#and MAN that would be awesome to float/fly <3
pageofheartdj · 1 year
Was just thinking like usual xD
Reminder: Raph can make a giant avatar of himself and cloning, Leo can teleopt and make portals, Donnie can temporarely create anything from his mind. Mikey can use fire, infinite chains and anti-gravity. With all the canon rules.
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bestanimatedmovie · 5 months
Revenge of the Underrated
15. Help! I'm a Fish vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
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Help! I'm a Fish
"It's a Danish movie from the early 2000s, so it already has that uncanny valley feel of being unfamiliar to the average American viewer, and is almost entirely 2D animated with 3D only used to help instead of being the main medium. It's about 3 kids that stumble upon this scientist's lair and the youngest of them, Stella, accidentally drinks a potion that turns her into an aquatic animal (a starfish for her) thinking it was Kool-Aid (or lemonade, depending on the dub). Her brother, Fly, throws her into the ocean not realizing that the starfish was his transformed sister and he and his cousin, Chuck, drink the potion (a flyfish and a jellyfish respectively) so they can search for her in the ocean. Along the way, they accidentally drop the potion into the sea which gives sentience to a pilot fish and shark, the main villains. They then start to administer the potion to any fish they find.
I heard about the movie from a Youtube review and then watched it for myself that night. It was super fun and I could totally see this being a fever dream movie from some unsuspecting 8 yo. Part of the reason I say that is because the movie isn't afraid to have its dark moments. Fly gets slashed by a crab and almost DIES. Chuck has to do a risky mission in order to get Fly and Stella back to the scientist's lair so he can turn them back. Stella admittedly didn't do much, but she's 4, she gets a pass. She makes a seahorse friend, so that's good. The parents of the kids track down the scientist in his lair and confront and are ready to beat him up before he manages to show them the video of Stella turning into a starfish (the scientist planned to drink the potion on camera to prove it works, but forgot he had to get the antidote, leaving the potion alone and getting Stella's transformation on camera). There's even a moment where you think Chuck's mom straight up (accidentally) stomped on Fly's fish body before you find out it was just a stuffed fish and Fly is a human again.
As for the villain, he was a fun little sleezy villain, immediately creating a dictatorship with his newfound intelligence (he had a whole song about it). And Fly uses that against him by tricking him into drinking more of the potion to become smarter. Unfortunately, the potion doesn't just give fish human intelligence, it MAKES them human, and the last you see of the villain is him drowning and floating away as a half-fish, half-man igor. Horrifying but so, so awesome.
The animation is spectacular, the voice acting is great in both English and Danish (plus Chuck is voiced by one of the dudes from Breaking Bad), and with actual peril for the main characters (I forgot to mention that they would be stuck fish if they didn't take the antidote in the next 24 hours). I'm definitely going to find a CD of this movie to show/traumatize my future kids + niblings. "
Really cool animation, really interesting storyline and fun songs that stick to your brain like a fever dream
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
Red Shoes is a Snow White retelling that features a plus size princess and teaches that it's who a person is on the inside that matters. It contrasts Merlin, the male lead, who is normally conventionally handsome but cursed to be a "hideous" (actually quite cute) dwarf, a form he's desperate to escape, with Snow White/Red Shoes who is normally an adorable plus sized princess (ie not the traditional beauty) who is trapped by necessity in the form of a thin traditional princess, a form that she's incredibly uncomfortable with. It's ultimately about being your true self, loving who you are, and looking past appearances to find the beauty that lies within. Also, Patrick Warburton is the magic mirror.
It's an adorable, sweet movie that deserves more people to know about it! It was so fun and funny that after I watched it the first time, I turned around and immediately rewatched it with my husband (like he came in during the last 5 minutes, and we immediately started it over).
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randy-jester · 3 months
My Imaginary Ride The Cyclone Hybrid Live-Action and Animation Feature Film that only exists in my head: Part 2
Here's the link to Part 1!
Apologies for splitting it into 2 parts. Tumblr literally wouldn't let me post it as one big chunk. 😭
Continuing on:
To refresh: This would be a hybrid film that combines both live action and animated segments. The majority of the movie would be shot in live-action under a sepia filter, but all of the choir member's songs would be animated with different art styles. "What The World Needs" is in CGI Disney style, "Noel's Lament" is black-and-white 2D animation, "This Song is Awesome" is stylized graffiti, and "Talia" is in watercolor.
Of course, "Space Age Bachelor Man" will use an art style resembling Silver Age comics (which, fun fact, is around the time Silver Surfer was introduced). The song sequence will actually show most of the events Ricky details in his fantasies (ie., him getting abducted to Planet Zolar, laying with the sexy cat women, stopping the war between K-9 and Zolar, etc.).
Side Note: We don't actually see Ricky get freaky on screen. But we do see him and the kitties in snippets of suggestive action accompanied by on-screen sound bubbles every time Ricky says "Meow!". (This movie is already getting an R-rating for every time Noel says "Fucked Up Girl".)
Another side note: I know that in the 2018 version of RTC, Constance plays the "Zolarian Queen". But because this is MY movie concept, I get to do what I want. And I say Jane Doe is the Zolarian Queen instead (SpaceDolls 4 Ever! <3).
"Ballad of Jane Doe" will be in stop motion (either using paper or puppets). In the first half, we see her recount the accident. She looks like how she does now (with the doll head). She hits the ground right before "And from the ground beneath my feet", and her head falls off. We see her laying headless on the ground for a some time while other carnival patrons are screaming and getting away from her. On "Just John and Me" she stumbles back to her feet. And on "Forever Eternally Jane Doe" she screws her head back on.
In the next verse, we see Jane try to reach out to the other carnival goers, essentially trying to identify her family and friends. When she finds none, Jane boards the rollercoaster again on "Time eats all his children in the end"
Essentially, the idea is that because it's her only memory, Jane is forced re-live the accident over and over again through her song sequence. She desperately wants to find out who she is and what her past was. But the only memory she has to dig through is that of the accident.
She falls to the ground again on "Forever Eternally Jane Doe". Then gets dragged onto the ride a third time by carnies. She looks tired like she doesn't even want to do this anymore. On "Like John I'll be eternally a forgotten name, some lost refrain" we see her fly and float through the air (like how the other choir kids did during Uranium suite). But this time she never hits the ground. Instead, at the end of the song, she just reappears in the warehouse.
Constance's song, "Sugar Cloud", is the only individual segment that isn't animated. Instead, it's shot in live-action, but in full technicolor! Think like how vibrant Barbieland looked in the Barbie movie. Like that. The reason why "Sugar Cloud" is in live-action is because Constance is romanticizing her life as it was, rather than what it could have been.
Constance begins her first verses, still in sepia, at the warehouse. But when she goes "Let me take you away", she struts forward and the scenery changes behind her to that bright technicolor look. And instead of being at the warehouse, they're back at the carnival. But everything is bright and sunny and idealistic.
During Constance's recorder solo, the choir gets new outfits that reflect each of their personalities. The outfits magically poof on out of thin air. The choir members keep these new outfits for the duration of the song, then go back to their school uniforms after the sequence is over.
When Jane Doe is chosen to live again, her body fades away, leaving behind a roll of film. Ricky slides this film into a projector, and the choir watches the reel of Penny Lamb’s life together.
After Karnak’s death, we see the sepia filter lift off from the film. Along with it, we finally get to see how much decay and disrepair has taken over the warehouse. The choir members have a spiritual glow around their bodies.
The choir members perform the last song, “It’s Not A Game/It’s Just a Ride” inside the warehouse. As the sun rises, their bodies fade away.
Title card rolls at the sound of crashing metal.
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transman-badass · 5 months
WIP Questionnaire
Tagged by @bee-barnes-author, thank you!
Gently tagging: @slenders1ckn3ss @kmlaney @bardicbeetle @astras-rambles @meerawrites @musingsbycaitlin @andromedaexists @dyrewrites and an open tag! Blank questions below the cut
For "Farewell Vesperos":
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created? For the Runner Owen series as a whole, it was all spawned by a single image of a gothic city floating in the sky. It's changed a lot since then, over five years ago I think. I don't remember the first part I came up with for Farewell Vesperos itself, but it was probably the Vesperos family it's named after.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be? For Runner Owen? Instrumental, for sure. Owen, my protagonist, walking through the foggy, crystal-lit streets of Theris. Being watched by people in brighter windows, or following him in the darkness. He turns around and lifts his lantern to see... Cut to the title screen.
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why? I adore Owen and his two enemies/LIs, Aurum and the Scarred Man. Explaining why is hard, but they and their chemistry just make me happy. There's also Locke and Nora, who are dear to my heart - I think some people I've talked about this with like Locke a little too much, but I don't blame them. For Farewell Vesperos in particular, GOD, I am loving how Lawrence Rhyne is shaping up. He's such a charming fuck.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share? Kind of a confusing question. But uh, I've been told [combining the comments of different people] that Farewell Vesperos reads like Jane Eyre with an Agatha Christie type plot, so if you like either of that, you might like Farewell Vesperos. People who like darker fiction - hell, maybe even dark romance specifically! - might enjoy the dynamics between Owen and his two LIs. We'll see how that shapes up though.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP? Settling on the plot. This is the third edition of this story I'm writing and if it evolves on me again I might just scrap the whole fucking thing.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them! Not at this point, but the vampires in it can turn into animals. The Scarred Man in particular can become a raven.
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.) There are trains, powered by crystals, a la Victorian steam trains. Most people get around with the draconics that humans have allied with, those being small dragons that cooperate with humans for their own reasons. They function like horses, except some of them can fly.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now? Right now, I'm trying to figure out the villain's motivations. I have a terrible habit of imagining awesome things happening and then going 'but wait - I know this character would do this, but why?' Kind of annoying at this point.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in? Well, there's the murder mystery! Lost heirs, arranged marriages, malicious vampires with dreams of conquest, wicked vampire hunters led by callous royalty who will do whatever ruthlessness needed protect humanity, enemies to lovers extreme slow burn [I'm talking over several books], spooky Victorian houses, lots of racially diverse characters, a transmasc protagonist navigating a society with specific gender roles for trans people... And just. Gothic fantasy in general.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP? I don't expect to get a lot of money writing this lmao, but I'm not writing it just for the money. I'm writing it because I know there's guys like me out there who want and need to see themselves as wanted - both as men, and as romantic and sexual partners. I want transmascs like me to feel desired. And I want people that aren't transmasc to really get that we are desirable, and attractive, as any other person. Ultimately though? I just hope people enjoy reading the damn thing and don't rip it to shreds over some stupid plot hole I missed pffft
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
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fatuismooches · 2 years
hi there!! this blog is awesome! <3 can i request dottore being soft only for reader? LMAO i know this man is literally insane but i love the thought of him being sweet for his s/o 😭
♡ 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ♡
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synopsis: Horrifying stories about Dottore frequently float around amongst the Fatui recruits. However, it's a bit hard to believe when they see him with you.
includes: dottore w/ gn! reader
notes: This is it. One of my favorite tropes ever. Villains being soft for their partner. Thank you anon for this, because I love your thoughts as well!
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Everyone knows that he’s like an on and off switch when you’re around. One minute he could be terrorizing Fatui underlings and threatening to experiment on them, but as soon as you appear, his attention is completely diverted from them, and is now wholly interested in you. At this point, everyone knows that if they want Dottore to show a shred of normalcy, you need to be around. Dottore really tries to not treat you differently in public, still calling you an idiot and scoffing, but anyone who works with him can easily see it’s not done maliciously to you. When Dottore’s fellow researchers don’t understand something, he’ll ignore them while subtly insulting them, telling them to figure it out themselves. If you ask, he’ll grumble a bit, but go into full-length, in-depth lectures about anything you need.
The easiest way to unlock soft Dottore is if you knew him during his Sumeru Akademiya days. This Dottore and prime/Harbinger Dottore are different in my opinion. He was scorned in his hometown as well as the Akademiya so these wounds would still be fresh in his heart, even though he never shows it. So if you consistently show him any kind of kindness or positive attention, he would eat it up and slowly start to warm up to you. It would also be easier to get him to do things with you since he was just a student, not a Harbinger back then. (I’m just obsessed with the idea of you and Dottore getting along in the Akademiya. I think the antics you pull on him would be funny, and he would probably get mad at you but can’t bring himself to kick you out because he’s never enjoyed another’s company this much, although he refuses to admit that.)
You’re the first person he tells his discoveries to and your opinion matters more than anyone. Dottore’s noticeably more excited when talking about his research to you because you genuinely will sit there for hours on end while he explains all his theories and data and connections. No one has ever seen this side of Dottore. He sometimes sends you to the Fatui meetings instead of his clones to report because of his confidence in you. Also wants you to accompany him on any mission outside of Snezhnaya. You are always in tow with him wherever he’s going. You’re the only person who has seen his bedroom. You have stolen his mask and worn it too even though it keeps falling off your face.
Dottore doesn’t care about anyone but would raise hell if anything happened to you. He’s one of the strongest Harbingers and takes any rudeness against you as a personal insult to him. You’re the one person he’s deemed worthy enough to be with him, he wouldn’t let anyone else’s irrelevant opinion fly. You’re also the only person who can talk back to him without dying. Cue the two of you having long discussions while the rest of the Fatui watch in fear.
You’re the only thing that can tempt him away from his research. (That, and when he reaches his limits and falls asleep randomly.) The way he treats you is a huge warning sign to the other recruits to keep their hands off you unless they want to be experimented on by Dottore. Even though he’s soft on you, he still can be sarcastic and mean to you because that’s just how he is. But he’s observant and even if he doesn’t notice himself that he hurt you, his clones definitely will. So while he won’t apologize verbally, he’ll do something for you which is his own way of saying sorry. Speaking of being observant, this man knows literally everything about you, probably even more than you know about yourself. Will use this to his advantage to make you suffer or make you happy.
When Fatui soldiers get injured, they are sometimes sent to Dottore if the camps get too full (this is everyone’s nightmare.) He’s a very unethical doctor so his procedures of healing would not be pleasurable. But if you ever get hurt, God forbid, the sadistic side of him would be gone and his smile would disappear. Treats you as tenderly as his deadly hands could. (Fatui recruits still pass on this story for years.)
If you show any personal interest in experimenting on something yourself, Dottore would help you with the process. Gathers all the materials and tools and would be excited to show you the ropes. However, the first time you didn’t tell him what exactly you were doing and in the end roped him into doing some famous kids experiments. He would be baffled, upset, and then get seriously into it by critiquing every aspect of the experiment, by going into long rants about how it’s not very accurate. (It’s futile to explain to him that it’s designed for kids. You and Dottore making a volcano science experiment is real though.)
Pester him to let you braid and play with his hair. He denies this at first, but when you start going to his clones for this, immediately bans you from that and begrudgingly allows you to curl those two long bangs around your fingers. If anyone walks in on something like this, he makes a mental note to get rid of them later <3.
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taglist: @heyhazelnut101, @peepopeepopeperoni
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damnedparker · 3 years
Hi. Are you still taking requests? Would it be alright to ask for tasm!Peter x Magical girl!reader. Like she got her powers when she was 14 and obviously she's an adult now but she still has her powers and is still able to transform. Her and Peter are best friends and he sees her transform and kinda teases her about her very frilly dress but ends up eating his words when she ends up saving him. This is so cracky and dumb but I can't get this headcanon out of my head xD. The more magical girl tropes the better.
yes i'm still taking requests!! and omg anon i'm obsessed with this. peter and sailor moon bff. this is so silly and was so much fun to write!! thank you for sending this in!!! <3
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The first time you transformed in front of Peter, or anyone else for that matter, it's because the two of you were at a crowded event in the middle of Central Park, which had soon become chaos when the latest supervillain decided to cause trouble.
You knew Peter was Spider-Man (you'd figured it out after he landed in his room without knowing you were there, and when Spidey stuttered out something about looking for your best friend, and said best friend showed up 5 minutes later... it was a little obvious), but he had no clue you had powers or exactly what those powers entailed.
You didn't really know much about your powers either, besides that they had seemingly come from some alien ship that'd crashed into your house when you were a teenager, which had simultaneously taken away your mother, and left you with a strange little brooch next to you in the wreckage. You had to google what it was because who wears brooches nowadays??
Long story short, some instinct in you had told you to press the little button on the brooch when you'd been cornered by some gross men alone on the subway at night, and suddenly it floated in front of you. And then you were in a cute dress that made you feel both ridiculous and also very powerful.
Turns out that wasn't all in your head, because soon enough all the men in front of you were on the floor.
It was kind of awesome.
So, like any other New Yorker given mysterious powers out of nowhere, you used them to fight bad guys in your free-time. And were very careful to stay away from a certain spider-boy when you were doing so.
Anyways, back to the supervillain chaos. About the same time Peter was about to slip away behind a tree to slip his mask on, you hit your brooch without a second thought. And all he could do was stand there and stare in disbelief as light surrounded you, suddenly leaving you in a very elaborate dress he had never seen before in his life. He was completely frozen, about to deliver some crack about how ridiculous you looked, when you noticed a very large piece of concrete flying towards the two of you before his spidey senses did.
Needless to say he shut up as you flew him away from the scene, up to the nearest building.
"Um, what the fuck, dude?"
You quickly caught Peter up to speed on what you knew, since it was minimal at this point, and he was floored. Rambling half a mile a minute about how cool it was that the two of you were best friend vigilantes.
"That is so stupid. A magical prom dress."
"Peter!" You smacked his chest.
"What! It's a little funny, you have to admit. You're like alien Sailor Moon."
