#and being passive aggressive or whatever. that's not a crime
dykedarmand · 1 year
i have a headache and cant sleep so im like overthinking some moments from college and like. i am so torn on if i am genuinely not a great person or if other people are just crazy
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terribleoldwhitemen · 2 years
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saw some western aus and wanted to throw my proverbial hat in the ring. well. toss it gently. place it down on the edge-
actually no fuck that, slamming down the hat i have Thoughts:
first off, if anything this au should be the silliest looney toons bullshit.
~ of all the revolvers are unloaded. so gunfights are just people saying "bang" at each other and then throwing the nearest thing at their opponent in place of a bullet
~ Wally is the town sheriff, and he's hilariously incompetent. he also has a habit of shoplifting apples from Howdy's saloon / general store fusion. his cowboy hat has a card with an apple on it tucked in the band, but he doesn't wear it, so at nearly all times one of his hands is occupied with holding the hat. also he doesn't wear his badge ever
~ Barnaby is the town deputy, and he's marginally more competent than Wally. however, he doesn't take his job seriously and is usually napping in his chair on the sheriff office porch. sometimes he wears Wally's badge along with his own for funsies
~ also when Howdy catches Wally stealing, he'll call Barnaby over. Barnaby will proceed to arrest and lock up Wally in his own jail until Barnaby feels too bad for leaving him in there and lets him out
~ there is only one horse in town, and its Eddie's so that he can do his delivery runs and get mail from the town over - he has a lil wagon too. Sally has a running gag where she tries to steal the horse, but it completely ignores her and won't budge an inch.
~ on that note, Wally has one of those stick horses. when he needs to chase someone down, he hops on it and Barnaby lifts him by the scruff and runs, gently shaking him up and down to simulate natural horse riding movements. somehow it always works. no one can escape this tactical move
~ the only role i can see for Sally is overly-theatrical outlaw, just as incompetent as Wally. she never succeeds in stealing anything but also never gets caught because, again, Wally is terrible at his job. everyone usually comes outside to watch their wacky "fights" and do nothing about it, including Barnaby. also Julie helps her sometimes
~ Julie i think would be the town banker. she's unusually strict about it and can get kind of scary about technicalities. however the town doesn't really use currency, so they have a point system that they keep careful track of. it would be stickers, but those dont exist. actually fuck that these are puppets, stickers exist and the board is like the gold stars in that one spongebob episode
~ Frank is an entomologist that decided to brave the untamed west to see what new bugs he might discover. what he discovered was dust, scorpions, and an inability to leave the town due to no monies anywhere. he finds entertainment in keeping track of the local ant colonies' wars & affairs, and also complaining at Howdy at the bar
~ everyone complains to Howdy. he has someone at his bar at any given time and he's taken to being incredibly passive aggressive about it. they still have to pay with jokes or favors or whatever they can think of that he'll accept
~ Poppy runs the hotel, where pretty much everyone lives. Julie lives there, Frank lives there, Sally lives there, Wally lives there. Barnaby prefers to sleep in the sheriffs office, as he doesn't want to make the "across the street" commute. Howdy also stays in his saloon/store, and Eddie sleeps in his post office - as canon intended.
~ Home is the mayor. don't ask me if he's a person, an object head, or just a building - i do not know. he's probably still a building. no one can understand what he says
~ oh also Frank is incredibly pressed over the fact that the town's lawfolk suck at their job. he swears he has an aneurysm every time Wally chases Sally down the street on a stick horse, or when blatant crime is happening right in front of a very asleep Barnaby. he is tempted to take over as sheriff, but alas, there are scorpions to be stung by
~ and finally: apple chaps. thats all thanks good day
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howlsofbloodhounds · 29 days
okay. hear me out. murder x killer. "true crime". (platonic at least)
murder, despite hating him at first, starts to sympathize with killer more and more internally, discovering bits about how he TRULY is, such as his cats (to which when killer isn't around he buys them treats and toys). killer doesn't see murder act this way bc murder can't bring himself to show his affection other than in secret.
murder still treats him the way he used to, passive aggressive, but never outright HATING him.
Yeah, I know we all like to say that Murder would hate Killer or whatever, but the only thing I remember ask-dustale saying about it was that he wouldn’t like that Killer joined the human (if he even knew about it), and that he’s be wary of Killer’s LV and Determination and is more likely to just avoid him and likely just want Killer to leave him alone. Be passive aggressive.
{memory is spotty so correct me if I’m wrong.}
I remember reading on the blog that he’s probably more likely to just hate himself more than hating other Sanses—not to mention how Killer is just basically a different person entirely. Not even really recognizable as a Sans except for the skeleton body.
I think Murder would just more likely be disturbed that he can’t really relate to Killer much at all; Killer gives him nothing because he’s just not really interested in emotional connections or being related to. {not to mention the whole, ‘torturing and killing others on the orders of another without any guilt or remorse or hesitation’ and ‘murder viewing killer as belonging to nightmare’.}
Not while he’s in Stages 2 or higher, and even Stage 1–when he’s more noticeable as a Sans—is still not exactly like Sans. Killer is strange and creepy, he behaves far too much as if he’s human or as if he doesn’t even know what he is anymore (shouldn’t it be obvious?), and Murder doesn’t really know why. He can make some guesses, but Killer would never confirm anything.
I don’t know how much Murder would reasonably be able to find out about Killer—he tends to hide so much of himself and things he does seem so contradictory (emotionless, yet still attentive to cats? Treats him and possibly Horror as if they’re more akin to prey/tool/pet, yet shows the actual animals more respect than he does them? So sociable and clearly able to adapt to others, yet he has no actual friends or connections?)—but I can see something akin to what you’re describing.
I don’t think Killer would care at all about if Murder hates or sympathizes with him or not, maybe he’d find it interesting if previous Dusts and Murders beforehand did but this one doesn’t.
Perhaps he’d make it a mission to try and make Murder hate him, just to prove to himself that just about everyone does and no one will change their minds on it at all and all this Dust needs is a push, attempt to provoke Dust.
And when Murder gives him nothing, he might initially dismiss Murder as “boring” or with something resembling disgust. If other versions of this Sans previously viscerally hated him, this one might draw his curiosity a bit. But once that can’t hold his attention anymore, he’d probably just revert back into his apathy regarding him.
It’s actually kind nice to think about how an emotional bond may be able to be formed between Killer and his possible teammates.
Probably only through Stage 1 would it be possible to form something more emotional, which in turn could garner Stage 2’s attention, fascination or curiosity like it did with Color. That could maybe become something more, if he cared enough to see it through or felt safe enough for it. [not to mention that effect Color could have on how Killer views, treats, and behaves towards others. color is a big factor in challenging his worldviews and beliefs, without forcing him to accept or reject anything he doesn’t want to or agree with.]
{ @justhorrorlol }
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silentium-symphony · 9 months
Work of Art Modern AU (Link x Reader) II
(a/n) hooray i'm finally done w the second chapter! thank you for being patient <3 i'm hoping to wrap up this lil series in the next chapter, so please stay tuned! i also left the hair/makeup/clothes rather vague so you can imagine what you usually wear :)
i do plan to open up requests soon, but i want to finish some other fics beforehand! i need a lil break from this series, so i'll post a few one-shots before picking it up again, okay? i have a general idea of where i wanna go, but i need time to sit on it some more. hope you understand :)
as always, i hope you enjoy!!!
read the first chapter here!
cw: fluff, some swearing, afab!photographer!reader, kinda made groose a villain sorry, also link and zelda went to jail lmao (specific crime not mentioned), may/may not have proofread this half asleep so there might be some typos lol
wc: 3.2k
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
The aggravating, strangling chorus of cars sounding the start of their day blended oddly with the melodious, persistent whispers of the few songbirds residing in your city's park. You groaned, splitting your eyes open to meet the beam of sun pouring through your windows and stretching across your ceiling. You sat up with a huff, staring blankly at the wall in front of you as your half-slumbering senses slowly began loading in your surroundings. The familiar parchedness of arousal pecked and prodded at your throat and you blindly grabbed for the water bottle by your nightstand, relishing the clarity the aqua elixir breathed into you.
After setting down your water bottle, you reached for your phone to check the time only to be greeted with the silhouette of an empty battery cell. You groaned, ducking under your nightstand and glaring at the charger that had popped out of your socket (which you shoved right back in). As you sat right-side up, a rather... noxious smell pervaded your nostrils and you grimaced, eyes flashing to the trashcan brimming with old leftover containers and scraps of food skins that have darkened past recognition. You swung yourself out of bed, waddled to the bathroom, and came out shortly after brushing your teeth and doing your business. You silenced your retching thoughts as you neared your trashcan, swiftly tying the biohazardous thing and hauling ass to your door.
As your hand wrapped around the doorknob, the yellow-creme of a folded note tucked almost inconspicuously by your doormat harkened for your attention. Brows knitting, you stooped over and scooped the thing into your palm, inspecting it briefly; you placed it on your countertop and picked up the trash bag. Whatever it was, it could wait.
Fortunately (and unfortunately sometimes), you lived right by the garbage room, so disposing of your trash took literally seconds. You bid adieu to the squishy bag as it tumbled into the deep, dark abyss of the garbage chute and headed back inside, beelining for your sink before turning your eyes to the folded note. Your eyes bore into the tiny thing as you dried your hands, not picking up anything that could be considered threatening. If it wasn't your landlord making passive-aggressive comments about your ability to pay rent, what could it be? You unfolded the note, mentally bracing yourself.
Good morning! Wanna grab some coffee?
— Link, your neighbor :)
You could physically feel your heart swoon (was that normal?) and it took quite a bit of effort to not start maniacally giggling in the center of your room. Your body was not made to process so much energy first thing in the morning, so your feet began pacing in circles as you read the note over and over.
Okay... Calm down, (F/N). It's not as if it's a love letter or anything. Just a... friend. Who wants to grab coffee with you... Wait a minute, what time was it?
Your head whipped to the digital clock carved into your stove, the numbers '11:45' blinking in dull, green flashes. Your head swiveled back to the note and clock, your zeal transfiguring to horror. A screech of sorts ripped out of your throat and you tumbled towards the bathroom, slipping on your apartment's waxed wooden floors and flumping into a drawer with a clattery thud. You hissed, rubbing the part of your arm that collided with the wood and hobbled to the bathroom, wary of its slick tiles.
When in the world did you wake up?! Gods, by the time you’re done preparing it won’t even be morning! You did your best to channel your anxious energy into something productive as you styled your hair how you liked it and popped some color on your lips.
You tumbled out the bathroom and skidded to your wardrobe, throwing some tried and true outfits onto your bed and pressing others flush against your frame. You heard the gentle ding of your phone coming to life and you dove for it, fingers gliding across the smooth screen and opening the weather app.
It was… a bit chilly, but nothing you couldn’t handle. You filed through your top contenders, and ultimately decided on one of your favorite outfits! You twirled around in front of your mirror, pressing one hand to your chest and smoothing out the wrinkles with the other. After adjusting your hair for the final time, you threw a peace sign and puckered your lips before speed walking to the door, slipping your essentials into a purse and forcing on your shoes.
You zoomed out your apartment, turning on your heels in a dime and rasping a few quick knocks against his door. A couple seconds ticked by before you heard the metal ka-chink! of the lock; out peered Link, who hid half his trembling?? reddened?? face behind his palm. Your half-baked (but still very genuine) apology lodged in your throat as a million and one thoughts raced through your brain.
