#and again I think THA is fine and I am not the only one who can have a tma au
cloud-craft · 2 years
Confession about me: I have never read the Hermit Archives nor do I intend to because I disagree with many of the entity assignments and I’m too autism about the entities to let it be
Anyways please ask me about my correct (/j) entity assignments for the hermits
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
Can't guess
Part 1
Lucifer: What do you mean, you can't tell who's the father!
Solomon: Normally, we can do a Paternity test to know who's the father.
Solomon: So I took MC to the human world-
Diavolo: Without my permission I may add.
Solomon: 😊
Solomon: So we got to the clinic and... Let's just say this pregnancy is too dangerous for the human's mind.
Satan: So that counts you out, since this baby is supernatural-
Solomon: Oh? I'm as powerful then any of you. Just because the child cause the doctors and nurses to go insane that does mean I'm out of the count of the potental father of this child.
Belphie: Of course, being here you're causing us to go insane.
Simeon: Wait, are the humans alright?
Solomon: They're fine. *He was lying*
Diavolo: ...
Solomon: Now back to the pregnancy.
Solomon: We can only make a guess on who's the father by MC's change of behavior.
Solomon: In the past, the mother display aggressive behavior when they were carrying a demon spawn.
Solomon: From what I gathered, they didn't know who was the father of those spawns, so we don't know if the mothers would display the behavior of the demon father or its a common symptom of Aggression.
Lucifer: How long would the pregnancy take?
Solomon: ... About 12 months.
Mammon: What!!!
Solomon: Or 6 months. Again there isn't actually a solid pattern of these demon to human pregnancy.
Simeon: What about an Angel Pregnancy?
Solomon: Don't know, no one gets to record them since "Someone" Keep interfering.
Simeon: What's the suppose to mean, friend?
Solomon: You know exactly what I mean, Simeon.
Simeon and Solomon glare at each other.
Barbatos: Oh my.
Lucifer: can you two stop being petty- What's with the grin Diavolo?
Diavolo: Oh? It's nothing.
Barbatos: I sense something bad about this.
Diavolo: Well. if you two must know, I think I have a higher chance of being the father.
Lucifer, Barbatos, Satan, and Belphie: ...
Diavolo: My blood is the strongest-
Belphie: I call bullshit on that!
Diavolo: Oh? *Turn to Lucifer and Barbatos, waiting for them to interject*
Lucifer: What? I agree with Belphie.
Diavolo Oh!
Barbatos: Smugness doesn't suit you, Milord.
Meanwhile in the other room
MC: I can I have some Beel
Beel: *Feels conflicted* Sure
MC: Yeah!!
Mammon: *Enters the room and growled when he saw Beel feeding you* Oi!!
Mammon: *He rushes over and pull you close to him* Who said that you can feed her?
Beel: *Deep down, he feels challenge by Mammon* She was hungry, and ask if she wants some.
Mammon: Oh? What! you think that the kid is yours?
Beel: *Stood up and looms over Mammon* Yes.
Mammon: *Gently push you to the side and got up at Beel's face and growled*
Asmo: Oh? the tension is real!
Asmo: Anywho, I'm taking MC to my room-
Asmo: *Stopped when a tail wrapped round his arm* Let go, Levi
Levi: No.
MC: *Senses trouble you slowly back away and quietly leave the room*
MC: Damn, these fuckers are going to kill each other before the baby is born-
Luke: Baby?
MC: Gah! Luke! When did you get here?
Luke: Simeon and Solomon took me along but said I should stay at the kitchen because they are having "Adult talk" with the brothers
MC: I see.
Luke: You're having a baby!!
MC: Yeah, it seems like it.
Luke: Who's the dad?
MC: ...
MC: We... Don't know exactly.
Luke: Huh? I thought you'll know the dad the moment you found it.
MC: "How am I going to say that I was whoring around with all the guys"
MC: It's a mystery.
Luke: ... *Looks down*
MC: What's wrong?
Luke: No-Nothing.
MC: Come on, Luke. You can talk to me.
Luke: ...
Luke: Would you still love me, even if the baby comes.
MC: Oh! Luke *You pull him into a hug* You'll always have my love. I can't never ignore you.
Luke: *Smiles and hugs you back*
MC: *Pulls back* Now, lets get out of here. Stay here is stressing me out.
Luke: Yeah! Stress is bad for the baby.
You nod and the two of you head out. As you two got far you both hear a loud crash from the HOL.
Luke: What was that!!
MC: Ignore it. When hasn't a day when something in that house broke.
Luke: Hm... Good point.
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silverynight · 4 months
The next time he comes back from a mission and wakes up in the butterfly estate, Tanjirou notices that there's someone sitting at one side of his bed.
"Tokito-san!" He beams, missing entirely the way Aoi is shaking her head behind the mist hashira.
"Please call me Muichiro," the Pillar says, smiling so gently at Tanjirou that the redhead can't quite believe he's the same person he encountered in the swordsmith village.
"What are you doing here?" He asks, glad to see the mist hashira is completely fine.
"I was just passing by, Tanjirou," Muichiro assures him, leaning to stroke the other boy's cheek, that's exactly when Aoi rolls her eyes and sighs loudly before leaving the room. "And I brought you tea!"
"Thank you, you're very kind," the redhead smiles, moving to a sitting position so he can grab the tray Muichiro is handing to him. "There's food too!"
The next time Tanjirou looks up, he notices that the Pillar has gotten a lot closer; his smile is impossible wide and his eyes are almost glimmering with joy. Tanjirou is glad to see that Muichiro is very happy now, he must have a lot of friends.
"Do you want me to feed you?"
"There's no need!" Tanjirou chuckles. "These are just minor injuries and my hands are completely fine."
The boy with long hair looks slightly disappointed at that, but Tanjirou doesn't think too much of it.
Muichiro starts humming happily while Tanjirou eats and the redhead realizes that he enjoys his presence quite a lot. Once he's done, the mist hashira moves the tray back on the bedside table and leans closer to Tanjirou.
"Can I lay next to you for a while?"
And that's how Tanjirou ends up cuddling with the mist hashira, who's constantly nuzzling against his cheek until they both fall asleep.
Turns out Muichiro is always in the butterfly estate at the same time Tanjirou is, which is great because that way they can hang out together.
Sometimes Muichiro helps him train, others he just brings Tanjirou food and treats and sometimes he joins the redhead in the backyard, puts his head on Tanjirou's lap and asks the boy to run his fingers through his hair.
He usually finds the Pillar staring at him with so much happiness in his eyes and a fond smile on his face that it takes Tanjirou by surprise sometimes.
Although, given his personality, maybe Muichiro is not even actually looking at Tanjirou when he does that, perhaps he's just thinking about something else.
"You're very beautiful, Tanjirou."
The redhead chokes on his tea and feels his cheeks turn slightly pink at the compliment. Muichiro chuckles, does a thing with his eyes that Tanjirou used to see his mother do around his father sometimes, it's like he's blinking rapidly at him.
Tanjirou doesn't quite get it.
"Thank you, Muichiro-san! I think you're pretty too!"
"Really?" The mist hashira sighs dreamily, before pulling him into his arms and nuzzling against his cheek. "Tell me about how pretty I am again! What do you like about me?"
Tanjirou's face feels like it's burning now, but he believes that everyone deserves to hear those kind of things every now and then so he starts telling Muichiro about how beautiful his eyes and his hair are.
"I love your eyes too, Tanjirou!" Muichiro giggles, pressing a couple of kisses against the other boy's cheeks. "But I also find your body quite appealing..."
Tanjirou chokes on air, before covering his face with both hands.
"Tanjirou! I can't find Nezuko anywhere!"
Feeling a little bit relieved at Zenitsu's arrival, he moves his hands away only to find Muichiro glaring at the blond boy.
"I'll see you later, Tanjirou," Muichiro smiles sweetly at him and presses another kiss against his cheek before leaving.
"She's inside, but I'll go with you since I have to–"
"You know that Pillar is in love with you, right?"
"What? No, of course not!"
"Tanjirou, he's been stalking you!"
"What do you mean stalking?" The redhead asks, completely confused by Zenitsu's words. "It's true that we hang out a lot, but that's because we both happen to be here at the same time! It's just a happy coincidence..."
"There are no coincidences!" Zenitsu rolls his eyes, like he can't believe what Tanjirou is saying. "He makes sure to always be here whenever you come back from a mission. Listen, the girls told me your crow and his are courting so that's where he gets his information from!"
"They are courting?" Tanjirou blinks a couple of times. "Oh, I need to congratulate him as soon as–"
"Focus, please!" The blond cuts him off, getting irritated. "You need to do something about this."
"I'll talk to him," Tanjirou promises. "But I think you're mistaken..."
"We'll see..."
"Muichiro-san..." Tanjirou is nervous, he doesn't want to ruin the friendship they have by bringing something Zenitsu said up, but at the same time he needs to know. "Do you have a c-crush on me? Because one of my friends seems to think so... And it's okay if you don't–"
"No, I don't," Muichiro says, rising from Tanjirou's lap to look at him directly.
"That's fine, I'm sorry I asked, it's just–"
"It's not a crush, I'm in love with you!" The Pillar beams right before giving Tanjirou a quick kiss on the lips. "Let's get married!"
"I think we should court each other first," Tanjirou stammers, blushing to the tip of his ears, part of him can't believe this is happening.
"Alright, we'll start a courtship first," Muichiro agrees before giving Tanjirou another kiss on the lips. "We'll court for a couple of months and then we'll get married!"
So... Tanjirou is courting someone now, a Pillar no less.
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forestshadow-wolf · 8 months
It's raining, ghost idly notes. Technically he should be focusing on the field briefing that they're getting, but they'd already gooten one when assigned, one before they left base, and one on the plane ride here. So really, they're just talking in cirlces now.
Price is at the front of the table explaining the plan, which they have to wait four hours to even begin acting on, standing next to the open laptop showing all the documents they need.
Gaz is trying very poorly to act like he's listening. Poorly because he's been flicking wadded up pieces of paper at price (who is ignoring it pretty well)
Ghost usually doesn't sit during briefings, he gets distracted, so he takes up a spot by the wall.
But soap, uncharacteristically is also leaning up against the wall next to him. Usually he playing footsies.with gaz across the table, but not today.
Price is still droning on about the mission blah blah blah, ok well not blah blah blah but it's nothing he hasn't already memorized.
He watches soap squeeze tightly at his knee again, for the third time in the last 20 minutes, as far as he cam reach without making it obvious. Ghost also notes that he's stiffer than usual.
He leans into soap's space just a bit, "you 'kay?" He whispers. Soap nods almost imperceptibly.
"Yeah, why?" He hisses.
"It's just... you know you can sit down right?" He says, gesturing slightly to the 3 open chairs at the table. One of which would normally be occupied by a certain scot anyway.
"Yea- I knoe tha', I chose to stand for a reason."
"Well- I was jus' sayin', ya look uncomfortable, s' all."
"I am, tha's why I'm standing."
"Yeah, 'cus that makes sense-"
"Are you two done arguing yet?" Price cuts in. Soap looks just as chastised as Ghost feels, which... is really only enough to fake it.
"Yes, sir." They both respond, and peice goes back to his rambling.
The meeting ends soon enough, and they're finally released to get ready or whatever they need to do.
"You sure you’re okay, johnny?" Ghost catches a stiff legged soap just before he leaves.
"Aye, s' rain s'all" Ghost isn't really sure what that has to do with anything, and he says as much. "I fucked up my knee a few years ago, it's fine now, the rain just makes it act up a little. Something Something low pressure atmosphere, basic science, I think."
"Okay, well you know you could sit down. Would probably help." Ghost suggests... again
"Yeah and I'll not stand up again, not with this wanker" soap snorts at him, referring to his knee. Ghost frowns.
"Well... anything I can do to help?", soap shifts from one foot to the other.
"Not unless you got me some new knees. It's fine, Ghost, I'm still mission ready if that's what you're worried about. I actually had to redo the fitness tests once I healed up just to make sure I could still do my job."
"What?" Soap shifts hsi weight again
"... that's really.. not what I was asking about."
"Aye, well- what do you brits say- 'cheers, mate' I'm fine. Swear it."
"And that's why you're limping around?" Sure, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it's not technically inaccurate.
"I'm no' 'limping' around, and even if I was it's hardly noticeable. Why do you even care so much, it's no' you're problem." Soap sasses back.
"Well, I'd like to help if I can-"
"How? You gonna shout it outta me? There ain't shite you can do for it. Just leave it be, aye?"
"... fine, but I can help if you let me."
"Aye, I'll keep that in mind, thanks." And then he was walking away, off to do whatever he need to do before their mission.
Ghost makes a note to himself to ask about it again after they're back on base.
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thecousinsdangereux · 2 years
if i'm falling wrong [1/1]
notes: over on Twitter, moonyriot has been working on a multi-part journal from Ava's POV covering her time in Switzerland and beyond. She asked me if I wanted to join in on the fun and write a short one-shot to cover some of the events in part 6. (If you haven't seen any of her posts, here's the first one. They are incredible so definitely check them out.)
