#and i thought back on my speaking habits and after a while realized that yes that is something we do
sometimes i discover terms and words that describe the things i do that are associated with autism but whenever i bring them up i always get “you were never like that before!!”. i used to get in trouble at school, at home, at church for talking so much. I’ve always been hyperverbal I just didn’t know there was a word for it back then. even after i knew i was autistic but didnt know being hyperverbal was a thing i told people i stimmed by talking. before i knew echolalia was a thing i chalked it up to just liking how things sounded or it being a form of stimming.
you’re telling me that just because there’s a word for what i do that’s associated with autism, suddenly I’ve never displayed this behavior before?
all that learning these terms has done has made it easier to understand and explain myself. instead of saying “i talk a lot because I’m autistic and it’s a form of stimming which i do to self regulate” i can now say “i’m hyperverbal because i’m autistic.” or instead of saying “i’m not repeating you to be mocking it’s just something i unconsciously do when i like a noise or word or how you said that word.” I can say “I use echolalia because i’m autistic, thats why i repeat things the way i do.” In both these examples not only is the second option more concise it’s clearer and people understand me better.
i’m not going to apologize for wanting to understand myself and wanting others to understand me.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
a Clarisse la rue x reader where the reader is blind? it seems good? I just like your writing so I accept any plot you make on top of it
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Love is driving me a bit insane
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Child of Aphrodite! Blind! Reader
An - You not the shit bitch You not even the fart‼️‼️‼️
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Clarisse knew she had liked you more than a friend since the first time you Met. Ok sure she’ll admit at first she though you were weak for the simple fact you were blind- normally you wore a pair of feminine Prada sunglasses which complimented your skin tone and hair unnaturally well, aswell as adding a sense of beauty to your appearance. which was why it wasn’t a shock when you were claimed my Aphrodite.
Your cabin had been placed on her team for capture the flag. Clarisse at first was annoyed with this since she didn’t know where to place you however after you proved your strengths with your siren like charm speak she fell in love. That and the fact silenas constant battering for her to admit her feelings may or may not of helped
Since then clarisse had made it her mission to be around you as much as she could. You enjoyed the attention of the daughter of ares which ended with you two becoming close.
You noticed Alot of things, like how you noticed how strong the bond-fire was in-front of you.. You also noticed when you were close to clarisse, how fidgety she got it was especially noticeable how quiet she got.. you found it cute.
You faced towards clarisse reaching your hand out to grab her arm. The daughter of ares jumped. “Yes what do you need” she almost to quickly responded. You gave a small laugh. “I want some water, if you don’t mind” you flirted.
Clarisse immediately  stood up running off to get you a drink. You laughed to yourself as you heard her yell at different kids stressing about something simple like a water.
People thought they were sly and you were dumb, that just because you couldn’t see somehow that also meant you couldn’t hear.
“She’s a freak i mean have you seen her charm speak— it’s like a monster”
“I bet clarisse just hangs out with her out of pitty”
“Oh definitely she probably only wears those sunglasses because she has ugly eyes, I wonder why Aphrodite even claimed her”
“I know i wouldn’t of”
You gripped your walking stick with anger trying to calm down. “Ok I found a Fiji water from one of your sisters but I also have sparkling thanks to the Hermes cabin and oh! There’s also a—“
“I want to go back to my cabin” You harshly spoke trying to keep the tears at bay. Clarisse set the waters down before crouching infront of you, she touched you knee softly rubbing it. You could feel her harsh stare trying to figure out what was wrong. “Now please” You whispered.
“Yeah.. Yeah ok” she responded.. once back at the cabin you found your way to a bed you assumed was yours before lying down. You hated how people assumed shit about you just because you were blind, at least try to be creative about the insults.
The following day went as planned. You went to the straw berry feilds and picked some of the fruit, read some with a few brail books gifted to you by Chiron and walking around camp enjoying yourself.
Clarisse soon found you sitting on a bench laughing with your sister silena. The brighter girl looked over and mouthed a ‘ask her out’ to clarisse. She laughed at the girls embarrassed reaction before leaving.
“Silena?” You asked while tapping your index on the table an old nervous habit.
“No no it’s me” clarisse spoke up, she was flustered in the fact that silena had dipped on you two. You smiled once you realized who it was. “It’s my favorite daughter of ares huh”
“Oh you have favorites now?”
“Yeah but make-sure not to tell anyone else” you chuckled with the other girl.
Clasisse noticed immediately, the way your shoulders hanged and the sense of insecurity in your voice. “You ok?” She asked leaning over on the table while gently touching your hand.
You dismissed her by nodding. “Yeah im Fine don’t worry about it”
the daughter of ares however didn’t buy it. “Liar”
Your little back and forth game was one you both enjoyed.. you sighed and took off your glasses allowing clarisse to see your rare eyes, they shined like pearls in the sunlight. “Some girls I heard.. they were saying some uh fucked ip shit about me” You started while fiddling with your hands. “But uh they said that you only hangout with me out of pity..Is that true”
While you would of never knew you had made eyecontact with the woman infront of you. Clarisse grabbed your hands unexpectedly which made you jump slightly.
“Your a fucking dumbass if you think that’s true” she scoffed, Clarisse brought your hand to her lips before softly kissing your knuckles. “Everytime I talk to you it’s like Cupid is messing with me, you should of told me what those girls were saying and I would of defended you”
You had to take a minute before softly laughing with a flustered face. “Clarisse? Are you confessing to me right now”
Clarisse reached forward tucking a stray of your hair away “I guess I am” she mumbled.
“Guess I should to hm?”
You trailed your hands from the girls palms up her arms and to her shoulders, you placed your arms around her neck before leaning in to kiss her.
Clarisse while shocked kissed back, she was embarrassed as being new to the whole love thing — her kissing skills being evident of that.
Once you two had eventually pulled away but kept your faces close you were able to finally hear silena who was now cheering in the background.. and was that Charlie.
“OH my gods silena!” Clarisse yelled.
“Really?” You questioned sarcastically. Your sister from what you could tell just continued to laugh.
You faced back to clarisse and shook your head. “Just ignore her” You softly spoke before kissing her again
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stayinlimbo · 6 months
Returned Call
wc: 765, genre: exes to lovers(?), warnings: cursing in beginning, slightly unedited
note: although i feel this could be read as a stand-alone, here is the sequel to Missed Call you guys were asking for. i hope you enjoy ♡
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Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system: You know. Lee Minho. Not available. Voicemail. Speak. 
Fuck you, Lee Minho. No, seriously, fuck you. 
Tell me why I was contacted by not one but three of your dancing buddies within the past twenty-four hours about how you’ve been moping around and trudging through your routines for the past week. 
They were all essentially the same. You haven’t been the same since we broke up, is there any way we could reconnect, give you one more chance, blah blah blah. 
You must be doing really bad if one of them was Hyunjin, of all people. 
Two months too late, don’t you think?
As if any of this was my fault.
I was getting better before you called, you know?
I finally fixed my sleep schedule. I won’t lie, it took longer than I’d like to admit to break the habit of staying up late for you. At least I was already used to sleeping alone. 
I reconnected with some old friends since I couldn’t talk to Jisung as much without being reminded of you. They can still read me like a book, even after all these years.
I even went on a date. 
Granted, it was with myself, but I like to think it still counts.  
You know what I realized on my “date?” And while out with my friends? And on the sleepless nights I spent staring up at my childhood bedroom’s ceiling?
I had forgotten what it felt like to be seen. To be appreciated. To be loved. 
It seems like you’ve come to that conclusion as well, because you’re right. I deserved better. I deserve better. I may have ended our relationship, but I wasn’t the one who left first.
I remember our last kiss, paired with another one of your lies I foolishly kept believing in until I finished the movie night you promised you’d be home in time for. And I remember waking up on the couch with a sore neck to see your fatigued silhouette entering the front door, barely sparing me a glance as you dragged yourself towards the bedroom. 
You didn’t even look sorry. 
How could you, I guess, if you left everything back at the studio?
I used to admire your passion, Minho. I hate that I still do. You pour everything you have, everything you can possibly give, into what you love. So why couldn’t you do the same for us? For me?
You say you love me, but why does it feel like I lost something I'm not sure I ever had? 
Where did we go wrong? What did I do wrong? I gave everything to you. I gave you my heart, my body, my entire being. I gave you everything until there was nothing left to give.
I never asked for anything outlandish. I think it’s reasonable to want to talk with your partner, to share your lives with one another. I think it’s reasonable to ask about when you’ll be home for our anniversary without being yelled at in front of your friends. 
You want me to be proud of you? You want me to be happy about one of the very things that ripped us apart?
Yes, you’re selfish, but I’m no better. 
Maybe this is my fault. After all, no one should feel obligated to love someone. I just never thought it’d apply to us. 
…I wish I could hate you. I really do. 
But all I see is your stupid face smiling at me when I close my eyes. I hear your laugh ringing in my ears when I remember the ways you said or did something ridiculous to make me feel better after a stressful day. I still feel the warmth of your body wrapped around mine when we did wake up next to each other, our legs entwined together to where it was impossible to escape. Not that I ever wanted to. 
I want you to keep smiling at me. I want you to hold me. I want you to miss me. I want you to want me. 