"I'm very much human, you dick!" You watched as he bent over laughing in amusement, just at the pure absurdity of the situation, not at you. You just glared at him.
"You realize that it is equally, if not more stupid that, after just getting a little spider bite, you chose to wear a red and blue spandex outfit, shoot webs around that you took the time to make of your own free will, and brand yourself after a bug, right?"
"Well, actually, it's an arachnid--"
"Are you going to keep arguing with me or are you going to actually be useful and help me take down the guy destroying Central Park right now?"
Peter definitely kept referring to you as his vigilante bestie from then on.
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kawaiijohn · 3 years
Rewind, Rinse, Repeat Chapter 1
For Invisobang Minibang 2021
Ao3 Link
Chapters: 3 finished, 12 total Rating: T+ Warnings: Major and Minor Character Death- all temporary, Implied Child Abuse/Neglect, Strong Language, Mild Body Horror, Mild Injury. Other warnings listed by chapter Characters: Clockwork, Danny Fenton, Pariah Dark, Levi | Leviathan (OC), Mal (OC), Observants, Mentions of other characters Ships: Lost Time, Dark Ages, CW & OC child, CW & Levi | Leviathan (OC) Genre/Tropes: Human AU, Magic AU, Found Family, Character Origin, Hurt/Comfort, Original Magic System and Lore Additional Tags: Existentialism & Existential Angst, Memory Loss & Amnesia, Corruption, Clockwork Centric, They/Them Pronouns for Clockwork, The Fenton's A+ Parenting, Obersvant Bashing
“Clockwork can I ask you something? How did you become a ghost?”
The tale surrounding the mystery of Clockwork's existence; a world where magic is common and ghosts are not. A world where one lonely, average mage tries with all their might to save what means most to them. A world where things need to be remade into something better.
Shout out to my betas @bibliophilea and @moonlights-shadow-warrior for keeping me sane, @13thdoodle for letting me use their OC, Levi, @dailudannos and @sailor-toni for providing art for later chapters, and all the folks over at @invisobang for being awesome!!!!
Chapter One below the Cut. The rest is available on my Ao3 account because tumblr linking/posting is hella broken.
Chapter 1: An Inquiry
“Hey, Clockwork? Can I ask you something?”
Clockwork looks over from the mirror they were watching intently.  “You already have, Daniel,” they reply, offering the other a smirk.
“Oh, ha ha.  You've never said that to me before.”  The reply is filled to the brim with sarcasm, as per usual.  Danny rolls his eyes, but a small smile gracing his lips betrays the fact he isn't annoyed in the least.  “Seriously, though.  It’s something that's been on my mind like... every day for the last two weeks!!"  He raises his hands towards the sky, flopping back in the air dramatically.  "But... it's kinda, y'know.  Personal-”  Danny trails off, slightly embarrassed.
Of course.  Clockwork finds themself smiling fondly- Danny thought he’d said something he shouldn't have- an inquiry that could make his guardian upset (as if it's even possible to upset Clockwork like that).  A question is a question, and this is a worrying habit of his that the Time Master is trying to help break, even if it's still somewhat endearing to them.
“I uh, I mean... it’s personal about- to you, not to me. That’s what I meant!!” Danny continued.
Clockwork stares at him, unblinking.  An idea (or thousands) of what he may ask flashes through their mind’s eye.  With a single, calming pulse to their Core, Clockwork pushes the involuntary slideshow of timelines aside as if they're no more than curtains.  They need to focus on the window in front of them; the here and now, not the temporal drapery.
It's a habit they are trying to overcome for Daniel’s sake.  To ensure their ward's growth, they need to stop peering into the near future as often- not discourage his asking of questions.  After all, what is a child if not but a well of endless curiosity?  Cutting Danny off is also sure to disallow the development of any trust or patience Clockwork needs to build within their young ward.  They wouldn’t receive either of those things if they assume what he wanted to ask.
It's common decency to not assume, lest it ‘make an ass out of you and me’, according to Daniel.
It is going to be a tough habit to break, but by the (other) Ancients, they're trying their best.  Their ward deserves the infinitesimal choices all other children have when asking things of their guardians, so even if they do glimpse to the future, they will not mention it to him.  Clockwork refuses and will continue to refuse to take their ward’s agency away; to not have a choice in things is a fate worse than fading.
The boy has been quiet, stuck deep within his own thoughts even after an impressive five minutes and thirty-seven and a half seconds of silence (uncharacteristic of the boy, Clockwork notes).
Now that just won't do- he must have lost his train of thought.  Clockwork gestures at the ghost boy, motioning for him to continue.  It works- Danny adverting his eyes and clearing his throat, "Well, it’s just like- you know so much about me- like, how I died, the whole Ghost Zone Prince business, that entire disaster doomed timeline with Dan... I just keep thinking- no- realizing, that I barely know anything about you!!”  He throws his arms up in thinly veiled frustration.
Clockwork smirks. “You had another question, did you not?”  They place a hand along the edge of the closest Temporal Mirror, turning to face the mirror- still halfway facing Danny.  They can see his inner debate clearly written on the boy's face- the mirror reflecting as if it were an ordinary object (for now).  They turn towards it fully and watch Daniel's reaction from behind them, acting as if they aren't finding joy in their ward's hesitation.  It's always adorable when he tries not to offend Clockwork. "I may be able to work with time, but that doesn't mean I wish to float here waiting for an answer all day."
Danny blinks a few times, rolling his eyes again in response.  Clockwork is certain that if they weren’t secured to his skull by human musculature they’d fall out and roll away.  “Well, I’m sorry for trying not to be rude and like, asking outright... but since it’s you I have to always be super direct!!  Jeeze you’re frustrating sometimes!”  He floats towards his mentor, crossing his arms.
Danny often forgets Clockwork isn't easily upset over trivial things such as questions.  Most questions are about things they already know the answers to, anyways.  And the few things that they don’t know when asked, they figure out soon after.  Such is the duty of the Master of Time- to be a step ahead of everyone and everything else always.  Besides, in most timelines (68.3% of them, to round up) the question Daniel wishes to ask is along the lines of ‘What was your past like?’ Another small fraction (a little under 20%) the question is ‘How did you get so strong?’ .  And even in the remaining timelines, the question would be along the lines of ‘How do your time powers work?’
They are each things Clockwork expects Daniel to ask them at some point or other, as it were.  There isn’t really anything Daniel can ask that could be too shockin-
“Clockwork, I was wondering… how exactly did you become a ghost?”
They... did not see that coming… in any of the timelines they’d glimpsed.  Clockwork stills for only a fraction of a moment, but it’s long enough for Danny to flinch, feeling as if he’s crossed a line.  They hear more than see Daniel shrinking in on himself as they look off into nothing, buried memories waking slowly in their mind.
Clockwork is brought from their introspection by a mumbled curse.  “Shit!  I mean... uh crap??"   They just stare at Danny as they are brought back to the present.  "Never mind just... sorry for asking...  Oh man!  Did I offend you somehow?  Ancients dammit, this is what I was worried about!!”  They watch him curiously, soft whirring coming from their ward's anxious core.  “We can just forget about it if-”  Daniel’s hands wring together nervously, shoulders tense with worry and face full of guilt.
Right- facial expressions are also important for a young ghost's emotional communication and development.  Sometimes the Time Master wonders if their isolation in Long Now affected their social behavior (it did).  Their face is carefully blank most times, so they set to fix it- they offer a small grin, hand coming to rest on Daniel’s shoulder.  “It is more than fine, Daniel.  You asked if you could ask a question- which is in fact, two questions, I should note- but I gave you consent to ask it of me.”  They squeeze his shoulder to placate the worry.
“It’s about time I told you this story, as it were.  I just did not foresee it being told at this very moment."  Clockwork floats slowly, turning away from their Mirrors.  "Come along- it’s best we sit for this.  I’ll have one of your friends bring us some tea.”
Danny floats after his mentor, looking around the room the two normally use to study history of the Realms.  “So, uh… is it a long story or...?”
“Oh, it is very long, indeed.”  They fly through an ornate door and over to their favored 'chair'- a stack of comfortable cushions in violets and blues, both impossibly cool and warm at the same time.  They recall Daniel discovering the room, eyes full of wonder and posture relaxed.  Clockwork chuckles- the first time their boy had wandered in here he'd decided to take a running dive into the pile, jumping up in surprise when it was cold as ice, yet warm as fresh laundry.  The expression on their ward’s face is one of their fondest memories; a happy moment amongst all the tedium of watching time.
“It may take a while to tell this tale proper. But, it is a story that ought to be told.”  Daniel makes himself comfortable on his chair of choice- an unholy combination of 'borrowed' pillows and what appears to be a more modern gaming chair- complete with an obnoxiously bright green-black color scheme.  Clockwork has to hide another smile as Danny wiggles himself deep into the pile.  “So, Daniel- what do you know of the phrase ‘Totems of Power’?”
“I thought I was getting a story, not a pop quiz!  Unfair!!”  His disdain for schooling makes Clockwork laugh fondly before the boy continues.  “But they’re like… hmm how do I explain this?  Well, there’s the universe right?  Like every timeline and every result of every timeline all at the same time kind of ties into the main universe thingy- but there's still a main timeline, and that's kinda like... Main Street, and the other possible timelines are uh... like side streets with dead ends?  But there's other forces that like, aren't time and… uhhh...”
He hums, crossing his arms deep in thought.  Clockwork takes the time to purr-sing-hum at one of the many blobs floating in and out of their lair; Daniel had asked them to keep some around as pets and the Time Master was happy to oblige.  They were unable to deny something so beneficial to the young Prince, after all.  The one deemed ‘Mr. Pants’ by one of Daniel’s friends answers their call.  Clockwork buzzes to it a quiet request- ‘bring Daniel's favorite tea and mugs for two, please.’  The little thing chirrups and zips off through the walls- eager to serve the Lair’s owner and be (potentially) rewarded with pats (from Daniel).
The Time Master brings their undivided attention back toward a grumbling ghost boy, lost in thought.  “Daniel if you need to ask for help I’m glad to-”
Danny snaps his fingers, coming to a realization before his mentor can finish.  “I got it!!  The best way to explain it is ‘The Universe needs to run smoothly, so there’s certain forces- like Time or Space- that are upheld by a powerful entity, like a person or like… the avatar of that concept?  Yeah, something like that, but they ensure the aspect they represent is properly cared for so the universe doesn’t completely like, die.’”  Danny nods to himself.  "It's why you stepped in to stop Dan, to make sure the world didn't end like that."
“That is correct- it is my job to ensure this universe of ghosts and reality doesn't crumble prematurely.  Now, do you have a recollection of any other Totems you may have encountered?”
“Well, yeah!  We call them ‘Ancients’, though- so like… Pandora is the one for war and history, and Nocturn is for like… dreams?  The Void or something, maybe?  And then there’s old man Pariah who isn’t one, but he said there’s a Leadership Ancient somewhere, and then-”  Danny pauses, blinking at Clockwork in realization.  “Wait, you asked that for a reason, didn’t you?”
“That I did.  Becoming the Totem, or Ancient of Time is where this story starts.”  Clockwork hums, seeing Mr. Pants fly back towards the two- nearly spilling scalding tea all over the ground.  “Now then.  We have drinks.  We are sitting comfortably.  I believe it’s time I spin my tale for you.”  They take a sip, closing their eyes in bliss.
They open them once more and see Daniel sitting, eyes full of stars and eager- Eager to hear, eager to fire off a question a minute.  It makes a chuckle bubble up in their throat, to see their favorite person so excited to learn.
“Once upon a time, there was a human; average in most ways, a simple person living a simple life.  They would get up in the morning, perform their daily tasks, and go to sleep at night.  Day in, and day out- a boring, but fulfilling existence.
“However, where this story differs from what we recognize as reality, is that in this realm, humans who could control magic were the norm.  Think as if it were like one of those fantasy games you and Tucker play together- mages, healers… all of those and more were commonplace when I was alive.  Yes, humans can wield magic now, but it is nowhere near as frequent as they could in our tale.”
They pause, seeing that Danny was about to interrupt.  “Wait wait- this realm?  Like- this is a completely different reality?? And people can wield magic now???  Are you messing with me?  Like… I thought it was all just-”  The boy stops, his train of thought drifting off the tracks as it tends to now and then.
“Yes, first, this is a completely different realm from either the Mortal Plane or the Ghost Zone.  Second, Daniel- tell me... have you not noticed the magic of those you have encountered?  Blood blossoms… a reality warping gauntlet?  The existence that is ‘Freakshow’ in general should be a red flag, seeing as his talents were… strangely non-ghostly in origin.  Not to mention objects such as the Infi-map...”
“Man, I wish I could forget about Freakshow… who mind controls ghosts???  He was the worst!” Their young ward crossed his arms and grumbles.
“If you’re done sulking about your past misadventures and former foes, I was in the middle of telling a story, if I recall correctly.  One you asked I tell you…”  Clockwork simply stares, unblinking as steam wafts from their slowly cooling tea.
All is well, they knew Danny would only take approximately 4.85 seconds to snap his attention back to their story.  Clockwork sips their tea, waiting.
Danny snaps out of his thoughts only a millisecond off of Clockwork's prediction. “Sorry... it’s just super weird to think that magic actually… still exists?  Like ghosts are real and all but magic being a thing feels a bit far fetched, don’t ya think?”  He pouts, brow furrowed.
The Master of Time finally closes their eyes, removing the hood from their head.  White hair floats gracefully behind them, settling just past their shoulders.   Clockwork opens their eyes again- a serious, yet warm expression directed at their ward.  “Magic is simply defined as reality altering acts using both energy and the willpower of a sentient being, if that helps.”  Another sip.  Mr. Pants made a wonderful batch of tea, as always.  They smile wider when they notice Danny’s expression- the boy has never seen them without a hood, and they know doing this will (in 99.78% of all possible timelines) convince the boy to take what they said seriously.   ”Just as ghosts can be defined as ‘ectoplasm given form and consciousness’, forces beyond humanity and the physical realm can be explained with scientific terminology if you know where to look.”
“So like... what all did magic have to do with this ‘simple human’ version of you?  Did you ever have the power to shoot lightning??  Could I shoot lightning if I tried?  Like were you some sorta time wizard?  Is that why you’re all… timey-wimey and powerful?”  Danny wiggles his fingers with a look of confusion on his face.
Clockwork always finds their Core warming when their boy acts his age.  He's abnormally prone to shoulder the destiny of the world on himself and often forgets he's just a kid.  “You could continue asking questions one at a time, or you could allow me to tell my story.  The choice is yours, Daniel.”  They smirk, watching as Danny purses his lips, his steady flow of questions stopping short.  The best answer.  “Perfect- all is as I thought it would be.”
They close their eyes and reminisce as they continue.  “Now- to answer your last question… Yes.  You could say magic is how I came to be the Master of Time in both the Infinite Realms and the mortal plane, but there is much more to the story than that.  Other players, situations, and pure circumstances.  The universe in its infinite chances and possibilities brought myself, as well as many others to the situations they face here and now.”  Clockwork pauses, taking the moment to stare straight through Danny’s soul.  “Even yourself.”
The boy shudders, an appropriate response.  “Wait... me?  Did you… do something in the past to like… a past version of someone we know??  Can that even happen???”  Danny is already enraptured by the story, eyes twinkling as his mentor opens up about themself.  The boy is obviously thinking about everything that has happened, everything that could possibly have happened, and everything that Clockwork could possibly drop on him.
They feel Daniel cautiously tug on loose strands of time to see if he could possibly scope out what is about to be said, quickly failing to do much else beside give himself a small headache.  “Time stuff is still really confusing, Clockwork…”
“You could say that.  You could even say that trying to mess with time in the inner sanctum of Long Now is the most confusing ‘time stuff’ one could do if they were not myself.”  They grin- a Temporal Mirror appearing behind them with a thought.
“What’s the mirror for?”  Danny catches sight of himself and looks away, embarrassed that he’s been literally glowing with power after trying to do something so simple with his developing powers.  The glow is something he’s been working on suppressing recently.  After all, it would be a shame if other ghosts could see the boy powering up by aura alone.
The Master of Time smirks, bringing tea to their lips again.  “I thought it would be fun to attempt braiding my hair and doing my makeup for once.  It has been an awfully long time since I’ve done either.”
They stare at Danny who just bursts into laughter.  “Did you just use sarcasm???  Man, I didn’t know you could lighten up, Clockwork!”  The boy laughs harder, sinking deeper into his nest of pillows.  After a few minutes he was finally wiping tears from his eyes.  “But no.  Seriously… what’s the mirror for??”
“Why, what they are always for, Daniel- seeing through time and space.”  Clockwork waves their hand.  The mirrors show an image of a human with dark hair and burgundy eyes.  They have a large, hooked nose and medium brown skin- and Danny finds himself having a hard time guessing their gender.  The human sits at a desk, paused in time with the delicate gears of a clock sprawled along the desk surface, tools in hand.
Behind Clockwork, the image changes, showing the human living through an average day- images play in small spurts, never showing the whole story.  “Do you understand what’s being seen?”  The young boy nods, grabbing Mr. Pants out of the air as the blob drifts between the two.  Good, he will probably need the companionship, especially towards the end.
This isn’t the easiest story to tell, nor is it easy to listen to, but with a sip of their tea, Clockwork continues.
