#and yes. yes it is that scary. i live in fucking california and it is that scary even here. it is not safe and it will get worse
howldean · 7 months
welcome to single-issue voting you’ve come to understand what single-issue voting is
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
I completely understand if you don’t feel comfortable answering this, but my mind is spiraling out of control and you’re the only person I know with the level of knowledge to where I can feel comfortable asking this without getting some form of “bla bla we live in a safe state don’t worry.”
I’m sincerely wondering if I need to be making plans to leave the country in the event of November bringing the most horrible of outcomes despite our best efforts (and yes I’m planning to vote blue in everything I can); as a AFAB in CA?
I know about project 2025. I’m terrified. Forgive my pop culture reference, but I feel like a version of Princess Zelda staring down a barrel of possible doom while everyone around me is like “nah that future you literally had a nightmare about where they made it illegal for a woman to have a bank account without a guy co-signing it and took the money from everyone who didn’t comply by a certain date isn’t even a possibility!”
I’m just confused about my life and am trying to take it day by day, and exercising every right while I still have it to prevent this outcome, but it feels weird making plans and retirement accounts and just general Setting Up Adult Life And Future Things™️……while wondering if I even have a future in this place at all and I’m just making it harder to escape if need be.
I’m sorry I’m rambling, and I guess I don’t know what I’m asking since no one has a crystal ball.
But I guess, it’s stuff like how much can the feds effect state’s policies? Is it possible for them to immediately block international travel for all women practically upon inauguration? How much time would I even have to gtfo if the worst begins?
Bc honestly this whole thing feels like the lead in to a very nasty chapter of a history book, and even though I have hope we’ll have another blue tsunami, it can be hard to try and figure things out when it feels like there’s barely any historical precedent for any of it.
Welp. Okay. First of all, I am giving you a comforting hug, I am walking with you to your favorite coffee shop, I am paying for your favorite beverage and also a baked goodie of your choice, and we are sitting down in a corner where we can talk honestly. So that's where I want you to imagine us having this conversation.
To start with, yes, I completely understand this feeling of utter, paralyzing doom, where I am trying to go about my daily life and make plans for my career and carry out daily tasks and Be Responsible while there's still just this total void beyond the end of the year, the utter impossibility of knowing if we will have dodged an absolutely massive bullet and finally be safe (since if Trump loses again he is 100% going to jail in the next four years) or, well. You know. That is a very hard way to live, when you're wondering if anything is going to matter and you can't see beyond that black cloud of fear on the horizon. It sucks you down and tells you that nothing is worth doing now in case it just gets so much worse. I am not going to tell you not to feel that. We all do. We are all scared. That in and of itself is a perfectly normal way to feel.
However, there are things you can do both now and if (I repeat, if) God absolutely forbid, the worst was to happen (again). First of all, we have already lived through a Trump presidency once. It was terrible and scary and awful and demoralizing as fuck, but we can do it again if we absolutely Goddamn fucking have to (once, again, God forbid). Second, you are currently about as safe as you could be in California. Newsom has proven himself to be smart, tough, able to run rings around Republicans, and unwilling to comply with their stupid performative-cruelty directives. He's not a saint or a magician, but you don't need that; you need a shrewd politician able to fight back, and he has proven himself willing and capable of doing that. So as long as he is governor, you're going to be more safe than not, and I'd also like to ask all the shrieking Online Leftists if, should the shit go down, they would rather live in a state with a Democratic governor who will fight Trump 2.0 every step of the way, or a Republican governor who will just roll over and obey. (But that would destroy their BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME talking point, so you know.)
Next of all, even if the Republicans are doing their best impression, America in 2024 isn't Germany in 1934. There are different tools, different ways to fight back, and different awarenesses/social media/visibility factors. I also need everyone to remember that just as Biden can't just sign an executive order and fix everything everywhere, Trump can't just sign an executive order and fuck everything everywhere, just like that with no more discussion ever. He tried that last time, it generally didn't work, and trust me, at least this time nobody is sleeping on the danger he poses. His candidacy in 2016 was dismissed as a long-shot joke that nobody took seriously until it was too late, and for better or worse, people aren't doing that this time. He will be sued instantly, incredibly, and repeatedly with everything his band of wannabe fascists try, and since we have had four years of Biden fixing the courts from where Trump trashed them, that does mean something. There is no scenario where even if he does issue some outrageous order against women, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, etc (which to be clear, I'm sure he would try) it would just be carried out completely, immediately, and with no feasible way to stop it. Evil is evil, but it is also stupid, clueless, determined to hurt people just for the hell of it without any regard for what is possible or which will be allowed, and there's a lot more grey area in there than just "Trump says something terrible and it's instantly done, the end."
Once again, I'm not going to say that the worst-case scenario is not possible, but I don't think it's likely, and even if that does happen, there are ways for us to survive and fight back (again). Nobody wants it and it should not have to be asked of us due to the utter collapse of the social, civic, political, and intellectual fabric of this country thanks to the TrumpCult, but once again... these people are so loud and dangerous and cruel and stupid because they are in the minority. Etc. etc. polls are garbage, but we did just have an interesting piece of empirical data from the Iowa caucuses. Trump -- in one of the whitest, most rural, most conservative, most religious, most Trump-loving states in the country -- struggled to break 50%. Almost half of a rabid Republican fully-Trumpized electorate, among the diehards sufficiently motivated to get out and caucus in extreme freezing weather, voted for someone else (Haley and DeSantis took about 20% apiece). Now, no, we don't know how that will translate to the general election, and if registered Republicans will flock back to the nominee even if it's Trump, but as almost half of Haley voters said they would vote for Biden if it was a Biden-Trump matchup in the general, there is some sense that Trump is an aberration to their otherwise ironclad party loyalty. Now, Republicans are the fucking worst and nobody should be relying on them to save us; we still need to get out and vote for Democrats with all our might. But Trump is no longer barn-burningly popular even in core Trump heartland, and it'll be interesting to see how things go in future primaries.
My point is: I know the feeling that evil is awful and unstoppable and all-powerful, and will crush our lives and our futures no matter what we do to resist it. I really, really do. But Trump is a terrible candidate, he's running literally only to keep himself out of a long, long prison sentence, and if he had crushed the Iowa caucuses regardless, we might be having a different conversation. However, we need to remember that it is possible, again (God forbid) in the worst scenario, to resist, to live, and to win. Everyone who is motivated to work for a better world will still be here. Everyone who can help you and all of us will still be here. And there are more of us than there are of them. Yes, I do understand the feeling that we need to have contingency plans in place, I do absolutely know that it could get very bad, and all that (as you say, nobody has a crystal ball). But for now, I want you to take a deep breath, try to take this day by day, and remember that this is not a crushing and inevitable future that will sweep over you and destroy you without you (or any other person of good will) having a say in the matter. You still have agency, you still have the ability to protect yourself, and you still have others who will protect you in turn. You're not alone. The bad guys want you to think that, because when you're isolated and terrorized, you're easier to pick off and/or recruit into their cult. But you're not.
In conclusion: "What are we holding onto, Sam?"
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Getting the led out - interview to JPJ
(by Gail Worley, Ink19 - April 26, 2002 - x)
This has to be THE interview. It's Jonesy's best interview I've found so far, so READ IT. You won't regret a single second spent reading it, I promise you.
I saw the interview you did with Jim DeRogatis at South By Southwest in 2000. In that interview you said – perhaps jokingly – that one of the reasons it took you so long to make your first solo album is that you don’t sing. 'The Thunderthief' has your first recorded vocals ever. Was singing on a record with no previous experience a scary thing for you?
Yes. I mean, I had to make sure I could sing well enough to put [the performance] on record, so it wasn’t totally scary, you know what I mean? I sort of crept up on it [laughs]. The scary thing was actually doing it live on stage the first night, in Nashville (when Jones opened for King Crimson on their last tour). That was scary. What I wanted to do was do three songs from 'Thunderthief'. We started with 'Leafy Meadows' and then I did 'Hoediddle' and then I did 'Freedom Song' – which is scary enough. However, I suddenly thought, "I can’t just sing one song" (two of these three songs are instrumentals). So I thought, I need another vocal [laughs]. I didn’t want to do anything else off 'The Thunderthief', so I, in my bravura, decided to sing 'That’s The Way'. Singing a Zeppelin song was even scarier, I can tell you.
I bet.
What I used to do on the tour before, I played an instrumental version of 'Going To California' on the mandolin, and I used to team [those two songs]. I would start with 'That’s The Way' – because I played those mandolin parts on the original record. [Hums the tune] Then I said, "You didn’t think I was going to sing, did you?" [Laughs] But this time I did it and I sang it, so people who went to both concerts thought it was some kind of a trick [laughs]. But it went down alright. Nobody killed me for it, ‘cause I can’t possibly sing it like Robert Plant. I don’t have that voice. But I did it in this other way, and it worked, but the first night I was terrified. Remembering words is the hard part. I put the lyrics on a music stand, so I couldn’t fuck it up. But I’m learning, I’m getting better.
How has working with a guy like Robert Fripp influenced your own writing and playing?
Well, I haven’t actually worked with him that much. The biggest connection is being on his label. [Long pause] I mean, when Zeppelin first started in 1969, and people would say, "What sort of band is it?" I used to say "progressive rock", because in those days it meant rock that progressed [laughs]. You know, it was a very literal term; "Well, you know, we’re trying to advance the form of it, and this is what we’re doing to make it go somewhere." But of course, that title came to have all sorts of different meanings. When it started to mean 'classic', that’s when I stopped saying it was progressive rock. But then we’d say it’s 'blues rock', because people love to label things. I didn’t really hear an awful lot of King Crimson [music], to be honest. But being on his label is great, mainly because of the fact that you get, obviously, total artistic freedom. There are no contracts, either. He really hates the music industry with a passion, and he’s not afraid of telling everybody [laughs] at every available opportunity, which is great. And the artist maintains the copyrights to all their material, so I just agree with him on that whole side, and I really like the way he approaches music, and musicians. He’s so passionate about everything and has a definite way that he wants to do it. It’s inspiring to know that people can say, "This is the way I want to do it!" and off he goes! He’s always kind of been around in the background, but the first time Fripp got my attention was when Brain Eno called me and asked if I knew a piano player who could do some avant garde piano. He asked if I knew anybody who could do some spacey sort of piano, and I couldn’t really think of anybody. I asked him to describe what he wanted and then I said, "Well, I can do that" [laughs]. Alright then, so I said, "What’s the track?" and he said, "Fripp’s doing a solo on it, and I want you to do the counterpart." So I went along, and it was just this rhythm track, and I played this sort of spacey piano. The next time I heard it, Fripp had put his guitar solo on afterwards, so there’s this sort of alien spacey piano and suddenly this guitar comes in like [makes sounds of cars crashing], and I was like, "Fuck! I wish I’d known he was doing that! Jesus Christ!" Like "Who is this guy?" [laughs] Then, when I met him, he was like [imitating Robert Fripp’s gentlemanly nature] "Oh, Hello John. How are you?" I’m thinking, "Now, this isn’t the same guy who was like [makes car crash noises] on that record?" But it was. And that’s what he did on "Leafy Meadows". He walked in and he puttered about and set his pedals up and had tea and cake and then he went, "Whaaaahh!!!!" [Laughs] I really like that. It’s quite a paradox. That’s what I like about Diamanda [Galas] as well. When you meet her she’s terribly nice and sweet. And then you see her sing and [makes exaggerated face of terror].
I had to smile when I saw that Nick Beggs plays the Chapman stick on the album, because I remember him as the bassist for Kajagoogoo. How do you go about finding the various players who are involved with your solo projects?
Well, on 'Zooma' I had Pete Thomas on drums and Trey Gunn on stick. I wanted a stick player because they think differently. They’re often bass players as well, and they just approach it differently. Plus, from a very practical point of view, in a trio, it’s great, because I’m a bass player and a keyboard player and I play quite a lot of lap steel in my show. If I’m doing bass, then [the stick player] can play all the lead parts. If I go to the keyboards, he can then switch to bass in mid-song, if necessary. So, it’s very practical and it means I haven’t got someone standing there with a guitar, who feels like, "Well I should be playing something, because I’m standing here" [laughs]. There’s loads of space in a trio – which is what was nice about Led Zeppelin, because when Robert wasn’t singing we were a trio. There’s loads of space and you can go anywhere you like. So, Trey Gunn was on that album and originally I had asked him to come out with me on the road, because the idea, of course, with 'Zooma' was to get out and play it. He was going to [come out with us], but then King Crimson had resurfaced and he said his first loyalty was to go with them. Then I asked Robert [Fripp] if he knew of another Chapman stick player, and he said [adopting Fripp’s accent], "Well you won't believe it, but Nick Beggs is a really good player." I went, "Nick Beggs from Kajagoogoo? ‘Too Shy’?" And he goes, "Yeah, try him out." So I did. Then I went through a few drummers and eventually Nick said, well, "Terl Bryant is a really good drummer." So he came on board and he was great, and their attitudes are just awesome. It’s a happy family, they call me 'Pater' [laughs]. But it really is just like a family on the road, it’s really sweet. And they’re just full-on, enthusiastic, 100% committed, and it’s great.
Will you be taking 'Thunderthief' on the road now that your tour opening for Crimson has passed?
Well, yes. We’re trying to get some dates together at the moment, to do 'The Thunderthief'. But the thing is, I’d like to headline again, because then I can do my long show with the keyboards and things. But I may have to open for somebody else, again, because we really need to play to more people. It’s just maddening. I mean, we can sell out Irving Plaza [mid-size venue in NYC], but there comes a point where that’s the biggest one we can sell out, because nobody knows us. Everybody comes to the show and goes away going [adopts American accent], "That was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen! It was fantastic!" and then they tell their friends and we get people going, "Wow, I wished I’d known he was playing there." We really just need to play to more people.
Here’s a quote from a review of 'The Thunderthief': "Since his days as a top sessioneer, his abilities as an arranger and multi-instrumentalist have equipped him to add musical finesse to any genre." That’s a pretty nice compliment. Is that part of the reason you’ve been attracted to such genre diverse projects? You know, from Cinderella to The Butthole Surfers?
[Laughing] Cinderella…
Oh come on, I love Cinderella.
Yeah, they were alright. The drummer owns a bus company now. Yeah, it’s all the same to me. As long as it’s good [music] I don’t care what it is. I mean, I’ve done classical composition and string quartets and [sighs] I don’t really care what it is. If somebody asks me to do something and I don’t know how to do it, I’ll find out.
In a criticism of the song 'Angry Angry', one reviewer said that you were "Always too accomplished to achieve something so off the cuff." I guess you’d call that a back-handed compliment.
Yeah, he didn’t get it. The Brits don’t like 'Angry Angry'. For a start, they understand the accent [I sing that song in], which they hate, ‘cause it’s "music hall", basically, is what it is – like a vaudeville accent. And they don’t like it because I think they think I’m taking the piss out of punk, which I’m not. I don’t do parody at all. It’s actually terribly prosaic, how it all happened, but music is just like that for me, basically. 'Angry Angry' is at the speed it is because I heard Adam Bomb (Pink Gibson from NY based rock band, Get Animal, who plays guitar on this song) play at the Borderline in London and I immediately heard what I wanted him to do [on the record]. I went back into the studio and put a riff down, which was on bass, mandolin, and drum machine which was [sings hyper-speed riff from song], at that speed. I got it to play for three minutes, just that riff, and then I wrote the song and thought, "Now, what do I do with it?" It was at that tempo and had that intensity and the phrase 'Angry Angry' just came to me, so I wrote the lyrics from there. And I had to do it in that voice because it sounds stupid any other way [laughs]. But the Brits hate it. They think I’m trying to be something that I’m not.
