#and id love to hear yalls thoughts too
booksandpaperss · 2 years
A Look Inside Max Mayfield’s “last word” letters to the party: El
Hey El,
Gosh, it’s been so long since I’ve written those two words. Too long, really.
How are you? Are you.. are you doing okay? I know that’s a silly question considering the shitty circumstances of this letter but I hope you are, you deserve every good thing that happens to you. Even if that was me… leaving. Or, pulling away, I guess.
This vecna asshole better leave you alone. Tell him he better not mess with you. It doesn’t matter that I probably won’t be here soon, he better leave you alone. I’ll make sure he does. Somehow.
Shit, I’m so fucking sorry for not writing to you. I miss you so much, you have no idea. And now you’re not even going to see this until after… well. I’m not stupid, I know you miss me too, or… at least that you care, even though I tried to convince myself you didn’t. I got your letters, I read all of them. You’re too good for me El, way more than you even know. I know we technically haven’t known each other for that long but, you’re the best friend I’ve ever had. I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. I really wish I did, honestly. My life is better with you in it… it still is.
Lucas and Dustin and Steve, they’re all set on saving me, but this vecna guy… he’s really strong. He’s like you, with powers, but like, way less awesome of a person. I don’t think I’m going to make it. Is it selfish of me to wish you weren’t in California? Just so I could see you before I.. go? I’m glad you’re safe though. I just miss you, is all.
I have a bit of a confession. Multiple confessions, technically. And since this is like… my dramatic last words or whatever I should probably tell you. You’re my best friend, so if anyone should know, it’s you.
I’ve never really felt totally in with the party, you know? It was nothing they did, they’re great, really, even Mike. Don’t tell him I said this but I kinda get why you like him, under all his shit, sometimes he’s kinda sweet. Seriously please don’t tell him I said that, if I actually manage to live he’d never let me hear the end of it. Not that… well if you’re reading this that means I wouldn’t really, well. Be here.
Anyway, I got off topic, it’s so easy to do with you though and I wish we could talk more, and I miss you so much and I but anyway my point was, Mike and Lucas and Dustin and Will, they’ve all known each other for so long. They’re all so close and I’m just… I’m just here yknow? I’m just me.
But then I met you. Like, really met you. And I don’t mean when I just vaguely heard about you from Lucas and Dustin who talked about you like you were some otherworldly mystical sorcerer, and then saw you once right before you had to go off again to close a massive supernatural gate. I mean when I met you. And really… you were “just you” too. Just like me.
And El, you is so much. I don’t mean your powers, I just mean you, who you are. You got me, in a way no one else has, not even Lucas sometimes and that’s what and you didnt even have to say it, you just understood. We’re both outsiders, even with the party sometimes, but… never with each other.
El, you’re so fucking special to me. I hope you know that. Please know that. You’re more than your powers, than what you can do for other people, you’re just… so amazing, and supportive, and kind, and beautiful just as you.
Although, I guess if you’re reading this that means I’m not here so… you deserve to know. I think you’re beautiful, El. This is going to sound so cheesy but I really think you’re so beautiful, inside and out. Even when I’m not here, you can’t let anyone make you think otherwise okay? I know you won’t, you’re strong, without anyone else.
I wish I could say more but if I let this keep going I’ll be here all day, and I won’t get to our other friends letters, and then of course Mike would whine to you and Will about it, so I gotta save you guys from that. You’re just… I feel safe with you. Talking with you. Even if you’re not really here.
I’m sorry El. I’m so, so sorry. I’ll try to fight him okay? I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t, because you don’t deserve this shitty letter as my last words to you. You don’t deserve any of this. Or me. I’m sorry.
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satellite-starss · 8 months
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Been thinking about making a return to tumblr hehe so have my current blorbos,,,
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flamboyant-king · 4 months
I've wanted to make a webcomic for like a dozen years. Inspired by the stuff on smackjeeves. (Yeah that relic) Like, hey, I'm an amateur artist but I have no story idea and I have geometry proofs to write. But I have an idea now, maybe not the most action packed and unique idea, but it's different and slow paced.
I want to make a webcomic with Harvey and Camellia, you know them, you love them, it already has a name, Grow as We Go. It's basically the cutesy, wholesome stuff I've already been posting, but now it will be actually cohesive. Chronological. Canon.
I just want to cement them down in a consumable way, cause I love my characters, I rattle them in my brain daily, but their stories are fit for different mediums. ArtPG, Wiwi and the Golden Acorn, and Meanie Greenies are fit for actual video games pacing and mechanics, Grow As We Go has the pacing of a webtoon, the composition of the long pages will really emphasize the flow of time and recovery, and Find Eli is also a webcomic whose timeline will merge with Grow As We Go. I just have a lot of ideas that's hard to pin down and actually work on because of the ADHD--and it stinks. A dozen years! I coulda started making comics in high school, but noooooo, I had to do homework and play Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
I'd love to hear any thoughts you guys have, does a slow paced comic sound interesting to you? Just a cozy, wholesome webcomic to follow whenever you like. Like not even weekly updates, I want the time to really feel like it's passing in real life alongside the comic. Thank you~
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not-another-robin · 2 years
Autistics..... assemble..... how do you think Bruce stims......
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idanceuntilidie · 3 months
Huloo, just read Yandere cheater and it was hook line sinker for me, do you still do request? If so can you do a Yan! cheater but the reader is like one of those cold stone face to others but warm to their friends and family but especially soft towards someone they really like? (In this case the cheater). Im curious about your take 😭. Scenario would basically be the same same I guess, like Yan! Cheater jumped to conclusion and, being an idiot, decide revenge cheat is the solulu to his delulu thoughts.
(If your requests are closed, please ignore this, Id be embarrassed)
I would have finished this way earlier today, slowly back to posting I hope yall are proud of me Warning: non con touching * blood * mentions of rotting meat and killing people * yandere themes ofc
yan cheater x gn reader
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“I like when you smile, you look really cute when you do” “Haha aren’t you a charmer?” “Listen, I am serious! Your smile is special, not many can see it bunny.” “I love you” “I love you too.” Your face doesn’t reflect on how you are feeling, unless it is someone that you actually care about. It is only natural that people can’t tell what you are feeling, and that comes with its pros and cons.
People won’t know if they hurt you. Ciaran was pretty, but underneath all of that hid a disgusting freak. Too bad you have learned that when you saw the man you love kiss someone else. You remember he kissed you with such passion not even a few hours later. You hate to admit, he looks pretty even now. Standing at your doorstep, red hair clinging to his face. Make up slightly smeared because of the water. Ciaran looked beautiful, even if messy and wet. It made your blood boil. You wanted to rip his hair out, punch him and then curl into a ball and cry your eyes out. Instead you kept leaning against the door frame, the scent of rain calming you down. You didn’t say anything to him, and he didn’t to you. He knew that you found out, and you knew his only regret right now was that he didn’t hide well enough.
The more you look at him, the more sick you feel. You waited for him to come back though, so you could spit on his face and throw him out of your apartment. You didn’t even bother with a suitcase, a trash bag fitted his personality more. “I have nothing to say to you Ciaran, take your shit and get lost.” Your voice was cold, monotonous but it made him shudder. You threw the bag into the closest puddle and finally slammed the door in his fucking face. There was something about you, Ciaran couldn’t put his finger on it. He doesn’t know why you are so attractive to him. Your eyes are cold, dead just like your expression that you wear. It’s like making eye contact with a corpse. Despite your very dead expression, you are quite attractive. Beautiful. It made his heart flutter, so it was only natural that he tried to get close to you. With time he got to see more of you, your little traits. Likes and dislikes. What you listen to, and what you eat.