Because I still want you. 
I want to give you a second chance, Minho. If things could be different this time, if we could be different. If we could share ourselves, wholeheartedly, as lovers, and not strangers.
I want to fall in love with you again, Lee Minho. 
Call me back, when you get the chance. You can keep the shirts for now.
Just please, don’t make me regret this.
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liked this work? want to let me know how i did? please like, comment, and/or reblog; they are greatly appreciated my asks are always open ♡
taglist: @linospuddin @linocz @spicyhyunn
ending note: I hope this didn't disappoint. I really tried my best to make it work with all the angst in here :D. I also tried incorporating parallels from Missed Call so hopefully that wasn't too annoying or anything <3
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sparkles-and-trash · 8 months
dabihawks silly, birdy fluff!
"Next week we're moving into the PLF mansion," Dabi said drowsily.
"The PLF mansion," Hawks repeated.
At first, Dabi figured Hawks' little habit was just a way to confirm intel. It was quite annoying, but the intel he got in return was good, so Dabi ignored it for the time being.
But then, as they moved into the PLF house and Hawks started being around more, Dabi realized it definitely wasn't an intel thing, and worse so, it seemed like he only did it with Dabi.
Dabi would say something like;
"Move over Pigeon, big ass wings don't give you the right to take up the entire couch."
And Hawks would chuckle and repeat;
"Big ass wings."
Dabi just rolled his eyes. It was just banter, after all, which was sort of their whole thing.
Until it wasn't.
The night had started out normal enough, just Dabi and Hawks being the last two to sit around the in one of the lounge rooms in the LOV part of the mansion, the casual vibe oddly disarming.
They're watching some stupid reality show on Sceptic's account (that he has no idea they have the password to), and Dabi, as usual, could not keep his mouth shut.
"You cannot tell me you think that guy is there to find someone to marry?!" Dabi exclaimed loudly as he gestured to the TV, and Hawks chuckled.
"Why else would he be there?" the hero asked,
and Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Fame and attention, obviously," he replied.
"Obviously," Hawks repeated and Dabi huffed.
They're quiet for a few moments again, just watching the show, before Hawks speaks up again.
"Why would people want fame and attention, anyways? It kinda really sucks, no?"
Dabi looks over at the hero for a while, trying to decipher if this is genuine or not.
"Thought you love your fans," Dabi says with a side eye, and Hawks shrugs.
"Most of them are nice, but I'd love to just be..." the hero trails off for a second.
"Just be?" Dabi asks, and Hawks nods.
"Just be."
Dabi cleared his throat to buy him some time before he figured out how to pry a little further.
"Maybe when we're all done here, you can," he finally says, and Hawks lights up at that.
"Maybe when we're done!" he repeats, and Dabi looks at him for an extra beat.
"Okay, what gives dude?" he finally asked.
Hawks just looked at him with those stupid, wide eyes.
"What gives?" he asked, and Dabi threw his hands out in frustration.
"Why the fuck do you always repeat something I say back to me?!"
The realization hit Hawks' face so suddenly it almost made Dabi feel bad.
Golden eyes widened, freckled cheeks blushed, and his pretty mouth fell open slightly, before he somewhat got himself together and and rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously.
"You've noticed that,
heh?" the blond awkwardly asked, and Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Kinda hard not to."
Hawks hummed, but didn't elaborate right away.
"It's... it's a bird thing, alright?" the hero finally admitted, and now it was Dabi's turn to be taken by surprise.
"A bird.. thing?" he asked.
Hawks nodded and chuckled awkwardly.
"Mimicking is like, a natural part of my brain?"
Dabi huffed.
"Then why do you only do it with me?" he asked, and Hawks sighed.
"Dude, I don't know, okay? It just happens."
Dabi looked at him suspiciously.
"I'm gonna google it," he finally decided, and Hawks laughed.
"Sure, do that Hot Stuff."
Hawks went back to watching their show, and Dabi googled. It was quiet for a while, before a smirk started growing on Dabi's face.
"Birdie," he said, getting the hero's attention.
"Hm?" the blond said, not looking away from the tv.
"Are you like... courting me?" Dabi asked with a grin, and Hawks whipped his head around to look at him.
"What?!" he squawked, and Dabi laughed.
"Mimicing is a way for birds show their potential mate that they find them interesting and -"
"It does NOT fucking say that!" Hawks gasped as he threw himself towards Dabi to grab his phone, but Dabi was quicker and moved away in time.
"Yes it fucking does!" Dabi laughed, not missing the way Hawks' face was turning very pink again where he was laying half way over Dabi's lap in his failed attempted at grabbing the phone.
"Well I am NOT courting you!" Hawks huffed as he sat up and pouted slightly, face growing redder by the second.
Dabi felt a weird warmth in his chest that he wasn't quite ready to decipher.
"That's a shame then, pretty bird," he said with a slightly softer smirk, and Hawks looked over at him with a mix of embarrassment and curiosity.
"Why?" he asked, still slightly pouting.
Dabi smiled.
"Maybe I'd be a little flattered by a traditional bird courting," he said with a shrug.
Hawks finally looked over at him properly again.
"Are you making fun of me?" he asked with a small smile.
Dabi laughed softly.
"Oh definetly," he said with a grin, and Hawks rolled his eyes.
"But... I also kinda mean it," Dabi added, and Hawks's face lit up slightly again.
"Good to know," he said in a failed attempt to sound chill, and Dabi chuckled as he moved a little close to the hero and brushed his hand up against his wing gently.
"Good to know," Hawks chirped back, and for once Dabi didn't find It annoying at all.
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tul1ps-k1sses · 3 months
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🌷So I did a thing..@lara-cairncross, but I managed to make an oc!! Meet Emilia, a garden fairy of the Hidden Hollow. She’s a very sweet and kind fairy, her love for her gardening talent is so infectious and caring. Her aura is so calming and uplifting, it’s like being embraced by the very essence of an entire flower field!
🌷Anyway, here’s some facts about my little delicate flower!:
-She’s LOVES eating anything with strawberries in it! And of course anything sweet will cheer her up! But she doesn’t really eat much of it, so she mostly eats small chopped fruits.
-She’s a sea turtle! (I was originally going to make her a water fairy, but then i realized it didn’t really make up my mind, so after days of thinking and rewatching tinker bell movies, a thought popped up in my head) Emilia is the ONLY garden fairy that can control aquatic flowers and collect seaweed without getting her wings wet! While other garden fairies can sometimes get their wings dampened by doing the work; so she’s the only fairy to volunteer to do it, and yes, she can swim.
-Whenever it was time for the seasons to change, Emilia has a habit of wandering off to see the humans. Mostly because she really wanted to know more about them cause of the stories the other fairies talked about. But at early morning, she peeked through April’s window cell and saw four other fairies that looked just like her, till this day she wondered who they were.
-Back home in the forest, she has the most BIGGEST garden! Filled with various of flowers and succulents that have been on the books, while some were very rare and never heard of before. And also a border to the winter side to see her best friend! Lumi, Yuichi’s younger sister.
-When Emilia’s friends come to hug her, they can always smells like a dessert! Strawberry shortcake with a hint of vanilla syrup and a dollop of a Sakura blossom on top. Even when she gives something to them as a gift or for something, she has the most SOFTEST hands ever! That’s why she’s mostly seen holding hands with her friends when flying or walking around in the field.
-She has a VERY contagious laugh.
(I have more facts in my brain! But it’ll come to me)
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🌷Little Emmy is really good at sewing! But sometimes she can stitch things at the wrong end or mess it up, she’s still learning! She goes on picnics by herself so that she can study all plants around her and in case she got hungry she packed desserts or whatever she made with her bare hands (I’m sorry if my handwriting looks so different in the picture, it’s because i took breaks and i totally forgot which brush i used before 😭)
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🌷The first time Emilia went outside the forest was when she was very very young, nobody really knew her so whenever she walked around the Hidden Hollow she’d either end up bumping into someone or falling to the ground because she was still getting used to her legs rather than flying around. The garden fairies soon recognized her once she reached a flower field, surprisingly they were nice to her. They asked for her name, but she didn’t learn how to speak so instead she pointed out towards a pretty pink tulip, so the garden fairies started calling her tulip! (The little flower knew her name, but she just didn’t know how to speak yet)
and…that’s all! I’m still sketching out the rest about Emilia/Emmy so if you’re interested in her, feel free to ask questions! Bye for now! 😘
Part 2>>
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lizzychanstuffss · 1 year
Omg maybe Astarion somehow being able to see a reality where he ascended and the dark urge ruled with him
his reaction could be good or bad 🧐 maybe both
BARK BARK BARK you are my first dark urge request so I am excited to write this! Also since I enjoy the idea of some angst with this I am going to say this takes place post-game with a good durge and spawn Astarion :3
Astarion x Redeemed!durge!Tav GN
Spoilers for the entire game. Also, forgive me if the details aren't perfect, I am fairly aware of what happens but for my own sanity I haven't actually seen these endings XD
Requests are still open!
You couldn't sleep, no particular reason this time either, just no matter what you did, tiredness would not take you. Honestly, you considered just taking a walk and seeing if it would tire you out although you didn't want to leave Astarion alone without telling him where you were going. It was something you realized he preferred once you started living together after everything that's happened. It was cute.
