#and if he gets a weapon you KNOW it's gonna be some kind of laser sword or blaster
stomach-rental · 10 months
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As you may recall I made a drawing of Louis as a magical girl here! That game didn't end up being able to happen and I DO want to spiff up his outfit again, but I am now in a new game with Will this round and he's got a magical girl outfit too >:)
William James Rowe belongs to @peachnewt and her series, Getting in Deep!
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deadsetobsessions · 28 days
Snart Jr.
Lovely prompt by @stealingyourbones in her long prompts list, in which Danny Phantom meets the Rogues of Central City! This will have multiple parts, I just haven't written them yet.
Disclaimer: I know very little about Captain Cold and Mirror Master despite having watched some of the Flash. The general vibe I get from Flash is that Flash just really cares about his rogues as evidenced by how he talks to them and doesn't immediately one-shot them like I'm pretty sure he could do. And that Captain Cold is a snarky asshole that just wants to steal things and follow his plans as planned? Tbh, the whole mini-arc/episode with him just felt like Snart was trying to coordinate the world's riskiest group project. He was so done by the end lmao
"Huh. That's new."
Danny hovered an inch off of the ground, having just been spat out by swirling green portal. He was going to have to get back to the Zone later to hot potato Skulker through a couple of portals in revenge. He had a math exam he had to study for, dammit.
Danny sighed. Might as well see what's happening. The portals rarely lead somewhere boring, and Danny was bored. He floated further in, form going intangible and invisible as he passed through thick but insulated marble walls. See, Jazz? He could totally plan ahead. He's also learning that he could probably rob a bank easily, but Danny would never.
"Never been spat out in a bank before," he hummed, eyes flickering on the numerous forms of cowering people in the lobby. The goons scattered about don't see him, but it would take another ghost to even detect his presence so it was to be expected. He moved further in with little hindrance and soon touched down onto polished floor behind two incredibly suspicious individuals.
"What-cha do-ing?"
The two figures, currently and obviously robbing a bank, whirled around in surprise. Their respective weapons whirred to a start before they stopped, baffled by the meta teen standing there with his white hair waving about and innocent look pasted all over his face.
Leonard Snart knew instinctively that the kid was so full of shit. He'd bet his entire plan on the fact that the kid knew exactly what kind of shit he was stirring. Still, Snart was guilty of a lot of things but direct child-endangerment wasn't ever one of them.
"How'd you get in here, kid?" Mirror Master raised his laser pistol, ready to distract and divert the kid with threats of violence- which Snart glared at him for- or with his hall of mirrors that he'd run to.
Danny shrugged. "I walked. If you guys didn't want me here, you should have guarded the place better."
"They were supposed to," Snart drawled. He cased the kid. Teen. The kid had a weird halo effect, that seemed to draw the eyes to the stylized letter on his hazmat suit. The kid was young. Meta. Non-hostile. "You trying to stop us?"
Danny shook his head. "Nah. Came from the Ghost Zone so 's really non'a my business. I was just being nosy."
Snart gave a curt nod and nudged Mirror Master back into cracking the security measures.
Mirror Master scoffed. "What the hell is a ghost zone?"
"I mean, it's pretty self explanatory, right? It's a zone where ghosts live. Hence, you know, Ghost Zone." Danny did a little jazz hands (oh, yeah, he was definitely gonna get Jazz to make that joke sooner or later) for emphasis.
Snart paused for the slightest bit before continuing with his task. Did ghosts exist?
"...Did the Flash send you here, kid?"
"I'm not a kid," Danny scowled, walking right up to them. He got enough of that from his own Rogues, thank you. "And what's a Flash?"
"The Flash, kid." Mirror Master corrected, shoving monitors and PC's and expensive looking office chairs into... a mirror dimension? Danny shrugged and rolled with it.
"Who's that? Your boss?"
"Local superhero, not our boss. You're not from here," Snart quickly deduced as a small smile wormed onto his face from successfully cracking the security without setting off an alarm. They'd have ten minutes before the system cycles the access codes again and flags the fraudulent ones. That should be enough time.
"Superhero? Are they fast? Actually, where is here?" Danny glanced around at the now bare security office like the Flash would show up.
The guy in green and yellow took everything not nailed down to the ground. Danny respected that, even if he kind of wanted to stop the robbery. But he's not really supposed to interfere. That would be uber rude, since it looked like the guy in the fur jacket seemed like he had planned everything precisely.
"You're in Central City, kid. Did you take a wrong turn trying to get to Keystone or something?" Green-yellow guy snorted.
"Gonna be real honest with you, I've got no idea where that is. What state are we in?" Danny followed as the pair rushed to the safe doors. He could offer to phase them through but no matter how flexible Danny's morals have become over the years, he was going to draw a line at actively helping a person commit crime.
"Kansas. Do you teleport? Are you a teleporting meta?" Snart asked, eyes intense as he both glared at Danny and pressed an ear to the safe door.
"Nah, I wish I could teleport. Getting to school would be so much faster. Kansas? Huh, I've never been."
"How lost are you, kid?" Mirror Master incredulously paused from robbing the packages that were delivered to the bank.
Danny shrugged. "Oh, I'm Danny. Who are you guys?"
"Captain Cold. That's Mirror Master."
Danny shifted as the safe clicks open. "So, uh, are you guys the villains here?"
Captain Cold shot him a weird look. "We're actively robbing a bank, kid. That should be obvious."
"Also, you're acting real calm for a kid speaking to two of Fawcett's best super-villains." Mirror Master chimed in, laser-ing off locks on deposit boxes and shoving cash and stuff into his mirror dimension.
Danny padded in after them. "Eh, you haven't shot at me- not even on sight- yet, which is more than I can say for law enforcement, so you're pretty chill in my book."
Captain Cold snorted, pointedly taking his freeze gun and breaking off a large manual lock. "I believe it's my job to be the chill one. Plus, we don't kill. The Flash would be up our... business if we did. It's not worth the trouble."
"You can say ass. I've heard worse."
"Not from me, kid."
Danny hadn't had that kind of consideration from anyone in a long time. Even if it's a bit... mother-hennish, the halfa couldn't find it in him to be annoyed. "Ah, okay. Well, you also haven't kidnapped me or tried to stop me from following you, so..."
Mirror Master shoved a giant painting into his dimension. "You haven't tried to stop us; it'd be weird trying to stop you."
"Makes sense."
"Heh. You're alright, kid. Though... who's kidnapping you?"
"My fruit loop of a godfather. It's a thing," Danny avoided the searching gaze like a pro.
"Hold this." Captain Cold said suddenly, giving Danny a massive dufflebag.
"Wait, what?"
Captain Cold began stuffing the bag with cash and once the money in the vicinity (not that much) went in, he said "Go look around. Having another person in here is a risk so you might as well make up for it."
Danny's calling it. Captain Cold was full of shit. The guy's a big softie. Danny smiled sheepishly and agreed. Danny circled the place, pointing out expensive looking stuff- "for fun" and not because they were nice to him- when he felt the tell-tale zaps of an anomaly in Clockwork's domain.
"Move!" He shouted at the two villains, both of whom dove out of the way. Instinctively, Danny threw out his gloved hands and iced the floors, instincts bristling at the incoming danger. His jaw dropped as a blur encountered the ice and went ass over tea kettle onto the floor, unable to stop its own momentum.
"Oh shit!" Danny uttered, eyes wide as the blur slammed into the opposite- reinforced- wall with a pained shout. The stopped person was wearing red, with a lighting bolt motif all over their uniforms. That implied speed. Speed implied "The Flash." Danny knew a hero when he saw one and he just iced him. Shit.
"What-" The Flash groaned. Mirror Master and Captain Cold gaped.
"OhmyancientsI'msosorrygottagobye!" Danny shouted.
"Hey, wait, kid-!" Captain Cold shouted. Danny ignored him, going invisible in a panic and sank into the ground, mortified. After thirty seconds of self-hatred, he zoomed out and away. Danny held his head in his hands as he flew back to where Amity was...
Only to stare down at the empty plots of land where his city was supposed to be. Danny shoved a hand into his chest and pulled out his phone.
[No results for Amity Park. Did you mean "Amity Arkham"?]
Any research he did after that only turned up a Jasmine Fellona, a budding neurobiologist in her field, and other people that were adjacent to the people Danny knew. But nothing, nothing from Amity Park.
"Oh, yeah, we're definitely not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy."
As the Flash stood around to keep an eye on the hand-cuffed villains, he couldn't help but ask.
"So, uh, Snart. Did you... get a kid?"
"What." Snart asked, incredibly done with this shit.
"You know. Snart junior? With the ice and everything?" Flash gestured at the un-melting ice that covered the floor leading into the safe. "I mean, I'm not thrilled you're pulling your kid into a life of crime..."
"Wait, you had a kid and didn't tell me?" Mirror Master asked, mildly offended. "That was your kid? No wonder no one shot at him!"
"He's not my kid." Snart gave Flash the stink-eye. "And don't you have a couple of baby sidekicks running around?"
"C'mon dude, you're so obviously fond of him. It's okay, you don't have to hide it." Flash avoided the topic... in a flash.
"Can someone arrest me right now so these idiots can be removed from my vicinity?" Snart snarked to the approaching officer, jerking his head to point at the beaming Flash.
"You and me both, buddy," Officer West sighed.
One trip to the zone and a stressful conversation with Clockwork later, Danny was found in his keep, smacking his ghost head into the ghost wall of his ghost keep. Danny would unleash a Wail if it didn't have the nasty habit of bringing everything around him.
Apparently, he got "Amity'd," a process which meant Amity spat him out like an over chewed dog bone and refused to take him back.
"That doesn't even make sense! I left there a bunch of times! And came back!"
"The city has decided that it was your time to leave, Danny." Clockwork spared a wane smile for the curled up boy-king.
"I have people to protect there! My entire life! My haunt!" Danny yelled, breaths that he didn't technically need coming shorter and shorter. The neon green of the Zone whirled in and out of his vision in a dizzying shudder of anxiety and incoming panic.
"It wasn't your haunt, I'm afraid. The city nurtured you as a young spirit- thus shared her haunt- and has decided that it was time for you to... leave the nest, so to speak."
That stopped Danny's panic in its tracks. "Are you telling me she NightVale-d me? Some kind of involuntary coming-of-age bs?"
If he weren't on the edge of hysterical laughter, Danny would take a moment and proudly say to Mr. Lancer that he had paid attention in class.
"Fuck." Danny dropped his head down in despair. His head made a loud thunk. The bag of cash he'd accidently made away with sat innocently at his feet. Further proof that it wasn't some nightmare he'd wake up from anytime soon.
Danny slumped over the desk, exhausted. Technus had lent him a ghostly hand and hacked into government data bases to re-establish his social security number and all the other dumb bits and bobs that he needed to establish his identity because Amity was an actual ghost town. Ghost to reality, ghost to real life. Ancients, Amity even had their own data network, which he couldn't access outside of Amity itself. This meant that Danny couldn't even call anyone. Ugh.
"I gotta find a place to live," he mumbled to himself. Danny, despite knowing that he needed to do things, did not move for another ten minutes.
Then, as his phone alarm went off, buzzing on the table. Like... Clockwork... Danny sat up straight and wiped all traces of wallowing self pity off his face. The people in the library- students- gave him solemn nods of solidarity. Danny nodded back and left the library.
He wandered around Fawcett City, somewhere Clockwork had recommended he stayed. With Clockwork, recommendations tended to be life-important (plot-important?) orders. Danny liked the place, really. It gave off the weird and settled "what-the-fuck,-Box-Ghost-did-you-have-to-destroy-the-mall?" vibes Amity constantly gave off after the ghosts started coming through. He thought he even saw a talking tiger! Awesome.
"Hey, are you new here?"
Danny looked down. His reflection stared back at him.
Did he have another kid? Did someone clone him again? Ancients curse you, Vlad!
"Uh- yeah."
"Oh. Do you need help getting around? I was born and raised here all my life, so I can totally do that!"
Oh thank the Ancients, this wasn't another Dani. Just a weirdly similar looking kid.
"You know I'm a stranger, right?"
"I don't think anyone helping Nanny Mae pick up her oranges would hurt kids," the kid said archly, but with a grin so like Dani, it made Danny miss his younger sister.
"Okay, you got me there. But still."
The kid sighed. "I know how to be safe, thanks. I'm Billy!"
"Danny. Nice to meet you."
"Okay, Danny, where you off to?"
"I'm actually trying to find a place that'll be cheap to rent." He's sixteen, but Danny could totally pass as eighteen. "I'm thinking about moving to Fawcett. It's nice here, with all the ambient magic and stuff."
This got him a wide-eyed look. "Do you use magic?"
"Something like that."
Danny took in the considering glint in Billy's eyes and decided that it was future!Danny's problem. Present!Danny was currently occupied with trying to stay off the streets. That giant bag of cash he'd accidently absconded with would be helpful and Danny felt kind of bad... but his growling stomach had chased that away quickly.
"This way!"
Danny shrugged his wavering morality off and followed the kid, shouldering his new and stolen duffle bag. If anything happened, he could just go ghost. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing that's happened in this city, Danny made sure to check.
"Have you been by the zoo?" Billy began to rattle off his favorite details about the Fawcett city zoo as he wove around the city.
Danny didn't think he'd actually have to go ghost.
"Not yet, actually. Is it true that there's a talking tiger there?"
"Yeah! Tawky Tawny! He's my friend!"
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dinodaweeb · 2 months
Surprise, Bub | ᡣ𐭩
Deadpool x Gn!Reader x Wolverine
summary: You break into Deadpool’s house to confront him only to find a mysterious man who’s kind of your type.
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— ᡣ𐭩
Breaking into Deadpool’s apartment was almost too easy. You’d expected more—laser tripwires, explosives, maybe a pit of rabid raccoons. Instead, there was a simple lock, easily picked, and now you were standing in his living room, clutching your gun with a mix of tension and adrenaline.
The place was as chaotic as you’d imagined: mismatched furniture, a clutter of weapons and comic books, and the faint smell of old pizza lingering in the air. You glanced around, your eyes narrowing as you prepared to confront the man who had been causing you so much grief lately.
But before you could locate your target, a deep, gravelly voice interrupted your thoughts.
“You lost, bub?”
You spun around, gun aimed and ready, but the sight that met you was… unexpected. A man stood in the doorway, arms crossed over a broad chest. He was ruggedly handsome, with wild hair and piercing eyes that seemed to cut through you. There was an air of danger around him, something primal that made your heart beat a little faster.
“Who the hell are you?” you demanded, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Logan,” he replied, his voice carrying a low, rumbling growl. “And I could ask you the same thing.”
Before you could respond, the familiar, obnoxiously cheerful voice of Deadpool echoed through the room.
