#an interlude I cut out previously
Group G, Round 2, Poll 8:
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Propaganda under the cut
Taylor Hebert / Skitter
Gaslight: She’s constantly gaslighting herself, like seriously all the time. Mainly because she couldn’t properly process her own emotions to save her life. ‘I’m totally fine after doing [fucked up thing]. Totally fine. It was my only option, and definitely not a result of my own deep-seated trauma affecting the way I perceive and interact with the world around me. Plus it’s not like it was even *that* fucked up. Actually, it was definitely the most moral choice in that situation. I had no other option. They forced my hand’. No they fucking didn’t Taylor. You had tons of other options, you’re just too much of a traumatized mess to recognize them. And *Worm* is well-written enough that, because we’re constantly seeing things from her fucked up point of view, we believe her. Especially when she describes events slightly yet very significantly differently from how they actually *textually* occurred previously in the text, but not so obviously that the readers notice without it being pointed out to them. It’s only during interludes from the POVs of other characters that we get a view of her without that lens of self-delusion. Gatekeep: Probably the weakest of the three for her, but somebody else could probably tell you more. Girlboss: She has the power to control bugs, with perfect coordination, infinite multitasking, and even proprioception. What does she do with that (in no particular order)? Rot somebodies dick off. Stick flies up his urethra. Eat his eyes with your bugs after he’s already disabled. Stick bullets ant up somebodies anus. Have bugs clean off the sweat and other material immediately after losing your virginity. Use your bugs to to drive a car through a city post-disaster while blind, without anybody else realizing you’ve been blinded. Get stabbed in the shoulder through bone, and proceed to monologue to the stabbed without showing any signs of pain. Line up bugs on people your shooting at with bugs on your gun to give you pinpoint accuracy. Hide massive amounts of bugs in the folds and crevices of your body, as well as in in your hair. Join a gang of supervillains. Carve out somebodies eyes. Turn butterflies into an instrument of terror. Kill a baby. You know, just completely normal things for a barely 16 (pre-timeskip) / not-quite 18 (post-timeskip) year old girl to do (most of these were pre-timeskip).
[copied from @lakesbian so credit to them]
*rotting a guy's dick off with brown recluses. on accident. *realizing due to her accident that it's actually pretty effective to put bugs on genitals and starting to threaten people with putting tapeworms up their asses on purpose. and also putting bugs up asses and peeholes on purpose. really if theres an orifice she puts bugs up there on purpose *dips her bugs in capsaicin before putting bugs up orifices on purpose so it hurts more. [skitter voice]i just dipped every tarantula hawk wasp in my villainous lair in liquid pepper spray so nows not the time to get stupid with my ass *using spider silk to create rube-goldberg machines of suffering i.e hauling a dude 3 stories up into the air and then dropping him, shattering all of his limbs on impact. all while casually holding a conversation w/ someone else *using centipedes to hollow another villain's eyes out and then putting maggots inside and just Leaving Them There with the intent of the heroes she hands the villain over to finding the maggots later and being scared of her *killed parahumans' wonder woman equivalent by putting bugs in her lungs and then using those bugs to make silk in her lungs to block out airflow. while monotone-quoting something wonder woman had said to threaten her earlier back at her as she died. wonder woman wasn't even in the room to hear it she just did it anyway. *only time she has ever successfully been jailed is when she turned herself in on purpose *made a phone call using bugs once. not villainous but very funny and iconic *used bugs to swang around a disintegration knife on a massive length of silk, killing like 50 people instantly, because she wanted one (1) person in the room dead and was willing to just shotgun that shit until it worked out for her. and then immediately after proceeded to think of herself as "not much of a fighter." because she has psychological issues. *mind-control kidnapped several thousand people once *literally made fun of god's dead girlfriend until he got suicidal and died about it *drove a car. blind. using bugs. no one realized she was blind for like 12 hours because she's a bug freak superorganism of a girl who walked around using bugs to triangulate perfectly w/o vision. also not villainous but still iconic *wanted to put 10000 black widow spiders in a shared villainous base to make costumes out of spider silk w/ and when the other dude who lived there was like "wtf can we not??" she was like "huh that's surprising. you don't want 10000 black widow spiders in your home? why? are you arachnophobic or something?" because she's a freak. *fucked, got up, and immediately made several hundred bugs crawl across her naked ass body to clean her off. because she's a freak. her boyfriend has had spiders on his dick he's just going to have to live with this *literally psychologically cannot refrain from putting bugs in the hair and clothing of everyone within a several block radius to keep track of them at all times because she's a panopticonic freak. like i'm talking "her friends occasionally talk to bugs they see under the assumption that it's her spying on them, and they're Right" level panopticonic freak. she rocks. *did i mention she's 15. world's most autistic freak 15yo dissociates hard enough to kill god more at 7
Regina George
Mean Girls became a template for high school drama movies, Regina being the meanest of the titular "mean girls"
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One year ago, give it take a few days, I started reading Worm. I finished it in a week. I don't think I'll ever read a story that affects me as much as Taylor's did, and since it's the anniversary of me reading Worm I think I might as well get sappy and emotional and write out how much Worm impacted me.
Tw: talking about suicide
I was in a terrible spot before Worm. Behind in every single class, failing to eat or drink or even just get out of bed for entire days, ghosting all of my friends and family just because I couldn't work up the will to talk, I just rotted in my dorm all day and let the tasks pile up higher and higher because I didn't know how to dig myself up, so I just gave up. I found Worm from some stupid meme that I saw while scrolling through social media for 13 hours a day in an attempt to drown out thoughts, and for reasons I still don't know I started to read it instead of returning to my blank inertia. I hadn't had the mental willpower to read or even feel anything in months, and it was completely out of character to immediately read it instead of just saying I'd do it later.
My sleep schedule was already fucked, once I got started it wasn't really a shock that I stayed up until like 5 am.
The week went by, I got to Leviathan, the Nine, Echidna, countless incredible interludes, and somewhere early on I think Worm became some sort of last hurrah. I'm not totally sure if I would have done it, but I had rough plans for methods of killing myself. Worm is a long work, impressively so, I was telling myself I'd finish it so I had something to be at least somewhat proud of before I went. It was a means of procrastination for the end since I didn't want to leave it unfinished, and also a road to it since once I was done reading then it would be time.
I became completely closed off from the world, even more than I had been previously. I dropped any pretenses of passing or attending class, what would the point be when I wouldn't be around for the grade? My meals became even less frequent, and when I had them it was always accompanied by reading. My sleep time was cut in half, I was waking up earlier and going to bed later all to read Worm. It was a week long fugue where I ceased to exist except for my ability to read the text. Once I was done reading, that would be it for me, and since I had closed myself off from pretty much everything there were no outside sources to convince me to change my mind. Just Worm. And it managed to do it.
Something about Taylor's absolutely insane amount of willpower just hit me hard. I remember when I read Speck and was reduced to a sobbing wreck for a day that was one of my strongest thoughts about her. She just tried so hard for everything, and absolutely never gave up as long as there was some way she could try to do something. I never learned how to put all my effort into stuff, but Taylor was inspiring enough that I wanted to at least try to learn how to try. It sounds cringey to write down, but if she could try so hard that she united all of humanity to kill an omnicidal god, then I could at the very least try to eat lunch.
Speaking of lunch, I read 90% of Speck in the corner of my college dining hall. It was like 4:00 and I was the only one there somehow, which is great because I was breaking down the entire time as I read Taylor fall apart. I don't think I'll ever read anything that hurt as much as Speck.
Another part of Taylor that was just as crucial to making me want to live was showing how much her self destructiveness hurt others. How could I justify killing myself when I just read how much it fucking tore at Taylor's friends when she became Khepri? When Lisa scrambled to just barely save Taylor from a suicide attempt in the first chapter of Gold Morning? Even when she just left them behind, Rachel's anguish was palpable, so who was I to ghost my friends because I was too scared to text anyone? I always knew on a logical level people would be sad if I died, but seeing such solid depictions of hurt from similar situations just... I dunno, I couldn't justify it when it was so much clearer to me how much it would hurt people I love.
I took a day to emotionally recover from the mental rewiring that comes from finishing Worm, and then I called my parents and told them how poorly I had been doing. I hadn't done it before because I didn't want to be a burden. They were happy to help. I dropped all my classes and went home. Worm stayed with me, it gave me some sort of substance to my life, something to latch on to. Making ideas for fanfics that I'd never write, talking with friends I'd made through Worm, rereading Speck if I needed a good cry, all of it kept me going and made my life feel less flat. Like five months later I started posting to this account and that was another outlet. It was just fun to analyze the text and make up theories about this work that did so much for me, and when I finally started posting them online that was good fun too. Thank y'all for reading my dinky little rambles, somehow I've cracked 400 followers on what was originally just a place for me to write down my thoughts during lunch hour at a mental hospital. Whenever I get a detailed comment in the notes, or I see someone like/reblog 20 of my posts in a row as they scroll through, or I see the names of people I always see in my notifications it just makes my day. Y'all are lovely.
And well, now it's been a year. Worm was supposed to be the final story I read, a countdown to the end in 1.7 million words, but it managed to convince me to keep going. I didn't think I'd make it to the next year or even the next month, but it's November again and I'm still here. I'm not doing great, but I'm here and I have Worm to thank for that.
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Chapter 11: Let’s Have Some Carnage
Previously: Prologue Tumblr Link for Prologue, Chapter One; Chapter Two, Chapter 3, Interlude Chapter 4 Chapter 5, Chapter 6 Chapter 7 , Chapter 8 Chapter 9 , Chapter 10 , Interlude 2
Pairing: Astarion x female!Tav
Warnings: 18+. NSFW, Ethical and non Ethical BDSM, noncon, some allusions to sexual violence, flashbacks to sexual violence, discussions of sexual violence, dubious boundaries, attempted sexual violence, dubcon, blood licking/blood kink, reference to cheating behavior, emotional trauma, group sex, sex, smutt, anxiety, negative thinking, sexual trauma, recovery, healing, angst,
Word count: 83K total
Status: Ongoing
(Chapter 12, Sept 6th)
Song of the Hour:
Build Up: Fate of the Clockmaker - Eternal Eclipse
Ending: I Can See Clearly Now (Cover) - Isabella Summers
Entire Story Link on AO3 Spotify Playlist AO3
After the Jump!
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Chapter 11: Let’s Have Some Carnage
Astarion had always been a master of patience, savoring the anticipation before the strike like a connoisseur of fine wine. Yet, when it came to Sima, that patience had worn thin, replaced by a gnawing need that coursed through him like a slow-burning fire. It was an ache that settled deep within his chest, a constant reminder that she was not yet his. Not completely. The thought of her slipping away, of losing her to the choices she might make, was an unbearable prospect. In the weeks he had spent in Waterdeep, he had plotted, planned, and prepared for every possible outcome. But the idea of failure, of her refusal, lingered at the edge of his mind like a shadow that refused to be dispelled.
The nights were the hardest. Alone with his thoughts, he imagined her—her dark curls cascading over her shoulders, her warm skin glowing in the dim light of the moon. She was a beacon, drawing him in with a pull he could scarcely resist. She had always been more than just a conquest, more than just a pretty face to adorn his side. She was the one who had seen him, truly seen him, and still chose to stay. And it was that choice, that willingness, that he feared losing most of all.
He had always been in control, always the one to pull the strings, to manipulate events to his liking. But with Sima, control felt like it was slipping through his fingers, and that terrified him more than he would ever admit. It wasn’t just about dominating her, about bending her to his will. It was about keeping her close, about ensuring that she would never leave his side. The thought of her out in the world, vulnerable and alone, was something he couldn’t bear. She was his, and he would protect her at any cost—even if that meant taking drastic measures.
His plan was meticulous, a web of schemes that would allow him to bring her back to Baldur’s Gate, to the life they could build together. He had cultivated allies in Waterdeep, loyalists who would cover the tracks of his actions, ensuring that the assault on Gale’s tower would be nothing more than a whisper in the city’s underbelly. But it was the vampire spawn he had brought with him that would ensure his plan’s success. They were his tools, his shadowy agents of chaos, ready to strike at his command.
But even as he stood in the shadow of Gale’s tower, watching the high windows of the guest chambers where Sima slept, he felt the familiar twist of doubt. She was strong-willed, defiant, and that was what he loved about her. But it was also what made her so damn difficult. He could see her in his mind’s eye, her dark eyes flashing with that fiery spirit he adored, the same spirit that refused to yield to him fully. And it was that refusal, that resistance, that drove him to the brink of madness.
The night air was cold, a biting wind that cut through the silence, but Astarion barely noticed. His focus was entirely on her—on the thought of her in his arms, safe, warm, and his. The desire to possess her, to protect her, was overwhelming, a tide that he could no longer resist. She was more than just a lover; she was a part of him, a piece of his soul that he couldn’t afford to lose.
But beneath that desire was something deeper, something that had grown in the weeks they had been apart. It wasn’t just about having her—it was about keeping her, about ensuring that she would never leave him again. She was his, not just in body, but in soul. And he would do whatever it took to make sure that she understood that, to make sure that she chose him, again and again.
Astarion stood silently, his crimson eyes fixed on the tower as he waited for the moment to strike. The plan was in motion, and soon, he would have her back. But it wasn’t just about winning—it was about showing her that they were meant to be together, that there was no life for her without him in it. And when he finally had her in his arms again, he would make sure she understood just how much he needed her, how much he loved her, in his own way.
Inside the tower , Gale sensed the disturbance long before Astarion’s spawn moved into position. The wards around the tower shivered with anticipation, the magical barriers pulsing as they detected the presence of something dark and malevolent. These were no ordinary attackers—these were the twisted creations of a vampire lord, creatures born from the deepest pits of nightmares, their very existence a blasphemy against life itself.
The vampire spawn moved with a fluid, inhuman grace, their bodies elongated and gaunt, as if stretched too thin by the weight of their dark master’s will. Their eyes gleamed with a feral hunger, glowing red in the dim light as they slunk through the shadows, their movements silent and deadly. They were not mere soldiers; they were hunters, driven by an insatiable thirst for blood and the command to destroy.
Gale stood in his study, a large tome open before him, his hands glowing with arcane energy as he muttered incantations under his breath. He could feel the wards straining against the pressure, the magic trembling as the vampire spawn pressed in, testing for weaknesses. Tara, his ever-loyal tressym, perched on a high shelf, her wings twitching as she sensed the impending danger. Her fur bristled, and with a hiss, she leaped into the air, circling the room before settling on Gale’s shoulder.
“They’re coming,” Tara said, her voice sharp with tension. “I can smell them. Vampires. Astarion’s creatures.”
Gale nodded, his expression grim but tinged with wry amusement. “Persistent, aren’t they? But then again, when has that vampire ever known when to quit? Still, they’ll find this tower isn’t so easily breached.”
As if in response to his words, the first of the vampire spawn slipped past the outer wards, their forms barely visible as they merged with the shadows. They moved with terrifying speed, their limbs twisting and contorting as they advanced on Gale, their mouths opening wide to reveal rows of razor-sharp fangs. Their presence was a reminder that the darkness held horrors beyond imagining.
Gale reacted instantly, his hand shooting out as he cast Wall of Force across the entrance. The invisible barrier slammed into place, cutting off the advancing spawn from reaching him. They clawed at the barrier, their frustration palpable, their hissing breaths filling the air with the stench of decay. But Gale merely smirked, his confidence unshaken.
“Not today, bloodsuckers. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for an invitation.”
He began a complex incantation, the air around him crackling with energy. Outside, the sky darkened as storm clouds gathered, summoned by Gale’s will. A rumble of thunder echoed through the tower, and with a final word, he unleashed Chain Lightning into the room. The arc of electricity jumped from one vampire to the next, each one shrieking in pain as the lightning seared their flesh, reducing them to smoldering husks.
But the assault was far from over. The vampire spawn were relentless, driven by a hunger that knew no bounds. More of them poured into the tower, their numbers seemingly endless, each one more twisted and horrific than the last. They tore through the hallways, their claws raking against the stone walls as they hunted for blood, their eyes burning with a savage fury.
Tara was not idle. The tressym flew through the corridors, avoiding the occasional stray bolt of magic, her keen eyes searching for any stragglers. She found a group of Astarion’s spawn attempting to break into the armory, their efforts slow but determined.
“Not on my watch,” Tara muttered, her fur puffing up in indignation. “Honestly, can’t a lady get a moment’s peace without having to deal with undead riff-raff?”
She swooped down, casting Fireball at the intruders. The explosion rocked the corridor, the heat intense as the flames consumed the vampires. They screamed, flailing helplessly before disintegrating into ash.
“Consider yourselves evicted,” Tara huffed, her tone as sharp as her claws.
Back on the balcony, Sima noticed a flicker of movement in her periphery. As she turned her head, she spotted Astarion, unexpected and clearly lurking in the dark.
Astarion made no attempt to hide or deny what he was doing. He met her gaze with a confident smirk. “Hello, my love. I thought I might see you out here tonight,” he said in a low, husky voice. His eyes were like flames, glowing crimson in the moonlight. As he took in her form with appreciation, the desire to possess her grew stronger.
Sima was instantly suspicious. A moonlight serenade? No, certainly not. He would not be here unannounced, as the last three days had been an effort every day to get him to understand the meaning of the word compromise. It had not been the turning but her own long-standing fears for her sense of self that had held her back from making a decision in such an impossible matter. But he would not understand that. So Sima quietly swept a circle around Astarion, her eyes never leaving his, trying to gauge his intentions.
“Evening. Looking for a little nightcap? If so, you’ve missed Gale. I believe he’s in his study with his tressym now.”
“Sima, darling... I came here for you. For you alone. There is no nightcap I could desire more than your lips against mine.” Astarion’s voice was smooth, almost purring as he closed the distance between them with slow, deliberate steps. 
Sima wasn’t going to be easy to convince, that much was clear. She continued to circle around him, her stance cautious, gaze fixed on his. “Whatever it is you’re planning, it won’t work. The wards here are held up by Gale... and more than that... it’s rude to come around unannounced, Astarion. It’s downright... suspicious.” Her voice carried a note of warning, as if she was daring him to make his move.