“The integrity of the upright guides them,” Ava reads, taking care to enunciate each word, “but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them. That’s Proverbs 11:3, Beatrice.” 
Beatrice definitely knows, which is — Ava thinks — what makes it so funny. Or. Funny to her, at least. Maybe not so much for Beatrice, whose lips have flattened into a thin line that hides almost all of their pretty pink hue (a color Ava has taken a liking to in a way that definitely relates to how often she finds herself staring at Beatrice’s mouth). 
“It is better to promise nothing than to promise something and not be able to do it,” Ava continues, because she’s never been any good at knowing when to stop. “That’s Ecclesiastes. And — ooh, this is a good one — A person who promises a gift but doesn’t give it is like clouds and wind that bring no rain. That’s — ”
“Proverbs again, yes, thank you, Bible.com.” 
“It’s actually Biblereasons.com.” She shows off the screen of her phone, the one that she’s definitely supposed to be using sparingly (and never does). “But sure, I can go to your bible website of choice. Whatever you want. Pretty sure I’m still going to find the same answer, though. Honestly, I would’ve thought a nun would know that lying is bad. Not to brag, or anything, but I learned that one when I was like five, or something.” 
For reasons unknown, this pries Beatrice’s lips wide, dragging them out into a full smile, pink mouth and small indent at the corner appearing just as quickly as Ava’s pulse picks up, heart slamming up against the poor, battered walls of her chest. 
“How odd,” Beatrice begins, in a low drawl that means Ava’s in trouble (in so many ways). “Because I seem to recall you telling Hans, just yesterday morning, that you were allergic to apples. As a result, he traded pastries with you, leaving you with the chocolate eclair you’d been all but salivating over since you first noticed it in the break room. Given that I know that you were perfectly able to consume a slice of apple pie that the neighbors brought up last week, I am forced to conclude that — ”
“Okay, okay! Jesus. Pump the brakes, Miss Marple. I’m allowed to lie; I’m a dirty sinner or whatever. But you hold yourself to a higher standard, right?” (Unfortunately, Ava adds, but only mentally, because yeah.) “So when you said ‘Ava, if you’re able to best me in a mighty trial of combat, I will bequeath to you a single portrait wherein my lips are upturned in joyous felicitations’ or whatever, I took that as an oath, Bea. A serious, serious oath.” 
“One, I don’t sound like that. Two, no English person alive sounds like that. Why do you default to the Regency era when you’re trying to mock my accent?” 
By now, Beatrice’s smile has really started to crack open, showing off the slightest sliver of white behind those lips. It’d be unfair to say that this (the moment where Beatrice’s eyes crinkle with a laughter she most likely won’t release) is always Ava’s goal in any conversation she has with Beatrice, but maybe it is always an intended stop along the way, whatever the actual destination might be. 
(Other pitstops of note include: the cute scrunch of her nose whenever she’s focused on Ava alone, the half-tilt of her head whenever she’s considering something Ava’s said, the almost absentminded brush of her fingers along Ava’s forearm whenever she wants her to pay especially close attention. There’s a common theme here, but Ava’s well-aware of her own preoccupation, so it’s fine. Probably.)  
“Uh, because I’m paying you a huge compliment? Ungrateful much? Mr. Darcy is like… the hottest the British have ever been. Not that that’s hard because otherwise they kind of really suck, but I’m trying here, Bea, and you’re giving me nothing but attitude. And lies.”
Beatrice sighs. It’s cute enough that Ava nearly sighs too, longing bubbling up behind her lips.
“I told you I would smile for one of your pictures if you pinned me during training. It was implied you would do so without cheating.” 
With a tsk that doesn’t sound anything like the one Beatrice sometimes uses (a low sound from the back of her throat that always did very little to help Ava concentrate), Ava takes a half-step closer so that she might properly waggle a finger in Beatrice’s face. 
“I’m only doing what you taught me, Bea I thought I was supposed to use all the resources at my disposal?” 
Beatrice promptly bats the finger away. But that’s sort of the point. (Sometimes, it’s a little pathetic, the lengths Ava will go to make sure Beatrice is touching her at literally every possible opportunity, but Ava’s never really minded being a little pathetic for a good cause. And Beatrice is honestly never hard to bait, at least in this particular way.) 
“Ava, you bit me.” 
“Which was using all the resources at my disposal! Come on! If I’d been in a real fight, you would’ve called that innovative!” 
“Perhaps if you hadn’t used your — ” Delightfully, Beatrice takes a small, steadying breath before her next word, which, to Ava (who’s spent months studying Beatrice with the rigor of a staunch academic) is as much of a giveaway as one of her cute little blushes. “ — tongue.”
“I think the element of surprise would still work just fine,” she insists, but then Beatrice gives her a look, one that she knows won’t allow for any debate over the merits of licking her enemies, and she gives in nearly instantly. (Ava’s really only interested in using any part of her mouth on one person alone, anyway.) “But fine. Okay. Good note, teach.”
Winter has begun to fade from the air and, as they walk back towards their apartment in the meandering pace that has become their custom, Ava is pleased by this for two reasons. One: their neighbors — who bake enough that Ava’s convinced they’re working up to competing on one of those bafflingly polite baking shows — now leave their windows open, filling the air with the most delicious smells, noticeable even a block away from their home. And Two: Beatrice has taken to wearing short-sleeves again, which means that when she nudges Ava now (with a charmed little roll of her eyes), it’s bare skin against bare skin. 
In training, this is both a pleasure and a problem, because then it’s Beatrice’s shorts and Ava’s shirt being pushed up as Ava gets pinned to the ground and it’s the skin of Beatrice’s inner thigh against the skin of Ava’s hip and that’s a lot more than the casual brushes she’s gotten used to. Ava had long ago realized that any and all logical thought flies out the fucking window when faced with a muscular thigh, so really, it hadn’t been all that much of a surprise when it’d resulted in Ava doing something completely insane. 
Like taking Beatrice’s thumb into her mouth. And biting it. And maybe sucking a little. Honestly, it’s all a bit of a haze, because Beatrice had then made a noise that would most certainly be featured in Ava’s dreams for the next week or month or year, in the most mortifying (and sexy) way possible. 
And to be fair, it had worked in getting Ava out of the chokehold she otherwise would’ve probably happily died in. 
So there’s that.
“Something with chocolate today,” Beatrice comments, and Ava short-circuits for a second, thinking about chocolate and fingers and skin and the really incredible potential combination of the three, before she remembers the neighbors and the smell and the baking and feels her cheeks burn.
“Uh — yeah. Maybe they’ll have extra to share.” The windows on the first floor apartment are (of course) open as they approach, and Ava raises her voice just enough for it to carry through. She catches the intertwined laughter of the neighbors that results, and shoots Beatrice a wink that dispels some of the heat building within her, an emergency vent that she’s learned to rely on. 
“You’re shameless,” Beatrice says, in the exact way she always does whenever she doesn’t mean it (lips quirking at the corners). 
“And you’re welcome, when we end up getting brownies, or whatever they’re making.” 
The door to their building never unlocks easily, but it’s gotten worse as the temperatures have started to rise; Beatrice shoulders it open, muscles bunching in her back, and Ava does absolutely nothing to help, watching the flex of her shoulder blades under the tight, gray fabric. 
“You know me,” Beatrice says lightly, knocking the side of her sneakers against the bottom of the stairs before heading up (and Ava does know her, enough to wait patiently for her to complete this small ritual). “I’m always craving sweets.” 
“You are sometimes! Whenever you come home from a night shift, you break into my stash! And since you have a lot of those coming up, on account of you losing our bet…” 
Beatrice laughs, a soft huff that turns into an adorable little squeak when Ava shoves past her on the staircase and snatches the keys from her fingers, bursting through their apartment door with far less effort than Beatrice had needed below. 
“You’re not letting this one go, are you?” 
It’s probably response enough when she snatches her camera off of the kitchen table and points it at Beatrice as soon as she steps across the threshold, but even this (pretty impressive!) sneak attack fails. Beatrice is quick enough to throw a hand up before the snap, lowering it only when Ava does the same with the camera. She continues to eye her warily as she bends down to untie her shoes, only abating to cast a significant look in Ava’s direction, which persists until Ava kicks hers off far less elegantly.
“It’s one photo, Bea!” she grumbles, watching as Beatrice arranges their sneakers in a perfect little line. “Just… one smile. Let’s just get it out of the way, you know? Look up and … ”
Beatrice does look up. 
Ava has to give her that.
It’s the only warning she gets before Beatrice is standing and her fingers are wrapping around Ava’s wrist and she’s pressed flush against Ava’s front and well. Sure. That’s one way to get Ava to shut up. Probably the only way. Ava knows this about herself, but really can’t find any regret when it’s led her right here. 
“You cheated,” Beatrice murmurs lowly. “Why would I reward that?” 
Ava has a lot of thoughts around the concept of Beatrice rewarding her, and absolutely none of them are good. (Or, rather, they’re all extremely good. Very good. Far too good for her to be able to say out loud, those curling, irreverent thoughts that stick her tongue to the roof of her mouth and keep her up at night.) So it’s really out of mercy that she phases then — slipping out of Beatrice’s grip the only way she knows how that doesn’t involve cheap tricks — stepping back and lifting her camera again. 
What follows transpires a bit too quickly for Ava to track. 
She’s seen Beatrice fight in all sorts of situations — at full speed in back alley brawls and at half-tempo when leading her through a new form — but Ava’s pretty sure she’ll never see enough to lose the surprise that comes from being on the end of one of Beatrice’s first strikes. She’s in front of Ava and then she’s not; it’s really as simple (and terrifying) (and hot) as that. One moment, Ava has her camera ready, and then she’s facing a different direction entirely, her hand twisted behind her back, her camera falling from her grasp. Beatrice is fast here too, swooping down to catch it before it hits the floor, but this allows Ava to throw an elbow backwards, a hit that surely would have broken something in Beatrice’s face had it landed (but which Ava knows by now never will). 
“Double or nothing?” Ava pants, stumbling forward and twisting back around to face Beatrice, who’s gently placed the camera on the floor, carefully out of the way. 
“Two photos if you win and you take my night shifts for two weeks when you lose?” 
“Wait, I don’t like the if/when placement in that senten — ”
She barely ducks out of Beatrice’s grapple, cutting herself off mid-word to manage it, a little breathless already. It occurs to her that she’s definitely made a mistake here, looking up and finding Beatrice serious and focused, strands of her hair slipping out of the low bun that’s already started to loosen. Even in the warm light filtering through their apartment windows, Beatrice’s eyes look dark, and Ava spends a second too long suppressing a shiver at the sight. Which means, of course, she’s unable to avoid the next hit: a full tackle to the floor. Either Beatrice really doesn’t want Ava to take this photo or she really wants to get out of her night shifts, because she’s not going about this in the calm, measured way Ava is used to. (There’s a third option and it’s one Ava likes best; maybe Beatrice just really wants to pin Ava to the floor, to feel Ava underneath her, to feel Ava squirm against her front, fighting to get out of the hold. This is the option Ava relates to best and maybe it’s the one driving her now, putting her at a disadvantage just as significant as all the other ones.) 
Ava hits the ground hard, enough to knock air out of her lungs, but she’s saved, partially, by starting on a twist mid-air, mindful of how dangerous it’ll be if Beatrice gets her flat on her back. Not that Ava is opposed to this idea. Not on a normal day. Not even today, if only Beatrice would — 
“Good,” Beatrice says, breaking through Ava’s thoughts, though not in a way that is helpful at all. Beatrice most certainly notices the jerk of Ava’s hips the single word causes, but almost equally as certainly dismisses it as part of Ava’s attempts to break free. “But you over-rotated. Just slightly. See how I can use that to put you on your stomach?”
Always the instructor, Beatrice explains precisely how she’s going to best Ava before she actually does it; if Ava were better at this (if Beatrice were worse) this might actually be of some help in countering Beatrice’s efforts. Sadly, she’s not, so it isn’t. 
“Fuck,” Ava grunts, face pressed directly into the carpet of their bedroom. It’s honestly painful, the way Beatrice’s knee presses into the center of her back, but it’s a sort of pain that Ava’s come to find — over their months together — that she doesn’t especially mind or maybe even likes and maybe gets a fair amount of pleasure from and maybe thinks about it from time to time whenever she gets a moment alone and — yeah. Fuck is really the only word for it. 
“What now, Ava?” Finally, there’s a hint of the breathlessness in Beatrice’s voice: when she locks one of Ava’s arms behind her back, and Ava attempts to land some kind of backwards headbutt, pushing herself up off the floor with her free hand. “What’s your best option?” 