“Hey! Look who decided to drop in unannounced!” Wade exclaimed, popping up behind Logan. He looked between the two of you, a mischievous grin spreading across his masked face. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.”
You shot Wade a glare. “I came here to settle things with you, not—”
“Not to get distracted by my handsome, hairy friend here?” Wade interrupted, waggling his eyebrows. “I mean, I don’t blame you. Logan’s a catch. But hey, we can all play nice, right?”
Logan let out a snort, his eyes never leaving yours. “You got some guts breaking into this place, kid.”
“I’m not a kid,” you retorted, feeling a little braver than before. “And I came here to—”
“To kick my ass?” Deadpool interjected, bouncing over to you with an exaggerated pout. “Aw, you shouldn’t have. I’m flattered, really. You know, peanut over here tried the same thing one time.”
Before you could even begin to respond, Wade wrapped an arm around your shoulder, leaning in close. “But I gotta warn ya, if you’re gonna take me on, you gotta deal with him too.” He jerked his thumb toward Logan, who was now smirking at the both of you.
You weren’t sure what you’d expected when you broke into Deadpool’s apartment, but this was definitely not it. Confronting one was bad enough, but both of them together? The thought should have made you uneasy, but instead, there was something thrilling about it. The tension in the room was thick, charged with an energy that was both dangerous and alluring.
“What’s it gonna be, bub?” Logan asked, his voice low and challenging. “You gonna make a move, or are you just here to gawk?”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked between them. You could feel Wade’s eyes on you, feel the heat radiating from Logan’s presence. This wasn’t what you’d planned, but maybe plans were overrated.
You squared your shoulders, smirking back at Logan. “Maybe I’m here for both.”
Wade let out a delighted cackle. “Oh, I like this one, Logan. Can we keep him?”
Logan just chuckled, shaking his head. “We’ll see about that, Wade.”
“Besides, you already got a pet.”
Before you knew it, the tension shifted from dangerous to something else entirely. Wade’s hands were on your shoulders, his masked face inches from yours, while Logan stepped closer, his presence towering and imposing.
The confrontation you’d come for was far from over. But as you stood there between them, you realized that maybe, just maybe, this was exactly where you wanted to be.
You stared at Logan’s chest and grinned.
Definitely where you wanted to be.
“Now time to stop the one-shot or we’ll end up forcing the author to write a threesome.” Wade implied.
“Ugh.” You and Logan both groaned at his comment.
a/n: I would apologize but im not sorry.
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skzdarlings · 1 year
the heist team | the threesome series ; skz ; minho/reader/changbin
threesome series part 2/4.
pairing: lee minho/reader/seo changbin content info: sexual content. threesome. friends2lovers. very cheesy criminal heist shenanigans (very "we're in" style hacking and some laser grids lol). "fake" kissing, getting sexy as a distraction, giving sex directions, sexual tension that gets resolved. pussy eating, dick sucking, coming inside. purple haired minho bc meow <3
The camper van was the best idea you ever had.  It is much easier to enact dastardly schemes while inconspicuously hiding in plain sight. 
On the outside, the van looks like any civilian camper, but the inside is a veritable den of high-tech con-artistry.   It has a place for Minho to hang the get-ups for his grifting gambits, a compartment for Changbin to store his weapons and down-time dumbbells, and it has the sexiest, sleekest, most mouth-watering computer apparatus that has ever existed.  You love it more than anything in this world. 
Every job, you sit in the midst of your beloved computer screens, directing the operation while your boys do the ground work.  Despite knowing of your undying love for this system, your best friends and partners-in-crime are presently trying to separate you from your baby.
“Is she calling the computer her baby again?”  Minho asks from where he is getting dressed behind a curtain. 
“Yes,” Changbin says.  He is sitting in your computer chair with his arms distractingly crossed, his biceps bulging in his tight black shirt.  He is wearing a lot of lycra, having formerly anticipated he would be doing physical work tonight.
That all changed when you realized the nature of tonight’s job. 
You only ever target the obscenely rich, the kind of wealth that is obtained through its own nature of theft and villainy.  Tonight’s targets are a bunch of pompous elites celebrating themselves.  Upstairs is a gala kicking off a week-long set of dinners, auctions, and celebrations.   Downstairs is millions of dollars worth of art and antiquities, set to go up for auction the following day.  
It looked like a typical job, the kind where Minho could sweet-talk some fools while Changbin punched some security guards and you hacked the vault from the van.  The security system around the haul turned out to be far more advanced.  Operating with a form of artificial intelligence, it essentially learns as it goes, meaning hacking it from the outside is incredibly difficult as it will understand and respond to invasion.  It will be easier to outsmart from the inside, where you can reach your hand into its virtual heart and pluck its digital ventricles one by one. 
The boys do not have that kind of computer knowledge.  So now Changbin is in your chair, Minho is doing his make-up, and you are waving around an emergency cocktail dress. 
“Who’s gonna watch my baby if I’m in there!”  
“Yah! Rude woman!  You remember who helped you build this thing?” Changbin pats one of the computer towers to make his point.  “I can do the basic work in here, but I can’t do your complicated nerd things.” 
“I’m not a nerd!”  You definitely are.  You stare at the cocktail dress morosely.  “You’re forgetting something super important. That I am a total weirdo and I panic whenever someone looks at me! There’s a reason I don’t do the people side of things!  That’s what you guys are good at!”
“Technically I just hit them,” Changbin says. 
“You are plenty charming when you want to be and you know it,” you say. 
Changbin folds his hands behind his head, flexing all his muscles while grinning. 
“How charming?” he teases, cocky.  “Describe it to me.” 
“Shut up.”  You hit him with the cocktail dress to hide the fact he got you genuinely flustered.  “I can’t go in there.  People will know I don’t belong the second I walk in the room.  We won’t even get close enough to the computer bank for me to disarm it because they’ll get one look at me and throw me out the window.” 
“That won’t happen,” Minho says.   His changing area is behind you and you hear the metallic slide of the curtain opening.  “Because you won’t be going in there alone.”  
You don’t even have to turn around to know Minho looks devastatingly gorgeous; it is written all over Changbin’s shocked face.  His arms lower from behind his head and his cocksure expression shifts, his lips parting as he stares past you.  
Despite having the benefit of bracing yourself, you are still struck dumb when you turn and look at Minho.  It was always in the plan that Minho would serve as a distraction at the gala.  To stand out accordingly, he dyed his hair with temporary dye this morning.  The vibrant purple was more amusing than sexy when his hair was messy, but now it is neatly styled back, slick and off his handsome face.  He is dressed all in white, his asymmetrical suit partially slit at the side to show some skin.  There is an extra sparkle from his jewelry, plus the lightest dab of glitter in the sharper contours of his face.  He is practically glowing. 
He knows he looks good.  His mouth quirks in a little smirk at your expressions.  You and Changbin are both gawping at him, and it goes on long enough that his eyebrows lift and his smirk puckers with a surprised laugh. 
“What? Really?” he asks, still laughing at you. 
Changbin does an unexpected sign of the cross.  You hit him with the cocktail dress again. 
“Fine,” you say, mostly to have an excuse to duck behind the curtain because you think you might explode from lust and embarrassment and anxiety all at once.  “At least no one will be looking at me.” 
You step behind the curtain and snap it closed, leaving the boys to their banter. 
You like dressing up so this part is no problem.  The problem with parties is other people.  You wholeheartedly admit you are better with zeroes and ones than human beings.   
You try to focus on the fun elements of tonight: the dress, the glamour, and beating a high-tech security system at its own game.  It will be so fun to have a real challenge for once.  You know you can beat it but it will definitely push you more than your usual digital adversaries.
Also, you get to look at Minho looking like that.  Your view of the boys is usually through security cameras, nestled in your van surrounded by your operating system, so the proximity will be a treat. 
You open the curtain, scowling.  You do not enjoy socializing so you seldom have occasion to dress up, so you anticipate the boys will lovingly berate you.  But when you step forward, Changbin looks at you with the same dumbfounded expression he had for Minho.  Minho is sitting on the bench, knees apart and arm slung across the backrest.  His expression gets very serious when he looks at you.  He shimmies his hips, his knees parting further. 
“Turn around,” he says.  
The van feels so tense and quiet that you obey, more confused than anything else. 
Changbin’s gaze drops to your ass immediately, his jaw visibly clenching.  Minho tips his head like he is studying something. 
“Thank you,” Minho says. 
You face them again, hot in the face.  You cross your arms angrily. 
“What was the point of that?” you demand.
Minho lifts a single eyebrow.  “I wanted to see your ass,” he says, like it should be obvious.  “It’s a good one.  You should be proud.” 
You throw your sweatpants at his stupid smirk.  He catches it smoothly. 
“Can we just go already?”  You punctuate this with a stomp of your foot then storm out of your precious van. 
It is very strange being on this side of the operation.  You always have Minho and Changbin nattering in your earpiece, but usually you are sitting at your desk wearing proper headphones.  It is strange wandering around with a tiny bud in your ear, listening to Changbin report from your usual seat. 
You already have control of the hotel security cameras as they work on a separate operating system to the storeroom AI.  You replaced the live feed with a looping reel of empty rooms so the security team inside will not see you moving around.  It also gives Changbin a bird’s eye view of the gala and the rest of the hotel.  You feel anxious at not seeing it for yourself, but you are placated when Changbin whistles and teases, “You two are the best looking there.  You would be second best looking if I was there, so you’re lucky I’m not.” 
You and Minho both smile, your expressions fond.  
Minho gets you in the door with little more than a wink at the doorman.  You stay quiet, hiding your nerves as best you can.  Minho is a competent con-man and Changbin is plenty reliable so you try to focus on your own tasks.  First you need to get to the ground floor network base so you can get the AI to chase your red herring.  Once you are in, the AI will start responding, but with your virus acting as a decoy source within the building, you should be able to buy yourselves time to move onto the next phase of breaking down the system. 
“There’s a lot of muscle at this party,” Changbin says seriously, no doubt taking stock of all the burly security guards.  It is only natural Changbin would be as twitchy as you, also out of his element for the night.  “I don’t like not being there with you,” he says.  
“Easy,” Minho says in a calm voice.  You think it is directed at both you and Changbin.  He puts a hand on your lower back and gives you a knowing look.  “You’re doing fine,” he says.
You feel like terror is written all over your face.  It doesn’t help that Minho draws eyes the second you step into the hotel ballroom, men and women looking at him with the usual desire he draws.  They are equally curious to look at you, their eyes on where his hand rests intimately low on your spine. 
“I’m gonna hurl,” you say.
“Not a bad idea,” he says.  He smiles with so much effortless charm that no one would suspect he is whispering criminal tips.  “The best con,” he says, his lips brushing your ear, “is one that is close to the truth.”  You shiver as his fingertips brush up your spine.  He rests his hand on your nape.  “Look sick,” he says.  “We’ll say we’re looking for a restroom if someone asks.” 
You follow his lead, weaving your way through the party.  Looking sick is the easiest instruction to follow because you feel genuinely ill, your anxiety a toxic twist in your gut.  
Only when you are wandering the empty hotel corridor do you feel at ease.  You feel even more at ease when you find the ground floor network hub.  Your first obstacle is a regular alarm code, twelve digits in length.  It is obviously too long to guess so you physically unscrew the alarm box and start some manual fiddling.  There is no way to fully disarm it without also setting it off, but that’s where your own AI gadget comes into play.  You plug in your cypher scrambler and let it do its thing.  It flickers through numbers, seeking the correct pattern, learning from its errors.  You designed it yourself and though it is always accurate, it takes a while to pull the numbers.  You and Minho are forced to hover in the hallway while it gradually reveals each piece of the code. 
You are up to number seven out of twelve when Changbin inhales sharply. 
“There’s a waiter walking in your direction,” he says.  “It looks like he’s taking a shortcut to somewhere else, but you have less than two minutes until he’s on you.”
 “What!”  You start to panic immediately.  “My decipher machine could take longer than that, what do we—”
“Relax, relax!”  Changbin says at the same time Minho steps behind you and grasps your shoulders.  He makes little shushing noises while massaging you, not that it does much to help. 
“We’re good,” Minho says.  “It’s just a waiter, not security.” 
“I’m gonna get us killed,” you say. 
“By a waiter?”  Minho asks.  He gives your shoulders another squeeze.  “Is he going to beat us with a baguette?  Hey, hey, relax.”
You are a vibrating bundle of nerves.  Minho is not usually the type to dive into a hug but he turns you around and pulls you into his arms.  You wrap your arms around his middle and hug him back, hiding your face in his neck. 
“Yeah, that will work,” Changbin says. 
“Huh?” you say, lifting your head. 
Minho is staring into a security camera as if having a mute exchange with Changbin.  He nods in agreement, though you still don’t understand. 
“What will work?” you ask. 
“Distraction,” Minho says.  You just look at him with confusion. 
“Baby,” Changbin says in a soft tone, “listen to my voice.”
The sudden gentleness of his voice makes you shiver.  Your fingers are shaking when Minho takes your hand and rests it over his heart.  You look up into his dark eyes as he smiles at you with familiar fondness.  You open your mouth to speak but he shakes his head, shushing you gently.  His eyes drift to the side in anticipation of an intruder. 
“Baby,” Changbin says, his honeyed tone softening your nerves, “Minho is going to kiss you.  Just do what I say, okay?” 
Your heart skips a beat, your eyes widening.
“You trust us?”  Changbin asks. 
You nod, answering Changbin, gazing at Minho. 
It’s the truth.  You might be scared but you have been scared before and your boys always come through.  Even when the rest of the world left you behind, when you turned to crime to keep yourself alive, Minho and Changbin were there.  They have never let you down.  You trust them with anything and everything. 
Minho slips his hand around your waist, pulling you close to him.  You have been close before, sharing the van, sharing hotel rooms, but this feels different.  He looks at you with intent, his handsome face so close, a strand of dark purple hair curled over his forehead.  Your hand finds that patch of bare skin when you touch his side.  He is familiar and foreign at once, your Minho, and also a character, one who clasps his hand behind your back and ducks down to gently kiss your lips. 
“Take a breath, baby,” Changbin says with a little chuckle.  “You look like you’re going to pass out.” 
“Mmf,” is the noise you make, affirming that observation.   It makes Minho laugh, a breath against your lips. 
“Waiter is thirty seconds away.  You just want to look like a dumb, horny couple that wandered away from the party,” Changbin says.  “Listen to me, I’ll tell you what do.”
You nod, sucking in a breath when Minho kisses you again.  This time his mouth is a little more insistent, his lips coaxing yours open. 
“Close your eyes, baby,” Changbin says.  “Let your shoulders drop.  Minho has you, it’s okay.” 
