#and having him stuck deciding between outing his (boy)friend to his dad or protecting him
bambino1294 · 2 years
watching Merlin for the first time with Emi (who has seen it before) and we’ve finished episode four
can I just say that Merlin and Arthur are so fucking gay??? hello???? “There’s something about you, Merlin.” in episode ONE???? this blonde himbo risking his whole life so that Merlin doesn’t die???? they have more romantic chemistry in one wordless interaction than Merlin and Gwen did in that whole kiss.
also the magic is 100% an extended metaphor for being gay, I’ve decided
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maximumkillshot · 6 months
I Can't Lose You-Part 2
Warnings: Ok...Cursing, pain,(IF YOU WANT IT TO BE KEPT A SURPRISE QUICK SHIELD YOUR EYES!!),medical emergency, Emergency medical procedures, mentions of blood, anger outburts, a lot of pain, DID I MENTION PAIN?!, mentions of panic attacks I believe.
Pairing: BangchanxReader
Characters: All of the Stray Kids, Reader
A/N: Stay family y'all came in droves, I've had so much fun writing for SKZ so far and whatever you guys want to see, send it in an ask and I'll see when I can get to it, if the muses allow. There will be a Stray Kids Masterlist soon. I would always appreciate any feedback! And if you like Supernatural as well here's my masterlist!
Overall Masterlist- Click Here
I Can't Lose You Masterlist-Click Here
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Where we left off:
“Bin” Chan tried to say something but Changbin cut him off.
“NO! YOU DON’T GET A SAY HERE, CHRIS! YOU FUCKED UP ROYALLY AND NOW YOU DESTROYED YOUR FAMILY!” Bin was visibly shaking with rage as he walked up to Chan. Tears were starting to form in his eyes.
LeeKnow looked visibly confused as he looked to Bin, “What are you talking about?”
Bin threw the content of the card at Chan’s feet. 
Chan looked at what the card had in it, it was unmistakable.
Bin sounded broken as he responded, “Y/N is pregnant.”.
Changbin's blood was boiling and yet he felt like collapsing. His lip twitched as he yelled, “You promised you’d protect her! That you’d do NOTHING to hurt her!”
Felix stared at Changbin. He has never seen him like this. He could see the conflict. Stuck between the need to comfort and protect you and the want and need to beat the pulp out of Chris.
He continued, his voice cracking,his brow knitted and lips twitching as he said, “ I told you that I love her, that you better take care of her. And you said that you’d NEVER hurt her.” His anger was winning as he shouted, “You didn’t just hurt her, you DESTROYED HER and ALL CHANCES of that child having a life where their mom & dad are still together!” 
He couldn’t decide whether to say it gently or smack him with the truth as he saw the honest ramifications of his friend’s actions. He chose the latter, “And let’s be honest, Chan. That’s if the baby makes it through this! With the amount of pain that Y/N/N feels right now. Not to mention that she put in months upon months of work planning YOUR anniversary celebration only to be stood up. Only to come home to see HER HUSBAND & HER BEST FRIEND in the bed that she sleeps in every night, having sex & talking about how INADEQUATE she is!”
Chan picked up the sonogram and said “I’ve got to fix this.”
Bin huffed, “There’s no fixing this Chris. She doesn’t tolerate assholes like you. You cheated and threw everything away! Now, I am going to take her to a hospital to check on the baby, YOU are going to stay the FUCK away from her! Is that clear?!”
While Bin was chewing Chris out, Han was packing everything he could think of. He had a feeling but he couldn’t put a name to it. Being the youngest in his family, he never really knew what being protective felt like. For some reason, from the second you came stumbling out of that room, he only had one objective, keep you safe. The drive to protect you so instinctual it wasn’t even a thought in his brain as much as it was an impulse.
Maybe it was that you both think so similarly. You had met the boys because of a photoshoot in New York. You were a photographer that was hired to do some promotional shots of them in the bustling Times Square. 
Han had a panic attack due to the massive amount of people and you took him aside and grounded him, got him to calm down and breathe. He didn’t know at the time but you yourself have extreme social anxiety and anxiety overall. That was when you and Han exchanged numbers. “Rain or shine, I’m here for you always,” you told him after the shoot was done. 
That was when Han told Chris why he was even able to complete the shoot and Chris really liked your shots, so he got your number as well. That eventually led to the boys begging you to become their personal photographer full time. Then you moved to South Korea to work with them, because taking a plane every few weeks was just too much.
Han was wondering how such a beautiful beginning ended up like this. How something so horrible could happen to someone so rare, talented, and sweet. When he was done packing, he ran to the car with 3 overnight bags, yours, Han’s, and Bin’s. He knows that they aren’t coming back for a while, knowing that you’ll need support more than anything. 
Not to mention Han can’t even look at Chan right now. Too many questions race through his head, but one look at you and all of it disappears, his Noona needs him. His niece or nephew needs him. That’s what matters.
Han told Innah to go back inside and tell Bin that you’re ready to go.
Bin shoved Chan out of the way and left the house. He was expecting you to be in the front seat but you were actually in the back with Hannie. You were crying on his shoulder as he tried to talk you through your deep breathing exercises. When you finally made it to the hospital, you were terrified.
You had tried to stay as calm as possible for the baby but seeing what you saw, realizing what he did & what you gave up for him. Then the reality of him doing this… and saying those things about you, it was all too much. 
Now that you were registered, Han and Bin had time to register the heartbreak they felt for you. They were completely in the dark about all of it. Probably because they would’ve beaten the crap out of Chan for even contemplating doing that to you, let alone following through with it. You are so sweet, kind, beautiful, and intelligent, all the members admired you so much. So, to see Chris doing this. It’s no wonder why they were seeing red right now. 
But they needed to put that anger aside and check on the baby and yourself. The wait was nerve-racking, especially at almost 2 hours staring at a clock and waiting. 
Bin only had time to think, and think he did. He couldn’t stop thinking about how unfair it was for you, how he would’ve never dreamed of cheating on you. He would’ve spoiled you and made love to you every single day. He would’ve cried and spun you around seeing that positive pregnancy test. It made his heart hurt at the fact that you didn’t experience that.
His anger was quickly replaced with regret. He regretted not telling you his feelings. He regretted letting Chan anywhere near you. He also regretted the pang of hope in his heart at the possibility of having a chance with you. Thinking momentarily that it was wrong to even hope that you don’t reconcile, afterall you’re married, why put such negative thoughts into the universe, let alone feel hope at that thought? It was something he couldn’t help.
If anything, in his mind, he’d love to raise this baby with you and that truly scared him. Even more than the possibility of Chan fixing things. That meant that he was ready to sacrifice everything for you. And if he were to be honest with himself, he would’ve recognized that’s always been the case. 
Meanwhile, Chan had been blowing up Han and Bin’s phones non-stop, wanting updates, if his wife and child were okay. Are there any signs of stress? It got to a point that Bin excused himself just to personally tell him to fuck off. 
“What do you want?” Bin snapped.
“I want to know how my wife and child are.” Chan sounded terrified, but Bin couldn't care less, after all, it was his fault any of this happened. As a matter of fact, it only made his anger worse. Hearing him say, my wife and child. Like you were something to be owned. 
“You lost the privilege of calling her that, Chris.”
“I made a mistake, Bin. A mistake that I want to take back so please tell me where she is.” Bin could feel the anger rolling off of himself. This isn’t a mistake. A mistake is leaving the oven on, or forgetting your wallet at home. 
There are so many steps before having sex, the courting, taking every layer of clothing off. At the very least when going out 5 pieces of clothing need to come off. That’s just on him, not to mention she still has to undress. Then there’s getting into the bed,the foreplay, the kissing, the teasing, prepping her, then you have to get over her. All of this is before penetration is even in the mix. 
All of these chances to stop, look at a photo of his gorgeous wife and realize that everything Chris could possibly want, he already has. All of this is racing in Bin’s head as his blood continues to boil.
“We are still trying to calm her down and you think that I am going to let you anywhere near her? You’re out of your fucking mind.” Bin spat at him. “Every time you call, she starts to sob, you know why? Because she knows that the person she trusted, that she loved, that very same person is the same one that degraded, disrespected, and destroyed not only her but her child’s life. He also won’t get the FUCKING HINT that she needs to focus on HERSELF and HER CHILD! You are only making it worse.” 
Bin’s voice was so loud that every time the doors separating himself from you were even slightly ajar, you could hear Bin chewing Chan out.
“Bin, you have every right to be angry…” It was then that Bin could hear the phone being snatched and Minho was on the other end.
“We told him NOT TO CALL AND TO LEAVE HER ALONE! Two simple instructions Chan! You’re only going to stress her out more! You’ve done enough! Hey Changbin-ah, sorry. I’m going to call you on my phone and I’m taking his phone away now.”
“Thank you,” it was all he could say. At least he was getting some form of reprimand, given Bin would’ve loved to beat the crap out of him. But his thought was that Chris being verbally chewed out would have to do for now. 
A few seconds later Bin’s phone rang, “Hey”.
“Hey, how’re you doing?” Minho asked, “And Hannie?”
Bin’s face fell as he looked back at the equivalent of his younger brother being so strong for you. 
“We are holding on. It’s hard not to cry with her, hyung.” Bin exhaled as he paced.
“Chan shut the fuck up! You’re the whole reason why she’s in this mess so shut it and sit down!” he heard Minho barking at Chan.
At that point, Bin heard a blood-chilling scream, and he shouted your name. When he busted through the doors he found you gripping your stomach. Your gray sweatpants now taking a bright red hue. 
“Bin? Changbin-ah!” he heard Minho but he couldn’t answer. His body was on autopilot as he ran to you.
You screamed for him, “Binnie..no no!” He handed the phone to Han as he started to yell for help. 
You held onto his hand as if he was your lifeline. It felt like something was ripping apart your insides, worse than any period that you have ever had.
Han put his ear to the phone once he registered that Minho was screaming on the other end of the line, “Minho.” Han was near tears. He knew exactly what this meant.
“Hannie what’s happening?” the alert in Minho’s voice was haunting. Somewhere in his mind he was hoping to hear “False alarm, everything’s fine!” What he actually heard gave him goosebumps as his heart dropped.
“I’ve gotta go.” That was all Han said as he hung up and went to you. 
“Hannie! No, no the baby Hannie.” She clutched onto him, praying, begging. Meanwhile, Bin tried to get help. She kept staring at her lap and Han tilted her head up.
“Focus on me, Y/N look at me, okay, keep breathing.” Han kept his voice even as he took his jacket off and put it on your lap, to block your view. “You just need to look at me and breathe.”
You clutched your stomach harder as you heard Bin arguing with the staff and the only thing Han heard was “Please wait.”
Han is not confrontational, but seeing you like this, he screamed “We can’t wait, she's bleeding and pregnant!” Han checked under the jacket, what was a patch of red was now dominating the gray… something was wrong. He looked at your face to find the color draining. He screamed to Bin, “Bin she’s bleeding out!”
Changbin ran to you and looked. He immediately asked you if you could walk. The minute you shook your head he gave Han the jacket and scooped you up. Now that he picked you up he noticed that you lost all rigidity in your body, you couldn’t even wrap your arms around his neck. When he looked down at you, your eyelids were fluttering as your free arm dangled.
Before this, he thought he knew what fear was… the sense of dread that filled him as he held you, that was fear. It felt as if he was the only person in the world who knew that the world was going to end. His world was going to end if you… 
“Han get the door,” Bin ordered as he walked to the door that led to the patient beds, nurses, and doctors. As soon as the door opened Bin went through.
Bin shouted as loud as he could, “I have a pregnant woman that’s bleeding out. Can we get some help here?!”
Immediately 3 nurses rushed to Bin and led him to a bed. “Y/N stay awake c’mon stay up,” He kept trying to keep you up the entire way to the gurney.
He didn’t notice it but blood was being trailed behind him. The only one who seemingly noticed was Han. 
As soon as Bin laid you on the gurney the nurses immediately started cutting off your pants while a doctor asked for a summation of what happened, your name, and anything else Han or Bin may have known.  
Bin immediately gave the doctor any information that he could find useful. You held onto Han and Bin with whatever strength you had. The nurses asked Han to move so they could get an IV in and he repositioned himself at your head to pet your hair back. The doctor draped a privacy sheet over your legs so that you could feel a little more comfortable. 
A few seconds into the exam the doctor yelled “Get anesthesia down here now! We need an epidural.” He looked at one of the nurses and said, “Prep for a D&C”. Then he said, “Get a vial for blood type testing and rush it, a transfusion set ready, IV open wide,” to everyone else in the room, the nurses rushed around them and the doctor said, “Ok Y/N can you hear me?”
You nodded, then screamed as your body involuntarily bore down. 
Both Han and Bin tried to comfort you as much as they could.
The doctor said, “There is going to be a lot going on here in a few minutes okay? You’re going to get a nerve block because what’s going to happen is going to be uncomfortable.”
You looked at Bin and Han and begged them to stay. Both of them looked at the doctor and said that whatever was happening, they weren't leaving. The doctor could see that you really needed them and as long as they were not in the way, it didn’t matter whether they were here or not. 
After the nerve block and the procedure, the doctor cleaned you up and draped a warm blanket over you, while the nurses hooked up a transfusion and closely monitored you. The doctor asked for Bin in the hall while Han went right back to your hand without the IV in it, so he could hold it properly.
Bin tried to ignore it during the procedure but the look that the doctor had on his face when he was doing the preliminary exam was haunting. Whatever he was called out here for… it wasn’t good.
______________________________________________________________WANT MORE? TELL ME SO!
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ultrone · 2 months
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𓂃  ⊹ javi's older sibling hcs 🪽
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general :p
you're javi's older sibling by four years; you being a senior and him being a freshmen. as the firstborn, your dad obviously taught you everything he knew about soccer from a young age, and you grew up to become one of the best soccer players at wiskayok high school. this worked well for javi, who isn't into soccer but prefers calmer sports like badminton.
the large age gap between your brother and you caused the two of you to distance yourselves from each other a little bit as you grew up. you had your group of friends and teammates, and he had his own. however, you've always tried to maintain your relationship with him and often hang out at home, or go out together when neither of you have anything to do.
for instance, something that kind of turned into a tradition between you both was watching a movie nearly every night after dinner—unless there was homework. this all started because usually, after dinner, you'd naturally head to the living room to read a magazine or chat on the phone with a friend. but one day, you were both bored, decided to watch a movie together, and it stuck. as simple as it was, every night became movie night for you—if there was one thing javi and you had in common, it was having a similar taste in movies. your parents would get a bit grumpy sometimes since it was past javi's bedtime, but who cared? your dad would go to bed at like 9:30 pm anyway lmaooo
and if your dad was generous with some cash, you'd bring javi along to the movies on weekends. travis, your cousin, worked there, but he had always been a jerk, so he hardly hooked you up with discounts, despite having an unlimited 40% off on everything 🙄
"if you bring me one of those mags uncle bill hides under his bed, maybe i'll think about it," travis said with a sly smile.
"dude, there's a kid in the room," you exclaimed, covering javi's ears in playful shock. “but why don’t you ask your dad to let you borrow his, anyway? oh wait, he left you 😬”
you’d also go to the local arcade frequently. most of the time, you'd find him there instead of going there with him. that boy had a serious obsession with pinballs and street fighter 😭
you’re very protective of him. once, some older kids tried to bother him, not for any reason, just because he's reserved and introverted—easy prey for bullies. of course, you scared them off the next day. you're not usually full of yourself, but being the co-captain of the yellowjackets has its advantages. plus, people know he's travis' cousin, so they steer clear knowing he has anger issues. if only they knew he doesn't give a single fuck about you or javi… 😭😭
you have a secret handshake that you created when you were kids; you always do it before you leave for school, or after a long day of not seeing each other.
in the wilderness. . .
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when your dad passed away, it really shook both of you. because of soccer, you had always been a bit closer to your dad than javi, as you spent more time with him. javi had always been closer to your mom. nonetheless, he had a terrible time as well. in the first few days, neither of you said a word to each other as you needed time to process everything. although you always kept an eye on him from a distance, no matter how tough it got.
the only thing you wanted to do was curl into a ball and let the earth swallow you whole, but you couldn't because, as much as you wanted someone to lean on, you had to be there for your younger brother, especially considering how sensitive he was. as a little keepsake for him, you took your dad’s ring, the one he always wore, and a leather string from one of his fancy shoes you found in his suitcase, and made a necklace for javi—which he loves and has worn ever since. the moment you handed it to him was when you two patched things up after what happened and grew closer than ever.
he's very artistic and imaginative, usually expressing himself through drawing using sheets of paper shauna would let him borrow. however, he then took an interest in carving. at first, he was terrible at it, but due to the circumstances and being bored out of his mind, he started spending entire afternoons practising. eventually, he got good and started coming up to you to show you some of the miniature animals he carved. he made a bunch for you, which you keep next to your makeshift bed <33
he actually carved a special one for each of you and told y’all that they were luck amulets to keep you safe 🥹🥹 he was shy about it, though, so he secretly placed them on each person's spot with a small note while everyone was outside. for instance, he carved a deer for lottie, a wolf for nat, a bear for shauna, etc etc…
he even carved a tiny net and soccer ball and put them on top of your dad's grave :(
when both of you are bored, you often play "guess who?" by drawing people with a stick, tracing them on the dirt or snow behind the cabin.
y’all stopped for a while, though, because there was a time when mari was assigned to take the pee bucket to the cliff for two weeks, and you thought it’d be hilarious to draw a saddened mari doing the dreaded chore 😭😭 coach ben caught y’all laughing at it, and as a punishment, y’all had to do the pee bucket duty for a WHOLE month 😔☠️ (which actually leads you to think that mari’s the nasty ass bitch who shat in the bucket 😒 you have no proof but you have no doubts either, plus she has a motive: REVENGE)
when the two of you were little, you invented a secret language that you used to communicate with each other when you didn’t want anyone else to understand you, which comes in handy when y’all are in the cabin with everybody. you use it when you want to share a joke or gossip lmaooo—y’all try to be careful though, because you never know when misty’s ass will learn to decrypt it and catch your asses 🙄
when doomcoming came around, he made you both crowns to wear with sticks and flowers he found around the woods, and your initials carved in the middle of your respective crowns.
you’re the person in charge of trimming his hair when it grows too much. you realized it was time to test out your barbering skills when you spotted him from behind and briefly mistook him for one of the jv yellowjackets 😭☠️
“can i get a low taper fade this time?” he joked. “bitch, you’re lucky if you get a decent haircut,” you said. “i’m not responsible for any injuries or infections you might get from this rusty ass blade.”
the first time you cut his hair, he didn’t talk to you for three days because van said he looked like sharon osbourne LMFAOOO it wasn’t even that bad like c’mon 😭😭
ᰔ javi & travis’ middle sibling hcs coming soon…
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artiststarme · 1 year
Save Me From My Self (Esteem)
Based on a prompt from @nburkhardt. I hope it meets your expectations! Hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Eddie wasn’t used to people liking him or having positive relationships in general, really. From an early age, he learned that people would never truly like him for him. What was there to like? He wasn’t anything special and as much as he acted like he was, everyone always seemed to be able to see the broken boy behind the mask. Everyone hated him as soon as they laid their eyes on him and Eddie just couldn’t figure out why. 
Day one of being alive earned him the hatred of his mother. He was born premature after a painful labor and as soon as he was placed in his mother’s arms, all she saw were medical bills. She could see the debt and misfortune that this bundle of angst would bring her and she was already over it after a mere minute of holding him. 
She stuck around for a few years sneering and glaring at him from an emotional distance that felt infinite but a physical distance of just a few feet. And as soon as she walked into the trailer one day to find Eddie trying on her makeup and wearing her only black dress, she was done. She packed her things and left that very night with only a single sentence left to his dad in her wake, ‘you can deal with him now’.
Life became harder without his mom around. Even though her presence only brought sneers and hissed insults, she was still his mom. She’d acted as a barrier between Eddie and his dad. As soon as she’d left, everything became so much more miserable. His dad would hit him and push him around. He shaved his hair so short that his scalp bled. And worst of all, he would take Eddie on runs of the criminal variety to show him the ropes. He wanted to pass on his ‘legacy’, as if you could call grand theft auto and armed robberies a legacy. 
Eddie lived with his dad for two years before he was arrested and then Eddie was shipped off to live with an uncle he hadn’t seen in years. And poor Wayne. It took a long time for him to be able to make Eddie comfortable enough to talk, let alone function as a normal human being. Eddie was a scared boy, neglected and abused by the people that should’ve loved him, and condemned by the people that could’ve helped him. But after months of soft voices, patience, and panic attacks, Eddie came around enough to whisper stilted thoughts about DnD and fantasy that goes right over Wayne’s head. Still, Wayne would nod and ask just enough questions for Eddie to understand that he cared. That he would be the first person in his life not to hurt him. 
