#and in fact i have finally gone a good period of time with NO new notes
altruistic-meme · 6 months
finally, we have once again reached the point where my notes are usable <3
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somerandomdere · 5 months
Yandere! actor x crew member! g/n reader
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tags: fluff, slight? yandere themes (duh), you can tell I don't know much about how hollywood scandal works, it's my first fic pls feedback
Fame was everything to Gabriel, it's been his whole life. He was a nepo baby, he has seen the cameras the moment he was born. Blessed with a good face, filthy rich parents, and a flirtatious personality, he was everything ladies wanted in a man.
Until everything came crashing down.
He got into a huge scandal he wasn't even aware of. He was accused of sexually harassing a fellow co actress, when in fact he never laid a finger on her. Sure, he was a well known celebrity and has a history of sleeping around, but that doesn't mean he will force himself on someone without consent!
The scandal got so big he was defamed everywhere. His sponsors withdrew, his parents and friends wanted to cut ties with him, and his girlfriend cussed him out before leaving.
It wasn't him! But at this point, no one believed in him. He started being depressed, having suicidal thoughts, and contemplating on quitting his dream career.
Enter you. Beautiful, radiant you.
After a long day of carrying heavy sets and helping out around the set. You were exhausted, so you went out to breathe some fresh air and smoke. As you lit up your cigarette, the main actor of your current show, Gabriel, seemed to be crying. You wanted to smoke, but you couldn't just leave a crying man alone! and you did want some privacy while taking a puff
"Hey... you alright?" You genuinely asked.
You didn't know much about Gabriel's scandal, since you weren't very interested in the affairs of celebrities and thought that fans should just mind their own business.
And you were just here to make extra money, what's the worst that could happen? You'll be gone in no time anyways. He'll just quickly forget you.
"Hey um..." You started awkwardly, and cleared your throat. "I may not be the best person that can comfort, but you can talk to me. I'll listen."
You thought he would be suspicious of you, because of his celebrity status, but he ranted to you and cried. How he was misunderstood. How the people closest to him never believed in him. How he felt so hopeless after he lost everything.
You reached out to touch his hand. You let him know you understood. How painful this period of life will be and how it will all be fine after.
You told him to take a look around him. Look through a different scope, see the people who actually cares for him. You told him how your uncle never believed any of those rumors and took advantage of this to hire him.
He teared up, not from self pity this time, but from realisation. Maybe he should abandon those people who never saw his true self anyways. For the first time, he looked into your eyes. The sunlight danced over your eyes, it reminded him of the warmth his parents used to give him, before they got too busy.
Maybe that's when he fell for you. He couldn't really point out when he fell head over heels, but he can kinda figure he feelings sprouted here.
He came back, stronger than ever. His acting caused your uncle's movie grossing to skyrocket. It hit the box office, everyone was talking about his movie through social media, how he so accurately acted his role, to the point they shivered. He decided to take this opportunity to clear his name. Due to the how overwhelmingly successful his new movie was, people decided to believe him.
"Y/N! My name was cleared!" He squealed into the phone. You sincerely felt happy for him and offered to celebrate with him.
He wouldn't let this opportunity go without a waste! He immediately said yes. He wanted to see your beautiful face again, and finally ask you out.
He will finally be yours, and you will finally be his.
My inspos on how to write fics (and my fav fic writers!) PLS PLS PLS PLS GIVE ME FEEDBACKKK
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xhoneygirlxx · 8 months
he's not magic
eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: the time of the month has come and Eddie is the only person who can sooth you.
warnings: talks about menstrual cycles/blood. mentions of dying. tooth rotting fluff. Eddie is a cutie pie. pet names used; sweetheart, baby, honey. shitty writing/spelling errors; if you find any plz ignore it lolololololol.
a/n: i'm currently in so much pain from my period and the only thing i want is for someone to coddle me and tell me i'm going to be ok. i hope you guys enjoy this very small thing, it's not much and it's not good but maybe it'll help you feel good on those days when life is shit. love you all <3
You're dying, a slow, painful, and mournful death. At this point you stopped caring, stopping all the begging you've done all morning for your life to continue. If this was how you were going out than so be it, you just wished your end had come faster.
You've already bled through two pairs of panties and two pairs of shorts, now left in your trusty period panties and an oversized shirt. Your stomach was bloated to the point it was uncomfortable, your breasts were so swollen that your chest felt like it was going to concave under the weight, and your back felt as if it was going to snap in half at any moment.
It felt like you tried everything, ibuprofen, heating pad, and propping a pillow in between your legs - none of the tricks worked. Now you were left in the fetal position, arms wrapped around your middle and knees pulled to your chest.
For the past how ever many hours you've been moaning out in pain, the stabbing feeling in your uterus just too much to handle. You're sure if someone were to walk in and see you they'd think you were insane and right now you couldn't blame them.
You did look insane, hair wild and matted to your face from all the sweat you've accumulated, voice hoarse and scratchy from all the wounded animal sounds you've made, and your face screwed up in an unflattering way.
Your phone has gone unanswered all day, the only person to have texted you was Eddie. At first it was only tik toks, small comments he thought would make you giggle, and then it turned into him updating you about his day at work, and finally worried questions about if you were okay.
You felt so fucking guilty for not responding, not telling him that you were fine but you just physically couldn't move from your crouched position. This only made you angrier, the fact that your temporarily paralyzed and are restricted from doing the things you need to do.
The fridge sits empty and in need of new groceries, laundry stays piled up by the washer where they wait to be cleaned, and Eddie is waiting for your response worrying about your well being - that is if he hasn't already contacted the national guard to track your location.
Everything is so shitty, the pain, the hurting, the guilt, the frustration. You feel like you're a balloon that's been filled up too much and is waiting to burst at the seams.
You don't have to take long before the heated tears from your eyes fall down, hitting the bridge of your nose, only to land on the pillow beneath your head. It's not a violent cry, at least not yet, just frustrated tears that seem to slip away from their barricade.
You don't even notice the front door of your apartment opening or the sound of Eddie calling for your name, only focusing on the pulsating of your uterus that debilitates your body.
"Fuck, baby I've been worried about you," You don't even turn and look at him, your eyes are still harshly closed. By the sound of his voice you know he's out of breath, brown curls probably wild from the speed of his running.
"Shit, sweetheart, are you okay?" The worry in his voice hits right on the spiderweb crack, shattering you into a million little pieces.
You can't hold it back, the wailing that rips from your throat is something close to bone chilling. Tears streams from your eyes without relent, whole body shaking from the cries that rip from your body.
It doesn't take more than thirty seconds to feel the bed dip as your boyfriend crawls into bed next to you. He doesn't think twice before pulling you in, one arm wrapped around your back and the other soothing down your hair on the side of your head.
"It's okay, baby. M'here, you're okay." Eddie coos and it's like music to your ears.
The warmth from his body fills you in a way your heating pad couldn't. Even with the mucus that fills your nose you catch a whiff of his scent, smoke, pine, and outside -undoubtedly him. His calloused hand runs soothingly up and down your back, allowing your bones to relax into his touch.
Eddie doesn't have to ask, he knows you better than you know yourself, and the way your scrunched up on your bed and crying he knows that you've been battling your pain all day.
"Sweetheart, you have to breath. Can you do that for me? Take one big deep breath, s'all I want, okay?"
You nod your head against his chest, following the way his chest moves as he demonstrates for you. Between hiccupped breaths and streaming tears, you allow your lungs to fill up with as much air as you can take in, releasing it right after in one long exhale.
"Good job, baby. Did such a good job f'me." Eddie's being soft with you, a side of him he only allows you to see and no one else.
You let his praise melt over you, soaking it right up like the plants in a drought. For the first time since you woke up you feel lighter, something you only feel when Eddie's by you. The cramps that have been going nonstop have finally subsided, the presence of your boyfriend scaring them away.
"It hurt so bad, Eds. S'really bad today." Your voice is shaky, as if one wrong move and you can break out into another sob.
"I know, honey, but it's okay. I'm gonna take care of you, kay? I'm gonna make it all better."
You both know that he has no control over what your body decides to do but just the promise alone has your worries easing away. Your body relaxes into him, your knees slowly falling down to their normal position until your laying right up against him.
"On a scale from one to ten, where are you at?" You take a moment to think about it, really evaluating the squeezing of your organs.
"Was a ten but now it's like a seven."
Eddie hums, his hand still soothing up and down your back. A small pause settles over his words, like he's trying to wrack his brain for the next action he's going to make so you can feel better.
"How 'bout you get some rest, then when you get up we'll get you something to eat? Sound okay?" You nod again, too tired to form any sort of response.
Eddie acknowledges your response with a kiss to the top of your head, making you hum in content when he does. It doesn't take long for the tiredness of your body to settle over you, quiet snores coming from your nose in no time.
Even if his arms fall asleep and his back feels stiff, Eddie stays there with you, soothing you in your sleep to ensure that your pain stays at bay. When you do wake up he's right there, waiting for you with some water and more medicine before helping you into the shower.
He's not magic and he has no idea what to do when it comes to woman's health but Eddie Munson will be damned if a period makes his girl cry like that again.
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metorea · 9 months
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Receiving Oral w/ HP Boys
smut below the cut!!! all characters aged up
♡ More than anything, Harry is nervous. Nervous to mess up, nervous to do poorly- just nervous. 
♡ But this doesn't stop him from trying. Quite contrary, actually, he tries very hard. 
♡ He has never gone down on anyone before, but he has …. done his research. 
♡ He's gentle and cautious at first, but the sounds you're making spur him on like nothing else 
♡ “So good, so so good. You can give me another right?” 
♡ He finds himself quickly drunk with lust, addicted to the reactions he's pulling from you 
♡ You will have to pull him off, because he's not stopping until his jaw locks up. 
♡ Weasley's man, I'm telling you. 
♡ This is probably one of the first sexual things you guys do together, period. Just going down on each other. No risk, high reward- what could be better?
♡ He's ever done it before you, but unlike Harry, he is not nervous in the slightest. In fact he is glaringly confident 
♡ For good reason, too. 
♡ Ron is, in a word, ravenous. 
♡ He may be oblivious most of the time, but in this arena, he is not. Quite contrary, he is incredibly in tune with you. Every move you make, every sound that leaves your pretty lips, he's listening and adjusting accordingly 
♡ “Fucking hell,” Is all you'd get from him, once or twice. His mouth is too full for him to say much else. Not that you're complaining. 
♡ Cedric is not a huge fan of oral. He prefers to get to the main event, where you're both feeling good. But seeing how interested you are in it, he's willing to try it. 
♡ And God, is he glad that he did. 
♡ He has you lay down on your back for him while he explores slowly, moving at an agonizing pace
♡ The first time you cum, he's shocked. He'd hardly done anything at all and here you were, a mess. 
♡ It opens up a whole new world of possibilities. 
♡ He watches and enjoys as feather light touches elicit the most extreme reactions from you, taking unbelievable pleasure in the way you're so desperate for him
♡ Yeah, oral becomes a staple of your foreplay from therein. 
♡ He wants this. He wants it an incredible amount. 
♡ You never have to ask. He is ready to go, constantly. 
♡ Under the desk. In a closet. On his bed. On your bed. On Fred's bed. Everywhere. 
♡ George Weasley is absolutely nothing in this world if not a munch. 
♡ And God, is he good at it. Entirely too good at it. It's almost too much, the way he devours you without inhibition. 
♡ You have to push him off when you've finally cum too much for you to handle, and simply can't keep going. Even then he'll try to persuade you to just let him help you clean up, resulting in an eventual round 10. 
♡ “Come on baby, you're okay. Hush pretty girl/boy, one more.” 
♡ Fred isn't a munch per se. He is, however, a freak. 
♡ He's always looking to try something new, something experimental. 
♡ One day, an idea occurs to him. What if he combined his two favorite things? You on top, and him making you feel good. 
♡ This lands you here, on his face 
♡ Fred LOVES it. He loves the way that he's drowning in you while you rut against him, his fingers digging into the fat of your hips hard enough to leave bruises as he pulls you down against him. 
♡ He's looking up at you with greedy eyes while you use his mouth to get off, and he could not be more thrilled.
♡ “Y/N, I told you to sit, not hover. So fucking sit.” 
♡ 69 sorry not sorry. 
♡ Draco is a very greedy man. He takes and gives nothing back, as has always been the case. 
♡ Luckily for you, this does not apply to sex … most of the time 
♡ He loves to have you sat on his face while you go down on him so he can feel you struggling to focus, choking on him while you shake against him. 
♡ He makes a game of it, trying to get you to finish before he does. More often than not, he wins 
♡ “Merlin, Y/N. Already? Tsk.” 
♡ He does it to think. I'm not kidding. 
♡ He's stressed out? You're crushing his head between your thighs. He's confused about something? You're sat on his face. 
♡ He uses you as a reassurance, taking pride in the way he can make you feel so, so good. 
♡ If he can control nothing in this world he can control how hard you're cumming on his tongue, amen.
♡ “Lay back.” He'd say, bursting into the room from what you can only assume was a long night, loosening his tie just enough for it to hang on his neck. “You know what I want prince(ss). Help me out, won't you?” 
Tom Riddle 
♡ Like most things with him, it is a ploy. A plot, to make you weak, make you pliable. 
♡ To Tom, there is no position more powerful for him than between your legs, staring up at you while you struggle to create any thoughts whatsoever. And that's exactly how he likes you; totally brainless. 
♡ Unlike the others, though, this is not about your pleasure. He is mean about it, always. More often than not, he goes down on you as a punishment, not a reward 
♡ He withholds orgasms for so long you're crying, shaking against him 
♡ And when he does let you cum, he refuses to let you stop- overstimulating you into a puddle
♡ He's a powerful wizard, he can go all night. And he does. 
♡ “What, it's too much?” Tom asks, raising an eyebrow with a sneer. “That's too bad. You aren't moving until I'm done with you.”
Requested by: @irissfoot
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nocturniashifter · 1 month
𝓐dvice for your Shifting Journey | Pick a Pile
Hello, my angels! After a long time without posting any PAP, here I am. This time it will be advice for your shifting journey and I will be using Lenormand for the first time on a pap as I am new to it, so I really hope you like it! ♡
┈─★ Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only and shouldn't be taken seriously or used as a substitute for legitimate advice. It's also a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you. ┈─★ How to choose: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and choose the image that catches your attention the most, trust your intuition.
