#and also that people tend to compliment parts of your appearance that you have control over
it’s weird how many compliments I get now for just. existing. and wearing pretty clothes. it’s nuts how differently people treat me based on what I wear. smth smth commentary on humanity whatever I’m just glad other ppl also like my skirts.
#blue chatter#genuinely I think part of it is just that I dress like a magical girl anime protagonist#hair bow poofy skirt color coordinated and themed with matching KN95 sparkly makeup sometimes#and also that people tend to compliment parts of your appearance that you have control over#like hair and clothes and makeup#bc it’s a way to compliment without being forward or objectifying someone#so now that I regularly wear clothing that is bright and colorful and outside the norm it’s noticeable#and o do genuinely put more effort into my appearance now#but it is interesting how much easier it is to make casual acquaintances with people#<- this is important in context. bc I am constantly off putting. I don’t mask much at school anymore.#so this is people complimenting someone who is constantly flinching at sudden noises and randomly twitches/stims#it’s intriguing to me#people approach?? me?? and compliment my outfit and then we chat abt where I got it#and then they say hi to me in class the next day#and suddenly I have someone I can email if I need to miss class and want that day’s notes#it’s so wild#this happens more the weirder I dress btw. if I’m wearing sparkles and a petticoat and a bunch of pins and hairclips I get more#positive attention. which is real intriguing to me.#but I also genuinely like dressing like this? it’s nice to be complimented and it makes me feel good#but I also do it when nobody sees me just bc I enjoy it#I feel more confident in myself and how I perceive myself and I think the confidence also helps#a few of my friends have commented that I hold myself very differently now#one jokingly calls it my ‘queer glowup’ bc this coincided w me being more open and accepting abt my queer identities#which I think is fun
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angelgoddard · 11 months
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𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒐𝒏𝒆: 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕. 🎀
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technically this should be step zero. but it's important to get clear on what you actually want. there are a lot of ways to do this. below i've compiled a small list for you!
- look into archetypes + system. they are patterns and associations based on body type, facial features, and personality traits. (i know there's ones that exist for feminine presenting people, i'm not sure about masculine presenting people. you are obviously not obligated to follow these, but they can be fun sometimes, especially if you're looking to curate a specific image of yourself.)
- observe the people you admire. this is a great way to try and find patterns in the people you look up to. (for example, i tend to gather inspiration from celebrities who have very youthful, sweet, and angelic faces. this helped me realize what my desired face was.)
- get creative. use faceswap and apps similar to blend together people you want to look like! if the beauty you're going for is more conceptual, make a collage board of things that visually describe your beauty. (for example, my collage board included things like cats, bunnies, deer, angels, dolls, etc.)
- you can also look at pinterest and save images of bodies, body parts, and facial features to help you know you want. this is especially useful if you're a person who has trouble keeping track of things you're manifesting.
- write a list of all the features you want. (notion is a great app to make lists and sort things if you don't enjoy using paper.)
- if you just want to become better looking overall, your subconscious knows what you truly want, so don't stress about specifying it if you're having trouble doing so.
♡- knowing that we are limitless can be a very freeing feeling, but it's important to remember that just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should do something. remember to be critical of what you want, especially when it comes to manifesting appearance changes. society has taught most of us what we are supposed to deem beautiful and healthy and what is ugly and unhealthy. do not allow indoctrination to control you. read this for more clarification.
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𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒕𝒘𝒐: 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅. ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
fulfilling yourself is the most important part of the process. you must do it continuously until you feel as if you no longer need to do it because your desires are truly yours. you do not engage in methods to get anything, creation is finished. this post focuses specifically on fulfilling yourself using the state akin to sleep. there's many tutorials that already exist, explaining how to get to the state. here's a few of my personal favorites: 1, 2, 3, 4.
i personally have trouble quieting my mind down and getting into the state of thinking about my desires, so i like to either listen to music or do a meditation beforehand. here are some mediations i enjoy using: 1, 2,. while i relax my body, i sometimes listen to soundscapes to calm myself down (1, 2, 3,). depending on how i feel, i will either use the lullaby method or visualize. below, I've listed some ideas for imaginal scenarios.
- people asking you if you're [insert celebrity/person] because you look just like them!
- overhearing people gossiping about you, and accusing you of having work done when you're really just a natural beauty
- people constantly asking you for makeup tutorials or what your skincare routine is
- seeing yourself on thumbnails of subliminals/seeing yourself all over pinterest
- getting showered with compliments everywhere you go, people give you things for free and do you favors bc of how beautiful you are
♡- you don't have to fall asleep in the state for it to work. it's beneficial, but not essential. i personally like to do sats visualization midday, and the lullaby method at night.
♡- try not to make your scenarios too convoluted or have too much going on, especially if you're going to fall asleep looping it. it will be more difficult to keep track of what's going on as you slip farther into sleep. (from personal experience, the people in my scenario start slurring their words when i get too sleepy during a complicated sats scenario.)
♡- sats also works for revision. just imagine scenarios working the way you wanted them to, or an event in the past, and imagine you had your desired appearance then.
as for the lullaby method, here are some phrases you can repeat.
- it is done.
- i am stunning.
- i am beautiful.
- it is finished.
- i am free.
- it has been this way.
♡- remember that while doing this, you don't have to feel any particular emotion. you don't need to feel happy, grateful, sad, or peaceful. if you do that's great, and if you don't, that's also perfectly fine. knowing isn't this wise, specific feeling, it's just being aware and accepting what you have as truth. the device you're using to read this post now exists, right? you know you just have it. that's how it should feel to you while fulfilling yourself. it is also okay for the scenario/phrase to not feel natural at first. just keep doing it and eventually the sense of realness will begin to set in.
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𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆: 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆. 🎀
the art of detatchment is an essential one. detatchment doesn't refer to completely neglecting 3d responsibilities, shutting yourself in a dark room, not going to the bathroom, or not showering— it means do whatever you need to in the outer world, but don't identify with anything that doesn't align with your desires. if you find yourself crying about how ugly you are, seek comfort in imagination and remind youself that the true you, the inner you, doesn't cry over their appearance because they are confident in how they look.
detatchment includes stopping yourself from controlling things that don't manifest, like thoughts. stop thought flipping, forcing yourself to think positively, and putting yourself on these super strict mental diets because they don't solve the real issue. thoughts stem from states, and they do not manifest anything. you have the power to reject thoughts that don't align with your desires, and accept the ones that do. anything you think that aligns with your desire say "i accept this thought." and anything that doesn't, simply say "i reject this thought." as soon as you fully fulfill yourself, your thoughts will begin to naturally flow from your new dwelling state (the wish fulfilled). you should not be burning yourself out, take it easy.
detatchment also refers to letting go of the how. logic and law of assumption absolutely do not mix, they're oil and water. you have to let go of logical limitations and focus only on the end result. obsessing about waking up with your new appearance or revising it is not going to help you. how you get your desires is not your problem, nor your job. you do not need to take any sort of 3d action, like working out or eating well (although this is a great thing to do, of course!). mental work is the only work you need to do. everything else will simply fall into place, that's the law.
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persistence is another important aspect of manifestation. you cannot manifest anything without some degree of persistence. once you decide you have something in imagination, you have to remain faithful to the idea. you can't continually go back to wanting your desire when you've decided it belongs to you in imagination. persisting in the idea that you truly have what you want will end your hunger and allow you to feel free and fulfilled.
a good way to continually fulfill yourself is to set up a sort of routine, like entering sats before getting out of bed each morning, or doing the lullaby method as you fall asleep. as neville said, we are creatures of habit, and habit acts as law, even though it is not. changing your negative habit of remaining in an undesired state into a positive one of consistently remaining in a desired state is very beneficial in solidifying persistence. your routine doesn't have to be extremely convoluted or detailed, it just has to be consistent, like skincare. you don't see results if you only wash your face once a day, you have to persist in your assumptions for them to become facts.
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𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒉. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
the sabbath is the rest period in which you are completely aware that you have your desires, and know that they absolutely must materialize. although the experience of the sabbath can be slightly different for everyone, what typically happens during this stage is:
- feeling no desire to use any methods (why would you need methods if you know you have your desire?)
- not feeling anything towards your desire (in the same way you feel nothing towards objects in your 3d, you just know they exist)
- thoughts naturally flow from the state of having your desires
- not spiraling or wavering
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𝒕𝒊𝒑𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒅𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒆. 🎀
question: is the lullaby method just vain affirming?
answer: according to neville, it is not. i am aware some blogs say you can just affirm, but he has always suggested to add feeling to your words, as feeling acts like glue, connecting the imagined reality to the physical one. (again, the feeling is not an emotional one, but rather a feeling of knowing.)
question: minnie, i'm always reminded of my 3d appearance by my family/friends, what do i do?
answer: i think this ask would be helpful!
question: what if i am unable to visualize?
answer: use your other senses (smell, touch, taste, hearing). you can also try studying images of whatever you want to visualize to make them stick in your mind.
question: i can't get into sats on my own, i need guidance, any suggestions?
answer: this meditation is absolutely perfect!
♡︎- stop overconsuming information! you know everything you need to know. there are no more new discoveries to be made. the law is easy and simple. get off tumblr if you're using it in hopes of finding some kind of life-changing information, because you will not find it.
♡︎- stop procrastinating. no, that youtube video you're choosing to fall asleep to isn't going to fulfill you, but doing the lullaby method will. that video will always be there to watch later. what is more important: your happiness, or your momentary entertainment?
♡︎- forget about time. time is not real. focusing on time is focusing on lack- which isn't what you should be doing. continue to fulfill yourself in imagination. what you experience there must be expressed.
♡︎- don't stop persisting. do not let the lack of results in the outer world deter you. if you really want your desires the way you say you do, is persisting really that much work? if your answer is yes, you probably didn't want it that much in the first place. what do you have to lose by visualizing every night or saying an affirmation as you fall asleep? the law is universal, it does not discriminate. no matter how "long" it takes, it shouldn't be worth giving up if you truly, truly want it.
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thankyou for reading! <3 (please don't repost without credits)
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To Mama Rosehearts: (calmly but sarcastically) Oh, hello. You must be Mrs. Rosehearts. How do you do on this fine day? Forgive me for staring but I must say, you look quite stunning, madame. Your haircut really suits your face. (Mama Rosehearts asks about Riddle) Riddle? Oh don't worry about him, he's doing fine. He always had a knack for keeping things under control. Unlike some people.
Aaaand here’s the big one… the final boss of Family Day…
I tried to write this with a nuanced look at Mama Rosehearts, as I felt this was the most fitting for TWST’s themes of grey morality (which also comes through in the OB boys). No one is truly 100% evil, and I didn’t want to just have her screaming at other people 💦
Mama Rosehearts’s parenting methods are overly controlling, she’s uncompromising, and she has a bad temper. But in her eyes, she believes what she’s doing is genuinely the best for her son, and she’s also protective of him. She absolutely cares for Riddle in spite of her strictness. I wanted those aspects of her character to be present too, not just the worst parts of her that we tend to hate.
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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The problem with bad apples, you sometimes thought to yourself (blame Epel for sticking the apple metaphors in your head), is that they appear so normal at a glance. It’s hard to tell they’re rotten until you’ve had a close look for yourself.
Gazing at Mrs. Rosehearts, you’re shaken. Your mental image of her, cobbled together by hushed words and wisps of shadow, was always that of a monster—the kind that caged children and relished in feeding them lies, keeping them ensnared and submissive. Mother knows best. Listen to your mother. It’s a scary world out there.
She stood before you in blood red heels, wrapped in a smart business suit and modest pencil skirt in the same shade. Her hands were adorned in tulle gloves, sheer enough to grant a glimpse at her immaculate nails. Arms folded, head high, she was poised like an imposing queen before delivering her judgment.
Her eyes a blue-grey, red hair tightly pulled back and secured by a hair clasp. Even her bangs were cut the same, two locks atop her head curling into a heart-like shape. Mrs. Rosehearts was the spitting image of Riddle—or was it more accurate to say that he was a spitting image of her?
But if she was a monster, and Riddle, the same as her…
The terrified expressions of Heartslabyul students blitzed through your mind. The garden and its roses falling apart around them.
“He… He was really gonna do it…”
“He’s completely out of control.”
“He’s like some kinda monster!”
You couldn’t tear your eyes away. They quivered, burning with an indescribable intensity.
“Hello.” Her first came clipped, cutting right by your greeting and fabricated compliment. “I can’t say I care for your tone of voice.”
Mrs. Rosehearts diverted her attention from you and to the young man standing in her shadow. “Riddle. They seem know you, but surely this one doesn’t belong to your dormitory?”
You could barely recognize him. The Riddle you knew was serious and strict—but he was also someone who loved to tend to the hedgehogs, and adored tea parties in the garden. His smile could practically make the flowers bloom.
But now he was less of a blossoming rose and more of a shrinking violet, most traces of his confidence wiped away. He diligently trailed behind his mother, appearing even smaller than usual. Meeker, and less sure of himself.
A remnant of Riddle. Not a rose-red ruler, but just a sad little child.
You stared at him helplessly, and he refused to meet your eyes.
“No, mother.” A trained, automatic response. “They are not a student of Heartslabyul.”
“I thought so,” Mrs. Rosehearts sniffed, unimpressed but satisfied. She silently noted your untucked shirt, stray hair, and crooked tie. “They’re far too ungroomed to be someone under your rule.
“And here I was, worrying that you had fallen in with the wrong crowd again. You aren’t still hanging around those horrid Clover and Pinker boys, are you?”
Trey and Che’nya. Your stomach churned, upset for them in their absence.
“Well…” Riddle fidgeted uneasily. Unable to tell a lie, and lacking the courage to tell the truth.
You took the chance to cut in, your eyes close to burning a hole in his mother. “Oh, don't worry about him. Riddle’s doing fine. He’s always had a knack for keeping things under control, unlike some people.”
Mrs. Rosehearts frowned at the insinuation. Her next words could make flowers freeze over. “You’d do well to learn some control yourself. This conversation is between a mother and her son.”
She placed a protective hand on his upper back and gave a slight nudge. “Come, Riddle. We wouldn’t want to be late to speak with your professors.“
“Yes…” He reluctantly turned away from you, trying to focus on the road head. At the path already chosen for him.