Everyone in Hawkins hated him. The adults of the town would turn their noses up at his skinned knees and bare head. He never even had a chance to prove himself in their scathing eyes. The kids would push him against the walls at school and poke fun at his living in a trailer. They would laugh at his worn down clothes and the shoes that always had a hole in the sole. They never gave him a chance to be himself.
Eddie had to change quickly to survive. He constructed a whole facade to act as armor to protect himself from all of the hate he received daily. He fully embraced their jaunts and sneers, he took their hisses of ‘Freak’ like it was a nickname of endearment. Eddie Munson became their worst nightmare just like they’d all expected him to. He couldn’t distinguish himself from his facade anymore, the edges having become too blurred over the years. 
When he decided to form Hellfire, he didn’t really expect anyone to join. Who would willingly associate with the Freak of Hawkins High? But Wayne had been prodding him to make some friends outside of the stray cats at the Trailer Park and who was Eddie to refuse? He never could’ve imagined Gareth, Grant, and Jeff joining or inviting him to join their metal band too. It seemed too good to be true and Eddie waited for the other shoe to drop for months. When it didn’t though, he realized that he’d unknowingly made some lifelong friends.
His self-esteem didn’t improve during the week he was on the run from the cops for a series of murders he didn’t commit, hunting a bad guy from an alternate dimension who seems dead set on ruining his life in particular. This group of people took him in like they’d known him for years and Eddie couldn’t wrap his head around it. They were protecting him, making plans to confuse the cops and clear his name, including him in inside jokes like he was their friend, he didn’t understand. With everyone new in his life, he doesn't know what to do.
Afterwards when they defeat Vecna and he almost dies, Steve “The Hair” Harrington sits by the side of his hospital bed and brings him metal cassettes from his room in the trailer that wasn’t entirely destroyed. He asks him on a date two weeks after he’s released from the hospital and of course Eddie says yes, albeit confusedly and waiting for him to deliver a punchline. But he never does. He woos him with fancy picnics and movie nights, he kisses him under the stars with a joint between their fingers, and he cuddles him deep into the night when their nightmares keep them awake.
Eddie comes to the conclusion that there must be something wrong with him. Why else would Steve be interested in him if not for all of the head trauma? And something was probably wrong with Uncle Wayne, Dustin, the rest of the Party, and his bandmates. The whole town hates him, as they should, so for the Party not to, they must be disturbed mentally. 
However, when Eddie mentions that to Uncle Wayne, Dustin, and Steve at one of their movie nights, Wayne smacks him on the backside of his head. 
“Ow, what the hell!”
“Boy, I know you ain’t stupid but that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard,” Uncle Wayne gripes at him.
Steve just looks heartbroken. “You think something is wrong with us for loving you?”
“Stevie, you’ve had a lot of concussions…”
“Well I haven’t!” Dustin yelled. “We love you because you’re you, Eddie. The people that hate you have something wrong with them, not us!”
Eddie just blinked at him. That thought hadn’t come to mind. Maybe there was something wrong with the people that hated him and not with the few that loved him, huh.
Steve saw him thinking and reached out to hold his hand. “You getting it yet? I love you no matter what, whether I have brain trauma or not.”
Eddie nodded, “Yeah? So I can stop waiting for the other shoe to drop?”
“Yeah and I’ll prove it to you for the rest of our lives. I’ve got both shoes firmly on the ground, Eds. You never have to worry about shoes dropping with me,” Steve whispered. 
“Did you just fucking propose to him by talking about shoes?!” Dustin asked, flabbergasted.
“Huh, I guess I did.”
“I love you, Big Boy. I'd marry you in a heartbeat,” Eddie said, pulling Steve into a bruising kiss.
“Glad y’all settled this but go smooch each other somewhere else. I’m trying to watch Gremlins in peace, thanks.”
“Love you too, Uncle Wayne!” Eddie told him, borderline maniacally.
“Love you too kid, now go defile your boyfriend away from me.”
“Wayne!” Steve gasped, scandalized.
“I agree,” Dustin added.
Eddie just laughed as he pulled Steve down the hall to his bedroom. Hey, he wasn’t going to look at a gift horse’s teeth.
He still had a long way to go when it came to recognizing his own self-worth. But with Steve, Dustin, and Uncle Wayne in his corner, it was sure to be much easier than it ever had been before.
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ok-boke · 1 year
ok-boke's Recommendation Masterlist pt. 2
Time for pt. 2. I've read more stories written by these amazing people but on my original masterlist it wont let me add anymore stories. So I decided to make another Recommendation Masterlist to acknowledge and spread these stories ♥︎
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Jake Sully
FOOL'S GOLD by @emissaire
jake didn't expect that he'd open his heart again for someone else. after all, you were only meant to fill the space left by neytiri after she died. who's to blame him though? behind the vacant gleam in your eyes and the lack of brightness in your smiles, you're still good to him and his kids despite only marrying him out of convenience.
sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ɴᴏɴᴇ by @eywa-eveng
CELLOPHANE by @cyberfreaky
in which your taboo infatuation with your olo’eyktan begins to cause problems.
Miles Quaritch
I SEE YOU by @soulntes
that fateful day on pandora, the baby boy was sought out by the young navi woman has become the talk and whisper among the humans and village.
One of us~ by @numarusworld
the reader is General Ardmore’s daughter, and she is kind of a brat, she has her reasons for it tho. But she needs to be put in her place. Enemies to lovers. Poly relationships.
My Little scientist by @imliketheiceifreeze
Gaia Ambros is a botanist on Pandora in the year 2169 Who's fixation on a certain, notorious recombinant soldier gets her into more than a few troubling situations. Never able to pluck up the courage to bring her desires into fruition, a few 'helpful' lab techs decide to take matters into their own hands much to their amusement. However, no-one expected the romance that begins to blossom between the fearsome Colonel and a shy 20-something scientist, will this end in jeopardy for general Ardmoure's mission and will recombinant Miles Quaritch make the same mistakes as his predecessor?
Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyo'itan
The dream walkers sister by @gayfornatasharomanoff
I can be a better father by @byunpum
Follow tsu'tey in his new life as a single father of two human children. A compilation of moments and adventures of their lives.
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
hale by @psycholuvrgirl
someone from jake’s past helps the sully family navigate their stay with the metkayina clan. one of the sully boys takes a particular interest in the strange girl.
Lost and found by @justasimps-blog
Neteyam hates humans. One day, he finds you all alone and lost in the forest, but quickly decides against killing you. What might be the odd reason for that?
High Infidelity by @andraga12
Cruel Summer by @andraga12
You and Neteyam have been friends since you were children, and you taught each other everything, from English and Na'vi, to movie references and hunting, to everything about your own and the other's bodies. It was the perfect friendship-with-benefits, on paper. But how long can it last in the face of all that stands to tear it apart?
Of Duty and Desire by @bookworm551
You are the tsakarem of the Metkayina, promised to Aonung, and you have settled into your role nicely. Everything is as it should be until a family of Omatikaya refugees arrives, and the eldest son causes you to reconsider everything
The Cardigan Saga by @andraga12
You and Neteyam have been bound to the hip ever since you were born until your 17th birthday, when Neteyam leaves you without saying goodbye. Everything changes as soon as you get a gift that will bring you back together, for better or for worse.
Part I: Illicit Affairs: You were one of two kids stuck on Pandora after the war took all the Sky People back to Earth. After a series of events left deep scars behind, you are now forced to deal with your trauma - and your lingering resentment towards your once-best-friend Neteyam - head-on.
Part II: The Archer: Your traumatic human life ended, making room for a new one amongst the Na'vi. You were a stone-cold areal hunter, death from above, but when your dad comes back from the dead with a mission that will endanger your life, what lengths would you go to to protect Neteyam and your new family?
Void by @nelissecrectplace
EXPERIMENT 56 (Book One & Two) by @byunpum
(Book One) Y/N is surprised that she is an indispensable part of the human race, being a perfect blend of Navi and humans. Her family will do everything possible to keep her hidden and safe.
(Book Two) Y/N thinks she has a peaceful life with her new family. But a sudden visitor is about to change her life and her family’s life.
Neteyam x Human reader by @justtryingtobecreative
Neteyam and Y/n have been best friends since childhood, but lately your big blue guy has been acting strange. It all comes to a head when the both of you have a bit too much to drink... and have to deal with the repercusions in the morning.
Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
STAR GIRL by @lovemyavatar
they say curiosity killed the cat, but what about an Avatar?
Promise by @p0w3rzz
you were promised to neteyam, after his death you are now promised to lo’ak.
Take Me With Her by @normspellsman
~You Bare Your Soul to Me, so I Show You Mine~ by @ghoul-bonez
As the Tsakarem of the Txinua Clan you have to be responsible, you have to follow the rules, and do what you’re told, but you have always been adventurous, had a love for exploring the world around you. When the Sullys arrived you felt a shift, they were different, but a good different. Maybe this was your chance to get out of the village, to explore.
But he's a lot younger than you by @cinetrix
Ao'nung has spent the last few weeks trying so hard to catch your attention, make an impression on the older, foreign girl. It made him feel like a lion catching its prey. He was completely oblivious to the fact that he was the innocent baby deer about to get corrupted so badly.
ʟɪʟʏ ᴘᴀᴅ by @smoothielenny
(Y/n) is adopted by the Sullys after her mother’s sudden death. They had to flee the forest and move to Awa’atulu for safety. Everyone are hostile to your family, but they’re more hostile to since you’re a human. Even with these situation you always held your head high and don’t let them get into your head.
Forever by @normspellsman
DREAMING OF HER by @wingedsirens
You’re the girl of Ao’nung’s dreams. Literally, you’re the girl from his dreams.
Stargirl by @star-girl69
In the safety of the reef, you know no war. You spend your days running around with Tsireya and learning from her mother, the tsahìk, Ronal. You tease Ao’nung and Rotxo, failing to notice the lingering touches and the stolen looks. Ao’nung has always been one of your best friends. It was the four of you, Tsireya, Rotxo, Ao’nung and you. There has always been something between the two of you, something you were too young to notice. Maybe you were blinded by the stars, and Ao’nung was certainly blinded by you. His star, his best friend, his everything. You’re a stargirl, and Ao’nung wants to spend the rest of his life bathing in your light. When the threat of war comes and the Sully family comes with it, Ao’nung is forced to accept his feelings and win you over. There is no other choice, really, because what is he without his guiding star?
Refuge by @nelissecrectplace
Your family seeks refuge with the Metkayina clan. You are met with a boy that takes your breath away but you did not know the sadist that lived under those eyes. He was cruel and mean too your sibling and you so why did your heart still beat for him? Why is he more gentle when it comes too you?
Spider Socorro
𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬? 𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬! ♥ by @insidethepalemoonlight
you and spider have been friends since birth so when he decides to bring you with him on the sully's family trip how could you refuse? only problem? spider wants to confess before the other sully boy does
Spider x Human/Reader by @spiderlvr06
After spider gets kidnapped he’s locked away into the interrogation room. That’s where he meets you.
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Ethan Landry
Karma by @corpsebasil
“AM I GONNA DIE A VIRGIN?!” by @ghostfacd
in which ethan landry and you are happily dating until a girl manages to squeeze herself in between the two of you, causing major problems in the relationship. oh, and that’s not the worst part. ghostface is back, and he’s coming for your entire friend group.
Tag, You’re It by @perlelune
Stu Macher
My Boyfriend's Back by @final-girl96
YN is Sidney’s younger sister. She’s smart, beautiful, outgoing, and popular. She will be 17 in scream 1 and Sidney will be 18. She will also be in the same grade because she skipped a grade just to make it easier and she can go off to college with Randy and Sidney. When the events of scream happen and Billy is shot by Sidney at the end they also assumed Stu was dead as well seeing as he had a tv fall on him. But months later just school was coming to a close and they were getting ready to graduate and go off to college yn gets this feeling that someone is always watching her. The feeling followers her everywhere she goes. And the boy she thought was dead keeps coming back. She can’t tell anyone because she’s afraid no one will believe her. She doesn’t even know if she believes her own eyes.
Billy & Stu
Until We Found You by @slasherbvnnie
Tell Me All About The Dark Places You Hide by @pumpk1n-writes
in which the reader figures out that their best friends are the infamous Woodsboro Killers and decides to help them rather than turn them in.
Ghostface’s fan#1 by @loveandmurders
Basically it’s female reader being obsessed over Ghostface and they decide to not kill her because of that.
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Harry Potter
James Potter
No Longer Yours by @singmyaubade
James had disregarded you for multiple years, but when you have an epiphany in your final year, how does it feel to taste his own medicine?
Sebastian Sallow
How could I ever forget you? by @sallowfae
Somehow it had taken until your final day at Hogwarts to finally show Sebastian how you felt, and by then it was too late. Years pass and your distance grows stronger, despite your many efforts for him. A surprise encounter at a new job could change things forever. Finding each other once again at the very place you first met, Hogwarts.
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Operation: Henderson by @ali-r3n
Eddie asks forces Dustin to set him up with Dustin’s older sister
Steve can’t know by @talaok
Steve is your overly-protective older brother that is very opposed to you frequenting the wrong crowd, and especially to you dating Eddie Munson.Still, when you meet each other one day at lunch,it seems there is very little he can do to stop the inevitable.
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The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
in our next life by @asterias-record-shop
Peeta and Katniss weren’t the first to fall in love after the games. That title went to you and Finnick, your mentor after you were Reaped at the age of fifteen two years after Finnick. After being dragged back into the Games with the Quarter Quell, you both are determined to stop it, no matter what- especially if one of you would gladly sacrifice themselves for the other.
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Bucky Barnes
My little love by @crazyunsexycool
For two years Bucky had enjoyed his new found freedom. He could go out whenever he wanted. No one was forcing him to do things he didn’t want to do. For the first time in a long time Bucky enjoying was falling in love. You had been the one to capture his heart. He was painfully oblivious that you returned his affections but he’d rather be your friend than nothing at all. You had been new to the Avengers team when Bucky was found. At first you had volunteered to help bring him in but you worried that your abilities to manipulate metal would make him keep his distance. You had been pleasantly surprised when that wasn’t the case. Now with every day that passed you fell more in love with Bucky, you were also unaware of his feeling for you. After a raid to a hydra detention center and the discovery of hydra’s new test subject, Bucky will have to confront abuse he didn’t know about. He feels like hydra still has control over him and he’s not sure what to do. When Bucky fell from the train hydra took away his chance at love and a family, now they’ve basically forced it on him. The new revelation with force him make choices he never knew he would have to make, he only hopes he can do the right thing.
Miles Morales
Right Person,Wrong Time by @littyhoney
you have always been there for Miles, will your long time crush ever pay attention to you…or not?
EARTH-42 MILES MORALES X Reader by @spyder-junkie
I just cant stop thinking of Earth-42! miles with a reader that falls for prowler first.
his girl by @redstarwriting
You and Miles met when you were toddlers. The two of you were neighbors, and would frequently draw in an alleyway just outside of Miles’ room with sidewalk chalk. The two of you got along better than you’ve gotten along with anyone else, remaining best friends throughout the years. If he wasn’t at your place, you were at his. You even managed to get into Brooklyn Visions Academy with him. You were a staple in the life of Miles Morales. Until Gwen came along. And now? It might be too late for him to ever remedy that. At least, in his dimension, that is...
Miguel O’hara
EL TRATO (THE DEAL) by @messylustt
— miguel o’hara has never liked you—a human—joining the team as the ‘person in the chair’. he’s made his distaste for you clear. but when he speaks certain spanish words you don’t understand, he reveals that his annoyance of you is by the fact that you make him feel ‘hot’. soon, a deal surfaces, his promotion benefitting you both.
𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 by @sillyblues
you overhear a couple of spider-people talking about you and miguel
what the f-!? by @carpecaelo
Peter B. Parker thought he'd never see the day Miguel could actually more than tolerate someone.
─ you're the sunflower ੈ✩‧₊˚ by @fxllfaiiry
everyone on the team loves you, expect miguel who seems to hate you more than anyone.
You? by @mcu-coworkers
What you thought was your love story ended up being one cruel summer.
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93 notes · View notes
fluffypotatey · 9 months
Hello again! I hope you don't mind. What's your opinion on Azure Lion, and the Brotherhood? You said they were a toxic group, can you explain how and why? I am very dense. Also have you watched the newest Monkey King movie? What do you think of it? Are there any part of JTTW or Sun Wukong's story you'd like to see be made into a movie that doesn't get much attention? Not LMK verse of course. I'd like to see Ao Lie, the White Dragon Horse's story get expanded on, especially when the group encounter the Dragon family during their journey. What about you? What's your opnion on LBD's host, or Bai He as the fans are calling her? Would you like an interaction between her and SWK? Have a good month!
ok imma save your brotherhood question for last because once i start with them and swk's relationship with them, i will not stop.
no, i haven't seen the new Monkey King movie yet T^T i hope to see it soon when i have free time, but uni's began, so i will be busy with assignments T^T goodbye summer vacation :'(
as for what jttw story i'd like to see more of? hmmmmm, idk, though tbh i am very new with any jttw interpretation (my introduction to this story was through OSP, and after seeing the sun&moon poll i decided to check out lmk), so my personal information is still small compared to the people who grew up with the many stories and variations of Journey to the West and its characters.
however, i kind of wanna say Sha Wujing/Sandy? mostly because he does seem like an interesting character (2nd strongest out of the companions if i'm remembering right), and is fairly clever with his fighting (which might be why he gets along with swk a lot). idk, it would be fun to get some background on how he acquired his skull necklace (pretty sure they were enemies of his???? or something idk) and his own motivations for redemption, not to mention he does become a Bodhisattva just like swk and Tripitaka (pretty Pigsy/Zhu Baije doesn't???), so that would be fun to touch on!
moving on now....i actually do like how the fandom just adopted :BD's host and we all affectionately call her Bai He! it's sweet and i like that we all kind of want to see her own recovery of being possessed for like months (or a year idk lmk timeline is weird and funky and no i am not annoyed-) i am a big fan of the "Macky adopts previously possessed child out of solidarity but also she latched onto him first and wouldn't let go so he's kind of stuck with her now :)" it's very fanon but, eh, i'm a sucker for "reluctant dad to protect the smol" characters (prob another reason why i love Pigsy and swk so much lmao).
