#and getting sm attention from u would really make him lose it
itoshi-s · 2 years
anyways sae
let me saddle him like a horse so i can watch those pretty eyes glisten tears THAT is what i NEED
AAAAAAAAASDFHALKFJ YES PLEASE .... YES PLEASE U GET IT !!!!!!!11 he's so mean n would never admit it but the way u fuck him so good has him teary eyed n choked up !!!!!!!!!!!
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knightyoomyoui · 4 months
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Welcome to another brand new TWICE fic series of mine! This story will serve both as an adaptation and a soft reboot of the TWICE horror-comedy book titled “Living With Vampires” written by SaiDaChae29 published in 2020 which was sadly left discontinued until this day. For this one, it scrapped some of the parts from the original while others were kept and applied changes which will lead to its direct continuation. Special mention also to @nchris00 who ordered a commission and entrusted me to recreate this interesting story as his request. Hope this one won’t disappoint! Thank you so much again! -> Read the PROLOGUE here <- “LIVING WITH VAMPIRES: UNDER THE VEIL OF NIGHT” By knightyoomyoui Commissioned by: @nchris00 Part: CHAPTER 1 : "A Nightmarish First Encounter" Word Count: 5,879
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I knocked at the house where there was an old man living in there that I used to help throwing the garbage every night. As he opened the door, he greeted me with a curious gaze as soon as he saw me standing in front of his doorway.
“Jeonghoon? What is it?”
“Uhh hey pops uhm… I was just wondering if you have some extra food left there?” It took some courage to ask that from him, since this is my first time begging from somebody straight into their home for some food to eat. Also, I just did this now from him because he only just know me as a hobo who helps people throw trash in their neighboorhood.
“I already ate the leftovers that I collected few days ago so… if you won’t mind, can I-”
“You came at the right time, Jeonghoon. Ofcourse I will.” He nodded understandably after cutting off my words. I didn’t find it disrespectful at all now that he responded the same thing I was expecting for him to say to me.
He left me in his doorway to grab something from his kitchen. I heard some metal clanging and probably procelains, maybe grabbing something from the plates. I was curious but I remained in his doorway, without any intention to come inside and do something that would break his trust.
Because I will never do that. I may have know how it feels to lose something… but just because it happened worse to me that doesn’t mean I have to make others feel what I felt.
It’s painful, enough to have your life get destroyed in an instant.
Which is what I’ve been going through these days. Imagine I was having these things for me too until that person I thought would be the nicest one among everyone took it all away from me and didn’t spare nothing.
I didn’t noticed I was too occupied at my thoughts when pops here even had to pat my chest twice to steal my attention. “Hey, are you okay young guy? You must be spacing out.”
“Oh u-uhm… I-I’m really sorry pops, I didn’t heard what you said.”
“No don’t worry, I just called your name repeatedly and you can’t hear me, so I checked up on you and I found you hear staring at nothing.” The old man waves it off for me. I looked at his hands and he was carrying a tupperware of the food he cooked for dinner.
“I cooked too much that I wasn’t able to finish it all, that’s why I said that you came here at the right time because I feel a bit dismayed at leaving this extra for tomorrow.” Pops said to me. He handed it to me and I accepted it.
“Do you want to eat here?”
“I would be honored, pops but I think i’m fine out there. I would like to grab some fresh air afterwards.” 
He nodded and he took my answer well. “Okay, eat well Jeonghoon.”
“Thanks a lot again, pops. Good night.”
“You too, kid.”
I bowed again to double the respect I have for his kindness and he smiled softly for me because I helped him close the door. I looked at the beef steak he has for me and probably this is the first day since I lost a home that I smiled with pure genuine.
I looked for some spare bench here along the road and thankfully I found one where I can sit and enjoy this meal I have tonight. I opened the container and smelled the food, oh it was surely mouth-watering and fragrant. 
I prayed as my gratitude to have this kind of food despite of my poor situation. Without wasting much time, I grabbed the spoon he gave for me and I ate my dinner in less than three minutes, an effect of the hunger I was tried to hold onto since earlier.
After I finished my dinner, I went to my scraps to place this in a plastic so that I can return this to pops tomorrow. Then I went back at the spot where I decided to sleep along with my carton as my sleeping mat to make myself more comfortable.
I laid on the couch and stared at the stars above, deeply wondering what the future still awaits for me even after my life had its rock bottom state. Will I still be able to save myself and get back up to slowly reclaim what I never lost in the first place or… if I will be lucky…
Is there someone else out there who will be willing to lend me a hand and assist me with it?
I don’t know exactly, but not gonna lie I don’t lose hope yet. Well, I just think that’s what I should do while I’m still breathing and living you know? I don’t want to waste this opportunity yet, that’s why i have to find a way to look for something that will add more purpose of why i’m living right now. 
I still believe that just because we lost something in our life doesn’t mean we remain worthless forever. 
Anyways, enough of these deep thoughts. I just want to relax myself and call this a day. I just hope there’s a karma awaiting for that person who made me like this. There’s no instances that someone can just ran away freely after doing something reckless to others who did nothing wrong to them.
I closed my eyes and breathe deeply before I let my body soak into slumber.
However, few hours later I suppose, well since I don’t have a watch or a clock -I do have my phone with me but it’s still lowbat since I didn’t get to have my charger with me when I got abandoned-, my ears caught something irritating that woke my senses back up even if it doesn’t want to yet since it’s still midnight.
It was gibberish loud and since it’s slightly audible, I can tell that those noises were coming just nearby from me. I slowly opened my eyes and I blinked rapidly as I try to hear the noises again that caused my peaceful sleep to be rudely interrupted.
I groaned as my reaction before I stood back up. The sound became much clearer now, and I grabbed some of the words they’re talking about. Not being overly interested in gossips, but I do caught that they’re talking about ‘paying something because it’s already due’ thingie.
I looked around to find out what it is, and what I saw didn’t gave me a surprise, it just explained why the sound was so close to me.
There are three kids being cornered by a tandem of intimidating guys cornering them from left to right as they ask them about something.
They’re too busy at what they’re talking about so I tried to hid myself from the nearby lamppost to eavesdrop their conversation more.
“That’s a part of our deal, and we told you that each of us would respect our rules and roles here. We let you borrow our money… and you have to pay us back on the due date.” The guy on the right said, and he’s talking directly at that tallest kid who looks like he’s protecting those two little kiddos he has with him from them.
“I’m telling you sir please, I’m going to pay for it I know about that! It’s just that what I’ve been saving as of now isn’t enough yet to reach that amount.” He replied while trembling in fear.
“And do you think it’s a good thing that even if you don’t want your deadline to pass, you have no choice but to let it? Do we look like we are nice enough to give a second chance?” The left guy said, stepping forward to scare the three kids more.
I understood their situation now. So this kid took a loan agreement with them and these guys are the sharks who are trying to collect the money they gave to the kid as per the agreement says. I get it that they’re just following the rules but… does it really have to come this way?
“Look kid, you better do something right now to pay what you requested for us or else… we are the ones who will look for an alternative.”
“And hey man, I think I know what we should took rather.” He grinned evilly at his partner on the right before his sight landed on the kids.
He tried to reach the arm of that little guy but the tallest one sways his hand away to avoid having contact with the kid. “Get your hands off from them!”
Wait… oh no, are they thinking about the kids being the substitute payment for this guy’s balance?
“Then pay us right now or else you won’t be going to see these rats ever again!”
“No please, I’m begging you leave them out of this!” He shook his head and tried to rid them away while pleading for mercy.
“Shut up!” The left dude pulled his wavering hand at them and shoo-ed him away from the kids. My eyes largened and felt nervous for this guy and what these dudes would do to the poor kids who are crying now in fear.
“WELL THEY ARE NOW, BECAUSE YOU BROUGHT THEM INTO THIS MESS YOU SHOULD’VE AVOIDED IF ONLY YOU COULD’VE PAID US!” The right dude locked his grip on this kid’s slim arm. It tried to force himself out of the hold until this kid tried to bit his knuckle, making the dude scream in pain.
“AAAAISSSHHH, YOU LITTLE DEVIL!” He shook his hand before looking at the kid dangerously and unexpectedly slapped its face.
“No… NO!!!” The guy tried to approach the dude but he only received a huge blow onto his midsection, shutting him off. 
I couldn’t take this sight anymore, so I have to do something for these younglings. I know I’m not that much of a skilled person when it comes to self-defense or challenging somebody in a combat but… I can’t just let these kids to end up somewhere with fate unknown in the hands of these bastards.
Stupidly, I quickly went out of my hiding and tensely approached the dudes who are double-teaming the tall guy before they try to bring the kids with them. I noticed also that the black van that is parking on the side of the road belongs to them.
“HEY! Didn’t you heard what he said!” My puny self yelled at them with bent toughness. “He said they have nothing to do with your problem, so leave them alone!” I said while I eyed the kids who are looking at me right now with their pitiful watery eyes.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just a random guy on the streets that you two bitchasses ruined his sleep with your annoying rumblings.” I said with much confidence with them. This is the hilarious thing about me, I’m so brave at trashtalking bullies but when they come at me, I’m like a flower who easily covers itself for protection.
In short, I don’t know how to fight back with fists. Great.
“Well, is that so? We don’t give a shit about your beauty sleep, so turn around now, mind your business and you can get yourself back to your little sleep because we’re almost done here. How about that?” The left dude said as he tugged the hair of the tall guy’s hair, making him yelp at the sting it must have caused on his scalp.
I hissed irritably at the stubbornness of this loser. I sighed deeply then went back to arguing with them when I noticed that the dudes were about to carry the kids with them through the van. The tall guy looked at me, crying and pleaded.
“Please… mister… they can’t get away…”
“TYLER!!!” An old man suddenly shouted this guy’s name. I saw that he just came out of the door from this huge looking place. Then I figured out it’s name plastered on top of the entrance.
Wait a minute? Orpha- so these kids are orphans? Now I know why this Tyler guy is so protective with these kids and highly concerned for them. Plus, their home is actually just right in front of them! That means they were about to head home when these bad dudes blocked them off from doing so.
“HEY, W-WHERE ARE THEY TAKING THEM!” The old guy saw the dudes carrying the kids who are crying and trying to wiggle off in their arms to escape.
I looked at them and breathe drelpy before I let my urges control me.
I ran immediately and just before they’re about to open the sliding door of their van, I pushed them both off into the ground, while apologetically involving the kids on the ground. I just thought that it’s the better way to stop them by getting distracted at the kids bodies colliding with them as they fall.
“GO, RUN!” I commanded the kids who were a bit confused at what I just did. I looked at both of them and they got my signal. They stumbled to stand but luckily they are able to ran back from Tyler and the old man. 
“You son of a bitch, look what you just did!” The dude who is laying down beneath me suddenly kicked me on the leg, effectively making me kneel on the ground at how painful it is to endure while standing.
As I was busy seething off the pain, the other dude took the advantage by blowing me in the back of the head with his hammered fists. I faceplanted on the ground and then I felt my entire body filled with shots coming from their attacks.
They kicked me with pure despise. It stopped for a while until I felt by body getting rolled and face up, the dude straddled me and gave me repeated punches to the face before my sight went blurred and complete black.
My eyes suddenly sprung up, and what greeted me was a view of a girl who seemed like she flinched a little when my eyes opened. Her head is upside down, so I figured that she’s looking at me from the edge of… wait, am I laying down on a couch?
“Jihyo-unnie! There’s a man sleeping on our couch!!!” The girl suddenly shouted for her Jihyo-unnie. I guess that was her sister or something but hold up, where was I?!
I made the hardest and most painful sat-up I ever did in my entire life, as I feel like my abdomen are tightening while I’m doing it. My head also feels a little dizzy so I groaned and hold it for support before I turned around.
And where the hell was I? Why am I in a very cozy looking room filled with women sitting around in front of me.
What I first noticed was the girl who is staring at me upside down, she is indeed on the edge of the couch on my side looking suspicious at me with her knitted brows.
Then on the other hand was the rest of the girls with her. The first one is wearing a purple T-shirt with a girl character on its chest, she’s watching the TV in the floor along with the pale-looking girl who I can almost compare her similarity to Snow White because of how bright her skin was.
The other ones on the couch were this girl with long legs, wolfcut haired, and in black t-shirt building a Lego figure on a table and the one beside her is a very gorgeous looking one with uhm… enticing thighs, sitting like a ball and very focused on her phone.
I seriously don’t know who are these girls and why did I end up here, but for now I’ll just leave what will happen to me based on their actions… but ofcouse that doesn’t mean I won’t do something about it.
“W-who are you?” I asked the long-hair girl with tattoos. “And how did I end up here?”
“I was about to ask the same thing about you, Mr. Nobody.” She crossed her eyes and popped the bubble gum she was chewing. “We just woke up and I just went down when we found you here laying so comfortably here in our dorm like it’s yours.”