You couldn’t help yourself. Your feet fell forward, and you called after him.
“That’s quite enough,” Mrs. Rosehearts snapped. Her cheeks colored red with rage as she stepped between you and Riddle. “I don’t know who you think you are, sticking your nose in our affairs like this!! I won’t have another unruly child and their bad attitude invading my son’s life—not again!”
Anger surged in your chest. There were so many things you wanted to tell her, things she couldn’t possibly know because she never bothered to entertain them.
Riddle likes strawberry tarts. He doesn’t care if the roses are white, or if the flamingos are pink. And he prefers honey to sugar cubes in his tea, and milk tea over lemon tea. After a meal, he wants to sits and talk with everyone.
The smart thing to do, you thought, is to bite my tongue, or else it’ll just lead to a pointless screaming match.
But you weren’t so smart. Your opened your mouth, prepares to let loose a torrent to challenge her.
What rang out instead, loud and clear, was a boy’s authoritative voice.
“Excuse me, mother!”
"Yes, Riddle? You have something to add?"
“I..." He caught his still-quivering words and straightened. A quiet resolve burned in his steely eyes. "Those selected by the Mirror of Darkness boast exceptional potential and strong moral character. That holds true for myself, as well as my peers. I will not underestimate them, and nor should you."
Mrs. Rosehearts pursed her lips.
"They are worthy rivals that are deserving of respect," Riddle continued, "and they will continue to push me to excel. That is all I wished to say.
"Now then, we should be on our way. We're running late for a very important date with the teaching staff."
His mother looked as though she had a rebuttal, with her brows knitted and the color of her mouth vanishing. Riddle held his breath—and you weren’t sure if it was safe to take one.
"... We will discuss this at a later time," she declared at last. “We need to stay on schedule.”
Riddle released the air in his lungs, and you took a sharp intake.
Mrs. Rosehearts turned away, tossing an icy farewell to the wind. “Good day to you.”
She led her son down the street, saying something to him in a hushed tone. You couldn’t tell what sort of expression Riddle was making, but he held his head high the entire time, like a defiant rosebud in a bed of snow.
When they had finally disappeared into the horizon, you let yourself smile. He’s come into his own… even if just a little.
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blueepink07 · 9 months
Thinking about this question addresed to Muu...
What's your dream for the future?
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Muu wanting to be a model herself it's not something very surprising, sure, especially considering that her mother was a model too.
What are the occupations of your family members?
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However I always wondered what kind of model she can be.
Fashion model industry has a requirement for heights. Usually, you need to be at least 170 cm (5'7") to be able to be a fashion model. Because of Kotoko's height and appearance, even Milgram describes her as having features that will make her a good model!
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In Japan, the height requirement is less strict, the minimum being 166 cm (5'6").
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However, Muu's official height is 162 cm (5'3"), so she doesn't fit the height requirements. And unfortunately for her, the chances of her becoming taller are low, because girls usually stop growing after 15 years old, Muu being older than that.
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So how did Muu receive scouting offers if she doesn't fit the requirements to be a fashion model? Well, simple, despite that I always viewed Muu as being a fashion lover, especially after trial 2, there are other types of modelling!
Fashion (Editorial) Model, Runway Model, Commercial Model, Fitness Model, Parts Model and many more! (if anyone is interested I'll put the link here!)
Based on these, Muu can be, most probably, a commercial model and parts model!
Commercial Models are not restricted by age, height, or size, while parts model basically means having body parts and facial features that make you stand out, usually used on editorial, advertising, and catalog work.
Muu has been complimented many times for her looks, even her profile states that she is very beautiful.
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But modelling is not just about being considered pretty, you need to have something that makes you stand out!
"Being a model isn't just about being “good looking” or “pretty.” There are a lot of beautiful people in the world. If you're serious about getting into modeling, it's important to have “a look.” There should be something unique about the way you look or the way you're built."
And Muu actually posses this feature!
In the first voice drama, Es is noticing her unusual and pretty face features.
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Based on this, we can say that Muu might be a perfect face model!
"Beauty modelling, also known as face modelling, is a category of modelling that takes place predominantly in the beauty industry – so skincare, make-up and cosmetics. Models regularly require extremely close-up photos of their faces, or parts of their faces, so it’s important beauty models are well-groomed and take care of their skin, hair and nails."
Healthy hair and clear skin
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Well-maintained nails
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"You need to learn how to move the tiny muscles in the face to create different expressions. Can you smile or laugh convincingly on demand? Can you look gloomy or thoughtful at a moment’s notice? If you have a natural poker face and struggle to control or show emotions, you’ll struggle being a beauty model."
Muu is very expressive when it comes to her emotions and feelings. If something bothers her, she will not hesitate to be blunt about it. An event that made her upset? She will show her sadness by crying, will be vocal about it. An action that made her happy? Her body language is easy to read and, with a confident and pretty smile, she'll show her cheerfulness!
Moreover, Muu is able to change her emotions very quickly and easily.
A good example is in her first voice drama, where Muu, after many minutes of crying, is changing her attitude in a few seconds, after seeing Es talking with Jackalope.
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So Muu can easily be a famous face model if she truly wants to!
Also, another interesting thing!
Muu is saying that her mother, who was once a model, is not active anymore.
"But while most female models are considered ready for retirement by the time they turn 25, males tend to start later and are more likely to make modeling a long-term career."
Although, 25 is not necessarily the age when female models have to retire, there being many exceptions, depending on how they maintain themselves, for Muu's mother it's very possible that she retired during that age!
If we take Muu's father age, based on this portal timeline conversation:
"Kazui: Hm? Ah…… Kusunoki-chan. Sorry for asking out of the blue, but how old is your father?
Mu: Eh…? Um… I think he’s 41…"
which is 41, and we consider that her mother is the same age, then, when Muu has been born she was 25 years old! The same age when most models retire! So Muu's mother most probably retired short after her daughter's birth!
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hexedrosel-arts · 3 months
The sillies have been completed
With a persona bonus
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Now; the facts ramble under the cut
- Edden has trouble remembering anything. He'll just, forget. This includes his name, current location, or personality. He just forgets everything. - Edden's real eye color is actually amber. Do to factors out of his control, however, have made his eyes pure white
- Opal has no likes or dislikes. She is a very plain girl, other than the fact she is AI. - Despite her messy appearance, she always has everything in order. She also watches everything that goes on.
- Lace would have that same amber eyes Edden does if they were alive. - Lace can shapeshift their appearance. They tend to make themselves look fem.
- Ash's full name is actually Ashley. He adamantly goes by Ash. - Ash has a fear of spiders, he is terrified of them. - He is banned from playing card games with people because he will always win.
- Winter travels through time and timelines which makes him have many different outfits for each time period or time line. His current outfit was made by Emory because she doesn't like any one of his older outfits, in time sense or the ones I use to draw him in. - If he feels close to people, he ends up calling sweetie or dear, or any old lady complimenting you name. The only exception is his sister, Carrie, who he affectionately calls 'Care Bear'. - Winter doesn't remember what age he is, he's been through so many timelines and periods that he can't pin point an age. He knows he is at least older than Carrie, which isn't saying much because she is 13.
- Damien is roughly 10 ft tall. He is always leaning down to make sure he can talk to people face to face, or at least they don't have to stare up into the sky to make eye contact with him. - Damien can't see due to all the bandages over his face. - Damien has a soft spot for cats, underneath all the mumbling, he is a real sweetheart.
- Azure is one of the youngest, along with Opal, being 5 years old. - Azure is terrified of everything and everyone. If your name doesn't start with O, she is scared of you and everything you do. - Her star necklace is a gift from someone who she doesn't remember. She wants to thank them if she ever does.
- Lilith is a really good cook. She has an recipe book of all her mother's recipes. - Lilith is the only one of her siblings to only have 1 design element of her outfit that resembles her card. Her tie looks like a spade(Ash has all the diamonds on his eye patch, bag, on his sleeves, he even has card earrings for both of his siblings. Any look at Elliot shows you the hearts on his design). - Lilith really likes bright colors, she adores scene and pastel clothing. But she never wears it as she feels it makes her business woman persona seem fake.
- Cosmo will talk for hours about space. He will tell you space puns, talk about astronomers and astronauts for as long as you let him. - His hair style is just a literal play on space buns. The long parts are just an homage to an old hairstyle I gave him. - Cosmo's eyes aren't actually the neon green ones he has, no one has seen what his real eye color is.
- Navy's veil is to resemble Jellyfish streamers. - If Navy were to open his eyes, instead of pupils, he would have infinity signs instead. - Navy has a brother, but he isn't around much anymore.
- Celina wants to be an actress. She believes that with her dance skills and her 'condition' would make her a star in everyone's eyes. - The stars on her skin (the white dots) would be freckles. - When not dancing or practicing her acting, she likes to a baseball bat to various pictures of other people and smash whatever surface the picture is on. - Her leg strength is very powerful and she will kick your face in, but won't... :)
- Carrie always has her umbrella up, even indoors, she doesn't want people to see her face. - Carrie is very noise sensitive, if there is too much noise, she tends to swing her umbrella in the direction of the noise, hoping to hit whatever generating the noise. - Carrie is blind, she sometimes uses her umbrella as a walking stick when she is sure no one is around her.
- .A.M.Y believes that she is an AI that was created to become human through mechanical means. She started by having a metal spine attached to her. - She loves to learn about mechanics and machinery, she wants to be an engineer when she grows up. - .A.M.Y likes her hair the most about her appearance. She doesn't even like someone touching her hair. She takes good care of it, she believes that's what her programing tells her.
- Willow was a very lonely child growing up. He liked to dream of people to be his friends or siblings. When he learned how to make AI that felt human, he immediately created these people so he could be less lonely. - Willow hates his haircut. The only reason he has it is because his father says he should keep his hair at the length it is. - Willow has the remote control part of his wheelchair because of chronic pain he has had all his life. He can't manually move his wheelchair for long periods. - Willow seeks his dad's praise constantly, he would remove his AI creations if that meant his dad was proud of him.
- Honor has only ever been seen eating meat. Not even Ray has seen her eat anything else. - Honor has 18 older brothers, she is the youngest of her family and the only daughter. - Honor likes plushies, she really likes bunny ones especially. - Honor knows how to sew and cauterize wounds, even ones that could only happen if one were chopping up body parts.
- Elliott's head band(hair tie? it's a long sash that goes on his head it could be both) was a gift from Willow, Elliott is never seen without it on. - The hearts on Elliott's boots, specifically the inner hearts, are actually buttons that activate the skates of his shoes. As seen in this height chart, he does not have the wheels. - Elliott prefers plants over people. His room is covered with plants, it's more of the plants room than his own. - Elliott always has his hair up in some way, if asked he'll tell you that it is because he doesn't want to look like his brother. - The thick part of Elliott's eyes are his eye brows, his eyes are more dot shaped, he is just constantly angry that his eyebrows have stayed that way
- Ray remembers that his father was fisher, which makes him believe that he was named after the Manta Ray. - Ray hates the color blue. He gets irrationally upset when he made to wear it for long periods of time. This being said, he hates Ash's outfit, not Ash, just the outfit. - Ray talks via written word. He has never talked once, he can't. - Honor calls Ray 'popcorn head' cause his hair looks like white cheddar popcorn. Ray has regretfully accepted the fact that she will always call him that. - Ray always has something covering his face, usually the giant sketchbook. He has drawn various expressions on it. Due to this fact, Ray can also fall asleep anywhere, even standing up, and no one would notice .
- Emory sews her own clothes. She likes to take inspiration from Lolita styled clothing. She has also sewn various items for other characters such as the frills underneath Navy's raincoat, the overcoat Winter has, and Damien's entire outfit. - Emory switches between first person and third person when ever she talks. No one knows if she is aware of this. - Emory has a posh British accent. She sounds more British than her siblings. - Emory prefers to wear clothes that coverup her body. Along with several layers underneath those clothes. Her current outfit is her most revealing.
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atom-writings · 4 months
Are matchups still open? If so, could you do mine?
I’m a 19 year old girl. I’m mildly introverted. According to the 16 personalities quiz, I’m an INFJ.
People often describe me as sweet and quiet. While ‘quiet’ does seem to be my default setting, I can talk your ear off when it’s about a topic I really care about. In general, I’m more talkative around people I’ve gotten to know and am comfortable around. I tend to be more mild-mannered and can have a hard time standing up for myself, but I become a lot more assertive when I feel I’m standing up for justice.
I’m quite imaginative, by the way. I can be quiet on the outside, but I have an active inner world and I often daydream stories in my head. I’d like to be a part-time writer.
By the way, I’m a ballerina. Some of my dream roles are Odette/Odile, Juliet, Giselle and Manon. (If you don’t know what those are, just ignore this!)
Other interests/hobbies/passtimes of mine include figure skating, literature (both classic and contemporary), fashion (particularly vintage and retro), listening to music (all genres), learning to play music and more. I read and write fanfiction, and I’m into fandom.
More about my personality! I try to be kind and helpful to others. I tend to give people the benefit of a doubt, which has led me to making toxic friendships in the past.
As for my flaws, I can be somewhat of a pushover when it comes to myself. I can just keep on accepting bad treatment from someone until I finally get fed up and try to ghost them (to varying levels of success). Also, I can be self-destructive.
As far as appearance goes, I have long black hair, light skin and dark blue eyes. I’ve been called pretty and cute a lot, but never hot. My best features are my big eyes and my dimpled smile (a lot of people compliment my smile! :D). I’m 162 cm tall. I have a slender hourglass build.
I would like someone I have engaging conversations with. Someone who can be both a lover and a best friend. I would like them to be able to appreciate my interests so I can talk about them with them. I would do the same for them. I don’t want someone who will be controlling or get angry at me — I wouldn’t leave but I’d be unhappy. I’m not at all a jealous person — I would fully trust my significant other. I’m open-minded, and I’d like them to be the same, or at least not be closed-minded.
I don’t mind having a partner who often takes the lead, I think I’d prefer it actually, but I don’t want to be controlled. If it matters, I’m more of a little spoon.
Ahaha, sorry for this mini essay. I won’t be upset if you ignore me.
I'd match you with... England!
