#and i dont like exercising before i eat anything bc i feel like i have no energy
daandori · 7 months
every single time i work out now its basically a try-not-to-throw-up challenge
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bunnihearted · 8 months
#ughhhh sighhh im so tired#last night i started getting gallstone attack feelings#i took one of those painkillers i got for it but nothing#then i got such a bad attack ughhh. i even took another pill (idek if u can bc theyre strong nd yk.. precaution necessary) but it did nothin#so i've just been in pain for like 14 hours. idk how i managed to doze off to sleep nd then wake up nd then doze off again several times#it was just so awful skskks#i didnt even do anything different yesterday so i have no idea what triggered it#guess i just gotta cut down on everything like coffee nd the two small squares of chocolate i have :')#guess i just gotta stick to oatmeal nd brown rice nd crushed tomatoes lmaooo i wanna throw up just thinking abt it#but that pain is so awful and i just cant deal w it#it's so frustrating that i have to wait so long to even get a date for the surgery#it's been over a month now and i havent heard anything?!?!???#at least gimme a date so i can know how long i need to keep this up T-T#im so tired of this i just want my health to go back to the way it was before#i wanna exercise for real and i want real food!!!! i cant even use spices bc it's too much... 😔#and like i realize now that i think the gallstones have affected my bodily function for quite a while#i wasnt able to take iron or magnesium supplements or vitamins and stuff bc my body reacted so weirdly to it#i just dont wanna deal w this pain or be scared of what i eat. or eat bland boring food constantly. or not be able to work out#just wanna have the surgery </333 it's so hard to have to sit and wait for it sigh
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huellitaa · 6 months
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౨ৎ ⋆。• vogue beauty secrets 🐰 ๋࣭ ⭑
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ hair
don't wash your hair every day! i think everybody knows this but i know a couple people who still dont wash their hair only 2-3 times a week. obviously it depends on ur hair type but only wash your hair when it needs it!
don't wash your hair with scalding hot water either. its not only bad for your body and face but its also bad for your hair as it ruins the natural oils and damages cells etc
if you have frizzy or easily knotted hair i recommend keeping a comb on hand in the shower and using it to detangle before putting in any products
i've been emulsifying my shampoo for only a couple of weeks but my hair is sooo much fluffier afterwards so i definitely recommend that!!
now i'm torn on this one but apparently shampooing twice is better for your hair than doing it once? i tried it one time and it did not end well for my hair type but i know it works for a lot of people so if you wanna give it a try then go for it ♡
i squeeze excess water out of my hair before i put in my conditioner so i can completely get it in there without
also change your pillow case often! this is for your face too, as the oils will build up and thats not good for ur hair or face. i change it once a week but 2x a week is good too if you're able 💓
don't go to bed with wet hair. stop doing that. its super bad for your hair and keeping it pretty & fluffy & cute
airdrying is my holy grail, been doing it since i was little and dont regret a thing. its a billion times better than blow drying & makes ur hair so fluffy too ♡
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ body
DO NOT. HAVE. THE WATER. BOILING HOT. i am guilty of this and have been for years but it has such a bad impact and you shouldnt do it! cold showers are better but i prefer warm showers so theres a middle ground (& its always cold in england, so id freeze to death.)
using body lotion after the shower has been such a game changer for me its incredible. makes you smell nice, feel nice, look nice, and its so relaxing and i feel like a princess after i do it <3
exfoliating is really important if your aim is for soft skin 💓 i have been doing it for months and as somebody with super rough skin its SO soft now
partake in some form of exercise. i hated hated hated sports and exercise when i was younger but i did do dance up until i was eleven and have been doing pilates consistently for months now, and my mindset towards it has changed drastically over the years to finally a healthy one. it can be a difficult thing to get into but make it something you enjoy. it doesn't have to be sports. ill make a post on this soon but it can be pilates, kpop dances, running, hot girl walks, anything! and most importantly, do it for mental health and physical health, not losing weight.
make sure you're eating properly. remember that 1400 to 2400 calories of nutritious substance is the MINIMUM. this of course depends on many variables including, weight, height, BMR, what it is your eating, et cetera. your body is so important & is there to be nourished and not neglected !!! ♡ (💭🎀edit: updated info on calories and nutrition from a lovely anon i received a message from this morning! ♡)
change your bedsheets every week if you wanna smell good, this is so important bc sweat and odour will build up if u dont and thats icky and wont make u smell good & probably isnt the best for your skin either!
i also put two similar body washes on in the shower that i get SO many compliments on & its really helpful if one of your priorities is smelling good
dont just wash body wash straight off, let it sit for a few moments so the scent can actually sink into ur skin
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ face
skincare every morning & every night. if ur tired or just not feeling it today then simplify it, just make sure you never leave it out because its super important! no. skipping. no work = no reward.
on this note, try not to have a too complicated skincare routine, as this can backfire and make ur skin worse than before. your skin isnt meant for 18 different products and 200 chemicals every morning!
never wash your face with hot water... this is also a given but just in case... it strips your skin of its natural oils and does more harm than good
stop touching ur face... just for those who need a little reminder
make sure ur sleeping enough. seriously disney princess movies meant it when they talked ab beauty sleep; it seriously makes a difference, so please try make this a priority, especially if you already have dark circles like myself! (like girl did you see aurora's face? my girl's skin was so clear i could see my reflection)
pay attention to what makes ur face puffy or irritated or makes you get break outs. i keep a little break out log in my skincare page in my journal (little teaser for an upcoming post 🤭) and this has helped me go over what helps or hurts my skin! i recommend this especially if ur prone to acne or breakouts 💖
cold spoons in the morning to depuff your eyes; ive only been doing this a handful of times but im making it a habit seeing as it really helps! (as someone who can get vv puffy eyes 😭)
hydration is so important, for everything in this list, but most of all (from my experience) your face! i drink A Lot of water every day. probably a bit too much. but its so worth it, my skin has been absolutely amazing ever since i started actually making hydration a priority. (and this is coming from a girl who didnt touch a drop of water when she was younger & had to go hospital for dehydration several times.)