Where in the blue hell am I actually am right now, seriously?
“What did you say? A dorm?” I asked her again.
“Yeah! Are you deaf or something?”
“I seriously don’t know this place. I don’t even have any idea why I’m here!” I felt embarassed when my raising voice accidentally caught the other girl’s attention, and now they’re looking at me with curiousity.
“Oh, he’s awake!” The girl in purple said. She doesn’t seemed to be frightened that a stranger is on a room with her friends, she rather sounds glee about it.
“Look wait, let me explain-”
“Tell that to her instead.” Chaeyoung flicked her head back when she sensed that a footstep is growing near from us. “Jihyo- unnie!!!”
“Yes yes I’m coming Chae, jeez.” This Jihyo said to her, sounding like she’s so done at this girl’s whiny voice. Oh, didn’t I just heard this tattoo girl’s name to be Chae?
While i was awaiting at this Jihyo’s arrival, Chae decided to scare me off with her gesturing me with her index finger that tells me I’m screwed… which was kinda effective and not at the same time because I don’t even know what this Jihyo can do and… her giving death warning isn’t suitable for a short girl like her with cute features.
I gulped but I hid my nervousness by glancing at her cluelessly at her. Then, a figure stood beside Chae, a short-girl one with large round eyes, almost had me questioning if she’s actually Korean or she’s half.
She was about to ask Chae but her eyes landed at me and just like how Chae greeted me when I woke up, she shared the same judgmental look.
“Who are you and what are you doing here in our place?”
“You asked exactly the same thing as this girl right here.” I pointed at Chae. “And I can’t give the answer as for you too, because I don’t even know how did I end up here.” I shrugged.
“Are you sure about that?” She raised her eyebrow to me, unsure if I was speaking the truth.
“She’s probably speaking lies, Jihyo-unnie! Who knows, maybe this idiot is an intruder!”
“Intruder?! I don’t even know how to lockpick or climb walls!” I said to this brat over here as I felt offended.
“Well guessing from that look of yours and how mysterious your identity are, you should be considered as one.” She traced my appearance from head and toe, as if she’s wondering why such a being like me is existing in this world.
“Look, I’m not as dumb as you think I am. I am very aware that such a hobo like me wouldn’t have even a slightest chance to enter or hell, own a dorm such luxurious as this!”
“Both of you, silence your mouths!” Jihyo stops me and Chae from having a war of words. “Chaeyoung is right, you better give us something you know or else we don’t have a choice but to call security and forcefully get you out of here.”
“Wait wait, I don’t know how but I’ll just tell you instead what I know!” I paused her after this irritating Chaeyoung even handed Jihyo her phone. She’s so obvious of making me look like I’m not very welcome here in their territory.
“But first uhm… where is your bathroom?” I said as my expression softened after sheepishly admitting that the nature is calling for my reproductive organs to release something in effect of my hydration.
“And what are you gonna do in there?” Jihyo questions me.
“She’s probably gonna try to run away, Jihyo unnie! Quick girls, block the-”
“I JUST WANT TO HAVE A BATHROOM BREAK, PLEASE.” I said as I hold my kidney spot tight, constricting my legs as I hold on my pee.
“Oh.” Jihyo reacted. “Cmon, Chae as if he’s gonna be out here by his own. Our lock is equipped with passcode remember?” She said as she patted Chaeyoung’s shoulder who seems sulking that she was proven wrong. “Anyways, the bathroom is on the right, you can see the hallway down here.”
“T-thanks”, I immediately stood up and bowed at them thankfully before I went for the location of it.
As I already reached the kitchen which is where the hallway that Jihyo mentioned was near at, I noticed that there’s another girl coming from upstairs coming rushing down and went for the fridge. She even ignored me as she just passed by at me.
I just gave her the same treatment and walked through the bathroom door but just as I was about to grab the knob and opened it, I heard what she said from behind that grabbed my attention.
“Ahhh… oh a fresh blood in the morning after a hangover is incomparably great!” 
I turned my body around slowly to look at Nayeon after what she just said, just want to confirm it if she’s joking or something.
But what I found out after was instead something much more serious to be like that.
I saw Nayeon holding a transparent pitchel filled with red substance on it while gulping its content with a glass on her other hand. She was kneeling in front of the open fridge.
It was like in the movies where a protagonist gets a camera shot where his or her figure gets zoomed in while the background shrinks as soon as that character finds something mind-blowing, that’s what it looked like to mr when I felt chills in my body.
“Nayeon, hurry up! I want that blood already!”
How in the fuck can they just pronouce that they are consuming blood so casually?! It’s nit even normal at all?!
Or else…
As Nayeon followed the voice where it came from, she caught my figure standing in the middle of the hallway, watching her in horror at the strange act she’s doing. I wished she didn’t even stopped, because she terrified me further when she leans away the glass from her, revealing her blood stained mouth.
“What the fuck… are you?” 
She stood up and left the kitchen as she starts walking towards me. I hurriedly turned the doorknob but it was locked. My heart beats even faster as I got confused and even more desperate to get myself away from this bloodlust woman.
It only stopped when my vision went back to pitch black as I couldn’t control my movement anymore.
I have no idea how long I snapped out, but in an instant i just recovered my consciousness back in this comfy couch again. This time, they aren’t around to be seen in what it seems to be their living room. However, I heard clanging noises from the back, I peeked to see what it is and there they actually are, all seated on their dining table with plates and foods all around their table.
The wolfcut girl was distributing the spoons for her roommates while the short-haired woman was assisting her on scooping up the foods for them. I was just silently watching them when someone caught.
“You’re back.” A girl that I haven’t seen yet spoke me as she faced her sitting posture onto me.
I just stared at us and she probably figured out that I haven’t met or know her yet. She chuckled and smiled as she realized it. “Join us.”
Her soft voice and elegant moves piqued my interest on her. She looks so gentle and very nice to get along with. Out of all the girls who I saw, my attention was pinned sharply at her. She just lets out an unexplainable aura that carries me to her.
I nodded and I stood up, which again caught their focus. Chaeyoung’s bright face turned back into an intense and angsty mood when she noticed me back alive again. Jihyo just looked at me seriously but my eyes averted more at this girl named Nayeon who was somehow avoiding her face at me.
I felt my heartbeat quicken again which caused my head to ache and feel a bit dizzy. I almost stumble but thankfully, the wolfcut girl caught my back. “You okay?”
“My head is a bit spiraling, but I’m good.”
“Yeah it’s better to eat first. I’ll give you a medicine after.”
She was about to direct me to their table but then I refused. “S-sorry, but can I go now? I don’t even have to be here, I’m sorry again for the incovenience that I caused-”
“Don’t disrespect unnie like that, now follow her and sit with us!” I didn’t expected that those inviting words, even though they were sounded a bit rude… came from Chaeyoung herself. I looked at her with shame and I just nodded in defeat. I don’t even want to try making this girl’s blood boil more if I already feeling weak.
Oh, great. Speaking about the blood.
As I slowly make my seat, my eyes are still staring at Nayeon who seems uncomfortable now with my look. I try to stop it but at the same time I’m just completely puzzled and disgusted at what I caught from her earlier.
“You can join us for breakfast, because what we learned about you gave me a bit of an assurance that there’s nothing wrong with you.” Jihyo said as she grabbed her spoon and fork before she nodded at the person in front of her from the distance to proceed as she starts eating her food.
It turns out to be the elegant girl sitting with the wolfcut girl and the one with tattoos beside her. “May we know your name first?” she asked me.
“J-Jeonghoon. Min Jeonghoon.”
“Do you remember how did you end up here in our dorm?”
I stopped for a while as I attempt to recall the last scenarios I’ve gone through, which was from last night… but it was like some sort of a missing puzzle pieces, because I couldn’t remember it entirely.
“A bit. All I know is just I beat up some guys because I caught them trying to abduct the siblings of this kid that they intimidate. I’m pretty sure I got knocked out, but… I really don’t know how am I now here, in this type if place with you all.” I explained.
“Someone brought you here with us. That person found you unconscious outside with a badly beaten body.” Jihyo starts to enlighten out the things I temporarily forgot.
“And you should be thanking right now at her.” She glanced back at the elegant girl who just smiled at me and nodded back. My eyes widened when I understood that she was the one who saved me. 
“I’m sorry if you haven’t met me a while ago when you woke up, I just went for some exercise in our gym.” She bowed her head. “My name’s Mina, and I’m the one who brought you here.”
“W-wait, but how…” 
“Since you couldn’t remember when you went through last night, I was a friend with the old guy who owns the orphanage and a guardian of those three kids you saved out there.” She started to narrate what previously happened. 
“He called me along with the police because well… lets say he knows me as someone he can entrust a lot about.” Mina shrugged. “I volunteered to get you healed here while the old guy reported the incident to the police so… that’s the reason how you end up here in our place.” 
I felt relieved and contented that I have an idea now of what I just did, that I was also responsible actually of bringing myself into here, sharing a room with these 9 girls that even though I never met them in my entire life, they seem to be good people and I can somehow try to connect and make myself trustworthy to them… in return of what Mina did to me.
“We learned from Tyler, the kid you saved that they were caught by the loan sharks and you went there to stop them from kidnapping his fellow orphans in exchange of his unpaid balance.” Jihyo said. “And your kind deed was enough to make me convince that maybe you’re not actually what we hope you won’t be. That’s why we talked about even thought Chaeyoung here was… still hesitant-”
“We still don’t know him, unnie! I won’t still trust him around us.” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes as she spatted a toxic gaze at her before returning to her food.
“Exactly what I was saying, but she was still right. We may be appreciating what you did for the kids Jeonghoon but… you got to prove us more. We still don’t know much with you yet.”
“But you’re now welcome to interact with us.” The wolfcut haired girl spoke to me with a nice smile. I felt grateful that they gave me a chance somehow even thought I ended up looking weird for them.
“Thank you so much, I will do my best, I promise.” I said to them, bowing respectfully. 
I started to eat along with them. While I was savoring how delicious the food was, my eyes caught this girl that I last seen drinking blood. I still can’t get it out of my head. As I get drown fron my curiosity, all of us flinched and got a mini heart attack when she suddenly stood up and slammed her fist on the table, towering at me with her deadly stare.
All of us went silent while I found the other girl with bangs slapped her head frustratingly. We locked into a staring contest until Jihyo slids between.
“Nayeon! Calm down!”
“What did you just said, Nayeon unnie?!” Wolfcut asked her older friend which revealed to be her name as Nayeon. Her voice has sn evident disbelief in it. 
Nayeon realized what she just accidentally released in her mouth, so she quickly covered it with her palm as she nervously looked around at us especially to Jihyo.
“I-I’m sorry… I-”
“You heard her right.” I said as I still confronted Nayeon. “I caught Nayeon drinking blood from the fridge, even complimenting that it was the best thing to aid hangover.”
All of them gasped and this girl beside me who was using her phone earlier clicked her tongue thrice. Wait, did I mentioned already that she looks like the tallest of them all? Well, excluding me because her head is leveled just right on my shoulder.
“Do you girls know about this? Why is she drinking blood? What are you girls hiding from me?”
They all went suspiciously silent for a moment, my fear and nervousness is increasing my heartbeat’s rate at this point, being beware of their secret that hides their true identity.
“W-wait, Jeonghoon can you give us a minute to t-talk?”
“No more time needed, just tell me right away!” I stood up, feeling alarmed at them. They all posed a taken aback expression at my frightful demeanor.
“Are you girls belong in some crazy ass cult or what? Because you girls didn’t disposed the fact that she drank blood means one thing only that you girls know about this and this just seems normal to yall. Thinking that you girls ain’t normal makes me wanna leave this room already!”
“Jeonghoon, please wait!”
They all stood up at the same time, which even looked like more creepy to me. I stepped backwards, being defensive for myself. “NO! DON’T YOU DARE TAKE ANY MORE STEP COME NEAR ME!”
I looked at the door at the near end of the hallway, which helped me to plan what I have to do after. I gotta get out of this place as they all soon to come after me. I better hurry out and ran as fast as I can.
Just as I had a plan formulated in my mind, the elegant girl took our attention when she suddenly yelled that I couldn’t even consider if she actually yelled because of how light like a feather her voice was.
“W-we are v-vampires, that’s why!”
They all gasped unbelievably at their friend who just exposed and retreated at their guilt.
“MINA! WHY DID YOU SAY IT?!” The bangs girls got infuriated at her.
“I-I just couldn’t take it anymore. I can’t lie!”
“Shit… you all are…” I looked at them and soon the sight of them looking like these precious set of women goes shifting into this unimaginable monsters that I never wanted to come across with.