The best part was when your stoic expression was replaced with a smile. He lived for those moments, but then it got boring. Can you even blame him? It all felt lukewarm. He needed that excitement back, and you couldn’t give him that. That is, he thought you couldn’t. But he was wrong. Ciaran wouldn’t admit it of course, it would hurt his pride. He was too proud, and you were just difficult and used.
He couldn’t admit that after just a week his body ached for your touch, scent. He wanted to see you smile again, hear you speak, touch you.
Every single time he tried to crawl back to you, you welcomed him with an ice cold stare and blank face. After God knows how many times he appeared in front of your house, you didn’t even bother opening the door and soon enough you moved away.
How could you? Leaving him wailing in the dirt in front of the place both of you called home. You are so cruel, didn’t you say people deserve a second chance?
Maybe he just needed to try harder.
The house breathed with you, calm and unbothered. The air felt heavy still and moist, in other words it stank in here quite badly. Slightly rotten food with the mix of your sweat made you gag. You laid still in your bed, eyes tired, achy and dry from the lack of sleep. You feel like you are going to suffocate in here. You listen to the melody of the forest surrounding your house, the gentle sway of the trees and cicadas. It’s dark, why were you up again? Your eyes start to wander around the room trying to adjust to the soft light of the moon. It’s dark, you see your furniture and that pile of clothes that looks a lot like a human now that you stare at it.
You turn on the light, it blinds you and you close your eyes and hiss in pain. When you open them again you see the same pile of dirty clothes. It looks normal, like a pile of unwashed clothes would. You thought it was.. nevermind, brain tends to imagine weird shapes when you can’t see shit. That’s what it was, you sigh as you get up. The air feels stuffy.
 If it wasn’t for the crippling anxiety you would open the window, you can’t see outside but it can see you. That makes you worry.
You dragged your heavy feet to the kitchen to grab something to eat even though there is not much you can choose from. You need to go shopping. Your stomach recoils at that thought. Ciaran just waits for you to leave. He is probably not very happy that you have ignored him as much as you did. His gifts lay unopened at your front door, slowly piling up. The sweet scent of rotting meat emitting from them. Just thinking about it makes you weak in the stomach. The kitchen is dark, after the bedroom incident you didn’t bother even turning on the light. Your poor eyes. Your shaky hands search for the least dirty cup so you can at least drink some water.
After your break up, Ciaran hasn’t left you alone. Blocking him didn’t help, the police didn’t help. He made sure you were alone, with no one to help you. Your ex successfully tracked you every single time, that's why you are stuck at home. Looking and smelling like shit. It has been a week without him trying to contact you but you aren’t sure he finally moved on. You will sneak out of the house, leave everything and just escape this madness. You will be free. There is a warm breath on your neck.
The glass shattered against the wooden floor. “Did you miss me?” he rasped out. He smelled like forest. His voice goes through your ears, making them ring. You didn’t respond, praying that your brain is imagining things. It surely is, he imagines how he nuzzles into the crook of your neck and his hands slowly wander around your body.
You feel weak in your knees, hands gripping the sink in an attempt to get some stability. Ciarans cold hands painfully dig into your stomach. You feel like you are going to puke.
Then everything stops. You turn around and you are greeted with the sight of your kitchen. No Ciaran.
You raise your shirt, no marks.
You were going crazy or the lack of sleep is really getting into you. Forget the water or food, you are going to sleep. Ciaran is not here, you are safe and you need sleep. Badly. The floorboards creak against your weight, the trip to your room. It’s like being like a kid again, and you feel like someone is chasing you so you run up to your room to turn the light on and scare the evil away. The thought of it makes you chuckle. Something feels wrong though, you look at your front door. It’s open.
Fuck the sneaking, you are ready to run to your room when someone grabs you. Their hands are sticky, warm. The metallic and sweet rotting smell fills the room. “Bunny, bunny calm down. It’s okay, I am here finally.” “Ciaran, Ciaran please…” you choke out as he squeezes your frail body. “Ahh how I missed that voice of yours.” he moaned into your ear and hugged you tighter. You want to cry, you want to throw up but you can’t give him the satisfaction of that. You can show him any basic human emotion, that’s what he wants.
 He kissed your neck, nipping at some places. Like he used to, when you two were together.
“You missed me too, right bunny? you missed my voice?” “Ciaran leave my house.” “But baby why? We are finally together again.” He let go of you. Your body ached, head pounding and all of your senses screaming to run.
“Aren’t you happy? Please bunny, smile for me like you used to.” His hands grabbed your face, fingers jamming into your mouth forcing it to open. It hurts, you can taste the blood coating his hands. He forces you to smile and you stop yourself from actually throwing up. Your thoughts are muddy, body weak. You claw at his hands but he grips you together. Nails digging into your gums, you gag. Ciaran beams at you, happy. Smiling widely, just like he used to.
“Now, was that so hard?” he hums.
You try to protest, but you are unable to speak. You are so tired, so weak. He took notice of that. Kissing your forehead.
“Oh my poor baby, you are exhausted waiting for me right? Don’t worry, I will help you.”
The last thing you remember is pain, the amazement on how strong his head is and a small thought that no matter how far you run. Your loving ex will find you.
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omgjumin · 1 year
How about headcanons on sucking Gojo off?
gojo headcanons - sucking him off!
tags: gender neutral! reader, smut (obvs), oral! m recieving, afab reader, oral! f recieving, sub! gojo, switch! gojo
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- no because ive thought about this so much, more than id like to admit but!! gojo would love receiving head as much as he loves giving it. trust me he fucking LOVES going down on you too
- i like to think gojo has a insane infatuation with the way you look when your sucking him off that he doesnt want to admit to. whenever you go down on him and you bat your pretty eyes up at him while your mouth is full of him, he fucking loses it everytime.
- whenever he's stressed to the point of snapping and he's just in the right mood for it, he will literally pull you to lay down (wherever you were it doesn't matter) and eat you out. he fucking loves it. gojo will make you cum on his fingers & his tongue, just for his pleasure. sure for your pleasure too as well, as he takes great pride in being able to rip those orgasms from you so easily. but when you insist on pleasuring him as well, he does not refuse.
- the feeling of your warm mouth, your lips wrapping around his cock just throws him off the edge.
- i like to think that gojo also loves when you wrap your lips around his tip. it gets him GOING. especially if you do it right when he's about to cum. he will literally cum right there and then. he loves the way your lips feel around his beating red tip, it makes him let out the most attractive moan you've heard come from him.
- he loves when you set your own pace. though if you were to tease him even once with going too slow he will grip your hair and shove you down on his cock, forcing you to take him whole right then.
- but when you kiss down his chest, down towards his happy trail, his v-line and then onto his cock, bobbing your head up and down slowly before speeding up. he goes wild. he loves the build up. it gets him more turned on than ever.
- but guys hear me out... sub! gojo now that's a WHOLE different story. (i headcanon gojo as a switch who has a preference for being dominant but he absolutely loves when you take control)
- sub! gojo whines when he doesnt get what he wants. he's a brat. he gives you a certain look sometimes that tells you that he can flip the situation at any time and put you in your place but he chooses not to, just to poke fun at you.
- sub! gojo loves to whimper and moan loudly for you (especially with yall w the voice kinks nd who love to hear men whimper), once he finds out your kinks, he will use them against you (he likes to be a lil shit when he can).
- sub! gojo who will try to guide your head to go faster down his cock because he desperately needs his release but when you glare up at him through your eyelashes, he whines softly.