“… W-What?” You carded your fingers through your hair and fiddled with the edge of your clothes. “Is there something on me?”
“You made…” He cleared his throat, rubbing his chest. “Quite the noise earlier.”
… Noi—?
You had forgotten just how thin your walls are.
“Oh gods, you heard that...?!” Mortification enfeebled your voice into a wavery cry. You buried your face in your palms, your skin melting from shame.
“It’s okay! I-It was funny, I swear!”
Panic wrought your frame into a quiver and Link hurriedly changed the subject.
“So, uh, d-do you still wanna get coffee?"
"Y-Yeah!" You piped, distress vaporizing into bashfulness. "Sorry for waking up so late."
"Not at all," he smiled, slipping past his door, "it's Saturday after all."
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
The bright, ringing ting of the bell hanging by the door preluded the cozy murmurs of a slow, cozy Saturday afternoon and the grinding, hissing machinery of coffee grinders and milk frothers. The robust, earthy notes of coffee streaked with airy hints of creme and vanilla wrapped you in a sense of warm nostalgia only coffee shops seemed to hold.
Hints of faded brick peeked out from bouquets of hanging dried flowers and the junction where wall met floor was littered with legions of potted plants, many of which you had never seen before. The look of awe on your face filled Link's heart with enthusiastic amusement; the chatter of the next stream of patrons sounded in his ears and he quietly beckoned you a little ways past the counter with a graze on your arm.
"I've tried pretty much everything on the menu, so let me know if you need any recommendations." He breathed close to your ear, wedging his body between you and the newly formed crowd congregating behind you. Your heart lurched to the base of your throat, his baritone voice rumbling in your ear; a shuddering, imperceptible breath left your lips.
"What do you usually get?" You hummed, turning your head to look back at him and almost teasing the tip of your nose along his cheek. A flit of blue met your (E/C)s; you got front-row seats to his color-changing cheeks.
"S-Sorry... It's a bit crowded here, so..."
"No worries." You beamed, hoping to laugh off some of the tension. You wrought your fingers into tight balls and turned your gaze towards the menu.
"I usually get black coffee." He mumbled, his voice dropping a little ways past a whisper. "Wakes me right up."
"Damn, really?" You choked out, scowling at him as if he had three heads.
"Yes! Gods, it's really not that bad once you get used to it." He bellowed heartily, a toothy grin splitting his lips.
After some more mental deliberation, you both slipped into line. The barista greeted you with a smile as warm as her coffee.
"Hey there, it's nice to see you again. The usual?" She motioned to Link, who just nodded with a smile of his own. Her hands flew across her screen, logging in his order before turning to you. "And what can I get you, hun?"
You relayed your order, but not without raising your voice past the prepubescent squeals of the rowdy teenage boys circusing behind you. As she confirmed your order, your digits sifted through your wallet to pull out your card, and during the second you spent looking at your hands you heard the card reader beep a confirmation. Your head whipped up just in time to see the waxy receipt churn out of the printer before being handed over to Link.
"Oh Link, I could have paid!" You exclaimed, watching him crease the receipt into a neat rectangle and shoving it in his pocket. He waved you off and stepped to the side, allowing the couple behind you to order.
"Don't worry, I got it."
"Thank you..." (E/C) eyes cast downward and honed in on the way your shoes scuttled the wood. A faint, rosy blush powdered your cheeks and warm, fuzzy timidness hooked your lips just enough to crinkle your nose most softly; Link mentally clutched his chest. You were just too cute!!!
A sudden force jammed between his shoulders knocked the breath out of his lungs. His body blurred towards you; a guttural grunt echoed in your ear before you felt something firm tighten about your waist. Link's frantic corrections caught you both just before you fell. He snapped his head at his aggressor.
The snickering simpers of those obnoxious boys peeked past his shoulders, crestfalling at the young man's deathly glower. His heart rumbled in your ears as his arms tensed you further into him. The idle, leisurely air fractured into something cold, calculated fury licking past the cracks of the broken peace. Everyone's attention was lasered in on you and the boys.
One of the boys at the back of the pack tapped the larger boys' elbows and, with a stammer of an apology, scrambled out of the cafe. Link watched their fleeing figures in total silence until the last of them disappeared past a street corner. Everyone creaked back to their own conversations, hushed whispers about what happened leaking into your ears. Link slowly glimpsed down at you, eyes softening.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah..." You murmured, your heart palpitating to the faint smell of pine and amber wafting to your nose. "Thanks for catching us."
He nodded and slowly unhooked his arm from your waist, taking a few steps back with a lovely red tinting his pearly skin. Before he could say anything, the velvety purr of the barista buttered the air.
"Order for Link!"
He met your gaze with a small smile before taking a few steps back and collecting your drinks. With a confident crook on her lips, she slipped a thin paper bag along with your drinks. Link eyed it, head tilting and brows crinkling.
"My treat. As thanks for taking care of those goons for me."
Link's eyes brightened, slipping a gleeful 'thank you' before nabbing the drinks and free snacks. He handed you your drink and turned to his friend, bowing his head in thanks.
"Come again, Mr. Hero. You too, (F/N)."
Was the last thing you heard before the door-mounted chime silenced the idyllic cafe setting. You stared at the string of cars that jived down the road; the whole city was teeming with the bit-back enthusiasm that awaited release the moment the sun dipped past the hills. It was Saturday, you supposed.
"... sorry..."
"Sorry our da— hang out didn't go quite as expected..." He breathed out, just barely louder than the passing cars.
"What? Don't apologize!" You turned to him fully. "What happened back there wasn't your fault. To be honest, I think you handled it pretty well."
"Yeah! I could tell those boys were getting on everyone's nerves. You made everyone's day just a little bit better, Link."
"Ah..." His eyes caught the sun rays that flickered off the nearby buildings. "Thanks..."
"And plus, the day is hardly over. We can still hang out iif you'd like!"
"Yeah," a stiff chuckle, "I was hoping we could chat in the cafe, but I wasn't very comfortable staying there any longer than necessary after what happened... Sorry about that."
"Not at all." You slotted his arm between your fingers and gave it a squeeze. "Let's just find a nice park or something, yeah?"
He eyed your hand almost long enough to regret your decision to touch him, but his gentle disposition and even softer voice answered,
"Let's go to the one by the apartment."
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
"Holy shit, and then what?!" You wheezed, smacking a hand on his knee as you fought for your next breath. Link's hearty laughs ruffled through the trees, the setting sun and falling leaves traipsing through scattered branches.
"Zel and I got caught, of course. Imagine how furious my dad was when he got called into the station—on his day off—to see his son and his best friend sitting in jail."
"Christ, I can't believe you pulled that shit." You sputtered, thumbing a tear from the corner of your eye.
"I was... a wild child, for sure." He abashed, a hand rubbing the back of his neck with boyish glee. "Totally worth it though. Groose was giving Zelda a hard time after she rejected him, so of course we had to do something about it."
"Gods..." You exhaled, giggles fringing your breath. "Is your dad a cop?"
"Yeah. I guess that's what inspired me to do what I'm doing now, y'know?"
"For sure," you thumbed your cup, fingers slicked with thick condensation, "what does your mom do?"
"She was a civil servant." His lips crooked up, tilted in a manner that tugged at your heart. "She cared about the city and our family deeply."
A breeze blew through the two of you, one that bordered refreshing and chilling. You turned your head up and filled your lungs with air that crisped your lungs.
"She..." You began, eyes focused on the insignificant happenings that usually caught one's attention during such moments. "Sounds like a wonderful person."
"Yeah," he chuckled, "she was."
A serene, reflective somberness filled the air; for a moment you both relished in the silence. A family of robins twittered softly overhead, the mother singing hushed whistles to her rowdy chicks and soothing the ringing in your ears caused by constant traffic.
"What about you?" He turned. "What do you do?"
"I'm a photographer." You met his gaze with a grin that thinly veiled the excitement you had when talking about your livelihood.
"That's so cool!" Link's lips widened into a broad smile. "Do you work for a company or...?"
"Nope! I'm a freelancer. It can be tough finding gigs at times, but there's always something happening in the city."
"Yeah, I can imagine. What events do you do?"
"Anything really--concerts, weddings, corporate events... But weddings are pretty popular. Actually, I got a wedding gig tomorrow!"
"Nice! So what got you into photography?" He leaned in, his blue pools reflecting the nearby streetlights. The way his eyes sparkled as he listened to you talk about your passions made your heart melt.
"Well, back in middle and high school I competed in a bunch of school competitions and realized that not only did I love taking pictures, but I was pretty good at it too! There's just something so... intimate about capturing small, seemingly insignificant passages in time, y'know? I think sometimes we get so caught up waiting for our lives to begin when really, life happens in the small, fleeting moments of our existence. Or... something like that."
You mumbled through the last bit, heat rising in your cheeks. Darkened sapphires stared back at you, storming with thoughts you couldn't quite decipher; panic started settling in your gut and you opened your mouth to apolo—
"You're absolutely right." His head cocked slightly, eyes crinkling lovingly slowly. "I never thought about it that way."
You mentally breathed a sigh of relief for not ruining this moment with your innermost thoughts.
"Do you enjoy your job at the art museum?"
"I mean, it's a pretty easy job, so no complaints there." His laugh failed to reach his chest. "But... It isn't why I became an officer. Don't get me wrong, I love helping Zelda, and seeing her succeed in her dreams makes me really happy, but... I became a cop so I could help people. And sometimes, I don't really feel like I'm doing that by standing guard over a painting all day."
"That's valid," you kicked the space under the park bench to abate the prickly feeling in your lower half, "what would you rather do?"
Link kicked the pebble he had been dribbling between his shoes, the little stone skittering away, forgotten, after a long kick; his eyes rested on an arbitrary crack in the path.
"Honestly?" He began, "I wanna become a detective."
"A detective?"
"Yeah. Bringing peace to a family who lost a loved one, who never got the closure they needed to heal... Spending hours solving a cold case, one that everyone has given up on... That's what I wanna do."
"It's sweet of you to think of the family first," you smiled softly, "I think most people would be focused on locking up criminals, and justice served to the families is just a bonus."
"Yeah... We can't forget the families. Their lives have been turned into a living nightmare and they're just expected to continue living as if nothing had happened. It's cruel."
"Oh, absolutely. I think--"
You felt your phone buzz in your lap and your eyes habitually met the lit screen, scanning the text your bridal client had sent. Your internal, guttural groan came out as a curt huff, eyeing the word 'early?' with a tired bitterness.
"Everything okay?"
"Oh yeah, uh..." You shuffled your phone back into your pocket and met his concerned gaze. "Sorry. My client wants me to come in earlier than I expected and it's getting late so..."
"No worries! We can head back if you want. Grab some takeout on the way." He popped right up, tossing his empty cup in the trash and swinging his arms above his head, a satisfied groan lapsing out of him wow that was kinda hot.
"I'd love that." You followed his previous actions and stretched too, feeling... well, feeling return to your sore butt and limbs.
"Wanna head back to that Gerudo restaurant?"
"Yeah!" You joined him in wide strides, barely keeping yourself from booking it to your now-favorite restaurant. Your babbling self hardly noticed the slowing male until a gentle voice pulled you out of your culinary rambles.
