#and don't worry this one is finally leading up to the ~spice~
slutabed · 11 months
18+ - ch. 3 preview: "He Carries the Reminders" from Where the Ragged People Go
...all of a sudden, Steve seems to want his title back. 
It’s ridiculous, and Robin nearly snorts beer out of her nose laughing in her haste to remind him what a dork he truly is. Jonathan grins and chimes in about how far King Steve has fallen off of his throne, and how it’d be pretty tough to sit back up there with a broken ass and no crown.
But Steve is grinning wildly, all shining lights in his eyes and just a flush of red high up on his cheeks, looking every bit the golden captain of the basketball team he’d been even during his team’s losing streak. 
“If Munson wants my title,” he says to the room at large, passing Eddie another beer and grabbing one for himself, “he’s gonna have to fight me for it.”
Blood swims in diametric streams throughout Eddie’s body, half rushing to his face and half rushing south to what could become a dangerously embarrassing situation if he doesn’t get a fucking grip soon. 
Fight Steve? Eddie could die from one knock-out punch and be satisfied, if it means Steve gets his hands on him. 
But while Eddie is busy trying to shove his horny brain back into his mental closet, Steve pulls a multitool out of his back pocket and flips the knife open. 
“I’m assuming you have one of your own?” Steve asks, entirely too calm for this shit, as if it’s completely normal to – what, invite Eddie to a fucking knife fight in his living room? 
Eddie blinks and does the only thing he can think of while he fumbles for the switchblade he keeps in his pocket: he runs his fucking mouth. 
“Aw, so it was just a knife in your pocket after all, huh, Harrington? I thought you were just happy to see me.”
Robin and Jonathan boo him from their respective seats while Steve rolls his eyes, grabs Eddie’s collar and hauls him to his feet. 
“If you’re too chickenshit to shotgun for the title, Munson, just say it,” Steve croons before shanking a hole into the side of his beer can, popping the top, bringing the hole to his mouth and sucking, hard. 
“Oh shit.” 
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maverickbabes · 2 years
One Kiss
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One Kiss
Aged!up!Neteyam Sully x female!navi!Omatikaya!reader!
Both Neteyam and Reader are 17
Warnings: mentions of jerking off, use of nickname 'ma pretty girl', 'ma y/n' and 'ma pretty mate/ma mate', innocent!reader, teases of wet dreams, kissing, cussing, Neteyam is in denial with his feelings cause he's a good boy, Neteyam's naughty thoughts of his best friend, hints of spice
FLUFFY FLUFF JUST A BUNCH OF CUTENESS FOR THIS ONE WITH A HINT OF SPICE. this is a tad bit long but it's worth it hehe
Summary: Neteyam's been having vivid wet dreams of his best friend y/n and feels guilty about it especially when they go stargazing one night. He avoids her for days as he went through this internal battle of his feelings that he had of y/n and about what he wanted to do. Finally he finds y/n by the lake and takes what he wants.
"Oo ouch ouch!" Neteyam grumbles as y/n gently wipes the damp cloth over the wound on his shoulder. Y/n chuckles as she puts the the cloth back into the bowl full a water before wringing it out.
"Stop moving and it wouldn't hurt as much teyam" Y/n says as she gently wipes the rest of the blood off his shoulder. Neteyam holds his breath as he feels her soft and small hands run along his back and shoulder blades.
She grabs one of the gauze wraps and some herb ointment to help with the healing and began wrapping up the wound. "There all patched up" Y/n whispers as she places her hand on his good shoulder.
Neteyam grabs her hand before turning around to face his best friend. They were sitting so close to each other, just inches away from each other which made his heart race. "Thank you for patching me up as always" He tells her with a chuckle.
Goosebumps cover y/n's body as she feels his breath against her neck. Neteyam notices the goosebumps that were littering all over her soft blue skin so he tilts his head to where he can see her face.
"What is it ma pretty girl?" Neteyam asks, some of his braids falling over his face and y/n instinctively squeeze her thighs together just from hearing him call her his pretty girl. "Nothing ma teyam" She says as she stood up and starts to put the supplies away.
"Let me take you somewhere" Neteyam says as he walks up to her, already knowing where to take her. Y/n turns around and looks at him to see a huge smile on his lips. "It's so late teyam I don't think it's a good idea" Y/n tells him with a worried look on her gentle face.
"Do you trust me?" He asks her grabbing her hands and she looks up at him with such adoration in her eyes. "Of course I trust you" She assures with no hesitation and he gives her hands a squeeze of reassurance before he leads her out the hut and towards his banshee.
Neteyam hops onto his ikran before reaching his hand out or y/n to take. Y/n hesitates before grabbing his hand and hoisting herself up behind him. "Ready?" He asks as she nods her head and mumbles out a soft 'yes' as she scoots up and puts her arms hesitantly around him. Neteyam blushes as he feels her arms wrap around him.
The ikran unfurls its wings and takes flight into the night sky. Y/n lets out a scream as she squeezes her arms around him, feeling Neteyam chuckle while he straightens them out. She lets out a carefree giggle as she closes her eyes enjoying the night air. "Woo-hoo!" Y/n cheers loudly as she feels the breeze gently blows through her braids.
"You smell so good teyam" She compliments without thinking of it or second thoughts. Neteyam's eyes widen from the compliment as he blushes, placing his free hand on hers against his chest. They fly through the air, enjoying the view and each other's company. Soon y/n feels her eyes get heavy so she leans her head on his good shoulder and closes her eyes.
He turns slowly to find the spot where his parents go to escape for their little dates and once he spots it he guides his ikran in that direction. "Ma pretty girl we're here" Neteyam whispers as he lands the banshee while y/n lifts her head and looks at where they were. "Where are we?" She asks as he helps her off and she looks around in amazement then gasping at how they have a perfect view of the stars.
"A secret spot" He says smiling as he pets his banshee as a way of thanks before giving him a little snack. "This is beautiful" She whispers breathlessly and he takes the moment to admire her. Her eyes sparkle from the stars and her smile made his heart jump. "Yea so beautiful" Neteyam said, his eyes drinking in how she looks before clearing his throat.
He lays on his back and opens his arm for her to lay on his chest and she giggles before resting her head on his chest while his hand rested against her hip. A comfortable silence fills the air as they murmur and point at the stars, giggling as they connect the stars in weird ways.
Y/n closes her eyes and falls asleep while listening to his heartbeat. He turns his head and notices that she's asleep so he watches her sleep, admiring how peaceful she looks. Neteyam notices that her top is rolled up and he glances to see her bare breast and nipple.
Suddenly he begins to feel hot and bothered as his head reels while he tries to look away. He takes a deep breath then reaches over to fix her top, touching her nipple in the process. Y/n lets out a moan as she shifts in her sleep, tucking her head into his neck. His mouth suddenly goes dry as he swallows before moving his eyes from her breast to her hips.
"The things you do to me without even trying ma pretty girl" He whispers to himself as he gently squeezes her hip before looking back up to the stars, trying to control himself. He takes this time to get lost in his thoughts which were about the girl sleeping in his arms.
Time seems to fly because soon the stars start to fade as the sun begins to rise slowly. Y/n opens her eyes and looks up at Neteyam to see him sleeping. She looks at him but it wasn't just a simple look, she takes this time to look at his features and admire them.
The way his chest rises and falls slowly with each breath
The way his lips are parted just a little
Some of his braids covering his face
Neteyam's eyes open and his amber eyes flash to her as she gives a shy smile. "Morning ma pretty girl" He mumbles in a sleepy tone, causing her to bite her lip and blush as she starts to get up with him following right behind. She smiles as she sees the sun just peaking through the horizon, turning the sky a mix of different shades of blue.
"Come, let's get us back home" Neteyam says as he places his hands on her hips to lift her up onto the ikran but she stops him. He looks at her with confusion written all over his face and she takes a deep breath. "I want to tell you something" She starts and he nods his head as to tell her to continue and she closes her eyes for a split second before looking back at him.
"I-I want you to uh um kiss me" She stutters out as Neteyam just stands there, not knowing what to say while his heart skipped a beat from that sentence. Silence fell between the two and y/n says the first thing that came to her mind. "For p-practice you know since I haven't had my first kiss" Y/n adds rambling on as she shifts on her heels awkwardly.
Neteyam opens his mouth like he was about to say something but closes it and let's out a sigh. He wants to kiss her so bad but he wants it to be with someone special. "No I think it should be with someone you deeply care about" He explains, feeling terrible as he watched her frown.
"Oh okay" Was all y/n said as she clears her throat before putting on a fake smile. "We should get back home" She tells him before grabbing onto the saddle and lifting herself up. Once she is situated, he climbs up with ease and y/n wraps her arms around him. The ride back was filled with so much tension that it could be cut with a knife.
He guides his banshee in the direction of where the healer hut was and it lands with grace as it shakes his head before letting out a playful noise. Neteyam helps her down and once she steadies her footing she gives him a fake smile and looks down at the ground trying to hide her tears.
"Get some sleep teyam, I'll see you later on today" She says as she gives him a final way before making her way to her hut. He watches her leave to make sure that she makes it safe but to also watch her. He stays there for a few seconds, feeling awful for rejecting her. Once she disappears into her hut, he makes a gesture to his ikran and heads back to his own hut.
Once Neteyam walks into his hut, he closes the front flap and goes towards his hammock, flopping onto it but quickly winces as he is reminded of his hurt shoulder. Too exhausted to do anything, he blows out the candle that gave the main light source for the hut and lets out a sigh as he quickly falls asleep.
"Ma teyam please" Y/n whimpers as she juts her hips up towards him, earning a soft moan. "I know ma pretty mate I know. Can you be patient for me?" Neteyam asks as he gently kisses her neck before making his way to her breast, taking her nipple into his mouth. Y/n moans as she arches her back, practically shoving her breast into his mouth. His fangs graze against her nip-
Neteyam wakes up with a start and sits up in his hammock, letting out a breath. He looks down and sees his erected cock peaking through his loincloth, leaking with precum. He lets out a frustrated noise, for now he was hot and bothered all because of yet another wet dream of y/n.
He lays back down double checking to make sure no one was around and slowly unties his loincloth. Even though he had his own hut he still likes to make sure no one was around before he pleased himself. Thoughts of the first night when y/n and him went stargazing flooded his mind.
Her intoxicating laugh
The way her braids framed her face and covered her eyes
The way her feather top hugged her breast and the way her hips swayed with the way she moved.
Don't even get him started on the way she let out a moan when he accidentally touched her nipple.
Closing his eyes, He begins to pump his cock into his hand as he uses the images that were engraved into his mind of that night. "Fuck y/n" He moans softly as he runs his thumb over his tip, taking some precum and lathering his cock more. Neteyam thinks of how her hips felt when he grabbed her while chasing her.
"Y/n oh fuck" He groans as he starts to jerk off faster, feeling his climax tightening in his abdomen as he moved his other hand towards his balls and began to play with them. Soon Neteyam cums on his abs/chest and lets out a sigh of relief. Once he was able to calm down, he reluctantly gets out of his hammock to go clean himself up.
He grabs a cloth and begins to clean off his chest, getting lost in his thoughts. Neteyam and Y/n have been best friends since childhood. They did everything together and they even had their own cute little tradition where they tell each other their wildest dreams during breakfast.
**memory 1**
"Oh come on teyam tell me" Y/n begs as she playfully shoves him by the shoulder. "Okay Okay but no laughing" Neteyam says, giving in to his best friend as he watches her do a little victory dance. He begins to tell her how he wants to follow his father's footsteps and become the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya tribe. "Now you tell me yours pretty girl" Neteyam says as he takes a sip of his sweet and refreshing drink.
She giggles as she takes a bite of her breakfast, chewing it quickly so she could tell her best friend her dream. "I want to become tsahik and help heal the people" She explains and he nods his head in agreement. "You will be an amazing tsahik, Mo'at would be a wonderful mentor" He says smiling as they continue to eat their breakfast.
That all stopped once He turned 15. He started to have wet dreams of y/n and that absolutely terrified him. He felt it was wrong to have those kinds of dreams of her but every other night, he would have a wet dream of her. He felt terrible for stopping their little ritual so abruptly but he felt embarrassed and didn't know how to tell her that he dreams of her in a way friends shouldn't.
**memory 2**
Silence fell between the two friends as Y/n stares at Neteyam in disbelief. "You don't wanna tell me your dream? But why we always tell each other our dreams and it's our own ritual" She questions as she feels tears prick at her eyes. Neteyam's heart ached from seeing her sad but he couldn't tell her. "I think that we've grown out of it" He says nonchalantly as he continues to eat his food, avoiding eye contact. Y/n grabs her breakfast and gets up, leaving the hut and Neteyam all alone.
For the next few days, Neteyam avoids y/n because of the guilt he feels with what he did and the dreams he has of her. He felt like a perv for touching her nipple while adjusting her top. Every time she tried to reach for him he would just avoid her. It killed him to avoid her but he didn't know what else to do because he didn't want his feelings control him and it didn't help that he felt like they weren't valid, it was like an internal battle with himself.
Y/n noticed how he avoided her. It broke her heart with how distant he was and whenever she tried to reach him he would just avoid her. She wiped her eyes as tears streamed down her face while her thoughts ran wild. "Why did I ask him to kiss me? That was so fucking dumb, so dumb" Y/n criticizes herself as she sits up in her mat and attempt to wipe the tears.
Once she felt like she was calm, she took a deep breath and stood up while running her hands through her braids, smiling at how she felt the hidden beads within her braids. She opens the front flap of her hut and sees Neteyam with his siblings. Taking a deep breath, she makes her way towards them and greets all of them before looking at Neteyam.
"Hey teyam" She says as she reaches out to give him a hug like they do every time they meet but this time is different. He just pats her on the shoulder before walking away with Lo'ak and that crushed her. Kiri notices the change in y/n's face so she reaches out to grab her shoulder before giving her a warm smile.
"You okay?" Kiri asks as y/n looks up and gives her a fake smile. "Yea I'm fine just a little tired is all" She reassures Kiri before looking down in an attempt to hide her tears. "Okay I'm going to go with the boys make sure they don't do something dumb" Kiri says as she gives y/n a quick hug before walking towards her brothers.
"Did I really fuck everything up?" Y/n mumbles to herself as she looks up at the sky, trying to get rid of her tears. "Y/n!" Tuk yells as she runs towards y/n while opening her arms. "Hi Tuk" Y/n says giggling as she lifts her up and squeezes her. Neteyam watches this and it hurts him to see her reactions every time she tries to give him a hug he'd just give her a pat on the shoulder before walking away.
"Bro are you even listening?" Lo'ak asks as he punches his older brother on the arm, snapping Neteyam out of his thoughts. "Yea yea I'm listening" Neteyam mumbles as he glances at Lo'ak before looking back at y/n. She lifts up Tuk and spins her around in the air, earning a happy giggle from the younger na'vi.