Beg you to have your way with me, doesn’t really seem like the response Beatrice is looking for, but Christ a girl can only take so much. And right about then, Ava knows she’s going to cheat (because it’s either cheat or blurt out something that will inevitably be extremely horny) but is it really cheating if there hadn’t been any rules put forth in the first place? 
She’s gotten better about controlling the Halo, so it barely gives off any light before she lifts onto one knee and throws herself backwards, phasing neatly through Beatrice’s front. The effort Beatrice had been using to hold her down works against her now, effectively swapping their positions as she falls forward, and Ava’s quick to use that momentum, reaching around to grab the front of Beatrice’s shirt so she’s flipped with the motion. Another (gentle) Halo blast lands Beatrice on her back, Ava straddling her hips and pinning both of her hands on either side of her head. 
“You didn’t say no Halo,” Ava says in a rush, as though the victory will be taken away instantly, as though she cares at all about some stupid bet instead of being on top of Beatrice whose eyes are wide and lovely, whose lips are parted and pink, whose chest is — not something Ava is looking at, thank you very much. Because she’s respectful, she can be respectful, she has to try to be respectful. 
“I didn’t,” Beatrice says finally and then fucking licks her lips, like God Himself has decided that Ava needs to be punched directly in the face with attractiveness or whatever and holy shit. 
Holy shit. 
“Then I — that means — uh — ” She releases one of Beatrice’s wrists like it’s burning, very much aware of the intensity of the gaze resting on her, and blindly roots around on the floor behind her until she finds the camera, resting just where Beatrice had left it. “I get to do this.” 
Her fumbling with the camera is hardly graceful, but honestly, the fact that she’s able to produce words at all is nothing short of a miracle, so she’ll take it. Her right hand is still wrapped around Beatrice’s left, fingers circling her wrist as she pins it to the floor, and she takes a picture of this first, holding her breath all the while. 
“For — uh — proof?” she offers, a little weakly, and Beatrice’s stare finally breaks, intensity replaced by something much softer, something that seeps into the corner of her eyes and mouth in equal measure. Ava’s struck by the sight as much as she is by anything else, and her grip relaxes enough that Beatrice can slip out of the hold, both hands drifting down until they come to rest just alongside either one of Ava’s knees. 
“Proof for who?” 
“What do you — proof for literally everyone, Bea; Hans, Camila, Lilith, Mother Superion, Jillian, the regulars at the bar, our neighbors, the lady who runs the bakery down the street, any random person I walk past for the next month. Hell, I might take out an ad in The Guardian, or something, are you kidding?” 
Beatrice laughs and it’s like a crack in the universe, or something equally and unequivocally earth-shattering. Lungs empty, air knocked fully out, Ava lifts her camera almost instinctively, only to find her view devastatingly obstructed, Beatrice’s arms flung over her face (the grin, still wide with laughter, barely peeking out from underneath). 
“Beatrice,” she groans (or maybe pouts).
“I’m sorry!” And she sounds it too, even through the smile, the half-giggles now petering out. “Truly. I’m not used to being photographed. I can’t think of a time it happened before you took up this hobby, not outside of unpleasant family photoshoots and the like.”
Ava’s heart flips painfully in her chest, but Beatrice is quick to soothe, fingers falling back down to brush against the outside of Ava’s leg, as though Ava’s the one in need of comfort.
“I’m not protesting, Ava. Just tell me what to do.” 
Photographs are meant to reproduce moments, memories, emotions, but Ava’s not sure the best photographer in the world, with hundreds of thousands of euros in equipment, would ever be able to fully capture Beatrice as she is now, fondness bleeding from the tips of her fingers, affection lighting the brown of her eyes, and love — or something an awful lot like it — bending her mouth, a bow pulled taut with an arrow that might be Ava herself, as inconceivable as the notion is. 
“Pretend the camera isn’t here,” Ava rasps, her breath hot (heated by all the things boiling inside of her now). “Just look at me.” 
Beatrice looks at her. 
Ava stops breathing. 
She takes the picture. The camera lowers. And Ava forgets about it entirely, object permanence completely obliterated by a force far stronger than something as trivial as human development.
Underneath her, seemingly content to be straddled, Beatrice looks calm, which isn’t unusual, because she almost always looks calm, so maybe it’s that she feels calm too. Like all the things Ava can always sense running through her at speeds only known to light have slowed down or disappeared entirely. The mission, her duties, her vows, her expectations, these things have washed away (temporarily but completely) until it’s only Beatrice left, staring at her lips. And Ava had thought she’d experienced wanting Beatrice in every way, but this one is new.
(She wants Beatrice like this: exactly herself, without anything else getting in the way.)
“Beatrice,” she says, a hitch in her voice breaking the name into three, distinct syllables. “I’m — ”
Cursed. Saved. Ruined. Blessed. Fucked. 
Ava’s not sure which word applies when the smoke alarm goes off downstairs.
It is not especially loud, or piercing, but it goes off and all of the easy calm flees from Beatrice’s eyes as she jerks upwards, back lifting off the floor until she’s close, closer than before, so close and it’s too much, maybe, or maybe Ava’s instincts are working against her (or for her?) because she falls back as soon as Beatrice completes the motion, balance disastrously (helpfully?) disrupted. 
Oh well, Ava thinks, as she lets herself fall back. Maybe a bit of brain damage would do her some good. 
Except that, of course, Beatrice catches her, a simple slip of her hand around Ava’s back, palm pressing to the middle of the Halo, shocks spreading out from the point of impact. 
“You’re what?” Beatrice asks, terribly quiet, as though she feels the air rearranging around them, molecules shifting back and forth between possibilities and outcomes. 
And if Beatrice were still calm, if everything else were still pushed away, if Beatrice was just Beatrice in that moment — just as she’d been so briefly before — it would not be a choice, what Ava did next. And maybe it isn’t one now either, but it’s in the opposite direction: pulling away rather than pushing forward (creating space rather than closing it). 
“I’m — just — I’m done. With the photos.” Decision made, breath returning, she shrugs, a little bashful now, the steady beep of the alarm and the laughter of their neighbors drifting up from below. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Beatrice’s head tilts, a small crease forming in between her eyebrows. Some people want money or power or peace or the answers to the universe, but Ava thinks she would be content, if only she could know what Beatrice is thinking right now.
“No,” she murmurs. “Not so bad at all.”
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eggedbellies · 1 year
Imagine a dating app but for people who need to lay egg(s) in someone and people who want to carry said egg(s). You can put in preferences as to whether you want to carry a clutch of eggs that gradually fill you and become so heavy that you can barely move until you lay them, or possible a dragon egg that makes you full from the beginning and only gets heavier and lower in your gravid belly.
You hear a knock at your door. That must be them, you think so yourself as you get up, trying to restrain your excitement. You had recently discovered a new dating app called Egger. It was basically Tinder but for people and creatures with niche desires and kinks. You weren't sure yet if you were one of those people yet, but it had always been a tantalizing idea to you; being pumped full of cum and a clutch of eggs. So you decided to give it a try. You had nothing else to do to pass the time this weekend, so why not?
You open the door of your apartment and see the date you'd been chatting with only an hour prior. You grin and subtly look them over, noticing a sheen of sweat across their brow, a hand low on their stomach and that their belly is noticeably bloated, nearing the edge of swollen. They greet you with a mild wince and you guide them inside immediately.
It doesn't take long before things get going between the two of you. Before you are even aware, you find yourself on all fours, hole spread wide open by your date's girthy length. You gasp as they thrust into you, increasing the pace with fervor. You feel something expand against your inner walls, preventing your date from pulling out any further. The sensation makes you moan with pleasure. Then you feel it. Some pressing against the the knot, making it even bigger on the inside. You think you can't possibly take anything wider when it breaches the knot and slides deep into your belly. You moan in delight at the feeling as more follow en suit. You lose count of how many your date has pumped into you but you can feel your belly expanding from the sheer amount of eggs inside you. You reach a hand down and rub your growing abdomen. You cum just from the sensation of being so full and your belly being swollen with eggs.
Finally the last egg is pumped into you and the knot decreases before your date pulls out. You both collapse, enervated from it all. You look at your date, whose belly is now flat. They give you a look of exhaustion but also joy. You finally look down at your swollen belly, unable to keep your hands off of it. Your date isn't able to either because as you lounge together they rub your gravid belly that seems to be growing by the minute. You feel like you started out looking only a few months pregnant, but you definitely look like you are closer to seven or eight months along now.
"How much bigger am I going to get?" You ask your date.
"It varies. Though this is the biggest clutch I've had in a while..." They say with a proud look as they continue rubbing your swollen mound. You nearly come again just from the touch. "I hope that isn't a problem."
"Tha-that's fine. I don't mind, really." And truly, you didn't. You were absolutely relishing the feeling of being so full and heavy. Your belly growing ever larger. "How long will this continue?"
"It should not be much longer."
That was only somewhat true. You lounged together for quite some time, continuing to feel your belly expand and rubbing your heavy mound. By the time you finally felt the need to lay, your belly looked overdue with twins. You came merely from seeing your swollen reflection.
You barely had to push and one by one the eggs began to slip out of your hole. The sensation was incredible as you gently pushed each one out. Although you watched as your belly slowly deflated, returning to its previous state.
At the end of it call, you and your date counted the unfertilized eggs that were now if your bathtub. Forty-seven. There had been forty-seven eggs pumped into you that grew and then you laid. Just remembering it all made you want more.
You would definitely be using this dating app again.
Thoughts, feedback, further ideas? Feel free to expand (see what I did there?) On this if you'd like 😜
This is a fucking great idea and man I love it. I'm sure you'd end up with occasionally re-meeting, maybe liking someone, and, well, it's all just a benefit that you can also end up with a heavy belly every time... I'd definitely sign up lol
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hueberryshortcake · 2 months
crawling out of the void to present a rare
this week it's DANGEROUS DISGUISE which is one of my favorites so you know i had to roll up. let's get going
so this comic was written in the middle of 1950 and is about spies. what else happened in 1950? THIS GUY. pause for hatred:
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[for the non-americans because i don't know how common this information is: joseph mccarthy gave a speech in early 1950 that leveraged post-war anxieties about the soviet union's influence on countries weakened by the devastation to turn americans against each other by claiming that secret communist spies were infiltrating the US government. he made up most of this information but it sparked another Red Scare where everyone was particularly afraid of spies and stuff. birth of the cia etc. this has been an off-the-cuff history lesson by caoimhin]
okay anyway so we start out with the ducks having been banished to europe because they were annoying uncle scrooge too much. this is after barks realized that having a rich guy as a plot device to let the ducks explore was, comment dit-on, awesome. so that's Interesting Barks History Fact Number 1. donald says "i wish uncle scrooge would get mad at us more often" . swag
Interesting Barks History Fact Number 2: homeboy got in trouble for having too many humans in this comic. in fact i believe that the duck family are the only non-humans in this one. after this he tends to stick to his "vaguely dog-humanoid things" strategy when he doesn't feel like coming up with unique animal designs. i approve of this because it means i get to go full sonofmegavolt humina humina at some of the women he drew. outside of disney early in his career barks drew some quite racy stuff btw. insert wolf whistle here. ANYWAY.
we get some "gee whiz uncle donald do you think any of these cool europeans are spies" from the boys to which he's like "whatEVER" and theHOLD ON HOLD ON WHA
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ok im focused.
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i lied. donald gets it
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these panels are fire. i just want to take a moment to appreciate this for being hella violent. there's like six guns in one panel guys. everyone say thank you carl. huge fan of cloakan dagger, what a great name.
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and here she is. my beautiful wife madame triple x. i mean who. who is that. well we can tell she's french because of. she talks like that. everyone point and laugh at the french people. anyway madame xxx looks incredibly sexy and says "it's fine for me to read this message there's nobody around except for those three little boys digging in the sand" which is her first mistake because as we learn time and time again they're. well they're Like That. also when she thinks to herself she loses the accent which i did not pick up on initially because im silly
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he's just like me guys
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this made me shriek sorry dude just appeared
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i KNOW barks was giggling and kicking his feet when he wrote this
at which point huey throws a grown man off a bridge. huey kill count 1
and would you LOOK WHO'S BACK
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madame triple x are you free on thursday because i am free on thursday when i am free
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how long was this guy just sitting there
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"i'm just a girl lol"
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bro you are two inches tall
you see it's FUNNY because the FRENCH PEOPLE went on STRIKE
"sorry dude im on strike"
omg. see it's donald but you can tell he's spanish because he has black hair
next the triplets trap donaldo el quacko in the shower by holding him at Freezing Water Point. this wouldnt work on me because even though i have severe cold sensitivity ive been taking cold showers for three days [rv water heater broken]
after this we have a clever reference to El Materdor when donald gets ready to fight a bull.