You didn’t even realize how tense your shoulders were.  You listen to Changbin, letting yourself go lax.  Minho holds you, as promised, his arms sturdy around your waist as he kisses you deeply. 
“Let Minho move you,” Changbin says. “He’s going to lean you against the wall to hide the device, okay?  Put your hands on his shoulders.  Higher, baby, go around his neck.  Just like that.  Let him lead you.” 
Minho walks you backwards, carefully pressing you against the wall, hiding the dangling cypher scrambler with your bodies. 
“We wanna give our intruder a little jump scare, okay?”  Changbin says.  “Minho.”  
That is all the direction he gives Minho, trusting the adept con-man to know exactly what to do.  Minho does, his hands sliding down to your hips to pull them flush against his.  It arches your back.  Your hands are hooked behind his neck and you squeak, your fingers instinctively sinking into his hair. 
“God,” Changbin says.  The sudden dark colour to his voice sends a spark of heat shooting through you.  It clearly surprises Minho too, his lips parting with a caught breath.  “You both look hot.  Fuck.” 
Changbin takes a steadying breath.  You and Minho look at each other.  You get to see his smirk for a split second, then his mouth is on yours and it is no longer gentle and questioning.  It is a demand, hot and wanting, your lips opening with his guidance, your heart skipping beats when he licks in your mouth. 
“Do it back,” Changbin says.  “You want him to fuck you, baby.  Make him believe it.”
You think the him is question is the waiter.  Isn’t it?  You don’t even know where the waiter is anymore, if he’s around the corner or watching.  In the haziness of your kiss, it hardly seems to matter.  You kiss Minho back with the same urgency, pulling him closer, whimpering when he bites your bottom lip. 
“Fuck,” is the gentle whisper that Minho can’t fight.  His brow is crinkled, his eyes closed.  He kisses you again, his hands jumping up to gather yours.  He laces his fingers with yours and presses your hands into the wall on either side of your head. 
“Wrap your leg around his waist,” Changbin says.  “Like that, that’s it, you’re okay.” 
You lift one leg, shaky and unsure.  Minho catches you under the knee and pulls it more certainly around him.  He holds you there, his other hand grasping your throat very gently as he kisses and kisses and kisses you.  Your hands are still splayed open by your head, thoughtlessly awaiting direction.  Your fingers curl into your palm and you moan for real when Minho presses against you. 
Minho is a good actor, but the hard shape in his pants is very real.  When he grinds against you, so open and soft with your leg around his waist, it draws all those guttural sounds right out of you.  Minho makes one back, swivelling his hips in a maddening grind against you.  It is all too easy to imagine him fucking you like this, the effortless back-and-forth of his hips, your sweet sighs as he takes you, imagining Changbin there, his breath also stuttering. 
You do not forget he is watching all this, especially when he lets another low laugh and asks, “She feel good?”
“Yes,” Minho answers without hesitation, breathing the word against your lips. 
“Hold his face, baby,” Changbin says.  “Kiss him like you mean it.  Ask him to fuck you with it.”
You know what he means by that: to kiss Minho with fervency and heat.  You do obey, cupping his face with both hands and kissing him deeply, but the fuzziness of desire mixed with Changbin’s words makes your brain go screwy with want.  Not only does your kiss convey that desire, but words rush past your mouth, crashing into Minho’s lips in a breathless flurry.
“Fuck me, fuck me, please,” you say, your voice pitching up into a little whine as you rock against him.  “Want you to fuck me so bad, baby,” you say, thinking of both of them at the same.   You kiss Minho’s surprised, open mouth, your eyes closed, your voice loud in this hazy space as you say, “I’ve been thinking about it all night.  Need it so bad.  Please.  Want you inside me.  Want my mouth on you.  Come in me.  Come on me.  Take me, please.  I’m so hot and wet, it’ll feel so good, don’t you want to feel how wet I am?  Don’t you want to fuck me too?”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Changbin says, followed by a rush of even more inventive curses.
Minho settles on another simple, surprised, “Fuck.” 
Then someone is clearing their throat.  Minho jumps, his hands clamping tighter around you, protective. 
“Oh, right, this clown,” Changbin says.  “I hate that he’s too far away too punch.” 
You giggle in spite of yourself, which is good because you think you might simultaneously die of embarrassment.  You drop your leg and Minho lets you go, pulling himself together faster than you. 
You let him do his thing, sliding a hand through his hair and smirking at the waiter as he saunters over.  He makes his little speech, something-something-something a moment alone with the missus, something-something sorry-sorry-sorry.   He walks the waiter back around the corner, giving you a knowing glance over his shoulder. 
Thank god your cypher scrambler has its act together, even if you are a mess.  It takes you longer to right yourself than it does for the scrambler to finish its job.  Your hands are shaking as you break into the hub, but muscle memory takes over when you have your mini-laptop open. 
Minho joins you a minute later.  Your entire body lights up like a firework when he steps close to you.  Nothing in his expression conveys anything more than professionalism – his queries are about the job and the job alone – but there is an ache between your thighs that won’t subside.  You know he feels the same way as you can see he is still hard despite how much he glares at the wall.  He adjusts his pants several times while standing in that closet of a hub with you.  You keep glancing at each other, your gazes heady, speaking volumes more than your polite conversation.   
When you leave and he puts his hand on your lower back, you shiver.  You think you might double over from the persistent thumping of your easily-distracted pussy. 
Changbin lets out a long sigh and a nervous giggle.  “Good work, team,” he says. 
You have worked enough jobs that you manage to set aside your personal feelings for the time being.  It is easy to lose yourself in your work, especially when you really have to fight the security system.  
You get inside the storeroom.  You know it is filled with more traps and alarms so you sit down beside the door and type away on your laptop.  You nearly break a sweat with the intensity of your work. 
“She’s hot when she’s doing her thing,” Changbin suddenly says. 
You lift your head and catch Minho’s eye.  He smiles at you.  “I agree,” he says. 
Your heart starts skipping beats again.  You look down at your laptop, feeling uncharacteristically shy under his gaze. 
“Don’t distract me,” you say, making both of them laugh a little.  You glare at Minho but there is no real animosity behind it. 
At least they both acquiesce, going silent while you work.  You manage to disarm most of the storeroom.  The best you can do for the remainder of traps is trigger their subsequent lighting rigs so you can see them all.  A labyrinth of blue light brightens the dark entry room, revealing each laser trigger that blocks your path to the locked compartments. 
You look up at Minho whose calculating gaze is already tracing each intricate beam. 
“Got it?”  Changbin asks.
Minho starts unbuttoning his suit.  “Always,” he says, smirking. 
Minho flips the blazer down his arms, revealing just a tight white crop top beneath it.  His jacket, shoes, and jewelry form a pile beside you.   Minho does a few quick stretches before confidently approaching the laser grid. 
Before his criminal life, Minho was a dancer, and a good one.   He draws the same graceful lines with his body now, making each manoeuvre look easy even though you know it is incredibly difficult. 
“He’s hot when he’s doing his thing,” Changbin says.
“Yeah,” you say, biting your lip and watching Minho move.  “Gotta agree.” 
Minho slips over and under each laser, twisting and bending and sliding with ease.  He pops up on the other side with a graceful twirl, throwing you a wink over his shoulder before flipping a switch on the control panel.  It powers down the censors so you can scurry across the room to join him. 
The compartment door unlocks with your final hacked access code, the door swinging open to reveal your loot.  Changbin gives a successful holler into your earpiece, making you and Minho duck with his volume. 
“I’ll bring the car around, baby,” Changbin says while you two roll your eyes but smile. 
You pack your fold out bags with your selections.  One key to success is never being overly greedy.  You walk away with a substantial victory nonetheless.    
You hurry out of the storeroom with your prize haul.  Minho gets dressed again, though he doesn’t button up his jacket.  He takes a second to catch his breath while you restore each alarm so nothing appears out of place.   When you are ready to go, he takes your hand, smiling.  You run hand-in-hand back down the corridor, making a few sharp turns until you find a staff exit.  There is a small drop so Minho jumps down first then holds out his arms for you.  Though you could make the jump easily, you still let yourself fall into his arms.  
He holds you close as he puts you on your feet.  You are riding the high of adrenaline and success, your heart soaring, which might be why you so easily surrender to desire.   You kiss him, sudden and brief but tantalizing.  He blinks back at you with surprise, his face scrunching with that astonished little laugh of his.   
You smile at him.  A line of sweat dots his hairline and you reach up, smoothing some messy strands of purple hair.  The gentle caress changes the whole shape of his face, his eyes heavy-lidded, his breathing harder.  You feel yourself change too, your heart pounding against his chest when he pulls you close. 
You got greedy with that kiss and greediness has consequences.  You are so distracted with each other that you don’t notice the security guards coming at you from the opposite direction. 
“Hey!” one shouts.  “What are you doing out here?” 
You and Minho look over, then at each other.  There is no time for conversation.  You grab each other’s hands and start running, your bags of stolen goods bouncing on your shoulders. 
“Hey!” the security guard shouts again.  You can hear their heavy footsteps thundering after you, fast despite their muscle and bulk. 
You turn the corner onto a backstreet just in time for the camper van to swing into view.  The door slides open and Changbin jumps out.  You pass each other, dropping hands so Changbin can dart between you.  
Panting, you and Minho watch as Changbin effortlessly takes down the guards. 
“He’s hot when he’s doing his thing,” you say, giggling.
Minho laughs, nodding.  “I agree,” he says. 
Minho takes the steering wheel so you can apologize to your baby for abandoning her.  Changbin jumps back in the van and the three of you drive away with another successful haul. 
Later, back at the penthouse, Minho takes the longest shower in an effort to scrub the purple out of his hair.  You are in your bedroom when he finally emerges.  You can hear him and Changbin talking in the living room.  By the sounds of it, the purple is still threaded in his dark brown hair, likely to last a few more days.  You smile to yourself, listening to their playful back-and-forth as Changbin teases him and Minho snarkily retaliates. 
It is tradition after a successful job to have a few drinks and relax.  Contacting your fence and taking care of business can wait until tomorrow. 
You can hear the usual music playing through the speakers, can hear the clink of bottles and glasses, can hear Changbin and Minho laughing and talking. 
You look at your reflection in the mirror.  Though you seldom have occasion to wear pretty luxuries, you have enough money at your disposal to treat yourself.   You have been changing in and out of different lingerie sets since you got home.  You think this one might be just right: a silky black set worn under a lacy black dress that falls to your thighs.  It is suggestive but arguably casual.  You could just be wearing it as pyjamas, right?  Sure.  Sure.  Totally normal pyjamas for a totally normal night.
The best con is one that is close to the truth, Minho had said.  Then he stuck his tongue in your mouth and you begged him to fuck you with Changbin’s help.  Even you, who is terrible at reading and understanding people, know what truth was in that charade. 
You take a deep breath and march to your bedroom door with determination.  You throw it open so hard that it smashes into the wall, startling the boys in the other room.  You ignore the crash and scurry into sight, avoiding eye contact.
“Hello,” you say.
There is a moment of prolonged silence then Changbin says, “Hi.”
You look up.  They are both staring at you, both wide-eyed, both in sweatpants and t-shirts with their hair undone and fluffy.  They look very casual and very surprised.  Minho is clutching a beer bottle and Changbin is holding a bowl of popcorn.  Both of them are frozen.
You smile a very awkward smile.
“Hello,” you say again.  “I am… I am… dressed.  For bed.  My bed.  For being in my bed, like this, as I am dressed right now.  I am going to that bed, now, like this.  You can… join me.  If you want.  If you don’t want, then, okay.  Hello.  And.  Goodbye.  Bye.” 
You run back to your bedroom and slam the door closed. 
Other than the soft music still swirling in the air, the penthouse is quiet.  You cannot hear the boys, not a comment, not a sound, not a breath.
Then you hear the popcorn bowl hit the ground and a bottle smash.  They shove and yell at each other as they stumble on the way to your bedroom.  You are standing awkwardly in the middle of your room, hands folded in front of you, waiting as they crash into your bedroom door and curse at each other. 
Changbin then very casually opens the door and they calmly walk inside. 
“Hello,” you say. 
“Hi,” Changbin replies. 
You wish thoughts could be hacked like a computer.  You cannot think of what to say or do next.  You just stare at them and they stare back, although their gazes are considerably less nervous.  Their stares are thirsty, drinking you in, looking from top to bottom and back again. 
“Turn around,” Minho says, his gaze low. 
You meet Changbin’s eye before obliging, slowly turning.
“Okay,” Minho says after a long moment, giving your heart plenty of time to go crazy in your chest.  “Thank you.” 
You turn back around, just as embarrassed as earlier but not angry at all.  You cross your arms over your chest, flicking your gaze between them. 
Minho reaches out and lightly punches Changbin on the arm.  Changbin looks at him and Minho gives him a look, one you cannot decipher.  You continue to stare at them. 
Changbin nods at Minho then looks at you.  He holds out his hand. 
“Breathe, baby,” he says.  “You look like you’re gonna pass out.”
You laugh but nod, taking his hand.  He wastes no time pulling you close, guiding your hand to his heart as Minho did earlier.  He holds your hand there and waits until you make eye contact so he can wink at you. 
“I know I am the best looking man you have ever seen in your life,” he says, making you laugh again, “but I’m me.  You trust us?”
You look at him then at Minho.  His dark hair is still tinted purple, his bare face open and soft as he meets your eye.  You smile and look back at Changbin, nodding. 
“Always,” you say. 
“Good,” Changbin says. 
He cups your face and you lean towards him, anticipating a kiss, but he gently turns your face aside.  You don’t even have time to be confused before Minho is kissing you.  He swiftly draws all those sweet sounds out of you, pulling you towards him.  Changbin steps behind you, holding your hips and kissing his way up your neck to your ear. 
“Baby,” Changbin says while Minho slows his kiss to something gentle but heated, his tongue swiping at yours.  “Listen to my voice, okay?” 
You nod, light-headed but eager. 
“Good,” Changbin says.  “Come sit in my lap.  Over here.” 
Changbin is strong enough to haul you around.  You barely have to move, letting yourself go soft in his arms.  He sits on the edge of the bed and puts you in his lap, spreading your legs over his thighs.   You stare up at Minho, out of breath, your thighs twitching to close for pressure.  Changbin slides a hand down, stroking your inner thigh and making you jump, his other hand tugging down your dress and immediately going for your breast. 
Minho sweeps a hand through his hair, taking a breath before stepping up to you. 
“Still want your mouth on him, baby?”  Changbin asks, reminding you of all the things you whispered in that heated moment.  
You nod, whimpering when Changbin slides his hands into your panties and touches you directly.  He circles and circles the most sensitive cluster of nerves, grunting and pressing his lips to your neck. 