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Although he's definitely not sweet or soft, he'd balance you out quite well! (I think, at least.)
He gets really passionate about his own interests, so he would always be up to listen to you about yours. Especially if you're more talkative around him specifically, then he'd always encourage your ramblings <3
And if you have a hard time being assertive, he has no problem standing up for you. In fact, he loves doing so.
It may not seem like it, but he's really imaginative too! If you want someone to share a weird inner-world with, I assure you he's the man. His inner-world is probably stranger.
He's a great conversationalist too. With your love of literature, vintage fashion, and music, you'd have a lot in common to talk about and share.
He knows basically nothing about ballet, but he'd always come watch! He appreciates the finer things in life as well.
He really loves your kind nature, but he'd also be sure to not let anyone take advantage of it. He's seen that with a lot of people, and he wouldn't tolerate any behavior like that around you.
(Also, it's not important, but 162 cm is like his ideal height in a partner. Shorter than him, but not by too much (: )
And yeah, he would totally take the lead. He likes to think he's a lady's man, and he at least has the confidence of one.
He may have a temper, but he's definitely not controlling.
Although he can be a bit insecure and jealous, it's not something he can't get over. He's mature enough to learn; after all, he doesn't want to upset you.
As you two get to know each other, he'd soften, and you'd become a perfect match. Opposites attract, right?
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manipalhealth · 1 year
A Guide To Winter Skin-Care Routine
With winter approaching, it is time for festivities, long holidays, and beautiful evenings. On the other hand, it also calls for extra care for your skin as the skin tends to become dry, flaky, and irritated due to the cold, dry air and decreased humidity levels. This can lead to a loss of elasticity and an increase in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Cold weather can also cause the blood vessels in the skin to constrict, reducing blood flow and making the skin appear pale and dull. In addition, the skin may be more prone to irritation and sensitivity due to harsh weather and indoor heating.
How to Care for Your Skin in the Winter?
With a winter skin-care routine and extra care of your skin, you can help to keep it healthy and hydrated during the colder months.
Here are a few tips to take care of your skin during the winter:
Use of a Humidifier
Weather tends to be drier in winter in general and heaters tend to worsen this further. This can microdamage the skin barrier and cause inflammation making your skin feel rough and irritated. Humidifiers can be game-changers in your winter skincare regime by improving the overall moisture level in your environment.
Using Moisturizing Cleansers
In people with dry skin, we ideally want cleansers that do not strip the skin of its natural oils in winter and want to look for ‘milky’ and ‘creamy’ cleansers while staying clear of anything that says ‘oil control’. Also, it might help to use a cleanser only at night and avoid over-cleansing. Using a face mist or a hydrating serum post-cleansing will help add an extra dose of moisture to the skin.
Use Sunscreen Daily
Sunscreen acts as a shield to your skin. Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you should forget about sunscreen. UV rays can still damage your skin, even in the winter. Make sure you apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 when going outside during cold weather.
Don’t Forget Your Lips
Lip care is an important part of your skincare routine. Exfoliating the lips with mild chemical exfoliants (and not physical scrubs) followed by thick layer moisturizers about 2-3 times a week can make your lips feel soft and supple instead of dry and chapped. It helps to use oil-rich moisturizers which melt into your mucosa instead of something like petroleum jelly that mostly works as an occlusive.
Body Care
We all love our long hot water showers in winter. However, quick 5 minutes shower with lukewarm water is what is recommended if you have dry, itchy skin on your body. For eczema-prone skin and in old age, it might be a good practice to skip using soap every day and also to completely switch to syndet bars instead of regular soaps, especially during winter. Also, avoid wearing woolen clothes directly on your skin, and try to layer cotton clothes underneath as wool can irritate the skin. To know more visit the best skin care hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore.
Stay Hydrated
Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and your skin looking soft, supple, and more even-toned. Additionally, hydration helps to protect your skin from environmental stressors, pollution, and sun damage.
Opt for a Nutritious diet
A healthy diet not only helps in your body’s health but also compliments your skin regime. Eat a balanced and healthy diet that contains plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to help nourish your skin from the inside out. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C, and E can help to protect your skin from environmental damage and keep it looking healthy
Read More..
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onesunofagun · 3 years
I shall now yell about Ingo, please stand by:
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Ingo’s transformation from the underappreciated backbone of the ranch to an absolute ruff-wearing cantaloupe of a man is also pretty interesting (if you’re the kind of person who absorbs the Zelda series through your skin like a frog to live).
I’ve bolded the key points for skimmers.
Granted, the manga has it that Ingo just gets brainwashed by Twinrova into being a staunch follower of Ganondorf. That’s not canon, but it’s not informing any of this thinking, either way. 
In the beginning of OoT we meet Talon by waking him up from a nap, and we learn pretty quickly that he’s lazy and often yelled at by his daughter for slacking off like this. Ingo at the ranch confirms again that Talon doesn’t pull his weight around there, and since Malon’s still a child, it’s pretty obvious that Ingo’s settled with the bulk of the work.
Ingo is grumpy, he’s resentful, and he complains a lot. But he does do the work, and you can find him (presumably) in the process of mucking out the stables. 
Let’s examine what he does at the ranch:
Epona really liked that song... Only I could tame that horse... Even Mr. Ingo had a hard time...
Now, Epona is established in game to be a real winner of a horse. She’s fast, she’s smart, she’s got a lovely sorrel coat and white mane that seems to be quite rare or highly prized coloring. The catch is, she is notoriously wild. The only people she tolerates are Malon and Link, due in large part to being soothed by the song Malon’s mother taught her.
Ingo had to really try to crack this horse, which Malon’s observation suggests is unusual. 
Epona is very young when we first see her, so it’s never really revealed if she was caught wild, or bred at the ranch with a very headstrong temperament.
Ingo’s clearly the guy that’s breaking them in, though. The most Talon is doing is... sleeping in with the cuccos. We never see any organisation of the cuccos, in terms of egg collection or poultry farming, but nevertheless, Talon has the much less physical jobs even if he was doing them. His focus seems to be cuccos, deliveries to the castle and book keeping between naps (and to be fair it’s probably a little depression related, given the dead wife).
Malon gives us a cow later on, and she’s got the egg for the crowing cucco that wakes up Talon, so I’d like to assume for simplicity’s sake that even as a kid, Malon was up at dawn most days helping Ingo with the cows and milking them. It’s never really implied that she has amazing skill in dealing with horses, just that Epona has a special connection with her specifically. Other than that, Malon is simply kind and respectful of her animals (though I’ve got no idea how she got that cow to Link’s treehouse and that’s worth investigating). 
Later on, Ingo is also shown to be a competent rider. Enough that he has absolutely no qualms in challenging Link to races for wagers, and was quite confident of his ability to win.
The takeaway is, Ingo is usually VERY GOOD with both caring for and training horses, if not breeding them for the ranch.
That kind of lends to his grumbling, when he is referring to himself as ‘the Great Ingo’ and comparing himself to Talon, who is a ‘bum’. His claim to greatness may not be undeserved, at least in horse circles, and especially if he’s not getting particular credit for it, his bitterness and frustration (alongside envy, exhaustion, and dreams of recognition) would be quite deeply run.
So it seems that his friend and employer is clearly taking some advantage of him, especially after the death of Malon’s mother.
So now, let’s examine his feelings, and how he changes.
The feelings Ingo has about that are pretty textbook for the sort of thing ‘evil takes hold of and twists’, in the Zeldaverse.
Focussing on the game itself, Malon says this as an adult:
Since Ganondorf came, people in the Castle Town have gone, places have been ruined, and monsters are wandering everywhere. Mr. Ingo is just using the ranch to gain Ganondorf's favor... Everyone seems to be turning evil...
We do see other characters in Hyrule become influenced by the ‘darkness in their hearts’ as byproduct of Ganondorf’s reign. 
A prominent example of a character who was visibly dissatisfied with their lot, and then notably changes (while praising Ganondorf for what he’d done), is the Castle Guard who is heavily implied to have become the Poe Dealer. Even if by some slim means it’s not the same person, the Poe Dealer does still express that they could not do the work they do without Ganon as King, and that they now benefit from him being in that position and are grateful to him.
The Kakariko Carpenters seem to have given into their fantasies about living among the Gerudo women, and gone out to the Valley and gotten themselves taken prisoner. Following work near the fortress, the team chooses to act on their selfish desires and go for broke, chasing their dreams. They weren’t previously prepared to act upon these fantasies when Link was young, admittedly much milder in their still very prominent obsession, but seven years later, they’re quite happy to risk it all and piss away the stability of their careers (and nearly their lives) at the first opportunity.
Anyway, the trend is, those across Hyrule who are unhappy with their lot before Ganondorf’s coup tend to be ‘corrupted’ by seven years later, and appear to have given in to a twisted version of whatever they most wanted. 
This is noteworthy especially because the language in the game revolves around the Sacred Realm being opened and corrupted, too, by Ganondorf’s unbalanced heart and selfish goals. It is unable to be ‘sealed’ again while Link has the Master Sword. In aLttP, we know there is a mirror like effect to do with the sacred turned dark realm, in which it reflects the hearts of men. 
So it is very reasonable to say, that for OoT in particular, much of this evil influence plaguing the land and preying on the darkness an people’s hearts is a result of the corruption of the Sacred Realm. It is an indirect byproduct of Ganondorf’s acquiring of the Triforce, but not necessarily something he himself does to people on purpose, unlike the brainwashing of Nabooru.
Mr. Ingo is just using the ranch to gain Ganondorf's favor... But Dad... He was kicked out of the ranch by Mr. Ingo... If I disobey Mr. Ingo, he will treat the horses so badly...
This explains a lot of the more callous and greedy behaviour that Ingo shows later on, and why it seems to disappear when he is truly humbled by Link. 
Link’s win serves as a reminder of Ingo’s stagnating skill with horses, the very thing that made him feel so deserving of praise and recognition in the first place, in that for everything he now has control of at the ranch, he still cannot control that horse. He has become as much of a bum as Talon ever was, relegating Malon to do all the hard work while Ingo struts around uselessly. He’s even lost his touch with the Horses so much, in his arrogance, that now he has taken up mistreating them and using harsh and abusive methods (according to Malon’s concerns).
The humiliation and shame takes hold, his pride shattering with the loss of Epona-- not only as a valuable asset, but also as the horse he could never truly tame.
The dark feelings he was holding onto are let go of, as he regains a sense of humility, and the corruptive influence upon him dissipates. He even seeks out Talon to bury the hatchet and invite him back to the ranch.
Oh, I have to tell you about Mr. Ingo... He was afraid that the Evil King might find out that Epona had been taken away... It really upset him! But one day, all of a sudden, he went back to being a normal, nice person! Now my dad is coming back...I can't believe it, but peace is returning to this ranch!
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But what about his obsession with Ganondorf in particular?
When the coup happened, Ingo watched the King of the Gerudo unwittingly play out a sort of grand parallel to what Ingo felt should happen on the ranch. To Ingo’s perception, I think Ganondorf was representing an ideal version of Ingo himself. 
A man of the desert, where hard work and grit are as second nature to survive the harsh conditions. A man frustrated with the King of Hyrule’s shit, and forced to swear fealty to him despite being a King himself. A man resplendent with wealth, with fine and flashy clothes and plentiful jewelry.
And perhaps the most important note of all, the Gerudo in OoT? 
They’re horse people. 
They love horses. Ganondorf’s horse is reputed to be a purebred Black Gerudo Stallion, which is obviously a specialty breed, that is fully armoured and as flashy as he is. When the Gerudo cut the bridge leading to the valley, the only way in and out is to have a skilled horse jump the gap. 
They also have a huge horseback archery range, and prowess in the sport is an incredible source of respect amongst the Gerudo, and many of the guards possess bladed polearms suitable for mounted use. From this, it can be assumed that during the recent civil war, Gerudo weapons, war tack and military tactics were probably built around mounted cavalry archers foremost, with a lesser focus on light and heavy cavalry aside (iron knuckle armour springs to mind).
Anyway, Horses are very important to the Gerudo in the era of Ocarina of Time.
So Ganondorf is also unique in the sense that he is the King of a people who value what it is that Ingo does very highly. He, of all people, stands to immediately recognise the knowledge and skill that Ingo possesses in rearing horses.
So this is a man who successfully stages a coup of Hyrule, who clearly inspires Ingo to do much the same of the ranch, and who Ingo also feels is very likely to take his side should he appeal the matter.
And Ganondorf does.
And if that’s not a great compliment to Ingo’s actual skill, I don’t know what is, because Ganondorf is not a man that suffers fools. He’s got a limited patience when it comes to shit that is beneath his notice. Clearly, he recognises that Ingo is indeed the backbone of that ranch-- and the main reason for the quality of its Horses-- and rewards this accordingly.
And for Ingo, being on decent terms with the big scary goth King is a very, very good place to be. But it’s more than that!
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What a guy! Not only did he deliver on Ingo’s long due validation, he gave Ingo everything he’d ever dreamed of having to his name, and the authority to kick Talon to the curb. He gets it! Ganondorf, this great eight foot beacon of freshly sought divine power and topaz-encrusted glory, this absolute unit of a man, this great underdog horse-lover after Ingo’s own heart; he really understands how great Ingo is. Ganondorf is paving the way for people like them! Oh, to rub shoulders wiht such greatness when the rest of Hyrule is scorned. 
Ingo feels seen. The Great Ganondorf made all that thankless time spent shovelling horse shit while Talon slept mean something. The Gerudo appreciate Ingo’s talents.
And all Ingo has to do is keep turning out really good horses, and promise to present the King with his finest.
So Ingo knows he’s in deep shit when he gets cocky and loses Epona to a wager, who at this point, he’s prepared pretty well and sunk a lot of money into on the idea that she’s going to Ganondorf. 
Who he’s probably bragged to about how fast she is.
He lost her to some jerk in tights who’d barely ridden before, too. And then when Ingo tried to cheat him out of the win, the kid jumped the damned fence an in ass-bustingly cool move that really just drove home how excellent and rare Epona was.
One does not promise the King of the Gerudo a fast horse and then fail to deliver, let alone for such a stupid reason.
Honestly, by the end, the man’s just happy to be alive.
