#and i'm still finding out if this is a positive development or not. haha
enashinonome · 2 months
i post like an ISFJ and it kind of freaks me out. but the thing is when posting online you can edit before your post, and therefore soften or clarify or organize your thought properly before it is out in the world. which isn't the case in real life, unfortunately. i just say whatever. if i could do so in real life i would tag all of my quips and terrible ramblings with ♡ and ୨୧ and other such symbols just to be cute... i always feel like i'm lying to people when i post about the things i love and talk cutely on my blog but i'm not. i really do love my friends and frequently do self reflection and try to celebrate the little joys in my life but that's kind of reserved for my main blog and my journal... so this sweet side of me and the coarse 'other' are caught in two different realms and i know they can coexist because they do so within me but it's sooooo hard to like. integrate them for others to truly experience my whole self. the contrast is so jarring and i feel like most people wouldn't believe me when i say i'm an ENTP but i really am and have been for a long time...
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othervee · 3 months
Finale thoughts!
Interesting to find out that Hillerska has had multiple warnings over several years and still didn't pull their heads in. Clearly they thought they were invincible.
Vincent and Nils stepping up to the plate when they see August's genuine distress, the way Vincent is stroking his arm. There's real friendship and love to be found, but you only see it when you're honest. Similarly, their reactions when they find out that August is backup. August receiving the posioned chalice. What else can he do now, though? He's lost Arnas, or at least part of it. He has to do the military service; he's in the position Wille has been in.
Haha, the housemaster having a drink with the boys. What else is he going to do?
Loved the scene with Felice dragging Wille to the party. Her facial expressions, she's so cute. Wille negotiating with Malin shows a level of maturity, but the male bodyguard is SO not impressed as he follows them to the palace, LOL.
LOVE that Simon brought Rosh and Ayub to the white party. And Ayub reassuring Rosh, after Stella shows herself for who she is. She's chosen the Hillerska way, all the way.
The scene between Wille and August in the clubroom. He didn't know it, but that was the closure he needed. THat they both needed. They've made peace, they can even develop a familial relationship again into the future, but right now this is as close to peace as they can have at this stage.
Nils, you giant dork. And also... They're shocked he didn't say anything earlier,  but would things have been different if he had?
No Royal house, no Prince, no socialist, no drama. No before. No later. Only now. As the previous song said, back to basics. Back to the pure connection they have with each other.
The lake scene. So beautiful.
Simon's Song! Did Felice initiate that, do we think? A few of the choir were smiling at Simon. Nice to see they all (or most of them) wanted that and not the musty old version.
Oh, Kristina, that really is too little too late, but I'm glad you came through in the end.
The little token the Queen and Duke put around August's neck is a frog prince. The symbolism would be a sledgehammer if the direction or script drew attention to that, but they don't.
In the car, Wille beginning to feel the panic attack happening, the constriction of the collar around his neck, and realising what that means. This is an unhealthy system and if he stays in it, this will be his life. The constriction, the desperation, literally struggling to breathe. Echoing Simon's words to him, "I've seen how it makes you feel". Being calm because he's no longer coming from a place of despair, a place where he has no control. And Kristina knows it. It was important for Wille to tell his parents he loves them. He's coming to terms and making peace with everyone.
That closing scene, oh my god. The montage was cheesy as fuck and I am here for it. The dialogue and the execution were not cheesy. They established the important things. Wille is doing this for his sake, not for Simon's. For the first time in his life he is making an informed, calm, active choice.
Simon's FACE. OMG. The shock, barely daring to believe it, but knowing when Wille says 'For my own sake' that this is it. It's real. And then! The tears, the gasping, the incredulous joy! Omar is a natural who stepped it up even more this season, and I do hope he continues to take on acting roles because he is amazing.
Wille's FACE. The joy but more importantly the PEACE.  His entire being, his posture, his aura changes and he radiates rightness. Edvin is incredible.
Also? They both look so, SO beautiful in this episode. This closing sequence, but really the entire episode.
Heading off into the sun, in white, whooping and cheering, Felice with her legs up on the dashboard, free.
And now I want LOADS of future fic about The Adventures of Wille, Simon, Sara och Felice. Tack, Lisa, for leaving it so open for us to do that!
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yahoodarling · 3 months
Diluc X GN Guardian Angel Reader (Snipbit)
Diluc X guardian reader whos a little late on the whole ‘helping out’ part. Expect some good ol angst from both parties, enthusiastic reader and Diluc in denial. Reader gives off ‘dad thats been absent for your developing years and shows up in your 20s’ vibe. 
Word count: 3k (full fic around 10k)
Warnings: none in this extract but warnings will be added in the final fic
You are holy. You are divine. You are perfection incarnate. You have a duty. 
In your hands held the fate of a mortal, someone desperate and in need of your guidance and as an official of Celestia it is both an honor to guide them and an honor bestowed, to be favored and seen by the gods for their struggles and in turn given the gift that is yourself. Admittedly you filled the application for this position a little late but surely your mortal is just fine as they are, you were just… a little preoccupied is all. You smile as you think of the future journey ahead, a new start of healing and recovery for a poor soul. Your… your new mortal…
Mondstadt, you haven't been here for a while but the smell of fresh brew in the air and tugging of the wind in your hair will always welcome you. You set off to find your dear human, your existence tied to his the moment you fulfilled the proper application of acceptance. He's in the city, a short distance away. The night was crisp, winter is around the corner but with your light you shall guide this mortal through and reach the warmth he so desperately needs. You open the door to a tavern, a further welcome of cheer and joy from its patrons and there standing in such joyous potential is your dear! Crimson hair bundled high, gaze focused and frown evident, such ache surely lies within him. 
“Greetings Diluc of Mondstadt! Its a pleasure to finally meet you!” you speed walk up to the counter and lay on your finest smile, first impressions are important if you'll be spending the rest of his life together. 
He didn't seem pleased with your manner, perhaps you were too much? Either way he sighed, “Right, and what would you like this evening?”
His frown further lowered and brow crinkled, lines all too familiar with this exchange. 
“Order a drink or get out, i am not accepting courting attempts” 
“Courtship? Oh no no no! Haha you're mine in a different way! I'm here to give you a surprise alright?” You stood up straight, opened your arms out wide to him, beamed a smile as welcoming as possible and with as much joy and enthusiasm as possible declared,
“Diluc of Mondstadt I am your official Guardian Angel! Tremble no longer! Fret no fear for I as one of Celestians chosen have come to bring you peace in your times of need!” 
He looked at you with blank tired eyes, not the ones of enlightened hope you were expecting
“Right well i think this joke has played its course. I'll ask you either leave or buy something.”
Huh? That's not what you were expecting. Shouldn't he be enamored? Shouldn't he be fulfilled with hope and respond in such a manner befitting of a life changing event? What's different here? What have you done wrong? You've done what you usually do, introduce yourself, have a good first impression, positive attitude, state your position as an official of Celestia, your previous mortals were overjoyed when you first met but this one is different, he doesn't look happy or relieved he just looks… tired. 
Perhaps it's because the situation isn't right. In the past when you met your previous mortals it was in an immediate sense of danger whilst here he's just at his job but would something like that really affect his response? He still needs you after all, why isn't he overjoyed? 
“Haha, there is no humor here other than the joyful future we are to embark on! Umm- haha, ah, you aren't in awe or anything right? This is the start to a new life for you! No more suffering or pain, you have I, your benevolent guardian, to guide and support you! Haha- um, you don't look all that greatful haha, i'm not usually this uncomposed it's just you don't seem very grateful and, yeah…” he's really throwing you off here, its like you don't even exist with the way he looks at you. 
“Diluc! We need another round of 8 ales for the second floor!”
“Coming up Charles.”
He turned away and got on preparing the drinks. How awkward. You stand unmoving, simply blinking along and watching your mortal- Diluc, right, Master Diluc of Mondstadt, get glasses and fill them. Eventually your legs felt a little odd having to stand, you sit down on an available stool and continue to watch the men prepare drinks. 
Is this really the reception you get for being a little late? Nothing serious could have happened in the time so why is everything so different now compared to how it's meant to be. 
Your mortal finished his task and returned to his position, when his gaze laid on you he had to sigh but still approached.
“Will you order something now?”
“Oh no, i need not drink.” 
“Right then what are you doing here other than to play this prank of yours?”
“Prank? Oh I'm serious about my position, Diluc of Mondstadt i am serviced to guide you.”
“I don't need any ‘guiding’ but if you are indeed of any i can help guide you out the door if we are done here.”
You can't help but laugh, he's being rather silly, of course you don't need help walking out the door but maybe he's confused or doesn't believe that someone could be blessed an angelic guardian. 
“Diluc of Mondstadt-”
“‘Master Diluc’ is just fine, thank you.”
Oh? Weird, you could have sworn you read that he introduced himself as ‘Diluc of Mondstadt’, it's his title right? 
“Right! So Master Diluc, going forward i will be joining you in you daily-”
“No you will not.” oh how blunt! You cringe a little inside, being treated like this is so odd, your previous mortals were never like this. 
“ahaha- um yes i will, its my job. Worry not! I do not have to be physically present like i currently am, i just figured our first introduction would be best if i took a mortal form, you lot find great comfort in those you can identify yourself with and i will respect that! See!” you lift your arms out and display your form as if he hadn't taken a good look of it, you were rather proud of your visage, you always received praise from your fellow guardians when it comes to your human designs. “See, I put quite a bit of effort into this one! Haha but again, I can take on a spiritual form in the times you need to be ‘alone’. Not alone alone, you'll never be alone! But rather when you need other humans to perceive you are alone. I can do my duties both in and out of form! There is more to guidance than just protection after all! I am here as your new voice to lead you down your-”
“Okay that's enough.”
Please! Dear mortal, stop interrupting me! This is important! you shut your eyes and release an unseen tear, this hurts. 
Diluc of Mondstadts’ frustration seemed to grow, his appearance did not change, his eyes still narrow and frown rested easily on his cheeks like before but you could easily sense his annoyance. How. HURTFUL! 
“I'm done with your ‘guardian of celestia’ nonsense. Please leave my tavern before I have to escort you out, and I will so do not take this statement lightly.” 
“Oh you couldn't even if you tried haha, different phases of mass and all that. I know it may seem ‘annoying’ to you for whatever reason but I am here with you for the rest of your life. It may be different from what you are used to but i can swear on my pledge that i will do all i can to accoustum into your life in a way befitting of your personal needs all whilst helping you out your sadness!”
He sighed, pressed his fingers to his brow and took a moment to recompose. Once he was done his frown wasn't so harsh but he still looked tired. 
“Right well, I cannot deny you are a Celestial being. I've had all manner of entities in my tavern but none have gone so far as to claim they are supposedly my ‘guardian’. I do not know why you claim this, if you take a look into my life you will see I am well settled and content with my present so I am not indeed of your services. I thank you for your offer but please, take it to someone who may actually need it.”