Oh, those Brits are so serious about everything.
Well, you haven’t met the Germans. They’ll go right into anything and find all the symbolism and the lot.
'Ice Fishing at Night' is a really beautiful song with some dark lyrics. What inspired you to write that song?
Well, I didn’t write the lyrics. They came with 'The Thunderthief'.
What does that mean?
What happened was, halfway through what was basically going to be an instrumental album, but was also a continuation from 'Zooma', I decided it’d be really nice to have voices [laughs]. As I’ve said before, I didn’t want to get a guest vocalist in, for a couple of reasons actually. One is that I know that I’d forget what I was doing and work on producing them, whoever the vocalist was. I would immediately turn into a producer and it would go somewhere else. The other reason is that, being a bass player, I don’t actually have a distinctive sound. I mean, some people will listen to a record and go, "Oh yeah, that’s a John Paul Jones record", but if you just heard one song in isolation, [you couldn’t tell]. Like, if you’re Santana, that record he did, every time he hits that guitar you know that’s Santana. It’s what he does. He doesn’t do anything else except for that sound. I don’t have that, because of the instruments I play. I thought, guest vocalists will only dilute that and just diffuse it even more. I decided, "I’m going to try and sing myself." Then I thought, "well, I’ve got nothing to sing." Then I was thinking that I don’t want to become a singer and a songwriter all at the same time. One thing at a time, you know? So, I knew Peter Blegvad, he’s a singer/songwriter, and a cartoonist as well – he did the album cover. He’s got a weird way of looking at things; just a strange, twisted sort of dark view. I thought he’d be the ideal person to write some lyrics. I asked him, "Have you got any lyrics that you haven’t got music to? Any lyrics just laying around?" He had about four songs that he gave me and I picked up 'The Thunderthief' and 'Ice Fishing at Night' and set them to music, and basically, just experimented with singing to see whether I liked what I did. I thought I could work with these songs and I could sing enough to do what I wanted to do. I don’t have a great technique or a great voice, but as long as I could convince myself that it sounded alright, then it would be OK… which is how I do everything [laughs]. You know, I’m not a great technician on any instrument, but as long as I can convince myself that it sounds real, then I’ll do it. I sang those two songs and then I thought, "well I can’t just sing two songs" [laughs]… I think like this all the time… it’s boring really. "You can’t just have two songs… how about trying to do some more?" Now that I know I can sing, I’ll try and write some lyrics and see how easy that is. So, I learned another trick. I discovered, like many people I’m sure have, that with the onset of the computer, I enjoyed writing emails. And since I enjoyed composing emails, I thought, "I wonder if it works for writing lyrics?" [Laughs] I tired writing some lyrics on the computer and – sure enough – I wrote three songs in an hour… one of which was 'Angry Angry'. I thought, "this is fun!" I could finally master the song form on the next album, ‘cause there’s no rules, you see? It’s great!
You make it up as you go along.
Absolutely, you get away with it yet again. [Laughing] I’ve had a lot of encouragement, but at the beginning of 'Zoom'a I thought, "They’re all going to go, 'it’s boring!'"
You’ve influenced so any modern rock bassists, from Tom Hamilton and John Deacon of Queen to Krist Novoselic and Flea. It’s almost like, if you drew it all as a Family Tree, you’d be the father of rock bass playing. What’s that like?
Well, it’s just that they haven’t bothered to look further than me. I mean, I’m just lower down the food chain than somebody else is. It just depends on how far you want to go back, really. It’s very nice, it’s very flattering… but I’m imparting stuff that I probably learned from James Jamison and [Donald] 'Duck' Dunn and Charles Mingus. But it’s very nice [to hear that I’ve influenced somebody]. I met some guy in New Orleans on the last tour and he says, "You probably don’t remember me but I came to see you with my Dad when I was 12 years old. You really influenced me and you got me playing the bass and you told me I should practice." He was, like, in his twenties now. I asked him if he was still playing and he said yes, he was the principal bass for the New Orleans Philharmonic Symphony [laughs]. Right! Nice to meet you!
How did it happen that 'Rock & Roll' is now the theme music for a Cadillac commercial?
Ah! Because they asked us if they could use it [laughs]. Cadillac’s kind of a romantic thing – for Englishmen, especially. You think, "Pink Cadillac", and it was Elvis’s car, and it’s a Limo and it just has this aura. I don’t know whether it’s the same in America; probably not, because you have them over here all the time – you’ve lived with them [laughs]. I can see a Cadillac now, and it’s BIG, with big fins and whitewall tires. But they asked us if they could use the song, and they didn’t get it for nothing. And why not?
Do all three of you – you and Jimmy and Robert – all have to make a decision like that? It’s not like Page did it when you weren’t looking?
No, all three of us make those decisions.
Well, on one had, you can think, "Classic car, classic song", but it does kind of bother me that I hear The Who’s 'Bargain' now and instantly think of a car commercial.
Well, yeah… I haven’t actually seen the commercial yet.
Before Led Zeppelin ever came into being, you had a successful career as a session musician and arranger. How much of Zeppelin’s unique sound is owed to your work on the arrangements?
Eh… some. But then it’s equally the way Bonham approached the drums and it really was a group effort. Even if the original idea wasn’t a group effort, the final thing was a group effort. It really was, more than any band I was involved in. It was never like the songwriter ruled the band. Robert wrote the lyrics last, usually.
But there wasn’t any other band that sounded like Led Zeppelin, and there never has been since. That’s kind of a big deal when you think about it. Especially now, in this day of everybody sounding like everyone else.
That’s because people in bands these days always listen to the same music. They all start a band because they all like U2 or they all like Pearl Jam. Consequently, their field of reference is very narrow. Our field of reference was huge. Page and I were very hard working session musicians, and when you walk into a session it can be absolutely anything. Country and western, to Champion Jack Dupree, to Englebert Humperdink, to a big band session. You walk through that door and you don’t know; it could really be anything [laughs]. You name it, I’ve done it. I played weddings, I’ve played Bar Mitzvahs, I’ve done Irish weddings, Jewish weddings, Greek weddings, Italian weddings. I can play it all. Musicians these days, they don’t seem to do that anymore, and bring it all into the mix. Bonzo used to like soul music and knew the words to every Chi-Lites record, ever [laughs]. He was the biggest Smokey Robinson fan, he was into Motown, he loved The Beatles and James Brown. I was into all that soul music, jazz, and classical. Robert was really into blues and all the rock stuff and doo-wop. Page had all these other interests. It was just a huge range of influences, you could go here or there or this way or that. And that’s what I do now, with this music.
What was the dynamic like between you and John Bonham as a rock rhythm section?
Well, we weren’t like a lot of rock rhythm sections, we swung like a bastard! [laughs] Groove was extremely important in Zeppelin and it wasn’t in a lot of those bands [that were popular at the same time]. It was extremely important, which is what, to me, made the band [so great]. We used to have a lot of women at our concerts – and I loved having women at our concerts because they’d dance. [Laughing] It’s great, because the guys stand there with their arms folded and the girls are dancing. Zeppelin was great because it was music you could dance to, and you can’t say that about too many rock bands.
How did your work with Diamanda Galas on her record 'The Sporting Life' and its subsequent tour, end up affecting your own career?
Oh, wow, she’s my favorite piano player. She’s just very inspiring as an artist, she’s very passionate, very committed, always knows what she wants to do. I have several other things to thank her for; she got me playing steel guitar again, which I hadn’t done for years. She saw it in the studio and said "What’s that?" And I said, "Steel guitar", "I want to hear it." So we put it on one of her songs and we did two songs with it in her shows. It was good because it gave me some sort of "high voice" as well as being in the back playing bass. And I thought, "this is a way I can work, this is a way I can actually do a solo show without being a bass player and having other people take over all the fun stuff."
Didn’t she also inspire you to start playing live again?
Yes, she did. I mean… somebody actually said, I think this was a German interview, [the journalist] said that he thought that these records – this is interesting – that 'The Thunderthief' was the third record in a trilogy, starting with Diamanda’s record. And in fact, he’s right in that way, because that was the first time I’d tried using that sort of riff, drums and voice. A lot of people didn’t like it, but to me it was blindingly obvious. I couldn’t see why nobody had thought of it before, especially with her voice, because she has all that range and passion. Plus, her lyrics are great! These homicidal love songs are wonderful [laughs]. She came along with, "Hide the knives, baby’s insane!" [laughs]. 'Skotoseme', that first track [on 'The Sporting Life'], she did it in one take. Me and the engineer were shaking at the end of it, and she just went [adopting a woman’s voice] "Is that OK? I’m going to get myself some coffee" [laughing]. When someone suggested we work together, I could hear it all in my head. I just went [snaps fingers], "I know what we’re going to do as well." I sent her these riffs, to New York, and she sent back some ideas. Then she just turned up and stayed for two months, and we made the record. It was just brilliant. I thought, "This is great! We can do what we like again." I was just so inspired. Then she also told me – cause she’s collaborated with everybody as well – that she’d said in interviews, when they’d say, "Well, why don’t you collaborate anymore?" She’d say, "Well, I’ve put effort into everybody else’s music. If I’m going to put that much effort into music, it’s going to be my own." And I went, "Yeah!" [laughs].
She kinda scares me, to tell you the truth.
She scares us all! That’s the fun part. But she’s so committed to her music. She’s just having fun. She was great on stage one time, [laughs] there was that perfect moment in this theater in Chicago, she was there at the front of the stage and – you know how everybody shouts out song titles? – a little voice comes up in this slight lull between songs and goes "Song Remains the Same!" And she just looked at him and she goes [makes malevolent face], "No, it doesn’t, motherfucker." [Laughing] You could see the crowd part.
As a way of wrapping this up, I surely don’t have to tell you this, but thinking about how Led Zeppelin always gets the nod as the greatest hard rock or metal band of all time – on VH1 shows or magazine polls, or radio countdowns or whatever – do you think the endurance and greatness of the Led Zeppelin legend has much to do with the fact that you guys called it quits after John Bonham died, while you were still a hot item?
[Pauses] I suppose with hindsight, maybe that did have something to do with it. I mean, there was no point in carrying on, it would be a different band, because no John Bonham, no Led Zeppelin, it’s as simple as that. He was so integral, to have gotten someone else would have made it more of a tribute band, if you were playing Led Zeppelin songs, because anyone else would have to be in his shadow all the time. However, he died at a time when there was like a new lease on life, a new awakening in Zeppelin. Punk had severely embarrassed us [laughs]. We’d stripped down and just went, [shrugs] "Oh, OK, right. This is over, off we go again." It was a very hopeful time, despite the darkness of having lost John. That was terrible. So, yes, [had he not died] we would have gone on and… who knows what would have happened.
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
Hi! I saw your requests are open - I've never done something like this before btw so sorry if it's too specific - so I was wondering If you could do the Evans (specifically Alex from adult world, Todd hayness and Peter maximoff) reacting to a non binary reader who is OBSESSED with monster high, and loves collecting the old gen 1 and new gen 3 dolls. Thank you so much if you do! Have a good day!!
YES OMG YES YES YES YES YES YES YES I LOVE THIS SM OMG THANK YOU FOR UR REQUEST (also sorry it took so long im going back into a depressive episode butttt i have some motivation rn)
The evans reactions to non binary reader being obsessed with monster high/collecting
Evan Peters
Would probably find it actually adorable
You guys would be walking in the store and you see a monster high doll u dont have and start squealing
He just smiles takes it out of your hand and puts it in the cart
For your birthday or something he would probably even get you dvds of the monster high movies so you can watch it whenever you want
Would help you build shelves in ur house to put all the dolls on to show them off
Kit walker (if they existed when he lived yk)
Would be so fucking confused
"baby why are you collecting dolls?"
Would be confused on why your collecting kid toys but whenever he sees one in the store he (bare with me theres phones ok) would send u a picture to ask if u have it
If you dont well now u do if you do then...congrats?
Okay he would be confused but would just fucking love seeing the way you smile when he gets u one
Kyle Spencer (pre death)
Would see your collection and his jaw would drop
"ive seen the show but never watched it, the characters are so cute omg"
"do you want any more? Cs i can save up and definitely get you some....or.. a lot."
Would honestly make it a mission to collect EVERY. SINGLE. DOLL
you guys would spend soooo much money together it would be actually kinda scary
Kyle would search online forever jst for one you mentioned u wanted that was a old one
Jimmy darlin (darling)
A lot like kit
So fucking confused
Didnt even know they existed tbh
"uh doll? Why do you have so many...dolls"
*you tell him what it is* "oh... Well are ya sure you need this many?" *You do a mean glare at him* "I- i mean its fine do whatever baby imma just uh" *runs away scared*
After a while gets used to it and finds them actually so cute and you jst straight up adorable
James Patrick March
A lot like jimmy
Actually more confused than jimmy
Obviously didnt know they existed
"darling, thats a lot of...dolls"
After he finds out you love them a secret room in the hotel is specifically all yours to store and organize your dolls
Has many many people find every monster high in california shipped to the hotel
Kai Anderson
He walked in on you looking at your dolls making sure they are still in good shape
He would literally snatch it and squeeze its head off (#toddlertantrum)
You would be slapped or beaten to death, or locked in the closet, or he would fuck you really hard (ew)
But on the other hand if you were pregnant with his 'messiah' (peep my other head cannon) he would honestly get a lot of people in the cult to look for all of them jst for you
Peter maximoff (imma jst say apocalypse age)
Would see them pick one up and love them
"oh whats that, awesome! These look so pretty"
Would steal them for you
Would make a designated place in his moms basement for all of them
Would understand and bring up how its like him and 'collecting' arcade machines
You guys honestly both kinda love them and even peters sister does
Todd Hayness
"what's that? Oh"
Thinks of it how he collects superhero and comic figures
Would probably go online and order you monster high stuff/ more dolls
Would honestly be okay with it
Would ask you if you got any more and ask all about them
Would just admire you while you talk about monster high until you snap him out
Alex (adult world)(he has my heart like sobbing)(if that makes sense)
Your friends are throwing a party at your house and alex is going and yall barley jst started dating and hes only been over for ur birthday and didnt see ur room
He would see them and just furrow his eyebrows at them for a second
"hey, those are pretty cool" he points at them
You would smile and then you guys would end up staying in your room for the rest of the night while he listens to you gush about monster high and you guys fall asleep cuddling
He wouldnt mind he would find it actually really cute
I hope you guys like this i literally like took such a long time im so sorry
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related to the "how do you organise your books" poll, what's in the fucked up weird tales section of your books? been looking for recs on what to read!
Right! Yes! Hello, friend! I meant to answer this days ago, but last week was deeply weird in several ways and then yesterday I fully spaced out. Anyway. The Weird Tales section!
First: here's the shelf! (It's the second one down, with all of the little whatsits on it.)
Tumblr media
Mainly when I say "fucked up weird tales," I literally mean "authors who were published in the magazine Weird Tales in the early 20th century, and authors related to them." Mostly for my collection that's H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard--I have basically all of Lovecraft's work in two huge volumes, as well as The Lovecraft Lexicon, which is a reference book that I mostly use when I want to drop a random name into a story as a background gag. For Howard I have these story collections:
Horror stories
the complete Conan the Barbarian
Kull the Atlantean (who was sort of a proto-Conan)
Solomon Kane (also horror stories, but about a specific guy)
I also have a book of Clark Ashton Smith stories, he was another contemporary and friend of Lovecraft and Howard, but I'm not sure where it's gotten to. On the shelf above (which is all mass-market/small format paperbacks) I have two collections of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser stories by Fritz Leiber, the other great pioneer of sword-and-sorcery fiction along with Howard.
