#and it is not selfish to say that LESS GENOCIDE IS BETTER THAN MORE GENOCIDE and that trump could damn well make things worse there as well
howldean · 7 months
welcome to single-issue voting you’ve come to understand what single-issue voting is
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thestarlightforge · 10 months
This started as a couple-paragraphs-long Everlark & Coryo x Lucy Gray rant. It turned into an essay on the politics of systemic oppression and how we illustrate it in fiction, with The Hunger Games and Ballad as case studies. Regardless, I hope others enjoy, lol. This is where my brain lives, now, as I expect it will the rest of 2023. Cheers!
It’s been interesting, the last few days, some of the discourse that’s popped up around TBOSAS. FASCINATING political discussions, as I’ve come to expect for a Suzanne Collins release. (#1 in my heart.)
Personally, I always separate books vs. movie canon with her franchise. With the OG Hunger Games, sometimes I felt the films were better—like she got another pass at it and REALLY took advantage, and utilized the hell out of taking it out of Katniss’s first-person POV to develop other characters and the world (still without detracting from her narrative)—while for some details, I preferred the books.
With TBOSAS, though, the book and movie feel almost entirely different to me.
There are MANY shared elements, of course, and I feel either version gels quite nicely with the OG franchise. It’s not even that there’s that many continuity differences—some things cut or altered for time, sure, but the bones of the plot are the same. Both illustrate astute political commentary, Coriolanus’s descent into madness, Tigris’s shift in position on him (foreshadowing her full turn by Mockingjay), and Lucy Gray’s role in his life in both his initial downfall and his defeat by Katniss. The actors and creative team all did BEAUTIFUL work bringing it to life, and I honestly love both versions.
But fans who mainly like the book may be frustrated by the sympathy Coryo garners in the film.
Normally, I’d say this is because the book reveals more internal monologue—and it does. But honestly, one of the things I was most impressed by in this film was how legible the actors’ internal monologues were. It was clear, the amount of work they all did to that end. So I don’t know that it is just more. I think it’s also different.
Book Coriolanus devolves much earlier and more obviously. He starts from the same pressed circumstances and has moments of goodness, but he becomes the villain we know him eventually to be pretty damn fast.
Film-Coriolanus has a much slower descent. Ironic, honestly, given the film has far less time than the book does.
I think as a result of this, I’ve seen discourse comparing beats in his relationship with Lucy Gray to Katniss and Peeta. For example, that beautifully shot/choreographed/performed scene in TBOSAS with him and Lucy Gray on either side of the fence after the bombings that night, where they almost kiss and he asks her, “Is this real? If I’m going to risk everything?” being compared to Peeta’s long game of “real or not real” throughout Mockingjay. Everlark folks (rightfully) pointing out that for Peeta, the refrain is about shared trauma, especially between him and Katniss, and both of them grounding their relationship in mutual trust—while asserting that for Coryo, the same refrain comes from a place of selfishness.
I get where this opinion comes from: President Snow is probably one of the most violent, sadistic, genocidal dictators in modern popular fiction. His relationship with Lucy Gray started as transactional—even more acutely in the book. Nearly everything Book-Coryo does is for his or his family’s personal gain.
But to me, half the beauty and tragedy of the film is this delicious possibility—the hope—they showed us.
THG has always had a strong anti-war philosophy in general, with through-line commentary on showmanship, propaganda, surveillance and performance: The recurrent themes of cameras always bring on them, the arenas and entirety of Panem being a stage/game—and how those things impact authentic human relationships. Everlark hit for so many because of the ways authenticity bloomed out of that hellish, contrived pit. Coriolanus and Lucy Gray’s relationship started out similarly contrived: Thrown together by the politics of the Academy, the uprising, the districts, the Capitol and the Games—helping one another survive. Largely unlike Katniss and Peeta, they both played the game intentionally, to varying degrees. (Personality wise, these four really have almost nothing in common, lol.) Lucy Gray is a good person, both in the end and from her start (unlike the terrorist Coriolanus becomes). But she is a performer. He’s right about that.
So honestly, I don’t see much purpose in reading Peeta’s question as valid while Coryo’s wasn’t. I think that judgment is colored by dramatic irony—us knowing who they each become. But in theatre, we talk about living honestly in imagined circumstances. It’s used in a lot of acting techniques, but particularly for people playing villains. To stay grounded in the truth of it, you have to believe honestly in the imagined moment, not the gestalt; Leslie Odom Jr. was a great Aaron Burr because every performance, he believed in the whole journey, from hope to ruin. Tom Blythe was a great Coryo because he invested in the earnest reality of Snow as a young man, not the devil we know he becomes. And at that point in the story, at the cages that night with Lucy Gray, Coriolanus was honestly grounded in similar struggles as our OG heroes: Trying to provide for and protect his starving family. His family (and the Capitol at large) reeks of privilege, and his prejudices were obviously flawed. But in his developing love for her, he was steeped in starvation, the same political forces as lashed all citizens of Panem, and was clawing his way from beneath just as much Capitol propaganda as people from the Districts—perhaps even more so, given his Grandma’am and how his father died. Because of their given circumstances, politics bled into everything—but eventually, so did feeling, and they had several moments of genuine bonding, trust and connection which the actors invested in beyond their political need for each other. There’s a constant push and pull: Holding hands at the zoo for the cameras was political; her reaching for his hand in the arena visit was less so. The first “Stop treating me like I’ve already lost” in front of everyone was wit-soaked survival, while “Please don’t let me die in that arena tomorrow,” near-whispered and with hands held between them where the camera would struggle to see, bled into real vulnerability. Saving him from the other tributes in the cage-ride to the zoo was about survival; risking her life to go back for him when the arena was bombed was at least a mix. Her motivations for singing in her interview are complex—perhaps guilt that a “rebel” attack nearly killed Coriolanus, his advice she’d get the most money that way—but I feel strongly that a non-zero amount of her was motivated by wanting to demonstrate that she trusts him, which for her is even higher-prized than love. And I also feel that, after the hospital and her “final performance”—leading up to their near-kiss at the zoo—Coriolanus scoped out the arena (and ultimately took all those risks to help her cheat the Games) both because he wanted the Plinth prize, in theory, and because he increasingly desperately wanted her to live.
The waters between them were thoroughly, legitimately muddied—which I believe was intentional, that constant tension between authenticity and politics. And as much as he was falling for her, Coriolanus saw that Lucy Gray was just as clever and good at crowd-work as he was—maybe better.
So to circle all the way back to this Everlark comparison: Given the absurdly multilayered situation, is it really that selfish or unreasonable he would check in with her during that moment through the fence? That this child—wrapped in oppressive patriarchy, violence, starvation and propaganda—would ask for reassurance before he was willing to be vulnerable, or to potentially risk his family’s lives?
Some artists are hesitant to engage with the humanity of “villains,” their origins, because they feel humanizing them excuses them. In real life, I get this: Second chances aren’t always the answer, and people need to be held accountable. But isn’t it more powerful storytelling to demonstrate the corrosive nature of all systems of oppression in our fiction, to show how they can corrupt even those who try, than to condemn people before they’ve even had a chance? Isn’t the beauty of Lucy Gray’s whole thing that everyone starts out good, and it’s our job to choose to stay on the right side of that line?
And when President Coriolanus Snow finally chokes on his last rose, wouldn’t it be a more satisfying victory if we imagined him as a real-feeling person—full owner of sixty years of horrifying choices—rather than a cartoonishly evil cardboard cutout?
