#and followers don’t matter but I lost a handful after posting them so I got it in my head that they were BAD
ninyard · 5 months
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portgasdwrld · 1 year
📂 Op men + them being jealous
part 1
Featuring: Monster trio (Luffy, Sanji, Zoro)
Warning: fluffy fluff, ended up being the monster trio being subtly jealous lol Ik I was going to make it suggestive but I like it better that way, might change it for the others
Note : After 200 weeks, 1500 minutes and 25 years, I’m finally posting this serie after thousands of drafts 👩🏻‍💻 y’all don’t know how many times I wrote and erased stuff 😭
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The crew just landed on a new island, it was a huge forest, not a person in sight. You weren’t particularly a big fan of walking around in an unknown deserted place, especially in the New World where you never knew on what or who you could fall.
On the other side, Luffy was absolutely fearless and enjoyed the thrill of exploring the unknown and seeing unusual creatures; Sailing was all about that for him. An adventure wasn’t an adventure if he didn’t feel that rush of adrenaline faced to a strange situation. He had insisted you come with the exploring team while you pleaded to stay behind with Robin and Usopp.
But here you were walking glued to Sanji as your boyfriend lead the way somewhere in this lost territory filled with trees and the noises of wild animals. He was screaming in excitement when he came across weird insects or odd looking vegetables. You sighed heavily as the anxiety was still heavily present in your system.
The cook adjusted his pace to match yours sensing your uneasiness about the situation. He knew you only came for Luffy, so he made sure to help you feel more comfortable in his own way.
Luffy ran forward as he noticed a beautiful blue flower tinted with yellow strokes that looked like gentle waves. He took it and searched for you with his eyes.
-This would look so pretty on your hair!
He exclaimed as he walked over to you and Sanji while waving the flower in his tan hand. You smiled as you thought it was adorable, but Luffy’s eyes quickly glared at your arms wrapped around Sanjis. He didn’t say anything and simply fixed the flower behind your ear, complimenting you with loving eyes and his cute grin.
-You look perfect!
He announced as he put his arm around your neck, naturally removing you from Sanji. A giggle left your lips as you melt into his familiar warmth. His eyes looked down at you with so much love and care, he wouldn’t want nothing to happen to you. Sanji laughed as he noticed Luffy successful attempt to get you away from him.
Your boyfriend closed the distance between his face and yours. With slightly furrowed eyebrows and serious eyes, he wondered if you were fine.
-Yeah, I just feel uneasy about walking here if I’m being truly honest. I’m not a fearless warrior like you, let’s say~
You explained calmly as you stared back into his big brown eyes. His expression softened up and he moved his arm to be able to grab your hand instead.
-Alright, then stay close to me only. I’m the strongest, so I will protect you no matter what! I promise!
-You’re sweet, thank you Luffy.
He gave a squeeze to your hand as you two followed the group through the millions of trees. Luffy smiled to himself, knowing you were relying on him to protect you now~
It was all going well, a great night where Zoro was simply enjoying his time drinking with the others. It was all going great until he noticed a man that kept staring at you. You didn’t notice as you were busy goofing around with Usopp, enjoying a fun conversation.
Zoro felt this feeling of frustration grow in him the more he glared at the person shamelessly eyeing you like he clearly couldn’t see you were taken. That’s when it snapped for him: maybe they couldn’t tell? And that angered him even more. How can this person stare at you like a candy while he was sitting just next to you.
The swordsman pulled you closer to him, making sure his arm around your waist is noticeable. He smirked relieved when he saw the man look away with an annoyed huff. He took a sip from his beer as his smile got bigger. Zoro took that opportunity to slip a quick peck on your jawline.
You stared at him weirdly, wondering what have gotten into him.
-Wassup with you?
-I cant kiss you or what?
-Yeah, but you don’t usually do that.
-You always complain
He whined as he rolled his eye, but still he was glad that no one was hungrily looking your way anymore. You were his and he would make the possible to make it known. Even if it needed him to be outside of his comfort zone, he was going to make sure you were safe from lingering unwanted eyes (maybe to also make himself feel better)
You gave him a funny look, confused about his unusual bright expression. You pecked his lips not giving too much thoughts about it, before going back to your conversation with Usopp. You leant your body on your boyfriends that surprisingly responded to it by holding your waist tighter and rubbing his thumb against your tummy.
-You’re really acting strange, but I ain’t complaining
You said under your breath so only he could hear. He chuckled as he drank some more. You looked over your shoulder with a smile.
-Great, because you’re not leaving my side tonight.
Hand in hand, you two walked through the village in the middle of all the varieties of shops surrounding y’all. You wanted to buy a necklace so you were hopeful to find something of your taste and Sanji was more than willing to help you.
He had already made his grocery shopping with you yesterday and organized everything late in the evening, so it was his rest day. He wanted to enjoy the sunny weather with his awesome lover on this pretty day.
It all started when the seller was proposing you multiple options at the table and he invited you to come in the store for something more refined for a beautiful person like you. Sanji didn't care, because of course you are beautiful, so it was only natural that other people would notice. He nodded excited to see what other options the man had that could fit you even better.
Sanji cocked an eyebrow when the seller pushed your hair behind your shoulders and got close to your face as he commented about you smelling good. You laughed as you thanked him, mentioning how your boyfriend bought the scent for you as you pointed at the cook. He put a gorgeous silver piece around your neck and handed you a mirror.
-What do we think?
He asked with a content expression, you stared at the mirror with a floating smile as you nodded, approving the jewelry.
-It's so gorgeous! Oh! What about this one?
You asked as your eyes flew to a more elegant necklace. You walked away from Sanji quickly as you engaged in a great conversation with the seller about the jewelries and some specific information, that your lover was honestly unfamiliar with. Sanji felt like you kind of forgot about him and started to wander around the store on his own as he kept an eye on you, still.
"...should I get into jewelries.."
It was those type of thoughts that occupied his mind as he sulked in his corner. Though, Sanji is a gentleman and he loved more than anything to see you happy and passionate, so he put his jealousy aside to let you enjoy your moment. So, he put his ego aside and started to think about which one would look hotter on you-
-Chérie, have you find something you liked?
He asked you as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into him. You hummed as you looked at the other man and you both nodded, agreeing on something the cook had no clue about.
-I'm going to take this one, what do you think babe?
Sanji kissed your cheeks and whispered in your ears with a smirk.
-They all look beautiful to me, because you are stunning. I don't think I will be of a great help, my love.
You smiled to yourself, because Sanji likes whatever you wear or not. On his end, he just wanted to leave already and pamper you with kisses & hickeys all over your neck to celebrate your new necklace and maybe to let people know you were his..
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woodland-gremlin · 4 months
Summoning Your Secret Boyfriend Pt. 3
This post is dedicated @fanfics-or-dragons who wrote part of the post. I will put their part in bold. I would suggest checking them out, they write some really interesting stuff.
First Previous AU Summary
“Because it is!” Constantine screams, “They literally say ‘hi’ by fighting each other. Not to mention even if they don’t try to purposely hurt you they often do due to how fragile we are compared to them. Even their weakest would be a challenge to our heavy hitters!”
Constatine tried to take a deep breath to calm down. The kids were obviously alive so they obviously haven't pissed anything off too badly over there. If anything they might have gained favor with something from there. "Kids you may have not bungled whatever the hell you got up to but I seriously doubt you understand the ramifications that can happen when you form ANY type of relationship with beings so powerful you can't comprehend it."
Constatine was actually feeling like the sheer dred was fading and that he could handle this, and then Superman had to butt in to defend his kid. "The kids obviously have not been keeping us informed of their actions as much as they should have, and that will be being addressed Supernova. But they obviously have not gotten themselves into too much trouble with how you describe the beings from this realm. And you are one to talk about dangerous relationships with more powerful beings. The team has hardly had the type of relationships you tend to favor."
Which would have been annoying enough if it wasn't followed by the robin kid bursting out laughing and falling to the ground. Looking directly at Supernova, who was suddenly looking at the ground and bursting out into more laughter. He doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this let alone teenagers.
While Constantine was reenacting the scene from the office, Supernova and Red Robin worked on controlling their laughter.
“It was from when Batman was stuck in the time stream,” Red Robin stated through his muffled laughs.
All eyes turned to focus on Red Robin the moment those words came out of his mouth. The mood turned from slightly light hearted to sullen in a moment. Most members looked like they were sucking on a lemon, remembering how they called him crazy for thinking that Batman was alive. The look in their eyes as they agreed that he lost his mind in grief was always in the back of his mind. Reminding him to be careful with who he trusted and how small that number now was. It was why he liked rubbing it in their faces that he was right, no matter how childish the action was.
“The time stream,” Red Robin continued getting up from the floor, “is a part of the realms. Batman being there was causing them a bunch of problems so they were pretty happy to hand him over after we fixed the problems his presence caused.”
“Yeah,” Supernova chimed in, “and one of their citizens that was fixing the disturbances in the time stream talked about the rules and how Batman was breaking them while they helped us hold up our part of the deal.”
Which was partly true. It was mostly Danny complaining about how much trouble the Justice League causes him and with mentions of laws he needs to study up for his coronation. Apparently every new King throws out the previous ruler’s laws and makes new ones. He decided he would instead use old laws as a framework and make them fairer. They spent a lot of time with him working on them so they have the best understanding of the laws now that their boyfriend is King.
Even without mentioning that Constantine turned from his calmer state into looking half-dead again.
“So let me get this straight,” the con man said while he rubbed the bridge of his nose, “For fixing the disturbances in the time stream that Batman caused, they returned him?”
“Yeah.” “Basically.”
“And you never thought to mention that to anyone?!”
To be continued . . .
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All In 3
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power imbalance, low self esteem, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you meet a mysterious man on a night out with your sister. (petite!reader)
based on the winning option for this poll
Characters: casino owner!Bucky Barnes
Note: double chapters when I know I shouldn't.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“We got a suite available, Amalia?” The man, the owner of this casino, Bucky, asks as he approaches the glass counter of the hotel lobby. You barely keep up as your surroundings smear and your head spins. Everything’s happening so fast. 
“Mr. Barnes,” the woman on the other side greets as she nears the slim monitor, “I think we should.” She glances at him, then your sister as she blathers drunkenly in his arms, “having a good night?” 
“Oh, just some friends in the city for a night,” he lies easily, “she got a bit carried away so we’ll let her sleep it off.” 
You chew your lip as you stand just behind him. Your stomach lurches as your eyes wander around the fine decor. It’s all out of your price range. Again, your brain is a beat behind.  
“Doll, would you get that?” He asks as the desk agent holds out a small folder. 
“Oh, yeah, er,” you rush up to take the room keys, “sorry.” 
“No problem, just got my hands full,” he scoffs, “Amalia, have a good night. Hopefully you don’t get anyone too rowdy.” 
“Thank you, sir, you too,” she preens after him as he heads off across the lobby. 
Once more you’re on his heels as he struts toward the elevators. You catch up to him and force the frog from your throat, “uh, sir, Bucky?” You stammer, “I don’t think... I can afford--” 
“Doll, don’t worry about all that. It's on the house,” he stops before the elevator and stares at the golden doors, “I’m not some sort of grifter. I offered, I’m not gonna squeeze ya. What’s the room number?” 
“Er, oh,” you open the little folder, “720.” 
“Right, hit the button,” he nods before him. 
“Sorry,” you cringe again. You’re so behind. It must be so obvious to him how lost you are. Maybe that’s why he noticed you. He feels bad that someone so pathetic could exist. 
You press the up button and the doors open. He nods you ahead of him and you step into the box. The walls are transparent and you can see outside along the river. He gets in and comes to stand parallel with you as you avoid looking through the glass. 
“Seven,” he says. 
You make another mousy noise and tap the button. You recoil, clutching your hands over your chest, and stare at the doors. As the elevator rises, you feel a wave of head rush, and you sway just a little. You gulp and widen your eyes. 
“Not a fan of heights?” He asks as the box stops sharply and the doors ding and open. 
“Not really,” you mutter. 
He waits for you to exit first and you eagerly do. He follows as you look back and forth between the doors, searching out the number to match the folder. 720, right at the end. You fumble and it takes three tries to swipe the card correctly.  
Finally, the door opens and you push it inward, holding it as you flatten yourself to the wall to let him through. He enters without hesitation. For a moment, you wonder what it must be like to be so sure and so comfortable in a place like this. To have this be your normal.
You let go of the door and trail him further inside. The room is huge. Not just one room, but two. The front room is closed off by a pair of doors, painted white with fine spirals etched into the wood. You flit ahead of Bucky to slide them open and reveal the bedroom. He takes your sister to the bed and lays her down as she lets out a bubbly belch. 
“Sorry,” you apologise on her behalf as you hover in the door. 
“She’s her own person,” he stands back, “you need anything, call down to the desk. They’ll be happy to get you whatever. Oh, and, should probably have some water ready for the morning. She’s gonna be feeling this.” 
“Right,” you push your lip out then quickly fix your face, “thank you. I...” 
“Checkouts at eleven but I’ll tell Amalia to mark you down for a late departure,” he comes towards you slowly. 
“Oh, we won’t stay that long,” you assure him and scrape your palms together. 
“Ah, you got somewhere to be? Work? Gonna be a long day after tonight.” 
“No, I... I don’t...” your eyes drift to the wall. Again, you can’t help but admire the ivory paint and the crystal lamp and tall posts of the bed. “I don’t... have a job.” 
“Mm, tough out there,” he says, “just gotta find the right thing, huh?” 
You want to fold into nothing. This man, a millionaire at least, who owns this whole place, is telling you you’ll find something one day. Just like your mom does when you melt down over another rejection. Ugh. 
“Thanks, yeah,” you take a heavy breath. 
“You’re tired,” he surprises you as he caresses your sleeve, “I’m not gonna keep you up. You get some sleep, alright?” 
You nod and reach to scratch your neck, shifting away from his reach. He’s so much bigger than you that for a moment your stomach is crawling, as the thought occurs of how much control he really has. Not just because of who he is. 
“Good night, doll,” he purrs and brushes by you. 
You stay as you are, staring at your sister, muttering to herself. Why does she have to do this? You could be sleeping in your own bed but instead you’re here, burning in shame and pity. You turn as you hear him near the door. 
“Night,” you offer up. 
He stops and turns back, sending you a wink, “there’s a hot tub in here so... might enjoy the room at least.” 
You force a smile though your stress likely makes it more a grimace. He spins and leaves you, the door shutting with a click and releasing you to your self-reproach. You drop your head in your hands and huff. You are leaving the minute your sister wakes up. You never want to see that man again. You just pray he forgets you just as quickly as you want to forget this whole night. 
