#and he ends up finding another trans guy who was once in his shoes and has been pregnant ever since
pregtboy · 2 years
cant stop thinking about a cute young first-time pregnant dad being mentored by a very experienced thicc round dilf whos been pregnant back to back for years
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Neopronouns in Action #017: Convenient Distractions from Awkward Conversations
Neopronouns: deq/dir/dira/diraself, used the same way as he/him/his/himself for this story.
Replace he with deq
Replace him with dir
Replace his with dira
Replace himself with diraself
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting him use, since he lost his."
"Deq is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as deq gets a fence set up around dira yard so the puppy can go outside without dir having to walk it. Dira uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting dir use, since deq lost dira."
This is also a free writing prompt!
= = =
Deq stared down at dira phone as deq flipped it back and forth on dira finger, trying to dispel the nervousness that was tying dira stomach into knots.
This was not a conversation deq wanted to have, but if this relationship was going the survive the coming week or so, it wasn't really going to be optional.
Deq needed to know if having dira period would make Gary lose control and murder dir.
None of the girls in the books or movies who ever dated vampires ever had to have this conversation, and none of the writers ever brought the issue up. It was funny to think that it meant they were all trans girls, but the reality was that the authors were just too cowardly or lazy or misogynistic to think about the problem and consider it at all.
(Deq remembered watching the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, and, yeah, needless to say, the guy who decided that period cramps were a warning about vampires being nearby wasn't any kind of person to be trusted with handling these issues seriously)
((Deq had no respect for Anne Rice at all, (for too many reasons to list, though this list notably did not include asserting her rights to her fictional characters from self-entitled crybabies online who thought writing fanfiction was their god given right) but the fact that she'd at least answered the question of 'what happens when a human woman is dating a vampire' at least gave her slightly more credability on the subject than any other vampire-centric authors deq had ever read)).
The fact was, deq was due to get dira period any day now. And Gary already had to resist the smell of blood when it was still inside dira body. What was Gary going to do when deq started bleeding every day and night for almost a week straight? Would they lose control and try to murder dir? Would they have to take a sudden vacation and leave town? Would deq have to leave town? Was their brand new relationship about to end before it could even really begin?
They were walking next to the creek, the sun was setting into twilight, and deq was hoping Gary was too distracted looking for snakes to notice how nervous deq was. Gary had apparently found a watersnake here two months ago, and had been trying to find another once ever since.
If deq didn't open dira mouth and start this awkward conversation within the next minute or two, deq was sure dira joyfriend was going to strip off their shoes and socks and go wading into the water in their quest for that snake.
Deq had to get this over with. Just say it. If deq didn't ask now, then by the time deq got dira answer, it'd probably be too late, in the ''oh no my joyfriend is out of control and trying to kill me'' sort of way.
“Hey, Gary?” Deq asked.
But they'd frozen in place, staring at a patch of mud on the other side of the creek, with the singular intensity known only to predators...or birdwatchers. Or in this case, snakewatchers.
Deq froze with them, squinting past their shoulder, trying to see what they were looking at so intensely. As far as deq could see, it was just another patch of mud, like all the other patches of mud along the creek.
“Is it the watersnake?” Deq whispered, as quietly as deq could.
“No,” Gary breathed back, “It's even better. It's a baby alligator”
Deq leaned forward, eyes darting over the mud, straining to see what dira joyfriend did, all dira worries temporarily forgotten in dira excitement. “Where?!”
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kranom · 3 months
hi don't mind me I just need to overshare about my deeply personal relationship to a video game so I don't explode. um I mention suicide ideation but only in the past-tense.
Pillars of Eternity means so much to me. it was exactly what I needed at the perfect time. I only played it because I was in an awful place mentally and I wanted to watch an avatar of myself die - it felt like the sort of game that would have a heroic suicide ending, killing yourself to save the world and watching ending slides where everyone mourns you.
I expected the Watcher to be a standard protagonist. the specialest little guy in the world, loved by all once they start sticking their nose into the right peoples' business.
and then they started hallucinating, like I do. and they started having visions of themself doing terrible things to people, like I do. they started having night terrors and twitching and talking in their sleep, a thing that had started happening to me months before I played the game.
so then I expected fallout. I expected their companions needing to be convinced that they're not an inherent threat, that it's safe to be around them, that they know it must be so scary to watch someone grapple with perceived psychosis. the game, I expected, would be about convincing everyone in the world you're a hero instead of a monster.
and then!! the opposite happens. the companions and the narrative acknowledge that the focus should be on the Watcher, that their comfort and safety takes priority in this new and likely frightening situation they find themself in.
I still tear up thinking about the companions' reactions. Hiravias stopping everything to make sure his new friend isn't hurt or physically sick, everyone else casually saying that, yeah, sometimes the Watcher stares off at nothing and talks to themself in a dead language, but it's okay, it's just something they do. no cause for alarm.
Kana offering to get the Watcher set up with a job in Rauatai if they don't like adventuring(only to apologize in case it sounded like he was mocking what they're going through, telling them he'll always be there to listen if all the soul-reading starts to weigh on them). Edér threatening to dump water on them if they take too long to wake up from their nightmares, his thinly-veiled anxiety framed as being scared for the Watcher, not because of them. if Hiravias has a conversation like this, I've never seen it, and I'd do anything short of learning how to code and tear the scripts out of the game just to see it.
on another note, Hiravias!! raised to worship a God that he's told hates him for the form he's most comfortable taking, seen as a monster by his family. my most beloved trans allegory, he felt like a reflection of me- but where I leaned into my demonization, seeing myself as a pariah in order to protect others and my isolation as something a brave soul might save me from- he leaned away from it. he insisted, in the face of all this betrayal, all these years of isolation, that he was a person, that nothing he did could ever take away his personhood. Hiravias felt like someone giving me permission to do the same. to believe the same things. I'm a natural rule-follower; that permission changed my life.
I know it's all fiction, it's just a game, every interaction runs on a script. but those scripts are sources of hope for me. I've never had anyone check in on me while I'm having an episode, I've never been told that I'm not a monster, but in this small emulation I can imagine what it would feel like. more than that, I'm not putting myself in the shoes of a seemingly neurotypical protagonist who's suffering under fantastical circumstances. to an outside observer the Watcher is hallucinating. they're describing what sounds like intrusive thoughts. this is what characters are reacting to, with kindness and empathy to an extent I wouldn't have thought to dream of.
the first time I played the game, I rushed through it. I didn't touch the DLC. I wanted to know where the punchline was. I wanted to see how the Watcher was ultimately punished for mental illness. for 17 hours I tensely waited for a punchline, but it never came. so I played it again, immediately, because no other piece of media before or since has had such a profound effect on me.
I saw parts of myself, parts that I hid and hated, dragged to the forefront of a conversation I could easily step away from. my entire view of myself was destroyed and rebuilt kinder within the span of a few days. other things about me changed, too. I was in a perfect position, vulnerable and raw and falling ass-backwards into a new lease on my life, to truly accept other things the game said.
I was raised in an awful, close-minded household. I will spend the rest of my life unlearning things my mother taught me, I think. I had been doing an okay job of it, though I still associated strength with violence. perfect time, perfect place- my Watcher pointed out that Kana was likely inherently violent due to his size, and he responded by asking them if they held other (fantasy) bioessentialist views, if they saw orlans as animals, and I chewed on that for a long time. there's a running theme in general that we don't choose the forms we find ourselves in, and Pillars of Eternity helped me internalize that. Kana was a lynchpin there, as unremarkable as other people seem to find him.
I think I've explained my mindset at the time pretty well. I mentioned that I played this game solely hoping to play suicide. there's a point in the third act where the Watcher asks how to cure their hallucinations, and they're told that killing themself might make things go away, at least for a while. when I reached this conversation, I, without thinking, immediately dismissed the idea. the game had been telling me that being alive and mentally ill, being alive and entirely isolated, being alive and traumatized is always better than being dead. and somewhere along the way I started believing that.
after playing this game, it genuinely felt like I was seeing in color for the first time. that might sound ridiculous and corny, but I felt like someone had looked at all the worst parts of me and told me I was no less worthy for them. and suddenly everything seemed visibly brighter, painfully bright. I would take my dog outside and the grass burned my eyes. I could feel my own heartbeat, something I tended to block out because I resented it. a sudden constant thrumming in a world that hurt my eyes. I was overwhelmed, overwhelmed for months. and it was indescribably wonderful.
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Dream journal time again!!
For once this isn't over Kaneda, he was nowhere to be seen last night. Instead it was Happy Chaos :)))
So it was another one of those school dreams I think I've mentioned before. But this time I actually knew what classes I had and where to find them. Didn't know who my teachers were, but I was excited for one class in particular even though didn't know why. And I was my adult self despite being in what I think was meant to be a high school? (Granted I don't look very different from when I was in high school, so idk.)
I had some weird classes. There was the usual Math, English, and so and so classes, the weird ones were named after countries, even though they didn't have anything to do with the countries. The particular one I wish excited over was called Scots class, and we even had a specific uniform. Both versions had the skirt / kilt thing, but I refused to wear either version since it was also partially a gym class. Boys went to go practice sports while girls stayed behind and were supposed to do ice skating, but did arts and crafts instead. Mainly clay sculpting, which I was unrealistically good at, even though I'm allergic to the clay usually used in schools.
I was openly trans in my dream, so I was supposed to go with the guys for sports. Though, since I also had some nasty health concerns that the boys' teacher didn't want anything to do with, I ultimately ended up with the girls. I remember a few of their faces from back in high school, and I think they might have been considered the "popular" girls, though I remember them being really polite to me despite most people finding me annoying or a pain in the ass. So in my dream they were all very chill about me being in their class and used the right pronouns for me despite still looking very feminine. A while into the class, some of the boys actually came back inside because they were so bad at the sports they were practicing, they were sent to the girls' class so they wouldn't get a poor grade for the day.
Side tangent aside, this is where Happy Chaos comes in. Since the class was divided into two, there were two teachers. I don't remember the boys' teacher, but the girls' teacher was "Mr." Happy Chaos. Blue demon look and all. He had his regular pants on minus the gun holsters, didnt bother to check for shoes but I don't think we wore any, and he wore a white button up that was slightly undone at the collar with his sleeves rolled up. Nobody questioned his appearance, most people barely registered he was there. Seeing him made realize he was why I was excited for that class and had a moment of clarity that I was in a dream, but instantly got sucked back into the dream after the boys' teacher introduced him.
He recognized me and I'm pretty sure he could tell we were in a dream of mine. He didn't necessarily cling to me, he had whatever responsibilities a teacher had at thst weird school, but he did constantly check on me and the classmates nearby me. Since I wasn't intially assigned to the girls class, I didn't get any kind of reference for the thing we ended up sculpting, yet I was also the only artistic person at the table who had tried to learn clay sculpting before (5 guesses on how I figured out I was allergic to clay lol). It ended up being a hand with two other hands fused into it. One full size hand melted on top of it but slightly arched, and a small baby-like hand in between those sticking out on the right when palm up. I remember someone calling it "Abe Lincoln's Mutant Baby Hands." Mine ended up being the closest to the reference even though I had to go by what others were making. Dream logic I guess?
And idk where else to put this, but it's a relatively minor detail, though it feels huge to me. Everyone referred to me with the right pronouns, but also my dead name. Even when I told my teachers I prefer to be called Jay, they would always still call me my dead name. I simply rolled with it. Everything felt off, so I didn't question it. Happy Chaos on the other hand, was the only person to refer to me as Jay and refused to call me by my dead name. (Happy Chaos, the only real trans ally lmao.)
At the end up the class, I was getting my bag back together as the others were filing out of the room, and as I made to leave, Chaos was standing by the door watching the others go. He looked back inside and saw me fumbling for a piece of paper with my schedule on it, occasionally looking up so I didn't trip or bump into anyone. I heard him call my name, but by the time I had looked up and blinked, I was back in my room with my morning alarm going off.
No idea where the dream was intending to go, but I have a feeling Chaos was trying to snap me out of the dream. Not wake me up, but try and get me lucid or something. It sucks, I wanna spend time with him, even if it is only a dream >:(
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passerine-writes · 2 years
Bokuto Koutarou x Trans!Male!Reader
Title: Changing Genre: Fluff Warnings: you're Akaashi's cousin, mentions of gender dysphoria, overbinding, reference to a feminine chest, insecurities, some depressive thoughts (if you squint), swearing Word Count: 2659 (I just thought of this and I had to get it into words before I forgot so enjoy!)
Everyone at school was confused when I came back from summer break with a new hairstyle, a men's uniform and a new name, however I convinced almost everyone that D/N was my cousin.
My cousin, Keiji, was the most confused but most supportive when I came out. He bought me a proper binder once he found out I was binding with ace bandages, that was a terrifying experience. He walked in on me changing, thinking I wasn't home, and saw my bandaged chest, immediately he freaked out thinking I had serious wounds but once I explained his concern only grew and he ordered me my first binder that night.
I had never really met his friends considering I go to Nekoma, the only mutual friend we had was Kuroo and that rooster head always tried to pick me up on my down days and scared off whoever threatened me. Once I got my gender marker changed in the school system though, I joined the Volleyball club and soon after Yaku and I became extremely close, bonding over being two of the tiniest on the team and being libero's, Kenma and I would always talk about new video games while the rest of the team just had my back. The only ones on the team, aside from coach, who knew about me being trans were Kuroo, Yaku and Ken Ken. It was peaceful, just being seen as another guy and not having to worry about being outed because they stopped rumors from flying very fast. Yamamoto was probably the most successful with this seeing how his aura around him just radiated 'Don't fuck with me vibes unless I want you to.'
The school day ended rather quickly, but it gave me more to look forward to as practice was just moments away. I always changed after everyone else or in a stall if we were in a rush but that rarely happened. Now I know, I'm not supposed to work out or exert myself while wearing my binder however I left it on like I did for most practices. The occasional rib pain never killed anyone... right?
It's fine, as long as they don't find out it's okay.
I told myself that line over and over, repeating it again and again in my head until I walked out of the locker room. The gym floors squeaking under my shoes brought me comfort as Yaku and I casually met near the nets like everyday. We started talking while we stretched, making sure not to injure ourselves even more during our receives.
"Alright," Coach Nekomata started, gaining everyone's attention. "We have a practice match today against Fukurodani. Everyone start practicing and give it your all."
"Yes coach!" Everyone said in sync before practicing their sets, serves, spikes and receives.
"Hey Yaku? Can you help me work on that serve that we can do? I haven't quite gotten it down yet."
"Yeah of course L/N!"
"How many times do I gotta tell you, you can call me Y/N! I swear!" He laughed before helping me up from my position on the ground. And of course once I got it down Fukurodani walked in, a loud voice erupted my concentration.
"Komi! Komi! Can you do that!!!" I turned to find the owner of the voice and was met with a tall boy with two toned hair, that was spiked up in a way that kind of made him resemble an owl.
"I don't know Bokuto, I haven't tried it yet." The smaller boy in the team looked unamused by the owls antics. Soon enough, my cousin made his way in.
"Hey Keiji!" I yelled and ran over to him, tackling him in a hug.
"Hey kid." He stated as he dropped me.
"We're still the same age." I pouted while looking up at him.
"And you're still a kid." He stated before poking a finger to my forehead.
"Akaashiiiii! Who’s this! You never told me you were close with him! And he called you by your given name!" A sigh of relief passed through my body before I saw Bokuto wiggling his eyebrows at us. I made a faux gagging sound.
"Bokuto, this is my cousin, L/N Y/N, Y/N, this is our ace, Bokuto Koutaro." Keiji sounded as unamused as ever.
"So I take you're single then?" The cute owl boy immediately shot towards you.
"Yep. Now can we get on with this practice match?" I completely ignored his gesture and walked off towards Yaku. Bokuto, Keiji and Kuroo all talked and caught up for a second before we went into our positions.
I was up first as libero, however after our first fifteen points with a four point lead I felt like my ribs and lungs were collapsing, completely caving in on me. Yaku was quick to notice and subbed in, my breaths started becoming shallow but I made it to the bench as quickly as possible. Yaku stopped me mid switch though.
"Are you wearing it?" He was met with silence. He already knew. "Dumbass, go take it the hell off."
I couldn't though, a trip to the locker room would raise too many questions, so I stayed in my spot on the bench trying to ignore the shooting pains with each breath. It soon subsided and with Nekoma winning the first set 25-22, I was able to breathe by then. Both teams took ten minutes for a water break, team talking and stretches. Akaashi approached me quickly, a concerned and scary look on his face.
"You dumbass. Why are you wearing it when you know you aren't supposed to?" He asked in a hushed tone as he pulled me a little ways away from people.
"I-, I kinda almost always wear it during practice, Yaku and Kuroo already lecture me enough. And great here comes the a rooster man himself."
"What is it with everyone calling me a dumbass today? Y’know I'm feeling kinda hurt now." He poked my rib aggressively, making me wince and recoil.
"Yeah I wonder why. Now go take it the hell off."
"Can’t, next set is starting and I'm in so bye!" I sped off to my position, dropping into a quick stretch and popping back up when Kenma was next to me. "Hey Kenma!" I smiled through the small bits of pain erupt in my sides again.
"You shouldn't be wearing it you know.." He was blunt, it was one of the things I appreciated most with him.
"I know."
"So then why wear it?"
"Just too much dysphoria. If I don't wear it then it risks me not being seen as a guy on the court. And here is where I feel most accepted, so I can't risk it." He nodded in response and then the whistle blew.
Kenma served first, Akaashi was soon to have the ball, his eyes quickly flicked, and I immediately dove to the zone saving the ball from his now failed setter dump and getting it back in the air for Lev to receive, Kenma set and Kuroo made a cross court shot successfully getting us a point. We cheered, everyone praising Kuroo and I, multiple pats on the back were given, each one causing me more pain.
"WHAAAAA! HOW DID HE KNOW???" A familiar voice screamed on the other side of the net.
"Yeah, Y/N, how'd you know he was gonna dump it?" Lev asked, his eyes gleaming with the question.
"Simple, his eyes. He glanced and started bending his wrist down. Nice receive though Haiba, Yaku and I are apparently finally getting through to you."
"Sorry what? I didn't quite hear you from down there." He teased and Kuroo kicked his shins. Keiji looked impressed.
The game continued on, in our third set it was 22-23, Fukurodani in the lead. My eyes were unfocusing, my breath shallow, but we were mid-play, I couldn't just stop. Nothing in me registered the spike coming from the handsome boy on the other side of the net, next thing I knew I was on the floor, my chest locked in place as I had the wind knocked out of me and a harsh pain spreading throughout my whole upper body.
"Y/N! C’mon kid, get up, there ya go." Keiji lifted me up into a seated position. Once my breathing came back followed by winces, he pulled me into a hug. "Don't scare me like that." He whispered so nobody else would hear.
Yaku was quick to sub in for me, pulling me up from the ground and balancing me.