Book-Coryo has a more obviously manipulative/evil streak, much earlier on. To make it plain: He’s an ass, and his “love” for her reads more like obsession. But my favorite aspect of the film (and I feel one of the most compelling) was how it illustrated that these systems of oppression can make tragedies of almost anyone: All but those at the very, very top. Suzanne’s anti-capitalist politicking—how classism turns everyone below the 1% against each other, where the “upper middle class” (doctors/lawyers/actors) is vilified to the poor as a red herring while a handful of robber-baron CEOs amass almost all wealth on the planet—strikes again. She, Francis Lawrence, the film’s creative team and these actors came together to put tragically human faces on that struggle—how hard it is to stay a good person amidst intense, violent, systemic oppression.
But none of that sings quite as true if you go into it having decided that Coriolanus was evil in his bones. The stakes are so much higher, richer, otherwise. If his love—for Tigris, for his family, for Sejanus, and yes, for Lucy Gray—was, or became, authentic.
It’s not a descent into madness if he’s already mad. Or, as he put it in the original Hunger Games film: “Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear.”
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kiingkiismet · 2 months
You ARE selfish. Why should I vote for the ones who have been actively committing genocide against my people for almost a year?
Why do you all expect Palestinians and other Arab-Americans to get over it and vote to protect your rights and lives when you’ve all done everything you can to show us that OUR rights and lives are apparently the only ones that don’t matter?
First of all—no matter what we do, voting is supposed to be harm reduction and there’s always going to be something negative. Black Americans (psst: that’s me) for the longest time have been voting for the “least harmful option” for decades even IF those people are still harmful to some degree. Honestly, the best case scenario that could’ve happened is if colonialism didn’t happen 400+ years ago, but here we are.
Like I said in my original post, there IS no perfect option, and doing nothing will only allow the OTHER option to succeed. Yknow, the orange fuck and his posse of conservatives who objectively want to strip everyone of their rights and will definitely still be supporting Israel with what they’re doing. Instead of narrowing in and making it an individual moral matter, it should be “what else are we to do that will cause the LEAST amount of harm possible?” Which is what I and others are trying to do. Pointing fingers and telling people, especially other people of color in the same fucking boat that we are selfish is very unhelpful. Read the room, we are ALL in danger here!
Because if you missed it when I said it time and time again, I am ALSO a minority in this country. I will ALSO get harmed and if I am at risk of harm and death (more than I already am given police brutality, threat of trans healthcare, lack of investigation in murders of BIPOC and queer folk, etc.), how can I help other people further?? Dead people can’t help others.
I DO care about Palestinians AND other minorities in this country and outside of it, we are all in the same fucked up boat here. No one is telling yall to get over it, that’s wrong and that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the other option will not care about me, and they sure as shit will not give a shit about yall.
I do not think Kamala is a saint, but she’s leagues better than two white men who are so damn myopic and can’t see the suffering of anyone who is not them, at least it will buy us time (4 or 8 years) to find another suitable candidate that better represents the people and hurt us even less than her. There was no time between the beginning of this year and now to get a new candidate that all Americans can collectively agree upon to stamp trump out. That is virtually impossible—and if you say it isn’t, you have clearly forgotten what happened in 2016 where we tried that and ended up getting trump.
Do not tell me that I do not care when it’s yall and other minorities ALL AT ONCE in danger when the trump administration wants ALL OF US dead and will CONTINUE wreaking havoc internationally as well. We CANNOT let that happen so Kamala is literally the ONLY option.
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yuikomorii · 7 months
i think i can forgive yui for anything even toxic simply because she suffered the most because of those guys and deserves to get her lick back. they put her through so much in earlier games, it's insane
// PARDON?? 😀😀
I understand that the Diaboys were bitchy at first and they all treated others as less (which is bad), but other than Laito, Kanato and Carla, nobody made Yui suffer that bad to the point of breaking her. Kou was pretty nasty too at first, but the rest weren’t that horrible route based for characters supposed to be monsters. At the very least, I can name some human LIs who were way worse than most Diaboys, yet nobody seems to hate on them for that. I understand that it must be tiring being pushed around and being treated as “prey”, yet we’re talking about vampires here. They are predators and don’t have the same set of morals as humans do, for this reason humans are a mere food source for them. They can’t live without blood, even if this means having to sacrifice humans to satisfy their hunger. We love cats despite the fact that they like torturing mice before killing them, and that’s because we understand that it’s just how the predator instinct works. The Diaboys might look humanized, but they are a whole difference existence and you shouldn’t hold them at human standards. It’s good that DL showed how vampires were truly supposed to act, instead of making them romantic and flirty from the start.
Even the whole Adam’s apple plan focuses on Eve, a human, making Adam, a vampire, learn about human feelings. One thing about the Diaboys is that they all had growth. If someone is shown regretting their behavior and is genuinely changing into a better person just for you, it’s very insensitive to remind them about what they did a long time ago. They are aware of their actions and they are aware they were in the wrong, therefore bringing up their past mistakes won’t make you a better person than them. A Diaboy could sacrifice everything for Yui and put his life on the verge each and every time she’s in danger, but some of you guys would still only see him as “bad”, which would be a huge insult to his character, given that it would erase all the development he went through.
I’m not going to count the bad endings here, but saying that you forgive all of Yui’s toxic actions is very toxic itself. She is an abuse apologist herself, who tried to convince Ayato that his mother secretly cared for him (despite knowing the full story), Subaru that Karlheinz loved him and the Mukamis that Karlheinz, after he committed a whole genocide, saved them to redeem himself. These are all very wrong. Karlheinz always used everyone for his plans, just like Cordelia used her children for her selfish desires. Neither of them were ever shown regretting their actions. This is just one example of Yui’s toxic actions and I’m not saying that she did them with ill will, but stupidity can make one problematic too. It gives off the same vibes as “but they’re your parents”, after hearing someone talk about how much their parents hurt them.
It’s not that hard to admit that all DL characters have red flags. Nobody in this franchise is meant to be a role model and it’s okay if you don’t like certain actions. I’m a Yui stan, but I get why several people from the otoge community don’t really like her. However, I’m surprised that they see her as really that bad. I mean, she still is mostly kind and sweet, therefore I don’t think her bitchy moments are more significant. Yet, I suppose this has more to do with how they perceive things.
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amysgiantbees · 9 months
I find it very frustrating that Wyll and Karlach leave no matter what if you side with the goblins. Which feels particularly fucked up that the non-white and non-white coded origin characters are the only two who get this content cut off from them. Gale is the other morally upstanding character and although he's a bit more morally grey than the two of them he's certainly not okay with genocide by any means and yet he still stays.
I get it they are the two most morally upstanding characters and are very emotionally tied to the teiflings but they are then totally exempt from the story and loose a lot of content and depth. They both already have the least amount of content out of the origins characters from Karlach's late addition and Wyll's re-writes and cutting them out of the evil storyline just adds to this. It's especially frustrating with Karlach because she's so easy to miss as well as having less content. According to the DEV's this is on purpose bizarrely too "I would've missed Karlach if I hadn't been reading guides...
AS: That's common, I think.
SV: But it's also on purpose, because the replay value is much stronger if you've discovered things..." from https://www.ign.com/articles/baldurs-gate-3-final-interview-game-of-the-year-2023-characters-endings
I feel also that they could very easily stay for the evil route in multiple ways without sacrificing their characters.
For Karlach she could have a speech at the goblin party post slaughter about how she thought she was free but this is just like Avernus. There's really nowhere where she can relax, nowhere where she can do good. No one that she can form a connection to that won't betray her. But if that's how it's got to be fine she's put up with it for ten years she can do it a little more to be rid of the tadpole.