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amintyworld · 2 years
Illusion - A C!Tubbo Origin Story
EDIT: Repost because Tumblr somehow blocked this post from showing up in tags for no reason. Thanks, Tumblr. /s
A/N: I’M BACK, BABY! After a whole year, I’m finally back to posting! <3 Thanks again to all who’ve been so understanding, patient, and supportive this past year while I’m been dealing with shit, I appreciate and love every single one of you. I’m hoping to get back into writing and posting more often, so be on the lookout for that!
Speaking of which, this has been a WIP since BEFORE my break, and I’m so excited to share it with all of you after months of work. It’s in a series where I write angsty fics for some of my amazing and awesome mutuals, this one is for @benzel! Please go check out their blog and give a follow if you want because they’re such a chill person. With that all being said, let’s get into the ANGST! - Your author, Minty
TW: Character Death(s), blood/gore, murder, wing injury (?), flying, grief, eating, and fire mention. (If there’s any more I need to tag, let me know!)
Tubbo loved his house. He loved the lavish garden that surrounded the cottage he called his home. He loved sitting by the window and watching the bees float from flower to flower. He loved laying under the old willow tree and watching the branches wave in the wind as if they had a mind of their own. Tubbo loved walking among the rows of fresh fruits and vegetables as if he was on a tightrope, always careful never to fall on top of the precious plants. Tubbo loved the crisp smell of the garden when it was ready to harvest and eat, it always made his mouth water. His father always said that it was a special talent of his - always knowing exactly the right time to pick and store the crops at the peak of freshness. The food always tasted slightly better when it was picked then, strangely enough.
Tubbo loved the fireplace. Fire always looked so pretty, and felt so achingly warm against his skin. During rainy and snow-filled days he’d be glued in front of that fireplace, watching the ashes cackle and burn to his heart’s content. His obsession earned him the nickname ‘Firebug’, a name that his father always cooed at him fondly during those cold nights and days, ruffling his hair just right and holding him close. The fireplace to Tubbo meant stories, worlds built up by his father’s lips that described daring heroes and warriors that battled evil in its many forms - Even one of his favorites was about a mortal winged warrior and a goddess of death. Tubbo would cuddle close in his father’s embrace, wrapped in a blanket in front of the fire, hearing his father’s stories - always slipping into Dreamland by the third one. His father would look lovingly down at him and press a fond kiss on his son’s forehead before carrying him off to bed.
Tubbo’s father was a healer, and often many villagers would visit him at his cottage for medical assistance. His father’s office had a rack always fully stocked with glowing potions that Tubbo was always forbidden to touch. Whenever someone knocked on his door frantically, they’d always slip into that room just off the main hallway, before closing and locking the small goat hybrid out. His father would tell him how dangerous it was whenever Tubbo would whine about being left out of the action. He’d always sigh, looking at his son with a smile and promising that when he was older, one day, he’d be able to go inside and help him with clients.
One day his father forgot to shut the door, and Tubbo’s ears perked up in interest as he strained to hear the muffled talking through the walls, his curiosity always getting the better of him. The stuffed animal toy was held limply in his hands as he listened.
“Sit down over here, okay? Just relax, I’ll get you patched up and on your feet in no time.”
“You’re very kind, sir. Thank you. You truly are a gift from the gods, as they say.”
“I am no celestial gift, rest assured - simply a man doing his duty.” His father said, laughter hidden in his tone. “A man running out of stock, mind you. I presume the raiders have moved closer?”
“I’m afraid so, sir. They’re artfully skilled, trained… our men are just holding on as we speak.”
“Hopefully reinforcements arrive in a few days’ time. For now, I’m humbled to be of service.”
The wounded client coughed violently for a few moments before answering. “And I to you, sir.”
Every morning, Tubbo would wake up wrapped in a comforting, lulling warmth as the sun peered through the windows, slowly and peacefully awakening him. He’d be greeted by the faces of the other stuffed animals on his bed, his hand-carved drawers and small mirror laid across a beautifully painted forest green. Every morning Tubbo would wake up with a smile, unknowingly hugging his small bee plush closer, as if to wake it up for the day as well. Every morning he woke up safe. Every morning Tubbo woke up at home. 
This morning, however, Tubbo awoke not to warmth but to a chilling, windy coldness that seeped into his skin and made him shiver. He curled into himself on instinct, clutching the small bee plushie closer to his chest. The sun brightly beat down on the small child as he moved, the sunlight filling his eyes suddenly as he was startled awake, rubbing his sore eyes as they adjusted to the light. He was surrounded by trees that stretched far, far, far above him, so tall they could touch the heavens. It was at this moment that Tubbo realized he was in a cardboard box, almost like the type he’d see crowding the attic. Was… was he in the attic? But the trees…
Confused, the young boy bravely peered over the box.
Well, this didn’t look familiar at all. There were rocks, moss, and leaves scattered all over the ground, overgrowth spilling around and blocking Tubbo’s view as he desperately searched for a landmark. The more he realized how lost he was, the more panic rose in Tubbo’s chest. “Dad!” He called out desperately. “Dad!”
Only silence greeted him—the wrong kind of silence.
A loud explosion to his far-right made the young boy scramble back down and into the corner of the cardboard box. He hugged his knees and his small bee plushie close to his chest. His heart beat faster and his mind scrambled with one question and one question only - What was that?! Suddenly stories from the older kids in the village resurfaced, stories of grotesque and horrifying monsters that lurked in the dark forests and preyed on the souls of children who wandered just a bit too far into their territory. Another explosion made Tubbo close his eyes in fear as he whimpered. Where was Dad? Tubbo wished more than anything for Dad to be here and hold the small boy close in his arms and tell him everything was going to be alright. But he wasn’t. He was alone. Why was he alone? Why did Dad leave him all alone?
Just when the silence became so unbearable the child almost missed the monster noises, what were most definitely sharp claws hitting stone made tears leave streaks down his face as he sobbed. “Leave me alone!” A shadow crossed over his cardboard box and without a moment’s hesitation, Tubbo buried his face into the plushie, desperate for some kind of comfort.  Something moved to touch him, making him panic more. “No no no no no no no…”
The voice was warm like magma cream. “It’s okay, I promise I’m not gonna hurt you.”
That… didn’t sound like a monster…
The man’s face was worn with age and time, probably much older than Father. His hair seemed slightly messed, the buttery yellow reaching the tips of the older man’s shoulders. A green and white striped hat sat atop his head, the large brim making more of a shadow. He wore what seemed to be a white tank top and pants with a bright green robe and a bright red heart necklace around his neck. Tubbo wanted his father, he wanted to be with his father at home. Please. Tears streamed down his face before he could stop them, making his bee plush damp.
“Shh…” The man kneeled beside the box, wasting no time and wiping away the tears from the child’s face. “It’s okay, you’re fine, nothing’s gonna hurt you, I promise…” Tubbo hugged the plushie close as his sobs came to a close, silently looking at the man curiously. He’d never met anyone without his Dad before, he didn’t know what to do or say. The man seemed kind, though. A sort of gentle kindness that some part of him clung to, that he needed. 
After a few moments of silence that felt like forever, the man smiled at him and moved to the side of the box, leaning up against a tree. Stretching his back, Tubbo could see two large gray wings come into view. Bird wings. Tubbo couldn’t think of many people he’d met with wings before. They were cool - the sunlight filtering through the trees made the few silvery feathers reveal themselves. Starstruck, the child left his bee plushie behind as he got on his knees to get a better look over the cardboard box. “Woah…”
The blonde man paid no mind to the stares from the kid and smirked when he saw the dazzled look in his eyes. He held out an apple. “Hey, uh… you hungry?”
Tubbo looked back and forth from the man to the apple. Father always got mad at him when he didn’t ask permission to get stuff from strangers. He didn’t want his Dad to get mad at him, but… he wasn’t here… was it okay? Just as he was contemplating his situation, his stomach began to growl. A bit embarrassed, he looked over at the man, who let out a hearty laugh. 
“I think that’s a yes.” The blonde smirked. “Go ahead, take it. It’s all yours.” Anxiously, Tubbo slowly moved to take the apple, nearly dropping it, taking it from the man’s grip. He held it in his hands, giving the blonde a smile as he moved to sit cross-legged inside the box. Without a second thought, Tubbo bit into the apple flesh, enjoying the snack. The man turned and produced another apple from his bag. “Don’t worry, I’m hungry too.”
Tubbo wiped a bit of apple juice away with his sleeve as he swallowed. “Thank you.”
“Of course. No one’s going hungry, not if I can help it.” He smiled fondly after a few bites. “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your name?”
“Well very nice to meet you, Tubbo.” The man said, tipping his hat to the kid, who giggled. “My name’s Phil.”
“Phil.” Tubbo smiled to himself before taking another bite. “I ‘ike your wings.” He muffled, bits of apple in his mouth. 
Phil laughed. “Slow down, mate. Don’t talk with your mouth full, yeah?” Phil took another bite before speaking. “But uh, thank you. They’re pretty, huh?”
Tubbo nodded, eyes widening with stars as he came to a realization. “Are you a bird?!”
Phil’s face was a mixture of amusement and surprise. “Well, kind of. Someone really special gave them to me.”
Tubbo couldn’t get his bite of apple down fast enough. “Who?!”
“Now now,” Phil chided. “That’s a story for another day.” He finished his apple, flinging the core on the ground a good distance away. 
“Aw, come on! You gotta tell me!” The child whined, and Phil fondly smirked at the kid. He sounded just like Tommy. The avian’s mind briefly wondered about the chaos that would surely be unraveling with those three gremlins left alone for the afternoon, and he laughed at the thought. 
Looking over at the kid fondly, he couldn’t help but notice how young he was - no more than five or six. “Maybe later, alright mate?” He silently promised the kid. “But now, I think it’s time to leave the box… it’s not safe here, okay?”
Not safe? Tubbo was pretty sure he figured that out by the second explosion. It was odd, though. He couldn’t hear any monsters anymore. No hissing or groaning or growling. It was… strange. There were so many, he was sure of it! He’d heard so many…
…where did they go?
Though he was terrified, he slowly crept toward the edge of the box to peek over once again. The wind whistled through the trees high above, blew through his clothes, and made him shiver. Sunlight made the thick canopy glow, high up above the two, and his eyes filled with stars as his fear melted away. The dew made the forest shine like glitter.
Magic… Tubbo thought to himself with a smile. 
He liked the forest now… it was much quieter. Much safer.  Maybe when he yelled at the creatures to get away, they listened? He must be pretty scary, then. Scarier than whatever was out there before. Yeah - nothing was gonna scare him now! He smirked at the thought. Phil shouldered his satchel as he stood, the full length of his wings finally revealed. They were gigantic, and reminded Tubbo of the size of the hallway rug back at home - the weaved fabric stretched to the end of the long hallway, billowing like a sheet whenever his father would shake out the dust. They’d make a game of it, too - his Dad would use it to his advantage during tickle fights full of giggles, trapping him in the woven fabric once it was all clean. Though it was a rug, it was soft to the touch. He couldn’t help but be consumed by the thought of having his own wings for a moment, soaring through the breeze before Phil spoke again.
“Do you know the name of your village? I can take you home…”
Something leaped out of Tubbo’s chest at the thought of seeing his Dad again, that look of worry on his face from whenever he ran off and got lost at the market. The way his eyebrows would knit together and come undone at the sight of him. When he’d rush over and scoop Tubbo up into his shaking arms and hug him, lecturing with wetness in his eyes that he needed to stay close when they’re in crowds.
A longing, sinking feeling caught his stomach, and his eyes flashed to the ground.
In an instant, Phil got down to his level, his eyebrows knitted together like his Dad’s would, a gentle hand on the child’s shoulder. “Hey, it’s going to be okay mate, I promise. We’ll find your parents and get you home in no time at all.” He smiled reassuringly. “I’m a pretty fast flier.”
“Wait… you can fly?!” Tubbo’s eyes were filled with stars, his mouth a shocked smile that grew ever the wider.
Phil was growing ever fonder of the kid with each passing minute. He chuckled again. “Did you think they’re just for show?”
Tubbo was timid, but Phil would be lying if he said the kid wasn’t brave. Phil carried him piggyback style, his eyes searching for an opening through the thick canopy. Despite the child’s protest, the bee plush was tucked securely and safely into his satchel for the flight. Tubbo’s small arms clung tightly around his neck.
A small patch of sunlight led to a clearing. Perfect. “Hold on, okay mate?”
He allowed his wings to stretch to their full height, making sure the passenger wasn’t disturbed. He bent his knees down and lept into the air. A gasp left Tubbo’s lips as he squeezed tighter on the grip for a moment in fear. Philza couldn’t help but smile as he soared up and up and finally out of the canopy and into the cool air. He shivered excitedly at the takeoff, letting it whip his hair around a bit. He breathed deeply, closing his eyes as he drifted and the wind blew through his feathers, letting himself enjoy the brief moment.
And, from how Tubbo shifted and the small sharp intake of breath… he was enjoying it too. 
Tubbo’s grip slowly relaxed as they soared through the clouds. The sun was in the middle of the sky, casting its buttery yellow light over the clouds, making them look like swaths of golden fleece. Tubbo felt like a giant looking down at a world that used to feel indescribably large, now something he could fit in the palm of his hand. His eyes scanned the treeline with interest as a blurry of fur, a wolf pack, ran through the trees below. They looked so tiny, any fear he had for them before, of village elders’ warnings… didn’t matter. He couldn’t help but giggle. They flew over a massive body of water, the child watching with wide eyes as dolphins leaped out from the surface of the water and back again.  “Wow… it’s so pretty up here!” Gathering courage by the second, his arm left the grip on Phil as it raised to the sky. His fingers brushed across the fluffy golden clouds, wisps of cold air ran through his fingers in small bursts, like breaths of crisp autumn wind. A wide smile crept onto his face as he lifted both hands as if he was on a rollercoaster. “Wooooooooo!”
Phil’s heart felt light. It had been quite a while since he took any of his kids for a fly, and he wouldn’t admit it, but he missed having a passenger on his flights. He got so busy lately with repairs to the house, making farms, trading with the Nether and nearby empires, training the twins… he hadn’t exactly spent as much time playing and hanging out with them as he’d like. Tommy loved going out on flights with him when was pretty young around the forest, Wilbur or Techno tagging along occasionally. They loved it when he tossed them into the air and caught them, when he did loops or when he sped up. He made a mental note to do that more often, and a playful grin made its way onto his lips as a lightbulb went off in his head. “Hang on, Tubbo-!”
“Wha-?!” Before the child could answer, Phil began speeding up as he held on tighter. The child’s heart thumped against his ribcage as he looked around in interest, wind smacking against his face and pushing back his hair. He giggled. “Faster!”
Phil chuckled fondly. “Okay, faster it is.”
The stretch felt satisfying as he sped up, his wings still a bit sore - he hadn’t pushed them more than needed for a while. He began to sway back and forth, rapidly heading toward an island in the middle of the ocean which he knew housed some villages. A large dock in the distance captured all of the kid’s attention as they flew overhead, he climbed up and pointed over Phil’s shoulder. “That’s it!” He shouted, and Phil slowed as they began their descent into a village just underneath the trees.
The landing was a bit bumpy. Phil’s feet stumbled as the ground met them quicker than he preferred, tightening his grip on the child to make sure he didn’t fall off. He caught his breath as Phil’s hand raised to meet the trunk of a large oak tree, a satisfied smile making its way onto his face. Tubbo slipped off easily, the drop not too far. He moved toward the front, eyes wide with concern. “Are you alright, Phil?”
“Don’t worry about me, mate.” Phil brushed it off. “Just been a while since I’ve done tricks like that.”
Tubbo held back a small smile, awkwardly looking to the ground. “It was pretty fun.” After a moment of his thoughts, he added: “I’m sorry if it hurt you.”
“Hurt me? Pfft, no way. Just a workout, I promise.” Phil’s smile turned reassuring, gathering his bearings and standing back up to his full height. “Anyway, you said this was your village?”
Tubbo nodded. “Yeah, Tanglewood. The trees here are really, really big.” His hand pointed upwards to a cluster of dark oak trees on the other side of the dirt road in front of the two. “They look really scary at night, like giants.”
“Well, you’ve beaten bigger trees, so I don’t think there’ll be much of a problem anymore, huh?” Phil pointed out, making the kid’s eyes shine like stars.
“Yeah! I’m scarier than them!”
Phil fondly smiled. “Alright then, lead the way. You’re my protector.”
Tubbo’s jack o’lantern smile could light up cities, Phil thought to himself. The kid quickly reached into the satchel and held the bee plush up towards Phil. “He’s a guard too!”
“Yeah,” Phil nodded. “A bee guard. The best guard, besides the Brave Tubbo of course.”
Tubbo giggled as he walked ahead, turning toward the dirt path. He briefly looked behind him for Phil to catch up. The kid angled himself in a warrior pose, clutching the plush under one arm and using the other to point to the right. “Dis way! Come on!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming…” Phil responded as he shifted the satchel’s weight on his shoulder, following the boy as he gleefully rushed down the path toward his home. 
After a few minutes, a group of wooden houses came into view. A large sign adorned the entrance, created with fallen branches and sticks that spelled the town’s namesake. It was a gigantic village, at least compared to the villages Phil was used to visiting. In front of them, the smooth dirt path turned into cobblestone. The main street. Marketplace tents dotted the road but stood empty of inhabitants. The houses seemed run-down, with cracks in the glass windows and scratches on the wooden walls. Confused, Phil looked up - it was a bit past midday. Villagers should be up by now, the marketplace busy with trade and the shops overflowing with the day’s customers. However, the town stood empty as the two entered further inside its walls, hollow like a husk.
