#amy's a sweet summer child
episims · 2 years
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"Ugh. Great! Now my jeans are soaked as well."
". . . sorry."
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"How about a... school bus?"
"...Why would we do a presentation about a school bus?"
"Well, i-it's a school thingy!"
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"Oh, right. Why not that old globe in the classroom? I'm sure it has a lot of history to write about."
"Ooh. Maybe-"
"A school presentation doesn't mean it has to be about school, Amy!!"
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"...W-what should it be about, then?"
"Did you even read the fucking assignment??"
"Um. Nope! It was so long."
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verasimile · 2 years
began reading worm (from what I gather, the first mistake) and it's... good, I think. it's not clear to me where the actual plot is going beyond "Taylor becomes a villain while trying to be a hero" which is kinda the premise and so not a very impressive supposition. sometimes the prose is v good and sometimes I read a paragraph and wonder why the word "review" was used four times in three sentences
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generic-sonic-fan · 4 months
Happy pride! Here's some headcanons.
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In-depth explanations beneath the cut (please keep in mind that these are personal and that I actually don't really stand by any that strongly! This is just for fun.)
Sonic: okay do I really need to explain this one?
Knuckles: What can I say, his gender contains multitudes. He's definitely a member of the "I don't care" camp for both gender and sexuality. He is what he is, loves who he loves, and doesn't give two rips about what other people might say. I like to imagine he plays around with both genders of clothing from echidna culture.
Amy: oh Amy, my sweet summer child. It's so autistic and queer of you to relentlessly declare your love for someone of the opposite sex because it's what is expected of you. I did the same in third grade before I realized that the other girls meant what they were saying about their target boy. Heteronormativity is a bitch, get well soon <3
Rouge: I think she fucked around with being she/they for a while before settling back on she/her. And bi icon, of course.
Blaze: okay do I really need to explain this one?
Silver: That is one nonbinary hedgehog if I ever saw one! He's a he/him by convenience alone. He hasn't had the chance to explore his sexuality yet unfortunately.
Big: He's good with he/him and that's all he cares about. Not a super strong connection to his assigned gender at birth but he likes being a boy well enough. As for his sexuality, he never figured out what everyone was going on about when it came to sex, and only recently figured out it was because he was literally missing that 'sexual attraction' thing.
Shadow: is nonbinary as fuck and has no idea. Honey, seeing masculinity as a burden you have to bear is not normal!!! He's also demi-ace. It takes a very close relationship with someone to even consider sexual attraction.
Cream: happy being a girl! Hasn't really thought about crushing on anyone yet.
Tails: Internalized homophobia + transphobia from being bullied go brrrrrr. Besides, Sonic doesn't spend much time thinking about these things, so why should he? (Tails. Tails listen to me. Sonic's aro and knew he was trans at an unusually young age. he's a statistical outlier with how early he figured it out PLEASE consider that and don't base your self-discovery journey on him. . .)
Metal: You all know my headcanons for this one. Metal was assigned male by Eggman from its earliest iterations and gender dysphoria is literally 98% of all of its problems. Please get this robot some estrogen. As for sexuality, full romantic attraction is definitely on the table but jesus christ this robot needs to do some work on itself before that. Please read Complex Inquiries if you want me to elaborate that's like my master's thesis on this subject
Vector: Gave his gender a really good thinking before shrugging and sticking with his assigned gender at birth. Also pan as hell, definitely dated some femboys in high school I think.
Espio: Currently in the process of speculating if he's nonbinary. Keeps very quiet about it though. But he knows he likes dudes, so there's that.
Charmy: He's bit-sexual. Whatever he needs to be for the punchline of the joke to land, frankly.
Omega: For narrative parallel reasons to Metal Sonic, I love to headcanon that Omega wasn't programmed with a gender, but then discovered that masculinity is traditionally associated with aggression and violence and went ham. Doesn't mind getting she/her'd, doesn't exactly like they/them, but it/its is of the highest offense. He will kill you for that. As for his sexuality, (I know he's a robot but PLEASE hear me out) he's demi-aro! He'd have no idea that any sort of feelings on his part are happening until it was too late. He'd hate himself for it and promptly bury said feelings beneath so many layers.
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pensoluv · 2 years
‘Eternity with you becomes enjoyable’
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AUs: sentient Genshin SAGAU, religion-having beloved isekaied Teyvat god!Reader
Pronouns: gender neutral, ‘you’ used throughout everything.
Cw/Tw: none, mentions of starts and ends of life cycles
Genre: fluffy
Characters: all Archons, npc kid, npc Teyvatians
You never age.
