#and all this coming from a blog that only showed up to the red dead party to write and draw things for the mlm's of the fandom
shy-writer-999 · 1 month
Embarrassing Confessions: Zoro is a virgin and he's insecure (Part 1)
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Author’s note: Part One is tame angst and pure plot (no smut), ~5,400 words. Part Two will have all the smut, so stick around for that. I have a fascination with the idea of Zoro pining over you in secret and getting flustered and embarrassed about it. In this fic, Zoro’s ego gets bruised and you comfort him. You both get drunk and Zoro runs his mouth too much. It’s a slow burn like my last fic and will also end with smut (◡‿◡✿) Plz note that the reader is sort of giving OC, she (you) gives a brief description of ‘losing’ her virginity to some guy from ‘back home’.
TW: Alcohol abuse – Zoro blacks out; also if you have emetophobia maybe skip this one? There's a brief nod to the usual hangover symptoms.
Embarrassing Confessions: Zoro is a virgin and he's insecure (Part 1)
Word on the ship was that Zoro was still a virgin. It had slipped out somehow, maybe in a game of spin the bottle or never-have-I-ever. But you learned about it secondhand when Sanji made fun of him for it, right in Zoro's face. Sanji said something crude, along the lines of "Zoro's just mad because his virgin ass has never gotten his dick wet."
Zoro was immediately livid. His face turned red and he snapped back with "Shut up Sanji, you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Fuck you." Genuinely upset, he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. When Sanji and Zoro bickered it usually had an element of playfulness, casualness, genuine annoyance, yes, but... you weren't sure that Sanji had said anything this cruel and embarrassing before, outing something that Zoro was, obviously, uncomfortable with and most likely embarrassed by.
You were surprised, both by Zoro’s reaction and the simple fact itself. You had always assumed that Zoro got action wherever he went, I mean, look at him. To think that he had never felt the touch of a woman… you honestly couldn’t wrap your head around it. And you felt like a creep because you were intrigued by it. Truthfully, your intrigue was not arousal but rather an earnest desire to learn more about this man who you had been developing feelings for, for months.
The only person who knew about your feelings was Nami. As soon as Sanji made the remark and Zoro stormed out, you immediately looked at Nami, and she glanced at you at the same time. It was like you exchanged a thought or read each other’s minds, one of those unspoken moments with your best friend across the room. It was a “what the fuck?” moment, a split second, but you knew that Nami would want you to go after Zoro and try to comfort him somehow.
You loved Sanji like a brother, but sometimes he could be a real asshole. “Nice one, Sanji,” you said sardonically, dead-pan and annoyed. “I think that was over the line this time.” You stared him down coldly. He immediately jumped to self-defense, but you waved your hand and told him to “can it,” as you exited onto the deck to see if Zoro was doing okay. You had no idea what you would say to him to make him feel better and you were sure that anything you said would come off as corny and patronizing, but you were damned well going to try. After all, it seemed like no one on the ship could talk about these things with Zoro except for you. There was something about you that made him open up, show a softer side, share things that he would otherwise have kept to himself.
Zoro was nowhere to be seen on deck, so that left only one option. You climbed up to the crow’s nest where he was sitting, scowling, and looking out over the open ocean. He was clearly mulling over Sanji’s comment in his head, turning it over and examining it from different angles, sitting in the embarrassment and trying to figure out why he felt so much shame. He never had put much energy into women, had no urge to ‘lose’ his virginity, as if that was an actual object that one could lose (he scoffed at the thought).
For a long time, Zoro felt like he wasn’t missing out on anything—as far as women were concerned, he couldn’t be asked. But in the past few months he had been feeling differently, no thanks to you. That’s why when he saw you climb into the crow’s nest after suffering that embarrassment from Sanji, he muttered fuck to himself and scowled even harder.
“Spare me the embarrassment,” he grumbled, turning his face away from you. He was starting to blush, but you didn’t notice it.
“That got you pretty worked up, huh?” You sat down on the floor near to him, cocking your head so you could peer more into his face, inspecting his impression, which he obviously did not feel like sharing.
Your observation was met with a terse silence.
“Hey, Zoro?” You said softly. He turned to meet your eyes as your tone shifted and you were caught off guard by how vulnerable and tortured his expression was. “It’s not a big deal. No one on the crew cares or thinks any less of you. Sanji was just trying to get under your skin, he didn’t mean to be cruel or malicious. You know he loves you like a brother.”
Zoro sighed and rested his head in his hands. “I know. I don’t know why I let that jackass piss me off so much… I guess he struck a nerve. I- I’ve been feeling… I don’t fucking know. I guess I’ve been feeling kind of... self-conscious about it, recently…” He trailed off. You were shocked by his candor. You were used to him being honest and more vulnerable with you, but this was more than you had been expecting. He was truly opening up to you. You had never seen him show an ounce of self-doubt or insecurity before.
“Yeah?” You prompted, feeling like he had more that he wanted to say. He turned to you again.
“I never really gave a shit about this kind of stuff before, y’know? I’ve got other stuff to keep me busy. But… recently… I don’t know.” He sighed.
You nodded in response. Zoro was a man of few words when it came to emotional vulnerability, and you could tell that the conversation was coming to a close.
“Well, Zoro, if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here. I was kind of a late bloomer so… I get it.” You looked at him carefully. “Let’s grab a drink later, ‘kay?” He nodded, and that was it.
You didn’t know that you were the main reason Zoro had been reflecting on being a ‘virgin’ (he hated that word). Talking to you about it made him feel some sort of way that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Something inside of him twisted a little bit when you had looked into his eyes so seriously and with so much care. He tried to shrug it off and went back to cursing Sanji in his head, avoiding the actual dilemma he was facing, choosing escapism and mentally berating Sanji instead.
That night, you and Zoro cracked open a few bottles of sake, as promised. You had done this countless times in the past and nothing weird or unexpected happened except a few lingering glances that you both played off. But tonight it seemed like Zoro was drinking more than usual. You got the impression that he was drinking away his sorrows or drinking to forget about how genuinely upset he had been earlier in the day.
You were matching his drinks, as you sometimes did, just for fun. It felt like a kind of silly competition between you two sometimes. But keeping up tonight was hard, you were already getting a stomachache and could feel the dehydration creeping in… you knew the hangover was going to be a monster.
When he got drunk drunk, Zoro could become callous, rude, sarcastic, kind of an ass. He never really sent that in your direction, it was frequently towards Sanji, sometimes Usopp, Luffy, even Nami, if he really was going crazy. It was your least favorite characteristic about him; it was concerning, and it was a huge turn-off. But usually it wasn’t too bad, only mildly annoying. At worst, it gave you a sort of mini-ick.
Tonight was shaping up to be one of those nights, had it not taken an unexpected left turn. You and Zoro were the only crew members drinking, and everyone else was doing their own thing. It was dusk, warm outside, and the stars overhead were already breathtaking. You found yourselves back in the crow’s nest. This was honestly Zoro’s safe space—the isolation gave him peace of mind.
Zoro was laying on his side, with his head propped up on one arm, leisurely facing you. You had been bickering and talking over silly things for a couple hours at this point, like tidbits of sword-making history, or how much meat you’ve seen Luffy eat at once. After a lull in conversation, Zoro finally broached what had been on his mind all day, a nagging thought at the back of his head that he knew that he shouldn’t ask, but he grew bolder as he got drunker. And he was getting drunker.
“Hey, Y/N,” he began. “When did you lose your virginity?”
That was really out of the blue. You were shocked by the question, not expecting it at all. You two had never talked about anything like this. Oftentimes it was Sanji crossing the line and you telling him to fuck off. But for Zoro to go there…? Weird. He was presumably just wondering about it since you said you were a late bloomer too, and you guessed he must be seeking validation. After all, he was obviously embarrassed about the whole thing. A little reassurance and sincerity couldn’t hurt.
“Well, uh…” You hesitated. “I actually had sex for the first time a couple years ago.” That was enough of an answer, right? No point in oversharing.
“What was that like?” He got bolder, locking eyes with you. He was certainly drunk, and you were too. But beyond that, you felt the vibe shift and his eyes seemed more intense. Your voice got caught in your throat for a second. He probably was just seeking some reassurance, right? Everyone always talked about how they had a horrible first time, I’m sure he’s looking for more confirmation or something like that because he’s insecure… you said to yourself.
“Oh, uh… It wasn’t the best first time but also not the worst. It wasn’t as bad as everyone kind of makes their first time seem, if you know what I mean? It was with some guy from my hometown, we grew up together. Kind of like a childhood crush, boy-next-door type of vibe.”
Zoro felt a pang of jealousy. The alcohol pushed him deeper into a grave of embarrassment, rash behavior, and unspoken boundary breaking that he was about to start digging.
“Lucky guy.” He murmured, barely audible, as he shifted onto his back with his hands behind his head, staring up at the sky. He wasn’t looking at you anymore, now staring straight up. You could see him exhale, jaw clenching.
Wait, what did he just say? ‘Lucky guy’?
You had no idea how to respond to that. He seemed to be implying that the man you slept with was lucky. And why would that be?
An unsure “What?” escaped your lips. It was purely a reflex, you weren’t expecting a real answer, you figured he was going to laugh it off, you heard him wrong, something like that. This was like really out of character for him, at least in your experience. You had honestly wondered if he was asexual sometimes because he just never said stuff like this and had never talked about it to anyone on crew. To hear him ask about this sort of thing after all this time was surprising. Maybe there was a side to him that you never knew.
Without hesitation, Zoro responded immediately, doubling down. “I said, lucky guy.” He turned and looked at you and blush quickly flooded your face. He wasn’t smiling, and his gaze was bold and almost piercing, so… it wasn’t a joke. Unless it was? If he was fucking with you then that would be weird as hell.
“Oh, uh… I guess he was lucky! Hahaha…” You tried to play it off with an awkward smile and half-hearted chuckle, hoping he didn’t notice that your face was bright red.
But Zoro kept going. “Were you surprised that I’m still a virgin?” You now realized he was faintly slurring his words. “I’m just curious.”
What was up with all these questions? You sighed. Well, whatever he wants to find out I guess he’ll find out. Looks like we’re playing 20 questions.
“Yeah, Zoro,” you responded. “To be honest, I was surprised.”
“Why?”  He asked forcefully, but this time he sat up from where he was laying and pulled himself a couple of feet in your direction. This would make him maybe a foot away from you, looking at you straight on. Your heart beat quickened.
Ok now this is getting weird. What is his angle? He must be feeling bad about the whole thing and now he’s fishing for compliments. With this conclusion, you rolled your eyes at him and exhaled. You could be playful with him now that you realized he just had a bruised ego, it wasn’t more serious than that. He was being a little pathetic, but that was all.
“Zoro, I’m surprised because you’re manly, strong, and attractive. Is that what you wanted to hear?” You kind of laughed.
And while you thought Zoro was fishing for compliments, you were wrong. He was finally asking you questions that had been burning in his mind for days. He sincerely wanted to know what you really thought of him, simple as that. And he was curious about your sexual life. He certainly was very drunk but even so, he still cringed as he asked each question. But fuck, he just had to know. He wanted to know so bad that he felt like he was suffocating. He had to have answers, but he was getting dizzy, his body felt heavy, all he knew was that he wanted to be closer to you.
He scooted closer again, so that your knees were touching. At this point your heart was beating out of your chest. His face was less than a foot away from yours. He may not have known, but you did have a painfully intense crush on him, and his closeness was having quite the effect on you. It was the same for him, too.
“Do you really mean that, or are you just saying it?” He slurred out again, stronger this time, leaning even closer. Your faces were maybe six inches away now. You were likewise feeling intoxicated, and it made time feel like it was slowing down, slogging along. Your intoxication was making you not only extremely thirsty (in both ways) but it was making you hyper aware and locked in to the blisteringly intense eye contact Zoro was holding with you, almost not blinking.
“I-I really mean it.” You squeaked out, almost as a whisper. Holy fuck, was he about to kiss you?
“Good.” He mumbled, and then he placed one of his huge hands on the cusp of your knee and thigh. He squeezed. You inhaled sharply. His eyes were still glued to yours. There’s no way he didn’t see your blush, it was vivid. He started to lean in, maybe for a kiss, perhaps he was advancing with no goal other than to be closer to you.
Right when you felt like you were about to explode from the blood rushing to your face and your heart beating out of your chest, Zoro’s eyes closed and he abruptly collapsed forward into your lap, letting out what sounded like a groan and then… was that…. Snoring? It looked like the alcohol suddenly hit him like a truck all at once.
Sure enough, you leaned over him and saw that he was passed out on your lap, mossy hair ruffled, and his mouth open ever so slightly. He is prone to sleeping randomly, you shrugged, and God, he looks so good. He even smelled good.
You sat there until you calmed yourself down, feeling his heavy weight in your lap, the warmth of his skin pressing onto yours. He hadn’t let go of your thigh yet. You shook his shoulder lightly. It was time for the night to be over—he needed to get off you so that you could get him water, a pillow, and a blanket. He’d have to fall asleep up in the crow’s nest because there was no way you could pick him up or drag him downstairs.
“Hey, Zoro?” You said softly. “Zoro, you need to wake up a bit. You need to move so I can get you a pillow and blanket. It’s bedtime. Hey.” You shook him again and couldn’t help but notice the hard ripples of his muscles under his shirt. You paused for a moment and patted his head. “Zoro. Wake up.”
“Wha-what?” He groaned, raising his head ever so slightly.
“Zoro, I need to get up really quick. Lay down on your side for me, ok?
He groaned again, making your heart skip a beat. Fuck, that noise was hot. Sheesh.
Evidently a colossal effort, Zoro squeezed your thigh tightly one last time then raised himself just barely enough to collapse onto his side on the floor next to you. You peered at him for a second, thinking he was passed out again, making sure he was ok. As you rose to your feet and started to climb downstairs, he stirred.
“Baaaby,” he grunted out needily. “Are you coming back, baabbbyy? Don’t just leave me up here, Y/N.” You froze and looked at him. He was in the same position, with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. And yes, you had heard him right. Because he had said it damn loud. Holy shit, that made you feel some sort of way. But Zoro was so drunk at this point there’s no way he could have any control over his words. The lights were on but no one was home. He mumbled your name one more time.
“Zoro, I’ll be right back, I’m grabbing you a blanket and a pillow,” you quipped back, and he murmured something nonsensical while you started the quick descent to the deck.
It took you less than a minute to get him a blanket, a pillow, a glass of water, and a bucket, in case he threw up. You grabbed yourself a pillow and blanket, too. You couldn’t conscience letting him sleep up there by himself when he was so drunk. It took you a couple trips, but you managed to bring everything up to the crow’s nest. Zoro looked like he was proper passed out, so you spread the blanket over him and knelt by his head. Again, you shook his shoulder softly. “Zoro, lift your head up. I brought you a pillow.” He complied. He looked so sweet and soft. You wished you could kiss his cheeks a hundred times and run your fingers through his hair so badly.
You dragged your own blanket and pillow to the other side of the nook, giving him as much space as you could. Moments after you curled up and shut your eyes, Zoro stirred again, letting off another string of vaguely suggestive entreaties. “Y/N,” he murmured, “why’re you… all the way over there… you don’t wanna… w-wwanna sleep with me???”
This poor dude isn’t going to remember a thing tomorrow, you thought. In this moment you pitied him. You were sure he just wanted you to come cuddle with him, which was really sweet and all, but he was way too drunk right now to be touched with a ten-foot pole. And you already knew that if he remembered any of this tomorrow, he’d be too embarrassed to look you in the eye.
“Zoro, go to bed, sweetie, it’s getting late.” He did some more grumbling and nonsensical whining in response but soon he was out like a light, and you followed suit quickly.
Sure enough, Zoro woke up at sunrise feeling like absolute shit. He was hungover. Monstrously hungover. He couldn’t remember most of the tail end of last night and that made him uneasy, embarrassed at the thought that he could have said something out of pocket to you. He didn’t even want to think about the possibility of drunkenly confessing his feelings. As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and tried to work the stiffness out of his neck, he realized that you were sleeping peacefully across from him. You must have brought out the pillows and blankets, the bucket and glass of water (which he promptly chugged). His heart twisted a bit when he realized how thoughtful and caring you had been towards him. Fuck.
You were breathing quietly, sleeping on your side facing him. Your hair was messed up, all flopped to one side, your face was soft and sweet. He just watched you sleep for a few minutes, realizing that he was being creepy as fuck but thinking he would not have the opportunity to sit and stare at you like this for a long time. He was taken with you. Anything that you felt even remotely insecure about, Zoro loved about you. On top of that, he thought you were ethereally beautiful; he would muse over how soft your skin must be, how good your hair must smell, how he hoped he’d be able to see the color of your eyes closer, how beautifully your lips turned up into a smile whenever you would see him. He wasn’t merely infatuated with your beauty—it was more than that. He admired you as a person, he thought you were brilliant, smart, and kind.
Fuck. He berated himself. You fucking idiot, what did you say to her?
He remembered asking you when you lost your virginity—or, er… did he ask you how you lost it? It was hazy. He certainly remembered throwing back the glasses of sake like they were water.
He blushed crimson immediately upon remembering that he made some comment like “lucky guy” or “lucky dude” while referring to the first man you had sex with. Fuck, that was embarrassing. And he had a feeling that he took it one step further than that, maybe he said or did something else… he wasn’t sure at that point. He hoped he hadn’t done anything that made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
Zoro rarely ever drank this much—he must have been feeling extra bothered and upset by Sanji’s comment about his virginity. Zoro knew that drinking was a horrible, horrible way of coping with his feelings. But sometimes he felt like he just wanted to self-sabotage or self-indulge in feeling like shit. And alcohol certainly made him feel like shit. But he had never drank this much when you were around.
Zoro wasn’t so sure how Drunk Zoro would handle your presence. He had a sinking feeling that he probably made himself look like an ass. Maybe he got way too loud, maybe he overstepped with his questions, maybe he came off as some huge, perverted creep trying to get a better picture about what it would be like to fuck you. He felt many, many pangs of regret and repulsion at himself. He was being hard on himself.
And while it definitely would have embarrassed him, and he would have felt more ashamed than he already did by knowing everything he said, he would have been surprised to know that the version of Drunk Zoro with only you around wanted nothing more than to be close with you—evidenced by the scooting closer, touching your thigh, staring deeply into your eyes, entreaties to sleep with (or was that by?) him. But he had no way of knowing what he did yet, because you were asleep, and he was prideful.
All this angsty reflection and regret was quickly interrupted by the hangover. He needed to do something about that. It was becoming a problem fast. He refused to make any sort of use out of that bucket while you were around. So, he swiped up the bucket, his empty glass, his pillow and blanket, and shuffled down the ladder steps.
When he was feeling less disgusting and had chugged a few more glasses of water, Zoro wondered what to do with himself. He would normally be up in the crow’s nest around this time of morning. And it didn’t escape him that you were going to be extremely hungover as well, especially because you had been matching his drinks for the most part (he could remember that) and you had way less of a tolerance than him.
He decided that he ought to bring up some water to you and hang out up there until you woke up. Maybe he’d be able to gauge how massively he fucked up by your expression or demeanor. Only one way to find out. Also, he’d take any opportunity and use any excuse to spend some peace and quiet with you. It was a treat that he rarely got.
He filled a big glass of water for you, and something struck him—what if he brought you up some fruit for breakfast? Would that be weird? He knew that you usually had fruit for breakfast, so… why not? He couldn’t think about it too much or else he’d clam up and get too shy. Fuck it, he told himself. Fruit it is. What’s an added benefit was that no one else was awake to tease him about bringing you breakfast or spending the night with you. So he took a couple of extra minutes to wash up and chop some fruit for you. He plated it as neatly as he could and grabbed a napkin as well. It was a simple but wholesome, caring gesture.
By the time Zoro was making his way back up to the crow’s nest, you had been awake for a minute or two. You were stretching as he climbed into the nook and your eyes met his with a sweet smile. “Good morning,” you chirped, feeling like shit from the hangover, but also tickled that you got to spend just a little bit more time with Zoro. You thought there was absolutely no way he remembered any of the advances or suggestive remarks from last night, and you wouldn’t hold any of it against him or treat him any differently for it. You were just happy to be hanging out with him, and the morning was beautiful. You felt no pressure or even desire to let him know everything that he said last night in the pits of drunken belligerence, and you didn’t plan on sharing unless he prompted.
“Hey,” he greeted you and placed the plate of fruit and glass of water next to you. “Here’s some breakfast. Figured it may get me even with you, since you took care of me last night. Sorry if I was an ass.”
Zoro was doing something as sweet as bringing you breakfast? You knew he had it in him. You always thought that there was some softness and sweetness to him, under those tough layers. Gosh, this was really nice of him.
“Thanks for bringing me fruit!” You responded. “You didn’t make an ass out of yourself, you were actually being really sweet,” you smiled again, and his heart skipped a beat. It felt like it twisted a little bit. Fuck, he had such a crush on you. He felt cringey and awkward when you were around sometimes, hyperaware of his every move, wondering how you felt about him. It was so easy for him to blush when you were around, too. He hoped every time that you couldn’t see it. He knew now that he must have been turning various shades of pink and red because he felt the hot blood rise to his face… and this time you did notice. His cheeks took on a pinkish flush, a shade that fitted him so well. God, he’s so cute, you thought to yourself. He was blushing so hard because you called him sweet.