Past that, in Authors Related To Them, we've got:
Michael Moorcock (influenced by them)--most of my Moorcock is on the next shelf up, because I have all of the original Elric novels in cute little mass-market paperbacks, but I have an Elric collection on the Weird Tales shelf proper
Arthur Machen (influence on Lovecraft)--one book, a combined edition of The Great God Pan and The Hill of Dreams. I'd recommend The Great God Pan as a great example of late 19th century horror fiction, keeping mind that it is of course tremendously racist and misogynist, as is...a lot of this stuff, unfortunately.
The King in Yellow, Robert W. Chambers--late 19th century supernatural and horror fiction, which the Weird Tales crew read
The King of Elfland's Daughter, Wonder Tales, and The Complete Pegana, by Lord Dunsany (influence on Lovecraft)--lovely, slightly stuffy Irish fantasy. The King of Elfland's Daughter is beautiful and I highly recommend it.
Past them, we have other horror and horror-tinged science fiction and fantasy which seemed, by my highly scientific Vibes-Based Judgement, to belong on the same shelf:
Magic for Liars and The Echo Wife, Sarah Gailey (here on Tumblr at @gaileyfrey)--two truly astonishing modern novels, both of which made me cry hysterically at least once. Magic for Liars is a murder-investigation detective story set at a private magic school in California; The Echo Wife is a horror-ish science fiction story about cloning and spousal abuse. As you might be able to guess, there are some for real trigger warnings here--these books are both extraordinarily good, and I highly recommend them, but if you've got concerns shoot me a follow-up ask and I'll give you the TWs I remember. I also very much recommend their novella collection American Hippo, which is maybe my favorite alternate history of all time.
The Iron Dragon's Daughter, The Dragons of Babel, and The Iron Dragon's Mother, by Michael Swanwick--I read The Iron Dragon's Daughter for the first time at an inappropriately young age, and have reread it every few years since then. I ought to give it another reread, actually, and properly reread the sequels at the same time. Really they're all standalone novels in the same deeply weird, scary Fairyland, and, as with the Gailey novels, are hip-deep in TWs, but they're so good.
The Lottery and Other Stories, Hangsaman, and The Haunting of Hill House, by Shirley Jackson--Hi! Shirley Jackson is my favorite horror author ever! Please read The Haunting of Hill House, and also We Have Always Lived In The Castle, which I don't have on the shelf because I own it in digital! I haven't finished her other books, so I can't recommend them yet, but I love her so much, please read Shirley Jackson novels.
Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir--gory horror sci-fi with an absolutely wild sense of humor and the toxic necromancy lesbians that a lot of folks on Tumblr have been talking about. (There's a third book, Nona the Ninth, which I have in digital and haven't read yet.) I think these books are excellent, but they're definitely not to everyone's tastes--give yourself a couple of chapters of Gideon to see if you like it, and then if you read the whole thing take a deep breath, because Harrow will definitely throw you for a loop anyway.
There are a few more books behind Dr. Lambshead, the plague doctor, but they're not actually on theme, I just needed to find a spot where they fit.
I would recommend literally any of these books, although pretty much all of them come with caveats of some kind--the older books and stories are often, as I said before, dreadfully racist and otherwise unpleasantly messy, and many of the more modern novels come with serious trigger warnings attached.
I also read a lot of books in digital and thus can't shelve them with the others, and some books fit better in other sections (such as large collections of books by a single author), so here are some other recommendations:
For an incredibly beautiful and moving feminist take on Lovecraft's fantasy work, read The Dream Quest of Vellitt Boe by Kij Johnson
For a very intense retelling of Lovecraft's wildly racist story "The Horror at Red Hook" from a Black perspective, read The Ballad of Black Tom, by Victor LaValle
For a series of interlinked Lovecraft pastiches set in the mid-20th century and addressing, again, a lot of the racism issues, read Lovecraft Country, by Matt Ruff (there's also a sequel that just came out, but I haven't read it yet)
For a moving, complex take on sword-and-sorcery fantasy, with lots of discussion of power dynamics, slavery, racism, feminism, sexuality, economics, bouncy balls, and kinky gay sex, read the Nevèrÿon stories, by Samuel R. Delany, collected in Tales of Nevèrÿon, Neveryóna, Flight from Nevèrÿon, and Return to Nevèrÿon. Then, if you're as in love with his writing as I am, read Babel-17, The Einstein Intersection, or Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand. I mean I love almost everything of his that I've read but those are good starting points.
If you were looking at the top shelf in the photo and wondering if any of those books might be a slightly trashy, extremely horny fantasy romance novel set in an alternate universe where men are few and far between and thus groups of sisters all marry one guy and share him, read A Brother's Price, by Wen Spencer.
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cutepastelstarsalior · 9 months
Clone high season 2 live blogging
Episode 6
:( the dinner is going to be sold
Yeah I can see why some people don’t like the dinner because of the racial segregation….
Did some guy just buy to eat the dead wife????
👀 disabled Joan!??? Let’s goooooo!!!!! Detective Joan!!!! Awe cute Joan had a cat <3
“Psylly legs is build up nostalgia the legs get psylly”
….So Joan is just stimming???? (I thought she’d had restless leg syndrome)
If people bullied Joan because of her medical stuff, why didn’t Joan help Ghandi when people hated on him for his adhd? Also man does this town have an ableist history…..
Blood pack!!!!! Same big mood with the doctor not handling blood 😩
Yay Joan’s weird French films!!!! DAVID FUCKING TENNANT???!!!!!! <3 ohmgggg I love him as 10
Heyyy trash Mandy Moore lady is back!! :0
Did I meant I love the colors in this show? I do…
Noooooo jfk cheating on Joan? Wait…or not? Hmmm I feel like kissing another girl is bad…..FUCK is this is Total Drama and the Bridgette and Geoff scene >:( damn it!!! (Yes I know that they are 2 different shows but listen……hyperfixation™️ also my mom thought CH was TD lol)
Yay jfk and Harriet told Joan the truth….oh no Joan is going through so many emotions and drinking :0 hmmm 👀 (idk why but the little montage of Joan going rapid through different emotions feels like something bpd???)
Episode 7
Confucius parents took his sister to Bali but not him :( awwww his family didn’t care if he got lost in the dessert. Man Confucius family sucks, no wonder he tried to hard to be popular online, he just wanted attention :(
:( Abe and Joan army friends anymore noooo. Damn. Abe lost Joan and Ghandi, this dude is going through it….
My favorite background clone is Cathrine the Great, I think her design is so cute <3
The bus crash and now JFK brain is bigger….i think you have internal bleeding there bud…
“As a woke straight male ally let me put my lips on this unconscious black women to show how woke and straight I am” ……..topher bud….
Why is George Washtion Clever peanut man getting bigger??
Mr b using a short to cover his head <3
Ew why is jfk vice like that….
“Lo-fi haunted ghost screams” 👀
Smart jfk…Joan taking the lead. I feel like something bad will happen OR this is a dream.
:0 DJ Mr b!!!!!!
Cannibal dessert zombies….. scary!!
JFK calling people darling is cute :) <3
If jfk brain is smarter while in hot weather/if he’s overheating why didn’t this happen when he’s in the gym or doing sports? 👀
Smart jfk face : ☺️🫤
The husbands trying to snort each other 😏👀
Arroyo are gully in southwestern us….meaning the clone home is somewhere between Texas and California….
Joan wants someone who is emotionally intelligent and emotionally available….she and Abe become friends again……I’m guess they’ll end up together?
Episode 8
Oh snap they actually broke up! Also they co-own a tortoise? Cute
..,,,making the whole school sexual……😬 interesting…
“Where do you want the seaman to drop their load”
“For starters in my mouth” HA….🫵🤨 I know what you are doc
Frida having a crush on Cleo! Was not expecting that…Cleo doing her weird flirting again…was DEFINITELY not expecting that….
Harriet x Confucius is a cute ship….their such nerds <3
😬😬😬 the teacher flirting with Abe…:ma’am that not ok
“Virginity is a social construct” asexual Abe real!!!!!!!
I was going to say seaman I love you but I realize that sounds absolutely horrible out of context….
Singing pirates I love you and you talking about lgbt identity..
Topher the pirates thing you’re into Abe….. 👀
JOAN DONT PUT THE TOURTISE IN THE WATER JOAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!!!!! Oh thank goodness Abe rescued the pet
“It’s ok if a minor and a teacher are together” not the fuck it’s not lady!!! Topher why are you filming this???? Call the police????? Topher please 😬😬
Oh thank god she dead. But ahhhhhhhh still hella uncomfortable!!!!!!!!!
The “statutory-rape-death-by-orgasm situation is very troubling” MR B WITH THE FACTS!!!!!!
“So we’re not telling the police?” You can Mr b! Please call the police. Mr b I love you so much for looking out for the students.
Topjer blackmailing Abe because he (topher) is into Joan…..🤨🤨 are you topher?? Are you really??
One one hand, I’m like this is a stupid subplot, Abe just tell Joan how you feel who care about topher and his blackmail. But on the other hand, this situation kind of feels realistic? Like a weird way to talk about victim blaming?
Oh thank god something positive in this shit show….yippie Cleo and Frida got together!!!
Joan underwater with the emotional music…her screaming underwater…..cinema™️ :) Joan and jfk having a nice talk :)…:noooo rip Shelly the tortoise
Background gay couple yay :)
Episode 9
Noooo the husbands are fighting AGAIN….oh yay Joan and Mr b time!!!
Omg Mr b lore!!!!
He has a human twin brother??? HES RELIGIOUS????? Oh snap biracial Mr b 👀
Wait nevermind…. Awww Mr b didn’t know he was a robot :( and nether did his twin
:( noooooooo!!!!!!!! He left his brother 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
OH MY FUCKING GOD Mr b was a sex worker
Noooo Mr b please contact your brother!!!!!
Awew yay Mr b life getting better!!! :0 he got married!!!
Noooo his wife cheated on his and his son wasn’t biological his!!! :(
YES!!!! The twins reunited!!! :0 awew he’s an uncle now!!! Wow 2 nices and 2 nephews!!
👀 Mr b was an actor!!!!
🥺 awww he thinks of Joan as his daughter!!!!!!
NO MR B DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!
Oh thank god doc saved him!!!!!!! 🥺
Oh my goddd…..the cliff!!! The choices!!!!!!!
Favorite episode!!!!!!!!
Episode 10
Oh thank god, it’s the last one!!!!
Ponce’s dad is back!!! :)
It’s the last day of the school year…the teens are 16, so there sophomores???
Clone high college :0 oh!!! I was wonder what would happen to the senior class!!
West Dakota?????
Since the sisters didn’t make it into the death maze, do they life? Get immediate killed? I forgot that the government is trying to groom the most successful clones. So I guess this is a survival of the fittest….and since the OG clones were from the first project, this is a very new things. (Trying to make a mental timeline thing.)
The four amgias….
4 boys who are friends-ish
4 girls who are friends
Battle of the sexist 👀
Also both groups are the main cast….ok not topher he’s more of a side character…but still..
Yay Abe and jfk friendship :)
Ok so this is my 2 favorite episode.
This gives me minor hunger games vibes. The whole government watching kids fight to the death part; not the trying to stop the government and corrupt dystopia part…
Oh hey! That weird one type flute thing, forgot about that! :)
Frida has 2 different shoelaces :)
Joan leaving the group because Frida chose her girlfriend over Joan. I mean, that understanding to be angry, but I don’t think she should leave the group….
Yessss jfk breaking topher phone!! :) now Abe won’t be blackmail anymore!!!
Gay energy jfk x Abe
Lone wolf Joan….hmm maybe she is the most powerful/sussefual clone they made? 👀
Joan setting traps to capture her friends!!!! She IS the most dangerous clone!!!
Ok Joan keeps putting people into holes, either she doing that so she the only one to hit the button and go to college OR she doing that to save everyone from the death maze?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHJHH Joan foster mom standing by Joan, using her daughter and grooming her to be the next leader!!! AHHHHHH I love it!!!!!!! Sidhaisn
!!!!!!!!! Them using the clones as backups!!!! Me think how it was weird that the government would let a clone die so easily!!! They won’t!!!!! The government controlling them to be successful puppets!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! The angst, and tension!!! The betrayal!!!!! Love it!!!!!
👀🥺 doc think of the clones as his children!!!!!!
They lost their memories!!! But Joan giving it back!! Her caring about her friends!!!!
Oh my god the stupid little hands gesture!!!!!! <3
That’s it??? THATS the ending? The mother showing everyone what Joan did during the death maze? And everyone being anger at her?
Ok, I feel like the twist to that, if there a season 3 is that her friends will forgive her.
Ok! Thought time!!!!
Ok, the fist half of this so is ROUGH! Like it has an idea (government wanting to groom the kids to be a successful leader) but the comedy and drama got a bit out of hand for the plot. I think want to say around 7-8 is when the show gets more, lore like? Or as close to plot as possible.
This season is VERY Joan centric. It gave her SO much character development. At first I thought it wouldn’t work, it made Joan feel like one of those not like other girls, and loser girl gets popular troupe. The whole love triangle with jfk and Abe was a bit rough. It was weird that Joan decided to be with jfk, after sleeping with him on prom night. But I guess since Abe was with Cleo and Abe only paying attention to Joan after she change herself, it make a TINY bit of scene.
The writing try to make it seems like Joan still loves Abe with that sexual dream she had, but I feel like after that episode, it wasn’t brought up again until episode 7. When Joan wanted jfk to be more emotionally invested in her. Also the whole Abe being in love with Joan? Also the random Abe getting mistreated it felt…..odd?
As for the other characters; out of the OG cast (Abe, ghandi, Joan, Cleo, jfk) only jfk had some character development. At first he was sexual with some emotional intelligence (when he comforts Joan at prom, him and Abe talking in the thinking dock, the whole ponce situation)….in season 2 he was more sexual with some minor emotional scene. I feel like episode 7-10 is were jfk is the most emotionally here.
Cleo….she basically only has 2 episodes for her character development. Episode 4, and Episode 7-8. In episode 4, she gets the crown and gets power hungry, after Joan apologizes to Cleo, she and Joan become friends-ish. In season 1 Cleo and Joan spend a lot of time together, because their parents were dating. They mostly argue but were friends-enemy? So Season 2 feel both a continuation of their season 1 relationship AND just a way to re-write Joan and Cleo relationship.
As for the other episodes? It basically her and Frida because friends to lovers. To be honest while the ship is cute, I wish it was more slow burn?
As for the new clones Harriet and Confusious. I’m mixed. Togher they make a cute couple. But separately I like them more as individuals. Harriet is the most developed out of the 3 new clones. She was awkward and a bit anxious (I think?) around episode 1, then as the show progressed she only hang around Frida, then she became closer friends with Joan. In episode 5 it’s really were Harriet feels the most….developing? She gets angry and worried over feeling Joan about how she feeling about the play! But she expresses herself and that cool!! She also has a weird little friendship with Frida, the 2 of them make a weird little group.
Confusions. At first I didn’t like, he was just a random guy who I hate his outfit. By episode 5, he gets some personal! He wants to have people pay attention to him! And by episode 6- 7, that when you know I bit more about him! He has a rich family who ignores him! His family likes his sister more and seem to emotionally neglect him. He’s a bit lazy and like to go with the flow and not have to work.But besides that…..I can’t think of anything else to say?
Frida. She’s…..there. She hangs out with Abe and Joan and Cleo sometimes. She paints, skateboards, and is the most popular girl in school. Besides that? There not a lot of info about her. It seems like this season had a few too many characters so they made Frida fade into the background…
At first I hate the new Joan new mom. (Candid? I can’t remember her name) I felt like she was a random character that didn’t need to be there. I felt like she was just there to replace the doc and just be annoying? But as the show progressed she was more of a background character that was silly. As for the final; I feel that were she shines the most!! Her wanting her foster daughter to rule the world, that idea is so cool!!!!! I love how she talk to Joan, how proud she was, and how she was going to use the clones as backup or to try to make them more perfect!!! She’s a character a feel like could work If she wasn’t stuck in a comedy.