"Yaku," He turned his head a bit, leaning to hear me whisper. "Do the set, it'll throw them off enough and distract them so we'll get at least one point back." He nodded and smiled before I went to the bench.
"L/N!" Nekomata hollered.
"Yes coach?"
"Go grab me a pen from my office!" I nodded. "And while you're back there change out of that damn thing." He mumbled so nobody else caught it. I nodded once more and walked to the locker room. I dug around in my duffle and slipped into the stall as a precaution. I slipped off my binder and regretted looking down as soon as I did. Aside from seeing my chest it was littered with painful red and purple lines adorned by a giant red mark on it way to bruising and turning purple.
I threw my jersey back on and grabbed a pen and jogging over to Nekomata. He thanked me for the pen and when I came back out I saw we had lost this match, 24-25.
At once three guys ran over to me asking if I was okay. I said yes and told them I changed as they let out a sigh of relief.
"L/NNN!" Bokuto yelled as he ran over. "I'm so sorry are you okay!" I chuckled at his puppy dog eyes.
"Yes yes I'm okay I swear." His mood lifted but to check, he stuck out his pinky finger. We locked pinky fingers and he quickly pulled me into a hug.
"Can I get you coffee to make up for it?" Akaashi sent a glare followed by a smack to the back of his head to the ace.
"You're not taking my cousin on a date."
"I think that's up to me and Bokuto, Keiji."
The cute owls face lit up at my words before he stuck his tongue out at my cousin. My cheeks turning cherry blossom pink as I realized what I had said.
What if he isn't even gay?
Or bi?
Or into trans dudes?
"I'll get your number and we can find a date that works for you." He was smiling like crazy and visibly trying to contain his excitement.
"O-Okay." I blushed harder and smiled before he sprinted away in exciting, thankfully dragging my cousin away with him.
"Look at you go, Y/N. You formed so many endorphins with that, I'm happy for you." Kuroo said as if he was a proud dad and rubbed my head. Yaku didn't try and poke fun at me, it was an unspoken rule between us.
A week and a half later I was on the phone with Yaku as I stressed about what to wear.
"Well you're going to a café right?" I nodded quickly. "Wear layers, simple."
"Mori, you genius!" I pulled out a dark grey t-shirt, black jeans and my (f/c) long sleeve button up. "Thoughts?" I spun around giving him the whole 360 over skype.
"You look great. Now go get him!" I giggled at his excited response before slipping on some black converse. A knock sounded on my door, all the nerves resurfacing from only moments ago.
"He's here! Thank you Yaku!" He laughed and bid his goodbyes before hanging up.
"Hey!" I answered the door to find Bokuto in a pair of jeans and black t-shirt with a grey hoodie in hand.
"You look really handsome." He blurted out followed by a blush.
"Thank you, you do too." My face on fire already as his presence alone made me smile.
"You ready to go? I know this really awesome café like a fifteen minute walk from here." As soon as I nodded my head, his hand grasped mine, our fingers lacing together as we had a never ending conversation on the way and at the café.
The sun was setting by the time we left, pinkies now interlocked with our arms swaying childishly down the streets. Once at my door, I didn't want to say goodbye.
"Do you want to come in and watch a movie? I have a big collection so you can pick." His eyes went wide and he dragged me through my front door. "Don't tell me what you pick! I want to be surprised!" A smile stayed planted on my lips as I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and went to grab spare blankets out of the closet. Once the popcorn was done we cuddled up on the couch, the pre credits and ads rolling, to reveal your (f/m). "How did you know?"
"Know what?" He's so oblivious it's adorable.
"This is my favorite movie."
"No this is my favorite movie!" A laugh rolled passed my lips at his childish antics.
"It's our favorite movie." He smiled and pull me closer, his hand rubbing up and down my side until he felt something under my shirt.
"Hey, L/N, what's that?"
My eyes went wide as fear coursed through my veins. I sat up and faced him, both of us now sitting cross cross.
"So uh, better now than never I guess. Heh.." His brows furrowed together in confusion. "So uh, I'm trans. I'm transgender, I was born a girl but I'm a guy and what you felt was my binder." I stated and slid my collar over, showing the strap.
"Ohhhhh. Okay!" He asked question after question and it magically lifted all your fears. Until his face dropped. "Is that why it hurt so much when I accidentally hit you with the ball?"
"Y-Yeah but that was my fault, I was overbinding that day so my ribs were already bruising.." He dropped his head to my shoulder, muttering multiple apologies, his warm breath tickling my neck a bit. "Hey, Koutarou, it's okay." His head shot up at his name,  a faint blush at hearing his given name come from me but he smiled as he saw me holding out a pinky. He quickly hooked his onto mine.
Quite quickly we went back to cuddling, him sitting in the corner of the couch and me under his arm, curled up towards his chest.
"No more overbinding okay? I don't want to see my boyfriend getting hurt."
"Boyfriend huh?" I teased him as he became a flustered mess stumbling over his own words.
"Only if you want to be but if you don't want to that’s o-" I cut him off by pulling him into a kiss. It was short and sweet but it shut him up long enough.
"Yes, I want to be your boyfriend you little baby owl." He smiled and pulled me into another kiss, his pointer finger going under my chin, mine going around the back of his neck, playing with his hair a little bit. Once he pulled back he pouted a bit.
"I wanted that to be my nickname for you."
"What am I gonna do with you?" I hummed before putting our favorite movie back on.
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colehasapen · 4 years
(ONE SHOT) What is a legacy? DC
When Wally had first met Earth's new Green Lantern, the  oh-so great Torchbearer, he'd wanted nothing to do with him. Wally - he'd grown up with Hal, then later John, and even Guy, and now all three were gone. He'd grown up with Hal dipping in and out of his Aunt and Uncles' house like he lived there. He'd grown up coming down to breakfast in the morning and seeing Uncle Hal there too, having just come back from space to crawl into bed next to Uncle Barry. When Aunt Iris had been killed, and Uncle Barry started spiraling out of control, it had been Uncle Hal who had kept everything together, who had promised Wally that he wouldn't let Barry out of his sight, that he'd watch his back. It had been Uncle Hal who Wally went to after Uncle Barry's death and the weight of being the Flash was too heavy.
Uncle Hal had been Wally's Green Lantern.
But Hal had broken too. He'd gone crazy and killed the Corps and then vanished. Hal had caved under the pressure no one had known he was under until it was too late, and when he'd come back he was mad.
Wally hadn't wanted a new Green Lantern, wouldn't give him the time of day, until he'd found himself outnumbered during a meeting discussing Hal - Lord Parallax - and had tried to argue that his Uncle needed compassion, understanding, and  help , not a fight. They'd called him too close to the situation, too young to know what needed to be done, like Wally hadn't been a hero since he was thirteen, like he was still the little kid in yellow who followed the Flash around and started at them all in childish awe. They could never separate him from the child he could be, but the new Lantern had never known him then, and had stood up and agreed with him.
It had worked too, because in the end, Hal had taken the hand being offered to him, and died to save the world.
After that, Wally had found himself seeking the Lantern out on his own. They still bickered, but Wally found that it reminded him more of the playful ribbing of Uncle Barry and Uncle Hal than any genuine bad blood. He got to know him, started genuinely thinking of him as a friend. He learned that his name is Kyle Rayner, that he’s two years younger than Wally and an independent artist that struggled to pay his bills now that he couldn’t spend all his time on commissions. He’s told that Kyle was well-liked growing up for being generally friendly and easy-going, but didn’t actually have friends until art college because he was just a little too weird for other kids to want to be around him long enough to actually hang out. He learns that Kyle’s mother is an Irish immigrant, that she was his biggest supporter growing up, and that he doesn’t know his father because the man walked out on them when Kyle was still very young, that the only memory of his father Kyle has is vaguely of him speaking Spanish. He learns that Kyle is multilingual, that he grew up speaking English and Gaelic, and learned Spanish in school. He learns the hard way that Kyle is lactose intolerant, and allergic to nuts. He learns funny little anecdotes about Kyle learning to draw before he learned how to walk, he learns that Kyle loves spicy food but doesn’t eat it often because the right spices don’t exist in space.
He learns a lot about Kyle, and it leads to Wally learning about himself as well.
He’d always known he wasn’t straight. He liked and dated girls, of course, he thought they were beautiful, but there was also a part of him that lingered a little too much during training. There was a part of him that looked at certain friends and said,  damn I’d like to kiss him. Dick had been the first, back when they’d still been young sidekicks just starting out, and it had continued on wards for a bit too. It had been reciprocated too; they’d messed around together a bit, but they’d ended it on good terms because Wally wasn’t ready to completely come out yet. He’d been happy for Dick, when he’d started dating Kori, then Babs, and then more and more people. After Dick had been Roy, for a little bit, because Roy was the cool, rebellious older boy, but it wasn’t long before that little crush faded away and Wally started looking at him like an older brother. He’d had that really embarrassing teenage crush on John Stewart for a while, the one that had made Hal burst a gut laughing at him for, before ruffling his hair and telling him under no uncertain terms that it wouldn’t be happening.
Well, Wally had known for a while that he liked men too, even if he hadn’t exactly come out to anyone but those he was closest too. His head was filled full of his dad’s hateful words, something he was working hard to shut out. Kyle though, he didn’t hide the fact that he was trans, or that he was pan - he’d grown up in California and now lived in New York, both of which had more of a thriving community than the likes of the small Midwestern Blue Valley Wally had lived in before moving to Central after getting his powers, and then Keystone after he became the Flash and living in Barry’s house was too much for him.
Kyle was - well, he was nice. A breath of fresh air, really. He was a fellow hero, a member of the main roster, so he knows Wally’s identity and understands the demands of being a superhero better than a civilian would. He’s his age, but didn’t grow up with him, and he  gets  what Wally is going through, standing in someone else’s shoes and being judged as less worthy compared to his predecessor. Before Wally knows it, he finds himself drifting closer and closer to Kyle, to the point where he’s heard older heroes whispering between them of another Flash-Green Lantern team up.
Apparently it brings back nostalgic emotions to see a Flash and Green Lantern dozing off in the rec room, lights dim and some silly movie or another playing in the background. Wally’s just glad he and Kyle have more control than Uncle Hal did, and haven’t been found in a cleaning closet somewhere.
Now, Wally is pretty sure he knows how Uncle Barry felt whenever Hal would stumble into the house at all hours of the night after a long mission in space to pass out in the bed next to him. He’s gotten used to the faint green glow that accompanies Kyle powering down, the faint hum of the Lantern uniform against his skin before it melts away to whatever civvies Kyle happened to be wearing before getting called out. There’s a soft warmth that comes with waking up in the morning to find Kyle sprawled out next to him, lit up by the soft golden light streaming in through the windows as he breathes, deep asleep. There’s a giddiness that comes with finding more and more of Kyle’s things slowly being added to his apartment; it starts with pajamas and extra clothes, but soon Wally is finding art supplies scattered around, or Kyle’s favourite butterscotch shampoo in the shower.
It’s how Wally realizes that he’s in love with his teammate.
He’s staring down at the innocently placed soap he remembers seeing before in Kyle’s shower when it hits him. Nowadays, Kyle spends more time at Wally’s apartment than anywhere else other than the Watchtower when he’s planet-side, and not out rebuilding the entire Green Lantern Corps on his own. Wally isn’t even sure when it started, that he started bringing more and more of his things to Wally’s small Keystone apartment. He thinks back to the sketchbooks and half-finished paintings scattered around the rooms, of the lactose free milk he didn’t think twice before buying when grocery shopping, of the space in his drawers made for Kyle’s clothes and the paint stained shirts in the laundry basket. He thinks about the lack of nut products in his apartment, of the boxes of tampons and pads he doesn't even blink over stocking up on anymore.
Wally moves so fast he’s dry instantly, bursting into his bedroom where Kyle lays among rumbled sheets. His white t-shirt had ridden up in his sleep, and the waistband of his track pants down, exposing a thin line of the packed core muscles that came with the training they all endured in the League. Somehow, his dark hair looks artfully tousled, inky against the sheets, and lashes just as dark are fanned across sun-browned skin and freckles.
He’s unfairly pretty.
Kyle jolts, ring flaring green as he stares around groggily, looking for a threat, “Wha-”
“Are we dating?” Wally blurts out, uncaring of his nakedness in the face of his realization.
Kyle blinks once, twice, looking fuzzy, before he groans, long and dramatic as his uniform dissolves into green sparkles and he drops back onto the bed, throwing an arm over his eyes. There’s a long moment of silence, before the Lantern snorts, and then bursts into breathless giggles.
Wally flounders, “I’m serious!”
Kyle slants a look at him from under his arm, brown eyes warm and almost honey gold in the morning light, “I’d hope we’re dating.” Kyle tells him, voice thick with sleepy amusement, “Otherwise I’ve  really been overstepping.”
Wally blushes, feeling a little silly, now that he’s thinking about it. They - they really  have been dating, haven’t they? “Oh.” Flustered, Wally rubs a hand down his face, hoping to brush away the burning in his cheeks.
Kyle snickers again, expression warm. “You’re adorable.”
Wally groans, “I’m never going to live this down, am I?” He mutters, listening to Kyle dissolve into giggles again.
“Oh, definitely.” The Lantern teases, before sitting up and stretching with a yawn. “Well,” he drawls, amused, “now that I’m awake -” brown eyes rake across Wally’s body, and an eyebrow quirks, “- got a reason for this  visit ?” His voice takes on more of a purr, and Wally blinks in confusion.
Then he remembers.
“Oh.” Wally squeaks, red spreading rapidly across his  completely naked body. “I - shower -  soap - it’s just-” he cuts himself with an embarrassed groan. "I'm making this worse."
Kyle doubles over from the force of his laughter, holding his stomach as he wheezes, hand flapping. “Kidding -” he gasps, “- I’m just kidding.” The Lantern slides off the bed, still snickering, to press a lightning-quick kiss to his lips that, for Wally, lingers for so much longer. “Go have a shower, babe.” Kyle tells him warmly, “I’ll make some breakfast.”
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Beverly Marsh x Plus size!reader
Word Count:1745  words
Warnings: confession 
Summary: Reader is Henry Bowers sister and he finds out she has a crush on Beverly
Henry made it his personal business to make sure that you were completely and totally taken care of at any given time. However, there were just some things that he had never prepared for. 
Your first real crush was at the top of that list. 
Never in a million years had you two had the conversation about boys, or in your case, girls.
...And you weren’t really itching to, if you were being honest. 
There worst thing in the world, as far as you were concerned, would be if Butch and Henry found out the truth about her. Though, it was really only a matter of time before it came out. 
After all, you could hardly function right around her, and it was sort of shocking that no one had put the pieces together up until this point. 
It wasn’t exactly something you were good at hiding. 
However, there was one day in particular that brought the whole thing into the light, and there was no going back after that. 
Belch and the guys were taking you home from school when they decided to pull over at the kissing bridge, on a hunch that their favorite gang of misfits was somewhere in the brush. 
And, as always, they were right. 
That only meant that when you chose to tag along, you found yourself face-to-face with her, and the rest of the Losers club. Great. 
This wasn’t going to end well. 
You kept to yourself most of the time, keeping your eyes locked on the dirt beneath your shoes with your hands behind your back. You knew better than to let your eyes wander up to her face. 
It would only make it worse. 
Instead, you chose to ignore the insults Henry and the others spewed in their direction and stayed quiet. It was the only way you could get through this without slipping up. 
If Patrick or someone else saw you ogling her in front of everyone, that would be game over. Though, perhaps you didn’t give yourself enough credit for how much you didn't care. 
After all, when Henry turned his attention to the redhead in question, you found yourself speaking up on her behalf without even meaning to.
“Shut up!” 
It was rather innocent, all things considered, but in the context, you were going to die. The implication that Henry had just made, about her being the easiest girl to get with in Derry, just didn’t sit well with you. 
 However, as soon as it happened, you wanted to die. 
...Like, literally. 
In an instant, all eyes were on you and you couldn’t breathe. 
“Everything okay?” Henry asked, his voice softened slightly when he addressed you, but not by enough to actually make you feel better. You couldn’t make him look like a pussy in front of the gang, so you nodded. 
“I just want to go home, I have homework to get done” you lied, shrugging as if that was enough to warrant the sort of reaction you had just had to their little exchange. 
Now, Henry knew that you were lying to him. 
Of course he did. 
All your lives, it had just been the two of you and Butch, so he had picked up on quite a bit of your tells, and it was impossible for him to miss what you were doing. 
Though, he didn’t out you right there with everyone around. He knew that if he waited until you were both home, you would be more likely to tell him what actually caused such an issue. 
So, he nodded this time, thinking over your words for a second before snapping for the boys to follow him back to the car. 
The losers club wasn’t going anywhere, so there would be plenty of opportunities to torment them without you there to witness it. They all knew that, not to mention the fact that no one was in the mood to deal with big brother Bowers. 
Not that that led to another other than a silent car ride. 
You didn’t have anything to say for yourself, sitting against the back drivers side window of the Trans Am, Victor on your right side. Usually, he sat in that spot, but Henry didn’t want Hockstetter anywhere near you. 
He had no illusions about what kind of creep his best friend was, after all. 
“‘You coming back out?” Belch asked, directing his question at Henry while pulling up to your house. Normally, they would have just dropped you off and left again. 
...But not today. 
Today, Henry had already made up his mind that he had to be a big brother first, and everything else could wait so he shook his head. 
“Nah, you guys go on without me. I’ve got shit to do” he shrugged, getting out unceremoniously, slamming the door behind him with little care for his friends’ personal property. 
That was it, but that didn’t, in any way, lessen the panic you were experiencing. If anything, knowing Henry was going to stay in tonight made you feel worse because you knew he’d have questions. 
Questions that you just weren’t ready to answer. 
Without looking back, you headed to your bedroom as quickly as you could, entering the house casually knowing that Butch wouldn’t be home until late. If you were lucky, you could make it there without Henry stopping you-
No such luck. 
“Yeah?” you hummed, turning back toward him without stopping your quick steps, hoping that he just wanted to call you a dipshit or something so you could get on with your life. 
However, Henry had woken up on the right side of the bed today, and he wasn’t feeling dismissive or angry. If anything, he was worried about you today more than usual. 
Which meant you were about to have a conversation...
A very awkward conversation
“What was that today? And don’t lie” he tutted, catching you before the thought could even cross your mind. That was the worst part of being Henry’s sister, as far as you were concerned, sometimes he cared and sometimes he didn’t. 
But when he did, that was the only thing he could focus on until he figured out the cause. 
“Nothing. I just don’t like you guys roughing up kids in front of me” you decided, Henry knew they were all in your grade, and it only made you look back when he acted that way. 
It wasn’t a lie. 
Not that Henry was satisfied by that. 
“Okay, what else?” he hummed, following you into your room now to sit down beside you on your bed. There was something else, he just knew there was. 
He just had to dig down deep enough to figure out what it was. 
You sighed. 
Henry was safe. If there was anyone you could trust with this, it was Henry, the guy who had quite literally taken a punch or ten for you, but you were scared. 