“She’s so fucking wet,” Changbin says.  He slips his hand out of your panties and abruptly grabs Minho by the hand, tugging him closer.   Minho brings that hand to his mouth, licking your wetness off Changbin’s fingertips.  “Touch him baby,” Changbin says.  “You see how hard he is for you?”
You can see.  You can feel Changbin too, hard under you.  Their sweatpants do little to disguise it. 
You do not hesitate obeying, tugging on the waistband of Minho’s sweats.  Everything feels so dreamy and good, surrounded by touch.  It all seems to happen quickly; suddenly Changbin’s hand is in your panties, Minho’s dick is in your mouth, and Minho’s hands are tugging the straps of your dress down.   This ends with you drooling messily all over the end of his dick, sucking on the head and murmuring nonsense while Changbin makes you come on his fingers.  Then Minho kneels in front of you both, your legs end up over his shoulders, and you find yourself hurtling towards another orgasm on his mouth. 
You dress ends up somewhere, the panties too.  The bra is barely on, the straps hanging down your arms.  Changbin finally kisses you when you are on your back in the middle of the bed.  He lays between your open legs, his fingers filling you up as you continue to gush all over his hand.  You grab him, squeezing his biceps as he effortlessly moves that strong hand between your legs.  Minho climbs up too, his shirt somewhere across the room.  He grabs your hands and pulls them over your head, pinning them into the pillows before ducking down to kiss you.   You come for a third time before either of them even fucks you. 
Then they do.  Minho first, with you under him, listening to every direction Changbin murmurs in your ear.  You lift your legs around his waist when Changbin says, then touch yourself when Changbin asks, and shudder when Minho comes inside you like you earlier begged. 
Then Minho is behind you, holding you, touching you, protective and familiar while Changbin fucks you.  Changbin has a surprisingly filthy mouth, continuing to tell you how good you feel and how good you look.  Minho is quiet but fully entranced by you, his hands constantly wandering.  He slides one hand down and rubs you off while Changbin fucks you.  Then he leans over your shoulder and kisses Changbin on the mouth, making Changbin finish too.  
The music is still playing in the next room.   The three of you lay there in various states of undress, you in the middle, sweaty and messy, the boys panting and gently stroking your arms and thighs. 
“I love you guys,” you say.  It is incredibly cliché to make a love confession after several mind-blowing orgasms, but you don’t care.   You don’t need to play games or tell lies or be good at socializing, not with your boys.   You can just be your nerdy self, confessing your feelings even while drifting into sleep. 
You smile when you feel Minho kissing your cheek, Changbin giggling on your other side. 
“It will have to be big,” Changbin says.  “The biggest.”
“Hmm?” you ask, looking at him strangely. 
“The diamond we steal to put on your finger,” Changbin says, holding up your hand and circling your ring finger.  You laugh and try to pull your hand back but Minho catches it, nodding in accord. 
“I agree,” Minho says.  He kisses your temple.  “I know how criminals work,” he adds.  “You’re not getting stolen away from us.” 
He and Changbin exchange an affectionate glance over you, nodding at each other, then they are each kissing a side of your face as you squirm and laugh.  You swipe at Minho’s purple hair and kiss Changbin’s cheek, then nestle into their arms as they wrap around you, protective as always. 
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brucewaynehater101 · 30 days
Okay so, saw you wonder “How does Space Emperor Tim handle war with his morals?” And I think that Tim doesn’t
More specifically I think he is able to accept that this is where he fails. He’s a master diplomat and great organization leader, and although he is great at tactics as a Robin, he’s not willing to lead a war. He’s not willing to sacrifice his moral compass in this way
And I think the empire respects this because, in spite of his personal objections to leading a war effort, he does not leave the planets stranded and defenseless…
He assigns Cassie as the many armies prime military commander
Each of the planets likely has their own military structure and command, as a mostly decentralized empire. But I think we also have a centralized mixed cultures/peoples/planets military to promote cross cultural exchange as well as the exchange of tactical knowledge
Cassie serves as the head of the military council responsible for overseeing both the centralized and decentralized military forces
Cassie has already been shown to be a capable leader with YJ and I think her Amazonian training has specifically well prepared her for commanding military forces (Idk her lore perfectly so correct me if wrong)
There’s obviously a lot of training and research needed to adjust Earth based tactics to space wars, but the JL and Batman likely already had some resources prepped for that. And as one of the Great Baby Emperors Glorious Consorts, the many leaders under her command are happy to assist in her training
Kon and Bart likely also help her, providing emotional support and serving as sound boards for her ideas, but she’s the military commander right now. And she’s gonna kick whatever alien equivalent of asses these attackers got
Tim probably also continues to help in his own way, managing logistics and supplies (really important for armies). He’s also probably assisting with developing new technologies to help in the battle given his skills in R&D (maybe it’s only medical advancements or maybe he feels okay developing ships or weapons, or maybe that’s where Bart gets to go to town making his fantastical sci-fi space lasers) Tim is not going to abandon his empire, they have stood by him through thick and thin, and he’ll give whatever he knows he is able to give them
So yeah, Tim might not be an Emperor who leads armies, but he doesn’t leave his worlds defenseless and gives Cassie the perfect opportunity to show the Timpire, and really the whole galaxy, just how badass she is !!!
Oh my gods, you are brilliant. Cassie would 100000% be the military commander (I don't know enough about her lore either, but that checks out).
Hmm... The only issue I can see is whether or not Cassie needs Tim's approval to go to war. She won't just do it for the hell of it, but Tim won't really approve of it either. Then again, maybe they should spend hours upon hours upon hours arguing about the necessity of going to war, considering how likely it will lead to casualties.
While Tim won't lead into war, I can see him going over "hypothetical" plans with Cassie. Maybe not in the middle of a war, but I could see Tim stealing GL/JL space war files and going over it with Cassie.
For angst reasons, YJ at first doesn't take going to war seriously. They're kids when this starts. Yeah, they've been through shit, but leading an empire to kill other people for whatever reason they deem is necessary? Probably not.
Instead, they train on space war strategy by making games out of it. Tim and Bart create a hallographic board game that incorporates various space war variables. It's a fun pass time of theirs with the excuse of "training" (not that they ever believe they'll need that kind of training).
After their first war, they never pick that game up again. They do provide it the generals of each planet, though, and have the planets compete against each other for friendly bonding.
Tim does help with the logistics and defense of the planets. None of it is lethal, but he does have extreme measures (I'm thinking about that one panel where he threatens to permanently deafen people).
Bart collaborates with the planets for space travel, war machines, and weapons for the military.
Kon may not lead, but he helps develop creative strategies and plans to assist Cassie.
Tim may be the emperor, but Cassie becomes the name feared among all enemy planets.
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thedawningofthehour · 3 months
I did the SPECIAL stats! Oh, for Fallout initiates:
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I used the New Vegas model for this, because you get literally twice as many SPECIAL points and also they got rid of skills and traits in Fallout 4.
So without further ado
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Obviously, our boy's gonna top out on Strength. I tagged Melee and Unarmed for obvious reasons, and Survival because of that one episode. No, actually, while in-game Survival is mainly used as a cooking skill I do feel like Raph would be good at camping, mending, all that outdoorsy stuff. If, you know, you got him away from New York long enough. The biggest danger would come from him not knowing what's safe to eat and erring on the side of 'shove this delicious-looking berry into my mouth.'
And Hot Blooded I felt was a good parallel to his savage mode.
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I made the decision not to top out any of Leo's skills because 1) he is so across-the-board powerful, and 2) he has a very lethal case of Dumbass. I waffled a bit on not making Charisma his highest skill, but I wanted to showcase how Leo's main talent lies in his smarts and wit. But still not at 10 because dumbass.
I mentioned in doth that Leo was crafted for agility, and while he definitely was I think Draxum's main intention with him was versatility. He's an all-around great fighter, but not particularly strong or defensive, and Donnie was likely meant to be the sneaky agile one. Leo was an all-rounder. And he gets Small Frame because my boy your arms look deflated.
And Skilled because again, Leo is a dumbass. Very smart but slow to catch on where he's not smart.
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My man is fucking jacked. Okay, I don't care what the writers said about Donnie being the weakest, man is second to Raph unless Mikey is being magical about it. Intelligence topped out, obviously, Perception is high but not quite as high as Leo's because he's a moron. Energy Weapons because I feel like Donnie would enjoy a laser gun.
Four Eyes because of the glasses he's pictured with as a kid. And Built To Destroy because he's Donnie.
(I've mentioned that Bella has a Charisma of 2. Donnie gets one more because he's the funny one)
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Mikey actually gave me the most trouble. I knew I was going to top out his Endurance, but the rest? I felt like I was undercutting everything but I only had 40 points to allocate. I tagged Explosives and Lockpick because-well, I just felt like he would like that.
Debated on Small Frame, felt like that kind of went against his whole defensive specialty, but I couldn't pass up the Agility boost.
I considered doing April but she'd be 10s across the board.
I might do a level-up later to give them some perks, we'll see.
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E Pluribrus Unum
pairing: steve harrington x female byers!reader
WC: 4.3K
warnings: cursing, byers interrogation with fist and blood, the fucking russians abusing kids. you get it.
summary: grime reapers in town.
A/N: ALL PARTS UNDER THE TAG - The Byers Harrington Story-
smack cam. also want to make it clear, robin and steve still had their heart to heart when byers was out of the room.
@alecmores​ giving them a heart attack everyday.
series masterlist / steve harrington
previous chapter  next chapter
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“They’re trying to open a new gate.” Words that you wished never had to leave your mouth.
You looked at Steve and Dustin and could tell they were thinking the same thing and knew the danger this would be bringing back to Hawkins.
“Guys, we gotta go.” Steve headed back to the door and with a winding arm urged everyone forward and down the stairs. Robin couldn’t stop the questions, “What is that?” “Why do you have that look on your face?” “Byers, are you gonna pass out?”
“I don’t understand. Have you seen this before?” Hurrying down the steps, Robin tried to get answers from the three of you. Dustin gave a vague, “Not exactly.”
“Then what, exactly?” She huffed. “All you need to know is that it's bad.”
“It’s really bad,” Steve added. He was in the back with you, once again holding your hands as it seemed your brain kept shutting down at the worst times. Your eyes just stared in front of you as your ear rang in its high-pitched frequency.
“Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad.” More dramatic flare from Dustin, but still on the nose. Robin turned to the tween, “And you know about this how?” Wanting to get answers.
No one was able to answer as Erica asked, “Um, Steve? Where’s your Russian friend?” And then a loud alarm went off. You felt like you were trapped on the Death Star about to be gunned down by poorly-aimed Stormtroopers.
“Shit.” Steve pulled the door open and you could see a bunch of people on the other side rushing to your enclosed space. Steve slammed it closed and then started to yell, “Go, go, go, go!” Making everyone go back up the stairs and through the room. “Move! Let’s move!”
All the scientists turned to the open door, but you didn’t have time to stop. “Go! Shit! Shit, shit, shit!”
Dustin went out a side door that led to stairs beside the glowing laser beam and you so badly wished to go back into the room. Dustin came to a stop where the edge cut off and the beam was right in his face. You could barely hear his repetitive cries of “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!”
There was a tug on your shirt and you turned to see Steve and Erica rushing down a new set of lower stairs, you made sure Robin and Dustin were right behind as you pushed yourself to run forward. More guards came into the room so Steve pushed some barrels hoping to stall them, it was like they were coming from all directions and you were getting overwhelmed.
“Guys! This way!” And Robin took the lead and pushed open a new door. “Come on, quick!”
Steve was right behind you as he shut the door and leaned his weight against it. “Robin!” She rushed over and pushed her small frame onto the door. Erica and Dustin were looking for a way out and you… you just froze.
You fucking froze from fear and panic and dread. You froze when Steve and Robin could use your help or look for a way out with Erica and Dustin or just a weapon if worse comes to worst, but no. You fucking froze and tears were blurring your vision and your feet felt like two-hundred-pound weights, and your arms were buzzing with the sting of a thousand bees. Your breathing was coming in inconsistent rhythms, a sign you were having another panic attack and being a dead weight to everyone.
“(Y/n)! Snap out of it! Get out of here!” Words followed by harsh shakes of your body. You took gasping intakes of air as if you just rose out from the water you were drowning in. Dustin was a frantic mess in front of you, trying to pull you behind him.
“Go! Just get out of here!”
Steve and Robin’s voices made you stop and pull away from Dustin. “(Y/n)! We have to go!” The younger boy shouted. “Just- Just go! I’ll be right behind!” Not wanting him or Erica to wait for you.
“(Y/n), don’t you dare stay! Get the hell out of here!” Steve was shouting at you. “The kids need you!” Robin was also telling you to leave, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t decide between leaving them behind or keeping the kids safe, you know realistically you should be with the kids. You’re the adult for them, they need protection. But you can’t leave your boyfriend or best friend to the Russians, you just can’t.
“I’m- I’m staying. Now shut up.” 
The door burst open before they could shout at you some more. Steve’s body was knocked into you causing your body to hit the wall harder and bang your head. You groaned with your eyes closed, ears honing in on all the guns cocking in front of the three of you. All your hands were held in the air, showing you had no weapons and weren’t a threat, just idiot kids in stupid clothes.
The guards parted so an older man could be front and center. His face was wrinkled and twisted into a grimace, his hands were held behind his back as his shiny black boots stopped in front of your dirty sneakers. His soulless eyes traced each one of you, head tilting before straightening.
“Well… what do we have here?” His Russian accent is thick on his English words. He looked to a guard beside him and jerked his head. The soldier marched forward and wrapped a tight grip around your left bicep. He pulled you off the floor to stand in front of his boss, you squirmed and twisted, hoping to get his touch off your skin.
“Hey! Let go of her!” Steve yelled and you heard shuffling behind you. Barely a glance over your shoulder you saw Steve being held down by two guards. “Get your disgusting hands off her!” His usually soft and homey eyes were hardened and terrified, mouth in a firm line with his nostrils flaring.
The boss man stepped too close, practically chest to chest with each other. He leaned his face in close and then held your cheeks in a tight grip. “You are a pretty one. And I see you have… special someone.” He dropped his hand and his eyes stared Steve down, “Well… this will be fun. Da?”
“Let go of me asshole!” Your hands were cuffed behind your back and thrown over a bulky man’s shoulder as if you were a bag of flour. The same goes for Robin and Steve, though Steve was only cuffed and walking behind you and Robin, your eyes catching his white Nikes.
You twisted your neck, trying to look at Steve in the awkward position. You could see the red spot on his jaw where he got punched for trying to stop them from touching you or Robin. You tried to convey so many words and emotions through your eyes alone, hoping it would be enough for Steve.
