#ancestral dreams
ancientgoddessofegypt · 3 months
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Have you been getting strange dreams lately? The ancestors are coming in during this saggitarrius rising. The earth is shaking and a new era is commenced. There are new horizons that must be taken and there are questions in the subconscious that have to be erode into the physical reality.
The saggitarius rising that is happening at this hour/time/evening is proving to us that we need the ancestors on our team. So... I'm doing doing ancestral readings for the time being. We're in the right moment. The ancestral realms aren hidden in plain sight, but their out in the open as we speak. The spiritual realm is ready to share with us its roots, so we the divine beings can figure out a community for this new era we're embarking in.
Anyone who wants to know whats going on about the sagitarrius rising you can dm me, however a post will be coming shortly after this one <3 Ase !
If you have up to 5 dreams that need interpretation than this reading is for you.
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vigilskeep · 8 months
if dragon age loved me the ancestor worship in nevarra combined with their use of crypts and the mortalitasi, and that a fake pentaghast was the only human ever recorded to join the legion of the dead, would demonstrate close ties between nevarran and dwarven culture
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sarcastic--knight · 7 months
I hope Uther from the afterlife could clearly see how his son tells his servant the wizard that he doesn’t want him to change, always remained himself and thanks for everything he did for him, and Uther just bites his elbows like: “Knights-commoners and marriage to a maid were just floweries!”
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a-very-zilly-gooze · 6 months
people who know me irl know that i am a raging ohioan and TODAY I GOT ACCEPTED INTO OHIO STATE (which is my second choice school but also the home of my people) AND I FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR DURING MATH.
like i knew i was good enough to get in but like i actually got in!!!
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lanada · 10 days
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Hiroo Isono
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queer-apocalypse · 11 months
I'm incredibly sad over Ozai being forever deprived of his bending today so hear me out
We know from LoK that a previously severed bending can be restored, right? We only see this being done by energybending masters, but what if finding a new source for your element, and thus effectively creating an entirely new bond with your energy, could somehow do the trick too?
Basically I want Iroh to take Ozai on a long and torturous journey of repentance and self-discovery and mutual forgiveness that ends back at the Sun Temple, where Ozai has to face Ran and Shaw's judgement. And like for a moment he's sure he's going to be burnt to a crisp, maybe he even thinks this was all a weirdly elaborate setup to get rid of him for good, but by then he's already changed so much, and his brother is by his side, and he's learnt to rely on him and trust him all over again, and after all the dragons already bestowed their ancient knowledge on an arrogant and power-hungry fire royal once, in another lifetime. Maybe Iroh drags Ozai into doing The Dancing Dragon with him. And at the end of the trial, when they're both engulfed by the multicoloured flames, Ozai's fire awakens.
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aletherancaspar · 1 year
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me: mom why don’t we ever host a shabeel
mom: [no response]
me: fine i’ll do it myself
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airbrickwall · 2 years
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voicesfromthelight · 2 years
A Spirit Visited Me This Morning
A little note for the day: This morning, as I was waking up, a spirit visited me. I find that the hypnopompic state - that is, the one in which you are about to awaken from sleep - is the state in which I am most receptive to receiving clairvoyant visitations. It happens even more often than in the hypnagogic state, which is the state you are in when you are about to fall asleep. But there’s something about those in-between states of consciousness (including lucid dreaming), in which alertness and relaxation are in just the right proportion to each other to make us more receptive to spirit communication. (There must be a neurological explanation for it!)
It was a very pleasant experience. The woman appeared to me smiling and waving warmly, in a sunny garden setting, as if “flagging me down” into her native environment, and introducing herself. I had no idea who she was. She was a big, “earthy” woman, with very short hair, and seemed to be of mixed Latina heritage. I sensed that her name was Rosie or Rosa. She showed me that she had loved to eat, and the implication was that diabetes had contributed to her passing. 
Because I had no idea who she was, I asked whom she was here for. I sensed that it was someone I was connected to in some way, but I didn’t know who or how. She gave me the first name of someone with whom I had interacted only marginally, a couple of times, through a Facebook group for spiritual advisors. I knew of no one else by that name. 
I’m usually very much against psychics and mediums springing information on unsuspecting targets. It always smacks to me of ego-tripping, and points to poor boundaries. However, I knew that if I didn’t check with the person the spirit had named whether the information matched up, I wouldn’t know whether to trust my intuition and spirit communications of this nature in the future. So, I asked the person for permission to message them directly, and gave them all the information I had. It turned out that Rosa was their great-grandmother! I got the sense that she wanted to make sure that this person was taking good care of their physical health, so as to avoid the same problems that she herself had had in life.