Astarion paused, his smile widening as he tilted his head slightly, a gesture that was both playful and menacing. “What is your point, darling?” His voice was firm and assured, showing no sign of fear or hesitation. He knew she was onto him, knew that she suspected his intentions. But he didn’t care. He was confident, and that confidence made him bold. “You know me better than that. I’m not here for games. I’m here for you.”
Inside the tower, Gale continued his assault on Astarion’s men. His hands moved with the precision of a practiced mage, casting spell after spell. He conjured Arcane Hand, the massive, glowing fist appearing out of thin air and smashing into another group of attackers. The force of the blow sent them flying, their bodies crumpling upon impact with the stone walls.
But Gale wasn’t finished. With another wave of his hand, he invoked a spell of Animate Objects, his eyes glowing with determination as he brought to life the ancient gargoyles perched on the corners of his tower. These stone creatures, shaped like mythical beasts with wings and the heads of kings, sprang to life, their heavy limbs creaking as they shook off centuries of dust. The gargoyles were now animated, their eyes glowing with a fierce inner light as they leaped down to engage the vampire spawn. Their stone claws and fangs tore into the attackers, ripping through flesh and bone with ruthless efficiency.
Back on the balcony, Sima’s instincts screamed at her that something was very wrong. “My point is, why are you here, Astarion?” she hissed, her voice sharper now, the tension palpable as she began edging closer to the open doors of her suite, ready to bolt inside if necessary.
Astarion’s smile faded slightly, a flicker of something darker crossing his features. “Don’t be foolish, darling—can’t a man simply want the company of his lady? I could not stay away a moment longer.”
Sima wasn’t buying it. Her eyes narrowed as she studied him, noticing the subtle shift in his posture, the way his muscles tensed beneath his fine clothing. He was preparing to strike. Without a word, she darted toward her suite, aiming for her weapons.
Astarion’s eyes gleamed with amusement as he watched her move. This was what he had been waiting for. He gave a sharp command, and one of his men rushed forward to intercept Sima before she could reach her weapons. Another moved to block her escape route, and Astarion began closing in, his movements calm and controlled.
“Do not forget who the hells I am,” Sima snarled, conjuring a powerful spell of force from herself as the epicenter and casting Shatter on the men holding her—and Astarion, if he was within five feet.
The explosion rocked the balcony, and Astarion was hit by the spell, thrown back by the force. His flesh already began to knit itself back together. “My, my! That was most rude, dear.”
As he healed, he gave another command to his men. “Seize her and bring her to me before she causes any more problems. I can tell that she’s going to be rather... unpredictable.”
As the other men were flung off her, Sima used the momentum of the Shatter spell to grab her two daggers and her bag of holding on her side. She may have been in a nightgown, but even now she had the look of a cornered lioness.
Downstairs, Gale’s concentration faltered for a moment as he sensed the intense magic coming from the balcony above. His connection to the wards wavered, and he gritted his teeth, focusing on maintaining their strength. He could feel the strain, the pull of Sima’s magic against his own. The tower was under siege, and he was its last line of defense.
Tara, sensing Gale’s struggle, flew down to his side. “Focus, Gale! They’re trying to break through. We can’t let them.”
“I know, Tara,” Gale responded, his voice tight with concentration. “But Sima... she’s—”
“She can handle herself! We need to keep these bastards out of here!”
With renewed determination, Gale summoned a Globe of Invulnerability, the shimmering barrier enveloping him and Tara as the vampires pressed their attack. The globe deflected the incoming spells, giving Gale the brief respite he needed to regain control of the wards.
On the balcony, Sima conjured the magic within her and held a Fireball spell ready, anticipating Astarion’s next action. “I refuse to bow to your incessant whims, Astarion! Even if your offer is enticing, it doesn’t change the poisoned fruit of your own inability to compromise on anything!”
Astarion didn’t like this. He didn’t like this at all. She had a point; he’d never been one to compromise. He’d always been one to get what he wanted, to possess it, to dominate it. Yet now he found himself craving her—her flesh, her touch, her very breath. It was an obsession he couldn’t describe.
He snapped at another goon, and two men ran forward to try to grab Sima.
“I don’t think you realize how much you’re tempting me, Sima.”
Sima let loose the Fireball directly at the men, away from Astarion. “At least have the gall to fight me yourself, you coward!”
Astarion was momentarily speechless. Then he laughed, a cold, cruel laugh. She was a worthy opponent. Worthier than he could have imagined. She was brave, beautiful, strong, and clever. Astarion considered that if he were less stubborn, maybe they could have a life together.
“I was tempted to have someone else take you away and make you mine. But this is much more fun. I’d like to give you one final chance before I do something unforgivable, darling.”
Sima scowled at him. “Oh, for the gods’ sake, just get on with it.” She flipped her daggers into a reverse grip on each side and took up the stance he had taught her long ago. “You want to run off into the night with me? I’m going kicking and with you screaming, darling.”
Astarion raised an eyebrow, smirking darkly at her. “I’ve known how strong you are from the beginning, my love. I just thought... I thought it would be kinder for you to do this peacefully, for me to be a little gentler with you. But so be it. I’m glad we are finally being honest with each other, about who and what we truly are. I can play rough too, dearest. I can play much, much rougher.”
The two of them circled each other, both of them skilled in combat and each knowing the other’s tactics. Sima knew that she must keep her distance from Astarion, but it was only a matter of time before he tried to close that gap and take her into his arms and his teeth.
Back in the study, Gale continued to fend off the attackers, his movements precise and controlled despite the escalating chaos. His Globe of Invulnerability shimmered around him, deflecting spells and strikes alike.
“We can’t keep this up forever, Gale!” Tara called out, her voice echoing through the halls as she rejoined him, her wings fluttering with agitation.
“Quite right, my dear,” Gale replied, his tone light despite the circumstances. “But when have we ever done things the easy way? Besides, I rather enjoy the challenge—it keeps the mind sharp.”
With a fierce determination, Gale unleashed a Cone of Cold, the icy blast freezing the vampires in their tracks. The air around them crystallized, the temperature dropping rapidly as the spell took effect. But even as the vampires were encased in ice, Gale knew that this was only a temporary reprieve.
On the balcony, Astarion lunged forward, his movements fluid and calculated, daggers in hand, aiming to disarm and subdue rather than injure. Sima reacted instinctively, spinning midair away from him, her landing graceful and feline—an echo of the moves he had once taught her. Without missing a beat, she circled back, her daggers a blur as she unleashed a flurry of slashes at his calves and torso. The blades whistled through the air, each strike precise and deadly.
“You fight like a dancer,” Astarion remarked, his voice dripping with a blend of admiration and mockery as he stumbled back, narrowly avoiding her attacks. “But I dance too. Shall we see who leads?”
He twisted his body with practiced ease, slipping past her strikes, his eyes never leaving hers. He was still cautious, aware of her skill, but his goal wasn’t to defeat her—only to exhaust her until she was vulnerable enough for him to ensnare with his magic.
Sima’s eyes narrowed in determination, locking onto his chest as she launched another series of cross slashes. This time, she feinted, her body twisting in the air as she brought the hilt of her dagger down toward his jaw with brutal force. The impact was solid, and Astarion staggered back, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. She was strong—stronger than he had anticipated. But he couldn’t afford to view her as anything other than an adversary, or else he might hesitate, and that could be fatal.
Astarion lunged again, his strikes less acrobatic but filled with more power, testing her resolve. Sima met each of his blows head-on, her daggers a blur as she parried and countered with practiced ease. “Such a shame to mar such a pretty face,” she taunted, her breath steady despite the intensity of their clash.
“Pretty can be deceiving,” Astarion retorted, his tone carrying a sharp edge of amusement. “But I suppose you’ve always known that, haven’t you? Or have you forgotten just how deceptive I can be?”
He unleashed a barrage of strikes, each one aimed to overwhelm her defenses. He feinted with his off-hand dagger, looking for that momentary lapse in concentration.
Sima swept her blade to counter, anticipating his move. But she had learned from him, and in the next heartbeat, she drove her reverse dagger into his back—a dirty trick, but effective. Astarion hissed in stabbing pain, the blade striking home despite the protection of his thick robes. He quickly masked the pain with a wicked smile. “Such a dirty little girl,” he mocked, his voice laced with dark amusement as his lips curled into a cruel grin, revealing his fangs.
Then, with a whispered incantation, Astarion began to cast his spell. The world around them seemed to slow, the air growing heavy and oppressive. Sima could feel it—a lethargy creeping into her limbs, her movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated. She fought against it, but it was like wading through molasses.
Sima’s head shook in frustration, her eyes narrowing as she glared at him. “You really are a bastard.”
Astarion chuckled softly, the sound dark and pleased. “I do try, my love,” he replied, relishing the sight of her struggle. “And you really are quite the sight when you’re angry. It only makes you more tempting. Perhaps I enjoy watching you squirm—did you ever consider that?”
Sima’s breath was coming in labored gasps. as she adjusted her grip on her daggers, this time pointing them upward in a more aggressive stance. Her flurries were slower now, each strike meant to hurt rather than disable.
Astarion’s smile widened as he watched her advance, her grace now tinged with exhaustion. He held his off-hand dagger in a reverse grip, subtly positioning it to provoke another attack. With her slower movements, she might not notice the trap he was setting.
And she didn’t. As she lunged forward, her precision faltered, and her blade met his open hand. He caught her strike with practiced ease, pulling her momentum toward him and into his arms. In an instant, he shifted his left-hand grip to position the tip of his dagger inches from her eye.
Sima looked up into his crimson eyes, defiance blazing even as she was ensnared. “Fuck... you.”
“Shh,” Astarion whispered, his voice a soft, mocking caress. He laughed then, a low, satisfied sound. “My charming little wild woman. Such fire, such defiance. That’s what I like about you. You’re one of the only beings on Faerûn that can still surprise me.”
He lowered the dagger to her throat, pressing the cold steel against her skin. “But let’s be clear, my dear—this ends with you in my arms. There’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
Sima’s nostrils flared, her defiance undimmed. “Well, our story started with your blade at my throat, on that beach in Elturel... poetic if not insane. So, will you drag me back now to Baldur’s Gate?” Her voice was laced with bitter irony, even as her strength ebbed away under the spell’s influence.
Astarion’s grip tightened, his voice taking on a more possessive tone. “I think this is how our story should finish—a fitting end to a romance forged in blood and fire.” He held her closer, his breath hot against her ear. “I’ll keep you where I can protect you... after all, I can’t have my precious little wild thing running off and getting herself killed.”
Sima’s eyes were heavy with exhaustion, but she glared at him with all the defiance she could muster. “If you... think this will change anything... you still want me to choose. I know you...”
Astarion’s lips curled into a knowing smile. “Oh, Sima,” he chided softly, his voice a seductive whisper. “You’re going to choose me. We both know it. You’d choose me even now if you still had all your wits about you...”
He raised the dagger slightly, pressing it more firmly against her neck, and then brushed his other hand tenderly along her face, trailing down her hair.
Sima scowled at him, her voice low and dangerous. “If this is a kidnapping, then get on with it... And... leave Gale alone... call your dogs off!”
Astarion sighed theatrically, rolling his eyes as if indulging a petulant child. “Is that a request? Or a command, little love?” There was a teasing cruelty in his voice as he drew her into a tight embrace, his face buried in her hair, inhaling her scent deeply.
Sima tilted her head away as much as she could, her strength waning but her resolve unbroken. “Do it, and I won’t hate you more than I already do.”
Astarion’s fingers curled under her chin, tilting her face back toward him. “Hate me?” he echoed, a mocking edge to his tone as he stroked her hair gently. “You see, you’re always in such a foul mood, my love. I think that’s the real problem. I just need to put a smile on your face again.”
Then, with deliberate slowness, he leaned in and captured her lips with his, his kiss possessive and unyielding.
Sima did not kiss back, her body stiff as she resisted the spell’s pull, her scowl deepening even as her strength waned. “Let... Gale... go... you have what you want... leave him and his tower,” she managed to utter, her voice growing fainter.
Astarion sighed, drawing back just enough to meet her gaze. He rolled his eyes dramatically, a mockery of exasperation. “So many rules? Why must you be so difficult, my love?” His voice was smooth, with an edge of playful cruelty.
Then he lifted her chin from her chest, tilting her head back to look into her eyes, the tip of his dagger grazing her neck. “Fine. You win. If I leave the tower alone... will you come back to Baldur’s Gate with me? Just you and me?”
Sima glared at him, her exhaustion clear but her spirit unyielding. “I... can’t fight while your spell is literally telling me to be lethargic... and are you actually asking for my permission? Because the answer is a resounding no, you lunatic.”
Astarion let out a low chuckle, shaking his head as if amused by her defiance. “Oh, little love, stop being so contrary,” he murmured, his voice dropping to a soothing, almost coaxing tone. “We can be together forever. It’s what you want too—you just won’t admit it. That I want to turn you... that’s not the point. I will love you just the way you are. But wouldn’t you want to be immortal? To never age like a regular mortal? Wouldn’t you want an eternity in which to become my true partner?”
Sima’s eyes narrowed, her breath shallow as she tried to maintain her focus despite the spell’s hold on her. She heard the sounds of the battle below, knowing Gale was likely exhausted. “I will go... Just call your fucking henchmen off.”
“Alright. As you wish, my love,” Astarion said with a pleased smirk, waving a hand through the air as he dismissed the vampires below with a casual flick of his wrist.
Back inside the tower, Gale felt the sudden retreat of the attackers. His wards pulsed with renewed strength as the pressure lifted. He and Tara stood in the aftermath, the bodies of the fallen vampires littering the floor.
“Is it over?” Tara asked, her voice weary.
“For now,” Gale replied, his voice equally tired. “But something tells me this isn’t the end.”
He looked up toward the balcony, a feeling of dread settling in his gut. He could only hope that Sima would survive whatever was happening up there.
On the balcony, Astarion pulled Sima close, his arms wrapping around her with an almost possessive tenderness, the spell still holding her in its grip. “But let us be clear about something, little love: I won. And you will be mine. I have won the game. Whether you accept it or not is simply an issue of... time.”
Sima felt the spell’s pull continuing, dragging her further into exhaustion. “We’ll see... asshole.” Her words were defiant, but her strength was nearly spent. Her eyes rolled back, and her body went limp in his arms.
Astarion lifted her limp body with ease, a triumphant smirk playing on his lips. Then, with a whispered incantation, he cast a teleportation spell, both of them disappearing from the tower and reappearing in the heart of the Ancunín Palace in Baldur’s Gate.
The grand, opulent surroundings of the palace contrasted sharply with the cold, calculated nature of the abduction. Astarion carried Sima’s unconscious form through the dimly lit halls, his steps echoing on the marble floors as he made his way to his private quarters.
The room he entered was vast, with rich, dark furnishings and heavy drapes that blocked out any light. The bed, large enough to fit several people, dominated the space, its silk sheets gleaming in the faint candlelight. Astarion laid Sima down gently, his gaze lingering on her face for a moment before he slipped onto the bed beside her.
He curled around her, his body enveloping hers, as he kept the dominate spell in effect. His breath was hot against her neck, and he whispered into her ear, “There... there, little love. You see, nothing to be afraid of. It’s just us now, as it was always meant to be.”
Astarion shifted his body so he was positioned more squarely behind her, stroking the soft skin along the inside of her thigh, his touch possessive and tender. He curled into her then, like a cat that had finally caught its prey, savoring the victory.
The silence of the room was broken only by the faint sound of Sima’s breathing, slow and steady as she lay trapped within the spell’s grasp. Astarion watched her, his crimson eyes glowing faintly in the dark as he traced the contours of her face with a possessive gaze.
“You’ll see, my love,” he murmured, his voice low and soothing. “You’ll come to understand that this is how it was always meant to be. Just you and me, together forever.”
He closed his eyes, content for the moment, as he held her close. For now, she was his, and he would savor this victory, knowing that the battle for her soul was far from over. The night was still young, and the future stretched out before them, full of possibilities—and darkness.
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Gale's eyes remained fixed on the spot where Sima had been taken. His heart was a maelstrom of conflicting emotions—dread, anger, and a deep, gnawing worry that only Sima could inspire. He knew all too well what Astarion was capable of, and the thought of Sima enduring the vampire lord's twisted manipulations set his blood boiling. Yet, there was also a flicker of hope, faint but unyielding. Sima was no wilting flower. She was fire and steel, tempered by trials that would break lesser beings. If anyone could resist Astarion’s dark allure, it was her.
But even knowing that didn’t make it any easier to let her go. Every fiber of his being screamed to act, to tear down the Crimson Palace brick by brick if that’s what it took to get her back. But this wasn’t just his fight—it was hers too. And though the thought of leaving her to face such darkness alone tore at him, Gale understood that this was a battle she had chosen, one she needed to fight on her own terms.
Tara fluttered to his side, her wings twitching as she settled on his shoulder. "Mr. Dekarios, what’s the plan? Because sitting here twiddling our thumbs while Astarion prances off with Sima isn’t exactly my idea of a good time."
Gale took a deep breath, his resolve hardening like the tempered edge of a blade. "We prepare, Tara. Sima is strong—stronger than Astarion likely gives her credit for. But we cannot afford to leave her to face this alone."
Tara nuzzled against him, her usual sass tempered by a rare moment of genuine concern. "You really think she can stand up to him? I mean, we’re talking about a vampire lord who’s mastered the art of getting what he wants, no matter the cost."
Gale’s gaze drifted to the moonlit sky, his mind racing through a thousand possibilities, each one more perilous than the last. "I trust in her strength, Tara. But I’m not naive. Astarion's influence is potent, insidious even. We must be ready for whatever comes next. For now, we give her the space to navigate this... trial. But if she falters, we'll be there to catch her."
Tara huffed, her eyes narrowing with determination. "You better be right. And if she gets hurt because we waited too long, I'll be the one tearing that palace down brick by brick."
Gale offered her a small, weary smile, one that spoke of too many battles fought and too many more yet to come. "Yes, Tara. Whatever it takes."