i'd recommend scrubbing ur lips too in the morning when you brush your teeth, i saw this on pinterest aaages ago bc i had super dry lips and i do it every morning & every night RELIGIOUSLY. its so so good and i definitely recommend
i have super dry lips in the morning so lip balm in the mornings w my skincare is absolutely essential for me
i also put perfume behind my ears & on my neck so its the first thing people smell when they hug me! im a very touchy person and i love hugs and i love showing love to people so this is essential for me but its optional, just makes you smell good ♡
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youremyheaven · 2 months
I need some advice. I feel like I'm dying. Going through the worst period cramps ever (never had this in the past 11 years), it literally feels like someone is stabbing my cervix, uterine walls and the pathway walls (I feel a bit shy calling it what it is...like a normal woman). Its so bad, I've never had it like this before. Has to do with the fact I was having isues, doc put me on meds, as soon as the dosage was done: red sea spilleth over.
Know any home remedies to help? Or just any other advice to deal with this? Can't go to the doc rn, she'll suggest to hold off pain meds, I am taking over the counter anti-inflammatory stuff..yk the one for fevers and other pains. Its not working. Its been so debilitating...I can't sleep, sit, breathe, do anything...yk the type of pain that makes you bend and make your mouth water...idk if that happens to anyone else but yeah....
OMGGG 😩😨😨😓that sounds soooo rough, I hope you're feeling better now???
I have taken meftal spas for cramps since I was maybe 16-17 years old. Idk if that's available in other parts of the world??? but its widely available in India and its specifically for period cramp induced pain<333 I'm not a doctor so pls don't take any medication without exercising caution first!!! you may not react well to it or it may have adverse effects bc of the medication you're already taking ://// 😩😩
on that note, practicing yin yoga (which focuses on releasing stress from the hip area/psoas muscles) has greatly changed my reproductive system as a whole tbh, my sex drive changed, my relationship with my body changed (like even the way i walk changed bc my hips loosened up, which meant i walked more "freely" dont tell me its woowoo,, yk can just tell when someone's body is very "frozen" or "stiff" looking) and yesss my menstrual cycle was immensely affected by it.
i used to have HORRIBLE cramps, irregular cycles, HEAVY bleeding etc in my mid-late teens (this was because of trauma + eating disorder, in case u wanted to know) and now? my period is 3 days long, light bleeding, little to no pain and i attribute alllll of that to yoga<3
now i specifically like to do certain mudras and asanas (poses) which are supposed to help the female body specifically
and while this can help u when u are on your period, i suggest making it part of your lifestyle and living according to your monthly cycle's phases so that you can experience smoother periods. i dont think its realistic to do them if you're experiencing immense pain 😭
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Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
This pose is known for increasing blood flow to the pelvic region which helps enhance the health of your reproductive organs.
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2. Baddha konasana aka butterfly pose
helps the uterus<333
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3. balasana or child's pose
tbh this might actually help even if ur ON your period, lying down like this is soooo soothing and comforting. ppl overcomplicate yoga, when the reality is that holding your body in certain poses can emotionally feel very comforting/freeing/nourishing etc but then again im only familiar with yin yoga/restorative yoga (there are manyyyy different types of yoga)
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4. happy baby pose
as the name suggests this is how babies lay down and they seem happy for no reason,, i remember the first time i consciously did this pose and i was like???? this is yoga??? bc i would randomly do poses like these for no reason in bed (im sure we all do when we're bored) and if i intentionally do it?? its actually good for me??
again this pose helps with the hip muscles!!! the female body is always preparing for childbirth. regardless of whether or not you want to be a mom, taking care of your womb health and reproductive well being is CRUCIAL bc whether we like it or not we were designed this way and dont think of it as "preparing my body to bear children" just think of it as "preparing my body to be at its best" (the bearing kids is just a bonus) .. the state of your womb affects your whole being!!! its not a joke!!!
now here's some mudras:
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yoni mudra
yoni means womb and as u can see, this pose imitates the 🫣🫣 its a highly beneficial mudra for women and helps with overall pelvic health. you can do it sitting cross legged. i like to chant mantras and do this pose,, it kicks in quicker or smthng idk 😳but it feels ✨
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2. prana mudra
do this mudra on both hands btw!!
prana means life force
this mudra helps with overall immunity and pain management!!!
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3. prithvi mudra
prithvi means earth and this mudra helps balance the earth element in your energetic system which means its gives you strength, resilience and physical energy (in case u feel tired, fatigued etc for no reason) as those are the qualities of the earth
now for some pranayamas
Bhramari/ honeybee buzzing
this is my fav bc its so simple and easy to do!! and who doesn't want to buzz like a bee??? 🥰😍
2. anulom vilom
this is also a very simple pranayam for beginners
the whole idea is to get your body into a state of relaxation so that you dont operate from a place of stress or anxiety. you can just feel peaceful all the time. imagine being that unbothered!!
sorry for going off on a tangent (me with every post lmao) these are some beginner friendly yoga asanas/mudras/pranayamas (all of which are diff components of yoga) that u can try when u feel comfortable!!