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── .✦ PILE 1
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Cards: Moon, Mountain, Sun, Crossroad & Man ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮ 𝅄 ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮
Hello, pile one! You have already gone through several ups and downs along your journey and due to having faced difficult moments such as “failed” attempts or due to the fact that you have been trying for years, you ended up getting discouraged and some of you may have even stopped trying or felt like giving up halfway through. But, if you want to finally shift, you need to get your head up and do something about it because you will achieve it if you don't keep standing still and doing nothing.
Things may be difficult for you on your journey right now, but know that you will be able to get through this difficult period if you take the first step. The cards ask you to maintain a positive mindset because you will be successful on your journey – and when I talk about maintaining a positive mindset, it doesn't mean that you should get carried away by toxic positivity. On the contrary, throughout your journey you will encounter obstacles that may end up affecting you emotionally and the last thing you should do is repress your feelings and pretend that everything is fine as if negative emotions and feelings are going to stop you from shifting. Spoiler: that doesn't happen. So, when you come across a rock in your path that lets you down, don't repress your feelings but rather allow yourself to feel and express what you are feeling, take the time you need to process them and then let them go & continue your journey with your head held high.
At this moment, you need to decide which path you will take on your journey and you must leave behind the baggage of the past with all those things that no longer serve you, such as the limiting beliefs that you have cultivated in yourself. Stop for a moment and reflect on all the beliefs, good or bad, that you believe to be true about yourself or about shifting. Do you believe that you are capable of shifting and that you are already a master shifter: yes or no? Depending on your answer, you will already know where to start changing your mindset to one that will favor you and bear good fruit.
When you're working on your mindset/self-concept change, don't backtrack because it will only slow you down. It's like Neville Goddard said, you can't serve two masters at the same time – that is, you can't be in two states of being at the same time. Either you are or you are not. Either you are a master shifter who has shifted millions of times effortlessly or you are the person who regrets that they never managed to shift. In fact, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from shifting other than yourself and you may already be tired of hearing this, but it is the purest truth. You are your only limit.
── .✦ PILE 2
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Cards: Lily, Scythe, Rider, Stork & Mice ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮ 𝅄 ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮
Hello, pile two! You are a person who has been in the shifting community for a long time (some have been there for months and others for years) and who over time has tried many different ways of shifting such as methods, meditations, subliminals and many others. And because you've been on this journey for a long time, you've become comfortable with the way things were or are at the moment. Too comfortable. There are two cases here: the first is that you ended up having many “failed attempts” that demotivated you and you ended up conforming to the false idea that you can't shift and the second case is that you ended up falling into your comfort zone and decided not to have new experiences on your journey – that is, you just do the same thing over and over again even if they aren’t working like they used to and don’t try new things.
Regardless of your case, at this moment you are stagnant and it is time to put an end to it if you want to move forward once and for all and free yourself from this period of stagnation because it is only holding you back. You need to stop for a moment and reflect on everything you've experienced on your journey so far, so you'll be able to identify the limiting beliefs you've placed on yourself that give you the false idea that there's something stopping you from shifting. Furthermore, you will be able to identify what worked for you and what is no longer working so that you can make space for this new phase in your journey. And by doing this, you will be able to change the direction things are going and you will be able to start over towards success.
I also see that you feel envious of other shifters who have already managed to shift, whether before you who have been in the community for a long time or even those who shifted more easily than you – and I don't blame you for that, but you must understand that if they can do it, YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT TOO! What makes you different from them? What makes you so special that you are the only person in the multiverse who is incapable of shifting to the reality you want when you have always done this your entire life without even realizing it?!
You need to be kinder to yourself, take care of yourself and stop comparing your journey to other people's journeys because we are all different and what works for one person won't necessarily work for you and that's okay, you just need to do what works best for you because it's your journey so you have every right to navigate it however you want. It is necessary that you cut once and for all everything that is no longer serving you on your journey and as soon as you do, a new chapter in your journey will begin.
── .✦ PILE 3
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Cards: Bear, Stork, Tower, Mountain & Rider ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮ 𝅄 ꤮ ࣪ ⏜ ꤮
Hello, pile three! You have great power – especially because, at the end of the day, we are all the gods of our reality – and you may be tired of hearing that. But although you are aware of this, you do not actually recognize your own power. You don't really believe that you are really powerful, that you can shift realities whenever you want without anything stopping you and you don't trust your own potential, much less your abilities to change. Many of you even put your desired realities on a pedestal as if it were something unattainable or very difficult to achieve and that requires a lot of effort - but if you stop to think about it, it doesn't make any sense because there is nothing to try to achieve when you were always in your DR even before you discovered shifting.
Because of this, it is past time for you to start seeing yourselves as the powerful people you are and finally recognize your own power so that things can finally change once and for all. If you want things to change on your journey, YOU need to change first because you are in complete control of your journey and if you don't change, nothing will change. You need to go through a period of self-reflection, that is, set aside a moment in your day to reflect on your journey – on everything that has worked for you and what hasn't.
But most importantly, you need to change your self-concept about being a master shifter. If you assume you can't shift, you're right and the same goes if you assume you've already shifted and are a master shifter. Many shifters and manifesting people believe that when they assume a new state of being, they shift to a reality where this assumption is true. So if you assume you are a master shifter, you have just shifted into a reality where you are one and vice versa. That's how the law works, so do yourself a favor and use it for your own benefit and not to make things harder for yourself.
At this moment, things may be challenging on your journey or it will be challenging for you to change your self-concept - mainly because you will feel stuck in the old version of yourself (i.e. when you were the person who couldn't shift and are becoming one who has already shifted) while working to change your mindset but just keep persisting, that is, being the person who is already a master shifter without seeking validation in 3D because it's the 3D that needs your validation. But, regardless of what your case is, you will be able to overcome this and all your effort will be worth it in the end because you will have finally managed to achieve your goal!
© nocturniashifter – don't copy, redistribute or edit my content | dividers
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barrenclan · 10 months
sorry if this is spoilers bc we might learn more later. I'm super confused with Rainhaze's thought process. When he was saying its pointless. like. I get not wanting to go back bc he killed his mom. but what did that have to do with Asphodelpaw? Couldnt he just walk away? Did he see her and decide he wanted to be part of Defiance? And this was the tipping point to prove it? I'm super confused. Was it because if she left she'd tell someone? I assume we'll get a better explanation later?
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Absolutely! I've actually been waiting for a chance to really dig into this. Like Rainhaze himself, his issue is written with a lot of confusion and uncertainty, and it's not very straight-forwardly, so I understand why his motivations are easy to miss. So here it is!
Firstly; Rainhaze as he existed in BarrenClan and Rainhaze as he is now are two very, very different beasts. Obviously he's still the same person, but he's gone through a mountain of trauma, violence, and was forced to confront the fact that if pressed, he would kill a family member - even his own mother. Sure, in the moment he was threatened into doing it, but it opens the possibility that he'd even do that. Maybe he would've done anything to protect his family then, but it's been a long time.
Then, over many months, he's subjected to propaganda, murder, and terrible treatment. His mental state from where he was when he killed Dustfeather is massively changed. He's depressed, listless, and much more willing to kill. Not only that, but Defiance propaganda has worked on him.
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(Issue 24)
With so much constant killing in his life, and being constantly vulnerable, he begins to see death as a good thing. Something that ends suffering, something that doesn't really matter in the end.
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(Issue 28)
So now we're at Issue 31. Rainhaze is in a "doldrum", like Ranger says (a period of inactivity or lethargy). He's so torn between his new life and new beliefs, and his old regrets and old connections to BarrenClan, that he's basically attempting to end his own life through inactivity. Ranger doesn't want this. Here's his plan:
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Ranger knows that BarrenClan lives opposite the forest, across the prairie. He specifically orders Rainhaze to "kill something", planting that idea in his mind. He's hoping that Rainhaze will find one of his Clan members, and make the decision to kill one of them. This would push Rainhaze over into whatever full breakdown Ranger wants, and solidify his ties to Defiance. And that is what happens. So why did Rainhaze make that decision?
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We already have the basis of an incredibly traumatized Rainhaze. He views himself as he is now, and who he used to be, as different people. And he belives that's completely beyond redemption.
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Yes, all those months ago he promised he was suffering in Defiance for his family and Clan, but it's really hard to hold onto those noble morals when you're being put through hell every day. Rainhaze hasn't even seen his family in months. They don't seem real to him anymore.
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Then he is finally confronted by Asphodelpaw, the symbol of everything he's put himself through torture to protect, and all he wants to do is go back to Defiance. And here we go, getting to these lines;
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Rainhaze is a coward.
He's separated from Deepdark and Ranger, by at least several days. He could absolutely come home with Asphodelpaw and warn all of BarrenClan - they could evacuate in time, be far away by the time Defiance arrives on their territory. But then he'd have to face his family, face his sister whose mother he violently murdered. Have to stand there and have them look at him and know him and see the scars on his body.
When he says, "this is vile, pointless, irredeemable, monstrous", he understands that killing Asphodelpaw is a disgustingly cruel action. He knows that. He understands that he's choosing Defiance over her, and over them. But that's the choice he feels he needs to make to protect himself. He's not thinking about his family any more.
So he does something so completely vicious and irredeemable that he is forced to choose Defiance. Because there's no way that any BarrenClan cat would forgive him for this. There's no way he would forgive himself for this.
And thus, Rainhaze figures himself out, and burns every other bridge entirely. He makes his choice.
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arctickat2400 · 4 months
Take Care Of You ∞ Henry Cavill
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Henry Cavill x F!Reader
Warnings: talks of detailed period stuff, negative self talk, normal repetition (*annoyed eye roll*), overall fluff and Henry taking care of Reader (as in the title lol), Henry being literally the best boyfriend ever (as per usual)
A/N: I’ve had notes for this imagine in my Notes app for a while and the day before I started to write it was the second day of my period and it was kicking my ass. So I thought it was finally a good time to write it. Enjoy!
Word Count: 3,448 (aka much longer than it needed to be)
* * * *
Henry had gone to work on his new movie a month ago and he was finally coming home. You wanted to do something special for him, knowing he’s going to be exhausted, and you just wanted to take care of him. Besides, he’s always taking care of you, so why not give him a break every once in a while if he’d let you?
However, your plans hadn’t turned out the way you wanted them to. Your period had come in the middle of the night, resulting in very little sleep. You had things you needed to do, but it was kicking your ass and all you wanted to do was curl up and not get up for the next several days. That wasn’t an option, though.
Your apartment was a mess, and although Henry doesn’t live with you permanently, he’s at your apartment a majority of his time when he’s not away filming for a movie or show, so it might as well be his home. You’d prefer it to be clean for him. But your body had different plans - you didn’t want to get out of bed.
When you finally did, you headed to the bathroom to take some Advil for the pain, but you did a double take when you looked in the mirror. Your face was all broken out, your hair was a mess, and you were feeling a bit more insecure about yourself and your body now that you were on your period, although that’s not saying much. You wanted to take a shower, but you could hardly stand due to your raging cramps, the Advil not having kicked in yet, and you decided it best to go back to bed, cleaning yourself up before doing so.
You couldn’t let Henry see you this way. Yes, he’s seen you on your period before. You’ve been together almost two years and he’s always told you how beautiful he thinks you are, on or off your period, clean or dirty hair, acne or no acne (even though no acne was quite rare). Either way, he’s always told you how gorgeous you are no matter how you look.
But your mind was telling you it’s different this time. In the past, Henry’s always been there to help you through it all, to take care of you, if it was at home or while you were on trips with him. But, he’s never come home to you this way, and the fact that it’s hard for you to take care of yourself makes matters worse. He’s coming home expecting one thing, but will come home to something completely different, and quite unattractive (at least in your mind).
So, to take care of matters to the best of your ability, you picked up your phone from your bedside table and texted Henry.
Y/N: Hey, babe. Just wanted to let you know I’m not feeling well and that maybe it’s best for you to head straight to your place when you get home. I should be feeling better in the next couple of days, so I hope to see you soon. 
The original plan was always for him to come see you when he comes home from trips. You wanted so bad to see him, more than anything. You missed him dearly when he was gone, especially for so long. If it wasn’t for your insecurities, you wouldn’t possibly care if he saw you this way. But, that wasn’t the case this time around. 
You placed your phone back on your bedside table, curling up on Henry’s side of the bed, and falling asleep almost instantly.
When Henry got the text right after his plane had landed, he knew something wasn’t right. He couldn’t remember the last time he went to his house first before going to see you after a trip. He would always go straight to you and you’d never told him not to come over. 
As the realization popped into his head, Henry opened his calendar on his phone to see what day it was, and surely enough, just as he’d predicted, it was your time of month. That’s what was so great about him, it was his real life super power: Henry knew every little thing about you.
Henry couldn’t possibly just leave you alone in your time of need. He wants to come and take care of you if you want him to or not. So, he texts you back.
Henry: My beautiful baby, I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. Let me come take care of you. I’ll be there shortly, my love.
But, by the time he’d texted back, you’d already passed out again from exhaustion, missing his text. 
Henry decided to stop by the store on his way home to pick up a few things for you. He didn’t want to make you mad by coming over when you told him not to, but he knew the reason why, and therefore he’s justified because he just wants to take care of his baby. Plus, he hasn’t seen you in a month and he hates being away from you for long periods of time. If he’s able to see you, he won’t hesitate to do so. He prefers for you to go with him on trips, and you feel the same way, but you both know you had your job and responsibilities at home that prevented you from going with him. Henry was grateful, though, for the times you are able to go with him. 
Finally pulling up to your complex, Henry took all of the grocery bags and his suitcase from the trunk and made his way up to your loft. Using his key to get in, all the bags in one hand, he set his suitcase by the door and toeing off his shoes before guiding himself into the kitchen and quietly setting the grocery bags on the island, knowing you had to have been asleep after not having texted him back. You were usually very efficient when texting people back. 
Making his way upstairs, Henry spotted your sleeping body on his side of the bed. He knew you loved sleeping on his side when he was gone because it smelled like him. He knelt down beside you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and brushing his thumb over your cheek before placing a sweet kiss to your temple. He stood to go back downstairs, putting away some of the groceries, keeping the stuff for you out on the counter. Henry, then, decided to make you something to eat for when you wake up, knowing you probably forgot to eat before going back to sleep. 