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across-violet-skies · 23 days
more Linked Company!!! and the end of the hiatus!!!
this chapter is a little different (and a little shorter too)! if you've played/watched lethal company, you probably know that after 3 days, you go to the company and sell your scrap. so this is a lore chapter :3
preview under the cut!!
Four stretches, cracking his neck. His fellow employees are still asleep, resting peacefully (for the most part. Twilight’s twitching in his sleep, but he doesn’t seem distressed). Quietly, the smallest employee takes his place at the ship’s computer terminal, gently clacking away at the keys. After their day on moon 56-Vow, he’s almost certain the rest of the team would rather go somewhere else. Time, especially, had his qualms with the place, despite his lack of elaboration on the subject.
Four pulls up the list of moons, scanning through them.
220-Assurance (Eclipsed)
56-Vow (Stormy)
20-Adamance (Rainy)
He remembers 41-Experimentation– he didn’t particularly enjoy it there. Plus, they need to make money, right? Compared to their days on 220-Assurance and 56-Vow, Experimentation wasn’t very profitable. Even if it’s clear today, moon 41-Experimentation just doesn’t seem like a worthwhile place to go.
But that’s a problem, because both Assurance and Vow have weather conditions. Four isn’t sure how different it would be if they went to Assurance eclipsed or Vow stormy, but he isn’t really in the mood to find out.
The next moon on the list is 21-Offense. Four squints, examining the screen.
POPULATION: Abandoned.
CONDITIONS: Believed to have splintered off from its cousin 220-Assurance, Offense features similar jagged and dry conditions but differs in its ecosystem.
HISTORY: 21-Offense is categorized as an asteroid moon and seems to have not existed on its own for more than several hundred years. The industrial artifacts here have suffered damage; it’s believed they were built long before 21-Offense was splintered off.
FAUNA: A competitive and toughened ecosystem supports aggressive lifeforms. Travelers to 21-Offense should know it's not for the faint of heart.
Four is on board until the last two sentences. “Aggressive lifeforms” was on the label for 56-Vow as well, and… well, they all saw what happened to Wind. But if 21-Offense was previously part of 220-Assurance, then… surely it’s similar enough?
Still, he doesn’t like the “not for the faint of heart” warning. Really, though… are any of the moons for the faint of heart? Four would argue no.
Sighing, he reroutes them to moon 21-Offense. The ship jolts– subsequently, an alarm blares.
In an instant, eight employees are sitting up in various stages of panic.
Legend is quick to his feet, lightly shoving Four away from the control lever. “What are you doing?!” He hisses, brows pinched. “Are you trying to get us killed?!”
Four shakes his head. “No, no, I-”
“Boys.” Time’s voice leaves no room for argument, and both Legend and Four are silenced. “Legend, keep in mind that not everyone here has your experience.” He turns to Four. “And Four. Until you become more familiar with the way these contracts work, I’d advise you ask before making any decisions that affect the team.”
Four nods slowly. “Okay.” His brows furrow. “Is there something wrong with moon 21-Offense?”
Hyrule’s ears pin back.
Wars shakes his head. “No, it’s not the choice of moon.” He points up at the monitors above. “Up there. The second monitor tells us how many days remain. It says 0 days, so that means it’s Company Day.”
-> read the rest on ao3!!
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pharaohbean · 6 months
Please talk more about how Touya's writing has been neglected. I Need to hear your thoughts this is Urgent
anon you sent me this last night and it's been like 12 hours and I've done nothing except write this for like. 5 hours. there's so much I haven't done and I'm running tech for Good Friday tonight. I went and finally watched Toya4 just to hone my points (actually it broke quite a few but wHATEVER) and reread SO MUCH and finally. after writing an ENTIRE ESSAY. i think i can answer your ask.
so, dear anon, may i present to you: Aoyagi Toya and his relationships in the form of Kizuna Ranks (roughly): his lack of them, the neglection of ones he does have, and why The first concerto redeemed Nocturne Interlude and Toya's Colofes story.
Let's start off with a simple Kizuna Rank counting: Toya has 14 kizunas: 6 VS, 3 VBS & WxS, 1 L/n & 25ji, and 0 MMJ (as of time of writing this). While that’s technically on the high end (he’s beating half of l/n, 3/4ths of wxs and 3/4ths of 25ji) the problem is where most of his kizunas lie: he has full VS (the first of his group, actually), full VBS, and almost-full WxS (it SHOULD be full); that accounts for 12 out of the 14 he has. He has so little diversity outside of those three groups, which compared to Mizuki (who has the same amount of kizunas as him) who has 4 VS, 2 MMJ, 3 VBS, 2 WxS, and the obvious 3 25ji, isn’t a lot!
Toya’s only two “unique” kizunas are Saki and Mizuki; Saki, who he’s known since childhood and has a lot of respect for her and even more so her brother, and Mizuki, who they got the kizuna with I think through a combination of KAMIYAMA HIGH FES and Summer Festival. The problem isn’t that Toya has so few kizunas (he doesn’t, really, I counted) it’s that his kizunas are almost indicative of his friendships.
Fun fact: Toya has not had a new kizuna in over a year. His last kizuna on JP was October 2022. Over a year.
(Just as a side note, I’m not going to be talking about his lack of appearances OVERALL. Around this time last year, his VA started voicing Dan Heng in HSR, and considering that that man is in like… 6 Trailblazer Missions, I would assume with scheduling that he wasn’t really able to voice anything else for a while. We’re talking about that when he was on outside of group focuses, he never really talked with anyone outside of those he already knew. But Dan Heng has also been put to the wayside after 1.3, which was in August, so after that I’m not cutting Toya slack.)
I went through his cards after Never Give Up Cooking! to present day because cards are usually indicative of a presence in an event, and outside of group focuses, he has…. 2 (excluding Sanrio which I'm 99% sure he didn’t talk with anyone outside of his group). Yup, just two! The first one is… the Kamiyama Fine Arts Festival. Where he knows everyone in Kamiyama (day classes) and has a kizuna with them. Just great. The other event is Valentines3, where he meets with a bunch of new people, but I’ll get back to them. Let’s talk about L/n, 25ji, and their relationships with Toya.
Toya has one from both of them, as mentioned previously: Saki and Mizuki. But Toya (as far as I know) has basically never met the other members of their groups. Sure, his teammates have (Kohane attends Miya with L/n and was classmates with Shiho, and Akito is siblings with Ena and has met Mafuyu more than once, even in his own home) but Toya has not. And do you want to know something truly terrible? He could!
He’s childhood best friends with Saki! He’s classmates with Mizuki now! There are so many possibilities for Toya to meet them! Personally, I want an Ichisakitoyakana event where Toya learns to songwrite a little more from Ichika and Kanade (especially considering his newest focus where he accidentally[?] works himself to the bone to compose a single song). That wouldn’t be hard considering that he has an in with both L/n (through Saki) and 25ji (through both Mizuki and partially Ena, whom he can get to through Akito)!
But for reasons beyond my understanding, they just. Haven’t. Have they been waiting for Toya4? Maybe, and that’s valid. But that doesn’t mean that he couldn’t have spoken with them earlier anyways, especially considering that he’s been grueling over composing for what seems to be months. Also, it’s Saki, why wouldn’t she introduce her cool younger brother to Ichika, who is also a songwriter? Heck if I know!
But I digress. Let’s talk Valentines3, where Toya talks with Ena and Haruka quite a bit. Ena and Toya have known each other since… like, forever. Roughly 3 years, if we assume that Ena found out about Toya around the time Akito partnered up with him. While they don’t talk a lot, they’ve definitely had multiple chances to: Summer Festival, 2nd Anniversary, maybe 2nd New Years but admittedly I didn’t read that story so who knows. But their first shared card set is… Valentines3.
Both Toya and Ena have a solid connection with Akito, Toya consistently hands off plushies to Ena, and yet the two just… never talk. You’d think they would! But they just… haven’t? And I don’t know if that’s bad writing or just something? But Valentines3 is their first big interaction, which is three years since the game started.
Now, let’s talk Haruka. Compared to his teammates, Toya has a very isolated kizuna community (as a side note, Saki and Nene are the only kizunas that he doesn’t share with someone else in his group excluding VS), and it’s obvious if you look at his lack of MMJ kizunas. But everyone in his group has a direct connection to someone in MMJ: Kohane was first-year classmates with Minori, An is childhood friends with Haruka, and Akito and Airi at the very least know each other well. At ANY point, MMJ could’ve been introduced to Toya--and let’s face it, they probably were. Toya I’m sure has heard about them.
…But why has he never talked with them? Again, wouldn’t have been hard (although he’d have less of a reason to than he would’ve with someone like Ichika, Kanade, and Ena) but he just hasn’t? And I remember correctly he does know who Haruka is in Val3. I’m not sure if that’s the writers just straight up ignoring him for a while (which they totally did) or that’s Toya’s personality, but I really don’t think it’s the latter with how well Toya just. Takes new people.
One other person I’ll talk specifically about is Mafuyu. There’s not a super clear connection for Toya and Mafuyu to interact, but they’ve definitely met in passing. I love Toya and Mafuyu’s parallels (especially with their fourth rotations being huge for them) and wish they’d properly interact, but Colopale won’t let them because that would screw over Mafuyu’s progress entirely. In a good way. Mafuyu would realize so much. But you wanna read more about them and their parents, there’s this amazing post about it that I think does it well.
Now, let’s talk about the relationships Toya does have. I’m just going to briefly gloss over most of them, then talk about the ones with a little more influence in Toya’s life (which is basically just VBS and Tsukasa).
Let’s start with VS: Miku and Luka are the two who really click with Toya the best. Miku is the one who went with Toya to his Fragment SEKAI (which we’ll be touching upon later) and inherited his terrible cooking. VBS Miku, although not a large force at play in recent stories, is still a valuable voice of reason. Luka literally showed up during Toya’s event, got him to do stuff he’d never do, and is just generally his hype man. She’s great.
Now, let’s talk the twins. Rin I feel like, when with the boys (who is all I really read, sorry girls), doesn’t have much of a character aside from being Len’s fellow corgi sticking her head into boxes ‘n such (cookie if you get this). Len, however, can be mostly found with the boys, trailing after them like a younger brother… well, he trails after Akito. He doesn’t really trail after Toya, and Len more so sticks around with Akito a lot (learning soccer, was in Summer Fes with them, etc.). So ironically, I would say Len and Toya don’t have a strong connection, at least compared to Len and Akito.
Finally, let’s talk the adults(?). MEIKO, for the most part, has kept her nose out of music, but she’s been there since the start. She and Miku both play the VS in Toya1, and she, Miku, and KAITO are typically the ones to get Toya’s head back on straight. Most recently, MEIKO helped Toya pretty significantly in The first concerto (which we’ll also be discussing later).
Now, the rest: I thought about this for a while, but although Toya and Saki are close, I don’t think there’s any actual record of Toya going to visit Saki in the hospital, either with the Tenmas or his own family? So although they’re close, they’re definitely not as close as Toya and Tsukasa or Toya and Akito. But correct me if I’m wrong.
Toya and Mizuki are more recently classmates, and although they seem to have had something during Kamiyama Fine Arts Fes, I’m not sure what that is. But the two of them have had something for a little while, but it’s been pretty loose.
Toya and Nene are both gaming buddies, and actually get along pretty well. Toya and Rui also get along pretty well, Rui even going out of his way to taste test for Toya (although he definitely didn’t realize how. Terrible Toya’s cooking skills are) and help him repay the Tenmas.
Finally, let’s talk a little more about Toya’s deepest (and shallowest) relationships: VBS, Tsukasa, and his father---in backwards order because I’m like this.
Toya and his father have had a pretty shaky relationship, one that is always perpetually a few steps away from being entirely burned. But it’s a relationship that both are interested in keeping alive, but feel that they can’t, primarily because of their different beliefs in music. Again, I highly recommend you go read the relationship between Harumichi and Mafumom I linked above to get a better understanding of both people, but most recently, Toya’s father does go somewhat out of his way to give Toya some advice in The first concerto. Although some people believe it doesn’t make up for the child abuse, I feel like I strongly need to say something:
Toya explicitly continued classical for TWELVE YEARS.
That kid picked the piano up at 3! 12 years he played! He was 15 when he ran away! Teenagers get moody about this stuff! And I would know, because I had the exact same relationship with my parents about religion at his age. I’m not going to get into depth about my own personal life, but I’m not gonna call handling someone harshly after they themselves treat themselves the same way as child abuse. Is there child abuse? Oh probably definitely, Toya should’ve gotten more hugs as a kid. But Toya (explicitly in The first concerto flashbacks) pushes himself to be better at classical. There’s a whole bunch of other stuff here which I can talk about in another post (including Toya fixating only on the bad parts of his past, which is something I also do) but let’s leave it here for now.
Now, let’s talk about Tsukasa. If none of you are aware, Tsukasa is the one who gives Toya the push to quit classical music (from the PJSK fandom wiki in Toya’s relationships page: “it was Tsukasa who told him it was okay to do the things he wanted, even if others disapproved. This gave Toya the courage to quit classical music, and he says if it weren't for Tsukasa, he wouldn't be the person he is today”). Toya holds Tsukasa in high regard, even just as high as Akito (he defends Tsukasa from Akito on multiple occasions) even if he won’t let go of the “-senpai” honorific. Toya has gone out of his way multiple times to support Tsukasa in some way (taking his spot during Wedding1 when Tsukasa gets sick, taking a 2hr train ride just to see his performance as Thorpe at the end of Tsukasa2, learning how to cook just to repay the Tenmas in Never Give Up Cooking!) while also never asking for anything in return, and will probably continue to do so because he just holds Tsukasa in such high regard. It’s about the same regard that Toya holds Akito in, but Toya repays that by standing by Akito’s side and singing with him because that’s all Akito asks for.
Then, the Vivids. Despite being teammates, Toya doesn’t have much of a relationship with them (especially compared to Akito, who’s got a distinct one with both of them). Toya and An both respect each other, but the only mixed events they have cards together for are Wedding1 (where An really only shows up at the end) and Kami Fine Arts Fes, which I haven’t read so I can’t speak on that. Toya and Kohane have a 1-on-1 moment in An1 and… not again until Valentines3. Three years after An1. THREE YEARS!!! Toya’s relationship with the girls I feel has been especially neglected, but also partially for a good reason: in An1, both Akito and Toya let the girls talk themselves through. Sure, Akito gives An a harsh talking-to, and Toya gives Kohane some advice, but the two of them keep their noses out of the girls’ business. And the two of them do take a while to get on their own two feet (which I won’t go into depth about here, but maybe in another post).
But also, you’re teammates. I’m willing to overlook shallow relationship writing with people like Saki, Nene, Rui, and Mizuki because they’re not super close, but An and Kohane? That’s just straight up ignoring their relationships. There are so many opportunities for this sort of thing--which the writers definitely capitalized on in the beginning--but nowadays most of the cast goes to the VS for help. Which isn’t bad, it just means you’re developing relationships with other people. But having an arguably stronger connection with the VS than your own teammates? Really? You could put in a little more effort, writers.
Finally, let’s talk about Akito and Toya. Let me preface this by saying I’m biased and weak for partnerships, but I’ll try to do my best. Akito and Toya’s relationship is one of the few relationships we see prior to canon that isn’t a sibling relationship or having broken down; the only ones who are standing are the entirety of 25ji and maybe Rui and Nene (L/n broke off prior to canon, and Airi and Shizuku, although knowing one another, seem to have had most of their relationship deteriorate by the start of canon). But unlike the other two, Akito and Toya’s pre-canon relationship isn’t really discussed. All we really know is that they joined up not long after meeting (I think it’s implied it was in the same meeting) and are so close to one another by the start of canon that they trust each other to an insane degree. That’s not to say they haven’t had their fights (they have) but the big thing is that Akito and Toya’s RELATIONSHIP isn’t toxic. Both of them have their own personal issues (self-worth for Akito, guilt/burden for Toya) that they do often hide from each other, but as soon as the other notices, it doesn’t take them much to open up. I think the only time Toya didn’t tell Akito what was on his mind was that one time in his Toya1 card story where he refused to tell Akito that he was the best partner---and let’s be real, that’s Toya being cheeky and cheesy because he can; Toya’s not that open with many people (the only others excluding VS I’d say would be An, Kohane, Tsukasa, and Saki).
I will add, the writers do like to place quite a lot of emphasis on their relationship and bond, but it’s not bad yet or anything, especially with the current direction VBS is taking making it that there’s not much of a position for that to happen outside of mixed events. But again, I’m a sucker for that sort of thing, so.
To close out, let’s talk about a couple of things I said I’d talk about, and why The first concerto fixed so much. So let’s simultaneously talk about Toya1, Toya’s Colofes story, and the redemption that is The first concerto.
For me, Toya1 felt a little weird (rereading it for this post, you’re welcome) because knowing what little I did of The first concerto (which was nothing) at the time, I was confused because in Toya1 he moved past his classical burden, didn’t he? And also, you wanna talk Colofes? They dropped a huge character detail and L E F T. FOR TWO YEARS! But finally, when I actually watched The first concerto (like, earlier today) I had so many thoughts, but eventually decided on the following things:
Toya1 was Toya getting over his classical burden for singing, while The first concerto was dealing with his burden for composing. And as for his Colofes story… Toya is cut off in his words when the Fragment SEKAI disappears. Considering that, and what Toya says in chapters 6 and 7 (referencing his Colofes), I think that despite what Miku said about forgiving himself, Toya didn’t. As we also learn in The first concerto, Toya has a very hard time not fixating on the bad events of his life and instead focusing on the good, especially after quitting classical. Sure, he can think of the good like being with the Tenmas, but that was always tainted with the rest of his history.
The first concerto just. Redeems so much that was left to the side in Toya’s progression, and in a good way. Toya already removed the shackles from his wrists and ankles back in Toya1, but left them to the wayside. Now, here, he’s picked them back up and is slowly, surely, turning them into keys to unlock the door to the future. The event gives Toya the courage and ability to finally forgive himself for his past (something he didn’t do back during his Colofes, which is roughly just after Kohane2) and use it to move forward.
(Also, if you’re wondering why I, a Toya kinnie, was reading it so late, shameless plug to my 4k Toya-centric fic roots in the snow, where it's explained there.)