Wyll could stay if he kills Karlach. This causes him to go through a Shadowheart like change. I think choosing to save or kill Karlach is his biggest and most dramatic moment (partially because he's annoyingly passive so much of the rest of the story but still) like choosing to save or kill the Nightsong is Shadowheart's. And thus should bring about a similar change in him like how Shadowheart shuts herself off if you kill Dame Ayelin.
There's dialogue that I assume is from early access because otherwise it makes no fucking sense like "I fear your lust for power could get the better of you. You are a hero not a politician." that you can say to Wyll. But with this route we'd actually bring out this side to him. At present his reaction to finding out he did an honest to god murder with Karlach is pretty lack luster (I blame the writing as they reuse so much of his saving Karlach lines instead of giving him a properly new scene). Instead of being upset I say he goes through a change and tries to justify himself instead. Like "I had to do it, you don't know what Mizora would have done to me" "I can still be a hero" "it was a one time loop hole who else are we going to find who is heartless". Something like that. We play up the dichotomy between the Blade and Wyll too. Now he only refers to himself as The Blade. He's less willing to hear feedback. He's more defensive. He isn't so much a person but a symbol.
However, he still wants to do good and should still definitely be upset at the goblin party. At the party he should say something like "These people trusted me! Trusted us! I was to be their hero! This isn't over. But I can't have the people seeing me as any more of a monster. So I'll stay with you since you hold the only thing stopping me from growing tentacles." He's still concerned with heroics but it's more selfish now.
When he made the pact with Mizora he gave up his home, only family, friends, previous career plans, everything! This is him desperately trying not to have to loose anything else. He would argue now that at the very least he should be able to keep his reputation, be allowed to keep his secret (which would add to how powerful it is that he grows horns in the other path). He's scared and so young and so the "good" ending would be keeping his pact with Mizora and dooming himself to an eternity of torture. Doing the scary thing anyway and becoming a lemur, a monster. I do consider breaking the pact to be the "good" ending at present but maybe it's just the "good" ending for the other version of him on that path. Because the other version of him is unendingly selfless and so should prioritize himself.
The other option is Karlach and Wyll both live. Get very angry at you for killing the teiflings. Say they'll stay because they're not strong enough to kill themselves and can't risk transforming without the Prism and inflicting that on people instead. So they say they'll stay but are secretly planning to kill you if you don't change. They pull a Minthara . Much like after revealing to Minthara that you can stop the Absolute's voice she'll try and kill you if you destroy last light inn Wyll and Karlach try and kill you. It would at least give them a bit more time with the party and maybe even stay entirely if you change.
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kiloueka · 1 month
Okay, I still have not heard one convincing argument that not voting does more good than voting for the lesser of two evils.
Like, I'm genuinely asking this and am not trying to be petty or smug or whatever.
I'm talking about the simple act of voting; not donating to campaign funds, not harassing people who are rightfully angry at genocide Joe/Kamala, not wasting time trying to get people to vote but not doing any other activism, not blaming nonvoters solely for xyz candidate losing when there's multiple factors that contributed to their loss.
I mean the simple act of spending a few hours every 2 years filling in some bubbles to try to slow our descent into fascism.
Like, I get that many libs think voting is the end-all-be-all of activism and that Kamala is our savior or something. I get the argument that dems aren't going to move left if people continue voting for them without question/pushing. I get how the dems are basically dangling our basic rights in front of us to get our votes. And I get that the dems are still fucking terrible and the end goal is to tear it all down and start over.
But I don't get how risking letting someone worse win to threaten/punish them is a valid strategy. Like, it seems too high-stakes to me.
I don't get how the argument is any different than, say, "protesting/rioting is shit because it's destructive and disrupts people' lives".
I don't get how it's better than just pushing people to do more on top of voting.
Like "here are the shitty things Kamala is doing and here's what to do about them". Or "Here's the few bubbles to fill to reduce the number of orphans going into the orphan crushing machine and here's the plan to destroy the machine after you turn in your ballot."
Being against voting all feels very "You claim to want things to improve yet you participate in society. I am very intelligent." I would very much not have to beg for my rights every election and instead burn the whole thing down and guillotine all the politicians but unfortunately my body is falling apart and my brain is shit so voting is one of the few things accessible to me.
I don't get how voting for a candidate that will protect (some of) your rights while trying to kill other groups is selfish when the only other option is trying to kill you AND them. How would the less at-risk groups help fight for the rights of the more at-risk groups if they're too busy also being killed if Trump wins? How would me risking my rights by not voting do any sort of material good for Palestinians facing genocide or kids in cages?
It seems like the arguments all seem to boil down to "pulling the trolley lever is icky because people will still die so I'll let someone else choose" or "there are two genders: voting or REAL activism (you can only pick one)" or "5000 bad things is exactly the same as 3000 bad things" or "if enough people don't vote then nobody will win the election"
I'm just trying to do what good I can do because I can't do much.
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caecilius-est-pater · 6 months
“aiding in a genocide but making progress elsewhere” are you fucking insane? that is the most evil selfish despicable shit i have ever heard. you wouldn’t be reblogging shit like that if it was thousands of white kids being slaughtered. what is wrong with you fucking people??? absolutely disgusting how do you live with yourself
I usually don't dignify this stuff with a platform but I'm gonna make an exception because I'm hoping you or other people who feel the same way can help me out. I have a real, genuine, honest, not-a-gotcha question: what do you recommend I do instead?
I hate this as much as you do. I don't want Biden to be president, I don't want to vote for him, and I am not voting for him in the primary. I desperately want another option, I just don't realistically see one. Since it seems like you do, I'm serious, please tell me what it is.
Is there a revolutionary movement underway that you think will replace our current system of government before November? If so, let me know where I can find out more, I'd love nothing more than to replace our shitty system. Is there a third candidate with a shot of winning who is pro-Palestine that I somehow haven't heard about? Give me their name and they've got my vote. Hell, is Trump actually pro-Palestine and committed to ending the genocide? I might even vote for him.
But with the knowledge that I currently have (again, if I'm missing info, please tell me!) it seems pretty certain either Biden or Trump is going to win and we are going to be led by a genocide lover no matter what the American people do or what we believe. But I believe that Biden will kill and hurt less people, both abroad and domestically (I'm a queer trans brown non-Christian uterus-possessing child of a brown immigrant, trust me I am very invested in the domestic policy differences between Biden and Trump). That's where we're at: who's going to kill the fewest kids? I don't see a "kill no kids" option but if you do, please tell me what it is and I'll do that instead.
Frankly I think the November election is not the thing we should be worrying most about right now. We should be focusing on ending the genocide and supporting the people of Palestine - donating, contacting our reps, raising awareness, boycotting, protesting, etc. That's what I'm doing and where I'm putting most of my focus. Local and down ballot elections are also important.
How do I live with myself? Badly, as every American should. No matter how many calls I make, protests I attend, it will never be enough. But I sure sleep a hell of a lot better than I would if I was a "just don't vote" type (not saying that's what you are, it's just an opinion I see way too often) and gave up the one tiny bit of political power I have to try to make things a little less bad for at least a few people, so that I can selfishly feel better about myself for having the ideological high ground.
But I don't want to do that. Tell me what I can do not to have to. Tangible, actionable, realistic steps to take to prevent this. I would love to be wrong on this. I would love to change my mind and find a better way forward. Please.
