#and i told him i dont care if you or our sibling gets me gifts its not important to me
locknessy10 · 1 year
#vent in tags#vent#i cant believe my fucking mom#the last 4 years since i haven't been living at home ive gotten only soap for christmas#which while also being a passive-aggressive way to say i smell which turns out is due to my thyroid thay she fucking knew about#its the gift you get to say you hate somene#saying oh i put more thought into it then buying just a tub of popcorn but not enough thought to get you something you actually want#and i broke down about it last year to my brother because i was still no matter how much i hate my family and dont talk to them#i was still buying them all gifts and the one 'family' gift i got was fucking soap#and i told him i dont care if you or our sibling gets me gifts its not important to me#i care that the fact that i had to sit and watch everyone open thought out gifts while i got soap and im tired of my mom not caring about m#so this year idk if he talked to her or if she is really feeling like being generous because my fucking dad died#she spent over 100$ for a gift for me#and like its thought out technically the complete doctor who series and dean's necklace#but it doesn't feel thought out it feels like shes putting on a show like these gifts are sudenly easy because its what i used to be into#she didnt have to learn anything new about me or what i like she could stick me in a box of before we stopped getting along and call itaday#sure im thankful she even got me a gift but ut feels like shes saying#see im a good mom you should talk to me and forgive me because im a good mom'#im sick of her im sick of this stupid fucking holiday
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armin-supremacy · 2 years
Hey so I saw your Bunny MC headcanon thing and really liked it! So I wanted to send a idea if it’s not too much trouble that is.
Here’s the idea, The MC in the game is a little kid and so when the demon brothers go to MC’s house for the first time they meet reader (a.k.a, Y/n) And they grow a humongous crush on Y/n. MC knowing them for year year notices their crush and decides to help the brothers (+ maybe the datables if you want that is) Thank you for reading this! Have a good day / night :) ❤️
sjydjajd I'm so sorry for the wait, thank you for being so patient 🥺❤️ pls note that i did age mc to an adult seeing as i dont feel itd make sense for a kid to be in the Devildom bestie, i hope you dont mind ~
pov : operation wingman
pairings: brothers (separate) x gn!reader
format: headcannon
genre: fluff, maybe a wee lil bit of crack
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"I'll get it!"
You made your way to the door, yelling to the unexpected visitors that you were coming. You swung the door open with a smile, greeted by seven surprised faces.
"Can I help you?" Your tone was kind. You titlted your head to the side as you waited for an answer.
"We're friends of mc. This is the right home, correct?"
You nodded, turning your head back to call your sibling. Moving to the side, you gestured them into your home. "Come on in, make yourself comfortable."
He couldn't stop staring. He was absolutely smitten.
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v subtle looks
plays it off as if hes admiring the décor of the home
little does he know
mc knows a crush blooming when they see one
"luci, you alright? you look a little thirsty there?" smirky smirk mc
"now that you mention, i would love a glass of water'
plan b
mc leaves small hints and openings for lucifer to get close you
mc makes sure your feeling luci tho first
defiantly told asmo
cue cupid duo
its a slow burn love but EVENTUALLY
luci and reader sitting in a tree
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def sneaks over any chance he can
gets in deep shit but
home boy dont care
mc immediately starts teasing him about his lil crush
"oh shit you serious?"
wingman mode activated
sometimes gets you a lil gift when he comes over
"oh i just thought these flowers would look nice in the living room"
mc made sure he got your favorite flowers
"they got my order wrong and gave me an extra, you want it?"
mc made sure he got your favorite
it doesn't take long for YOU to catch on tho
,,,,,especially since mc cant keep their mouth shut long
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denies denies denies
at first
but mc to the rescue
mc told him to let them take care of everything
dear god
it started off easy
they would invite you to play games with them whenever he came to visit
but this one time was different
"oh! i forgot our snacks. i'll be right back!"
sneaky lil mc
levi is freaking out on the inside once mc leaves the room
the two of you were alone. ALONE
you were the one to initiate the talking
and once you managed to get levi talking, it was nice.
itll take time, but it was def on the right track
+1 point for wingman mc
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mc will find a reason to give him an opening to spend time with you
satan is def a man who needs to get to know someone before considering moving forward past a friendship
for example
mc will come home late from something on 'accident' when he comes over to hang out
mc will find an excuse to run a quick errand or something
anything to get you two alone for a bit
satan caught on quick to mc's antics
but he's silently thankful
just don't mention it to his brothers.
pls. thx
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immediately tells mc about his lil crush
tho mc is a bit hesitant about asmo and their sibling, it doesn't take long for them to warm up to the idea
offers to be wingman after making asmo swear to treat you goody good
and now to the fun stuff
tho asmodeus wears his heart on his sleeve, he still need a bit of encouragement
always includes you in spa times he has with mc when he visits
uses a face mask to take advantage of being close to you
just to see how you react to his touch or gaze
gets your favorite scents mc was kind enough to fill him in on when searching for new products to try with you
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mc caught on before Beel did tbh
not saying Beel is slow, more like he kinda shrugged the feeling off until it became a bigger crush
mc shows beel how to make your favorite snack/meal
but plays it off a coincidence
"it was beel's idea, said he's never made it before"
"oh right, it is your favorite! isnt that silly?"
though messes up slightly on one ingriednet
"why don't you show us how to make it right? so we know where we messed up."
mc slips away while you're in cooking mode
beel is such a perfect lil helper actually 10/10 makes you swoon
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this man takes the easiest route
surprised mc would be the one to come up with it
mans forgot he can just whip up into dreams
so, after a few visits, it begins
while he makes short appearances in your dreams
out of respect and privacy and not wanting to fuck up his shot
he doesn't stay long and doesn't do anything drastic
for example
he'll just play through a day you've spent with him and mc
though mc isnt present
mc is conveniently there for you to tell these dreams to
and your growing feelings
when you confess in your dreams and he's sure the feeling are reciprocated
he'll come forward a few days later in person
i wont lie, i had a bit of trouble with this one. but i love the challenge! thank you so much for your patience and requesting! i hope it was to your expations~
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i got so into writing this that it totally veered away from an hc post and just turned into a line by line fic i am so sorry this is not what you asked for lmao but i'm pOSTING IT ANYWAY
also reference to neil's suicide, but i promise the whole post is not depressing as freek
okay, first of all, our boys make their own holiday lights (yes they almost set their beds on fire every year, yes the lights are a "fire hazard", no they do not care, pretty shapes and colors!!!)
welton is a catholic school so they celebrate christmas
and i grew up celebrating that and i was super sheltered from other religious holidays so it's all i know lmao
meeks sizes up anyway so pitts wearing meeks' sweaters... he just looks snug
just a boy in a snug sweater
meeks in pitts' sweater... more like... where did meeks go. literally disappears. literally gone. just a walking sweater, will attack if offended
and the beanies!
until he's allowed to grow his hair long, pitts will wear a beanie all damn winter, and only one of meeks' mom's beanies, only she knows how to knit them right
gifts, right
pitts gets his gifts at the last minute, sometimes the day before christmas, boy is so bad at planning and time management
meeks on the other hand has his christmas shopping done by december first
both of them are awful wrappers
with how delicate engineers they are, they cannot get a big piece of paper around an object
that's okay, todd anderson is a master of wrapping presents, so he'll do it for them
on christmas morning, the boys are with their families, so it's not until way later in the day that they exchange gifts, always by a fireplace at welton, the school being the only place their parents would let them meet their 'classmate'
underneath a mystery mistletoe that charlie planted
where maybe a stolen kiss or a few have happened since fourth grade idk who could possibly know for sure
spiked eggnog was almost always involved so they never spoke about it
then they stay in bed the rest of the afternoon because it's christmas and santa said they could
that's what pitts said freshman year after getting no sleep studying for finals
senior year is... different to say the least, but pitts and meeks stick together like glue, as do their regular christmas business
but as they work on their light fixtures, pitts asks, "could you get me a pullover from the school you're going to next fall?" he assumes meeks is going to harvard in place of neil
"i could just tell you where i'm going," meeks remarks, standing upon his bed, messily taping the lights on the ceiling
"that's not fun though," pitts says, "besides, i just gave you a free gift idea, not only that, i told you exactly what i want"
"you want every at yale—" pitts had already gotten in "—to be confused because you're wearing a different university's name on your chest."
meeks has grown more and more irritated because his gift for pitts was late. VERY late and christmas was near.
was it too much to ask? to get a package yesterday? was it usps?
but also that one of his best friends committed suicide, another got expelled, and his whole friend group basically got destroyed and it's their first christmas apart
but he had pittsie
"i'm sorry," meeks says
he hugs his friend, still stood on the bed so they were the same height
"this time of year is worse than i imagined it being"
he thinks pitts finally put his arms around his waist, but he actually plugs in their light strip behind his back and lights up their room
and the meeks smile™ returns
"holy shit! it works!" he exclaims
just as it does every year
meeks is cold, draped in one of pitts' sweaters, knitted, probably from one of his 100 siblings
pitts is half asleep on the floor with a blanket over his body
"did you sleep last night?" meeks asks him
"hardly," pitts grumbles, "you try explaining to a bunch of children that they shouldn't wait up for santa"
Meeks leans down and fluffs pitts' hair around
it has grown quite a bit finally, just over his ears
"do you need me to open your gift?"
pitts shakes his head, "open mine first"
so, meeks grabs (and double-checks that he grabs) the one labeled to meeks from gerard~
he carefully undoes todd's wrapping and unveils the size m yale sweatshirt he knew deep down he was due to get
"i'll wear it proudly, gerard," meeks said, setting it aside and grabbing his gift for pitts
his is labeled for gord from sterf
it is a joke left just for friends, and we are not their friends, merely observers, we will never understand
"aah, classic," pitts said peeling the tape away and ripping the wrapping paper
and found a yale sweatshirt
he blinks and looks up at meeks, who has a cocky little smirk on his face, "i asked for one from the school you're going to, dweeb," he says
and meeks just shrugs
both are knowing now, and find themselves in each other's embrace
meeks wants to say, "no one could ever take you away from me," but his lips press into cloth, then bare skin, then a second pair.
yeah do you see what i mean? anyway i hope you like it lmao pls add on and expand as desired this post is no longer mine
starting a new taglist for mitts related content, lemme know who wants to be on it lmaooo
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jesswritesthat · 3 years
omg hi i know this request sounds a bit hefty but hear me out: you’ve got y/n, and you’ve got her twin. they’re both exchange students but their school somehow messed up the application or there wasn’t enough space in one school whatever, so one of them ends up in nekoma and the other in shiratorizawa. then, they each decide to be the managers of that school’s respective teams. and then when training camp comes up, they finally meet each other again and are happy to be together but the rest of the teams are SHOOK (including their own maybe 👀👀) bc they didn’t tell their teams they had a twin. bonus points, inarizaki is there and the miya twins try to flirt w them (ships are up to you bc tbh anything sounds fun asf, idk i’ve had this idea in my head for so long IM AN ONLY CHILD I DONT EVEN HAVE A TWIN FKDKSKSKS) idk if you wanna just do headcannons go for it babes it’s a lot i know lmaooo
This is genius!! Omg, I’m not a twin either but I’m VIBING with this idea — I did headcanons because there was so muuchhh. I hope you like 💕
(T/n) = twins (first) name
(L/n) Twins going to seperate schools and reuniting during a Shiratorizawa vs Nekoma practice match and Nationals:
• Due to unfortunate circumstances, (L/n) (T/n) had gotten into Shiratorizawa however, her twin sister (L/n) (Y/n) had to attend another school - luckily Nekoma had last minute vacancies.
• You stayed in Tokyo whilst your twin lived in the Shiratorizawa Dorms, it made seeing each other tricky but you always had video chats and since you were identical, it was easy to sneak into the dorms and stay for the weekend.
• You both loved Volleyball and had looked into your respective teams, (T/n) having the more famous one begrudgingly but being siblings... things got competitive.
“I’m going to become the manager of Shiratorizawa and I’m gonna take them to Nationals~” Was your twins cheery statement, whilst you playfully taunted her.
“Hah, more like they’ll take you, if I join Nekoma I’ll actually be useful.”
“No way - I’m a better manager than you (Y/n)!”
“Oh yeah?! Bring it on (T/n)! I’ll see you at Nationals - if you make it!” Thus, the challenge had begun.
• Nekoma and yourself had bonded, you’d heard the same about (T/n) and Shiratorizawa, it was like fate had gifted you your perfect matches in the end. Even if it meant being separated.
• It was around your second year with them that you’d heard about Karasuno, the once- upon-a-time rivals of Nekoma and how they’d organised a practice game with them over in Miyagi.
• You’d be playing other teams in the district to make it more beneficial... which is where your scheming came in.
“Hey, Tetsurō Senpai...”
“What do you want, you’re only ever so cute when you want something from me.”
“That’s not true! (Y/n)-chan is cute all of the time!” Yamamoto playfully punched his Captains shoulder, the latter reluctantly agreeing with a flush before clearing his throat and gesturing for you to continue.
“Think we could play Shiratorizawa whilst we’re over in Miyagi?”
“I’ll talk to Coach Nekomata and see what I can do, no promises though (Y/n).” Kuroo would do his best, you knew he tried for those he cared about, especially his team.
• It was no surprise then, that within 3 days you’d received a call from your twin.
“You’re coming to challenge me and my team (Y/n)?” The excitement in her voice, as well as that in yours was clear.
“You can thank Kuroo for that — you’ll finally get to meet my team!”
“And you mine! Tendō and Ushijima are incredible, I love them.” You’d spoken of respective players, shared stories and felt like you already knew part of each other’s teams despite never meeting them.
“Yes! I can’t wait - Lev isn’t coming with us, but Kenma and Yaku more than make up for it!”
“Lev is that first year you told me about right? I hope you’re ready to lose (Y/n), Goshiki is talented as hell.”
“And Nekoma is a unified machine, you’ll need a tissue to wipe away your loser tears~”
• Fast forward to the training trip, and the second you walk into Shiratorizawa you and your twin immediately rush over to each other, a collision of hugs, screams and excited conversation exchanged amidst the suddenly silent room.
• Tendō is the one to separate you both, guiding you to stand side by side as he leans in to inspect you both with a finger on his chin.
“Well well well, seems our Chibi-chan has a Chibi-chan 2.0~”
Ushijima doesn’t seem all that phased by the phenomenon, meanwhile Shirabu had to restrain the awed interrogation of Goshiki.
• Nekoma weren’t quite as calm, immediately Tendō hopped out of the way as Yamamoto tackled you, gawking between you and (T/n) whilst Inuoka attempted to null his yells.
“Aw he’s cute, my team are never so nice to me.” (T/n) tutted, a subtle glare sent to Shiratorizawa - Satori being the one to stick his tongue out.
“Trust me, Yamamoto is the only one.” Cue your mirroring glare sent to a scheming Kuroo, whilst Nekomas Ace is still gushing over the two of you.
• The teams are moderately amused once the game starts as the main smack-talkers are you and (T/n) hollering over the court as you’d reached the Third Set at a tie. Friendships between both teams were formed due to your family relations.
• It’s not until the game is over and the Captains shake hands whilst you two hug it out with congratulatory words and playful insults that they start messing around again.
“C’mon (Y/n), we’ve gotta go~” Kuroo smugly states, purposefully slinging an arm around (T/n)s’ shoulders and guiding her out.
Before you had the chance to retaliate, Tendō gladly joined in.
“The Cat Captain is right, I’ve missed my little kitten anyway~” The redhead cheerfully gave you a high ten, intertwining your fingers in the process adding intimacy and offered a mischievous wink which you only laugh at.
• Nekoma are freaking out, that’s their manager and they’d know if you had a boyfriend, right? Yaku and Kai are quick to hold back Yamamoto with Kuroo suddenly sweeping you away from Satori since Ushijima had already reclaimed (T/n).
“That’s our kitten- ah manager.”
“And (T/n) is ours, but I look forward to seeing you at Nationals Nekoma.” The Captains bid one another farewell and you can only hope to play your twins’ team again.
• Shiratorizawa didn’t make it to Nationals (since Karasuno beat them) but (T/n) wanted to come and support you (bitterly). Ushijima came with her too since he’s the Captain and wanted to keep you two out of trouble. Plus he loves Volleyball.
• It’s when you’re checking the matchups do you encounter your beloved rivals, whilst Nekoma were distracted you went to scope out the area. ‘Luckily’ for you, you bumped into other competitors, the blonde ‘accidentally’ tripping.
“Woah, are you okay-“ Before you could finish, he’d interrupted all suave.
“Yeah, I just fell for ya that’s all~“
“-send me a postcard next time~”
There was a moment of silence, you impressed by the smoothness and him awed by the sheer sarcasm.
• The boy introduced himself as Miya Atsumu, Inaruzakis Setter and took note of your Nekoma jacket, asking you to watch him play if you got the chance. Especially if you become opponents.
