#and I mean I lost all respect or patience for the guy when he revealed himself as a fan of brandosando so
the-hype-dragon · 1 year
ok I am a hater but it would do a lot of people who make "literary criticism" content a lot of good not to have bad faith readings of every stupid little word an author puts on paper
like I remember reading a sporking/blow-by-blow of some cassie clare book here on tumblr years ago, this character was saying shit that you were obviously supposed to find objectionable--because he was a villain and he was saying it to his traumatized mother who felt like a bad mom already because of the crap her husband pulled on her in the backstory--but then the person writing this critique went off on this tangent talking about how oh no ladies you aren't a bad mom just because of this that and the other thing and I was sitting there like, are you for fucking real right now, like they were acting like cc was sitting here saying "oh yes, this obvious bad guy is totally parroting my own opinions about women and moms in particular" I felt like I was idk I felt like I was going kinda crazy
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robinplayspokemon · 2 years
pokemon anime 2x08 "the battle of the badge"
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gods, that is such a vibe.
what up gay nerds!!
so, this episode finds ash marching back to viridian city ready to win his eighth badge, to qualify him for the pokemon league. just as he's getting ready to challenge the gym leader of the viridian city gym, his rival gary oak shows up and reveals that he has already won 10 badges and is going to win an earth badge before ash just to flex on him.
team himbo are distracted when togepi gets lost & eventually falls right into team rocket's lap, so they chase after team rocket to try to rescue togepi!
meanwhile, giovanni & gary fight a pitched battle that gary seems to have the upperhand in, until giovanni unveils his ultimate weapon.
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(and yeah, this is a super explicit crossover with pokemon: the first movie which released a few months before this episode aired, roughly establishing its place in the timeline. though obviously the majority of the movie happened several months after the prologue, which is what actually crosses over with this episode.)
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when jessie & james show up to turn over togepi to giovanni, he is SUPER unimpressed, which is pretty funny when you consider the fact that togepi evolves into the powerful togetic and the even more powerful togekiss, but obviously no one knew that at the time. but greedy capitalists generally don't have the patience to actually, y'know, learn.
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it makes perfect sense that giovanni has a pokemon dungeon, but what's with the roman theme? anyway, giovanni & mewtwo end up having to jet off to some mysterious plot convenience, so jessie & james & meowth are left in charge of the gym, meaning that rather than giovanni they are the last gym leader ash has to face. this kid has all the luck!
... or does he? because while he certainly wouldn't have been able to beat mewtwo and thus wouldn't have been able to win his last gym badge, ash DOES end up facing some trouble of his own when it turns out that team rocket has rigged the trainer's box of this stadium to force him to feel all the pain his pokemon feel! kinky. adding to the kink, jessie & james get some quality taunting in on him.
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this yugioh-ass shit (though admittedly it predated yugioh, yugioh did shit like this way more often) looks like a pretty dire situation for ash! but predictably even when they seem genuinely threatening & sadistic team rocket does something dumb to screw it up (namely, jessies box also does the same thing to her when team rocket's pokemon take damage), and ash wins his eigth badge! that also brings the total of badges he actually won by winning a pokemon battle up to four, though it's kind of viewer's choice if you want to count team rocket playing substitute gym leader as ash beating a gym leader.
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and, yeah! that's a wrap on ash's quest for 8 gym badges, with the pokemon league to look forward to. the episode ends very weirdly with brock & misty berating ash for not knowing where the pokemon league is, and suggesting they go ask professor oak where it is, which like... GUYS??? you're both LITERALLY GYM LEADERS??? i feel like YOU should know where it is????? but, y'know. show for babies. not always gonna be logically consistent. yada-yada-yamask.
but yeah, this is a great episode. giovanni's fight with gary is great stuff, especially how genuinely menacing mewtwo is in it, and even ash's fight with team rocket is actually pretty great. i also love the character development of gary gaining respect for ash when he watches him fight through the pain to win the badge. for all i neg him, i like when this show actually shows that ash is a good trainer and has people respect that about him!!
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anyway, yeah! pretty great episode all around. catch ya later, gay nerds!
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onesunofagun · 3 years
I shall now yell about Ingo, please stand by:
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Ingo’s transformation from the underappreciated backbone of the ranch to an absolute ruff-wearing cantaloupe of a man is also pretty interesting (if you’re the kind of person who absorbs the Zelda series through your skin like a frog to live).
I’ve bolded the key points for skimmers.
Granted, the manga has it that Ingo just gets brainwashed by Twinrova into being a staunch follower of Ganondorf. That’s not canon, but it’s not informing any of this thinking, either way. 
In the beginning of OoT we meet Talon by waking him up from a nap, and we learn pretty quickly that he’s lazy and often yelled at by his daughter for slacking off like this. Ingo at the ranch confirms again that Talon doesn’t pull his weight around there, and since Malon’s still a child, it’s pretty obvious that Ingo’s settled with the bulk of the work.
Ingo is grumpy, he’s resentful, and he complains a lot. But he does do the work, and you can find him (presumably) in the process of mucking out the stables. 
Let’s examine what he does at the ranch:
Epona really liked that song... Only I could tame that horse... Even Mr. Ingo had a hard time...
Now, Epona is established in game to be a real winner of a horse. She’s fast, she’s smart, she’s got a lovely sorrel coat and white mane that seems to be quite rare or highly prized coloring. The catch is, she is notoriously wild. The only people she tolerates are Malon and Link, due in large part to being soothed by the song Malon’s mother taught her.
Ingo had to really try to crack this horse, which Malon’s observation suggests is unusual. 
Epona is very young when we first see her, so it’s never really revealed if she was caught wild, or bred at the ranch with a very headstrong temperament.
Ingo’s clearly the guy that’s breaking them in, though. The most Talon is doing is... sleeping in with the cuccos. We never see any organisation of the cuccos, in terms of egg collection or poultry farming, but nevertheless, Talon has the much less physical jobs even if he was doing them. His focus seems to be cuccos, deliveries to the castle and book keeping between naps (and to be fair it’s probably a little depression related, given the dead wife).
Malon gives us a cow later on, and she’s got the egg for the crowing cucco that wakes up Talon, so I’d like to assume for simplicity’s sake that even as a kid, Malon was up at dawn most days helping Ingo with the cows and milking them. It’s never really implied that she has amazing skill in dealing with horses, just that Epona has a special connection with her specifically. Other than that, Malon is simply kind and respectful of her animals (though I’ve got no idea how she got that cow to Link’s treehouse and that’s worth investigating). 
Later on, Ingo is also shown to be a competent rider. Enough that he has absolutely no qualms in challenging Link to races for wagers, and was quite confident of his ability to win.
The takeaway is, Ingo is usually VERY GOOD with both caring for and training horses, if not breeding them for the ranch.
That kind of lends to his grumbling, when he is referring to himself as ‘the Great Ingo’ and comparing himself to Talon, who is a ‘bum’. His claim to greatness may not be undeserved, at least in horse circles, and especially if he’s not getting particular credit for it, his bitterness and frustration (alongside envy, exhaustion, and dreams of recognition) would be quite deeply run.
So it seems that his friend and employer is clearly taking some advantage of him, especially after the death of Malon’s mother.
So now, let’s examine his feelings, and how he changes.
The feelings Ingo has about that are pretty textbook for the sort of thing ‘evil takes hold of and twists’, in the Zeldaverse.
Focussing on the game itself, Malon says this as an adult:
Since Ganondorf came, people in the Castle Town have gone, places have been ruined, and monsters are wandering everywhere. Mr. Ingo is just using the ranch to gain Ganondorf's favor... Everyone seems to be turning evil...
We do see other characters in Hyrule become influenced by the ‘darkness in their hearts’ as byproduct of Ganondorf’s reign. 
A prominent example of a character who was visibly dissatisfied with their lot, and then notably changes (while praising Ganondorf for what he’d done), is the Castle Guard who is heavily implied to have become the Poe Dealer. Even if by some slim means it’s not the same person, the Poe Dealer does still express that they could not do the work they do without Ganon as King, and that they now benefit from him being in that position and are grateful to him.
The Kakariko Carpenters seem to have given into their fantasies about living among the Gerudo women, and gone out to the Valley and gotten themselves taken prisoner. Following work near the fortress, the team chooses to act on their selfish desires and go for broke, chasing their dreams. They weren’t previously prepared to act upon these fantasies when Link was young, admittedly much milder in their still very prominent obsession, but seven years later, they’re quite happy to risk it all and piss away the stability of their careers (and nearly their lives) at the first opportunity.
Anyway, the trend is, those across Hyrule who are unhappy with their lot before Ganondorf’s coup tend to be ‘corrupted’ by seven years later, and appear to have given in to a twisted version of whatever they most wanted. 
This is noteworthy especially because the language in the game revolves around the Sacred Realm being opened and corrupted, too, by Ganondorf’s unbalanced heart and selfish goals. It is unable to be ‘sealed’ again while Link has the Master Sword. In aLttP, we know there is a mirror like effect to do with the sacred turned dark realm, in which it reflects the hearts of men. 
So it is very reasonable to say, that for OoT in particular, much of this evil influence plaguing the land and preying on the darkness an people’s hearts is a result of the corruption of the Sacred Realm. It is an indirect byproduct of Ganondorf’s acquiring of the Triforce, but not necessarily something he himself does to people on purpose, unlike the brainwashing of Nabooru.
Mr. Ingo is just using the ranch to gain Ganondorf's favor... But Dad... He was kicked out of the ranch by Mr. Ingo... If I disobey Mr. Ingo, he will treat the horses so badly...
This explains a lot of the more callous and greedy behaviour that Ingo shows later on, and why it seems to disappear when he is truly humbled by Link. 
Link’s win serves as a reminder of Ingo’s stagnating skill with horses, the very thing that made him feel so deserving of praise and recognition in the first place, in that for everything he now has control of at the ranch, he still cannot control that horse. He has become as much of a bum as Talon ever was, relegating Malon to do all the hard work while Ingo struts around uselessly. He’s even lost his touch with the Horses so much, in his arrogance, that now he has taken up mistreating them and using harsh and abusive methods (according to Malon’s concerns).
The humiliation and shame takes hold, his pride shattering with the loss of Epona-- not only as a valuable asset, but also as the horse he could never truly tame.
The dark feelings he was holding onto are let go of, as he regains a sense of humility, and the corruptive influence upon him dissipates. He even seeks out Talon to bury the hatchet and invite him back to the ranch.
Oh, I have to tell you about Mr. Ingo... He was afraid that the Evil King might find out that Epona had been taken away... It really upset him! But one day, all of a sudden, he went back to being a normal, nice person! Now my dad is coming back...I can't believe it, but peace is returning to this ranch!
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But what about his obsession with Ganondorf in particular?
When the coup happened, Ingo watched the King of the Gerudo unwittingly play out a sort of grand parallel to what Ingo felt should happen on the ranch. To Ingo’s perception, I think Ganondorf was representing an ideal version of Ingo himself. 
A man of the desert, where hard work and grit are as second nature to survive the harsh conditions. A man frustrated with the King of Hyrule’s shit, and forced to swear fealty to him despite being a King himself. A man resplendent with wealth, with fine and flashy clothes and plentiful jewelry.
And perhaps the most important note of all, the Gerudo in OoT? 
They’re horse people. 
They love horses. Ganondorf’s horse is reputed to be a purebred Black Gerudo Stallion, which is obviously a specialty breed, that is fully armoured and as flashy as he is. When the Gerudo cut the bridge leading to the valley, the only way in and out is to have a skilled horse jump the gap. 
They also have a huge horseback archery range, and prowess in the sport is an incredible source of respect amongst the Gerudo, and many of the guards possess bladed polearms suitable for mounted use. From this, it can be assumed that during the recent civil war, Gerudo weapons, war tack and military tactics were probably built around mounted cavalry archers foremost, with a lesser focus on light and heavy cavalry aside (iron knuckle armour springs to mind).
Anyway, Horses are very important to the Gerudo in the era of Ocarina of Time.
So Ganondorf is also unique in the sense that he is the King of a people who value what it is that Ingo does very highly. He, of all people, stands to immediately recognise the knowledge and skill that Ingo possesses in rearing horses.
So this is a man who successfully stages a coup of Hyrule, who clearly inspires Ingo to do much the same of the ranch, and who Ingo also feels is very likely to take his side should he appeal the matter.
And Ganondorf does.
And if that’s not a great compliment to Ingo’s actual skill, I don’t know what is, because Ganondorf is not a man that suffers fools. He’s got a limited patience when it comes to shit that is beneath his notice. Clearly, he recognises that Ingo is indeed the backbone of that ranch-- and the main reason for the quality of its Horses-- and rewards this accordingly.
And for Ingo, being on decent terms with the big scary goth King is a very, very good place to be. But it’s more than that!
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What a guy! Not only did he deliver on Ingo’s long due validation, he gave Ingo everything he’d ever dreamed of having to his name, and the authority to kick Talon to the curb. He gets it! Ganondorf, this great eight foot beacon of freshly sought divine power and topaz-encrusted glory, this absolute unit of a man, this great underdog horse-lover after Ingo’s own heart; he really understands how great Ingo is. Ganondorf is paving the way for people like them! Oh, to rub shoulders wiht such greatness when the rest of Hyrule is scorned. 
Ingo feels seen. The Great Ganondorf made all that thankless time spent shovelling horse shit while Talon slept mean something. The Gerudo appreciate Ingo’s talents.
And all Ingo has to do is keep turning out really good horses, and promise to present the King with his finest.
So Ingo knows he’s in deep shit when he gets cocky and loses Epona to a wager, who at this point, he’s prepared pretty well and sunk a lot of money into on the idea that she’s going to Ganondorf. 
Who he’s probably bragged to about how fast she is.
He lost her to some jerk in tights who’d barely ridden before, too. And then when Ingo tried to cheat him out of the win, the kid jumped the damned fence an in ass-bustingly cool move that really just drove home how excellent and rare Epona was.
One does not promise the King of the Gerudo a fast horse and then fail to deliver, let alone for such a stupid reason.
Honestly, by the end, the man’s just happy to be alive.
Also I’d like to think he and Talon had a much fairer delegation of work and forgave each other, each really learning to appreciate what they have and what’s really important.
how the fuck did the Kokiri leave the forest for this scene anyway, they don’t even have their faries???
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goddesswritings · 4 years
“Can I slap her for you?” -  Corpse Husband | Part Two
Title: “Can I slap her for you?” – Part Two
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Reader
Summary: Being stuck living with the queen of YouTube drama and partying during the pandemic has seriously worn down your patience. Meeting Pokimane has changed your life for the better, making Among Us a pivotal part of your life.
Word Count: 5.2k
Unedited for now. I was eager to post. I will edit it later.
Corpse Masterlist
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After you left the apartment, you sat in the parking lot of some random store, trying to decide what to do now. Sighing, you opened your phone and went to Instagram. Corpse was probably wondering if it went okay.
Corpse: She left the stream, thank you!
Corpse: What exactly did you do?
Corpse: She’s sending Sean angry DM’s now.
Corpse: Hey, are you okay?
Y/n: Hey sorry, I had to pack. I’m fine, happy to help get her out of the stream. I switched off the power to her office.
Honestly, you wished you could have stood up against her more often than you did. She was four years younger, so you should have been able to have the say in things. But no, Olivia was a control freak and a spoiled brat too. She would no doubt tell your parents you started a fight with her, and she felt unsafe.
Corpse: Wow, you’re badass. Packing for what?
Y/n: Um, she may have kicked me out of the apartment, and I may have left without a fight because I’m tired of her shit. 🤷‍♀️
Corpse: Do you have a place to stay?
Of course you didn’t and you really should have thought about that before just leaving the way you did.
Y/n: Not really but I will find somewhere.
Well you hoped you could. There weren’t many people who were keen in taking in a friend during a pandemic.
Corpse: Poki’s going to call you.
At that message, your phone started to wring and sure enough, it was Poki.
“Hello?” You asked hesitantly.
“So someone let it slip that your sister kicked you out?” Poki said calmly.
“Is that someone, Corpse?”
“Yes, he said it out of shock but I’m glad he did. Knowing you, you would have kept it a secret from me.” She was right. You hated inconveniencing your friends.
“Damn you, Corpse.” You muttered making her laugh. “Yeah so I ruined Olivia’s stream and she started screaming at me before kicking me out. I didn’t fight it because I am tired of her.”
“Understandable. Well do you need somewhere to stay?”
“Yes but I will find some place.”
“Nope, you’re staying with me. Come over now or I am coming out to drag you back to my place.” Her protectiveness made you smile.
“Sure, I’ll be there in a few.” You hung up.
Y/n: Thank you for looking out for my stubborn ass, Corpse. I would have never told her.
Corpse: Stubborn is one word to describe you. Cute is another.
That comment made your face heat up from the sheer adorableness of it. Corpse seriously just called you cute.
Y/n: Can I say you have a genuinely nice hand. It’s marvelous.
Corpse: Hey, don’t make fun of my hand. It takes all the heat for me. That hand is very anxious every time I post him.
Y/n: Awe I bet. Give him hugs from me. Also tell him I’m a big fan!
The easy flow of conversation between the two of you was nice. You got along extremely well and talking outside of the game was nice, since you could focus on what you really wanted to say to him.
Corpse: He’s flattered!
This was great and took your mind off Olivia and the fact she just kicked you to the curb with nowhere to go. But Poki was there for you. You appreciated her more than she knew.
You pulled up in front of her apartment building, parking the car, you got out and grabbed your stuff. Typing in the code Poki had given you a while ago, you were let into the building. Entering the elevator, you made your way to her apartment.
Barely knocking, the door flew open to reveal Poki. She looked mad but also worried. She pulled you into the apartment and hugged you tightly.
“Can I slap her for you?” She asked calmly.
This made you giggle. “I mean I would like to slap her as well.”
“We should make a plan. Hey, the group is still on, come say hi.” She started to lead you to her office.
“Are they still streaming?” You didn’t want to reveal your face to the world, not like this.
“Oh no. We ended our streams when Olivia started talking about you. She completely wasn’t respecting your privacy and we weren’t about to let her spill it to our viewers.” That was so sweet of them to do.
You had left your bags in the other room while you followed her. An idle conversation was going on when you entered.
“Hey guys, I’m back.” Poki took a seat in front of the computer, she pulled up a second chair. “I have someone special here.”
Sitting down, you saw her nod for you to say something. “Hey, did you miss me?”
They went wild.
“Y/n! Oh we missed you!”
“Don’t leave us again.”
“I’m sorry I invited your sister to stream.”
“Hey Y/n.”
The mix of voices was overwhelming in a good way. Sykkuno, Rae, Sean, and Corpse pretty much spoke over each other which made you laugh.
“One at a time, guys. You can’t overload her.” Leslie told them.
“Sorry Y/n. We just really missed having you here. You’ve become one of our favorite friends to play with.” Sykkuno said sounding as sweet as ever. That man was just the best.
“Yes, I can say we agree.” Rae added.
It was nice to hear they missed you. It really helped to lift your mood as well.
“Did your sister really kick you out?” Toast asked
“Yes she did. But it’s not surprising at this point. She’s probably been gunning to kick me out as soon as she could.” Sad truth
“Well she’s the worst player ever. She can’t keep a secret at all. I really should have never agreed to get her into the group.” Sean said sounding sad.
“Hey Sean, please don’t worry about it. She’s always weaseling her way into things. It’s completely not your fault.” One of the things she loved to do was incessantly DM other youtubers for collabs or for free stuff. She really had no morals.
“Well thank you, Y/n. You’re literally the sweetest.” Sean said earning a bunch of ‘I Agrees’ from everyone else. That really was helping make the night better.
“Who’s up for some more Among Us to relax after that shitshow?” Lud asked making everyone laugh hard. It was agreed the group would do it. Luckily, you had your laptop and joined the call and game and stayed in Poki’s living room to play. Honestly, it was so good for you.
At the end if gaming, you said goodbye to the group. Then Poki showed you to the extra room that used to be her roommates before she moved out last month.
“Hey, are you looking for a roommate?” You asked as you put the bags on the bed.
Poki sent you a smile. “I am. Are you interested?”
This was good. “Yes, I mean I still have to find another job since my main is still furloughing me until this pandemic gets better but I have some money saved up.”
“Hey, please don’t sweat it. Besides, I know a friend who’s in need of an editor, I may have mentioned your name and she really wants to talk to you about it. Is that okay?”
“Wow, that’s perfect. Thank you, Poki. You’re such a great friend.” It felt good to have someone there for you.
She pulled you into a hug. “Always. I am so glad I met you. You’re one of my best friends.”
This was an honor. “Don’t make me cry.”
“I can’t promise anything. Anyway, I will leave you to rest. It’s been a long night. Tomorrow I will give you my friends details.”
“Sounds good, night Poki.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.” She waved goodbye and closed the door behind herself.
Smiling, you sat on the bed. It was such a good thing that she was here got you. But also Corpse was the catalyst that got you to actually tell Poki was what happening. He was sweet and it seemed he was looking out for you.
After changing into comfy pj’s, you brushed your teeth before climbing into the freshly made bed. Opening Instagram, you saw that Corpse has messaged you.
Corpse: I don’t like being too forward but hey here we go. Can I please have your number so we can talk more easily?
A smile made its way to your face. For a tough man, he surely had a sweet way of getting to you
Y/n: Yes you can. xxx-xxx-xxxx.
The nerves jumped when you sent that message. Less than a minute later, you received a text from an unknown number.
Hey Y/n, it’s Corpse. Would you mind if I called you so we could talk for a little?
You liked this idea truthfully. It only helped to show how genuine Corpse was being.
Not at all. Please go ahead and call me.
Your phone rang, displaying Corpse’s name.
“Hello?” You answered the phone while pushing away the anxiety.
A soft deep laugh filled your ear. “Hey sweet girl. How are you feeling?”
His words made you want to sigh in the most lovesick way. That never happened these days.
“I’m good. Poki had an extra room I could crash in and well I might just be her new roommate.”
“I love that. She’s so much better than your sister I assume.”
“She is. Here I won’t have to deal with the incessant pandemic partying Olivia likes to do.” That selfish bitch.
“Shit, is she stupid? She does know she’s risking a lot of lives, right?” You loved that Corpse had the logic you craved.
“So she is stupid, and her response was always that it’s not her problem and that the vulnerable people should stay home.”
“She sounds like the typical beauty youtuber these days.”
“Yes, she is. She has no morals.”
“Well that’s not good. I guess that’s why her name keeps popping up all over social media. She really needs to be careful, before she becomes the next Tana.” He was right but you personally thought she was past that point already.
“It’s too late. She’s already passed the point of return with all of this.”
“Yikes. It’s good you got out of there when you did.” A soft but deep laugh was heard through the phone. The sound made you giggle. Hearing such a tough guy laugh the way Corpse laughs, made you feel giddy. “So about what I said earlier, I meant it.”
“Huh, what are you talking about?” You truly were a little lost by this.
Corpse laughed again. “When I called you cute earlier. I meant it.”
Heat filled your face and a small smile made its way to your lips. “Thank you, Corpse. That’s really sweet of you. I don’t like to show many people who I am because they will immediately connect me to Olivia, and I don’t want that.”