Lo'ak shakes his head before grabbing his brother by the shoulder and dragging him into the hut where their parents lived. "Alright everyone here" Jake says as he looks around to make sure is accounted for. "Tuk is with y/n" Neytiri says as she sits down next to her husband. Neteyam doesn't even listen to the conversation, all he could think about was y/n.
Neteyam runs his finger over her folds which earns him a gasp from y/n as it was a whole new sensation to her. "You're so wet for me ma pretty girl. All just from my touch" He hums as he slowly inserts a finger inside her soaking core. He slides his fingers out and tweaks her sensitive bud in between his index finger and thumb. "Mm only you ma teyam" She mewls as she feels him insert another finger in her.
Mo'at walks into the hut and immediately notices how Neteyam is detached from reality and in his own world. "Okay I think that's all" Jake concludes as he gets up and walks over to where the table was and gathered his bow and arrows. Everyone kind of went their own ways except for Mo'at, Kiri and Neteyam who were still in the Sully hut.
Mo'at places her hand onto Neteyam's shoulder which brings him back to reality and he looks up to see his grandmother smirking at him. "I hear Eywa saying that it's hard for you to embrace the dreams she is giving you Neteyam" Mo'at hints at him giving his shoulder a squeeze before sitting down at one of the mats.
Fear ran through his body as he looked up at his grandmother, a terrified look in his eyes. "Oh great mother!" Was all he said as he saw Mo'at laughs while Kiri giggled next to him. "No shame in it Neteyam, but I think you should listen to Eywa" Mo'at tells him as she gives him a wink before looking at Kiri with a knowing look.
"Neteyam get your bow and arrows, we're going hunting with dad" Lo'ak says peaking his head through the entrance for a split second then disappearing. Neteyam stands up and grabs his bow then makes his way out of the hut to follow his dad and younger brother.
Jake puts a finger to his lips as a way to say 'be quiet' and points to the creature that they were going to hunt. Lo'ak nods and gets into his position while Neteyam does the same. Thoughts filled Neteyam's head and he starts to think about his feelings for y/n, distracting him from the task at hand.
Y/n bewitched him since day one. From the way she talks to the way her innocence and sweetness radiates off of her. He doesn't just love her, He wants to consume her. He wants to consume her body and her soul along with just ruining her. "Neteyam" Jake says as his older son looks at him with a daze look. "You're not focused son, go clear your head" Jake tells him in which Neteyam shakes his head.
"Sorry sir I-" He begins to say but Jake raises his hand before looking at his son. "Go get some rest" Jake dismisses and Neteyam nods his head before getting up from his spot. "Hey that's not fair what about me dad" Lo'ak complains and Jake rolled his eyes. "Shut it son, you still need to help me hunt" Jake says and it was Lo'ak's turn to roll his eyes as they both began walking deeper in the forest.
Instead of going back to his hut and getting some rest, He decides he's going to walk around the forest to collect his thoughts. He makes the decision that he wants to kiss y/n even if it's only one time, He needs to feel her lips against his. "Fuck it" He mumbles as he starts walking towards the direction of Mo'at's hut, determined to find y/n.
"Y/n?" He calls out as he opens the front flap to be greeted with his grandma already looking at him. "Y/n went to the lake to collect some plants" Mo'at says as she gives him a warm smile. "Thank you grandma" He says as he leaves the hut and towards the lake. As he walks to the lake, he can feel his heart thumping against his chest as he thought of how she would react.
Neteyam finally makes it to the lake and stops in his tracks as he watches y/n gathers some plants by the lake. "Now or Never" He says to himself as he sets his bow down before making his way to y/n. The sound of leaves crushing catches y/n's attention as she turns around to see Neteyam standing there.
He closes the distance between them and grabs her face, crashing his lips against hers. Y/n stands there shocked as she places her hands on his chest pushing him away. "What are you doing teyam?" She asks with a hint of innocence in her voice that drove him wild. "I changed my mind" He says as his hands rest against her waist and she looks at him.
"What are you talking about" She says and he smiles before pulling her closer. "I'll teach you ma y/n. I'll teach you how to kiss" He tells her with full honesty and he leans down to kiss her again but y/n stops him and pushes him away. "Are you sure?" She questions with the look of unsure in her eyes.
"I've never been so sure in my life ma pretty girl. I want this but I need to know if you want it too" He said with no hesitation as he places one of his hands on her cheek. Y/n lets out a sigh as she looks away from him, biting her lip. "Oh teyam, do you do this often?" She asks him and he raises an eyebrow in response.
Y/n rolls her eyes before shaking her head "You know, kissing girls in the forest late at night" She explains and Neteyam shakes his head. "No, you'll be my first" He admits and blushes at his confession in which y/n grabs his face, crashing her lips against his and he immediately kisses her back.
Neteyam pulls her closer to him while she wraps her arms around his neck. He bites her bottom lip causing her to gasp and he takes this as the opportunity to stick his tongue in her mouth and swipes it along hers before removing it. "You want me to teach you something else ma girl?" He asks as he teasingly moves the strap of her top off her shoulder and she rolls her eyes before shoving him in the lake.
Y/n lets out a laugh as she sees him come up to the surface, shaking his head as he looks at her with the look of disbelief. "Really ma y/n" He says raising his arms up causing some splashes and y/n continues to laugh then looses her footing on wet moss, also falling into the water.
Now it was his turn to laugh as she comes up to the surface and starts to laugh with him. He swims over to her and gently grabs her face before leaning down and kissing her passionately. She smiles into the kiss before placing her hands on his hair, playing with his braids. He breaks the kiss then puts his forehead against hers and just held y/n in his arms.
"You're wearing the armband" Y/n says surprise as she runs her hand over the armband she made him. "Of course ma pretty y/n, I wouldn't trade it for the world" He says as he holds her face in his hands, admiring how beautiful and innocent she looked. "I want to be your first in everything ma y/n" He begins while giving her a forehead kiss that makes her blush even more.
"But I also want to be your last" Neteyam finishes leans down to give her a passionate kiss that was a way to seal what he said to her because he meant it with all his heart.
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happy74827 · 10 months
sub!matthew x reader PLEASE I need him. I am loosing it !!!!😇
Surprises and Candles
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[Matthew Patel x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: It's your one-year anniversary, and given the surprise he gave you, you decide it's time for him to have a surprise of his own.
WC: 2393
Category: Spice/Lime
One Sub!Matthew coming right up 🫡🫡
“Close your eyes!” Your hands covered his shoulders. You were a giggling mess while he looked at you, slightly confused. His body was trembling a little, waiting for something to happen. It was almost midnight, and he was dressed in all black with a small red tie.
You had been dating for almost a year and had never gone any farther than kissing, but you were determined to change that. Given that it was your anniversary and you’d just gotten back from a Broadway show, you decided it was time. You had seen him all dolled up, and it was hot, so you wanted to make a night of it.
Matthew was like a little puppy when he got excited. He was getting giddy with anticipation just from your smile. When he first met you, he didn't believe that someone so lovely would want to spend their life with a… well, with him. But now he had his own place and a good paying job, he felt like he could really make it as an actor, but it was all because of you.
It was his idea for the Broadway show. You mentioned to him about how you were interested in musical theater. You mentioned a show all the way back in your childhood, and since Matthew memorized everything that you’ve ever said, he remembered it. And when it made a return to Broadway, he made sure he had the tickets to see it with you.
You were over the moon, especially when the leading lady tripped and fell on her face on opening night. A little comedy to lighten the mood, right? Matthew got all dolled up, you dressed to the nines, and you went out to celebrate your one-year anniversary. It was perfect.
The moment you two got home that was when your plan to make the night special began.
He still stood there, still confused, but he was a good sport about it. So he obliged and closed his eyes. You told him to stay put as you ran into the bathroom. When you came out, you had a few items in your hand. He looked so cute and handsome that you couldn't help but kiss his cheek before you stepped back.
"I want you to hear my voice, and only my voice, okay? I don't want to distract you," you said. “But… uh, it involves your fireballs.”
You could feel his body tense up. His jaw dropped, but you ignored him as you backed away, placing a set of earbuds in your ears.
You figured the best way to calm him down was to hum an old lullaby he heard from you. As you began to hum, you changed into your “surprise.” Matthew was mumbling up a storm. You couldn’t hear him that well, but you could tell he was worried. Scared.
It didn't help when you finally told him to open his eyes because when his eyes met yours, they went wide. His heart was racing, and so was yours.
“Do you like it?”
It was something you’d never thought you’d wear in a million years—a red, feathered bridal robe. The top was adorned with ruffles, while the bottom was simple but elegant. It was made of silk and came in a small box.
You remembered when Matthew took you out to eat one time. You had mentioned your grandma used to own one and would wear it all the time. He thought it was the cutest thing ever, and since he seemed sad when you mentioned you didn't end up having it, you had one delivered.
He looked over at you. His jaw was on the floor, his eyes glued to you. You were smiling and twirling and laughing, all for him.
"I got it at Victoria’s Secret. A pain to get there, but every time I do, it’s worth it."
He gulped, "…who’s Victoria, and why is she in secret?"
You rolled your eyes, walking over to him, "Matty, it’s a store. Victoria is the store."
He still looked confused as you put your arms around his neck. Your heart was pounding, not because of him but the fact that all those memories of your grandmother in the robe flashed in your head. You hadn't seen her in years, and here you were, wearing something so feminine in her honor. You gave him a little wink as you leaned in and kissed him.
His arms wrapped around you, and he kissed you back. His tongue pressed against your lips. You opened your mouth for him and let him deepen the kiss. It felt like he wanted to swallow you whole. His hand reached up and started to caress your cheek. His other arm squeezed your ass.
When he finally pulled away, he had this gleam in his eyes. A look you've only seen on his face when he talked about his dream to be an actor.
"Don’t I look like Mrs. Claus? I feel like Mrs. Claus.” You giggled again. You tugged at his tie, pulling him even closer. Of course, he was already close. You were practically in his lap. But you wanted to make sure he got the message.
Again, Matthew didn’t say anything. He just gulped down some more air. He looked at you up and down, and it honestly felt like the whole room was getting warmer. You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "Matty, what's wrong?"
His body shook a little, and he gulped. “N-Nothing, I just…”
"I thought you liked it?" Your voice was soft. Your eyes met his, and you could feel your heart thumping even harder. You really were nervous now. With every minute he didn’t speak, the more scared you became.
…Did he hate it? Was it a bad idea? Did you overdo it? Oh God, what if you went too far?
Your words must’ve finally been processed in his mind because he quickly shook his head. He bit his lip as he stared at you, "No, oh no, no, no, I do, I love it, you're amazing, this... this is amazing." He paused again and took another breath. His eyes widened, "I'm just... wow."
"Thank god. I was worried." You laughed nervously. "This was expensive, so, uh, if you don't like it..."
"You look like you. I love it. It's perfect."
"Are you sure? Because-"
"I'm absolutely positively sure. I promise this is... oh my... wow."
Matthew was still a bit shaky, but you were relieved. It was dark in the room, but even in the dark, you could tell he was blushing. It was a look you could get used to. You felt the butterflies in your stomach, and you gave him a little smirk,
"Well, since you like it so much..." You started to kiss his neck and nibbled his ear. "...and you're so handsome..." You could feel his grip tighten. His face was in the crook of your neck, and you could feel his hot breath. "...I can show you just how much I love it."
"Is that what my fireballs are..." His voice was so raspy. You loved when he sounded like that. He only spoke like that when he was completely and utterly flustered. "...are for?"
You let out a little giggle as you took his hands into yours. You intertwined your fingers and kissed the back of his hand, "Kinda, I have candles. A lot of them."
"Wait, why? What for?" He sounded so confused, and you just smiled as you pulled him into the bedroom. You were right about the candles; there were practically thirty of them, all lined up and ready to be lit. And there was a small table set up with a nice bottle of champagne and a bottle of red wine. The bottle was already open.
"I might have been a little lazy... but looking at it, you can tell it's a lot of work," You admitted. "And I was trying to be fancy, but-"
"This is great!" Matthew finally broke his hand free from yours, and he immediately took off his jacket. You could feel his smile. He snapped his fingers, the tip of his index became a small flame, and he quickly lit each of the candles. Luckily for you, Matthew used his mystical powers enough to know the exact amount of power needed to light every single candle in this room. The first time he "attempted" to use his fireballs on purpose, he almost burnt the apartment complex down. It was his apartment, too, fortunately.
Once all the candles were lit, he waved away the flame from his finger and turned towards you again, waiting. His mouth hung open a little, his eyes wide with anticipation. He was trying to control his excitement, but it was no use. You saw it written on his face. He looked like a kid waiting to open a birthday present.
You took the initiative; you always had to; Matthew was still in his own head. He had a tendency to overthink things. It took some time for you two to get to know each other, and he still had that anxiety and self-doubt that'd been ingrained into him since his youth. But with some time, some patience, some trust, and love, he finally started to believe you.
And now here you were, kissing him passionately and slowly, pulling off the tie that hung around his neck. He reached up and touched your cheek as you kissed him, your hands still caressing the small of his back. He made a small noise; the sound was music to your ears. He made the cutest sounds when he was flustered. You let out a giggle as you pulled away, "Oh, I'm just getting started, Matthew Patel."
You kissed his cheek, his neck, his jaw; you even nibbled at his earlobe. You could hear him trying to take in air, but he was failing. His hands went around you, squeezing your body as if to tell you he was yours. All yours.
You could hear his voice break a little as he whispered your name. It was almost inaudible, but you heard it, and it made your heart beat even faster. You pressed your body against him as you moved him to the bed, laying him down. He looked up at you with those beautiful brown eyes. The sparkle and glint in them told you that he wanted you, but he was too scared to ask. You kissed him again, letting him relax.
He moaned into the kiss, and you smiled. He had no idea what he did to you. You straddled his body as you pressed your chest to his. You could feel his body temperature rising, and despite the fact he was always above room temperature, he became unbelievably hot when he got this worked up.
He tried to kiss you back, but his body was shaking so hard that it was impossible. His eyes closed tightly, and his arms wrapped around you. You took in a deep breath and unbuttoned the first few of his buttons before kissing his neck. You could hear him gulping down more air, trying to stay calm, as your lips met his collarbone. His body shivered beneath you. You sucked, bit, kissed, and nibbled at his skin, all while working on the buttons of his shirt.
When you pulled back, you had to laugh. Matthew was in a trance. He wasn't saying a word; his hands were now limp on the bed. He looked like he had just been hit with a bolt of lightning or like you had just kicked him out of a plane with no parachute. His face was bright red and glistening from sweat. His hair was sticking up in all different directions. His jaw was practically on the floor, and his eyes were glazed over.
