#and even a lot of lesbians who say stuff like terfs fuck off and that theyre trans friendly n stuff still fall for terf propaganda
scarecrowgolem · 6 months
It is really disheartening how exclusionary and gatekeepy the lesbian community can be at times tbh. So much discourse is just pointless and not to mention can also be really tough on lesbians who are in the process of figuring themselves out.
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faggy--butch · 9 months
Really confused by your "lesbian trans men" post. The way I think of "lesbian", it's not a term of identity signification, it's a term for a specific type of sexual orientation and relationship.
It doesn't make sense that someone can be a "lesbian trans man" to me, because they are a trans man first, that is their identity. And because of that identity of being male, they are disqualified from being in a lesbian relationship, because a lesbian relationship is specifically female/female.
I'm not a terf, fuck terfs. A trans woman and a cis woman in a relationship are still lesbians. I'm just confused how a trans man can be a lesbian if he's not a woman. If the trans man is attracted to women, wouldn't that make him heterosexual, therefore straight? I'd understand if he was genderfluid, then he would swap back and forth from straight to lesbian depending on which gender he/she is.
The way I look at it, there are two "categories" of being queer. Identity and orientation. Identity comes first, it's what you are. Orientation comes second, it's what you're into. Identity is stuff like being cis, trans, genderfluid, etc. Orientation is stuff like being straight, gay, bi, ace, etc. And in my mind those two categories are completely separate, except where the orientation category depends on the larger identity category, such as "lesbian" being an orientation applicable to women into women, not applicable to men, trans or otherwise.
Please, educate me if I'm completely wrong in thinking about queerness this way, and why.
Well, I think your first mistake was trying to categorize queerness. Queerness by definition defies the boxes that get put on gender and sexuality. That's part of why a lot of people like calling themselves and the community queer, it's all encompassing. I also take issue with sexuality 'only' being an orientation. I certain identify as a lesbian, my sexual identity is just as important to me as my gender identity. I don't just "like girls" which what orientation is. I'm a lesbian, a dyke, it's a part of who i am. it's the way i define myself along with being butch, and to some people their sexual identity can be even more important than their gender one. To some people their gender identity is in fact lesbian.
You have to get it out of your mind that if something doesn't make sense, that it's wrong. It's not for anyone to tell a person what they can or can't identify as, or if they're misgendering themselves or whatever. I mean go to the HER app and you'll figure out quick that there are trans men in lesbian spaces, identifying as lesbians, there always have been.
Trying to fit trans people into the cishetro view of the world is not only never going to work, but it also actively hurts us. It's saying that we HAVE to be like them, we have to emulate our experiences off of the "real" genders and sexualities of white cishet people. that we have to match or we're doing it wrong, that it's not real until we're like them. As a non binary person i reject that entirely. I don't want people to tell me what they think I am, and I'm not going to do it to anyone else. I think everyone would benefit from learning about multigender, multisexual, and the split attraction model, and like talking to intersex people.
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thewebcomicsreview · 11 months
Has Sinfest just faded into obscurity now, yeah it's still posting but who the hell cares? Tat's didn't retire when he still had a mainstream enough audience for a send off now he just has the cling ons and he's posting stuff so esoteric that unless you are in those alt-right chatrooms with the 10 year old memes and conspiracies, you have no clue what you're looking at anymore. His "bad alien" arch just had the "adult aged males" walking around and it's suppose to be a threat to the USA.
That's the thing, though, it's not even esoteric anymore.
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Like, sure, it looks completely fucking batshit, but then you google "British Lesbian Nana"
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And see it was a British cop who has had a few scandals having another one, a local story not worth recapping. Presumably Tats hangs out on a lot of the TERF-To-Nazi-Tradwife pipeline sites, which is more of a British thing, and that's where he's picking some of these references up. And you may wonder what this has to do with Israel/Palestine, but the answer to that is that Tats has one joke seen literally two weeks ago
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Or about Ukraine last year
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It's all the same joke, which is trying to say that the Woke Degenerate West can't possibly beat Traditional Manly Putin Hamas and it's self-evidently absurd to consider. (Even though Ukraine still stands years later and the Israel/Hamas war is so lopsided that there are huge protests calling on Israel to start a ceasefire because that's seen as something Israel has the power to do unilaterally).
All Sinfest is nowadays is Tatsuya Ishida trying to fit the Current Thing into one of his six or seven joke templates. And, sure, he's got an audience on Twitter and probably on Mumsnet or whatever, but there's no passion here anymore, none of that Timecube je ne sais quoi. It's neonazi Garfield now.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
This post! Science Kids Edition
Aurore: Straight Hair, Straight A’s, But She Ain’t Straight
She/Her Disaster Lesbian
Your classic closeted lesbian who sneaks out with her squad to go to pride under the guise of going to SAT prep
Her brother also comes up with clever cover stories
She gets a little… Wild
This is the one month out of the year where she doesn’t have to be the mom friend, and she makes it everyone’s problem
This girl will run through glitter, drink a ton of soda, and go on stage with drag queens and kings… And she has
It’s important to keep her on a leash
Aurore has punched a TERF and she’ll do it again!
Wears all of the lesbian flag print stuff she can find and SLAYS
Every time Aurore slaps a homophobe, a lesbian gets a girlfriend
Has a secret lgbtqia+ Instagram account. It’s just a bunch of gay stuff
She lets Cosette and Marc do her makeup before every event
This girl is a total simp. Once, a tall girl with waist length hair walked by, and Aurore swore she saw a goddess
Drinks the most juice pouches and it keeps her wide awake
Alyssa Greene and Little Miss Perfect are her anthems
Kissing every girl she sees… With consent.
Mireille: If You A TERF, You Yonna Die
She/They Omnisexual Demigirl
Her singing voice?… Beautiful
She got invited by drag queens to sing on stage with them
Will carry you if you ask
His gotten into many fights with protestors
Now they bring rainbow boxing gloves just in case
Pride is Mireille’s time to shine!
