#and finally a single fall leaf. for color :)
mildswearingat4am · 2 years
no more work, only making potions in the backyard in a giant cartoonish cauldron and stirring it with a big wooden spoon
reblog n tag with what you’re adding to the Potion
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xayasmrxsoftlyx · 18 days
Imagine a Butterfly Alien
you're a human whose been farming and growing plants for as long as you could walk. You like the birds, the bees, the butterflies, even all the bugs that others thought were gross and useless...worthless, yet you've found appreciation of them.
you're also not ignorant to the fact that aliens have made their presence and cultures known to your world for a little while now. You've yet to meet any in your tiny farming village, but you're sure they can't be too different from any other humanoids you've met before. To say you're a black sheep to your village in those statements would be a massive understatement.
That's not to say you're surrounded by bigoted, closeminded individuals- on the contrary, your little village is eager anticipating meeting these new friends no matter what variety they are. So excited and willing to accommodate.
So, you're more than a little surprised when one day you hear a loud crash on your farm and go running over to investigate only to see a massive Butterfly Alien having torn his wing and crash landed your on your front lawn. Right near your butterfly bush, you reflect later. In the moment, you're sheepish to admit, you're spending the time panicking and crying.
At first, the Butterfly Alien is dazed and equally confused, interesting distended eyes seemingly peering around. You're sat next to him, face flushed and teary eyes, voice high pitched and fast paced; he's in pain and immediately notices tear within the upper quarter of his right wing. You can only assume he starts to suffer shock as he begins to violently tremble. At this point, you're more than upset at yourself for not going to at least one Culture seminar your village held to ease the welcome and culture shock of/for your future visitors.
You're frantic and nearly as trembly as the Butterfly Man you attempt to touch Him, but you flutter your hands around (adorably) unsure if you'd stress or hurt Him further. Tears finally begin to fall as the anxiety of it crests- the Alien flutters His wings quickly, almost desperately, as if gauging them, testing their abilities. You gasp loudly as the tear rips the top quarter of His wing off right in front of your eyes. You begin to hyperventilate as the Man begins to tremor again, whole body shaking like a leaf caught in the wind.
You can't quite see what happens next, eyes blurring your vision with thick tears causing you to wipe at them with the back of your hand. It's as you're doing that when the Butterfly Man moves. It's quicker than you imagine He could move before He's up; and one second later He's flying again.
He doesn't even appear to turn back as he glides up into the sky, as if He'd never crashed at all. You're left there blubbering, blurring vision flicking between the sky and the dinner plate sized wing remnant left in your yard.
You can't understand why, but when the breeze starts to pick up, you snatch the piece of his wing with your shaky hands and hurry inside feeling as if you'd seen a ghost. Unsure where to go with it or what to do with it, you find the biggest frame that you had that could fit it and frame it. It's the only way you can think of no harm coming to it further. It's beautiful, too, soft but vibrant colors popping against the whites of your wall as you hold it up in the sun.
You look into attending some of your village's culture seminars a few hours later after your heart stopped racing and mind spinning with everything that had happened.
Imagine as you're walking into town to see when the next Culture seminar is and you're hearing from whispered shadows as you're walking into town "did you see?" "did you hear?!" "They finally came!" "We need to throw a Welcome Festival!" "I wanna make them food to welcome them!" "I-I heard they're all...single..."
You fluster again when you reach the center of your village square, there's several insectoid aliens that have migrated to your village- drawn by its rich agriculture and farming lifestyles. There's only one Butterfly Alien, though, it's here, and only here, finally here that you get a good look at the person who literally crashed into you life.
He's not just beautiful, all colorful wings and lean muscles and graceful movements, He's handsome, too. He's got these masculine humanoid traits that add a rugged edge to His beauty- He's got a distinct jawline and defined cheekbones and whilst nothing about Him is particularly sharp or overtly (humanly) masculine, there's a defined demeanor to Him that pulls in favor of His handsomeness. The tear in His wing helps strongly to add that ruggedness.
It's hard to tell with eyes like his if you've met his gaze but with his posture shift and almost sheepish expression coming over him you feel as if you may have. You flush, flustered by his attention even so indirectly. The head of your village, MeeMaw, eagerly invites the couple of them into her space and once they're out of sight the whispers turn to full on chatter.
You huff, trying to push past how out of whack everything's become in one day and now you suppose you have a dual purpose for lingering by MeeMaw's quarters. You'll definitely need those Culture Seminars after today, and you suppose while you're at it....You could try and give the Butterfly Man His wing back to Him....You don't know if He needs it, but at the very least you'd have an excuse to talk to Him. You just hope you don't get shy on Him...you certainly didn't make the "best" first impression
(Little do you know, He thought it was so cute. So panicked over Him without knowing Him. So worried over Him without knowing He'd been there to peep on you after seeing just how cute you were tending to your farm
(Imagine He's just so grateful and thinks you're the cutest, sweetest little thing to save His wing for Him. Were you going to go looking for Him like some sweet and brave Knight in shining armor? How adorable!
(So sweet, little human, so cute! Gosh, you must be His! You must be made for Him! Why else would you have been so scared for him? You wouldn't save just anyone's amputated limb, would you? You must...love Him!
(You have no idea, either, until much later anyway, just how rare He is. Insectoid Aliens aren't the most intergalactically social so they're pretty rare off their own planets- Butterfly Aliens especially so, even more so. Mostly due to the fragility of their wings and inability to regrow. If someone wanted, it would be so easy to destroy or even rip His wings from Him, yet you wept over Him. Many would steal Him away, cage Him forever; yet you let Him free. Let Him keep His freedom. You're truly one of a kind. Just as He is.
(That must mean He's right- you are made for each other. He's glad you think He's handsome, He'd fight you for your love even if you were to think He isn't.
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espionn · 4 months
LeafWing tribe sheet!
its over, i finally did them all. sorry this one took a while, ive been losing motivation, but at least its done!! honestly i love leafwings, so im glad i could get them out.
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Physical Appearence + Traits:
-LeafWings are arboreal dragons, living in and relying on trees to hunt, shelter and sleep. Their talons are perfectly shaped to comfortably climb and hold onto branches, and their narrow wings allow them to swoop and weave through the trees without crashing.
-LeafWings’ colors, physical traits, and even demeanor shift and change with the seasons. During the summer, their frills and wings are rich green, and scales bright and glossy. They have higher energy and sleep less. During the fall, their colors shift to a warmer spectrum, their leafy frills start to flake off, and they start to prepare for winter. Once winter arrives, they lose their frills, tail-leaf and wing membranes, as well as turning duller and darker. They spend the majority of winter asleep, relying on the trees’ bare branches for camouflage, now rendered flightless. Finally, during spring, they wake up, their colors brighten, and their wing membranes return. The buds that grow along their backs open up and form their spine frills before summer begins.
-LeafWings are lithe and agile, and are very quiet fliers, especially when compared to HiveWings and SilkWings.
-During the summer, with their wings at their fullest, they can actually photosynthesize. They still need to eat food, but anytime they sleep during the day with their wings open to the sun, they wake up energized and not needing to eat for a while after. 
-The coloration and shape of LeafWings’ wings varies both by region and individual. Some LeafWings mimic specific types of trees.
-Some LeafWings also have Leafspeak, an ability which allows them to communicate with plants and even control them if powerful enough. 
Life Cycle:
-LeafWings hatch in clutches of one or two. They take around 5 months to hatch, and they are deeply reliant on their parents and their wider community. LeafWings are strongly protective of their dragonets. They also grow up somewhat quickly, reaching physical maturity quickly, but they continue to grow in size their entire lives.
-They partner for life, but often only raise one clutch of eggs (sometimes only a single egg) in their lifetime. The tribe is somewhat small as a result.
-LeafWings don’t have an official education system, instead relying on parents, peers and older, more experienced dragons to teach them what they need to know. LeafWings can then go on to pursue whatever tribe role stands out to them, using a sort of mentoring system.