“Oh god… so that’s probably why you all took me, to feed me to become more healthy… so that later tonight you all can eat me and have my blood huh! You girls like the dark and a fresh blood, like what that girl said!” I hauntingly said while pointing at Nayeon who lowered her head, probably felt pain at my accusation.
“Guess what, you all can’t have it. Because I’M GETTING OUT OF HERE!”
I moved as fast as I can, sprinting to the door and tried to open it. I looked back to see all the girls except Jihyo, the wolfcut one, Nayeon, and the thighs girl not joining the rest who is chasing after me.
I realized that there’s a keypad underneath the knob. I remembered that Chaeyoung told me that I have no chance of getting out of here because their door is secured with a pass code.
I pounded the door as loud as I can before I felt the bangs girls tackled my lower part and pulled my legs, sliding me to the ground with my front colliding on the floor.
Meanwhile, Jihyo and the wolfcut girl was talking about something when I saw the tall girl suddenly speak with them.
“Just tell him the truth, unnie. We can’t do anything about it already. It’s too late.”
“Nowhere to run, Jeonghoon!” Chaeyoung said to me before she maniacally smugs and laughs. I saw a glimpse of her fangs growing wiith her pupils shrinking and eyes glowing into color red.
The three of them just watched the rest pulled my body away from the door as I clawed in the front while screaming in dread and terror, with my fate unknown being at the possession of these girls who turned out to be vampires in disguise.
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lvvesick · 7 months
I love ur writing sm ur such a queen! Could u do young Finnick with another young victor who’s also from four? Like maybe they’re at a Capitol party or smth and they just pretext eachother cause capitol people=not hot not cool.
Tysm ur such a queen my literal love 🫶
Ahh ty so much and sure! 🩷🫶
Capitol Party- Finnick Odair x reader
This ends kinda abrupt but I didn’t know how to finish it..I also don’t really know how to write Finnick so it’s probably ooc so sorry
I wrote this at like 2am
Summary: You go to a Capitol party with him.
Wc: 365
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Finnick despised the Capitol parties.
He despised the ridiculous outfits and the flashy decorations, but most of all, the people- acting overly nice, as if they were friends. Sugarcoating everything.
You knew it from the way he followed you around and barely spoke to anyone else, simply nodding and going along with whatever conversation you were having with the people there. He did, however, not drop his usual playfulness and teasing, often dropping in a joke and some of his charm.
But you saw the glances he snuck at you, and the way he moved to stand closer to you protectively whenever you would speak to somebody, the hint of jealousy in his eyes.
After you had gotten stuck talking to one of the Capitol residents for a while and they kept talking and talking, you could feel yourself losing your attention and not listening, just nodding along with everything they said, but you were pulled back to reality by the feeling of a hand loosely around your waist, trying to tug you away.
“Excuse us, we should go.”
His voice filled your ears as he quickly pulled you away from the conversation, his hand dropping back down to his side as he guided you through the crowded room, bustling with the Capitol people.
“What are you doing?”
You found yourself asking him, having to raise your voice to be heard over the sounds of people chatting and music, your shock showing in your voice at the way he had just pulled you away like that.
“Getting you out of more ridiculous conversations with the Capitol residents. Do you really want to be stuck talking with that kind for the next couple of hours?”
He asked in his usual playful tone, and you went quiet and shook your head, causing him to grin as he led you through all the people, looking back at you every so often to make sure you were still there as he pulled you along.
You sighed as he finally stopped, and you looked around nervously to make sure nobody was trying to come and talk to you two again.
“I can’t take having another conversation with these people. They’re all so naïve.”
“Then don’t.”
He replied teasingly, and his arms found his way to your shoulders as he leaned down slightly to whisper into your ear, his breath brushing against your hair and making you shiver.
“We can just talk.”
“About what?”
You had began to ask, but he cut you off by pressing his lips against yours, making you tense up in shock as he pulled away again and grinned playfully.
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lazywerebat · 1 year
hi hi hello !! cld i request a lost boys fic or hcs (whichever u want) w a reader that gets scared rlly easily but also has a LOT of patience ? i feel like that'd be kinda fun !! also i love ur writing sm omg
Scaredy Cat With Patience !
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Polyam! Lost Boys x GN! Reader Who Gets Scared Easily But Has A Lot Of Patience
a/n; helo, thanks for request anon! i hope you rlly liked this fic! i tried writing in a new style :), hope thats okay! also thank you sm for loving my writing i rlly appreciate it :D! since you didn't specified what gender reader is i kept it gender neutral!
warnings; boys scaring reader not meant in like dangerous way more like in playful way idk :')
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Boys and me were doing our normal hang out routine. I finished preparing my outfit for tonight, I spent some time I had left to finish this project that Im working on. Looking at clock I noticed it reads; 20:30 PM, I decided to go to boardwalk to meet the guys. I opened my door as I was about to walk I heard some kind of tapping on my window, my attention went to window to see if I was right or wrong. It was nothing, so I decided to just go and meet the boys, next thing I know before I was screaming was fast footsteps and screech then laughing. My heart skipped beat for sure, trying to calm down from this I looked at Paul whose laughing his ass off.
“You should have seen your face babe!”
He chuckled, I looked at him with commotion of what the fuck and not surprised look. Paul went close to be pulling me into a hug, kissing me before saying,
“You alright doll?”
He questioned with worry as he heard your heartbeat beating loud,
“Im fine Paulie, don't worry.”
I said to him kissing him before pulling away from hug,
“Where are others?”
I asked him curiously looking behind him, he placed my face between his hands, making my attention on him and kissing my nose.
“On boardwalk, I came here to scare you before anyone could.”
“Then who tapped on my window?”
I asked with confusion, he looked at me with i dont know look, which made me more strike with fear. All of a sudden I felt someone grabbing me from behind spinning me around while I was screaming a lot. When it stopped I heard laughter from Paul and Marko. I rolled my eyes at their behaviour and ignoring them went outside while I was leaving I could hear them calling my name. We ended up going to their bikes, i rode with Marko and went to boardwalk. Once we got on boardwalk, they parked near others bikes with David and Dwayne nowhere to be around. Suddenly I felt something grabbing me so sudden which caused me to jump and scream from being scared. I saw David smiling and going to me wanting a kiss. Of course, I didn't rejected a kiss, then I felt someone kissing my neck and touching my waist causing me to gasp into Davids and mine kiss and jump too. For some reason they all loved scaring me, tired to asked them once why, they just said vampire stuff. I didn't really questioned it, they know I get scared easily but I have a lot of patience too. Sometimes them scaring me too far would make me lose that patience but it made them even more impressed and into it.
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carpisuns · 1 year
sjdsjsd sorry to be that person but what are your thoughts on adrinette's development throughout the season?? it's so wild to me how their relationship evolved sm in just 11 episodes
it IS wild!! Especially after watching them just make insane heart eyes at each other for 4 seasons before this!! Im proud of them. look how far they’ve come :’)
I’ll admit tho that I do have some mixed feelings lol. Because tbh I actually really love the status quo of miraculous ladybug. I know everyone has been itching for adrinette or another side to officially get together for years, but I always just loved the dynamic of each side as it was originally. dont get me wrong, im Thrilled to see adrinette saying I love you and holding hands and being the cutest couple ever 😭 and it always made the most sense for adrinette to be the side that dates prereveal. Im happy for the development! But at the same time I do miss adrien pining for ladybug. When I see ladynoir onscreen together now they’re just so cute and theyre great friends and partners and they’ve left the drama of s4 behind which is nice bc that was hard to watch dhdnd. But at the same time im like aw I want him to be in love with his lady! </3 and ive been waiting for a ladrien interaction to no avail 😔
It’s really interesting how they flipped/reversed the love square briefly to have marinette pursuing chat noir and then she flipped back pretty quickly while adrien continued to pursue her as marinette. There’s been so much love square development this season that it gave me a little whiplash in the beginning lmao. if u have been following me for a while h probably know im a big marichat fan. So obviously I was losing my mind over all the marichat this season. I was always rooting for marichat interactions but I was never delusional enough to think we’d get THAT lmao. so ofc I was ecstatic! But at the same time I was like wait! No, not like this! Bc I was never rooting for a love square “reversal” so much as a LS “expansion,” if that makes sense. Like I wanted marinette to fall for chat and adrien for marinette, but I didn’t want them to fall out of love with OG crush. I was hoping for the dramatic “oh no, im in love with two people!” thing and them having to reconcile those feelings and then at the reveal they’d realize they’d fallen in love with the same person twice. I’ve just always thought of adrien being in love with ladybug as kind of a defining character trait for him, so it’s sad for that to be seemingly gone, but also i dont really believe it is? maybe just suppressed atm bc his love for Marinette is taking priority.
Man I probably sound whiny and entitled rn complaining that my favorite side of the square got so much attention and that adrien is openly in love w marinette now, which ive wanted for a long time lol. I dont mean to come off that way!! Im really enjoying the adrinette and the love square development! it’s just going differently from how I imagined it would so im trying to stop pushing my expectations on it and just enjoy what the writers cooked up for us. im excited to see what happens next!
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sehodreams · 5 months
omggg thank u sm for ur response!! i’d love to know more of ur thoughts on toxic! boyfriend sungchan then when you have a chance because i’m really curious on how you see him like that…!!!! my brain is so rotted for sungchan, riize in general, and esp toxic riize >:)))))))) so i wanna know (when u have time) how he’d be in ur mind <3333
Oh honey, I wanted to add it too but I didn't know if maybe I was putting too much again 😅, but since you ask, here are some thoughts I've had (that might change since things can go differently when I write).
I wrote too much haha
What I understood from what you put was that Sungchan actively tried to make you lose weight, while, in my head, this boy LOVES your size, and he loves you and your body so much he starts to feel ashamed (because he also believes that liking you is somehow wrong).
Of course, he was the one who made your relationship official, but from the start, he was doubting his actions (and desire) a lot, and he'd convince you to keep your relationship lowkey with some x excuse, when, in reality, he just didn't want others to know much about you two together.
So, another thing that keeps happening, is that he only takes you on dates in places he knows he won't cross anyone from his circle, and if you end up going together to some place as a couple he'd be plainly cordial with you, close, but not enough for others to think ''wow, they're really a couple'' (I really liked the part in which you said something about him making you wear tight clothes since its something Pinching!Sungchan would do, but not the toxic!Sungchan I'm thinking about since he doesn't want you getting too much attention because that would attract attention over you two together as a result).
I imagine him making you feel insecure with more things, and perhaps, you wouldn't even notice these actions (because, in the end, you're still going on dates, he's still around you at reunions, and he's really close to you in the privacy of your room, repeating many times how he likes you and almost everything related to you, his precious girlfriend). Still, you'd get hurt with other comments about your body that he makes you believe he says out of worry from the bottom of his heart, but even if he talked a lot, in the end, he's the one buying you sweets, telling you to order food after fucking and staring at you with desire while you change clothes. With those comments, he makes you believe, even if not directly saying it (perhaps in a fight he'd loudly say it), that, in some way, you're the lucky one to be with him.
In bed, however, he's exactly like you said, he's such a giver, and when he feels you start to get weird (like suspicious of something that you can't clearly point is happening) he does everything for you to not think, things you even feel embarrassed about, like grabbing your rolls with force to make you meet his hips, pounding up into you while you're trying to not suffocate him with your chest (which he adores), and constantly eating you out until you're crying and assuring him that you love him too!
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taexual · 5 months
Dude where do I even start :ccc
This chapter, I really couldn't wait to have some free time and read it peacefully (peacefully meaning, squealing and losing my shit at every paragraph)
I loved the plotting ok, the attention to details, the way they all worry about each other and just fight against this urge to bury Sid alive, so inspiring and wholesome :D
Also, something I've absolutely always loved about your writing is this continuous narration of the characters thoughs, interactions and quirks, like it may be the simplest of things for other people (like writers in general and stuff) but for me these moments -of Luna finally exchanging a gossipy stare with Maggie, or Jungkook feeling devastated when Oc took her hand away, and then making sure that it wouldn't happen again-, they just add so much endearment, personality, depth to the story. Idk, it feels like every comma you write has a purpose, and will eventually add up to some beautiful metaphors, and revelations.
What does it feel like to be such a talented writer??
Now, regarding the lovey dovey stuff... What the actual fuck are you trying to do to me? I swear I cannot look more deranged giggling at my phone every 32 seconds jfc, have some compassion.
Like jk demanding that kiss in the park? Had me doing flips
The “I never knew how to love you quietly."
AND OC RECITING HIS ENTIRE SPEECH??!? ‘We have Sociology together, I saw you sleeping in class, very cute by the way, the professor does not know how to shut up, have you seen that new Studio Ghibli film, I recently watched their classic with some friends, My Neighbour Jungkook, I’m Totoro by the way, I thought maybe—wait—no—’”
“Not one period, nothing,” you continued, a melancholic haze in your eyes. “Just commas and an endless stream of thought. You could have asked me to bury a body, I would have said yes.”