They dress in suits, lip sync, and leave everyone simping
Aurore’s impulse control… Actually, everyone’s impulse control
Makes sure to supply snack bags
Always looking glamorous in their nine inch heels
She and Theo are half siblings who enjoy crushing gender roles
Blows glitter in protestors’ faces, does a hair flip, and sashays away
Every time Mireille hugs someone, a small trans boy gets gets his wings
She and Denise are the most responsible out of the class during Pride
Marc: A True Pride Icon
He/Him Gay & Genderfluid
Born on the first day of pride during a pride parade
Time to break out the ten inch platform boots
Beauty guru and goddex
Carries people on his shoulders (Mostly Nath)
High kicks the TERFs
Dyes his hair rainbow every year
He and Cosette are the only ones allowed to do anyone’s makeup after… The incident
He gets gifts from people. He’s not complaining
A proud Glamazon
Zoé’s partner in Punk Gayness
Every time Marc picks someone up, a gay guy gets elected into office
Taking names and breaking hearts
Everyone’s gay uncle
He will hold your hand and not even realize it
The Dykes on Bikes ADORE him
He eats SO MANY raisins
Not afraid to intimidate protesters with his height
Cosette: Dyes Its’ Hedgehog’s Quills Rainbow Every Year
She/They/It Demigirlflux Bisexual
To have your makeup done by Cosette is like receiving a kiss from an angel… Its good
Makeup is so on point that some drag queens have asked for tips
Keeps a backpack of emergency makeup. It’s Pride, everyone needs makeup
Always wears her hair in different styles every day
Dyes the white streaks in her hair pastel pink
Aurore’s soda dealer
Vogues like a boss
Rhythm Nation is the song it want playing at its funeral
Every time Cosette wows everyone with their makeup, an enby gets a cookie
Got a lesbian goddess to simp over them, and they won’t stop talking about it
Got some asshole arrested when he tried to roofie some poor girl. Turns out, he was a protester trying to “fix” an asexual
Has a makeup art Instagram and is nearly at 60K followers
Eats a lot of granola bars
Wears Zoé’s jacket when it gets cold
She/He/They Sapphic
Has a shirt that says “Trans Boys Do It Better”
Sneakers no matter what
Wears so much She-Ra merch every year
She warded off protesters with her sword
Tags Audrey in posts just to fuck with her
Has been princess-carried by Cosette
And he wants to be carried again
Dyes her hair pink
Stole a motorcycle once with Aurore. And she’ll do it again
Sprays soda on TERFS
Every time Zoé flips her hair, a bisexual passes their math quiz
Takes a moment to pose with Marc and Jean for no reason
World’s greatest wingman
Rainbow Connection is her anthem
Has assisted in the beat down of a protester who hit Simon
Will buy a binder for you no matter the price
Jean: Theater Is… Very Gay
He/They Pansexual Demiromantic
Has mastered, “YAAAASSSS QUEEN!” when he was six
Cosplays with Reshma and Marc
The fan favorite was when he went as Black Widow
He has performed Broadway love ballads for a few lucky crowd members
All while in drag
Just a bit of a tease
Has gotten many fans over the years and was asked to perform with some drag queens who know his dad
Every time Jean belts a high note, Broadway gets just a little gayer
Supplies the energy drinks
Their mascara is *chef’s kiss* on point
Will kiss your hand
Hissed at someone when they wouldn’t leave Lacey alone
Like Marc, he also gets gifts from people
It totally doesn’t make Austin T jealous… Though, he has dipped Jean and kissed him before in front of a few of Jean’s admirers
Lacey: Taking Names, Kicking Ass & Eating Cake
She/Her Asexual Bi-Curious
She supplies the glitter bombs. You never know…
Wears a lot of sarcastic pride shirts
Ready to kick some TERF ass
Marc taught her how to walk in high heels
And in exchange, she taught him how to steal candy bars without getting caught
Somehow manages to climb to the top of parade floats without being seen
Wore a shit ton of sunscreen before she gave into Aurore’s pleading and bought an asexual print parasol
Can spot a drug in a drink from a mile away
She and Cosette have a bet going on. Whoever can beat up the most assholes trying to drug asexuals by the end of the parade gets fifty euros
Has choked a TERF with her asexual flag
She carries a lot of sweets in her bag
Every time Lacey runs through a public area screaming “I’M ACE!” An asexual gets a cupcake
Has several shirts that say, “I punch TERFs”
He brothers go in support of their sister, and her grandma even brought a sledgehammer to ward of protesters
Denise: The Buff Nonbinary Goddex We Want But Can’t Have
They/Them Nonbinary Polysexual
Second in command mom friend when Aurore is out of commission
Supplies the juice boxes
Does everyone’s nails and they all SLAY
Got into a muscle flexing contest and won, but at the cost of their sleeves
Simon bought them a tank top that says so
Every time Denise flexes their biceps, a trans guy gets his T-shots
Would be a wingman if people didn’t try flirting with them
Another proud Glamazon
Simon makes it a point to let EVERYONE know they’re dating
Like Marc, they don’t need to wear heels, but, who’s stopping them? No one, because no one wants to
Lets children braid their hair
They hand out flower crowns all in ten inch heels
They’re beauty, they’re grace, they’ll blast Haley Kiyoko in your face
Has dressed as Isabela Madrigal during one event, and people actually bowed
A terf came up to yell at them once
Then they walked away in love
Denise is a pacifist, but… If you harass anyone, especially Simon, they will make sure no doctor or deity can help you
Simon: The Human Sacrifice Who Somehow Dates the Goddex He Was Being Sacrificed To
He/They Demiboy Pansexual
Loves being carried, especially by Denise
In case you can’t tell, Simon’s got a thing for powerful strong-armed people
So… They simp a lot at pride events
Like Lacey, he also wears sarcastic pride shirts, but his are next level sarcastic
Every time someone tries flirting with Denise, he’ll magically appear out of nowhere and escort their lovely partner somewhere else
Bought one of those digital backpacks and reprogrammed it so it would bright up with pride flag colors
If he sees MAPs or TERFs… He will punt their asses. He will.
Brings his Polaroid camera
If he sees a bug, he will not let you step on it! EVER!