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get his ass louie
i like to think Miss Georgia Cornpone has a southern accent. actually can we fancast dolly parton. because of beautiful women
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that was so beautiful. thanks for coming with me guys. this comic is so good everyone listen to the Carl Barks Remarks episode about it because it's funny and informative ok byeee
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cherrypikkins · 1 year
Here is my contribution to the final prompt from @fe-oc-week! Oct 15 - Endings
With some fake game ending cgs for Kitt :3
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No extra lore write-up today! Instead, I've included some sample battle dialogue below the cut. Do enjoy :3
Background generously provided by @damnilovefaerghus
vs transformed Miklan (Conand Tower, White Clouds):
Kitt: "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this… But that's why I'm here."
Kitt: "Listen, Professor. If you can crack its armor, I'll make quick work of it."
Kitt: "But if you want to give your students an impromptu lesson on how to fell a Demonic Beast… I won't object."
If ordered to attack transformed Miklan: Kitt: "Fine, then. Allow me to show you how it's done."
vs Edelgard:
(Battle of Garreg Mach, pre-time skip)
Edelgard: "You and I are not so different, Kitt. I know you wish to be free of the Church's machinations. We might have walked this path together, had you trusted me."
Kitt: "This is rich, coming from the Flame Emperor herself. Your entire reign is built on lies and secrets. I can't trust you any more than I can trust the Church."
Kitt: "And as they say, better the devil you know…"
(Battle at Enbarr, Silver Snow/Verdant Wind)
Kitt: "Edelgard. Let Rhea go. I don't know what you have planned for her, but she and I have a score to settle."
Edelgard: "I am not concerned with vendettas of the ancient past, nor will they have a place in Fodlan's new dawn."
Edelgard: "You of all people should understand what it's like to be powerless, to have all control over your own fate wrested away by the likes of Rhea and her ilk."
Edelgard: "Knowing that, how can you truly wish for her to walk free?"
Kitt: "Because no one deserves to be buried underground, sealed away from the rest of the world and forgotten, left to the mercy of their jailers."
Kitt: "Believe me, I do understand."
(Battle at Enbarr, Azure Moon)
Kitt: "That's quite the transformation, Edelgard. Well done. You've already mastered what I've had to practice in secret for years."
Kitt: "But surely you must know what happens to monsters like you and me. I'll cut you down, same as all the rest.
Hegemon Edelgard: "You are welcome to try."
vs Seteth:
(Battle at Garreg Mach, pre time-skip, Crimson Flower)
Seteth: "Of all people, I thought you would have learned not to repeat the mistakes of the past."
Seteth: "Stand down, lest I be forced to repeat some mistakes of my own."
Kitt: "Seteth. Didn't you promise long ago that the people of Annwen would suffer no harm under your protection?"
Kitt: "I've been meaning to talk to you about that. But for now, it looks like we'll have to fight each other instead."
(Battle at Garreg Mach, post time-skip, Crimson Flower)
Kitt: "Hello, Seteth. You've quite the nerve to show your face around here."
Seteth: "You took the words out of my mouth."
Seteth: "To think, after everything we've tried to do for you, you would once again betray our trust and bear teeth against your own family."
Kitt: "Ha. You're one to talk about trust or family. Even that kid you called 'sister' was getting tired of your never-ending charade."
Seteth: "You will not drag Flayn into this! No matter who you are, know that I will destroy you to safeguard her if I must!"
Kitt: "Then you should have thought about that before bringing her here."
(If Kitt defeats Seteth)
Kitt: "Take Flayn and leave Garreg Mach - now - before I end your life. This is the only chance I'm giving you. I suggest you take it."
Seteth: "I… I understand. We will not meet again."
Seteth: "Regardless of everything else… I am grateful for your mercy. It is certainly more than we have shown you, and more than either of us deserve."
Kitt: "Don't come back."
vs Flayn:
(Battle at Garreg Mach, pre time-skip, Crimson Flower)
Flayn: "Kitt, what are you doing? You cannot truly mean to fight us! We're your family!"
Kitt: "You and I seem to have wildly different ideas about how this 'family' is supposed to work."
Kitt: "For example, if you get to call Seteth 'brother'… where does that leave me?"
Flayn: "I… That's not…"
Kitt: "Not what? Not fair?"
Kitt: "I'll tell you what else isn't fair - being treated like some lost broken toy you can fix and heal until I'm good as new. Better than new. Until there's nothing left of the old me."
Kitt: "Why couldn't you just let me stay asleep forever?"
(Battle at Garreg Mach, post time-skip, Crimson Flower)
Flayn: "Why are you doing this, Kitt?"
Kitt: "Not one step closer, Flayn."
Flayn: "Tell me, I beg of you! I wish only to understand! In what way have I done you wrong? What must I do to make amends?"
Kitt: "Enough! I know you only have the best wishes at heart, but I won't serve as a vessel for your good intentions."
Kitt: "And unlike you, I refuse to spend the rest of my life hiding behind a web of lies and secrets."
Flayn: "Kitt… I know not what to say. To think that it should come to this…"
(If Kitt defeats Flayn)
Kitt: "Find your father and go. Leave this place and never come back."
Flayn: "I… Yes. I will do as you say."
Flayn: "I wish you nothing but happiness for the rest of your days. Good-bye, Kitt."
Kitt: "…Good-bye, Flayn."
vs Rhea:
(Final Battle, Silver Snow)
Kitt: "This is just like what happened at Annwen… and the day I was struck down."
Kitt: "Rhea. This disaster is of your own making. But to suffer like this is too much for anyone to bear - even you."
Kitt: "Like all the beasts I've felled before, I'll put an end to your pain."
(Battle at Garreg Mach, pre-time skip, Crimson Flower)
Rhea: "I see you are determined stand against me here once more, after all the mercy I've shown you, after every second chance I've given. You truly are the capricious one, aren't you?"
Kitt: "I discarded that name long ago. It's just Kitt now."
(Battle at Tailtean, Crimson Flower)
Seiros: "You. I know what you are. I've seen your true face, for it has haunted me since that day I struck you down."
Seiros: "I did everything in my power to make amends, to restore you to full glory, just like she bade me. And yet once more, I must destroy you where you stand."
Kitt: "You still haven't figured it out, have you? She set you up with an impossible task. It was never in your power to reverse the deeds of the past."
Kitt: "No matter how hard you try, some things can never be fixed, nor healed, nor restored to what they once were. She was trying to teach you a lesson."
Kitt: "But it's fine. I've moved on from that. And so can you."
Seiros: "You know I cannot. I was never as quick to change as you are. Nor will I stop trying to bring her back, even if you are determined to betray her memory time and time again."
(Battle of Fhirdiad, Crimson Flower)
The Immaculate One: "You! Miserable, conniving serpent who dares hide itself among the flock!"
The Immaculate One: "You are not worthy of her blessing! Not worthy of her blood! I should have sealed you in your own grave while I had the chance!"
Kitt: "Yes, you should have. But don't be sad. The moment you're gone from this world, I won't be far behind."
As enemy, if not recruited:
(Battle at Garreg Mach, post-time skip, Crimson Flower, if Kitt not recruited)
Kitt: "It's a shame we can't catch up, for old time's sake. Too bad I must ask you to move."
Kitt: "…Or by all means, keep on testing me. You're not going to like what happens next, and neither am I."
If defeated:
Kitt: "Into the dark, once more. Maybe this time…forever."
vs Byleth:
(Battle at Garreg Mach, post-time skip, Crimson Flower, if Kitt not recruited)
Kitt: "Professor. Did I ever tell you? How much you remind me of someone I once knew?"
Kitt: "Long ago, she told me that the moment I've decided who my people are, I must fight to protect them with everything I have. Even if it means defying the Goddess herself."
Kitt: "…I suppose you don't know or remember, do you? Yet here you are, following in her example, just as I am doing now."
TWISTD Members:
vs Solon
(Remire Village)
Kitt: "I should have known it was you. You're the one who started all this. First my village, and now…Remire."
Solon: "So now you know who I am, Ghost of Annwen. But if you think I'm but simple prey for you to hunt down, you are gravely mistaken!"
(Sealed Forest)
Solon: "Take not one step closer, Demon of Annwen! Lest your weakness for these beasts prove your undoing!"
Kitt: "What's the matter, Tomas? I thought you always dreamed of finding out how the story ends."
vs Kronya
Kronya: "You don't scare me. You're nothing but a stupid ghost story! I'll send you back to the filthy grave you crawled up from, you little freak!"
Kitt: "So you've heard of me from your darling bedtime stories. I guess I won't have to explain what happens to you next."
vs Cornelia
Cornelia: "Well now. This really won't do. I'll have to put an end to you quickly."
Kitt: "And I'll be sure to end you slowly."
vs Thales
Thales: "You insatiable wretch! That you would choose to menace me now, here, of all places!"
Kitt: "Don't look so shocked. I did promise I'd be back for the rest of you, didn't I?"
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The Liberation of Alanixis
OOC: Fuck it, might as well write this out before it leaves my train of thought. This will be canon to Pyx's story, once again gonna list the triggers.
TW: blood, gore, violence, religious undertones, knives, guns, explosives, death
“The thirteenth, the fourth, God of Emotion, God of Impurity. Pyxis has returned.” One of the faces spoke up as Pyxis stepped into the hidden room within a broken exhaust vent. Pyxis looked down at the faces staring back at them, white robes painted with a large X over their hearts in a deep crimson. Twelve adults, thirteen kids, all of them staring at Pyxis in pure awe. “Just Pyxis is fine. Ya don’t hafta be so formal. I’m… not a god ya need to worship like tha other three.” Pyxis spoke softly, kneeling down and moving their hand away from the firearm on their hip. One of the children stepped closer and gently touched Pyxis’ face, offering a smile. “We know you’d be back! You wouldn’t leave us!” Pyxis just sadly smiled, cupping the child’s face as they rubbed their thumb across their cheek. “I’m sorry it took me so long to come, little one. Can ya do me a favor? I need ya ta get all the other kids ready ta step through a fancy portal. I’m going ta bring ya guys ta tha planet I call home. I know… it will be very very different from Alanixis, but I don’t think home should be a place where ya cant be an individual person.” The child smiled and nodded, gathering up the other twelve children.
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Pyxis sadly smiled, readjusting the white bandana tied around their wrist. They wore no colors, having switched into a long black coat, dark grey cargos, a sleeveless turtleneck with a dark green neck gaiter tucked beneath the collar of the turtleneck, waiting to be worn once the battle started. Their hair was down, hanging over their shoulders. They had left their glasses, friendship bracelet, and messenger bag back on Earth in the apartment. A gun hung from their waist on their right side, multiple rounds of ammo hidden on them, a long lead pipe slung over their shoulder, and a knife strapped to their upper thigh. A canister of flammable gas for the “finale” hung from their left side. One of the adults stepped up, the only named one out of them all. “The others do not have names yet, but I do. I am Carina. Thank you for coming, your greatness.” Carina bowed their head. “None of that please. We are equals, there is no need to bow. Seriously, I didn’t ask fer tha godhood stuff. Plus, y’all aren’t gonna be able ta do that stuff back on Earth. Especially if ya decide ta stay on tha planet.” Pyxis groaned a bit, wincing as they watched the others bow to them. “All I need ta know is how many folks are comin with us n where the thirteenth spear is.” “Oh, you are so humble, Pyxis the thirteenth.” One of the other adults chimed, uncovering one of the crates in the corner.
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Pyxis stepped closer and felt their heart sink as they looked at the spear made from their bones sitting in the crate, surrounded by the thirteen tapestries. Their gloved hands flexed, the armor pieces inside of the gloves flexing as well. They sucked in a deep breath and picked up the spear, feeling the weight in their hands. “Why am I not surprised it is balanced.” They sighed. They shook their head and placed down a puck on the ground, opening up a portal. “All of you. Go in. Once ya get out there, yer gonna stick around that area. Don’t go runnin off anywhere. Tha area I’m havin ya go into is safe, but only within a specific radius. So again. Do not go runnin off nowhere. Once everyone is through, I’m closin tha portal.” The twelve adults and thirteen children stared at the portal in awe, but none of them stepped close to it. Pyxis sighed, knowing time wasn’t on their side. So they grabbed the closest adult, which just happened to be Carina. They shoved Carina through and looked at the others who just seemed shocked but soon followed after, taking the crates with them. Once everyone was through, Pyxis quickly closed the portal and twirled the bone spear in their gloved hands. “This is needed. This ends today.” They muttered, stepping out of the vent and marching down the hall.
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The emotionless ones watched as Pyxis walked down the hall, doing nothing as they marched through the endless, white halls, their eyes deadset on the path ahead of them. Guards stopped Pyxis at the end of the hall, holding two of the twelve other bone spears. “No entry. You are clearly of the disgracefuls. Leave.” The guards spoke in unison. Pyxis cocked up an eyebrow, coming to a stop. They stared at the faces they tried so hard to forget, and tried so hard to force to be different on themselves. “I am the disgraceful one. Or sorry, ya might know me better as Pyxis. Move, now.” They slit their wrist, letting the gold blood pill on their skin. The guards watched the blood and stepped out of the way, letting Pyxis through. Pyxis continued to walk through the walls, growling as they saw the occasional flash of color the closer they got to the three. “Pyxis? God of Impurity, God of Emotion. The thirteenth, yet the fourth. Why have you returned?” God of Purity spoke up, Serenity and Equality looking up from the table where they ate colorful food. Pyxis scoffed and tugged off the white bandana from their wrist, tossing it at the feet of the three. “How fuckin low of ya three. Do any of them even know ya have all these colors? Flavorful food? Yer pathetic.”