Anyways, those are my thoughts. I’m sure I have more which I might add on to later, but I’ve literally just been writing this for like 3 hours straight and I need to vacuum before I leave soon because if I don’t my mom will have my head.
(i hope you were expecting an essay anon LOL)
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anamelessfool · 1 year
Hello, I am A Nameless Fool.
30+. She/Her. I'm writing a massive Ghost AU because I'm insane. (And other stuff)
They have no time to consider what the Void is. All they understand is that it is Hungry. And they are the only two previously human beings that can ensure the health of their charge. They are the single line of defense at the border of Void and Not Void.
Scenes from the Void ( Ghost Band Eldritch Horror AU) AO3 Series Link
Feel free to read them in any order you like. I'm adding fics of each Papa, with a variety of emotional tones and subjects. They all revolve around a larger overarching plot.
Current Major Fic Projects
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WIP Oversee Us (Fallout 2024)
Cooper "The Ghoul" Howard x Outlaw Fem! Reader, Enemies to friends to lovers, bondage (con/non-con), Mystery, horror, action, Canon-typical Gore, Your Boyfriend Is Turning Into a Zombie, more tags on AO3
You're not running away from your sins, you're running towards the truth. Your crime is catching up with you and the caps are racking up. Some cheery bounty hunter is hot on your trail and basically unstoppable. You're doing everything to survive in the topside Wasteland, even if it means going along with the monster.
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WIP Violence & Gentleness
Primo x OC Papessa, Primo & Family| Family Drama, Young Primo, Whump, Protective Older Brother, Brotherly Affection, Action Adventure, Mystery, Noir, Late 1970s, OC Nameless Ghouls
LATE OCTOBER 1979 Primo has his work cut out for him as the bodyguard of the beautiful and fearsome Mater Emerita Jocasta. As mystery after mystery unfolds, it becomes harder to remain a honest man in this den of thieves called the Ministry. (Title graphic by @ghuleh-recs )
Ghouls and Lore
Blackened Feathers OC | Horror, Lore
Resurrection Reader & Papa (Any) | Ritual Magic, Ghouls, Trippy Weirdness (done for the @petrifyingpapas challenge May '23)
The Garden Nameless Ghouls, Terzo/Omega | SFW (strong language), Family Bonding, Dark Magic, Trippy, Adventure, Family Drama, Secret Relationship, Nonbinary Ghouls
Ongoing WIP Bestiary Nameless Ghouls (Canon and OC) | Ficlets 18+, Dark Magic, Alternate History, Weird Lore, Historical References, Other OC Papa Emeritus/Mater Emerita
Ongoing WIP Domestics Entire "Emeritus" Family and Church | Ficlets 16+, Domestic Fluff, Angst and Fluff, Humor, Slice of Life
Terzo x Omega
The First and The Last Terzo/Omega | Dark Romance, Ritual Magic, Trippy Weirdness
Reciprocity Terzo/Omega | Artist Model, Photography, Tender Moments, Body Worship, Oral Fixation, Cardiophilia
Ribbons & Ties Terzo/Omega | Domestic Fluff, Established relationship, Weddings Bring Out Your Fear of Commitment
Copia x Cardinal Marian (OC)
Sweeter Red Copia/OC | Fluffy Romance, bdsm, demi Copia, Bittersweet
All the Stops (Sweeter Red Sequel) Copia/OC | Fluffy Romance, bdsm, Bittersweet
Tilted Copia/OC, Terzo/Omega | Adventure, Dark Magic, Ghouls, Trippy Weirdness, Dark Past, Repressed Memories, Secret Relationships, Long-term Relationship
Wanna Bewitch You Copia/OC, Terzo/OC, Nameless Ghouls, Emeritus Family| Adventure, Dark Magic, Ghouls, Trippy Weirdness, Dark Past, Long-term Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Formalwear
Valentine's Day 1985 Young Copia & Primo | Brotherly Affection, Domestic Fluff, Valentine's Day, Hurt/Comfort, My Art
Primo x OC Papessa, Primo & Family
For One Creature's Sake Primo & Copia | Phobias, Family Drama,Young Cardinal Copia, Young Primo, Whump, Protective Older Brother, Brotherly Affection, Hurt/Comfort, Terminal Illness
WIP Violence & Gentleness Primo x OC Papessa, Primo & Family| Family Drama, Young Primo, Whump, Protective Older Brother, Brotherly Affection, Action Adventure, Mystery, Noir, Late 1970s, OC Nameless Ghouls
Interlude: In Orbit Always Primo x OC Nameless Ghoul (Edelweiss Ghoul | FWB, One Bed Trope, Psychic Ties, Dreams, Somniphilia, First Time, Friends BUT MORE
Secondo & Family
Maestro Sister Imperator & Young Secondo, Young Terzo | Ritual Magic, Sibling Rivalry (done for the @petrifyingpapas challenge May '23)
WIP Crossroads Secondo & Terzo, Secondo & Family | Ritual Magic, Horror, Trippy Weirdness, Brother Angst, Father & Son, Family Drama
Extra (Outside of The Scenes from the Void AU)
Call Me Papa IV & GN! Reader | SFW, Hurt/Comfort, Hugs, Cardiophilia, Comfy Read, Papa IV Reassures You Everything Will Be Okay
One Shot Papa IV & GN! Reader | Silly Fic, PG-13 Fun, Overly Dramatic, Concert Experience
Tights Papa IV x GN Reader | Fishnets, Body Worship, Massage, Sensual Play, Foot Play, Foot Job, Light D/s, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
WIP No Deal Papa Nihil x Fem! Reader | 1970s, Music References, Recreational Drug Use, Oral, Shotgunning, Nihil Being Father of the Decade, Surprise Ending
VIII Strength Papa IV x Gen Reader | Dom Sub Dynamic, Established Relationshop, Power Play, Body Worship, Bondage
100 Percent Papa IV x GN! Reader | Caring for Illness, established relationship, domestic bliss, injury recovery, coziness
Housekeeping Notes
I sometimes announce I'm doing fic or doodle requests. They are PG-13. I do not post NSFW works on tumblr, please read them through AO3 and keep them on AO3. I DO really love talking about writing and meeting other writers, so please don't be shy. NEMA
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About Me 👇👇👇
I love: Clive Barker, John Bellairs, Mervyn Peake, Shirley Jackson, Terry Prachett, David Lynch, David Cronenberg
Other Hobbies: Larping, Sewing, BJD, witchcraft, wandering around the woods
Current Favorite Albums to Write to:
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licially · 9 months
Interlude #1
//Hey y'all, I never normally post stuff on here but that is because I've been stressed to death between project works, writer's block and general burnout for the last week. //I managed to push this out but I have been taking a break since then. This goes out to @blogplutocrat, and my second real attempt at angst with a theme? I'm not sure what to make of it but I will keep practicing.
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It hasn’t been unusually quiet within the household, yet today stands a contradiction. The busy streets outside of the complex proved a superstition, but the quietness that surrounded the place made it all the more mysterious what this superstition was supposed to be. The tenants of the apartment that was decrepit enough to house those financially unfortunate enough were silent. Not a slight footstep, not a shuffle and not a word from the walls. The hallways replied to the silence with the same, until a door creaked open from the bottom floor. The disruption of what seemed a peaceful silence reverberated back to the person, who gave a deep sigh as they shut the door slightly behind them. They didn’t seem to mind it, as if they were also basked in it. Slowly, they trailed towards the staircase that stood towards the side without longer hesitation. The climb was made difficult with the heels that they wore, and the reach to the second floor was relieved by the contact of the floor.
The footsteps did stop, merely for a moment as they caught up on their breath under what window of time and place they had. Their hair, a low cut that didn’t expand past their head, swirled the air surrounding them. It also partially revealed a dress that they wore, as she sighed one more time. Through the vague lighting that sporadically bounced through the hallways and emptiness of the rooms, she waltzed through the darkness. It was eerie, not only because of the lack of life but what was present didn’t want to make itself known. She kept at it, her steps brought more authority and rule over a place that was chaos crossed with introspection. 
Quiet thoughts also lingered as she filtered the insanity within: What place is this, and why does it feel like an infinity unexplained? Where was she going, and where is the room she was looking for? How did she end up here, and not back at the apartment that she previously entered? She pondered, as she stopped to catch her breath and what little sanity she had left. Her questions still stood untested, and she still kept going at both. The questions only brought answers, and more questions that arose. She was distressed, under stress and everything she did was under duress.
Eventually, she found the number of the room that belonged to both her and her significant other. The door, engraved with a golden plaque that read out the number ‘4514’, which is also supported by the glow that emanated from the borders. She swiped at the door handle, and out she went towards her apartment, in the sunlight that brought color back to the empty void that was outside.
The entrance was short and narrow, with the walkway immediately going towards the living area that served both as a dining place and a kitchen place. The space expanded to a singular window, sat towards the streets below and faced a multitude of buildings across a tiny section of St. Louis’ metropolitan area. Towards the left, a bathroom that tucked itself away with cracks slightly forming at the sink and above towards the roof. The right handside was a bedroom that she and her boyfriend shared endearingly. Although it didn’t seem like much, she called this place her home, and even decorated it with various things. A tiny chandelier that lit up the space between the windows and the living space, which had a rug and several comfortable chairs that stood around a circle. It also included instruments, strawn over the place.
However, she wasn’t quite sure that this place was home. Considering where she was mere moments ago, she had every right to be paranoid that this place was another nightmare or something entirely fabricated. After taking off her heels onto a nearby shoe rack, she checked outside once again to see if the void still existed out there. Outside, the apartment felt normal again. She heard chatter and shuffling coming from all parts of the building; from down the hall, two people were going on about the recent murder spree by someone, another person walked out from a door just closer towards the end of the hallway that took one quick glance around them before they were gone and the hallway was lit up by the windows that she did not see as she came home. 
Weird. She swore she could have been going through this space without any lights to help her, and no one to help her. She didn’t want to sound like a lunatic going around, so she wanted to figure out the answer on her own. As she closed the door and went back inside, the previous ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions had a different name under it: “Why did everything disappear, and why did everything seem so… normal?” she uttered aloud, going through towards the windowsill, as she looked outside and letting the sunlight hit her. It’s here her eyes pondered through the streets and her mind subconsciously dwelled on the questions.
Through the cars and stars that she can and can’t see, she was searching for an answer: Why did she go through the impossible apartment? She paced around the room, trying to sort out herself as she was just outside in the heat, clasping a briefcase with a great deal of care and a suit. Throughout her journey through the household, she held herself on a high after that entire encounter. The soft steps turned softer, her hair became more undone, and her moody attitude seemed to seep into what she was wanting to do.
“What even was that- I don’t get it!” She frustratingly thought out loud, her head and body swaying through the complex to do maintenance: sweeping the household, preparing food from the fridge to cook for her and him for tonight. Since he hadn’t been home at all, she thought ahead and prepared one of their favorite meals together: a simple spaghetti carbonara, with bacon pieces and a sauce she had also prepared the night before. Although it wasn’t everyday she cooked like this, it’s… much better than his monstrosities.
Like ‘pancakes with bacon and eggs on top, with syrup drizzled all over it’ type of monstrosity.
She stopped by now, and planned to do more to the place to make it look pretty. Two sharp knocks came from the front door, unexpectedly so. Lola put everything aside, and yelled out a “coming!” before slowly making her way towards it. Unusual, since she hadn’t had anyone made plans with her, let alone have them come over to this dingy apartment. To have someone knock is either someone from across the hall, or it was Rocky, which shouldn’t be home until about 7PM. Regardless, she wouldn’t dare answer if it weren’t for the peephole that came with the door. She peeked through, and she was surprised.
Rocky stood there, albeit more steady than ever, and his head was covered by a hat that made him look like anyone else. Lola stood for a moment, before proclaiming to him that this wasn’t like him at all.
“Rocky! You can’t scare me with that!” She teased him, trying to get anything out of the guy.
“Rocky?” She lowered her sarcastic tone, this time a concern spread across her face.
Again, Rocky stood absolutely still, without any noise and movement. 
Confused, she clasped the door handle and swung it open. There he still was, standing still with a coat and a hat that still covered his face up towards his mouth. She staggered, not used to seeing him in this sort of quietness before. Carefully, she catered to him and managed to walk him inside the house. He, reluctantly, staggered through the front door and down through towards the open space. Until now, she hadn’t noticed anything wrong with him, maybe the job at hand was a bit too much and he had gone home. But she took another look at her hand and realized the crimson it held. It bled into her viewpoint, and she watched as Rocky took one more step before collapsing onto the floor, the bloody footprints and the impact he made on the floor suddenly shook her subconscious into question, as she paced towards Rocky and grabbed hold of him, whose face is now shown to her.
Her strength was close to being diminished, her eyes’ tears flooded a river and her mouth couldn’t utter any other words. Silence was her only friend as she tugged on him again. For the first time, his smile left him behind. His body felt colder and colder to touch, what he had to say soon also followed the plunge. His head slowly slumped backwards, and Lola felt that everything halted. His eyes were bloodshot, almost too much that she didn’t even recognize it. His face had blood pouring out of his forehead, a cut made by something extremely sharp. His face scrambled every word that fell out of his mouth, as he weakly addressed the lady of the household. 
“Lola- Ms Deluca!...” He coughed out, words mixed with spit and blood. “I’m– sorry…”
“What happened–?!” Lola reprised, her eyes searching up and down for any other wounds that left him in this state.
“I… was a little carr-ied away!” He flinched slightly, still jovially despite his life threatening situation.
“Carried away?! Rocky, you could have died!” She put her eyes away from him, and left to find a first aid kit that finally came in handy thanks to Rocky’s profession. She wrapped his head in the bandage, and sat him up on a nearby chair. Her worries were far from over, however, as she stood next to him to try and find an answer to why and how… he was like this.
“I.. am sorry.” He bore a frown, his eyes seemed to also disconnect from Lola. 
“Rocky, you do so much for so little!” Lola angrily told him, her eyes watering because of the shock from that entire experience. “Please, have some thoughts about some danger that you’re putting yourself through! For goodness’ sake, I wouldn’t be here if you weren’t here!” 
Soon, an uncomfortable silence took up the room, with Rocky dumbfounded and Lola left overwhelmed by how Rocky acted outside in his job. The silence, briefly sliced by the mid afternoon commune and murmurs that echoed through the walls and throughout the entire afternoon towards the night time, they didn’t speak to each other. Not even through the meal that she had planned for the both of them, not even through the countless chores and homework they do together. Nothing got them talking to each other, yet the silence persisted.
Soon, as he finally got rid of his temporary headband, he was back at the entrance again. Lola narrowed her eyes, and pondered if she could have been too protective of him. Sure, he’d have days where he’d be like this 90% of the time, but it all seemed without care. Like an honest mistake. She didn’t seem to know how much trouble this man would go through for her, and maybe she’d be ignorant enough to overlook that side of him. 
Lola approached Rocky, sitting beside him as he put on his shoes. His eyes didn’t seem to catch her, not did it look away from his foot as he slipped on his shoes. She tugged at his jacket, her arms shook both what she had left in her sanity and his balance. As a result, he was dragged towards her ears and tearful eyes that he hadn't seen in a while. He murmured some words into his own head, and listened to what Lola had to say. 
“Promise me something, Rocky.” She said, a somber tone whispered across her voice.
He stared back at her, again silent because of the guilt that swept over him.
“Promise me that you’ll take care of yourself. Promise me you’ll be more considerate of yourself out there. Promise me.” She continued, the tears continuing to well in her eyes as Rocky looked on with guilt.
“I… promise.” He said, swallowing his own words. 
She held him closer towards him. This time, they were face to face without any space between them. Reminiscent of their first meeting, and every meeting after that. She didn’t know whether to be glad he was still here with her or to be upset that he was left in this condition by the unending dangers of bootlegging. She held him, and her hands shook slightly as Rocky saw her well of tears surround his vision. She sobbed and weeped, silently as the night went on. 
“Promise you’ll never forget about me.” She remarked one last time, through her tears and choked voice.
“I promise, my dear. I can… only promise.” 
His words meant a lot more than what it is, and Lola knew it would be enough if it came from him.
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thegigilwriter · 3 months
18 | “Danger & Star, Rooster & Angel” — Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Female Mitchell OC
Summary. 26-year-old Lucy Asa Mitchell did not know what was in store for her when she first bumped into Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. After an instant mutual connection followed by a sweet whirlwind romance that swept both their feet, Lucy found herself being immersed deeper into Bradley’s world of the Navy, F-14s, and deployments. What she didn’t expect was finding was the answer to an elusive part of her past — the identity of her long-lost father.
Chapter Summary. As a part of Lucy’s birthday celebration, the pair of them are on the road to America’s best aquarium’s en route to a Coldplay concert. Romantic mornings and nerd Lucy up ahead!
Keywords/Warnings: Spice bordering on smut, fluff
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18 | Monterey Bay 🐋
September 28, 2023
Lucy pulled the tray of cookies out from the oven and carefully inspected them before setting them on the cooling rack and preparing a container for them. She then averted her attention towards the egg fried rice in the pan, stirred it briefly, and added the chives that she had previously cut. The tocino was sizzling in a nearby pan and the soup boiling in another pot. Just as she was about to feed her pets and water her plants in the short interlude of preparing breakfast and packaging ngroad trip snacks, two arms encircled her waist from behind and she felt something something tickle the shell of her ear.
“Happy Birthday baby,ˮ he chuckled with deep morning voice that sent a shiver down Lucyʼs spine. She turned around and placed her hands on his hard, bare chest as he kissed the top of her head. Their lips met sweetly... there was something so addicting about kissing Bradley Bradshaw. Lucy couldnʼt put a finger on whether it was his mustache or that perhaps he had a lot of practice... whatever it was, Bradley always knew how to love her right.
“Okay new rule,ˮ he spoke. “No getting out of bed unless you have cuddled me for at least ten minutes.ˮ
“Is that so?ˮ Lucy cocked a brow.
“Yes,ˮ Bradley said seriously. “10 minutes. No more and no less.ˮ
“Youʼre silly...ˮ she laughed. “And just where did your shirt go?ˮ
“Hey, do you have any idea how stressful for me it is to wake up and my Angel isnʼt beside me?ˮ
Lucy laughed.