Also I’d like to think he and Talon had a much fairer delegation of work and forgave each other, each really learning to appreciate what they have and what’s really important.
how the fuck did the Kokiri leave the forest for this scene anyway, they don’t even have their faries???
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glowingbadger · 3 years
Hi! Could you do SFW and NSFW relationship headcanons for Raphael and Hubert, please?
(P.S. I swear I sent this in a few weeks ago but you must not have gotten it. I am mortified at the chance I accidentally sent it to another blog!)
Your timing is incredible- your request was literally the next one on my list haha :3 So no worries, it got to the right place! I'm just still catching up a bit lol. Let's talk Raph and Hubie!
Raphael, Hubert x GN Reader
SFW (nsfw below the cut)
- Raphael is such an absolute sweetie as a boyfriend. He's very nurturing and just a healthy level of protective, but he also knows that he's not perfect and is willing to listen to you when you need something different from him, or just to vent. He's also endlessly uplifting, always instinctively looking on the bright side of things and eager to open up that sunny perspective to share with you.
- As we all know, the way to Raph's heart is through his stomach. If you're even a little skilled in the kitchen, you've got an easy in to spending time with him whenever you like. If you're not much of a cook, he's happy to be a taste-tester until you've got it figured out. Though it's not like his palette is incredibly refined, so you might not get the most nuanced feedback.
- It is essential that you meet his little sister's approval- it's practically like courting a single father. Her happiness is his utmost priority, so one day when she mentions off hand that she can't wait for you all to spend time together again, he practically starts tearing up and warmth fills his chest. Knowing that you get along with the other most important person in his life just reaffirms his affections for you a thousand fold.
- His idea of a date pretty much always involves food, and with his energetic and warm personality, those kinds of dates are easy to enjoy. If you suggest other ideas though, while he might not be sure it's his "thing" at first, he'll quickly find something to get excited about and invested in. Besides, when he's with you, he has a hard time caring about anything but watching you just be your wonderful self, all with a wide, goofy smile on his face.
- Hubert quietly dotes on you. His love language is absolutely acts of service. This is largely because he finds it so hard to believe- practically disorienting- that you'd want to be with him of all people. As such, he does everything in his power to ensure that you're provided for. You may not even realize the lengths he's willing to go to for some time, as he has a habit of doing helpful or sweet things for you without your knowledge. Maybe it takes a vaguely threatening "chat" with some disrespectful knave who's been trying to get your attention, or perhaps there's a tear in your favorite shirt that he has sent to be repaired without ever mentioning it. Hubert doesn't seek praise- only your happiness.
- that said... He does absolutely melt when you do praise or compliment him. He does his best to appear stoic, but his face turns bright red when you tell him how lucky you are to be with someone so considerate and conscientious. Funnily, when he's riding high on his adoration for you (whatever you would call Hubert's version of feeling warm and fuzzy), not much changes other than that he's less conversational, appearing exceptionally introspective. The truth is just that he can't stop thinking of you and this bizarre feeling you've nurtured in him.
- he will NEVER admit this and will strike fear into the soul of any who would suggest it- but when others give him romantic advice, he does take note. When Edelgard suggests he have flowers sent to you for no particular reason, or Ferdinand recommends he take you riding through the countryside on a particularly lovely day, he does consider them and possibly even follow through.
- listen. The first time Hubert returns to his quarters from a late night "mission" to see you waiting up for him, struggling to stay awake to greet him and make sure he's okay, he's just... A puddle. He holds you so close and so tight, resting his face in your hair without a word. He's simply so overwhelmed that he should ever be so fortunate as to be welcomed home by someone he loves.
NSFW 18+ v
- Raph is a Big Boy and a Strong Boy, and those two facts are never more relevant than when things start getting heated. He's had one or two prior sexual partners (people from his hometown who came onto him- he enjoyed it well enough, but he's WAY more into it after falling for you), so he generally knows what he's doing, but likes a bit of guidance. He worries a lot about hurting you, but also enjoys showing off his strength and stamina for you- so letting you set the pace tends to work best overall.
- He openly loves it when you compliment his muscles and physique, reminding him of just how big and strong he is compared to you and how easily he lifts and positions you. Hearing it from your lips energizes him and makes him more determined than ever to pleasure you and take care of any and all of your needs. He's a bit clumsy about some of the finer operations involved- but honestly, sometimes it's hot enough just to feel his large and powerful fingers spreading you open. It's hard to lament his lack of dexterity when he can so easily fill you and reach your every sensitive spot at once.
- He's really not much one for power-play, or any kind of spicy roleplay. He simply doesn't see the point. Raphael would always rather just tell you openly how amazing and gorgeous you are as you ride his big, thick cock. You're so small even when you're above him, and he can't help wanting to hold you as your stretched out little hole takes him again and again.
- Raphael can resist cumming for a long time for the privilege of getting to fuck as many orgasms out of you as possible. He's got some impressive stamina. He'll lift and reposition you several times, then very carefully ease his huge member back into you, giving you plenty of time to acclimate to him filling you up from a new angle. There's no question that you'll be satisfied by the time he finally cums- but once he's done, he's done. Raphael cums hard, and a good volume, and once he's ridden out his climax, all he wants is to cuddle you on his broad chest and maybe share a snack, then drift off for a nap together.
- I've talked about some general spicy ideas for Hubie before in the past, so definitely check my masterlist for those (I love this miserable bastard so fucking much-). Overall, I see him as a classic, domineering Dom in the bedroom. Hubert needs a certain level of control over everything in his life to feel even a little at-ease, and intimacy is no exception. It won't take long into a relationship with him for it to become clear that he's happiest and most satisfied when you're a good, docile little pet for him.
- It's not extremely obvious at first, but Hubert's body is very sensitive and very touch-shy, simply due to lack of exposure. He's had a few sexual partners, though largely for pragmatic, political purposes, so the experience of being with you and wanting so badly to be truly intimate with you is completely new to him. Add this to the fact that, at his core, he still believes you deserve so much better than he could ever give you in all things, and you've got yourself a complex over-thinker in your bed. This is part of why dominating you is so soothing to him. When you're his personal needy kitten, he can direct you as he pleases, catering your treatment to his comfort level.
- Hubert gets very invested in the finer details of your submission. He takes great care to select a collar custom made for you, and will manage everything from your posture to your line of sight to when you're allowed to cum. He does not suffer brats; misbehaving will result in literal hours of punishment, and you're lucky if it only amounts to spanking. He's much more likely to tie you, or even magically restrain you on his bed completely exposed (or in a shamefully erotic outfit) and tease your clit/head of your cock until tears wet your eyes and you beg him to be allowed to cum.
- That all said, if you're a very, very good pet for him- or if you're someone a bit more shy or anxious in bed, he is capable of being a very soft and caring Dom. This even surprises him, but he can't help brushing a gloved hand to your cheek as you take his cock into your pretty lips, and he murmurs, "That's right, my dearest, just like that. You're doing wonderfully- just a little longer for me and I swear that I'll satisfy you."
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kaashiboo · 3 years
ahah heeeey!!!!! can i request kenma, akaashi and sugawara as best friends with gender neutral reader?
thank you for your hard work i really enjoy reading your headcannons (灬º‿º灬)♡
haikyuu boys as your best friend
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┇ kenma, akaashi, and suga
【warnings: none】
➢ general note: ohoho this is a very long one so buckle up!
✎ a/n: aaww this is request is cute! thank you for appreciating my work and i'm so glad you enjoy reading them! take care of yourself!<3
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you've been friends with kenma and kuroo ever since you were a child but you're more close with kenma due to his chill personality.
but that doesn't mean that you're less chaotic
kenma honestly questions himself as to why he's best friends with you
but you're a bit more tolerable than kuroo he guesses.
"say, if i hypothetically and accidentally broke your swi— kenma, you're gonna kill me with your stare." you laugh nervously.
"give it to me." you removed your hand behind your back and gave him his switch with a pout.
"are you mad at me?" you asked, rubbing your nape. awkwardly.
kenma sighed loudly, "yeah."
"oh" your shoulders dropped.
"but it's fine since i already bought a new one. i'm mad because i was planning to give you this one but i guess we have to make someone check it out if it's still repairable." he replied and your eyes lit up in excitement.
"but i don't have the money for it."
"we'll make kuroo pay." he shrugged and you tilted your head in confusion.
"eh? do you really think he would agree to that?"
"i don't know. maybe. just do all his work or compliment him everyday, that might work."
"are you two planning on how to murder me?" kuroo appears out of nowhere, ruffling kenma's and your hair.
"yes." the setter and you answered in unison.
people also wonder how you can keep up with kenma but you're honestly one of the people that can see through him and could tell whether something is bothering him.
and he never hesitated to show you what he really feels. if he's mad then you'd let him vent and let out all his frustrations.
and there were times as well where he just wanted to be away from anyone so you gave him space.
but because he finds you tolerable, he begged you to not distance yourself from him.
now, in terms of YOU being sad, we all know he's not the greatest when it comes to comforting people but he would always find a way to cheer you up like offering you to play games with him.
he would even let you do the interior design of his house in minecraft as long as he can see you're enjoying.
just like what others do, he would typically protect you from mobs while you pick up flowers.
but most of the time, you would have a competition on which person could kill as many mobs as they can.
you also would do stupid challenges that you see on youtube.
and late night walks with him are the best since you never had to worry about bothering him when he rarely sleeps early.
let me rephrase that real quick, it's mostly you walking around while kenma sits on a bench,,, still playing.
but he would occasionally look for you to make sure you weren't lost or kidnapped.
you would eventually get tired so you just... lay on the grass and roll around.
kenma puts down his switch, "what are you doing, y/n?"
"i'm bored. you're not even paying attention." you whispered the last part but he still caught it.
"alright, sorry. stand up now. let's go to the convenience store and crash at kuroo's house." he offered and you immediately agreed.
because the two of you never failed to be in the same class every year, your classmates would be confused since you two would verbally fight and give each other a silent treatment and then one second later, you would give him food and he tries to help you beat the level you're currently on with the game you're playing.
and in the timeskip, the three of you have stable jobs like, rich rich rich very rich.
"at this point, we can be your sugar daddies." kuroo jokes but you paid no attention to him as you were still busy processing with what kenma gave you as a present.
literally everything you need for streaming— heck, you're not even sure if you would use all of them.
but kenma still wanted to drag you along with him to do things that he loves
not that you'd complain about it anyway.
"you're helping me set everything up." you finally recovered from your state of shock and pulled kenma up from your couch.
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and the best 'best friend' award goes to akaashi keiji!
look, just because he's a laid-back person, doesn't mean he's unaware of how to push your buttons.
he would subtly annoy you. so subtle that not everyone could notice that you wanted to murder him on the spot.
"akaashi keiji, i will seriously ki—"
"it's settled then! y/n, please come to my office now." the teacher spoke, making you groan in frustration before standing up but you made sure to purposely step on his foot and he silently winced in pain.
the chat with the teacher didn't take long and when you exited the office, you saw your best friend standing outside, waiting for you with a barely noticeable smirk.
yeah, we might have to take back his award.
you rolled your eyes and walked past him but he grabbed your bag and pulled you back.
"sorry, do i know you?" you scoffed.
"look, i'm sorry. i already told you that you shouldn't sleep in class." he reminded, implying that him dragging you into doing something was a sort of consequence from sleeping in class.
"i know! but you decided to be annoying again and volunteered that i would help with some activity." you complained. he still hasn't let go of your bag but you continued walking which may or may not made it look like you were his pet.
akaashi knows you're not actually mad at him and so he didn't have to bother to apologize again.
"if it makes you feel better, i volunteered first before you. at least we're now both busy."
you didn't respond and continued walking, "where are you going?" he asks.
"i have practice," he said.
"what does that have to do with me?!" you wailed.
"nothing." you facepalmed and let him pull you to the gym.
the first time you met was during middle school. you were crying because you lost a competition and unfortunately for you, akaashi was the one who won.
he tried comforting you but you pushed him away.
akaashi was persistent though. he didn't want you to stay mad at him and so he bothered you everyday until you finally started to warm up to him.
you sighed for the ninth time. deciding to make a paper plane and throw it to akaashi's way.
it fortunately hit his forehead and he 'tsk-ed' at your action but he continued reading the book anyway.
you reached for the plane, crumpling it until it's round.
"i thought you were gonna teach me?" you question and threw the paper at him, again but lucky for him, he caught it.
he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "how am i supposed to teach you if you keep throwing things at me?"
you see, you're smart but there are certain subjects that you really hate and you coincidentally got sick during a discussion and now you and akaashi are currently studying in the library.
he knows he could have just lent you his notes and you can just take a photo of it but he wouldn't let you do that because his reasoning was, "you'll learn better if you write it down." you've complained to him about it many times and he'll eventually get tired and not give you anything so now you've learned your lesson,
don't annoy keiji.
but sometimes, he's kind enough to cover for you when you're asleep during class and would lie to the teachers by saying you're sick.
which rarely happens since he doesn't always tolerate you so being friends with him feels like having a parent watch you all the time.
"maybe if i befriended konoha then i'm already done with this." you huffed.
"he doesn't have the patience to deal with you, y/n." you let out an offended gasp before throwing your pencil case at him.
honestly speaking, the two of you get along really well. you're more talkative and he tends to listen to your rants a lot.
and of course, he would also share to you how his day went and how he found a new way to get bokuto out of his emo mode.
hanging out with him outside of school can be chaotic at times.
especially if you decide to go to the arcade because expect him to tease you a lot when you couldn't get the prize you wanted.
he would help you though:)
and since you two are a popular duo, you would often get a lot of confessions from boys and akaashi would ramble about how it's a waste of time and that you should focus on your studies.
but he would also reassure you that he'll support you no matter what decision you make.
in conclusion, he's a bit confusing and indecisive but he just wants the best for you but then he would also start thinking that he's being controlling of your own life.
akaashi also can't keep his cool sometimes,
"i can't believe they cheated on me." you hugged your legs closer to your chest as you sob.
his practice was already over but he insisted that the two of you stay at the gym so that you could talk to him about your problems.
"they’re an asshole, y/n." he replied.
usually, he would rub circles on your back when you're crying but this time, he stayed still on his seat so you glanced at him and frowned.
