#and if you try to tell me otherwise
milesofstars · 4 months
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dont worry about it jason...
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skyrigel · 19 days
Simon who's an attention whore. You cooking? So he's clinging on to your neck, grabbing away that spatula and kissing you giddy. You on work ? So he's leaning against the wall, brooding and whining and mewing. You out with your friends? He's sending that Little scratch he got, captioned with, “need kissies now”, he lowkey wants your fuckin' attention all the damn time and he's so shameless about it.
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emin-folly · 1 year
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Yeah I'm sorry but I seriously don't buy the whole "Batman can sneak up on Kryptonians and other superpowered aliens/people cause he's ~Batman~" BS
Personally what I think would be much more in character and frankly way funnier is if just about every superhero can see/detect Batman, they all just choose to humor him cause of his fragile ego lmao 
 Low effort comic cause I tired aha
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After @randomationality mentioned Starscream getting thrown around often here, I remembered him being shiny for the first few episodes and decided to do some digging and figure out exactly when he lost the shine.
In Episode 1, while Megatron is still gone, Starscream’s chest has a very prominent shine.
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Then again, Episode 2, Megatron returns and he is very shiny.
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In Episode 3 he’s not as shiny as earlier (possibly due to the lighting, possibly due to offscreen Megatron) but we do see the glow of his weapon reflecting on his chest.
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Same for Ep4, continuation of the Fowler scene. But at the end of Episode 4, Megatron beats Starscream on camera for the first time. And when you watch Episode 5,,,
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You can clearly see he’s lost the shine. The same lighting is hitting both of them and while it reflects from Megatron, it doesn’t from Starscream.
Worth noting that Ep 6 does give him back a bit of shine, he never quite recovers to the same degree as the first few episodes. I stopped watching carefully after that point. Make of this what you will. The animators tweaking his design after the first few episodes, or an intentional change to show Megs’ abuse.
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kazutora-kurokawa · 5 months
Trying to read a textbook but I'm over here thirsting over touch starved!boyfriend!Kazutora 😭
Imagine just laying in bed cuddled up with Tora watching a movie or tv show and tracing over his tattoo, feeling him tense up under your touch.
Imagine sliding your hand from his neck down his torso and stopping at the waistband of his sweatpants, hearing his heart speed up and his breathing get heavy.
Imagine sliding your hand in his sweatpants and jerking him off, his soft moans drowning out whatever you were watching.
Imagine him gripping your hand, guiding it up and down, teaching you how he wants to be touched 🫠
I'm done y'all... I've officially lost my mind over this man (btw Bonten!Baji x Concubine!Reader headcanons soon lol 🩷)
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe
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on-the-clear-blue · 27 days
Not DDD but some tooth rotting fluff with Dadwing that I had written a while ago.
Dick had always had a kinda 6th sense when it came to Damian, they had been Batman and Robin together, *the* dynamic duo! So he knew when his little brother was upset, more so than usual.
It started after a failed capture, the Riddler had been out of Arkham for over 3 weeks, the longest that he had been out for quite some time.
Bruce had finally found Eddie's hiding spot and was staking him out for some time, trying to determine whether the Riddler was truly there or this was once again a decoy safe house.
Bruce regretfully has the communication skills of a particularly grumpy slug and failed to properly give Damian the brief on what he was doing after joining his father from a round of patrols with Dick.
It really truly wasn't Damian's fault that he rushed in and only really succeeded in flushing out the Riddler and driving him to ground once more.
And once again, Bruce the grumpy slug scowled, let out a grunt and demanded Damian back to the cave, further not explaining why Bruce tried to stop him from taking down the Riddler and why he didn't pursue.
Dick was surprised to come out of the locker rooms of the cave to his youngest brother, practically shaking with rage as he not so carefully pulled off his suit, and what was the most concerning to Dick was the quiet, but still angry mutterings coming from the boy.
Dick felt a pang in his chest at the words, his Arabic was not the best but he could tell more than a few foul words slipping from Damians lips, taking a small breath to prepare, Dick slowly approached his little brother, holding his hands up in surrender even before speaking.
"Hey Babybat? Dami? You okay kiddo? What are you-" Dick stopped mid sentence at the scathing glare that was leveled at him, blinking a few times as his brother collected himself enough to speak clearly, but his voice was rough with emotion, and his accent that was usually hidden away came back harder. (Something that Dick realized that Jason and Damian shared, the angrier they are the more they go back to their roots.)
"Do not attempt to placate me Richard, I am not playing your foolish games nor am I wanting to speak of my feelings, so I simply ask you to leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone." At the end the boys words were ground out as he threw down the Robin chest plate and stromed past Dick, heading to the showers.
Dick knew it was a little bit risky, but something was clearly upsetting his little brother greatly, so here he was, standing outside of Damians room, letting out a small sigh, Dick softly knocked on the door.
