#and he’s a Beast
bottom-lexa · 2 years
Look I’m not saying I chose my favorite player on the team coz he looks hot af but I did kinda choose my favorite player coz he’s hot af.
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I love Suffering animatics/art where Odysseus has a chain or rope around his ankle, connecting him to the mast. not only is it a great reference to the source material, but it implies that someone on the ship was worried that the mere sight of Penelope might convince Odysseus to jump in the water, even though he knows its a siren who will kill him
and that they were so persuasive in this argument that Odysseus actually agreed to it
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deltamothsblog · 1 year
the world is in peril, and people are hurting
but even so, we can take comfort in knowing we have creature of wet slop. grins.
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bugsinthebayou · 1 year
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lilybug-02 · 26 days
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Final Bug Fact:
The world NEEDS bugs. They keep the soil healthy, pollinate, control pests, and contribute to the worlds' ecosystem. By the end of the century, it is estimated 40% of insect species may go extinct due to habitat loss. Yes, that is very scary. But with even one beetle spared, one caterpillar rescued, and one Hollow Knight comic of all things, things will change. Because I know there's a lot more Dewi's out there than most people realize. Stay curious.
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Thanks for going on this adventure with me. ♥︎
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Comic Thoughts and Pictures Below!
I wanted to put here how amazing and sweet everyone has been with this comic. I finished a 75 page comic in 3 MONTHS. I am at a loss for words. That sounds crazy and it IS crazy. But man was it fun. Even on days were I wasn't able to draw due to fatigue or business, I loved working on it from start to finish. And guess what!? This is my first ever FINISHED comic :D I'm so proud of myself. I know there's some things I want to change and the art is wonky in most places...... but I'm content to let it be. What an amazing summer adventure!
I'm hoping to post the full comic on another Comic website. I may or may not edit some of the art ^w^ So I'll let y'all know when I release it.
Interested in learning what you could do to help your local insects? This is the basic stuff. Maybe make some Insect Hotels if you have the time!!! And never forget to spread the word about bugs. They need our help just as any animal on earth.
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Still Here? Well you can look in the tags for little lore dumps if ur looking for stuff like that ;)
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this-simplefeeling · 10 months
erm okay so... the way this argument ends...
because obviously the doctor is about to blame donna for spilling the coffee, but he catches himself, backs off and apologizes. and it's not him catching himself in a "this is a pointless argument because i'm right and you aren't getting that so i give up" sorta way- because in that beat after, he isn't irritated, he doesn't start trying to figure out a way to reiterate his point. it's him catching himself in a "that was the wrong thing to say and i regret that" sorta way.
it's him catching himself becoming another one of the voices in donna's head calling her a screw up.
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beastlyidiocy · 25 days
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my sweet old man who is genuinely too kind for the world he lives in :(
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xensilverquill · 1 year
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The shadow jumper (Abyssus souperluminalis), also known as the greater soot sprite or voidstalker, is a small demonoid common to many of the abyssal biomes beneath the Sunken Contintent. Powerful legs as well as its long tail aid it in jumping across large gaps in the relatively lower gravity of the abyss. Its body is covered in a thick, downy double-coat of fur that acts as insulation. Jumpers constantly shed soot-like dander that is both dusty and bitter-smelling, warding off many would-be predators. Jumpers are solitary ambush hunters and often use their club-like tail plume to stung prey.
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A sculpture I got to do of souperluminal's absolutely lovely Artober 2022 art. I loved this critter the second is crossed my dash and just knew I had to try my hand at crocheting it. Thank you again for the oppurtunity!
(Art used and entry written with permission from @souperluminal!)
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frownyalfred · 7 months
I 100% believe Lois Lane requested the presence of Bruce Wayne in her delivery room.
Nobody, not even the League, understood until it was time to give birth and Clark froze up at her bedside. Bruce was there to coach them both through it, as Clark’s friend and as Lois’ human reinforcements.
(Bruce flew to Metropolis in a helicopter when he got the news. He found Clark ashen and trembling at Lois’ side, eyes clenched shut as she screamed. He slid into place like he’d never been missing, talking Lois AND Clark through it like he delivered babies every day of the week)
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lotus-pear · 8 months
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in love with tragedy
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iztea · 1 month
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farmer aku can be something so personal,
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astronomodome · 21 hours
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destroy my brain cell
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leafyeyes417 · 2 months
Danny was tired. Tucker and Sam had drifted away over the duration of high school. The ghost attacks and danger had been the main factor that started the dissipation of their friendship. Jazz had left for college a while ago leaving him to deal with his parents alone. He had eventually created his own secret base and left the house permanently even if it was technically illegal at 16. No one noticed since he still went to school.