You had heard him tormenting other kids about their preferences in this regard and you were terrified that would all change once you were honest with him. 
...That could happen, right? 
Nothing said Henry always had to protect you, not when it came to something like this. 
“Come on kid, I don’t got all day” he teased, watching you think it all over in the silence. Whatever it was that was bothering you, it had to be pretty serious. 
After all, you never got this way with him unless it had something to do with Butch and Henry knew it wasn’t that. Butch hadn’t laid his hands on you in months since Henry got in a fight with him over it. 
He had nearly been hospitalized after that. 
Fine, here goes nothing. 
You took a deep breath, doing your best not to throw up all over the carpet. You had been hiding this deep inside for so long, that it didn’t seem right to just say it out loud. 
Though, you knew you would have to eventually. 
“I like her” 
It was hardly the way you had thought it over in your head, but in that moment, it was all you could think of. It was the only words you could force your mouth to make. 
...And Henry could work with that. 
He was confused, sure, but any jokes or cruel jabs he could have thought up didn’t even come to mind as he looked at you. You were his baby sister, and looking after you was his job. 
You were his responsibility, and he wasn’t a monster. This was clearly hard on you, and he wasn’t about to make you feel bad about it. Knowing you, you would probably cry, and he wasn’t prepared to deal with that today. 
So, he nodded instead. 
“Who? That Ska-” he started, stopping himself before he could rip on her again, just in case that was who you were talking about. You hadn’t taken that well the first time. 
“Beverly” you supplemented, rolling your eyes at him. It was the first time you had really called her by her name out loud, but it felt good. Especially in this context. 
Maybe this would convince Henry to stop acting so harshly to her. 
“Right. The redhead” he nodded a few times, thinking it over in his head. It was something he hadn’t been anticipating, but it wasn’t that big of a deal, not really. 
Shit, he liked girls too so he couldn’t blame you. 
“Okay, kid” 
There was silence for a second. You didn’t have the words to fill the space after airing the biggest secret you’d ever had and Henry was just trying his best to find it within himself to be the big brother you deserved. 
He might not have been the best out there, but he had always done his best where you were concerned, and that wasn’t going to change now. 
“Anyone fucks with you at school, and I’ll kill ‘em. Deal?” he decided finally, offering you a hand to shake which you did after a second. It was the best he could come up with and you didn’t mind. 
Henry was your brother, and you knew he would always have your back, even when he may not have understood. 
“Deal” you smiled, taking his hand in your own and giving it a shake before leaning in to give him a tight side hug. 
Now you just had to figure out how to actually talk to Beverly. 
213 notes · View notes
our-time-is-now · 4 years
May 27, 2019: Butterfly-Boyfriend
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog. 
Monday, 3:27 pm: Matteo: *spent a lovely morning with David at his place* *he had made breakfast and they sat in the kitchen for a long time with Laura and talked* *when it was time to shower and get ready, he realized that he didn't have any clean clothes left and they decided to go to the flatshare so Matteo could shower, change and pack new clothes* *so now arrives at the flatshare with David* *can see from jackets and shoes that all of his flatmates are home* *turns to David* If you still want coffee, you can make some and I'll jump in the shower?
David: *takes off his jacket and shoes when they arrive at the flatshare and nods at Matteo’s words* Okay… don’t be too long... *smiles and looks after him before he goes into the kitchen himself* *still feels a bit weird going through the cupboards and to just help himself especially when he knows that Matteo and him are not alone* *starts making some coffee and takes a cup from the cupboard* *sits down on a stool while he waits for the coffee and scrolls through Instagram* *pours himself a cup and contemplates going to Matteo’s room but then stays in the kitchen and plays on his phone while he waits for Matteo to be finished with the shower* *eventually hears a door and footsteps in the corridor and then sees Hans entering the kitchen*
Hans: *comes into the kitchen to make himself some coffee* *smiles when he sees David* Oh, hey… I didn’t hear you get in* *sees that the coffee is already finished* Can I have a cup? *sees David nod, takes his pink santa claus cup and pours himself some coffee* *leans against the kitchen counter and looks at David* *thinks that he looks good, somehow relaxed* I am glad that the two of you finally got together by the way. *smiles honestly* Even though that means that I now have two flatmates who are practically no longer at my disposal* *grins slightly*
David: *observes Hans as he pours himself some coffee and thinks it’s rude to continue to look at his phone while Hans is in the kitchen* *smiles at his words* Thanks. I am too… *laughs quietly* *laughs a bit louder at Hans’ next words* *knows from Matteo that Hans has been upset before about Mia being at Alex’ place so often* Think of it as having two new semi-flatmates who are basically an addition to the people who are at your disposal... *shrugs* *has no idea what Alex is like and whether he and Mia are more often in the flatshare or at his place but thinks that Matteo and he keep it quite balanced, that they are sometimes at his home and sometimes in the flatshare*
Hans: *laughs at his words* You haven’t met Alex yet, have you? *makes a dismissive gesture* *blows into his cup and sips once* *then looks at David again* But I'll gladly take you, my little butterfly-boyfriend... *smiles again and thinks that he's a really good gay guru and can support Matteo even better if he gets to know David well too* In any case, it's great that Matteo doesn't hang around in his room stoned for days on end... that was no longer acceptable!
David: *shakes his head at Hans’ question* Not yet… I only know him from seeing him at school… *has to grin at Hans’ dismissive gesture and his next words* Thanks… I am very relieved, puh… *laughs* *gets serious again when he talks about Matteo’s state* *takes a sip of coffee and nods* Yes, that is great… and I hope that it doesn’t happen again anytime soon… *lowers his gaze because he knows exactly of which time Hans is talking about and his bad conscience takes over again* *then says partly as an apology, partly as justification* I was just afraid he wouldn't be able to accept it... *thinks that it's actually none of Hans’ business and that he doesn’t has to justify himself, but now the sentence is out* *shrugs slightly and takes another sip of coffee*
Hans: *hears the justification in David’s voice* Mhm… but well… *shrugs* As far as I know you hadn’t told him then, have you? *quickly adds* But I understand… really… but I have seen Matteo’s side of it all, you know? He was pretty down… *sighs slightly because now he's gotten too involved* I'm sorry, David... the important thing is that you guys worked it out...
David: *shakes his head and sighs* No, I haven’t. That was the time when I… when we had no contact and he didn’t know why… *thinks about Hans’ words and is glad that he understands him at least a bit* *maybe that's why he doesn't shut the subject down immediately but says* I didn't think he'd be so miserable. Maybe I would have told him earlier if I had known that... but there's nothing I can do about it now... *shrugs and takes another sip of coffee* He told me that he talked to you... anyway... thanks for being there for him... *nods at Hans’ previous words and smiles slightly * Yeah, that's the important thing...
Hans: *smiles slightly when David says that he wouldn’t have thought that Matteo would be so miserable* Well, it's always hard to believe you mean so much to someone, huh? *takes another sip of his coffee* Well, honestly, I was surprised too... I have never seen Matteo like that... that something or someone means that much to him... but you... *grins slightly* I've rarely seen anyone so secure and insecure at the same time... *makes a dismissive gesture when David thanks him* I didn't say much... just reminded him of what was important...
David: *blushes when Hans implies how much he means to Matteo and shrugs* *doesn’t know what to reply to that except that Matteo means as much to him but thinks that’s too personal* *smiles bitterly when Hans talks about being secure and insecure and mumbles* I was just insecure... not about my feelings for Matteo, but more about whether it could work with us... and I should have seen that he was pretty sure about that... I think that Matteo's insecurity was my fault... *takes another sip of his coffee and then grins slightly when Hans says he didn't do much* Well, at least you didn't tell him, "That guy treats you like shit, he's not worth going after."
Hans: *nods slowly* *smiles a bit* He was pretty sure… until you gave him the cold shoulder… then he was insecure, but also somehow not… *thinks about their talk at easter* I think he was just pretty confused… *laughs at David’s last sentence* No not that… I expect thank-you cards and flowers at the known address. *tilts his head and examines David* *thinks about how much to tell him* *but just goes for it* I told him to give you time or forget about you... so maybe the thank-you cards should go to him for choosing the first option.
David: *listens to Hans and nods* *can imagine that Matteo was confused - probably even more after he suddenly sent him the drawings* *thinks not for the first time that they could have had it a lot easier if he just had a little more courage and talked to Matteo earlier* *but then grins at Hans' demand* You can get that at Matteo's and my one-year anniversary… for today it has to be enough that I made coffee... *takes the last sip and gets up to pour himself another coffee * *fills up on Hans' cup as well* *then continues to listen to Hans and nods again* *but then thinks that neither of the two options are actually true and that he is glad about it - glad that Matteo thought at some point that he had enough time now, which was somehow true* *then grins and tries to chase away the bitter thoughts* Well, you didn't know me then... or you might not have mentioned the second option... *sits down again*
Hans: *laughs slightly and nods* At your one-year anniversary… well, well… I’ll come back to you about that. *laughs again at his second sentence, now a bit louder* I like that. Yes, if I had known you back then I would have known that it’s impossible to forget about you. *thanks him for the coffee and adds some milk* You know, I think it's not the worst thing that you had a rocky start… that also strengthens the relationship and then you know for sure that you want to be together… I am sure we will celebrate your ten-year anniversary as well.
David: *laughs when Hans tells him that one can’t forget about him* *blows in his coffee and continues to listen to him* *thinks about Hans’ words and smiles* I sure hope so… I mean in regards to the ten-year anniversary… *briefly presses his lips together as he formulates his thoughts in his head and runs his hand over his neck* Uhm… I do think that it strengthened our relationship… somehow. Of course there is still a little bit of uncertainty - everything is still very new. But I think, after all the back and forth we are at least both sure that the other one really feels the same and wants this relationship as much as oneself... *shrugs* … and that it is okay to be the way you are. *remembers how quickly Matteo came to terms with the fact that he's trans and how he just takes everything as it comes because it seems like he only sees David as a person and everything else is completely irrelevant* *notices how his heartbeat picks up speed at his affection for Matteo and blushes* *quickly grabs his cup of coffee and sips his way-too-hot coffee*
Hans: *only grins at the mention of the ten-year anniversary* *tilts his head a bit as David continues talking* *feels honored that he shares his feelings so openly with him* *gets a little touchy when he hears David talking like that and sees him blushing* Yes, yes my little butterfly, he had a lot to learn but then he flew beautifully* *smiles at David* And found a beautiful butterfly-boyfriend. I am so happy for you.
Matteo: *comes into the kitchen in new clothes but with his hair still wet - who needs a hair dryer?!* *asks with raised eyebrows* Butterfly-boyfriend? *passes Hans and wants to go to the coffee pot, which is empty by now* *sighs, then goes to David, gives him a kiss and steals his cup* *grins widely and takes a quick sip before he gives it back* *looks astonished from one to the other as no one says anything* Am I interrupting?
David: *laughs at Hans' butterfly metaphors and says* We need some kind of stupid  nickname for you too... *then sees that Matteo's back from the shower and immediately smiles* Hey... *puts his arms around Matteo when he stands next to him and steals his cup* *shakes his head at his question and grins lightly* Not in the slightest! Hans and I were just talking about our ten-year anniversary... *looks up at him to see his reaction*
Matteo: *raises his eyebrows and looks from David to Hans and back* *wonders what happened here* Your ten-year anniversary? *steals the cup again as David doesn’t seem to mind* *takes another sip and then grins at David* And from which date do you start counting? Today or your sausage meeting?
David: *hears Hans laugh and also has to laugh out loud at Matteo's question* *nudges him slightly into the side* Not between Hans and me - ours! *hears Hans: "But if the little butterfly already gives us such a template, maybe we should actually celebrate our ten-year anniversary! Maybe there will be some cake left over from your anniversary, which we can use."* *grins slightly and says* Owww, yeah, cake sounds good! And pudding! *looks at Matteo again* With a ten on it? *wiggles with his eyebrows* *then he hears Hans' phone vibrate, sees him get up and grab his cup* *hears him say, "Work that out yourselves, my dears! This is Andi..."* *sees him leave the kitchen*
Matteo: *laughs because he really didn't think about that* *but catches himself enjoying the idea of celebrating anniversaries with David* *grins at him just a little* I seeeeeeee, /that/ ten-year anniversary... *then laughs again* Sure, with a ten on it, and big balloons with a ten on it, and sandwiches, of course... *just looks at Hans briefly when he disappears, and then back to David* So you guys were talking about /our/ ten-year anniversary, huh?
David: *grins* Of course with sandwiches! *lets Matteo go because he thinks that maybe he wants to sit down too and thinks for a moment whether he should offer to make him another coffee, but then hears his question and shrugs with slightly reddened cheeks* Hans said that our rocky start probably made us know for sure that we want to be together... that it probably strengthened us somehow and that he is pretty sure that we will not only celebrate our one-year but also our ten-year anniversary... * grins a little insecurely because he doesn't know whether Matteo sees this more as a joke or a serious thought*
Matteo: *laughs when David tells him what they talked about* Sounds like Hans... *sits down on the stool next to David* *thinks that in some mysterious way Hans always knew exactly what he needed to hear and therefore probably understands and knows him better than he thought at first* *is glad that David and Hans obviously immediately got along well* *then grins a little* I had to call him Gay Guru so he'd give me tips. So I guess he knows what he's talking about. *bends down and gives David a grinning kiss* So I'd say it must be true what he says...
David: *laughs* Gay Guru!? Oh well… we need a nickname for him as soon as possible… *thinks at the butterflies* *grins and meets Matteo halfway* *then says* Even if the things he says are true... someday that will get to his head. *peeps into his coffee cup where just a little puddle of coffee is left and then looks at Matteo* Besides, he drank all the coffee. Shall I make some more? I mean, you barely got any of it.
Matteo: *also laughs* Yes, Gay Guru, you can try it with another nickname but I am not sure if he will let you. *nods at Davis’s suggestion* More coffee would be great… *leans back on his stool and watches David as he gets up and moves towards the coffee machine* *gets the now familiar warm tingle in his stomach area as David moves around the kitchen, knowing exactly where everything is and getting everything ready* *smiles to himself and can't take his eyes off*
David: *grins slightly* IfI ever think of something creative and silly then he has to accept it… *nods when Matteo wants more coffee and smiles* Okay… *gets up and fills new water and coffee powder into the coffee machine* * looks at Matteo and realizes he's watching him* *get a little nervous and smiles slightly* *then gets a new cup for Matteo out of the cupboard and out of the corner of his eye sees that he is still looking at him* *grins slightly and puts the cup on the table in front of Matteo* *mumbles quietly* You are watching me… *grins slightly*
Matteo: *isn’t put off, even when David looks back* *grins when he puts down the cup and even more at his words* Maybe... *grabs his hip and pull a little so David gets closer* *then shrugs one shoulder* I like looking at you... *looks at him with a smile* Besides, this is kind of good... you here... in my kitchen...
David: *laughs softly at his "maybe" and mumbles* I'm pretty sure about that... *comes closer to Matteo when he pulls on his hip and is now sort of between his legs* *smiles when Matteo says he likes to look at him, but feels himself blush a little and briefly lowers his gaze in embarrassment* *sees Matteo smile whenhe looks up again and puts his hands around Matteo's hip* *grins slightly* ...me here... in your kitchen... making coffee. *but thinks he knows what Matteo means and has to think about how wonderful and good it feels when Matteo moves around in his apartment as if he were at home there, as if he had always belonged there*
Matteo: *doesn’t stop grinning* *nods* Exactly… *then stretches a little to give him a kiss * *then mumbles softly* If I could get used to that...
David: *pfft’s quietly, but then gets kissed and moves a little closer to Matteo* *grumbles as Matteo breaks the kiss, but mumbles back* You're a much better coffee brewer than I am... *grins again and continues to kiss him this time a little longer* *enjoys Matteo's company and the familiar smell of Matteo's shower gel * *mumbles into the kiss* You smell nice... *then has to grin, breaks the kiss and adds* ...you should shower more often…
Matteo: *shakes his head* Nonsense... it's just putting powder in it... *kisses him back and pulls him even closer* *has to grin as well* *yet looks at David outraged as he breaks the kiss* *and even more so at his next words* *pushes him a bit away* Are you implying I stink?
David: *laughs as Matteo pushes him away and immediately approaches him again* *pulls him closer and wraps his arms around him even when he defends himself* I wouldn't dare saying that... *grins and looks at him with doggy eyes* *but then get serious and shakes his head* You always smell good... always like Matteo... *associates some sappy things with it in his head: home, "mine", love, familiarity, ...- but doesn't say any of it to avoid embarrassment*
Matteo: *laughs* Sure, that’s what I'd say too... *but, of course, immediately wraps his arms around David again* *smiles when he sees the look on David's face* Hey... *puts one hand up on his neck, half in his hair* *ask softly* With your thoughts elsewhere?
David: *is glad that Matteo's resistance is easing and he's putting his arms around him again* *looks into his eyes when he talks to him and feels his hand on the back of his neck* *feels his heart beat a little faster and smiles slightly* *shakes his head at his question and says softly* Still with you and everything you smell like... *leans a little bit against Matteo's hand on the back of his neck*
Matteo: *smiles at his response* *starts rubbing the back of his neck a little* Sweat, coffee, musty socks, right now shower gel?
David: *briefly closes his eyes when Matteo begins rubbing the back of his neck but still listens to him* *has to grin a bit* *shakes his head, nods, shakes his head again and nods again* *opens his eyes and looks at him again* … and like a lot of other sappy things...
Matteo: *laughs at his head movement but then smiles softly at his response* Idiot… *doesn't ask any more questions, but pulls him close to kiss him*
(next play)
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the-abominable-hulk · 5 years
jack kline having two older siblings -- kevin tran and claire novak [like, im bringing kevin back to l i f e because the writers are always doing him wrong] and they sneak out at night and the tree of them sleep in a shared treehouse together sometimes and and and they'll have a really nice car [i'll probably take one from the fast and furious movies]
I can 100000% get behind them being siblings! (Also sorry I didn’t get to this yesterday, but I had many thoughts and wanted to actually take the time to write them out skdjsk)
• Kevin lives before this by banishing Gadreel instead of Gadreel killing him. Because he deserved better than that!! They really did do him so dirty ://
• Once things settled down with the tablets Kevin had a lot more freedom, so he probably travels between the bunker, and his mom’s home. Taking turns staying at both. (He would go on a few hunts with the Winchester’s at one point + be completely useless and end up staying at the bunker and helping from there instead but that’s not of import for the Jack + Kevin + Claire headcanons).
• The first time he meets Jack it would be before Castiel returned. I like the idea of Jack chilling in the library or war room watching some sy-fy movie that he found on Netflix or Sam recommended and Kevin just welcomes himself like usual
• The Winchester’s are much too self involved and probably didn’t bother telling Kevin that Jack had been born, even though he knew that Lucifer was having a son and that was terrifying to him.
• ”Hello. I’m Jack”
“Lucifer’s son?!”