Meanwhile, still half asleep, you hear some clanging of dishes downstairs and your eyes pop open wide. Quickly, you rush out of bed and downstairs, only to find Henry in the kitchen with an apron on (you would laugh if it wasn’t for the adrenaline pumping through your veins), food on the stove, groceries on the counter, and no dishes in the sink (which you’d meant to wash before but now they were gone). The kitchen was clean, and, unless you cleaned in your sleep, Henry had done it all for you and you felt even worse now than before. 
“Henry, what in God’s name are you doing here?” You startled him as he whipped his head around, his eyes wide in surprise. 
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I was trying to be quiet and trying so hard not to wake you. I know it’s your time of the month and I know you said not to come over, but,” Henry walked up to you, placing his hands on your waist, brushing his thumbs over your tummy. “I just couldn’t go home knowing I could be here taking care of my precious girl. I couldn’t stand by and leave you to deal with the pain all alone,” Henry finished, a sweet smile on his lips.
You loved Henry with all your heart and loved that he wanted to take care of you despite more than likely being extremely tired from filming and his trip home. But the fact that you knew how you looked right now made tears well up in your eyes as you stared into his. The other fact, unknown to you, was that all Henry could see was his magnificent girlfriend who would never cease to look anything short of stunning to him no matter what. 
“Honey, what’s wrong? Does your stomach hurt? What can I do?” He panicked. If you weren’t so aware of your mind going haywire, you would have chuckled at his absolute need to take care of you. 
You fell into tears, turning away from him and heading back up the stairs. Henry took his apron off, hanging it on the back of a chair at the island before chasing after you. “It’s just that I look absolutely horrendous. I’m still in my pjs, I haven’t had it in me to shower, I feel and look disgusting, I’m all broken out, and I’m just feeling all out insecure.” You say, sitting on the recliner in the corner of the room, placing your face in your hands, hiding from Henry who knelt down in front of you, his hands on either of your thighs. “And I was supposed to wake up this morning and clean, and I had a plan to take care of you today for once ‘cause I know you’ve got to be exhausted, but I ended up just falling asleep again, and you’re just so amazing and you’re always taking care of me. I just feel like such a bad girlfriend, and I… I…”
Henry took your hands from your face, holding them in his, making you look at him. “Baby, it’s okay. I don’t need anything more than to come home to you. And if that means being able to take care of you when you’re having a hard time, I’m more than happy to do so ‘cause I love you and I love more than anything to take care of you,” Henry smiles up at you as you sniffle. “And as for your comment about how you look, you know how I feel about that and you saying those things about yourself. It is impossible for you to ever look anything less than stunning to me. So don’t ever hide away from me. That would just deprive me of your beauty and we can’t have that now, can we?” Henry chuckled, pulling a short snicker from you, as he brushed his finger over your cheek to catch a tear. 
“Now, please let me take care of my baby girl. I bought you a few things from the store that I hope will make you feel better,” Henry smiled, taking your hands in his and lifting you from the chair. “Didn’t know what you needed so I just got you some extra supplies, as well as a bunch of chocolate and some food you crave around this time. Plus a little something special,” Henry turned to you as he led you down the stairs and winked at you, making a red blush rise to your cheeks. To this day, even after two years of being together, he never ceases to make you blush. 
Leading you to the island and lifting you up by the waist to sit on top, Henry pulled a bouquet of red roses from the pile of groceries, handing them to you. How you didn’t notice them before, you didn’t know. But they were so beautiful and he was so sweet for the precious gift. 
Henry stood between your legs, his hands on either side of your hips. “Henry, they’re gorgeous. Thank you,” You placed the flowers down beside you as you pulled Henry in for a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck before pulling him in for a much needed hug.
“Welcome home, my love. I’m sorry that’s not the first thing I said to you,” You smiled, pulling away to look him in the eyes. “I was just very surprised to see you and I was too in my head. Didn’t realize what really mattered was right in front of me.”
“That’s quite alright, my darling. Never need to apologize. I’m just happy to be back home with you in my arms,” Henry pulled you in for another kiss. “Now, I made you lunch and your favorite dessert - brownies,” He winked at you. How you didn’t smell them before either was beyond you, but the sparkle in your widened eyes and smile sent Henry into laughter as you licked your lips. 
“Let’s get some food and water into that adorable belly of yours, shall we?” Henry placed his hands on your waist as he bent down to press a kiss to the sliver of belly beneath your tank top, making you giggle, your hand brushing through his hair. 
Henry was obsessed with your belly. You never understood why, but you guessed it might have something to do with the fact that you’ve never been a big fan of it yourself, always being insecure about it and the extra fat that’s accumulated there. He just wanted to love the parts of you that you didn’t like so that you may learn to love it all like he does. And his love for it and the constant attention has allowed you to hate it just a bit less and you were grateful for him and his love for you, not just your body.
“Then, I’ll get to taking care of my beautiful baby,” Henry smiled and kissed your forehead. And he did just that. After eating, Henry picked you up koala style (your favorite way to be held by him) and carried you upstairs and into the bathroom. Setting you down on the countertop again, he went to turn on the shower to the temperature of your liking. 
Henry came back to help you undress, lifting your tank top over your head and sliding you off the counter before taking off your underwear.
Just then, tears stung your eyes as a wave of pain struck your lower stomach and your insecurities started to come back again.
“Hey, hey, what’s going on, baby? Are you okay?” Henry questioned, his hands cupping your cheeks to lift your face to look into his concerned eyes. But you couldn’t meet his eyes as you let out a cry, your arms covering your stomach. 
“I’m so sorry. It just hurts and all of this is just so disgusting and your shouldn’t have to deal with this…” You cried and Henry followed your line of sight to your blood filled pad. He knew what you were talking about, but he didn’t understand why you were so upset about it. 
“Baby, look at me,” He placed his finger under your chin to make you look at him. “I’m here for it all. There is nothing to be sorry about. This is all normal and I know that. There is nothing disgusting about it and nothing to be embarrassed about. I hate that you’re in pain and I wish that I could take it from you. That’s why I want to be here to help you and I will be here to help you in any way I can. I will do all the heavy lifting. Just let me take care of you and it will all be okay.” Henry explained to you so it would be ingrained in your head, sympathy in his eyes. You nodded and let out a whispered thank you, not trusting your voice just yet after the tears. Henry offered a sweet smile and a kiss to your head before you went to take care of your female things while he undressed himself, ready to join you in the shower, wanting to wash off his flight. 
Henry took your brush and started running it through your hair gently, getting all the tangles out. He, then, followed you into the shower, closing the glass door behind him. Your body instantly relaxed once the hot water hit your back and shoulders. It was even better when Henry came to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You leaned back against him, reveling in the warmth and safety of his embrace. 
“You’re so wonderful, Henry. I hope you know how much I appreciate you. You never cease to show me just how much you love me and I love you so much, darling.” You look up over your shoulder at him, one of his arms wrapped around your waist and the other coming up to stroke your cheek. 
“And I love you, my precious girl. I hope you know I will never stop. I can’t imagine a world where I could ever stop loving you. There is not a single thing that could take my love away from you. And that is how it will always be,” Henry smiled a small smile, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to your lips, crading your head in his hand. 
After Henry washed your hair and body and helped you shave your legs (this man’s a freaking saint), he got out first to allow you to enjoy a few more moments of warm water on your tense muscles. Meanwhile, he went to get you and him some comfy clothes while also running downstairs to grab your supplies from the kitchen. 
You opened the glass door to be met with Henry, his towel tied around his waist, holding your own fluffy towel out for you to walk into as he wrapped it around your body. He helped you dry off before getting himself dressed while you went to put in a tampon. Turning to see him shirtless and in a pair of gray sweatpants, just as you like him, you meet Henry in the middle. He knelt down to pull your underwear up your legs, a pad already set up inside, and pulled his Royal Marines hoodie over your head. It was your favorite hoodie because it was his. It always smelled like him and felt like his hugs for whenever he couldn’t be there to hold you.
Henry took your towel and ruffled it through your hair to dry it a bit, making you laugh. He loved your laugh and it never ceased to make him smile. Twisting your hair and clipping it at the top of your head, Henry picked you up in his arms and carried you to bed. Laying you down gently against the pillows, “Get comfy, sweetheart. I’ll be right back,” Henry leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead, smoothing the hair back from your forehead, before leaving to go downstairs. You took the remote from your bedside table and turned on the tv to Man of Steel. It was your favorite comfort movie. What could you say? Did it have to do with the impossibly handsome man currently in your kitchen? Maybe. 
Soon enough, Henry came back upstairs with a tray of items in his hands - a plate of four generously sized brownies, your Owala water bottle, two Advil pills, and a bowl of cut up strawberries. You smiled at just the sight of such a spectacular man (in more ways than one) coming toward you as he placed the tray on your right side before climbing into bed on your left (you sleep on the right and Henry sleeps on the left). Henry pulled the covers over your legs and pulled you into his side. 
He made sure you drink plenty of water, always making sure you were properly hydrated, and ate the snacks he brought up, having heard your tummy make noises just after getting out of the shower. You took the Advil as well, hoping to keep the cramps at bay if you kept on the medicine. 
Once you were done with the brownies (two for you and two for Henry), you slid down to lay your head on Henry’s chest, your legs pulled up over his. He held you tight against him, one arm around your back and the other rubbing your belly. Being back in Henry’s arms made you feel so safe and secure, and you were so comfortable, you began to drift off. Your eyes became heavy, the toil of your emotions and hormones getting the best of you.
Henry looked down to see you struggling to stay awake. “Sleep, my love. It’s alright. I’ll be here when you wake,” He brushed his fingers through your hair, soothing you into a deep sleep in the warm embrace of the love of your life.
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vanderlesbian · 1 year
husband price + ghost hcs
literally just got into cod and i immediately fell so hard for price and ghost erm.......so enjoy some hcs! if they're slightly ooc i apologize...i'm still really new to their characters
gn reader! no warnings <3
**i use [spouse] so you can insert your preferred term :) husband/wife/spouse/etc
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captain john price
- being married to a captain means a lot of nights where price doesn't come home until well after midnight from the amount of work that gets thrown onto him. you try your best to stay up those nights, waiting for his return so you can make him something quick to eat before cleaning him up for bed. though, a lot of the times you get too tired, and price will walk in to see you passed out on the couch. you always wake up in your bed with your husband's arms around your waist and his face buried in your neck.
- because price is always away from home for long periods of time, when he comes back expect to not lift a finger to do anything. he'll feel bad for having you manage the home alone for such long periods of time, so when he is at home he'll do everything for you. cook, clean, run errands—everything. though, sometimes you insist that you help him, saying that it's no fair that he comes home from work just to work some more at home. you find it more enjoyable when the two of you do chores together, anyways.
- he was so outwardly confident with proposing to you, but i know for a fact that he was like a shaking chihuahua on the inside. i definitely think you would date him for quite a long time before finally deciding to get married, so when price takes you to a spot you guys haven't visited since the beginning of your relationship to propose to you, your heart melts realizing that he remembered something from so long ago.
- your wedding was small and simple, with only close friends and family attending. price had more guests with all of the people he knows from work, but you've grown to like them all as much as he does. you have plenty of photos of the 141 boys drunk during the reception, and maybe a few pictures of a drunk, dancing price that he only lets you see out of embarrassment.
- speaking of the 141 boys, they'll often be at your place to watch football or to simply just hang out. you don't mind it in the slightest; they're all very kind to you. gaz is very formal with you because you're his captain's spouse, and you've told him multiple times that it's okay for him to use your first name rather than mr/mrs. price. the others are very casual with you, but know not to cross any boundaries with price watching. of course, i don't think they would do that to begin with, but regardless price is very protective of you.
- you will definitely nag him about his smoking habits. even if you find it attractive, you know it's not good for him. price and laswell will bond over the fact that their spouses hate it.
- price will ignore others to give you his undivided attention. soap would be blowing up his phone with text messages, hearing it buzz in the back pocket of his pants as he has you against the kitchen counter with his hands on your hips and his lips on yours. "john, it sounds important-" "it can wait." he'll mutter in that attractively low voice of his as he swiftly pulls the phone from his pocket and tosses it elsewhere before immediately pulling you back into another kiss.
- breakfast would be your time to catch up with one another. the most peaceful time of day, the both of you are always up early and sitting at the dining table with a hot cup of tea. he loves asking you about any new happenings that he missed while he was gone, and will watch with a soft smile as you enthusiastically tell him about it. you then do the same with him as he tells you about work, and you can always see his body relaxing as he speaks to you. after breakfast, he likes to invite you on his morning walks where you'll continue your conversations.
- i do think price would want kids; maybe one or two. while his job takes him away from home a lot, he'll always make time for his family, even if that means taking time off. he makes sure not to miss any important dates, and if it can't be helped, he'll make sure to spend time with you guys afterwards. seeing the way price smiles and laughs with your kids is something that you will cherish forever.
simon "ghost" riley
- ghost didn't see himself getting married until he met you. even then he was very hesitant for a long time, but as the two of you deepened your relationship, he realized that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
- ghost would need a lot of reassurance not only as a boyfriend, but also as a husband. he does not know how to be a husband in the slightest. he thinks he has to know how to do everything automatically, so you often have to reassure him that you're just as new to this as he is.
- being married to you, ghost trusts you more than anyone on the planet. you're the only one who can lift that mask from his face with your own hands, and he lets you trace your fingers along his scars. it took a long time to get to this point; you didn't judge ghost for not being very touchy while you were dating because you were aware of his circumstances. he also showed his love in other ways, mostly with gifts and acts of service. though, after getting married, ghost made it a point to be more physically affectionate with you. now, he loves resting his head in the crook of your neck and holding you tight and close, especially after a long day or mission.
- he isn't into making things very public, so his proposal was very private and probably took place at home, but made sure to make things as romantic as they can be in simon riley's world. your wedding would also be very small and probably in the backyard, but it would still be cute and magical. you've never seen ghost so full of life until your wedding day.