- sub! gojo who if you wanted to would want you to play with his balls as you sucked him off. (if balls gross you out, ignore this) he doesn't ask outwardly but instead he guides your hands to play with them. the feeling of your hands on his balls combined with your mouth is heavenly.
- gojo also loves cumming in your mouth, the sight of his seed dripping out your mouth is too pretty for him not to love it.
- but what really gets him going is when you pull up from cock and there's a spit trail connecting you and his cock. he goes feral.
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lockburn-castle · 26 days
the city of love
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synopsis in which dokyeom proposes to yn in Paris pairing nonidol!lee dokyeom x gn!reader genre fluff warnings dk being anxious, a small part about cabarets, terms of endearment/petnames, kisses, reader wears a dress, that's all i can think of (do let me know if theres more) word count 1.9k
playlist cant help falling in love marry you
notes: been loving romcoms for a while and decided to write this story based on what id like my proposal to look like HAHAHA hope yall like it !! p.s. 10 things i hate about you is one of my favourites <3 do give me more ideas for fics in the cmmts or send me an ask !!
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As Dokyeom paced around the room, his mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts. The suitcase in front of him was half-packed, clothes neatly folded, but his thoughts were anything but organized. The idea of proposing to you filled him with both excitement and anxiety. He glanced at the bag of balloons he’d slipped into his luggage, a reminder of the grand plan he had meticulously crafted for a few months now.
“What if they don’t say yes, hyung?” Dokyeom fretted, pacing around their room as he packed for the trip with Y/N. His phone was on speaker, and he were calling the group for some last-minute advice.
“Have you seen the way they look at you?” Seungkwan’s voice came through, trying to sound reassuring. “I’m pretty sure they’ll say yes.”
“If they say no, can I steal them from you?” Dino joked with a laugh. “They make amazing cookies.”
“Not helping,” Dokyeom mumbled, nervously folding another shirt into their suitcase.
Dokyeom's fingers brushed the edge of the velvet ring box, its weight a tangible symbol of his hopes and fears. “I just hope everything goes smoothly. What if all this effort is for nothing? They might leave me.”
“Don’t worry about all of that,” Jeonghan advised gently. “Remember to have fun. Trust the plan. Everything will fall into place if it’s meant to be.”
“And don’t forget to pack the ring,” S.Coups chimed in with a grin that Dokyeom could practically hear.
Dokyeom took a deep breath, nodding even though no one could see him. “Alright, I think I’m all packed. Let’s hope everything goes according to plan.” He muttered the last part.
Everything had gone surprisingly well so far. You and Dokyeom had talked about this trip to Paris for years, but something always got in the way. Now, finally, both of you were able to take a seven-day leave and make it happen. The city felt like something out of a dream — timeless, and full of hidden wonders.
On the first day, after landing in Paris, you both felt the excitement settle in as you headed straight to the Louvre. The enormous layout of the museum took your breath away as you went inside, surrounded by art from all around the world. Walking hand in hand, you wove through the maze of halls, pausing at famous works like the Mona Lisa and Winged Victory of Samothrace.
When you reached the sculpture Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss, you both stood in awe. The way the marble figures intertwined seemed almost too lifelike, as if they were frozen in a moment of affection. You couldn’t help but admire the way the light bounced off the smooth stone, highlighting every detail. Dokyeom’s arm hugged your waist as you both took in the beauty and history surrounding you.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” You whispered, eyes fixed on the sculpture.
Dokyeom nodded, a small smile on his lips. “Yeah, but you know what’s even more beautiful?” He turned to look at you, his smile widening.
You rolled your eyes playfully, nudging him gently. “You’re such a cheeseball.”
“I mean it, though,” he chuckled, squeezing your hand. “I still can’t believe we’re here. Together.”
In that moment, surrounded by art and history, everything felt perfectly right.
You spent more time at the Louvre than planned, snapping tons of photos for Instagram and for your own memories.
On the second day, you and Dokyeom decided to explore the Montmartre, starting with the stunning Sacré-Cœur Basilica. The white domes stood out against the sky, offering an amazing view of Paris below. Inside, the intricate mosaics shimmered in the light, creating a serene atmosphere as you took in the stunning architecture.
After leaving the Basilica, you strolled through the nearby Place du Tertre, a lively square filled with the buzz of street artists and their easels. You and Dokyeom sat down to get your portraits done, soaking in the lively atmosphere. The atmosphere was vibrant, with the sounds of sketching, laughter, and conversations blending together into a perfect Montmartre experience.
After a delicious lunch at a little café, you both headed to the Musée d'Orsay. There, you found yourself captivated by masterpieces from artists like Van Gogh and Monet. Each painting seemed to pull you into its world, and the museum’s elegant interior only enhanced the experience. The two of you wandered through the halls, taking in every detail of the beautiful works of art.
As evening approached, your excitement began to build. You were about to experience the legendary Moulin Rouge, a cabaret show in Paris you’d heard so much about. Dokyeom, always full of surprises, had secretly bought tickets for the famous venue. As you arrived, the bright lights, vibrant costumes, and captivating performances whisked you away to a world of entertainment you had only dreamed of. Checking "watching a cabaret show" off your bucket list felt even more magical than you had imagined.
By the third day, you decided to slow things down, spending the afternoon at the Champ de Mars for a picnic, with the Eiffel Tower looming gracefully above. You both laughed as you watched tourists pose dramatically in front of the landmark, feeling content in your own world together. Later, you took a scenic cruise along the Seine River, the water shimmering in the late afternoon light.
The two of you returned to the hotel room early to prepare for a special dinner at the Eiffel Tower, a night you had anticipated with excitement. You had chosen a stunning white Chanel mini dress, its chic simplicity accentuated by black off-shoulder sleeves that framed your shoulders gracefully. A delicate ribbon, adorned with a Chanel camellia, cinched the waist, adding a touch of timeless elegance. The soft glow of the evening light made the fabric shimmer subtly as you moved.
Dokyeom had chosen a new suit to complement your outfit. His classic black and white suit was impeccably tailored, with a simple yet elegant Chanel brooch pinned to the lapel.
“I had to pick out a new suit to match you, you know,” he said with a playful smile. “And I didn’t want to risk being turned away because of the dress code.”
“I'm glad though. You look handsome as always.”
After taking some photos on the balcony, you headed out to the restaurant. As you were about to leave, Dokyeom asked you to wait outside while he spoke with the concierge.
You were puzzled by the request, but when he returned, he explained that he had arranged for extra towels and soap to be delivered to your room. You didn’t think much of it and continued your way to the dinner venue.
The both of you indulged in a long-awaited culinary experience at Le Jules Verne, a restaurant you had been eager to visit ever since seeing it in Murder Mystery 2. Dining high above Paris with panoramic views of the city, the experience was as unforgettable as you had hoped. The sophisticated atmosphere and exquisite cuisine made it a perfect end to a delightful day — or so you thought.
Back at the hotel, Dokyeom asked you to close your eyes. He gently guided you into the room, covering your eyes with his hands.
“Close your eyes.”
“What are you up to? Don’t do anything silly; this dress is expensive!” you chided, knowing he might do something playful.
“Relax, I’m not doing anything stupid. Are they closed?”
“Yes, kyeom, they are. What’s going on?”
“Keep them closed. I’ll let go now.”
He removed his hands, and you heard him shuffling things around. “Okay, you can open them now.”
You slowly opened your eyes and took in the breathtaking scene before you. Rose petals were delicately scattered from the entrance of the hotel room, leading to a heart-shaped arrangement in the center, where Dokyeom stood, enveloped in a sea of petals. He held a bouquet of roses, their vibrant colors contrasting beautifully with the soft light of the room. Silver balloons floated on the windows, their reflective letters spelling out “Marry Me?” Your heart raced as you took in every detail, feeling a wave of emotion swell within you.