My b my beloved <3
Topher is a dick. Hate how he blackmails Abe and try to push him and the gross teacher thing. Hate hate the show decided to do that. Like man!! If topper was really into Joan and wanted to blackmail Abe he could have done it a different way!!!!
The humor in this show….don’t feel there? I had like, a few chuckles but that was mostly because from the Doc. Or like from physical gags like the slow float or the couch catching on fire. The animation is fluid and I could see it like, a few times. The colors are a bit brights but I love the background!!! As for the voice acting….its a hit or miss.
Very Rough start but love the final 3 episodes.
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amlovelies · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @grapecaseschoices in this a while ago, sorry for who I am as a person and taking forever 😬
I'll tag @roxaro @horchatabun @lightinger @not-sewell @ava-du-mortain @danielsullivan @wayhavenots @nerdferatum @griffin-wood @griever-receiver and whoever else would like to participate (no pressure obv)
1. are you named after anyone?
Yeah I share a first name with my mother and grandmother, and I actually went by my middle name growing up. I would like to legally change my name but that's like a whole stressful thing so I just live with it.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. I cry almost everyday if I'm being honest
3. do you have kids?
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I don't do any sports now, but growing up I played softball badly and soccer passionately. I also used to ski
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people?
now days whether or not they are wearing a mask and how close they are standing to me
7. eye colour?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings. I'm not a big horror fan
9. any special talents?
not really, I'm good at calming down angry customers and often can get them to apologize to me so I guess that counts for something
10. where were you born?
the middle of fucking nowhere in the california foothills
11. what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, thinking about characters, been trying to learn how to draw but I've plateaued and lost a bit of motivation with that but would like to get back to it. In theory I also do cross-stich but it's been a while
12. do you have any pets?
yes, my cat is my reason for living
13. how tall are you?
5′7 ish (170cm)
14. favourite subject in school?
probably history. I also enjoyed english. One of my favorite classes in high school was a combination english and history class where we would read books to give more context to the historical period we were learning about and it was really fun
15. dream job?
ugh I mean I always want to say writer but like I have such a hard time writing and the thought of trying to monetize my hobbies makes me break out in hives.
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
i am… skipping the selfie part because as far as i can see tumblr gives no fucks whatsoever about my appearance (i’ve posted selfies and got unfollowed if you can believe that). otherwise, the name got lost in the notifications but here i am with the survey~
1. Are you named after anyone? my first name, no. my middle name of christine, yes, it’s my aunt’s (my dad’s sister) name. it’s interesting because that too is her middle name: her first name is actually joy, after my grandmother.
2. Do you have any kids? nope, and i am not even going to attempt to go in that direction, either. nevermind my (often excruciating) struggles with sexuality for a second: after my parents split up when i was 17, the two months prior to my graduation, i met children that all summer long. and it was horrible. i was still technically a kid myself at 18: but i was having the worst time trying to explain to these children why i was often in a down mood, or why it seemed like i was living off of people, or why i did anything. children are curious, yes, but there are just some lines that nobody can cross—and especially that soon when all i wanted to do was lick my wounds. i decided if these problems that i have are going to be with me for the long haul, i can’t afford to have children. i don’t want a brand-new life to go through what i did and live in a world that is currently trying to kill me. i also don’t want to go through that trauma, either: i’m currently on a rigorous weight loss thing and i have seen how women plump up when pregnant. i really, really don’t want to throw that away.
3. Do you use sarcasm a lot? only when the moment is right.
4. When was the last time you felt sad? like, actually sad? earlier this week. since i started auditing my sexuality last year, i go through periods of intense self-hatred, like “WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!” they usually go away after i eat something or watch something on tv.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? oof, depends on the person. if it’s joey, the first thing i notice is his flyaway curls and his big brown eyes. if it’s alex, it’s his deep soulful eyes and shock of gray. chris, it was his hair and mustache.
6. Eye color? brown. brown. brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown. not a speck of any color one. interesting fact: i’m the only one in my immediate family with brown eyes: my dad’s are hazel, my mom’s are green, and my brother’s are blue.
7. What sports do you / have you played? baseball, field hockey, archery, shooting, cycling, and i also have a very brief memory of trying out for track and field because i was/still am bit of a runner. never got into basketball or volleyball or tennis, and i can *sort of* swim (may or may not rule out the triathlon in the future, who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️)
8. Any special talent? i’m an okay writer and my art does things, so there’s that. i can also sing (i was in my school’s choir when i was a kid, and i was in drama club), and i’m good at languages, too.
9. Where were you born? ventura, california (between santa barbara and downtown l.a., right on the beach—you’d be amazed how many people from southern california who don’t know where that is).
10. Scary movies or happy endings? probably scary movies. i’m not really a horror movie buff—although i do enjoy horror. my fav horror movie is the exorcist, but i also love movies like ginger snaps and jennifer’s body and jordan peele’s movies.
11. Do you have any pets? yes! annabelle, the three-legged “wonder dog”, cocker spaniel poodle mix, and schnooki, the jew boy old man of the mountain who came with the house and likes to cuddle with me.
12. How tall are you? 5’7”—in my big black boots, i’m closer to 5’8”.
13. What are your hobbies? writing, poetry, photography, working out, gardening, cooking, hiking, collecting rocks, funko pops, legos, and music, ceramics, astronomy, meteorology, and BAKING! i also read a lot.
14. Favorite subject in school? i was a major science nerd in school, so i always loved my art classes and my language classes (i took french all four years of high school 😅). give the left hemisphere a rest for a bit.
15. Dream job? part of me wants to go with the john lennon answer and say, “to be happy”, but i could never answer this. i have my associate’s degree in art (and a dream of mine is to get my master’s), but i also have my deep love of earth science. i also like to work with with my hands: when i took ceramics as part of my degree, i loved it. i absolutely loved it. i also helped build a formula car when i was in stem school—i loved machine shop and welding and woodshop, too. do you see my conundrum here.
and as always, an open tag!
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bisluthq · 3 months
Karen's from Mississippi and Australia /////
Oi steady on! 😂 Australia is NOT like Mississippi or southern USA states as far as stereotypes go!
Honestly we're more like Florida (fucking stupid with how we are with animals, a bit too comfortable around scary animals, big drinking culture), California (live outside in the sun, large health and fitness culture at least in cities and suburbs, open minded), new jersey (we all have a chip on our shoulder and want to prove we're tough - see: Florida 💀 and again, drinking culture). We're not known for being particularly bright, so I can see how we'd look like stereotype rednecks and a large portion of men who do physical labour for work dress like red neck stereotypes lol. But we're not comparable to southern USA!
We do have Karen's too and yes they are usually women in their 40s, but out here it's seen as weird to like musicians younger you, which is annoying. And of course we have swifties here but you're also seen as a massive loser if you're over 25 and involved in fandom stuff unless it's sports. Fandom is deeply uncool globally but out here it's really not something anyone would admit to after a certain age and we'll lurk but not post just in case we're found (unless you're an influencer looking for attention lol).
I just had to defend my country from being compared to the south 😂😂😂
fair enough ozzie queen 😂😂
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plscallmeeren · 1 year
My eyes turned to the cool grey shades of winter just beyond the window pane. I couldn't settle on a single glimpse to inspect, so my gaze flitted from one ghost of a plant to the miserably alone woman in the office across from the one I was sitting in. Nothing deserved to be scrutinised. It had to be contemplated, conceptually, as one.
"Miss Crown? Miss Crown? Can you hear me?"
"Yes, doc, I can hear. Now please, indulge me. What do I have to tell me so that you can write on a slip of paper what's wrong with me, tell me to fuck off and then we all live happily ever after?" I didn't look away from the weeping lady or the snow-covered flowers or barren branches.
"I'm not quite that far yet. First, tell me of your life. Include your family and perhaps your closest friends and where they were at the time, but no one else. Chronological, if at all possible." His deeply troubling, trembling hands and glasses so thick he looked like a cartoon character were comically familiar. A doctor through and through. And yet, what did I know of a random psychologist with shaking limbs and incredibly enlarged eyes?
"M'kay", I murmured, still focusing my sight on nothing in particular, just as I intended to for the entire session.
"So, I give you this little summary of Raven and her family's backstory, because neither of us have the time to tell it? That's great. Okay. Here I go, then.
The Crown family is made up of seven people; Khalil and Marie, and their five children, who are, from oldest to youngest, called Raven - as you very well know -, Miriam, Evangeline, and the twins Brynn and Favian.
I was born in the same year as my friend Eddie - 1966 - to a happy, newly wedded couple in California." I chuckled wryly and could almost see the doctor look up from the paper he was scribbling on fervently until then. California, baby, you heard it.
"In 1967 Billy Hargrove was born to a loving mother and problematic father, if you know what we mean, although he kept his distance from his son, also in California, at the beach... nowhere near me though. Man, if he had been nearby, things might've went differently.
Miriam was born in 1969, both our parents and me delighted to have her as she was welcomed into the world. Sometime after this, however, Marie - our mother - started having an affair. I used to think it ridiculous, but I didn't get life yet, I don't think. Hadn't gotten the hang of it.
This... came to light when Evangeline, or Evan, or Angel, as we like to call her, was born in 1972, neither of Algerian nor European ethnicity. Upon this revelation, Khalil... dad... began drinking, soon falling into the common addiction.
In 1978, the twins - Favian and Brynn - were born, also not as his children. His alcohol problem only worsened, his person tending to long periods of depression due to this, making him practically unavailable to anyone. Marie's anger at the world and her... her life... had long come to light, especially me suffering from her issues as I was often... hit? Yelled at? Blamed? It doesn't feel like I'm doing it justice. Around this time - I hope you don't mind my controversial religion, doc -, I turned to Wicca, beginning our study of witchcraft. Sounds scary, doesn't it? Anyway.
Marie waited until the twins no longer required breastfeeding - funny, isn't it? -, abandoning the family few months after they were born. Khalil- dad... continued drinking, only just managing to earn money, albeit little, otherwise unable to look after the kids. Due to this, at... twelve, maybe? Barely. We was already the main paternal figure in the kids' lives. Yay, am I right?
That same year - 1979 - we moved to Hawkins, where we only just got by, the eldest - that'd be us - working whenever I could aside from my school life... that included babysitting Johnathon for a while, who is... Right. Chronological. This was also the year Billy moved to Hawkins, as well as Eddie lost his parents, moving in with his uncle Wayne. Crazy, how that happens, ain't it, hon'?
1980 - great times - Eddie and us first shared classes together in eighth grade, the former continuously flirting with me, making up the most of our relationship. However, I was too preoccupied with my chores to consider romance, to be completely honest. This was also the time I actually befriended Johnathon, the two of us soon coming to call ourselves best friends. Then again, we were also each other's only friends, for that matter, apart from maybe Eddie, on my behalf. At this age I was also convinced by my fuck-wit of a sister to go see a free psychologist in order to get diagnosed with Anxiety. Or, well, so it seems."
I fell silent, the scribbling continuing. My head filled with useless visions of past, present and future.
In 1981 Billy and I meet and start dating. This only comes to be because Billy quickly grows to be emotionally dependant on me, my idiocy immediately realising this and feeling I owed my compassion to him, although I soon balanced the relationship out as it became less and less one-sided. At this time, I was 14, Billy being 13 - one year younger than me. Stupid, how that bothered me so damn much. Eddie continued to flirt with me relentlessly, causing much drama, the dynamic lasting all the way into the year of '83.
At the end of this year, however, Khalil passes away, leaving the children in my hands and with not enough money to survive. The twins had barely gotten prepared for first grade.
For this reason, before the next school year could start in 1984, I drop out, Billy consequently breaking up with me over apparent 'prioritising my siblings over him'. Motherfucker, I even believe it. At this time, Eddie and I had both just finished eleventh grade, though Eddie had to repeat. Searching desperately for a well-paid job, Jim Hopper discovered my troubles and offered me a spot at the station as a nurse, the eighteen-year-old me slowly passing more and more tests from afar so that I could be paid as a real nurse. Upon my father's death I fought to adopt my siblings now that I was an adult, social services agreeing reluctantly because it was easiest and there was no way they could all stay together if they were brought into the system, especially in the times of the Cold Wars.
In 1985 this life continued, Eddie now in twelfth grade, Billy dropping out of school for a year due to Max and Susan's presence. In this year, Eddie and I both turned 20, Billy aged 18 to 19, Miriam was 16, Evangeline 13 and the twins seven. For two years already Evan had been a part of the group including Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin, although she was unaware of... something. She befriended Max better than anyone, the two labelling themselves best friends within months.
I finally tore my gaze away from the small birds chirping in the freezing haze outside upon hearing my name called out to me. The doctor sat with one leg perched on another, his eyes now seeming abnormally small as he had removed his glasses and was looking at me, rather bewildered.
"I just have a question", he stuttered, almost shy all of a sudden, "Why... You keep saying 'we' or 'us' instead of 'I'... Why is that? You sound like you believe not to be alone?"
A smirk crept upon my lips at understanding searching for me, getting lost on the way and diving down a rabbit-hole to madness.
"Oh, doc, didn't you know?
We are never alone."
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you know what sucks is every time i touch my skin i imagine that it’s you instead. asking me how the fuck i’m so soft. the skin on my face is in the best shape it’s ever been and i know you’d be obsessed with it.
when my hormones are out of control and my boobs are juicier than usual, i imagine that you’re jiggling them telling me just how juicy they are today. us laughing about it.
i got a new perfume and it smells nice and clean and fresh and i just know you would complain and say you can’t smell me anymore.
we should have gotten through at least 3 more nancy drew games by now. we should be watching yellowjackets together. we should have watched pearl again.
i miss just listening to music while we drink and cook. i miss your snoring waking me up. i miss you coming into the bathroom to pee while i’m taking a bath and making direct eye contact with me just because you’re a fucking weirdo.
i miss the rainy days together, i miss the poolside days together. i miss the normal cuddles and the ones that turn into sex. i miss asking you what sounds you want to fall asleep to. i miss you taking me on dates just because. bringing me home a soda just because you stopped by the store.
i miss you so so much that it effects me on a daily basis. everything makes me think of you.
i cant even doomscroll through tiktok or instagram because videos where there’s a couple or a family having an intimate moment really messes me up. i feel like i have such a hard time processing other peoples happiness right now and that feels so stupid for me to say, especially once i get over it. like how much of a shitty person do i have to be to not be able to be happy for other people just because i thought i would be there by now?
i thought we would be planning the wedding being back in california. i thought we would be planning for kids. even in february we were talking about kids. and that would have been such perfect timing because i would have loved to give alex’s baby a cousin to have near and dear to her like we all did growing up. it wouldn’t be a three week difference but it would be closer than it will be now that i have no one.
it’s scary to hear it. i have no one. and i don’t just mean a partner, i mean i have never been this lonely before even after you broke up with me the first time. i think people felt bad for me then and now they’re like, well damn how stupid do you have to be to fall for it again?
and maybe they’re right. i don’t know where i’ll be in august because i told my sister yes, then no, and then maybe yes and it seems like they’re not rushing out so i’ll still be living with my mom until they do. even when they do find a place i don’t know if i’ll still be welcome.
i want to meet baby jasmine so i’m not in a hurry either. i just wanted you to be here too. i know you couldn’t be *here* all the time but just for the big moments. the baby shower. the first time alex can party again and we get her too fucked up to function. the first time i hold the baby. she loves my voice and she loves to hear us talking shit together. i know she’s gonna be a chismosa.
i just don’t know why you would come back at all. how someone could be so sure and then leave like it never happened. like nothing ever happened. nothing was promised. no love was exchanged. you asked me for three months for this program and i know it’s not gonna matter once the three months are up. you’re not coming back. you’re making friends and starting a life without me. i’m happy for you. but i’m also hurting and i hope you know that. i hope you can feel it.
because john, i love you so deeply that your ancestors can feel it. and i know, and they know, that you don’t love me the same way.
and it’s not that way all the time, but god it hurts to say that too. it hurts to say he’s passionate about me 45% of the time when we know i deserve 100%.
i don’t know what the point in this was. just know that i miss you here, and now, and in the next life too.
fuck you, but i miss you and i love you so much. i don’t know where i’ll be in 3 months and i don’t know where i’ll be in 2 weeks but what i do know is that’s not changing. it’s been almost a year since the initial breakup and it hasn’t changed. it’s not going to.