"you weren't even paying attention," you said.
"i was," he stopped typing on his phone to look at you.
"i was just searching up ways how to murder someone without getting caught." he joked and you chuckled.
"just kidding. i was ordering your favorite food. now stand up and wipe your tears. don't let that asshole see you vulnerable. show him that you don't even need him in the first place because you don't need anyone, 'kay?" he pulled you up and nodded at his advice.
"except for me, of course. how else would you be alive if it weren't for me?"
"i have my own parents." you rolled your eyes playfully.
"they don't love you— they prefer me." he teased once again. earning a punch from you.
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like sureeee he would help you most of the time
but he's also the same person that would get you in trouble.
"vice principal, i am so sorry! i didn't mean to knock off your wig! please don't suspend me—"
"it's fine, l/n. just go and don't tell anyone." the old man sighed.
you bowed and left, running to where suga was standing.
you saw your friend biting his lower lip to stifle a laugh.
you glared at him but you couldn't help but to cackle at what happened and now you two are being noisy in the hallway that made others look at you weirdly.
"i told you, he's bald!" he exclaimed and your laugh couldn't get any louder until you start coughing from the lack of oxygen.
"oH MY GOD— DON'T DIE ON ME Y/N," he said dramatically before offering you a bottle of water.
"you're so dramatic, please shut up." you rolled your eyes after drinking.
you and suga have been arguing for a week about how he witnessed himself how the vice principal's wig flew off and it was too good to be true so you didn't believe him.
not until your beloved best friend pushed you to the vp's direction accidentally.
you were taller than the old man so when you bumped into him, you wanted to grab onto something for support but instead, you knocked off his hairpiece.
and suga ran away instead of helping you.
we love a supportive friend.
"well at least he was kind enough to not give you a punishment." suga shrugged and you just nodded your head in agreement.
when you transferred to karasuno during second year, you luckily met suga when you asked for directions.
you two were in the same class so he accompanied you the whole day.
he was very talkative and you loved hearing him talk about volleyball.
at first, you admired him for how approachable and kind he is
but now you just want to kick him.
"i said he wasn't my crush!" you convinced him but suga ony hummed in response.
"but you were staring at him with heart eyes." he quirked a brow.
"i wasn't!"
"you were!"
"i wasn't!"
"you we—"
"suga and y/n, that's enough." daichi sighed. pushing the two of you apart from each other.
"daichi! your vice captain is being annoying again."
"daichi, did you know that y/n has a crush on y—" his words were cut off when you covered his mouth with your hand and he had no choice but to bite your palm and you backed away in disgust.
"i don't like you anymore." you huffed and he just ruffled your hair.
"ah really now?" he smiled but you knew that behind that smile was an evil intention.
"nevermind." you muttered. not trusting your own friend.
oh and your parents adore suga.
like, they know you have other friends as well but suga is the only person they trust to be with you all the time.
and honestly, you agree with them. no words or numbers could describe how much you trust the setter.
despite his naughty and chaotic attitude, he always takes care of you.
kind of like akaashi but he's a bit more loose.
he's very good at giving you advice.
he's also the type of friend that sulks when you miss a game.
like, he would literally ignore you.
and now you're struggling how to make him forgive you.
"kōshi, enough. you've been ignoring me for a week! it was just one game, come on." you persuaded, poking his side but he didn't budge and continued writing down notes.
"i'm sorry for missing your game. i swear, it was an accident! i would never miss your next match again!"
he shifted in his seat and your eyes were filled with hope.
he looks at you with a slight hint of disappointment, "even if i'm not a regular anymore?" the question caught you off guard.
"what do you mean?" he remained quiet and you took that as a sign that he didn't wanna talk and so you impatiently waited for classes to be over.
as soon as you were dismissed, you pulled him out of the classroom to take him to your favorite spot just near the gym.
"i don't like how you're doubting my ability to support you. it doesn't matter what you do— heck, you could even commit a crime and i might bail you out of jail." you uttered. finally breaking the silence that engulfed the two of you the past few minutes.
you struggle with expressing how you feel sometimes and being able to decipher your analogies is one of suga's skills.
"your comforting skill is top tier." he replied.
you know how he would playfully hit his teammates? he'd do the same to you but he would only give you head pats, not wanting to hurt you physically.
and you unexpectedly just learned how to love it.
it somehow inspires you to work harder since he only gives you head pats when you achieve something and it's his way of congratulating you!
he also likes to drag you along with him. he wants to watch a movie? he would buy an extra ticket just for you!
but sometimes, he would whine about being broke when he's with you🤡
would also be ready to make a presentation as to why you are his platonic soulmate.
please just agree with him so he won't be sad</3
last but not the least, gossiping.
literally, the two of you will not call it a day if you haven't talked about any issues at all.
so even if you were sleepy, he would call or text you in the middle of the night and be like, 'tea time?'
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aaahh imagine how shock i was when i saw that this was about 2k words overall AHAHA. i know that akaashi's part seems a bit off but honestly i just imagine him being a bit mischevious and more open to people he's genuinely close with so yeah! i had so much fun writing but i feel bad becaue it was so long- anyway, thank you for reading!<3
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mobagehelllocal · 3 years
I saw that your ask box is open for headcanons so i was wondering if you could do a headcanon of the octavinelle trio vil on how they would confess to their fem!crush
A/N: *holds head* ... JADE LEECH... CONFESSING HIS L L L  LO V L OV LOVE LO... *grips head* *ai.exe stopped* Just in time for Valentines too.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is typically a cool and collected guy. He tries very hard to maintain that façade--especially around you. He wants to look cool to you, he wants to become someone worthy of admiration and love.
He’ll try to be even more polished around his crush. Perhaps even orchestrating events that will let him appear even cooler. He’ll probably do this a lot leading up to his confession with you--which is the grand event.
Yes, he’s been planning a lot of things. Especially making sure that his image is at it’s best right up to his confession to you. He wants you to see him at his best, he wants you to remember him at his best. 
His confession is grandiose--he might take you out on a date to wherever it is you enjoy the most before he brings you to a private section of Mostro Lounge especially prepared for this very day--this very moment. It’s private and beautiful. 
He’s sweating bullets--his hands are shaking as you look around in awe and compliment him for every single thing you did today. So now is the moment--it’s time for him to confess his feelings--!
And he does. Except not quite the way he wanted to do it. He had a speech planned you see. He had memorized the thing and it’s printed onto an incredibly wrinkled piece of paper that’s in his pocket but--but in the face of you, that all falls away and what leaves his lip is: “I love you please date me.” 
Azul is horrified. His face turns completely red--and once he notices your shell shocked expression he starts to internally panic. His mind goes straight into the worse possible scenario--you being disgusted with him and wanting nothing to do with him. It’s enough for him to start tearing up on stop. This was so important to him and he fucked up yet again. 
Until you reach forward--clasp his shaking hands in your palm and tell him that “I love you too” and “yes, I’ll be happy to date you.” His tears of embarrassment immediately become tears of joy. (“By the way...” his voice is muffled on the curve of your neck. “Can you pretend the embarrassing part didn’t happen?” “Nonsense, I love all bits of you Azul.” “... sniff... sob.”)
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Jade Leech
Jade Leech strikes me as the type who wouldn’t ever verbally confess his feelings for you. I think he’s... the type of person who will simply appear at your side and would also help you.
Somewhere along the way, you’ll look up and realize that you’re actually already dating Jade Leech. People are intimidated by you by virtue of the fact they don’t want to upset your terrifying boyfriend. 
Asking him if you’re in a relationship together will just make a wide enigmatic smile curl up on his lips--and if you ask him if he loved you well--he’s likely to bend over and brush his lips against your forehead... before skilfully evading the need to answer. 
One reason he won’t ever verbalize his adoration for you is because... it simply gives you too much power over him. As much as Jade adores surprises, he doesn’t like not having control. Sure he’ll enjoy the brief moments in which you wrestle control for him--but rest assured he will get it back. 
He also genuinely thinks that words are ultimately meaningless. How many times has he spun lies using words? It’s so easy to fake sincerity in the voice... So no, Jade isn’t going to tell you those three words anytime soon. 
He is a person who expresses his love in actions--perhaps always tending to you when you show up at Mostro Lounge... maybe by being always willing to help you (with a certain price!) with whatever you need... 
It might frustrate you (especially if your love language is words of affirmation)--but it’s something he won’t budge on, perhaps telling you his exact thoughts about what he thinks of words.  
Maybe one day--on a very special day of course--he might soften, lean down, and whisper, “I must confess, I never thought one person could hold my fascination so... Mhm, but it isn’t just fascination. These feelings... Why, I do believe I love you dearly, my flower.” 
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Floyd Leech
Much like his brother, he doesn’t think he needs to say it. He’s the type of person who shares or expresses his adoration for you through physical touch. Constantly holding you whenever he’s with you.
He gets increasingly territorial too, perhaps trying to bite off hands that are about to touch you in any way... And when you, amused but exasperated tell him he should really stop doing that--he’ll pout and go: “But you’re mine!”
Oh. Oh. Did Floyd Leech think the two of you were already in a relationship with each other? You can desperately try to correct him with red cheeks. 
“That’s not how relationships... just start Floyd. You need to... confess. Tell the other person you lo--like them... That you want to be with them.” Floyd will listen to all of this attentively, blinking down at you with wide eyes before he’ll lean closer with a wide grin.
“Shrimpy! I liiiiiiiiiike you sooooo muuuuch!” He chirped, “So from now on, we can date for real right? Right?” He’s not going to let you refuse easily, after all--he did it exactly as you had asked him to. 
At the end, Floyd never properly confessed because he just didn’t think it was necessary. He liked you a lot and therefore he clung onto you like a literal leech (heh).
After being told of how important those words are, do brace your heart because he’s going to constantly use those words against you. He’s going to overwhelm you by constantly telling you how much he likes you. 
And he’s also going to be even more physically affectionate with you--especially on the days when you tell him of your love in turn. 
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Vil Schoenheit 
Vil having a crush on someone is... I think something even he himself would be confused about. He’s someone who has focused so much energy and time into his career. 
He’s used to receiving love and adoration... and sure he’s probably had some dating scandals as well but... Genuinely falling in love with someone? Needing--wanting this person to be his alone? It baffles him. 
I think a lot of this is also him having to deal with his own feelings--a part of him is also in deep self-denial over it. He’s going to convince himself that it’s nothing and honestly he can almost get away with it until... he gets severely jealous. 
If you’re someone who only has eyes for him in the first place, he’s going to be highly pleased--your compliments make him even more confident and prideful in his himself.
However... there’s still the matter of actually confessing his feelings to you. I can actually imagine him being opposed to doing it... If anything, I feel like he’d want you to make the first move instead of him. 
He might tease you a little though, dangle the prospect of being in a relationship with him right in front of your eyes just to entice you--to see if perhaps you want this as much as he does as well. I think it’s something where the both of you are naturally aware that you’re at cusp of a relationship--but not quite.
Eventually he’ll sit you down to talk to you about dating. He does it... very formally and stiffly too. Less of a confession... and more sounding like some sort of contract really. “Are you listening potato? Do you know what it entails? Being in a relationship with me--” He rattles off about exactly that, because he’s a celebrity.  
When you reassure him that despite the need for secrecy--that you do love him, and what matters is that you’re both aware of exactly where you stand then--his shoulders slacken in relief. There’s vulnerability there on Vil Schoenheit’s face as he presses his forehead against yours, whispering: “... I’m glad. I want all of this too, darling. Regardless of where it takes us... I... love you.” 
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hualianff · 3 years
Untethered (Bonus II) 《Bonus I》
For the first time in his life, XL feels like he can speak without the pressures and expectations of being a prince weighing down on his shoulders. He watches his facial expressions in the mirror as he rambles about the various meetings he had for the day. The subtle dancing of his eyebrows, rapid blinking of his eyes, and pinched corners of his lips—all indicative of how animated he is when summarizing his duties that seemed more like work than anything else.
The fact that HC is here, brushing his hair, and listening with occasional intrigued hums make XL reinvigorated as his role as prince. Despite the demanding energy, control, and fairness the role takes, XL is incredibly grateful for the privilege and promises himself to continue to fulfill this purpose to the best of his abilities.
So far, XL believes he’s done a sufficient job, preparing to ascend to the throne. After hearing him speak, he secretly hopes HC thinks so too.
“Ah, San Lang, thank you for kindly tending to my hair. It looks wonderful,” XL says once he feels the final knots come undone by HC’s broad strokes.
“Of course it looks wonderful. It is His Highness, after all,” the pirate captain comments smoothly. XL can’t help but smile at the compliment.
HC goes to place the comb back on the vanity. He switches it out for a short ribbon that shimmers silver when hit by the moonlight.
“Allow me to do one more thing,” HC adds. He gathers all of XL’s hair to fall behind his shoulders, the strands still a bit damp. With practiced movements, HC parts the prince’s hair into three sections, then begins braiding the pieces into a thick, tight section.
XL licks his lips in anticipation. Though he’s had his hair styled a thousand times before, this is HC who currently braids his long locks, a gesture that seems a bit intimate.
Not that you mind, XL briefly thinks.
“How have the last few weeks treated San Lang?” He asks, reminding HC of his promise to talk about his days on the ocean. HC pulls the pieces of hair tighter, focused on creating a simple yet consistent and neat braided pattern for the prince.
“Troublesome. There’s a new pirate ship we have encountered several times. They said they want to challenge us for our water territories, which is a load of shit because the sea belongs to no one,” HC spits out heatedly. His tone is harsh but his touch is gentle as ever. “I honestly think the captain wants to mess with me. Make me question my reign as the ‘most feared, ruthless, and violent pirate to sail the waters.’”
“Oh. I see,” XL says hesitantly. He’s not very familiar with the inside knowledge of pirate ways and society other than what is generalized by the public. And the palace’s gossip, of course.
Suddenly, a rush of hot air tickles XL’s ear. XL locks eyes with HC through the mirror, heart stuttering at the dark, hungry look in the pirate’s eye.
“What does His Highness think?”
“Think about what?”
“My reputation. Does the real thing live up to your imagination?” HC questions with a sly smirk, quickly tying the ribbon at the end of the braid, then moving it to fall over XL’s right shoulder. XL only has a few seconds to marvel at the stunning handiwork before HC leans forward even more, urging XL to turn toward him, their faces mere centimeters apart.