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thatdebaterguy · 7 months
The October 7th """massacre""" was debunked, just so you know so you'd look marginally less like an idiot every time you cheer on Israel bombing preemies in hospitals.
theintercept com/2024/02/27/zaka-october-7-israel-hamas-new-york-times/
Are you alright in the head? Are you trying to claim an article that says one guy lied about 2 killings, debunks the ENTIRETY of October 7th. You realise that's like saying 9/11 was staged because they counted 5 more deaths than the real figure was? Just like with 9/11, if someone inflated the figures by like 5 deaths, does that justify Osama Bin Laden? Hell no it doesn't. An Israeli guy adding 2 deaths to a death toll of over 1,000 on a day of atrocity and murder, in which children were kidnapped from their homes, doesn't invalidate the entire event.
Don't you EVER dare try and make excuses for a verified terrorist attack that impacted thousands and shaped a nations history, don't try and claim it didn't happen, and never say it wasn't a massacre. The deaths of that many people is and always will be a massacre, in the exact same way I will never refuse the thousands of dead Palestinians, including children. My ENTIRE blog is about accepting that innocents have suffered on both sides at the hands of Hamas and their careless selfish extremist attitude, causing the pain of thousands in both countries, because the only indisputable detail of this war is that Hamas has murdered thousands and lead to the deaths of Israelis and Palestinians. You cannot debate that, the evidence could stretch as far as Gaza itself.
If you ever try and justify such atrocities you are a spineless brainwashed lunatic who will go to such extreme lengths to spread a misinformed victim narrative, to the point you attempt to downplay kidnapped children, you need to seek help. Seriously. I will graduate with a degree in psychology soon and I will happily take you as my first patient as a psychiatrist because if you've read my blog and think I cheer for dead kids just because I don't hold Israel accountable for a non existent genocide, because my opinion differs, and if you think that gives you an excuse to downplay the suffering of others to try make your beliefs seem better than mine, then I've genuinely lost any hope left for the people who go as far as people like you.
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In celebration of the Animaniacs reboot’s THIRD season coming out soon…
I’m going to list a few things I think the second season of the reboot does better than the first. Here we go:
1. It gave Nora some much needed development. She gets more screen time in general this season, and because of that her character is more fleshed out now. We find out she's a mother and despite the fact that she had previously been established as selfish in season 1, she buys her daughter whatever she wants to compensate for her lack of parenting skills. That doesn't necessarily make her a good mother, but she's clearly trying.
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We also find out the reason why Nora's a competitive person and why she mostly only looks out for herself-her upbringing. We're shown that her sisters often belittle and mock her. Not only that but her sisters are twins, so Nora undoubtedly felt like the odd one out amongst her siblings all her life.
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There's also her great grandmother Flora Dora, who's is a very successful business woman that Nora looks up to, and it seems like she aspires to be just as successful as Flora Dora. Flora Dora also constantly organizes competitions at family gatherings, something that clearly reinforced if not encouraged her to be a competitive person who's a firm believer in pulling up the ladder behind her.
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2. It goes even further with the dark and adult humour than season 1 did. Season 1 had a few instances of characters going from saying hell and had blood onscreen a couple times, and the swear jokes were more blatant than ever, but otherwise was about as adult as Animaniacs usually is. In season 2 we still have blatant swear jokes...AND a character admitting to inc*st, slavery and genocide are mentioned and not sugar-coated at all, Nora straight up mentions doing drugs, Pinky unintentionally committing murder...there's quite a bit of death this season actually, etc. Granted this shouldn't be too surprising because the reboot does have a higher age rating than the original series ('93 was TV-Y, the reboot is TV-PG). Animaniacs is literally more adult than ever (whilst still being a kids show of course) and I am here for it.
3. THE SONGS!!! Season 1's songs were very good, Animaniacs songs usually are, but season 2's music was really, REALLY good! It had a lot of variety too: rock, rap, parody songs, Broadway showstoppers, electro pop, swing, etc. My personal favourites were "Warner's Ark", "I Am The Very Model of an Ancient Roman Emperor", "Magna Cartoon", and "Yakko's Big Idea" (*cough*buy/stream the soundtrack*cough*).
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4. The "running gag"/recurring joke of the season was better (there are less reboot jokes). Season 1 was funny, but I gotta admit they ran the whole "this is a reboot of a 90's show" joke into the ground. Like I get that the show is meta but they made that joke every other episode to the point where felt like they were repeating themselves. So I'm glad season 2 dropped that. There are quite a few jokes about and references to "Yakko's World", but 1) They at least tell us something about Yakko as a character by showing how much he values that song and that he seems to canonically be sentimental towards it, and 2) They were more creative with how they would reference it or use it for a joke each time, whereas most jokes about the show acknowledging that it's a reboot in season 1 are essentially just the characters stating "this is a reboot of a 90's show!" over and over again.
Plus bonus things I wanted that aren't necessarily "improvements":
A Plotz Cameo
Assuming that was him and not just an expy or relative of Plotz. If it was him does that mean he's not retired? Is he just an actor now? Either way it was cool to see!
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A Wakko Song
I was hoping Wakko would get a song number this season, and he did! ("Gruesome Ol' Gruel"). Maybe we could get a longer one next time though? Like, at least a minute or two? Preferably a rock song please? Honestly I think Wakko has the best singing voice of the three Warners, I just wanna hear him sing more!
A Yakko Solo Segment
...probably should explain this one. You see, in the original show Wakko has SIX stories basically all to himself where his siblings either aren't in it for long or don't appear at all ("Potty Emergency", "Clown ‘n’ Out", "Ups and Downs", "Bingo", "Go Fish", and “Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner”). He even gets another one in the reboot "Wakko's Short Shorts: Now Loading"). Now on it's own I don't mind this, in fact I think it's a good idea for each Warner sibling to get their chance to shine on their own without their siblings every now and again...the problem is that didn't really happen. Other than "Dot’s Quiet Time" (a segment's that basically a song number full of gags) and "Dot’s Poetry Corner" (a series of very short bumpers), Dot only got one story segment, “Cute First (Ask Questions Later)”, and even that took 93 episodes to get to...in a 99 episode series. Great.
Meanwhile Yakko literally only gets to star in a segment on his own if it’s a song ("Yakko’s World", "Yakko’s Universe", etc) or if it’s a one off gag/series of bumpers they’ll only do for one episode ("Useless Facts", "Disasterpiece Theatre", etc). Other than that he has ZERO stories in which he stars by himself without his siblings being present for a lot of it. Admittedly, Yakko was kind of a spotlight stealer in earlier episodes of the original show, so maybe the writers caught on to that and gave the other two solo segments intentionally, but still none of those segments were just him, his sibs were still there. I just would've liked to see Yakko star (mostly or entirely without his siblings) in a segment with a story (not one where the whole segment is a song, not a bumper segment) just once.
So imagine my delight when the reboot not only gave us just that, but also made it an homage to my favourite Looney Tunes short, "Duck Amuck".
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"Yakko Amakko" was one the highlights of season 2 to me, plus I loved the ending. He did what Daffy and even Bugs Bunny couldn't do, actually outwit the artist, how awesome is that?!
Many people thought season 2 was better than season 1, and I can see why (I personally like both seasons about the same-I think season 1 is better than season 2 in some areas, but season 2 is better than season 1 in others). There's also little things like Dr Scratchansniff being a recurring character again or how they actually referenced the PatB spin off this season (because correct me if I'm wrong but season 1 never made a direct reference to the spin off) that I almost listed but didn't have too much to say about them. They were neat.