• Bidding farewell, you found (T/n) with a bright smile upon her face, Onigiri in hand.
“The games haven’t even started and you’re eating.” Was your bemused observation, your twin scoffing with an innocent pout.
“I was hungry, and this cute player from Inarizki recommended the teriyaki Onigiri here so I brought some, wanna try?” (T/n) justified, showing the item to you.
“I met an Inarizaki player too, and I’m too nervous to eat but thanks (T/n).”
“Suit yourself, good luck and I’ll look for you later.” She rejoined Ushijima, the pair waving as you met up with Nekoma.
• It isn’t until after the first round beating Kiyokawa High School, before the Karasuno vs Inarizaki game that you’d encounter the Miyas again — or rather Atsumu approached (T/n).
“Yer scoping out the competition huh gorgeous? I don’t blame ya (L/n), ‘Samu and I are the best of the best.” The blonde proudly told (T/n), thinking you’d shed your Nekoma jacket to be inconspicuous.
“I— I don’t even know you? Wait, how do you know my name?!”
• Osamu meets the pair, and actually thinks it through, Atsumu on the other hand jumps to conclusions.
“We just saw eac-“ Hearing (T/n), Atsumu was quick to argue but Osamu kicked his calve.
“Shut it dumbass.”
“Hey, loser twin!” You called over, gaining the attention of her and the Miya Twins.
“Ah... ‘Samu there’s two of them...”
“That’s what I was gonna tell ya.”
• It must’ve been a twin instinct (twinstinct hehe) but yourself and Osamu could tell the individual differences/quirks immediately, hence how he’d figured it out so quickly. A mutual smile was shared as your respective twins continued their petty insults.
• “(T/n)! Ushijima is looking for you and I need to find Kuroo so...”
“Oh, yer boyfriends?”
“Uh - aha -no no, our Captains.” Your twin managed, flustered and embarrassed - you were glad she’d spoken because you were no better with the heat on your skin.
“Perfect, tell your Captains’ that we’re not sorry for keeping you~” Atsumu shouted as you both waved goodbye and headed back to the stands/courts.
• Nekoma won against Sarukawa Tech High, your next opponents currently battling it out on the court which you’d all raced to see - mainly for Karasuno.
But it was during the break after the first set that the twins approached the stands, well, you.
“(Y/n), ya won?” It was brave of Osamu to address you so casually but you didn’t mind.
“Of course, my team, my friends, are truly amazing. Our next opponent is either Karasuno or you.”
“You’ll be facing me- us- Inarizaki! Don’t you worry sweetheart.” It seemed whatever suaveness Atsumu once had was long gone by now.
• They played incredibly, but the entirety of Nekoma were glad of Karasunos’ victory, you’d taken a second to see the twins though.
“You were amazing, I’m grateful I got to see you both play. Looks like you won’t be facing me after all, sweetheart~”
“Yeah well- I— jus’ watch yer back next year beautiful. I’m comin’ for ya.”
“Yamamoto! Apologies for him.” Yaku forced the Mohawk to bow, Kuroo slipping an arm around your waist with a smirk. “But he’s not wrong.”
• You were staying with (T/n) for the weekend, utilising Shiratorizawas practice break to tell the tale of the Miyas and their flirting. The team were oddly protective over the both of you, but you hadn’t the time to question it with Goshikis inquiry.
“Okay, so if you two had children with the Miya twins respectively... would your children be identical?”
“We won’t have to find out.” If anyone else had said it you wouldn’t have believed them, but something about the certainty of Wakatoshi made you both smile.
[ Masterlist ]
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c4-weeb · 3 years
Obey me boy head cannons!
Skater!Mc x the demon boys + undateables!
Alright so background! Human mc had invited one of the boys to go to a skating rink with her in the human world, since she is one of the main racers and a very frequent attendee at the place since she was 10. She knows the regular skaters and owners pretty well. Shes held with high respect there and is pretty talented. She has skate races and a whole team of great skaters, so what happens when one day she invites one of the boys to go on a date/ support her during a competitive roller derby? Also please do keep in mind I'm taking inspiration off the monster high roller derby cause that race was pretty cool and difficult to do so make it more modernized and human. You know... no swinging axes or kraken's trying to grab you as you skate. Though in reality that sounds like something Diavolo would put together for devildom roller derby's...
When he heard you beg him to come support you for your first race back in the human world he was a little taken aback. A roller derby? Him? I mean he wasn't going to be the loudest but he did find the thought of watching them succeed and wanting his praise amusing nonetheless....
....in reality he missed the Mc dearly and would appreciate the time with them, but he'd never say so out loud.
When you looked up to him from the stands he smirked at you, the pressure was on... that smirk was the one of judgement and "let's see how you do" which wracked your nerves with enough anxiety that it helped fuel the fire to make sure you succeeded.
When the Mc took off, being shoved by people bigger than her on each side, he was surprised when you fell back and the two idiots collided and she hopped over with ease and sped towards the front with amazing speed.
When The Mc and their team won, she came speeding to him and hugged him from behind and thanked him.
Later he took you out to eat in congratulations, the smile on your face from getting praise and food? All the stress from the day was relieved by that small gesture.
"I dont know why I thought I had finally found out everything I could about you, yet you just keep surprising me...."
When the you asked for his support during a casual race at your local skating rink, with just your team mates going against eachother in a regular speed skate with a few obstacles, he wasnt so interested, saying he wants money in return for his support, when in reality he would have went anyways. But when you told him that since it was a casual race, people could bet on the racers, he agreed so fast and even begged to be summoned right then and there.
Expect him to be screaming at the top of his lungs for you to win
Isnt against calling you baby this loud in public
May or may not have tried climbing the fence when you got pushed
Definitely bet on you, and a huge sum of money too. So much faith 😭❤
Once you've won expect him to come flying at you, poor baby forgot you where on skates tho so you'd end up falling backwards to your friends amusement of your cuddly demon.
Tried threatening the owners to do another race so he could get money and failed
Sulked till you dragged him by the hand to skate in the neon lights since most people left it was just you two
Later he would drag you to either go to bet on races with him to gain more money or go to shower you in gifts, really depended on how well you could convince him to not go gambling, which had a 50/50 success rate.
"If I'm not going to get more money I might as well shower you in what I have, make you the prettiest gem for the whole world to see!" "Mammon you only won 200 dollars not a mil-" "sh, sh, shhhhh, shhh, no arguing! The Great Mammon is going to treat his treasure right tonight, ya' hear!?"
Now getting this otaku outta his room was an absolute struggle. So like a cat trapping their preh, you had to summon him to your house and put a blindfold on him for a special surprise.
Dragged his unsocial ass to the car and road down to the skate rink and took off his blind fold once you both got inside.
It took a lot of coaxing, but you finally got him to calm down enough to get a pair of skates.
If your skater friends said hi to him he'd hide by your arm like a scared 5 year old
The jealousy he felt of everyone in the room was unbelievable, because the poor boy has no balance for skating. On wheels or ice, his body just refuses.
You offered to help him learn and the poor boys face was fuming red, thankfully the neon lights and darkness hid it well.
He held onto your hand for balance throughout the whole date, only stopping to eat some pizza and play some arcade games.
After a few hours you headed back to your house to binge some Starwars, wanting to watch something different with him.....which eventually led to the both of you getting bored and going back to the new ruri-chan movie you guys binged countless amount of times on the phone together.
"H-hey! Hold on you're going t-too fast! No now you're so close I-....um... ack everyone can see us...so many people... but its worth it to show that your mine!"
Now Satan isnt much of a skater, nor a loud supporter, but with enough coaxing you finally got him to at least try and relax with you, doing a nice small couple's night at the skate rink
Really wanted to try human customs with you so there was little resistance
He would hold their hand as you'd skate
Even think of skating away from him and he will chase after you
This man's rage in his bones makes him a natural speed skater
Will tickle you when he catches you, starts a very one sided tickle war tho
If you wanna sit down, it's going to be in his lap, no rejections.
Will find it adorable if your friends make fun of how blushy you're getting as you hide in his chest
"Come now kitten, dont run away or I'm going to tickle you so hard that your face will hurt too much to smile at anyone else but me"
This sweet baby was already dragging you to your room to glamor you up before the race.
Honey no need to say anything, he will make you the most gorgeous skater just tell him the vibes you wanna give off and he will hit the nail straight on the head and match your aesthetic.
Best expect victory photos.
Will record your victory and show it off to the group chat with the brothers.
Absolutely head over heels for you, hanging off your body in a hug and then going for a really close skate together
Might try to convince you to have some celebratory seggs but will 100% be making it known how much you excited him.
"Sweetheart look at all the likes our photos are getting! Everyone's congratulating you! Awe look at how viral my baby is! That was a VERY thrilling experience watching you, and you do need to take care of that body....shall we take this home and undress you so I can congratulate you the right way~♡?"
Immediately agreed when you brought it up that you wanted to bring him to the skate rink, someplace you enjoyed going.
He knew skating was like a work out but was worried about finding skates his size there so he brought his own customized skates.
You better have snacks cause baby is gonna be starving.
Thankfully since you also work there and know the owners, you where allowed to hop over and take his order, putting it on your tab. 4 pizzas 2 Turkey legs 7 hotdogs and a pint of water (remember to stay hydrated)
If you bumped into a few of your friends and he WILL get along with them. He wants to be apart of your life, all of it, so he'll make it a point to get along with everyone in it for your sake.
If you ever look like you're going to fall he will be so close behind you it would be like slipping and falling back onto a brick wall who grabs you before you hit the floor.
If you fall forward he will grab your shirt but try not to choke you in the process
(If you do choke poor baby with be hugging you apologizing profusely)
You two try racing eachother but no matter what you dont win cause hes just too fast
Finds you challenging him over and over endearing and adorable.
"You're so adorable when you're chasing after me trying to win, but I'm hungry now...can we go eat again?"
Will complain once you ask him to go skating for date night in the human world
Wont stop till he finds out it has a sunroof along with the neon lights so he can look at the stars while skating with you.
Will only skate for an hour or two then passes out on your lap
Will not help at all when you fall, just laughs cause he is probably the reason you fell in the first place.
When hes skating he will take your hand in his the whole time and sorta lean on your shoulder while skating from behind you.
You two will stop periodically to sit at the small felt covered benches in the rink to look up at the stars (may or may not fall asleep on your shoulder so you're stuck there with him sleeping for 20 minutes)
You will be the last ones out
Must grab some food for Beel cause belphie promised to bring him home food.
Skating (more like you dragging him by the hand while hes in skates)back to your place and looking at the stars together at like 3am
Wont go back till he can officially cuddle you till the morning and leaves at 11am
"Hey look...theres Ursa major...*yawn* come on let's sit down again, I'm tired..."
Luke (only as siblings you take him skating)
Doesnt know how to skate
You end up teaching him and hes the happiest little boy ever.
If you take him to a race he'll be all worried that you got a scratch and starts to get protective over you when the person who pushed you comes near
Definitely eating cotton candy
Playing claw machines and you win him a stuffed piggy and he holds it near and dear to his heart cause it's from you
"Mc! Mc! Look I'm doing it! I'm skating! Sir oinkers and me are skating together! Thank you so much haha!"
Happily joins to cheer you on during your races everytime. Got a race? Simeon will be there.
If you dont win he will comfort you and make the best of the situation by taking you to the food bar till it turns to a free skate again.
If you're injured he will pamper you and be ready with his first aid. Little angel kisses on every scrap and bruise.
So many forehead kisses of encouragement and praise 🥺😭
Can speed skate, so if you want to practice he'll help but if you want to relax he'll do that too.
Inlines? Regular skates? No matter what hes great at them.
Somehow he has great luck and every stuffie you showed interest in or every candy or prize there was that you would even look at, he would win on the first try.
"Dont worry! I'll carry it all. You just relax alright? You got pretty bruised from that fall."
Getting this man to stop working and go on a date will need a ton of patience, even Lord Diavolo has to convince him the little d's will do their jobs right while hes away.
Will take care of every scrape and bruise you get.
Man has glowsticks prepared to cheer you on
When it turns back to a free skate he will try his best to impress you and teach you little tricks he's picked up in his many years.
You try to convince him to eat some of the food there and he will politely decline and proceed to take you out to a nice fancy, but quaint restaurant.
"You were really quick to dodge them back there, yet you still got a few bruises, truly amazing for humans to get to that speed and dodge so fast. You're really a fascinating one arent you?"
Lord Diavolo
This man.... he made SIGNS
WILL be hollering when you win
The loudest in the stands
Glowsticks, glowing necklaces, bracelets, man is even wearing a glowing necklace around his head for you, glowing head to toe
So happy and proud 🥺😭❤
Definitely brought barbatos to help hold up the glittery signs him and the little d's made
Barbatos will leave with the signs after congratulating you and leaving you two to your date.
He will be a little off balanced when first skating cause the man went straight for the inlines 😂
Will be smiling the whole time, nothing can or will ruin it.
Absolutely in love with the skate rink because of you and even wants to add a few to the devildom so they can hold tournaments like the one you where in
Can get sad if he cant get you a stuffed animal while you're in the bathroom so he summons Barbatos again to help him while you're away.
Sends Barbatos away so you wont know he helped him get the prizes
Ends up getting you 6 stuffies and a phone case that doesnt fit your phone but it's the thought that counts right?
You win him a medium sized dragon from the claw machine and he sleeps with it every night and loves it like it's your guy's kid.
If he meets your friends he will find out just how much you've missed him as you get embarrassed, makes a mental note to see you once a week after that encounter.
Will eat 2 Turkey legs as you eat a slice of pizza and share a pitcher of soda with him
(He makes a mess of his face so you clean it off for him)
Will not want to leave and go back to the devildom so he'll insist on staying the rest of the night and walks you home
Will. NOT. LEAVEEEE! Master of excuses for why he should stay.
"But I dont want to leave! Theres still so much to do!" "Can I at least see your house?" "I wont leave until I see you're safe at home!" "Please can I stay the night, I miss having you wake up in my arms." "I want to see the morning sun rise with you before I go back"
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 22
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month
Hating LIla is apparently a family trait
First< Previous > Next
“Uh I hate this,” Chloe picks at her uniform like it's a disgusting growth.
“I think you look as nice as you always do,” Marion says cheerfully, turning around on his seat to look back at her and Kagami.
“Marion that is by far the worst you have ever insulted me,”
“It was a complement-” Marion doges her whack.
“Marinette! Hit your brother for me,” Chloe demands, standing up to try and reach him.
“It’s more gratifying if you do it yourself, trust me,” Marinette flicks through her phone, not bothering to look up, “I can pin your uniform to look more flattering if you like,”
“Nette you are the best!” Chloe hugs her from behind, awkward to be sure with the seat and all, yep that's the only reason, not Kagami's death glare that can be felt through the seat.
“Oh Marinette you can also pin mine,” Lila asks, as sweetly as acid, “Or weren't you going to offer the rest of the class?”
“No actually Lila she wasn't,” Marion sneers, ignoring Marinette trying to pull him back into the seat, “As I’ve made it quite clear none of you are our friends, so she isn’t obligated to do anything for you,”
“That’s so mean,” Lila sniffles, everyone is too busy feeling guilty to comfort her.
“Weren't you friends with MDC Lila?” Marion asks as sweetly as acid, “Why not try asking them?"
With that Marion turns back to his seat and starts scrolling through his phone, ignoring Lila's attempts at guilting. He gets a notification from Marinette.
I can speak for myself  
U can nicely tell them no- I  can tell them to fck off
That wasn't very nice
Im done with nice
Whats wrong?
Marion looks up seeing Marinette looking over him concerned, he sighs and texts back.
Dont worry Bruce hasn't told them yet
Its going to be awkward
We’ll get through it- Pound it?
Marion looks back up, Marinette is smiling at him holding out her hand.
“Pound it,”
They pull up to the school, the grandiose of Wayne academy is nothing to sneeze at. Brick buildings, iron work, Marion has to force Marinette to put her sketchbook away. They are escorted around the campus by a student. They’ll be split up and put into a range of different classes to make the best out of their week there.
“3 o’clock,” Marinette bumps into him, Marion lets his gaze slide over, spotting Damian.
“Wasn't Lila saying on the way over here that she was great friends with him?”
“Mari don't,” Marinette hisses, tugging at his sleeve, “It’s weird enough without pulling him in to our grudge match,”
“Nothing bonds siblings more than a mutual hatred of Lila, exhibit A,” He points back and forth between them, “I’m going to do it,”
“Don't you dare-”
“Hey Damian!” Marion shouts, waving his hand for the entire hallway to turn and stare.
Damian turns around with a scowl, hardly lessening when he spots them.
“Marion, just what do you think you’re doing,” Kagami scolds, as Damian stalks over.