The pirate captain smells like manly musk mixed in with the ocean breeze. XL nervously gulps.
“I- um,” XL starts, feeling his face heat up. “Hmm, maybe not entirely...”
HC’s eye slowly flits down XL’s face. XL remains still, mentally kicking himself for wondering what it would feel like to close the small gap and-
“Fair enough,” HC remarks, pulling away, leaving a rush of air in his wake. “I suppose I’m not the madman people say I am. After all, His Highness wouldn’t have let me into his room otherwise, no?”
Something hot burns inside XL’s gut. He had to let HC in! If the pirate were discovered by the palace guards, he’d be imprisoned indefinitely for sure! XL was simply doing an act of service for HC...nothing too outrageous like HC implied.
Nope, none at all.
“You’re blushing.“
“San Lang better take a good look around lest this is the only time I invite him into my room,” XL huffs out, resolutely facing forward and avoiding HC’s penetrating gaze.
“Forgive me, Your Highness. I was simply teasing,” HC says, though he doesn’t sound all that apologetic. “A prince like you must have many admirers to choose from. I shall not take this privilege for granted.”
“Admirers? Where on Earth did you get that from?” XL asks, appalled. He hasn’t taken interest in any of the brides his father provided, much less traveled to other kingdoms in a serious pursuit to find one to marry.
“Is there not a ball happening this coming week? For you to choose a suitable woman to become your queen?” HC inquiries nonchalantly. He tucks a rogue curl behind XL’s ear, the prince subtly leaning into the touch.
XL whips around in astonishment, braid flying to his other shoulder.
“How did you know!?”
“I have ears on land, my prince. Even when I’m out sailing the sea,” HC says. “We have also passed numerous royal ships carrying your guests for the celebration.”
XL wilts in his seat.
It’s not much of a celebration if XL hadn’t wanted to host an engagement ball in the first place. Years of his father’s insistent pushing have led to more frequent gatherings with other royalty in hopes that XL finds a fiancé.
Unlike his parents, XL wasn’t betrothed from a young age. Furthermore, he hasn’t expressed  any interest in marriage even once becoming an adult.
(“Your mother and I were married at twenty. You, my son, are already twenty-two,” the king always said. “You should quickly find a princess who catches your eye. The sooner you get yourself a wife, the sooner she will start learning her duties as queen.”)
XL has successfully put off marriage for a couple of years, deferring to his rigorous training schedule and duties as prince as an excuse. Fortunately, his mother is willing to let XL take his time, as the king isn’t set to retire anytime soon. After all, XL learning his responsibilities as king is the most important task.
HC instantly notices XL’s deflated expression. He attempts to backpedal.
“I had no right to bring that up. If this is something Gege does not want to discuss, then, by all means, he may change the subject,” HC says quietly. Respectfully.
“No. It is fine. It is by no means a secret at all. The ball has been scheduled for weeks now,” XL murmurs while looking at his bare feet. He fiddles with the long braid, smoothing over the tightly wrapped strands absent-mindedly. “I’m not actively looking for a wife or anything. At least, I don’t want to...”
“Your Highness-“
“San Lang.”
HC’s mouth snaps shut. He straightens his back with his shoulders set square, standing at attention in front of the Prince of Xianle.
“Could you do something for me? A small favor, if you will.”
“Anything,” HC immediately answers.
XL subconsciously chews on his lower lip, a habit that his closest friend SQX reprimands him for doing because it tears up both the old and healing skin. Easy to overdo, not a quick fix, SQX claims.
XL rises to his feet. He holds his hand out to the pirate, palm facing upwards.
Where’s My Love – SYML
“Will you dance with me?”
“I’m afraid gege will be sorely disappointed with this one’s lack of skill,” HC says as a matter-of-fact, but he doesn’t hesitate to accept XL’s hand, his long fingers blanketing XL’s own.
The prince’s heart skips a beat as the pirate pulls him close until their chests almost touch. XL feels small; HC’s heeled boots to XL’s bare feet exaggerate their height difference, XL only coming up to HC’s chest.
XL feels small but strangely, he wouldn’t want it any other way.
“San Lang needs only to follow my lead,” XL says, looking up with a smile. He properly intertwines their left and right hands, then places HC’s other hand on his shoulder. Finally, XL goes to hold the pirate’s waist, the thin fabric giving way to the hard muscle underneath.
“Gege must have danced with a lot of pretty women before,” HC muses, moving his feet as XL slowly guides him into a waltz. XL hopes it isn’t just him imagining a slow, romantic piece to harmonize their movements.
“Is San Lang jealous?” XL asks without thinking.
Goodness, did those words seriously just come out of his mouth? Other than his eyes widening in slight horror, XL schools his face into a calm expression, not wanting to seem conceited or even desperate.
HC peers down with a lazy smirk, almost crowding into the prince as they turn to dance in a circle. Despite XL’s effort to appear unfazed by the prospect of HC envying those who’ve had the opportunity to dance with the Prince of Xianle, the pirate still catches the hopeful flicker of XL’s eyelashes.
“A little bit. Though in a way, I’ve had my fair share of dances with Gege myself,” HC states proudly, referring back to their previous sparring sessions. The break in focus has HC stumbling over his feet, prompting XL to squeeze his waist as a reprimand to concentrate.
“Ah, yes. San Lang’s skill is undeniable in that aspect,” XL says, laughing. “He’s also the first and only man I’ve danced ever with.”
“What an honor,” HC purrs out, and then he lowers XL into an abrupt dip, holding the prince by his hip and upper back.
XL’s breath hitches, wondering how they seamlessly switched positions. HC tenderly stares down at the prince, a twinkle dimly reflecting in his left eye.
“San Lang...” XL whispers, clutching onto HC’s shoulders. His long braid feels heavy like rope where it hangs down, nearly touching the ground.
“Your Highness.”
Their faces are millimeters apart, skimming each other’s noses. They’ve never been this close before, especially not in the absence of any sort of weapon. No one besides the king and queen, palace servants, and bodyguards are even allowed to touch the prince.
Now here he is, in the arms of the infamous Crimson Rain, on the verge of letting himself want.
Tentatively, XL licks his lips before asking, “Why do you always come back?”
“Gege knows this answer too,” HC solemnly says.
XL tilts his chin up, eyelids starting to lower.
“I come back for you, my dear Prince.”
As HC leans down—still supporting XL’s weight—XL meets him halfway for their first proper kiss, alone together in the prince’s room where the pale moonlight spills through the balcony doors. It’s a light and airy peck, one that ends way too soon for XL’s liking.
When they pull apart, HC stands XL back up. The pirate notices XL’s robe has slid off one shoulder. He goes to pull it back up but XL quickly grasps his jaw for another kiss instead.
They part again.
“Just...one more-“ XL breathes out, adrenaline coursing through his veins. HC’s lips are warm and firm, easily pliable as they press deliciously against XL’s own. “...one more.”
HC gladly obliges.
Their kisses gradually pick up in pace, HC’s hands respectively exploring the span of XL’s back, his hips, and sides. XL eagerly pulls HC over to the edge of his bed, spinning them around so he can climb onto the pirate’s lap.
HC groans low in his throat, comfortably looping his arms around XL’s waist.
At this point, all of XL’s reservations have been cast aside and he’s going to act on the desires concerning a certain pirate that have been taunting him for months now, damn it.
XL surges forward with a force that knocks HC back against the soft mattress.
“Your Highness,” HC growls between kisses, still trying to cover up XL’s shoulder, and now his chest where the robe is loose enough to reveal noticeable cleavage. XL shifts a bit to align their hips, unintentionally rubbing against HC. “Shit-“
“Hua Cheng-“ XL hums, belatedly realizing his slip up. HC nips at his lip for his mistake.
“San L-lang,” XL mewls like the starved for affection prince that he is. HC’s tongue darts out to swipe across XL’s upper lip. Then, his lower lip.
XL naturally opens up for him, gasping as HC’s hot tongue licks inside his mouth with a dominance that consumes XL. The more XL lets his lust cloud his movement, the faster he feels himself harden.
When XL’s hands brush along HC’s hair, they accidentally graze onto his eyepatch. HC grunts in surprise, which has XL springing back as the situation of the last five minutes dawns upon him.
He sits up on HC’s thighs, placing his palms on the pirate’s chest. Underneath him, HC is a gorgeous vision–thick, wavy hair splayed out on XL’s pillow, lips swollen and spit-slicked.
“Oh my- oh my lord,” XL chokes out, completely breathless. “Was- was that t-too much?”
“Not at all, Your Highness,” HC replies with a rogue-ish smirk. “Come here.”
HC embraces his prince with long arms, squeezing tightly and pressing a series of kisses to the top of XL’s head. XL hesitantly rests his cheek on HC’s sternum, aware of how close their bodies are pressed together.
“Who knew Gege could kiss like that?”
“Like what?” XL questions petulantly.
“Like a shameless minx,” the pirate captain answers, chuckling when XL whines at the implication.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” XL shyly admits.
“Me too,” HC murmurs. XL lifts his head, crosses his arms on HC’s chest, then sets his chin on them. “Since the moment I saw you sitting alone at the pub.”
“You wanted to kiss the crown prince at first sight?” XL asks, pretending to be scandalized. HC kisses the tip of XL’s nose. XL scrunches it up in response.
“Hmm, my prince now.”
“Well, your prince would very much like it if San Lang stays the night.”
“I must be back at the harbor before dawn,” HC says, stroking XL’s hair. “However, I can most certainly afford to accompany Gege while he sleeps.”
XL happily snuggles close to HC, not worrying quite so much about the ball now that he has something going on with HC. To his astonishment, the pirate seems to return his affections quite enthusiastically. As a prince with the duty to serve his people, XL reckons he deserves this moment of happiness.
After another hour of blissful exchanging kisses and aimless conversation, XL feels himself begin to drift. He hears a whispered promise from HC who protectively curls around him.
“I will never bring you harm, Your Highness. Your heart is safe with me.”
XL falls asleep into a dreamless slumber.
As if it happens in slow motion, XL swings the sword with all the power he possesses. HC’s arms stretch open in vulnerability, lips forming into a small, understanding smile.
Something inside XL shatters. The familiar term of endearment is for XL’s ears only. His heart pounds against his rib cage with the ferocity of an imprisoned soul, screaming at XL to ask not what he would wish for in death, but what is he willing to live for?
The answer is right in front of him.
“I’m back.”
Three things happen at once.
A deafening BOOM fires at the royal ship from the opposite direction, pitch-black flags with the symbolic skeleton of a fish piercing through the chilly air.
Simultaneously, a blinding flash of lightning strikes across the sky, signaling an even more intense downpour of rain that obscures everyone’s vision. Surprised screams echo somewhat mutely among the roaring winds.
Lastly, XL swings his sword so it barely skims the open blouse HC wears and keeps rotating until it crosses behind him, where he lets it go flying back to the royal ship.
At that moment, XL leaps forward into HC’s embrace, where those long arms encircle his waist, and both men are sent tumbling down into the crashing waves of the raging ocean.
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downfordiluc · 3 years
Albedo x G/N reader.
No warnings needed. Just pure fluff.
Synopsis // you always felt as if Albedo's work was his priority, and yet, in a room full of experiments and results, all he sees is you.
Author's notes // My obsession with Albedo grows every day, send help. He's too beautiful for this world.
All works are entirely my own - downfordiluc (wattpad & tumblr)
Albedo had never been one who attached a tangible value to relationships with other people. Obviously, he valued professional relationships and cared about his family, but romance and friendship were never bonds he really sought after or felt a need to maintain. Any friendships he did consider himself to have were purely circumstantial and didn't venture past the boundaries of his workplace, and he was content with that; content with being alone. That was until he met you.
"Alone and lonely are not synonymous", was something he caught himself saying to Kaeya one time, who had pointed out that he was often the only person in his laboratory for hours, if not days on end. Truth be told though, Albedo quite enjoyed being by himself and even relished the time he spent being the only heartbeat in the room - unless his experiments ventured into living organisms. He tended to drown out anyone talking to him while he was concentrating regardless, preferring to communicate with people like Sucrose and Timaeus through paperwork and statistics, rather than sentences. And yet, right now, there were two heartbeats in the room, as well as a slight whining sound, as he got nudged in the shins.
"You said you'd be done with this an hour agooo!", the dig in his leg was so soft that he didn't even glance upwards from the test tube he was concentrated on swirling in front of him - bright aqua slowly fading to a crystal clear liquid, sparkling as it spiralled.
Without warning, a warm hand was placed upon yours, his thumb running along the top of your wrist, leaving a trail of warmth as it traveled. For a man who wasn't very fond of socializing, he knew how to say a thousand words with just one movement, and you knew he was sorry for taking so long. His work was what you always considered his priority in life, and keeping realistic about this and knowing you could probably never take that place was what kept you sane on nights like this. Nights where he promised to watch the sunset with you, but the stars were now twinkling in the night sky through the small window of his lab.
The way he watched the colours whirl and merge into one was an alluring sight, his eyes transfixed on the liquid, scanning it inquisitively, and you noticed the colour of the substance was almost a direct match to that of his beautiful, twinkling irises. It was the way he looked at you. The curiosity and fascination flickering behind his eyes, burning in his brain, made your knees weak, as he would scan you up and down. Feelings of doubt and anxiety would always follow in tow, but he stopped them in their tracks.
"You look beautiful today."
Fingers intertwining with yours pulled you delicately out of your daydream, as your eyes flicked up to his own, giving you that exact, disarming look, as you noticed his work pushed aside. Alchemy is purely scientific and has no real link to matters of the heart, and yet you could swear he had cracked the code of love too. His gaze felt calculated and precise, melting you in an instant like one of his experiments. You were an experiment to him in a way - an experiment in romance - and you really hoped he was satisfied with the results.
You knew you were.
Heat spread itself across your face, a pale pink hue dusting across the bridge of your nose and cheeks, as you registered his spontaneous compliment. It wasn't often you saw Albedo smile, so you cherished the fleeting moments when his lips curled up and his eyes glittered that little bit more. Just like that, any lingering frustration you had with him for taking so long faded out of existence, leaving only your infatuation with the one you could proudly call your own. He truly was captivating, and the best part was, he had absolutely no idea. He had no idea that he was beautiful too.