Two short, one long: U
Three long: O
One long, one short, one long: K
Morse code, one of the first no vocal languages that all the birds and the Bats knew, Dick and Damian had used it more than a few times on the field.
The only thing that Dick received from that was a dull thud of something being thrown at the door and the much softer sound of it falling to the floor, but the rest of the room was an inky black.
Letting out a sigh, the oldest of the Wayne children grabbed onto the doorhandle and slowly turning it, pushing the door in as he popped his head in, seeing the sacrificed plush animal laying on the ground where it was thrown
Dick felt guilty being glad it wasn't a knife.
"Dami? Little D? Kiddo I am going to come in..."
Opening the door more, Dick slipped into the dark room, spacial awareness helped Dick circumvent the few basic traps laid around his little brothers room, and made his way over to the boy's bed.
Eyes adjusting to the dark quickly, Dick could see the small outline of his brother shaking under the covers, looking so small in the king-sized bed, sitting on the edge, Dick laid a hand on where he thinks Damians hip is, feeling his heart break a little at the small jump he felt as he did.
"Can you talk to me? Please? I want to help kiddo." The only response he got was a shaky drawn in breath and the form under the blankets shifting, sitting up and revealing his younger brother.
His jade green eyes practically glowed in the dark of the room, Damians glare more tired than angry.
(It was times like these that Dick had to force himself to believe that Damian was just his brother, that the boy was not his son, wasn't the boy he raised for a year and a half as his own)
Shuffling closer to the center of the bed, Dick softly placed his forehead on the boy's own before pulling back after a second, he had learnt that little touches of affection got him a lot farther (and a lot less stabbed) with Damian.
Sitting back Dick watched as Damian crawled over, closing the distance between them and leaned his head onto Dicks shoulder, his eyes fluttering closed as he took in several deep breaths, calming himself even further.
Dick didn't dare move while Damian re-centered only snaking his arms around the smaller boy once he felt Damian go slack against him, softly cradling Damian in his arms as he pressed a soft kiss to the boy's spiky locks.
They stayed that way for a while, Dick gently rocking them both as he held his younger brother, silently waiting for Damian to speak first.
"...Father is an idiot..."
Blinking at the words that finally came out, Dick took it in stride, "For a man that is called the worlds greatest detective he can't see two feet in front of him when his loved ones are involved."
Silence lapsed after a little while, only breaking again as Damian pulled back from the hug, staring into Dicks powder blue eyes,
"...is it bad that some days I hate him Baba?" The words crush him, hitting at Dicks heart far worse than anything he had felt before, throat raw and itchy suddenly, Dick tried to not let Damians choice of words affect him.
(Dick has never heard Dami call Bruce Baba, only a ever respectful Father.)
"I-I, Um...I have felt way about B more than a few times Dames...He tries his best but sometimes...some times I do" There was a shine to Damians eyes as he looked into Dicks as the man continued softly "But I don't think it's bad...no I think you are just growing up...It...it's the beginning to when your seeing B how he can truly be like." (A scornful son of a bitch, only that Martha was a wonderful woman...)
Damians face grew distraught, and the shine pooled until soft tears ran down the boys face, "I do not wish to hate Father, but why can he simply not...speak to me? He has not spoke to me outside of case work for over three days and even during that no more than a few words..." leaning his head against Dicks shoulder, the boy's words were muffled slightly as he continued
"Is...is it wrong to expect more from him Baba?"
Dick didn't have any words for his Damian, because he sure as shit isn't Bruce's at the moment, sweeping the boy up into his arms, Dick hled him close while laying the two of them down, Dick on his back and his boy on his chest.
Running a hand through Damians soft hair, Dick thought hard of what to say, "I will speak to him...and maybe Tim...I know you two still have disagreements but honestly for some reason he listens to Tim more than even Alfred...you deserve so much more than that kiddo..."
Dick felt the soft shakes as Damian cried ontop of him, it broke the man's heart to smithereens that even while overwhelmed by emotions his boy still felt the need to try and be as quiet as possible.
Once he felt Damians shudders slow, an the boys breathing came back to a normal rate, Dick reached into his pants and pulled out his phone, "I think we both gotta unwind a little bud...have I ever shown you Bob Ross?"
(They watch till the sun peaks through the black out curtains, well, it plays that long, but the two where asleep for a lot longer than that.)
(Bruce gets a very long talking too by his kids, and gets the cowl taken away from him until he gets therapy)
(It only works a little.)
(He made a new one)
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Danny switching languages
So i like to think everyone in the fenton household is genuis in something.
