be based around the Gem race."
"Interesting." Cinnabar commented.
"The second challenge will test skill and ingenuity by building androids and pitting them against each other." The Supreme Intelligent One proclaimed. "And finally, the third challenge will test your emotional intelligence by testing how well you know your comrades in a series of true or false questions based on data telepathically gathered and submitted to us by the audience."
"Wow, that's a Brain Brawl?" Pony wondered out loud. "I kind of expected things to be a bit more complicated than that."
"Oh, don't underestimate us, Pearl." The emissary declared. "Many have been tested through Brain Brawls for eons, and let me tell you, the losers left completely ashamed of themselves. So I advise you all get ready because the stakes have never been higher."
"He is indeed right." The leader of the Intelliga agreed. "Let the Brain Brawl begin!"
As the Brain Brawl got off to a roaring start, IQ and Bloodstone stood face to face on a set resembling that of a game show while the Supreme Intelligent One stood by with a microphone in hand. "Welcome one and all to this edition of Brain Brawl! I am your host and esteemed leader, the Supreme Intelligent One. For this contest, we have gained the participation of two Gems currently in the stands. Please, introduce yourselves, ladies."
"My name is Bloodstone, and I shall compete on behalf of the mighty Black Rutile and Cinnabar!" Bloodstone passionately declared while snatching the mic from the Intelligent One's hand. "Once the Crystal Gems are no more, and this universe is ours to control, you all shall be among the planets that will fall to our unlimited power!"
"Yeah, you go, girl!" Kyanite whooped from the audience.
"My my, someone's excited." The Gems' super genius host grinned while beckoning his microphone back to his hand. "And what about you, dear Pearl?"
"You may refer to me as IQ." IQ introduced herself to the audience. "I am part of an elite mercenary squad in service to Yellow Diamond, tasked with terminating the other rebels who have pledged allegiance to Black Rutile, Cinnabar chief among them."
"Very nice, ladies." The host stated. "Now, without further ado, let the Brain Brawl begin!" The audience began cheering wildly as the contest commenced and then immediately calmed down to allow their leader to reveal the first challenge. "Now, as stated earlier, the first challenge shall be in the form of a trivia contest based on the contestants' lives. In this case, the questions shall be based around the Gem empire and its dominion over many planets. First question, how much of the universe did the Diamonds rule over before Era 3?"
IQ pressed the buzzer first. "They claimed at least 63.7% of all known planets in the universe. The rest are property of the Universal Lords."
"Correct!" the Supreme Intelligent One exclaimed. "Second question. How many years ago did Pink Diamond quote-unquote "shatter" herself?"
Bloodstone was quick to answer. "Approximately 5,052 years ago."
"That is also correct." The Supreme Intelligent One stated. "Now for the third question."
The two Gems were eager to press the buzzer again as the next question was read. "Approximately how many Gems were created by the height of the Rebellion?"
Before IQ could buzz in, she quickly froze. She was only a few weeks old. How could she possibly know how many Gems were created at that period? While the Pearl began to space out from sheer anxiety, Bloodstone confidently answered. "Around 15,616,700,250,340,800 Gems."
"That is correct." The Supreme Intelligent One declared.
"Wait, THAT many?!" Braids declared, utterly flabbergasted at the massive number she just heard. "I simply wasn't aware of such a number."
"Yeah, me neither." Pony replied, just as stunned before she noticed IQ still staring in shock. "Uh, is IQ gonna be OK?"
"Question #4, which was the first planet to be colonized at the start of Era 1?" the Supreme Intelligent One continued. Since IQ was still frozen in shock, Bloodstone again took the answer. "Bloodstone?"
"That would be Sigmas-17," Bloodstone stated. "It is where some of our earliest technology comes from."
"Correct again, Bloodstone." The host responded before turning back to IQ. "IQ, darling, best try to catch up for this last question. Which is, what was the operation's name that led to the creation of the Pearl facility on Titan?"
"It was Project Nacre!" IQ frantically shoved her opponent's hand out of the way and pushed the buzzer before her. "Project Nacre was named for a Gem known as Nacre, dubbed the Mother of Pearls because she served as a prototype for the modern Pearl!"
