#and Kevin refuses to talk to anyone for days
idkimtiredanddumb · 2 years
Headcanon that Jean decides to seduce Jeremy out of pure spite against Kevin cause he’s petty and Kevin made like one comment that sent him off the edge (and like Jeremy’s pretty but like whatever he’s cool he barely even notices really not even when - nope, he’s so cool, he’s French ) but he’s still shocked when it works??? Because??? What??? Jeremy Knox??? But also Jeremy Knox
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getawayfox · 10 months
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My favorite reclist of the year! It’s the best excuse to reread beloved fics and shout about them again. I couldn’t wait any longer to post it, so, without further ado: here are my personal favorites from 2023 and why I love them, along with a banner I’m really pleased with. 
Thank you, sweet writers, for giving us your wonderful stories. Wishing everyone a happy December and an amazing and soft new year!
I Fall On Grass by @tackytigerfic Drarry, T, 3.1k
I adore stories with mature characters and this one is no exception. It’s so charming: gentle pining over the years, throughout the realities of life and parenthood, written with such a light hand. And lovely worldbuilding of a slow life that they built for themselves, which left me smiling the whole day after reading it. It feels like a soft caress for my soul.
It’s Me or the Peacock by harrows Drarry, T, 4.6
Do you ever feel like reading a fun, lighthearted fic that will have you grinning all day? Look no further, this is the one. Picture this: established Drarry taking the plunge to move in together, except Draco is bringing his “avian third wheel” with him, adding a feathered twist to the mix. Harry can’t quite believe what’s happening and that’s not even the half of it. This fic is a delight!
Sun Shower by @moonmanatee Drarry, T, 6k
Meet Orkie (short for Snorkel), the delightful cat who loves his boy Harry very much. They share a special bond, silently understanding not to delve into the origins of their pasts. What matters most is their companionship and the comforting routine they’ve woven together. Now, enter Draco Malfoy, a fashion icon with phenomenal outfits, his mud-loving dog, Hubert, and a dash of mouthwatering culinary creations. Your heart will grow three sizes by the time you’re done reading; mine certainly did.
Birds Behaving Badly by @peachpety Drarry, E, 10.5k
Oh, this fic!! I swear my whole body was wiggling with delight when I read it – it’s hilarious and hot and so witty. Draco has a type, which leads to a fun case of mistaken identity, all artfully resolved with the intervention of a conniving seagull, Kevin. Brace yourself for some sassy Slytherin banter, side characters so vividly portrayed they’ll steal your heart (Goyle, I’m looking at you), and the enchanting backdrop of a magical Brighton in the summer. Cue the squeals of delight! 
A Saviour’s Guide to Manners and Decorum by @wolfpants Drarry, E, 13k
I have read every fic Wolf has written this year and, let me tell you, choosing just one feels like an impossible task – I wish I could include them all. But here is my pick, and it’s not because it happened to be my birthday gift. This fic is a gem, seamlessly blending humor with a soft, wistful touch (oh, and do I need to mention it’s also incredibly hot?). It resonates because Harry just wants to be accepted for who he is, refusing to change for anyone (as he rightly shouldn't!). Enter Draco, who is here to help, and not to “fix him”. Sprinkle that with a subtle hint of D/s dynamics, a generous serving of UST, and a sensual shaving scene, and you have got the perfect fic. LOVE!
I only want the ones I envy (I envy) by @porcelainheart3 Drarry, E, 13.5k
This fic is so stunning! A coming-out story with writing so clean and sharp it made me laugh out loud through (lots of) inevitable tears. It has a very competent magical inventor Draco, who wears sock garters(!). It has Harry on a self-discovery journey that feels so very real; with a heart-wrenching childhood flashback that will leave you shattered. It has the most supportive friends. It has banter and flirting and so many wonderful details (look closely at the newspaper in the fic for an extra dose of laughter). And let's not forget the most incredibly emotional blow job; talk about smut with feelings! It’s one of those fics that made me read the rest of the author’s catalog immediately (and trust me, you should too!).
A Time, Dark and Divine by @moonflower-rose Established Drarry, Draco/Ron/Harry, E, 17k
Oh boy oh boy oh boy, this fic is so scorching hot. And their dynamic is so complex: jealousy and possessiveness wrapped up in a delicious package of a boys' trip in Thailand. A stunning Ron POV filled to the brim with complicated history and tension, incredible characterization for all three of them, culminating, inevitably, in hot-hot-hot sex. I couldn’t get this story out of my head for days. If you, like me, like feelings with your smut, this one’s for you! 
Waking Up Slow by @sweet-s0rr0w and @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm Drarry, E, 22k
This story is so charming and whimsical! First of all, this Draco is such an utter delight that I fell in love with him right away. He’s so entertaining! The concept of Christmas in July gives the story a wonderfully atmospheric and slightly wistful tone. Add to it a very domestic and playful dynamic between Draco and Harry, top-notch dialogue, so many creative details, and an absolutely delicious and intimate sex scene. From beginning to end, this fic is so warm and touching; a gentle romance that feels as if it was enchantingly sprinkled with a cheering charm.
the first in line by @oflights Drarry, E, 29.5k
This fic is hilarious, mischievous, and sexy all at the same time. And also a little bit unhinged in the best possible way. It had me in its grip from the very first sentence: “When the clock strikes midnight on his 25th birthday, Harry is having a threesome with a werewolf and a vampire.” (chef’s kiss!) and it didn’t let me go. We have a reluctant and grumpy Veela Harry, an over-the-top Draco, summer vacation vibes, a magical yacht, wooing with a hot air balloon (and more!), plus an absolutely delightful non-monogamous background Romione. Gah!!!
Of Magical Beings Being - Magic by @rockingrobin69 Drarry, E, 30k
What’s actually magic here is Robin’s writing. It’s… wait, I don’t think I have words for how rich and full this world is, how special! There’s pining and soft angst and an unreliable narrator and exes to lovers, but somehow all that doesn’t even begin to describe what this story is. It’s witty and fascinating and soft and playful. It’s about loving the other person so much that you do the wrong thing because you think that’s what they want, even though it hurts you. It’s about manifesting them in everything you do until they come back. It’s about Love, about Happiness. It knocked the breath out of me. It’s unbearably lovely.
Winner takes it all by @skeptiquewrites Drarry, E, 41k
This fic is absolutely devastating in a sort of gentle way. My heart broke a million times for this wonderful, hardworking, cornered Draco – who’s looking after his mum – as well as for a whole bunch of beautifully written side characters. The story starts with a bet, and from there, it unravels with Tee's razor-sharp writing, infused with nuance that makes the narrative incredibly rich and undeniably real. If you're in the mood for a cathartic cry, followed by a sweet, happy ending, don't walk – run to this fic!
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 30
Ichirou Moriyama had long been someone Riko had spoken about and therefore someone Kevin knew of.
First reverently as he talked about how someday his brother would come for him and how he’d watch Riko’s games. Then Ichirou never showed up once and the anger set in and mentions of his brother would result in especially bad days.
Kevin’s only saving grace at the Nest near the end was that Ichirou had been as uninterested in him as he was in Riko.
Neil was the one who had handled any communications with the new Master of the Moriyama family and Kevin was grateful for that. His stomach still twists when he found out what it would cost him to have the closest thing he would ever really have to freedom since his mom’s car accident but Kevin could hardly fault Neil since Kevin has no idea if he would have been able to even open his mouth and speak to negotiate with Ichirou. He certainly wouldn’t have thought to bargain for Neil and Jean’s lives.
So he was going to make sure the Neil had the best possible chances to get on a great team not just because he had every faith that Neil could be on the national court but also Kevin wanted him on the national court. Neil was his partner and his friend.
This was his last year that he could help as directly as this so he and Neil were still putting in the hours in their evening practices. It was also the last year that Neil could rely on him to assist in getting everyone up to snuff.
Ichirou Moriyama was going to be stopping by at some point and Kevin had decided that the best way to handle this information was to focus on something life affirming.
“I’m just saying it isn’t an unknown flavor combination.” Kevin argues.
“Kevin there is something very different about vanilla protein powder in chicken stock and Chicken and Waffles.” Aaron says from his spot behind Kevin in Wymack’s car.
“There shouldn’t be! It’s all the same flavors, just liquid!” Kevin turns in his seat to point at Aaron, “You should put on your seatbelt, what if Wymack crashes?” He says for the third time since the car ride had begun.
“That’s my problem, not yours.” Aaron says and his eyes have been locked on the roof of the car since the car ride began which was rude but Kevin had learned to expect nothing less from a Minyard.
“It will be my problem when your corpse breaks my neck as you fly forward!” Kevin hisses.
“Coach, could you do me a favor-“
“I’m not going to crash the car.” Wymack interrupts eyes on the road and hands at 10 and 2.
“God forbid you do something nice for me.” Aaron gripes crossing his arms.
Kevin decides to change his target.
“Kevin, you’re not putting any protein powder into Smith’s soup. That’s final. Do you want to mess up his Grandma’s hard work to follow the Doctor’s recipe exactly?” Wymack asks.
No Kevin does not wish to mess up Grandma Smith’s hard work.
He just…
A Food pyramid flashes in his mind.
…thinks he knows more than the hospital dietician.
“It’s not that Smith’s Grandma made bad soup.” Kevin says because the woman was a talent in the kitchen even if she might use a bit too much butter. He’d let her know but Nicky refused to translate and she’d smiled so warmly at him and touched his face so gently… “I think she was led astray by bad science and Nicky wouldn’t translate for me.” He says, “If she understood English she would have understood and agreed with me.” He says because he did manage to get her finely chop a bunch of carrots to put into the pasta sauce so that Neil would get some veggies.
She was a reasonable woman who understood the importance of good nutrition.
“I don’t know about that.” Coach says and Kevin wonders what he means by that.
They’re close behind Andrew’s car and Kevin can see two parking spots next to one another near the front except Andrew pulls into the spots in a way that means it is almost impossible for anyone to get into the second spot unless they owned a tiny smart car.
Andrew often parks like that to make sure no one dings the Maserati.
“That little shit.” Wymack grumbles as he continues to drive.
“Aren’t you going to let us out at the entrance?” Kevin asks.
“Who am I, your driver?” Wymack grumbles and does not slow down to let them out  at the hospital entrance. “You’ve been bitching about not getting enough exercise and eating too much fat this weekend, consider this just some of the exercise you’ve been wanting.” He says.
Kevin leans back in the chair.
He does NOT pout. He merely frowns with his lips puffed out and feels as if he has been treated unfairly.
He uses this time wisely.
He thinks about Neil and Andrew’s ‘secret’ conversation.
Kevin still doesn’t know Russian, has no plans to learn it because he does not want to know 80% of what Neil and Andrew say to one another, but Kevin has always been great at understanding tone and it’s not that hard to understand that they were talking about FF when he ‘Kapitan Neil’.
He thinks about what might stress Neil out about FF (never once does he consider that FF being in the hospital with a stab wound may be the thing that stresses Neil out, not when there’s an explanation that involves Exy).
FF might choose to leave.
That would not bode well for Neil.
Kevin has already signed but Neil needs the next few years still to make sure he can follow through on his deal with Ichirou.
FF is a great defensive dealer.
Kevin still doesn’t really understand how he can seemingly just appear on the Court to intercept passes but Kevin has been informed that all of his plans to figure it out are ‘medically unethical’ and ‘likely to get him thrown in prison’.
Nicky patting his face pityingly and saying, “Your face is too pretty for prison.” had been when he stopped looking at how he could buy electrodes.
His follow-up search to find out that no prison in the United States currently had an Exy court as a facility had him drop the outline of his research into his recycle bin and right click to delete permanently.
Since Kevin cannot find a way to replicate that particular talent of FF’s then they just need FF to stay.
He also quite likes the steady freshman. He’s probably not ever going to be National Court level like he and Neil are, but he would be a solid Dealer on a good team. Kevin wouldn’t even mind playing with him professionally.
They park the car far in the back of the lot and Wymack grumbles at a different nice car that is taking up two spots. Kevin climbs out of the car and they start their way towards the hospital.
Kevin considers jogging in circles around Aaron and Wymack as they walk just to burn off more of the lunch they’d just had but decides against it.