Kevin internally: “you can’t just ask people if they’re the son of Satan. C’mon man”
• Kevin’s lowkey terrified at first considers leaving then and there, but ends up staying and is fairly distant from Jack.
• but then Kevin hears the way Sam seems to truly believe in him. Sees first hand that Jack is truly terrified of being like his father, and that makes the kid a lot more likable
• plus maybe Kevin found seeing Jack struggle to tie his shoes before he got his Velcro’s to be endearing. He seemed more like a kid than evil.
• The first time they actually talk is in the kitchen while Jack is eating cookie crunch at like,,, 3am
• it’s canon that Jack doesn’t require much sleep + I headcanon that Kevin has major sleep troubles after everything with the tablets, so maybe they make midnight snacking/movies a thing they do together on the regular?? And that’s when they really start to bond?
• and Jack learns to cling onto anyone who doesn’t seem to immediately hate him because of how quickly Dean made his mind up about him
• Also I like the idea that Sam does try to like tutor Jack on some school stuff like math/reading/history etc so he has a better understanding of the knowledge if it ever does become necessary, but a lot of the times he just,,, doesn’t have the time to. And Kevin would really pick up the slack and probably teach Jack what he could
• By the time that Jack met Claire I imagine that Castiel would be back
• At first I imagine things between them would be really strained— or at the very least from Claire’s end it would be
• Seeing Castiel father someone else (because he’s possessing Jimmy’s vessel) MUST be painful af
• She probably takes her anger about the situation out on Jack to an extent despite it not being his fault
• Jack’s upset thinking that there’s something wrong with him/she doesn’t like him when that’s really not the case
• Castiel probably has to explain to Jack why she’s upset, and Jack takes it a lot less personal after that
• Insert Claire & Castiel heart to heart as well about how Cas cares immensely about her & that she should try to go easier on Jack
• She offers Jack a 3 musketeers as a peace offering and Jack is ECSTATIC that things seem to be going better
• they still have their moments of being tense/Claire struggling with it but for the most part things are in the right direction
• it takes awhile for things with Jack & Claire to get to a good place, but I could see them texting one another fairly often and not seeing each other in person much at first— maybe they facetime? Claire teaches Jack about memes— he says “OK Boomer” to Dean because she told him to it’s DEVASTATING for Dean— Sam and Kevin would be SO ENTERTAINED— If Castiel is there he’s confused as to what it means/why Dean seems angry
• Also Jack and Claire??? Mlm wlw solidarity (bc Jack is gay and no one can take that headcanon from me— like he’s not really interested in anyone but I love the idea of him having a fairly innocent crush on some guy he meets and wanting to hold his hand yknow?)
• When Kevin and Claire first meet they’re both kind of indifferent/tolerate each other because of Jack
• Kevin would lowkey feel left out because Claire and Jack are both like Castiel’s adopted kid to an extent
• Claire lowkey feels left out because Kevin and Jack already seem fairly close
• so it’s just,,,, kind of awkward at first Bc theyre not trying to do this high school jealousy bullshit because they’re adults (even though at moments they are kind of still childish because they can be with one another and that ability was ripped from them so early)
• Kevin and Claire eventually would probably be able to bond about having a normal life at one point only to have it ripped away from them
• they’re both v snarky at times, and probably bicker about EVERYTHING— because of the way they bicker sometimes people comment about Claire and Kevin being like an old married couple/a good possible couple and they’re both DISGUSTED IMMEDIATELY when they hear that
• Claire has always considered herself the “cool” person and is lost as to how to she ended up being so close to these nerds— like she has an existential crisis while watching Kevin and Jack bicker about Star Wars (which she actually does enjoy once she watches)
• The three of them are really protective of one another— specifically Kevin and Claire over Jack because he’s the youngest, and most often in serious danger— but he’s just as protective over them and Kevin & Claire are protective over each other a lot too
• Everyone around them is so PLEASED they get along like they do because they all had their childhoods ripped from them and deserve some sort of friendship/happiness
•They also probably have a group chat that they text each other on constantly when they can’t see each other in person
• Claire and Kevin’s favorite pastime is to playfully make fun of Sam & Dean— Jack is confused at first but learns that it’s all in good fun quickly
• also something I want to add is that while Castiel doesn’t view Kevin his kid the same way he views Claire and Jack
• Castiel feels protective of him because Kevin’s a prophet of the lord. It was heavens job to protect him and they failed MISERABLY. So now he takes it as his personal duty
• and tbh I could see Castiel in time especially when he sees how close he is to Jack and Claire feeling a more fatherly protection over him too (Bc I love dadstiel)
Okay so for the treehouse what were you thinking??
Like did you imagine like,,, they build one or they find an abandoned one somewhere or Jack sees a treehouse on TV and decides he wants one so he snaps his fingers and suddenly he creates one or??? I like the idea of a treehouse and I’d love to hear more of what you had in mind for that!!!
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thedarkstrangeson · 4 years
Falling, Failing, Rising (2/7)
A/N: This is chapter 2 of my pride fic! So it is highly recommended that you check out chapter 1 first.
Ch1 | Ch2(here) | next
Warnings: Lots of (accidental) misgendering, dysphoria, occasional cursing, panic attacks, anxiety, slurs, violence, (graphic/descriptive) threats of violence, transphobia, injuries and descriptions of them, blood.
General Summary: Being trans is hard. It’s panic attacks and dysphoria and nights of not knowing. It’s figuring things out and letting it knock you over, it’s understanding and trying so damn hard to say something but failing, always failing. But sometimes, when you make it through all the dark parts and you see yourself for who you are, sometimes when those words finally come out, sometimes… Sometimes it’s happiness. Sometimes it's love. Sometimes it's rising on unsteady legs and standing anyway. Sometimes, it’s pride.
This is a Virgil-centric fic for pride month, featuring all of the sides portrayed sympathetically. It’s also got fem!Logan (Her name is Eibhlin, for pronunciation it is usually anglicized as Evelyn) and fem!Janus (she does not get a name change because Jan is just lovely like that). Virgil is afab and named Adeline.
Chapter 2: Fight the Transphobe
   It was a Friday. School was hitting the half-way point of the year, and, finally, things would be closer to the end than to the beginning. Addie was convinced that things would be an improvement once school ended, but it would leave only the summer between her and her friends all parting ways for college. But until then, she was stuck in this hell-hole. And this hell-hole had a particular tradition of club rush. Once every term, all the school’s clubs would set up booths in the quad and attempt to recruit new members. 
As she was the treasurer for Theatre Tech, it made sense that she had to be there. That didn’t mean, however, that she was happy about it. So that’s how she ended up sulking behind the club’s booth, just waiting for lunch to be over so they could all pack up and get off to class. 
The booth was sandwiched right between Speech and Debate(popular), and the Gender and Sexuality Alliance(vaguely present). Each were running their own spiels, GSA handing out flags, Remus performing a particularly gory Humorous Interp from his last tournament, and Theatre passing out flyers for their upcoming performances. Addie was content to pretend like she was busy keeping the booth’s poster from falling over, until a commotion at the GSA booth caught her eye.
There was a bit of a standoff going on, between one of the GSA’s face painters and another student. He seemed to be taunting the kid, but Addie couldn’t really make out the words—
“...do you think you’re doing, faggot?”
“P-please treat all students on campus with respect, it’s in the student handbook.”
“Well, ma’am , you can shove your damn student handbook.”
This was… not okay. Addie really really needed to say something, to shut the guy up, didn’t he know that misgendering someone was just so hurtful . Where did he get all that venom? None of these kids were doing anybody any harm. 
I will say something. Her shoulders tensed, and her breathing went unsteady. Oh gods how could I possibly say something? But she had to, this was wrong . It was hurting so badly and she just couldn’t move. Something stung at her eyes, and she blinked but it didn’t go away. 
“And you know what? You can shove your whole fucking booth, too. We don’t stand for trannies in this school,” the guy said, reaching to grab at the club’s poster.
Please, can you just shut the fuck up? 
And then there was another person on the scene, Remus striding over from the speech booth with a bloodthirsty glint in his eye.
“What did you say, girlie?”
The guy took a step back, almost involuntarily. “Stay out of this, or you’re just as bad as they are.”
“Oh, I don’t think I will, worm’s meat,” said Remus. He seemed to be bubbling with anger, dark and deep. But why did he care? Why would Remus, of all people, defend the gay club on campus? Regardless of his motivations, Addie could only watch, rooted to the spot, as Remus went on. “Back off, or you’ll find your kneecaps unpleasantly reversed.”
“I’m not scared of you,” said the bully, although he sounded far less certain now.
“Shut your mouth,” Remus measured his words carefully, “Or I’ll tear off your nipples and shove them up your nose.” He grinned, wild and frenzied for a fight. And the bully gave it to him.
“You wouldn’t dare,” the guy said, taking two steps forward to shove him. Remus was too quick, and sidestepped to grab his arm as he went past.
“Is that a challenge?” 
With that, they were on top of each other, Remus yelling out obscenities and clawing, biting, fighting dirty like there was no tomorrow. The other kid, although bigger, really had gotten in over his head. He spun wildly, trying to get Remus off of him, to no avail. Someone was screaming. Then, something red wading into the fray.
As quickly as it had started, it was over. 
Roman had his brother by the back of his shirt and was dragging him off. 
“I will peel your skin off layer by layer like an onion until you are nothing more than a bony husk, you bastard, you scum of the earth, go die in a hole and fester until even the vultures won’t touch you—”
He kept going, the words flowing, unendingly, all the way until the door to the office shut behind them and Remus’ voice was cut off from the quad.
Addie was shocked into silence, along with most of the students present. Remus getting into a fight wasn’t exactly uncommon, but that was the angriest she had seen him in a long time. Thank goodness Roman was around, or it was possible nothing would have been able to get him to stop. As it was, the kid lay bleeding out of deep scratches across his face and arms. It was like he had been mauled. In a way, she supposed he had.
Not to say what Remus did was right, but Addie was just about ready to punch the kid herself. The things he was saying, the purposeful misgendering, it just cut. Deep. And she didn’t know why. At least I’m not trans. I couldn’t bear to have those words thrown my way.
Fuck, what if I’m trans?
It would explain so much, it would hurt so much, it would be a blessing and a curse and everything rolled into one, and oh no I’m spiraling how did this happen . 
Deep breaths, take deep breaths, get out of this damn crowd get out get out.
She made it behind the booths, there was a little bit of an open area here and the pressure on her lungs let up, just a little bit. But then there was someone there with her.
“Addie?” said Patton, quietly. He reached out but she stepped away, pressing her hands over her ears because why did her name hurt this much? The pressure clamped back down and she was struggling to breathe and Patton did the right thing this time, he stepped back but he kept talking to her.
“Hey, can you look at me? It’s going to be okay. Let’s count, alright? Just breathe with me and count. In for one, two, three, four, hold it with me for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, you’re doing great. Let’s breathe out now…”
Patton kept up the steady rhythm and Addie slowly came back to herself, out of that dark hole that was far too easy to fall into. 
“Sorry, Pat,” she studied her shoes, trying to keep up the focus on her breathing.
“Aww it’s okay, I always want to be here for you, you know that right? I’m Patt-on call!”
“I—” she resolved to just let that one slide, “Thanks.”
“No problem, kiddo! But I think we might want to head off to class now, lunch is over.”
Sure enough, all the booths had been packed up while Addie wasn’t watching. It was disorienting, to say the least. All that was left was empty tables and a few drops of blood on the pavement.
Addie tried to put it out of her mind as quickly as possible.
They headed off to 3rd period.
She tried to breathe.
She couldn’t tell whether she was succeeding.
Ch1 | Ch2(here) | next
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ellaenchanting · 5 years
Hypnovember Day 15: Ooze
It has been brought to my attention that there is a Hypnomaster69 out there in the kink world. This story is not about him nor are the characters based on any particular people in the community- they're more amalgamations of several people I have known cobbled together with many a Fetlife poster.
Matt oozed down the hotel hallway, surveying the crowd. He had dressed to impress this hypnocon with his favorite sports coat and some brand new shoes. He waved over at one of his older friends in the corner- a guy he went way back with. Matt was glad to see that there were some good people still around in the community. It had all gotten too PC and self-victimizing lately for him.
Matt couldn’t help but notice this year that there were quite a few female attendees who wouldn’t meet his eye. He hated how the hypnokink community had become so judgmental against men. Matt had never hurt anyone- not without their consent at least. It wasn’t his responsibility that some of these younger girls wanted some fucked up things. Matt had always and only been fulfilling both his and his partners' needs. This was kink, after all, not meditation class. Matt had been around awhile- he knew that people wouldn’t do anything under hypnosis that they didn’t secretly want to do anyway. Matt just freed people from their self-imposed baggage. It wasn’t his fault that some previous partners had figured out that kink wasn’t for them and left the community. Everyone was an adult here.
As Matt walked near the registration table, he noticed a young woman that he had never seen before. She was Asian with long pretty hair. Her Pokemon dress hung loosely on her slim body. She was standing all by herself, looking around nervously.
Maybe con wouldn’t be so bad after all, Matt thought to himself.
He walked over to her and waved. 
“Hi! I’m HypnoMaster69! But you can call me Matt. Are you here all by yourself?”
“Yeah,” she said. “I’m Amy. I just saw that this was happening on the internet and I live close by so I took the chance and showed up. I didn’t know that I needed a different name.” She looked down abashedly at "Amy" written in big letters on her name tag.
Matt laughed, pleased. “Maybe we can find another one for you here. Can I give you a hug?”
“Errr.....sure I guess?” she responded, awkwardly leaning in to the hug.
Matt smiled after letting her go. “I’m glad you aren’t weird about physical touch. This is a VERY touchy community- people sometimes find it off-putting if you’re too frigid about that.”
‘Oh,” said Amy.
“I’m happy that I ran into you!” said Matt. “I don’t really have a lot of plans for this con and I like showing new people around. It can be hard to learn the community ropes sometimes. For example, your badge- did you know that putting all the stickers on the top of your badge like that usually means that you’re a hypnotist?”
Amy’s eyes widened a bit. “It does?”
Matt giggled. “Yeah. You’ll probably have thirsty pathetic men falling at your feet all weekend begging you to hypnotize them. It’ll be hilarious. Don’t worry though- I’ll protect you. I’ve been a hypnotist for decades- people around here respect that and won't mess with me. By the way, have you ever been hypnotized before?”
Amy smiled. “Once or twice” She seemed privately amused by something.
Great, a newbie, Matt thought. ‘Well you’ll have a chance to see and experience all KINDS of things this weekend. You’ll love it. If you’d like, maybe we can play together a bit later on? I’d like to show you what you’re capable of.”
“I think I might like that,” said Amy. “Come to a few classes with me so I can see some things I’d like to try and then we can talk about planning some play. Deal?” She extended her hand for a handshake.
“Deal,” Matt said, also extending his hand. 
For a moment, Matt's attention felt diverted somewhere- something was odd.
Matt blinked.
Meh. It probably wasn’t important to think about.
“C’mon, “ said Amy. “Let’s go to the class on anchoring.”
Matt sat besides Amy all class. 
Matt was having a hard time paying attention today. The class was so boring that he felt some of his morning sleepiness again. He had thought he had chased those feelings off with coffee but... apparently not. Matt would have definitely presented this class better. He should have insisted on presenting this year.
Fortunately, feeling bored had given him plenty of time to watch Amy. She seemed really engaged in the class. It was endearing watching her take notes and bounce a little bit when she heard something that excited her. Matt would be sure to show her some anchoring tricks later on that would really blow her subby little mind. If she liked this lecture, she would LOVE all the things he could do.
Fantastically, it turned out that Amy was the kind of touchy that Matt was. She would lean over during class and make comments to him- some that he would pay attention to and some would slide right past him in his boredom. He noticed that sometimes when she was talking or when the presenter said certain things, she would lean over and touch his shoulder lightly. That felt nice. She must really be into him.
At the end of class, Amy let Matt see the knitting needles and wool she had brought to con. It was the kind of girly hobby that he wouldn't have normally been interested in, but Amy's enthusiastic rambling about it was captivating. She spoke about the beauty of repetitive patterns. She said that if there was something it was important for her to think about or focus on, sometimes she would repeat that thing to herself with every stitch as a kind of mindfulness exercise. Sometimes she wasn't even aware of what she was thinking- her brain would just repeat important thoughts over and over with each stitch she made and she could just enjoy how good that felt. She also talked about knitting projects as a metaphor for beauty of social cohesion- all the threads working together for a greater whole. It was certainly an interesting perspective.
At the end of the conversation, Amy gave Matt her knitting needles to hold. They felt good in his hands, somehow. Better than he would have thought.
After the next class, Matt asked if Amy wanted to go back to his room to play. Amy declined, saying she wanted to go to more classes. She had really been enjoying sitting next to him, though. Wouldn't he like to come with her and see another class?
He found that he would.
As the day wore on, Matt was pleased to find that he might have a better reputation than he had originally thought. People, especially women, who hadn't talked to him in years came up to him and Amy to speak to them. Amy apparently already had a bit of a reputation online and had connected with many people over Skype prior to con. Matt was surprised about her popularity. He was also surprised to find how many people wanted to speak to him or give him a hug or touch him on the shoulder. He was still feeling tired and wasn't quite keeping track of all the conversations, but it was nice to feel like a part of the group again. People even responded with enthusiasm to the knitting that he held in his hands- saying that they were happy to see him engaging in a new hobby.
Matt kept going to classes with Amy. He was feeling unusually charitable today and let her pick their schedule. He had already seen everything anyway- and watching Amy was encouraging. It was nice to see old ideas through new eyes.
The last class that Amy wanted to go to that day was the Women in Hypnosis panel. Matt pointed out a note in the schedule that men were encouraged not to attend this class, but Amy had talked to the group leader and they were going to make an exception for Matt. That was really nice of them. Matt was glad that they recognized his expertise.
The Women in Hypnosis class ended up being a bit of a bust. From the time he entered the room, it seemed like so many people were talking at once that it was hard to keep track. Women's voices sometimes took on this droning sound and the effect on Matt was pretty soporific. He had fallen asleep early in the class, only occasionally awakened slightly by a touch on the shoulder or someone saying his name. But during those times Amy, still sitting right next to him, would lean over and whisper in his ear that everything was ok- he didn't need to consciously listen to what was going on. He could just go back to sleep.
Despite the sleepiness he experienced in class, Matt felt really great afterwards. The grogginess had lifted and he felt more positive than he had in years. He also felt much more positive towards the women that had been in the class with him. Matt admitted to himself that he had been kind of a jerk in the community sometimes- ignoring women, making rude comments about trans women, showing female partners a lack of respect- but somehow sitting in that class and actually listening to those women for an hour had done him a world of good and given him a lot to think about.
So much to think about, actually, that he wanted to give himself some proper space to process it. Matt decided that he didn't really need to attend the rest of the convention after all. He had already learned everything anyway and it might do him good to take the rest of the days allotted and just enjoy a normal vacation. He heard that there was a beautiful local park nearby.