“Lila,” Marion smirks back, looking over to the girl who pales at an actual Wayne walking over, apparently she had actually decided to look up what they look like.
“Oh this is going to be good,” Chloe steps back, content to watch the show.
“Hey Dami,” Marion goes to sling an arm around his shoulder.
“Don’t call me Dami,” Damian sidesteps his attempt, preferring to stand closer to Marinette.
“How’s Cat-fred?” Marion smiles, getting Damian’s scowl to lessen slightly, so he smiles brighter.
“He’s doing well,”
“Good good…” Marion shuffles, no longer able to look directly at him, “How’s the family?”
Marinette gives him a sideways look that clearly says ‘you did this to yourself’.
“Why are you asking?” Damian narrows his eyes, and Marion knows he fucked up.
Nette help please!
“I wanted to know when I can come over next for a rematch,” Marinette gracefully lets him off the hook.
“Evidently sparring at the manor is at risk of interruption,” Damian notes, deep in thought, “We should plan an alternative meeting space,”
“That sounds great,” Marinette smiles, catching Damian in between their grins.
Damian just nods and walks away, Marion smiles and waves.
“You’re an idiot,” Marinette punches him in the shoulder, getting him to lower his arm.
“We’ve established that, thanks,” Marion rubs his shoulder with a pout, “However look over there,”
Lila having an aneurysm, surrounded by the class berating her with questions.
“Worth it,” Marion grins, going for a subtle fist bump.
“Agreed,” Marinette returns the gesture.
“Lila why didn’t you say hi?”
“Why didn’t he say hi?”
“He must not have seen me,” Lila’s lip quivers in a practiced motion, “Marinette was standing in front of me,”
“Or were you hiding behind Marinette?” Marion calls over, actually voluntarily walking towards the beast.
“What?! Of course I wasn't!” Lila shouts, her glare sending him a clear warning, one he was fully prepared to ignore.
“Then why didn’t you just move?” Marion asks oh so innocently.
“I didn’t want to be rude,” Lila sounds shy but her face screams murder, as people hang around to eavesdrop on their conversation.
“Then you were doing it to be polite and complaining about Marinette is quite rude,” Marion has to hold back a smirk as he hears an ‘oh snap’ from his audience.
“I- you!-”
“That’s nice Lila,” Marinette interrupts, walking away like the badass she is, “How about we get to class,”
Marion goes to class, having the fortune to be lumped in with Lila. And yes he does mean fortune because while Lila is trying to brag and get the students under her thumb they are happily ignoring her, focusing instead on Marion’s tips for learning French. When Lila switches tactics saying she can speak Italian Marion switches over to fluent Italian, something he had learned from his Nona. He then breaks out his Mandarin, daring Lila to try and fake knowing a language.
Lila goes quite, just kidding you know that's not true. She starts to pull students aside whispering to them. Marion isn't sure if she is intentionally loud enough that he can hear her or if it’s just his enhanced hearing.
“He’s a bully, I know he’s just trying to act nice to get something out of you,” Lila warns a student who looks disgruntled to have basically been pulled into the corner away from the group.
“He’s a Wayne?” Ah so he’s heard the not-so rumour, “What could I possibly have that he doesn't?”
“He’s not a Wayne!” Lila snaps, before regaining her composure, “I actually know the Waynes,”
“... because they’re in your class?”
“No!” She stops her foot, “They made up that rumour! I know because I’m personal friends with all the Waynes,”
“Alright show a picture,” The guy shrugs, stuffing his hands in his pockets, Marion reminds himself to give them the award of ‘you’re smarter than everyone in my class, it's not much but it’s something!’.
“ What? ” Lila seethes, looking ready to tear his eyeballs out to have an excuse not to show him.
“All I’m saying is I’ve seen multiple pictures of them with the Waynes plus, I heard that they actually talked to Damian Wayne this morning!” He actually looks in awe at this fact.
“I would hardly call that a conversation,” Lila crosses her arms, looking to the side like a child.
“No you don't understand!” He employers making a wild hand gesture as if trying to show how amazing it is, “He’s the ice prince, if someone else calls his name or even tried to talk to him he would just ignore them, but he actually walked over and talked to them,”
“He saw me-”
“Look I don’t really care, this argument isn't worth having,” The guy puts up placating hands, the gesture having the exact opposite effect on Lila, “Marion seems cool, Wayne or not, so yeah,”
Marion tries not to smile as one by one Lila is shot down. Her anger rising so high Marion is sure she would have been akumatized three times over by now.
“Hey what's with Lila, she seems to have it out for you?” The first guy to talk to her whispers, turns out his name is James and was very confused when Marion gifted him a small paper trophy.
“Oh she does,” Marion shrugs, filling out the worksheet idly.
“Ok… why?” James presses, the small paper trophy sitting on his desk.
“Hmmm…” Marion leans back, tipping his seat, “It’s a paradox,”
“What is?”
“If I tell you the truth, you’ll probably think I’m lying and her accusations will seem more believable,” Marion reasons, looking up at the ceiling, “If I fake ignorance, you’ll probably just take her word for it, seems like a trap,”
“You’re taking this way too seriously,” James shakes his head, and Marion cracks a grin.
“Sorry, just happy to have some new friends,” His smile lessens, becoming melancholy, “It’s been awhile,”
“What? But you’re so,” James makes another one of his wild hand gestures,  “ Nice ,”
Marion just shrugs, but some people notice how he quickly glances over at Lila talking with someone else. Any further questions are cut off by the bell.
“Well, seems that's our cue to leave, now tell me are American school lunches really as bad as I’m led to believe?”
“You poor little french boy,” James shake his head,  “You have no idea the horrors you will face,”
“This is so much worse than I thought it would be,” Marion looks down at his tray in disgust, “This is a private school?”
“I told you so,” James shrugs, walking through the cafeteria to find a seat.
“Hold up a sec,” Marion says, spotting Damian, not talking but rather trying to ignore someone talking to him, “Dami!”
“Don’t call me Dami,” Damian pushes Marion off him this time, the person who was talking to him looks shocked that his arms aren’t broken.
He puts his tray on the table and grabs Damian's shoulders.
“I have an urgent problem,”
“Cheng-Dupain, from what I know of you that is a massive exaggeration,” Damian brushes him off again and Marion’s scared the other kid is having a heart attack, “Now stop bothering me, it can wait for later,”
“I didn’t take any pictures of Cat-fred!” Marion cries, flopping onto Damian, who doesn't bother pushing him off a third time.
“... Understandable,” Damian snatches Marion’s phone, letting Marion input the code over his shoulder, “This is an oversight on your part,”
“So you’ll send some to me?” Marion grins, using Damian’s head as an armrest as he watches him enter his number.
“Yes,” Damian passes Marion’s phone back and Marion grabs his food.
“Great, see you later!” Marion stands up, ruffling Damian's hair before leaving.
“What was that!?” He hears the other person shout as he walks away.
“What was that?!” James yells, and whoops the entire cafeteria is staring between him and Damian.
“Do you ever learn from your mistakes?” Marinette asks, materialising beside him.
“No?” Marion scoffs, putting his and on his hip, “Why would I?”
“Are you actually siblings?” James still looks in shock but at least he isn’t gaping and gasping for air anymore.
“Yes?” Of course they were siblings, they are twins? Is that not clear?
“God-fucken dammit Mari!” Marinette hisses, “That’s not what they meant!”
“Oh,” Marion says softly, totally not jumping as Damian materialises next to him.
“Cheng-Dupain, it was this absentminded nature that caused this rumour to get out of hand in the first place,”
“Yeah… you are going to have to be way more specific,” Marion looks around the whole cafeteria is still staring at them, trading whispers.
“No we are not related, that is a baseless rumour,” Damian glares at James, making him recoil.
“Right… baseless,” Marion mumbles, getting kicked in the shin by Marinette.
“Adopted then?” James foolishly asks.
“ No ,” and yep now James looks afraid for his life.
“Haha, you know you don’t have to seem so offended by that?” Marion slings his arm around Damian’s shoulder, silently rejoicing that he only gets a withered glare this time.
“Like I said,” Lila’s voice carries over the still quite cafeteria, “The Waynes were telling me how they hate that rumour, the meer idea they are connected to the twins is-”
“ Excuse me ,” Damian slams his hand down on the table, right next to Lila making her jump out of her skin,  “But who are you, and why do you think you know anything about my family and what we think,”
“I just-”
“You presume you’re of enough importance to understand my feelings towards the matter?” Damian stands tall and looks down his nose at her, “You aren’t,”
“Lila,” Alya whispers to her as Damian walks away, “I think you should just let them sort it out, it’s a family matter,”
“Who is that?” Damian demands when he gets back to them, “And how do I destroy her?”
“Don’t worry about it Damian, she's just doing it to get attention,” Marinette explains calmly.
“Lila Rossi,” Marion has other plans, “She’s a Liar, provide proof she doesn't know your family or anyone for that matter and she will be destroyed,”
Damian gives a curt nod and walks away, back to his friend who is still gaping like the rest of the room.
“ Mari ,” Marinette smacks him.
“I merely shared my wisdom,” Marion stroke his invisible beard, “What he chooses to do with it is up to him,”
“Ugh, that was a long day,” Plagg groans, curling up in the middle of his pillow.
“Plagg you slept in my bag the whole time,” Marion flops onto his bed, and it wasn't over they had to go on patrol soon.
“Which is far more disruptive than a bed,” Plagg complains, letting Marion curl up next to him, “Not comfortable at all,”
“Speaking of not being comfortable…” Marinette trails off, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Our brother insisting we aren’t related?” Marion curls around to look over at her.
“Very strange feeling,” Marinette nods, absentmindedly pulling her feet onto the bed.
“He yelled at Lila,” Marion smiles up at the ceiling.
“Does that make him an honorary Dupain-slash-Cheng?” Marinette smiles over at him.
“Yeah…” Marion’s grin drops, “... Or Dupain/Cheng/Wayne,”
“... You want to tell them?” Marinette asks in her horrible tone that reminds him of being back in Paris and trying to stifle emotions.
“I mean, yeah,” He sits up, crossing his legs, “They’re family right? I want to know them, do you?”
“He seemed upset when they called us siblings,” Marinette turns to face him, the Kwamis watching their little meeting from the outside.
“He seemed more upset with Lila, said he was insulted by it,” Marion reasons, he feels like they’re back in Paris dressed as Ladybug and Chat Noir having three in the morning conversations on rooftops.
“It’s Lila, anything she says can piss someone off,” Marinette sighs, flopping back on the bed, destroying the illusion, “Tikki what do you think?”
“This is a decision you have to make on your own Marinette,” Tikki advises sagely.
“Tiiikkkiiiiii,” Marinette whines like a three year old
“Alright, I never had a family but I have the other Kwamis,” Tikki concedes, explaining to the twins giving her all their attention, “I am separated from Nooro and Dussu, and if family feels like them I do not want you to be separated,”
“What if they get mad?” Marinette asks, fidgeting.
“Then you’ll find a way to work through it,” Tikki smiles at them, “You’re Ladybug and Chat Noir, there isn’t anything you can’t do,”
“Just do it kid!” Plagg shouts, giving up on pretending to nap, “If it turns out bad at least you know!”
“What is it Sugar Cube?” Plagg asks sweetly, getting chased out the room moments later.
“So, we doing this?” Marion asks, after all their Kwamis have left.
“I guess so,” Marinette shugs, bringing out her phone, Marion holds her hand for comfort as they wait for the phone to ring.
“Hello?” Bruce picks up on the third ring.
“Hey Bruce,” Marion says, sounding strained even to himself.
“Marinette, Marion,” Bruce answers, pleasantly surprised, “Is everything alright?”
“How do you feel about telling everyone else?” Marion cuts straight to the chase, he can’t be bothered to run.
“... are you sure?” Marion can feel Marinette tension grow at the question, “I want to but they’ll all be surprised, it might ruin your trip,”
“We got sent to the hospital the first week being here,” Marion reasons, he should technically still be on bed rest.
“... That's true,”
“So?” He prompts after a too long pause.
“When do you want to tell them?”
“Tomorrow,” Marinette speaks up for the first time.
Well I guess that's that
@technicallyburninggarden @fusser90  @misslenamooney @superbwhispersconnoisseur @biodad-bruce-month @nalu-ismyjam @the-one-woman-army @rosesandsailboats @blackmagicforever @zeneralla @ivymala07 @tired-butterfly @tired-butterfly @Ranger-gothamite @A-star-with-a-human-name @enchanted-nerd
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leerongrong · 4 years
of princesses and amortentia.
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Pairing: Lee Jeno x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: In which you’re Slytherin’s princess and you get paired up with Gryffindor’s golden boy, Lee Jeno, for potions class. [Hogwarts AU]
Requested: yes!! Can I ask for a promt pleasee. 2. 2. 2/5/19/38 The boy is up for your choice, thank you ♥️♥️ 
Note: @neoculturalshit​ i stressed over this for 2 days ahgshash. i present to you, for her highness’ late birthday gift ♡ also yes, this time both nana and hyuck make an appearance,, dont drag me for it😤
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Cracking fire with mixed in enchantment spells are the main sounds coming from the common room while hallways are silent, littered with nothing but the sounds of Madam Filtch’s meowing cat. The courtyard is filled to the brim with spectators from all houses, suspense in the air as two houses battle against each other for victory.
Slytherin is up against Gryffindor today. The final match of the season being the spectacle for other students to watch, rooting for their houses and making bets on who would win while you’re prancing in the Slytherin chamber, hands wrapped so tightly around your wand it would break. Your brother, Jaemin, is slumped on the couch, eyes following you with a smirk painted on his lips. He’s in nothing but his common clothes, having ditched all his classes for the day in favor of “very important work,” which so happens to be sleeping on the couch while listening to the venomous words dripping down your lips.
”Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. Fuck.”
“Ooh, careful princess.” Jaemin’s words are playfully sweet in contrast to the deep voice he has, the thing that has all of Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Gryffindors alike down on their knees for him, his infamous charms even rivaling that of his parseltongue. “You’re going to put me and our great, great, great grandpa Salazar Slytherin to shame.”
“Besides,“ Jaemin fake pouts, “Shouldn’t princesses be sweet, charming and dignified? I expect the same from Slytherin’s own princess.”
Spells come flying out from your wands onto each other, harmless enough to not put you into too much trouble yet scorching when one hits the skin. The screams from outside are hard to ignore and one rattles your concentration, a rogue spell barreling towards Jaemin, one which he happens to avoid just in time for it to only burn of a bit of his hair. Fireworks go off in the air as you turn your head to see Gryffindor’s star quidditch player, Lee Jeno, with a Golden Snitch in his hand.
“You should’ve played.“ You scoff at Jaemin when you see the boy with a mischievous smile on his face, hands flying to the back of his head, a satisfying smack coming from it when your palm lands on its target. “We would’ve won if Slytherin’s ‘star player’ had played.”
Your eyes are back on the field, teeth clenching when you catch sight of Jeno, the boy smiling and being tossed into the air by his team while they celebrate a win. Lee Jeno is Gryffindor’s golden boy, a direct descendant from one of the most brilliant wizards of the time, Godric Gryffindor. You’ve never met the boy in person but from the start of the school year, people have put you and his friend circles against each other, causing a natural brewing competitiveness and although you’d never say it out loud, you wondered what it would be like to be friends with them.
Lee Jeno’s circle of friends are those of an odd pack; with Mark lee, the naturally clumsy but brave senior. Huang Renjun, the hot headed and fire spitting dragon trainer and Park Jisung, the shy but incredibly talented quidditch junior who’s expected to take over for Jeno. Then comes Lee Jeno himself, excelling at charms, potions, ancient runes, and especially, quidditch. Talents clear as day as he does have Gryffindor’s blood running in his veins.
Then there’s you and Jaemin. Slytherin’s prince and princess, named after your ancestor and for the blood that is running in your veins. All your life, you’ve been branded as special and different, your parents strictly raising you both to be valued heirs of your family, something you nor Jaemin wanted. Even from the start of your year, the two of you had been famous, other Slytherins coming to tag for a spot in your circle, until Lee Donghyuck came in. Cunning, Quick witted, Resourceful and very talented in Dark Arts, the epitome of what a Slytherin truly is.
“You good for nothing, always looking for trouble- Na Jaemin!”
The roaring crowds from outside fades into the background when the room’s gigantic double gates burst open to reveal a steaming Donghyuck with his hands still wrapped around his broomstick, a sign he came running over after the game finished.
“What’s up, pal?” Jaemin’s hands are raised in mock defeat the moment Donghyuck grabs him by his collar, a scream pulled out of his throat when Donghyuck raises his broomstick and whacks Jaemin’s head with it. It’s always a pleasure to watch the two quarrel, something that always brings a smile to your face ever since the two first met. The bond the three of you have is unique, something you didn’t think you’d find in Hogwarts.