"You are correct, Pearl, but unfortunately, you didn't answer all the questions." The Supreme Intelligent One said glumly. "Which is why this victory shall go to Bloodstone."
"As expected." Cinnabar grinned smugly in response.
"WHOO, GO BLOODSTONE, YOU'RE NUMBER ONE!" Kyanite screamed excitedly at her teammate's triumph.
"Yes, yes, I am so amazing," Bloodstone smirked before turning to IQ. "Just goes to show how experience can save your life once in a while. Now, good luck on the next challenge." As the scientist laughed callously while walking backstage, IQ got up and sulked back to her teammates in the audience, who were shocked at their machinist's loss.
"What happened there, IQ?" Cap asked. "You had that first question in the bag, but then you just froze up at the big numbers!"
"I'm sorry girls, but there are some things that even I don't know." IQ said, trying her hardest not to cry over her loss. "I mean, I'm supposed to be the smart one of the gang! If I'm not the smart one, then who am I?!"
"It doesn't matter what kind of Pearl you are; you're still our friend regardless." Pony proclaimed to comfort IQ. "So, what's the next trial again?"
"I believe robot building." Braids answered. "I believe that might be more your style, IQ."
"Yeah, it doesn't matter whether you're the smart one or not. Just do what you think suits you best." Tails repeated what Pony said earlier. "Now then, let's get building."
Meanwhile, Bloodstone was busy reveling in her victory to her master, and was having an utter blast doing so. "You should've seen the look on her face! The Pearl looked like she had seen a ghost or something, and when we left, it seemed like she was going to cry!"
"Don't get too cocky, Bloodstone." Cinnabar declared, cutting Bloodstone's reverie short. "Just like Pyrite and Dalmatian Jasper & Zoisite before you, your pride will undoubtedly be your downfall. Remember to keep that in mind or else."
"And good luck on the robot building too!" Kyanite added happily.
"Let us begin the second round!" the Supreme Intelligent One announced the next challenge of the Brain Brawl. "For this challenge, our contestants shall build mechanical lifeforms to battle to the finish, in which only one shall remain standing to declare their creator the winner!"
"This is it; let's go." IQ said while the Pearls stood around a silver human skeleton with menacing red eyes and a cannon in place of a left arm. "Sculder, you are free to go."
Before marching into the arena, Sculder gave no verbal response, only a quiet nod. On the other side of the battlefield, Bloodstone confidently stood with her arms crossed beside a much brawnier, bulkier machine with red & gold plating and circular lights on its chest and palms. The two robots just stood there, intensely glaring at each other, before the referee made his entrance.
"Are you ready for some mechanical melee?!" the referee boomed, causing the audience to cheer excitedly. "Well, that's all I need to hear because it's robot-fighting time!"
"ROBOTS ACTIVATE." A mechanical voice declared, signifying the beginning of the match as Bloodstone's android made the first move, tackling IQ's robot to the ground and pressing one of his palms against its opponent's face, the heat causing the other machine's cheek to melt a little. Luckily, Sculder retaliated by using its arm cannon to propel itself off the ground, knocking the other machine down before it was gunned down.
"GO, SCULDER, GO!" IQ cheered for her creation before the red and gold robot formed an energy shield to deflect Sculder's cannon blasts.
"You can do it, uh….." Kyanite exclaimed when she realized that Bloodstone may not have given her machine a name. "Hey Bloodstone, what did you call your bot?"
"I did not bother with a name because that means I'll get attached." Bloodstone responded. "But if it's any consolation, I think the Pearl-verizer would suffice."
"And I don't think you bothered giving it good defenses either." Cinnabar proclaimed, taking her scientist by the shoulder and pointing at the arena. "Look, IQ's skeleton has found a way to break through the shield!"
Cinnabar was right, as Sculder just kept ramming at the shield projected by its opponent, causing it to crack more and more until finally, the shield was broken. In desperation, the Pearl-verizer prepared to throw the fight by running away, but Sculder extended its hands like tentacles to grab the Pearl-verizer's ankles and toss it into the air.