“I get that. I don’t show my face for fear they won’t like me when I do. All my fans have built up this expectation of what they want me to look like and now I just don’t want to let them down. Plus it’s nice being able to stay anonymous if I go into public, but of course people will hear my voice and know. Shit, it’s hard.”
“Awe, I’m sorry. I saw what the attention has done to some people, but I think not everyone goes into that headspace. Also, I think you should stay faceless if it makes you feel better. There is no rule that says you ever have to show your face. People who push you to do it have no boundaries.”
Corpse was quiet for a while and you thought you had offended him. “I’m sorry if I said the wrong thing, Corpse.” You squeaked.
“No, you said the right thing. I was just thinking. You’re right. A lot of people have been on me to reveal my face, but I never intend to. I want to be able to live my life without being swarmed by fans, or god forbid, them judging me by my appearance.”
“Which is really fucked. When I first appeared in my sister video, the comments were awful. They couldn’t understand how she was related to me, but I never thought I looked bad. But I guess they expected Olivia to be surrounded by people in her genre. It was so hard to see those comments.” Thinking back to it, Olivia had even added to it. Telling you that you should have tried to look more like her for the video. You should have worn something more colorful and put-on way more make up then you liked. But you hated that. That wasn’t you.
“I can’t imagine the things they said. Is that why you deactivated your twitter?” How did he know about that?
“Oh, yeah. How did you know about it?”
“I remembered seeing a story about it on YouTube last year. They didn’t show your face, so of course I didn’t know it was you. But I figured it out when Olivia joined the game tonight and she blabbered on about being your sister. I’m sorry you received that hate. No one deserves that ever.” His voice was calming you now.
“Thank you. Olivia seemed to add to it, as well. Fuck, she’s just the worst person.” Family definitely had the ability to be shitty. “Meeting Poki last year really was the best thing. But also joining this Among Us group has been so good for me. Thank you for accepting me.”
“Of course. You’re a natural in the game but you also fit very well with the group.” Corpse really hoped you believed him because this was true. The group had a whole conversation about it when Olivia finally left
“I’m flattered. The Corpse Husband is telling me I fit in with him and his streamer friends. Wake me up, I must be dreaming.” You knew his words were genuine because it was just easy to tell.
“You better believe it, baby, because it’s true.”
You stopped short when you heard him call you baby. Of course Corpse had used that word before but right now it felt more intimate.
Letting out a yawn you realized it was nearing 4 am. “I appreciate it.” You mumbled, feeling the events from the day seep in.
“You’re tired, aren’t you?” His deep voice was lulling you closer to sleep.
“No.” Another yawn broke through.
“You can’t lie to me, Y/n. Get some sleep and we will talk tomorrow.”
The words made you smile. “That sounds good, Corpsie. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, sweet girl.” Despite wanting to stay on the phone, you hung up. Sleep was quickly coming in to claim you. You can happily say you fell asleep with a huge smile on your face.
Waking up was easier than it had been in a long time. Normally you woke up to Olivia screaming at you or someone else. So it was nice to wake up to silence. It allowed you to relax and wake up properly.
Your phone buzzed from beside you. A text from Corpse is what you first saw, so you opened it.
Good morning, sweet girl. I hope the night treated you well.
Sweet and to the point. His messages made you think he had a thing for you. Well you hoped he did but he also could just be treating you the way he treats friends.
Yes, I slept well and for once I wasn’t awoken by my obnoxious sister.
It would he good not to live with her.
I bet. Hey I hate to be the one to show you this, but your sister posted this on her instagram.
He then sent a link to the post. It made your blood boil.
There was a picture of her, she was holding up a ripped picture of you. A huge frown was on her face.
oliviaxoxo It’s a shame when family starts to treat you like you weren’t the one to give them money when they needed it. This is my sister and she’s a bitch. For the last few years, she’s been the one editing my videos. Well I found out she was trying to sabotage me, so I had to fire her and kick her out. What a shame it is when family stabs you in the back. 🙃🙃
1,454,787 people like this
oliviafan23 Is this true? Damn, f*ck fake people.
queenolivia Sueeee herrrrr!
lovinliv Family ain’t shit. Spill her info so we can drag her.
sykkuwu Whoa, why are you spreading lies about your own family?
queenolivia Why would you defend someone like that?
valkyrea You’re such a sad human for doing this. Stop lying.
pokimanelol Let’s see, none of this is true. Your sister has done so much for you and you’ve never appreciated it. Get some help for this.
corpse_husband This is sick. No wonder your name is always blasted everywhere. Do your sister a favor and stop talking about her.
oliviaxoxo I don’t know why you’re defending my stupid sister, but that totally makes you not hot to me anymore. Ugh.
valkyrea Uh, that’s what you got from this. Wow, you’re not worth this.
corpse_husband What can you expect? The covid must have gone to her brain.    |
corpseandlivfan Whyyyyyyy Corpse, why would you stand up for her. Do you not realize how horrible Y/n is? Please tell me this is a joke!?!?
 corpse_husband Well, she’s a good friend of mine and I won’t let people make up lies. So it’s not a joke.
You were mad that she’d even say this shit publicly, but you should have known she would. She was nothing without her group of misguided followers.
Can’t say I’m not surprised. This is so on brand for her. Thank you for sticking up for me. It means a lot.
I would do it any day. She shouldn’t be able to get away with doing that to you.
Sadly, growing up, she did get away with doing the absolute worst shit and you always received the brunt of it.
With any luck, she draws negative attention.
You clicked the link to view it again but instead were lead to a page that said the content was unavailable.
I believe she just deleted the post.
Oh, she did. That’s awesome.
It was. Olivia was never one to swallow her pride and admit any wrongdoings. That means she would never delete a problematic post, but she finally did
I didn’t really read any other comments besides you and your friends and the top comments. I can’t imagine what her fans are really saying.
Olivia was completely okay with letting her fans attack people. It was seriously a huge mess. She fell into the category of YouTuber with the worst most entitled attitude.
It’s good you didn’t read them, because they were horrible. I can’t believe she would let her fans do that.
She’s done a lot of shady stuff. This is even before she blew up on YouTube. There is a lot of issues between us.
There was a lot that could be said about your relationship with Olivia and none of them were good. Forever it seemed, you had tried to make it work and hoped your sister would grow up and change but it never happened.
I think she’s a vile human. From what I have seen and her complete lack of human decency, I just can’t help but feel she’s just not a good person and she never will be.
He was right. She would never change.
You’re right. Hey, I have to go thank Poki for letting me stay but I also need to go back to that apartment to get the rest of my stuff. Can I call you when I get back?
Yes, of course. Good luck heading over there.
Talking to him was pretty natural feeling. It was clear now that you were getting a massive crush on him. You had a crush on a man who’s face you’ve never seen. You couldn’t help it though, his personality just meshed so well with yours. He’d made you feel safe and wanted.
After getting dressed, you found Poki in the kitchen making breakfast. She sent you a sweet smile when you entered the room.
“Thank you for standing up for me against my sister on Instagram.” You were truly honored this group of friends liked you enough to do something like this.
“You’re welcome. I couldn’t just let her say that and get away with it. She’s done a lot to you, that you don’t deserve. Corpse messaged all of us the minute he found it and we all jumped into action. Sean and Felix were getting ready to comment when she deleted it.” She explained as she set a plate in front of you.
“I’m so honored. Thank you!”
“Of course, you’re one of us now and we will never let her get away with this stuff anymore.”
You could just cry with how loved they were making you feel. This is what had been missing in your life. Friends who genuinely cared about you and wanted to protect you from the nasty stuff Olivia was capable of doing.
“Would you come with me to the apartment to get the rest of my stuff?” You asked once the two of you finished eating.
Poki nodded. “Of course I will. You shouldn’t have to go alone.”
An hour later, you exited the elevator on the floor where you once resided. Your sister wasn’t home, which would be good but there was a chance she could return while you were packing. But you would deal with that when it came down to it. The two of you quickly got to work, packing your life up into the boxes you’d brought with you. Luckily, you weren’t one to collect a ton of stuff. You mainly just had to make sure your clothes and makeup were packed up.          
You and Poki would fill boxes and pile them by there door, then you would take them down to the car when you acquired a good amount. In the end, you figured you would fill maybe 10 boxes which is actually not too many considering you’ve lived in that apartment for five years.
Poki had left to go take two more boxes to the car while you finished up packing up your last few items. The front door closed, and you assumed it was Poki, but it wasn’t.
“Oh look who’s here? My lovely sister.” Olivia’s voice was flat and emotionless.
You rolled your eyes and turned to find her standing in the doorway, glaring at you. “Hello, Olivia. I’m just packing my stuff and then I’m leaving.”
“Who said you were allowed to come back here?” She grumbled, eyeing the boxes.
“Well, this is my stuff and I have every right to come pick it up.”
“If it’s in my apartment, it clearly belongs to me.” She snarled.
You snapped. “Cut it out, Olivia. This was my apartment too, until you kicked me out last night. You can’t just claim my stuff as your because you’re salty about me having friends.” She was a spoiled brat, and you were done letting her get away with it.
“I’m not the salty one. Everyone can see it’s you.” God she was so annoying. You taped up the last box and turned to her. She held her phone in her hand. “Everyone say hi to my sister. You know, the one I posted about earlier before someone reported my post.”
“Are you live?” You asked, keeping your face expressionless. Olivia would do this.
“I bet some of you remember the few videos I did with her. Well of course that was before she turned against me and decided she was going to try and ruin me. Say hi, Y/n.” A sick smile played on her face.
“I never consented to being in your live, Olivia. Please stop.” You tried to keep your voice calm so that she wouldn’t have any way to make you look like the bad person. But regardless, she was already doing it.
Olivia cackled. “Well I think I’m free to do as I please in my apartment.” You could only imagine what her fans were saying. “You’re right, Andrea, she is an idiot, and I should have her arrested.” She spoke aloud making your blood boil.
“You’re so immature, Olivia.” You grumbled before grabbing the last couple boxes and moving towards the door. Olivia decided to swat the boxes out of your hand, and they fell tumbling to the ground. “What the hell, Olivia. I could have fragile stuff in there.” You growled at her.
Olivia was just laughing. “This is funny. What else should I do, guys?” She asked as she panned the phone around the room.
Her immaturity was giving you a headache. Poki walked in and saw Olivia.
“Oh hey guys, look who’s here. Pokimane.” She panned the camera to Poki who frowned. Olivia just laughed and started talking shit until she was cut off by the stream just ending. “What the hell.”
You gathered the last few boxes, and Poki came to help while Olivia attempted to start another live.
“What the fuck, it won’t let me go live.” She growled while stomping her foot like a child.
“That’s what happens when an influx of people report your live.” Poki spoke as you both had gathered the boxes.
Olivia was frowning. “What did you do, Y/n.” She wanted to pounce at her, but Y/n and Poki were already at the door.
“Y/n did nothing, but I got word of your little livestream and contacted some friends for help. It will be at least 24 hours before you can have another live. But with the amount of people who reported you, well you may be banned for a while.” With that, you and Poki left Olivia standing there is absolute shock.
You and Poki put the last boxes in the car. “Thank you, Poki. How did you get so many people to report it?”
“Well it was actually Corpse. He texted me and informed me that she was doing a live and bothering you. He had his fans go report it, but apparently Sykkuno and Rae also sent their fans. I was going to send mine, but they had it handled. So this was all Corpse.” She explained.
Hearing this made you feel so soft for Corpse. “Awe wow. That’s so sweet of him.”
The two of you entered the car. “Y/n, can I tell you something without you telling him I told you?”
You looked over at her. “Yes, sure.” Your heart rate kind of picked up.
“Well the other day, Corpse admitted he has feelings for you, but he wasn’t completely sure if you felt the same way for him. But I mean I can clearly see you do. Your whole face just lit up when I mentioned him. So do you?”
Heat filled your face and you suddenly felt shy. “I do, yes. Which is ridiculous because I just met the guy, and I don’t even know what he looks like. But gosh, I like him so much. When I talk to him, I feel happy. He’s been so good to me through this crap with Olivia.” You admitted, knowing she already knew.
Poki smiled and squealed in complete happiness. “You two are just the most adorable people! It’s not ridiculous. We pretty much knew from the first time you joined us, that Corpse was into you. But oh my god, you’re into him. You need to tell him!!!!”
You agreed, Corpse deserved to know. “I do. But how? It’s been a really long time since I’ve told someone I liked them. Shit, I feel like I’m in high school again!”
This made Poki giggle. “Calm down, Y/n. I have a plan. Let’s get back to the apartment and we will talk about this. Rae also wants to be involved in this.”
Back at her apartment, you had jumped onto a call with Rae and the three of you talked about what your plan was for you to tell Corpse what you felt for him. Rae and Poki decided to organize an Among Us game strictly for fun and no one would stream, they would also use Proximity chat.
“So we will get him to follow you around until one of us is imposter, then we will lock you into wherever you end up. Do it then” Rae explained sounding so excited.
“Okay, that can work. Let’s do this!” You were nervous but also excited to finally do something good for yourself.
You and Poki set up for the gane and Corpse sent you a text.
Are you joining the game tonight?
Seeing a text from him, made you feel giddy.
Yep I am. So I will see you in game?
Yes you will, angel.
Cue the insane butterflies.
The lobby loaded and it was you, Corpse, Poki, Rae, Sykkuno, Karl, Tina, Sean, Toast, and Leslie. All streamers you had grown to like a lot in the time you have been playing with them.
“Y/n, I am so happy you’re playing with us!” Tina gushed as her little character ran around yours.
“I’m happy to be here.” You really were.
“You’re sister is a piece of work, Y/n.” Sykkuno said.
You giggled. “Don’t I know it.”
“What did she do this time?” Sean asked.
“Decided to film a live when we went to get Y/n’s stuff from the apartment.” Poki explained.
“Oh, that’s gross.” Karl commented.
“I have to thank Corpse for helping.” You stated to the group.
“Yeah Corpse was quick to text us.” Sykkuno added.
“You’re welcome, Y/n. I wasn’t going to let her get away with what she was doing. Truth is, I got a bunch of fan DMs that were telling me what Olivia was doing. So a lot of my fans were already reporting it, but the tweet helped.” Corpse’s deep voice soothed you.
“I appreciate it so much. She was just being an immature brat as always.”
The group laughed before deciding to start the game. Poki and Rae agreed to text you when either of them were imposter. Now it was a matter of getting Corpse to follow you.
The group was on the Polus map, which seemed to be a favorite for everyone.
We should lock them in weapons.
Rae had texted you and Poki through the group text.
That’s the best place for them.
Okay but I still have to get him to follow me.
He will. Just wait, I have a plan.
You trusted Rae and Poki to help you. Now it was time to admit it all to Corpse and hope he genuinely liked you back.
Let’s do this!
PART THREE  >>                                         
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the-nysh · 2 years
Amai Mask bitching around because Garou is a hero and you could said got to his eyes (and everyone's else) easy out of the mess he did because he is strong, has Bang's protection backing him and the association is corrupt enough to accept him after all of that is one of the main reasons I can't wait to see the next arc developing.
Because yes, the association is corrupt, and just when it becomes hell to obvious to ignore when the guy who beat the hell out of more than 100 heroes is sitting besides you, it's when people start to bitch around as much as Amai Mask.
Sweet Mask will likely have much to say when he finds out, but "the guy who beat the hell out of more than 100 heroes" -- now wait a sec, since when? The room of countless criminals Garou beat up to make his debut statement vs the HA weren't -heroes- (only 3 were there.) Unless Tank Top Master has over 100+ followers who ganged up on him, then they might count.
(Cause if it’s the shed scene you’re thinking of, Garou performatively said ‘100 kills,’ never specifying -heroes-, plus we already know he never actually killed anyone either. That’s the difference I’m talking about, cause it’s very easy to assume he committed things he never actually did.)
So this is what I meant when I said the actual -heroes- Garou chose to 'hunt' (duel) on-panel actually weren't that many; their number is far less than it seems; you can count them on your fingers. :O (Meaning the ones he initiated like T.T. Vegetarian, Mumen, Golden Ball, Metal Bat, Watchdog Man, 'King', etc PPP & Darkshine are in a weird place cause Garou was unconscious first.) So making amends to them is feasible. Bang would have inside knowledge of all the dojos hunted too.
But the heroes who chose to strike first or retaliate back in a vengeance 'hunt' with their buddies - who picked a fight with him and lost (while Garou fought back in self-defense lmao did they honestly expect him to 'come quietly' when they aimed for his life?) - now Garou owes those self-entitled heroes nothing. :) Especially if they already 'had their fill' of petty payback kicking on him when he was down when they joined in the mob. This is where I draw the line.
But if they still insist putting up a fight unsatisfied, making a scene or bitching & moaning because of him, then that'll be interesting to see. Because yup, it'll distract them from the other valid problems they should be worrying about more at the HA - like when Death Gatling made a point about class inequity, S Class 'special treatment,' and receiving proper compensation, benefits & respect (including their undesirable hero names) despite being lower-class heroes. Especially if Garou appears to them like he's swooping in getting a 'free pass' and special pardons + protection. (Along with any other questionable things/corruption going on behind the scenes that might be revealed/expanded upon post-arc. SM's identity reveal being another one.) So their complaints should focus around that, otherwise, even if Garou's their final straw of patience dealing with the HA's management & policies for ex, they'll just be using Garou as a scapegoat for their bigger problems. And it'll leave them that much more blind & vulnerable to the actual, far worse evil at the Neo Heroes. Anyway, the incoming changing political climate & chaos should be fun~
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writtenjewels · 3 years
What if I Told You by Jason Walker
No one could miss the hat Jason wore; it was the first thing they saw when they met him, and everyone understood the words on it. Not quite so prominent were his tattoos, but they sent a pretty clear message, too. Jason was a patriot just like them-- overzealous, maybe, but ready to fight and die for those they lost in that attack two years ago. It earned him respect from his fellow soldiers.
Three weeks ago an innocent woman died under his orders, and he buried the guilt of that deep down inside himself. Jason couldn't let himself dwell on it when his unit depended on him to keep a straight head and lead them into enemy territory. He had to be stronger than that, tougher. He couldn't carry regrets.
The war gave Jason a clear enemy to point his gun at and the other soldiers always agreed when he was aggressive or angry toward them. He did it so often that even Nick, who claimed to know Jason so well, didn't catch onto the lie.
But then he was dropped down into the House of Ashes and met up with Salim. The man had every reason to hate Jason with just as much vehemence as Jason spat out, but from that very first meeting he tried to be non-confrontational.
“No more killing,” were the very first words Jason heard the man speak. When they met up again, Salim only raised his weapon in defense, not anger. “I feel that our uniforms are getting in the way of what could be a beautiful relationship,” he had remarked during that tense stand-off between both sides. And then later when they encountered each other after that battle with the monsters: “I don't mean you any harm, I swear.”
Always offering his hand to Jason, never rising to the bait dangled in front of him. And slowly Jason could feel his edges softening. Salim called them a sword and a shield, and he likely had no idea how fitting that metaphor was. Like a shield, Jason was tough, a protector and guard, but that protection was for himself as much as the people around him. He didn't let it drop, ever, never let his vulnerability show through.
The more he traveled with Salim the more Jason wondered what it would be like to let the shield drop. He peeked out over it now and then-- teasing the man about his knowledge of history, letting Salim see past to the life Jason had back home-- but raised it back up again in a heartbeat. Why he even confided that much to Salim, Jason didn't know. Salim had just taken it in with that infinite, gentle patience.
If Salim could hear about Jason's home life and not see him differently after, could he do the same if Jason revealed more? If he dropped the shield and let Salim see him? The thought was terrifying. He never exposed himself that much with anyone, not even Nick, who was probably his closest friend. So why would Jason even consider letting Salim in?
Because Salim offered but never pushed. Because the man was brave and kind, strong and patient. Because the way Salim made him feel after only knowing the guy a few hours was so strong. But what if Jason's worst secrets were too much for even Salim to handle? What if Jason let him in only to lose what they started to build together? What if Salim hated him?
But then Salim opened himself up first, talking about his wife leaving him and all he sacrificed to give his son a better life. Jason didn't claim to be an expert on Iraqi culture but he guessed one's wife leaving them was just as, if not more, shameful and embarrassing as it was in America. And Salim had just fucking said it without any prompting.
So Jason let his shield drop; he revealed just how fucked up he was, told Salim everything about the checkpoint and the bullshit that was his overzealous patriotism. When he was done Jason could feel tears had rolled down to his cheeks. Salim lifted a hand to lightly brush them off. Jason swallowed. It felt strange to meet that gaze without anything to hide behind.
And it felt good, too.
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sweetfierceimagines · 4 years
PART1/ It was supposed to be simple.  Ricky x Reader (HSMTM)
Hello everyone, I’ve been trying really hard to write lately, and it has been very complicated. I think you all understand, when everything is not ok in someone’s life, that someone kind of loses it.
But I decided to fight that, I least trying !
I discovered the series High School Musical the Musical and even though I’m 24 and supposed to be over this kind of drama, I’M CLEARLY NOT.
Synopsis : Reader is a student, she’s not technically involved in the Musical like everyone else, but she helps with costumes making and set management. Ricky gets to know her and even though he really wants to get Nini back and has a whole plan for it, life decides to mess with him, and he gets involved in a new sentimental obsession.
Warnings : none. Probably not my best writing, please be kind to me.. Just a lot of fluff and teenage drama ! Enjoy <3
Tell me if you want this to carry on ! I’ll be glad to write a part 2 if you like it :)
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Here he was, playing Troy Bolton in this Musical. He would never have done it if it wasn’t for Nini.
He understood her, understood her pain, understood why she chose that stupid E.J. But he was not going to abandon. It was not because he didn’t reply that he didn’t mean it. 
So he enroled (quite amazingly by the way) in this musical. He was dancing, singing, acting.. He never thought it could actually be this fun and exhausting. He seemed to be reaching Nini’s heart more and more each day, as she was also realising that EJ was not as perfect as he pretended to be.
But something was about to mess up all his plans.
The school was all about that Musical. It seemed as if every other activity and class was less important and didn’t deserve that much attention. Y/N was not a singer, not a dancer. She didn’t play any instrument, she didn’t like to be under the spotlights.
She was all about reading, writing and creating. So when the art class shut down for “fund purposes” (basically meaning this musical was costing the school too much), she had to find another way to create. 
So she went for it. Asked Miss Jenn if she needed someone for her costumes and decor management, and simply started to work on the set. She wasn’t the only one working on costumes and on stage management, but she clearly was the best of the team.
And it was appreciated.
After just a few weeks, she was named “stage and costume director”, whatever that means. Even though she was pretending she didn’t care, it sort of made her feel validated, and allowed her to create as much as she wanted to, which was pretty amazing. 
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It was one of these days.
Everything seemed to fall apart. His parents were ending their relationship, his mom would probably leave for a long time, Nini still supported EJ even though he was making mistakes for which she would have dumped him..
He felt like everything he was doing was not good enough and it was hard to deal with. He was not usually shy with his feelings, but this time he didn’t feel like sharing. So he stayed late, very late, at school, and waited for everyone to leave stage to show up.
