#and lily evans potter is minister of magic
ang3l0fde4th4ndd0gs · 3 months
When I say I can rant about the mf-ing Marauders, I MEAN IT.
All messages sent to my best friend after she made the mistake of asking if I could give her a rundown on the marauders:
"James Potter
-Harry's dad
-Also known as Prongs/Jamie/Potter
-Considered the sun
-Animagus is a deer
-Sirius' best friend and found brother
Him and Regulus are shipped because of the whole "best friend's brother" thing. Their ship name is Starchaser and Jegulus. There's two cause most prefer Starchaser
-The fancast is Aaron Taylor-Johnson
(Will send pictures with explanations later 😂)"
"Regulus Arcturus Black
-Sirius' younger brother (by one year)
-Died by drowning because of the locket (5th picture) at 17
-Death eater by force
-Was supposed to be the heir to the Black fortune/house
He's shipped with both Remus and James. (I have a ✨️preference✨️)
-James is shipped with him because James is much brighter and well, more happier than Regulus is. Reggie is considered depressed and dark. (Starchaser/Jegulus)
-Remus and Reggie are shipped cause they're immensely similar. Both bookworms with anxiety and attachment problems because their parents suck (Moonwater)
-Also he's named after the brightest star in the constellation Leo"
"Sirius Orion Black the third
-Obviously my favorite. Totally couldn't tell right? 😂
-Ran away at 16 because his parents are ✨️abusive as fuck✨️ (the stars are cause he's watching me type 😂😂)
-Huge rock and roll fan
-Gay asf
-Was framed for the murder of his best friends by Peter Pettigrew
-Also known as Padfoot
-His animagus is a black dog. Very floofy
-Died at 36 due to the Avada Kedavra curse
-Killed by his cousin Bellatrix
-Harry's godparent
He's shipped with Remus Lupin because he's a clingy bitch. Also his name is after a star (like Reggie's) and Remus is a werewolf and his nickname is Moony. So moon and stars. (Wolfstar) also tall werewolf and short puppy is cute
-Named after the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major"
"Remus John Lupin
-Nickname Moony
-Professor at Hogwarts
-Loves chocolate and coffee
-Afraid of the moon
(Ugh trying to keep these factual was so hard 😂😂😂)
"Peter Pettigrew
-Not shipped with anyone cause he's a traitor
-Framed Sirius for murder"
"Barty Crouch Jr
-Slytherin Skittle (Like Reggie I just forgot to put that)
-Killed 12 people in cannon
-Evan Rosier's boyfriend
-Death Eater
-Son of Barty Crouch sr who's a minister of magic
-Used the polyjuice potion to change into Mad-eye moody the original Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, teaching kids the crucio curse and traumatizing Neville
-Cinnamon roll with a knife addiction
-So very fucking *gay*
Shipped with Evan Rosier, James Potter and Sirius Black and Regulus Black.
-Regulus and Barty are Bartylus cause they're both Skittles. Plus Barty's very very out there and Reggie is very prim and proper so it's a well complimented
-James and Barty are SunKiller. Enemies to friends to lovers. Always. It's one of my favorites.
-Sirius Black and Barty are BitchKiller. Two out there twinks and they both have AWFUL parents.