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rommahh · 3 years
[feeling very tired you guys. I was supposed to post this yesterday and im so sorry. I didnt get out of class until 9 pm last night and then went back to my room to decompress. I really enjoy this part, I cried writing it. I love you all.]
Part one
Your moms house was located in the small town of Moraga, California. It was dry and extremely hot here but you loved it. The comfort of your moms eclectic decorations and many potted plants made you feel a little better. Five days ago you came home with a cloudy head and an overwhelming sadness but now you felt fine. Sad of course, but fine.
It was sad not knowing where the future of your relationship was going. We’re you guys going to get married? It was scary to not have definite answers. You’ve been with Harry for seven years, is this where it ends?
The sound of your phone going off woke you up. You weren’t in a deep sleep but you were drifting in and out of consciousness.
Harry’s icon greeted you, the multiple heart emojis sat beside his nickname ‘Bubby.’
“Hello.” You grumble, sleep evident in your voice.
“Good morning love, how are you?” He asks, his voice is deep and guttural signaling that he must’ve just woken up as well. Everyday since you’ve left Harry called you. The conversations are short, with him just asking you how you are and telling you small affirmations. He missed you dreadfully and to hear your voice for a small moment of the day was enough for him.
"Im ok, what about you? Hows Tacoma? I haven't been on twitter or anything so I haven't checked any updates." You tell him, his stomach does a backflip. Normally you watch the lives, check twitter, interact with fans, he felt disconnected from you.
"Oh, the show was good. I haven't checked twitter either, just came back to the hotel and slept." You hum to acknowledgement putting him on speaker and letting him know you were checking twitter.
"It looks like no one liked the outfit, I like the pants are they velvet?" You ask scrolling through twitter. You hear Harry say yes and then start explaining the outfit choice but your focus is on a report of harry from the show. Harry opens his twitter as well and is faced with the same new article.
Did Harry and long time lover, Y/N, split?
Harry Styles came out on stage tonight with his fiancé, or ex-finances, engagement ring hung on a necklace. Harry proposed to Y/N over a month ago at one of his shows- what happened? Rumors say that he has another woman on the side, others say that Y/N broke It off because of her lack of fertility. In other words, Harry Styles may be back on the market!
All Y/N could hear was Harry dropping his phone as he ran to the bathroom to throw up. He's used to the media and the rumors but the fact that their relationship was on a tightrope wasnt a rumor. It hurt him to be in a place like this. He felt like he had fucked up something so good.
Harry heaved over the toilet as you listened. You sat up in your bed, scared for your boyfriend. "Bubba? Bub?"
Harry muttered a small 'fuck' before cleaning his mouth and returning to his phone. "Im sorry, fuck, im sorry."
The apology at face value was for him running away to the bathroom but deep down the apology was for so much more. He was sorry. He never wanted your name to be in any tabloids out of negativity. He felt sick.
"Its ok bubby, get some water, and- and some crackers. It ok." The words are rushed with concern. The tabloid was disgusting. You knew Harry would never cheat on you and your fertility was nothing to be discussed.
"Its not ok, I'll- I'll get someone to get it deleted. Im-" He gags again, sobs wracking in his chest.
"Harry answer the FaceTime." The FaceTime chime rings through his phone, he answers trying to wipe as much tears as he could. His face was red, eyes clenched shut as he tried to catch his breathe.
"This isn't what I wanted, Im sorry my love. I should've talked to you about Australia." He wails. You've never seen Harry like this, so distraught and overwhelmed with emotion. He was emotional during your fight when he sent you home but now he seems ten times worse. There nothing scarier than thinking that a seven year relationship is going down the drain.
"I hear you Harry but im still mad. This isn't a situation where an apology Is it. I want actions, I want it to seem genuine and real. I don't want us to be over but I do get worried when you make plans that deter from our relationship." Harry watched you intently as you spoke, hand wiping the tears away. "I love you very much and I know we arent done but you hurt me when you act like our relationship is nothing."
"Im sorry for hurting you. S'never my intention, im just dumb sometimes." He knows he fucked up but he's willing to do whatever it takes to get you back.
"I love you Harry. I, um, I have to go. Please don't pay any attention to the tabloids and meditate to calm down, ok?" He nods.
"Ok, I love you. Youre beautiful, youre kind, youre strong, and youre an amazing human being." He whispers to you. His affirmations brighten your mood. With one final goodbye you hang up.
When the call is over you start to cry. There was nothing worse than seeing Harry cry. It’s hard to watch the person you’re in love with become ill with sadness.
You didn’t want your relationship with Harry to be like this. This has been the hardest five days of your life. There has never been a moment like this in the seven years of your relationship.
It’s been weeks since you met Harry Styles. Weeks of texting, weeks of Skyping while you read him your favorite books, weeks of just getting to know each other. And after all of those weeks, you both knew that you liked each other.
It was hard to communicate over the phone and laptop but you guys made it work. Harry always looked forward to your Skype calls, he appreciated the way that you would stay up late or early depending on the time zone just to read and talk to him.
When the tour ended you didn’t really know where your relationship stood. Was he just going to go back home to London and forget you? Would he return to LA and act like he didn’t know you?
Not to be cheesy but you’re a normal girl. You’re not a model or another a-list celebrity. Harry had no real reason to to be with you. These thoughts flooded your mind as you worked your shift at the library. Moraga’s public library was not busy on a slow Thursday afternoon.
You pushed a cart of returned books around the grand library placing the books in their designated place. It was only you and your boss working today, your boss sitting at the front desk as you organized the books.
The quiet that covered the library was interrupted by the grand library doors being shoved open. You could hear small conversation happening but you stuck to organizing the books.
“Hey, can you help me find this one book? It’s called the fault in our stars.” You hear a voice ask you from behind.
“Of course let me just put this away.” You answer still not turning around as you tuck your final book into the shelf. You turn on your heels and come to a full stop. In front of you stood Harry. His long hair was pushed back my a rolled headband and a t-shirt sat on his frame loosely. Your hands were at your chest trying to calm you down.
“Holy crap Harry.” You launch yourself into his arms, gleeful giggles escaping your mouth. Harry held you tightly in his arms enjoying the way that you fit in his arms perfectly. Harry stepped back to look at you up and down, it caused you to blush. You had a long skirt on and a loose fitted t shirt tucked into it. Harry thought you looked amazing.
“Hi love.” He murmured, a cute little smile on his face as he greets you. You nudge his shoulder back with you hand still looking at him in shock.
“What are you doing here? I know tours done but shouldn’t you be back home sleeping?” You still couldn’t believe he was here or the fact that he hadn’t let go of your hand. His rings were cold against your warm skin.
“Well Moraga was on my path home so I came to see my girl.” He blushes at his own statement, apprehensive of the words that he has just said. His girl. It made your stomach erupt in butterflies. Also you knew Moraga was no where close on his trip home.
“Your girl?” You mumble with a shy smile. He nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll be your guy if you have me?”
You grab the back of his neck pulling him down for a kiss. He reciprocated the kiss with just as much passion, arms encasing you again.
You both pull away hesitantly wanting nothing more than you continue kissing you and feeding that connection that has been building since the first time you guys met in that bookstore.
"I need you to ask me the question properly." You joke kissing the pam of his hand. He looks down at you with a smile, dimple forming adorably.
"Y/N, the past few weeks have been the best moments of my life. From the books, to the late night tour bus conversations, you've made my life improve drastically. So, do me the honors of being my girlfriend."
A pause.
You roll your eyes shoving harry away, he looks at you offended. "at least buy me dinner first you jerk."
Your facade doesn't last before your bursting out with laughter and attacking Harrys face with kisses. "Id love for you to be my boyfriend."
Harry lets out a sigh of relief before grasping you in a bear hug. He knew that this was it for him, he could feel it.
Harry had a plan. He had a plan on how to get you back. Maybe he was going in a little bit over his head, but he would do anything to get you back, anything.
From the moment he got off the phone with you to the few seconds before the show in his little box, up until the last moments before he went to bed. He woke up early the next morning with new plane tickets to the small town of Moraga, California.
You prayed that today would be a better day and it worked. Twitter wasnt flooded with mean tabloids spreading rumors or people discussing the contents of your fertility. Twitter was filled with beautiful photographs of your boy- well Harry and fans who were sending you the nicest tweets supporting you and Harry.
Walking into the kitchen, your parents quickly switched from shed voices to completely silent. You looked at them suspiciously as they looked around the room avoiding eye contact.
"Whats going on?" You inquire. Dad pours you a cup of hot coffee, putting the cream in sugar in just as you liked it. He pats the tall island seat beside him putting the coffee on the surface. You sit beside him humming at the taste of the perfectly crafted coffee.
"Good morning my baby, nothing is going on. Dont ask weird questions." Dad replies sipping his own coffee and turning on his kindle to read his latest book. Rolling your eyes, you turn your attention to your mom who's standing over the stove making scrambled eggs.
"Good morning mommy, what's your plans for the day?"
"Oh, well, we have plans today, have some stuff to do." She doesn't give many details spooning food onto a plate to give to you.
"Oh? What are we doing today?"
"We were invited to a party tonight so we are going to get all dolled up and what not." Vague. Your mother tries hard to be vague, not letting of the secrets slip out.
Your mom takes you all around town shopping, your last stop before the party was a dress shop. The dress shop was pretty fancy, not really in your budget of any sort.
"Ma, why are we here?" You question looking at the rack of beautiful dresses.
"The party tonight has a dress code, you can't go in those jeans." She looks at your jeans in distaste, not understanding the 'mom jeans' phenomena.
"Rude much."
The dresses here were gorgeous, you never knew this little shop existed having grown up in this town. Your hand stops on one dress, its beading made you swoon.
"How dressy do I need to dress?" You call out to your mom. She walks behind you to the dress letting out a large gasp.
"Oh, you need to try that on."
The dress glides onto your body, fitting ever nook and cranny of your body perfectly. Mom has to hold back tears looking at you, she didnt want her emotions to maybe reveal any secrets.
"Its a beautiful dress but ma, it costs so much." You admire yourself in the mirror. For the first time in a few days, you felt beautiful. Mom had did you hair this morning and you did your makeup just the way you liked so you could feel good for the day. All of those pieces combined with the dress made you feel spectacular.
"Dont worry about the price. Now cmon, lets go and pay, we are running short on time." Your mom makes a move to the cash register to pay.
"Wait, we are going to the party now? Im just gonna show up in this dress?" You ask following after her. She stops at a rack of shoes, pretty, clear heels in your size catch her eyes. She snatches them off the rack and shoves them into your chest.
"Ope!" You huff at her force. You pull your shoes off and replace them with the heels. Your mom had her own dress on and matching heels. You watch as she pulls out a distinguishable black credit card, your eyes go wide.
"Hey, is that Harry's? How did you get that? Mom what is going on?"
"Shush, stop asking me questions!" Your mom refuted your questions taking the receipt and hurrying out to the car that is waiting for the two of yo. Your confusion grows more.
Sliding into the black rover you turn to your mom, "Mom, what is going on? We came in a cheap ass uber and now we are in a Range Rover? Do you know how expensive this is going to be!"
"Hush girl!"
The car starts taking you out of the town, into the outskirts where large houses and farms were located. A sharp turn is made and then you guys are driven down a long dirt road. The dirt road slowly turns into pretty cobble stone lined with small twinkle lights. The car rounds to the front of the barn that's at the end of the dirt road. In front of the barn awaits you dad, dressed in his finest.
"Mom?" You gasp. Your mom smiles at you helping you out of the car.
"Hi pumpkin." Dad greets you as you feet hit the cobblestone ground. The barn doors were closed waiting for your entrance.
"Dad what's going on?" He takes you arm in his.
"New day pumpkin. You have got this man In your life that has made you the brightest I have ever seen you. So here, take this bouquet and lets do this." He hand you a bouquet of flowers, flowers you that had pinned in your Pinterest when planning the wedding with Harry.
The barns doors open wide and there he is. Dressed in all white, like you were, was Harry. His suit tailored to fit him perfectly. A nervous smile was on his face as he spoke to his groomsman, Mitch. The sound of the door opening makes him look up and there you are.
The dam breaks. Harry starts crying, heavy sobs escaping him. The music starts playing, a song he wrote for you. Your heart is beating so fast that it may flutter out of your chest. The iside of the barn looks exactly how you described it to Harry.
"I want fairy lights and pretty bushels of flowers. Oh, and the theme has to have that sage green color I love, but other than that, I want the wedding to be as natural as possible."
He took everything you said and made it happen. Your dad leads you down the aisle with small steps. Your mom walks behind you fixing the tail of your dress. At the end of the aisle, dad shakes Harrys hand with a strong grip, his eyes telling everything Harry needs to know. Harry hugs your mother next, giving her a kiss on the cheek and a thank you.
Its your turn now. You stand in front of Harry five days after one of your biggest fights, a wedding. Your greatest friends sit in the seats watching happily. Sarah on your bridesmaid side and Mitch on the other side of Harry. The rest of the band sits wearing matching suits like they would at a show. Your child hood friends sit around them. There were a few more of your family but two people catch your eye. Anne and Gem with the brightest of smiles, Anne looking close to tears.
"Your moms here?" You utter. Harry let out a quiet laugh at the fact that those are the first words that you say to him. "Harry what's-"
"I love you and I knew a few days ago I messed up terribly. I don't think Ive ever done something worse to someone I love. You said you needed actions and this is what I thought of. I took everything from your spreadsheet and made it real. I knew you wanted to be close to home so your family could be here so I chose this venue. I want to get married but know that this isn't a coercion of any sort, if you don't want this today just say so-"
"I want this today." You cut him off. Everyone in the venue laughs.
"Ok, lets do this."
The officiant says his part and then comes the vows. You've had vows written for five years, its odd but you did. Harry goes first.
"Y/N, or my bubs, baby, love, you know the rest," he smiles, "seven years ago I met you, the brightest thing in my life. I was in a dark period of my life, touring everyday, getting three hours of sleep, and I broke. Then I met you. You were everything I needed in my life. You read me The Fault In Our Stars and I fell for you, hard. I can't wait to live the rest of my life with you, in a home, and with a baby or two. I can't wait to give you all of the things you want in life and more.
To conclude my vow, I um," he chokes up, "I have a quote from our book and it goes: I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.”
The venue was filled with sniffles, Harrys words bringing everyone to tears. He looks at you as if youre the only one in the room, it makes you melt. You knuckle the tears off of your face before wiping the tears from his face.
"You idiot," you both laugh, "Ive had my vows written for five years now and now I get to say them. Harry Styles, a bright shining celebrity to everyone but the very normal, fry stealing, and dirty sock boyfriend to me. I first saw you on stage during a One Direction concert and I always thought that who ever would end up being with you is beyond blessed. Turns out im the beyond blessed one. I cherish our dumb conversations about nothing, or the late night junk food binges that we go on, and I especially enjoy the time we have spent together just growing up.