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Equality looked down at the bandana and scoffed in response. “You are one to speak. You come back after 125 years and expect us to welcome you back as one of us? What is that fabric for?” “Where I’m from, ya wave a piece of white fabric ta signal ya give up, a sign of surrender. This ain’t my home, it ain’t ever been my home. So I ain’t got no qualms ‘bout destroyin this hunka scraps. But let it be known I ain’t a monster unless I get cornered. So. Ya can pick up that piece of white fabric, I take my folks with me, n we call it a day. Or, ya leave that there on tha ground, call yer guards, n by tha time I leave here, it ain’t gonna be white no more. Player’s choice.” The three gods looked at the white fabric, Serenity picking up the fabric. And Serenity became anything but as they tossed the white bandana at Pyxis, snarling slightly. “You think you scare us? We are the three. You are nothing.” Pyxis held the bandana in their hand as they stepped closer, tying it back around their wrist, raising the neck gaiter up over their mouth and nose, gripping the spear in their hand tighter. Without hesitation, they pierced the spear straight through the head of God of Serenity, watching as silver blood poured out instead of gold blood. They scoffed and used their full weight to pull the spear upwards, letting the dead body of the false god Serenity to fall to the ground, bringing down their boot to crack their head in. “N here I thought I’d be fightin my kind. Guess I was wrong. Unless only Purity is tha real one.” Silver and crimson splattered over them, staining a portion of the white bandana. Pyxis let Equality run for the alarm, letting them sound the alarm for the guards and to get the citizens to evacuate. Once Equality hit the alarms, they stabbed their spear through Equality’s stomach, dragging them back before cracking in their skull as well, letting the silver and crimson blood pool around them.
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Purity showed no emotions, continuing to sit at the head of the table. They simply finished their meal and wiped their mouth as the guards rushed in. “You are nothing, Pyxis the Thirteenth.” That same, even, monotone voice spoke. “You’re wrong. I am everything. I am what you aren’t.” Pyxis set the bone spear to the side and cocked their borrowed firearm, taking a deep breath before firing off multiple shots, lodging a bullet into six of the guards, dropping the empty mag out of the handgun before unstrapping the knife from their thigh, stepping to the side as one of the guards swung a spear at them. Pyxis swung their leg to the side, cracking the guard’s head into the wall before grabbing their head and slamming it multiple times until the metal wall dented and hot steam shot out, blood splattering all over Pyxis. Their movements weren’t entirely fluid, indicative of someone still new to this, but fluid enough that it was obvious they weren’t hesitating to do this. Pyxis grunted as the seventh guard rushed forward, piercing Pyxis with a spear through the shoulder, pinning them into the wall. Pyxis let out a soft groan and raised their knife, their golden blood spilling out as they moved and slammed the knife into the guard’s chest, twisting the knife and kicking them back before pulling the spear out of their shoulder, the wound immediately healing. They grabbed the lead pipe from their back and cracked it over the seventh guard, bringing the pipe down multiple times and blood continued to splatter onto them, silver and crimson. They pulled the knife out of the guard and placed it back onto their thigh as they went after the eight guard, swinging the lead pipe relentlessly, the white bandana around their wrist stained crimson and silver with a few specks of gold.
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Pyxis quickly reloaded the handgun and cocked it before shooting into the last four guards, blood coating the white ground in bright crimson, scarlet, and silver. They picked up all twelve spears from the guards, tossing the lead pipe to the side. “What exactly do you believe you will get from all of this, Pyxis? No one will know what happened in this room. This is just slaughter.” Purity spoke up, standing up from the table and walking in front of Pyxis, the two of them standing face to face. Pyxis met the eyes of Purity, pure rage flooded in their eyes, not an ounce of sympathy to be seen. “Well, ta start, tha planets in this system finally get sunlight without needin ta pay yer greedy asses. Don’t start with that pure beings bullshit. Thousands of Alanixians are gonna be able ta find other planets where they can finally feel somethin n see color. And that biggest plus of it all?” Pyxis growled as they spoke, their deep brown eyes only growing more intense. “I get revenge. Now then, what was tha order again? Two through tha wrist…” Pyxis lifted the God of Purity, piercing a spear through each wrist and pinning them to the wall. “Another two through tha elbows… then two through tha shoulders.” Pyxis continued, golden blood splattering on them as they continued, going all the way until one spear was left, the thirteenth spear.
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“Now then. Where ta pierce this one through… What was it that ya told me? No legs ta stand on?” Pyxis stepped to the side and pierced the spear through Purity’s legs from the side, golden blood continuing to spill, pooling on the ground. They stepped back to look around at what they’d done, when a familiar ding filled the air. They stared at the large tapestry that had just finished, gold, silver, crimson, and scarlet painting the exact scene before them, two of the four gods dead, Purity pinned to the wall, twelve dead guards, and Pyxis standing there with their weapons. Pyxis scoffed and picked up the tapestry, tucking it away before pulling the canister of flammable gas off their side. They placed down their portal puck, activating it before tossing the gas canister into the middle of the room, the gas making them lightheaded as it filled the halls and rooms quickly. “I am everything you will never be. Remember that when you say hi to tha devil fer me.” Pyxis spoke clearly before stepping through the portal and tossing a lit match through, the entirety of Alanixis blowing up to smithereens, the scene flashing before Pyxis as they closed the portal, the last thing they saw being the sun they would never return to again.
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hannahssimblr · 9 months
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Clóda is waiting on the couch when I come back with fingers drumming on her knees, “There’s orange juice on the floor,” she points out. “Did someone spill it?”
“Oh, sh- yeah, Ivy did. I haven’t had a chance to clean it yet.”
“Do you need help?”
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“God, no, it’s fine, I’ll just-” I dip into the bathroom and yank some toilet paper off the roll and then start layering it over the spill. God, this is embarrassing. Why did I invite her into this mess? She shouldn't be seeing any of this. The house was supposed to be clean and fragrant with some cool music playing and maybe even one of my mother’s less fancy and less noticeable candles lit on the shelf, but no, here I am on my knees beside Clóda, mopping up orange juice with toilet paper that is rapidly disintegrating and turning to mush in my hands.
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To add insult to injury she says, “how’s the whole babysitting thing going?”
“Yeah amazingly. So good.”
She looks around her again and I fear that she will spot something else that’s gone wrong, but she just says, “This beach house is pretty nice.”
“Yeah we’re lucky.”
“Do your parents, um, do they have good jobs?”
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“Yeah, you could say that I suppose, my dad’s a dentist and my mom is an actuary.”
“What is that?”
I shrug, “Basically she works in insurance, it’s very boring.”
“I actually used to always wonder who owned this house. I’d see it every time I was walking to the end of the beach, but like, it’s shut up all winter so I never really knew anything except for that some wealthy family from Dublin owns it.”
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“We’re not that wealthy,” I gather the soaking tissue in my hands and go and dump it into a waste paper basket. “Probably about the same as you, huh? Didn’t you say that your dad owns the boat club?”
“It’s in the family, yeah, but that’s the only business we own now since we had to sell the restaurant in town.”
“Oh now you have just one business?” I slump down next to her and make sure that our elbows are touching, “I didn’t know you were lowly peasants. God, how do you survive off that?”
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“Shut up,” she smirks at me, “It’s not all great, with the recession and all..”
“Yeah the recession,” I roll my eyes, “It’s always the recession this and the recession that these days, isn’t it?”
“Yeah it’s so boring, I don’t care about economics or anything like that.”
“Same. I never pay attention in business class.” I spring forward and grab the TV remote from the table, trying to be very cool and play off the fact that it is now sticky after Ivy mauled it with her child-hands. “You want to watch a movie?”
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“What kind?”
“Do you have the movie channels?”
“Yeah all of them.”
“All of them?”
“At your holiday house?”
“You’re wealthier than I am then.”
I laugh, “Come on, let’s pick a movie. What’s on? Oh look, Ocean’s Thirteen is there, or… Bruce Almighty.”
“What about P.S I love you?”
I flick it on without hesitation, “Yeah sure.”
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She laughs in disbelief, “Really?”
“Why not?” We’re not looking for Oscar winners here, just some background noise, and anyway, sometimes I secretly don’t mind chick flicks that much, at least it offers some ambient background noise instead of the gunshots and helicopters that are always in the films I watch with the guys. Obviously I love those kinds of movies, but girls aren't often as enthusiastic.
I sit back and drape my arm over the back of the couch. Not touching her, not yet, but enough to break any awkward tension and dissipate any confusion she may have about why I invited her over. See, I’m slick like that.
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“Does your dad know you’re here?” I murmur as the opening credits roll. 
“As if. He thinks I’m at Rachel’s house. You know he actually asked me about you earlier when you came by the boat club.”
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“Was he wondering if I work out?” 
She laughs, “No, he was all like ‘who was that young fella hovering around the door?’ and all, he says you look rough.”
“I think it’s the shaved head, makes you look like a skanger.” 
I pretend to be shocked, “A skanger? I’m no skanger.”
“Well I know that, but you look like one when you don’t have any hair.”
I run a hand over my head. There’s nothing I can do about it now. “And Rachel? Does she know that you’re supposed to be with her?”
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Clóda shifts guiltily, “Um, no. She’s mad at me actually, so I haven’t talked to her in a few days.”
I shift in close to face her. I shouldn’t be addicted to teen girl drama but it’s fascinating. The things they say and do to one another are always crazy, it’s true psychological warfare. “Oh yeah? What happened?”
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“Oh, just, you know.”
“You’re going to have to give me more than that.”
“She’s annoyed because she called first dibs.”
She blushes bright pink and looks away, and I understand that this is about me. They should probably be more relaxed about this kind of thing, because Shane fancied Clóda too but I got there first. There’s no hard feelings, it’s just how it works, and I think girls might have an easier time if they got on board and accepted things like this.
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“Did you tell her that I said I don’t fancy her?”
“No, do you think I should? I’ll tell her that you think she’s annoying or something.”
“Um, no, don't tell her that.”
“She is annoying though.”
“I don’t know about that.”
Clóda scoffs, “She is, she, like, copies everything I do. If I curl my hair, she curls her hair, if my nails are purple then her nails are purple, she has no originality. It just annoys me so much.”
“Yeah that sounds tough, I guess, but if you wanna tell her as much then you have to say that it’s you that thinks it, not me. I don’t want to get involved.”
“Do boys have this type of drama?”
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“Right… I’m sorry for bringing it up, you probably think it sounds really stupid.”
“I don’t, it’s okay, you can chat to me about it if you want.”
“Well, okay then,” she says, and launches immediately into a ten minute tirade about Rachel and how annoying she is, and how this relates to and ties in with some other girls at their school in some friend group they’re in, and I try my best to stay engaged but it’s frankly confusing. I can’t keep track of who’s who, and sometimes it’s Clóda herself, the main focus of all of these stories, who seems to be in the wrong. She keeps saying things like “Do you know what I’m saying?” and I don’t, but I suppose it’s okay and I can just nod along because what’s important is that she’s here and the things about her that are nice make any doubts I may have about her dissipate and float away for now. Like her eyes, hazel, the beauty spot on her chin and that view of the side of her neck when she tucks her hair behind her ear. When I picture myself putting my mouth there her words don't really matter. 
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The next time she looks up at me through long, black lashes she trails off, her sentence dies on her lips because she knows I have stopped listening. She knows I am going to kiss her, and I am, because I’ve already subscribed to the idea that kissing her would be so nice. 
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She watches my hand as I move to push a piece of her hair away from her face and then locks her eyes on me as I lean in and press my lips to hers, and while the idea is nice, so nice, the reality is different. It is wet and messy and she’s still not very good at this. I don't know why I half expected her to have improved in the last week, but it’s alright because I’m two things, I’m patient and I’m a good teacher.
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“Like this,” I murmur, drawing back with her face in my hands and dotting kisses to her mouth. 
Her breath hitches, “Am I bad?”
“No, I'm just trying to show you how I like it.”
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My phone begins to buzz in my pocket and I ignore it. I don’t know why she is so eager to unhinge her jaw and shove her entire tongue in my mouth, but I’m not letting her. Every time she tries I pull back and start again as the phone stops ringing. Then it begins again. 
Clóda sounds dazed, “Is someone ringing you?”
“Never mind it.” We kiss more as it vibrates furiously against my thigh.
“It’s kind of distracting.”
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I grumble to myself and pull it out of my pocket to see Joe calling, and I pull a face. This guy should not be calling me. Preferably he wouldn’t even have this kind of access to me past six PM, or actually, my number at all, but I answer it anyway. 