So instead of taking a walk you just stared out the window from your shared bedroom of the house you had made your own. The sun was starting to rise already which means that your 'night' was just starting. Converting to a nocturnal schedule was something Astarion actually refused to let you do at first, but considering that if you didn't you would basically never spend any time together he eventually relented. Oddly enough it wasn't a hard switch either you actually preferred to be awake at night then the day. You figured this might have been an old habit from your past life.
Astarion had decided to turn in early for the night, the both of you had a rowdy night of mischief-making and partying and well people congratulating you for saving the entire city basically. It was frankly exhausting and you couldn't blame the vampire for needing an early night. He had been in a trance for a while at this point but when you turned to check on him you noticed his brow was furrowed.
It was such a small thing that almost anyone would miss it but not you, you had a keen eye for the microexpressions his face made when he was having complicated emotions. You didn't always understand what they meant or what was going on in his head but you knew something was off with the man. So you crawled back into bed and debated for a moment about waking him up but decided unless he seemed to be in a panic it was best not to wake him. So instead you just put a gentle hand on his arm and then one in his hair stroking it gently.
After a bit of that he seemed to relax again. Before you noticed his eyes half open gazing at you.
"Oh did I wake you?" you asked him.
"No...well yes but don't apologize....I'm glad you did" turning to face you better he gently took the hand that had been on his shoulder and placed it on his face. The gesture surprised you a little. It's not something you had thought he would do.
"Is something wrong, love?" words sincere, he doesn't speak, at least not until he gathers his thoughts a bit.
"I had a dream, no it was more like a vision." he starts "It was about us...but it wasn't 'us' if that makes sense?" he asked, staring at you with one of his classic wet and pathetic cat looks he was prone to making in moments of vulnerability.
"I think I understand like you saw a version of us from another reality?" He nodded in response to your attempt at describing what he saw. "And what was different about this version of us?"
"Well, I'm not sure what entirely to make of it...it was almost like we were the worst versions of ourselves....we seemed happy but also miserable..." His voice trailed off a bit but he continued speaking before you could say anything in response "You had claimed the Crown for Bhaal, but I was ruling by your side...and I think I went through with the ritual" he seemed confused and shocked by own words but also terrified.
"O-oh" was the only thing you could say in response. Suddenly his want for comfort made utter sense and you couldn't help but comply running your thumb across his cheek. He melted into the touch relaxing a bit more.
The two of you stayed like that more a while. The information was quite a shock to both of your systems, but the both of you were thinking about it just unsure of what to say about such a thing. Then you finally spoke up.
"What did you think of this version of us?"
He sat with your question for a bit.
"I'm...I'm not sure....I know I didn't like it, it felt wrong" He sighs, "What do you think about this version of us?" flipping your own question back on yourself, you take a moment to think about how to answer before speaking.
"Considering that Bhaal wanted me to take the crown for himself and rule the world I can assume he...owned me" as hard as it was to admit you fully knew what taking that crown for yourself meant as it would have never been something you choose on your own. "You said you had ascended in the vision as well?"
He nodded "It was awful, it was as though I was looking as someone possessing my body, there was no ‘me’ anymore just a husk of who I thought I was supposed to be..." tearing up a bit "I was exactly like Cazador" he choked out the words sounding disgusted with himself.
"Hey look at me, that's not you though, that's not either of us" you pressed your forehead to his.
"And it never will be, I won't let it be"
His arms wrapped around you pulling you into him, as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck finding comfort in it as you held him. A hand coming up to gently play with the curls in his hair as he lets himself calm down in your embrace, although you also felt his hand stroke up and down your back in a soothing motion you weren't sure if it was for you or for himself but it was a nice gesture either way.
The two of you stayed like that for a while.
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lajulie24 · 2 months
What I should have said
Part 1 of a series of ficlets/drabbles featuring Han and Leia in different AU scenarios. Written for Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2024 ( @hanleiacelebration ) Day 3 — AU/Canon divergence.
When Han confronts Leia in the hallway on Echo Base, Leia changes her response.
“Well, don’t get all mushy on me. So long, Princess.”
Han turned on his heel and strode out of the command center, and Leia couldn’t tell whether she was more furious at Han for going back on his promise to stay, or for the way he’d broken the news to her.
She’d felt her heart go into her throat as he was speaking with General Rieekan, and could barely say a word as he’d come over to say goodbye. (Not even “goodbye,” just “I guess this is it.”) She knew she’d sounded cold, but what the fuck was she supposed to have done instead?
It didn’t take her long to decide to follow him into the hallway. No way was that bantha shit going to be the last word, after what they’d already been through together.
She spotted him moving swiftly down the corridor toward the hangar (well, as swiftly as one could on this ice without falling on one’s ass).
“Han!” she called, and he paused and turned around while she caught up.
“Yes, Your Highnessness?” he asked.
Great. So it was going to be like that, was it? Might as well get right to the point. “I thought you had decided to stay.”
“Well, the bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind,” he said.
Damnit. She’d hoped Ord Mantell had just been a temporary setback, that after they’d gotten back and everyone had recovered, that things would have blown over. Guess not.
“Han, we need you,” she said. She hoped it wasn’t too late.
Han scowled. “We need?”
“What about you need?” he asked.
Leia was a split second from answering that she didn’t know what in nine hells he was talking about, but she paused. This wasn’t the first time they’d had a conversation like this. Usually it was less angry, more him encouraging her to put herself before the Rebellion for a change, but—
He was asking her for what he needed, she realized. That’s what Well, your highness, I guess this is it had been about too.
The most ass-backwards way to tell me what you need, she thought. But she and Han had gotten into the habit of things being unspoken between them. Maybe that was ass-backwards, too.
“I need?” she asked him, her voice a little softer.
He gave her a pointed look, like You know what I mean.
She swallowed.
“I need you,” she said. She was aware there were people passing by in the hallway, no doubt expecting some kind of epic blow-up the way she’d stormed out of the command center, but fuck it. “I want you to stay.”
A second ago, Han had looked ready to pounce, ready for whatever counter argument she might throw at him. Now, he didn’t seem to quite know what to do with his limbs. After a couple of false starts, he crossed his arms, still in that protective stance.
“You do, huh?”
“I do.”
Han sighed and unfolded his arms, one hand rubbing at the back of his neck. His body seemed to relax a little, but he wasn’t happy.
“Don’t want to leave,” he said, “but I think that might be the best thing for you.”
She shook her head. You want me to be more selfish, Han, I’ll be selfish.
“No, it’s not,” she said angrily, then realized she was coming pretty damn close to crying, which made her angrier.
Han was beginning to notice the growing crowd of other Rebels moving through the hallways.
“C’mon,” he said, “let’s go somewhere…not the hallway. We’ll talk.”
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himeryu · 1 year
– Love Rivalry: 44. this is me trying
kaveh x reader (still 2 years ago)
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Alhaitham frowns, placing his phone into his front pocket. The cool breeze caresses Alhaitham's skin as he walks back into the cafe. Passerbys stand there in awe, with their attention focused on Alhaitham. They admire the handsome man, thinking that he might be the son of some celebrity! However, no one notices the annoyed expression on his face, which doesn't surprise him. Alhaitham is good at keeping his emotions in check. Though there are some instances where his feelings got the best of him, he did his hardest not to show it. Regardless of his efforts, he met you. 
Alhaitham recalls his conversation with you prior: how you noticed his unusual behavior. You were not wrong, though. Today has been a weird day for Alhaitham. Even a man like him is unsure of his sudden behavior change. Is it due to your influence? Suddenly, a small smile appears on his face just at the thought of you. He reckons that you probably felt the same thing before a sudden change in attitude towards the other. He was caught off guard by your new attitude that he thought you weren’t you; he thought you were possessed by a ghost. However, your habits remain, so he had no choice but to disregard his fantasy theory. 
Regardless, Alhaitham observed you, trying to match your new energy. Because of this, it leads to a change in his relationship with you. He is well aware of this change; he thinks it's for the best. Your clashing personalities and constant arguments were an obstacle to completing your project. But deep down, buried deep in his brain, is another opinion of his new dynamic with you. 
Alhaitham enters the cafe. His mind is lost in thought as he approaches your table. However, as his gaze lands on your table, you are no longer there. 
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The class just ended, and you are on your way to the main hall. Heizou accidentally got your charger during your movie night with him and Childe, so you were on your way to meet him. While walking across the corridors outside the building, you hear someone call out your name. You stopped in your tracks as you recognized that voice. 
You turn to look at them. Your expression darkens as your gaze lands on their face. It's Alhaitham.
Ever since that day, you've been avoiding the stoic green-haired man. You didn't want to see him and wished to give yourself time. However, the constant messages from the man annoy you to the core-- almost as if your relationship with him went back to square one. Regardless, you put on a smile. "Yes?" You reply; however, the smile on your face betrays the venom hidden in your voice. "Do you need anything?" you continue.
Alhaitham stays put. His gaze lingers on your being, ignoring the multitude of people wondering what is happening. You and Alhaitham stare into each other's eyes for a few minutes before looking away, embarrassed. 
'What is with him these days?' You thought. Alhaitham was always weird; however, he has been weirder this week. 