Maybe a different nutritionist will be on staff today and will be able to back Kevin up on his plan.
Captain Neil and Andrew are quickly followed by Nicky and his Grandma both of whom look nervous but some of that seemed to dissipate when they saw him.
“Are you okay?” Captain Neil asks.
FF goes to open his mouth but a nurse interrupts, “He decided to go on a walk in his current condition. I thought we were quite clear that you needed to stay in bed. Stressing yourself is why you collapsed in the Cafeteria like that.” His main nurse chastises.
“Sorry, it won’t happen again.” FF promises because it won’t. He’s planning on asking for a medically induced coma to escape the consequences of his actions so leaving the bed is the last thing he’s going to do. His dad’s trust for him can have money taken out for his medical needs and there has never been a greater medical need in his entire life than right now.
“What happened?” Andrew demands stepping next to Neil.
How does one explain getting a job offer from the Yakuza (Yakuza or Mafia)?
“I wanted to go for a walk.” He answers because he had and that’s easier to explain.
“Why did you meet Ichirou Moriyama?” Andrew asks again in German.
Well dammit.
FF finds himself at a crossroads.
Does he tell the truth? That he’s an idiot and didn’t realize the man was reaching out to Captain Neil? That he went and had an entire conversation with the man who owns Captain Neil, Kevin, and Jean Moreau? That afterward he tried to stand up and fainted which is how he got taken back to his room?
He thinks he has enough lies going on between his own and his grandma’s and he needs to relay something from Ichirou Moriyama.
“Lord Moriyama wanted me to tell you that he no longer needed to speak with you Captain Neil.” He relays just like he said he would and he sees Captain Neil tense.
“Smith.” Andrew says his name.
He also doesn’t want to talk about it any further.
“I’m fine, but I don’t want to talk about it.” FF closes his eyes as he answers back in German. He feels exhausted now and wishes that he had just requested a coma earlier so that he wouldn’t be in this situation. “Captain Neil, you left your phone here and it’s been pinging. Sorry I read one of the texts.” He gestures vaguely to his side table.
None of his guests speak for the next few minutes as the nurses finish reminding him to stay still, that he’s lucky his stitches didn’t break, that he’s on thin ice. He’s tired and he’s hungry so he’s curt with them in a way he’ll regret later but right now it’s just a lot when he can still feel Captain Neil and Andrew’s eyes burning into him.
Then Nicky proves to continue to be the nicest friend he has when the nurses leave and he feels Nicky’s hand take his and squeeze. “Hey, how are you really feeling?” he asks.
FF takes a deep breath, “I have...no idea.” he says. “I’m sorry.” he adds.
Nicky squeezes his hand again, “Hey, Aras made you some soup and we kept it away from Kevin. You’re probably a lil’ cranky because you’re tired, hungry, and in pain. You don’t need to talk about it right now okay?” Nicky says.
He’s really lucky to have Nicky as his friend.
He squeezes Nicky’s hand back and valiantly does not cry. He squeezes his eyes tighter to keep them from slipping out, it’d be embarrassing to cry here like this.
“Thank you.” He says voice quiet but doesn’t open his eyes, knowing what will come out if he does.
His Grandma comes to his side again and strokes his face. Her fingers wipe away the few tears that did slip out despite his best efforts but he thinks she did it so casually that maybe no one noticed.
It hasn’t been a good day, but Grandma’s soup has always been something that makes him feel better. He just wishes he could be alone for a minute with just her to witness the next few minutes.
Nicky, bless him, must sense that because he squeezes his hand tightly before letting go, “C’mon, let’s give Smithy and Aras a moment okay?” He says.
FF doesn’t open his eyes until his Grandma whispers, “My little Rotisserie Chicken, they’ve stepped out.” She says.
“He offered me a job in the Yakuza.” He blubbers immediately. “I don’t even know if they have dental.” He spills one of his lesser concerns.
“Oh honey, let’s eat some soup.” She soothes stroking his face.
Neil feels bad.
FF was pale, shaking, sweaty, and despite his grandma’s best efforts Neil had seen a tear slip from his tightly closed eyes.
He looks to his side and sees Andrew’s own hands tightened into fists.
“C’mon, let’s give Smithy and Aras a moment okay?” Nicky says and drags them out of the room through the sheer force of his ire. It’s moment like this that Neil really does understand why it is that FF prefers to spend his free time with Nicky over any other of their group.
They get out of the room and down the hall before Nicky starts in. “You two are the KINGS of not talking about shit so, for now, LEAVE it.” He hisses in German in a bid to keep the conversation private from anyone walking past.
“We need to know what deal he and Ichirou came to.” Andrew says in the same language.
“You’re going to find that out from Ichirou probably once he crazy murders Romero and Jackson in the next couple days!” Nicky cries dramatically, “Smithy probably doesn’t even know the full details because he’s in a lot of pain because he’s been STABBED.” Nicky points a finger at Andrew but wisely does not poke him with it. “Do you think he ACTUALLY went on a walk? Ichirou’s men probably took him since they couldn’t find YOU Neil.” Nicky points at Neil and, again, wisely does not poke him with it.
Neil’s stomach twists.
Maybe Neil should invest in a phone clip like Wymack thought the implication that the Moriyamas came to where his phone was leaves him wanting to skip it like a stone straight into the ocean. Too bad going to a beach still makes his palms sweaty.
“So what WE are going to do,” Nicky does a quick circle to point at the three of them, “is we are going to be good friends and help Smithy because he’s stressed, in pain, and needs friends not INTERROGATORS.” Nicky waves his arms in exasperation.
“Who are Neil and Andrew interrogating?” Aaron asks and Neil looks to the side to see Aaron with Kevin being pulled along by the scruff by Wymack.
“Smithy.” Nicky says.
“Why?” Kevin asks.
“Because Ichirou came and talked to him.” Andrew explains.
Kevin goes pale. “Why? I thought he was going to talk with Neil?” Kevin asks looking at Neil.
“He probably came here following Neil’s phone, which he left. So he grabbed Smithy to talk to him.” Nicky says, “Ichirou seemed impressed and pleased with whatever they talked about but Smithy is a little fragile after all of this so,” Nicky stepped into Kevin’s space, “Leave.” He pokes Kevin’s chest once, “Him.” He pokes Kevin’s chest twice, “Alone.” He pokes Kevin’s chest a third time.
“How would he even have an understanding of who he’s talking to?” Kevin asks looking sick. “No one has mentioned anything about the whole thing with the Moriyamas right?” He looks at the rest of them and Neil knows none of them would mention it.
Nicky rolls his eyes with his entire body.
“Kevin, do you know how many languages Smithy is fluent in?” Nicky asks.
“Uh…quite a few?” Kevin responds looking thrown.
“Yeah, one of those languages is French. Which you KNOW because he’s corrected your pronunciation before.” Nicky reminds Kevin and the Son of Exy blushes slightly.
“What does that have to do with this?!” Kevin squawks.
“Kevin, how many conversations have you had RIGHT in front of Smithy in French as you talked with Jean?” Nicky asks.
“None!” Kevin hisses.
“Can you say that for sure? You know how it can be with Smithy. Aaron over here has basically almost fucked his girlfriend in front of Smithy before because he didn’t realize he was there.” He juts his thumb towards Aaron.
“Hey.” Aaron scowls not happy to be reminded of that. “He needs a damn bell.” Aaron grumbles.
“I’ve talked about it in front of him and you never told us?!” Kevin exclaims.
“It’s Smithy! He’s not going to tell anyone!”  Nicky argues.
Which is very true.
FF is just not that kind of guy.
“So we are ALL going to be good, supportive friends to Smithy and hopefully he gets out of here today despite the whole shit show with Ichirou and we get him back to Abby’s where he can rest up in her guest room with his grandma.” He points at each of them with a frown.
“Kevin, leave it for now.” Wymack finally steps in to the conversation. “How’s he looking?” He looks to Neil.
Pale, tired, pained, and trying not to cry either from pain, stress, or fear Neil does not know.
“Bad.” Neil answers.
Wymack sighs, “Stay out here. I’m going to go check.” He says.
They watch as Wymack enters into FF’s room.
Kevin is still spiraling from the realization of all the different conversations he could have possibly had in front of FF thinking French would act as a barrier.
A thought crosses Neil’s mind, “Wait, Smith doesn’t know Russian right?” He looks to Andrew because he and Andrew have said quite a few things to one another when FF was there.
“No, he said he isn’t learning it here.” Andrew shakes his head. “Even if he does learn it Smith would just leave if he was uncomfortable.” Andrew shrugs.
They have all seen a ‘Smith 180°™‘ before when he’s walked in and has seen Aaron and Katelyn or entered a room where Nicky was talking to Erik or Matt was talking to Dan. Neil has even noticed one or two when him and Andrew may have been in a less than private place.
It was nice to have someone who would just see them like that and leave it alone instead of betting on it, trying to take a picture, or gagging like it’s disgusting.
Wymack walks back out after a minute in FF’s hospital room, “Let’s give Smith and his Grandma a couple more minutes.” He says and Neil’s heart sinks.
Wymack wasn’t quite sure what he walked into.
Smith’s Grandma was wiping his face and feeding him soup which is about what he expected. What he hadn’t expected was what FF was saying to his Grandma.
“….didn’t even wash his hands Gran. What if none of them wash their hands? I can’t work in that kind of environment!” FF babbles as he takes another spoonful of soup from his Grandma.
Smith’s Grandma looks up and sees that it’s just him at the door before continuing in English, “Sweetie, you don’t need to accept the job offer from the Yakuza.” She soothes.
“What do I even do?! What’s the etiquette? Do I send a letter refusing the job offer? Do I email him thanking him for the interview? Was it an interview?” FF asks.
Wymack shuts the door and he’s sure FF hadn’t even noticed him.
Yeah the kid needs a couple more minutes
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The  requests to be added to the tag list keep being spread out across a few  different areas. If I missed you please just ask again in the replies I  promise I just missed you.
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it right but you didn’t get a notification there might be  something switched around in your settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
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void-detective · 2 months
Worth More ☝️
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Author note: I've been meaning to write these two for awhile actually just never had the push till now. So anon, this is for you! Also I will not even try to replicate how Jey talks (don't know if it would come off wrong). This is for all my samijey lovers, I see the appeal and I'm here for it! Also sorry for any grammar mistakes!
Word count: 2,637
Warning: mild/reference to Kevin and Sami, comfort, confessions, first kiss, and family drama
Summery: After being reunited with Jey thanks to the Judgement Day, Sami begins to contemplate some very glaring problems with his friendship with Jey. And without Kevin around he has a lot less people he's close to for comfort after losing to Bron Breakker.
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Sami has always been a loyal man no matter the person, whether it be returning the favor to Dragunov or going out of his way to help former allies or people he aligned himself with. This was especially the case for Kevin Owens and now Jey Uso. He could recall the Bloodline days like yesterday, a distant painful memory of what was.
He could remember how hard and long it had taken to form a trustworthy spot within the faction as an outsider. Especially when it came to Jey who was the only one (aside from Roman secretly) who had refused to accept him as part of the group. His twin brother was chill and easy to chat with but Jey was always so closed off and stoic as his baby brother like he was afraid of letting anyone but family in.
What had begun as Sami wanting to be part of something to connect to people in a way that he hadn't been able to do since Kevin began doing other ventures, then it all began to bleed into the truth of the dynamic. The verbal abuse, the manipulation, and the ego of the Tribal Chief. The chained leashes of everyone in the Bloodline to be kept in line by the ever dominant force that was Roman Reigns. It was like a minefield. Anything, even something as small as a hint of attitude or questioning could get you tipping on the edge of the Chief’s wrath.
Everyone was on edge even with the laughs and good times shared between the group because of the ever lingering threat of the Tribal Chief’s temper and pushing your luck. If he even sensed you were becoming too comfortable within the family he was pushing the boundaries ensuring his own power stayed.
What was worse was Sami felt stuck at the time from fear of his wrath and not wanting to lose that meaningful connection he had created within the Bloodline. It was a cycle of manipulation and guilt that even for someone like the Canadian, it felt to hard to push back from. What he feared more for though was losing Jey.