“Oh, uh.. Sweet? What do you mean?” He acknowledged what you said out loud, putting out a sort of rhetorical question. How had he been sweet? Were you referring to the intrusive questions about your virginity, or did he do something else? What on earth could that mean?
You felt like teasing him a little bit with your answer—nothing too serious, since he seemed a little worried about it. “Yeah, you were sweet… you did call me baby a couple of times. It wasn’t too bad.”
Zoro turned crimson. He started to stutter out an apology— “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I-”
“Zoro,” you cut him off. “It’s fine, don’t worry. I know you didn’t mean anything by it. You were super drunk.” He attempted to stutter out another apology and you waved your hand. “Don’t worry, seriously, it wasn’t creepy or anything, it was cute.”
Neither of you thought Zoro could blush any harder, but he did. Cute? He was getting so flustered. He took a beat before hoarsely choking out a response. He expected that he had been a bit weird but… calling you baby? Get a grip, man! He scolded himself. But if that was all… it could have been a lot worse.
“Aghhh… Did I do anything else humiliating?” He asked, shaking his head and covering his eyes with his hand, visibly cringing. He didn’t even think to ask what context he called you baby in. It didn’t matter. He had called you baby, and that was that.
“I wouldn’t say it was humiliating but when you were falling asleep you kind of like… asked me to get in bed with you? It wasn’t creepy though, I think you were chilly.”
Zoro’s jaw dropped. Oh my fucking god. Get in bed with her?! What the fuck? He reprimanded himself internally. This was so much worse than he could have imagined. “Look, I’m so, so sorry I… I don’t know what got into me. I’m sorry, I-”
“Zoro, don’t worry about it, seriously. It was endearing and I didn’t take it any sort of negative way.” You took note of how absolutely vivid red his cheeks were. His fists were clenched. Poor guy was obviously going through it.
Zoro was turning the words over in his mind again and again—sweet, cute, endearing. He had never received any of this sort of praise from you before and it made his stomach flip.
Suddenly a shrill voice cut through the air. “Y/N, MY DEAREST SWEET~~ WOULD YOU LIKE SOME COFFEE MY DARLING?” Sanji shouted up to you in the crow’s nest.
You smiled and rolled your eyes at Zoro, sort of mocking Sanji. “Let’s do this again soon, Zoro… silliness aside… I had a really nice time. You really were being sweet so don’t worry about it. I’m going to get some coffee and take a shower. Thanks for the fruit!” You gathered your fruit and glass and shouted back down at Sanji. “Coming!” You did one last pretty smile and wave and then descended below.
Zoro was still reeling from the revelations of his drunken antics. He could have jumped overboard right about now, had it not been for your repeated description of him as “sweet” and “cute.” Your words rang in his ears—“Let’s do this again soon, Zoro.”
So he had called you baby and tried to get you to sleep with him, but it had been sweet and cute? It didn’t really make sense to Zoro but something inside of him fluttered a little bit. You weren’t totally averse and disgusted towards him after last night, so… that was good, right?
Zoro was absolutely mind-fucked at the whole interaction. He was kicking himself in embarrassment, flustered, bright red, his heart was beating out of his chest, but he was also ecstatic because you said you wanted to spend more time with him again. He was completely ashamed but buzzing at the same time. He hadn’t felt like this in years and years, in fact, he wasn’t sure if he had ever been this worked up about a crush before.
Upon second thought, he realized that he did have a shadow of a memory of him calling you baby, along with a suggestion in his mind of the moment when he groaned your name and begged you to come to bed with him. He had wanted you to curl up next to him and sleep there, to be close with him, to feel your warmth, your skin, your heartbeat. He couldn’t believe that all of this started because Sanji’s asshole remark yesterday about his virginity. And there was that virginity and you, two things that were currently posing a problem for him. He could only let himself fantasize slightly about fucking you, but… he didn’t let himself get too carried away (yet).
Stay tuned for part two: Zoro is yet again sexually frustrated, and you decide to help him solve his problem (smut, smut, smut)!
Update: Here's part two!
And here's my masterlist...
♡^▽^♡ (◕ㅅ◕✿) ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚
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neechees · 8 months
I am putting out a warning for the blog @/blktransdyke for very likely being a scammer, and is/was the same person behind the now deactivated blog @/raisedeyebrowemojii (who is also very likely a scammer) for the following reasons:
Usage of a very common story one particular scammer constantly reuses across multiple blogs (which i've talked about here before)
Several typical scammer red flags: Their blog has only existed since April 2023, and they started asking for money immediately. The blog only posted for the month of April and then did not post for months only to come back in January 2024, and start asking for money again
Their blog is sparse of anything denoting a personality, personal interests, friendly interactions with mutuals or followers, aesthetic choices and/or blog customization, and the only thing they reblog is also mentioned in their bio, thus indicating a falsified persona for a scam blog. (Ex: they say they are a lesbian, and so have a few posts about lesbianism, and the rest of the posts are almost exclusively fundraising posts)
Inconsistent information
Suspicious behavior on twitter, which was also noted and called out on twitter
Claiming to be homeless, but apparently rejected the non-monetary aid from another user who offered to house them
Claims to be "Indigenous" but then misuses the terminology of their alleged tribe (thus likely indicating racefaking for a scam persona)
No proof of their claims
Posting the same personal information as two other suspicious accounts while call three claim to be different people (& this is connected to the raisedeyebrowemojii blog)
& you know me, I always come with screenshots and proof. Image descriptions will be available in Alt text. (& please bear with me, some screenshots lead to imgur due to tumblr limiting images to 10).
First off, the suspicious story that is often reused by one particular scammer:
There's a scammer on here that ALWAYS uses the same story of:
Claiming to be trans,
claiming to be homeless,
Says they are homeless because they were/are being kicked out by a bigoted/homophobic/transphobic parent
Shows a screenshot of a IM or text message correspondence between them, and their alleged parent, where the parent is being abusive, and the messages always very concisely, very conveniently mention what is happening
Usually says they are disabled in some way (though before they would usually claim to be autistic)
The blktransdyke blog has all five of these things.
Im putting the rest under the cut because this is gunna get long, buckle in.
Secondly, inconsistent information, rejecting non-monetary aid, & suspicious Twitter activity (& this is also connected to the creation date of their tumblr account, which you'll see in a moment):
The blog blktransdyke uses two methods of recieving money, gofundme, which is linked on their main page and is run by someone named "Avalon Smith" (& we can assume this is the name they prefer to go by, because they have the tag "avalon speaks" on their blog), and this gofundme account says its based in York, Ontario. And the second is paypal, which uses a different name, which is "Ashton Jones" & the paypal url of "/ashtonjonesy". Below, the first screenshot on the very left, is a screenshot of the first post they made asking for money on April 14th 2023 while linking to the gofundme account, and then the second screenshot to the right is the blktransdyke's more recent donation post asking for money to be sent to the ashtonjonesy paypal account, and then here is a link to a screenshot of the gfm run by "Avalon Smith".
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The consistencies are odd: and while one might think that "Ashton Jones" is an older name or a dead name, but if you search up "ashtonjonesy" in a search engine, you get two results: one leads to a post made by a now deleted twitter/X account with the url "blktransdyke" while using that same paypal (so we can assume this is the same person from twitter/X) and the second is ANOTHER twitter account, still up, that is completely different, also using the twitter url that is the same as the paypal username (/ashtonjonesy) who also claims to be homeless & kicked out by a transphobic parent, but says they have different pronouns than blktransdyke & seems to be transmasc, not a binary trans lesbian that blktransdyke claims to be. Below is screenshots of that.
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But what's more troubling: the second twitter account @/ashtonjonesy on twitter/X says that they were 24 years old as of July 2021, while blktransdyke claims that they are 21 as of January 2024. So this can't be the same person using different names and twitter accounts, and yet curiously both are using the exact same story (both claim they are trans, homeless, and disabled & using a wheelchair), and both use the exact same paypals, while are apparently two completely different people. And again, we know that there is a scammer who repeatedly reuses the exact same story details across various accounts
And then, more concerning, that if you search up "blktransdyke" on twitter, while the original posts by the account are gone due to the account being deleted, you get results of various Twitter/X users retweeting the account blktransdyke's post, which was them asking for money. The bottom screenshots are related to the next point: highlighted in yellow you can see someone offering blktransdyke a place to stay, and they live in the same province, and the second screenshot, highlighted in blue you can see that on April 12th 2023, a twitter user accused them of being a scam. We can assume the blktransdyke account wasn't taken down yet that day due to this user encouraging other users to report them.
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Recent tumblr creation date:
The oldest and first post made by the blog blktransdyke on tumblr was posted on April 14th, 2023. And as you can see, that was two days after the blktransdyke twitter/X account was accused of scamming. So the blktransdyke twitter account was accused of scamming, then was either deleted or self deactivated, and then the blktransdyke tumblr account showed up immediately after that while using the exact same paypal and story. Which brings us to the other half, which is
Rejecting aid
On this screenshot we can see in a retweet of what the original blktransdyke twitted/X account originally said in the post, and that on August 22nd 2022, they claimed they were still homeless, so apparently they didn't take up the person in Toronto who was literally offering them a place to stay on September 2nd, 2022 (which you can see in the screenshot above, on the second last tweet result to the right).
Claims of Indigeneity & inaccurate terminology:
This one is more minor compared to the other evidence listed here, but in blktransdyke's bio, they claim to be "Inuit" & "Afro-Indigenous": the problem here is that "Inuit" is the plural form, its uncommon that Inuit refer to themselves as this in the singular pronoun because it is grammatically incorrect and an actual Inuk would know that, and instead will use "Inuk" to refer to themselves, but blktransdyke says they are "Inuit". So this terminology is inaccurate coming from a person claiming to be "Indigenous". & just in case they change it, here is a screenshot if their current profile description. Moving on,
Posting the same information as another blog
This is where things get more wild. I have reason to believe that the now deleted blog @/raisedeyebrowemojii ("Jay") is and was a scammer who befriended multiple people to gain trust, and that blktransdyke is the same person as them due to the information that both blogs posted. A couple things to note here is that 1. Raisedeyebrowemojii claimed that they were suffering due to a terminal kidney disease, 2. ALSO stated that she was escaping an abusive situation, was a lesbian, was homeless, and was victimized by a homophobic/transphobic parent, and 3. Had not posted anything since June 2023, before eventually being deactivated. Some of the users "Jay" befriended worried that she may have died due to this apparent kidney disease (which you can find in the tumblr search if you look up that tumblr username). Now, I can't find any paypal that "Jay" posted, but they DID post several other links allegedly that were being used for their donation posts
In this post, graciously saved on webarchive for your viewing pleasure, on May 16th 2023, @/raisedeyebrowemojii claimed that they needed a mattress, and also linked a patreon for allegedly their "best friends'" and "caregiver's" cat, named Trouble 📌. Put a pin in that, we'll come back to it. Below is a screenshot of that post where they linked the patreon. Notice that it's a brown, striped tabby cat. And here is the patreon link (which is still up) that the @/raisedeyebrowemojii blog linked for their "best friend's cat" that was apparently meant to be used to fundraise for their day to day life bills. It doesn't have a lot of patrons or followers. Below is a screenshot of the link I gave for webarchive talking about fundraising for the mattress, and the cat patreon.
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Also note, that neither this post by raisedeyebrowemojii nor in the patreon does it link to any other site for content on "Trouble the cat". It vaguely mentions a private Facebook page, but doesn't give any links.
And the blog @/blktransdyke posted this video as well as THIS video, and in both videos, they claim that this brown, striped, tabby cat is their "best friend's cat" 📌. Below are screenshots showing its the same cat, including the same black and yellow blanket.
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So both the blogs @/raisedeyebrowemojii AND @/blktransdyke posted a cat that looks very similar: it's brown, a tabby, and striped, and both said that this cat was their "best friend's", and raisedeyebrowemojii said that this cat's name was "Trouble" & referred to them as "Trouble the Cat" in the linked Patreon allegedly belonging to their "best friend". Except here's the bigger problem.
Trouble the Cat is already an existing open, publicly available facebook page with 27K likes and 42K+ followers, and it has its own YouTube page, tiktok account, and Instagram. And if you look at the far top right video on the second screenshot showing the youtube channel, it's the exact same video that appears on the blktransdyke tumblr page. It's the exact same brown, striped tabby cat, in the exact same grooming position, on the same black and yellow blanket, with the same thumbnail, and the exact same caption.
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So both Raisedeyebrowemojii AND blktransdyke posted the exact same cat that allegedly belongs to their "best friend", and both of them claim to be homeless, trans, disabled, and being kicked out by a transphobic parent.
& if you go to the links, the official trouble the cat's first instagram post was made on December 23rd 2022, its oldest youtube video was posted on December 23rd 2022, and the facebook says it was made on March 30th, 2021, HOWEVER, the account says they've been active since 2008, but made a post on November 15th, 2023 that said they'd been hacked and made a NEW account, and furthermore, on November 7th 2023, they ALSO made a post saying that multiple other accounts were trying to impersonate them. So, side note, this account could have been hacked by the scammer.
The raisedeyebrowemojii linked that cat patreon on May 17th, 2023, and the oldest video that the blktransdyke posts of that cat is on January 6th, 2024. Both therefore, could have plausibly and likely did, steal these cat videos because all accounts of the troublethecat social media accounts existed BEFORE either raisedeyebrowemoji OR blktransdyke posted them. I find it highly unlikely that both of these blogs had the exact same "best friend".
And if this was true and that this really WAS raisedeyebrowemojii's "best friend" and their cat, then why didn't raisedeyebrowemojii blog link to the other official troublethecat social media accounts, especially since they were so popular, and they claimed they were using this patreon for fundraising for bills? And why didn't the official social media accounts ever say anything about raisedeyebrowemojii's patreon if they were "best friends" trying to fundraise? Surely, an account with 42K followers would have more than a few willing patrons that could have helped their alleged situation.
Therefore, neither raisedeyebrowemojii OR blktransdyke are actually affiliated with this highly popular social media account of "Trouble the Cat" and BOTH of them stole from this account to scam, and both accounts wrre/are run by the same person.
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jasntodds · 11 months
Alive | J.T.
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Request: yes, here
Summary: Red Hood shows up at your apartment only to reveal he's your not-so-dead boyfriend
Warnings: Swearing, 18+, smut, some fluff, mentions of death, mentions of canon drug use (he's not actually high in this but it's mentioned)
Words: 3,412
A/n: A huge thank you to @tenpintsof-sundrop for the idea 😭 please go check them out if you haven't already!! This kept turning into angst (why can't I just write fluff and smut ffs) which is why it took forever I'm so sorry to the anon who requested this lol but there's no angst!! If you wanna be tagged in my fics, you can click the link below, send me an ask/comment, or follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary and turn on notifications if you prefer that!!
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Gotham’s city lights are the only thing illuminating parts of your room where your curtains don’t quite close all of the way. The sounds of distant sirens and passing cars echo into your room as you’re finally getting some much-needed sleep. Bruce called you three days ago with the news about Jason. Nothing really seems worth the energy anymore, including sleep but tonight it’s as if your body finally caved under the pressure of grief. But, you’re not asleep long before something wakes you up.
You stir awake to the sound of creaking near the window. Your eyes shoot open as you keep on your side, facing the opposite direction. Your heart starts to thunder and you swear you locked that window. It’s Crime Alley in Gotham City, you always lock your door and window. Jason even got you good locks for your window and your door. Someone can’t possibly be breaking in but that’s the only explanation. 
You reach to the side of the bed, slowly, careful not to make quick and harsh movements so whoever is in your home doesn’t realize you’re awake. The metal of the baseball is cold against the palm of your hand as your fingers curl around the handle. It’s not a knife or a gun, but a metal baseball can kill and incapacitate all the same. All you need is one really good swing and you’re good to go. So, you suck on a deep breath, gripping the handle as hard as you can before you sit up quickly, turning around on your knees to face the intruder.
“Get out of my apartment!” You yell, baseball bat swung over your shoulder with your arms ready to swing the second he comes close enough.
He takes a step forward into the light coming from your window and your heart drops. 
Red Hood.
Why the fuck is Red Hood, Gotham’s newest crime lord, standing in your apartment?
“Don’t freak out.” He says, the voice modulator disguising his voice.
You almost laugh at the request. He’s killing people out there and is ruthless but he doesn’t want you to freak out when he’s standing in your bedroom? That makes perfect sense. And why does it have to be your apartment? There are so many other ones he could have picked but it just had to be yours.
Jason is careful as he takes the helmet off, revealing himself to you. Your eyes grow wide as your jaw starts to fall open. Jason can see your grip on the bat start to loosen as his chest starts to swell. He always questioned your choice of a baseball bat, thinking you'd never wake up with enough time to grab it and defend yourself. He's happy he was clearly very wrong.
“You…you died…?” You question, almost certain you’re dreaming.
Bruce Wayne himself called you and told you Jason had been killed. You knew he was Robin and it was all over Gotham City News. Robin had been killed by the Joker. But, Jason Todd is currently standing in front of you, his chest moving with every breath which means he's alive.
He's desperately trying not to think about dying. That's not why he came here anyway. It wasn't to discuss the gorey details of a deranged clown with a bloody crowbar. It was just to see you and let you know he was alive. That is it. No more reminders of dying, not tonight. Not when he isn't high enough to numb the panic or pain of the thoughts. All he wants to do is see you and exist in a moment with just you and him.
“Didn’t stick.” Jason chuckles softly, holding the helmet on his hip.
There’s something Jason would describe as a chortle escapes your lips. “Didn’t stick?”
Jason shrugs his shoulder easily but there’s still some tension wrapped around his bones. “Yeah.” Jason clears his throat, looking to the floor and then back to you, thinking you probably don't believe him. Who would?
“How though?” You ask and you’re not sure how this is real.
Maybe you think you’re actually hallucinating now. Maybe grief has sucked you into insanity. But he sounds just as you remember and he looks the exact same. Jason dying and coming back as Red Hood, still fighting crime in some way, does sound like a very Jason Todd thing to do.
“Gotham.” Jason scoffs. “It’s a long story.” Jason skimps on the details, partially because he doesn’t really know how it works and also just to keep you out of it. He didn’t really like that you knew he was Robin anyway. Too dangerous.
Jason takes a step forward as you watch him closely. Maybe it’s a dream. But, it’s Gotham City and the weirdest and most unbelievable shit tends to happen here.  Jason being resurrected isn’t actually the most insane thing you’ve heard of happening. It's just one of those things that's hard to believe because losing him hurt so bad you swore you'd never recover. You want to be positive it's him before you let your hopes up even if they're rising like a steady tide. Jason can see the hesitance the way your brows are still creased and the bat still hanging over your shoulder.
“Not convinced?” He asks through a shallow breath, his own hopes falling.
He didn't really think of what he'd do if you didn't believe him.
“In my defense, this is insane.” You state as your grip tightens on the bat. "I mean, resurrection or being zombified, kind of insane."
Jason lets out a sigh as he starts listing things only he would know about you and only things you would know about him. He tells you about your first date which wasn’t anything fancy but was yours. He told you about how he has his half of a photobooth picture you two took on your third date as a bookmark. And he tells you about Alred teaching him how to make chocolate chip cookies his first week at Wayne Manor because Jason couldn’t sleep. It was too quiet in the manor.
“I also told you the bat was a shitty idea because you’d never wake up in time to grab it.” Jason offers a smirk.
“Guess you were wrong.” You point out with a teasing look.
“Yeah,” Jason scoffs. “But you didn’t take a swing so…” Jason shrugs his shoulders, a grin splitting his face.
“Haha.” You scrunch your nose with the sarcastic remark. "I'm not gonna just hit someone with a bat." You shake your head dramatically.
"I broke into your apartment?" Jason lets out a chortle "I mean, don't fucking hit me now but someone breaks in, do something, babe."
"Oh, it must really be you because only Jason Todd would criticize my weapon of choice and then criticize what I do about someone breaking in my own apartment." You quip right back as you place a hand on your hip, the bat now hanging loosely over your shoulder being held with just one hand.
Jason's smirk turns softer, a gentle smile pulling at his lips as he looks to the floor and then back to you. "Yeah, it's me." His shoulders move forward as he sucks in a breath, letting it out slowly as if the very act of breathing too hard might make all of this disappear.
Your face softens and as hard as it may be to believe, it has to be him. Everything he listed is all stuff only the two of you would know and the quick quips, Jason never missed a beat. You don't know how or even why he's alive, but it's him. So, you drop the bat to the side of your bed, quickly getting up from your bed. You don't notice how cold the floor is as you run up to Jason, colliding into him with a force study enough to make him step back just so neither of you wall.
Your arms wrap around his neck as you bury your face into his shoulder. He smells different than before but somehow the same. He smells like gunmetal with a mix of the minty shampoo he always used. But, his arms come and wrap tightly around your middle and it all feels the same. His arms are still as sturdy as always and warm. He still feels like home and you do for him, too.