Brought his aunt to a pride parade to help her find a date. She left with ten new numbers in her phone
He wears a lot of Deadpool merch
Every time Simon slaps a TERF, another demiboy is born
Only allows Cosette to do their makeup
Gets sunburn every year. “Worth it!”
Steals everyone’s juice boxes
He’s an agent of chaos. By that, I mean he’s able to tie protestors’ shoe laces together so they trip and fall
Reshma: The Evil Lesbian We Were Warned About
She/Her Demiromantic Lesbian
She buys a shit-ton of a binders a week in advance and then hands them out to anyone who wants them
Also a proud Glamazon
Cosplays every day
Revolutionary Girl Utena is and will always be a fan favorite
If you ask, she will kiss you
She’s the lesbian your homophobic parents warned you about
Unintentionally adopts the kids who had to sneak out of their homes
Every time Reshma breathes, a two lesbians get married
Flips her hair in homophobes faces, and then all they can smell is strawberries
Homophobic guys have tried to flirt with her, and when she told then no for the third time, drag kings punted their asses
Seriously, the Drag Kings will die for this girl
Ismael is her best and only wingman
He makes sure any possible candidate is worthy of his best friend… So far, none are
She, Marc, and Denise are always posing for cameras
Although regal and a goddess, she’s the most excited for pride
Kills it every year in a crop top
Ismael: The Feral ASpec
He/Him Trans guy aroace
A true king
Probably has people wanting to create a cult inspired by him
Has been carried on many peoples shoulders, and he’s not complaining
Ismael and Lacey- Taking names and eating cake!
He actually does bring cake
Everyone wants to take a selfie with this guy
Makes sure to flip off his mom before leaving
Has a shirt that say “Free Parent Hugs”
Owns a pair of platform crocs
Rides his skateboard through the crowd and throws a bunch of glitter while performing tricks
There’s a TikTok account dedicated to him
The only makeup he will let touch his face is eye shadow, and maybe some black lipstick if he’s up for it
Makes sure to let the other trans people who snuck out of their homes that they are safe and loved
Yes, he gets sappy during these events, but only because he cares
Definitely paints aromantic flags on his pants
Breaks way too many hearts
Every time Ismael does a kick flip, a trans girl starts taking estrogen
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immortalspacelesbian · 11 months
can i ask what happened on twitter? i'm sorry BG3 twit is so insane but there are a lot of active folks here on tumblr that are much nicer imo. hope you can find a new place here and we stan all minthara lovers. queen shit. 🙏❤️
i’d say “long story short” but there’s 0 ways i can make this short there’s just SO much 😭
basically those datamined lines with halsin and minthara were found, where halsin refuses to work with minthara and makes tav choose between them even though minthara is begging for shelter from the absolute, and minthara lovers were like ‘ew wtf halsin fuck him she’s a victim of the absolute.’
we were in our own corner on our own tweets with our mututls ranting about these lines, and some halsin fans decided to come onto our tweets and talk about how they want minthara dead dead and the ways they’d kill her and stuff like that. which, to be honest, is completely unwarranted and a dick move. they were told to basically fuck off and that’s where shit hit the fan.
i won’t name names, but someone made a thread about how halsin wasn’t in the wrong at all because minthara was his abuser (which she wasn’t, she did nothing to him, it was the goblins, and she hardly knows who he is.) i think some people corrected them but i can’t remember? anyway, we made our own tweets like “minthara isn’t halsin’s abuser btw.”
person who made that thread proceeded to say that people who dislike halsin are queerphobic…
some of us tweeted about not throwing around words like abuse, abuser, and queerphobia and to not water them down. i made my own tweet too.
and then they said that we think ‘lesbians are the only “good” members of the community’ and that ‘supporting gay, bi, or trans members is oppressing lesbians.’ which is incredibly thoughtless and stupid of them to say considering queer history and how many lesbians are trans, considering how many of my minthara mutuals on twitter fall under the trans umbrella.
the lesbophobia got called out, rightfully.
i then said that i’m uncomfortable with the way halsin’s va interacts with the nsfw stuff in the fandom and it kinda gives me the creeps. yknow, on my own tweet, on my own account, not a single halsin account in sight. and since i’m a lesbian (and my personal history) it seems pretty normal to me to be uncomfortable with men being all nsfw like that’s not my scene thx. anyway, their little group found it and said i was targeting his ga and bring him into the drama (which i really wasn’t i was expressing personal feelings on my own account but aight.)
cue the ‘supporting halsin is anti-lesbian.’ and ‘if you like halsin you’re being “creepy” because all male sexuality is creepy to them, and halsin’s va, dave, supporting halsin’s sexuality obviously pisses them off.’ which is a wild thing to say. we never brought dave into it, it was them that did that. my tweet had nothing to do with the drama they kept making go on by not shutting up about it. by this point minthara lovers were back to normal tweeting and only reacting to whatever of those drama tweets showed up on the timeline.
oh! and here comes the inevitable: we all got called terfs. most of us fall somewhere under the trans umbrella. i’m agender myself. but we’re terfs to that person apparently. lesbians always get called terfs, no matter what.
i’m sure there’s more insane shit they’ve said in private.
all of that just because we got pissy at halsin sending minthara to a fate worse than death when none of what she did in act 1 was of her own free will.
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moonydabest · 1 year
Uhhh rant about gender and sexuality below
I'm. Frustrated with how people see what's 'possible' for my sexuality. I like women, mostly. Genderqueer people, too. As long as they're not men. It might be a trauma thing, but I know I don't like men. So, bicurious lesbian is what I go with. Lesbian, for a lot of people, implies just girls or people who identify as feminine, but that's *not* all I like. Bisexual with a female lean implies I like *some* men, which I know I don't. Maybe I will one day, but right now I know I don't. So I'm bi*curious* to show that. It's not a lean, I straight up don't like men, so lesbian. Okay, that's fine.