As you stepped further into the room, Dokyeom moved to stand within the heart of petals, his eyes full of love and nervous anticipation. He handed you the bouquet, his hands trembling slightly, then knelt down with a deep breath, pulling out a ring box. Your breath hitched as you saw the ring — its diamond gleamed with a brilliance that seemed to capture all the warmth and love in the room, shimmering with every flicker of light.
“Y/N, love, these five years with you have been the most incredible of my life. You’ve been my rock through every high and low, my constant when everything else was uncertain. I can’t imagine a future without you, and I want to continue building that future together. I want to create more memories with you, face every challenge side by side, and share every joy. My love for you is beyond words. Will you marry me?”
Tears welled up in your eyes, spilling over as you nodded, your voice choked with emotion. “Yes, of course I will. I love you so much.” You extended your left hand, and with a gentle, reverent touch, he slid the ring onto your finger. The moment felt suspended in time, the diamond’s brilliance reflecting your shared happiness and the promise of a future together.
“Okay, thank God, because my heart was pounding and my knees were killing me,” he joked, making you laugh as you admired the ring.
“I had it custom-made.”
“Really? It’s perfect,” you said, turning your hand to catch the light. The ring’s elegant design and intricate details made it feel even more special. “I love it.”
“Yeah. I thought you’d like it more this way. I had fun designing it and made sure to include all the details you love,” he said, as you admired the diamond sparkling in the moonlight.
“Thank you, Dokyeom. This has been absolutely amazing.” You looked at him and gave him a kiss.
“Let’s take some pictures!” you said, grabbing your camera.
That night, after posting some photos on Instagram, your phone buzzed incessantly with congratulations and likes. But you barely noticed, wrapped up in the comfort of late-night snacks and your favorite movies, nestled beside your new fiancé.
“By the way, how did you pull off that incredible surprise?” you asked, gazing at Dokyeom with curiosity.
“Well, the concierge is a secret weapon,” Dokyeom said with a mischievous grin. “They’re like fairy godparents for tonight. I think they were so charmed by the proposal that they didn’t charge me a thing. They said it was the sweetest thing they’d ever seen — except maybe the time a couple asked them to help with a proposal on a gondola in Venice. ”
You laughed softly, feeling a rush of warmth and affection. “I love you, Dokyeom,” you said, your voice soft as you gazed into his eyes.
“I love you too, Y/N,” he replied. He gently pressed a kiss to your forehead, a gesture that made your heart swell even more.
In that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the room and the cozy comfort of each other’s presence, everything felt perfect.
You had always thought people exaggerated when they called Paris the city of love. But experiencing it firsthand, you couldn’t agree more.
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hearts-4-vicky · 9 months
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ugh this girl shes so cute like… im actually so down BAD its not even funny
Hi my loves🫶🏼 this was supposed to be longer n come quicker but i forgot to save my draft n i was so fucking done UGHHHH.. I just wanted to put something out for you guys as a thank you for all the support my last post got❤️❤️❤️ I never thought id be postin on here but 😛
anyway, tall! bodyguard! fem reader x wonyoung has been taking over my mind lately yall dont even understand 😭🙏 (this isnt proofread cuz im so done, so sorry my loves if theres something wrong😔)
lets say ur a bit older than Yujin (like by a couple months) n ur first official job as a bodyguard is to make sure Ive makes it to a pop up event safely😝 Starship hired so many of u guys because sasaengs have been appearing more frequently than before. So here comes you and like nearly 3 dozen more guards though you stand out due to how tall u r😍😍😍(like taller than 6’4 cuz babygirl wony is already tall asf😔🙏) n your build (muscular women r so fine UGHHHH)
You and the rest of the squad were walking to the girls big ass dressing room, though you felt many eyes on you. Its something you’re used to, always being the tallest in the room (cant relate😭) Arriving at the dressing room door gets you a bit nervous since you know how big ive is as a group and how stunning they are😍😍😍 Once you guys were given the green light to enter, you need to lean down to fit through the door. seeing this, one of your colleagues snickers, making you roll your eyes.
Ive’s manager introduces you and the rest of your crew to the members, short n sweet. As their manager was just giving a brief run down abt whats gonna happen once you guys arrive, Wonyoung notices you. You were much taller than her and stronger too from what she can see😍 baby girl would be so shocked since most girls shes met have never been taller than her🥺 She was so focused on you that she didnt notice how one of her members eyes were also glued to you😛
ur bitch ass was zoning the fuck out but still kinda listening to the manager but you noticed how drop dead gorgeous the members were (same) though you were always drawn to the tallest member. Her beauty had you practically fawning over her that you didnt even notice the rest of the squad (ayeee pull up wit da gang😝😝😝😝 im so sorry) left to go to the vans you all arrived in😭 Flustered at this, you jog to the door to catch up, hitting your head on the doorframe in the process 🥺🥺🥺 You hear giggles after, but failing to notice how Wonyoung’s eyes were full with concern. Whimpering at the slight sting, you hold your head while still trying to catch up with the rest.🥺🥺🥺
Wonyoung watches as you disappear into the distance, pouting as she hears her members talk about how cute you were🙏 she starts paying attention after hearing yujin ask if they was a chance you were single😭 “Maybe, but not after im done talking with her..” Gaeul says proudly, though its short lived as Wonyoung hears Rei respond “Unnie, she’d have to go her her knees to kiss yo-“YAH!” The room fills with laughter as the eldest sulks in her spot, mumbling how unfair life is. Wonyoung’s mind goes back to you, not wanting to hear her members talk about how they want to get to know you more😜
timeskip to the event cuz im SICK AND TIRED OF THIS APP.
You and the other bodyguards line up behind each side of the rope safety barriers (is that what its called…) You were near entrance of the building and could already seen waves of people try to get a glimpse of the idols that were soon to arrive
As the van pulls up you can hear the crowd getting louder by the second. They only get louder as the girls start to come out, first with Yujin, then Gaeul, Rei, Wonyoung, Liz, and lastly Leeseo. Camera flashes and screams fill the air as the girls walk to the entrance of the building. They do their best to get there in a short amount of time while also interacting with fans
It was going smoothly, with the three eldest already at the door, waiting for the other members. Wonyoung was just a couple steps away from them before a man grips her wrist and pulls her closer to him. She tries to fight back but he is much stronger, tightening his already harsh grip. You act quickly, making the man let go and shoving him as hard as you can. He has a pissed off look on his face but it soon turns to fear as he sees you towering over him. The man nearly shits his pants after you bend your knees to be at eye level with him, hearing you call him the harshest words that come to mind.
After that, you let another bodyguard deal with the man as you turn your body to face the shaking girl. (babygirl was a bit scared cuz u seemed so pissed🥺🥺🥺) Your eyes soften at her state, shes frozen in her spot with widen eyes. Wonyoung focuses on you as you lean down to quietly talk to her. Her eyes are pretty is the first thing that comes to Wonyoung’s mind. She gazes upon your features for what feels like years, her admiration soon turning into attraction for you as she holds her now red wrist. You notice this, cursing the man in your head as you take a closer look at her wrist. holy fuck that shit is red, you meet her eyes once more, taking note on how hers seem to shine in the sunlight. “Are you feeling alright, Miss Jang?” you say in a sweet, soft tone. Wonyoung feels her heart start to race at how soft you are with her, a big contrast to how you acted to the man (duh)
“Oh-Yes! I’m okay, just a bit shaken up..” Wonyoung didnt respond right away since your warm aura made her start to relax. You nod, “Do you want me to escort you to the door?” She starts to nod, but is interrupted by her members rushing to her side asking her if shes okay. You step back, giving them their time but also waiting for her answer. After Wonyoung reassures them that shes fine she turn to you, nodding to your question from before. You failed to notice how her cheeks flushed a light pink as you walked behind her to the door🥺🥺🥺
time skip cuz its literally 1:30 am rn….