NOW about alleviating pain ASAP:
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hot water bag
put that thing on ur stomach and lie down (after taking medicine) my mom used to do this all the time and it helped her a lot
2. roobois tea
i drink roobois tea almost everyday hehe but its said to help alleviate menstrual cramps 🤔and lower blood pressure,,
3. chamomile tea
is also said to help with period pain :o
4. look into your diet, sleep, overall lifestyle
you may not have had pain of this sort before but babe NOW UR A WOMAN ✨and u have to look at your lifestyle and ensure that its something that helps a woman's body feel rested and calm
being stressed all the time can take a physical toll on you and lead to all kinds of diseases later in life!! its in your best interest to RELAX
idk how much this helped 😭😭the most convenient thing to do would be to take medicine but u said u can't so :((( hot water bag + roobois tea???
ALSOOOO always wear socks during your period and keep your feet covered. i have sensitive feet so i wear socks at home often (this is uncommon in india, where we have a tropical climate lmao) BUT KEEP THOSE FEET COVERED,, there's some kind of science behind it but i dont remember it lmao,, all i know is that it makes me bleed less<333 and have more cozy periods and sleep better<33
ALSOOOO,, this could be an old wives tale but it worked for me (but im also delusional😍) eating dark chocolate and/or having a spoon of oil on day 1 of your period makes your period go smoothly?? 😭😭😭there's no harm in trying hehe
ALSOOO and ive never tried this but heating up like a tablespoon of oil and applying it to the bellybutton area 😳😳can help alleviate period pain 😳😳
lastly and most importantly, im just a girlblogger and NOT A MEDICAL EXPERT so pls dont put urself in an adverse position bc of something i said 😭😭😭
love always,
heaven ✨
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spaceyflowers · 2 years
Do you have headcanons about lookism + htf characters that you haven't talked about in a post before?
OH yeah um. a lot, but some are def leaning towards ooc/very self indulgent LMAO so i'm sorry if u look at these and go "they would NOT do that" its true to me 💔
i'll list 5 for both series!
thank u for showing interest, and also anyone else is welcome to reply/reblog with their headcanons bc theyre always fun to see <3 !!
(btw sorry if i have shared some of these b4, if i did they were prob in my tags and i just forgot 😭)
-mary kim; she has a muscular figure with a lil tummy ! naturally started losing weight and building muscle while doing judo as a sport and exercising in general. she's still a little sensitive about her weight due to bullying when she was younger and at a larger size, but shes happy where she is now. she'll beat ur ass if u shit talk her weight but if u do it behind her back, vin jin will step in if he catches u ^_^
-jay; hes selectively mute, it formed mainly from his social anxiety but also because he's naturally an introvert and was neglected during his developing childhood stages, so that snowballed into selective mutism ! (saying this just bc i like having reasons for everything rather than just make him not being able to talk a Unique Character Trait Thing) i also have a whole ass backstory idea for him but i'll only share if someone's interested 😭 tbh tho i might get too attached to it and ignore canon if his real backstory ever comes out LMAOOO
-leonn; i ABSOLUTELY fucking refuse to have the only woman in the architecture department be there just bc she has a crush on some fucking guy (not an insult to vasco, simply an angry comment directed towards gross heteronormativity and the shitty use of female characters). anyways she mistook her deep admiration for vasco as romantic feelings
-warren; has a blackhole stomach. everyone in hostel is wary about wasted food bc theyre,, not very well off to say the least so anything they dont like/cant finish they give to warren and he happily chows down ^_^ also yeah hes not very picky about what he eats !!
-vin jin; the easiest way to tell he's embarrassed is when his ears go red. (jace, too... for obvious reasons) its hard to catch him blush under his shades sometimes! this may or may not also be the reason he grew out his hair ^_^
-snapper has become such a talented cameraman he is now great at secretly recording things to blackmail his friends LMAAOAO (obviously nothing serious tho, snapper's not evil 😭)
-rumi has a habit of petting people's heads affectionately 💖
-jisoo's ass is rotting in jail! ^_^
-taehun is a child magnet. you'd think he'd scare off kids but nope they all wanna play with him. and he acts like he hates this fact yet he always plays with the kids or at least entertains them a little (when hes not busy). altho he does hate this fact; babies are always staring at him (yknow that one science study or whatever that said babies stare at pretty people? yeah.)
-THE GIRLS ARE ALL BESTIES!!!!!! bomi, gyeoul, rumi, and gaeul <3 bomi is the calm collected smart one, rumi is also the smart one but more bubbly, gyeoul is the little goblin they kinda have to keep on a leash and gaeul's dumb of ass pure of heart <3
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magnoliamyrrh · 8 months
Can you drop the face wrinkle exercies routine? You said it did wonders to your face
sure! I know i wrote this on here before cuz someone asked me but i cant find it so here we go again lol
ive started using some new skincare products bc of the rash thing ive gotten on my face and those help too ive come to see. ive been using azelaic acid cream 10% morning sometimes night too, it helps increse skin overturn (like retinol does) and increse the collagen in the skin, but has been pretty gentle on my skin, and made it more smooth than it has been in yrs. it also dries out the face tho and i have a naturally very oily face without the acid, so ive been using A+D ointment (vaseline + lanolin (sheep grease)) which has been working great (vaseline cant clog up pores). having moisturized skin rly helps! also, ive v rarely used sunscreen throughout my life, and i know ppl say this helps prevent as well
other stuff, sometimes when i wake up i will take a icecube and rub it on my face. great way to wake up lol, but it also tightens the skin and helps reduce inflation. everyonce in awhile i will freeze an eggwhite and use this instead. also, being well hydrated helps, and Maybe taking collagen supplements or eating a diet heavy in collagen (soups w bones, bone marrow, skin, chicken feet etc, taking gelatin or collagen supplements) may help (i do this anyway bc of my lack of collagen bc genetic disorder).