I’m so glad that I took the risk and did what I needed to do to pass on the message. I’ve had one or two experiences like this before, in which I didn’t do so, and they still haunt me to this day, no pun intended! Sometimes we just have to take that leap of faith. (This is also the second time this has happened in connection with this Facebook group!)
A day in the life of an ever-developing medium. This experience made me happy, and renewed my self-confidence.
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cithaerons · 2 years
i have many problems with my current city and generally a love-hate relationship with it, but i do feel home here, like i belong here and am part of the city, more so than most places I have lived…. especially my old city, which was way better in a lot of ways but there was this strong perpetual disconnect between people from the city and everyone else, like you would always feel like a foreigner
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ancestorsalive · 2 years
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As the Crow Flies
From Mary Collett's Lino Prints
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1327-1 · 5 months
absolutely obliterated by nausea motion sickness and hopefully a non-prophetic dream
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givemearmstopraywith · 5 months
i know palestine will be free in my lifetime. i know palestine will be free in my lifetime. i know i will see the day palestine is free and i will see her shake the dust of occupation from her heels. i know the old people and children of her history will return to their ancestral homes, their houses, their valleys, their olive groves, not to to set their roots down again because their roots have always been there, will always be there, but to grow again, bear fruit for harvest, and never be cut down again. i know palestine will be free. i grieve for palestine and dream of palestinian joy.
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superfitbabe · 10 months
Mid-Year Check-In (2): Playlists to Change for the Better
For part 1 of my mid-year check-in series, click here! Welcome back to the second blog post of my mid-year check-in series! For the past half of the year, I’ve replaced the vast majority of the information (including books, videos, and audio) I consume with more educational, lifestyle, and conversational content that bring value, encouragement, and a sense of enlightenment. Truth is, I used to…
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tiyoin · 2 months
‘malleus x reader’
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malleus, who every time you fall asleep surrounds you in bristling thorns.
malleus, who does everything in his power to extend your life. he believes that stopping time- even a few hours would give him that much more time with you in the future.
malleus, who cares so deeply for your health and well being, but can’t help but make you sleep more often than you usually would in hopes of extending your life
malleus, who sacrifices the present for the future. it doesn’t matter if you’re awake when he’s off completing royal duties.
malleus thinks that’s time wasted that could be saved for the future. he’ll sometimes keep you under his spell for a few days, but it’s okay. you aren’t missing much anyways as you’d always voice how sad, cold, and lonely the palace feels without him.
malleus feels no guilt in commanding you to sleep. he thinks it’s a fair trade for the dreams he gives you. where you always receive a happy ending. with him, of course. with the hopes that those dreams will have you longing for the days to come.
malleus’ favorite dream to bestow up you was the one where you and him are in a cabin in the woods. especially the scene of two purple and onyx eggs cuddled up nicely in your arms. your back laid against his chest, your body almost sinking into his, almost like you were trying to steal the little warmth his reptilian blood possessed. or maybe, it was him whose arms were wrapped tightly around your body that was trying to keep you as close as possible.
malleus would think the roaring fire that sat not even a meter away would be enough to keep you both warm. not even the blankets in your shared bedroom seemed to quell the ice in your veins…
malleus would either read to the three of you, a new book each time- or, the two of you would discus baby names. brainstorming ideas to and new endings so you could continue the legacy of his ancestral names. he could never get tired of the way you referred to your little miracles; m&m. it was a candy from your home, you’d always explain, never failing to make his lips curl up in amusement.
malleus, who was warned that this marriage, this love was doomed from the very beginning. but he didn’t care, hadn’t fully considered your morality as there had to be a way to extend it… yet even lilia wasn’t able to escape death’s cynical clutches.
malleus who must always listen to your dreams, your hopes and excitement of the future, deep down knowing that it’ll never happen. that they’re never occur and never take fruition. and it frustrates him.
malleus who would send you into a deep slumber when he wrecked the castle, screams and wails of anguish echoing throughout the soulless walls of briar palace. was this how his grandmother felt? completely and utterly alone? her lover and daughter long gone as she was condemned to more pointless years of empty solitude. with not enough love for even him? her grandson.
is that how he’ll turn out? cold and alone?
not even sebek would last long. silver was on the same clock as you, both condemned to sleeping to stop the ticking hands of time that seemed to tick tick away.