"I made you something, [Y/N].". You pouted slightly as his hand left your own, missing the warmth, as you watched him rummage through the draw on the left of his desk. In his hands, he produced a crystalline bottle. The was glass a pale hue of yellow, reminiscent of his vision glowing faintly under the star on his neck, a mystery you were yet to solve. The way it refracted light scattered little flickers of light all over Albedo's face, like luminescent freckles, and yet they were gone as quickly as they appeared, as he placed the bottle into your turned out hand. The liquid in the bottle glistened similarly to his experiment from earlier, as everything clicked into place.
Holding the bottle up to your nose, you smelled the fragrance of what was inside. Until that moment, you didn't know it was possible for something to smell like warmth, and yet that was exactly what this bottle seemed to encapsulate. Maple, cinnamon, and the smell of autumn captured you lightly, lulling you into an almost drunken sense of happiness. It smelled like cuddles in front of an open fire, but also early morning walks, watching the dew glisten on browning leaves that were slowly cascading from the trees.
September 22nd was the first day of autumn last year, and the day you met Albedo. Light brush strokes adorning the canvas in front of him as he merged hues of orange into hues of pink, perfectly capturing the sunset decorating the sky in front of him. Most people would rush to finish before the sun laid to rest for the night, and yet he took his time, a level of preciseness in each flick of his wrist that you couldn't help but watch, following every movement he made.
"Can I paint you?", the blonde man was now returning your stare, his face void of emotion but his eyes full of eagerness, as he pushed past any defences you had, leaving you with no other response than to say yes.
"How would you like me to stand?" you queried, panicked thoughts darting around your head as you thought you would do nothing but ruin his beautiful artwork. Had he simply pitied you?
"Just like that, you look perfect as is."
At the time, Albedo had no romantic intentions behind this sentence, and yet it had you mesmerised. On this crisp, Autumn evening, you became besotted with the man in front of you, and from this moment on, you would be his muse.
Soft footsteps circled the desk, the sound barely filling the room, as Albedo stood behind you, trapping you in your chair, as you could faintly feel him pressed against your back.
"Albedo?" you questioned, as you felt his breath on your neck, an involuntary shudder following in suit. His presence was short-lived, however, as he trailed his fingers down your arm, goosebumps forming on the tracks he left, as his fingertips landed on the bottle he had given you. He was ethereal.
"Do you like it?"
His enchanting voice hummed against your skin, as you could feel his hair tickling the side of your neck, his lips hovering just inches away from your ear. It took every inch of your willpower to not turn your head and kiss him, and yet you stood your ground, relishing the feeling of being this close with him, knowing these moments were often transient.
"I love it." You spoke softly, controlling your voice that threatened to waver due to his affectionate manner. You had been watching him for hours, as he barely paid notice to you. You had analysed his every feature time and time again today alone, watching every shining hair that had slipped out of his braid and fallen into his face, wanting nothing more than to brush it behind his ear. Luckily this was one of your favourite ways to spend your time, watching him work, and admiring his devotion. He was dedicated, loyal and committed, and these qualities went farther than just his work, which left you feeling secure and loved every night that you slept alone, the other side of the bed growing cold without his presence.
Without warning, a light mist fell upon your exposed neck and collarbone, yet again eliciting goosebumps, as the scent of the perfume he had created made its way up to you, softening you instantly as a sigh of pure euphoria escaped your previously smiling lips. This smile only widened, as he placed a delicate kiss behind your left ear, stroking your hair lightly as he did, reminding you of how much you longed to do so as the hours passed. The spot his lips had rested felt as though it glowed almost as brightly as the vision on his chest did, as it radiated heat long after he had departed.
"I love you." softly escaped your lips, as you turned to face him, looking up at the man who made you feel as though you were floating on delirium and bliss. His head tilted ever so slightly to the side, and yet again, he gave you that stare. The one that made you feel like the results of an experiment, every small feature being perused. You wouldn't be surprised if he had facial expressions down to a science, knowing exactly what every movement of all 42 muscles in a person's face meant. If that was the case, he could see just how in love with him you were at that moment.
"You didn't think I'd forget the anniversary of the day we met, did you?"
Like a deer in headlights, your eyes widened and your lips parted ever so slightly in shock, as Albedo gave you a soft yet sultry look, a smirk creeping upon his lips. How could he read you like a book, and yet you couldn't decipher a single thing he was thinking?
"You didn't forget, did you, [Y/N]?"
Most people would have looked offended, or more light-hearted individuals might have feigned said offence, and yet Albedo's face didn't move an inch, as he kept his gaze transfixed upon you.
"N-No, of course I didn't. I just didn't want you to feel bad if you had.", you stuttered when you were nervous, and this man had left you nothing but a ball of anxiety, as you had almost forgotten to give him his own gift. From your pocket, you produced a small pin of Prithiva Topaz, the shape identical to the star on his neck that you adored so much; a testament to how much of an enigma this man was to you. Slowly rising from your chair, you placed one hand on his chest, grasping at the belt that crossed over his body. Where the black leather of his belt met the gold embellishments that came over his shoulder, there was an empty circle, and so you pinned on the brooch, directly in the centre, your hands lingering ever so slightly, not wanting to take them off of him.
"I love you too." he whispered above you, which led to you looking up at him, your eyes full of endearment for your one and only. A lock of his hair hovered just above your eyes, and so you gave in to your day-long wish, reaching up and tucking it lightly behind his ear, stroking along the strand as your hand left. And yet he caught it, holding it lightly in his own, and kissing it lightly, just above your knuckles. You could not get enough of the feeling.
"Now, I hate to do this to you, but I really must finish this research, but you're free to do whatever you want with my hair as I do.".
Your lover quickly transformed back into the alchemist he prided himself in being, as he sat back down in his chair, pulling your own next to his. Once again, you found yourself wondering how he could read your every thought and emotion with almost frightening accuracy, and you settled on the conclusion that his genius was simply immeasurable by your own standards. All that mattered to you was that if he truly had the power to decrypt your every thought, he was fully aware of the overflowing feelings for him that filled your beating heart daily.
And so, for the rest of the night, your hands brushed through his hair, braiding it once, twice, thrice, as he leaned ever so slightly into your touch, giving you reassuring hums as he shuffled the papers below him. Suddenly, watching the moon rise wasn't so bad, as long as this moment lasted until the sun came up, and you could watch the sunrise together.
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modern-inheritance · 3 years
I don’t really know where I’m going with this but do you have any Oromis/Morzan headcanons? Before or during the fall, or Oromis’ feelings towards Morzan afterwards?
I have a few! More than a few apparently, I'm just finishing this up and uh...yeah that got longer than I thought!
I’m going to do my best to leave Glaedr and Morzan’s dragon out of these because while they’re large parts of each other's lives and even maybe personalities considering how deeply bonded Riders and their dragons can be, I want to be sure I’m keeping the characters separate. Kinda like how you shouldn’t constantly group identical twins together as a single entity, ya know?
Alright let's start off with Morzan. Time for some backstory!
Modern Inheritance!Morzan
Morzan was born into a family of low level nobles. By the time Morzan was about six or seven though, the family had fallen out of favor and was struggling to keep up appearances, spending money they didn’t necessarily have on lavish items and acting increasingly narcissistic in a desperate attempt to hold onto the standing and power they once had.
Morzan probably started showing antisocial behavior around this time, mainly impulsive petty theft, inserting himself in dangerous situations, and manipulation through charm with adults and intimidation and violence with other children. Due to his family’s last shreds of political strength and their long time in the area, most of these incidents were swept under the rug or outright ignored by his family. This generally left a very angry, disgusted-with-others, burgeoning narcissistic young Morzan to his own devices.
When Morzan was chosen by his dragon, his parents were quietly glad that he wouldn’t be their responsibility anymore. They didn’t disclose any of his troubling behaviors and Morzan was quick to understand that he would need to tamp the more obvious ones down and manipulate others into hiding his transgressions.
Despite all this, Morzan and his dragon do deeply care for each other. Due to Morzan’s mind linking with the hatchling, there was a sort of evening out of his behaviors as some were ‘shared’ do the hatchling and some of the hatchling’s personality was ‘shared’ with Morzan. This is what helped Morzan fly under the radar for so much longer until his eventual betrayal.
On a lighter note, Morzan shot up like a weed when he hit puberty, once growing nearly five inches (~12.7 cm) over the span of a year. It took a year or so for his muscles to visibly bulk up, so he was this tall gangly teenager for a while. His clothes constantly needed altering.
Initially Morzan doesn’t really know what to think of Oromis and Glaedr. His family was always distracted from giving him the attention and nurturing he needed, and suddenly he has not only this baby dragon who he can share his frustrations and emotions with but also parental figures.
Eventually he warmed up to them, but more in the sense that he became attached to their attention and the praise he got when he did well in magic and other lessons. He didn’t showboat as much, but would push himself to get more compliments, praise and attention from Oromis. Oromis saw this more as Morzan taking his training seriously. There were a few instances of Morzan and his dragon being pointed out as instigators of some scuffles or small acts of possible, unproven acts of sabotage harming or tripping up other Riders-in-training, but these were generally believed to be accidents or bad luck.
Morzan’s bullying and belittling of Brom was the result of Morzan feeling like his unfettered access to Oromis and Glaedr’s attention was being threatened. He knew he couldn’t get away with physically injuring Brom and Saphira I, so his physical actions never really went past ‘accidental’ full force hits in sparring and roughhousing. If Brom got praise or compliments from Oromis, Morzan would seethe quietly, eventually exploding in rage at some later point after it built up. Again, Oromis merely thought this was just adolescent growing pains.
Wooo! That is getting LONG, eh? I’ve got more, but for now I’m going to move on to Oromis and his feelings around Morzan’s betrayal and link you to whatever extra stuff I add later. I’m really unsure about the timeline of when Morzan betrayed the Riders and when it was known that he had, so I’m mostly going to skip that chunk. Let's go!
Modern Inheritance!Oromis
Even without 100% knowing/being sure of Morzan’s betrayal, I think there was a whirlwind of confusion and general chaos when Galbatorix murdered Shurikan’s original Rider. Who was a child. A Rider had murdered a child Rider and while everyone knew Galbatorix was unstable I don’t think anyone would have expected that. Oromis was swept up in all this and didn’t have time to really ask where Morzan was. I mean, Morzan was a grown man at that point and well beyond Oromis’s control.
Morzan’s involvement was probably confirmed without a doubt at the initial attack on Ilirea, and Oromis and Glaedr didn’t have time to process this until after their brief capture.
Oromis felt some really strong guilt. That’s putting it bluntly.  Let’s expand it, shall we?
First off, I think Oromis felt some guilt over not being able to help in the sort of final big battle at Ilirea. He was previously quite powerful since he was on the council that refused Galbatorix a new dragon (that’s a whole other topic to look at later on btw), and despite his age and wisdom I think it’s safe to assume that any sudden event causing massive life changes can be pretty shocking. Oromis felt powerless and after the deaths that occured in Galbatorix’s initial attack with the Forsworn on the Riders, I think he knew that there would be more. And all he and Glaedr could do was hide in Ellesméra and tend to their wounds and new maladies.
As they healed I’m pretty sure Oromis spent a lot of time thinking ‘how could I have stopped this?’ Hindsight is...well, whatever-elves-have/20, and Oromis would have put all the signs together that were telling him that there was something off about Morzan from the start. He probably thought subconsciously that he was fixing Morzan and didn’t want to acknowledge just how dangerous that little 10 year old boy and scrawny hatchling he had met all those years ago had become as he grew. There was also a lot of guilt post-Ilirea’s final fall around not protecting Brom from Morzan enough, and feeling like a lot of Brom’s pain was Oromis’s own fault because of this.
Oh man, Oromis also has heaps of survivors guilt about the Riders that, while he does work through it and focuses on extending his life to train the next Rider, never really fades completely. He understands that he could not fight in his condition, but there’s always the nagging ‘what if’ questions that can rear up unexpectedly.
Once he learns of Murtagh and Thorn and their forced fealty to Galbatorix, I think Oromis’s guilt probably pushed him over to definitely join the fight at Gil’ead. It’s likely that he feels that if he had separated Brom and Morzan, had taken the signs of Morzan’s growing antisocial disorder seriously and gotten him proper help, and hadn’t been so blind during the Golden Age, then in some strange way he may have prevented everything from happening. Morzan wouldn’t have let Galbatorix into Ilirea, Shruikan wouldn’t have been stolen, the Forsworn wouldn’t have been influenced by Galbatorix and Morzan (who used his manipulative charm to sway some), and it all comes to, in the end, Murtagh and Thorn, both relatively innocent in this and dragged in only due to parentage and some situations which they have no control over, would have never been forced through torture and cruelty to join Galbatorix and fight people they once saw as friends and family.
Overall I think Oromis, while having processed/processing and come to terms with the Riders Fall and the hand he inadvertently had in it due to his connection to and, in some ways, his failures surrounding Morzan, he still carries this deep feeling of guilt. He doesn’t let it simply sit there though, as he pushes himself to be able to train the next generation, but it’s always there.
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH okay that’s what I’ve got for now. Holy shit that’s a lot of bulletpoints, huh? 
I spent some time researching antisocial behavior and Antisocial Personality Disorder, but per usual I want to state that I am by no means an expert, and the behaviors and traits portrayed here are not the only results, symptoms, or scenarios that can occur when someone has antisocial behavior or ASPD. Mental health is a difficult subject to write about, especially when I have no personal or second hand experience with the specifics, and I’m always open to educating myself on these topics. I am doing my best to learn so that I don’t stereotype or offend. If there are comments/concerns/critique please please don’t ever feel bad about messaging me privately, via the comments, via reblog, or through the ask box point out what I got wrong or if you simply want to share your experiences or concerns. 
I’ll probably have more Morzan specific backstory and ideas later on, but for now I need to make some dinner and get to work on the other ask. Cheers!
Thank you again to @siriusly-misunderstood-creatures​ for the ask! I always appreciate asks and comments, they make my brain work!!
