#and i am not ready for these forever adult responsibilities
sangoqueenkoko · 5 months
it is my 20th year of birth day
oh no
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marudol · 1 month
kabru and the dungeon lords
kabru is a very critical character to dungeon meshi for a thousand and one reasons, and not merely for his status as the point-of-view character in the story's b-plot. kabru represents the compass by which dungeon meshi's world works. he has big-picture motives that involve the entire world, much grander than the original a-plot of "let's save falin."
he is our classic hero, a character who suffered great personal tragedy and must ensure that no one suffers the same fate. as such, he is a great parallel for dungeon meshi's most integral characters:
the dungeon lords themselves.
🚨manga spoilers ahead.🚨
picture this: you are a child, separate from anyone else in the world who looks like you due to circumstances beyond your control. you are taken by pale-skinned adults who try to treat you well; who clothe you, feed you, and put a roof over your head.
it is not enough.
who am i describing - kabru, or thistle?
kabru-thistle parallels focus on their shared past as trans-racial adoptees. their shared experiences are not a universal one to all trans-racial adoptions in the dungeon meshi universe: the floke twins are treated well by their gnomish foster (grand)parents; allowed to be children while they are children and treated as adults when they are adults.
not all trans-racial adoptees are given the same courtesy. kabru was raised by an elf who infantilized him, even once he was fully-grown. milsiril did not always know what kabru needed from her, so she defaulted to treating him the way she would treat an elf his age rather than understand what his age meant as a tall-man.
by contrast, thistle was raised by tall-men. freinag saw thistle as a son and so he and delgal thought themselves as brothers. but as delgal aged and matured, thistle remained stagnant. eventually, delgal's relative age surpassed thistle's- but no one could even conceive of that, because thistle's numerical age made the tall-men around him treat him as an adult rather than a teenager.
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they both feel immense responsibility for the tragedies suffered by their people. kabru explicitly believes there must be a "reason" he survived utaya and that the reason was to destroy the dungeons to ensure it never happened again, and thistle IS the reason the golden country survived their war, and why eodio made it to adulthood all.
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kabru and thistle are characters pre- and post-accomplishing their goals. kabru has yet to assume total responsibility; thistle already has.
they must save them- they must protect them all.
once upon a time, a child lost a parent before they were ready to, and the trajectory of their life changed forever. desperate to understand, the child grew into an adult and dedicated themself to preventing their personal loss from happening to anyone else ever again. as a result, they looked downward into the dungeon's depths.
they will find the answers they seek.
who am i describing- kabru, or marcille?
marcille and kabru stand as important secondary figures to laios, our main protagonist. in the words of another excellent post, they are the heaven foils to laios's earth. where laios is grounded and thinking about the here and now, they have both identified big picture problems plaguing their world and pursue these goals with intense fervor.
however, these goals have been diverted by censorship. marcille cannot access information about historical ancient magic through traditional means and the elves won't tell kabru what happened to utaya's dungeon, so they both decide to go and do something with their own two hands.
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entering the dungeon is a step towards their grander goals, which are both rooted in opposition to long-lived supremacy. critically: the solutions they come to are vastly different.
marcille's solution is very fantastical - "fixing" everyone's lifespans by making EVERYONE long-lived (though her original solution seemed to be more grounded; being a lord gave her the chance to indulge in the full fantasy).
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on the other hand, kabru wants something more concrete and based in the real world. he wants to use the dungeon as a means to an end before destroying it entirely, whereas marcille wants the dungeon to be the end. hers is a magic idea borne about by escapism, while kabru wants to solve a societal problem with something tangible to improve the lives of the shorter-lived without resorting to the fantastical.
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(note the similarity in these compositions!)
kabru and marcille are aiming for the heavens; they have chosen to act as stewards to bring about a better future for as many people as possible.
but eventually, they must crash back down to earth.
a long time ago, a dungeon lord met their maker and the demon ate its fill, but failed to breach the surface. carnage and destruction was sown in its wake. in the aftermath, a survivor dedicated himself completely and utterly to the cause with no room for reproach.
the dungeon will be conquered. and if he has it his way, it will be conquered by his hand.
who am i describing- kabru, or mithrun?
if thistle represents kabru's past and marcille represents kabru's present, than mithrun represents one branch of kabru's future- and a rather bleak one.
mithrun has suffered great tragedy at the hands of a dungeon and, as a result, dedicated himself to be what he believes is his one remaining desire: to finally be consumed entirely. he thinks he has nothing else to live for, so he runs himself ragged every single day just to inch closer and closer at a chance to kill himself while pursuing his goal.
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this great fervor is one that kabru artificially mimics long before meeting mithrun. kabru is willing to die for his goals. he does die for his goals. he thinks he is going to die without a chance for resurrection when he sabotages the canaries, which is why his 'last' thought is "it's up to you now, laios!"
remember: kabru believes his survival has to serve a purpose- his survival must have been 'worth it.' in order to make his own survival palettable, kabru dedicates himself entirely to the dungeon's destruction without long-lived intervention as a means to avoid repeating utaya's fate. kabru self-deprives, fails to care for himself, and he is constantly killed in pursuit of his goal to conquer the dungeon before people like the canaries can. while kabru has desires, he only indulges in the one that has guided him for over a decade.
functionally, he and mithrun are identical when they first meet.
kabru has purposefully deprived himself of his desires beyond ensuring another utaya doesn't happen again, and mithrun is proof of what happens when you follow that to its logical conclusion. however, over the course of their week together and the final arc of the story, kabru makes the choice to divert from mithrun's fate.
kabru looks into the eye of his ultimate goal, and in the culmination of his arc, ultimately refuses this destiny.
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what do you want, kabru? are you hungry, kabru?
kabru indulges. instead of blindly following through the dungeon's destruction and sacrificing what he wants for the greater good, he wants, and he befriends laios instead of ending his life. he leaves mithrun's fate behind...
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...and senshi- one of the most steadfast representatives of dungeon meshi's thesis- sets mithrun on a path where he, too, can learn to chase after newer, healthier desires.
one day, a child was hungry for the answer to a question: "what is wrong with me?"
there is no satisfactory answer. a mother and a sister believe nothing is wrong, but everyone else in their small world disagrees. those eyes, that personality- something must be wrong.
but there is no recourse.
so, these children endeavor to focus on the world around them in ways that won't hurt them. one chooses to study and love humans, because humans are beautiful and complex and amazing. the other chooses to study and love monsters, because monsters are easier to understand and always obey one simple rule: eat or be eaten.
they double down on their interests soon enough. monsters have hurt one child enough, and humans can't get enough of hurting the other.
you know which one is kabru. you know which one is laios- dungeon meshi's fabled narrative foils.
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laios and kabru are as textually close to being explicit foils as humanly possible. the first sentence of kabru's page of the adventurer's bible says it perfectly: "in every possible way, he's a contrast with laios. laios loves monsters, while kabru has an endless interest in humans" (56).
in basic terms, a foil character is a character with traits that contrast against another's, typically the main protagonist. this contrast serves to highlight the themes of the story, and we see that illustrated perfectly with laios and kabru.
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where kabru has denied himself care, laios gives it to him without thinking. where laios believed no one could ever want to be his friend, kabru proves him wrong. the nature of nourishment and human connection are both critical foundations to dungeon meshi's story, and the main character struggling with human connection while his foil struggles with nourishment is no mistake.
kabru wanted to be laios's friend all along. the b-plot of dungeon meshi is driven by kabru's unconscious desire to understand and ultimately aid one inscrutable laios touden. the reason they cross paths at all is because kabru wants to meet him! he takes a chance when toshiro appears and sees his chance through.
but kabru doesn't realize it until he's already said it. he betrays himself, completely unaware that his supposed interest in the touden siblings skews a little more to the right than he could have possibly known.
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killing laios would have been the ultimate preventative measure. he was yet to be dungeon lord, and with the canaries intent on handling marcille, kabru could have dealt with him right then on that cliff. but kabru doesn't take the opportunity because he doesn't want to.
he'd rather befriend laios than see him dead, and he takes the chance by the sleeve and doesn't let go until he is listened to.
and in the end, kabru is rewarded for his leap of faith: laios puts an end to the demon. laios has ensured that another utaya will never happen again.
laios saves the world.
all because kabru allowed himself to be selfish.
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copperbadge · 2 months
The Adventures Of Joe Superfly
I haven't been able to work on Chicken Salad War much recently -- it's less writer's block and more a confluence of issues that mean when I have the time I'm too tired for something novel-sized. It's temporary, but when I don't get to write I do start to get restless.
So the other night as I was doing dishes I circled around to a small issue that keeps nipping at me, which is Ephraim. He's got the most normal name of any of the Ramblers, which is uncharacteristic of Ceece and Tully. Well, I thought, maybe they let Eddie name him, but why would they let Eddie, the oldest, name the youngest, and not the THREE OTHERS inbetween? And why would Eddie pick Ephraim?
I decided to do up a little story about Eph, how he came by his name and what his life experiences have been. Much of it's a spoiler that needs a content warning but I figured I'd share a brief fun scene. Also it's good practice for writing Eph's somewhat elliptical style of speech; he is a man who gives no unnecessary context, and sometimes no necessary context. (All the context you all need to know is that Ephraim's parents wanted to name him Cherry Windward and instead Eddie named him Ephraim Prunus.)
Noah was on dishes duty with Joan, Ed's newly adopted eldest daughter, the evening that Ephraim found Ed on the porch of the royal fishing lodge. He sat next to him companionably, rocking on the porch swing and looking out at the lake.
"How many different names do you think you'll have in your life?" he asked without preamble. Ed laughed.
"I don't know. I think once you become a king the name locks in place," he said. "I've been Theophile and Ted and Ed and Eddie, and now back around to Theophile, at least in public. And then there's 'Dad' too. Why do you ask?"
Ephraim shrugged. "Monday was telling Jes about you naming me. Got to thinking about it."
"Well, you did return the favor eventually," Ed said. "Ed has suited me. Thinking of changing your name?"
"I was thinking of going by Prunus," Ephraim said, with such a deadpan expression that Ed hesitated, then burst out laughing when Eph smiled.
"Punk," he said, shoving Ephraim gently. "I only gave you that one to make mom and dad feel better about you having a normal-ass name. Man, you could see Dad's gears turning. We can always call him Pru."
Ephraim cackled. "Pru! Funny. I guess just…thanks."
"For what, big guy?" Ed asked.
"I didn't think I'd ever see Europe. Didn't think anyone outside Santa Luna would understand," Ephraim said. "But you went all over the world and found somewhere just like home. And I get to be here too. Which means maybe…I can be other places as well."
"There will always be a place for you, anywhere I am," Ed said seriously.
"Yes but also. They get it." Ephraim put on a lilting Shivadh accent. "That's Ephraim, he's King Theophile's brother, he doesn't say much but he's a good lad. No, you let Mr. Rambler alone, he's just shy. Hello young Ephraim, point out what you want to order when you're ready." He looked back out at the lake. "They're kind. I could thrive here."
"But not just yet, huh?" Ed asked. "Not with Noah leaving soon. He's going to Aotearoa and then coming to California, where you'll be."
"And after he graduates?" Ed asked delicately. "Maybe both of you back here?"
Ephraim turned to him. "I don't have a five year plan," he said witheringly, and this time Ed knew he was teasing.
"You son of a -- how dare you accuse me of asking you for a five year plan! Like I'm some kind of responsible adult? Roasted by my own blood!"
"You need it, Your Majesty," Ephraim said, then sobered. "I don't know yet. We'll figure it out."
"I'm sure you will."
"If you were going to name me again, what would you pick?"
Ed tousled his hair. "Buddy, you are now and forever Ephraim to me unless someday you tell me otherwise. I can't name you again. I don't think you need it, you're only just growing into that one. But if you did want a new name, I think you'd have to come up with it yourself -- or ask Noah."
Ephraim nodded thoughtfully. "I'm okay. Just curious."
"I think if you do you should move even more towards the extremes, though. From Cherry Windward to Ephraim Prunus to, I dunno, Joe Superfly."
"Joe Superfly!" Ephraim crowed. "Joe Superfly Rambler!"
"The twins should be glad we named them Edward and Miranda," Ed mused.
"Edward Superfly," Ephraim gasped.
"It's a great movie!"
"Miranda Shaft!" Ephraim blurted, and both brothers laughed until they cried.
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strawhbrrries · 1 year
Three gifts and a kiss
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pairing: reader x softish!joel miller
summary: three gifts and a kiss is all it took for you to break the walls around Joel Miller’s heart.
warnings: implied age gap (never mentioned), use of pet names (darlin’), straight fluff, no use of Y/N *please let me know if i forgot anything*
author’s note: this is my first real writing piece, outside of fanfic i wrote on wattpad when i was twelve, so please be kind with criticism! as much as i love smut i was too nervous to write it for my first post so i hope the fluff does justice. i really do hope you enjoy it! *not proofread*
word count: 2145 words
“Shh. Stop your fussing. I am just braiding your hair.” You teased, separating the three strands of hair you were overlapping into more organized strands to work with.
“It hurts!” Ellie whined, laying her head back in your lap to emphasize her point, bringing one her hands up to rub the side of her head to soothe the pain she swore up and down was the worst thing she ever felt.
Ellie was sat on the floor in between your legs reading whatever she had picked up off the end table when she came barging in your house demanding for her hair to be branded, something about how she had never learned and needed to be taught. Which was a big load of bullshit, as proved by the fact you were just braiding her hair and she wasn’t learning shit, well only half a load of bullshit as she truly had never learned. 
Jackson wasn’t necessarily a boring place for you before Ellie and Joel showed up, but it wasn’t the most entertaining either. Bartending has its perks but outside of it, all the days blended together and were a never ending boring hell. The foul mouthed child made your days way more interesting, finding every excuse under the sun to find her way into your home. Not that you minded, but a knock would be nice every now and then. You enjoyed her company more than you expected when Tommy informed you that the empty house next door would be filled. You had actual friends your age, but most had adult responsibilities that started earlier in the day than yours did, besides Ellie being over occasionally meant Joel visiting to bring her home. Those were your favorite days.
The first time you ever met the infamous Joel Miller, is forever ingrained in your mind. His footsteps rattling through the house and the deepness of his voice as he called out for Ellie, you mentally noted that he was the reason she never knocked.
“In here Joel!” Ellie called out from your bedroom just up the stairs, giving you a look that expressed all her frustration of him just showing up.
“C’mon, dinners ready.” His voice carried through the house, not once had he really raised his voice since he showed up. His footsteps on the stairs sent her into a flurry to grab her things and go.
The two finger knock on the door captured your attention, never in your twenty years of living had you seen a man so attractive and he became so much more attractive the second he nodded his head in your direction. You knew it had been a long time when such a simple action made warmth flood your body.
“I’ll see you later, Ellie, hopefully the garden will be a bit more grown in soon so we can mess around in it !” You smiled, smoothing out the shirt you were wearing to try and make yourself more presentable for your unexpected handsome visitor. “It’s Joel, right?” 
“Yeah, sorry it took so long to meet.” He spoke back, no emotion present. You added to your, short, mental notes about the man that he seemed almost robotic.
“‘s okay. Ellie said you’ve been pretty busy, I enjoy having her around. It was nice to meet you!” You spoke enthusiastically to try and elicit a response from him but all he did was nod his head out the door and left with Ellie trailing behind him. A frown and disappointment soon took over the warmth he had originally brought.
Joel never went out of his way to acknowledge you, sure he nodded his head every time you served him at the bar but unlike your other regulars he had no interest in your stories and new recipes.  However, you always went out of your way to acknowledge him in subtle ways; always sending some leftovers home with Ellie, leaving a brand new guitar on his porch after Ellie told you he had broken his other one (admittedly, not your most subtle move), and a record of Linda Ronstadt with the words “I don’t need this back :)” scribbled on a piece of paper taped to it. 