"(F/N)?" He called a few steps behind you.
"Thanks for today... It was a lot of fun." His gloved hand scratched the side of his scarved neck, unintentionally bunching the fabric into little fistfuls. The flickering park light tricked your brain into thinking his cheeks were... pinker than usual. His gaze shifted from the ground to the bush to the tree and back--anywhere but you, really. That fluttery, buttery feeling in your gut alighted your cheeks a similar color and your eyes undertook a similar trip of avoidance.
"Of course. Thanks for inviting me... I had a lot of fun today."
His tight, slightly flustered expression loosened, his lips turning up into a gentle curve. In a few short steps he was by your side again, commencing your journey to 3rd Street.
"Let's grab some poultry pilaf."
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anitalenia · 1 year
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━━━ .°˖✧ opposites attract ⋆˙⊹
꒰ঌ definition ໒꒱ 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠, 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑓𝑠, 𝑜𝑟 𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚. one of my favs.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ below you will find sub genres under this category, as well as some useful pairings for this trope. for educational writing purposes <3
note: several of these can also be used in other tropes as well, just depends on how you write it and interpret it.
╰₊✧ ゚OTHER LINKS . ྀི ⊹ masterlist | romance tropes | taglist | prompt list | symbol packs | dividers page
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꒰ঌ group one ໒꒱
tall x short | sunshine x grumpy | golden retriever boyfriend x black cat girlfriend | nice x mean | introvert x extrovert | werewolf x vampire | hunter x creature | flirty x shy | aggressive x passive | brooding x gentle
꒰ঌ group two ໒꒱
funny x serious | death x life | god x worshipper | sun x moon | water x fire | cold x hot | angel x demon | holy x sin | heaven x hell | succubus x priest | ‘ugly’ man x pretty girl (jessica rabbit x roger rabbit) | yin x yang
꒰ঌ group three ໒꒱
all work x all play | dark defender x light liege | masc girl x fem boy | magical being x average human | clumsy x graceful | energetic x savvy/chill | sensitive x guard dog | smart x dummy | needing to be saved x always saving
꒰ঌ group four ໒꒱
tiny girl x huge guy | tomboy x girly girl | uptight x wild | gossiper x unbothered | summer x winter | jock x bookworm | goth x nerdy boy | smart ass x peace maker | confrontational x pacifist | family-oriented x no family
꒰ঌ group five ໒꒱
black x white | troubled x innocent | rich x poor | polite x hotheaded | ditzy x cool and calm | shoot first ask questions later x ask questions first shoot if necessary | focuses on small details x looks at the bigger picture
꒰ঌ group six ໒꒱
foodie x health enthusiast | bimbo x manly man (im talking flannels, beards, cabins, ykyk) | materialistic x doesn’t even own a pen | untrusting of people x overly trusting of people | negative x positive | starts fights x has to finish them
꒰ঌ group seven ໒꒱
love kids x hates them | loves pets x hates pets | pervert (flirty af) x naive | always making a move x oblivious to the moves | fuckboy x virgin | messy x ocd | anxious x unbothered | emotionally unavailable x overly affectionate
꒰ঌ group eight ໒꒱
always needs attention x gamer | romantic x can barely say I love you | home food x fast food | vegetarian x basically a carnivore | long hair x short hair | does all the work x pillow princess | loves dressing up x wears pajamas everywhere
꒰ঌ group nine ໒꒱
reckless and adventurous x terrified of any new experience | always getting injured x doctor | partier x homebody | smoker x drinker | hippie x white collar | saves money x spends every paycheck | makes plans and prepares for every scenario x goes with the flow ‘whatever happens happens’
꒰ঌ group ten ໒꒱
minimalistic x bohemian | dips fries in ketchup x drenches fries in ketchup | loves to dance x what’s a rhythm? | life of the party x hates attention | toilet paper facing you x toilet paper facing away from you
꒰ঌ group eleven ໒꒱
breaks a kitkat x bites into it like a madman | reecies x reesuhs | criminal x cop | butterflies x moths | shoplifts every time they go to a store x has never committed a crime | sneakerhead x heels | lipgloss x matte
꒰ঌ group twelve ໒꒱
team captain america x team ironman | mcdonalds x burger king | country music x rap music | early bird x sleeps in late | morning person x night person | sunset x sunrise | alfredo x spaghetti | shrimp x lobster | pepsi x coke
꒰ঌ group thirteen ໒꒱
wolf boy x bunny girl | thunderstorm x blizzard | stars x cloud | hello kitty x kuromi | atheist x bible thumper | loves laughing x barely smiles | round x thin | always takes pictures x hates having their picture taken
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will update when I think of new ones. hope this helps if you’re not sure what story to tell but you want something new <3
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melonflavoredbread · 10 months
Mr. Lawyer Sir (Part 1)
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Hiromi Higuruma x fem! reader
Disclaimers/notes: a bit angsty, Higuruma being an overworked, tired man, stubborn reader, SFW.
• This is my first post on Tumblr! I hope you enjoy this story. This is just the first part of the story and plan to write the next one soon! Keep in mind that I am not a professional writer and that I just do this for fun and let my ideas run freely with creativity. By doing so, I also want to share my ideas with everyone else who would like it! Thank you so much in advance <3
‘I’m just so tired…’ Hiromi thought to himself as he sighed softly and started to leave the courthouse after defending one of his clients in the courtroom.
Hiromi Higuruma was known as one of the most incomparable lawyers there was in town. As a defense attorney, he always sought to fight for justice in those individuals who were wrongly accused of a crime. Although he looked like a standoffish, detached man, his true passion was to help others in need.
However, with that great talent he has also comes exhaustion. Exhaustion from work, exhaustion from having too many clients, but most importantly, the exhaustion of seeing his clients lose the trail after all the work he put in to fight for justice. It wasn’t fair to him or his client. Those countless nights of overtime, putting in the work to make sure they’d win this case, skipping out on sleep schedules…just to lose the case.
He started heading towards his car in the courthouse parking lot while almost dragging his feet due to the disdain he felt within himself. Feeling as if he failed his client and needed to do better. He rubbed his eyes as they felt heavy with the lack of sleep.
As he left the courthouse, it was already nighttime and the sky became pitch black. Not as many cars out on the road since it was getting late. As he walked along the sidewalk towards the parking lot, lost in his own dismay of thoughts, he didn’t notice a girl bumping into him, causing her to fall to the ground. The moment she fell, Hiromi snapped away from his thoughts and came back to reality. He grunted in frustration as he closed his eyes and rubbed his temple while thinking, ‘this was the last thing that needed to happen right now…’ he felt annoyed at the situation he currently got himself into but, nonetheless, he quickly made his way over to the girl laying on the ground.
“Ugh…I’m sorry…are you alright?” Hiromi spoke as he came over and tried to help the girl up but noticed she had blood dripping down her knee.
“I’m fine…” the girl winced in pain as she spoke and tried to gently stand up but also noticed her ankle was sore to move. “Ouch…”
“You should be more careful,” Hiromi crouched down to look at the injury closer and realized she was bleeding pretty terribly. “Clearly you’re not fine…your knee is bleeding and you can’t move your ankle.”
The girl winced once again as she realized how painful the scrape was on her knee. She was oozing lots of blood from the injury and appears to have sprained her ankle from the fall. Hiromi noticed the shoes she was wearing, black business-casual high heels.
“I wouldn’t wear those if I were you. They look like a pain in the ass to walk in.” Hiromi commented casually as he carefully held out his hand to lift her up but instead, the girl looked at him questioningly and refused his hand.
“I appreciate your concern mister but I am free to wear whatever I want…” The girl sounded calm but Hiromi could tell she was responding rather passive aggressively.
Hiromi huffs and becomes slightly annoyed but tries not to let it get to him. “Be free as you’d like, but be aware of your surroundings. You’re being careless.” He spoke sternly to her as he tried to not let his frustration get to him. All he wanted to do was get home and get the well-deserved rest he needed but instead he was here in a situation he didn’t expect to happen.
The girl scoffed and seemed noticeably annoyed in return. “You don’t know who I am to say I’m careless…” she says.
‘Here we go…as if it couldn’t get any worse, she seems to be bratty and stubborn. I’ll never hear the end of it.’ Hiromi thought to himself as he closed his eyes to compose himself and not let his frustration get to him.
“That is irrelevant, miss. I don’t need to know who you are to see that you were being careless,” Hiromi glares at her as he speaks. “If I hadn’t been watching where I was going, this could’ve been a lot worse and we would’ve both fallen and gotten hurt.”
Hiromi didn’t want to touch the girl without her permission but he saw the bad state she was in with her bleeding knee and sprained ankle that he had no choice but to help her up walk towards a nearby bus stop bench just a few feet away so she could sit. He delicately placed his arm around her waist as he supported her body weight so that she can lift up and stand with ease.
Once she was standing, she winced once more as the weight on her ankle felt pressure and made it feel extremely sore.
“Thank you for helping me up but you can leave now.” She rolled her eyes and huffed as she tried walking on her own, but immediately felt pain in her leg and ankle.
“You’re clearly limping…I’ve had it.” Hiromi looks at her in displeasure. He quickly walks her to the bench and sets her down softly. He takes out his phone and starts searching for ‘hospitals near me.’ “Sit here while I find a nearby hospital you can go to.”
The girl grunts in annoyance and becomes visibly agitated at Hiromi, who is standing in front of her. Letting her pride get the best of her, she tries to stand up, all wobbly and in pain, as she speaks to Hiromi again.
“Like I said the first time, I’m fine…I don’t even know you and you’re sitting me down on this bench like I’m a child!” The girl hisses at Hiromi as she tries to stand up on her own, but quickly sat back down as her leg was too painful to stand.
“You’re limping as you walk. That’s not what ‘fine’ looks like. Your logic is flawed and it makes me wonder if you’re just plain stupid.” Hiromi crosses his arms as he watches the girl’s attempted at standing up. He was unusually harsh, even to his demeanor. Maybe it was just all the overworked tension he had inside of him.
“If you’re “fine” as you say, then why are you limping and bleeding your whole leg out? You are proof of your incompetence.”
The girl became stunned as she did not expect him to reply the way he did. She stayed quiet as she couldn’t speak due to her surprise. Even Hiromi himself became surprised at his sudden harshness. Nonetheless, he was annoyed at this moment and didn’t realize the extent of his harshness towards her.
Realizing she was not fighting back with words, Hiromi just sighed and felt his composure come back. “So why don’t you just try think logically and push your own pride aside for five seconds? I’m trying to help you.”
“I just don’t understand how all I did was bump into you on accident and you’re treating this like I’ve just committed the world’s biggest crime.” She retaliates to him exasperatedly. “Also, I told you to leave. If I want to bleed out here on this bench, let me…but I don’t need your help, stranger.”
Hiromi gives her a stern look as he looks away from his phone. “All I said was you need to be more careful and you got mad. Now, you’re limping and bleeding and still trying to walk and act like it’s fine. You’re in no shape to keep moving.” He continued as he looked at her. “It’s a matter of a safety, not an inconvenience. I need to help you because I’m the one you bumped into. I’ll leave after you get help. Think about it.” He sounded annoyed.
“Since when does a stranger who knows nothing about me care so much?” She snaps back at him with some apparent attitude in her expression.
“I don’t need to know you to know that you will continue to get hurt if you keep walking in the state you’re in.” Hiromi responded as he stopped to think why he really was so concerned for her.