His chest erupts in warmth like a dormant volcano erupting for the time in decades. Every piece of him starts to be encompassed in warmth and a sense of comfort. It's been the longest three days of his life but that doesn't really matter, not right now. It just feels safe here. Between coming back, the drug, and Crane, it's been busy and hectic and heavy. But, he's standing here with you and all he wants to do is focus on this moment because it's not so heavy or loud anymore. You always let him just exist in a way no one else ever did.
Jason's the one that pulls away first but only until you look back at him. The corner of his mouth perks up before he collides his lips with yours. The kiss nearly sucks the breath out of your lungs as your eyes close and your hands tangle in his hair. Jason's grip tightens around you as if he's afraid you'll fall away from him if he lets go.
You can feel him smile against your mouth and it's something that always sent your stomach swirling. Jason Todd genuinely happy is something irreplaceable. And he is always happy to be anywhere near you.
The kiss starts to grow sloppy and desperate, teeth clacking against each other. The happiness of being reunited starts to collide into relief and desperation to never let go again.
Jason's arms loosen just enough to go to your hips, his fingertips sliding under your shirt and digging into your flesh. He's missed the feeling of your skin against his. It's been three days but dying really has made it seem like it's been years and he doesn't want to waste the time he gets anymore. All he wants to do is be with you and you slide his jacket, then hoodie off of the armor.
"Miss me?" Jason asks against your lips and you can feel the devilish smirk that's splitting his face.
"Always." You mutter before Jason tugs your shirt over your head and tosses it to the floor.
In a heartbeat, Jason has you backing up until your knees hit the edge of your bed. The two of you fall onto the soft mattress, Jason bracing the fall for the both you and his lips never leave yours. He slides his leg onto the bed, slotting his knee between your legs right until his thigh meets your wetting slit.
You almost groan at the contact and Jason feels the tremble of your lips against his. And he fucking smirks again.
"Seems like you missed something else, too, huh?" His voice is low but easy with the teasing remark.
"Shut up." You bite back.
It's something about the way he says it that you almost want to bite him and melt under his touch at the same time. Jason has never been one to just let things flow and meet in the middle, he always had to have some sort of comment about it with the corner of his mouth perking upwards. He just can't help himself and maybe you always found it a little bit endearing, even when he's annoying.
Jason pushes his thigh against your slit again and this time he's successful in getting a quiet moan from the back of your throat. The pressure is hot and thick as your underwear start to stick to your pussy. You grind yourself on his thigh and Jason knows he has you exactly where he wants you, not that you would rather be anywhere else right now.
You help Jason tug the armor off and onto the floor, leaving his chest bare and every toned muscle on display. Your mouth practically waters before you yank him back down to you.
He keeps his leg slotted between yours as you slide your hands over the muscles of his back, feeling every raised piece of skin where his back is tensed. His skin is always warm under your fingers. You can't help but glide your fingertips along the skin before digging your nails in.
Jason arches his back, a snarl leaving his throat before his eyes lock with yours. His pupils are blown, black consuming almost every trace of green. So, you do it again as a smirk tugs at your lips because you know that'll get him going. The look he gives you turns feral and hungry as if he hasn't eaten in weeks.
His thigh is pushed harder against your slit, earning him a whimper before he takes it away entirely. There's a triumphant smile on his lips as he raises his brow.
"I can still play the game better than you, babe." Jason teases before he kisses your cheek and moves down to your neck.
"Up for debate." You quip back as his teeth graze your pulse point.
Your heart jumps and you know he can feel it. A snicker falls from his lip before he nips down and starts sucking a purple mark into your skin. A reminder that you're his.
Jason slides his leg back between yours and as if connected by a magnetic force, you don't miss a beat in grinding yourself back on him. Jason scatters just a few more marks across your chest as your breathing becomes quicker, a warm and static pit growing in the pit of your stomach.
"Could just leave now." Jason huffs as he comes back to your lips, sliding a hand between your bodies.
"Don't you dare." Your threat is weak and almost pitiful.
Jason tugs the elastic of your underwear up, exposing your pussy to some of the cool air in the room. You wiggle against him, desperate to feel more than just his thigh. But, then he snaps the elastic back, making you jerk forward and let out a displeased whimper.
"Jay." You scold, a hollowed glare on your face as his face fills with amusement. "Come on." You whine, pushing yourself against his thigh as your hands trail from his back and to the zipper of his pants.
"Since you asked nicely." Jason offers you a toothy grin before he sits up.
Jason reaches for a condom from your nightstand before tugging his pants down and sliding it on. His hands come to your thighs, pulling you to the edge where he can position himself right up to your leaking slit. He nearly licks his lips as he slides a finger through your folds.
"All for me?" Jason asks with a confidence that makes you want to burn from the inside out.
You almost tease him back but you know if you do, he might just plop down next to you and get himself off.
"I missed you." You stick out your bottom lip, offering him a pout.
A rumble comes through his chest as he moves his finger to your clit. You lose all bite and snark from your words as the rest of the room melts away. It's been the longest three days of his life and he's missed you, too.
It's more than this that he misses. You always had a way of making any place feel like home. You always got him to feel comfortable in his own skin even when his own mind was running away with damaged versions of himself. And he's missed the way you go back and forth with him. A lot of people find him obnoxious and sure, you do, too sometimes but you still go back and forth. He's missed the way you always smile at him, with something like warm and kind. It's a relief being alive again, but it's also a relief getting to see you again.
"I missed, you, too." Jason finally says and he pulls his finger away.
Jason grabs his throbbing length in his fist, pumping himself a few times before he lines himself up with your pussy. He pushes forward, slow and steady as he rests a hand beside your head, holding his weight up. You turn your head, offering his forearm a kiss and the feral look in his eyes softens.
As he bottoms out, Jason places his other hand on the other side of your head, bending down to offer a soft kiss to your lips. His chest is heaving, moving rapidly but his lips are gentle against yours.
You slide your hands into his hair and instead of tugging, you wrap your fingers around the messy strands gently, as if happy to have him near you. Jason pulls out and then pushes back in, keeping up a steady rhythm as the two of you seem to savor the moment with each other.
He showed up as Red Hood. In the back of your head, you know he'll probably leave after this. He's not injured and he didn't seem upset. It's not really late which means he probably has something to do after this. Maybe that raises a lump in your throat for a split second because he's Red Hood.
It's not that Jason Todd magically came back from the dead and he's here again. It's that Jason Todd was murdered as Robin and then came back from the dead to be Red Hood, pick up being a vigilante just a more brutal and ruthless version of one. Being a vigilante is dangerous, as was proven just this week but Jaon comes back to go right back in the game. That part is scary.
Your heart skips as you kiss him back and you'll always be worried as he goes out there. Knowing it'll happen again. But, there is a part of you that admires him for it. He gets murdered and instead of quitting, he comes back to fight harder. Maybe that's completely insane but it is admirable. And you're proud of him for it. Worried, sure, but proud of him. So, you savor the way his lips are chapped against yours and the way his thrusts start to become a little quicker and desperate.
"Missed you." Jason mutters against your lips, his voice raspy and staggered.
"I missed you, too." Your voice is caught between a whimper and a whine.
Jason slides his hand between the two of you, finding your clit. His finger is gentle against the bud as your eyes roll back. He quickens his movements, matching the speed of his thrusts. A pit grows deeper in his own stomach as he nips your lip between his teeth.
He gets a low moan from you and he nearly finishes right then and there, his hips almost stalling. But, he recovers quickly, moving his finger in the way that always got you to unravel.
Your hands move to his back, nails digging in as the pressure feeling grows, echoing into your legs and down to your feet. He's pistoning out of you, the sound of skin on skin mixing with your moans and his groans fill the room. You tug him closer to you as you wrap your legs around his waist.
"Jay." You manage to get out as your throat feels like it's closing.
The room spins and Jason is relentless, knowing you're close. You can feel yourself pulsing around his length and you think your head might explode while your heart shoots out of your chest.
"Gonna cum over my cock for me, princess?" Jason drawls, his breath hot against your lips before he moves back to your neck.
"Uh-huh." You sputter out feeling the stars start in the back of your head.
His name falls from your lips loudly and sharply as everything around you explodes into static and stars. Your toes curl as everything starts to shake and convulse against Jason's length. The squeezing of his length sends him falling right off the edge with you, biting down on your neck as the orgasm rips through his body.
Jason works you both through your highs, slowly sitting up but keeping himself inside of you once your legs fall from his waist. He gives you this smile that's a contrast between cheeky and gentle. He bends down and presses a kiss to your forehead, earning a tired but loving smile from you.
"Thanks for stopping by, Jay." Your voice is hoarse but soft.
"Can make it a habit." Jason's grin turns into a smirk, but there's a softness in his eyes.
"Uh-huh, okay, Jay." You roll your eyes, kissing him back.
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Tag list: @fairyofshampoo // @jasontoddsmentaldisorders // @purplerose291 // @lovelessamai  // @makaelaseresin // @lenidaslenchen // @ghostkingblake // @dgraysonss // @im-done-with-this-im-out // @velvetskies // @vivian-555 // @kebonita // @deyja-the-duck // @jasontoddslover // @captainmarvels-blog // @totallynotkaibiased // @scarlovesyou // @whydoyoucare866 // @littlemeowmeow1000 // @septixtrash // @kplatzman
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angel-of-the-moons · 4 months
Yandere!Miguel x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, DDDNE, Yandere themes, mental manipulation, obsessive behavior, allusions to violence, blackmail, angst, masturbation, Tyler Stone is also a warning lmao
A/N: Yeah, after a million years, it is me! I'm sorry it's been so slow to update, y'all; things have been... *A lot*. Seems like every time I get a one-up something else happens, like my dad being in and out of the hospital for example.... As I stated in my previous post, this story won't be continuing for much longer!
Part 3
Taglist: @vineberries9 @irmiki @autismsupermusicalassassin @obi-mom-kenobi @rin-matsuoka345-blog @loosecan @6thhokageswife @selarus @heyohalie @sapphire-and-ruby @night-spectrum @famouscattale @thespaceinbetweennothing @lazy-idate @toshimoshiko @saharadesertaj @flaps200 @amelialysm @fried-milkfish @zaunsin @darksidescorner @renareyouhere @vide0-vamp @reverieblondie @bunnibitez @kaqua @peterbparkersburger @tojishugetiddies @aisyakirmann @itslariette0 @xxeclipze @oharasfilipinawife @amber-content @ixanne2006 @miguels-aranita @scaleniusrm @stopxplease @blueapplesiren @ruexvn @jadeloverxd @theitchbbbb @realifezompire
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Pt. 4
You had gotten so used to the quiet and privacy of Miguel's mansion that you weren't entirely sure how to handle when the infamous Tyler Stone dropped by for a visit. You certainly didn't enjoy the energy the man put off, nor the looks he would send your way as you "entertained" him until Miguel arrived home; having sent word to Lyla that he arrived.
You noticed that even Lyla seemed uncomfortable with Tyler's presence, her holographic avatar was actually fidgeting when you looked at her. Whatever went on between Miguel and Tyler must not have been very good, judging by how perturbed Lyla was with the older man.
"So... You're the little mouse that my boy Mike has hired, eh?" Tyler grinned, swirling the wine in his glass around as he watched you wipe down and clean the bar. You were well aware of his eyes tracing the entire shape of your ass as you kept your back turned to him.
Yes, having him leer at you wasn't enjoyable... But you preferred it if he looked at your ass instead of your chest or face. Something about that man's gaze made you very uncomfortable; it wasn't at all like with Miguel. You felt safe with him... Even if sometimes he came home from work with the energy of a man ready to catch a criminal charge. You had chalked it all up to the stress of running Alchemax; and now, having his former boss just show up out of the blue while he was gone...
How the hell did Tyler Stone even get in? You assumed only you and Miguel had the passkey to get in. So, how--
Tyler grinned once again, tapping the rim of his glass with one of the gaudy rings on his fingers, catching your attention once again. "Well, sweet-cheeks?"
You grit your teeth and turn, giving him your best sweet smile, "Ah! Right, yes, sir. I'm Miguel's housekeeper."
"And a damn fine bartender..." Tyler hummed, downing the rest of his wine in one swift gulp, licking his lips of the excess as he eyes you up and down once again. "In fact, I'm thinkin' about snatching you out from under my boy... What do you say? Your job will come with all the perks I'm sure Mike holds from ya... A nice fat check..."
His hands constantly groping you...
Your shoulders stiffened, his offer making your blood curdle; "I--"
"She's off-limits, Stone." Miguel's deep voice rang out from the threshold.
You sighed with relief, looking over at him, holding back a shocked gasp. Miguel looked... Disheveled. His face was sweaty, chocolate locks stringing around his forehead, droplets of sweat rolling down his sculpted cheeks.
He straightened his posture as he stalked towards the bar, casting you a soft look before focusing his attention squarely on Tyler, the look in his eyes from behind his red lenses just exuded one word: murder. You almost swore Miguel was about to reach out to snap his neck, until Tyler clasped Miguel's larger hand in his, shaking it with a laugh.
"Ah, don't be so serious, Mike." Tyler laughed like Miguel wasn't currently staring daggers through his skull. "I was just proposing a business deal with your lovely little maid, here!"
"You wouldn't be trying to poach my own employee from me, would you, Stone?" Miguel asked, his voice relaxing to a more soft pitch; his body language still tense but not so aggressive. You could tell there was some definite bad blood between the two men.
Your fingers fiddled nervously with each other at the obviously thick tension in the air, "Miguel..."
"Ah, don't worry, querida." Miguel assured you with a smile, his gaze softening once it landed on you. "Tyler and I need to have a private discussion. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off..."
You nod, swallowing hard. Something was off, but you weren't willing to risk pissing Miguel off in any way, despite how gentle he seemed with you, even in the face of the former CEO of Alchemax. You quickly placed your cleaning supplies in the cabinet and scurried out of the room, closing the doors behind you.
Tyler didn't fail to notice how Miguel tracked your movements from the corners of his eyes as you left, and a shark-like smirk made his lips quirk dangerously. "Oh, now I see why you're not so keen to let me take her from you."
Miguel scowled at the older man, "Why the hell are you here, Stone? Don't bullshit me."
Tyler pressed his hand over his own heart, feigning innocence. "Why, Mike! I would never bullshit you, my boy... Wouldn't dream of it, in fact."
Miguel glowered, his temper already short from dealing with a troublesome Kraven variant that wrought havoc in another universe, plus an "incident" in one of the labs at Alchemax. Tyler's sudden manifestation was testing his patience.
Oh, he had so looked forward to coming home, having a nightly drink with you... maybe work some aggression off. Maybe he could have convinced you to help...
But now, that little fantasy faded in the light that was his sperm donor's annoying fucking mile-long smile. That stupid fucking face that reminded him so much of his own, sometimes he couldn't stand to look in the mirror.
"Don't play coy. Tell me why you're here."
Tyler raised his thick brows, his forehead creasing from the slight wrinkles, there. "Mike--"
"Miguel." The tall man hissed.
"Mike." Tyler corrected, pouring himself another glass of wine. "I've heard you've been a little distracted, lately. A little... scatter-brained. So unlike you. I came to see what was bothering my boy in his personal time--"
"I'm not your fucking child, cabrón." Miguel snarled, breaching Tyler's personal space and standing almost nose-to-nose, "Now stop. Fucking. Pontificating."
He sighed deeply, frowning softly at Miguel's "mood". Oh, how he hated when he got like this. Too uppity for his own good, too ambitious. And after what happened between them... rather dangerous.
Oh, if he only knew how dangerous he was...
"Fine. I checked your financials and saw you had arranged a payroll to a rather cute houseworker." Tyler peered at Miguel almost boredly over the rim of his glass. "As well as some purchases for very small cameras, a number of which happen to be waterproof..."
Miguel felt the hair bristle on the back of his neck. Tyler had.... He had implanted a bypass-shunt program into his personal files? Without Lyla picking up on it? How the fuck did he manage that?
He must have hired someone to do it. He had to have hired someone to do it!
His fists clenched and his jaw tightened microscopically; but Tyler seemed to pick up on it anyway as he casually sipped his wine.
"Oh yes, I've been keeping an eye on you. Can't let my most promising progeny be left to his own devices for very long, now can I?"
"How often do you spy on the girl, hm? I imagine watching her undress is rather titillating." He smirked, "She has a very nice body... Almost wasted just being looked at..."
Miguel grabbed Tyler by the collar of his 10,000-credit suit, bunching his fists and lifting him off the stool, sending some of the wine splashing from the glass and onto the bar top; snarling Miguel spits at him. "You stay the fuck away from her, you hear me, Tyler? If you so much as lay a pinky on her, I will--"
Tyler laughed, completely unfazed by Miguel's aggression. "Careful, now, Mike... Wouldn't want some evidence of your little Rapture addiction slipping out and making its way to your pretty little doll, no?"
Miguel snorted, his nostrils flaring as his face heated up. He dropped Tyler back in the stool, turning to stomp away, his fists balled and chest heaving to control his rage, just barely controlling himself enough to avoid burying his talons in the meat of his palms.
Tyler sighed, downing some more of his glass, "We wouldn't want the public finding out that the great Miguel O'Hara was a junkie, now do we?"
His head was abuzz; adrenaline pumping so hard through his veins, he could feel that primal urge to just reach out and snap Tyler's neck. Hiding or disposing of the body would be easy enough, concealing any other evidence would also be a snap. Unfortunately, if anybody knew he was coming over to Miguel's...
Fuck. Tyler also probably had some kind of implant to contact emergency services in the event his heart stops or he's severely injured. Then, Miguel would obvious be a shoe-in for a brand new jumpsuit; not one of his own design.
The multiverse would suffer, another Spider-Man demonized by the public for murdering a man who outwardly appeared somewhat decent...
Then, it felt like a tension wire snapped; realization dawned on Miguel as clear as a sunny summer day.
Tyler was baiting him. He wanted him to snap.
He wouldn't give in to his cheap taunts.
Miguel forced his body to relax, reaching up to slick back a stray strand of hair, and turns to give Tyler a cool smile, "Well... if that were to happen... I would have to tell them where the Rapture came from. How you used it to control me, manipulate me, threaten to kill me."
Miguel felt sick glee at how Tyler's smile instantly fell, and the Hispanic man tipped his head to the side, his smile eerily calm.
"Oh... You thought I didn't have evidence of that? Now, imagine how the public will react when news of me being your illegitimate son--the result of a disgusting affair--gets out?"
"You--you wouldn't." Tyler spat, throwing the wineglass to the ground and shattering it, the red liquid running out to pool around it, soaking into the grout in-between the tiles like a thin, watery pool of blood.
"Your mother would be--"
"I don't give a fuck what Connie deals with. She's had her dose of karma a long time coming... and it's honestly only fitting that I be the one to deliver it." Miguel sneered, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
Tyler swallowed, glaring up at his own flesh and blood like it was Hercules fighting the lion. Only... it was up to anyone's guess who would emerge the victor of this bout.
But... He knew that Miguel was much larger, much stronger, faster--younger...
It was an uphill battle and he currently had a bullet wound to his knee.
So, Tyler Stone relented in the seething rage that was Miguel O'Hara. He adjusted his coat from where Miguel has mussed it before, wiping up some of the wine on the counter with his handkerchief before tossing it to the floor indignantly.
"Very well, Mike... I'll leave your little toy alone. But... do be careful enough to take care of your toys in the future. Don't want to forget what happened to your last girlfriend..."
That slight sting didn't hurt as much as he'd hoped, Miguel merely jerking his head to the side, his lip curled in an irritated snarl. "Get out of my house."
As the smaller man began to walk briskly out, he gave Miguel a smirk over his shoulder; "Y'know, my boy... some stuff really is genetic. You don't realize just how much like me you really are."
Miguel scoffed, his body finally relaxing as he turned to clean another one of Tyler Stone's messes, wiping the bar you meticulously cleaned for him clean, tossing the piece of cloth into the nearby trash bin, and turning on the little disc-shaped cleaning bot to clean up the shattered glass and suck up the wine.
"Lyla." Miguel sighed as he took off his sunglasses, his hand shaking as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Hey, boss man." She greeted hesitantly. "Whaddya need?"
"Find out how Tyler got into the system. How he got past you. I'm going to upgrade your code later with stronger firewalls, too." He said, staring at her flickering avatar.
"Yeah, believe me... I don't like him getting past me. It feels... gross. Violating." She shuddered.
Despite changing her programming to see the logic in his words by default, Miguel was emotionally attached to Lyla. For a long time, she was his only true friend. She was there for him after the Rapture incident...
And to now watch as Tyler had essentially brute-forced his own program onto Lyla felt akin to some form of assault on her; one of his greatest creations to date.
But... the shreds of his conscience began to thread together as he remembered you. The cameras, the stalking, having Lyla be hypocritical and spying on your personal business...
"You... You know everything I do is to keep her safe--both of you safe, right, Lyla?" He asked softly, staring down at the little robot as it chirped as its cleaning cycle was finished, returning to its charging dock.