It’s been millennia since you landed in Teyvat. You’ve grown your following; you’ve given life, you’ve taken lives. Your companions have changed, aged, and your handmaidens have been passing their mantle unto their heirs.
Yet you look the same as you’ve first arrived, aside from the slight weariness and matured composure. The firm, clear light in your eyes stayed the same; your skin untouched by Teyvat’s time; your strength undiminished.
And when Ami, the Child of Fruits asked you for the first time, you couldn’t bear to explain to her bright curious eyes — that you’ll witness their black hair turn into white, then into dust; infinitely until you erode into nothingness.
Maybe you try to keep your distance. Maybe you try keeping your hopes up and enjoying lives as it comes. Eventually, you’ll come to take solace in the feeling that;
The spirits of Teyvat and the wishes of its people will always shine through;
like the Naganohara’s shimmering summer fireworks;
Joyous, eternal in its glory, extending warmth far past lifespans.
And as long as Baal lives, her offer stands. You’re much welcomed to nestle yourself on her, hands held and heads buried in each other’s necks, hair braided gently like in the Tsaritsa’s rare sleepovers.
Eternity is bearable through the warmth of companionship — you continue to treasure time spent in Morax’s cosy osmanthus drinks, Barbatos’s sweet apple-scented songs, flower-tending chats with Buer, lazy debates with Focalor, and Murata’s laughter-filled sparring.
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electrospherevaults · 3 months
I Made You Breakfast
[Find other stories from the 2024 Friday Writing Challenge here]
It had been one more of those early mornings. He woke up and checked back and he saw his General still soundly asleep besides him on the pillow that they shared. Soundly was a correct word to use, he thought, because his snore could be loud enough to disturb the birds outside the window and ruin their song. Other times, their rhythms matched, and he would lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat as his slow restful rumbled breathing would tickle his ear. It had not been the first time, but it had been a long time since they last could be afforded the decency of a privacy.
How ironic; now that peace reigned, they could not have been driven further apart.
The days they spent in the mud and the shrubs, on the campaign trail to save their lands, had been some of the harshest his short as of yet life had to endure. In blood and sinew, they were made enemies once upon a time, him a prince and his opponent a lieutenant. He recalled his friend, the cunning Lady Wrethella, and her army of maidens which he admired as much as he feared. Thanks to her cunning and a slight slip-up, he bested his opponent in battle. A couple nights later, a slight slip-up of his own led their lips to entangle for the first time. The night tasted like wine, and the day tasted like soot, and the embers of his friend’s home led to the dissolution of twelve years of war. They never had been enemies, they never should have been ones, but he was once a Prince of the Autumn Court of the Solarian Kingdoms. Twelve years of war, and all it took to end it was a woman vowing her revenge on the world as they knew it.
They failed to save those old mythic lands not because they did not try their best, but because the hatred of their nations ran deeper than the veins from which they all once sprouted from together.
Peace is a funny thing to listen at in the morning. The summer house was secluded, a retreat deep in the countryside that was partially owned by both of their nations and which exchanged hands every so often. It had been fifty years since Mytheria drew its last breath, and the birds of this new world chirped the same songs he had grown listening once upon a child with young ears and even younger fur and horns that longed to grow, to be as ferocious as his grandfather’s, to rival those of his brothers, to be equal in the image his father imposed on him. The father he once loved lay slain by the sword he gave her, thanks to the gates he unlocked for her willingly. In return, she had promised him a quick, clean kill.
There could have been no other way. For the world to live, Mytheria had to die. A death metaphorical and literal, manifested upon by the blood of creatures mythical and strange and real. Critters that sleep peacefully until the sun rises over the horizon, rumbling in their sleep, mumbling sweet words in languages they call their own. That night once tasted like wine. The wine tasted like bark. Last night, the celebration of his birthday which coincided with his rise as the new rightful and sole King of Kings of Solaria, they got to meet once more. He was back from the deep ends of the galaxy, hunting down the threat their enemies posed upon them. He had grown to have silver hair, and his moustache had grown longer, falling gently upon lips cracked with age.
“Maybe one day we shall dance again without the eyes of the world upon us, mon ami,” he told him amicably, his fingers lingering upon his shoulder in the hope that the lights would go out and the eyes would divert and the world would extinguish – if only for a moment. He still carried their combined scars, retraced at the end of a night they once slipped by. That bombed out fortress had a balcony that overlooked a meadow and a river, a river they once shared, where they bathed in the evening and cooked breakfast by its shores the morning after. And as his fingers left his shoulders, the nobles and the officers and all the highly esteemed creatures of the courts sought his attention. An attention so fleeting yet in such high demand; the monotony of the expectation ate his insides. He needed the escape.