malleus wanted a family, you knew that. biology be damned he’ll have his happily ever after with you. with every dream he can see the want growing inside you too.
malleus wants his, your children to at least know who the woman in the portrait is. he wants you to tuck them into bed, watch their first steps, and console them when the weight of your morality gets placed on their young shoulders.
malleus wants to scold them for breaking objects while you give him those big pleading eyes to ‘give them a break! they’re just learning how to walk in their human forms,’ malleus wants to catch the three of you baking cookies in the royal palace, he wants his children to sneak into meetings just to see him- only for you to be seen (and heard) trying to get them out without entering yourself. he would sometimes chuckle, imagining them hanging off of sebek like a ‘jungle gym’ (whatever that was) as the knight would do everything in his power to not move.
he wants you there to witness their changing from dragon to human, he wants to go through dragon teething with you as he knows it was a struggle for lilia alone. he wants them to draw on the old suffocating walls- only to be interrupted by your horrified gasp. scolding them for doing such a thing to the royal palace, only for him to be revealed as an accomplice. doodling away with them while critiquing and adding onto their drawings.
malleus wants to stress sebek out as he searches high and low for the king, who was miles away in a ruine with his family playing hooky. of course, not without a secret picnic basket and blankets.
he wants you on his back while he’s in his dragon form, his children struggling to fly at his speed as you take a family glide through the starry night just because.
he wants them to tell him that he was doing the right thing by timing out your death clock, saving a few minutes for tomorrow.
he wants you there when him and his future children go on diplomatic missions to other nations. he wants to enjoy the cuisine with you, the sights and views with you like that one college trip to the scalding sand. he already knows the words he’d tell that he failed to tell during that trip. that nothing will ever compare to the twinkle in your eyes or the beauty of your smile. he wants to hear his children’s groans and remarks of disgust as he spews poetry at you. kisses you. like it’s the last time he ever will…
there’s all these wants that he’ll never have.
he… hopes, his children will get their magic early- especially their unique magic in hopes that one of them can save you from your fate.
he wants a family portrait, with all four- or more, of you- this fully depending on how your body will deal with the trauma of the birth of your first born.
malleus curses the fates everyday for making his soulmate- his mate, mortal. receiving a human soul instead of a fae’s… it’s a cruel joke, he chalks up on night, when his temper was especially bad. when his thoughts were more pessimistic than usual. all because he spotted your first grey hair as you arrive in your early thirties.
malleus, who stands placid in the library, staring at the locked glass doors of the forbidden section. his fist clenches, then unclenches repeatedly- a war going on in his mind as he remembers his grandmother’s warnings of entering that room… of reading and using the contents of those books.
malleus scoffs, arrogance radiating from the young prince-king. his grandmother’s image flashes through his vision when his touches the door, sternly warning him of the cardinal sin that would be committed if he ever used the dark magic their ancestors created, used, and evidently locked away. she warned him, begged him to never feed into the whispers of their DNA, to never entertain the delusions that came with puberty and age. to learn about the world so he knows the natural order of things- the circle of life and death that he too, would one day be apart of…
malleus will have his happily ever after. he’s suffered so much already, doesn’t he deserve it?
the answer is yes. yet fate keeps continuing to deny him his right.
malleus deserves the happiness he never got to experience, family that he was robbed of all those years ago. and if he is to be condemned to tartarus for his misdeeds… then he will drag you down with him, forever together.
so sleep. dream your days away as malleus searches and scans the entire royal archives for spells or potion recipes that can fix this problem.
he promises the days will no longer bleed together, he promises you and silver- even sebek, will be able to stay awake for as long as him. he would give his soul to make sure the three of you stayed.
malleus will be there when you receive the news of your friend’s deaths. dropping like flies one by one as the years continue to pass. you will have each other when you stop reviving funeral invitations. he will be there for you when you look in the mirror, age not matching your appearance as you compare your hands to that of your friend’s corpses. you will truly have only him, and he hopes you will want to stay with him for as long as possible, just as he wishes.
he will take care of everything, so don’t fight it, okay? he will allow you to live different lives throughout each dream. illusion of free will at play since he will always be there, condemning you to the same love, same life, and same routine no matter where he places you.
he loves you… so very much.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 8 months
Lactation kink aegon? You can add this into any other plot but I just need more of this 😚
aegon x lactation kink has me crying, (s)creaming, throwing up!!!!
Wet Dreams
PAIRING: King!Aegon ii Targaryen x WetNurse!fem!Reader
WORDS: 1,661.