Here's where the problem comes in. I'm nonbinary. I use they/them. So I can't be a lesbian, right? But then what CAN I be? I can't be straight, that's attraction to the opposite sex, there's no opposite. Gay? I'm not a man and I don't like men. Bi? Already established that I don't want to use that because it doesn't fit right.
We get so caught up making sure people don't 'use the wrong word' or whatever that we neglect to consider that they might just not have another word. Or that if they do, nobody knows about it. Maybe there is some buried flag and word for nonbinary people who don't like men and chiefly like women. But I don't know it, and it's harder to explain all this than it is to just say 'Bicurious Lesbian,' or even just 'lesbian'. I like those terms. They fit me right, and they're easy to use.
But people will still tell me I'm describing myself wrong. That's fair. But I'm still queer, and it doesn't hurt anyone for me to identify this way. It doesn't 'take attention' away from anyone (as far as I know) because we're all queer. So if you attack me- why? It's fine if you don't want to interact, but don't like. Harass me (or people like me). There are literally people who want us both dead because we're queer. Why the fuck are you bitching about your fellow queers?
If anyone has a problem with this, just lmk. As long as you aren't telling me to kms or cursing me out or something, I'll take any questions/comments in good faith, I promise. I'm just. Upset that people are telling me I can't exist like this and then neglecting to say where I can. So I AM going to exist like this until something more 'fitting' pops up.
Sorry for the long post, I don't usually bring stuff like this up, but. Saw some stuff.
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doberbutts · 2 years
hey, so a lot of the stuff you said about insurance hoops to jump through resonated with me as a UK trans man - the NHS system for medical transition is utter bullshit. off the top of my head - wait 4+ years to see a therapist to diagnose you with gender dysphoria, wait again to see an endocrinologist, be on hormones for minimum 2 years before you can wait AGAIN to get top surgery - im 21, and i will probably be about 30 when i get to where i want to be transitionwise if i start now. lord help you if you’re mentally ill as well, because gender clinics wont accept you if you have active mental health issues and trying to get those treated by the NHS is another load of bollocks on its own. all this to say that i can definitely see where youre coming from with your views on transmedicalism, and how it isnt such a cut and dry issue that many people make it out to be.
Ah yes, I've heard the UK system is very bad which doesn't surprise me considering its current nickname as "TERF island" when it comes to trans healthcare. Good luck to you, as you see I've been in that situation before and it was not great.
It's not to say that I "support" transmeds, I don't like a lot of the deliberate meanness and cruelty I see within transmed circles when they pop up. But I do understand the world they used to live in, the world that produced their ideology, because I lived in that world and I see the frustration for what it is. I just think that bitterness and anger and despair has turned onto the wrong target, instead of making it cis people's fault for gatekeeping us from our own medical decisions and autonomy they've decided it's other trans people's fault, which is not fair to anyone, and the means of which they go about advocating for themselves is. Well. Frankly bad.
We see more transmeds in places that experienced this medical nightmare. I think we're looking at cause and effect.
Only sort of related but there's this lesbian I know whose wife sat on the Supreme Court decision for same sex marriage, she is in her late 40s, and I very starkly remember her texting me one day basically going "what the FUCK is with all these kids calling themselves queer?!?!? don't they KNOW!?!?!" And I think... it's a bit like that. That word isn't nice for her. It's not something she can reclaim. She has only hurt associated with that word, from the world she lived in, a very visibly obvious lesbian living in the rural south of the US. On a surface level, it sounds like the completely batshit "queer is a slur" discourse that happens on this site.
But digging deeper, the difference is that when she had her kneejerk reaction, she reached out to someone closer to that generation and tried to understand. It's difficult for her to accept. I honestly don't think she will ever be comfortable being called queer or attending some even that calls itself queer. At the end of our discussion, she thanked me for explaining, said she understood a little better, but would probably still have no better reaction than punching someone in the mouth if they tried to call her that word. Based on her experiences, yeah, fair. I have a similar reaction to the word "nigger" even though my nephew a generation younger has no problem being called that by his friends.
Maybe I am just naive and I want to see good in everybody. But I think a lot of this at heart is just evidence of people who are hurting and traumatized, taking it out unfairly on the closest targets rather than the actual problem. That's all.
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tempestbeauregard · 2 years
I wish The L Word Gen Q would figure its shit out ffs.
Yunno what i was gonna put my thoughts in the tags but now I'm just gonna put it on all here cause it's a lot.
Like to go from a semi decent season which was 2 to go to this mess in season 3 like what? Who told them a one year time jump was a good idea?
What happened to dani getting arrested? That's jarring to have that happen then all of a sudden a year later oh gee everything hunky dory 'I work as what an assistant to Alice' like what? Like okay w/e
I can understand maybe separating dani and gigi for some drama and have dani have her fuck around phase cause God knows she kinda deserves it after what Sophie and Finley did to the poor girl.
I effin loved Dani and Gigi in the second season their relaintionship was so fucking healthy i was surprised the L word could pull that off to be honest. It was refreshing.
I also understand having bette and tina finally having their send off cause honestly they had their time like hello the entirety of the original show and most of the first 2 seasons of this new one. Like don't get me wrong I love em but they had their time I want to see new characters and new drama. Like they have their daughter have her character go have some fun yunno.
I still love Alice she deserves to find her person after Dana. I have no complaints for Alice her storylines are always fun. That's probably leishas' doing too.
Also keep it up with Carrie, she's eccentric and funny. No complaints from me when it comes to her stuff.
And yunno I do love Tess and Shane but yunno Shane is gonna Shane like its expected at this point I'm surprised she hasn't gone like hey I should be in a open relationship maybe and like maybe tell my new partners I'm not good at being monogamous' but yes drama good for show maybe down the road whatever. Also jamie Clayton could step on me and Id say thank you. That woman is gorgeous she deserves to have amazing storylines cause she delivers. And fuck all the Terfs that said Shane should be with a real woman and she'd never be with a trans woman. Eff Terfs Jamie is a real woman more woman then any of those terfs would ever be. Also I think it's refreshing to have a role for a trans woman that doesn't revolve around her being trans.(not trying to speak for everyone, but I thinks it's nice...anyway)
Don't even get me started on Sophie and Finley. Just bleh their whole thing not for me. I do give kudos for them doing a addiction story line and going there. I'm just not a fan of them. When I watch the seasons over again I fast forward through all their stuff*shrugs*
I also hope that picture in their main poster for the show showing Dani and Finley is just all it is cause if they have Dani and Finlay together I will log off the show and not watch the show anymore cause blech no just no please god. Not all Lesbians have to sleep together!