The leftovers he appreciated, not that he ever expressed his gratitude to you about it. They were nice after a long shift on patrol, especially so because he didn’t have to cook nor did he have to interact with people at the mess hall. He spoke more to you, kinder to you, after you started sending leftovers home with Ellie. You found him, much like Ellie, barging in more often and on one occasion found him in your garden inspecting the produce you had planted for the season.
“You’ve got weeds.” He’d mumble, as if he was genius of the year for that observation. “Prolly some bugs too.” Joel placed a hand on his knee and got up off the ground, standing awkwardly as he had previously planned to have been gone before you caught him here. 
“By all means, if you can find insecticide that won’t cost me a fortune I would be forever indebted to you.” A chuckle slipped out at the thought that THE Joel Miller was in your garden going on about weeds. Life was weird sometimes. Your words earned you the first smile you’ve seen from the man, you thought about it every night from then on out. Joel, unbeknownst to you, thought of your giggle and the pretty blue sundress you had been wearing when you stumbled upon him every night.
The guitar, that one stirred up some trouble in the imaginary relationship you thought was going on with you and Mr. Miller. Ellie had come to help you cook and also gossip about Joel, you didn’t mind either, when he came storming in the house. You and Ellie exchanged a knowing look, but neither could’ve predicted the storm that was going to brew.
“Ellie. Go home.” His voice was low and his face mean. Everyone knew Joel Miller was a mean man but to be the person it was directed at, even worse.
“Wha- I’m just helping!” Ellie tried to plead her case, motioning to the half cut vegetables she was cutting.
Ellie, reluctantly, left which left you with the seething older man standing in your kitchen. Instead of speaking, you simply turned around to the vegetables Ellie just left and started chopping in hopes that maybe he would leave and you didn’t have to be the brunt of whatever anger he had about something you didn’t even know about!
“What did you trade.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement and he expected an answer about point five seconds ago.
“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.” Also not a question, also a statement, most certainly a lie. You knew exactly what he was asking about, it was an act of kindness and you didn’t want to be scolded for caring about him.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, leaned over the kitchen table that sat in between the two of you and let out a sigh. “Let's cut to the chase, darlin’. What the fuck did you trade. Don’t fuck with me either ‘cus I know you’re smarter than that.” 
“What I did or did not trade for the guitar is not your business, I was being nice, Joel. Hard for you to get used to, I know.” Your words came out a bit harsher than intended, you weren’t trying to be rude all you had intended to do was give him a new guitar after his had broken.
Instead of a rebuttal all you heard was his boots hitting the floor and the slam of your front door. You were too angry to cry, all you had tried to do was be kind. Had he been embarrassed? Embarrassed about what, that someone cares for him? You were too angry to chop, the fear of accidentally cutting off a finger was a bit too real at the moment, so you settled for half the usual vegetables. 
You still put leftovers on his porch. No amount of anger, and sadness for what occurred, would stop you from caring about him. 
He didn’t speak to you for eight days. Never showed up to coax Ellie home. Stopped playing his, new, guitar on the porch. For eight days he gave you the cold shoulder, it sucked. He only caved on the eighth day when he overheard your boss mention you had called out of work three days in a row, he couldn’t figure out why he cared but he did. He knocked on your door four times before you opened it.
“You look like shit.” His words robotic as ever.
“If you came to be rude, leave.” Your response was weak and quiet, your skin pale and visibly clammy. You had stressed yourself sick.
“What happened?” He brought his hand to your forehead and immediately felt the heat, surprised you hadn’t melted yet. 
For the first time in over twenty years, Joel had taken care of someone. He slept in the uncomfortable chair that sat in the corner of your bedroom, refusing the bed or the couch. He reheated meals and even made some of his own to make sure you were fed, and hydrated. For the first time since you met, you felt that he truly cared. He even let his guard down enough to, begrudgingly almost so much he could’ve convinced someone he was forced to do it, lay with you when the blankets weren’t enough to fight off the shivers. Ellie teased him in the privacy of their home that he was developing a crush, and he was.
The Linda Ronstadt record was your most genius idea. When you had first met Ellie, she mentioned a cassette her and Joel listened to when they were first driving out here. You asked for the artist and her exact words were “I don't know. Linda blah blah blah.” The guitar incident was long forgotten so you figured gifts were pretty safe now. A coworker had mentioned trading a few records for some home cooked meals, and the stars aligned so perfectly that one of them happened to be the exact record Ellie had spoken about (or so you hoped). 
Joel frequented your place more often, he found your company more appealing than his own, and you enjoyed it more than you let on. You had Ellie leave the record somewhere in his room to find after his patrol shift. 
The now familiar sound of Joel’s boots hitting the floor as he took them off filled your living room. However, he was supposed to be on patrol and definitely not here in your house holding a Linda Ronstadt record. 
“Darlin’ what’s with the gift?” He asked softly, or as soft as he possibly could. His body finding comfort next to yours on the couch, plucking the note you wrote off the record and tucking it away into the pocket of his flannel.
“Ellie said you liked her, someone at work was gettin’ rid of it. Figured you might like it.” A smile making itself home on your face, he thought it was the prettiest smile he’d ever seen. He’d gone soft.
“I don’t own a record player sweet girl.” 
“You’ll have to visit more then. Or! Let me give you one!” 
“I’ll just let you have it, hopefully the lyrics haven’t left my brain just yet and I can teach ‘em to ya.” He placed the record on the end table next to him and placed a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Can’t believe I was such a hard ass on you, sweetest thing to ever grace my life.”
“I knew you’d come around eventually.” Looking up at him softly and caressing his cheek before placing the gentlest of kisses to his lips. “Thought you were supposed to be on patrol anyway.” 
“Got someone to switch with me after I saw the record, had to come see my girl.” Joel responded, placing a kiss on your lips before trailing his thumb along your bottom lip.
Three gifts and a kiss is all it took for you to break the walls around Joel Miller’s heart. The leftovers no longer found their way onto his porch, as eventually it became your porch and the leftovers found themselves in a new fridge. The guitar was played and used to teach Ellie how to play, you often spent evenings on the porch listening to someone strum it. The record was always on repeat when Joel was home, until he accidentally dropped it on the floor consequently covering it in scratches unable to be played. As for the kisses, they never stopped and each one filled your body with butterflies that could burst out at any moment.
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ciderwitch · 2 years
So like I was wondering if youde be ok with writing a self insert of Standley Pines bc I am such a simp and am in need of fluff. Please please Id love you forever.
Surprisingly, I've only recently noticed that I apparently have a debilitating attraction to DILFS and GILFs... Love me some Grunkle Stan!
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You had just started working at Gravity Falls Town Hall and already it seemed like things in your life were taking a strange turn. I mean, yeah, the realtor had told you that it was a "vibrant and quirky" community, so you figured it would be a little odd. The rent was cheap and the apartment you were living in was better than anything you'd even heard of back in the city, so vibrant and quirky would have to do.
Still, it was the third time this month the Pines kids had been chased by unholy abominations, and the terror of seeing a not-deer get eaten by a werepanther was starting to become a little too familiar for your liking.
You needed to get out more, you decided. Thankfully, some of your coworkers had a monthly get together at one of the local diners to hang out and they were more than happy to invite you along. They told you new folks didn't come here often, but you found the community warm and welcoming all the same. Eldritch horrors aside, it was a great place to live.
Apparently you did not get the memo that it was cancelled tonight, so here you were pouring syrup over your solo lunch of pancakes and sausage when the door chimed.
It was Wendy Corduroy and she had a downright miserable expression on her face. You could see why. Robbie Valentino was hot on her heels, as usual. It didn't take a genius to see that he was head over heels for her — or that she was completely done with him. And, since nobody else seemed particularly interested in helping, you called out to her.
"Ms. Corduroy! Care to join me? I was just going over some paperwork your father submitted and I could use your help."
She gave you a soft smile and quickly slid into the booth across from you while Robbie grumbled to himself, shoved his hands in his pockets, and stormed away.
"He is persistent, isn't he?" You say with a roll of your eyes.
"I know!" She groaned miserably, slapping her face between her hands. "Thanks for the save, by the way. If he actually paid attention to me he'd know my dad doesn't do paperwork."
"Anytime, Wendy. That's what adults are for, you know?" you answered.
"Pfft, no way," she said, "You're the only cool adult in this town, man. I bet if you were mayor it wouldn't suck so bad around bere."
"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility," you laughed. "Besides, Mayor Cutebiker is still plenty popular. I don't think I'd have a chance."
"Whatever you say, Miss Y/N," she said with a shrug, "Mind if I eat with you? My dad and my brothers are meeting here in about 30, but I'm starving."
"Of course not, Wendy. I'd be happy for the company," you answered happily. You ate your pancakes in good company and waved her goodbye when her family arrived. You were polishing off the last of your drink and a slice of pie when the door chimed again and in came the Pines family.
You recognized the twins immediately. Where trouble brewed, the twins were at the source. Despite the threat of danger, you couldn't be angry at them. They were very kind and intelligent kids and had saved you from a gnome kidnapping earlier just this month, so you would say you were on good terms.
Then you looked up and saw the Stan brothers, Ford and Stanley. You hadn't actually met them personally yet, but you could tell by reputation alone who was who.
Ford was walking with his journal in hand, taking notes and examining the Medusa-dog's head mounted on the wall beside him while he mumbled to himself.
Stanley followed right after. Mister Mystery himself, with the usual suit and red fez you'd seem from afar and that half the town had warned you away from.
Both brothers were handsome, you realized, though Stanley was the one that stuck out to you. He had a great dad-bod, but you could tell there was some muscle under the poorly fitted suit jacket he always wore.
You blinked a few times to yourself. Man, you really had been single for too long. Your eyes met, and you offered a polite wave before looking at your mug and taking a sip. Staring probably wouldn't make a great first impression and you secretly hoped he couldn't read your thoughts.
Your reflection was interrupted the moment Mabel saw you, of course. The kid ran right over and dragged her brothers and uncles right along with her. She was sliding into the booth beside you before you even had a chance to scoot in.
"Hi, Ms. Y/n! It's me, Mabel!" she said excitedly. "Have you met my grunkles? This is Grunkle Stan, and this is Grunkle Ford!" she added, pointed to them accordingly.
"Nice to meet you both," you say, nodding at each of them. "My name is Y/n."
"Nice to meet you, Y/n. My name is Stanford Pines, and this is my brother Stanley," he added. "I don't believe I've seen you around before. Did you just move in recently?"
"Yes, a few months ago, but I've been so busy with my new job as Mayor Cutebiker's Chief Administrator that I haven't had much time to get out."
"Well, that's a shame, toots," Stan added with a sly smile and a performative wink. "You'll have to let old Stan-the-man show you the town sometime. I know this place like the back of my hand!"
"Grunkle Stan, you got lost in the mall two days ago and we had to have security come find you." Dipper added exasperatedly.
"Like the back of my hand!" Stan reiterated, using his hand to turn dip 180 degrees by his head.
"Ooh! ooh! We could give you the Pines Family Tour!" Mabel added excitedly. "We know everything, don't we Dipper."
"Well, maybe not everything, but I'm sure we could show her a couple of places," the boy added, running his nose at the praise.
"Children, Stanley, please. Let's give Ms. Y/n some peace. I believe she was finishing up as we came in, weren't you, Miss?"
"Yes, I had just finished the last of my coffee and alas, I have more work to do. But perhaps I will have to take you up on the Pines Family Tour, huh kids? And I'm sure you could show me a thing or two yourself, huh, Stan-the-man?" you laughed.
He laughed with you, but the blush burning up his cheeks as you left let you know he hadn't quite expected you to return his interest.
Man, you'd have to hang out at the diner more often.
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ladylooch · 1 year
WAIT can you do Nico smut about letting him go without a condom for the first time? maybe he finishes quick and reader expects him to be done so the reader is a bit disappointed
A Night of Firsts- Nico Hischier
(say thank you GIF makers of Tumblr. We love you. Plz GIF more Nico at Worlds. Thx!)
A/N: So. I almost feel like I should apologize here. This is.. yeah. Whew. I’m a lil tomato here posting this cause it’s pretty smutty. Also, I’m getting on my soap box. As a.. mature (yuckie) woman, this may be an different opinion but it is fucking HOT when a man is like… omg I’m not going to last long and comes in a few strokes. I’m going to pat myself on the damn back about this 100% of the time. Now, our partners have a responsibility to handle it a certain way after and I think Nico does that here 😉 Enjoy bby.
World Count: 2.3k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Content, Swearing, toys of the adult variety.
I sit on our bed in a plush robe, staring at the door to our master bathroom. Flickers of light are waving under the door at me from where my boyfriend is inside. It’s been quite the day for us. After the Devils were eliminated in the second round by the Hurricanes, Nico needed a day like this. We both did. What has the day entailed? Absolutely nothing. Except for soft touches that are igniting a need between the two of us. We had coffee in bed. Lunch at our favorite restaurant just down the street. We napped. Made Baked Ziti for dinner- the long two hour from prep to finish one- and indulged on hot chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven. 
After all that food, we were sleepy, but opted to watch a comfort movie: The Holiday. Nico secretly loves this movie and often puts it on when he sees it as an option on our various streaming platforms. Armed with a blanket and dressed in comfy sweatpants, we snuggled together under a fortitude of warmth. I was almost asleep when his hands started to wander. At first, just his finger tips dipped below my sweatpants, but it didn’t take long for him to begin stroking fire just above and below his favorite places. 
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When I started returning the favor, Nico begin to writhe beneath me. 
“Let’s take a bath.” He blurted out suddenly once I finally skimmed my fingers over the tent in his pants.
“What’s in the bath that we don’t have here?” I asked. He bit his lip, looking at the two distinct points in my shirt.
“You wet and naked with a glass of wine.”
That sounded like heaven, so here I am, waiting patiently for him to open the door and let me in.
“Ready?” He asks when he finally cracks the door open. Just one of his eyes pokes out to look at me.
“Was five years ago.” I joke. He rolls his eyes. 
“Welcome to paradise, babe. Right here in Jersey!”
I grin as I step into the low, flickering light of the candle lit room. The smell is a combination of lavender and lemon. The bath is drawn perfectly and the warmth from it’s water fills the bathroom. Nico turned our towel warmer on to get our towels ready for when we inevitably dash out. He comes behind me, kissing the back of my neck as he gathers my hair up. He makes an awkward bun on top of my head, securing it with my purple scrunchie. 
“Ooo, that’s bad. Don’t let me do your hair when it matters.”
“Wasn’t going to.” I laugh as he works the tie of my robe apart. “Would ask Timo before you.” Nico considers and nods in agreement as he pushes the robe off my shoulders. He sighs when I’m naked in front of him. He brings me to the tub and steps in, then guides me to move between his legs. I settle back into his chest, feeling him grow hard beneath me. I look at him over my shoulder, gnawing on my lip aggressively as he hands me a glass of red wine.
“Thank you.” I murmur in appreciation. I lean back to rest my head against his shoulder, sighing at how good he and the water feel on my skin. I could stay here forever. I close my eyes after resting my wine glass back on the edge. Nico’s fingers trail from my hips up my stomach to my breasts. He holds them both in his hands, swiping the peaks into stiff points. My lips part with a pleasureful sigh.
“We’re gonna play tonight.” He whispers in my ear. “Wanna worship every part of you.”
“Okay.” I respond.
He plays with my nipples longer, letting the soapy water lap at them when his fingers take a break. I wiggle against his thick thighs, scratching my nails along them as he becomes stiffer against my lower back. His touch moves down my chest to glide between my legs. He fingers my opening then rubs a few, welcoming circles along my clit. A heavy moan falls from my mouth as he pushes my legs wider. 