“Hey man.”
I pause for several incredulous seconds, “Yeah, hey. What’s up?”
“Nothin’ much man, how are you?”
“Why are you ringing me?”
“Oh! I think Jen wants you to come and get her.”
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“Jen?” I sit up straight letting Clóda’s hands and legs drop away from me. “What’s wrong?”
“We dunno, man. She’s just crying and shit. She just says that she wants you to come over.”
“Where are you?” 
“My brother’s house.”
I pinch the skin between my eyebrows, “Did you- did she-” I’m hyper aware of Clóda listening to my every word, “Is she, um, intoxicated?”
“Yeah man, she took a couple yokes and then started freaking out, I dunno. She’s outside crying and asking for you.”
“You left her outside?”
“That’s just where she was.”
“Can you put her on the phone?”
“Um, she can’t really talk, she’s kinda hypo- hyp- she’s gasping really hard.”
“Okay, I’m coming,”
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 I stand up as Clóda watches me. “Where?” She says as I finish up the phone call. 
I move through the room frantically grabbing keys, money, “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry but I have to go and get Jen. She’s at a party tonight and she’s not feeling well,” I instinctively reach to paw at the front of my hair though it isn’t there anymore. “This is terrible, I know, I wish-”
“You want me to stay here?” She glances around awkwardly. 
“Well… yeah, you know, I can’t leave my sister in the house on her own, and Jen needs to be brought home, I promise that I won’t be long, the house she’s at is just down in the village, like ten minutes each way, and-”
“Yeah I suppose, I-”
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“As a huge favour?” I interject desperately, “Can you just stay? I’ll owe you one, and you don’t have to do anything, just sit here for like, twenty minutes, half an hour max and I’ll be back.”
“I have to be home by eleven.”
“I’ll be back before then.”
“Um. Okay.”
“Yeah, great, finish the movie, um… thank you so much, seriously. I’ll be right back.” I rush up the stairs and out the front door. This is bad. This is genuinely terrible, but there’s nothing that I can do about it, so I push all thoughts about what is happening to the back of my mind and climb onto my bicycle. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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gemini-magic17 · 11 months
Entanglement Chapter Twelve
She left me I can't believe she left me here. Standing alone in the library contemplating what the hell just happened. How could she kiss me like that and just up and leave me without a word? I try not to let the tears spill from my eyes but they slowly start to fall down my cheeks. Banging the back of my head on the stack my mind finally went to that place it never wanted to. The reason she left was because she heard Jade and that just confirmed what I always denied. Kit cares about Jade and it is in a way that has nothing to do with being a friend.
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I wiped the tears off my face while making sure it appeared that I hadn't been crying and I hurriedly left the library. My chambers were close to the library which turned out to be a godsend in this situation. Standing in front of my door with my hand on the knob I started to turn it when I suddenly heard shuffling from the other side. Carefully opening the door I peeked through it and I saw my father standing there.
"Father, is there something you need", I asked as I made my way into the room shutting the door.
"I just wanted to come see how you are. I felt like I hadn't seen you in awhile", he said.
"I'm doing well", trying to hide the dried tears that streaked my face.
"Are you sure? You look like you have been crying."
"I tripped leaving the library and I hurt myself while I tried to break the fall with my arms", I said. I prayed that the excuse I used would work but my dad wasn't someone that could be so easily fooled.
"Y/n I know when you are lying to me but I also know that when you are upset you don't want to talk about it", he said. That was one thing about him that I have always loved. No matter how angry or upset I was he was the one to give me my space when I needed it.
"I won't force you to tell me what's wrong but I need to know that you are going to be okay", he said looking into my eyes with concern present in them. I grabbed ahold of his hands and smiled.
"Don't worry I am going to be fine. What do you always say about this family", I asked. He chuckled and said, "The people in this family are strong, and that we bounce back quicker than anyone."
"That's right. I love you", I told him.
"I love you too. To the moon and back I always will", he said as he hugged me tight. He pressed a kiss on my forehead and went on his way.
I flung myself onto my bed and all of a sudden the dam broke. The tears didn't stop coming and I felt like I couldn't breathe. How could I be so stupid and let myself fall for her knowing that she could break my heart.
**Kit's POV
I think I lost her. I lost Jade forever there was no way she was going to forgive let alone trust me ever again. Not knowing what I was going to do my mind went to Y/n. God, I left her in that library with zero explanation of what had happened. I may have not liked her but she didn't deserve that nobody deserves that. I ran towards the library and busted through the door when I made it. I called her name multiple times and no answer. I looked all over that place and there was no trace of her anymore which only meant one thing. Y/n left and she didn't want to stick around for what happened after. The next logical place I could think of where she could be was in her room.
On my way there I passed her father in the corridor and we exchanged hellos. As I came up on her door I could hear crying coming from the inside. She was crying and it was because of what I did. I never meant to hurt her not like this I don't want her to cry. I knocked on the door and I heard her ask who was it. I didn't respond being too afraid she would tell me to go away before I could even speak to her. I quickly opened the door and the tears she had streaming down her face broke my heart. Before she could say anything I stepped inside, closed the door, and locked it. Y/n started screaming at me telling me to leave and that she never wanted to see me again.
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"Please don't say that I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave like that", I said.
"You didn't mean to leave like that! I was standing there like an idiot after you practically tried to undress me in the library", she exclaimed.
"I know it's just that-"
"It's just that you heard Jade come in and knew that what we did was what was wrong? I like you I mean I really like you and running after her after what we did stomped on my heart. You love her just admit it", she hiccuped. I looked down at the floor and then back to her before I could say what I needed to.
"Your right I did leave to go after Jade but it is not because I love her. It's true I do care for her more than a friend should but I don't love her. I do have strong feelings for you but I have feelings for Jade too", saying this I took into consideration the words that James spoke to me. Even though I was developing some kind of feelings for Y/n my feelings for Jade were stronger than that. The threat looming over my head by her brother reminded me that I needed to tread carefully.
"You may feel something for me Kit but I know for a fact that Jade is always going to be the person you chase after and I will be the one to be left behind", she said. I knew she was right if it came down to it Jade would be the person I would choose.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't want to hurt you", I said with sincerity.
"Yeah well it's a little too late for that don't you think", she said and walked towards the door to unlock it.
"I don't want to see you not right now. I can't even look at you", she said with disdain. She opened the door and told me to get out. I walked past her and right as I was going to tell her something she shut the door in my face. I mean could you blame her I hurt her in more ways than one and it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't talk to me until the wedding. I screwed everything up with Y/n and Jade turning this into a shit show. What the hell am I going to do?
**James' POV
I can hear Y/n yelling from down the corridor. I ran as fast as I could to her chambers and the yelling grew louder. I was right outside when I could hear everything she was saying and how Kit was the person my sister's anger was directed at. From what I could get Jade's name was constantly being brought up. I knew then and there that Y/n had found out about those two and was now going ballistic. The yelling went on for a few more minutes when I heard the door unlock. I quickly went down the hall and hid behind an opening.
I see Kit walk out of the room where she proceeded to have the door shut in her face. I had to hold in my laughter so she wouldn't know I was there. I could see her defeated look and as she walked away I started to form a plan for how Kit was going to pay for hurting Y/n.
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missthem · 2 years
Ajax Petropolus × male reader
Friends to lovers
722 words
A/n: Hii, this is my first time writing any type of fanfiction or just writing in general. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language, so please excuse grammar or spelling mistakes. I know that this is rather short but I hope that you still enjoy it. <3
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Your day started rather normally, going to class, eating lunch, and meeting friends. One friend, in particular, caught your attention today, well maybe not only today but for the last year. It was your best friend and roommate Ajax. Figuring out your sexuality and your crush on him took a long time, and you still couldn't work up the courage to just ask him out. Your pinning over him has also started to annoy all of your other friends; they think you should just tell him, but you couldn't.
You hadn't even noticed that you zoned out and were staring directly at Ajax. "Are you alright over there?" he asked looking a bit worried. Blinking yourself out of the trace you quickly answered him "What, oh yeah sorry. I was just thinking about the exam we have next week." "Don't worry about that, I'm sure you are going to do amazing" he smiled back.
In the evening when you crawled into bed it was unusually cold in the castle. It was cold most of the time but this evening even your thick blankets weren't enough to keep you warm. Since Nevermore was in an old building, the heating tended to go out from time to time. Normally, it was fine, and it turned back on after an hour or two but not this time. This time, it was out all night. Because of that, you woke up at 3 am freezing, feeling like you were going to die because of the cold. Looking over to the bed on the other side of the room you saw Ajax peacefully sleeping as if nothing was going on. He must be his own heater, you thought to yourself. Without thinking twice, worried that you might change your decision, you got out of bed and slowly, not to wake him up, walked over to his bed. As you were lifting the blanket he started to wake up. "Five more minutes" he mumbled sleepily. Since he was already starting to wake up you decided to fully wake him and at least get his consent. You started to lightly shake him and after a few shakes, his eyes fluttered open. While blinking up at you he asked "What are you doing here?". "The heating is still out and I'm freezing to death over here" you whispered back, now getting scared of asking him for cuddles. "Alright, and why did you wake me?" he wanted to know. Blushing you uttered, "You looked so warm and I wanted to ask if I could maybe get in with you so you can keep me warm." "Why didn't you just ask, come here." He said while lifting the blanket so you could scout in. Now finally getting warmer, you snuggled even closer to Ajax, seeking his body heat. Noticing this he crossed his arms around your chest and pulled you even closer to himself. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and you were able to feel his warm breath on your exposed skin. This sent shivers down your spine and you instantly craved more. But since you were a coward who can't confess to their crush, you didn't do anything and just enjoyed the moment in silence. This however was broken when Ajax quietly spoke up, "This nice you know. I have always wanted to do this, why haven't we done this earlier?" You turned around so you were facing him. "I don't know, but I have also wanted to do this for quite some time now. You know actually, I have wanted to tell you this for about a year now. Ajax I really like you, like, like like you. It's fine if you don't feel the same I just needed to say…" you weren't able to finish your speech as Ajax cut you off with a kiss, you were caught so off guard that you hesitated for a second before kissing him back. "I like you too, dummy. I have liked you ever since I met you." He whispered to your lips. Now craving more you pulled him back in by his shirt and kissed him again, this time more passionately.
Turns out that the heating being out is not always the worst thing that could happen. Not in this case anyway.
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cutepastelstarsalior · 8 months
Decided to watch Hazbin Hotel…..(only because I hard that Jeremy Jordan is Lucifer va…..and also because i am a hater™️)
Watching this on Watch Anime dub, it has the pilot…so
Pilot Charlie voice is so pretty. God the angels designs remind me of those weird The Purge neon mask…forget how red this pilot is..there is a lot of random sounds effects, it feels a tinnnyyyyyy bit to much. Pilot angels voice <3 snake guy voice so SO familiar????? I feel like he was in a video game or something. Hmm I forgot how much cursing there is…minor pet peeve, sometimes the lineart is hot pink and it’s kind of annoying since it sticks out against black lineart, also there SO many eyes, everywhere? Idk if that a fun little quirk or lore™️ that one news reporter being on fire made me laugh.. I like the mixed art style when Vaggie talks about Alastor, it’s charming. Hmmm, radio sound effects, love them <3
I think it’s cool that Charlie is a very sweet, kind of “childish” Nieves princess in a world full of murder and hate and violence. It makes me wonder how she got that way? Also hell is overpopulated so the angels kill them. Interesting!! Especially since lot of demons also fight over territory. This Katie killjoy does have a point, why would sinners want to change? Beside the killing, it seems like hell is basically Earth 2.0.. It is cool how Alastor the radio demon, decided to help out because he’s bored.
GOOSEWORX THE CEATOR OF THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS :0 👀 yooooooo. Jesus there so many people working on this pilot…
Scale of 1-5 I give this a 3.5.
Episode 1
Ok, so the intro says that the angels have an extermination because they don’t want Hell to rise up. But in the pilot it was because of overpopulation…Also Lucifer not liking hell and can no longer dream, while Lilith thrives…hmmm if this story has Lilith be evil while Lucifer is good idk how to feel about that. The voices are different, while I don’t like Charlie’s new voice (sounds to idk deep?) I definitely like Vaggies, it’s deep and a bit monotone. Also new outfits!!! Charlie’s is fine, but I don’t like how sharp her face is? So look more older and mature compared to her pilot self, which add the whole naive princess feel. It’s canonically 5days to a week between the events of the pilot and the first episode…oh ew I hate Angels voice. It’s too high, and he has an accent now??? Oh Husk voice!! While is deep, it’s also high? No longer gruff.. hmm character wise, angels seem more bitchy?? Then the pilot?
Ok…random song???? Just…no build up music or anything.. Charlie curses more too. In the pilot she curse like, 3 times. Here she does it more.