“ha… haha silly, it's not an offer system, that's not how things work, haha. I am tied to you now. I can't just leave and you do need me! Your submission wouldn't be in the files if you didn't. Celestia knows when a mortal is deserving of their attention and you are! I'd say you are especially special considering you have a vision as well. Well done! Good job! You are already on the path of healing! Now with my help you'll reach a lovely new future.”
“Well I'm rather happy with what I currently have. Enough of this talk, you will confuse my customers.”
“oh? Oh you are worried about confidentiality? Not a worry! Our discussion is filtered, they cannot hear information they are not allowed to. They are likely hearing us chat on about the weather haha.”
“What?” his frown turned into confusion, how cute. 
“oh yes! Being your guardian means dealing with personal stuff for you, it wouldn't be right if someone could just listen in to our conversation. There is also the fact that I hold knowledge that should not be heard by mortal ears and luckily the filter works to block it all! No secret spilt or your personal feelings uncovered.”
He looked concerned for a moment before huffing out and directing his attention elsewhere. 
“Of course the gods work in ‘mysterious ways’”
“oh, I'm not a god, I'm an angel.”
“I'm not talking about you.”
He simply ignored you after that, tavern goers came and went and when he wasn't attending to them or greeting familiar faces he busied himself checking lists, stock and otherwise keeping things in order. You found your spot on the bar bench and hadn't moved since, only watched, you tried to start up another conversation but he had shut you down rather quickly so you were once again left in silence to sit. It had been a while since you surrounded yourself with mortals and the distinction was clear, they easily made merry and got on with life none the wiser of the world yet still all too eager to enjoy their lives, it was refreshing. Their simple lives were so cute, it was moments like this that made you fall in love with your job all over again, only pity is your current mortal doesn't seem as pleased. Humans are both simple and complex and your dear mortal was complexing to the core. You felt the hurt in him and yet he did not want help, you stated you were of Celestia and he refused you, why? Perhaps you'll need to try out some different methods to get close. 
The early night turned late and Diluc finished his tasks leaving the few stragglers for Charles to close up after. He took his coat and disappeared out the back door. It took a moment for you to register he had left, so engrossed in your own thoughts and your surroundings you had actually stopped monitoring your mortal, not that you'd admit to doing that of course. Quickly you got out of your seat and ran after him, a few moments later you were at his side as he trudged on Mondstadts roads. 
“soooo~ Mondstadt huh? Pretty place.”
He said nothing
“Last time I was here was ages ago, the winds really have flattened out the hills, it's nice!”
“I'm still not so happy about the smell in the air, you'd think that would have cleared out by now.”
“What?” he finally looked at you and it was in total confusion. “What are you going on about?”
“oh haha! I was just thinking aloud, I actually can't say. Hmmm… how could i word this… you've killed people right?”
All you saw was his back as he sped walked forward, eyes ever on his depressed past and not on you, his future. 
“Diluc of Mondstadt halt! I did not mean to be offensive, I just wanted to link a connection you would recognise. That smell of death lingers in- it-” haha filters… you need to recompose yourself. “Haha nevermind! Topics of the past are not fun. How about we talk about you? You work at a bar? Oh no i believe i read you owned a winery, very impressive. But it being your fathers is no achievement of your own, we shall create your very own success in our journeys to come!”
“What?” his speed walking stopped, he held his stance firm, much like the form you need to take in the scene of battle, no sign of weakness displayed even in a simple action such as standing. Too bad for him you knew he was just playing, there is no way he could actually hold himself so well when he's so in need. And yet it didn't feel that way and he looked genuinely angry for some reason, you've only been encouraging.
“What right do you have to claim The Dawn Winery is not an achievement of my own?”
“Well simply you're not the one who developed it but that's okay! We have other chances, we can-”
“Not ‘we’, ‘I’ and it has always been ‘I’. I am the one that has gotten myself up to this point and have no need for a ‘we’. I do not need your confirmation nor your support which consists of empty notions and insensitive remarks. Leave before I force you to.” He took out his blade. He actually took out his blade on you, proof he'd follow through with his words. 
What have you done wrong? Why is he so confusing? The others weren't this confusing. They were just sad and depressed and you comforted them but this one is just angry, your comfort feeding the flames but he wouldn't have had an application made for him if he wasn't in despair. Just what is this mortal's problem? 
“Diluc of-”
“Do not even speak my name if you cannot say it correctly. I understand you may be an inhuman being but that does not exempt you from working by human standards when speaking with one. And typically human standards will not have one creating a false narrative of some guardian angel you are trying to play. Again, leave me be. That is your final warning.”
“But- but I am! It is not a false image, I am an official of Celestia, i am here to help.”
He lowered his blade but still his eyes remained sharp. His claymore could never harm you anyway yet the sting of his look was felt. 
“Then tell me, if you truly are sent from Celestia why is it that you come now once my life is content? Why now when your ramblings prove nothing but eer and not in the time when I truly could have needed Celestia's help?”
It hasn't been that long though…
“I cannot answer that. See-”
“If you cannot answer, it means I cannot accept. To say Celestia sent help yet failed means to lose all respect for the gods. It is easier for me to say the gods work in unknown ways, that I faced my hardships without their guidance for a reason then to be told they failed, that I could have had an easier past if not for the incompetence of others whom are meant to be superior to us mortals. It is for that reason that I hold some semblance of respect for them that I cannot accept you as an agent of theirs.”
How? But that's not- what? His words held no meaning, no meaning you could understand anyway, they were only a collection of words that could not fit together. You could not understand them, you could not comprehend them. Is this how mortals feel trying to comprehend the higher plane? But his words are not a superior entity to you, you are superior, you should understand! But his words… What could he mean? Of course he respects Celestia but how does that differ to accepting you are one of theirs? It's not like Celestia could do anything wrong to garner disrespect. Right? No, it's unquestionable. Its- its-
You feel the strange tingle, you should move on from this subject. Right! Yes, move onto a new subject and respect the mortal, feed into their understanding if it means they can progress.
“haha i see i see. Well you do not have to see me as an official of celestia then! You can see me as a helpful spirit that has decided to join you in your adventure!”
“i refuse”
“ahaha ha… um how about as-”
“The only thing I see you as is a malignant being whom pesters me for their own satisfaction.”
Ouch… but you could work with this!
“I see! Yes yes, your dismay gives me joy so in order for me to not ‘pester’ you you must not fall into dismay but rather develop and progress a more healthy future, yes okay! Human! I shall follow you and ‘pester’ you from this point onwards!”
He did a physical rolling of the eyes, rolling his body along as well as he turns himself away from you and continues walking. 
“If you do so quietly I might reconsider impaling you on my blade.”
Its progress! Okay, you need to listen to him.
“right right, i shall only speak when absolutely needed oh or to say something to agitate you considering i am a malevolent being. In all honesty though, I find it hard to say disparaging things. I usually work as a supportive and helpful being but I will try to be vexatious.” You hear a faint ‘you don't even have to’ come from him, silly human, you can still hear him even at this distance.
A little bit more of a filler introduction to the fic im working on! If the dialogue feels awkward, good, its meant to be. As always angst shall follow but i find the dynamic rather fun. Let me know your thoughts and opinions of what youd like to see in the future!
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snowmist-hashira · 11 months
I just checked my tumblr and I'm literally so so so so happy rn that you fulfilled my request!!! (I'm the anon who requested 'Protective Bonds') and you know what I really love it and glad that you enjoyed writing that and it's not too long at all! In fact, I will read it all even if you wrote 10,000 words because I'm in love with your fics that much!!
And I'm really curious for part 2 about how y/n, Muichiro and Yuichiro's relationship goes after Yuichiro accept her (y/n and Muichiro are def dating hehe) ofc you don't have to write it because I know you got many requests because your writings are totally masterpiece!
Stay healthy pls<3
[Chapter title: Balancing Harmony]
[Requested] Muichiro Tokitou x Reader
Wattpad:(One shots) Tokito Muichiro x Reader Archive:Kimetsu No Yaiba: Tokitou Muichiro x Reader Master list:♠ Information ♠ Word count: 2,236
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Artist: えい
Link; Pixiv
This took me a while to write, I struggled to find the right structure for the plot. However, with the help of @aeolia18, I was able to work through it. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. You might notice some inspiration from Kimetsu Gakuen in certain parts of the fanfic~
Hello there, Anon! You were the very first person to request a fiction from me, and I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed reading "Protective Bonds", I'm grateful for your support! Let me know if you enjoyed this piece as well. Take care of yourself and stay healthy!
Although this piece was originally requested, I have decided to categorize it under my original ideas instead.
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Yuichiro, Muichiro's older twin brother, initially had reservations about Y/n when she first entered their lives. However, as time went on and he saw how much she cared for Muichiro and supported him, the older twin began to appreciate her presence. He recognized her efforts in taking care of the household chores and providing companionship to him when Muichiro was away on missions.
Gradually, Yuichiro started to warm up to Y/n and developed a friendship with her. He saw how happy she made Muichiro and how she brought a sense of balance and joy into their lives. Yuichiro realized that his skepticism was unfounded and that Y/n genuinely cared for his brother.
As Y/n and Muichiro's relationship grew, Yuichiro witnessed the love and affection they shared. He could see the positive impact Y/n had on Muichiro's life, helping Muichiro overcome his self-doubt and supporting him in his role as a demon slayer. Yuichiro respected their bond and became supportive of their relationship.
Whenever Muichiro was away on a mission, Y/n would accompany Yuichiro in their estate. They would spend time together, engaging in conversation, helping each other with tasks, or simply enjoying each other's company. Yuichiro appreciated having Y/n around as she brought a sense of warmth and companionship to the household.
“Y/n, you don’t have to do that, I can take care of the cleaning later," Yuichiro remarked, pausing his cooking to observe Y/n diligently sweeping the tatami floors of their estate. His gaze held a mix of appreciation and concern for her efforts.
Y/n looked up from her sweeping and smiled at Yuichiro. "It's no trouble at all, Yui. I enjoy helping out around here, and it gives me something to do while Muichiro is away," she replied kindly.
Yuichiro sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Y/n continue her task. "I know you're always willing to help, but sometimes I feel guilty. You've done so much for us already, and I don't want you to feel burdened."
Yuichiro added, “plus that’s Mui’s chore.”
“Haha, it’s fine, Yui, I don’t mind at all.” Y/n added. "Plus, Muichiro has enough on his plate with his demon slaying duties. I don't mind taking care of the chores around here.”
"That applies to you as well," Yuichiro retorted, his tone laced with determination.
“True, I still have to do a patrol after.”
"And yet, you decided to help me with the chores? Are you an idiot?" Yuichiro's worry and concern spilled out in his words, laced with a touch of frustration.
He couldn't fathom why Y/n would willingly take on the responsibility of helping him with the chores despite knowing she had a patrol ahead. His concern for her safety and well-being was evident, even if it came across as harsh.
To which Y/n chuckled softly, recognizing the underlying care behind Yuichiro's sharp words, “Ahaha~”
Their small light-hearted argument came to a halt as Muichiro stepped into the premises of the estate. Y/n and Yuichiro immediately turned their attention to him, noticing the disheveled state of his clothes concern etched their faces as they approached him.