You hardly sleep. Your sister’s drunken snoring keeps you from relaxing for more than twenty minutes at a time, not to mention how unsettled you are. You hate sleeping in new places but moreso you hate that even on a night out, after all the assurance that you could just enjoy yourself, that you are once more a burden for someone else. 
You get up just after six. You rub your forehead as you go out into the front room and look over the amenities. There’s a fancy coffee maker with pods and a mini fridge with a glass door. You take out a bottle of water to leave by the bed for Roxie then return to figure out the coffee. You don’t often have any but your head is pounding. 
You sit down and sneer at the bitterness. Did you make it right? You never liked the taste so you can’t tell. You finish the cup if only for the soothing warmth. 
At seven, you get up to check on Roxie again. She’s still out like a light. Come on! You want to go. 
You rinse the mug in the sink as best you can and return it to the shelf. There’s a knock on the door. You flinch and reluctantly tread down to the hall. You peep through the hole as you fix your clothing. You push down the handle slowly to greet the woman with the cart. 
The golden embroidery on her white blouse marks her as an employee and she beams a smile in your direction. It’s too early for that amount of cheer. She has her hands on the cart, angling it towards the door. 
“Morning, miss, breakfast, complements of Mr. Barnes,” she declares, “where can I put it?” 
“Um,” you back up slowly, “inside... uh, by the table, I guess.” 
She rolls the cart in and asks if you need anything else before she leaves. You shake your head. There’s more than enough there for you and Roxie. If she can even stomach any of it. You’ve seen the way she is after her nights out. 
You sit and stare at the buffet of food before you. Fresh fruit, waffles, pancakes, french toast, bacon, eggs... everything and more. Just another favour to feel bad for. 
As you look over it all, you notice a note, nestled between the glasses beside the pitcher of orange juice. You take it. That must be the bill. You unfold it and read the slanted capitals hand-written across the casino-branded page. 
‘Good Morning, Doll,  
Enjoy breakfast on me. 
B. Barnes’ 
Under his name, is a sharp zigzag of the same black ink, a post script below. 
‘PS. If you’re still looking for a job, call me.’ 
You nearly drop the paper. What? You stare at the digits of his phone number and slowly lower your hand to your lap. This can’t be real. Could you really work at a casino? Would you be a dealer? Or maybe you’d be more suited to a cleaner, somewhere you can be out of the way. 
A long groan interrupts your inner turmoil. You fold the paper and tuck it away. It’s something. You’ll have to just figure out later what. 
“Coffee,” Roxie grumbles as she appears in the doorframe, gripping her skull. 
“Oh, uh, sure,” you get up and go to the machine. You grab a random pod and shove it into the top. 
“Where... how’d we get here?” She sits heavily and reaches for a piece of bacon. 
“Um, you... you were really drunk so...” 
“How the hell did you get us a room? Wait. Did we win? Blackjack?” She bites into the greasy strip and moans. “Or... I didn’t sleep with that guy, did I?” 
“Erm,” you frown, thinking for a moment before you realise she must mean that Sam guy. “No...” 
You don’t explain. You don’t know how. Oh yeah, you were such a disaster that the owner noticed and didn’t kick us out. Actually, he let us stay in an overpriced suite because... you don’t know. 
“He must be loaded if he’s handing out hotel rooms,” she scoffs as she continues on in her assumption. You don’t correct her. It doesn’t matter. “Coffee,” she snaps her fingers as the grind quiets. 
You bring her the mug and she adds too many packets of sugar before she tastes it. You hide the paper in your cardigan pocket and search for your purse. You fish your watch out of it and put it around your wrist checking the time. 
“We should head out before nine,” you say. 
“Why?” She scoffs. “Ugh, what’s the bath like in this place? I could use a soak.” 
“Mom’s going to be worried.” 
“Nah, she knows I’ll get you back,” she waves you off and stands.  
She walks slowly, rubbing her temples as she sips from the cup, and examines the hotel room. She dips into the bathroom and the light flicks on. You hear her turning the faucet and shifting things around.  
You play with the zipper of your purse. You reach inside and pull out your phone. You get up to grab the key folder and enter the wifi code into your outdated model. It takes far too long to connect. You type into the search of your browser, ‘Bucky Barnes’. 
Almost at once, an image of the very man who carried Roxie into this room appears. It’s familiar. You tap it and it opens up a local news story. That makes sense. He’s younger, his hair is shorter. You remember when the casino changed hands and was renovated all those years ago. It was big news. 
Hm. Not just rich, famous, at least to a degree. It means he has a lot more going on than two disorderly girls at his casino. He’ll forget. You just hope you can too. 
Roxie comes back in a robe and put her mug on the table, “make me another. I’m gonna try those jets.” 
She spins away and you stare at her empty cup. How can she not care about anything? Does she not realise that she ruined the night? That she made a fool of both of you? No, she just sees shiny things and forgets all about her own behaviour. 
Well, you’re not like her. You don’t like being a burden or asking for things or living on someone else’s affection. You look down and feel along your pocket, the slip of paper firm through the fabric. You could clean a few hotel toilets for a buck. It’s not like you have much else going on. 
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urrockstar-xe · 9 months
if u leave me - j.m x fem!reader
posted jan 4th, 2024 2:08 pm
anon asked: hii can I request a fluffy jj x fem reader fic inspired by the song if you leave me by niall horan?  thank u!
this was so cute omg. I'm so sorry for the long wait but thank u for requesting<3 again so so sorry abt the wait
summary; jj can imagine life without you, which is how he knows he'd be miserable.
word count: 1.7k
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It was all so innocent
Well okay,
You did steal something from the store but! In your defense, it was not something the cops should be chasing you for!
That didn’t stop them though.
So suppose you shouldn’t be that surprised now as you ran down the road, just barely stopping yourself before you rain head first into JJ Maybank.
JJ was walking out of a store when you were suddenly two inches away from him, you knew each other of course. Both born and raised on the cut, both having some sort of reputation around the OuterBanks.
Both known by their first names by all of Kildare’s Sheriff’s Department.
“Oh shit” JJ muttered to himself once he realized who you were running from, watching as you laughed and then continued running. 
“Maybank! Should’ve known you were involved!” JJ turned his head towards the voice of one of the officers. “I knew I smelt bacon somewhere!” He called back, not quite getting the amused reaction he was aiming for before JJ turned back in the direction you ran, following after you.
Your accidental partner in crime.
You don’t what point you both had lost them but as you hid behind some old shack, all that was heard was out-of-breath giggles from the both of you, catching his breath JJ finally asked
“What’d you even take?” 
Another round of laughter was triggered after he watched you pull the small tube of pink lipgloss from your pocket. 
Something shifted that day, an actual friendship blossoming after the chase, dragging each other to parties, JJ picking you up from work on his motorbike, Spending most nights on the old trampoline in your backyard or in John B’s old hammock. 
“I don’t think I trust this thing to hold the both of us,” You remarked once, laughing as JJ pulled you into his arms anyway. “Do you trust me?” he asked, a smirk on his lips as you settled into his side. 
That landed both of you in the grass after JJ pushed you off, not expecting you to pull him down on top of you. You both lay there, the sweet laugh falling from your lips as JJ shook his head, smiling down at you as he held himself up with his hands. Before you had time to react the feeling of JJ’s lips on yours flooded your senses, hands flying to his hair while almost desperately kissing back.
It’s getting repetitive how all but a handful of your memories together result in giggle fits 
and soft kisses.
speaking of handfuls though.
You and JJ never had an official label, not at first. You assumed of course that it was JJ’s choice, if he wanted you to be his girlfriend he would’ve asked, right? And he hadn't, it’s free game.
Especially when every time you looked over at JJ tonight, he was cozying up with some tourie and he has been the entire party.
It's your turn.
So, naturally, you shoved down any envy over the pretty girl next to your JJ and found yourself a kook. It’s not that you were trying to tick off JJ, really! You weren't! 
But if you had been trying to tick off JJ, what better way to do it than with a kook?
It was a matter of minutes, you had barely learned the kid’s name before JJ showed up behind him tapping his shoulder. You didn’t need to know JJ Maybank personally to know what his plan was as Jacob previously mentioned Kook turned to look at him. 
“You can fuck off man, she doesn’t need you to save her and take her to the dark side,” JJ said, his words with sarcasm as he got closer to Jacob, too close. John B’s attention was shifted to the situation JJ was starting from Kiara pulling on his sleeve and pointing, Pope and JB both moving forward slightly, just to pull JJ off or help if needed.
“Oh, you’re scared she’s gonna run off with someone worth it huh?” Jacob argued, earning your attention as you went to cut in and argue with him yourself but you were quickly cut off by the sound of JJ’s fist colliding with Jacob’s jaw.
The night ended with you cleaning JJ’s bloody knuckles in John B’s bathroom. 
“He was wrong” You muttered, gently wrapping the bandage around his hand. “What?” JJ’s gaze was soft as it landed on you, having previously been too occupied staring at the floor to give you so much as a glance. 
“Jacob was wrong-” JJ rolled his eyes, scoffing quietly, cutting you off in doing so. “Jacob? You remember his name?” “JJ will you just shut up for a second and listen to me please?” You all but got on your knees as you begged him to just listen. 
Finally, his eyes met yours, sliding himself off of the small bathroom counter so he was directly in front of you, hands going to your forearms and rubbing up to your shoulders in the comforting way he’d always do to you. 
He had shut up now, allowing you to take a breath and settle your hands comfortably on either side of his waist. “JJ, you are worth it, and Jacob’s a piece of shit, and had you not thrown any hits I probably would have because you are the most worth it” You explained quietly, nearly whispering, allowing the small space between you two to be filled with soft breaths and your words. 
And he kissed you again, with more feeling than ever before, and a silent promise of proving himself to be as worth it as you had known he was.
The summer before the big gold hunt had beaten any summer before it, and you failed in believing it wasn’t just JJ’s presence that made it so great.
You cheered for JJ as he tried to take on his biggest wave yet, watching as he instead crashed straight into the water you cautiously kept an eye on his flipped board before he came up from the water and flipped it upright, heading straight for you as you moved just slightly forward in the water so he wouldn’t have to swim so far. 
JJ pouted as you took off your sunglasses, keeping a hand on his surfboard so it wouldn’t move away as he leaned up just enough to press a soft kiss on your lips, more for his comfort than yours. 
“You almost had it, baby” You mumble against his mouth, before letting out a short squeal when JJ picked you up, hooking a hand under your knee to guide your legs around his waist as he looked up at you with a soft look that JJ always reserved for you. 
“I’m gonna get it next time” he mumbled back, tilting his head back when you ran your fingers through his wet hair to get it out of his face. “Yeah, you will. And I’ll be waiting here with your victory kiss” You smile at him as he moves slightly, turning you with him as he tries to get the sun out of his eyes.
“It helps havin' my cheerleader here” He responded, matching your smile when you set your heart-shaped sunglasses over his eyes.
What would he do if you left him?
That’s all JJ could think about after that day, what if you just up and left? Leaving him behind to beg on his knees every day for the rest of his waiting for you to come back,
Hoping you’d come back.
It kept him up some nights.
How easy it could be for you and how hard it’d be for him.
But this particular night was one spent in your bed. He had come over only 4 hours earlier, around 10. Knocking on your window and wordlessly leaning into you when you asked how he got a black eye. He knew how you’d react, you hugged him with all your strength, smoothing comforting hands up and down his shirt and muttering sweet words into his shoulder. He knew that you’d know exactly why he came over.
He needed you.
And like always you were right there.
JJ had only managed to sleep for 3 hours, waking up in a cold sweat after a shitty dream. He distracted himself with the way you looked, sleeping peacefully beside him, the moonlight coming through your window hitting your face just right. 
JJ was never one for really cuddling while he slept, he’d typically end up on one side of the bed, passed out laying on his stomach but somehow his arm always ended up across you, or his hand would be your back or stomach, no other part of him touching you but something touching you. 
He reached for you even when he was sleeping. 
But now, all he wanted was to be cuddled up next to you, on top of you, or sprawled across you, hugging you in any way he possibly could.
He really couldn’t help himself as he moved closer to your sleeping frame, carefully moving one of your legs and settling between them, laying his head on your chest. 
JJ really hadn’t meant to wake you up but he couldn’t help but sigh with relief once he felt your hand in his hair, hearing the difference in how your heart was beating, typically it would bring a sense of pride at the thought and confirmation that he could still make your heart race. 
You both lay there in silence, playing with JJ’s hair as he mindlessly toyed with the hem of your shirt. 
“I think I’d lose my mind if you left me” JJ’s soft and tired whisper broke through the comfortable silence you had created. “What?” Your voice was just as quiet as if speaking any louder was forbidden.
“Just” He started, pausing to sniffle, “just promise you’ll stay this close okay?” He asked, words almost getting stuck in his throat. 
“I just don’t know who I’d be without you” He sniffled again, one of your hands moving to his cheek and gently caressing his. Although you couldn’t see his face you could still feel the tears hitting your chest through your shirt. 
“JJ, my sweet love, I’m not goin’ anywhere, I’m right here with you.” You assured, feeling the soft kiss he left on your wrist as you continued running your thumb up and down his cheek. 
“I could never leave you”
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ginasbaby · 6 months
Hi nit of a weird request but can I request a Regina x reader smut based on the song dead girl walking from heathers? Like Regina knows she's about to loose her status either because of Cady or because she's about to be outed or something and comes over to y/n the day before. Idk why but I can't get the idea out if my head and especially the idea of Regina saying the line "hope I didn't wake you, see I decides I must ride you till I break you".
Thank u:)
Dead queen walking
Requested by anonymous 👍🏼
(Not a big fan of this one)
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Regina George x reader;
A/n: Your welcome for the post! Thanks for the request, I hope this meets what you wanted- if not tell me and I’ll re-write!! I hope you enjoy the story!
Warnings: Smut with a bit of plot, Dom!regina sub!reader, thigh riding (Regina receiving), swearing. Lmk if there’s more!!
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She stormed out the school, furious. Not only had the show gone wrong, but her social status had dropped. The next day would be humiliating for her. She didn’t even mutter a word to Gretchen or Karen. Not even they knew why the queen bee was angry. Sure they knew the talent show went wrong - but they didn’t think much about it. Then again, they didn’t think a lot.
“Bye Regina,” they both waved as Regina got into her very expensive, hot pink, jeep. Knowing that the hot-headed blonde would definitely not drop them off like she usually did, they walked along the path not uttering a word to each other.
As quickly as she could, Regina drove to your house, she thought that, somehow, you would be able to release some steam for her. She rapidly knocked onto the wood of what seemed to be Y/n’s door.