- he doesn't like to burden you with his work. before he leaves for a mission, he'll make sure everything at home is ready for you. fridge is stocked, clothes are washed, the toilet you've been bothering him about is fixed—he doesn't want you to worry about anything while he's gone. even when he's away from home, he'll text you a simple "you alright?" to check in on you.
- after you got together with ghost, you became his mask maker. when his mask gets torn or stained, you either fix it for him or make him a new one. at this point, you could paint a perfect skull with your eyes closed. when soap teases ghost about the mask, he'll tell him that you made it, which then makes soap feel guilty LOL. "why do you keep that mask on anyway? you scared?" "[spouse] made it."
- oh he is so cold and scary on the battlefield, but the moment he has time to himself and turns on his phone to see a message from you saying "i miss you :(" his entire world explodes. nobody could tell, but he wants nothing more but to be with you when he's away. in all those times he's spacing out while with the other 141 members, he's most likely thinking about you.
- i don't think ghost would want kids, but if you express that you do, he'll reconsider. he would just be scared that he wouldn't make a good dad, but if you do have kids, it's quickly shown otherwise. he definitely treats kids like tiny adults, but he's never harsh with them. imagine his large, scary figure sitting himself in a kindergarten sized chair after your kid pleaded for him to come in for career day.
- what ghost will want though is a dog. if you decide not to have kids, a dog will be your baby. a big ol german shepherd or a rottweiler, you guys will spoil that dog like it's royalty. you think it's cute to watch ghost kneel down to pet the dog, and sometimes you'll find them together taking a nap. you like to tease that he loves the dog more than you.
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rowdyslove · 1 year
𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐎. | luke hughes
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꒰ pairing: luke hughes x genderneutral!reader
꒰ genre: angst + fluff (slightly suggestive towards the end) + hurt/comfort ;established!relationship!au | oneshot
꒰ synopsis: after deciding to avoid the boy for weeks, you finally show up at his door the night before he has to leave the city and head off to new jersey to accompany the devils in the playoffs.
꒰ word count: 4k
꒰ author’s note: wrote this in less than 2 hours.. its currently 3 am rn :/ i’m surprised i even had the energy to write this in one shot
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whenever you thought about it, you would always start getting emotional over the thought of when luke would be leaving. whether it was for summer vacation over at his family’s lake house, or just a simple few week visit to his brothers in new jersey or vancouver.
you would get emotional one way or another, no matter how long he was leaving for.
not specifically a dramatic kind of emotional, of course. it wasn’t like you would be completely sobbing tears or throwing temper tantrums over not being able to see him for the periods of time he was gone; if that was the case, then luke knew for a fact that he would never be able to handle leaving you alone for as long as a single hour. especially since those days of his summer absence happened every single year.
but now, he had the chance to play in the nhl with his brother, jack. even though it was only for the playoffs, to him it seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity.
every single time he left to somewhere though, you would just get a little clingy. clingy in a caring way though, reminding him to take care of himself while he was away, making sure he was having a good time, or telling him to think about you when he was gone.
and luke did. he always did. whether it was a night in his soft bed after a day full of wakesurfing or simply just spending time alone studying in his dorm room. he always kept a big space for you in his mind, and he had always shown that he was thinking about you by sending you pictures of the sky and texting you about how his days were.
there were even times when luke became the clingy one, spamming you with all the pictures he took from his trips. you still remember all the times you playfully joked about blocking his number after he sent you frame-by-frame pictures of his brother jack falling off the wakeboard and into the water. you could see the exact moment when jack realized he was about to fall, his eyes widening more and more in each frame before his arms started flailing out in a poor attempt to keep his balance. when the three brothers came back home at the end of summer that year, you made sure to give jack a pat on the back and a ruffle to his hair.
for some reason, instead of getting emotional about luke’s departure this time, you felt different. not in a sense that you weren’t feeling numb to the idea of him leaving; you just simply felt different.
you were over-the-roof ecstatic the first moment you heard that luke got drafted to the new jersey devils and got to finally make his lifelong dream come true. it was always a dream of his to play in the same league alongside his brothers jack and quinn, and you were beyond proud of him to achieve such an amazing opportunity.
it was only until he broke it to you that he would have to move out to new jersey when the full season finally came to actually pursue it, when the realization finally came to you.
he had to leave. he wasn’t breaking up with you, but he did have to leave. it was just for a week for now. but to you, that week would feel like hell, with the tight schedules of training day to day and the long distance. you had no idea how you were going to handle the next hockey season when he would have to leave you for a whole six months straight.
luke was only leaving the city, but it felt like he was leaving you entirely.
after he told you the news, you left him to his own devices. stalling and wasting away the time you could have been spending with him, to spend by yourself. you put a pause on all the clinginess and caring reminders, and left him with unread messages and missed calls.
all of the thoughts that came to your head became too much for you—too many things you were uncertain of.
what if you couldn’t be patient enough to wait for his return this time? what if he found someone else while he was away? what if he couldn’t find the time for you because of how busy he would be? what if he completely forgot about you?…
luke zipped up his suitcase and plopped his hockey bag right in front of his dresser before he heard a sudden knock. he barely spared a single glance over his shoulder to his bedroom door, his back slightly arched in exhaustion from the depressive feelings that had been taking a physical toll on him for the past few weeks of you not talking to him.
it was his last night in his family home. his last night in his hometown before he had to go. all of that alone was enough to make him start feeling homesick.
but absolutely nothing had helped him prepare himself for the tragic ache his heart would be in when he realized that he might have to leave without seeing you, without touching you, and without hearing you say how much you love him one more time.
the impatient knock he once heard came again and he finally stood up, straightening his back the best he could, his brows furrowed with annoyance. he stepped closer to his door, ready to just tell his mom for the fifth time now that he had all of his hockey gear packed and would be bringing enough clothes with him. but when he swung open the door, he was met with you who he saw standing on the other side instead.
“hey luke…” you mumbled, clutching your jacket shoulder tightly in your hand.
his mouth opened, but only to be met with a breath being released. you seemed to be just as tired as he was, and he could tell by the puffiness around your eyes that you had been crying for what must’ve been the past few days.
as much as he did want to immediately wrap you up in his arms, to feel your chest against his, he found himself just stepping aside and giving you the space to come into his room.
his room was just as dim as it usually had been during the late night hours, since luke had a habit of turning off the main light that hung from the ceiling and just flipping on the lamp that stood upon his bedside table.
the first thing your eyes landed on was his hockey bag and suitcase on the floor, fully taped hockey sticks stood again the wall and luggage all packed up and ready for when he needed to leave in the morning. your heart dropped a slight bit at its indication of his departure, but you took a deep breath in and exhaled, relaxing yourself. you talked yourself through this, you thought about this whole situation and you wanted to give him your full support of his dream, instead of just dwelling in sorrow and misery before all your sadness replaced itself with guilt and missed chances.
“i see you’ve already packed.” you spoke up, gesturing towards his bags before you turned to face the boy.
“yeah umm,” luke started with a nod, “i leave for my flight tomorrow morning.”
you hummed in acknowledgement, feeling defeated by the last words. the tension between you two felt more like craving than it felt awkward, the air around you just waiting to be broken out of its restraint. turning to gaze at his open closet, you raised a brow at the pile of empty hangers lining up the left side of his closet before your eyes landed on one of his few hoodies he actually liked that was hung up in the very far right corner. a light baby blue hoodie hung all alone away from everything else.
you sighed sheepishly as you brought up a finger to point at it, making sure to keep the sobs that clung at your throat down. “you’re forgetting your favourite hoodie.”
luke looked over to the point of your finger, his own fingers fiddling together nervously as his mouth slightly hung open in a poor attempt to explain why he had chosen to leave it there. his mouth fired out the words quickly as he just stated out the obvious. “i’m going to leave it here.”
you frowned at the boy, your lips curling downward. luke softened at your pouted lips and curious eyes, his shoulders visibly relaxing. “but why? you look so good in it and it’s your favourite one too.”
his tongue darted out to lick his lower lip as a faint smile blossomed on his face, “i know it’s your favourite one too.”
you sucked in a choked breath, understanding the meaning behind why he wanted to leave it behind. he wanted to leave it for you, as something to remember him by while he was gone. it was a way of him telling you that, even down to the last second, he was always thinking of you—a way that didn’t require the usage of spam texts and well thought out confessions of his love for you, which he was never really good at anyways.
just one hoodie and a few stray t-shirts in an otherwise empty closet, all of them covered in his comforting warmth and lovely scent.
you bit down on your lower lip as you tried the hardest you could to hold in a sob as you walked over to the closet slowly. it was alot less messy than it usually looked, which felt very out of place for you. actually being able to see the stack of shoe boxes stuffed at the very back of the closet was very unfamiliar—they were all usually covered by clothes he threw over top. occasionally those shoe boxes would only ever see the light of day when luke plowed through the clothes to find something to wear or when you would go through to steal one of his oversized shirts.
peeling the blue hoodie off of its hanger, you carefully threw it over your head, marvelling at the way it hung so loose around your torso and almost down to your knees, the sleeves covering your hands. you felt content and warm wearing it. bringing up the sweater paws that had taken over your palms to your face, you inhaled at the smell of them and closed your eyes. the smell of his mother’s flowery detergent mixed with luke’s musky cologne overcame your senses.
it was like a match made in heaven; a smell that you could always recognize. it was a scent that had become like home to you, and it still felt like home to you even now.
would you ever end up forgetting the smell? would you still remember it if he ever stopped feeling like home to you? would your heart end up losing him from the time and distance soon to come between you two?
luke sighed from the feel of his heart shattering in his chest when he heard you choke out a sob. he knew you had began to cry, your tears now staining the hoodie sleeves as you weeped away with your thoughts and fears, and he wasn’t really sure what to do. he was never really the best at helping others with their emotions, because he was never really put in the position to.
“y/n..” he took a quick step forward but halted his movement when you turned around.
“i’m so sorry for ignoring you these past weeks.” you said, your voice timid and cracked, but still loud and strong enough to make luke’s heart pound heavily against his ribcage. “i’m really sorry if i made you think i didn’t support you or your dream. i need you to know now that i do and if you have to leave me in order to do it, then you should.”
to be honest, the thought that you didn’t support him never crossed his mind. he just somehow knew that you would support him no matter what. you had always been there for his university games, and you listened to him pour out his feelings whenever they encountered a loss, yet you never failed to praise him on how well he did and how proud of him you were—you were always the first person there for him when it came to him and his passion for hockey.
you were upset, and he understood that. he knew how your head worked. he knew that you would be having thoughts of uncertainty, constantly wondering if your relationship would work out in the end. since he got drafted, he knew that he would end up having to leave you for much longer than just this one week alone, and he knew that you were not ready at all for that.
he didn’t carry any amount of anger towards you for avoiding him until the last minute like you did. for one, he did understand your reasons why. and second, he couldn’t bring himself to get mad at you at a time like this, when he needed his last few moments with you to be nothing but pure love.
heaving a heavy sigh, he sat right down the middle on the edge of his bed, opening his arms wide and beckoning you over to him softly, “come here sweetheart.”
and you did, stumbling closer and closer to him until your thighs met with his knees. he leaned to grab your hands, giving your hands a few loving squeezes before he pulled you onto his lap, settling your knees on either sides of his thighs and circling his arms around your waist to prevent you from falling off.
you sniffled when he pressed soft kisses to your cheeks, soon lightly giggling when he grimaced at the faint taste of salt from your tears. you burst into another fit of giggles when he went back in to kiss your cheeks again, mending away all the trails of tears that fell down from your eyes.
“i missed you so much,” you muttered, your voice almost completely giving away as you cupped his jaw in your palms and stared into his wide almond-shaped eyes, thumbs grazing his cheeks lightly.
“i missed you too,” he mumbled under his breath, bringing your chest closer to his, “i am so sorry for making you cry my love.”
you hummed in disagreement as you shook your head. your fingers pressed against his cheeks, almost clinging to them and hugging his face carefully, and luke never wanted you to let go. your accepting smile made him fall more and more in love, over and over again. he physically had to compose himself to not plunge into you with rough kisses right then and there.
“i’m sorry for waiting all this time. we could have been this close like this every night if i didn’t.” you said quietly, trailing over his features with your glazed eyes. “i hope i’m not too late.”
luke smiled, his eyes squinting with a small crinkle of his nose. you could never be too late for him. his heart was always ready for you at any moment in time, whether he was just thinking about you in silence or having you pressed so close to his body.
luke would always be ready for you. for all that you would give him and for all that he wanted to give you.
“you know, it’s never too late to kiss me sweetheart.” he whispered closer to your face, breath fanning over your lips, feeling you lightly squirm under the weight of his words.
rolling your eyes at him playfully, you squeezed his cheeks before gladly leaning in so you could press your lips against his. his fingers gently clawed at your lower back as his other hand flew up to hold the back of your neck, quickly finding any way he could to touch your skin.
oh gosh your lips. your soft, soft lips. luke could preach over a thousand words about how kissing you always made him feel so needed and loved. how your kisses made him feel like there was nothing else in the world he couldn’t do.
they opened a kind of gate to his heart he didn’t even know he had, and it was one that could only be opened by you.
with the influence of desire that filled his chest, luke suddenly started grazing your bottom lip with his teeth, his brows furrowing with passion when he caught your lip between his teeth. you let out a breathy moan in surprise. pushing yourself further, you opened you parted your lips, allowing luke to connect your tongues in a more fiery kiss.
adrenaline coarse throughout your lungs, causing a ruckus of butterflies to erupt in your stomach. he never kissed you with such urgency before, silent pleads piercing the tip of his tongue and desperately longing for more and more of your lips lustful movements against his. the way he kissed you made you breathless.
luke kissed you, intending to let his lips linger on you even after whenever he decided to pull away. he wanted the shape and taste of his lips to haunt over you every day and night that he would be away. and damn, he was doing it well so far even while he was still there. you were being drenched in bliss, letting him take full control over you.
through the heated moment, luke forced himself to pull away from the kiss for a brief moment to allow his hazy mind and breathless lungs to settle down. both of you were feeling hazy, drifting somewhere away in paradise and neither of you had any plans on leaving that paradise any time soon.
you kept yourself close to him, your upper lip positioned tenderly against his, taunting him and daring him to let go. your eyes were just as gone as luke’s were when you stared into them, and you worshipped the way his green irises could always pull you into him so effortlessly.