Where was everyone?
“Tubbo, stay close!”
As Tubbo ran forward toward the town center’s fountain, his cheerful sounds of glee echoed throughout the deserted town as if it were a cave. Phil’s eyes were quickly drawn to a limply hanging sign of a dressmaker. The paint was chipping and fading, the only redone bits of it were the striking black letters of the title - ‘Vella and Her Various Glowing Gowns’. He walked closer, moving toward the door and leaning up to peek inside. The oak door fell backward, slamming against the floor not with a slam, but a clank. Phil’s wings fluffed up as his hand hovered over his sword. His eyes searched the darkness from his position in the doorway, the hybrid’s eyes not yet adjusted to the dim lighting of the room. Shapes… squares - a counter with a register, perhaps? - and curves standing still. People?
He held his hand up in surrender. His voice gathered power to broadcast across space. “Hello…?! I’m not here to hurt you. I arrived with a friend, a lost boy from here?”
The silence was eerie as Phil stepped inside. Something hit his side and he moved and sliced, breathing heavily as something landed on the wooden floor with a thunk. Phil’s heart was beating a mile a minute as he looked around for his next target. When he found nothing, he looked to the floor.
…A mannequin. His slice went through its middle, stuffing leaking out onto the floor. For a moment, he felt like a complete idiot as red embarrassment found itself on Phil’s face. He rolled his eyes. How silly. He leaned down to clean up the mess he made in someone else’s shop, moving the pieces closer to examine them. Metal gleamed from the light in the room, a chainmail chest plate looking up at him. Armor.
It clicked in his mind like two puzzle pieces. Why would a dressmaker sell armor? Because the townspeople needed it more than clothes. They needed protection… They were fighting something. No wonder no one was around. 
A small light glowed through the open crack of a door at the back of the shop. Phil stepped carefully past the mannequins, as quick as the wind itself. He pressed his wings against the wall next to the door. With his diamond sword drawn, he braced himself for battle. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door quickly. 
A gasp left his lips as light flooded the small room.
A woman, eyes weaved with worry, stood still as he took her final breaths. Her hand, crimson from holding back the blood spilling from her stomach wound, reached out in front of her toward the shadow that surrounded her. It embraced her in its clutches, planting a kiss on the victim’s forehead, its eyes filled with a melancholy sadness. The shadow stared down at the creation with pity and remorse, setting the body gently on the ground. It kneeled over her, bowing its head as it tucked a bit of its long ebony hair behind its ear and turned its attention to the small glowing ball of light in the air.
Despite the circumstances, Phil couldn’t help but smile. It was her. Lady Death. The love of his life. 
As the ball of light, the soul, flew around her she giggled sadly. Her voice was a warm whisper. “Alright, little one, it’s time to rest.” She lifted her arm slightly as the soul flew up into her sleeve, collected. Then, her smile growing a bit warmer, her eyes landed on Phil. “My angel…”
“Kristin. I’ve missed you.” He spoke softly. The hybrid was always giddy when he said her name. Something special only he knew, only he was allowed to call her as. Phil was careful not to step closer than the doorway. She was Death, after all. 
“Once again fate has yielded us these unfortunate circumstances, I’m afraid.” She sighed.
“Any moment to see you is worth it.” Phil grinned. 
Kristin’s smile fell. “I’m sorry to say we haven’t much time. The boy is in danger, Phil.”
Lady Death arose from the floor. All warmth suddenly sapped from the room as she looked down at the body with a wave of well-hidden anger. “Heathens have painted this village red. I must implore that you and the child leave immediately. He’s escaped my touch for now but if he stays any longer I fear the many years of life he has left to live will be cut short. Too many have carried him to you with loving arms and last breaths, don’t let it be in vain.”
Phil bowed his head slightly. “I… I understand, Kristin… I hope to see your smile again, on a lighter and brighter day. Till then, I’ll cherish this with all I have.”
“My Angel…” Bit of shadow licked around him as he shivered in the pseudo-embrace. Her touch was deathly cold. “You know I’ll never be too far away.” Despite how the world shifted, Phil knew for certain their love could never change. As certain as the sun itself. 
But now, a new certainty came to him. A certainty that he and Tubbo would leave this place, and all its untapped pain, far behind. There was no other option.
As he burst from the shop, he looked around for the boy quickly. Phil was sure the last he saw of the kid, he was near the fountain. Dried blood hid under feet and scarcely splattered and spotted on buildings and benches. Figures stood still in the silent darkness of the windows, splayed across the floors or propped up, hidden, behind tables or chairs. Dead eyes watched Death’s Angel as he called out for the child, wondering if he too would soon join them. Even though Phil knew he would regret it, he outstretched his wings and took off, scanning Tanglewood for any signs of movement as he gritted his teeth through the pain. 
Tubbo didn’t like the silence as he walked up the path toward home. He could swear he saw eyes watching him from the forest just beyond. He hugged his bee plush tight to his chest as he stood tall, marching along as he tried to be brave. After all, he wasn’t scared of the monsters or the trees, they were scared of him! Even if he began to walk a bit faster down the path, he wasn’t scared. He was just trying to get there faster.
He was excited to see his father again and tell him how brave he was, how he saw wolves and dolphins, and all about Phil’s awesome wings. He smiled as he thought about how happy his Dad was gonna be to see him. What if Dad used one of his potions to make him wings, and maybe Phil could come to visit?! That would be so cool, to fly on his own. Maybe Phil could take him out to see more animals! He’s always wanted to meet a squid. They would give the best hugs, at least in his opinion. 
He briefly wondered how many patients came by today and if his Dad was tired. Well, if Dad was tired, he would just surprise him when he woke up. That would be the BEST surprise!
When he reached the garden, Tubbo paused.
Tubbo didn’t like the garden anymore. All the vegetables were gone, and the fence around it he helped paint was shattered and broken. The blue paint chipped and left dots along the grass that Tubbo couldn’t help but think looked a little pretty. Splinters littered the grass so much that they looked like seeds as Tubbo was careful to step around them. Father said never touch splinters, and to go get him if he saw one. The soil was overturned, smushed by foot tracks. Tubbo had half a mind to go find the culprit and tell them off - no one stomps on the soil! That was like, rule number one! But a small part of the kid’s heart broke in sadness after how hard they both worked on it, how much time they’d spent on it, all for someone to ruin it. 
Who would do something so mean?
His eyes were wet as his stomach flipped and flopped in uneasiness. It twisted itself in knots when he turned to look at the house. His house. Their house. Their home. His stomach sank as all the air left his lungs. Their small cottage made with glowing birch and oak, blue window shutters and flower boxes - reduced to nothing but charcoal cinders and ash. Black marked where chunks of the house once stood. The roof was completely gone, windows too. Only a few walls still were left standing, about halfway burned. It wasn’t home anymore. Tubbo hated the black. He hated this and wanted to be home. He wanted to be safe and warm and home… but he didn’t have a home anymore, did he?
A few tears slid down his cheeks as he hugged his plushie tight and ran toward the door, going to open it and twist the handle when it fell down in front of the kid. It’s hinges burned to goop and it’s pretty carved number design erased. Tubbo jumped back, out of the way, gasping in shock. It was really gone… all of it. Someone destroyed everything. They didn’t have anything anymore, except each other. Tubbo knew now more than ever he needed to find his Dad, they needed each other. How else could anything be okay anymore?
His bee plush was hugged so tight around his chest he began to gasp for air, craving the comfort hugs used to be able to give. He quickly rushed inside, looking around for his father desperately. “Dad? Dad?!” His shoes crunched against his father’s special important potion bottles, remains that littered the floor. What remained of the carpet was faded, half of the fabric burned, and with it all it’s magic. The fireplace was smashed in a few places, but most of the bricks stayed intact. The photos on the mantel were gone, though. Baby photos, photos of grandparents, and… the photo of Mom. “Dad… Dad, please, I need you…” He sniffled into his plush as he walked toward the remains of the fireplace.
Unfortunately, Tubbo didn’t have to look far.
His father was perched against the side of the fireplace, head slumped on his right shoulder. He looked pale, as pale as Tubbo once had when he was sick. His clothes were torn, crimson from injury. A crossbow bolt was lodged against his side and his left leg. The two puncture wounds still spilled red that slowly rolled down his body and to the dirt. His face was bruised and beaten, nose bloody. A sizable gash around his chest, spilling nothing but blood. 
No. No, he couldn’t be… surely not. He had… he had to get some… some potions. He had to get some bandaids. He had to get something, something to make it better. Dad always knew how to make everything better.
Tubbo screamed. Tubbo wailed. Tubbo shook his father’s body, vision blurred with nothing but tears.
“Dad… Dad please wake up, you’ve gotta wake up… please… please…” He sobbed, jostling his father’s shoulder as blood soaked into his clothes and his plush, not that he cared. “D-dad… please… you’ve gotta wake up… you’ve gotta…”
His father didn’t move.
“Please…” He whispered, begging. “Please…”
A woosh of wings created a breeze that dried his cheeks slightly. “Tubbo-” Phil.
“Phil, you’ve gotta help, he’s hurt, my Dad’s hurt! He’s… he’s…”
“Tubbo…” Phil’s voice was soft, filled with a sense of sadness for the kid one couldn’t easily name.
“He’s gotta wake up, he’s gotta…”
Phil didn’t say anything as he slowly approached the scene, knowing that nothing could be said. He kneeled next to the child, bowing his head at the stranger. A man he only knew from Tubbo’s stories, yet… a man he will miss. He turned his attention to Tubbo, who still clung to his dead father’s side. He looked over at Phil with pleading eyes, begging for the impossible. Phil couldn’t give it to him no matter how much he wanted to, all he could offer was something simpler.
A hug.
Tubbo sniffed as he sobbed, Phil pulling him into the embrace as he rubbed circles into his back. Tears welled up in the Angel of Death’s eyes, tears he couldn’t hold back as easily, not even after living a million lifetimes. 
Everything was gone.
(Reworking my general taglist, lmk if you would like to be added!)
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Miss Americana (Part 3)
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Summary: The reader recovers from her second dose of Compound V and explores her stronger abilities with Dean. But the events of a fun night out might give Miss Americana and Soldier Boy an unlikely ally...
Pairing: Soldier Boy!Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,900ish
Warnings: language, implied past torture/assault/killings
A/N: Enjoy this final part! This contains very minor spoilers for The Boys...
“Let me hide this stuff and I’ll be back in five, okay?” he asked. You nodded, Dean cupping your cheek before he was gone. It was barely a minute before he was returning, wearing sweats and a henley, a box under his arm. “Brownies from the bakery down the block.”
“I thought you liked pie.”
“I do. But you like brownies,” he said. “Something to look forward to after you spend the night shaking and sweating.”
“Lovely,” you said. He sat down beside you, urging you to lean into him. He tucked a blanket over your legs, watching the fire crackle. “I don’t think I mind if you’re a monster.”
“I can be pretty horrible.”
“You’re not horrible to me. You’ve never been that way. Even if your first instinct was to try to manipulate me you decided not to.”
“I hate most people. Think they’re worthless. Only care about myself.”
“So? I told you when we met...I’m the nice bad guy. I frankly don’t give a fuck anymore about being the pushover, the one that gets hurt. I just want to never be afraid again.”
“We never have to be afraid after tonight. Never,” he said. “You’ll be stronger than Homelander. Stronger than me. You’ll be safe.”
“For a bad guy, you were awfully nice giving me that dose with no strings attached.”
“There’s no strings,” he said. He stroked your arm when you shivered. 
“Partners?” you asked. He leaned down, kissing you more gently than he ever had. No need behind it.
“I like partners,” he said. He was warm as you started to feel cool, Dean drawing shapes on your bare skin. “I had a little brother.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“He got sick right after I shipped out. Died the morning I got my first dose of Compound V. Only reason I volunteered for the shot. They said volunteers got special benefits. I wanted my brother to get to a good hospital and proper care and he was already dead by the time I got my shot. Then uh, then some of us started dying cause they didn’t know dosages or shit. I thought at least Sam’s gonna be okay. Then I spent three days wishing it would kill me so I could be with him instead of having been away for the last year of his life. But I didn’t die. I was the only one. Then they gave me more and...I guess I enjoyed becoming the super soldier over grieving. Then it goes to your head and changes you and...Sammy wouldn’t even recognize me now. At least I know I’m not going to the same place he wound up so he won’t have to see.”
“What was that like, being honest just now,” you asked, goosebumps covering your skin. You bundled into him more, Dean pulling up the blanket.
“I miss Sammy. I haven’t thought about him in years. I hope the kid’s happy wherever he is.”
“Maybe you’ll see him again someday,” you said. You shook, sweat forming all over you, muscles aching. You turned, unable to get comfortable. “How long does this last?”
“About six hours. Then I passed out and when I woke up it was over.”
“Awesome.” You gripped the blanket tight, Dean massaging your tense shoulders. “Tell me more about Sammy. Please.”
“He absolutely hated being called Samuel,” said Dean with a chuckle. “So naturally I did it all the time when we were kids.”
“Keep going,” you said, stomach churning briefly. “Distract me.”
“Let me tell you about the time we jumped off the shed roof.”
You were in sweaty clothes when you woke, lifting your head off Dean’s chest to find him passed out and snoring lightly. You sat up, shaking out your head. Something was different. You stood, deciding to test out flying first. You yelped when you nearly hit the ceiling, freezing and plopping straight down onto the couch and Dean.
He groaned awake, peeling open his eyes to find you hovering above him.
“Sweetheart I’m all for a little rough in the bedroom but not a full body tackle awake,” he said. You moved to the side, the motion second nature quickly but it required much less effort than before. You looked around, nothing in the room heavy enough to test your strength. Dean sat up, smirking as he looked at you. “Wanna arm wrestle?”
“Yes!” you said, Dean chuckling, groggily taking a seat at the counter. You stood on the other side of the island, Dean clasping your hand.
“Let’s go,” he said. You squeezed, Dean keeping up with you for a good few seconds before he started to go down fast. You heard the counter creek and then it was breaking, Dean backing up. 
“Uh,” you said. 
“Don’t worry about it. What do you expect when you got supes in the place? But you, you’re stronger. Stronger than me,” he said. “How do you feel?”
“Good. Very good. I um, I’d like to go fly. I think I might be faster.”
“Go for it. I’ll call someone to get this fixed. Just be careful. Try not to fly into any planes.”
“I’ll do my best, Soldier Boy.”
“Again?” asked Dean that night. You flew up high and smiled, Dean letting go of you, free falling a few seconds before you dove down and caught him. He giggled and you flew higher, Dean jumping off. You could heard him laughing and went down, something hitting you on the way. You threw a punch and arms released you, Dean holding on tight when you finally caught up with him. You both looked up and glared, a cape and pair of red eyes looking down. “You do realize the fall won’t kill me.”
“Probably not. But it’d be fun to try,” said Homelander. He floated down to your level, your arm tight around Dean’s waist. “Oh relax. I won’t touch your boy toy again.”
“I thought I said to stay the fuck away from us,” you growled.
“I just thought you’d like to know that Soldier Boy’s internal file will be released to the major news outlets tomorrow. Did you know-”
You grabbed his neck with your free hand, squeezing hard, Homelander pawing at your wrist.
“Any good reasons why I shouldn’t kill him?” you asked Dean.
“None come to mind,” said Dean, Homelander’s eyes red but fading as he choked for air.
“Feel free to speak up,” you said, gripping his neck even tighter. 
“Stop,” said a voice, the three of you turning towards a small drone hovering close by. “Let him go.”
“He tried to kill Soldier Boy,” you said, holding on tight. You didn’t even see the drone shoot out the darts, the three of you hit. You instantly dropped Homelander, flying down to the roof of Vought as soon as you could, Dean out cold already and you quickly joining him.
You woke up on the couch in Edgar’s office, no sign of Dean or Homelander. Everything felt off still as you sat up, Mr. Edgar suddenly sitting on the edge of the coffee table.
“Are you alright?”
“No,” you groaned, stretching out. “What the hell was that?”
“If you’re going to act like children, we’ll treat you like them.”
“Dean and I were having fun, minding our own business-”
“Dean and you stole Compound V for your own benefit. I thought you were going to be more understanding of this arrangement.”
“I have to be stronger than Homelander and now I am. We didn’t hurt anybody to get it. You people let him do whatever the fuck he wanted so get off your high horse.”
“We understand. But you can’t kill him.”
“Why the fuck not.”
“He brings value in, even not as part of the Seven. Miss Americana and Soldier Boy can take over the leadership roles and Homelander is to be left alone.”
“He wants to kill-”
“I said to leave it be.” You stood, glaring down at him. “If an incident like this occurs again, there will be consequences. Dismissed.”
“Gonna throw us back in a hole? That’s kinda your thing isn’t it.”
“We know how to deal with problem children, even supe ones,” he said, standing up. “Back off before all three of you are worth more dead than alive. Don’t make me dismiss you again.”
You stormed out, slamming the door after you, not bothering to look back when you heard the wood splinter. You went straight to Dean’s apartment, Dean unscathed inside. But Homelander standing there, neither of them actively trying to kill the other, that was more than enough to forget your anger for the moment.
“You okay?” asked Dean, stepping over to grab your hand. You hummed, looking Homelander up and down. “You got the same message we did I’m guessing.”
“Behave or we’re all fucked. Yeah. Why the hell is he here?”
“We were spoken to at the same time. While he’s still a psycho and has some major fucked up issues, he has a different idea,” said Dean. 