“Mui, you okay?” Y/n's concern deepened as she gently cupped Muichiro's cheeks, her touch comforting and reassuring. She carefully surveyed his body, her eyes scanning for any signs of injury or distress.
Muichiro leaned into her touch, finding solace in her presence. His eyes met hers, gratitude evident in his gaze. "I'm okay, Y/n.”
Muichiro changed into more casual attire while Y/n and Yuichiro continued their tasks in the kitchen. Y/n assisted Yuichiro with the final preparations of the meal. The aroma of food filled the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in the twin's estate.
They gathered around the dining table, a familiar routine for the three of them. It had become a normal occurrence to share their meals, a time for them to connect and share their days.
After the meal, fatigue slowly settled upon Muichiro, his weariness becoming apparent. Yuichiro observed Muichiro's fatigued expression and realized that his younger twin needed some rest. Normally, it was Muichiro's responsibility to wash the dishes after their meals, but Yuichiro understood that today was different. He wanted Muichiro to have a chance to recover and recharge.
“You've had a long day, Mui. Why don't you go and rest?”
“Eh?” Muichiro looked surprised but accepted his brother's offer. "Thank you, nii-san. I appreciate it." Muichiro gave them both a nod of gratitude before slowly making his way to his room, his steps heavy with exhaustion.
As Y/n and Yuichiro cleared the table and washed the dishes, their actions were accompanied by quiet conversation and occasional laughter. Once finished, the dishes neatly arranged and the kitchen tidied up, the twin's estate grew quiet, the only sound being the faint echo of their footsteps.
"I'm heading out now. See you all tomorrow. Take care, Yui," Y/n waved goodbye, and Yuichiro returned the gesture, his eyes following Y/n's form as she walked away before he eventually retreated back to the estate.
Yuichiro quietly entered Muichiro's room, sliding the door open with care. The room was dimly lit, creating a serene atmosphere as he observed his younger brother's peaceful form, nestled snugly under the blanket of the futon. Muichiro appeared to be in a deep sleep, undisturbed by the events of the day.
Yuichiro patted Muichiro's head, a comforting gesture between the twin brothers, a mix of love and concern swelled within him. Understanding the physical and emotional toll that being a demon slayer took on Muichiro, knowing that his younger twin's life was constantly on the line.
He found solace in sometimes taking on the household chores by himself. It was his way of showing support to Muichiro, ensuring that their basic needs were taken care of while his brother focused on his duties as a demon slayer. It was a small but meaningful contribution, allowing Yuichiro to take some of the burden off Muichiro's shoulders.
While Muichiro had always been responsible and helpful around the estate, lately, he seemed to be forgetting his own chores and spending more time with Y/n instead. It was a shift that caught Yuichiro's attention, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of appreciation and concern.
Yuichiro was appreciative of Muichiro finding companionship and joy with Y/n, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. The newfound relationship had inadvertently shifted the dynamic, leaving Yuichiro to shoulder more responsibilities on his own. While he didn't mind taking care of everything, it posed a significant challenge to manage everything single-handedly, literally.
“Mui, can you take out the trash?” Yuichiro looked at his younger twin, who was sitting comfortably on the tatami floor, he expected a response, but the reply caught him off guard.
"I'll do it later," Muichiro said casually, seemingly unbothered by the request.
Yuichiro felt a mix of frustration and weariness wash over him. He opened his mouth to argue, to remind Muichiro of their shared responsibilities and the importance of contributing to the household chores. But before the words could escape his lips, he hesitated.
Softly sighing, Yuichiro realized that he should let it be. As the older sibling, he felt a sense of duty to fulfill these tasks, even if it meant carrying an additional burden. He recognized that Muichiro's mindset and priorities were different, and pushing the issue would only lead to unnecessary conflict.
This continued for about a week with Muichiro consistently forgetting his chores, despite gentle reminders, Yuichiro found himself growing increasingly frustrated. The pattern continued, especially when Y/n was around the estate, and it became difficult for Yuichiro to ignore the imbalance.
Feeling the mounting pressure Yuichiro finally decided to speak his mind to which led to an amusing sight for Y/n.
“Mui. Do your chores, its your assigned one.”
“Can you do it instead?” Muichiro asked, he was occupied with hugging Y/n, seemingly oblivious to the mounting tension in the room.
Y/n found herself caught in the middle, glancing back and forth between the siblings. The situation had taken an unexpectedly amusing turn, and she couldn't help but suppress a chuckle at the sight before her.
“…” This somewhat snapped Yuichiro, his younger twin's lack of awareness only added to his irritation, causing him to close his eyes briefly, taking a moment to compose himself.
When he opened his eyes, a stern and irked look settled on Yuichiro's features. His voice carried a hint of exasperation as he called, “Muichiro.”
Muichiro blinked, a hint of confusion on his face. "Eh? What are you mad about, nii-san?" he asked innocently, still failing to grasp the tension in the room.
"You... You've been like this ever since you started dating Y/n," Yuichiro finally blurted out, his tone revealing his annoyance and exasperation.
Muichiro's eyes widened in surprise and confusion. "Huh? Wh-What?" he stammered, clearly caught off guard by Yuichiro's statement.
"Ah well... You wouldn't understand," Yuichiro muttered, feeling a sense of resignation in his voice. He couldn't help but release his frustration through a sigh, even if it seemed to further annoy his younger twin.
“…” Muichiro's pouting expression transformed into an even deeper frown, resembling that of an angered baby. Y/n struggled to contain her laughter, finding the whole situation unexpectedly hilarious.
Muichiro crossed his arms, his voice still carrying a touch of annoyance. "Nii-san, you're always doing the chores anyway. Why are you suddenly angry now?!" he questioned, his confusion evident.
"But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't contribute!" Yuichiro retorted, his voice filled with conviction. The tension in the room escalated as the siblings locked eyes, their glares intensifying.
Y/n couldn't help but feel caught in the middle of their confrontation, sensing the electricity in the air from their heated exchange. She glanced between them, hoping to diffuse the tension.
“Enough there you two…” Y/n attempted to diffuse the tension between the two, but her efforts proved futile as she found herself caught in the middle, sandwiched between them.
Muichiro seeking Y/n's support, puffed his cheeks as he turned to her, seeking validation. "Y/n! You're on my side, right?!" Muichiro exclaimed, his eyes pleading for her agreement. "That seaweed head is too narrow-headed, isn't he?" he added, referring to his older twin.
Y/n couldn't help but find the situation amusing, although she made sure to maintain a neutral expression. Before she could respond, Yuichiro interjected, pointing a finger at Muichiro with a serious expression, clearly irked.
"Stop your style of involving others at all costs!" he retorted, not wanting Muichiro to drag her into their disagreement.
Y/n struggled to contain her laughter, finding the sight of the twins engaged in their childlike argument incredibly amusing. Their antics, combined with their electricity-glaring, were a comical sight that she couldn't help but enjoy.
However, her momentary amusement was interrupted when someone called out to the estate. The sudden interruption drew their attention away from their squabble. Yuichiro, with a stern look, gestured to Muichiro, signaling for him to go and check on the source of it. But instead of complying, Muichiro puffed his cheeks and turned away, clinging onto Y/n's arm.
His twin's continued reluctance and stubbornness earned irked marks on Yuichiro's expression. His eyes twitched with frustration as he glared at his twin, feeling the weight of the responsibility falling on his shoulders once again.
“…” With a loud and exasperated sigh, Yuichiro decided to take matters into his own hand and check the disturbance himself. He left the room, leaving Muichiro and Y/n behind.
Y/n's gentle actions and playful flick on Muichiro's head caught him by surprise. He let out a surprised gasp, momentarily taken aback by her light gesture.
Y/n then addressed Muichiro directly, her voice filled with affection and encouragement. "Mui, you should be helping Yui around the house," she stated.
Muichiro's pout deepened, his lips forming an adorable expression of displeasure. Y/n couldn't help but find his pouting lips endearing, causing her to avert her gaze to avoid succumbing to the cuteness overload.
“But… I thought you were on my side, Y/n.” Muichiro said, his voice, filled with a mix of adorably pleading and a touch of heartbreak which tugged Y/n's heartstrings. “I just wanna be with you.”
“I am on your side.” Y/n said, poking his cheeks, causing a slight twitch in his expression. “But you should help your brother, he’s the only one left in your family remember?” Her words resonated with him, softening his reluctance and stubbornness.
Furthermore, Y/n added a playful yet impactful condition. "If you don't do your chores, I won't spend any time with you," she stated firmly, her voice carrying a hint of light-heartedness mixed with genuine concern.
Muichiro's expression wavered, a mixture of surprise and realization crossing his face. The thought of not being able to spend time with Y/n due to his negligence was a consequence he didn't want to face.
Once Yuichiro had returned, he found Muichiro diligently washing the dishes, he blinked, momentarily taken aback by his brother's unexpected action.
Curious about what had transpired, Yuichiro turned to Y/n, a questioning look in his eyes. He sensed that she had played a role in motivating Muichiro to fulfill his responsibilities.
Y/n met Yuichiro's gaze, her voice barely above a whisper as she responded. "I may or may not have given him some motivation," she admitted, a mischievous smile playing on her lips to which Yuichiro couldn't help but chuckle softly.
He approached Muichiro as he couldn't resist teasing his younger twin a little further. handing him a dirty plate even though he had already finished washing. Muichiro's pout deepened, and he shot a playful glare at his older brother.
Yuichiro couldn't help but smirk, finding amusement in Muichiro's reaction. He reached out and gently patted his twin's head, a fond expression on his face. "You should hurry up and do your other chores, Mui. You don't want to keep Y/n waiting," he teased.
Muichiro huffed, his cheeks puffing out in a mix of annoyance and amusement. He muttered, "You're a bully, nii-san..."
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onyxopossum · 8 months
So um... have you thought about a singer! Reader and buggy comming in the bar/club?
Specifically refairing to covers of "house of asmodeus from hazbin hotel" or "think of me from phantom of the opera" and the clown captain (and his crew) just at aw at the powerful voice?
Oh my gosh, my first ever Ask!! Thank you Anon so so SO MUCH!
I can't say that I considered writing a singer! reader but your prompt is just so wonderful that I'm willing to give it a try!
I'm sadly not familiar with Helluva Boss (only watched season 1 so far), but how did you know I absolutely LOVE Phantom of the Opera. I got the chance to see it on Broadway before it ended, too!
(Thinking of Buggy as the Phantom wearing a mask to cover his nose–haha!)
Going with the female reader since "Think of Me" is sung by Christine.
Hope I meet your expectations Anon! 💜 Enjoy!
Buggy x Singer!FemaleReader
Music: "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Theme: Fluff
No Warnings
You sat in front of the vanity mirror, carefully putting on your make-up for the evening. The main singer that evening had developed a cough and refused to perform that left the showtime manager no choice but to have you perform in their place. This was going to be your debut as the replacement headliner, and being nervous was the understatement of the year.
The showtime bar was fancy enough that it was frequented by some well-known characters, and that did not exclude high-bounty pirates or Marines; neither of which you particularly cared for but they sure did pay a lot. You sighed and checked yourself once more in the mirror and tried to calm your nerves.