Late that same night, he pulled his General to the side, behind a curtain on a room adjacent to the throne. He gave him an envelope, and a promise to see each other in three days’ time. He sealed the promise with a kiss that was so sudden and so fleeting, and he was gone again in an instant; passed by the veil to the side where their combined high societies expected better of them. A society that had separated them into a master of peace and a commander of war. Of course the General obliged; he would have been a fool and a moron to not do so. He was kind and thoughtful to every man and woman that had earned his trust, and to his beloved King he had nothing but his whole heart deposited upon the trust he assured him. In their common struggle, they learned a lot about each other. Chief among them, the once young prince discovered the delicacies of the scythian cuisine, the way the once young lieutenant enjoyed a good charred slab of meat cut on cubes on a skillet and served with sunny side-up eggs and softened onions.
He could say “I made you breakfast” but it would have still been a lie because a King does not make his own food, let alone his own bed. And yet, under the glow of the rising sun, within those golden embers of daylight, he found a reason to live. He retraced the steps he half-remembered from years past. Mytheria was gone and all that was left was peace; and peace tasted like burnt toasted bread, slightly charred slabs of meat cuts, and spilled eggs that resembled a scramble more than they did the sun. The sun itself would have to suffice outside, glowing over the meadows and the rivers this valley overlooked. The wind was crisp. He did not notice how louder the birds had been singing the songs of their homeworld. Stepping slowly with half-dazed eyes that were still heavy from sleeping in late, the General arrived to the kitchenette. His face beamed with a smile. “What did you dream about, Arckie?” he asked his King. “For I dreamed about making you breakfast again.”
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izzystradliniscute · 9 months
URL Song Game (Is that what its called?)
I tried...I tried...Like all the time, when trying to think of songs, my brain went missing. I think I left my brain at school. Oh well.
I= If U Seek Amy (Britney Spears)
Z= Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie)
Z= Zorros Ascent (Alice Cooper)
Y= You're Crazy (Guns N Roses)
S= Sweet Child O Mine (Guns N Roses) (I really tried...)
T= Thank You For Loving Me (Bon Jovi)
R= Runaway= (Bon Jovi)
A= And Justice For All (Metallica)
D= Don't You Forget About Me (Simple Minds)
L= Live Wire (Motley Crue)
I= I'm Not Okay (My Chemical Romance)
N= Na Na Na (My Chemical Romance)
I= I Remember You (Skid Row)
C= Cruel Summer (Bananarama)
T= The Reflex (Duran Duran)
E= Everybody (Backstreet Boys)
@greeneyezblackheart @valupuyhol @prettypersuasion @jakelinestradlin @izzystradliniscute @izzystradlindoesitforme @izzydeanstradlin @izzystradlinslvrr @popcorn-adler @guns-n-jovi @guns-n-roses-gal @rocknrollflames
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tuxedokit · 1 year
hi ! we are the tuxedokit system ! collectively, we go by either carpet or tuxsys ! 🪻
as follows is a list of everyone in here
"Autopilot" aka Auto Responder | Unknown | it/they - 💾
Luna | 22 | it/that thing - 🌙
Tyx | Adult | it/they - 🚬
Starlight | Ageless | it/one - 🌌
Carpet | 19 | it/that thing/stim - ✨️
Quinn | 15-18 | she/they/any - ✉️
Secret | 13-19 | any/all - 🧩
Little One | 8-12 | they/them - 👾
Blankie | 2-6 | they/paw - 🧸
Ame | 10-17 | they - 🎧
Sayakura | Ageless (Young Adult?) | any - 🧚‍♀️
King Mom Dad Guy | 30s? | he/any - 👑
Quinslap The Weird | Ageless (Old) | he/any - 🧙‍♂️
The Creature | ??? | it/that thing - 🐾
Mango | ??? | it/they - 🐈
— Below are fictives —
Agent 6 | 19-21 | it/they/squid - 🔫