You didnt just walk her to the door but instead everywhere. You would only leave her side if she needed to take photos or use the restroom (though you were right outside the door just in case) You were following her around like a velcro puppy (clingy dog) 🥺🥺 Wonyoung thought you were so cuteee😭 she thought you were like a newfoundland puppy cuz ur so big UGH🥺 She watched as your eyes practically sparkled whenever you say something you liked or if someone brought up a topic you were interested in❤️❤️❤️ Babygirl was falling for you so hard rn
As the event was coming to an end, she wanted to go to the restroom before they left (it was an excuse to get you alone with her🫶🏼) She stopped right in front of the ladies door, making you confused. Wonyoung turns to you, leans toward you while slipping a piece of paper in your hand. She ran away shortly after to go to the rest of her members. It all happened so fast you were slow to comprehend what just happened. Reliving the moment for a few seconds you realizing she had kissed you on the cheek.
You place your empty hand over the cheek, now adored with a lipstick mark, as you smile like a dumbass😭 you hear your name being called to leave as well but before going over there, you read the note.
“Yn, I just wanted to thank you for making me feel safe and for getting to know me. I hope we meet again, as friends or maybe more?
-Wonyoung <3”
You nearly fainted reading that last part.
guys if u ever write on this app MAKE SURE YOU SAVE PLEASE…. (my asks r open if u want this to be continued or if u wanna request something❤️)
kk love you guys🫶🏼 be safe, and have a good day❤️
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mothdustts · 5 months
A sorta rant about Sam from Stardew Valley and his 4 heart event cuz i cant sleep and hes my wee lil goober
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So apparently sam is a pretty underrated bachelor mainly due to his behaviour and personality in heart events that can cause him to come off as “immature and too young” which yea it’s understandable. So this is coming off from a perspective of a almost 20 year old uni student who really find Sam rather interesting and relatable.
So seems like a lot of people tend to point out his 4 and 10 heart events (sometime 6 even) as to their reason on finding Sam like a bit distasteful. I wanna talk about his 4 heart event cuz the more i looked back onto it, the more it hits me and find him very relatable in terms of personal experiences. So lemme bring up his 4 hear event and give yall my personal lense of it.
The 4 heart event has Sam trying to get you a snack but dropped an egg by accident, which caught Jodi’s attention.
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And of course Sam seemed distressed about it, and so is Jodi’s reaction as she got mad about something as minuscule as an egg crack on the kitchen floor. We as the player has to be the one to tell Jodi what happen (where you can either tell what actually happened or choose to lie and say you dropped the egg btw)
Pretty much the best option is to lie and say you did it, and Jodi forgives you and plays it cool ofc. Jodi gives off the same reaction when you tell the truth and said that Sam dropped by accident.
I’m guessing that’s because it’s YOU who’s telling her what happened rather than it coming from Sam, which of course Jodi would be a bit more forgiving so she would cause a scene in front of their guest. Had you not been there and its just a casual day in their household, it’s likely that Sam will get hella berated and scolded by Jodi over an egg.
It seems very subtle I guess but Sam not responding to Jodi’s question may be the cause of previous experience with causing minor accidents around the house and getting scolded by his Mom. He may also seem really scared to respond with the truth, fearing his mom’s reaction hence relies on you to do the talking.
And personally, this had happened to me a lot growing up, with my mom literally scolding the fuck outta me if I ever made a minor mess or an accident around the house, so it did impacted me growing up anf maturing into adulthood. I remember as a kid I had to lie a lot because i fear that she would shout at me or worse hit me and yikes that got a wee bit dark didnt it bruh.
Sam may have not mature out in that department and of course it would have to do with his upbringing, being raised by Jodi and having an absent father as well which i’d say makes him hard to be mentally matured.
So yea i guess that all i gotta say and since this is all just speculation and basically my interpretation of this heart event, do take it with a grain of salt.
I might make a revised version of this to make it more cohesive and shit, i mean like i literally am writing this at 3am so meow :3
Y’all are welcomed to reply or reblog to open up a discussion and id love to hear and chat with you about your thoughts and insight about this hehe :D
goodnight gois!!! especially to you Sam stans out there!!!
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strawberrylabs · 1 year
Lyney drabbles
ok so...
i know i said id be getting all my other requests out like a month ago and i promise im working on them- just slowly
but i my brain is ROTTING with Lyney headcanons atm because I just finished fontane archon quests and his story quest so yall are gonna have to let my numerous lyney dabbles tide you over until i upload anything else
(also please send me lyney headcanons or prompts i am DYING to write about this man)
reader can be interpreted as any gender! no gendered terms are used
WARNING! this will have spoilers to fontane lore and Lyney's story quest!! I will also be mentioning death, grieving and slight depression! read with caution if you're sensitive to these topics.
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spoilers will be under the cut!
I'll be here
synopsis: after the events of Lyney's story quest, his lover comforts him as he finally finds closure after Cesar's death.
After the traveler and Paimon left Lyney and Lynette at the steambird, Lynette turned to look at her brother.
"So, Cesar's honour has been restored."
Lyney smiles to himself
"That it has my dear sister. Now, I do believe a certain someone is at home with Freminet waiting for us." Lyney turns to his sister expectingly.
"Actually, I'm going to the port. I need some time to shut down. And I think you need some time too, Lyney."
Lyney sighed and smiled a melancholy smile. Of course Lynette could see through him.
"You're quite right, as always dear sister. I think I shall take your advice."
When Lyney walked through the door to his home expecting to be greeted by his brother and lover, he only found his lover in sight.
"Freminet said he wanted to go diving by the opera house tonight. Something about the tildaga being different at this time of year." (y/n) answered, almost as if hearing Lyney's confusiong.
"Ah I see. Lynette has gone to the port to unwind after the weeks events."
(Y/n) smiled knowingly at the magician.
"And I suspect you'll be needing to unwind too."
Lyney gasped in faux astonishment
"My word! I didn't know you learnt telepathy? I suppose when you spend so much time around such a great magician you do pick up a few things. Maybe you can join Lynette and I and we can form a magical trio?" Lyney emphasised his words with a florish of his hat.
(Y/n) chuckled and moved towards Lyney, grabbing his hand.
"As much as I would love to know exactly what's going on in your mind, I do not have telepathy. I do however, know you well enough to know you need a rest."
Lyney's smile faltered a smidge. Despite knowing he can be vulnerable around (Y/n), he still struggles to let his guard down. Apparently years of working for the house of the Hearth does that to someone.
While in thought, (Y/n) pulls Lyney to their room, and places him on their bed, sitting him down wordlessly, and moving to sit behind him.
Lyney registers the feeling of his hat being taken off, and fingers in his hair taking out his braid.
"Just relax. I'll take care of you. I know everything with Cesar has been tough. You've been preparing yourself for this moment for years-- but I know it's still been heavy."
(Y/n) presses a kisse to his head.
"Cesar would be proud of you. I know you feel guilty about with holding the truth from him, but I just know he'd understand. He would be so, so proud of you and Lynette."
Lyney doesn't remember when the first tear fell down his face, or when his performance clothes were removed and replaced with pjamas, or when he was tucked in against (Y/n)'s chest.