You've grown up together, learning new things about life and I don't think there's anyone else in my life that I could've experienced life with. Im in this for the long run Harry. Im ready for the long run bubby." You finish with a soft smile.
The officiant continues with his final words, "and now we've come to the moment that you both have been waiting for. Mr Styles you may now kiss your spouse, Mrs. Styles."
The room erupts in cheers as you both fall into each other. The kiss is passion and full of love. He kisses you like he's never kissed you before, gripping your body tight to his own body. Five days was too long to be separated but your connection never disappeared.
"Fuck I love you so much." He mumbles again your mouth.
"I love you too."
This was the best night of your life. You were surrounded by all of your greatest friends and family, the music was beautiful, and the night was spent dancing. Harry got you two a hotel room to stay in for the evening, your mother already having a bag packed and ready to go for you in Harrys car. You two say goodbye to everyone, waving and smiling as rose petals are thrown over your heads as you walk out.
The hotel room is decorated with beautiful white petals that trail down the hallway to the bed. Theres a large bathtub already filled with hot water, oils, and rose petals.
He lets you walk into the room, placing your bags by the door.
"Lets get in the bath." He suggest walking behind you to wrap you in his arms. You nod, agreeing with him. Youre too enamored by the day to notice that he's gently pulling the zipper of your dress down and moving it down your body. He didnt care that you were wearing your worst underwear, nothing sexy about them, but he thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world.
Settling the bath, he sits across from you with his legs on either side of your body. You notice that he's brought his small iPad into the bathroom and its placed on the small side table by the grand tub.
"Thank you for today Harry, you really did prove yourself to me." You say looking at the man in front of you. You lean forward with a wet hand to move his hair off of his forehead. Before you can sit back he grabs you so youre sitting on his lap. He smirks at you, kissing you on the lips.
"Id do anything for you and im sorry that I didnt show that to you before." he apologizes again. The bathroom is warm with sexual tension, his hands grabbing your bum with a strong grip. It feels so good making you keen. You move your legs to straddle over him. His cock slid in between your wet folds. Harry groans as he maneuvers you down onto his cock.
"Oh fuck." You moan loudly.
You ride him like you've missed his cock for days, and you did. He split you open with his girth. Every vein and ridge rubbing you in all the right ways. You both find yourself humming harshly, Harrys moan louder than yours. His plans on the iPad are long forgotten as you slump against his chest.
He hears you sniffle, scaring him. "What's wrong?"
"I just missed you so much and- and I don't want to be away from you but I want you to be happy so if you need to go to Australia I won't hold you back." You cry holding his cheeks in your hands to look deep in his eyes.
"Im not going anywhere, here lets get out of the bath so I can show you something." He helps you out, confusion deep in your bones.
Dressed in matching pajamas, he grabs the iPad and joins you in bed. The iPad is opened to a set of photos. Beautiful photos of a large house.
"Whats that?" He settles the iPad in your lap flipping through the photos.
"Thats our new house in L.A."
You gasp, eyes tearing up.
"I wanted to find something here but It was difficult for work and I know you love L.A. and your friends there."
"Harry I don't..." You're gobsmacked by the beautiful house in front of your eyes.
"Ive been building this house for the past year, I just didnt know when to show you. Ive been an ass these past few days and im sorry, I really am sorry." The photos in front of you show you four large bedrooms, an office, a small little library nook for you, a large kitchen, dining room, living room, and then one last little room. You look at him in confusion.
"Whats this room?" It has pastel yellow walls with tiny giraffes bordering the center.
"Well, that's, um, that's our baby room. When we have a little Bub." He's shy again, nervous that he went too far. You choke out a sob. Dropping the iPad beside you, youre in his lap in seconds hugging him as tight as you could. Harry didnt care that he couldn't breath, you hugging him was the best feeling in the world.
"A baby room?" You sit back looking him in the face.
"Yeah, you were right for being mad. I don't want to wait five years for a baby. I know you want a family now and that's what I want too. I shouldn't let the flash and excitement of being famous get to my head. You come before anything in my life." You could tell he meant every word.
"What about Australia?" You question.
"I told them I couldn't do anything longer than a few months. If I film I can only to a few months of filming on site and then I need to be home for the next few months. I want you to always go with me but that's for you to decide."
As his words settled in you, the excitement grew. You squealed, hands pumping air. Harry lets out a deep belly laugh. This is all you both ever wanted, especially you. It took seven years to get to a place of content like this.
"Thank you for everything bubby." You thank him after calming down.
"Id do anything for you, never want live life without you."
"And you never will."
They fall asleep in each others arms, happy and content. These past five days have been the hardest days of both of your lives but here you were, over the hill. As you both slept, so did the little forming bean in your belly too. A little present for the future.
@cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @whiskeyglass @iknowtonystark01
@harrysficreblog @miracle20202all
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
Ѕтдсч’ѕ Мом
ɴᴀᴛᴀsʜᴀ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴏғғ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Summary: fucking stacy’s mom dude; what else is there to say?
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: milf!nat good god, age gap [not established but over 21 cuz drinks lol and pretty big but consensual ofc], major mommy kink lol, unnecessarily using the phrase ‘stacy’s mom’ too much, i might end doing another part even though it’s a long one
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: stacy’s mom has got it going on ;)
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“Did you hear me?” Stacy asked you.
“Huh?” you snapped your head back to her completely unsure of what she said.
You two were hanging around the pool soaking in the sun. It was summer and your college classes didn’t start for another six weeks. You’ve been spending your summer with Stacy and her mom at her beach/fucking big ass mansion in California.
Stacy’s mom worked as an architect or something back home in New York with Stark Industries so to say they were rich would be a huge understatement. She was practically a billionaire like the owner himself. Also the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever laid your eyes on. You’ve had a crush on her since the day you met her back home in New York.
“I asked if you wanted to order pizza? We can get something else but I’m not cooking without my mom,” she giggled.
The day that Stacy’s mom went back to New York for a business trip you guys attempted to make pancakes. Fucking pancakes. And almost burned down the house. Everyday since, you guys have been buying and ordering delivery on everything; she had the money so.
“Oh sure that’s cool. Maybe we can go pick up some beer too?” you suggested.
“I like the way you think, Y/l/n,” Stacy said, pulling out her phone.
You laid back down letting the sun warm your skin before you turned your head back to Stacy.
“When is your mom coming back?”
“Um, I’m not sure but probably sometime this weekend, she shouldn’t have been gone that long. Why? You miss her? Like her more than me?” Stacy jokes, making you flush and get defensive.
“What? No, I was just asking,” you told her.
“Hey, relax I’m just messing with ya,” she laughed.
You breathed out heavily and tried to distract your thoughts but you weren’t doing a good job as you instantly started thinking about Stacy’s mom. Goddammit. You two went inside and heard a knock on the big glass front door and Stacy ran to get the door. The pizza is probably here.
You went ahead to the guest room you occupied and instantly took a cold shower. You were sweaty and overheated from sunbathing not from the insensitive thoughts about Stacy’s mom bending you over the side of the pool as she pumped her fingers in and out of you whispering the filthiest things in your ear, definitely not from that.
You came out and the smell of greasy pizza overcame you. You walked into the kitchen finding the pizza sitting on the counter and you walked over to grab your slice. You stuff the slice in your mouth before turning to grab a beer from the fridge. You grabbed the beer and shut the fridge door only to be completely taken by surprise.
“Got enough for one more gal?” your eyes widen and your breath hitched making you almost choke on the pizza still stuffed in your mouth. You pulled the pizza out and chewed rapidly as her gorgeous smile widened at your flustered state.
“Miss Romanoff, you’re back,” you said, your mouth still full.
“Yup, just got back,” she nodded towards the baggage piled by the living room couch.
“Cool,” you swallowed audibly.
“Mom! You’re back,” Stacy came in; thankfully.
“Hi hon. You two holding up with delivery and junk?” she joked nodding towards the pizza on the counter and in your hand along with the beer.
“Hey, we tried to cook something but we almost burnt the house down so we just gave up,” Stacy explained, grabbing a greasy slice of pizza.
“Ugh, you girls need to learn how to cook. This stuff isn’t good for you to have all day everyday.”
“Well, if you hadn’t left us,” Stacy said sarcastically with a mocking grin.
“Trust me, I didn’t want to,” she said, looking at you.
A few hours had passed and you sat in the living room watching movies with Stacy and her mom. The movie was quite scary since those were Stacy’s favorite and during a particular quiet and suspenseful scene your stomach growled embarrassingly loud causing both of the women to snap their heads to you.
“I- I’m so sorry, I’m really hungry,” you mumbled shyly.
“Lemme order something,” Stacy said, grabbing her phone.
“No, no, no. you girls are done with the takeout. Come on; go wash your hands. We’re gonna cook something together.”
You and Stacy stood at the counter covered in flour tiredly kneading dough with your hands. Stacy’s mom grew up in Russia and she wanted to teach you guys how to make her favorite dish that her mom always made for her for lazy summer nights just like this one.
“Ugh, my hands hurt,” Stacy complained.
“That means you're doing it right,” her mom snickered.
She came up behind you closer than you’d like peering over your shoulder like a vulture. She rested her hand on either side of you cagin you in, pressing against the counter suggestively. You breathing quicken and you could feel her breath fanning over your shoulder and chills erupted all over your skin.
“You doing alright?” she asked you, of which you silently nodded afraid that your voice would betray you embarrassingly in front of her and her daughter.
“Good girl,” she whispered, squeezing your hip making you jolt.
“You good?” Stacy chuckled.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you said sneaking a glance at Stacy’s mom who carried mischief in her eyes.
You continued to slowly but surely make your dinner for the night until suddenly the doorbell rang and echoed across the gigantic house.
“Expecting company, you two?” Stacy’s mom asked.
“Not that we know of?” Stacy said wiping her hand on her apron before scurrying to the front door.
“You’re doing so good, Y/n,” Stacy’s mom teased.
“Th- Thank you,” you mumbled timidly.
“Of course. Anytime, hon,” she whispered getting closer to you.
“Miss Romanoff,” you whispered, turning your head.
“Yeah?” she smiled softly, her lips impossibly close to yours.
“I- uh, you’re-”
“What are you guys doing?” Stacy asked.
“Y/n’s got something in her eye; poor thing,” she said and you instantly started blinking quickly and rubbing your eye, feigning that uncomfortable feeling.
“Oh no, do you need eye drops?” Stacy asked sincerely, guess she bought it.
“No, I think I’m ok,” you told her quickly.
That’s when you actually registered your surroundings again after being suffocated by Stacy’s mom’s perfume and lusting atmosphere. God, you want this woman to fuck you so badly.
“What’re you doing here?” Stacy’s mom asked in her usual playful manner.
“Well, I wanted to surprise Stacy by taking her to a weekend getaway in Malibu; had I known you had guests. I don’t mean to exclude you,” Jason, Satcy’s boyfriend arrived without notice.
“Oh, it’s ok. I’ve been here all summer. You should go; spend some summertime with your boyfriend for a bit,” you smiled at Stacy.
“Really? I don’t want to leave you all alone,” Stacy said.
“She won't be alone; she’ll be with me,” Stacy’s mom said smirking at you; she pressed her hand to your lower back making you stiffen.
“Think you can handle my mom for the entire weekend alone?” Stacy said laughing but you weren’t.
“Can you?” her mom teased.
“I’ll try,” you said shakily. You were not ready.
“Ok, ok. Let me go pack,” Stacy said, turning to Jason excitedly.
Jason followed in pursuit hot on her heels leaving you alone for a moment with her mom. She caged you in her arms as she did before, pressing her hips flushed against your bottom. You gasped softly feeling her cold hands riding up your back under your shirt.
“Miss Romanoff,” you choked.
“Nat; we’re close, aren’t we?” she whispered in your ear.
“What are you doing?” you felt her nails lightly scratching your back making you shudder.
“We’re gonna have the whole weekend to ourselves, hon,” she smirked devilishly.
“Fuck,” you breathed out when her hands brushed to your front, her thumbs grazing the bottom of your breasts.
“Ok, all ready; I think,” you heard Stacy and her boyfriend coming down the stairs. Nat, pushed her herself off you and walked over to her daughter and her boyfriend, swaying her hips just a little bit more than usual knowing you’d kept your eyes subtly trained on them.
“Have fun you two. We’ll see you guys Monday?”
“Monday night,” Jason said.
“Bye mom. Bye, Y/n.”
You waved them off with a small smile, your stomach doing flips anticipated what the hell this woman had in store for you. If she was even going to lay a hand on you, you had no fucking idea. You just stay still, absolutely unmoving, behind the counter.
“Alright, hon. Let’s finish this dinner,” Nat said, turning to you.
Throughout finishing cooking, Nat kept her hands to herself but that didn’t mean she stopped teasing you. Every time you did something correctly, she whispered praises to you that made you wet, arousal pooling between your thighs uncontrollably.
You sat at the counter next to her quietly eating what you made with her help. She watched you carefully to see if you’d like the food and you weren’t going to lie, the food was amazing.
“You did it all by yourself, малышка. Such a good girl you are,” she whispered making you tremble. She picked up your empty plate and carried it to the sink. You sat still in your seat before Nat came up behind, moving your hair from your shoulder and neck. She leaned down and pressed her lips lightly against your burning skin.
“Miss Romanoff,” you said suddenly standing abruptly.
“Yes, hon,” she said.
“W- we, we can’t-” you heavily stuttered.
“Ok,” she responded.
“Wh- what?”
“Ok; I’m sorry,” she stepped away from you. You don’t know why you were so surprised, you literally told her to stop.
“Ok,” you whispered.
“Good night, hon,” she said walking away.
When she was out of sight you huffed deeply feeling like you could finally breathe normally again. You trotted hastily upstairs seeing as Nat was seemingly in her room. You walked up to her door cautiously, light peering from under the door; reaching for the handle but ultimately shied away thinking about the fact that she was your best friend’s mother.
“Fuck, this is wrong,” you said to yourself frustratingly.
You went to your own room closing the door as quietly as possible. You tried to occupy your mind as best as you could running a shower, brushing your teeth, even re-folding your clothes that were already tucked neatly in your drawers. You couldn't shake the feeling of the way her lips felt against your skin.
You were so desperate to be in that position again and Stacy’s out of the house; the opportunity was perfect but of course you cowarded away running off to your room lying to yourself that you didn’t desperately want to spend the night in her bed.
You looked at the time and saw that it was around ten at night deciding it was late enough to hit the sheets; not the ones you want but whatever at point honestly. That proved to be a huge struggle as you tossed and turned for hours. Everytime you close your eyes you're met with those beautiful emerald green eyes that you find yourself getting lost in everytime you see them.
“Ugh, shit,” you groaned, unable to sleep.
You stood up abruptly throwing your sheets to the floor paying no mind to the mess you made. You swung the door open and stomped to her room. You were furious that this woman, who clearly didn’t do anything, was keeping from sleeping peacefully as you had been in the previous nights.
You stood silently in front of her door breathing heavily. What were you thinking? What were you gonna do; yell at this poor woman who didn't do anything? But she did. She kissed you.
“Are you gonna stand out there like a creep or are you gonna let yourself in?” her muffled voice came from beyond the door and your eyes widened.
You hastily turned the knob to her door finding her resting beautifully in the golden dimmed light on her large white bed; the sheets so fluffy she looked like an angel resting on a cloud. She had a book in hand, it was Russian so you couldn’t understand the words. But nevermind that, you stood in front of the closed door with an angry expression on your face.
“Now what’s got your panties in a twist, hon?” she asked, a smirk playing on her naturally red lips.
“You,” you retorted.
“And what do you want me to do about those panties?” she closed her book, setting it on her night stand. God, why did she say it like that?
“I can’t sleep.”