“i love you, okay?” he stated breathlessly, his tone filled to the brim with sincerity. “and i’ll keep loving you, even in ten years from now.”
ten years from now, whether he only got to talk to you every weekend or every three months. even if he had to fight through struggles of finding the time in his busy schedule just to catch up with you. luke loved you, and he would wait forever until he could physically love you again.
“wait for me to come back please.” he pleaded, the mossy ocean in his eyes seemed tearful and ready to spill like a waterfall, causing heartache to pool in your chest. he was clutching the hoodie that covered your frame and keeping your hand pressed to his cheek, his shaky movements only calming down your want to break down again.
wait for me. remember me. hold on to me.
luke was pleading to you over and over.
you felt like crying again. the eruption of sadness stayed no matter how many times you convinced yourself that things would turn out just fine; that you could live without him being near you for whatever amount of time that may be.
you could deal with the quiet for a while. you could deal with not being in his presence when you came to his house. you could deal with the untouched skin and unkissed lips.
you could. you just had to.
“i will, i promise.” you replied in a hushed whisper, resting your forehead against his. “i’m going to miss you so much.”
luke pressed his thumb onto your cheek, swiping across the underneath of your eyes and wiping away the wet trails before they could fall, making you smile softly as you leaned your face into his palm, keeping your eyes on him.
“i’ll text you all the time. and if i don’t, then jack will.” he grumbled with a short scoff, remembering how it took no amount of effort for jack to get your phone number the first time you all met, while it took luke a whole week just to muster up the courage to do so. “we’ll both keep in touch.”
“you guys better,” you said threateningly, making him chuckle.
and then he kissed you again, much softer this time though. it was like a form of sealing your promise to each other. a promise between two young adults who held such genuine, tender and kind love for each other.
“when is your flight tomorrow?” you asked after pulling away, adjusting your legs to wrap them around his lower back instead. “my flight leaves at eight in the morning, so i’ll be leaving here at around seven.”
that was a much earlier time than you usually woke up at. but either way, you never really planned on seeing him off anyways. turning into a big sobbing mess in a public area so early in the morning would not look so pretty. you would much rather just leave things as him bidding a soft goodbye and a forehead kiss to your sleeping form, and maybe you would silently sob in the confines of his bed once you woke up.
“i won’t be going to the airport with you sadly,” you said with a sigh, running your hands through his curly locks before circling your arms around his neck.
luke flashed you a faint smile, a bittersweet yet endearing one. his fingers gently tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, brushing the hair away from your face. “do you need anything from me before i go?”
“you should actually be the one getting something from me,” you said tapping his nose with your index finger and pressing your chest up against his for more much needed closeness. “i am very, very proud of you lukey.”
he gave you a small peck upon your lips, “thank you sweetheart.”
the two of you just looked at each other after that. affectionately drawn towards each other like yin and yang. you simply couldn’t help but whispering those three beautiful words, combing through his lushous hair as the words “i love you” left your lips, like a secret only luke could hear.
“i love you too,” he returned quickly, his eyes shutting for a brief moment, allowing him to relish in the euphoria of your fingers massaging his scalp so gently. “are you sure you don’t want anything from me?”
you thought for a moment, your brows furrowing slightly. there weren’t really anything you wanted to ask of him. most of the things you wanted were for him to not leave, which was ultimately out of his control.
“call me when you land in tampa.” you reminded him.
“of course love,” he hummed. “anything else?”
you sighed lightly, keeping your eyes on him. there really was nothing else you needed from him. all you needed was the boy himself, and you had him the moment you stepped into his room, and you were going to stay for every minute until he had to take his leave.
luke could see what your eyes were telling him. you didn’t want to spend the night with simple words. you only wanted to spend the night with love and emotions, whether they were loud or quiet, or maybe even tender or rough.
you leaned in, your eyes moving from his eyes and down to his lips. “just stay with me,” you breathed into his mouth. “until you have to leave me.”
luke wasted no time in claiming your lips once more with his, rough exhales fanning against both of your faces as he kissed you so desperately to fulfill the insane amount of lust and desire he was holding for you.
the soft lamp shade dimmed suddenly, as if it was closing its own eyes at the sight of him flipping you over softly to land on his bed, his body hovering over yours closely—like the lamp felt shy at the sight of swollen lips and soft skin marked with love, worship, and devotion.
stay with me until you have to leave me.
luke could do that. and instead of just your lips this time, he planned for his presence to linger on your entire body even after he left as well.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 8
Hello! This story is just cruising on through. I'm about four chapters ahead now and I know it's weird to say with that much story left, I do feel like it's coming to a close.
Today we have Robin taking a bit of initiative regarding Steve's date to the Gala, Steve getting some fun jobs and Chrissy being cute.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @lingeringmirth
Robin arrived bright and early the next morning to find two very hungover omegas passed out Steve’s sofa, a bucket of mostly eaten glob of goo that was once ice cream, two wine glasses and three empty bottles of wine.
She looked down at the two of them and wondered if this was a pity party or a celebration, it really could have gone either way. She tidied everything away and got water and painkillers for Steve and Chrissy when they woke up.
She settled in a nearby armchair and went through Steve’s requests for his services. She quickly dismissed those on his black list. There were always those that thought the rules didn’t apply to them. She noted the new addition that Troy made and went through his notes on the matter. They were thorough and raised both eyebrows.
Robin knew that the omega escorts that were the cream of the Starcourt crop didn’t like Troy because he came off as a creep, but other handlers loved him. Because Troy was meticulous in his notes. Every person that spared more than a passing glance to Steve got a note. Because that was another thing that set Troy apart from other handlers.
He didn’t believe social events were hands off. Even Robin tended to spend it in the car with Xander unless it was a new client. But not Troy. He got dressed up and stayed on hand in case his omega needed to get out.
But that intensity was why he was only a substitute handler. Starcourt had yet to find an omega that could stand it for long periods of time.
Troy had catalogued every little god damned thing. From the mirco-aggressions from the guests toward the band, the meet-cute of the century, the posturing and bullying from the senator afterwards. He noted that he almost interfered twice.
Once when the alpha bullied his way to Steve’s side when he was talking to the drummer. An alpha who had on his arm a pretty male omega who was obviously his date.
The other was when Lombard had pulled Steve away from talking to Joyce Hopper, another congressman’s bondmate.
But each time, Steve was able to calm the raging alpha, so Troy stayed his hand. But Robin could tell from his notes it was a near thing both times.
Robin licked her lips slowly. She almost wanted to put Troy on Steve for his next event.
She didn’t like how everyone looked down on both Steve and the band. Both were gross separately, but together it raised some serious red flags.
She made a note to talk to Steve about it. His instincts were really good.
She then pulled up Steve’s job requests and wasn’t surprised to see that Senator Lombard was on it. She quickly declined it and sent of the usual black orchids and cutting note.
Usually Steve dictated the note, but Robin didn’t want him pulled back into black hole that was this asshole senator. Plus there was the fact that Steve had put him on the pre-check list and Robin had overridden that.
Succinctly put she sent:
I’m no one’s property.
S. Harrington
She went through the list looking for other black listed members to fob off their requests back to management where they would find someone else or black list them from the company all together.
She went back to her list and gasped and giggled when she saw not one, not two, but three requests that would make Steve giddy as fuck.
She did frown a little at the final request. She would have call him and work out all the specifics because it could cause a lot of problems if mishandled.
Steve would want to do it regardless, if Troy’s notes were anything to go by, but it was Robin’s job to make sure everything was fun for all those involved.
She called the number.
“Hello?” the sleep rough voice answered.
“Hello,” Robin said brightly. “I’m sorry if I woke you, but I’m Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington’s handler.”
She suppressed a grin as she heard him scramble to get up. He cleared his throat.
“Um, yeah,” he mumbled. “How can I help you?”
“Yes,” Robin said. “I saw you had some particular requests for your rut servicing and I wanted to ask some questions about that.”
“Oh!” he said with a grin. “I would be happy to answer any questions you have.”
They spoke for almost twenty minutes but at the end of it, Robin signed off on all three requests.
She was adding them to Steve’s schedule when the man of the hour raised his head from the sofa and blinked at her, sleep rumpled and cute.
Steve mumbled his good morning before padding over to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. Once he was sufficiently caffeinated he sat back down on the sofa, careful not jostle the still sleeping Chrissy.
“You two look like you had lots of fun,” Robin said with a big grin.
Steve flipped her off.
Chrissy raised her head and blinked bleary eyed at Robin. When her vision cleared, she squeaked and ran for the bathroom.
Robin raised an eyebrow, but Steve just shrugged. He wasn’t going to tell her shit about the omega’s crush on her.
“Troy left some pretty hair-raising notes about last night,” Robin said wagging her eyebrows, “by the way.”
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah? What about?”
“A hot rockstar alpha got the ultra professional Steve Harrington to scent in a room full of the elite on heavy scent blockers no less.”
Steve blushed. “The only thing I can think of is that I must have sweated straight through it.”
Robin cocked her head. “Or he was just that hot.”
He took a deep sip of his coffee and looked away.
“Which is why,” she said with a feral grin, “you’ll be happy to note that Eddie Munson has requested you three times for three separate events and three separate jobs.”
Steve straightened up. “There is no way.”
Robin wagged her eyebrows again.
“What did he want?” Steve asked, aiming for nonchalant and missing it by a mile.
Robin pulled out her tablet. “The first one is for next Friday. He wants to do a roleplay. One of your favorites, in fact.”
Steve was suddenly on the other side of the sofa, leaning into her space.
She laughed out loud. “Not the BDSM one, you animal.”
“As if!” Steve huffed swatting at her playfully.
“The meet-cute in crowded hotel bar that leads to sex,” Robin clarified.
Steve gasped, clasping his hands to his chest dramatically. “I haven’t done one of those in so long!”
“And he wants you to wear the dress from last night,” she said with a sly grin. She read the note directly from her tablet. “‘I want to see if the dress drops to floor the way you said it does.’ You want to explain that one to me?”
He blushed to the tips of his ears. “He was asking if it was hard to get in and out of.”
Robin cackled. “You sly dog. No wonder you burst through your scent blockers with a line like that one.”
Steve coughed and looked away. “What’s next?”
“The Grammy’s,” she said, looking back at her tablet. “He wants you to wear something black and slinky. Your choice on suit or dress.”
He raised his eyebrows at that one. Most of the time alphas wanted their dates to be wearing dresses to an event like the Grammy’s.
Instantly he had two outfits enter his head. The first was a short sheath dress with strappy heels and minimal jewelry. The second was tight leather pants, a black suit coat with a mess top underneath and ‘fuck me’ killer heels.
He licked his lips thoughtfully. He would send both to Eddie to see which one he’d prefer.
“Sounds like fun,” Steve said honestly with a small smile.
Robin smiled back. “The last one is a rut servicing with a couple of strange stipulations.”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “Like what?”
“He wants you to go on birth control, for starters,” she said.
Steve frowned. It wasn’t that unusual of a request. There had been more than a few clients who didn’t believe that all the omegas were infertile and wanted extra protections.
“And no barebacking,” she added with a wince.
“Now that’s just insulting,” Steve huffed. “I can’t pup. It’s an actual thing.”
Robin chewed on her bottom lip. “Look, I wouldn’t have agreed to it if I thought he was being an ass about it. You know I wouldn’t.”
He let out a long shuddering breath. “Did he say why?”
She nodded. “I even looked it up and there was this whole thing. But the TL;dr is that he shared a rut with a non-escort omega who said they were infertile and they weren’t. The female omega tried to get him on the hook for child support, but when they did a paternity test, it wasn’t his. So the court ruled in favor of Eddie, but it was a near thing.”
It was Steve’s turn to wince. Yeah, all right. He had to admit that if he had had that happen to him, he’d be triply sure too.
“There are a couple other things I just need to go over with you,” she said, “and then you’re all good to go.”
Steve nodded.
“He wants to pay for you to play at being his boyfriend until after the rut servicing,” Robin said.
Steve’s eyebrows went up. “And management is okay with that?”
He had done the boyfriend thing a few times but never with someone as high profile as Eddie Munson.
“According to the notes on the request his new management and Starcourt went over all the details and it’s going to be great publicity for both the band and us.”
Steve frowned, rearing back his head in confusion. “New management? What happened to his old management?”
“Do you remember the creepy gang bang?” Robins asked with a blush.
Steve’s frown deepened. “Yeah, of course. The band was pissed and fired their management...” he said trailing off. “Holy shit!”
She grimaced. “Yeah. Their new manager is Benny Hammond. I can’t imagine what dealing with the other guy would have been like.”
They went over the rest of the stipulations and by the time they were done, Chrissy poked her head out of the bathroom. “Hey, Steve can I borrow some clothes? I got ice cream all down the one side. Somehow.”
Steve laughed. “Sure thing. You know the drawer to pick from. You take from anywhere else and I will hunt you down.”
Chrissy rolled her eyes. “I know, I know. The rest is for clients only. I’ve got the same set up in my place, you know.”
He just grinned at her.
She huffed and dashed to Steve’s bedroom with just a towel wrapped around her slender form.
He looked over at Robin, who was looking dis-repectively. He threw a pillow at her head and she squawked.
“May I remind you,” he said with a glare, “that you have a girlfriend now?”
Robin sighed. “I know, I know. But you know how I am around hot women, I can’t help but look.”
“I do,” Steve said, “but does Vickie?”
Robin looked down, visibly chastised.
Five minutes later, Chrissy came back out wearing shorts that would have barely covered Steve’s ass, but went down to a respectable length on her and a crop top that hung off one shoulder and again went to her waist.
“It’s really not fair,” Robin said throwing her arms in the air, “how you escorts can look hot in the most basic of clothes. Clothes that would look sloppy on anyone else.”
Steve and Chrissy shared a glance with a grin.
“It’s an art, darling,” Chrissy drawled, tossing her hair back seductively.
Steve giggled.
Chrissy kissed his cheek and waved goodbye to Robin and soon they were alone at last.
“All right,” Robin said, “tell me everything.”
He threw back his head and laughed. “Let me get another cup of coffee, and then I’ll spill the tea.”