Sollux Captor | 13-19 | they/bee/buzz - 🐝
Jade Harley | Age Slider | they/she/any - 🧬
Rolal | 16-19 | they/any -🍸
Distri | 16-19 | he/dash - 🧢
Kanaya Maryam | 15 | she/blood/💄 - 💄
Nepeta | 6 sweeps! | any cat prns - 🐱
Vriska Serket | 13-16 | she/8/🎱/eight - 🎱
Gamzee | 13 | he/honk/it - ♑️
Solykl | ?? | any neutral prns -🧍
Scrooge McDuck | Ageless (Old Man) | he/they - 💰
Ms. Beakley | Adult | she/her - 🧺
Della Duck | 26-36 | she/any - 🚀
Dewey Duck | 9-17 | he/they - 🎢
Louie Duck | 9-17 | cash/any "knockoffs" - 🤑
Webby Vanderquack | 12-16 | any - 🦄
Isla O'Gilt | Duckling | any for now - 🗺
Miles “Tails” Prower | Kid | any - 🛠
Cosmo | Ageless (Child) | they/fae - 🌸
Shadow | Ageless (15+) | any - 🔭
Amy Rose | 16-20 | she/heart/sweet - 💞
Rouge | 18-25 | she/they/gem - 💎
Avery | 25 | any - 📊
Tickey | Ageless | he/they - 🕰
Mickey Mouse | 20-26 | they/he – 🧀
Felicity Fieldmouse | 30+ | she/her - 📖
Blissey | 6-12 | he/she - 🎀
Brush | Adult | he/they - 🖌
Kenny McCormick | 10-17 | he/she/they - 🪦
Stan Marsh | 10-17 | he/they - 🐕
Tweek | 8-10 | he/him - 🗯
Kart | 10-17 | any pronouns - 🍗
Razputin Aquato | 10 | he/they - 🧠
Dion Aquato | 17 | she/he/they/any - 🎪
Storm | 24 | she/wind - 🌊
Filbo Fiddlepie | 25 | he/they - 🍓
Lizbert Megafig | 27 | she+ - 🧭
Dr. Eggabell Batternugget | 32 | they/she - 🥚
Dr. Floofty Fizzlebean | Adult | they/them - 🥼
Rybin Fizzlebean | Adult | it/they - 📒
Wee Mewon - 🍉
Charmallow - 🍫
Pinkle - 🫙
Stewdler - 🍲
Bunger - 🍔
Kirby | Ageless | any - 💫
Lammy | 22 | it/they - 🎸
Parappa | 16-18 | he/pup - 🎤
Ramona | 23 | she/any - 🛼
Wakko | 11 | any - 😋
Waks | 16-18 | they - 📹
Sandwich | ouppy | any - 🥪
Wilder | ?? | it/that thing - 🏚
Agape | 1000+/11 | it/they/any? - 💜
Angel | Adult | he/him - 😈
Mox | Adult | he/they - ⚰️
Mil | Adult | she/axe - 🪓
Yuri | 18 | she/they - 📓
Mystery | 18 | she/they/bun - 💻
Harmony | 19 | she - 🎤
Shore/Riku | 16 | he/she - ⚔️
Harold Hutchins | 9 | he/🖍 - 🖍
Flutters | 27 | she/they - 🦋
Applejack | 25 | she/they/apple - 🍎
Jax | 22 | he/they/it - 🔑
Zooble | 🖕 | all. make some up - 🖕
The Doctor | 1000+ | any - 🫂
Elsa | 24 | she/chill - ❄️
Wordgirl/Becky | 10.5 | she/they/word/🌟/📖 - 🌟
Mugsy | Child | she/her - ☕️
Wamma | 30s | she/her - 🎊
Summer | 17 | she/her - ☀️
Pico | 20 | he/they/gun - 💀
Nene | 20 | she/it/kill/cute - 🔪
Link | 17+ | any - 🏹
Crafty | ?? | they/art - 🎨
Uniquecorn | ?? | they - ⚪️
Bubba | ?? | he - 💡
Dogpressed | ?? | she/they - 🌧
Annie | Kid | she/it - 🎡
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Previous anon here!
Just want to say thank you for answering to my ask and giving me so many great advices! Your reply definitely made me feel a lot better and is very encouraging, so thank you a lot! I really appreciate it ❤
I will write and read as much as I can! Tbh, I did plenty of writing and reading but mostly of the academic texts and papers so I'm a bit worried that I might be too old to start writing fiction now, but then I remember that I'm only 24 😆😅 And I'm not in a hurry to publish the story and don't even have the ambition to profit off of it, I just want to create something I'm going to care about and hopefully a few others will care about too! This is why I want to mostly handle the writing part myself but I might try reaching out to the skilled artists for collaboration!
Anyways, thank you again! I love your blog! (English is not my native language so I'm sorry if I made amy mistakes!)
Too old to start writing fiction at... age 24??? Oh my sweet summer child. Your life is only STARTING. There are plenty of authors who didn't start writing in earnest, much less get good and/or published, until their 40s, 50s, and older. This feeling is probably a reflection of the Tumblr culture that insists anyone older than about 22 is a drooling derelict, but like... you're barely an adult. Your brain is still plastic. You've got SO MUCH TIME.