Jey had become a close friend once the heat had settled and he had accepted him as part of the faction, even becoming closer to him then his older twin Jimmy.
What had started as a friendly companionship started to drop down beyond casual touches and lingering glances. It was something he knew well from his relationship and former partnership with his best friend Kevin. The line between his platonic feelings began to step over to a dangerous sentiment of love.
However these newfound feelings were teetering on the edge of danger with the dynamics of the Bloodline not only because he was an outsider but because Roman was fiercely protective of his family. Or that's how he painted the picture but he knew better than to believe the manipulation played by him now that he had begun to see his true colors.
Roman was power hungry and willing to treat his family with calculated gaslighting and deceit. Everything was subtle but it sent the message of who held the reigns (pun unintentional) and the atmosphere started to feel suffocating for Zayn and Jey.
Even with Romans abusive ways, Zayn kept his friendship with Jey closely knitted like something he was needed to protect at all costs. It went between keeping Jey in line the more he began to snap back in frustration at Roman and being the other man's rock. And in return the younger twin had reciprocated those protective gestures especially during the interrogation between him and the Bloodline where Sami nearly got struck by a Samoan spike.
Following Tribal Court he had snuck into SmackDown to give his thanks to him for the save and during their brief exchange he had thrown in a playful but sincere ‘I love you’ towards Jey. At the time it had been platonic but then he heard the Samoan return the sentiment back. God if he wasn't already smiling like an idiot he felt his heart do a leap and grinned knowingly when he caught Jey's subtle reaction to his own slip up.
Though come Royal Rumble of 2023, it had all culminated into a full circle.
Years and months of abuse and manipulation from Reigns had pushed Sami to do the one thing no one else in the Bloodline wanted to do. Defy the Tribal Chief.
In the heat of the moment Sami had been pushed and pushed till he could no longer take the bullying or the sight of his best friend motionlessly cuffed at the mercy of this tyrant. In his emotional outburst he had snapped and within the moment Roman turned his back..he had swung on him.
The attacks from the Bloodline still lingered like an irreversible trauma to his psyche but one thing engraved in his mind was that Jey refused to indulge or even look at the vicious beating of Sami. Should the Canadian have felt angered by the lack of help? Maybe in other people's eyes, but in his own eyes he had pushed a domino effect in hopes of breaking his friend out of the abuse of the family dynamic.
Each attack from everyone had felt like a knife to the heart from the brainwashing and hold over the Head of the Table had over everyone in his family. But in the end he knew making himself an enemy of the Bloodline was what was best to push Jey to start breaking away from his cousin.
To protect two men who meant the absolute world to him.
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After his fallout with the Bloodline his interactions with Jey had become less frequent aside from sparse backstage moments but what he was more happy about was watching his friend gain such a cult following. It filled him with joy watching how much the fans had grown to love him and how Jey had come into his own since the days of the Bloodline.
With Jey on the same brand as him there were more chances to get time to make sure the other man was doing fine. It still worried Sami that Jey was still catching his footing as a singles competitor now without the backing of his family in his corner. He tried to give comfort in small gestures of reassuring words and keeping other people on SmackDown from being upset due to the past Bloodline association.
Not to mention his best friend Kevin wasn't entirely fond of Jey sticking around which he could understand considering his and Sami's past with the Bloodline. But as always he played peacemaker making sure Kevin didn't get aggressive with Jey being around. His friend could be unpredictable and it wasn't easy to regain his trust (as ironic as it sounds).
However things between them were complicated and got even more so when Kevin ended up being traded to Raw while Sami was left without his best friend in his corner. And to top it all off he had to watch Jey tag team with Cody like they were buddy buddy in the way Sami had been with the other man. Internally he was seething, struggling with his feelings and the sight of someone else being so close and friendly with Jey when he had tried so hard to get him to be his friend.
..Wait as he,,jealous?
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July 19, 2024, SmackDown
During one of his interviews Sami had paused among hearing a commotion somewhere backstage and began to move off to the sound of the problem hoping Bron hadn't gone after someone again. No wait..he recognized that gear.
Sami quickened his pace and discarded the championship with no second thought as he after the Judgement Day who were attacking Jey. His motions were quick in driving them off as he went after JD, quickly slamming the other man into the table out of anger before Carlito moved to tug his team mate from the Canadian.
Once they were out of sight he turned towards Jey placing a hand on his arm and his other on his chest as he steadied him. “You alright, uce?” Zayn questioned the familiar term slipping like it used to back in their Bloodline days.
“Yeet.” Was all he managed to get out the other man but with his frustrated motion over his head, he could tell Jey was far from alright.
Oh they were going after Judgment Day for this.
And they made good on their team up even without being a tag team officially they had an undeniable chemistry that went beyond a casual pairing up. They worked well off each other like a well oiled team and made good work of the Judgment Day within minutes.
Once the bell rang Zayn was quick to slide into the ring as he got in his knees checking on Jey still laying on the canvas. He felt Jey grabbing at his back as he held him and carefully helped him up with a hand casually brushing his waist as they stood. He leaned heavily into the other man's body feeling disoriented and old feelings resurface as Jey held him close to himself.
It felt like the first real win in the weeks of his friends and allies constantly getting wrecked by a certain hot tempered wrestler.
As soon as the thought came and his guard slipped he turned right into a spear by Bron who had seized both men being distracted to attack Zayn yet again. While Bron slid out the ring he noticed Jey quickly moving to his side sending the other man a look they made Sami's heart race.
August 5, Monday after SummerSlam
The loss of his Intercontinental Championship still stung like a loss he hadn't felt in a long time. It made him feel a sense of failure even if he had already asked for a rematch. He was frustrated with his own inability and couldn't shake the loss from his mind.
That was till Jey came over.
Each word of encouragement and Jey pressing to boost his confidence like how he had done for him so many times within the Bloodline and after he had broken away from them. The conviction and belief in Jey’s voice made Sami light up and their usual banter came as natural as ever.
“Me and you? We got some unfinished business with the Judgement Day Uce, you can be a double champ man.” Jey kept poking him and grinned like an idiot as he gave Sami a knowing look. Oh. Did he remember the frustration he had when he was with Cody as tag team champs?
The thought brought a small smile to Sami's face almost subconsciously.
“Yeah, you like that huh?” The Samoan asked with a knowing look and chuckled lowly almost husky with a teasing undertone.
The tone and way Jey put that had went straight to Sami’s core and he swallowed, composing himself with a firm nod. Their familiar handshake followed after the banter as they chuckled among each other.
“God, I missed you.” Sami admitted with a softer tone and gingerly touched his friend's arm with a warm smile. “Thank you Jey.” He wasn't sure what he'd do without Jey by his side now that Kevin wasn't around as much with different brands and Randy.
“No problem, uce just returning the favor if you know what I mean.” Jey playfully hit him in the chest with the back of his hand as he chuckled out in amusement but his tone held a level of sincerity that made his heart flutter.
The quiet that followed wasn't awkward but more so soaking in the familiar presence of each other after so long of being apart.
“So..” Zayn began slowly as he moved himself back and forth on his heels, turning his gaze back to Jey who quirked a brow in curiosity. “You want to go to Waffle House after this?” He grinned widely as he nudged him in the arm with his own.
“You asking me out on a date, man?”
“What? No i- I was just saying-”
Sami's embarrassed sputtering and attempts to back pedal were met with a loud laugh by the other man who rolled his eyes. His face felt so hot and his heart drummed like he had been asked the most embarrassing thing in his life.
“C’mon Remi don't be coy with me, man. I see the way you look at me I ain't blind y'know?” Jey teased good heartily and stepped closer to him with furrowed brows. “My only question is if you're gonna keep running from it.”
The clear challenge from Jey had Sami staring, feeling like he was gaping at him like a fish out of water. He had been so sure his feelings for Jey were subtle and passing friendly not enough to arouse any suspicion, but here he was stuck with the truth. Jey knew. And worse of all he was stuck in place feeling like his whole world was reeling.
Jey moved till he was right in front of him and grabbed his chin gently making him tilt his gaze back towards him. “Tell me the truth man, I know you well enough by now don't I?” He scoffed with a frustrated look as he squeezed his chin giving him an expectant look.
Sami felt a blush dusting his cheeks as he blinked trying to register the touch and words in a jumble of emotions. He paused feeling his heart pounding in his ears and his old emotions flooding back like a dam about to break under the pressure. Fuck it.
Without thinking twice about the consequences he reached out gently pulling his hand off his hand down and moved his own hands to cup his cheeks. He watched the puzzled look pass into surprise as Jey caught onto the move but made no move to try and stop him from what he was about to do. That gave him the push he needed to close the distance between the two of them.
The kiss was tentative to test the waters but became more passionate the longer they were locked in the moment. Sami could feel Jey relaxing into the kiss and slowly reciprocating the affection with his own need matching his. The pent up feelings and months of pining, pretending they were nothing beyond friends felt just as painful as Jimmy's betrayal to him. Eventually he placed his hands on Sami's hips pulling him flush against his own body while his free fingers threaded through curly ginger locks.
Sami felt Jey shiver upon skin to skin contact when he flipped a hand under his shirt and he reached up gently, slipping the ‘Yeet’ glasses off the other man's head. He slipped them folded in his pocket and reluctantly parted as they breathed heavily, staring at each other. His heart racing from his own bold move and the fact his affection had gotten reciprocated.
“What? You think I wouldn't feel the same? I thought you knew me better than that, Uce. Plus I will take that Waffle House offer.” Jey gently untangled his fingers out Sami's locks and patted his chest with a cheerful grin. “You're paying though man.”
Zayn let out a genuine chuckle feeling his heart swell as he grinned with him feeling excitement wash over him like a pleasant sensation. He reached up and put on the Yeet glasses doing the motion with his arms which got a laugh and playful shove from Jey.
“Shut up you idiot.” Jey shook his head wrapping an arm around Sami's shoulders and pulled the other man along with him to leave the arena.
It was the best date he had in years.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
A Year in Review: All the times Meghan Markle been publicly called out in 2023. Highlights and favorite #MarkleMoment from last year? 📌Part 2 of 2
These are her humiliating moments over past year that she’s been publicly called out for in some way. All with proof, all archived from media reports around the world. Get cozy, save this post, and as always, appreciate the upvotes so it doesn't get targeted for downvotes! Posting it now as many of us will be celebrating Christmas with our loved ones. Although we are a diverse bunch, this unites us all :)
Here’s some from 2022 to inspire you:
Harry and Megan of “overseas”
the Funeral candle
no Jubilee balcony
voetsek Megan
I love the part where…(YouTube comments on their Netflix trailer)
Marriott Meg
12% Rotten Tomatoes rating for Netflix flopumentary, with her cutesy (mocking) curtesy
What was your favourite from 2023?