ALSO, i think her interactions with swk would be so funny (for me) and awkward (for swk) because she's like "thanks for saving the world and me!" and swk like "MHM! uh yeah, sure, np kiddo" bc he did almost kill her (tho he really did try to find a way to not do that) but also Bai He might not even be mad at him for that. (maybe i want her to attempt to befriend him, but swk is just so nervous and feeling a tad guilty so he avoids her but she's a persistent little fucker, maybe i want to a lot, sue me)
idk what her role is now in the show tbh. she could be sidelined now, and we only get cameos of her (s3 ending & s4 special) for the time being just showing her slow recovery (lmk has been doing a "minor/background character development happening behind the scenes" for awhile (DBK fam) so i wouldn't be surprised if we see that with her). but it's possible that she could grow to have some role in s5 or s6 (maybe she's got some leftover LBD powers bc post-possession symptoms, maybe Mr. Hoodie Man wants to use her too bc she was such a great host for LBD, maybe she saw something plot relevant while possessed concerning MK and wants to warn him or his friend??? WHO KNOWS???)
ok.....Brotherhood™️ what are my thoughts on them......
this post is already long as is, and i have class in 30 minutes, oh boy let's go >:3
sO, let try and summarize my thoughts of them before delving in: i think that narratively, the Brotherhood are a great way for establishing who Sun Wukong was pre-jttw as well as giving us access to his history with Macky (THANK FUCKING GOD I WAS SO DESPERATE FOR THEIR BACKSTORY).
the Brotherhood is also a great way to showcase MK's growing similarities with swk and the narrative parallels the two characters have for each other. we already knew swk was trying to mentor MK is a way that was different from how swk lived his life before because, we he's shown, he really does regret his past actions, and wants MK to be a better version, believes MK can be this better version of him. and you can see him trying, but also he fails to really explain WHY his teaching methods are slow and vague sooooooo, uh oh :)
anyway, character-wise.....the Brotherhood is written to be both sympathetic and dislikable. the sympathetic aspect comes with Azure and his Cause™️ because that shows you that "wait a minute...he really did want to do good, but lost sight of it and the harm he was doing along the way." you're supposed to sympathize with him, you're supposed to feel confused about his shaky relationship with swk because "Azure only wanted to do good, yet swk ruined it" <- this is some excellent unreliable narrator shit i love about this show btw
HOWEVER! Azure is not an archetype character (lmk doesn't really do archetypes. okay, they do, BUT it's more of deconstruction of the archetype than really using an archetype, you feel me?) he is a character who is deeply flawed. he is idealistic and vain (yes, yes he is vain bc have you seen this lion????) Azure built up swk on a pedestal of what a true role model king should look like (nevermind that swk's kingdom was on a island and his subjects were just monkeys, meaning his reign was fairly small compared to Heaven, therefore more manageable BUT I DIGRESS)
basically, Azure placed so much admiration and all his ideal onto swk, who was frankly a lot younger than the celestial lion being that he would have only recently met him post-Havoc & he was only about 500-600 years old by then (maybe????), and saw the monkey more as a perfect weapon to use to defeat the Jade Emperor and start a new, "more compassionate" era.
ok, and this is just me speaking, but, Azure, honey, if you really wanted to help restart Heaven into helping out the poor humans, instead of the very flawed bureaucracy you argued against.....maybe, don't continue on with a monarchy????? idk, maybe it's the Western influence talking but Azure, if you hate the celestial lords and emperor so much, maybe create a system that DOESN'T favor the lords and emperor????? break the whole system apart and create something new???? course you didn't think that far (which was eloquently shown in the special) so i'm honestly not surprised that your mission failed so many times
anyway, the dislikable aspect! Peng is a wonderful character for this section! so, when meeting Azure, you may come to a couple conclusions: wow a pretty lion! is he trustworthy? well, he seems to really want to help out.....damn he's got quite the silvertongue there, very convincing and great orator....you seem very upset about whatever swk did to you, huh? but meeting Peng you get: ooooh pretty bird man! oh, they're kind of a bitch, aren't they? yeah, still a bitch (and depending on the viewer, bitch can be affectionate or derogatory)
but yeah, so Peng, one of Azure's brother trio who worked with him in the Celestial Court and views him as the leader of the Brotherhood rather than swk (actually, none of the brotherhood members even consider swk their leader, except Azure and maybe Macky (but that might be bc Macky does not fucking care about the brotherhood member BUT swk) bc the rest view swk as their prized weapon)
Peng is really the character that starts to make you reconsider Azure's trustworthiness because my god is this bird the most condescending and bitchiest of friends. they are that toxic friend, okay? it was because of Peng that i clocked in "oh, ok, this is high school toxicity 101, got it" lol
anyway, Peng does not really seem to care that much for...the Cause™️ like Azure and Yellow Tusk do. rather, they seem to just stick around mostly because Azure and Yellow Tusk are their brothers and that's it. i guess props for staying loyal??? but still, Peng is the character that gives us the first crack into Azure's worthy crusade because their character will resort to violence first, turns on anyone who slightly disagrees with Azure's methods (*cough cough* Mac *cough cough*) or, hm, let's say....surrenders to the Jade Emperor, is missing for 500 years, then miraculously is freed and is working with a Buddhist monk?
so yeah, uh running out of time but to sum up: Azure and the brotherhood were never really "friends" they were colleagues who though they all had a common goal to defeat Heaven but their loyalty was built on ideals and pedestals and flaky attitudes which was why Mac was never comfortable around them, why DBK stopped interacting with them after the war, and WHY swk was so easily pointed as a traitor and a villain by the Camelhead Trio.
*jazz hands* and there you go, i would say more but i have class!
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panda4starz · 11 months
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I've decided I wanted to be cringe and throw an oc into the ROTTMNT universe even though the oc belongs to a totally different fandom! So here's me throwing a Dragon Ball Z oc at the Hamatos! Essentially, this is mostly giving Splinter a co-parent to help raise the turtles, and giving Gonan (the oc) happiness through parenthood while still stressing her out with the Hamato's own enemies.
(This is actually my first time drawing Splinter and I'm actually pretty proud of how he turned out considering :D)
More details under the cut!
For those that know DBZ, Gonan is Gohan's twin sister, and this specific version of her is the one that suffered through the future timeline with the androids. Gohan still dies, and that takes a pretty nasty toll on Gonan. For this storyline, Gonan uses the time machine to warn the past Z-Fighters of the androids alone. However, when trying to get back to her timeline, the time machine malfunctions and tosses her into ROTTMNT's universe instead. Out of fuel and with no scientist she trusts with handing over a time machine, Gonan is stuck with the only minor hope she has being mystic means. However, interdimensional portals take a heavy toll on whoever makes them, and she isn't willing to risk someone else's safety, nor does she think that anybody would want to risk their safety just to help her in the first place. Assuming that way would even work.
If you do not know DBZ, you may have an abridged version of her general story (half of this quote being from Dragon Ball Z Abridged, though edited to better fit Gonan).
"When I was a toddler, my uncle showed up, kidnapped me and my brother, and then Mr. Piccolo killed him and my dad. Then Mr. Piccolo kidnapped me and my brother, the Saiyans showed up, killed a bunch of people - including Mr. Piccolo. Then we went to Namek, a bunch more people died, we came back, then my dad died again. Then all my friends died, then everyone else was dying, including my brother, eventually. So, Bulma made a time machine and sent me back so I could prevent my dad from dying - from a heart disease, no less - and warn everyone about the terminator androids threat. After that, I tried to go back to my own timeline, but the time machine screwed up, and it landed me in this dimension where I'm still on Earth, but the Earth itself is different, I ran into a rat man and his four turtles, decided to help him out while I looked for a way to go back to my own dimension without having to hand my time machine to a shady scientist. Found that it was hopeless unless I was willing to sacrifice someone, and that someone was willing to sacrifice themselves for me, so that wasn't gonna work. So I gave up and decided I was too conflicted with leaving you guys anyway, so here we are. Any questions?"
(This may very well be a conversation she has with the turtles, most likely after season 2 at least, or more likely after the movie.)
I've still got a lot to figure out with all of this, but I do have some things!
Splinter and Gonan occasionally confide in each other about their past trauma, so they're a little better when it come to the whole being there for the kids thing.
Splinter's depressive episodes are fewer and farther between than would have been in Canon, thanks to Gonan and him exchanging stories. Talking about it helped a bit, even if he may not want to admit it. It helps that Gonan has promised to protect the family from whatever comes their way (and promise to return. He doesn't want his sons to go through what he had with his mother.)
Gonan has depressive episodes also, however she tends to try and keep being useful, whether it be providing for the family or keeping up in her training. Her depressive episodes can also be somewhat predictable (May will always be a hard month for her)
Speaking of training, Splinter has taught Gonan ninjitsu over the years! While Splinter was willing to teach her, he was a little hesitant to teach the boys as he didn't want to put the burden of the Hamato clan on their shoulders. Gonan advocated that they should learn so they could defend themselves if need be, and he agreed. That and they had shown interest anyway, having watched Lou Jitsu
Speaking of Lou Jitsu now, Gonan obviously knew nothing of Lou Jitsu and Splinter was immediately outraged. One of the first things he had sent her out to get was Lou Jitsu merchandise, and eventually the movies, even if they didn't have a TV yet. That was rectified as soon as possible, and they were both glad that it captivated the turtles so they could take a break every now and then.
Gonan occasionally works at Run of The Mill! She actually found Hueso before finding Splinter, and she had gotten information about the Hidden City from him after working a couple shifts. She ran into Splinter while trying to find an entrance that Hueso had given her directions to.
Upon realizing that Gonan's concept of childhood wasn't exactly normal by any means, including the educational side of it (she and Gohan were just about doing calculus at age four), Splinter is typically in charge of how the kids are raised, and Gonan helps wherever she can, though mostly still ends up with the educational side, after reminding herself of where Splinter thinks they should be at and just reminding herself of the material in general
Gonan sort of connects with all four of the turtles in different aspects of themselves.
She'd been paranoid after hearing about the foot clan and she's always had to have a med kit on hand before hand, so she's set up a medical area just in case for her own peace of mind. Leo eventually took interest in helping his brothers with their scraps and bruises and asked her to teach him the basics. Gonan happily taught him, especially since they started wandering off on their own and she'd feel better if one of them knew how to take care of stuff like that just in case.
Donnie's tinkering reminds Gonan of Bulma and Trunks, and she's always encouraged it. She even assists him sometimes when he's okay with it. While she isn't really good at the coding and stuff, she can definitely assemble pieces or generally provide manual labor.
Raph has/had anger issues, and frankly, so does she. So, she helps him out with it and they both learn together how to manage it without hurting the people around them, as they can both do so far too easily. They both also feel that protectiveness that borders (or bulldozes) into overprotectiveness and just want to take care of the family.
Mikey tends to remind Gonan of her father, Son Goku. Both with the shared color orange, and also with their happy-go-lucky attitude. They both look for the best in people and always give them second, and even third chances, no matter who it is. As such, Gonan actually was supportive of trying to redeem Draxum, though she still definitely kept an eye on him (and held that grudge for throwing Leo off a building). I haven't decided yet, but Gonan probably went with Mikey and Draxum to the amusement park Mikey had brought up
When Casey Jr. appears, Gonan instantly believes what he says, and she figures out way too much in so little time. She is not in a good place when they finally face the Krang. And she's definitely not in a good place after the initial battle.
That's what I've got for now! I'd like to flesh this out and write a bit for it, but I want to familiarize myself with the characters a bit more first. I'd appreciate any asks about this if anyone's interested!
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imagine Request: sweetheartlizzie07 
Imagine: Clark has a huge crush on you, a shy powerful, Sorceress despite you having a son from a previous relationship who’s a mommy boy 
Authors note: I am So sorry this took so long, between Life and I started re-playing Sims 4 and I fell down that rabbit hole I got distracted lol but I hope you like it! 
Did I proofread?: Look I want to say I did, but I didn’t lol 
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: WHY! Why do teenage boys and music have to combine and be SO Loud? you were sitting in the living room reading a book as your Son Jackson was playing his music far too loud. luckily you had No Neighbors the closest ones were the Kents and they were a few miles away but still you were sure Clark could hear the Awful music. if it was good music you might not mind. but it was whisper Rapping then thrown into the mix. heavy rock. it was awful! 
you had a rule in the house No using magic. Mainly because out of the two, Only you had powers. In your family Only the first female in the family gets powers. so when your Dad started having kids .. your three brothers were like him. ordinary and boring. but then you came and you had powers. unmatched powers by your family. and you have whisked away to be trained to be a great sorceress-you Literally had the power of the world in your grasps. stumbled upon the different heroes the Flash, Aquaman (who was one of your favorites you love talking to Auther.) Superman gave you a warning early on after you become free from your family’s expectations and were able to start living life. that power meant responsibility. you rebelled you spent almost 20 years locked away studying every magical book, learning to use your magic for defense, and also to make whatever your heart desired. but it was all a beautiful allusion. then you met your ex-husband. a Sorcerer it felt like everything was falling into place he was a rebel. and like you was confined in his studies and never had Fun. so he was making up for last time. and you joined in. too Only get married too fast and then when you got pregnant he and his family celebrated knowing your child would be far more powerful than both you and him. that’s when you broke his bubble about your family’s magic heritage. 
He in turn was furious that you kept that from him, and was now wishing his little Sorcer would be a sorceress. Throughout your entire pregnancy, you felt this sudden shift in your relationship. You knew exactly the root of the problem. your baby. you realized if it wasn’t a girl he would Leave. and you realized. if it was a girl or even a boy you were leaving. so you decided to. you stuck around until the birth. just cause you felt he had a right to be there. but once it was a boy. he demanded you both do a magical spell fixing him to be a female. and that is when you flung your hands making a portal and sent him to China. he could easily return but by then you and Jackson were already gone. 
you moved to Smallville soon after to raise Jackson, using your magic to forehead the future for the stock markets to live comfortably while you also got enough money to open up a candle shop where you laced your candles with faint spells. Love spells, protection, fertility spells. your candles were legends in town. but tonight. Tonight you wanted to just read your book listen to a Jane Austen movie and relax. and your sixteen-year-old moody boy was complaining that the boy in school he had a crush on didn’t like him back. you asked if he was at least polite about declining him and he said he was. telling you that it was Jonathan Kent. 
you knew Jonathan from football, and his brother. and their amazingly extremely HOT father Clark. unbelievably attractive Father. when they first arrived too town, you had to mentally remind yourself how to breathe. It got worst when you learned where he lived, and that his best friend was Lana. your best friend.  Clark was Funny, Goofy. a Complete Dork your Sort of Guy. a respectful Kind father who is an active member in his kids’ lives. you have mentioned a few times to Lana while you were both wine drunk watching the bachelor how Attractive Clark was. which always made her laugh and tease you to actually talk to him. 
You were generally Shy by nature- but Clark Kent.. Made your small ability to talk. disappear. you were unable to speak a sentence around him. a word. hell most of the time you just Nod and keep reminding yourself to Breath because of your Brain. turned to Mush around him. it was the smile it did you in. or the sparkle in his eyes, the broad shoulders and muscles didn’t help the fact that you were basically mute around Clark. Lana thought it was adorable you found it incredibly annoying!  Unknown to you- Clark felt the exact same. 
since his Wife decided two years ago. that she needed more danger in her life, a steady job, and being the only person Superman would talk to. she realized her husband was holding her back career-wise so she asked him to start interviewing other people to give her a chance to get more “serious” work that didn’t involve him. Clark slightly hurt by her request did what she asked. he would do whatever Lois said. So he did. and then when she started getting jobs in war zones. Clark said No. they fought a lot. and in the end. they realized they both wanted completely things in life now. He wanted to raise his kids in Smallville and give them the life he had. and teach them values he was raised on and slow down since in the city it was always going to go. While Lois wanted danger and excitement and her life away from Superman all in general. which meant away from him. At first, the two were heartbroken that their parents broke up. but once seeing them happier they had to learn to accept it. it helped that Lois wasn’t around so they didn’t have to see their mom dating someone and their dad was their dad. Jon was convinced he would die alone. but then he noticed his Dad after football practice he was fumbling grabbing the bags of football once seeing you.  you were talking to Lana and Jonathan watched not only his dad stumble over his own feet, but he tripped over a gym bag and fell face-first onto the ground. which Jonathan instantly reached over to help him up as Lana and you asked if he was alright. and Jonathan noticed his dad was unable to talk at all. He had seen his Dad shy. and he couldn’t believe it was Jacksons’ mom making him a bumbling idiot. 
Lana was holding a football viewing party and Everyone was invited, the twins were sitting in the kitchen with the Lana and her daughter Sarah getting platters ready, Y/N was outside helping set up the chairs the tv was outside to enjoy the warm weather as Clark was helping BBQ. 
Sarah craned her neck over to the window seeing Clark was completely ignoring the Grill and was just staring at you. while you fixed your son’s hat. Tell him the importance of your team winning. “he’s going to burn everything..” 
“who?” Jordan asked as Sara explained to his father as Lana looked over seeing the two. love-sick morons. she sighed, “they need to just get over their fears and talk. your dad ever talk about Y/N?” 
Jordan shook his head as Jonathan spoke up, “No but he drools whenever she’s around and his heart beats really fast.” Lana smiled hearing that as Clark came in as he spoke, “hey need any help in here? I have been kicked out of helping with the BBQ Kyle’s order. Lana chuckled saying they were found as she spoke, ‘why don’t you socialize- Y/N  doesn’t know many people here. why not keep her company.” 
Clark nodded, saying sure as he walked off. to find you to see you nowhere. 
you Hated Leaving Lana’s Party early. thankfully your boy was covering for you. saying you had fallen Ill. you hated leaving. you wanted to gawk at Clark from a distance but work called. 
well- Not Work. Work implied you got paid. this was Just Family drama you had to deal with. your Mother warned you about Superman’s Brother sniffing around searching for the power to do something. whatever it was you had No idea. you tried to keep your magic to a minimum since you knew your boy was slightly jealous that he didn’t have magic and he learned last summer he’s father didn’t want him because of it. so you tried to cancel your magic for his sake. But you got a text. you knew it was coming you knew you had to pick a side eventually. Those you were hoping your cousin would have dealt with Suman’s oddly attractive brother. He was No Clark but he was handsome. your Grandmother called you at the party. Tell you that you had a meeting with the Man in 30 minutes. you barely made it to the location when he arrived.. you might have magic but 30  minutes to go from Smallville to the city was not an easy task especially when you had to get changed into your Badass outfit so he couldn’t tell you were a complete fraud you weren’t a fighter. you hated fighting. but he didn’t have to know. 
 standing on the rooftop you held your arms as you leaned over the railing to look out at the city view. 
“Breathtaking view isn’t it?” 
turning to see Superman you stumbled on your own feet turning as you gasped, “Holly crap Superman! you scared me!” 
Superman was standing far off holding his arms tightly to himself as he looked at you. he heard rumors of a powerful sorceress who was causing havoc around the area. he had no idea you would trip however and mumble “fumble sticks’ under your breath as you tried to stand up straighter to look intermating. Superman has been around enough bad guys to know instantly. you. you weren’t a bad guy. misguided but not a bad guy. 
“you here for your brother or to take me down?” 
“what does my brother want from you?” 
you shook your head, ‘oh Not me! he was dealing with my cousin- you know families- I mean of course you do. your superman and you’re brother is.. well- your brother. so you get it. I’m just here- I was told to come here to correct his thinking.” 
Clark doesn’t get surprised often but hearing you- a lady who just mumbled “fumble sticks” under her breath for tripping and who was humming a country song as she waited for his brother. he didn’t think you would be much of a fighter. or that you would try to fight his brother. 
“you fight?” 
“when the occasion calls for it- but if you want to pass on the message to your brother- to leave my family alone. I would not damage your only brother- well birth brother.. unless you have another one? Or adopted brothers. Do you have another brother?” 
Clark chuckled softly shaking his head and lowering his arms knowing he wasn’t in danger with you- you mumbled too much to be dangerous. “No. Just hIm.. and I will.” 
you nodded your head as you rubbed your head, “well this has been a waste- I mean Not a waste it’s great to meet you Superman- but I was at a party, and the Guy- well you don’t want to hear my ramblings anymore.” 
Clark couldn’t help but chuckle as he spoke, “it’s alright- I was at a thing also where I had to leave someone I wanted to talk to.” 
“Boyfriend?” you asked casually you were always curious about the superhero. the rightest world’s greatest hero. you knew basically nothing about him. Only that he looked great in a suit, saved a lot of people and his butt was Amazing in that outfit. 
Clark walked over as he shook his head, “No- She is- well a friend of a friend and she is- special.” 
you looked out at the view as you breathed deeply. before asking, “how do you do it?” 
“Do what?” 
“be this super Hot hero, and be ordinary in your personal life? I mean- I can’t even seem to speak to Anyone- Only my Kid- well. I shouldn’t have told you that.” Number 1 rule of Being a masked Anything! Don’t talk about personal stuff! you wanted to hit yourself in your own head when you realized you spilled the beans on your Son Jackson. But it was Superman he was so easy to talk to Plus it’s the world’s Mightiest bravest, Truest hero! you quickly reminded yourself it was probably Not overly bad informing him about Jackson.  Clark couldn’t help but grin as you smiled back weakly feeling your cheeks Burning red.  “I don’t do this Superman- I put this life- behind me.”  
“what made you change your mind on this sort of life?” 
“Honestly I will rather be At home. safe, in my secure little Home. with my Kid... and just waiting.”   
“Waiting for what?” 
you chuckled weakly as you spoke, ‘for me to Grow some courage. I can- do whatever I want with my hands. I can make whatever I desire come true. But this Guy... this impossible. adorable. unbelievably Amazing. Hot Guy. I get around him. and I’m like a teenager. Unable to talk- and I get all calmed up and nervous!
Superman smiled as he spoke, ‘i have the same problem with the girl I like. I can’t even talk- actually I’m pretty sure the last time I spoke to her. I just made sounds. My friend had to come over to save me.” 
laughing at that you shifted to look at the hero, “Superman is scared of a girl? I find that hard to believe.” 
“Says the source who can make anything within her imagination.” 
laughing loudly. you shook your head, “Sadly.. that sort of magic doesn’t work on me. Not-Self inflected. And I’m too strong to be subsumed by my family’s magic.” he chuckled softly rubbing his neck as he spoke, “Is he worth it? this  guy?’ 
you smiled brightly as you nodded your head, “yea.. he seems too perfect those. if that makes sense. everyone in my town loves, him, his best friend is My best friend, he has great Kids. an Ex-wife who he is friends with, and No bad feelings.- too good to be true.” 
the chat with Superman ended soon after he was called away as you shuffled home. Clark after saving the day also returned home to sit on the sofa rubbing his face as he felt his phone Bing. he looked down seeing it was y/n. 
Y/N: hey it’s Y/N Y/L/N. Sorry to text so late. and Lana gave me your number. I just wanted to say I’m sorry I missed chatting with you at the party. Jackson said the party was great. 
Clark smiled brightly as he typed back instantly. 
Clark: No problem. I’m glad you texted I was thinking about you.” 
Y/N: you were? 