‘I could’ve just let her go as she wished but I keep insisting…maybe it’s because I feel bad she fell and I happened to be the one she bumped into..’ Hiromi thought this to himself.
Hiromi found a nearby hospital just five minutes away by car and started to look for a cab to take her. Considering it was too late at night, he had a hard time finding and ordering one and without wasting time, he wanted to get her checked quickly before her injury got worse.
“I’m taking you to the hospital,” he quickly said as he held out his hand so she could stand up. “I can’t wait for a cab to get here just so you could keep bleeding out.”
The girl took his hand softly and lifted herself up slowly. “Bold of you to assume I can afford a hospital visit! You don’t even know me and you’re taking me to the hospital?!”
Hiromi looks at her with disbelief. He couldn’t believe she was arguing now about getting the help she needed. “You could have a broken bone for all I know! You should at least have a check up. “ he raises his voice in annoyance. “I’ll pay for it.”
“Okay, okay! Fine. Whatever it takes for you to leave me alone.” The girl snapped back and Hiromi just shakes his head in frustration as they both walk towards his car.
“Just saying, do you know how dangerous it sounds for a young woman like me to be getting into a complete stranger’s car who I don’t even know?” The girl began to speak to Hiromi as he softly held her waist to support her walking. He sighed as he heard this and rolled his eyes as far back as his frustration let him.
“I’m a lawyer. I’m not some random guy.” Hiromi explains as he continues to help her walk as she limps. “Do I look like a kidnapper to you or something?”
Hiromi notices the girl blush slightly as if she was thinking of what to say next. “Well…no…” she pauses for a second. “but haven’t you heard of those stories on what happens to girls when bad guys lure them somewhere, right? You wouldn’t even understand…you’re just a man.”
“Yes, unfortunately, I see those stories all the time,” Hiromi sighs. “but I am not a kidnapper. I wouldn’t risk my life or occupation to be doing those disgusting things. I know it sounds hard to believe but I can assure you that I am not a creep.”
The girl listened to him and felt that he was being honest. She didn’t feel as if his helping to her was with bad intentions. She started to realize that he wanted to make sure she was safe, especially it being late at night and having an injured leg where anything could’ve happened. She would’ve never gotten into a stranger’s car, much less a man’s car, but she was in a vulnerable state and had no choice at this point.
As they got into his car, Hiromi started to drive her to the hospital that was nearby.
After some time, Hiromi is in the waiting area of the hospital waiting for the girl to be finished being seen by the medical staff. After a few more minutes go by, he sees the girl walk out with crutches and her leg all bandaged up, preventing any more blood from spilling out. He hears the doctor who helped her speak out to her.
“Alright miss (Y/N), you’re all good to go. Make sure to rest well so you can recover faster.” The doctor gave her a small smile as she said her thank you’s and goodbyes to them.
As Hiromi listened, he realized he had never gotten her name. When the doctor said it, he felt his heart skip a beat for a moment.
‘(Y/N)…what a pretty name for a stubborn girl.’ He thought to himself as he saw her make her way towards him.
“Oh, you’re still here,” (Y/N) sounded disappointed. “Why didn’t you leave?”
“As if I didn’t say I’d pay,” Hiromi retaliated, feeling his annoyance come back as he listened to her. “Let me pay your hospital visit and I’ll help you get home.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened as she hears him say he’ll take her home. “Y-you don’t have to do that…” she says. “I can take myself home.”
“It’s late at night and god knows how long it will take to get a cab during these hours. Not to mention, as you said, creeps can be out there,” Hiromi retaliated in a frustrating way. “You’re lucky I’m not one of them and I’m trying to make sure you’re safe.”
Why was Hiromi so adamant about caring for this girl he never knew before? He didn’t plan to spend his night like this: Taking this girl to the hospital, paying her bill, and now offering to take her home. He himself didn’t know why he felt this way, but wanted to continue helping her. Maybe it was just how he is. In connection to helping others, especially when they’re in need, he wants to make sure he does his best. He may look and sometimes react hard-headed, but he really does have a good heart deep down.
(Y/N) was too tired and injured at this point to keep arguing back. She had no reason to mistrust this man, so she finally agreed. “Okay.”
Hiromi huffed in relief and felt calm after hearing her give in to his offer. After finishing paying the hospital bill, he helped walk her out back to his car, making sure she didn’t fall or trip while using the crutches.
(Y/N) didn’t want to admit it, but she did keep in mind how caring he was being with her. Although he doesn’t have a way with words, his actions were speaking louder than them. It was the little things that made her think this way. The way he refused to touch her unless he had gotten her permission, the way he softly helped her walk, even just opening the door for her and making sure her seat was adjusted so that her leg can rest comfortably in his car seat was enough for (Y/N) to blush softly and appreciate his gratitude. Nonetheless, she didn’t want to give in so easily. She still didn’t know this man completely and held up a strong shield with her pride.
Once (Y/N) directed him to drive towards her apartment, Hiromi began driving and the car was silent. As (Y/N) admired how clean and organized he kept his car, Hiromi took it as an opportunity to break the ice and stop the awkward silence.
“Do you like the car?” He asks while driving.
“It’s nice.” (Y/N) says blankly as she looks out the window, even though it’s hard to see when it’s dark out.
“Thank you,” Hiromi says as he thinks of something else to say. “By the way, I never got your name. I heard the doctor say it was (Y/N), right?” He asks her politely, trying to remain calm and start over and on a better note than earlier.
“Am I required to tell you? I don’t think so…” (Y/N) snaps at him and looks down. “You’re so frustrating. Just get me home.”
Hiromi is taken aback by her sudden response and felt a little offended by it. “It’s common courtesy to introduce yourself, is it not?” He says with a slightly annoyed tone to his voice.
‘Who does she think she is? A queen?’ He thinks to himself as he keeps driving, becoming annoyed once more.
“You’re acting like you’re some ‘perfect guy’. You didn’t introduce yourself either other than you’re a lawyer!” (Y/N) responds back as he can clearly see she sounds more annoyed as she speaks.
“Honestly, you’re being very rude! Do you not see how rude you’re being to someone who’s just trying to help you? Are you that immature?” Hiromi speaks with a sharp tone to his voice and is little by little increasing his frustration.
“I’m not being fucking rude!! What part of that don’t you understand?” (Y/N) yells at him and this caught Hiromi off guard that it causes him to flinch for a moment. His eyes widened as he did not expect for her to yell like this. This snapped something inside of him. There was no holding back now.
“Look at you…can’t even talk in a decent volume? Can you really not control your yells? Especially when we’re in a car?” Hiromi glares at her and raises his voice slightly.
“I can’t wait to drop you off...” Hiromi was being harsh due to her attitude, but somehow started to feel bad for speaking to her like this.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened as he spoke. She looked down at her lap and felt herself get teary-eyed. She didn’t make it obvious to him but maybe she took it too far. She didn’t mean to be acting this way, she was just going through a hard time. “I’m sorry…just please take me home…” (Y/N) said in a quiet, trembling voice.
Hiromi glances over and sees a tear run down her cheek even though she tried to hide it. He sighs and immediately feels his frustration and annoyance turn into guilt. He never meant to make her cry. He was only upset at the way she was acting towards him but he knew that he had to listen to her rather than respond to her harshly.
“I’m…sorry,” he calmly apologized sincerely and kept his eyes on the road. ‘I don’t know why a stranger’s tears has such an effect on me…I don’t know why I care so much’ he thinks to himself.
After a moment of silence, Hiromi decides to speak again. “Do you have any family you could call to tell about your injury, (Y/N)?” He asked as he was genuinely concerned.
“No…” (Y/N) responded quietly as she wiped a tear from her cheek. She seemed defeated and he realized that she wasn’t trying to argue anymore.
Hiromi felt his heart hurt after hearing her say ‘no’. Did she not have any family? He would ask her about it but it’s not the time right now to do so. She needs time and space.
“I see…” is all he manages to get out. While there is still an awkward space of silence between them, Hiromi still tries his best to speak with her even if it’s a small, pointless conversation.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? (Y/N)?” Hiromi looks at her for second, giving her a small smile to lighten up the mood.
In this moment, he sees her face look at him slightly. Her eyes are watered up and red from wanting to cry, but something about her seems precious, seems genuine.
The minute (Y/N) looks at him, she felt her heart beat out of her chest. She saw this man smile for the first time tonight and she felt comfortable.
“…I’m (your age).” (Y/N) speaks quietly as he she sees him genuinely interested in speaking with her. It makes her heart flutter in a way she couldn’t describe.
‘I should just give him a chance…he really has been generous towards me ever since I bumped into him.’ (Y/N) thinks to herself.
Now, as there was silence, it wasn’t as uncomfortable as before. As he was nearing her apartment, he got out of the car first and came to the passenger side of the door to open it and help her out.
As she stood up, (Y/N) began to speak.
“Mr. Lawyer sir,” (Y/N) cringed at the name she gave him as she still didn’t know this man’s name. “I’m sorry…if I’ve sounded like a complete bitch this whole night. I’m just going through a lot right now and…I’m feeling scared of my emotions at the moment.” She felt a tear drop as she continued.
“I’m grateful for everything you’ve done today…taking me to a hospital, paying for my visit, even driving me home even though you don’t know who I am…no stranger would ever go this far…”
“I’m just…in a really self-destructive place in my life right now and all I can do is detach from anyone and anything at the moment because…I have no one to turn to.” (Y/N) breaks down in tears as she finishes the last sentence.
Hiromi’s heart shatters in guilt and sorrow as she hears her speak. He feels just as bad for taking out his bad attitude on her even if he was just defending himself. Now that he knows the real reason why she’s been acting this way, he lets all his frustration and annoyance from earlier subside and feels sympathy and care for her. It gives him heart ache to hear that she has no one to turn to.
“I understand if you hate me…I wasn’t being kind to you.”
“I don’t hate you, (Y/N)…” Hiromi starts to speak.
“You know what? Let’s just start over,” Hiromi says as he sighs in content. “We both met on bad terms. I think we both were too sensitive in our emotions when we first encountered each other. Why not start over and get to know each other the proper way this time?”
(Y/N) wipes her tears off as she nods in agreement.
“Thank you, Mr. Lawyer sir…” Hiromi blushes at his nickname. He thinks it’s cute of her to call him that. “I don’t even know your name but I don’t think I deserve to after the way I’ve treated you. I wish you the best, thank you for helping me.”
(Y/N) turns around to start walking towards her apartment when all of a sudden, Hiromi speaks behind her.
“My name’s Hiromi Higuruma, but you can call me Hiromi. but I was kind of liking the “Mr. Lawyer sir” name you had going for me.” Hiromi chuckled a bit as he stopped her on her tracks.
As Hiromi looks at (Y/N), he thinks about wanting to be there for her. He doesn’t know why he feels this way. Maybe it’s because he’s feeling bad about her and wants to help her? Or maybe it’s guilt from how he acted earlier? Whatever the reason is, he feels something in his heart that’s making him feel that he should be the one to show her care and how much she’s worth.
“(Y/N), only if you’d let me, I’d like to get to know you more.”
“You would? But…wouldn’t you rather get to know someone who is actually worth your time? Someone better than me…a girl without a stank attitude like me.” (Y/N) spoke softly to him.
Yes, this is what it’s about. Self worth.