-Barty's full name is Bartiemus but I'm sure he's very upsetable if you call him that
-He's played my bbg David Tennant in the movies"
"Evan Rosier
Tbh idk much about him 😅😅😅😅
-Killed by Mad Eye Moody
-Death Eater
-Slytherin Skittle
-Barty's Boyfriend
-Sassy mans
-Definitely a twink
-Somehow only shipped with Barty
-He and Barty are Rosekiller"
"Pandora Lovegood (Rosier)
-Luna's mother
-Sweet baby
-Ravenclaw/Slytherin, nobody knows for sure
-Regulus' best friend
-Shipped with Lily and Mary Macdonald
-Also called Panda
-Slytherin Skittle
-Miss ma'am should be an elf"
"Mary Macdonald
-I know nothing 🙃
-She pretty and obliviated herself
-Also she's shipped with Lily and Marlene"
"Lily Evans
-My baby
-Fiery redhead
-Smart af
-Canonically James' wife and Harry's mum
-Remus and Sirius' best friend
-Definitely pansexual
-Very very pretty
-Shipped with Pandora, Marlene, Snape, James, Remus, Mary, Regulus and Sirius"
"Marlene Mckinnon
-Basically blonde Sirius
-Killed by Barty Crouch jr at 20
-Shipped with Dorcas
-Was supposed to marry Sirius before he went to Azkaban and before she was killed
-Her and Dorcas' ship name is Dorlene"
"Dorcas Meadowes
-Also a Slytherin Skittle
-Very close with both Marlene and Pandora
-Shipped with just about every female and it's kinda hilarious
-Somewhat close to Evan but we aren't sure
-Noone can agree on her fancast"
Plus some random messages that I don't feel like retyping. But my best friend went "Omg I didn't expect that"
Ma'am- Have you met me?? 😂😂 If it's a hyperfixation I can and will go on for hours if you let meee
Then somehow we decided sometime during that that I should rewrite the Harry Potter books and make them as gay as possible. So I am 😂 1971 on Quotev 😂 What If Series
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sofoulandfairaday · 9 months
I actually do tend to put most of the Order we see in the photos around the same years, but my headcanon is that there were other older members but they all died by the time that photo was taken because they were trying to protect the younger kids. I like to imagine that Moody is the only surviving older Order member and he had to watch his peers die one by one and then had to watch as so many of those kids they died trying to protect were killed themselves
Soooo. I can see this working if well justified. There is a line that does justify it in canon, actually- "[...] look, I can’t promise no one’s going to get hurt, nobody can promise that, but we’re much better off than we were last time, you weren’t in the Order then, you don’t understand, last time we were outnumbered twenty to one by the Death Eaters and they were picking us off one by one...”
Voldemort would most likely send his Death Eaters after the best and strongest Order members first, even though they were more likely to take down many of his followers- it's not like he didn't have the numbers. BUT I'm afraid it's a little unrealistic. The weakest fighters in a fight to the death are those who get killed first even with protection.
Just for funsies, though, I'll give you my personal headcanon of the Order members' rough ages. I'm usually flexible if they're changed by a couple of years, but the generations should be kept.
This is the list of confirmed Order of the Phoenix members in the First Wizarding War:
Albus Dumbledore
Aberforth Dumbledore
Alastor Moody
Arabella Figg
Dedalus Diggle
Elphias Doge
Emmeline Vance
Mundungus Fletcher
Rubeus Hagrid
Sturgis Podmore
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew (who turns spy for the Death Eaters in 1980)
All these people survive the war. Then we also have:
James Potter
Lily Evans Potter
Fabian Prewett
Gideon Prewett
Frank Longbottom
Alice Longbottom
Edgar Bones
Benji Fenwick
Caradoc Dearborn
Dorcas Meadowes
Marlene McKinnon
Now. The only girl confirmed to be one of Lily's classmates is Mary McDonald and she's not part of the Order (and I choose to believe that she wasn't; she sympathised, maybe, but I like the headcanon that she's so scarred by Mulciber and Avery's bullying - and that the event that Lily references to Severus is not the only time they use Dark Magic on her - that she wants nothing to do with the fight). I am maybe one of the two (2) people with a mild appreciation for BlackKinnon, and I don't mind Marlene as someone in the same age bracket as them (but I can also see her being older). She is murdered along her entire family, though, and it's unclear whether she was a mother, a sister, or a daughter. I will say that some of their Hogwarts years overlapped.
Dorcas I find way less likely. She was killed by Voldemort himself - the man wouldn't have bothered if she wasn't an Amelia Bones-level witch at least, which means she was mighty, which means she most likely wasn't twenty-one. I like to think that she was an Auror, or a Ministry high-ranking employee with sound principles that just would not bend to the infiltration of the DEs in the Ministry or to Barty Crouch Snr's ruthlessness.
Frank and Alice Longbottom are the same, to me. They're older than the Marauders, I would make them (just like Dorcas) around Bellatrix's age, maybe even older. That makes them around 30yrs old in 1981. Which means they would have had a full decade or more to become the most respected Aurors in the Wizarding World, so well known that what happened to them sparked major outrage, the kind that led to a manhunt for their torturers, and the sentencing of a pleading nineteen-year-old boy. (Of course, Barty jr was guilty, but they didn't know that, didn't know just how loyal to Voldemort he truly was. The Lestranges sentencing - an old wizarding family, a Lestrange had even been Minister for Magic - was clearly one sparked by public outrage. People were crying out for their blood.)