He was sure no one was there, so he let his emotions speak and just let it out. He started by talking to himself, making moves and being loud. He was talking about his family, his fear of being abandonned, his fear of never being loved again, the pain of knowing he lost Nini because he didn’t deserve her back there, the impression that EJ was a better man than he was.. he could go for hours.
And then he started singing.
A couple sentences from numerous songs. Songs about love, songs about pain, songs about courage. He closed his eyes and sang his heart out. It was beautiful, strong, sincere. It would have tear anyone’s heart.
And it did.
Y/N was staying late, as usual. She had a special authorisation from Miss Jenn and the Dean to stay extra hours backstage, working of costumes or just on personnal projects.
At school at least, she didn’t have to deal with noise, with family issues of with anything that could poison her creativity.
She was painting when she heard a noise.
Startled, she sort of went in panic mode, imagining a hundred scenarios in which she would get in troubles. She walked smoothly to the stage entrance and remained out of sight while looking at the boy who played Troy basically loosing his mind on stage.
She could have told him that he was not alone, she was actually about to signal her presence out of respect for what he was revealing, when he started singing.
It made Y/N go numb, as if she left her body and could feel her soul burning of compassion. His voice was everything, his face was everything.
She didn’t realise, but she was crying silently.
After a couple minutes, she realised she was actually holding her breath. She breathed heavily and stumbled, making Ricky realise he was not alone at all.
The boy jumped and fell down, hurting himself quite badly.
Y/N came rushing at him, feeling terribly sorry for what happened.
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- Man ! Couldn’t you say you were here?!
Ricky was flaming red, embarrassed that someone heard everything. He looked at this girl’s face and it honestly took him a few seconds to remember who she was. Yes, she was on stage pretty much each day, but at some point he got so obsessed with the Musical and Nini that he completly forgot about the environment he was evolving in.
She was pretty, her Y/E/C eyes looking terrified and guilty, and it seemed as she cried recently, her eyes a bit red.
He stood up and winced, lifting his shirt a bit to realise he was going to get bruses all over his chest and stomach.
- I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to interrupt or even listen. Seriously, I was going to tell you, i’m not a creep. Well, not that kind at least..
- Yeah? You were going to? Seems like you had plenty of time.
He sighed and headed backstage to inspect his clothes and body in the miror, assessing at bad it was.
Y/N followed, staying a few meters away to give him some space. She didn’t say anything, feeling guilty enough.
Ricky took his shirt out completly, looking at his body. Y/N could tell he was contracting a bit his abs and arms and let out a silent laugh. She observed for a couple minutes and finally talked.
- You riped your shirt a bit.
Ricky turned, facing her, looking anoyed, and lifted his arms.
- No joke ! Who’s falt is it?
- You’re the one who fell dude.
He opened his mouth to answer right back but her cheekiness cheered him a bit, and he simply nodded his head.
- Yeah, I’ll blame gravity next time I see her. A real troublemaker that one.
He looked at his shirt and sighed. He didn’t know anything about sewing and his mom would probably have other things to do. Too bad, it was his favorite old school shirt.
Y/N stretched her hand toward him and he gave her his shirt. Still shirtless, he looked as she sat down where it seemed like she was staying most of the time, in a corner with painting all over, needles and fabric. She grabed one needle, easily got the thread in and started sewing, with a hand technique that showed how used to it she was.
He looked around, noticing one painting that seemed to still be in progress. He got closer, reaching his hand to it.
- Don’t ! It’s wet, I was on it when I heard you.
He turned around, looking at her in another way. She was pretty impressive, painting stuff, sewing shirts and managing a stage so well people didn’t even realised she was here.
- That’s sick.
He said with a smile.
She looked back at him and nodded, smiling at him too.
- Thanks. I usually plan what I’m going to do but this one.. it just came to me.
He looked closer, noticing a female silouette, somehow looking cut in some parts. Not cut as stabbed, but cut as split in different sections.
- What do you think it is?
Y/N said while carrying on her sewing. She acted as she was not looking at him, but each time he got his attention back at the painting, she would look at him, trying to anticipate his reactions.
- Hum.. It’s a.. it’s a woman? Right?
He would turn to her, as if he was looking for her validation for each word he said. She simply nodded, encouraging him to carry on.
- It’s a woman, and this woman is split. She.. Maybe because she went through a lot, maybe the different sections represent different emotions? Different moments of her life?
He remained silent for a second and looked with intensity at the painting. His eyebrows frown and he suddently looked sad.
- Maybe because she can’t be whole again. She has to be split. She has to try to deal with these conflicting emotions, these ups and downs. Maybe people tell her she should be grateful, and happy, and she should move on. But she can’t, because life cut her in several pieces.
And a tear rolled down his cheek.
Y/N stood up, mooving carefully toward him, and put a gentle hand on his (still naked) shoulder. She could feel him shaking a bit, deeply moved by what he felt from the painting. 
- Ricky.. it’s ok.
He turned, facing her, his eyes still filled with tears. He didn’t quite knew why, but he didn’t feel like looking anything but himself with her. After all, she knew how he was feeling, she heard what he said, and she felt what he felt.
The way she was looking at him.. Conforting, warm, yet terrifying. She understood.
He put his hand on hers, squeezing it as if it would make him feel better. He was here, facing her, hand on hand, eyes to eyes.
Suddenly, the speaker went on, the voice of a security guy telling “Miss Y/N, time to close the school. Sorry”
This sort of broke the moment. They broke the physical contact and she gave him his shirt back. They both gathered their stuff and silently headed to the front door, thanking the security guard for his patience.
They smiled at each other and Ricky waved goodbye, whatching as she was quitely leaving of her bike.
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
Demon Slayer Renaming Continued
Thanks again to @cringeyvanillamilk for assisting me with this renaming project! I'd also like to give a shout out to @cryo-visionary, @spindaonateaspoon, and @loafingdragon for letting me bounce my thoughts off them while I was coming up with the last few names! These guys are good friends and wonderful creators! Please, check out their blogs!
Now it’s time to reveal the new names for the other Demon Slayer character for their migration into the world of Black Clover. Like with the Pillars, it was hard breaking down these Japanese names and finding names with similar meanings/feelings to them.
Thankfully, some of these characters are related to character already given their surnames so that takes care of explaining a few of them. Still, there was quite a bit of work to do.
As always, names written in Japanese are written with the surname first. Names written in English have the given name first.
Tanjirou Kamado (竈門 炭治郎): Tanjirou’s given name contains three kanji. The first means “coal,” “charcoal,” or “cinder.” Second is the character for “govern/regulate” or “cure/heal.” The final kanji means “son,” as we’ve seen in several other characters’ names. His surname is written with the kanji for “hearth” and “gate.” As a young mage a dual affinity for Water and Sun Magic, he would be... Conleth Coaler: The name Conleth is Irish in origin, meaning “chaste fire.” I like the alliteration of the name, it works with the “hearth” character in his surname, and it’s a reference to the Breath of the Sun being called the Dance of the Fire God. As for the family name, way back when, a lot of surnames came from people being named after their jobs. Since the Kamado family were charcoal sellers and Tanjirou’s name includes the kanji for “coal,” I decided to make his surname Coaler.
Nezuko Kamado (竈門 禰豆子): Although some people might think that the “nezu” part of Nezuko’s name is meant to mean “mouse,” the kanji written actually mean “sacred” and “bean.” The final kanji in her name is the one for “child.” Nezuko’s name as an elf host with dual Fire and Light Magic user would be... Lucasta Coaler: The name Lucasta comes from a poem of the same name by Richard Lovelace to the woman he loved. It’s a nickname for her coming from the Latin phrase lux casta which literally translates into “pure light.” It is fitting as Nezuko’s blood demon art is fire, creating light, and the idea of purity relating to the “sacred” kanji in her name.
Zenitsu Agatsuma (我妻 善逸): Zenitsu’s given name is written with the kanji 善 that means “virtue/goodness” and 逸 which means “flee/hide/lost/outstanding” (one of these things is not like the others). As for his surname, it roughly translates into “my wife” as the kanji (in order) mean “I/me” and “wife.” A lot of this is very straight forward and easy to work with. So, the name he has as a Lightning Magic user in the Amber Songbird squad is... Egil McBride: The name Egil seems to come from Old Norse, derived from the term “agi” which means “awe” or “terror.” It’s fitting as “awe” has positive connotations like the first kanji in his name while “terror” has negative connotations like the second kanji. As for that surname, you all are going to have to trust me when I say that I literally had a classmate with this family name. It’s legitimate. There is no way I’m not giving the name to Zenitsu.
Inosuke Hashibira (嘴平 伊之助): To start, the first syllables of Inosuke’s name are the same as the beginning of the Japanese word for boar (inoshishi). As for the meaning of the kanji, they are as follows: “this,” a possessive particle (think of it like an ‘s), and “assistance.” Hashibira is written with characters that mean “beak” and “peace/flat.” The name I came up with for Inosuke as a Beast Magic user wandering Clover Kingdom is... Boris Fritz: The first syllable of the given name sounds like “boar” just like how “Ino” is homophonous with the beginning of the Japanese word for “boar.” It’s also a shortened version of the Slavic name Borislav, containing “borti” meaning “battle” and “slava” meaning “glory” (how very appropriate for him). As for his surname, it comes from the Germanic element of "frid," meaning "peace."
Genya Shinazugawa (不死川 玄弥): The first kanji in Genya’s name means “mysteriousness” or “occultness,” which makes sense considering his, uh, unorthodox abilities in canon. He shares the second character in his name with Sanemi, which means “increasing” or “universally.” As before with Sanemi, the name Shinazugawa means “immortal river.” As the younger brother of the Jade Raptor’s captain, Genya’s name becomes... Runard Ambrose: This name comes from combining the Old Norse word for “secret” (rún) and the Germanic word for “brave, hardy.” The first half relates to the first kanji in Genya’s name while the second is fitting of his character. The name also makes an interesting parallel to his brother’s name (Adivar) since it means “truth.” It’s ironic since Genya is a more open person while Sanemi is the one to bury his feelings deep within himself.
Kanao Tsuyuri (栗花落 カナヲ): The trouble with Kanao’s name is that it isn’t written with any kanji characters, so there’s no easily defined meaning to it. Fortunately, like, Shinobu’s name, there are words that sound similar from which her name could come from. The words I found were the volitional conjugations of the following words: “to rival” (敵おう), “to match” (適おう), or “to be fulfilled” (叶おう) in regards to dreams or wishes. Her surname does have kanji which are “chestnut,” “flower,” and “to fall or drop” respectively. As a mage in the Wisteria Butterfly squad, her name would be... Filomina Castaniva: The name combines φιλος (philos) meaning “friend” or “beloved” and μενος (menos) which means anything from “wish” to “courage” to “strength.” The “wish” meaning relates to the possible meaning of Kanao’s name and the name overall is a reference to how befriending and falling for Tanjirou opened Kanao to her own desires and a greater strength. The surname is derived from the scientific name for the Spanish chestnut, Castanea sativa. I chose this specific species since it is the species of chestnut that grows in Europe.
Kanae Kochou (胡蝶 カナエ): Same as Kanao, Kanae’s name is written without kanji but we can find words with similar sounds and go off that. Her name is homophonous with the word for “a three-legged kettle.” Not the coolest thing to be named after but her name could also come from the same words as Kanao, but as the stems of the potential conjugations - 敵える, 適える, or 叶える. Kanae definitely fits with the last definition best since she had a dream to see humans and demons co-exist peacefully, even though she never got to see it through herself. With all this in mind, the name I gave her as the retired Wisteria Butterfly captain is... Desirae Danain: One spelling of the name Désirée which is derived from the French word for “to desire,” like a want. It think it's a good complement to the “kanau” meaning “to be fulfilled.” For that and how it connects to Kanae’s dream, I went with this name. I think in the world of Black Clover, she would instead have a dream of seeing the four human kingdoms and other races learn to live in harmony. She shares her surname with Shinobu, or should I say Patience.
Sabito (錆兎): Since we don’t know Sabito’s family name, there’s not much to work with. What we do have are the kanji 錆 which means “rust” or “patina” (which is that layer of green that forms on bronze, brass, or copper due to oxidation). The second character, 兎, simply means “rabbit.” From these kanji, I give Sabito the following name as the vice captain of the Cobalt Ocean... Payton Harrison: I’m basing this given name both on the fact that it vaguely sounds similar to “patina” but also on its meaning. While the sources aren’t clear, I’ve found that the name Payton supposedly means “fighting man’s estate” which is fitting of Sabito’s character. The surname simply means “son of Harry” which doesn’t mean much but it contains the sound “hare,” an animal related to rabbits.
Tamayo (珠世): Tamayo also only has her given name and two kanji to work with. The first character in her name can be translated as “pearl,” “gem,” or “jewel.” The second kanji is commonly understood and translated at “world.” As a researcher of forbidden magic and curses, and someone working against the powers of devils, I give her the name... Margareta Verelden: The given name is used in several languages such as Romanian, German, and Croatian that comes from the Greek μαργαρίτης (margarites), meaning “pearl.” Her surname is a combination of "verden" and "wereld," the Danish and Dutch words for "world," with the Dutch word being in its plural form.
Yoriichi Tsugikuni (継国 縁壱): Yoriichi’s given name is written with the characters that mean “fate,” “relationship,” or “connection” and then “one” (it should be noted that this “one” isn’t commonly used in day-to-day life and is mostly seen in legal documents). The first character in his surname means “inherit” or “succeed” (like a line of succession, not victory) and the second means “country.” Dustyn: His given name is an alternative spelling of the name Dustin which sounds like the words “destiny” or “destined” in connection to the first kanji of Yoriichi’s name. As for the meaning, that would be “brave/valiant warrior,” coming from Old German and Old English roots. Since in canon we don't see any elves with family names, I've opted to keep to that trend.
Michikatsu Tsugikuni (継国 厳勝): Michikatsu’s given name is written using characters that mean “strict” or “stern” and “victory” respectively. The first kanji works in relation to his personality, especially during his time as a demon. The second one is probably related to the fact that he was the chosen heir of their family and wanted to be the greatest samurai. Anyways, his name as the leader of the elf resurrection cult is... Viktr: The name comes from me corrupting the spelling of Victor, which is literally just one letter shy of the word “victory” and generally means “winner” or “conquerer.” Same as with Yoriichi, Michikatsu doesn't get a family name as an elf.
Senjurou Rengoku (煉獄 千寿郎): There’s not much to explain here as most of the kanji that appear in Senjurou’s name are also in Kyoujurou’s name. The only unique kanji is the character 千 which means “thousand. So, as the younger brother of Captain Eric Enfernus, he would be named... Ezeren Enfernus: The “ezer” part of his name comes from the Hungarian word for “one thousand.” Also, there’s a mountain named Mount Ezeren in Bulgaria.
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spiderling-space · 4 years
Henlo Liho-san~! A new follower of yours uwu May I ask for hcs of how the dorm leaders would react with having an f!s/o who is mostly respectful and polite, suddenly about to throw hands with someone as they may or may not have said or complained about the dorm head they were dating. It was not a compliment in any way or form- I hope I didn't cross over any rules! But if I had to pick 5 out of 7 of them, it's Riddle, Azul, Idia, Kalim, and Vil. Thanks a bunch if you notice this~! Good Luck!!♡♡
Hey yo Nocturne! I know of you from liking I and Brew’s OC (twisted-whimsies): Mozerella Trein and a couple TW related posts of mine.
Prefects and Vice Prefects are exception from character limit.
After finishing this, I realized I wrote something between a ficlet and headcanon. I hope you’ll like it though 💕
My German knowledge is bugging me to write Vil’s surname with ö instead of o yet my order-loving side is telling me to stick to how it’s written in TW
Before I start I’m gonna add a quote from a fandom of mine 👀 one look at my OG blog would reveal which fandom it is.
“Fallaces sunt rerum species”
Meaning: The appearances of things are deceptive
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle can handle himself. At least he could before his overblot episode. No body dared to talk behind his back.
But now he holds back, not using his unique magic frequently anymore which caused some students think he became too lenient and a couple students started to abuse this leniency
Every time someone tries his patience he counts to 10 internally or just ignore them. Don’t get him wrong, he still sticks to rules and makes his dorm follow the rules but he cannot force people to stop talking about him
Today is going to one of the days when he would ignore any bad mouthing because he is with (Y/N), the sweetest person he ever met
(Y/N) already saw at his worst when he overblotted. He doesn’t want her to see any more incidents such that.
He and (Y/N) decided to take a walk in Rose Gardens as a date. Then decided to get into Rose Maze, holding hands strictly for to not get lost.
“Prefect Rosehearts became such a softie. He is no longer fit to be our prefect.” “He never was. Mommy Issues needs to go back to kindergarten.”
(Y/N) and Riddle were in East side of Rose Maze when they heard 2 Heartslabyl students talking which made (Y/N) stop in her track. Riddle tugged her hand to move on but she didn’t budge.
“Riddle, honey, either push away those bushes or I’ll climb over it and have a nice chat with them.”
“There is no need.” — “okay then I’m climbing”
And she did. Riddle didn’t know how but she managed to go to other side of bushes by climbing to them.
“Hey jackasses! Would you like to say that again?” The two students were shocked to see Riddle’s girlfriend jump from above. “Wh- what?”
“I asked if you wanted to say those to my face.” And no answer.
Meanwhile Riddle was on the other side of bush walls, listening what’s happening.
“Did Riddle or did he not manage to increase Heartslabyl’s average grade?” “He did...” “Did he or did he not helped your dorm to have better ranking at Magift?” “He did...” “Did he treat you unfair ever since he fixed how he acted?” “No...” “Then what makes you say he is unfit? Is it because he is more tolerant on rules? Is it because he cares how his dorm mates feel?” No answer again. “I hope you come to your senses now because next time I hear something like this will be the first and last time you taste my wrath. Are we clear?” — “Yes ma’am!”
(Y/N) climbed over the bush again and landed in front of Riddle. With a kiss to his cheek, “Just because you give less punishment doesn’t mean you need to let people bully you. If anyone else acts this way, I’ll have a talk with them.”
She held his hand and pulled him into the maze again. Meanwhile Riddle was still wondering how his girlfriend climbed over a maze’s wall.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona is used to people bad mouthing about him back in his palace. While in Savanaclaw, his dorm mates respected him and didn’t dare to oppose him. That is until they saw his vulnerable side during his overblot accident.
He heard a couple dorm mates say “He can’t do anything by himself.” “Good for nothing.” “All that lazy lion does is sleep.” “He must have lack brains to repeat the same year over and over again.”
He is used to ignoring them and sleeping it off. And his favorite pillow, (Y/N), helped him to dismiss their thoughts.
Leona only asked (Y/N) out because he figured she would be great body pillow. Certainly not her lively and cheerful attitude, nor her bright smile.
Leona asked (Y/N) out for a night date in Savanaclaw. It’s because he wanted to nap in his dorm. It’s absolutely not that Savanaclaw lounge looks romantic at night.
When (Y/N) arrived, she unfortunately heard those.
Leona tugged her arm to lead her to where their date suppose to take but no avail.
“Hold my purse, kitten.” (Y/N) handed her purse to Leona and went where those dorm members stand.
“Hey there is something in your face!” The main jerk looked up “Huh?” Proceeded with a punch to his face. “It was PAIN!” And ended with the guy falling to ground, holding his nose.
“Does anyone else have something on their faces?” The remaining ones shook their head in NO. “Good.” She turned on her heels and went to Leona’s side.
All Leona could do was admire her right hook. He did not think how she wouldn’t feel out of blue in Afterglow Savannah if she were to live there because women in his hometown are strong and fighters.
Azul Ashengrotto
(Y/N) first caught Azul’s eye when she sat down for 7 hours to read every single detail in his contract and demanded a change in certain conditions. Azul refused to make contract with her then offered her a job in Mostro Lounge.
With persuasion from the twins, Azul gathered courage to ask (Y/N) out. And she accepted.
They often stayed late hours in Mostro Lounge to spend some alone time.
After their quick date followed by closing of Mostro Lounge, Azul walked arm in arm with (Y/N) until the mirror passage. As they were walking, 2 Octavinelle student were messing around.
“Look at me! I’m the crybaby who hides behind two eels!” — “No one is making contract, I’mma cry now!” — “Maybe I can turn my crying into money. I can sell all the ink I cry!” “Nice one dude!”
One look to Azul’s face, (Y/N) understood he would deal with them either personally or the twins would play with them.
Not today Satan!
(Y/N) let Azul’s arm go and slowly approached the duo. “I am (Y/N), you can’t insult my boyfriend like that; prepare to die... socially I mean...” — “What are you saying?”
“I don’t have patience, time nor crayons to explain this to you but I’ll let you on a secret. Sometimes a nasty rumor, which doesn’t have to be true, can ruin someone’s entire school life. Maybe telling everyone your secret wish that you once asked from Azul or you offering a different type of payment to teachers to pass the grade.” — “You can’t do that!” — “I can and I will unless you cut the crap, ask for forgiveness and work for free in Mostro Louge for a week.” — “It’s a deal!”
Azul came to (Y/N)’s side as the two boys run away. Azul once again saw his angelfish using her wits to get what she wants. He knows she didn’t need to do that but he is flattered by the fact that his girlfriend wants to protect him.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim asked (Y/N) out after spending time together after Jamil overblotted.
He is still the sunshine bean that brings smile to everyone’s faces. (Y/N) is as cheerful as Kalim and that’s why he hit it off
Kalim took (Y/N) to another carpet ride as a date. She loves the feeling of wind on her face on top clouds.
As they returned to the dorm, they heard a couple students talking.
“I don’t care what Jamil did. He was right! Kalim is unfit to represent us. After he became prefect, we became the last at everything.” — “How many Kalim can change a light bulb? None because he is too idiot and too incapable to change one. Hehehehe”
(Y/N) saw tears building up on Kalim’s eyes then she snapped. She made carpet to fly over them in law altitude then she jumped down in front of them. “Surprise motherfuckers!” Before anyone can understand what happened. (Y/N) kicked the one that made bulb joke between his legs then held and twist the ear of the other two. “You have 10 seconds to reconsider what you just talked. I suggest not to waste time.”
The trio tried to dismissed what they said but the glare they received made them comply. “Prefect Kalim, we are sorry to make fun of you.”
Kalim as the personification of sunbeams forgave them. Then turned his attention to his beloved. He was impressed by how she jumped down and was ready to protect him without any hesitation. He never thought someone as kind and happy person as her could hide a fighter in her. Not going to lie, he loves seeing this side of hers
Vil Schönheit
Being with Vil is exhausting. Don’t get her wrong, it’s not him (Y/N) is complaining. It’s the people around them.
(Y/N) started paying more attention to her appearance
(Y/N) was waiting for Vil to get ready, sitting on his bed. Vil had free time that day and they were going out.
As they went out of the room, whispering ensued as always but this time, for the first time, a Pomefiore student bad mouthed about Vil.
“He is compensating his wretched personality with his looks!”
Vil isn’t someone to care opinions of a no-mark but (Y/N) is
“Hold my earrings, my love.” (Y/N) took out her earrings and handed them to Vil. “I’m going to snatch his wig!” — “He’s not wearing a wig...”