Society and Culture:
-Before LeafWings were split into two groups, the tribe was quite peaceful and unified. The queen, by tradition, always had a council, and they lived nearby and alongside SilkWings. The tribe was known for being friendly and knowledgeable, and deeply dedicated to caring for the forest. 
-LeafWings are also very resourceful. From various leaves, grasses, bits of wood, flowers, and insects, they could create baskets and rugs, thin slats of wood to write on, dyes, storage objects, and various weapons and food preparing tools. Learning to make and control fire meant they could progress faster. They were also talented woodcarvers, weavers and artists, sometimes trading not only supplies, but also various art pieces to and from the SilkWings. 
-They were expert foragers, and had records of every type of tree, plant and animal in their forest. Many had  small gardens of their own - medicinal herbs, spices, and plants they simply found pretty. 
-Those with leafspeak were beloved and respected in the tribe, not dissimilar to animus dragons. Sometimes they would mould the shape of trees’ growth to create proper homes and nests for dragons to spend the nights, especially in winter.
-They have tribe-wide celebrations to mark spring, when they all wake from torpor, and the summer solstice, when they are at their highest energy and fullest lives. 
-The SapWings, after the tribe was forcibly split, remained very similar culturally, though they lost their ability to trade and had to concentrate on survival in the poison jungle. The PoisonWings, meanwhile, changed dramatically. They became distinctly aggressive and warlike, taking their understanding of plants and animals and weaponizing them. They used the many venoms, poisons and sharp, dangerous objects throughout the jungle to their full advantage. A number of dragons died in the process, but those who survived became stronger.
-LeafWings believe that plants hold some level of consciousness, and some believe that they are animated by fully conscious spirits, each with its own unique consciousness and opinions. Trees are unanimously believed to be extremely wise and benevolent, and as deserving utmost care and respect. They are treated as if they were tribe elders themselves. It was once agreed upon by all leafspeakers that if a tree resisted a request, they were not allowed to make any attempt to force it to do what they wanted. Leafspeakers would also be used to make requests before cutting off any part of the tree to use - if it refused, it would be left alone. (It isn’t hard to imagine the way they felt when the entire forest was cut and burned down by the HiveWings.)
Diet: Omnivorous. LeafWings eat meat (birds, rodents, sometimes large mammals and reptiles), sometimes raw, sometimes cooked, and also a wide variety of plants, fruits and nuts. Because of the versatility of their diet, they have a great number of meals they like to prepare, usually garnished with herbs, spices and sweeteners like honey and certain types of tree sap.
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daturabouquet · 4 months
Defying the Doctor's Orders. 🧪
Dottore x Fearful!Reader
[Warnings: dubious consent to examination, spanking, intimidation, violence]
As the Second Harbinger's lover, you're no longer a normal citizen. You can no longer visit regular doctors either, but what a coincidence! Your lover is a "doctor"! He'll take care of your checkups.
If only you just followed his orders...
❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ 𝐈𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
"But dottore-!" You squirm, whining as he corners you. All you did was get a fever, and he's already all over you. Every single time you pass by his lab, you dread getting a glance of his examination room. The metal bed is always bloody, and you always hear screams coming from that room. Now, you're in their position. In that same exact room, screaming the same volume.
Dottore keeps on cornering you, blocking your every exit. "I thought you said you trusted me, (name)?" He tuts, grabbing your wrist with a death grip, enough to fracture your poor bones.
"I-I trust you as an individual but not as my doctor!" You quiver more, shaking like a leaf. Dottore sighs and gently coaxes you onto the hard metal bed, keeping his voice gentle and soothing. "Darling, I will never hurt you beyond what's necessary. I'd be quite disappointed if you keep fighting me off." He softly states.
As Dottore hoists you on the metal bed, you can't help but squirm even more despite his warnings, and you accidentally kick one of his nearby vials.
Color drains from your face. Your movements come to a halt as the doctor shows a very obvious toothy frown.
"If you were to be any other experiment you would have been dead." Dottore hisses through his teeth, now picking up something from under the table. "I reckon you'd prefer a less Doctor-like approach. I can do that dear." Dottore said, softly stroking your skin. "Let's try a disciplinary approach. Maybe giving you a clear consequence will get you to cooperate." Your curious eyes wander and finally catch a peek of what's in his other hand; a dreaded riding crop, formerly used to examine pain receptors. Dottore wants to exhaust you, swat away all of your energy for the sake of the examination. It's just a doctor's visit, he's doing this for your own good! Yet you fight him as if he's going to mutilate you. That's no way to treat your caretaker now, is it?
"D-dottore! Please- I-I'm scared-" You cry out, hopelessly begging to be set free. Kicking and crying won't help you, you know deep down just how cold-hearted your lover is. You know how he treats his "patients", and you worry deeply if he'll treat you the same.
Dottore sighs and kisses you on the lips, gently soothing your nerves. Before you can utter another word, he keeps on kissing you, gently laying you down. You can't fight back a kiss, especially one so gentle and warm. Dottore keeps pushing you down until your back finally meets the cold metal. You whimper, you can feel a panic attack coming up, but whatever thought that was in your mind went blank as your lover positioned you sideways facing him. Your face still close to his, but your bottom was exposed to the air, no longer pressed against the metal bed.
"D-dottore, w-wh-"
Your pitiful protest was cut off by a harsh swat to your poor rear.
"A-AH!" You yelp, only to be answered with another swat. You never thought your lover would ever do something like this.
Swat, Swat, Swat!
Your screams are muffled by his lips, which he clashed onto yours. Just when you thought you were safe and loved by the doctor, you get a little taste of what it's like to be truly under his control.
"Mmmph! Mm.. Mm!!"
Swat, Swat, Swat!
The sound of the rubber cracking down on your sensitive skin fills the room, along with your little sobs and sniffles.
"Why are you doing this-" You sob out, but the doctor only replies with a quick clasp to your mouth. What a great position to be in.
He shuts you up, while beating your ass senselessly with a riding crop.
Your cries fall on his deaf ears.
"This is for your own good, dear."
"I've had it with your defiance."
"You deserve this treatment."
Ten, twenty, thirty? Swats cracked down on you, tinting your skin a deep red. Your blue haired lover finally lets you go, with tears and drool running off your face. You can barely move, let alone struggle against him. Once he's happy with your state, he gently puts you into restraints, to prevent any more of your pathetic attempts. He snaps on a pair of clean medical gloves, before holding a flashlight.
His other hand forces your mouth to open up. With the sudden light hindering your sight, you know that you've lost, and you can only submit from this point on.
"Say Ahh..."