"Cesar can be truly at peace now with his name cleared. You did great Lyney."
Lyney takes a deep breathe, and burries himself in the safety of his lover's embrace.
"..Thank you (Y/n).."
"Of course Lyney. I'll be here for you, always."
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this man has me in a chokehold
(thank god I pulled him<3)
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ghostlynachopanda · 2 years
Patch up
a/n: I felt bad for how long the last one took so I whipped this one up while procrastinating on stats hw. did I write this at 3am? yes. am I bored? yes. do I know what to write? nah. do I like a soft Wednesday? absolutely. id love to hear from yall btw, makes me happy!! enjoy this one pals
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
words: 1.3k
warning: blood, injury
You don’t know how long you've been flying, just enjoying the feeling of Otus' soft feathers. Otus, your giant owl, is carrying you on his back while flying at a dangerously fast speed. The only thing on your mind was reaching Wednesday's dorm. Your body is simultaneously feeling hot and cold, blood is soaking into your clothes making them feel even colder than the wind against your cheeks. These aren't the worst injuries you've ever received, but they are the first ones since Wednesday confessed.
You're not sure how she'll react to this, you're not sure you want to know. What you do know is that Wednesday makes you feel safe, in her own special macabre way. You're hoping she knows some first aid, not really in the mood to see the nurses. You don’t register the landing on her balcony until you hear Otus peck at the window and hear someone calling your name.
Sluggishly picking your head off the soft, warm feathers — trying to focus your eyes on the person standing next to you. You feel something crawl onto your back and hear someone talking in a stern voice but whenever it crawled on your back is gone it all goes quiet. You know you didn’t pass out, still trying to focus on everything happening around you, but it's quiet.
Finally focusing your eyes on to spot Wednesday. Her eyes were colored with concern, eyebrows slightly pinched together, stance rigid. You see her reach a hand out towards you; knowing if you move it'll release Otus, and you don’t exactly feel like falling on your face right now. You want to tell her. Tell her why you're not reaching a hand out too, tell her what happened, tell her you're just so tired. But your throat is dry, you're tired, and all you can do is stare hoping it'll get the message across.
You can't make out what she's saying, but you see Otus extend a wing for her. You see her on it, walk towards you, and kneel down to speak to you, but you don’t catch the beginning of the sentence, "-hang on just a little longer"
With that you're being lifted, Wednesday supporting most of your weight. Once your feet touch the floor, not being able to keep yourself up and Otus out at the same time, he melts into the floor. You make a mental note to apologize later, knowing that's painful for them, and focus on walking towards the warm room.  
The walk was long, or it felt that way, it couldn’t have been more than 20ft. With every step you took your feet felt heavier, hm maybe I am losing a lot of blood, you thought. You heard Wednesday muttering something, but you're so out of it that hardly any of it registers in your head. All you know is that most of what you heard was profanities, hopefully, none of it was at you.
"Sit down," Wednesday said, much louder than anything she said before. All you could muster was a nod before being gently guided down onto her bed. You closed your eyes and tried to gain control of your breathing, Wednesday seemed to understand what you were trying to do and let you. You felt a gentle, cold hand grasp your jaw, making you open your eyes and see her move a water bottle toward your mouth. "you need to drink this, right now."
The water was refreshing, and feeling the cool water slide down your throat was relieving. You went to speak, "Wedns-" she cut you off.
"It’s okay," she whispered, bringing her forehead to yours, "I've got it from here, just try to stay awake" you nod, then you're gently guided to lay down on her bed. You feel her slide your shirt up and feel her hands freeze. Wednesday didn’t realize just how bad the injuries were, she took a moment to collect her thoughts before reaching for the towels Thing brought. Her eyes completely focused on your torso, it's littered with cuts and forming bruises. Wednesday felt like crying.
The process was torturous. Every time Wednesday would accidentally press on a bruise, wipe a towel over your cuts, clean them with antiseptic, or pierce your skin with a suture needle you winced. Not enough to move your torso, making it easier for her to clean you up, but every time your breath caught or your face scrunched up she felt sick. Wednesday adored blood, never swayed by the sight or having it dirty her hands, but this was different. It was your blood.
When Wednesday was finished with the front of your torso she moved to your back. Comforted and relieved none required stitches, the other parts of your body were the same. More bruises than cuts, which she was, more or less, grateful for. Happy they were only bruised, angered by the fact someone put them there.
Wednesday asked you questions, to help you stay awake and to get information about what happened. She wanted nothing more than to hunt down the person who did this to you, to make them suffer worse than you are, to kill them, but she needed to make sure you were okay first. She needed to make sure you woke up the next morning before doing anything else, so she waited.
Sleep did not come to her that night, unable to sleep knowing you were, once again, so close to death. She decided to watch over you while she waited. She watched as color returned to your face. She occasionally checked the pulse on your wrist. Finding comfort in the heartbeat that drummed against her fingers, your steady breathing, and the feeling of warmth coming back to your fingers. She watched the gauze that covered your cuts, making sure none of them turned pink. If not for the numerous stitches on your torso, she would've laid her head on your chest. She made a mental note to show Otus her gratitude for bringing you here, bringing you to her.
Minutes felt like hours, there was nothing Wednesday wanted more than to see you open your eyes. She wanted you to smile at her and tell her everything would be okay. Instead, she was stuck waiting, stuck in her thoughts. She wracked her brain for every little detail of the night, from muscle twitches to the answers you gave. But one thing she was stuck on was the fact you were able to keep your winces from moving your torso. It was obvious you'd been in this position enough to be conscious about your muscle movements, the thought made it feel like barbwire was wrapped tightly around her throat and making her eyes sting. If she could, she would bear all these wounds herself. At least then, you would be alright, you wouldn't be suffering. Wednesday didn't know how long it had been, not noticing the sun peaking through the half-colored window.
When you opened your eyes relief flooded her system, a weight had been lifted off of her. When she saw your chest rise with your intake of air, she was able to release the one she had been holding. You're awake. You smiled at her, "Thank you, Wednesday" you said softly and Wednesday wanted to cry for a different reason.
She looked at you pointedly, "If you ever do that again I'll let you bleed out," but you both know it's not true. She would do it a hundred times if it meant you'd wake up the next morning, if you'd look at her with that stupidly gorgeous smile on your face.
"I wouldn't expect anything less, Wednesday" you reply, that same stupid smile on your face
"Now, once you're all healed up I expect you to help me," she said, almost like she ignored you completely.
"Help? Help with what?" you asked, feeling like you missed something.
“I’m going to kill whoever did this, and I expect you to help me do just that.”
tags: @alexkolax @rainbow-love4ever @o638
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gunpowderdtim · 1 year
Working on restoring/editing spaceport mahon 2011! :) here is One Eyed Jacks, in the most listenable state i think it ever may have been in!
over the next few days ill be assembling the entirely of Spaceport mahon into (what i hope are) listenable files, rather than what we have in the dropbox alone.
id love to hear yalls thoughts (spesifically on if its too loud. i think its too loud. but others have told me otherwise lmao)
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astarionancuntnin · 29 days
Death is Not an Escape
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pairing: astarion x fem!tav
rating: M
cw: Dead by Daylight crossover AU, lovers to enemies, spoilers for Astarion's quest/act 3, angst, graphic depiction of violence and death, you guessed it - more angst.
a/n: iykyk, but very small one shot inspired by the title that's a quote from Dead by Daylight, could you believe a single sentence got me cooking this?? and yeah im talking map, mori, backstory and all that jazz. insane. id love to know what yall think!
read on ao3
or keep reading down below~
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It wasn't supposed to end like this.