“Why’s that?” she knows why; she’s got you wrapped around her dainty little finger.
“You kissed me,” you said quickly.
“Uh, correction. I kissed your neck,” she swung her legs over the edge of the bed to stand up.
“You- you, you put your hands on me. And- and, and you stopped.”
“Because you said to,” she walked up to you, making your stomach flip.
“I didn’t really mean it,” you whispered shyly.
“Really?” she whispered back.
“Do you want me to put my hands on you again?” she asked seductively.
You hesitated refusing to look her in those perfect green eyes because you know you fall when you do.
“Look at me and use those big girl words,” she whispered, her breath fanning across your face.
“Please,” you whimpered.
“Please what?” she teased.
You looked up at her letting out a shaky breath. You were about to pass the point of no return and looking into those hypnotizing sage eyes you wanted nothing more than to let her have her way with you.
“Please kiss me,” you whimpered.
Nat grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you flushed against her body kissing you feverishly. Your eyes fluttered closed, moving your lips with hers. Her hands ran up under your shirt ghosting your skin making your skin burst into chills. You practically trembled under her cold hands.
“Красотка,” she whispered against your lips.
“Huh?’ you mumbled dazed and confused by the sudden change of dialect; that was very hot keep in mind.
“абсолютно очаровательны,” she chuckled.
“Wha-?” you stuttered. What the fuck just happened?
She lifted her hands up your body as did you, lifting you shirt off your body. She practically growled at the sight of your breasts. She leaned down, licking along the valley of your breasts peering up at you with those big eyes you loved so much.
She kneeled to the ground pulling your pajama bottoms down your legs torturously slowly. You wiggled your knees back and forth whining at her teasing but she simply nipped and kissed your legs chuckling at your eagerness. She rubbed your legs softly standing up and rested her hands on your hips.
“You are so beautiful,” she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Thank you,” you said timidly.
“Come here, Красотка,” you followed her to the bed and you excitedly crawled to the center. Nat stayed standing smirking at your hypnotized expression as she peeled her shirt off her body and dragged her shorts and panties down her legs. She crawled to you with a playful smile on her lips and sat directly in front of you.
You grinned climbing onto her lap kissing her softly. Her hands ran lightly up your back as her lips moved smoothly against yours. You could feel her perky nipples brushing yours pulling soft moans from you. Her hand made its way into your hair tugging the strands to pull your head back. Her lips instantly falling to the skin of your neck sucking marking you as hers. Your breathing became static and heavy and Nat chuckled at your inexperience.
“Tell me, Y/n, have you ever been with a woman before?” she whispered in your ear, her breath making you shiver.
You shook your head.
“Words, Красотка,” she gripped your chin harshly.
“No; never,” you whispered.
“Oh, I’m gonna have fun with you, little one,” she chuckled darkly.
“Oh god,” you moaned.
“You want mommy to show you a good time?” she snickered.
“Lay back, baby. Mommy’s gonna be right back,” she said kissing you softly. Your stomach fluttered as you patiently waited laying on her incredibly soft bed. You turned your head to watch her leave ever so elegantly; her bottom swaying teasingly as she disappeared into her closet. She walked out with a huge strap and some silk ties and your legs started to shake from excitement? Fear? Both? Yeah, both.
“Safe word?”
“Milf,” you said cheekily, making her laugh out loud.
“Funny.” she mocked, shaking her head.
“Arms up. You let me know if it gets too much ok?” she said cupping your face sweetly.
“Ok; mommy,” you grinned before she kissed you quickly.
She moved up your body straddling your waist to tie the silk ropes around your wrists and the bedframe. You could feel the warmth from her core grinded against you and you felt yourself grow hot under her and bit your lip shyly. She peered down at your flustered state and smirked, proudly seeing you already squirming haven’t even laid a finger on you. She tugged harshly on the knots making sure you had nowhere to go and your stomach flipped when you tested it and you were unable to move your arms from their newfound position.
“Are you gonna tie my legs too?” you asked.
“We’ll take it easy the first night?” First night?
She stood at the foot of the bed staring lustfully into your eyes as she put on the strap, settling comfortably around her hips. She spit in her hand before wrapping it around the standing faux cock pumping and coating it with her saliva. You couldn't help the way you instinctively squeezed the thighs shut in an attempt to relieve yourself.
“Open those pretty legs sweetie. Let mommy take a look at your gorgeous pussy,” her words made you moan softly as you complied.
“So beautiful,” she whispered, almost to herself but you could hear her delicate words.
Her hands came up your thighs and placed them over her own. She brought her fingers down to your core and circled her finger around your entrance. You’ve been aroused since the moment she first pressed her lips against your skin downstairs; to say you were wet was an understatement, you were practically dripping already. She grinned devilishly before pushing her fingers past your folds slowly.
“We're gonna have to stretch you out if this fat cock is gonna fit inside you,” she told you.
You moaned feeling how cold her fingers were, but you loved it. Her thumb came up and pressed firmly against your clit before circling languidly. Your brows furrowed at the pleasure she was stimulating and you bit your lip trying your hardest to not moan like a pornstar.
“I wanna hear you, Красотка,” she pulled your bottom lip from between your teeth.
“Ugh, mommy. That feels so good,” you breathed out.
“Just wait til mommy gets to stuff her cock in this tight little pussy,” she practically growled. Her fingers moved faster in and out of you and you felt that familiar coil in the pit of your stomach, a feeling you often got when you thought about her with your hand between your thighs, starting to build.
“Ah shit, I’m gonna come, mommy!” you whined, tugging on the ropes.
“You wanna come? Come for mommy, Красотка,” she whispered.
Your stomach tightened and your legs squeezed tightly around her waist as you gushed all over her fingers. When you slowly came down from your first orgasm, she brought her fingers to her mouth sucking them clean. Her enchanting green eye locked with yours as she did so; god that was so hot.
“So fucking sweet,” she moaned. She grabbed her faux cock and rubbed the tip along your entrance and you jolted at the feeling.
“You gotta breathe baby, breathe,” she pushed her hips forward and your body tensed up at the stretching her cock was doing to you. Her hands grabbed your waist as she slowly began thrusting her hips in and out. You back arched off the bed; becoming a moaning mess under the stunning redhead.
Nat held a blissful expression watching you write beneath her. It had been so long since she’s ravished another in her bed. And she’s kept an eye on you for a while. You were this sweet little thing that walked through the elevator doors back home in New York and Nat knew she wanted you.
She’s always known and saw the way you let your eyes linger. The way you stuttered when she asked you a question. The way you’d instantly freeze when she grazed her fingers over your waist, or pressed her hand on your lower back to get past you for whatever. Most of the time it was just an excuse to get close to you.
You made her feel young again. Reminded here what it was like to be desired by another woman. She knew you would never muster up the courage to actually make some sort of move, especially since you are always with Stacy. Tonight was a perfect opportunity and it terrified her for that moment that she had fucked up and scared you off. She really cared about you and for you; and hurting you was damn near about to kill the woman.
“You're taking mommy’s cock so well, Красотка,” she cupped your face.
You started grunting and whining practically yanking at the restraints. Grinding your hips in rhythm with her thrust desperately chasing your second release. God, the woman made you come once and now you’re completely and utterly addicted to her.
“Now, don’t get greedy, little one. Mommy’s giving all she can; do you need to be punished? I can walk away-”
“No! Please, mommy! Don’t leave me, please,’ tears brimmed your ears; you didn’t even want to think about not being her arms right now.
“Ok, then be a good girl and stop whining like a little brat. Is that what you are? Just a greedy whore desperate for mommy’s cock?” her words made you moan and squirm even more.
“No, I’m sorry mommy,” you choked out.
“Oh, Красотка,” she sighed.
She quickly pulled out, making you almost scream. You quickly let out a string of apologies but she simply grabbed your hips and flipped you over to your stomach. She brought her hand up and striked down smacking your cheek so loud it frightened you. However the sting felt so delicious and you shudder secretly wanting more. Her hand ran up your back grabbing your hair harshly to pull your head back; her body molding perfectly against you as she spoke in your ear.
“Красотка, mommy wanted to go easy on you tonight but if you want to act like a whore, you’ll get fucked like one.”
“Fuck!” you cried when she rutted her hips back into you from behind.
Her hand grabbed the globes of your ass, kneading the hot flesh from her spanks. Your upper body was being propped by your elbows until Nat hit a particular spot inside you that made you collapse. Nat smiled proudly to herself, continuing to drive her hips into you.
“Красотка, I can tell you want to come,” she said.
“Yes! Please, mommy let me come! Your cock feels so good,” you moaned muffled by the sheets your face was buried in.
“Go ahead, Красотка. Let go all over Mommy’s cock,” she granted.
“Fuck!” you back arched and your head was thrown back; your toes curled.
You practically trembled feeling Nat’s faux cock hit deeper inside you than any other partner, which wasn’t many to begin with, had ever reached before. Your eyes rolled so far back you felt like you were about to pass out. You’ve never been in such a euphoria high quite like this before and it was overwhelming. Tears flowed down your cheeks as you cried Nat’s name until everything went black for a moment.
You pried your tired eyes open realizing you were tucked closely by Nat’s side.
“There she is,” Nat cooed.
“I didn’t hurt, did I?” she asked softly.
“No, I feel great,” you giggled.
“You did so well, Красотка,” she kissed your forehead, cuddling you closer.
“What does that mean? The name you called me,” you asked.
“It means ‘beautiful girl’,” she whispered looking into your eyes.
Fucking hell, you were falling in love with this woman more and more with every passing second. You casted your eyes away shyly but she cupped your face and made you look at her again.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” she teased.
“I know it might be wrong, but I’m in love with Stacy’s mom,” you told her.
She smiled softly before kissing you passionately, literally taking your breath away. No other words were exchanged. You simply closed your eyes and basked in what could be the only night you get to spend with someone as perfect as Natasha.
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (Natasha’s Fics)
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Day 136: Long Drive
Sorry friends. The second half of my week last week was really difficult and I went away for the weekend to recharge. Without further ado, here's the next ficlet. Thanks for your patience <3
Harry loved the States for a lot of reasons; it was way easier to disappear here than in England; even if people knew his name, they were way less likely to recognize his face; you could basically pick any climate that you wanted and find a place that suited you; and lots of other weird things.
But mostly he loved road trips.
He loved the entire concept behind getting in a car and just driving. The road unfurling endlessly in front of him, windows down, radio turned up and blaring whatever struck his fancy. With Max in the car beside him, wagging his tail and sticking his head out of the window, Harry felt practically weightless.
"Alright, buddy," he told the pittie when he pulled over to grab some breakfast at a little diner, "You hang out in the back, yeah?" he asked, scratching behind his ears and pressing a kiss to the broad bridge of his nose. "Go on," he said, nudging him toward the back that Harry had magically enlarged and turned into a comfortable living space.
Muggles had campers and rvs but with a little bit of magic, the beaten up Subaru served him just fine.
He got out and hit the lock button, listening to the satisfying little beep as he headed toward the diner, catching up his curls and tying them into a loose messy bun on top of his head.
The diner was cute, all red and white checkered decorations and a counter with spinny stools. Harry sat down at one and grabbed a menu, perusing and trying to decide what to order when he heard the crash of something being dropped to the ground and breaking.
His head snapped up and he blinked, wondering if it had been too long since he'd gone to sleep because he had to be hallucinating. "Malfoy?" he spluttered.
(Read more below the cut)
But before the other man could respond there was a shout from the kitchen in the back, "Damn it! You clumsy, stupid ass!" the man shouted and Harry felt himself recoiling from the anger in his voice. "You'll be paying for that!"
"Yes, sir!" Malfoy shouted back, bending over and hastily sweeping up the pieces.
"Well don't mess around with that now!" he shouted. "You've got a customer, you worthless piece of-" his voice trailed off as he slammed a door in the back but Harry could fill in the rest.
"Malfoy?" he repeated as the man in question stepped over to him. "How on earth did you find me?" he asked.
"You found me, Potter," he snapped. "Not the other way around. Now what can I get you?"
"You actually work here?" Harry asked in befuddlement.
Malfoy gritted his teeth, "Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't be wearing this stupid apron and I wouldn't be getting screamed at by the arsehole that owns this place. What can I get you?" he repeated.
"Umm," he said, glancing down at the menu, "I will definitely have a cup of coffee. And then maybe the first special on your board with scrambled eggs, bacon, and rye toast," he said. "And also grape jelly, if you have it."
"Got it," Malfoy replied, scribbling on the ticket. "Coming right up."
He spun on his heel and strutted off before Harry could say anything more and Harry just stared after him, wondering if he was dreaming.
Malfoy was back a few minutes later with a mug and a coffee pot, filling Harry's cup and sliding it over to him.
"Thanks," Harry said, reaching for the sugar. "What are you-"
"Look," Malfoy hissed, leaning over and keeping his voice low, "Please do not blow this for me. I know that you have no reason to help me but I really need this job, Potter."
Harry blinked and by the time he'd unstuck his tongue from the roof of his mouth, Malfoy was gone again.
It wasn't long before the other man emerged once more, carrying Harry's plate of breakfast. "Here you go," he said as he set it down and slid a couple of grape jelly packets toward him. "Enjoy. Do you need a warm up on your coffee?"
"Uhh," Harry replied, glancing at his half full cup, "Sure."
Malfoy nodded and grabbed the pot to refill his cup.
"When do you get off work?" Harry found himself asking.
The other man's brow furrowed, "Why?"
He shrugged as he slathered jelly onto his toast, "Thought it might be nice to catch up."
"To catch up?" Malfoy repeated. "Is that code for-"
"Hear about your life," Harry supplied.
Malfoy's eyes narrowed, "Fine. I get off at 10:00. If you pretend that you are just a customer passing through I'll give you fifteen minutes."
"Done," Harry replied easily. "So what touristy shite is there to do in this town until 10:00 am?"
After he finished breakfast, Harry ended up just taking Max for a walk and then to the dog park to chase a ball around him. He'd worked hard to train him the first few months after he'd found him abandoned, tied up to a dumpster and all but starving. And Max had learned quickly, mastering basic commands in no time which was for the best, since people took one look at him and decided he was scary.
He wasn't, he was a sweet boy who loved people and who loved to play but it didn't seem to make any difference. Still, once he was trained, Harry had started taking him to the park and he wouldn't let other people bully them out.
Around 9:30, they headed back to the diner and Harry settled Max into the back, making sure his water bowl was full before he climbed back out of the car and leaned against the hood, waiting.
Malfoy emerged a few minuted after 10:00, looking a bit disheveled in his black t-shirt and skinny jeans, and immediately lit up a cigarette before looking around and spotting Harry. His eyebrows rose like he was surprised to see him before he squared his shoulders and made his way toward him.
"Hey," Harry said, straightening up as Malfoy approached him.
Malfoy blew a stream of smoke out of his mouth, "Hey?" he asked. "Is that really what you have to say to me?" He shook his head, "Just get it over with Potter," he said. "If you want to gloat just fucking gloat so I can move on and go get my groceries."
"I don't want to gloat," Harry protested.
"What do you want, then?" he asked scathingly.
And that was the question, wasn't it? What did Harry want? "Why are you working here?" he asked.
Malfoy rolled his eyes as he exhaled another puff of smoke, "It's amazing where you end up when you're a convicted death eater whose wand is monitored," he replied. "Then add to that the fact that it didn't seem to matter where I got myself set up in muggle London, someone found me and within hours I'd lose whatever job I'd been working. So here I am, just trying to get by and who should appear but the savior himself," he said with a little mock bow. "I should just put my two weeks in here now, at least-"
"I'm not going to tell anyone you're here," Harry said quickly.
"Right," he huffed sarcastically.
"I'm not," he argued, "Because if I told them where you are, they'd know where I've been."