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The rain listened. It had become a fundamental part of your present and a prophet of your future: the two of you were going to spend the rest of your lives listening to the rain and falling in love.
This destroyed me actually, get me someone to listen to the rain and fall in love with, rn please and thank u
Also watch me try and write 'transfixing. Beguiling. Effulgent. Pulchritudinous' next time I'm falling asleep to test my writing abilities fr, just you wait
He was almost ready to call Rated Riot’s next song “Smile Lines” and just sigh dreamily into the microphone for five minutes while Yoongi played gentle piano chords in the background.
As if their entire discography wasn't like this already, at least in my mind it is. But yeah, I can totally see him doing something like that next time oc does anything remotely endearing (breathing basically)
Ugh idk what to say, you have me screaming and crying for this couple, these characters and their story all the time, and I love you for it. There are also things I forgot to mention because my phone refuses to actually save things in the Clipboard, but overall this made my week, as your updates always do (and that paired with Ateez's performance in Coachella in a couple of minutes?? Yeah life feels worth living again 🤭🤭)
Thank you sm for this, take care of yourself pleaseee, ill be waiting for the next one cccc:
oh how i wish i could thank you eloquently, instead of going sskdhfksh at every word of your message 😭 i must stress that the fact that you noticed (!) these little moments between characters and you've enjoyed (!!!) them is the absolute highest reward i could get 🙏🏻 it's so easy to skim, you know?
babe making you giggle is my main purpose in life at this point, i don't know what to tell you. and you'RE SO RIGHT OMG he's so whipped for her, their next album is just going to be jungkook morphing from this 🥰 into just this ❤️ (like me for you rn, fr)
i also hope you have more peace and quiet to do the things you enjoy in your life!! i love you!!! 🥺🤍🤍🤍🤍 bless ateez btw
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monstrouslyobsessed · 2 years
still working on a thing and ima try and throw up another concept or hc later today tomorrow~now ima answer some asks < 3
tw: n'sfw subjects, kink talks, pregnancy(-related) mentions
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What blogs and writers(ones that do dark romance stuff) do you recommend? —anonymous
i get this question a lot tbh, i should think about adding to faq, but uhhhhh, depends on what you're looking for. original or fandom? most of my mutuals, friends, and writers i liked/found write genshin, jojo, and other popular fandoms.
if original works only, i haven't found many, no, and tumblr ain't great with their rec feed (99% time they're fandom only).
@dear-yandere (she's not active, but i love her works sm) made a post you can look through! linky link
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Favorite kinks to write in your opinion? —anonymous
uhm, i'm sure you can tell with most of my works lol but ig i can explain why i like a certain few. rest tho, i just like them lol
pregnancy / pregnancy sex / oviposition, im actually a touch tokophobic irl, but in writing, its not so much on for children (they're cute though) but because it's the near-total loss of control over one's body, if that makes sense. as its my thing to write the darling losing control to their possessive spouse, pregnancy is one of my go to.
monster dick(s), because we could use some variety in our d's lol human d's is good too though ofc
stomach bulge / cumflation, p similar to pregnancy in some ways, the darling loses the sense of losing their body to the other. (pseudo?) body destruction, really.
size differences, because i want to be picked up and be carried sometimes
yeah, most of the kinks i listed here had to do with the loss of control.
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YES I CAN U BACK DEAR 💕💕💕💕 —anonymous
that was painful;; so glad to be back!! 💕
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Yoo have you seen the movie called the descent? If you have, what do u think of the monsters!! —anonymous
uhmmmm, the name didn't ring a bell...google time!
oh waittttt, i vaguely remembered this one. this was based on dante's inferno, wasnt it? after checking the monsters, yes hi.
i prefer they'd bathe first though lol but i'd be down for them! pretty simplistic in design, reminded me of buffy the vampire slayer's vampires, actually! think buffy was one of the earliest monsters i can remember really liking as a wee lad.
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So, have you read the Neonomicon? I saw it on one of your posts. I actually read the thing online and I immediately fell in love with the Deep One too despite the noncon. Is that weird? —anonymous
are you referring to the one i did where the darling had to watch the world burn in the palm of cthulhu?
thats the only one i can recall of ever doing, but on reading the neonomicon, no! you're talking about the comic series one? i don't generally read american comics because of how weird they organized their issues, but if its not long and good, then i'll be happy to check it out!
and nah, not weird at all imo. humans are drawn to things we simply don't understand, and as long as you are not harming yourself or anyone else, its fine to indulge. we all find appeals in certain things others don't and that's perfectly normal. most of the monsters i liked as a kid were actually violent and murderous so.....yeah. im literally one of the last people who should judge you , dear nonnie.
just know that youre far from being alone though! heck you'll find many n'sfw artworks and other contents of the deep ones and other monsters if you know where to look.
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Dude I've been binging all your pyramid head works and I love them sm!! Would u be writing more for him in the future? —anonymous
mmmaybe? like i do have a couple of ideas, but nothing too concrete. one idea involved the reader being, well, the mother of monsters and the butcher would probably become more monstrous over time because of the silent hill related plot reasons. thing is, the reader wouldn't know there were changes at all, being too addicted to the butcher's to pay attention. I'm being very vague on this one because...idk how to communicate the story yet, if at all.
the other one might involve incest though, because of the monsters the reader birthed cooperating with the butcher, under the god's order. this one is just...a concept more than anything though because tentacles are fun.
otherwise, its just straight pron with the butcher. I'm glad you liked him tho! &lt;3
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now to work on things...inbox is always open tho~!
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piedpiperslists · 2 years
hey can I ask for some fic recs?
fuckgirl reader
Android member /reader
barista/waitress au
bodyguard au
Hi. This is a lot 😭 also, next time please send in the request for recs seperately per au so it'll be easier to format when there's multiple aus and members to list 😬
I'll put in the recs for the fuckgirl!reader, barista/waitress and bodyguard aus under the cut since it's gotten quite long with about 30+ fics. However, I don't have any recs for android au, as this is another genre I don't read.
* s - contains smut sm - social media format
F U C K G I R L ! R E A D E R  A U
[drabble] | [drabble] by yoonpobs - drabble (s) / shy!Jungkook, fuckgirl!reader, college au
Closeted by whatifyoulivelikethat - one shot / wc~3k / enemies to lovers Summary: Jeon Jungkook doesn't like you and you don't like him. Your friends and his friends decide enough is enough and they lock you in a closet together to settle your differences. Mhm.
Like I Want You by divinelyparkjimin - one shot (s) / wc~5.4k / friends to lovers, college au Summary: Setting your nerdy best friend up with a girl from your class was the biggest mistake you ever made.
The Boy With Galaxies in His Eyes by oddinary4bts - one shot (s) / wc~52.9k / tattoo artist!reader, FWB, idol au Summary: You had never thought the night sky could be found in someone’s eyes. That is, until you met Jeon Jungkook and his gravity pulled you in. Will he crush you with the galaxies in his eyes, or will you learn to explore his worlds and make them yours?
Love Formula by kimnjss - series (s sm) / shy boy!Jungkook, fuckgirl!reader, college au Summary: You’re barreling into his life when he least expects it, stealing all his attention until the nights spent studying are replaced with rolling around the sheets. He’s hopelessly romantic and you’re in it for the fun, but no one told you it would ruin your life.
The Rulebook by another-army-spot - series (s) / soft fuckboy!Jungkook, fuckgirl!reader, college au Summary: Despite being the notorious fuck girl on campus, you have morals and values that you stick to with a solid set of rules. One of your rules excludes Golden Boy, Jungkook, from ever getting a chance with you, much to both of your dismay. And he intends to change that, with one really irresistible bet.
Please Love Me by muniimyg - series (s sm) / fuckboy!Taehyung, fuckgirl!reader, FWB Summary: These days, Taehyung realizes he spends most of his time in between your legs and lost in his thoughts — trying to convince himself that he’d rather your body than half of your heart.
Hit;Record by kithtaehyung - one shot (s) / wc~13.1k / ft MYG, jock!Seokjin, fratboy!Yoongi, fuckgirl!reader, university au Summary: You’ve been losing every single bet your friends have thrown at you. Tired of striking the hell out, you’re determined to win the biggest one that everyone has a stake in. What you don’t quite expect, though, is that there’s more than one person willing to help you.
B A R I S T A  A U
I think pretty thoughts when I'm with you by koostarcandy - drabble / barista!Jungkook
Mugs & Kisses by minisugakoobies - one shot / wc~6k / barista!Jungkook, strangers to lovers Summary: Jungkook has something he'd like to tell you, but he can't find the words. So he's thought of another way.
Tamped by chimoona - one shot (s) / wc~19.7k / barista!Jungkook, shop owner!reader, coffee shop au Summary: You and your business partner/best friend Jin have struggled to find good help to run your coffee shop. Employee after employee, it just never worked out. However, Jungkook is determined to impress and deliver. He wants this more than ever, and it always feels good to want something. To need, well, that’s even better.
Worth the Wait by sketchguk - one shot (s) / wc~13.3k / barista!Jungkook, strangers to lovers, college au Summary: You have an unwritten rule about swearing off relationships to pursue your studies, but your willpower wavers when you meet Jeongguk, the barista with commitment issues and a soft spot just for you.
Ardent by gukooky - series (sm) / barista!Jungkook Summary: Jungkook’s a barista at your local coffee shop and you fail to remember you went to high school with the guy.
Cream & Sugar [pt2] [pt3] [pt4] [pt5] [pt6] | Love You a Latte by gukslut - series (s) / barista!Jungkook, enemies to lovers, escort au Summary: Stepping into this coffee shop was either the best or the worst idea of your life. You know that barista, you know he’s great in bed. You also know he’s the biggest asshole you’ve ever met.
Back to Life by sugaurora - drabble / barista!Taehyung, exes to lovers Summary: Wherein Taehyung’s ex-girlfriend reappears after leaving him to marry someone else.
Espresso My Love by yoonoclock - drabble / barista!Taehyung, established relationship Summary: Hoseok’s first official shift entails learning all the tips and tricks. He just didn’t think one of those tricks has to do with Taehyung flirting with a particular customer.
Café Terrace at Night by srwbrycke - series (sm) / artist!Taehyung, barista!reader, strangers to lovers Summary: Van Gogh enthusiast Kim Taehyung hides from public eye after falling into a bit of slump, only to find himself drawing the cute barista who works at a cafe hidden within the streets of Seoul.
Love You a Latte by kitsutaes - drabble / barista!Seokjin, college au, coffee shop au Summary: Finding the campus prince working as the barista at your local coffeeshop wasn’t just the only surprise you got that day.
Saccharine by gyukult - one shot / wc~2.3k / barista!reader, strangers to lovers, coffee shop au Summary: Seokjin doesn’t believe in love at first sight. So… what’s this feeling that’s churning in the pit of his stomach when he meets you for the first time?
W A I T R E S S ! R E A D E R  A U
Again by baobaojng - one shot (s) / wc~7.7k / rockstar!Jungkook, waitress!reader, strangers to lovers Summary: Where rockstar Jeon Jungkook wonders if he’ll ever see you again.
Cherry Bomb by milfgyuu - one shot (s) / wc~7k / bartender!Jungkook, cocktail waitress!reader Summary: You’re a cocktail waitress in a high end nightclub and you’ve been mutually crushing on one of the bartenders. Tonight, one of your customers oversteps boundaries and when Jungkook gets involved, you’re ready to toss your ‘no dating co-workers’ policy out the window.
Strings by sugakookitty - one shot (s) / wc~5k / CEO!Seokjin, waitress!reader, strangers to lovers Summary: After getting ditched by your friends at a New Year’s Eve party, you and Seokjin decide it’s best to stick together—since neither of you are in the partying mood. You two may be from different worlds, but you have at least one thing in common. It’s been ages since you’ve had a decent hook up, so why not bring in the new year putting an end to your dry spell? There is one rule, however. When the morning comes, you both have to go separate ways—and carry on as if it never happened.
B O D Y G U A R D  A U
I have previous asks for bodyguard aus for Jungkook and Taehyung: here and here, but I'll list them here again just to make sure that the links are updated and to include some new fics too.
[drabble] by hobidreams - drabble / bodyguard!Jungkook
Fifth Wish by jiminrings - one shot / wc~18k / rich kid!Jungkook, bodyguard!reader, fake dating Summary: Jeon Jungkook, world-class socialite and nepotism baby, should be out every night to celebrate while he’s at his prime. Why should he fake-date his bodyguard instead? Alternatively, Jungkook regularly throws coins to wishing wells with only one desire in mind — to get rid of you.