‘She probably doesn’t see how valuable she truly is. That’s the problem.’ He thinks to himself as he looks at her.
Hiromi thinks of what he wants to do. He wants to be able to show her a side of herself that she does not possibly see often. He suddenly has to motivation to want to help her and be there for her. Even if he were to give words of affirmation everyday, he feels as if she won’t believe him…
He’d have to show her. Show her I care and that she is worth caring for.
“Give me your phone number, please,” Hiromi asked bravely, making (Y/N) blush.
“How come?” (Y/N) asks questioningly as she tilts her head.
“Just…please. I want to help you.” He hands his phone over to her so she could input her number in his contacts. Once doing so, he saved it under her name.
“Thank you, (Y/N). I want to hear from you again, okay?” Hiromi gave her a soft heart-warming smile as he was preparing to leave for the night.
(Y/N) finally started to feel at ease with this man and let herself trust him little by little. She let him help her walk up towards her apartment door so she wouldn’t fall or trip with her crutches. Once she went inside, he said his goodbyes and repeated his sentence.
“Goodnight, (Y/N). I hope you feel better. And, don’t forget, I really do want to hear from you again, okay? I just want to know how you’re doing.”
(Y/N) smiled softly at his sentence, making his heart flutter for the first time tonight. He felt something inside of him feel warm once he saw her smile. “Thank you, Mr. Lawyer—oh, sorry, Hiromi.”
‘Such a gorgeous smile.’ He thinks to himself.
“Mr. lawyer sir, Hiromi, higuruma, I’m okay with anything.” He laughs.
“See you later, (Y/N). Get some rest.” As he says this sentence, he waves her goodbye and heads back to his car to drive home.
If only they both knew this would be the start of something beautiful.
end of part one.
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ckret2 · 10 months
Did the henchmaniacs had a private space to be at in the nightmare realm (a house, room, etc) or were they just hanging out together 24/7? Did Bill also have a place like that?
The Quadrangle of Qonfusion IS Bill's home. It's castle, clubhouse, and fortress to him. So if he wants privacy, there's nowhere further back for him to retreat. That's his safe haven.
There are (supposedly) no rules about what the Henchmaniacs can and can't do, because they're (supposedly) just a casual friend group where everyone's free to do whatever they like, so of course it's (supposedly) acceptable for them to live somewhere other than the Quadrangle. The "Henchmaniacs" aren't like, an army or gang or team or something; the name itself is (supposedly) nothing more than a cute nickname for their friend group.
In reality though—pretend you're a Henchmaniac—if you're one of the criminals and nightmares who's friends with Bill, and if he wants you to be his friend-friend, he's gonna pressure you to join him in the Quadrangle, and he'll use whatever it takes to make it sound like your best option: "No rent!" "No property taxes!" "No cops!" "Easy access to the entire multiverse!" "You can finally get out of your lousy parents' home." "I'd be SO accommodating of your really unusual but debilitating allergy, that food doesn't even exist in the Nightmare Realm." "There's NOWHERE in ALL OF REALITY you'll be safer from the authorities and bounty hunters—you're not facing those war crime charges in the Interstellar Criminal Court on MY watch, pal, not if you stick with me." "Renovating your home the old fashioned way is so tedious—c'mon, tell me what you want your place to look like and I can just snap a finger and make it happen." "I hate how you're always getting left out of things, but you know how it is, we'll all be hanging out and get a wild hair to see a movie or burn down a city and just go do it, spur of the moment, it's not like we WANT to leave you out but it's just so inconvenient being in different dimensions, especially since I can't visit you... I'd love to have you along more often, you sure you don't wanna join us out here?"
Because if you don't move in, you will get excluded, and it's not as accidental as Bill makes it sound. Bill will say it's fine if you wanna live elsewhere—hey, he's not your boss, live wherever you want! Free will!—but it's a sign of unenthusiastic half-ass loyalty to him. You're not part of the inner gang. If a Henchmaniac doesn't live in the Quadrangle, it's either because Bill's still recruiting them, because Bill's slowly and passive-aggressively kicking them from the gang, or because they're in the process of trying to escape the loving chokehold of Bill's friend group.
Most rooms in the Quadrangle don't have ceilings/roofs and an alarming number don't even have floors because Bill happens to believe they're completely superfluous and they make a place stuffy and claustrophobic. If you can't see the stars over you, you're not in a house, you're in a nightmarish three-dimensional prison. "Is this because he comes from the second dimension where floors/ceilings didn't exist and he could always see the stars above them in the third dimension?" Yes it is. "Is this your explanation for why the Quadrangle looks completely open to the outside world in Ford's illustration of it?" Yes it is also that too.
Level of privacy any given Henchmaniac is permitted in the Quadrangle depends both on their species's/culture's/personal preferences and needs (example: the eyebats are content to sleep together hanging beneath an open staircase, their species is used to communal roosting in open caves and so they neither need nor want private rooms), and on how much Bill himself happens to be fond of the Henchmaniac in question.
If he adores you it's "lemme show you around the place, it's pretty easy to shuffle things around so just let me know where you want me to stick your door and what you want your room to look like—it's no trouble at all, don't worry about it! Send me reference pictures or whatever," and if he only just sorta tolerates you but doesn't want to lose you it's "so here's the place, kitchen's up here, bathroom's over there, feel free to wander around and find a place to drop your stuff, we've got plenty of spare rooms."
Your living situation can get better or worse if Bill's opinion of you changes—"Hey, buddy, bad news, so we wanted to put a pool in and the ONLY place that works overlaps the same patch of spacetime that your room was in, I didn't even realize they were overlapping, honestly I completely forgot you were in that room haha we've seen so little of you lately, you've been spending so much time with those pals of yours you met online, it's almost like you've left the gang entirely, hahaha... anyway. Sorry I accidentally flooded your room and drowned your computer. But hey, you can sleep with Keyhole until we find a place to fit a new room for you." And Keyhole is on a couch in the garage.
So: privacy and stability of any Henchmaniac's living situation varies over time from member to member based on Bill's whims and their personal resourcefulness. Some have properties or safe places to escape to outside the Quadrangle; most don't. A few of his pals are "fringe" Henchmaniacs who don't actually live with him.
The most safe members of the gang are Kryptos, Hectorgon, and Amorphous Shape, who have stable quarters that accommodate their needs and generally their personal preferences and interests. This will ALWAYS be the case so long as they remain loyal to him, it would take something extreme rock the boat with his few remaining loyal shapes. Outside of them, his current favorites are Zanthar (he pretty much always likes Zanthar—Zanthar is a god, makes Bill feel pretty important that Zanthar follows HIM around), Pyronica, Paci-Fire (he feels like they're the two least likely to EVER leave him and that makes him like them more), and mainly Iris but he also treats the other eyebats a little better than average because of her.
No Henchmaniac has absolute privacy in the Quadrangle of Qonfusion—indeed, no person has absolute privacy anywhere in the Nightmare Realm, domain of the all-seeing eye—except for Bill Cipher himself. ... Except even he doesn't really have total privacy, because again, he hates roofs.
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onyondump · 6 months
Broken Glass
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Polly Gray x F!Reader
WARNING : FULL ON SMUT 🚨🚨, Cunnilingus, Bloodplay (ig?)
Synopsis : Polly hasn't been the same since her return from jail, and you're getting a bit worried
Note: I'm not familiar with WLW sex or romance so forgive me if this is cringe or disrespectful
You’ve known the Shelby’s for as long as you remember, you used to live next door and play with the boys when you were young. They were kind to you and in turn you gave them your loyalty, helping however you can to uplift them. Oftentimes that means taking care of the house side by side with Polly. As a child you admired her, she was strong and clever even while dealing with men twice her size while also managing to be caring in her own way. The matters of the heart was her expertise and you were always in awe of how she would handle her nephews. Her beauty was no match either: enchanting dark eyes on a face that could only be described as angelic framed by her curly brown hair like that warm cloud on a summer day. 
Overtime, this feeling of admiration turned into something more, something that you feel ashamed of admitting to yourself. You had thought it was a feeling every child has for their mom, a familial feeling. However you catch yourself leering more onto her figure, the curve of her back, her cold shoulders, and her moisten red lips. At times like this you would hurry and excuse yourself to the washroom. You tried to repress it,to not act on it, avoiding her glance and presence but your desire always got the better of you as you confined yourself to your bedroom. 
When Tommy bought a house for Polly, you moved in with her and her maid. You still did chores for her but still felt guilty every time you were in the same room with her. 
When her estranged son reunited with her it further complicated things. 
Michael was nice, decades of being separated from his family really made him stand out from the rest of the Shelbys but you can tell that the blood is still in there and it's only a matter of time till he finally emerges from his cocoon. You sense that Polly wants to prevent it from happening so you try your best to recreate the homely environment that he grew up in;  cooking his favorite food, decorating the house with familiar flowers and try to talk to him with topics not involving the Peaky Blinders. It never worked though. His ambitions are big and only grow bigger as the Shelby brother taunts and teases the lad until he bursts. You were mad ofcourse, all your hard work wasted  and you made sure the boys at least got the message with your passive aggressiveness around the office. 
When the police burst in to take the family away, you were in the room with them but you weren’t detained. Despite all the time you dirty your hands for them, your crimes were never concrete to land you in the cell but you still fight their fists . Clawing their faces trying to get Polly out of their  hands, shouting, like a rabid dog, and cursing Tommy as they pulled you all out of the Arrow House.
Polly was never the same when she returned. She started having visions, using drugs you never saw her touch before, and not eating when she needed to. She was deteriorating in front of your very eyes and it pained you to see her in this even more as you couldn’t be with her in her lowest moments. The fire in her eyes faded, only to be left a husk in a tired body.  Nevertheless , you tried your hardest to get her back to normalcy. Whatever normalcy there was to begin with.
A loud sound of glass shattering echoes through the room. You rushed into the source of the sound to find Polly standing aimlessly next to a shattered crystal vase you both bought a couple of months ago. The shattered glass scattered everywhere on every corner of the room
“POLLY” you rush into her side, realizing she wasn’t wearing any foot wear. You hoisted her up on top of the coffee table away from the shattered glass, she was light, it hurt your heart that she wasn’t eating properly. When you examine her you find that her knees and the underside of her food are bleeding. 
“Fuck Polly! You're bleeding! Wait here, I’ll clean it for you” she stayed silent only looking at the empty wall as if she wasn’t even in the room. 
Grabbing the first aid kit as well as a water basin you kneel in front of her and start  cleaning her wounds. You started with her foot making sure to gently remove the piece of glass before wiping it off with a towel. Again, she stayed silent as you do so. 
“I’m going to hike up your dress Polly, are you alright with that?” again she didn’t say anything but you took it as a sign to continue. You hike up her dark floral dress, you always compliment her in, exposing her pale smooth legs. The crimson trail of blood on top of her pale white skin was mesmerizing to you that you had the urge to lick it off. You stopped yourself bringing yourself to reality as you started to drag the wet  towel to clean her leg, stopping at the source of bleeding. 
“Polly I’m going to take the glass off your knee o..” you stopped yourself as you looked up at her finding those dark eyes looking back at you. A chill ran down your spine, those eyes were devoid of any warmth, it was like a predator looking into her prey and you never felt smaller in your life. 