And likewise: it's absolutely 100% fine if your biggest concern is telling the story the way YOU want to tell it, and therefore you want to be the one to write it. It doesn't have to be published or profited from or anything like that, if you want to make it as your own thing and feel proud of doing that. In fact, you should actively resist the idea that anything you make is only good if it can be monetized (because again, Capitalism). After all, you can make it now, then make it again sometime in the future, and see how it's changed, how you've improved, and all the rest. It doesn't have to be one and done, and indeed, shouldn't be. You'll think of other projects to develop and other things you want to spend time on, and those can be done as well.
Have fun!
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samobservessonic · 22 days
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But Sonic, you do have a brother. He’s called Manic
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Once again, Sonic proves that he’s smart in his caution by figuring out that the one person who could pose as his brother is the shapeshifter they’ve previously had dealings with. And he manages to get there in time to stop Metamorphia from harming Tails
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The slow-burn plan really didn’t work out for you, did it?
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Johnny has a short-lived moment of managing to impress Amy, who they’ve now kinda very vaguely implied he might have a crush on, before Sonic jumps in to finish the battle
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That takes care of that problem. I respect how casual they all are about this, because if I knew a shapeshifter was after me, I’d become the most paranoid person on the planet. Then again, maybe Metamorphia’s lack of subtlety is always going to be what trips her up. She’ll definitely be fighting the Freedom Fighters again, so we’ll see
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This really has the vibes of Grimer trying to get his new boyfriend to embrace his existing daughter, but his boyfriend is Robotnik, so that isn’t going well for him
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Oh Metamorphia, you poor sweet summer child. Trust me, you will never be good enough in his eyes, even if you did kill Sonic. Please raise your standards and love yourself more
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It looks like the lesson hasn’t been learned. But all of this does set Metamorphia up to be an incredibly interesting character. I’m reading this already knowing how her story ends, but even so, it adds an intrigue into the desperation of her actions and I look forward to her next appearance
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beevean · 6 months
The Virgin average Sonic Tuber: Shadow was tortured on the Ark because muh dark tone
The Chad mid 90s italian game magazine: Amy's from another planet, which you'd know if you played Super Sonic CD
It's wild to read those old magazines, and see how misinformation ran rampant in the '90s
I don't blame them, of course. Without internet, their only source of information was those people running magazines, who themselves seemed to have barely an idea of what a Sonic was
And if the American manual of CD called Amy "Sally", and the Italian manual kept it because how the hell were they supposed to know, that's how Amy and Sally get conflated in the fandom :P
(special shout out to the kid who bothered to write a letter and send it only to ask, desperately, if Tails was a boy or a girl. Thankfully the magazine guy knew the answer.)
Anyway, I wish I could share those pages because there are gems hidden there, such as a kid who asked when would Sonic 4 come out when Sonic 3 wasn't even out yet. Oh, sweet summer child.
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crimsonsbled · 7 months