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Tenya Iida x Reader Fic Recs!! (Tumblr/Ao3/Wattpad)
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My Hero Academia Fic Rec Masterlist
An Unintended Match ✨by dairyair (fake dating, stranger to friends to lovers, fluff, eventual smut)“I have been informed that you have foresworn your life of crime in order to prevent loss of life. That is admirable, and may I be the first to congratulate you on turning over a new leaf.” [COMPLETED]
The Prince ✨ by ScatteredScribbles/ @bnhascribbles (oneshot, prince! Iida, tutor! reader, royalty au)You should’ve expected that this conversation would happen eventually. You can’t pretend you hadn’t noticed the way Iida stole glances at you over the edge of his book when he thought you weren’t watching. The worst part was…you’d caught yourself doing those very same things.[COMPLETED]
Songfic: Iida Tenya x F!Reader - Crave You  ✨by @flannel-cladpika (oneshot, fluff, slight angst)It was official. You were permanently friend-zoned by the one person you actually had feelings for.[COMPLETED]
BNHA Soulmate AU Week Day 3: Blue Eyes by @writing-freak (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)you are obsessed with the color blue, and spend your life dedicated to the things the beautiful color produces. only problem? you’ve never been able to see it.[COMPLETED]
This piece of you by @sleeplessdreamer14 (oneshot, fluff) you left your jacket in iida’s room.[COMPLETED]
The Baby Curse ✨ by Bonkers4hatter(oneshot, fluff, pregnancy, chubby! insecure reader, slight angst)With a family filled with boys, Iida dubbed it "the baby curse". You always thought it was a bit ridiculous, but when you start to consider kids of your own, Iida's little "curse" crosses your mind.[COMPLETED]
The Class Representatives ✨ by mooncandi(oneshot, fluff, humor)5 times your classmates could've found out about your relationship, the one time they did.[COMPLETED]
Her [ Iida Tenya + Reader ] by iiAnon (oneshot, fluff, angst)Tenya is pining hard for reader. Sweet and fluffy! <3[COMPLETED]
Love Letters  ✨by lyrical_panic(oneshot, fluff, love letters, secret admirer) Tenya Iida has an ordinary, routine life. There's nothing out of the ordinary, ever. Until one day when a anonymous love letter finds its way underneath his door, and his whole world turns upside down. Determined to find the author, he conducts a little investigation, leading him to none other but you.[COMPLETED]
Study Date ✨ by levithestripper(oneshot, fluff, crushes, humor)Tenya has always been quite confident in himself and in his appearance, not normally being overly nervous around people or shy. Yet you were different. If he wasn’t constantly fixing his hair before, he sure is now.[COMPLETED]
Birthday Kisses by goldxnapplxs (oneshot, fluff)Using a quirk that allows you to phase through objects, you sneak into the boys dorm to wish your favorite class representative a happy birthday.[COMPLETED]
Providentia by SongsOfAdelaide (oneshot, soulmates au, childhood friends to lovers) meaning The ability to see something in advance; foresight, foreknowledge./Precaution, providence, forethought.[COMPLETED]
i adore you. by TheBestParkBenchYouveEverSeen (oneshot, fluff, hurt/comfort)you have a BAAADDD migraine, iida trys to help.[COMPLETED]
Graduation Party by nek0zawakun(oneshot, fluff, humor) “I kissed you, because I wanted to.” She finally breathed out. His grip tightened. “We don’t always get what we want.” He responded seriously. “But I will,”[COMPLETED]
The Possibility of Rain or Shine by SongsOfAdelaide(oneshot, strangers to lovers, fluff, alternate au) In which you try hard not to fall in love with a potential business partner who may actually be married.[COMPLETED]
In Which Iida Treats A Date Like Everything Else by kawaiicthulhu (oneshot, fluff)"He had printed an itinerary for your date."[COMPLETED]
Broken Glass ✨ ✨ by Anonymous(oneshot, fluff, humor)In a quirk-related accident you find yourself surrounded by shattered glass. Worst of all, most of that glass is from every single pair of your boyfriend’s glasses. What will you do? Just some silly fluff.[COMPLETED]
The Duke's Son and the Viscount's Daughter by btp (oneshot, historical au, fluff, slight angst)When you attend a ball, a certain man catches your eye. Things seem to be going well until an announcement changes everything.[COMPLETED]
Courtship & Heartbreak in Alryne by @bakugotrashpanda (oneshot, victorian au, angst)[COMPLETED]
Soulmate au by @captainsolare (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)You have each other’s initials on your wrists, they glow when they are held up and shown to your soulmate.[COMPLETED]
Arranged love by @wonderwomanfantasy (oneshot, royalty au, arranged marriage)ever since you were a child you were in love with the idea of love, red roses, and romantic poems, too bad you were sold off into marriage before you could find that kind of love. But is it really too late? after all what is more romantic than a Masquerade ball?[COMPLETED]
Quirk Marriage by @swigglesandwiggles (oneshot, angst, arranged marriage)What happens when a quirk marriage is arranged between two students and both have two very different reactions towards it?[COMPLETED]
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clonedchaos · 2 months
Ripple Effect
Orchids and Oranges: A Yasammy Week Special
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Yippee! It's Yasammy Week, brought to you by @yasammyweek! Pardon the late kickoff, had to attend my sister's bridal shower today as well as writing this 2,000 word one shot in one day. I know most ppl here are doing art, but I can't draw, so fanfic it is! Enjoy! <3
Day 1: Hurt/Comfort
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Yaz thought she had left the dinosaurs behind. She thought it was time for her to finally heal… until she came face to face with one on the mainland.
AO3 Version:
Tumblr Version:
Yaz wrapped her arms tighter around Sammy’s waist as she gradually got used to the fluid movement of the stallion below them. The saddle wasn’t the most comfortable or practical of inventions, but Sammy had insisted it was far better than riding bare back.
Yaz let her gaze wander as a smile crossed her lips and her heart gave a little flutter. The maple trees surrounding them were colored in vibrant shades of orange, red, and brown. Despite fall coming to a close, Texas was still as humid as ever. It was the polar opposite of her home upstate— the moment it hit October, the temperature would plummet. 
Yaz had gotten used to the frigid air over the years thanks to her daily morning runs. She would be quite out of her element down here if it weren’t for the months she spent stuck on a tropical island. She’d take the Texas heat over Nublar’s every single time.
And, of course, she loved Texas because of Sammy. Her parents had been the textbook definition of southern hospitality ever since Yaz came down to spend the week with them. Sammy had been a hurricane of energy and enthusiasm ever since her arrival. She talked a mile a minute at any possible opportunity and paraded Yaz around to see every nook and cranny of their land. It had been fun; she knew Sammy had been waiting a long time to introduce her officially to her family-- cattle included.
A pleasant breeze brushed past them, Sammy’s hair tickling Yaz’s nose. Yaz sneezed, the sheer power of the act nearly sending her reeling backwards.
”Bless you!” Sammy immediately chimed in, looking over her shoulder. Her hands held the reins in a loose grip as the stallion came to a stop. His ears and tail twitched. Yaz’s behavior had irked him.
“Sorry about that, bud,” She apologized, patting the horse on the flank. A whistle and nudge from Sammy ushered the stallion forward again. 
The cowgirl kept her eyes on her girlfriend. Yaz felt that wasn’t the appropriate course of action given she was the one guiding the horse down the path. It seemed almost as dangerous as taking your eyes off the road while driving.
”The trees are mighty beautiful, aren’t they?” Sammy cooed with a grin. She reached forward and plucked a leaf out of Yaz’s hair. How long had that been in there?
”It is beautiful, Sammy,” Yaz admitted. Truly, the scenery was gorgeous. The Gutierrez’s land was pure nature’s bliss, all 700 acres of it. She liked to call it “The Eight Wonder of the World.”
Sammy glanced up towards the sky, its colors glowing with muted hues of pink, blue, and purple. “It’s gettin’ late. Perhaps we should head back to the stable.” Her gaze darted to and fro before she leaned forward and whispered, “Ol Kota’s eyesight isn’t as great as it once was.”
Kota nickered in response. Yaz snorted. “I think he heard you.”
"Oh, that wasn't an insult, boy!" Sammy quickly corrected sheepishly, getting a chuckle out of Yaz. Sammy's baby talk toward her critters wasn't at all meant to be taken seriously, but Yaz couldn't help but think it was adorable. 
“I suppose you’re right. Hey, think I could beat Kota in a race?” Yaz asked with a clear undertone of a challenge. If he galloped at full speed, she knew he would be able to overtake her effortlessly. But at his old age, she might just have a chance if he were to trot.
Sammy’s eyes shone as she turned her attention back onto Yaz. “Oh, that’s a gre—“
Kota saw the Triceratops first. The elder stallion reared up onto his back legs. Yaz lost her grip on Sammy and hit the ground hard. The breath drew out of her lungs, leaving her momentarily stunned at the blunt impact. Surely that was going to leave a sizable bruise on her tailbone.
”Woah, boy! Easy… Easy!” Sammy yelped as she tightened the reins and fought for control. Yaz instinctively rolled to the side to avoid getting trampled on by hooves, just barely scraping by with nothing more than a dust cloud in her face.
With her chest heaving in gulps of air, Yaz finally lifted her gaze toward the instigator. A bulky Triceratops stood before them in the path, its head lowered and grazing on the sparse patches of grass that sprung up from the dirt trail. At the stallion’s cry of fear, the herbivore lifted its head. Its horns glinted off the dying sunlight’s rays, the tips sharpened points that could skewer her should the animal desire.