“Who are you?” the first thing she says in days to you is asking your identity which puzzled you 
“What are you talking about Polly? I’m Y/N who else?” your body ran cold in panic and it shows in your face
Suddenly, her hands went to grab your face, her grip was so strong that her nails pierce through your skin until it started to bleed a little. 
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed your change in behavior, little bird. You’ve become distant and cozying up to my son! Who are you working for?” her grip strength, you're afraid but somehow also warm. 
“Polly it’s not what it looks like” your hand grip her wrists trying to lead her to stop but never trying to pry it away from your face 
“I’m not trying to take Michael away from you, I’m not working for anybody but you” you plead, trying to appease her like a prey asking sympathy from their predator. Truthfully you’re in Tommy’s payroll and your contract is written in the name of Shelby Company Ltd. but you know in your heart that you work for her, Polly Gray
“Then what of those needy sobs and moans I can hear through the walls.Who have you been fucking?” 
Your face turned red, she can hear you, she can hear your pathetic wailing through the walls. A mixture of hot and cold run through your body, you feel dizzy as she continues to drain blood from your face. 
“No! Noone Polly! I haven’t shared a bed with anyone. Please believe me” 
“Then who were you calling muffled in your pillow?”  
You stayed silent for a while, you really are going to pass out , when you didn’t answer she tightened her grip again. Your mind races trying to find any excuse to ease her suspicions of your habit but nothing comes up. 
“WHO!?” she asks one more time 
FUCK! It’s over, you’ve disgusted her and she will soon kick you out of the house.How will she live with women who she now knows has been lusting over her for years? 
She loosen her grips on you as you sat on the cold floor, instinctively tightening your thighs together. You look up to see her eyes wide looking at you in disbelief and all you could do is hide your face from her. 
You were about to cry before her hands grabbed ahold of your chin to guide you towards her face.  
“Prove it”  
It took you a couple of minutes to possess what you just heard, dumbfounded. You feel like your eyes are about to pop out of your skull looking at her. 
“Did you hear what I said, little bird? I said prove it” she said once again as she rubbed your bleeding cheek. It's like the small part of old Polly came back to you and you’re afraid she might disappear if you didn’t hang on to her tight. 
Your hands roam over her bleeding leg as you give in to your disgusting desire to kiss and lick her bleeding knee. The taste of bitter iron coats your taste buds as you look at her again to see a twinkle in her eyes. 
“Polly” your cheek squished with her thighs looking needy as her foot makes contact with your crotch massaging your already sensitive clit under your skirt. 
You can feel your face heat up as if it was going to burst at any second now, biting your lip trying to contain your pathetic whimpers from her. 
“What’s wrong little bird? Why are you holding your voice now?” she seems to be enjoying your misery which you can’t help but find hot if not feeling extremely embarrassed. 
“I need to taste more of you Polly. Will you let me? Please!” 
She said nothing, a blank expression still on her face as she revealed more of her leg as well as her already dampened panties. You curse yourself feeling as if you have finally reached the oasis after years and years of crawling in the accursed desert. 
You look at her again, high above you like a deity you’ve longed for for years has finally come down to relieve your thirst. Her perfect body towers over yours, imposing you with her pressene, her expression remains blank but you could feel her eyes degrading your pathetic self as she nods, giving you permission to taste her. 
Every inch of your body pounds as you come closer to her the smell of her sweet musk fogs your mind increasing your desire. Pulling aside her panties to get a better look her essence drips down to the wooden table as you look mesmerized, never in your living years would you even think of getting this close to her and it makes you even more excited. 
Like the world was in slow motion you lap your tongue on her pussy from the bottom to her clit, making sure to suck in her cyprine.You couldn’t understand the taste, it's bitter, sour and sweet at the same time but one thing you do know is that you are now addicted to the taste and want more of it. 
Like it has a mind of its own , your hand  beckons one of her supple leg to rest against your shoulders as you continue to suck and slurp on her pussy. Ravenous and thirsty, your only thought is to have her taste embedded on your tongue. 
Her hands run over your head, petting your luscious hair, gaining your attention. Looking up at her, you can see her face contorting ; eyebrows crease together, face flushed and you could feel her heartbeat fasten, you couldn’t help but wonder what she’s thinking or if she feels good. You want to make her feel good, to take care of her like how she used to take care of you. You want her to call your name.
Your sucking mouth went deeper into her, your tongue probing further into her hot warm cunt, making sure to explore every inch of her as you can as well as sucking more of her. Your face couldn’t get any hotter, you can hear the beating of your heart together with hers creating a rhythm.
Muffled moans could be heard on top of you as Polly’s fingers against your hair began to curl, gripping your hair. Your tongue moves to her sensitive clit, playing it with your tongue in away you know too much to admit. Your two fingers wriggles into her warm pussy,further inside her, rolling them against her walls as your other hand roll on your own needy one. 
“Y/n!” she called out to you and it felt like an explosion inside of you, her hips started to grind on your fingers reciprocating your actions. 
When you looked up once more, her face was desperate and needy like you have never seen her before. It feels like at this moment she needs you to bring her back to the ground just as you need her to cum in your mouth. 
“I’m close” you can hear her say in between her labored breaths. 
Your movement becomes erratic, your fingers move in and out of her as fast as you can and  your tongue to continue to roll and suck on her clit.You can feel her thighs begin to shake on your cheek as her moans become louder along with her grinds on your mouth, until she finally cums along with you. 
It felt like a weight was lifted from your body and are now flying to cloud nine. The whole room was filled with sounds of heavy breathing from both of you in the cold air of the morning hour except both of you are as hot from the little exercise.
Kissing her thighs again you call her name like morning prayer then licking back the leaking cyprine from her still sensitive pussy. 
“Fuck stop y/n! I’m still sensitive” she brings back your face towards her. For the first time in a while you were able to see the warm brown eyes you loved, Polly was here and you couldn’t help but cry. 
“What’s wrong my bird? Why are you crying?” she says as she cups your cheek while wiping your saliva and her cum. 
“Nothing don’t worry about it” you pick yourself up to kneel closer to her eyes still on her warm brown eyes 
“I love yo..” before you can finish she brings you in to kiss your lips.
It took you by surprise, but you leaned in deepening the kiss as you felt your heart start to slow down in the comfort of the moment. You envelop her hips with your arms as you too begin to kiss more with your tongue, wanting to start round two.
Sounds of footsteps and chime of keys broke your steamy moment. Michael’s home, you forgot he even lives with you for a second. 
“Come on, let's continue this in my room” Polly pulls you up and leads you to her room. 
“Wait! What about the broken glass? We haven’t cleaned it” 
“Let him clean it this time. We’ve had to deal with his shit all this time, it’s time he deals with ours” 
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songmingisthighs · 8 months
i'm gonna do a brief summary of me going mia.
fyi, i am being a bitch here so skip if you don't wanna get confused
> i stupidly sent an ask to a network i'm in about an admin who had been abusing his power/position to smear my name and reputation by introducing me to people as an abuser and i've seen texts okay this admin encouraged network members to block and just avoid me on top of calling me an abuser and called me annoying and when i was plagiarized by dally he literally called me annoying and on another plagiarizing incident, said that i "went off" but it was /neg like dude i got my shit stolen why do you think i got mad ?? and this admin had gone to another network to shit talk me with someone so openly so like wtf ?? mind you this admin used to be a friend but even when he was a friend, he had been running a smear campaign since as early as late october 2022 so imagine the betrayal and he convinced people to join in on hating me and even make it seem like a group activity and even went like "OOO WHO SHOULD WE INVITE NEXT INTO THIS HATE SMT GROUPCHAT" and it took one person to say "are you seriously inviting people in to trash talk someone you had personal beef with?" For him to be like "lol okay whatevs" but still continue. need to note this admin had participated in the desolution of 3 communities and each implosion happened after he established a "romantic relationship" with the members + gathering boob pics from others
> i was approached by an admin who at first was like "oh i'm just letting you know we're on your case. but ykw this this this this and this didn't happen the way you said, it actually happened like this" and this admin ended up labeling the shit show that i was shoved into as "personal vendetta" in a network announcement and even gaslit me. she kept saying like "aren't you tired of this? he decided to move on and he seems genuine, you could move on too" but her version of moving on was just me pretending like he didn't do anything to me because he decided that it was time to pretend like he hadn't ran a year long campaign talking shit about me to people i don't even know. like holy shit people actually came to me and apologized for believing him and what he said about me after he was done using these people too but yea sure i'm the asshole. she also said "if he came to you and apologized would you accept?" And i was like "hell no?" And she was like "SEE HOW IS THAT YOU MOVING ON" and g0rl you should've seen my face because how does not accepting the absence of accountability that had been hidden in the guise of a 2 second "i'm sorry" text = me not moving on ? he did his crime and i'm within my rights to say "lol okay so?"
> the other admin was no better bc she said "you should've sent those screenshots months ago like i told you" which btw she knew i couldn't bc i was trying to not stir drama and unlike that admin, i don't want to make another community implode. and she also said "i'm tired being in the middle of this" like g0rl i haven't been the one who brings up this issue, isn't it possible you feel like you're in the middle because you're within that asshole admin's vicinity ?
> then the network posted an announcement about the admin's "punishment" and said admin "apologized" but even in that apology the admins were still covering his ass because there were no accountability of the slanderous bullshit he told people, the manipulation, the actual emotional tornado he had put DOZENS of people in (not just me), there was nothing sincere because he only apologized after i gave a formal complaint to the network. it was theatrical which is so fitting since he likes theatres so much. esp musical ones.
> then another issue arise when someone put my dragon!hwa fic on a fic rec post and also put the au source in the same post and that writer threw a passive aggressive tantrum that called fic rec posts stupid, accusing me of "taking", how it is not fair that "others" get more attention when they don't put in the same amount of effort, how it's not her fault she couldn't write 10k fics which made me feel like it was pointed at me so i approached her and asked if she wanted me to take the fic down and she does and it BROKE me. she wanted me to delete one of my best works because she thinks i don't put in as much effort as she does when writing that and that it's unfair that fic got more traction than her works which only get "likes and likes and likes and empty reblogs" and i was considering deleting the fic but i'm changing my mind because she didn't even have the GALL to approach me and voice out her concern and she made unfair insinuations about me and possibly other writers. those are the main reasons because g0rl she really did make me want to delete my blog.
> i was gone this whole time because i felt like i've caused so much negativity on tumblr and her words made me feel nauseous whenever i open tumblr. it didn't help that i was already dealing with the issues from the admins from that network and work which had been so fun and my family where it's all shit but because of dealing with this, i've been so drained to the point that my sinus got inflamed which affected the nerves on my teeth and i've been nursing the same hammering headache since last wednesday (5 days) and i honestly felt like death on a stick and i just wanted to be happy here again. i love the people here esp my readers and ghawd how much i love seeing tagged reblogs. i felt inadequate most of the time like everytime i post a chapter it's like playing uno with loki and betting on my ability to cope with shitty humor like fuck man but i decided to come back because the several times i lost hope in life, the times i felt like people in my real life don't need me and would rather not have me around, i know that i have people like bunni and ren and that there's a group of strangers who appreciate what i have to offer no matter what i think of myself and i'm getting emotional now and i gotta pee and idk how to end this so bye
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sirfrogsworth · 2 years
Looking Forward
If I trust my brother... and he did my dad's will properly... and set up my trust correctly... then I should be able to stay in the house for roughly 2 years.