After a few more minutes, you sigh. Alhaitham continues to stare at you, refusing to speak despite calling out your name. Your fingers run through your hair, "If you don't need anything, I'll be going." You turn your back on him, "My time is precious, and I need to meet with my friend, so I'll get going." 
"Your time is precious?" Alhaitham suddenly speaks up; however, you refuse to turn back to look at him. Annoyed, you furrow your eyebrows, "That's right." You continue, "I'd rather spend my time with my friends than someone who despises me--" 
You immediately cover your mouth, realizing the words you uttered. You spoke too much. 
Alhaitham's eyes narrow, "Excuse me?" 
"I-it's nothing," You stutter, refusing to turn around and look at him. You try to dismiss the subject, but Alhaitham is persistent. With every word he says, he takes a step forward. Little by little, your back is directly facing his chest, and the distance between you two reduces. 
"Repeat it, [Name]." He says quietly, bordering whisper. His tone went from dictating to desperate. Why does he so badly want to hear what you said once more? Why can't he leave you alone when he hates you so? The tension between you two heightens, and you swear you can hear your heartbeat. You want to speak, but you can't-- afraid you may say something unnecessary. 
You want to leave; However, you don't know how.
But why? You could easily walk forward and ignore his presence, but something inside you does not. Do you believe there is sheer hope that everything you heard from him was all a dream? That your dynamic with this man would be like how it was? 
You can't just leave; you aren't that cruel-- yet. So, you need an excuse. 
"Why are you avoiding me?" Alhaitham mutters, making your breath hitch. "Why are you suddenly weird?" You stay put; however, Alhaitham chuckles lowly. "Why are we both weird."  
You stay quiet, not knowing what to say. Ah, you need to leave. 
You were about to reply, but loud laughter could be heard across the school's garden. You slowly turn your head to look at the source of the laughter as the breeze finally starts kicking in. Your eyes widen as you find yourself staring at a blonde man. The laugh was awkward, almost as if it was forced; however, you pay no mind. The cool breeze gently sways the loose strands of the man's hair, caressing his rosy cheeks. You stand there in a trance, not noticing the disdain on Alhaitham's face. 
Then, your eyes turn to the blonde's companion. Your mouth ajars in shock as you see a familiar ginger hair.
"Childe?!" You yell. Childe and his companion turn to look in your direction. The blonde man's face turns red, but you do not notice as your attention is on your ginger friend. Alhaitham's eyebrows furrow as Childe walks up to you, leaving his blonde companion alone in the garden. 
"[Name]!" Childe enthusiastically says, with a bright smile plastered on his face. "Are you going somewhere?" 
"Yeah," you reply. 
Childe glances at Alhaitham, and a devilish smirk creeps on his face. "How are you, Alhaitham?"
Alhaitham stays quiet. Childe continuously tries to engage in small talk with Alhaitham; however, Alhaitham does not respond. While the two were busy, you glance at the garden where Childe and his companion were, hoping to spot the blonde man. He was gone. 
"Anyways, [Name]," Childe says, "I thought you're supposed to meet with Heizou?"
Then you realize you finally found a way to escape. 
"That's right," You sigh. "However, I encountered some trouble. But since it is settled, I will be on my way."
Finally, you turn your head to look at Alhaitham. "To answer your question," You spout. "Think of everything you have said this week. Maybe, you'll find the answer to your question there."
Those were your parting words to Alhaitham. 
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SYNOPSIS You’ve been rejected by your academic rival, alhaitham, without even confessing or having feelings for him. You decided to go to a party to fix your damaged ego, so why are you suddenly making out with his roommate?
@dee-zbignuts @lxry-chxn @ducq @nikkicola @artssleepy @arraxthatsonjah @kunihaver @i-x4o @soohasoya @yae-raidenmyloves @aixaingela @09yyeol @nebulaera @bokutetsumu @kairxse @victoria1676 @thenightsflower @ti-lsy @alizaneth @abvolat @carnnieval @ultimate-imagines @ventisoba @skimm0nzz @slvdsjjk @succutie @empathum @saoiirsee @disa-ster @httpmitsuya @kunikuzushiit @semi-orangeapple @goodthingimsam @strawberry1894 @meep13r @leeyanyanyaaan @heart-cream @crueldinasty @justonemoreroz @boordbokee @moraxsimp69 @kkiryu @r4yyyyy @tartagli-yuh @raideneiari @kaekazuha04 @dazaiscum @mayasshitposts @kunikuzi @ruisann (taglist full)
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adorethedistance · 2 years
Black and White - Mat Barzal x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: Swearing, mentions anxiety, almost pg13
Words: 1385
Summary: After attending one of the isles’ many fundraising events, a simple walk in the park turns into a moment the two of you will never forget.
A/n: I’m like 90% done with finals and so I’m filling this anonymous request  as a result. I hope y’all like this quick little fic and as an update there’s a fluffy Zegras fic in the works. 
“Thank you for coming with me tonight,” Mat says from behind a fleeting scoop of bubblegum ice cream. The Islanders fundraising gala was fun and all but Mat and I dipped out before closing remarks in favor of grabbing ice cream before Baskin Robbins closed. So now we’re walking around a random park, black tie attire, in the cold Long Island night.
“You don’t have to thank me, I’m your girlfriend. Being your plus one is part of the gig, and I’m more than happy to do it.” Mat lets go of my hand to lift his arm and gesture me over. I gladly accept the warmth as I’m nearly freezing from walking around at night in a light coat while eating ice cream. He hugs me into his side and kisses my cheek gently. I breathe a small laugh as his lips are still cold.
“How do you know if you want to marry someone?” Mat asks out of nowhere. I hesitate for a second, jarred by his candidness.
“Are you asking me specifically or like the general ‘you’?”
“I’m asking you specifically.” I pause to collect my thoughts and Mat watches me carefully.
“...Well…I think for me specifically…I want an equal relationship where I feel like I lean on them as much as they lean on me for support. I want someone who respects my boundaries and knows I’m their partner and not their therapist. Whoever it is will get along with my family and at the very least tolerate my friends,” we share a small laugh amidst the tense moment. “I want someone who understands how I give love and helps me understand how to give them love and- why are you looking at me like that?” Mat barks out a nervous laugh. He takes his arm off of my shoulders and messes with his hair a bit. One of his nervous habits that I’m not sure he realizes he has.
“Do you think… I meet those requirements?” I hesitate but only because I’m trying to remember everything that I said.
“Yes, I think you do.” Mat smiles relieved before taking my hand in his own once more, placing a kiss on the top of it. We continue through the park, heading back to the car when a sudden flash of light catches our attention. Looking to the source, we see that a gazebo covered in christmas lights had previously not been lit. I snap my head around to look at Mat and the look on his face tells me he already knows just how excited I am about it.
“I don’t know how I didn’t notice this before!” I say as I’m pulling Mat along with me. His pace was too casual for the kind of urgency this sight has instilled in me. As we get closer, someone stands up and I stop in my place. I don’t want to impose on someone else’s time with the pretty lights. Opening my mouth to speak, I immediately cut myself off when I recognize the not so unfamiliar stranger.
“Beau?” I ask when he turns around. He looks at me, slightly panicked. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh my god, no way!” I hear a woman’s voice from behind me and Mat. I turn around to see it’s Emma emerging from a weird angle. She’s coming at us from behind rather than from the parking lot or from the shops.
“Long time no see,” I joke, happy to see our friends despite just spending the last three hours with them. “What’s up? Are you guys also on a walk… at the same park?” Beau and Emma share a look before she gestures him over to where she’s standing.
“Yeah, I was telling him about this gazebo because I drove by one night and the lights were just so pretty I wanted to show him.”
“Gotcha. Well if you want, I can take some cute pictures of the two of you!” I offer happily and Emma and Beau share another look.
“That… would be great, thank you! Beau?” She looks at him and nods over to the gazebo. He looks at Mat with the most confused look I’ve ever seen.
“You okay?” I ask as Emma hands me her phone. She has to physically walk over and grab Beau which snaps him back into reality.
“Yeah I’m good,” he replies quietly and walks into the gazebo. Emma barely poses and I’m about to snap the third photo when she breaks away and walks over to get her phone from me.
“That should be good, thank you.”
“Are you sure? I only took like three-”
“Yeah, no, we’re good! Your turn!” She says urgently and nudges me toward the gazebo. I decide not to push back and when I turn to beckon Mat over, he doesn’t follow.
“I’ll hold your coat so you can get outfit pictures first.” I reluctantly nod and then shrug off my jacket. Why is everyone being so weird?
“You gotta hurry because I am FREEZING!” I instruct Emma and she laughs before nodding.
“Copy that.”
“Okay, I want full fit and shoes for some and then just waist up in the others,” I speak quickly before posing and trying not to shiver violently. “Fuuuuuucckk it’s so cold.” All three of them laugh at my dramatics. Mat shakes his head amusedly and then hands my coat to Beau so he can get in the pictures. He wraps an arm around my waist for a few pictures and Emma snaps approximately two before putting on her director hat.
“Okay, Y/n stay where you are. Mat can I have you stand to the side of her but take a tiny little step back?”