Hopefully season 3 will turn out to be the best season yet!
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phantonixx · 6 days
the more i go out in public, my world image shatters further, because my vision of the society as something that's healing and becoming better and healthier place, that formed when i was a teen, turns out to be the quiet opposite. even in minor things people are cruel and selfish, ignorant and disrespectful. i am not even talking about major tragedies as palestinian genocide or the war back home, which causes terrible pain and grief everyday to thousands people, including my family and me, you know. this world failed us and it actually keeps me awake at night. even internet spaces that used to be my safe heaven when i was teen are now causing any less stress amd pain than the real world.
and you know what triggered me to write this? 3 boys who are about 10-12 years old, who passed by me and yelled "whale" to me, so that i hear it. well, i heard that. bravo, i guess? i am fat, yes, i am pretty much big. but do i deserve this? i guess not.
and what pains me the most is that kids are already being taught all this bigot and ignorant shit. adults, who we all used to look up to (says an adult lol), are turning out to be huge disappointments... starting from big celebrities and our authorities ending with our own family members and close ones. it's just feels surreal yet this is unfortunately the reality
i can't get rid of the constant gnawing feeling of being betrayed
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randomnameless · 1 year
Of all the masterful and progressive storytelling elements and themes conveyed by the humanity-defining, unparalled work of art in written format that is the Aeneid, which is your personal favorite?
I'm personally stuck between:
Every woman perceives herself as an innocent little child, has her ultimate goal be to give birth to children and start a family, and will see themselves as ugly and unworthy of love the second they have a mild inconvenience happen to them
Every man with an iota of self-esteem is secretly an evil violent sexist child-liking grapist who deserves to be beaten near to death for little to no reason, and only by either being a doormat to the women around them and allowing themselves to get cheated on with no actual protest or anger or being redeemed by the purity of heterosexual love can they ever hope to be anything more than human scum
Mixed-race people are inherently born wrong due to not solely belonging to a single race, needing to choose a singular side in order to ever find any sort of happiness, with the pain of the uncertainty being so great they'd genuinely be better off un-aliving themselves than to continue to live with such a massive burden
And, last but not least, genocide survivors are not only selfish cowards for not announcing to an entire continent that had just wiped out most of their race that they still had the things they were genocided for in the first place and choosing instead to lie to them to restore peace and order and avoid being killed simply for existing, but also people with comparable, if not inferior, suffering to someone who was tortured as a child and became a racist, imperialistic warmongerer who started a war just to gain more territory and finish the genocide her inspiration started because of it
Replying to an earlier ask I just thought about tying it with this one lol
The Aeneid is peak exemple of something touted as canon when it's pure headcanon, and when people try to explain how the many takes and "points" from that fic aren't in the games at all with links to the sources and all, those people are harassed and cyberbullied because I guess some people really are asses and don't like when others point out their ship isn't canon.
Now, back to your award winning list,
Mixed-race people are inherently born wrong due to not solely belonging to a single race, needing to choose a singular side in order to ever find any sort of happiness, with the pain of the uncertainty being so great they'd genuinely be better off un-aliving themselves than to continue to live with such a massive burden
I would say this one takes the cake, with the added topping that this fic also portrays the "other" race as inferior, making you more violent and, in general less "human".
I recently learnt (you learn new things everyday!) the word used back then mulatto (mulâtre for us!) was used to described mixed-race people, the parallel being made with a mule being important, because a mule is neither a horse nor a donkey but something seen, back then, as "inferior" to both and that cannot produce offspring, aka - again i stress the "back then" era - something "wrong" that isn't supposed to exist.
And Billy feeling like she's wrong because she's mixed race feels really... well, in check with the theories of "back then" about mixed race people - hell, even in certain parts of the world today, being mixed race is seen as fucking bad thing and the mixed-race persons are discriminated against because they're not totally "A" but also "B" and "B" is seen as worthless/shitty.
I know some fics tackle dark themes and dark fics (iirc) don't have a happy ending, the author is free to do whatever they want after all it's their fic - but the way this fic tackles this issue, and how said resolution is touted in the fandom as something "good" - like how the fuck someone wanting to die because they are mixed-race became touted as "the pinnacle of the mc's story where they finally become A again, and get rid of their B blood!"???
Every woman perceives herself as an innocent little child, has her ultimate goal be to give birth to children and start a family, and will see themselves as ugly and unworthy of love the second they have a mild inconvenience happen to them Every man with an iota of self-esteem is secretly an evil violent sexist child-liking grapist who deserves to be beaten near to death for little to no reason, and only by either being a doormat to the women around them and allowing themselves to get cheated on with no actual protest or anger or being redeemed by the purity of heterosexual love can they ever hope to be anything more than human scum
I'm cheating and grouping the two lol
It's the usual brand of sexism, and no, I don't think the pseudo "role reversal between who is an ass and who isn't" removes the sexism label, especially since women still want to start families and become Mothers (tm).
It's as if someone is saying they're not sexist because while they defend the tradwife movement (pure love! Must be pretty to be married! Babies!), they also think men deserve to die and be treated like subhumans or second rate humans who can be abused whenever a woman feels like it.
What is even the point? The message? If men BaD and "pure" women GoOd, if the "pure" women do the same thing as the men did, are they BaD too or not?
And lol@ the casual homophobia, "peepee on peepee action" is bad and leads people astray, Man must be redeemed by womanly love!
And, last but not least, genocide survivors are not only selfish cowards for not announcing to an entire continent that had just wiped out most of their race that they still had the things they were genocided for in the first place and choosing instead to lie to them to restore peace and order and avoid being killed simply for existing, but also people with comparable, if not inferior, suffering to someone who was tortured as a child and became a racist, imperialistic warmongerer who started a war just to gain more territory and finish the genocide her inspiration started because of it
Victim blaming is so mainstream in the canon Fodlan games!
As a rule of thumb, I don't like the "trauma contest", but I've seen a lot of fics were this specific issue - absolutely not resolved in FE Fodlan!! - is resolved in a similar way, the Nabatean genocide is revealed just like the greater lie about the origin of crusts, and yet some people react with "yay you might have been hunted to near extinction to the point you can't even call your relatives relatives and lived in perpetual fear for the last 1k years of being slaughtered, but do you realise your lie made me feel sad because people want to marry me???"
I still think this take teeters a tad too close to the "it's your fault/you deserved being genocided/hunted because you belong to the wrong race" nauseabond take.
Again I need to stress how there's nothing inherently wrong with a Dark Fic, or fanfiction that tackles, elegantly or not, certain themes, and that's not what I'm ranting about here.
The Aeneid however takes itself as canon, is rec over canon and is lauded as essential to understand the canon (let it be through the very same reasonings and plot points developed in redshit essays about the canon, or fans rec'ing to other people).
It isn't the canon discrepencies that kind of annoy me, but it's rather how people will tell you how to interpret canon, in the light of this fic - from harmless stuff like "Supreme Leader totes has scars - so her FEH beach alt, made by IS mind you, is wrong" to the "toxic Faerghus masculinity values chivalry thus BaD, that's why they need to be civili- I mean, Adrestianised" to the various Rhea shitstorms/takes that are way too numerous for me to list, and ends up with people being puzzled when canon!Rhea (voiced by Kikuko Inoue) bakes cookies.
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
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What do I mean by this? Simple.
Vegeta may be a more powerful character than Yamcha, but all of Yamcha's bad qualities (like his cockiness) are amplified in Vegeta. And Yamcha's good qualities (like his compassion) are minimized in Vegeta.