Flame on Water by btsmosphere - one shot / wc~5.2k / assassin!Jungkook, bodyguard!reader, enemies to lovers, mafia au Summary: Either you win or he does. Either you get paid or he does. Either the target winds up alive or dead. Jungkook’s job becomes a little more difficult any time you are around.
If It Isn’t Me by jiminrings - one shot / wc~4k / angst, single dad!Jungkook, bodyguard!reader, exes au Summary: Protecting Jungkook with your life is your job — raising his daughter isn't. Alternatively, Jungkook's a single dad for the meantime according to his own words, and lowering down his pride will not stop at anything in begging you to help him with things outside of your paygrade.
Undercover by cinnaminsvga - one shot (s) / wc~5k / ft JJK, vampire!Jungkook, siren!Seokjin, bodyguard au Summary: The company banquets that your family loves to host are often drearier than you would like them to be. Lucky for you, your bodyguards have the perfect solution: why don’t you play a little game with them?
Fight for You by ahundredtimesover - series (s) / bodyguard!Jungkook, heiress!reader Summary: Working at a private security agency has its perks. The downside? Being the personal bodyguard of spoiled, rich heiresses like you. But there are things that Jungkook didn’t expect, like rejecting you, falling for you, and realizing what he’d been missing all along.
This Ruined Puzzle by i-would-rather-be-queen - drabble / angst, character death, bodyguard!Taehyung
The President's Son by jimlingss - series / bodyguard!reader Summary: Kim Taehyung is the President’s son, mischievous and playful, and infamous for being a troublemaker. When everyone’s given up, they call for you to be his personal guard. There’s no other choice when your dad’s assigned you to it and surprisingly Taehyung doesn’t mind either. Maybe because you happened to grow up with that brat.
About Time by i-would-rather-be-queen - drabble / bodyguard!Seokjin
The Bodyguard by hollyxqx - drabble (s) / bodyguard!Seokjin Summary: Seokjin, hired to protect you by your wealthy father, can’t keep his hands off you after a night together.
The Bodyguard by wwilloww - one shot (s) / wc~5k / bodyguard!Seokjin Summary: As your bodyguard, keeping you safe from the world comes with rules for Kim Seokjin. But you’re used to getting what you want, and you want him.
Undercover by cinnaminsvga - one shot (s) / wc~5k / ft JJK, vampire!Jungkook, siren!Seokjin, bodyguard au Summary: The company banquets that your family loves to host are often drearier than you would like them to be. Lucky for you, your bodyguards have the perfect solution: why don’t you play a little game with them?
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moriartyluver · 1 year
The only thing keeping me sane abt the baby is the fact that they can always make another pen and he wasn’t even that formed yet😭
The bouquets of lilies being fresh is going to ruin him even more because it means she was still mourning until then
Honestly fl has every right to be salty for a little, girlie lost and had to deal with sm
Imagine William trying to get her attention and constantly glancing at her during the dinner because he hasn’t seen her in so long and just can’t get enough of her but he’s also scared to keep looking at her for a long time because he doesn’t wanna bother her🤭
Bro definitely had a little shrine, it was like a Lana Del Rey shrine expect for fl instead
Louis is such a therapist, mostly a couples one but he could definitely be a good children’s therapist
Okay not every room but most rooms, and they had done it in a bathtub, end of story
Almost everyone in the gang had heard them😞 they are traumatized but fl and liam couldn’t care less
Honestly almost all the mtp characters are probably virgins and haven’t had their first kiss or a crush
Actually I take that back I feel like liam would’ve had these small crushes (that mainly formed from admiration) when he was a teen for a few people but they weren’t like big ‘I wanna marry you’ crushes but just small short ‘wow you’re so cool, kind and smart I’m gonna crush on you for a few days and then move on’ type of crushes
So is the something part of fl or something different😟
I think the saddest part abt losing the baby for fl would be losing the last thing she had of liam. It was mostly because the baby was an extension of her dead lover that had her so distraught
Fl would still be wearing traditional black mourning clothes when William sees her again and all the people who didn’t know abt William coming back would ever so confused when she suddenly starts wearing other colours again
Thing is with fl is that she’s actually really understanding but she doesn’t show it if that makes sense. Like she lets William back in really easily because she knows that even tho he was selfish for not finding her as soon as he could, she knows he was suffering a lot in her absence and physically too. She doesn’t think what he said to her before he jumped into the Thames was right but she sympathises with him bc she realises soon after that he was trying to push her away for a reason
Honestly fl and Liam are giving that one lyric in flawless by the neighbourhood “So, she put his heart in a bag, he wouldn't ask for it back He didn't want her to cry, she didn't want to be sad She said, you better not leave me This shit'll be fucked for days and weeks and months”
He keeps trying to sneak little looks at her because he thinks she got even prettier although tired, in his absence and he can’t take his eyes off her aww. The moment their relationship goes back to normal, they can actually love each other freely without having to worry about anything. Fl breaks off her engagement to liam wannabe and lives with him happily ever after and they have a bunch of kids who are little hybrids of them
I swear liam is on the very thin line between normal love & infatuation and then just insane obsession and low-key yandere type of love for fl. the shrine is such a funny concept tho like imagine one of his brothers sees his little collection of photos that he has of fl and him together. Gets worse after they get married 😭
Louis is og Charlie’s and og Lottie’s therapist u can’t tell me otherwise. He had to do couples counselling for fl and Liam except that wasn’t very hard tbh.
NAH THE BATHTUB 😭 THEYRE SO DOWN BAD. Only the other members of the gang’s bedrooms are safe. Every damn room is crazy 😭 they didn’t have much time. Had to make it count. Arguably Moran has had it the worst out of all of them. We make fun of him for being a cockblock but for him all of a sudden he’s walking in on some kid he’s known since said kid was a teenager getting pinned to a desk by his not actually wife
The only mtp characters I can imagine getting any sort of action would be Moran, James, possibly Albert?? John but that’s because he’s married. Patterson low-key a dilf like bros 40 and still looking fine. Most of the others have never even spoken to a woman let alone kissed one
I relate to liams crush situation. It’s usually platonic but the admiration makes it feel romantic if that makes sense. I’ve never had a proper proper crush on a guy before bc British dudes are NASTY unless they’re from mtp.
Liam is just such a hoe and it’s so funny to kind of mischaracterise his nerdy ass that way man 😭
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
hi there!! if im not mistaken, i think you can write for zhongli?? so may i request zhongli comforting the reader (gn or male, i dont really mind) who's feeling really anxious and dreading a future event?
𖥻 characters... zhongli x gn!reader
𖥻 genre... comfort + fluff !!!!
𖥻 warnings... relationship between zhongli and reader isn't specified, but zhongli calls u endearments such as 'dearest' and 'my dear' hope that doesn't bother yall, a little ooc zhongli im sorry its been so long since i've seen his ancient ass
𖥻 a.n... AAAA thank you sm for sending this req !!!! my inbox has been filled with two people telling me to kay why es n its really nice to see such a wholesome request ૮  ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ა !!! i hope im not the only one who calls my friends 'my love', 'darling', etc etc .... anw i hope you like this n im wishin the best comes ur way anon <33 !! ヽ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ノ
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you sighed for the umpteenth time today, as much as you had tried to distract yourself from your anxiety, it always managed to worm it's way back into your current train of thought.
zhongli paused in recounting one of his many sentimental memories, he had sensed something was off the moment you arrived at third round knockout but chose to stay quiet and observe your reactions as the night went on.
"[name], are you alright?" zhongli asked, worried about what you could be fretting over.
you looked up at him in shock, you had completely forgotten about him. you had been so lost in your thoughts you forgot zhongli was talking to you.
"oh-oh! yeah yeah, i'm sorry," you laughed lightly, waving your hand dismissively, "what were you saying?" you smiled at him, taking a bite from your dinner and focusing your attention onto him.
the geo archon reached over the table, gently clasping your hands in his with a worried expression adorning his features.
"what's troubling you, my dear?" his tone alone nearly made you burst into tears, but you held yourself back, opting to distract yourself with the feeling of zhongli's thumb rhythmically stroking your knuckles.
"it's- everything's fine." you winced upon hearing your voice crack, completely giving you away.
zhongli shot you an encouraging smile, in hopes of coaxing the truth out of you.
you groaned, unable to hide your feelings from the man. zhongli's chuckle indicated that he knew he had won too.
"it's nothing really, just a bit of anxiety but that never killed anyone." you laughed, with the aim to change the subject. however, the geo archon knew better than you and looked at you expectantly.
you sighed once more, "i'm feeling a bit anxious about an event coming up is all, nothing to worry about."
zhongli closed his eyes and hummed in apprehension, knowing full well where you were coming from. after all, he's been around for six thousand years, he's had his fair share of nerves.
abruptly, zhongli pushed his chair back and got up, your hands still in his.
"there's a place i visit when i feel troubled, would you accompany me there?" with such sweet words, how could you not agree?
"but- zhongli- we're in the middle of dinner?" you asked, taken aback and confounded by his sudden spontaneity, yet stood up nonetheless.
as soon as you were on your feet, zhongli was tugging you towards the exit.
the walk to this mystery place the geo archon wanted to show you was tranquil, the two of you didn't utter a word but it didn't bother you, in fact, you rather enjoyed the silence.
the night was chilly, gentle wind blowing from the ocean filled the night air with the scent of the sea breeze. zhongli's hand in yours contrasted to cool night, which helped soothe your annoyingly increasing anxiety.
admittedly, you were once more overtaken by your thoughts. you took a sharp inhale as the thoughts began crowding your mind, so many swarming your head at once that you couldn't make out one coherent thought.
thoughts ranging from "what do i wear?" to "how will i get there?" to "who'll be there?" and more pounded into your head causing you to lose your footing and slip. luckily, before you could be seriously injured, zhongli caught you.
"be careful now dearest, that could've dangerous." you blinked a few times, confused as to what just happened. you looked away from zhongli's warm, prying eyes, in hopes of willing away the embarrassed blush that had worked it's way onto your face.
"we've arrived, why don't you take a seat?" you looked around, noticing the geo archon had dragged you to the valley of nantianmen, underneath the great tree that served as a tomb for zhongli's old friend. you noticed zhongli had pointed to a spot near the foot of the tree and sat down, the archon following suit.
you two sat there in silence, basking in the peaceful atmosphere that surrounded the two of you.
"i don't know why i'm so nervous, i guess i'm just worrying about everything." zhongli hummed in acknowledgement, showing you that his focus was on you despite his eyes being glued to the blanket of stars that had seen everything.
"it's not that i don't want to go- i do! but i'm also just.. so scared. i don't know what to expect and i think that's what scares me the most. i've been trying to tell myself it won't be as bad as i've made it out to be but my mind keeps coming up with more things i need to worry about." you let out all your pent up thoughts, coming undone under the moonlit sky. it felt nice, archons it felt so nice to talk about how you actually felt.
"i see.." zhongli stayed quiet for a few beats, assumingly trying to find the right words to respond with, "there are still a few days until this event takes place, are there not? you could use the upcoming days to prepare yourself. if you would allow, i am more than willing to be of help."
you felt tears welling up in your eyes and you let your head rest on his shoulder, eyes still trained on the vast expanse of twinkling lights.
"though the days awaiting an event are unfavourable, i believe you are more than capable of overcoming such a feat. you have faced far worse, you may even be the most ardent person i have had the honour of knowing in all my years living in teyvat."
the tears you had tried so hard to keep inside began to fall down your face and you let them.
"your patience is commendable, if you can sit through one of my many ramblings of the past, you will be able to sit through the event." the two of you let out a small laugh, the cool night air making the tear tracks feel sticky on your warm skin.
you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, holding it for a while before releasing it. you could take things step by step and zhongli would stand beside you every step of the way.
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© 2022 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t repost, modify or translate my works anywhere!
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melloncreamsoda · 2 years
hii can i just say i LOVED ur recent post about the twst boys reacting to reader’s near death experience !! since reqs are opening i was wondering if i could req how the heartslabyul guys plan to propose to their s/o in the future? as always i live for your work and I’m looking forward to reading more of your writing !!!
Heartslabyul boys proposing to their S/O
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TW/CW: Gn!Reader, fluff, headcanons, not proofread
extra; AAA THANK U SM FR REQUESTING THIS i remember i got so excited when i first saw your request LMAO then iforgot aboutit and i just saw it again so im doing this at midnigh lolzieS. anyway THANK YOU??? youre too kind and generous with your feedback on my witing it means so much to me omg u sweet anon AAAA I hope u enjoy this piece!! <33
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Riddle Rosehearts
He's losing his mind over it, panicking in every manner known to mankind. 'Are they gonna like this? Is it too extravagant, or too simple?' He's running around, asking everyone on their opinions of his idea. He wants to make sure it's perfect, and even though everyone from Ace to Trey gives him the green light, he somehow still doubts himself. I mean, it's not every day you get to propose to the love of your life.