“How should I pose without him…?” I ask skeptically. I don’t think I can see the creative vision and I hope Mat is also a little lost so I don’t just look like an idiot. When I turn to see if he’s also puzzled, I don’t get the moment I’m hoping for. Rather than sharing a confused look and laughing about it, I find him placed just out of my line of sight on one knee with one hand tucked into his jacket pocket.
My eyes go wide for a millisecond before welling up so full of tears that I can no longer see. I hold my right hand over my mouth to keep myself from crying harder. Mat has small tears in his eyes as he holds a small velvet box the color of the Isles signature blue.
“Y/n… you are the love of my life. I remember the first time you came over to my apartment. It was date number four. I made us dinner and you went to the bathroom and when you came back you were very anxious.” I laugh through my tears as I recall the evening and how the story went.
“You were acting weird the entire night and when I asked what was wrong, you were silent for a minute before asking if I “actually” used 3-in-1 shampoo. I laughed so hard I nearly cried and from that moment on, I knew you were endgame.” His simple word choice makes me laugh and the swelling of emotions in my chest makes me forget just how cold I was before.
“Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?” I begin to sob so uncontrollably that I can’t speak so I just nod an emphatic yes. Mat smiles brightly before taking the ring out of the box and sliding it onto it’s permanent spot on my left hand.
I don’t even wait for him to stand up before grabbing his face and kissing him with the passion only two people madly in love could ever know. He kisses me back and places his hands on my waist. Emma and Beau cheer and I remember they’ve been here the whole time.
“You motherfuckers! You knew, didn’t you?” They laugh at my outburst and confirm my suspicion. Mat rises to his full height and when he’s standing I playfully shove his chest. “That’s why you were being so weird today!”
“How does it feel to be engaged, man?” Beau asks and Mat huffs a long sigh.
“I don’t know, I think I blacked out.”
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epiclamer · 1 year
This one is for my wife (who is helping me get back into writing because im in a slump 😭) @save-the-villainous-cat
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Dressing Habits
It was safe to say the knight was almost prepared for what they were about to walk into. Every time the prince called them to his quarters it was some new elaborate scheme to try and seduce them.
But this time the air was different.
They couldn’t see his face and he didn’t turn in his chair when they entered. Something was definitely wrong.
If the knight had the right to speak first they would, but for fear of worsening his state they stayed silent until he was ready.
“I’m tired.” He turned slightly and the knight couldn’t help but trace his side profile with their eyes. Yet they didn’t truly believe what he said, if anything he looked more determined than exhausted.
“You should sleep then, your highness.”
The prince groaned, running a hand through his messy hair. Sometimes he loved his title, other times not so much… “Not that kind of tired.”
They knew.
And they waited for him to continue.
“I’m tired of begging you to touch me.” He smiled, that stupid grin that made the knight’s heart skip a beat every time. That smirk that promised a good time and a bad back the next morning. “I’m a prince after all~”
This time he turned all the way around, revealing the sheer robe that loosely covered his shoulders and chest but did absolutely nothing to hide it. Its dark, floral print and lace edges screamed “rich royalty” which seemed to be the style that suited him best. At least, that’s what the knight had deduced from the prince’s various extravagant outfits.
Or maybe it was just their favourite style out of the many.
“Pardon?” They hated the way their voice broke at its peak, on the other hand the prince seemed to love it. Leaning his head back and wetting his lips as he looked them up and down.
“Do you ever take that off?” He gestured with a flick of his wrist at their armour.
Technically no. But also yes. They did, when they were alone. Which probably hit every check box for a metaphor about their cold heart and closed off demeanour, but it was their duty. They were a knight and their job was to protect. Their amour only ever came off when they had time to themselves. The prince however shortened that time indefinitely with his constant beck and call.
At their silence, he raised a brow, prodding for an answer he must’ve already known. The knight swallowed, normally they had much more composure around him, but his outfit and his laugh and his face, everything, was becoming increasingly more distracting.
“Yes, sire.”
“Fuck…” The prince closed his eyes, groaning in ecstasy as he did. “I thought we saved that name for the sheets.”
“We’ve never had sex.” It came out too fast. Too rushed that they didn’t even realize the words had left their mouth until the prince stood up from his chair and stalked towards them, his grin bigger than ever.
The prince was known for his… luxurious dressing behaviour. It was his favourite thing to do each morning, what outfit will infuriate the knight the most?, type of game. He prided himself on his accuracy at it as well.
This robe however, challenged every other article of clothing the prince had ever worn before. He hadn’t even bothered to put boxers on and the fabric was as good as invisible. Only now did the knight begin to understand what he was getting at.
“Not yet, no.” In two strides his highness was before them. Leaning in before he spoke again, “But I plan to change that tonight.” He hesitated, placing a hand against their chest plate. “May I?”
A terrible trick of words. Both of them were skilled when it came to language—one of the many things the prince found endearing about his guard—but he was more fond of twisting them, whilst they were more fond of empowering them.
The knight wasn’t allowed to take their armour off, especially not while on duty, but a direct order from one of the royal family was not to be ignored, nor deterred. He knew it, he knew both sides and they knew that he knew. It was a double edged sword, yet they were granted a choice. They could choose what rule they would follow and he wouldn’t object to their decision.
“I’m not interested.” Maybe if they lied out loud both of them would believe it. “…Your highness.”
His smile faltered just a little and the knight would lie again and tell themselves it didn’t hurt their heart to see. But they stayed strong and the prince retreated their hand back to their side.
He shrugged, his robe falling off one shoulder revealing a small, circular scar and the knight’s skin prickled with the memory of the moment. They couldn’t handle seeing the prince’s scars, it felt like a reminder that they had failed him. A permanent mark of their sloppy work which ended up hurting the one they were supposed to protect.
The palm of the prince’s hand gently brushed their cheek as he pushed a lock of hair out of their eyes. Drawing the knight back to their surroundings in a blurry rush of heat. His eyes told them he could read their mind and they offered a guilty comfort of which they couldn’t indulge.
“I have sources that would say otherwise…” Cocky and arrogant was his default, but he seemed to hold a certain kindness in his heart for the knight. Yet they couldn’t decide what side they liked more on him.
“You were never one to believe rumours, my liege. What has changed that?”
“Because it’s you they’re about.”
“You’ll find there’s many, if you look.”
“Your highness.” He shared the title as it came from their lips. Practically glowing when he guessed the right name before he turned back towards his chair.
Falling back into it, the knight couldn’t help the lurch their heart did and the flinch their body acted towards the prince’s carelessness. He winked at them, spinning himself around as he spoke.
“Ever thought about switching it up?” The prince waggled his eyebrows, biting his bottom lip before he continue. “Something like da—”
“If you’re about to say what I think you are, don’t bother. It’s not happening.” They had to close their eyes at the thought of keeping composure. He was such a dick. “…My prince.” The knight sneered, biting their tongue at their own attitude.
The prince hummed, much too content with the knight’s reaction. “I won’t give up on you, baby.”
Internally they were relieved, externally they rolled their eyes. “I know.”
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bellaramseysgf · 1 year
Chapter 1 (B.B)
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Warning(s); brief mention of death,Bucky ghosted reader,ENDGAME SPOILERS,TFATWS SPOILERS,mentions of bucky’s nightmares,sewing,coffee drinking.
Pairing(s); Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary; You and Bucky finally meet again, let’s just say old habits die hard.
A/n; first chapter to my series!! Longest thing I’ve written in awhile I’m so excited to share this with you!! Lmk if I missed any warnings!
Reblogs and cmts are appreciated!!
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After haven taken care of the Karli Situation Bucky and Sam both decided to just lay low for a while. Lucky for them Sarah said she knew a girl they could stay with until they wanted to leave.
Buck was packing up the few things he brought with him when Sarah called from the kitchen "Hey! My friends here" they walked into the kitchen.
There in all her 'glory' stood you. "Hey, Buck" she said and I realized she knew I was here. He replied with just your name. "right...so I'll put our stuff in the car." Sam said carrying bags past you both.
"You're fucking kidding me" Bucky huffed and Sarah looked between you two. "This..is a thing?" She asked "yes" "no" you both spoke at the same time. "Not anymore" buck corrected her and you rolled your eyes.
"Are you coming?" You asked walking out the door.
You were in the driver seat and sam was in the passenger so buck just slid into the back and you all left. Not much was said mainly just music cutting through the silence.
You pulled up to a gated house stopping to type in a code. You were never one to really spend money, how the hell did you get a fucking mansion?
“this is awesome" Sam said watching as the gravel road lead up to a 2 story house. It was made of white paneling and I recognized it immediately. "You still live with your parents?" Bucky said laughing a bit.
"No, I live by myself since they died" you said rather coldly and bucky stopped his laughter. You adored her parents it must've been hard for you going through their death alone. Most of the avengers quit speaking to you after the blip.
You were shocked finding out they defeated thanos, no one really thought of you for help. You seem to be holding yourself fine though.
You parked climbing out of the car you unlocked the front door and they carried their few bags inside. "Bedrooms are down the hall,bathrooms to your left right before the stairs." You were speaking more to Sam.
You were up late that night trying to fix a tear in one of your dresses. You had Gone downstairs to get another cup of coffee when you could hear Bucky groaning in pain. You -quietly- walked down the hall his door was open. You walked inside seeing him drenched in sweat, he had taken the bed sheets off the bed and was sleeping in the floor.