You were thrown off the man’s shoulder and back on your feet, blood rushing from your head making you stumble just a bit. You almost wanted to thank the man when he undid the cuffs from your wrist, rubbing at the irritated skin. There was an open door in front of you and Robin and you could feel the press of a gun to your spin, it made you stiffen and hold your breath.
“Move.” One-word command. You took two measly steps forward with Robin at your side.
When you looked over your shoulder hoping to see Steve just behind you, you turned on your foot when you saw him getting dragged away further down the hall. You tried to follow but were stopped by a human blockade, their arms and guns pushing you to the door.
“Steve! Stevie!” He too was thrashing against his captures. Steve was shouting and trying to kick at shins and knees, yelling for you and Robin. “Don’t you dare touch them! Not one fucking hair on their head!”
They got tired of all the shouting so they shoved the butt of a gun against his head before dragging him away and out of sight. And they just shoved you in the back causing you to trip over your feet and hit the linoleum flooring, Robin falling just beside you.
“Hey! Hey, assholes!” Pushing from the floor and throwing your body into the metal door, looking through the tiny window. No one was outside. “Steve! Steve!” Yelling his name even if he couldn’t hear you.
You didn’t bother putting up more of a fight when it was clear no one was around to hear your pleas. A sneaker foot wacks the metal with a dull thud followed by a deep groan before you walk away. You were stuck in a sterile, empty room with Robin and Steve was somewhere dealing with who knows what from the Russians.
“Why’d they only take Steve?” A quiver to Robin’s voice. She stayed on the floor with her arms wrapped around your knees.
A hand pushed your messy front strands as you paced back and forth with a hand on your hip, “He’s the only guy. Saw how protective he was of us, I don’t know. All I know is they aren’t gonna play nice with us for long before it starts feeling like home.” Left hand rubbing over your cheeks, the older man’s face mixed with flashes of Lonnie.
“We just need to tell them the truth. That’s it, I mean, do we look like spies for the government? It looks like our parents dressed us as if we’re five-year-olds.” Robin went on a tangent.
You weren’t sure how long it was, could’ve been five minutes or thirty, your brain too occupied with Steve’s whereabouts. But when you and Robin stopped talking or kicking random objects in the space, you could hear something. Faint noises that grew closer by the second, squeaks and taps. You rushed to the door and stuck your face to the window opening, craning your head to get any inch of the hallway to see where it was coming from.
To your left, you saw two guards with Steve in the middle. He was slumped forward with his hands bound in cuffs, feet dragging behind him and his head bobbed with each step they took. You couldn’t see the state of his face with him tilted forward, but with him not being able to walk wasn’t a good sign. “Stevie…” Breath fogging the glass.
They stopped outside the door and banged their fist into the metal when they saw you. You flinched at the loud noise and backed away, just wanting them to bring your Steve into your arms. Two steps inside before they threw him down to the floor. You tried to catch most of his weight, not wanting him to hit his head, with his dead weight your knees buckled and brought the two of you down.
“Steve? Steve?” Robin grabbed him by the shoulder and helped roll him gently to the floor. He laid on his back with his legs sprawled out, cuffed hands sitting on his stomach. His breathing was shallow, but it was there, he still had a pulse.
“Stevie? Baby?” Hands hovering over his bruised and bloodied face. His left eye was swollen and puffy with dark blue and purple color ringing the whole area. There was so much dried blood from his nose and down his mouth that it dripped to his chest and the top of his shirt. His hair was wet with sweat, your right hand pushing the limp strands away from his forehead. Closed mouth quivering, trying to hold your tears back.
“What’d you do? What did you do to him?” Robin yelled at the commanding officer and he back-handed her in the cheek. “Robin!” The man doing the same action to you. Another flash of Lonnie crossed your mind.
He was speaking Russian and then his two lackeys grabbed two chairs from the room and sat them back to back. One took Robin and the other took Steve then tied a black belt over their biceps and stomach. “What are you doing? Huh? We’re just ice cream workers! We don’t know shit!” Spewing words as Robin grunted against the binding.
Once the two men tied Robin and Steve, they pulled you off the floor and rebuffed your wrist, and slid an arm through yours. “Let go of me assholes!” Stepping on their feet, they didn’t flinch.
The boss man stood in front of Steve and grabbed a fist of his hair to lean his head back. “Don’t you fucking touch him!” Thrashing in your hold. He just tutted his tongue and dropped Steve’s head. Robin called for him, trying to get him to respond, but he was out cold.
“I think your friend needs a doctor.” He spoke in his Russian heavy English. He walks in front of Robin and you have a clear view of his bulging eyes. “Good thing…” He leaned in close, “We have the very best.” He looked at you and the two guards then just… laughed. Like he just told an inside joke that only the three of them understood, and you guessed that was the case.
His eyes dropped down to Robin and you heard the wet sound of spit that she launched onto his face, hitting his mouth. You smirked at her attitude. He used a white cloth to clean his face, “You are going to regret that, little bitch.”
More orders were spoken and the door beeped open. His guards started to drag you away, you tried planting your feet firmly on the ground as if you were a child again not wanting to do something. “No! No, Robin!” Both of you called each other names before the door closed behind you. “Fucking bastards!” Yanking and tugging your arms, but their fingers were curled tight into your muscle.
“I wouldn’t bother.” The commander stated as he walked in front. “If you cooperate, we won’t hurt your friends.”
You couldn’t help the scoff, “Oh, like what you did to Steve? I’m sure he was cooperating, yet he’s bloody and can’t see out of one eye! So you’re lucky I’m tied up 'cause I’m just waiting for the moment where I can sink my thumbs into your eyes.” Venom dripping from your words, not fucking around anymore. The older man just laughed, head thrown back in pure glee at your words.
He looked over his shoulder and shook his head with an annoying smile, “You are funny. We’ll see how long that lasts.” Another door opened and you were brought inside. They threw you down onto a metal bench that was built into the bare walls. The space was the size of your bathroom at home, tiny four walls boxing you in.
Commander stood tall with his hands held behind his back, an ugly mug staring you down, a shadow from his hat shading his dark eyes. The goons, one on each side, kept their arms down and fingers curled into fists. You can already tell how you’re gonna look coming out of this.
“Who do you work for?” He sounded bored of asking the same question that you assumed he asked Steve multiple times.
“I work for Scoops Ahoy. The ice cream shop in the mall above us, guys, come on. Get some sunlight or you’ll-” Goon to your right stepped forward and threw a hard punch to your stomach making you lean over your thighs. You groaned as the air was pushed from your lungs while talking. “Fuck… you.”
He huffed a humorless laugh, “You are a feisty girl. Don’t worry, you’ll break quickly.” He nodded at thing two and he swung a fist into your jaw. Your head turned with the impact and it took a second for the white-hot pain to register in your brain. Wiggling the bone trying to asset the pain and possible damage, you heard a crack but nothing serious. “Who do you work for?” 
The eye-roll you sent was like you honed the spirit of Erica when she didn’t get her free raspberry swirl sample. “I work in an ice cream parlor dealing with grouchy moms and obnoxious middle schoolers. Do- Do you think I wear this for fun?” Pointing out your sailor costume.
His eyes drilled into your skull as he asked, “How did you get here?”
“Look, grandpa, our shipment was missing. So me and my friends checked where it was dropped off, the door was open so we went inside to check for it. Then it closed and dropped us to the pits of hell. And I’m still out of rocky road ice cream.” Head leaned against the cold wall as you sighed. So you were caught off guard by another punch to your face, aimed at your cheek from the right. Another hit to your ribs followed, then another, and another. You couldn’t even get a steady breath before it sputtered out of your mouth.
Boney fingers grip your chin, mouth pursed and brows angled at the front. His spit splattered your lower face as he harshly repeated, “Who do you work for and how did you get here?”  A low groan, “Do you need hearing aids?” Voice even and grated with his tight hold, “I sell ice cream and I was looking for a shipment.”
He dropped your chin. His back was turned and he flicked a hand at the guy to the left. He took five steps then punched you right in the nose, the crunch echoing in the four-by-four room. Your skull was pounding from all the hits it took in quick succession, the broken nose, and blood the cherry on top. Eyes closed with your head tilted back to slow the blood, trying to stop any tears from showing up, and just wishing to see your mom at this moment.
“Well, it seems you and your friend have worked well on this… cover story. But don’t worry, we have something to loosen the tongue. Why don’t we rejoin your friends?” He barked commands, the door beeped open and you were dragged back to your starting spot.
The man was chuckling when he entered the room and you didn’t know why until you were harshly shoved in the back and fell to the floor, knees and palms hurting. You coughed a few times as you looked to see Steve and Robin on the floor, still tied to their chairs. Steve was awake now and you just sighed, letting your head rest on the cool ground.
“Where were you two going?” Acting like he was doing a stand-up set. He tutted his teeth as they were picked up from the ground and then you were tied to the dentist-style chair. Their doctor was messing around with something.
“Baby?” Steve’s voice was rough, it made you sad thinking about all the screaming he must have done. You tilted your head towards him with a bloody grin, “Hi, Stevie.”
“What happened?” And he sounded so broken. All you could do was shrug, “I told the truth.”
“Yes, try to tell the truth. It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful.” Grime reapers hand was touching Steve’s face and hair, poking at his tender spots. “Get your filthy hands off my boy! You fucking corpse!” Bound feet hitting the vinyl of the seat.
He chuckles before stepping away and the doctor wanders toward Steve with a needle in hand and a mad scientist looks buzzing within his gaze. “Wait, wait. What- What is that?” Evil Russian scientist simply said, “It will help you talk.” He gripped Steve's hair and leaned his head to his shoulder and stuck the needle in. “Steve! Steve! What the fuck?!”
He grabbed a second needle and did the same thing to Robin. Then finally you were last, whimpering as the long scarp point pierced the skin of your neck and injected whatever it was. “Now we wait.” And they left the room.
You weren’t sure what the hell the crazy doctor poked you with, but you could already feel something flowing through your system. Your eyelids were getting heavy causing you to blink multiple times trying to keep them open and aware. Head felt fuzzy, almost like the room was spinning. “What the…Am I high?” What if they just injected thc into your bloodstream… is that even a thing?
“Honestly, I don’t feel anything,” Steve mumbled. “Do you?” Question pointed to Robin as they learned their heads together. “I mean, I… I feel fine. I feel normal.” “Yeah, I feel- I feel fine.”
They were quiet for a moment, eyes watching the wall. You felt a mix of wanting to sleep and wanting to throw up, your body giving up its fight against your restraints.
“I feel good,” Steve chuckled, which caused Robin to chuckle. With your eyes closed you could only hum at their joyish sounds.
“Wanna know a secret?” Robin’s voice is up an octave. “What?” A low mutter from you, but Steve asked louder. “I like it, too!” More laughter fills the room. “I missed being high,” Head lulling on your heavy neck as you talked lowly to yourself.
“Morons. They messed up the drug.” “They messed it up!”
“Morons.” “Hey, morons!” “Morons!” All three of you constantly calling them morons, voices yelling and only reaching your ears.
“Oh, no. There’s definitely something wrong with us.” Robin mussed. “Something’s wrong,” All Steve repeated.
The loud buzzing stopped all conversation and giggling. A guard with a gun, grime reaper, and doctor psycho waltz into the room. The doctor had a black bag that he sent on a table before pulling things out one by one, like Mary Poppins. The commander stood in front of Steve like earlier, hands behind his back and stone-faced.
“Am I- Am I getting a lobotomy? Dad always said- said it was a choice. Cause of my- my problem.” Humorless chuckles as that conversation bounced in your cranium. A sigh in defeat.
“Would now be a good time to tell you that I don’t like doctors?” And you can’t decipher if Robin is serious or just joking.
They didn’t play into either of your questions. Just cutting to the chase, “Let’s try this again, yes? Who do you work for?”
“Scoops,” Saying the word like a melody. Steve also restated, “Scoops Ahoy.” And you just laughed.
“How did you find us?” “Question two already?” Blurted from your mouth. “Totally by accident.” All Steve said.
A deep sigh followed by Russian. With hooded eyes, you watched as the doctor grabbed a silver tool and walked toward Steve and Robin. “What is that shiny little toy?” “Where you going with that, doc?” Babbling words.
He grabbed Steve’s hand, “Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. Wait! No! Wait! Wait!”
“There was a code! We heard a code!” Robin yelled over Steve’s panic. The Russians shared a look and the commander walked to Robin’s side. “Code? What code?” And Robin repeated the phrase she translated within a day. “You broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town, and we picked it up on our Cerebro, and we cracked it in a day. A day!”
“Well, really just you.” Babbled to boost Robin’s ego. She continued on her tangent, “You think you’re so smart, but a couple of kids who scoop ice cream for a living cracked your code in a day, and now, people know you’re here.”
“Who knows we are here, little bitch?” His temper was short.
“Uh, well Dustin knows.” Oh. Oh, yeah that’s not good. “Hey, Steve?” “Stevie, don’t-” Both you and Robin tried to get him to stop but he wasn’t picking up any hints. “Yeah, Dustin Henderson, he knows.” “Steve!” Robin yelled. He just laughed, not knowing he just threw a kid under the bus.
“Dustin Henderson.” The Russian repeated, “It is your small, curly-haired friend?”
“How do you know?” Wondering if he was safe was interrupted by Steve, “Oh, curly-haired. Great hair. Small. Kind of like a ‘fro. Yeah.”
“Where is he?” So that answered your question on his safety. He and Erica were safe or- “He’s long gone, you big asshole. And he’s probably calling Hopper, and Hopper’s calling the US cavalry.” Which you suggested should have been step two instead of…what is this? Step eight? “They’re gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin’, and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You’re gonna be two pieces of toast.” Steve snickered after letting his tongue roll.
Your eyes tracked how the man crouched down and leaned close to Steve. “Is that so?” Not believing a word from Steve’s mouth. Steve, even drugged, was acting cocky. “Yeah.” The one word brought back the giggles of Robin and Steve as you lay motionless.
Everyone was laughing, two drugged people not fully aware of their surroundings and two dangerous people who don’t give a shit what happens to them. And you’re just watching from the sidelines, high off your ass and strapped down. And fearing for the worse, the sound of that loud blaring alarm went off, forcing all voices to stop and look towards the door.
The commander eyed all three of you before rushing out of the room only leaving the doctor behind. You hoped for backup and not a natural disaster ready to kill you. There were still snickers from Steve or Robin before the door slammed open and a yelling Dustin with a weapon came barreling in. He zapped the doctor in the chest before he fell to the floor unconscious. Three seconds of silence and then Steve cheered, “Hey! Henderson! That’s crazy, I was just talking about you.”
Dustin and Erica were busy untieing Steve and Robin and you were getting antsy. “Get ready to run,” Dustin informed them. “Hello? Help! Please!” Worried they might leave you behind. Erica came to your aid when Robin was freed and stumbling like a baby deer.