"Did you even think straight while building that thing?!" Cinnabar shouted, clearly on the verge of losing her cool as the Pearl-verizer was on the edge of defeat.
"To be fair, I was indeed blinded by arrogance as you predicted." Bloodstone bluntly replied. "My apologies."
Meanwhile, Sculder prepared to land the finishing blow by supercharging its cannon arm and fired. The Pearl-verizer was about to fight back by slapping the energy blast back, but it was too late. Instead, the robot was blown to pieces, leaving several pieces remaining for Sculder to gather up and walk towards IQ, whose wrist it grabbed to declare its creator the winner.
"The robot has spoken. IQ wins the challenge!" the referee exclaimed, much to IQ's delight.
"Oh stars, I actually did it!" IQ squealed in delight and gave the metallic fruit of her labor a big hug. "Thank you so much for proving that I am still worth something after all!" Sculder replied by gently stroking the Pearl's hair before dropping the pieces on the ground. "What's that boy? Do you want an upgrade? I'll be sure to get to it once we leave."
"GLORIOUS!" Tails roared excitedly as the Pearls raised IQ to the air in celebration. "Three cheers for IQ! Hip hip!"
"Hooray!" the other Pearls cheered.
"Don't celebrate just yet, Pearls!" Bloodstone interrupted the Brigade's celebration. "There's still only one challenge left, and you can be sure that I'll win fair and square!"
"Someone is getting too cocky." Tails frowned at the conspiracy theorist. "Just admit that you lost, OK?!"
"NEVER!" Bloodstone started screaming. "I have eyes, you know! They're under my eyebrows, telling me that I will win this and prove myself the smartest in the universe!"
"See what I mean about pride being your downfall?" Bloodstone said to Kyanite as they watched Bloodstone have a meltdown of egotism. "Don't let the same happen to you when your time comes, Kyanite."
"I won't fail you, Cinnabar!" Kyanite obediently stated. "Now, which one of us will calm her down so we can think of a plan for the final challenge? I think cheating looks pretty good right now."
As soon as Bloodstone started to relax, the final challenge of the Brain Brawl was about to begin. Returning to the game show set, IQ and Bloodstone were ready to accept whatever challenges would come their way while the Supreme Intelligent One cleared his throat. "For this final round of the Brain Brawl, we asked our audience to submit questions based on the thoughts of our contestants and telepathically transfer them to me."
"But isn't that an invasion of our privacy?" IQ asked with a raise of her hand.
"Don't think too hard about it." The Supreme Intelligent One tried to justify his actions before moving on. "Now, you will be given a series of true or false questions based upon the experiences shared by you and your comrades. Answer them correctly, and you will win the Brawl. Are you two ready?"
"We're ready." The two Gems declared.
"Very well, let's begin with the first question." The Supreme Intelligent One stated. "True or false? Pyrite originally served as an arms dealer who sold weapons to both Crystal and Homeworld Gems during the Rebellion."
"True." Bloodstone nodded. "I should know, I made some of those weapons."
"Interesting to know." The Intelligent One replied. "True or false? Dalmatian Jasper was initially believed to be defective upon emerging in a Kindergarten due to her gem being in the place of a hand, but she quickly proved her worth against a squad of Crystal Gems."
"False?" IQ answered, showing how little she knew about Dalmatian Jasper. "I mean, she did take us by surprise when we met her and Zoisite."
"I apologize, but the answer is true." The host stated. "True or false? When Shell was rediscovered by Black Rutile, she put it to work on generating five dozen Pearls per minute."
"That one is true." IQ said, causing Bloodstone to scoff since, of course, a Pearl created by Shell would know about this. "Not so high and mighty now, aren't you, Bloodstone?"
"You just got one question right, who gave you permission to act all smug?!" Bloodstone yelled in frustration.
"I got permission because I realized that I don't have to be uber-perfect," IQ responded confidently. "Did anyone ever give you the same lesson?"
"I'm already perfect; I am one of the Gems' greatest minds ever created!" Bloodstone boasted. "And once I win, I shall be one of the smartest in the entire universe too!"