“This thing waterproof?” Nico asks me, bringing my vibrator in front of my face. 
“Uh.” I sputter in surprise. “Yeah.”
“Can I use it on you?”
“Yes.” I whisper, eyes wide as he brings it into the water with us.
“Show me which setting you like.” He presses it against my folds and I suck in shallow breaths as I bring my hand over his on the device. It’s a clit focused vibe that has air suction with it. I turn it on, moving his hand back to adjust the intensity so we can build together. I feel Nico’s dick pulse against my back as I moan, setting the sucker over my clit. “Just hold it here?” He whispers into my ear. I nod, breathing in deep as he presses a bit further in. I jolt and he pulls back, sensing it’s too much. 
My legs widen further, one of them extending out of the bathtub. I dip further down Nico’s chest. The hair at the base of my skull gets wet as I dig my finger nails into his forearm.
“That mean more or less?”
“More. Next setting.” He increases one press and my loud moan rattles off the bathroom walls back to us. Nico grins into my hair, savoring the way I grind against the toy and his hand.
“That feel good?”
“Yeah. Ohmygod.” I yell, arching off his chest as his unoccupied hand comes to my breast. He rolls my nipple while biting my ear lobe.
“Mmm, good girl.” He praises. I’m gone after that. I shutter against the bathtub, pushing the toy away as I pulse rapidly. Nico drops it to the bottom of the tub gently rubbing my clit through the waves. 
“Holy fuck.” I moan to him as he kisses along my bare shoulder. I turn to capture our lips together.
“I’ve been wanting to do that to you for a long time.” He admits. 
“You should have asked sooner. I would have let you.” I murmur against his mouth. His tongue snakes out, lapping at me. He tastes like desire and red wine- my favorite things. I turn in his arms and work my way to straddling him. We make out. Nico’s hands trailing up my back. Between his touch, the orgasm, and the cooler air, goosebumps form along my skin. I shiver a bit, causing us to break apart. He lets me sit back further into the water, still mounted on his thighs.
“Maybe…We could have another first…” I trail off, smearing the bubbles on his chest as he places his wine glass back on the edge after a sip. His hands then grip my hips before trailing up to my ribs, just below my breasts. “Maybe I could feel all of you tonight?” Nico looks into my eyes, confused. “No condom.”
“Yes.” He says immediately, sitting up straight. “Yes and yes and yes.” I laugh as he leans forward to stuff his face between my breast, getting sudsed up in the process. 
“Nico.” I murmur, wanting him to think with more than just his dick.
“Baby, yes. We’re clean. We trust each other. We are in love. I want you pregnant with my baby as soon as possible. Just yes.” He knocks off all the worries I have in my head without them even being expressed. I bite my lip, not quite believing he’s real, even as his fingers run around to my ass cheeks, spreading them and working my hips into his hard cock. He’s just too perfect.
Nico stands, our bodies dripping obnoxiously as he walks us from the tub. He sets me on the bathroom counter, grabbing his towel and tossing me mine. We wipe as much water from us as we can before he’s hustling us into our bedroom. My damp back hits the comforter hard. I work my way up the bed as Nico follows me eagerly.
He strokes his head once through my folds then shoves himself deep. The feeling of his bare skin stroking mine is everything. I can’t even describe the feeling that rocks through my body. Nico shakes above me, mouth open to breathe as he watches my eyes. I bite my lip, breaking eye contact to groan in ecstasy. 
“Fuck.” He whimpers, breathing ragged as he strokes. It feels incredible, I agree, but I’m a little worried about how much his words quiver as he tells me how good I feel. He’s close already.
“Oh shit. Ah, I can’t. I’m sorry.” He pants abruptly from above, sliding out to come on my stomach. I purse my lips against the laugh at the way his face is distorted in pain and pleasure. “I’m sorry.” He moans as he strokes himself. I can’t help it and start to laugh, clasping a hand over my mouth to muffle the sound. “Oh god, now she laughs.” Nico hangs his head, squeezing his eyes shut with a final grunt.
“It’s okay. It’s hot. I came without you earlier.” I assure him, rubbing at his thick thighs. The hair there tickles my fingers as I stroke him.
“You felt so good, baby. Fuck.” He mumbles against my lips. He hovers over me making it hard for our lips to stay connected while he tries to not get cum on himself. “I’ll be right back.” He says, walking off to grab a towel. I laugh as he swipes along my stomach, digging into my belly button and making me cackle. He tosses the used cloth onto the floor, then comes back to give me a real kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” I say back to him, biting down on my bottom lip. I feel a little disappointed that it’s already over. We spent hours teasing each other for it to end without the ultimate high for me. “Wanna finish the movie?” I move to sit up, pushing those thoughts aside. Nico gives me a put off look.
“Uhhh… we aren’t done.” I look down at his softening shaft and then back into his face. I open my mouth to respond but then shut it again, not sure what to say. “Because I’m done we are done?”
“Well, yeah isn’t that usually how this works.”
“Not with me, baby. You’re not leaving this bed anytime soon.”
“Neeks, it’s okay you don’t have- oh.” I startle, snapping my head back into the pillow as his mouth moved between my thighs. He places teasing kisses all along the plumped lips. In the past, when old boyfriends would come early, that would be the end of this. Nico seems to have a different perspective. “Oh wow.” I whisper to the top of his head, threading my fingers through his hair. I pull his strands, mouth falling open to suck in a deep breath at the incredible circle his tongue forces along. I startle forward, quivering. He moans against my clit, making me buck harder into his face. His light stubble creates a friction that begins to slowly drag my orgasm to the surface. It’s incredible, deep and soft laps, then swift circles that make it hard to breathe.
Without me even asking, he slips his middle finger into my entrance, curling it up to hit the velvety spot I need him to. My abdominal muscles quake. I reach for his other unoccupied hand, placing it on my breast, so he can rotate my nipple between his fingers. I come hard against his lips, shaking into the tender kisses he leaves on my inner thighs. In a quick twist, he gets me to my stomach, then encourages my hips up into the air.
“I’m more than just a hockey all star.” He tells me as he strokes his plumped head through my sensitive folds. He’s rock hard, ready to dunk into the abyss again.
“Yeah you are, baby.” I groan as he slides in to the hilt. He’s so thick and deep. My head claps all the way back, lips parted and sobbing at the ceiling as he moves.
“Ugh.” He sounds tortured again. “You are so wet. Wish you could see how beautiful you look like this.” The slickness of me eases his thrusts and allows for him to pump deeper without any protest from my body. I reach around, gripping his wrist that holds my right hip. He leans forward, working his left hand around my stomach to press in a bit, making his cock feel so much deeper.
“Ooooo.” I breath out, quivering at how damn incredible he feels against my cervix. My teeth chatter in my mouth as Nico whispers in my ear.
“You’re taking me so good. Can you handle a bit more?” I nod and he presses deeper in. I become limp in his arms as my orgasm rocks through me. It’s so intense, Nico has to hold me up from collapsing off the bed. I pulse agressivly around him, pulling Nico off the cliff with me. He comes inside of me, smearing my walls unexpectedly.
“Shit. I’m so sorry.” He sputters for a completely different reason. He pulls out, stroking the last little bit of cum out of himself in a half ditch effort to save the moment. “I am so sorry. Baby. Shit.”
“Nico.” I reach around, holding his thigh so he can’t leave the bed. “I’ve got an IUD. We are good. And that was perfect. Don’t ruin it by freaking out.”
“I just.. I love and respect you and we didn’t talk about that being okay-“
“Consider this me saying it’s okay.” I grunt as I fall onto the bed, melting into the mattress and looking up into his face. “Tonight and every day after this. Don’t change a thing for next time.” Relief relaxes his shoulders and face. He looks down at me, eyebrows pulling together in adoration of me. My face is pink, hair curly from the dilapidated bun and our hot bath. My skin is peppered in gooseflesh from his strokes. “What are you thinking?” I ask. HE is quiet, eyes get deeper, fingers stroking at my face. 
“That I’m looking at the rest of my life.”
I smile back, knowing I’ll remember this moment with him forever.
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Young Sheldon Series Finale: 7x14 Memoir
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THE SHAMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
Okay, so I have a lot of mixed feelings about this episode. I do not think it was very elegant in its execution, firstly, and secondly WE SERIOUSLY NEEDED MORE SHAMY LIKE WHAT THE HELL YOU GUYS IS THIS ALL WE ARE GOING TO GET OF SHAMY FOR LIFE??? Ugh! I was hyping myself up so so much about seeing married old couple Shamy, and don't get me wrong, it was amazing, but also in other ways disappointing. It seemed very limited in its emotional scope, and while I loved that it was brought home regarding Sheldon's relationship with his own son, it didn't quite reach the emotional heights they were going for, or at least what they could have gone for.
I know there was a limited time to the episode with them having to conclude all the storylines and everything, but they could have made this last episode an hour, would it have really killed them? It was like we were given a peep-sized hole view into Shamy's family life, and that was it! I wanted THE WHOLE PICTURE, I wanted to see it sprawling and majestic in all its beauty!!! UUUUUUUUUUUUGH!
Although, when Amy stepped towards Sheldon threateningly to get his cute ass into the shower and get ready for their son's game, I about lost it! OMG. Momma Amy don't play! And Sheldon cowered/flinched like he just KNEW to his bones that he crossed the line and lost the battle! (The blood was draining from the boy's face big time!! 😂😂😂) That was kind of hot not gonna lie... 🥵 *fans self* *swoons* *faints* But why did Amy get rid of all his nerdy shirts?? 😭 LET THE BOY LIVE HIS LIFE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! But we did get to see him in his cute cuddly robe most of the episode and then sporting his hot Dad-polo shirt! So that was something! 😍
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Another aspect that I didn't like about this episode is how they handled the situation with Mary Cooper. I believe it is very truthful, unfortunately so, that those who are "adults" in our lives fail us at the times we need them the most, but I don't like how the episode tried to frame it in a good light. The fact that Mary Cooper essentially emotionally abandoned her children and was forcing them to get baptisms (spiritually abusive) was pretty messed up! The way that MeeMaw placed the burden of responsibility on Missy and Sheldon (children who the adults should be supporting during what is quite literally the worst time of their lives!!!) was also super messed up too! Yet none of this is called out for what it is, but instead the writers try to turn it into a special, warm fuzzy moment between mother and son! Nah, I'm not buying it. Especially since the relationship between Mary Cooper and Sheldon is so special to me. I really don't know what else they could done, but I don't believe they should have done any of that. It was a really weird and awkward note to end the series on, even if it was hilarious how Sheldon showed up to his baptism in his whole scuba outfit! (Made even more hilarious by the fact that we learn that despite all of that, he still got an ear infection! Oh son...)
Oh well. I guess it is what it is! I am still just trying to process it all. I will probably be watching the Shamy moments on repeat forever! And I guess go back to my headcanons...
Oh, final note: I was seriously thinking for a moment there that Sheldon Prime and young Sheldon were going to meet! I think that would have been kind of cool actually if we got Sheldon talking/interacting with Sheldon (particularly for the Iain and Jim interaction!), but maybe it would have been a bit too on the nose. Although, that is Sheldon's MO. Still, I really, really loved that final moment when Sheldon Prime walks through his house in his memory and then turns around and it flashes back to his younger self speaking to Missy. I actually think that "last" moment between Sheldon and Missy is achingly beautiful as he tells her that he has no choice but to remember her, and she just laughs at him smugly. *lays down cries cries a lot*
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luluia · 7 months
Promise? Promise. {Part 1}
Pairing: Zoro x Reader
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Rating/Content Warning: Pretty much none/the same as my first work. It is fluff so there is nothing you should be warned about besides soft kissing, cursing, and arguing
Summary: You work on the Baratie with your step brother Sanji. But you’re childhood friends and lovers with Zoro
Disclaimer(s): None that I can really think of? There is Cursing but that’s really it, stay safe!!! <3xxx
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Early Writing Idea
“I TOLD YOU TO PUT AWAY YOUR LAUNDRY LIKE A RESPONSIBLE ADULT!” You say yelling at the green haired man in front of you
“I’m not going to do something someone told me to do. Especially if it’s you.” He said only making your blood boil more as your fists clenched
“STUPID- STUPID SWORDSMAN!” You said slamming the door he really got on your nerves sometimes.
“Zoro do you promise to stay by my side forever?” You said smiling and giggling as you were being sent off to live in a different town
“Of course! I’ll find you dummy! And we’re going to be the best the world has ever seen!” He said raising his bamboo sword I smiled
“Wake up already” You heard the last voice you wanted to hear for the rest of the day
“Shut up” You said covering your ears with your pillow before he started dragging you. Your head banging in the process
“FUCK!” You yelled before he brought me out my room, my head throbbing
“Aren’t you a sunshine in the mornings” Your older brother Sanji said teasing his little sister
“Shut it and make me coffee” You said changing into your waitress clothes
“Just remember you’re just a baker” He teased ruffling my hair before going down to go make some coffee for everyone
Some you wish he would treat you like he treats every other female that waltz’s in. Honestly you’d think that being his step-sister would mean something to him.
You finished getting ready and headed downstairs hearing everyone slowly wake up.
“Alright boneheads get to work we got lots to do” Chef Zeff said as I yawned tying my apron around my waist as Sanji handed me my coffee
“You forgot to do a double knot” He said tying your apron into a double knot for you
“You know maybe if you did a hot and cold act you could have girls actually chase you” You said sipping your coffee
“Vinsmoke siblings get out and take orders” Chef ordered as we went out Sanji hated waiting tables but Zeff would never let him in the kitchen
Me on the other hand? I’m allowed to make our desserts but I chose to wait tables with my brother.
“I already told you I’m not a waiter. What an irresistible beauty you are” You heard Sanji say as you roll your eyes serving customers
“What is the bug doing there waiter!?” I heard a man say as I immediately looked
“Pardon me” I said to the people I was serving to walk over as Sanji humiliated him
“That’s the fifth time this week! What am I supposed to tell-“ I was about to continue but he interrupted me going on about the importance of food and not wasting it
“Don’t you dare step on my brother!” I said kicking the man’s foot off his hand
“I don’t give a shit if you’re a paying customer no one disrespects my brother like that scum.” You said before Sanji kicked him knocking him out
“I can handle it myself” Sanji said
“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes as the chefs came doen the stairs
“Don’t ever waste food around me again. At sea you never provoke your cook you’re signing your own death warrant. Remember that.” Sanji said I scoffed
“Sorry I can’t take you seriously when you do that” You said noticing some people walked into the restaurant
“Good day to you three! Please, take a seat right over there and your order will be taken shortly” you said as they looked at you, you didn’t take a good look at them
“Not again Vinsmoke siblings!” Our pal said as you rolled my eyes as Sanji explained what he did wrong as Marine lieutenant swore he’d shut this place down
“Maybe I should just finish you off now then” Sanji said you sighed as you held him back
“It’s not worth it dumbass! You could get da- Zeff in serious trouble!” You said
Zeff and some kid came down from the ceiling
“Not again“ You sighed rubbing your temples as they started yelling
“Vinsmoke pain in the asses don’t tell me you two went on a Bothe rampage idiots” Zeff said
“Put a cork in it old man” Sanji and you said as he started talking you tapped your foot on the floor as you both earned a slap from Zeff Fullbody earned a kick
“I’m going back to serving these fools” You said as Krieg pirates entered you stole Sanji’s cigarette he went to the kitchen as you followed
“Dumbass you know if Zeff catches you you’re not only getting yourself in trouble but me as well” You said
“Eat it” Sanji said going outside with some food you decided not to get involved.