Obviously all of them inherited the engineering skills,
Maddie is amazing at martial arts, and physical activity
Jazz is a prodigy in phycolgey, while being good in a little of everything else
Jack i think would be a good baker or something along those lines
Danny would be good with linguistics and either engineering or chemistry
I like the idea of danny being too sleep deprived to properly pronounc any words his brain forgets so he just uses one of the others he knows
Mr.lancer calling on him and danny says maybe half in english before switching to Arabic, then looks down as if he said everything in English
Mr.Lancer is looking in shock that DANNY FENTON knowes another language let alone can use it so fluently
Sam and tucker are thinking about how dannys hit a new level of sleep deprivation and making plans on how to get him home the easiest
Everyone else in in a state of confusion over fenton saying...what ever he said, Mr.Lancer looking shocked and fentons friends looking like their having an invisible conversation
Then Mr.Lancer thinks its a good idea to ask danny how he knew Arabic
Danny says the first half of his sentance in Latin, a quarter in engligh and the other quarter in German
Mr.Lancer looks like he wants to intergate danny so sam and tucker intervein
Sam starts telling Mr.Lancer and the class about how dannys amazing in language and chemistry, he just sucks at school work because of his ADHD and because his parents tought his a vastly different way than the school dose
Meanwhile tucker is picking danny up and subtle carring him out the room after he texted jazz saying
: New level unlocked 🔓 multi-lingual: school parking lot
2 days later all the teachers get fenton to take a few tests in a way he can learn and find out the prodigy gene was passed to danny
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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TUVOKTOBER Day 2: Lunch Break [Interrupted]
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sketchy-toasters · 5 months
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Don't question, because idk what possessed me to make this
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
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there’s something so bittersweet and lovely about fanfic, at it’s core. it’s so impermeable, because it’s so individual. fics don’t get finished. fics get lost because they were typed out and sent to friends, in the 70s, and somewhere along the way someone packed it up in a cardboard box and their kids shuffled it to the attic. websites go down. archives get built, but then people lose faith in the story or the canon or the creator and delete them. you read it at like, 3am, and can’t remember the title months later when you look for it again.
the tiktok these comments are from was lamenting about the loss of a favourite fic—it (the tiktok) had 85k+ likes, and over 700 comments, mostly similar to these. people talking about downloading fics to read on a tablet only for them to disappear the next day. using the wayback machine and combing through results, just to find something they loved. i think it’s sweet because it’s so human—how easily we love something, and how easily we lose it. i used to print out my favourite fics, as a kid—i still have a binder of them, buried under yearbooks and the old journals i kept during those topsy turvy preteen years. i could tell you the overarching plot to a Cardcaptor Sakura fantasy AU i read (and loved; it became my personality for months afterwards) but i can’t remember how it ended, or if it even did. i finally broke down and signed up for an account on AO3 specifically to bookmark an old, old fic that i had read somewhere else, years and years and years ago and found again on AO3 only because i accidentally stumbled on the author here on tumblr (i had only found the fic in the first place all those years ago because of a playlist). i used the same shade of lipstick for years purely because a fic i really liked had the main character apply it (it was a limited edition one at the time; i bought my first one from a ebay seller in the UK at double the retail price, lmao) while the love interest watched them, but i can’t remember the name of it, only how it made me feel (and how, for years afterwards, i would wear that shade whenever i felt like the day had something promising to it).
one of the first anon’s i ever got, in the early days of this tumblr, was someone who asked me if it was okay if they downloaded surrender—and of course it was. of course it is. there was a point, during the final stretch when i was trying to write the last chapter, that i almost lost the entirety of what i had written for that fic—and i mean, it was on AO3 by that stage so it would’ve only set me back a chapter or so, but it goes to show how fragile things can be. how sometimes fics only last in tiny ways—because of the unfinished PDF file someone downloads. The patchy memory of someone’s who’s jumbling it and three other fics together. Because someone wore the same shade of lipstick you mentioned, off-hand, for years afterwards.
(this is a love letter to the silent readers; the silent savers. the lurkers. fandom and the internet at large is made of lurkers (eighty-five thousand likes. seven hundred comments). people who saved fics and waybacked them and will reread them, even uncompleted. telling each other we did a good job, that we liked this or we liked that is wonderful, and fun, and a great (and important) way to build a community and has also given me my current friends—but sometimes something you make will matter and live on in a way you will never, ever know. and it’s just how it is. it’s part of the fun and it’s part of the charm. it’s just how we work as people.)
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Smile, You’re On Camera
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marcobodtlives · 6 months
RIP Marco and Armin, they would’ve had the best shell and shiny rock collection from the beach.
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lacallemojada · 2 years
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We are married and I intend to stay married.
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one thing about looking for a job online is that you discover what it's like to be viscerally annoyed in a way nothing else can quite manage
i should just go live in a hole in the ground i think
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aulerean · 8 months
Hi! could you draw a Kricketot? please
sure! :)
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he's practising being a conductor (for when he evolves)
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huskirl · 7 months
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Thoughts about the Only Man Ever
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