“Said the mass murderer.” Homelander rolled his eyes. “We all want to be in charge of the Seven. Be the best.”
“You shoved your hand down my pants,” you growled.
“True. But enemies can work together when they have a larger, common enemy, hm?”
“Edgar,” said Dean. “He wants to wipe out Edgar. Ashley is the next logical choice and we can control her. She wouldn’t do jack shit to us.”
“Remove Edgar from the equation and we can all get along. Maybe form a little, trio, best of the best. Still part of the Seven but top dogs. Vought would eat that shit up. Behind the scenes you two fuck or whatever it is you do. Publicly, we’re the strongest go America team there ever was. The soldier from a simpler time, the soldier who fought the terrorists and defend her country, and the everyday man who protects his fellow citizens. All walks of life, all the basis covered. Between the three of us our numbers are sky high in every single demographic.”
“What’s to stop us from killing each other after Edgar is out of the picture,” you said.
“You’re strong enough to kill me. But your little boyfriend can’t fly. You come after me, I’ll drop him in the ocean. Leave me alone, I leave you two alone and we all win,” said Homelander. “Deal?”
“What do you think?” you asked Dean. 
“Lesser of two evils. I think,” said Dean. “I say we give it a chance to see if we can get Edgar out.”
“Fine. We can discuss this more tomorrow. Oh and Homelander. I ever catch you in my or Dean’s apartment again, I’ll snap your neck. Deal or no deal.”
“If you were only a little more twisted we could have had something,” he said. He nodded and left, Dean letting out a deep breath when he was gone. 
“Y/N,” said Dean. You hummed, wrapping your arms around him. “Thanks. For catching me earlier.”
“I’m sure you would have been fine.”
“Probably but I don’t want to test that theory out. If he dropped me in the ocean...I still need to breathe. We have to play nice.”
“We will. Until we don’t have to,” you said. He smirked, kissing your lips. “He tried to kill you. Now I hate him even more. As soon as we can, he’s gone.”
“That’s my girl,” he grinned.
“Yes I am and you, you’re my Soldier Boy. We’re going to own this place, very, very soon.”
“Damn straight we are sweetheart. Just a little bit longer and then we can do whatever we want to. Promise.”
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baepsaesbae · 3 years
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Pairing— Day Fairy!Hoseok x Night fairy!reader    
Genre— SMUT, fae au, angst, idiots to lovers
Warnings— Oral (F receiving), nipple play, explicit unprotected sex, hair pulling, both praise and slight derogatory dirty talk bc I can’t make up my mind, slight swearing
Word Count— 3.3k  
Summary— The summer solstice is here and it’s time to celebrate. Your favorite part of the solstice is that you get to see Hoseok, or rather, the love of your life. It’s too bad you haven’t told him how you really felt, even though it has been centuries. Maybe this year will be different. 
A/N— This fic is part of The Fabled Collab hosted by @joontopia, @kimtaehyunq, and @whipped-for-kpop-fics. Hoseok is my sunshine, so I just had to write about him! Thank you to @s0seo and @taegularities for giving me motivation to write. Lastly, huge shoutout to Eden from @thebiasrekkers​ for making this awesome banner for me! As always, let me know how you guys like the fic! My askbox is always open <3
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Fae clans have many holidays and rituals, but solstices are by far the most celebrated. Solstices mark the pivotal event that shifts the seasonal responsibilities between the sun and moon clans. The summer and winter solstice are always the biggest events of the year, with about a week of festivities leading up to the final event. 
Sweat ran down your spine as the sun beat down on you. You’ve been holding up a stupid banner for what felt like an eternity.
“Okay wait, you’re gonna hate me but I think we should put it back to where we originally had it,” Sunghoon said with furrowed brows.
“That’s it. We’ve been doing this all morning. Figure this out yourself,” you angrily threw down the banner and stormed off before Sunghoon had the chance to yell at you.
You ignored the friendly calls from other fae that were setting up decor nearby. It was way past your bedtime. Cranky and drenched in sweat, you were definitely not a happy night fairy. Heading straight to the pond, you derobed and found comfort in the cool waters that  washed away your stress instantly. You gazed up at the blue sky while floating on your back. The day truly was beautiful, you couldn’t deny that. However, nighttime was better in your very much biased opinion. The dark sky littered with countless stars that glittered like diamonds was an unbeatable sight. 
“Hey there sunshine!” a familiar voice interrupted your thoughts. You dipped back into the water and turned to the source of the sound.
“Hey there, perv. Care to join me?” you beckoned.
“I wish I could, but I need to go finalize some plans for the handoff ceremony--”
“It’s the same EVERY year. C’mon Hobi, you don’t need to go,” you whined.
“I’ll meet you back here at sunset, how does that sound?” he tried to appease you.
“Midnight. I’m already exhausted, I don’t wanna wake up early,” you blew raspberries into the pond.
“That’s fair. I’ll see you then okay?” Hoseok waved before flying off.
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On top of parties filled with indulgences that would blow the mind of any feeble human, Hoseok was the added bonus that made you eager for each solstice. Admittedly, you two have had some sort of flirtationship going on for the past few centuries. Your friends always teased you about how madly head over heels you were for him. As much as you wanted to believe that he loved you in the same way, something always felt off.  
Hoseok always reciprocated your flirtatious advances, but it felt more like a game between friends rather than something substantial. You’ve even observed his interactions with other fairies, and it didn’t seem like he gave you any special treatment. He was simply a good friendly guy that everyone loved, but not the way that you loved him. 
You were dying to know how he truly felt about you. All these years of playful banter had been fun, but they had also been simultaneously eating away at you. There’s no way he doesn’t know that you love him. At the same time, what if he thinks you’re just a good friend? You needed to know for sure, and you intended to confront him about it at midnight.
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“Good evening,” you greeted Hoseok shyly as you approached the pond’s bank. 
“Good day to you sunshine,” Hoseok called back as he kicked at the water.
“How’d the meeting go?” you asked.
“Boring as always. You’re right, it’s the same every year. But the elders still want to go over everything again to ensure that the ceremony is perfect,” Hoseok sighed.
“Thanks for coming to hangout with me even though you’re so busy,” you said, suddenly feeling guilty.
“Are you kidding? I’ve been looking forward to this all day! You’re the perfect person to unwind with after a long day,” Hoseok smiled. There it was. The radiant smile you fell for the first time you ever met him. 
“You sure I’m the perfect person for that? What do you do when you’re back in your own land surrounded by other day fae?” you prodded, hoping to steer the conversation onto the ‘what are we’ topic. 
“I have my friends there for sure, and I appreciate them too. But it’s different with you. Maybe because I can only hangout with you twice a year. You’re like my super special friend, yaknow?” Hoseok tried to explain. 
“Uh yeah, for sure. Like a special playdate kind of thing huh?” you tried to hide your hurt feelings.
“Exactly! You get it. It’s like you’re my favorite dessert that I can only have twice a year,” Hoseok nodded.
“Right…” you whispered softly to yourself. You spent the rest of the night listening to the unfruitful discussions Hoseok had during his meetings. All the excitement over the festival had drained from you. Now, you just wanted it to be over so you can go sulk in peace. 
“You’re awfully quiet,” Hoseok observed, “You haven’t interjected once about how stupid our traditions are or how you’re looking forward to having long nights again.”
“Hm? Oh yeah, I’m just tired. Sunghoon really worked me to the bone yesterday, that damn day fairy,” you faked a yawn.
“Hey, be nice! Wasn’t it you who volunteered to help us anyway?” Hoseok shook his head.
‘Yeah, because I thought I’d be able to work with you,’ you thought.
“It was a bizarre streak of altruism, that’s all,” you shrugged. 
“Nah, I know you’re a kind fairy deep down!” Hoseok playfully nudged your shoulder. Normally you would welcome this type of physical affection, but for right now it served as a painful reminder that you were merely seen as a buddy. 
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You actively avoided Hoseok for the remainder of the week, counting down the hours to when it would finally all be over. You made up some lame excuse to not hangout with Hoseok every time he approached you. He must have caught on by the final day, either that or he was extremely busy. Afterall, he was the MC for the entire ordeal. 
Apparently, your abrasive reputation preceded you because no one wanted your help with anything. As soon as they saw you coming, they would randomly find themselves very preoccupied with something that made them too busy to talk to you. The only person who would put you to work was Sunghoon, who was one of Hoseok’s best friends. You wondered why he was always so nice to you even when you complained the entire time you helped him.
“That’s the last table! They all look great, thanks for helping with the set up,” Sunghoon gave you a thumbs up.
“You know it’s pointless setting up all these tables. Most of the fairies are just gonna be dancing or fucking all night long, no one is gonna be sitting down,” you said.
“Are you gonna be one of the fairies partying?” Sunghoon inquired.
“Definitely not,” you answered curtly.
“Then I’m happy at least one of these tables will be utilized,” Sunghoon nodded, “Try to enjoy yourself tonight okay?”
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes.
The entire forest seemed to come alive that night. The trees swayed with the enchanting music while cheers of merriment erupted around the party scene. You sat alone at a mushroom table with your third (or was it fourth?) cup of berry wine. You glared at the fairies who had lost themselves to their pleasures, whether it be the wine or the toadstools, or perhaps even both. Fairies who had given into their more lustful urges could be seen on the outskirts of the dance floor, some in the innocent stages of kissing and others entangled full fledged fornication. Scoffing at the obscene orgy, you stumbled off to get another cup of wine. Even though you weren’t really participating, you had to admit that fairies knew how to throw a party. 
“Hey ___, I noticed you’ve been by yourself the whole evening. Want some company?” someone asked behind you as you filled up your mug to the brim. You turned to see two Sunghoons merge to become one hazy Sunghoon in the blink of an eye. 
“F-ffuck off Sunghoon,” you slurred.
“I wanted to thank you for all the hard work you did for this year’s summer solstice,” Sunghoon continued, unfazed by your harshness, “Wanna dance to celebrate?”
“Nope,” you answered as you pushed him aside.
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“Yeah she seemed pretty pissed dude,” Sunghoon said while taking a large swig.
“At you or in general?” Hoseok inquired.
“Dunno man, she’s always been like that. However, she seemed more aggravated than usual, which is hard to imagine,” Sunghoon chuckled, “Did you do something to her?”
“No! I’ve been replaying everything we talked about at the pond but everything seemed fine! I even told her that she was my super special friend and---oh shit,” Hoseok’s face fell.
“Idiot,” Sunghoon tsked. 
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Both fae clans had gathered by the main stage, intently listening to the same speeches that the clan leaders have spoken for centuries. You watched apathetically as the everlasting flame was being formally handed over. The crowd roared as the flame changed from a deep crimson red to an icy silver color with a blue hue, signifying that the solstice had come to pass. 
If the festival wasn’t wild before, it had only gotten more out of hand after the official ceremony. Seeing the other fairies go wild in every sense of the word made you nauseous. The noise level intensified as you watched your fairy brethren engage in rather promiscuous activities. Someone even beckoned for you to join in the fun, but you just walked away. The only person you wanted to have that kind of fun with was Hoseok. It infuriated you that your thoughts always drifted to him. You filled up your cup one last time and walked away from the ruckus, towards an empty grove. Hopefully you would be able to wallow in self pity in peace there. 
The stars twinkled above you, and dim moonlight speckled the ground around you as it shone through the trees. You could still hear the party, but it was much fainter now and served as nice background noise to keep you from drowning in your thoughts. With a deep exhale, you fought to hold back tears. You felt so foolish. Too many years have been wasted in vain for an unrequited love that you should have seen coming. It was so stupid of you to hold onto a sliver of hope that Hoseok would like you back. 
“The party is that way,” a familiar voice called out to you.
“Then why aren’t you there?” you didn’t try to mask the annoyance in your voice.
“I saw you walk away, I wanted to check up on you.”
“Why the fuck would you even care?” you sat up and hissed.
“Why are you being so hostile? You’re the one who has been avoiding me all week!” Hoseok raised his voice.
“I’m sure you didn’t have much time to spend with me anyway,” you huffed.
“That’s not true. I spent every moment of my free time looking for you, only for you to turn me away. Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Hoseok calmed down.
“Fine. I’m in love with you, okay? How fucking embarrassing. It hurt when you said that I was your super best friend or whatever. Seeing you afterward just reminded me of how dumb I am,” you couldn’t make eye contact with him.
“Oh sunshine, I’m the idiot. I shouldn’t have said that. You’re my special friend because I like you too. I wanted to spend every second with you this week. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that, I’m so sorry ____,” Hoseok got down on his knees and pulled you in for a hug. You were stunned.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner then!” you pushed him off.
“I thought it was obvious from the way we flirted!” he argued. 
“You’re nice to everyone, it was hard for me to tell,” you pouted.
“My apologies for not being a sourpuss like you,” Hoseok laughed.
“So...what now? It wasn’t really a romantic confession but I guess our feelings are out in the open now,” you whispered as you leaned against him.
Suddenly, Hoseok pushed you back to the ground, straddling your hips. His dark hair nearly covered his eyes as he looked down at you. He was beyond beautiful, his white iridescent wings glittered ethereally in the moonlight. 
“Remember when I said you’re like a dessert I can only have twice a year? I’d like to make that a reality,” Hobi smirked. He bent over to kiss you. It was soft at first, his plush lips pressing up against yours. He gently cupped your face with one hand while the other wandered to your chest, undoing your blouse. Lust overtook the both of you as the kiss deepened and Hoseok fondled your breasts. You let out a small gasp as he played with your nipples, rolling them between his fingers.  
“Spread those legs for me, sunshine,” he demanded.
You complied, slowly exposing yourself to him. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him while in such a compromising position. Hoseok gingerly kissed a trail along your inner thighs towards your core. His hot breath against your pussy made you squirm under him in anticipation.
“So impatient,” he chuckled, “Let’s play a game. You have to make eye contact with me while I eat you out. Every time you look away, I stop.”
“You’re evil,” you huffed before reluctantly looking at the beautiful being perched between your legs. 
“That’s my girl,” he purred approvingly before spreading your folds with his fingers. His eyes darkened with lust as you watched him lick tantalizingly slow stripes. He could feel your need for more, so he moved up to focus on your clit, giving it special attention as his tongue swirled around it. 
You tangled your fingers into his hair, gripping him tighter as he licked your clit faster. All your composure was lost as you looked down at him with pleading eyes.
“What is it? Need more?” Hoseok teased as his fingers traced your entrance.
“Please,” you whimpered.
“Please what?” Hoseok feigned ignorance
“Please touch me,” you said softly.
“We need to work on your begging, but you’re so adorable I can’t say no,” Hobi dove back into stimulating your clit as he slipped a finger inside of you. He smirked at how easily he went in, and immediately added a second finger. The new feeling had you throwing your head back as he grazed your g-spot. Right as things began to feel good, he retracted everything.
“Hobi!” you cried out in frustration.
“You looked away. Remember the rules to our little game?” Hoseok chided. You glared down at him as he immediately picked up where he left off, not giving you time to readjust. Fighting back the urge to close your eyes, soft moans escaped from your lips.
“Ready to cum, my dear ___?” he asked sweetly as his fingers dipped to directly attack your g-spot.
There was no time to give a proper response. Your back arched and your toes curled up as your orgasm overwhelmed you. Drenched in your juices, Hoseok glistened under the moonlight.
“Absolutely gorgeous,” Hoseok praised, “But I’m not finished with you yet,” he leaned in to whisper in your ear.
He unbuckled his trousers, releasing the monster that dangled between his legs. You willingly spread your legs for him, eager for more.
“So needy, you haven’t had enough yet?” Hoseok tsked as he rubbed the tip of his cock along your folds.
Finally, Hoseok began to bury himself into you. He took his time, relishing how your warm walls squeezed him. You closed your eyes in ecstasy, focusing on feeling every inch of him. Once he bottomed out, you wrapped your legs around him in an attempt to bring him impossibly closer. The dark lust that swam in his eyes broke for a second, replaced by the warm smile that made you fall in love with him in the first place. He bent down to kiss you, and you happily reciprocated. 
Hoseok moved his hips slowly as he fucked you at a deep yet gentle pace. Mouths still colliding, you shyly licked at his lips. Taking your hint, Hoseok’s tongue met yours. As the kisses deepened with more saliva being interchanged, Hoseok’s thrusts became harsher.    
“You’re so fucking sexy. Lemme see that ass baby,” Hoseok growled as he flipped you over.
He smacked your ass twice and watched it jiggle in awe before placing a firm grip on your hips. Almost animalistically, he bucked into you. Your body jolted forward with each thrust. You had never been fucked this hard before, and it was heavenly. Hoseok’s control over his body movement was insane. Your moans grew louder as his hips continuously rolled into you. 
One of Hoseok’s hands formed a tight grip on your hair, roughly bringing your head up off the ground. You couldn’t stop your wanton moans from filling the open air. 
“H-Hoseok,” you cried out.
“What is it? Is it too much for you?” Hoseok cooed in your ear as he brought your head back even closer to him.
“Mmm-no,” was all you could make out.
“I knew you could take it all, such a good slut,” Hoseok praised as he let go of your hair.
Unable to hold yourself up, you immediately fell back onto your chest. Your fingernails dug into the dirt as you could feel another orgasm swelling up inside of you. 
“I’m gonna cum again,” you wailed out.
“I’m almost there, wait for me baby,” Hoseok instructed.
With perfect timing, Hoseok let out a guttural moan as he spilled his seed inside of you. Sounds of pleasure bounced around the grove as you came in unison. Hoseok’s cum dripped down the sides of your inner thighs when he pulled out. 