Anyway thank you for coming to my Ted Talk and sorry for my word vomit.
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sharks-are-queer · 2 months
I haven’t made an intro post in awhile so sorry if this is a little stiff lol
Hello!! I love those character headcanons blogs and wanted to make my own! I don’t exactly know the language to describe these things so I’m sorry if this is written weirdly!
For Info about my blog see under the cut :D
🦈 What headcanons requests I will take 🦈
- Ocs
- Characters from Tv Shows, Movies, and Webcomics
- Alters
- Headcanons involving “conflicting” identities, objectum hcs, Neurodivergent Hcs, Therian Hcs, and Age/Animal Regression Hcs (if therians and regressors even have flags in not sure atm)
🦈 What headcanons requests I WONT take 🦈
You can also request yourself/you and your partner if you’d like! I won’t accept irl pictures but will accept a drawing or picrew that represents you! :D
- Irl ppl (unless it’s you or your partners/friends who’ve given consent)
- Characters from media on my blacklist
- Characters from pornographic media such as Hentai
- Characters from Shota/Loli media or similar media.
- NSFW hcs, Paraphilia hcs outside of Objectum, Proship Hcs, RCTA hcs, just generally messed up stuff I won’t touch
If you have a question about something you're unsure I would take or not, don't be afraid to ask! No question is a stupid question in my book!
- While I am lenient about this rule, I would prefer requests to stay under 50 flags per character
- I will not use character art that you do not personally own or isn’t from the original source
- South Park
- Minecraft SMPs
- thats kind of it rn tbh hdhdhd
I will try my best to keep my blog accessible by keeping almost everything plain text and I will try to do image id's, I don't really have a lot of experience with those but I will do my best!!
🦈 DNI 🦈
I dont exactly care who follows me since I can just block a person if they make me uncomfortable, but I will say Maps/Pedos, Zoos, Proshippers, Anti-Palestinians, and TERFs kindly fuck off! :)
I would also prefer NSFW or 18+ blogs dni since I'm still a minor, wait a couple months and then come back lol
My names is Rory, and my pronouns are He/Him, Xe/Xem, + any neos :D. I say I’m an agender lesbian but it’s a bit more complicated than that. I’m 17 and a Scorpio :D. I consider myself a mix of critical inclus and radical inclus, I don’t align with radqueer at all.
Gravity Falls
Stuff I like:
SHARKS!!! Specifically Whale Sharks and Basking Sharks
The Owl House
Stardew Valley
Psych USA
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Steven Universe
Adventure Time
+ many more!!
Idk how to end these types of things so I’m just gonna say Bye and I hope you have a lovely day or night :D
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I sometimes wonder how many “straight girls” that are escaping reality a bit by being invested in m/m fiction are actually trans gay men/nonbinary that haven’t realised that their agab isn’t the only option.
Obviously there are a lot of women of all orientations invested in gay male pairings and stuff and some of them are definitely fetishising men and some of them are not BUT I’m not talking about that specifically. Also like people don’t take into accounts how many lesbians write m/m fanfics or stories XD. But anyway, I’m getting off track.
I was personally pretty invested in some m/m pairings, maybe I wasn’t a writer or sth but I was definitely worried I fetishise gay men. And somehow even though I related more to gay men more than I related to het girls it still hasn’t occurred to me I might be trans for years.
Cisnormativity and internalised tans(andro)pbobia* is a hell of a drug and not in a good sense.
And now I know that I am a gay trans genderqueer man and I know that I’m not the only one who went through that.
I’m not saying majority of people who consume/write m/m fanfiction or fiction are transmasculine mlm people that haven’t realised they are trans yet, but I know there is definitely a significant number of people that are.
Sometimes fandoms are the only safe spaces for transmasculine mlm people to explore their gender and orientation and their attraction to men and investment in m/m romance (at many stages of their gender journey: as trans eggs, while realising they are transmasculine, before coming out, after coming out etc.) because the gay male culture tends to be very cisnormative, so before you accuse someone of being a “fujoshi” think twice.
And please don’t comment about fetishisation of gay men being a problem, because I assure you, I know but this is not a conversation about this. I’m just wondering how many “ex-fangirls of gay pairings” that turned out to not be girls at all.
Transphobes, homophobes, radfem/terfs don’t fucking breathe at this post, I won’t engage in conversation with you and commenting “you are a fujoshi/girl” won’t change my identity as a gay man.
*transandrophobia is in short fear or hatred towards trans men and transmasculinity, transphobia aimed at trans men and transmasculine people and before you say that transandrophobia doesn’t exist or that the concept of transandrophobia is transmisogynistic, read posts by @saint-dionysus who coined this term.
Transandrophobia has been explained many times by @saint-dionysus so don’t send him or me asks asking for more explanation - there is a broader explanation of transandrphobia in Saint’s FAQ and more content about it in other posts, I reccomend going through his posts tagged #transandrophobia.
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cuntess-carmilla · 3 years
if you weren’t gender essentialist you wouldn’t have “no men” in your bio. And you’re acting like it isn’t tma lesbians who are spearheading these conversations because terfs apply the same shit you’ve said about men to us and your posts about lesbianism get terf engagement bc the verbiage you use is similar to theirs.
It says "unless I followed 1st" aka they can follow, but under a specific set of circumstances, and they can otherwise interact freely. It also says "no whites", do I have to defend myself over that too now? I'm sorry you can't read properly past the first few words of a line, but that's not my fault. Hell, I'd add "no ableds" as well if it wasn't because a lot of disabled people don't even know that they're disabled because FUCK am I done with the ableds.