Oops! This is the chapter I realized I had Hopper as both a Congressman and management at Starcourt! Sorry about that. Hopper has been changed in the earlier chapter (not on here) to being Powell so that when I post it to AO3, it won't have the continuity error.
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @itsall-taken @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @lexirosewrites @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @yikes-a-bee @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @eyehartart @mangoinacan13 @ellietheasexylibrarian @rememberthatiloveyou @demolvr @y4r3luv @slowandsteddie @r0binscript @mogami13 @alyelf
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adambja · 1 year
Basically I am gonna be direct I am always direct in everything
basically I am gonna do the silva method 2 yes I entered the void state before it was somehow by the help of myself (my subconscious mind) and @rosellesworkshop she really helped me a lot
And..... the first void state story is here
I didn't post anything about what I manifested but basically I typed everything on my google notes and I put an affirmation "I have everything on my void list" and I affirmed in my void state it was pretty easy but such a vivid experience it's so special so peaceful to me but at the same time it was just normal because that peaceful vibe I have been always feeling it my whole life because of my self-concept
what I manifested I can literally say everything but it's almost a lot of things it would take me 2 hours to say it all but gonna make it simple because someone messaged me here asking if it's life-altering?
Yes entering the void state and manifesting in general is life-altering but it isn't that special like it's normal you have been manifesting everything your whole life based on your thoughts your imagination and your feelings also I felt that I am worthy of entering it and manifesting thru it because i just want it and why wouldn't I be worthy of it? No damn reason so yeah I deserve all my manifestations and I deserve to feel good about myself my worth is literally the whole universe with all the people and everything in it
Let me make it so clear
I am gonna do something like getting the limiting beliefs I saw here + the ones I didn't have out and flip it
Astrology-planets-saturn-saturn in retrograde-mercury-mercury in retrograde doesn't stop me from entering my void state / Astrology-planets-saturn-saturn in retrograde-mercury-mercury in retrograde doesn't stop me from waking up in my void state / Astrology-planets-saturn-saturn in retrograde-mercury-mercury in retrograde can't stop me IT CAN'T
religions doesn't stop me from entering my void state/ religions doesn't stop me from waking up in my void state / religions can't stop me (in fact everything about LOA in every damn religion but people can't simplify every word to understand it fully in every book of the three religions I read QURAN I read THE BIBLE I even read THE TORAH) - I am not religious at all HEY DEAR MUSLIMS Law Of Assumptions isn't haram and Law Of Assumptions isn't shirk at all it's about changing yourselves which is the self which is halal in Islam as their god says it all in here so Dear Muslims wake up and realize your own religion and understand (not just read) your own book I am not even Muslim and I know more than y'all HOW DARE YOU PUT YOUR FELLOW MUSLIMS IN THE DARK when it's actually all there in YOUR QURAN anyways NOW Hey Dear Christians lets get to the bible it's all in here and FINALLY Hey Dear Jewish People almost every part of the torah is full of self-concept Jewish people will understand what I mean and the answer about LOA is here
the void state is real it's me not the void state isn't a place outside of me
Everything/everyone outside of me isn't real everything/everyone is defined by me
My subconscious mind is always helping me and loving me
Nothing from my new self-concept can be deleted damaged destroyed erased or removed or even gone because i did anything wrong when actually nothing is wrong or right it can't be deleted damaged destroyed erased or removed or even gone
Everything lasts forever btw but you don't have to attach to it or control it just let it be what you want
Time isn't real every process is instant in every reality such as entering the void is already instant for me
Just let every thought go you don't have to even do anything to it or flip it just let it be breathe then after a while think ABOUT the reason you have that thought
I am in control of what version I am and of who I am and of what I want to experience and of how I want to experience it!
Assume success as it happened period
I am ALREADY CALM AND COMFORTABLE I JUST live and trust my own subconscious because I know it's just giving me what I want why? I already reprogrammed it to do it I already know it listens to me I already know it loves me too I already know it is me WHO DECIDES ALL THIS! MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND IS A PART OF ME NOT ANOTHER PART of something that's away from me
Everything i want is meant for me why would i even think about it In the first place?? Because it's already mine
LET IT GO it's easier
I assume that i already got it
i assume that my void state is already mine I can do what I want with it THE VOID IS MINE ITS ME I AM MINE EVERYTHING I WANT IS MINE EVERYONE I WANT IS MINE NO ONE CAN STOP ME
Nothing is actually hard it's MY choice to CHOOSE MY OWN DESTINY AND I CHOSE THAT EVERYTHING IS EASY
The void state isn't hard the void state is easy
The void state isn't your imagination at all it's just you with a deeper sense of self aka it's a deep mediative state
My subconscious mind always accepts everything I want instantly
my subconscious is always listening until i die and my subconscious always makes everything I think of and say or affirm as true
My subconscious mind doesn't have an opinion of me
My subconscious mind is just like a bitch who gives me what I want instantly no matter what and my subconscious mind is so smart my subconscious mind always has a way of making things happen magically period
My conscious mind is full of my good affirmations and my perfect self-concept and just like a bitch AS MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND
My feelings are stable and I feel safe everywhere with everyone and within myself
The void state is for everyone not for a specific amount of people or like a chosen people it's for everyone
The void state is life-altering
I am the god of my reality forever
I don't have to control anything outside of me i am in control of myself and that's enough because it's all me nothing exists outside of me
Delusional?? I call it imaginative and the imagination is the core of the reality I always love living in my imagination
I am not gaslighting myself - I am not even lying to myself I feel like I am saying the truth to myself because my subconscious always accepts everything I say and think about as true I don't even have to worry about anything!
spirituality doesn't matter calmness and breathing and focusing on nothing and the self matters more than anything
The old story is old let it go the new story is actually who i am so I would call it my current story
My chakras are already aligned and open my chakras can't be blocked or closed
I am already aligned and ready for everything I want
I am already what I want to be instantly
I am love my heart chakra is open I feel love
My desired reality is already mine
I always claim everything as mine because it is mine and my subconscious mind always makes it as true and I am fearless and I know so well I already have it inside of me in my imagination and outside too aka (everything I want is already mine)
There isn't anything such as blockages lmfao bruh I already don't have blockages period
Law of assumptions is assuming that the thing i want is already here with me and I already got it also assuming i already have that perfect self-concept i already have everything I want I already entered my void state instantly easily and effortlessly the same thing with everything you already have your sp or whatever you want
I just focus on controlling what is inside of me and as a result the outside already changed as my thoughts changed and my feelings changed
I can and I always enter my void state/wake up in my void state in any room in any house in any place and at anytime even if it's after midnight I am always able to do what I want because I want to do it
My body is already ready to wake up in my void state / My body is already ready to enter my void state - My mind is already ready to wake up in my void state / My mind is already ready to enter my void state
I don't give anyone my energy or my power and my energy is mine and my power is mine and no one can take my power/my energy from me finally I can't give anyone my energy or my power
I can't give anyone my own self-concept because they don't deserve it it's mine and I deserve it more than anyone because I worked for it I affirmed for it I listened to tapes for it so it's mine no body deserves it even if I love them they don't deserve my self-concept
I always focus on myself and helping myself only I don't have to help others at all helping others isn't my purpose in life forever in every reality helping others isn't good if it takes my time away
Everytime I talk about any manifestation of mine that it already happened to anyone it already happened and it was instant no matter what and telling anyone my manifestations can't stop my manifestations from happening because it already happened and because that's what I want period and my manifestations can't be damaged and my manifestation can't be destroyed and my manifestations are already protected by me and my smart subconscious mind
To understand #46 better WATCH THIS
What is the lesson from #46? Don't be like Cher when she let Tai have her moment and that made cher feel unwanted and unpopular LISTEN STAND UP GIRLS AND GUYS REMEMBER WHO TF ARE YOU YOU MADE THIS THING/PERSON/WHATEVER THAT BIG YOU CAN MAKE THING/PERSON/WHATEVER NOTHING AGAIN IT'S A CHOICE! DON'T EVEN PUT YOURSELF IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS NO ONE DESERVES WHAT YOU HAVE BUT YOU PERIOD YES HELP THEM YES GUIDE THEM BUT NEVER LET IT BE ON YOU! cause they are nothing but assumptions in your subconscious mind period!
I guess I said everything but another question think with me
If you can memorize that memory from your far past how can't you enter your void?? Ofc you can
Assume that you entered it everytime you slept all those years since you were born but you were just unaware now you are aware of it period and wake up there I tried it many times after manifesting my void list it's simple, easy also i understand and realize that my subconscious mind is always listening until i die and my subconscious always makes everything I think of and say or affirm as true and basically use the breathing that @gorgeouslypink put as a technique which is Wim Hof technique it's A M A Z I N G
So I am gonna try the silva method because I made another void list to manifest it thru my void state again but I just wanna try another way to enter and I always wake up in my void state everyday btw because it was written in my first void list it's all for fun now nothing else
Read "my void doc" by @rosellesworkshop
Read this and this by @gorgeouslypink
It might seem so simple and that's seriously it
That's the void state it's simple as hell but some people here and on Twitter just complicate it because of their own feelings and this brings us back to 1.how you breathe daily and 2.your self-concept add to those two things 3.emotional intelligence which is basically choosing your own feelings period!
Have fun with the silva method I bet it already works because everything always works for me instantly!
I know thanked u a lot but thank you again Rosie and everyone @rosellesworkshop @gorgeouslypink @littlemissprettyprincess @angelria111 @voidbaby111 y'all are amazing seriously everything y'all posted helped me in my journey generally
also seeing success stories from @voidsuccess @voidsuccessarchive was very helpful to me I defined all the points ABOUT what did those people who entered or woke up in the void state have and I started defining it as me and as WHO I AM NOW! And I Just Said "That's Me Now" and that's was a change of state inside of me you can check law of states too ;)
Happy pride month to the LGBTQ+ - Y'all are loved
And y'all have a great day/night depends on y'all's time zones GOODBYE!!
Update: I already entered using it too it was too easy I entered while doing it 😭😭
Also like I already wake up in my void state everytime I nap/sleep so basically it was too simple and easy for me
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artemisdesari-blog · 2 months
The trouble with writing a long AU is sometimes it sparks ideas for others based off narrative choices. In this case; what would have happened if the deal between Dooku and Fett in Careless To Let It Fall had been allowed to happen.
After killing Komari, Fett encounters Dooku who offers him the job of being the progenitor and trainer of an army of clones. So good, so canon. In Careless this is expanded on as a deal where two hundred thousand men are grown and trained purely for the purpose of overthrowing the Republic Senate who are responsible for, among many things, supporting the New Mandalorian's take over of Mandalore (leading to something of a cultural genocide) and the mission to Galidraan where Dooku was given all the wrong information as part of a Death Watch trap, but Jango shot first. Obviously there are more issues than that, and Jango is in full on revenge and not thinking clearly mode, but that's the base of it. As Jango’s payment for helping the Jedi effectively overthrow the Senate (cesspool of corruption that it is) Jango will be given fifty thousand of those men to use to wipe out any Death Watch in hiding and take back Mandalore. Obviously, neither Dooku nor Jango mean to keep their end of the deal. Dooku knows Palpatine has bigger plans and will work on Jango as much as possible to make a larger army and Jango intends to just abscond with every clone when the time comes and wipe out any Jedi who come for them.
This where Careless and whatever this AU is would diverge. In Careless Qui-Gon Jinn lives, Obi-Wan goes off to do his own thing, and Fett gets aggressively mind wiped and controlled by Dooku and Sidious so that he truly becomes the major asshole we all love. There's other stuff, but that hasn't been revealed yet even though I'm at chapter 100.
In this universe, Qui-Gon would die and the Trade Federation, humiliated by how Sidious used them, would find a way to off the Chancellor of the Republic as a final fuck you. Maybe Palpatine’s death is just an accident. Either way, Sidious is out of the picture but the clones are already in production and the Senate is still a total cesspool of corruption and arrogance and greed. Without Sidious to help facilitate the plan of playing one side of a conflict against the other, Dooku has to rethink and do it fast. He rejoins the order (or stays, some agree he left before Qui-Gon died and just stopped by to visit, others think it was what caused him to leave and I am too tired and lazy to check which is correct), forms a relationship with Obi-Wan even though he doesn’t bring him into the plan because he can tell Obi doesn't have time due to Anakin’s everything, because I am trash for Grandpa Dooku stuff, and begins to quietly convince younger and more idealistic Jedi that the Senate needs an overhaul, usually approaching them after missions gone wrong, while periodically checking in on Jango and the clones.
All on Kamino appears to be going according to the revised plan, except its actually going according to Jango’s plan. Jango pulls in the trainers and spends a couple of years weeding out the ones he can't actually trust as much as he hoped while quietly adopting a few dozen clones, including many fan faves. Other trainers adopt other clones, those clones adopt brothers, they basically become a group of clans with Jango as their Mand'alor. Dooku’s Jedi come for their one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers who will help them overturn the Senate and the clones turn on the Jedi, capture them, and head off to Mandalore to take what Jango has promised them with Fett as their leader and Cody as his right hand. Predictably, Obi-Wan is sent to Mandalore to deal with the fall out while the rest of the Jedi Council try to work out what the actual fuck happened and how Dooku managed it.
In all likelihood this would result in the Jedi leaving the Republic because the fact that Dooku managed to draw a good number of them into the mess would catch attention and make things very difficult. We would probably end up with some Codywan (because this is me) but that would probably only be implied at the end rather than the focus.
But, yes, the danger of long form AUs and the ideas that narrative choices spark. Another one for the maybe some day pile.
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Momma's Pretty Bird
Summary: After a long two weeks of undercover work, Keigo finally gets to come home to his momma.
Pairings: Takami Keigo x Female Reader
Warnings: Kissing, light petting, more sickeningly sweet than anything. Mommy kink. Sugar mommy. Older!Reader 3.2k Words
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Hawks met you like he met everyone else, rescued during a villain attack. Some upstart had decided to rob a local jewelry store, and Keigo was called in to investigate. He'd flown in to see you standing protectively in front of a pair of scared teens, a scowl on your face as you faced off against the perpetrator. Something in his chest had tightened at the sight, and after apprehending the villain with ease, Hawks sent out a feather that snagged the back of your shirt and brought you to him. 
“That was incredibly brave and pretty stupid, sweetheart,” Keigo smirks down at you, not that the distance was much, you stood just under eye level with him, his hands on your upper arms to steady you after the sudden repositioning. 