Meg inexplicably marching with the Invictus vets, at the front, while Harry is literally on the sidelines. https://archive.ph/wip/VG5SP
Meg wears a JCrew sweater to the Games. Her fans claim the Meghan effect crashed the site. JCrew comes out faster than Dior to clarify it was a confirmed outage for a website update.https://archive.ph/wufbS
Archetypes trademark abandoned. So much for the other platforms manifested clamouring for it. https://archive.ph/wip/yhziu
Embarrassing video at the fundraiser with Kevin Costner where she assumes she’s going to be given the mic by virtue of her being there, reached for it, and is very intentionally avoided and not given it. https://archive.ph/yeZDN
Despite the NDA attempts, information on how the NY Bench faux Royal visit does not let anyone speak negatively about her visit. Ever. She also demanded a new carpet. https://archive.ph/qAhnb
Snubbed by the Beckhams on their far more popular Netflix documentary. “Humiliated” by the snub from the Clooneys at their New York Foundation for Justice event.https://archive.ph/wip/GsB7j
Snubbed by Kim K birthday party, despite earlier pics with Doria and days before floating PR that Meg may do a cameo on KUWTK. Compounded by Kylie’s ‘boyfriend’ Chalomet talking about the Worldwide Privacy Tour earlier in the week. https://archive.ph/wip/BGvVP
Mocked on Family Guy for Netflix contract getting paid for nothing/ spon con Insta for Del Taco. Del Taco joins in and tweets about it. https://archive.ph/wip/Sm56V
Meg manifests a deal with Audible. Audible spokesperson shuts that down. https://archive.ph/KTLnP
William lands in Singapore for Earthshot to lit up architecture, Union Jack waving crowds, and an official tree planting at the airport. Meg and H attempt to compete by releasing a ‘candid’ pic of them at Katy Perry’s Las Vegas show (implying the standing people, phones were for them and not Celine Dion who walked in behind them). Cameron Diaz was also there, but didn’t get pics sold the same way. None of the other celebs present interact with them on camera. https://archive.ph/gnpjA
Dior signs Meg. No, not that Meg, but Meg the actress who plays Kate Middleton on the Crown. https://archive.ph/wip/lH6dY
Harry and Meg highly publicize their birthday call to Charles. The Palace discretely responds with detailed full itinerary of Charles’s busy day and evening, plus the press runs the fact that Charles doesn’t have a cell phone. Sussexes double down and pivot to it somehow being a prerecorded message sent (to where?) with Archie and Lili singing happy birthday. The world laughs or ignores them. https://archive.ph/i0uz8
Move along Meg on TikTok, after the video of her refusing to leave her basking on the press carpet at the Variety awards. Bonus is the real celebs inside clearly refused any pictures with her. The next day it’s confirmed she wasn’t even on the Guest List, which explains the Table 12 seating in no star names social Siberia. https://archive.ph/uC4Y8
Harry and Meg graciously are open to an invite for Christmas. Palace guest list leaks a day later, NFI. https://archive.ph/wip/0dEoi
Endgame is published. Omid claims to not be a friend of Meghan. Two Royal racist names are leaked to the Dutch publication based on Meg’s letter to Charles post Megxit. Omid blames the translator. No one publicly appears to believe them. There is not one single positive review of Endgame in major world newspapers. Omid later in the week acknowledges the names were in the Dutch manuscript. https://archive.ph/wip/Lr8XR
Hollywood Reporter lists Harry and Meghan as one of the biggest losers of 2023. https://archive.ph/E4hUt
Kitson’s Holiday Hypocrisy celeb window display in LA features Harry and Meg. Tik Tok notices. https://archive.ph/7yA3F
Ranker poll has both Meghan (#2) and Harry (#6) in the Top 10 list for Most Disliked Celebrities of 2023. Oprah, Hilary Baldwin,Ellen, Amber Heard (#1), and Bill Cosby also make the list. Update: They've recently become #1 and #4. https://archive.ph/OpKH5
Archewell 2022-2023 Impact Report highlighting ‘Restoring Trust in Information’, including ethical journalism, drops the same day Harry is fined $60K in court for providing misleading information - where he’s suing a newspaper. Court documents call it “ironic” given the “Duke of Sussex is responsible for misleading the court.” https://archive.ph/wip/1YtSe
Archewell’s 2022 financials reveal they only raised $2 mil (two anonymous $1 mil donations) vs $13 mill (also two anonymous donations) in 2021. Press brand it a “failure.” Notice they literally had only 4 donations in two years. https://archive.ph/wip/LqnuL
Not invited to any parties for Art Basel in Miami. Back in 2014, Markus organized a Soho party, invited Meg, and sat her next to Misha Nonoo. Context shows Meg has even less clout now than her pre Royal days.https://archive.ph/wip/aKYPL
Christmas card released. Largely ignored by world media. The response from other media: where are the kids? Called out for its embarrassing corporate look. https://archive.ph/fldEw
WME is "horrified" by Meghan Markle's sinking brand and association with Endgame, and may drop her in 2024. https://archive.ph/mye6j
(Honorable mentions to specific Harry’s moments: with Charles too busy to met, not going to France and hiking in Transylvania, and “in the realms of total speculation”. Harry pitches a Spotify show interviewing Putin, Zuckerberg, the Pope, etc on their shared bond of childhood trauma, Spare the most dumped holiday book of 2023. “Peace talks” between KCIII and Harry since he’s nearby in Germany for Invictus shut down less than 24h later. Persona non grata).
​Which ones did you not know or forget about?
It's been quite the year! To quote the Sussexes, thanks for all the support in 2023!
post link: A Year in Review: All the times Meghan Markle been publicly called out in 2023. Highlights and favorite #MarkleMoment from last year? : SaintMeghanMarkle (reddit.com)
author: somespeculation
submitted: December 17, 2023 at 02:25PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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magewolf-the-artist · 6 months
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Yeah so I decided to update Susan's ref sheet because oh my god it's so fucking ugly-
But yeah, I'm much more satisfied with this one because I've developed my style for drawing these fuckers a lot better and the pose radiates more personality.
Old ref: https://www.tumblr.com/magewolf-the-artist/743345425139040256/on-this-episode-of-walten-files-brainrot-heyyyyyy?source=share
Here's her bio with a couple add-ons:
Apparently she's British (Her accent is still a mystery to me but I've seen a couple people say this so ehhhh). So my headcanon is that her family immigrated to the US when she was four, so while she does have an accent, she doesn't really say any slang. Occasionally she might call someone a twit (affectionate) or a twat (derogatory), but that's about it.
At some point during her fun little maze adventure, the neck cables that held up the animatronic head snapped due to the constant pressure of Susan's broken ass neck forcing her head to loll to the side. While at the facility she found that she can use metal ties to hold the cables upright. She has to tighten them constantly though or else her vision will be forced into portrait mode
Ashley fixed the cable while she, Kevin, and Hilary were there and Susan is forever grateful to her
She probably accidently breaks it again through something stupid like bumping her head against the door frame or something and boy oh boy was she PISSED
On that topic, she tries her best to upkeep her and everyone else's bodies but there's only so much she can do with limited tools and slightly worse motor skills (imagine doing a task that requires very precise movements through winter gloves and you'll pretty much get the idea)
She refuses to repair Bon though and tells him to figure it out himself.
She's become way more snappy, short tempered, and easily frustrated after her death. Trauma, baby!
Susan kinda acts as a shoulder to vent to whenever anyone needs to talk. She can’t really offer much in response or comfort since A, she’s the type to push things away and compartmentalize, and B… well, she can’t exactly promise everything’s gonna be okay, now can she? Still, sometimes it’s nice to just talk
Some days though she just kinda… shuts down emotionally. Just kinda lays on the floor and can’t find any motivation to get up or do anything. Thinking about everything and nothing at the same time, staring blankly into space
Charles usually stays with her during these episodes and depending on the day, he either just sits with her quietly or rambles about random shit like he did when they were alive
Her sleep schedule was super fucked up when they all came to the facility because she was used to being up and around at night. It's gotten better but she still sometimes wakes up buttfuck early and has come to appreciate the serenity of the nights (RETCONNED)
Probably the most casual about her death, as opposed to Rosemary's crying and Charles desperately trying to change the subject
She walks with a very distinctive shuffle, something she picked up from her fun little maze adventure because the weird shuffle walk helped lessen the pain she put herself through and conserved energy. It used to be a lot more pronounced but it's faded slightly overtime
Usually hangs out with Charles
Is constantly exasperated by Charles' antics
To pass the time she either plays card games with Charles or organizes the tools in the maintenance closet
She tried to talk to Rosemary when they were first brought to the K-9 facility but only got silence in return. She's kinda just given up now and mostly leaves her alone
Is the most familiar with Bon's abilities and didn't even bother trying to escape the facility because she knew it was futile
Helps coach everyone but Rocket on how to move
When helping Ashley figure out to move she probably made an off-handed comment like, "if you think that's hard, imagine having to learn how to do this while being alive" and only realized Ashley had no context for that when she gave her a very confused and worried look
Hates Bon's guts and is usually annoyed/angry with him
She also hates Felix's guts, but everyone does so it's not anything special.
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charliedawn · 1 year
OH, YOU THOUGHT THE LAST REQUEST WAS WEIRD-I have many more in-store for you
If I remember correctly, there was a post you made yourself where it was non-con. It was a big surprise coming from you.
So I was wondering if you could do the reader with the hannibal family and they do age play.
Age play: When you act younger than your age. (Usually used for sexual pleasure)
Me: Something Important to add would be spanking for a brat, (even though I like being good for rewards) wearing frilly dress and girly childish clothes (light colors), them having to dress and clean you. There's a lot to it, but remember that it's also used for sexual pleasures. So please, add some smut.
*Cue me me maniacally laughing*
Me: it's not that bad when you think about it, Charles [New Nickname Achieved!]
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With my degenerative mind, we can do wonders together, think about it.
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Also, here's more Bo gifs:
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Warning: SMUT AHEAD.
Hannibal Jr. :
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Hannibal Jr. knows how to play the caring *cough cough* daddy.
He’d be the type to reassure you and tell you everything is going to be okay. He’d wipe your tears and hold you while shushing you gently.
Hannibal Jr. wouldn’t punish you often, and would always make sure to keep his baby safe and protected.
He’d go on shopping trips with you and wait patiently while you try everything pink and fuzzy.
But the thing is, he’d also be sure to make you understand who’s got power over you. He’d be quite calm and collected while punishing you, but he’d be ruthless nonetheless.
Meaning: He’d show no emotion whatsoever while making sure you get the message.
Him *smiles before gripping you by the back of your neck* : "Sssh, love. You wanted to be a brat ? Now, I have no choice but to do this. It is for your own good. Now, be a good little love and stay still."
You move. You dead.
Kevin Hannibal:
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Kevin will play right along with it and love going on shopping trips with you. He likes to be unconventional himself.
And god forbid anyone who would make fun of you for it.
Morgan *snickers when he sees you give your favourite plushie to Kevin* : "Great. Another plushie. I knew you were eager for attention, but that is just sad…"
You *lose your smile and attempt to walk off in shame*
Kevin *grabs you and settles you on his lap before flipping Morgan off* : "Yeah. And where are your gifts, Morgan ? That’s right. Ya got none. Must be sad getting no bitches, right ?"
Kevin would love your gifts and constant need for attention.
He’d be sure to take care of you and play with you as much as you want. He’d show you all the affection he’s got. No way you’re moving from his lap now….
However, he’d refuse to punish you.
His motto: Stay there, look pretty and let me spoil you rotten.
Morgan Hannibal:
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Morgan wouldn’t mind, but he is one to like intellectual conversations on many different subjects. If anything, he’d be attracted to older women.
But, there is one thing that you would both agree on…Story time.
He’d be thrilled to read to you children stories or fairytales and take you to different events related to them. He’d talk to you and take you to see children movies at the theaters without a care in the world.
He may eventually become a little annoyed by your childish behaviour, but unlike Kevin…Morgan would have no problem punishing you when you turn into a brat.
You *accidentally throw water at his face* : "M…Morgan. It was an accident. I’m sorry."
Morgan *gently wipes his face with a napkin before addressing an apologetic smile to the rest of the family* : "If you’ll excuse us…" *suddenly drags you out of the room in a flash*
He will not tolerate disrespect and would make sure you can’t sit down properly for a couple of days…
Hannibal Sr. :
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Hannibal Sr. wouldn’t have a problem with it.
He would love it when you’d dress up for him and he’d dance with you and spoil you rotten with gifts and kisses.
But, you have to understand something. There is one thing he’d ask of you in return:
Complete and total submission.
You want to be his little doll ? Fine by him. But, one word of protest or even a glare out of you, and he’d be spanking the shit out of you.
Hannibal Sr. isn’t the type to play around. He needs to be in complete control. 24/7.
Hannibal Sr. *slowly strokes the top of your hair while you cry on his lap* : "Sssh…little lamb. You know better than to make me angry. Why would you try to upset me like that…"
You *whimpers* : "M’sorry…"
Hannibal Sr. *smiles* : "Good girl/boy…"
Praise king though. He’d be sure to reassure you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear after he’s done.
Peter Hannibal:
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Nope. Sorry. No way that poor boy is daddy. He wouldn’t be able to be. Literally. He’s baby.
If anything, you’d both be babies together and make the whole family take care of you. Partners in craving affection.
However, he’d be more than capable of punishing you in his own way…
Peter*tying you up to a chair with the sweetest smile ever on his face* : "Let’s play a game, Y/N…You stay on this chair. And no moving at all, got it ?"
You *nod*
Him *giggles* : "Good…And tell me if it gets too much, alright ?"