“Commotions over get back to work brats” you said looking out the window and seeing Sanji and that kid from earlier talking
“Big brother hurry up or I’m taking all the ladies for myself” You said as he stood up
“I decline your offer of being a pirate” Sanji said to the kid
“Sanji? A pirate? Please! I’d love to see him try” You scoffed as you two walked back inside
“LAST ONE TO MAKE IT IS A ROTTEN EGG” You said as you both ran
“Choreboy stop yelling at the customers and get back to work!” You chopped him in the head as you looked at the people he was talking to
“Sanji you get back to work to no swooning again!” You grabbed him by his collar and threw him
“How many times do I have to tell you? Sometimes I wonder how I ended up with someone like you” You said as you felt a pair of eyes stare at you
“What do you want moss head? Your order taken?” You asked sarcastically
“Y/n?” He said you were confused
“Y/n? I’m not sure who that is sorry. You must’ve mistaken me for someone else” You stated as you got a sudden headache
“I’m going back to serving customers” You said walking away but your headache grew
‘I promise’
Promise what? Why does he look familiar? What is going on?
“Hey sis? Are you alright you look pale” Sanji said as I felt dizzy I looked at him
Do you guys want a part 2? Also sorry for not posting at all I haven’t had motivation to write or time to.
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imissnanami · 2 months
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hello & welcome <3
Welcome to my writing blog! I post NSFW so MDNI & AGELESS blogs too please!!
I'll be posting lots of different fandoms and such!
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Hi I'm Nana and I've been on tumblr forever but never have gotten the courage to share my writing! But here I am lol I also wanna make more friends so hello!! 👋
24 | sagittarius | she/her
Lord of the Rings is literally my fav thing ever. I also have like so many chaptered long fics planned so get ready for that
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Characters I currently write for include :
JJK | nanami, gojo, geto, choso
HP & MARAUDERS ERA | severus, remus, james, sirius, adult!harry, adult!draco, adult!fred, adult!george,
TIMESKIP!HAIKYUU | hinata, daichi, ushijima, atsumu, osamu, ukai jr.
STARDEW | sebastian, elliot, sam, harvey, shane, alex, everyone really (i got a longfic planned)
LOTR & THE HOBBIT | legolas, thorin, kili, fili, dwalin, bard, thranduil,
ONE PIECE | luffy, zoro, sanji
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🌸MDNI please!
🌸Please be nice! I'd love to meet new people but I will tolerate ZERO HATE in any form.
🌸feel free to come say hi! Again please be nice!
🌸I write hcs, aus and x readers (no ships) with f!reader/afab, probably won't change much but we'll see!!
🌸this is an ADULT BLOG that will feature NSFW content including adult fun time & serious themes like depression/angst. Individual posts will have tagged and/or content warnings ⚠️.
🌸YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA CONSUMPTION & by interacting with my blog/posts you agree to this.
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STARDEW | Hi Farmer Girl! (f!farmer x bachelors)
HP ERA | Teacher! Teacher! (severus x reader x remus)
MARAUDERS ERA | My Neighbour's a Werewolf (remus x reader)
MARAUDERS ERA | Catch Me if You Can (sirius x reader x remus)
THE HOBBIT & LOTR | Ashes to Embers (reader x multi inc. thorin, fili, legolas, bard)
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my writing is tagged #nana writes + char & fandom
KINK!tober '24
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Thank you so so much for taking the time to read this & supporting! 👋*jazz hands*👋 I'm so excited to write more!
P.S. interaction will aslo come from @mmmcnuggies as this is a sideblog😊
Also the cute text dividers are from @cafekitsune tysm for making them!!
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umm4578 · 1 month
The Gem's We Seek Au: Chapter 1
So here is the first chapter of my Au for rottmnt, I hope you enjoy!
(please correct grammar)
God bless you!!!
Tw: blood, death mentioned, deaths, dead bodies, implied Major character deaths, guns, implied child abuse (please take this seriously and do not read if you are sensitive to this stuff)
That night was unlike all the other’s, it had started out normal, Raph was setting things up for a game night, Mikey was ordering pizza, Casey Jr. was talking to April about what game we should play, and I was helping Raph. After the incident Raph and I had grown distant. We barely talked at all. I had just stared at him…he’d done the same. The pizza had just arrived, we had already begun playing. I was playing Mario Kart against Casey Jr (he was surprisingly good at Mario Kart), when we all heard it. It sounded like gunshots, followed by screaming. We all froze and grabbed our weapons. Mikey began grabbing his mystic nunchucks, Raph went for his sai, April for her bat, Casey Jr for his…uhm…mix of a hockey stick and saw, and I went and grabbed my bō. We emerged out of the lair, which I had modified the entrance to only open on hand scan. We went around walking in the sewers, towards the screaming. We heard the screaming stop while we were getting ready. 
The horror we found was unbelievable. There were dead people everywhere. Mikey huddled close to Raph, looking as shocked as the rest of us. I hadn't had a decent conversation with Mikey since…. We kept searching through the sewers, looking around not finding any answer to who was responsible for all this. We were vigilant on all sides making sure we weren’t next on this person's list. The bodies had left us with shock. There were a variety of age groups amongst the dead. Some were adults, some were children no larger than seven, some were elders, others were babies. April looked like she was gonna cry looking at the dead children. Mikey looked just as shocked as everyone else. Casey seemed rather unbothered, but only because of where he came from (I am positive this was nothing compared to what he had seen). There were no more gunshots but I felt we were being spied on. 
“Raph, I think someone is following us…we should be extra careful” I signed to Raph, he nodded but his face still seemed shocked from the scene we were witnessing. 
We continued being extra careful, I could still feel someone following us.  
We heard small footsteps, silent ones, but loud enough to be heard. I turned only to find something…someone who changed my life forever. It was a small child, looked around five years old. A small little girl was behind me, she looked so innocent, yet so hurt. She was covered in dust and dirt, her small shaggy navy blue hair had little braids popping out of there. She had a little oversized belt with a rabbit plushie tucked in the belt, along with a small pocket with old crayons and a small pocket knife colored with crayons. The little girl had tear smears, cleaning her dirty face. She had grabbed her small knife and flipped it open with a scared look on her face.
 “Hey, kid…We're not here to hurt you, are your parents here?” Raph was the first to speak up.
 I don’t know what she saw in Raph but she dropped her small knife and ran toward Raph asking for a hug. If Raph weren’t such a child I think he would have concentrated…but he was a child. Raph picked her up and slung her over his shoulder like a dad.
 “Ma an’ Pa an’ sissy went boom boom” said the little girl crying. Raph stroked her hair gently trying not to startle her, “Let’s go Mad Dog’s” said Raph breaking the silence. The little girl fell asleep on her way back but all of us couldn’t help but feel bad for her. She was like us…we also lost our dad and our brother. 
I thought we were going to rob Apple, but instead we adopted a child. 
I had been with my ‘family’, if you can even call them that. Jeremy, Jason, and I had a heist all planned out. Dad was angry though,
 “Where did you say you were going?” looking at me in a awful way, 
“Me and Jase are heading for the store to buy candy, see?!” as I pull out my money proving him wrong.
“Come to my room, NOW!” he basically dragged me there instead, I was still worried he thought I was going to steal again. He grabbed my wrist as he closed the door. “Young lady, You better not go do anything bad, if you do then you will get more than a few hits” his words were left hanging in the room. Jase’s mother loves Dad, but I never wanted to be with him…neither does Jase. I wish that night had gone differently, but it didn’t. I had gone out of the room, and dragged Jase with me, I winked at him and met Jeremy at the sewer top we agreed.
 “Yall ready?” and they all nodded.
Into the sewers we headed. We were ready for anything…except for what happened. 
“Kendra it stinks in here-”, “WOULD YOU SHUT IT JASE!” okay, look I was mad that day, because if this heist fell apart, then I was so done for. 
Finally we had made it around half way when we stopped dead in our tracks. There were gunshots, and screams. That's when we stopped. We were horrified. The screams sounded like the end of the world had come. Jeremy motioned us to leave, but I refused. To be honest they were both scaredy cats. We stayed hidden until the final gunshots blew and there was no more screaming. Once we emerged we stayed put, until we met with what seemed to be a horror movie scene. Dead people everywhere…nothing but dead, to our left…DEAD, to our right DEAD. We froze in our tracks, Jase looked like he was gonna scream. We got out our weapons and we were ready to engage. We kept walking, stopping every few minutes to check if anyone was sneaking up on us. Jase tapped my shoulder and…I jumped almost dropping my tekkō. “JASE WHAT THE HECK-”, “SHHH, listen” I’m still mad at Jase to this very day for interrupting me, but what I heard next determined my life. 
Jeremy pulled out his thermal scanner, (ever since we met Othello, Jeremy has increased his knowledge for tech) he began to scan until we found someone hiding behind some crates. Before we had a chance to come close they ran out. Jase pulled on some skates and began chasing them. We cornered the person but I hadn't realized it was a young girl. She looked around 8, navy blue hair, skinny pants ripped, a white t-shirt ripped, and lots of jewelry. I hadn’t realized she had a long knife in her hands until she started to charge at me. Before we knew it, me and her were sparring. To be honest she was good for a kid, not as good as me though. The spar continued until she had me pinned, knife up to my neck, Jase and Jeremy froze. The girl had a half-face gas mask made with gears, but the thing was her eyes and mask both had tear marks. I guessed she was a victim, “Hey kiddo” the knife near my skin. “Somethin’ happen here?” she stared. She stared and backed off. As I got up she spoke, “Is this…your fault?” I usually don’t feel bad for anything, but the tone she had, and the way she motioned towards two dead people was all I needed to feel pity for her. Jeremy was the only one who could talk at this point, “No kid, we came here to explore…” . She had two long braids swinging from her small head that had clearly seen too much at her age. I pulled myself together, liking her, pitying her, loving her. I didn’t know why but, I felt like she was something I needed. “Wanna come with us kid?” my question hung in the air, “Yes, please.”. She reached for something in the dead man’s pocket, a picture of her, a smaller girl, and two adults. I guessed she was the only one who made it. Once we were out of the sewers, she followed us. I guess we all became parents that day.
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sweetertreats · 8 months
A story about a Clown
Sweet Tooth’s very own lil guy circus, now travelling Kalos! A performance where only one man comes out on top, the clown himself. Aged somewhere between middle aged and “Young as a berry”, this clown will have you wishing you never crossed paths with such an entertaining enemy. He won’t wipe your party without cracking a few jokes along the way. He’s not afraid to play dirty, but for the sake of good showman ship he’ll start off fair.
Which would be fair information if I didn’t write it myself, huh? You never know when the shows gonna start, so make sure you have your tickets ready! Or don’t! You didn’t really have a choice. Participation IS mandatory! My pronouns are He/Him, but if don’t worry about forcing the words out of your mouth when you’re warning your friends about the c-c-c-c-c-c-clown. 
[There is a ref below the lil dude intros ;o)]
What do you think? Good show? Bad show? Be honest. I don’t really like liars. 
What a magnificent turnout! I wonder who’s on the cast list?
Machete: A rather interesting looking Honedge with a bit of edge. Pretty sharp, if ya know what I mean.
Mimo: A Mr. Mime with a wonderful outfit! A Fire/Psychic type with a cute outfit to match her trainer’s, what’s not to love!
Vani: A Strawberry Flavored Vanillite with a very creative name! Cherry on top and sprinkles! 
Pretty Kitty: A sylveon that isn’t really expected to fight, just to look pretty for the show! All dressed up with the cutest little outfit, they’re the perfect distraction for any ambush. (to be designed) 
Dizzy: They say no two Spinda are alike, but they can be if you make yourself dizzy enough! This dude’s all dressed up in his clown best! A classic puffy little outfit that’s sure to make you forget the trainer behind him. (to be designed) 
Squishy: A Banette with a rather silly look to her. There’s no time like the present, and Squishy’s little tricks will have you rolling on the ground with laughter! (to be designed) 
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now for some ooc info.
hi! names padfoot! i am an adult, so this entire blog is adult run. this is my first time running something like this on tumblr!!! so i am very excited! Sweet Tooth is adapted from the Twisted Metal series! I say adapted because he has been tweaked just a bit to fit the setting, but he’s still a loveable evil clown either way. everything will be tagged either with basic pkmnirl or rp tags :)
as far as everything goes, the concept of adapting him in this way, his design, and his first three pokemon are all credited to @moderator-monnie and @lazy-charlie ! the current pfp and the forever existing reference art was done by lazy-charlie! 
pfp and banner will be updated with the full cast at some point or another, but for now its just the truck and such. the other three pokemon will be drawn up and posted whenever i’m able to do digital art again, so far now text based description is all you get :( 
dni is basic, no nsfw (suggestive is ok!!!), no type of hate fuelled phobias, no slurs, no zoos maps or drama starters.  if i dont respond please dont get too upset about it, i will try and make responses to everyone that i can but if i miss you feel free to try again! just dont spam. as stated, i am an adult so i do have an adult life i need to tend too alongside this silly little project. 
for now responses will remain text, in the future some may be drawn if i cant find the words for things but we will see!
messages are open for rp requests, story building, or things like that :3 please respect that i am free to deny, block, or ignore any requests that make me uncomfortable. 
yahoo yippie wahoo! little dance! you made it to the bottom! do a little dance!!!
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scary-grace · 10 months
Love Like Ghosts (Chapter 18) - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
You knew the empty house in a quiet neighborhood was too good to be true, but you were so desperate to get out of your tiny apartment that you didn't care, and now you find yourself sharing space with something inhuman and immensely powerful. As you struggle to coexist with a ghost whose intentions you're unsure of, you find yourself drawn unwillingly into the upside-down world of spirits and conjurers, and becoming part of a neighborhood whose existence depends on your house staying exactly as it is, forever. But ghosts can change, just like people can. And as your feelings and your ghost's become more complex and intertwined, everything else begins to crumble. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Chapter 18
There’s something wrong with your house, but you knew that when you bought it. This morning, the thing that’s wrong with it is the potted plant that’s heaved over the fence into the front yard just past three am. The sound of a terracotta pot shattering wakes you up, and when you fumble for your phone to check the time, you see that you’ve got a text from Dabi. Your dumb horny idiot wouldn’t leave me alone until I gave him a plant. Whatever the hell he wants, I hope it’s worth it.
As far as Dabi goes, it could be worse. You send him a thumbs-up and a thank-you and wonder idly if Tomura really thinks one potted plant is going to get the two of you through a second round of sex. But when Tomura materializes in your room seconds later, he doesn’t try to start something. Instead he crawls under the blankets on your bed and wedges himself in beside you. Phantom’s excited to see him. She walks all over you to plop down between the two of you, her wagging tail thumping against your cheek.
You shift her to one side to avoid the onslaught and peer at Tomura through blurry eyes. “What?”
“Go back to bed.” Tomura sets Phantom down on your stomach and presses close against your side, wrapping one arm around you to hold you even closer. “I mean it. Go.”
You don’t like being told what to do, but you have work in the morning, and you’re still worn out from last night. You close your eyes again.
It’s a busy morning, so busy that your plan to get the morning-after pill before work is derailed within two minutes of your alarm going off. You were so tired last night that it was all you could do to make dinner, feed Phantom, and go back to sleep, which means you now have to shower and pack a lunch in addition to all your usual morning chores. And somewhere in the middle of that, you have to explain the plan for killing Tomura’s conjurer to Tomura himself.
Tomura, as predicted, is not pleased. His first protest is that he can do it himself, at which point you text Hizashi to come over later and explain – from outside the fence – what happens to ghosts who kill their own conjurers. Tomura follows up by pointing out that the others weren’t very helpful handling Garaki, and you counter with Tomura’s own statement about being his conjurer’s only remaining ghost. Finally, Tomura gets around to what seems to be the main point of contention. “I don’t trust them. Not with you. Not from him.”
Tomura doesn’t talk about his conjurer very much. From what he’s said, he barely remembers him. But you knew he’d say something like this, and you have a response ready. “If you’re materialized, he’s cut off from the world between. He’ll just be a human. And humans die.”