You almost managed to calm down when a stagehand knocked on your door frame, "Y/N, you're on in fifteen," they paused and backtracked their hurried steps before sticking their head in your room, "it's nearly a full house tonight, bunch of those unsavory pirate types, too, from the looks of it. You got this, alright?" You glanced at them through the mirror and nodded. You waited for them to leave before sighing and trying to calm down all over again.
It was a full house full of higher society and marines towards the front with pirates trickling in from the sides and back. Towards the back of the showtime bar sat Captain Buggy and a few members of his crew–Mohji, Cabaji, and Alvida. They sat in the shadows trying not to draw too much attention to themselves while still having a clear view of the stage; Buggy had been in a particularly disagreeable mood for the past few days, so his crew hoped some entertainment would make him less insufferable. They knew Buggy had a soft spot for more theater-esque performances and tonight's performances sounded right up his alley– or so they hoped.
Behind the curtain you were in position and ready. You heard the music begin and you held your hands together to try and stop your trembling. The curtain raised and you were blinded by the spotlight. You could not fully see your audience but you could feel the eyes of the patrons all on you now. You tuned out the rest of the world around you except for the music and focused on your voice; right now nothing else mattered except proving to yourself you had what it took to perform.
Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you'll try
When you find that once again, you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me…
From the audience Buggy had been grumbling to himself until you began to sing. He quickly hushed Cabaji and Mohji before becoming entranced at your voice. Your every movement under the light, every inflection of your voice, the rise and fall of your chest as you exhale and inhale breath with each line.
Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind
Recall those days
Look back on all those times
Think of the things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you…
Buggy did not know who you were, but in his mind, it was only him and you. His mouth hung slightly agape as he was lost in your voice. It soothed him and washed over him, sweeping away his frustrations and leaving him lost in the moment, in your moment.
Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade
They have their season, so do we
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think of me.
With your final note the music ended and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause. You bowed and smiled, catching your breath before taking a few steps back and the curtain closing.
Buggy was on his feet the moment the song ended clapping enthusiastically. Even his crew was amazed at the sheer power of your voice. As the curtain fell Buggy's clapping slowed to a stop before a wide grin spread across his face. Cabaji, Mohji, and Alvida knew that look all too well.
Buggy wanted you, and one way or another he was going to figure out how to make you join his crew.
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missgryffin · 1 month
Girl, actually I’m sorry my Queen!
I thought I was the only one that feels ‘meh’ about season 3 of Bridgerton. Oh, my don’t get me started on the way Colin’s face looks, he looked better before. Not everyone needs a chiseled jaw, that just makes it feel as people wouldn’t care about baby faced Colin.
Not sure about you but I don’t like Polin 😬 sorry, but Penelope just rubs me the wrong way.
Haha you're definitely not the only one feeling "meh"! I'll put my thoughts below the cut since it's spoilers for episodes 1-4.
So I really like Penelope. (I had a very awkward "awkward phase" as a tween/teen for awhile there, and I can relate to the wallflower character, and to being very bookish and shy before I got my confidence sorted out and learned how to be more social. So I really empathize with her character.) But I think she's being done dirty?? I don't know that I have a whole lot of coherency on this yet so I'm just going to ramble in bullet points lol.
I don't know if it's Luke's acting declining or them making him act in a weird robotic way to convey this "different" and "mature" Colin, but it's not working! Colin doesn't come off as charming, he comes off as flat. I'm not seeing the depth to him that Penelope is in love with anymore.
I don't think there was enough done by way of Colin's apology for what Pen overheard or to establish/explain Colin's development of romantic feelings for Pen. There's the kiss, and then there's a spicy dream that we find out is Colin's dream, and that's kind of it until he's interrupting her proposal, ruining her, and proposing marriage in the span of like 5 minutes. I was expecting/wanting waaayyyy more development of those two going from friends to lovers, but as it happened, I found it to be very choppy and rushed.
Penelope's love interest arc with Debling was unnecessary, imo. I do think that in any friends to lovers there needs to be at least a little bit of healthy jealousy to push them toward each other, but that could have been accomplished by Penelope receiving attention at a ball and Colin not liking it. The Debling arc took away space from developing Colin and Penelope together. I still like the Debling storyline wrt El and Cress —
Which, side note, I love the redemption arc for Cress!! Her and ES Adelaide are very similar/serve a similar antagonist role, so I really like that they're giving her more depth.
But I think El being torn between her old friendship with Pen and her new friendship with Cress, and being roped in to help Cress try to bag Debling (who would honestly be a perfect match for her? Traveling all the time and leaving her at home to run his giant mansion and throw parties with her friends? Sounds like a Cress kinda guy lol) would have worked well as its own side-plot without roping Pen into it.
Because the "lessons to get a husband" + Debling arc only served to make Pen's situation "worse." The "lessons" had so little screen time that they served the purpose of the Whistledown leak more than they served creating romantic tension with Colin, imo. And the Whistledown leak served no purpose other than to ostracize Pen further, which felt completely unnecessary to me. She was a character who started really strong, standing up to her obnoxious mother and gaining all this self-confidence. But then the narrative just tore her back down into this ultra-ostracized, self-pitying version of herself, and given that she was already ostracized to start with, I don't think that was necessary or serving the story with Colin in any way.
If they wanted to force Pen to have to write about herself (which I do think it's important for her to be put in that position), they could have done so by Colin courting her and her having to write about the nasty things people were saying about that, and it would have served the same purpose.
AND, I'm probably sounding like a broken record here, but all that screen time about the Whistledown leak and Pen being even more ostracized could have been more time that her and Colin were building up to and then courting!
WHEREEEEE is the courting??? Where is asking her to dance on his own volition? Bringing her a lemonade? Going on a promenade? How does he go from kissing her as a friend to fingering her and proposing marriage? Like????
I digress.
Actually no, we're going to talk about the carriage scene.
PITBULL???? OF ALL SONGS, PITBULL????????? I had his voice in my head the. entire. time. I was cringe-giggling!!! It was visually so hot, but I couldn't even enjoy the hotness because I was like…PITBULL???? So there's that. There's also the not enough in-between from the kiss thing. And then there's the whole ruining her virtue and proposing as a cliffhanger thing.
Which, side-note 1, I was annoyed by the Colin threesome scenes. They felt gratuitous to show Luke's chest hair and make sure we knew that he has sex (which his journal already did, but whatever), but again, they detract from the Polin screen time that was so desperately lacking.
And side-note 2, from a writing standpoint, I get the vibe that they knew they wanted to end Chapter 4 where they did, and so 1-3 was almost working backwards to get to that point. And I personally am annoyed because I think 4 was too early for a proposal. (Again, WHERE IS THE COURTING???)
Also Pen deserves a better proposal than that. The defining aspect of her character is how she feels unloved. Her mom's awful but has moments of compassion, her sisters are monsters to her. Through Colin (and extension, the Bridgertons), she deserves to feel loved. She deserves romantic gestures. She deserves buildup and then Colin getting down on one knee and professing his love to her.
Circling back to 4 being too early — they're obviously going for the angle of Colin finding out she's Whistledown while they're engaged to "up the stakes," and I'm curious to see how they handle and resolve that given the extreme nature of his feelings about Whistledown, so I have to reserve judgment somewhat. But I think I'm leaning toward wishing he would have found out while courting? Idk, a proposal after working through that seems more profound to me, because he has to choose her despite that, versus staying despite that. The second option is more passive?
And then mixed in with all this is the fact that he technically ruined her virtue prior to proposing, so I feel like that might be a shadow in Part 2, and again, I don't think Pen deserves that. Whistledown drama, sure, she is Whistledown, so she brought that part on herself. But I don't want Pen in a position where she's doubting Colin's intentions. His romantic love for her and his intentions for her need to be overwhelmingly clear to the viewer and her, and right now I don't think they are?
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izicodes · 1 year
I want to get into coding but I’m scared about working for a company and talking to people lol and I don’t think I’m creative enough. what do meetings and the job consist of? i have this assumption in the back of my mind like “what more is there to say/do other than code a website?” haha hope this is ok to ask! it’s super vague tbh I can’t find anything that touches base to a specific level enough online.
also, I’m not a math genius… very insecure about that since high/middle school. do I still have a chance? how does math go into coding?
Hiya! 💗
I completely understand how you feel because I felt the exact same thing when I started working at my current workplace.
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Working for a company
Many coding jobs do require collaboration and communication with others. However, it's important to remember that not all coding roles involve extensive social interaction. There are positions where you can work independently or have limited interaction with colleagues.
In my case, I work in the office Monday and Friday. Mondays are when everyone in the whole IT Department is in, except those who are off or on holiday etc. This is what I do:
I walk in
sit at my desk near the window
headphones in
log in
code - occasionally turn around and annoy the Lead Web Developer with cries because my code isn't working (he then solves it in 10 seconds...)
At around 2:30pm is an IT meeting in the conference room. What do we discuss?
IT manager discusses any updates as an IT department as a whole. Any concerns about the technology used in the company. Any bootcamps we need to do internally, how was everyone's holidays, a little gossip.
Then everyone takes turns and discuss what they did the past week
That's it.
That's my company but I assume it's something similar for other companies. It's also important to know not everyone in the IT Department are web developers or work on building websites, not even in the sub-department Dev Team. Our Dev team are 6 members and only 2 (me and the Lead Web Developer) are web developers, so work on the company's websites. The other guys are very script-building and database oriented. All I do is code websites.
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Maths in coding
Depends on what you're coding. I work with websites, I use Year 11/Grade 10 level of maths - it's not hard. As a reference, I stopped learning maths as a subject at school at a Year 13/12th Grade level and the stuff I'm using is way easier than what I learnt last - stuff my little sister, who's 14, can understand.
I chose web development because of the little maths. Some people have told me "Oh you'll encounter it one day" - I still haven't after 2 years. I use C# and JavaScript at work and still do very little maths. Maybe loops? I know if you're going to study computer science at university you will have to learn a good amount of maths, definitely harder than what I use!
Here is a list of the maths I use daily, that I can think of:
Logic and Boolean Algebra
Basic Algorithms
That's it. Maybe if I learnt the maths need in programming to the max, it might make my life easier when I am working on my personal projects, but my life is already easy with the little maths I know so I'm good for now.
Designing websites is less maths-y and more... designing in my opinion and experience. "I drew out this design for the website... how do I do I code that?" literally me every time I start a project.
Again, other fields in Computer Science would require more maths knowledge so research that field you want o go into and Google/ChatGPT "What maths is needed in [field name]?"