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out-of-jams · 3 years
Vesper || jjk
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↠ Vesper↞ “There’s a first time for everything.”
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings/Genre: doberman hybrid!kook. human reader. explicit language. fluff. PG 13. one shot.
This fic is apart of The Hybrid Collab hosted by @jeonggukkiepabo​! A special thank you to Anna for bearing with my idiotic forgetfulness, aka me writing this and then forgetting to post it over my hiatus. 🥴 ᵖˡˢ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵃᵗᵉ ᵐᵉ  (also it’s a lot shorter now than it had been when i’d written it bc sfw lol)
All works here are purely fiction. Everything I write is my intellectual property and therefore belongs to me. ©out-of-jams. Do not copy or repost without permission. That is illegal and you are stealing no matter if you give credit or not
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Cold – adjective.
Definition: freezing your fucking ass off.
You were well acquainted with the word– all but became one with it– what, with how absolutely balls cold out it was. The line to get into Vesper was stretched all the way down the sidewalk outside of the building, and extended out of sight around the corner. Sounds of city life echoed through the streets, cars zooming in between traffic and music leaking out of the bars.
From the crack in Vesper’s backdoor, the beginning’s of a hip-hop song filtered from the expensive sound system. It was loud, eardrum-rattling so, and you closed your eyes, leaning against the brick wall off to the side. A cloud of white left your parted lips as your warm breath hit the biting chill in the air. It was too bad that you were nowhere near drunk enough for the weather not to bother you.
Why you’d chosen to follow your friends out in sub-freezing temperatures was a mystery. You hated clubs, how packed to the walls they were, filled with writhing bodies so close together like sardines. It made you feel utterly claustrophobic, but it was your friend’s birthday and so you couldn’t opt out of following along with the group’s plans for the night. Not that you were ever able to say no to them when they insisted on dragging you out to the place.
Vesper was a popular club that you were sometimes forced to go to, located in the heart of downtown that catered to not only humans, but hybrids as well. It wasn’t the first establishment to do so, seeing as how hybrids integrated into society more than a decade ago. No longer were they as discriminated against as they once were, back when they first came about.
No one was 100% certain on how they’d even come to be; some sort of radiation exposure. The first hybrids had been humans, before they changed, morphed. Due to some sort of exposure to radiation, their cells had multiplied and transformed over the course of a few weeks until half of their genetic makeup resembled animal genes.
While the blatant racism had died out over the years, some, the more elitist members of society, still discriminated against hybrids. Looked down at them because they were born to be ruled more by their animal instincts than their human counterparts. Treated them as less-than because they weren’t completely human, when they were really just misunderstood.
Because of the fact that they were more tapped into their animal side and therefore behaved that way, hybrids used to be seen as beings who could be let loose into society. Who could not “control themselves.” So they took them as pets, tried to tame and sell them.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you fished a cardboard box from the inside pocket of your coat. The sound of you tapping out a white cigarette was in time with the beat of the song pouring outside, and blended in with the cars honking out past the alleyway. Normally, you weren’t one for smoking. But after the stress of college finals week on top of the feeling of the walls closing in on you back inside Vesper, you’d asked one of your friends for their carton in hopes of calming your racing heart.
“Shit,” you murmured as you scoured your pant pockets for a lighter and then groaned when you failed to find one.
Because of course, your luck was anything but lucky and you really didn’t feel like trying to part the sea of sweaty people back inside in search of one. Pursing your lips, you let your head tip back against the brick wall behind you and let your eyes flit over the light polluted sky like it somehow held the answers to all of your life’s problems.
“Need a light?”
The addition of a new voice had you jumping away from the wall with a startled squeak. Hand pressed to your chest as if that would somehow restart your skipping heart, you whirled around. Standing in the now wide-opened back doorway into Vesper was a familiar face. Well, as familiar as a practical stranger could be.
Beneath the single, flickering light in the alley, his black t-shirt with SECURITY printed in white glowed in the surrounding darkness. It stretched itself over his broad shoulders, the bottom tucked into the slim waist of his pants. Your gaze slowly slid up his tanned neck, past his coral colored, pouty lips, sharp jaw, and the straight bridge of his nose. His wavy, dark hair was parted a little off-center, the sides falling over his forehead until it threatened to hide his stare from your view.
Finally, your eyes met his. Framed by long eyelashes, they were a bright, inhuman shade of lilac. Not all hybrids were equipped with the features of one, like a set of sensitive, animal-like ears or even a tail. If a human and a hybrid got together and had children, those kids would end up possessing more human cells than animal. Therefore, their appearances mirrored that.
But they were never completely indiscernible.
Just like every other time you’d ever laid your sights on him, your pulse skyrocketed and your stomach fell through the floor. And also like every other time, you pushed the feeling away and refused to acknowledge it. Because harboring a crush on a man who you’d only conversed with occasionally was a bad idea.
Especially when they were as handsome as he was.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jungkook apologized shyly. His voice wasn’t too deep, nor was it high; lying right in the middle. Switzerland
“No, it’s alright.”
It was notalright, if only because the man made you feel flustered.
The only time the two of you really interacted was whenever he’d be scheduled to man security at Vesper’s entrance checking IDs. A small comment about the weather here, a compliment given with a flash of a smile with the reddening of cheeks there. Hell, the only reason you even knew his name was because it was etched onto the heart of his shirt.
“So,” Jungkook began, still standing in the doorway like some kind of club guardian. “Need a light?” He nodded his head at the unlit white stick tucked between your fingers, his parted hair brushing across his eyebrows with the movement.
“Oh. Yeah, you have one,” you asked.
He answered your query by pulling a lighter from the back of his pants pocket and finally slipped away from the door, leaving it open a crack so the two of you wouldn’t get locked out. The music flooding out from inside quieted down to a barely-there whisper. Pressing the cigarette between your lips, you almost faltered when he stepped close to you.
Jungkook’s body heat practically swallowed you whole as he entered your personal space with a cute smile pulling up at the corners of his lips. His two front teeth were a little too big for his mouth and you would’ve suspected his animal counterpart to be a bunny or rabbit of some sort if it wasn’t for his job. The small mammals tended to be pacifists and you doubted working as a security guard counted towards pacifism.
The lighter came to life with a clickand a tiny burst of flame, and you watched from beneath your lashes as he lit the end of your preferred cigarette. As soon as you felt the heat of the smoke sear itself into your lungs, a thought came to you.
“Wait,” you began, lowering the white stick from your lips to dangle from your cold fingers. “Doesn’t the smell bother you?”
Jungkook’s cheeks puffed up beneath the weight of another smile and he stepped back from crowding you to lean a shoulder against the brick wall. “My roommate, Yoongi, smokes. So I’m used to it.” He tapped a finger to his nose.
“If you’re sure,” you said hesitantly.
“I’m sure.”
Humming, you resumed your position of leaning against the brick, your shoulder only a few inches away from his. Hybrid’s tended not to wear perfume or cologne because of their elevated sense of smell, but Jungkook must have been wearing some. Or perhaps it was just the scent of his laundry detergent that drifted from his body like an invisible cloud.
It was comforting. In a way that you couldn’t quite understand.
Glancing at him out of the corner of your eye, you took a slow drag from your cigarette and made care to blow the resulting smoke away from him. “Ditching work?”
He was looking out past the alleyway and towards the busy street beyond. Jungkook’s side profile was stunning even in the near darkness. “Technically, I amworking.”
“Oh?” Your voice was filled with amusement. “Expecting someone to pop out from the darkness like Batman and attack the club?”
He snorted, his tongue darting out to wet his soft looking lips. “Batman would never attack a club.”
“There’s a first time for everything.” Shrugging, you sneaked a peak over at him again to notice him already looking at you. His violet hued eyes glowed brightly as they roved over your features appreciatively.
“How about a first date then?”
You sputtered, choking on nothing except air at his blunt words. “I–what?”
Jungkook broke eye contact for a moment, your reaction coaxing a light shade of pink onto his cheeks. “I like you. And I know we don’t really know each other, but we always end up running into each other, which is why I want to change that.” He looked back at you, expression soft. “If you’re interested, of course.”
“I..,” swallowing, your mouth opened and closed in shock before your tongue finally let the syllables slip. “I would like that very much.”
His answering grin lit up the shadows lingering in the alleyway.
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the-fae-folk · 4 years
What type of powers do faeries have? What can they do with their magic and what can't they?
It’s actually a really good question, but a surprisingly hard one to answer. Let’s take a step back and look at what people have believed that Fairies actually are. They are described as a kind of mythical creature that is metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural. These strange folk don’t actually have one single origin but are an amalgamation of countless sources of Folklore from across Europe. There are even different explanations given to the origin or nature of Fairies. Describing them as demons, deities, fallen or neutral angels, spirits of the dead or never living, incarnations of nature, prehistoric precursors to humans, deified ancestors, or even beings from Otherworlds beyond our own. But what can they do? What do their powers and magics entail? Well lets start with the most obvious. Glamour is easily the most remembered of fairy magics, but what it actually is is a lot harder to define than you would think. Nowadays, contemporary fantasy has distilled the idea of glamour into a sort of powerful illusion magic with the capability to make a person see, hear, feel, taste, even touch something that is different in nature then they are perceiving. Sometimes this is combined with the idea that the strength of belief can make something true and that powerful enough glamours can transcend mere illusion to become reality. But older variations of glamour, while they include much of this idea of illusion magic, has some interesting variations on it. Sometimes glamour included actual shapeshifting to a form that wasn’t the person’s own. Or it was used in hiding and disguising or making things and persons invisible to human eyes. They were said to be able to change their size and make themselves appear very small or very large. Whatever glamour is, it seems to deal heavily with perception and charisma. Other powers that Fairies were said to hold depended on where the story itself came from. The ancient Irish Tuatha Dé Danann who are said to have become the Fairy Folk after being driven from their homeland were thought to have had supernatural powers and magical artifacts of incredible power. Dagda’s cauldron which produced feasts which no company left unsatisfied, the spear of Lugh which was said to have never been beaten in any battle it was used in, the sword of light from whom no one ever escaped after it was drawn from its sheath, and the Stone of Fál which would cry out beneath the king who would take sovereignty of Ireland. Norse stories lent some of their own myths to the idea of creating artifacts with power. Chains that cannot break, goblets that flow with the power of the whole sea, magical clothing that grants the wearer all kinds of powers. Some stories gave them magic of a much darker kind. The ability to inflict diseases or afflictions upon those who crossed them, or sometimes just for pure malice. Sometimes to injure or even kill humans or others of their own kind without ever touching them. Causing persons to sicken and die over time or become addicted through various magical methods (such as being tricked into eating fairy food), or being entranced sexually or romantically against your will or better nature. In some cases they even performed what might be described as a binding upon a person to force their will onto them, or break that will entirely and turn a person into a puppet. Nature based Fairy Folklore often depicted them as being personifications of natural forces such as trees, flowers, rivers, lakes, and hills. But sometimes they were shown as beings who simply were closer to and more knowledgeable about nature and therefore could control or influence it in ways that humans could not fathom. Wings, though common in Victorian artwork were actually incredibly rare in Folklore. Flight, on the other hand, was not. Fae were often depicted as having various means of travel. The taming of birds, beasts, and insects to carry them, or magical flying through the air, or even some means of teleportation were all mentioned ways that the Folk could travel with magic. A lot of fairy lore involves people attempting to ward off Faeries with charms and minor enchantments such as St. John’s Wort, Four leaf clovers, wearing your clothes inside out, or carrying iron or fresh homemade bread. Much of this sort of thing tends to contradict itself. For example some stories mention bells keeping fairies away, while others depict fairy queens and ladies with bells on the harness of their horse. Even the things that were “Known” about the fairies usually just led to more confusion. One knew that giving clothing as a gift to a house brownie would drive it away. But there was a difference of opinion as to why. Whether the inferior clothing offended them, or if they were so delighted by the gift that they took it and left. A stray compliment or complaint could drive away a house faerie just the same. One account mentions a farmer whose field was magically threshed by the Folk, only after all his corn was finished the threshing continued and he guessed that they were stealing his neighbor’s corn, leaving him the choice of offending the Faeries by telling them to stop, or offending them by profiting from the theft of corn. Its important to note that some of the powers the Fae were thought to have are only mentioned in passing or vaguely discussed. Given how often people who intruded upon Fairy Rings found themselves stranded from their own time or even outside time altogether, it is clear that the Fae have some connection to a temporal magic we don’t get a clear explanation of. Whether the person returns the same age a hundred years later, or before they were even born, or turns to dust the moment they leave the circle because they age all at once in a single moment, the idea of time magic is not to be dismissed.
Granting wishes, having prophetic or near prophetic knowledge, being able to exert control over beings whose names they discover, having all kinds of powers and restrictions related to contracts and deals...these are many of the abilities that never seem to have a clear cut explanation because much of the lore either ignores the details concerning the whys and wherefores of such powers, or changes depending on where each bit of folklore came from.
And they of course have the ability to traverse easily to whatever Otherworlds are mentioned and discussed in the multitudes of stories. Whether underground, hidden in secluded parts of the world away from humans, or in another world entirely they seem to have many gates and keys that humans have a harder time working with. There are a lot of different things that have been occasionally attributed to Fairies that are also given to other characters and peoples in stories. Herbal and spellcraft type magic usually reserved for witches, the broader swaths of sorcery most often seen in characters like Gandalf in “The Lord of the Rings” who works mostly with very subtle touches of power and more his own influence and knowledge, ritual and ceremonial magic, and much else. In conclusion, it is interesting to see that while almost everything we have about the Faerie Folk agrees that they are incredibly powerful and dangerous to cross, we have very little concrete knowledge of what that power actual entails. For the most part it seems that the greatest danger from the Faeries is not their magic, but their inclination to play pranks upon humanity. Harmless or harmful, they kidnap and steal and mess up or break. They cause havoc and they fix at unexpected moments. It is possible that the nature of the Faerie power is not magic at all but simply a greater knowledge and understanding of forces of the world we cannot perceive. Like how an ant cannot fathom why the entire world seems to be having an earthquake, and no amount of explaining things like tractors and farms is going to make it understand, but at least if we could talk to it we might get it to figure out who was responsible, even if it doesn’t really know why or how.
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