He didn't even seem to realize you had stopped kissing him because his arms started to flail around as he started to sit up, "Wh-wh-why did-" He swallowed hard, "What was-"
You kissed his cheek, and he fell back into bed again. His chest was still rising and falling. He looked like he was going to have a heart attack. He opened his mouth and then closed it again as if he was trying to say something. Finally, he mustered the strength to mumble your name.
You only replied with more laughter as you continued to kiss his chest and stomach. His hands went around your waist. You could feel him trying to grab hold of something, anything. He couldn't even control his own body anymore. His fingers were shaking, and the grip on your waist was so tight that you were sure it would bruise. But he was still breathing. His eyes were wide open, staring at the ceiling as if it held the secrets of the universe.
You knew you had to stop teasing him before you went any further because he wasn't going to last very long if you continued to tease him. And the longer you teased him, the more he would panic and the less likely he would be to enjoy it. So you slowly kissed his chest and his stomach, and then your lips went back to his.
His breathing finally started to even out when he returned your kisses, but he still had a little twitch in his body. A sign of nervousness and anticipation, but still, he was relaxed enough to be able to kiss you back. He was a lot calmer now than he was when he first saw you in the robe. And that was your goal all along.
So, as you two lay there, kissing in the candlelight, you knew you made the right decision. You knew Matthew was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. The moment your eyes met his, that first time he helped you with your luggage, it all made sense. It was almost as if the world knew you two were meant to be.
And, as the robe shredded off you and his hands met your bare skin, you realized he felt the same. And as his kisses went lower and lower, and his fingers gripped your thighs, you knew this was going to be a night you would never forget.
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Bayverse Megatron and Optimus prime w gn cybertronian crush
Where he gets asked by reader's old friend, "Are you their conjux?" Cause apparently anyone who knows reader well enough knows that they're into large mechs who can definitely dominate them.
Also also, reader reluctantly explaining to him as to why he got asked that question
Hi hi! SOrry this took so long to come out, but don't worry its here now! I hope this is what you were looking for, Enjoy :)
Charaters: Bayverse! Optimus Prime, Bayverse! Megatron
Warnings: Megatron got a small spice kick at the end other than that none
Optimus Prime
He'd questin why the Bot is asking him and not you, but then wouldn't really be worried about it.. He might wounder if you two look that comfy and cozy with each other. He'll bring it up to you, expecting it to be some simple and easy mistake, but is a little worried and confussed when you hesitate to tell him why they asked him. Honestly I feel like he'd find it just a tad bit funny and would even ask if they assume things like this alot. With Optimus I feel like its all light hearted.
You spent a lot of time around Optimus Prime, I mean he is leading the autobots in a battle over Earth. The same battles that were in and the same battles he asks for your expert opinions in, So of course you spent a lot of time with him. Helms clicking together as you both looked at the same holo projected map of the battle fields. If you asked anyone from an outside perspective they’d say you two looked quite cozy for just ‘co-workers’, which gets you in this situation. Face to face with them as they ask why that boy asked if he was your Conjux.
His cobalt optics staring down at you, you could feel them watching, taking in every bit of your small frame while you thought about how to tell him the reason. Your processor moving quicker than you can actually keep up with. You felt yourself shrinking into your frame, shoulder plating coming up to touch your audio receptors, you honestly didn’t want to be in this situation. If they could have just kept their mouth shut and not said a single thing, you could have your feelings and further more information to yourself. Your optics searched for answers in the surroundings.
“So, I would like for you to answer.” 
Your optics flickered back over to him, locking with his blue optics, those same blue optics that seemed to be searching yours for an answer. You thought more, you could just turn around and walk away, or maybe say it super fast so he doesn’t understand, or you could ‘man up’ as Sam would say and tell him the real reason. You sighed, lowering your shoulders and moving closer to him. Your servos go to grab his and you look down at him. Studying the grey metal and all their scars. You finally look back up at him, Squinting your optics as you smile sweetly. 
“Promise you won’t be upset or mad or weirded out or,” 
He cut you off. 
“I swear.” 
You smiled, letting out a small sigh, you guess now is the time. 
“They asked you because they know,” 
You trailed off, the one thing you were trying not to do, because primus knows how hard it is for you to get back onto the same sentence. 
“They know what?” 
He was confused, which is valid, he has every right to be confused. He should be so confused that he doesn’t want to know why they asked him such a question. It would make your life so much easier right now. 
“They know,”
You took a deep breath, the thought to just spit it out crossing your processor. 
“They know I’m into bigger mech who can like totally dominate me in any situation whatsoever.” 
You took your chance, a sigh leaving you. You now stood servo in servo with the Autobot leader with a terrible poster, helm looking straight at the ground between the two of you and your optics squeezed shut. 
You heard him chuckle, the sound causing you to open one optic and peek up at him. 
“What nonsense, all this for that.”
You were awestruck, stuck looking up at the ‘larger totally dominating’ mech frozen. You could hear him talking, see his mouth moving, a smile gracing his features but you can’t hear him. He gave your servos a light squeeze, bringing you back to him. 
“Don’t fret, this will not change my views on you.” 
You let out a relieving sigh, a small smile forming on your face. 
“It enhances my views of you.” 
Is confussed, gives the Con who asked the question an evil look and pushes them away. Honestly I think he'd take it as in insult. He'd say something like, "You think me, Lord Megatron, Is soft to some random Con." He truly thinks they saw him as weak, weak enough to have a conjux, he cannot concern himself with such minor things during this war. When he brings it up to you about being asked, he'll just stare at you, waiting for some or any response. After explaining he'll take it as a completement that they asked, and even thought he looked dominating.
Once again you find yourself in the questioning crossfire of your leader, Megatron, after one of your dearly beloved Cons let their mouth slip. Asking Lord megatron if he is your conjux, landing you this great conversation with the war criminal. He seemed uninterested, more concerned on why they’d think he’d marry and have a weakness during such a turning point within the war. His optics actually hadn’t even landed on you, more concerned with Starscream.
He trailed off, punching and pulling things off Starscream while also yelling at the Mech. He just so happened to be doing the one thing that got him asked the question. Your smaller frame standing in front of the ruble Megatron called his ‘throne’ watching as he ‘dominated and controlled’ the screamer. His assault came to an end, pushing Starscream away with his foot and saying something about him being useless, oh well not really what you were focused on. 
Your optics stared at the leader, his back turned to you as he let out audible intakes, you could see his frame moving up and down from where you stood. The damage from his fights with the Autobots shows you the wear and tear of him. Besides his face the only thing that drew your attention was his wound, the gaping gash peeking over his shoulder plating with its screeching red and fire orange melted end, the little bot critter trying his hardest to put him back together. He stretched, showing off the movement of his joints and other moving metal, he turned around, facing you. That face mixed with displeasure and satisfaction traveling into his optics as he looked down on you. Your own optics not paying much attention to his, just taking in the way he frame looked, traveling all over his chest plating and then down to his midsection, your optics taking the way his midsection tapered into his hips, primus you loved it. 
“You do know why you’re here. Get to the point and start answering questions.” 
Your optics flickered up to his, cherry red staring you down. You felt like you were shrinking, in a terribly good way. You would smile up at him, but seeing as his temper is already short, you didn’t. You brought your servo up to your mouth, letting out a throat clearing noise as you got ready to speak. You stepped up to the Mech, keeping a serious face, your mouth opened and then it hit you. You didn’t know exactly what to tell him, How to say it, and how to explain it. You looked away, for this might be the first time since you joined the Decepitcons you’ve held yourself back around him. 
“Go on, I don’t have all day.” 
You lifted your servo, squinting an eye and smiling, your optics looking up at him. He's just looking down at you, crimson optics staring holes into you, waiting for an answer. You thought you’d play with his time, the worst that could happen is he yells at you, stands over you, or kills you. 
“What did you call me here for again?” 
He scoffs, backing up and sitting in his, pile of trash, throne. 
“Why was I asked if I'm your conjux.” 
He slumped in his chair, manspreading out his ass and a servo coming up to support his helm. You froze, shoulders slumping, you wanted him, you wanted to sit in his lap and be dominated by him. You shook your helm, once again locking optics with him and sighed, why waste time when he already has you right here. 
“They know that I like mech who can dominate at any time.” 
Your voice got smaller and quieter the longer you talked, you were sure Megatron couldn’t hear what you said. You looked away from him, taking interest in the leftover scraps he pulled from Starscream, before you heard him hum. Your optics flickered back towards him, locking with his cherry red’s. 
He didn’t seem upset or anything, more pleased. You guess it's because it sounded like a compliment, they thought he was your conjux because he looked dominating. So he has no need to be upset or angry at you, too bad the poor bot who asked barely got away after asking him that. 
“Perhaps, I can show you true dominance.”
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hi! can you make something uuhhh... kinda spicy..? the side characters reaction to getting catch making out/ kissing mc hard?😳
Hi there, anon!
This is by far the spiciest thing I've ever posted here (ETA: lol), but I would still say it's only slightly spicy. They ended up a little longer than I meant for them to, but you know when inspiration strikes, I tend to go with the flow and not question it. Anyway, I hope the spice level is okay and that they're not too cheesy, but either way I enjoyed writing it!
Thank you for the request!
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side characters make out with GN!MC and react to getting caught
Warnings: making out, kissing, touching, etc, but everyone stays clothed lol
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You had received a message from Diavolo earlier that evening asking you to come see him at the Demon Lord's Castle. Although he hadn't said what it was he wanted to talk to you about, you were pretty sure it was regarding an upcoming event that you were helping him plan. So you made your way over to the castle quickly.
He had been at his desk in his office, working away, when you arrived. He looked up at you as you entered the room, putting down his pen and actually standing up to greet you.
"Thank you for coming, MC!" he said, taking your hand and leading you to a seat in front of his desk.
You sat down as he passed several papers to you. A glance revealed that you were correct - they were about the event at RAD that you were planning. You had some ideas about it already and the two of you launched into a discussion about logistics and such things.
When your talk finally came to an end, you nodded firmly. "Okay," you said. "I'll have all this ready in the next couple of days."
"That would be wonderful, but don't overwork yourself, MC," Diavolo said.
"Don't worry, I can handle it," you said. You stood up from your seat and smiled at him. "Good night, Diavolo. I'll see you at RAD tomorrow."
You turned and walked toward the door. You were about to open it when you found that somehow Diavolo was already standing in your way. How did he get there so fast? But you didn't have time to wonder too much about that.
He frowned, but it was more like a pout and you could see the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Must you leave so soon?"
You folded your arms and looked at him. "We both have a lot of work to do."
Diavolo couldn't keep the smile off his face. He moved closer to you, settling his hands on your waist. "I know, MC," he said. "But can't we take advantage of these few moments alone? I promise I'll be able to work twice as hard later."
You scoffed at this, but you also felt a smile creeping onto your face. You couldn't exactly refuse those sparkling gold eyes. "I guess I have a few minutes…"
Diavolo pulled you closer, kissing you as your hands rested on his chest. The heat from his soft lips spread throughout your entire body as you felt an electric thrill run through your stomach.
Diavolo began to move forward, causing you to move backward until you ran into his desk. You felt him lift you to sit on his desk and you let out a small sound of surprise, nearly breaking the kiss. Your concern quickly fled as he moved in further, one hand leaning against the desk beside you and one cupping your cheek.
You could feel the flush warming your face and neck as his hand moved from your cheek into your hair. Your own hands gripped the front of his uniform before sliding up to clasp behind his neck.
The hand in your hair slid down your spine slowly before stopping on your lower back. You couldn't help but arch into the touch. This broke the kiss, but Diavolo's lips were now on your neck. You bit your lip as he trailed kisses down your throat.
The door to the office opened with a slight creak.
You froze. Diavolo pulled away, hovering over you, but clearly not willing to completely let you go.
You looked over his shoulder at Lucifer, who stood in the doorway holding a stack of papers in one hand, his other hand still on the doorknob.
Lucifer cleared his throat. "Forgive me for interrupting," he said, his voice full of sarcasm. "I'll just leave these here." He put the papers on a nearby table before exiting immediately, shutting the door sharply with a snap.
You looked back at Diavolo, who was staring at you in surprise. Then he laughed, standing up straight and running a hand through his hair as he did so.
"I'm so sorry, MC," Diavolo said, a light blush across his cheeks. "I'm afraid I got carried away and forgot that Lucifer was coming by. Can you forgive me?"
You sighed. The pool of warmth that had settled in your stomach still lingered, fueled by Diavolo's cheerful response to having been caught like this. "I'll forgive you on one condition."
"Anything for you," he said.
You slipped off the desk, fixing your clothes and hair as you did so. Then you straightened his tie, which had gotten skewed. "Next time, invite me over when you aren't working so we can have the whole evening to ourselves."
"I promise," he said, smiling brightly.
It was a rainy day in the Devildom and for some reason you found yourself craving one of Barbatos's signature cakes. When you asked him about it, he offered to come over to the House of Lamentation to make one for you. That was how you found yourself in the kitchen, watching as he expertly mixed various ingredients to create cake, frosting, and filling. You helped where you could, but really it was best to just watch the master at work.
He had removed his gloves and RAD uniform jacket, rolling up the sleeves of his green shirt. It was really quite enjoyable to watch him as he made the batter or piped the frosting. Barbatos was always smiling and content while he was baking. He was in his element and you couldn't help but stare at him as he moved about the kitchen.
When the cake was finally ready, you waited in anticipation as Barbatos cut you a slice. He placed it on a little plate before using a fork to scoop up a bite. You watched curiously, thinking he was going to sample it himself before allowing you to eat some. Instead, he held the fork out to you.
You blushed instantly, but you held his gaze while you leaned forward and ate the cake off the fork. He waited, watching you.
"It's delicious, of course," you said. "You don't… you're not going to feed it all to me, are you?"
Barbatos smiled, placing the plate on the counter. "Did you think I hadn't noticed the way you were staring, MC? It was quite distracting."
"I couldn't help it," you said. "If you could see yourself, you wouldn't blame me."
Barbatos moved closer to you. He leaned in, not quite touching you. "I came here this afternoon to satisfy your craving," he said quietly in your ear. "But your keen attention has caused a different craving in me, I'm afraid. Won't you indulge me?"
You knew he was waiting for some kind of confirmation from you. He was so close, you couldn't quite focus because your heart was pounding too hard. You opened your mouth, as though you were going to say something, but found that no words came out. So instead you closed the remaining space between you, put your hands on his cheeks, and kissed him.