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Hope this helps, my advice may not be the best since coming from a web dev point of view but it's still advice! Good luck 😎🙌🏾💗
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noveratus · 2 months
Finished DBD, here are my thoughts:
•I quite enjoyed this show. It is not my favorite Neil Gaiman show (that's still good omens), but I do like it a lot
•I do with the characters were in their college years or instead of teenagers, but this isn't that much of an issue I suppose
•The best episode by far is episode 7. Like, holy crap, from the world building to the character development to the emotional moments, that episode is phenomenal
•I expected Edwin to be my favorite because I normally vibe with that type of character, but actually Charles ended up being my favorite. I can really relate with the idea of feeling so angry and questioning if that makes you a bad person. Charles was surprisingly a deep character
•I liked Charles a lot too, though he isn't my favorite version of this character archetype. Sometimes I did feel like they made him a bit too nice, I kinda wish he would have been a bit more antagonistic towards people, but all and all he was good.
•Loved Niko. I loved her contrast compared to everyone else. She is just a very normal girl surrounded by very abnormal circumstances and I love how that didn't make her any lesser in the team. She was the emotional intelligence there and I loved that for her. If there is a season 2, I wonder what they will do with her
•I liked Crystal and I really enjoyed how it paralleled actual toxic relationships irl but I am unsure if I like the direction the show took with making her a rich kid of sorts. I loved the fact she got her powers from her ancestors though. I think that was really cool
•Actually, I don't vibe with episode 8 for the most part. Episode 7 was so good that I think that the season could have ended there. The pacing and story of episode 8 felt a bit off in my opinion
•Other than those two, the other episodes were pretty good. I won't give them a proper individual rating because I think they were all consistently good abd achieve the emotional arcs they were going for fairly well
•I was one of the people who thought that Crystal was in love with Niko the first time they met lmao.
•Actually, something I wish that the show had addressed was how Crystal would act like humans were beneath her for not having powers. It would be interesting to see some conflict between the two in that aspect.
•Speaking of conflict, let's talk relationships shall we? Starting with the strictly platonic, I loved the friendship between Niko and Edwin. It was a bit out of left field, but man, do I wish we got to see more friendships like this in media so I will not complain
•That being said, I wish Niko and Charles had more screentime. I think they would vibe pretty well
•I also wish we had seen Edwin and Crystal together more often without Charles around. Love my boy, but those two need to have a heart to heart seeing as they are essentially crushing on the same man.
•Crystal and Charles is one of the wlm relationships I actually don't mind too much. I'm glad they didn't get together, and I would prefer if they didn't get together, but I wouldn't be upset if they did. Their friendship is great though
•Edwin and Charles are the core of the show. The fact that Charles just accepts Edwin's feelings even if he doesn't reciprocate is everything to me. And they did leave it open for it possibly developing into more in the future. I'm personally a very big fan of this ship, but if they don't get together I won't be upset
•I ship Jenny X me. Haha jk unless? I wish we had a bigger focus on her since she was the only positive adult in the kid's life (besides the walrus) but alas. I hope that, if there is a season 2, she gets a girlfriend
•I liked Cat King, though I must say, he gave me the creeps considering that Edwin does appear to be a teenage boy. Still, hopefully, he can find his own twink someday, preferably one of proper age
•Esther was that bitch and I loved her for it. If there is a season 2, I hope we get to see another witch, but this time one that uses her magic to protect people, maybe with Lilith's blessing
•Actually, can we have more of Lillith in general? Thanks
•No strong feelings about Monty. I didn't really like him at the start of the show and felt bad when his ghost died. He was cooler as a crow and if he does come back, give him the power to change between forms please
•No strong feelings on the Night Nurse either. Kinda ship her with fish guy though. They just vibe well.
•Oh, one more thing about Niko, this time a headcanon: I actually headcanon she is aroace but obsessed with romance so she wants her friends to be in love, but she doesn't want that for herself
•If there is a season two, I'd like to see more creatures like vampires or werewolves. Maybe even a mermaid.
•I also hope for more Death and Despair. Let the girls serve please
Overall, I would say this show was a solid 8/10 for me. Not as high as Sandman which was a 9/10 but I think it was pretty good still. I recommend. I might make a post writing about what would happen in my version of a season 2 of this show later
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soul-sparx · 8 months
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R tierlist ranked by how each character treats A.B.A
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Based on their win-quotes against A.B.A
Reasoning under the cut
Niceys :) <333333
Sol Badguy
"Well, at least you've got a strong head."
It isn't much, but remember that this is Sol we're talking about. He is blunt, brutally honest, and a bit mean in general. He does not give out compliments lightly. Even a slightly sarcastic one like this means A.B.A has impressed him, and he conveys that well.
Ky Kiske
"You should tend to your wounds properly. Especially if you're a woman."
The "especially if you're a woman" thing is a little weird, but reads more like misplaced chivalry than anything. The point here is that he is concerned about her wellbeing, hoping for her to take care of herself.
"Your prescription is…to learn about society. That is all."
He has examined her through battle, and his conclusion is that there isn't anything wrong with her. He wishes her well, and hopes for her to come out of her shell.
Axl Low
"What an original and sexy fashion sense! How exciting!"
Self-explanatory. He just thinks she's super hot.
Kliff Undersn
"Your injuries look grave. Are you all right? Hmm..That axe looks familiar... Have I seen it somewhere before?"
He's worried about her, and wants to make sure he didn't hurt her too hard. He's also interested in Paracelsus, likely remembering his days in the crusades as the Sanguine Gale. He's just being a nice old man :)
"You should learn to communicate from my band of merry thieves. Come on…"
He offers her a position in the Jellyfish Pirates! He does this in the story mode as well! He barely knows her, but he wants to help her out the only way he knows how! What a kind dude!
"Guild members are required to learn a certain degree of interpersonal skills. Perhaps you could benefit from the same training?"
Much like how Johnny offers to let her join the Jellyfish Pirates, Venom offers to let her join the Assassin's Guild to help her out! He is nice :)
"I don't know how to say this…but we could be good friends! Don't you think?"
She wants to be friends!!!!! She's so sweet!!!!!!!!
"Flament Nagel and an artificial life-form, hmmm? I find your story quite interesting!"
It's a bit nonpersonal, but he is interested in A.B.A and wants to learn more. I can only imagine them chatting over a couple glasses of blood :)
"Nice! You'd definitely get a lot of money with that talking key!"
Her first thought is on money, but still. She thinks Paracelsus is cool, and is super supportive of the two of them!
"Eek! A woman's on the floor covered in blood and bandages! I gotta find a doctor Faust…err, fast!"
He's a little scared of her, but he still wants to help! What a sweetie
"Wouldn't you prefer something warm-blooded instead of that cold metal rod you have there?" "That thing's your husband? It looks like a big toy for such a little woman. Can you handle all of it? Haha! You have great taste in men!"
Look, I dunno how else to say it. I-No is just super DTF.
"There's another artificial life-form besides me!? There was no record of it…"
More surprised than anything, no positive or negative feelings shown beyond that.
"A homunculus, huh? Now that's rare."
Deeply impersonal, barely even interested. She's barely a curiosity for him.
Considering A.B.A's quote for winning against him, I feel like there's potential for a friendship, but Robo seems more confused by A.B.A's existence than anything. There is some annoyance, but that seems more directed at the not-knowing than at A.B.A herself.
"What a big weapon you got there…isn't it heavy?"
May seems more interested in Paracelsus than A.B.A. She's a nice girl in general, so I think they could develop a friendship eventually, but it's off to kind of a weird start.
"…I'm not like you! Don't look at me like that!"
This is a little mean, but given how he treats her in story mode, I feel like it's more confusion and annoyance at the situation than at A.B.A herself. He just doesn't want people to think he's an artificial being.
Chipp Zanuff
"You really think I'd lose to someone who's injured!? Who do you think I am!?"
This is just Chipp being cocky as always. It could've been anyone, if he wins against anyone, he's gonna lord over them for a bit. He holds nothing against A.B.A specifically.
This is probably about as nice as Eddie can be to anyone who isn't Zato, and it's still pretty limp. A.B.A is nothing but a potential body to him. He literally does not care one way or the other about her. There is no love, nor disdain.
"You also took the blood oath? Hmph, I guess not."
They're a little interested in her, perhaps thinking she's also a Gear. Once they realize she isn't, they lose interest. Perhaps modern Testament would be kinder to her, but as they were in ACPR, they just kind of don't care.
Jam Kuradoberi
"Your complexion is terrible! Blood transfusion pack? My food's much better for your health."
She starts with an insult, but then offers to help, so it's less neutrality and more a situation of both the good and the bad. I think Jam is just a weirdo.
Mean to her!!!!!!!
Millia Rage
"You should learn some manners before seeking knowledge. I suggest you go home."
The least mean mean thing someone says to her, it's still clear Millia has no patience for A.B.A. How rude.
"You're such a pain. I hate people that just sneak around in the shadows."
MEAN TO HER!!!!!!!!
"Accursed homunculus! It's ridiculous that the gate will open with just that. I hope you wander in the darkness eternally."
This is so personal and rude, Justice fuckin' hates A.B.A and for no reason. Kill this woman NOW!!!!!!!!!
Anji Mito
"Stand straight and speak louder, will you? Just looking at you drives me nuts."
What did she ever do to you, huh? Kill this man NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hiya! Something struck me and I was wondering if you have any headcanons about how would the bachelors (from both vanilla and expanded) react to finding out their kid is being bullied/picked on at school or something like that. I'm mostly curious about a certain Expanded's bachelor's reaction, but if I pointed out who, I'm sure you'll figure out who I am, haha. Feel free to answer if you have some for all of the bachelors! If not, sorry to bother you! 🙇‍♀️
I really love your headcanons but I'm very shy to go public, so I'll be anonymous for now.
- From 🌻 Anonymous
Dear anon,
Thank you very much for your question. The news that you like my headcanons warms my soul. But I would also like to point out that you clearly overestimate my abilities if you think that I can recognize you from the selected headcanon candidates. I'm literally like that Patrick meme with a board on his forehead and a hammer. And I have a great desire to write about all the bachelors, dividing them into a vanilla version and SVE mod (for those who are not familiar with mods). Thanks again for the question and enjoy the headcanon.
Sincerely, me. ❤️
(Why the hell am I writing like Elliott?! 🤣)
SDV bachelors react to their child being bullied:
Since the Farmer is busy working on the farm today, Sam volunteered to pick up their child from the music club. How happy he was when their kid wanted to "be cool, like daddy!", And such developmental activities will help the kid develop their talents. Sam, all joyful and positive, did not have time to enter the main building of the music house, when he saw his child... crying??? Above them were two older children, apparently also members of the musical club. Sam did not hear the beginning of the conversation, but he distinctly heard how the bullies called his child stipid and said that such a loser would not become a musician. Ok, this is not cool.
The child stopped crying abruptly, and the bullies didn't realize their change of mood until they saw Sam behind. He folded his arms, looked at these punks with a stern look and declared that they were acting like cowards. The bullies immediately calmed down, because they recognized Sam. He is the same young and promising musician who became the idols of many, and, apparently, of these teenagers too. And well, how can you not be ashamed when your idol says that you are a coward and a disappointment. They apologized to Sam, to his child, and promised they wouldn't do it again. Sam let them go in peace, and then winked at his child, letting them know that their cool dad will always come to the rescue.
He picked up his talented kid and invited them to go and buy sweets so that they would not be so upset. The child gladly agreed, forgetting about sadness. Just don't tell the Farmer that he treated you to sweets before dinner, ok? :D
Oh, this little bastards. They will regret that they were born.