“Baby! Oh, baby!” Steve cried for you as he threw his arms over your shoulders. “Gross! Now come on!” Dustin pushed the both of you out of the room. He ran ahead while you held Steve’s hand and pulled him behind you.
taglist: @heartyhope / @preciousbabypeter / @dessxoxsworld / @piper3113 / @animiacorn / @burn1ngw00d / @drxwstxrkxy / @m-rae23 / @noisyeggsmoneystatesman / @yournan69 / @thats-s0-ravenn / @ameliabs-world / @mayonesavegana / @gracella0709 / @gengen64 / @alecmores / @choclate32 / @stvrdustalexx / @redheadedfangirl / @agustdeeyaa / @yappydoo / @liberhoe / @hehehehannahthings / @ladybug0095 / @sweeter-innocence-fics / @j-6o / @voteforevilthoughts / @harrysflowercrownrry / @ilovereadingfanfics / @sorrow-has-a-place-here​ / @80strashbag​ / @sunsumonner​ / @sweet1peach / @cierrajhill​ / @we-out- here-simping / @nix-rose-a / @x-theolivia​ / @stylesyourmine / @starkeylover /
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #1
Prompt from @stealingyourbones found here
"Valerie in Metropolis chews out Superboy for using her car as a projectile to hit a villain."
Valerie wasn't aware that part of being a hero meant using the possessions of those you were protecting to fight the beings you were protecting them from. In fact, she's pretty sure it wasn't. Sure, she's not always been on the right side of the fight, herself, but she's gotten better! And besides, unlike someone she could name, she's never used a stranger's car as a weapon before!
"OI! You jerk! Did you have to throw my car?! Don't you have freaking laser vision, you idiot!?" Val yelled at Superboy Sr, who was levitating just above the intersection a few feet away from her.
Superboy glared incredulously at her over his shoulder, which, first of all, rude, she should be glaring at him, not the other way around. Second of all, she has every right to be upset about this, how he can be incredulously doing anything in response to that fact is, quite frankly, stupid.
"You call that a car? Honey, fuzzy dice are so 50s, and what was with the white wall tires? I was doing that dated hunk of junk a favor." Oh. Oh he did not. He. Did. Not.
"That 'dated hunk of junk', as you called it, was my grandfather's. It was a feta HEIRLOOM, you—you cheese curd! You leftover piece of string cheese! If you think you're gonna get out of this scott free, then buddy, you've got another thing coming! It may have been on its last legs, but that thing was, quite literally, my only reliable mode of transportation in this gouda forsaken place. 'Moby Dick'! Do you just casually destroy private property every time you fight some ne'er-do-well? How the 'Flygirl' you manage to get away with frequent property damage I'll never know, but—" who knew cussing out a superhero in the middle of battle was so hard to do? She had to up her cardio next time to went to the gym, this was unacceptable.
Superboy glanced at her again and rolled his eyes, dodging out of the way of a different thrown car before replying. "Look, as much as I'd love to hear you go on, I'm kind of busy at the moment, can we talk about this later? If you're really that torn up over the antique rust bucket, I'll make it up to you. Alright?"
Val narrowed her eyes at him as she ducked under a chunk of flying rubble. "You better. In fact, to make sure you don't get to get out of this, I'm going to stay right on your tail the rest of this fight. You try to lose me, I take you to court. Now will you stop dancing around this quack?! Just finish him already!"
Incoming message
From: The Konman
Hey, question. Could you, theoretically, lend me some money for a car?
From: Third Tim's the Charm
... is this about that chick whose car you threw instead of using your heat vision earlier?
From: The Konman
Oh no, I am not losing that bet, I can totally go a full week without melting things with my eyes.
From: Third Tim's the Charm
... I'll see what I can do.
From: The Konman
You're the best ^⁠_⁠^
Credit: "The Konman" is from the amazing chat fic "Crime, Love, and Ghosts. (And other, Probably)" by Thornrose270 on AO3, I highly recommend reading it ^⁠_⁠^
There's no specific make or model mentioned because, while I am an appreciator of cars, I do not want to make any more waves in the car enthusiast community than I might have already, what with my comments on fuzzy dice and white wall tires (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
Also, on Val's use of cheese and literature as stand-in cuss words. Kids emulate the language used around them as they grow up ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⁠ʖ⁠⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ also, I really wanted to use some cheese related cuss words (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)
I may or may not come back later and edit this, there was no beta reader and I barely know how to write Val or Kon, so there's probably lots of mistakes (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠) but hopefully it's not too bad? *fingers crossed*
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
MMM your au is wonderful and lovely and i love it. i have been consumed.
could we get more details about donnies accident? a while back you mentioned that donnies shell is all fucked up cause of a lab accident; what was he doing? was he building a bomb or something??
also how was recovery for him? was splints there? or was this during one of his depressive episodes and feeds into donnies resentment of him?
donnies always been my favourite so of course im gonna ask about him lol
Welcome to the all-consuming void of rottmnt brainrot my friend, as a welcoming gift S present a long-winded explanation of MM! Donnie's shell trauma under the cut <3
You're not too far off by guessing it was a bomb, lol. I haven't decided exactly what he was working on, but I know it was some kind of highly volatile weapon prototype that backfired at the worst possible moment when he was distracted and didn't have any protective gear on. This was back before he felt the need to wear a battle shell at home, unfortunately, which made the injury much, much worse.
This happened back when he was between 11-13, so Splinter was somewhat present to help with taking care of him, but the main caretaker role went to Leo as the resident medic. Splinter's help was not appreciated by Donnie, to say the least, considering this wasn't long after the incident and left Donnie wondering, "Why now? Why couldn't he be there for Leo and Mikey like he's doing for me, of all people. Does he think I'm too weak to handle this?"
So yeah, Splinter tried but in the end Leo and Mikey took over Donnie's recovery process to avoid any unneeded tension/arguments. And like I said in the original post, after that, Donnie never went without protection for his shell and became very reluctant to build any kind of weapon that does large-scale damage like explosives, lasers, etc.
This didn't stop him from building other awesome tech like the turtle tank or all kinds of defensive measures for himself and the lair, and he still likes building smaller scale weaponry like guns or multi-tools. Kinda ironic in his brothers' opinions that he refuses to make a flash grenade while also not hesitating to build a mini-turret for the lair entrance to gun down trespassers, but whatever makes him happy ig
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stillsaltyaboutmcr · 2 years
The Crash: Bradley Bradshaw
uh hi so this is a doozy of a fanfic. this is an alternate universe but i can’t really tell you why without spoiling the ending. This is going to be a 2 or 3 part story. In this, kind of like another fanfic you’ll be a WSO with Rooster as your pilot…sorry for the repeatitiveness. This first part may be a little short because i’m anxious to get to the punch line.
A Bradley Bradshaw x f!reader: enemies to lovers type shit (with a little soon to be ex!Hangman and best friend!Bob action for spice)
Warnings: injury, death, cursing
(if i miss any lmk!)
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It was the day of the uranium mission. To say you were shitting your pants would be an understatement. Maverick had changed up everything and made you backseat with Rooster, who was also the man you hated. He also hated you. It had always been that way, ever since you were kids. You grew up together with you being the daughter of Maverick. After Goose died, he grew up having a vendetta against you and your dad. Everyone knew it wasn’t Maverick’s fault that Goose had passed, yet Bradley never let go.
You were all headed out to the tarmac. “Babe!!” You heard Jake call behind you. He was wingman on this mission and it scared you that he might not make it back with you. “Just remember, we have dinner plans tonight okay?” You laughed as he placed a kiss on your lips.
“You better come back on my hip Seresin.” You had tears stinging your eyes.
“It’s gonna take a lot more than a mission for you to lose me.” You kissed him one more time before heading to your plane.
You were getting in your plane when Bradley leaned back, “Don’t fuck this up okay? We don’t need a repeat of what happened 30 years ago. I know Bradshaw’s and Mitchell’s don’t do well in planes together. Some of us wanna make it home okay?”
“Uncalled for Rooster. This is a fucking mission. Act like an adult. Last time I checked, I’m in your dads position, so I should be yelling at you to not fuck this up.” Lately his vendetta with your dad had been resolved, but you, he still hated. You’d never know why. All these years later and it’s almost like he blames you for his dads death when you were only 15 months old when it happened.
Getting into the air was fine, trying to play nice after getting yelled at by Phoenix. She was your secret weapon. You were best friends with her and Rooster seemed to listen well to her. She was constantly on his ass when he was talking shit to you.
You were getting ready to get into attack formation, getting behind Hangman. Phoenix and Bob were behind Mav. You all entered enemy territory and the whole time Rooster and Hangman were arguing about speed, and once again Phoenix had to jump in. “Boys! Knock it off! I’m about to pop and I need to be able to hear Maverick!!” Both boys mumbled an apology. You had to try not to laugh to yourself. They acted like they had just been scolded by their mother.
Approaching the lift, you started double checking your laser, making sure it was under control. “Come on darling, get me eyes.” Jake’s soothing order came through as you attempted to lock on. “Come on baby, you got it.” Bradley went to interject with a rude comment when you locked on.
“Got it! Got it!! Fire!”
You heard Jake’s confirmation and as you both popped up, pulling unbearable G’s, you watched closely before yelling “Bullseye! Bullseye!!!” You heard no cheering, Phoenix, Bob and Maverick being in coffin corner. You knew deep down Range Control was cheering for them.
You both caught up and approached coffin corner.
“Dagger 1 defending.”
“Phoenix! Flank Right!”
“Flanking Right!”
“Dagger 3! Two on your 6!”
“Dagger 4 defending!”
“Dagger 1 defending!”
“Dagger 4! Flank left!”
It was a mess keeping up with everyone, but everyone seemed to be going fine until you heard Bob’s panic come through. “I’m out of flares!!!” You saw Hangman quickly speed up, but in a blink of an eye you heard Phoenix call over to Range Control.
“Dagger 1 is hit! I repeat Dagger 1 is hit!!” The comms fell silent. Your dad had been hit. You looked up and saw the cloud of smoke and the plane go to the ground, no parachute in sight. You felt numb. The only family you had left was gone.
“C/S…breathe. They’ll send search and rescue, I’m sure of it.” You heard Bob’s reassurance but it went in one ear and out the other.
“Baby, you need to stay focused for me okay? We’re about to leave enemy territory and we have two bandits coming our way.” Jake’s words came in and out too. You didn’t even realize Bradley had turned around. You hadn’t realized everyone was screaming over the comms. You hadn’t realized you’d been hit until Bradley ejected.
“Shit!” You quickly pulled the strings and ejected, but far too close to the ground.
“You’re an asshole! You fucking left her for dead!!” Jake was screaming at Bradley on the tarmac. Him and Maverick had made it back in an F-14, without you. Bradley told him you never ejected, went down with the plane. Maverick couldn’t muster a word, knowing he had to make sure him and Bradley weren’t more casualties. Maverick had immediately gone inside, didn’t even bother celebrating once landed. He didn’t even do a fly by.
The funeral was beautiful. It was a traditional Navy Aviator funeral complete with Taps, a 21 gun salute and the plane salute. Your dad was the one to push his wings into the coffin, albeit empty. Your body was never recovered, so when the funeral was held, your dad opted for an empty casket to be buried in your place, just as Carol did for Goose thirty years ago. His body was never found either, so your dad just felt his body going through the motions, reliving that day for weeks after your service.
Jake and your dad didn’t talk to anyone but each other for weeks. As much as he didn’t approve of Jake, he was all your dad had after your death. Penny had tried to reach out a few times, but he refused to let her see him like this.
He had went to dinner with Hangman a few times. He even got coffee with Bradley once or twice, not wanting to know what happened, but as a father needing to know what happened to his baby girl. It has been months since your death, and Maverick, Bradley and Jake had somewhat began to reconcile with each other. They had weekly Sunday morning breakfast at Mavericks house and constantly looked through old pictures and shared stories of you, connecting through memories of you.
Maverick had asked Penny to marry him, their wedding set for the following spring. Amelia didn’t love the news of your passing either, and did everything in her power not to let your memory disappear. She always reminded Maverick that she was his stepdaughter, the youngest daughter. She sometimes acted like you were still with them. Still alive and a thought in the wedding planning, in the family. She had pictures of you and her from when she was younger hanging on her wall. You were always a big part in her life. Such a sisterly figure when Penny was around. Throughout every falling in and out that Penny and Mav had, you were a constant in her life and she cherished all the memories you guys had made.
The one who took it the hardest was Rooster though. Although you two always had a fire of hatred for each other, he always had just been angry at you because he had feelings for you and hated himself for it. He knew it would never happen with your family lineage and thought if he pushed you away, he’d be able to forget about it. Now, he grieves every day because he may have pushed too far and now, they’ve buried an empty casket.
A year had passed since your death, and everyone was at Mavericks for a barbecue. It was fourth of July weekend and Penny and Maverick had just finished moving in together after the wedding. Maverick was grilling as everyone was in the backyard playing football or enjoying beer. The only one not inside was Bradley. He had went to go collect plates and silverware for Mav. Even over the music, Maverick would hear the plates shatter. Penny and Jake quickly ran inside and Mav heard the commotion. He told Coyote to take over.
He quickly rid of his apron as he approached the kitchen. He about fainted when he saw what was causing the commotion. You were standing in the kitchen, clearly pissed off as everyone stood around you, not daring to get closer in case you’d disappear into thin air. You had bruises and scars, but were well dressed.
“Hi Dad.” You sneered, not moving. “I have a wedding gift for you.”
(back to the day of the crash)
You laid there on the ground, barely holding onto consciousness. Waiting for your dad or Bradley’s face to appear, but neither of them did. They had left you to die, not bothering to check if you actually make it. You started crying, knowing this would be it. You could feel the pain radiating in every part of your body, the smoke from the crash filling your lungs. You ejected and landed barely out of the crash’s reach, barely making it out alive. Just as the black was about to take over, you felt two arms detach you from your chair and lift you. “Just hang in there Y/N, just hang in there okay?” Before you could see the face of your savior, your body caved in.
You woke up in a small shed, an oxygen mask attached to your face, you tried to lean up a small bit, quickly noting the half-assed patchwork on your body and poorly done stitches on your face as you reached up to your forehead. “Sorry for the shotty medical work. I’ve never really been good at that. It’s why I fly planes and didn’t go to be a Naval Doctor.” You heard a laugh as your turned your head. You saw a tall man pouring two cups of some hot liquid. “Let’s get you sat up and warmed up shall we?” He turned around to come assist you and your nearly choked on the air being administered to your lungs.
“Hi kid. Long time no see.”
Standing in front of you was your Uncle Goose, alice and well.
Yup, you were dead.