Not that I owe you an explanation but both boundaries are there because men and white people of all genders in this website have either treated me violently REPEATEDLY SINCE 2011, or allowed their followers to treat me that way. Men have also sexually harassed me here and I'm already a survivor since I was a child, I don't need more of that.
TERFs will twist and apply literally anything to their ideology, even when it's blatantly hostile to them. Have you not seen them try to claim theoretical and literary work that LITERALLY goes out of its way to be trans inclusive at times very explicitly? TERFs are dumb as shit and think their ideology is as natural as "male violence" so everyone not a transfem Must deep down inside agree with them even if they're saying the opposite!
They also reblog posts about femicide no matter how it's handled OR IF IT MENTIONS TRANSFEMICIDES ALONGSIDE THE FEMICIDES OF CIS WOMEN (been done to my posts!), and posts about abortion that treat the subject gender neutrally. They've reblogged my posts on fucking chronic illness as well, much more than a few times, not from me directly as if they were MY followers, but because it showed up on their dashes after many reblogs.
They've reblogged my posts on goth stuff, disability posts that have nothing to do with gender, global south politics that have nothing to do with feminism... Are those posts TERFy too now?
How about my posts where I talk about the inherent fatalism and uselessness of feminism that sees men as inevitably violent, awful or abusive, how that is suicidal feminism and an easy way out for men to yet again escape accountability when they actively choose to side with the patriarchy? Do those not count now because you're bent on projecting your perception of me onto me at all costs and have that held as fact by everyone?
Do I have to show you my selfies with my cis guy friends to convince you I don't think even cis men are inherently the Devil? Do I have to bring up my relationships both platonic and not to the transfems in my life? I really don't want to do that last one because that'd feel cheap as hell, exploitative of those treasured relationships and gross, but God...
I make 99.9% of my posts on lesbianism explicitly trans inclusive of both non-binary sapphics of all sorts and sapphic trans women. Those are posts that usually don't even remotely mention men other than "lesbians don't like men, bi women do but they're still not straight", and TERFs still engage as if I hadn't said any of those things. TERFs will engage with any-fucking-thing like that Gardfield meme going "Huh, wonder who that's for" at a poster of his own face crossed out.
You seem to be under the impression that TERFs like me waaaaay more than they actually do. They don't! Obviously I'm not and will never be targetted by them the way transfems are, but they're not part of my hypothetical fanclub either.
Sometimes they reblog my posts specifically to tell me to fuck off for being a "sellout" or accusing me of being a trans woman myself or of not being a Real Lesbian™ for my past long-term relationship. You probably don't see it in the notes because rather than make a spectacle of my attempts to commit to trans women's liberation, to show how Good™ I am of an ally, I block them on sight and ignore them with veeeeeeery rare exceptions because I don't want my transfem followers exposed to their bullshit. I go out of my way to block them en masse, for hours at a time, whenever one reblogs me too, and I often try to find the last decent person that lead them to me and warn them that a TERF is following them. I block them on sight even when they're TERFs who happen to be chronically ill and who reblog my chronic illness posts, which could be of major positive material impact to their disabled lives, but genuinely fuck them anyway. They can fuck off.
I don't know what else you want from me other than to remove a boundary I set for my safety and peace of mind, one that's not anywhere near as absolute as you (poorly) interpret it to be. If that is what you want, sorry, I'm not gonna do that. I've been harassed and stalked by men too much here for that. It's enough that it happens offline all the time, I'd like to avoid it where I can exert some actual control for once.
That said; I blocked you and I told you I did in the last message you sent me. You still went out of your way to bypass that boundary through a VPN or some other tool of the sort. You've been sending me messages for weeks that were (if I remember correctly) all vague and much more meant to upset me than to actually try to hold me accountable for anything (which is why I didn't engage until now) and I blocked you then too. Please get a fucking life. This isn't good or healthy for you.
While you work on getting yourself a nice hobby, anon will be off indefinitely. Good luck going forward. Sorry to all the nice anons and the anons who came to me for chronic illness related reasons that I used to get.
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colorisbyshe · 4 years
you’ll probably get a ton of snarky anons/responses for daring to dissent on the new wave of “any criticism of men is gender essentialism” rhetoric going around lately esp when it’s being upheld by “popular” users (as if popularity on here means anything) but like You’re Right and i’m tired of this new trend.
I’m really not after anyone posting the stuff I have been responding to because I do think the issue is a lot of the things talked about CAN be gender essentialism. With the rise of crypto-TERFs and people who use dog whistles to imply some really insidious shit, I get the wariness around broader language that can be tied to gender critical nonsense.
The line between gender essentialism and general commentary on gender as an institution can be EXTREMELY fine and I think increased wariness around what might be coded language is extremely important. There is a reason I haven’t gone full blown asshole in response and its because important points ARE being made.
But I also think this misreading of gender essentialism is dangerous which is why I’m saying something. This can very, very quickly be co-opted by people claiming that to be gay, lesbian, or straight is gender essentialism. It can create reactionary responses where people then start pushing up straight up gender abolition at the expense of binary trans people (and many other people but mostly them). It can be used to silence women having any criticisms of men.
So, I don’t want these good intentions to pave the road to hell. I am throwing my hat into the ring not to vilify the people having this important conversation but to add in nuance so we don’t end up ruining a very... essential term.
There is a reason a lot of people have accidentally reblogged TERF posts only to realize the posts criticizing men or patriarchal institutions were actually coded jabs at trans women. There are a lot of people saying “Fuck ALL men” who include trans women in it. Some of the people saying fuck all men are cis women including in trans men and acting like trans men inherently oppress them as men while pretending as cis people they have nothing to do with trans men’s oppression. There are people pretending like race has nothing to do with the construction of gender and gendered oppression and using broad language to throw men of color under the bus.
These are all important things to recognize. And things that can be made worse by some posts calling out men.
I’m not disputing that. I just think lumping all posts criticizing men under gender essentialism or other fucked up gender shit isn’t helpful. Like... sometimes it’s not that deep.