If you want to say I'm slandering Vegeta for pointing out some facts about him pre-development, go right ahead.
Odd how you can't criticize the alleged "character with the most development in Dragon Ball" during the time he hadn't developed. I mean... he had to be pretty darn terrible in order to be "the most developed character" that fans claim he is, right? Or are fans foolish enough to think that every evil action Vegeta did before he changed wasn't actually evil? 🤔
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A handsome bad boy who Bulma fell for.
A bandit, but not really an evil guy.
Written to lose some battles to show how strong an opponent is.
Cocky, but gets humbled enough that he becomes more respectful and aware.
Sacrifices his life to fight in place of his friend & dies in an explosion. Bulma cries over his death.
Ended up in a crater once. Fans make fun of his death, calling it the "Yamcha pose."
Has a reasonable fear of death after dying multiple times and being at near death.
Spent time with Bulma and took her out on dates despite having far less money than her.
Used to argue with Bulma, then break up and get back together often.
Bulma was upset when Yamcha would go to train to get stronger. So, he trained less to spend more time with her.
Gets along well with Bulma after they broke up. No arguing and they're friendly with each other.
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An evil villain who Bulma had a 1 night stand with.
An evil genocidal maniac.
Written to lose many battles to show how strong an opponent is. Also to show how Vegeta's ego & overconfidence often lead to his own downfall.
Extremely cocky, arrogant, & egotistical. Constantly gets humbled, but barely learns from it because he's so stubborn that he refuses to learn.
Sacrifices his life because he is the reason the universe is in danger & he dies in an explosion. Bulma cries over his death.
Ended up in a crater over 30 times. Oddly enough, the fandom doesn't promote any "#PrinceOfAllCraters" memes.
Talks big, but is actually very fearful when his opponent is too strong. He will give up & freeze in fear or desperately attempt a suicide attack so he doesn't lose to his enemy.
Would rather train than go on a date with Bulma. A moocher.
Often argues with Bulma and ignores her to go train. (Having a Saiyan is indeed toilsome.)
Bulma is often upset that Vegeta trains all the time. Vegeta now trains even more often & leaves for months to a year to train. (Ironically, Bulma used to get upset with Yamcha for training far less than Vegeta.)
Barely gets along with Bulma after all these years. There are a few moments where they are friendly with each (besides moments when they discuss with others about saving the world). But, he has finally managed to improve into a caring family man that is less selfish.
It took 13 to 18 years, but at least Vegeta became a better person. Vegeta may be stronger than Yamcha, however, he's no Yamcha when it comes to compassion, kindness, & attentiveness. But, Bulma made her mistake and had to live with it for years until something good finally came of her relationship with Vegeta. (Besides their children.)
Vegeta is basically "What-if Yamcha was evil & a huge prick who treated Bulma wrong for years?"
Wait a sec... that sounds kinda like the lies the fandom spreads about Yamcha... 🤔
Could they be deflecting Vegeta's treatment & negligence of Bulma onto Yamcha in order to make Vegeta & VegeBul appear more appealing? 🤔🤔 (Even though they claim Vegeta had the most development, they take his development away from him just to make him seem "perfect.")
Why lie about other characters so often to make your favorites look better? Those particular characters must be worse than the lies told about Yamcha & others. If not, then those "fans" should stop spreading lies.
If you gotta lie to make a character look better, then that character is trash. I ain't saying Vegeta or VegeBul is trash. Those who defame Yamcha & other characters in order to prop up VegeBul are the ones who are inadvertently saying that Vegeta & Bulma are trash.
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biblioflyer · 1 year
More musings on utopia and the Federation as narrative device
The more I think about the streaming era of Star Trek, and Strange New Worlds kind of rubs our nose in the point, is that the point of the Federation was never to depict a perfect society. That would be narratively pointless.
What makes the Federation a great society is that it’s members are not perfectly ethical or aware of every salient fact at all times, but when they realize they’re wrong, they quickly pivot to the correct choice rather than go to their grave rationalizing why it’s okay to genocide a species it can’t directly perceive to improve the power and lifestyle of the Federation.
Critical decision makers in the Federation are capable of abdicating their moral duty to those in need out of fear or spite, but they are just as capable of swiftly moving to recognize the validity of very different life when given the correct information.
Anyone who has spent more than a few minutes online I suspect can recognize the magnitude of what it means simply to being open to changing one’s mind and admitting responsibility for allowing something heinous to happen. To not waste time making excuses and ensuring everyone knows you didn’t know any better rather than acting to solve the problem. To feel a responsibility for righting a situation you didn’t cause but did inherit and perhaps even benefit from.
If the average Starfleet officer has a superpower, it’s not that they’re super humanly more empathetic or have had the instinct for bigotry or selfishness purged entirely, it’s that their ego is just a smidge less aggressive. It’s not so overpowering that when confronted with irrefutable evidence of wrong doing, that they’ve failed to be the person Jean luc Picard knows they can be, that they can admit fault, and seek to right a wrong.
The Federation, for all the faults exposed by Discovery, Strange New Worlds, and Picard, is not a place that would rewrite textbooks to say that American style chattel slavery was no big deal in order to avoid feeling bummed out or obliged to address second order consequences of a historical wrong. Rather than say the Synths are exaggerating or their sentience is a clever fake, over a decade of policy is overturned almost immediately in the face of proof the Federation was wrong.
A very good episode is a tour of Plato’s cave. Moving from ignorance to knowledge but crucially when the one who has seen the outside returns, they are not rejected by their peers. The others don’t choose the comfort of their shadow puppets.
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sphericalbee · 5 months
this is long asf and i know it STARTS w me being like 'i should kms' but im gna spoil it for u all and say that's NOT where it goes lmfao im just dumping out all my thoughts
!! very very rambly, not proofread even once, probably makes no sense and is very cheesy
i wrote a fucking novel holy shit LMFAO no hard feelings if u skip
if i can be kinda depressing for a second i think ab killing myself too much for someone who is basically fine (that might be a lie idk i don't feel like thinking ab it more rn) 😭 like the world just has so many issues i dont wna deal with,,, yk? and it would be so much easier to just move on to whatever's next, bc i KNOW ill have a fuckton of debt in college and have to live through miserable relationships and watch the earth fall apart bc our leaders r so incompetent. even now im living through like 5 genocides, insane global warming, a poverty crisis, inflation, and all of this can be boiled down to greed and hatred
also a lot of kids my age are so horrible for no reason and it's sad to think how many people just absolutely suck ass
but at the same time i won't kill myself bc there are people who i wna make sure get through everything alright, and ik i have good things to live through too
so ive compromised and decided i get to shoot myself in the head when im like 60 if i don't have a wife and the world is still a mess 💀 like i don't wna live longer than i'll enjoy it (lets be reallll global warming will kill us all before i have to do anything anyway)
surprisingly, i got a lot better after reading philosophy books? making sense of the world and appreciating the genius of the philosophers, who were ppl just like me, helps
i feel like ive found so many new ways to think ab and experience the world through philosophy. it's a beautiful part of humanity, trying to understand and having genuine fascination about the way things are and what everything means
good music helps too. yerin baek to fall in love with everything and cry over every single feeling you've ever had ever, universe mongae when that's too much and i have to detach
i listen to universe mongae a lot in class bc my classmates fuckingh SUCKK and she sets me apart from my emotions or feeling lonely when im leaving myself out on purpose bc they're not good people
a few days ago, i was listening to yerin baek as i walked back to school from lunch and the world was suddenly so beautiful and i realised how everyone else has a consciousness and worlds just as real as mine and i fell in love with everyone (by everyone i mean like 30 people)
suddenly i couldn't even care how much i missed out on or the people who i wish loved me more because in the grand scheme of things, im allowed to be careless and love without reciprocation and it won't matter because i hold no more worth than a dragonfly... to have zero expectations for what you could and should feel or be and just enjoy yerin's voice in the moment might be one of the happiest moments i've ever had, honestly
yk whats ironic? it was a love song directed as another person that made me realise i could feel love and not care if i was still no one's favorite. life is beautiful anyway because i can love and make it beautiful on my own
not that my state of 'im fine with loving everyone alone' will last very long. i mean,, im just a mammal LMAO i can't deny my own brain chemistry
even just earlier today i finished the math test earlier and accidentally started thinking ab my childhood. idk why it happened but i did
and i remembered how i was so selfish and couldn't let anyone see i was anything less than perfect
there's one memory where i mispronounced a word and a girl corrected me. and i immediately tried to say, "no i know, but my brother says it that way and i do it too on accident". she called me out, obviously, and i rolled my eyes before whispering "it's true though" in the hope that someone would hear and think "oh she actually knew that"
it's sad to think how i used to be. that's from around 7th grade, i think, so i would've been 11 maybe?