Including being a teen hero who wasn’t appreciated in Amity just was the icing on the cake. After receiving approval from clockwork and mastering his portal abilities, he closed the portal down. It wasn’t easy to do but he made sure everyone was out of the blast range when it shut down. The Fenton house was gone but it hadn’t been home for quite some time.
It was because he was so tired that he was where he was. Drifting out of Earth’s atmosphere, Danny let himself luxuriate in the feeling of space. It made his core hum pleasantly. He moved to a good spot still in Earth’s gravity and curled up and just let himself drift along in a haze. He toned down his glow and his body started to slowly fade into the space around him till he was practically invisible.
He floated in this haze for probably a week, slowly recuperating and feeling himself slowly change. There was no one to miss him for any length of time and he wasn’t worried about his human life at all. Honestly he probably would have drifted longer but something woke him up. Some guy yelling about conquering Earth or something.
Annoyed at being woken up by a fruitloop Danny allowed his form to grow with the power of space he collected and snarled out a “Oy fruitloop! I was woken up because of you! Shut up already!” and smacked him into the sun with a giant hand. Turning his ire on the army with the fruitloop he quickly sent them flying with a blast of power. It would take them many years to gather up again with how hard he sent them flying.
Huffing, he turned and glanced at the group of people left. Shrinking down he spoke and gestures wildly. “I was taking the best nap of my afterlife and was woken up by those pests. You gotta better place I can nap?”
Luckily someone was quick to let him know they had a place. He was guided to a space station soon after and was soon sleeping on the comfiest bed ever.
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 8 months
DPXDC Yeah, Mechanic.
Danny is a good friend of the Wayne's, they met in Extenuating Circumstances TM and he's in the loop about the Batman Thing and they know he's Phantom on the side. He works in WE R&D department as an engineer but gets called up to the Watchtower to repair busted vehicles and such. Danny's worked on Kon's Sphere, the various superhero themed motorbikes, and on one memorable occasion Megan's Bio Ship.
Due to being kinda dead and having done so much random ass somewhat magic shit, he has this aura anyone just past the point of normal human can feel. He emits the same ominous vibes as the Lazarus to the Bats, itches in the back of Constantine's skull the same way a powerful demon would, and to the speedsters standing next to him has the same wrong, tense feeling as tearing through the time stream.
But he's just a mechanic.
Red Tornado: ...
Red Tornado: Who are you?
Danny: Danny Fenton, mechanic.
Red Tornado: You don't seem to appear on my heat sensors, you were brought here as a mechanic?
Danny: yeah, *already turning around* mechanic.
Danny: Please step away from the bike.
Beast Boy: *puffed up like a cat* Don't touch my bike man
Danny: Do you want it fixed or not?
Robin: Dude stop harassing him, he's the new mechanic.
Beast Boy: That guy's our new mechanic??!
Danny: Yeah, mechanic.
Kid Flash: So,, who are you?
Danny: *half way under a disassembled vehicle* Danny Fenton.
Kid Flash: And what are you doing?
Danny: fixing your messes like normal
Kid Flash: What was that last bit???
Danny: Like a normal mechanic.
Kid Flash: 0_0
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tiredbitchposts · 3 months
Ok, but Shen Jiu being Shen Yuan's father is so funny in a very tragic way. Shen Jiu is a ball of traumas and all types of issues and i truly believe there's not a single one that man doesn't have, so, you give him a baby!Shen Yuan, a little ball of life that depends on him for survival, cannot walk away from him and is culturally wired to pretty much love him and if not, to at the least respect him above all else, you cannot tell me that this man would be normal about him. Also, imagine Shen Jiu, who'd be the type of parent to project traumas the way only a mother could, having a child that looks like him but with a "sweeter" personality (which, by the way, is bullshit, they just have never seen that boy rip into a book he disliked but wouldn't stop reading) that has the effect on men Shen Yuan has, he'd lock that boy up in a tower to "cultivate" and consequently create a rumor about the Qing Jing's beauty who was so bewitching their peak lord father locked them in a tower because that's just his luck. Loving Shen Yuan wouldn't fix him, but it'd create a whole new set of issues that'd cancel out the other ones
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benoits-neckerchieves · 10 months
David Tennant and his family in the TARDIS !!!
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Source: @ georgiatennantofficial on Instagram
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