“Hello, Gina. What-“ the Y/H/C girl got cut off by a threatening but inmate kiss. “Okay, what’s wrong Gina?”
Regina still didn’t say a word and just closed the front door behind her. The troubled girl stormed her. The sweaty girl followed after her like a lost puppy.
“Gina, baby,” she said trying to grab the queen bee’s arm. When she finally managed to latch onto her arm she pulled her to look at the poor girl. Regina had mascara running down her cheeks and puffy eyes. The Y/S/C coloured girl close enough to kiss, moved backwards to give Regina some space. “Baby, really what’s wrong”.
“I’m sorry if I woke you, I decided I must ride you until I break you” she mumbled.
“What’s that honey,” y/n wipes away the falling tears.
“I-it’s just… Cady has been plotting against me the whole time, apparently, she’s been making me fat” she choked out a sob falling into the tired girl’s arms.
“Gina darling, I promise you didn’t wake me up, I was working out. And sweetheart I don’t care if you’re fat. I’ll still love you. And anyway, cady doesn’t matter just me and you okay?” her voice trailed off but was stopped with a passionate kiss. Y/n got pushed to the edge of what seemed to be her sofa. She finally knew what was happening and smirked into the kiss. When air was required they pulled back.
“You know you could have just asked if you were so desperate, I would have given you it,” her swollen lips formed into a small innocent smile.
Pushing herself onto her butt, she brought Regina forward placing an inmate kiss on her lips. She whimpered into the kiss when Regina bit her bottom lip, giving her a chance to slip her tongue in. Exploring all of her soulmates mouth. She brought her hands up to her peers rosy red cheeks and caressed them. She stopped for a moment and put their foreheads together. “Tell me when you want to stop, kay, cutie”. Y/n nodded eagerly - which made the blonde smile- she whispered a good girl which made the y/h/c girl smirk mischievously.
They both pushed their lips back against each other, Regina’s hands dropped down to y/n’s hips caressing them. Her mouth kissed her jaw all the way to her neck, sucking gently in the skin (just enough to leave a mark). A moan got caught in Y/n’s throat to which Regina squeezed her throat gently. Then the whimper finally came out as Regina found her pulse point and sucked on it. The bottom girl’s eyes fluttered shut waiting for further movement. But the she heard the movement go away from her. She opened her eyes and peeked through her eyelashes. The sight that beheld before her was Regina getting undressed. “No peeking baby” she giggled.
Regina peeled each layer off leaving y/n waiting impatiently. Once done, the blue-eyed girl moved towards Y/n and slowly uncovered her eyes.
"What's got you so horny Gina?" The y/h/c girl asked flushed but curious. The school star just put one finger to her lips, indicating for y/n to shut up. Regina slowly moved towards Y/nn, making her impatient. Quickly, she pulled Regina onto her thigh, Regina let out a whimper and threw her head back. Y/n, now that she has access, carefully bit down on her neck, licking to stop the soreness. Regina gripped onto her hair, tugging on it; smirking in satisfaction when the girl below her moaned onto her neck.
Subconsciously, Regina started to grind against the y/e/c girl her juices leaking all over her leg. Y/n guided her hands to help Regina hump against her thigh.
"Why-why are you still wearing these, baby," she moans out, tugging on Y/n's clothes.
"Just wait lovely." she gasped as Regina moaned on her pulse point, her movements getting sloppier.
"Y/n, m' gonna cum." She whined, chanting out her name as the liquids flowed out of her body, leaving Y/n's denim trousers dirty a nd sticky. Regina's body went limp for a moment as she regained her stamina. She pulled Y/n up shedding of her many layers and massaging her breasts.
"My turn babes". Y/n prayed that she could even walk tomorrow.
(Spoiler alert, she couldn't)
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cozage · 1 year
Hello!! I love your writing and would love to see a follow up of the captured by marines ask where they go and rescue the reader :)))
A/N: This is the last of the Captured by Marines/Rescued by Pirates short fics! Luffy’s and Law’s were posted earlier today, check them out :)
Characters: female reader x Ace
Cw:  angst, torture, reader in peril
Total word count: 3k
Part 1
Rescued by Pirates - Ace
It wasn’t long before he saw the Navy ships, and he smirked to himself. How easy it had been to get to them. He wondered if the Marines even knew who they had, if they knew what kind of death sentence that had placed upon themselves by taking Whitebeard’s crew. By taking you. 
He heard cannon balls splash around him and knew he had been spotted, but he wasn’t concerned. His Striker was too fast and too small to be caught by a stray firearm.
Watching the Navy scramble around like that on the ships made him laugh. Actually laugh out loud. So loud that he knew his crewmates could hear it. That you could hear it. 
The navymen on the ships took aim and fired to no avail. He wondered if they knew it was a lost cause. Not that it mattered. They should’ve known he would come after them. They really should’ve prepared better. 
He lept off his Striker and jumped up to the deck, smirking at all the wide-eyed marines. Everyone just stood there unmoving for a second, shocked by his sudden appearance. 
“Hey there fellas, you wouldn’t happen to know where my crew mates are, wouldya?”
His question nudged them into action, and they all began firing. The bullets went right through him, and he stood there, letting them empty their rounds of ammo. Once they were done, he shrugged and ran past them down the stairs. 
His division had taken a few ships like this hostage, and he was familiar with the layout. He didn’t worry himself with the Marines staring at him. They’d all be at the bottom of the ocean soon enough, but he couldn’t sink a ship with his crew on it. 
“Ace!!” He heard a small group of about five men cry out, finding them locked behind a cell of sea prism stone. He cursed the substance, but smiled at the men regardless.
“Hey guys, howya been?” He looked around, but you weren’t there, and his heart sank a little bit. This would be a lot easier if he knew you were here fighting with him. “Any idea where the key is?”
“The vice admiral!” One of them shouted.
“Be back soon!” He tipped his hat and ran back up the ship to find the keys. 
He found the Vice Admiral holding the keys out over the edge of the ship. The man looked very nervous, and Ace knew he was a coward without even speaking to him. 
“Give me the keys, and I’ll spare your life. How’s that?”
“No way,” the man’s voice trembled as he spoke. “I don’t make deals with pirates. 
Ace didn’t argue. He just held out his fingers to create crosshairs aimed at the man.
“Listen here,” Ace said, his voice deadly serious. “I don’t have time to play around. Either you give me those keys and I let you and your men go, or I send everyone on this ship to a watery grave. Your choice.”
It turned out that Ace had picked the right ship, because the vice admiral was nice enough to give him the keys for every jail cell on every ship. Ace ran back down the stairs with the keys in his hand, and the feeling of success on his shoulders. 
He unlocked the cell and his crewmates rushed to hug him, but he waved them off. “Tie up all the marines and hold them hostage. Once we have everyone, we’ll put them on one ship and let them go.”
The pirates look at him like hes crazy, but he shrugs. “I got the keys without a fight. That was the trade off. I’m a man of my word.”
The second ship was as easy to take as the first, but you weren’t on that ship either, and Ace was starting to feel nervous. Three ships with Marines this weak shouldn’t have crushed the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates so badly. 
The third ship was quickly taken over as well, and you were still nowhere to be found. His crew mates must have sensed his panic, because finally someone spoke up. 
“They took her separately since she had devil fruit powers,” a crew mate said. “They said she was too dangerous to keep on these ships. She’d be..” the man trailed off, scared to finish. 
“What? What’d they say?” Ace said, trying to rush him. 
“They said she’d be good bait.”
“Bait…” Ace could feel his skin catch fire at the words, and his crewmates backed away from him. He wanted to destroy the small fleet of ships they had just captured, and he struggled to keep his cool in the moment.
“Get on the other ship. Now. Sail back to Whitebeard.” He handed Whitebeard’s Vivre card to a man and stood as they all scrambled away. 
He weighed heavily what to do next, and forced himself to clear his head before he decided what to do. Once the Navy ship with Whitebeard’s pirates were out of sight, he stripped two of the Navy officers of their clothes and put one outfit on, saving the other for later. He burned their main sail, and made sure all of the men were tied up tight on one ship. He took the small transponder snail with him, and then as he left, he set the second, abandoned ship ablaze without looking back. 
He moved fast, following your vivre card again. He hadn’t even thought to look at it while he was freeing the others on the ship, but it wouldn’t have mattered. He couldn’t have left his family there, in the hands of the marines and sentenced to Impel Down. Unlike with you, he would’ve had no way to find them again, and they’d be gone forever. He knew he had made the right choice, but it still hurt to know you had been moving further away from him rather than getting closer. 
He sailed through the day and into the night before he saw lights of other ships. He quickly extinguished his own boat light and watched the ship closely. He wanted to go in as wild as the fire he created, but he was certain the members of this crew would be significantly stronger than the last ones he encountered, and he needed to get you out alive. 
As his Striker crept up to the side of the ship, he was surprised by the lack of watchmen. He was expecting infiltration to be harder than this. And then his Striker tapped the side of the boat. 
“Did you hear that?” Ace heard a voice from above, and he silently cursed himself. 
“Hear what?” An older voice huffed.
“I dunno. Sounded like something hit the boat, I think.”
“I think you’re hearing things, Cadet.”
“We should probably check it out.” The voice moved closer, and Ace readied himself for a battle.
“I told you kid,” the older voice spoke. “The Captain said that the Whitebeard Pirates wouldn’t come until a public execution was set. They’re going to take this time to rally their forces, and they’ll attack when it’s a public event. It’s much less impressive to kidnap some girl from a Marine boat, but to fight the entire Navy while the world is watching? That's the spectacle the pirates will want.”
“How do you know?” the kid asked.
“I was around when Roger was executed-” Ace flinched at the name. “-and it was the same thing. Pirates everywhere, waiting for someone else to make the move. But nobody ever did, and he was executed because of it. That won’t happen again though. They’ll take a stand. They’ll make a show of it.”
“You were there for Roger’s execution?” Fascination filled the young man’s voice, and Ace rolled his eyes. “What was it like?”
“Ha! Let’s go grab a drink and I’ll tell you all about it.” The older man’s voice was paired with footsteps leading away from the railing, and Ace tied his Striker to the ladder and climbed up it.
He peeked his eyes over the railing and only saw two other men on deck, other officers who were probably on watch. They were facing away from him, and he silently jumped over the railing and landed on the deck. 
He smoothed out his Marine uniform and straightened his cap, trying his best to blend in. 
This ship was similar to the last three he had taken over, and he had to resist running downstairs to find you. Instead, he walked around, trying to figure out where the keys were. He found a board with a schedule for watch duty on deck and watch duty for the prisoner. 
As he was staring at the board, another man came up to him. He looked to be about his age. 
“You wouldn’t want to take my shift watching the bitch, would you?”
Ace’s anger flared up, but he smothered it quickly to keep up the appearance. 
“I don’t know, man. When do you have to watch her?” He said, eyeing the man next to him. 
The man was about as tall as Ace, but extremely skinny. It looked like he was too tall for his own body, like he hadn’t filled out his own skin yet. He had bright orange hair and a crooked smile, and just looking at him made Ace want to punch him in the face. Though Ace wasn’t sure if that was because of the man’s comment about you or his appearance. 
The man chuckled. “In thirty minutes, and I'd love to go back to bed. Had a bit too much to drink, if you know what I mean,” the man chuckled, and Ace joined along halfheartedly until the man continued. “Last thing I want to deal with in the middle of the night is that chick.”
Ace raised his eyebrow. Of course you were giving them hell. “She that bad, huh? Have you seen her?”
“Just when she got on the ship. She was kicking and screaming until they put a gag in her and knocked her around a few times.”
Ace gritted his teeth. “Sounds feisty.”
The man snorted. “You can go find out for yourself just how feisty she is in about thirty minutes if you want.”
“You’ve intrigued me,” Ace said, pretending to be casual. “I’ll take it if you switch for my shift tomorrow.”
“Deal.” The man held out his hand, and Ace took it. “I’m Rogan.”
Ace nodded. “Nice to meet you. Chance.”
“Well, you’re really doing me a solid, Chance. I’ll see you in the morning.” And with that, the orange-haired marine walked off to bed. 
Thirty minutes. Ace had thirty minutes to keep a low profile and find the key to your cell, and then you would be free. He grabbed some coffee from the cafeteria to rejuvenate him, and got a small snack as well. He had been fighting and sailing for over a day, and the exhaustion was starting to catch up with him. 
He must’ve dozed off at some point, because a loud speaker jolted him awake to alert a shift change. He cursed himself, now he wouldn’t have time to find the keys to your cell. 
He walked down the stairs to the jail cell, and found another man waiting for him. 
“Here,” he said, shoving a rod at Ace. The man’s eyes flicked nervously back to the cell behind him. “If she acts up any more just stick her with that.”
The man started up the staircase and then turned back to Ace. “Just some advice: Don’t taunt her. She’s…” he paused, and his eyes shifted back to the cell where Ace guessed you were. “Just don’t acknowledge her. The other guy should be here soon, and I know we’re supposed to only guard in doubles, but I can’t take it anymore.”
The guy disappeared from sight, and Ace heard your voice chirp up from behind him. 
“If you think you can subdue me, you’re wrong.” He could hear the animalistic growl in your voice, and he shuddered to think about what you had been through while you were parted. 
“Oh,” Ace laughed, turning to face you. “I think I can handle you just fine.”
He could see your eyes shift when you caught sight of his freckled face, hatred instantly turning into relief. 
Your eyes flicked to the doorway to make sure nobody was there, and then you looked back at him and smiled. “That Marine outfit suits you,” you said, your voice returning to the sweet sound he was used to. “I get why Garp wanted you to live this life.”
Ace laughed loudly, and then clamped a hand over his mouth as you both looked towards the doorway. 
“I don’t have the key to get you out,” he said disappointingly. 
“The next guy who comes will,” you said. “He should be back in about 10 minutes I think.”
Ace raised an eyebrow at you, and you smiled wickedly in return. 
“They think I’m weak because I’m a girl,” you scoffed, and you saw his lips tug upwards at the corners. 
“It’s a dangerous thing to do, underestimate a pirate.” He winked at you, which made you erupt into a fit of giggles. 
“Quiet down now, spitfire,” Ace chided back to you, and you rolled your eyes. 
“I’m going to sleep,” you said, leaning your head back against the wall. “Wake me up when it’s time to move.” 
Ace turned away from you, watching the door. He waited for someone to come, and finally the door opened a bit. 
“She’s finally asleep, huh?” a hushed whisper came from the door. 
Ace nodded, glancing back at you slumped against the wall. 