“How did I do, sunshine?” Hoseok asked jovially as you laid on the ground before him.
“You knocked me out. I don’t think I can move for a while,” you weakly answered with a smile.
“Not a problem, we can just stay here for a while, sunshine,” Hoseok laid down beside you, beckoning for you to rest atop his chest. 
“I like when you call me that,” you yawned.
“Sunshine?” Hoseok asked.
“Yeah, that. It makes me feel special,” you nodded.
“Is that so? I’m glad it makes you feel special, because you are. You’ve always been the spunky night fairy that everyone knows but is too afraid to approach,” Hoseok laughed.
“What! I am totally friendly! Just not to those who piss me off,” you defended, “Which...I guess is a lot of people so I suppose I see your point. What made you want to be my friend if everyone thought I’m scary?”
“You treated me like everyone else. It always felt like people put on a fake facade around me since I’m the chief’s son. They’re nice to me to try and curry favor with my father, or maybe flirt with me to try and gain some special sort of status. I don’t know. I’m just me,” Hoseok shrugged. 
“If it makes you feel any better, you’re my sunshine,” you hugged him.
“That makes me feel great. I’ll do my best to see you more than twice a year, okay?” he kissed your forehead.
“I guess I can clear my schedule and come over to visit you too,” you giggled, “Or maybe we can run away and make a clan of our own.”
“Are you serious?” he asked, “Don’t tempt me. I’d love to go somewhere where no one knows my name or expects anything from me.”
“How about we go to where the day meets the night?” you offered.
“Like what? An eclipse?” Hoseok said as he gazed into the night sky.
“Precisely. We can make an eclipse clan. We only have to do festivals for eclipses, and those are kinda rare,” you giggled.
“Sounds like a good dream, sunshine. Let’s seriously discuss it in the morning when we’re both more sober,” Hoseok kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight, my sunshine,” you whispered into his chest.
Published July 23, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Aftermath)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is about 17 or 18; i cried while writing this. sorry this is really long!!! pls forgive me 🥺
prompt: takes place from a3 to smffh
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Intense Years (3) Continued (5)
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let’s start on a happy note! ahahah
so for a while, earth was calm
you, pepper, and tony got to be a family for a while
wedding planning!
of course you got to try the ben&jerry’s ice cream named after your dad: Stark Raving Hazelnuts
“it’s not fair that you got ice cream named after you and i didn’t”
“well, when you grow up to be as awesome as me, maybe you’ll get your own ice cream flavor”
developing nanotech suits together for a Bonding Experience(tm)
speechless after the first test
“dad, this is...”
“the coolest thing to ever exist?”
yall ready for some shit?
the day that ebony maw invaded was pretty—what’s the word? interesting? no. well, yes, but...HORRIBLE.
it all started when you got the call from your dad
“y/n, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“god, i really have to change that. okay, JOSHIE, answer it. hey, dad? what’s up?”
“hey, kid! you know that weird ass building on bleecker street? how fast can you get here?”
“JOSH can you track FRIDAY really quick? lets see how far dad is...uh, okay, be there in five, see ya”
taking your suit for a spin and realizing how GREAT it was to be able to basically fold up your suit and put it in your back pocket
knocking on the door and it opened on its own, it was kinda cool
“is this a museum? cool.”
bruce turning around to see you after about three years and giving you an awkward smile and a wave while you stood frozen around the wizard-guys
“y/n, god, you’ve grown up!”
charging into him for a long overdue hug
“you don’t know how much i missed you. it’s been chaotic without you”
“i can...i can only imagine”
a debriefing on the situation you were about to face, and bonus! having to play the catch-up game with bruce
“just call him, dad. we need as much help as we can. steve will understand”
rushing outside to face off with some ugly-ass aliens
“oh nooo, it’s roger smith from american dad”
bruce: 👀, stephen: 👀, wong: 👀, tony: 👏👏🥰 that’s my girl
simultaneous nanosuit unveiling
“you ready for this one, pops?”
“of course! ive waited years to kick some more alien ass”
montage of you and tony getting your asses beat together (as a family <3)
peter showing up
“give me one good reason why i shouldn’t send you back to that school bus”
“because i’m good company?”
“whatever, just listen to whatever dad has to say, i forfeit my responsibilities over you”
pew pew, repulsors, pew, tiny rockets! fun! action! destroying new york again and again. good times...
until JOSHUA gave you notice that your dad was flying high
“call him. now.”
“hey! how’s it going down there?”
“dad, you know how i feel about you and space”
“i know, i know. i just...i gotta take care of this. keep pepper safe for your old man, okay?”
“i lo—l—ve y—”
“y/n? y/n?! i love you! shit!”
“we lost connection with her, sir”
trying to call peter
“call failed, y/n. should i try again?”
“i’m gonna kill them...”
walking through the rubble to find bruce, the only sensible man you know
taking him to the avengers compound asap to get to rhodey and figure out what comes next
meanwhile, tony was dealing with space and another teenager
and worrying a lot about leaving you on earth
“i mean, mr. stark, y/n’s one of the most capable people i know. she’s probably trying to fix this whole mess as we speak”
“i didn’t get to tell her i love her”
having a lovely meeting with thaddeus ross with rhodey, having a lovely time watching them passive-aggresively argue until your former teammates arrived
having to patiently (and professionally) wait for ross to hang up before running into them for a hug
“holy shit, you guys have no idea how bad i’ve wanted to see you. it sucks not being all together anymore”
“i know, y/n. we’ve all missed you.” -cap
“a lot” -nat added
bruce’s little entrance that was sure to bring some awkwardness
you, secretly freaking out about your dad
sam was the one that found you crying after you “stepped out” for a few minutes too long
“oh, y/n,” he was contemplating grabbing someone else to step in, but decided to sit next to you in the hallway, “i’m sorry, kiddo. i can’t promise you anything, but your dad is a fighter. a big pain in the ass. i think your odds are good”
laughing through your tears
“yeah, you’re right. thanks, sammy”
he gave you a little hug while you calmed down
getting to business, the ass-kicking kind
as the wise natasha romanoff once said to your father, you were being “uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal”
your mind did this funny thing...wandered into places it really should not go
the talk about sacrificing vision led to wakanda, where you had a swell time patrolling
“guys! we’ve got incoming. a lot of incoming”
well-deserved uncle/niece team up. who wouldve thought?
you would have nightmares about these aliens for years to come
“you get to die, and you get to die! everybody gets to die!”
“y/n, what did we talk about?” -rhodey
“using humor as a defense mechanism makes the team uncomfortable...”
covering the girls 😌 because we gotta have those all-girl teamups, uh-huh?
some more blasting
thor made his comeback and you just could not miss it
“hi, thor!”
you landed next to him and your helmet receded
“well, hello, miss y/n! good to see you again! my, you got taller...oh! meet my friends: rabbit and tree”
having a “what the actual fuck” moment upon seeing thanos for the first time
and flying at him from behind with a massive nanotech blade ready to kill this purple bastard
but he grabbed your arm and flung you into the dirt, that was gonna leave a mark
“i just had to make a suit when i was ten...no one stopped me, huh? i couldn’t be elon’s kid, he was a nice guy”
watching thanos snap his fingers and looking around to see dust floating through the air and thanos retreat
“rhodey? uncle rhodey?!”
“i’m right here, kid, don’t worry”
he grabbed your hand while you were dusting
“tell my dad i love him, promise?”
fading away and leaving rhodey with your last words
he was mad before anything else
all he could think about was a promise your dad made him take years back
“rhodey, you keep my daughter safe no matter what, promise?”
the avengers recooperating at the compound, waiting to figure out whether any of the space-crew survived
they had to let pepper know that you didn’t make it, she was a mess upon hearing that news
tony finally making his way back to earth
and stumbling out of that ship
“where’s y/n? where is she?!”
“tony, tony, calm down”
“dont tell me to calm down! where is my daughter?!”
“she made me promise to tell you thay she loves you”
tony knew the answer by now, he lost his mind over your death
it didn’t feel right not having you by his side, for the past 18 years you’ve been with him
after a long period of recovery, tony and pepper moved on, got married, built a home, had a new daughter...
tony made sure there was a spare room for you
he put all the things you left behind in it
there were so many photos of you in the house
and he’d show your sister, morgan, all of them. he wanted morgan to know her sister
“that’s y/n when she built her first robot. it snuck up on me a few times. it went ‘boo!’”
morgan loved the stories about you, but she didn’t understand why she couldn’t see you
“when do i get to meet her?”
“uh...maybe someday, sweetie”
after being unbothered for almost 5 years, the remaining avengers came back with a plan that was so tempting, he just wanted his little girl back
cracking under pressure and telling pepper that he couldn’t ignore this mission because it was his chance to get you back
“get her back, tony”
“you think so?”
“i miss her, too.”
and so it began, he made it his mission to get you back
peeking at the wallet picture of you on his shoulders when you were so little
tony travelling to 2012; loki’s invasion
and there you were, the sassy genius 12 year old that he missed so much
“we’ve got this, tony, we’ll bring her home” -scott
and then things went badly and also 2012 tony went into cardiac arrest and 2012 y/n dove onto the floor to tend to him
“dad? give us some room, would you?!”
2023 tony smiling at how much he missed you worrying about him and how reckless he was
but also...the mission kinda went bad so that sucked
push it a bit farther back and now tony was with grandpa stark! asking how to be a dad and all that!
he could barely stand still waiting for you to come back to him, god he missed you more than he thought
and after a bit of hard work, it was time to snap
just like that, you were back in wakanda, puzzled by the gap in time before one of dr. strange’s portals opened in front of you
and then you were in the ruins of the avengers compound
“JOSHUA, can you locate my dad?”
“i think you’ll be able to see him”
“wow, i cant believe i programmed your cocky artificial ass”
“i think you can”
seeing your dad flying high and patching into the comms
“miss me, old man?”
and then he hit the gas to get to you and when this man hugged you, you almost couldn’t let go
“i’m so sorry, y/n. god, i’m sorry. these last five years...i was so lost without you”
“it’s okay, dad, i’m here now”
getting shot at during your reunion
“son of a bitch...we’re having a family moment here, asshole!”
yes, im gonna say it again. of course i am! and.........father/daugher team-up
the last one
“peter, is that you? you asshole! i cant believe you went to space without me!”
“missed you too!”
rhodey!! cant forget about uncle rhodey!!
“you gave my dad the message, right?”
“it was your dying wish, of course i did!”
“great. don’t forget i love you, too, rhodey!”
“couldn’t let me forget it”
lest we forget that pepper joined the fight?
plot twist: (step)mother/daughter team-up
mother/father/daugher team up!!!! ultimate stark machine!!!!!!!
and then you left him alone for 5 minutes and he’s got the infinity stones and you know it’s the last time you’re going to see him and you cant decide what your next move is and you’re just frozen and you cant catch your breath and he snaps and your heart plummets
you have to rush to his side, the last time you can sit beside his tired body and let him know that its going to be okay
“hey dad, it’s okay, we’re gonna be fine. thank you for everything”
peter grabbing your hand as you both sobbed next to your dad, feeling robbed of your time with him
pepper brought you home where she told you all about the five years you missed
both of you just cried harder than you’ve ever cried before
“so i have a sister?”
morgan was so happy to meet you, she couldn’t contain herself, practically latched onto you
and she didn’t fully understand what happened to tony
you saw your new room for the first time and didn’t leave it for a while, occasionally pepper or morgan would pop in
morgan actually crawled into bed with you a few times
the funeral was one of the worst days of your life
the remnants of your young life pulled back together for one day
then you hid back in your room before you heard a knock
“who is it?”
“it’s happy”
“come in”
“hey, kiddo. me and morgan are gonna get some cheeseburgers, you wanna come?”
she really was a stark
after a long hibernation, you started to get back into the groove of your old life
but the press was brutal and harsh, you were bombarded with questions regarding your dad
it took everything not to explode on camera
you stayed in contact with the rest of the avengers, mourning your dead, keeping the support system, staying a family
it was all you could get...for now
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rantingwriter · 3 years
Accidentally in Love (Hawks x Civilian Reader) pt. 5
Trigger Warning: long hospital stay and angst if you squint
“Alright, it’s time to try taking a step,” Mayu states as you stand shakily on your prosthetic. 
“Nope, I think I’m good,” you have been struggling to get your legs moving. You can usually twitch the muscle and shuffle about a millimeter forward, but taking a full step has not been successful as of late. 
“I’m here to catch you, you can do this.” Ryo was helping today, he is rather lanky, but he can lift his patients like it’s nothing. 
“Okay...Okay,” you try to focus and take a step, you manage to lift your leg, but you quickly lose your balance and fall forwards. Ryo catches you and keeps you upright, “sorry…”
“Don’t apologize, that was good. You got a leg up!” Mayu assists to get you standing again. 
“Let’s try again, one more time and we’ll call it a day.” 
You sigh in defeat despite the encouragement. “Fine,” you gear up to try again when a knock on the window startles the three of you. 
You look over to find Hawks with a little sign, ‘you can do it!’ His feathers hold the page up while he does a little cheer with his arms. You smile and shake your head, “Mayu, please stop drooling.” Ryo grumbles as Mayu stares at the goofy hero. 
“I’m not drooling!” She covers her mouth just to be sure. “Let’s, uh, do this and then uh...maybe we could go say hi?”
Ryo rolls his eyes, “yes, I’ll cover for you, but you owe me!” 
“Thank you!!” Mayu jumps up and down clapping, you clear your throat to remind them you are still there. “Right! Sorry, go ahead [y/n],” they get back into position and you try again to take a step. You shakily lift your leg, “halfway there…” you clench the parallel bars tightly as you urge the leg forward. 
Hawks is celebrating outside as Mayu and Ryo cheer, “you did it!!” 
“I did?!” You can’t really believe it as you stare down at your legs. You are still shaking and require the parallel bars to support your weight, but you have indeed taken your literal first step towards walking again. You try to take another, but that is less successful as you stumble into Ryo again. “Welp, guess that was a fluke…”
“No, that was a success,” Mayu rolls your chair forward so you can sit down. 
“You did great, I’m sure you’ll be taking multiple steps in no time.” Ryo adds on, ensuring you are sitting properly. 
You hear another tap on the window, Hawks is pointing up towards the roof. “Let’s go say hi,” Mayu is quick to wheel you towards the exit.
“Thank you!” You call back towards Ryo who waves in acknowledgement. 
You reach the roof and get swept up by the winged Hero in a hug, “that was awesome!” Mayu looks a bit worried, as he hovers just above your wheelchair. You are holding onto him for dear life and hoping no one could see the blush blooming on your cheeks. He carefully lowers you back down to your seat. “I was just passing by when I saw you, I’m glad I stuck around.” He is all smiles, “oh? I don’t think we’ve met.” He just now noticed Mayu standing behind you. 
“Hi, uh, yeah I’m Mayu, I’m her bearcyst, THERAPIST I meant therapist.” She holds her hand out to shake his. 
“Nice to meet you,” you can’t help but notice a slight shift in his demeanor as he shakes her hand.
“Could I get a picture with you?” She pulls her cellphone up, he nods in consent and they take a quick selfie. She squeals with glee, “thank you! It was great to meet you! I’ll see you tomorrow [y/n],” she dashes back into the building, leaving you alone with the pro hero. 
“That happened,” you chuckle as he stretches his arms. “Sorry about that.” 
“I’m used to it,” he waves it off, “I can’t stay long, but I’ll be back after work and I’m going to bring something to celebrate.” 
“You don’t have to do that,” you feel flustered from all the excitement and hype. 
“You kidding? That’s a huge step!” His wings emphasize his excitement as they raise up. 
You scratch the back of your head, eyes trained on a random box garden. “Okay, if you want to.” 
He grins and ruffles your hair, “I’ll see you tonight then.” He takes off and you feel your face burn with a blush. 
“Ugh, stop that me!” You rub your face a moment before wheeling your way back towards your room. When you arrive, you find Fumiko waiting for you with some lunch. “Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting.” 
She waves it off and smiles, “I just got here, how was PT?” You tell her about your day as you start eating and she lights up in excitement. “That is so great! Won’t be long and you’ll be able to walk out of here!” 
Your face falls for a moment, you hadn’t thought about what you are going to do after your time here is done. “Yeah...I can’t wait.” 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I’ve been here so long I honestly hadn’t thought about what to do next…” She leans against her hand, thinking as you nibble on a carrot. “I don’t have a job and my landlord has informed me he needs me to start paying rent again, starting next month, or get my stuff out.” The landlord was nice enough to halt your rent payments until you were discharged from the hospital, but he failed to mention he was only doing that for 3 months. 
“You know you could always come stay with me for a bit, my wife won’t mind. Rika and I could go get your stuff too and hold onto it until you are discharged and find a new place.” 
“Thanks, but I wouldn’t want to be a burden…” 
“[Y/n], you are my friend and I love you and if you call yourself a burden again I’m going to hug the stuffing out of you.” She squeezes your shoulder reassuringly as you chuckle. Her watch suddenly beeps, “I gotta get back to work, let me know if you need anything. Okay?” 
“Thanks Fumi,” you hug her before she leaves and relax on your bed to rest up. It took a lot of energy to make that step today and you are ready for a nap. You drift off for a long time, a loud thump against your window startling you awake. “What year is it?!” You look around, your gaze drawn to the figure writhing in pain hovering by the window. You call a nurse in to open up the window and let your friend in. Once he has landed you let the laugh you were holding slip out, “did you run into the window?” 