"Well, yeah.... I saw the crime reports... saw how that guy probably would have killed her... and... well." She shoved her hands in her pockets and looked up at him, a brow quirking upwards. "I mean... the cameras are just as good for safety, right? Like how people put baby monitors in their kid's room, or to spy on the nanny. Keeps her from getting hurt even where she should be safe..."
Miguel smiled warmly at her. Yeah... she was programmed to see his logic, but... hearing it made him feel much better.
"Thank you, Lyla. Let me know if anything goes wrong with her personal stuff, alright? I want to make sure Tyler isn't spying on her, too." He turned to begin leaving the room, "I'm going to work this adrenaline off. Make sure my Pequeña Ave is relaxing like I told her to, hm? When you're not busy sorting through the bullshit Tyler pulled, that is."
"Can do, boss!" Lyla chirped happily, giving him a little salute. "Have fun gettin' those reps in!"
You couldn't find Miguel in his office, the lounge, his bedroom, the bar, at the pool... the only other place you could think of was his small gym.
He didn't seem to have had a good day at work, and Tyler's presence only seemed to worsen it when he came home. You wondered what exactly happened between them to make their relationship so hostile in the first place...
But, you shoved that curiosity to the side. You decided to try and give Miguel a little pick-me-up. You remembered the story he told you of he and his little brother sneaking off to enjoy their snack of mango and chili salt.
You cut the mango in half, pulled the large seed pod out of the middle, and halfway sliced the halves into little cubes; and finally sprinkled on the chili salt. Afterwards, you placed the snack on a tray with a nice, ice-cold bottle of his favorite sports drink. If he was in the gym, he would definitely need to replenish some electrolytes after working out.
As you walked down the hall, you noticed Lyla's avatar following you. "Hey, Mamacita." She said. "I'd steer clear of the boss. Mr Stone-head reeeeeeeally made him mad."
You wiggled the tray a bit and gave her a smile, "That's why I'm bringing him this, Lyla. Snacks do wonders for mood improvement!"
She tilted her head, taking a moment to respond. "Oh. Right. Good idea, actually..."
You noticed her seemingly distracted nature today, which was almost unheard of for the AI. "You ok?"
"Yeah, going through my files before Miguel puts in a new update for me tonight. Gonna get me a niiiiice makeover, program-wise." She grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at you. "I'll be pretty indisposed however; one, from going through my millions of lines of code, and two; he's gotta put me out while he works on me."
You chuckled, "Ah, well I'll leave you to that, then. Hope the update goes well."
Lyla gives you a snarky salute before her avatar disappears as you near the gym. As you reached the arching threshold--no door, you noticed some time ago; he apparently liked a bit of an open floor plan when it came to that--you could hear the sounds of him grunting, huffing, and swearing. It sounded like he was working hard.
You round the bend and open your mouth to announce yourself--until you see why Miguel was really making those sounds.
His back was to you, shirt abandoned on the floor by the dumbbells. He sat in his boxers, pants discarded the same way his shirt had been in favor of working out almost entirely naked.
Or, well.... maybe it started with him working out--until he went to the weight bench and it devolved into something else entirely.
The mirrors lining the opposite wall gave you a perfect view of him despite him sitting with his back to you. His boxers were shoved hastily down to his thick thighs, leaning on one hand as his other one slowly stroked up and down his rigid, leaking cock. Miguel's head was tipped back, his eyes closed in frustrated pleasure, sweat making his body shine as though he had almost appeared oiled-up. His usually well-kept hair was messy, tacking to his forehead and scalp with thick layers of sweat.
The sight immediately sent a throb down to your core; heat roiling and pooling low in your belly and had you biting your lip in equal parts mortification, shame, and arousal.
He grunted, grinding his teeth as he tipped his head down again. You quietly jumped back out of sight as he looked down and opened his eyes, growling as his hand circled the head of his dick before twisting and stroking back down.
"Fuuuuuuck." You heard him sigh. "That's it, bebita... fuck, I'm close."
Your heart hammered in your chest as you imagined who he could possibly be picturing in his mind's eye; what dream woman he probably had at his feet, between his legs, worshipping the thick shaft he stroked in his hand
You pinched your thighs together, feeling your arousal already begin to soak through your panties, threatening to breach the fabric of your pants. Your face heated up, flushing with color as the sounds of him pleasuring himself assaulted your ears in the all-too quiet house. Hell, it felt like he was being so loud, his sounds of self-pleasure drowned out the blood rushing in your ears.
You couldn't contain your curiosity, and peek around the corner again. Miguel had his eyes closed again, a blissful crease prominent on his brow as he bucked his hips in time with his hand.
You watched as he snagged his plush bottom lip between his teeth, his face twitching as his hand jerked faster, the thick precum dripping down his cock and coating his fingers, assisting in the glide as he fucked his own hand, his release imminent.
You squeezed your legs together even tighter, taking care not to jostle the tray in your hands and not make any noise that would give you away.
This was... wrong. You should turn around, and leave your treat to him in the kitchen for him to find on his own. You should...
You swallowed the gasp that wanted to come from you as he muttered something to himself, something you couldn't quite make out--before the thick ropes of his cum spurted from the tip of his cock.
Continuing to stroke and pull, to lengthen his orgasm as long as possible; to ride the high further, Miguel rolled his head back with a gutteral moan, his cum splattering on the floor mats below him, his legs trembling.
As he began to even his breathing out, you turned and as quickly and quietly as possibly rushed back down the hall to avoid being caught--and maybe attend to the pressing matter that stained your panties.
Miguel however--
Miguel knew you were there. He could smell your perfume as you made your way down the hall, hear your soft footsteps and conversation with Lyla.
He grinned as he looked into the mirror, his eye tracking where you had once been peeping in on him. He could smell you the moment you got wet; hear the way your heart thudded in your chest as you spied on him.
He had been edging himself; not intentionally of course, but with how frustrated and angry he was, Miguel had been dancing on the edge of a climax for most of the time. Until he caught your scent, the smell of your wet little cunt filling his senses and making his mind buzz with his budding orgasm before driving him over that peak.
He wondered what you thought of the sight. You were aroused, certainly. You very much liked what you saw. He almost hoped you would walk in, and offer your own soft, sweet little hands to stroke him to relief.
But ah, you were a polite girl. Scurrying away like a frightened little mouse before getting caught and possibly pissing him off.
Miguel heaved a heavy sigh as he grabbed his sweat rag from beside him, wiping at the mess he made of himself. Despite the circumstances, he couldn't help but smile.
Maybe getting into your head was going to be easier than he anticipated.
Part 5: I have no idea Imma be real with y'all
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squiddy-god · 3 months
A confession to a fae
(Lilia vanrouge x reader)
Re-upload from terminated blog squid-god-supreme, this is in a similar style to captured, basically, this is more general Lilia leaning, long hair Lilia supremacy
CW : nothing much, reader is low key down bad, kinda stalking? Watching from afar? "My most cherished one"
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Who was he? That mysterious man who walked the stone path of your small cottage in the dead of night? He who stalks the trees and befriends all creatures of the night. Who is he, you wonder? 
He whose eyes glow crimson and whose pupils are not but slender slits of pitch black. You wondered who he was as you glanced with blurred vision and bated breath out the window to catch only a glimpse. 
The thought and curiosity plagued you and you worked in your garden, soft soil giving way as you dug and pulled weeds, harvested the plants you grew. The tall trees cast dancing shadows but let light flicker through, it was calm, peaceful. "Hello there my dear" you jumped and looking up there was now a figure in front of you, Dressed in a long robe the deep set hood concealed his face. He was tall, not unreasonably so but enough to make note of, he leaned only slightly against the stone wall separating the two of you. Covered in moss and discolored from years of the forest encroaching on pale stone it only came up to about waist height. He let out a chuckle at your alarm "do not fret little one, I mean no harm to you" "o-oh well 'morning" 
That was how it all began, the mysterious man showing up by that garden wall to chat, the lovely weather, the kingdom of which you hail, and the woods that you call home. He had the most pleasant stories, of dragons and swords clashing, of night walks with ghosts and of history long passed, from dusk till dawn in bliss you were held captive by the words he spoke as you tended your garden. 
"Ah drats!" You mumbled as you searched for the jar of wild herbs and mushrooms you needed, only to realize that you had run out. "Fine I suppose I'll go get more" you sighed, lacing your boots and grabbing the shallow basket you used for things like this, with that you headed off. 
Deep now in the forest and basket weighed with herbs and edible mushrooms, a few berries, and flowers you could grow you felt a cold touch on your hand. 
Stumbling back the basket landed after you, miraculously nothing split as it contacted the ground. "Apologies my dear" the cold touch was back, now in front of you kneeled the man who leaned against your garden wall, his pale hand grasping yours as it was lifted to his lips. 
Were his footsteps like rain? Silent and peaceful, you wondered as the sunlight danced with shadows if this man was the same who stalked the night with such luster. If he who held your hand in tender reverence was he who walked the path of your cottage before the sun kissed the sky. 
"It's alright, you just startled me haha" you got up, watching as he rose up, his cloak fell to conceal his ivory and alabaster pants and cuffed black leather boots. "I come here often, this tree is quite nice, perhaps I'll no longer be the only one who visits?" He extended his hand, nails sharp and pitch black. "Is that an invitation?" You took his hand. 
"Fufufu of course my dear" 
This man who you were so enraptured by was a constant question in your brain, so it was no shock that as you awoke and lit your lantern you spotted from that window by the bed, a figure dancing through the trees and got up. Heading to the kitchen then to the stone wall by the garden you left a bowl of tomato soup you had made earlier and heated up by fire. 
As morning breathed life to day you awoke again and went out to your garden, there against the wall with his back turned was the man.His vest a polished pine green embroidered with blush pink thread showing ferns and snapdragons, red dahlias and columbine flowers. The short half cape that rested on his shoulder and draped over one of his alabaster sleeves was dark slate gray and lined with silver. “Hello again sir” you greeted him like any other day and he turned to you with a fond smile. He was handsome, his striking blood red eyes set against the pale white skin and the slight dark tint to his eyes and lips. His hair was long and black, with streaks of pink and the underside bright fuchsia. His appearance was striking, especially his smile and the fangs that peaked out. “Good morning my dear, thank you for the gift you left me on the evening of last” you smiled, proud of the work you put into that soup and glad he enjoyed it. “I can't let a gift go unpaid, so before the sun bids my farewell would you invite me to repay your generosity?” “you don't have to, but if you insist!”.
Just like that he lept over our stone garden wall, his black boots lifting him up before hitting the cobblestone path. A cold hand to yours and before you knew it you were spinning, his hand at your waist and the other holding your hand. “My gift to you today is a dance through dawn.” no rhythm played in the air yet as you danced in his embrace the world seemed to be alight with beautiful melodies, his eyes held stories that ruptured your heart and made your feet sway effortlessly with his.
You wondered if this man was human, he who stalks the trees, he who dances to no music yet keeps rhythm, he who leans over the garden wall. They say you should not dance with the fae, for once you do it’ll never be the same without, you wondered if that was what he is, if his eyes hold more than lonely longing affection but his gaze always seems to silence these thoughts. 
He was beyond the garden wall now, no longer the mysterious figure but the charming man, he sat under the tree in your garden and told you stories now, occasionally he would play tunes on his bagpipe and you would dance and clap in tune when not tending your garden. He often brought flowers, lovely flowers that you had never seen, ones that never wilted and ones that bloomed in the dead of night. He also brought honeyd words and sweet glances, saying he was once lonely but had found you. The man spoke of magic and mages, you had confessed that you had no magic like others and that this was the reason you moved out to the forest. He showed you magic as you danced, the sparkling of light that spun and twirled around the air as his appearance changed before your eyes, and as yours morphed to match his own.
“I spend so much time with you now,” you pondered shifting and turning towards him “yet i don't know your name” his breath seemed to pause, a dead calm and for a moment you wondered if you had messed up. “Fufufu my my what a question to ask me, you who walk beyond thorns have not a clue what power a name holds” his answer confused you, the power a name holds? “But, you are indeed my most cherished one, so perhaps I will tell you” how he adored the way your eyes gleamed at the words he spoke. “First you must follow me cherished one~” he was up in a second and you followed.
Soon you looked down to see a stone path, the trees grew more dense and you realized you had never been this deep into the forest before. “Sir- uh my love?” “Yes darling?” Even with golden light trickling through dense leaves his eyes almost glowed the most brilliant red. “Where…are we going?” he laughed. “Fufu you will see soon enough. 
You walked deeper and deeper until only sparse light flooded in small beams and nature had entirely consumed the land, remnants of castles long taken by lakes and claimed by the forest. Even the path you realized had disappeared some time ago, your only guide was the man in front of you. The almost silent sound of his steps stopped and you ran into his back, soft fabric cushioning your blow. “H-huh?” before you in the dim lighting was what looked to be a wall of trees and thorny vine, they twisted and curved suspiciously to form a perfect circle. It was lighter on the other side but almost the same, except for the cobblestone path that emerged covered in moss. 
“This my dear, is the price for such power over me.” he stepped through and nothing seemed to happen. “Simply follow me, til the end of eternity” and before your eyes he vanished. Your eyes were wide as saucers as you stood before the circle gateway. “Alright” you said more to the memory of his figure, one foot after the other onto the other side. 
Now you stand, in a small clearing, the circle arch long gone as your feet touch the cool stone. Chilling arms and soft linen fabric wrapped around you as the ghost of a breath blew gently against your ear.
“Lillia, lillia vanrouge~” 
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genshinimpactlife · 2 years
If you are still accepting requests can I ask for NSFW headcanons with gorou and tighnari with a wolf!Hybrid reader? Like a tall and stong reader, it sounds so cute. The idea of this two smol babies next to a giant hybrid that could just crush them so easily 🥺🥺 the moment they saw reader they thought "yep, they're mine now"
Wolf Hybrid Reader (SFW & NSFW)
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It was love at first sight for Gorou, especially seeing how you were a hybrid like him.
When Kokomi Introduced him to you as the newest recruit, having come from overseas, he was a wreck.
He couldn't look you in the eyes. Instead, he was blushing and fumbling over his words as he showed you around.
You towered over Gorou, and looking down at this mess of a man made you feel good. You would purposefully bend down when he spoke up, getting close to his face as he spoke, teasing the hell out of him.
Surprisingly enough, Gorou asked you out first after working with him for a few weeks. Of course, you immediately said yes, having been crushing on him for quite a while now.
The two of you hit it off, and you were in a committed relationship before you knew it.
He loves to cuddle with you and always gently plays with or rubs your ears.
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You adored making Gorou feel small. Your favorite thing to do was pin him against the wall with your body.
He just looked so cute as he looked up at you all wide-eyed.
You liked to tease him by picking him up and tossing him over your shoulder, smacking his ass as you carried him to the bedroom.
Gorou is almost always a bottom, and you practically engulfed him when you were on top.
Always calling him sweet pet names while your fucking
"Sweet boy"
"You look so cute like this"
He becomes so brain-dead quickly, a sweet moaning mess for you.
He loves when you tease his tail, especially when you take him from behind.
The few times that Gorou topped, you were still in control. He wasn't able to manhandle you as you could with him.
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Tighnari's first thought when he met you was, "Oh… I need you to be mine"
His second?
"I need them to join the rangers."
You towered over him and were clearly strong; he knew you would make an excellent forest ranger.
He thought it would take some convincing, but you seemed open to joining the rangers. You ended up working alongside Tighnari, and the feelings between you two blossomed.
You asked Tighnari out on a date within a week, and the two of you were together not long after.
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Tighnari was a lot better about keeping his emotions in check than Gorou was
But when you leaned over him to pick up a bottle of medicine off a high shelf for him, his cheeks were so red.
Before the two of you knew it, you were making out against the shelf. The only reason you two broke apart was that anyone could walk in, and you needed to go somewhere secluded.
Tighnari is a switch, and when he's in the more dom mindset, he doesn't have any issue with you being much taller and bigger than him.
Oh, but he gets so intimidated and embarrassed when he's a sub.
100% has a size kink, and he would love it if you crushed him.
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nalyra-dreaming · 9 months
Hi! Love your blog!
We know that made Lestat's abuse of Louis way more prominent in show (decision I still don't agree with but that's not the matter) and we have Jacob saying that s2 is way darker than book. People speculate that it's because they'll include FrankenClaudia who technically wasn't in this particular book but do you think they'll make Loumands relationship more toxic too like they did with Loustat? (I know they added romance to loustat but they also added beating scene that was on way way more smaller scale in book). Do you think they'll add more gaslighting? Emphasize on Armand making Louis turn Madeleine against his will?
Thank you for answering!
Hey nonny!
So glad you like!
I do think that they will heavily lean into that, yes. (And this "interview" is already held with the content of several books, so imho it doesn't really matter where the content comes from... Rolin held 6? or 7 books up to the camera^^). This will be a bit longer^^:
As all things are said to be revisited we will see how s1 will hold up, but of course it will stay correct that they emphasized the abuse vector. And that is a very valid thing for the Vampire Chronicles! There is a LOT in there, especially abuse, but also like... everything else, too. (As the Twitter discourse currently on Marius also... shows.)
So to get back to your actual question: yes I do think they will emphasize this part (though if they add more? We will see.), I think they have already hinted at that in season 1, but the book canon and their chosen promotional posters give us a very poignant hint here as well.
If we look at the "elevator posters" for example, we have Lestat, Louis and Claudia looking sideways at the observer*, in various state of emotions: fear, anger, and aware consternation (maybe), respectively.
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And then we have Armand, *the observer, who looks down the length of his nose at them, with an air of superiority and a hint of a smile, clearly the one in charge:
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It is also important to note that he is half in shadow but from the front here, not sideways as the others. The other three are almost completely "in the light", visible as it were. Armand... is not.
Now, if you remember the poster of season 1, then this is a direct echo of it, as well as a development from it:
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Lestat was only half visible, behind Louis, since we only heard of him through Louis. Now he is in the same "position" as Louis and Claudia, almost fully revealed.
It is interesting that those elevator pictures keep Claudia in this position here, too, but it makes sense when one knows what will revealed only in later books about her and her play (I have talked about the twist from Merrick).
Now the posters sold at SDCC are equally interesting, because they speak their own language:
First off, we have Louis, holding the mask of Lestat in his hand, a mask taken off, and the mask echoes Lestat's "death face". He is looking into space, beyond it, and he seems to be seated in the back of a stage (given that we have a scene photo with Lestat seated on stage that carries ... repercussions^^).
"La mémoire est un monstre". The second half of IWTV is (among other things of course) Louis yearning for Lestat and learning a few... uncomfortable truths. Masks are taken off, and the revelations will be bloody. Louis will be condemned to be a spectator for some of them, and in the book it culminates in a very poignant speech about passivity.
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And then there's Claudia. "La famille est un monstre." Dancing as Carmen, the red flamenco dress making her seem older than she is (supposed to be). The dress emulates flames, the audience is dead. She is almost smirking at the beholder, definitely proud of who she is, and her feet are naked.
"Carmen, a searing depiction of a woman who craves love, but creates obsession and jealousy, is one of the most popular operas ever written." (x)
The Carmen reference feels perfect for me, it will be very interesting to see which aspects they take up for the show, who Madeleine will be, given the World War 2 context, and the jealousy of the soldier in the original opera.
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Then there is "L'amour est un monstre". Love is a monster. Love is the monster. The lover is the monster. For these vampires all these variations fit, and I do not just mean Loumand here, but generally.
Armand seems to say something to Louis, who is looking into space, with a slight frown.
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The movie poster from "Gaslight", a movie about a whirlwind romance and the new husband isolating the wife from the world and "gaslighting" her to make her appear mad and doubt her own sanity to get at what she possesses... now the IWTV people know what they're doing *laughs*
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Anyone who has read IWTV and TVA knows that Armand spell-binds Louis on several occasions, and influences him to do things, for example turning Madeleine, as you mentioned.
Interestingly enough there is also a man with a face half in light, half in shadows here - and that is echoed on Louis in the poster, one half is painted red - indicating he doubles with the police officer of the movie, discovering the things that are supposed to be hidden from him.
And, last but definitely not least, the general poster, without caption:
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Lestat is "almost" revealed, our "view" of him still restricted somewhat by Louis and Claudia, as well from the theater curtain.
Claudia is engaged with whatever is happening beyond our view, Louis... is not. He is restraining himself, hands in pockets, mouth set and his gaze is dark, somewhere between accusation and anger. Lestat's gaze is open here, carrying a vague challenge, an expectation.
If we take the elevator pictures back into account one could argue they are looking at Armand here - and that would fit with the story:
Lestat will come to Armand hoping for something, expecting something. Louis will come to some very uncomfortable realizations, and events that will make him beyond angry. Claudia will try to move on, leave Armand behind. And even Louis, arguably.
So to wrap this up: I'm not sure they will add more gaslighting. More toxicity.
Because I don't think they actually need to! There is plenty there already. They will however build on what's there, and it has been more than hinted at imho. (Arguably that happened in season 1 as well, as a lot of that ep 5 scene echoes something in later books, and we will know only after season 2 how it will click into place.)