He had a similar case, when teenagers from big cities teased Jas. He then scared them so much that one even wet his pants. Here, too, he does not take pity on those who even came up with the idea to mock his precious treasure and other children. Of course, he and the Farmer will listen to the whole story from their child, and when they finish the story, it will be even harder for Shane to restrain himself from strangling these little bastards.
The Farmer had not yet had time to call the parents of these hooligans, as Shane had already managed to "visit" these bullies and scare them for good. To Farmer's stern look, Shane swore to Yoba that he hadn't laid a finger on them, only scared them. But still, Shane and Farmer called the director and the parents of the bullies.
Fortunately, the adults turned out to be decent than their naughty children, apologized and promised that this would not happen again. Their kid is no longer bullied at school, and those bullies bypass Shane. That's right!
Harvey is a doctor who has treated not only adults, but also children and teenagers in his life. And given that it is sometimes much more difficult to work with young patients (fear of needles, a frightening atmosphere, or just a whimsical character), Harvey knows a little about child psychology. Well, at least enough for a doctor to calm a crying boy or girl who is terribly afraid of vaccinations, when their parents can’t calm them down on their own. Harvey also knew that this knowledge would be useful to him when he and the Farmer had their own child - both to raise their beloved little one, and for a bully who, for some reason, decided to offend their child. Is this how parents raise their children?
Harvey addressed the bully very calmly, showing no aggression or fear, standing between the bully and his kid. And when the ill-mannered teenager began to sprinkle Harvey with swearing and name-calling, the doctor still remained unperturbed. There was no malice or fear in his eyes, only one emotion: disappointment, and this put the bully in a stupor.
Harvey immediately revealed his trump cards. He began to explain that by bullying children weaker than themselves, they are trying to hide their own vulnerability and weakness, that they are trying to assert themselves. Harvey was able to just destroy all the bully's desire to continue his teasing so much that they stood and cried silently, because everything turned out to be true. But Harvey needed not their tears, but the realization that what they were doing was wrong. He addressed the bully no longer so strictly, because they are still only children. But he insisted that they apologize to their child and promised to improve for the better. So they did.
Harvey smiled and, when the bully left, he took his baby in his arms, listening to their admiration for how they drove the hooligan away. Harvey promised to explain why people sometimes do this, and how to behave if the situation repeats itself.
It is impossible to imagine how many emotions were inside Elliott when he and the Farmer came to the city to pick up a child from a new school, and saw them crying. And when the child said that they were offended by children from older classes, then Elliott was simply filled with rage.
The writer in a gentle voice asked to show with their finger who exactly offended them, and when the hushed kid pointed in the direction of those bullies, even the Farmer did not have time to stop their husband, as Elliott flew like a storm towards those scoundrels. What a scandal he raised, oh my! Elliott, of course, did not swear in front of the children, but given his rich vocabulary, his indignations turned out to be...emotional.
When the Farmer arrived in time with their child, as well as the teachers who stood nearby and heard the scandal, everyone began to calm Elliott. Having dealt with the bullies, with the confidence that the vile brats would no longer offend his child, everyone went home.
Later, when Elliott and his family returned home, he apologized to everyone for how emotionally he reacted to this. Elliott was very much afraid for their preciousness, because bullying is no joke. Bullying at school can push a poor kid into rash acts that Elliott doesn't want to think about. The Farmer understands his partner, and when everyone calmed down at home, Elliott invited their little one to take a walk with him and get some ice cream. As the writer and the child happily weaved ice cream, Elliott asked their little one not to be afraid to talk about bullies and promised that he and the Farmer would always protect them.
The beach season is in full swing, and on this beautiful day, the Farmer just has no worries about the farm for today. Therefore, Alex decided that they should definitely spend this wonderful day on the beach. The Farmer gladly agreed to this, and their child generally squealed with joy.
Armed with sunscreen, inflatable sleeves and plastic buckets, the kid sat on the sand and built sand castles while the parents rested nearby and remembered to keep a close eye on their little one. There were a lot of people today, in addition to the usual inhabitants of the Valley, there were also visiting tourists. Alex and his spouse carefully watched the child so as not to lose them in the crowd.
The Farmer was offered to buy snacks at the Saloon, which was a good thing: Alex was a bit hungry. They quickly left in the direction of the institution, leaving their child under the watchful eye of Alex. And as soon as the athlete turned away for a second, he heard a child's cry, which he recognized instantly: their baby was crying near the already destroyed sand castle, when some punk stood and mocked their kid, causing them to even more tears. In vain this bully did so, oh in vain.
Alex with one jerk was near this punk, and with one movement he twisted their right arm. The bully immediately hissed in pain and tried to break free, but how could he compete with the (future) sports champion. At the same time, Alex ordered to apologize for the fact that they mocked their child and destroyed the sand castle, and then, as soon as they apologized, he kicked the ill-mannered punk from the beach with one kick in the ass. Alex didn't understand this at all - okay, he would almost get is if it was another kid, but it's was almost adult.
In the end, Alex nevertheless reassured their baby and offered to build another sand castle together, even better than the previous one. While they were both building a real sand palace and the kid had already forgotten about that unpleasant incident, the Farmer returned to them with snacks and sweets. Their child, with all their joy, ran to the other parent, and Alex thought to himself that if the Farmer had caught this situation, then there would not have been a wet place left from that bully.
Unfortunately, Sebastian knows very well what it's like to be the victim of bullying. After he and his mom were abandoned by their biological father, no one but Robin protected him from being bullied in elementary school. And even older, due to his shyness, he still endured bullying of his peers, until Sam, with whom they studied together and who became his first real friend, began to protect him.
They have all grown up, and Sebby can already easily defend his honor if he is attacked by all sorts of idiots. And yet, inside him, he uncomfortably shrank when he saw a similar situation again, but this time his child became a victim of bullying. The Farmer and his kid are his happiness, which he was not going to give to anyone, especially to some noobs who thought that they could simply be like brats over the weak like that. He didn't even have to do anything: Sebastian subdued two bullies who looked at him in horror, and simply said: 'Get lost' in such a threatening tone that the bullies immediately ran away, not wanting to test Sebastian's patience.
When Sebby calmed his baby, they both went home. On the way, the young father told the child that he was also often a victim of bullying, and how his mother protected from nasty people, adding that he and the Farmer would also not let anyone offend their treasure.
SVE bachelors react to their child being bullied:
Lance recalled his youth, namely those cases when he himself had to defend himself from hooligans and protect others from bullying in his native village. A torn shirt, a busted nose, but a satisfied smirk - that's how Lance remembered himself, peering into his own reflection while his restless parents tried to figure out what happened to their son. Lance was never the initiator of a fight, but he could not just stand and watch how others are humiliated who cannot fight back. And Lance understands that people are different, that there can be more offenders, that the victim, constrained by fear, does not know what to do. And so Lance, even in his youth, considered it his duty to protect the weak.
And if a brave adventurer could come to the aid of anyone who got into such a situation, then what can we say about his own child, still too small to cope with a whole group of hooligans. At the sight of a sword-wielding adventurer, any brat with any leftover convolutions in his brain will retreat instantly. But if there is someone left who wants to be rude to Lance as well, then the pink-haired man will have a short conversation with such persons: he will pull on the ear so hard that the idiot will howl in pain. Lance will not forget to remind them about the honor and how low they are acting, and then with a warning drives the bullies away.
And while his child looked at his father in admiration, Lance had already managed to pick them up in his arms and smiled at the already laughing child. "Need to somehow teach them self-defense", Lance thought to himself, noting that even if his and his spouse’s baby starts to defend themselves, this will not cancel the parents’ concern and they will always come to the rescue.
Victor almost choked on his spaghetti when his child said that someone was bullying them at the new school because of their looks. What does it mean "for looks"? Their child has a normal looks, and the usual school uniform. And bullying?! He can't leave it like that!
Victor, seeing the worried face of his baby, reassured them and said that he and the Farmer would not leave them in trouble, because they are their parents and love them very much. The next day, when Victor informed the school principal of the situation, they were all called to the school for a parent-teacher meeting, along with the bully and their parents, to discuss and resolve the conflict.
Victor may seem vulnerable to others, but when the question arises of protecting people dear to him, he will show all his determination to protect his family to the last. To his and Farmer's regret, the little bully's parents turned out to be no better in behavior than their offspring. It is immediately obvious that rich parents, spoiled in childhood, also spoiled their child and now they think that they can do anything. They didn't even show respect to the principal, because "we financially support the school, so shut your mouths." Victor realized that a civilized conversation with them would not work, and decided to make a call, which he put off at the last moment, hoping that he would not need it:
"Mom, can I talk to you for a couple of minutes?"
Enraged (already) grandmother Olivia will literally destroy those who decide to insult her son, his partner and her dear grandchild. And believe me, her hot temperament and connections are enough to make arrogant parents with their spoiled child quieter than a mouse.
The bully did not offend Victor's child anymore, since their parents transferred their capricious child to another school. Although Victor sadly thinks that it would be better if they had gained intelligence and patience. Oh well, their child is safe, and he and the Farmer will be laughing for a long time at the faces of those upstarts when Olivia put them in their place. Their child squeaks with joy that their dad and Farmer are brave and kind, and Granny Olivia is cool!
To say that Magnus was furious would be an understatement. And who would not be furious in his place - he saw from the window of his tower how someone wanted to throw rocks at the child. His child!
Magnus figured a day out in nature would be good for his little one, and the Farmer let them go, with the promise that their dear husband would keep an eye on their treasure. To which Magnus pretended to be offended and kissing his spouse, swore an oath that he would protect the child like the apple of the Eye. Everything was going well, Magnus was reading another book with spells in the yard, and the kid was looking at insects and flowers nearby.
And as soon as Magnus left for literally one minute to pick another book, he heard unkind voices with a touch of causticity. Quickly going to the window, he saw that some teenagers, not local (thank Yoba Jas, Vincent and Leo were well-mannered and good children). One of them pushed the baby onto the grass, and the second wanted to throw a rock at them. To which Magnus teleported with lightning speed and stood between the child and the bullies.
These brats dropped all the items from their hands when they saw a tall man in purple robes, from whom streams of magical energy emanated. Magnus glared at them, letting them know that if he wanted to, he would incinerate these assholes with fire. He wouldn't do that, of course, because Ministry rules and all, but hooligans don't need to know that, right?.
Rasmodius just raised his hand as the teenagers immediately ran away, frightened at the possibility of experiencing the wizard's wrath. After making sure that everything was fine with the child, he took them to the tower, reassuring them that they would never see these bad people again, and that Magnus would immediately come to the rescue. In the meantime, Magnus will treat them some magic rock candy and let them go out on the yard again, watching his precious child even more closely.
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eerna · 4 months
hello! i picked up tlt thanks to you (tlt and tlc are my favourite books haha) and i'm hoping to get into tfota! but before i pick it up, what would you say are the series' strong suits?