There is a giant clock tower thing that went you go in, leases to a lobby then leads to the angels???? Wouldn’t that make it like, easier to attack heaven or something? Why is an Angel, like the heaven angel, cursing?? I feel like that would be against the rules?? WAIT THATS ADAM LIKE FIRST HUMAN ADAM???? Oh no that worse… like like nifty she’s a cutiepie :)
Ok Hell is still overpopulated, and heaven keeps killing then because they think he’ll will overpower them, but Adam does it for entertainment? Hmmm they also going to kill again in 6 months. :/ Katie killjoy voice is also bad.. oh!!! Wait Adam lied, the real reason heaven is killing again because an Angel was killed? But an angel was never killed before??? I thought hell was very powerful?
Episode rating 1-5. I give it a 3. I like the singing, love Vaggies and Alastor’s dynamic. But the plot is a bit confusing? Is hell being kill because of overpowered or because of overpopulated? The hotel design is pretty. Though he’ll is still red :/
Episode 2
Why is hell citizen freaking out? In the pilot it seems like they like it, because people can fight over territory. And an angel was murder, so ??? Don’t see why they would panic.
The Vees. Vox, a tv head demon who is like a weird Amazon business guy. His design is…clutter. Dude, striped jacket with vertical stripes shirt? Tho thank god he’s blue, he sticks out nicely in hell. I like his blue neon eyeliner, that cool. Velvet is a British fashion designer….shes fine. I don’t really care for her. And Valentino, who’s is Angel’s boss/pimp. And oh my gosh whose voice, his accent keeps coming and going??? It’s bad I hate it, because it’s so noticeable. Interesting that he’s Spainish(?)
Vox can hypnotize people and he did a cool tv voice effect!! Oh god I think I have a favorite character??? Vox and nifty…
Ok ok ok, so there a radio demon, a tv demon, is there a computer/internet demon??? God I hope so. Imagine if there an internet demon and vox and alastor has to like put aside there differences and work together.
Why is there Egyptian demons???? Ancient Egyptian believed in an underworld called Duat, but it’s not a place of external punishment. The ancient Egyptian thought the worst punishment a soul could have would be denial to the afterlife, and being ceased to exist. The souls did have to make a dangerous journey to be judged by Horus and Osiris. (Wiki)
Vox asked Alastor to join his team?? Maybe Vox doesn’t like Velvet and Valitini that much? He seems more like a boss to them than a friend.
“And that’s the tea” :/ Why is Alastair using slang from after the 20’s? I mean sure he probably learn it in hell. But Alastor is like from 1920. That’s the tea/spilling tea is original from drag culture in 1994.
What IS Charlie’s plan to redeems sinners? Charlie was born in hell, and the sinner were from earth, surely the sinner like, know how to apologize and basic human decency? Maybe they just forgot? Maybe they need to like, clean themselves of their sin??? Idk.
Oh my god Charlie is having them do a say no to drugs roleplay!!!! ……that. Akers me wonder, how does Charlie’s know this stuff if she’s from hell? Does she learn this by watching the sinners? Did her mom or dad teach her this??? Ok, so I have seen the pilot and that seen post about that one comic about angel day to day life, and seen the addic music video. So it’s a surprise that Fat Nuggets, Angle’s pet pig is here. And that weird red smoke.
I don’t care for snake guy. He’s…neutral. Kind of suck that who snake guy being a spy was like, immediately uncovered. Kind of wished that angle was get like bummed out about the attention snake guy is getting, then later he would like, try to find out what is going on. Or something!!! But I guess having snake guy be an actual member of the team is fine. Tho, I do like his design. It’s nice to see characters that aren’t so red. Angel’s and Vaggie’s singing voice harmonies really well. Ok, this is like the first sign I actually enjoy.
Scale 1-5. I give it a 4. Only because of Vox, and that ending song.
Episode 3
Snake guy wanting to shoot the other residents because he thinks everyone is to nice and it’s a lie. That…that surprisingly a deep thought? Like I didn’t expect the show to have the residents not trust one another because they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Also it seems like Vaggie and Alastair run the hotel, like doing up with the ad, making rules. Seems like Charlie is just the face/money aspect of the hotel. My guess is that in the future Charlie wants to quit, or is forced to to quit, and Vaggie take over, or gives like, an emotional speech about how the hotel and running it charge her for the better.
I remover in the pilot, or around that time, Alastor is aroace (nice) but I don’t remember what Vaggie is. But I can see people shipping them. For me, I could see then being close friends or maybe a weird ambiguous relationship.
Charlie you kind of a shitty boss. Like, I know I just said that vaggie does all the work, but girl, you have to do some work to?
Oh my god there do a Mean Girls trust fall bit.
Weird green spider guy….i love him. Wish this show has subtitles, would love to understand what this guy is saying..
There sub overloads? Neat. God that weird neon wolf??? Dinosaur??? Is SO distracting, like they really stick out against the reds and washout colors..
Once again, a another song without any music buildup or warning. “I’m the backbone of the Vees” hmmmmm are you tho? Like, Vox is doing a lot, and Val is….there. WAIT IS SHE the internet overboard??? She’s call “social media overlord” in one of the screen backgrounds.. god if she if, that lame. She not like, scary or imitating?? She’s just annoying. Man that sucksss. We could have like a cool internet overlord that was young and careless, but that a persona, and on the inside they are rude and vile. Because the internet has everything and anything, so they could instantly control people lives or spread rumors or doxxs people????
Idk why, but velvet sing reminds me of SIX the musical. But I know that her VA is Lily Cooper who did the SpongeBob musical and wicked , and not SIX.
Why is this lady’s earring hanging off her hair??? Do sinner/demons/whatever not have ears or noses?? Eghh I don’t like her singing?? It feel like she’s straining herself.
WAIT THE SNAKE EGG HAS EGGS BECAUSE SNAKE LAY EGGS BUT THEY ALSO EAT THEM. OHHHHH. why did that take me so long to figure that out??
Scale 1-4. I give this a 2. Idk man, this episode is kind of boring.
Episode 4
Oh dear, I hard LOT of bad things with this episode…let’s see how bad it is.
Charlie get gross out by the sex tape….asexual Charlie real. To me!!!! Also same, Charlie, same.
“Dollface” aw, cute.
Angel panicking about Charlie trying to talk to his boss. I’m guessing he’s afraid that if Charlie accidentally angers Val, Val will take his anger out on Angel. :(
Oh cool. Val hit angel. Wow!! (Sarcasm) Totally wish there was like, a warning or something for that!!!!
Hmm ok. So that song was…bad. Like lyrically bad. As for the scenes, I literally don’t know how to feel about them? Like knowing the backstories of this episode, it grosses me out. But the song and scenes, just didn’t feel anything? Idk.
I don’t think husk should get angel back?? Angel was sexually harassed him, and husk has repeatedly said no. Like yeah, angel did that has a bad coping mechanisms or like, persona, but hmmm. I feel like if they two need to talk to each other, it could be in a different way? Also I noticed this episode is SUPER short compared to the other ones. The other once’s are like 22 minutes, this one is 12.
Oh cool, husk stoped angel from getting roofied. I guess with him being a bartender, he’s train to watch out of these things.
Husk singing voice is so so nice <3 but WOW is this message a bad one. Angel sold his soul to Val, and Val abuses him. Angel then self destruct because he thinks if he (angel) is broken enough then Val will let him go. Meanwhile…..Husk was an overlord who gamble and lost his soul to Alastor…..these 2 problems don’t equal each other. One is horrible, and one is a bummer situation. Also the message for being at rock bottom, together, maybe he helped to some people, but I think in Angel’s case he needs different help. Like sometimes when people act worse with each other, it can make people not want to get better or encourage someone to get worse. I feel like that what husk and angel dynamic is?
For some reason I feel like Charlie was written really out of character here??? She crying and had to be carried away. It feels very weird.
Scale 1-4. I give this a 1. Would have have this a 0 but husk singing voice save it.
I heard that episode 5 and 6 are coming soon. Will I seen them, probably. Do I enjoy this show? Not really. The concept is cool! And like, only 3 characters I enjoy. But I feel like the way this is handled is bad. On Prime Video this show is 18+. Honestly, this show feels more like TV-14 - TV-MA. TV 14 is decried as intended for children ages 14 and up in company of an adult. It possibly contains suggesting dialogue, strong language, intense sexual situations, or intense violence.
TV MA is for adults. It possibly contains crude indecent language, explicit sexual activity, or graphic violence. On IMDb Hazbin Hotel has 19 sex and nudity, 14 gore and violence, 9 profanity, 10 alcohol, drugs and smoking, 9 fighting and intense scenes. On HBO MAX it’s 18+, TVMA, when video version, and 16+ on YouTube. So like, who is this show for???
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raisin-shell · 7 months
Raph’s Journal chapter 10: Scars ⚠️ TCEST⚠️
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We get a lot of questions, particularly from tha humans we do encounter. One of those questions is how I got my scar on my lip… an Leo his eye. Tha day started out like any other, my alarm clock went off an naturally I hit tha snooze button one to many times.
“Cmon Raph! You’re going to be late again and you know leo told you last time that it’d be your last time. Hurry up dude!”
My kid brother of all people is tha only one who can, if possible, keep me in line but today was tha wrong day ta fuck with fearless. I scrambled ta get my gear on, running frantically towards tha dojo. Once I was there all my brothers were already lined up and in position. Usually I get a tongue lashin’ from Leo tha moment I set foot in our fightin’ area but today he just glared on into some distance somewhere. Man I must have really pissed him off with my tardiness this time.
Once master splinter had evaluated us during our warm ups it was time fer some one on one matches. Naturally I was paired with Leonardo. Go figure. He seemed different today. No stoic nature just plain angry as our master signaled for us ta fight. He came at me full force, katanas weldin’ into tha sky as they crashed down against the metal of my sais.
“I told you this would be the last time you’re late Raphael!”
He’s usin’ my full name which lets me know he is indeed pissed off.
“Listen fearless, I’m here aren’t I? I swear ya get yer panties in a bunch over nothin’!”
I shoved him backward a bit to hard and he was on me once again, tha metal of our weapons clambered and clanked. He was strong god dammit that bastard was heated. I had finally had enough.
“What’s good tuff guy? Our great leader huh? Looks like ya need ta control yer temper!”
And I uppercut him, the point of my sai slashin’ his eye as he began to stumble backwards.
“Leo.. I didn’t… I’m sor..”
Before I could get it out I felt his leg swipe mine out from under me, his katana swung an if I hadn’t already been fallin’ backward, he’d have gotten more than just a slice of my lip. I groaned in agony. Apparently I landed on a sewer drain an broke my tail. Blood dripped down Leo’s eye as he just glared at me as I was rollin’ around on tha floor in pain. Practice was cut short that day. Donnie not only had to doctor myself up but Leo as well.
“Can you believe that guy!? All this because he can’t get over himself!”
I wince as Donnie takes a look at my tail.
“You were late Raph. Again. It’s been nearly every day this week. He expects more from you. He loves you. And honestly I think it’s past time you told him the truth about your feelings for him.”
Donnie was my go to fuck boy. He had always known about my secret attraction ta Leo. Never once got jealous or malicious. He was right.
“Alright fine. I’ll go talk ta him. But I swear ta god if he comes at me again I’m kickin’ yer ass next Donnie.”
A few days went by. I had ta give ol fearless his space. Give us both time ta heal. He had ta wear a patch over his eye for a while. Once it had healed and things weren’t so heated, I decided to confront him. He was tending to his bansai plants when I approached him from behind.
“Hey Leo. Yer eye okay?”
I hummed deeply as he continued pruning his plants.
“Listen fearless I’m sorry fer always…”
He dropped his clippers and turned ta face me.
“You’re sorry? You’re SORRY?! Jesus Christ Raphael you’re always sorry. I can’t get each of you on the same damn page when I have my right hand constantly disobeying orders! Do you think the rules don’t apply to you?!”
I’ll admit it… he’s cute as fuck when he’s angry.
“My eye is fine. No thanks to you.”
He folds his arms as I lean in closer to him.
“Here. Lemme see hm?”
I trace my thumb under tha bandage, peelin’ it back ta expose his eye still a bit swollen from tha impact.
“I… I really am sorry Leo. Ya just… ya don’t…. Ya don’t know how badly I feel fer ya. Ya got no clue. I love ya an it’s my fault ya don’t know that. It’s my fault. I’m… I’m sorry.”
My hand trailed across his cheek cuppin’ it as I leaned in closer ta him.
“Raph…. No…. Stop.”
My other arm wrapped around his waist as I pulled his body against mine.
“Raph I… we’ll get caught…”
No sooner did those words come outta his mouth an my lips landed on his. I was expectin’ him ta pull away but his body began ta melt against mine. All tensed muscles softened an I felt his hand cradle my neck, deepenin’ tha kiss. My foot kicked his door closed as our tongues continued ta tie. My hands took it upon themselves to wrap beneath his bottom liftin’ him up as we both slammed against the thick brick wall of his room.