Armand uses his spell-gift on Louis even after promising not to do it (in the book, I talked about it here), and given how this show drags things into the light they will definitely hook into this. I think both definitions of "gaslighting" will apply - given the structure of the show they might make Armand the "villain" (that he was in the first books) this time round, though of course this word doesn't quite fit for these vampires.
Armand is the one who tortures Nicki and chops off his hands. We are getting flashbacks to that time, and we know that we will get to see Lestat and Nicki in that time. I would bet money on it that they will explore that part of their history.
Armand is the one who tortures Lestat, and uses him to pull the mock trial off.
Armand is the one who throws Lestat off a tower, challenging him to love him... a scene many book readers expect to at the very least echo, if not replace the ep5 scene, depending on how they spin it.
Armand is the one who influences Louis to do things, and who lies to both Louis and Lestat about the other.
Armand is the one who has Claudia (and Madeleine) killed, because she was in the way.
I know show only viewers see Lestat as the epitome of toxicity right now, but... he's actually not. Jacob put it well in that interview that Louis is "angry at him and presents him as a monster".
The show made choices, and given that it's Lestat (who is just the tiniest bit important for the following seasons/books after all)... this requires other choices to be made.
And going by the posters they have given us - they do.
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xstarkillerx · 10 months
Because I'm in procrastination mode today aperantly, you know what else I've been thinking about? My dear, sweet @anakincentric. Pretty Blade, this is for you because I love your version of anakin so much &lt;3
Tw: dead dove do not eat
We've talked about this before but I honestly love the idea of being anakin's little baby and having a dirty blog where you reblog porn gifs and talk about all the ways you get fucked into oblivion by him. Anakin knows about it of course, but he isn't nosy, you never have to worry about him snifing around.
It's a rare bout of confidence (stupidity) that leads you to ask if he wants to see it, and he honestly wouldn't have paid it any mind if you didn't immediatly backtrack. All red in the face and turning away, looking like you just realized what a bad a idea that would be and well... now he's gotta see what's on there. So, he settles you in his lap while you log in and make a big fuss about hiding your password from him. As soon as you log in there's already a gif of some big brutish man shoving his cock into a girls tight asshole, and you're whining all over again about how you change your mind and "do i have toooooo." Anakin doesn't budge. You wanted to show him, and he knows all this fuss that came after is an ill attempt at reinserting shame where it has no business being, so you proceed to your blog, pretty and pink as expected.
See, it's not so much the gifs of pretty little girls like you getting passed around and wrecked, or the videos of pussies getting stuffed full by inhumanely large dildos that you reblog, it's the paragraphs upon paragraphs you post, they're fucking filthy, kind of gross, honestly. You can feel his eyes scanning the page, his little huffs of amusement, his gentle squeezes on you arm when something was particularly vulger. You're getting redder by the minute.
"I didn't even know you knew that word, Aivela-"
"Daddy, we can stop now." Your little hands are grasping tightly at his shirt sleeve, resisting the urge to tug his hand away from the computer, you've had enough.
"No, keep going, what's that? Oh, that's a long one, you wanna read it to me?" Your nails are close to ripping holes into his sleeve, you know this one, you know this one. You shake your head, craning your neck to look up at him and give your best pleading look, it only solidifies his interest. "Come on angel, I worked all day I'm tired. Read it."
And you do, quietly, full of shame, stuttering. "Today my... Today my d- dad caught me by suprise. Mom was doing laundry in the basement while he fucked me upstairs in the livingroom. I had my headphones on, music blasting when he pushed me over the arm of the sofa and pulled my..." you flail your arms, too flustered to continue.
"Come on, I wanna hear what your dad did to you."
All you can bring yourself to do is hide your face in the crook of his arm. "you know already it's you!" you stretch every vowel, whining and cranky, he can tell you've had enough. Anakin continues reading in his head, dropping the odd comment here and there and stroking your hair while your face remains hidden against his chest.
"Oh my," "no, baby that's fucking dirty, I don't remember it like that," "you slut, is that why you asked me to say that again? wanted to commit it to memory to tell are your perv followers about it?" Every one made you squirm, and when he finished he gave you a kiss on the head with a laugh. "You like telling them them I'm your dad? Look at me, is that what you post on your little blog all day?"
You nod, looking about close to tears when he pulls you in for a kiss. He laughs like it's the most amusing thing in the fucking world, endearing even, regardless of how fucked up it might be.
"They just eat it up huh? Bunch of fat old virgin fucks in your dms?" You nod, too shy, too overhwelmed to tell him about the wealth of unasnwered anonymous asks you have stockpiled you telling you yeah well if I was your dad I'd molest you too, and no wonder he touches you he's got a perfect slut for a daughter. Love the stories <3. Those are for a different day.
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Apple Pie
hi my angels!!! Apple pie part 2???!!! Now listen… there’s no smut PLEASE don’t be upset. I really wanna make this a series i have a lot of stuff planned out especially for the next chapter </3 i hope you guys like it.
Warnings: Panic attack, mentions of cleaning and bandaging wounds, accidental injury and mentions of blood. Leon is lowkey obsessed but hates it, so he shut it down.
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Word count: 2,444
Nine o’clock.
Does he show up early? Does he come a minute late?
Leon stares at himself in his mirror, sighing when he feels he doesn’t look.. acceptable.
Was he a creep?
Like, hey, you made me a really fantastic pie, and you watered my lawn while I was out of town, and now I watch you from my living room while you’re in your kitchen.
It’s weird. Yet he found so much comfort in you living this ordinary life, baking pies and watering plants and checking on your strawberry bush daily as if they’d grow overnight. You were simple, and oh, how he craved simple.
His arms tugged at the t-shirt he slipped on, just a plain blue one. But he couldn’t help but run his fingers over the forming scabs on his wrist and arms; with you a distraction he had forgotten he had come home from a mission. He groaned in frustration as he tugged the t-shirt off, slipping on a black long sleeve. It was going to have to do.
Shit, he had no flowers to give you? Nothing? He leaned himself back, peering out his bedroom window to see you in your kitchen still, swinging open the oven door and the smoke piling out, making your glasses fog up as you attempted to reach for the dish inside without sight. He couldn’t help but laugh to himself as he grabbed his keys; just a quick trip to the grocery store for some flowers for you.
White roses? No red, pink? Tulips? No..
He stood clueless in front of the flower cart, looking at all the neatly wrapped bouquets before him as he rubbed the back of his neck in confusion.
“What’s she like?”
An older woman asks Leon, leaning heavily on her cart for support as she looks at him. Leon cleared his throat as he looked at the tiny woman, shrugging as he laughed defenselessly.
“That’s the thing, she’s my neighbor. I hardly know her.”
The older woman couldn’t help but smile cheerfully at Leon as she walked over to the cart, handing him the mix of yellow roses and white daisies. She nodded her head as she tapped his hands
“She will love those, trust me. I was young once being given roses by a handsome man.”
Leon watched the woman walk away, tapping the flowers against his arm before he walked to the register, the teenager giving him a dead-tired stare as he scanned the code for the flowers.
“Twenty-four seventy-nine.”
His monotone voice almost caused Leon to convulse as he reached into his pocket, pulling out the one hundred dollar bill and a fifty. He hands the money to the young man, who stares at him, confused
“An older woman is walking around here; you’ll notice her, you’re the only register open. Please pay for her groceries with that money.”
The teenager sighed as he slipped the bills under the register, looking back to Leon’s
And before Leon could even respond with his quick no thanks the kid cut him off, sighing as he started scanning the following customer's items
“Great. Have a good one.”
Leon’s hands were so overly sweaty, and why? He cracked his neck as he parked in his driveway, his eyes shifting to his dashboard to see it was nine ten. Shit. He practically ran to your door, his fist colliding with the white door. He squeezed the flowers in his hands before the door opened, your apron around your waist as you smiled at him. You were a mess, but he couldn’t help but admire it.
As he walked into the house, the instant smell of food hit him. He saw your eyes shifting back and forth to the flowers as you untied the apron from your waist before he awkwardly handed you the flowers.
How did he know? You held the flowers in your hands as he followed you into the kitchen, where you had dirty dishes thrown around, but all the food was prepared and ready.
“It’s funny because I tried to grow daisies for almost three years and I gave up because I stopped having the time for them.
You laugh as you grab the slim glass container, leaning over your sink and turning it on for the water.
Leon asked as he leaned against the door frame, his eyes tracing your every feature as he looked you up and down as you were so distracted with the flowers.
You set the vase on your window seal, smiling at the gorgeous flowers.
“Well, thank you Leon, they're beautiful.”
Leon nodded his head as a you’re welcome as you pointed to the table
“Please sit, let me serve you.”
Leon stared at you, confused as you pulled the pretty white plates from your cabinet.
Serve him?
Leon walked towards your dining room, how cute you set up all the glasses and silverware.
He pulled his chair out to sit down, noticing the slight creak of the chair as he scooted himself closer to the table. His ears pick up the sound of you hissing, your feet tapping against the floor from burning yourself. His head leaned back in concern before you walked out of the kitchen, two plates in your hand. He never really noticed what you wore, the light denim jeans and the baby blue t-shirt, that gorgeous gold necklace around your neck that he would surely ask about later. He didn’t mean to stare, you leaned over the table and placed the plate in front of him before you walked to the other side of the table, sitting down. Your foot brushed against his leg- did you mean to do that?
“Do you cook like this every night?”
Leon was shocked at your cooking capability just by the apple pie alone, but the plate in front of him was set so perfectly with mashed potatoes, chicken and a mix of fresh vegetables, it’s probably from the garden you mentioned.
“I usually eat at work, actually. A lot of my vegetables were just harvested today, so you just got lucky.”
You always eat leftover noodles from work, always too focused on other things to prepare yourself dinner most of the time. You don’t know what came over you but you knew you had to cook Leon dinner. Maybe he looked too tired, or perhaps you just felt bad for him, you didn’t know.
The silence between you two was slightly awkward, your eyes occasionally glancing up at Leon who seemed to really be enjoying his food.
“What do you do for work?”
The question made Leon’s chest hurt as he swallowed the chicken in his mouth, wiping his mouth with the napkin. How does he answer? Yeah, I work for the D.S.O. against counter-terrorism. Did I mention I've fought literal zombies?
“I’m an agent for the local police department.”
Good save.
“Oh wow, really? Guess that explains your wrist?”
Leon frowned in confusion before he looked down, seeing that his injuries were just past his wrist.
“Right, I never feel them so thanks for pointing them out.”
Leon chuckled as he followed your actions, sipping his wine. He almost choked on the red liquid as you reached forward, grabbing his hand, your soft fingers tugging up his sleeve.
“It’s swollen around the area, see?”
His eyes follow your finger as you trace the red around the wounds, the cool air finally hitting them made them hurt worse than he thought it would. Leon just nodded his head as you stood, grabbing his plate and walking to the sink putting the dishes back.
“Don’t move!”
You call out from down the hallway. You opened the closet door, clicking your tongue before you hummed in satisfaction at the sight of your first aid kit. Your body turned the hall and walked into the dining room, smiling at Leon as you sat down the first aid kid, clicking it open.
Leon wasn’t a man who bandaged his wounds unless it was vital. A little road burn or a small burn wouldn’t kill him, just wash it with soap and it should be good. You stood beside him, your glasses resting against the very tip of your nose as you poured alcohol onto the small wipes. You gave him a friendly glance before you began wiping at the red skin, Leon clearing his throat in discomfort as you continued to wipe at his skin. You placed the wipe down onto the table and grabbed at the antibiotic ointment, squeezing some onto your pointer finger and rubbing it against the edges of his burn. You hummed a soft tune to yourself as you began wrapping his arm in the white bandage, smiling as you finished, pushing your glasses up your nose.
“All done.”
Leon’s fist clenched and unclenched as he looked at the bandage, he couldn’t help but let a slight smirk grow on his face as he looked at you.
“What, you’re a doctor now?”
Your eyes rolled as you shoved everything back into its container and shut it, your body turning to walk away.
Why did he suddenly feel so angry? His chest bubbling with an unnerving pain as he pressed his fist into the table, the noise of you rambling on about something filled his ears and it became muffled as he stared down at the table, he stood up, pushing his chair in before he stormed down your entryway and clear out the door.
You shut the closet door the same time Leon slammed the front door, the pictures on your wall shaking causing you to run down the long hallway, looking into the dining room to see Leon not in the dining chair. You took a few long strides to your kitchen, peering out to the window to see Leon walk into his house, his window shaking as he slammed his door too.
You stared at all the dishes in the kitchen, scattered everywhere. Your hands were shaking, why? Just clean up. Don’t cry, you don’t even know him? Why would you cry, You don’t even know Leon and he didn’t know you. You stared out your front window, stuck in your own mind as you scrubbed viciously at the dishes, a hiss leaving your lips as you looked down at your white sink, now painted with your blood.
You whispered as your shaking hand dropped the knife, running towards the bathroom.
Leon’s door slamming made even him flinch. He couldn’t even pinpoint his anger, his fingers ripping off the bandage on his arm, throwing it into the small trash can in his bathroom as he turned his shower on, his breath heavy as he tugged his shirt over his head, dragging his pants down his legs. His face was flushed a deep red, he briefly caught a look at himself in the mirror. His arm glistened slightly from the medication you rubbed into his skin. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he still struggled to catch his breath, stepping himself into the shower, an instant sigh of relief poured from him as the hot water trickled down his skin.
His mind was racing, his head dipping into the water and wetting his hair. He stared at the water swirling down the drain, he was too scared to close his eyes. He was always afraid to close his eyes. Leon never sleeps and when he does he wakes up angry, and frustrated.
Leon slipped on the plaid pajama pants, his hand combing through his hair as he looked up in the mirror. His eyes scanned the scars on his chest and torso. His footsteps were slow as he walked toward his living room. He can sit on the couch forever, his eyes hooded as he watches the random news channel. No matter what was on the TV, he couldn’t help but look over at your window. His throat felt like it was closing as he watched you staring out your window, he almost jumped up when he watched you wince and run off out of his view. If he knocked on your door right now, you’d slam it in his face. And somehow out of all the things invading his mind, you were again the main focus.
Waking up the following day was more challenging than usual, the deep gash in your hand wrapped tightly. It’s already nine, you were thankful you had the day off. You somehow pulled yourself out of bed, still in your pajamas. You never really were your own first priority. You opened your front door, hair still messy as you filled your watering pot to the brim. You set it down carefully by your bushes, dragging your hose towards Leon’s lawn. You were still half asleep so you were just stuck in your habits, your finger pressing into the hole of the hose as you watered his bushes, your other hand coming up to rub your eyes.
Leon grumbled incoherently as he sat up, that sore pain in his spine making itself well aware as he did so. The noise of running water made his brows frown as he walked into the kitchen, turning his sink on. He kneeled down and rubbed his face with the cool water, a quick breath of sudden adrenaline leaving his lips as he held at his sink. His eyes squinting as he sees you, standing in your pajama shorts on his lawn, rubbing at your tired eyes. You did cut your hand, the bandage getting a bit wet as you moved your hose around his yard.
“Jesus Christ.”
Leon mumbled as he pushed himself off his counter and to the front door. You obviously didn’t hear him walking onto the porch, his arms crossing over his chest as he watched you.
“Good morning.”
Leon’s voice snapped you awake, the hose splashing up at you, misting your face. You pushed your finger back into the hole of the hose as you cleared your throat. Was he always this handsome? Leaning against the frame of his porch, his arms against his chest and his muscles being shined on perfectly by the sun.
Yet he could say the same about you, your hair tangled so slightly, the cute cat sweater lifted so slightly, your stomach showing.
“Hey, Leon. I’m sorry, I guess I’m into old habits.”
You laughed as you pressed your foot into the hose to cut the stream. Do you ask him about why he stormed out? The way he was looking at you made you want to just run back into your house, close all your blinds and just go back to sleep.
“Stop watering my lawn.”
Leon’s voice was stern, his hands dropping to his sides as he walked back into his house, your face yet again meeting the auburn door.
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Hello i just discovered your blog and i love it but may i request an MC who was a child of a brutally war and had like 3-5 younger siblings who died in the war and one day when they are walking around a pure-blood said something along the lines of "OH their Siblings deserved to die" and MC just losses it and straights up punch the pure-blood in the face and knocking them out, how would the HCL +Professor's react to mc in that situation? (Btw I'm sorry if this is a too sensitive topic u don't have to write it if u don't want to, XOXO have a good day or night)
A/N: not to worry, that's what the warnings are for.
WARNING: MC has PTSD, terrorism, blood racism, hurt/comfort
It was less of a war and more of a massacre. The slaying of muggleborns in the 1885 attack was terroristic and unjust. MC was the only survivor of their family. Their siblings were gone. All that was left was the screaming in MC's head. The screaming that kept them up at night. The screaming that told them to run....to hide...
The pure blood student laid on the floor, holding his nose. Blood poured out as the student whined. MC stood over them, fists clenched. MC's knuckles were already bruising from the force of the hit. Their breathing was fast and irregular. Their eyes were wide and blank, they seemed a thousand miles away.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He'd never seen MC move so fast. Before he could tell the instigator off himself, MC threw themselves at them and punched with enough force to break bricks. He doesn't realize the state MC's in at first, laughing and jeering at the bleeding bully.
Until he notices MC isn't laughing with him. They're strangely quiet. Shaking. He hears a Professor coming and he steers MC away from the scene. "MC? What's going on with you? ..MC?" He gets a closer look at their face and sees silent tears flowing from their wide eyes. He's seen this face before, on Anne after they found their parents dead.
He takes MC's good hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "MC. Come back to me. Come back to now. The pain is in the past, don't let it halt your future." He gently talks MC down from their episode and stays with them until they insist they're fine. Even then, he's hard to get rid of.
OMINIS GAUNT: He swears he heard bons breaking when MC's fist collided with the bully. He knew a staff member wouldn't be far away from the commotion and he immediately dragged MC away. "You shouldn't have resorted to physical violence. What that bastard said wasn't acceptable, but now you could be facing detention or worse! That sort of behavior is brutish! Just jinx them like anyone else, at the very least. ..MC?"
He'd just realized MC wasn't talking, not even trying to defend their actions. "MC..? I need you to talk to me. What's going on?" Silence. MC was as still as a statue. Their hand was clammy in his. "What they said....there's more to it, isn't there?" He didn't know the full story, but MC's silence was too loud to ignore.
He takes them to the undercroft to recover in peace and talk to them privately about what really happened.
ANNE SALLOW: She had her wand out but MC's fist was faster. "That's exactly what you deserve!" She huffs and grabs MC's good hand. "Let's go, before staff show up." She walks with them a while before asking about their hand. "Are you alright? You hit them pretty hard." She examines MC's hand. It was heavily bruised and possibly broken, but nothing a healing potion wouldn't fix.
She looks into MC's eyes and they seem to look through her. "MC? MC, it's alright. You're alright. You don't have to fight anymore. The danger has passed." She speaks soothingly until they seem themselves again. She hugs them if they let her. She has the strongest urge to comfort and cuddle.
IMELDA REYES: She sees red. How. Fucking. DARE they! MC swings once but she keeps the pain train rolling. She kicks them in the ribs. She curb stomps their stomach. She pushes them down the nearest flight of stairs and spits in their direction as they roll away.
It takes more than a minute for her to calm down and realize MC hadn't moved or said anything. "Hey...you good?" She's still breathing heavily from the adrenaline. "Let's get out of here." She gets them out to the flying lawn and pulls out her broom. "You going to use yours?" MC complied and pulled out theirs but still hasn't said anything or changed their blank expression.
"Follow me." She leads them to a high cliff away from the castle and the noise. "This is where I come to think...or scream. You look like you could do both right about now."
NATSAI ONAI: She uses depulso without her wand and the bully slides across the floor far away from them. She looks at MC with great concern. "You don't look so good. I have never seen you attack someone like that, even over pure blood nonsense. What was it they said that got to you?"
MC's tears come and it breaks her heart. MC was hurting in a bad way, she could see it in their eyes. "You were there, weren't you? This attack they mentioned." MC breaks into sobs and their knees give out. She catches them before they hit the floor and holds them close. "I am here. I am here, MC. I will not let anyone hurt you. Never again."
GARRETH WEASLEY: His eye twitches and he has to hold back the urge to bring out his wand. He couldn't curse the bully without risk, but he could do something. He drops a small green bottle on the bully's lap. "Here. It'll clear up the nose bleed. Come on, MC." He, somewhat forcefully, pushes MC away and leads them around the corner.
He smiles to himself when screams echoed down the corridor. The boils the potion gave the bully would last for weeks and be horrifically painful. "Got exactly what was coming. What does that git think he's trying to prove? Many purebloods are accepting of muggleborns. The terrorist attack all those years ago was a small extremist group and they're ALL in Azkaban or dead."
He talks and talks and talks, going off on tangents and eventually forgetting what he started talking about. It's not that he never noticed MC having a hard time, he just thought if he could distract them from it instead of drawing attention to it, he would be of more help.