Yaz didn’t know why, but she screamed. She screamed a blood curdling cry that sent the nearby birds scattering. Her hands tore up clumps of dirt as she balled them into a fist. Her heart pounded, she could hear it in her ears and feel the blood coursing through her veins. It was getting hard to breathe. Why could she not breathe? Why couldn't she think? Why was her vision spinning? Was it a concussion, or was she losing it?
The Triceratops bellowed and raked its front leg on the ground. Despite being in fear’s clutches, Yaz subconsciously knew it was about to charge. Suddenly the aspect of getting trampled by a horse seemed far more appealing.
The Triceratops stomped forward, waving its horns threateningly. Yaz couldn’t move. She wanted to pull herself off the ground and bolt toward the nearest tree. She wanted to be safe, to be inside, to be far away from this prehistoric beast. But her body was rooted to the floor, tied down by unseen vines. Despite the adrenaline pulsing through her veins and the chilling numbness of her hands, she could only watch powerlessly as she sat directly in the line of fire.
“Yaz!” Sammy was suddenly right by her side on horseback. Quite literally her knight in shining armor. She extended a hand down to her. Yaz felt a sharp pierce plunge through her heart at the palpable fear she found lying behind Sammy's eyes. “Come on!”
Yaz still felt frozen by invisible roots. She wanted to reach for Sammy. She wanted them to huddle under the blanket fort Sammy had insisted they build in her room last night. Her and Sammy had been at checkers for nearly two hours before Sammy’s mother had called them down for dinner. She wanted to wake up in the morning and breathe in the aroma of fresh, fluffy cinnamon rolls and salted, crisp bacon. Would she ever partake in these memories again? Or would they be snuffed out, much like her life might very well be. If only she could just…
With one hand wrapped around the stirrup, Sammy leaned down and grabbed Yaz by the arm. Yaz knew her girlfriend was strong, like really really strong. Calling her "country strong" wasn't just a cute pet name, it was a fact.
Sammy's rapid maneuver was enough to nudge Yaz up and back into the saddle. With a quick snap of the reins and click of her heels, Sammy ushered Kota forward. The trike missed them by a hair, nearly getting clocked on the muzzle by the stallion's hooves.
Yaz had her arms wrapped around Sammy in a death grip, her face buried against her wool jacket. It felt like she was holding her breath for every second until they had made it safely to the barn. Her chest was tight and sweat rolled down the side of her head. She could barely feel her fingers besides the buzzing, staticky feeling she noticed there.
She looked up with rounded eyes. Sammy released the reins and kicked her leg up and over as she dismounted. Immediately, she turned and extended a hand toward Yaz in a gesture of assistance. "Are you okay?"
No. No she wasn't. With a shaky breath and trembling hand, she reached out. Sammy's hands were worn with numerous callouses; no doubt a result from her long days of working hard on the ranch. Her fingers intertwined with Yaz's. At the touch, the dam holding back her tears finally broke. Yaz sank to her knees and began to sob.
Sammy was right there, kneeling down and pulling her into an embrace. "It's okay, Yaz. I'm here," She cooed, gently rubbing her back in a circular motion. 
Yaz nestled closer to her, hoping Sammy's very presence would be enough to chase away her inner demons. "I... I thought... I thought we'd be done with dinosaurs," She admitted weakly. She hated feeling like this. Vulnerable. It was like she was a little kid all over again; someone who needed to be coddled and comforted by her mother.
"I know..." Sammy replied sympathetically as she rested her head against Yaz's. "I wasn't expecting to see a trike so close to home."
It was getting a little easier to breathe now. Just a little. "Why? Why is it here?" She choked out, closing her eyes.
Sammy grew silent. Yaz didn't expect her to answer that rhetorical question. After all, how in the world would she know what a dinosaur was doing hundreds of miles from Nublar?
Rather, Sammy began to hum. Her tone lilted in a melancholic sway. Yaz seemed momentarily taken aback as her heartbeat began to steady and her limbs slackened. With every rise and fall in tempo, Yaz begun to notice an unmistakable pattern in the rhythm.
Yaz leaned back and cupped Sammy's cheek in her hand. Her eyes still stung, and she knew she probably looked like a bedraggled mess. Right now, that didn't matter. "How do you know that song?"
Sammy leaned into Yaz's touch. "Your mother taught it to me. She knows you've been having a tough time since the island..." She trailed off and averted her gaze.
Yaz relaxed her features and silently urged Sammy to continue. "She told me it used to help you when you were little... and I thought it might help in this situation," She murmured sheepishly and rubbed her arm in embarrassment with flushed cheeks.
Yaz cracked a gentle smile at that and swiftly planted a kiss atop her forehead. "It did help. I'm sorry. For freezing like that..."
"Hey, none of that," Sammy lectured sternly with a good-natured smile. She held both of Yaz's hands in her own. "Just because we're off the island, it doesn't mean those feelings just up and disappeared. But I know you, Yaz. You're the bravest, most stubborn fighter I know. We just need to take baby steps again."
Baby steps. Right. It was like running a marathon; you don't go full sprint right off the bat. You pace yourself until you're further along with the finish line in sight.
"It just... surprised me is all," Yaz continued. The fireflies casted a gentle, infrequent glow across the purple and blue painted sky. "I thought I would be over this. But what if...? What if there are more dinosaurs?" Particularly the ones that would have them for a midnight snack.
"I don't know," Sammy admitted, returning the kiss on Yaz's forehead. "But what I do know is that I'm here if you ever need me. We conquered Nublar together. And if dinosaurs are on the mainland now, we'll conquer that together too. You're stronger than your fears."
Yaz smiled and pulled Sammy close. There was one constant in her life when it came to dinosaurs: Sammy. When her PTSD got the better of her on Manta Corp's island, she was there to help ease her nerves and shift her attention toward other matters. Even if they were states apart, she knew Sammy would just be a phone call away. And that was enough.
"I'll always be here for you, mi rosa. For now, and forever."
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shogunish · 1 year
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pairing. student! gojo satoru x reader
genre. fluff, slice of life, idiots in love
warnings. tooth-rotting fluff
summary. and when you laugh at his stupid comment, leaves of all colors and sizes in your hair, cheeks red from the low temperatures, he finally knows why you love autumn so much.
words. 901
note. don't imagine falling in love with toru in autumn, sharing hot chocolate, cozy movie dates and him giving you his sweater bc yours don't keep you warm enough
comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3
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satoru doesn't know why you love autumn so much when it's not only the busiest time for sorcerers, but also annoyingly windy with sudden downpours out of nowhere. days are cut short since the sun would set earlier than usual and dark skies would envelop tokyo at five pm instead of at nine in the late evening. autumn is the season in which everything starts dying or hiding away; may it be trees drying out and shedding their once lush leaves or that small hedgehog across the street searching for a cozy, safe place to hibernate.
a scowl rested on satoru's handsome face. the tip of his nose and the apples of his cheeks are bitten red by the chilly temperatures lingering in the streets. snot runs from his nostril and he sniffles. even the coat paired with the scarf wrapped around his neck can't stop his runny nose. satoru isn't sick, oh no. if anything, he's sick of the weather.
chilly temperatures always equal a runny nose for satoru.
he sighs, cerulean eyes rolling behind pitch black shades. "next time, you go on that walk by yourself. my doctor will hear about you if i get sick."
a light bounce is in your step. turning to face satoru, you smile at him. "stop exaggerating. i just wanted to see you and spend some time with you." satoru is right next to you, eyeing you from his peripheral. "you've been away so much ever since autumn came."
he just scoffs. luckily, satoru's cheeks are already red or else you would've called him out on the blush blooming across his cheeks. he likes to pretend to be tough and immune to your words when in reality, each of your honeyed words cut through his defenses like butter.