The man smiled sinisterly, and Ace’s entire body tense watching  his expression. 
“Good,” the marine hissed. “Hand me that electro-rod. I need to teach her a lesson.” He grabbed the keyring around his belt loop and unhooked it as he walked towards your prison cell. 
So that’s what Ace had in his hands. An electrified rod. He had seen them used before, but he had never been hit by one. 
Ace frowned at the man. “I thought we weren’t supposed to-”
“Shut up, boy,” the man snapped. “She mocked my honor. I’ll be damned if I let a pirate laugh at me, and a female one at that.”
He unlocked the door, and held his hand out for the rod. “Give it here, and get over here if you want to see a show.”
“No,” Ace said, pressing the button to activate the rod. “I don’t think I will.”
The man looked at Ace with a baffled expression, and Ace jabbed at him with the rod quickly. It was such a swift and sudden movement, the man didn’t have time to react, and he fell backwards. 
Your eyes snap open and your throw your hand around the man, using the chain on your cuffs to act as a clothesline around the man’s neck.
Ace stands over the both of you with a dark look in his eye. “You made a mistake, and it’ll cost you now.”
He jammed the prod into the man again, and you covered his mouth to muffle his screams. 
“You underestimated her.” He prodded the man. “You underestimated me.” Another prod. “And you underestimated the Whitebeard Pirates.” This time, he smacked the man with the blunt rod, and you felt the marine go slack in your arms, unconscious. 
He grabbed the key ring and unlocked your shackles quickly, his eyes watching the door.
“Ace!” You cry out, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a hug. “You’re so scary!” He can hear the smile on your lips, your voice full of pride. 
You both wrap the Marine in the shackles and relock the door to the cell. Ace looked back at you, watching the man with hatred. 
“What did you do to him?”
You smiled slightly. “He’s just sensitive about some things, that’s all.”
Ace gave an impressed whistle, but didn’t ask anymore questions. “You ready to do this?”
You look at him and raise an eyebrow. “You think this is gonna be hard?”
“Not with you by my side.” He gave you a quick kiss on the lips. “The hard part is over.”
He was right. The few marines that you encountered were quick to take down. It made you nervous. You kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. But it never did. You all dropped onto his Striker without anyone being alerted of your absence. 
“The Marines I heard earlier said they weren’t expecting Whitebeard to make an appearance until an execution was set,” he explains, reading your thoughts. “Makes sense why this was so easy.”
“They only took me separately because I was a devil fruit user.”
“They had no idea who they captured,” he said, and he roared his Striker to life. “Stupid mistake on their part.”
You hum in agreement at that. “Still seemed too easy,” you said, frowning. 
His arms wrapped around you, and he kissed your cheek. “You’re so used to fighting powerful foes, you don’t know what to do when we catch a break.”
He started to take his Marine outfit off, but you stop him. “Keep it on,” you say with a wink. “It suits you.”
He smirks, looking down at himself and then at you. “I’ve got an extra one if you want it.”
You scrunch your face. “No thanks.”
“Fine, but I’m taking off the hat.” 
He took his Navy cap off and placed it on your head, and then he unbuttoned his shirt, but kept it on for you. For now.  Ace opened a side compartment of his Striker and found his hat, placing it back on his head, feeling a lot more comfortable. 
“Perfect!” You said, pulling him in again for another sweet, long kiss.
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spacequokka · 2 years
BTS Kinks & Turn Ons
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Right, so I lost a bet with @iibonniee​ and she got to choose the next thing I posted from my project list. It’s also Tipsy Drabble Friday so guess who’s vibing~ This is more drunk headcanon than my other birth chart interpretations so be prepared for some certyfied shitposting.
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Seokjin || Venus: Capricorn, Mars: Cancer || Kink: Roleplay
The bedroom is his stage and best believe he’s ready to put on a show. Be willing to follow his head and take direction to have the night of your life. Specifically, says he likes big tits, so there’s that. Can be a nympho at times. 
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Yoongi || Venus: Aries, Mars: Cancer || Kink: Daddy Dom
Yeah, I said it. Likes being in control, caring for his partner as well as punishing them (sugar and ice). Loves giving gifts he can use or see in use. Honestly a softie under that grumpy cat look. Very good at after care and dealing with subspace without going overboard. 10/10 best daddy. Tends to fall in love, especially with people who consistently hype him up and support his ideas.
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Hoseok || Venus: Pisces, Mars: Aquarius || Kink: Phone Sex
Lures you in with sweetness and fluffy playfulness. Sensitive and romantic. Loves to surprise you. But will also call you up and turn you on no matter where you are or what you’re doing. At work? Touch yourself under the desk. At the mall? Find a dressing room and let him see what you have on under that shirt. Needs to hear you get off. Wants to make sure he stays on your mind when he’s not next to you.
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Namjoon || Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Cancer || Kink: Orgasm Control
Deeply devoted to pleasing you and is fucking amazing at it. Just imagine that beautiful mind focused on making you cum as many times as you can take it. Of course, this comes at a cost: you cum at his command, over and over, until you use your safeword. Don’t tap out, baby. Will thoroughly fuck your mind before he does your body. Prone to jealousy and will ensure you remember no one else will ever fuck you as well as he can. And I ain’t even mad, tbh.
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Jimin || Venus: Scorpio, Mars: Scorpio || Kink: Praise with dom tendencies
Not Serendipity coming on when I get to him. Even if you don’t know shit about astrology, you know looking at double Scorpio, it just makes fucking sense, right? Like, of course, he is. Little menace to my bias list. Alrighty, so another pleasure giving king who loves your attention. (Charlie Puth didn’t lie.) Can’t stand your mind being anywhere but on him when he gets you alone. Will fuck you stupid until you fall apart so he can put you back together to his liking. Save yourself. Lives for training and breaking you in. Sounds possessive but really it’s you possessing him. He’s that devoted to you when you steal his heart. It’s only fair, no? Will gladly let you lead once you’re as drunk on him as he is for you. There’s little he won’t do for you after that.
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Taehyung || Venus: Aquarius, Mars: Capricorn || Kink: Brat Taming
Thinking about that time I read @tatertotthethot​​‘s The Dom Next Door and Tae had a tat on his hand that said YOUR THROAT HERE like yes. He’d thoroughly enjoy the challenge of getting you to submit. He wouldn’t even have to do anything special to punish you. Just ignoring you when you’re acting out is enough because you know the pleasure you’re missing out on. Like why bother? When you get it together, he’ll toy with you until you’re crying and shaking then punish you with dick. We support Big Dick Tae in this house. Lowkey and determined with a slight temper and a need to stay in control.
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Jungkook || Venus: Libra, Mars: Scorpio || Kink: Auralism
A gentle lover who wants to make your relationship work. Just wants to be treated fairly and share everything with you. 🥺 What gets him going is your voice, the little moans you make when you taste something delicious or when he hits that spot just right. It seems simple, but does so much for him. Especially when your mouth’s right by his ear. He’ll do everything he can to hear your voice. If you leave him a voicemail, you can bet he’ll save it just to listen to later when he can’t get his hands on you.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
The way to a man’s heart
Tommy Shelby x reader (dark) -minor smut mentioned
Wrote this for my dear Lee @zablife 1.8 k celebration 🎉 congratulations my dear Lee! I wanted to write this for you remembering how much you made me enjoy dark stories and it’s a great excuse to wish you a thousand more followers, thank you for being so kind always, for always having something nice to offer and the absolutely brilliant ideas you share! ✨👏🏻
My first (and probably only) attemp to write a little “corrupt” story, this idea came to me naturally and I hope I was able to deliver the main point since it’s so far away from my usual fluff 🥰
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They say food it’s the way to man’s heart. But to a man like Tommy Shelby who rarely eats and has a whiskey and cigarette for breakfast, that doesn’t make a huge difference.
Those methods wouldn’t work with a man like Tommy, he needed other kinds of resources.
Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Y/N fixed her hair and reapplied her lipstick. Stepping back into the bedroom, she found him in the same spot he was when she got up; lying on his back against the headboard and his eyes lost in some point at the ceiling, one of his hands touching the hem of the sheets covering his lower body.
She definitely took his breath away, it was easy to tell judging by his post-sex drunk state. Who was she trying to fool? Y/N knew the kind of power she held over him.
His blue eyes covered by his specs followed her every move as she walked towards the bed wearing only the bottom part of her silky underwear, her hips swaying to a tune that him weak, not only physically, but emotionally.
“You’re so quiet darling.” She purred in his ear, after climbing back into the bed.
“I missed you.” He admitted bluntly. “I don’t want you to leave ever again, you understand?”
Y/N started running her fingers over his chest hair. “You know why I did it, your family hates me.”
Tommy turned his head towards her.
“I’m so sad you believed them, over me.” She pouted. “I’d never betray you.”
“Nothing they do or say matters anymore, I know you didn’t… I trust you.”
“But they will try to tear us apart.” She complained, looking at her hands.
Tommy changed his position on the bed, leaning on his forearm, he used his other hand to make Y/N look at him. “I’ll protect you, from now on you’re my only priority.”
“How could they even imagine I was the one who got them arrested? You never mentioned anything to me.” Y/N batted her eyelashes, one of her fingers removing an invisible tear.
“I shouldn’t have listen to them, I made a mistake but I’m trying to make it up to you for that.” Tommy’s fingers caressed her chin gently. The last thing he wanted was to upset her more than he already had. “I’m taking over this, I will demand every single one of my family to apologize to you.”
“No, Tommy that’ll cause a confrontation, specially with your aunt… I’m just so glad they got released on time, it was so close.” With a loud sigh, Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder, her soft hand running up and down his arm.
“You never told me how you were able to get the letters, those must be some pretty important contacts.” He recalled the really late night when she knocked on his door with a copy of each letter to release his family from the death sentence, Y/N saved them from getting hanged last minute. He would be forever grateful with her.
That’s when Tommy realized how much she loved him, how she was willing to do anything for him.
Y/N noticed his piercing eyes on her. “What?”
“Something is bothering you.” Tommy stated.
She shook her head. “It’s just… it’s not fair for you Tommy, look at everything you have gave your family, power, money, their lifestyle, everything they have it’s because of you… it wasn’t your fault the police took them.” She looked at him, batting her eyelashes. “And look at how they treat you? The lack of respect makes me feel annoyed, they won’t even talk to you although you somehow managed to save them from getting hanged.”
“They are all angry because of what happened. It must’ve been a shock to be so close to death.”
“Don’t try to justify their attitude towards you darling, you’re too good for them, you’re always cleaning up their mess, helping them with everything… they don’t deserve you.”
Tommy sighed, defeated, thinking of her words… she was right, his family couldn’t even thank him for getting them out of jail in one piece.
“Look at this place, just the two of us, this is all we need. Just cut a little their privileges and you’ll see how they’ll come on their knees.”
“I understand they’re angry, but over time, they will come around.” He tried to reason.
“And then what? They will create more drama around me and try to make you turn your back at me, just like they already had, I’m worried because they almost succeeded.”
“I’m so glad you showed up in my office to explain me what happened with Pol.”
“She can’t stand that you’re better than her, I’m sure she wants her son to take over your place, you should be careful with your cousin I’m sure he’s after you.”
Tommy shook his head. “Michael isn’t like that, he’s just a lost kid, wants to blend in with the family.”
Y/N moved her hand lower, to a dangerous zone, over his hip bone. His member started to grow involuntary at the sensation of her warm palm close to his manhood.
“Arthur never listens to you and look at Finn, he’s always doing as he pleases.” Tommy hissed as her hand wrapped around his shaft and started dancing up and down. “You need to tighten the reins around your family or they will ruin your plans.”
But Tommy was already focusing on the feeling of her legs straddling him and the movements of her hand, taking him to a better place where he didn’t have to argue or yell or demand anything, she knew how to please him, she listened to him and his loud mind. In no time, he found himself inside of her, the only place where he could forget about every worry and doubt, her velvety walls fluttering around his hard member, her nails on his chest scratching him.
Demanding only pleasure from him.
And he delivered returning the pleasure she provoked in him.
Later the doorbell made her open her eyes, heavy from their love-making, Y/N looked down at the man sleeping in her arms. Careful to not wake Tommy up, she slid from under his body, covering her naked frame with the jacket of his suit.
Pretending to be surprised by the woman in front of her -because she called his aunt on behalf of Tommy-, she made evident the mark on her neck that Tommy left.
“Sorry for not inviting you in, but your nephew is sleeping.”
Polly shot her a shocked look mixed with all the contempt in her heart after realizing how she had fooled Tommy and turned everything around in her favor.
“Who’s it?” He asked from the top of the stairs.
Quickly, Y/N pulled Polly for a short hug to whisper in her ear:
“Next time the letter won’t arrive on time to save you from getting hanged. I want you and every fucking member of the family out of Tommy’s life.”
“You can’t do that.” Polly looked at her with terror in her eyes, why was she back with Tommy? After finding out all the lies she had him wrapped in, Polly tried to make Tommy open his eyes, but everything turned out wrong and they were back together.
“I’ve him by the balls, that’s stronger than any blood ties. It’s up to you if you want me to turn him against all of you.” Y/N gave Polly one smile that assured her victory before turning around to face Tommy. “Your aunt said she wants to talk to you, just be quick darling, I’ll be waiting in the bedroom.”
Standing on her tiptoes, Y/N pulled Tommy by the neck for a passionate kiss, she devoured his mouth completely, demanding the same response from him. Just one kiss and he was put into some kind of spell.
Tommy made sure Y/N was out of sight before grabbing Polly by the arm to make her stand closer to the door.
“Y/N explained me everything, I want you to apologize to her tomorrow and after that I want you out of the Shelby Company Ltd. I won’t be tolerating one more intrigues from you, she didn’t lie to me.”
“She’s manipulating you!” Polly hissed, shocked to see her nephew completely blinded by that woman.
“Pol stop! You thought you succeed but nothing you can do will take her away from me, she loves me and she forgave me for doubting her words.”
“How can you be so fool? She’s using sex to-”
“That’s what you came for? Ey?” Tommy raised his voice. “That’s all, I want your resignation letter tomorrow morning.” He placed his hand on Polly’s back to guide her out of his house.
“She lied!”
“Stop this bullshit Polly, Y/N didn’t know you shot Campbell because I never told her.”
Hiding in the dark, but close enough to hear, Y/N smiled pleased, Tommy didn’t know how much he could talk after several strong drinks and mixing it with the mind blowing sex and he could turn into the most talkative person.
But her smile grew bigger as she heard him yelling at his aunt, saying things Polly would never forgive him for, breaking their business partnership finally, just like she had planned all along.