“And I donʼt think the latter question is relevant because clearly, youʼre enjoying yourself right now.ˮ
She giggled, tracing the outline of his abs and his chest — broad and firm and warm. Lucy hummed placing her head against his chest with a lazy smile.
“All mine,ˮ she giggled.
“Thatʼs right, Angel.ˮ
They stayed that way for a little while, his arms around her and his nose in her hair. Bradley cupped her cheek and tilted her chin to meet her eyes.
“You feel alright, baby?ˮ He whispered.
“Of course I do,ˮ she whispered back. “Itʼs my birthday and thereʼs a Greek god of a man standing in my kitchen with his shirt off.ˮ
He laughed and let his thumb graze her cheek. The tear tracks had gone and her eyes sparkled with love in the morning light that seeped from the shutters. He kissed her hands softly and held them in his large palms.
“Love your nails,ˮ he remarked softly. Lucy smiled at them. They were almond shaped in a pearl french chrome with little gold and silver embellishments that mimicked stars and flowers.
“I almost didnʼt get them done if it werenʼt for Phoenix,ˮ she replied.
Lucy paused. She could hear Phoenixʼs words ringing in her periphery.
“...But... donʼt make him feel that youʼre pushing him away, okay? He hates that.“
“I... uh,ˮ Lucy began. “T-Thereʼs this guy at work that made me feel that the only reason I was up for this promotion Iʼm in the running for...was because Iʼm receiving special treatment for being the only g-girl on the team.ˮ
Bradley was mildly surprised when Lucy confided this to him. Usually, she would put it off until he asked again... or later in the day when they lay with each other on her purple couch or on her bed.
“Any chance,ˮ he whispered. “That I may... know his charming gentlemanʼs name?ˮ
“And why would I let you?ˮ
“Maybe I can pay him a little visit?ˮ Bradley smiled. “Show him a little appreciation?ˮ
“Bradley,ˮ Lucy laughed.
“What?ˮ He replied innocently. “Canʼt I?ˮ
“Not with that look in your eye,ˮ she smiled. “Heʼs not worth it... Besides, weʼve got more important things to attend to— like breakfast.ˮ
“Right,ˮ Bradley conceded. “How dare I deprive my Angel of morning sustenance?ˮ
Lucy giggled as Bradley pressed a passionate kiss to her lips. In the heat of the moment, he lifted her on the counter and let his hands rest on the sides of her neck. As their lips moved, Lucy could feel his hardening length graze her thigh which in turn sent pleasurable scintillations straight to her core. They separated shortly, lips flushed and cheeks bright red. Lucy ran a hand through his locks affectionately and Bradley took her hand and lifted it to his lips.
Bradley and Lucy were four hours and 12 minutes away from San Diego in his Bronco, singing to ‘My Girlʼ by The Temptations. Lucy was feeding Bradley bites of the chocolate chip cookies she had baked earlier and from time to time, Bradley would playfully nip at her fingers with a wink.
“Hey Angel,ˮ he called to her over the hum of the music.
“I wouldnʼt mind, you know,ˮ he began. “If we slept in different rooms at the hotel. Iʼve already—“
“Itʼs fine Bradley,ˮ she assured with tinted cheeks. “Besides... I canʼt really sleep as well without you anyway... not anymore.ˮ
Bradley looked over at Lucy, her shaded eyes set straight on the road, mumbling the lyrics, dancing in her seat, and occasionally sipping at her iced macchiato. He reached over to hold her hand in his and she smiled at him as he drew circles at the back of her hand. Later that night in Monterey, Bradley would sleep shirtless again and have Lucy tucked into his arms.
The aquarium wasnʼt opening until 10:30 in the morning, and as per agreement, Lucy remained beside Bradley even as he slumbered on — deciding that the pair of them needed a cozy lie-in from the tiresome drive from San Diego. Lucy ascertained in this moment that she loved watching Bradley sleep more than anything. She loved his honeyed strands and his perfect lips that were slightly ajar. She envied the length of his lashes and the tone of his body. She adored how one arm seemed to be always perched around her even in an unconscious state — she always felt as if she was being protected and no harm could reach whenever she was in his proximity. Without breaking his grasp, she reached for the telephone at her bedside and dialed for breakfast.
She had corresponded with the menu yesternight and previously recalled Bradleyʼs flavor preferences. He had been staying over very often for longer periods of time, not that Lucy minded, but it meant accommodating what he liked to eat. She was thrilled to finally buy spiced Pinakurat vinegar from the Asian store and really having to use it because Bradley enjoyed spicy and sour profiles. In addition, as much as she prefers to pay for the groceries since Bradley had been covering the expense of nearly every one of their dates, he liked to help with that too. It was a good thing that Bradley could barely cook — otherwise Lucy couldnʼt express affection through food. Cooking and food, she recently realized, is her love language.
“Hi,ˮ she uttered softly into phone. “Weʼre at room 309 and weʼd like to order breakfast…”
“Great,ˮ Lucy smiled. “So...ˮ
Bradley cracked one eye open at the quiet commotion. He yawned, feeling Lucy squirm slightly in his arm. It took a while for his ears to begin registering her whispers or for his mind to realize that it was already morning. Bradley whined softly, burying his nose in Lucyʼs locks — breathing in the sweet, vanilla notes in her scent.
“Can I have an English Breakfast please?... Yes... with everything on it... do you mind adding something spicy in it?... yes smoked ketchup and hot sauce would be great, thank you...ˮ
Bradley smiled, beginning to trail kisses from her neck and exposed shoulder. Lucy raised a hand to caress his curls.
“The crepe would be nice... and can you go ahead and add an Americano and a sweetened Earl Grey with some milk, please?... Thank you, Anna...ˮ
Lucy put down the receiver carefully before turning to face Bradley, smiling up at him.
“Good morning,ˮ he rasped.
“Hello,ˮ she chuckled. “Did you sleep well?ˮ
“Mmmhhh,ˮ he sighed, kissing her forehead and holding her close.
Lucy kissed his neck and nipped his collarbones affectionately. Bradley moaned when she began to lick the skin. Using the reserved strength in his arms he lifted Lucy effortlessly on top of him, straddling his waist. She bent down to catch his hungry lips and their lips were set ablaze in a fiery passion. Lucy didnʼt even realize when she started to move her hips against his until she felt his erection through his boxers. When she gasped at the feeling, Bradley slipped his tongue deeper into her mouth. Lucy felt a tingling sensation in her core that she couldnʼt ignore and it left her breathless... Bradley felt the atmosphere between them become warmer and warmer. He swore that he was gonna cum in his boxers just looking at her flushed expression and listening to her delicate whimpers — thatʼs when Lucy experienced a violent and a pleasurable convulsion that interrupted the very equilibrium of her body. She moaned loudly before resting against Bradleyʼs chest, heaving and slicked in sweat.
“Angel...ˮ Bradley called to her. “Did you just... Baby?ˮ
Lucy was hiding her face in his hands on Bradleyʼs chest. He sat up, Lucy still straddling his waist. He pried the fingers that cupped her pretty face before kissing her pink cheeks.
“Whatʼs wrong, Angel?ˮ He whispered. “Was that... was that your first time?ˮ
“Iʼve done it with my fingers before,ˮ she whispered back. “But never... never that h-hard.ˮ
Bradley smiled, tucking the stray hairs from her face behind her ear. “Iʼm a v-virgin...ˮ
“Thereʼs nothing wrong with that,ˮ he replied gently.
“Iʼm n-not ready yet, Bradley... for y-you know...ˮ
“And thatʼs completely okay, Angel.ˮ He assured her, kissing her hands. “Weʼll take it slow... and with only what youʼre comfortable with... I promise.ˮ
Lucy smiled, kissing the bridge of his nose sweetly. Eventually a knock on the door announced their breakfast, and they enjoyed it together with Lucy on Bradleyʼs lap. They exchanged bites of each otherʼs breakfast, and Bradley found it quite amusing whenever he fed her something even mildly spicy.
“How do you even enjoy this?ˮ Lucy breathed deeply, the tip of her tongue slipping from her lips. “This isnʼt flavor, itʼs pain! This isnʼt funny, Bradley!ˮ
Bradley continue to laugh, kissing her cheek as he spooned some of the cream for her Earl Grey and let her sip some to ease the burn in her mouth.
“Woah,ˮ Lucyʼs eyes sparkled. The Kelp Forest exhibit of the Monterey Bay Aquarium was even more amazing than she had ever imagined. How shards of sunlight streamed through the water and refracted against the vibrant yellows and greens of the kelp, which swayed delicately against the artificial current. The exhibit towers at 28 feet tall with four window panels outlined in black, positioned like one side of an octagon. The design feels like itʼs maximizing the ambience of the forest — as if emulating one of its inhabitants perspective in the eyes of one who behold it. Lucy rushed up against the glass, mouth ajar and eyes wide like a child seeing a magic show for the first time. There goes a leopard shark! Oohh, some otters! Behold, a wolf eel! Bradley followed her, his hands in his pockets as he came up behind her.
“Like it?ˮ He chuckled.
“Like it?ˮ She looked at him as if he had grown a second head. “Bradley, I love it! Did you know that this is the first exhibit that successfully propagated a living kelp forest?ˮ
“No I did not,ˮ he mused.
“Do you have any idea how difficult it must be to keep this alive?ˮ She breathed deeply. “This right here is at least 300,000 gallons. There must be a wave machine that mimics the ocean surges to keep it healthy. Iʼm not even gonna begin to get into daily maintenance — pruning, checking water quality, population control...ˮ
Bradley let Lucy ramble on and on... staring at the way her eyes were lit up and the cute wrinkle in her brow. One of things that he first noticed about his Lucy was her passion as a marine biologist — and being in one of the best aquariums in all the worldʼs aquariums certainly lit a fire under her.
“...This Bradley,ˮ she said with a sigh. “Is one of the most important ecosystems in our ocean — if not the most. Itʼs a shame weʼre losing them because they contribute so much. Theyʼre homes to so many species, they protect coastlines, they play a role in carbon sequestration — which is important to climate change mind you...ˮ
Bradley and Lucy left the exhibit 90 minutes later, after Lucy had fan-girled and stated at least one fact for every single creature they encountered. They concluded their time at the Kelp Forest exhibition after Lucy took one last photo with a wandering California sheep-head. Lucy held on to Bradleyʼs arm the entire time, passing by the exhibits on the way to the new ‘Into The Deepʼ Exhibit that was on the far end of the aquarium.
They descended down a basement and each level going down represented a certain milestone of depth. Isopods, interesting-looking corals, long-legged crabs, and odd-faced fishes inhabited the sea floor. Ethereal, transparent jellies and similar creatures in the mid-waters — the in-between of the sunlit sea and dark underwater. In deep water — angler-fish, viperfish, big red jellies, octopuses, blob sculpins.
It was amazing to Bradley how Lucy explained everything to him in great detail without referring to a single provided infographic. Her knowledge on marine biology was both broad and comprehensive. She was so impressive that even fellow guests slowed down to listen in to her. She used jargon sparingly but effectively and listed many facts that were both interesting and relevant. She emphasized the important role of many sea creatures to the environment and how efforts of conservation are not in vain. Though Lucy was sincerely enthusiastic about all the sea creatures they encountered so far, she most impressed at the bloody belly comb jelly in the mid water region of the Into the Deep Exhibit.
“Bradley, look!ˮ She exclaimed, ogling at the comb jelly specimen. Its appearance amused Bradley. To him, its shape is akin to a neck pillow if it were more peculiarly shaped — with a more pointed apex and a more pronounced round bottoms. It floated peacefully in its dark enclosure, flitting around with the help of cilia, arranged in neat comb-like rows that surrounded the jellyfish. The jellyfish had a translucent body but a characteristic red belly. Pretty light illuminated the length of the creatureʼs body and reflected off of Lucyʼs bright eyes.
“This particular creature was first described by this Aquariumʼs very research institute and the first and only in the world to ever keep it in captivity,ˮ She said in one breath. “Itʼs so unique because unlike normal jellyfish it doesnʼt sting — it uses colloblasts (or the sticky cells on its tentacles) to seek out its prey. Researchers also think that having a red belly is their own form of defense mechanism because the color conceals the bioluminescence they ingest from their prey...ˮ
“It looks cute,ˮ Bradley smiled. “He looks happy.ˮ
“It does,ˮ Lucy replied. “Thatʼs one of the reasons Iʼm so drawn to this particular jelly. Iʼm gonna name this one... Crimson. Crimmy the Comb Jelly.ˮ
Bradley chuckled, kissing her forehead tenderly. A few fishes down, something caught Bradleyʼs eye. It looked a fairy, a sort of willʼ-o-the-wisp — something that appeared ethereal and wonderful. It had a transparent little body with a yellow core that appeared to glow bright from within. It had two little horns on the top of its head and a pair of small wings that beat forward and backward rhythmically. Bradley looked at its placard — Sea Angels. It was a type of snail, that instead of the mucosal feet that land snail had, they were adapted to have parapodia or wings instead. Though they may appear innocent, they are savage predators that can suck the life out of their preyʼs shell. Sea Angels, he repeated once more in his mind. Angel like Lucy.
From afar, Lucy was waving him down into the deep water region of the exhibition. When they had concluded their visit at the aquarium, they both left with a souvenir of their own— for Lucy, a holograph display of a floating blood belly comb jelly and for Bradley another holograph display of a swimming sea angel.
“Thank you for today Daddy,ˮ she whispered in his ear after they had piled into his Bronco. She took his hand and kissed his knuckles sweetly. “I really appreciate it.ˮ
“Birthday treat number one done and weʼre off to number two,ˮ he grinned, kissing her hand in return.
And the love fest continues! 💕 See you at 19 | Fix You Under a Sky Full of Stars!
Taglist: @itsarabellebabes
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icypantherwrites · 9 months
Was hoping to be able to ask this on anon because I’m shy haha, but my favorite character was Pidge and I absolutely love your writing and was wondering if there was a compilation of any of your Pidge-centric works anywhere? I was super into Voltron years ago and now there are. A lot of fics to sort through 😅 no pressure or anything, just curious to know if there is something like that!!!
Sorry about the anon asks, but I had to turn them off as too many people used them to send me really awful messages (as you can see below they still do it on AO3 >>) and I just couldn't deal with that any more.
To your query though, I actually used to try to keep an updated archive of all my works sorted by character on Tumblr and embarrassingly I cannot find it (but it hasn't been updated since at least 2021 so it's super outdated), so I've done my best to remember all of my Pidge-centric works (most she's the whumpee, but some she's just heavily involved in the story/Pidge emotional angst or character-centric or Pidge&another character relationship moment) but I hope this might help. There's a few unmentioned type "snippet fics" from my Patreon that exist but are not listed as no summary for them. If you check any of them out and have a moment would love to hear from you in the comments on the fic what you thought ♥
In no particular order:
Human Nature -- this is a series of the following three works:
What it Means to be Human: Pidge had always taken pride in the fact she’d been told her mind was like a machine. She just… Never expected to find out that it actually was. Or; Alternate Universe Fic where Pidge discovers she’s an android and begins a journey to find what being human really means.
Interlude: What Makes Us Different (But Also Human): Where Pidge and Keith discuss what about their heritages of android and Galran are the same, different, and discover how truly human they actually are.
Made With Love Pidge has come to terms with the fact she is an android, but she still has questions. And the only people that can answer them are the ones who have known her for her entire life. It’s time to find both Matt and her dad and learn the truth about what happened to her.
"I Am a Fighter"
Summary: The Galra capture Pidge and present her with a choice. Either she makes the weapon they want… or someone dies. Pidge prides herself on her genius, on her logic. But this? This is not a choice. This is torture. She’s being forced to decide if the universe’s fate outweighs the lives of a few individuals and no one, no one, should be allowed to make that call. She has to though. Again and again.
But when a familiar face is dragged before her she can feel her resolve crumbling. Because Keith is not a nameless prisoner. He is her friend, her family. And yet his blood is already dripping from her hands.
A Broken Arm For a Broken Soul 
Summary: Shiro is breaking. Pidge can see it: the exhaustion, the pain, and the growing, splintering cracks. And while Pidge doesn’t know how to fix broken people she does know how to fix broken things. And Shiro’s prosthetic arm the Galra forced upon him is a broken thing. She doesn’t know how much it will help, but… but maybe, if she can fix that then Shiro won’t be quite so broken anymore.
A Needed Distraction
Summary: Mini fic of Lance giving gifts to each team member, Pidge's chapter :)
Koala Hugs (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: They’d been told that the guest houses were supposed to keep them safe from the deadly low temperatures of the planet. And while for Pidge that is indeed the case, she learns it’s not so for Lance as she’s awoken by a projection of pure terror from the Blue Lion, who can sense her Paladin dying. And now as Pidge hurries to Lance’s guest house and finds him so so cold and still, she can only hope she’s not too late.
Battle Scar
Summary: Scars can cut deep and not just physically into the skin. Pidge finds herself forced to confront a memory when Lance catches sight of a scar she had previously kept hidden. But maybe… maybe this is for the best.
Summary: Pidge and Lance are on an undercover mission to retrieve supplies they desperately need for their journey back to Earth. Despite the odds everything seems to be going in their favor; Lance is charming the local gang and Pidge is hidden away as backup and they are this close to calling it a success.
And then everything goes wrong.
Not only are the gang members now hunting them, Lance has been poisoned and its affecting his memory. Pidge somehow has to keep them both alive until rescue comes, a feat made more difficult by the minute as Lance forgets first short term details, then the mission, and now... now he’s forgotten her. But no matter what happens Pidge knows she’ll protect Lance and he will protect her. Always.
Pidge + Stitches (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
The question came out shriller than Pidge wanted but she wasn’t able to ask it any other way as Keith lit a fucking huge metal needle on fucking fire that he planned to put through her skin next to her.
Stardust:  In You and In Me (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: Pidge is so tired. She can’t sleep though, not until she finds something. Her family is out there, but no matter how hard she tries, no matter how hard she searches, she can’t find them. The universe is just too big. Coran gently disagrees.