"OK, ladies, enough bickering now, for these shall be the last few questions." The Supreme Intelligent One interrupted as he proceeded with the game. "True or false? Black Rutile went by many names in her time fighting for Homeworld in the Rebellion, but one that sticks out is her title of the Striking Shadow of the Rebellion."
"TRUE!" both Gems cried out in unison before glaring at one another.
"I answered first!" IQ yelled.
"Well, I'm louder!" Bloodstone responded while the Pearls and Sculder watched.
"We're getting nowhere." Cap groaned as the two kept bickering. "Half the time, they're just arguing with each other."
"Buckle in, girls. We're gonna be here a while." Tails snarked when she discovered something. "Hey, wait for a second; something doesn't seem right."
"What are you talking about?" Braids asked Tails, who took her by the shoulder and pointed to the other side of the soundstage, where Cinnabar was standing next to a machine that seemed to be hacking into the Intelligans' thoughts, giving them questions only Bloodstone would answer. "Of course Bloodstone would try to cheat."
"We have to warn IQ before it's too late!" Cap stated. "Or maybe she'll find out herself. Either way, Bloodstone has to be stopped."
As IQ and Bloodstone kept arguing with the Supreme Intelligent One watched with bemusement, IQ noticed something behind Bloodstone. It was the same machine that her fellow Pearls discovered, pumping vital information into the minds of the Intelliga to ensure her victory. With a confident smile, IQ asked her own question. "True or false Bloodstone. Are you cheating your way to victory here with that machine over there?"
"False! What machine?!" Bloodstone panicked, desperately trying to hide her duplicity before Sculder fired its cannon arm at the stage, exposing the machine as it shut down. The audience gasped in alarm while Cinnabar facepalmed in disgust.
"This can only end so well." Cinnabar groaned.
"A literal cheating device, I see." The Supreme Intelligent One observed, floating over to examine the remains of the device. "This was a pretty close match, but ultimately, Bloodstone is disqualified from the proceedings, and thus, IQ is the winner. Not just for doing so well, but for seeing what the others couldn't."
"We saw it first; everything was just a coincidence!" Braids shouted as the Pearls rushed over to congratulate IQ on the victory.
"Yes, we did it!" Pony declared happily.
"Indeed, well done." The Supreme Intelligent One added. "Congratulations IQ on becoming the smartest in the universe. If you and your compatriots hadn't noticed the machine, who knows what could've happened."
"Good, now let's get on out of here." Tails said. "I feel like things ended a little too abruptly."
"Ha, who's laughing now?!" IQ jeered smugly at the aghast Bloodstone, who just kept staring at the Pearls as the Supreme High Intelligence allowed them and Sculder to leave.
"You may win this round, Pearls, but we will most certainly meet again." Bloodstone declared coldly as she turned to Bloodstone. "And as for you."
"You're going to lock me up for my failures, aren't you?" Bloodstone wondered aloud. "Go ahead. I'm sure Pyrite, DJ, and Zee could use the company."
"Actually, no." Cinnabar corrected her scientist. "Regardless of the loss, I still believe you have some use left in you. Kyanite?"
"Right here, boss!" Kyanite eagerly said as she handed over some blueprints Cinnabar showed to Bloodstone.
"What are these?" Bloodstone asked, gazing at the strange golems with large gems in their chests.
"I call this Project Concrete." Cinnabar explained while the three Gems began walking. "They are a breed of super soldiers I've been planning for a while now, and I feel you might be the Gem best suited for supervising development. Would you be willing to do so?"
Eager to prove herself once more, Bloodstone had on a sadistic smile. "Sure, my Cinnabar."
Tails was right, that did end a little abruptly. I guess that's what happens when you don't have existing episodes of a show to work from and have to come up with your own. You know, maybe at some point, I should take a little break once Season 1 finishes so I can re-center myself, focus on other stories, and not rush myself so much when I get back to it. But on a lighter subject, next up is Kyanite's time to shine! Hopefully it won't be as awkwardly written. See you then, pardners!
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