When he told Amy about his decision, she hugged him again and told him that she understood. She thanked him for being her companion for the first day of her first ever hypnocon. She even let him keep her knitting needles and yarn to remember her by.
When the next year rolled around, Matt decided that he needed a change. Instead of attending the hypnocon again, he would go to a knitting convention that was being held at the same time. He had gotten really into knitting this last year- it relaxed him and made him feel really good about himself. He had been welcomed into that community with open arms, appreciated as one of the few men who shared the hobby.
Matt also kept up with some of his hypnosis friends, including Amy. They never actually did hypnosis together, but they would often chit chat and knit together on calls. Matt loved to listen to her voice as she excitedly talked about knitting projects or kink or other things that were going on in her life. Her life seemed to be going really well. He reflected that his life was going well too. He was so happy to have met Amy at hypnocon last year.
What a fortunate coincidence.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Inglourious Boyfriends - Part 7
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Fandom: Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Pairing: Joshua Margolis (OC) x Lt. Aldo Raine
Word Count: 3045
Warning: Spoilers For Inglorious Basterds,
Note: This Is Part 7, And OOOH, Is This Where Shit Gets Good! We May Be Drawing Close To The End, But Fear Not. I’m Gonna Be Posting A Series For Donny, And Another OC. A Trans FtM OC, By The Name Of Mordecai Rosenthal. Anyways, Let’s Enjoy The Present.
“You Jerry-bangin', Limburg-smellin'..." Aldo panted, just about feeling Joshua's elbow touch his. He heard a familiar German voice, and suddenly the Nazis let go of both him and Joshua.
“As Stanley said to Livingstone, Lieutenant Aldo Raine, I presume? And the wonderful Lieutenant Joshua Margolis" Hans mocked, sounding like he was standing right in front of Aldo.
"Hans Landa." Aldo said, under the black bag.
Joshua heard a truck engine start from behind them.
"You two have had a nice, long run together, Aldo, Joshua. Alas, you're both now in the hands of the SS. My hands to be exact".
"Yea, yea, and if those oily hands go anywhere on Joshua, I'll break free, right here, right now, and chop you in half like a goddamn wiener schnitzel" Aldo growled.
"Ah, fear not, Aldo. They've been waiting a long time to touch you, first" Hans cackled, tapping where Aldo's nose is."Once I'm through with you, I'll see what I can do with little Joshy boy over here. Certainly nothing like his father's friend did" he giggled, turning to look at Joshua.
Aldo flinched back when Hans touched him, anger bubbling up inside when Hans mentioned Joshua- let alone, when Hans called his Joshua 'Joshy', and mentioned what had happened to HIS Joshy.
"Caught you flinching".
Aldo head-butted Hans aggressively, ending in Joshua and him getting pushed into the back of the truck by Nazis."You had it comin', you had it comin', asshole! Touch me, again, Kraut-burger. So much as mention goin' anywhere NEAR Joshua, and I'll break yer bones!" He threatened, as the Nazis forced Joshua and him to sit down.
Once the truck started to drive off, Joshua leaned his head on Aldo's shoulder, exhausted, and still a little scared.
"Y'okay, sunshine?" Aldo mumbled, turning to where he felt Joshua.
Joshua hummed softly."St-Still, uh, still kinda scared" he confessed."It's not like they'll do...what- what he did to me, right?" He asked, voice cracking.
"Ah, don't worry 'bout it. We'll get outta here in no time, go round the boys up, and make sure all hell truly breaks loose. Baby, I'm right here, okay? I'd hold you if I could, but, clearly I can't...I love you, Joshua" Aldo quietly reassured, his arm grazing against Joshua's.
"I love you too, Aldo" Joshua returned.
After a few beats of slightly-comfortable silence, another voice spoke up. This time, a welcome one."Is that you, Lieutenants? Joshua?".
"Yea- Utivich?" Aldo called, sitting up straight, as did Joshua.
Joshua sighed in relief."Utivich! Ugh, I'm so happy t'see- uh, hear ya. I missed you, brother" he grinned under the black bag.
"Do you know what happened to Donny?" Utivich asked, sniffling."Omar? The woman?" He shakily added, voice wobbling.
"No, we do not. Most we know is that some Nazi named Hans Landa brought her into a room after Donny and Omar entered the theater room" Joshua explained."Utivich, are you...okay? Y'sound like yer cryin'".
Utivich didn't reply.
"I'm fine" he muttered."Just- Just as scared as you are" Utivich whimpered.
Joshua cooed softy."Listen t'me, Smithson. We're- We're gonna be fine, alright? As long as we got Aldo, we'll be alright".
"Okay" Utivich whispered.
The truck slowly came to a stop, the three Basterds hearing the front doors open. They heard footsteps come around to the back, unlocking something and felt arms pulling them out of the back, one by one. Individually, Aldo, Joshua, and Utivich were pushed inside some building, into a room and shoved down into three chairs, side by side.
Their black bags were pulled off their faces, Utivich gasping in response while Aldo squeezed his eyes shut and shook his hair out from his face; Joshua inhaled sharply, blowing a stray strand of hair from his eyes. Utivich looked up at the Nazis that escorted them inside, the three men all finally locking eyes with Hans, across the table in front of them.
Hans had a proud smile on his face."Tell me, Aldo, if I were sitting where you're sitting, would you show me mercy?" He asked, quizzically.
Aldo smirked, tilting his head back and squinting, suspicious.
Joshua and Utivich turned to look at him in unison.
"Nope." He blankly replied, giving Hans half of a full head-shake.
Hans sighed, turning to Utivich."What is that English expression about shoes and feet?" The Nazi asked, gesturing to his own feet.
Joshua answered for him, "'Looks like the shoe is on the other foot', I was just thinkin' o'that".
Hans smiled at him."Your looks truly deceive you. Good-looking and smart. Sadly, not smart enough to know that no one would believe those claims you made of what your father's friend allegedly did to you" he shrugged, smile growing when Aldo scowled. Landa gestured for the Nazis to leave, the guards immediately following their orders and exiting the room. This left Hans, Aldo, and Joshua alone, as Aldo craned his head to watch the guards stop to stay alert outside the room.
Aldo, as he turned back around, looked at Utivich, who was holding a dead, empty stare on Hans. He checked on Joshua quickly, wanting to take a look at him first before paying attention to Hans; though, he had his knee pressed against Josh's. The two of them always shared subtle touches like that when they weren't able to directly talk to one another, or be able to get any physically closer.
"So you're Aldo the Apache" Hans nodded in disbelief.
"So yer the Jew Hunter" Aldo returned, not noticing Joshua's gaze on the scar around his neck.
"I'm a detective. A damn good detective. Finding people is my specialty, so naturally, I've worked for the Nazis finding people, and yes, some of them were Jews, but Jew Hunter?" The Colonel snorted as if it were a mildly-funny joke."Just a name that stuck".
"Well you do have to admit-" Utivich started, Joshua cutting him off with "it is catchy".
"Even more catchy than 'Pineapple Bomb'?" Hans shot back, resting an arm on the table as he looked Joshua in the eyes."Tell me, where did that nickname even come from? I will admit, you do appear as fresh as a newly-picked fruit-" he held back a grin when Aldo turned to glare at him, "but I may need some backstory".
"It's 'cause Joshua is skillful at usin' explosives, and looks sweet while doin' it" Aldo replied, eyeing Joshua and his messy hair.
Hans nodded, looking Joshua up and down."I'm sure you do, Joshy" he winked playfully, Joshua looking physically disgusted.
"Don't call him Joshy" Aldo spoke through grit teeth, about ready to free his hands and fist-fight the Colonel.
The Colonel laughed, turning to Utivich to pester him."Do you control the nicknames your enemies bestow on you? Aldo the Apache, Pineapple Bomb, and the Little Man?".
Aldo winced softy, biting his lip as he looked away to not register Utivich's reaction.
"What do you mean the Little Man?" Utivich's voice went soft.
Hans shrugged once again, "Germans' nickname for you".
"The Germans' nickname for me is the Little Man?".
"And as if to make my point, I'll also admit, I'm a little surprised at how tall you are in real life. I mean, you're a little fellow, but not circus-midget little as your reputation would suggest".
"Alright, alright, alright, ugh” Joshua cut in."Utivich, brother-".
"Brother?" Hans looked surprised.
"Not by blood, dumbass" Joshua huffed."He's not serious. I- I mean, c'mon. If the Nazis could rip off the swastika from the Sanskrit svastika for supposed 'good fortune' or 'well-being', surely they could think up a better name than Little Man. Plus, look at Landa. I doubt he’s any taller than you. Why did the Nazis let this short man join, anyway? Guys, he’s built like a dwarf" he sassed. Joshua always jumped at the chance to come at anyone who ever tried Utivich, as he said, the man’s like a brother to him.
Hans tutted, shaking his head."Big talk from a soldier who's nothing without Aldo being able to protect his pretty little face, especially like he couldn't supposedly protect you from your father's friend" he pursed his lips, eyebrows raising as he could feel Aldo give him the dagger-glare."I'll have so much fun tearing you apart".
Joshua raised his head confidently, leaning closer to Aldo.
"Joshua Margolis..." Hans breathed, scanning the Captain."I remember seeing your name cover newspapers around ten years ago. You can't be serious when you say you expected people to believe you, hmm? Such a disgrace, lying for attention. Who would believe that your father's friend would ever have the audacity to do that to you, to ra-".
"Where's my men?" Aldo changed the topic."Where's Bridget Von Hammersmark?".
Joshua turned to look up at Aldo, biting the edge of his lip as his chest grew heavy in a pain of it's own. He may have sounded casual when asking Hans about where Omar and Donny were, but Joshua heard the faint, underlying voice crack in that question. Growing up with Aldo, Joshua knows him, and he knows how much Aldo truly cared for the Basterds, all of them.
Hans inhaled, looking down."Well, let's just say, she got what she deserved. And when you purchase friends like Bridget Von Hammersmark, you get what you pay for" he hissed, Joshua's whole body going rigid in shock."Oh, no, hopefully you weren't too close to her already?" Landa ridiculed, turning to Joshua."Ah, who am I kidding? All night, it's been more than clear where your affections lie..." the Colonel slowly panned his gaze from Joshua, cold eyes landing on Aldo, who stared right back at him."Disgusting. As if you weren't scum of the earth enough, already. No wonder you'll end up burning in hell" he spat, eyes flickering between Aldo and Joshua.
Joshua huffed, stern gaze on Landa."Ugh, l-like we need a malnourished Nazi-fuck tellin' us how to live our goddamn lives".
"Now, as far as your paesanos, Sergeant Donowitz and and Private Omar..." he ignored Joshua, leaning back in his seat.
"How you know our names?" Aldo cut off, Utivich now looking at him.
"Lieutenant Aldo, if you don't think I wouldn't interrogate every single one of your swastika-marked survivors..." Hans adjusted how he sat, shaking his head in shame."Then one, clearly you aren't as bright as your beau over here" he pointed out, looking at Joshua like he was old gum under his shoe."And two, we simply aren't operating on the level of mutual respect I assumed".
"No, I guess not" Aldo agreed.
"Well, back to the whereabouts of your two Italian saboteurs" Hans tapped the wooden table, dusting off his uniform."As of this moment, both Omar and Donowitz should be sitting in the very seats we left them in. Double-zero twenty-three and double-zero twenty-four, if my memory serves. Explosives still around their ankles, still ready to explode, and your mission- some would call a terrorist plot- as of this moment, is still a go".
Utivich and Joshua locked eyes in fear- their best friend, alongside Omar, was going to explode, blissfully unaware that Bridget's dead, and the three of them were captured.
"That's a pretty exciting story, what's next, ‘Eliza On Ice’?" Aldo looked around the room, disinterested, cracking a proud-of-himself smile when Joshua snorted. He swiped his thigh against Josh's, needing a constant reminder that Joshua was right there, that they were together- that's how it always should be.
Joshua may have found what Aldo said funny, but he caught the look of sadness, and pain, that flashed over Aldo's eyes at the idea of Omar and Donny dying.
Joshua and Aldo were all the other one had, until Donny and the Basterds came into the picture; both of their parents died already, so they really had no big family to return to. The Basterds were all they had, now, too. Aldo and him could have had the opportunity to save Wicki, Hicox, and Stiglitz, but with Hans holding them hostage, there was no way they could possible be able to save the others. Sure, their sacrifices could win the war, but if there's one thing Joshua knows, it's that Aldo may as well end up laying awake at night, years after this one, wishing this all could have gone differently.
Joshua knows for a fact that he'll be doing the same.
"However," Hans crossed both his arms on the table, now ignoring Aldo."All I have to do is pick up this phone right here, inform the cinema, and your plan is kaput".
"If they're still here, and if they're still alive, and sadly, that's one big if, there ain't no way yer goin' to take them boys without settin' off them bombs".
"I have no doubt. And yes, some Germans will die, yes, it will ruin the evening, and yes, Goebbels will be very, very, very mad at you for what you've done to his big night. But you won't get Hitler, you won't get Goebbels, you won't get Göring, and you won't get Bormann. And you need all four to end the war. But if I don't pick up this phone right here," Hans tapped the phone on the table between them, "you may very well get all four. And if you get all four, you end the war...tonight".
"Ah, that's all fun and- and games, Dr. Seuss, but ya didn't need t'say it twice. We're not the stupid ones in this room" Joshua insulted, Aldo giving him a pleased glance.
"Whatever. Gentlemen," Hans rolled his eyes, bringing out four wine glasses and pouring red wine equally into all of them."Let's discuss the prospect of ending the war, tonight. So, the way I see it, since Hitler's death or possible rescue rests solely on my reaction, if I do nothing, it's as if I'm causing his death even more than yourselves, wouldn't you agree?".
"I guess so" Aldo blinked slowly.
"How about you, Utivich?" Hans inquired, placing three wine glasses in front of the Jews, who couldn't even drink them, given that their hands were literally tied.
Utivich glanced down at the glass in front of him, then back up at Colonel Landa."I guess so, too".
"And what about you, Prettyboy Basterd?" Hans teased, turning to Joshua.
Joshua silently looked to Aldo, nodding and mumbling "yea".
"Gentlemen, I have no intention of killing Hitler, and killing Goebbels, and killing Göring, and killing Bormann. Not to mention, winning the war single-handedly for the Allies, only later to find myself standing before a Jewish tribunal" Landa paused for effect."If you want to win the war tonight, we have to make a deal" he smiled hopefully.
Aldo leaned back like he was in a spa, Utivich and Joshua not budging."What kind of deal?".
"The kind you wouldn't have the authority to make. However, I'm sure this mission of yours has a commanding officer. A general. I'm betting for...OSS would be my guess" Landa rhymed, annoying Joshua further. He exclaimed in excitement when none of the three men answered, saying "that's a bingo!".
Joshua looked confused; that's not how you say it. 
"Is that the way you say it? 'That's a bingo'?".
"You just say 'bingo'" Joshua corrected.
"Bingo! How fun!". The smile quickly vanished from Hans' face."But I digress, where were we? Yea! Making a deal. Over there is a very capable two-way radio" he pointed to the radio in the room behind them, from which they came from."And sitting behind it is a more-than-capable radio operator named...Hermann" Landa remembered, or probably just guessed."Get me someone on the other end of that radio with the power of the pen to authorize my...let's call it, the terms of my conditional surrender. If that tastes better going down".
Aldo sat back up again, leaning in."You know, where Joshua and I are from-".
"Yea? Where is that, exactly?" Hans cut him off in question, as if interviewing him.
"Maynardville, Tennessee" Aldo smiled, reminiscing the old days of when it was just Joshua and him, growing up, sneaking moonshine liquor while they were too young to drink, and even younger, when Joshua had to teach Aldo how to spell 'Tennessee'. It's better nowadays, because Joshua continuously pulls the "because yer the only ten-I-see" line on Aldo, which makes him a pile of lovey-dovey goo every time."We've done our share of bootleggin’” he explained, Joshua nodding along in accordance."Up there, you can engage in what the federal government calls illegal activity-".
"Which I'm sure you two engaged in a lot" Hans assumed, blinking between Joshua and Hans.
Joshua nodded, very clearly unashamed.
"And which I'm sure Joshua wished his father's friend did to him, seeing as he went as far as to lying about the man rap-".
"He wasn't finished!" Joshua barked, a certain animosity in his eyes. He glanced up at Aldo, quickly forcing himself to calm down. If Hans didn't believe Josh, so what? He remembers that incident, clear as day (much to his distaste), as does he remember how his dad's friend took advantage of him. That haunting memory is more proof than anything that it happened.
"But...But what we call just a man tryin' to make a livin' for his family sellin' moonshine liquor, it behooves oneself to keep his wits" he finished, Aldo nodding for verification."Long story short, we hear a story too good to be true, it ain't" he forced a cheeky smile onto his face.
Hans nodded blankly."Sitting in your chairs, I would probably say the same thing. And nine-nine-nine point nine-nine-nine times out of a million, you two cheeky boys would be correct. But in the pages of history, every once in a while, fate reaches out and extends its hand".
Aldo, Joshua, and Utivich stared at Hans silently.
Hans outstretched his arms, shrugging carelessly."What shall the history books read?".
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cami-chats · 5 years
Lovin’ Me Good
Fandom: Marvel
Pairings: Bucky Barnes/Natasha Stark (fem!Tony Stark) 
Summary: Bucky loves Natasha Stark so much he forgets that people have shit ideas about her.
Author’s Note: Commission for someone that wanted fem!Tony but still older than Bucky :D Starring: Natasha Stark as middle aged, trans, and gorgeous, Bucky as super in love, and a random asshole who exists to get the story kicking. (PWP)
Link to AO3 
They were at an event when Bucky heard it. It wasn't rare for them to be at an event together, practically a bimonthly occurrence for him and Natasha. Right after they started dating, paparazzi got a picture of them at a restaurant, and it was plastered everywhere for weeks. So called 'news stations' were doing pieces about them, speculating on how long ago this had started, if the Winter Soldier killed the Stark parents had been motivated by possessive jealousy, if she had stolen him from Steve, that sort of bullshit. 
Bucky had expected all of that. He'd been given the run down on modern media when he became part of the Avengers, and Natasha had told him again when they got together. The problem was that Bucky had never heard someone that wasn't a paparazzi or trashy journalist saying those things. He was at the event, expecting the usual snide comments and backhanded compliments. What he got was someone saying, to his face while Natasha was in the ladies' room and he was grabbing some water, "So how much does she pay you?" 
Bucky looked at the man-- suit nice, but the way he was attempting to lounge in it made the material look unfitted-- bewildered. "Excuse me?" 
"Relax Bucky, I'm just joking." Uh, yeah he was clearly joking, but not in a way that would have made Bucky forgive him. Also, Bucky had never met this man before, so him calling him by his first name wasn't going to earn him any points. People just decided they could do that every now and then though, called him by his first name like they were old friends instead of strangers. "I'm sure Stark has other assets that make her fun to be with even if the MILF look never did it for me." 