His hips began buckin’ eagerly, his hard rod rollin’ against my own sent an aching throb to my cock. I grunted against his kiss, quickly untied tha laces of his pants allowin’ that beautiful cock of his to spring free. My hand couldn’t help but wrap around his perfect girth, tuggin’ firmly as he gasped and whimpered against my mouth. Never in a million years did I think things were gonna turn out like this.
My hand continued to pump his cock, usin’ all my upper body strength I held him up against tha wall as I began ta kneel down. I had his legs tucked up over my shoulders as I broke our kiss and began nibbling and sucking down tha center of his plastron. Gently, I lapped tha under ridge of his cock as a needy moan gasped from his throat. My hands spread his ass cheeks wide fer me. His thick lime green muscles glistened under tha light, a rock hard cock with two perfectly round spheres set embedded in between those legs just waitin’ fer me ta take a taste. Fuck me. My lips puckered around his bulbous head as my head bobbed down. His back craned, teeth grittin’ as ta not make so much noise.
His cock is long and thick, I can feel his pulse in my throat as I take him deeper and deeper. And his cock just kept getting harder. My thumb slipped ta his perineum using some of my own drool ta lubricate tha area, slowly pluggin’ my thumb into his tight, warm back door. Tha sweat was beadin’ and rolling down his brown as his thighs widened for me, welcoming my thumb now two knuckles deep into his body. Precum was strandin’ from tha tip of his cock ta his plastron. I knew he was ready.
I slipped back ta my feet, our lips crashin’ together again as I tugged my shorts down lettin’ my massive cock free. I lined my head up with his tight hot ring and slowly sunk myself up into him. I could feel his body trembling but his hips kept pressin’ inta mine.
“This what cha want fearless? Hm? Ya want me ta fuck ya don’t cha?”
His blue eyes opened fer tha first time since tha encounter, gazin lovingly inta my own eyes.
My hips retract as his mouth purses into a silent moan, tha tight pull he had on my cock nearly makin’ me explode right then and there. But I held myself together, plungin’ myself deeper into his tight cavern.
“Harder. Please harder.”
He’s beggin’ fer me now which if you’ve been readin’ up on my journal… you know that’s a weak spot fer me. I tuck my arms beneath his legs, pinnin’ him tight against the wall as I sink myself in deeper and faster until little spurts of cum began ta pulse from his cock and he came unraveled in my arms. I pulled him up away from tha wall, hips still thrusting deeply up inside of his tightness until I felt tha sweet release of my own orgasm pull through my body.
We stood there for a moment, both of us catchin’ our breath and me catchin’ fearless smiling fer a change. I slowly retracted my cock from him and set him down, helping him get his gear and pants back inta place. All tha while he had this giddiness about him that I’d never seen before.
“So I take it I’m forgiven?”
I smirked with a chuckle as I pat him on tha ass.
“For now… We’ll see what happens next time.”
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indigosabyss · 2 months
The Stranger On The Bridge (BSD x JJK)
[warning for dazai-typical suicide jokes; spoilers for JJK Culling Game Arc]
It had been three days since the terrible incident in Shibuya. Yuuji was still in shock from it all.
The city was quiet now. Except for the curses, everyone had made themselves scarce. That was why it was so impossible to believe what he saw, out on the bridge.
"Hey, Choso, you see that guy?" He leaned over to ask the Cursed Womb Painting, as they watched the figure in the trenchcoat lean against the support cable, legs dangling off the bridge they had been planning to use as a chokepoint for more curses.
"Uh huh." Choso agreed, "Do we... wait for him to scram, or what?"
"I should talk to him." Yuuji decided, "A bridge like this... even without the curses running around, he might not be in the best state of mind right now."
"I'll keep watch from afar." Choso decided, "In case he tries something."
The guy had some sort of guardian complex that had transferred from his brothers to Yuuji. Given that Yuuji had killed those brothers, and didn't really want to go back to fighting, he wasn't going to acknowledge it.
"It'll be fine." He assured Choso, moving toward the man sitting on the edge of the bridge.
Once he got closer, he realized that the man had bandages wrapped around his neck and arm, peeking out from under his clothes. He was humming along as he swung his legs in the air.
"Hey, man." Yuuji coughed, "How's it going?"
The man sighed dramatically, not reacting slightly to Yuuji coming out of nowhere, "It's going alright. But I think if I jump here, it'll go even better."
"Don't do that!" Yuuji yelped, "There's- uh- a lot of things to live for?"
The guy looked at him in amusement, "Did you somehow miss the giant circle torn out of the middle of Shibuya? We're living in times way too interesting for my taste."
Okay, so Yuuji was going to surrender his life the second he got back to Jujutsu Tech because of the Shibuya thing, so he didn't really have a leg to stand on.
"But that's no reason to-" Yuuji began to argue, only to be cut off by a curse jumping up from the waters and barreling towards them. Yuuji jumped back on instinct, but the other guy reached his arms out wide, almost encouraging the curse to attack him.
The curse was fast. But Yuuji was faster. Before it could touch the man, he obliterated it.
"Aw man." The guy in the bandages pouted, "I was hoping it would kill me."
"You can see that thing?" Yuuji asked.
He grinned, "Of course I can. Got a lot of tricks hidden up my sleeves." He popped cricks in his neck, "I guess I owe you for prolonging this cursed life, so I'll give you my name. It's Dazai Osamu."
Dazai? Weird name.
Then he wandered off muttering about finding death elsewhere, and Yuuji and Choso were able to use the bridge. He didn't think of the interaction at all after that.
Until they were in the Culling Game, and a guy with choppy white bangs and purple-yellow eyes cornered Yuuji.
"You wouldn't happen to know someone called Dazai Osamu, would you?" He asked apologetically. Weirdly meek for someone who had made it this far into the Culling Game.
"Nope." Fushiguro answered for him, incorrectly.
Another guy, with black hair and a jacket that moved oddly in the wind, growled, and the belt of his jacket sharpened into a blade to point at his neck, "I know someone from your party made contact with him, so tell us where Dazai-san is before Rashoumon has to tear you limb from limb-"
"Ah, now I remember!" Yuuji interjected hurriedly, "I met him on a bridge in Shibuya one time!"
"You shouldn't have done that." White-Bangs muttered, "Now he'll think interrogation is an effective information-gathering method."
"I don't see you getting results, Were-Tiger." Carnivore-Jacket hissed before focusing on Yuuji again, "Where is he now?"
"Dude that was a single meeting more than a week ago! How am I supposed to know?"
Carnivore-Jacket was giving them a death glare, but before it could escalate to more than that, White-Bangs and a person with black hair and a white medical mask grabbed him by each arm and carefully guided him away.
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allwaswell16 · 5 months
Hi lovely and thank for your sharing and caring in this fandom!
A bit finicky question, I'm here with. Don't know if I managed to mention different perspectives enough and contextualize it the way I wanted to, but anyway, do feel free to ignore or maybe just leave some tags:
What are your thoughts, your two pennies and just today (tomorrow is another day and maybe a new perspective), about the conversation going on about the commenting culture (nowadays in AO3):
the lack and/or decline of it
the urgent need for community, engagement, participation and positive feedback loop for authors
but also the growing and changing audience for fanfic
the growing idea that a fic is not a gift (it most certainly is) but some "factory produced and guaranteed content that keeps on coming and you are entitled to it"
the lack of reading comprehension skills
and the lack of skills to figure out the appropriate time and place for giving critique
but also the small but growing portion of authors who demand only certain kind of praise, worded in a certain kind of way and if not delivered accordingly attack brutally on everything and everyone
the cultural differencies as a player in participating, giving positive feedback and even using foreign language words
and of course the ever growing and spreading comment anxiety on "both sides"
and so on...
So how do you see it? What's your perspective? You are both an author and a reader. But then again, you are a reader who writes, so you actually know, what a writer likes to see in their comment field...
Hi, anon! Whew, well this is a lot, but I'm going to answer as much as I can haha. As you said, this is just my own perspective on things. I'd say I also have a little added perspective of being a writer who reads and writes in more than one popular fanfic fandom. So I can't help but compare my experiences in both.
I don't think the One Direction fandom has ever been overly generous with the kudos and comments to be perfectly honest. I think if you talk to writers who are active in other fic fandoms of similar sizes/popularity, they'd likely agree with that.
I want to be clear to start with here that I feel like readers have been very kind to me over the years. I've been here a long time now though, so I get the benefit of the doubt with some long time readers and those who subscribe to my ao3. But I also think that in part I have encouraged comments in a way that not every writer can or wants to do.
I answer every single comment. I answer them in a way that mirrors back the comment that was made. If you leave a long comment, I answer back in detail. If you send me something shorter, (which is fine and I love any and all comments!) I will answer back in a similar way. I also answer back pretty quickly. There are times I get behind, but I rarely get behind more than a month or so. And the day my fic posts, I try to answer every comment that gets posted on that first day.
Am I saying everyone needs to do what I do? Absolutely not! It takes a lot of time and energy to do that! But I do think there's a correlation to be made there. Readers see all the comments, see they're being answered quickly, and feel comfortable or like it's okay to leave one, too. OH, and also I want to say that me answering back (maybe obsessively) quickly is something that probably isn't possible for people who have a fic explode in popularity. I might have some popular fics but none of them were like overnight explosions in popularity. They've all been slow burners lol.
As for concrit with fic...I think it depends on the fandom. It is not something that is looked upon kindly in ours. There are definitely writers out there who ask for it which is fine, but the etiquette in our fandom is not to offer it unless asked for it. In my opinion, this makes a lot of sense for our fandom. Since writers are not getting the numbers of kudos and comments that are given more freely in other fandoms, it's a bit of a hard pill to swallow that we'd then expect them to also take unsolicited writing critiques.
Just using my own fics as an example, by the time I publish a fic multiple other writers have already read it. It's been proofread and betad by a writer with an MFA in creative writing. I'm not going to be taking concrit seriously from someone whose background in writing I don't know. When I publish the fic, it's done, I'm happy with the result, and I'm not going back to it to make changes. So there's not much point in telling me what I should have done differently with it.
Your point about some writers being perhaps overly sensitive about some comments...I wanted to say a few things about. There are a few common comments that immediately came to mind that writers have differing views on, and I think it's worthwhile for readers to think about.
One is something like I wish this was longer or please write more of this. If you comment this on any of my fics, I'll smile and consider it a compliment that you enjoyed it enough to want more. If you go through my comments, you'll see this is indeed what I've replied back to comments like that. There are other writers that are going to be exasperated by that comment or even offended by it. And even though I'm not one of them, I would say try to see it from their perspective.
What if that writer has spent months on that fic the reader considers "short"? I think readers sometimes forget just how much TIME goes into these fics. Just because a fic is 10k, 5k, whatever doesn't mean it didn't take a long time to write. And someone who spent months of time on something who likely didn't receive a whole lot of comments in the first place, and then one of the few comments they get could be interpreted as this wasn't enough. That's disheartening, you know? I think if you have the urge to leave that comment, maybe think first about the writer you're leaving that comment for. Or even think of a different way to say it like, "I could have lived in this fic forever" which is what I like to think is what most readers are trying to convey with comments like that.
Another one is who tops? Just don't, I'd say for that comment. I simply don't answer ones like that. But I'd say check the tags. If it's not tagged, either choose to move on if you have to know to read it or ctrl+F the fic yourself for the word "cock" or whatever. If the writer doesn't tag it, it means they didn't care about that. Or they got annoyed with their fics being reduced to that too often. PWP eh fine, but my 80k amnesia au I had a nervous breakdown writing that has one sex scene...eff off that's not what the fic is about. I once wrote a fic about grief. GRIEF! (well, and Antarctic scientists) that people argued over whether it was bottom Louis. And I resolved to never tag it again after that.
As for the fic as a gift vs not a gift I agree with you...I don't know what else you'd call something that is given for free. That's the definition of "gift." If someone reads the fic, a kudos is like a verbal thank you and a comment would be like a thank you card.
The comment anxiety thing I don't have an issue with myself, but I know writers who do and can't bring themselves to answer their comments. One of my friends feels so badly for not answering but when she tries she says her replies don't feel like enough. It's too bad that she can't answer due to actually loving her comments TOO much! Anxiety is a bitch for sure. For anyone who wants to leave a comment but is worried about it, I promise that super short ones or even keysmashes or emojis are very welcome! I have a mutual on tumblr who leaves the same comment on every one of my fics that simply says she loved the fic and I promise it makes me happy every single time because now I know she read it and enjoyed it whereas I might have missed whether or not she left a kudos. And when I see her on my dash, I think that's the one who loves my fics! :)
I swear I'm gonna stop rambling, but I want to end with one more thing. I think it would be interesting for readers and writers to experience a different fandom sometime if they're only in this one. It's not always a better/worse thing, but it might make people more open to trying new things like commenting/replying more or in different ways.
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