#and it feels fustrating
arts-and-maths · 2 years
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meepitydoodle · 5 months
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Moiraine and Siuan <333
I'm so excited to read New Spring when I get there but until then I go off of the show xD but anyways have Siuraine as accepted eeeee
(I am still messing around with krita and just learning how digital art works. Its so hard!! Gradients are saving me currently lmao)
Anyways I'm going to crawl back into the endless wot book void now
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imaginationblur · 1 year
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A WIP for the cool people (NiGHTS fans) lmfao
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crabs-with-sticks · 7 months
The possibility of aromantic living situations
Busy this Valentines Day as an aroace person thinking about the relationship between capitalism, family structures, and property (very normal thing to think about I know). In a book I read recently, The Mushroom at the End of the World; On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, she talks about one of the goals of capitalism is scalability. Scalability is about making sure that a unit can work on every different sized model. Endless growth is an important part of capitalism, and if all your 'units' are the same size, you can easily create the same thing, just bigger, only requiring more of the same parts, rather than creating new parts. E.g. if you have a square block, you can create the exact same shape just bigger (read: making more money) if you have four more of the same square blocks.
The nuclear family is one of those squares that forms the basis of so much of society from housing to child raising to everyday finances. It is no secret that the nuclear family (mum, dad, and kids) is seen as the ideal and moral family structure in most of the west. And colonialism has had a big part in exporting this to other places around the world. But for many people, especially aro folks, this structure just doesn't fit what we want out of life.
And I've just been thinking about how that idea of the nuclear family is related to property and wealth and how it disadvantages queer folks. In the country which I live in, there is a massive housing crisis and owning a house is a pipe dream for many because of the cost. Property is culturally seen as probably the main way in which you build wealth/capital because you don't get taxed on it (there is no property/capital gains tax) and there are SO MANY tax benefits for landlords its insane. So when housing is linked so majorly to wealth and capitalism it makes sense that you would want it to be scalable.
And what is the most scalable living/family structure? The nuclear family. So, since housing is market driven, theres no incentive to create other types of houses/living situations except those designed for the nuclear family. Because property/housing is so ingrained in capitalism, that its an investment, and you want to be going for a big portion of the market.
This just creates an endless cycle of property enforcing traditional nuclear family structures, and nuclear family structures enforcing property. Because there is no incentive to provide anything different and there is limited ability to be anything else. And even if a person, or developer or whatever wants to create something non-typical (e.g. cohousing and coliving, at least in my country) because its not scalable or market friendly, good luck finding a bank to give you a loan, or a developer to work on it, or hell even the government to have proper land classifications to make such a project possible.
It just frustrates me so much as a non-partnering aromantic person because I feel like I have no options and I have to fit my circular shape into a square just so that people can build a bigger model of the exact same thing. And I think its something that we don't talk enough about in the queer community, and that we make ourselves into these square blocks because there is no other way to be, and in doing so just enforcing the very structures that oppress us.
So anyway, rant over. Hopefully my brain dump made sense and resonates with some of y'all. And go read The Mushroom at the End of the World, its really eye opening.
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starzalign · 3 months
This may be fucked up, but it irritates me how most men age especially in compared to women.
There are woman, regardless of age that are striking, etc, and then there are men….the beauty standard not being the same is KILLING woman’s libidos!!!
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Seen someone rant about demise being underappricated as a character and all the points are so real I wish people knew him like I do or liked him even
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depressed-tweaker · 2 months
I just want to cut myself.
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roughentumble · 5 months
gritting my teeth in frustration trying to play tw2. why cant you be like my beautiful daughter tw1 why cant you do that for me
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thedorfmirrin · 3 months
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I hatched my FIRST EVER DOUBLE GEN 1 yesterday!!!! 🌟🎉💙🧡💙🎉🌟
And it-
The WORST Secondary Possible 😭
I cant decide on a scry i am truly happy with!! halp! Gwah!
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bastet-kat-goddess · 4 months
I am still feeling myself fade away with the passing of each day.
The longer I stay with him, the more he pushes me away. He doesn't seem to fathom the thought of losing me when he has already lost me years ago.
The more I listen to my mind versus my heart. My heart seems to be the one making the decisions, that it just feels not okay anymore to be in this situation.
But I have to wait a bit longer until I let him know that I'm done for good. Knowing him, he always has the thought that I want to leave him to be with someone else. But there is no one, nor will there be anyone.
As I have accepted my fate of being alone for the rest of my life...
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conidiophore · 5 months
I know I'm going to read stuff I write tonight and he confuses tomorrow but I swear I feel normal eojihhtbiwm ezllllllllll. Except the fact that I can tellxrbis post is going to be weird to read in 12 hours such a weird feeling.
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lemon-wedges · 7 months
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x-galactic-star-x · 1 year
I just finished Shadowkeep dlc
and lemme tell u
i was tearing up cause they keep mentioning Cayde.
and honestly i was lost most of the time i had to look up where im suppose to go.. and honestly when i managed to get to the pyramid and saw Ghaul (or Garry lol) i was panicking, and jumped around like crazy. i managed to do it in one go but my god this dlc gave me nothing mut sadness and grief all over again with a hint of guilt that i wasnt here to meet Cayde.. i hate it that they took him out of the game.
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mythtiide · 8 months
falkeler is kinda like officeworkwr yuri if you think about it
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hickoryhorneddevils · 11 months
think i kind of hate m/cr now actually.
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I don’t really talk about often the toll dyslexia or discalcula takes on my life besides passing jokes or slight excuses but sometimes… sometimes the toll…
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