“I knew she would try to tell you more lies about me.” She crossed her arms against her chest and slowed down her pace, hiding her grin with her hair.
Tommy’s arms found their way around her waist, in a comforting motion.
“I know you’re not lying to me,” he stated firmly. “We’re going to start over, away from this shit, ey?”
“Is that a promise?” She gave him her best puppy eyes.
“I swear to you, no one is coming between us.”
She felt Tommy kissing the top of her hair.
Now, she only needed to get rid of his brothers and convince him to put the company under her name.
Master List
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane
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localplaguenurse · 1 month
Falling Head over Heels (Pantalone x Male Reader) pt 4
Hopefully third time’s the charm, eh? Apologies for weird formatting, this is all on my phone as my laptop is currently out of commission. I will clean this up after I post just so I don’t have to try a fourth time to post this. Check the master list for previous parts.
Content warnings: alcohol at the beginning, reader being overall miserable throughout.
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Despair, agony, misery, you’re not sure what to name the darkness that engulfs you following your book’s sudden rejection. You’ve labelled the aching hollow void in your chest as betrayal for having been turned away by the publisher, despite all your other books having been published through them. A part of you wants to naïvely believe it’s truly a matter of budgeting. Part of you, the paranoid pessimism, wonders if it’s because the premise of this story is a departure from your usual writing, but it can’t be, right? They wouldn’t have let you get so far into the story if they never had the intention to publish it, would they?
The pounding in your head is a hangover. You know that for sure
You grumble, head pulsing with pain and your neck and spine aching with every movement. You’re hunched over, head resting in your curled up arms. When you open your eyes, you are met with actual darkness. You lift your head up and feel the dark sway around you.
Okay, no, you’re actually still drunk. A little bit, anyways.
You try to make sense of your surroundings with the little you have to work with. It’s night, and you’re in your study you think. You think. You move your stiff arms, trying to feel for your lamp. Your hand clumsily bumps something right in front of you, followed by the sound of breaking glass and spilling liquid. When the smell hits you, you realize it’s alcohol you just knocked over, which is really good for the man with zero night vision, no shoes, and is slowly transitioning from drunk to hungover.
You prop your head up, fingers tangling in your hair as you pull it together. No, you’re not going to let a broken bottle of firewater be the straw to break the camel’s back. After the shitty few days you’ve had, you’re not going to let yourself fall apart over this. You’re going to hold it together, the tears you feel welling in your eyes are purely from the pain of your hangover.
You eventually find the lamp, and you pull the string. The click is audible, but there is no light. You pull it again, and nothing happens. The bulb has burned out. You have no idea what time it is, there’s no natural light coming through, and you don’t know your office well enough to walk around in the dark sober.
You’re alone.
You’ll be embarrassed about this later when the alcohol’s out of your system, but right now, there are tears rolling down your cheek as you tack on another failure to your life. You curl back into your original position, hunched over the desk with your face buried in your folded arms, and try to muffle your crying. You don’t know what you’re going to do now. It feels like all your plans for the upcoming future are falling apart, and it’s either Pantalone’s fault or your father’s. Paying for a run in with a harbinger two months ago has pushed back your plans to move out of Snezhnaya, but you figured if you gave it your all with the next book, you’d more than make up for the chunk of money lost. Now they’re just not even publishing you anymore because of fucking budget cuts, if you want to believe that, which you don’t think you do. They only want to publish stories that are going to make them money, so they’re going to cut back on the lesser known and less successful authors and their more obscure stories.
If you remember right, of all the romance authors who got cut, you were the first one they decided to let go.
You’re also the only one writing a story about two men.
No, no that’s not it. You’re deflecting, refusing to take into account that your story just isn’t good. It has to be, right? Again, if they never wanted to publish this, they would have shot you down the moment you presented your outline. It’s just a really unfortunate coincidence, but then again–
You lift your head up and see the glow of the doorway, and the silhouette of your mother standing within the light. You quickly wipe your eyes, sniffle, and sit up. “W-What?”
She steps forward, ignoring the smell of spilled firewater. The door remains open, giving you a little bit of light. When she rounds your desk, she takes your face in her hands, and though you cannot clearly see her face, you know pity very well. She leans down to kiss your forehead. As much as you hate her coddling, it feels nice in the current moment.
“I heard something breaking,” she says, “are you alright? Are you hurt?”
“No, no no,” you mumble, “just… knocked the bottle over trying to turn on the light.”
“Is… Is this what you’ve been doing since… since your meeting?”
“No, no,” you half lie. Have you spent the last week drowning in liquor and sorrow? No. Did you do that all day and night yesterday or today? Yes. “I-I’m fine, just… just having a bad night is all.”
“Dear, I don’t want you making a habit of this.”
You scowl and pull away. “I told you to stop coddling me.”
“This is the one time I should be coddling you,” she states, “when you’re doing something that will hurt you.”
“I’m not gonna hurt myself.”
She gestures to the floor. “There’s a broken bottle of firewater on the carpet and your breath reeks of it.”
She has a point and you know it. You sigh, slumping back in your chair. “I’m… I’m gonna be okay, just not in a good mood right now.”
“You need rest,” your mother says, “actual rest. No more drinking tonight. I’ll get someone to clean this up, you just come with me and I’ll bring you to bed.”
You allow your mother to guide you by the hand up and out of your chair, out of your study and two doors down to your room. She hasn’t done this since you were maybe eight or nine, guiding you down hallways that were too dark and scary for you to maneuver on your own. Your father used to tell her not to do that, because you had to face your fears by yourself, and your siblings teased you for being a mama’s boy and a scaredy cat, until your diagnosis shut them up. Now she’s making sure her half drunk son doesn’t accidentally kill himself on the way to bed.
You don’t even change into sleepwear. You just kick your pants off and slip under the covers, mashing your face into your pillows. You’re out like a light the moment your swirling head hits the pillow.
“I’m going to be honest, you look like hell.”
You set your cup of coffee down. “Thanks, I just got back.”
A server suddenly appears from your blind spot, making you jump. They apologize for startling you, and you assure them it’s fine. Two meals are placed down on the table, and the server leaves you two to your food. Lunch for your editor, Alik, is a sandwich on rye as they’ve always been a light eater. Breakfast for you, hungover and miserable, is a hearty soup and some pirozhki on the side. Alik eyes the pirozhki and you just sigh and hand them one.
Alik bites into the bun before immediately flinching at the heat. You chuckle and bite into the bun you still have, not learning your lesson and burning your mouth on the meat filling.
“You know, you didn’t have to meet up with me today if you weren’t up for it,” Alik says.
“It’s fine,” you reply, head still aching from earlier, “it beats rotting in bed with a hangover.”
Alik takes another bite, burning their mouth again. You put yours down and take baby spoonfuls of your soup. Alik sighs. “I’m… I’m really sorry about the publisher.”
You frown at the subject, despite knowing it was unavoidable. “Did you know?”
“Know what?”
“That they were going under,” you clarify, “or, that they were going to go under?”
Alik clicks their tongue. “Um… I had heard they weren’t accepting new authors because of budgeting issues, but I think everyone knew that.”
“But nothing about them cancelling current books?”
“The only cancelled books I knew about were from authors who were already getting canned,” Alik answers, “like there were already problems behind the scenes leading up to their cancellation and being dropped.” They pause to take a bite of their food, and continue when they’ve swallowed their mouthful. “As far as I knew, they were still going to honour current publishing deals. I found out they changed their minds the same day you did.”
“Fantastic.” You take another bite of your pirozhki. “What about you?”
“I’m… I’m still okay,” they say, “since I’m still, um, editing for the people that… were left.”
Uncomfortable silence hangs in the air. Well, as silent as it can be in the restaurant at this time. Neither you or Alik speak for a tie, more focused on your meals. You’re maybe halfway through your soup when Alik finishes their sandwich.
“So what are you going to do now?” Alik asks.
“Well,” you say, “I’m going to need to find a real job now.”
“Writing is a real—”
“Don’t,” you snap, “you know what I mean.”
“It’s a good book,” Alik says. “The main character is compelling, his love interest is actually likeable, there’s chemistry, the dialogue feels natural, and the story on its own is great! I know there has to be another publisher that would be interested.”
“You remember my first book,” you retort, “how it took forever to find a publisher, and they wouldn’t approve it until I made it a hundred percent clear the main character was a woman. I left it vague in the original drafts for a reason!”
“I’m not talking about a publisher in Snezhnaya.”
Alik gives you a smile.
They lose the smile and give you an incredulous look. “What do you mean no? This is the sort of thing the Yae Publishing House would eat up! And imagine how amazing it would be if the Guuji Yae Miko herself approved it.”
You flinch as the sudden rise of Alik’s voice makes your head pulse. You feel like the other people in the restaurant are looking at your table now.
“And, and, you’re always talking about moving out to Liyue or Sumeru once you get your big break. Why not Inazuma? It’s nice and sunny there too, and there’s cherry blossoms! Why have a garden when you could have an orchard?”
“They’re not blooming year round, you know.”
“Semantics,” Alik replies dismissively, “my point is if the Guuji thinks this story is half as good as I know it is, you’ve got your ticket out of Snezhnaya and you’re sticking it to every publisher who turned you down!”
You sigh and shake your head. “I don’t know if it’s to her tastes, you know? A-And I’m willing to compromise on some things in my stories, but this one’s special to me. I don’t know how much I’m willing to change.”
“It’s not like you have anything to lose by submitting your story,” Alik states, “the worst she’ll do is say no, which isn’t that different from what you’re going through right now.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “I’ll... I’ll think about it, but I’m not confident she’ll approve of it.”
“Good enough.”
Alik pays for the both of you once the meal is over, despite your insistance on paying for yours. They brush you off, stating this is the least they can do considering your circumstances. They go to take you by the arm, but you quickly pull back and make your way to the door. The gesture is sweet, but you’re not in the mood to be guided by the hand like a child.
The cold air stings the exposed skin of your face that isn’t covered by your scarf or the hood of your coat. Despite this, you’re feeling physically better leaving the restaurant than you were going in. Mentally, about the same.
Alik is walking behind you as you trek down the snowy sidewalk. “Do you need a ride home?”
“I’m alright,” you tell them, “I think my father was going to visit the bank with my sister today, so I’m riding with them.”
“Oh! I was going to ask about that.” You hear their footsteps and move to the right so they have space to walk alongside you. “Is your family really working with him?”
Alik doesn’t need to elaborate. You nod. “My father’s been sucking up to him so much, it’s like every day he’s either come over for dinner or everyone’s talking about how he’s coming over soon.”
“Have you talked to him? Actually talked to him, not counting when you ruined his suit,” Alik asks, and you can hear the excitement in their inquisitive tone. Always craving for gossip despite pretending they hate it.
“A few times.”
“And? What’s he like? Is he as intimidating as I hear he is?”
You slow your pace so you can think over the question. The simple answer is yes, absolutely. Even if he is kind in the moment, you’re always very aware of his standing in the Fatui and his status among the high class. You’re certain it’s intentional, but it’s not like it would be easy to forget those aspects about him. Charisma and logic come easily to him, important traits for a successful entrepreneur, and fantastic ones for a manipulator.
In spite of this, you’re growing more accustomed to his presence in your life. Simple and meaningless attractions aside, you gradually find yourself less fearful of his presence, and you imagine he’s noticed as well. Conversations, however fleeting, can come naturally now. Small talk is no longer just the weather, but about little things in your day to day lives. He hasn’t let his mask slip around you, but you feel like it could come lose if he felt the time was right.
When you pull yourself from your thoughts, you find you and Alik standing outside the Northland Bank. You move away from the steps leading up to the door so you don’t bump into anyone you don’t see coming. You see Alik staring at you expectantly, eager to hear what you have to say about Pantalone.
You shrug. “Depends on first impressions.”
They groan. “That is such a boring answer!”
You laugh. “I don’t know how else to say it!”
“Can you at least try to be specific?”
“Okay, okay,” you concede. “What to say about the Regrator…” You ignore the sounds of people coming and going from the bank just behind you and choose your words carefully. “He’s definitely intimidating the first time you meet him, and his presence can be overwhelming for all sorts of reasons.”
You continue. “In my experience, though, he doesn’t make for bad company. He tends to rant and ramble, and it’s hard to follow along if you don’t know what he’s talking about. Still, you listen along anyways because he makes it all sound interesting. I think he’s very polite, and I enjoy his presence more than I’m intimidated by it.”
“Despite, you know… everything else about him?”
“Yes, Alik, despite everything else.”
“That tracks, you look like someone who would be into intimidating men.”
You lightly punch Alik’s arm. “Shut up.”
They laugh. “I’m sorry, it’s not my fault you’re literally describing the prince in your story when you’re talking about Pantalone. Better hope he doesn’t read your book, or he might get the wrong or right idea.”
Despite the cold air, your cheeks feel warm. You hear the doors open behind you, and lower your voice so whoever is passing by doesn’t hear you. “I made him up long before I met Pantalone and you know that.”
“So Pantalone’s the real life version of...” Alik trails off, seemingly at a loss for words. Their eyes are wide as they stare, almost horrified at the sight of you.
When you sense something, someone, lingering just behind you, you realize Alik is staring behind you. The horror on their face is bizarre, until you remember where the two of you are and who owns the building you’re standing outside of. The heat in your face reaches its boiling point when you turn around.
Pantalone’s smile takes up the entirety of your vision.
“Who am I the ‘real life version’ of?”
You stare at Pantalone like a child getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His smile doesn’t waver, and the longer you look at him, the harder it is to talk, yet you can’t look away. How much of that conversation did he hear? What should you say?
Alik saves you answering. “Oh, we were joking about how one of the main characters in my friend’s book acts similar to you,” they say, even though this book is… is it three or four years?”
You snap out of your daze and quickly turn to Alik so you don’t have to look at Pantalone’s knowing, smug face. “T-Technically, I think that character’s been around for six years? He was based off that rival prince character I ended up scrapping.”
“So way before you met the Regrator,” Alik says, and you nod.
Pantalone chuckles. “Interesting how these things work out, hm?”
“Yes,” you force out.
“If I may, what brings you two to the Northland Bank?” Pantalone asks.
“I’m on my way back to my office,” Alik answers, “and my client here is waiting on his ride, right?”
“Oh, right!” You turn to Pantalone. “My father and sister were meeting with you today. Are they still here, by chance?”
Pantalone sighs dejectedly. “Unfortunately, you just missed them. I believe they left maybe five minutes ago?”
“In that case,” Alik says, “I’ll give you a ride back when we get to my office.”