“You have the emotional capacity of a brick!” Donghyuck is sheeting, his normally tidy uniform is a wreck and his hair looks windswept from his previous game. “I told you to be there for the game! And what do you do? Laze around in the common room instead?”
“Hyuckie, I need you to calm down.” You’re smiling as you see him take deep breaths, joining in with him to shake off your own ongoing nerves. “That’s much better.”
The moment the words leave your lips, Donghyuck is smiling back at you, pulling in to give you a hug. Somewhere behind you a gagging is heard and you’re rolling your eyes, hands grabbing at the broomstick still in Donghyuck’s hand and swinging it at Jaemin’s head, glaring when he ducks from the blow.
“Is there a reason my favorite set of siblings didn’t come to watch me play?”
Donghyuck is swinging his feet over the couch, planting himself in the corner whilst Jaemin sits down at the other side of the couch, creating a space in the middle just enough for you to fit in between the two. “Did you have another date with that Hufflepuff girl, Jaems?”
“She was cute, “ Jaemin shrugs, “But I think I would rather eat expired spam.”
“Ha!” You’re halfway to sitting down when Donghyuck raises a finger to point at Jaemin, successfully hitting your cheek in the process of it. The glare you send does nothing to him, the boy throwing an arm around your shoulder while still focused on humiliating your brother, “Suck on that! You aren’t as attractive as you thought, huh?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Jaemin’s waving his hand in the air for a moment, before he’s pointing his finger at you, redirecting all of Donghyuck’s attention onto you. “Besides, you should be more interested in our own princess’ date.”
“A date, as in where two people get together to get to know each other, to see if they’re compatible?” Donghyuck frowns, “Since when have you been interested in boys?”
“Jaemin,” You groan, “Partnering up with Jeno for potions isn’t a date.”
“Jeno? As in Lee Jeno!?” Donghyuck’s scream catches the attention of multiple people coming into the room after watching the match, some looking at you peculiarly while others don’t even spare a glance. It hasn’t even reached midday and you’re already tired from all the drama your two friends are causing, wishing the day would come to an end soon.
“The professor just wanted us to pair up because we’re the only ones who could rival each other.” You glare at Jaemin. “Not because he wants us to go on a date.”
Hushed whispers cut off the flow of conversation, some students cocking their heads to the door while you could feel the other bunch have their eyes on you. Both Jaemin and Donghyuck are craning their necks over multiple heads and Donghyuck’s the first one to come back to his original position, a sickeningly sweet smile on his face which is duplicated by Jaemin. “Well princess, I think it’s time to leave. Your prince charming has arrived.”
A Gryffindor peeking his head into the Slytherin common room isn’t a usual sight to see and you, yourself wouldn’t believe it if you weren’t seeing it with your own eyes, especially if said Gryffindor in question is golden boy, Lee Jeno himself. You’re watching with peek curiosity as Jeno peeks inside the room, his eyes darting everywhere as if he’s searching for someone. You have to admit that it would take bravery only a Gryffindor possesses, after all it would scare the living daylights out of anyone else but him.
His eyes narrow in on you and you’re checking if he’s staring at anyone else until a smile pops on his face and he’s screaming your name for everyone to hear. Gasps and murmurs break out but are silenced, not even seconds later, when Donghyuck lets out a laugh, his voice echoing through the otherwise silent room. Your brother nods his head to Jeno’s direction, a smirk resting on his face as you get up to meet Jeno. The fast steps you take are enough to reach him in a few seconds and the ongoing watchers disappear with a look from you, leaving you and Jeno with some privacy, except from your brother and friend.
“Lee Jeno, what a surprise.” You force out a smile, “A pleasure to see you, of course. But may I ask, what in Slytherin’s name are you doing here?”
Your nose scrunches when Jeno lifts his hand to scratch at the back of his neck. Lee Jeno smells of sweat, grass and a little bit of catnip, something you find odd since for all the years you’ve been in Hogwarts, you’ve never seen catnip grow anywhere near. Lee Jeno is everything you’ve heard of him to be; muscular, tall and looks as if he belongs on the field.
‘I never knew he would be this cute up close.’
A head shake dissipates all your thoughts, choosing to focus solely on the boy in front of you, who seems to be in a world of his own. Patience is not something you have, annoyance starting to bite at the back of your neck like a three headed snake. “Well?”
“Oh, right. I’m sorry.” Jeno’s ears are painted with a shade of red, cheeks in a similar condition. “I thought we could revise a bit before potions. Since the professor has high expectations on us and all.”
You’re pondering for a moment, listing off all the things you needed to do by tonight, ears pricking up when the sound of Jaemin’s laughter fills the room behind you. You decide that as much as you would enjoy working on ancient runes with Jaemin, you’d enjoy working on poyions a little bit more.
“Sure,” You nodded, “Lead the way.”
“So are you sure we can use this place?” Jeno’s pace is a bit too quick for you to handle, forcing you to take bigger and quicker steps so that you’re walking side by side with each other. In the short amount of time you walked with Jeno, you realized he’s not one to speak. He prefers to keep quiet and let you do all the talking, he spews out a few questions here and there to keep the conversation going, and you suppose it’s a good difference than when you’re with Donghyuck and Jaemin.
“Yes, I asked professor Slughorn beforehand if you’re worried.”
The air is silent for a while, both you and Jeno hard at work on collecting the few necessities for your potion, with Jeno grabbing the books by the professor’s desk and you collecting the herbs to brew. The potions room is nothing special, decked out with chairs and tables in the middle for students to experiment on, a brewing pot stacked on each and every one of those desks. “So what’re we making?”
“Amortentia.” Jeno looks almost different in the dim light, almost as if he’s a different person than the one you’ve seen all these years. The way his arm moves as he’s stirring the potion, the way he’s squinting his eyes as if the potion would disappear if he looked away. You almost hear yourself say he looks magical with the mist that’s starting to float around, a telltale sign that the potion you’re working on is almost complete, “With a little bit of a twist.”
“A twist?” You’re positive the mist swirling around the room has gotten into your head, twisting your mind into thinking nonsense, and almost scoffing when the thought of smelling what Jeno smells like in the Amortentia appears. “A twist how?”
“Well,” The mist around you is changing in colors; one moment you’re seeing a hint of green, something that reminds you of Donghyuck. Another moment you’re seeing pink, something that you’ve associated with your brother your entire life. You even started seeing a hint of blue, something that vaguely reminds you of you, although you didn’t expect to see the patches of red and gold. You didn’t expect to see the two specific colors that reminds you all too much of Gryffindor, all too much of Jeno. “We know that Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world and that it smells different to each person, according to what attracts them.”
“So I thought,” Jeno mumbles, “Why not create something that foretells who you’ll be attracted to?”
The potion itself turns from a darkened ink blue into one of a mother-of-pearl sheen, the color briefly catching your eye before it puffs out more mist, some enhancing into spirals while others turn into odd shapes. Your eyes are drawn to a perfectly shaped lion pup playing with its siblings, then darting around to lock onto what seems like a kitten playing with a golden snitch in its paws. Swirling spirals of mist encase both you and Jeno, said boy looking to the edge of the room where he sees a little girl, one that looks exactly like you, playing with a golden snake.
“I’d hate to pry.” Your eyes catch onto the sight of a little boy on a broomstick, flying around above meadows of flowers and your heart beats a little faster when you realize the child looks a little too similar to Jeno for your liking. “But what does it smell like to you?”
“It smells like crackling fire, vanilla, and ancient runes.” Jeno’s looking around in bewilderment, trying to find the little girl in the room only to find you standing, looking dazed but straight at him. His heart is beating hard and fast, mind racing with a billion thoughts while he tries to figure out the last time he’s caught a sniff of vanilla or ancient runes, finding it seldom that he encounters those objects. His mind clicks into place when he realizes the only time he’s smelt a whiff of vanilla, being earlier when he went into the Slytherin common room to see you. “What about you?”
“It smells like freshly mowed grass, new parchment,” Your eyes flick onto Jeno, finding it hard to see him in the midst of Red and Gold clouding your vision, while Jeno’s sight is filled with nothing but Green and Silver, “..and catnip.”
“My head understands things that my heart is not yet willing to accept.”
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bakugous-abs · 4 years
Day 5 of Halloween 2020
~Brought to you today by Admin Bomb!
October First
Halloween. God, Bakugou couldn't tell if it was his favorite or least favorite time of the year. 
No, he definitely wasn't one to wear a costume and go out trick or treating. That time was way past him and he couldn't remember why and how the hell he was able to trust getting candy from strangers. Frankly that whole aspect of Halloween seemed so hypocritical!
Every other time of the year we’re told to not take candy from strangers. Never ever once were we allowed to take candy from them. But on this specific day? Sure! Go right ahead. Infact, take candy from MULTIPLE strangers!! Nothing could go wrong with that.
The countless reports of needles being stuck in licorice and suckers already being sucked in told a different story.
And the fucking  k i d s. They were so annoying. Screaming and running after each other. Throwing a fit when they didn't get the kind of candy they want or when their siblings got one extra piece. The snot and tears. It was so gross.
That part of Halloween, Bakugou said fuck off to.
However the scaring? And the terrified faces? That's something he could look forward to. 
Seeing the look of horror Pikachu got when he prayed on one of his fears was so exciting. The heightened anxiety in the Yuuei hallways made for some easy targets to make scream and run away.
That, is why Bakugou liked Halloween. 
“Yo Bakubro, we’re gonna head out and get our costumes. You wanna come with?” Kirishima barged into his room, flicking on the light.
“Fuck no.” Bakugou cursed. The sudden brightness was stinging his eyes, the red irises struggling to adjust to sudden change. “I already told you last week you dumbass, I don’t do trick or treating.”
Kirishima's shoulders visibly went limp, a pout occupying his lips. “Come on man, it’ll be fun. You even get to scare some little kids.”
“I can do that without the help of a costume. Now get out.”
He huffed. “If you say so, man. We’ll be back later! See ya.” And with that Bakugou's door shut with a click, the lights left on.
The blond cursed the redhead under his breath. Why was it so hard to shut off the light when they leave! He has it off every single time they open the door, so why not shut it off again when they leave!?
Bakugou got up to shut the light off, but stopped in his tracks when he noticed a letter on his neat floor. When did that get there? Did shitty-hair leave it there when he left?
It was a pretty white envelope with a splotch of red to the left of the center. As he got closer he read his name in very intricate cursive. Had it not been for the date in a nice fine print, and the fact that he didn't like anyone and fully expected no one to like him back, in the upper corner he would have assumed this was an old valentines letter.
He picked it up. What the fuck was this doing here? The handwriting was very obviously not Shittyhairs. His was too rough and sharp to ever resemble something like this. 
“10-1-xxxx <3 Bakugou”
Hesitantly, he turned it around and found a wax seal on the back. A simple circle, nothing more.
The letter was ripped open, the wax seal completely forgotten. If the letter inside got ripped, that wasn’t his problem. Unfortunately, the letter went completely unscathed.
He took it out and unfolded it, careful to hold it horizontally in case this was a prank gift from one of the dunces that called him his friend, but there was no such thing. Infact, the letter seemed virtually empty except for right smack dab in the middle. A small word written in what seemed to be a font designed to replicate human writing.
Bakugou's eyebrows crinkled. That's it? He turned the paper over, flipped it back, then turned it over once more. Nothing.
“Such a waste of fucking paper.” He muttered, crushing the note within his palm and lit off his explosions, a caramel scent wafting through the air and black smoke trailing along with it.
He threw what was left of it into his trash, dusted it off his hands, and flicked the lights back off.
Whoever wrote that letter had a pretty terrible sense of humor
October Second
Bakugou woke up the next morning like usual. Stretch, pop his joints and spark a few explosions, then sit up and get ready for school. The letter from yesterday lingered in the back of his mind, still annoyed that someone thought something like that would even be considered funny.
How the hell just writes a tiny Hi on a whole sheet of paper. Its such a fucking waste! It was irritating him more than anything.
That's why when he got a second letter this morning, also slid underneath his door, he just threw it on his bed to be dealt with later. He didn’t need to get any more pissed off about something before going to school and getting pissed off even more. No, that can wait till after he got his homework done.
And it did wait. During the day he completely forgot about the existence of the letter. Going to classes, almost blowing Dekus face off in training, shouting at the group that seemed to be stuck to his thighs, going to more classes. Completely normal.
But when he got home and locked himself in his room to do homework and calm down, he saw the letter on his bed and immediately became pissed again.
He marched on over to it and picked it, opening it in the same fashion he did yesterday and again, the letter managed to come out unscathed.
He opened the paper, preparing to see another waste of paper. Unfortunately the universe was granting his wishes, but not to the extent he was thinking.
This time, there was a sentence, a sentence that made his heart stop for a second. 
“You have lovely skin.”
What. The actual. Fuck.
Who the hell is this? Why are they talking about his skin? How do they know anything about his skin?
Subconsciously his eyes darted around him. Everything looked the exact same. He looked behind him, no one was there. But there was a nagging feeling in the middle of his back, like someone was staring there no matter where he turned.
Fuck this.
His eyes glided toward the balcony. The curtain were wide open. But they were facing the 1-B building. No one could be watching him…
The curtains were closed in a matter of seconds.
October Seventh
The letters kept coming. Every day they got creepier. Complimenting a feature about him and details this person would only know if they got close to him.
He was losing sleep. His eight hour nights shortening rapidly to only around four hours and it wasn't consecutive. 
Yesterday he became so sick of it he grabbed the five letters he had received, first still burnt in his trash can, and stomped down to the lounge room, confronting them of the letters asking whoever it was that was sending them to step the fuck up.
No one had any idea what he was talking about. 
He attacked all the girls first, not physically no, but yelling at them to confess who done it. No dude in their class would have this good of handwriting other than that belly button laser guy.
But he had no idea later, saying Bakugou was not exactly his type, which he got a yelling for as well.
Todays letter… wasnt any better than the last.
"This is almost as much fun as watching you sleep."
He held the latter in his hand, not noticing the grip slowly getting tighter and tighter, and suddenly the ends were crinkled and charred, the only thing left was a single word.
October Fifteenth
Bakugou finally cracked and told the teachers about the letters. To say they overreacted was,,, actually just about right.
There were now teachers stationed on top of the buildings, around the perimeter, and on Bakugous floor.
He hated to admit it but having a few pro heroes there eased his edge a little. A felt safer. Safer than he had in the last two weeks.
But unfortunately, that wasnt enough.
For in the middle of the night, to his absolute horror, the rustling of paper was heard across his room.
His body went cold. Eyes wide as all hell. He used his feet to curl all his blanket away from the edges of his bed and under his legs and over his body. 
'Please,' his mind pleaded. 'Please fucking tell me thats not another letter.'
And to his absolute horror, when he sat up, just a little bit… there, visible in the light shining under the crack of his door, was a letter, with the same red heart and perfect cursive handwriting that spelled out his name.
"Please dont scream, they'll hear you"
October Twenty-sixth
Its been a few days since hes gone out of his room. The pros thought hed feel safer in his room where they could keep an eye on him but in reality.
Bakugou didnt feel safe at all.
Everywhere he went his anxiety told him someone was there. With beady eyes that went unblinking just… staring at him. Like he was a slab of meat for a hungry starving lion.
But he wasnt allowed to complain, even though he did, and was expected to remain still. 
He was expected to wait.
And wait.
He didn't want to wait. He didn't want to be here anymore.
He was behind on his classes, but he couldn't focus long enough on the work to get it done anyway.
He had nothing else to distract him. Hes read through all his books, played all his games, watched all his movies. There was nothing else to do other than wait like a sitting duck.
So what the hell was he supposed to do?
And while he had his door shut, he finally broke down, tears streaming down his face and fear coursing through his veins as he knew, by the sound of paper sliding under his door, that he wasnt safe anywhere anymore.
"Dont struggle, I hate when they struggle"
October 31st. Halloween Night
Halloween. Bakugou hated Halloween.
He hated Halloween. He hated being scared. Scared all the time. 
He couldnt handle the sound of paper anymore. Not the sound of it wrinkling, folding, unfolding, ripping, he hated paper.
All kinds of paper.
Wrappers, notebook, printer.
It was all terrible.
And now… he can't even handle unwrapping his own candy.
Bakugou hated Halloween.
And has another letter slid under his door, now in direct daylight, and got up and looked at it.
The cursive was now just scratches. The heart too dark to be artificial. 
He opened it, slipping the paper out and reading the note. One word. Tiny in the middle of the paper, resembling the first ever note he got. One word.
However, this time, when he turned the note over, he found something else. Another word- no, a sentence.
'Till next year… Bakugou Katsuki.'
And just like that, his body ran cold, and his vision went dark.
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ghostsray · 4 years
Ch2: Flowers
(prev - next)
"Danny, your clone is adorable," Sam said.