If I trust my brother.
Then I can either sell the house and use that money for a small apartment or try to find a roommate situation to help me stay in the house a little longer. The nice thing about paying the mortgage is I can get most of that money back if I ever do sell the house. It's almost like a savings account with all my stuff inside.
Let's just hope the property value doesn't plummet for some reason. Though it has been around the same amount for many years.
I like living in my house. It's what I've known for 30 years. But being alone in the house is going to be a hard adjustment. After two years (or sooner) I may want to move near Katrina or Delling so I am closer to a support system. I wish we could all live next door to each other. Or live on a farm/ranch situation. And instead of chickens it is just a bunch of free range corgis.
I tried convincing Katrina to build a pool house, but she has a small backyard and no pool. HOWEVER... Apparently Florida has a lot of "mother-in-law suites." I had no idea that had a name, but I could be Katrina's mother-in-law. I have the skill set to guilt trip, make passive-aggressive comments, and judge how she raises her future kids. (And any other outdated stereotypes I've learned from 80s comedians.)
But I also like the idea of having a roommate. I could accommodate a single person or a small family. And I'd love to have an animal of some kind around. We have a huge fenced-in area left over from Otis.
I think I could offer someone a pretty sweet living situation. I have a full basement apartment that I reside in and so the entire upstairs is available for people to live in. I could charge cheaper rent than a cheap apartment in exchange for helping with chores that I struggle to do.
There is plenty of furniture and appliances ready to use. Full laundry room. I've got a really nice home theater in the living room so they can watch movies in style. I also have a few hundred TV series and several thousand movies on Plex. They get a full kitchen and bathroom to themselves. Plenty of garage space and a long driveway to park vehicles. They can have up to 5 rooms to do whatever in. They could do 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a small den area. My mom liked the den because she could watch her Judge Judy shows while my dad watched JAG in the living room.
If they don't have a family, they could convert 2 of the bedrooms into office space or craft rooms or S&M dungeons. They can decorate any way they'd like. But they have to keep the sex swing clean so I can use it. Not for sex--I just enjoy centripetal forces. And they'll have great privacy as I will be in the downstairs apartment. They'd only see me if I exit the house or if they invite me to dinner or movie night.
All they would have to pay is whatever I can't cover. I'd estimate in the $600-$800 range once the trust fund runs out. Plus the chores like cleaning and yard duty. That's a good deal, right?
The only downside is the house is in a deteriorating neighborhood. Businesses are closing and people are moving away. Our street is pretty isolated so there isn't much danger or crime. But we are adjacent to a dangerous neighborhood and the schools aren't great. That said, while there isn't much around here, in St. Louis you are always ~25 minutes from anything you need. The highway is literally down the street so driving to anywhere is fairly hassle free.
Also, I'd be happy to lend out the car for transport to a job. I'll only need it to get groceries every few weeks. They'd have to get added to my insurance and help with gas and maintenance.
Soooo... yeah, I think I have a lot to offer with my house.
They do have to be okay with my big subwoofer rattling things. The sound doesn't really travel through the floor, but the vibrations can. I can tone it down if they are sleeping though.
Oh! We also have a huge workshop on the property too. It could be used for working on cars or woodworking or an art space. It has electricity, lighting, heating and is perfect for anything that requires getting dirty. If that makes sense.
One idea I have been considering is seeking out an unhoused queer individual who was kicked out or is struggling to afford a decent place. If their parents don't want them, maybe I could provide a safe place. Things are so scary for LGBTQ+ folks right now. Especially in Missouri. St. Louis is a pretty blue city, but Missouri is a blood red state. If I could do something small for someone like that, I would be happy to help. Could be mutually beneficial.
So those are all of my thoughts and ideas as of now.
Again, if I trust my brother, I should have a decent amount of time to figure things out.
If things go sideways, I might be screwed.
So far he seems to be doing all the things he should be doing to get me sorted.
I'm going to choose to trust him.
With my life.
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loversdelusions · 2 years
Hi I love to see what you think Yandere kirishima be like :) Like kirishima would he be the type to kidnapped or is he the type to Just stalks her and collects every information to a wall or something or does he do both ?
⋆✸ Yandere Kirishima: Habits and Rituals ✸⋆
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Kirishima - usually - is the ideal partner. He's sweet, loyal, fiercely strong and passionate. He's a great guy. Normally.
When he's infatuated, though, he's not the same person. He's big, towering over you, and makes you tiny by comparison. He enjoyed it, too. Made him feel powerful, how small you were in comparison, and how you'd look under him. He would use this to his advantage, leaning over you and trapping you in his arms, grabbing you and moving you around as he wished, like his little rag doll.
In all honesty in his lovesick state, he's a terror. He's not the type to make a shrine, or place photos around the wall of his room. He has a few treasured photographs of you he keeps with him at all times, to look at, satisfy his pleasures to, and remind himself of his focus.
Kirishima is a giant passive-aggressive bully.
No one understands what you're talking about, the pushing around, the small pinches to your thighs, hands skimming the side of your skin going up and underneath your skirt while you tried to move away without angering him. What could you do about it, anyways? No one believes you anyway. You're talking about Red Riot, he would never do such things. Why are you trying to muddy his name?
It continued to be like that, his subtle touches, sometimes rough and scarring, left behind scratches at times and red sore makes as if to remind you where he's been. He's a jealous guy, though it seems more internal than anything. Unlike Bakugou who will hate everything you touch and will be watching from afar, or Izuku, whose idea of 'take out the garbage is a bit too liberal when it comes to people and objects; Kirishima does not wait away or shy from your attention. He runs head-on and tells everyone that he is in love with you.
The peer pressure will not end. "Give him a chance,"
"Don't break the guy's heart,"
"It's Kirishima, no way you're gonna reject him right? He's been your friend since the beginning of our first year!"
His other stalker behaviour is scrapbooking whatever little polaroids he likes to snap of you, (polaroids on purpose for the aesthetic) as well as whatever remind him of you. A daisy he found, little heart sprinkles he found in the store that made him think of you, whatever little aesthetic things he likes and comforts him as if you were there to do it yourself. He has both sides of cruelty and the gentle-handed approach, and which one he used depends on the impulses he gets the moment you happen to be in his vision.
At times you'd get whiplash by the sudden gentlemanly act he has, holding your stuff for you, getting you little trinkets like a tiny gremlin, cute little animal candles is something he will definitely give you and for no apparent reason. It becomes very apparent he is going through it, his mind is bouncing from wall to wall flipping through moods and behaviours like play cards yet no matter how many times he pulls a card he is always the joker.
He doesn't think it through. When asked, if you turn to him with wide teary eyes and ask him why he was doing this he'd be very confused. He is aware what he's doing is a crime, but it does not particularly register to him that he might be considered a criminal. Unlike the others, whose forms of denial can consist of fake acceptance and/or severe delusion, Kirishima is hurt by the insinuation that he is terrorizing you, and the gaslighting may begin.
Was he that bad? He was so sorry if you felt that way, so upset that he was not being good to you as he wanted, or that he was simply playing, didn't mean to hurt you, and the big wide red eyes turning to you with apologies falling from his lips, but his eyes moving to yours— and if you soften...
He really wants you, no matter what, you know. He'll be the perfect guy, you just gotta accept it, and let him surround you with his love. It really doesn't come to his mind that accepting his love also means accepting his fury.
Kidnapping is not exactly his style. He'd much rather pressure you into his arms, it makes it easier to convince himself it was you who'd accepted him without his interference. He finds it much more pleasurable when he can shower you with love and attention in front of others in favour of accosting you at later times. The secrecy, the lying and toying with the public images of both of you makes him high with the power, all the subtlety it takes when he was considered too airheaded to do all those things boosts his self-image to a level unwarranted. Which is why he has no problem knowing you'll be his.
You can't out-manoeuvre him. But you're lucky he loves you, and you should care about remaining in his good graces otherwise his teasing smiles and cocky grins will turn into cruel smirks and sadistic touches.
Don't test him. You won't like the hardened shell he'll erect to push your limits.
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shapovalovvs · 2 months
the papers are expected at this point tbh, what bothers me the most is that weird breed of fans that have been passive aggressive about anna from the start and now they finally feel like they're morally justified to shit on "his questionable choices" as if it's a crime to date a colleague and *clutches pearls* have a life lmao. and it's not like they don't know that he's always struggled with health and endurance so blaming his issues on a woman is just vile and uncalled for
oh i absolutely agree with you.
i can speak from the italian tennis fan perspective and say that here naturally a lot of new fans have started watching jannik only after he won his first grand slam title, so there’s a chance that they didn’t know that detail about him. even i was a new tennis fan at the time, but i had a friend telling me that thing about jannik, so i did watch the australian open with no expectations and then got pleasantly surprised, and i only got to see those struggles from the clay season onwards. but still, it’s unrealistic to believe a player can be fit throughout an entire tennis season, especially considered how packed the schedule is
either way, as you said, the absolute worst part is obviously blaming his physical struggles (or in this most recent case, an illness) on his partner. calling and considering tennis players’ partners “a distraction” is an extremely misogynistic take (which can be easily debunked by remembering that the big three have literally dominated the sport while being married)
and that’s true, it’s even weirder to see this behavior from actual fans of his too, he’s an adult and he can do whatever he wants i believe. i am one to usually not care too much about players’ personal lives, so it always bothers me when i see such things blown out of proportion. but, ahimè, this is what “journalism” is like nowadays
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lilyfoxonfire · 1 year
A little bit of a rant, but. And this is a Very Personal Take, so watch out for that.
The thing I wish more writers at DC got is that Jason's tragedy runs deeper than the Joker — but it also doesn't run deep enough that it ruined him from the start (which happens to be a particularly terrible train of thought in general.)
Jason Todd, as Robin, was a sweet kid. Jason Todd, as Robin, was angry, traumatized, sometimes vicious. Jason Todd, as Robin, loved school. Jason Todd, as Robin, hated criminals. He loved his father, and loved being Robin, and didn't quite respect Batman's mission, and had issues with his family. These things can coexist. They *should* coexist — because this coexistence is what makes the character interesting, when you look at him for more than five seconds.
It's all too easy to act as if Jason's leading tragedy — the key moment that defines his path — is the moment he dies to the Joker. This isn't *inaccurate*, per se; the events of his resurrection were indeed mostly influenced by the events leading to, and surrounding, his death. But dying to the Joker does not *constitute all that Jason is.* That's a thing writers keep falling into; this idea that everything about Jason Todd eventually and inevitably goes back to the Joker, and his murder. Both "Kill the Joker" and "Three Jokers" (ironic) approached the character from this angle, and I think that's a damn shame.
Then you'll see people who look deeper, and define the character by his background. Criminal abusive father, cocaine addict mother who eventually dies, a miserable half-life in the streets and slums of Gotham City, depending on petty crime not to starve to death. It's a terrible existence, and the scars it left on Jason's psyche are clear, but that alone does not constitute all that he is. I've heard the following take a few dozen times; "There was never any hope for Jason Todd." Even Batman himself, in some comics, says something to this effect.
There's two camps on this hill, of course. The first, more aggressive, is of the idea that Jason was "rotten from the start"; this isn't at all an uncommon take, both within fandoms and in real life when talking about certain polemic figures. We, as people, find some sick comfort in pointing to people who do things we dislike, fictional and otherwise, and declaring that their perceived evil is innate, like there's something off within their heads. We see this phenomena a lot more often with Superboy Prime, for example — but it's not quite uncommon with Jason Todd, in some circles.