And he means it.
Peter can sometimes be pretty cruel in his punishments. So, better tell him when it’s too much.
And don’t be afraid to punish him in return.
He secretly loves to cry…
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aboutnavi · 1 year
I was brushing my teeth, reflecting about life, & my mind went back to AFTG and there is a scene on the first book that it has been stuck on my brain since I read the trilogy again this January and it's about Seth. Now, I know the fandom -in general- barely talk about Seth because Nora decided to kill him off for shock value and when people try to talk about him, it always comes back to 'he was a homophobic, disgusting piece of shit' which yes, valid but also, are we forgetting Aaron? The babyfication of Aaron in this fandom had everyone collectively forgetting he was exactly like Seth (even worse: towards his family!!!). Two wrongs doesn't make one right & I'm in no way justifying Seth's action but if we never talk about characters on AFTG just because they were problematic, we are not talking about any of them, ever (ok maybe some of them, but still).
My point is: the scene. Neil is confused as to why Seth hates Kevin -specifically him- so much, since Seth could get along with most people if he wanted and tried hard enough but he refused to give ground to Kevin & his answer is just so humanly heartbreaking it goes to my list of moments Nora did something right in AFTG. The scene goes like this:
Neil: Why do you hate him?
Seth: Because I'm sick of him getting everything he wants just because he's Kevin Day. Do you know what fame gets you, shitface? Everything. All he has to do is ask for it, and someone will give it to him. Doesn't matter what. Doesn't matter who. The world is dying to give him anything he wants. When he broke his hand, his fans cried for him. They flooded our locker room with letters and flowers. The amazing Kevin Day can't play anymore. Their lives were over. They'd grieve the loss forever. But tell me when's the last time anyone cried over you? Never, right? They're there for Kevin every step of the way, but where were they when we needed them?
Neil, stupidly: So you're jealous.
Seth: His life is not more important than mine just because he's more talented.
Neil first instinct is to say jealousy because jealousy is something he understands (he felt jealous of Kevin for having a future, for being able to play, for the talent, for the life he never got to live when his mother ran away, etc.) but for me what Seth is trying to portrait is more like the painful awareness that you get when you realize you're also worthy of love and care. Seth is such an unexplored character who had so much potential if Nora hadn't killed him for the sake of showing how Riko could be/was dangerous (and she could have done that in so many different ways!!!) & you can see that on, for example, Nora's post about his life. Seth was always the no-priority person, the kid no one payed attention to, the boy that if killed, not even his mother would come for the funeral. He was every aspect a Fox and he spent his entire life being told he was no one and to be able to say his life is not more important than mine shows so much development; the chance he had put on himself for being open to love, to care, to second and third chances... it was all there. It breaks my heart that he never got the chance to become something. & I do not believe he was an inherently bad person? They are so young in AFTG, all of them. Maybe Seth wasn't bad; maybe he was just twenty-two, you know?
& on the extra content when they tell Allison he died and she goes 'He called me not even an hour ago! He was drunk and rambling but he was happy for the first time in weeks. He was talking about how he finally thought graduating would be okay, about how he wanted me to help him look into grad schools. He wanted to go into social work and help people like he helps us. I know he wanted to die! Everyone knows he wanted to die! Every time he said he was done with life I walked away from him and every time he came chasing after me. This is the first time--he wanted to live.' breaks my heart.
Because, ok, Seth dies. Let's pretend it was a good idea for him to die to set some sort of impact on the story for a second. Except his death goes without much fuss. The shock Nora wanted is felt for maybe three seconds, in one paragraph in the last page of TFC and then we barely talk about Seth on TRK and TKM. Neil can't even understand how impactful was Seth's death - he only cares about how it will affect the game & his guilt is more about how Allison would feel towards him then sadness over losing a teammate - and this insight we get from Allison is from the extra content and not everyone goes on to read those so if Nora wanted something out of his death - pity, shock, sadness, or whatever - she should have put this scene IN THE BOOKS.
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ericamagnus · 1 year
▎genre(s) : spicy
▎pairing : roman reigns & cody rhodes × reader
▎warning : swearings, polyamory, inaccurate event
⚓︎ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏summary: ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏a stranger tried to harass you on the dance floor, but two certain people came to save the day.
divider by : @cafekitsune
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After you guys finished a house show in Philadelphia, everyone decided to go out and celebrate the completion of it. You also take your boyfriends along, even though they wants to go back to the hotel and sleep; but still they wants to accompany you just in case something goes horribly wrong.
After you all arrived on the scene, you and some girls on the roster decided to go dancing on the dance floor, while Joe and Cody stayed with the boys to chat. You can see some people dancing gracefully, regardless of their dancing skills being horrible or not; everyone enjoys it. As you are infected by the atmosphere of the dance floor, you decide to dance too.
During the dance, a guy approached you. He was a little bit handsome, and he was taller than you, but not as tall as Joe or Cody.
“ Hey gorgeous, are you alone here? ” That guy asked you.
“ No, I was with my friends. ” You quickly answered his question, while being aware of his presence.
Meanwhile, at the bar counter, Joe was talking to Colby (Seth Rollins), while Cody was chatting with Rami (Sami Zayn) and Kevin (Kevin Owens). They somehow saw you were with a stranger, it makes them very suspicious.
“ Joe, what's wrong with Y/N? ” Colby asked Joe.
“ I saw her talking to a guy right there, and I had a bad feeling about it... ” Joe answered while Cody continued watching the whole segment.
As they expected, that guy offered to dance with you, but you politely declined his offer. After he heard your answer, he became very frustrated about it and decided force you to dance with him.
“ Woman, I don't think you can refuse my offer. Do you know who I am? I'm the son of the high-ranking official. ” He began to brag about himself.
“ You're lucky that you're a girl; otherwise, I would have beaten the shit out of you immediately. Not only are you pathetic, but you're also a pussy too-- ” He pulled up your shirt and threatened you.
Meanwhile, Joe and Cody had seen enough, they decided to do something about it as they walked away from the bar counter. As that guy continued to harass you, Joe grabbed that guy shoulder.
“ What the fuck? Who the hell are you guys?! ” That guy shouted at them.
“ Y/N, are you alright? ” Cody asked you worriedly.
“ Joe, Cody... ” You mumbled your boyfriend's name.
“ Don't worry baby, we will handle this situation peacefully. ” Joe emphasized the word “peacefully”, but you knew they were going to do something they would not regret in the slightest.
Just look at their eyes; it looks like they could kill someone right on the spot.
“ Can you guys take her away from the scene? ” Cody asked Rami and Kevin.
“ Sure man. Alright Y/N, let's get out of here. ” Rami said as he and Kevin were readying to take you away.
“ You two, don't do something stupid, okay? ” You reminded them of it before leaving. Then, Joe and Cody watched you go. Afterward, they turned their attention to the guy who had been harassing you.
“ You--! ” Before he could muster his words, Joe pushed him lightly, making that guy trip.
“ Hey, don't you think you can escape for it. ” Cody reminded him.
“ Who the hell do you think you are, Joe Biden's son? ” Joe then said.
“ Motherfuck-- ” Both of them gave him a murderous stares before that guy can say something about it.
Why didn't they beat the hell out of that guy? Because not only are they celebrities, but you reminded them not to beat someone up.
“ We took it as an early warning; next time, if you harass our girl again, there will be no excuses anymore. ” Joe warned that guy coldly.
“ And also, don't tell anyone about this. ” After Joe and Cody finished dealing with that guy, they quickly meet you at outside of the bar.
“ You guys are back, did you beat up that asshole? ” You greeted them.
“ Nope, you told us not to do. ” Cody smiling at you as he answered.
“ And Joe? ” You look at Joe, which answered you almost immediately.
“ Nah, we just having a nice chat about it, don't worry about it. We didn't do anything stupid. ” He said.
Although you're afraid they might get into some sort of trouble, it's a good thing they came to the rescue in time; otherwise, you could have been kidnapped or something worse may have occurred.
A week later, you saw that asshole on the news. He had been arrested for kidnapping and harassment as he was sending to prison for good.
͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏
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exy-shmexy · 2 years
high school au rivals to lovers kevaaron
kevin getting his science test back with a 98 so he smugly turns around to shove it in aaron’s face. aaron raises an eyebrow, lifts up his paper to show to bright 99 with a shit-eating grin (andrew got 100 but will never show it to anyone).
their next class is a history presentation, afterwards the teacher discusses grades (my high school did that idk if yours did too but it was the WORST anyway) kevin gets a full score.
english class arrives and it is set to be a debate, cue the two having an argument-contest of symbolism and meaning of a certain poem they had to study.
one day kevin shows up to the library to find all the seats taken except the one next to aaron. he grumpily considers his options but when aaron looks up from his textbook he turns on his heels and tells himself it’s not too cold to study outside yet.
then they are assigned a presentation for their spanish class. neither of them speaks it very well (they would have preferred being with the weird kid andrew always hangs out with) but they have no choice so kevin tells aaron to come at his place during the weekend to work on it.
it’s a bit of a disaster because they keep bickering but then eventually manage to get an outline for it after way too much time wasted deciding who should work on what. aaron brought his old laptop so they both start working on their part in silence, neither happy to be in the other’s presence but at least working is familiar and comfortable, so much so that they don’t see time pass. kevin’s step-mom comes home and she tells aaron he should stay for dinner with them. he refuses but she insists because “listen i got too much food, what’s one more mouth to feed”.
(little does she know aaron hasn’t eaten anything since the previous evening. his mom is going to be mad if he doesn’t come home but kevin’s step-mom, abby, is very sweet and besides kevin looks constipated at the prospect of him staying so he ends up accepting)
aaron helps get the table ready while kevin chops veggies with way too much force, abby makes small talks but it’s alright, at least aaron doesn’t have to think about the screaming that will be waiting for him at home.
just as dinner is ready, the high school coach, who is also kevin’s father, arrives and stomps in all grumpily because some kids tripped each other on the tracks so he had to take them to the hospital for a sprained wrist and a sprained ankle. coach wymack looks at aaron then at kevin and then huffs. “‘bout time you brought a friend here” “he’s not my friend” “whatever you say kevin”. dinner is pleasant and aaron doesn’t remember the last time his stomach felt so full, kevin’s parents keep asking him questions and he finds it surprisingly easy to talk to them, especially because kevin is silently fuming opposite him.
aaron goes home with a tupperware full of food but as soon as tilda sees him she slaps him in the face because “where the fuck were you”. aaron drops the tupperware in surprise and apologizes profusely, when tilda is done with him he runs to his bedroom and doesn’t get out until the next day. kevin is the first person he sees in class, if he notices the still red mark on his cheek or the stiff way aaron holds himself, he doesn’t comment on it. aaron sits next to him to review their notes and kevin says “you’ll have to bring the tupperware back”
aaron “i’ll bring it tomorrow”
kevin “abby gave me these for you” kevin gives him a small bag of wrapped cookies.
aaron “why?”
kevin “because she has the audacity to like you”
they get an a for their presentation and aaron is invited for dinner again the following friday, kevin starts warming up to aaron even tho aaron keeps his distance until one day it’s just the two of them left in the locker room and oh fuck kevin is shirtless and oh fuck abs.
aaron realizes something about himself in that moment while kevin seems completely unbothered, but then a smirk stretches the corner of his mouth and oh fuck aaron is standing too close. kevin tilts his chin up with one finger and kisses him right there
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84reedsy · 6 months
The Mentorship, Part 9
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The Mentorship
Characters: Curt Hennig/FemOC , Scott Hall/FemOC
Part 9 of ? (Parts not chapters, parts length varies)
Word Count: 4406
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part8
Warnings/Considerations: Smut, Age Gap, Power Dynamics, Dirty Talk, swearing
It was now Brinkley that was handing out silent treatments, barely answering Curt as he tried to generate conversation. He was a little surprised at the length of her tantrum and why she was holding on to her anger so long. She normally let things roll off her back fairly easily. She would need that skill as much as any other on the road. Spending this much time with any group would get to anyone, but if she didn’t forgive and forget, she was going to spend a lot of time upset. 
“This…this is kind of fancy,” She finally spoke, looking at the hotel they pulled into, normally they stuck with what was cheap and nearby, this was neither. 