as for the exercises, i follow the ones of this lady. you can also find her on tiktok where she has more content
the one at 2:38 (first link) is the one i do most often and i feel like its rly helped! it rly is a big difference compared to how it used to b before i started all this (and i can also tell a difference bc ive stopped doing it regularly for some weeks and its still better than it used to b, but not as good). i feel like i look less like a chronic smoker 30 year old exhausted mom lol, like i rly look moreso my age, most times i dont even have actual wrinkle dents in my laugh lines anymore where before there used to be!
this is for laugh line wrinkles tho, she has many others too for other parts of the face: ive done her eye exercises before and her forehead massage exercises and feel like those helped too! ive also done her exercises for jowels, and felt like they were sagging less. make sure your face is moisturized before you do this tho! ,,, ive also been at times doing a version of the lymph notes face massages you see online (but w my hands, not that stone thing), cant tell you if they help w anything but it does feel nice and help release tension in the face (tension being one of the things which leads to wrinkles)
i really did notice a difference after awhile of doing these every day! how much i did a day varied, sometimes just 10 min sometimes more as i was sitting around doing other things. i know at some point my cheeks hurt the day after, like i had muscle fatigue like when you exercise other muscles lol. i also noticed that after a few days it became a lot easier to do the movements and my face muscles were definetely getting stronger. be consistent and have patience and i really do think you will see some results!!! ive also seen a scientific study on this sort of exercises done on elderly women (50/60+) where they did 30 min of exercises every day for months, showing before and after photos, and i was rly shocked by the results; its why i decided to try to do this! best of luck :)
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quenthel · 1 year
oughughug ed stuff (also some tmi stuff)
i have been recovering from my ED pretty well... learning how to enjoy meals and not overeat all the time im even a little bit distressed/ reward myself with other stuff than food so my relationship to meals have changed... i also got much more into cooking than i was bc of dunmeshi too and i enjoyed the philosophy of cooking and eating meals from that manga so much legit helped me a ton to think about it more and really internalize it. Like reading that manga really made me reconsider what i think of food and that made it easier for me not to fall back into old bad mindsets as much (but i do sometimes still its a work in progress)
And like I lost a lot of weight bc of this (i just eat a little less move a little more and give more time and thought to my meals) like its been still a struggle for me esp in the beginning and by this point im losing weight very slowly like it took me 8 months to lose 10kg while the first 8 i lost in like 2 months. And while this food journey was overall good for my mental my body got much much weaker psychically esp my endurance because its a large change. Im not sad about it because being overweight (and still being overweight lol) was making me miserable (and the societal hatred for fat people was part of that ofc, but also mostly it was caused by some beliefs i have about my own self worth its a big issue) but I feel like no weight loss post or story or anything talks about this. I also started to exercise and so far some of it has been harder but some of it has been easier. And i still need to work a lot on appreciating my own body and truly inhabiting it in a sense like being at peace with it and not fighting it and connect to my own body as its part of myself and not just something im in. Like its part of me. Funnily enough the times i really felt that connection were the times I was spending a lot of time together with other people like irl (when i had a huge friend group and we drank a lot together or when i was w my ex lol).
Like at this point i weigh less than i ever remember weighing (even in my teens lol) and i still have a long way to go. But i would not have done it without being supported by my friends and parents like i dont think anybody can come out of toxic mindsets without opening those doors and asking for help or knowing that they HAVE to do it for other people (like my dad recovering from alcoholism because he was scared he will die before seeing my brother and me grow up). Also its funny that around the time i started really thinking abt my own body and my health and really asking for help (in therapy too) to make me truly healthy, not working on it in isolation like i did after beating disco elysium was around the time i started thinking abt being trans too. Like realizing that my body is me made me think more about my own gender too. I’m also thinking a lot abt starting HRT but that would be impossible for me bc of my country (idk if i can even do that abroad but maybe...) but I don’t want to yet since I want to establish my body mind connection first and THEN see if i still feel like I should.
Anyway im around halfway done with my weightloss plans and its been 9 months. I originally wanted to recover fully and reach that weight and develop habits to exercise regularly in 2 years but since im moving soon i might not be able to focus on this as much or maybe its going to get easier... who knows. I still feel like I’m a work in progress tho both bc of therapy and bc of this but also because i really feel like im JUST starting to become more of an adult because im thinking about these things (and its making me more sad that i cant be financially independent yet but im trying to be patient). But it feels like im currently at a point of my life when im changing for the better overall and while I struggle a lot its not as bad as it was before so thats pretty hopeful...