Bucky just stared at him. Was he actually saying these words? "What the hell is wrong with you?" 
The man spluttered a bit, trying to save face since he finally figured out that he wasn't making a very good impression. The bartender slid Bucky's drink in front of him, so he grabbed it and left without another word. Natasha found him a minute later, looking absolutely gorgeous in her dress. Red and slinky, the blue light of the arc reactor not detracting from the overall look. Her hair was pinned up with a blue clasp that Bucky knew had pieces of an old arc reactor in it. She had little crows feet at the corner of her eyes, laugh lines curving against the inside of her cheeks, and the natural maturity to her face that came with aging. Her long hair didn't show any grey yet, but he knew it was going to happen soon. He hoped it happened soon, because she would look incredible with little streaks of silver through her otherwise dark hair. Bucky was tempted to find that guy just to punch him in the teeth, but it was a much better use of his time to wrap an arm around her waist and press a kiss to her cheek. 
"Hey darlin'." 
Natasha, of course, knew that something was off right away. She put her arm around him in kind automatically, leaning into him. "What happened?" 
"Nothin'," he said automatically. She raised an eyebrow, and Bucky sighed. "Someone just... talking shit about you. Us." 
Natasha's expression turned sympathetic. "People are always going to do that, Bucky. You can't let it bother you." 
"Yeah, so you and everyone else on the team keeps reminding me." 
"If there's a dumb opinion, someone out there has it and they're going to yell it like an edict from god." 
Bucky chuckled, kissing her cheek again. "I guess." 
"Besides, it's not like they don't have half a leg to stand on with us." 
"Nothing personal babe," she said, patting his chest absently as she looked into the crowd, "but I am sorta rocking the cougar dream here." 
"I'm older than you," Bucky said, frowning. 
"True, but you don't look it. As far as everyone else is concerned, I'm another rich person with a partner twenty years younger than me." 
"You're a billionaire, not 'another rich person'. You're better than them." He paused, then added, "I'm much hotter than any of their trophy wives, so they can suck it." 
Natasha grinned, giving him a quick squeeze. "That's why I love you." 
Bucky tried to forget about it like Natasha suggested, but for the rest of the night he couldn't get it out of his head. Any time he wasn't talking, he wondered if that was really how Natasha thought about their relationship. She cared about him, no question, but did she know how much she meant to him? Natasha was a goddamn miracle, and perfect besides. She was strong and smart, and even though she hid it behind a curtain of snark, she was one of the kindest people he'd ever met. He never would have made it a month without her help, and while he could stand here trying to wax poetic about her all day, that didn't really help her know how much he loved her. He was supposed to shake it off when people talked shit about her, and he didn't know how the hell he was supposed to manage that when she was so ridiculously incredible. 
When the night came to an end, they climbed in the backseat of the car. Happy rolled the partition up out of habit, then started driving. All of Natasha's cars drove smoothly, and Happy was so familiar with them that it didn't feel like they were moving at all. The party had been on the far side of Brooklyn, so it was going to take them a while to get back to the mansion. "God," she groaned, taking her shoes off and rubbing at her feet. "Those things don't get any more comfortable the longer you wear them." 
"C'mere," Bucky said. 
Natasha turned, setting her feet in his lap. When he pressed his thumb into the arch of her foot, she moaned, relaxing back against the car door. "This is the real reason I keep you around, my god." 
"Stop wearing heels, doll. Your feet will thank you for it." 
"Yeah but I like them. I look so pretty in them," Natasha joked, but she went absolutely boneless when Bucky rubbed deeper into her foot. It was like every future ache she would have was already gone. "If you ever decide to give up superheroing, find a job as a massage therapist; I guarantee you will never go hungry, sweet jesus." 
Bucky felt interest, hot and molten, sliding into place in his abdomen. It was hardly the first time Natasha had given him a compliment, and if the trend held, it wouldn't be the last. He curved one hand around her ankle, stroking the skin up her shin with short motions of his thumb. 
"So correct me if I'm wrong," Natasha said, not bothering to open her eyes, "but is this your way of saying you want to get it on in the car right now? Because I am all for that." 
"Definitely," she said, bringing up the foot that wasn't currently in Bucky's hand to pat against his leg. 
Bucky grinned, sliding her dress easily to the top of her legs. It's not like the dress had taken up a lot of space in the first place since Natasha liked to go for the slinky look, and it puddled along her hips like water. He slid as far away as he could get, bumping into the car door, and spreading her legs wider but taking his sweet time. They were getting started in the car, but they weren't finishing here; Bucky had too many plans for this night for it to end so quickly. Her ankle bone jutted out just above her foot, and Bucky pressed a kiss there. He skimmed his lips up her calf, kissing at the thick bound of muscle there. She did so much work as Iron Man on top of wearing heels every few days that her legs were nice. Bucky thought it might be his favorite part about her, but he did this every time. His favorite part of her was whatever he kissed first, and it changed with every new place he touched. A kiss right on top of her knee, and he smiled to himself, kissing it again just to feel the rough skin against his lips. "You're so goddamn gorgeous, y'know that?" 
"I think you've said it once or twice." She nudged his shoulder with the side of her knee. "Car sex is supposed to quick and dirty, baby. Make a mess of my hair and rip my dress." 
"Tempting," Bucky murmured, considering for a moment to change his plan. But no, this was to help show Natasha how much he loved being with her, not to get off. Although, getting off was going to be a definite plus, one he was going to make sure she enjoyed. "But I've got plans for you, so your dress gets to survive the car ride." 
"Not the whole night?" Natasha asked with a knowing smirk. 
"Nah." He moved his way up her thigh, lazily sucking a mark on the inside. 
"You," Natasha said, eyes fixed on him, "are a menace." 
"Am I?" He kissed his way higher. "Mm, good thing you're takin' care of me then. Saving all those other women from gettin' their feelings hurt." 
"Oh yeah? You think you'd be a heartbreaker without me around?" 
"I wouldn't say that." Bucky rubbed his cheek against her underwear, silky smooth against his skin but just a tease to her. "More like I'd keep gettin' tired of all the people that aren't half as amazing as you." 
"Flattery will get you everywhere." 
"Only one place I wanna be, and I don't think you'd kick me out of it now." He licked a broad stripe up her length through the underwear, smugly satisfied when her hips twitched up for more. He pulled the elastic band down, wrapping his lips around the head and slowly sucking down as he pulled her underwear further and further down. 
"Fuck." She knocked her head back against the door, fisting a hand in his hair. She wasn't forcing him down or anything, but she liked tugging on his hair-- and even better, he liked it when she pulled on his hair. 
He slurped as he made his way back up, holding the base in his hand and licking at the head like a lollipop. 
"You are evil," she whined, but she didn't make any move to take matters into her own hands. "C'mon baby, don't tease." 
"I ain't teasing, I'm just takin' my time." 
"Well take my time and get a move on, fuck's sake," she fake-complained, ending with a gasp as he took her in suddenly. "Shit, Bucky!" 
He inched his way down her length. The tip nudged the back of his throat and he eased off for a moment, then went down slowly, his throat tightening around her. 
Natasha's mouth dropped open, and her throat worked, trying to say something, anything to let Bucky know how much she loved this, loved him, but the words got stuck. Bucky swallowed, and she let out a ragged breath. God his mouth was so hot and wet it was like living in fucking ecstasy. New rule: heaven had to be like this and nothing else. "F-fuck," she stuttered out, feeling entirely too warm. Her cheeks were flushed hot, and from her toes to the tips of her fingers there was a warm tingle-- like that time she'd taken a bath with a fancy bath bomb before she realized she was allergic to lavender only this was a hundred times better. "Bucky baby, you're killing me." 
He didn't move, and Natasha was vividly reminded of that time he'd tested how long he could hold his breath. Surely he wouldn't do it now, right? Before the thought could take root, Bucky slowly pulled off, looking smug as all hell. "Nah, I wouldn't do that to ya." He gave quick little licks up her shaft before kissing her stomach. "I love you so much, y'know that?" 
"You never let me forget," she said, looking down at him fondly. 
"You sure about that?" he asked, continuing to kiss along her stomach. 
"What do you mean?" 
He skimmed his nose across the edge of her hipbone, enjoying the closeness. "Earlier, you called yourself a cougar. Made it sound like I was with you f'r the money or somethin'. There ain't any truth to that darlin', and I wanted to make sure you knew that." 
"Of course I know that," Natasha said softly. "I was only teasing, Bucky. If you were with me for the money, you'd actually spend it every once in a while." 
"Or how 'bout I'm with you cause I love you? I ain't ignoring your money or your age or anything, I'm here for you." 
Her expression softened even more. "I know." 
"Then lay back and let me love you a little, yeah?" He pushed her dress further up, the fabric in a bunch under her breasts. "I don't need a reason to make you feel good, but I actually have one tonight so let's enjoy it." 
"I always enjoy it." 
"That's the aim," Bucky said, shooting her a grin. Natasha's dress either could be pulled up over her head, or it could be unzipped on the back. The car was nice and big, but it wasn't exactly a limo. They could finagle around so he could reach the back zipper, but this wasn't fucking in the car, this was making out like horny teenagers with no supervision until they got home and could make it inside. He slid the strap off her shoulder and pulled the fabric down to expose one of her breasts, covering the newly exposed skin with his mouth. She wasn't too sensitive, but she could feel the warmth from his tongue as he swiped it across her nipple before covering as much of her with his mouth as he could. 
Natasha arched her back without meaning to, pushing further into him. "Oh fuck," she breathed. The handle on the side of the door was poking uncomfortably along her shoulders, her neck was craned at a steep angle, and she was half falling off the seat because it didn't matter how big her back seat was, there wasn't enough space for her to spread her legs this wide and stay centered on the cushion. None of that mattered right now because Bucky's mouth on her felt divine, but it was going to matter soon unless she changed how she was laying. She didn't say anything for the moment because she didn't feel like moving. She just threaded her fingers in Bucky's hair and held him close as he left a hickey on the bottom curve of her breast and kissed his way up her shoulder. "You are- mm- too good to me honey." 
"No such thing," he muttered, lips not leaving her skin. "You deserve the best." 
"Then you wanna help me sit up so I don't get a crick in my back?" 
He slid one hand under her back and lifted, tilting her to a more comfortable position immediately. 
"Thanks babe." 
"Mmhmm," he hummed, hiding his face in her neck and mouthing at the sensitive skin there. She tilted her head to encourage him, and he scraped his teeth over the extended tendon, making her shiver. 
"I love you. Have I mentioned that recently?" 
"Once or twice," he said with a small smirk. She dressed up too often for him to leave a hickey that high, but he toyed with the idea for a minute, biting down lightly and licking at her skin to soothe it. "I wouldn't mind hearing it again though." 
"So needy," she teased. She turned her head and kissed the top of his head. He looked up, catching her in a kiss. It was familiar, but never boring. His stubble scratched around her mouth, and she leaned into him more fully, moaning when he gripped her hip and pushed himself up so they weren't having to reach as far. Even so, the angle wasn't quite right, and again: back seat of a car. Space was at a premium, so Bucky broke off the kiss after a minute and dropped to the floor mats. 
He winced at how carelessly he'd landed, adjusting himself through his trousers. 
"You know," Natasha said, "if you'd come back up here I could take care of you." 
Bucky shook his head as she readjusted to face him. "We ain't goin' anywhere yet, no need to rush." 
"Rush? Nothing rushing about it baby," she said, hooking one of her legs on his shoulder so he was in close. His eyes darkened, and one of his hands creeped over her thigh like he didn't notice what he was doing. "We went through a fucking horrible party to get to the nice fucking part of our evening, didn't we?" 
"Yeah honey," he breathed. 
"So I don't think it's asking that much for you to plow me through the back seat, do you?" 
Bucky hummed, licking along the length of her clit as he considered. He ran the flat of his tongue on her slit, loving the way her hips jerked and she moaned like it was all she wanted in the world. "I'd love to Natasha, but I'm gonna spread you out on our bed and do you right, this time." 
"Ah- but, car sex is so much fun." 
"Fun, but it ain't sweet." 
"Aw c'mon, who needs sweet when I can be reminded of how big your cock is in my ass." 
"You'll get that when we get home just as well as you would in here." 
"It's not the same," Natasha mock-complained, but even that was gone when Bucky rubbed a finger against her perineum. "Fuck Bucky, come on, come on, I want you." 
"Want you too sweetheart, but we can make it." 
"You're such an ass," she groaned, knocking her head back as he kept licking and toying his fingers along the spots where she was sensitive. "You keep throwing around this 'we' word," she said, rolling her hips towards him in a futile attempt to convince him to touch her more, "but I'm the only one suffering." 
"You think it's not killin' me to not touch you the way I want to?" he murmured, hugging one of her legs to him as he continued. "Nothin' about this is easy for me honey." Wanting Natasha was like a low flame in his gut, always there. Sometimes it flared or spit sparks, but it was a constant companion, something he'd gotten used to handling otherwise they'd never leave their home. It wasn't easy to not press her down and fuck her slow and smooth, but it was familiar. 
"Then throw a girl a bone." She paused, shooting him a shit-eating grin that was in no way diminished by the makeup that was smudged all over her face. "Get it? Bone?" 
Bucky chuckled. "I have an idea." 
"You're not gonna like it." 
"Aw Bucky, come on," she said, pouting. It was a tits out look, and Bucky loved her that much more for it. She heaved a put-upon sigh and flicked her fingers, gesturing for him to come back on the seat. He did, and she picked up handfuls of her skirt so she could slide onto his lap. "See? Much better," she grinned. Then, because she wanted to tease him a little too, she positioned her ass over his cock, rubbing herself on top of his trousers. 
"God honey." His hands went to her hips, and they moved together for a while, kissing leisurely. Bucky didn't mean to, but he started gripping her tighter. By the time they stopped, he had to relax his hand enough that he knew she'd have a bruise in the morning. He smoothed his fingers over the skin like it might heal her. He licked his lips, glancing out the darkened window. No street lights or lit up signs, just the even lighting of Natasha's garage beneath the Tower. "I guess we're home now." 
"Looks that way," she said, sucking on the hinge of his jaw. "Let's get upstairs." She rolled off to be sitting next to him and pulled the straps of her dress back onto her shoulders. 
"Good idea." Bucky gingerly adjusted himself through his trousers, following Natasha as she opened the car door and stepped outside, letting her dress fall down to cover herself. He grabbed the discarded underwear and shoved it in his pocket so Happy wouldn't have to pick it up later. As they were walking, he slung an arm around her hips, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Love you." 
"You're about to love me more, remember?" she said with a grin, dropping her hand down to grope his ass. 
"Course I do. I can't forget a damn thing about you, and I like it that way." Bucky scooped her up, relishing the surprised squeak she gave. He grinned as he hurried to the elevator, and she halfheartedly swat at his shoulder. 
"A little warning wouldn't kill you." 
"Yeah but that's not as much fun." He jabbed at the up button, stepping inside when they opened a second later. "Does this count as a warning?" 
He dropped her back to her feet, crowding her against the wall in an instant, before she really had the time to be indignant with him. The elevator ride was a hell of a lot shorter than he remembered, but maybe he'd lost himself in kissing her-- which had been known to happen. He moved to walk out of the elevator, pulling up short when Natasha grabbed his sleeve. 
"Not going to carry me to our room?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"Well if you insist, honey," he grinned, picking her up again. She gave a delighted laugh, striking a pose with her foot in a point. Bucky hurried to their room, kicking the door closed. He set her down long enough to push the straps of the dress down and shimmy the rest off and over her hips so it fell to the ground in a puddle. He leaned down to put an arm under her ass and lifted, taking the few steps to get closer to the bed, and tossed her on. She gave a comical little bounce, bits of her wiggling in a way that should have made him laugh but instead made him more desperate to touch her. 
Bucky started pulling at his clothes, in such a hurry that he was pretty sure he ripped a few seams on his criminally expensive suit that Natasha had bought him. The second he was naked, he climbed on the bed, hovering over her. 
Natasha moaned as he licked into her mouth, putting her hands on his back and yanking him down so that he was covering all of her. They rubbed together and she moaned louder, thrusting her hips up for more friction. "If you don't grab the lube and fuck me, I'm going to do it myself." 
"Shouldn't you have learned patience when you've been alive this long?" 
"Fuck you," she gasped. 
"Guess not," Bucky said, equally breathless. He pressed another searing kiss to her mouth before reaching into the nightstand. They only had lube and condoms in there, but every fucking time he tried to grab them it's like they vanished. "You've got to be fuckin' kidding me," he growled, rolling off of her so he'd be closer to the drawer and could see inside. Now that he had eyes on it, it was right underneath his hand. "Of fucking course." He threw the lube on the bed and grabbed a condom from the box, slapping it on the tabletop so he wouldn't lose it in the blanket. 
"Seeing you all hot and bothered is always the best," Natasha teased. 
Bucky went to say something in reply-- hopefully witty but the more turned on he got, the less likely that was-- but his mouth went dry. She had her legs bent at the knee and spread, pressing a dry finger at her entrance. It wasn't much, just a flutter to get her to relax a little quicker. One of her legs was angled close to him, so he curved a hand around the inside of her thigh and pressed a kiss to her knee before moving back into place between her legs. 
He grabbed the lube and poured some into his right hand, coating the first two fingers on his left hand. He pressed in slowly, knowing that she could take it so long as he took his time. He nibbled at her hipbone as she loosened up, sucking a hickey into the skin. He moved his fingers out and back in leisurely, moving his mouth up and making another mark. 
"That's good," she breathed, chest heaving. "Add another." 
He took his fingers out and spread more lube on them, adding a third finger. 
All of Natasha's breath left her like a punch to the gut, and she started rocking her hips before her body was truly ready for it. "Fuck. God, Bucky." 
He dipped his tongue in her belly button and kissed his way higher until she fisted a hand in his hair and yanked him up for a proper kiss. Bucky moaned, opening his mouth wider as she kissed him filthily-- all tongue and teeth and sharp desire. He twisted his fingers and she whimpered, her hips thrusting down involuntarily as she held him tighter. Bucky's hand grabbed at her leg, forgetting about the lube on his hand and smearing it all over. 
Natasha broke off with a laugh, glancing down at her leg. "You do know how to make a mess baby." 
"I'll clean it up," he promised kissing her again. He curved his fingers inside of her, waiting until she gave a jerk and gasped as he massaged her prostate. Maybe he was a little evil, because he didn't stop until her face was flushed completely red and she was shaking underneath him. He pulled his fingers out gently and headed to the bathroom, grabbing a handful of washcloths. He gave a haphazard wipe to his hands and threw it in the laundry bin, then brought the rest out. Bucky wiped her leg as clean as he could, but they both knew the only thing that would get her clean was a shower. 
"Fuck you and your niceties," Natasha mumbled, licking her lips and trying to put more feeling back in her limbs. 
"Nah honey, you love it as much as I love you." 