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nicoappreciation · 1 year
thots on tsats
okay this is gonna be very long and extremely rambly and not very planned out ok? ok. spoilers under the cut
FINE. I LIKED IT. WHATEVER. hit me with a car.
obviously there were parts of it that i didn't like. obviously there were moments that i felt were out of character. nevertheless, i had a lot of fucking fun while reading it. i love nico and overall i'd say i'm happy with where the story leaves him. yes, this book's existence is extremely unnecessary. but i appreciate it for what it is.
okay let's get the main things i didn't like out of the way:
nico would NOT know who lil nas x is. also why was the montero music video mentioned in a book for middle schoolers.
i understand the role that nyx is meant to play in the story and the message of it but idk i kinda wish they did her character a bit differently. she really reminded me of white diamond from steven universe i'm so sorry.
speaking of nyx that WHOOOLE weird "our children" thing with nico and the cacodemons. that made me very uncomfortable.
last nyx complaint the final confrontation with her ended pretty anticlimactically. kinda like with gaea, it felt like the way to defeat her was a little too simple. but y'know i haven't really been satisfied by a final battle since tlo so. that's just how it is.
it felt like will was kiiiiinda useless for a lot of it. obviously he was important for the story but i wish they had let him do some more cool stuff besides occasionally shooting some light lasers. i get he's a healer but why didn't he bring a WEAPON??? like at the very least he could have had a bow or a knife. y'know we haven't really had a character who uses a blunt force weapon as their main one besides hedge. i would've liked to see will with just a baseball bat or something LMAO.
kind of an add-on to the last one i think that will was nerfed wayyy too much. it makes sense that the underworld would weaken him, but it sometimes felt like they were stopping every five minutes to let him rest. we've seen before that he's quite strong and athletic, i just feel like he should've had a bit more stamina.
there were a few dialogue moments that sounded like they came from some extremely online gay teenager and not nico and will. "bisexual chaos" haunts me. he would not fucking say that.
NO HAZEL APPEARANCE and NO REYNA MENTION. this is the worst one.
i feel like tartarus should've been more physically dangerous. like they fought some monsters here and there and the terrain was hard to navigate but most of the dangers that they dealt with were more mental/emotional. you could argue that we got the physical danger from percy and annabeth's journey so that's why this one focuses more on the mental danger and i could see why you'd think that. but idk sometimes it felt like it was a little toooo easy y'know.
there were some parts of the backstories and flashbacks that were inconsistent with the previous books, like nico saying he spent weeks at camp half blood when he first arrived when he was actually there for only one. but continuity errors are just par for the course with these books at this point so it honestly doesn't bother me too much. we make our own canon.
i'm not a fan of the name cocoa puffs. i feel like they could've come up with something better.
i'm sure there are more that i'm forgetting, but those are my main gripes. okay now onto the things that i liked!!!!
the book was fun. it was just fun. there were some jokes that i genuinely laughed at and there weren't really any points that felt like a slog to read through. i was pretty consistently entertained the whole time.
WILL AND NICO WERE CUTE OKAY. THEY WERE CUTE. maybe this is just 12-year-old me talking but i sincerely found their relationship very sweet. it's abundantly clear how much they both care about each other and what they're willing to do to protect each other. they mean a lot to me okay.
i want to specifically draw attention to the part where it was revealed that nico gave will his skull ring and now he wears it on a necklace. absolutely devastated me. changed my life. people died. in a good way.
I LOVEDDDD the tension and conflict that will and nico had between them for most of the book. it made their relationship so much more believable to me! they haven't even been together for a year! they're complete opposites! they had very different upbringings! they're in an INCREDIBLY STRESSFUL AND DANGEROUS SITUATION in an environment that is literally designed to dig up their biggest frustrations and insecurities! they're going to clash and have fights and have very different worldviews that they need to work through. that doesn't make them a bad couple like i've seen some people say. tell me you've never had a loved one say something hurtful or ignorant to you. tell me you've never said something hurtful or ignorant to a loved one. you can't! because you have! but if you love each other you talk about it and work through it and try your best to understand each other!!!!!!
adding to the last one i like how the conflict got resolved by will realizing he needs to put in more effort to understand nico and nico realizing he needs to open up more to allow will to understand him. open and honest communication and a willingness to be vulnerable babey!!! if you want to be loved you have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known!!!!!!!
I LOVED. THE DREAM SEQUENCES. they all went so hard. some of them were downright disturbing. good shit.
even if they had some continuity errors, i enjoyed the flashback scenes and the backstories. we got quite a lot more than i thought we would. i was not expecting to see the entirety of nico's first journey through tartarus. it hurt me a lot.
i think it's cute they're making it canon that nico and will knew of each other since pjo. they were in each other's orbit before they even knew it. it actually got me thinking about some of my own relationships. i have a friend i knew back when i was 4 who i completely forgot about for years, only for us to reconnect by chance when we were 12 and be best friends ever since. i have a friend who was a vague acquaintance of mine for years, but then one day we somehow started talking more and now they're one of the closest friends i've ever had. idk. something about meeting someone once at the wrong time and then again at the right one.
nico was very cool. he was also a massive dweeb. he can do both. i love him.
i like the cacodemons as a very literal metaphor for learning to live with your trauma and the "worst" parts of yourself. celeste vibes dare i say. also nico just has a bunch of lil guys following him around now and i think that's neat.
fuck man. i like seeing nico be happy. i like seeing him in a happy relationship with someone he loves and who loves him just as much. i like that he's still learning to let go of his grief and move on. i like that he's hopeful at the end of the book that he can actually find happiness. he's always been one of the most tragic characters in the pjo-verse and it's so nice to see him just being HAPPY.
despite how hard to believe it was i did really like the little dream scene with the whole di angelo family. nico got to talk to bianca and maria one last time, he got to hug his dad, he finally got to rest for a bit. it was very cathartic and i maybe cried.
this book's message was very clearly for young queer kids who don't have everything figured out yet. you're allowed to change. you don't have to always be one thing. your past doesn't define you. you can find love. you can have hope. no matter how badly written you believe the story is, no matter how inconsistent you believe the characterization is, it's hard to deny how important these messages are and how badly some kids need to hear them. if the book has one redeeming quality, it's this.
so. yeah. i liked it. i had a good time. there's more that i could say but i would honestly just end up adding onto this forever. people who don't like the book have plenty of valid reasons to feel that way, even if i may not agree with some of them. at the end of the day, this story and these characters are not real. please be nice to each other and try not to take things too seriously. we're all just a bunch of late teens and young adults reading a book series for middle schoolers, and i think that's beautiful. thank you for reading if you actually made it this far, i know it was a lot. peace and love on planet earth.
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
A/N: Important!! There are some Important things to note about this version of the AU
Knives is a famous streamer in this au, known as Imperium. Known for "dedicating his life to becoming a benevolent philanthropist version of Millions Knives," he has deceived the gaming and streaming world into believing he's totally not Millions Knives.
Continuity: Vash and Wolfwood are from the anime. Knives and Legato are from the manga. Rem also is alive and well in this au and was brought to earth after the ships crashed on Gunsmoke! But she lives in a different country.
Relationship dynamic: vvvv
Tumblr media
Laser tag
Reverse Isekai AU
Your ever growing Trigun group stopped at the small warehouse that had set up shop as a Laser Tag facility. Vash, Wolfwood, Knives, Legato, and you had nearly two hours to run as many rounds as you pleased. You stood back as they stood deciding teams after hearing the rules from one of the employees. 
"I love your content, by the way, Imperium! It's cool to see you have friends who cosplay Trigun with you!" The employee bobbed excitedly. 
"Yeah, we had to tone it down to casual clothes, but we always have a blast! We're gonna probably take the character play to the max today, so I need you to know everything will be okay, we're just really good actors." Knives warned the employee. They nodded, and left the room.
"What should the teams be like?" Wolfwood asked. 
"I think it should be just like old times. Me 'n Legato against you two." He pointed towards Vash and Wolfwood. 
"Sounds good to me." Wolfwood and Vash nodded, readying their guns.
"Oh, what about me? Which team should I be on?" You piped up. You worried what kind of handicap you were going to give whatever team you would be on. Maybe they should have invited Rem as an additional supervisor…
"Oh, I know exactly what you're gonna be, Pet." Knives said, wandering his way behind you, and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, "you're the hostage." His voice lowered, causing you to blush. Legato had retrieved a third team vest. He handed it to you, and you put it on.
"Here's the rules. Much like capture the Flag, the two of you have to take My Darling Pet from Us. If a shot hits their vest in a lethal spot, they're pronounced dead, and the team who shot them loses. If you two capture them, you have to take them back to your base in order to win. We win by taking the two of you out, and keeping them." Knives explained as Vash and Wolfwood seemed to tense up. 
"And if we win?"
"I'll pay for a week trip for the three of you to a destination of your choice. If Legato and I win, we get to take Our Pet on a trip with us. Wait, why do I lose money either way? Whatever, Not the point! Are we agreed on the rules?"
"Yes!" The other four agreed in unison.
"A-also remember this is just a game, okay?" You tried to remind them not to use their weapons or powers.
Legato, Knives and you went off to the left side of the warehouse, Vash and Nicholas off to the right. There were two second floor stands on opposite sides that were considered the bases.
There were various paths that led up to these bases, some by ramps, ladders and stairs. The center was all one flat open space in the form of a ring. In between, there were various walkways and small platforms that were elevated. A person could also run under these, making the whole floor available.
Littering the field were various shields, barrels, and items that could be used to advantage. There were also "med packs" that could be plugged in, and remove a point off of a non lethal hit.
"So, do I play it up, and play the hostage as they try to rescue me? Or do I just kinda chill." You asked as they walked.
"I kind of intended it to be one giant roleplay. There's no doubt in my mind you've imagined me kidnapping you, wanting my brother to save you, right?" Knives bent down to eye level with you.
A mad blush spread across your face, and you nodded bashfully, "So I want you to scream your little heart out. Beg for The Preacher and my brother to save you. Throw in a couple tears. Struggle against Legato and I. It'll be hot." He stood once more, and held his arm across your ribs, "I'll also heal you on any injuries you get, not that I think there'll be any." He said being mindful of your previously fractured rib. Before you could answer, and buzzer sounded, letting them know to begin.
"Vaaaaaaaash!!!!! Wolfy!!!!!! HEEEEEELP!!!!" You let out a blood curdling scream like you'd never let out before as Legato immediately dashed off to head off the opponents.
"Wish you'd scream like that for me sometime." Knives winced at the abrupt noise. 
"Try being the hero sometime, Stabby." You giggled before letting out another scream as Knives carried you to a tall point on the edge of the center ring to scope out what the others were up to.
Legato was taking on Vash, who was hiding behind a barrel. Wolfwood was off to the side, looking for Knives, using the quarrel between Legato and Vash as a distraction. 
"Well, Darling, let them know you're here." Knives whispered into her ear as he picked her up again.
"Nicholas!! Help!" You Screeched, and struggled against Knives' hold on you. Knives carried you to a section that had a maze. He didn't have much time to stay put as Wolfwood continued his pursuit.
You screamed for Wolfwood, only struggling against Knives' when he was in view. On a second floor walkway, Knives turned to shoot at Wolfwood, hitting a non-lethal spot. His arm slumped in faux injury, playing up the hit. 
"Give back My Deity, you fiend!" He joined the banter as he took another shot at Knives. He missed, but they were still at a standoff. 
"Do you trust me?" He whispered to you.
"I do, Knives." You nodded.
"Okay, play along. Legato will catch you." He kissed the side of your head before straightening up, and tightening his grip, "You really care about this little wretch?" He yelled louder than the music playing overhead, glancing at Legato, who nodded upon eye contact,
"This bitch is more trouble than they're worth. I'll just get rid of them." He lifted you, and threw you off of the railing, genuinely scared, you screamed, soon feeling a pull of you clothes as Legato used his threads to pull you to him, holding you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
During this confusion, Knives took a shot at Wolfwood, hitting the lethal spot. He slumped against the rail, unmoving.
"I'll take care of them, Master! I'll leave Vash The Stampede to you!" He said running off away from the ring.
"Mayfly!" Vash yelled in his protest after Legato as you dramatically held her hand out to Vash calling for him. The other hand pressed play punches on Legato's back.
"Vash! Save me!!!" You screamed. As Vash pursued, he was cut off by Knives jumping from the balcony into the floor in front of him.
"Not so fast, Dear Brother. You'll have to go through me first." He smirked. Vash jumped back, aiming the gun at Knives and watching his moves before firing, hitting a non-lethal spot. Vash winced at shooting his brother. It was bringing bad memories from when he shot His brother back in his world.
"You can't defeat me with non-lethal shots here, Vash. You'll never save your little Mayfly if you don't shoot to kill Legato and I. This isn't your fluffy little anime, Vash." Vash cut him off with a shot, one that Knives knew his brother could do better. Knives rolled to the side, giving a warning shot to Vash, but Vash didn't move. Knives squinted, reading Vash's moves. Vash charged towards Knives, his eyes hidden behind his messy hair. Knives cackled as he dodged around, shooting Vash's shoulder plate, a ping noting he'd been shot,
"Welcome to the Manga, Bitch." Knives jumped up, giving himself a spin as he shot Vash's chest plate. A buzzer sounded signifying the game was over. Knives and Legato had won by a landslide. Like a flipped switch, the scowl on his face turned to worry and concern.
"Hey, you okay? You froze up at the end. I was trying to bring you out of it without breaking character, but it didn't seem to be working so I ended this round." Knives crouched to Vash, placing a hand on his shoulder. Vash was breathing heavily, and didn't answer at first.
"I-I guess I wasn't as ready for this as I thought. Did you have to throw them off of the balcony?" Vash's eyes were watery. 
"Vash? Vash!" You ran up to them. Upon seeing Vash's tears, you threw yourself at him in a hug. 
"Are you okay, Angel? I'm sorry if that was too much!"
"Mayfly" He hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you." 
"No, no, there was no real threat. I'm okay. I'm safe. You're safe, Wolfy's safe." You held the back of his head. The two of you sat like that for a bit, before taking Vash out of the battlefield. In the lobby, Nicholas held his hand as they had a break for snacks.
"Well, we still have another hour. Want to go another round? Plants vs humans?" He asked.
"Sure, that'll be a little less heavy." Nicholas nodded. 
"I think I'm gonna sit this one out, guys. My head still hurts." You sighed. You, admittedly, were still shaken from being thrown off of the balcony, and screaming so much. I guess some things don't translate outside the bedroom. You also knew you would never be able to keep up with the sentient shooting machines that were your little harem.
"I can stay here with you, if you want."
"No, I want you to have fun this round. Let loose all of that trauma you've got. Go show 'em who's boss, Angel. I'm totally getting nerf guns when we get home." You chastised.