Crash and Burn 
Summary: Lance and Pidge crash the supply pod following a freak asteroid storm. And Lance... Lance is hurt. Badly. He's bleeding out and there's no time to wait for rescue. Pidge has to save him. And the emergency flare... Well, it's the only thing she's got.
Red Where it Belongs (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: How much blood, Pidge faintly wondered, had she lost now? What percentage? The human body couldn’t lose more than forty percent of its blood before death occurred and hypovolemic shock symptoms started around fifteen percent.   She stared at her blood covered hands, at the puddle growing around her, feeling the way everything was going numb and made her guess.   At least twenty percent.   Twenty percent more to go.
Ready to Be a Dragon - (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary:  Lance is a Shifter. He’s familiar with many forms, has his favorites, but there’s one that stands above the rest: a dragon. And with Pidge’s magic that dream has now come true. But what should have been a perfect day of soaring through the skies with Pidge to celebrate his new form comes to a screeching halt when a band of soldiers spots them and wants the glory of slaying a dragon. And even though Lance isn’t technically a dragon… they aren’t going to take no for an answer.
Birthday Wishes
Summary: Pidge blinked. She blinked again. The date remained the same. Today… today Matt would be twenty-five. Her eyes widened with horror. Was, she frantically corrected herself. Matt was twenty-five today. Because he was alive. He had to be.
A Day at the Beach 
Summary: A day at the beach takes a terrifying turn when Pidge falls victim to a deadly allergic reaction. Now the only question that remains is what will kill her first: anaphylaxis or the ocean?
Break It 
Summary: Don’t be scared, Pidge told herself. That was the most important thing. The constant clanking and tugging and crying all around her was very detrimental to that plan. So too were the shackles digging into her ankles and wrists, linking her to every other person on the chain of slaves, that sent her constantly stumbling as they abruptly stopped and started.
Chase Away the Nightmares
Summary: Pidge is hurt. She’s hurt bad. And yet there’s nothing much Lance and Hunk can do. They’re stranded in the middle of a warzone on a hostile planet and help isn’t coming for a long while. No matter what though they will protect Pidge. They’ll keep her from further harm; from the aliens, from injury and even from her own nightmares as her head wound blurs reality and fiction. And maybe, hopefully, soon the nightmare will be over for them all.
Summary: They’re dangling off of a cliff where falling means certain death. And while Shiro’s grip is strong on Pidge’s hand the cliff face is weak. And now time has finally run out.
Scavenger Hunt
Summary: The team has returned to the Space Mall but shopping isn’t what’s on Lance and Pidge’s minds. They’ve got something better planned: a scavenger hunt. It’s a battle of the stealthiest and Lance is the cool ninja sharpshooter so he’s got this in the bag. Right…?
As the World Falls Down Around Us 
Summary: Ever since Pidge revealed she was a girl her team seems to have become a bunch of overprotective, overbearing idiot males and it’s pissing her off. She’s still the same person and more than capable of taking care of herself. But in her determination to prove herself independent she winds up injured. Badly. She can handle it on her own though. She doesn’t need their help.
But hiding her injury has dire consequences and now it’s not just her freedom at stake but her life.
And Lance’s.
The world is falling down literally and figuratively around them and Pidge realizes she can’t save him alone. She needs help. Lance’s help. And as dire as the situation is there’s almost something optimistic about being trapped at the bottom: the only place to go is up.
Now if they can only reach it before time runs out.
Finding the Light (series of following two fics, TW for rape)
Sit Beside You: "I'm fine," Pidge repeated, as though trying to convince both herself and Lance. "I am. Nothing's wrong. I'm okay. I…" Her hands were trembling and she tucked them beneath her arms in the most pathetic looking hug Lance had ever seen. "I'm fine. It's over. I'm fine. Not a mark. So nothing happened. I'm fine." / Pidge is not fine. None of them are. But hopefully, eventually, they will be.
Right, Wrong and the Normal In Between: Pidge didn’t want to think about it. She knew better now than to deny that it had happened or that she was fine but all she wants is for things to be normal again. But normal is a concept that keeps getting further away. Pidge realizes just how far out of reach it is when she freezes in battle and memories distort reality. Everything is wrong. Nothing is right. But Allura doesn’t think it’s so black and white. There are a lot of steps in between and she’s going to help Pidge walk that path and find her way once more.
Rivers Stain the Ocean - (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: When Lance messes with Pidge’s color coding system the only thing to do is retaliate in kind.   So she dyes him completely blue.   It’s harmless though, will wear off in a few days, and the experience will teach Lance to never touch her stuff again. A win-win if Pidge does say so herself.   Except for the part where the planet they visit the following day to form an alliance has this whole thing about a prophecy and being cursed and deceived by a being of blue. And in order to save both their planet and Voltron...   They’re going to kill Lance.
What Makes a Team
Summary: Lance has been feeling a little lonely of late. Allura’s off with Lotor, Shiro’s been keeping busy on his own and Hunk and Pidge are wrapped up in this whole “Team Punk” concept that has them holed up for hours in the lab. So when he’s invited to accompany the two geniuses on a resource gathering mission he couldn’t be happier and plans to make the best of it.
And then everything goes wrong.
They’re trapped, injured, and if blood loss doesn’t get Lance first then suffocation definitely will. They need a plan but Hunk is down for the count and Lance knows he’s no good for coming up with something of that caliber. But his team needs him and he’s got to think of something. Otherwise… this cave is about to become a tomb.
Inches From Death
Summary: Being captured by the Galra is a lot less frightening than Pidge thought it would be. It’s boring, really. Well, until Lance slowly starts suffocating to death inches from her and she can do nothing to save him. Now… Now it’s terrifying.
A Squeak in the Code 
Summary: Despite the late hour Pidge has no plans to sleep until she finishes running her current algorithm. Four determined little space mice have a very different plan in mind.
Crimson Shock 
Summary: What should have been a routine mission takes a terrifying turn when Pidge is injured. She’s trying not to be scared because it’ll make Hunk more so and she needs him not to be but it hurts so much and the world is growing dark and she is so so scared.
Give Me a Sign
Summary: Matt isn’t sure why he was targeted for a ransom request. He wasn’t a nobody in the Rebels but he wasn’t a somebody either. What did these aliens think the Coalition would offer for him? But as the transmission turned on Matt got his answer. Because those weren’t Rebels on the screen. It was Katie.
Heavy is the Toll of War (series of following two fics)
The Cost of Winning: "The Blue and Green Paladins serve no purpose to the Empire," the Galran commander smirked at his bound captives. "And as such you have no use except as arena fodder." He chuckled. "Give us a good show before you die." / Lance is determined to protect Pidge and save her from the arena. She will not die here. Over his dead body. Hopefully it's not quite that literal of a promise.
The Price of Peace: They may have escaped the arena but things back home are far from all right. Keith is struggling. Shiro is hiding. Lance is suffering violent flashbacks and she's having nightmares too. It's wrong. It's all wrong. Pidge hates it. She wants her space family back. Not this broken version of them. It looks like she's just going to have to fix it. And Lance is going to help.
Over the Edge (my very first VLD fanfic ever :))
Summary: It was supposed to be a simple nature hike. What it turned into was anything but. And now Pidge and Lance are just hoping they can make it back alive.
"Pidge!" came a scream. And before she could even process that she was falling, that she was going to die, a dark hand shot over the edge and wrapped bruisingly about her wrist, but she had never been so grateful to be in pain. Lance's panicked face met hers, although there was a steely glint of determination that so, so many overlooked. "I've got you," he panted, throwing his other arm forward and grabbing even more of her arm. "It's going to be okay."
A Sister In (My) Arms
Summary: Pidge is fevered, fatigued, and yet somehow here she is climbing almost a thousand stairs for the good of the Coalition. But she isn’t doing this stupid ceremony for the stupid Coalition. She’s doing it for Allura. And Allura will be there to catch her when she finally falls.
Trick or Treat 
Summary: Pidge (gently drags) Keith with her to go trick or treating at the Garrison sponsored Halloween event. But what is supposed to be all in good fun takes a dark turn when they realize that someone is following them…
Burnt French Toast
Summary: Every Mother’s Day per tradition Pidge and Matt make their mom practically inedible French toast and are then saved by the local bakery. But there’s no bakery this time. Just burnt French toast. And after three years of missed Mother’s Days, of leaving without answers and causing their mom even more pain, Pidge is horrified that this was all they could do.
Stabbing Pain 
Summary: Where Shiro jumps in front of a spear to save Pidge, gets impaled, and insists he is all right as he’s very painfully bleeding out.
Follow You Home 
Summary: Voltron is heading home. Except, for Keith, the destination of Earth isn’t his home, not really. There’s no one waiting for him there. And, he tries to tell himself, that it’s not like the space family he'd made up here with Voltron would abandon him as they go seek out their own loved ones on Earth. But he’s so used to being left behind, forgotten, why should this time be any different? Fortunately, Pidge is right there to remind Keith just how much he belongs with all of them.
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stone-stars · 2 months
thank you for answering my question!!! I admire your dedication!!!! do you happen to have a list of the new songs that have been written for c3...? I know this might be a big ask hehe but I'm currently big into c3 and am very curious.. were there new songs in crown of dreams for example....... (also this is my main blog but i am also fia-bonkginya !! big fan <3)
oh hey!! i haven't made a full post for c3 yet (like i've done for c1/2) mostly because i'm not done going through c3 and timestamping out music, i'm only about halfway through right now, and the campaign's in progress
that said, there are much fewer new songs in c3 in general on account of the size of the library they've already built out, and since murph tends to be reusing a lot more songs this campaign especially from c1 (since they're visiting previously established locations) because of that-- it only took me a little bit grab the rest of the new song timestamps! i'll put that with some notes below the cut, and as new episodes come out i've been making song timestamps posts that will always call out at the bottom of the post if one is new! i'll make a full proper c3 post once the campaign ends!!
(and to answer your question, no new songs in crown of dreams, there's actually no new music in the dragon elf chronicles! though there is a new one in old man at the edge of town (winter's mantle for callie's eladrin transformation). if there's a moment you're curious for the song for tho, i am past crown of dreams so i could tell you very easily / i can just break down the crown of dreams music if you're interested!)
list down here ↓
1 - Mothership, 5:58 1 - The Frog, 9:02 1 - The Frost Giant, 27:06 1 - Paetina, 28:30 1 - Synth Night, 33:28 1 - The Trade District, 35:34 1 - Alexandrite, 40:40 1 - Cable Car Ride, 43:11
2 - The Fairy, 15:39 * * not credited as 'the fairy' during ezry, but adopts the name later pretty consistently
4 - Mob Goblin, 56:36
10 - A Fairy Remembers, 25:11 10 - On the Prow, 52:18 10 - Mothership Lobby, 58:07 10 - The Game Plan, 1:02:48 * * also used very briefly in ep 1 at 25:33
30 - Winter's Mantle, 24:19
(note: beyond this is the point where i haven't fully listened through the episodes for music, just skimmed through to pull the new songs. because of that i might have swapped the names of some of the songs, especially the three starred ones in the undersea interlude. but this should be pretty accurate with only minor inconsistencies! i may have missed a song but i don't think i did)
35 - Detect Thoughts, 59:13 35 - Bronzebeard Baddies, 1:16:03 35 - The Down Below, 1:25:24
40 - Winch, 25:32 40 - Malscurial, 31:51
47 - The Wild Down Under, 7:04 47 - Corrupted, 31:07 47 - Tsunare, 48:54 * 47 - The Sea Elves, 58:30 * 47 - Ursea, 1:02:22 * 47 - The Inkling Syndicate, 1:05:43 47 - The Gambling District, 1:20:58
48 - Ol' Guppy, 51:20
52 - The Frozen Fist, 38:49
57 - Home is Where the Hearth Is (instrumental version), 8:20 57 - Spearmint & Tea Leaves, 21:24
63 - Rousel, 28:06 63 - Rattlin' Snakes, 54:36 63 - Triss 2, 1:12:21
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chibi-celesti · 7 months
Twisted Tonelico (An Ar Tonelico x Twisted Wonderland AU) Book 01, part 2
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Phase 01- Part 01, Part 03, Part 04, Part 05, Interlude
Phase 01: Book 01: Dia rosa rudje
Previously: Adding insult to injury, Grim laughs at Ace’s retreat. “Look at you. Cowering away like a baby all because a girl one upped ya! Ha ha!!”
Ace growled, his annoyance and anger bubbling over. “SHUT UP!” He flicked his pen causing a wind spell to fly to Grim. It almost hit its mark if Grim hadn’t avoided it at the last second. “Stupid cat!”
Grim snarled at the red head. “I’m not a cat!” And blasted fire back in retaliation.
And so began their fight.
~Twisted Tonelico~
Ace and Grim casted their spells at one another, dodging each attack as well. Despite the protests of both Deuce and Meryu, these two weren’t stopping anytime soon. Worse off, it was gaining more attention from other students as well wanting to see them fight.
If this keeps up, they’re gonna break or destroy something! Meryu panicked. She frantically tried to figure out how to stop Ace and Grim’s fight. Looking at the young man that accompanied the red head troublemaker, Meryu ran towards him (and dodged some fire balls and wind balls) hoping to get his attention. “Excuse me!” She called out.
Deuce, sensing her presence, turned to the panicked girl. “Y-yes?”
“You know magic, right?” she asked.
“I do!”
“Do you know a spell that can stop them?”
Deuce quickly thought about one, and quickly pulled out his pen. “Stand back, ok Ms?”
Meryu did as he asked and went back behind him.
“I CALL UPON THEE, CAULDRON!!!” A huge Cauldron fell from the sky, falling towards the fighting duo.
Ace and Grim were still so busy fighting, that they failed to notice too late the Cauldron’s descent. As they casted their spells once more, the giant pot hit the ground causing the duo’s spells to ricochet away from their targets…
With both wind and fire magic leaving burn marks on the statue of the Queen of Hearts.
Deuce and Meryu gasped at the sight. "THAT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!/ OH NO!!" They shouted in unison.
The other duo’s jaws dropped, freaking out that one of the statues was ruined.
“Aw shit! Look what you did, you dumb cat!” Ace shouted.
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!” A new voice cut through the crowd and the quartet froze in fear of who that was.
The Headmage walked through the crowd of students slowly dissipating and fleeing to class at the sight of his presence. He paused in his walk, taking the horrifying sight before him! “What have you done…” his voice was a whisper, before shouting at the four people in front of him. “WHO’S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?!”
~In the evening: Dwarf Land Forest~
“I can’t believe this… I tried so hard.”
“There, there.” Meryu tried comforting Deuce as they made their way to the abandoned mines. Her eyes were downcast as she reflected back on the incident with the Dire.
“WHAT?!/ EH?!”
“Sir, wait! Let us explain-”
“SILENCE!!” The four suspects in question ceased. “You four started a fight on school property one the first day, and you’ve damaged one of the statue’s of the Great Seven in the process.” Crowley reprimanded.
After the events of Ace and Grim’s fight, the Headmage had called them plus Deuce and Meryu to his office. The feathers on his coat were ruffled from what he had witnessed. Their actions today were something he could not overlook.
Despite their pleas, Crowley would not change his mind about expelling them all. When Deuce pleaded about something they could do to make up for the incident, the Dire was about to dismiss them again, until he came up with a ‘task’ for them to repent for their actions, and maybe he would revoke their expulsion (and MAYBE give Grim a chance to enroll).
~End of Flashback~
And so here they were, out in the Dwarf Woodlands, a forest area far from the main campus that is… mostly abandoned. This forest used to thrive with life; countless mines that used to be filled with majestic Crystals and Magestones. Nowadays, they are vacant due to the mines all dried up of these gems. Abandoned by all except for supposed monsters and ghosts.
If they can find at least one to make up for the trouble they cause, Crowley might change his mind. Something all four of them are hoping for before morning arrives.
The forest is near pitchblack it makes seeing in the dark almost impossible. Luckily, Ace knew a simple flame spell to light their path, and Grim’s fiery ears also provided a secondary source of light. The quartet walked further until they stumbled across a small opening where some moonlight showed through the trees. Within the opening, appears a small home. 
“Feels like something could pop out,” Grim cried.
Meryu, holding said feline, gave him a slight squeeze. “There, there. Nothing is going to scare us.”
The ace of hearts rolled his eyes at them. “C’mon. Let’s see if anyone’s here.” Heading to the house by the mines, he goes to open the door and peek inside. Deuce, Grim and Meryu following behind.
What greeted them was silence. The house was a vacant, but messy place. Cobwebs all over the place from the chair legs to the ceiling. So many layers of dust on every household item, no signs of personal belongings.
It was completely empty…
“One, two, seven- So many!” Ace exclaimed ,counting the amount of chairs in the main dining room.
“This must’ve been a home to the dwarves that lived close to the mines.” Deuce explained.
The Reyvateil gulped. “I wonder what became of them? Did they leave after the mines stopped working?”
With no sign of anyone home, the group left the house and walked further into the woods. Not too far from where they were, the very mine they were looking for was up ahead. The entrance was total pitchblack, it was difficult to see if there was any sign of magestones or, if they were unlucky, any monsters.
The lone girl shivered at the cold breeze coming from the opening. Wish I had a jacket. Or a good fire spell…’ Her shivering caught the trio’s attention. 
“Um, Melenas-san?” Meryu turned to the Spade. “Are you ok?”
“I-I’m f-ff-fine…” she replied, hoping to brush off their concerns.
Ace stayed quiet for a few moments before doffing his school jacket and covering Meryu by her shoulders. This surprised the woman for a moment, and before she asked, he cut her off. “Look. I don't want you getting all sick on us. Last thing I- we want is for you to be honest.”
Ace marched on ahead, trying to cool off his reddened face. The others followed after, with Meryu hiding a small smile within Grim’s fur.
~The Dwarf Mines~
The inside of the mines, contrary to what they saw outside, strangely still had sprinkles of light all throughout parts of the main path. Thanks to the lighting, what laid before them was a roller coaster of a near maze-like cavern. Mine carts were either left on broken tracks or strewn across the ground in broken pieces. Splintered, wooden support beams decorated the walls. Their withered structures are still durable even after years of being neglected. Pieces of faded geodes-none were magestones sadly- stuck out from the walls. 