You felt Barbatos's arms wrap around you, pressing you to him. You kept one hand on his face, but let the other one fall to grip his arm, your fingers coming in contact with his rarely exposed skin. You gently nipped his bottom lip and he opened his mouth for you. Your whole body was warm, a giddy feeling bubbled up in your stomach, and the taste of him was so much sweeter than any dessert.
You felt his hands moving slowly but deliberately up and down your back. The sensation of heat was almost overwhelming you.
You tried to stop yourself, but it was no use. "Barbatos," you moaned his name into his lips and you felt his grip on you tighten.
Your knees were weak and just as you thought you might not be able to stay standing, there was a clatter at the other end of the kitchen.
"Ohhh MC! Barbatos! Why didn't you invite me to this make out party?"
You felt yourself blush intensely as you pulled away and saw Asmodeus walk into the room.
Barbatos smiled at you before letting you go and turning around. "Asmodeus," he said, perfectly composed. "Would you like some cake?"
Asmo pouted. "Are you really going to try to pretend that you guys weren't just making out?"
"Asmodeus," Barbatos said again. He was smiling, but an aura of black and purple had sprung up around him. "Would you like some cake?"
Asmo shuddered. "That cake looks divine, of course I'd love a piece!"
Barbatos began to cut another piece of the cake for Asmo while you picked up your own plate and took another bite. It was as amazing as it always was. Word spread quickly around the House of Lamentation that there was cake to be had. There were no leftovers, especially after Beel showed up. Barbatos was more than happy to make another cake so everyone was satisfied.
Later on, you stood by the front door as Barbatos prepared to return to the castle. He was back in his full uniform, white gloves and all. He paused in the front doorway, taking both of your hands in his.
"Should you wish to enjoy that cake again, I must insist that you come to the Demon Lord's Castle," he said with his usual smile. "Allow me to treat you to a full tea party as well."
You leaned in a little closer and kissed his cheek. "I would love to," you said. "Especially if it's a tea party just for two."
You lingered outside the door of the home economics classroom, waiting for Simeon to come out. Many delicious aromas wafted out as the other students filed past you, chatting about the various things they had made during class.
You had just come from seductive speechcraft, where you had received a message from Simeon on your D.D.D. After working out a couple of the typos, you realized he was asking you to meet him here at the home economics classroom so you could have lunch together. He had made something tasty and wanted to share it with you.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Simeon emerged from the classroom with a small box in his hands. He smiled when he saw you.
"I'm sorry if you were waiting long, MC," he said.
"It wasn't that long," you said. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yes," Simeon said, still smiling. "I was thinking we could eat outside. It's a nice afternoon."
"Sure," you said.
You and Simeon made your way through the halls, down the front steps, and through the grounds to a mostly secluded spot surrounded by trees. You both sat down at the base of one of the trees. Simeon carefully opened the box he'd been carrying to reveal a couple of his famous BLT devil sandwiches.
"I made a lot of these today," he said. "I gave most of them to Beelzebub during class, but I saved these for us to have for lunch."
You pulled two devil crush super spicy mango juices from your bag. "I brought drinks," you said.
"That's perfect," Simeon said. "Thank you, MC."
It didn't take the two of you long to eat your lunch, laughing and talking the whole time. When you were finished, there was still time left before you needed to go back to class.
You sighed and leaned back against the tree. "This is so nice," you said. "I wish I could just stay here with you forever instead of going back to class."
Simeon laughed and leaned toward you, taking one of your hands. "Forever? Are you sure you would want to stay with me that long, MC?"
The bright smile on his face and the way his blue eyes were shining caused you to lean closer and say, "Yes. Forever."
Simeon blushed and raised your hand to his lips, kissing it softly while looking up at you.
Your heart began to race. You turned your hand in his and cupped his cheek.
The two of you stared at each other for a few moments before you simultaneously moved closer together, your lips meeting. Simeon shifted so he was on his knees before you, one hand on your thigh and the other still covering yours which remained on his cheek. You could feel his skin flushing beneath your touch.
You opened your mouth without thinking about it clearly, eager for more of him. He responded instantly, if tentatively. You ran a hand through his hair, letting the soft, smooth strands fall through your fingers.
You pulled away briefly for some air and found yourself looking at the soft brown skin of his throat, peeking above the high collar of his shirt. You kissed it and you couldn't resist continuing down to his exposed collarbone and one of his shoulders.
"M-MC-" Simeon's grip on your thigh tightened as he said your name.
There was a rustling in the tree above you and a loud thud nearby.
Simeon sat back and stood up in one fluid motion, clearly surprised. You looked up to see Belphie rubbing at his eyes. He seemed exasperated.
"Can't a demon take a nap in a tree without being disturbed around here?" he asked, giving you both a sleepy look. "You guys better stop making out and get back to class or you'll get detention for skipping."
Simeon sighed and held out a hand to help you up. You accepted the offered hand, letting him pull you to your feet. You saw that he was blushing only slightly less than you were.
You were ready to get on Belphie's case for sleeping in trees, but he was already on his way back to RAD. You turned to Simeon bashfully. "Thanks for lunch," you said.
Simeon laughed and shook his head. "You're welcome, MC. We should do this again. We'll just have to make sure the tree we choose to sit by doesn't have Belphegor napping in its branches."
You couldn't help but laugh, too. It was embarrassing to get caught, but Simeon still looked like he was happy just to be with you. He held your hand all the way back to RAD.
You had been in the library at RAD with Solomon for the last couple of hours, reading through a stack of books. He was researching some minute details of a certain kind of spell involving a magic circle, but it was an old spell and there was limited information about it. So you had to look through many old books to see if you could find even a small mention of it.
You closed the book you were currently looking through as you reached the end and realized that you had no more books in your to-read stack.
The library was quiet at this hour of the day. Across the table from you, Solomon was engrossed in whatever book was in front of him. The look on his face was one of serious concentration.
You didn't want to disturb him, but he seemed to sense that you were watching him. He looked up at you, smiled and leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head for a moment.
"Are you done already?" he asked.
"I've gone through all of these," you said.
Solomon nodded. "Come on, there are plenty of other books to look through. I'll help you get more from the shelves."
You got up from the table and followed Solomon. You frowned when he passed by the books you thought he was going to stop at.
You jogged a little to catch up to him. "Um, weren't the books back there?"
"There are more over here," he said. "I think we might be more successful with these."
He stopped in front of the back wall of books and indicated the top half of the shelves. "You can use this step stool to reach them," he said, pulling a little step stool from nearby. "If you want to hand them down to me, we can take back a stack of them."
You stepped up onto the first step and knew immediately that the stool wasn't balanced right. It tipped slightly and you stumbled, throwing out your hands in an attempt to catch yourself.
Fortunately for you, Solomon was there to catch you. However, you then found yourself with your back pressed against the shelf and his arms wrapped around you. You knew he saw the blush that you could feel suddenly spring to your cheeks.
Solomon seemed reluctant to let you go. "Are you all right, MC? I'm sorry I almost caused you to get hurt."
"I'm fine," you said. "It scared me a little, though."
Solomon reached up and brushed back some of your hair, which had fallen forward into your face when you fell. "Let me make it up to you," he said, leaning in closer and pausing, lips inches away from yours.
You took the invitation and kissed him, letting your arms wrap around him, your fingers clinging to the back of his RAD uniform. He responded by pressing into you, keeping a hand behind your back to prevent you from being pushed uncomfortably into the bookshelf. His kiss was hot and heavy, his touch needy.
You felt dizzy, ready to get lost in him and forget about the old books for a while. A twinge of butterflies fluttered through your insides as you felt yourself flushing in response. The heat around you increased, Solomon's body pressed up against yours, one of his hands tracing lightly down your arm.
You gasped as Solomon broke away long enough to move to your neck. You tangled a hand in his hair as he made his way down to your collarbone, biting gently at your skin.
And then someone cleared their throat loudly.
Solomon reluctantly pulled himself away from you, turning to look at whoever had interrupted while straightening his uniform.
Satan stood there, arms folded, looking like he was about to go into demon form on the both of you. "Solomon. MC. What are you doing? This is a library. And I need one of the books you're so blatantly making out on."
You blushed, covering your face with your hands. "Sorry," you mumbled into your palms.
Solomon laughed and took your hands away from your face. "Sorry about that, Satan," he said. "We were just leaving."
Solomon led you back to the table where the books from earlier remained stacked.
"I thought there were more…?" you said.
Solomon shook his head, still smiling. "I think we're done for the day, don't you? We can pick up again another time. Let me walk you home."
You nodded, then stopped when something dawned on you. "Solomon, couldn't you have just used magic to get those books down from the top shelves?"
Solomon laughed again. "I suppose I could have."
You laughed, too. Like he really needed to make up an excuse like that to kiss you. You let him walk you home and made sure he knew as much before you parted ways.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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cryptid-ghoulette · 5 months
Trouble Maker
More Phantom brain rot? (its more likely that you'd think, especially when @sister-nyx is involved)
Heres some fluffy phantom being a nuisance. WC 680 Implied spice at the end, but no real warnings, its fluffy as heck.
It wasn't uncommon for quint ghouls to have health issues; something about the way they're created can lead to omplications with their new vessels. In the pit, they don't have a physical form, and it's hard for their new bodies to contain the powerful magic they possess. Most of the time, it's little things like eyesight or hearing issues, but sometimes it can be more serious, like missing or malformed limbs.
When Phantom was summoned alongside multi-ghoul Aurora, all seemed to be going as planned. Sure, there were a few teething issues, but nothing they wouldn't adjust to with time. After all, it must be strange suddenly having a physical form (so many moving parts!). He settled well into the pack, the others all loving him and his childlike wonder, even if they had to answer what felt like a million questions a day.
Not long into the first tour though, the pack noticed he seemed to be having trouble with his hearing. It was just small things at first, like when they were all gathered backstage. Copia often had to repeat himself several times before getting a reply, with Mountain having to gently nudge his shoulder to get his attention.
It all came to a boiling point one night when they were all gathered in the kitchen after a particularly stressful rehearsal, each slumped on various chairs and benches. Dew was trying to get Phantom's attention, who was staring off into space, completely oblivious to Dew (and seemingly everyone else). Finally, he turned when Dew shouted his name, the anger in his words catching him off guard. Dew pulled him into the hall, Phantom confused about what he'd done to anger the fire ghoul so much.
"Did I do something wrong, Dew?" Dew sighed, considering his words, trying to make them come out without too much venom. "Listen, bug, I think we all just need to have a chat about what's going on with you lately. You seem even more of a space cadet than usual." He gave a half-hearted chuckle at the end, trying to lighten the mood seeing the rising concern on Phantom's face. He wrapped one arm around the little quint. "It's okay, let's go and talk to the others; we're all just. worried about you," guiding them back into the kitchen.
The pack all agreed that these incidents were becoming more frequent, and they were getting increasingly concerned (and their patience was admittedly wearing thin), so they figured they'd best take him to get checked, worried he might have some kind of hearing issue, or something else they weren't even aware of. Phantom didn't really understand what the issue was, but he agreed to go see Aether if it made the others feel better.
After waiting in the hall for what felt like forever, Aether emerged from the infirmary, the small ghoul beside him, and a smug grin on his face. "I've got good news and bad news," he said rather matter-of-factly. "The good news is he doesn't appear to have any hearing loss; in fact, he has above-average hearing for a ghoul of his element."
"So, then what's the bad news?" Mountain softly inquired, concern growing in his voice. The others began whispering between themselves, hushed tones, clearly also visibly confused.
“Well, the bad news is, it would appear that without any medical cause for his hearing troubles, our newest quintessence ghoul is just being mischievous," Aether chuckled, tousling the small ghoul's hair and gently nudging him back to his pack. "That part, you'll have to figure out on your own. There's no medicine for that as far as I'm aware."
The ghouls all turned to look at Phantom, a deep blush spreading across his face, staring at the ground and silently wishing it would swallow him whole. However, his shame spiral was interrupted when Mountain stepped forward and swiftly picked him up, tossing him effortlessly over one shoulder, simply saying, "I can think of a few ways to fix that." The others erupted into laughter, the smaller ghoul happily kicking his legs behind him as they disappeared down the hallway toward the bedroom.
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aritsukemo · 7 months
hiii ari! this is leman speaking! i put some thought into this one along with neso (she’s xiao’s certified lover /srs) and we like the detail where he doesn’t like eating in front of people, he prefers eating alone, it’s cute despite the slight angst potential.
anyways, requesting a drabble of xiao eating with/ in front of his lover for the first time?! it can be full fluff or fluff with angsty undertones, whichever, as long as there’s sweetness to it! <33
A Meal in the Company of the Ones You Cherish Most | Xiao
Xiao x reader ( @ourolite/@fancymooncherryblossom )
Warnings: None
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting, leman!! I know you requested a drabble, but as you can see I went..very overboard.😅 I had a lot of trouble wrapping up the drabble I initially made so I said fuck it and made whatever this is. 'Hope you and Neso don't mind too much! ( Also sorry this took so long to complete! )
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Orangish rays mix with the purple-tinted clouds and the blush in between them, giving off the illusion of the familiar evening sky through the glassless window of your kitchen.
The rich smell of spices accompany the crackling of the stove and the tune that slips from your damp lips in the form of a smooth, thin hum. Your eyes drift between the food that sizzles on the stove and the beautifully crafted archway that leads to the large balcony of Wangshu Inn.
Dinner time was once again approaching and Xiao has yet to return. Not that it was common for him to be home in the first place. With danger always lurking about somewhere and your fiancé being none other than the Conqueror of Demons himself, being home in time for dinner was a rare occurrence..
Despite this, you always set his plate aside for when he finally comes home; usually at the dead of night when you're fast asleep in bed.
A particularly loud pop from the stove steals your attention, stilling your thoughts as you forced your attention away from the archway so that you can diminish the fire. It was only for a brief moment, no more than a few seconds, and even then, he managed to sneak up on you.
"Wha-!" You jump when you turn and are immediately met with his piercing gaze. His golden eyes study you, silted pupils examining your face for a second before his lips, which were thinned out in a straight line just a moment ago, dip downward into a frown. Ruining the beauty of his features with it's ugly appearance.
"Don't look like that. I was just surprised," Your face relaxes and a soft smile appears on your face in hopes that it would convey the sincerity of your next words, "I'm glad you're home."
For a few moments, Xiao simply stares, face unchanging. He used to feel so uncomfortable whenever you smiled at him like that. It always felt so wrong seeing you so happy to see him. He felt like he didn't deserve such a lovely smile, especially from someone as pure as you..
But nowadays are different. Being around you as long as he has, he's grown..accustomed to this. Seeing you genuinely delighted at the mere mention of anything that involves him. Seeing you smile whenever he decides to make his presence known to you. Frowning whenever he said anything bad or degrading about himself in the past. He's grown comfortable with it all. Not entirely used to it yet, but not so uncomfortable that he wants to flee. In fact, lately he's been yearning to see your smile more and more..