Clark: Yea, so how was your day? 
three months later. Lana, Tal, Jordan, Jonathan, Sarah, and Lois all had bets going on when you Or Clark would ask each other out. Kyle was involved in the Deal Until he tried to persay you to ask him out on a Tuesday. which was the day he picked and he was kicked out of the pool for interference. Lois was tired of hearing about you. she just wanted Clark to Man up and ask you out. but then she remembered her courtship with Clark. She ended up asking him out after he waited too long. And hearing that you were Even Shyer than him. she wasn’t holding her breath the two of you would get together without help. 
it became a common thing in the kent house for Jon and Jordan to tease their dad about his massive Not so subtle crush on you. Every morning Jordan would make sure to tell his dad to tell him goodnight and good morning. Even Jackson was teasing you about Clark. 
Sitting in your Shop Clark came in as you smiled brightly instantly noticing him as he spoke, ‘whoa it smells great in here.” you laughed as you walked over. over the three months you can now utter words to each other and even Hug. your cheeks still turn a beet-red color whenever you get too close to that Hunk of a man Clark Kent. 
“thanks- what you doing here?” 
actually, I came to see if you wanted to go out tonight. for dinner. ifyou’rer free?”
naturall,y you said yes. but you also Knew about the bet. Jackson was a Horrible liar. so you told Clark to keep it between you as you mentioned the bet. he chuckled agreeing. 
for Six days you were able to keep it a secret until Jordan caught the sound of his dad and you making out in the barn and it was over. 
the winner? Sara 
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Bad Girl's Club, Chapter 1
Word Count:  1.8k
Warnings:  none
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Twelve years ago
“Come on Darren…throw the ball, buddy!”
“I’m telling you Lance, it’s not worth trying,” Nick sighed from his spot at the grill, “She only cares abo-“
Nick looked away from the grill towards his best friend who was playing with his six-year-old; his words stuck in his throat.  She had indeed thrown the football back to him.  Lance dropped the ball and rushed the small child and wrapped his arms around her, “you did great, buddy.  I’m so proud of you!  You caught it and threw it back to me!”  
Darren Mitchell smiled, proud of the fact that his dad’s best friend told her that she was great at something.  But the smile wasn’t all due to the fact that she’d been praised for being ‘so great’ at playing catch.  It was because she had a crush on his dad’s best friend and wanted to do everything in her power to make sure that she could put a smile on his face. 
Even if it was by throwing some football around. 
“See that, Nick,” Lance smiled, still holding the child on his hip as he turned towards him, “I told you the boy could do it.”
Nick cringed, knowing what was about to come out of Darren’s mouth when he saw his child frown at his best friend.
“I’m not a boy.” Lance’s brow furrowed as his attention went back to Darren.  Her frown increased until there was a crease between her small brows.  Lance looked back to Nick, only for Darren to squirm out of his arms, “I’m not a boy, Mr. Lance…I’m a girl.”
“Buddy, I don’t know who told you that, but they lied to you!” Lance joked dismissively as he patted the young child’s head, messing with her longer hair, “and boys don’t normally have hair this long…you shou-“
“I’m a girl.” The child repeated, cutting Lance off.
“Yes…you are a girl,” Nick said firmly, the words feeling dry in his throat, “Jenna, Mr. Lance didn’t know…I’m sorry.  He didn’t mean it.”   
His ex-had told him last year that Darren had told her that ‘he’ was actually a ‘she’.  And while the two of them had thought it was just a phase at first, when she entered kindergarten and started spending more time around other kids, the teacher pulled them both in for a conference, asking that they take their son to a children’s psychologist, because Darren had supposedly picked a new name, and asked to be called ‘Jenna’ at school; wanting to be treated like a girl. 
In the end, it had been a long road, and something that Nick was still swallowing, but he tried to be supportive, even though his ex had allowed him very limited contact the first four years of his child’s life and had made sure that ‘Jenna’ had her last name and not his, just in case he decided to go back and do secret work for the government, so that both her and Jenna were protected. 
Nick held his arms out and ‘Jenna’ reached out to him, instantly tucking herself into her father’s neck.  Nick frowned, hearing her cry, “Sweetie don’t cry.  It’s okay.  Mr. Lance didn’t know about you telling me and mommy.  He hasn’t seen you since before you started school.  You know that.”
“He called me a boy, daddy…”
“I know, princess,” he sighed sadly as he smoothed down her hair, “and he didn’t mean it.  Lance, can you apologize to Jenna?”
Lance looked between his friend and the child in his arms, “what?”
“Can I take a second to explain it to Lance?” Nick asked momentarily, looking at his child.  Jenna nodded and squirmed out of her father’s arms, before running into the house and closing the door behind her.  Lance was still looking at him, very confused, “remember how I said something was happening with Darren?”
“Meet Jenna.”
“Darren is trans,” Nick said with a heavy sigh, “Lydia had me called in when the teacher called her last year, insisting that we both take Darren to a children’s psychologist.  Darren truly believes that ‘he’ is a  ‘she’, and that she prefers to be called Jenna, and wants to live like a little girl.”
“You don’t think…he’s just gay?”
“Jenna is a straight little girl in her eyes.  Has a crush on a boy in her class and everything.  Says that she’s going to marry him, and they’ll have babies together,” Nick shrugged, crossing his arms, “and the psychologist said that we should foster and encourage her environment and interests.  She likes to paint her nails, play dress up.  Draw.  She wants all the things a little girl wants.  She’s like a regular little girl, trapped in a boy’s body…”
“Kids can’t make those kinds of decisions, Nick.”
“Look Lance, I’m not going to tell you I understand it at all, because I don’t,” Nick admitted, sounding slightly defeated, “but I don’t want my child thinking that I don’t love her.  Lydia is bad enough as it is, having Jenna think that I don’t care because I wasn’t able to come to her dance recital a few weeks ago.  But I had a parent record it and surprised her last night when she got over.  We watched it together, and the way she lit up…I lost my son last year when I was told about it…but I made a vow to myself that I’d be there for Jenna.  That I wouldn’t miss out on her life like I did with Darren.  So I’m going to do everything that I possibly can to make sure that she feels like I love her just as much as I possibly can.  And that includes supporting who she is as a person.”
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“I told you we should have sent her to a god-damn convent,” her mother screamed, “she’s a little whore!  Who the hell gets knocked up at an all-girl’s school?”
“I’m telling you ma, if she found a way there, she’d have found a way anywhere else,” he father frowned, “Jessi-“
“I don’t need no harlots in this house!” her mother screamed, “get the hell out.”
Her eyes widened in panic, “w-what?”
“I said out, you little slut.”
“Daddy you can’t let he-“
Jess shot up in bed, waking in a cold sweat.  Her breathing was short and ragged as she looked around the room.  Sliding out of bed, she made her way down the hall of her apartment and cracked the door open.
She gave a soft sigh when she saw her toddler son softly snoring away.  Closing the door, she made her way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.  She needed it.  She frowned when she saw that the clock read 4:45. 
She couldn’t get back to sleep.  Harlan and Marta would be making their appearances soon to watch Evan while she was at school.  Turning on her coffee maker, she managed to slink back down the hall without too much noise, and into the bathroom for a shower. 
By the time she was stepping out, she heard the bathroom door creaking open.
“What are you doing up baby boy?”
“Mama!” he smiled happily, reaching out to her, “Gumpy.  Tata!”
“I know Evan,” she sighed, patting the little boy’s hair, “It’s Monday.  You get to see gumpy Harlan and Miss Marta.”
“GUMPY!” he cheered. 
She picked her son up and carried him with her to her bedroom, then deposited the giggling little boy on her bed, “you sit here.  Momma’s going to go get dressed.  Okay?”
The little boy giggled as she got dressed in her uniform, making sure to throw on the lacy red lingerie that she knew a certain someone had loved.  She bit her lip, knowing that it would torture the father of her child to see her in the same color red lingerie that drove him wild. 
After she got dressed, she picked up Evan and carried him off to the bathroom so that she could start working on her makeup.  Just as she was playfully pretending to put some blush on Evan’s rosy cheeks, causing the little boy to giggle even more, she heard the regular knock on the door. 
“Stay here baby,” she smiled, kissing her son on the cheek, “mommy’s going to let in gumpy and tata.”
“GUMPY!” the little boy cheered once more.  Jess smiled, booping her son’s nose, and then went to the door to let Marta and Harlan in.  Her child’s great-grandfather and his medical assistant smiled widely when she opened the door.
“You can use your key, Harlan.”
“I tell him that all the time,” Marta laughed, coming in.  She hugged Jess and went towards the kitchen, “did he have breakfast yet?”
“Not yet,” Jess frowned, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she smiled, “I’m going to make him pancakes!  He was asking last week, and I forgot to bring the stuff for it.”
“Thank you.”
“Now, where is my great grandson,” Harlan smiled, coming into the apartment, “is he-“
“Oh my god, Evan Harlan Drysdale!” Jess exclaimed.  In the short time that she’d left her son alone, he’d managed to draw all over his face with her makeup, “oh baby-“
“I can clean him up,” Marta smiled, picking the little boy up, “you finish getting ready so you aren’t late.”
She sighed, “thank you Marta.”
She laughed, carrying the little boy away, “you’re messing with mommy again, aren’t you?”
“Here’s the check for the monthly bills, Jessica.”
“Harlan…I really shouldn’-“
“Take it, Jessi,” the older man advised softly, “I know that you just lost your job working at the restaurant…”
“Lily told me,” he said with a frown as he cut her off, “she let it slip that you were looking for another job…come work at Blood Like Wine part time…”
“But Ransom-“
“Still doesn’t know about Evan…or this,” Harlan finished, “he won’t be any the wiser, sweet child.  I know you put distance between the two of you when you had Evan…I know that him nor Lily are aware that he’s the boys father.”
“Lily would never forgive me.”
“She would…in time…” he frowned, “she’s more Drysdale than Thrombey though…so it would take a while…but you know Ransom loves you…at first when all this happened I was worried…I was-“
“You thought I’d turn Ransom in.”
“No,” he said with a shake of his head, “I saw the way you looked at him…I thought Ransom was just trying to prove he wasn’t old by going after his daughter’s dorm mate…but I see how he cares for you when you come over with Lily…he wouldn’t mind working with you there.”
“I think distance between me and Ransom is best, Harlan…” she sighed, “I don’t need to live my double life anymore than I already do.”
“Think about it,” he offered, “I know that you need the money and only take the bare necessities from me…you aren’t like the rest of the family, Jessica…you know what it means to work hard for what you have.”
“I’ll think about it, Harlan…but no promises.”
“Think quickly,” he smirked, a teasing tone to his voice, “Lily is getting lonely being the only seventeen-year-old.”
Chapter 2
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dreamsausage · 3 months
had a dream that mum and dad were watching an American adult TV show that was in a sort of faux-anime style. It was about three different groups of magical animals who lived in three different biomes, which were one that was mainly water, one that was like a jungle and one that was like a desert. The jungle was in the middle and the water part was to the east, while the desert was southwest — I never saw anything about the desert and no animals from it either.
It seemed that they had these temples which would protect the animals living in these biomes, and there were special stones that had to be in the right places for them to work. at this point in the show, two of the rocks were missing from the water biome's temple, and only one of the animals, who was a beaver with a stone island as a body, had actually seen that they were missing. none of the other water animals believed him, so he went to the jungle to ask his friend, who guarded the jungle temple, for help.
His friend was like a bright red tiger who was made of roses? but they believed the beaver and the two of them started to travel around looking for where the stones might have gone. they asked some herons for help looking from higher up, but they still couldn't see where they had gone.
they got back down, and there was a huge commotion at the ancestral dam, which was a huge dam in the river that had been maintained by hundreds of generations of beavers, and sat between the water and jungle biomes. There were a lot of beavers and they rotated their responsibilities, so our beaver hadn't been there today. this time, something dangerous had happened — which was not common at all for any of the animals.
the dam had collapsed slightly and trapped some beavers inside, but they would be alright. The big problem was that the guard of the water temple, an otter made of a bundle of sticks (I'm sure you can guess the joke here) had gotten trapped under the broken entrance, and he had to keep paddling up to the surface for air, unable to climb onto the flat surface because his tail was stuck. all the animals were freaking out outside because none of them could work out how to free his tail without hurting the other beavers, but they couldn't free the other beavers fast enough for him to avoid drowning.
the stone beaver decided that since he was really small, he should be able to fit through the gaps and climb inside to help the otter. the others were all like "but beavers and otters are getting hurt right now for some reason!! what if you get hurt!!!!" and he was like "that doesn't matter I've gotta help somehow" and he climbed in.
when he got inside the otter was absolutely exhausted and his head was bobbing in and out of the water. beaver grabbed his front paws and held him up out of the water, which though very painful since it put strain on his injuries, allowed otter to breathe and for the other beavers outside to be freed from the damaged dam. once all the beavers were freed, now our boy had to get the two of them out.
beaver would have to let go of the otter and smash some very specific parts of the door so he could make a hole without collapsing the whole dam, but he didn't want to risk otter breathing any more water if he took too long. the otter told him it would be ok and getting out of there was the priority.
so beaver dropped otter's hands and he immediately slid back into the water. beaver started to whack some specific branches and slowly light was showing through the wall — but then right as he hit the branch that was trapping otter's tail, a part behind them broke in the wall and a huge gush of water slammed them through the hole beaver had made. the two of them were thrown out of the dam and they tumbled into the water, the otter ending up relatively unscathed but beaver hitting a large log and sinking into the river.
the herons saw what was happening and came down to try to pull the otter out of the water while the other animals tried to find the beaver. eventually the rose tiger found him and carried him onto the shore, where he slowly came to his senses and the other animals thanked him for helping. suddenly, two other beavers started yelling and pulling something out of the water. it was one of the magic stones from the temple.
the otter was still dizzy from the whole ordeal but recognised the stone as the one that protects beavers. soon the one that protects otters was pulled out, and there was much confusion over how they could have ended up in the shallows of the river. the otter had realised they were missing upon waking up that morning in the temple and immediately came down to make sure the beavers were ok, climbing inside the ancestral dam to look for the beavers. there was some kind of weakness caused by rotting wood in the internal part of the dam, and it happened to break while otter was inside.
beaver was training under otter as a temple guard, and woke up before otter. he went out to look for the stones upon realising they were missing. at least they now knew where the stones were, and could put them back — but because otter was injured, beaver would have to guard the stones by himself, with the help of some nocturnal animals that were meant to work the night shift but really didn't care. actually beaver was also injured, but none of the others could really tell, so he opted not to make a fuss about it. essentially beaver was entirely on his own.
that was the end of that episode, but I did see the first part of the next episode.
It was really early in the morning, still dark out, and the inside of the temple was steamy and warm. inside the temple was what looked to be a natural hot bath, and the water circulated via a stream that ran between the magical stones. otter was sitting in the water because the stones gave it healing properties. it was quiet and acoustic in the space, and the running water was calming. otter looked up because he heard someone else getting into the water.
It was beaver, but he was in a humanoid form. he was small and fluffy, but not as small as his usual form, and he had shoulder length hair. there were bags under his eyes and there was dried blood in his hair. he looked very tired.
he ducked under the water for a moment, then swam over to sit across from where otter was, seemingly not realising he was there. otter said "hey little guy, what are you doing up so early?" and beaver looked up and seemed a little embarrassed.
the animals didn't really like to enter their humanoid form outside of the temples, and would only occasionally change into them if it was convenient. for beaver, the ledge into the water was too high for him to get back out as a beaver, so he changed forms in order to reach. changing to a humanoid form might have been considered a little embarrassing.
"ah, don't worry, I get it little man. ledge too high, right?" otter called over to him in a gentle but pained voice, shifting his weight where he was sitting. he changed forms too so beaver didn't feel as awkward.
otter's human form was tall and strong-looking but you could still tell he wasn't at his best. he continued, "I thought you might have gotten hurt back there. the others were totally blindsided by all of this, can't really blame them for not realising..."
"yeah, I guess you're right," replied beaver. he rubbed his shoulder and winced. "I'll be taking care of this place for a while then, huh... I doubt I'll be very good at it yet." he looked pretty sad about it. I think he was anticipating that something would go terribly wrong whole he was in charge.
otter smiled at him. "don't worry little man. if something does go wrong, the others will understand. I have your back anyway."
beaver smiled back at otter and nodded, then climbed back out of the water and shook himself dry. he turned back into a beaver and walked into the main room where all the other water biome stones were, to find that even more had gone missing. he put his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes, his anxiety and head injury giving him a headache. he shouted up at the bat's who were meant to be keeping watch but they were too busy trading cool rocks to have noticed what happened.
at that point I had a weird thing where I woke up, still in the dream, and tried to write it down in my notes app, but the notes app was glitching and duplicating text every time I used backspace. it was very annoying and I was very happy to wake up again for real this time
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maddiwrites · 3 years
Breathe With Me
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: After finding out who hurt you on that horrific night, JJ helps you through another panic attack and makes plans to protect his girl.
Note: This was requested a long time ago after a chapter of my rewrite was posted! Instead of doing JJ x OC, like requested, I changed it to JJ x Reader so that people who don’t read my rewrite can enjoy it too. Hopefully this is okay with ya’ll. 
Word Count: 3.5k
WARNINGS: Sexual Assault!!! This chapter has descriptions of sexual assault. Please do not read if this is TRIGGERING!!!! 
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
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It was another regular day on the island. Hot and crowded with tourists. With everyone working, you decided to tag along with JJ and Pope to delivery groceries for Heyward’s business. Usually this meant going to Figure Eight, your least favorite place to be. Normally it didn’t creep you out too much, but because of a rather recent incident, you didn’t like being there.
Right after your dad went missing, you spent a lot of time with Kie as she lived out her Kook Year. Avoiding the Pogues and John B and surrounding yourself with stuck up assholes and their expensive drugs and alcohol helped you forget about your own family crisis. You would do anything to take your mind off your dad’s disappearance even if it meant getting high on whatever was offered to you. You didn’t ask twice about what it was. You figured if the rich people we’re doing it, it couldn’t be that bad right?
One night you did a long line surrounded by Rafe and a couple of his buddies. Pretty much everything after that was a blur. Your memories are fuzzy, like a puzzle piece you can’t piece together. The last thing you remember is your black hitting something soft, like a mattress or a pillow. You thought you heard the zipper of your shorts being pulled down but figured it was Kie helping you change into a pair of pajamas. 
The next morning you woke up practically naked with a blanket covering your bottom half and your bra pulled down to your stomach. You began to panic and ran your hands down your side, flinching at the tenderness by your hips. The skin was yellow/green and getting ready to bruise. Your breathing became shallow and your throat tightened up. You fumbled around the room you didn’t recognize for your clothes and slid them on, not caring what was backwards or inside out. You stumbled out the door and tip toed down the long staircase of the large house you were in. Figure Eight, you thought. 
You didn’t go home first. You went to Kie’s house. Because your body ached. Because you wanted to cry but didn’t want John B or the other boys to hear you. Because you were afraid to be naked around anyone but another girl. The second she opened the door, you sobbed into her arms and told her what you think happened to you. Kie tried to get you to go to the police or even the hospital, but you couldn’t fathom the idea of anyone knowing about what happened. Not even a stranger. Because you were embarrassed. You blamed yourself for this happening to you. You were high as fuck, trying to forget about your family troubles. You were the one to make yourself weak and vulnerable. No one else. Someone just took advantage of the position you put yourself in.
Kie didn’t pressure you. She wanted to support you in whatever decision you made, despite wanting justice for you and sending whoever the sleaze bag was to jail. She sat on the toilet and talked to you as you showered slowly. You spent most of the time staring at the wall and feeling ever inch of your body. You felt so dirty and no amount of soap or scrubbing could make you feel any cleaner. 
You stayed at her house for a couple of days until John B eventually texted her because he was worried. You both decided it was time for you to go home, but you never told them what happened. You were afraid of what John B and even JJ would do if they found out. And the last thing you wanted was for either of them to get hurt or in trouble.
John B didn’t notice something was off as much as JJ did. He could tell you were being more quiet and reserved than usual. Your usual style of crop tops and jean shorts changed to sweats and baggy t shirts. You slept with your door locked and didn’t touch a single can of beer since you came home.
Moving on from that night was a slow and gruesome process, one you don’t know if you’ll ever fully recover form. Luckily for you, JJ was a great distracter. He was an amazing story teller, he could make you laugh with a small hand gesture, and his laugh could draw you in for hours. No one was surprised when the two of you eventually started dating. Not even John B, who was a little apprehensive about it at first. 
To JJ, everything came to light when another make out session became heated. Like that morning, it became hard to breathe and your mind wandered off to what could have happened to you that night. In a blink of an eye, you were back in Figure Eight with someone pulling your zipper down. You could physically feel the bruises on your hips again and your skin burning. 