You'd rolled your eyes, gave him a challenging smirk back, brow ticking up, and said, “Someone had to do it until the hero got here.” 
And then you took a look around, Keigo would find out later that you owned the place and sent him a smile full of pride -for him. 
“You did a good job keeping my place in one piece, hero. Thank you.” 
Hawks’ chest had tightened again, his heart speeding up as his cheeks flushed a light pink. Of course, his fans and the people he saved thanked him all the time, but to have someone praise him? To tell him that he'd done a good job? Keigo liked the way you made him feel.
“Oh ah. You're welcome. All in a day's work, ya know,” Keigo stuttered out, but you'd taken his sudden nervousness in stride, a gentle smile on your face as you examined him with a keen eye. 
“I'm serious, Hawks. You did an excellent job,” you insisted softly, and boldly reached out to snag his hand, giving it a quick squeeze of appreciation before letting it drop. Keigo swallowed harshly and said the first thing that came to mind. 
“Can I have your number?” 
His relationship with you flourished after that. You understood his need to be gone for long periods of time, Keigo cared about his hero work after all - even the dirtier bits, but you were always there for him with open arms and sweet words the moment he returned to your side. You made Keigo feel safe and wanted in a way he'd never felt before. 
You introduced him to so many new things. From different foods to media and music, but most of all, you introduced him to the world of being the center of someone's attention, your attention. You aren't strapped for cash; you have your own business thanks to your quirk, which allows you to form different gemstones once you have enough familiarity with them. And so you doted on Keigo, buying him anything that his golden eyes landed on while out and about. From snacks to expensive clothes that allowed movement for his wings, you gave him anything he wanted. 
Keigo wasn't oblivious to the fact that you were basically his sugar momma, but he knew that you had feelings for him, and lavishing him with gifts was one of the many ways you showed him how much you loved him. After a while, he may not have started to call you… momma in his head. 
It was embarrassing as fuck, but the hero couldn't help it. You were so kind to him, never raising your voice or admonishing him for his faults. Never getting upset with him when he came to you bruised and broken from a rough mission. No, you welcomed him with a gentle smile and encouraging words, assuring him that he was your good boy and your sweet bird. 
Keigo loved you for it, and he loved you even more when you'd only sat him down when he slipped up and called you momma to your face. 
“How long have you been thinking about this, baby?” The two of you sat on the couch, Keigo’s head pillowed on your thigh as you slid your hand through his shaggy hair. He bites his lips, but you only hum in encouragement, patient as always. 
“For a while,” Keigo finally murmured. You knew about his childhood already, so it made it a little bit easier to get the rest out, “You just take such good care of me, spoiling me with things, making sure I take care of myself.” 
Hawks trailed off. His wings puffed up as his nerves spiked, but, like usual, you were nothing but a calming balm. 
“Mhm, I love spoiling you, sweet bird,” you murmur and slide your hand down from his hair to gently grip his jaw and turn him toward you. Hawks looks at you with stars in his eyes, his expression a mix of hope and resignation. 
“You can call me that if you want to, baby. Nothing wrong with trying something new.” 
Hawks had blushed and buried his face in your thighs, excited relief coursing through him. You'd gently coaxed him to turn back to face you, and Keigo smiled shyly and murmured his thanks. 
You quirked a brow at him, then sent him a mischievous little smile. “What was that, baby? Thank you, what?” 
A sharp sting of arousal shot through him at your expectant tone, and he is hard-pressed to not flat-out moan. Instead, Keigo gave you a demure look and repeated himself, “Thank you, momma.” 
You push away the fond memory with a smile. It always makes you feel a little better knowing that you were the one that Keigo had chosen to be with. He was such a kind, good soul, and you didn't think he deserved to deal with the things that the Hero Commission put him through. Thankfully, they turned a blind eye to his relationship with you, but you can only wonder how long that would last. 
It's been two weeks since the last time you'd seen your sweet bird. He couldn't tell you much, but you understood what he was dealing with was dangerous. You would be ready to deal with any possible lashing out that the stressful mission caused, just like usual. First, however, you would need to get through the rest of the work day. 
The store was busier than usual, with couples ducking in and out to try and find the perfect engagement ring or anniversary gift for their other half. You loved seeing the joy on your customers' faces when they found what they were looking for. You took pride in what you did, for your quirk was your career, and without it, you wouldn't be able to take care of Keigo the way you liked to. 
Today, you planned for the two of you to go to a spa this evening to unwind if your darling boy was feeling up to it. You knew it would depend on what kind of mood he was in. Sometimes Keigo just needed some encouraging words, and worshiping hands to make him feel better. Other times, however, the hero needed you to take charge of everything, trusting you to take care of what he really needed in such a vulnerable state. 
If he didn't want to go out, you'd already set his favorite cleaning products out in your bathroom so that you could take care of him yourself. You enjoyed the intimate action of preening his wings, it was one of the few times that Hawks would allow his quirk-inducted instincts to come out. You loved the soft coos and chips the hero would make when you touched his wings, and you couldn't help but greedily want Keigo to want to stay in tonight. 
Customers thankfully made the day go by a little faster, and it was near the end of the day when your phone chimed. You swipe open the screen, a giddy smile on your lips when you see that it's Hawks. 
C u soon, momma. I've missed you so much ❤️ 
I missed you too, sweet bird. Are you home already? 
A customer gets your attention before you can see his next text, and you curb any irritation you felt at the interruption. 
Yup! Do u want me to fly u home??
You smile at his helpfulness. He was so cute. 
That's okay, baby. I want you to relax until I get home, and then momma will take care of you, okay? 
Ur the best momma. I love you ❤️ 
I love you too, sweet bird 💗
You tuck your phone back into your pocket. Just from how the hero had worded his text, you could tell that he would need you tonight. You still had another two hours before you could start closing up, and you could only hope they went by quickly.
Keigo fluttered around your apartment. After being gone for two weeks, undercover once more, the pro hero was more than anxious for you to get home from work. Thankfully, your home is cluttered like it usually gets when he isn’t there to pick up after you, so he was at least able to keep his hands busy while he waited. 
He’d already dressed down, wearing soft, silken shorts and comfy cotton socks that you’d bought him some time ago. You liked it when he made himself comfortable in your home, or his home too, as you liked to assure him of over and over. His heart always beat a little quicker whenever you insisted. 
A soft smile tugs at the corner of his lips when he opens the dryer and pulls out the fresh clothes. He buries his face in them, his sensitive nose picking up your natural scent even through the detergent. Hawks had missed you while he lurked around the LOV hideout. Even though he knew it was his duty as a hero, you had shown him a life outside of that duty, and Keigo was desperate to return to your side as soon as possible. Eventually, he begins to fold or hang up your clothes and then moves on to the next load of laundry. 
The pro is in the kitchen starting the dishwasher when the door opens. His wings puff in excitement, and Keigo zips to the foyer to greet you. He hardly gives you the time to set your bag down before he sweeps in, his arms sliding around your waist to clutch you close to his chest. Hawks presses his face into the crook of your neck, and a happy chir escapes him when you slide one hand into his shaggy hair and tuck him closer to you. 
“Hello, sweet bird,” You greet, a smile in your voice. You feel bad that it took you so long to get home when Keigo obviously needed you so, but you push it away. You’re here now and could make it up to him. 
“Hey, Momma,” Keigo coos sweetly, and you melt at the affection in his voice. He rubs his nose up and down your cheek, his eyes closed in content as he finally feels himself start to relax. Hawks was so happy you were finally home. 
You take a look around, and huff when you notice that he’s picked up, “Thank you for cleaning, baby. You didn’t have to.” 
Keigo pulls away to look at you, eyes squinted in a proud little smile, “Who else would if I didn’t do it?” 
You roll your eyes and reach up to gently pinch his cheek, “Okay, sweet bird, you make a good point.” 
You just don’t like the thought of someone else in your space that you share with Keigo coming in even just to clean. Your home was his safe haven, and you’d be damned if that was taken away from the hero. He’d explained to you once before how sensitive his instincts could be to something unfamiliar entering his nest. 
Keigo catches your wrist and tugs your hand up so that he can press his lips to your knuckles and his golden eyes turn soft. He slides closer, letting your hand drop between them before he leans in and pulls you in for a sweet kiss. A soft sound leaves him when you press into the embrace, and his heart stutters when your soft hands come up to curl along his jaw. Your thumbs smooth back and forth over his stubble, and he tilts his head to the side to deepen the kiss. 
The chime of the washer steals his attention and makes the hero jump. He sends you a shy smile before kissing your brow and stealing away to go take care of changing the clothes over. You hum in fondness and kick your shoes off then move into the kitchen. You finish up with the dishwasher and then retrieve a glass bottle of your favorite beer. The first sip has your shoulders slumping, and the touch of Keigo pressing his front to your back finishes you off. 
“How are you, baby?” You ask softly and reach up to wrap your hand around his wrist. You feel his grip tighten, and wait patiently for Hawks to get his thoughts in order. 
“Okay, this time. It could have been worse,” Keigo whispers, and you tilt your head to the side, allowing him access to trail the tip of his nose up and down the collom of your throat. It’s not the best answer he could have given you, but it’s not the worst either. You know that much of what Keigo does is classified, and you could only hope to help shoulder that burden with him one day, but for now, you hoped your solid presence was enough for him. 
“Better than a code red, my love,” you murmur and turn in his hold to smile up at him. Your dear hero looks tired, worn out, and strained at the edges. You can’t help but wonder when the last time he’d gotten a good night's sleep was. You quickly change the subject to a happier topic when your stomach suddenly cramps in hunger, “How about we order takeout, baby?” 
Keigo lights up, wings perking up and shifting behind him, “Can we get fried chicken?” 
You laugh and dip your head in a nod, “Of course we can, baby. Anything you want. Go get my phone and we’ll order online.” 
You follow the hero back to the living room where you curl up on the couch. Hawks tucks himself against you, body pressed against you as much as he can until you relent and let him lay his head in your lap. He scrolls through your phone, unsure where to order from until he finally decides on good ole’ KFC. You grumble at the choice a little. It’s not that you don’t like the greasy food, but you do wish that he would have picked something on the healthier side. 
Keigo asks about the two weeks that he’d been gone and you regale him with tales of customers. From the unruly teen looking to try and make a quick buck, to the elderly man who’d come in looking for a certain gem that his wife loved. Hawks loved listening to you talk about your day, basking in how easy and domestic it all sounded. He loved being a hero, loved saving people, but sometimes he was just a little jealous of how… normal your life was even in today’s society. He never let you know that of course, it made him feel bad enough as it was. 
You had swiftly become his everything. Keigo had plenty of money, plenty of people who would roll over for him at the drop of an order, but none of those people were you. You took care of him in a way that his handlers or the Hero Commission never could, and he loved you for it. You spoiled him, and bought him things Keigo wouldn't have even dreamed of owning. Not from lack of funds, but more of a lack of knowing if he would enjoy that kind of thing. He relaxes even more the longer you speak, your voice like a balm on his anxieties as he buries his face in your stomach. 
It hurts that he can't tell you everything. That he can't tell you how dangerous his missions are becoming and how scared Keigo is that one day, he might not make it back home to you. Would you still want him if he couldn't be a hero anymore? 
“Baby, what are you thinking about? Your wings are bunching up.” 
Keigo bites his lip and forces himself to relax again. You've had a long day, and he doesn't want you to worry about him. 
“It's nothing, momma. Just sad thoughts,” He murmurs, knowing better than to lie to you. 
Your brows crease, and you gently scratch his scalp, “You know you can talk to me, sweet bird.” 
You feel him nod, but Keigo doesn't speak back up. It makes you sad that your sweet boy is under so much stress, but you will do your best to be his rock. You clear your throat and force a smile on your face. 
“You're mine for the next couple of days, right?” it wasn't often that the Hero Commission gave Hawks more than a weekend off unless it was for his rut, so you definitely planned to take advantage of your time with him. You continue when Keigo nods again. 
“Then how about we go to the Mall tomorrow? We can watch that movie you told me about the other day and then go to the arcade after?” 
Keigo can't help the excitement that zings through him. He knows that the movies and the arcade aren't things that you usually like doing, but it makes his heart thud in affection knowing that you want to do things that he likes doing. He shifts so that he can peek up at you, one golden eye shining in interest. 
“Can we get cake after?” He asks, and you smile down at him, thumb coming up to gently rub away the scowl between his brows. 
“Of course, we can love,” you assure him, and then your expression becomes a bit darker, and lust swims to the surface, “I was also thinking that my baby could get all pretty for me in the evening, and I could take him out on the town. Show off how lucky I am.” 
Keigo blushes prettily just like you knew he would, and shifts so that he can sit on his knees. You watch, eyes half-lidded as he preens under your attention, his own piercing gaze soft and affectionate for you. 
“You think I'm pretty?” He coos quietly, and fuck. You love it when the hero gets like this, all sweet and demure, and all for you. 
You reach out, tucking one hand under his chin as you meet his gaze. Your thumb smooths back and forth, and a devious smirk paints your lips. 
“I do, sweet bird. Especially when you're all flushed like this, eyes bright and wings quivering. Beautiful, love.” 
You could have gone on, could have waxed poetic words and whispered sweet nothings to your sweet boy, but it's then that your phone chimes to inform the two of you that your food is being brought up. You grit your teeth in frustration even as Keigo bounces up, the hero excited for greasy takeout, but it's swiftly replaced with that same, soft affection for pro. You would have plenty of time to lavish Keigo with your attention in the next couple of days.
More Hawks -> HERE
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nats-bottom · 3 months
NR - She's Gone
Summary: Soulmate AU - Reader and Nat are soulmates where they feel each other's injuries. When Nat sacrifices herself, Reader doesn't know what is going on.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff and Reader
Warnings: Angst, Nat Death, The Blip, Panic Attack, Injuries
I also have accounts on Wattpad and AO3! The users there are @ paige_vers
Please give me requests! You can submit them here or on my insta, @ scarlettsoutset
I knew they were out there somewhere, but I just couldn't wait to meet them. My one and only. My other half. My soulmate. All my friends had found their soulmate, but I had yet to find mine. The way people found their soulmate was by receiving the same injuries as them, but to a lesser extent. And for some reason, I always got hurt. Well, my soulmate was, and I was just feeling part of it. I didn't hate them for it, but sometimes I wished I got hurt more just to give them something back. 