However, they knew that they couldn't cover the whole mine just to find ONE working, usable magestone. For the sake of not losing time and getting lost altogether, the students and their plus one stuck together. 
Since searching for the stone was one their minds, Meryu thought to ask them a question. “So… this Magestone we’re looking for. Is it super special?”
Ace, wanting to be ‘nice for once’ answered her. “All mages use Magestones. It’s to help us cast our magic without going to overboard. At least that’s how my grandma nags me about it.”
She “Ahh’d” at his answer. “They sound quite different from Hymn Crystals.”
“Hymn-a what?” Grim said.
“Hymn Crystals. They usually are made by people like me. Sort of. They’re sort of like your Magestones, but instead of a wand- or pen in this case- they are downloaded inside of us.”
Suddenly the heart and spade duo halted their pace and stared at the girl. The boys stared at her like she said something insane. “Down…loaded inside of...?”
Before she could answer any further, the students heard a voice.
“Wh-what was that?!”
“I-I think it’s getting closer…” Deuce said worryingly.
Slowly, out of the shadows of the many mine shaft paths, came a huge, grotesque monster. 
The beast itself oozed a black, ink-like sludge wearing a worn and torn red tunic. Its head the shape of a round glass bottle filled with the same ooze. One arm was decrepit and holding a lantern; the other… was a whole pickaxe from the elbow down! As it grew closer, it bellowed out through the cavern.
~Phase 01: Book 01: Dia rosa rudje- tes biron~
A/N: No Hymmnos translations this time, but I did borrow some lines of dialouge from Shel_BB's Eng Sub translation of the Prologue chapter for the Mine scene. And yes, I also cut out the ghost chase sequence to save on time and my sanity! (:
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mellowmaidenhairs · 2 years
rad book review time because last week i got the new taz gn early and eleventh hour is my favorite arc so i wanted to jot down a couple of my thoughts on the book
one thing is WOW this one is like a whole 100 pages longer than crystal kingdom and petals to the metal… it makes sense tho considering we are entering the latter half of the story. the previously on page is super cute i love the artwork….
stuff i liked ….<3
first of all designs …. and visuals…. the gns always have really vibrant colors and this has some very nice warm color palates which i love….
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i have my ummm gripes with some designs in the gns to say the least bur i actually really loved most in here they were super good. also i liked the thbs cowboy out fits that’s all i will say on the main 3’s designs (clenching fist) i loved cassidy istus and ren
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new scene at the start i loved that a lot … i will gobble up any redrobe foreshadowing i can get
THEY ADDED THE JOHANN AND VOIDFISH PART YAAAY!!!! i wish he played his harp tho like in the podcast…
i feel like the way they moved things around to fit the format was rlly well done here on my first read i was like oh my god they cut out the whole lunar interlude but they didn’t!!! i love how they incorporated it in between the loops a lot!!!!!!
nailed this scene i think … very pretty page so i will put it here
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i loved the 100+ chapter gag i like a lot of the added gags and the jokes that were kept in too
THE CHALICE SCENE!!!! very anticipated scene and even tho it’s kinda condensed i feel like it’s pretty good.., stolen century foreshadowing aswell :-)
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THE END SCENES!!! extended krav scene and merle writing the letter to his kids wjen the stars disappear and magnus ohhhhhffgfg…. so excited for suffering game ^_^
stuff i did not like….<\3
no fanart gallery this book?? maybe it has something to do with the controversy surrounding the payment of the artists which sucks a lot if so
no luca and redmond… they are cut entirely which makes me sad … i can understand this tho since they probably needed to cut something out to condense the plot a bit.. i do like that ren robs the bank tho even if it sacrifices the magic class lie taako does in the show
the diary of sheriff issak scene did not hit for me like it did in the podcast ok………..it’s alright but they changed the diary entry soooo much and didn’t flow as well imo…. i am not a fan of how much they slightly/completely alter a lot of lines from the show randomly but idk maybe they did it for a reason shrug
more nitpicky than anything: i love the chalice scene and the lup foreshadowing made me crazy but i wish the memory montage displayed taakos childhood of moving from place to place/not having a stable home better as it’s pretty important to his character
also nitpicky but i love the magnus redrobe scene a lot still BUT i wish they kept the part where he looks at it after june gave it to him and we don’t see it til later… idk why it’s changed but i think it would’ve been cool to see his silent reaction before we get to see what’s on the page…
ok that’s all for now…. these are just my initial thoughts after 2 reads (last monday and today) so my opinions could change but overall this one was probably a 8.5/10 best tazgn so far for me cant wait for the suffering game 🕺🕺🕺🕺
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
fun little reference sheet for all the confused taz balance hoes out there
so you listened to all of taz balance and now you’re reading the graphic novel and whhaaaa these names are all different! or you started out reading the graphic novels and decided to give the podcast a try and are mixed up by who is what. have no fear.
This is a list of every difference and change in wording/names I could find in all of the graphic novels out so far - Here There Be Gerblins to Crystal Kingdom.
in case you didn’t know, the reason for all the changes is because when they started out the podcast, they were playing a pre-written campaign by Wizards of the Coast (the people who make the official DND stuff). It’s like, the basic starter kit campaign. They diverted from it pretty quickly, but the world they established in the podcast is basically the world of DND. and so, all of those names and places and spells belong to Wizards of the Coast.
So, they’re using alternate names for any official DND 5e material so they don’t get sued.
Sometimes the name is vague enough that they decide it’s fine to leave as is. e.g. levitate is still levitate. The only big one they break this rule on is zone of truth, and that’s for very good reason. I try to put when they keep the name the same for spells, since spells are the most common things that change.
Hence, I shall bring forth the list under the cut! Please let me know if you find any more!
UPDATE: now including mentions from The Eleventh Hour and The Suffering Game! the latter was really hard so please excuse the messy formatting. also I realized I previously included some pretty big Suffering Game spoilers on accident - I have done my best to change the wording to keep any spoilers relatively minor.
HTBG = Here There Be Gerblins
MRL = Murder on the Rockport Limited
PTTM = Petals to the Metal
CK = Crystal Kingdom
11th hr = The Eleventh Hour
SG = the Suffering Game
LI = Lunar Interlude
the format we’re going with is
graphic novel name = podcast name
I’m trying to put the most important stuff near the top but no promises
G’nash = Klaarg
Eversummer = Neverwinter
Haverdale = Phandalin
Bogard Stoneseeker = Gundren Rockseeker
Caggle Stoneseeker = Tharden Rockseeker
Dorb Stoneseeker = Nundro Rockseeker
Yahvvie = yeemick
Queen Morior = the raven queen (I miss this I love the raven queen so much)
Cavern of dangling death = wave echo cave
The black spider is still just the black spider - I guess its vague enough that it works
fun fact: Barry Bluejeans starts out as just Sildar Hallwinter from the box campaign but they give him a better name first episode, bc they didn’t like how Sildar Hallwinter sounded. Obvs there’s no mention of Sildar in the book.
Sazed = Philippe (from 11th hr - not a copyright change, but a name change nonetheless. I don’t know why it’s not Sazed anymore, Glamour Springs is the same and both are original creations, not WoC property update: it’s because Sazed is a character from the Mistborn series so the boys & carey probably don’t want to chomp Mistborns’ flavor in their published graphic novel)
Spells (I’m also keeping track of which ones are the same btw)
ouch ray = magic missile (they acknowledge this one in the book)
zone of truth is still zone of truth
 idk how they got away with that one

shield of faith is still shield of faith 

strike divine = divine strike
some sources say this is an evocation cantrip, some say it’s a Life Domain feat. they may also have meant true strike, but I highly doubt it.
slowfall = feather fall
 later on in 11th hour gn, taako casts “Featherfall” with no issue (???)
celestial protector = guardian of faith
self-disguise = disguise self
dispel the dead = turn undead/destroy undead
the shattering = shatter
banish = banishment
shuffle jump = blink 
still “shuffle jump” in SG, although several other spells have switched to using their dnd names
dampen elements = absorb elements
blast of fire = scorching ray
later on in 11th hour gn, taako (or at least the umbrastaff) casts “Scorching Ray” with no issue (???)
magic rope = rope trick
sleepy-time = sleep
clair-vision = clairvoyance
diminish size = reduce
the spell is enlarge/reduce, and later on they use “enlarge” with no trouble - why is it “diminish size” here???
spirit steed = phantom steed
ethereal weapon = spiritual weapon
in 11th hr gn, it’s also called “armory of spirit”
gout of flames = fireball
blessings of the cherubim = prayer of healing
concussive force = concussive blast(?)
Taako uses this in the battlewagon race, but he just magic missiles the boar in the podcast
they probably wanted to spice things up a bit since magic missile kind of has a Brand.
Concussive blast is a real 3rd level evocation spell that Taako would’ve been able to cast, it just doesn’t actually happen in the podcast
levitate is still levitate
how is that one ok but “sleep” has to be “sleepy-time”??
word of healing = healing word
in SG pg 77 they say “healing word”, but before now it’s just been “word of healing”
ray of scorching oil = scorching ray(?)
we did already have that one but I can’t think of a better fit
discernment of magicks = detect magic
object location = locate object
flames of holiness = sacred flame
fire mitts = burning hands
wave of thunder = thunderwave
mystic analysis = probably meant as a stand-in for “identify”, but in the podcast he just does an arcana check.
burgle = knock
divine word is still divine word (which Merle changes to “divine wood” with the ring of the grammarian. this is the same b/w podcast & gn)
disintegration = disintegrate
cold snap = ice storm
truthful sight = true seeing
polymorph is still polymorph (SG pg 111)
arcane tether = magic jar
nature’s grasp = planar ally*
*the dnd 5e spell planar ally is a very different spell than what the listed effects of “nature’s grasp” are, but it is the spell used in the podcast at this particular juncture for this purpose. I would guess they changed it because technically speaking “planar ally” might not be able to do what happens in the podcast (it was a very rule-of-cool moment). either way, dope moment, very understandable change.
Spells cast that they don’t name in the book but are real 5e spells!
Taako uses “Mage Hand” on HTBG pg 135
Killian uses the feather duster to cast “Feather Fall” on HTBG pg 148
Merle casts “Light” on HTBG pg 160
it doesn’t say the name, but in PTTM pg 123 Taako casts “Crown of Madness” on the gerbil guy, which is a Horrifying spell
the crickets cast “Dominate Person” to control Taako in PTTM in case anyone’s interested.
I can’t fucking figure out what he meant by “ghostly voice” as a spell Jenkins used. My best guess is a modified use of “Magic Mouth”, or maybe “Minor Illusion”. Makes sense, Magic Mouth is only 2nd level and Minor Illusion is a cantrip, and Jenkins is a shitty wizard.
pg 11 SG - this is Scorching Ray (confirmed)
Angus uses “Mage Hand” several times throughout the SG gn (pg 174-175, 241), never with the little box that normally appears to explain spells, but Taako does compliment him on it and uses the term “mage hand”, so we know that’s what the spell is.
pg 191 SG Angus is likely using the spell “Detect Magic” here, since it shows you both the presence of magic and what school it’s from (e.g. illusion), and he mentions illusion magic specifically.
also on pg 191 SG Taako starts to cast “Dispel Magic” but is stopped.
pg 207 SG - Merle is casting “Divination” here
pg 214 SG - these are probably high-level Scorching Rays, but tbh that aint the part you should be paying attention to on this page lol
pg 236 Carey is actually using a racial feature all dragons and dragonborns have access to - Breath Weapon! since she is a blue dragonborn, she can breath lightning once every short or long rest!
on pg 247 of SG, a spell is cast that breaks a pair of handcuffs off of somebody’s wrists. this could be “Knock”, or a myriad of other spells, but I think “Knock” is the most likely, as it is specifically used for locks, chains, and bindings.
on pg 248 of SG, the spell “Command” is cast
not included in the books, but in LI V (Reunion Tour) pt 1 (which would be during the back half of the Suffering Game GN), Taako casts “Drawmij’s Instant Summons” during an interaction with Garfield. I would highly recommend watching/listening to this scene if you haven’t.
Spells that don’t (seem to) correspond to any dnd 5e spell
Merle makes up a spell called “refresca” in SG. it doesn’t correspond to a real 5e spell, to my knowledge, and I don’t think it’s supposed to.
pg 133 SG - “Maximum Healing” isn’t a dnd 5e spell, to my knowledge. though there are many healing spells in dnd, I don’t think any of them have the express purpose of bringing someone up to full. it’s usually based on dice.
Feats + other shit
CK - Pg 188 Magnus says “berserker blitz!” which is probably a translation of “reckless attack”
Know thy enemy = know your enemy (a feat Magnus gets for being a battle master archetype fighter)
Transmutation mastery = transmuter’s stone (a feat Taako gets @ 6th level for being a transmutation wizard) (probably bc one dangerous rock is enough lol)
destroy undead is a toughie
it’s technically not a spell (not in the way Merle is using it), it’s a use of Channel Divinity (a cleric feat), and while at first it’s called “turn undead”, when you reach level 5 you get to automatically destroy any low-level undead (each time you level up you can destroy one level up of undead), so the ability is called “destroy undead” from that point onward, but you still do the turning bit too, for undead that are higher level than your “destroy undead” threshold.
Ring of chilling frost = ring of frost
Loafers of leaping and springing = boots of striding and springing
Uncanny dodge (a rogue feat) is mentioned when Magnus is doing rogue training with Carey in the 11th hr gn
on their little ‘level up’ pages in the 11th hour gn, it says Magnus is a 10th lvl fighter and 1st lvl rogue, then lists Merle and Taako as a 10th level cleric and a 10th level wizard. that would mean Magnus is an 11th level character, while Taako and Merle are still 10th level. I’m pretty sure Magnus is 9th level fighter 1st level rogue (making him also a 10th level character) in the podcast, but I could be wrong. not super important.
thieves cant = thieves cant (not a spell but worth mentioning)
pg 205 SG Merle mentions that clerics channel their power through holy symbols, like his bible. this is true in dnd 5e, no wording change or anything.
pg SG pg 44 - they do level up in the podcast to level 12.
just a whole separate god damn paragraph for this one:
Murder on the Rockport Limited pg 189 - much going on here.
The text suggests that the spell is “spare the dying” but that’s a cantrip which Merle should have for free and Griffin says its a “5th level spell” but he means that Merle is only 4th level and he needs to be 5th level to cast this spell, not that the level of spell is 5.
At 5th level, clerics gain access to 3rd level spells, so I think he means that Merle can’t cast 3rd level spells since he’s only a 4th level cleric. So we’re looking for a 3rd level spell that clerics can use.
It could be two spells, and I’m pretty sure I know which one it is - Revivify. Technically it could also be Mass Healing Word but I think he’d have healed Taako too if that was the case, and if Magnus was Dead Dead (which I don’t think he was) it wouldn’t do anything.
death in dnd is weird. If you drop to 0 hit points, you are knocked unconscious (though colloquially this is often referred to as death). You then have to make death saving throws (roll a d20, no modifiers) - 3 successes you are stable, 3 fails you’re Dead Dead.
You die immediately if the damage you take minus the health you have left is more than your hit point total. So, if you go farther into the negatives than your hit point maximum, it’s insta death.
I don’t think this happened to Magnus. Angus survived the jump just fine. I think the boys misunderstood how death works bc it’s confusing. fair.
But the gist is Merle wants to cast Revivify, Griffin says he’s not high enough level, they convince him, even though it wasn’t really necessary in the first place.
this exchange does not occur in the podcast. Magnus falls unconscious and is healed with no problem.
a pattern I’ve noticed is as they go on, more and more things have their normal dnd names. lmk if you know why that is - maybe bc of the whole OGL/dnd one drama?
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yzafre · 7 months
we're flying above the valley below | Interlude 4
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“No. i, are you with us?” 
It blinked its eyes.  A face stared down at it from inches away – pale, pointed, blonde hair.  Another stood behind him, with pale yellow eyes and long blue hair. 
Understood.  It nodded to the scientist, then turned to face its commander.  Saïx frowned, then turned to the scientist. 
“Is it done?”
“Yes, yes - the chip has been installed, as requested.” 
“And the previously installed data?” 
“It remains, but suppressed.  If anyone asks, the chip has it quarantined.  What damage can it do?  It’s just one piece of data.”
The scientist leaned back, stroking his chin, “I’ll admit, I’m impressed.  The little witch was cleverer than I thought, to accomplish this.  All derivative work, of course, but that bit of memory was fully integrated into the structure of the Replica.  Even if the situation was different, I wouldn’t want to remove it – it would risk the whole thing falling apart.”
“And its connection to the hero?”
“It will take what it needs, should they come into contact.” 
“I see... good work.  No. i – follow.” 
It followed. 
There was someone new – red hair, teal eyes.  The commander seemed to know him.
> OPEN FILE: WoL_fire 
IF keyblade war AND key shard created: 
kill on sight 
ELSE IF keyblade war: 
attack until key shard generated 
follow orders or prime objectives 
Current Commander: Saïx
No new commands given. 
The commander and the enemy continued to speak.
“No. i.  Attack.”
It received its orders.
And then, of course, it failed.
Per the new protocols, it defended itself, but did not pursue the enemy.  Once space was made between them, it ran a scan.
> OPEN FILE: WoL_kingKeyL
Current Commander: Saïx
No new commands given. 
“No. i, deal with Sora.”
It moved to attack.  The enemy spoke to it.  It didn’t matter.  It must follow orders.  It attacked, it attacked, it attacked.  It was blocked.  The enemy reached to restrain it.  They touched and time –  
There was a pull, they could – feel?  They could feel, something -  
– the heart and the body and the mind, pieces made to fit together and –
Every breath was too much, the world was clear –  
It – him – her – they – she? Was coming together and the edges were meeting, it and the other voice and - 
Nonono what’s happening where am I going 
Transfer? What? No, what, I don’t – 
It felt – clear? Like something was cutting through the fog that filled its being and – 
I won’t - I won’t become someone else, not again – I won’t be their tool – 
It... It wanted.... 
It wanted? 