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lolitababygirl666 · 1 year
yea so i fell in love with a girl b.h/u at my halloween party then i was a fucking dick and we kinda grew apart.on new years eve i confessed and h/u with her best friend lmaooo but she rejected me i told her all the reasons i liked her and eventually loved her si told me she loved me as a friends (bitch) ahaha ummm i am not dyslexic funny enough my parents just gave so little fucks ab me that they didnt even bother to help me learn to write corectlly..fun!I h/u with e for s's sake and then they h/u i was GOBSMACKED but eh then i started sa ma combin with c a new character (a sweet heart oml) who's e's best friend (was??hihi) i'm no longer friends with s 3 days ago was my birthday im 15 now i fell no different i still hopw to go to bucharest and i still have my parents i think i matured a bit but my triggeres can still light up. I have new friends and i can't wait to have fun this summer!!i'm going to update this place more often(i hope hihi)i still want to lose weight but at least i have tits now!im gonna get a perm this summer if i dont dye my hair red.It helped me wrte here tonight.i cant sleep for the past few days.I dont feel stressed even tho the exam is close i did however have incredible anxiety for the whole fucking year i cried so much gained weight lost nights and my sanity for this shit OF A FUCKING EXAM i cant wait for it to be over.i lost all my interest i no longer do anything else than tutoring and hw.I dont have philosofical disscusions bc i dont allow myself to think about anything else than the exam when s and e h/u i was so incredibly hurt i couldnt eat for 3 days and my anxiety flared up like the sun and all i could tell myself was "keep the pain away with math exercises" i was devasted over b for months and it distracted me bc i dissasociated but it was still my only priority to study i couldnt work on myself i couldnt develop my interest i couldnt take care of myself i think i literally never had less showers in my life i gained a ton of weight bc the stress got to me.i love my friends but i srly cant trust anyone anymore everyone has an alterior motive or smth to hurt me with im emotionally numb but its better to keep it that way at least before and during the exam i care about NOTHING but the exam.I'm going to succsed.I have to. I've sacruficed so fucking much.I can't wait to see my therapist she is the coolest!
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okay so. gonna stop vagueposting abt medical "professionals" for a second to ask for advice from my fellow chronically ill and disabled ppl out here
so i saw a neurologist the other day. the whole time i felt really dismissed, the usual medical gaslighting thing, etc etc. my GP send me to this cishet white slavic old man - neuro - ordering an emg. dude said emg came back normal, i dont have carpal tunnel, no abnormalities at all. hes happy abt it and immediately writes off all my neuro concerns to me having hEDS as soon as i mention i have that, bc he asked if i have any known conditions.
im happy w the emg testing, the tech was super nice, super patient, etc etc, whatever, glad it came back normal
the issue is, the actual neuro.
i told him im concerned about pain, bc ive had some absolutely horrible shooting, stabbing, electric shock type pains all over my limbs for years, as well as in my back for YEARS, and the pain at worst has me unable to breathe and occasionally pass out. at best, i have to do some breathing exercises to be able to move on w my day, at least until it inevitably hits again
i told him how ever since i was a child, literally 5 years old, whenever something even brushed my wrists i would scream, cry, sob, wheatver, just absolutely lose my shit from pain. even a light breeze, even loose clothes fabric. and this never really stopped. i had a hard time breathing, couldnt function, focus, do anything really, all bc of pain level. i couldnt even have my wrists on a desk bc it would set the pain off, and the pain would make me horribly nauseaous too
i told him about the horrible migraines i experience, the whole "this is a 9/10 on pain for me 99% of the time", cant eat cant sleep cant walk cant do anything cant open my eyes, nausea to hell, etc etc, AND he said "well you dont have double vision so youre fine" even when i told him about the whole "yeah my kaleidoscope vision is so bad that i cant really do much" before the pain hits
i told him about my balance issues - sometimes ill be walking around out and about, and suddenly i get a crash of the whole room is spinning, slight double vision, need to sit down immediately or get on the floor, having a hard time telling whats floor and whats not if im standing up, etc
for both of these issues, the dr was like, oh yeah well 1 is because of your hEDS and scoliosis (which is 6 DEGREES, and does NOT cause that much fucking pain), and 2 is bc of hEDS again, and so is 3 bc its normal for heds ppl to get migraines and he doesnt want to look into it. he completely ignored me when i mentioned 4, and refused to even let me speak any more of it. he literally just kept shushing me and cutting me off and just told me theres nothing wrong w me.
the question. anyone have any ideas? im gonna try to get a second opinion from a female dr bc ime theyre less dismissive about shit, i dont need a second emg i just want a neuro to actually listen to me and either 1) tell me whats wrong w me, 2) refer me to a different specialist, 3) send me for every test known to man, or 4) suck it up and admit they dont know. but like. in terms of what the fuck is going on, any clues? if i have to walk into my GPs office in a few weeks and literally fucking bawl my eyes out and beg her to send me to a specialist i will fucking do it. none of this feels like hEDS, call it a gut feeling. none of this is scoliosis and i know that for absolute shit sure
i also periodically losing feeling in my fucking hands. neuro brushed it off cause "well its not paralysis, so youre fine". blood circulation is fantastic though
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pathos-p · 2 years
"Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game" but i got tagged in it so i am gonna answer all of them 'cause theyre fun
questions by @/i-like-eyes
thanks for the tag @king-chook!! ^^
1. Art programs you have but don't use
i thiiink i have a license for clip studio paint that came with my old wacom tablet but i never rly used it. also used to have krita installed for the longest time but just always felt off to me idk why. don't currently have it installed anymore tho
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
to their right is a bit easier i think. not smth i consciously notice, mostly i'm just thinking abt when im doodling on the margins of stuff they usually are looking to the left of the page
3. What ideas come from when you were little
uhhh idk tbh, i dont think much of my art draws from that
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
cityscapes !!! i love cities they r so pretty and cool looking but goddamn theyre so hard to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
80-20? i post everything that i finish. basically the only stuff that doesnt get posted is sketches i give up on
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
hmmmm not that i can think of rn...