"must miss me real bad, huh? how cute." satoru puffs his chest out, proud of the comment he's just come up with.
a little pout rests upon your lips and all of a sudden, you feel a little shy, because yes, you do miss satoru real bad and feel almost..lonely without him. but with an ego as massive as satoru is tall, you can't give him that sort of satisfaction. so all you do is huff in response. "all i heard is that i'm cute."
selective hearing, hm?
despite the several layers of clothes hiding your skin and keeping you toasty warm, satoru knows how to worm his way through every single layer until he is underneath your skin, flustering you and making you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
popping into your personal bubble, he wears a smug smirk on his chapsticked lips. "ohhh, you do miss me!" satoru chirps, tosses his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into his side.
occasionally, satoru forgets how strong he is compared to you and is a bit rougher with you than he should be. the pull is sudden, makes you squeak as you slip on a damp leaf and lose your balance. instead of finding yourself in satoru's arm, your butt lands in a pile of dried leaves.
dumbfounded you stare at satoru, owlishly blinking at him while a few leaves get stuck on the top of your head. he thinks he fucked up, will get a real good scolding from you, telling him to be more careful, but your nagging never comes.
instead, you laugh heartily with round cheeks and your teeth showing off. a melodious sound that fills the park and drips right into the cracks of satoru's heart, turning the snow into sweet, saccharine honey.
his heart does this funny thing again. the thing where it skips a beat and pumps just a tad bit harder, making him feel warm from the core up.
before satoru can even think about teasing you, a handful of leaves is flung right at his face and he finds himself laughing along with you. "what was that for?"
"for letting me fall and getting my ass wet!" you're still laughing, then your face scrunches up as satoru flings his own fistful of leaves at your face.
you begin chasing him with two fistfuls of leaves. suddenly, red, yellow and orange is stuck in his hair and you realize..it makes his eyes look even more mesmerizing than they already are. how unfair.
"not my fault you're getting your ass wet over me!"
oh, he's having the time of his life chasing you around the park, flinging dried leaves at each other and laughing so carelessly without a worry in the world. your laughter mixes with his, creating a symphony that only something akin to love could compose.
"oh, shut up, will you?!" playfully, you shove satoru into a pile of leaves, but if he's going down, he's taking you with him.
grabbing you by the collar, satoru falls into the pile of leaves with you and laughs alongside you. a tangled mess of limbs and puffs of white smoke fill the space around you. your head rests somewhere on satoru's chest while his arms and legs are sprawled out like a starfish.
"i'll only shut up if you make me, darling." satoru wiggles his eyebrows at you, all in good fun.
and when you laugh at his stupid comment, leaves of all colors and sizes in your hair, cheeks red from the low temperatures, he finally knows why you love autumn so much.
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taglist; @torusmochi
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k3m1y4 · 7 months
“nothing in the world belongs to me.”
fyodor x gn!reader
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summary: just a calm night with ease, nothing else belongs to you but for your love for yourself, and him, he was you. before you could die, let him be the heat that warms the cold. nothing in the world belongs to him, nothing. belongs to you.
author’s note: fluff and angst?, not proofread, no warnings. here’s a little fic before i go to sleep early because i need to fix my messed up sleep schedule <3 love u pookies, have a great morning/night/day.
. . . ecard: my love all mine . . . by mitski.
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The breeze was indeed cold.
Your weakened body walked through the thickened snow. Your feet barely even moving by a single step, your tracks tainted the snow deep into the ground. Waiting for it to melt and disappear in a fragrance of a snowflake landing gracefully on the chill land. You hum quietly as you continued to forward yourself into finding your beloved, you hold him so dear. The dark shade of the leaves painted by the snow falling from the sky, what a keen eye could see from the mesmerizing scenery. The moon kept it’s guidance into leading you through the snowed forest. Light coloring your skin to a brighter tone as you pause in your pace. You flutter your eyes closed as you sigh, puffs of air blowing throughout the wind, carrying the last and first time of your breath.
You hum an unfamiliar tone; you were clueless must to know of what you sing. You’ll never hear the heavenly melody of the birds chant and echo during the spring. When the flowers will now bloom, welcoming it’s beauty it hides within the cold to keep a surprise of amusement. You knew you’d meet him here, back to where you met. The last will be the better of the first. Clasping on the trunk of the tall tree tightly as you lean against the wood. Breathing heavily as the warmth of your presence was no longer protecting you from the cold, it gave in to give up. You watch the snow continue to fly as the wind pushes it away from your gaze. You chuckle silently to yourself, wherein deaf ears could hear.
You impatiently fix your composure as you wait for the man awaiting you for your final remorse. “Fedya…” You say out again, you felt numb and weak. Though, there was no chains pulling you back to the darkness you merely seek at the chances life was already tearing you to shreds, unperfected and flawed. Just like any other fool lighting the world with its’ unmarked glow. You sigh in faux disappointment as you fold your arms, your vision started to blur in a trance as you blink twice to keep up with your fatigue. “Fyodor!” You weakly yell as you step on the chill as it sent a chill down to your spine. You hug yourself tightly as you shake your head, waving the pain away from you.
You knelt down, your clothed knees meeting the veins of the unsettling, cold atmosphere. The wind brushing your hair as it flew the flakes away from your flesh. You start to shape the piece of snow into a large rounded ball. Placing it forcefully on the ground, you make another, another. Repeatedly. The size decreasingly shrunken to your desired measurement. You stand up, inspecting the area surrounding you in barriers. You look down at your coat as you avert your eyes to a leaf slopingly resting on the coldness. You carefully put it on the rounded ball at the very top of the structure as you giggle in joy. Whether then it be your last snowman, you had the bit of joy from the heat of a candle so small and easily melted.
“Myshka.” Fyodor spoke deeply. You were back to him. You trace along the snowman’s head forming a curved smile on it’s face. Fyodor chuckles at your pointless yet adorable antics you’d always do during the winter season. Not like he was complaining. You gently decorated the snowman as you softly placed your headwear on your masterpiece as Fyodor watches you silently observing your actions as he sighs. “Моя любовь, ты можешь простудиться.” He reminds you at you just smile at him tilting your head as he rolls his eyes at you. “Stop being so stubborn for once, my love.” He walked towards you and poked your nose with his slender finger. “But Fedya! I’m going to die anytime soon. Let me have some fun…” You whine at him, but who was he to reject.
“Alright, alright, myshka. Just be careful, okay?” He runs his surprisingly warm hands against your silk hair. “Hmm? Fedya, your hands are unusually warm!” You exclaim at him as you test out how heated he was by hugging him tightly. Oh he was warm! He stumbled back slightly; his back gently hitting the wooden tree. You bury your face in his chest as he couldn’t help but just groan at your stupid acts. “Моя любовь...” He sighed, preventing his urge to just scold you he instead pulled you towards him. As you hug him, desperate and pleading for his affection.
He embraces you back in a form of acceptance as you “sleep” within his warmth. His eyes look down at you and gently caress your lifeless face, tilting your chin up, your eyes fluttered already closed. He smiles slightly as he lets your head lay on his shoulder as he leans his head back to relax in the slightest moments of these. You taught him how to love, when he couldn’t. You taught him to do the simplest forms of affection he could not show. You taught him how to love you. You gave him the lesson, nothing belongs to him, not you, not his treasure, nothing but only his, only love. Stroking your hair as his chest breathes, yours didn’t. Your heart slowed down quickly, he couldn’t feel your voice nor your life anymore carrying with him. And here he was. You were his teacher, and he was the student. Despite your intellect lower than his, you somehow managed to teach him things a normal human could simply display to those who they love. Love was weird to him, he hated the idea of affection, adoration, and admiration. He knew how to define its’ meaning, but never how.
He was grateful of you, when you unexpectedly barged into his life like the upcoming of his mistakes on the bumpy road all the way. He will die too, he will be with you. He is a bad person, you weren’t. You were the first to tie the string, you tied the strings. And you were the first one to cut it apart. You may disappear, but. You filled a hole in his heart; ripped many times. And you tainted him with your goodness.
“Sleep well, my love. I love you.”
He never received a letter written, I love you too.
GAAA. Not too angsty for me but idk idk. Tried to experiment here and it kinda failed. I’m sleep so i’m wayyyy tooooo lazy to read it. Kinda lazy for the plot. Thanks for reading tho 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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shona22 · 2 months
Prompt from @thewitchway
Hope you enjoy it.