Danny looked away from the plant he was observing and said, "You mean Niel?"
Sam tapped her chin. "Well, Danielle is adorable too. But yes, im talking about Niel, considering he's the one I saw yesterday."
"Oh yeah, you went to Vlad's mansion, right?" Tucker asked from where he was seated among a group of potted plants. "How was he like?"
Sam shrugged. "Like Danny, except peppier, and with a better appreciation for goth culture."
"You turned my clone goth?"
Sam stopped spraying her venus flytrap to point at Danny and say, "Hey, he's his own person, thank you very much."
Tucker leaned back and stared out the greenhouse walls. "I feel left out. How come both of you get to meet this new clone--er, person? I want to see him too..." He trailed off, staring at something in the distance, then pointed out and asked, "Is that him?"
Considering the timing, Danny almost thought Tucker was joking, but then he followed his finger and saw that Niel was, indeed, walking toward Sam's greenhouse. He didn't look very goth in Danny's opinion, although his hair was shaved on one side--but that was more punk than goth. As he got closer, Danny noticed that he was carrying a bundle of yellow flowers in his hand.
Sam went to the greenhouse's entrance and opened the doors to greet him. "So, did you get my adress from the mayor or from Google Earth?" she said.
Niel rubbed his neck nervously. "Did I do something wrong?"
"'Course not, Dracula. Come in." She made way for him, then eyed the flowers and asked, "Are those for me?"
Niel held them out, blushing slightly. "Danny said you like flowers. Uh, completely platonic flowers, of course."
Sam took the flowers from him. "I do like flowers," she confirmed, "though not so much cutting off flower roots and selling their corpses for money."
Niel blinked. "Oh."
Sam have a half-shrug. "It's fine. I'll just give it to my mom, since she loves decorating our house with flower corpses."
"I'll...be sure to get a potted plant next time."
"You better," Sam said. "Meanwhile, I'll go find somewhere to place these dead flowers so they can provide some decoration while they rot away."
Niel looked mortified as she left the greenhouse and went indoors. As soon as she was gone, Tucker burst into laughter.
"Oh man, you should see your face. Nobody is ever prepared for ultra-recyclo-vegan Sam."
Danny watched Niel with a smile as the younger boy glared at Tucker. He nodded at his hair and said, "Nice hairdo."
Niel ran a hand over the shaved part of his head. "It was Sam's idea. Something to make me look different from you." He looked across the various plants in the greenhouse and said, "She really does like plants, doesn't she?"
"You have no idea," Tucker agreed. He gestured across the room and said, "I promise you, every plant in here, Sam named. Like, those two flowers over there--what did she name them again?"
"Hecate and Nyx," Danny supplied. "Or Nyx and Hecate. I don't remember which one's which."
Niel frowned at the twin flowers. "They look the same."
"Yeah, well, Sam has some way to tell them apart," Tucker said. He cupped his mouth with one hand and whispered conspiringly, "If you ask me, I'd say she still has plant-whisperer powers from Undergrowth."
Niel ignored Tucker. He was still scowling at the plants. "Why bother keeping two of the same kind if they're basically the same thing?"
Danny had a sneaking suspicion Niel wasn't just talking about the flowers. Either Sam really trained him to become dark and brooding, or something was troubling the boy.
"Hey," Danny asked, "things okay with your dad?"
Niel shrugged, not tearing his eyes off the plants. "I think so."
"You think?"
"They're good, I think. I mean, yeah. They are." He smiled and added, "I got him to call me by my name."
"Really? That's great," Danny said, and his tone was sincere. He knew how many times Vlad insisted on calling Niel by Danny's name. Yet, for some reason, Niel didn't look as happy as he should have been regarding the news.
Danny was about to ask him what was wrong, but Tucker chose that moment to lean forward and say, "So, are you crushing or Sam, or...?"
Niel spluttered and shouted, "I am not!"
Danny would have felt irritated at Tucker, but he had to admit seeing Niel's face turn as red as Sam's anthuriums was hilarious. Maybe that was what Tucker was going for: lightening the mood a little.
"You're not what?" Sam asked, and the three boys whipped around to see her reentering the greenhouse.
"Nothing," Niel said quickly. He scratched his cheek and turned his attention back to the flowers. "Just appreciating Nyx and Hecate here."
"Hecate and Nyx," Sam corrected.
"Yeah. That." He glanced at his wrist and said, "Um, I guess I should be leaving now."
Sam raised her eyebrows. "You just got here. Don't you want to hang out a bit?"
Danny could tell Niel wanted to, but he shook his head and said, "Dad's pretty strict about my training schedule."
"Training schedule?"
"Yeah. For my ghost powers." His eyes moved to Danny, almost out of reflex. For a long time, the clone had tried to get Danny to join him as his brother, but that was before he started questioning Vlad's integrity. Now, he just kept quiet and looked away.
Sam's lips thinned. "I dont mean to offend you, Niel, but I gotta be real with you. Your dad is kind of a--"
"A horrible villain who wants to take over the world?" Tucker said.
"--a jerk."
Niel crossed his arms, not meeting any of their eyes. "He's the only parent I have. I don't know. I don't know what to feel about him."
"I thought you said things were cool between you last night."
"I did, but..."
Niel shook his head. "It's nothing. I better go."
The trio's eyes followed him as he left, but no one tried to stop him.
Niel wasn't lying about the training schedule, but the truth was, his training wasn't due for another hour. Rather than return to the mansion, he stopped by an alley on the way.
There was a fast food restaurant nearby, and he bought a takeout burger and brought it with him to a small spot nestled between two buildings. He was disappointed but not surprised when he found it empty. He wasn't sure why he expected otherwise. It would have been dumb of her to stay in one place for long.
"Looking for me?" a familiar voice spoke, and he looked up and saw Danielle Phantom appear in front of him.
"So you did stick around," Niel said.
Dani floated down, stopping before her feet touched the ground so that they were at eye level. "Well, duh. I came to Amity Park because I wanted to see you for myself, and one short conversation this morning wasn't enough for me." Her eyes drifted to the box in his hands, and they sparkled as she pointed and said, "Woah, is that a Nasty Burger?"
Niel handed the burger to her. "I thought travelling around the world homeless might have made you hungry."
"Niel, I know we only just met today, but I think you're starting to become my favorite brother." After accepting the box, she landed on the floor and transformed into human, then she took out the burger and scarfed it down.
Niel watched her with interest. Even though Vlad mentioned her often, he never kept any photo of her. All Niel knew was that she looked like Danny, but younger and female. He guessed that description was true, but it was a bit hard to notice her similarity to Danny from underneath the low wool cap and oversized hoodie she wore--not to mention her incredibly messy long hair.
Niel brought out a small yellow dandelion from his pocket and twirled it in his fingers. Dani paused eating to look at it.
"Didn't you say you were going to give those flowers to Sam?" she asked.
"I did," he replied. "I thought I might keep one to give to you, though, as a sort of welcome gift." He offered her the flower.
Dani eyed it. "I appreciate the gesture, but we're siblings."
"It's a friendship flower! Yellow flowers are for friendship, red flowers are for love."
"I don't know enough about flowers to refute that, so all right." She shrugged and accepted the flower, then after a moment's thought, placed it in her hair. "What do you think?"
"You would have looked cute, if you weren't otherwise so messy."
Dani rolled her eyes. "Pompous rich people," she grumbled, then bit into her burger again, not paying any attention to the grease that ran down her chin.
Niel wrinkled his nose. "Are you sure we're related?"
"Hey, man, ask Vlad."
Niel hesitated. He toyed with his wristwatch and asked, "Was he really that bad to you?"
Dani finished her meal and sucked her fingers. "I thought we established this earlier today. Vlad probably treats you well because you're perfect, but I wasn't so lucky. He just thinks of me as a failed experiment."
"He said your body was unstable, but you seem pretty stable to me."
She chuckled. "I'm not unstable all the time. Trust me, you won't see me looking as pretty as this when I'm emotional."
If her current appearance was pretty, Niel wasn't excited to know how she looked like unstable. Dani observed him for a moment, then said, "I have to say, you really are a nice clone."
"I thought you said I was pompous."
"You are. But you also brought me a burger and a flower instead of taking me to Vlad."
Niel's eyes widened. "Why would I do that?"
"To gain his respect?" She shrugged and said, "That's what I would have done, back when he cared for me. I was almost ready to kill Danny because he told me to. Maybe it's a good thing I turned out to be imperfect and had to leave."
Niel decided to ignore the fact that Dani would have murdered a person and instead said, "You mean you didn't realize it at first?"
"Oh, no. I was stable for like a week before Vlad noticed anything amiss." She saw Niel's troubled expression and quickly added, "It's okay, I'm sure youre safe. You've stayed stable for much longer than I did. You're not a failure."
"I hope not," Niel mumbled, not feeling completely reassured.
Dani gave him a friendly nudge. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. And if you're not, you could always join your super duper awesome sister Dani on her worldly expeditions."
Niel frowned. "By the way, why do you call yourself Danny? Don't you want to go by your own name?"
"Uh-uh," she wagged her finger and said, "I'm Dani, with an I. He's Danny with a Y."
"That has to get confusing sometimes."
"Oh, absolutely. But it's also really funny. Like how there're two Hawkeyes in Marvel comics."
"There's two Hawkeyes?"
Dani gasped dramatically, then placed a hand on his shoulder and said deeply, "Niel, I really need to get you into comics."
Niel slowly moved Dani's hand away. "Okay...but I still find it weird that you want to be called Dani. Why not Elle? or Ellie?"
Dani tapped her chin and said, "You could call me that, if you like. Ellie does sound pretty cute."
"Cool, then. Ellie it is."
Ellie didn't seem to mind his new nickname for her. She wiped her mouth with a sleeve and looked at Niel's watch. "I guess I better leave. If Vlad's treating you like he used to treat me, then you probably have to do some ghost training in a few."
Niel looked down at his wrist. Had time really passed that quickly? "Yeah, you're right. Um...I'd say say you later, but..."
Ellie shrugged. "Why not? No harm in sticking around in Amity Park for a while longer, right?" She jabbed a finger at Niel and added, "Just make sure Vlad doesn't try to capture me or anything. Also, feel free to buy me food whenever we meet."
"I'll keep that in mind," Niel promised.
Niel turned away and began walking home. He glanced over his shoulder to where Ellie had been, but she was gone, probably off to do...whatever it was she did on her own.
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coldbatpalacepanda · 3 years
My life journey: i was born on May 28,2002 in katalicanan aleosan cotabato,i didnt of mine deep-felt already born in the hospital bacause my home is far away the Road its not easy to facilitate the patient go in the hospital,but im so grateful because im still alive,strong, good health,and happy to this world even theres more problem i encounter to my life as a adult,student,and younger to all siblings,as a young age lived in this world that theres so many problems i encounter Ill fight in order get loose at life,being a student its so hard to adjust this year now cause full of changes and problem like this pandemic now,theres more changes like in my studying now this online class its so hard to adjust cause some lesson we didnt understand but we try our best to understand it cause this is for our better future,and also i miss all memories being a young and student that last year theres no pandemic to come in we lived peace and free theres no distraction like in high school life i never know that im a student cause highschool life it so memorable experiences and memories that i never forget to my life,like go out somewhere its for fun only theres no problem thinking cause they all enjoying life ,like dancing together in different fiestas its so memorable that this is ones in a life time to make is happen in life dancing together with your clasmate and friends,and celebrating a birthday of one of my friend we make specia because we never know now or soon like activities we never happen all the time cause life is short,no matter a little bit food we prepare the most important we are complete to celebrate the all. special day in our life and also i never forget to all may friends who give her trust on me even im so clingy,noisy,and funny sometimes ill still remember when im so happy to face may friends to see all laughing its so memorable and fun but one of my friends theres a deeply problems or secret she didnt tell anyone,but me also i listen her personal problem even there own family didnt know ,that time i see her eyes so sad and scared i dont explained my feeling when i see her,so that i talk to her and i told her that im her for you to listen and help ,when i know all what happen to her im shocking i didnt expect that realy happen in real life,so that im comforting him ill do my best to give advise cause when i see her eyes flow her tears i pitied her conditions she truma some on her circumstancing ,i feel sad because my bestfriend
she forthcome,thats why im willing to help for him already fade her problem im willing to help for him already fade her problem and to start a new journey of life cause i believe strong women is a fighter ,everyone needs friends,friends are an important part of our life without friends,life can be pretty lonely,friends come in all shape and size,you might have a tall friendsl or a fat friends or maybe a hilarious friends or a supportive friends,companionship even stronger than that,a friends is someone who is willing to listen and not listen because they should,a friend is someone who is willing to support you,if they dont like your decisions,they may try to convince you,but support at the end,a friend is someone who will comfort you through the tough times,a friends is someone who will laugh with you at the stupidest thing and even go along with your stupid ideas,a friend is someone who loves you because who you are and they accepted you and your flaws,a friend is someone who will protect you because they cant stand their friend being in any harm,a friend is someone who has your back through whatever the case might be and if they were truly your friend ,i dont think you'll be able to forget them,because friends stay with us for a very long period of time,they hold us together and we hold them together its kind of like a package,the number of friends you have never matters they only matter if they mean so much too and not just for showing off or you can have a lot of friends but the ones you talk to about the deep aren't many that a really good thing i think the special part about friendship is when you are arounshow more life is full of various events and experience,but all of these are not equally important,enjoyable and memorable,all days we come across in our life are not the same ,some my memorable moment,is the funniest and happiest day of our life however memories are not just the ones that make us feel like we are in heaven ,sometimes it is unforgettable because of the joy and fun that has given to us,be it either good or bad,it will still be the part of us,our life,it will remain in us forever,everywhere we walk when we think about this day or memory ,we are very happy and we want to cry,in my opinion,everyone has a special memory that they will never forget,it may be good or bad ,my hand were shaking and heart throbbing,with trembling ears i heard to her,she told me that i have secured ,i thanked God the almighty for the success which he granted me ,then i ran to my parents and gave them the good news they are overwhelmed with joy,my sister and cousin got up and rejoiced,d friend and your having loads of fun whether you are doing something of doing nothing,Athe most memorable experience in our life is when we did something unusual that made us feel ,shy ,happy ,sad or angry,it is composed of mixed emotions we did an unforgettable experience,it mostly occur in the days of our childhood,when we are still young and ignorant ,for example when we accidentally spill a glass of juice on the shirt of our crush !well,thats really unforgettable ,this is my unforgettable memories that they no regrets the most but the truth is,the more that you grow older and remember these memories you will be happy or sad l,but still you will learn to grow ,to change your old habits and start something new ,to always be careful of what you do or say. and always thank God for he has given to you and for the things you experience for that day And Now days there so much changes,so many thing that we cannot do with our friends and relatives cause we need to follow the protocol for being safe even this is so hard this is for our own good to make a better person we need to sacrifice and we always trust in God that theres hope to come in our life if we thingk always positive and pray,cause theres so possible happen uf we have faith this types of problem this is challenge of God to us if where the copiable for our prebelief cause i believe if we are alive we have propect in our life,dont stop dreaming and we always think positive.
After all, books are a man’s best friend, and they’ve been my best friends too. As extremely shy child I always found it hard to make actual “friends.” I was never a talkative kid. In fact, when other kids enjoyed jumping around, having fun, I would wish for some means of enjoying solitude. That is when I befriended my first book; Peter and Jane Book 1a Play with Us. My mother had bought me that book so I would learn to read. Well, I could read alright, or so I thought. Then again, it wasn’t what was inside that piqued my interest to pick up that thin hardback book, sit back on the couch and start reading it.
As far as I can recall, I peered at the vivid, illustrative cover of the book that depicted a boy and a girl peeking out of a tent for several minutes until finally turning the hardcover over. Now that I look back, those words, those sentences seem so simple, but back then, reading that simple transported me to a whole new world. Even though there wasn’t much to read in that book, but plenty of brightly colored images to see, I could almost picture myself there with Peter and Jane, just observing them from a distance. Believe it or not, that somewhat meaningless book is the reason I started reading in the first place, and it is because of that book that I have had the pleasure of reading some of the finest books over the years. That book filled the void of having no friends during my early-childhood years.