I don't think I need to elaborate on why this is toxic, of course. Reducing these characters — and people irl, when applied in such cases — to circumstances of some innate evil self, a rotten soul or undiagnosed antisocial disorder or whatever, is to close your eyes to any context that might have led to what happened to them. You don't have to forgive someone for doing something, especially when that something is awful, but there is still room to seek to understand why what happened happened, so that one might attempt to stop it from happening again, or ruminate on its consequences.
Coming back to our given example, by saying Jason was "always rotten", these people choose to completely ignore every important (and trust me, they were incredibly important) factor in his life that led to his behaviour. Perhaps unsurprisingly, these are the people most likely to portray Robin!Jason as an arrogant asshole and nothing else.
The other camp is a bit more reasonable. "Jason Todd never had the chance to be more than what he was" is the prevalent thought they hold — from the streets as an orphan to the streets as a fighter, surrounded by violence at every turn. How could he ever have grown past the blood if new blood kept being spilled? It's a very humane take on the character, comparatively speaking, but I feel like it's also diminutive. Because this passive acceptance of an outcome is, in and of itself, a sentence to it. Which is to say — this, and the condemnation preferred by the first camp, are different only in the tone of their voices and the amount of empathy displayed. There's still an acceptance of the fact that this was 'always how things would play out', one way or the other. Like this was Fate.
This perception of the larger tragedy at hand as some sort of Destiny resulting from Jason's background and the tragedy he suffered is most notable in the recent interactive film "Death in the Family". Notice the similarities the many paths have to one another — of course, we know on a metaphysical level that this is in part due to budget limitations. But within the context of the movie, the narrative is that of the following; that those events, those horrors, would be Jason's inevitable destiny in every path his life could take where it crossed both Joker and The Batman.
And that, to me, is such a tragic misreading of what makes his tragedy *special*. Because any reading of Jason's tenures as Robin show a boy who does, indeed, have hope. We see this child be, well, a child — love and live and have issues a kid would have. We see him have problems with his family, sure, but also enjoy their presence, and get close to them. We've seen, recently, how he loved his father. How he and his brother patched things up. We've seen how he admired Barbara. To say that Jason's life would always end one way is to ignore the one true innate thing about him, and that was the arc of moving past one's trauma.
At his core, Jason was a heroic kid who had a lot of baggage. What made him different from Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne was the nature of this baggage — he had no sole event to blame for it, no single tragedy before the Joker. Jason Todd's personal Vendetta was against Gotham City, in all the ways it was rotten. See how he lashed out when confronted with Felipe Garzonas and Gloria; *that* was Jason's target of rage and trauma, not any single event. Ironically, the thing Robin Jason and Red Hood Jason share is this; a rage against an immutable status quo, against the seemingly inherent futility in endlessly fighting to stop crime in the moment, never taking it further, always holding back. Rage against inevitability.
This is a child who could, and was close to, and was *expected to*, one day grow beyond himself. Perhaps it would always be outside of Batman's specific code. Perhaps not. But it was not Jason Todd's background that consigned him to a life of violence. Even at that point in time, at his lowest and within the worst interpretation of it, had it not been for the Joker, Jason would almost inevitably have moved beyond himself like Bruce eventually did, like Dick eventually did. Eventually, people change. That was a 15-year old boy lashing out, and given time, and support, every last piece of his story tells us he'd have healed.
Instead, he died a violent murder, betrayed by his mother, and was condemned to a cycle of violence that was almost custom-built to perpetuate every last worst part of himself. To make every last flaw of his shine. To stoke the flames of his rage and nothing else. And it happened because he died, and metaphysically because the author wanted something to try (and fail) to question Batman's methods once again.
That's the tragedy of Jason Todd — forever doomed to push boulders uphill. This is a character built for a world that can either change or be questioned — but his is a world that does neither, so he will only ever fall further down, further down indeed. And as he does, he'll keep pushing boulders, struggling, trying to go up. And he will fail. He can't ever recover because we, the world, won't let him.
Or we can just make him a magic ninja lol
(I actually like the All Caste stuff, ironically. Could've been done way better, but. Hey. Ducra questioned that boy's ideals without being a moralist jackass. I will take that.)
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ladyfranklin · 3 months
Oh..A new customer, why must I always deal with such people?? If only Rosie were here instead to speak with yo— Oh? A person of riches you say? Well, why didn't you say so at first my darling~? Surely I can assist you with whatever thing you may need, unless you're looking for romantic and or relationship advice..I'm not a master at such subjects If I'm being honest, my dear..
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INDIE/CANON & CANON- DIVERGENT / Nonselective RP / Ask Blog / RP Blog / 18+/ OCs welcomed / Heavy HCs / AUs welcomed
{{Now! Let's get onto info and rules!}}
• Hello there, my name is Vanilla or Nilla for short and I've been roleplaying for atleast 4 years and find it very entertaining
• I prefer paragraphs, whether short or big as it gives me more to work with but make sure it's atleast more than three lines <33
•18+ content
• I will NOT tolerate racism, sexism, etc.
• I do have quite alot of freetime but are sometimes busy with irl stuff
• Any questions? PM me!
• Single line RPs are for asks
• Don't be shy to interact, I enjoy it very much :DD
• If you tag me in hashtags and such just put: lady franklin
{{Content of this blog}}
• Foul and Insensitive language
• Description of heavy violent acts, cannibalism, and death, suggestive actions, and all that fun stuff!
• Fancy talking and complex language
• A temperamental double dead woman
• Franklin secretly fawning over Rosie even if the latter has had many husbands
• Decay, rotting and zombie like descriptions
{{What you'll expect of how I portray Franklin}}
• Before her death, Franklin shared the overlord title with Rosie
• Due to many people not knowing whether to say they're a man or woman I decided to make her a transgender woman, in life she would pretend to be a woman to commit her crimes
• She is secretly inlove with Rosie but believes she herself is not worthy of somebody so kind, and so Franklin sees her as a friend/business partner
• Franklin is seen more like a joke by the other overlords since she is not as capable as Rosie is
• Based off a Victorian Era Porcelain Doll.
• This inspired her to try and get rid of Rosie as a way to keep the colony for herself
• She is passive aggressive, temperamental, emotional, rude, and the polar opposite of Rosie, not having the motherly touch that she does
• Loses control of her cannibalistic urges most of the time
• Secretly insecure of her looks and appearance, this is why her hair and hat cover the upper part of her face
• Would not hesitate to eat or cook a child, the only reason she hasn't is because of Rosie so do be careful
• Will get physical with those she considers lower than her along with her future meals
• Enjoys discussing torture methods and is amused/interested by anatomy and death
• Loves getting messy
• Franklin is the one who'd draw and make designs for the Emporium along with having her dresses and suits shown on the display window, even after her second death, a book of concepts with clothes that she never got to make was left for Rosie to use
• Goes ballistic in her full demon form, while in this form her skin does harden and crack like any porcelain doll would, the sides of her mouth open, and she becomes lankier and taller
• Since Rosie was described by Rosie to be like Dolly from Hello Dolly! and Mary Poppins from Mary Poppins Returns! I based Franklin off the Other Mother from Coraline and Joan Crawford from Mommie Dearest.
• A very manipulative and fake woman who pretends to be sweet to the people of Cannibal Town but secretly despises some of the townsfolk
• Franklin was born around 1855 and died in 1900 as one of her victims escaped and killed her, yabbing two big knitting needles into her eyes
{{More will be added soon!!}}
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
The passive-aggressiveness towards the chief justice in the description of the house of the Rue Plumet is kind of funny:
“but behind the pavilion there was a narrow courtyard, and at the end of the courtyard a low building consisting of two rooms and a cellar, a sort of preparation destined to conceal a child and nurse in case of need”
The “in case of need” makes me laugh when it was clearly intended to be used that way, given that the paragraph begins with the note that the chief justice used this place for his mistress.
This detail was hilarious:
“Only the birds beheld this curiosity. It is probable that the linnets and tomtits of the last century gossiped a great deal about the chief justice.”
It simultaneously sets up the house as one tied to nature (it attracts lots of birds) and gives us the image of avian gossip circles.
The house is an escape from the convent. Aside from the general creepiness of it when we first read about it and the comparisons to prisons there, here, Valjean being “condemned” to the galleys is explicitly equated with Cosette being “condemned” to the convent if they’d stayed. This choice offers Cosette freedom, even if she benefited from the convent’s education and the shelter it provided for all of those years.
While “give Cosette freedom” is a noble goal, Valjean’s way of thinking about it is sad. His fear that Cosette will hate him is heartbreaking, and rather than conceptualizing the matter as what’s best for her, he imagines keeping her in the convent as a crime - more specifically, as a “robbery.” Even his relationship with his daughter is analyzed through the lens of his “crime,” with Valjean seeking to avoid being a thief again rather than to act in her best interest. He does do so in the end, and he does love her. The issue is more that his problems with his own self-image (seeing himself as a criminal) affect his ability to provide for Cosette in a way that’s healthy for himself. Cosette still gets the freedom she needs, but Valjean can’t think about that in a way that doesn’t make her rights a reflection of his morality. Worst of all, he doesn’t begin to think about Cosette’s freedom because of something she says or does; he thinks about it because he feels “too happy” in the convent:
“It will be remembered that Jean Valjean was happy in the convent, so happy that his conscience finally took the alarm.”
Leaving the convent is a good thing for Cosette, but unfortunately, it’s a move fueled most of all by Jean Valjean’s lack of self-worth. Having felt happy, he decided that something must be wrong – because how could he feel happy? – and sought to “rectify” whatever it was, with the constant fear that Cosette would hate him lingering in the background.
Moreover, while the house is freer than the convent, it’s not without its problems. Hugo’s phrasing in describing how this house was used for affairs may be funny, but it does reveal this place’s ties to an older social order, one embodied by M Gillenormand. That the house is run down may imply that these ties have eroded, but it’s nonetheless true that Cosette and her father will have to navigate the existing social order here to a much greater extent than in the convent. And having seen what being treated as a “mistress” in this time led to for Fantine, that can be dangerous, too.
Jean Valjean also can’t shake his old habits of isolating himself. Again, these habits are based on legitimate fears to an extent; not having neighbors and having various safehouses shelters him from the scrutiny of others and from the police. At the same time, he himself knows how unlikely it is that anyone’s looking for him after disappearing for so many years, especially with how much age has changed him. It’s difficult to evaluate how much his precautions are reasonable and how much they illustrate his constant need to hide, but they certainly leave both him and Cosette isolated. Being out of the convent may have actually limited her social circle, since she now only has Valjean to talk to instead of having the other pupils as well), and both of them are likely grieving Fauchelevent to some extent. This isolation is, again, understandable, but it’s not good for either of them.
Spoilers below:
The introduction to this house feels so representative of all it comes to be as well. It’s “solemn” and secretive because that’s what Valjean is. A house made to conceal is ideal to him. And yet what it’s supposed to hide is an affair, which is somewhat fitting for the place where Cosette first experiments with romance. The garden not only serves as the site of this, but symbolizes her youth as she enters the “spring” of her life. It combines Valjean’s sad secrecy with her blossoming youth and need for change, just as the plants in a garden transform each season.
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