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࣪𓏲ּ   ֶָ   𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗   ⁝               announcing   the   arrival   of   ALYSANE   of   house   TYRELL,   the   LADY   of   HIGH  GARDEN.   whispers   among   the   court   name   them   to   be   both   PATIENT   and   AMBITIOUS   in   disposition,   and   those   closest   to   them   speak   to   their   interests   in   riding  &  embroidery.   if   we   bards   could   compose   a   song   for   them,   it   might   tell   stories   of   the  soft  sound  of  her  dress  through  the  dewy  grass  as  giggle  fill  the  sweet  magnolia  scented  summer  air  ,  springtime  descending  into  hades'  realm  with  eyes  wide  open  -  swallowing  down  each  pomegranate  seed  with  great  hunger  ,  a  dichotomy  of  warmth  and  frost,  the  queen  of  seasons  forever  in  transition  .   are   they   right   to   whisper?   for   their   loyalties   truly   lie   with   THE  TYRELLS/THEMSELVES         
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━━  𝒅𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒓
full  name  :  alysane  tyrell age  :  thirty  four  years  old date  of  birth:  the  15th  of  the  fifth  turn  (  may  )  hometown  :  highgarden  ,  the  reach  ,  westeros gender  &  pronouns  :  cis  female  +  she  /  her orientation  :  heterosexual  +  heteroromantic marital  status  :  betrothed  to  the  prince  of  summerhall religion  :  faith  of  the  seven titles  &  occupation  :  lady  of  highgarden  ,  future  princess  of  summerhall 
hair  colour  :  black eye  colour  :  dark  brown height  :  1.76  m  /  5’9  ft face  claim  :  laura  harrier
moral  alignment  :  chaotic  neutral positive  traits  :  compassionate  ,  patient  ,  intuitive negative  traits  :  blunt  ,  sensitive  ,  impulsive hobbies  :  riding  &  embroidery character  inspos  :  amy  march  ,  cersei  lannister  ,  margery  tyrell  ,  agnes  van  rijn  ,  daphne  bridgerton  ,  alicent  hightower
father  :  lord  garth  tyrell mother  :  lady  alyna  tyrell , lady  victaria  tyrell siblings  :  lord  utp  tyrell  ,  lord  utp  tyrell  ,  lady  eyva  tyrell
When  alysane  tyrell  was  first  introduced  to  her  father's  court,  she  was  affectionately  dubbed  the  rose  of  highgarden,  a  moniker  that  captured  her  beauty  and  poise.  what  the  court  did  not  know  was  that  the  lady  alyna  labored  for  nearly  two  days  with  alysane  ,  her  midwives  almost  thought  she  would  die  with  the  blood  loss  but  alyna  was  determined  to  give  garth  his  first  child  .  she  had  worked  hard  to  gain  her  position  and  by  the  faith  of  the  seven  she  would  not  die  in  childbirth  .  the  gods  heeded  lady  alyna's  pleas  ,  cradling  the  babe  alysane  in  her  arms  .  a  few  days  later  ,  lady  alyna  passed  ,  leaving  her  eldest  son  ,  trystane  ,  and  baby  daughter  without  a  mother . raised  amidst  the  lush  gardens  and  grand  halls  of  highgarden,  she  was  instilled  with  a  sense  of  duty  and  a  burden  of  expectations  from  her  step  mother  .  victaria  saw  herself  in  alysane  ,  molding  her  to  her  standard  of  perfection  ,  worthy  of  the  tyrell  name  .  if  victaria  was  hard  on  her  young  daughter  ,  alysane  was  harder  on  herself  ,  striving  to  gain  her  mother’s  approval  even  if  it  meant  losing  herself  in  the  process  .  as  an  adult  ,  the  eldest  tyrell  daughter  embodied  the  epitome  of  nobility  and  grace  . when  alysane  was  thirteen  ,  she  came  across  a  fortune  teller  at  a  feast  the  tyrells  attended  .  the  fortune  teller  prophesied  that  alysane  would  one  day  marry  someone  of  great  power.  This  revelation  sparked  a  fervent  curiosity  within  alysane  but  she  knew  better  than  to  believe  some  feeble  old  woman  probably  made  it  up  .  the  opportunity  to  fulfill  the  prophecy  presents  itself  in  the  form  of  a  betrothal  to  the  prince  of  summerhall  .  with  the  prospect  of  marrying  into  royalty  ,  alysane  sees  this  union  not  only  as  a  fulfillment  of  the  fortune  teller's  prophecy  but  also  as  a  chance  to  secure  her  family's  standing  among  the  highest  echelons  of  society  .  the  first  time  in  years  ,  victaria  tyrell  finally  smiled  at  her  daughter  .  her  betrothal  to  the  prince  of  summerhall  draws  nearer,  she  finds  herself  increasingly  drawn  to  the  allure  of  the  power  that  comes  with  marrying  into  the  targaryen  dynasty  .  initially  motivated  by  the  prophecy  foretold  by  a  mysterious  fortune  teller,  alysane's  perspective  begins  to  shift  as  she  sees  this  union  not  only  as  a  fulfillment  of  destiny  but  also  as  a  means  to  seek  retribution  for  the  great  catastrophe  that  befell  her  family  . 