The very next day, I started reading the copy of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe I had received as a gift. Although the cover wasn’t as colorful as the books I had previously read, the illustration immediately captivated my attention. I put myself in place of those two children, and I imagined what it would be like to ride on top of a gigantic lion At first, the book itself did not capture my interest because I found it quite similar to the Wizard of Oz, but as I kept reading, I found myself joyfully lost i, i feel sad because my bestfriend
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she forthcome,thats why im willing to help for him already fade her problem im willing to help for him already fade her problem and to start a new journey of life cause i believe strong women is a fighter ,everyone needs friends,friends are an important part of our life without friends,life can be pretty lonely,friends come in all shape and size,you might have a tall friendsl or a fat friends or maybe a hilarious friends or a supportive friends,companionship even stronger than that,a friends is someone who is willing to listen and not listen because they should,a friend is someone who is willing to support you,if they dont like your decisions,they may try to convince you,but support at the end,a friend is someone who will comfort you through the tough times,a friends is someone who will laugh with you at the stupidest thing and even go along with your stupid ideas,a friend is someone who loves you because who you are and they accepted you and your flaws,a friend is someone who will protect you because they cant stand their friend being in any harm,a friend is someone who has your back through whatever the case might be and if they were truly your friend ,i dont think you'll be able to forget them,because friends stay with us for a very long period of time,they hold us together and we hold them together its kind of like a package,the number of friends you have never matters they only matter if they mean so much too and not just for showing off or you can have a lot of friends but the ones you talk to about the deep aren't many that a really good thing i think the special part about friendship is when you are arounshow more life is full of various events and experience,but all of these are not equally important,enjoyable and memorable,all days we come across in our life are not the same ,some my memorable moment,is the funniest and happiest day of our life however memories are not just the ones that make us feel like we are in heaven ,sometimes it is unforgettable because of the joy and fun that has given to us,be it either good or bad,it will still be the part of us,our life,it will remain in us forever,everywhere we walk when we think about this day or memory ,we are very happy and we want to cry,in my opinion,everyone has a special memory that they will never forget,it may be good or bad ,my hand were shaking and heart throbbing,with trembling ears i heard to her,she told me that i have secured ,i thanked God the almighty for the success which he granted me ,then i ran to my parents and gave them the good news they are overwhelmed with joy,my sister and cousin got up and rejoiced,d friend and your having loads of fun whether you are doing something of doing nothing,Athe most memorable experience in our life is when we did something unusual that made us feel ,shy ,happy ,sad or angry,it is composed of mixed emotions we did an unforgettable experience,it mostly occur in the days of our childhood,when we are still young and ignorant ,for example when we accidentally spill a glass of juice on the shirt of our crush !well,thats really unforgettable ,this is my unforgettable memories that they no regrets the most but the truth is,the more that you grow older and remember these memories you will be happy or sad l,but still you will learn to grow ,to change your old habits and start something new ,to always be careful of what you do or say. and always thank God for he has given to you and for the things you experience for that day And Now days there so much changes,so many thing that we cannot do with our friends and relatives cause we need to follow the protocol for being safe even this is so hard this is for our own good to make a better person we need to sacrifice and we always trust in God that theres hope to come in our life if we thingk always positive and pray,cause theres so possible happen uf we have faith this types of problem this is challenge of God to us if where the copiable for our prebelief cause i believe if we are alive we have propect in our life,dont stop dreaming and we always think positive.
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The forgotten sibling
Edited: changed name of character and fixed some grammer
Mc is already a person i like to think its short for someones name like Marie Claire or Mason Conner even though i know it means main character (or it could be the reader)☺
Mari is Latina (im hispanic) and she human but i felt like making her an angel here the idea wouldn't get out mah head 😢
If there is errors im sorry its really late here and im tired but i hope you like Part 1 of the forgotten sibling!
I didnt want to go there but was asked specifically by Michael to check on Simeon and Luke's well being as well as gift Diavolo Prince of the Devilmon a wine dated back from the time he once visited the Celestial realm as a gift to show our appreciation and willingness to comply and make the three realms close once again. But he and I both knew what he was doing. Ever since the beginning of the exchange program hes been trying to get me to see my brothers but I refuse to do so so in exchange Luke was sent with Simeon hopefully the little one doesnt cause poor Simeon too much trouble.
They started a war and they fell from grace so I see no reason the be anywhere near them. I lost my older sister Lilith beautiful Lilith i remember her short pink wavy hair and baby blue eyes and her beautiful skin darker than my own but lighter than big brother Mammon's she was a gem of the women but even her beauty was no match for big brother Asmodeus the jewel of the heavens... But orders are order and so I followed though begrudgingly. 'You owe me big Michael' I thought, on the way down I was careful to stap on the cloak that would cover my wings as to not cause uproar or bother the demons there as I was entering their domain. The other two angel also had similar cloaks demons were so easily offended it was sad honestly but it'd save me time and I'd return to kick Michaels butt. And no im not getting a picture of Lucifer if you wanted one come down here yourself feather for brains.
I wait patiently before being called in the bottle of wine fitting snug in a basket with a simple cotten blanket to cover it. If i was known for anything it was my woven basket with thewhite cotton cloth being able to pull anything from existence from it gifting those I favored and helping the poor when the Celestial realm was close to the human realm. When I walk into the room I see all the exchange students as well as the prince and his seven lords all seated. Barbatos moved to offer me a seat but i kinfly refused I wont be here long. The look of suprise on my brothers faces was pure satisfaction especially when I ignored them in favor of tge prince. "Hello Prince Diavolo I am here to check up on the two angel here as agreed upon as well as the well being of the two humans." That part was for myself though the Celestial realm and Human realm were apart my love for humans stemmed from my creator but grew because of my sister and big brother Belphegor.
"Yes hello you must be Mari Michael said you'd be coming my you've grown since I last saw you those thousands of years ago." The prince smiles taking a quick look at the brothers to which I nod my head. "Of course its only natural. I had to grow up quite quickly." I say before pulling out a celestial wine and presenting it to him " A gift for taking good care of our angels as well as the humans. Michael couldn't make it but sends his best regards for the program and hopefully its success." He took it examining it a smile at the date while I turned away to the two I came to see.
"Hello boys" I smile warmly "Mari!" Luke launched at me arms wrapped around my waist as I pet his hair "Hello dear I missed having you around my little angel the house no longer smells of baked goods anymore" I tell the boy I felt was like a son to me having raised him myself.
"Hello Mari its good to see you" Simeon smiles approaching us two. "Its great to see you too Simeon" I reply back just as warmly a hand creaseing his cheek "How has the Devildom treating you two? Has my little angel been doing have you taken care of him well?" I ask. As they recap how things have been as of late. I felt eyes in me and not just demon eyes.
The angel talking to the two celestial exchage students was pretty with hair similar to Mammon that fell midthigh and skin lighter than his own beautiful color. She had sea foam grean eyes and thick lashes she looked to be 5'1 and curvy more so on her hips thighs and butt than her chest.
Her outfit was white the dress flowed to her ankles two slits from her hips down with and a couple of x strings laced where her hips where stoping before midthigh and golden heels that laced around the ankles the top half was low cut and wrapped around her neck. Her back was a low cut leaving her back bare though no one could see it. It was for her large wings that touched the ground and was nearly as white as her snow colored hair.
"Hello little humans my name is Mari I'm an angel from the Celestial realm. If prince Diavolo allows it I can deliver a letter to your family's about how your doing and such if you desire. I'm sure they're worried about your well being." I say with a smile. The two humans after getting a nod were given a pen and paper to write. How cute
I again wait patiently but i could tell even if i was trying to ignore them my brothers were watching me. I suspect one would explode and start asking questions. And i didnt have to wait long because i sense one was approaching. Which one I wonder..
"Mari?" I turn to see Lucifer the look of shock on his face. "Hello Lucifer is there something I can help you with?" I smile but I'm sure anyone in the room can see I didnt want to talk to him. "Little sister.. your here?" He reached with a gloved hand but I step out of reach. I refused to let him touch me. Displeasure clearly on my face I was told my face gave me away.
"Im sorry but please dont touch me so casually. I dont allow strangers to touch me as it is improper." His brow furrowed "Stranger? I am your brother" this caught everyones attention more so one of the humans "No you were my brother as in past tense. I have no brothers after they caused a war and fell and left me alone." My words like ice pierced them each but I didnt stay to see more of their reaction I wanted to go home. "I'm here for business not pleasure so please if its not pertaining to the well being of these four dont approach me." Frustration clear in his eyes the other brothers closely behind him.
"Who taught you to be disrespectful?" He seethed "Clearly not you." I responded taking slight amusement in upsetting him.
I turned and saw both humans not writing and warmth filled my voice once more " Are you finished?" They nod, such adorable little things they have such short lives but they live it to their fullest . As an angel I have watched many of them and though they are ignorant and weak they are strong and smart taking what they have and making the best of it I truly adore them.
I took each one letter carefully like a little baby placing it in my basket and give one last smile maybe I'll see one of them again one day. But I had a feeling they weren't the only ones I'd be seeing as I felt the eyes of my former brothers on my back. Burning into me and with a final goodbye I leave the Devildom.
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misssophiachase · 5 years
Klaroline prompt. The mikealson dont believe klaus has an American girlfriend until she shows up one day. To visit him
Thank you, luv! I’ve decided to do this one early because we have a public holiday so I have some time. Hope you like my take : )
Is She Really Going Out With Him
Christmas Eve, Oxford UK
“So, now we’ve littered the room with wrapping paper and gorged on presents we probably didn’t need, I say we eat. I’m starving.”
“Mostly your presents we didn’t need and you’re always starving, Kol,” Rebekah growled. “And in case you’re wondering, beef jerky and a lottery scratch ticket isn’t a real present.”
“You won’t be saying that when you win the lottery, sister,” he grinned. “And I fully expect a cut of the winnings.”
“I’m sure you will even if it was supposedly a gift,” Klaus quipped. 
“Hence why I didn’t get you a lottery ticket,” Kol shot back. 
“No, just this lovely pair of Christmas socks,” he replied. “It’s nice to know that you care so much about the wellbeing of my feet during the cold, winter months.”
“See? At least Niklaus appreciates my gifts.”
“On the contrary, Kol, I am completely enamored with the Christmas themed coasters,” Elijah offered, his expression deadpan. 
“They have Christmas Carol lyrics on the back too,” he mused. “I knew you’d appreciate the thought that went into the gift. I remember how much you loved singing carols.”
“I’m starting to worry that our younger brother Kol has been switched with a robot who has no recollection of our childhood,” Rebekah offered. “It’s like some weird apocalyptic Christmas movie where the lead character forgets his past and heads to the nearest convenience store at the last minute to forage for gifts.”
“Oh, you mean like Die Hard? I always liked that Hans Gruber, completely misunderstood.”
“He may have been an evil terrorist but I bet Hans Gruber had better taste in gifts,” Elijah commented. 
“This conversation has taken a very weird turn but I can’t help but agree, he’d definitely splurge on good sausage, not imitation beef jerky.” Klaus shrugged his shoulders thinking that even with their strange quirks it was nice to feel like a real family. 
The sass between the siblings was sharp at the best of times but it was all they knew. Although born to meager beginnings in rural England, the Mikaelsons had made the best of their lives around the world. Elijah an IT expert in Silicon Valley, Rebekah a publicist in New York and Kol an up and coming film producer in London. 
Klaus had chosen to take a different route, staying in their hometown of Oxford and teaching at the local primary school. For someone with a double degree in law and economics, it was a strange choice but Klaus was happy to follow in his mother's footsteps, something his siblings didn’t understand.
The doorbell rang making them look towards it curiously. “Who is missing? Henrik is staying at college over the holidays because he’s apparently too cool for us,” Rebekah offered. 
“Maybe it’s Father Christmas, I have been nice this year.” That comment from Kol made the siblings look back at him in disbelief.  “For the most part.”
“If you’d read any literature, you’d know Father Christmas comes down the chimney, not the front door.”
“You really have been teaching children too long, Niklaus,” Kol said with an added eye roll. 
“Says the guy who thinks Father Christmas is at our front door,” he muttered, making his way towards the interest. Klaus wasn’t expecting what was coming next. 
She had thrown herself into his arms before he could properly react but she felt so good. Just like coming home. As he inhaled her floral perfume, Klaus knew it had been too long and realized just how much he’d missed Caroline.
“I’m sorry,” Kol interrupted, tapping him on the shoulder and breaking the spell. “This doesn’t look much like Father Christmas.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment I suppose,” Caroline replied, placing a lingering kiss on Klaus’ cheek and raising her eyes in his brother’s direction. “You must be Kol.”
“I see my reputation precedes me,” he smirked. “You look very familiar, darling.”
“That’s because she’s Caroline Forbes, the Hollywood actress,” Rebekah shared approaching them.  “But why she’s here and embracing Nik I have no idea.”
“Is there something you haven’t told us, Nikalus?” Elijah asked curiously. When his stuffy, older brother was interested Klaus knew he couldn’t avoid the interrogation. 
9 months earlier      
“Good evening, Miss...”
“Forbes,” she answered, shaking his hand, her gaze unwavering at the classroom door. “I’m here to discuss Benjamin.”
“Benjamin Forbes?”
“Is there another Benjamin Forbes?” 
“No, I’ve just met his parents previously and they are not you.”
“I’m his aunt slash godmother,” she admitted. “My brother and sister-in-law are unavailable tonight so asked me to fill in.”
“Do I need to provide identification? Because I have it on me even if I’m years younger than the DMV thinks I am,” she shot back, producing her credentials. Klaus was trying to ignore just how stunning she looked even in an indignant mood.
“No, the reason I questioned it was because Benjamin is in quite a bit of trouble and I assumed his parents would want to discuss that.”
“Define trouble,” she replied, her steely, blue eyes sizing him up. Klaus knew exactly who this mystery woman was but had no intention of playing favorites, even if she was beautiful. 
“I can get you a dictionary if you’d like, Ms. Forbes, but I think we both know trouble means trouble. He’s definitely a curious kid but has no malicious intentions. Benjamin freed all of the class pets, including the rabbits, guinea pigs and silkworms.” 
“I get that wasn’t cool and if any creature died I’d be willing to rectify the situation.”
“They didn’t thankfully. Benjamin will no doubt be an admirable, animal protection warrior when he grows up but it seems entirely too convenient that his parents have left a mysterious aunt in charge.”
“Wow, twenty years later I still feel so guilt-ridden at parent-teacher interviews.” 
“Repressed memories?”
“I really wish the worst thing I did was free the animals,” she gulped, sending him a knowing smile.  “I might have been brought here under false circumstances by my sneaky nephew but given the supposed crime, I’m probably the proudest aunt ever.”
“Stop suffocating her,” Elijah chided bringing him back to real life. “If she likes Niklaus, probably against her better judgment, we don’t want to scare her away with all of this poking and prodding.”
“Wow, I love just how well my family sells my attributes.” 
“Says the guy who doesn’t apparently have a girlfriend but yet Caroline Forbes shows up.”
“Well, to be honest...” Klaus began.
“I wasn’t supposed to be here at all,” she offered. “So, I’m sorry to gatecrash your festivities. My filming schedule changed and turns out I had five free days and I couldn’t help but arrive unannounced on my boyfriend’s doorstep.”
Klaus felt his insides stir knowing that her admission was everything he’d been hoping for since they’d met. 
“So, what are your thoughts on Die Hard, Caroline?” Kol asked curiously. 
“Hans Gruber got a totally bad rap,” she murmured.
“Welcome to the family, darling,” he grinned. “I think this calls for a drink and a celebratory screening.”
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
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Misery Loves Company part 2:
This is Sunny Baudelaire:
Don't you dare underestimate her due to her age and size. She will take your foolish underestimation and make you regret it. She may be the smallest and youngest on the Baudelaire team but she is definitely a force to be feared. Sunny is armed with a strong ambition, clever wit, sarcastic tongue, and her four very sharp teeth. She is the child who walks through a storm with a smile on her face.
When Sunny meets her older half-sister, Violet, she accepts Violet with open arms. Shes excited to have a sister and shes relieved that Klaus has an older sibling who will take care of him as he has taken care of her. Sunny is determined to survive and defeat Olaf and his goons. Sunny is the peacemaker of the three children and she uses her compassion to help her older siblings see eye to eye. Sunny will see dangers and evils that no one her age should ever have to deal with but she is going to do her best to stay strong for her siblings. Sunnys the girl that finds trouble even when shes not looking for it, so Olaf better be careful. This baby girl bites back with rage and fury. Especially when you're threatening her loved ones.
"If they open the trunk..." Violet whispered. "Klaus. You take Sunny and *run*, I'll kick them with both of my feet to buy you guys some time."
"The fuck?" Sunny whispered shaking her head.
"Sunny's right, Vi," klaus whispered. "That's not happening. We are not ...we are not splitting up again. Either all three of us survive or none of us,"
"But...Snickets take care of their own..." she whimpered.
"Ohana," Sunny whispered to Violet, shifting her head to look at Vi. "Just us," she said holding up three fingers. "You, Klaus, Me," she said as she pointing at each finger.
"You're not just a Snicket, Vi. You're a Baudelaire..." klaus reassured her. "And we Baudelaires take care of our own, too,"
Violet smiled at both of them but shook her head. "I'm the eldest...its my job to..."
"Stand down, little soldier," Klaus whispered. Using the exact phrase that violet had used when she told him that she was gonna do everything in her power to defeat Olaf. "Little brother and sister are here,"
"Not alone," Sunny agreed.