It could – think.  The orders were screaming at it, but did it have to follow?  It... It held on, and the pull was stronger and –` 
It didn’t – 
Maybe, it could... 
They stepped out directly onto the clock tower, settling silently into their seats.  The setting sun beat down on them, but there was a coldness inside her that even its warmth couldn’t reach.  What could she say?  There weren’t words.  It would be nice, to have something to do, to stave off the awful quiet – she considered getting ice cream, but the thought of being gone and missing when Axel came back, of not knowing if he was okay –
When the air ripped open behind her, she jumped, spinning in her seat.
They reached out in tandem, pulling him into his seat.  She scanned him, looking for any sign of injury, of distress, as Roxas poked and prodded until Axel batted them away.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” she pressed.
Axel tossed them a grin, “Don’t worry about me; you know I can deal with him.”
“Usually, yeah,” Roxas agreed, “But they went beyond that.  Today they – ”
He cut himself off, and she watched Axel’s face fall.
“I know.  But it’s nothing I can’t handle,” he said, dropping a hand on Roxas’s head, turning to meet his eyes, “We’ll be alright.”
Roxas ducked his head, and she leaned forward, stomach turning, “Will we?  Today, I almost killed Roxas.  And if they tried once, won’t they do it again?”
Axel didn’t answer, just turned his face away, and she nodded.  Even he knew the truth.  Folding her hands together, she took a deep breath, “As long as I exist, Roxas will always be in danger.  Maybe, maybe it would be better if I…”
“No,” Axel snapped, Roxas talking over her, voice sharp, “——, what are you saying?”
“I just,” she started, but found her voice cutting out.  Why, she thought, ducking her head, why was she feeling like this now?  She’d already decided, hadn’t she?
“——,” Roxas sighed, reaching out, folding one of her hands in his, “When you ran away – when I didn’t know where you were, or if you were okay, I was so scared.  It was horrible.  Whatever Saïx and the others are up to – I can take anything, as long as I know you’re okay.”
How could he say that?  Didn’t he realize what she was doing to him – not just today, but every day, all the time.  She squeezed her eyes shut against their burning, voice wavering, “But I’m hurting you.”
Roxas tugged at her hand, ducking down until he managed to catch her gaze, blue eyes staring imploringly up at her, “It would hurt more, if you were gone.”
“He’s right, you know,” Axel said, “Dangerous or not, it doesn’t matter – you’re our best friend.  You’re important, too.”
“So I should just let them use me to kill him?” she asked, and she knew her voice was breaking, going a bit shrill, but –
“I’m not saying that; but you deserve to be safe, too.  You, or Roxas, that kind of choice is,” Axel drew in a shaky breath, staring at them, and his eyes were bright and open in a way she’d never seen before, “It’s both of you.  Always.  Every time.”
And that, she didn’t know how to – Because that wasn’t how it worked.  How could he say that, when she was made to destroy Roxas, when they couldn’t co-exist?
“Even when that’s not an option?”
He reached out, laying his hand on top of where Roxas still had a grip on hers.  His gaze burned into her, determined and desperate, “Even then.  We have to try, right?”
Oh.  Oh.  He, they –
She’d never thought of it, really.  Every time they’d helped her, she’d felt herself a burden.  Every moment of happiness she got with them felt like a blessing she didn’t deserve.  All she could see was all the ways she was hurting them, but this – she’d never thought, but – maybe –
She made them happy, too.
“We have to try,” she whispered back: an agreement, a realization, a promise.
She wasn’t sure what she could do, not really – because she had to go with Riku, she couldn’t continue as she was, not when the ghosts were so close to taking over.  But she also couldn’t be there for them if she disappeared.  She wanted to stay with them – and they wanted her just as much.
Warmth, fragile and small, bloomed in her chest.  She’d always felt so alone in this, but she wasn’t, was she?  They were just as scared, just as desperate, hanging on just as hard – it wasn’t the same, without all three of them, hadn’t she said?  And that – that included her.
It settled in her, a steady pressure like a hug, joy and love and delirious, blissful relief, and she held it close, thrilling in the push and pull in her lungs, her spine, like she could feel them within her.
Slowly, slowly, the three of them untangled their hands, turning back to the horizon.
“Say,” Roxas started, “What if… we all just took off?”
“What?” she asked, head snapping up in surprise.
“If we ran, I bet we could always be together.”
She stared at him.  Just… leave?  If only it were that easy.  She’d tried that, and nothing came of it – no matter how far she ran, she was still herself.  Nothing changed.  No – running wasn’t the answer.
“But there’s… nowhere to run,” she said.
Roxas turned away, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“What’s important isn’t that we hang out with each other every day,” Axel said, and she remembered a conversation so many weeks ago, where he said the same thing.
One memory, Naminé said, that belonged to her and no one else.  She hadn’t been sure how she’d do that, patchwork person that she was, but…
These two – they were hers.  Not Sora’s, not the others making up her mind’s; just hers.
“As long as we keep each other in our thoughts, we’ll never be apart, right?” she finished, “We’ve got it memorized, Axel.”
“Good,” he said, eyes blazing with warmth.
She smiled back at him, “I’ll have these moments memorized for a long time.  Forever.” 
With a great wrench, the connection was snapped, everything that was flowing into her being pulled back into the enemy.  The fog rolled back into its limbs in its place, the flow of routine and Orders commencing once more, only, it was - 
It was – a danger?  It was - was -
Enemy ENEMY enemy ENEMY -
It had orders -
But it – the other it – she – didn't want to, she wanted to save the others, save WoL_fire and the other one.
That other part of it, it wanted to run. And now, it had... a choice.
> (2) ROOT
As long as it was near them, it was a danger.
But if it could just change one thing...
we have to try
...maybe this awful feeling would go away. 
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calicohyde · 11 months
what are your favorite parts of witch noir that you haven’t talked about yet? :0
horrible combination of I think I already have talked about my favorite parts + I don't fucking remember what I've talked about actually + what even are my favorite parts anyway
Recently, I've been thinking a lot about how future readers will analyze Lily and I've been really excited to see it. Every day, I personally realize a new thread to pull there and I can't wait to see people coming in from different perspectives / only having the text to draw from and see what they see.
On a completely unrelated note, I don't think I've really talked about familiars that much maybe? The text has been cut down quite a bit from the sprawling multi-series monstrosity it was going to be originally, so now Ferris will probably be the only familiar to actually show up in canon. But it's not the only familiar I've named and given character to! It was actually originally going to have a love interest, even.
Ferris is Anca's familiar (Anca also previously had a larger on-page presence), and its love interest was going to be Nine who is a black Oriental shorthair and Nubia's familiar. Nubia now has... no part at all, except for cameos in some of the short story companion extras, and the same is true for Nine.
There also was originally going to be prologues, interludes, and epilogues in each book from Ferris's POV, that I decided were extraneous and took out. But in the first prologue, the reader is introduced to all the neighborhood cats - both familiars and normal cats, who all guard the neighborhood together. One of those was a familiar named Iron who was on its last reincarnation before it turned back into a normal cat, having never found its witch companion, and it was all tragic and shit. A Flowers For Algernon type of vibe between Iron and the other familiars, all of them watching it deteriorate from a magically powered super-intelligent familiar into just an ordinary stray domesticated animal. What no love does to a MF.
Originally, Toots also had two familiars, but one of them I don't even remember its name lmfao. She had a white cat named Damiana and a black cat named ?? and they were in love.
Anyway. I don't know, man.
@kudzucataclysm <- ramble tag
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ultramagicalternate · 10 months
ULTRAMagic Interlude Chapter 2
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After quickly speaking to the rest of the group, Englehart did the best he could to organize an impromptu ceremony. Ideally this would have been done in the Singing Storm Tower, but he recognized that Dragoslava and Kresimira had been using the vast libraries inside it in addition to things not being ready. Plus it was a nice day out. The royal mages set up a series of magic broadcasting devices and the king snapped his fingers to dispel the storm around the tower. There was no need for it now. The group lined up with the nobles and the royal guard as audience. People nearby even paused what they were doing to watch.
“Are we on the air, as you youngsters say?” The king asked.
“Give us one second… and… There! We should be good to go, your majesty” one of the royal mages replied.
Englehart cleared his throat. “Most excellent. Greetings everyone. If you are busy, feel free to continue your work. Listening in will suffice. It has been years since we last set foot in our glorious city and… well, I should’ve recognized that the great hunt was just a ruse. All of you have my greatest apologies for that blunder. Thankfully the Source smiled upon us and delivered a group of valiant protectors to safeguard the Iron City.”
Radovan spoke next. “Yes indeed. Leading the group were my daughters and Barna’s son, Corentin. I cannot begin to express how proud of our children we are. Of course they weren’t alone. Drago rescued Desislav Robles, a proud satyr who looked after the three and assisted them greatly. Following that was Blood-Wraith, the newest member of the Raynot family. His unyielding bravery despite his age was invaluable. And it is an honor to know that Tusk Willfort, son of Sigmund Willfort, joined the team to tutor Blood and even gave his own arm to stop the Lich. An unexpected addition, Vlastimir Dracul, lent his blade during the darkest hour and helped turn the tide of battle. As for Ekaterina and Vexation, they have sworn fealty to the king despite having previously served our enemy. We welcome them with open arms…”
“If I may speak, father…” Blood-Wraith jumped in. “...we couldn’t have done this without Lief.” A tear ran down his cheek.
Radovan smiled. “Right you are, Blood. Ladies and Gentlemen, one hero could not be with us today. The Dragon of Old made the battle with the Lich his final act before passing on, "Wherever he is now, may he rest in peace.”
“His deeds shall not go in vain” Englehart continued. “The fight with Dunja and Milosh is not over, but for now we can rest easy knowing that we are united with some of the bravest and finest souls we have ever seen. Kresimira, Corentin, Dragoslava, Desislav, Blood-Wraith, Tusk, Vlastimir, Ekaterina, Vexation, and Leif: Thank you for everything that you have done.” With that, the audience applauded and cheered. This made the group feel warm and triumphant.
After some closing remarks, everyone returned to their homes. Vlastimir and Ekaterina were the exception, but Englehart invited them to stay in the tower for the time being. Over at Blood-Wraith’s house, he was sitting in the living room with Aureolus and Vexation. He was crying, but this was out of joy for all that he had done. The other two expected this. Upon getting his emotions out, Blood-Wraith composed himself and was able to speak properly again. Vexation was a bit concerned, however. How this boy was able to handle all of that was beyond him at the moment.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Blood?” Aureolus asked.
“If you need to talk about your feelings further, you’re more than welcome to do so” Vexation proposed.
Blood-Wraith sniffled. “No, I’m alright now… that was just a lot to take in.”
“Well don’t worry about people showing up out of the blue” Aureolus reassured him. “A lot want to thank you personally, but uncle Englehart asked everyone to give you some space.” 
“Really? Oh well, I don’t think…” Blood-Wraith was cut off by the door bell ringing.
“Now who could that be?” Vexation wondered. “I hope that it’s something important…” 
“Come in…” Blood-Wraith called out.
Standing in the doorway was a 5’5 foot tall tree person with long hair and two horns… who promptly rushed over to Blood-Wraith. “Mr. Fire!” She exclaimed as she hugged and swung him around. “Oops, sorry. I should probably call you Blood now…”
“Hey, Auda! Is that… you’re so tall now! Have we been gone for that long?”
She laughed. “Ha, no. It’s just that… um, Blood… I’m actually 12 years old.” She set him down. “That mean old Lich had me all scared to grow up… but you fixed that, hehe.”
“Fascinating…” Vexation quietly remarked.
Blood-Wraith nodded in acceptance. “Well that makes two of us that have changed.”
“Yeah! I can see that. Maybe I should try that ULTRAMagic-thingy too… Speaking of that, I came here to get Uncle Tusk. Grandpa wants to see him. Want to come along?”
“Oh, sure… wait! Auda, this is Aureolus and Vexation. Aureolus? Vex? This is Auda. She’s Tusk’s niece.”
“Hi there!” Aureolus welcomed.
Vexation shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Same here. Alright, Blood, let’s go. Grandpa’s also eager to see you again!”
Tusk was waiting nearby with a cab hailed by Radovan. They were swiftly driven to the edge of the city where they began their walk to The Unending Forest. Tusk felt weird going back so soon as he carried his backpack full of scrolls and books. He did not want to argue with his father’s wishes, however. This was great for Blood-Wraith as he wanted to tell Sigmund about his plans. He also handed Tusk the book he had picked up in the desert. As for Auda, she was happy to have her uncle back home. She did not want him to go away for too long.
Sigmund was waiting at the gates of the village. “Tusk, my boy! When I said you needed to do something with yourself, I didn’t mean go out and save the entire Cosmos, haha! Come here!” He gave him a big hug. “You’ve done your old man proud!”
“Thanks, dad… Can I come home now? I got a bunch of stuff to read and study…”
“Of course you can. What happened to your arm though?”
Tusk looked at his stone arm once again. “It’s complicated and something I will never do again.”
Sigmund sighed. “Well either way, come on in, all of you. And Blood! You must tell me all about your ULTRAMagic.”
The three followed the chief, with various villagers warmly welcoming Tusk back and commending Blood-Wraith. Of course some still yanked Tusk’s chain a little, but they were so proud of him regardless. The formerly sullen mage could not help but smile as he walked.
“Chief, there’s something I want to do…” said Blood-Wraith.
“What’s that, Blood?” Sigmund asked as he let the three into his home.
“I’m going to the Magician’s Labyrinth to find my mother. And while I’m there, I’m going to locate Tusk’s mother.”
Sigmund looked at Blood-Wraith with surprise. “He’s serious, dad,” Tusk stated.
“By the gods, boy, even after all you just went through?” Sigmund questioned.
Auda was also surprised. “Whoa, you think you can find grandma Thora, Blood?”
Blood-Wraith swallowed. “Yes. Yes I do. It shouldn’t be too hard, right?”
Sigmund pondered his thoughts on the matter. “You’ll need help, preferably someone that’s been there before…”
Everyone thought about who it could be. Blood-Wraith then had an idea. “Oh! Drago and Kresimira have mentioned Brenna Thompson. She helped escort us back to the city.”
“Yes, I have heard of her adventures, especially to the Magician’s Labyrinth. She’s even been to the village a few times before” Sigmund recalled.
“I’ll go too!” Auda blurted out.
“Oh no you don’t, young lady.”
“Agreed, it’s way too dangerous,” Tusk added.
Donia then walked into the room. “Ha, good luck trying to stop her…”
“Donia, there you are,” Sigmund announced. “What took you so long, lass?”
“Sorry, I had to clean up an experiment. Tusk, sweetie, what happened to your arm?”
Tusk went over and hugged her tightly. “Sorry about that, Donia. Things got complicated. That was… That was scary…”
After some much needed consoling, the five sat down and discussed Blood-Wraith’s plans. Sigmund knew Thora was still alive. He could sense her as they spoke. What she was doing was unclear and so was the why. Thora was known for getting sidetracked, but this must have been truly momentous to cause her to forget her mission. Originally she went to the Magician’s Labyrinth to find answers to the problem with the Lich. Her failure to return shook the village and made the future uncertain. Tusk took it the hardest…
“Knowing what I found in the Unspeaker’s libraries, I can’t say I blame mom for whatever she found…”
“What do you think it could be?” Blood-Wraith inquired.
Sigmund stroked his beard. “The Forest and I have speculated on this. It believes she encountered Rose Raynot who may have stumbled on Deimos’ old research. What that is eludes us, however. The Forest dares not find out.”
Donia glanced at Tusk’s books. “Hey, Tusk… you wouldn’t have happened to…”
“If the answer is in those, I have yet to find it.”
“Grandma and Mrs. Raynot probably found a new Unlight to explore” Auda put forth.
“Rose is a duchess, sweetie,” Donia clarified.
“Whoops, sorry, hehe…”
They talked for a bit longer until dinner time rolled around. Sigmund invited Blood-Wraith to eat with them, but he needed to get back to the city. Still, he encouraged Blood-Wraith to bring the group along sometime so he could commemorate them in his own ceremony. Not wanting to bother anyone, Blood-Wraith took on his dragon form once he was out of the forest and flew back to his home. Many saw this and were amazed at his abilities. At the house were Aureolus and Vexation who were waiting for him.
“Hey guys, what’s up?”
“Blood, dad wants us to eat over at his place” Aureolus replied.
“Mr. Schindewolf was most insistent,” Vexation confirmed.
That was fine with him. Aureolus led the two to a large, barn-like building and knocked on a door at the side. They were greeted by Corentin. “Hey there, come on in. Mind the mess and watch your feet…” There were tools, abandoned projects, forges, anvils, and bags of coal all over the place. The four made their way to a set of stairs that took them to the upper loft. Things were still a bit messy, but were a lot more homey. The guests sat down in the living room which overlooked the workshop. It was a pretty nice view all things considered. Corentin then switched places with his father, who had been in the kitchen.
“Hello, lads, glad you all could make it. You’ll have to forgive the clutter. I was in the middle of an order when the great hunt started.”
“That’s quite understandable, Mr. Schindewolf…”
“Ah, no need to be formal, Vex. You can call me by my name.”
“As you wish, Barna. I must say that I’m quite impressed with your projects, despite their unfinished state.”
“Really now? Well thanks. You fancy yourself a blacksmith?”
“No, but I did work with The Blacksmith of Old on occasion. Your work is very reminiscent of his.”
Barna nodded. “Ah, I see. As for tonight’s dinner, how does pulled pork, mashed potatoes, and seasoned steamed vegetables sound?” Everyone liked this.
Blood-Wraith went over and looked at the bottom floor. “Hey, Barna?” Does your blacksmithing make use of magic?” 
“It can and I’m glad you asked. Blood, I’d like to teach you and Aureolus some of my alchemical skills, if you’d be interested.”
Blood-Wraith thought about this for a moment. “Sure, that’d be great. Aureolus?”
“Yup. I mean, dad has already shown me some cool stuff already, ha.”
“Father! Food’s done” Corentin called out.
“Very good, dining table’s right over there, lads. Just let Corentin know what you’ll drink and we’ll get started.” Barna hurried into the kitchen as the three seated themselves, ready to eat.
Next: Chapter 3
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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