AMIT THAKKAR: He's so shocked by what the bully said that he doesn't even process MC punching the daylights out of them. He just watches the bully writhe in pain on the ground. He's as still and silent as MC. Both processing what just happened.
LEANDER PREWETT: "Levioso! Descendo!" His magic throws the bully helplessly into the air and then slams them back down. They'd be lucky if they didn't have multiple broken bones. He pockets his wand and takes MC's hand. "Come on."
He takes them outside for some air. MC's outburst then sudden silence was unnerving him. "What happened in there?" He asked calmly. "He mentioned siblings of yours? Was he taking the mick or...?" His unfinished sentence hing in the air between them.
MC finally focused on him, years starting to stream down their cheeks. He could see it in their eyes, real pain. The kind of pain that makes you shut down. He doesn't know what to do so he holds their good hand and looks back into their eyes. "You're going to be alright."
"Maybe we should go..." He eventually says and he starts to walk away. MC follows and they walk in silence all the way up the astronomy tower. In the clear and cool air, they take a simultaneous deep breath. "People are rotting no matter where you go. Be it skin or blood or belief. The human superiority complex never ceases to disgust. At the very least, know that you have a friend in me, MC. I'm with you."
EVERETT CLOPTON: He throws a fogging dung bomb and he and MC escape the commotion. "Good on ya for putting that twat in his place! If you ask me, you should have just cursed them, but a punch will do." He laughs as he takes MC to a more secluded corridor.
He doesn't realize MC isn't okay until he tries to give them another one of his special dung bombs "for emergencies". Their blank expression first leads him to think they don't like the dung bombs, but when he takes a closer look at their eyes... "Oh...oh Merlin, MC, I'm sorry. I thought they were lying. Your siblings...that's why you...oh..." He awkwardly puts away the bombs and holds out his arms. "Come here, let me make it better."
POPPY SWEETING: "You really showed them. How dare they say such a thing! How horrible of a person do you have to be to believe muggleborns deserve death? Honestly! I can't even imagine what their parents are like." She spits in the bully's general direction and stands with MC as the bully slowly gets up and runs off.
"They're probably going to tell a teacher. Don't worry, I'll be your alibi. They tripped." She smirks and nudges MC with her elbow. She frowns when they don't react. "MC? Hello? Hey!" She waves her hand in front of MC and she gets more worried when MC still doesn't react.
She calms down and takes the time to examine MC's body language. Treating them like a stunned beast, she speaks softly and reassures MC that everything is okay.
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itsbeeble · 1 year
Down? Astronomically.
Summary: Sangyeon doesn't like sweets. That doesn't stop him from visiting you and your bakery every single thing and leaving with the one thing he hates.
Genre: smut, fluff, mild angst
Pairing: idol!Sangyeon x bakery owner!afab!reader
Fic Warnings: Sickeningly sweet (bah dum tsss) fluff, strangers to simps to lovers, mild mild angst, mentions of food, Sangyeon's cringey as hell actually (like he's down BAD down bad)
WC: ~6.4k (oops)
Smut Warnings: y/n definitely has an oral fixation, soft dom!Sangyeon, pussy drunk!Sangyeon, y/n drunk!Sangyeon (he’s down astronomically bad your honor), he’s like obsessed with everything about her, public sex (they fuckin in the bakery 💪 but it’s closed and the lights are (mostly) off lmfao), standing by big dick!Sangyeon until the day I die, hair pulling, tummy bulge bc why not, lowkey size kink hdjgfsj, uhhhh p in v sex (protected. yall better wrap that shit); i think that's it but lmk if i missed anything.
A/N: 5 months and 6.4k words later and this sangyeon rec is done. anon i'm so sorry for the wait i'm so horrible. Also thank you to pookie (Fawn) for beta reading half of this but she had to bail and I told yall 3:30 so.... yuh. Also this is the first time I've written smut since Doll so please don't be harsh on me i'm sorry if it's bad
Sangyeon doesn’t exactly know when he started coming to your bakery. He doesn’t even like sweets, so why does he keep showing up in the dead of night and leaving with several boxes filled with sweets and a piece of cake stuffed into his mouth?
Gorgeous, kind, brilliant, sweet, you. Coincidence? He thinks not. 
At first, he’d started going because Eric had recommended the coffee. And then he met you, stumbling out of the kitchen with a smear of pink frosting on your cheek, a dye-stained apron, and strands of hair slipping out of your tight bun and clinging to your forehead. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, but seeing you in that near-disastrous state, yelling at the poor cashier? God, maybe he should start believing. 
Down bad, Sunwoo had called him a while ago when Sangyeon had dragged him along on his nightly coffee trip. Down horrendous, actually. Sangyeon had forced him to carry all four boxes of treats you’d sent home with him, ignoring how the younger member of the group had whined about how sore his arms were going to be. No, he didn’t pay any attention as he sent the boy along. All of his attention was on you, watching you wipe down the counter and talk about how busy your day had been. 
In the end, he’d only left because Jacob kept calling, begging him to come back to the company to get the boys back in order. 
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite regular!” You’re beaming at him when he walks in the door, your hand placed on the shoulder of Hyejin, a younger and newer employee. You shooed her away, ignoring her questioning of who this mysterious man with a hat and mask on was. When the door to the kitchen shuts and you’re sure she isn’t coming back out, you circle the counter to stand in front of Sangyeon. “I’m assuming you want your normal order?” 
Sangyeon ignores the buzzing in his body when you call him your favorite.
Sangyeon quirks an eyebrow, and though his face is hidden for the most part, you can see his hat shift with the tensing of the muscles in his forehead.
“You have my order memorized?” His tone is teasing, and you feel your cheeks warm. 
“Well, I mean- you just- you’re here every day, and- and I just-” you stumble over your words, a low laugh from the man in front of you causing your cheeks to go from pink to red in an instant.
“I’m kidding,” Sangyeon promises, nudging your side with his elbow while he moves to the register. “I think I would be offended if you didn’t know my order by now.” You hum, a delicate and angelic sound that has Sangyeon feeling fuzzy. He forces the feeling away, tapping his card on the screen in front of him. It lags for a moment, and you awkwardly tap the screen to get it to move faster. Sangyeon smiles, watching you repeatedly try to tuck nonexistent hairs behind your ear. 
He leans forward, placing his elbows on the counter and peering up at you. You don’t meet his eyes.
“Do I make you nervous, Y/N?” You shake your head, and he clicks his tongue. “Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not nervous,” you insist, now slapping the screen, “this stupid thing is just- it’s just slow and I feel bad about taking up your time. I know you’re really busy-” 
Sangyeon cuts you off again. “I’m never too busy for you, cupcake.” You freeze, and the machine dings. Sangyeon’s eyes squeeze shut. Why the fuck would you say that? What moron says that?
“I-” you pause, drumming your fingers on the counter. “Your order will be out in a few minutes. Hyejin will bring everything to you.” 
He inhales, ready to apologize, but you’re gone by the time he can form words. The swinging kitchen door is his only indicator of where you’ve gone, and he mentally kicks himself. 
Across the counter, Hyejin clears her throat. 
“Iced latte for…Yeonnie?” Her voice lifts at the end, almost disturbed at the name on the cup. Sangyeon walks over, hesitantly grabbing the drink. “I’ll be right out with your boxes.”
“Not necessary,” he shakes his head. “I don’t need them-”
“Too bad,” the young girl purses her lips. “Y/N won’t let me leave until they’re gone so…”
“Plus, I’m pretty sure she makes so much extra because you love her baked goods.” Hyejin stares him down, and he shuffles his feet. 
“Yep…that’s…that’s true,” an awkward laugh, “the one who really loves baked goods…” 
Sunwoo was right. He’s down astronomically bad.
“You’re such a fucking loser, you know that right?” Hyejin scrubs a baking tin furiously, grumbling about how these stupid drops of batter are gonna be the death of her. “Running away and giggling like someone my age because he called you cupcake.” You glare at her. She continues to scrub at the pan. “Do you even know anything about him?”
“Who even asked you?” His birthday is November 4th. I remember because he knew his friends were planning a surprise party for him.
“Nobody. I’m just the unfortunate soul who has to sit here and witness your gag-worthy flirting with Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome.” You throw down your rag.
“I’m not flirting with him! He’s a paying customer!”
“Mhm. A paying customer who you wanna fuck sooooo bad.” She smirks at you, and whether mocking or not you know she’s right. Would you ever admit that to her face? Absolutely not. 
“You know what-” You pick up your rag and jab a finger in her direction. “If you keep this shit up I’m cutting your hours down.”
“Do that and I’m telling Yeonnie that you want him inside of you. Call it a taste tester or whatever.” 
“You know what,” your face is burning up again and your grip on the rag tightens. “Get out.” 
“Nope.” Hyejin sets down her sponge and smiles at you. “I’m not leaving until I’m scheduled to leave. Unless we finish early, that is. So you better make a plan to jump this guy’s bones before I help him instead.”
Your rag hits the ground, a groan rises from your throat. And yet…you can’t help the smile that pulls across your lips. You can’t help the warm feeling in your chest that blooms with every thought of this masked customer who only ever goes by Yeonnie, even if you don’t know what he looks like under that mask and hat of his.
“You called her what?” Kevin reels back, his eyes wide and his jaw dropped. Sangyeon cringes. 
“Why would you say that? That’s like…textbook ‘do not call a woman this unless she’s your wife!’” 
“You think I don’t know that?” Sangyeon flings himself back on the studio floor, a loud thump echoing around him. The other boys had left a few minutes ago, and, oddly enough, Kevin was the only one he trusted enough to tell this to. “God, I’m such a moron.”
“No,” Kevin coos. Sangyeon frowns, rolling his head on the ground to look at him. “You’re just a dumbass who-” Sangyeon flings his foot out reaching to kick Kevin. “Whoa, hey, let me finish!”
“You’re just gonna make fun of me!” Sangyeon whines. 
Kevin purses his lips.
“For a 26-year-old man, you sure are childish.”
“Are you gonna help me fix this or not, Kevin?”
Kevin hums. 
“Operation Sangyeon-does-get-bitches is a go!”
“Call it that again and I’m getting you kicked out of the group.”
“So,” Hyejin leans against the counter while you mix up the batter for a cake. “Has Yeonnie come in yet?” 
You purse your lips, carefully pouring part of the dry ingredients into the stand mixer. 
“He doesn’t come in until later usually.” 
“You must be so disappointed.” You don’t respond. 
Truthfully, it is disappointing. Sure, you know he’ll be coming in later on. You know that he’s likely going to be your last customer and for that, you’re relieved. However, the wait has you picking at the skin around your nails. Anxiety builds inside of you. Cupcake is what he had called you. Just a small amount of affection, and for that you had shut down. What if running away had sent the wrong message? What if he thought you hated him and were just being nice? “You shouldn’t stress so much,” Hyejin stops the stand mixer, taking the empty bowl of dry ingredients from your hand. “You’ll overmix the batter and then the cake will be gross.”
“A professional, are we?” A lighthearted smile passes over your lips. Hyejin shrugs. 
“I’m here to learn, aren’t I? I’m not gonna get through culinary school by working at a gas station.” 
“That’s true.” 
“Anyway,” she huffs and grabs a tray of macarons, “just remember the plan and he’ll fall right back in love with you. Guaranteed.”
“How do you know?” You pour the cake batter into a few baking tins, ensuring that all are evenly layered. 
“Have you seen how he looks at you?” She scoffs. “That man clearly couldn’t care less about the sweets you give him. He’s here for you and the coffee. Not the cakes or the cookies or the brownies. He’s here for you. No one comes in that often for some baked goods.”
Have you seen the way he looks at you? Yes. You had. Just briefly, though, when his hat had lifted enough for the light to pass over his eyes. The corners were crinkled, clearly smiling under the mask. You’d thought he looked so pretty, even if you couldn’t truly see his face.
You knew him as Yeonnie. That’s the name he had requested the first few times he came into the bakery. He didn’t give you a full name, and you joked that what he gave you sounded like something you’d name your dog. He’d laughed, and when he did it had been like the air was punched out of you. It was such a beautiful sound, and somewhere deep in your mind, you had vowed to make him laugh every time you saw him. 
Then he was showing up every day, asking about what didn’t sell very much that day. Every day he would buy them all. And every day, you cracked a joke that had you hearing that gorgeous laugh of his. 
Never, however, had he called you anything but your name. Maybe you cared a bit too much about what he thought of you. Maybe you cared a little bit too much about the smudges of frosting on your face, the sweat-slicked strands of hair that clung to your hair after being in the kitchen all morning and afternoon, preparing for the next day’s pastries. 
Never had you hidden from a man you loved, even if he didn’t quite know it yet.
“So,” Sangyeon leans against the counter, watching you get his drink ready. “Anything exciting happen today?” His hands are shaking, but he hides it by drumming his fingers against the counter. You’d been quieter than usual, ducking your head whenever he looked at you.
Now he was worried that he made you uncomfortable.
“Not really,” you shrug, cupping your hand around the rim of the go-cup to prevent too much splashing as you add a bit more ice. “It was kinda busy, but it was bearable.”
“That’s good,” Sangyeon nods, tugging his mask further up his face. He peers around you, squinting as he searches for Hyejin through the window on the kitchen door. “Where’s Hyejin today?” You shrug.
“I sent her home early. We slowed down a lot about an hour ago and I had already gotten a lot of things done so I told her to head home.” 
“So you’re here alone?” Sangyeon frowns. “That can’t be safe.”
“I mean…” you run your tongue over your lips, “I dunno. I do it all the time.”
“You shouldn’t.” Sangyeon frowns, “This is a big city, what if something happened to you?” 
“You saying you’re worried about me, Yeonnie?” You lean toward him, your lips twitching up. 
“Sangyeon.” He blurts his name out before he can stop it. You blink, your eyebrows knitting together.
“My…my name.” He takes a deep breath. “It’s Sangyeon. Not Yeonnie.” 
You nod, frowning.
“Why didn’t you just tell me your name in the first place?” He inhales, shaking his head.
“It isn’t that simple, cupcake.” 
“Why not?” You drum your fingers on the marble countertop. “It seems pretty simple to me. I ask for the name of the order, and you say ‘Sangyeon.’ Easy peasy.” 
Sangyeon can’t help but laugh. He can’t help the disbelief at how calm you are. Sure, the reveal of his actual name isn’t that big of a deal. Maybe you thought he was just uncomfortable around people. A bit socially awkward.
The smile returns to your lips. 
“Can I ask something?” He nods, leaning on the counter to look you in the eye. The hat casts a shadow over his face, but you can see that little crinkle that you’d been longing to see up close since the first day you met him. “Why do you wear this…” you wave your hand at him. “This little get-up?” 
He falls quiet, and for a moment you think you’ve made him uncomfortable.
“I…I’m sorry, Sangyeon. I don’t- I didn’t mean-”
“Don’t apologize.” He cuts you off, and your mouth shuts. “I just…I didn’t want your opinion of me to…to change. If you saw my face, that is.” 
“If I saw your face,” you echo. “What, are you famous or something? Oooh, are you an idol?” 
Boom, right on the money.
You can see the emotions in his eyes. The fear, the shock, the confusion, the nerves. You can see his hands clenching around his coffee. A pit forms in your stomach, growing larger and larger as he shuffles back. Toward the door. 
Away from you.
“Sangyeon…” you speak slowly when you circle the counter. “Are you…”
“I have to go,” he spits out. “I’m s- I just…I’m sorry. I have to go. I’m just-” his breathing is shaking, and he back into the wall. Sangyeon stumbles, whipping around and shoving through the door before you can say another word. 
And after all that…you couldn’t even give him the cake you’d planned on giving him for his birthday.
Sangyeon is pacing. His footsteps are quiet, muffled by the carpet beneath his feet. His hair is in disarray from hours of tugging at the strands. 
Kevin is sitting on his leader’s bed, eyes drooping and his head resting on one of his hands.
“Dude,” Kevin pinches the bridge of his nose. “You do know that she probably thinks she messed up somehow, right?”
“God, I just keep making things worse.” Sangyeon groans loudly, kicking away one of the shirts lying on the floor. 
“I love that I get to sit back and watch you ruin your love life before it begins.” Kevin stretches his arms above his head, his eyes squeezing shut and a yawn fighting to leave his mouth. 
“Gee, thanks Kev.” Sangyeon scowls, throwing his body face-down onto the mattress. Kevin shifts to the side, patting the older man’s shoulder.
“I’m just speaking the truth. You shouldn’t have reacted like you did. What happened to being in love with her? Did you really think she would expose you for being an idol?” 
A tough question. Sangyeon would like to say that the answer to that question is yes. He would love to trust you with his whole being, with every fiber in his body, but he’s been burned before. He’s been burned, and he doesn’t want it to happen again. 
“I just…I got scared, I think.” Sangyeon’s hands fold under his cheek, his voice slightly muffled. “I just got so scared because I care about her so much, but what if…what if she isn’t…” his voice trails off.
“She isn’t like Nabi.” Kevin frowns. “Is that what you were worried about? That she was like Nabi?” 
“I…I think so.” 
Another pregnant pause between the two of them. 
“Here’s what you’re going to do. And this time you are going to listen to me and you are going to follow every bit of my instructions no matter what happens. You are going to do this tomorrow. You aren’t going to let this simmer. You are going to go there tomorrow night, you’re going to apologize, you’re going to confess, and you’re gonna have amazing sex, badabing badaboom, we get our free pastries.” 
“There’s no way you’re just helping me because you want free baked goods.” Sangyeon clicks his tongue, rolling onto his back. Kevin scoffs.
“Who do you think I am, Juyeon? No, I’m helping you because we need you to get laid and fucking relax.”
“Somehow that’s even worse.”
“Yeah, well you’ve been up our asses with this next comeback on the rise. Now are you gonna listen to me or are you gonna fuck up again and make us all miserable with your moping?” 
Sangyeon bites his tongue, fighting back a retort. “I’ll listen.”
“What are you doing here?”
Sangyeon practically cowers under the weight of Hyejin’s gaze. Her eyes are narrowed, her lips drawn into a thin line. He’s abandoned the mask and the hat. The only thing shielding him now is the hood of his sweatshirt. 
“I need to talk to Y/N.”
Hyejin snorts. “You think she wants to talk to you after what you did?” 
Regret boils inside of him, and he digs the nail of his thumb into his pointer finger. 
“Please, Hyejin. I just- I just need to talk to her.” He watches the college student think. Watches her consider her options.
“Wait here. I’ll go see if she wants to talk to you.”
“Thank you, Hyejin. God, thank you-”
“Don’t thank me,” she snaps. “I’m not doing this for you, so don’t thank me.”
You’re in the back, listening to the conversation just outside the door. Your hands tug at the edge of your apron, your eyebrows knitting together. 
“Do you want to talk to him?” Hyejin is careful to speak only when the door has stopped swinging, her voice hushed and her hand resting on your arm. “I won’t force you to go out there, and I can stay longer if you don’t want to be alone.” 
You smile, placing your hand over hers. For the shit you two give each other, she’s one of the few people you can rely on.
“It’s fine, Hyejin. You can go home.”
“You sure?” 
No. “Positive.”
It’s dark in the bakery. The blinds have been drawn shut, the door locked and most of the lights turned off. Sangyeon stares at the box you place on the table in front of him. Your eyes are trained on the ground, your teeth digging into the plush flesh of your lip. 
“What- what did you make tonight?” His voice cracks, and he grimaces while clearing his throat. What a great start, dumbass.
“A cake.” The statement is cold, and he gnaws on his lip. “For you.”
“For me?” He echoes, tugging it closer to his side of the table. You place your hand on top of the box, pulling it back toward you. He drops his hands back to his sides. 
“Not right now. Not until you explain what the hell happened last night.”
“I’m sorry,” he blurts out. You flinch, your body curling in on itself. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“Why did you run off?” Your voice is quieter than he’d ever heard it, and he has to strain to pick up the words you’ve said. “Why…why did you leave?”
“I don’t- I swear it isn’t your fault, cupcake.” Another flinch, and he snaps his mouth shut. 
“Then why did you run?” You lift your eyes, and he can see the tears waiting to fall. He can see you fighting to keep them at bay, to keep calm. 
“I…” Sangyeon sighs. “It’s a long story. One that…that I didn’t really want to have to tell you. Not yet, at least. Not like this.”
“You don’t trust me, do you?” Your voice shakes, and Sangyeon shakes his head, one of his hands reaching forward to touch your own. He hesitates, his hand partway across the table before he decides against touching you. “It’s okay if you don’t. I get it. Fans are…they’re crazy these days, I know.” You try to laugh, but you break off into sniffles.
“I trust you, Y/N,” Sangyeon protests. “I really trust you. I ran off because…because I didn’t want this to end like the last time I trusted someone.” He drags a hand down his face, laughing in disbelief. “My last relationship was rough. I thought I could trust her, and she…she betrayed me. So because of that, I was scared.”
“Of what?” You press. “Letting go of the past? Loving me?”