Violet looked from Klaus to Sunny and gave them both a small smile. She knew that they meant what they said...they had just saved her from being Olafs captive but she couldnt help but hear Olafs cruel words replaying in her mind. The orphans heard Olaf and his gang get out of the car. They heard a sharp noise poking at Olafs trunk. They believed it was the hook handed man. Sunny bared her teeth ready to attack, although she was scared. She didnt know *exactly* what Esme and Olaf wanted from her older siblings but she knows she didnt want them to get what they wanted. Klaus started breathing rapidly, worried that they were going to open the trunk. He put one hand on Sunny and the other one Vi, closing his eyes. Violet noticed Klaus was breathing heavily through his mouth and she was scared that he was making too much noise. So she quietly slid a hand over his mouth to muffle the noise, making sure to not cover his nose so he could still breathe.
They froze as they could hear the mans hook rattling around the trunk handle.
"What are you doing?" Olaf asked. Klaus started shaking because his eyes were closed and he believed Olaf was talking to him and his sisters.
"Getting the trunk wine for Esme..." the hook handed man explained.
"Forget the trunk wine!" Olaf replied. "We have to find those brats!" He said punching the trunk of the car. Violet hoped that if Olaf continued to hit the trunk, that he wouldnt hit it hard enough to make it open. 
"But the wine..." Esme whined
"Madame Lulu will provide us all with beverages. My sweet. Let's go. We dont have a minute to lose," olaf said walking ahead and everyone in his troop followed him. Esme growled under her breath but followed along.
The children laid in Olaf's trunk for several silent minutes pondering whether or not the coast was clear. "We are doomed," Klaus whispered.
"Honestly, we're lucky hes such an asshole and assumes that someone will provide beverages for him," violet whispered.
"Out?" sunny whispered which meant, "do you think the coast is clear and we can get out of here?"
"If we're being honest, we shouldnt have gotten into this trunk in the first place," klaus whispered as Violet rolled her eyes.
"This is what happens when you listen to my loopy ass," she joked as she began reaching around for the emergency handle to open the trunk.
"*listen?* you think I had a choice?" Klaus hissed back annoyed at Violet's joke. "Your loopy ass picked up my sister and put her in this fucker's trunk! What was I supposed to do? Wave goodbye?"
Violet frowned but didnt respond. While Sunny gave Klaus a mean glare. "*Our*," she reminded Klaus.
"Sorry," he muttered feeling bad because he was still adjusting to the fact that he wasnt Sunny's only sibling anymore. "I'm trying, Vi."
"Uh-huh. No...its fine... you're still adjusting," Violet said only half believing that he was sorry as Olaf's words kept replaying in her mind. She sighed. "Sunny? Do me a favor, hun. Since you can move around better than we can. Find a red hand that says emergency. Pull it and the trunk should open." Violet explained.
"Copy that," Sunny replied as she shuffled herself off of her two siblings. Violet and Klaus laid there as Sunny slowly crawled around. "No luck," Sunny replied after a minute.
This sent Klaus into a frenzy. He began to shake and tears formed in his eyes. "We are sitting ducks," he said. "Hes gonna come back and need something from his trunk and we are either going to die from hunger, dehydration, or by his hands."
Violet rolled her eyes. "Stop overreacting. I can figure this out. I just need to..." she said as she realized that she was in a hospital gown. Which had no pockets. Which means she didnt have any of her ribbons. "He has my ribbons..." she said sorrowfully.
"Yep. We should never have gotten into this fuxking trunk." Klaus muttered angrily.
"Are you a broken record player? Got some new complaints?" Violet asked.
"Actually...yeah, first off..." Klaus began.
"Stop," Sunny interrupted sternly. She hated when they argued. She just wanted her tiny family unit to stay united. She looked sternly at both siblings as she traced her fingers in her blonde hair, pulling out her yellow ribbon. "Spare?" She asked Violet as she handed her the ribbon.
"Thanks, Sunny. Its smaller than mine but it should work. I'll give it back to you."
Sunny shook her head. "Keep," she said smiling. "My gift,"
"You're seriously the sweetest thing ever, Sunshine." Violet said as she struggled to tie her hair while laying down.
The entire time Klaus was shaking and imagining the worst outcome which was obviously Olaf finding them in his trunk like a pack of sardines in a can.
 Sunny watched her brother and crawled to him. "Never hurt again," she said slowly putting a gentle hand on his chest. Klaus looked at Sunny who smiled back at him. "Protect," she whimpered pointing from herself and Violet to Klaus.
Klaus opened his mouth to ask Sunny something but was interrupted by Violet saying. "I got it,"
Both younger orphans looked at her as she gave Olafs trunk a good kick. Klaus' eyes got wide. "Are you *trying* to get us killed?" He asked terrified.
"No...just trust me."
"I have trusted you and look where it's got me," Klaus muttered
"Stop," Sunny replied.
Violet huffed at Klaus' response as she gave Olafs trunk another good kick. "Sunny. I need your teeth," she said.
"Hell yeah!" Sunny cheered.
"Can you two please keep it down?" Klaus begged.
His sisters ignored him as Violet instructed Sunny to use her teeth as a lockpick to unlock the trunk. After a few minutes of Sunny twisting and turning her head. The siblings each gave a sigh of relief when they heard a faint *click* as the trunk popped open slightly. Sunny take a quick glance outside to make sure the villains werent around. "Clear," she called as Klaus pushed the trunk open entirely. Sunny moved out of his way so he could get out of the trunk first. He grabbed Sunny and set her to the ground and held out a hand for Violet to help her out incase she was still effected by the anesthesia. Violet grabbed his hand and once Violet was put of the trunk. She lowered the trunk but didnt completely shut it. The children huddled together behind Olafs car. Violet shivered in the cold air and Klaus took off his suit jacket and handed it to her.
"Here...you need this more than I do..." he said.
"Thanks, bro."
"Plan?" Sunny asked as her eyes noticed the VFD insignia. "V.F.D." she muttered as she pointed in the direction of one of the carnival tents.
Violet and Klaus looked to where she was pointing and then at one another. Violet scoffed and rolled her eyes as Klaus smiled.
"A carnival? Really? Does this cult control the whole planet?" Violet asked  jn annoyed tone.
"What are you talking about? That's VFD. That's a good sign," Klaus argued
"Or a very bad one. Like *very* *very* bad sign, Klaus." Violet pointed out.
"How? Theyll know where the survivor is hiding," he explained.
"Olaf," Sunny noted.
"Sunny's right. Klaus. If this is VFD and *Olaf and Esme* are welcomed here...this might be the wrong side of VFD...well the *worst* side," Violet scoffed annoyed.
"Fuck..." Klaus whispered.
The children sat on the ground, all three trying to figure out what would be their best next move. All three scared for their lives. All three worried about surviving long enough to be reunited with whichever parent survived the fire.
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gruviafan-forever · 5 years
Soon after one date, Gray and Juvia hitted off quickly. Both of them were intrigued by one another's personality and individuality that they realized, they complemented each other so well.
As expected Juvia joined Gray's class and was under constant observation of her brother.
Because of which they had to maintain their relationship as a secret.
To the outside world, they were just a normal acquaintance but only they knew the bond between is that of lovers.
This secret relationship continued for 5 months on a guilty basis. Gray, at times felt guilty that he was dating his best friend's sister while Juvia felt bad that she was dating her brother's best friend without his knowledge.
But soon they would forget their guilt whenever they see and fall in each other's arms.
They convinced themselves that they were in love with an individual who happens to associated with a common man, Natsu.
Their love for one another grew stronger as the days passed by. But their friends and more importantly Natsu, found their behaviour suspicious.
Erza and Lucy did once confront Gray about this but he just brushed it off casually.
But Natsu never questioned him on this matter which showed he believed his friend and his sister.
So both Gray and Juvia decided the coming weekend, they would tell Natsu about their relationship and if he doesn't permit, they would convince him until he agrees and permit them.
As Gray heard his door bell sound, he came out from his room to attend it.
When he opened the door, he was taken by surprise as his girlfriend was standing right front of him with a bright smile which he really loved it.
"Wow, what a pleasant surprise? I didn't expect you here. Come in." He happily greeted her and moved aside so that she can enter his apartment.
As Juvia came in she realized her handsome boy was standing showing his bare chest.
This was the first time she saw him semi-naked and blushed hardly.
"Gray, cover your upper body." She said to him while closing her eyes.
Seeing her reaction, Gray smirked and closed the doors so that others don't interrupt their moment.
"Juvia, don't close your eyes. You should get used to this baby. Now open your eyes." Gray came close and cupped her cheeks.
Once Juvia opened her eyes, she met his smiling face. She was still embarrassed, "Juvia, do you like what you see?" He smirked.
Steams were literally coming out of her eyes, she playfully smacked his chest.
"Gray, stop teasing me. Of course, Juvia loves her boyfriend."
Juvia wrapped her arms around his torso whil Gray pulled her closer by snaking his arms around her waist.
"Even I love you, baby. So what brings you here?"
"Simply Juvia thought, she will pay her Gray a surprise visit to see his reaction."
"Well...well...I'm surprised indeed. So what's there in that bag which you are holding from that time?"
Gray now became curious and asked her as that bag was poking his back.
Juvia broke the hug and gave him the paper bag. "Go ahead. Hope Gray likes it."
When Gray opened the bag, he saw a black woollen muffler. He took it out, "Hey did you knit it on your own? It looks adorable and fashionable."
Juvia smiled and nodded her head, "It's for my Gray. Soon weather is going to get even more cold, so it's a small gift from Juvia. And thank you for the necklace which Gray gave her."
The other day, when Gray visited Juvia on the pretense of meeting Natsu but their mom directly saw through Gray's plan and teased him.
"Well Gray, I guess Natsu is not here. Go inside Juvia will be happy to see you. Don't go sprouting some excuses to me.
I know about you guys, Juvia never hides anything from me. Go ahead lover boy, hope you keep my little princess happy."
Juvia's mom teased him making him go red from top to bottom.
Once he entered the living room, Gray saw Juvia coming downstairs and ran upto him to give a bear hug which he responded back.
After spending some quality time he gave the necklace which he bought for her.
"Why did Gray do through the trouble of getting Juvia this necklace?" She examined the butterfly shaped pendant attached to the silver chain.
"Just to see your smile, baby. It's just the starters, you will see much more of such things. I'm going to spoil my girlfriend with many more things and love. I love you." Gray then wore the necklace around her neck.
Back to the present time, "So Juvia was already planning to give Gray something. She decided a muffler would be a better choice. So Juvia knitted one for you. Does Gray like it?" She asked in hesitation.
Gray wore the muffler around his neck and hugged her. "I love it, baby. Thank you for taking your time to make this gift wholeheartedly. I will wear it everyday from now."
Next day
Gray wore his girlfriend's gift proudly to school. When he entered the class, his friends greeted him and saw his muffler.
"Wow Gray, that's a nice muffler. You got there. Where did you buy one?" Jellal inquired him.
Gray smugly flaunted his muffler and sat on this desk. "It's a gift from my most important person."
"Most important person" They said in unison.
"Don't tell us you got a girlfriend behind our back, you idiot." Erza added.
Just then Natsu and Juvia enters the class, Lucy instantly greets them, followed by others. Natsu hugged and kissed her cheeks.
Juvia softly smiled at them as she went past Gray to sit behind him. She whispered slowly, "Good Morning, Gray" and brushed her hand against his left hand.
When Natsu's turned his attention towards others, he noticed the muffler on Gray's neck.
"It looks like the one which Juvia was knitting for a long time. But I can't come to conclusions without confirming this." Natsu thought to himself.
"Yo Ice-princess, when did you get this muffler?" He asked him making both Gray and Juvia to fidget internally.
"He got that from his most important person." Lucy told her boyfriend.
"Yeah, she's right. I just got that yesterday." Gray said without making an eye contact with his friend.
"Ohh that's okay." Natsu found it suspicious as Gray never backs off from the insult but for the past few months, he didn't call him flame-breath nor any tactless talks against him.
Erza also noticed this change in behavior so she directly asked him, "Gray, are you hiding something from us? You have being like a different person now as compared to few months back."
Gray waved his hands, "Nah!! What makes you say something like that? I am in my usual self, I guess."
Throughout the day, Gray never removed his muffler and wore it happily.
During the lunch break, one of the freshman year girl came upto him to confess her feeling.
But Gray sent her away saying he is committed which made the girl heartbroken.
After school, Gray met Juvia in their usual meeting place.
"Hi baby, what took you this long to come?" Gray stood up from the bench.
"Sorry Gray, it took few minutes to convince onii-chan that Juvia was going to Meredy-chan's place.
He didn't believe her but Lucy-san smacked and lectured him to give some privacy to Juvia." She sighed in relief.
"Don't worry, we will tell him and others about us tomorrow, for now, come let's enjoy this evening in peace."
Gray put his arm around Juvia's shoulder and led her to a nearby restaurant for their small date.
After strolling around the market square, doing some window shopping and playing some games at the arcade, they reached the cafe.
Juvia latched her arms around Gray's arm and entered the restaurant.
After finding an empty space, they made themselves comfortable and ordered their food.
When their food was served, they fed each other happily without realizing the audience were watching their cute interaction.
"Aww such a cute couple. My dear husband, learn something from that boy.."
A lady taunted her husband that's when both of them realized and blushed wildly.
After eating their food, Gray told her about his childhood stories how he and her brother were along with Erza who was till now bossing around them.
Juvia happily listened to her boyfriend's tales then suddenly Gray become clingy.
He caught hold of Juvia's hands softly squeezed them.
"What is Gray doing? It's making Juvia feel shy." She said with a blush.
Gray winked and gave her a flying kiss making her blush even harder.
"Juvia for how many months are we dating?"
"Juvia thinks for 5 months. Why? What happened, Gray?" Juvia asked in confusion.
Gray blushed, "Then can we level up our relationship? You know we still didn't share our first kiss. If you don't want, then we dont have to do it." He finally told her.
Juvia grew red and slowly nodded her head indicating her approval.
Suddenly someone voice interrupted their sweet moment,
"So for 5 months, you guys have been dating behind my back?"
Both Gray and Juvia looked up to meet the owner of the voice and their eyes widened in shock.
"Gray, we knew something was wrong!!" Lucy scoffed at them.
Natsu gave them an expression which they couldn't read what was going on his mind.
"So the muffler you are wearing was given by my sister right?" Natsu asked Gray.
"The silver chain which you are wearing was given by him, right Juvia?"
"Yes Onii-chan. Please..." Juvia pleaded him to not get angry.
"Hey Natsu, listen even before I knew Juvia who she was, I grew crush on. Seriously Man, I couldn't control my feelings for her and asked her out. I really love her, Natsu even she does the same." Gray said.
Natsu saw how Gray was still holding his sister's hand. Natsu turned his head to Juvia and told her to move in so that they sit and sort the issue.
"Onii-chan, Juvia is sorry. She really loves Gray. She doesn't care whether he is your bestfriend but for me he is someone who makes Juvia feel safe besides you and mom.
Even Juvia had crush on him ever since she saw in on the road. And in these 5 months, Gray has been a pure gentleman." She began to cry.
Lucy who sat opposite to the siblings consoled her, "Hey Juvia, don't cry your brother know you both very well. He will agree to this."
" Why didn't you tell me that you both were dating for each other these many days?" Natsu asked in a sad tone.
"That's because you are an over-protective brother. I saw that day itself how you react when I found out you had a sister.
We were scared that you might not allow this to happen. Anyways, we were planning to disclose this matter to you tomorrow but you found out today itself.
See Natsu, this is the first time I have ever had such intimate relationships with any girl, you also know that.
I really love your sister, man. I promise to keep her happy and always smiling. Please trust me." Gray tried to assure his friend.
Lucy squeezed Natsu's hand, "Dear, you must see the love Gray has for and Juvia has for Gray. They both love each other dearly, just let them be like that. Don't put any restrictions on them or separate them."
Natsu after thinking for some time, he sighs heavily, "Seriously Ice-princess, Juvia has changed you a lot. You guys, could have told me this from the beginning itself instead of hiding and creating such drama.
Who said I won't permit you guys from loving each other? It's your personal opinion and moreover, my sister fell in love with someone whom I know in and out. Go ahead, continue your love story." Natsu grinned.
Both Juvia and Gray couldn't control their happiness and Juvia hugged her brother thanking him for being such broad minded person.
"Thanks Natsu for allowing me to date your sister. Seriously Man, from day one, we had a bit of guilt but now, we are free from that. Thank you, Natsu." Gray smiled genuinely.
"Well Ice-princess, you do have some rules and regulations to be followed. Basically, you should not touch, hug, kiss and do any inappropriate stuffs with her and...."