“Maybe…” he is hiding the embarrassment with his jacket collar. “Not important, I’ve brought coffee and [your favorite dessert].” 
“Oh my God, you remembered?!” He sets the dessert on the table and hands you a fresh can of WAX coffee. 
“How could I forget? You were craving it hard a couple weeks back.” He pops the lid off the dessert and he waits for you to take the first bite. You are so happy, flowers and sparkles float around you as you savor the bite. “Wow, I need to bring you this more often.” He tries a bite, it is a satisfying flavor. “How was the rest of your day?”
“Well, I slept for most of it, but I was reminded I need a game plan for after my stay here.” You sigh, reminding the young man of something. 
“Oh! I forgot to tell you earlier, I showed Best Jeanist that rainbow bird cloth you made and he wanted to know if you would work with denim.” 
“Yeah, I can work with any size thread,” you tilt your head, curious where he was going with this.
“He has his own clothing line and he is always looking for ways to improve. The quality of the cloth you made impressed him.” You perk up as you realize what he is implying. “He wants to interview you when you get discharged, but it sounds like he already wants you on the team.” 
“You serious?!” 
“I’m dead serious.” 
You aren’t sure what to do, your hands flailing a little, “oh my- I could kiss you, thank you so much!!” 
His feathers puff up a little and he has to stop himself from saying something stupid, “no problem, happy to help.” The two of you finish off the dessert and drink your coffee as you talk about his day and just enjoy each other's company. He gets a thought and checks the weather outside. “Hey, want to try flying?” 
“Pardon? I am missing a very key ability to do that.” 
“No, I know, I’ve got you covered on that.” He flutters his wings, “I just wanted to show you something that you can only see tonight.” 
“Uh...sure! I just need to let the nurses know.” You hit the call button, a nurse poking his head in to see what’s wrong. You ask them if you can go out for a bit and he looks a little conflicted until Hawks reassures him you would be completely safe with him. The nurse makes a note that you would be going out for any other nurses that might be checking in on you.
Hawks opens up your window and picks you up bridal style. “Ready?” He waits for you to give him the okay and he takes off into the night. You hug his neck and screw your eyes shut as he soars to the surprise destination. “Alright, we are here.” You open your eyes and find he took you to the top of a tower overlooking a festival. 
“Wow! We are really high up,” you feel a bit shaken as he sets you down on the platform. 
“Best seat in the house for what’s to come.” He sits down next to you, one wing curling around you to block the wind. 
“I’ve never seen the city like this before,” you are already mesmerized by the lights of the city. 
Hawks is mesmerized by something else, he removes one of his gloves and takes your hand in his. His fingers intertwined with yours, his thumb sweeping across the side of your thumb. You feel your heart rate spike up at the contact. Before you can say anything, a loud pop draws your attention to the inky black sky. A firework briefly lights up the darkness and dazzles anyone who sees it. “Wow,” you are breathless as you take in the glorious display. 
“I knew you would like it,” he squeezes your hand gently as you both enjoy the bright and colorful display. You test the waters and lean your head against his shoulder, much to your surprise he leans his head against yours. It’s comforting, the show lasts for around 15 minutes and it’s over all too soon. 
“Thanks for bringing me out here,” you speak softly, scared to ruin the moment. 
“Anytime,” you can hear the smile, “ready to head back?” 
“Not really…” a blast of wind sends a chill down your spine. “Yes…”
He chuckles and moves to pick you up, “hold on tight.” He jumps off the platform and glides languidly back towards the hospital.
“Will you still come see me...even after I leave the hospital?” 
“Of course,” he answers without hesitation, swiftly quelling the fear you didn’t realize you had. You couldn’t deny the feelings that have been growing stronger each time you see him. You didn’t want to say anything and risk ruining what you have, but you were starting to wonder if the feeling might be mutual. 
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pinktwingirl · 3 years
The New Recruit: Oneshot
Hey guys! I got a request from @oh-its-jennyyy for this Squirrel Girl oneshot that takes place during Civil War, so here ya go! Hope you like it!
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              Bucky and Sam were confused.
              Steve had insisted on going to Manhattan, even though he knew it would blow his cover. Now that word had gotten out that Bucky had allegedly bombed the U.N. (even though Steve knew that was false), and Steve had helped him escape, the whole world seemed to be on a manhunt for the trio.
              “You want to go into Manhattan? The center of New York City?” Sam had asked. “That’s not really keeping a low profile…”
              “Trust me; this’ll be worth our while,” was all Steve said in response.
              Now, the group found themselves outside a small apartment building as cars sped down the street behind them. Even though Bucky had his face mostly covered – sunglasses, a large hat, the works – he still felt a rush of anxiety every time someone passed him on the street.
              “Steve, what are we doing here?” he asked.
              “You’ll see.”
              The group made their way up the stairs, until they stopped at a door on the third floor. Steve knocked, and they heard a soft meow from inside the door.
              “Coming!” a young woman called from inside. “Mew, get out of there!”
              Bucky and Sam were surprised to see the girl that greeted them when the door opened. She was small – couldn’t have been any more than 5’ 3’’ – and had mousy red hair tied together in a simple braid. To their confusion, the girl looked just as surprised to see them.
              “I didn’t think you’d be coming here in person…” she said.
              “I didn’t want to discuss details over the phone,” Steve responded.
              “You need to get in here, now.” The girl ushered the men into the tiny living room, where she had them sit down on the couch. “You’re lucky my roommate’s not home.”
              “You didn’t say you had a roommate,” Steve protested.
              “I’m a college student! What did you expect?” Doreen turned to Bucky and Sam. “I was wondering when I’d be meeting you guys. My name’s Doreen Green.” She paused and dropped the sweatshirt that was wrapped around her waist to the floor. “Guess I won’t be needing this anymore…”
              If Sam hadn’t joined a team of Asgardian space gods and an 8-foot-tall green rage machine, he might’ve been surprised by the revelation that the girl had a tail attached to her. Instead, he just found himself with more questions.
              “So…” he got out. “Are we allowed to ask what’s going on now, or…?”
              “This girl is a mutant,” Steve explained. “She has altered DNA. She’s half-squirrel.”
              “48.2% squirrel, to be precise,” Doreen corrected.
              “She’s been fighting crime in New York under the alias ‘Squirrel Girl,’” Steve continued. “I want to recruit her to our team.”
              “’Squirrel Girl’?” Bucky said. A part of him wanted to laugh, but he stopped himself out of fear of offending the girl.
              “Are you sure this is a good idea, Steve?” Sam asked. He turned to Doreen. “This isn’t just some training exercise; we’re going up against the rest of the Avengers. This could get ugly. Not to mention the legal consequences of the whole thing.”
              “I’ve been keeping my identity a secret, so I’m not too worried about the law,” Doreen explained. “Even if I do get caught, they’ll be going after Squirrel Girl, not Doreen Green.”
              “She’s capable; trust me,” Steve assured them. “I’ve seen her in action once before. She’s never failed a job, never gotten any bystanders hurt. She can do this.”
              “Steve told me about the whole situation with you, Bucky,” Doreen added. “I don’t believe you’re the person everyone says you are. And… I know that the Sokovia Accords are wrong. It’s not fair that you all have to be put under surveillance all the time just because you have abilities.” She let out a bit of a weak laugh. “Trust me, I know… I want to help you. Just tell me what I have to do.”
                The jet ride to Germany couldn’t have been more exhausting. Doreen had virtually spent the entire 8 hours enthusing about different types of squirrels (particularly the rare Japanese flying squirrel.) Normally, Bucky might’ve found her enthusiasm and chipper attitude endearing, but given the circumstances, he only found it irritating. He and Sam had taken the time to watch some surveillance footage of her in action, and while she was certainly an impressive fighter, what they saw wasn’t enough to convince them that she was right for the job.
              “Are you sure about this, Steve?” Bucky had asked. “This girl is going to get herself killed.”
              “Trust me on this, Buck,” Steve replied. “I know what I’m doing.”
              In Germany, the group met up with the other Avengers Steve had called for help – Scott, Wanda, and Clint. While Scott tried not to fanboy over meeting the Captain America, Wanda was surprised at the firm, eager handshake she received from Doreen.
              “Ooh! You’re Wanda Maximoff!” Doreen squealed. “I saw you using your powers and stuff on TV! They’re so cool! I’ve always wanted to see them in person!” She gently cupped her pet squirrel, Tippy-Toe in her hands. “Could you levitate Tippy-Toe? I mean… You know… If it’s alright with you?”
              “Oh… sure,” Wanda said, a bit embarrassed by the praise. After Lagos, it was jarring to hear someone talk about her powers like they weren’t a public menace.
              With a red haze, the squirrel began to rise until she was floating in the air. Tippy-Toe let out a few surprised squeaks before growing more comfortable with the idea, stretch out her paws as if she really were flying. Doreen and Wanda laughed as Wanda moved the squirrel around in circles.
              Doreen giggled. “Now you really are a flying squirrel, Tippy!”
              Wanda gently set the squirrel back down in her hands.
              “That was amazing!” Doreen exclaimed. “How did you learn to, you know, control it and stuff?”
              “It… took a lot of practice. Sometimes, I’m still not sure I even can control it fully.” Wanda paused, looking almost timid. “So… you really do like my powers? I mean… you don’t think they’re… dangerous, or… strange?”
              “No way! You wanna talk “strange”? Look at me! I’ve got a squirrel’s tail growing out of my ass! You shouldn’t have to feel ashamed of what you can do! It’s what makes you unique! There’s nobody else like you in the world!”
              Wanda smiled. She could tell she was going to like this girl.
                Doreen hadn’t realized how nervous she was until the airport battle had begun. All that time spent admiring the Avengers on TV, wishing she could one day join them… and here she was, facing off with half of them.
              Iron Man had flown over one of the towers, when she used her enhanced muscle strength to pounce on him, along with several of her squirrels, who were busy taking apart his armor.
              “What the…?!” Tony sputtered.
              “Sorry about this!” Doreen shouted. “Just wanted you to know I’m still a big fan even though you’re being kind of a jerk right now!”
              Bucky and Sam were having their own problems. Much to their dismay (and utter bafflement), the kid Tony brought along was actually holding his own in the fight and could even shoot spiderwebs out of his hand. Bucky didn’t know whether to be impressed or embarrassed at the fact that this boy, who couldn’t have been more than 15, was able to block his metal arm in a punch.
              “Whoa! You have a metal arm?” the kid enthused. “Dude, that is awesome!”
              Sam was growing more irritated by the second. This kid was getting on his nerves, and he just wanted him to shut up. And you know what? If that meant beating up a 14-year-old, then so be it.
              He tried firing redwing off to haul the kid away, but he just used his spiderwebs to take it down.
              “Okay…” Sam grumbled. “We’re running out of options, here.”
              Just then, Doreen appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Much to their amazement, she jumped a whole 20 feet off the ground to tackle the kid to the ground.
              “Sorry about this!” she shouted. “I don’t wanna hurt you, but I kinda need you to stop now!”
              With a clench of her hand, spikes of bone shot out of her knuckles. Working fast, she used the blades to cut away the kid’s web-shooters.
              “Aw, man!” he shouted.
              Doreen whistled, and a crowd of about 100 squirrels dragged the kid away.
              “Hey, I’m sure you can always make more!” she said. “And in the future, remember not to mess with your friendly neighborhood Squirrel Girl!”
              “Friendly neighborhood?! Hey! That’s my line!”
              Bucky and Sam exchanged a smile. Maybe they had underestimated this girl after all.
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i saw that you play genshin impact, so i’m kind of curious... what’d be the axis and allies’ vision and weapons?
Uh oh...now you got me started. Be warned, it’s a long one cause I have no self control
Some key terms for those who don’t play genshin impact and want to be included!!
Cryo -> ice, Hydro -> water, Dendro -> nature, Geo -> rock, Pyro -> fire, Electro -> lightning
Hilichurls: a common enemy found in the wild. Despite looking like hairy trolls, they have a district language as well as texts, art and song that they share together making them an advanced species!
Ruin guards: another enemy. Giant, scary robot...they scare me...
Knights of Favonious: an organization of knights within Mondstat that keep order and peace :) very nice guys and gals over there!!
Mondstat: modeled after Germany
Liyue: modeled after China
Alfred: pyro, claymore, Springvale Mondstat
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Alfred would be a super heavy hitter in battle but his drawbacks are that despite his energetic nature, he’s slower because of the weight of his weapon
He blows stuff up a lot and sets all of the grass around you on fire so if you fight with him...His teammates will take damage from him Jeez Louise!!!
Since we don’t have all of the nations of Teyvay unlocked, I don’t know where he’d be from! I’d have to explore to get a sense for it so for characters that don’t have a place on the map yet, I’ll mark them with an asterisk from now on! :)
Idk where he lives but I do know that he’d be a devoted member of the adventurers guild! He’s always willing to offer a helping hand to anyone in need! Wether it be helping Granny Ann make hash browns or taking comissions to go kill a huge ruin guard who’s terrorizing the town!! He’s always leaping into new jobs! He isn’t even in it for the money or rewards! He just loves helping out!
Arthur: Dendro, archer, Mondstat
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Artie is a beast in battle! Shooting vine Aries at enemies to tie them up or temporarily blind them??? Sick as fuck. Keep in mind, Genshin doesn’t have any Dendro characters that are playable yet so idk how they’d fight but I think I can guess :)
Artie is technically part of the knights of favonious because he works in their library. He translates books written in ancient texts into the standard language so historians and others can read what the old civilizations had to say
Instead of having normal eyes, they’re slit like snake eyes. And he has leaves instead of hair :)
He has a little seelie that floats around at his side. He talks to it but it doesn’t really do anything but provide company to a lonely guy :’) he needs more friends
Matthew: Anemo, catalyst, *
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It’s always good to have a catalyst on your team! Ningguang is a great example of an underestimated catalyst cause she can do INSANE damage man!! So I think Mattie would be the same way
Matt isn’t violent and doesn’t enjoy fighting so his in-game voice lines would say that lol
Mattie is an alchemist! Well...A student alchemist. He didn’t take up an interest in alchemy until like, 3 years ago so he’s got a lot to catch up on still! He’s doing his best!
He gets very annoyed with Alfred since Mattie is detail oriented and gentle...Alfred is not any of those things. But he still loves his brother and on rare occasions, he’ll assist him with his commissions
Ivan: Cryo, catalyst, Liyue(temporary)
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Ivan would be a support character for sure but he’d do a damn good job of doing it
He’s buff but he doesn’t do hand to hand combat, he’s mastered magic for a reason
Ivan spends most of his time studying hilichurls. He writes books about them, translates their texts and acts as a peace keeper when he can. He gets information from them about the Abyss Order in return for free reign of small portions of protected land where they can live without fear of being killed
Because he’s from Schneznya(spelling?) he’s kinda expected to be a bad guy but he left a long time ago. But he still sounds like he’s from there and...He’s super pale too so there really is no mistaking where he’s from
Ivan can’t stand how ignorant humans are towards hilichurls so he does everything he can to advocate for them. He’s covered in scars from when he first started engaging with the beasts. A huge scar runs down his face but he doesn’t mind it
He’s got big, sharp teeth!! So he doesn’t often smile cause he thinks he looks weird
Francis: Hyrdo, long sword, *
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Fran is underestimated when it comes to combat (like Kaeya...I see you slandering this man) but he has so much potential!
Since he’s a hydro, he is so useful for elemental reactions! If he’s paired with a cryo or pyro user, he’d totally boost them!!
Fran is a traveling entertainer, he goes between the 7 nations as a singer and actor for small stage plays. He has a crew of friends who travel with him, they’re one jolly bunch!
He always acts all nonchalant and stuff but once he’s in a battle, he’s wild. Especially if the abyss order holds up his crew on their way to their next tour destination “We need to be in Liyue Harbor in four hours you are NOT holding us back!” *tidal wave*
He’s a regular tavern hopper! A very recognizable face since he’s been banned from a handful for getting too rowdy
He can make not one, but 2 special dishes :0
Yao: Dendro, polearm, Liyue
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I just imagine him as a shorter, richer and cooler version of Zhongli
He’d do that kick move that Zhongli does with his polearm oh man that looks SICK dude!!!