“There’s no need,” Pantalone states. He tilts his head to look you right in your eyes, his lips curling back up into a smile. “Your timing is perfect, actually. There’s something I need to discuss with you.”
Your eyes widen, and you feel your brain fill up with all the good and bad reasons Pantalone wants to meet you specifically. “With me?”
“Who else?” He beckons for you to follow him. “Come now, I don’t have all day, and it really is quite important.”
Nervously, you follow Pantalone up the steps with Alik right behind you. You mentally go through everything that’s happened since you two last talked. You don’t think you’ve done anything to offend him, which makes this sudden invitation even weirder. What purpose does he have with a failing, legally blind author?
Like a gentleman, Pantalone opens the door for you. Warmth blows past you as you step out of the cold. You turn back around to Alik, and before they can pass the threshold, Pantalone stops them.
“I’m afraid this is a private meeting,” Pantalone states, “I’m sure you understand.”
You give Alik a reassuring smile. “It’s fine. I’ll talk to you next week, okay?”
Reluctantly, Alik nods. Before you can properly say goodbye, Pantalone shuts the door.
He’s still smiling, and gestures to a flight of ornate stairs. “Let’s continue this in my office, shall we?”
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twice-inamillion · 9 months
Twisted Reality
Angst (Sadness, Depression, Grieving)
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Chapter 220
1,300 Words
(Sana returns home after having a miscarriage of her first child. She needs to adjust to her new reality and grieve her loss. You and the members try your best to make her feel comfortable during these difficult moments.)
Sana returns home after spending a few days at the clinic. It’s been a rough few days for both of you, especially Sana, who tries to put a happy face for the members back home. 
The door opens, and the both of you are greeted by all night and the babies who waddle to Sana. She squats to greet them and tries to smile, but just looking at them makes her tear up. The idea that she would never see her baby boy in person, like how she is looking at the girls, makes her emotional. She stands up, walks to your arms, and cries on your chest.
Jisoo points and says, “Unnie, cry?”
Jihyo picks up Jisoo and whispers, “Auntie Sana doesn’t feel good. Let’s go and play outside with your sisters and give Auntie some time.” Jisoo nods, grabs Ari and Hina’s hand, and walks with Jihyo to the backyard. 
The rest of the members walk up to Sana, pull her from you, surround her, and hug her. They bring her to the living and listen to her thoughts and emotions during the last few days. 
You, on the other hand, go to your room and take a shower before heading back downstairs. “How are you doing, Oppa?”
“It’s hard, losing a child, but you know, got to stay strong.”
“I feel really bad for Sana. I wouldn’t know what I would do if I lost Da-eun; I think I would die if I lost her.”
“I know you love her with all your heart.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry you and Sana must go through this. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”
“I know you wouldn’t,” and hug her.
Meanwhile, the members listen to Sana and what happened in the clinic. She talks about the options that come during a miscarriage and how she can’t do anything physical for about a month. Sana mentions that Oppa suggested that she take a break from the tour, to which the members agreed. “I don’t want to say home; I want to go and perform with all of you.”
“You can’t, Unnie; you need to recover. You can’t stress your body.”
“Please… I want to be with all of you. Don’t leave me here alone,” says Sana with watery eyes.
Jihyo looks at you coming down the stairs and says, “What if Oppa stays with you? You won’t be alone.” Sana turns around to look at you with teary eyes, breaking your heart. “Stay with me, Sana. Let’s go through this together; I’m here for you.”
“Okay, but all of you need to keep in touch with me. I don’t want you all to forget about me.”
“We wouldn’t forget about you. We’ll message and call you every day, I promise.”
“Okay, I’ll stay.”
Twice Twitter and Instagram:
Hello, this is JYP Entertainment.
We would like to announce in regards to Sana’s health condition and status.
Sana is currently struggling with sudden extreme anxiety and insecurity towards performing on stage and being in large crowds. No exact diagnosis has been identified yet. We are consulting with several medical professionals to verify the cause in detail.
After extensive discussion with Sana and the members, we have decided that Sana’s current condition requires additional treatment, professional measures, and sufficient rest. Along with this decision, Sana will not be attending the following schedule:
Twice World Tour 2019 ‘TWICELIGHTS’
The health of our artists is our top priority and most important thing. Thus, we will do everything to provide proper and best medical treatment and sufficient rest for Sana’s recovery.
We sincerely ask for fan’s support so that Sana can get well soon. 
Thank you.
JYP Entertainment 
The news of Sana’s departure from the tour was sent to all matters of the press and online sources. Many Once were shocked to see her sudden departure from the tour but understood that her wellbeing was the most important thing. Many of them get well posted and wish her a speedy and safe recovery.
This made Sana happy to have Once support her through this rough moment in her life. Even if they would never know the true nature of her departure from the tour, she still knew their wishes for her recovery were sincere.
A few days before the member's departure to Singapore, the members try to gather their belongings and meet with their families. Nayeon stays home with Sana, while most members go home to their parents. You go to the office to bring paperwork and your laptop to work remotely from home. 
“Unnie, I’m going to go up and take a bath.”
“Okay, I will be in the kitchen and get dinner ready.”
Sana goes up to her room and grabs her towel, bath toiletries, and a waterproof speaker. She turns on the hot water and lets it fill up more than halfway. She pours some water oils and some pedals to make it nice and relaxing and dips her foot into the bath. 
“Ahh… this feels nice. It’s been a while since I’ve done this.”
She takes out her phone, sets up the speaker next to the stand, and plays relaxing music. She closes her eyes and tries to clear her mind and forget…
With her eyes wide, all she hears is the calming music and the sound of water moving in the bathtub. It isn’t until she hears a baby’s cry that she returns to reality.
“Is that Da-eun? She must have woken up from her nap and is probably hungry for breastmilk. Something that I would never be able to do now that my baby is gone.”
Sana grabs her phone and looks at the photos and videos of the best moments of her life, her pregnancy. She scrolls down her gallery and sees the photos of all the baby’s newborn pictures and when they arrived home from the hospital. Pictures of when they took their first bath in the kitchen sink since the tub was too big, the moments the members would breastfeed them when they cried, and them playing with their stuffed animals. 
She looks at the photos of her pregnancy test, the video of her announcing the news to her mother and father and their reaction, and yours. Screenshots of baby clothing from stores that she circled when she did not know its gender and her mirror selfie of her baby bump. She tries her best to hold her tears until she scrolls to the only picture of her baby, her sonogram. She could see his head, feet, arms, and what seemed to be his heart. It is then she can’t hold her tears any longer and breaks down, crying.
“I…I’m sorry, little one. It’s my fault you're dead… Mommy should have been stronger and fought for you. I could have held you in my arms if I had kept you safe for a couple more months. Instead, you’re…” She places her hands on her face, preventing her cries from being heard outside.
“I don’t know if there is a heaven, but please, if there is one, Mommy knows you tried your best.”
She slowly slides herself into the bathtub, the water covering her face. With her eyes and her mouth closed, and holding her breath when a thought came to mind. “Without you in my life, I have no purpose. I don’t want to live in a world where you’re not in it. Mommy will join you soon…” as Sana finishes the last breath of air.
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ladypiscesmoon · 3 months
Part 2 Q&A:
Timothée Chalamet & Armie Hammer
Since I forgot to put the answer to the following question in part 1, here we go:
Q: Armie told the story about their first rehearsal from cmbyn when Tim and him kissed and then Luca told them to stop and do it again with more passion. Luca left. What were their feelings in the first and in the second kiss.
A: Armie
First kiss: love, I just wish things were different (hermit tarot) love oracle cards, island time wellness: the golden mirror, the chaser
Second kiss: you matter, I don’t want to lose you, cassette, I like you
From the start he liked kissing Timmy. There was lust, but nothing serious from his side, but attraction. But he very much liked to be liked by Tim, as in a friendship way if they couldn’t have anything else. The podcast popped up in my mind, when he said that he sought validation of himself in everything he did. It started like: I like you, do you like me too? His marriage wasn’t in the best place already at that point.
First kiss: I can’t even look at you right now, wait
Hand of cards, healing heart
He’s so intuitive, as if he knew from the start this was a wounded man and he had to be careful. There was some hesitation because he felt a bit embarrassed by how much he liked kissing Armie
Second kiss: the cards were flying everywhere, as so often when I read for Timmy. He can be quite “chatty”.
I’m coming, trust me, I could be your hero, baby. If I asked you to stay, would you leave? I still don’t know all the answers, let me hold you
Talking, love call, thinking of you and letting you know, not today.
Timmy instantly knew this was someone he was attracted to, had been dreaming about, manifesting someone like Armie. He liked kissing Armie but knew for the sake of the movie and him being married, he had to keep boundaries. He didn’t overstep, but the second kiss was like he was struck by lightning. He immediately decided to be his friend, if it could never be more, at least they would have that, he thought.
Q: How is Armie and Luca’s relationship now?
A: wheel of fortune, temperance. they will try to mend their relationship
Q: Armie said in an interview while promoting cmbyn that Luca and he have a very beautiful complicated relationship. Why he said that?
A:9 of wands reversed, ace of swords
Armie thought Luca had a pretty good read on him. He instinctively understood that Armie kept up a facade by being smug and confident. In reality Armie was already feeling lost and unhappy. The relationship with Luca and Timmy and making the movie “woke” Armie up. His life nerves the same after the shooting.
Q: what those think Luca of Armie and Timmy dating/being together?
A: Temperance reversed, 7 of cups reversed, 2 of swords, the fool
last summer, when they were doing well, he was happy for them. He knows they have a special bond. Lately he thinks they should talk to each other. He doesn’t understand their choices, it creates chaos between them. They have to make difficult decisions, but he hopes they can start over.He loves them both and want them to be happy.
Q: what did Timmy think of Armie’s and Luca’s relationship?
A: Prism oracle Protection, rest, isolation, fear
Timmy felt protected by the both of them. In the beginning he was afraid that he would feel isolated, but they proved him wrong.
Q: there was a bar in Crema that was about to close of some money issues and a lot of people donated. One of them was Douglas Hal, Timmy’s and Armie’s middle names. Did either of them donate?
A: 9 of swords, 8 of cups reversed
I don’t think either of them donated.
Q: That girl on TikTok that posted the pic of her and Timothée did she want more or tell him that?
A: King of cups reversed, temperance, 5 of pentacles
Looks like she thought she got the short end of the stick, it doesn’t feel like it was serious for Tim, but maybe she thought it could have been more. She felt left in the cold.
Q: why did she post it?
A: prism oracle rest, hunger, energy, abundance
She posted it because she wanted it to mean something. If not to Timmy at least she wanted to have support on line.
Q: How did Armie feel about it?
A: frustration, strength, faith
He wished it could have been him with Timmy. He tried not to let it disturb his peace of mind, he tries to have faith in the future.
Q: How dit Tim feel about it?
A: peace, magic, creativity
Timmy tried not to think about it, he distracted himself with filming like he always does when he is in trouble of there’s something on his mind. He tries to forgive himself for past mistakes, but he has a hard time with that.
Q: Do Timmy and Armie have an open relationship like can they hook up with other people while still being together?
A: I don’t know we can speak of a relationship at the moment, because they have so many things to sort out.
But no, they would like to be exclusive if they can work it out. Especially Armie. “No more bullshit” I heard. photo 1
Q: will Armie and Timmy have children in future?
Tower, 4 of wands
They might. Not in the near future I think. Too many issues to resolve and they have to talk first about a lot of things.
Q: what are Timmy’s thoughts about Armie’s tattoos?
A: I think he likes them, actually. He likes to trace them and he thinks Armie is hot with or without him. Sorry I couldn’t find the picture of the cards anymore. I remember taking one, though. Probably forgot to save it.
Q: will Timmy and Armie gonna live in Italy in future?
A: the world, 6 of swords, the star
They both love Italy. I think there’s a chance they may live there,
In future, or somewhere else in Europe like France or Great Britain
Q: does Armie occasionally mention Timmy to his kids?
A: the hermit, 4 of wands, ace of wands reversed.
No, I don’t think he does at the moment.
Q: Did Armie brought the kids to see Wonka?
A: 5 of wands reversed, 9 pf cups, the hermit
No, he didn’t, but wished circumstances would have been different and he could.
Q: when do we get good news from them?
A: I pulled a time card, but take it with a grain of salt as ever. Timing in tarot is, I’ve said this many times before, HARD
Photo 2
Q: do you see Timmy posting about Armie, his pictures and everything after they will start dating publicly?
The tower reversed, 3 of wands reversed, pace of wands reversed, 6 of wands.
I would be surprised. Timmy never posts anything personal anymore. I wouldn’t if I had so may followers and everybody tries to explain and analyses your every move or picture. He’s a very private man. Will he say something I about Armie in future? He would if it is work related but I doubt it would be really personal.
Q: the photo of Timmy in a white tank top with Luca in Italy, was Armie there with them.
A: ace of wands, 3 of swords reversed, queen of wands, the hierophant, 10 of cups.
I think Armie took that picture
Q: also that photo of Timmy in a cave swimming, was Armie with him?
Knight of wands, the magician, page of cups.
Yes, I’m convinced they had a vacation together in Italy last summer.
Q: how is the relationship between Timmy and Elle Fanning?
A: prism oracle: success, surrender, balance
Good, they like working together. They were friendly and concentrated on what they had to do.
Q: Timmy’s upcoming future projects will they as successful or his star power will be weakened?
A: some will be successful, others less, and he will feel disappointed about those that do average or worse.
Q: Timmy’s deal with Warner Brother do you see it be successful? Will he be able to get out of it?
5 of wands reversed, 10 of pentacles, death
I see him being successful but he has to stand up for himself. He probably doesn’t always want this deal. Again he has to say what he wants and not back off. He will feel a lot better if he does.
Q: Will Timmy have changes in his team or publicist?
A: 9 pf wands reversed, king of swords reversed, 8 of swords reversed.
Eventually he will. He’s struggling at the moment. He knows he’s unhappy, but he is so very loyal it backfires all the time.
Q: how is Tim’s relationship with his bodyguard?
Knight of swords, ace of pentacles, 9 of pentacles, prism oracle: comfort
A: is his name Jack? They seem to have a good relationship. But I’m not sure maybe he will be replaced in the end, because I think he lives in London and he probably can't be with Tim all the time.
Q: will Tim's wine business see the light? Will it be successful?
A: The moon, ace of swords reversed, 6 of pentacles reversed, king of wands reversed, page of pentacles
It doesn't feel good, but I can't put my finger on it. Im strongly feeling that the person he's is doing this with, could be an investor or a partner is manipulative and greedy.
Q: did Timothée grew closer to his dade more than his mom now?