It’s a few miles, maybe three if Stiles can stretch his legs further to accommodate Derek’s long strides. But the preserve sprawls across acres and acres of soil, dried leaves, and magic—changing, as Stiles would solemnly swear on the blood of his future children. The tree shapes, branches, leaf colors, the very air, even the worn-down path leading to the dilapidated Hale house—all of it shifts.
Derek does not seem to mind. He’s one tracked, eyes straight ahead, shoulders no longer taunt. It’s home to him, Stiles thinks, feeling his mouth stretch at the sides without meaning to. 
The clorisBane, a hybridized version of the wolfsbane is supposedly blooming at midnight, on the southern side of the preserve. Issac had inadvertently stumbled into it, nose full of pollen, his long winded whine had alerted others. When he had finally dosed off at Deaton’s, body still trembling from heat, Derek called him. Stiles–well, Stiles had half a thought of saying no, wanted Derek to work for it, growl into his phone even–but, well, he wasn’t in the mood to antagonize the wolf. He was training to be their emissary, and it would be Stiles job, soon enough, to patrol the boundaries of beacon Hill in search for poisonous, magical plants. A trial run couldn't hurt, even though his knowledge of ClorisBane was limited to what he had read in the bestiary.
And so, he found himself walking alongside Derek, their steps not quite hurried. Stiles had stuffed his restless hands into the pockets of his red hoodie (Derek, for some inexplicable reason, loathed that particular piece of clothing. Stiles had tried to pry an explanation from him, but all he received were grunts and growls.), whistling whenever he realized he was better off keeping quiet than risking saying something stupid, like, hey remember last week when I woke up at the loft, in your bed–
It starts to rain. 
It’s not a single drop that alerts them, tickling down Stiles’s forehead, no. It’s a gush of water, as if someone had decided to push a bucket off the trees. Before he can splutter, or inadvisably stumble and fall into the muddy ground, a strong hand seizes Stiles by his biceps and pulls.
“There’s a shed,” Derek says against his ears, “Follow me.” 
“I can’t,” Stiles manages, teeth clattering and all. Water blurs his vision, clumping his long eyelashes together. He blows some water raspberries, trying to form something coherent. “I can’t see shit, Derek.” 
There’s a grunt, then he is no longer touching the ground. 
“What thre fuck–”
“It’s faster.” Derek answers tersely, his hold tight on Stiles' wet clothes, one across the expanse of his back and the other below the boy’s knees. He throws one of his arm around Derek’s neck, getting comfortable since it appears the wolf has no intention of letting him go. 
A few minutes later, though a few minutes longer than Stiles would have preferred, they found themselves huddling inside a decrepit shed—or was it an outdoor toilet? Stiles silently swore that if Derek had pushed him into a smelly, bug-infested shithouse—
"It's not far from the house," Derek interjected, his voice no longer neutral but hoarse. "Laura used to garden; it's her shed."
“Oh,” Stiles say, uncharacteristically quiet. “Thanks.” 
He doesn’t know what he is thanking for. Derek just grunts. Typical. 
The walls of the small, two by two shed had moss growing upon them. There were some wild flowers, peaking from the fractured, rotten wood. It smelt of nothing particularly outlandish, but Stiles guesses it’s partly because of the overwhelming rain, the scent of wet soil had completely overtaken his human senses. And partly, he suspected, because of Derek. The cramped space felt intimate; if Stiles were any larger, Derek's face would have been nestled against his neck. Stiles faced the door with Derek behind him, close enough to feel the heat off his body, but far enough to feel tense. It’s a mess. He opens his mouth a couple of times, to say something, anything, to dissipate the thick air between them. 
The thunder does the trick. 
Warm, wet arms wrapped tightly around Stiles's midriff. There was now a solid presence behind him, pressing against his back, Derek's beard grazing his neck. He shivered, not from the eminent cold, but the absolutely delicious smell of Derek’s cologne, the one that hasn’t been washed off in the rain. He tried to stifle a whimper, feeling needy and desperate, but it escaped anyway, just as his ears began to ring. Derek's arms tightened ever so slightly, his chest rumbling deeply, animalistic. Stiles couldn't discern if Derek was comforting himself or Stiles. The silence between them was palpable.
“I couldn’t help but notice,” Stiles starts, because he needs to or his head will explode from too many things unsaid. “You seem to hate me a little less.”  
Derek stills. 
Then, a whisper across the exposed skin– the joint between his neck and shoulder, “I never hated you.”
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acertainmoshke · 22 days
Snippet: How to Cheat Gender When Your Story is Historical
(it's the 50's but it's also fantasy full of inhuman creatures. That's it, that's my answer)
I might have posted some of this one before when I wrote it the first time, but I just typed it so oh well.
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The room finally resolved itself but my brain still refused to take in more than a single detail at a time: Nicholas—Sparrow—staring blankly at me with a red leaf in each hand. Walls made of weeping willow branches. The willow trunk in the center of everything. An unfamiliar Fae standing over Sparrow holding a plate.
This one had the grace and fine clothes that I was fast learning to associate with court Fae: softly furred brown skin, a deer-like nose, towering antlers adorned in what looked like silk ribbons, a shimmering vest embroidered with fish and other creatures I guessed lived underwater, and a long skirt the color of crushed raspberries. The skirt alone should have defined the Fae as a woman, but my eyes kept returning to the face that seemed to shift without actually moving, and I couldn’t guess a gender.
And then I cursed myself. I had been distracted by the beauty, like some fool of a human, without taking in the context. We were caught.
I hadn’t taken Maggie for a fool, though, and she walked right by the Fae to kneel next to Sparrow and ask him about his leaves, which he excitedly gestured with.
“What is happening?”
All three of them looked at me, though Sparrow quickly went back to his leaves.
Maggie smiled like she had been waiting for me to ask. “This is Lilt. She’s been raising Nicholas since—”
Sparrow squealed, but the sound was lost beneath Lilt’s warm, rich laugh that filled the room so that even I, aware of the pull of glamour, wanted to stop and listen forever. “Did you mistake me for a woman, child?”
Maggie’s eyes flicked down to the skirt and then up to the impressive antlers. “I’m sorry…sir?”
Lilt laughed again. “I am one of the High Fae, girl. I am all of nature and none of humanity. I have watched empires rise and fall. I have caused some of those empires to fall. What use have I for petty human categories? You may call me they.”
Maggie stared blankly.
“As in, they are a most gracious host and you would not want to anger them.”
Maggie took the hint and quickly looked away, but her confused frown remained.
Something in my chest felt strange, a sort of recognition of something like me. I pushed it down; I had no choice in what I was
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Tag list: @stesierra @amielbjacobs @ettawritesnstudies @the-inkwell-variable
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nat-seal-well · 2 years
Time for a fic wip!! Because I just survived Black Friday week and finally on my two days off and I am exhausted and I want to celebrate.
Title: undecided (I’ll have to finish this fic to find the right one, I think)
Pairing: None
Characters: Caelum and Freelancer
Rating: G (it’s all just fluff and comfort)
Warnings: None!
It’s raining.
It’s always raining, this time of year. Caelum stands out on the balcony of Freelancer’s apartment and stares up at the sky, but of course there’s no bright blue. Just gray, dark gray, rolling clouds that remind him of a blanket large enough to spread across the entire world.
(Logically, Caelum knows that isn’t how it works. The clouds end somewhere, and there’s blue sky wherever that is, but as far as he can see—which isn’t as far as it is when he’s in Aria, because there it’s all just magic and he’s all just magic and things are different—but the cloud blanket seems like it lasts forever.)
Saturated red-and-orange leaves litter Dahlia as they’re swept away by the wind. One of them lands right on the balcony, and it’s wet with rain that makes it stick to the white tip of his pink Converse. Caelum bends down to pick it up. It’s big. A lot larger than his hand. Caelum doesn’t think he knows what kind it is at first; he doesn’t remember all the fancy, human science names of things like trees very well. But he remembers tagging along on a grocery store trip once, and Freelancer bought him a bottle of syrup for the pancakes he likes on Sunday mornings. It had been fancy, too, glass with a tiny-tiny little handle and a big leaf on the front that was the same shape.