It's all so strange, he thinks.
"Xiao," You call, your voice akin to a soothing melody. It carries him away from his thoughts as effortlessly as the feeling of your warm hand on his face, "I'm glad to see that you're safe."
A huff leaves his lips, "My safety shouldn't concern you. You should be worried about more important things," His tone was as harsh as ever and his words were as a cold as a steel blade. It only makes your smile widen.
"Silly, you are one of the things most important to me," You say. And oh, how he wishes to follow up with a self-degrading comment of how someone like him is undeserving of your worry. How he wishes he could say that you shouldn't speak such loving things to a monster like him who's stained his hands with the blood of countless enemies..
But he inevitably keeps his comments to himself. Although he deserves it, you aren't fond of him "bad-mouthing himself" or so you've said before. It's odd to him, but at this point, you've dedicated countless hours to helping him break this so called "habit" of his so he shouldn't insult that by speaking his mind.
"I didn't expect you home so early so I haven't made your dinner yet. I'll get to working on it right away!"
"There's no need for that. Adepti don't--"
"Nonsense! Everyone deserves a nice meal after a long day of work, especially you, Xiao," You brush off his attempts with a simple wave of your hand, "Since its been a while, I'll cook your favorite! Just let me go downstairs real quick and get some ingredients from Yanxiao first!" Xiao sighs.
Eventually you came back with the ingredients for the Almond Tofu. Xiao decided to stay and watch as you cooked—something he often did ever since you joked about how little time the two of you spent together because of how busy he always was—and as always, you talked his ears off about various things. As the evening yellows turned into starry blues through your window and as the fire made the stove crackle to life, Xiao listened intently, face neutral as you told him about your day.
"I think I'll take him up on the offer," You say, referring to Aether, who you managed to run into by chance at Liyue Harbor, "It's not often I get to travel to other nations anymore. I think it would be a nice change of pace. What do you think?"
"If the traveler is the one accompanying you, there's little to worry about. I don't have any objections."
You giggle, "I didn't think you would. ..So I guess this settle things. ..Hm, I can't wait to see the hydro nation for myself. ..Oh! But don't worry, I'll make sure to bring back lots of souvenirs. I heard Fontaine has some great desserts so I'll definitely make sure to bring some back! Heh, although I can't promise it'll make the entire journey back home."
"There's no need to do that. Any form of gift is useless to me and'll only be ruined by my hands as a result. The need to spend mora on me shouldn't be something that crosses your mind.."
Putting the final touches on the almond tofu, you grab it and walk towards him. The pleasant smells floating closer and becoming more potent the closer you get to him, "Even so, I'd feel bad if i just didn't get you anything. I mean, what kind of fiancé would I be if I didn't show that I was thinking of you while away?"
As you outstretch your hand to give him his food, Xiao briefly glances down, his pretty golden gems eyeing the plate for a moment before raising his hand to grab it. It's swift, and it's only after he takes the plate from you that he speaks again, "You don't need to prove anything to me. You make your fondness of me clear enough as is. Just enjoy your trip and I'd be happy.."
After that, there's a silence that fills the room. Usually you wouldn't mind it, but today you seemed confused. Xiao was still here. It's routine of him to soon disappear after you handed off his food if you were awake to give it to him, but this time was different. This time he's stayed, mostly unmoving and looking at you with his eyes flickering with something undescribable. How odd.
"Xiao?" You call, "Is there something you want to tell me?"
"No, why do you ask?"
"Well, you usually don't stick around like this— Ah, not that I'm complaining!" Your hands shoot up like a defense mechanism triggering as you swing them around in a slight panic, "I just assumed you wanted to ask or tell me something before you left and..yeah.."
Silence fills the room once again and for a moment, you thought he'd just end up vanishing like he usually did when he didn't feel like answering questions. That never happened however, and when he finally answered you, he spoke in a tone that you haven't heard since the day you conveyed your feelings to him for the first time all those years ago..
"Bosacius and Indarias were always more fond to human customs like this," He began, his voice low as he recalled the memory with a forgone look in his eyes, "Bosacius especially liked to eat in the company of others. He found great joy in it despite having no need to partake in such an activity. He claimed that even the worst of foods tasted delicious when he had someone to feast with him. I..never took part or humored him in the past. I saw no reason to, but now that the centuries have passed and I have you, I'd..like to try it out.."
"You.." You mumble, eyes wide with innocent shock evident in your voice and on your face, "You want to..eat dinner with me?"
"Do you not want to?" His brows crease and his once neutral expression scrunches into one that's more foreign to you—hesitance, "If it's not something you wish to do with me, I understand."
"No, no!" You shake your head aggressively quick to the point Xiao fears it'll just spin right off your shoulders, "I- I don't mind! Not at all! I'm really happy you decided to come to me about this and..! L- Lemme just— Hold on," As if you were being timed by a clock and were running out of time, you run over to the counter and grab your plate of grilled tiger fish before returning back to Xiao in record time.
"Let's eat on the balcony- Uh! Only if you want to that is! If you'd prefer to eat here we can! I don't want you to think I'm trying to force you or anything—!"
"I'm fine with eating on the balcony," He replies rather simply, cutting your spiraling short. You open your mouth to reply with some simple response but inevitably decide to grab his hand and led him outside instead, fearing you'll have a repeat of what just happened.
Sitting along the wooden railing, your eyes subconsciously drift to your lover, who seemed to be looking at you with expectant eyes. Normally, you wouldn't mind it all that much—heh, if anything you'd be overjoyed to have his attention like this—but today, it just makes you feel..anxious.
Your eyes glance away and you play it off as if you were just admiring the scenery around you, which isn't much to look at since you decided it was a smart idea to sit back against the balcony railing, which left you to stare at the decorum of the entranceway that led back inside the inn.
Why are you so nervous anyways? Over the years, you've done things with Xiao that are wayyyy more intimate than this. You've kissed him, been vulnerable in front him—hell, you were even naked in front of him one time! ( It was purely on accident, but still! ) Eating with him isn't a big deal!
..Oh, who are you fooling? This is a big no—huge deal. For you, for him.. Although to others, one would find it silly to make such a big fuss over something like this; but to you, this can easily be marked as one of the most intimate moments of your life. With the wind picking up, blowing it's quiet tune in your ear and through your hair, the birds that rest atop the Wangshuu Inn flapping their wings at one another and chirping happily, and the most beautiful person in the world sitting before you—who feels safe enough to do this with you and only you—yep, this is ten times more romantic than any date he's ever took you on. ( Which says a lot because although he doesn't take you out often, dates with Xiao are always unforgettable experiences )
A breath leaves your lips and at last, your smile returns to your face and your courage returns, allowing yourself to gaze at him again. Xiao notices the change and physically relaxes at the sight. He notices that as well, it felt odd to be so at ease—almost uncomfortable—but he has little time to dwell on the feeling before you begin speaking.
"I ran into that Wushou Dancer I was telling you about. He was so polite, he even volunteered to push my cart from Qingce Village all the way back here to the Inn," As you spoke, you stuff some food in your mouth; only taking a small break from talking to chew before continuing, "I felt so bad that I ended up offering to make him dinner, but he declined!"
"Oh! I also saw Lady Xianyun at the marketplace a few days ago! She was buying so many trinkets, I feared she'd buy up everything that was offered there, hehehe~!"
As you rambled on, hopping from one story to the next, Xiao took his chopsticks in hand and picked up some tofu. He slide it into his mouth and the flavor hits his tongue with so much force, he couldn't help the way his eyes widened just a tad.
Something seemed different about this. Usually the almond tofu was sweet and brought reminiscent memories of the dreams he used to devour in his hayday, but this seems more intense. Even more delightful.. As your laughter tickles his ears and he takes another bite, a feeling of security slowly overcomes his being. Is this what Bosacius and Indarias was so fond of? This gentle feeling of bliss? The peaceful sounds of Teyvat? The sound of the excited rambles of someone they were fond of? Is this the reason Bosacius always tried so hard to convince him to join them during meals and listen to his tales? It makes regrets begin to bubble inside of him at the thought..
"Xiao?" He blinks, did he really just..zone out? Huh, that's not something that happens often..
"Are you..alright?" You ask with slight hesitancy, "Was I talking too much? If you'd prefer to eat in silence, I don't mind."
"No," He says immediately, "Please, keep talking. Your voice is.." He pauses, trying to find the right word to describe this feeling you've given him, this feeling that has accompanied some of his fondest memories, "It's..comforting to listen to."
A golden smile stretches across your face as the last of your fear finally leaves you. Now, without holding anything back, your rambling continues with no sign of ending anytime soon. As the birds chirp away in the back and the sun very slowly sets behind you, Xiao continues to indulge in the meal you so eagerly made for him.
Hm, turns out Bosacius was right. No matter how heavenly the dish already is, a meal will always taste best in the company of someone you cherish.
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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Paul Atreides X Reader (Dune)
Part 4: Finding Fremen
     Lady Jessica slowly returns to consciousness, her eyes fluttering. As they open, all she can see is smoke; smoke and sand. They had crashed in the desert and were in the middle of a sand dune. The ornithopter wouldn't be going anywhere. Jessica had a pounding headache, but that was the least of her concerns. She rubs her stomach gently before she unstraps herself and carefully moves forward, attending to her unconscious son. "Paul?" She says, tapping his cheek. A few drops of blood were running down his chin, presumably from him hardly biting his lip upon impact. His mother wipes the blood off of his mouth and chin with her sleeve, not caring about it staining her tan cloak red. Paul still did not move. He was breathing, however Jessica couldn't tell if he had any internal injuries. "Paul?" She tries again, lightly shaking him this time. Still nothing. 
     Paul Atreides may not be seeing what's real in this moment, but he was seeing.. something. His eyes may have been closed, yet he was seeing. In his mind, he saw a similar scene he had dreamed of before. Him battling against the Harkonnens, however, his father wasn't there this time. He had an entire army of people, but, not his father. Where did he get an army? And where was his father? In this vision, he was leading, he had control. But he wasn't ready for that, and hundreds of his men were being slaughtered because he couldn't protect them. That scared Paul. He knew he needed to find his father so this "dream" wouldn't end up happening. His father was the Duke, not him. 
     "Paul!" He finally hears a familiar voice saying, bringing him back to the present moment. Paul's eyes shoot open, and he inhales sharply out of pain and fear. He ends up inhaling more smoke and sand than actual air, making him cough. Jessica sighs in relief upon seeing her son awake, unstrapping him carefully and pulling him in for a light embrace and burying her left hand in his hair. "Are you okay?" She asks after he had stopped coughing. Paul doesn't respond, instead he smacks his lips together as if tasting something, his brows furrowing. "What's wrong?" His mother looks at him, concerned. "It's.. sweet; the sand. Like, cinnamon?" Paul tells his mother. Jessica smiles, "it's spice." She says and slowly goes to stand, exiting the ravaged ship. Paul follows, feeling a little lightheaded when he stood, but he wasn't too bothered by it. He was really only worried about one thing in this moment: his father. 
     "We have to find father." Paul says determinedly. While he had no idea where to begin looking as he didn't even know where they were, he needed to find him, and he would. "Paul.." his mother starts, she already knew Leto's outcome. "No! Let's go, now." Paul turns and begins to walk down the dune. "PAUL! STOP!" Jessica yells. "We don't know where we are! We could be in worm territory! You can't just walk blindly into the desert!" She tells him sternly. "It doesn't matter! Father is out there, he could be alive! We can find him! I know he's-" Paul stops when his mother gives him a sad look. "Paul.. he could have been thrown miles away. We don't have the time nor the supplies to search the entire desert. Even if he did somehow survive the fall, he wouldn't last long with Shai-Hulud out there." Jessica tells him the hard truth. Paul shakes his head in refusal to believe his mother, sitting down in the sand and burying his face in his hands. 
     Paul, angry, digs his fingers into the sand and grabs a handful of it; or rather, of the spice. He crushes it in his hand before attempting to throw it, the wind blowing it back in his face. He goes to rub it out of his eyes when his eye vision starts to change into something rather than darkness. Beneath his eyes, he sees people; people he didn't know, yet seemed familiar. People in the desert, surrounded by nothing but it, as he and his mother were right now. He saw himself. They were staring at him with their sharp blue eyes, simply observing him as he stood in front of them. They also had a plug in their nostrils, and they wore these odd looking suits. Paul sits deeper into the sand and falls more into this vision, trying to put the pieces together. He's seen this stuff before, not in person, but yet he knew what it was. Maybe it was all the film books he studied. These people he was seeing, matched the description of what Fremen did in his books. They were Fremen, he knew it. But something was off. Why was he with them? Why weren't they killing him? And why were some.. bowing down to him? 
     That's when it hit him. He was never supposed to come to this planet for the Harkonnens, or even for his father, he's here for the Fremen. He needed to accept that his father was gone, and he was the new Duke. But he wasn't the Duke of Caladan, that didn't seem right. No, he was the Duke of Arrakis. He was here for the Fremen, to fight with them, to learn their ways, to protect them, and maybe even to become one himself. This is what his studies were for all along. They had been important, as he had predicted. There was an unclear part of this vision, though. There were only fragments, but he could somewhat see a girl. A Fremen girl. She was beautiful. And something about her was different than the others. He wanted to find out more, he needed to find the Fremen. 
     Paul's eyes open and his vision returns to reality. The first thing he sees is his mother kneeled down in front of him. "Paul, are you okay? You were out of it for a few seconds. You weren't even responding to me. Is it the spice?" Jessica asks with her worried motherly tone. "No, I'm fine." Paul responds, standing. "I know where we need to go." He said. "We can't go anywhere, Paul. We'll just have to wait for Gurney to rescue us." Jessica tries to tell her son, but he shakes his head. "We'll be eaten alive by then. We have to find the Fremen, they're our only chance at survival. Not only that, but I think we were always meant to find them." Paul says, looking into the setting sun. "You can't know that- plus we have nowhere to begin looking. It could take us days, and we'll be dead from dehydration by then." His mother tries to reason with him. Paul, being stubborn, rolls his eyes and says, "just believe me, please. I have an idea on where they are. I know how to sand walk, I'll teach you that as well." He wasn't changing his mind. "You're going to get us both killed, Paul." Jessica tries one last time, but she knew she should trust him, even if it went against her own wishes. They didn't have much to lose at the moment, after all. Maybe the Fremen could help them until they can get back to the Palace, she hoped. "Follow me," Paul said and began to lead his mother to the Fremen. 