“I take it you weren’t burned with overabundance of schooling. You think you’re a Gucci but you’re not even Lacoste. Now apologize before I think your face needs a makeover.” — “Gucci? Lacoste?” — “And I suggest hide your jealousy better. You can’t get near Vil as a fan and you try to make up for it by talking about something that you have no idea on. Honestly I am jealous of people who haven’t met you.”
(Y/N) waves back the boy, going back to Vil’s side then putting her earrings again.
Vil is quite pleased what has occurred. Not only he saw how (Y/N) can destroy someone with just words but he also saw a glimpse of what she thinks of him. Maybe he should hire some people to insult him so he can see this side of hers again.
Idia Shroud
Idia tries everything he can to stay in his room but there is an anime con that he and (Y/N) are going so he needs to get out of his room.
Idia and (Y/N) dressed up as his favorite anime couple.
Idia left his room voluntarily without any compulsory reason! It became a quick hit topic in Ignihyde.
Idia and (Y/N) went to anime-con and Ortho tagged along to record the ordeal.
They had to return early because some drunk in the con spilt juice on (Y/N).
So they returned NRC then Ignihyde. Ortho left for somewhere as Idia and (Y/N) walked in Ignihyde lounge.
“He doesn’t even go Dorm meeting but doesn’t have a problem with going a stupid con! Idia is an embarrassment to Ignihyde! All he does is play games and ramble about them!”
(Y/N) coughed gathering attention from the group.
Idia freaked out by being in highlight, hand pulled his chest, eyes widened.
“Baby, get behind me.” (Y/N) stepped in front of Idia and strutted to the Ignihyde student that was shit talking. “Pick a God and pray.”
The boy gulped. “Wh-What?!”
“Did I stutter?”
“I don’t know what—“ He threw his hands to air in frustration. (Y/N) grabbed his wrist, twisting and pulling his arm. The momentum caused the boy to fell face forward. (Y/N) still holding his arm twisted, “Now, dear, you’ll apologize and promise that you’ll never speak of Idia that way. Then get out of my face or else..” — “Yes ma’am!” The boy did as he was told.
Idia couldn’t guess in a million years that his goody two shoes girlfriend was capable of pulling this stunt. What he saw right now made him think the fighter beautiful ladies in anime. It was like a dream come true for him.
Malleus Draconia
People feared Malleus for a really long time that he couldn’t remember anything else.
People avoided and tend to talk behind his back yet those didn’t reach insult level.
Who was stupid enough to dare that?
Malleus asked (Y/N) if she wanted to explore Diasomnia dorm and hear about the gargoyles of Diasomnia.
Of course she would love it. She loves when Malleus goes on about gargoyles for hours. And she is the only member in his club. Plus nightly strolls are their dates.
“He has no friends and no body loves him. For goodness’ sake, his intimating aura makes rest of dorm unapproachable! Can’t he just be gone already!?”
No genius is needed to know who that Diasomnia student was talking about.
Malleus’ mood turned sour immediately. He could curse that boy but this would only prove those wretched rumors.
(Y/N) finds Malleus’ sulking face extremely attractive (he is too attractive to be real) but no one has any right to upset her beloved.
“I’m about to end this man’s whole career.”
“Dear, wait me here. I’ll be back in a minute.”
Off (Y/N) went to defend Malleus’ honor.
“Hi there! Couldn’t help but hear you. Have you ever thought you have no friends because you’re an ass?” — “Who do you think you are? Oh it’s you.” — “It’s me Mario!” — “Huh???”
“Now now, let’s talk shall we? All you do is complain yet you don’t do anything to improve anything. You hold others accountable when you fail while there is no one but you to blame. You’re so wrapped in your tiny bubble that you can’t see outside world. That’s what small minded people do. Whoever told you to be yourself simply couldn’t give you any worse advice.” The guy was left speechless, gaping like a fish out of water. “Close your mouth or else you might swallow a fly.”
(Y/N) went back to Malleus side, winking at him. His heart skipped a beat, thinking this was such a queen act. Defending her beloved with her words. To be fair, Malleus finds everything (Y/N) does a fitting trait for a queen, the way she rambles, snorts, breaths, smiles...
Malleus only wishes he met (Y/N) ages ago.
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oingo233 · 4 years
Rapture is a Boy (8)
Summary: Remus and you have always had a playful, loving relationship but his behavior around the full moon leads you to assume the worst. A huge fight ends with the two of you heartbroken. Will Remus reveal the truth behind his behavior?  And will you still love him afterwards or has he truly lost you forever?
Young Remus Lupin x Reader(neutral)
Warning: FLUFF, so much fluff you could drown in it, self-doubt (brief) 
Authors Note: This is the last part, which is crazy to me, I truly hope yall love it.  This series is dear to my heart because it has allowed me to meet and talk to you and so many other amazing people!  You all mean so much to me, and Remus is my lil baby too. I can’t even express how much I appreciate and love you all <3
Word Count: 5k
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven
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                                                    Part Eight
                                      ****A Stag, a Rat and a Dog***
Remus POV
“That was-” Peter couldn’t even finish his sentence, he just laughed, he laughed so loud it was hard not to join in with him.  James pat his back and nodded, wiping some of the blue glitter off on his shirt.
“Right, mate.” he agreed.  Sirius was bouncing in his spot, none of our smiles breaking or dimming. “Another notch under the belt of our legacy of awesome,” he all but sang, all of our cheeks still flushed from this morning. He hit Sirius’s arm and they began to race up the stairs, Peter and I followed, jogging after them.  “Lily loved it too!” he added, smiling even bigger at just the thought of her, he was beating Sirius.  
We all stopped running and Sirius was scowling, he lost, we all stood at the portrait when Sirius turned to me.  “Worked well on (Y/N) too,” he stated, smirking at me and making a sexual motion with his hips, James laughed and I pushed him. “Ew, your palms are sweaty.”
“We’ll excuse me, ABBA sweats no doubt after giving the performance of a life time.” I say while James says the word and the painting opens for us. “Besides, it has worked for now.  But they are still oblivious to the truth.  I might lose them all over again, once they know.”
The mood seemed to darken at this realization.  Not everyone is as understanding about my condition as the boys. That’s the real reason I couldn’t stop sweating, and if the boys looked close enough they’d see I couldn’t stop shaking ever so slightly too.  I just got (Y/N) back, I’m not sure how well I’d be able to cope with losing them a second, and final time.  My heart broke just at the thought, and at the very realization that I might have to prepare myself for such an outcome.
“Mate, (Y/N) is one of the people in this world that loves you most.  Besides us of course,” James smiled softly, trying to lighten the mood whenever he could, “I doubt, that anything could make them think differently of you.  You’re not just your condition.  You’re Remus feckin Lupin!” The other boys cheered in agreement as we stepped into our dorms, Peter even went as far as rubbing my shoulders to build up my confidence, he saw a trainer do it to a wrestler on muggle TV once.
“And we’ve got a romantic feckin plan!” Peter cheers, still excited about what is yet to happen. I swallow thickly once more, this day could be one of the best in a while, or the absolute worst.  I guess we’ll know tonight.  
“Yes, and are you guys sure you are okay with this?” I ask, for the fifth time.  James rolls his eyes, and Sirius bangs his head on the dorm room wall.  
“Yes, Moony.  Yes. Yes. Yes.  We are okay with this for the millionth time.  (Y/N) is our friend too, and all we want is to see the lot of ya happy again, so will ya shut up about it.  We already agreed, mate,” Sirius says, looking up just barely lifting his head from the wall.
“And we don’t like lying to (Y/N) either,” James says, Peter nods with each word falling from their lips, as he tugs on pants and grabs a new, not bedazzled, robe.
We were still talking and going over plans for tonight when we left for first period.  The common room was quite expect for our meshed whispers and loud footfalls, it wasn’t until the painting door swung open that we heard another sound.  An all too familiar sound.
Professor McGonagall cleared her throat before us.  Her hands folded in at her chest and her pointed eyes trained on us, unblinking.  We all swallowed thickly, our fear and respect for her almost overwhelmed our courage and friendliness towards her.  Almost.
“Did ya enjoy the concert, Minnie?  I was singing just for you.” Sirius said, smiling and trying not to laugh as her expression remained unmoving.  James joined in and I nearly rolled my eyes, but a smile found it’s way onto my lips nonetheless.
“Yeah, we saw ya a-tap-tap-tappy your toes!” He says, doing a little dance.  I was amazed by her ability to not even crack a smile at our enthusiasm, but then again, this was nothing new to her.  “ABBA gets to the best of us doesn’t it?”  As if on cue, Sirius was speaking again. I fought my smile and faked a sullen expression, fingers crossed behind my back, this was the part where one of us tried to weasel our way out of trouble.
“Exactly, our hearts were in it Professor, truly we had good reason and we weren’t hurting anyone.  Shame.  Just a shame Dumbledore gave us detention, any more severe punishment just wouldn’t make any sense.”  She raised a brow and in a last attempt I put in a word of my own.
“But you’re always so sensible Ms. McGonagall. I’m sure your punishment for us will be well-deserved.  Perhaps our outfits were too flashy?” Peter chuckles beside me, and shows her the inside of his robe.
“But this one isn’t at all. Ya see?” He shows her adamantly until she raises a hand and we are drowning in silence, she made us sweat in our palms and neck before speaking.
“Yes.  It appears your shenanigans are over.  But Lucy is still in the hospital wing scrubbing at her skin, the smell is pungent and unmoving.  It seems, Sirius,” She turns to face him, his adam apple bobs, “You did hurt someone.  The real shame is that you don’t seem bothered by that fact.  Follow me, boys.” She said, turning on us, her robes nearly swinging up and hitting our shins.  We follow wordlessly and with our heads down, her words bothered us a little, what really stung was the disappointment on her face and in her frown. (Though Sirius swears he heard her singing along).
She went to Peter’s class first, he went to follow her inside but she raised a hand and said “Oh, you won’t be going to class this morning, Mr.Pettigrew.” She excused Peter herself, whispering into the teachers ear.  My heart sank at the realization that I would not be seeing (Y/N) again this morning, James eyes me, my mood obviously changed.  I couldn’t even spend any time with them before tonight, our lunch would serve as detention as well. I might never get to see them again after tonight, couldn’t even enjoy this little time I have before the truth is out.  I won’t be able to be at peace until tonight or maybe even after, because who will love a monster?
For the rest of the morning we were locked in McGonagall’s empty classroom, writing out letters of apology to be given to Lucy in person later that day.  And attempting to come up with a charm or some potion that would reverse the long lasting affect of the Stink Bombs that we have created.  Wouldn’t be a marauders prank unless everything was well crafted, would it?  But now, our little spell seems to be our downfall.  Luckily, we found the right reversion potion, and it was taken to Madame Pom. immediately.  By the time we were allowed to leave, the bell for second period had just rang.
I sat through my classes with sweaty hands, and bouncing legs.  I agonized in the silence of detention about all that could go wrong, several times I re-debated whether I should really tell (Y/N) the truth, but it was clear that I needed too.  I have lied for too long, and it has cost me too much.  The truth will set me free...or at least I hope it will.  I sat through my very last classes feeling both sick, and determined.  Before we knew it, it was dinner time and James, Sirius, Peter and I snuck out of the castle for our final act of salvation.  Our last attempt to make things right.
Your POV
The ground was rocky and uneven below my feet, between the clumps of dirt and hidden rocks this trip to Hagrids hut felt more like a mountain climbing experience than anything else.  But my breathing was not ragged and exaggerated because of the walk, no, it was because ever since this morning my heart has been beating out of control.  I’ve been breathless and filled with both anxiety and warmth since Remus kissed my cheek and handed me this note.
Tonight will mark either the end or the fresh start of our relationship, of our friendship...of our love.  
My head is spinning as I stumble over a pumpkin root. What has he been hiding from me?  Is it something bad, or big, or maybe something he is just blowing way out of proportion?  What if the truth pulls us apart even more than the lies?
I shake my head in an attempt to free myself of this anxiety that swells in my stomach like a churning sea.  Whatever it is, I will face it with patience and love, but also self-respect.  I repeat this to myself until before I know it, I am at Hagrids hut.  The walls of his house seemed to mountain over me, it smelled strongly of firewhiskey, burning firewood,rich dirt and sweet pumpkins.  The smell did wonders in calming my mind, but I rather large frown makes its way onto my face as I look around.  There was absolutely no one in sight.
I cuss under my breath.  Maybe this is the wrong place.  Maybe Remus is late?  I chew at my bottom lip and take a few large steps around the hut, my eyes keep going back to analyze the trees of the forest.  The shadows of the forbidden forest seemed to reach for me.  It called for me.  As if it was a whirlpool sucking me in I stepped towards it, staring into the layers of dark, large trees.  
I held my breath as a bush by the very edge of the forest shook, rustling leaves and snapping twigs filled the brisk night air.  I shivered, whether it was from the cold or the sudden fear I was not sure, but I did not have time to debate my feelings because suddenly, a canopy of dark green vines, hanging from the trees shifted.  
Large, cream horns parted the vines and drooping tree leaves, a particular branch got stuck on the intricate swirling of the horns and snapped completely as the creature stepped further from the shadows, revealing itself to me. 
A beautiful Stag stood proud, it’s thick coat shone under the moonlight, it’s chest puffed out at me with pride.  The horns only added to it’s graceful height, but it’s eyes are what truly took my breath away.  Those round, warm eyes they were so human.  So familiar.  Before I could debate it any further, the Stag stamped it’s hoof in the dirt softly, it snorted and white air swirled around it’s soft face.  Only then did I notice the beautiful yellow rose, plucked from a bush and resting at it’s front legs.
I bring a shaky hand to my mouth, barely able to comprehended the wave of emotions that nearly knock me to my feet. This was of Remus’s doing.  But...how?  The Stag inclines it’s head curiously at me to the right, it’s large ears flicking with some sort of impatience, or unrest.  Only then did I fully seem to understand the familiarity of this creature.  
“James?” I gasp.  The Stag seems to stand even taller at me, and...smiles.  With my mouth still hanging wide open I let out a boisterous laugh.  “James!” I almost yell, the Stag snorts again and leans it’s head down, using his nose to push the rose towards me.  The movement doesn’t help me get over my shock, but it stirs me into action.  I begin to cautiously walk forwards, and as I do the Stag er, James, picks up the rose between it’s teeth, when I am close enough he softly nuzzles it into my hand.  I grip it tightly, it has already been de-thorned.
Carefully, with my free hand, I reach it out just a few inches in front of me and James places his Stag head onto my palm.  I pet him softly, he stares up at me and it was as if I was staring at James himself.
“You clever bastard!” I exclaim, I knew how hard becoming Animigus is, but why would he do such a thing?  I was broken out of my trance when the Stag (James) begins to walk, slowly at first, he looks back at me and inclines his head first and it was as if I could just hear him saying, in his cheeky manner ‘Ladies first, of course,”
I swallow thickly and fight another bout of paralyzing shock, and instead smile, following James through the forest.  His hoofs sinking softly into the ground, the sound was methodic and helped with the strange over pour of emotions I’m feeling.
What happened next, is actually quite embarrassing.  It started with a little scamper by my feet.  Considering how far we’ve walked into the forest I was more than a bit concerned for my safety, but the large, strong Stag beside me cast most of my fears to the side.  Then, through a break of moonlight through the trees I saw it.  A large, fat rat!
I screamed so loud, dark ravens flew from their slumbers in the trees.  James beside me stomped his feet, and checked the perimeter with analyzing eyes, searching for the danger.  But they only found the rat.  I never thought a Stag could give such an amused, disappointed expression, yet here I stand.  Clinging to a deers ass for dear life, and he is looking back at me with said expression. My cheeks flush and I let go of his furry back, then the Rat very slowly inches towards me.  
It’s sharp nose lifting and dancing from side to side, it’s soft brown eyes sparkling up at me.  I’d say it even looked a little cute, friendly even.  But what unusual behavior, and what unusual eyes.  It’s tail glowing under the white light like a plump, pink worm...
“Wormtail!” I realize, laughter bubbling from my chest. The Rat lets out a gleeful squeak and James besides me snorts once again, seeming to laugh.  The Rat scurried off into the shadows, and I can’t help but berate myself.  Did I hurt his feelings?
But then he comes bounding back into sight, he stands on his back legs and his little Rat face seemed to glow with excitement as his pink hands unveiled a small little white wildflower.  The same kind Remus would pick for me on walks we took together. My smile only grows bigger as I do a sweet curtsey and pick up the flower mid-bow, lifting it up to my nose as I stand straight again.  
“My apologies, you know I don’t like rats.  But I suppose I’ll have to make an exception for you.” I smile down at him, and he reveals two yellow buck teeth, smiling up at me with as much of a smile any rat can muster.  I fail to hold in my laughter but extend my arm to him, he climbs up it and perches himself on my shoulder.  I hold the two flowers in one hand, and rest my other on James soft shoulder, so I can be led through the dark forest, I knew by know, they were leading me to Remus.
Peter climbs down my other arm and onto James back, then up his head.  I laugh as Peter holds on for deer(hehe I’m funny) life as James jokingly waves his head back and forth, Peter almost falls off but I help him back.  We all seem to laugh in our own ways, when suddenly a loud bark cuts through the sound of laughter and owls and even the rustling of the woods around us.  It was loud and impatient and yet humorous, it reminded me of someone I know well.  I smirk, raising a brow I turn to the equally amused Stag and Rat, James and Peter.
“Wormtail.  Prongs,” I say, motioning to the Stag who only inclines his head again, “And Padfoot.  Let me guess... Sirius is also some animal wandering these woods, finding us by chance?  A wolf, perhaps?  A dog?” They don’t say a thing, they only begin to walk again.  Turning us towards the sound of the echoing bark.
I was on the ground before I knew what was happening.  We’ve walked just a few more minutes and then a cloud of black overcame my sense and tackled me to the floor.  Black, Sirius Black, was a dog and on top of me.  He was barking right by my ear and cuddling me, it wasn’t until two little Rat hands attempted to push his leg that he got off.  
I was laughing uncontrollably, this was all too much.  Too crazy.  I knew they were geniuses, but this... becoming Animagus and though the reason was unclear I could feel it, something to do with Remus.  With Moony.  The nickname had a new meaning to me, and I wasn’t sure what yet, but I was sure I was about to find out.  
Sirius was racing around me in circles as I stood up.  His black tail wagging wildly, and his fur rustled and tossed under the wind.  I wanted to coo and awe, though his eyes were human and mischievous, the rest of him was adorable and strong.  A proud, handsome looking dog.  It was clear, by his behavior, that he was just as excited to reveal this big secret, as I was to know the truth.
“Sirius!  You dog,” I joke, a bad one on my part but he still barked with laughter and I shook my head, taking in the three of them.  This was, Merlin, I didn’t even know what this was other than beyond surprising and impressive.  Shocking.
Suddenly, Sirius makes one last dart behind me, he sends me in a spin and by the time I can control my footing he is back in front of me.  He is sitting on his back legs, front paws up in the air and bent in a cute trick, his ears flopped forward.  Just above his paws, drooping from the jaws of his mouth is a single daffodil.  Daffodils, like the one written about in this favorite poem of mine that Remus would read me on bad days, I Wandered Lonely as A Cloud by William Wordsworth.
I sigh, tilting my head to the left, a soft smile on my lips.  Everything about this was amazing and sweet.  It was amazing that the boys had this whole other life I never knew about, which I’m sure there will be a reasonable explanation for my ignorance because ouch.  But sweet, because this was obviously planned my Remus, but the boys were taking their own time to make it happen.  I bend down and pat Sirius’s head, the only time he lets me touch his hair, I think, almost laughing.  His tail wags as I pluck the flower from his mouth and he lets it fall easily into my hand.
I gather it with my other flowers, now forming a little bouquet and bring the whole lot of them up to my face and inhale. I close my eyes as I smell the sweet and powerful aromas, memories with Remus filled my head, and with it, a warmth filled my chest.  
“I hope this hasn’t been all too much for you.  I thought some truths would be better seen than told,” Remus says, walking up behind me.  I spin around, I didn’t even notice the sound of crunching leaves behind me. But I couldn’t find it in me to speak, the moonlight dancing across Remus’s face, highlighting his eyes, and the soft curves of his lips with the ragged lines of his scars, I was astounded by the boy before me.  Once again entranced.  All the anxiety, all the fear has left me, as I stared at him clad in fancy pants and a button up to match.  
He stops walking, unsure of where he stands with me.  I step towards him, finding some clearing in the haze I begin to speak.
“It’s wonderful.  They’re wonderful,” I say, turning with a thankful smile to the stag, the rat and the dog. They each in turn, show their teeth at me in an attempt of a smile.  I laugh and beside me, Remus does too.  With a nod of his head, they turn their backs on us and leave.  I no longer needed guidance or safety.  Remus stood before me and I felt something that has been missing for the past couple of days.  And even though I was in the middle of the dangerous, forbidden forest, I knew that I was also home.  
“I love the flowers. I must say, this night has already taken the most unexpected turn it could, but the nicknames definitely make more sense,” I attempt a bad joke, a habit of mine in a nerve wracking situation but Remus only seems to grimace slightly, before turning it into a smile, though it was a rather sad one.
“Well, you seem to be taking this well.  Have you figured out mine yet?” He asked, his sad tone surprising me. We were so close his voice dropped low just out of habit it seemed, and because the short distance between us put us in a trance.  I missed him.  I missed him so much my body now seemed to come back from the dead and reach for him, I was alive again with dancing butterflies and buzzing questions.  I glanced down to his lips, before taking a step back. 
“No.  But I can guess.  It makes sense, once every month you seem to leave me.  You change into someone who is distant, someone who doesn't seem to love me,” He steps forwards, looking pained by this realization, but as I speak it becomes clearer to me, but I can’t yet reach the conclusion.
“I will never become a person who doesn’t love you.  I will change and grow but you will be the one thing that remains.  You don’t have to guess anymore, but I want you to know that my love for you will always remain, even if after tonight, we do not,” he speaks with such reverence, like our love was something scared to him and deep down, I knew I felt the same way.  It is my first love, and if I can help it, than he will be my only lover until the day I die.  All I can do is nod as he steps forwards again, I can see a bead of sweat roll down the apple of his cheek, he was about to tell me.  I can feel the shaking of his hands as he places them in mine.
Suddenly, his unbreaking stare leaves me, and in place, find the bright moon.  Twinkling in the sky and illuminating us in its wake.  I understood in that moment, Moony.  A boy mapped with scars.  Moony.  A boy plagued by nightmares, and insecurities.  Moony.  A tough, but oh so scared boy who seemed to hate the very night itself.  Moony.  The boy who changes during the month, and is gone completely on the full moon.  Moony.  Moony, the Werewolf.
I pull on his hands and gather him into my embrace, pulling back only to kiss him sweetly.  The world becomes ours as our lips dance with one another to a song we’ve heard before.  It is the song of him making love to me.  It is the song of the poems he reads me and the flowers he picks.  It is the song of the moons very envy as she watches us together.  The song of lovers.  It moves us.  It moves my hands up his neck and through his hair.  It moves his lips across my cheek and jaw and then down my neck.  It moves the wind, and the trees around us.  It pulls the moans from our mouths and then the confessions.