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
watercolour !! i've tried it a few times and Struggled but i love seeing ppl's work in it
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
so many animatics ..................... also many comic ideas ..................... i get so many ideas that i just never start on or start and only do a little before losing the hyperfocus/fixation and just Cannot continue them. it sucks
9. What are your file name conventions
usually the character name, maybe a bit of description of what theyre doing... idk not much of a convention to it
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
hmm i like jackets :)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
yes, usually music. sometimes random youtube videos like stream highlights or video essays.
12. Easiest part of body to draw
uhhh hair? maybe idk. hard question bc it varied a lot depending on what kinda style and just. sometimes smth is hard in a particular drawing then easy later idk
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
i cant think of anything i will edit it in if i think of anyone
14. Any favorite motifs
in my drawings i dont feel like i use any much. mostly i pull motifs from whatever im doing fanart of lol. in music, i like religious motifs (but not like. ones abt christ or bible stories, rather heaven, hell, god/divinity, angels)
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
at home pretty much exclusively. in bed lol
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
idk i feel like the stuff im better at is the stuff i like bc i practice it more for fun lol
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
not usually
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
surprisingly little. mostly bc i do more digital art lol
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
weapons and nature. especially ice for nature
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
i cant think of anything ill add it if i do
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
i love rougher styles, like ones with a lot of visible brushstrokes and bold lines and shit. so cool. idk how to make it look good lol i dont have the confidence in my lines for it
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
none... probably i should change that
23. Do you use different layer modes
yeah, often i use a multiple layer for shading then a variety to colour adjust at the end
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
cant think of any
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
there was this poem i wrote about capitalism and how shit it is and someone thought it was abt interpersonal relationships/smth along the lines of a breakup. i rly didnt mind it tho i thought it was cool bc the emotion was not far off, the sense of betrayal and abandonment. just a very very different subject
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
no lol
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i ran a zine (digital only) for the dimension 20 zine jam! and also made art+writing for others in that :D also was part of a polygon yt fanzine a while back
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
spider-man (not the MCU, mostly tasm and a few of the comics)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
i rly like the cj comic i did i am genuinely so goddamn happy with the result so . even tho it did very well by the standards for the fandom its for and my current follower base it is underrated
alternatively this one https://www.tumblr.com/pathos-p/704380503765221377/tridential-sovereignty?source=share bc it didnt get all that much attention on any social media site but i think its cool !!
(mostly only using recent ones bc i dont wanna dig back further esp onto my old twt acct, too much work lol)
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bananas-for-bananas · 2 years
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Weight loss journey, Day 2
December 26th, 2022
Hey all! I will be writing both of my entries today. I had a looong day at work yesterday, and couldnt even think long enough to write an entry hahaha :). So basically, even though this will be posted on December 27th, this particular entry will be for yesterday, december 26th. Lets get started!
I didn't really bother checking my weight today, moreso I simply forgot lololol
for breakfast I ate a few bites of some overnight oats I made the night before. I made this with 1 mashed banana, 1 spoonful of vanilla whole milk yogurt, a cup of oats and a cup of unsweetened oatmilk, some honey and a dash of cinnamon. However, I have no clue what I did wrong, but my oats were sooo runny and soupy. I am also not a morning person, and i usually can't eat first thing in the morning bc it hurts my tummy :(
banana overnight oats- in total, 100.5 kcal
since i only took 2-3 bites, i used an app called cronometer to approximate my calorie intake.
today I went grocery shopping, and even treated myself to some starbucks :) i went grocery shopping with a goal of spending less than 50 dollars, but the store i regularly go to had a massive after Christmas sale, so I ended up spending... 88 dollars HAHA. i wanted to try and incorporate more fruit into my diet and their ad said that a bunch of fruit was on sale, but I didn't consider the fact the ad was going to change literally that day, nor did i consider the fact that we recently had a massive snowstorm so i had to get mostly veggies and only a few fruit this time. Still, i managed not to get anything overly unhealthy so its a good start! when i got home, I was craving rice, so I sautéed sweet potato and kale, and topped that onto rice and topped it all with a sunny side up egg (my favorite!)
3/4 cup cooked white rice - 154 kcal
1.5 tbs olive oil - 179 kcal
1/3 chopped sweet potato - 45 kcal
1 oz kale, cooked from fresh - 10.2 kcal
1 egg, cooked - 77.5 kcal
for dinner, i repurposed the leftover sweet potato, kale, and rice into a curry. I absolutely love curry, and even though mine may not be as authentic as it could be, I feel as if the beauty in authentic foods is working with what you have to create a delicious meal. I seriously enjoy learning about different cultures, and i feel as if food is a great visual in learning about culture. As an American i know i am blessed to be able to experience these things, and i hope that we as people can come to start enjoying more foods from around the world :) the best part about tonights dinner is i still had some leftovers to enjoy today! also, my curry was so hot it burned my bootyhole, but if youd like my recipe just ask!
1/3 chopped sweet potato - 45 kcal
1 oz kale, cooked from fresh - 10.2 kcal
1.5 tbs olive oil - 179 kcal
1/2 small chopped white onion, cooked - 13.2 kcal
1 tbs heavy whipping cream - 51 kcal
1 cup oatmilk, unsweetened - 45 kcal
3/4 cup cooked rice - 154 kcal
,1 tbs tomato paste - 13.1 kcal
i notice that i always be wanting to snack late at night, and i usually crave something crunchy or salty, like potato chips. When at the store, some containers of mixed nuts were on sale for 50% off, so of COURSE i got 2 containers! for my snack I ate a handful of mixed nuts, and I was satisfied the rest of the night!