     Quickly showing his mother how he believed sand walking was done, Paul and Jessica slide their way through the desert. The sun was getting low, so they had to be extra cautious on where they stepped foot as it was getting darker. Soon enough, they had been sand walking a long way and the sun was completely gone, blackness filled the desert. "Should we make camp?" Jessica asks, grabbing the tent from the emergency bag that was kept in the ornithopter. Paul looks around until he spots a place by some rocks that they would be somewhat sheltered in. Mother and son sand walk to the rocks and set up the tent, sitting inside it with their legs crossed. Jessica lets out a small grunt, placing a hand on her abdomen. "What's wrong?" Paul asks, noticing the discomfort in his mother's face. "Just hungry," she replies, which was true. Neither Paul or Jessica had eaten or drank anything since the early morning, and they had had a rough day to say the least. Paul's throat and lips were dry from dehydration, and that didn't help his headache either, but he knew he'd have to force his body to go without food or water just a little longer. For now, he just wanted to sleep. 
     The two rise as soon as the sun peaks just above the horizon. They wanted to sleep longer, and they definitely could've as both were still exhausted. However, they couldn't stay here in the middle of the deserts' heat without proper wear or supplies. They packed up and kept moving. About an hour of continuing to sand walk passes before Paul suddenly stops in his tracks. "What is it?" His mother asks, stopping behind him. The sand beneath them started to vibrate, and Paul could hear sand breaking in the distance; it sounded as if a tsunami was coming, instead it was sand. But it wasn't just sand. Sand doesn't make a tsunami on its own. "Did you break your rhythm?" He asks his mother through gritted teeth. "I.. don't think so?" Jessica replies, equally as alarmed. "Well.. if we weren't in worm territory earlier, we are now." Paul said, looking behind him. A large sand worm was in direct pursuit of them.
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satureja13 · 26 days
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Francine is about to leave and asked Jeb to accompany her to the gates. Jeb loves his grandmother but he loves it more when she's not around. More often than not Jeb ends up in embarrassing situations when she's involved... He's still shocked about the 'handle happening' and he still doesn't know what Sai intended. And Francine wouldn't be Francine if she didn't instruct Jeb to make it up with Sai. Jeb: "What if he needs more time?"
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Francine: "Why do you give such incidents so much power over your relationship? I understand Sai needed time to overcome all this stuff with Kiyoshi. But it's over a half year ago, Jeb. And it won't get any better with you two just brooding, each on his own. Talk to him. He needs you. You know how much he struggles to be your leader and to be responsible for everything. Don't burden him additionally to also lead your relationship, hm? Make the first step and be there for him. Back him (at this point she winked twice at Jeb... oh my...)." Francine is due to leave but she quickly dragged Jeb over to 'Ye Olde Magick Shoppe' to make some last purchases of stuff that's only provided beyond the Veil. Vendor: "Oh, hey Francine! Long time no see! Hope you are still satisfied with our monthly 'Spicy Surprise Sac'?" Francine: "Of course I am! It's stunning what you always come up with! Each month new surprises to spice up our lives. Say, do you maybe also have a monthly box for beginners? Our Jeb here needs some support." Vendor: "Ah! Is he finally getting back together with his Vanië? Yes, we offer sweet monthly boxes especially for our unexperienced." Jeb just wants to vanish into the ground and never crawl up again. There are no secrets in this world... How do they even know he's calling Sai 'Vanië'? Francine: "Wonderful! Let's subscribe for this. You can always upgrade to the sophisticated boxes once you prosper, Jeb." How embarrassing! Jeb knows he can't stop Francine from ordering the box for him. Nothing can stop Francine. So he needs to make sure to let them quickly vanish before Sai and the others see them... ö.ö'
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After they left the shop, Francine had a quick chat with the owls from the post office. To make sure the boxes also reach Jeb in the Otherworld... Big Owl: "Don't worry! We're as eager as you for him to make it up with Sai!" Small Owl: "I'll make sure to deliver as soon as the shop is ready with packing!"
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By looking at the mess around the counter, Jeb just hopes a few boxes will get lost...
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And then finally, finally it's time for Francine to leave! Francine: "Talk to Sai. Do not waver. I love you. Bye!"
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A few hours later, after they'd spent another few hours in the potions classroom in the dungeons of the tower to share their research, Sai sat in the common room, absorbed in one of his gay romance novels again. He didn't even notice the others already left to go to bed. Sai is the oldest and their leader and - still a virgin. His fantasy is going wild. How would it be to make love with Jeb? To feel him? To share it all? To do all the things with him they do in the books? Over the last two years, when they were still together, they had a few make out sessions (e.g. at Tartosa (twice), in Tomarang, in Rider's Glen (twice)...) but they never went all the way.
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It's late, eventually Sai finished the final chapter and went upstairs. To find Ji Ho sleeping alone in their room... Where is Jack again? -.- Skully: "Where do you think he is? Upstairs, of course!"
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Yes, Jack is in the tops' room again. Because he refuses to let Sai dictate where and with whom he can linger and where not. Jack: "Oh, look there is a box from the 'Ye Olde Magic Shoppe'!" Kiyoshi: "Maybe for our next lessons?" As the small owl promised, they delivered so fast, there isn't even a label on the box with the recipient on it... And Jeb didn't pay attention. He's pondering for hours already about how to accomplish to start a conversation with Sai about their relationship - and it stresses him out beyond measure... He's so afraid to do something wrong again. And then Sai would get upset and he wouldn't speak to him for weeks - or months - again...
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Jack curiously opened the box: "What kind of stuff is this?" He'd never seen such things before. (Well, except for the wand and polish set Kiyoshi gave to Saiwa months ago...)
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Kiyoshi learned a lot of things at the Temple, so he explained all of the items to Jack. And how to use them. Jack listened curiously: "Ah it's almost a shame I'm never supposed to try them..." He gave up on love.
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And then - of course - Sai charged in. He saw the items from the box before Jack was able to put them back in ö.ö Sai: "Are you seducing them? Again? I'm going to kill you! RUN!" This time, Jack didn't run. It's time to stop Saiwa on his downward path: "We did nothing wrong, Sai. Why do you even care what we are doing here? If you don't want to see it, just knock before you enter."
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Sai left the room and slammed the door so hard the walls shook. Poor Jeb. How is he supposed to talk to Sai about getting together again when he has the craziest ideas of what they are doing here with Jack? ö.Ö'
'Now if you feel that you can't go on (can't go on) Because all of your hope is gone (all your hope is gone) And your life is filled with much confusion (much confusion) Until happiness is just an illusion (happiness is just an illusion) And your world around is crumbling down, darlin'
Come on girl reach on out for me (Reach out) Reach out for me
Hah, I'll be there with a love that will shelter you I'll be there with a love that will see you through'
The Four Tops - Reach out I'll be there (from 1967!) And, as a bonus: Indestructable (from 1988) - 21 years later! Such a heartwarming MV. Levi Stubbs had such a powerful voice. Amazing.
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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max verstappen x reader
ferrari female driver jealousy enemies to lovers possible spice (i will put the warning accordingly)
warnings- none in this chapter, so don't worry lovelies
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chapter 1 - the ferrari firecracker
The Monaco air crackled with a tension sharper than any Pirelli slick. The first Grand Prix of the season hung heavy in the humid night, and its whispers all swirled around one name: Y/N L/N.
Y/N, the Ferrari firecracker, the girl who'd rewritten headlines and defied history by snagging a seat at the Prancing Horse. The girl who, in her debut race, had dared to breathe down Max Verstappen's neck, crossing the finish line a tantalizing 0.09 seconds behind him.
Max, the Dutch demon, the reigning champion with an ice-pick stare and a lead foot. He tolerated this new intrusion - her audacity, her talent, her unwavering smile - as much as he tolerated a pit stop with a loose wheel nut. Their encounters were barbed exchanges, icy glares traded across the track like bullets.
"Just a lucky rookie," Max had sneered after that first race, his eyes glinting with something that might have been grudging respect or simmering fury.
"Verstappen, i'm just getting warmed up," Y/N had retorted, her grin wide and unapologetic, the taste of champagne still sweet on her tongue.
Tonight, in Monaco, the tension was about to explode. The narrow, unforgiving streets were a crucible, their unforgiving turns a test of both skill and nerve. Y/N thrived in this chaos. Her Ferrari seemed an extension of her, dancing through the labyrinth, her instincts razor-sharp.
Behind her, Max lurked, a predator biding his time. Every lap he closed the gap, a menacing orange shadow chasing a scarlet spark. Their radios crackled with a tense interplay of strategies, engineers sweating over every millisecond.
Then, chaos. A misjudged corner, a tangled mess of metal and carbon fiber. The safety car came out, a yellow dragon swallowing the race whole. In the pit lane, the atmosphere was electric. Ferrari, smelling blood, gambled on an aggressive undercut. Y/N emerged ahead, the first time all race Max didn't hold the lead.
The final laps were a masterclass in controlled aggression. Y/N held her line, refusing to give Max an inch. Every corner was a chess game, every straight a duel of wills. The crowd roared, their partisan cheers a cacophony in the night.
As they crossed the line, it was Max again, by the slimmest of margins. But this time, there was no sneer, no dismissive shrug. This time, Max met Y/N's eyes, a flicker of grudging admiration mingling with the fire in his own.
Y/N grinned, a shark's smile in the fading light. The message was clear: next time, it wouldn't be so close.
This was just the beginning. The girl who had rewritten history was far from done writing her own. The grid may have embraced her youthful spirit, but Max Verstappen had finally acknowledged her as a worthy adversary. And that, for Y/N, was a victory in itself.
The Monaco night held its breath, a promise of fierce battles to come, a dance of fire and ice between a Ferrari phoenix and a Dutch lion. The season had just begun, and the world was watching, eyes wide with anticipation. Because on this grid, under the unforgiving spotlight, Y/N L/N and Max Verstappen were about to ignite a rivalry that would scorch the very tarmac of Formula One.
grab some popcorn lovelies ^^
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infin1ty-garden · 1 year
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ summary: hearing rumors of the fountain of youth and finally finding a heading, nikolai decides to follow the rumors ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ pairing: nikolai lanstov x gn! siren! reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ warnings: drowing, darkling, a bit of spice ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ word count: 2k ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ author note: inspired by this and sorry for not posting in a while I was on vacation
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"Are we sure that compass even works?" Asked Tamar swaying from side to side due to the heavy rain and storm they were passing through. "It points to what the holder wants most. I think the instructions are pretty clear," Nikolai's attention only being on the compass. It's arrow spinning from one direction to another.
"You are going to crash the ship," yelled Mal as he fell down sliding to the other end of the ship. "Don't worry we're almost there," and then he let go of the wheel entirely. Tolya grabbed it but as if they'd entered another dimension. The storm was nowhere in site and not that far away, an island.
"See, I was right," as he said that the ship hit something causing him to fall overboard. He tried to swim up but the waves kept crashing in on him. He could hear people yelling for him and orders being thrown around. They turned incoherent as he sunk deeper.
He felt two hands taking hold of his arms as he was lifted out of the water in seconds. Once he managed to open his eyes, he was miles from the ship. He wanted to turn and see his saviour. "Don't strain your body too much, just relax your safe," he heard the most angelic voice say.
In a blink of an eye his feet met the sand. He coughed up what felt like half the ocean. When he turned to thank his saviour they were nowhere to be seen. Had he imagined it? Then he saw it, his ship being attacked by sire
But he could not help his crew. If he even attempted to swim to them, he would be instantly attacked. His gun was wet, so it was useless, and what could he do with a sword. All he could do was watch and hope they make it.
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Most of the crew was alright. No deaths but they had to dry dock the ship, as going in the row boats would have been a death wish. Now, they had to find the chalices. "Captain," Tamar handed him a spyglass. Looking through it he saw Second Army flags. The Darkling was here or his grisha were.
"How did they get here before us?" Alina asked bewildered. "It doesn't matter we just need to get the chalices before them," he really should have better timing. "Hand over the map," the Darkling appeared, along with his forces. "There's no map," Nikolai replied, confidence radiating off of him in waves.
Then one by one his grisha disappeared until he was the only one left standing. "You and what army," Kirigan looks behind himself. Worry coating his face but then he smirked. "I don't need an army," as he raised his hands the sand beneath his feet disappeared. He dropped down into the newly formed puddle like it was a slide.
"Well, that happened," all anyone could do was nod along to Mal's statement. As they continued on following the compass, it seemed to lead them in circles. "I think your magic compass stopped working," Alina gave him a sympathetic look. "We have more company. Tamar reported seeing Fjerdan and Shu ships," great just what they needed.
"We still need the two chalices. Let me give that map a try," Mal took the map from Nikolai. The map was written in a language no one could understand. It wasn't in Fjerdan, Kerch, Ravkan, Shu, Zemeni, Suli, or even Old Ravkan. But now that they were actually on the island, they could at least recognise the landmarks drawn. Mal's tracking skill would finally come in handy.
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After spending hours walking, they've decided to make camp and rest for a bit. They couldn't let the Fjerdans or the Shu be the first to discover the secret to the fountain. As Nikolai was starting to close his eyes, he heard a splash of water near him. He looked to where he assumed the sound came from and was met with the most beautiful pair of eyes.
Was this the person that saved him? He couldn't be sure. He slowly moved towards the person, worried that any sudden movement might scare them away. "I am not some kind of rabid animal," that voice, his guardian angel. "Your friends are on the west side," you could mean the Fjerdans or the Shu.
"They're not our friends," you sent him a sceptical look. He suddenly remembered why they were on this island in the first place. "You wouldn't know where someone could leave two chalices around here, would you?" At this point Nikolai was fully laying down in the mud that surrounded the pot of water.
His face inches away from it. "Hypothetically, I would know where something like that could be hidden." He smiled and then asked. "Hypothetically, could you show me?" You disappeared, only to emerge a few seconds later. Slowly moving closer to him as he had done only minutes ago.
What you did next was a surprise but not an unwelcome one. You kissed him. It was slow at first, as if giving him the chance to pull away if he so wishes. Instead he placed his palm on the back of your head. Pulling you as close as he can and uped the ferocity of the kiss. You placed your fingers at the bottom of his chin.
Putting slight pressure on it, due to this he opened his mouth. You quickly slipped your tongue in. He felt something foreign enter his system. You quickly pulled away and submerged yourself, only the top part of your face could be seen. Watched him swallow whatever you had just given him. I really hope I don't die from this.
You made a motion with your hand for him to enter the water. Waited for him, as he took off his jacket and shoes. His feet were searching for the bottom of the pond or whatever it was. He felt a hand grab his foot and pull him into the water. "You're taking too long," he realised he could breathe underwater. You gently grabbed his waist and he placed his arm around your neck.
He finally saw your tail. You were a siren. He was so gonna die but why had you saved him and why were you helping him now. He had too many questions. None of which he could ask. As soon as he had entered the water he was out of it. In Front of him was a ship, but none of the text in any language he knew. It did match the art on the map.