“My beautiful love,” Remus kisses the words into my skin, up to my lips.  “My only love,” he mumbles into my lips, kissing me softly but his hands are bruising at my hips.  As if I would leave him if he did not hold me close enough and for forever.
“I love you, Remus ‘Moony’ Lupin.  I love all of you and all that you ever will be and all that you have been.” He pulls back from me, his eyes glazed with tears and a softness that makes my heart sing.  He nods, and than he laughs.  A tear falls from his eyes as his head leans back and he laughs, the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.  It was as if all his anxiety, and self-hatred has left him and in their place my words have nestled in.  I love him.  I love him.  I love him.
“I’m a werewolf ya know?” he says, still laughing, he knew I made the connection.  At this point it was pre-caution, I roll my eyes and kiss him again.  The world is forgotten as we kiss, as we rejoin as one and as lovers.  I pull back and softly wipe away his tears.
“I know,” I whisper into his lips, he smiles, giving me a soft kiss.  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner, Remus?” I ask, pulling away from him.  He frowns now, his cheeks red with blush, and lips to match.
“I thought I’d lose you forever.  That you’d think I was some monster, or- or beast.  You always looked at me like I was the world, and I was terrified one day you’d see the real me, and just- well, stop loving me altogether.” While he speaks his eyes still glitter with the promise of tears, and my heart sinks at his words.
“I think I understand your anxiety about it.  I can’t imagine how hard it must be.  But I would never stop loving you for such a thing, merlin, I don’t think anything could stop me from loving you.  I never want you to feel the need to hide from me again, okay?” Remus nods into my hands, I still haven't moved them since I wiped away his tears, it seemed like more keeps falling each time.  
“The boys became Animigmus to help with my full moons.  It can get pretty bad… but ever since they have come along things really got better, really they did.” he adds when seeing my sad facial expression.  My heart felt broken all over again at just the thought of Remus being in pain, alone and suffering.  I swore in that moment, I’d do anything in this world to help make things better for him.  I nod my head.  He continues.
“And Lucy, her older sister is a werewolf.  She figured out that I was one pretty quickly, she said I could speak to her about it all, and that she could help somehow.  It was nothing more, she just let me complain and even write some letter to her sister.  I never even thought of Lucy like the way I think of you.  She was always just a friend, but that remains no more.  To hell with her,” he says.  He can’t stop smiling, a real, golden smile.  There was nothing holding him back, I could just tell he felt so much lighter.  I took his hand and wordlessly led him to sit on the grass with me.  We laid shoulder to shoulder, staring up at the stars together.  
He told me in depth about how he was bitten as a child, about how it changed his life.  Then when the boys told him they were becoming Animgus for him and all the little moments and adventures they’ve had since.  He didn’t sugar coat a thing, he didn’t lie.  He was bearing his soul before me for the first time, without any thin veil holding us back and I’ve never felt closer to him.  It was well past curfew by the time I felt satisfied with everything he’s told me, I felt both heavy with this knowledge and yet free.  I felt included and like I truly knew Remus, and I still did love him.  More than ever, I love him.
We laid in silence for some time, my head has moved to lay on his chest and I can hear the steady, warm beating of his heart.
“Can you hear it?” he asks, out of the blue.  I strain my ears to listen to the forest around us, I lift my head slightly and he laughs.  “No. My heart, can you hear it?” I lean back into him and let out a little laugh myself.
“Oh.  Yes,” I smile, “I can hear it.”
“Good.  It beats for you.”mhe says, I look up at him only to find that he has already been looking at me.  His eyes soft, and smile warm, his heart steady under the palm of my hand and loud within the stillness of the night.  It beats for you.  His words echoed in my head and I couldn’t help myself, I lean forward and press my lips against him.  I could kiss him forever.  I could be with him here like this forever, alone and in love, honest and unafraid. 
 I understood a lot of things that night, more than just about who Remus was and the secrets he has been hiding.  More than the truths that he bared and the love that we had. I understood how after all this time of separation and uncertainty.  After exhausting ourselves in a sea of sorrow and questions, we have finally found our peace.  I have found my happiness.  And I realized something rather important.  Rapture is a boy.  Rapture is love.
@crazylokonugget​   @beyondprincess​   @1975weasley​   @nicodoesntexist  @goto-hi-this-is-my-brain  @yoyoitsbella​  @ftwert   @sognatrice-as-a-hobby​  @dontjudgemyobsessionpls​​  @blackpinkdolan​
@holdenviolet   @katie-lupin05   @acoustic-archie @trishizzl   @accio-willtolive-lmao  @ilistentotayswifttocope  @kopheliablack​​
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stonylovessteve · 3 years
SLS 2021 Creator Reveals
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We’ve reached the end of the exchange and that means it’s time to reveal the creators of all our works!
Thank you for putting so much love and effort into Stony Loves Steve 2021, you really made it a great experience. We hope everyone loved it as much as we did!
Giftees, be sure to leave a comment and kudos on your gift if you haven’t already. All our creators worked hard to make this event a success, so show them some love.
You can now post your work publicly outside of the exchange. Tag it as #stonylovessteve2021 on tumblr and we’ll reblog you. @ us @stonylovessteve on twitter and we’ll retweet you.
Below the cut is the final list of all the works produced for the exchange and the creators.
Cold as Ice, Warm my Heart by lil_aussie_girl for parkrstark (MCU, 1.5k)
The cold took away one love already, and his greatest fear is that it will do it again - before he has the chance to say those three important words.
Strength Like The Sea/A Familiar Yet Foreign Face by Lacrimula_Falsa for funkyspacegirlfriend (AU, 3k)
There had to be another explanation for the ugly burning feeling in his chest because this wasn’t a rom-com and he’d known Steve for less than a day.
After years of his father fruitlessly searching for one, Tony finally gets to meet a real-life vampire.
· · ·*‒*‒ ‒ ‒*‒ ·*‒ · ‒ ‒
No, not Anthony, because Anthony had crumbled to dust right before his eyes. But this man looked so eerily similar to him, he could have been Anthony’s twin brother. Only the eyes were different, warm brown instead of cold blue. After being woken nearly a century after he went into stasis because the pain of losing his lover Anthony was too much, Steven meets a man who looks just like him.
I Know There is Comfort Where We Overlap by jellybeanforest for ghosthan (Ults, 10k)
As a relic of a bygone era, Steve struggles with feelings of isolation and severe depression made worse by his recent breakup with Jan Pym. He secretly hooks up with random strangers chasing a sense of connection with someone, anyone. Things are going (not) well when he and fellow Ultimate, Iron Man, are tasked with infiltrating a Thai resort serving as a front for illegal arms dealing. Only catch: They must go undercover as a married couple on their honeymoon.
finding steve rogers by jacobby for geekymoviemom (MCU, 6k)
Steve sighs. “Sorry. I wasn’t a very good tour guide. Ma always told me about the town, but she never got into specifics.”
Tony takes Steve’s hand in his and places it close to his lips. “It’s your first time here too. We understand.”
After a botched mission with SHIELD, Steve takes a vacation with his family to a town in Ireland.
Things are knot as they seem by BladeoftheNebula for DepressingGreenie (AU, 3k)
Everyone assumes Captain America is an alpha and Steve doesn’t see the harm in not correcting them. After all, Alphas command respect while omegas are still considered far too delicate for leadership.
And sure, it sucks hiding his designation when he’s in love with Tony Stark, the hottest alpha he’s ever seen, but what alpha would want an omega who could lift them with one hand?
So it’s fine. It’s not as if anyone was ever going to find out his secret anyway…
A drop of love by CapAL for Perlmutt (AU, Comic)
After sleeping for 70 years Steve wakes up to a world that he doesn’t understand. As an age-old vampire he’s seen a lot of things in his life, but nothing has ever confused him as much as the bubbly Starbucks barista Tony. They meet by chance and Steve stays. He falls for him, even though he knows he shouldn’t, and together they explore modern New York, while Steve tries to hide his true nature from Tony, afraid that he would send him away if he knew the truth.
The Fake Prince and the Cat  by Neverever for Fluffypanda (AU, 5.5k)
Steve is sent in place of Prince Brock to marry the libertine Tony Stark. It's better than he thought it would be, plus he makes friends with a cat.
father to son by parkrstark for HogwartsToAlexandria (MCU, 2.5k)
Steve had been planning on asking Peter to be his son, officially, for weeks now, but he always chickened out because he didn't thik he was good enough for the boy. Funnily enough, Peter had the same idea, but when he showed the adoption papers to Steve, he didn't have the best of reactions.
The Best Half Of Me by Huntress79 for RoseRose (AU, 1.5k)
An encounter with one of his exes at a charity gala opens Tony’s eyes about how much he really loves Steve - and how much he’s looking forward to their future together.
neither here nor there by ghosthan for  Welcoming_Disaster (616, 18k)
Captain America comes back from Dimension Z changed. He has had over a decade of his life taken from him, as well as the woman he loved. Stoic, secretive, and traumatized, much of what he experienced remains a mystery to SHIELD and the world; Tony is there to help him heal, and uncover the truth about how much Steve has lost.
The Eventide Aspect by geekymoviemom for ishipallthings (MCU, T, 12k)
“Yeah, Cap, about that,” Tony says, looking rather sheepish as he scratches at the back of his neck.
“Yeah?” asks Steve.
“Well… remember those half-baked ideas that I mentioned?  I’m afraid this might be one of ‘em,” says Tony.
“Okay.  Care to explain it to someone who doesn't speak technical?”
“Ahh…” Tony trails off, mumbling under his breath again.  “Yeah.  Um… if my theory is correct, I’m thinking that when we stepped through that window, we might’ve entered another dimension.”
Looking by Robin_tCJ for Vento_Lunar (MCU, E, 4k)
After a raid on a HYDRA base, Steve's body reverts back to the way it was before the serum. Tony still wants him.
You Had Me in the First Half by Corsets_and_Cardigans for Robin_tCj (MCU, E, 2k)
Steve is on his way to meet Bucky for a movie before their football team goes away for a game. Too bad Tony has plans for him! He'll apologize to Bucky for it later.
the rest is history by starksnack for muchmoremajestic (Avengers Academy, G, 2k)
It's Steve's birthday and he usually likes to spend it alone. Of course, Tony has other ideas.
Basically just some soft AvAc fluff.
(Let Me) Love and Be Loved by HeLovedYou for wikketkrikket (MCU, T, 6k)
Steve forgets how to self-sabotage his own happiness.
He also forgets his team, his soulmate and the last three years of his life.
avengers featuring steve’s doppleganger vol 1 (FANCOMIC) by wingheads for jellybeanforrest (616, Art)
tony dates a man who looks a lot like steve. everyone can see it, everyone knows what that means, except tony, who doesn't seem to realize he's dating steve's doppelganger. steve doesn't see the resemblance either and actually comes to like tony's new boyfriend, but then one of the other avengers spills the beans that they look exactly alike to tony, who can't unsee it now and breaks up with the new guy, only for steve to be sad that his baseball-buddy won't be around anymore.
Hart Island by Amber_Skye for lil_aussie_girl (MCU, G, 12k)
Steve is acting out of character, and Tony and the other Avengers can’t work out why.
the soul of dragons by funkyspacegirlfriend for Amber_Skye (MCU, T, 2k)
Steve’s dragon companion is the largest Tony’s ever seen up close. And she captivates Tony from the very first moment.
Just in the Knit of Time by DepressingGreenie for picturecat (Avengers Assemble, T, 2.5k)
Steve only has a week to tell Tony he loves him before his secret is leaked to the world.
Learning Curve by picturecat for Huntress79 (Avengers Academy AU, G, 2k)
Freshly defrosted, Steve Rogers is the newest teacher at the Avengers Academy—an attempt to guide and teach the newest generation of heroes before they have to take on the burdens of their teachers. Steve himself has a lot of learning to do.
First Impression by veryvincible for wingheads (616, M, 7k)
The Avengers find the schematics of a deadly weapon in the hands of an up-and-coming villain. To safely retrieve the data that led to its creation and keep the city safe in the process, they have to take a very subtle approach. The man-- Jack Marshall-- has an eye for hunks and a tendency to get vulnerable with them. The team could use this to their advantage, if they have the right assets.
Enter Steve.
Dandelions and Lilies by Wikketkrikket for CapAL (AU, G, 4k)
Written for CapAL for the StonylovesSteve event 2021.
A summer job in the florists is pretty good, as summer jobs go; and when a handsome guy comes in with some very particular requirements it gets even better.
Or it would, if Steve wasn't lying about the meaning of every bouquet he sold.
Potshot by jellybeanforest for jacobby (AU, T, 2.5k)
In an expansive wasteland infested with hordes of the undead, Steve, leader of a group of ex-military operatives known as the Avengers, searches for survivors and supplies in the ruins of the old world.
That’s all well and good, but Tony would do just about anything for an American cheeseburger.
For Stony Loves Steve 2021. Based on a prompt by jacobby.
Remorse and Rapture by oliverparker for optimusprime13 (AU, E, 6k)
When Steve's mother falls ill, he's forced to move in with the family she works for. He's not thrilled about it.
Shards of Eternities by Perlmutt for starksnack (AU, T, 5k)
Rumor had it that the war would soon be over. It could not end soon enough. Until then, Anthony would wait for Steven. He would wait and protect their child. He would wait and write another thousand letters for his alpha, his mate, his husband, if only he would come home, come for him, come for them.
Two Can Play That Game by JehBeEhh for Becci Barnes (BeccEEE) (MCU, T, 4k)
Tony Stark is many things. Patient isn't always one of them. Especially not when there's a happily ever after at the end of that bout of patience.
Uncovered by mariana_oconnor for Corsets_and_Cardigans (MCU, G, 6k)
Steve didn't think the tip-off was anything more than the usual nonsensical conspiracy theory. He only went to check it out because he was curious. He definitely wasn't expecting it to be a trap.
Build Me Up Buttercup by ishipallthings for BladeoftheNebula (4k, M, MCU)
Tony sees the gold letters spelling “Stark” on the edge of Steve’s hood and his mind grinds to a halt. Steve looks good wearing his name. Too good.
(In which Steve starts experimenting with a new style. Tony does not find this infuriatingly attractive, thank you very much.)
Discovery [Art] by Fluffypanda for captainstars (Art, G, Noir)
Renowned adventurer Tony Stark discovers a carving of a lost civilization's protector.
I left my heart (at home with you) by captainstars for UisceOneLove (2k, G, AU)
It shouldn’t have surprised him as much as it did.
The man grinned at him, wide and beautiful. Steve couldn’t help sneaking another glance towards the heavens. They really lost their citizens fairly easily. Steve would like to say this was the first white robed beauty he had come across until now, but he wasn’t.
Steve moved to a cabin in the woods hoping to live the life of a hermit werewolf. When Tony Stark decided to become his new neighbor, it threw a bit of a wrench into Steve’s plans.
A werewolf and an incubus cuddling in a tree.
Raspberry Beret (I Think I Love Her) by ralsbecket for oliverparker (4k, M, 3490)
When Steve looked at Natasha, he knew in his heart that she was what put his derailed train back on its tracks. For the first time since they met, Steve felt like he had some semblance of a plan for his future. And he wanted Natasha to be a part of it.
Savior Complex by optimusprime13 for HeLovedYou (18.5k, G, AU)
Wealthy businessman Steve Rogers stumbles into barely-getting-by Tony Stark in a cemetery, and they hit it off immediately. Steve is enamored by Tony’s razor-sharp wit, his startling intelligence, and his penchant for building stuff. He has a problem though - he can’t stop wanting to save everybody around him, especially Tony - who is struggling to make ends meet. However, Tony is too proud and stubborn to accept any help from Steve. But when Tony gets kidnapped to act as bait for Steve, how far will Steve go to save Tony when it means sacrificing himself?
Through His Stomach by RoseRose for JehBeeEh (2k, G, MCU)
Steve decides he wants to try to cook with all the new ingredients he has found in this new time, but he needs someone else to taste-test his creations. Tony is holed up in his workshop, so he makes the perfect guinea pig. The two of them grow closer over several meals.
Iron & Sapphire by Becci Barnes (BeccEEE) for Lacrimula_Falsa (AU, 5k)
Steve can always sense him, long before Tony enters his cave. It makes his blue scales tremble and his big wings flutter in excitement. Tony brings light and warmth into this musty hideout he calls home. And food. And while they may be as odd a couple as you can imagine, that won't stop them from bantering and cuddling just like anyone else.
Man On The Moon by Welcoming_Disaster for veryvincible (616, 7k)
Things haven't been the same since Steve has found out about Tony's secret identity. A mission that goes wrong forces both of them to confront why.
I Love You to the Moon and Back by muchmoremajestic for mariana_oconnor (MCU, 3k)
After Steve gets attacked in the woods, certain changes start happening.
Happy Birthday to America's ass by njava97 for ralsbecket (MCU, 2.5k)
It's the night before Steve's birthday and something is very wrong.
Magic's in the Moving Portrait by UisceOneLove for neverever (AU, 9.5k)
Without his ma, Steve's lost his ability to make art. In walks new wizarding student Tony Stark, who also happens to be his new roommate. All hope might not be lost just yet for him and his brush.
Reach The Sky by Vento_Lunar for njava97 (MCU, art)
Non-serum Steve Rogers saves the world. (And Tony saves him)
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jawabear · 4 years
Frankie Morales fluff alphabet
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Not my GIF
A/N: here is the fluff alphabet for the fluffiest boy Frankie. As with the NSFW ones, these are just my idea for the character and may be different to yours. Please be respectful of others’ views. Enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, softness, possible TW, anxious tendencies, not much else.
Summary: An A-Z of Frankie’s relationship antics
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Frankie loves cuddles. He loves them. But that is no secret to anyone. He’s very protective of you so he always likes to have you as close to him as possible so he knows your safe. But he’s all hugs and kisses. And he gives the best cuddles. They’re so tender and sweet because he doesn’t take you for granted. He’s always scared of loosing you so every hug and kiss is given with the thinking that it will be the last one he will give, but that won’t ever be true because he won’t ever let anything had happened to you to take you from him.
And he’ll always hold your hand in public, or he’ll be touching you in anyway he can just so you know he’s still there. Also as comfort for him. And because he has a tendency to get lost...
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
Frankie has always been too scared to make the first move. He’s never been the one to ask a girl out. Either they had to do it or his friends would get fed up and do it for him. He really wanted to get out of that habit with you.
He first met you in a library. He had only recently got out of the army and wanted to revert back to his roots of reading. It was cliché, but he’ll never forget the way your hand felt on his that day when you both reached for the same book. From there you two became friends and eventually he somehow managed to muster up the courage to ask you out... More like he blurted it out to you out of fear as you were leaving.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
As I said, Frankie LOVES to cuddle. And he’s the best at it. He can tell how you’re feeling and knows exactly what cuddle to give you to make you feel better. And he loves to snuggle at night. You both always wake up in a tangle of limbs, which his arms wrapped tightly around you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Frankie has trouble with that sort of commitment, mainly because he doesn’t think he worthy of having someone’s love for the rest of his life. But he doesn’t mind the idea of getting married and properly settling down.
He’s not a terrible cook. As in, you haven’t had food poising yet. But that’s mean. He didn’t all that bad actually, his range of dishes is VERY limited, but he can cook pasta really well.
When it comes to cleaning...well. He’s not someone who has to have the house immaculate, but he does like to have things tidy. But saying that, he does have a habit of leaving things in random places and then complaining when he can’t find them.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The same with starting a relationship, unless it was super bad, Frankie wouldn’t make the first move to ending it. He would either wait for a natural resolve or wait for them to end it.
And with you, he wouldn’t have the heart to break up with you, he loves you more than anything and doesn’t want to be without you. So regardless of what happened in your relationship, he would always seek to fix things because he never wants to loose you.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As I said, he has trouble with the idea of commitment in the sense of marriage because he (stupidly) believes that he’s not worthy of having someone’s love forever, so it would be a gradual thing. He’d probably want to get married at some point. But that some point could take a while.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Serving in the army, Frankie felt all his emotions other than devotion to duty had been driven out of him. They had to be almost completely stone cold in order to complete their missions. But when he left and was put back into the real world, all his emotions came flooding back. So I would say he’s quiet sensitive to be honest. But that’s no fault of his and there’s nothing wrong with that. (I like sensitive guys). He’s not afraid to cry in front of you, but he tries not to because he wants to stay strong for you. But even the strongest have to crack.
Physically, he is super gentle. He’s always worried that he’ll hurt you, but he knows your a strong person. You’re not as dainty or delicate as others make you out to be and he likes that. But even so, he treats you like the most delicate china in the world, he’d probably wrap you in fifty layers of bubble wrap to ensure you are okay. So yes, he is very gentle.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
As often as humanly possible. He’d spend all day cuddling you if he could. And some days that does happen. Those are the best days.
He loves when you hug him. Your hugs are different. Because you don’t hug him as often as he hugs you, they’re more special. They hold a sense of security and love that could make him break down into tears. He feels safe with you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Despite his worry about commitment, and lengthy process to ask someone out, he falls in love pretty quickly. He doesn’t know why, nor does he really like it, but it happens, sometimes it’s unfortunate and embarrassing. When he told one of his ex’s he loved her (whether he really meant it or not is another question) she laughed in his face and ran off with some other guy.
But when it came to you, he knew he was right in his feelings. He tried to hold off on saying it because he really did like you and he didn’t want to ruin things so early, but about a month into your relationship (you had been friends for six months until you officially started dating) he said it. It was by accident, it just sort of...slipped out whilst you were laughing. But you didn’t run, or laugh. You smiled and said the same thing to him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Frankie is very much the jealous type, but he can hide it very well. You won’t even know until your back at home and he stops talking to you for hours until you finally get through to him.
But he’s not the angry jealous type, most of the time. Of course with any person, he can be angry depending in the cause of his jealousy. But most of the time he’s...more sad. Sad because he’s an idiot he thinks you deserve better and seeing others flirt so seeing others flirt with you only hammers that idea further into his head.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Frankie doesn’t kiss as much as he hugs. But his kisses vary depending on his mood and the setting and situation you find yourselves in. But his kisses are the best.
He loves to kiss your lips (obviously), it’s more romantic but also quite traditional. He does like to kiss your cheeks too, the more gentlemanly approach. But his favourite place to kiss you is the nape of your neck or shoulders. He loves to hug you from behind and because it’s a more intimate place to kiss (because it involves getting very close to you) it feels more special because you are allowing him there.
He likes you be kissed anywhere. But he loves when you kiss his neck (although this is more of a sexual thing) or his forehead. But the lips will do nicely.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Frankie would be a great father. Anyone with eyes could see that. He has such a sweet and caring nature about him. He would love to have his own child one day but he doesn’t feel quite ready yet.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Frankie is all cuddles in the morning. You spend far too much time wrapped up in his arms. On more than one occasion you’ve been late for work because you don’t want to leave him. But you’re not to blame, his arms and hugs are too addicting.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are as equally cuddly as the mornings. Most of the time you’ll be sat on the sofa, either you laying on his chest or him laying on yours wrapped in each other’s arms while watching mindless tv or a film.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Frankie tends to hide things at first because he’s ashamed of what he’s done in his past and he doesn’t really want you know about certain things but when he’s having a slight breakdown everything seems to tumble out of him when he cries. And he apologises for everything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Frankie is surprising calm. He’s not easily angered and can keep his cool quite a lot. Which is surprising considering he was in the army.