“Don’t copy me,” Tomura says. He knows you’re quoting what he said to Garaki. “Who’s supposed to kill him, anyway? If they try this stupid plan.”
“The rest of the adult humans,” you say. Then you think about it. “Probably Keigo or Aizawa. And probably Aizawa. He’s got a gun.”
“Spinner would. And Jin.” Tomura speaks with a lot more certainty than you’d expect. He sees the way you’re looking at him. “What?”
“Nothing.” The electric teakettle hisses and you pour hot water into your travel mug before dropping in a tea bag. “Usually you aren’t nice about them.”
“They came over while you were gone. For games.” Tomura crouches down to pet Phantom, who’s come over with her favorite toy. “Himiko, too. It wasn’t bad.”
You didn’t expect that. You didn’t think he’d do anything but hang out with Phantom while you were gone, and you suddenly feel guilty for not asking. But you’ll ask more when you get home from work, or text him about it on your lunch break. Right now you have to get moving. “So, the plan?”
“I haven’t said yes yet.”
“We’re not doing it today,” you say. “Just think about it. If you’ve got ideas, we could use them. Your last plan was pretty good.”
Tomura looks pleased with himself. You gather up your work backpack, plus all the research you’re bringing to Mr. Yagi in exchange for his and Izuku’s notes on his master’s journal, and head for the door. Phantom follows you. So does Tomura. “Get more plants on the way home.”
You say goodbye to Phantom and feed her a treat. “Plants are expensive.”
“They’re everywhere outside. Those don’t cost anything.”
He wants you to go out, dig up random plants, put them in pots, and bring them home so the two of you can have more sex. “I’m not stealing plants in my work clothes,” you say. “Maybe after dinner.”
Tomura grins. He dematerializes from behind you and reappears in front of you, leaning against the front door and blocking your path. “I want a kiss first.”
“I was going to kiss you anyway.” Your hands are full, but you step forward anyway and press your lips against his.
You haven’t kissed him since last night. The two of you don’t usually kiss unless someone’s trying to start something, and kissing him goodbye on your way out the door to work has always felt a little too intimate, a little too serious for whatever the two of you are. Except now the two of you have said you love each other. You defined the relationship. You went all the way, to the degree that you’re having to make an effort not to walk funny. You can be serious, because it is serious. A goodbye kiss is something you’re allowed to have.
You’re five minutes late by the time you stagger out the door, and as you push the speed limit to get to work on time, you find yourself wishing you had someone you could tell about all of this. Maybe not the sex part. Probably not about that. Definitely not about that – but the rest of it. The part where you’ve got a boyfriend who loves you in whatever way ghosts love humans. It’s the kind of thing you’d talk to your old friends about, but they’ve found their own lives and pulled away, just like you did. There’s got to be somebody else. As you cruise the courthouse parking lot looking for a parking place, your usual spot long since snagged by somebody who got here early, you’re horrified to find yourself considering telling Nakayama.
The spot you find is way back in the corner of the lot, almost out of sight of the doors. If it was dark there’s no way you’d think about parking here, but it’s broad daylight, and you’ve got pepper spray somewhere in your backpack for the walk back after work. You take a second to get yourself organized, then grab your backpack and get out of the car, walking around to the passenger side to lift your research folder off the seat.
You don’t see a shadow fall across you. You don’t hear footsteps. The first thing you notice is something touching your shoulder, and the last thing you see is an enormous hand swathed in a wet, stinking handkerchief coming down over your nose and mouth. You have time to identify the smell – not alcohol, something stronger, chloroform? – before the world starts to blur at the edges. Somewhere in your head, alarm bells are ringing. You’re in danger. You’re being kidnapped. Something’s gone really wrong.
By the time the realization settles over you fully, it’s too late. All you can do is throw your elbow backwards, connecting weakly with something solid, before everything goes black.
You come to with a splitting headache and all the adrenaline and terror you didn’t have time to feel before flooding through your veins. As soon as your eyes are open, you’re fighting, but there’s no point – your arms and legs have been shackled down at the wrists and ankles, and there’s a restraint pinning you to the table at the waist. You’re trapped. It’s not even funny how trapped you are.
When you look up, all you can see is the bright glare of a fluorescent light, the kind that gets shined on your face at the dentist’s office. When you turn your head to the right, there’s nothing. When you look left, you see a rolling cart with a tray on top of it. The tray is covered in sharp, shiny metal implements. Surgical implements.
This can’t be happening. You thrash, trying to find any give in your restraints, but there’s nothing. It’s around then that you realize you’ve been stripped of your shoes, socks, shirt, pants – you’re down to your bra and underwear, like some parody of a kidnapping in a movie. But this isn’t a parody or a movie. It’s real. Whoever brought you here is planning to hurt you badly. Maybe kill you. Probably kill you.
“Don’t worry. I don’t plan to kill you.” The voice issues from somewhere behind you, and it rings a distant bell in your head. Too distant, when the rest of you is worried about whether your kidnapper can read your mind. “In fact, my plan hinges on your survival. I have great things in mind for Tomura, and the death of his human at my hands will not improve his listening skills.”
“Shigaraki Akira,” you say, and Tomura’s conjurer laughs. “I know who you are. We all do.”
“Yes, you made it quite far in your investigation! Tomura certainly chose his human well,” the conjurer says. He sounds delighted by it, which is the opposite of how you expected him to sound. “It’s quite unusual to see a human so bent on protecting a ghost – and terribly unfortunate that Tomura wasn’t quite so careful when it came to you. So full of ghostly power – you were all too easy to spot.”
You have the incredibly stupid thought that this wouldn’t be happening if the condom hadn’t broken, then push it aside. The conjurer’s voice is familiar. You’ve met him before. When? Where? “Where did you find me?”
“You don’t remember?” The conjurer sounds surprised. Then he laughs at himself. “Of course. You can’t see me. My apologies.”
Footsteps behind you. A shadow falls over you, and although it’s hard to see the conjurer’s face, you know exactly who you’re looking at. “My fellow gardener,” the man who gave you his handkerchief the day Garaki died says. His smile sends a bolt of pure terror down your spine. “We meet again.”
All this time you’ve been plotting against Tomura’s conjurer, and he’s known where you are. He’s known where you are for more than a month. You thrash against the restraints harder than before, watching as Shigaraki picks his way around the table you’re strapped to and reaches the cart with the instruments. He pulls on a pair of gloves, and somewhere behind you, a door opens. More footsteps. Shadowy figures come to stand along the walls, and Shigaraki continues to talk.
“It’s quite a strange existence your neighborhood has carved out,” he remarks, lifting one tool after another to the light and studying them. “So many beings who once held immense power, leading such quiet, mundane lives. I must say, I’ve never understood the appeal of humanity, of mortality. Why should we settle for one life, one world, when we could have so much more?”
Silence falls, and stretches. Tomura’s conjurer glances at you. “This isn’t a rhetorical question. I’m interested in your answer. What is so wonderful about mortality?”
“It’s not wonderful,” you say. Shigaraki Akira arches an eyebrow. “The world between is worse.”
“Ah, I understand. You’ve stared into the abyss, and you don’t like what you saw.” Shigaraki raises one hand and beckons, and eight shadowy figures converge on the table, holding down your arms and legs even tighter. If you couldn’t get out before, you’ve got no hope of it now. “Perhaps you simply need to look a little longer. You will get the chance.”
When he speaks again, he’s not speaking to you. “Hold her down tightly. We must remove all traces, or our plan will be spoiled before it can begin.”
“What plan?” you ask desperately. “What are you going to do to me?”
“For all your impressive qualities, you’re only human,” Shigaraki Akira says, almost indulgently. “In order for you to properly partner Tomura, I must make you into something more.”
There’s something about that you should understand. Something you should know. But then the blade of a knife meets your skin, carving deep through its layers and down to the fat beneath it, and your ability to understand anything at all vanishes into a helpless howl of pain.
It’s terrible enough to drive you into unconsciousness, but Tomura’s conjurer doesn’t let you stay there. When you pass out, the knife lifts, and the process doesn’t begin again until you wake. You don’t know why you have to be awake for this, unless he’s trying to torture you, but he sets the knife down every so often to assure you it isn’t personal. How could it not be personal? He’s carving into your skin, peeling back long strips of it with agonizing slowness, stopping only when you fall unconscious or when his hands grow too slick with your blood to hold the blade. There’s no rhyme or reason to where he’s cutting you. Your left shoulder. Your right forearm. A spot on the side of your torso that feels like it takes hours upon hours to peel back. Every time you black out, you pray that you won’t wake up, that the conjurer won’t be able to rouse you. And every time, your eyes open again.
It's been quiet in the room, save for the conjurer’s voice and your unheeded screams, but after some endless amount of time, you hear another voice. “Too much blood loss,” it says, low and rumbling. “We’re running out of excisions.”
“There’s nothing to worry about. I expected her to be strong-willed, and we have plenty of excisions left for my purposes,” Shigaraki Akira says. “When we exhaust our options on the anterior, we’ll turn her to expose the rest. The one on her back is quite fresh.”
What’s on your back? You know Tomura left scratches there last night – and then you understand what the conjurer’s doing, what he’s spent the last interminable hours carving out of your skin. He’s removing the marks Tomura left on you. All of them, one by one.
You don’t know why he thinks Tomura will be happy with this. Seeing what’s been done to you will enrage him. You wonder what time it is, whether anyone’s noticed you’re missing, whether anyone’s asked where you are. How long will it take Tomura to realize you aren’t coming home? How long is he going to be angry at you before he realizes that something’s gone wrong? You think of him pacing inside the house, Phantom following him, anxious because he is. You wish you were anywhere but here, but more than anything, you wish you were home with them. You’re never going to see them again. Your throat, raw from screaming, closes off. Tears begin to drip down your cheeks, and the next time the knife cuts into your skin, you endure it in sobs instead of screams.
Your other arm. Your opposite shoulder. The other side of your waist. At some point the conjurer inserts an IV, and fresh blood begins to flow drop by drop into your veins. He wants you alive. Why? You try to make yourself listen to what he’s saying, to learn anything that might help you survive, but there’s nothing. Just the friendly exterior, the friendly voice, and the hands cutting you apart piece by piece.
“I can’t call this failure Tomura’s,” he muses as he carves a piece of flesh out of your upper arm. “He doesn’t know any better. Toshinori, on the other hand – the fact that I snatched you from under his nose will haunt him for the rest of his pathetic human life.”
You want to defend Mr. Yagi, but there’s nothing left of your voice. It’s almost as raspy as Tomura’s, and you’ve barely used it for anything but sobs and weak whimpers of pain. The conjurer’s voice takes on a dangerous note. “Nothing to say? Your stubbornness was charming at first. Now it’s getting excessive.” He jabs the knife into your skin, peels a strip back, and you wail like a wounded animal. “There’s no point in resisting. No one is coming for you. No one knows where you are. No one even knows you’re gone. The longer you resist, the worse it will be.”
No one knows you’re gone. That means it’s still the same day, because if he’s been watching you, he knows what time you’d be expected home. How is it the same day? It feels like it’s been forever. “That’s right,” the conjurer continues. “The longer you hold out, the more painful this will be. When it ends is entirely up to you.”
When it ends? Your mind is too hazy with blood loss and pain to come up with an answer, and before you can even come close, the knife bites into your skin again. You pass out almost instantly. He revives you just as quickly. It begins all over again.
You can tell the conjurer is growing frustrated with your unwillingness to do whatever it is he wants you to do. You also have a feeling he’s running out of marks to carve away, and sure enough, he orders for you to be uncuffed and rolled over, so he can reach the marks on your back. They uncuff your legs first. Nobody’s trying too hard to prevent you from running, which makes sense. You can’t run. You don’t even know that you could stand.
When your right hand’s uncuffed, the conjurer takes one look and bursts out laughing. “How did I miss this?” he asks, pulling the bracelet from your wrist. “Shimura’s work. Of course she’d continue to plague me from beyond the grave.”
Conjurers can’t touch the souls of the dead. If you die, you’ll be free of this. Free from him. The thought comes to you, settles around you, comforting and cold. You don’t have to survive this. It can end. You can go.
Shigaraki Akira laughs. “So this token was the underpinning of your resolve. Moonfish, retrieve the ghost. We’re ready.”
His voice is benevolent again, almost cooing, with a sickly undertone that makes you want to tear off the rest of your skin. He uncuffs your other wrist without looking, without spotting the bracelet there, covered in blood and practically glued to your skin. “I imagine Tomura will be very fond of my gift. Once your binding is complete, he’ll have no need to embody himself again.”
A ghost. He called for a ghost, and he’s talking about binding – a Nomu. Tomura’s conjurer is planning to turn you into a Nomu. He tortured you until you lost your will to go on, and as if you needed proof that he succeeded, you’re lying completely unrestrained on the table without even the faintest urge to run. “As for this,” Shigaraki continues, “it’s only fitting that I break Shimura’s last trinket on the day I break her ghost’s will.”
He raises the bracelet and slams it down on the table. You hear it crack. A sheet of white light blasts through the room.
You don’t understand what’s happening. It feels like it happens too fast, and at the same time, you see it in slow motion. Shigaraki’s blown backwards, clawing at his face and howling. The table you were tied to tips and overturns. There’s a sharp sting as the IV comes out of your arm, and pain explodes through your body as you hit the ground and sprawl out. Your mind’s a second or two behind the times. You’re sprawled out on the ground. Your arms and legs are free. You could get up, if you wanted to. You could run.
You struggle to your knees, try to stand, and realize that crawling’s your best bet. In the wreckage of the laboratory, nobody’s paying attention to you – they’re all trying to aid Tomura’s conjurer, who’s still howling in pain. You gather your strength and what’s left of your resolve and crawl for the door.
The operating room was clean and pitilessly bright, but the hallway outside is dingy, and crawling through it feels like it’s going to give you twenty kinds of diseases. It’s that thought that forces you to your feet, and not a second too soon. One of the conjurer’s minions is hurrying down the hallway towards you, carrying a matte-black box that’s rattling in his grip. You don’t even think before you act. You reach out and swat it from his hands, and the instant it strikes the floor, the ghost inside it bursts free.
The ghost could kill you. You see her thinking about it, but then the conjurer’s servant lunges through her, towards you, and she materializes all at once. You’ve never seen a ghost trap someone else with its own body before, and it’s hideous. So is what’s happening to the minion – massive dents are appearing in his body, like the way a car looks after a few rounds in a demolition derby. His eyes are blank as his body deforms, but the ghost looks at you. She has dark skin and pale hair and a look of unrestrained fury in her red eyes. “Run.”
You don’t need to be told more than once. You set off down the hall as fast as you can go, stumbling on almost every step. If anyone catches you, you’re doomed, but if you can get out of the building, maybe – you think about your home, Phantom. Tomura. But even if you make it out of here, you don’t know where you are. You don’t have money or your phone or your ID. You don’t even have clothes. When you hit the street, you’ll be doing it bloodstained and in your underwear, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make it that far. You remind yourself again. Phantom. Tomura. You have to.
Something seizes you from behind, and your destroyed vocal cords shudder around a scream – but it’s only the ghost from the box. She begins to drag you down the hall, much faster than you were able to move on your own. “I’ll get you out, but that’s it,” she says through clenched teeth. “Whatever you did in there, do it again as soon as we’re outside.”
You still have the other bracelet. You nod and struggle to pick up speed, but the ghost makes an irritated sound and yanks you completely off your feet. It’s faster this way. Still, you’d give almost anything not to see the long smear of blood your body is leaving on the ground, and of course being dragged around like this hurts. Everything hurts. You’ve never felt pain like this before. All you want is for it to stop.
No, that’s not all you want. You want to go home. You think of Phantom, think of Tomura, and hold on tight as the ghost kicks down a door and drags you through onto the street.