up to a few months ago i would randomly remember that and feel insane anger and hatred for my younger self
it seems so foreign to me now and weird that i could hate a child for being brought up with horrible conditions and lacking emotional maturity. i thought that if i could go back in time i would just look at her and feel bad bc i got so much better since then
maybe even love her idk she's not having fun either 💀 do u think she enjoys holding herself to absolute perfection and looking like a dumbass in front of everyone when that's inevitably impossible??
there was another time that made me so sad to think ab
i got dragged along to my brother's friend's birthday party and some kid did smth rude
and i watched as the kid got chewed out by his mom and then went to apologise to the birthday kid
and the birthday kid just said, so seriously, "I accept your apology"
and i remember thinking smth like 'whoa that's cool id be so embarrassed talking like that'
thinking ab that time (i think i was 12ish maybe) is so crazy. like my parents did such a shit job that i thought i had to be SO ALOOF and above it all that accepting an apology was weak and embarrassing?? jesus i cannot wait to move out 💀 ill send them an email when im gone telling them everything they'd send me back to therapy for
ive been reading too much philosophy, and a lot of that revolves around the meaning of life and how to achieve happiness/catharsis. but i think i have my own conclusion of what it means to be happy even without plato haha
ive never been happier than when i began to forgive and understand myself
it feels like i can live as i want and it's not important. one of my favorite quotes is "i could die tonight and hold no more significance than a dragonfly's death". i wouldn't say im a nihilist but i do like the idea that nothing means anything other than the worlds we have in our minds
it's my mission to make those i care about happy and carve out a good future for myself
ive tried to follow a lifestyle of "i work for my future without ruining my present" but ngl i just ended up anorexic literally three times in the past 5 years 💀 idek what i did wrong like DAMN?? chill tf out hggsdhgfsgd i had a panic attack over eating an extra bit of cheese one time
also fuck my parents for giving me no life skills. raising urself is really hard and you end up with so much internalised bullshit
im honestly so proud of myself for turning everything around after 8th grade
i guess i owe a lot to my classmates for not letting me get away w bullshit and caring ab political issues
it's pretty wild that i cry at movies now when last year i was apathetic all the time
i think i like having feelings? pretty undecided still ngl
i think it's a step up
but i can't even talk to my parents ab how they fucked everything up for me and i had to pull myself out pf the absolute trenchessssss or theyll make me do family therapy and ill end up forgiving them which id rather explode than do
anyway ig my point is if you're having trouble with existence or mental health, pls don't give up on yourself. i promise there's people out there who either love you or will in the future and you just need a few quality coping mechanisms to make it through the day
whether that's antidepressants, the powerpuff girls, philosophy (:33 which it should be), yerin baek (which it also should be), or vent art, find ways to make life liveable until you're ok again. bc you always will be in the end
i probably don't know you but i love you because you have a life and a consciousness
please recognise that about everyone
i read somewhere that everything will always be alright in the end and if it's not okay yet, it's not the end either. it sounds dumb and doesn't really make sense (where's the logic lmao site ur sources at least) but it's such a nice sentiment
i think ummm i will go to school and give all my friends a big hug tmrw so pls don't be sad in the meantime
anyway loossemble's new album is good im so happy for them
this is the happiest and healthiest hyeju's ever looked i lowkey wna cry over how well theyre doing ;v;
also highkey want her to put me in a chokehold like GHSFDFJFSDHGJK those ARMSSSSSS MOTHER??
fuck modhaus tho i hope artms r doing well... fucking jaden jeong ugh
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mysticcrownwolf · 7 months
I know with the state of the world right now everybody wants action for people to see, to hear, to act. But let me tell you all something it’s okay not engage with everything bad happening in the world it might even be better for you if you don’t. It the internet’s job to bring forward the worst that is happening in the world because putting it out there means their is a higher chance people will actually know about it and actual steps will be taken to change that but if all day everyday I open my social media a place of escapism for me because of how stressful my actual life is and then keep getting bombarded by how bad everything else is going on in this world it’s creates this nasty sense of existential dread for me that keeps me up at night. Now it’s ok if you want to help other people but this borderline threat about how anyone who ignore this issue is a horribly insensitive person isn’t the type of social justice I can get behind.
Taking the example of the Palestine genocide I can’t bring myself to even read all the atrocities done to them because I know the guilt of not being able to help these innocent people will eat me alive especially since the most I can do for them is repost news and information about Palestine on my blog and boycott most brands that support the genocide. I can’t even help them financially. Most I can do is live my normal life while always knowing in the back of my mind there is nothing I can do to help those less fortunate than me and that makes me feel awful. But what’s even worse is seeing those post about how if you aren’t watching and taking in all the suffering happening in gaza you are desensitising yourself to the genocide happening around you and what if I am what if I physically can’t function knowing innocent children are dying everyday what if I am just a teenager who have already seen the worst this world has to offer and can’t mentally or emotionally take anymore of it.
Another thing is the Tumblr war against transfem and as a She/They lesbian I should be at the forefront of the movement right. But I can’t my heart hurt so much for the atrocities committed against the transfem creator whose name I can’t even put in this post or it will just get removed but every fourth post on my feed was about how much transfems are mistreated in tumblr and I can’t bear seeing that anymore because I know I will just end up deleting my tumblr and the community I am starting build for myself if I start looking more into it because I already know that most of our world is controlled by selfish narcissistic who are the physical embodiment of evil but if I let that fact dictate my life I will doom myself to a hopeless existence.
There is a reason ignorance is considered bliss and sometimes it’s ok to look at all the evil going on in the world and just say no I don’t want to fight against every single bad thing going on in this world matter of fact I don’t even want to know about it because at the end of the day there will always be something bad happening around the world, always someone facing injustice and if you wish to help them fight against that it’s great but so is curating your feed to show the more positive and hopeful side of the world trust me you shouldn’t feel like our planet is doomed every time you check your socials, that is not you turning a blind eye to other peoples suffering its you acknowledging and accepting that you are human and you deserve to have a place of relaxation and happiness.