A panic attack emerged and JJ was left confused and lost. Fortunately for you, he was quick to realize something was seriously wrong and helped you through it. He breathed with you and talked you down. When you were calm, you explained what happened. At first he was pissed. Pissed at whoever could have done this to you and even a little bit at you and Kie for keeping this from him. He was ready to charge out of the house, grab John B, and find the sick son of a bitch who would touch an unconscious girl. But your cries stopped him. He’s never heard pain in your voice like he did that night. It physically cracked his heart into a million little pieces and he dropped every instinct he had and stayed with you instead. 
Since then, he’s been the most supportive and protective boyfriend. At every boneyard party, he would keep an eye out for any Kook that decided to show their face on your turf. He took note of anyone looking at you in a weird way. He carried the gun he stole from Scooter in his backpack for protection. He was serious about using it too. No one touches his girl and gets away with it.
Luckily, nothing happened between JJ and any Kook. No one made a move to talk to you or tease you. Kooks kept their usual distance from you, which not only made you feel better for yourself but because you didn’t want something to happen to JJ. You know the rules of the game of this island. Nothing bad ever happens to Kooks. They don’t know consequences. 
When Pope docks his boat, he asks if you would come with him to drop groceries off at the Thorntons. If he did it alone, it would cause two trips and he doesn’t want to waste time. 
As you go to agree, JJ steps in and shakes his head as he looks between you two. “I don’t think thats a good idea.”
“Why not?” Pope asks, completely clueless.
You subtly shake your head, silently begging for JJ not to say anything. Pope and John B still didn’t know and you want to keep it that way. Sure you would feel safer with JJ by your side, but you won’t be alone. You will be with Pope. And who would try to start something in the middle of the day anyway?
“It’s fine, J,” You tell him. You even try to joke. “I’m sure you’ll survive one hour without me.”
When you kiss his cheek, JJ turns to look at you with his brows pinched together with worry. “Y/N...”
“Seriously, J...” You say. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.” You whisper that last part as Pope turns to get the bags. 
“You have your phone?”
You nod and pull it out of your pocket to show him. “Yes. I’ll call you if anything happens.”
As JJ walks in the opposite direction of you and Pope, you feel the tension in your shoulders get tighter. The sight of these homes gives you flashbacks. The worst part about all of this is you don’t even know who hurt you. It could’ve been anyone - a touron even. It would be easier to know who did it so you know who to avoid. 
Pope notices your change in behavior but doesn’t mention it. Instead he keeps a silent eye on you and studies your every movement. 
As you pass the golf course, you hear a couple cat calls and cheering from a group of teenagers. When you look up, you see Rafe, Topper, and one of their friends making their way over to you. You take a step behind Pope, hiding behind his body and keeping your eyes trained down on your shoes. 
“What do we have here?” Rafe whistles as he comes closer. He looks down at the bags in your arms and the beer in Pope’s hand. “Bring us something?”
“These are already paid for,” Pope glares at them.
“Oh, right, right,” Rafe nods as if he understands. Then he takes is golf club and swings it at the brown paper bag in Pope’s arms, causing everything to spill out of it. 
“Sorry, man!” Rafe holds his hands up in fake surrender. He leans down to pick up a beer bottle and tosses it to his tall friend. “Trevor, you feeling thirsty?”
The guy, better known as Trevor, cracks the beer open and takes a long sip. When he looks down, he spots you and eyes your figure up and down. Then he smirks to himself and a shiver runs down your spine. You don’t like the way he’s looking at you. Like a piece of meat or someone he knows too much of. 
Rafe catches his eye and smirks to himself. “Ah, yeah. I forgot. You and Routledge have some history.”
Pope looks over his shoulder at you and sees your chest rising and dropping at a quicker pace. You’re gripping the bags in your hands so tight that he can see your knuckles turning white. You look away from the group of Kooks at the golf course with a frown on your face. Something was wrong, Pope thought. 
“Yeah, you could say that,” Trevor chuckles. He looks at you again and tilts his head. “What? You don’t remember me?”
“Pope...” You feel like you’re choking. How could he know you when you have no idea who he is? You don’t like where this is going.
Trevor continues, “Can’t say I blame you. You were out of your mind wasted that night -”
“What the hell is he talking about?” Pope says, looking between you and Trevor. He wasn’t one to get confrontational or angry, but he didn’t like what he was hearing. He didn’t like how you were acting. Something wasn't adding up. He knew you’ve hooked up with Kooks before, but this one was different. 
“Almost as dead as her daddy,” Rafe chuckles. Something in Pope snaps and he pushes Rafe back by his shoulders. In retaliation, Rafe raises his golf club and smacks it against the middle of Pope’s back, causing him to fall down with a thump. 
“Pope!” You cry and drop the bags you were holding and kneel next to him. 
“Hey,” Trevor touches your shoulder to try and pull you away from the two fighting boys, but you flinch away from him. 
“Don’t touch me! Get away from me!” You cry.
Trevor immediately holds up his hands in surrender and takes a step back. Your outburst causes everyone to freeze in their movements, even Rafe and Pope. The wheels in Topper’s head start to move a little quicker too. He looks between you and Trevor and feels off about your connection. You looked terrified. And Y/N Routledge was almost never terrified. 
Even though you are outside, you feel claustrophobic. Your heart is beating so heavily against your ribcage that you wouldn’t be surprised if it were to break your ribs. Pope notices you’re two shades paler and having a hard time breathing. Tears are silently falling down your face and you continue to crawl away form the group of Kooks backwards. 
“Y/N...” Pope says quietly.
“We should go,” Topper says. He never hated you like some of the other Kooks did. Sure you never got along, but a small part of him thought you were cool. He knew something was extremely wrong and he couldn’t help but think it had to do with their friend, Trevor. He looks at Rafe who continues to stare at you with surprise. “Dude.”
“Yeah...” Rafe says slowly. “Trev, let’s go.”
The three Kooks scatter back to the golf course. You squeeze your eyes tightly and grip the fabric of your shirt, pulling it away from your body because right now it just feels suffocating. 
“Hey.” Pope crouches down near you and lightly touches your shoulder. His touch feels like an electric shock, making you flinch even further away. When you open your eyes, you’re back in some random Kook’s house on a mattress you’re unfamiliar with. “They’re gone. Hey, they’re gone.” Pope tries to be gentle with you, but he also wants to get you out of here and in a more comfortable setting. 
“JJ,” You manage to say. Your throat feels on fire. “I need J-”
Pope immediately starts fumbling for his cell phone and dials his best friend’s number. He bounces on the balls of his feet as he impatiently listens to the ringing. “Come on. Come on.”
JJ answers. “Hey! Sorry I’m on my way back now. You’ll never believe how much this lady tipped me. I swear I’m coming on every -”
“JJ, shut up and listen to me. Y/N...” He glances back at you and sees you’re hunched over with your forehead resting on your knees and your fingers through your hair. “She’s having a panic attack or something. I - I don’t -”
“Where are you?” JJ’s once elated tone has dropped to a more serious one. 
Pope tries explaining what part of the golf course they are near. 
“Okay. I’ll be there in five minutes. Pope, get her under some shade or something. And if you can, try to get her to look at you. She needs to open her eyes to see where she is.” Pope nods, forgetting that JJ can’t see him. “Pope!”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. Okay, doing that now.”
JJ hangs up the phone so he can run faster. 
Meanwhile, Pope crouches down in front of you again and says, “Y/N/N, hey. Can you open your eyes?” Pope lightly taps your ankles. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s just me.” You slowly blink your eyes open and sniffle back the tears. Pope smiles when he sees he’s made some sort of progress. “Hey. JJ’s on his way. Why don’t we move you under some shade? It’s getting pretty hot out here. Can I help you up?”
You nod and let Pope help you up and bring you a couple feet away under a large tree. Your back rests against the bark and you try taking deep breaths to calm the swirling nausea in your stomach. 
It was Trevor. It had to be Trevor. From the way he looked at you, to the innuendo Rafe made. You knew in your heart that it was Trevor who had hurt you that night. 
A part of you always wanted to know who did this, but another part of you wished you never figured it out. Because now his face will haunt you forever.
About a minute later, you hear another set of footsteps quickly coming your way. You panic, your immediate thought going to Trevor. Would he come back? 
But then you hear your boyfriend’s beautiful voice. “Hey.” His tone is soft and gentle. “Hey, baby. Look at me. It’s JJ.” You open your eyes and meet the lovely blue one’s you fell in love with. He grins at you and takes your hands in his. 
“I’m so - sorry,” You sob, suddenly hating yourself for bringing this back up to your boyfriend and ruining Pope’s work routine. “I - I -”
“Hey,” JJ says and pulls your hands to his chest, palms down. “Remember what we did last time? Match my breathing, okay? Ready? Take a deep breath.”
Pope watches with awe silently from the sidelines. He’s never seen this side of either one of you. You so panic stricken and scared, JJ so intent with concern and intuitive. 
You follow JJ’s breathing until you feel calm enough to breathe on your own. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” JJ shakes his head. “Don’t be sorry. Do you want to tell me what happened?”
You look down at your hands that are folded in your lap. You want to tell him. Of course you want to tell him. But you’re afraid of what happens next. You’re afraid of how JJ will respond.
“Rafe, Topper, and their friend Trevor jumped us,” Pope answers for you. Like JJ, he’s also curious about what happened. Of course he was there for the physical breakdown, but he wants to know more about what you’re going through emotionally. 
“Did they hurt you?” JJ looks back at you and inspects every inch of your open skin for signs of scratches or bruises. 
You shake your head. “No.”
“I know who it was,” You say, your voice as soft as a whisper. 
“What? You mean. -” JJ’s head snaps back and forth between you and Pope. “Who?”
You dip your chin into your chest to hide your tears as they start to flow again. You take a deep breath and look back up at your boyfriend. “Trevor.”
“Who the fuck is Trevor?” JJ looks at Pope. 
Pope shrugs, “I don’t know. He was golfing with the other two Kooks.”
“Where’d they go?” JJ stands up, causing both you and Pope to follow him.
“No, JJ -” You try to pull him back to you but he slips his wrist out of your grip. 
“JJ!” Pope calls out to JJ who walks in the direction the other three disappeared to. 
“JJ, stop!” Your voice cracks which makes JJ turn around to look at you. “Please. I just want to go home.”
JJ freezes and bites down on his bottom lip, feeling conflicted. His head is telling him to run after the Kooks and beat every single one of their faces in until he finds the one named Trevor. But his heart is telling him to walk back to you and take care of you. 
“Okay,” he decides and wraps his arm around your waist. “Let’s get you home.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After you fall asleep later that night, JJ tip toes out of your room and silently shuts your door behind him. You passed out early, exhausted from the panic attacks and crying. In the living room, Pope, Kie, and John B are waiting. You had no other choice but to tell John B what happened. Now that Pope knew, it felt wrong keeping it from your brother as well. Of course it caused an argument, but in the end, John B only wants the best for you and to protect you. Which is why they’re here now.
“Ready to go?” JJ looks directly at your brother.
John B holds up his car keys. “Let’s go.”
“Whoa, where do you think you’re going?” Kie grabs John B by the elbow and glares at both of them.
“Where do you think?” JJ says.
When Pope and Kie stepped out of the room to check on you, JJ and John B both secretly decided that when you fell asleep, the two of them would sneak out and find this Trevor person and give him what he deserves. 
“Don’t be stupid,” Pope says, looking between the two. “You know how this works. The two of you end up getting in trouble and he gets to walk away clean.”
“I don’t care. I’ll kill him -”
“You can’t,” Kie says.
“I’m not asking for your permission, Kie!”
“Where’s the gun?” Kie says. “If you’re going to do this, I’m not letting you bring the gun. Leave it here.”
JJ looks up at John B who reluctantly nods his head for JJ to give it up. The blonde sighs and reaches into the back of his waistband and pulls it out.
“This is a bad idea,” Pope says again even though he knows the other two don’t give a shit. In a way, he kind of respects it. He would go to if he didn’t have a scholarship to worry about.
“Keep an eye on her. We’ll be back in a couple hours,” John B says.
“You better hope you are. Because if you’re not, you’re only going to be making this worse for her,” Kie tells them.
Kie’s words have both John B and JJ rethinking their decision. But only for a split second. 
JJ nods. “Don’t worry. I’d never leave my girl behind.”
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widow-maximov · 3 years
Hi can I request the the boys of the OG6 acting like older brothers of Natasha and then literally interrogating ceo!reader or something bc they’re known for being a player?
Natasha’s just watching them and being embarrassed.
You don’t have to if you don’t want to:)
Anything for you
Pairing: Natasha x Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, angst :3
Summary: Your past impacted your future and others trust, are you able to change for her?
Word count: 3.7k
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
Being in a relationship has never been easy in your life, especially since you are the richest person alive, along side with Tony Stark. Since your dad retired and gave you the company you were doing pretty good for someone your age.
You were a 'player' or well that's what people did describe you, but you liked to call yourself adventurous, it was more of a stress relief type of hook ups never more never less.
Half of the time you thought that since you have money people will use you for it so you kept your cold bitch face and kept going with life.
There was a reason behind that thinking, you remember like it was yesterday. Back when you had less responsibilities on your head, you did date.
There was this boy, who was the most respected person in school, he always helped everyone and even turned you into a bit more social and nicer person to which you gained popularity.
You were practically swooned over this guy, not him as a boy but his personality, he 'loved' you or at least that's what you thought. Since you gained respect of practically every person in the school, there were rumours that your boyfriend only used you for the money.
He had a whole plan of how to get your money, by marrying you like he was going to stick with you for a very long time just so he can take your money and leave you dry.
At first you didn't want to believe it until you overheard his conversation with his friends, he was laughing and just being a dick about your whole relationship, telling them what you told him in secret.
You ended up getting revenge, since you were able to get away with most things, you actually punched him and outed him to the whole school with how he treated you, he was suspended and your father moved you to another school for 'punishment' but he really did you a favour.
Every since that you questioned any relationships after that, whether it was with girls or boys, to you they all seemed the same as your ex. So you stuck with being single for sometime until you accidently slept with someone at a party and that's where you picked up the habits of sleeping around.
It did kind of stop when you took over after your dad retired but as soon as you were doing a good enough job and providing the best solutions for the issues that occurred, you practically had many women in your office, no matter the time.
You tried not to mix work with your sex life which meant your workers were your workers and nothing else but there was an exemption, there was a woman, her name is Ava, who used to work along side of your dad and now she works along side of you, she become your casual hook up which sometimes interfered with work.
Since you always believed in good, Ava suggested for you to work with the Avengers, you agreed and reached out to Tony and offered a deal to help him with anything he needs but you wanted intel on everything they do which meant you were there pretty often.
When you first met the team, it was only a couple of them as most were away from a mission, they were a family that you wanted and lacked. Your father never was a feeling type of guy and your mother never really cared unless she didn't get her money.
The Avengers were different and even if you weren't physically fighting with them, you helped them out a lot since they ruined a lot of property to which you were quick to act to some point you were considered their teammate.
When you met this one particular team mate, you instantly knew she was different. You knew she existed from them being featured on the news but face to face with these people were so different. She was the reason you changed so much.
The more you started to spend time with the Avengers the more you were fascinated by her. Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, the Russian, the redhead, you preferred stunning but Natasha would have to do.
She was just as into you as you were into her and you wasn't hiding it, you were obvious which only encouraged her to continue her exploring. Everyone warned her about you but she was too blind and stubborn to care.
You stopped sleeping around when you started to hang around the team more often, which didn't go unnoticed by your own company, especially Ava who worked with you, was she jealous? Of course, to the point where she tried to ruin your chance with Natasha.
You were busy that day, like really busy, ever since you were taking things with Natasha at some pace, you would neglect your work and overload Ava, she didn't mind it because in return she wanted you and she was going to succeed.
She was all over you to which you never paid any attention, your mind was occupied with Natasha, you literally did everything to spend more of your time with the Russian rather than here being a CEO.
You was standing near the elevators, talking to one of your other business partners and Ava was next to you since she was in a way involved into your business.
Natasha was planning to visit you at work as you couldn't leave this time, she wants to watch you be a badass CEO, it turned her on when you bossed people around plus it was more time together so she didn't mind.
Natasha appeared out of the Elevator to which she was spotted by Ava, there was a smirk at her lips as she started her plan. When you and the business partner made a joke, she laughed as she placed her hand gently on your shoulder.
Natasha saw it all, she narrowed her eyes and waited for you to push her away, here where the problems comes. The company didn't know who you starting to change for, so when the next person saw Natasha and where she was looking, they made a comment.
"I wouldn't look so surprised, they had a thing on and off all the time, since Y/n took over, Ava has been sneaking around but we all know"
Natasha nodded with a fake smile and turned around to the elevator, it took everything in her to turn around because all she wanted to do was walk towards you and Ava and literally kill yous on spot.
When Natasha arrived back, the team noticed her sudden change in her behaviour.
"Nat are you okay?" Steve questioned first as he observed the redhead.
She stiffly nodded and proceeded to walk out to her room but Thor stopped her "Okay, you're not okay now tell us what's wrong."
Natasha faced her team mates "It's stupid"
Clint shook his as he sipped his drink "It's not stupid if it's upsetting you"
Tony crossed his arms "Okay, spill Romanoff"
Natasha sighed as she walked over to where they were and sat in between them "I'm having doubts"
Bruce's head popped out from underneath a table "Doubts about what?"
"About what's going on between me and Y/n.." Natasha hesitantly told them.
Steve's frowned at her "Why?"
"I went to visit Y/n at work today and I hate to admit it but I don't think the player habits have stopped, it just worries me that I am being maybe used.." As Natasha finished, she was looking anywhere else but them.
Tony pulled Natasha into his side "It's okay, you have us to protect you, also I think Fury was looking for you so you might want to check that out first"
She nodded and just when she was about to stand up, Tony pulled her into a hug and suddenly everyone wants to hug her to which they did. They had their turn whispering sweet things to Natasha to calm her a little.
"We are having a party later" Tony announced just before the Russian left, she nodded at him and as soon as she left, they turned to each other.
"Okay, here is the plan, the party is there to keep her occupied whilst we question Y/n. I'm not going to allow a player break her sweet heart" Tony spoke up again as he looked from Steve to Bruce.
"I will get the ropes ready..." Clint stated as if he done this before.
Thor looked at Clint confused "I want to ask but at the same time I don't"
Tony rolled his eyes "It doesn't matter, we are going to find out and then decided what we should do with Y/n if it's true"
They all nodded and did their secret handshake that Natasha wasn't apart off because it was dedicated to her to protect her. They split and went to fulfil their parts of this secret mission.
Tony alerted you of the party, Steve kept his eyes on the door to see if you arrive, Bruce takes care of Ava or any other people, Thor takes you away as he is very convincing and Clint prepares for anything that could somehow disrupt the interrogation.
You were worried, each time you would message Natasha there would be no reply, that never happened before which was even more worrying. Your first irrational thought was to sleep with someone to take off the stress but after taking a deep breath you knew this isn't a way to solve this, you needed to talk to Natasha.
As soon as you received a text from Tony about a party, there was some sort of relief in your mind, she was busy with preparing maybe that's why she couldn't answer you.
You told Ava about the party so she cancelled any late meetings, any parties that Tony Stark planned had everyone invited so since you were a business partner of Tony, your whole company was invited meaning Ava was going to be there.
You always had a emergency suit in your office for unannounced parties when you had been stuck at the company for too long. You was ready within minutes and was out the door alone as quick as possible, in hopes that you will talk to Natasha before she gets lost in the part world.
You rushed over and as soon as you gotten into the building Thor stood in your way "Oh hello Thor, sorry I can't talk I'm in a bit of a rush.."
He simply smiled at you "It's okay but Tony really needs you, it has to wait"
You were going to protest but he pulled you along with him, he was much more stronger than you so you had no chance and just followed him.
He didn't simply let you walk in, he pushed you inside as he locked the door behind him, you huffed as you turned to face the door that now was locked, you looked around and suddenly Tony with Clint emerged from the wall.
"Woah, that's cool" You had your brows raised at their new thing.
"So why was I shoved in here?" You questioned now with a serious face.
Clint walked over to you and before you could move away he had you tied with this new invention, you looked at him with shock and then back at the ropes, he placed you down on a chair as suddenly everyone else but Natasha walk into the room.
Now you are surrounded by 5 Avengers death staring you like you had killed someone that was related to them "What is happening?"
Tony had a serious face "You're going to tell us about Ava"
You frowned in confusion "What are you talking about?"
Steve had his arms crossed "We want to know what is going on between you and Ava"
The boys tried their best to keep this whole thing a secret but Natasha was a spy after all so she knew what they were doing, she didn't want to stop them because if it meant somehow getting out the truth without lies she was okay with it, obviously to some extent, she didn't want them to hurt you so she observed from the other room.
"Is there suppose to be something going on between me and her?" You questioned as you stared at Steve with a serious face.