It’s almost full dark. The air smells sooty and metallic, which tells you that you’re in the old manufacturing district, a long way from anybody who could have heard you scream. The ghost drops you next to the building and gestures impatiently. “Do it. You’ll need every second of a head start.”
You raise your left hand and bang your wrist against the wall of the building. Not hard enough. You throw yourself against the wall, hoping your body weight will do the trick, but there’s no luck there, either. “We’re too close,” the ghost says suddenly. “Give me that.”
She pries the bracelet off your wrist, drags you five feet, ten feet, twenty feet away, then hurls the bracelet against the wall from a distance. The blast of light takes a chunk out of the side of the building, and the entire thing begins to collapse – but that’s all you see of it. The ghost drags you away from the damaged building, towards the more populated downtown. As bad as being dragged across the floor in the warehouse was, being dragged across concrete is worse. You black out after about three seconds, and this time, there’s no conjurer trying to wake you up.
The next time you come to, you’re huddled in an alleyway, limbs flopping uselessly as the ghost tries to stuff you into a set of clothes that smell freshly stolen. “Go out there,” she snaps at you once she sees you’re awake. “Someone will see this and help you. This is as far as I go.”
“Thank you,” you mumble. “You got me out –”
“We got each other out. He dropped my box because of you.” The ghost straightens your shirt, then hauls you upright by the front of it. “Good luck, human.”
“Wait,” you say, and the ghost glances at you again. “What’s your name?”
“Rumi.” The ghost dematerializes and vanishes completely.
Rumi’s saved your life, and now she’s saving her own. The rest is up to you. You lean against the wall for a moment, fighting off the urge to lay down and give up, then start down the alleyway and into the street.
It’s a street you recognize. You lived near here, in the last apartment you had before you bought your house. It’s been almost two years. You don’t know anyone here you can ask for help, so you struggle down the sidewalk, pausing at one of the city’s few remaining payphones before realizing that you don’t have anyone’s number memorized. You could look through the phone book – Mr. Yagi’s almost certainly listed – but that would take money and time, and you’re getting unsteadier on your feet by the second. You spot the sign for the train station up ahead and aim for it. The train will take you out of the city, and maybe you can sit down.
Hopping the turnstiles is something you’re familiar with, but your muscles are desperately weak. You get one leg over, then get stuck, and sprawl out hard on the tiles on the far side. You know you leave smears of blood when you get to your feet, but the clothes Rumi stole for you don’t show it except in slick, dark spots, and there are so many of them that it probably looks like a pattern in the fabric. You leave the bloody outline of your body on the floor and pick yourself up again, dragging yourself onto the first train that pulls into the station. You hope it’s the right one.
On board, you huddle in your seat, shivering. You’ve always liked the cold, but you’re used to being cold on the outside – from air or water or wind or from Tomura wrapping himself around you, visible or not. This cold is crawling up from inside you, cold like the world between, hollowing you out one cell at a time. No matter how tightly you curl up, you can’t shake it. It hurts so badly. Everything hurts, and there’s no one to help you, and you’re so far from home. And even if you make it, you’re a mess. You’ll have scars, horrible ones, and enough nightmares to keep you awake for the rest of your life. Imagining going back to work, back to your life, feels impossible. What’s the point?
The point is Phantom, who loves you. The point is Tomura, who loves you too, who will never forgive you if you leave him like this, or at all. You have to keep it together for them. At least long enough to see them one more time.
By some miracle you got on the right train, the one that runs all the way out of the city proper to reach your stop. When you hear your stop called, you haul yourself upright and stagger off the train, leaving another bloodstain on the seat you were in. You almost make it down the stairs from the platform, but you miss a step and fall down three more, sprawling out headfirst on the concrete. You barely bring your arms up in time to shield your face. And then you’re stuck. You don’t have the energy to pick yourself back up again, and even if you could, it’s still miles between you and home. Instead of trying to rise again, you curl up, whimpering when the movement breaks the few scabs that have managed to form over your wounds. You have a hard time imagining you have any blood left to lose.
This is it. This is how you die, then – in a bloody heap on the sidewalk, because you could escape but you couldn’t make it home. You’re going to leave him. It’s the last thing you want, but you can’t help it. Maybe you can find some way to stick around, just like Yoichi did, but deep in your heart you know you’re not that strong. You’ll leave Tomura, go where humans go, and you’ll never see each other again.
The thought makes you cry, but crying hurts your throat, and the horrible raspy sounds you’re making do a great job of covering up the sound of a car pulling over. Then the sound of footsteps. But there’s no way you can miss the sound of your own name, shouted in a familiar voice. “Hey, where have you been?” Spinner demands. “If you don’t get back soon, Tomura’s going to – wait, are you okay? Did you fall?”
“I knew I smelled blood!” Himiko’s here, too. You hear a car door slam shut, and more footsteps darting towards you. “A lot of blood. Not all of it’s hers.”
“Did she kill somebody?” A hand reaches out and shakes your shoulder, then recoils – just like you’re doing, because their hand came down over one of your wounds. “Fuck, look at this. She didn’t try to kill somebody, they tried to kill her. Get her up.”
Hands seize you – at least three sets of hands, three people pulling you upright. “Careful,” Spinner is pleading. “Don’t touch the blood –”
“I can’t do shit about that. It’s everywhere.” Now you can place the third voice – it’s Dabi. What is Dabi doing out here? “Something fucked her up bad.”
You force your eyes open and see that you’re being carried towards the dark shape of the Buibaigawara family’s minivan. Jin is in the driver’s seat, and you see him grinning at you. “Hey, there you are! We gotta get – Himiko, shit, is that blood? Did you do that?”
“I wouldn’t,” Himiko snaps at him, sounding more than a little hurt. “Somebody cut Tomura’s human. We have to take her to the hospital.”
“No.” The voice from the passenger seat sounds more like Kurogiri than Shirakumo right now. “We must return to the neighborhood.”
“You’re not the one with her blood all over your hands. She could be dying!” Spinner protests. “If we get her to the hospital –”
“She’s vulnerable to the conjurer,” Kurogiri says. Dabi, Spinner, and Himiko dump you into the middle row of seats in the van and he twists around to look at you. “He’s the one who did this.”
“I got away.” You cringe from the sound of your own voice. “He got hurt. Maybe dead.”
“Did you see the body?” Dabi asks. You shake your head. “If you didn’t see it, he’s not dead.”
“He’s right. If Tomura wasn’t materialized when it happened, the conduit was still open, and he could have used Tomura’s power to survive.” Spinner looks miserable. “We can’t know for sure.”
“We have to go back,” Kurogiri repeats. “Jin, drive.”
The minivan lurches into motion. Himiko and Spinner are trying to figure out what to do about your injuries, while Dabi gets on the phone. “We’ve got her. Pull everybody back,” he says. You can’t hear the other person’s response, but you hear Dabi’s answer. “She looks like something mauled her.”
“It’s not that bad,” Spinner says hastily, trying to reassure you. It’s – sweet. “You’re going to be fine. I bet they’re not as bad as they – holy shit –”
Himiko’s just pulled up your shirt. Spinner rolls down the window in a hurry and sticks his head out, gagging, while Himiko stares for a moment with her jaw dropped. Then her pupils narrow to slits, sheer rage settling over her face. “He cut out Tomura’s marks,” she says. Dabi swears into the phone, then swears again as the person on the other end of the line barks at him in response. “I’ll cut him.”
You always thought Tomura’s thing about not touching other ghosts’ humans was just a weird Tomura thing, given how much time Dabi and Hizashi spend lowkey threatening you, but apparently it’s not. The idea of someone removing a ghost’s marks on their human is enough to seriously piss off Dabi, Himiko, and Kurogiri at once, until the car is crackling with their fury. “Can you guys cool it?” Jin asks anxiously. “I’m a nervous driver.”
“You sped the whole way here!”
“I was nervous about finding her. Now I’m nervous about you guys blowing up my mom’s car,” Jin says. “What’s going on is fucked. I want to kill something! But if even I can pick up on what all of you are doing, Tomura will, too.”
“We can’t let that happen,” Spinner says at once. “If he finds out about this he’ll go ballistic. There’s no way he’ll stick to the plan.”
“You can’t just hide it. I could smell her blood from down the street.” Himiko peers at you, her pupils dilating again. “And her soul’s not right. It’s unstuck, kind of. It’s wrong. He’ll know. He’ll know his marks are gone, too.”
Dabi hangs up the phone, then dials another number. He speaks while it’s ringing. “I’m letting the humans know. He can’t read them like he reads us. When we get back, you all get on her and stay there. You too, Kurogiri. As long as she smells like the neighborhood he might not notice.”
“She’s still bleeding,” Spinner says loudly. “If we bring her back and she dies –”
“Keigo knows doctor shit. He can help her.” Whoever Dabi’s calling picks up the phone, and Dabi starts talking. “Yeah, we’ve got her. She’s fucked up. Here’s what we’ll do –”
You’re among friends now. People who will help you, whether it’s out of obligation or because they care, and now that you know you’re not going to die alone, it’s somehow harder to hang on. The drive back to the neighborhood goes by in a long, slow blink, punctuated by Himiko and Spinner repeatedly shaking you awake. “Come on,” Spinner says, still sounding sort of like he wants to throw up. “You have to make it through this. Tomura’s naming his Pokémon all kinds of stupid shit and you’re the only one who can talk him out of it.”
“Stay awake,” Himiko tells you. She’s been patting your cheek lightly, which you don’t mind. Your face and neck are the only parts of you that the conjuror left untouched. “You’re my only human girl neighbor. I’ll be sad if you die. Tomura will be so sad if you die. You don’t want him to be sad, do you? You love him. Humans don’t want the people they love to be sad.”
“Ghosts don’t, either,” Dabi mutters. Then, to Jin: “Park at the top of the street, across the street. Everybody’s falling back to my house and the idiot’s. We could use the extra barricade.”
Jin skids to a stop at the top of the street, and Spinner opens the door. You see people hurrying up the street towards you and identify them distantly – Keigo, Hizashi. They reach you just as everyone else is hauling you out of the car. Hizashi takes one look at you and swears, his pupils narrowing to slits just like Himiko’s did. The embodied ghosts never look more inhuman than when they’re angry. “When he gets here, I’ll kill him myself.”
“Calm down,” Spinner begs. “If he figures it out –”
“He knows she’s back. If you’re any good at lying, Spinner, get down there and tell him we’re hiding her in my house so the conjurer won’t find her when he comes looking for him.” Hizashi’s a good liar, and it’s a logical plan, but you absolutely don’t want to be left alone with Hizashi right now. “Keigo, Dabi, with us. Everybody else, battle stations. Shigaraki’s on his way here, and he’s not happy.”
The group splits, Himiko bolting down the street while the others follow at a slower pace. You’ve had enough of a rest that you think you can maybe walk a few feet, past Atsuhiro’s house and up Aizawa’s front steps, if only so Tomura doesn’t spot you being carried and catch on to what’s really happening. Keigo hovers next to you, ready to catch you if you stumble, while Dabi and Hizashi trail behind you. “What are you doing up here?” Dabi asks Hizashi. “He trusts you about as far as he could throw your rotting corpse.”
“So, pretty far, then.” Hizashi ignores the disgusted noise Dabi makes. “He trusts my human more than me, and my human can lie to him better than I can. And since he’s got my human right now, he’s got all the leverage on me he needs to make sure I’m right here to take the hit against his asshole conjurer.”
“Fucking asshole. And I thought ours was bad.”
“Ours didn’t need us like his needs him.” Hizashi snarls low under his breath. “Cutting out the marks is a new low. It would have been better if he’d just killed her.”
“Don’t say that,” Keigo snaps at him. You push open the front door, then stumble over the threshold into the house. Keigo catches you, guiding you towards the kitchen, and – “Hey, calm down! I just need to get a look at your injuries!”
You can’t look at the kitchen table without feeling sick. “I’m not laying there.”
“Fine. The living room. Get on the floor.”
The floor is fine. It has a carpet, and Keigo yanks a pillow off the couch for you to prop your head on before he pulls out a pair of scissors and starts cutting away your bloody clothes. He studies you and sucks in a breath. “Okay, cleaning these out and bandaging them is the best I can do, but it’s not going to be enough. The skin’s the biggest organ in the body and right now it’s got a bunch of holes in it. You need antibiotics and some of that fake skin as soon as we can get it, or sepsis will set in and kill you.”
“You can’t just stitch it up?” Dabi asks. “That’s what you did for me.”
You wonder what the story was there. “These are too wide for me to do it with what I’ve got here,” Keigo says. He looks down at you. “The cleaning part is going to suck. Can you keep quiet?”
You nod. He doesn’t look convinced, so you clear your throat and try to talk. “I can take it. It won’t be as bad as when it happened.”
“What happened, exactly?” Hizashi asks. He’s at the front window, while Dabi leans with his back to the door. “We’ve been careful. You had those bracelets. When did we get made?”
“Same day –” The cleaning process starts in earnest, and you hiss in pain. “Same day we killed Garaki. I left to get the plants. I met him at the nursery.”
Dabi makes a skeptical noise. “You had the bracelets. Those things work. He shouldn’t have been able to tell.”
“He could.” You bite the inside of your cheek and try not to howl. What was it that Shigaraki said? “He said I had ghostly energy. That I was full of it.”
“Ugh. Don’t tell me shit like that. I don’t want to know.”
“That’s not what he meant,” Hizashi says suddenly. He turns to look at you, and if you didn’t know better, you’d say he looks like he’d seen a ghost. “When did you meet him? Before Tomura’s lesson or after?”
The fact that Keigo’s helping you instead of hurting you on purpose doesn’t make what he’s doing hurt even less. You squeeze your eyes shut. “After.”
“Fuck,” Hizashi mumbles. “It’s my fault.”
“Huh?” Keigo sounds puzzled. “It sounds like bad luck.”
“It’s not. I made Tomura practice discharging power before the fight, and I made him practice on her.” Hizashi’s voice is full of venom. “He’s got the self-control of an elephant on an acid trip, so of course he overdid it. The bracelets wouldn’t have done shit to hide her after that. Anybody who was looking could have seen her from space.”
You remember something he said that day: She’ll glow in the dark until it wears off. Hizashi was trying to make you leave, but all he did was turn you into a walking signpost pointed directly at the neighborhood. Is it his fault? Blaming him would feel good, maybe, if none of the rest of this had happened. You don’t want to think about it. All you want is not to hurt anymore.
It’s cold, and getting colder. You think some of that could be the blood loss, and the fact that your clothes are partially in tatters once again, but when you exhale, you can see your breath. Keigo notices, too, and you watch the blood drain from his face. “Guys –”
Hizashi and Dabi are huddled by the window. “These can’t all be his,” Hizashi is hissing.
“They’re not. I’ve seen some of them before,” Dabi hisses. “They’re like you. They came here on purpose, and now they’re free.”
“And they’re following him?” Keigo says, incredulous. “Why?”
“For kicks? I don’t know.” Hizashi shrugs uselessly. “I’m a little out of touch these days.”
You can hear low whispering from outside the house, and the air is getting colder by the second. If everybody else is down at the other end of the street – “Call them. Warn them –”
“They know already,” Hizashi says grimly. “Trust me.”
Just like Garaki before him, Tomura’s conjurer speaks first. The mirror sound of his voice makes you cringe and curl in on yourself. “Good evening, Tomura,” Shigaraki Akira says. “What a quiet life you’ve led since we last saw each other.”
Dabi and Hizashi rose to the bait instantly when Garaki called out to them. Tomura stays silent. “Not even a greeting?” Shigaraki asks, and clucks his tongue. “I suppose I never taught you manners.”
“You’re trespassing.” Tomura’s voice rings out, vibrating with power. “This is my neighborhood. Get out.”