Maple. The leaf in Caelum’s hand is a giant maple leaf. It’s a whole rainbow of colors. Well, not a full rainbow, but Caelum can see all sorts of reds and oranges and yellows and even a tint of green that fall hasn’t been able to chase away completely.
He twirls it by the stem, turning it this way and that, and then smiles bright even though there’s no one around to see.
“They’ll like this,” he says to himself. They like nice things. And this leaf is really, really, really nice. Proud of his moment of genius, he dries it off as carefully as he can on his cable-knit sweater. The leaf doesn’t even have a single hole, and he wants to keep it that way.
Maybe a pretty leaf will help distract them.
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Processing trauma with Tarot art
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[Image Description: A hand painted watercolor three of swords card. The central focus is a human heart rendered in vibrant red and pink with purple veins. Parts of the veins have white highlights to mimic a wet sheen. The aorta of the heart is abnormal; it splits off into 2 branches, wrapping around a sword pierced straight through the center of the heart. There are three swords puncturing the heart. They have gold and white handles and blood drips from the wounds. The background is a stormy blue-gray gradient with streaks of rain falling on a diagonal.]
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[Image Description: A watercolor rendition of the tower tarot card. In this interpretation the tower is depicted as a human spine with a severe curve. It is attached to the pelvis but looks as though it is on the brink of collapse. The thoracic region is being struck by a gold bolt of lightning. The lightning severs the spine, creating debris from the damaged vertebrae. The background is a rich, deep teal color.]
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[Image Description: A hand painted watercolor rendition of the death tarot card. At the center of the painting is a jaw-less skull resting on grass. The skull has deep shadows in the eye sockets and nasal cavity. Small orange mushrooms grow out of the skull, one of them protrudes directly from the center of the left eye socket. The skull has a singular gold tooth. The sky in the painting is a pale gray-blue.]
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[Image Description: Three hand painted tarot cards. From left to right is the three of swords card, the tower, and the death card. All are watercolor paintings with a single element of gold leaf. The three of swords card is a human heart punctured by three swords. The tower card is a curved human spine being struck by lighting. The death card is a human skull with mushrooms growing out of it.]
I have always been drawn to tarot. There is something so mystifying about whether or not fate is malleable or predetermined. There are times where I wonder if I would still be the same person if aspects of my past were different— if I hadn’t experienced certain traumas or if I had received adequate support through difficult times. I’ve thought about this often and have come to the conclusion that I would go through all of the pain again because I know it would lead me here. I do not know who I would be without that pain. Over the past few years I have reflected a lot on pain, trauma, and disability.
More and more I come to terms with my body and it’s limitations, it’s differences, and in the earliest years of my life how my fate, my life, hung in the hands of doctors, some invalidating, some kind. So I created these tarot cards to explore those feelings. 3 of swords— my heart, the part of me that almost killed me. This card signifies trauma, suffering, separation. Fitting for that period of my history. Then the tower, my spine. Having a chronic pain condition that impacts all of my joints has irrecoverably changed the course of my life. Still not sure how I feel about that. This card is upheaval, chaos, destruction. Finally death. Death used to scare me, it still saddens me but I now see it as a stage of change and transformation. Death isn’t bad, it simply is. This tarot card scares people but it’s meaning is beautiful: endings, transformation, release. Creating these was incredibly cathartic.
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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
The spinach pictured above was planted in October and despite being overrun with flowering arugula three times its size, the short row still produces for us. Today I removed the arugula as my husband was turning the compost to the other bin and it was convenient to layer it in.
Since the fall, I’ve done two succession sowings of spinach. With our cool, wet spring, this week I’ll seed another block near the mesclun lettuce and arugula just planted. If temperatures soar in the next month I’ll use 40% shade cloth. Scallions, radishes and more lettuce will also fill the gaps left by removal of the broccoli. These will finish as I plant the corn in early June.
Other small green harvests in amounts for a single serving or recipe: the first cutting of succession arugula and flat leaf parsley from a huge mound.
Side shoots of broccoli were accumulating in the fridge faster than we could eat and the plants were removed. Time for a broccoli galette.
Broccoli, onions, parsley, Parmesan, and dash of cream for a round of pastry.
A little too much filling and not my best crust but easy to overlook as I savored each bite.
Sunday’s church bouquet heeding the church calendar’s liturgical color for Holy Week—purple. Garden contributions: Spanish bluebells, California native lupine, babiana, and erigeron.
Check the What I’m Planting Now page as I think spring in the garden. Then head to Harvest Monday, hosted by Dave at Happy Acres Blog and see what garden bloggers around the world harvested last week.
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coghive · 2 years
Amanda Danziger & Filipe Michael To Release ‘Seasons Instrumental’ January 20
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Amanda Danziger and Filipe Michael will release part two of their Seasons EP, titled Seasons Instrumental on Friday, January 20, 2023. The project which initially launched in November was created to emulate cinematic soundscapes, which Danziger describes as devotional worship. “Devotional worship is a place of listening and stillness,” explains Danziger. “Over the years I have written every song I’ve done with my co-writer Filipe Michael, so I wanted to show that we are a team with our latest project Seasons. Filipe is the sole-composer of this project, while I have written the lyrics and melodies. Seasons Instrumental is going to give the listener a completely different experience — you’ll be able to hear all the nuances and creativity my co-writer put into composing Seasons. I hope listeners go into a quiet place for this experience when it releases.” The Seasons In Sound Seasons caps Danziger’s musical journey through the year. Each season she teased listeners with singles included on the album, starting with “Vindicate” for winter, “Prison Walls” for spring and “Refining Fire” for summer. And in the final album release this past November, “Be Still” completed the seasonal journey with fall. Each song in Seasons begins with a distinctive sound to evoke the season. “Vindicate” starts with the rush of a winter storm. Rain and thunder open spring’s “Prison Walls,” and the crackling of a summer campfire introduces “Refining Fire.” For fall, the sound of walking along a leaf-strewn path in the woods begins “Be Still” (pre-save the Instrumental EP here). “Each song is approached in a cinematic style that paints a musical picture of the season,” Danziger shares. With Danziger musically drawing the outline for each song, she relied upon producer and co-writer Filipe Michael to paint in the colors.
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“Amanda and I collaborated on this project in a very unique way. Even though we are only separated by a state lines, we worked on this project remotely. Amanda would only provide a vocal track in our sessions and then explain what the song would picture — after that I would take over and compose the project,” explains Mora. “When we would talk on the phone about the project, I told Amanda that I’m ‘painting music.’ This project gave me the fresh air that I needed to think outside the box. Together we created something beautiful.” Collaborating in His name Childhood friends who met in church, Danziger and Michael have been collaborating since 2019, seperated by state lines – Danziger in Pennsylvania and Michael in New Jersey. Working remotely with musical sounds as their primary means of communication, they brought the album together. “Soundscapes are like painting a picture and my part of our collaboration is to bring these visions to life,” Michael says. Adding spice to the soundscapes they create is that both come from multi-cultural backgrounds. “Filipe will joke with me that my melodies don’t sound mainstream, and that’s because of my upbringing. I’m a first-generation American after my parents moved from Egypt in the late 70s. I grew up listening to Arabic music in my home, so I find myself singing in minor keys and experimenting with the sounds of Egypt.” Michael grew up in Sao Paulo, Brazil though they first connected in an Arabic-speaking church. “We used to lead our peers in worship, and from then on, we’ve always known we would create a very special musical piece one day. Seasons is it,” Danziger believes. Recognition After releasing the first song of Seasons with “Vindicate,” Integrity Music recognized the unique contribution that Danziger made in the contemporary worship genre and signed her to a licensing deal through its Integrated Music Rights program. This allowed Danziger to remain an independent artist, but also gain access to a record label infrastructure and opportunities. “The timing was all in God’s hands. I was so excited for this opportunity because it came right in time for the launch of Seasons,” Danziger states. “Seasons is a journey. It is a walk through of an entire year of thoughts, prayers, and life — and I’m grateful to launch this project with the Integrity team. They’ve encouraged us and helped us navigate throughout the entire process.” Read the full article
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Vincent felt good hearing the good news of the resistance soldiers "glad to know and sure~!" He said agreeing to meet the person with wondering smile now.