Bruce walked closer as he bend down to your face "There is 5 of us and just you, think wisely before answering Y/l/n"
Were you scared? A little, he was right you were alone and no one knew you were here, but you knew they wouldn't do anything to you well at least that's what you'd like to think.
"I will ask again, what is going on with you and Ava?" Tony spoke as Bruce walked back to where he stood before.
"Nothing is going on between me and her, what makes you think that?" You questioned this time.
Clint sighed as he dropped his hands "Because we know you were involved with her sexually"
You narrowed your eyes "So you five kidnapped me, tied and now you're asking me if I'm still sleeping with Ava, acting like this is your business because?"
Tony scoffed "Because you're messing with our family and we don't like people who hurt our family.."
"I'm not messing with no one-" You were quick to disagree but stopped yourself when you realised who they were referring to.
"You mean Natasha..." You spoke but rather to yourself than them.
"I'm not messing with Natasha" You stated simply.
"Then why is Ava all over you?" Clint asked as he crossed his arms this time.
"How am I suppose to know, I'm not a mind reader"
Clint faced Tony "Okay, I believe Y/n"
You smiled slightly at Clint, but his comment only caused an argument, your eyes wondered around the room, that's when you noticed that the corner of the room is different half way up as if there was glass, not making it obvious that you knew.
You cleared your throat "Can I say something?"
They all looked back at you and nodded in sync "I know yous don't trust me but I will try everything to show you that I don't have bad intentions when it comes to Natasha, now please can you let me go I really need to go"
Tony narrowed his eyes "If you want to show us that we can trust you then tell us where you are in such a rush"
You swallowed hard, you didn't want Natasha to find out this way so you tried your luck again "I can't tell you, I need to go"
Tony inhaled sharply as he looked over at the boys "Well what do you guys say about a round of beers and come back here in an hour to see if Y/n will say something then"
Thor smirked "We can also put the heating on, making it a little too hot here for our little Y/n here"
They all nodded and there was a sense of panic across your face "Okay stop, I will speak"
They all had a smirk and you just continued "I am in a rush to talk to Natasha.."
"Why?" Steve spoke as he walked a little closer to you.
"Well I was planning to do this face to face not through the glass but I'm head over hills with Natasha and I was planning to ask her out but I guess now she knows" You sighed with slight disappointment.
Tony was the one frowning with confusion "What do you mean? Through glass?"
You looked over at the glass "If you really think you know Natasha then think twice, because this woman is a spy, she is behind that glass listening to this"
Clint face palmed himself "I knew this was too good to be true"
Tony pulled out his remote that controlled the glass, he turned off the camouflage and there she stood, with her arms crossed and an embarrassed look across her face, well it was a death stare but you could tell them apart.
As your eyes landed on her face, a smile found it way on your lips really quickly, she always did that to you and you loved that feeling even if you were slightly terrified of it but you would do anything for Natasha even deal with your own issues for her.
Clint walked over as he untied you and allowed you to stand up with a little whine from the pain that the rope left behind, you looked at the boys and they moved out of your way, you looked at them and gave them a small nod as you proceeded your way out.
"You better not hurt her Y/l/n or you'll regret it" Tony simply whispered but just enough so you heard him, you looked at him and nodded with a smile.
You walked out of the room and shutting the door behind you, taking a deep breath and finally looking to your right as your eyes were met with the Russian's green ones, she was staring at you from across and all you wanted to do was pull her into you.
Nothing else but her was on your mind, you walked over to her and just stared at her without saying anything. You didn't even know what words would be right to say so instead she took your hand and pulled you to a less visited balcony.
She stood couple steps away from you to which she spoke up first "Did you mean it?"
Her naturally raspy voice was music to your ears, so you simply nodded because words could betray you quite easily, she sighed with relief as she looked down.
The boost of courage coursed through your body, you took those couple steps towards her as you placed your hand under her chin, making her look up at you.
"Natasha I am sorry if I made you feel like you were nothing more than some cheap hook up because you aren't and you never will be." You started off with an apology still holding her chin.
"You mean so much to me, you out of everyone could make me want to change is a lot for me, I knew the second that I would do anything for you that I was falling for you" This time you held her face with both of your hands as your eyes started to gloss.
"I also never told you how stunning you look" You manged to chuckle out before letting tears slowly fall from your eyes.
She chuckled with you as she wiped your tear of your cheeks "Thank you"
"I'm also sorry for them acting like that" Natasha tucked a fallen hair behind your ear.
You shook your head "You don't need to be sorry because if you made you more at ease then I would even let them kidnap me everyday if it meant you would feel better"
A smile made its way on her lips this time "I think I'm falling for you too" She whispered it as she searched in your eyes for any emotions.
You smiled with a relief sigh "We can take this at any pace you want and if you ever doubt anything, talk to me I will even take a lie detector test for you Nat"
She giggled as she nodded, instead of replying she hugged into your chest with a smile across her lips, you let your arms snake around her and close your eyes at her warmth.
You pulled away slightly just enough to be inches away from each other lips, you looked into her eyes and with confirmation from both parts you kiss her, your eyes flattered shut as if to see if this wasn't a dream.
You pulled away and rested your forehead against hers as you looked into her eyes, completely being pulled deeply into this moment, not realising that practically everyone could see this, but as long as you had Natasha with you, you didn't care.
The next day, you made Natasha meet you at the company along with Ava, Natasha worried rushed to you as she spotted you. Her eyes were quick to narrow at Ava.
You looked over at Natasha and with a smile you walked over to her as you took her hand and walked back to where you were, this time Ava had her eyes narrowed at Natasha.
"What am I doing here Y/n/n?" The redhead spoke up as she looked over at you.
"This is my way of showing that you can trust me Natty" You looked back at her with a smile.
She was still confused, so you looked over at Ava as you held a letter out to her, she hesitantly took it and opened it as her eyes scanned the paper so quickly.
"You're moving me to another work place?!" She screamed as she looked back at you.
You nodded with a smile across your lips "Yes, I have heard from so many people that you have been complaining about getting here so I did you a favour and moved you closer to where you live"
You pulled Natasha into you but kept your eyes on Ava, who pointed at Natasha "This is your fault, if you weren't here I would still have my chance"
You rolled your eyes, the Russian was ready to knock her out but you held her by her waist pretty firmly as you spoke "Don't blame this on others, this is all on you, it might be hard to understand for you but I didn't want anything else from you, now go pack your stuff as your new place awaits you"
She scoffed as she stormed away, you waved her goodbye as you giggled along with Natasha, you looked over to the redhead at your side, she smiled at you and without words, she kissed you to which you accepted it with open arms.
You wanted everyone to know she was taken by you and you were taken by her. She made you happy and you would do anything to prove to her that she is the one who has your heart.
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209 notes · View notes
yoonpobs · 3 years
together | myg
pairing: min yoongi x singlemother!reader
genre: fluff, very soft fluff, domesticity
words: 5, 007
summary: min yoongi is a good man but even a better father ... figure
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“Baby … what did we say about boundaries?” You crouch down to reach Jihoon’s eye level and the mini you—as said by your friends—simply ignores your oncoming lecture by staring at his feet.
“Limits …” He mumbles softly and all you want to do is hug him and tell him he can do no wrong but motherhood is tough despite all the online blogs telling you that they’re with you. You loved your baby, you really did—but God decided to fuck with you by making him the reflection of yourself when you were younger and you heard nightmarish stories from your parents from when you were growing up.
You run your hand over his hair soothingly because as much as he was like you, he was still only two years old and his own person, fluff and bread arms. You knew not to restrain him with furrowed brows or raised voices but instead with the patience your parents always taught you to have and the compassion that you wished you were naturally blessed with. But life had a funny way of taking away things from you.
Well—your ex-husband was never really taken from you—he left you, and instead of feeling shambled and distraught you were made of such resolve that you merely blinked when he packed his bags after he said he was cheating on you. The only sweat you broke was realising that Jihoon was only three months old when his dad left without sparing him another glance.
But your baby grew up and so did you. Your job at office paid well enough for you to live comfortably with Jihoon and hire nannies to look after him whenever you couldn’t; even though you tried your best to always be with him so he wouldn’t grow up resenting an absent mother. But you worried like anyone else would because while your friends and family would say you were doing an impeccable job, your self-sabotaging tendencies nagged at yourself by saying that he needed a male figure in his life.
He mumbles a soft apology, so respectful with his big eyes and you smile at him. You knew he meant no harm when storming into your office and scrambling off with important documents because he was still impressionable and curious about nearly everything. Your heart dropped when you realised your reports were pretty much incoherent with the way he doodled over them but you knew not to blame him.
“Forgiven Hoon.” You kiss his forehead.
His eyes turn into tiny slits with his toothless smile and your heart clenches at the little human you created and love dearly.
“Love you mama.” He plants a sloppy kiss on your cheek before waddling off to his playpen where his toys are laid neatly. If there was anything he inherited from you; it’d be your meticulous tendencies.
You sigh, leaning into the wall of your kitchen as you watch Jihoon with fond eyes as he plays with his dolls and figurines, dressing them in dresses and pants just like how you taught him that gender had no look and that everyone was different. Obviously, explaining the concept of social constructs to a two-year-old is not a conversation any parent would have with their child but you believed that these fundamental core values of humanity were important to his growth into his toddler stages and eventually adulthood.
“I can’t believe you squeezed that cutie out of your vagina.” Taehyung snorts, sneaking up behind you and you don’t flinch because you’re way too used to his unwanted comments and sudden appearances.
“I am 90% cute so it’s only right that my child inherits that from me.” You retort, eyes still trained on your baby boy.
Taehyung looks over at Jihoon who directs a mini-play of a loving family, and your heart is still sad at the prospect of his adolescent years only being with you.
“You know … hyung is asking about you,” Taehyung says and you immediately still in your position, hands freezing in your pockets because you know exactly who he’s referring too and you weren’t exactly ready for that conversation, especially with your older brother.
“He says he misses Hoonie.”
You sigh, turning your head to face your older brother and you can only muster enough emotion to look fine with his statement but you simply looked constipated with the way your face scrunches up.
“We’ve been busy …” You mutter.
“Jihoon is two-years-old and the only thing he’s busy with is trying not to give you a heart attack every time he nearly runs into the wall and you literally work from home now that your boss is some progressive liberal that tries a new system every two days,” Taehyung says dryly, pinning you with a deadpan.
“Stop offending me by insulting my son!” You whine.
“That’s my nephew too.” He rolls his eyes as you punch him in the shoulder.
“That has a name and it’s Jihoon you bitch.”
“Mama said beech?” Jihoon tilts his head in a curious manner and your expression morphs into one of mortification as Taehyung cackles in response.
“Stop. Laughing.” You hiss but it’s no use because your brother has never once listened to anything you had to say throughout the last twenty-nine years of your life.
“You—” Your snide is cut short by rapt knocks on your door, and you see Taehyung’s grin widen. You know that look intimately because it’s the expression he wears before he pisses you off or embarrasses you.
“He’s here!” He sounds delighted as he skips towards the door. You want to pull his back by his collar to ask him what the fuck he was talking about but he’s quick with his hands and the door is open. Your mouth falls and you nearly get whiplash with the way that you stare at your guest.
“Y-Yoongi.” He was possibly the last person you wanted to see and you had no idea what he was doing at your apartment at night on a weekday.
Then you see Taehyung’s pleased expression and put two-and-two together.
“___, hey. Taehyung said you needed help with Hoon tonight?” He offers a tilt of his lips because Yoongi was not an expressive man by any means. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have a good heart; that was far from the truth of the enigma that was Min Yoongi.
He was a good person and an even better friend. Although the two of you had tip-toed on the line between friends to something more than that, he never explicitly said anything about his interests to you. And you didn’t want to pressure him by saying anything because even though he was in his thirties and still very much single with a stable job as a surgeon at the top hospital, a two-year-old son is rarely what a man that appealing ever wants when looking for a relationship.
That was why you stopped replying to his texts or inviting him over to hang out with Jihoon anymore because Jihoon adored him so much and your poor heart couldn’t bear to see the two boys interact without an ugly flower called hope bloom in your chest. He only ever knew who you were because he and Taehyung were co-workers and probably only tolerated you by association.
You loved Jihoon and wanted the best for him. Even if that was Min Yoongi—you needed to protect your heart too.
“I did?” You tilt your head and Yoongi automatically notices the habit that you and Jihoon share. Taehyung is somehow next to you already and you know that because he stomps on your foot and shoots you a glare when you hiss.
“I did.” You cough.
“Mama?” Jihoon peeks his head through the divider between the kitchen and the common area, and his eyes immediately light up when he sees Yoongi hovering by the entrance.
“Yoongi!” He squeals as he speeds as fast as he can with his little feet towards the man in his scrubs who shoots your son with his gummy smile.
“Hey, buddy.” He picks your son up effortlessly and you know you’re staring but you rarely ever see men who are this patient let alone this good with children.
“Close your lips,” Taehyung whispers into your ear.
“I’m—that’s not what was happening …” You mumble, a blush appearing on your cheeks as you look away from the hugs and kisses that Yoongi gives Jihoon.
“I meant your other ones.” Your brother says dryly.
“Kim Taehyung—!” Your arms are already reaching for his neck to strangle him but Yoongi calling your name snaps you out of your anger.
“Have you eaten dinner yet?”
Your head snaps to Yoongi who now has Jihoon on his hip while he plays with the material of his scrubs. You hate how your heart flutters at the domesticity of the question and how Yoongi looks so much like a father to your son and a husband in your home.
You realise the dangerous daydream you’re falling into and shake your head to snap out of it before you hurt yourself even more.
“Us? No, we haven’t. Tae and I were planning to order in at our favourite place.” You tell Yoongi with a small smile.
You see the hint of a frown marring on his face but it goes as quick as it comes as he stalks towards you.
“Actually—” Taehyung cuts in before Yoongi can say anything, “—I have a … thing.”
He points his thumb towards the door and you curse him in your head so much that you hoped sibling telepathy was a thing so he could hear what you felt about him right now.
“You … do?” Yoongi asks.
Taehyung shrugs, as ambiguous as ever before ruffling Jihoon’s hair and offering a fist bump and a kiss before he approaches your door.
“Taehyung—” You grit.
“Bye, buddy! Yoongi.” He acknowledges the two other boys but not you and you know it’s because while Taehyung loved to annoy you, he knew you were a handful and quite literally the spawn of satan when you were angry and you weren’t just angry but livid.
“Get back here—!” And he’s gone before you know it, and even Jihoon mumbles a soft bye Tae samchon after he’s gone.
You sigh, resting your head against the frame of the door that was now shut in your face, stuck in your own house with the man that you’ve been helplessly pining over that looks way too at home with the way Jihoon plays with the softness of his black hair.
You turn around, closing your eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
When you open them, Yoongi has an eyebrow raised, placing Jihoon on his high-chair. And you don’t know why you found that act so hot but you couldn’t even set your own son down into that chair without him making a fuss but he only giggled cheekily when Yoongi did so.
“What for?”
He doesn’t sound angry, just genuinely confused. You purse your lips and walk towards Jihoon who was simply babbling to himself and grab a cloth to wipe at the appearance of a new stain on his shirt which you suspect he got from his playtime earlier, and you internally groaned at the fact that he probably found some food and decided that it would be a good addition to his play family.
“I know it’s really busy at the hospital this time around and Taehyung basically scammed you here … with us.” You fiddle with your fingers after you pick up a toy on the floor and pass it to Jihoon to keep him occupied as you have a much more … adult-esque conversation with Yoongi. While you made it clear to Jihoon that he didn’t necessarily have a father in his life because you owed him that much, you tried to steer far from conflict and turmoil so he wouldn’t have to grow up knowing only the lows of life.
Yoongi just … stares. And it’s unnerving because you could barely read the man in general and he was looking at you with a blank expression that only causes your anxiety to settle further into your bones. You’re thinking of about a million different ways to apologise or to spontaneously combust so you could save yourself from the scrutiny of Yoongi’s eyes. But before you can say anything and embarrass yourself, even more, he speaks.
“Do you think I don’t enjoy spending time with the two of you?” He frowns, and that’s the most expressive you’ve seen him throughout your entire friendship with the man. The fact that the first time he’s ever shown any explicit emotion around you is one of … disappointment … only makes you realise how far out of his league you were.
“N-No!” You shake your head, flustered at his tone. When you look at him, his face is much softer; a type of expression that shows longing but you aren’t quite sure why it’s there.
“It’s just … you’re busy, Yoongi. You’re a hotshot doctor at the best private healthcare facility in the city and you’re here spending the last night before the weekend with some pathetic single mom who still—by the way—can’t decide on how to brush my teeth just because it doesn’t feel right.”
Yoongi blinks at you, then he looks over at Jihoon and you’re confused for a second because it seems like he’s dismissing your mini ramble, but instead, he reaches out to Jihoon’s hand and bends down so he can look Jihoon straight in the eye.
“Hey, bud?” He calls out to Jihoon and your son looks at Yoongi with all the stars in his eyes.
Your heart softens at the interaction and notices how the way Jihoon doesn’t pull away when Yoongi reaches out to carry him in his arms again.
“Yoongi!” He squeals, squeezing the man’s cheeks between his chubby fingers and you can’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm and the way that Yoongi resembles a cat.
“I need to ask you something.” He whispers as if it were only the two of the room and you stand on the opposite of them with your arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
Your son bobs his head up and down in agreement as he waits for Yoongi to ask him his question.
“Yoongi …” You trail off but he pays you no mind.
“Do you love your mama?” The question surprises you and your mouth opens and closes, and your emotions are all over the place because the question makes you feel nearly inadequate. The way that he asks the question prompts you to wonder if it seemed like what you were doing for Jihoon just wasn’t enough.
“What is this even about?” You snap, eyes narrowed at Yoongi but he still ignores you.
Jihoon nods his cute little head eagerly without a moment of hesitation after Yoongi asks his … what you would say—preposterous question.
“I love mama with all my heart. She’s the best!” Jihoon giggles into Yoongi’s shirt as he leans his head against his chest. You don’t know why his words make you choke up when he tells you he loves you every day but the reassurance that your son does indeed love you makes you feel like you can do anything. It was also probably the fact that you noticed Yoongi smiling fondly between the two of you.
“Do you think she’s pathetic, Hoonie?” He throws your words to your son and you scowl at Yoongi who is still keeping his act of ignoring you very much alive.
“Pathedic?” Jihoon tilts his head again and you almost coo at the slight lisp he has when he asks.
Yoongi chuckles warmly and offers you a small smile as if to tell you that you’d see soon enough before repeating himself to your son.
“Bad.” Yoongi settles.
Jihoon gasps in his tiny little way and frowns, looking over at you with a cute crumpled expression that makes your heart swell even more. The urge to hold your son increases tremendously but you were still confused and curious as to what Yoongi was getting at.
“No no no! Mama is the best, didn’t you hear?” Jihoon squabbles.
You bite your lip to refrain from smiling so wide and choke back the tears that well up.
“Mama always cooks yummy food and never yells at me! I always see other mama’s yelling at their babies but mama … mama loves me too, right?” He rambles off and you sniffle.
“Love you a lot, Hoon.” You say from a distance and Jihoon is satisfied with your answer.
You turn to look at Yoongi and sigh.
“What is this about, Yoongi?” You sound stern and he acknowledges that. He knows the situation is much more serious than what he perceives but he can’t help but observe how the furrow of your brows resembles a squirrel. The comparison makes him want to laugh because you were so cute even when you were angry.
“I have one more question.” He tells you.
You don’t say anything but watch the way he leans in closer to Jihoon with eyes more serious than you’ve seen before.
“You want to see mama happy?” Yoongi whispers so softly that you almost miss it.
Jihoon nods.
“Of course. Mama always makes me happy. But she looks … lonely.” Jihoon frowns a little and you can’t help but have a tear fall. Your baby boy was young but observant and had a heart of pure gold. You didn’t need anyone but Jihoon but—
“What do you think if she gave you a papa?” Yoongi asks and the question stills your entire body. You don’t even see the way Jihoon lights up at the proposition and you also miss the way Yoongi looks over at you once to gauge your reaction.
“Will you be my papa Yoongi?” The question is what snaps you out of your reverie to realise the situation you were in and the allusion of Jihoon’s question.
“Jihoon! You can’t just—say sorry.” You squeak but Jihoon doesn’t pay you any mind because his attention is all on Yoongi who is smiling as wide as he possibly can.
“Only if your mom says yes, Hoonie. If only she knew how much I liked her.” He tells Jihoon but he’s looking at you. Your eyes are wide at the confession and your hands fall limp by your side; not knowing how to respond to Yoongi’s sudden confession.
It wasn’t anything spectacular, and it didn’t cause butterflies to erupt like it was in the movies but the confession was so wholeheartedly Yoongi that you felt so … comfortable. A surprising yet welcoming emotion.
Jihoon looks over to you but you’re looking at Yoongi who looks at you with soft eyes.