Shigaraki clucks his tongue again. “Poor thing. I see now that I’ve been neglectful. I should never have left you with the impression that this was your home.”
“How many are out there?” Keigo asks, keeping his voice low.
“Hundreds,” Dabi says, and the floor feels as though it’s fallen out beneath you. “Nomus. Embodied ghosts. Live ones.”
“None of them are his,” Hizashi says. There’s a savage note in his voice. “He’s only got one.”
Tomura hasn’t responded to his conjurer’s latest taunt. His conjurer speaks again. “You’ve built quite a comfortable existence for yourself, haven’t you? A secluded kingdom. Servants who bend to your whims. Even a human of your own.”
“What human?” Tomura scoffs. “I don’t have a human.”
Even knowing he’s trying to protect you, even knowing that he’s lying, your heart sinks. “You know better than to lie to me,” the conjurer says. That almost-indulgent note is back in his voice.  You roll to one side and dry-heave onto Aizawa’s carpets. “Where is the human girl? Has she failed to return home?”
“She’s home,” Tomura snaps. “Safe from you.”
“Have you seen her?” Shigaraki inquires. He sounds honestly concerned. “Who told you that she’s home? The others? The ones who fear your wrath so deeply that they have every reason to lie?”
“She’s here.” This time, it’s Shirakumo who answers – Shirakumo, not Kurogiri. “You know I’m telling the truth, Tomura. So is Himiko.”
“Yes, your human is home,” the conjurer agrees. “But safe? I think not. Dabi, Hizashi, Keigo – come out. Bring Tomura’s human to him.”
“No,” Tomura says, but there’s an uncertain note in his voice. “Stay where you are.”
“Come out,” the conjurer repeats. “No one will harm you on your way. Tomura’s human is in a delicate condition. I won’t risk anyone dropping her.”
He’s pretending like he’s not the one who did this to you. Like he really cares about making sure you get back to Tomura safely. “Stay where you are,” Tomura orders again. “You can’t trust him.”
“I’m the only one here who’s telling you the truth,” Shigaraki says. “Hizashi, Dabi, Keigo. Bring the human out. If you won’t, I’ll be forced to send my friends to retrieve her – and unlike me, they don’t much care about preserving your lives.”
You lift your head with an effort and see Dabi and Hizashi trade a glance. Then they turn from the window and come towards you. “It’s strategy,” Hizashi insists as he drops a coat over you, as Dabi hoists you upright. “If they come get us here, we’re all dead. Your house is a lot easier to defend.”
But he wouldn’t let you go back unless he thought it wouldn’t matter. He’s playing all of you, and you’re too weak and exhausted to see what his endgame is. You’re semiconscious as Keigo, Dabi, and Hizashi carry you down the front steps, but you keep your eyes open with an effort, and you see the conjurer’s army parting the way to make a path, one that runs straight as an arrow down the street until it reaches your house. Hizashi sets a brisk pace, just below a jog, and you jostle along between he and the others. You don’t see where the conjurer is, but you hear his voice. “Very good,” he says, encouraging. “A wise choice. I’m sure Tomura will be merciful in turn.”
You hear the others’ voices as you get closer to the house, all of them trying for damage control. You start agitating to be set down. You can’t risk Tomura losing his temper on the others, and the worse off he thinks you are, the angrier he’ll be. He needs to see that you’re fine. You’ll be fine. Keigo sets you down carefully, then steps in close, arm around you to hold you upright. You survive the step up onto the sidewalk and shuffle along until you’re walking parallel to your own fenced yard. You have to keep walking. You have to keep walking long enough for Tomura to let Hizashi and Dabi in, or he’ll strand them outside.
The gate swings open as you reach it, and Tomura’s voice drifts in from nowhere. “She wasn’t wearing that when she left,” he says. Dabi steps through, then Hizashi, and he shuts the gate behind him. You have time to register that every last one of your neighbors is inside the property line before your vision begins to blur. It’s not blurry enough to block out Tomura as he materializes at the top of the front steps. His next question is for you. “Why were you late?”
You can’t talk. Talking will give it away. You climb the first step, then the next, and it’s not until you’re just outside the warm glow of the porch light that your legs give out.
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grotesque--cooties · 4 months
Hellow, I'd like to request a oneshot (btw love the fact you write on your blog that you're LGBTQI+ friendly, in these times every single ally is so damn important :'D) for the Supernatural fandom.
It would be a non-pairing oneshot OC/character (as in the Winchester brothers).
tags: (found)-family, fluff/feelgood, hurt/comfort
My OC, Johnny Winchester, is the older sister of Dean and Sam ('cuz I thought there are already enough younger Winchester sisters who depend on Dean&Sam's protection :D)
So, about Johnny: She's as tall as Sam, pretty buff, proud and lesbian. She's four years older than Dean and watched out for her brothers a lot. When John left them in town in order to get the job done, she would work to earn more money for their food and pay extra rent. Mostly, she'd work in funeral homes because she liked the job.
She and her brothers are really tight and back when Sam left for Stanford, she teamed up with Dean to continue hunting on their own.
I'd love to read either:
a fight between Dean and John when Dean's already an adult and Johnny picks Dean side in order to protect him of their dad
When all the three of them are teens/Sam maybe still a kid: John is gone (again) and Johnny tries to cheer her brothers up by making a fool of herself
Johnny visits Sam in Stanford while he's there studying and gets to know Jessica and talks to Sam how he's doing without the hunting business yada yada
Or whatever comes to your mind, I'm very much looking forward to what you'll write :D
Greetings, beardothebard :)
"That Dumbass Johnny"
Synopsis: Johnny, the Winchesters older sister, tries to cheer up her brother Sam when he misses their father...even if it requires injuring herself.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Johnny
Tags: (found)-family,  fluff/feelgood, hurt/comfort
Warnings: curse words(?), bad dad(it's John Winchester tho what do you expect), smacking/hitting(not violent)
Word Count: 1.7k
“It's been AGES! When is Dad coming back?” Sam said, his tiny body slumped over the couch in the motel.
The siblings had been stuck in a dingy motel for three days, the walls rotting off and the building smelling like mold. The building could barely be described as holding up; yet, it was home for now.
John, their father, had taken them all up to Wisconsin for a “job”--says there were 3 mysterious deaths with all of them having signs of possession. 
Johnny had argued with her father, saying she should finally hunt with him as she had just turned 18. She was an adult, she could do these jobs with her father and Dean was old enough to watch Sam. She had been watching over them ever since she was 8, since…since their mom died. Johnny felt ready, ready as she'd ever be to go on a hunt with her father finally but he wouldn't let her.
They had argued the entire ride up to Wisconsin about this, with John explaining that he needed someone responsible for watching her brothers, someone not like Dean who would go mess around with the women in the area….
Yeeeaah her man-whore of a brother probably isn't the best to watch over Sammy but still, he's responsible enough. However, she reluctantly agreed, silently fuming for the rest of that ride.
“He's been gone FOREVER!” Sammy moaned out again, signing loud and exaggerated.
Dean was sitting at the small, circular table near the tiny kitchen, sloppily eating a burger Johnny had bought him earlier.
“Shuuut uuup…” Dean groaned out, throwing his head back to emphasize his annoyance further.
“You shut up,” Johnny said, slapping Dean on his head as she walked past him. He made a small ‘ow’ noise and gave her the middle finger, which she gladly returned.
“I'm bored…” Sam mumbled, curling his body onto the couch now, lazily turning his head to watch the TV. 
“BORED!?!” Johnny yelled out in fake shock.
She smirked as she walked over to him, coming to fall on top of Sam swiftly. As she laid on top of him he grumbled for her to get off, trying to push her muscular body off him.
“Oooohh whatever shall we do?” She giggled, laying more of her body weight on him.
After a few more attempts of Sam trying to push Johnny off, she finally relented and stood up. 
“Careful there Johnny, any longer and you would've had another dead body to take care of.” Dean laughed out, hinting at her previous jobs at nearby funeral homes.
“I hope you choke on that burger.” She smirked, walking over to the fridge to grab herself a drink.
“Yeah, yeah…” Dean grumbled out, going back to munching on that Thang©️.
As Johnny was opening her drink, she felt a tug on her pants and looked down. It was little Sam pulling on her pants, a frown etched into his face.
“What’s wrong Sammy?” Johnny asked, coming to squat down so she could be at eye level with Sam.
Sam stood there for a moment, his eyes only looking down not wanting to meet his sisters.
“Does…” Sam spoke, eyes still not willing to meet Johnny’s: “Does Dad not want to be around us? Does he not love us? Is that why he’s never here?”
The atmosphere of the motel room had quickly darkened, Sam’s question forcing them to confront the idea of telling him why their Dad was never around. They had held off on telling Sam what their Father does for a living, not wanting to force him to grow up with a life revolving around death. Having to watch Dean grow up into a hunter hurt Johnny so much, watching her loving brother turn from a normal child to now knowing their father’s true job–it’s something she never wishes Sam to go through.
“No Sammy, Dad loves us. He just…” Her words died down, finding it difficult to explain to Sam why their father couldn’t be around while not giving away the family business.
“Dad just can’t be around us for long because of his job. Ya know, always selling and going around the country for more job stuff…boring adult stuff you don’t need to hear!” Johnny explained, trying to cheer up Sam by making the situation more light-hearted.
Sam still held a sorrowful face, her attempt at cheering him up failing.
“Listen,” Johnny placed her hand on his shoulder, holding it firmly: “Dad does love us, he just can’t be around us for long. Yes, he’s gone a lot but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be around us. He tries and sure he could try a little harder”, she lets out a quick giggle Sam following suite,” But he does love us, and he is trying to be a good dad…” Johnny finds herself at a loss for words, not knowing how to phrase or explain what she wants to say to Sam.
“I’m not going to lie to you Sammy, I don’t know how to explain it. It’s something you will learn about one day and it will make more sense when you’re older… but I just can’t tell you why Dad’s gone all the time. Still, he loves us, you shouldn’t doubt that.”
Sam showed a small smile, his eyes finally meeting Johnny’s. She patted his shoulder and brought him in for a swift hug before letting him go.
“Come on, let's go do something fun. Maybe that will cheer you compared to my half-assed speech.” Johnny laughs, coming to stand up.
Sam becomes excited, running to put on his shoes and jacket. Meanwhile, Dean walks over to Johnny, a sad look etched onto him.
“We have to tell him one day…” He whispers to her.
“I know… I just want him to be a normal kid for a little longer…as normal as we can get.” She sighs, but before she can dwell on the thought she quickly replaces it with an idea to make Sam feel better.
“Come on, let's go to the park and maybe I’ll rent that movie you’ve been dying to see”, singing out the last word. 
She quickly grabbed onto Dean’s jacket, yanking him with her to leave the motel.
As they arrived at the park Sam saw that the swings were free, which was a rarity. He rushed over to the swing set, waving his hands to urge the siblings to swing with him. As they all sat down on the swings, carelessly swinging back and forth Johnny got an idea(UREKA!)
“Guys, how high do you think I can jump off this swing?” She said, starting to quickly at the ground to pick up the pace.
“NO! Last time you did that you sprained your foot! Don’t do it.” Dean said firmly, remembering the pain it was to take care of her when she sprained it.
“Mmmmmhhh….” she groaned out, still picking up the pace. “Yeah but like…what if I do backflip landing?”
“Can you even do a backflip?” Sammy questioned, leaning forward to see his sister picking up her pace very quickly.
Johnny was contemplating, not remembering the last time she did one successfully. She looked over at them, a smug look crossing her face.
“I don’t know but we’ll find out!”
“AYE JOHNNY NO!!” Dean shouted, trying to grab her swingset chain to slow her down but he missed because Sam swiftly kicked his legs.
“YOU LITTLE SHIT!” Dean gritted, trying to kick Sam while still swinging.
Sam let out a loud laugh, trying to get away from Dean’s kicking while still swinging. That was until Johnny's voice broke them out of their fight: “HEY WATCH ME REAL QUICK!” She shouted before coming to jump off the swing. Sam’s mouth agape with Dean yelling at their sister to not attempt the backflip. Yet, she didn’t listen. If she said she was going to do the backflip then dammit she’s doing the backflip. As she was falling in the air she tried to make the motion to start the beginning of a backflip but her long legs ended up catching the ground first, halting her motion.
“OH SHIT!” She shrieked before tumbling on the mulch, her body swiftly planting into the ground.
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^Johnny fr
Sam laughed hard, coming to a full stop to hold his stomach. He couldn’t hold it in, his sister was such a dumbass for doing that. Even Dean couldn’t hold in his laughter, coming to chuckle at her ridiculousness.
“You…” Dean tried to hold in his laughter but it slipped out some more, “You are such a dumbass.” He coughed out, Sam still laughing hard coming to a point where he was wheezing. After he calmed down, he looked at his sister still lying in the same pose.
“Are you still alive?” Sam asked, coming to wipe a few tears from his face.
Johnny didn’t respond vocally, only giving a thumbs up in return.
“Damn…she dead as hell.” Dean joked, watching to see if she’d stand up at some point but she never did. Dean didn’t feel like getting up at the moment, so he chose the next best option to force her up.
“A cute girl is coming over…looks like your type.”
“WHAT WHERE!?!?!?” She quickly stood up at that, not wanting to look like an idiot in front of hot women. Brushing off the mulch on her face and trying to tidy up her hair she hastily looked around, finding no woman in sight.
“You asshole!” She gritted out, coming over to smack Dean’s arm.
As Johnny continued to wipe the mulch and dirt off her Dean and Sam continued to swing. No words were spoken between them, coming to find the comfort of just watching the world around them. After a few more moments of silence, Sam got off the swing set; coming over to Johnny.
“Can we go rent The Land Before Time now?”
“Sure buddy, I’ll buy some ice cream too.” She said, coming to place her arm around his shoulder.
“AND SOME PIE!” Dean yelled, rushing to catch up to them. 
“UuUUUUuhushUhuHUBFhebfhcje fine…” She groaned out, walking with her Brothers.
“Thank you, Johnny…for making me feel better.” Sam quietly spoke.
“Of course, that’s what big sisters do.”
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strawhbrrries · 1 year
Babys Breath, v
pairing: bob floyd x seresin!florist!reader
summary: Bob stumbles into the nearest florist to the funeral he’s attending and, unknowingly, charms Jake Seresin’s sweet younger sister with all the anxious charm he possesses.
warnings: everyone calls reader “sunshine”, fluff!!!, protective older brother jake??, horrible descriptions of the navy, warnings will differ depending on chapter, no use of y/n or description of reader, not proofread 
word count: 1441 words
authors note: because i love you guys, you get it a day early!! a bit juicier this time!! how do we think the rest of jake's reaction is gonna go? bob + sunshine forever and ever!! as always, please enjoy!! mwah!!
tag list: @myownworstenemyyy @kloofspeaks @bcon24 @chaosofmanyfandoms @strangerparks @kmc1989
find the masterlist here!
read the previous part here! read the next part here!
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“You don’t believe me? And why the fuck not?” You held the phone between your ear and your shoulder, trying to close up the shop and interrogate your brother at the same time.
“You’ve given me no reason to trust you, Sunny. I told you not to text him.” Jake responded, voice laced with annoyance. You were sure if you could see him his eyes were halfway in the back of his skull and a hand was on his hip in that sassy pose he did.
“Oh my god, Jake. Am I not a fucking adult? Even if I did text him, which I fucking didn’t, why does it matter? He’s not Javy or Rooster who just want to fuck me and add another notch to their belt.” You snapped, scrunching your face in annoyance. The over-protectiveness he was exhibiting was eating at you, your nerves were hanging on by a thread.
“It doesn’t matter, I told you not to do something. It shouldn’t take all of your self control not to go against me. I’ll see you at home. Goodbye.”