Before Natsu could finish, Lucy smacked his head and made him stop.
"I said don't interfere in their love story. Come let's all go home together or are you guys planning something?"
"Nah!! Anyways we were gonna leave. Come let's go." Gray and Juvia got up and followed the other couple to outside.
As they kept walking behind them, talking and whispering sweet talks in Juvia's ears making her blush and earning him some playful smacks on his arms.
For once Juvia decided to be bold, her question made Natsu stop on his track.
"Onii-chan, can I stay with Gray tonight?"
Her request made Gray blush leading him to his fantasy world, Natsu wore a scandalous look while Lucy giggled.
"See you pervert, you made my sister one too." Natsu comically yelled at his friend and stormed backward to get his sister's hand away from him.
"No, you are not going anywhere. Come home with me or else, you will be grounded." Natsu pulled Juvia's wrist.
Both Lucy and Gray were laughing seeing Natsu's expression.
"Hey bro, let her be. I promise, I won't cross the boundary line for now." Gray tried to assure him.
But Natsu was adamant and never let Juvia out of his hold. She pouted, "Fine, Juvia will come home. Now leave her."
Natsu trusted his sister's words and let go of her only to be see her hugging Gray's arm.
"Really Gray, if you make her cry. I will make you eat dirts. Got it." Natsu warned him.
"Don't worry, I will never make my baby cry. I intend to keep her smiling and happy. I love her very much to simply hurt her."
Gray has he placed his arm on her lower back pulling her towards him closer.
Both Natsu and Lucy smiled.
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titsthedamnseason · 5 years
If you haven't done it already can you do headcanons about Julian's birthday?
bitch you know it asdfghj and by some miracle ive actually gotten these done before the two weeks that could potentially be his birthday are over so happy birthday julian!!
julian has never really had a big birthday celebration before
of course emma and the kids and diana always got him gifts and spoiled him
you know, doing chores for him, letting him relax for a day, stuff like that
but poor julian is a worrier so he’d always end up insisting to help anyway, saying that he wanted to
he even would always make the cake since no one else could
it wasnt until later that everyone realized that every time they had tried to spoil julian on his birthday, he turned it around on them, and he wound up doing most of the work
they are determined to make his 18th birthday different
helen and aline are more than capable of holding down the fort now
plus julian and emma take a break from their travel year for the holidays and are in the institute for julian’s birthday
which could be anytime from jan 1-15 but my personal hc is that it’s on new years day (wink wink)
so anyway julian and emma will be in la for his bday and julian is a lot more carefree this year so everyone is highkey determined to give him the best birthday this year
nobody wakes him up early, and after staying up so late the night before his normal internal clock doesnt wake him up as usual
at 12am everyone else shouted “happy new year!” and emma shouted “happy birthday julian!”
anyway when julian does wake up, later than usual, his first instinct is to shoot out of bed and get the kids breakfast but he takes a moment to himself to revel in the fact that this is his first birthday spent waking up next to emma as her boyfriend
emma seizes her moment and convinces him to stay for just a while longer, im sure the kids are fine, helen and aline have been taking care of them for months
julian gives her like five minutes of kisses and cuddles before beelining for the kitchen
he finds that everyone else has already been up for an hour or so and has already eaten breakfast
the second he enters the kitchen everyone yells “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and he is bombarded with hugs and drawings and cards and stupid gag gifts from the kids that he accepts with a smile cristina and mark both hug him as well and he’s pleasantly surprised to see them
(if you read my tda holiday hcs i made them leave before this point but awsxdcfvgyh they come back to surprise him)
he grabs a plate for himself reluctantly, wont stop apologizing to helen and aline that he overslept
they keep telling him they dont care but, surprise surprise, he’s not listening
when julian goes back to his room to get dressed he finds emma already ready with his favorite blue dress of her’s on and holding a present for him
his reaction is “oh that reminds me” and he pulls out another gift from under the dresser
emma is like ????? and julian is like “…for you” and emma is still like ????? so then julian explains “i got you a new year’s gift too”
emma is like fuck that shit this is a birthday gift asdfgyhu “who the fuck buys new year’s presents” “i dont know i love you” “i love you too but what the fuck julian now i look bad” “you couldnt look bad if you were trying”
anyway after emma gets it through julian’s head that he does deserve a birthday gift and no, she refuses to open up his gift to her on his birthday, nice try, julian, he opens it up
it’s a new blue shirt that almost exactly matches emma’s dress which is “an unfortunate coincidence”
he cant stop telling her it’s too much, you shouldnt have, and emma is like hoe you think im done??? think again
but actually she doesnt say that, she just says youre welcome asdfghyuj
they go meet everyone in their matching outfits and they all just hang around a bit, there isnt much else julian could ask for than to be with his family
but at lunch emma surprises julian with a picnic for the two of them at the beach
she promises that she didnt touch the food, she had aline make it all asdfrghy
once they finish emma gives julian more presents(“this is a prank right?” “am i laughing? actually i am but not because this is a prank, please just open the presents” ) 
the first is a whole set of paints and brushes and other art supplies i know nothing about, all custom made, the brushes with inscriptions on the handles( “jb” “as long as you exist and i exist i will love you” “i love you more than starlight”)
julian: where did you get that last quote from?
emma: i thought of it
julian: *melts*
he asks how she knew what supplies to get him and she told him how she saw him looking at all this stuff back in that shop in london and went back to get it for him
he’s so touched
he is already certifiably not okay™️ because the whole day has been against everything he’s ever known and he feels weird, he just wants to give something to someone, literally anyone
julian is so happy and when emma pulls out an envelope he has to bite his tongue to keep from saying “oh no not again”
emma just gives him a look when she sees him holding back asdfgbhgt
he’s preparing himself for some sort of long sentimental card from her that will probably make him cry but what he gets is worse
it’s just a piece of paper that says “im having so much fun on our date right now, but id love it even more if you came with me to the louvre to our next one”
julian is shooketh to a level beyond all levels
he cant imagine why emma looks so worried he wont like it
they laugh and hug and then proceed to kiss a lot before going back to the institute 
julian is ready to just chill now 
he comes in and there are decorations filling the entryway
a million balloons, streamers, banners
he looks at emma who just shrugs but she’s smiling so big and has a knowing look on her face 
there’s a beautifully decorated poster next to the staircase that says “TAKE ONE” and there’s a party hat for emma and a ridiculous crown for julian that says “it’s my birthday!” under it
they follow a trail of posters with arrows on them to the living room(im pretty sure they dont call it that but the room with the computer in it is where they always hang out so that’s what i mean awsedfvgbh)
everyone yells “SURPRISE” when they walk in and julian is sure he’s in a permanent state of shock
like yes he just followed an entire trail of arrows to get here but it’s still so much more than he expected
they eat pizza and play music and all just hang out and it’s a fun time
at one point julian goes to adjust his crown but everyone thought he was taking it off and yelled at him aesdxcfvgbh
they play stupid party games like pin the tail on the donkey(which theyre all good at since theyre shadowhunters asdfghjui) and charades and stuff like that
everyone gives julian more presents and he thinks he might combust
they sing to him and have cake
they give him one more gift after they sing and it’s a photo album of julian and his siblings and emma through the years
there are ones of baby emma and jules playing to 12 year old julian intently speaking to ty and livvy to 14 year old julian reading with tavvy to 17 year old julian laughing with dru to ones with helen, mark, aline, and cristina in them and ones from the travel year and julian is amazed
he’s so touched and he’s proud that he only cries a little
a little after that everyone starts getting tired since they stayed up until midnight the night before
diana goes home, tavvy goes to bed, followed by dru and ty shortly after
when julian hugs ty on his way out he almost feels like livvy is there too, and he doesnt understand why ty goes pale when julian tells him, julian worries he shouldnt have said anything before ty just smiles and says “good” before walking out
everyone else goes to bed shortly after
julian and emma are laying in julian’s bed when she pulls out a card for him, but tells him it’s nothing special
he opens it and begs to differ
the front of the card says “so many ways to say i love you” and she has filled the inside with ways she said it over the years
“protecting you in fights”
“i’ll put the kids to bed tonight”
“i would do anything for you, jules”
“we’re parabatai, we can do this”(julian doesnt like this one)
“take a break”
“please stay”
“i need you”
“your hair is a mess”(“really emma? “shut up”)
the list goes on until it ends with “i love you. love, emma”
they are both crying at the end
“i love you so much, emma”
“i love you, t––”
she doesnt get to finish
they have more important things to get to and, needless to say, they dont get much sleep that night either
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shobhitchau · 4 years
The journey of my parents
A man who loves watching movies after bunking school, a man who after a busy day wants to relax alone by watching movies are some of the rarest qualities of my dad.apart from that a very short temper man who got angry on very tiny things were other few things about my dad.My dad loves to travel and visit new places. He dont like to sit at home.
My dad was born at pulgaon in a middle class army family of 6 siblings 2 brother and 4 sisters. He grew up in Durg.My dad is the 4th one having 2 little sister than him.His DAD means my grandfather was the strict one and my Dadi (grandma) was the rescuer for my dad.
In his initial years he was a child who was not so keen in studies though he did his ITI, but his passion was on the art in which he is still a pro.
When he grew up he was a normal guy who has no vision in his life.he was pretty cool and easy I guess in watching movies and enjoying life.
Like all Indian in those days says and do,"Iski shaadi kara do sudhur jaega"
The same things happened and my mom gets entry in the life of my dad.
My mom is a cool and calm lady she is very soft spoken and a very understanding lady..In short just opposite to my Dad.
My dad was lucky enough to get such a wife who stood by him in every thick and thin of the situations.
By now you might be thinking I have not uttered a single good quality about my father, then what made me write this blog.
Here is a real story or we could call a real struggle of my dad.
My grand parents opened him a cycle repairing shop and purchased some rickshaw for renting it and this was his 1st job which he was doing at the time of marriage. After few months it dint work out he closed that shop and moved to Hyderabad. Based on his ITI he got some job in Hyderabad where he stayed for few months and had a great time as told by both my mom and dad. They use to go movies and visit different places of Hyderabad. Then again he came back to to Durg for no reason leaving job from Hyderabad.
He stayed few days in Durg and one fine day he thought of leaving Durg as well due to some family issues and his angry nature. he left Durg and shifted to Tumsar (a village at maharashtra) with wife and 2 sons me and my elder brother.
He moved to Tumsar started a TV repairing shop. He was good in his work as I have also learnt repairing most of the things from him.But problem with him was that he was kind hearted or he dint have the business blood in him. He could not charge properly. For example When he repaired a TV it would have costed him 5 rs to replace the parts and 30 rs of effort and balance 15 rs of profit. 
But his conscience did not permit him to charge 50 rs from the customer rather he charged rs 20 only ignoring his effort.while the others might be charging 100 bucks for that.some how things were going well. Along with TV repairing shop my mom also opened a shop at the home to support my dad. at that time I was probably 2 and my brother was 4.we were somehow surving at that place.
After few months my grandfather came to visit us.He requested my mother to convince my dad to come back to Durg.
Finally my dad agrees to this and we again came back to Durg.
You people must be thinking how random we both came in the world without even a intro on the beginning. This is how it was actually. 
To be very frank all the above fact are those that I have heard of about my dad
Here comes my version of my dad which I have seen and now narrating.
As we return to Durg( as we return to india in present scenario lol)my grand father gifted us a house worth 35K it was huge at that time , I am talking about 1989.It was a hall and a kitchen with little open space.
We started with a idli machine were by people come up with the soaked rice and dal for grinding it for preparing idli.
Dad was looking for the new opportunities as TV repairing was out of question as he could not charge properly and moreover my bade papa(his elder brother ) was pro in that. Few day later a lady came to our house for grinding that idli paste seeing my mother she asked her " Is this sufficient to survive " my mom replied No, we are looking for some opportunities.
Then that lady told "my husband is a bank manager ,meet him once "
They both visited the manager and he agrees to give him a loan to purchase flour mill. The formality in those days were huge ,I still remember my mom use to cook a idli for us in the morning and lock us in the room and they both went knocking office to office for complying with the loan and machine installation formalities . That was the real struggle.
You people might have seen a show called "office office " where the muasddilal has to go office to office for getting his work done .the same thing has been experienced by us. Though the manager was kind to us but he also need to comply with the procedures.
Finally we got the flour mill and it was named after my mother "Chandrika atta chakki"
Things started for us. We repayed the loan took a second loan for the expansion of the business and purchased further two machines spices and Big grinding machines.
All this things were installed in the same house that my grandpa gifted us.
The hall turned out to be a shop. A open space was converted into a room were mom dad use to sleep in the night and we sleep at the hall(shop) at the night.
At the same time we were also getting older and mom dad had the ambition that they dont want to see there children suffer when they grew old. So they decided to get them the best possible education for them. They get us enroll in one of the best school of Durg ie in vishwadeep sr sec school.
The fees of that school was huge for us.they could have easily get us educated in a government school and led a normal life but they choose struggle from them and peaceful life for us in our future.
Emotions apart , we were getting old and the house was also small for us.then my mom decided that she want a room for there children, convince my dad to built a 1st floor though they were having no money.but my dad agreed.
My Nanaji who was a real gentleman a retired govt employee helped us so many times with money and moral support helped again for the construction and in the due course of that, many others helped us with loan to built a house. Two new rooms added in the first floor.
By this time I was in 6th and my brother was in 10th
Flour mill was not sufficient now,as school fees were rising and we were also growing faster.
They decided to start a addon business a vegetable shop along with flour mill.
Serving Tiffins to student was already in place for extra income.
Vegetable shop was running good but that turn out to be tedious job for my dad as he alone was responsible for getting vegetables from the market in the early morning .it was running well few months untill my dad got sick.
After that a new Avenue was explored opening a shop with name "Sunday ke sunday"name sounds good na. Exactly it was a shop which only operates on Sunday to Sunday where we use to sell samosa,dosa jalebi and dhokla. I was the marketing guy for that, visiting houses to houses and getting the order and delivering them as per the order. We have explored swiggy and zomato 25 years back ..🤭🤭
That also worked well until my dad again got sick. All this work require so much effort.and it is needless to say that my mom was there to support.
My mother was the one who can operate all the machines that we were having in our shop infact she was the reason for the success of that shop as she was the one looking after the day time business when dad use to go market and afternoon was taken care by both of them.
They tried other businesses like gupchup shop(I was the gupchup wala), milk packet selling,canteen services and renting the one of the rooms of 1st floor to students along with food to support our studies.
Just a addition we both brothers were good in studies my brother was intelligent in the family and that might be the driving force for my parents to work hard.
In mean time I have also started taking tutions. And my brother after his graduation started a job at ICICI bank home loans.
Suddenly one day my brother came to my father with worried face and told him that he want to pursue MBA and that too from good college of metro city. He had no plan whatsoever how he is going to do that. The reply given by my dad was go ahead I have a house I will mortgage this to some bank for you. You just work hard rest I will see.
Ultimately he got the good Mark's and managed to get the good college as well.
Another struggle was to manage to get the loan and that too a loan for everything -college fees,hostel fees and mess fees as we were not in the position to manage all that at that point of time.
My dad and brother went bank to bank asking for the loan,most of the bank rejected stating we don't give education loan on mortgage or you dont have a proper guarantee to give. Still they dint loss hope they tried every possible bank and finally a bank called United western bank now taken over by IDBI bank agreed to lend us a loan based on the property. The word said by that bank manager to my brother was that " I am not lending you loan based on your Mark's ,its because of your father I am giving you the loan"
It is worth while to remember those neighbour who helped us with money in those time .every body were so inspired with my parents that what sort of people they are. they are working so hard to make their children's future bright.No negihbour knew us but still they have given us money seeing our parents enthusiasm.
Meanwhile bank gave the 1st installment under the condition that we need to pay the regular interest for the year upon which 2nd installment would be released. I was still taking tution at that time and somehow we managed that year.
2nd year onwords my brother also started working and things smoothen .
He got the campus placement at Earnst & Young where he worked for a year then he managed to get in to Bank ,worked their for a while and then switching and switching and presently settled in singapore.
My detailed story will follow in my next blog ,Breifly I joined CA cleared foundation and inter in the 1st attempt ,in the meantime a government job opprtuinty knocked thanks to my dad he persuaded me literally persuaded me to apply as I was pretty sure that next year I will be CA and every thing will be fine thereafter. But destiny has something else for me luckily my written got cleared and then interview and here I am presently working in a public sector undertaking.I am company secretary and MBA.
Presently my parents are happily retired and are covering whole India which they lost in their early days. They are staying in a 3Bhk house with a car in their parking and love and affection of their children.
This lines are for my father...
He tried he failed ,
He tried again he failed again
But he Never Failed to try and he Succeeded finally.
By the time I am writing this blog my Mom Dad are enjoying there stay in Singapore with smhis elder son,daughter in law and a cute mahi grand child.
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