In the end, he settles for something simple, proposing to you in private, preferably with his friends and yours surrounding him. He keeps his little speech short and sweet, but not directly to the point — he'd be damned if he messes up his own proposal due to how shy he is about it. He starts tearing up in the middle of it because he realises that in the middle of it, he really was willing to throw all his doubts about love out the window for his beloved; he was finally ready to make a commitment that he was sure he wouldn't regret, and one that would definitely be rewarding
Don't be surprised if he stutters or tries to beat around the bush; he promises he's prepared mentally but the words might just seem to fail to fall out of his mouth, let alone even form coherently in his head. It's just a mixture of nerves and excitement, because he knows that he'll never forgive himself if even the slightest thing goes wrong.
"I'd throw away all my issues just for you!"
Trey Clover
He too, is one to keep it simple! In terms of the overall proposal and privacy, that is. To him, proposing to you is something intimate and emotional, and he rather not have the public swooning over something he'd much prefer to share with you, and you only in private!
He keeps the preparations on the down low, mostly consulting Cater and Riddle for their opinions on his ideas. However, he does let Ace and Deuce chip in if they happen to hear of it, under the condition that they keep their mouths wired shut; because otherwise, he might just have to do it himself!
He tries to remain suave and smooth when it comes to proposing, but you can see the way he wears his heart on his sleeve, and how his extended hand is trembling ever so slightly. You can hear him sigh while he smiles to himself mid-sentence, blush creeping up his cheeks as he struggles to form a coherent sentence.
He does the classic 'propose on one knee' thing because really what else do you expect from this man. After he slips on the ring, you can feel the way his arms linger around your waist for just a little longer, giving the slightest of squeezes, before placing a chaste kiss on your nose.
"... this is kinda embarrassing, but would you?"
Cater Diamond
Initially, he'd wanted to propose in public — in a restaurant, cafe. However, he didn't want to put you on the spot and make you feel pressured to say yes. So that's why he decided on a private proposal in a room full of your friends and his, recording your reaction from corners of the room.
The way he goes about it is rather interesting — he brings about the idea of marriage mid-conversation, testing the water of sorts. Until suddenly, he pulls out a rose gold ring, the reflection of the diamond stud catching your attention from your peripheral vision.
He doesn't ramble, but reassures you of how much you mean to him, and how he's willing to throw anything out of the way for you while maintaining eye-contact. You've never seen him this serious and you can tell from the rush of words coming out that he's desperate for you to stay by his side; his fear of losing you.
So he's surprised when you say yes to him. You seriously are confident that you want to spend the rest of your life with him? He's never felt such a sense of self-worth before, that being himself is actually enough for someone. And he's even more excited that it's you.
He's quick to throw himself over you, burying his face in your neck while he smothers you in kisses, and you swear that you could feel a few tears trickle down your neck.
"Ahhh— I can't believe you really said yes.."
Ace Trappola
He'd prepared really hard prior to the actual proposal, even going to the extent of practising with Deuce to get his honest feedback. He'd memorised every word of what he was to say, but obviously with them, even when you put two and two together you'd still end up with a negative... anyway
All his preparations were thrown out the window the moment he realised what he was actually about to do, he says that 'keeping it casual would make it easier for him to get his feelings across' but really it's the nerves. Even you could tell from the way his voice trembled as he spoke.
You two would be relaxing on the couch until Ace decided that that moment would be the prime time to propose, even if you were busy doing work. You would think he was joking at first, but what first seemed like an immature prank soon became a full-fledged proclamation of his love for you and how much you meant to him.
He tries to brush it off as no big deal at the though of you rejecting him, but he also wasn't exactly caught off guard when you said yes; definitely surprised though. You could see the way his brain forgot to function properly, still busy processing whether or not you truly said yes.
He'd simply slip the ring onto your finger with jittery hands, nearly dropping the ring. To you, it may seem like he's just blanked out, but inside he's just letting your futures play out in his head like a tape.
"Hehe, the ring really fits your hand huh?"
Deuce Spade
He is literally tearing his hair out. bending over backwards to think of the perfect things to tell you. Was he sure that you'd want to spend your life with this clammy man? A jittery boy with a cringe bully backstory? Regardless, he does it anyway.
When it comes to the proposal, it's everything you'd expect; a run-of-the-mill, cheesy one, similar to Trey's! He proposes wherever you shared your first date, which is probably NRC tbh. He's soft, squishy and everything inbetween, and might even end up crying before you do.
When you say yes, he begins cheering himself, nearly forgetting to pass the ring to you. It's quite the adorable sight, but only for a man who'd just propose to his partner — otherwise it would be cringe. He becomes extra jittery, so excited that the slightest touch would set him exploding into oblivion. Bouncing up and down, hyping himself up and congratulating himself for doing well.
He throws himself onto you, smiling into your shoulder, imagining how the wedding reception would go. He's so glad you said yes because he was going to treat you like absolute fucking royalty brah.
"Are you sure you don't want to rethink it? I mean, it's me we're talking about.."
@rinnelovebot & @shiemori a few hours = the next day haha
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troubatrain · 3 years
twisted in bedsheets - m. tkachuk
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a/n: this is straight up smut.... like minimal plot mostly filth. but i hope you guys like it, i may give it a part two if anyone wants to see it but i don't know yet. big shoutout to my resident whores @hookingminor & @tkafuckit ily both sm
taglist : @barzysreputation
warnings: it's smush time (smut)
You almost wanted to make fun of him.
A part of you wondered, what did a single, twenty three year old, professional athlete who lived in a different country most of year need a house this big for? That wasn’t your business, and really neither was showing up two days after Matthew moved in with a bottle of wine and silly housewarming gift to make yourself feel better about where his little brother, also known as your best friend, was. You knocked loudly, hoping the car in the driveway meant Matthew was home and you weren’t wasting your time.
Matthew was inside, finally getting some peace and quiet after spending the day listening to his mother and the interior designer he hired argue about throw pillows. He jumped at the knock of his door, not used to the way it echoed through the house he bought on a whim. You were standing on the other side, bouncing on your heels with a bag in your hand and Matthew couldn’t help but smile.
Matthew always had a soft spot for you, Brady was your best friend and just like Matthew found himself watching out for Brady, he did the same for you. It was easy to keep it like that for years, Brady being far more possessive because you were his friend and not Matthew’s and not everything needs to be about you Matt, but it’d gotten harder lately. It was sudden, one summer Matthew came home and you were lounging by the pool and he swore his dick twitched in his pants, and it just wasn’t getting easier. It wasn’t easier when he tried to convince himself that there was an age gap between the both of you, even though it was barely two years and no one would blink an eye. It wasn’t easier when he beat the Senators and you quietly told him he had a good game because if Brady caught wind of it he’d lose his mind. And it sure as hell wasn’t easier when Brady mentioned your boyfriend constantly.
Your boyfriend who was having a party that Matthew knew for a fact Brady was at, but why weren’t you? Matthew couldn’t possibly get his hopes up, knowing if you were single he’d find some way to break your heart and you didn’t deserve that. That was the thing, Matthew ruined people and you were a far better person than he was to begin with. Matthew opens the door regardless, a smile on his face when he meets your eyes.
“Hi,” You beam, trying to play off like you were happy when you were just looking for a distraction that didn’t involve driving around and crying to Taylor Swift, “I, uh, congrats?”
Matthew chuckles, cocking his head to the side and opening his door a little further for you to come in, “Thank you, you really didn’t have to bring a gift.”
“It’s rude not too,” You scold, tapping Matthew in the arm and forgetting for a second you weren’t talking to Brady.
You pretended like you couldn’t feel it, the way his arms felt like a solid fucking rock and it was getting harder and harder to shove down that silly crush you’ve had since high school. You remember it so clearly, the moment Matthew went from Brady’s brother to just Matthew. You were a freshman, a dorky quiet kid who everyone knew not to mess with exclusively because Brady would kick the shit out of them, and you overheard a few girls in Matthew’s gossiping about how cute he was. Then it hit you, just as Matthew was leaning against his car to drive you home - he was cute. Cute turned into hot quickly, and you spent summer after summer wondering if you’d be bold enough to make a move.
You watched as Matthew pulled out the picture you’d framed for him, one his mother had taken of the three of you as kids. You were at the same ice cream shop you went to after every Blue’s game, chocolate ice cream smiles on your faces.
“You dropped your ice cream right after my mom took this,” Matthew hums, smiling at the memory himself.
“And you gave me yours because you felt bad for me,” You finish, hence the reason you chose that photo in the first place.
“You were crying,” Matthew nods, remembering the way his heart broke when he saw tears well up in your eyes. Even then, Matthew was a protector, constantly defending the people he held close to his heart, “Brady wouldn’t even share his… speaking of, isn’t there a huge rager you could be at right now?”
“Something about a party at my ex boyfriend’s doesn’t sound fun to me at all,” You sigh, hoping you wouldn’t have to explain it any further.
You didn’t have a boyfriend anymore.
It was all Matthew could process, his brain malfunctioning because he couldn’t believe it. Matthew gave you a sympathetic smile, “Let’s crack that bottle open then?”
You agreed, following Matthew into his yard to sit out by his fire pit, an early summer breeze making St. Louis unseasonably cold. He came back with two glasses, and you tried simply to ignore that his hands were big enough to hold both glasses in one, “So, Brady’s at a party at your ex-boyfriend’s place and you’re not mad at him at all?”
“I can’t be mad at Brady,” You explain, pouring yourself a glass of wine that was just a bit too big, “He doesn’t know what happened.”
“I thought you had no secrets,” Matthew questions, knowing that Brady knew everything about you and you were the same way. You turned your attention to the glass, swirling it in your hand while you seemed to shut down under Matthew’s gaze, “Y/N… it’s me, you know you can tell me.”
“It’s really embarrassing,” You whisper, “He cheated on me…”
“That’s not your fault,” Matthew scoffs, throwing an arm around your shoulders, “Why didn’t you tell-”
“He told me it was because the girl he was hooking up with was better in bed than me,” You whisper, Matthew closing his mouth immediately. He took a deep breath, his fingers scratching against your scalp while he looked straight ahead, “Please don’t tell Brady.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Matthew nods, his bottom lip between his teeth, “You’re perfect, and if he doesn’t see that he can go fuck himself.”
“What if he’s right?” You ask, taking a gulp of your drink. Matthew knew what road you were headed towards, one that was going to leave you insecure about this for the rest of your life if Matthew didn’t choose his next words carefully.
“He’s not,” Matthew shakes his head, hopping off the outdoor sofa you were on and kneeling down in front of you, “And you don’t need some douchebags opinion to make yourself feel good.”
“Would you sleep with me?” You ask, Matthew’s hand that had been rubbing your thighs gently stopped. You craved the validation, and a part of you always wondered if you had a shot with Matthew. If you were both able to drown out the noise from your friends and family, would he want you? Matthew’s hand crept up to your cheek, his thumb tracing your lip. You looked at him like this was the most important question he’d ever have to answer, and like if he said yes your lips would be on his, “And tell me I’m good.”
Matthew shut his eyes, running every possible scenerio knowing all of them include him fucking this up and hurting your feelings, but he couldn’t stop himself from trying. His lips ghosted over yours, stubble rough against your skin, “You’re sure about this?”
“Please,” You pout, not even bothering to give Matthew your best sexy face. You’d faked it enough, a year of trying to be something you weren’t to please some asshole who left for someone else anyways. Matthew’s hands slid on either side of you, his lips against yours and your hands on the back of his neck.
“Inside,” Matthew mutters against your lips, knowing if he didn’t stop himself now his new neighbors would get a show they didn’t ask for. You deserved better than that anyways. You snuck inside, your lips pressing kisses to Matthew’s neck while his arm stayed around your waist until you ended up in his bedroom. The back of your knees hit the edge of the bed, Matthew crawling on top of you, “I cannot believe that asshole let you slip through his fingers like that.”
“Make me forget about him then,” You let out a breath, Matthew smirking against your skin when you lit up that competitive fire he’d always had. You tugged at the bottom of his shirt, Matthew taking the hint and grabbing it from the back of his neck to toss off. Matthew’s hands slid under your shirt, unhooking your bra and swirling his finger around your nipples, pulling a moan from you.
“You even moan pretty,” Matthew could believe it, knowing just how many dreams like this, but really hearing it was something else entirely. Matthew shed your clothes quickly, leaving you just in your panties while he pressed kisses against your skin, murmurs of praise left in their wake.
“Matty,” You whimper, tilting Matthew’s chin up from where it was nestling between your thighs, “No one’s ever made me cum like this before.”