With that he hung up, the tears of frustration welling in your eyes at his words. The universe just wanted you to fail, how could you not respond to the text? Just last week the sweetest man found his way into your shop and now you’re supposed to simply act like he didn’t exist?
hey bobby, I know this is a long shot but i need some saving
can we go get something to eat?
You locked the door to the shop and looked at your phone one more time before frowning and putting it away. The last place you wanted to be was your house, the argument with Jake would just escalate and you weren’t ready for that. Not right now at least. You’d find solace in the one place you shouldn’t. With Bob. You sat on the steps in front of the building, waiting for a response before deciding if you should just go home and face the Seresin wrath.
Every time your phone went off you hoped it was Bob and it never was. You figured he was busy, probably had other plans and didn’t want to hang out with you. 
“Is anyone sitting next to you?” The voice caused you to look up and locate where it was coming from, a smile spreading across your face when you saw who it was.
“Hi Bobby.” You pat the spot next to you, ushering him to sit on the steps next to you. 
“I was around the corner, figured you’d rather see me in person than a text.” He spoke softly, pushing his glasses up a bit and looking at you as he sat down.
“I appreciate it, I was waiting for a text. Can’t lie, I was a bit disappointed to not get one.” You chuckled, laying your head on his shoulder and breathing in. He smelled so good, especially after having worked all day.
“I hope you’re not still disappointed.” He teased, poking your side and laying his head on top of yours. He wasn’t going to pry and see what was bothering you but he couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t relieved that you came to him first about it. “I’m sorry you had a shit day, where do you wanna eat?”
“I don’t care, just not the hard deck.” You responded, closing your eyes and enjoying the softness of the moment.
“I know a spot, c’mon.” He stood up and offered you his hand, intertwining your fingers and leading you to his car.
He drove to a small diner on the outskirts of the town, intentionally so you didn’t have a chance to run into your brother. He assumed the bad day was because of your brother, and that was why you asked not to go to the nearest bar with some damn good food. The place was small and obviously family run, Bob had been here a few times before and would highly recommend it to anyone.
The two of you got a small booth in the back corner, away from the commotion of the rest of the diner. It felt more personal this way. A sweet older woman was your server, she acted like she’d known the two of you your whole lives. Once your food came she left the two of you alone, letting you talk and joke around.
“Phoenix paid me a visit earlier.” You stated, putting a fry in your mouth while he connected the dots.
“Oh my god, that’s where she went earlier. Sorry for that, I’m going to assume she came on pretty strong.” He apologized and it wasn’t even his fault, taking a bite of the food in front of him.
“Yeah, she kinda scared me a bit at first. She gave me her number though, soon I’ll have all of dagger squad.” You joked, covering your mouth as you giggled
“You know the dagger squad?” He tilted his head to the side, furrowing his brows as he tried to figure out where you would know that from unless your brother actually was in it or Phoenix told you.
“Uh, yeah. So, if I tell you this. I need you to swear you won’t speak to him about us, or anything hinting towards me.” You put your pinky finger out, the ultimate swear.
“Okay?” He hesitantly shook pinkies with you, becoming even more confused than before.
“Jake, or Hangman as you would know him, is my brother.” You let go of his pinky and took a sip of your drink while he processed the information, he rubbed his forehead as he thought about it.
“I guess I’m just confused why you kept it from me? I won’t say anything to him, I promise, I’m just confused?” 
“I get a lot of navy men at the shop and I always ask Jake about them, just curiosity I guess. You were the one man he basically swore me off of, told me I couldn’t text you back and we got into a huge argument about it.” You explained, picking at the skin around your nails anxiously. This could go horribly and blow up in your face or he could be completely understanding about it.
“Sounds exactly like him, I should’ve known the second you said he was an asshole. Hangman is the only asshole I really work with, makes everything so much harder. So he doesn’t know?” Bob asked, fiddling with the food on his plate.
“I’m not even sure anymore, he texted me earlier that you had a girlfriend. Which, I didn’t know we had taken that step.” You teased, winking playfully. “But then he said he didn’t believe me when I said I hadn’t texted you back. Which, yet again blew up into a huge argument-” 
“Which is why you called me.” He finished your sentence, shaking his head in understanding. “Phoenix started it!”
“I’m sorry for bringing you into this, Bobby.” You chewed at your bottom lip, frustrated that you brought him into the middle of this because you liked him too much.
He assured you it wasn’t just your fault, it was equally his fault too and he made sure you knew that. For the rest of the meal you explained how the initial argument with Jake went down and how you ultimately decided to say fuck it and do it anyway. Bob was appreciative of that fact and understood why you kept it all a secret. He even promised to continue keeping it a secret from your brother for as long as you wanted, even pinky swearing on it.
“We should probably get going.” You groaned, stacking the dishes from your food and paying the bill as a thanks for him saving you. Although, you both argued over it for a good few minutes.
The ride back to your car was filled with lots of laughs, you told him a ton of stories about your childhood with Jake. How you were constantly telling others he was your real brother and how you got your nickname. He called it an honorary callsign, you giggled and said you’d never call it that. He praised you for being able to live with Jake and dealing with him all the time. You walked hand in hand with him to your car, stopping in your tracks when you see the person leaning against it.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Jake exclaimed, pinching the bridge of his nose and doing a double take at the two of you holding hands. “Are you sure you didn’t text him back, Sunshine?”
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jewishconvertthings · 2 years
Do you have any advice on how to cope with antisemitism online? I’m really overwhelmed by the sheer amount of it, it’s just so much worse than I ever imagined. I also feel weird talking to jews by birth about it bc they had to deal with this for their whole lives while I’m first experiencing it as an adult. Still, it’s got to the point where it’s really affecting my mental health
Hi anon,
I'm going strongly encourage you to do a few things:
Take a step back. No one benefits from you stressing yourself out to the point of it affecting your mental health in a significant way. Find someone you trust to keep you up-to-date on anything that actually has a bearing on your immediate safety, and otherwise block it out. Set a specific amount of time within which you are going to avoid looking up news or reading articles or posts about antisemitism. This isn't even my suggestion: I learned this from a rebbetzin who had her husband keep her informed of any immediate safety issues but otherwise intentionally stepped back from secular news and social media entirely for a full year during 2020. She said it was one of the best choices she made, because she was stronger and ready to deal with it when she started tuning in again. You don't necessarily need to take it to that extreme, but taking a step back can really help.
Take comfort in your immediate community, and be intentional about seeking out the company and companionship of other Jews. We have so much strength together, and it helps get you out of your own head. It also really helps to remind yourself of all the people, communities, traditions and culture that you love and are why you're here. Be intentional in finding joy in the Jewish life you are building.
Take solace in the fact that Am Yisrael Chai: the People Israel Live. The Jewish people has survived persecution and unrelenting horrors since practically the beginning, and we're still here. You are part of or joining something eternal and indomitable - a people that many have tried to break or destroy in a multitude of ways, and it has never worked. Never. The persecution is unlikely to end, and yet we will outlast them. We always do.
Think about the best possible outcome: that we will receive peace and justice speedily and in our days, and you will be there to share the simcha. Now consider the worst possible outcome: our persecution will increase to the point where we have to flee for our lives, and many of us don't make it; perhaps you survive alone, or perhaps you don't. Now consider the most likely outcome: things continue much the way they have, with fluctuations that come from the ebb and flow of politics. You stick with our people in our joy and sorrow, in terror and in peace. We survive and our Judaism is passed l'dor v'dor. Now. Even in that worst case scenario, history says that some of us will still make it. Judaism and the Jewish people will continue and rebuild. Your name is forever tied to ours, your fate a collective one that is greater than your individual life or mine. And that is something that will survive.
Remember that you don't have to personally end antisemitism. I know that sounds obvious? But part of the overwhelm that comes from the burden of oppression is feeling like you are individually responsible for solving it. You are not. In the words of Rabbi Tarfon, "Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”
Anon, I hope this helps. You are not alone. B'ezrat Hashem you find some comfort here and with your community, and may we all merit to see the day when the hard work of generations comes to fruition in peace and justice.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
want to praise you like i should
summary: you don't have a praise kink. you never have and you think you never will. enter jerry. rating: m pairing: jerry schilling x gn reader ( i think, tell me if i erred too much to one side, i was really trying to make this as inclusive as i could. ) unrequited blink and you miss it steve binder x gn reader word count: 1667. i cannot write a damn blurb to save my life. warning: praise kink. oral ( m receiving ). implied sex. unprotected sex implied. elvis being fucking elvis. jealousy. possessiveness. faint d/s elements? probably an excessive use of the nickname kitten. because i asked for a gender neutral nickname that wasn't just baby and then i imagined it and now we're where we are. author's note: welcome to day 5 of kinktober: praise kink with jerry schilling. this is a new one for me and one of- two blurbs i'm posting with this kink today ( ideally, i do realize how late it is). i might write the sugar daddy elvis one within the week. we'll see. but yeah i'm not sure how good this one is, so hopefully y'all like it.
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It starts innocently enough in Hollywood. You were Jerry's assistant doing the things that Jerry was too busy to get to, the small things that needed to be done to keep this whole enterprise running. Elvis was always either filming or getting into some mischief with Priscilla or an actress that you and Jerry and every adult in the picture had to clean up.
As it turns out? You were very good at cleaning things up. Elvis needed a quick getaway? You were there with the car before Jerry asked. Elvis needed to have a story buried? You were there with a charming grin ready to get a writer to just shove that under the wrong, with empty promises of having something better for them to write later. Any time you came back with the job done Jerry was there to greet you with a smile and four simple words.
"You did good, kitten."
You don't think about it the first time, or the second or really any number of times until you hear him saying it in the back of his bus, someone moving between his legs. You hear those words you only associate with yourself being uttered as he fists his fingers in their hair and you shudder. If that night you dream of being in that person's position- well, that's between you and your deity isn't it?
But then the Colonel has Elvis doing some sort of special for a sewing company and Vernon is talking about having to let you go but you feel Jerry's hand against your waist like he owns you as he pulls you close, shaking his head.
"Letting them go? With how good they are? I'll pay for their salary myself, Vernon." His response feels like it echos in your brain, the word good just bouncing around before you inhale sharply. If Jerry notices that day, he doesn't comment on it.
Which brings you to today, brings you to the time around today where you've practically been Jerry's shadow when you're not trying to get information from Steve and Bones about how the television industry works. You know you're not always going to be a Memphis Mafia assistant- Jerry's assistant- forever and it pays to have various skills.
Steve happens to be behind you, showing you something on a monitor when you hear Jerry's voice from the doorway.
"Steve you- Am I interrupting something?" His voice sounds a little tight, like he's angry and you find that you don't like how it sounds. You want to fix it like you fix so many other things with Jerry. You and Steve turn around with Steve's arm deciding around your waist is a good spot to be.
"Jerry-" You start, trying to move away from Steve and earning a sigh from him.
"I was just showing Y/N the ropes. They wanted to see, they're uh- a quick learner." His hand finally drops from your waist as Jerry motions for you to come over to the doorway.
Any other time and you'd make a comment about how you're not a dog and "try again, Schilling", but this time all you do is move to his side looking more than a bit confused.
"I know- they're good like that. You think so too, Binder?" Jerry asks with an edge to his voice that seems like jealousy and it's then that you realize what's going on and you have to bite back a laugh. Jerry was jealous like that one time you were. Oh this was a sight to behold even if you hear the word good and find that it has the same effect on you as it always does.
Steve opens his mouth before shutting it, almost as if he realizes he needs to choose his words carefully. When he finally answers you have to bite your lip. "I think they're one of the best. You- You should keep them around otherwise I might have to snatch them up. We could always use someone that good on the team here."
Jerry's hand goes out to your waist then, pulling you into him like that's where you belong and in a way you're beginning to realize maybe that's the truth. Maybe that's where you are always supposed to be, by Jerry's side cleaning things up or helping to run things. A flash of the idea of being married to him hits you and you let a small oh that only Jerry hears. He looks over at you and you swear you see his pupils dilate just looking at you.
"It's part of the plan. Listen, I need to borrow them, you can finish the lesson later. It's an EP thing." Jerry's grip has moved down to your hip and you can feel it getting tighter certain to bruise if he presses much more. You find you don't mind.
"Yeah- an EP thing. I- You go have fun, man. Just bring them back in one piece, they really could learn a thing or two." Steve's tone is soft as his eyes focus on Jerry's grip on your hip before shaking his head and turning back to the monitor.
Jerry leads you out of the room the second Steve turns away and into the nearest bathroom with a lock, shoving you in before locking the door behind him.
"What the hell, Jerry?" You ask before you're startled by the feel of his lips on yours. You almost push him away reflexively before you hear him mumbling as he kisses down your neck.
"My good kitten, my gorgeous baby. Steve's thinking you're free but he doesn't-"
You find your voice even if it's a little breathless as you actually push him off of you.
"I am free. You haven't- I didn't realize you wanted me, Jerry." Your voice betrays how truly and honestly confused you are before he moves to cup your face.
"Oh, kitten, no. I- I'm your boss and you didn't seem interested. But seeing you there with him- seeing him look at you like that- I had to let you know."
"EP's my boss, Jerry." You say like that is supposed to explain your own feelings before you sink to the ground, your hands moving to undo Jerry's belt as quick as you can. "And you weren't interested. You kept telling me how good I was but then you had other people in between your legs. And you told them they were good." You pause, tilting your head at his hardening cock before pulling down his underwear. "When you and I know I'd be the best."
Jerry starts to speak, tries to defend himself before you take him in your mouth and whatever he was about to say is overtaken by a groan as he moves to put his hand in your hair, trying to find something to grip. You pull off and let yourself do small kitten licks all across his cock, looking up and watching him stare down at you, his chest heaving like he's run a marathon already. When you're satisfied that you've lived up to your kitten nickname, you take him back in your mouth, your lips stretching around his cock as you slowly work your way to getting all of it in your mouth. He's thicker than you're used to, but the length- you can work with the length. Your tongue brushes the underside, tracing a vein as you listen to him practically whimpering above you.
"Fuck- kitten. You're so good, always so good to me and so good at what you do. Such an overachiever, bet if I asked you'd take me in this bathroom, you'd cry out so everyone would know you're mine, finally." His hand is gripping your hair fully now, pulling at it and you let out a groan between that and the feeling off his cock reaching the back of your throat. "Taking all of me in your mouth, you're- knew you'd be good. So fucking- I'm- I want to come in your mouth, kitten."
You look up at him, trying to convey your permission and you figure it's how long you've been working together that has him reading the look correctly as he grunts. "You're so good to me, letting me come in your mouth. You'll swallow it because that's what good kittens do."
Your hand moves in between your legs before Jerry yanks your hair. "None of that kitten. Good kittens don't- You won't touch yourself, that's for me later once you're off your knees. Let me taste how I've made you feel- how my praise is making you feel. You'll be good like you always are, won't you?"
You whimper and you can feel him twitching from the vibration, and you hollow out your cheeks, trying to manage a tighter suction before you hear a series of curses and the warm salty feeling you only associate with come filling your mouth. You almost start to choke, everything getting to be too much before you remember to breathe through your nose, pulling your mouth off of Jerry as you swallow. A bit leaks out from the sides of your mouth and you feel it. You find yourself leaning against the wall on your knees when you feel Jerry's thumb swipe at the side of your mouth, wiping up the cum that you lost. He moves his thumb to your lips and without a second thought your tongue darts out to lick it off.
Jerry's eyes are even more heated after that as he pulls you up, praises falling off his lips as he does. You shiver at the continued praise and at his touch against your face and at how his hand is drifting lower down your torso until he reaches between your legs.
"Let me take care off you. Show you how I reward my good little kitten. My good baby."
Your only answer is a nod as you kiss him, letting him taste himself on your lips.
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