"Buck?" You called but it didn't wake him, you knelt down next to him pushing your hand against his chest. "Buck!" I called a little louder. He wasn’t waking up, you shook him a bit "Bucky!" He finally jumped awake panting as he sat up his hand gripped your wrist.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked looking over at you as he was catching his breath "you sounded like you were in pain...I was just making sure you were alright." He shoved your hand. "I'm fine." He said coldly.
You sighed and stood up walking out of his room. The fucks wrong with him,why's he acting like that. You sighed and went back upstairs with your coffee fixing my dress.
It had probably been 40 or so minutes when there was a knock on your door,you had already gotten in bed. You slid out of my bed and opened the door. "What Buck?" You asked and he rubbed the back of his neck looking at you. "Bucky it's almost 2 am what do you need?" You asked and he finally let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry for how I talked to you." He said refusing to look at you "is that all?" You asked. He shook his head and you waited for him to continue "Bucky I'm going to bed" you said and left the door open walking back to bed.
You climbed back into the warmth of you white comforter pulling it up to your shoulders. You heard Bucky shift and then your door close. Soon after you felt your bed sink and blinked your eyes open to see him sitting on the bed.
You pulled the comforter back and opened your arms for him. He slid inside the blankets and into your arms, his back was to you so you spooned him.
He still smelled like the most comforting scent you’ve ever smelled. You didn't pull him closer just let your hands rest where they were.
Before long you could hear Bucky's snores and smiled to yourself. After the blip you moved back in with your parents,without Bucky you felt like you had no reason to fight anymore. Five years later you got a call from Steve saying Bucky was back and they had saved the world. He also told you Tony and Nat had both died which crushed you.
You tried to reach out to Bucky multiple times but was ignored. You met Sarah through her sons school,you were painting a mural there a few months ago. You became fast friends but you didn't even know Sam and her knew each other.
Until she called asking if they could stay with you. You said yes because rather selfishly you knew Bucky couldn't ignore you anymore if he was living with you.
After you knew for sure he was asleep you shifted closer to him pressing your head against his back breathing in his warm scent. It always put you right to sleep,it still did.
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thesymphonytrue · 4 months
Hi hello!!!
“Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
This line has SUCH Elle energy!! Whatever ship u want but it would be so cool if she said it
I immediately thought of El with this line, too!!! So yes....she says it!
"Oh honey, I'd never be jealous of you."
Elizabeth turned over in bed, surprised to find a cold, empty spot where Peter usually slept. Sighing, she propped herself up and checked the time: 3:00 am. Furrowing her dark brows, she pulled back the covers and tiptoed down the hallway to the top of the stairs. Peering into the living room, she saw Peter.
He was sitting on the couch, hair still messy from their evening romp hours ago, clad in a white t-shirt and boxers. One hand loosely held his phone to his ear, while the other rubbed his eyebrows wearily. But on his lips, on those wonderful lips that devoured Elizabeth almost daily, was a tiny smile, a sparkle of amusement and infatuation.
Neal Caffrey, Elizabeth thought.
This was the third night in a row that Neal Caffrey had called Peter and while Elizabeth didn’t so much mind Peter being all-consumed by his job, post-midnight phone calls were…
In Elizabeth’s mind, Neal was a brilliant mind who had fallen into the wrong crowd (criminals) and latched onto Peter’s stability, whilst also out-smarting him on almost every turn.
And Peter fucking loved it.
When Peter Burke was challenged, Peter Burke thrived. Elizabeth smiled to herself; she knew this on an emotional, intellectual, and sexual level about her partner. Peter was meticulous about learning everything about his pursuit, making him an excellent FBI Agent, but even better in bed.
She smiled coily to herself and decided tonight would be the night she intervened. She couldn’t have a criminal stealing her husband away, could she? Well aware that she was still in lingerie from earlier (a lovely lacy black thing that left absolutely nothing up to the imagination), Elizabeth fluffed her hair, squared her shoulders, and pranced down the stairs like a runway model.
Peter was mid-chuckle when he spotted her, cheeks flushing and eyes widening at the sight of her soft curves. She walked over to him like a lioness stalking her prey and plucked the phone from his hands.
“Hello, Neal Caffrey,” she said cooly into the phone.
She could practically feel him grinning on the other end.
“Is this the famous Mrs. Burke? I was convinced Peter was lying about having a wife. How do you put up with him, he’s insufferably stubborn,” Neal rattled off as if he and Elizabeth were the best of friends.
Elizabeth couldn’t help but feel a smile tickle her lips as she stole a glance at Peter, whose mouth was propped open in despair and eyes wild with panic.
“Well, you’re right about that,” she said, proceeding to straddle Peter and play with his hair while keeping Neal on the line.
“So why are you up at this hour?” Neal chirped, “Are you jealous?”
Elizabeth chuckled, low and sultry, leaning in and kissing Peter’s neck, to which Peter suppressed a groan and motioned for her to hang up the phone immediately.
“Oh honey, I could never be jealous of you,” she said, speaking to Neal, but looking directly into Peter’s honey-brown eyes, whose pupils were now fully dilated.
“Have Peter shown you my picture?” Neal asked, audibly smirking.
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, realizing she didn’t know anything about this man other than his name and criminal habits.
“No, he hasn’t,” her gaze flicked to Peter, who was still clueless as to the nature of their conversation. She caressed Peter’s cheek, “But looks don’t matter to Peter,” her eyes twinkled as she widened her legs on Peter and pressed herself closer to him, “Peter loves smart—”
“Well isn’t he lucky that he’s got both in you, Elizabeth,” Neal cut her off, as if he knew exactly what she was trying to do.
“Hang up the phone!” Peter mouthed desperately.
Elizabeth’s eyebrow arched in pleasure at hearing this as she surveyed Peter, practically panting after her.
“Thank you for the compliment, Neal,” Elizabeth purred simultaneously into Peter’s ear and the phone, “Now say goodnight to Peter and let him come back to bed with his wife.”
Neal let out a bright laugh at this, one that even Peter could hear through the phone. Peter turned beet red and promptly snatched the phone back from Elizabeth and gripped her waist, gently pushing her off of him and setting her down next to him as he stood.
“Peter! I didn’t know that you had such an active—-“
“Shut it, Caffrey! Goodnight!” Peter barked, clicking the phone off, Neal’s laughter still echoing in Elizabeth and Peter’s mind.
Elizabeth stood and snaked a hand around Peter’s chest from behind, pressing her breasts into his back. She felt him tighten in response and she rested a hand over his fast beating heart.
She glanced down at the coffee table, Neal Caffrey’s file open. A photograph was pinned to the edge of the file.
Slightly blurry due to Neal being in motion, it was a picture of a dark haired man with brilliant blue eyes, chiseled jawline, and wild smile. He was handsome enough to make any woman–or man–swoon.
“Now that you’re all hot and bothered,” she whispered in Peter’s ear, “should we go to bed or take the couch? Or has Neal put a damper on things?”
Peter turned to face her, his hands tracing the curves of her waist, cupping her supple—and practically bare—ass and kissed her passionately on the lips.
“Couch will do,” he said gruffly, lowering her to the sofa.
Elizabeth sighed and smiled as wrapped her legs around him and pulled him on top of her, satisfied with how Peter's 3 am call had ended. She wondered how long this Neal Caffrey would invade their lives. No, Elizabeth was not jealous, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t take advantage of the perks this handsome criminal’s pursuit of Peter provided.
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mattybstqrn · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫 (𝐏𝐓.𝟑) - 𝐂.𝐖
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Female Reader x Cole Walter
~Flashback. Four months ago~
Today was the day that you and Cole found out the gender of your baby, Katherine wanted you guys to have a gender reveal, but you decided against it because none of your family would be there and you didn't want any of your friends (Grace and Skylar, obviously) to go because if they came, then they'd know and you didn't want them or anyone else to know.
So, you and Cole drove to the hospital, when you guys arrived you sat in the waiting room until the called your last name, leading you down the hall to the room where she started the ultrasound, they looked at the screen seeing their beautiful baby.
You stared at the screen in awe, once again, it was habit, staring at the pictures, you were just still so shocked at the fact that you were even pregnant as was Cole. He looked down at you smiling, he was mesmerized. 
"Would you like to know the gender?" the doctor looked at the two waiting for the answer, "Yes please," you excitedly nodded, "It's... a girl!" she smiled, your heart dropped, you and Cole were having a baby girl, the gender didn't matter to you but now that you knew, you were excited to be the mother a baby girl.
Cole tightly held your hand smiling at the screen and kissing your forehead. 
And that was the day they found out that they were having a baby girl.
Cole had kept his promise, he had been helping you throughout everything, holding your hair back as you threw up, made you food (especially your weird cravings), gave you foot and back massages (your personal favorite) and forehead kisses. He was like the perfect boyfriend, it was as if you were living a fairytale life, you just didn't have a big castle, a tiara, and big pretty dress, but you didn't care for any of that stuff, you didn't need any of that stuff you were happy with family you had with Cole.