WARNINGS: wet nurse references, breastfeeding, mentions of an affair, lactation kink, Daddy kink, degradation kink, female receiving (fingering), breast play, swearing.
A/N - I kind of went feral, this was meant to be a very small blurb... whoops!
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Since the royal twin heirs, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, had been born lively to King Aegon, the Second of his Name and his sister-wife, Queen Helaena, the realm had rejoiced in joy and excitement. Gratefully appointed by the Dowager Queen herself, to be a fellow wet nurse for the twins, following the ancestral footsteps of your mother, who nursed Laena and Laenor Velaryon, and your grandmother before who nursed the many royal offspring of the Old King and his Good Queen wife, before being relieved of their duties.
You were quite younger than your predecessors when being anointed as a fellow wet nurse, however, Queen Alicent saw it fit that the younger the woman in the peak of her youthful maidenhood, would in return have the better production of the milk. Trusting that it was naturally in your genes to produce. Not to mention, you would be relative for quite some time to the royal couple, starting off in your young adulthood.
Nonetheless, as the twins grew familiar around your tits, latching on more comfortably, their repetitive suckling motions began to show results. Your tits had swollen abundantly with milk in vast supply, often at times leaking, if they were not in use. You were relieved from the burden, as was the Dowager Queen and her beloved daughter, satisfied with your loyal services... And yet it seemed that you had caught the lurking eyes of the King himself.
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From time to time, when Helaena had delivered or called upon for your presence to nurse her newborns, Aegon remained solemnly distant in the background, yet ever so present. Never uttering a word, nor showing an ounce of acknowledgement for the intimate yet crucial service you provided to his children, and yet, his violet eyes would loosely ponder over you. Whenever you meekly entered their chambers, your eyes would inevitably meet in mutual focus, before forcing to resume your undivided attention unto the newborn babes. At one point, he was so drawn to your readiness to provide for his children, mindlessly caught in his own, unfathomable thoughts, that it took his sister-wife to hastily tug on his arm, harshly pulling him away to be drawn back to reality.
Having grown accustomed to his children's feeding times, he knew that you would reliably arrive on time in the early morrow, to feed the babes, whilst their mother and the rest of the royal family would attend their own breakfast feasts.
And he remarkably knew this would be the perfect time to strike...
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Just as you faintly swayed and nestled little Jaehaera back into her crib residing with her asleep elder, the sudden knock on the door startled you vividly. As you hastily turned towards the direction of the abrupt sound, so anxious that the children did not stir awake, as your focus reluctantly panned from them still deep in slumber, did you meet the familiar, unnerving gaze of Aegon.
"M-My King, th-the babes have just been fed and put to bed. Queen Helaena is not here, I-I can fetch her for you, i-if you wish-"
Aegon remained dead silent, only taking a few slow paces towards your rigid state in front of the cribs, only inches apart before having the decency to respond.
"I have no need for my sister. Nor do I intend to wake the babes... I am here for one other matter, that is," He lowly uttered, his voice deep yet clear and stern, those formidable violet eyes tainted over you, lingering from head to toe and back.
"Mayhaps, I-I can help you, your Grace," You anxiously stutter: yet a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach began to churn, the feeling gradually extending between your inner thighs, that began to intensely throb, each passing minute the King blessed you with his attention.
"In fact you can... Get on the bed."
His serious tone was cold, you obeyed the command as you obeyed all your previous doings, and yet, this was one that should not have been taken lightly. Glancing at the sleeping babes one last time before the frame of the crib hid their tiny bodies, some comfort was provided knowing they remained peacefully unstirred in a deep slumber. The voice of their father not stirring them awake, even though Aegon spoke an octave above a whisper.
Following you closely behind, you could almost sense him inhaling your natural scent, sensing the fear oozing from your every fibre.
"Lay down," He further instructed, as you continued without hesitation in abiding by your Grace's honour. How could you defy the King? The consequences would have been detrimental, even so, fatal, to your very unimpressive existence...
Making yourself somewhat comfortable, despite the tension in your body from the uneasiness of the situation, Aegon knelt above you, each thigh in level just below your waistline as his knees sturdily supported him, his large hands began to snake their way up towards your body. Heavily breathing, the tight fabric felt suffocating, as you felt the foreign touch of his hands gliding over your body frame, gently tracing over the curves of your waistline, up until it reached your ample bosom.
"Hmm-" As the grazing touch of his soft lips glazed over the skin of your cleavage, you swore you could feel the ripples of his deep growl vibrating over you.