And I think on a base level we can all recognize that because outside of gender commentary we.. all make posts with an implied “all but not REALLY all” attached. Posts complaining about parents passing on trauma or even dumb posts like all BMW drivers not using their turn signals. Like... maybe this post saying “Fuck men, I’m tired of being hit on when I’m working as a cashier” isn’t saying “All men are inherently sexual harassers who will go after women who are just trying to do their jobs and we can’t ever change that.” Maybe it’s just a vent post and we know that we don’t need to say NOT ALL MEN in response. Just like we don’t have to say NOT ALL BMW DRIVERS!! I was on the I-95 yesterday and a black BMW politely had their blinker on while some dude in a Subaru cut me off with no blinker in sight!!!
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badoccultadvice · 4 years
Hey, I understand that someone with "radfem" in their name is on the bottom of one post I reblogged to BOA, but I am not following that person and ALL OF YOU have the ability to find out who I reblogged it from, and it’s not the person you have a problem with. (I’m sorry but, this person is an utter stranger to me and I’ve never even clicked on their blog, so I can’t tell you whether I have a problem with them. It’s freaking me out a little bit that y’all needed to go chase down someone who just made a comment about being a lesbian to validate whether they were the “right kind of lesbian.” If they’re not the right kind of lesbian for you then DON’T DATE THEM and if they’re not a good person then DON’T BE FRIENDS WITH THEM.)
I don't have the kind of mental health to be able to screen every post for every vestige of the possibility of a PERSON that y’all might not like. I’ve barely got enough sanity to assemble stuff into linear time. My husband usually has to make food for me several times a week when I can’t scratch up the executive function to do it. If I can’t make a sandwich to feed myself when I’m starving sometimes, I’m not going to be able to nuke every offensive part of a post from BOA at all times. Sorry yall, I WISH I COULD. But I am a human being with a lot of limits, and I’m not capable of promising yall that I will keep every sign of “certain sorts of people” out of my posts.
If you have a problem with a person or an ideology, the best way to deal with it is MORE SPEECH. Reblog their post and tell them your mind. Make clear your stance on what you believe and what your line in the sand is. But uh... if you want to help someone...
Maybe instead of focusing on lasering the writing of every radfem out of existence, you could like, FIND A PERSON TO HELP WHO HAS BEEN OPPRESSED BY THEM?
Also like... guys, I’m kind of from the 80s (born in 1981), and radical feminism used to be a different thing when I was a teenager. If I see “radfem” in a username or something, it doesn’t pop up as a red flag automatically for me. I’m used to having to interact with people who do not agree with me and my identity quite often, and letting their words stand if they’re not harmful. (In this case, I’m not sure the harm in a lesbian stating they’re a lesbian, they didn’t say anything else in that post and so the words themselves I don’t see harm in.) I’m not sure if that’s the right approach, but it’s where I came from and if it changes, it’ll change gradually as I’m able to change. Telling me that “there’s a terf on the post!!!!!” in my inbox without any... I don’t know, other context or anything, sort of leaves me in a panic and also confused as to what to do. Often my first response is exasperation because I feel like I’ve been asked to admin that other person’s blog, and I WANT TO HELP YOU ALL, but I cannot do anything about that person existing! I’m not God!
I’ve also been snowed into my house for a couple days and I have almost no weed, and it’s just now Valentine’s Day.
So like, basically... can yall... just install xkit and chill? I’m a cat on Zoloft who was given a computer, probably unwisely. I can’t be the tumblr butler.
Barring that, if you send something to my inbox regarding a post I’ve reblogged, please communicate in a way that is clear what you think I should do about it. It feels like there was a Tumblr Watercooler Meeting I missed.
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bananonbinary · 3 years
Can women say they don’t identify with “cis”?
i feel like this is bait but i actually do want to share my thoughts on this.
1) your question fully forgot trans women and nonbinary women exist. (edit: hey that's probably because you're a terf and this is indeed bait. instablock. bye fucker. the rest of this post is directed at everyone who's NOT a transphobic asshole because i spent too long writing it to throw it out)
2) assuming you're asking the question "can a person who doesn't consider themself transgender also feel uncomfortable being called cis?"
i mean, probably? there are lesbians that use he/him pronouns. drag queens and kings have a complex relationship with gender. and, as this post i was asking about recently points out, a lot of people that aren't considered "trans" today used to gather under that umbrella (and still do, in some circles). not to mention the groups whose inclusion in the rainbow community is a point of internal debate by its members, like intersex or two-spirit, both of which i've seen argue that the cis/trans binary can't be applied to them at all. if a woman says she would like to be called a woman, but doesn't feel comfortable being called cis, i'm going to assume her internal experience with gender is pretty complicated, and respect that.
i really don't like "make up a guy" arguments, because the whole POINT of identity labels is that they're deeply personal. i can't just give a blanket "yes this is good and healthy" or "no it isn't," because the person you've invented lacks the nuance real people do. Yes. there's HYPOTHETICALLY a woman that says this that is fully lying either to herself or others, and that sucks. but i DO believe that trying to gatekeep that is far more likely to harm people who are in all those grey areas i mentioned above than actually set the liars straight (or even detect them, liars tend to be pretty good at lying and playing the perfect victim), so it's just not worth doing. (also, its not really my place, because i'm just Some Guy On The Internet. i'm wrong about a lot of stuff, yall can't trust me to be the arbiter of the entire queer social justice movement.)
i do understand the anger and frustration when people try and take terminology away from minority groups with the "oh it lumps me in with my oppressors, its a slur" discourse. (people tried to pull that shit with allo as well, and continued to object to literally every word we had for any concept). if a woman tries THAT argument, that "cis" as a concept is somehow sexist or some shit (Which is, you know, what our dear friend here was trying to pull).....i'd still respect her desire not to be called cis, for all the above reasons, but also i'd probably call her on being transphobic and cut her the fuck out of my life. (hey question asker: you’re transphobic, get the hell off of my posts, and keep all your asshole friends away too.)