“Yes!” He exclaims, erupting from his seat and running his hands through his hair. “Fuck, Y/N, I love you so much that it hurts. All I ever want to do is hold you, and kiss you, and- and-” he shakes his head, and you rise from your seat. “It drives me crazy because you make me so happy to see you excited to give me things that I don’t even like but I take anyway because I just love you so fucking much. And- and I’ve wanted to tell you everything for so long but I just- I couldn’t-” 
His lips are soft, you think when you kiss him. They’re soft, although slightly chapped. He’s frozen in place, his hands hanging in mid-air on either side of your body. He remains like that and you pull back, afraid that you misinterpreted everything.
He doesn’t let you get very far, his arms wrapping around your midsection and yanking you back into him. 
It’s so soft, the way he kisses you. Sangyeon doesn’t move too fast, cautious and hyperaware of everything around the two of you. His hands have untied the apron around your waist, tossing it somewhere amongst the tables and he’s placed you up on the counter. His hands are all over you: moving up and down your back, caressing your cheeks, squeezing at your hips, running over the tops of your thighs and through the strands of hair that he’s tugged out of the claw clip. 
His tongue is in your mouth, but he’s not using any force. Sangyeon lets you take the reins, set the pace. Whatever you want, he’ll give you. He’s yours. He lets your tongue prod at his own, lets you suckle at the wet muscle to your content. Your body is shaking against his own, and a smile crosses over his lips. 
Sangyeon pulls his mouth from yours, his smile widening when you whine and chase his lips. His hands are on your waist, holding you in place. “You’re shaking, cupcake.”
“Want you so bad, Yeonnie.” You reach for him again, your lips just grazing his before he pulls back.
“What do you want?” One of his hands drags along your leg, running higher, and higher, and-
“Want you to eat me out.” 
Sangyeon’s eyes go wide. So maybe he’d just been teasing you, but he hadn’t expected his sweet little baker to be so bold.
Your hand pushes against his chest, and he stumbles backward a few steps. There’s a dazed look in his eyes as he watches you unbutton your blouse. The delicate fabric slides down your shoulders, and Sangyeon swears that he’s drooling over you. The shape of your breasts in the orange glow of the fairy lights, the steady rise and fall of your chest while you breathe. 
“Beautiful,” he murmurs, and your cheeks grow warm. He reaches for you, but hesitates and puts his hand down again. You watch as he drops to his knees, practically crawling to you, and you can feel your panties dampening from the action. There’s a warm feeling in your gut, one you haven’t felt in a long time. His hands are quick to undo the button of your jeans, and he watches you as he tugs the zipper down. You’re leaning back on the counter, eyes struggling to stay open and on him. One of your lips is tucked between your teeth, red and puffy from you chewing on it.
Sangyeon drags your jeans and panties down in on harsh tug, and he helps you lift your legs to step out of them. Your legs are soft, he notes to himself. He leans forward, his lips touching the soft skin gently. You flinch, and he pulls away. 
“Why-” your voice trembles. “Why’d you stop?”
“You flinched,” he shrugs. “I will only do what you want me to, cupcake. The second you show discomfort, I stop until you tell me to continue or to leave. I’m yours. Whatever you want is what I want.  But right now, I really want to drown in this sweet pussy of yours.” He doesn’t move though, his cheek resting against the inside of your knee and his eyes are lidded with lust. “I’m not doing anything until you say so, cupcake.” 
You squeeze your eyes shut, and a nod of your head has Sangyeon practically moaning as he pulls himself closer to your core. 
“Fuck, cupcake, you’re dripping f’ me.” He coos, gauging your reactions as he prods at your entrance with the tips of his calloused fingers. You whine, trying to squeeze your legs shut, but his broad shoulders keep them open while he plays with your sopping pussy. His thumbs spread you open, and he watches you clench around nothing. 
“Hurry up, Sangyeon,” he grins at the desperation in your voice. 
“So needy,” he hums. You click your tongue and one of your hands laces in the soft strands of his hair. Your grip tightens, and he whines when you yank him closer to you.’
“Well,” you hide the way your voice shakes when you feel his breath right up against you. “I need a bit of a taste tester, you know? Need to know if she’s sweet enough- oh fuck-”
His mouth against you before you can finish your statement. His mouth is wide open, his tongue swiping along your folds, dipping inside of you and just grazing your clit, knowing full well that’s where you need him the most. Your hand is still in his hair, but your grip has gone slack. Your jaw hangs open, your head tipped back, and Sangyeon can feel him growing harder just at the taste of you in his mouth. 
His eyes drift shut, his hands grabbing your thighs and pulling you impossibly closer to his mouth. His neck has tipped back at an awkward angle, one that he knows is going to hurt later, but right now? With your pussy dripping against his face and the pretty little moans and whines you release? Sangyeon couldn’t care less. He's enraptured by you. He's obsessed with your taste, and he knows that even if he doesn't like sweets, he'd make an exception just for you.
“Sangyeon,” you’re breathless, pitch raising as he sucks at your clit, laving over it with his tongue. “Sangyeon, please.”
“Please what, cupcake?” His voice is muffled, not even bothering to pull away from you, and the vibrations of his voice have your back arching. “What do you need?”
“Need you inside of me,” you whine. “Please, please I need you so bad. Been waiting for so long. Haven’t you been waiting for me?” 
You’re a seductress, Sangyeon decides. A succubus. Sent here to torment him. To get him drunk on you, so much so that he’ll never want to leave. So much so that he’d sell his soul just to get a taste of your nectar one more time. 
“Have to make you cum, cupcake,” he denies your pretty little begs. “Wanna make you cum, just once before I fuck you. Please? Please let me make you cum?” His eyes are glowing in the light of the bakery, and you let out a high-pitched whine. He doesn’t wait for your response this time. He drowns himself in your pussy, tongue reaching inside of you for as much of your arousal as he can get. He sucks harshly on your clit, teeth grazing it and drawing loud cries from your lips.
Your legs tremble. A knot is growing in the pit of your stomach. Your body jerks. 
“Oh, fuck, Sangyeon-” Your cry trails off into a loud whine, your orgasm washing over you like a wildfire. Sangyeon drinks you up like he’s been in a desert for a week without water, moaning just as loud as you. Getting drunk on the feeling of your thighs shaking around his head, overstimulating you as you come down from your high. 
He doesn’t pull away until you physically kick him away from you. His face is drenched in your juices, his eyes glazed with need, and you have a sneaking suspicion that if you asked, he would crawl over and drag another orgasm out of you in no time at all. 
But you don’t ask. You need him inside of you so desperately that now you’re the one crawling to him. He’s still fully dressed as you perch your body over his, your core pressed right up against the bulge in his pants. His hands are tight on your hips, and he watches as you tug his sweatshirt up his body. 
“Did you plan for this to happen?” You smirk when you find bare skin under the soft hoodie. Bare, golden, skin, with toned abs like no other. Fuck maybe you were gonna get drunk on him.
He grins at you. “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. What are you gonna do about it?” You click your tongue and slide off of him to sit on the counter. He sits up, eyebrows knit together as you swing your legs and smile at him.
“Planned or not,” you hum, “you should probably fuck me before I change my mind and eat that birthday cake on my own.” Sangyeon scoffs, but he’s pulling his pants down his legs and walking over to you without another word.
You, on the other hand, are taken completely aback. He’s big. Like…big in both length and girth. You wonder if you’d be able to wrap your hand around it, but you don’t get the time to think about it before Sangyeon is in front of you, tearing open a foil packet and rolling the condom onto his cock.
“Is it gonna fit, do you think?” You reach your hand forward, wrapping your hand around it. You were right. 
Sangyeon hisses at the contact of your hand wrapping around his sensitive cock. “We’ll have to see, won’t we?” 
You smile, your legs wrapping around his waist and tugging him closer to you. Your hand is still on him, guiding him to your entrance. You both hiss at the initial push into you. It stings, the stretch more than you’ve had in quite a while. 
“Shit, you’re tight,” Sangyeon grips your thighs tightly, his fingers holding you so tightly that you swear there will be bruises after this. You whine, your arms coming up to wrap around his shoulders. 
His arms slide up, holding you close to him as he continues to press inside of you. Sangyeon whispers words of comfort into your ear. He pauses whenever you whine in discomfort, hushing you as he continues to push into you. He bites his tongue every time your pussy clenches around him, muffling the groans that threaten to escape. 
You, on the other hand, are moaning shamelessly despite the discomfort. You can feel him everywhere, touching every inch of you and just kissing that sweet spot inside of you. Every time he pushes further into you, once the sting passes, the pleasure is quick to replace it. It overpowers every other emotion inside of you. Your legs wrap tighter around him, forcing those last few inches into you until his hips are pressed tightly against your own and his breathing grows shaky again. You clench around him, and his body jerks. 
“Little tease,” he practically growls. “Clenching around me like you want me to cum too fast.” You laugh, but it cuts into a moan when he pulls out a few inches and shoves himself back in. Your nails dig into the back of his neck, your fingers lacing into his hair and pulling lightly. "Feels so good, Yeonnie.”
“Weren’t you the one that said that was a dog's name?” He moves slowly against you, and at first, you don’t respond, your lips attached to his shoulder and sucking dark marks into the skin. “Cupcake, careful with the marks.” Sangyeon pinches the skin of your thigh and you whine.
“Stop complaining and just fuck me already,” you plead. Sangyeon smiles.
“Whatever you say, cupcake.” You can’t get another word out. Sangyeon pushes you onto your back, barely giving you time to adjust to how he feels in this new position before he’s thrusting harshly inside of you. 
He’s harsh with his pace, each thrust punching the air out of your lungs, forcing out moans and cries and begs for him to go faster, harder, right there oh god right there Sangyeon. He lowers his mouth to your shoulder, giving you the same treatment he’d just scolded you for, listening to everything you say and every sound you make as he does. The sound of his hips slapping against yours is so loud and he can feel your arousal dripping down your pretty cunt and allowing him to go faster, to fuck you harder. 
Then he sees it. It’s faint, but when he looks down at you he can see the outline of his cock pressing against your stomach. His pace stutters, and you whine when he slows down. 
“Cupcake, look at you.” He coos, grabbing the hand that’s in his hair and bringing it down to your stomach. You raise your head, eyes fluttering when he thrusts again but you can feel the bulge against your stomach. You force your eyes to stay open the next time he thrusts into you, whining when you see it. “So fucking pretty, baby. So fucking pretty, and so small that my cock is pressing against your tummy, wanting to get out, hm?” You whine again, raising your hips to meet every thrust. 
He’s getting close. He can feel it. Every thrust, every clench, every whine. It’s all drawing him closer and closer to the edge, and he knows you can feel his cock twitching inside of you. He knows that you’re getting close again, he can feel the way your walls are fluttering around him rather than persistently clenching. 
“Are you close baby?” His hand comes up to rest next to your head, and you whine.
“So close, Yeonnie. Please I’m so close-” Your hips stutter against him, and the knot in your stomach goes tight. 
Sangyeon swears he goes blind for a moment with how hard his eyes roll back. His body shakes against yours, his cum filling the condom to the brim. Your back arches, your chests brushing together and he wraps one hand around your back, pressing against your shoulder blades to hold you close to him while the two of you ride out your highs. Both of you are panting, your bodies slick with sweat, and you can only imagine what anyone walking outside is thinking-
“Oh my god, we just fucked in my bakery.” You sit upright, your head knocking against Sangyeon’s in the process. He snorts, rubbing where you just hit him.
“You’re realizing this now?” You smack his arm, and he laughs, pulling away from you. The two of you are quiet for a few minutes, quietly cleaning up and getting dressed. Well…Sangyeon gets dressed. You’re stuck on the counter, your legs proving to be useless now. Sangyeon smiles at this, grabbing your clothes for you and helping you tug your jeans on. 
“We’re not fucking in here again.” He quirks an eyebrow.
“So what you’re saying is my car is next?” You punch his arm again, but he just laughs. “I’m kidding.”
“Are you though?” 
“Lee Sangyeon!” He laughs again, taking you by the hand to keep you steady on your feet. The two of you stand there for a few minutes, in the middle of your bakery with the orange glow of the fairy lights. 
“Did you mean what you said?” You ask, letting him lead you back to the table you’d left the cake on.
“About what?” Sangyeon peers at you, his head tilted. 
“About not liking sweets.” Your cheeks are warm. It’s a silly question, but it had bugged you. Sangyeon smiles, ducking his head.
“Yeah… I was really just here for the coffee.”
“Then…Why did you take what I gave you?” You pout. “If I had known you didn’t like that stuff, I would’ve given you something else!” 
“Because I like how happy you sounded when I told you the recipes you were trying tasted fantastic.” He says simply. “I would hate if I said or did anything that made you upset.”
“But you…” you purse your lips. “Then why did you run away? I know that you said someone had…betrayed you before…but did you really think I would do that to you?” 
Sangyeon sighs. 
“I didn’t know. Obviously, I trusted you- I trust you. But…somewhere inside of me I just couldn’t help but be a bit too cautious. I couldn’t stop myself from being afraid that this would turn out just like that relationship did, you know?” You nod, drumming your fingers on the table. “Can I see the cake you made me now?” 
“After all that, you wanna see the cake now?” You scoff and he grins at you, tugging the box toward him. “Whatever. It’s nothing special anyway.”
“Anything you make me is special.” He argues, flipping open the lid of the box. He gasps.
“Do you like it?” Sangyeon doesn’t respond. You get nervous. “Yeonnie?”
“Oh, you want me sooooo bad.”
TAGLIST: @winterchimez @juyeonszn
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rvb-canon-grimmons · 5 months
(Im so sorry this got so long, but i got emotional while writing it so please bear with me, read this like its the morning paper while u eat breakfast or something i have alot to say)
Before I go into the things I didn't like I do want to focus on some positives.
-Like I said in an earlier post, Geoff's acting…he absolutely killed it, and maybe this is because I'm a little bit Geoff/Grif biased but he was giving so much emotion and everyone else felt a little bit flat. Also only he could have delivered the "Come with me" line with so much Homoeroticism -I Had a pretty fun time watching the fight in the second half, The references to Monty we're sweet and getting to see Tex and Carolina fight together was pretty epic! -A good handful of jokes got me good. "23rd in my class" Shelia translating Caboose's Spanish to Lopez
Ok……. the next bit of this will get a little bit negative, but I do want to say this is coming from a place of deep love and care for this series. I have run this blog for like 6/7 years now and I've been a fan of this show for double that. My biggest fear is that fans get the same treatment we did when no one liked RVBZero. I have criticisms. This is a 21 year old series that so many people have had a part in and so many have loved. I was not looking for perfection, I wasn't even looking for something good. I was looking for an ending to the stories of characters people have held in their hearts for 21 years. Unfortunately, what I feel we were left with was a hastily thrown together hour of basically nothing.
-Why weren't they friends…..Why weren't they friends…No one cared for the others. I understand that we have semi warped perceptions of the characters from fanon works and things of that nature. But even in canon, the reds and blue care about each other. On their own team and the other team. Simmons, Grif, Tucker, and Caboose spent MONTHS together in chorus and same for Donut/Sarge/Wash. I've recently rewatched blood gulch and Caboose and Sarge have a great dynamic! Tucker and Grif canonically get along pretty well. Simmons was ON BLUE TEAM for like a hot minute there. THEY KNOW EACH OTHER AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER. This was zero percent present in this film. No one had any motivation to look for Tucker. No one cared that it was Tuckers body inside the suit. THE REDS LEFT CABOOSE FOR DEAD!!!!!! THEY JUST LEFT HIM!!!!
-Tucker, I'm so sorry baby girl, this was supposed to be your arc, your moment. You were hardly in it. No build up to how he became the Meta. The scene where he breaks out of it to not kill caboose was the best part of the arc. And he just wakes up and remembers it "like someone elses Nightmare??" ok sure
Grimmons. I am disappointed. But really not surprised. Honestly for everything I disliked I thought Grimmons was handled ok… at this point im like….. they couldn't even throw us a bone. company was dying, final season airing, and they couldn't even throw us a solid Grimmons queerbait joke. Its whatever….I don't wanna get too upset about shipping because at the end of the day, ships becoming canon isn't what shipping is all about (says Tumblr user "RVB-Canon-Grimmons) you get what im saying.
-Donut…..where was he…..Fucking Homophobic honestly
-DOC IS DEAD?????????????????????????????? FUCKING WHY???
-Sarge's death was fine, I'm not upset by it I just didn't feel like it was emotionally satisfying. Especially after the shock of them leaving Caboose and the much better scene of tucker fighting the meta's control over him to not hurt caboose.
Im sorry………..this is so long………just remeber this is only my opinions and if u don't agree thats totally ok!!!!! I am just a critical bitch….
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pathetichimbos · 11 months
First thing. Do you have a masterlist. Second thing. MORE TOMMY PLEASE. SATIATE MY NEED. I NEED A HIT I NEED A HIT*AGGRESSIVELY SNIFFS*
First thing! No. I did and I deleted it because Tumblr is stupid, but for anything slasher you can pretty much hit the Thomas Hewitt tag on my blog because he's in practically everything I've ever written on here.
Second thing! Ask and ye shall receive.
You've never believed in karma.
As nice as the thought might be, people don't get what they deserve. They get what they're handed, and if that happens to be shit, then that's just what they get.
It's a lesson Thomas learned when he was young, and life handed him the worst cards for simply existing. And it's one he learned when he was older, and life gave him you, despite the heinous crimes he had committed.
It's something you learned, when you found your place in the Hewitt family, and with Thomas, despite all your regrets, past mistakes, and willingness to ignore the pleading cries of their victims tucked away in the basement below.
After all, everyone's got a few skeletons in the closet, right?
You huff against your scarf, hot breath puffing out in a fit of steam as it hits you right back in the face.
It had been thirty minutes since Thomas had left, chasing the loose victim off into the wilderness, not a coat or gloves in sight in the middle of a rare Texas snowstorm that had swept through just last week.
You rub your gloved hands together, shivering as you follow the quickly fading footprints through the snow, messy and scattered from Thomas chasing after the fleeing person.
They seemed to trail after the old dirt path to the desolate highway, kicking up enough snow to show the icy red dirt hiding underneath. You trudge through what's left behind, ignoring the snow that's climbing up your jeans and falling into your boots, leaving your socks a gross, soaked mess of cold water.
"Thomas!" You call out again, looking around for any sign of your husband, "Thomas!"
It wasn't exactly uncommon for Thomas to run off with no regard for his own safety, his only concern in that moment being to catch the person who ran off, but the lack of warm clothing in the harsh storm had you throwing on your own winter clothes to go look for him.
"Thomas!" You yell louder, pushing yourself up the small hill towards the highway, huffing as you push yourself through the snow, "Tommy!"
The asphalt is icy as you step on it, almost losing your balance as you look around you.
The footprints stop at the edge, leaving you to cluelessly look about, to see if you can find out where he might have gone next.
"Thomas?" You look to the left and right, seeing nothing but snow covered trees surrounding you, the falling snowmaking it harder to see more than ten feet in front of you.
You step further onto the road, moving slowly and carefully to avoid slipping.
A clear mess in the otherwise undisturbed snow catches your attention on the other side, putting a quicker stride in your step as you hurry after the trail.
The footprints lead left, further down the road and into the cold.
You huff again, following the path Thomas unknowningly left behind for you.
"Thomas! Thomas!" You repeat his name, cupping your hands around your mouth as you trudge forward.
A blurry figure begins to appear in the snow ahead, someone's body laying lifelessly against the cold ground, blood staining the white snow around it.
You sigh in relief. If that was here, Thomas couldn't be too far away.
You pick your pace up to a jog, hoping to find more footprints leading to where your husband may have gone.
"Thomas!" You call his name again as you jog towards the body, hoping he'd hear you from nearby.
Almost as soon as you yell, the body shifts and moves, bringing you to a halt.
You shift in your place, warily looking towards what you thought to be a dead body.
It wasn't like Thomas to leave a person to die, always finishing the job before heading home to let Hoyt come back and collect what was left behind.
You look around, hoping Thomas had heard you, and would come out any second, so the two of you could just go back to the safety and warmth of your home, and you wouldn't have to deal with a dying man and the harsh snow any longer.
But he doesn't come, and the body moves again, looking for another sound, shaking in the cold snow.
The sharp, pained groaning that follows kicks your feet into overdrive, kicking up snow as you run towards the familiar sound.
"Thomas!" You scream, knees knocking harshly against rocks hiding beneath the snow as you fall to the ground beside him.
He's trembling, skin pale and clammy, breathing shallow and wheezy.
"Oh, my God, Thomas, oh, my god, what happened!?" You hover next to him, the sight of fresh blood staining his clothes keeping you from touching him out of fear of hurting him or making it worse.
He doesn't have the strength to move, brown eyes hazy and weak as he whines in pain, shaky hand reaching out for you.
You take his hand in your own, wincing as you feel the chill of his icy skin through your gloves.
His blood still steams in the cold air, pooling from the multiple wounds in his stomach and dripping into the snow.
"O-Okay, okay, okay," You try to calm your racing mind and think of what to do, "It's okay, it's okay, you're gonna be okay, I- I- I'll go get help--"
He whines in protest, trying his best to grip your hand with fleeting strength to make you stay.