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
(STOP SUPPORTING AND IGNORING DISCRIMINATION OVER A CARTOON! Liking Helluva Boss does not make your superior to other human beings! Liking Vivziepop or her content does not give you the excuse to treat others like shit under the guise of being "superior for (toxic) "positivity!" Helluva Boss and Hazbin is not the most important thing in the world just because it gives you 2005-level fetishized bigotry content that most creators now refuse to make! Toxic positivity exists, and the standom using it to try to force people to like Helluva Boss and Vivziepop and using fear tactics to do so is true harasser behavior! and soon- no other fandom will want to be around said harassers as in you for your behavior, worshipping Vivziepop does not give you the equivalent of a god while everyone else are somehow "stupid anti haters that dont deserve a say, better representation, or human respect! -wanting better for minorities makes you entitled and greedy! Just ignore the bigotry and keep the representation the same so us creeps will get benefits while you basically get nothing!" like you people have been saying for the past 6+ years yet in the end- will get nothing for except being seen as a goddamn joke! -your reputations aren't going to make it past 2025, -and you can't force people to like something or someone, and the Helluva Boss fandom is now dying because of your own actions!)
"You're the exact kind of person this post is targetting."
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What? People with disabilities? People who cant even move their fucking legs or have trouble in school? People with something they were born with that's outside of their control and most of which, have 100% more emotional intellegence than you have. Also, you even admitted that it was a slur and expect people outside of other creeps that are so desperate for rape porn to be normalized that you excuse bigotry as right in front of you. When that's the thing, if Helluva Boss was "so progressive!" why would it keep appealing to literal bigots and homophobes on 4chan that unironically call people a "F^^GOT!" and use every slur in the book, including anti-black ones- wow, could it be that the "progressivism!" is faaaaake?
That the slapping on "progressive!" labels and our flags is only a cover up so less minorities would defend themselves against people like you? People that jack off to abuse, and then convientally forget that representation exists and go "LOL ITS FICTIONAL YOU'RE SAYING THAT WE EXCUSE A REAL LIFE THING IF YOU DONT LIKE SEEING YOUR REPRESENTATION SHIT ON!" entirely forgetting the fact that no one said they are "excusing abuse" but tha they are fetishizing it. Something that could hurt people in the BDSM community in real life that arent yet aware of how safe words work or physical restraint work- this shit could hurt real people yet all you're focused on is shitting on minorities to defend your rape porn instead of normalizing healthy BDSM and safe words! CREEP!
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You dont actually care about the lgbt+ and poc community, you are just using us and our desperation to get people to support bigoted content!
You are the exact kind of crowd that's causing Desantis, a literl transphobe, to be in office while he's trying to cause a fucking genocide towards the lgbt+ community! Stereotypes are not a joke, they're a weapon used against minorities to ruin our reputations so they can kill us off silently and barely anyone will care and are only called a "JOKE!" so more people will fall for it and unwillingly cause their own goddamn deaths!
Your normalization of stereotypes is literally KILLING US! FUCK YOU!
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So really, are you on a substance? Is that why your brain isn't fucking working right now and suddenly all your morality is gone out the goddamn door?! Or are you that much of a spoiled brat that you're willing to harass minorities for five whole fucking years and waste your life when you could have been using it to help yourself and others instead of your own selfish bullshit! -and soon, once Vivziepop gets called out after Hazbin is released, oh boy, because one of the first groups of people that will be called out, lose their followers, and be left alone with their pettiness is the entire Helluva Boss standom, including you! -and the only people that will like you are other bigots, that will also soon leave you because the show you're supporting also includes things that they hate, while you will be left alone, in your own sadness, and no one will come for you because that's exactly what will happen once people see how much of a piece of shit you've been to minorities for 5+ years!
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Your efforts will be in vain! You're the one that's going to end up suffering once Hazbin Hotel comes out, not minorities, but people like you that will become the laughing stock of the internet the same way the Rick and Morty and SU fandom became the same! So how about you grow the fuck up before your repuation is destoryed by your own goddamn actions! -same for the rest of this pedo supporting (YOU CREEPS SUPPORTED STOVIA! OCTAVIA IS A MINOR AND STOVIA IS STILL CP THAT'S BEEN KNOWN TO HURT REAL KIDS BY GETTING THEM GROOMED!) rape fetishizing, homophobic, racist hell hole!
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You want to discriminate people with disabilities over a cartoon?
Well shit, you're the exact kind of person this post is talking about.
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You're the exact piece of shit that goes "OOOOOOOOOOOH representation is so important guys!" but the moment it's trauma victims or the disabled the story turns into "LOL WHAT A RE^^^^^ haha rape and kids are so hot and is TOTALLY a fetish so imma call it "non-con" so people who arent traumatized will treat them that way and fuck those smelly victims and they're stupppppid representation! HAHAHA SLURS FUNNI!" Like- you're like 12 years old or something, why are you interacting with an adult fandom if you cant even interact more than on the level of a child? Why would an adult act like a whiny brat and want everyone to disregard their needs so they can jack off to racial stereotypes and rape scenes that are framed as a "fetish!" Why would any adult that claims to be able to handle "adult themes" not act like an adult at all?
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Oh wait, that's right, Helluva Boss is secretly catered to bigots and hides bigotry to cater to people like you while trying to bank off minorities that are oblivious to your bullshit due to lack of experince as a "have your cake and eat it too!" Wow, it's almost like the creators doing that by going "BY THE WAY- representation doesn't actually matter, be a creep as much as you want and anyone that tells you to stop being queerphobic, racist, and pe^dophillic are meanies!!!!1" makes them- hypocrites or something! It's almost like saying this shit means that you dont fully care about queer or poc rights at all and only say that you do so for clout! When trying to use bullying as an attempt to force people to like HB or the fandom, is just making even more people dislike the show and the fans, which is sad, because not all of us are like you, and just want to talk about a goddamn cartoon demon show in peace yet you creeps over at Spindlehorse (the lead artists) and the fandom are trying to use force and public shaming/emotional "I accept criticism just not- criticism!" manipulation/bullying to try to force people to like everything about Hazbin and ruining the Hazbin experince for the rest of us!
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-and since you, like any other ableist, are ok with treating us like shit over a slur that has an entire history of being used against the disabled by trying to make us look "stupid" as an excuse to physically abuse and discriminate us under the guise of having the "right" to do so because you're so "intellectually superior!" despite having the logic and emotional maturity of a walnut:
Never go near anyone with disabilities ever again! Never speak to any of us until you can learn basic goddamn respect! You creeps really are ok with risking your entire online reputation if it means going back to 2005 huh? That's just fucking sad. You arent going to be accepted for this garbage anymore. Stereotypes and Slurs have no place in minority spaces! NONE! I dont care if you like a cartoon or not- Being supposedly positivite (hateful!) about a cartoon gives you no right to treat minorites like shit!
News flash! Liking Vivziepop or what she makes does- NOT make you superior to other human beings!
Everyone has a say! This isn't a fucking cult!
No one is less valuable or less human for not liking almost everything about a cartoon! That's some- toxic positivity shit!
This goes for what Ignis and Vivziepop have said- actions speak louder than words- and if you cant accept criticism or be an adult yourself -barely anyone is going to like you! Especially when we get another cultural shift like we did in the 1950s but for the queer and disabled community! GROW UP! Helluva Boss is NOT going to last. -and using bullying and borderline abuse to try to force people to like Vivziepop or her shows- will just make less people want to be around you OR HB! Because the standom is THAT BAD that people are turning away from the fandom entirely and HB has been losing millions of viewers since EPISODE ONE! So really.You creeps never had the advantage. -and you definitely won't once more outside fandoms see how awful you truly are. You will get nothing from this in the end except being seen as an absulote joke! Goodbye!
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