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joslincox · 7 months
Songs Used in Ozzy & Drix (Season 1)
Home With Hector
Tik Tok - Ke$ha
I Want You to Want Me - KSM
Girl-Crazy - LMNT
Follow Me Now - Jason Gleed
Human Fly - The Cramps
God Is A DJ - P!NK
Dancing With Myself - Billy Idol
I Wonder - Diffuser
Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash
Cupid's Chokehold - Gym Class Heroes
Juliet - LMNT
Ms. Jackson - Outkast
Ultimate - Lindsay Lohan
Don't Mess With My Man - Nivea
These Boots Are Made For Walkin' - Geri Haiwell
DJ Got Us Falling In Love - Usher
Dynamite - Taio Cruz
Hello - Mindless Behavior
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Pieces of Me - Ashlee Simpson
Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
Don't Stop The Music - Rihanna
Permission to Party - KSM
We Belong Together - Mariah Carey
Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
Miracles Happen - Myra
One In A Million - Aaliyah
Basketball - Bow Wow
Go Figure - Everlife
Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins
My Own Worst Enemy - Lit
Beat It - Michael Jackson
Basket Case - Green Day
So Bring It On - The Cheetah Girls
Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson
Irreplaceable - Beyoncé
You're The Best - Joe "Bean" Esposito
Come Clean - Hilary Duff
Secret Agent Man - Johnny Rivers
Keep It Undercover - Zendaya
Missing U - Robyn
A Lousy Haircut
Strut - The Cheetah Girls
Solo Star - Solange
Beauty Queen - Lash
Hair - Lady Gaga
Oh, My Dog
Who Let The Dogs Out - Baha Men
Bounce - System Of A Down
Bow Wow (That's My Name) - Lil Bow Wow
Hound Dog - Elvis Presley
Puppy Love - Lil Bow Wow
Street Up
Jenny From The Block - Jennifer Lopez
Welcome to The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Drop It Like It's Hot - Snoop Dogg
Get Low - Lil John & The East Side Boyz
Back In Black -AC/DC
Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga
Goo Goo Muck - The Cramps
Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
Gas of Doom
About You Now - Miranda Cosgrove
All I Want is Everything - Victoria Justice
When There's Smoke
Cigarette Duet - Princess Chelsea
The Globfather
Summer Is Not Hot - Selena Gomez And The Scene
Pon De Replay - Rihanna
Don't Eat Stuff Off The Sidewalk - The Cramps
Boombastic - Shaggy
Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride - Mark Keali'i
So Sick - Ne-Yo
Beyond The Sea - Bobby Darin
If It's Lovin' What You Want - Rihanna
Cancer - My Chemical Romance
Starships - Nicki Minaj
California Gurls - Katy Perry
Ozzy Jr.
Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N Roses
Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey
Welcome to My Life - Simple Plan
American Idiot - Green Day
Drama Queen (That Girl) - Lindsay Lohan
So Yesterday - Hilary Duff
The In Crowd - Mitchel Musso
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Flavor Of The Weak - American Hi-Fi
Genie In A Bottle - Christina Aguilera
Distracted - KSM
Take Me Away - Lash
Rip Her To Shreds - Taryn 24
I Can't Hardly Stand It - The Cramps
Number One - Ginger Fox
How Bad Can I Be - Ed Helms
Mean Gurl - Gina Rene
Rumors - Lindsay Lohan
I'm Just A Kid - Simple Plan
The Art Of Losing - American Hi-Fi
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
Tangled Up in Me - Skye Sweetnam
Run This Town - Jay-Z, Kanye West and Rihanna
She's So Mean - Matchboy T
Me Vs. The World - Halo Friendlies
Get Out - Mitchel Musso
Royals - Lorde
Sugar Shock
Sugar Rush - AKB48
Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
I Want Candy - Cory Simpson
Candy - Mandy Moore
Goodies - Ciara
Sell Me Candy - Rihanna
Candy Shop - 50 Cent
Lolipop (Candyman) - Aqua
The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani
The Dream Factory
Sleep - My Chemical Romance
Thriller - Michael Jackson
Someone's Watching Me - Hilary Duff
Rockin' Bones - The Cramps
Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics
Remains of The Day
The Monster - Eminem and Rihanna
Problem (The Monster Remix) - Becky G and Will.i.am
Ghost of You And Me - BBMAK
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
The Ghost of You - My Chemical Romance
Ghost of You - Selena Gomez And The Scene
What Dreams Are Made Of - Hilary Duff
Friends On The Other Side - Keith David
House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance
Calling All The Monsters - China Anne McClain
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February 17, 2024 (186)