They were supposed to be the heroes that saved the city, to have a future together, a happy ending, just like in those bedtime stories she remembered from her childhood.
But after going through the rite of Ascension…
No. Not anymore.
Whatever he might've felt in the past was long gone, overshadowed by his greed and pure hatred towards the woman he once trusted, after she had interrupted the ritual.
“You couldn’t let me? You couldn’t let me?!” He shouted as he got to his feet.
It didn't make any sense, and she never understood how they got there. They were fine, they had each other, they loved each other, she thought. It should’ve been enough.
“I was so close. I could’ve had it all, but you took everything from me!”
She had only wanted to help him, make him see the good within him, that he didn't need a ritual or otherworldly powers to prove he was enough — that he is enough. He had survived so much already, and with Cazador gone, he would be free at long last, but he refused to hear her out.
“Cazador won after all. I’ll never escape the hell he built,” he murmured. “And if I can’t escape, then no one can. Not them,” he said through gritted teeth as he picked up Cazador’s staff to smash it against his leg, sealing the fate of the seven thousand souls in the cells before turning to her, growling. “And certainly not YOU!”
That was the first time he tried to kill her.
Their companions stepped back from the fight, as a cold, black fog slowly appeared around the leader and her lover, separating them from the rest of their party.
Astarion didn’t hesitate to land the first blow, and continued hacking and slashing, barely giving his rival a chance to block, even less so to counter attack.
“Astarion, please, I don’t want to hurt you!” She shouted between two strikes. “We don’t need to fight!”
“This is no fight, this is an execution! You are not getting out of here alive, I’ll make sure of that!”
His dagger speeding towards her head, her own blade barely stopping him in his tracks before pushing back against him, making him step back momentarily.
“I won’t kill you!” She cried.
His chest heaving, dagger still in hand, and fury in his eyes, he shouted as he ran towards her, “You already have!”
A kick to her stomach sent her flying against a nearby pillar, knocking the air out of her lungs, leaving her barely conscious, as darkness threatened to swallow her whole.
Before she could get her bearings back, he grabbed her by the collar, pulling her up to face his wrath. Her breath cut short as she remained paralysed, fixated on his bright, ruby eyes, that depicted nothing but hatred anymore.
“You might’ve stopped the ritual, but you won’t be stopping me from this.”
She closed her eyes as she felt the ghost of his blade dive into her, and she welcomed the darkness swallowing her whole.
She thought it was the end, and she had accepted it too.
Heartbroken over the sudden change of heart from the man she had fallen in love with, completely shattered over the outcome of his liberation.
She thought she did what was right, she thought she was helping. She would've died if it would've made him feel better then.
But when she opened her eyes, she was back in the higher levels of Cazador’s mansion. Except it felt… different.
The atmosphere had shifted dramatically, and that was no small feat considering the already sombre decor; the air was colder, muskier, some type of machinery, completely unknown to her, laid here and there, along with hooks dangling from wooden pillars, and some wooden pallets were dispersed, conveniently placed as if to be dropped at a moment’s notice. She wasn't familiar with the mansion, but she was certain these weren't there the last time they visited.
She let her curiosity get the best of her, as she walked further around the newly decorated palace, before a sordid scream from not too far away made her step back, reaching for her weapon.
A weapon, she noticed, that was no longer in her possession.
“Come out, come out, little mouse.”
His voice reverberated through the halls, and with her heartbeat only growing stronger, pulsating in her head, she had no way to know the exact source of the voice, until—
“There you are.”
She turned around to stumble face to face with a man she no longer recognised, his face twisted with hatred and something else she couldn’t quite place, but she knew meant danger. As if his very soul had left him.
As she blindly stepped back into a corner, she rushed to try the surrounding doors only to realise they were all blocked, leaving her cornered with this predator.
“Nowhere left to run now, darling.”
The word that once rolled off his tongue like a sweet caress was now spat out with venom.
“And looks like all your friends have abandoned you.”
She turned back to him, standing defensively, ready to start running past him if need be.
“What did you do to them? What happened?”
“What happened,” he mocked her tone, “was that I was given a second chance. A chance at power, control — vengeance.” He stepped closer towards her, pointing his dagger towards her. “Everything, you have taken from me.”
She froze, startled by the raise in his tone, and he continued.
“You are no one here. Nothing. You don’t get to decide for me anymore. No one does. I am the Master. I make the decisions. And just as you sentenced me to an eternity in the dark, I will doom you to the same fate.”
“I did not doom you Astarion, Cazador did! I saved you, you need to realise that!”
“Cazador was my ticket out of this miserable existence! With the Ritual of profane Ascension, I would've been safe — I would've never feared the sun, or anything else for that matter! But you — you took that from me.”
“I will not apologise for saving you from yourself, Astarion. You weren’t yourself, you were blinded by the illusion of the powers this ritual could give you, you didn’t want that—”
She stayed silent, tearing up, as his words echoed through her as they did in the halls of the mansion.
“My whole life I’ve been stripped of free will,” he continues, anger seething through his teeth. “Nothing but a puppet to my master, and then you came striding along, pretending to be this rightful hero when in reality, you’ve been doing the exact same thing to ALL of us!” “What?! No, Astarion you’re mistaken! I’ve been nothing but supportive to all our friends!” She tried to look for his eyes when he turned his head aside, refusing to look at her. “Please, tell me, what can I do to redeem myself, there has to be something! It can’t end like this, we… we can’t end like this…”
Her head fell as she quietly sobbed, unable to look at this man she had broken apart, unable to look at the consequences of her actions.
For a moment, she thought he had left. Hearing nothing but the reverb of her cries across the halls, alone with nothing else but her grief, until she saw his feet appear in her field of view.
“Anything?” He said, his voice lower, lacking the anger he had but seconds ago.
She lifted her head back to notice his traits had softened, and hope flitted back into her desperate heart.
He carefully raised his hand up, brushing aside the strands of hair covering her neck where he used to feed in the past, the last bruises from those memories still recovering.
“Let me drink from you.” He cupped her cheek, softly holding her. “Let me taste you, reminisce about what we had.”
She gulped as she nodded repeatedly, with tears falling from her eyes and he wiped them away with a stroke of his thumb.
“Shhh, s’ okay dear,” his hand left her cheek to wander behind her neck, pulling her aside to expose his feeding spot. “It’ll all be alright.”
She yelped as he bit down the soft of her flesh, never used to the icy sensation his fangs provided as they penetrated her skin.
He groaned as he drank, as if her blood reeked but he pushed through to drink more. As if the act now disgusted him.
He pulled back, panting, to take a look at the woman he once loved, mouth bloodied from her crimson. “I won’t forget this.”
And when her eyes met his, they were once more filled with rancour, with his frown back where it used to be, creasing the lines on his pale face. “Or any of the things you’ve done for me.”
Her confusion soon turned to surprise, as her mouth flew open when she felt a blade pierce her abdomen.
He leaned into the crook of her neck, one last time, and growled, “And I'll never forget what you've taken from me.”
She screamed in pain as he twisted his dagger, tearing apart her insides, before pulling back, only to dive back in, again, and again, and again, until her voice gave out and the light in her eyes faded out as she collapsed on the floor, lifeless.
It’s what she was expecting; it what it should’ve been.
Endless darkness, the cold taking over her body as her eyes closed, the pain of her wounds settling down as she drifted out of consciousness.
But instead, she awoke once again, with a fit of coughs overtaking her as her lungs burned with each new breath of air she took, gasping back to life.
Her hand flew to her side, where she felt Astarion stab her, only for the wound to be long gone, as if it had never been there in the first place.