“So she does still speak,” Curt said snarkily as he parked, “ Yeah, I got a connection,” he fibbed. 
“Did we beat everyone else?” She looked around not seeing any cars she recognized. 
“Guess so,” he shrugged, grabbing for his own bag. 
Scott reached in and grabbed his and her bag as well. She tried to grab it from him.
“I can get my own bag,” She huffed, but could not budge it from his shoulder. 
“Give it up, Brink, I’ve got the damn bag,” he refused her, only making her scowl more. 
Curt arrived at the desk ahead of them, giving his name and credit card for the reservation he’d made. He cringed at the total, but signed without hesitation.
He walked over to Scott and Brinkley as they entered the lobby. Curt held up three cards. 
“Just had one room, booked up for the night,” He lied again. Scott knew the truth, but played it off as if he were mildly annoyed. 
“Not sharing a bed with you this time, Hennig,” He said, but looked at Brinkley. She could feel his eyes on her and felt a small surge of pride that her prank might live on in infamy. She dropped the small smile that had snuck out of her quickly, “And no cameras,”
Brinkley knew he was trying to goad her into responding, but she resisted. She took her card key, a little irritated that she wouldn’t have space from Scott other than when they naturally would go out to the bar. She assumed she’d end up sharing a bed with Curt. She tried not to think of what she might get away with out of spite for Scott who would be sleeping feet away.
She tried to squash feeling bad about having that thought. The truth was, Scott had not done anything to her; Kevin had. And Kevin was more of an ornery brat than even she was. She tried to also ignore the guilt settling in her gut for taking out her anger on Scott. She might be dabbling in hypocrisy herself. She’d apologize tomorrow if she still felt the same.
She was shocked at the size of the room and that there was more than one actual room. 
“You paid for a suite?” She walked into the separated bedroom where a massive king bed filled most of the room. Another bedroom had two full size beds and even the living room had a couch that looked incredibly comfortable. Worst case scenario she’d be camping out here. She would imagine having paid for the room, Curt would claim the main bedroom. 
“It’s all they had,” Curt shrugged, tossing his bag into that bedroom as expected. 
“At least no one has to share,” Scott dropped his bag by the door. She couldn’t tell if he was disappointed or relieved. He looked at Curt, who mouthed silently “30 minutes…”
She was surprised when only Scott left for the bar, not inviting her and Curt opting to stay behind. She felt stupid for feeling left out. Why on earth would he invite her after the way she’d been towards him since the match? She was confused by her own signals and she was the one sending them. 
As she showered, she wondered if Curt remembered he’d asked her to only wait one more day. She felt a tingle between her legs as she thought about it, the hot water stream doing nothing to diminish it. She’d made it nearly two weeks, even though she tried to cash in on day one. She couldn’t help how attracted she was to him; she did find herself disappointed that it wouldn’t be Scott. She felt like they were close to some sort of sexual breakthrough. 
Digging through her things, she found the lacey lingerie with the tags still attached. She looked at the black lace that was so skimpy, she might as well just go naked. But she slipped it on, nearly falling over as she tried to step into the panties, discovering that they were crotch-less panties. 
“Well what is the freaking point then,” She mumbled to herself in the mirror, checking angles. It still looked sexy. The bra-like top was about as useful in coverage, but worked magic on lift. She took advantage of one of the complimentary robes and crept out of the bathroom. Hearing the other shower going from the master suite was a relief and she quickly tiptoed into his room. 
She sat on the corner of the bed, trying to decide whether to keep the robe on for a reveal, or let it lay open. She leaned back on her elbows, opting for the latter and crossed her legs. She felt a nervous leap in her stomach when the water ceased. After only a few moments, Curt emerged in nothing but a towel around his waist, drying his hair with another. He paused when he saw what lay on his bed. 
He had expected something, but was surprised by what she was wearing - more specifically how little. 
“You said one more day,” She murmured, “You’ve kept that dick from me for long enough,” 
“Thinking of this for the ring?” He looked over the ‘outfit’, even with her legs crossed, he noticed the lack of fabric, “You’ll be the most popular one there,” 
“No…this is for you,” she lifted herself so she leaned back on her hands now, her chest naturally jutting forward. 
“Just for me?” He questioned, knowing that she likely bought at the off chance Scott might get to see it, “What a thoughtful little girl,” He could care less why she bought it, he was the one getting to enjoy it, “Show Daddy more,” 
She uncrossed her legs slowly and spread them for him as he walked slowly toward her. She bit her lip, looking hungry when he undid his towel and let it fall. His shaft was already thickening, hanging with a heavy sway that made her lick her lips at the sight of it. 
“I should make these the only thing you wear around me,” he teased, “My balls would be dry,”
“Might make you a little lighter and faster on your feet,” She teased back, “I haven’t seen you jack off since that first night,” She bit her lip sheepishly as he paused. 
“So you saw that huh?” He placed one knee on the bed between her legs, “I thought you’d be fast asleep,” 
“Kinda hard to sleep next to a jackhammer,” She derided him. Curt only sarcastically grinned for a moment before his hand gripped her face firmly.
“I bet you had a lot of dirty thoughts…show me what you wanted to do when you saw me stroking my cock,” He squeezed her jaw lightly, before leaning down to kiss her. He left her lips swollen and her eyes were even darker and hungrier than before. 
Brinkley slid off the bed, the robe falling to the floor. As Curt sat on the corner of the bed, she knelt between his legs. She remembered how he liked her to start, teasing the tip and touching it softly. She kissed lightly from the tip down the underside to his very laden testicles, eliciting a groaning response when she licked each one. He cursed when she sucked one heavy orb into her mouth, her hand slowly stroking him. 
As she slowly moved her mouth back up along his pulsing flesh, she made a point to use the tip of her tongue to slowly lick the pearl of precum from his tip. She relished the way he looked at her as she pleasured him, she wondered if Scott would look at her like that. 
She sank his tip between her lips, slowly descending with each pass. She had to admit, there was something she really enjoyed about this act. Perhaps it was the control, it might have been the pride of making a man respond so primally. She focused on doing things to make him groan, curse, or grab her head. 
He did the latter with both hands, slowing the bob of her head out of preservation. He saw the room door open through the bedroom doorway and felt smug, but excited at the same time.
Scott walked in quietly, carefully to control the door as it shut. He could hear the muted, but telltale noises that said he'd arrived right on time.  
Through the bedroom doorway he saw Curt, but his eyes immediately focused on the sight of Brinkley's ass, hovering above the floor as her knees splayed below her. Out of those tights it looked even better. Whatever she was wearing, he thanked god it was so little. 
Her dark damp hair fell down her back, curling in loose waves. He couldn’t wait to thread his large fist into them. Curt was definitely into the moment, but he managed to motion to him.  
Scott slipped his shirt off and walked slowly and quietly up behind her. His adrenaline coursed through his veins; his pulse was loudly thumping in his ears.  He kneeled on the floor behind her.  She looked to be very content sucking cock. He needed that to be him. 
Brinkley dipped her head lower and lower, gasping for breath every few passes. She followed the pressure of both of his hands holding her head to set the pace, liking the feeling of being directed. She moaned against his cock as she felt two fingers slip between her pussy lips,  gently stroking the freshly wet skin of her sex.  The fingertips massaged her clit in wide slow circles.
“Oh, Daddy yes,” she moaned with a low rasp. 
Scott’s eyebrows shot up at the kinky wordplay. His cock pulsed in his jeans.
As she descended on his cock again she paused, still feeling both of his hands on her head.  And there was no possible way that his hands would be touching her like she was being touched.
Curt felt her start to pull away,  but he held her head in place with his hands.  Her whole body stiffened as she slightly dug her nails into his thighs.
“Calm down,” he spoke low, but firm. She was still rigid, feeling the fingers on her sex stall, but not recede, “do you trust me?”
Brinkley was able to lift her mouth off of him, her breathing shaking as she felt a stranger's hands on her. She looked up at Curt with wide eyes as he asked her again. 
“Do you trust me,” he met her eyes. She didn't want to say yes,  but it would have been a lie to say otherwise.
“Yes,” she answered, nodding her head. But she still couldn't turn to see who was touching her. 
“Cum for him,” Curt said, still holding her head, his cock resting against her cheek. 
She shuddered as the strong, long fingers started working her again.  He knew how to tease her clit, still circling but occasionally flicking over it quickly. 
Scott couldn't wait to taste her, just her scent alone was making his mouth water.  He considered sliding under her and letting her ride his face until she was spent, but watching her like this was quite the show as well. 
Unable to resist, he slid his fingers back and slid them inside her with rhythmic strokes. He bit his tongue to keep from groaning as she started fucking his fingers back.
“Fuck…I'm gonna cum….” She blushed for a moment, realizing she'd already called Curt 'daddy’ in front of this mystery person.
“Good girl, cum for him, tell him,” Curt's hands loosened, sliding down to her arms. 
Brinkley bit her lip, whimpering as her sex tightened around the invading digits.
“I'm cumming! God, Yes! Please don't stop…” she begged, nearly collapsing in Curt's lap. She panted through the aftershocks, knowing who she hoped would be there when she looked back. 
She wasn't sure she wanted to look, just by the off chance it really was someone else. Curiosity got the best of her as she slowly peeked behind her. Scott's hairy,  perfect torso was a welcome relief and whatever tenseness that remained melted away. 
A surge of desire flooded her as her eyes lifted to meet his. He was still touching her, gently and softly.  She was sure she'd never seen his face so dark and full of want. 
“Are you OK with this?” Scott asked, hooking his fingers inside of her a little.  
She gasped a little but nodded. She turned slightly,  snaking an arm around his neck to pull him down to her.  She was desperate to kiss him again and his hungry lips did not disappoint. He had to let his fingers slip out of her,  but he slid it around her to massage a lace covered breast.
Brinkley let her free hand stroke Curt, his shaft still slick from her mouth.  
“What do you want to do with her, Scott?” Curt couldn't be called an ungracious host, but he knew Scott had been more than anxious to get with her.  
Scotts head swam, he almost was in disbelief that she was here,  mostly naked in his arms and willingly and fully available to him. He was torn between tasting her and feeling her lips on his cock.  While he volleyed his options, she lifted his cum soaked fingers to her lips and suckled herself from them,  her eyes never leaving his. 
“Christ, I need my dick sucked…bad,” he was fumbling with his belt clumsily. Brinkley felt Curt pull her towards the bed and she followed, but didn't take her eyes off of Scott's quickly working hands. 
Curt laid her out on the bed, parting her legs he devoured her already gleaning pussy.  She jolted a bit,  still sensitive from Scott's ministrations. She arched a little off the bed,  feeling it dip slightly.  Looking up,  she saw Scott's somehow more impressive shaft pulsing over her face. She turned towards it, achingly hungry for him as she failed to start at a slow pace as she had with Curt.
“FUCK,” Scott hissed through his teeth as his hand slid through her hair and pushed past her threshold. She pulled away coughing and gasping, but sank him back in her mouth on her own quickly, “Oh, fuck that is such a good girl,” he growled, his arousal flared by her eagerness to please.
Brinkley felt an orgasm rushing forward as Curt roughly sucked her clit. As It crashed into her,  she did her best to deepthroat Scott, making his head tilt back and his fingers grip her hair tighter. 
“Please fuck me,” she begged, desperately needing to feel filled by either of them. 
Curt definitely could have sunk into her, but resisted. He slipped off the bed.
“Guests first,” he joked,  not having to tell Scott twice. 
Brinkley felt butterflies burst in her stomach as Scott slid quickly between her legs.  She propped herself up as Scott yanked her by the hips toward him.  He smacked her clit with his tip, eliciting a gasp each time. 
Scott watched her face as he sank halfway in.  She looked at him with a mix of relief and seduction, moaning loudly as he thrusted the rest of the way in, pushing her threshold of fullness.
“Ohmygod,” she fell back to the bed, her breath caught in her chest as he thrusted again.  Curt gripped her tits roughly as she reached to stroke him,  suckling his tip as he moved closer. 
Scott was mesmerized by how his cock looked disappearing in her gripping sex.  He could feel her spasming around him and it only heightened his arousal to feel how responsive she was to him. He rolled his hips in a harsh rhythm, pausing between only to hear her pleasured responses.