But he can become quite angry as times. And when he gets angry, he GETS angry.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He likes to think he does, but he doesn’t really. His brain works strangely you find. Obviously he remembers really big things like your anniversary and your birthday, but anything other than that, not so much.
He can tell you what you said six weeks before on that one Tuesdays in that one coffee shop that has no relevance to anything but he won’t remember what you asked him to buy from the store ten minutes earlier. He has a strange mind. But when it has been pushed about as much as his has, you don’t hold it against him. He knows what you like and he knows what you don’t, that’s all you really care about.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He has so many. Every moment with you is his favourite. Certainly your first proper date is up there.
He loves the little things too. Like days where it will be just the two of you together, watching a movie or whatever. He doesn’t really have any specific favourites.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is very protective of you. You are everything to him and his biggest fear is loosing you in any way. So any hint of danger and he’s straight to your side to insure your safety, and being in the army for 17 years of his life, his natural instinct is to turn to violence, but that’s very rare. He hasn’t really had to do that. He’s come close, very very close, but he hasn’t hurt anyone over you yet.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
You bet that whether it be your anniversary, birthday, valentines, Christmas, Easter, or simply because he feels like it, he’ll go all out to try and impress you. He puts his all in to every single day you have. Even if it’s just sitting at home watching a movie, he’ll ensure that everything is perfect. That your favourite pyjamas and slippers are ready and clean, your favourite snacks and drink are in good supply, the sofa is at its comfiest and the blankets at their warmest. He probably puts too much effort into dates but you appreciate every single one.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) POSSIBLE TW IN THIS ONE
He gets anxious a lot and quiet easily. He doesn’t do well in big crowds which is strange considering his past career where he would have to work in crowds or large groups every day. But you think it’s more the fact he doesn’t like crowds where he doesn’t know anyone. He had a habit of rubbing his hands together. Once he rubbed them so much he started to bleed from rubbing too much skin away. He also tends to scratch the back of his hands a lot, he does it without thinking so you usually have to step in before he hurts himself.
On a less dark note, another type of bad habit he has is leaving things in ridiculous and obscure places and then complaining when he can’t find them. Like he’ll put his keys somewhere and you will have to turn the house upside down to find them and chances are, they’ll be in the cutlery drawer or something weird like that.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Life in the army forced him to look a certain way. But since leaving, he’s let himself go a little. He obviously wants to look his best for you, but the scruffy look looks so good on him that any time he goes to shave or get a hair cut you always tell him you love how he looks and make an effort of showing exactly why you love it, especially the scruff on his face.
He isn’t too bothered about looks in his partner. He has a type, but doesn’t really stick to it. He cares more about personality and how they are otherwise. But he does tend to be drawn to people who don’t wear make up. He much prefers the natural look. (‘Cause yall are beautiful regardless)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Most definitely yes. He’s never loved anyone quite like he loves you and you’ve helped him through so much that he would be lost and empty with out you. He needs you in his life to help him, otherwise he feels he has nothing.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Date wise, his most favourite thing to do is take you on a nice long drive with not particular destination. He just loves spending time with you and you alone.
And as the DJ of the journey, he loves to listen to you belt out your favourite songs on the way, he’ll join in if he knows them.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn’t want someone who’s completely obsessed with how they look, nor would he want someone who loves their self too much. He just wants a nice, easy going and caring partner, and you are certainly that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Frankie doesn’t really tend to get much sleep anyway. His mind keeps him awake for most of the night because he’s too scared of what nightmares he is to face if he closes his eyes.
But if he’s with you and you are hugging him, he’ll feel safe enough to fall asleep knowing you’re safe. But still, he often wakes up from a nightmare but you are there to calm him down and help him drift off back to sleep.
Taglist: @linkpk88 @phoenixhalliwell @lunaserenade
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 52
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“Steve has a sister...” Peggy halfway murmured at the sight of the returned Commandos to the bar she alone sat in the curved booth with fingers twisting the shot glass holding a whiskey now watered down by the melted ice meant to cool it.
Jaques asked in his slide first into the booth the others joined in on the motion to support their friend in this monumental loss. “What?”
“Steve has a sister.” She repeated and jaws dropped to her rehash of all the Colonel had shared and the way he had hinted he would hurt Steve for the fate the girl suffered.
Gabe, “So she’s dead?”
Dum dum shook his head, “No, we know Steve! We spent all that time together and not one mention of a family!”
Peggy said on the cusp of tears with a crack in her voice, “Well we apparently didn’t know him very well!” Up she raised her glass and haltingly took a sip and lowered it with half the liquid remaining in the lipstick stained glass that tapped the table again to her swallow. “He never said if she was dead or alive.” She whispered with her mind circling on that woman traveling with the Colonel who said her name was classified.
Jim, “And what if she’s alive? Not like we can do anything for the girl.”
“I have to know.” Left simply to that the conversation hung like a wet blanket over the mock funeral on the base as none could attend the one they anticipated would be held to celebrate him upon his return as a hero to Brooklyn.
And small bits of progress were shared on and off in the aid of Stark in his enlisting her aid in clearing his name and saving the world between run ins of the old friends until the fated call, “I found her, she’s alive.”
“You got to be kidding me,” Dum Dum chuckled and asked, “Who is she then? Still a nurse or did she drop that after the war?”
“She’s a student, at Columbia University. She’s in Brooklyn. I’m going to meet her tomorrow after a stop by Steve’s grave.”
“Well then, do we at least get a name?”
“She changed it, her surname at least, she goes by Bunny Pear now.”
“Bunny Pear.” The name had his face go stoic recalling those towns and stops they crossed with those signs posted up creaking the gears in his head in puzzlement as to who this mystery sister and brother duo was and why the hell Steve acted like he knew nothing of them at all. “The only woman awarded the Medal of Honor Bunny Pear?”
“Yes, you’ve read about her then?”
“Steve lied about a lot more than just having a sister. Bunny Pear devastated every German force she and her brother came across, and while we toured a ruin of a city they’d left Steve and Bucky played the fool. Hundreds of soldiers we crossed had thousands of things to say about them.” He paused then said, “Ring us when you’ve talked to her with what you learn.”
“I will.” She replied and hung up the phone more fearful than she had been hours earlier upon uncovering an address to find said lost sister she had been brushed off by once before years prior as to why her friend was so curt in his parting tone that revealed a mingle of hurt and something else. Something she hoped to be a misunderstanding and not a betrayal of the man they all had such hopes for being a pure heart in the middle of a harsh war to guide them to safety and a better tomorrow.
From the library to the dinner table you were set to move for the meal the brothers got started on once Eddie had come home and Peggy joined you all after having asked a few blaring questions about Venom in his shoot outwards ready to eat any intruder upon the telling scent of blood foreign to the family. In a skip of a scoop Eddie remained at home to keep watch of you all tonight knowing Venom would want to be on patrol all night. Both Norma and Dawn smiled and greeted Peggy, with whom they chatted in the wait for food until the doorbell rang again and Eddie sprung to check on who it was.
“Oh, hello,” the clear voice echoed through the house and was followed by, “Edwin Jarvis, there is a Peggy Carter here I believe?”
Eddie replied, “Yup, James said you called. Just you?”
“Jarvis, we’re growing cold, it’s on the move!” Stark’s voice came from the car parked on the curb who waved to Eddie, “Hey Eddie! Been following your headlines, you’ve been building up some steam!”
To that you smirked and climbed to your feet to join Peggy to the door, “I take it this means you won’t be staying for supper.”
“Apparently not. The offer was very kind however.” She answered with a kind smile.
Right to the door you strolled to stop in the doorway where Stark waved to you, “There you are Bunny! Not dead yet I see.”
That had you smirk and look to Jarvis in the sweep of his eyes over you, “Oh my,” he said then flashed you a grin stating, “Edwin Jarvis,” his hand outstretched for a handshake you returned, “Pleasure to meet you. I have heard so very many things about you, Mrs Pear Howlett.”
“Pleasure to meet you, you must have the patience of a mountain to work with Stark.”
His head tilted to the side a moment and he flashed Peggy a grin, “Lately it has been much more accommodating to my skill set and the company much less likely to land me slapped by women I come across.” His eyes wandered over you in a lean into Eddie’s side to the clear shift of your belly that had you rest a hand on it. “Might, I be bold in offering congratulations?”
“You may, and thank you.” You replied then looked to Peggy.
“I will let you rest, however I did want to let you know, the Howling Commandos, who traveled with Steve and Bucky in the war, they will be in town tomorrow and wondered if you might be up to meeting them? They also wished to pay their respects to Bucky’s parents as well.”
Eddie, “Bucky’s just got his Mom and sisters, girls are about 11 now.”
Peggy, “Good, we were planning on joining in for church, if you would accept that.”
“Not my place to ban anyone from church. We do have a block party after they may find as a reprieve after a Catholic Mass. Can be quite daunting for some not familiar with the service.”
She nodded and to Stark’s next honk she rolled her eyes and Jarvis said, “We will see you tomorrow, Mrs Pear Howlett, Mr Pear.” Both names accentuated with nods before his turn to join Peggy on the way back to the car.
“Should be fun,” you said to Eddie who chuckled and turned to lift Teddy in his race towards his father with drawing in hand to show it off.
“Oh yes,” he said to your closing and locking the doors. To turn back to the guys with eyes shifting over Eddie answering his mental questions on what he had missed of the intruders above what the guys had given of a basic description. Though mainly to calm Venom that the threat was aimed for Peggy and not yourself or his children.
Norma however drew your focus in a move to guide you to the dining room table, “Your friend had to leave before supper?”
“Yes, she’ll be at Mass tomorrow with more friends of my brother Steve’s.”
James asked, “You okay with that? We can stay home.”
That had you chuckle, “Right, because she would never just bring them here.”
And he smirked back at you playfully answering, “You set the rules. You want them barred we won’t let them in.”
Dawn said, “I just can’t believe she would come here knowing she was being followed.”
“Well I suppose there is the off chance she didn’t know. Seemed afraid of the woman at least, had to be sneaky or something to scare her.”
Victor murmured in French to keep Norma from hearing, “Don’t have to be sneaky to get a shot off in my chest.”
James teased, “Fairly big target to miss a couple feet away, now his head, be hard to hit that in reaching distance.” Earning a smirking glance back at him.
Dawn said to Norma’s confused glance their way, “Suppose we’ll just have to make sure these friends of Steve’s won’t cross any lines.”
The purple floral wrap dress you chose that hung past your knees was smoothed over you to sit under the cardigan you used to keep warm on top of the jacket that was eased over your arms and back. Sure to have your hat in place down the front stoop you strolled to join the others in town for the joint trip to Mass between your relatives. With his arm around your back James kept you close in the sight of Stark’s car driving past. While on the sidewalk outside the church Peggy stood with her signature blue dress and bright red hat to match her lipstick outlining the easy grin she gave you in the move to lead the staring group of guys behind her inside. Into the pew a row back to the left of yours across the aisle they settled. Each of them luring stolen glimpses through the service until the town and Priest especially got a chance to interrogate the newcomers who seemed to keep their focus on the family that everyone hoped would just be left to their privacy to live out their lives.
Once Mass was over however and your family took turns in the chance for confession the Brocks were the first to swoop in to begin the questioning. Gina especially smiled in her step towards the group and asked, “Passing through town?”
James Montgomery took the brief murmured conversation Peggy and Dum Dum Dugan were having about the proper time for him to put his hat back on to answer, “Yes, we’ve come out to pay our respects to Steve Rogers’ and Bucky Barnes’ families.”
Her husband asked, “Really? You knew them well?”
Pinky Pinkerton said after glancing back to Gabe Jones, Jim Morita and Happy Sam Sawyer who were ushered prior to Mass to sit on the far end of the pew on their move to join the group again, “We served together, though Steve never mentioned he had a sister, or any family at all really. Said he was orphaned.”
Mama Brock said in an unamused scoff to the memory of how her adopted daughter was treated, “Selfish little boy wouldn’t know family if it slapped him in the face. Lucky we never got our hands on him after he kept leaving Bunny out on the steps.”
That turned Peggy’s head, “On the steps? He actually left her on the steps?”
“Even went so far as to argue with the Judge that gave him custody to send her away so he wouldn’t have to have legal custody of her right in front of the poor thing before he was sent packing. To actually want to send her off anywhere unknown on the verge of a war to who knows what end how cruel can you get to do that to such a sweet child?” Mamma Brock then huffed feeling herself ready to begin shouting mumbled in a try to keep calm, “I have to go check on my pies,” and joined the others on their way to fetch the food cooked for the block party and her daughters began to list slight after slight that had their hearts sinking for both of their friends.
Including a stop to view the album of Sarah Rogers’ funeral where the guys understood by the captured look on your face just who Bucky was haunted by. The younger sister he encouraged Steve to abandon.
Peggy asked after the album was closed and added to the shelf of funerals of families within the past decade, “I don’t see Steve’s album. There’s one for Bucky.”
Ambrose said, “The Catholic church does not give suicides funeral processions.” That dropped Peggy’s jaw, “Father Thomas only insisted upon giving any words at all over the grave for Bunny’s sake when he knew we knew she was alive and with Eddie.”
Jim Morita, “Where did everyone think she was?”
Gina, “She was assumed to have run off with Eddie, but we clarified she got into a good school in Canada then they got drafted. Until she got shot she was listed as a POW though by the Canadians, we still have the telegrams our cousins received. War offices learned she was with Eddie through the field promotion papers and picture of the planes and tanks she took out first time she got shot.”
Dum Dum Dugan, “Well, I guess in his own way Steve had to have left her something decent for how she’s managed since the war.”
Ambrose’s husband said, “Steve left everything to the church. Even Jaqi’s things, she didn’t have a red cent to her name or home to come back to except for ours. Father Thomas is the one who set up the inheritance to be transferred to us to watch for her.”
Howard from the back of the church had crept forward and asked a question that hurt the group even more than anything they’d heard before that he had to confirm you yourself had told him, “Steve really call her a monster?”
Ambrose, “When he called her anything at all. Barely spoke to her at all unless it was a shout on where her change for food was or eyes were on him from people he wanted respect from.”
Howard, “He pick on people often?”
Gina, “After how his dad treated him and Sarah all he wanted to do was fight, even after she married Jaqi’s dad.”
Howard asked in a look over the albums, “Which one’s her dad’s?”
Ambrose, “Father Thomas gave it to Jaqi, only keeps them a decade. The one for Steve’s dad as well he found tucked away from when Sarah died.”
Howard asked, “Her dad a good man?”
Gina and Ambrose chuckled and the latter’s husband answered, “The pinnacle of perfect father and husband. Never raised a hand to anyone or any creature. Used to call Sarah his Greatest Treasure and Jaqi his fair Queen of the Cosmos, drove Steve up the wall. Worked and saved for his studies and a fund for his girl to study after him at the best schools. Even paid for Steve’s tuition for art classes at the community college.”
Jaques Dernier asked, “How does Bucky fit into this? Why did he hate Bunny? What did he get out of it?”
Gina’s husband answered, “He got Steve’s focus all to himself. Didn’t have much of a home he wanted to go back to at night. Steve wanted an escape and gave Bucky the most devoted buddy he could ask for.” From there the group led the others out to the party where two identically dressed girls with painfully familiar eyes stopped in their way with wide smiles.
“You knew our brother?” Stories of their war hero brother were shared to be confirmed that the guys were stunned they had heard you shared researched bits learned just for them to keep their hero. The new stories the guys shared were adored especially by their mother who in your exit of the church gave you a grin and watched your approach.
She said to the guys in the walk closer in a moment of distraction for the girls, “She’s been so kind to my girls, for how my boy and her brother behaved. Don’t you be rude to her. We owe her that much.”
Howard asked in a step away lowly to meet you before you reached the others, “You haven’t broken the bad news to the girls?”
“I’m not in the business of destroying heroes for little girls. They deserve memories of a brother who loved them and died ensuring they were safe.”
Howard, “How can you stand it, that truth you can’t say?”
“Everyone in town knows who is old enough to. Their cruelty dies with them.”
Bernie and Benji when their friends had called them waved and made their ways to the seats saved for them to share some of the excitement while you stepped forward accepting handshakes and introductions of the group that each of your family nodded in their own naming. Mrs Barnes left soon after to join her own friends to shift the focus of the group back to you.
Marigold, Petal and Teddy however called for food while you focused on the newcomers that joined you at the closest table mainly away from the crowds to the start of the music. “So, you knew Steve and Bucky in uniform, must have left an impression to bring you all out here.”
Gabe said, “Well, they were pretty special, least till we heard about you and Eddie.”
Jim Morita, “You really turned Panzers to marbles?”
“Among other things.”
Howard, “And she’s being stingy on the weaponry. I’ve even been asked to see if I can duplicate it. Magnets however are surprisingly difficult to master.” His eyes looked you over and he said, “How you made it in one piece with magnets that strong I have no clue. Did you know they can cause heart failure when they pass a certain grade?”
“Human body is comprised of iron in the blood, along with other traces of metal throughout the rest of the body, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, molybdenum, and cadmium. Part of how x-rays and sonograms work magnetic fields reacting to the body.”
“Not hard to bypass.” Happy Sam Sawyer chuckled out, “Don’t you remember, we heard the soldiers we came across all said they’re aliens.”
That had you smirk and thank the young Brock kids that brought your drinks over then darted off to play again. “Close enough,” you giggled and lifted your drink to take a sip then lowered your hand to the belly that shifted and drew James in a grin of his own to steal a stroke of your belly.
Jaques began the sea of congratulations and Dum Dum asked, “Did you plan on returning to school? You seem due soon.”
“Due closer to summer actually.” Parting his lips in confusion, “Triplets.”
Howard said, “When we’re done here Jarvis has our gifts for you in the trunk.”
“You didn’t have to bring gifts.”
Howard nodded, “Oh yes I did. Down right rude not to. Good thing I buy spares or Peggy’s sharing of the triplets would have left me in a lurch to have enough for all of you.”
“Fine, but it better not have gemstones or anything flashy or you’ll end up wearing it.”
Again he smirked and Dum Dum Dugan asked, “Any clue on what you’re having?”
“Girls,” James answered, “Hopefully just like their mom.”
Eddie said, “My sisters and cousins mostly have boys so when Dawn and I had Marigold they loved the new wave of girls, my sister Ambrose is having a girl too and can’t wait for hers.”
You smirked and said, “She’s really excited to go through this with me. Even debating coming out to Canada when we head back for the summer.”
James Falsworth asked, “Why stay in the city while you are carrying so many babies?”
“My courses.” You said, “I’m going to stick in it as far as I can through this semester. Might work it so I can leave a month early, just over four months, so possibly April to June depending on how impatient the girls are they’ll be showing up and the space and quiet will be better for me have them.”
Peggy, “How strenuous are your classes?”
“Not very, a majority of them are on the same campus and the Professors surely will be as accommodating as they keep trying to assure me they will be.”
Jim Morita asked, “What’s it like, being back here, after everything that happened?”
“I think the oddest thing was how everyone had just taken to the new last name. But I think Mama Brock had something to do with that, not to mention the papers.”
Eddie said, “They knew we needed a new name. I think remodeling Bunny’s home settled everything. Let everyone know she’s home in her own building she bought.”
“Technically-,” you tried to cut in only for Victor to cut you off.
“We bought it for you. Your name is on the lease now and when it’s legal it will be the only one on it.”
Peggy, “The whole house?”
James nodded, “Same with the comics and her bank account and just about anything we’re hoarding for the eventual turn over when we can.”
Howard said, “Might take a while to get there.” Though he smirked at the pointed gazes from the brothers around you mingled with Eddie’s unamused brow tick.
“Be a fairly terrifying time for the Starks of the world for me to have my own empire.”
Howard chuckled and fired back, “Oh no, then I might actually have some competition.”
Dum Dum Dugan asked, “What’d you do with the weapon and suits you built?”
“Well I certainly didn’t bring any weapons back from the war aside from a knife James found for me.”
Gabe, “So, what happens if someone shows up on your doorstep wanting those blueprints?”
“I may be pregnant but I can still throw someone around a room,” making the guys chuckle and Peggy smirk to herself.
From the party to the house again now with the guys the tour continued with each admiring the pictures you had posted from Steve and Bucky’s trips to shows in murals with ticket stubs and autographs.
Peggy’s focus in a glance to the other room however shifted from Eddie’s smile down at his son. Who was faking claws at the air and snarls that had Venom’s face pop out with a toothy proud grin in a lift of the boy he then lowered to kiss in the return of Venom to sink back again, to the trumpet that sat polished on display. That had you ask, “Do you play an instrument?”
Her eyes met yours and she nodded, “Piano, Mummy insisted. Made Michael keep up with his sax.”
Her grin dimmed and you said with a stroke of your hand on her arm, “Boys rarely stick to practice. Steve missed most of his, though about half came by his passing out or rehearsals that triggered his asthma.”
Pinky asked, “Steve really was this scrawny?”
You nodded, “And he hated every minute of it. Eddie and me used to get a chuckle I might have been bigger than he was in his uniforms. Pre-Captain mode that is.” You paused and asked, “He ever sketch anything? While he was over there?”
“Oh,” Happy Sam Sawyer patted his pockets until he brought out a small journal, “Just a few small sketches, the rest is some sort of scribbles we couldn’t make out.”
Opening the book to one of the notes you snapped it shut saying, “It’s a cipher. You need the source book to translate it. Some boys used to take their notes and read them like they were dirty novels even if they were on toast to taunt them for not having a wider circle.”
James Falsworth asked, “Do you know the source?”
“The Hobbit.”
Jaques, “The bedtime story?”
You nodded, “Funnily enough, I gave Steve the book they used to hide in.”
Jim, “Why not translate it?”
“Oh I can read it, and I don’t think Peggy would appreciate the content.”
Peggy paused a moment then asked, “It’s, about me?”
“Yes,” you said and lifted the book a tad, “And by the notes I am guessing he didn’t get as far as he’s writing about. You could very possibly be flexible but I doubt even then his day dream would be plausible.”
Pinky, “Wait, all you did was glance at the page. How could you read and translate it that fast.”
“Photographic memory, and I can read novels in minutes,” you glanced at Peggy saying, “I’ll read the rest later and if there’s anything less imaginative and respectful I’ll write it out for you.”
She shook her head and said, “I doubt there would be anything sentimental in there. Your brother was not overly expressive of his affection until the drive we took to get him on that plane and the radio transmission afterwards, even then, rather simplistic, trade of a promise then static.”
“Well if I do ever find him wandering around in the afterlife I’ll punch him for that. Downright a crime to not woo you properly.” You teased making her smirk your way.
Jarvis upon return from his third trip to the car gave Howard a nod that had him smile and smooth his hands together, “Gift time!”