Hiii, I'm very glad you enjoyed TLT~~ I always have to preface recommending TFOTA with a disclaimer. I love these books and reread them all the time. They consistently cure my art blocks in miraculous ways. But they are decidedly Not Super Good objectively, and you WILL have to stomach some glaring mistakes.
Okay now that we got that out of the way here are its strong suits in my humble opinion. 1) Holly Black loves faeries and this world she has created for them so so so much. It is crazy. Her faeries are the proper, scary, weird, ugly, beautiful faeries. All the clothes, food, architecture, and inhuman attributes are described in detail and it's very clear it isn't just Stock Fantasy Number 10, and she does it over and over again bc she clearly enjoys it immensely. The palace is a big hill without windows with dirt floors and roots crawling all over, illuminated by glowing mushrooms and decorated with extremely ornamental floral furniture!!! How cool is that!!! Of course my artist brain goes brr whenever it is faced with these books!!!! 2) The characters are all DELIGHTFULLY horrible, we're talking "every adult character is an asshole except for maybe one person but you still can't help but love them". They are all soooo traumatized and tortured and operate on a reality that is completely unrealistic, but so much fun to follow their development. You find yourself relating to such outlandish situations. 3) THE RELATIONSHIPS!!! MAN!!!!! I am such a sucker for the core family relationship in these books it isn't even funny, but the romance is also super good. None of them are healthy, mind you, but that's the charm of them. "How much can Jude forgive in the name of love?" is the core theme of the series. And at first it is super fun to see everyone girlbossing all over each other, but by the end of the series you desperately WANT them to become happy because you somehow started caring about these assholes and it delivers on that front too without being too happily-ever-after. 4) The twists are TWISTING. Even in my TFOTA hater era I begrudgingly admired how well the plot twists land most of the time. The drama is excellent, characters keep blindsiding each other and betraying each other and it somehow makes sense. This series is the only time I've ever seen a plot twist where I was like "This is probably a fakeout, but it makes sense as both a fakeout AND if you play it straight and I love both options". 5) None of it is stock footage. It's so clearly not the author writing what is popular or what she has seen in other books. She has a tendency to copy, but she is copying herself because she obviously loves writing about certain things over and over again, and that is understandable since I also enjoy reading about them.
As you can see, I have a Lot of positives to gush over. If you decide to read them, I hope you have fun~
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mlm-mod-taka · 9 days
hi, I saw you're back, I'm happy, man! If it's open, can I request makoto with a tall man who randomly carries him (on his back, arms, etc.) and runs everywhere? Or does he offer a ride on your back? Idk, I hope that doesn't sound weird, haha
(Idk english, so I apologize if that was bad)
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TALL S/O WHO CARRIES HIM • makoto x male reader
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im so thankful that people are happy im returning! it gives me more motivation to write, since i know people find enjoyment in what i do. and your english was good, dont worry! i hope you enjoy these headcanons, and that you have a good day.
tws/cws: none that i can think of.
|| -> mod taka <3
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most people in the class are taller than naegi, so he's used to having to crane his head up just to talk to people properly. he didn't really mind, it just came with the territory of being smaller. what he wasn't used to though, was being carried, especially being carried by someone much taller than him.
the first time you did this was after pe class, everyone had to run around the track as long as they could and by the end of it, makoto's legs were killing him. back when you two first knew each other, you quickly got along, so he went to you to complain about his achy legs.
in response, you suddenly carried him bridal style as everyone walked to the lockers. makoto grabbed onto you in surprise, and his face was tinted red as he became too speechless to ask you to put him down.
to him, it was... kinda nice, actually. the pain in his legs was still there but being carried helped alleviate it, and it was very cozy to be carried by someone bigger. he enjoyed it, even if he got playfully teased by the others for it.
and that started the cycle of you wordlessly carrying him if he ever talked about having any pain, even if it wasn't leg related. some back pain? you offered to carry him on your back to his dorm. a small headache? immediately lifting him in your arms on the way to the cafeteria. a little neck pain? instinctively handling him so you can place him on your shoulders.
the others joked that makoto's legs muscles will become weak if you kept carrying him so much, and its become a little inside joke within the class. everytime someone needed to be lifted up or carried, they'd call it "pulling a naegi", you both thought it was funny.
the first time you ran with him in your arms, he was so confused and shocked that he didn't hold onto you, and almost ended up falling butt first to the floor. you two both got a good laugh out of it afterwards, with him playfully telling you to atleast warn him first before doing that!
now, everytime you run while holding him, he will scream very loudly. you always somehow manage to do it when he least expects it, and it always catches him off guard. he'll cling onto you for dear life while you run around the classroom with him, trying to avoid taka's scolding.
makoto definitely prefers piggy back rides over anything else. its the position where he can cling onto you the most, and the position where he worries least about falling down. he also enjoys resting his head between your neck and collarbone, but he'd never admit that.
until you two developed feelings for each other. you carrying him felt alot more intimate than it used to be, and him holding onto your shoulders while placing his chin on you felt so much more affectionate. the blush on makotos face would never go away when you lifted him like you usually would.
the entire class got sick of watching you two beat around the bush while being incredibly obvious, and also with you still insisting on carrying makoto, which would just make both of you flustered messes.
kyoko and byakuya convinced him to confess, and to everyones expectation, you both became a couple, and they thought they'd finally be spared all the skinship. they were all very wrong.
carrying became like a love language between you two. you loved hearing his surprise yell whenever you carried him and started running, while he loved the wide smile on your face whenever you did so.
makoto would finally start seeking you out in order to be carried around, feeling more comfortable to admit he actually really enjoys the feeling now that you two were dating. there were times where he would just go up to you, smile at you and ask "hi s/o, can you please carry and rush me to my dorm? i forgot something there." and then you'd immediately get on it.
everytime classes ended and everyone headed back to their dorms, you would piggy back carry him there while sprinting down the hallway. no matter how tired you were after a long day, you always made sure you had enough energy to do that, the laughs he would let out after the initial shock wore off was worth it.
feeling him hold onto you made your heart skip a beat no matter how many times its been done. feeling your arms hold onto him firmly to make sure he was safe made him turn red even if you two did it everyday.
carrying was such a special thing between you two. it meant so much more in your relationship, and you both loved it. the closeness it provided, the trust it required, the significance it had in the development of you two becoming lovers, it all meant so much to him, and he'd never trade that for anything.
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its-creed · 4 days
how do i do this , is this thing even on ? it's been a whileeeeee since i've been writing online so please bear with me! stumbling back into the scene i am sun (she/her/yours) / 25+, some of you guys may be familiar with my previous iterations of this baekhyun muse haha so if he seems familiar - he probably is!
i'm excited to introduce my evil old man credence han - commonly known as reed or professor han to those acquainted with him.
full disclosure: i am terrible at plotting in a quick manner (and i mean this with the entirety of my one brain cell) so if you would like a random starter please see below for details (cap at three for now 🥹)! and if you don't mind slow pacing and would still like to plot based on something below or in one of the ideas i have at the end, please give this a like and i will slide into your dms asap!
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how does an evil villain get around without being discovered for over ten plus years? with the power of negation persuasion of course!
reed wasn’t aware of his primary ability when it first manifested because well - how the hell do you tell that you can turn off other people’s powers? goes for first part of his teen years thinking that his ability has to do with persuasion because he finds at a young age that people sometimes do whatever he tells them to do? he rides on that high for a long time until one day when someone somehow figures out what happened and tries to get revenge. too bad for him, it’s another metahuman he managed to piss off and he’s about to get his ass fried when ? everything is still in tact and suddenly ? the other guy seems more confused and fearful of what’s going on.
the shock wears off pretty quickly and lucky for reed his ass doesn’t get fried - but it still gets beat after the metahuman goes on a rampage and rages against reed asking what he did to his powers. it’s after that moment that reed connects the dots and realizes his persuasion abilities had been minor this entire time since he had never seemed to be able to actually develop it.
discovering that he can negate others powers is a game changer for reed. he starts using it for morally lesser means realizing he’s able to get away with more. it starts from setting people up for things that get them caught red handed, to being given information, and then selling that information once he finds out just how valuable the things he’s discovers can be.
eventually his endeavors lead him to a point of no return. he infiltrates the aeternal base back home acting as his twin brother and pulls the biggest heist he’s ever done yet. he finds government secrets that he sells to someone abroad in south korea before escaping after making sure that they believe his brother is the true culprit.
after this feat his brother had taken something of extreme valuable to him which started a chase. reed uses his connection of his past buyer to secure a private space at the silverline apartments while he tries to track his brother down.
reed has been using the cover of a new professor for metahuman biomedical studies at nsnu during his time abroad. it offers him both network connections to the han pharmaceuticals and and a straight gateway into the university to continue his ulterior motives.
i think that covers the what and why just to give it to you guys fast and short! so per my inability to plot quickly, i will offer three random starters if you're interested in having an interaction with reed, drop an emoji and aaaa [positive, neutral, negative, unknown] to choose a dynamic you'd be interested in and i will work that out however i can! fair warning, reed is not exactly a people lover but he keeps up a strong front so positive might be a fake positive for face purposes,,,
plots and connections
reed has a habit of walking around with his negation on - well, keeping it on in general. you're trynna get something done and?? why aren't? your powers working???
you catch reed in the subtle act of persuading one of the receptionist's at the front desk to erase the latest residential complaint against him. do you a) mind your own business, b) confront him, c) play dumb, or d) all the above plus receive an underlying threat from reed?
bad influencer - if you want your muse to do something bad or something they would never have the guts to try, reed is your go-to. or maybe there's something you really need to do like studying and procrastination has been your worst nightmare. reed is less inclined to help you because that's lame. and if you're one of his students? tough luck.
reed was always the champion when it came to playing hide and seek as kids. life detection comes in handy for that. reed finds your muse somewhere they shouldn't be or maybe your muse is trapped and reed happens to be the only person who's come by within the last 3 hours.
students from nsnu?
someone who seems to have the same laundry schedule
someone complaining about reed's negation affecting them
enemies or victims? when i say he's evil - i like legitimately mean it. he's morally corrupt and just does well to hide crap like an actual sociopath
( he's not who he seems )
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Across 110th Street (Bobby Womack)
Across 110th Street/Pimps trying to catch a woman that's weak/Across 110th Street/Pushers won't let the junkie go free/Across 110th Street/Woman trying to catch a trick on the street, ooh, baby/Across 110th Street/You can find it all in the street
"I grew up hearing my father play this song during car rides, but I fell in love with it last year after watching the Jackie Brown movie. It is such an earworm! I cannot get it out of my head. And I'm not complaining--it's great."