“You wanna try something new, baby girl?” Curt asked,  stroking her hair as she looked at him in a sex laden haze. She nodded, Scott's slowing thrusts still filling her, “Say it, “
“Yes,  Daddy,” she whined, feeling Scott’s cock twitch inside her. Curt smirked and slid off the bed. 
“Be right back,” he disappeared into the bathroom.  
Scott took the opportunity and lay over the top of her,  kissing her. Her legs naturally wrapped around him. He had to use every bit if him not to fuck her silly until his nut overflowed out of her tight pussy. 
“Get on top of him,” Curt urged, setting a bottle on the bedside table.  He stroked his cock with the gel while she timidly straddled Scott's hips, “She's never been on top before,” Curt smirked again,  seeing her nervous.
Scott was quick to lay flat, rubbing her thighs as she hovered above him. 
“She'll take to it really good,” he crooned at her,  “won't you baby?” His dark gaze looking up at her and his petting hands were encouragement enough.  He helped guide the bulging member into her and as he filled her again,  her eyes fluttered closed and a satisfied groan left her mouth.  His hips bucked a little, emboldening her to move on him.  She gyrated with a slow, fluid motion. 
Both men were taken while watching her move. Take to this position,  did she ever. Curt wondered if they'd have another chance where he could watch her work him like this. 
As she moved,  Curt stripped the bra off of her, both enjoying the sway of her tits as her movements became more spirited. Brinkley braced herself against Scott's chest, her fingers raking through his dark hair.  Just touching him was turning her on more than she'd imagined. She was losing track of how many times his cock had made her cum,  assaulting her g-spot without mercy. She knew she'd want him again. 
“Bend over sweetheart,” Curt gently pushed her downward. Scott's hands roughly toyed with her tits. He knew Curt's plan now,  trying to keep her relaxed. 
“Just breath,” he murmured,  pulling her down to kiss him.  Curt situated himself behind her,  pressing his thick, slickened glans against her still virgin asshole. 
She whimpered against Scott’s lips as Curt slowly inched his way in. She tensed, but both men tried to relax her. She tried to calm herself, soon feeling a fullness that she couldn't describe if she tried. 
As both men moved in a slow rhythm, Brinkley was robbed of coherent thought, airy moans were all that left her. Both cocks stroking her insides sent constant shockwaves to her core. Curt's possessive grip around her waist and Scott's pawing and wandering hands sent her over the edge of sensory overload.
As Curt fucked her ass harder,  she was pushed against Scott, her nipples rubbed roughly by his chest hair. She bit lightly as his collarbone as she came to the intensity of both holes being filled. 
“Jesus, Brinkley, your pussy is gonna kill me,” Scott mumbled into her ear,  his hips thrusting upwards with a magnitude that alluded to his own pending orgasm.
“Fuck…so is this hot little ass,” Curt grunted, not fighting his orgasm as he came in her no- longer-innocent hole, filling her deep as he stayed buried to the hilt.
She moaned as she felt one filling her,  but also feeling the stretch of Scott's cock as it threatened to spill into her as well. 
“I should pull out,” he whispered, but his face betrayed his suggestion.
“Don't you fucking dare,” Brinkley's lust filled eyes dared him to defy her.  He didn't need any further convincing as he grunted and flooded her cunt with his plentiful seed. 
She grinned slightly, moaning at the feeling of his cum inside her. She’d imagined it for so long,  but it felt so much better than she could have thought. And Curt's adventurous ploy only added to her sexual satisfaction.
Curt slipped from her first,  helping her to sit up and to her shaky and unstable legs.  
“Dirty girl's gonna need to shower again,” he popped her asscheek lightly.  
“I got her,” Scott popped up, picking her up when her legs still wobbled. Curt stepped back.  He hoped that things would go this way.  If Scott could take his place for her physical outlet, it would be better for all of them. 
Scott carried her to the bathroom and drew her a bath.  She felt embarrassed by the level of attention,  but did not reject it. She sat in the steamy water,  her legs and hips still quivered a bit. Scott had rinsed himself,  but sat naked next to the tub with her. 
“I guess you aren't still pissed at me,” Scott joked,  “if I had known that was his plan-”
Brinkley leaned over and pressed her hand to his mouth. 
“I know.  I was being ridiculous,” she admitted, “I'm sorry,” She returned with her own apology. “I'm glad you came,” she rested her chin on his forearm. 
“Kind hard not to,” he joked,  crassly, “that thing you got between your legs is dangerous,”
Brinkley couldn't help but giggle as her cheeks burned.
“You know what I mean,” she nudged him lightly, “I really am…”
Scott's hand slid over her hair, resting on her cheek,  his thumb stroking slowly. 
“Me too,” 
“So…I guess you know that Curt and I…” she trailed off, knowing that it was more than obvious. 
“Yeah,  I've known for a while, actually,” he admitted, “Curt might have let the cat outta the bag early.”
“How long??” She was surprised at his admission.
“About a week before we came back out?” He thought back, “Yeah, about that long,” He started to feel guilty now. He wouldn't blame her for feeling used, “He said that you had pulled a fast one on him. And if anyone knows anything about him…he will get the last word,”
“So…was this just a joke to you?” She asked. He turned expecting her to be angry, but she looked only curiously at him.
“No,” he shook his head, “it mighta been a means to an end. But you should know I've been wanting this,”
“I did. I wanted it, too,” she splashed him with a small sprinkling of water.
“You've wanted me since the first time we met. I saw it in your eyes,” Scott narrowly avoided the water, “and I know you still want me more,” he said with a confidence that would have made it true if it wasn't already. 
“So what if I do? What does that make…?” She motioned between them. 
“I don't know yet…but um,” he wanted to ask her to not sleep with Curt, or anyone else, but he didn't know how he could do that without asking for a singular loyalty. He wasn't sure he was capable of being in a relationship, “I just don't know yet,” he gave up on being a hypocrite. He turned, leaning his back against the side of the tub. 
“We don't have to label anything,” she slid up behind him,  wrapping her arms around his shoulders, “but there is one thing…”
Scott's hand rested on her forearms, “and what's that?” He might have been averted from relationships, but he definitely liked this intimacy they were sharing. 
“I really want to feel that mouth on my pussy at least once,” she ran her fingers over his rough, five o'clock shadow. 
“Baby,  you're gonna have a hard time keeping me away from it,” Scott's deep voice promised.
Curt was in bed when they both emerged from the bathroom. She led Scott by his hand to the bed,  laying in the middle and pulling him down into the sheets. 
She rolled over, kissing Curt's cheek before whispering in his ear,  “I'm getting you back for this,” she knew though his eyes were closed,  he was still awake. 
Scott felt awkward at first, though, he felt better when she rolled back to him and rested her cheek on his chest and laid her arm over him. 
“Is this OK?” She mumbled, taking in his scent and the feel of him against her just in case he pushed her away. 
“More than okay, girl,” holding a warm body next to him that wasn't there just to use him was more comforting than he'd thought. He slept easily, pretending it was just the two of them
Brinkley did not want to wake when a soft alarm started to buzz. She moaned, covering her ear with her hand. She snuggled down into the same hairy torso she'd fallen asleep against. She only opened her eyes when the alarm silenced. She looked up to see Curt rousing.
“Don't get up yet,” she motioned for him to return to the solace of the sheets.
“But it's getting late, baby girl,” he realized he would need to change up how he addressed her “plus I gotta be on high alert after your little threat”
“Please? “ she begged, patting the bed beside her, “Temporary truce?”.
Curt sighed, but crawled back in, sliding up beside her.
“Did you at least get some enjoyment out of it or was it pure torture,” he asked, running his hand slowly up and down her thigh.
“Well…I don't know that I'd call it complete torture,” she chided him a bit, “I wasn't expecting that last thing,” her stomach tingled a bit as she remembered how surprisingly good it felt.
“That was the idea,” Curt softly joked, “and it felt fucking amazing,” he mumbled in her ear,  biting her lobe.
“It better have,  because I'm not falling for that again,” her eyes rolled back slightly as he nibbled.  
“I give it three days before you're begging for it,” Curt's hand slid from her thigh over her ass cheeks, “Four, tops,”
“My god,  I'm trying to sleep would you two keep it down,” Scott said,  his eyes still closed. Brinkley giggled a little, but snuggled into him again. 
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jeyuwuso · 1 year
I do not share GoFundMe/donation links for anyone I don't know. Requests in my inbox will be blocked. You can help the people of Palestine by donating to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières, The Palestinian Children's Relief Fund, and UNICEF.
... My Dawg
She/her/they cis lesbian
I have a beautiful wife who means the absolute world to me and two cats. I might post about them a lot because I love them just a stupid amount
Into wrasslin, Always Sunny, whump, and fanfic (be warned, I write NSFT whump a good amount, but I'll always tag it)
I'll probably post music I like. It's mostly upsetting mashups and ska. I'm sorry.
Professional ghostwriter/Professional editor; I write and edit romance novels
I write about people getting sad and fucking about it
I have OCs from my own independently published work that I might post about
Jey Uso stan. He's my ride or die. Babby child. He's always right and I got beef with anyone who goes up against him
Jey/Sami and Jey/Roman are my OTPs. I also ship Punk/Cena, Jimmy/Kevin, Hunter/Shawn, Hunter/Seth, any arrangement of the Shield, and early Sami/Kevin
My mom once said I treat boys like kittens and no one has ever called me out so brutally before or since
A fan of the whole Bloodline, Sami Zayn, Judgment Day, Carmella, Charlotte, the entire women's division, Bray Wyatt, Sheamus, Imperium, Seth Rollins, and any super gimmicky or OTT characters (aka the ones that get cut from the Hulu Raws)
I don't have access to live episodes, and my work schedule ebbs and flows. I'm pretty much always late watching stuff
The only people I truly loathe at WWE are Cody and Riddle (WWE stop hiring rapists 2k23 challenge). I'm also not a fan of most wrestling until the mid-'00s (mid-'10s for women's wrestling). I try really hard not to tag anything negative without tagging it! I'll always tag hate with wwe wank
I don't like AEW's more '90s-inspired approach to wrestling, though I do really like a lot of the people over there (former WWE talent and homegrown talent alike! I love Orange Cassidy and Danhausen). If I complain about it, I'll tag it with aew wank
My feelings about CM Punk are complicated. I love CM Punk, but Phil Brookes is a hypocritical, performative bitch who talks a big game while refusing to actually do anything meaningful
I don't really care about wins and losses in wrestling beyond story implications. As long as I find a potential storyline interesting, I'm into it. I'm also very good at reading too much into things
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yakkolicious-writing · 6 months
The Ghost
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"Envelopes" by Kevin Steinhardt is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Genre: Angst Fandom: Papa Louie Central Relationship: Maggie & Prudence Wordcount: 1,242 words Summary: It's been a week since Maggie made Allan cry. Prudence hasn't texted Maggie in a week. However, luckily for Maggie, Prudence wrote her a letter. What does it say? Warnings: Nothing I would consider "triggering," per se, but this might be a tough read if you've been ghosted, are having issues with a friend, or are going through a bad break-up. Rating: G. Suitable for all audiences.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55098451
This fic is a sequel to another one-shot titled "It's My Party." I'll post it here if anyone would like it, but you can read it on AO3 right now if you would prefer. You might need to read it to get the full context behind the events of this fic. I hope you enjoy this new story!