Just like the holes in her neck did.
She could’ve believed it would've been all naught but a Gods awful nightmare, if it wasn't for the strange place she awoke in.
A campfire, but none she was familiar with.
Around it, three other women sat, silent, as they watched it crackle. Dressed in attire she had never seen before; all bloodied and yet — just like her — no sign of pain or injuries on either of them.
At a quick glance, she deduced that they were all human, but nothing about them made them feel familiar. Even amongst themselves, they seemed to come from different worlds. Certainly they weren't from her realm, but then, wherever could they be from?
Before she could even muster the question aloud, the dark fog that had enraptured her in Cazador’s dungeons now surrounded them, as they all got on their feet, ready for whatever was coming for them.
As if they knew, as if this was a routine.
The fog swallowed them all without a second thought, hungry for their suffering
When the fog dissipated, she was once again in Cazador’s mansion; the twisted version of it, that was, but there was no mistaking it: this was the very same place.
The three women with whom she had been at the campfire before being transported, were nowhere to be seen though. She was all alone, as if they had never existed in the first place, a figment of her imagination.
She was just here, Astarion had killed her, she felt it — she was sure of it. And yet, here she stood, intact, right back where she started. Had it happened at all? Was any of this real? Was she going insane?
Was this death?
A loud ‘clink!’ startled her out of her state of shock and got her to start looking for an escape.
Her mind rushed, dread settling in as she kept trying to find reasoning with what exactly had been going on. She wasn’t new to strange occurrences, but this — this was something else entirely.
She ran for the door from which they had entered the mansion when they first arrived — before all this mess came to be — only to be met with a metal gate instead of the wooden door she remembered.
Next to it, a switch which she instantly tried to pull, only for it to remain stuck.
Panic instantly overtook her as she kept trying to pull and pull for it to open, refusing for this to be the reality — she needed to escape, she couldn’t do it over and over again, this couldn’t be real, this was —
Her heartbeat only grew louder and her instinct pushed her to leave the useless door, and run.
Run away, run as far as possible, and hide.
Sprinting away from the door, she went up the stairs where she dropped a pallet to block the way up, gaining precious seconds she might need if her killer was closer than expected.
Feeling that the danger grew closer, she kept running, making her way into an open room that she slammed shut the second she passed its threshold.
She took one step back, then a second one, her heart still beating away in her chest and she didn't understand why the terror she felt wasn’t going away.
“Well, well, what have we here?”
She turned around abruptly, pinning herself against the door when she heard the voice of the very man who had killed her.
“Astarion,” her voice shook with uncertainty. “What in the Hells is going on?! What is the meaning of this?!”
He chuckled humorlessly, “What’s wrong, dear? Don’t like losing control? Don’t like it when you’re stripped of your freedom?”
“How can you be so relaxed about this?! You killed me!” She shouted.
“And I’ll do it again, and again, for the rest of your pathetic, little life.”
She shook her head, her voice trembling, “I don’t understand… any of this…”
He tilted his head, eyeing her up and down, “I was given visions; visions of people screaming, of gory sacrifices, of deities swallowing people whole, and at that moment I understood my purpose, and I know for a fact that whichever God put us here had the right idea, for once. They stripped you of your weapons, your friends, your freedom, and gave me the powers I was owed.”
She blinked away the additional confusion his answer created within her, “Where are we, truly?“
“This — is my new playground. And you, my dear, are my newest toy.”
He took a step forward, his wrist turning around, making dance the dagger he had used to kill her once already.
“I promise to make each of your deaths as painful and gut wrenching as the previous one, if not more.”
Her heartbeat only grew stronger, threatening to burst out of her chest as he approached her once again, with nothing but death on his mind.
“Better start running now, darling.”
This wasn’t death.
This was her purgatory.
And just like Astarion’s chance to live in the sun was taken away, she would never see daylight again.
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Thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are very much appreciated <3
tag list (comment or message me if you want to be added!): @grimistheangerinmystares @silverfangmarks @roguishcat @nyx-knox @anacdoce @jwera @annnagennnie @angeldarkness95 @marlowethebard @hellethil @frankie-mercury @ariajc79 @ladycroft5245 @lets-just-daydream
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sweetsummercourier · 5 months
I am legitimately curious and would like some input - AOT Fandom
I have rarely ever interacted with the Attack on Titan fandom, but this anime/manga has been a huge part of my life since i was like 13 and I want to hear from some fans.
So to put it out there: Im not a fan of EreMika. I have my reasons and its my opinion, but Ive never been against people who ship it (which I know a lot do). Ship whoever you want, yknow? However its because of this ship and how some fans are very very protective of it that I feel the need to ask this question.
How does the fandom feel about oc/canon pairings with Eren especially? Ive finished the show and manga, and I've been wanting to do things with my little pairing with my oc that Ive had for years, but the fandom and shippers have, quite frankly, given me so much anxiety that even though I know im allowed to enjoy things and do my own thing, the idea of people getting very upset and angry genuinely upsets me.
I wanna do art, I wanna write fanfics and short stories and stuff, and Id love to post them but I genuinely want to know others thoughts. Call me sensitive, but I want to be able to share the things I love and make me happy too, like everyone else :)
Feel free to comment, send me an ask, or DM me! I really wanna hear from yall
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musicoftheheart · 3 months
following the events in this post ive been listening to a few noah kahan songs (ive been picking and choosing a bit tbh, mostly the ones i recognise the titles of as well as a couple others) and heres what ive got:
(note: some of these opinions are based more on an unreleased wip i have, because some of these songs fit just a bit too well w it)
the view between villages - remus, obviously. this was an opinion i saw a lot on tiktok a while ago, and therefore this was one of the few songs of his id already heard. its so incredibly remus that i cant even try imagining anyone else.
homesick - its giving regulus tbh. i could maybe see sirius, to an extent, but i cant assign it to anyone else wholly but regulus.
northern attitude - sirius. 10000% sirius. i feel like i shouldnt even need to explain it, its just sirius.
stick season - look, okay. i know—i know—people have claimed this for wolfstar. i know. but i just hear regulus. i will explain if need be but its just... its regulus. im sorry but it is.
call your mom - this is one where context from the wip mentioned above would be useful, but spoilers, so all ill say is: sirius to james. the part of the fic im thinking of was originally inspired by forever winter by taylor swift but i actually think call your mom fits what ive written for it so far even better. thats all ill say. (yall know i love giving jamie issues <3)
fear of water - definitely regulus near the start of jegulus. it just makes sense in my head and its all i can think. admittedly, i did decide to listen to this one because my first thought was regulus and the cave because i cant see anything to do with water without thinking of him, but the song itself is 100% early jegulus from reg's pov.
dial drunk - regulus, again. yeah ik i talk about him a lot but ITS REGULUS. and the person hes calling is definitely sirius :( again im kind of relating this to part of the wip above, so maybe i have bias, but this song is regulus. it just is.
i didnt end up listening to many others because i wanted to listen to a pokemon podcast i was part way through yesterday so this is all ive got for rn
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octonauter · 6 months
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Since yall liked my last post here's some actual new SU art! Sorry if these are kinda crappy im to burnt out to make anything too serious LOL. the last image has the drawings i put the most thought into, i always found greg to be a err... under-utilized charcter, i always thought that if greg was a better father in the show that it would create really interesting conflict within the plot. we do see it happen a couple times i guess. but like maybe there couldve been a plotline where greg is tryna take steven back from the gems after like hearing about the danger he gets put through during missions or the way the gems treat him sometimes. just imagen steven universe custody battle au LMAOOO, id love to hear yalls thoughts or ideas in the comments!
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