"You're running away too?" Malfoy asked, cigarette dangling loosely from his fingers as he stared at Harry in surprise.
"Obviously," Harry replied. "Come on," he said after a moment. "Your feet must be killing you. I'm sure that arsehole doesn't give you breaks," he added as he opened the hatch.
"You want me to climb into the trunk of your car?"
He rolled his eyes, "I know you think I'm an idiot," he said, "But I'm less of one than you think. Just," he crawled in and stood up, "come on."
After a moment Malofy followed him through but before anything else could happen Max bounded over and all but climbed onto Malfoy's lap.
"Max-" he started to scold before Malfoy started talking over him.
"Oh, hello you sweet baby," he said, pulling Max further onto his lap so he could pet him better and scratch his neck. They looked ridiculous, Max was almost as big as Malfoy, but there he sat anyway, "hello. Aren't you a lovie?" he asked. "Yes you are. You're a giant lovie," he said.
And in that moment, Harry's mind was made up. "Have you ever gone on a road trip?" he asked.
Malfoy looked up at him and Max licked a stripe up his cheek. He laughed and stroked his side, "What?" he asked.
"Have you ever gone on a road trip?" Harry repeated.
"What is that?"
"Like a really long drive," he said. "Where you just get in your car and drive and stop for food when you want to and sleep when you want to." He scratched the back of his neck, "Max and I are headed to California to see the giant redwoods."
"That sounds nice for the two of you," Malfoy replied, steadily patting Max.
"Come with us," Harry said.
The other man blinked. "Sorry?"
"Just," he shrugged, "What else do you have here?"
"A job-"
"That you hate."
"A flat-"
"That is probably smaller than this," he said gesturing to the space they were sitting in.
"What happens when you get sick of me?"
He shook his head, "Come on. Just come with us. If I kick you out I'll give you $5000. That should be enough to help you settle wherever you want, right?"
He stared at him for a moment. There were a thousand reasons that flitted through Harry's mind, a thousand things that he could say, but none of them made any sense. Not yet at least. "Why not?" he settled on.
Malfoy took a slow inhale and then nodded once. "Fine, but you're going to need to make a second bed and we have to stop for my stuff."
"Done," Harry replied, grinning and feeling the familiar feeling of freedom that he felt when he was gliding down the open road unfurling in his chest.
Finally, he was going on an adventure worth having.
Day 135: Off-Guard | Day 137: Symmetry
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the-slasher-files · 4 years
It is so nice to finally write for a Slasher that can actually afford nice things so I went all out... All the other big stabby men either don’t have jobs or have low income so Jesse is a nice change lol. Lets get into the luxury! Now I honestly went WILD with this one, like it is a bit much lol so take the warnings. Warnings: knives, dirty talk, squirting, choking, mirror sex, spanking, afab reader.. enjoy🔪💕
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High heels clacked along the marble floor of the unfamiliar hallway, only to be lead by the man in front of who carried your suitcase. You couldn’t remember his name but he was the manger of the luxury hotel who told you your boyfriend had reserved the penthouse suite for the weekend. Jesse never let you visit him on his “work trips” but this one was seemingly difficult from the length of time he had been gone. 3 weeks you counted. 3 weeks without his hands. 3 weeks without his smell incasing you. 3 weeks without his lips. This was a torture you had never known. Was it possible to die from sexual starvation? 
“Here we are...” the man pulled you from your thoughts and lead you into the massive room, putting down your bags. “If you need anything do not hesitate to call us Mrs. Cromeans” You smiled as the man left, of course Jesse told them you were his wife.
Turning your attention to the room, it was absolutely stunning. Floor to ceiling windows in every direction giving you full view of beautiful LA. The room had a full kitchen with beautiful black granite counter, a big living room with a white rug on the rich wooden floors between the dark leather couches, there was the finest marble on the walls and floor of the large bathroom, and everything looked so luxurious it made you a little uncomfortable. Coming from a smaller town and working a boring 9 to 5 job you could never be able to afford even an hour in this hotel, but that was before you met Jesse of course. The man had an insatiable hunger for wealth and the finer things in life, even if that meant stepping over people to get to the top, and he made that apparent in your everyday life. 
Walking over to the bedroom there was a bottle of your favorite champagne chilled in a bucket of ice on the nightstand, and two black boxes with satin red bows on the California king sized bed. Shaking your head you kicked off your heels and sat on the bed, picking up the white little note card with his business logo at the top, it read:
Beautiful Dove, 
           Put on everything. I will meet you around 8. Miss you so so much baby.
Simple, straightforward and with a twist of lust coating the words he had hand written, making you smirk and rub your thighs together. Opening the first perfectly wrapped box, your eyes widened at the sight. It was a beautiful lacy pushup bra, with straps framing your chest like an art, and the lacy thong to match, of course all in black. 
Moving on to the second box, you gasped seeing the expensive material and pulling it out. It was a silky red drape dress, knowing it would frame and highlight Jesse’s favorite parts of you. He knew you too well. Knew how to make any woman fall to their knees, willingly or not. 
Looking at your watch it was 4 o'clock, you had time to kill, painful time. Trying to ease your nerves you ran a bubble bath with your favorite scents, and poured yourself a glass of the expensive champagne. Settling into the steamy water your mind was flooded with images of Jesse; the way he would touch you, gentle but always with an edge, the way his experienced tongue worked your body like a canvas, the way he teased you to tears but making it all worth it with the extreme surges of pleasure no one else could inflict. It almost made you moan from the memories, wanting to touch yourself, maybe even make yourself cum before Jesse could touch you but you knew it was in your best interest to not, he always found out. He probably had the place laced with cameras already. 
Some hours had passed and it was still a torturous hour and a half until 8. You had taken a bath, read, played on your phone, and admired the view but it was becoming dreadful waiting for him. Slipping out of the fluffy hotel robe, your hand grabbed the delicate lace lingerie and decided to put it on, gawking at yourself in the mirror as you fluffed your hair. Fuck it looked good. Finally putting on the red satin dress and your heels to perfect the image. 
Smoothing your hands down the dress feeling the luxurious material on your soft skin, another sensation appeared, a startling hard body pressed against your back and you gasped until there was a familiar low groan from the body behind you. Jesse. 
Before you could speak cold diamonds were being placed around your neck, your hands running along the sparkling gems. “Jesse... you didn’t have to do this” clasping the necklace he gingerly placed kisses on your neck and moving to your shoulder making you shudder.
“Touch starved?” He signed in front of you, normally it would make you giggle but just leaning into him was already making you tumble “Sorry little dove” moving his large hands away from your front, they trailed around your body, exploring like he had never known you. Whimpering already you felt Jesse’s bulge in his suit pants. 
Hearing the snap of a holster he brought one of his massive knives up to your flushed cheek making your breath hitch “Jes” you whispered lowly, you knew he would never hurt you but having a knife in your face was still scary. The cold flat side of the blade pushed your cheek making you look in the mirror. The master bedroom had a wall of windows and another with mirrors. He wanted to watch everything. Wanted you to watch everything.
The cold sharp tip of the blade pushed the dress off your shoulders and it pooled on the floor exposing your sexy lingerie to him. Jesse’s crooked smirk said everything, his brown and scarred blue eyes devoured you whole like a wolf, the knife trailed the details of the lace and straps. Every stroke of his hands and knife made you bit your lip trying to stifle the moans and whimpers.     
“Such a needy little thing” Jesse signed and removed the large blade making you face him, and kissing him breathless.
“Fuck, I missed you so much baby” you whimper shoving off his jacket and fiddling with his black dress shirt buttons, rubbing your thumbs over the little LV logos stamped in. Putting the knife into the champagne ice bucket on the nightstand, Jesse loosened his tie pulling it off his head and over yours, tightening it and pulling upwards making you look at him those doe eyes he loved so much.
“Missed you too baby girl” Jesse signed towering over you, walking backwards until you fell onto the bed. “gonna be my good little girl?” he asked bending down his large frame, long fingers tracing the lace over your clit and smirking. You were soaked, the anticipation was too much you moaned loudly forgetting his question until his large hand smacked your thigh hard.
“Fuck Jes-Jesse yes.. yes please.. I want to be good for you, p-please” you begged from only a simple motion of his hand, he owned you and that much was clear.  “Jesse I want you... I need you. Just dress me up and fuck me like a your little doll... please master”  
He smiled reeling in his power over you, “Good girl” he signed with one hand while the other went to your mouth, you sucked his fingers as a natural reflex. Pulling away his hand from your mouth he replaced it with his lips groaning into the kiss as you grinded against him. Snaking his hand in between you he forced 2 fingers inside your sloppy cunt making you squirm under him. Everything was too much all at once coming from 3 weeks without him, you immediately came hard around his digits as he curled them. 
“Poor little girl.. so deprived of me...” Jesse pulled away completely from you and undressed himself “Maybe I should bring you to my work trips more often” he signed watching you just nod and whine looking at his huge cock. Silently he laughed at your need “You want something baby?”
"Please master, please" you panted, roaming your hands around your recovering body. "Jesse"
"Turn around" he ordered, and you did as you were told, on your hands and knees looking in the mirror, watching his every movement behind you. "So fucking beautiful like that little dove" Jesse's hand met your ass with a beautiful sting making you jump foreword but kneel back to him for more, moaning when you felt his length rubbing against your pussy. One more harsh slap echoed through the room, making you hiss but Jesse bent down kissing the red flesh, feeling his teeth scrape against your ass as he pulled down the lace with his mouth. 
Seemingly the large mans patients was wearing thin as Jesse moved his hand in front of your mouth telling you to spit, you did and he did as well, stroking his length mixing the saliva together along with his precum, and slowly pushing into you. “oh my god.. J- Jesse...” you cried as he eased in inch by inch, slowly, a painful slow. 
Through hooded eyes you saw him sign in the mirror “Fuck.. so tight... it’s been too long baby girl” He felt you start to shake, he held your hips up and pushed your head down. Jesse went still within you as he hilted, letting you adjust to his massive cock, adoring the clench of your muscles and moans.   
Dragging his member inside you, taking his time watching you come undone below him. He missed you. Missed you so much to torture you. A dangerous kind of love for a man with all the power, but you wanted it all. 
“Jes.. please” you panted, wanting him to go faster, needing him to go faster. He did as you pleased growing impatient himself. Pulling out fully before slamming back into you with power, hitting every delicious spot inside you. “Don’t stop baby please” Jesse grabbed the black silky tie around your neck arching you back against his torso, allowing your arms to hold his neck, you watched him fuck you brutally in the mirror. The scene making you drip and scream against him. 
“Cum for me” Jesse signed quickly before holding your waist surly leaving in bruises behind, while his other hand circled your swollen bud, making you shake, cry and ultimately tumbling off the cliff into euphoria, clenching deeply around him.      
You attempted to form words but nothing was coming out as you just panted and whimpered, Jesse peppered soft kisses down your neck and shoulder smirking at you in the mirror. He let you go and pulled out to roughly flip you over on your back, grabbing his knife again that had been chilled by the ice, Jesse ran it in between your breasts cutting the brand new bra in half. 
Whining in protest he just chuckled and signed “There is always much more where that came from baby doll” shaking your head, what a wasteful man. He placed the freezing blade on your erect nipples for a moment then sucking with his warm mouth, the temperature difference making you arch and moan. 
Dragging the metal around your body he superseded the path with his hot tongue, your pupils blown with lust, and your nerves oversensitive. Jesse was fulling grinning, bearing his teeth like a wolf taking you in as the knife trailed your thighs teasingly. 
“P-please” you mewled feeling the hard tip of his cock aching for a release he thrusted into you harshly making you writhe on the bed. “Oh, god.. Jesse..” the sound of skin slapping furiously behind your moans he threw the knife away, clanging on the floor beside your discarded lace and stain dress, a sexual scene displayed on the hardwood. A tale of you and your lover. Luxury, sex, lace, and danger. 
His large right hand held your throat, cutting off your airway, preventing you from sliding up from the assault on your dripping cunt. Jesse’s left hand spread your messy pussy lips, watching him impale you over and over again. Your broken moans and cries sending him over the edge quickly, he needed you, just once more. His thumb began to press and circle your oversensitive clit making you see stars and want to black out from the pleasure. 
Your cunt clenched for the final time, showing Jesse it’s appreciation by squirting on his shaft and thighs, as he painted your insides with his hot seed. Releasing his hand from your throat you gasped and coughed roughly, Jesse supported your head and neck, hovering above you he panted and placed feather like kisses on your shaking body.
“Fuck... I missed this” you panted as he pulled out falling on the bed next to you. Rolling over onto his inked chest, gleaming with sweat, he stroked your hair and held you close. Just Jesse and you again tangled in the sheets, as it should be.
“Love you little dove” he signed and kissed you, hungry for more. Jesse always wanted more. His avarice side coating him like a fine armor, shining and glinting like the sweat along his chest, holding strong like his arms around you. 
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0rionz-belt · 3 years
Live blog of the new chucky episode!!! (Episode 4)
* Slow motion ambulance oooo so scary /s
* I can see the fucking pixels of my screen
* Oh I don’t like hospital settings.
* how does he knows what room to go to
* Fucking…a red crucifix on the wall. Not scary at all for the people in there.
* Aw the smiles
* Oh fuck she was asleep during the fire wasnt she.
* Ew its the bitch.
* “What a Dick” speak for yourself.
* “Why is your doll coming after me” “cuz I told him to” I think anybody would tell someone to hurt you.
* “Oliver isnt” wah wah wah. am I supposed to cry like a little fucking baby? Fuck you and fuck him.
* I know people are starting to defend lexi and ill say it right now: i don’t give a fuck. I myself look for attention and guess what? I’m not a dick to anyone. At least not to anyone who doesn’t fucking deserve it! It’s not hard to not be a bitch.
* “I’m just glad you’re safe”
* They are so fucking cute together
* Calm the fuck down dude, it’s coffee. It’s not even good. Fuck coffee.
* “You put that much stress on a kid” I hope everyone here dies.
* >:(
* horrible at urban exploration.
* Oh it’s an ad for that shitty show my dad watches where they don’t know how to CPR.
* Oh hey this is the thing they did to my mom that they proceeded to do nothing to help her for.
* God fuck this man. “I want to hear it” I hope you cry at night over the fact that you just couldn’t ever accomplish shit when you were in your prime, if you even had one. I want to fucking maim you.
* NICA!!!!
* Oh no not that book. Its fucked.
* those sideburns grant you a front row seat…in a guillotine!!!
* I love his outfit
* Oh that’s gross.
* God thats beautiful. I loved burnt shit. That’s why I live in California.
* I find it so funny that she was smoking a blunt before getting attacked and she trusts herself that much to know it wasn’t her just being high.
* Push her down the stairs god damn
* Those stairs don’t have much stability.
* Oh hey it’s the face of chucky the syfy spoiled on their YouTube channel before 2/3rds of the country got to watch the episode
* “I’m not a killer” but you could be~
* Is she wearing demonia’s. If she is I have to get rid of mine.
* C’mon he’s a cop. If chucky kills him he deserves it. ACAB, baby!!!!
* “I need a word” fuck you.
* Those machines never fucking work.
* God her fucking fast walk pisses me off.
* Oh hey she does the nervous soft voice too.
* oh I cant watch this. I don’t like needles.
* God he’s so…okay maybe i shouldn’t say this but he’s relatable sometimes.
* “Cross my heart, hope to die” don’t say that too him.
* That kid is so fucking nonchalant. It’s a Human hand, kid.
* “Who?” Lmao that’s how people react when I tell them about the shit from my town.
* “I’m sorry, this must be very hard” fuck you.
* OH
* you cant blame him for that one. You were busy harassing him.
* oh fuck it’s over :(
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