I remember this one time when I was about 17, I got this pain in my lower abdomen that felt like the worst cramps I had ever gotten. It felt more like my uterus was being ripped out of you. It was terrible, and I even had to take school off that day. Ever since then, my period has been irregular. I wondered what happened to my soulmate, and what they went through to make me feel that pain.
But now, I am also in a lot of pain. My whole body ached, and I had cuts and bruises everywhere. This happened often, so it wasn't anything new to me. 'Who is my soulmate? What do they do for a living?' I asked myself. I wondered if they were a stunt person, or some sort of fighter. Whatever they were, I just wanted to meet them and ask them why they were always getting hurt.
Natasha POV
The team and I were just climbing back on the Quinjet after fighting some aliens. I felt so bad for my soulmate. Whoever they were, they always had to endure so much from me, when I hardly ever felt anything from them. Occasionally I would get a pepper cut, or a random bruise here or there, but that was it. It was nothing compared to the pain I gave them. 
I decided just to rest on the way back to the compound and to try not to worry about my soulmate. Once we get back to the compound, I just go clean up myself, and go rest. As I clean up my wounds, I flinch at the sharp pain from pouring on the hydrogen peroxide. I bandaged myself up, and put on ointment to the bruises. I can only hope that my soulmate does the same with their wounds. They must wonder where it all comes from, this only makes me feel more guilty. I lay down on my bed, just overthinking about how guilty I feel, and how my soulmate must hate me. Before I know it, I am too tired and end up falling asleep, forgetting about my worries. 
I'm going on a walk in the park with Wanda, Carol, and Maria. Maria and Carol have already found their soulmates, but Wanda and I have yet to find ours. As we walk in the park, I see this cute girl, and part of me feels some sort of connection towards her. 'Should I go talk to her?' I think. But as I'm looking at her, I trip on the sidewalk, skinning my knee. I hear an "Owww" from the woman and see her clutching her knee. Still on the ground, my face lights up as I think that I have finally found my soulmate. But before I can do anything about it, Wanda and Maria help me up and keep on walking. I look back at the girl, still holding her knee, and look back at my friends, a good 30 feet in front of me.
I turn towards the girl, about to walk towards her, but Wanda calls out my name, urging me to catch up to them. Carol backs her up and runs towards me, grabbing my hand pulling me towards everyone else.
I realize that my chance is gone, and that I'll probably never see my soulmate again. I glance back at her, only to realize that she is gone. I keep on walking forward, trying to forget the fact that my life could've just been very different.
It has now been 5 years since all my friends have left, thanks to the blip. I have been able to get back on my feet but still haven't fully recovered. I found a new job, a new dog and cat, and found a couple new friends. I miss my old friends dearly, but I know that they won't come back. A few of their soulmates are still left behind, and I feel bad for them, because they had finally found their other half and were finally happy. Then there was me, who had never found mine, so I was never truly happy. But I knew that they were still out there, because I could still feel them. Which means that they could still feel me. This was something that brought me hope. Hope that I might still find them.
I went to work one day, as usual, and started my day there. It was boring, long, monotonous, work, but it paid the bills. Then suddenly, I felt something that I've never felt before. It was a pain that I've never had like anything else. Everything in my body hurts, especially my back. I felt empty, lost, a new kind of pain. I could tell that it was from my soulmate, but this time it was mental and emotional too, not just physical. I feel like I was at my lowest point, worse than when the blip happened. I'm not sure what had happened to my soulmate, but I sure felt bad for them. 
I had read about the feeling people have when their soulmate dies, and I start to wonder if it is something like this. I sure hope that wasn't what happened. Oh God please no, that can't happen. I would do anything for that to not happen.
I was home, in the apartment that I used to share with a couple of roommates before they blipped. I was watching SNL, when suddenly a few celebrities appeared in the scene, ones who had previously blipped. I didn't know if it was just CGI or what, but everyone else seemed confused. That's when it happened to me. My old roommate, Katie appeared on the couch next to me. I screamed a little, and started to panic. Then Zoe walked out of the room that used to be hers and walked into the living room where I was. I had no idea what was going on, and I really was panicking. 
I just ran to my room, and could feel the panic attack come on. My breath started to get shallower, and my head started to feel like it was spinning. My heart rate was getting faster, and I just bent over, sitting on my bed. I could hear my old roommates talking in the living room, and this only made everything worse.
As the panic attack passed, I decided that I'll have to confront my problems sooner than later, and so I left my room to go talk to them. I saw them sitting on the couch watching the news, trying to figure out what was going on.
I take a seat on the couch, at the side furthest away from them, and we just sit there in silence, watching the news that interrupted my show. It was hectic, but the message that they were able to get across was "the Avengers were able to bring back everyone who blipped. But at a cost. Both Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff died. Tony Stark died right before everyone was brought back, and Natasha Romanoff died at some point earlier in the day. The world has been saved."
I feel a tear slide down my cheek, not out of joy, but out of sadness. I realize that that is what I felt earlier that day. I felt my soulmate, Natasha Romanoff, dying. I had no idea that it was her, and I realize now that that's why I was always getting hurt. My soulmate was an avenger. One of earth's mightiest heroes. And now she's gone. I'll never have a chance to meet her, to be with her. I feel this pang of sadness and guilt in my chest, realizing that I'll forever be lonely. I didn't even realize it, but I'm full on sobbing now. I don't realize it until it gets pointed out to me by Zoe, when she asks me if I'm alright.
"My soulmate- she's gone." I say between sobs.
"What do you mean? Everyone's back." Katie replies.
"She died today. I felt it. Natasha Romanoff, the Avenger, on the news, remember. I was her soulmate."
"oh y/n, I'm so sorry. I know how much you always wanted to meet your soulmate. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you right now." Zoe says. She comes over to me and gives me a hug. I just cried into her.
"I did. It's all I wanted in life. And now she's gone."
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natti-ice · 7 months
No Rest For The Wicked- Dean Winchester.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Summary: Dean’s one year life contract is coming to an end, Y/N fears this will be her last chance with Dean. Set in the episode of the same title.
Warnings: major character death, written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1.1k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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The past year had definitely been wild. More demons, ex-girlfriends, selling souls, all of this in a short period of time.
What Dean did was stupid, everyone knew that. His anger and sadness took over his already not-so-logical brain. He couldn't let that hold him back anymore.
He can't take by what he did. Now, he's waiting for his final hour. Sam's efforts for trying to get his brother out of this deal, seem to all fall short. He didn't want to lose his brother for something so foolish.
These events haven't been so great for Y/N either. She had only been in the business for a few years, she started after she met the Winchesters. They became close after the boys had removed a poltergeist from her apartment.
She saw this as an opportunity for a new life, full of adventure and being able to help people from evil. She's been running around the country with them ever since.
Her personality was the opposite of Dean's which would make you think they didn't like each other. But they were closer than she was with Sam. She balanced out the boys. They're bickering and constant fighting had decreased since they became a little group.
This soul-selling situation built a wall in their relationship. He didn't tell her what he was going to do nor did he tell her after the fact. She thought they shared everything, apparently, she was mistaken.
For a few days she didn't speak to him, which was awkward since they still would share a bed. Dean would refuse to sleep with Sam and he wouldn't let Y/N sleep on the floor so he made her sleep next to him.
Thankfully, he took her aside and apologized for not telling her what he'd done. He hated that he did that to her, it pained him to see her upset.
He'd always been so fond of Y/N, he couldn't explain why. She was the coolest chick he'd ever met and she took care of him when he didn't know he needed it. There may have been a feeling or two somewhere in this friendship, but neither of them knew how to express it properly.
They have been looking for Lilith for what seemed like ages. Sam had been trying to get the two of them to listen to Ruby. It's kind of hard to trust a demon when they're trying to kill you all the time.
Ruby had insider knowledge of Lilith, why shouldn't they trust her? At this point, desperation had taken over Sam. His options were sparse, he'd blindly follow a demon if that meant saving his brother.
Y/N had a feeling that trusting her wasn't a good idea. It seemed too good to be true. A demon who doesn't like being a demon? sketchy. She told them about how she felt, but this seemed like a family matter.
It was the day before everything had gone down, before they went to New Harmony. The group had been researching, Y/N wasn't sure what they were looking for. It felt like they were just killing time as the end approached.
She was staring at some sixteenth-century book, her eyes heavy. Trying to understand old English isn't an easy task. She sets down the book deciding it was useless at this point. She went into the small motel bathroom to get ready for bed.
Sam was already in bed, Dean was wide awake sitting at the small table in the room. Y/N knew he must've been exhausted, the past few months wore everyone down.
"Dean you should get some rest" she said
"Yeah" he sighed getting up from the table, climbing into bed next to her. She turned off the side table light, turning so her back is facing him. 
Dean stared at the ceiling, not thinking about sleep. His mind raced with images of what he feared was his future. He felt Y/N tossing and turning trying to get comfortable until she gave up.
Now she was facing him, it was too dark to see if he was awake or not,
"Dean?" she whispers
"Are you afraid?" she had been thinking about this since the day she found out about his deal with the devil. It must be eating at him, terrified of what's to come.
"Very" he admits turning to face her "I don't have any faith in these plans to save me"
"Don't say that, maybe there's a chance" she didn't sound too convinced herself
"Y/N, you and I both know better. I'm going to die"
"I don't like to think about that, makes it too real" the small amount of light shining in the room highlighted her face, Dean could see the pain on her face
"Everything will be okay Y/N, I promise" He took his hand and light cusped her cheek "You and Sammy will be fine without me, you'll go on kicking demon ass while I'm in the firey swimming pools of hell"
"It's not funny, Dean" she stifled a laugh, lightly hitting his chest 
"I know" his voice extremely low
She could see the outline of his face, tracing every sharp feature in her head so it's stuck in her memory. 
In the back of her mind, she thought something would happen between them. They shared many stolen glances over the past year or so, both seemed to be scared to allow themselves to be happy. If they furthered their relationship, it would make their job more dangerous. Too many emotions to cloud their judgment.
This was the end, that stuff didn't matter anymore, it was time to stop holding back. She slightly sits up, leaning down toward Dean catching his lips with hers. He was a little off guard but immediately kissed her back.
She pulled away, not wanting to get carried away, especially since Sam was like two feet away from them.
"What was that for?" Dean asked taken aback
"Might be my last opportunity to go for it" she answered, he could hear the smile in her voice
"I think this is a good way to go out" he says going in for another kiss
As their make-out session got more heated, his hands started to travel down to her waist. Making her push him away
"nope, not now" she told him
"C'mon, these could be my last hours on Earth" he pleaded
"How about, if you make it out alive, I'll think about it" 
"Fine" he sighed "you're such a tease" he whispered in her ear
She kissed his cheek, cuddling into his chest. He wraps his arms around her, holding her tight against him. He didn't want this moment to end, he knew it would be his last great memory.
"Ahem" Sam clears his throat "You guys are gross"
"Sorry bro" Dean fake apologized
What followed this event was heartbreak. They found Lilith, they just weren't powerful enough to defeat her.
Dean had to make good on his end of the deal. All of their efforts were for nothing.
Sam lost his brother and Y/N lost her love.
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marshmcore · 6 months
Pondering Sniper with his Emotional Support Scout (AU)
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Modern+College AU speeding bullet
Both in their early transitional age (Scout is 19, Sniper is 22), they’ve already spent a handful of years, supposedly taking the steps to build their futures, but are they where they want to be? Are they going to where they want to be? Where is it anyways?
I just had the idea for a more grounded side to their story, slice-of-life in a coming-of-age setting, with themes of existentialism. I aged them down to make it work… Under cut for info dumps about these goobers 8)
Scout took a break right after high school, working for his family business (an unsuccessful one, ran by one of his oldest brothers). This used to be a summer job, a way to get extra money as a kid, but now he’s been a full time worker for 2.5 years, familial obligations exploiting him to stay, while being undermined by his narcissistic brother. He eventually gets out of it, but has to face the hurt from being used, and also the fact that he had to grow up so quickly as a kid (especially when he has to deal with the fallout caused by his Mom’s and Spy’s affairs. He and his Mom are in good terms, it’s just his Mom isn’t a good support system atm). Left to face the real world by himself, he tries to find a way to stabilize by himself, while trying to face his trauma (trauma from a missing father figure, and being treated as the black sheep of his family) as he finds a way to be more himself and be happy. He’s optimistic and responsible when the world calls for it, otherwise he’s most likely to test this new freedom (for better or worse). Eventually Spy comes around to try to reconnect with Scout, there’s no telling how Scout will cope with it when he’s in the midst his new-found freedom.
Sniper went straight to university, never once took a break from the school work, because he thinks that’s the only way to go about in life. He took up a program and career plan that was not right for him, but struggled his way through by retaking course’s countless of times, pulling off impossible all-nighters, etc. At some point he gave up, began to drop classes every semester, and finally quit the program. However, he started working somewhere in the industry he had been studying years for. He thought this could bring him forward, but it kept digging him a deeper grave. He’s a workaholic, impulsive, but lost. At a very young age, he was a subject of a tough custody battle between his neglectful biological parents (Lar-nah and Bill-bel), and his grandparents (who are Mr and Mrs Mundee in this AU). From that, his guardians want him to be better than his parents, and in return he strived for that. However, after giving up, he feels like a failure and is currently going through a period of depression. However, with the money he earned from his job, he wonders if he should take that road-trip he used to fantasize. He told himself doing this will help him find himself, but a part of him wonders if its just him trying to run away from something. Either way, he’s got a deal for a junk RV and he wants to renovate it!
After all that, Scout and Sniper meet, their lives are in the cross roads, and their relationship is a turning point as well. It feels like the world is moving faster than they can cope with, but can they find some respite in this new relationship together? DUN DUN DUUUN
Phew this was really fun to write! I really like their dynamic, romantic or not (idc). Them being the same age range inspired me to write this, because I know myself and some friends have gone through this similar experience aswell, and I just think its fun/interesting to explore that with they have in cannon.
A lot of this projection tho lmao with a loose base derived from cannon, and some embellishments to make this AU work.
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