0.2 oz mixed nuts - 33.7 kcal
today i worked, which isnt REALLY hard labor, but i definitely burn some calories since i do a lot of walking/running for my job in fast food service and we have a decent size store. I worked about 6 hours, and usually when calculating the calories i've lost at work i take off about 2 hours from my total hours on shift into the app mentioned above for the time i am standing around. Again, everything is approximate and I dont take it too seriously
4 hours/240 min, restaurant/bakery, light - 397 kcal
calories consumed - 1111.6 kcal calories burned - 397 kcal
total calories - 714.6
Again, i suck at math so all of my calculations are approximate. As well, I dont count drinks or seasonings- I only count oil because I personally want to use less oil, and counting oil gives me a visual on just how much I use and how much it actually affects me. I drink coffee everyday, and while i could try and calculate it, there is no point to me because i hate the taste of black coffee, and coffee makes me happy so i am not willing to change that, even if sometimes it might be a lot of calories in my diet. the point of this blog is for me to make healthier choices in my food, and therefore i calculate the calories in my food. if i did calculate my coffee, it would probably be an additional 200 calories most days, but for today my starbucks order was a venti brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso with 4 pumps classic syrup (soooooo good!)
24 oz brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso - 190 kcal
4 pumps classic - 80 kcal
add that to my total calories and it would be equal to 984.6 kcal, which seems more healthy anyways. The point is, don't worry about me if my calorie count is super low, it is because of these omissions in my daily coffee and spices :)
anyways, have a good day yall, and I will see you all later with my next entry!
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cannabisbutch · 2 years
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I posted 30,090 times in 2022
That's 14,028 more posts than 2021!
402 posts created (1%)
29,688 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,692 of my posts in 2022
#juniper.txt - 197 posts
#fibro and the myalgias - 57 posts
#cripplepunk - 33 posts
#cpunk - 26 posts
#cripple punk - 16 posts
#ofmd - 15 posts
#minors dni - 13 posts
#mutual aid - 12 posts
#me - 10 posts
#literally - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#every parrot owner is a lil weird but that have to be to be bold enough bc parrots have a 6th sense for weakness and fear and they will alwa
My Top Posts in 2022:
Comrades we need to start taking paid dumps both before we clock out and after we clock in from breaks. For disability pride month make ur comrades with IBS feel less like they take "too many" bathroom breaks and simply take more so we are no longer the outliers!
260 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
Oblitory attention selfie
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My birthday is in a month so i made a wishlist of stuff ive needed and haven't been able to afford while supporting my family, plus a few fun things for me!!
Several of the items are also to help my disabled household, like a stool chair for doing the dishes or cooking, and some grabbers to help us pick up around the house.
Anything helps, so pls boost!!
274 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
If you are fat and chronically ill its not your fault, even if
-you haven't lost weight/have gained weight since becoming sick
-can't exercise or eat """right"""
-use powered mobility aids
-dont want to lose weight
-are superfat/infinifat
-you love food and eating
-you love your current size
775 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Can we talk about how ableist people are abt handwriting if you're an adult with handwriting issues (no matter if it stems from something disability related or lack of access to education) and how specifically as an adult people treat you?
Ive gotten so much hate, mean jokes, and snide comments about my handwriting from everyone from teachers to bosses and coworkers to receptionists, and no matter how i explain that its a result of disability and almost always something i can't change, im still treated like a dumb kid, denied accommodations like being able to type instead of hand write, or once, even threatened that they would not allow me to vote because my signature didn't match close enough for that clerks taste.
Just because you cant write perfectly (or even legibly!) Doesn't mean you are not capable, smart, and have worthy things to say!
979 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you love butches you also need to actually love butches:
not just what we can do for you physically/sexually/emotionally, not just when butches date femmes, but also when butches date each other, when butches want nothing to do with being or acting feminine, when butches are not lesbian, when butches are trans, when butches are disabled, when butches are men, when butches are unsure of who they are.
Love butches for who we are, not who you want us to be for you
1,965 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hesnotavillain · 4 months
is there still anyone here?
it's trully been ages and tbh i almost didn't remembered the right email or password. i was creating an account on substack, since apparently that's a thing now (or has been forever and i'm only now finding about bc people are sharing theirs on my timeline) bc i was feeling like writing to no one really, just to put some feelings into words and then i remembered this "place" exists.
so funny (and cringe, obviously) getting to see how i spent years and years and lived through so much mental illness and so many fictional obsessions. this is like a museum of a lifetime, im not kidding.
writing this is also making me see how fucking bad my english actually is nowadays (if it was ever better)
let's see. im 23. got in college last year. quit my antidepressants the year before - which was also the year the guy i was seeing (because surprise surprise, you're bi!) and didn't have much expectations on became my boyfriend and potential future husband. i love him very much and we laugh a lot together. ngl i do miss women sometimes tho. just that specific sapphic atmosphere you know? dont really see myself away from it for the rest of my life. i mean, that just sounds like a very long time.
oh! i started the gym very recently. cant say that it changed my life yet, but honestly im hoping on that. it doesnt really have to change my life, but if it gets me some dopamine to go through my days with a nice ass as a bonus, i'll be happy. eating is not really the problem, cooking is. im too fucking lazy and this is actually the biggest fucking rock on my shoes. is that even a saying outside brazil? anyway.
i want to say i miss being a teenager, like maybe being 16-19 but man how can i say this when i was so fucking miserable mentally for way before that. im way better now, but sometimes i miss it and i know that really the only thing i miss is not having a real thought about anything that concerns real life because i was too drowned on gay content and too engaged with my internet friends. lmao. that sure was the life huh.
i dont think this writing exercise is working, but i also dont know what there is to 'work' really. i feel like there's a zillion subjects travelling aroung my mind all the time and i wanna deal with each but never know where to start so i guess that explains the messines.
im kinda excited to turn 30 (in a I'm Totally Romanticizing Turning 30 From Now On Because I Believe I'll Be At My Finest Era slightly delusional way). (if global warming even let us get there without massively destructing my mediocre reality). im also scared of the day i'll lose my loved ones. i feel like for the first time in my life im starting to understand that there's just so much life to live. so much life. how can every single possible thing, even the good ones, result on anxiety tho.
im already tired of this (writing) and dont know how to finish but for now i guess the substancial thing i can't forget is that i made it to right here and i'm the one who can get me to right there. so. just keep rolling my dudes.