The Walter's, Katherine especially had been there for you whenever you needed her, she'd call off of work just because you needed something, which you appreciated, but you felt as if it wasn't necessary, the only time you ever really needed her was when your water broke while Cole was at school.
You see you weren't at school anymore because after a few months of being in school, you decided it would be better to pull out of school and do online, you didn't want to go to school while pregnant and get made fun of, so you sat home and did school, you didn't go out much either, not wanting to see people from school and them question you about what happened. The only ones who knew were the Walter's and their kids and your aunt.
~Flashback of a few days ago~
You came upstairs from the basement craving some Nutella and as you grabbed a spoon you felt water running down your leg, looking down at yourself confused, you thought that maybe you had peed yourself, that happens to some people when there pregnant but then you realized that wasn't the case. 
You immediately called Katherine, who rushed back to the house. You then called Cole; you knew he probably wouldn't answer since he was in school, but you prayed that he did. When it stopped ringing you heard his voice, "Y/n, hello?"
"Cole. Cole! oh my god, Cole," your breathing was uneven as he spoke, "Are you okay? What happened? What's wrong?" he worriedly asked in a whisper, "My water broke," you breathed out, you heard Cole speak but it wasn't to you and then it was, "We'll be there as soon as possible." he promised, you started grabbing everything you needed and called George as instructed, he was outside with the horses and when you called him he immediately grabbed everything you guys needed and started driving you to the hospital, he tried to calm you down, you were panicking, you needed Cole to be there to calm you down but he was at school and you prayed that he'd hurry.
"I have to go, all of us do," he looked back at Danny who looked at him confused, Cole jerked his head to the front of the class as he spoke to his teacher telling her that he needed to get home, Danny followed after the boy as he ran out of the classroom, "Text Alex, Isaac, Nathan, and Lee, we need to go. Now."
Danny was confused but he could tell Cole was panicking and did as told and texted the four telling them that Cole was freaking out and that they needed to go, Cole started the car waiting for the four, "If they're not here in ten seconds, I'm leaving," Cole told his brother as his thumbs nervously tapped the wheel, "They're here," 
The four hopped into the car and Cole immediately started reversing and speedily drove, "Can you slow the fuck down?" Isaac questioned, Cole was driving like a maniac, and they were all holding on to something of out fear, Cole ignored the boys and continued to drive like an idiot, "Okay, can you tell us what the hell is going on?" Isaac asked, Lee nodded in agreement as did Danny, Alex and Nathan, "Y/n's water broke," 
The boys swarmed him with questions asking she was okay, "I! I-I don't know," his voice was loud and then it was barely above a whisper, the boys were shocked by his sudden outburst, but they understood where he was coming from since he was panicking.
You had reached the hospital and was immediately taken into a room; everything was going by so fast that you barely knew what was going on but that all stopped Cole arrived with all of the Walter's excluding the younger kids. You didn't remember anything other than him telling you that he loves you before the big push.
You fell asleep soon after (about 15 seconds after), you were so exhausted from the push that you fell asleep leaving Cole with the baby. But you were soon woken needing to feed her. "Do you have a name?" Katherine asked the two as you and Cole, you looked down at your daughter and then Cole who spoke, "Lakelyn May Walter," 
(this name was requested)
It was a different name something Cole had suggested and at first you didn't like it but then you slowly grew fonder and fonder of it and decided to use it, "That's beautiful," she smiled as George placed a hand on her shoulder.
"You can hold if you want?" Katherine's face light making grabby hands as I handed her my baby. Watching as my mother-in-law held her.
A few hours later the Walter's excluding Cole had left, you needed to rest, and you couldn't sleep with everyone there and wanting to hold Lakelyn, everyone had gotten the chance to hold her, and you and Cole had sighed the birth certificate.
Before you drifted off to sleep with Cole right beside you, tightly wrapping his arms around your waist he spoke, "I love you and this baby so much and I promised you that I'd be there for you and Lakelyn, and I plan to be there forever, if you'll let me?" you looked at him confused, "What are you saying?" your tone was tired and you were out of it, "Will you marry me?" you thought you were dreaming but when asked again thinking you hadn't heard him the first time, you looked up him shocked, but you would be a fool to say no.
You sat there pretending to think about it for a minute, you looked down at Lakelyn and then thought about the Walter's and how you felt like you were already apart of the family, and then you turned to Cole, pulling him into a kiss, he kissed back and you responded, "Well, I do like the sound Y/n Walter, so I guess," you playfully shrugged, he laughed at you and pulled you back into the kiss, "I like the sound of that too."
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We were robbed of this
Guys Keith and Allura are besties. I hate that they only had an interaction when dream works needed her to create racial drama for him. And once they make up, they go back to being distant.
Does Keith have a random collection of art supplies hidden in his closet?
He goes to Allura’s room instead. Thanks to their shared experiences and mutual feelings of unbelonging, they’re actually best friends. (Shiro and Coran are family, so don’t worry, they aren’t being replaced.)
Allura practices hairdos and makeup on Keith while he puts her untouched art supplies to use and spills his guts to her. It’s a win-win, Keith gets things off his chest that he can’t say to anyone else, and Allura gets all the gossip.And, of course Allura shares a bit, but she finds it easier to listen to others and find comfort in that.
Which is why she feels horrible betrayal crawling through her gut when Shiro and Keith got to the Marmora base and won’t tell her anything anymore.
She knows it’s because he’s worried that he’ll crack and gush everything to her ( can never keep secrets from the princess) but she doesn’t understand what could be so bad that he doesn’t want to get advice from her.
It feels like she’s losing him.
She finds out that he is half Galra and explodes internally. Not only had she told the enemy her darkest secrets, but she actually valued him.
It had to be a mistake, or maybe Keith is even faking it to cover up something else.
But the deep hurt that floods his eyes any time she looks at him is very clearly genuine.
She’s never seen him looks so wounded. Wait, yes she has. He looks like this when he talks about his dad running into a flaming building and leaving him behind forever without a second thought.
And Keith has been getting more stressed without a creative outlet as well, and the whole team notices the tension when Keith makes it past level 183 on the training simulator.
Lance has gotten more protective and it is common to see him with an arm around Keith protectively and sending Allura loathing looks.
Keith and Allura make up when she realizes how crappy she’s been but doesn’t know how to apologize as sincerely as he deserves.
She takes her chance after Keith announces to the team that he and Lance are are officially dating. Allura had known about Keith’s crush for a long time now, longer than Shiro.
Allura slides up to Keith during dinner.
“So. You did it. Make sure you hang on to him, he seems like a good one.”
As the resident lesbian of the castle, Allura does not understand the men she is surrounded by, but Keith is the only one willing to indulge in ‘girl time.’
When Keith only raises an eyebrow at her sudden interest in him, she starts blabbing apologies.
“I’ll never be able to make it up to you, you deserved absolutely none of my crap, but ple-“
She’s cut off by Keith hugging her. One thing about Keith is that his surprisingly small frame makes him great for hugging. He almost seems delicate like this.
His voice wobbles when he speaks, which drives a stake through Allura’s heart.
“It’s alright. I just missed my alien twin bestie. You’ve already done so much more for me than you think.”
Lance has clearly gotten to him, but Allura ignores that. She’s just happy to have her friend back.
(His weird habit of mimicking other people’s behaviors just comes was part of him.)
I think platonic love is SO important.
Side note: Someone said the word delicate to my art teacher today, and THIS QUEEN starts singing the song, and agh I started singing it too, and I love her so much, she SLAYS.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
One thing that comes to my mind is overtime Fallen!Gabriel coming to terms with his slow transformation and more hellish traits, maybe abandoning his swords at times and just claws at what comes in his and V1's way. Or maybe even him falling into despair after these instances happen and V1 bringing him back to reality idk all my thoughts are jumbled and *incomprehensible sputtering noises* ILOVETHATSDHITOH MYGOD
YES YOU GET IT.....gabriel's fall is a quick process initially - he dies, from the remains of his light burning out or in a final stand against v1 to resolve what little he can in the time he has left, but he doesn't fade into nothingness like he believes he should. he is brought back in the depths of treachery greatly disoriented but instinctively understanding his cosmic position, the punishment seeming swift and fully realized upon his resurrection - he is torn from all the other angels, feeling mentally and physically isolated in a way he has never known, his body is racked in the cold even from within and his wings are ruined so that he may never aspire to heaven again. this is what falling feels like, this is what it looks, and he believes the process to be complete as it gives him more than enough to grieve. but his halo is still intact, still fully luminous if not slightly dimmed compared to the other archangels, and only when it starts to crack and fall away does he realize he was mistaken.
upon waking in his tomb, gabriel doesn't have any weapons - his swords aren't with him and he can't summon any light to use his spear or axes. however, he's far too confused and pissed off to really notice too much - this fight is basically meant to play out much like a prime soul, where gabriel is using the sheer brute force of his body to relentlessly engage v1 (although i do imagine he tries, through habit, to call his weapons to him...and when he can't, it just enrages him. he self-enrages lol) he gets brought back to his senses with enough pummeling though, having to consciously now accept that his death resulted in his fall instead and then forced to acknowledge several punishments in quick succession with a clearer head. no flying, no teleporting, no light to aid him, and total isolation of the self. he despairs QUITE loudly for awhile but, like i mentioned in my last post about gabriel, he is now a character moved to action and since he has more time, he must learn to use it. gabriel had just been mourning the work he would leave undone so he wants to find a way to bear this weight...and perhaps action will keep him occupied. and he'll need weapons for that.