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notinthislife50 · 9 months
Chapter 48
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
Back at the motel, everyone attempted to figure out what was going on.
"Perhaps a Tulpa or an angel?" suggested someone.
Dean quickly dismissed the suggestions, explaining how it couldn't be either.
"I'll head back and grill some people," Sam confirmed.
"Alone? You think you're up for that?" you teased.
"Yes," Sam retorted.
"No one's going to talk," Dean said doubtfully.
"Let me question them; you two watch for suspicious behavior," Sam suggested.
"Sounds better than nothing," you agreed.
Sam went to speak to the manager as you and Dean sat at a table in Plucky's. You whispered to Dean you would be right back and headed for the bathroom. As you walked away he shouted after you “Yea cause a guy in his thirties sitting here alone isn't purvey at all."
Returning to the table, Dean had disappeared. Amidst the chaos, you intervened when a smaller kid was arguing with his mom and asked him about his drawing of a scary robot.
“Robots are really scary, they have laser eyes you know,” he explained.
“I agree," you smiled at him.
Spotting Dean, you walked over and interrupted his texting seeing dean you walked over to him “What are you doing ?”
“Texting Sam about whoever comes out of the room," Dean started but was interrupted by a lion trying to take off.
"Get him!" Sam shouted.
The pursuit led to Dean making an impressive dive, taking down the kid.
"If this is about the meth lab, it wasn't me.” the kid explained nervously.
“You know that was really hot," you smiled.
“The meth lab?” the guy asked as the three of them looked at you confused.
“No the dive Dean did," and you then poorly tried to recreate it. You stopped then shrugged, and smiled “Hot.”
"Oh yeah," Dean stated, smiling up at you.
“Could you two keep it in your pants." Sam, sighed, rolling his eyes
"Why is this place so strange?" Dean asked, leading to the guy telling you about a spooky sub-basement.
The three of you returned to Plucky's, You saw Tyler and his mum arguing. As they passed you you heard him explain to his mum that someone had stolen his drawing.
"You ran to the table and searched through all the paintings. You quickly turned to Dean and Sam, "Tyler was annoyed at his mum and now his drawing is gone, she might be next," you warned.
"Okay, I'll go after them. You and Dean check the boiler room," Sam directed, swiftly leaving.
While investigating the boiler room, a man entered pointing a gun.
"This is some intense voodoo you're involved in," Dean remarked, attempting to distract the man.
“There is power in fear, and when a child draws what he is afraid of, a little of that mojo ends on the page. I'm just doing what I need to do."
“Oh I get ya," Dean nodded his head but threw a plank of wood at Howard. With Howard distracted for a second, it gives you and Dean enough time to grab as many paintings as possible and destroy them.
When Howard had regained his wits, his gun was back on Dean.
“You gonna shoot me, Howard?" Dean shouted
“Dean," you spat.
“Trust me I got this,” he said to try and ease your nervousness.
“Shut up,” Howard screamed, raced toward Dean.
“No,” you yelled, trying to step in front of Dean, but he forced you behind him.
“I have lots of ways to take care of bullies," Howard announced “Like your FBI friend, he made it really clear he has a thing for clowns."
You looked around for some kind of weapons and your gaze landed on some figures. As you picked one up you asked Howard “These yours, they really are something, and I bet you painted them all yourself." you glared at him as you tossed the figure around in your hand “Is this meant to be plucky, god I am so sick of plucky.” you voice now raised.
“Plucky helps people," Howard explained, "Just like me.”
“Oh, my hero," you pouted sarcastically.
Dean then spoke “Wait is that your brother?” he pointed to a picture beside a painting, did he drown?” Dean grabbed the painting off the wall snapped the clown from your hand and threw them in the fire.
As Howard started shooting, you both tried to find cover. When you looked back up, you saw a young boy walking towards Howard and watched as Howard seemed to drown on the spot.
Come on sweetheart " Dean grabbed you to his side and you walked outside to ring Sam.
Once reunited, relief turned into laughter as the tension eased and you noticed Sam covered in glitter.
"Let's get out of here," Sam urged.
Walking towards the Impala, Sam stopped Dean and handed him the giant slinky, You smiled at the smile that spread across the oldest brother's face. Your smile was turned to laughter as Dean handed Sam a clown figure, who immediately threw it away.
"Come on, I need a shower," Sam smiled, as the three of you drove away from Plucky's and hopefully never having to set foot in it again.
@deansgirl79 @suckitands33 @deans-baby-momma @dragony937 @linzerrr @deans-spinster-witch @foxyjwls007 @djs8891 @my-obsession-spn @mikaylalala13 @jackles010378 @spnbaby-67
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litany-writes · 3 months
oc interview
tagged by @rivenantiqnerd, ty!!!
i'm gonna use my oc Alex Valdez for this (he's from my wip pulse point)
Are you named after anyone? 
I don't think I am. My mother chose my name, Alexander Alejandro. Both mean "protector." Valdez is my father's family name.
When was the last time you cried? 
[if this is at the start of the pulse point storyline] Oh, this is gonna be embarrassing. Last week, I was on a joint mission with Spades, and one of those sh[beep]y laser-bullets grazed my cheek. I was fine, but she insisted on putting antiseptic on it, and it hurt like a b[beep]ch. I feel like it's fair that I teared up, though. Like, it happens to everyone, right?
Wait, am I not supposed to cuss in this? Whoops.
Do you have kids? 
Hah- I hope not. Not that I'm aware of. Someday, maybe, but... no.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
Me? Use sarcasm? Never.
What's the first thing you notice about people? 
Weapons. Any obvious ones, and then any potentially concealed ones. Whether or not they have a blackbox, or any other visible bodymods or allegiance marks/tattoos. I think that would be the same answer for anyone in my industry, though.
What's your eye color? 
Green, like my mother's. Once, when Spades was drunk, she said they were peridot. It's some kind of crystal, I think? I can't really ask her though, I'm sure she doesn't remember.
Scary movies or happy endings? 
Happy endings all the way. Call me a sap for it, but I love a good romance. Besides, I deal with sh- stuff, that can be a lot scarier than the movies. Horror doesn't really do it for me.
Any special talents? 
Don't know if this counts as a talent, but I love riddles. Have a bunch memorized that I can bust out during long-haul missions or stakeouts, or use as lines at bars. They're versatile. I'm quite good at solving them, too.
Where were you born? 
Zingali, in my mother's "tribe." Well, non-Zingalrans call them tribes. We don't really have a name for them. Ancestry-group? Clan? Regardless, I was born on-world with her side of the family.
Do you have any pets? 
No, I wish. I've always loved animals. Back h- er, on Zingali, my family always had animals around.
What sort of sports do you play? 
Not any recently. I know some people in the House have various casual leagues organized for off-days, and I'll play with them when I'm trying to, like, network, but I prefer sparring when I can.
How tall are you? 
Oh, the ladies ask me that all the time.
No? not even a smile? Ok. Well, I'm almost as tall as Xavier, so that should count for something.
What was your favorite subject in school? 
Oh, I hated every second I was stuck in classes. Can I say Phys Ed? Besides that, maybe History, but, like, Military History specifically. Stuff I can use. Strategy.
What is your dream job?
I'm living it, baby!
Ha, no. Sorry, I had to. Probably something... simple. Peaceful. I'm a decent cook, so I've been told, but I feel like that could get boring. Some kind of trade business, probably. Domestic, not intergalactic. "Locally sourced," or whatever.
That all? Great, thanks for having me. I'll just- yeah. Bye!
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What's the first thing you notice about people? What's your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
Open tags for anyone that wants to join!! tag me if you do, i love meeting new characters :)
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magicspace114 · 1 year
New guardians part 3
You sent the distress call to your dad, understanding the severity of your situation. Beforehand, you were only worried about a crazy ex, not retaliation from aliens. Now was no time for pride.
Tillen was pacing in front of you as you sat with the car door open, wrapped in the picnic blanket with Toby on your lap. Lovik was buzzing around Tillen's head, trying to think clearly despite still being terrified. Tillen especially was agitated.
A car pulled up and Tillen paused, getting closer to you with a growl. She almost sounded protective and it made you smile. Toby's face was buried in your uninjured shoulder and though he wasn't in any flashbacks anymore, he was still trembling and scared of anything new. He whimpered and you simply cooed.
"It's ok. It's just my dad. He's gonna take us somewhere safe." You murmured in his ear.
"May!" Your dad rushed over with your brother in tow, "what were you thinking?! I told you, you needed to come back to the estate-"
"Not the time, dad. Something serious happened." You cut him off as Tillen let out a hiss.
James noticed Toby shivering in your arms and your clothes looked burned. "What happened?"
You took out your phone and showed the picture you took of the aliens, "someone's looking for them." You nod to the group of aliens around you. "They're dead but they won't be the only ones. Supposedly, they were 'taking the prisoners back' so I'm assuming they're only part of the prison staff looking for escapees."
James looked at the image and squinted at it, "they cause much trouble?"
"They activated our restraints," Tillen said, "and shot May."
"They what?!" Your dad got close, making Toby flinch at the loud voice.
"Easy," you hissed, "Toby's still calming down." You looked up at your dad, "it looked like some kind of laser weapon. It's a burn, not sure how bad it is yet."
"She won't let me look at it," Tillen said, her gaze softening with worry when she looked at you.
"I'm trying to keep my mind off it," you said, "if I don't know how bad it is, I can pretend it's small."
"That's not how injuries work," Tillen shot back.
"She's right, that's not how they work," James folded his arms, for once the two seem to be in agreement.
"Well it doesn't hurt to bad now. We can look at it once we're away from that," you pointed at the faint shape you'd seen in the sky earlier. Your family looked at it.
Your dad pinched the bridge of his nose, "James, you drive her car home. I'll take you in mine."
You put your arm under Toby's legs, managing to scoop the boy up in one arm as you let yourself be led into the back of your dad's car. Tillen followed, staying close to you with a noise of discontent when you didn't take the help offered to get in the backseat and ended up jostling your shoulder.
James already drove off while Tillen sat in the front seat, next to your dad, spotting the rear view mirror where she could watch you without turning fully around.
Your dad leaned over the steering wheel with a long sigh, "May, I was just trying to keep you safe."
"There are ways to do it without smothering me," you muttered, tucking Toby's head under your chin as Lovik curled up on your lap, wings letting off a buzz of nervousness every few seconds.
Tillen glared out the front window, "we can talk about this once she's been seen to."
"Right," your dad nodded, turning the key in the ignition and driving out of the small carpark.
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scattered-winter · 2 years
hiii this is the Shadow ask ^_^ i was gonna send it w the other one but once i started writing,, it got way too long lol but anyway!! i think you’ll like him!! he has a TON of angst potential, like you have no idea. either way, spoiler alert for the games sonic adventure 2 and also some shadow the hedgehog, i’m pretty sure the third movie will be based on sa2 so be warned!!
also this IS sa2 yeah? his backstory is entirely told thru that game and his story is majorly interlaced with everything going on in that game, ok? so i’m telling u sa2 basically! cool? cool! feel free to ignore this if u want to, ofc!! no pressure and no spoilers if u dont want to!!
now SHADOW… he’s a man-made hog. he was made by Eggman’s grandfather, Gerald Robotnik (with some help from alien demons, yes, you read that right, alien demons) he was created to be the ultimate lifeform and help develop a cure for the disease known as NIDS (basically AIDS) which is a disease Maria, Gerald’s granddaughter and Eggman’s cousin has! Maria is a young girl, i think her parents had NIDS?? and died when she was young so she stays w Gerald. to be better monitored (so she doesn’t ya know. DIE) she stays up on the ARK. a man-made satellite that’s like an observation station up on the planet’s orbit and also where Gerald operates. Shadow is born out of love!! Gerald’s love for Maria and humanity, Shadow is supposed to help people. and once he IS created he and Maria are best friends, basically siblings. he also stays up on the ark, seeing as there are still experiments or smth. either way, neither of them have ever seen the Earth and they dream of going down there someday to like see rain and flowers and whatnot! Maria and Shadow also have a very deep love for humanity and she makes Shadow promise her that he’ll protect them when they get down there. he promises.
anyway, turns out the ark is a military thing and Gerald was supposed to be creating an ultimate WEAPON and when the government finds out he’s not doing that. they go bananas. they storm up the place and murder everyone in cold blood. btw the ark is not just Gerald, Maria and Shadow, there are other people there, scientists who research other stuff as well as their families if i’m not mistaken. they all get murdered. Maria and Shadow try to escape and Maria successfully gets Shadow on an escape pod down to Earth, even though he doesn’t want to go she wants to save him. before the pod gets shot down however, Maria gets shot right in front of Shadow, that’s the last thing he sees before the pod leaves.
the government gets his pod i believe, and since they don’t know what to do with him, they freeze him in ice for 50 years! his whole childhood would’ve been in like the 1950s
yeah, 50 years later (the game is from 2001) Eggman finds out his grandpa had this ultimate weapon and wants to find it. he wakes Shadow up from the ice and Shadow ‘grants him a wish’ destruction on humanity. but!! he’s not just mad bc of what happened on the ark, there’s another thing! so before Gerald got executed (oh yeah he gets executed by the military and recorded in his final moments, we see that later in the game) he implanted fake memories in Shadow’s head. Maria had asked him to always protect humanity and be kind. Gerald modifies that memory and makes Shadow think she wanted him to kill everyone. and he is also mad about having everyone he ever knew murdered right in front of him but memories are a big deal to this guy.
so he does just that! he teams up with Eggman and tries to blow up the planet with the laser gun that was in the ark (the ark had a giant laser) bc of false memories and the sad stuff.
he’s able to keep up with Sonic which makes him SUPER interesting and despite putting on a cold front, (he doesnt wanna get attached ofc, he did lose everyone he loved) he cant push everyone away completely, he and Rouge do get closer during the game(he saves her from an island that blows up when he could’ve left her there, it’s a bit of a turning point for his character) and, when he find out his memories were a lie and with some push from Amy, she convinces him that destroying everything isn’t what Maria would’ve wanted and he changes sides!
the game ends on a bittersweet note because, in order to save the planet from the ark, Shadow ends up sacrificing himself. the last scene in the game is Sonic bidding farewell to Shadow.
so yeah! that’s Shadow’s story!! he (spoiler alert) does come back and has other stories but this is his background! like i said, a very tragic character but it’s really interesting. i love him a a whole lot, i’m very sorry for spamming ur inbox but also,, u DID ask so……. sorry still wifnfkt
agsfshsjgad I will never be mad at inbox spam. I'm loving this rn
but WOW. wow. ur right I'm very much into this there's a lot I wanna mess around with. but UGH having his memories tampered with after literally watching everyone he ever knew get slaughtered right in front of him!!!!!!!! geez no wonder shadow is Like That
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