Yao would shoot vines out and they’d strangle enemies for a few seconds before disintegrating but if he’s leveled up enough, they’ll totally strangle those stupid hillichurls lol
Yao sells rare gems and other miscellaneous items for very high prices in Liyue where he grew up. His shop is upstairs by the Fatui bank. Rich people enjoy looking at what his shop has to fifer and will argue prices with him. They’re getting scammed for sure. He’ll list a set of cor lapis earrings as $50,000 and the rich will be like ‘I’ll pay $25,000, no more than that’ and he’ll take it!!....Cause thise earrings are worth $5000 at most >:)
Hes close with a lot of the higher ups in Liyue and is often invited to fancy lunches or dinners where they discuss policy, contracts and vendor permits. He doesn’t really get a say in any of that but he benefits from listening
Kiku: Electro, claymore, *
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Kiku would be SUCH an awesome electo user are you KIDDING me??? I can see it now, him swinging that huge sword around, purple lightning bolts flying all around and he looks like a total badass? Amazing vibes
When paired with cryos???? He’d do an insane amount of damage fr
Kiku runs a small restaurant where he...runs the place...but doesn’t cook. His restaurant is extremely exclusive and people often throw fits when they can’t get in cause the wait list is over 5 years long. He’ll rest his hand on their shoulder and smile ‘is something wrong? I’d love to take a complaint if you have one’...No one has even dared to complain to his face lol
Behind the restaurant front he deals with the Fatui, buying and selling minerals or artifacts. That’s where his knowledge is at, not with food. He pays his staff to ignore what goes on behind the scenes and the locals are too busy enjoying the restaurant to question what goes on after dark
Gilbert: Pyro, long sword, Mondstat
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Gil would be one of the free characters given to you at the beginning of the game but hey, I’m not complaining
He’s highly destructive and very chaotic in battle, he can do that spin move even though that’s meant for claymore users
He’s Mondstat’s biggest trouble maker. He runs an underground gambling room that sits underneath a tavern. He isn’t really into gambling but he makes a lot of money by running it
The only knight who knows is Ludwig which is not good cause...Gil pretty much bribes his brother into not telling the knights of favonious (peace keepers of Mondstat)
Gil never got his gliding certificate cause he kept flying into buildings. He broke his nose doing that lol
Lovino: Pyro, catalyst, *
I can’t add anymore images so imagine a floating, red and black orb. Lovi doesn’t get a book catalyst cause he doesn’t read :) That’s the catalyst thing I’m talking about 😅😅
My guy has the angriest in game voice lines, he’s inconvenienced by every battle, every enemy is ugly and a fuckin disaster. He’s just. Angry.
He’d be a super weak character if he needed to rely on hand to hand combat but he learned magic for a reason babey
He owns a flower stand in his country and makes all kinds of beautiful flower arrangements. He even picks his own flowers in the fields when he can (but usually pays the town’s children to do it for him to ‘teach them the value of hard work’).
Everyone knows he’s a total hothead and will piss him off on purpose just cause it’s funny lmao. But then somehow...Their hair or clothes will just...catch on fire. So is it really worth it to tease him? :/
Feliciano: Hydro, archer, Mondstat(temporary)
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I feel like Feli would also be a free character, not cause he isn’t good or anything! But you always need an archer on your team!
Feli has healing properties for his team and doesn’t do an insane amount of damage but when given the right resources, he’d be a pretty sick healer
He moved to Mondstat to join the church there. He leads prayers in front of the church and sings in the choir inside.
He is the sweetest and has never committed a crime in his LIFE but he’s afraid of the knights lol he’s terrified that he’ll get in trouble and be kicked out of Mondstat forever! That would never happen but he’s a worry wart cause of his brother
Ludwig: Geo, long sword, Mondstat
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Lud is the only one that I could really think of as a Geo but Geos are awesome :)
He’s a hard hitter but has like...No shield so he’ll take damage fast if you don’t give him those artifacts with shield in them or whatever lol uhhhh I wouldn’t know anything about that cause I suck at building my teams ;-;
He’d totally be in with the knights of favonious! (I think that’s spelled right lol) but he’d take his duty as a knight very seriously!! He’s a familiar face around Mondstat, the elderly absolutely adore him and the local teenage girls swoon over him which he finds super embarrassing lol
He has to work hard to keep Gilbert in check cause even though Gil isn’t a knight, his actions reflect negatively back on Lud very often... :(
Please ignore the spelling errors and terrible photo cropping on my part lol this was so fun!!
By the time you’re seeing this, ive already made full outfit red sheets for everyone mentioned above!!!! :D
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The new key visual looks awesome!! Finally getting more Final Season artwork is so satisfying and this is pretty great! The marley arc is probably my favorite in the manga and getting even more promotional art for it is really cool : D Since we’re still 3 months from the airdate I hope we’ll get another Warrior-centric one, with the new and old crew, but rn, especially with manga context, I love this, and I need to ramble about it.
First of all, Mikasa!!! Mikasa front and center!!! lets gooooo ahh I’m so happy about this! I don’t think she’s ever been this focused on in any of the promotional key visuals and it’s been about time! She looks gorgeous and absolutely ruthless, I’m here for it. It’s also relieving to see that the scarf did in fact stay red which wasn’t totally certain in the pv. I also think it’s interesting that both that shot of her in the pv, as well as her in this visual both kind of highlight her more badass/ruthless side--I’m all here for it cause like, look at her!!! But she also spends a good amount of time in marley being sad and distressed which I hope they’ll do justice to. Either way, she looks amazing and I can’t wait to see her finally in motion.
Levi I’m a little less sure on--his face looks a little odd? Maybe it’s the nose? I’m not really sure. To be fair, his design has probably been the least consistent across the whole anime, and he’s certainly looked worse! But yeah, I’m not 100% sold on his look yet. Also just as it was in the first key visual, his cape is green? Even tho its specifically dyed black in the manga? I’m sure why and I’m kinda sad about that cause I would’ve loved to see that all black look on him, it’s an odd change.
Connie, Jean and Sasha all look good to me (I’m glad we’re getting Sasha artwork before, you know), but Armin gets pushed to the side pretty hard kind of? Given his rather small role this arc, I think it makes sense, tho hopefully key visuals for the later arcs will improve on that. Also sidenote, his pose reminded me a lot of Jean in the S2 Group visual lol
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Hange being a bit smaller, but also being centered and depicted as the leader fits well here, especially with her being closest to the airship since she never leaves it. It reminds me of Erwin in a few other posters, kind of continuing the commander position, in a way
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That’s some solid continuity!!! (also, Hange :/)
One thing I also dig about this visual is the look of certain textures, specifically metallic objects, like the blades, thunderspears, even the airship. 
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It has this like..shiny glow? I can’t really express what I mean with it, but all these objects feel very tangible, very three dimensional, which is cool!
Unfortunately I don’t really feel the same way about all the textures present in this visual. See, non metallic textures, like clothing, skin, and the characters outlines in general have this kind of rough, or gritty look to them. The lines are clear and straight like they used to be, but it’s a little messier? The first key visual did the same thing, let me show you.
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Compare it to something like this, where (even tho the resolution is a bit botched on tumblr) everything looks much smoother, cleaner, softer. Maybe it’s because I’m so used to Kyoji Asano’s style of drawing these key visuals for 6 years, but I think I prefer it over the approach of Tomohiro Kishi’s style. But this only is the start of seeing new artwork, maybe I’ll get used to it. It’s a bit odd as Wit’s animation style in the show was known for generally having thicker lines, and even tho they cut back on that in later seasons, it’s still not as thin as in the final season pv, yet its artwork has lines that feel thicker. It’s an odd back and forth.
My honestly biggest gripe with this key visual is it’s actual get up--having characters kind of float around in nothingness isn’t something I really love. I much prefer most of the older group visuals (like the recap movies or the S2 one) where characters at least seemed to stand on surfaces and physical space, and those who weren’t were either shown to be mid air, or obscured enough so you couldn’t see them stand in nothing. As a result, this reminds me a lot of the 3rd S3 visual
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I wasn’t a huge fan of that one as it just reused and rearranged the Vol13 poses without really any effort. Like it just plants everyone there and I don’t think the result is really all that impressive. This one does this a lot better, as it has a bit more synergy going for it, there’s a bit of motion (the soldiers flying next to the ship looking like speedlines is a cool touch), and it just looks more interesting in my opinion. I also think it does the manga-ripoff better, as it clearly is meant to resemble vol 26 with the airship and the squad, but it doesnt just reuse the poses--they’re new here, and the overall positioning of everyone reminds me more of the Vol 25 alt cover, or the new 32 one. It feels true to the spirit of the manga without outright copying! I still don’t like the mid air floating, but other than that it’s a solid grouping!
One additional neat thing is that the new gear is drawn with so much detail! Just as in the PV. Which is awesome! Sometimes its a bit though to get a good look at all the specifics in the manga, but here it’s just---exciting. I never even realized that Mikasa has to swap to an entirely different set of 3DMG handle/trigger/grapple that’s attached to her gear as well--everyone else has only one set for either the gun+thunderspear combo or the swords, but Mikasa has both sets on her since she does switch to swords on 103. And its just fucking crazy just how much gear this girl has on her lmao (did you know a single thunder spear weighs 5kg? thats 20 on each hand! plus all the heavy gear that comes with it! she is too strong lmao)
Ultimately, I like this visual a lot. It’s not perfect and some things are gonna take a while to get used to, but overall, I’m so excited to see everyone’s different looks highlighted as the season goes on. And getting so much Marley arc promo atm is very much appreciated! Hopefully we get another one focused on the warriors soon, and, man, even tho it’s a spoiler, I would kill for one visual dedicated to Marley Eren specifically...like...please. 
Bring on the Final Season!!
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riotwritesthings · 4 years
The Curious Witch and the Cursed Wolf
Chapter 3: A Name and A Feeling | AO3
Art by the wonderful and adorable @gayspacesprinkles​
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Title: The Curious Witch and the Cursed Wolf (Chapter 3) Collaborator(s): Riot @buckybarnesbingo​ Square Filled: B4, warm and fuzzy feelings @starkbucksbingo​ Square Filled: N4, “Why aren’t you afraid of me?” Ship/Main Pairing: WinterIron Rating: T Major Tags/Warnings: fantasy AU, witch!Tony, wolf!Bucky, fairytale vibes, Non-graphic injury Summary: Once upon a time there was a man, and a wolf. They both went into the forest looking for different things, and instead they found each other. Word Count: 1,697
Once upon a time there was a man, soaring through the air, weaving through the trees, laughing, lighter than he’d ever felt in more ways than one.
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“I’m doing it, I’m flying! Look look!”
Tony, the wolf says in his strange voice, like a whisper in the back of Tony’s mind, like it’s being spoken warm and low directly in his ear.
“Are you looking?!” Tony demands as he circles the clearing, picking up speed.
Don’t fly into a tree, the wolf tells him, but Tony is too busy crashing into a tree and hitting the ground to respond.
“Owww,” he whines and then squeaks when the wolf’s cold nose presses to the back of his neck.
Conjuring a broom for himself hadn’t been hard, once he’d simply told himself that he could, and getting it off the ground hadn’t been hard either. Just like the stories.
It turned out that steering was the hard part.
At least he’d thought to conjure himself up some new clothes too, hadn't scraped himself up too badly on the tree bark.
“You can, but we’re in a forest, I was going to say,” the ball of light says with a huff, and Tony just laughs.
He has magic. He can do so many things, now. He'll be able to make things so much better.
"That was awesome!" Tony says gleefully as he pushes himself upright again, laughing and pushing the wolf away when he continues sniffing at Tony with obvious concern.
"Oh no, you're an idiot," the ball of light says, with a sighing sound like a soft breeze. "And you're probably going to die."
Tony is going to protest, because he's not, he's just excited, but the wolf beats him to it with a low growl.
He was doin' okay right up 'til the end, the wolf says.
The ball of light screams, flashing brighter for a second.
"Y-you can talk?" She demands in a squeaking voice, bobbing up higher into the air.
"He's been talking the whole time," Tony says, wrinkling his nose in confusion.
Only to you, says the wolf, and Tony can see the amusement beneath the stormy blue of his eyes.
"He can talk," the light says again.
"Is that not normal?" Tony asks, still more confused than anything. "I mean, I'm a witch, apparently."
"No," the ball of light says with feeling as she floats hesitantly closer.
You're a talkin' firefly, the wolf points out, baring his fangs and then snapping them when the light floats a little too close.
"He's not wrong," Tony says helpfully. The wolf lets out another soft huff of breath, his tail thumping once against the ground, and Tony smiles.
“I’m not a firefly,” the light protests, wings shaking with agitation. “My name is Pepper.”
“Hi,” Tony says. “I’m Tony, and this is a wolf.”
The wolf makes a sound that Tony is pretty sure is a laugh, tail thumping against the ground as Pepper makes an annoyed sound.
“Are you—" she trails off, circling the wolf, and Tony steps closer because he doesn't care if the wolf isn't 'normal.'
Tony isn't normal, never has been, and maybe all he knows is that the wolf has been through more than enough but that's plenty. So Pepper dips down towards the wolf again Tony bats at her with a glare.
"He's under a curse,” she says, floating up above their heads again. "A strong one."
"Oh," Tony says, even though it really shouldn't be a surprise at this point. “Do you know—“
”Look, I'm a messenger, I’m not here to answer a million questions," Pepper says, sounding huffy. “I have more messages to deliver, and I'm late because I had to chase you down for so long."
"Wait—" Tony says, because he does have a million more questions, but she’s already floating away, still grumbling to herself.
Tony watches her go, the wolf still seated huge and solid and wild beside him. When Tony looks over at him the wolf lets his tongue loll out in an expression that Tony is pretty sure is a smile.
"So, cursed huh?" Tony asks, and the wolf tips its head to the side for a moment before nodding slowly. “Do, um... do you have a name?”
Don’t know, says the wolf, ears drooping a little.
Tony can’t let that stand, has to do something.
“Well you need a name,” he declares. “So we’ll just have to give you one. What do you want it to be?”
The wolf shifts, still a little unsteady on three legs, and droops a little further.
“Well, you probably don’t want me picking out a name for you,” Tony says with a sheepish grin. “You’ll end up with something like Buttercup.”
The wolf lets out a sharp huff of breath.
Bucky, he finally says. I think... it used to be Bucky.
“That’s a terrible name,” Tony says gleefully, “I love it. I’m going to call you Buckaroo, and Bucky-bear, and—“
Don’t, Bucky says with a flash of his teeth.
Tony just laughs. Bucky leans over and nudges his huge head into Tony’s chest, knocking him over in the dirt again.
He pushes himself upright and Bucky is smiling at him again, eyes bright. He continues watching Tony, like he’s waiting for something, head cocked slightly to the side.
“It probably won’t be long until you’re walking as good as new,” Tony says slowly, because he doesn’t want to say goodbye. “I guess, you probably have somewhere you need to be—“
Bucky whines again, such a deep and sorrowful sound, drops his chin down to rest on his front paw and stares up at Tony with big sad eyes.
“Or!” Tony says quickly, heart jumping. “Or, you, if you wanted to come with me...”
Bucky’s tail wags aggressively, and Tony smiles. The stone in his chest glows bright enough to shine through his shirt, like it’s connected directly to the warmth spreading through his heart.
“I’ll get better at flying,” Tony says quickly, “So I won’t hold you back, your stride has to be huge—“
No flyin’ in the trees, Bucky interrupts, and then huffs when Tony pouts.
Bucky pushes himself to his feet, gives himself a great shake like he’s shaking off water, and Tony watches in awe as half of his size melts away. Until Bucky’s head is barely even with his shoulder, much smaller but no less fearsome.
Ready, Bucky says, smiling again, white fangs no less intimidating now that they’re smaller.
Tony smiles back, collects all his things, and they go.
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They walk deeper into the forest, and Tony tells stories of all the things he’s seen so far, all the people he’s met and the ideas he’s had, all the new ideas that he has now.
There are so many inventions he can build now that he can summon the parts he needs. So many people he can help back in his old village, that he can heal, and maybe they’ll actually listen to him this time. Maybe they’ll let him help.
Bucky listens, asks questions, lets Tony grab onto him for balance when he gets distracted talking with his hands and tips over a tree root.
Bucky says that he doesn’t remember much, only running, being hunted. Tony doesn’t ask any questions.
As the trees grow even taller around them though Bucky slowly says that sometimes, he remembers more. What it was like to have a home, a life, but it’s faded, barely more than a dream now.
Tony doesn’t know what to say so he reaches out instead, runs his fingers through Bucky’s thick fur a couple times. Bucky’s steps lighten, ears and tail perking up again, and Tony smiles.
It’s nice, not to be alone.
Night falls early, this deep in the forest. The thick leaves blot out all light from the stars, and the darkness is deep and cool around them.
"Do you think I can manage an all-night magical fire to keep us warm?" Tony asks once they find a place to spend the night, safe between an outcropping of rock and the roots of an ancient oak tree. "Or should I just magic us up some blankets?"
He does want to try the fire, but he also wants to not burn them both to a crisp overnight.
Blankets, Bucky scoffs and gives him a look that Tony quickly figured out is his version of a teasing grin, stops sniffing at the ground to push himself to his feet and then stretches, stretches, stretches himself out huge again. Until he once again stands taller than Tony's head, huge and fearsome.
Then he drops down to the ground again, makes himself comfortable and gives Tony an expectant look. He huffs in fake annoyance when Tony flops out on top of him, but Tony isn’t buying it.
Tony wiggles and shifts until he can prop his crossed arms and chin on top of Bucky’s massive head, grinning down at him. Snuggling into Bucky thick fur and soaking up all his warmth.
Why aren’t you afraid of me? Bucky asks, his usually quiet voice even softer.
"Why would I be?" Tony asks, frowning a little.
All he's seen of Bucky so far has been pain, and fear, a hesitant reaching out and a warm soul beneath it all. The way he'd jumped in front of Tony when Pepper first showed up.
Nothing that Tony should be scared of.
He pushes his fingers into Bucky's fur, scratches behind his ear, and smiles again when Bucky's eyes fall closed.
"Why aren't you afraid of me?" Tony has to know, because he'd seen the way Bucky had gone tense at the word witch. He'd seen the wound that took Bucky's leg, seared and torn as if by some incredible force and heat. Something unnatural and terrible.
He'd really expected Bucky to leave.
You're... different, Bucky says slowly, so warm. Safe. Good.
Tony presses his smile into Bucky's fur, cheeks warm.
"Well, since neither of us have anything to be afraid of, maybe we should stick together,” Tony says. "You know, for safety."
For safety, Bucky agrees, and presses his head up harder into Tony's hand.
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