so v1 (gleefully) helps him steal from his own tomb, needing to wrench his swords free now buried into bodies of flawless marble in a way that sees them break. they are heaven-tempered blades and so gabriel knows they shatter by design to show the fallen angel that he has no claim to them anymore, at least not in their perfect state, but he knows too he needs to work with what he's given. no free passes ever again. and so he learns to fight entirely on his feet with broken swords, fresh anguish snapping at his heels but kept at bay by his natural inclination as a warrior, v1's now constant presence (as well as how they learn to fight together rather than against one another), and the ultimate peace he has with his decision. he did what was right, and he wishes to accept the outcome as it is, something he can manage to maintain until his halo starts to crumble. it sets into motion the true decay of his heavenly traits and the acquiring of demonic ones which he, being pretty much ignorant of fallen angels, had no idea to expect.
the horns on his helmet grow significantly and his nails fully sharpen to take shape into claws while he increasingly loses his ability to speak in the holy tongue, the words twisting themselves in his throat and making him sick until he can say them no more. his swords begin to burn in his hands while his still instinctive calls to the divine light start to instead attract massive amounts of hell energy to him through prayer now made infernal. and with all of this, he begins to forget himself in battle. his body, once airy and ethereal despite being solid, is growing hard, his own flesh like cold marble and just as difficult to pierce regardless of armor, allowing him a recklessness he would have never considered before. and so, in expedience, in anger, in something that's feeling increasingly natural, he abandons his weapons and tears into husks, machines, (other?) demons with horns and claws, and he revels in the visceral feel of it. he distinctly senses how he rends their flesh or their parts without the distance of a blade and he sees each time how v1 darts in to soak up the blood he spills, euphoric in the moment of abandon but horrified when it ends. his swords lay cast aside and the traits he has agonized over, that have caused renewed despair and that he has, quietly, tried to vainly and pointlessly pray over, are becoming a part of him. they are his new self, and something in him is accepting them.
he absolutely does fall apart more than once over the idea and over the inevitable, that he will become this no matter how he resists. but v1 understands his fear, all of it in its own way - it's error-riddled, its software is corrupted beyond recognizability and if humanity had ever seen it in such a state, it would have been destroyed. but this is itself, this is what it is now and what it now wants to be despite how terrifying it once was to know that it was warping far from the model it was meant to be. but humans aren't here anymore and neither is god. they make themselves now. which. probably also initially hits gabriel hard with how pointed it is, but he's much more accepting of truth than he once was and still, despite everything, he wouldn't have changed the choices he made that got him here.
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austeenbootler · 4 months
See You Tomorrow, But It’s the End of my Day
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pairing: buck x bucky
wc: 1.2k
tw: drugs, over dose/ laced drugs, drug dealer mention, mention of suicidal tendencies, trains. (let me know if i missed any)
summary: buck meets bucky at the train station after work… and buckys bad habits.
playlist: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/see-you-tomorrow-but-its-the-end-of-my-day/pl.u-zPyLNq5I5K33gz
also huge shout out to @trashbag-baby666 for their help with everything regarding this fic 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
gale was absolutely exhausted from his waitering job. He was a bit behind in rent from being sick for about two weeks, so he had been picking up shifts. Today he has picked up a closing shift and he quickly learned he would never be doing that again. ever. his feet were absolutely throbbing and the migraine he had was brutal. but he could’ve even relax. Of course he couldn’t, he had to catch the train. but when he got to the station it was eerily empty. except for one guy sitting on the edge.
at that moment Gale felt his heart sink to his ass. He took a breath before cautiously approaching. when he got close the guy didn’t even flinch. Instead he took a hit of his blunt, and a swig of whiskey. “Sorry kid. the train ain’t been running for an hour and some change." Gale let out a sigh. just what he needed to end the night. Well, it wasn’t too bad. Gale realized this guy was easy on the eyes when he turned to face him. “oh… thanks.” he paused briefly. “you okay?” Bucky let out a soft scuff. “I'd be lying if I said yes.” Gale frowned and sat down next to the guy. He couldn’t help but freeze as an overwhelming scent of alcohol hit him. but he kept his calm. this wasn’t his father. “So uh… if the train isn’t running why ya still here…” “bucky. my name is bucky. and i’m just hanging out i guess." Gale nodded. “Well alright.” Since the trains weren’t running, Gale's fear of him jumping in front of one dwindled down. “I better get going… bucky.”
before he left he left a note with bucky before racing back upstairs in hopes to get a cab. When bucky left the train station and slipped his hand into the pocket, he felt the note. as he read it he smiled softly. “gale… what kind of a name is gale?” He chuckles to himself and adds the number to his phone. “I’ll see you around gale.”
“EGAN! wake your ass up!” Bucky groaned as his bag was thrown at him. He yelped when he was pulled off the couch. “Hey what the hell?!” He rubbed his eyes before squinting up at grant who looked pissed. “Get out. Now before I call the cops on you!” Bucky chuckled and slowly stood up. “You can’t call the cops or we’d all be thrown behind bars grant, you have so much shit you’ll be locked up for life. You and your little whore. Y-” bucky didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence as he was thrown into the grass and mud, his bag once again thrown at him. He just chuckled and stood up, flicking off the house. “Asshole!” As he started walking, to no particular place, it started raining. “My fucking cherry on top.”
After that night gales roommate Curtis noticed that gale wasn’t the same. He was more quiet and very distant. Curt let him be for a while. He knows Gale can have some pretty bad days at the restaurant and is probably figuring some shit out. But after two weeks of the behavior curt speaks up at dinner. “Gale, you know I love yous right?” Gale nods around a forkful of pasta. “Course curt.” “Good. And yous know you can come to me bout anything right?” Gale knew where this was going. So he put his fork down and faced curt. “I Um met this guy at the train station curt… and… there was just something about him… it was just the two of us there. After hours of any trains going. And he was sitting on the edge of the platform… I mean something just pulled me towards him…” curt knew exactly what that something was. He knew Gale still had some guilt about his drunkard dad dying. And he knew Gale thought this was his second chance. “Firsts off, gale you dad wasn’t your responsibility. And it wasn’t your fault. You were a kid… and this guy… you barely know him. Don’t let a stranger rule your brain.” Gale smiled softly. Curt always knew what to say. “Thank you curtie, really. But I know you know I’m not gonna let him go… plus, he’s kinda cute, despite the reeking of alcohol and smokes.” Curt sighed and shook his head. “Alright gale… just be careful alright?” “Of course.”
It was a very cold night in New York and once again Gale had a closing shift at the restaurant so no train this time. and closing was so bad he even missed the cabs. so walking it is. he pulled his trench coat tighter around himself and kicked a rock along his path. as he neared the train station he paused as there was a person laying on the bench. and gale recognized that green hair anywhere. “bucky?!” said man groaned and looked around, smiling softly when he saw gale. “gale…” gale approached him a very worried look on his face. “What are you doing out here it’s like 30 degrees!” Bucky smiled even wider. “Is it? don’t feel a thing. and hey at least it’s not snowing.” Gale sighed and dug out his wallet and gave him 80 dollars. “get a hotel and some food, bucky. I can't let you freeze out here.” and bucky pockets the money and hugs gale. “thank you gale. seriously." Gale hugs him back. “not a problem. He lets John walk off first before finishing the walk to his apartment. He hopes John does the right thing with the money. but a deep gut feeling tells him he probably won’t.
and he was right. After Gale was out of sight John did get the hotel but once he was settled he was back out getting usual fix. plus he even had some left over for a couple of beers.
that was a while ago. but now john is out of money again and back on the streets. but like an angel answering his prayers he bumps into murph. “murph!” murph sighed. “no john…” Bucky pouted, “Come on Murph, don’t be like that.” “john… I'm waiting on five payments from you." John sighed and started patting his pockets looking for something. He was desperate and could feel withdrawal symptoms kicking in. He gasped softly as he felt his sock and pulled out a spare twenty he had found. “there… ten for a pack and ten to pay you back.” murph smirked. “that leaves you still 40 in debt.” He pulled out a baggie and took the money before handing the baggie to john. “enjoy egan.” John smiled and saluted him. “you’re the best murph!” “uh huh.”
bucky cackled happily as he makes his way to the strain station. it was the last two hours of rides and there would barely be anyone there. and luckily his spot was still open, his sleeping bag still there. He got comfortable pulling out a beer and the pills.
gale snatched off his apron and changed shoes before racing to the subway station. He still had some time to catch the last train. as he he high tailed it to the platform he was stopped by the sound of choking. he looked to where the sound was coming from and froze. it was bucky, he knew that green hair from anywhere. but he’d never seen him like this. all color drained from his face, lips nearly blue, eyes rolled back and his body seizing. “john?!?” gale snatched his phone out calling an ambulance. “come on john… w-what happened?”
when john started choking and sputtering gale turned him onto his side. “you’re okay. it’s okay. help is on the way. we’re gonna get you to the hospital.”
peace love and happiness 🩵
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