Epliogue (The Stanley Parable)
"Every single one of my friends know that I’ve bawled my eyes out at this song at least once. I’m a sucker for strong music, and the fact that I’m hyperfixated so hard on this damn game does not help. Listen. This game is a rollercoaster. From start to ‘end’, it is a rollercoaster. It presents itself as goofy and lighthearted, haha there’s a British guy following you around who reacts to your choices. It’s very silly, the jokes are funny, it doesn’t take itself seriously. Until it does. The Narrator, who supposedly created the game and takes great pride in it, is showing off his game’s success and reminiscing over the thing it used to be, in a place he calls the Memory Zone. Then, he stumbles upon a collection of negative reviews that make him realize that his game may not be all that he thinks it is. He’s desperate to please his players, and so he sacrifices himself and his time and creates a skip button, so that players who don’t want to hear his voice can skip through his dialogue. The time between skips gets longer and longer until he’s gone. Stanley is finally able to leave the room he’d been trapped in, and is met with open desert. A wasteland. He still hasn’t learned his lesson, even through billions of years (someone did the math) of solitude, and how much that affected him (and potentially killed him), he still desperately wants to please those who play his game. And so he puts together an expo to show off his ‘new features’. As he prepares to present it to Stanley, there’s a swell of hopeful and triumphant music. This is important. One of the exhibits is these figurines. If you collect all of them, there is supposedly ‘no reward’, but it actually unlocks an ending where the Narrator decides to release Stanley for good. This is the last step to unlocking the Epilogue, given to you by a mysterious entity who greets you every time you open the game. In the Epilogue, it’s mostly cutscenes. Stanley wanders the desert wasteland, while this music plays. The Narrator is not present. The Epilogue is a culmination of everything Stanley and the Narrator have gone through together, against each other and then against the world. The Epilogue takes place when the Narrator is gone, leaving Stanley to only wander alone with his memory, with no silly voice to keep him company. It’s a time where Stanley can only bring back memories about the Narrator as he faces survival in the desert. Alone. I cry every time the music swells during the sandstorm bit of the cutscenes. But at the very end of the song, when the music dies down, Stanley once again stumbles across the Memory Zone. The place that the Narrator once held dear, that held all his favorite memories, now dilapidated and half-buried in the sand. The place where the Narrator once enthusiastically showed off positive reviews of his game. The place he was proud of, hidden away where the developers would never see it. And. And do you know what this song does. When the Memory Zone comes into view. It fuckjgn reprises the song from the Narrator’s expo, once triumphant and swelling as he showed his creations off with a grand flourish, now quiet and sorrowful as you come across the memory zone without him present. And if the swelling of the sandstorm scene doesn’t hit me first, this bit fucking floors me. Every single time. The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is a silly game about choice. It is also a game about companionship, and trust, and hurt, and grief. And during the true ‘ending’ of the game, before everything starts anew, when that music is playing, it’s the result of every single moment these characters have experienced, come together in one song, and a bunch of cutscenes. THAT is why this song fucks me up. sorry i dont know wtf possessed me just now but yeah. This game is a little obscure and many MANY people who have played it have not made it to the Epilogue, so I highly doubt it’s gonna make it very far into the tournament. But fuck if it can make me cry,"
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alphabetboyluvr · 4 months
Hey Holly😬😬😬
So I wanted to ask have you ever come across things like copying stuff and ideas from one book?? I mean if you read a book or you get inspired from a particular scene/dialog that you re-write it but you still get called out because of that??? Do you get bothered by that?? I mean there is this😅 bunch of teenage indian authors on wattpad that every now and then starts blaming and fighting that they copied their stuff,book name,dialogues. What do you think of this??
You probably have seen the viral orange peel theory that is going viral on insta/tiktok. I was talking about that😅😅
heyaaa !!
i've seen a lot of discourse around the concept of copying / plagiarism recently and I do have some thoughts on it.
i assume you mean if i get bothered when i see people have clearly taken inspiration from my work?
i keep my feet firmly out of the fanfic reading space for a variety of reasons and one of those reasons is because i've seen how easy it is to pick up inspiration and sprinkle it into your own work without even realising—not maliciously, or ill-intentioned at all, but undeniable with retrospect.
i don't ever want to find myself in the position of having spent hours writing something only for it to be reduced to nothing because of innocent mistakes (as I've seen happen with other writers) so yeah, i don't read within the fanfic space (which is also why im terrible with recs haha).
NOW in regards to people taking inspiration from my stuff, i'm well aware that it happens. I first noticed it happened with you up? and its never really stopped.
there's a handful of stories i've seen on wattpad from people i know read my work, who write in a very similar way to me. things like plot, narrative voice, character arcs, relationships, even the way i doodle at the start of my chapters—if it can be lifted and reworked, it has, and im sure only seen the tip of the iceberg.
similarly, i've also seen big writers write scenes in their stories with an almost identical play by play to some of my scenes, but i have no way of knowing if they've read my work—but it has made me go back and check the dates of my uploads to make sure i have my 'well actually...' response ready incase any of their fans try and come for me hahaha.
i've had extensive conversations with my writer friends about this and my general thoughts are: i don't care.
i could go on a big old rant about it all, but i know my opinion is a bit odd considering i'm a writer.
writing is a deeply personal craft, but it's also something that we learn and develop through time. if people are inspired by my work, then it must mean I'm doing something right. in time, they'll develop their own style. I encourage them to continue writing until they find their own voice.
history and literature is full of reworking and retellings. Shakespeare was notorious for it!
I'm not gonna get pressed if someone is so moved by my work to the point they wanna create their own version. I'll be honoured to be a part of their creative process. of course there is a limit to this—I know there's at least one story on wattpad floating around with a similar dynamic to BD with origami being used as a crux for fears, which does make me raise my brows a little bit, but at the end of the day, I'm the one who chose to upload my fanfic for free on a website that is known to not be exactly the most original of places.
someone else writing a similar concept to mine doesn't take away from the value of my work. if anything, it just proves that my writing has had an impact.
so yeah if you ever see someone and think huh this reads a lot like hollys work, or anything like that, just leave it be. don't run people off of a site, or force them to stop doing a hobby that likely causes them joy, for my sake.
it's funny because a few people have actually asked me to write an orange peel theory fic haha. we, as writers, don't own concepts and we also write about the same seven men. there will be inevitable overlap. it's all just pixels, at the end of the day.
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pijjafairys · 1 year
us and the corner of the library.
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synopsis ; wonwoo is your childhood friends, you and him likes to read a book in the book store near your house but he is suddenly move from the city. after long time, you meet him again.
pairing ; gn!reader + jeon wonwoo
genre ; fluff
notes ; mentioned childhood friends-to-lovers, You might find this story a little long-winded, I'm not a native english speaker so if my writing has many mistakes or inaccurate words, please understand and give advice so that I can develop better.
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as usually, you are going to the library alone to read some book or just take a nap at 1 pm before the second class session begin. you lean your shoulders against the chair hoping that all your tiredness will transfer to the chair quickly but the reality is not.
you start to throw your head back and slowly close your eyes enjoying the soothing silence. “okay, I'll close my eyes for ten minutes and then I'll look for a new book to read,” you mumble and say to yourself. but still five minutes in, the sound of footsteps and the creak of a chair being pulled makes you wake up but you keep your eyes closed. 
the smell of wood perfume spreads to your sense of smell. smelling it, feeling it, feel more comfortable to close your eyes and go to sleep. suddenly you think of one person who has the same distinctive smell. "haha, no way," you reassure yourself. "but what if it's really him?" your mind begin to fight with each other, fighting to convince yourself who wins.
you slowly open your eyes and return your head back to normal position. taking a few breaths but your heartbeat is getting faster, like you're getting ready to run a race.
you see a man sitting leaning against a bookshelf, carrying a book in his hand. he doesn't look forward, he just stares down at the book he's taking.
“who is that? i do not ever seen him before, is he a student in the next building? if so, why did he come all the way here?” your head is very noisy right now just because of her presence. you try your best to stop thinking about who she is, even try to divert your mind to a book that you read but all your efforts are in vain.
the sound of footsteps can be heard walking towards you, trying your hardest to look natural so that you won't be caught fighting with yourself.
"excuse me, can I sit here?" his heavy voice echoes throughout the room but feels soft to the ears. you just nodded your head in response without looking at him. "thanks," he replies.
you cleared your throat, “so, who are you?” no answer coming out from him. “are you a student here too?” your voice gets quieter at the end. your eyes try to steal a glance at him, as he smiles slightly. “yeah,” his eyes meet yours as the answer escaped his lips.
unconsciously you hands covered your mouth in surprise at his presence. “for god’s sake, jeon wonwoo??” slowly your right eye feels something dropping, a tear. tears of happiness, not sadness.
he close his book. “yeah, hai ? how’s life?” 
you smirk. “bad as you leaving.”
“is that bad?”
“guess by yourself.” 
he is laughing softly at there, put his books aside so he can get a little closer to you. “i’m sorry,” his hand slowly reaching yours, he move his thumb gently along your back of hand, trying to make you a little calmer. 
“i hate you,” you said with a bitter laugh. “where have you been?” his other hand tries to wipe away your tears, “yeah, you should guessed it yourself.”
you tilt your head, asking what’s the meaning in silence. “family issue,” he said. you gasp shocked, “don’t worry, I’m okay now.” you exhaling a sigh of relief is like releasing a burden that has been held for years and it turns into the biggest smile you ever do—after he leaving.
time flies so fast, it’s half past two in the afternoon, half an hour until your second session class starts and you have to rush to class. “Omg, i have to go now.”
he tilts his head, “where?”. your hands stop neatly arranging the book you’re reading and stare at him, “class. don’t you have any class today?” he shook his head, you rolls your eyes. “glad to hear that, take your time."
his hand gently pulls your hand when you are about to stand up, “what?” you gaze at him. wonwoo—who is pulls your hand—had no idea what is he doing right now, “can I go with you?” his eyes stare at you straight but pleadingly. 
you look him in the eye. “where?”
“your class?”
“no, you can’t jeon wonwoo.”
you rolls your eyes. “my teacher would kill you.” 
his eyes opened wide after hearing your words. “if you want, you can wait for me here or in the indoor garden,” you trying to give him another options. 
“okay, I will wait you at the indoor garden.” he answering with full of enthusiasm.
he also stands up and packs up the books he picked up earlier. after he is done with it, his hand grasped yours gently, giving it a comforting touch.
you huffs, "you'll have to tell me everything, from when you left the house until now."
he grunted, "it's too much, I can't do it."
"I didn't say everything has to be told now did I?" you looks up at him and grinned then Wonwoo realized that immediately. he chuckled then patted your head lightly, "nice try."
you and wonwoo walked out of the library hand in hand with a little laughter, "come back tomorrow?" you ask.
"Yes, I'm always here." He answering with a very shady smile. "But I'd never see you," you mutter thoughtfully.
Wonwoo ruffles your hair playfully as he laughs, "That's because you're always sleeping."
realizing your cheeks and face were flushed, you quickly turned your face away from him then snorted in annoyance as if sulking and left him behind you. he yelled while catching up with you with his merry laughter.
you point your little finger in front of him, "promise not to leave me again?" he frowned, and didn't move.
from that moment onwards, wonwoo and you always met at the library and sometimes went home together.
"oh okay", just as you were about to pull your finger back, wonwoo linked his little finger to yours. "promise."
Wonwoo smiles so wide that his neat rows of teeth are exposed, and your chest feels tight like it's filled with millions of butterflies that suddenly want to swarm out of there.
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