It was an ordinary afternoon in Tastyville. At the Pizzeria apartments, Maggie sat on her sofa, her arms crossed and a frown on her face. She was all alone: physically, that is. Her parents had just left to have a dinner date at the Lobsternaut in San Fresco and didn’t bring her along. Maggie was fine with this though; she didn’t ask to come, and if her parents wanted a little bit of private time without her, then so be it. She liked her privacy too.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Maggie turned her head. Her parents told her not to open the door for strangers or invite any friends over. Maggie hadn’t invited any of her friends over. The last outing she had with her friends was a party a week ago. It was a combination birthday-welcome back party, but it didn’t go too well: mostly because of her. The party was thrown for Allan, an old acquaintance of hers who moved to Oniontown back in high school. When he came back, he had changed a lot: he lost a tooth, his hair got bigger, and his fashion sense became edgier. He changed so much that Maggie refused to recognize him, even calling him a freak. Maggie had been thinking about what she did all day. Looking back, it was completely uncalled for. Just because she didn’t recognize him didn’t mean she had to be such an open jerk about it. She could’ve just stayed close to someone she trusted if she was so unsure. Instead, she ran her mouth and sent him running off in tears as Papa Louie tried to clean up her mess. That was the first hint she got that he was the real deal: he was just as sensitive as he was back in freshman year. Now, Allan was gone. In addition, her friend Prudence hadn’t even texted her since the party. She was particularly defensive of Allan at the party, completely sure it was him. She was right, but Maggie was too stubborn to listen to her when it mattered. The “freak” comment must’ve struck a nerve with Prudence too. Her other friends Rita and Penny texted her when they could, but Prudence seemed to have completely disappeared.
Maggie sighed. She was thinking too much. She hated thinking too much. Why was she thinking of this party so much? What she did was awful, but if she lingered on it, soon, her entire identity would become calling Allan a freak one time. It was over, and its impact was lasting, but she couldn’t let herself be the mean girl at the party. Maggie knew she was more than that. Right now, there was someone at the door, and she needed to find out who it was.
“Who is it?” Maggie asked.
“Just good ol’ Vincent!” a voice replied, “is that one Maggie McCoy I hear?”
“Yep!” Maggie exclaimed.
Vincent wasn’t a stranger: he was the coolest mailman in the world. He knew everyone’s name, and he knew something about everyone. Maggie had talked to him before, and her parents had too. She didn’t invite him over either, so surely opening the door for him would be fine. Maggie stood up, walked to the door, and opened it up. There, Vincent stood, a smile on his face and a pink envelope sealed with a red heart in his hand.
“Hi Vincent!” Maggie said.
“Hey there, Maggie!” Vincent replied, “I think somebody likes you.”
Vincent offered the envelope to Maggie, and she took it. She examined the front of it carefully. In the center was her name and address, but in the top left corner, she saw the name “Prudence Wagner” and her address. She gasped and grinned.
“Hey!” she exclaimed, “it’s from Prudence!”
“Ooh, you sound excited!” Vincent noted, “you like her back?”
“Oh, no.” Maggie waved her free hand with a smile. “No, no, no. I don’t like girls. Prudence doesn’t either. She likes her men tall, dark, and handsome. She just uses pink envelopes and heart seals for all of her letters.”
“Ohhhh, OK, I gotcha now. Sorry for assuming.”
“It’s alright. I’m more excited that Prudence wrote me at all! She hasn’t texted me in a week!”
“Well, I gotta get going. I hope this letter is full of the nicest words you could imagine.”
“Oh, thank you, Vincent!”
“You’re welcome! Have a great day!”
“You too!”
Vincent and Maggie waved goodbye to each other, and Vincent went off on his way. Maggie closed the door and looked at the envelope with a smile. She then began to rip into the envelope. Once it was ripped enough, Maggie opened it up and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Maggie unfolded the paper and began to read the letter.
“Dear Maggie,” it began.
“I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you after the party. It’s been a while since the incident, and if I’m being completely honest, I’m still a little upset about what happened. I know it didn’t happen to me, but I still don’t understand why you were so mean to Allan. I know he looked a little different, but you didn’t have to call him a freak in front of everyone. Allan kept in contact with me after the party, and he seems to be doing alright now, but what you did was awful. After the party, I’ve been questioning our friendship. It’s an awful thing to say, but you deserve to know the truth, and the truth is that I don’t want to be your friend anymore. If you’re going to be so quick to make an assumption like that, then I’m worried that if I get into a fight with you, then you’ll call me names or spread rumors. I’m also worried that you might do it again to another person, and I’d hate to see it happen. I don’t want anymore drama, and I don’t want to feel like I’m walking on eggshells around someone I consider my friend. I just want you to know that while I am mad at you, I don’t hate you. I just don’t want to be your friend. Sincerely, Prudence.”
Maggie’s heart sunk as she read the letter. Prudence cut her off by letter. She didn’t even want to make the effort to do it face-to-face. She said she didn’t hate her in the letter, but Maggie was sure she was lying to preserve her feelings. If she was going to write an entire letter stating that she didn’t want to be her friend anymore with flowery language, how else could Prudence feel? Prudence knew that Maggie preferred it when people were straight to the point. Maybe Prudence didn’t want to waste the paper, but if she was concerned with wasting paper, she could’ve simply cut the paper she used to write the letter and save the rest for later. Surely the only explanation was hatred.
“Great,” Maggie whispered, “just great. Prudence ghosted me.”
Maggie sighed, went to her room, got on all fours, and slipped the letter under her bed. Her parents couldn’t know: they’d only rub it in. When the letter was hidden, Maggie laid down on her bed and pulled her comforter over herself. Tears formed in her eyes before rolling down her cheeks, but she didn’t make a sound. Right now, all she wanted to do was disappear. How could she have been so stupid?
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raceweek · 2 years
whats each f1 driver like drunk in your humble (and correct) opinion?
hello friend, in my incredibly correct never wrong humble opinion:
max: needs bottle service to survive. always leaves without paying the bar tab
checo: jokes about getting so drunk he’s going to cheat on his wife. cheats on his wife
charles: goes missing (runs away) at 1am. no one knows what the fuck happened to him. walks through the door at midday the next day declaring he had the best night of his life. the ring doorbell shows him asleep in the bushes
carlos: stoic man in the corner in a cable knit jumper with a fucking whiskey or some shit. no one is sure how old he is
lewis: the one who offers you their coat in the smoking area and somehow has you confessing your entire life story inside thirty seconds of knowing them
george: the crier friend
esteban: starts taking over selling glow sticks and lollipops in the toilets really loudly after one and a half vodka cranberrys
fernando: headbutts the bouncer
lando: the shit dj on student night being paid in wkd bc the uni couldn’t afford anyone better
daniel: tries to start a flash mob. no one knows what the fuck he’s talking about
valtteri: starts talking about hops when you ask what beer he’s drinking
guanyu: drinks wine at pre drinks
seb: looks like he’s going to spit on you when you ask if he can pass you a plastic straw
lance: would sit on anyone’s lap after a few cocktails
kevin: looks you dead in the eye as he nails every beer pong shot and then throws the ball at your head whilst you’re drinking
mick: offers to drink the dirty pint for you after you lose a drinking game. throws up in the kitchen sink after one sip
pierre: white linen trousers in a club. nothing further
yuki: has the vibe of a man who always ends the night with more money than he arrived with. refuses to elaborate on how or why
alex: just somewhere in the back mashing face with his girlfriend. everyone is looking for him to help deal with his crier friend
nicky: ends up dealing with said crier friend
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I wanna talk about something that really bugs me and that is people claiming that Ben deciding to Kill Kevin in the short yet cool Ultimate Kevin Arc was unreasonable and out of nowhere all while ignoring the context of how and why he goes to those extremes.
Short answer: Everything in between Aggregor and Ultimate Kevin broke him down drove him to those extremes.
Long answer?
Ben has tried so hard are to rescued the Andromeda aliens from Aggregor only to fail with the Osmosian becoming Ultimate Aggregor and he understably beats him down in a fit of rage yet Gwen stopped him as was about to continue, keeping him from going to far but Aggregor got back up and defeated all of them.
Throughout his missions to acquire the pieces of Map of Infinity Ben was continuously beaten and outsmarted by Aggregor despite always trying to do the right thing like helping Charmcaster stop Addwaitya and free her people or pulling a planet back together with his own body as Goop.
I think the worst I felt for him was during the ending of the Perplexahedron where the Sentinel berated him for choosing to save his life instead of the map and he dies anyway with Aggregor succeeding yet again. And Ben's response?
"I...I didn't-"
That one line as well as his expression said it all in this scene, he's shocked saddened that it was all for nothing there's a part of him that feels like if he was completely ruthless things wouldn't get this far, Gwen and Kevin try to comfort him by saying that he never leaves anyone behind that isn't who he is, that he did what he thought was right. It's true he was being who he was and always will be.
A Hero.
But he felt like he messed up cause of that which is unfortunately also true and that had to have hurt his soul to realize that.
And Kevin absorbing the Ultimatrix and then betraying his team as well going insane again, going around hurting people (He attacked Ken for owing him 2 dollars for gods sake!) all while refusing attempts to reach out to him from his Best friend and Girlfriend, added to the termoil.
By Absolute Power he thought enough was enough, deciding to stop Kevin for good because after everything that's happened and how his failures let it get this far? He has to do this, because that's seems to be the only other solution and there is no other way this time, but even then he shows remorse during all this but ultimately they found another way in the end.
Ben even says sorry to Kevin at the end. Yet people still see this as out of nowhere even though it's onscreen and has been justified by other characters andUltimate Kevin acts during the time.(Kevin's one of my favorites but even I can say he was wild.)
Ben Tennyson is a good Man, it's just the whole situation breaking him down, but he still pulled through in the end.
It's neither unreasonable or out of nowhere. As you said the show blatantly lays it out why he's doing what he is. Everyone Kevin hurts or kills is on Ben's hands because he's one of the few people alive who can stop him. Every second he's out there he gets more energy and more power. He's an existential threat.
The people who say that are the same people that claim the Galvans/Plumbers are secretly evil/bigots and that Ben is a narcissistic sociopath/psychopathic womanizer who only saves women to get in their pants. Fuck I've even seen someone claim with their whole chest that the reason Ben wanted to kill Kevin was because he was jealous that Kevin stole his "saving the day" hero shtick.
It's all in my delusional Ben 10 tag lol.
Ben has shown time and again he's perfectly willing to kill others, have them die by their own evil, and kill himself to save more lives.
It's literally canon that if Ben didn't stop when he was beating Aggregor in a rage when Gwen told him to that he'd have won in that fight just fine too.
Thanks for the ask, feel free to ask more lol.
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
Any and all AEW drama blame falls on Tony Khan
The continuous AEW locker room toxicity is the fault of Tony Khan.
Weak and ineffectual leadership breeds discontent and talent who abuse it.
These talent watched their boss sit and cringe meekly during a media scrum that harmed AEW. Of course they're acting out, he enables deliquency.
He has never once attempted to be the boss. He didn't shut Punk down when he should have. He didn't punish Hangman with that "worker's rights" promo. He didn't punish Britt's bullying of Thunder Rosa or the talked about drama in the women's locker room. He has allowed so much discontent and toxicity to fester in his own locker room. If only there was someone in charge, you know, who has control over everybody and pays their salaries, and tells them what to do, so this way, no one person or persons can feel that they are above everyone else? If only…
Making The Elite the EVPs was a mistake. Giving wrestlers positions of power in a wrestling promotion is the kiss of death. That’s like giving Hulk Hogan creative control and giving Scott Hall and Kevin Nash favored nations clauses in their contracts. Tony Khan is doing exactly what Eric Bischoff did in WCW. Being the wrestler’s friend instead of being a boss.
Despite being a complete reprehensible scumbag, Vince McMahon was the boss. He wasn't playing popularity contests. He was RUNNING A FUCKING BUSINESS and if anyone was causing strife, he would punish them and shut it down. Sure he allowed the Kliq to run roughshod, but at the end of the day he knew when enough was enough and did his job as the boss.
To Tony Khan, being the wrestler's friend is more important than being the boss. He desperately wants to prove to everyone he's not Vince and he doesn't have to be Vince. He wants to hug the wrestlers and be their buddy! Instead of releasing talent, he purposely ignores their calls and has their "head of talent relations" ignore their calls and waits until their contract runs out to not negotiate and then he doesn't have to deal with them. And then he publicly humiliates said let go talent on Twitter or orders the talent in PR mode at the same time to shut down any and all criticisms.
And the fans and the dirtsheets refuse to call the man out on his shit. The fake journalists and diehard fans who have proven time and time again they are on board with any and everything the guys says and does without any questions or fair criticisms at all, punishable by death to all heretics.
It starts at the top. This company has been run like an after school teen dance club for years now, with no end in sight. When the person in charge is more interested in publicly hugging an employee tip to tip in a deep embrace then being a real boss, what do you expect?
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