“Say yes mama!”
Yoongi stands up from his position to walk over to your frozen state until your hands rest on his chest unconsciously. He looks down at you as his arms wrap around your waist to pull you flush against his body. You blush and avoid his stare when he tries to catch your eyes. You know Jihoon is watching and that makes you feel all the more flustered. It was like you were back in high school and you were ‘canoodling’ behind your parents’ backs.
“Y-Yoongi …” You try to push him away but he reaches his hands to wrap them around your own.
“I’m sorry but you can’t run away from me this time ___.” He teases.
You flush and look away.
“I wasn’t … running …” You mutter.
He chuckles and shakes his head that you feel strands of his hair against your forehead when he leans in closer to connect your forehead with his own.
“Okay.” He agrees. He doesn’t put up a fight and you hate how even when you’re the one that’s flustered he can make you feel … safe. Calm.
“I like you, dumbass. I would go as far to say that I’m in love with you but I know how scared you get so let’s settle for the baby steps first, yeah?” He says so casually that your eyes bulge out of your eye sockets comically.
“You c-can’t just …” You blubber, “Say that!”
Yoongi scoffs.
“I like you Kim ___.”
You punch him in the chest but he doesn’t even flinch.
“No you don’t …” You whisper.
You don’t look at him but you can feel his frown.
“And who are you to tell me how I feel?”
You sigh.
“Yoongi … I don’t know if you heard what I said earlier but you’re … you … and I’m just some other girl that you know because of Taehyung and I’m a mother of a two-year-old. You could literally be with anyone you wanted and I just … you don’t like me. You just—can’t.” You exasperate.
He frowns at you, forcing your chin up to look at him with his index finger. You burn even redder at how close you were.
“I love you. I love Jihoon. And you need to get out of your pretty little head because I don’t want to be with anyone but you. I don’t know where you’re getting this weird picture of me being with anyone I want because I don’t want anyone. I want this—I want in, in this little family.”
You feel yourself choke up, and Yoongi notices so he holds you closer until your head is against his chest.
“I’m emotionally constipated half the time I interact with anyone but you just … you make me feel alive and things that I generally don’t feel on a daily basis. You and Hoon are the only things that keep me going with all the surgeries and stuff. I’m in love with you and it’s all your fault and Hoonie wants you to be happy as much as I do—so please: stop running.”
“Why are you running mama?” Jihoon asks and you remember your son is watching it all.
You flush but don’t move from Yoongi’s grasp. He thinks of this as a step forward because all you do is turn your head to look at Jihoon and offer him a smile through your tears.
You and Yoongi hear Jihoon’s whine and you see him reach his arms towards you as a gesture for you to carry him.
“Mama why are you crying!” He cries.
You feel Yoongi release you and you immediately reach out to Jihoon like it was second nature because it was. Jihoon was the only thing that kept you going when people would give you odd stares as a single mother especially when you were starting to look into preschools for your son. All the superiors would question your legitimacy and income when you were earning more than the average working man. You were always very particular about who you allowed into Jihoon’s life because he was young and got attached easily. But Yoongi made it so … easy. Just like he was that missing piece in both your and Jihoon’s lives.
“I’m okay bubs.” You kiss Jihoon on his cheeks as you hold back your tears.
“Don’t cry, mama.” Jihoon frowns and puts his thumbs between your furrowed brows just like you would always do when he was starting to sulk. You chuckle and hold your son closer to your chest, feeling all the more comforted.
“I’m serious about this ___ …” Yoongi steps closer to you and wraps an arm around you and Jihoon and the action feels so utterly domestic. You feel safe and content within his grasp.
“Yoongi …” You look up at him through your eyelashes and Yoongi has always been entranced with your beauty. It was never just about how beautiful you looked when you were a mother to Jihoon but the energy you carried around you was contagious and he’s immediately lightened up in your presence. He was patient with you because he knew you were serious about Jihoon and that he was your number one priority.
“No, please … listen to me ___.” He cups your cheeks while Jihoon is looking between the two of you with keen interest.
“I know you’re scared because of Jihoon and that’s valid. But I don’t want you to think that you’re not enough for me for superficial reasons because the truth is I probably won’t ever be enough for you and you’re here being the woman of my dreams. I respect your decision if you aren’t ready for a relationship and I won’t push you but I want you to know that I’m not going anywhere just because we aren’t together because I rather have you next to me as a friend than lose out on you forever.”
You had always been a crybaby and Taehyung was probably the reason why you cried all the time as children since he always had been the more rambunctious one between the two of you while you were far timider. But Yoongi knew that under all the times you shed tears because you were touched is a strong-willed woman that could withstand nearly anything in this world if it were for her son.
“And I know that I’m not over my head thinking this but … you want me too and it’s okay if you do but you don’t want a relationship. I respect you as a person, a woman and the mother of Jihoon. I just don’t want you to push me away.” He whispers so softly when he looks into your eyes.
“Mama …” Jihoon whines and you look down at him for a moment when he gives you a glare that doesn’t look so intimidating because of his bread cheeks.
“Yoongi is fun! Can he be our daddy?” You know his choice of words didn’t necessarily entail that context for you in particular but you blush anyway because he was just two. Yoongi senses your flustered state but squeezes your cheeks in between his hands and you feel coddled. It was a new feeling, one that was almost unfamiliar with how long you’ve been deprived of a significant other’s touch.
“I—Yoongi … I really don’t know what to say …” You mumble.
Yoongi smiles at you, comforting and homey all at once because Yoongi was a lot of things but never pushy.
“You don’t have to say anything. I don’t know if you realised this but I’m basically Hoon’s dad whether you like it or not because he and I spend more time together than I do with my colleagues at work and I work overtime all the time.” He teases.
“Jihoon really adores you.” You agree, biting on your lip as your mind races for the hundredth time this hour.
You liked Yoongi. You really did—and somewhere along the way, like turned into something more … dangerous. A territory that you usually reserved for Jihoon because you only had the capacity to care for one boy in your life but Yoongi smuggled his way into your heart and here he was causing a hurricane in your stomach.
The words he spoke were so truthful and genuine that you can’t help but believe that against all odds in the universe, Yoongi has somehow chosen you. You were the one that was afraid. He has always chosen you. That enough is shown when he makes his way after tiring shifts just to lay on your couch and play with Jihoon in times where all he could do was babble incoherent words. He chose you when he made surprise visits with the homemade stew that you knew he knew your son and you loved. He chose you when he invited you and Jihoon to spend Chuseok together because you mentioned just spending it with your son than with your family. His parents adored you and were even more taken with Jihoon.
He has always chosen you but now it was your turn.
“I love you.”
You say those words without much further thought because you’ve always felt it. Three words have never felt so safe on your tongue to utter into the atmosphere and you feel the same after the truth is out there. You always knew how you felt and you knew that Yoongi was smart to observe your feelings too, which was why when you finally said it he just looked … content. Happy—like he was in a place that was so familiar and comforting that he didn’t need to react any differently.
“I want—I want to be with you.” You clear your throat, “If you’ll have me.”
You look so shy and young—because you were. But you had that childlike innocence that he’s only ever had the pleasure to see when you would play fight with Jihoon. He feels his chest swell with pride knowing that he was the reason you looked like that and felt the way you did.
“Hmm … should I?” He leaned in closer until his breath was on your cheek.
You knew he was teasing you but you still can’t meet his eyes, and Jihoon simply giggles at the way Yoongi squeezes him between your chests in a way so comforting that Jihoon feels like it’s a warm hug from a blanket.
“Don’t tease …” You grumble.
Yoongi runs his hand through your hair and pulls your head closer to his to give you a gentle kiss on the lips. It was nothing seductive or implicative but so Yoongi. A kiss to show you he wanted this and that he felt whatever flurry of emotions you felt. A kiss like he was coming home.
He pulls away and you see Jihoon frowning between the two of your through your redness and shock.
“I wanna’ kiss too!” He whines, and you and Yoongi both look at your son with the stars in your eyes, then lock eyes with each other; and you do what comes naturally next.
You both kiss your son on the cheeks.
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anxiousstark · 4 years
The four times the Pogues tried to pair you up with JJ + the time they realized you were already dating | JJ MAYBANK
Request:  Hi! I love the whole 5+1 trope so I wanted to request one with “Five times the Pogues tried to pair the y/n with JJ and the one time they realized the pair was already dating.”❤️❤️
I LOVED this idea. I changed it to 4+1. 
Warnings: FLUFF. Swearing (always), mentions of sex. The end might be not as good as the rest, wrote it when I was feeling a little down but I promised to upload today. Enjoy it.
Word Count: 2030
All Rights Reserved. The author, me, don’t allow any type of copy or adaption.
If you guys see my works in other websites, let me know, please. I only have Tumblr.
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"Please," You begged, hands squeezing the muscular arm of the boy that was sitting next to you. "Just a little sip, JJ." You pouted. The envy spread through your body as you glimpsed at his pink milkshake, deliciously going up the straw until it reached his lips. You swallowed, mouth-watering. "Please, I'm going to die, JJ."
The blond boy rolled his eyes, reminding you that you didn't want to order anything. He continued happily sipping his milkshake, eyes fluttering close. Those milkshakes should be a sin. They tasted so good, and their coldness could fight against the heat of the summer of the Outer Banks. "Stop looking at me." He groaned. "I'm trying to have a moment with my baby." Of course, he was talking about his so-loved milkshake. His words made the other pogues chuckle while they continued to eat their food.
"JJ," You whimpered. His head snapped towards you, giving you attention for the first time since the waitress delivered the milkshake. "Just a tiny sip."
Nobody could ignore your puppy eyes. Therefore, JJ groaned, moving his glass so you could get a sip. You decided to take your time, admiring the metal straw, which was a project that Kiara decided to start in the Outer Banks. JJ nudged you, impatient to put his lips back on the straw. Finally, you savoured the milkshake, understanding JJ's heart eyes towards it. However, you couldn't stop taking sips, which made him groan while trying to take the straw from between your lips, putting his mouth closer to the metal straw AND your mouth.
The others watched the both of you with silly smiles on their faces. Sarah coughed. "So Y/N," You stopped playfully fighting with the boy sitting next to you to peer at your friend. "Have you thought about what I told you?" A couple of days ago, she started talking about the most handsome boys in OBX, and you weren't interested. Most of them were proud Kooks who would look at you as an inferior individual for not having as much money as them. "I mean," She fakely laughed. "If by the age of 25 you both are single you should date." She was straightforward, making JJ glance at her. She was hoping that both of you would end up being a couple because she had never seen two people having such a strong connection.
What Sarah Cameron and the others didn't know it's that under the table, JJ's right hand rested firmly on your thigh. Fingers caressing the inside, making you shiver.
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The day had been awful. You liked your job because it provided you with much necessary money. But you didn't like how some costumers treated you.
Working at The Wreck was amazing, Kiara was there to help you with anything, and you loved her dad. However, when Kooks decided to come inside and order something, there would be nasty comments thrown at you.
Teenager boys labelled your body and beauty as if you were an object, which made you uncomfortable, and as much as you tried to keep calm, you couldn't promise not killing someone. Teenager girls judged your clothes, friends and of course, money. It was awful.
However, today was even more dreadful. Rafe Cameron and his friends had decided to step on The Wreck, which was unusual and meant they were seeking for trouble. As soon as your work clothes ended up being stained by someone's food, you knew the day would be worst as hours went by.
The Cameron boy concluded that it would be a great show if he stretched his leg, making you trip, falling face down on the tray full of food that you were carrying to table number 5. You wanted to cry.
In the other part of the Outer Banks, John B removed dirty clothes from his floor. "I'm so glad you are finally cleaning your room." Sarah leaned on the door, admiring her boyfriend. "It's a fucking mess in here."
"I'm not cleaning," He groaned. "I can't find the keys to the van." He found some dirty underwear, throwing it to the corner of the room.
"JJ took them," She jumped over the filthy clothes laying on the floor. "Don't you remember? Today it's Wednesday. Y/N works until late."
"Oh, true." Every Wednesday and Friday you stayed at work until late. Since you started, the blond boy had decided that he would drive you back home every night, not wanting you to walk on your own. Everyone was surprised by JJ's commitment to driving you every night you worked late. "We need to get them together. They are perfect. They care for each other so much."
"They truly look amazing together. Couple goals." She grinned when John B replied that they were also couple goals.
What John B and the other didn't know it's that as soon as you were inside the car, JJ hugged you tightly, your head resting on his chest while his lips hovered over your forehead. He offered words of comfort, fists clenched thinking of what Rafe had done.
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Pope Heyward was sitting on his surfboard, enjoying the smooth flow of the waves, rocking him gently. He examined two of his friends while they were playfully fighting with the water.
You had decided to push JJ out of his board. As soon as he came from under the water, he told John B to take care of his surfboard as he had to drown you for doing that to him. You shrieked, trying to hide behind the girls, but the water slowed you down, and the blond boy was more agile. Everyone paid close attention, goofy smiles decorating their faces as they saw both of you trying to immerse each other.
"Oh my gosh," You turned around, glancing up at JJ. He had the biggest smirk on his face. Your hands were covering your chest, trying to process what he had just done. "Did you just take my top off?" He continued smirking, his right hand coming out of the water, showing the top part of your bikini. "JJ, I'm going to kill you!" You tried to grab the piece of clothing from his hand, your other hand covering your chest. However, he was taller than you, making it impossible.
Pope started making a gesture, telling the others to get out of the water so JJ and you could be on your own. John B was the one who tried to convince you to kick JJ out of his board, knowing that he would try to get revenge, which meant getting real close to you. It was their plan all along. And the next step to their plan was to leave you two alone inside the sea, hoping you guys would end up talking about your relationship.
What Pope Heyward and the others didn't know it's that that wasn't the first time JJ's fingers caressed your back until they arrived at their destination. Not the first time his hands explored every curve of your body. Furthermore, not the first time his fingers easily unclasped your bikini or bra.
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Kiara thought that it was the perfect night for something to happen between both of you. You all were friends and cared about each other, but JJ was quite protective when it came to you.
The weight of the heavy rain provoked a powerful noise inside the Chateau, and the thunders seemed to get louder and louder. It was movie night, something you guys did every Saturday. Normally, you would cuddle with the girls while watching the chosen film, but not tonight.
When you came out of the bathroom, you were surprised to see that Kiara was cuddling Pope tightly. Next to them, Sarah rested on John B's chest. Your gaze examined both couples, confused. You always cuddled with the girls, especially in nights like these. You were terrified of loud noises, which affected your anxiety negatively.
The strident sound of thunder made you jump, not thinking twice before running towards JJ, who had an entire couch for himself. "What?" He asked when he saw you looking down at him with big eyes. Then, he noticed the position his friends were in and the fact that there was a huge thunderstorm outside. However, JJ didn't move, placing one of his arms under his head, inviting you to lay down on top of him. That wasn't something new neither, JJ and you cuddled all the time, which was another reason for why the pogues wanted to set you up.
To be honest, none of them paid attention to the film playing in the background. You were soundly asleep on JJ's chest, his right arm under his head while his left arm was secured around your waist. Fingers discretely caressing the patch of skin that was revealed.
What Kiara Carrera and the others didn't know it's that you were each other's safe place. There were night visits at each other houses, silently and lovingly holding each other at night, sometimes not so quietly.
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You guys had planned to go to a formal party. At first, the boys didn't want to go, not being comfortable spending time around some stuck up Kooks. But Sarah and Kie had begged the boys, letting them know that their parents were making them go, and they didn't want to go on their own.
The surprise came when everyone was ready to go to the party, fancy dresses and suits. However, there was no sight of JJ. They found him on a hammock he had decided to set, being supported by two big trees. "JJ, dude," John B was the first one to talk, getting closer to his friend. Sarah couldn't hear the conversation as she had to move far from them, her phone ringing. "How aren't you ready for the party yet?"
"I'm not going." His eyes were closed, blond hair being moved by the gentle breeze of the night. "I don't like those Kooks." He gazed at Kie, reassuring her that he wasn't talking about her or Sarah. "I'm going to stay here. Have fun."
"But what about Y/N?" Pope asked, peering at the clock on his wrist. "Are you going to leave her at the party on her own?"
"No," Sarah interrupted, getting back to her friends. "It was Y/N," She showed her phone, being clutched with her fingers as her dress didn't have pockets, ugh. "She spent all morning puking. She isn't coming."
"Then no problem." JJ sighed happily, excited to enjoy a serene night under the moonlight while the breeze caressed his hair and body, stimulating goosebumps on his skin.
"Okay then," Kiara grabbed Pope's hand, interlocking her fingers with his. "There are burgers in the fridge. Let's go, we are going to be late."
Around one in the morning, they arrived at The Chateau, tiring faces and numb feet. The girls and Pope decided to spend the night there, not wanting to walk to their houses or moving at all.
JJ's bedroom was empty, which worried them as it was quite cold outside. "He probably fell asleep on the hammock. We should tell him to come inside." John B offered to go. Moreover, a couple of seconds have gone by when he came back, a big smile on his face. "They are keeping each other warm."
Everyone was confused, running outside to see what was going on, even though John B begged them to be quiet and give them privacy. They looked completely stupid hiding behind some trees, seeing you on top of JJ. Your hands were grabbing his face, kissing him passionately. Maybank's hands were on your waist, going dangerously down, wanting to feel you closer to him.
"You guys going to watch until then end?" They were shocked and embarrassed after being caught by JJ. "We can put a show for you." You giggled, letting your head fall on top of his chest. "Not the first time we do this," He winked. "We have experience."
"What the heck?!" Kiara stepped forward, grabbing her dress so she wouldn't stop on it. "How long has this been going for?"
"Around a year and a half."
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
skater boy (spencer reid)
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Title: skater boy
Request: no
Pairing: dad!spencer reid/child!fem!reader
Category: fluff
Content Warning: not much tbh, mentions of the following: broken bones; getting broken bones, possible hospital visits
Word Count: 3,453
Summary: Spencer wants to spend more time with his daughter. So she teaches him how to skateboard
A/N: im back with another dad!spencer one-shot. We don’t need to address where all these dad! one shots are coming from. im just realizing that this is my favorite trope and this makes me very soft. And it made me very happy to write. thank you all so much for the support! i really do appreciate it. check out my masterlist!
Spencer’s daughter had always been a dare-devil. Ever since she began walking, she would show-off. She would always give her parents heart attacks when she would show them a new trick she learned at school. Spencer vowed from the day she was born that he’d protect her like his life depended on it. But he didn’t know just how hard that would be.
While Spencer’s partner was gone on a business trip, he had to take on both parental roles. Usually it was no problem, he would get the help of the other members of the BAU team when he got stuck. But on the weekends, he was left on his own. He had no problem with that. His daughter was old enough to have her own forms of entertainment.
The list of hobbies she had was ever growing. Drawing was probably the safest one she had, but in her eyes it was the most boring. It was, however, Spencer’s favorite because he could keep an easy eye on her while he worked or made lunch/supper.
His daughter’s favorite hobby was skateboarding. Although she wasn’t very good at it, she loved the feeling of danger and risk it had. The majority of her friends at school also liked to skateboard. After all, she did pick it up from one of them. It didn’t take much convincing for her to jump on a skateboard.
When Spencer found out about his daughter’s new hobby, concern instantly took over. Concern for her wellbeing, her safety, and health. Skateboarding could be very dangerous if not wearing the correct protective gear. He didn’t want to take away his daughter’s new joy. But he also didn’t want her to get injured.
The day she came home with her friend’s old skateboard was very memorable for both her and Spencer. But for different reasons. His daughter was excited about her new hobby, and being able to show off cool tricks she was learning. As for Spencer…
She was in the middle of showing him a trick that a friend taught her. She was very confident in what she was doing, and told her father she could do it and that he just needed to stand off to the side. That was until she fell off the board and landed hard on the ground. Thankfully she didn’t hit her head, but the only reason for that was because she caught herself on her hand and broke her wrist.
This hobby was picked up only 3 months ago. Her wrist was still in it’s cast, though her determination to ride her skateboard never went away. Even though she knew her father was scarred for her safety, he didn’t stop her from riding. In fact, he got her the proper safety gear and a new skateboard. Of course Spencer only did that after he talked to the team, and got advice from them.
“Dad! Uncle Rossi’s here!” the teen shouted from the front door. David Rossi looked down at the girl, and the skateboard in hand. “I think he’s in his office.”
“I’ll head that way. Then the kitchen,” David nodded before entering the home more. Spencer’s daughter pulled the door shut before sprinting down the front yard to the sidewalk. She placed her skateboard on the ground before getting on and riding up and down the street.
Inside the Reid household, David was with Spencer. The father and daughter had decided to invite the team over for dinner since it was just the two of them, and it was the weekend. David was talking about the most recent case while Spencer read over some essays he needed to grade.