"Yep." He grabbed the condom from the top of the nightstand and opened the foil packet, rolling it on. He spread some lube over his cock and wiped off his hand on one of the clean washcloths. Natasha hooked a hand under one of her knees and pulled it higher in clear invitation. Bucky pressed the head of his cock at her entrance and rolled his hips, sliding inside. 
"Bucky," she groaned, throwing her head back. "Fuck fuck fuck, now is not the time to tease once you bottom out you better make me forget my name." 
"You got it darlin'," he said. His eyes were dark as he looked down at her, thrusting in an inch at a time until he was close enough to bend down and kiss her again. 
"For fuck's sake, move." 
Bucky rolled his hips, then pulled out a little and thrust back in. Rolled his hips, leaned down and kissed her. He leaned up, grabbed her legs for leverage then did as she asked and started fucking her in earnest. When Bucky thrust in, he pulled her back against him. Natasha put an arm up to brace against the headboard and started moving with him. 
The room filled with the sound of skinning hitting skin, Natasha's higher pitched moans like a harmony with Bucky's lower ones. He started moving faster, pounding into her. He didn't realize how keyed up he'd been because he was so focused on her, but he could already feel his orgasm in reach, molten heat pooling in his abdomen. 
"Bucky," Natasha whimpered, reaching one hand to start jacking herself off. "God, Bucky." The blue glow of the arc reactor was lighting up her face, not hiding how red her cheeks had gotten. Her makeup was a goddamn mess and Bucky wanted to remember how she looked like this forever. She stiffened and clenched around him like a vise, biting her lip hard as she came all over her stomach. 
"Fuck," Bucky bit out, slamming into her and grinding his hips against her ass as he came, filling the condom. He kept rolling his hips against hers as he rode both of them through it, panting. That was a hell of a lot more intense than he'd gotten used to. It was always good, but it usually wasn't like that. 
By the time Bucky caught his breath, Natasha was grinning at him. "I must have done something great to deserve that." 
"Oh yeah," Bucky said, easing out. He carefully took off the condom and tied it, stumbling over to the bathroom to toss it in the trash. She wiped herself off lazily and threw back the covers-- laundry was a problem for tomorrow or possibly later tonight depending on much a mess they'd really made. He got back to bed and collapsed next to her, throwing an arm over her stomach and pulling her closer. 
Natasha hummed and wiggled around until she found a comfortable position, pulling the blanket up to their chests. 
"I love you so fuckin' much," Bucky murmured, kissing the top of her head. 
"I know," she said, smiling softly as she returned the kiss to his shoulder. "I love you too." She yawned, stretching then settling to where she was more on top of him. "And not just for the sex, though that's good too." 
Bucky was walking back from a trip to buy chips, and he saw a tabloid. Plastered to the cover was a grainy photo of him and Natasha, and the headline screamed that they were breaking up because she was done with her boy-toy. Bucky rolled his eyes and kept walking. "Bullshit," he couldn't help but mutter, even though it wasn't getting under his skin anymore. 
He'd started saying "I love you," to Natasha all the time, and she'd started saying it just as often. It was hard to feel insecure about their relationship when less than an hour ago, she was looking at him with little hearts and sparkles in her eyes as she told him that she loved him. 
He switched the bag from one hand to the other and continued on home. He had one incredibly gorgeous girlfriend waiting for him, and he wasn't going to spend extra time away from her. 
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kumeko · 5 years
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Title: umeboshi
A/N: For @pinkthespianlesbian, for the Fruits Basket SS held by @lgbtfurubanet. I don’t think I managed to fit all of your prompts together (and Momiji realizes she’s trans in this fic a bit earlier than your headcanon because I missed that line about 3rd year. XD), but I hope you enjoy this anyways!
 “It’s a romantic story,” Momiji chirped, leaning back on the school steps. It was a cloudless, warm spring day and she was happy they were finally in their summer uniforms. Kicking her feet in front of her, Momiji leaned back and stared at the bright blue sky. “My parents met in Germany, when they were students.”
 “Oh.” Tohru clapped her hands excitedly. On another person, this would seem sarcastic, but every action she did was always painfully earnest. Her eyes were bright as she leaned eagerly toward Momiji, already knowing how the story will go and still wanting to hear about it. “Was it love at first sight?”
 “Da!” Tohru was infectious and Momiji’s smile grew even wider. She leaned closer to Tohru, until their shoulders bumped. There was something thrilling about being this close to Tohru, about this casual nearness that she could have that almost none of the other zodiacs could have. She felt a brief pang of pity for Kyo and Yuki.
“Oooohhh!” Tohru’s hand pressed against the steps as she steadied herself, her hand overlapping Momiji’s slightly.
 A jolt of electricity ran through Momiji and she swallowed. It was a very brief pang of pity for her rivals. As they said, all’s fair in love and war. Gathering herself, Momiji continued, using the story as an excuse to hold Tohru’s hand entirely. “The second their hands touched, writing appeared on their arms like vines! They were soulmates! They didn’t let go of each other once, not even when they ate.”
 Tohru stared at their clasped hands and squealed. “Awww, that’s so cute!”
 Momiji would practically see the hearts flying off her. She nodded sagely. “It gets better! They used the words as their wedding vows.”
 “Awwwwwww.” Tohru hummed, almost bouncing as she thought about it all. She didn’t let go, her hand radiating warmth that shot straight to Momiji’s core. “That’s such a cute story. Mom never found her soulmate but she and Dad were very happy anyways. Actually, right after they got married, Mom dragged Dad to the tattoo parlor and forced him to tattoo her name on his wrist.” She chuckled. “They got their own versions of the soulmate words.”
 “Really?” Momiji blinked. She liked that idea. Liked it a lot. The control it gave, the ability to chose, she liked everything about it. Breaking into laughter, she reached around with her other arm and hugged Tohru, careful not to let go of their clasped hands. “That sounds just like her.”
 “That’s what Uo-chan and Hana-chan said too,” Tohru said proudly, wrapping an arm around Momiji. “Though Mom told me the tattoos hurt more than expected and they both spent the week crying.”
 Momiji snorted. “Somehow, that also sounds like her.”
A less romantic story, one that Momiji was reluctant to tell Tohru, was how her mother rejected her at a hug. How her mother had gone mad until the only solution was erasing her memories and erasing Momiji’s place in them.
 It was funny, now, that her mother’s touch would no longer transform her. That it was her father instead who turned her into a rabbit. Would her mother have kept her memories if she’d known this would happen? Or would she have seen that as another failure, another mark against her monster of a child?
 Not that it mattered either way. Her mother would never know. Instead, Momiji would wear her dresses and pad her chest and grow out her hair, each change making her look more and more like her mother. It was hard to hide it now; her father wouldn’t let her hang out at the company anymore.
 All that she had left was her name, Momiji, the only link to a family that no longer existed. Maybe she should change. She wasn’t sure she wanted to.
The school was brimming with life, the school fair bringing students and visitors through each of the classrooms and hallways. It was a dangerous time for a Sohma and Kyo was already hiding on the roof, both scared and angry with the horde that invaded his home. Not that it helped much, considering the mob of cats that swarmed the roof, catching everyone’s eyes.
 At least that made things a little easier for the others. Yuki didn’t have to hide in the back of every classroom even and Haru didn’t have to destroy everyone he bumped shoulders with and Momiji…
 Well, Momiji got to enjoy a date with Tohru. A kinda one-sided date, for now, but a date nonetheless. She bounced forward as she and Tohru strolled through the halls, taking in the other class’s events. “What do you want to see first?”
 “I don’t know.” Tohru smiled happily, her eyes jumping from one door to the next. There was a haunted house, a café, an art gallery—the possibilities were endless. And overwhelming. “They all look so fun! What do you want to do?”
 “Me?” Momiji slowed down her pace till she was walking side by side with Tohru. Her arms hung at her side, her hands barely brushing Tohru’s as they walked. A jolt of electricity ran through her at each touch and she swallowed. “Maybe we could do the haunted house first?”
 “T-t-the h-h-haunted h-h-house?” Tohru stuttered, her expression freezing. Stiffly, she squared her shoulders and marched toward it. “S-s-sure.”
 It was cute. Too cute. Momiji tried not to laugh too much and offered, “If you’re too scared, we can do something else.”
 “N-n-no, I’m f-f-f-fine.” Tohru smiled once more but it came out more a grimace than anything else. She looked like a robot as she moved, her knees and elbows locked into position. “L-let’s g-go.”
 Well, if Tohru was going to be so brave, Momiji couldn’t slack off either. Nodding, she reached out and grabbed Tohru’s hand. No more of that brushing nonsense. Her skin felt like it was on fire and Momiji was certain her ears were turning several different shades of red, but she’d done it.
 She’d grabbed Tohru’s hand. And if Tohru didn’t pull away, was still smiling at her brightly, she could take that as a victory, right?
 Momiji washed her hands, letting the cool water soak into her skin. They still burned, even now, hours after Tohru let go, hours after they’d parted.
 Ok, it was about time she’d admitted it. To herself, at least, if to no one else.
 This wasn’t just a crush anymore. No, this was love. Momiji was in love with Tohru.
 She sighed softly, leaning forward to rest her forehead on the bathroom mirror. After all those months of teasing Yuki and Kyo for being dense, this all felt highly ironic. Momiji wasn’t even sure if she was going to confess to Tohru (sorry for calling you a coward, Kyo) and even worse, there was Akito to deal with.
 Maybe Akito wouldn’t care as much. He’d hated it when Momiji had started transitioning but then it’d became a new cage for him to keep her in, a new barrage of insults to hurt her with. Suddenly, she’d realized just how much harder it was for Kisa and Rin.
 How much harder it would be for her, going forward.
 The cool glass didn’t make it any easier to think and Momiji’s hands were still burning like they’d been seared. Like Tohru was imprinted on them. Maybe she was. Lifting her hands, she stared at them blankly, taking in the small ridges on her knuckles, and the growing thickness of her fingers. The lines on her palm that turned into words, wrapping around her wrist—
 Momiji blinked. There were words tattooed on her wrist. Her soulmate marks. She rolled back her sleeves frantically, trying to read the characters engraved on her skin. How had she missed this earlier? Had she bumped into someone at the fair? U-m-e-b-o-s-h-I, it said.
  There was only one person that could mean, only one person whose soulmate words could be that.
“Tohru,” she murmured to her skin, kissing the mark softly. Momiji’s heart leapt to her mouth and she felt a tear slide down her cheek. Her soulmate was Tohru.
 She could fight Akito, if it was for Tohru.
 She could fight anyone, if it was Tohru.
 They were soulmates and Momiji would one day tell their adopted kids, It was a romantic story, a story about two people who stayed together and never forgot anything, even the bad things.
Or it would have been a romantic tale, if not for Tohru’s extremely puzzled look as Momiji asked her if she’d gotten her soulmate writing. She’d waited as long as she could, waited for class to end, for her bodyguards to go home (Kyo was harder to force away than Yuki), waited for them to finally be alone and sitting at their usual spot on the school step, before asking.
 All in vain, it seemed.
 “My soulmate marks?” Tohru blinked, confused. She glanced around as though to make sure no one else was around. “Me?”
 She’d almost forgotten how dense Tohru was. “Yes.” Momiji nodded eagerly, taking Tohru’s hands into her own. Rubbing her thumb against Tohru’s wrists, she was slightly disappointed the marks hadn’t appeared in the same place, but that was fine. It was rare enough to find one’s soulmate, let alone to find one with an identical mark. Her parents had been lucky. Quieting her mind, Momiji peered up at Tohru’s eyes and asked again, “Have you found any words on you?”
 Tohru frowned, thinking heavily on it. She twisted her lips, her expression growing sterner and sterner with each moment that passed. The moment she turned into a hardboiled detective, she sighed and shook her head. “Not one.”
 “Really?” Momiji’s heart plummeted to her shoes and she almost dropped Tohru’s hands in surprise. Was it possible to have a one-sided soulmate?
 “Yes.” Tohru nodded solemnly. “It would be wonderful to have a soulmate but I’m not sure I have one.” She chuckled sadly. “It might be too wonderful for me to have.”
 And maybe Tohru didn’t have the mark and maybe the umeboshi meant some other kind do-gooder or some guy with an obsession with pickles, but that didn’t matter. Momiji was used to life not going her way. Was used to having to choose her own path.
 Kyoko had made her own soulmate.
 Momiji could do the same.
 “You have a soulmate, Tohru,” Momiji answered softly, leaning closer.
 “I do?” Tohru’s eyes widened in surprise. “Who?”
 She’d make sure to not tell their kids how awkward their first kiss was, how they’d bumped noses and laughed about it after.
“And that’s how your grandmas fell in love,” Mitsuru murmured, ruffling the hair of her son. “It’s a romantic story, isn’t it?”
 Aki bit his cheek, taking it all in. He swayed side to side as he came up with his question. Because there was always a question with him; at four, there was still too many things he didn’t know. Mitsuru knew that, knew that she’d done the same to Momiji and Torhu when she was little, but that didn’t make it any easier.
 After a few minutes, he finally asked, “Granny didn’t have a mark?”
 “Actually…” Mitsuru laughed awkwardly. Leaning closer, she stage-whispered to her son, “It turned out, Grandma Tohru did have a mark.”
 “She did?” His mouth fell open in surprise.
 “Her face looked just like yours when she found out.” Mitsuru nodded. Reaching around, she patted her son on the middle of his back. “Right there. Just where the umeboshi in a onigiri is, that was where her mark was. So of course she didn’t see it herself—Grandma Momiji was the one who spotted it and told her.”
 “Umeboshi?” Aki jumped up and down. “Just like in her stories!”
 Mitsuru nodded. “Yeah, just like in her stories.”
 There was something fitting about that, when all was said and done.
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metalchick19-blog · 5 years
The Bowers Gang: Ship #9 - Victor Criss
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Request: Alrighty I’ll have you ship me with whoever you think personally~ my hair is blonde and I’m short asl, but I also have a tattoo of a black rose on the side of my wrist. A lot of my friends tell me that I can always make them laugh with what I say or do and a lot of them will often come to me for advice or if they need to rant about something, which honestly just makes me feel even better as a person. I’m someone who will always stand by you if you’ve never done me dirty and need help. I do have a goofy side that only my closest friends see everyday, which is honestly sometimes just me as person. I think of myself as a fairly outgoing person and I’m never one to just stand in the corner of a party. Some things I need to work on are opening up to other people when talking about feelings and problems I have instead of just bottling them up. If there’s someone that I don’t like, I make it very clear and can be totally heartless towards them. I can also stress myself out easily and get overwhelmed by everything that’s going on. I’ve been through some shit, so I have a better understanding of other people’s hardships than most people. Being friends with me means that you always have someone to go to for laughs, but also someone who won’t sugar coat anything for you. Being in a relationship with me means you’ll actually have someone devoted to you and fun times, but you also gotta break down any walls built up. To put it into simpler terms, I’m a pretty chill person who goes with the flow but can get serious when it comes to something that’s important to me and I need to do. A couple of facts about me is that I want to be an elementary school teacher (I love kids so much, more than people my age tbh), I smoke the devils lettuce damn near hourly on a daily (fuck getting drunk, getting high is better), I love going to the beach, driving around downtown with friends, or just taking time to myself in my room to listen to music!
Always traces your rose tattoo absentmindedly when you cuddle/sit next to each other
Finds your transparency hot as hell, because he sees it as an indication of how honest you are 
So appreciates the shit out of it, even when you’re being a total icy bitch to someone he doesn’t even know (and learns to assume you have your reasons when he doesn’t understand why)
The guys gave you a designated seat in the Trans-Am because you drive around with them after school so often (like the trooper you are) 
You’re on the far left, behind Belch, with Victor in the middle between you and Patrick (very much on purpose)
Victor sometimes comes over to people’s houses to keep you company while you babysit (the ol’ “sneak in the boyfriend routine”)...
... and actually helps with the sitting of the baby, rather than expecting to fuck and/or sit and watch movies like some other teen delinquents we know 
But seriously - Victor is straight-up the daddy to your mommy whenever you guys watch kids together, and it’s truly one of the loveliest things ever
Tends to start off awkward at first (he’s very friendly with kids, but has a hard time talking to them in ways they understand since he can’t “dumb down” his language), but always ends up being their literal favorite person by the time the night is over (apart from you, of course)
Entirely because Criss makes funny faces like a pro, keeps the small ones entertained while you warm up dinner, and ties shoes singing the bunny ears song and everything 
I.e. He’s “the fun guy”
Also demonstrates an inside voice like nobody’s business, and slides a coaster under every drink (house rules = respected) 
Also steps up to do some of the disciplinary things when you can’t get a specific smol one to listen to you 
... and is low-key a toddler whisperer about it too
When he has to be the disciplinarian, Victor always just kneels down to the tiny kid’s eye-level (regardless of whether they’re screaming, crying, or otherwise), and casually starts talking to them as if they understand every adult word that’s coming out of his mouth
Which most of them couldn’t possibly do, because toddlers 
... But, from the moment they make eye contact with him, the majority of kids go completely serene and just stare at Victor like they do understand what he’s saying, and clean up their act right after he “discusses it” with them
The guy seriously somehow stops all tears/whining/unacceptable behavior just by being like “hey, that’s not cool dude, and here’s why”
It’s legitimately random to the point of being annoying, because there’s no reason getting children in line should be that easy for him (considering it’s insanely difficult for some people that actually have kids)
You insist that the lil’ buns are just reflecting Victor’s calm nature, but his smug smile will always indicate he low-key thinks he’s better at child-care than you
... Which you know isn’t true, but we’ll let him think what he wants to think
He finds it really endearing how well you get along with kids though, and thinks it’s adorable that you’re able to connect with them so easily
You’re the first person he’s ever been with who’s made him think, “She’ll be a really great Mom someday,” and that’s beautiful 
You make Victor smile in the moments when he truly gets down on himself
This is a pretty big deal, because he tends to feel the fuck out of things regardless of the emotion
It’s impossible for the majority of people to sway Victor’s mood at all when he’s upset, because it always settles over him so heavily...
... but you somehow do the trick.
Your goofy nature usually bounces off of him at first (he stays in his head, and doesn’t give much response to most of your humor for a while), but you always eventually say something that strikes a cord with him, and elicits a small smirk
... which eventually leads to a smile, which leads to a laugh, which ultimately leads to you talking out his issues with him and lifting his spirits
You’re seriously one of Criss’ main emotional outlets, and I wish I could shake your hand, cause’ that’s an honor 
This isn’t a one-way street, though - Victor does the same for you
He noticed early on (before you were even together) that you only tended to talk about positive things/ “surface level” information even after you had been hanging out with the guys for a long time
And to him (i.e. the group psychologist), that made it clear you were trying to keep your distance by not sharing your problems or talking about things that were really important to you
So he made a point of being there for you x1,000,000 when you officially got together 
Example: He knows you won’t bring up any of your issues unprompted, so Victor asks how your day is going at every given opportunity
Aka: he provides a chance for you to tell him something’s bugging you
He also jumps on it whenever you show any visible signs of being sad, and straight-up asks you to tell him what you’re feeling because real men aren’t afraid to talk about that jazz 
Even though it took time for you to get used to it (i.e. sharing your emotions), it’s now something that’s become a reflex for you
You’ve cried on Victor’s shoulder, shared your previous traumas, let him see you at the peak of rage, and he’s done the same with you; there’s nothing left to hide 
The two of you have seriously reached a point where you could tell one another anything on the spot
You’re each other’s permanent comfort and support - simple as that.