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nothorses · 4 years
hey sorry if it comes off as weird, but i'm a bit desperate. i had a real bad time figuring out my identity growing up and for like, the past 4~5 years i've become really comfortable and happy whenever i referred and thought of myself as a gay nb trans man; i experience legit gender euphoria whenever ppl address or acknowledge me as such, and the most connection i feel is to gay/bi men/men-aligned ppl. that said, i've struggled with obsessive/intrusive thoughts since i'm like, 12~13 due to (1/?)
a phobia, and they often appeared when i was already feeling low/stressed/anxious over unrelated stuff. y'know when you're having a good time and suddenly your brain goes 'oh hey, remember that thing you have doubts about and makes you distressed? and you think it's not true? well, here it is again (: you're welcome!'. that's it.
so social isolation due to the pandemic has taken a toll on my mental health and recently i have been... struggling a lot not only with dysphoria (i was supposed to start hrt last year but it was postponed due to, well), but also with obtrusive/intrusive thoughts over 'how i'm faking it, i am actually a cis lesbian' (i never felt attracted truly to women, even tho i had kissed two before, and i am Positively attracted to men in a way i can only describe as 'gay').
it has gotten to a point where i cannot think about, y'know, woman characters from stuff i like that i feel like this is somehow a sign i'm actually a lesbian; i have been dreaming a lot of situations i'm either framed as a lesbian or a straight girl, i have been hyperaware of how cis ppl perceive me (pre-transition, as 'girl') and obsessing over little shit like, if women are looking at me in certain ways when i have to go out (sometimes even 'wishing' it, as if it wanting to 'prove' anything).
i feel...... exhausted, none of these make me feel good, all of this makes me feel distressed. i get dreadful when i take 'lol ur lesbian' results at stupid internet quizzes too. i feel like i cannot talk to anyone about it bc i feel like they're gonna try to feed me either 'internalized lesbophobia' or terf rhetoric, which is smth im v aware of, and part of the reason i've been obsessing over as well.
i had mild doubts about stuff before (like if i was rly a binary trans guy or nb, or if i was bisexual) but none was... like this, y'know.  i was also dumb and read a bbc article about detransitioning ppl which opened with 'studies say most trans ppl dont doubt' etc. featuring two cis lesbians that detransitioned after entering a relationship with one another. i feel rly rly rly dreadful i wish i could go back to feeling like myself (gay and guy) like i did before.
i'm sorry for the longest fucking ask btw, and also, tumblr hadnt let me send the rest for like, Hours, i'm deeply sorry
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I think a lot of this is very normal, especially for transmascs.
We’re constantly fed this idea that we can’t really trust our own perception of reality, that we don’t know ourselves as well as others do, and that the things we believe about ourselves are temporary, silly, and “signs” of some deeper reality that someone else knows for us. It’s only natural that we’d internalize some of those feelings, and struggle to trust even the most irrefutable evidence of our own realities.
If it helps to have some tools in those moments, a couple of reminders:
Cis girls do not typically dread the idea of being girls. They might dread the social repercussions or expectations, they might hate girls who look/act in certain ways, but they do not typically hate that they are girls.
If you are feeling dread over the idea that you might be attracted to women, you probably aren’t! It’s good to work on feeling more at peace with the possibility, because orientation can be very fluid for some folks, and being ready to accept yourself if things change takes a lot of pressure off- but if you don’t want to be with women, you just literally do not have to be with women. For any reason. Even if you are “secretly” attracted to them, if you don’t want to be with them anyway, you simply do not have to be.
Trans people experience doubt. We experience it all the time. We experience it pretty much endlessly! Maybe there are trans folks who never, ever doubt their genders, and I’m very happy for them; but that’s the exception, not the rule, in my experience. This study talks about the steps toward trans self-acceptance, and finds each step is an ongoing process, and often a back-and-forth. It was very comforting for me to recognize the patterns & know I’m not alone.
The focus on AFAB detransitioners is driven by transandrophobia. Because saving the “poor little girls” is a compelling motivator in a misogynistic society. Most detransitioners are actually folks who were AMAB, and found the societal pressure and backlash was too overwhelming, or made things too unsafe, for them to carry on with their transitions. Most detransitioners, period, are people who had to stop because of safety issues, or lack of access to their transition needs.
It’s very normal to go through periods of high doubt, and periods of high self-assuredness. You may just have to ride this out; surround yourself with as much support and love as you can, remind yourself that those fears aren’t really based in reality, and be kind to yourself during this difficult time. Try to make choices that prioritize your mental and emotional health.
You will get through this period of doubt, and come back to finding love and joy in your identity again! It might just take a little time & patience.
(Also no worries over the sending confusion; Tumblr’s a lil broken sometimes, and it’s genuinely not even remotely an issue.)
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dragynkeep · 3 years
The thing about the person saying Ace Ruby is "wasteful" is that they're weren't even complaining about Ruby not being straight, in fact I've seen a couple other posts by them while looking up ship stuff on Twitter and they dislike rosegarden but love bmblb if I remember correctly, so they're not a homophobe being a piece of shit, they're somebody who at the very least supports LGBT and wants to see it in media.
So what they really meant to say was "my ships matter more to me than the possibility of ace people getting representation" -ignoring the fact that wlw ACE PEOPLE CAN STILL BE IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLE.
The fact that some people will actively insult and oppress people in their OWN COMMUNITY for the sake of a fictional ship from a shitty web cartoon pisses me off so fucking much.
they were like super misandristic & also just outright wrong about a lot of the characters in rwby; really the terf stank that came off them was super appropriate considering most terfs are cis lesbians who hate trans people, bisexuals & ace people. they don’t support queer people, they support a very specific sect while essentially throwing all the others under the bus & that’s worse than no support because the only way we get queer liberation is by working together. not by gross fucking terfs spreading their harmful propaganda everywhere over a headcanon.
this wasn’t really about ships  —  considering the ship they were mad about doesn’t even include ruby  —  but that someone dared to imagine ruby as ace & that they hoped rt doesn’t “fall for it.” it’s very important not to confuse the two because one has almost offers a defence without meaning to when it was never about potentially shipping ruby with someone, but the fact that she’s a “fake queer sexuality.”
terf rhetoric is unfortunately insidious like that.
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