"Thank you," you nodded with a smile on your face. He walked closer to the ship. It was suspended in mid air. Wedged in between two huge pieces of stone. How could he get up there?
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He finally entered the ship with your help and a lot of trial and error. Each step on the deck was taken with extreme consideration as one wrong move could send the ship falling. Even if the ship seemed to have been here for years with the plants that have taken over the deck. Nikolai didn't want to take any chances.
As he descended down to the lower levels of the ship, he was greeted with copious amount of dust and rot....and gold? But he had little care for it. Maybe after they find the fountain of youth, he could bring some of that gold back to Ravka. One room in the ship was clearly meant for dining. The table comfortably fit nine people.
The seats were filled with skeletons. The stench of the rotten food and empty glasses of wine could signify that these people were poisoned. The ship without a crew was probably left to roam the sea and had met its journey's end. Crashing into the rocks. Or maybe all of them have been stabbed, who knows.
The chalices were nowhere to be found. He went searching different rooms until he reached the captain's quarters. In the middle of the room the captain was sitting a skeleton like the rest of the crew but on the bed next to him a chest. Nikolai made his way to the bed as he did the ship swinged and then the voices came.
He wasn't alone anymore but he recognised one of them as Zoya. He needed to work faster. He got to the chest but it was locked. Nikolai could hear the voices getting closer. The key was laying on the chain around the captain's neck. Unlocking the chest and...nothing, just some documents. Where could the chalises be? He looked in the drawers, desk and finally under the bed.
There was another chest, this one without a lock in it, the chalices inside. Then the door burst open. "Hand them over," before he could think or even form a plan the ship was falling. When he awoke he was tied up, next to him, Zoya. The flags were the first thing he'd recognised, Shu. The second one, that they were tied to a tree. "Finally, the sleeping beauty's awake," one of the guards said.
Whatever they'd done to Zoya, she'd seen better days. Cuts were littering her face and bruises were starting to form. "The others," he'd simply asked. "Probably dead." The guards had left their posts to fetch their superior. In the corner of his eye, Nikolai could see something being thrown next to his feet. A knife, he quickly picked it up and placed it near his hands. Cutting himself and Zoya lose.
"We need to plan our next steps carefully since we don't have our weapons," just as he said that his and what he assumes is Zoya's sword were thrown out of the water. If she had found the ordeal weird, she didn't mention it, just grabbed her sword. "This way, I saw them place the rest of the weapons there."
They managed to escape the camp unseen. "I will let you go but the next time we meet, you won't be given the same courtesy," with that she disappeared in the forest.
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The chalices weren't with the weapons. The Shu must have taken them. Then out of nowhere Tamar, Alina, Mal and Tolya come charging past Nikolai. Tamar carrying one chalice while Mal carries the other. "Sturmhond," Alina says just realising he was even there. "Run," yells Tamar as she grabs him.
Then he sees it, the Darkling and his volcra. His feet do the rest as he joins the group running. Hoping to lose him in the woods. "What happened?"
"What happened? Where were you? You left and didn't even tell anyone," Alina retorts.
"I got a lead to where the chalices might be."
"But WE found the chalices."
"And WE are going to lose them if you two don't shut it," Toyla interrupted, silencing them both as they hid. Once they saw the Darkling walk pass. They slowly walk in the other direction. "Where did you find them?"
"Near the entrance to some caves but that was nowhere close to where it had been marked on the map," Mal said in disbelief.
"Let me guess there was a river or some pond close by," Nikolai asked. Mal nodded. "But how could you know, it wasn't marked on the map." Nikolai shrugged. You must have taken them and brought them to his crew. "Now, we just need to find the entrance to the fountain," water splashed nearby. "Give me one moment," he said to the rest of them as he took the map and walked towards the water.
Tamar and Alina followed him. He kneeled down. "Yes," he asked, looking at the water. You slowly lifted your head and swam to where he was kneeling. He held up the map. Mal and Toyla joined the rest. Alina lifted her palms up as Toyla readied his weapon. "You are here and the entrance is here," now they could see the scales coating your arms, along with the tail.
All of them were thinking the same. You're a siren and you're helping them.
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Thanks for reading! If you want a part 2 leave a like or comment
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 2 months
Favorite Kiss Tag Game
Tagged by @yannig, thank you! 😘
Rules: create a poll with five of your all time favorite onscreen kisses, setting any standard for qualification you choose. Then tag more friends to join in!
This is both a delightful game and a very difficult one. Dead fish kisses are largely a thing of the past, and our screens are filled with lovely smooches these days.
For me, my favorite kisses are not only about being aesthetically pleasing or emotionally powerful, but also about conveying something meaningful, either about the characters or the story. Something that words would never be able to express in the same way.
Yok and Dan (Not Me) - "Words alone are not enough"
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I've made no secret that Yok has my heart forever, and I love how this kiss is confirmation of their mutual feelings, and a promise, while also being a reminder that with Yok, you are going to get spice with your sweet. It's character moments like this that set up the way he will forgive Dan for his betrayal but also give him a solid punch to the face. (And let's face it, there was definitely a bit of punishment later on at home, along with the loving).
Mizuki & Yoh (My Personal Weatherman) - "Without you...I can't breathe"
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Japan has such a knack for conveying things without words. It's not uncommon for characters in Japanese BLs to be incapable of verbally expressing their wants and needs for large amounts of a story, but that doesn't mean we don't learn huge amounts of vital information. This series conveys so much via intimate moments, but this kiss in particular is when we fully see what an unreliable narrator Yoh has been, and how deeply he misunderstands the depth of Mizuki's love and need for him.
Phayu & Rain (Love in the Air) - "I must reward this cunning boy"
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LITA is chockablock full of good kisses, but I really like this one. The beginning of this episode does a lot around setting up the D/s dynamics of their relationship, and the kiss is a part of that. Rain gets punished for making Phayu worry, and Phayu indulges his slight sadistic streak by pretending he's about to peace out - but then the kiss that follows almost feels like a benediction for their new relationship. Phayu finally lets his absolute adoration for Rain come out, revels in the experience of being intimate with his person, and Rain matches him beat for beat, showing why they work as a pair.
Pluem & Kevin (Ghost Host Ghost House) - "I can wait for it"
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The lead up to this kiss is one of my favorite moments in all of BL, where Kevin is 100% aware of the effect he is having on Pluem, and Pluem is attempting to be god's strongest soldier - and utterly failing. But again, what makes it so good is what it tells us about the characters. Kevin is teasing Pluem, Pluem starts to tease him back, in the traditional seme way, and when that makes Kevin nervous, Pluem makes it clear that he is not an old school boy. He's soft and sweet and absolutely willing to put Kevin's comfort first, which is, of course, why Kevin immediately responds. Who could resist?
Li Cheng & Mu Ren (History 4: Close to You) - "I didn't forget..."
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Li Cheng and Mu Ren have yet to be dethroned as my favorite friends to lovers couple. The show does such a good job setting up their deep love and devotion to each other on the friend side, that when it finally gets to a point where their romantic feelings are mutual, you need something special to show that a switch has finally been flipped. The tone of this scene, with a little help of the blinding light of love, proves that we have crossed a threshold, and it is absolutely lovely on the other side.
I'm not sure where all this has made the rounds yet, but no pressure tags for @slayerkitty @sunshinexiaobao (your name change threw me for a moment lol) @infinitelyprecious @lilithfatale @dramalets and anyone else who wants to play!
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nakedcows · 1 year
Hello! I gotta request. I love Aemond as many of the girlies do. But I never find fics for the plus size girls. I’m a firm believer that Aemond would like a plus size woman. When you have a moment of time I’d love to see a plus size reader x Aemond type fic. Of course I’d be here for some spice too. I’d just really like to see more representation ☺️ thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day!
A/N: I'm terribly sorry for the delay. I had a draft ready that didn't save so my inspiration took a big hit. I haven't thought about it before, but now that you say it I do think Aemond would lean more toward plus sized women. I can't explain why i just feel like it falls inline with his character. Thank you for your request!!
summary: Aemond gifts Y/n new clothes that inspire her to take the lead tonight
warnings: smut p n v, slight degrading (not of the reader), body shaming (it's not very much don't worry), sub Aemond
Word count 1.4k
Y/n was entranced by the stranger staring back at her in the mirror. The woman standing in her mirror resembled the fair ladies from books she had read as a girl. Ones where brave knights fight to the death and love-struck monarchs conquer kingdoms for the chance to embrace their true love.
The emerald green dress she wore had no sleeves and hung off her shoulders. Y/n was not used to dressing in such a manner she had become accustomed to frumpy, loose fitted clothing that hid her figure. Y/n’s mother had insisted that despite the high ranking of their house, it was imperative to hide the plump figure she had inherited from her to guarantee proposals from the lords of the court. However, her dear Aemond had thought otherwise. He began to court Y/n and questioned why a lady of her rank wore such ill-fitting clothing. After Y/n had confided in Aemond about her mother's advice, he disposed of her dresses and commissioned a new wardrobe of custom-made dresses with matching jewelry for his love. Y/n admired her newfound figure and how her bodice hugged her thick waist instead of hanging loosely. Layers of skirt gracefully laid against her wide hips complimented with embroidery. The mousy-looking girl had disappeared under hair tied in intricate braids decorated with rare jewels and a beauteous dress accentuating her curved figure. Y/n always felt as though she was meant to be invisible, to blend into the background unnoticed and unmentioned unless she was needed. But now, with her full body glittering in the open free to be seen, she felt confident.  
“You are enchanting, my love,” Aemond said. He had briefly left for Y/n to dress and retrieve the final piece to her ensemble. Aemond stood behind her, unable to break his gaze from her captivating, newfound appearance.   
Aemond delicately clasped a sapphire necklace cut from the same gem in his eye.   
“What do you think, dear heart?” he asked as his hands drifted from Y/n’s neck to her shoulders  
“I think it’s... perfect,” she said, gliding her hands under her plump chest. “I look perfect.” Y/n smiled brightly at her reflection. The rush of finally recognizing the glowing beauty in her mirror was the same modestly dressed woman that she saw a few hours ago.  Y/n felt invincible at this moment she could do anything, say anything and the surefooted woman in her mirror would protect her from fear and persecution with a glance. She turned to Aemond with a new vigor. It was an unfamiliar feeling that bubbled in her core and climbed up to her chest. Aemond had always taken the lead. He led when they held hands when they kissed, and he led when they were intimate. But tonight, she would take command. Y/n grabbed the back of Aemond’s head greedily, pulling him flush against her body for a languid kiss. Aemond grinned into the kiss, stroking her rounded hips, causing the sensation in her core to swell. Y/n slowly pulled from him. Her whole body felt as though someone had set aflame her from the inside.   
“You promised me once that you would do anything for me. I need only ask. Is that still true? Y/n asked, meeting his eyes.   
“Of course, my dear,” the fingers on his neck glided into his hair to stroke his scalp.   
“Then get on your knees for me,” Y/n’s light stroking turned into a tight grip as she yanked Aemond’s head back by his hair.  Aemond breath hitched from the sudden tension on his scalp. Y/n had never done this before yet as he prostrated himself before her the hand in his hair leading him to kneel, he felt the blood rushing to his cock.  
“What do you wish of me Y/n?”  
“Hmm I don’t think using my name suits you very well my dear,” she said smirking.  
“No, you are a proper gentleman are you not? Then you should refer to me like one. I think ‘My lady’ will do for now, don’t you?” Aemond felt his breeches tighten as she leaned in and paused just before their lips met.  
“Answer me Aemond.”  
“Yes, my lady,” Y/n closed the gap between them, devouring his lips. Aemond could hear his heart pounding as his member began to throb. He was used to being in control. There was safety in control letting that part of him slip for even a second led to disaster. Aemond craved rest for someone to ease that unmoving tension in his mind and giving his power to Y/n would do just that. 
“Good boy, strip and lay on the bed for me,” she said releasing his hair. Aemond stood from his spot on the floor in favor of removing his doublet and breeches before laying on the bed desperate to obey. Aemond felt his length harden as Y/n waltzed up to the bed and slowly skipped out of her sleeves pulling her bodice down, exposing her full breast and removed her small clothes, leaving her the remainder of her dress on. His red tip now peaked out from the protection of its fleshy folds at the sight. His shy elegant lady turned dominating temptress. Aemond reached down to stroke himself but was met with a quick slap.   
“Proper gentlemen don’t touch themselves, Aemond. It is quite unseemly,” she said, climbing onto the bed to straddle him.  
“Y-Yes my lady.”   
“You know improper gentlemen believe they are owed the pleasure they crave-” Y/n pulled her skirt up, revealing thick plush thighs coated in slick from her dripping mound, causing Aemond’s breath to quicken and his cock to throb. “But a proper gentleman asks for his desires, doesn’t he, Aemond? Why don’t you ask me for what it is you desire my dear?” Y/n lowered herself a bit allowing Aemond’s tip to just barely graze her entrance. Aemond gasped, trying to hold himself together. Whenever he had coupled with Y/n, Aemond would take her hips and impale her with his length whenever he felt the urge, yet at this moment doing such a thing without her explicit permission felt as though he would be committing an unforgivable sin of the highest caliber.  
“Please my lady, use my cock.” Aemond said, bringing his hands up and sinking his fingers into her soft hips. 
“Hmm I don’t know. You don’t seem to want me enough. Perhaps I should stop,” she said slowly lowering her skirt. The gentle throbbing of Aemonds cock developed into torturous ache.  
“No, my lady, please I need you. Please let me fill your cunny. I need it. I’m throbbing for you. I need to fill you around me my lady,” Y/n grinned and lifted her skirt once more.  
“There you go sweet boy begging for me like a proper gentleman,” Y/n dropped onto his cock taking him all at once. Normally Y/n would ask Aemond to be slow and gentle with her, but here and now, consumed by her newfound vigor, she didn’t want to be gentle. She didn’t want to be delicate. She wanted to take everything for herself. Y/n sank, allowing Aemond to bottom out. He could feel her cunt constrict around his cock as if she wanted to meld him into her insides. Her folds would only briefly release him from their tight grip before clenching around him once again. Y/n could feel Aemond’s cock pulsating inside her. The tip of his cock pressed against the spongy back of her cunt. Y/n rocked her hips, enthralled by how the sensation of absolute control enhanced her pleasure. Aemond felt as though he was unraveling every time Y/n’ hips dropped to meet his. Aemond was consumed with an unrelenting craving that devoured his entire being. He needed her. He needed more.   
“Faster my lady! Please, I need more of you!”   