Matthew swore he was going to blow right there. The way your eyes looked into his, a trust that you were giving him that it was becoming clear you’d never given anyone. If it was anyone else, Matthew’s cocky nature would have broken through, a challenge accepted attitude that he couldn’t have with you.
You weren’t nervous but it wasn’t some secret that Matthew got around, and admitting something that seemed as trivial as what you’d told him was a big deal to you. Matthew’s blue eyes were soft, a small smile on his face, “We’ll go slow baby.”
And slow it was, Matthew was patient, trying to figure out what was going to get you off. His tongue was lapping at your core slowly, smirking at the way you squirmed whenever he got close to your clit. Your hands were in his hair, curling his overgrown hair around your fingers. Matthew’s tongue flicked your clit, your soft grip on his curls tighter, “Fuck, sorry-”
“Keep tugging on them,” Matthew groans against you, the vibrations sending a chill up your spine. His fingers were digging into your thighs, undoubtedly leaving a mark to worry about later, but you didn’t care. Matthew was eating your pussy like it was his last fucking meal, growing harder from the way you were moaning his name. You were close, your hips lifting off the bed and Matthew’s hands against your stomach to keep you right where you were. The only sounds echoing through that house were the ones from your orgasm, washing over you while Matthew finally pulled away. His finger swiped your core, sucking your cum off his finger, “Fucking delicious…”
You could feel the heat on your cheeks, holding your arm over your face from Matthew’s praise. He let out a light laugh, pulling your arm down and pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t be insecure, when you’re with me you don’t have to be.”
You didn’t have a second to process his words, the way say with me like this was something meant to last more than a night, because Matthew’s lips were back on yours. Your hand snuck between you, palming him through his sweats and swallowing the groan with your lips, “I want to try something.”
Matthew’s brows raised, letting you push him onto his back without a fight. You’d never been the most confident in the bedroom, and you really never tried anything that wasn’t missionary, but something about Matthew’s praise had your head held high. You grind your hips against him, a smug smile on Matthew’s face, “You’ve never been on top before?”
You shook your head no, biting your lip and waiting for why have you had the most boring sex life imaginable laugh that should have followed. It never came, instead Matthew’s hands gripped your hips and lifted you up so he could kick off his sweats and boxers. His hand fell, searching through his bedside table for a condom, tearing it open with his teeth and rolling it onto his cock. He tapped your clit with the head, his thumb that was still gripping you was rubbing softly against your skin, “Whenever you’re ready babe.”
Matthew watched you sink yourself onto him slowly, biting his lip to stop himself from cumming too soon because this was hotter than anything he could have imagined. All of those fantasies included finding out you were secretly dirty as hell, but finding out you weren’t and the trust you seemed to give Matthew because he’d never done you wrong was even sexier. Matthew’s hands guided your hips slowly, his head thrown back from the pleasure, “Am I doing good?”
“You’re doing fucking wonderful baby,” Matthew groans, grabbing a fistful of your ass. You moan, falling forward and kissing Matthew’s jaw lightly. He threw his arm around your back, fucking up into you at faster pace, “I want you cum again, c’mon.”
“Matty, I-” You whimper, a protest that you didn’t think you had another one in you until your pussy clenched around him. Your legs were shaking, Matthew stopping himself before he got too rough with you. You caught your breath for a second, Matthew pushing your hair away from your face so he could kiss you. His kisses were gentle, a stark contrast from the fact that his cock was still buried inside of you. You tried to move, grind your hips against his to get him off like he’d just done to you, but your hips bucked from the sensitivity.
“Slow down babe,” Matthew hums, his large hand rubbing your back gently, “We’ll get there.”
Getting there wasn’t hard at all. Not after Matthew had you on your back so he could keep fucking you. You looked beautiful, moaning his own name below him like you’d never said anyone’s name like that. Matthew’s head was tucked into your neck, the sounds of his skin slapping against yours filling the room until he finally came with a loud groan.
When you finally came down from the after sex high, a realization washed over you. You’d had sex with your best friend’s brother. The same brother you’d spend years of your life with. Matthew walked into his bathroom, grabbing you a warm washcloth and a clean shirt from his closet. He got back into his room, glancing at the way you were looking around his room with his sheets over your chest unsure of whether or not you should leave. Matthew leans down, pressing a kiss to your lips, “I want you to stay.”
“You don’t have to let me-” You start to protest, a weird feeling in your chest you couldn’t quite describe. You were a relationship type, hook ups weren’t your playing field and you knew Matthew lived by them. You never forgot it either, the way he slugged back a beer and looked Brady and yourself dead in the eyes and told you he swore he wasn’t built to last more than a night. Matthew chuckles, cleaning you up and throwing his shirt over your frame. He laid down next to you, pulling you against his chest and kissing your shoulder.
“I want you to stay here,” Matthew assures you, smiling wide when you tucked yourself into his side.
Hey Matty?
Don’t tell Brady about this.
Secret’s safe with me Y/N.
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wildflowertips · 3 years
Hi! I was curious if you had anymore Kuroko fic recommendations? Thank you! 🥺💗
hey! 🥺 i do have more kuroko fanfic recs. i didnt know what type of kuroko ship you wanted, so here are a few from some kuroko ships <3:
Kagakuro Recommendations
the flower that blooms in adversity by aotetsu
When Kagami falls for Kuroko Tetsuya, a famous prostitute from the red light district, he manages to find a whole lot of trouble and a person worth it all.
this fic deserves more love and attention. kagami love for kuroko absolutely made me sob
Brothers in Woo by buttwade
in which Himuro jokingly offers to help Kagami win Kuroko over and the joke's on him
kagami is drunk & himuro cracks jokes. this fic is funny. jealous!kuroko
Beastly call by TCon
"You mean," Kuroko started. "You'd be my Heat Partner?" He didn't expect Kagami to explode into a myriad of different shades of red more impressive than his own hair. "Y — yeah tha's what I'm sayin'!" for some reasons he lapsed into english with an odd accent. KagaKuro Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics & Sex Pistols AU - Fusion
Lots of smut in the beginning. there’s crime, suspense, and i read this fic like 5 times.
Stamina Training by tnsxbunny
As the weakest member in the team, Kuroko stays back after basketball practice to train on his stamina. Kagami watches from afar and decides to show Kuroko what real stamina training is.
The advantage of being Kuroko by heartfilledteddybear
mayuzumi hits on Kuroko & Kagami gets jealous 🥵
Akakuro Recommendations
Forget me not flowers in our hair by miniaturepsycho
When Kagami is captured by a beast Kuroko doesn't think twice and bargains to take the red head's position instead but it seems that there is more to this castle than meets the eye, and what has it have to do with forget me not's?? Basically a beauty and the beast AU that I decided to do after seeing the live action (which I totally did not cry at, not at all!!) COMPLETE
Contains Aokaga. Akashi as beast & kuroko as belle. So good 🥺
All I ask by TsuruKuni
"It's none of your business." "Tell me, Aomine. How can it be none of my business when you're throwing away the only person I've ever wanted?"
THIS FIC MADE ME SOB AT 3 AM. I highly recommend listening to ‘All I ask’ by Adele. I promise you will cry. Aokuro & Akakuro.
Bridezilla by DancingMarshmallows
Weddings are stressful... try helping people plan them. With two months to get everything together, a bridezilla and her bitch of a maid of honor, and finding love at the worst time, Kuroko would be lucky if he makes it out alive.
CEO!Akashi & WEDDING PLANNER!kuroko. you will not regret reading this one.
That Ridiculously Long Dance by Harmonia_Silverberg
Aomine, Kise, and Kagami never learn, do they? But apparently their "joke" works in Akashi and Kuroko's favor this time.
literally one of my all time favorite akakuro fanfic
What Would Chihiro Do by anewtinystory
Akashi is dating Kuroko, whose two brothers are very protective of him.[Based on a Tumblr anon's prompt: Nijimura and Mayuzumi are Kuroko's brothers; while Nijimura approves of Akashi, Mayuzumi feels the opposite]
slight smut. protective bros. i love it sm.
Aokuro Recommendations
Traded Mistakes by Acetate, Chrystie, exuberant_imperfection, kate882, luckypen
For the prompt: Aomine having an accident and losing his memory so all he remembers is being best friends with Tetsu and he doesn’t understand how that could stop.
Angst, oh the angst 😫😭.
Third time’s a charm (or maybe fourth) by LajtHane
Aomine really didn't mean to crash into him at Quidditch practice.
HOGWARTS AU. if that doesn’t temp you, idk what will. My fav Aokuro fic.
Maybe a touch of your hand by skinandbones
[Written for AoKuroWeek 2015]: Aomine moves into a new apartment and befriends a ghost boy.
no bc this fic made me cry too. pls read it 🎶ifwehad5moreminutes🎶
The Boyfriend Jersey by exuberant_imperfection, kate882
Kuroko, in a half-asleep mistake, ends up wearing Aomine's jersey to school.
Hey, Come Here Often? by imabignerd
In which Momoi holds his magazines hostage, Aomine hates everything and everyone, and Kuroko is politely bewildered.
Aomine crushes on the lifeguard!Kuroko & Momoi is a little shit about it 😌🤍
Midokuro Recommendations
It’s Always your Fault! by warsandwich
Kuroko and Midorima are secretly dating, but Takao finds out their secret. De-anon from the anon meme.
Short, sweet, & funny 😌.
Partnership by Fayah
Their partnership starts in English class, but like everything else in their lives, turns into a matter of basketball.
Midorima really cares for Kuroko 🥺
Midokuro Ficlet by pandacchii
based off of imagineyourotp blog post: "Imagine your otp confessing while they were half asleep" Pairing: Midorima/Kuroko
short story but it’s really cute ☺️
An Unexpected Alignment by cinnaelle
Midorima Shintarou does not expect such a reoccurring encounter. But the wheels of fate are turning and Akashi moves his shogi piece.
well-written i love it sm. deserves more praise
The Way You Come Undone by oshare_banchou
"Midorima Shintarou is completely silent during sex. And Kuroko, who is both fascinated and frustrated by this discovery, wonders just how much it would take to make him come undone." - Kuroko/Midorima, in that order
do i need to say more? 😫
Kikuro Recommendations
Careless Whisper by DarkWoods
When Kuroko is dared to come up with some dirty talk, no one expects him to be good at it. Certainly not Kise.
my favorite kikuro fanfic. flustered!kise & tease!kuroko
如果的事 (If) by stormterror
People fall in love in many different manners. Love feels like many different things to many people, but Kise Ryouta thinks there's nothing that quite beats the feeling of being in love with Kuroko Tetsuya. [kise/kuroko]
SO GOOD I CRIED I SMILED SO HARD. pls kikuro deserves the world
Wires, Connecting by Bakagami
It's like being blind but not, like touching air, grasping at straws, voices dissipating and reverberating.
This story is locked so you need to login into ao3 to read it. PHONE SEX & DIRTY TALK 🥵
He Promised by imabignerd
Kise promised he'd smile for Kuroko the whole way through, all the way to the end.
Zombie apocalypse AU. Death. sobbing violently.
It’s a Small World by SilentSilhouette
Kise tries to find his soulmate through social media. Soulmate AU where a picture of your soulmate is tweeted to you on your sixteenth birthday.
This one made me crackle & laugh😂😂
Murakuro Recommendations
No Such Thing as Too Much Vanilla by plumtrees
Kuroko and Murasakibara have baking days. What do you mean it isn't canon?
baking!boyfriends & fluff 😌😉
Vanilla Cream by yoimrei
Murasakibara eats Kurokos ass after something Ahomine says which sparks his jealousy.
here me out first, the ass eating in this is *chef’s kiss* 🤌🏽🤌🏽
Philia by DarkWoods
That time Murasakibara and Kuroko started kinda-sorta fake dating, and kinda-sorta never bothered to break up.
Still going & i love this writer sm. i read all their stories 😙✌🏽
Lavender Secrets by SailorHikarinoMu
Kuroko was the one to bring out his true love for basketball, which had been hidden from prying eyes since the beginning. It was one of those things he was unsure whether he should feel grateful for, but all the same, it did mean something. What this 'something' was, exactly? Murasakibara did not know. Not yet.