A: prism oracle: love, rest, strength
He loves both of them very much, they love him also. His mother has a hard time with the Kylie situation, so their relationship was more strained last year. He is trying to mend that. Once she is out of the picture, he will succeed. But that's why we saw him with his father more.
Q: Did Timothée regret those pictures with Eiza?
A: Prism oracle: Ideation, mystery, cleanse, balance.
He seems to be embarrassed about them, he had to do it for work though. He tries to forgive himself for things he's not proud of. Sometimes his anxiety is really strong, I feel. It's okay to not have all the answers all the time, but again, he has to stand up for himself and stop doing things he's uncomfortable with.
Q: Does Tim sense any jealousy from Leo, or distance himself from Leo?
A: prism oracle: hunger, abundance, peace. The moon, 2 of wands reversed.
I dient feel any jealousy, but I don't think Leo is giving Timmy good advice. he listened to Leo a few times, now he's an a-liter himself, I think he should distance himself from Leo. But as said before, Time is loyal to a fault and he has a difficult time saying no to people.
Q: Did Timmy ever feel jealous of the relationship of Armie and Effie?
A: yes he was. He wished it was him and tried to put up a brave face by saying he didn't care. Photo 3
Q: Does Armie ever think of Effie or want to contact her again?
A:6 of cups, king of swords reversed, 7 of swords reversed
He rather not dwells on the past, but of course she is one of the reasons he lost his career. In a way it reminds him to do better. He would have liked to talk about why she blamed him and accused him, because he thought they talked about boundaries and things enough. He knows she is manipulative and that he has to stay away.
Q: What are Timmy's thoughts about Armie's tattoos?
A: I do think he likes them, actually. He like to trace them and he thinks Armie is hot with or without them. Photo 4
Who is more romantic, more flirty and more needy between Tim and Armie?
A: Photo 5 and 6
Both are romantic in a different way: Armie likes to give gifts, Timmy is giving his time and attention to Armie. Like calling, texting, sending pictures or a meme.
Bear in mind, not now!!!! I think they are still not a 100 percent. Tim is a big, big flirt. Armie is now more cautious and less open. He needs someone he can trust to open him up again. Tim knew from the beginning Armie was his person, but complications made him insecure and vulnerable. He also has a temper!! They both have and both say hurtful things to each other if they are not on the same page.
Q: There's a blind item that Tim's hooking up with a make-up artist can you check please?
A: pace of wands reversed, 8 of wands reversed, ace of pentacles, wheel of fortune.
It seems not. I wouldn't believe blind items anyway, it's usually bullshit.
One of the make-up artists may have thought they had a chance, but Timmy was uninterested.
Q: Can you see how Lisa Perejma feels about Armie and if they could get back in future
A: Lisa still seems to like Armie and wants to be with him. Photo 7 and the moon, the devil reversed, queen of wands reversed 10 of wands
As for there future, I think Armie doesn't feel it. Their relationship has run its course for him.
Q: were Lily and Timmy ever a real couple?
A: queen of pentacles reversed, judgment reversed, 4 of wands reversed
I think they were friendly, possible friends. Not a real couple no. And one of both were not satisfied with the arrangement. I think that Lily felt Timmy a tat uninterested.
Q: Is Armie broke (struggling financially)?
A: strenght, 3 of pentacles reversed, 6 of wands reversed, the hierophant reversed
He obviously lost a lot of income in the last years. I think he is not completely without means. He may have inherited something from his father
Q: how did Luca feel when he heard about Armie's attempt of suiside?
A: prism oracle rejection, flow, trust, conciousness.
He felt sorry and sad. He didn't think Armie deserved the total rejection, he only had to become aware of the things that held him back in life. He trusted and hoped that Armie would find a way to be happier in life.
Q: Will Armie ever go back to acting?
A: 10 of cups reversed, 2 of swords, 8 of wands reversed
At the moment it doesn't look like it. He still feels very alone and im not even sure he wants to go back to the Hollywood carnival. I can check in future of it changes.
Q: Will Armie do a movie this year?
A: Doesn't seem likely. See my previous answer
Q: what doe Timmy and Armie think of Charmies?
A: ace of wands reversed
They are not thinking about Charmies, certainly not with how things are at the moment between them
Q: Did Timmy use Armie in the promo of cmbyn for selling the movie and bromance in any kind of his own favor or was he just being himself and really liked Armie to this length?
A: the hermit, the tower
Its his job to promote and sell his movie. But no, Armie really turned his world upside down. He never had such strong feelings for anyone else.
Also he was really young at the time and not famous, so he was a lot more open.
Q: Please a quick update for how Timmy feels currently. Since he wrapped filming . Is he trying to end the PR with Kylie more aggressively or just staying passive.
A: Well, we all know how that went with Kylie. 3 of cups reversed, 3 of pentacles reversed, 5 of swords reversed, 10 of wands, the star
prism oracle:space, passion, reflection, hunger, protection
he feels awful. He thought he protected himself by being passive and having the excuse of filming, but they don't buy it. He feels really dumb and alone. He's stuck. he knows he has to reflect on it and stand up for himself, but he feels stuck and unprotected, has a lack of passion, would like to flee.
Q: Is this PR ruining Armie and Timmy? I feel there is no coming back now
A: Prism oracle: magic, comfort, peace, success
If Timmy will finally stand up to the Karjenners, Armie and he are going to find their way back to each other. But at the moment Armie is just waiting until Timmy stops with this charade. He tries to stay calm and peaceful and comfortable.
Q: Did Timmy renew some aspect of a deal? Or is it necessary to follow a timeline towards a break-up announcement? I'm a little confused.
A: the hermit, king of cups reversed, 5 of wands, 3 of wands
I don’t know, but when I saw these pictures something didn’t sit right with me. There’s something strange, but I don’t know what.
They probably renewed or negotiated part of the deal, because Timmy didn't commit earlier and hides all the time. He used the filming of acu as an excuse and I think he thought that was it. So, yes, because he didn't stand up for himself, the energy changed and here we are again waiting for all this to end officially. He feels so sad, so stuck, so lonely. But he can and has to do something about it, or he will be stuck longer.
Q: What are Armie's thoughts about this new sighting with Kylie? Will this make things worse for them? Is there still a chance for Tim and Armie to go on a vacation after this?
A: I think I partly answered this in the previous ask. But no, at the moment it doesn't look like they gonna meet up soon. In part 1 I already stated that they wanted to talk and meet up but that there were obstacles and people against it. I think we have our answer now. Armie is not gonna budge as long as Kylie is in the picture.
Q: How does Pauline think about this Kylie stuff?
A: pace of wands reversed, 10 of wands
She thinks Timmy has to do take responsibility for what he did. She thinks that family is bad news. He has to get rid of them.
Q: What does Elizabeth think about the Kylie situation?
A: judgement reversed, 3 of cups reversed
she likes to gossip about it, hopes that Armie and Timmy will never be together again. Judges but not in a nice way.
*alleged/for entertainment purposes
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 6 months
A Nightmare Thrice Cursed
This is take two. I deleted the last one because I refuse to put out subpar work and the first draft certainly was. I’m a bit more confident this time. And I’m not so tired and frustrated that I can’t reread it before posting. And honestly it's still not my greatest work
Summary: You have a nightmare and Xiao is therefore you when you wake up
Word Count: 689
CW/TW: Blood, violence, not-death, hurt/comfort, nightmares (ya know, the fun stuff)
Lighting flashes against a flat pewter sky. You stand beneath it, statue still, heedless of the damp hair that clings to your face or the rainwater that drips from your nose. 
Weather ceased to matter the moment you drew your sword.
Perhaps it was fate, or at least well deserved, having the yaksha you love and a handful of Millelith come for your head. You were the one who opened the treasure. A treasure that was thrice warded, thrice warned, and now, thrice cursed.
The first curse was pain, akin to a thousand strikes of lightning as a mindless abomination stole control over your body. You didn’t even have time to call Xiao’s name.
The second curse made itself known as the new occupant of your body rampaged. Men, women, children, it didn’t matter to the monster you unleashed. Blood covered the Guili Plains from the Dihua Marsh to the statue of the Seven just outside of the Harbor. Of the many voices crying out for help, yours was the most fervent, and likely the most unheard.
After the bloodbath, it was inevitable that the Conqueror of Demons came for your life. In truth, your heart leapt at the sight of your lover’s masked visage. What you couldn’t have known is that the thunder was an omen.
You were forced to draw your sword, the very one gifted by the Yaksha when you first got together, and use it against him.
The battle raged on. The Millelith fell quickly. The battle between an ancient demon and an equal ancient Adeptus proved to be too much for them to keep up.
Several hours later, the fight has come to an end and you’re still alive. Alive, free, and cursed a third time--this time, with loss.
You should have lost your head. Very few fight a Yaksha to the death and live to tell about it. Certainly you shouldn’t have even if you really wanted to. You were begging to have the love of your life to free you, even at the cost of your life. 
Instead, your blade pierces his heart. 
You yank your sword out of his chest, dropping it so you can catch Xiao’s limp body.
His blood stains your shirt. You push his bangs out of his face, watching as the last light leaves the eyes of Liyue’s last Yaksha. Still, you can’t help but plead. “Please, please, please. Xiao. Don’t leave me. I didn’t mean to.”
Your eyes fly open and you suck in a burning breath. “Xiao, you---you were gone. I-I---”
“I’m right here. Take a deep breath. In and out, in and out.”
The golden eyed Yaksha guides you through a breathing exercise until he’s satisfied with the rhythm of your breathing. 
Once your breathing has settled, you curl into a ball, pressing as close to Xiao as the physical laws of the world will allow. The tears that have been prickling your eyes spill over.
Xiao holds you while you sob, rubbing small circles on your back. 
The light of a nearby flash of lightning surrounds you, immediately followed by the roar of thunder. You flinch, trying to hide from the sounds that accompanied Xiao’s dreamland death. 
The Yaksha pushes you back so that he can wipe your tears and see your expression properly. “What was it this time?”
Once you would have turned away to deal with the aftermath of a particularly bad nightmare yourself, but you’ve lost count of how many times Xiao has helped you through these, so you’re forthcoming in your explanation. Or as forthcoming as you can be around hiccups and another round of tears.
When you’re finished, Xiao pulls you close again. “I wouldn’t do that to you. As much as I would hate to hurt you, I wouldn’t let a demon steal your body like that. I owe that much to the wonderful woman who dares to love a Yaksha. I would free you.”
“I promise. But I don’t think you’d open the treasure to start with.”
“Probably not,” you mumble into his chest.
“Now rest. Let me chase your demons away.”
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
Patrolling on Christmas
Joel Miller x plus size female reader
Fanfiction rating: Teens and up
My blog overall is 18+
Word Count: approx 2.5k
Summary: Joel prefers patrol rather to be around others at Christmas, even after spending a few years in Jackson. He’s paired up with you on patrol and it’s not so bad. If asked, he may even say fair.
Warnings: Post outbreak, cursing, Joel is a grump, depression, survivors’ remorse/guilt, jokes about The Bard, damn knees and back, a fall, minor injury, ending fluff
Notes: I wanted to write Christmas Joel. I was going for sweet & happy. Post-outbreak Joel cropped up and my post shift mood determined that This is The Way. Merry Christmas 🎄 It’s got a sliver of sweet.
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“Patrol can wait a day Joel. I don’t get why you’re still so damn weird about Christmas. It’s just all of us gathering at the Tipsy Bison and talking shit. No one’s going to ask you to do anything, not even me for fuck’s sake.” Elle threw her hands up in the air in frustration.
“...Language Elle.” Joel reminded her.
“I mean, I agree, language, but she’s right. There’s other people on rotation who can-” Tommy with his arms crossed explains, trying to put on a stern face. Doesn’t affect Joel at all.
“Shut it. I said I’m goin’. That’s it. See you tonight.” Heavy boots stepped out of the house and stopped on the porch looking back. “Have fun. Stay out of trouble.” With that, he adjusted the rifle that was over his shoulder and made his way to the perimeter to meet up with his patrol partner. He was expecting Sam or John but tried to control his eyebrows raising at the sight of you. He thought you’d join the others at the festivities.
Just like in the world before the outbreak, no one wanted to work holidays. The few holidays that were still celebrated anyway. Joel volunteered in part because the holidays always reminded him of the people he’d lost and it kept his brain from wandering to the dark recesses of his mind. If he kept busy, followed tasks and tired himself to the point of exhaustion, he’d briefly say goodnight to Elle and collapse in his bed. Then he may be blessed with the void of sleep, where his mistakes and failings may not play back through his head because he’s shut down.
The former smuggler wasn’t disappointed or annoyed that you’d be patrolling with him. In fact, it was likely best. You alternated between silence and run-on sentences about any and everything. That also removed his thoughts from being on himself. He even found himself chuckling on occasion at something you’d say that he found funny. He knew you didn’t mean it to come out that way, but hearing about horoscopes that you thought you remembered and comparing them with Maria and the other ladies based on some old papers they’d found was weird as it was ridiculous to Joel. It was good to have a bit of silliness in this hopeless world.
The both of you checked your weapons, you had a revolver in addition to your rifle. You said that you won it in a bet with Fred that Joel would ‘fire’ you as a patrol partner. Joel was curious as to why. You didn’t look directly at him when you told him why. Your gift of gab and keeping things light as well as your build which was short, stocky and thought to be poor for evading clickers, raiders and hunters. Fred wasn’t wrong in that respect outright, but you’d learned to either hide well or improve your aim to prevent them from getting to you.
Joel noted that Fred was a bigger asshole than he thought.
“Doesn't matter. What does is that I get the job done and come home. Let’s go.” Joel followed your lead, it seemed the bet you’d have with Fred had spurred action in you, not a bad thing, but it’s best to keep a cool head.
“Keep focused. Raiders and clickers don’t give two shits about Christmas.” Joel adjusted his rifle again as the two of you walked, it was a familiar path around the Jackson settlement. Shorter than normal patrol.
“I almost thought Elle was with me instead of you Miller with you talking like that.” A light laugh made Joel feel more at ease. ‘That’s more like normal. Am I sounding like Elle? Dammit.’ He wondered if he needed to worry about his own language use. The sun was high behind the clouds, peeking through every so soften as the crunch of grass and dirt was heard from both of your boots.
You still weren’t saying much and Joel had no clue what to say to get you talking. He suggested about halfway that you both sit on a rock. You offered it to him first on account of his knees. Joel’s face contorted into a scowl and refused to sit until you sat down first. When you saw that he was serious, you sat down and patted the space left on the rock and he took his seat next to you. The elder Miller brother turned away from you to keep an eye out as you did on your side. His knees stopped screaming at him that they ached, they only whispered now.