When one of you is feeling especially down though, or when you both just feel you’ve earned a break from life (i.e. after exams, or during spring/winter break), you and Victor have “intensive care” smoke sessions at his house
...Tastefully named “intensive care” smoke sessions by the both of you
This basically means hot-boxing Victor’s room all day long (fucking glorious), watching movies in his bed, and playing whatever tapes you want on full blast at random intervals throughout the day
The two of you cycle between just sitting and listening to the music (typically at the peak of your high, when you’re both brain-dead), to talking about incredibly philosophical/incredibly stupid things (”who closes the bus door after the bus driver gets off?”), to raiding Victor’s fridge for munchies until you eventually empty it and have to walk into town for more 
Side-note: Victor is smooth as fuck when it comes to being high and acting normal in public
Whenever you guys order food anywhere after you’ve already smoked, he’s always the one who speaks because he never stutters, breaks eye contact, or forgets what he’s saying in the middle
You’ve even seen him get into full, logically sound conversations with people just minutes after taking a bong rip in the Trans-Am (group smoke sessions are a thing too)
The guy legit held it together even when his parents came home in the middle of your smoke session once, and introduced you normally even though you were having a level 10 panic attack, and were not subtle about it (those darting high person eyes were all over the place) 
In short, he can basically just revert back to being sober again whenever he wants to, and it’s a major turn-on for stoners everywhere. 
*Pointless side-note ended*
You try to get Victor to socialize at the 2-3 house parties Henry forces you all to each month, but he won’t do it
Just stands next to you, quietly sipping his beer and letting his attention drift around the room
Fields small-talk when he has to (he’s not shy or unapproachable - just introverted), but usually just prefers to be the handsome guy standing next to you while you own the spotlight
You’ll forever be the majestic, sociable party dom with a dry-humored wallflower for a boyfriend - enjoy
... he looks at you a lot while you talk to people though, and it’s so obvious he’s thinking about how beautiful you are, because his eyes make it clear he’s focusing on your face rather than your words 
So many girls in Derry High hate you because of adorable crap like this - there’s a lot of salt over Victor Criss being so thoroughly taken by someone
Patrick often tries to break you away from Victor at parties, because, like you, he talks easily and likes to try to get into shit (and because he thinks you’re hot/would love to take a girl away from Victor using only the power of his penis)
He’ll randomly show up next you when you’re getting another drink, going to the bathroom... or, really, doing anything other than talking to Victor
...At which point he propositions the shit out of you, and tries to convince you to come upstairs
This has never worked out well for him.
You did play a legitimately sick game of beer-pong together once after you got him to stop coming onto you (for a second), but that was just because you were already buzzed, and felt unusually tolerant towards him
So even though you usually reject him wholeheartedly (and somewhat loudly/angrily), you two will always be remembered as the life of post-homecoming blowout, 1987 (where you made every single shot, and didn’t have to take even one drink between the two of you)
... Still doesn’t change the fact that he’s trying to do you though, and that you’re too loyal to Victor to be feeling it 
Even though he won’t participate in other ways when it comes to parties, Victor always dances with you, because he has a specific thing for watching you move to house music
You asked him about it once, and he just said he thinks it’s beautiful because it “accentuates your purity”
If you don’t get what he means, you’re in good company - the guy has an artsy soul.
Interesting side-note: Like Patrick, Henry has low-key wanted to sleep with you from the moment he first saw you, but keeps it heavily under wraps in the interest of not screwing up you and Victor’s relationship 
He doesn’t talk to you much, and has a hard time maintaining eye contact even when he does (because guilt and attraction)
Essentially decided that abstinence is key where you’re concerned, and tries not to form much of a connection with you so it’s easier to control himself
Avoids being left alone with you at all costs, and doesn’t acknowledge you much in general
... He eyes you a lot when he gets drunk though (most often, at the parties you go to)
No words, but enough wasted leering to make it clear where his head is at
 It’s never escalated into anything, but it’s something you notice.
... And you’ve never told Victor in the interest of preserving their friendship. 
* Interesting side-note ended *
Victor tried to take you on a private date to the quarry once (because you’d always told him about how badly you wished there was a beach in Derry), but the guys found out and showed up unexpectedly as soon as the two of you hit the water
... And it was actually your first date.
Meaning Criss was not at all entertained by that bandwagony bullshit.
They literally just came to see you in a bathing suit (hence why they came out of hiding only after you’d gotten in the water), and you’re such a bad bitch that you called them out on it rather than let it be 
... But that just earned a predictably creepy affirmation from Patrick (”What, you thought we were gonna’ let Criss keep a body like that all to himself?” *Disgusting Hockstetter cackle as Victor death-stares him into oblivion*), and didn’t amount to anything more than obnoxious laughter on Henry and Belch’s part 
Long story short, the guys all stampeded into the water with you, and swimming for 2 became swimming for 5
So, yeah. First date was a group date, and no one was thrilled.
Because of what you’ve been through in life, you understand some of the fucked up situations Victor has experienced better than most other people; as a result of that, you have a unique understanding of his hot/cold feelings about the gang
I.e. You get why it isn’t just black and white for him - other people may see the guys as straight-up evil, but it’s different for Victor, and you get that
Essentially you understand that he’s a ride or die (because genuine loyalty), but that he’s also ready to jump ship in the interest of not becoming something he isn’t; he’s never been able to express that to anyone else 
Because you get why Victor feels moved to leave the gang sometimes (and partly because of your own experiences with them), you support him in that direction whenever he mentions it
Being that you don’t sugarcoat things, you confirm for him that the guys aren’t people that would be good for his adult life - he’s always thought that in his head, but has never had another person around who knew the guys personally to corroborate the opinion
Meaning, now that the opinion has been corroborated, it’s kind of huge for him
You may ultimately be the thing that gives Victor the strength he needed to leave the guys, because you help cement his view that it would be the right thing to do
Plus, his relationship with you would fulfill him to an extent where he wouldn’t feel as attached to the gang as before, and he would see himself as being much happier in a future with you than in a future with them
In short, you might change the course of Victor Criss’s entire life - have fun being the best thing that’s ever happened to him
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Written for Gratsu Bingo/Week; prompt: time [zones]
When Gray’s girlfriend dumps him right before Christmas, he’s stuck with a non-refundable, three-week holiday to Paris. Without another choice, he agrees to go with a stranger - a man who is remarkably charismatic, and a lot cuter than Gray is willing to admit. It’s supposed to be platonic (Gray’s straight, right?), but Paris isn’t called the City of Love for nothing. 
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Chapter Summary:  Gray and Natsu arrive in Paris, but it's more overwhelming than Natsu was expecting.
Chapters (2/?): 1 | 2 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Cana Alberona Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Holidays, Vacation, Christmas, Paris (City), Romantic Fluff, Mutual Pining, Holding Hands, First Kiss, Trans Character, Falling In Love, Strangers to Lovers, Romance, Gray thinks he’s straight but he’s not, Natsu falls in love hard, Gray speaks French because reasons, Tumblr: FTLGBTales
Eventually, Natsu falls asleep with his forehead pressed to the seat in front of him. Gray hesitates – he can’t imagine it’s comfortable, so he tugs on Natsu’s shoulder to get him to lean back in his seat. Instead, Natsu mumbles something incoherent and tips sideways, head dropping to Gray’s shoulder.
Heat creeps into Gray’s cheeks as he realizes that his arm is now wrapped around Natsu, and he’s stuck like this unless he wants to push Natsu away and risk waking him up. Which he won’t do, because he’s not an asshole.
Gray ends up half-watching ‘Road to El Dorado,’ and half trying very hard not to focus on the way Natsu’s breathing against him. At some point, Natsu shifts so his face is pressed against Gray’s shoulder and grumbles in his sleep when the armrest digs into his stomach. Gray moves it up and Natsu curls up against him, tossing an arm across his stomach and making a happy, sleepy sound.
Gray’s just making sure Natsu’s comfortable, so he doesn’t throw up. That’s all.
Gray manages to doze off for a couple hours, and eventually wakes up when the captain announces their landing. Natsu, who is almost in Gray’s lap at this point, sleeps through the entire descent with a small smile on his lips. Gray feels bad waking him up from whatever dream he’s having.  
“We’re here,” he says softly, nudging Natsu out of his sleep as they taxi down the runway. Natsu grumbles, then sits up slowly and yawns. He looks confused for a second, then his eyes widen, and he quickly looks away from Gray, rubbing at the lines on his cheek from Gray’s sweater.
“Sorry,” he says.
“It’s okay,” Gray says. “You feeling better?”
Natsu nods. “Yeah,” he says. “Can’t believe I was out for the whole flight. You’re pretty comf—” He stops, looking down at his hands. “Uh, pretty nice. For—to let me sleep. On you.”
Continue reading on AO3
“Oh,” Gray says, mind stuck on the fact that Natsu was about to say ‘comfortable.’ “That’s… it’s fine.”
Natsu stretches as best he can in the tiny seat, and when his shirt rides up, it exposes a tattoo on his stomach. Gray can’t quite make it out, but it follows the curve of Natsu’s hipbone down to his—
“It’s a rabbit,” Natsu says, and Gray blinks when he realizes he’s staring. Natsu shuffles in his seat to give Gray a better view of the tattoo – it’s heavily stylized and drawn in bright red and black. “This one’s an otter,” Natsu adds, gesturing to his other hip.
“Um,” Gray says, because he suddenly can’t figure out how his tongue works. “Why, uh… why those? Animals?”  
Natsu grins at him, tugging his shirt back down. “They’re trickster spirits from Mi’kmaq folklore,” he explains. “My grampa used to tell me stories about them all the time – I got them when he passed away.”
“Oh,” Gray says. Part of him wants to run his fingers over the dark ink, and he’s not sure why. “That’s, um… good. Not—I don’t mean good that he passed, shit. No, I’m, uh, I’m sorry about that. I just meant the—that’s that cool reason to get them?”
Gray can feel heat creeping into his cheeks and is incredibly glad that he’s good at hiding when he’s blushing.
“Thanks,” Natsu says, and Gray can hear the amusement in his voice. “I’ll have to show you the rest of them later.”
An image of Natsu pulling his shirt off to show Gray the tattoo that curls up his neck and down to his fingers makes Gray’s cheeks burn hotter. “Um,” he says. “Good. Yes. That’s…”
Thankfully he’s cut off by the captain announcing their arrival at the gate, and his embarrassment is quickly replaced by awe.
They’re in Paris.
Paris is enormous.
The airport is loud and bright, and Natsu stares around them at the chaos with a feeling of wonder. Elation overrides the fog of confusion from his nap – as well as the time change – and Gray has to grab his arm several times to keep him from walking into things while he’s looking around.
Everything is perfect until they walk into the Métro station, and they immediately get separated.
Shit. A flash of panic runs through Natsu when he looks behind him and Gray isn’t there – just a crowd of busy people he doesn’t recognize. He calls Gray’s name, but he can barely hear himself over the roar of the crowd and the announcements of departures and arrivals.
Heat creeps up the back of Natsu’s neck as he looks around frantically, trying to find Gray’s dark dreadlocks in the crowd. Gray had put a jacket on when they’d picked up their luggage, but Natsu can’t remember what color it is. Someone shouts behind Natsu and he jumps, fingers tightening around his backpack straps as he’s pushed forward by another scowling figure.
It’s too much. The lights seem brighter than before, and suddenly there’s more people, surging off the train as it pulls to a screeching stop. Everything smells like cigarette smoke and Natsu starts to feel dizzy, trying to suck in a breath as his heart slams against his chest.
“There you are.”
A hand closes around Natsu’s wrist and he’s about to pull away when he realizes it’s Gray. Relief washes over him as he takes a shaky breath, trying to ignore all the people crowding around them.
“Hey, are you okay?” Gray slips his fingers between Natsu’s and pulls him close, reaching out uncertainly with his other hand and squeezing Natsu’s arm. Natsu wants to say yes, but his heart is still pounding, so he just shakes his head and keeps himself as close to Gray as possible.
“C’mon,” Gray says gently, tugging on Natsu’s hand. “This one’s us.”
Gray doesn’t let go of Natsu’s hand, even once they’re standing on the train. Natsu doesn’t miss how he shifts so he’s between Natsu and everyone else, and Natsu presses himself up against the window so he can see where they’re going. Gray squeezes his hand, and Natsu focuses on the feel of Gray’s fingers instead of the sound of a thousand people around them.
They get lost three times before finally making it to their hotel, and when they finally find it and walk inside, Natsu lets out a huge sigh of relief. He lets go of Gray’s hand and sets his backpack on the floor, then leans against the check-in counter to keep his balance.
“We’ll be in the room soon,” Gray says, and the gentle cadence of his voice keeps Natsu grounded. Embarrassment creeps into his cheeks. He should have known better and taken an Ativan before getting off the plane, but he’d been too excited and still up on the high of his inconvenient crush on Gray.
“Sorry,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“It’s okay,” Gray says. He touches Natsu’s arm, leaving his hand there awkwardly for a second before nodding and turning to the woman at the counter.
Natsu closes his eyes and takes several deep breaths. The relief of being away from the crowds and in a near-empty building expands in his chest, and with each exhale, he lets go of a bit more of the anxiety. He’s okay. He’s safe.
Gray and the woman at the check-in desk talk in the background as Natsu pulls out his phone to check the time. 8:37 p.m. Natsu’s pretty sure that’s around four in the morning back home. Even after the nap on the plane, he’s exhausted, and his neck is still sore from the awkward way he’d leaned on Gray. Not that he’s complaining, because waking up with Gray’s arm wrapped around him and his face pressed into the crook of Gray’s neck had been both embarrassing and incredibly comfortable.  
“Tu n’as pas d’autre chambres?”
Gray’s question pulls Natsu out of his daydream and he frowns, looking over at the computer screen. The woman has the reservation pulled up and is pointing to the words Aucun Changement printed in large letters at the top of the screen.  
“No change,” she says, shaking her head.
Gray sighs, looking over at Natsu. “I, uh… they can’t change the room,” he explains, cheeks flushing pink. “It’s, um… well, I booked it with my ex, so—”
“Seulement un lit, hein?” Natsu guesses. Gray’s eyes widen in surprise and Natsu grins at him. “Pas de problème,” Natsu adds. “T’es chanceux, je ne ronfle pas.”
Gray stares at Natsu for a few seconds before slowly nodding and turning back to the woman. “D’accord,” he says, reaching out for the keys. The woman looks between the two of them and for a second, Natsu thinks she might say something. But she shrugs, then reaches under the desk and pulls out two keycards, handing one to each of them.
“Cinquième étage,” she says, pointing down the hallway at the elevator. “Bienvenue à Paris!”
As soon as they walk into the hotel room, Natsu drops his suitcase on the floor and flops face-first onto the bed. He mumbles something unintelligible into the duvet, then hums happily as he kicks off his shoes and shimmies up toward the pillows. Gray stares at Natsu’s ass for a few seconds before realizing what he’s doing and looking away.
He’s never thought about dating a guy before, but Natsu’s starting to make it look pretty damn appealing. Or maybe it’s just Natsu. Either way, something’s going on, and Gray’s not sure how to feel about it.
“Are you okay?” he asks as he sets his suitcase on the side table. He can see the lights of the Eiffel Tower out the window, but he ignores them and sits down on the edge of the bed instead. Seeing Natsu’s panic on the Métro had been unsettling.
“Mm.” Natsu rolls over, rubbing his face and peeking up at Gray. His cheeks are still a bit red, but that could just be from the cold. “Sorry.”
“No, I didn’t mean for you to apologize,” Gray reassures him. “You just seemed pretty freaked out.”
Natsu makes a face. “I just get kinda overwhelmed sometimes? By crowds and stuff. I usually take something for the anxiety, but I wasn’t expecting that many people. Which is stupid, ‘cause it’s, y’know, Paris.”
“I’m not a huge fan of crowds either,” Gray admits, pulling his legs up onto the bed and tucking them under him. “We’ll just have to make sure we go to places when they’re not busy.” It takes a second for him to realize what he’s said, and he immediately feel his cheeks getting hot. “That’s—if you wanna go to things. With me, I mean. You don’t have to, we can just – I mean, I don’t know what you wanna do, but you don’t have to feel obligated to—”
“Gray.” Natsu reaches over and pokes his thigh. “You’re babbling.” He gives Gray a grin that shows off the tips of his pointy incisors. “Of course I wanna do stuff with you. That’s why we came here.”  
A silence falls between them, but it isn’t awkward like Gray was expecting.
“Sorry about earlier,” he says eventually. “I, uh, didn’t realize you spoke French.” The shock of hearing Natsu speak perfect French with a slight, unfamiliar accent had done funny things to Gray’s stomach, but he’s fairly certain he’s over it now.
Natsu pushes himself up and tugs off his sweater. His shirt rides up again, showing off the tattoos on his hips and one up his ribs, and the funny feeling in Gray’s stomach immediately resurfaces.
“Yeah, I’m Métis,” Natsu says after he’s untangled his arms. “I speak a bit of Mi’kmaq too, with my grandma, but she’s getting pretty old, so she doesn’t remember much.”
“What about your parents?” Gray asks. He shifts to the side as Natsu tosses his hoodie over the edge of the bed, and when Natsu resettles, their knees touch.
“My n’mi – grandma – raised me,” Natsu replies, neatly dodging the question. Gray’s tempted to ask but doesn’t want to pry. “What about you? Is your family French?”
“One of my moms is Québecois,” Gray replies. “My other mom immigrated from Lebanon a couple years before I was born.”
“Sweet! Do you speak Arabic, too?”
Gray nods.
He’s surprised by how easy it is to fall into casual small talk about their lives. Gray learns that Natsu has an estranged older brother, and a little sister that he helped to raise. He’s taking the Indigenous Social Work program at McGill University in Montréal, he loves RuPaul’s Drag Race, he has a cat named Happy, and he has seventeen tattoos.
Gray doesn’t contribute much to the conversation, just listens and watches as Natsu tells his stories. Natsu never stops moving – his gestures are as wide as his smile, and he gives small touches as he talks. Sometimes he nudges Gray’s knee, other times he taps the back of Gray’s arm or rests his hand on Gray’s thigh to emphasize a point. Each time the touch feels electric, and Gray finds himself shifting closer so that Natsu will do it more often.
As the sun sets and the room fills with a golden glow, Natsu flops back onto the pillows, and eventually Gray joins him, trying to keep his cheeks from burning when Natsu’s ankle ends up resting over his. When they both finally fall asleep – still fully dressed – the warmth of Natsu’s fingers on his arm makes Gray feel more comfortable than he has in a long, long time. 
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