Rainy by overdose
Kuroko listened to the rain pouring, and more importantly, Murasakibara's steady breathing.
smut. couch sex. size difference. 🥴
Hanamiya Makoto/Kuroko Tetsuya
Scotomas by Darkenedcrystal
After the game against Jabberwock, Kagami goes overseas and Kuroko finds himself without a light. A slightly angsty, rather light-hearted story about what happens to Kuroko after Kagami leaves. Features teens finding their way around life, Seirin without a light, the Generation of Miracles being a family, the teens finding love and appreciating the heartbreaks. Kuroko tries to find his own style without a light, and stumbles into the darkness that is Hanamiya Makoto instead. Extra chapter added!
love this fic so much. downside: akashi is kinda a dick
Of Unlikely Friendships, Sneaky Bets, Shogi and Sake by itsthechocopuff
Imayoshi had introduced his two favourite kouhai to each other as an experiment. He did not predict they'd get along so well, both being shadows, but they did, and they worked, oddly enough. Hanamiya brought out the worst in Kuroko, while Kuroko brought out the the best in the other; and they both caused heartattacks to unsuspecting teammates who could not believe their darling shadow was not as innocent as he seemed.
you wont regret reading this one omg
Haizaki Shougo/Kuroko Tetsuya
A Taste That Lingers by therealmoyashi
I couldn't say anything, and that was alright because he didn't want an answer. I'll never forget the way that tasted. Yeah, I thought, he ruined me.
i cried reading this for the first time. out of character kuroko
By the Tomatoes by Wayfarer_Rye
It starts with a blue-grey t-shirt that says "Nothing but Net".
Haizaki wants to try again.
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app 😭
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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izukult · 4 years
haiykuu boys react to a long distance partner surprising them
characters: hinata, kageyama, oikawa, sugawara, nishinoya, tsukishima
established relationship | warnings: swearing, my fan behavior, why are my head canons so long in this gd it’s like a tiny story without structure
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hinata shōyō
-SUNSHINE BOY (i went crazy for this one i’m so sorry)
-you were sugawara’s old middle school penpal which turned online friend
-so obviously you’d heard about his volleyball team and the new first year star players
-and one thing led to another where he introduced you to hinata
-actually you were facetiming suga and you saw hinata and told your old friend you thought the tangerine boy was cute and then koushi “accidentally” put you in a gc together
-you and hinata have been dating for about four months
-you’ve heard everything to a t, including small little remarks from tsukishima to every toss, kill, and miss your boyfriend and kageyama managed
-side note but it’s so cute this boy is so whipped for you if you don’t respond for a certain amount of time he’ll find some dumb excuse to talk to suga just so he can shift the convo to making sure you’re safe
-so you’re going to meet suga finally
-like FINALLY you’re so excited
-but you’re also boutta see your boyfriend!!!!!!
-buuuuuuuuuut your boyfriend didn’t know
-so it’s safe to say you were a little nervous about it
-you made suga swear up and down that he wouldn’t tell any of his teammates that you specifically were coming, but he did ask to make sure it was okay to have a semi open practice
-so you’re standing outside the volleyball gym with sugawara, backpack with hinatas favorite snacks over your shoulder. practice had already started so suga was late, but he still stood outside with you and let you prepare yourself
-you felt like you were about to throw up even though that’s shoyo’s thing
-suga walks in before you and you follow shortly after, holding in a sharp breath.
-there he was. standing on the other side of the gym, talking to who you knew as kageyama
-he hadn’t seen you yet, but other member of karasuno had
-”yoo who’s this hottie” bald, flirtatious, you had to assume its tanaka
-hinata was in the middle of jumping for a spike when he saw you, and he froze and fell to the ground, stumbling to keep his balance
-the gym got quiet at the tangerines reaction, but he was just staring at you.
-and then he was doing that “woosh” run he always told you about and before you knew it his arms were around your waist and his head was buried in your shoulder.
-everyone (literally EVERYONE) was looking at you two but you just laughed and placed a hand in his hair (which, holy fuck, is soft)
-you mouthed an apology to suga and he shrugged you off, and focused your attention back on the boy in front of you
he pulled back just enough to look at you, leaving his hands to rest on your back. his eyes were filled with tears (cute) and he offered you a smile.
“you’re here” his voice was quiet, for once, but it didn’t have any lag this time. and it was so fucking beautiful.
“i’m here.” you nodded, eyes scanning the features of his face. he chuckled lightly, a tear falling to his cheek as he shook his head.
“you’re so pretty.” his voice was watery and he moved his head back in your shoulder before you could utter a compliment back.
-he stayed attached to you for like minutes okay and this man completely ignored the teasing of his classmates.
-eventually you tried to pull him off you so he could get on with practice (and so you could watch him practice) but he refused to get off
-”bubs. babe. honey. you gotta get up”
-”hey hey hey, what about showing me a cool spike?”
-”i am literally asking you to do your favorite thing in the world sho,”
-”new favorite thing is holding you.”
-eventually you did get him off of you and he practiced the HARDEST he had
-after practice he introduced you to everyone as his girlfriend even though you’d literally been introduced to them like an hour before
-his eyes stay on you and he constantly tells you how pretty you are face to face and how you smell good and how soft your hands are
-it would sound stalkerish if you werent whipped
-its ok hes whipped too
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kageyama tobio
-no idea how youd meet this mf online
-maybe some volleyball forum or like arguing over which setter was betting in youtube comments
-or if you know nothing about volleyball,,,,
-i have no fucking clue BUT
-he doesnt mind long distance honestly
-he doesnt have to get worried about completely embarrassing himself and he never has to make like physical moves
-but he does wish he could hold your hand sometimes.
-but he ignores it🙄
-so you are like obsessed w this bitch u r in love w him🤢🤢
-and ur a good 90% sure he luv u too
-so you plan a trip to him
-you do it all out. you talk to his mom, you find the cheapest hotel that’s perfect distance between his house and his school bc ur just that cool
-and you even make up an excuse to kageyama for why you won’t be on your phone during the flight
-you know he’s gonna be at practice bc you know his schedule cos gf things
-you stocked up on banana milk (aka you brought like four)
-you hit him up yknow yknow
- “hey bubs i’m back<3 how’s practice going?” you’re literally standing outside the gym but you want to make sure you’re not coming in at a bad time
-after like three minutes he texted u “good:). just got done with a practice set.”
-so now you’re going and you’re excited and you’re Nervous
-you open the door and you’re met with a rly tall guy with a headband on
-“hi, can i help you?”
-“uh, is kageyama here?” and he turns his head, and you follow his eyes, and there he is
-and he’s already staring at you
-a ball is lightly held in his hands
-if anyone who didn’t know him saw him they would genuinely think he’s angry
-but it was kinda the same look he’d give you when you talked about things you cared about on facetime
-so maybe that’s love? 😳😳😳
you give him a little wave
-“sup kags”
-he’s just staring
-blankly staring
-which you should’ve expected
-“sorry, are you mad? i should’ve told you i was coming, that’s my bad i just thought i could surprise you and it would be really nice and then you wouldn’t be stressed out sorry-“
-literally why are you saying all this all of his teammates just like “wtf”
-he shook his head quickly and opened his mouth to say no but just continued to stare
-“i- uh- you want to watch me set?”
-you LAUGH. and i mean LAUGH girly and he just turns all kinds of red and you know his team is gonna be on him for that
-“yea! if that’s like, allowed?” daichi doesn’t care so you are literally balling
-you watch him play and like at first he’s REALLY awful like rly bad but then he kind of tunes everything out (i.e. you) and gets back in his groove
-afterwards he comes over to you and asks you what you think and he’s looking at you like this is normal but you can tell he’s shaking and he kisses your forehead REALLY REALLY FAST and mumbles a quiet “i’m glad you’re here”
-he opens up w affection more along the trip
-he appreciates the banana milk. sm.
-from then on out he constantly brags ab having a gf to the team
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oikawa tooru
-he suspects smth is up to be honest
-he’s like “ohhh shawty gon do sum😫”
-(he doesn’t fucking call you shawty)
-but to be fair he figured more like you were gonna send him smth rather than send yourself
-surprise again he’s AT PRACTICE who would’ve guessed
-but this time you come at the end of practice because seijoh has like set schedules and oikawa tells you everything so
-you’re just standing by the door waiting for him to come out, ignoring the literal group of girls forming at the end of the hall knowing dAmn well they are your bf’s fangirls
-oh well
-you hear his voice before you actually see him
-he’s giving someone tips on their serves and you hear someone make a snide remark at him and you only assume its iwa
-he’s in the middle of a sentence and he just stops.
-there’s a good couple of seconds where he completely loses composure
-which is not tooru like
-you took a step closer and smiled
-”is this the oikawa tooru fanclub?”
-”nah it’s actually the oilykawa hate club” it’s the same voice from earlier and it’s definitely iwa
-you laugh a little and keep looking at your boyfriend
-”that’s even better”
-he just walks up to you and gives you a real, genuine smile
-pushes a piece of hair behind your ear
-and KISSES u
-”what are you doing here, pretty? come to see me play? if so, i hate to break it to you, but you’re late”
-you just roll your eyes and kiss him again
-once you two are alone he literally cries
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sugawara koushi
-literally the only one who can keep his cool out of all these mfs (aside from tsukishima)
-however, when you show up to his practice wearing the hoodie he sent you like two months earlier, he lost his shit
-you set it up with daichi and everything beforehand.
-(and daichi literally made sure suga would look like a setting genius the day you showed up)
-he had just made a really good set when you walked in and you clapped
-”nice one, koushi”
-he looks at you like 😦 & is just like “you- what- you’re- how- why?”
-lol and then he goes on “not why like i’m not happy you’re here just how”
-and all the third years think it’s so funny to be honest, because typically suga can keep his cool
-he eventually gains his cool and shines you one his signature amazing smiles (which, is somehow better face to face)
-omg he goes over to you and once he gets there he turns to his teammates and like
-”this is my s/o!!!”
-mf is BEAMING
-he’s so happy
-you find out right after he gives literally the best hugs ever i live by that and i will die by that
-he doesn’t kiss you til you two are alone
-and its so fucking sweet and personal he puts his forehead on yours and tells you you’re the most beautiful person hes ever seen
-he is literally so in love w you
-i love him.
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nishinoya yü
-ok he’s so loud
-literally the second he gets a gf everyone knows
-he shows the team pictures of you literally anytime one of them will look
-he luvs u
-he is your BIGGEST fan no doubt
-you make a nice meal? he wants to post about it
-you have a nice outfit? he will put it on his story
-you breathe? expect an “omg baby im so proud of u”
-so when you show up, he reacts the way you expect him to
-so like obviously this man isnt checking his phone during practice
-but he puts his phone on dnd and has you as his only favorite contact
-so you can text him if its an emergency during practice
-you know that, he knows it, the team knows it
-he gets the little ping!
-and he’s out the game
-no one is recovering the ball #peaceout
-he jogs over to check because you never text his number during practice bc you respect his passion for volleyball
-the text just says “come outside:))”
-he’s like wtf?? but bitch gonna do what u say😐
-he sees you and he just yells “holy shit” so loud dude
-daichi goes to call him on his language but steps outside and sees the short libero hugging the person they’d all seen in the photos, he just goes quiet
-nishinoya will not shut up as he hugs you
-he’s literally just hyping you up and asking you literally every single detail about how you’re there, where you’re staying, when you’re leaving, how your flight was, everything
-you just kiss his forehead :)
-literally only good vibes
-you guys have such a good trip bruh
-after you leave he literally just cries while looking at pics of you two together
-^ he took so many pics and vids of you pls
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tsukishima kei
-unlike the others, you wouldn’t meet him at practice
-you don’t really know his team, nor does he tell you about them outside of mostly complaining
-you do know tadashi, but like you’ve only talked to him in a gc all three of you are in and never like alone
-you did not tell him you were coming because you’re 100% convinced he would’ve accidentally told tsuki even though he can keep his own shit secret lol
-you just show up at his door when you know he’s home
-and he’s texting you as you’re there and he had actually had a moderately rough day so you told him you were gonna order him food from his favorite restaurant
-which, technically wasn’t a lie you just had to make an extra stop
-you knock on his door (once you’ve prepared yourself because you honestly have no idea how he’s going to react)
-and he opens it ready to give a half hearted thank you to some delivery guy
-but instead his s/o
-he just stares at you
-he looks like a fish
-after like fifteen seconds you decide to try to break the ice bc you are nervous
-”delivery here for uh one…” you pretend to look at the paper, you’re doin a whole skit here “one dumb bitch. are you dumb bitch?”
-he just rolls his eyes and shoves your head
-he walks back but he leaves the door open
-”take your shoes off”
-he’s not even looking at you smh but you smile so fucking wide bc that’s the kind of reaction you were honestly hoping for
-(what you don’t know is he will literally break his whole hard exterior act if he looks at you right now and he is not ready for that)
-you put the food on the table and move to stand next to him
-and after a bit he finally looks at you
-and you look at him
-and you smile
-and he does too,, kind of
-(which is so fucking cute,)
-and you just keep starin at him and bite your lip to keep from grinning
-and after a couple minutes you clear your throat
-”can i hug you?”
-bro he’s so fucking whipped he doesnt even answer he just wraps his arms around you and puts his head on top of yours
-and he mumbles a thank you and its so fucking SWEET
-he does open up more the longer you’re there and u have a very good trip mwah in luv
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