“Has she asked you to ride that thing yet?” David asked as he looked out the window. Spencer’s daughter was talking to one of the neighbor boys.
“Oh, uh, not yet, no. It’ll be the death of me the day she does ask,” Spencer laughed as he looked out the window. Spencer breathed out a laugh as he watched his daughter do a kickflip, landing it perfectly before looking back at the boys. Her hand was sticking out and a smirk grew across her lips. “I told her not to place bets.”
“Like father, like daughter?” David raised an eyebrow as he looked at Spencer.
“The least she could do is place bets with adults, not the kids next door.” Spencer looked back at David as he stood and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Would you ever ride that death trap?”
“Who says I haven’t already?”
“Of all the people I've asked, why do you surprise me the least?” Spencer laughed as he looked at his co-worker. David shrugged off the laugh and looked back at the young girl. The pair stayed silent as they watched the girl continue to show off to the boys.
A green mini van pulled to a stop across the street from the Reid’s house. Spencer’s daughter stopped skateboarding and looked at the van, watching 4 kids tumble out.
“Looks like the Simmons’ are here,” David spoke as he looked back at Spencer.
“It would appear that way. I’ll show you to the grill?” Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at David. David nodded before gesturing towards the door to his office.
“Lead the way.”
Back outside, Spencer’s daughter was talking to Matt’s sons as they stared at her skateboard. Matt and Kristy exited the car and quickly pulled out the baby carrier holding Rosemary. The girl was quick to go up to see the baby, a smile growing on her lips.
“Hey there, Chickadee. How’s it going?” Matt asked as he raised a hand for a high five.
“It’s going,” she replied, giving him the high five before peering into the carrier.
“When’s the cast coming off?” Matt asked as he looked at the girl. She looked down at the aqua blue cast and shrugged.
“Soon I think. I can’t wait because dad’s being such a drill sergeant about it," she shrugged again before dropping her skateboard to the ground.
“He’s just trying to protect you, Chickadee,” Matt smiled as he watched her place her foot on the skateboard. “Just be careful.”
“I’m always careful, Mr. Simmons.” She looked up at him with a smile.
“It’s Matt…” he laughed and watched as she rode away. Kristy looked at Matt then watched as the younger Reid fell off her skateboard and into the grassy yard.
“Looks like she’s always careful,” Kristy laughed as she lifted up the baby carrier. Matt looked over at the girl lying on the grass and laughed.
“Well, you better wish she doesn’t start teaching our kids how to skateboard,” Matt replied with a laugh.
Over the next 30 minutes, the rest of the BAU family arrived at the Reid household. JJ brought her kids and Will to keep Spencer’s daughter more company. Once everyone arrived, David started cooking the food while everyone sat and talked, or played in the drive-way.
“Why don’t you give it a go, Spence?” JJ asked as she watched Spencer’s daughter zoom past the house. Spencer looked over at JJ and shook his head.
“Yeah, I’d pay to see that happen,” Luke chuckled as the girl rode past them again. She came to a screeching halt and looked at Luke.
“You’d pay to see dad skateboard?” She picked up her skateboard and held it by the wheels. Luke smiled as he looked over at Spencer. “How much are you talking? Because, I’d love to get money to see my dad skateboard.”
“Peanut,” Spencer spoke up as the girl kept talking about money and bets, and trying to get her father to ride her skateboard.
“Yeah, Dad?” she looked back at her father once she was done babbling about getting him to skateboard.
“Go play," he nodded towards Matt’s children as they were playing with her toys.
“B-but,” she stumbled over her words as she pointed towards Luke.
“Go play.” Spencer repeated, that time a little slower. His daughter let out a sigh before placing her skateboard back on the ground and skating away.
“You sure you don’t want to try, Reid?” Emily smiled as she looked back at her friend.
“No, no. I’ll leave the skateboarding and dare-devil activities to her,” Spencer laughed before taking a sip of his water. JJ raised an eyebrow before looking over at the kids. Her eldest son was talking to Spencer’s daughter, asking her if he could ride the skateboard.
“She’d probably love it if you did,” JJ looked back at Spencer.
“Not for $100 will I ride that death trap,” Spencer declared before taking a sip of his water.
“What about $150?” David asked before sipping his drink. Spencer nearly spat his water everywhere as he looked over at David.
“If you say that loud enough she’ll hear you… And then I’ll never hear the end of it,” he pleaded as he looked back at his daughter, who was helping Henry on the skateboard.
“Maybe we should say it louder,” Luke chuckled as he looked over at the girl.
“You go ride it then,” Spencer nodded at Luke then at the children and skateboard. Luke looked back at Spencer and the rest of the team before standing up. “Oh, I didn’t mean it.”
“Shouldn’t have said it then.” Luke smirked as he walked past Spencer and towards the group of kids.
Everyone watched in silence as Luke approached Spencer’s daughter. She cocked her hip and looked up at the man that stood in front of her. An evil smile grew across her lips as she undid the helmet on her head and held it up to Luke.
“Dad says you have to wear it if you’re going to ride the skateboard,” she explained as she kept the helmet between their bodies. Luke looked down at the girl, watching as she guarded the skateboard with her life.
“Fine, I’ll wear the helmet-”
“And the knee pads.” She smirked.
“And the knee pads.”
“And the wrist splints,” she quickly added as her smirk grew evil.
“I’ll wear the helmet,” he grumbled as he put the helmet on his head and clipped it on. The young girl smiled as she handed him the skateboard.
“Okay, well, don’t come cryin’ to me when dad tells you should’ve worn the knee pads and the wrist splints.” she stated a matter of faculty as he placed the skateboard down. Luke playfully glared at the girl before getting on the board. “Do you even know how to ride a skateboard, Uncle Luke?” “I was skateboarding before you were even born, Twerp.” Luke glared at the girl before taking off, only to fall off and into the yard beside him. The girl smiled before walking over to him, a smirk growing on her lips.
“You sure about that, Twerp?” she looked down at him. Luke sat up and looked at the girl. “Good thing you wore the helmet.”
“Yeah, yeah good thing I wore the helmet,” Luke rolled his eyes as he pushed himself up. The girl grabbed her skateboard and looked back at Luke. “When you teach your dad how to skateboard, make sure you get it on video.”
“Obviously,” she stated with a laugh. “That’ll get a bunch of views.”
“You’re terrible. You know that? Does your dad know you’re this mean?” Luke raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the young girl. He wondered how a man with book smart knowledge like Spencer Reid had such a street smart daughter. They were total opposites. Luke just blamed it on her other parent. And all of her unofficial aunt and uncles were cooler.
“Food’s done!” David shouted before the girl could answer. She looked up at Luke with a smirk.
“I’ll let you play with it while I eat. Since you’re still wearing the helmet and all. I’ll leave my knee pads and wrist splints on here for you.” She smiled as she pulled the gear off and placed it on the ground. The girl smiled at Luke one last time before skipping off to get dinner.
The following day, Spencer went to the store, and returned, before his daughter even woke up. He bought himself a skateboard, a new helmet, and all the correct paddings and splints he knew he would need. If he was going to let his daughter teach him how to skateboard, he was going to need the proper protection. He wasn’t going to risk any sort of injury. And, if nothing worked out for him in the end, at least his daughter would have a brand new skateboard.
Spencer waited until his daughter woke up before he started messing with something out of his comfort zone. He knew his daughter would be more than excited to teach him how to skateboard. It’s secretly all she wanted to do for the last 3 months. And if Spencer had to be honest, he wanted it too. Just a little bit.
Spencer could hear the sounds of feet hitting the hardwood floor. He sat up and placed his book on the side table beside him. The footsteps went down the stairs, and then entered the living room.
“Oh! Mornin’, Dad!” the young girl smiled at Spencer. Spencer looked at her and nodded in her direction.
“Good morning, Peanut,” Spencer smiled before taking a sip of his coffee. His daughter looked at him with squinted eyes and cocked head.
“What’s going on?” she asked as she rested her fists on her hips. Spencer’s eyebrows inched up his forehead before he shrugged.
“What do you mean? Nothing’s going on.” Spencer sat up more and looked at his daughter.
“But you’re… talking in that weird tone… And you definitely only do that when somethings up.” She lifted her hands from hips and crossed them over her chest.
The thought of her parents getting a divorce came across her mind. But she knew her parents loved each other too much for that to happen. She knew better than to think that either of her parents would be dying too. All she knew was something was definitely off.
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“Cross your heart?”
“Hope to die,” Spencer spoke as he lifted a hand to rest over his chest. “How about you go get breakfast and get ready for the day… Then I’ll tell you what’s going on, okay?”
“So something is happening! I knew it!” she shouted as she pointed at her father. “How am I supposed to eat and get ready for the day when I know that something is happening?!” she clapped her hands together. “Is it a good thing or bad thing?”
Spencer stared at his daughter for a moment, and then he realized she was definitely his. He was also getting a taste of his own medicine as she rapidly began shooting out her questions and thoughts or theories.
“Is Uncle Luke and Aunt Penelope finally getting married?”
“What? No! They’re not.”
“Aunt JJ having another baby?”
“Peanut, go eat and get ready. Then I’ll tell you. But I promise you that it’s a good thing. Okay?” Spencer asked as he tried to keep his tone calm and steady. The girl grumbled a little before walking away.
She tried being quick, wanting to know what Spencer was up to. It wasn’t like him to keep secrets from his daughter. He was up to something, and it was her job to figure it out.
Once she was finished getting ready for the day, and shoveling cereal into her mouth, she went back into the living room. There, she found Spencer, still sitting on the couch, reading a book. However the only thing that changed was that sitting on the coffee table was all the gear he had gotten this morning.
“No way! A new skateboard!?” she exclaimed as she ran to the coffee table and fell to her knees. She picked up the board and looked at it with wide eyes.
“Yes that would be a new board. But it’s not for you.”
“What? Who it for then?”
“You don’t even know how to skateboard.” She stood back up and looked at her dad. Spencer closed his book and placed it on the side table.
“Well, Peanut, I was hoping you could teach me how to skateboard.”
“You want me… To t-teach you how to skateboard?” she stared at him with wide eyes. She had to hold back her laughter as she started imagining Spencer on a skateboard and inevitably falling to the ground. Then she thought back to her conversation with Luke the night before. She wasn’t going to miss the chance of recording the epic fails of Spencer falling off the skateboard.
“Well you always seem so excited about it! I want to experience and understand why you get so excited. And, if anything, if I don’t do good, or I don’t like it, you can have my skateboard.”
“You mean it?!”
“If I didn’t mean it, I wouldn’t have said it, Peanut.” Spencer smiled as he watched his daughter pick up the new skateboard.
“Can we do it now? Please!”
“Did you do your chores?”
“I’ll do them after!” she exclaimed as she hugged the board to her chest. Spencer looked at her with a raised brow. “Promise!”
“Alright, alright. We can practice for an hour okay?” Spencer stood and grabbed the rest of the gear.
“Sweet! I’m gonna go grab my stuff!” She shoved the board into Spencer’s hands before running outside.
Spencer eventually met his daughter outside, on the driveway. She could sense his nervousness and terror as she helped him with his stance. “When you’re ready to move, just bring your foot to the ground and kick off. Then when you want to turn, just lean your body in the direction you want to turn,” she explained as she got on her own skateboard.
“That… that seems easy enough,” Spencer whispered, his voice trembling as he spoke. His daughter looked at him with a smile. She was trying to hold back her laughter when she realized that his hair was sticking out weirdly from under his helmet.
“It’s not that hard, Dad. I don’t know why you’re so scared about it.”
“Well for starters, Peanut, you did break your wrist while skateboarding.”
“Yeah, but… I could’ve broken my wrist by just falling. It’s fun! Come on! If you fall we can try again," she smiled as she started riding around him.
Spencer laughed nervously before kicking off and riding down the driveway. He was doing good, he thought. That was until he went over a rock, throwing him off the skateboard and on to the grass.
“Are you okay?” The girl asked as she walked up to him. He looked up at her and nodded.
“Yeah, just startled.”
Although they agreed on an hour, the father and daughter were outside for a lot longer. Spencer was determined to get it right on the first day. He thoroughly enjoyed the time he spent with his daughter. He could see that she was getting frustrated with his little mistakes, which would end in him falling, but she still remained calm and helped through it.
“Dad… I mean this in the nicest way possible… But you’re bad. You’re not even on the way to getting good... You’re just straight up bad.” She watched as Spencer fell off the skateboard and into the grass for what seemed like the 100th time. He looked up at her from his spot on the ground.
“Yeah, yeah I know,” Spencer sighed as he stood up, “I don’t think I’m built for skateboarding.” He picked up the skateboard and looked down at it. “I might just leave the skateboarding to you, Peanut.”
The girl looked up at him with wide eyes as he offered her the new, nicer skateboard. “You don’t want to keep trying?”
“I think for today I’ve had enough practice. We can do it again another day. But, in the meantime, you can use my skateboard.”
“Do your chores first then you can use it all you want.” Spencer smiled as he handed her the skateboard. She looked down at the new item in her hands with wide eyes. Her old skateboard was no longer a thought in her mind.
“Right! On it!” she exclaimed before running back into the house.
Once Spencer was sure his daughter was inside the house, behind closed doors, he flipped over her old skateboard and stepped on it before doing a successful kick flip and riding it up the driveway. He was just pretending to not know how to ride a skateboard.
After all it was just easy geometry and physics.
if you want to be a part of a taglst or have any comments about this one shot, let me know here
taglist: @thebluetint @muffin-cup @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​ @spencersmagic @babebenhardy​ @spenciegoob​ @reidspoet​​ @ash19871962​ @flipperpenguins​
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Too Far
warnings: strong language, mentions of food (diet, eating habits, body image, throwing up/making yourself throw up), bit angsty o_O
era: mid 2019
❀ Yuta’s protectiveness over JiHo gets a bit out of hand when he takes his anger out on the wrong person
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“Sweetheart of course you’re gaining weight if you keep up eating like that. Your metabolism isn’t always going to stay this fast.” JiHo looked up from her plate of delicious looking pasta to meet the gaze of the older lady in front of her. She worked for SM and JiHo had seen her around a lot, but she had no clue what her job position was. All she knew was that this lady always had her nose stuck in other people’s business and wasn’t afraid to share her opinion and “advice”.
JiHo picked at her food with her fork a few times before saying something back. “But I like this food. It’s good.” The lady scoffed at the young girl’s words. “If that’s what you want.” She leaned back against the table behind her, a sickening smile appearing on her face. “If you like it that much that’s no problem. Eat all you want and all you have to do to maintain that figure of yours is stick your two fingers down your throat after every meal. That will work just as well-” “Excuse you?”
Both JiHo and the older lady turned to look at the doorway where Yuta stood with an angry expression washed over his face. “Tell your friend that eating like this will only make her fat. Girl idols should look after their looks not-” Yuta rushed over to the girls - well girl and women - and slammed his hand against the table.
“And why do you care?” The Japanese boy’s voice was low and laced with venom. “Because as a former model, I know how hard it is to maintain weight. With her eating habits-” The scoff that left Yuta’s lips caught the lady of guard and caused her to stop mid sentence.
All the while the lady kept commenting on JiHo’s weight and eating and Yuta was defending her and kindly telling her to “fuck off” at some point, JiHo continued to eat her meal while scrolling down social media on her phone.
She didn’t know how long the other two in the room were arguing but at some point, when her food was nearly finished, JiHo felt herself getting pulled up by her wrist. “What-” “Let’s go.” Yuta growled through gritted teeth and pulled the girl outside of the room.
Ignoring all of JiHo’s protests and questions if he could slow down, Yuta kept walking until the reached an empty hallway near the back of the building - somewhere not a lot of people passed.
“Why didn’t you speak up for yourself?” JiHo tilted her head as if confused and shrugged her shoulders. “Why would I?” The question seemed to tip the boy off a little more. “Why wouldn’t you? She had no business talking to you about your weight and what you look like. You should’ve said something.”
A sad smile formed on JiHo’s lips. She felt bad that Yuta cared so much to the point that he got angry. In all honesty the lady really didn’t get to JiHo at all, she didn’t care what some random person had to say.
“Oppa,” she began, “you know I don’t care about these things. I’m happy with the way I look and some random person isn’t going to change that.” She explained, but it didn’t look like it eased Yuta’s lingering anger. “Still! You should’ve said something. Are you really going to let people talk to you like that?”
Now it was JiHo’s turn to scoff. Did he even listen when she explained that she didn’t care about what other people thought and said about her? “I-” “All you did was scroll through that damn phone of yours while you let her talk down on you!” He interrupted her words, clearly too angry to listen to what she had to say.
His eyes locked with JiHo’s phone and before either of them knew it JiHo’s phone was in pieces on the tiled floor. JiHo’s eyes widened as she took in what happened. It all happened so fast that she had to do a double take.
“Did you just...?” She whispered and Yuta stayed quiet for a while, his eyes still fixed on the broken phone. “You’re on that stupid device too much anyway!” He suddenly yelled again. “So you throw my phone on the ground? Who are you? My dad?” The girl sneered at him and turned her head away from him.
Again a few moments of silence surrounded the pair until Yuta noticed JiHo’s hand stretched out in front of her. Her palm was turned upwards, presenting her opened hand to Yuta. “What?” “Your phone.” Her voice had gotten dangerously low. JiHo was trying so hard not to show her anger and disbelief in her voice.
Yuta couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at the words. “You don’t believe I’m going to hand you my phone right now, right?” Suddenly the pair were stuck making eye contact with each other again. “Wouldn’t that just be fair now?” “I’m older than you JiHo-” An exaggerated laugh left JiHo’s lips as she threw her head back.
“Don’t pull that age hierarchy bullshit on me right now. If you want me to treat you respectfully then be respectful towards me as well. Now hand me your phone.” Yuta’s eyes widened, but he tried his hardest not to show how taken aback he was by the girl’s words. She had a way to be intimidating towards even the most fearless and strongest members. Her smaller frame helping to make the contrast between her youthful looks and fearless confidence even more surprising.
JiHo’s eyes stayed staring straight into his own and her hand stayed were it was since about a minute ago. Her confidence never faltering. “If you don’t give it to me...” Yuta’s hand unconsciously reached for his right pocket, where he usually put his phone. His fingers fumbling around a bit with the intention of keeping his phone save from the young girl who was threatening to do what Yuta did to hers.
Suddenly JiHo took a step forward and Yuta braced, ready to defend his phone. To his surprised the girl reached for his left pocket, which was when he realised his phone wasn’t in his right pocket to begin with. A victorious cheer left the girl’s lips as she held the now stolen phone in her hand.
“You won’t need this during practise later so let’s have it join my little friend on the ground. Sounds like a great plan right?” Before Yuta could protest, JiHo had already raised her arm and brought it down again with a huge swing. The phone was now skidding across the floor, leaving tiny pieces of glass in its wake. Both members looked at the way the phone came to a stop a few meters away from them.
Yuta now realised that he probably had reacted in a overdramatic way, because he should know fully well that JiHo could take care of herself. He just never saw someone being so disrespectful towards JiHo first hand. But he understood that he, himself, wasn’t being very respectful either with the way he talked to her and decided to throw her phone on the ground. He just wanted to protect her in the first place, yet he let his anger get the best of himself.
JiHo on the other hand felt a wave of guilt wash over herself as well. Up until the moment she asked for his phone, she felt like her feelings and words were justified, but grabbing Yuta’s phone and smashing it on the ground was a step too far. She understood that very well, but she still felt angry. He wasn’t being very fair at all. So although she felt like Yuta deserved everything she said and did, she still felt the guilt bubble up in her stomach.
“Wow~ What happened here?” The two turned around to see Mark and Jisung staring between them and then shattered phones with wide eyes. JiHo rolled her eyes, not in the mood to have any of her other members getting involved. She walked the other way, grabbing her phone - or at least what was left of it - with her.
“Noona-” Mark put a hand on Jisung shoulder signing to him that it was better to let the girl just walk away. Both young boys then turned to Yuta, their eyes making him fully aware that they wanted to hear what happened. “Hyung?” Mark pushed as he didn’t answer for a while. Yuta mimicked Jiho’s previous actions, but instead of walking the same way JiHo went, Yuta walked past the two boys. “Keep yourselves out of our business okay?” Mark and Jisung just wordlessly nodded, afraid to push any further.
“Mark hyung. Shouldn’t we do something?” Mark pushed his lips into a thin line and gave the younger boy a pat on the shoulder in an attempt to get him to stop worrying. “I don’t know Jisung-ah. Let’s just let them be. They love each other too much to stay mad at each other for long. I’m sure they’ll talk it through later.”
Side note: Since I’m posting less now this might be the last post of the week. I was planning to post it tomorrow, but I was too excited about this one ^^ Something I’m also excited about is Dream’s comeback. Only 5 more days!! LETS GOOO~~
Have a nice day/evening/night 🤍💚🤍
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