"No, no, Thomas, I'll be back, I- I have to go get help, I can't--" You give his hand a squeeze, hot tears blurring your vision.
He shakes his head, his other hand coming out to grasp at your arm, silently begging for you to stay.
"Thomas, I have to, I have to go get help, I need to--"
"N-No..." His voice is quiet, and shaky, creaking from years of silence as he pleads with you, "...P-Please..."
You stare down at your dying husband in disbelief, both of you knowing there was no time for you to go back. His fading eyes are tired, and you realize he's already accepted this. There's no fight left in him, no more energy to give, no urge to try and survive any longer.
All that's left is one last request, one last wish he wants you to grant him.
Please don't let me die alone.
You suck cold air through gritted teeth, choking on the lump in your throat as you yell, gripping his hand tightly in your own.
"It's not fair! It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair!" You sob, pressing his hand against your head, "I don't want you to go!"
He starts trying to move, too weak to do anything more than lean closer to you.
You help him sit up, just enough to get out of the snow and into your lap.
He leans against you, whining as he pants in pain, pressing into your warmth. His skin is like ice, sending a shiver through your clothes as he lays his head on your shoulder, exhausted just from the small movement.
You rock him back and forth, sobbing harshly as you kiss his hair, pulling your gloves off and discarding them in the snow, letting him feel the warmth of your hand as you cup his cheek.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." You cry, pressing your forehead against his, "I'm sorry, Thomas, please, I'm so sorry..."
He shakes his head, hand holding your wrist as he stares up at you, trying to comfort you even as he dies in your arms.
"No," You sob quietly, "No, I should've come sooner, I should've brought Hoyt, I should've-- I should've--"
His hand slowly lets go of your wrist, reaching up and fumbling with his hair. You realize what he's doing, helping him pull his mask off and letting it drop to the ground.
He takes a deep breath, letting his eyes close as he leans against your shoulder again. He looks so pale, the purple and blue scars on his cheeks so much darker and defined, staining his clammy skin.
He manages to lean up, just enough to press his forehead against your cheekbone, planting a chaste kiss against your jawline.
You lean down to meet him, his lips cold as ice as you give him one last kiss, watching the fog in his eyes haze over whatever little bit of life he has left as you pull back.
"...Love... you...." His voice is so tired, gravelly and weak, strained against the air as he lays against your chest, finally content as you continue rocking him.
You don't know when he takes his last breath, or how long you've been out in the snow.
Part of you doesn't want to go back.
Part of you wants to stay here, with your husband in your arms, rocking him back and forth until the snow engulfs you both and takes you with him.
He's been cold for a while now, limp and unmoving in your too tight grasp, keeping him pressed against you chest as you sob.
You have to go back.
Your legs are numb and freezing against the dirt and snow, your skin icy under your jacket.
Your face is stained with frozen tears, your eyes puffy and swollen, red from the strain.
You barely remember your walk back, the cold of the snowstorm only reminding you of the icy feeling of his touch as you trip on the stairs leading to the porch.
You hardly register when Luda Mae and Hoyt help you inside, immediately questioning where Thomas is and why you're covered in blood, overwhelming you as you sit on the couch, the hot air of the heater burning your skin.
"I- I couldn't- He wouldn't- I- I-" You're shaking, tears flooding your eyes and pouring down your cheeks, "...I was too late..."
"You let him die!?" Are the first words you actually hear, managing to snap you out of your own mind as Hoyt yells them at you, "What's wrong with you!? You should have come back here and gotten me!"
"I couldn't leave him alone!" You scream, clenching your fists together, "I couldn't let him die alone!"
"You shouldn't have let him die at all! You killed him, you goddamn--"
"Charlie!" Luda Mae yells through her own tears, sobbing on the couch on the other side of the room, "They love Thomas just as much as we do!"
"I'll be damned!" He screams, stomping around the living room, pointing a finger at you, "They aren't family! They never belonged here! If it wasn't for them, he'd be here right now! They let him die!"
You sob, folding in on yourself as you cry out, burying your face in your arms, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't- He begged me to-- I couldn't, I couldn't leave him!"
"But you did! You left my nephew, out in the cold, and now he's fucking dead!" Hoyt's relentless, calling you every name in the book as he and Luda Mae scream at each other.
You're still curled into a ball as Hoyt leaves, slamming the door as harshly as he can, curses and screams echoing through the walls.
You don't know how long he's gone, but he comes back drunk, covered in blood and dirt, red eyes swollen and puffy as he ignores everyone, barely stumbling up to his bedroom to pass out.
You stay on the couch for the rest of the night, not sleeping but not able to drag yourself up to your room, hoping that maybe Thomas might come down the stairs in the morning.
But he doesn't.
And he never will again.
Things are different after that.
Luda Mae stays to herself, and doesn't scold Hoyt for drinking more. Monty picks up on the same habit, often sitting on the porch to stare out at the freshly disturbed patch of dirt that mysteriously appeared after Hoyt left that day.
You can't bring yourself to look at any of them, the once happy and warm family that you found yourself apart of nothing more than a rotting memory.
You see Thomas everywhere, passing by in the corner of your vision, just out of sight and gone when you turn around. You hear his footsteps walk up behind you, but never feel the warmth of his arms around your waist. You dream of him laying in your bed at night, but the sheets are cold when you wake.
It's hell, and for once in your life, you believe in karma.
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writers-potion · 7 months
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Fantastical Asian Monsters (Part I)
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram!
I Fly Undead, Gangsi (殭屍)
Nationality: China Form: Human-type Size: 1.5~1.7m
Gangsi first appeared in the late Ming Dynasty, but it was most common during the Qing dynasty. Thus, Gangsis often appear in Qing attire.
When people died in battle, they attached an amulet to the body which helped them to return to their hometown.
if the amulet falls in the middle, they become Gangsi and wander. It is said that the whole body has already hardened and cannot walk like a human, but they can fly / jump around.
When attacked by Gangsi, the attacked person also turns into Gangsi, but if they hold their breath or run over a tree, Gangsi cannot find them.
I’m So Hungry, Go-su-yeo-chil (고수여칠)
Nationality: Korea Form: Human-type Size: 1.6m
It is a monster in the form of a dried-up man.
It has thin bone-like leg with a paper skirt around it, and it is hard to see the upper body. It is said to make an old woman's voice and imitate the voice of a dead family member or relative
They enter a house to eat food, tear window paper, and throw tiles or stones to cause damage.
Will You Marry Me? Gumiho (구미호)
Nationality: Korea/China/Japan Form: Animal-type Size: 1.6m
It is a fox monster with nine tails.
Foxes appear in various countries and are said to have the ability to attract people. Foxes do not have nine tails from birth, andhen they develop a tail every few hundred years and have all nine tails, they become an immortal monster.
Although it is a fox, it can be turned into a beautiful person, and it is said that it gets energy from humans or eats human liver through fox beads.
It is said that people who are deprived of energy may not die if they are lucky, but all people who are deprived of their livers will die.
There is a story that if a Gumiho eats 100 livers, marry a human, and don't get identified for 100 days, a Gumiho will turn human.
Droppings of Doom, Gwicha (鬼車)
Nationality: China Form: Bird-type Size: 1.5~2m
It is a monster in the form of a bird with nine heads. It is also called a 'tune' because it has nine heads on one body. The ear car looks similar to an owl as a whole, but it is said that the nine faces sometimes look similar to the human figure. It is said to be about 3m in size when both wings are unfolded. Blood keeps dripping from one of the nine heads, and if a person gets hit with it, not only the person but also the person
Even Nira's family suffers from misfortune. However, even if your car is not hit by blood, it enters people's homes on its own to spread misfortune or take away people's souls.
It is said that the car is blind during the day, so they usually go around only at night, and at this time, they become blind immediately just by looking at a small fire debt and fall even when they fly. So people say that when a car comes in the middle of the night, they immediately light a candle or make the dog bark and drive it away.
The ultimate oval face, Nopperabo (のっぺらぼう)
Nationality: Japan Form: Human-type Size: 2m
This is a monster with a human face but no eyes, nose, or mouth.
It is said to appear both as a woman and a man, and show his face to a person who stands still and talks to him on a dark night road.
They surprise humans to mak them run away, or surprise customers who come after being in a cart bar or noodle restaurant.
It is said that there are several strands of hair attached to the clothes of a person who meets Nopperabo.
Known as an "egg ghost" in Korea.
Forfeit Your Firstborn! Langda
Nationality: Indonesia Form: Human-type Size: 1.5~1.7m
It is a monster in the form of a human woman, with eyes that are likely to protrude from the red face, a tongue that stretches to the waist, and four tusks protruding out of the mouth, and its head is always loose and worn.
Langda is a wicked creature that preys on infants and uses black magic, with the ability to control low-ranking demons and other monsters, and the ability to freely transform into other creatures. It is said that by swearing at people or spreading diseases, they lose their lives and damage crops. However, they also use magic to heal people's suffering and diseases by whimpering, which is why some areas open Langda
It is said to be worshipped as a god and regarded as the guardian deity of the village.
No Ordinary Leech, Bes Kemwar
Nationality: Malaysia Form: Worm-type Size: 0.1~0.2m
It is a monster in the form of a furry earthworm. Beth Kemwer always bites her tail and curls its body into a round shape.
It eats crops such as rice and vegetables as a staple food, and it is usually hard to see, but in February, it appears near the river.
If a person drinks water from a river containing Baskemwor or from a river where Baskemwor's hair has fallen, the body swells up, hives rise, coughs and even bleeds. If you get treatment early after bleeding, you can recover quickly, but over time, the pain gets worse and you lose your life because you can't eat or drink.
It is said to live mostly at the end of branches, and people who pass by trees near it also develop hives and swell up all over their bodies. The swelling does not go until two or three months later.
Mongolian Death, Olgoi-Khorkhoi
Nationality: Mongol Form: Worm-type Size:0.6~14m
It is a huge, fat worm-shaped monster. It is also called the 'Mongolian Death Will'.
Each individual has a various size, and his whole body has a bright red color. There are several pointed tentacles on one side of his body, not a head. He can't see because he has no eyes, but he has excellent touch and hearing.
Olgoi corcoi only live in the desert and roam freely in the sand, and when a person or camel appears, it appears on the sand, eats and disappears in an instant. It is said that it emits a strong acidic poison a little away from the prey, which melts the prey, and when it feels dangerous, it releases electricity to make the other person electrocute.
Look Me in the Face, Inmyeonsu
Nationality: East Asia Form: Hybrid Size: 0.7~1m
It is a monster in the form of a bird.
Human turkeys have human faces and arms on their bodies, or their entire upper bodies are shaped like humans. They exist all over the world, and they have very different looks and characteristics from time to time and country.
They are considered sacred beings that prevent bad luck for people, and they are also considered ominous beings that eat people and harm villages.
The mere appearance of human turkeys caused natural disasters and wars in the world.
They make beautiful sounds and bless people with their own unique sounds, but as soon as they hear human turkeys, damage may occur and people and livestock may be killed
Living on Your Scent, Gandharva
Nationality: India Form: Human-type Size: 1.7m
A humanoid monster that hunts down scents.
Sometimes called "Gundalba"; or "Shimhyang."
Gandharba is not an individual, but a race, which protects children and the weak from evil. Gandharba was born in water, but he is able to roam freely in the sky and on earth. With a horse tail on his human body, golden wings and birds.
Gandharba eats fragrant scents as their main food, and they always have a scent around them. They are mostly masculine and like beautiful women so much that they sometimes form relationships with humans.
They generally enjoy freewheeling life, but they are said to be extremely jealous.
The monster profiles have been adapted from <동양 문화 속 괴물들의 이야기 괴물도감 (동양편)> written and illustrated by 고고학자(강석민). All image credits in this post goes to 강석민. Translation from Korean to English by me. 
Feel free to ask me questions, if any :)
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moondustgleam · 9 days
Every Armor Description in TDP: Xadia
There will be no accompanying visuals on this post, the designs are already on my blog under the individual character's tags. This is a compilation of all of them for people who don't want to scroll through all the images to get to the juicy lore. I reccomend everyone read Rayla/Runaan's, Callum/Karim's, Claudia's, and Soren/Viren's if you care about the show's lore.
They're organized by order they appear in the hero select menu in TDP: Xadia, region, and type of armor if you were wondering.
Rayla & Runaan’s Armor
Firebrand Wraps - Seize what is yours and burn away the rest.
Firebrand Waistcoat - Meant to keep the heat out!
Firebrand Runners - Let your colors shine in the light of the Sun.
Shadowblade Gloves - An assassin knows she holds fate in her hands.
Shadowblade Cover - An assassin knows she is already dead.
Shadowblade Footpads - An assassin knows we are all, in the end, alone.
Nightsky Grips - The Nightsky Bandit had no interest in the Great Climb, only in its climbers’ pockets.
Nightsky Vest - While the others sought a single treasure, he had his pick of plenty.
Nightsky Buckleboots - Only the Nightsky Bandit ever grew rich from the Great Climb - and his feet never left the ground.
Amaya & Zeph’s Armor
Katolian Gauntlets - “We are the hands of our kingdom…”
Katolian Surcoat -“...we raise blades, we bear shields, we carry the scars of the past…” 
Katolian Greaves - “...but we are the strongest when joined with others.” - Katolian Soldier’s Oath
Nightguard Gauntlets A relic of long-ago warriors who served the Dragon Queen, Luna Tenebris.
Nightguard Brestplate The Nightguard vanished with their Queen, but their spirits remained.
NIghtguard Sabatons Now they roam the Moonshadow Forest, searching for Luna’s heir.
Stormrunner Gauntlets - Maybe you could punch the Eternal Storm in the face!
Stormrunner Cuirass - Armor that really says, “Come at me, Eternal Storm! Bring it on!”
Stormrunner Sabatons - You know what? The Eternal Storm could use a good kick in the butt, too.
Callum and Karim’s Armor
Flamedance Tassels - Dance, little flame, dans to a silent song.
Flamedance Chemise - Warm our hearts and bodies, keep our spirits strong.
Flamedance Sandals - Dance, little flame, dance - for the night is very long.
Illusionist Handwraps - “Most people believe that reality is truth and appearances are deceiving…”
Illusionist Amice - “...but the Moon Arcanum tells us we can only truly know the appearance itself…”
Illusionist Treads - “You can never touch the so-called reality that lies just beyond the reach of your own perception.” -Lujanne
Feathered Wrists - Let nothing clip your wings.
Feathered Jerkin - Let nothing weigh you down.
Feathered Footwraps - Let nothing keep you from the sky.
Claudia’s Armor
Dawnheart Maniple - No shadows escape the wrath of the Sun at its zenith.
Dawnheart Amice - You buried your shadows deep - but the Light sees them still.
Dawnheart Slippers - When the darkness in you burns away, what remains?
Silvergrove Bracers - The traveler told a breathless tale: a village, there one moment and gone the next.
Silvergrove Vest - Impossible, they laughed at him: the forest’s magic has simply played a cruel trick.
Silvergrove Boots - But when the Moon is dark, is she not still there in the sky…?
Daybreak Reach - “I found my lover weeping, gazing up at the night skies…”
Daybreak Doublet - “... I took his hands in mine and said, my darling, dry your eyes…”
Daybreak Walkers - “...the dark is not forever, love! The sun must always rise.” -Skywing Song
Janai’s Armor
Golden Knight Vambraces - Gold, for the Sun’s light.
Golden Knight Hauberk - White, for her radiance.
Golden Knight Treads - Red, for her power.
Moonfire Grips - Some say the Moon is the Sun’s shadow, a pale imitator, a sad reflection.
Moonfire Tunic - Some say the Sun kills the Moon hen she dares grow bright enough to challenge her radiance.
Moonfire Greaves - The truth? The Moon and the Sun are sisters, a fire charred between them.
Empyrean Gloves Some - Great Climbers keep an open mind about strategy.
Empyrean Brigandine - One path to victory is to beat everyone else to the prize…
Empyrean Stompers -  …another path to victory is to beat everyone else with your fists.
Soren and Viren’s Armor
Blacksteel Grips - Something echoes in the metal.
Blacksteel Aegis - Does it sing, or does it scream?
Blacksteel Boots - What did they bury down there beneath the earth?
Ghostfeather bands - “Bit by bit the moon fades away, then bit by bit it will brighten again. That is our cycle.”
Ghostfeather Tunic - “For those you have left behind, think on all they have given you…”
Ghostfeather Treads - “...for those who will come after you, think on all you will give them.” - Lujanne
Skyblazer Vambraces - A group of elves called the Skyblazers were the first to ever attempt the Great Climb
Skyblazer Collar - Their ambition drove them higher, higher, and higher still…
Skyblazer Sandals - …but hubris brought them down again.
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ooh can you please do headcannons if Barry told captain singh about his powers first instead of Joe
thank you !
Ooh, that sounds like a fun one
Joe doesn't believe Barry about Clyde Mardon, but Eddie has a sketch that looks like him and overhears (kind of hard not to, with the yelling) Barry so certain it was Mardon. The Mardons are personal for Joe now, after Chyre's death, and Eddie makes the decision to get a second opinion from Captain Singh
Everyone at C.C.P.D. is aware of Barry's blog and his desperate search for the impossible, and most of them know why too, and pretty much no one believes him. And Barry just woke up from a coma, he shouldn't even be out of bed, maybe there's more going on. But Clyde Mardon is also the only lead they've got, so David nods and goes with Eddie up to that farm
Where they find Clyde Mardon
As canon, Eddie gets knocked out, but it's David facing Clyde and a tornado this time, when in runs this streak of lightning, and when it's over Clyde's lying dead on the floor and Barry Allen is standing there in a weird red suit with lightning in his eyes
Knowing about Barry's powers is why David lets Barry come right back to work. Joe, who does not know yet (after all, Joe's not believed Barry about a lot of things for a long time), is concerned about how quickly Barry wants to come back to work and tries to get David to keep him signed off for longer, but David tells him it's Barry's choice.
Like Joe, David has some issues with Barry deciding to race after criminals wearing a mask, albeit not for quite the same reasons as Joe, though he does admit C.C.P.D. have no idea how to handle metahumans, and as long as Barry isn't planning on taking after Star City's Arrow, maybe it can help. Providing Barry still gets all his actual work he's being paid to do done, and he sticks around at any crime scenes he interrupts to talk to the police to make sure they get actual statements (which also means people pick up the Flash exists faster).
The Pipeline's not happening though, if Doctor Wells and Mister Ramon think they have a way to contain metahumans it's being done legally and they can work with Iron Heights. Kyle Nimbus should convince them soon enough, and with David working on it, they can get that approved.
Because Joe doesn't know yet, Joe didn't make Barry promise not to tell Iris. Which means right after the show-down with Mardon, Barry races off to find Iris, to tell her about this- she knows what he saw that night, she knows what this means- and also to tell her her boyfriend's in the hospital.
Barry is more hesitant about trusting Eddie though- he doesn't know Eddie yet- which adds to the Eddie & Iris early disagreement about the Flash. Eddie doesn't believe him, then he doesn't trust him, whereas Iris refuses to even question he's anything less than a hero and a good person
Barry still gets whammied by Rainbow Raider, and it still goes poorly. He still goes after Eddie- Eddie's the representation of everything he's missed after all, him being Joe's partner and Iris' boyfriend both happened while Barry was unconscious, and what he's really angry with is that missing time everyone else got to live and he's never going to get back.
And Iris is going to be so conflicted so it's after he's back to himself Barry goes to talk to Eddie to tell him everything and loop him into the Flash's identity. And apologise, so much, but Eddie saw what Bivolo did to everyone else, they can figure this out
It's when Reverse Flash shows up at Mercury Labs Joe pulls out Nora's file. He's involved with the trap S.T.A.R. Labs set (David insisted they do it by the book), and what he sees reminds him so much of what Barry used to talk about he grabs it afterwards and flicks it open and takes another look. Surely it won't hurt, and he doesn't need to tell Barry unless he finds something.
Hartley shows up and the only thing that's different is he tries to flirt with David.
On the day that wasn't, Joe and David swap again- it's Joe Mark Mardon puts in the hospital initially, and David he tries the tidal wave plan with (Barry will gladly admit this is the worst possible way he could have finally met Rob). Caitlin still goes to try and distract Doctor Wells, but Cisco asks Eddie to come with him to investigate the failed trap, which was the right choice it turns out, he managed to pick the one person Eobard couldn't kill, and Eddie manages to get the message to Barry that Cisco's dead and Wells can't be trusted right before Barry time travels (or maybe causing it).
Henry finds out as canon after being kidnapped by the Tricksters, and after that is when Barry finally tells Joe, and Joe finally tells Barry he's reopened the case on Nora's murder
David insists on reporting Eddie missing when Harrison Wells- or rather, Eobard Thawne- kidnaps him. Just adding a few more things to their paper trail of evidence they can use against him eventually.
He's going to be so glad when they've caught the bad guy and he and Rob get to leave for two weeks for their honeymoon. Anything to get him away from dealing with superpowers for five minutes
Thank you!
[5+ headcanons for an AU]
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