Lily felt so happy and ran to hug the man resting her small shoulders between his wide opened arms "yaay~! Thank you~! Does that mean we are friends now~?" She asked looking at him with big smile of joy while her father was holding tightly on his laugh as Albedo said the name of the fox lady.
“Um, sure!” Gorou said. Despite the uncertainty in his voice, his tail began to wag behind him. “Now, let’s go meet up with him before he slips away again. A real leaf on the wind, that guy.”
“I think I have a inkling who it is,” Albedo said. “But please, lead the way.”
The General led the group up to the training camp, and just as Albedo suspected, a familiar face from the Irodori Festival sparring with the soldiers.
The samurai was dressed in white, black, and vibrant reds, his robes adorned with maple leaves. His youthful appearance conflicted with his pure white hair tied back in a sloppy ponytail, a single streak of red breaking up the white. An Anemo Vision dangled from the back of his shoulder. Crimson eyes laser focused on his opponent as he raised an ominous-looking red blade to make the final strike.
With the blunt side of the blade, the samurai knocked the soldier onto his backside.
“You’ve improved since the last time I was here,” the samurai said, his voice light and airy, with a slight underlying rasp as he put his sword away and offered a hand to help the soldier to his feet. “Go take a break. You’ve earned it.”
“Thank you, Master Kaedehara,” the soldier said with a bow before heading into one of the barracks.
“Kazuha!” Gorou called, waving the samurai over.
“Gorou. We were starting to get worried,” Kazuha said easily. “Did you fall asleep on the beach?”
The nervous laughter was all the answer Kazuha needed as a light chuckle left his lips. “Albedo, it’s good to see you again.” Maple-colored eyes roved over the group. “Am I to assume that these other two are alchemical clones?”
“Just me!” Rubedo said cheerfully. “My name’s Rubedo! Papa made me from a whopperflower and dragon’s blood!”
“Papa?” Kazuha echoed, quirking a brow at Albedo with a lopsided smile, causing the alchemist to wave his hands in denial.
“Ah, no, no. I’m not ‘Papa’.”
“That would be me,” Nigredo said, stepping forward. “Nigredo, Albedo’s older brother.”
“Oh? Albedo never mentioned he had a brother. Then again, he doesn’t seem the type to mention much of anything about himself~ It’s nice to meet you both.” He shifted his eyes to Lily and Vincent. “And you two as well. I am Kaedehara Kazuha, a wandering samurai who travels with the flow of the wind.”
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gardeninginfoonline · 2 years
5 Tall Flowering Plants
Tired of short flowers that are hidden by other plants, or out of sight where no one can appreciate them. Knowing which flowering plants grow tall will help you create a stunning garden with highly visible blooms.
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gardeninginfo-online.com gathered essential species, planting, and growing information on five incredible and tall flowering plants.
1. Sunflower (Helianthus)
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Annual sunflowers have a large, robust flower head, typically with a large, nearly black central part made up of thousands of tiny florets that later become seeds set in a spiral pattern. The petals typically appear bright yellow, while some varieties can be orange or red shades.
Soil – Sunflowers thrive in more alkaline soil (6.0 to 7.5 pH) and prefer nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Ensure your soil is weed-free before planting this species. Sun – Sunflowers require full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily). Mature Height – Typical sunflowers grow from 6 to 10 feet tall, with some species reaching 15 to 20 feet. Blooms – Annual sunflowers will bloom through summer and into autumn (until the first frost). Hardiness Zone – 4 through 9
2. Lavender (Lavandula)
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Perennial lavender plants are typically small, branching, and wide-spreading shrubs with grey-green leaves and long, vibrant flowering shoots. Leaves can be simple or pinnate, measuring 1 to 2 inches. Flowers bloom on shoots that can reach 8 to 16 inches. The flowers can bloom in white, pink, blue, violet, and purple shades.
Soil – Lavender plants thrive in alkaline soil (6.7 to 7.3 pH) and prefer nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Lavender does not tolerate any excessive soil moisture or humidity. Sun – Lavender plants require full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily) but can benefit from afternoon shade in hotter climates. Mature Height – This species typically grows 20 to 24 inches tall, including its flower stalks. Blooms – Flowering can occur in May (in regions with mild summers and winters). Another flush of blooms can appear in June, followed by a final bloom in late summer or early fall. Hardiness Zone – 5 through 9
3. Dahlia (Dahlia)
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Dahlias are tuberous perennials, and most have simple leaves that are segmented and toothed or cut. Dahlias are popularly used in wedding arrangements and bouquets. Some of the most popular flower colors include red, orange, yellow, purple, white, and green. Astoundingly, blue is the only color dahlias do not appear in.
Soil – Dahlias will thrive in well-drained, loosened “dirt” soil with a 6.5 to 7.0 pH. Sun – This species does best in full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily). Mature Height – Typical dahlias grow from 4 to 5 feet tall.  Blooms – Dahlia flowers can appear in an impressive variety of colors and range in size from “petite” 2-inch blooms to giant 15-inch flowers. Hardiness Zone – 8 through 10
4. Coneflower (Echinacea)
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Echinacea purpurea, more commonly called “purple coneflower,” is a coarse, hairy, herbaceous perennial native to moist prairies, meadows, and open woods of the central to the southeastern United States.
Soil – The coneflower species thrives in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil with a 6.5 to 7.0 pH. Sun – This species requires full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily) but will benefit from afternoon shade in hotter climates. Mature Height – Typical coneflowers grow from 2 to 4 feet tall. Blooms – Coneflower blooms from June through August and can appear in pink, red, orange, white, and yellow colors. Most varieties have large single-petaled blooms. Hardiness Zone – 3 through 9
5. Hibiscus (Hibiscus)
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Perennial hibiscus leaves are ovate, simple, and 8 to 10.5 cm long. They are spirally arranged around a long stalk. The flowers are bisexual, large, and showy, grow up to 25 cm wide, stalked, and rise singly from the upper leaf axils. The five free petals joined at the base may be white, yellow, or red color.
Soil – Hibiscus grows best in well-drained soil, amended with organic matter. Hibiscus prefers acidic soil with a 6.5 to 6.8 pH. Sun – Hibiscus does best in full sun (6 to 8 hours). They will grow in partial shade, but maximum growth and flowering will suffer. Mature Height – Typical hibiscus will grow from 3 to 8 feet tall. Blooms – With its showy, whorled flowers, this plant regularly attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. These tropical plants come in a wide range of striking colors, including: red, yellow, pink, orange, peach, coral, and white. Hardiness Zone – 5 through 9
What is the Tallest Perennial?
For your garden, the tallest perennial flowering plant is hibiscus. Plants typically grow from three to eight feet tall, especially if grown in rich, well-drained soil with ample moisture.
Note: The swamp gum, or Australian mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans), is native to southeastern Australia. The tree can reach heights over 375 feet and is the tallest angiosperm (flowering plant) species.
What is the Longest Flowering Perennial?
Coneflower is a perennial herb that blooms all summer long and is native to North America’s midwestern and southeastern regions. It has significantly tall stems, bears single pink or purple blooms, and has a central purple, orange, or brown cone. The large cone is a seed head with sharp spines.
Tall Flowering Garden Plants
In this article, you discovered 5 tall flowering plant species’ planting, growing, and flowering information to help you grow a striking garden full of thriving color.
By knowing which tall flowering plants to grow in your garden, you can create an eclectic scenery that benefits your senses, pollinators, and environment.
Not knowing which plants grow taller can leave your garden lacking aesthetic diversity and make it appear pretty montonous.
Sources: extension.umn.edu/flowers/sunflowers gardening.cornell.edu/homegardening/scene9108.html plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/dahlia/ hortnews.extension.iastate.edu/coneflower-purple-echinacea-purpurea hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/hibiscus/
The post 5 Tall Flowering Plants appeared first on http://gardeninginfo-online.com.
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