“Anything with gems-,”
“And I’m wearing them, I remember.” He said with a smirk guiding you to the front room where you eyed the trio of crib kits that by the brand were expensive and had you in an open mouthed gawk at the smiling inventor, “I won’t accept no for an answer. Only the best for the daughters of our greatest asset for this country’s future.”
“Asset?” you asked.
“You know what I mean,” Howard said. “With your help ladies are set to give us old boys a run for our money.”
Victor, “Why’d you buy three cribs? Must have sparked some rumors with that purchase.”
Jarvis said, “Oh, for that I bear the name on that invoice. Sparing Mrs Stark that scrutiny.”
Howard said, “Though she has seen the catalogs and now is considering children with her husband number two.”
James muttered, “Ouch.”
Howard swatted his hand, “I was a means to irritate Daddy. No matter she’s picked a fine replacement more fit for the suit and tie brigade.” He patted his hand on the crib box closest to him, “Paperwork is nearly done as soon as he finalizes on his house she will pack her things and you will have tons of cover headlines to distract from your lovely little parade of geniuses.”
James, “Least you haven’t broken a sweat over it.”
Howard, “Oh we signed a prenup,” he looked between you both and said, “Which I’m certain you both won’t need.”
Victor, “Oh I’ll kill him before so much as a weekend away comes up to think things over.” Howard chuckled and pointed at him assuming it was a joke only making you smirk behind a stroke of your finger along the side of your nose. Though to a bold set of kicks your hand outstretched and landed on Eddie’s bicep and you let out a sharp breath.
“Ok, I need a minute,” you said in a turn that had him guide you to the nearest bathroom.
Howard looked your back over and James drew his gaze by saying, “They kick and her bladder is almost always trapped in the middle. This the one with the side that comes down or the solid wall model?” That had his grin return in James’ move closer to crouch and look over the diagram on the outside of the box that Victor joined him in inspecting, “Oh this one’s nice. Good solid sides won’t take off a finger if it drops like other models.”
Victor, “We can always make a set of steps if it’s too tall so Pipsqueak can reach inside.”
Jarvis, “Would it prove to be too tall we could purchase another set.”
James shook his head, “Nah, no need. She can adapt. Doubt she’d accept the second set.”
Victor, “Or even let you up the stoop with it.”
Howard, “What about Canada, you need a set there.”
James smirked, “We’ve already built a set for home, Jaqi helped with the finer touches but let us cover the basics off our experience for what would be the safest designs.”
Howard said, “Wow, you sound like you’ve been through the whole parenting schtick before.”
He didn’t need the answer in their telling continued silent stares at him till one of the guys smiled and said to you in your return, “Your hubby says it’s a safe model.”
“Even if it wasn’t the guys can easily make some changes in the install. Should be nice, I do like the round half circle top to the ends, could have some nice crochet covers from Gina. Maybe a nice quilt too for the bed the Brocks can fix up for us. One of the cousins do enjoy stuffing them.” You looked to Howard and said, “Thank you, Howard. Now, no more gifts.”
He scoffed at that and rolled his eyes only making Jarvis say, “I will do my best to remind him of that, Mrs Pear Howlett.”
“No jewelry,” you said to Howard as a flat rule that deepened his smirk in your knowing he would find a way to shower funds onto your family he’d now spread a sort of fondness onto even more so upon discovery of the link between you and his major successful project your brother turned out to be.
Dawn broke the circle by calling everyone in for tea that let you all relax in the living room until the group all had to leave with promises to come back again. Though in their absence relief came from not having the presence of questions on your lost brother and the fact that you now could have that much needed pear you had been forced to put off until the lunch that was readied upon the moment of freedom.
Straight on to bed comfort was found in solace lounged in James’ side reading off tidbits from the stack of history books Elliot had been dropping off weekly to guide you by century and culture to feed the growing appetite for reading that your pregnancy was enhancing. Mixed between those were journals from those of the Beserkers who had lived through those times including the few saved items from assumed lost libraries wars had threatened and been recorded to have destroyed. All of which could only aid in the growth of your mind, though every bit of it seemed to be familiar, a notion that pleased both him and Herc that old memories were being tapped of a time when you were present there as well to observe those moments throughout history even with your physical being in hiding.
“Odd,” you muttered in smoothing your hands over your chosen shirt to have been stolen from James’ side of the closet along with his flannels you’d adjusted the hem and waistband to a tie instead of the usual buttons he agreed upon so that you would be comfortable on nights you wanted to wear pants until yours could fit again.
“Odd?” James asked having lit the fire in your bedroom to the sound of the wind outside picking up to cover the street with the thin layer of snow forecast that would enforce the use of Victor’s car that was promised to you to prevent threat of slipping upon travel to Columbia and back again.
In a shake of your head you moved to the bed and folded back the covers, only luring him closer with head tilted slightly to the side. Softly in a sigh you replied mid lift of your leg to kneel on the bed to begin the crawl to the middle, or at least as close to it as possible while still remaining close to the edge in case of bathroom trips. “Power’s gonna go out.”
“Well with the wind like this, not far from imaginable.” His eyes looked over your face in his move closer when you sat down readying to arrange the pillows to perfect the spot for you. “Unless there’s more to it?”
“I can feel it. In the power lines. But the storm isn’t near as bad enough to shut it off. We’ve had worse storms than this.”
“How can you tell?”
“It’s,” you sighed again, “You remember that storm out in Palermo where the lightning kept circling over the ocean and it was so close it had your hair on end?”
He nodded, “So it’s like a static?”
“Something like that. Soft fizzle like soda bubbles travel through the wires. Just odd.”
“Well you won’t be cold, and breakfast will be easily fixed up even without lights.” He said in the motions to help tuck you into the comfy nest that he snuggled closer to your back with a shrug of the blankets higher over you both. “Don’t you worry.”
“Just hope it doesn’t get too cold for Whiskers.”
That had him smirk and settle his head behind yours on the pillow, “Furnace is powered on gas, won’t go out with the electric, same as the cabin. Whiskers will be perfectly warm and thanks to your metal layer inside the walls all our pipes are extra insulated. We won’t let our house go cold.” After a moment his hand covered yours and he hummed, “We all promised to keep him and the puppies warm and safe, we won’t go back on that.”
Mid yawn you started to say, “He has a schedule to keep,” which only had him chuckle to himself and close his eyes to the inch of your body back into his chest.
Pt 53
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess​, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, 
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @changlingkhat​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward​
28 notes · View notes
crackedoutgiraffe · 4 years
To the Moon and Back
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
A/N: Chapter 4
As you landed in Iowa, Reid helped you grab my bag and you headed to the hotel to get checked in. Luckily you all had our own rooms so you wouldn’t be caught in awkward situations. Given you had just met the team today, you’d figured that it was best if you didn’t have to stay in a room with anyone. You were kind of upset though because that meant you couldn’t share a room with a certain someone. 
Reid and I walked out of the hotel to one of the black SUVs. “Do you want to drive?” he asked. 
“Sure,” you said, cheerfully. He tossed you the keys and you hopped in the car. “Buckle up,” You were a good driver. You had never been pulled over or been in an accident. We arrived at the Principal’s house promptly. Living in Chicago you had seen plenty of violence and blood, but this was different. His blood was all over the walls and parts of his body were scattered about the room. There was broken glass and dust all over the floor.
“So the unsub has to be tied to the school somehow, right?” you noted. “Current student, alumni, a family member who lost someone?”
“It could be Slade groupie celebrating his hero,” Reid stated, looking around the room for more evidence. He was really cute when he was all technical like that,“He taped nails to the exterior of the bomb, specifically to rip open flesh. That's a sadistic detail of Slade's the unsub copied.”
“Except he tricked Givens into blowing himself up. A groupie probably wouldn't show that much self-control.”
“But someone with an ax to grind against the principal would. Maybe he's a surrogate for the tormentors in high school he can't punish. Who were yours?”
“I don't even remember.”
“You don't even remember?” Reid repeated back to me. “Wait, were you one of the mean girls?”
Was that all he thought of me? “No.,” you said, with a little laugh.
“What were you like in high school?”
“Um, I was the valedictorian, played tennis and was captain of the soccer team. And I graduated at 16” you replied.
“And you were still a size zero?” Reid said, with conviction. “I think you might have been one of the mean girls.”
“I was one of the nice girls, even to guys like you.”
“What do you mean guys like me?” he asked with a smile on his face. “I’ll have you know my social standing increased when I started playing basketball.” 
“Oh yeah, you played basketball?”
“I didn’t play, I coached,” a sly smile crept across his face. “I broke down the other team’s shooting strategy.”
We heard a voice calling from outside, “Agent.”
“It’s Doctor,” you and Reid said in unison without even looking up from our work. 
“They just found the body of Chelsea Grant in her hotel room,” the detective sighed.
Reid looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, “That was one of the survivors, right?”
“We should head over there,” you urged.
“I can text you the address,” the detective hissed, looking you up and down. “I just need your number, sweetheart.” Men are pigs.
You walked over to him, put a hand on his arm and dug your nails into his skin, “Or you could just tell me.”
“The Hilton Hotel, on Main Street,” he spat, you let go and walked out the door with Reid at your heels. “Fucking slut.”
You turned around, ready to beat a bitch up, “he isn’t worth it, Y/N,” Reid cautioned, putting himself between you and the detective.
“Today is your lucky day, Detective,” you threatened before walking out the door and getting in the car. “Men are pigs, Reid.”
“I know, Y/N,” he said in the most calming voice imaginable. Your driving from then on was a tad erratic. As you pulled into the hotel you noticed a large police presence and a bomb squad. You and Reid walked up the stairs to Chelsea’s room in complete silence. 
“I'm going to call Hotch,” you announced, Reid just nodded.
“You’re on speaker, Y/N,” Hotch’s voice came through the phone.
“So we might have another one,” you said into the phone while scanning the room.
“One of the North Valley alumni was killed in her motel room,” you responded. “No bomb or gun this time. Looks like he used his bare hands.”
“Do we have a name?” 
Reid was across the room looking for anything that could give us a better idea of what was happening, “Chelsea Grant.”
“She’s on the list,” you could hear Prentiss say over the phone.
“Alright stay there you two,” Hotch said. “I’ll be over in a minute.” And with that Hotch hang-up. You and Reid waited for about twenty minutes before Hotch entered Chelsea’s hotel room.
“The unsub crushed Chelsea's throat so she couldn't scream,” Reid told Hotch, walking over to where you were standing “then he pulverized her ribs, sending fragments of bone into her heart.”
You were all on edge now. The unsub deviated from what you thought his plan was, “Principal Givens was high-profile, Chelsea wasn’t.”
“Right now the only thing connecting them is that they’re on that list,” Hotch added
“A list that Brandon kept secret for 10 years.” you pointed out.
Reid looked at you as you spoke and looked like he was in a trance “But he was in custody when this happened. The question is how did the unsub get his hands the exact same list.”
“We ruled out a partner, but not conclusively,” Hotch looked puzzled, there was definitely something bothering him.
“Slade made every part of his plan public,” you added. “It doesn't make sense that he would hide a partner.”
“He didn't want to share the credit,” Hotch finished, “And this weekend is the partner's best chance to claim it. Let’s head back to the station to deliver the profile.” And with that, you three shuffled out of the room. As you left, Reid held the police tape up for you, and you gave him a smile. 
Hotch took his own SUV while you and Reid took yours, “Are you sure you don’t want to drive,” you asked.
“One hundred percent,” Reid said. “You’re doing a pretty good job.”
“Whatever you say, pretty boy,” you teased him a bit, and he looked away. When he turned back he was blushing a little bit. You promptly pulled into the police department parking lot. You walked in and Reid held the door for you. He’s just being nice. 
“We’re re going to give the profile now,” Hotch said, knocking on the door of the conference room. 
“Ok, I’ll be out in a minute,” you were organizing some papers to get ready for later. You head out to the main room when you were done. 
“Partners of dominant psychopaths are usually submissive, but that doesn't mean that they can't be intelligent or that they're physically weak,” Hotch started. 
“This unsub laid low after the bombing,” you continued, “and successfully evaded police and FBI.”
Reid took the next turn to speak, “That took cunning and patience, which he's exhibiting now
with his current murders.”
“We think he fits the loner profile Slade debunked,” Morgan added. 
“He grew up in an abusive home,” JJ stepped forward and spoke,  “which kept him from forming the normal social bonds in high school.”
One of the police officers raised their hand and spoke, “We interviewed all the outcasts from back then. How did this guy slip through?”
“Even outcasts eventually form friendships. But this unsub was the outcast the outcasts rejected,” Reid spoke up, answering his question. “He won't stand out in any capacity, and as a matter of fact, most of his fellow students probably won't even remember graduating with him.” He talked with his hands a lot. It was kinda cute.
“And that invisibility is what made him attractive to Slade,” Morgan continued. “This partner wouldn't steal the spotlight.”
Slade turned to the cafeteria because most of the names on his list ate there together during fifth period,” Rossi added. “So his hatred festered when the names on the list emerged from the cafeteria as media heroes.”
You continued to add what you could to the profile briefing, “And now he wants to finish
the job that Randy started. Emotionally, this weekend is more a high school reunion to him than a memorial.”
“We go to reunions to show who we grew up to be,” Reid spoke again. “Often that means changing everything about who we were.”
“Consciously or not, Randy Slade revealed clues as to his partner's identity when he detonated his bomb,” Hotch finished.  “Agent Prentiss will be conducting cognitive interviews to see what the survivors might remember. That’s all, thank you” The cops all stood up and walked their respective ways. Hotch started to walk to the conference room and you all followed, excluding Rossi and Morgan, they stayed behind to talk to a few cops who had questions. Reid called Garcia and you four sat down at the table.
“So, as you can see from your board there, this kill list is weirdly similar to high school,” Garcia babbled through the phone. “Group one is like the popular kids--prom court, football team, Dean's list. The Heathers, if you will.”
“Kids in Slade's social circle.” Hotch interrupted
“What about number two?” you asked.
“Uh, mm-hmm, that would be the kids from the other side of the tracks,” Garcia continued. “180-degree difference, kids this close to getting kicked out--stoners, burnouts, mental cases. Chelsea Grant is on this list.
“Maybe Slade targeted them because they disgusted him?” JJ spoke up
Hotch helped to answer her question, “But they didn't threaten Slade's sense of superiority. He wouldn't have even cared about them.”
“All right, well, maybe the partner put them on the list,” you noted. “They'd be closer to his social status than Slade's.”
“Why would the--” Reid said as he reached into his back pocket for his ringing cell-phone. “I'm so sorry,” he hung up the call. “Why would the unsub list kids that he fit in with?”
“Apparently that's how this clique worked. The kids in it were meaner to each other than kids on the outside,” Hotch answered. “Garcia, separate out all the kids who got into trouble regularly. Then eliminate the names that the partner put on the list. Now, who's left that came to the memorial?”
“Right. Whoever made the list wouldn't put their name on it,” Garcia said.Uh… Sir, I think--
I think I've got him, I can track his cell phone.”
“I need a name Garcia,” Hotch pushed. 
“Lewis Ramsey, he’s at the local bar, 712 main street,” Garcia reported. 
“Ok, I’ll call Morgan and get him there with some officers,” Hotch said getting up to leave.
“You buy it?” you asked after Hotch and Morgan had interviewed Ramsey. It was just you, Reid, and Hotch in the conference room for now.
“He fits the profile, and the evidence points to him, but he seems sincere,” Hotch said.
“He's not the unsub,” Reid added. “He was the partner, but look at how Slade added
‘all the LoSeRs in this Godforsaken school.’ This capitalization isn't an accident. Look. L-S-R--
Lewis Stuart Ramsey.”
“So Slade named his own partner,” you asked.
“Ironically, Lewis' marijuana conviction saved his life,” Reid added.
“Well, that puts us back to our original problem,” you continued “If the unsub isn't the partner, how did he get his hands on a list that Slade and Lewis kept to themselves?”
“The only answer is that part of the profile is wrong,” Hotch said. “The unsub's vendetta has nothing to do with the list. Alright, you two can be done for the night. Take an SUV to the hotel.” You did as Hotch said and walked outside to the SUV. 
You got to drive again. You still could not actually figure out what was going on inside the impressive Dr. Reid’s mind. You pulled into the parking lot for your hotel and both went your separate ways. You got to your room, scanned your key, and plopped onto your bed, letting out a heavy sigh. You chose to take a shower and once you were done you had an idea. You got dressed in your pajamas, a tank top and shorts, and put your hair up. You walked down the hall and knocked on room number 413. 
Dr. Reid opened the door and looked at you puzzled, “What are you doing here?” he asked, he was still dressed in his work clothes.
“Well, are you going to let me in.” He stepped out of your way and you walked in. His room ad the exact same layout as yours did. You walked to the bed and sat down smoothing out the sheets. 
“Are you going to tell me why you’re here?” 
“What type of doctor are you?”
He looked at you completely confused, but came and sat next to you on the bed, “I have three PhDs in math, chemistry, and engineering. I have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and I can read 20,000 words per minute.”
“Wow, now you’re making me look stupid,” you pointed out and he laughed. Then your phone rang, “It’s Hotch.” Reid motioned for you to answer, “Hey Hotch. You’re on speaker.”
“Y/N, we found another one of the survivors dead,” Hotch said over the phone. “Can you get Reid and come to the high school,” 
“Hey Hotch,” Reid spoke up into the phone.
“You both read the fraternization policy, right?” Hotch asked.
“Yes sir, we’re not fraternizing, just talking,” you added.
“Alright, can you two come to the high school?”
“On our way,” Reid said. You hung up the phone and sighed. “Do you want to change really quick?” he asked. 
You looked down at your clothes, “Yeah I guess, I’ll meet you at the car.” You left his room and walked back to your room only two doors down. You quickly changed back into your pants suit and left your room. As you turned the corner to head to the elevator, you saw Dr. Reid standing right by your door. 
“I figured you wouldn’t take long,” he commented. You nodded and headed to the elevator walking a bit past him so he did a little jog to catch up to you. You walked into the elevator and hit the first button. 
Reid turned to talk to you, "Did you know that the earliest known reference to an elevator is in the works of the Roman architect Vitruvius, who reported that Archimedes built his first elevator probably in 236 BC. Some sources from later historical periods mention elevators as cabs on a hemp rope powered by hand or by animals. In 1000, the Book of Secrets by al-Muradi in Islamic Spain described the use of an elevator-like lifting device, in order to raise a large battering ram to destroy a fortress. In the 17th century, the prototypes of elevators were located in the palace buildings of England and France. Louis XV of France had a so-called 'flying chair' built for one of his mistresses at the Chateau de Versailles in 1743. Ancient and medieval elevators used drive systems based on hoists or windlasses. The invention of a system based on the screw drive was perhaps the most important step in elevator technology since ancient times, leading to the creation of modern passenger elevators. The first screw drive elevator was built by Ivan Kulibin and installed in the Winter Palace in 1793, although there may have been an earlier design by Leonardo da Vinci. Years later another of Kulibin's elevators was installed in the Arkhangelskoye near Moscow."
"What are some of your hobbies, Dr. Reid?" 
"I read a lot, I know how to knit, and I like to practice magic."
"Can you show me a magic trick?"
"I don't have my cards on me," He said, smiling, "but ask me again later and I may have them." The door to the elevator opened and you both exited. Hopping in the car, you looked at Reid and smiled. You started the car and drove off. The drive to the high school was about 20 minutes, but you sometimes drive a little over the speed limit so it only took 15. You got out of the car and walked into the school, the same detective that catcalled you was waiting outside to escort you to the crime scene, "Well, it's good to see you again," he hissed. 
"I wish I could say the same for you," you quipped.
"Come on, pretty mama," he pleaded. "Just let me love you the way you deserve, better than this dweeb could treat you."
Reid looked at you offended, "he treats me very well, for your information." You put your arm around his waist and pulled him closer to you.
The detective scoffed and opened the door for the two of you. As you walked through the hallways, following the creep, you looked at Spencer and shrugged when he tried to ask you what that was. Finally, the crime scene came into view. 
"I'll see you later baby," the detective said and slapped your ass. You turned around to hit him but Spencer, Hotch, and Morgan stepped between you and the detective, Spencer escorted you away.
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Nakamoto Yuta  Astrology Ask: How he loves
“That“Hello!  Can you please do an astology post about hpw yuta from nct 127 loves ? With all the fluffy and nsfw details included ? I loved the ones yo did already and I was wondering if you’re interested in look into his chart? Thank you 😊😊🌸” - @marinemousemarie
A/N Of course I am happy to! Thanks again for your patience !!  ALSO THIS HAIR IS KILLING ME ON HIM OML   thank you for your request!!!
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what is he so perfect for????
Alright !!!!
Yuta’s chart is HEAVILY water influenced
which right off the bat means he is very in touch with his emotions
someone help me I am c o m p r o m i s e d
that is so daddy 
so even though he HAS these very deep emotions, he will still come off as mysterious and likely has a wall up
Scorpios exude sex appeal honestly I knew his sun was Scorpio but he makes so much sense with his moon there too 
His rising is Capricorn (by estimation)
so he is likely really thoughtful and analytical too, especially when you first meet him and a very, VERY hard worker
he even REALLY fits the physical description of a Scorpio honestly
his north node is Libra so even though he has a lot of Scorpio (typically a less social sign because they tend to be a bit... suspicious)
he probably desperately needs a tight knit group around him he trusts,and leans on them only when he feels he can’t handle it alone
 also his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality
he probably revels a little bit in the parts of his nature that stir him
..... i’m going to let you deduce what I feel about that until we get under the cut cause uh
a bitch is shook
so SUN in Scorpio means he is quieter at first, tends to ask more questions instead of revealing his own feelings (which are there and are strong)
puts off a really entrancing seductive mystery that draws people to stare and commands attention on it’s own
MOON in Scorpio means INTENSE 
Lunar Scorpios can cut right through anyone’s bullshit
there’s no point in faking emotion around him he is going to know immediately 
and have you ever seen such intense side eye from another sign???
They are incredibly all or nothing. if you are in their good graces they respect you and will show it 
if you lose that respect it is GONE forever
they are also courageous and tend to be on the cutting edge of fashion and social issues he has a golden heart and a steely gaze oh lort 
his mercury is in Libra which is the best place for that sign tbh
the negotiation skills this man would have is uncanny
tbh this makes me feel like he has the silverest of tongues
between Scorpio’s natural affinity for privacy and mystery and Libra’s skill with mediation, he will be effortless at wrapping someone around his finger
has a very solid sense of justice though, so it will only be used for good 
desires someone to sharpen his mind on
wants to be able to verbally spar and debate- always done in a friendly way though!
Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius  so he is the kind of person who wants to travel, is governed by a strict moral code all his own
and really just wants to enjoy the experiences of life 
these things can impact his desire to settle down however so his focus has to be on a relationship part of his life before he lets that happen.
his VENUS being in Scorpio well.
that’s ah. the exact opposite of his mars and Jupiter tbh
so they balance out a bit, but basically his venus says “when you are ready to settle down you settle down, and you don’t mess around.” 
they are loyal and sensual and they need emotional connection that goes both ways
they LOVE commitment and they expect FULL devotion
they wanna pick you apart and know every little thing about you because they want to fill all your cracks with little pieces of themselves so that you are hooked and sticking around
but they aren’t fully forthcoming with their own emotions
with his Mercury being Libra if you can GET him to talk, it’s fine because he will express it well
but you will have to be fantastic at deciphering different emotions in his eyes
there’s actually a lot of Capricorn in his chart, so even though he has a lot of Scorpio ( a very self sufficient sign)
he also probably has a few places where he can be a bit harder on himself and a little self defeating
he probably won’t need MUCH encouragement though, considering the really active fire sign in his Mars 
in relationships this boils down to 
you meet and he seems very withdrawn
polite but there’s a mystery behind his eyes you can’t quite pin down
no matter how much he likes you, he will not tell you 
no he will hint by initiating really subtle flirting
you’ll find him guiding you by two fingers on your low back, a gesture of helpfulness that will linger a few seconds too long
prolonged eye contact from across the room that drives you insane because you can’t figure out what it MEANS
the raise of one brow if you say something that he considers a little flirty back
he wants the push and pull to see if you are really interested  
after some playful non verbal flirting he will probably make sure you know he thinks you’re attractive more explicitly
his mars is Sagittarius so he will frame it casually but he would really need you to know
so say you dressed really nicely
he is going to make sure you get a compliment from him
“That fits really nice.”
and you will thank him only to realize he’s smirking and you know it is more than a basic compliment he is low key dirty okay
He’d be the type to have someone else invite you to a group gathering and then monopolize your time 
he would ask you a million questions about yourself until he knew you better than you do
and then he would flirt more
as he drank more his compliments would get softer and more kind and less borderline sugestive
and that’s how you know he genuinely likes you 
like he’s tipsy and it’s “You’re so sweet and I like being around you.”
“why won’t you ever rub my head like you rub Mark’s?”
“Why do you laugh at all of Johnny’s jokes and not mine?”
“I really just wish you’d love me too.”
and you’re like   👀👀👀👀👀👀
he will deny it like... one time and then he will cave hard
might lay on you and play with your hands while he talks about what he likes about you
and you’re in shock because he rarely speaks about how HE feels and usually only asks you things
and you realize his feelings are real and you finally just say “If I’m so great why won’t you date me?”
and he will 0.0 
because why didn’t sober him think of that ???
he did but also he doesn’t want you to know how MUCH he did you feel me
so he will just be like “okay, then it is what we’re doing now.”
and you expect him to forget but the next day he is at your house with flowers and he wants to do cute shit
domestic shit like changes your name in his phone to a shit ton of cute emojis
spam you 
with love via text while he is away
just one after another of CHEESY ass heart and flower pictures
and the most adorable good mornings and goodnights and every meal time he texts to be sure you’re eating
is genuinely so sweet and open with you once you are together
loves to lay in your lap and stare up at you 
run your hands through his hair while you do what a dream though
back hugs!!
front hugs!!
he wants
how precious I 
18 + below the cut let’s get spicy
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you don’t understand I am incoherent
remember  THIS “  his trine is at 90 degrees between sun and lilith so he is COMFORTABLE with the darker sides of his personality “
i usually don’t agree when people insist someone IS a specific roll in the bedroom but
Yuta is a whole dom
Comfortable with his darker sides... comfortable with his kinks
willing to explore and not in the SLIGHTEST concerned about what society thinks
if he likes it he tells you and you guys will decide if it’s something you wanna do
ALL THAT SCORPIO. Sun, Moon, Venus,and pluto all being in scorpio I mean this dude I FUCKIN CAN’T
 Scorpio is known for being passionate, sensual and incredibly unrelenting 
a bit egotistical about their abilities
not in a bad way, in a “I got this and I will show you that I do”  kind of way
Yuta stop that’s hot
This is not romantic sex
this is not lovey dovey handholding sex
He wants you incoherent and lost in pleasure
he wants to dominate you and watch you beg
listen he really loves the power rush that comes with it
maybe choking look don’t kill me he strikes me as a choking type
Libra mercury so his dirty talk is ALWAYS ON POINT AND EXACTLY WHAT YOU LIKE
seems like the type to be a LITTLE into degradation
I’m sorry look I don’t mean anything too serious
just “You’re a slut for me aren’t you? Such a good girl all day but you can’t wait to spread your legs for me?”
that kinda stuff
Orgasm control/Denial
holds a vibrator to your clit while you beg him to stop
finger fucks you while he does
Maybe a sir/daddy kink 
the type to buy you a “collar” made of diamonds and smirk every time someone who doesn’t know compliments it
“Don’t cum and don’t let anyone know and I will reward you at home.”
while he fingers you under the table
thinks it’s funny if you have minor slip ups
fast, accurate strokes that leave you seeing stars
sometimes deep, soul shakingly slow strokes that roll your eyes back into your head
scratch his shoulders he likes that shit
spanking and biting are definitely a yes
aftercare is SO SWEET
cuddles you and shhhhh’s you
strokes up and down your arms with his fingertips
lays your head in his lap and smiles softly at you
asks you what you need to calm down
wraps you in the softest robe or blanket
makes you feel safe and loved
tells you how well you did 
a good boyfriend wow
here you go !
thank you for your patience !!
I hope you enjoyed it !!
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The Slutty Web One Weaves
Title : The Slutty Webs one Weaves
Chapter NO. 7 of 10?
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki’s Asgardian wife learns women write fanfiction about him on a trip to Midgard. She’s edgy for the duration and lets him have it when they get back.
Author: lokilover9
Rating: M
Astrid apologized, agreed to everything and Thor lead them to a location to hide their vehicle.
"Loki will be pleased to know your helping."
"I should have thought to from the start." She regrettably admitted.
Frigga hugged him. "Thank you for agreeing to take her back should this fail." ***** For eight days, their plan worked until her Father paid the palace an unexpected visit.
Odin was in the front courtyard boasting to some Einherjar about beating an Embassador at charades, when their commander, Nedvar, interrupted. "Ignoramus at twelve o'clock, Sire."
The King groaned. "Splendid. It's Rodderick the dipshit."
"Give the word and we'll pitch him over the wall."
"Tempting, but what do I tell my daughter in law?" Odin hated the occasionally unkempt Lord who preferred perfuming to bathing and greeted him from behind a hedge. "Welcome Roddy. I look so forward to your unscheduled visits."
The disdain was mutual with Roddy feeling Astrid could've done better than wed whom he considered a criminal, Prince or not. "Greetings, Heiness. Might you be so kind as to share the knowledge of when your son intends to return?"
Astrid's parents had two daughters, her being the youngest and known to the Royals as her Father's least favorite.
"That depends on whom you miss more. Asgards lovely Duchess, or my son? Her beloved pardoned Prince. I can give either a message."
"Miss? Impossible as Astrid's practically taken up residence again. Should I relay you wish she ceased luring her Mother from bed crying, or send her home to disturb your sleep?"
"I wasn't aware she'd returned from Midgard. Has age required you hearing aids, or were you night prowling in hopes of accessing Ingrid's locked bedchambers again?"
Roddy frowned and crassly replied. "The lovely Duchess returned with Frigga. Is your wife telling lies, Allfather? Mine would never."
Odin cackled. 'Festering dimwit. Ingrid is banging my valet.' "You shall regard Frigga as 'Queen' and with utmost respect."
"My apologies. She is celestial, yet your defensiveness is revealing."
Roddy liked poking subtle jabs at the Royals and assumed Astrid a barrier to consequence. Most were directed at Loki and the King, but he'd worn Odin's patience too thin. "Insult anyone in my family again, including your daughter and face repercussions. Be gone, Rodderick."
"So soon?"
Odin's jaw clenched. "Leave egghead before I crack it on the pavement. Nedvar, escort him to the gate."
"Gladly, Sire."
Roddy followed, hardly perturbed. "One might expect the offering of a beverage after a stuffy carriage ride."
The commander jolted the gate closed. "Try opening a window Lord Heskin. If you're thirsty, there's a pub nearby rumored to host naked wrestling in the basement. Some days it's ladies, others gents. Enjoy."
When Odin entered their chambers bellowing to the Allmother, her lady in waiting sent word through a chain of servants to a handsomely paid Stableman. Familiar with an alternate route to Astrid's parents, he arrived ahead of Roddy and rushed her to the observatory.
Thor received her call and left immediately. 'Shite, brother. Where art thou?' ***** Following two days in Paris, Loki and Brianna cruised Lake Laguno in Switzerlandand. She questioned him about Asgard and her grandparents, yet when asking the circumstances behind his adoption, Loki spun a tale of half truth.
"Jotunheim had a King named Laufey who owned a magical cube that opened bridges to every realm. Long ago, he used it to attack Earth. Grandfather bravely defended your realm, forced his army back to Jotunheim and demanded he relinquish the cube. Laufey refused and continued attacking Asgards army until most of his people died. Grandfather found me alone amidst the rubble and decided to adopt me."
"You didn't tell him who your parents were?"
"I was an infant and the only survivor for miles."
"Where was Laufey?"
"He'd gone into hiding like a scaredy cat."
Instead of finding his comment amusing, anger washed over Brianna. "He abandoned a helpless baby to freeze? Introduce us and I'll use him as target practice."
Loki booped her nose. "I'm honored you wish to avenge me, but Laufey died and still suffers in the afterlife."
"King scaredy cat will never have the privilege of meeting you."
Brianna smiled. "Or you. Was Grandfather hurt?"
"He lost an eye, but recovered nicely."
In Amsterdam, they visited the Artis zoo with over 900 species of little animals, an aquarium, planetarium and Zoological Museum. Further confirmation Brianna's his was how quickly she learned enormous amounts information and remembered the smallest details when later initiating a quiz. Since confessing to the burglaries, Loki was curious how she knew the homeowners were abroad and worked it into their conversation.
She replied like it was all in a day's work. "Dory accompanied me to different parks in fancy neighborhoods around Jersey, posing as my babysitter. Between eavesdropping on adults and questioning kids, it's amazing what you can learn inside a sandbox."
"Questions of what nature?"
"Like, 'I'm new to the neighborhood and love my big house. Where do you live?' Or, 'I'm going to visit my aunt Matilda's lavender farm to make soap.'"
"How was that helpful?"
"Most thought it dull and bragged of their families planning grander trips. Once attaining addresses and dates, I'd stake out their houses and proceed from there."
"Ah. With Dory as the lookout?"
"I left her in shelters or nearby motels. She never figured out how I managed, but by the third burglary, stopped worrying whenever I'd sneak away and send her a text." His eyes widened and Brianna rose a palm. "Dory lacked powers and I wouldn't risk her arrested because of me."
Why lecture when she'd acted out of desperation to find him? "You're a good friend, Og Min Lille."
"Thanks. I regret the stealing, but pranking the authorities was fun."
Loki thought it something innocent like tipping off their hats, but discovered her mischievousness paralleled her intelligence.
"I always struck at night and at one house, four police were investigating inside when I turned on the lights, flushed every toilet and set off their sirens. At the third, I poured a large olive oil path onto the kitchen floor, slammed a pantry door and watched two come running. One slid into it and fell, while the other amusingly contorted himself until the first tripped him. They sure swear a lot for the good guys."
"Brianna." He playfully scolded. "Say you did nothing worse."
"I'd be lying."
"At the last house, the master bedroom had black drapes and life size models of a lion, wolf and a fang baring polar bear on its hind legs. Weird people. After aligning them near the door, I closed it, extinguished the lights and tripped the alarm. The police came, shone a flashlight inside and from the foyer, I made the bear roar."
Loki chuckled. "Did they scream?"
"And shot the bear."
"What?!" He led her someplace quiet. "From now on young lady, all pranks must meet my approval or…" While pondering means of discipline, he blurted what first came to mind. "...All shoulder and piggy back rides are discontinued."
He made both fun, thought Brianna. Bumping into things when her hands covered his eyes, then flipping her over his head for tickles. Or feigning valiant attempts at shaking her off to escape enslavement.
~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~ "Have mercy and release me!" He pleaded, captured during a picnic.
Brianna popped him on the head with her fake sword, a stick with a bushel of leaves at its tip. "Cease your begging, pheasant! I rule this realm, appoint you my new zombie slayer and hunter of all things chocolate. Fail and be fed to puppies!"
Loki set her down and knelt on one knee with a hand to his chest. "A frightful demise your majesty of cuteness. I humbly accept."
"Daddy, I'm supposed to be fierce."
"Eh he he he. Sorry." ~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~
Brianna deliberated his threat and wittingly proclaimed. "Are you not the God of Mischief and I your offspring?"
He arched a brow. 'Don't laugh or she'll never take you seriously.' "I mean it."
Brianna had already pulled some under his nose. A boy who'd aggressively budded before her at a park slide discovered his shoelaces tied together after nose diving into the sand. A woman at a restaurant who harshly berated a server had red wine spilled onto her Gucci bag. Minor sprinklings of karma she happily administered.
"But you're still a prankster."
"Rarely and without endangering anyone." 'Shite. I'll need to keep that fib under wraps.'
Brianna crossed fingers behind her back and feigned defeat. "O-kay. Can I have a snow cone now?" ***** After seeing the Northern lights in Norway, they'd returned to their hotel where she became oddly sombre.
"Has something upset you?" Loki asked.
"During our travels, I've seen many people with children. It's obvious they're loved, but my family..why, Daddy?"
Her pain pierced Loki's heart as she clung to him. "People can do terrible things for incomprehensible reasons, but you're my little girl now and I'm overjoyed you've come into my life."
When her tears ceased, she unexpectedly opened up about the women. Her first memory was of Jillian singing her to sleep at age three. She and Claudia taught her to talk, walk, bathe and dress herself, brought her toys, fictional and educational books. Yet it was Jillian who'd paid her the most attention, their visits consistently monitored by Hannah. A person so controlling and void of sentiment, Brianna wondered how the trio became friends. The woman opposed their closeness and the first time Brianna defended her Mother, she was forbidden upstairs without Hannah present, who ordered Claudia to report otherwise. This became impossible when the two landed full time jobs. With Jillian delegated homemaker, Hannah was forced to trust her. Over the past year, she'd broadened Brianna's computer knowledge, snuck her for walks to a hidden trail entrance off the main road she'd marked with glow in the dark tape, taught her outdoor safety and survival skills and always stressed keeping everything secret, especially Brianna's magic or Hannah would separate them for good.
"Jillian knew of your powers? Why have you never mentioned any of this?"
Brianna frowned. "She bread me to thicken her purse. No amount of secrets and added kindness makes that excusable or her worthy of commeding."
An undeniable fact Loki avoided arguing. His daughter was hurting and preaching Jillian might've experienced a change of heart could impede their relationship.
She halted his conflictual thoughts by bashfully asking. "Do 'you' love me?"
"Very much, Brianna."
"Can I stay with you forever? Please? I'll move to Asgard."
Loki doubted she comprehended the gravity of her words. "Forever doesn't mean a month long visit as we previously discussed. It involves permanently residing on another realm thousands of miles from Earth where the landscape, culture, even people's wardrobe's are entirely unfamiliar."
"I know. Devoid of space travel, would it be any different if I moved to India, Antarctica or say..Bhutan?"
"I suppose not. I'm sorry, Bhutan?"
"It's a small country just south of China. I memorized Earth's geography and most of its cultures in one month."
"Very good." 'Genius supreme. I must catch up.' "Then you're willing?"
She yawned, proudly raising her chin. "Affirmative. I'd like to see those sandbox dwellers top that adventure."
Incredibly relieved, Loki chuckled. "You've ten remaining seconds to gloat, sleepyhead. Ten..nine.….three, two, one."
"Hey, you said those last digits awfully fast."
"It's time for vampire pajamas, your fierce and Royal Highness."
"A story too? Will you conjure The Empty Grave by Jonathan Stroud?"
"The Empty 'what?'" He amusingly queried. "No way, Jose. I've chosen three options of popular children's literature from the internet. The Cat in the Hat, Whinnie the Pooh, a rather peculiar name for a bear and Charlotte's Web."
"Isn't the last tale about a spider?"
"They're creepy. I choose that one."
'Mother would be impressed.' "Hurry then before zombies find us and eat my brains!"
Brianna shouted from the bathroom. "Nobody hurts my Daddy! Huyya! Take that you fiendish barbarians! Uh oh."
Loki rushed in upon hearing glass crack and found her standing on the bathtub ledge. "What did you do?"
"I was pretending to fight them off with my hairbrush when it flew from my hand, struck that picture and landed in the toilet."
He laughed renewing both with magic. "Your toothbrush is safe, yes?"
Loki finally thought her asleep when she reached out for a hug.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. I forgot to say I love you too. Goodnight."
His heart swelled twice its size. "Goodnight, Og Min Lille." ***** Next they ventured to London and a budding lover of history, Brianna asked to visit The British Museum. While viewing a dinosaur skeleton from an upper walkway, she pointed into the crowd below.
"Daddy, isn't that Tony?"
He took a gander. "Well, well. Iron Man it be."
"Who's the strange lady he's with?"
"Pepper, darling. She often wears wigs to avoid recognition."
Her eyes brightened. "Please, can we say hello?"
"Inconspicuously. I'll him send a text." Daddy concealed his phone. 'Greetings kinky crossdresser. What brings you to Londinium?'
'Yes. Act casual, we're hiding.'
'Holy shit! We're on vacation and at the Savoy in the Royal Suite. Can you meet us there ASAP? It's important.'
'We're on the ninth floor. Rendezvous in an hour?'
'Ha! We'll be there with balls on!'
'Come again?'
'🤪 Bells, dammit! Bells!'
'😂 Brianna can't wait.'
Tony hurriedly guided Pepper through the crowd. "Excuse us..pardon us..excuse us."
"Where's the fire?" She whispered.
"Daddy Snowflake's in town. Hustle, Butch." ***** Their door opened and Brianna ran to him. "Uncle Cootyoodles!"
"Little Warrior! Am I happy to see you!"
The couple listened with enthusiasm about everywhere she'd been, then Tony asked to speak with Loki alone.
Virginia led her into their bedroom. "Wait 'till you see all the cool stuff I bought."
"That'll keep her busy." Said Stark. "Pepper's a London shopaholic. So why the vanishing act? Thor called me."
Loki scoffed. "I did tell him not to."
"Don't be angry. Astrid returned and wanted to contact me."
"Why? You knew nothing."
"She didn't believe him. Neither did your Mother and Thor worried they'd show up at the Tower."
"What?! Our Mother came to Midgard in search of me? Shit..shit!"
Stark told him everything and Loki's face was unreadable. "Nope. There's nothing weird about staring like I've grown a nipple on my face."
"Did I mention it's pierced? You're saying 'my' brother, Shakespeare in the park, lied that extensively for me?"
"Yes and sent them back to your Dad to expand on it. What's everyone's problem with an awesome six year old anyway? Is that why you didn't go home?"
"Becoming a parent, you're suddenly bombarded with complex decisions centered around one tiny person you never fathomed loving so deeply, much less an indisputable desire to protect above all else."
Stark smiled. "Look at you. The master of Sheisterism all growed up..whose dodged my question."
Loki sunk into a chair. "Maturity aside, my life is a mess. Asgards people still regard me a traitor, Astrid and I are constantly arguing and it's completely unfair of me to expect she Mother a child she didn't bare and Odin's my grandest worry for classified reasons I've become an insomniac over. I can't subject Brianna to that. Her life has been dreadful enough."
"Not anymore. She has you now. I endured shitloads of public and political outrage over changes to Stark Industries. 'Wealth aside', I thought it my doom. People adjust and opinions fade. Astrid will come around once they meet. Look at the number Little Warrior did on us."
"She 'is' irresistibly charming."
"Whatever gramps issue is, arrange for her a few rounds with the old coot. She'll straighten him out."
Loki smirked, picturing Brianna dancing circles around the Allfather. "My Mother would buy ring side seats."
"See? The bulk of your family is on your side. Let them help."
"As appealing as that sounds, Astrid will expect hours of explanation I haven't the energy to convey. I love her, but she 'is' a drama queen."
"Eligible for an academy award."
Loki's eyes narrowed. "Piss off, flying human."
"Thor's willing to talk without the wifey knowing. I've a burner phone as you tend to appear in the strangest of places."
"Mm. Like when I ran into you in a sleazy massage parlor near Carnegie Hall?"
Loki was still a bachelor then, but Tony wasn't.
"I didn't know they offered sexual favors until the masseuse grabbed my dick. They weren't listed on the brochure."
"Eh he he he. I'll call when I've a chance."
They clammed up when Brianna exited the bedroom. "Can I go Daddy, please?"
Pepper followed. "Sorry. I blabbered the Tea shops chocolatiers add finishing touches to their masterpieces at this hour."
"You may." Said Loki.
Tony slipped Little Warrior fifty euros. "Buy me an eclaire and keep the change. Badass ate mine."
"Yay! Thank you!"
They left and Stark unpacked the phone. "Here's your chance while Brianna's absent. Text him, 'Garage?'" ***** Jane distracted Astrid while Thor sat in the cabin of his truck and the brothers soon cleared a lot between them.
"I'm not upset you deceived me anymore Loki, nor is Mother. Yet I'm worried Father's making her life miserable. Are you fearful he'll scorn Brianna?"
"Not up for discussion and relax, brother. You've been gone a while. Mother's gonads have grown."
"She's taking male hormones?"
"I meant she's less meek? Have you dropped the toaster in your bathwater?"
"That only happened once." Thor defensively replied. "I was late for a waxing of my package and hastening making breakfast. Nor have I recently smoked Jane's medical marijuana. She threatened torture were there not enough to ease her menstrual cramps again."
Loki deadpanned. "Norns you're a tit, fruit of Odin's loins.' "How's Astrid?"
"Coping. Jane said she'd do anything to see you again."
"Coping amidst stewing over my bedding of another 'Midgardian hoe' I've fathered a child with, and the humiliating circumstances involved."
"Believe me, brother, she too is no longer angry and the diaries contents stayed within Stark's walls. It isn't my story to tell."
"Your software needs reprogramming, impersonator. Thor Odinson was never so thoughtful of his sibling."
The blond laughed. "He's turning over a new leaf."
Loki had sought privacy in another room and suddenly heard Brianna desperately calling him. "I have to go. Don't tell Astrid we spoke yet." Upon opening the door, she threw herself at him.
"What happened?" He asked Pepper.
"We neared the shops door when she gasped, bolted for the elevator and started frantically pushing the button."
Brianna was trembling. "Darling, why are you frightened?"
"We can't stay here, Daddy! She's down there!"
"Who is?"
"Hannah!" She cried. "I'd know that red headed witch anywhere!"
"Shhhhh." He soothed. "I promised they cannot hurt you, remember? Stay here with..."
Brianna wrapped herself tighter around him. "No Daddy! Don't leave me!"
She was so distraught, he couldn't. "I won't, Min Lille. Shhhhh."
"Virginia's gone." Said Tony.
Loki's head shot up. "Back to the shop?"
"Yeah. Said the witch looked familiar and went on a hunt."
"Fuck! Get her back here!" Brianna jumped from Loki's voice. "Sorry Min Lille. Tony, now!"
"Because they've met! If Pepper confronts her, she'll vanish!"
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