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boneybrokengoblin · 11 months
Dear diary,
I had therapy yesterday, we talked about what i posted in my previous diary entry. It went well. She really wants me to start using these grounding exercises when i have my panic attacks/meltdowns, and i gen dont think they will work but i will try 😗
We mostly talked about stuff over the last two weeks bc i rlly don’t wanna jump head first into my trauma on the first session or anything.
I’m really stressed out about money rn. Im supposed to go on a 6hr day trip with friends on Saturday and im already dreading it. Im very nervous im going to spend all my money on gas for the trip rather than at the place we are actually going. Im gonna be absolutely exhausted afterwards. Its for my friends birthday so i dont wanna bail. I would feel really bad. Im just cery bervous because I don’t know if i rlly have enough money yet. I still gotta pay car insurance and groceries and my phone bill. AND im planning on paying my besties rent (97$) bc she’s unemployed rn and has 3 kids and this is her only option for housing. Like im not gonna let her be homeless while shes in post partum depression. So i just gotta figure it out and stuff :))))))))
Other than that i somehow gotta figure out gow to lose the 20lbs i gained this past year as well as lose the extra 15-20lbs so i can reach my goal.
I really don’t want to suffer like i did for years starving myself. But i also dont have the time or energy to work out and eat clean so ofc the first thing that comes to mind is to just stop eating. Cuz like if it worked before and i could lose 125lbs why cant i do it again???? Right? If i had the determination to starve myself to lose all that weight why cant i have the determination to lose 40lbs clean? I really wish i had some support or someone to work out with. :(
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zchera · 2 years
rant.. as an "overweight" child in asian household
okaaay so i really wanted to rant this out but i cant vent to anyone because my life fucked up and my friends literally (make me feel they) use me for academic points and an option. So i needed to let this out and the only option j have is internet.
So In early days when i was 12 before pandemic happen, i weight 34/35 kg. and for that i often get bullied because my cousins are skinny and literally the only healty and who look sexy (literally with those curves that i get sexu*****) is me. And im the problem. Because im not skinny as them and it really hurt me to core whenever i get called name on daily basis. Walk on my elder cousins? Get bullied with my (overweight adult that she admit she is) aunt name and aim to make everyone laugh but me who literally get teary everytime i heard it. I always show signs of struggle and really depress whenever they bring im the "overweight" in the family by either going silent, going in the room, locking myself, suddenly lose appetite and they didnt care. The worst part doesnt even come in yet, my mom always gave me the "stare" whenever i didnt gave a (fake) laugh at those horrible and body shaming jokes EVERYONE said, and later on she always scold me for being rude and being so weird. the pain of being bullied by my own parent hurt more than the pain i get when my heart suddenly stop because of shock one time or the hyper acidity attacks i get. This even come to the point that i develop a skill in which i dont let out sob or a sound when i cry (beside them because they think its a bonding but theyll bully me before sleeping by hugging and telling how big my body is) just because ill get called crazy for crying over simple things like that...
Then this comes the crazy part, i often get admirers. Really, boys or girls from my school. Then when pandemic comes in, i cant really be happy at home with the continues bullying of my body, and i get bullied by my 4/6 year old cousin because my parents are so close to annulment. It get me depress. I tried many coping mechanism. I cut my hair whenever i felt cutting my skin on wrist, but i get scolded. I tried sleeping all my problem, i get scolded. I tried imagining things, im getting crazy (bcs i really cant know whats real and whats not) and im getting depress more because i cant cope with all the problems aside from my parents childish on and off relationship and constant bullying, plus the pressure to get high grades without support from my life inside the school. Then because my sister always get what she wanys and wished for food, thats when my coping kick in.
I always eat whenever i feel said and its every hour. My mom aijt against it because i eat when she wasnt looking. But it get me to the point that i cant stop, i meant that it become a hobby. Then fast forward i gain.. weight. It comes to the point that i weight 64 kg! The fuck it double rigjts???? Thats when everyone fucked my mental health again by constantly reminding me how i get fat and unhealthy during pandemic, that i look good before. And i was like what??? Doesnt you people always bully me? But they doesnt remember things like that it seem when they always point how "sexy" how "skinny" am i before oandemic and now im fat little bitch. It hurts me. Because it take so much time to diet when you only knew that food is the only one to comfort you.
When things get a little lighter and schools open, i get bullied again. It added. Because i gain weight that no one wnag me anymoee and if they want they only wnag because im smart burned out asian chikd who get her ass whooped when i didnt get ranked. It felt so bad. I hate it.
Now i dont do anything because when i exercise or diet they bully me. Amd it msde me sad so i eat again and i weight. But now because of constang stress and depression, im around 60 kg. Its a big flex.
If you experience fucked up things like this, dont let yourself knew you are alone. We can do this and get our (happy) life back.
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bunnihearted · 3 years
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