"So these are the fruitful gifts the Gods have blessed you with, that feed my very babes. Fuck, how I have been envious of my own seed-" Aegon lustfully whispered, with each breath taken and word spoken, his eager mouth latched to your skin, suckling leaving a moist trail of his trace over you.
"How they cry for your tits day and night. How they suck on these, taking in your taste with every mouthful. Favouring each swallow... Now it's my turn."
The foreign feeling of Aegon's thick, probing cock pressing down against you, just directly above the clothed entrance of your cunt, sent an exhilarating thrill through the entirety of your body, stemming from between your thighs. You had never truly been with a man before, let alone, your first being with the King himself. Nonetheless, you naturally dismissed all self-control, moaning and whimpering for Aegon's touch and more, your eager sounds brewing, louder in volume.
"Shush, shush, my pretty whore. My babes are fast asleep, perhaps milk drunk from you. We must keep quiet, nonetheless."
Instinctively, despite your mind pathetically trying to fight against the urge, you felt yourself keen for more. Hips lifting forwards, burying his stiff, pulsating cock further down into you. Immediately noticing your advances, you felt Aegon's hand reaching beneath, hastily pulling your gown length up, as his rough fingers sneaked tugging beneath your undergarments, teasing your silky folds.
"It seems someone is needy for their King... Have you been desperate for me, my pretty whore? Want Daddy to spoil you too, huh?"
"Y-Yes-" Breathless and yet inclined, your mind a haze, you shut your eyes closer, as Aegon's fingers delve deeper between your velvet folds, his fingers moving in slow, sensual motions stretching you out.
"My pretty whore, gonna be such a good girl for Daddy, yes? Gonna take good care of me, just like you care for my babes, hmm."
"Y-Yes Daddy."
His low, growling chuckle reverberating from his throat, was soon interrupted, as those violet eyes once more fixated firmly on your bosom, tutting at the sheer sight before him.
"Look at you, so fucking full of that sweet, sweet milk, you are practically leaking through your clothes, angel. Have my babes not drunk their full? Not taking advantage as their father would. Mayhaps, your needy body is producing ample supply for my take now."
His hand that had been eagerly venturing between your innocent walls, sprung free, as he began to unloosen the strings of your gown at front, ripping apart the fabric to expose your sensitive, swollen tits.
The appetising sight, nipples red and raw from feeding his babes, oozing with a white, milky substance that drizzles across your stretched skin. His thumb grazing and flicking over it was enough to make you moan in an agonising excitement, back arching hopelessly sulking for more.
"Look at the fucking mess you have made, and in front of your King. Have you no shame, whore? Need Daddy to make you feel better, want me to ease the pain, hmm? All you need to do is ask with that pretty mouth of yours."
"Uhh- Y-Yes, Daddy. P-Please, I'm s-so fucking full."
A growling groan echoed through his throat, before his mouth keenly opened, latching over one tit, as his hand massaged the flesh of your breast. Alongside his suckling movements with the kneading motions, the milk poured lusciously into his mouth, harsher and hastier than the babes, his mouthful took more, as his breathing hastened, his broad chest heaving deeper.
"Mhmm, hmm-" Once more that same hand found its way impressively down to your wet cunt, shoving his thick digits deeply inside, as he began to pump his hand backwards and forwards, almost in rhythm with each sucking motion. His tongue swirled over your nipple, causing you to convulse and jerk beneath him from the tenderness.
"Fuck, you taste divine... My babes are truly spoiled and will grow healthily with your milk. Now I know why they cry for these ardently-"
"It-It is my duty, your Grace. B-But it is my honour, to f-feed my King w-whenever your Grace n-needs me."
"That's right, whore... At my beckon call now. Perhaps I may fuck some bastards into my pretty whore's cunt, keep her filled so these tits keep swelling with milk, leaking for Daddy to relieve."
The milk dribbling off his soft lips was enough to send you into an oblivion, as his tongue hungrily lapped the substance lingering over, before it could trickle down.
"Y-Yes, Daddy. W-Whatever you see fit."
"Good girl, my good whore... So obedient for Daddy, we are going to have fun, indeed..."
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general taglist [bold means I could NOT tag] - @evenstaris @bel-bottoms @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @hightowhxre @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylasthegrim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider @watercolorskyy @hypnos-daughter-certified @urmomsgirlfriend1 @backyardfolklore @snowprincesa1
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit @bucknastysbabe @jawline-of-steel
credit for divider - @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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