“Good boy asking so nicely for his lady,” Y/n sped up, bouncing on Aemond’s cock quicker, the heat in her core building to a peak ready to snap at any moment. Y/n reached for Aemond’s hands. She pressed his left hand against her pearl and held onto his right one. Aemond rolled small circles on Y/n’s pearl already covered in her slick and tangled his fingers with hers. Adding pressure to the sensitive bud when their hips met each other. 
“I’m going to cum. Are you ready, Aemond?” she said leaning down, losing herself in his violet eye.  
“Yes please, I need to feel you cum around me my lady!” she couldn’t hold on any longer. Squeezing Aemonds hand Y/n fell apart as her orgasm flooded across her body, causing her legs to shake and her body to fall limp against Aemond. The pleasure of taking Aemond as she pleased pushed Y/n’s high to another plane of existence. One where she was everything and nothing all at once. Unburdened. Unshackled. Untouched. Aemond felt himself burst inside of Y/n his back arching. He had never reached a peak like this before. He could feel tingling all throughout his body that turned into blissful burning reaching to the tips of his toes. They laid together for a moment, their heavy breathing filling the heady air. Y/n sat up a bit and placed a gentle kiss on Aemond’s temple still damp from the excitement.  
“Did I do well for you, my lady?” 
“You were the perfect gentleman.” 
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hoeforhao · 1 year
🥢🧸Plasters🧸🥢 Seungkwan Drabble
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🩹 pairing: boyfriend! seungkwan x gn!reader
🩹 genre: pure fluff, comfort, boo being sassy as usual yet the most loving partner too!!
🩹 series: svt as boyfriends
🩹 wc: 1k+
🩹 author's note: me going through bad days mean one more part added to my svt as boyfriend drabble series hehe. also i fell down today so bad, which in turn resulted into this idea as Boo had always been my comfort boy!Tell me if y'all like it🧸
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"Yah y/n watch your st- fuck not again" the sassy blonde walking behind shouts at the five footed shortie infront of him, who was now sitting on the road like a homeless, after tripping onto literal thin air.
You might be wondering who this butter footed person is right? It's no other than you yourself, aka the boo seungkwan's clumsy ass girlfriend.
Seungkwan quickly runs to the accident spot, extending his arms in an instant to pick you up in his embrace. "You need to be sent to the Louvre now you know?" Although he wanted to tease you some more for your mishaps but he could clearly see the pain and discomfort in your eyes, from the fall.
"Get up y/n. We need to get to the clinic right now" he still holds out his hands forwards for you to take support onto him while getting up. But to his surprise you refuse to even acknowledge the help offered and instead push up onto the concrete with your palms while slowly lifting your now aching butt from the road, wobbly standing up in the process.
"Tskk I don't bite girl!" Seungkwan throws a teasing tantrum at you while marching down towards his car, obviously hurt at the fact that you still don't consider him worthy enough to rely on.
"I don't really need to see a doctor Kwan. I'm now literally used to hurting my butt every few days!" you tug onto seungkwan's arms just before he reaches out to open the car's door for you, pulling the man to now face you,or rather tower you. Everyday you curse the universe for making you a woozi height! Like was it that hard to have your friend mingyu's height? Or at least his boyfriend wonwoo's?!?!?!
"Don't be silly you 'a slice of tangerine in place of a brain' person. You are clearly in pain and I won't take any excuses y/n. Get in the car right now" Seungkwan has always had this effect on you even after being so sassy and babygirly most of the times, the one that makes you follow his words like a kitten. So that meant you only had one option left and that was to get yourself decked in as a passenger princess, while your boyfriend drove you to the clinic.
The drive was literally like a mourning ground, spiced up by seungkwan's often sighs and worry in his eyes, alongside the fidgeting taps from your fingers.
The screeching of the tyres brought you out from the hole you've dug out onto your lap with your flaming beads, looking up to see that you're now in front of your most dreaded place - the doctor's chambers!!!
You were still seated clutching tight onto the leathers even though it was hurting your wound more, not wanting to go out and wishing that seungkwan would change his mind.
"Get down y/n. Don't make me drag you out like a five year old girl. Quick quick do you want a potato to replace your butt now?" he opens the door for you, unfastening the seatbelt and pulling you out of the passenger side, the clutch on his arms as gentle as an otter holding onto their child.
With no way out in front of you, you followed seungkwan like a duckling as he lead you into the reception, the xray room and finally to the doctor's!
"She has a minor fracture in her coccyx. It's better to give her complete rest for a week at least or we would need to operate her to get the fracture fixed!" the doctor now drops the bomb on the two of you! You were mentally cursing at him and wished that you could tell him to shut the fuck up. Why?
Cuz now Seungkwan would absolutely eat your brains out, treat you like a princess and not let you feel the ground for a whole goddamn week. And it was definitely not an unknown fact how stubborn this man was. If the doctor has told you to rest, he'll make sure to not let you get out of the bed at all, making you feel like a queen whose feet are too precious to touch the dirty floors.
"We definitely will doctor." he takes his own butt up from the chair, taking the prescriptions from the older's hands and helping you up from yours. "I'll make sure she heals completely within this time. Thank you!"
And with that your misery starts. Or should I say your royal days start.
"You know that you don't have to follow what he said right? I'll be able to deal with it myself only" you quietly blurt out to Kwan while walking down the white corridors, hoping that he would accept your shenanigans.
"Do I disgust you y/n? Do you not think me worthy enough to help you? To treat you in your tough times? Am I that unpleasant to you y/n?" seungkwan finally lets his pain out, standing amidst the parking lot, his voice breaking and eyes tinted with oncoming tears.
"N-no Kwan. Never!!! It's....it's just that" you take a halt before deciding whether you should let him see the true reason behind your actions. "It's just...just that I've always made myself that strong to...to take care of myself by my own, so I...I always feel....feel like a burden when others help me"
"I'm not others love, I'm your partner, your boyfriend. My duty is to look after my girl and treat her like cotton." Kwan takes his hands into yours, drawing small circles onto their top, trying to calm you down from the breakdown evitable in your eyes now.
"Besides I don't want to get engaged to a potato butt" he pats your head gently, flashing you with that same old sassy smile and side eyes of his, something you've always found the most attractive about him, the ones that made you fall for your childhood bestfriend out of all the people in the world.
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simp-legend · 3 days
Drunk Confessions
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Requested: No
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: One of Tony's parties leads you to become very close with a certain silver tongue God
Fic type: Romantic (ig) with a hint of spice at the end
Warnings: None
Words: 758 words
A/N: This is a really terrible oneshot that I've had in my drafts for ages, so apologies. Also I apologise for not being active that much I've been quite busy whilst struggling with mental health.
Proof-Read: No
"But I don't wanna gooo," I told Nat. "Why can't he throw a party some other day when I'm not busy. I need to finish moving in!" I said.
"Well, Tony is kinda throwing this party for you because you are the new avenger," Nat chuckled. 
"Then he should have thrown it two months ago when it was finally official, should I wear this dress, or the blue one?" I asked, holding up two dresses.
"The blue one, anyway, on the bright side, you-know-who will be there," she wriggled her eyebrows.
"Who, Voldemort?" I scoffed, turning away to hide my blush.
"No, Loki," she nudged my elbow. I rolled my eyes but had a smile on my face.
~Time skip~
I walked in excitedly but (tried and failed) to keep a straight face. I made my way to the avengers who were sitting around a table laughing and drinking.
"Y/n! Hello!" Thor yelled when he saw me.
"Hey Thor," I waved. I look at the spot next to him to see Loki eyeing me with a face that shows no emotion. Then, to break the awkwardness, Tony walked in with a box of alcohol.
"So I did a quick run to the bar and brought these so now we can officially PARTAAAAAY!" Tony pumped his fist up. After that, more people started to roll in. I got bored after a while so I went upstairs. I opened the doors to the living room to find Wanda watching TV.
"Hey Wanda," I said slumped next to her on the couch.
"Hello Y/n," she said, not looking away from the TV. She was watching some old black and white show. We sat in silence for a while, watching the show. After an hour I decided to head back downstairs and check on everyone.
While I was heading down the stairs when I bummed into Nat.
"Oh, hey Nat. What's going on?" I noticed she had an annoyed face.
"Stark convinced the boys to drink more and now it's chaos down there. The boys got crazy drunk. Even Bruce and Loki are drinking alot," she sighed.
"Oof. Well imma check it out!" I chuckled.
It was absolute chaos. Clint was singing while swinging from the chandler, Thor was wearing a poptart box as a hat while swinging his hammer at non-existent villains, Tony and Rodney were arguing weather the moon was made out of cheese, Steve and Bucky were having a throwing contest with his shield, which so far had resulted to several broken windows.
"Um, is everything ok?" I asked flustered.
"oH, helloY/n!" Loki slurred, waving franticly at me from his spot on the floor.
"Uh, hi?" I said, worried because when I walked in Loki was wondering aloud how long it would take to chop off all of Thor's hair blindfolded.
"Hey, did anyone tell you that ya look very pretty?"
"Um," I was shocked. "Thanks?"
Loki tried to stand up, but stumbled from all the achohal.
"Oof!" I said, as the god crashed into me, resulting us to fall down.
The next thing I knew, Loki was on top of me, and we were laying on the ground, our faces only centimeters apart.
I coughed nervously, and tried to get up but unLuCkY mE, a stool fell on top of us, so we couldn't get up because our legs were stuck. I was a stuttering mess.
"S-s-sor-ry..." I said, my face feeling like it was on fire.
"No worries, Darling," Loki said coolly. Wait... he didn't seem so drunk anymore...sus.
I felt my heart race faster and faster as I couldn't look away from Loki's face. His eyes were focused on mine, then darted to my lips for a hot second. Then he smashed his lips onto mine!
I laced my arms around his neck as he snaked his hands down to my waist, his tongue roamed my mouth as I lightly tugged on his smooth black hair. I wanted it to last for ever. Sadly, luck was not at my side.
After a couple of seconds, minutes, hours, I honestly do not either, nor or care, we broke apart.
Because Clint yelled, "Get a room!" after the chandelier gave way and crashed to the ground.
Blushing furiously, we managed to out of the stupid stool, and off the floor. 
"Would you like escape these idiotic Midgaurdians and continue somewhere else lady Y/N?" Loki smirked, turning to me.
"Of course" I grinned mischievously.
Please reblog to boost my page!
Constructive criticism is welcomed!
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he-died-lottie · 4 months
Yellowjackets Band AU Headcanon Part 1
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Shauna Shipman X Jackie Taylor background Lottie Mathews x Natalie Scatorccio
summary: The girls are in a band... Jackie struggles with how to cope with Shauna branching out away from her
warnings: Jackie dates jeff, jealousy, homoerotic friendship, no crash, slightly angsty, not proofread
Natalie, Shauna, Misty, Lottie, and Van start a band called “Antler Queens” 🦌.
The idea sparks one day during a conversation about their musical tastes when they realize they all play instruments, and Natalie has an incredible voice, powerful like rock vocals but capable of hitting a killer riff or belt.
Van is, of course, the drummer. Misty surprises everyone as the lead guitarist, and she's amazing. Shauna plays keyboards, thanks to her childhood piano lessons. Lottie plays bass, and Natalie thinks she looks fantastic in her short skirts. Natalie is the lead singer but can also play guitar to add extra depth to their sound.
Their first song is an '80s cover, but they don't vibe with singing about loving men. During a practice session, they all come out to each other, embracing their identities. Wlw for the win.
Shauna asks Jackie to join the band, recalling how she played soccer for her, but Jackie scoffs, “I’m not joining some loser band.”
Shauna hides her hurt and continues with the band anyway.
They practice after soccer or on weekends to avoid neglecting their team commitments.
Despite their efforts, Jackie still complains, needing someone to drive her to the mall. Secretly, she misses Shauna.
Lottie and Nat are always first to arrive at practice, maybe for a few minutes alone together.
On stage, Natalie always seems to be looking back at a certain bassist.
Natalie and Shauna write most of the lyrics, while the rest of the band collaborates on composing the music. Their songs all have a distinctively gay spice.
Shauna is nervous before performances but eases into it once she starts her backup vocals.
Their first gig is at a bar on the outskirts of town.
Shauna invites Jackie, who says she might come if Jeff drives her.
When Shauna steps on stage, she doesn't see Jackie in the crowd, and her heart sinks.
She misses a couple of notes as self-doubt creeps in. But during their third song, she spots Jackie at the back, leaning against Jeff, swaying to the lyrics Shauna wrote about her. Shauna doesn't care that Jeff is there because Jackie showed up.
Jeff starts getting frisky with Jackie, but she swats him away.
“Stop it! Shauna’s singing; I need to hear her.” Shauna’s voice, soft and sweet, blends beautifully with Natalie’s lower tones.
Jackie wants to listen all night but notices people staring at Shauna and leaves before the last song ends.
Shauna doesn't notice until she's off stage and sees Jackie's empty spot. Jackie struggles with her feelings, feeling flustered seeing Shauna so happy, carefree, and hot on stage.
Hearing Shauna sing about a girl using she/her pronouns makes her blush.
Nat and Lottie’s situation heats up, and they sneak off to make out in a bathroom stall during a celebratory drink outing.
Misty notices Lottie's blush during practice and confides, “Someone's got a crush! Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret. I have a secret girlfriend too.”
Neither realizes they both like Nat, who’s been extra kind to Misty.
Misty misinterprets Nat’s kindness as a crush, oblivious to Nat and Lottie’s mutual heart-eyes.
Shauna asks Jackie to more gigs, but Jackie always has excuses, blaming Jeff or homework.
Shauna hides her hurt, while Jackie questions, “Why does seeing my best friend on stage make me want to kiss her?”
This question swirls in Jackie's head, keeping her distant. Shauna thinks Jackie is jealous of her doing something without her.
Finally, Jackie attends another gig without Jeff, hiding in the back where Shauna can’t see her.
The crowd has grown since the last time.
A girl at the bar flirts with Shauna, who politely smiles back, unaware that Jackie is seething with jealousy.
‘How dare Shauna smile at this bimbo when she's mine!’ Jackie thinks, staring daggers at them.
After the show, Jackie is too angry to compliment Shauna.
“You finally came to see us. What did you think?” Shauna asks.
“I liked it until that stupid song about some girl you just met.”
“You think my song is stupid?” Tears form in Shauna’s eyes, but Jackie doesn't stop.
“No—I mean, yes, but—”
“Of course, you think the song I wrote about you is stupid. Typical. You love everything revolving around you, and now this isn’t good enough for you. Save me the pity,” Shauna snaps and storms past Jackie.
“You wrote it about me?” Jackie’s words go unheard as Shauna rushes out, bumping into Nat and Lottie mid-makeout.
“Shit, man! Watch where you’re going—Shauna?!” Nat exclaims.
Nat and Lottie didn’t plan to announce their relationship this way, asking Shauna to keep it secret, but she's too pissed to care.
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