The crisp air reminded Joel that he was alive. His hair flopped with the wind, his eyes squinting slightly to get a better look at the trees and lake in the distance. He flexed and relaxed his fingers, feeling calm when he should be on high alert. Sometimes Joel found himself concerned that he wasn’t built for a calmer life. That he desired the chaos of the unknown instead of the predictability of the commune “Tommy refused to call a spade a spade. The damn place is nice, but it is a commune…” Joel muttered aloud grinning, he recalled discussing it with his brother and him being so adamant about it.
“I mean, a rose by any other name is, well not a rose. I feel like it's supposed to be more poetic than that.” Her answer made Joel turn his head slightly before keeping his face front, he still needs to be aware of any threats.
“I never had much use for The Bard. Especially now. The hell’s that pentameter shit gonna do with a clicker?”
“I’m surprised you remember that Joel. I just remember Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Tights and Plays, I think.”
“Full of surprises darlin’, even with these sore knees.” The broad man stood as you turned to look back at him. Hair bouncing on his head and a wry smile on his face. “We should get a move on, ya good?” He saw you nod and stand, though he couldn’t quite make out the look on your face. Maybe he did really surprise you, the thought alone made Joel put a half a pep in his step. His knees would be back to screeching soon enough. This time around you let him lead as you chatted about what the both of you knew about Shakesphere, neither of you remembered much so the two of you started making up things that he may put in a Christmas play.
“There’s gotta be some weird trickster spirit fairies that give good children presents and punish bad children. Plus ghosts, there’s usually a ghost.”
“Hamlet’s daddy came back as a ghost right? Might be a dead relative of whoever the play’s ‘bout. Also need a big feast. There’s also food.”
“Don’t talk about food Joel, I’m going to be even more hungry.”
“They always have turkey legs and grapes and wine at those things I think. I feel like that’s what was always in them plays as props.”
“You’ve seen a Sharkesphere play?”
There was a moment where Joel was quiet. “Now Darlin’ keep this to yourself. I maybe was one of those cousins of Romeo or Juliet. Don’t ‘member which one thou.” he heard you stop walking and looked to see what was wrong. Your face was beaming with this piece of information. Joel almost regretted it, but still wanted you to know. He needed not to think about why, he’d go back in the recesses of his mind again that connected to those emotions. They’re locked away to keep him functioning. “Told ya we gotta move. I’ll leave you right there.” He began walking again and heard your steps move to catch up with him.
It was when the gate to Jackson was within view. It was another period of silence after finishing the conversation about the bard and you asking several questions about Joel’s short stint in acting. He said it didn’t suit him and continued with football. You then asked if maybe he sang since they can sometimes go hand in hand. That wasn’t what did it, Joel heard you tell him that he had the voice for it. Sure it was a little raspy, but what he was able to communicate in verbal and non-verbal cues suited some songs.
Joel Miller is not an easy man to surprise. He’s seen too much, done too much and been through too much for that. At least he thought he had, and when he stopped walking, his foot got caught on some underbrush and he tried to break his fall. His left hand hitting a sharp rock and he went down. Would he be able to get up? How badly was he injured? He didn’t feel his knees right now…nope, never mind. He felt them, even more than before. He heard you yell and move by his side, he was slightly out of it and you weren’t able to lift him all the way.
“Sweetheart, don’t ruin your back. Gimmie a few.” He told you, sure he was embarrassed but he could sulk about that later. Joel really did need to get off the ground. It was cold, he was sore and anything could happen. He’s completely open. Slowly, he rolled on his side and sat up with a loud groan. The worried look on your face made him sigh, he’s supposed to be the experienced one here and he falls right in front of home basically. “Hands darlin’.” Joel stretched his large hands toward yours and you pulled him up, using your body weight to force him upright. He hopped up and took a minute to adjust, large hands holding your small ones. Joel knew he held them a few seconds more than was necessary, but he told himself it was to ensure he was steady so he wouldn’t fall again. But he knew it wasn’t, and it was no help when you decided to walk at side by side with one of your hands on his back. Normally he’d fight you on it as he did with the rock, but he doesn’t mind it being there and understands that you’re trying to help.
Your hand left Joel’s back when you two could see the guards at Jackson’s gate. Joel decided the least he could do was walk you back to your house after reporting in. Nothing unusual, no raiders or clickers. No news was good news. Your house is smaller than Joel’s, it is meant for one person. A small wreath is on your door with a red and gold bow.
“Maria said I had to put something on my door. I’ve never been much for decorating. You have to put it away later.” You explained and unlocked your door, letting him in. You had a couch, kitchen, cabinet with a few books and a dented wooden globe. Tommy had let you keep it and you weren the only person interested in it so he said it was fine you took the thing. All of them had pieces of garland on them. “Sit down Joel, I’m gonna wrap your hand.”
Joel instead walked over to the sink and rinsed his hand under some cold water. “Nah darlin’ you’ve done plenty.” Apparently, you’d had a small first-aid kit. Joel wondered what you may have traded to get one, or what you may have done to earn one.
“If you won’t sit, then I’ll wrap it while you stand. You might want to be nice to your knees though. I won’t have you falling in here.” You’re teasing him, he doesn’t hate it. Joel resigns himself to his fate and plops on your couch, noting some mistletoe on the wooden post next to the loveseat he just sat on. It looked like it was slapped up there. “Maria and Kelly decorated, hence all the garland, I never noticed that though.” Your eyes rolled and you sat next to Joel and took some supplies out of the kit, dabbing and cleaning his hand before adding some clean gauze and wrapping it. You taped it and Joel complemented your work, it was better that it was covered as to stave off an infection. He knew he didn’t need anything like that.
Not thinking about it, Joel patted your thigh before standing up, “Thanks darlin’. Didn’t mean to cause trouble. I’ll be on my way.” He realized he needed to go. It’s been too long any he can’t. He needs to wrap his head around this if he can. Maybe not his head. He just made room for Elle in his heart, would he have room for you too? Did you even want to be there? You’re friendly and talkative with everyone, it just seems special because Joel is aware of how prickly he is. But you’re not treating him differently, he’s reading into it. He may be heavily starved for companionship.
Those heavy boots of his start to carry him toward your door. He’s bid you goodbye, but you grab his arm. “Darlin’ I-”
“Joel, wait.” He closes his eyes for a moment, then stops. His boots step toward you, Joel looks down at you, trying to discover what’s on your face, but it’s something he recognizes - longing. “Could I just, just close your eyes Joel.” He shakes his head, but your grip on his arm doesn’t wane, he allows his body to relax with an exhale.
“S’alright. Don’t feel ya hafta do-”
“I don’t have to do anything. Yes, I know. Just close your eyes will you? This is the most I’ve heard you talk today Joel.” He ended up bending forward slightly, tipping his chin down and his face toward you. A pair of soft lips touched his cheek, right above his graying beard. “M-Marry Christmas Joel. That’s all I wanted to do.”
A smirk spread on Joel’s face, “Sure about that Sweetheart?” He was aware he was playing a dangerous game, but it was enjoyable. He was one for some risk. You huffed which he found adorable, your other hand found its way to his cheek and pinched him.
“I’m sure Joel Miller. Go on home and rest. Your back and knees will thank you. Dream of the bard while you’re at it.” Joel and you chuckled and you lowered your hand as he caught it, kissing the back of it and then your forehead.
“Not going to dream of some puffy bard darlin’, got someone a lot sweeter on my mind. Merry Christmas to you too. Sleep well.” Your grip on his arm loosened and he dropped your hand, heading to the door before opening and exiting your home. He stood on the porch to hear you lock it, then he started walking to he and Elle’s home.
Joel Miller might be ready to let someone in this Christmas.
Joel Miller’s Sweethearts: @morallyinept @fhatbhabie @goodwithcheese @trulybetty @for-a-longlongtime @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @musings-of-a-rose @rhoorl @laurfilijames @avastrasposts @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @megamindsecretlair @saturn-rings-writes @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @maggiemayhemnj @undercoverpena @alltheglitterandtheroar @pedrodascal @linzels-blog @lincolndjarin @pedritapascal @sp00kymulderr @movievillainess721 @perotovar @pamasaur @magpiepillsjunior @yorksgirl @guelyury @legendary-pink-dot
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marvelights625 · 10 months
i saw one of loki’s crew member’s say ‘he’s in love.’
it doesn’t have to be for sylvie.
it doesn’t have to be for mobius.
i think it’s good that they didn’t mention who. but i think personally that it’s mobius.
and that doesn’t make me delusional. yes, sylvie and loki got a kiss. but that’s all it was. because sylvie wanted her own life, and she was perfectly fine without loki. no matter their ‘deeper relationship’, i think they have given up on each other. i think that from the beginning, it was just supposed to be about self-reflection.
i also personally believe that they were pushed together because it was the closest thing to a heterosexual romance. (only my opinion).
even both the actors had said
‘it’s kinda weird isn’t it?’
‘sylvie was like a mirror that reflects and challenges him.’
‘it’s more like a goodbye kiss.’
i think their relationship (if they had one) ended. not ignored, but it’s that both the characters have realised what they want.
‘i want my friends back.’
‘i want to live.’
i didn’t ship lokius in season 1, because i acknowledged the fact that mobius was, in some way, mistreating loki. he may have been loki’s first friend after episode four, but sometimes he emotionally manipulated loki using his past as a weapon.
but in season 2, platonically or romantically, they loved each other. it was just there. their synchrony, their co ordination, their deeper conversations, their care for the other’s well being.
loki was lost without mobius in episode 5.
mobius was lost without loki in episode 6.
it was kind of visible. and it gives me sort of soulmate vibes.
they were so comfortable around each other. and i don’t ship them because they’re two men.
i ship them because they had such a beautiful relationship.
it’s so sad that we’re called delulu because we expected a queer relationship in a large scale show that is crucial for a franchise. but that’s how it is.
if mobius would have been a woman, they would immediately make them a couple with the screen time they have. all those touches would be a ‘spark’ and all those deeper conversations would have more romantic value.
i didn’t want a kiss, or a hand hold, or basically anything like they do in typical romances.
if in every interview they can talk about all the connections he’s made, and openly say that he’s in love, why didn’t we get some closure.
why did we get a half-assed ‘for you’ and then loki just processing the burden of his purpose. why didn’t we get a real-time, ‘thank you for finding me, mobius’ or ‘goodbye.’ or a hug or something!
tumblr is the only social media i’m on, and i only follow the loki fandom. and with the ship war out there, i just wanted to say, i’m sorry if i offended any sylki fans (even with my prev posts). but i’m not sorry for shipping lokius despite that kiss and believing that if loki loves someone, it’s mobius.
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nswerlvr · 2 months
Lily’s lost the plot kinda ?
Morrow Lily x fem!member reader
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— Trainee Days
The JYP practice room was a flurry of movement as trainees bustled about, perfecting their dance routines. In one corner, Lily and Y/n were working through a particularly challenging choreography.
Y/n wiped sweat from her brow, frustration evident. “I swear, this move is impossible. I keep messing up.”
Lily, glancing up from her own practice, smirked. “Not impossible. Just tricky. Here, let me show you.” She adjusted her stance and executed the move with effortless precision.
Y/n watched with a mix of admiration and mock annoyance. “Great, now I have to live up to your dance prowess. Thanks for making me look even worse.”
“Hey, you’re doing better than you think,” Lily said, nudging Y/n playfully. “Besides, I’m just here to help you avoid looking like a clumsy mess. We all know I’m the clumsy one in the duo.”
Y/n chuckled, shaking her head. “Yeah, right. Like I don’t remember you tripping over your own feet during the last practice.”
“True, true,” Lily admitted, laughing. “But at least I’ve got your back. Let’s try this again. And this time, less spaghetti arms.”
With renewed determination, Y/n followed Lily’s lead, gradually mastering the move. ���Thanks for the help,” Y/n said with a grin. “And for not laughing too hard.”
Lily gave her a warm smile. “Anytime. Just remember, we’re a team. We succeed or fail together.”
— “Lily’s Lost the Plot” Live
The set of Lily’s live show, “Lost the Plot,” was lively, Y/n had been invited as a special guest, adding a fresh spark to the episode.
As the live stream began, Lily waved energetically at the camera. “Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of ‘Lost the Plot.’ Today, I have a special guest—our very own Y/n from NMIXX!”
Y/n smiled and waved, looking slightly nervous but excited. “Hi, everyone!”
Lily turned to Y/n with a teasing glint in her eye. “So, Y/n, there’s been some buzz about you and Ni-ki from Enhypen. Care to share any details?”
Y/n’s cheeks flushed a delicate pink. “Oh, Lily, come on. It’s nothing serious. We’re just friends.”
Lily leaned in with a playful smirk. “Just friends? I’m sure our nswers would love to hear more. How’s that friendship going?”
Y/n fidgeted with her microphone, trying to play it cool. “Really, Lily, there’s nothing to tell. We just hang out and talk like normal friends.”
“Sure, sure,” Lily said with a knowing look. “But you have to admit, it’s a little more fun to tease you about it.”
Y/n laughed, shaking her head. “Alright, you win. Just don’t expect me to spill any more details.”
“Deal,” Lily said with a grin. “But for now, let’s dive into today’s book. And remember, you’re always welcome to join me for more fun.”
They continued the show, their natural chemistry and playful banter making it a memorable episode. The genuine affection between them was clear, their easygoing interaction captivating viewers.
Post-Practice Snack
After another long practice session, Lily and Y/n found themselves in the break room, grabbing snacks and catching their breath.
“So, how was your day?” Lily asked, opening a packet of chips and offering some to Y/n.
Y/n took a handful, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Not too bad. Although, I might have accidentally spilled water all over the floor earlier. I’m a walking disaster today.”
Lily laughed, shaking her head. “Really? And here I thought I was the only one with clumsy moments. You’re in good company.”
“Well, if you weren’t so good at covering up your mess-ups, I might have been the clumsy one in our duo,” Y/n teased, taking a sip of her drink.
Lily raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? And what about that time you tripped over your own feet in the middle of a performance?”
“Hey, that was one time,” Y/n said defensively. “And I’ve learned to laugh it off.”
“Exactly,” Lily agreed, nudging her gently. “Laughing off our mistakes is what makes us a great team. We’ve got each other’s backs, no matter what.”
Y/n smiled, feeling a surge of warmth. “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for always being there.”
“Of course,” Lily said, her tone softening. “That’s what big sisters are for.”
They chatted and laughed together, their bond evident in every interaction. The playful teasing and mutual support made their time together both enjoyable and comforting.
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