Top 30
1. Galantis & Hannah Boleyn- Little Bit Yours
2. Hemlocke Springs- sever the blight
3. Dillon Francis & REI AMI- Rainy
4. Green Day- Dilemma
5. Myles Smith- Solo
6. Playboi Carti & Travis Scott- BACKR00MS
7. Cage the Elephant- Neon Pill
8. BEL- Are You Okay?
9. Ice Spice- Think U The Shit
10. Tyla- Water
11. Declan McKenna- Mulholland’s Dinner & Wine
12. Fat Nick- Virgo Summer
13. ENHYPEN- Sweet Venom
14. K.Flay- Carsick
15. Milky Chance- Reckless Child
16. Rema- Trouble Maker
17. Tai Verdes- Pipe Down
18. lovelytheband- nice to know you
19. Green Day- Bobby Sox
20. Kali Uchis & Peso Pluma- Igual Que Un Ángel
21. Juanpalitoschinos- Cuando me amabas
22. Little Big & bbno$- IT HAPPENS
23. Ariana Grande- yes, and?
24. Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton- Purple Irises **DEBUT**
25. Kim Petras- Head Head Honcho **DEBUT**
26. Fireboy DML- Oh My
27. AJ Mitchell- Foolish **DEBUT**
28. Calvin Harris & Rag’n’Bone Man- Lovers In a Past Life **DEBUT**
29. Tiësto & FAST BOY- All My Life
30. BLK ODYSSY- Want You **DEBUT**
Close Calls
1. Royal & The Serpent & GAYLE- kinda smacks
2. KAROL G & Tiësto- CONTIGO
4. Barns Courtney- Young In America
5. Vampire Weekend- Capricorn
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intrepidacious · 2 years
😶 cast your mutuals as les amis de l’abc please
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you get combeferre, my dear. very logical and kind, and i feel like you would get along with moths
@traitorjoelite you get grantaire. my favourite cynical chaotic boi who would 100% die for the people he loves
@sweetascanbee you get courfeyrac. ray of sunshine and passionate as hell
@foreverindreamlandd you get musichetta. deserving of all the love the fandom pours into her
@treatbuckywkisses you get bossuet. sometimes followed by bad luck but so beloved
@aphrogeneias you get enjolras. you could convince me to follow you into any failing revolution
@marvelettesassemblenow you get feuilly. hardworking and kind, and with very specific sets of knowledge
@sanguineterrain you get bahorel. passionate "i'll take care of this" kind of person. also i don't know if you ever dropped out of law school but the energy fits
@demxters you get eponine. i feel like your love language is acts of service. would scream in a criminal's face but also sing sad songs in the rain
@daisyprouvaire you get jehan (surprise surprise). my sweet summer child. you, too, could write poems about some dark shit
@wildlivelychild you get joly. very caring, would probably also try to overthrow a government while having a runny nose
@writing-for-marvel you get marius. just the sweetest person you'll meet. i feel like when you fall in love, you fall hard
@jadedvibes you get cosette. you know your strengths and take no shit, but you're also just kind
join the sleepover
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dylanlila · 2 years
i come bearing playlists PART TWO!!!
SO! in the mere hours before you answered the ANIYG ask, I decided to make a playlist (demos: from the whirlpool in the middle of the bedrooms)
it's based on my initial thoughts about how the tracks would sound / I basically made a tracklist with one song to represent each of the tracks on your original post. it's been revised since then but this was the Original Original list:
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then the revised version:
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going to Try not to overexplain everything but......
blinding........vv coraline to me......and vv amy.....a tourist in the waking world......
june gloom.........the titles rhyme which isn't important but also it.....but like, house on the moon as an escapist fantasy but the dream is just as suffocating as real life.....a summer that lasts forever........
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june gloom sets in -> amy's wedding is in june....!!!!!!!!!!!!! all we do is wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the end of days -> the wedding and the rebirth of the universe, whatever
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MODERN DAY CAIN, my best friend Modern Day Cain!!!!
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it's sooooo.....!!!!!!!! it's angry and spiteful!!!!! it's amy calling her name "a bit fairytale"............and I imagined that Drive Me Mad would be along those lines....like "fuck you, this is your problem"........and it's dance music, what's not to love???
She's a Handsome Woman (my girlfriend, my sweet cheese, my one and lonely). There By The Record Machine is a reference to I Love Rock N' Roll (i think, shoot my if i'm wrong) and i wanted to work that vibe in while sticking with the nonsensical + fairytale stuff in the other songs (blinding, wine red, catch me if you can, june gloom)
also, there's this:
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........imperfect and raw.........i rest my case!!
the other playlist (demos, bonus tracks and additions for the man with God's voice)
it's just an expansion of the first one, to create a more cohesive sound (she says, about a spotify playlist). again, not going through all of it but still.......
(notable features)
The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know (original and alternate) - the alternate version is so ANIYG!!!
Hollow Moon (The Crane Wives) - I won't be sleeping, there's too many monsters in the backyard
Seaside Rendezvous (Queen) - y'know
Over Those Hills (Hayley Williams) - Thought I'd had enough, but the hurt is half the fun!!!!! SAY LESS!!!!!!!
thought this would be a good time to stop gatekeeping this masterpiece......... we are in each other's tumblr libraries (I'M PLAYING DRUMS!!!!)
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Happy holidays sweet summer child!
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