The Prewetts were Molly's older brothers, so they were way older than the Marauders. They were also killed by a group of Death Eaters led by Antonin Dolohov after what appears to have been a truly brutal fight, so nope. They weren't the Fred and George types of the Marauders Era (also. the Marauders were that!)
Edgar Bones had a wife and children and was considered to be one of the best of the era, so I doubt he was as young as the Fantastic Four. We really don't know enough about Caradoc Dearborn or Benji Fenwick to say, but I somehow doubt it.
Of those who survived.
We know that Albus, Aberforth, Moody, Elphias Doge, Mundungus, and Arabella Figg are all way older than the Marauders, and I've always pictured Dedalus Diggle as a middle aged man (but we only know he's tiny and excitable, so it could go either way). Sturgis Podmore's description fits someone that could have been in the Marauder's year or maybe slightly older, but still one of their peers.
So, really, the green-faced youths that fought with the Order were: the four Marauders, Lily, maybe Marlene and Emmeline Vance (who isn't even listed as fighting with them in the First War, only the second), and maybe Sturgis Podmore. On the side of the Death Eaters: Avery, Mulciber, Barty Crouch jr (who was two/three years younger than the Marauders!!!), Regulus Black and of course Severus Snape.
And, no. Evan Rosier's age is never disclosed, and since he brutally maims fucking Alastor Moody - possibly the greatest Auror ever - I'm inclined to believe that he was at least Bellatrix's age (so 8-9 years older than the Marauders). In my personal headcanon he's even a tad older - but no less cuntier for it. My boy serves as much cunt at 27 as he did at 17 (<3).
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tedwardremus · 10 months
A Decent Bloke
"Alright, Evans?" A low voice whispered in her ear, causing Lily Evans to jump in her seat and let out a yelp.
"Oh quiet, Evans, this is a library," James Potter smiled down at Lily, his hands in his pockets.
Lily shot him a withering look. "Potter, can't you see I'm trying to work here? What do you want?"
Ignoring her harsh tone, James casually plopped down in the seat beside her. "I heard you muttering about legislative agendas and Ministerial decrees. Figured you could use a hand."
Lily raised an incredulous eyebrow. "And why would you think that?"
James leaned back in the chair, placing his feet on her parchment-covered table. "Oh, just a hunch, all that muttering you know. Plus, I'm a generous bloke, always willing to help a damsel in distress."
Lily rolled her eyes, but curiosity flickered in them. "Fine, enlighten me. What do you know about Wizard and Muggle relations at the turn of the century?"
James grinned. "Easy. There were no relations. The Muggles were being devastated by the First World War, and the Minister for Magic, Archer Evermonde I believe, had forbidden the magical community to get involved. A real tragedy in regard to humanitarian aid and you know just plain human decency. Only one member of the Wizengamot condemned the Minister for his position."
Lily flipped rapidly through her textbook scanning for the information. "Really? That's not in here."
James took a triumphant bite of the apple he had surreptitiously pulled from his robe. "Of course not. You'll have to go beyond the ministry-approved texts to get the whole story. They are very careful at what gets put on the History of Magic curriculum. Wouldn't want young students to get disillusioned from our fine government after all."
Lily eyed him curiously. She didn't think this was James playing games with her, she knew enough about him that he wouldn't joke about this subject. Plus he was one of the only students to get an O on the History of Magic OWL. Not that she keeping track his scores or anything. It was common knowledge, everyone knew James Potter and Sirius Black got top marks in all their exams. "And how do you know all this if its not in the books?"
James softly chuckled, "Believe it or not, it's a family story. My Grandpa Harry, Henry Potter, was the Wizengamot member who stood up against Minister Evermonde. Quite a big controversy at the time. His consistent outspoken position regarding the Muggle community is also the reason my family is excluded from that ‘Sacred Twenty-Eight’ nonsense." With a pause, James looked down at one of the books on the table. "He was a real decent bloke. More people should remember him."
Then, all too, suddenly, James got up from the table and took another bite of his apple. "Well, see you, Evans. I have matters to attend to. Mischief to manage and all that." And with a wink in her direction, he left.
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aspionagee · 1 year
ao3 masterlist
Thought I might compile all of my fics in one place, so here they are! (ao3 username is aspionage)
A Patchwork Family(350k): In the summer before third year, Harry is sent to live with Snape and Draco until school starts again, and the three of them gradually begin to realise how wrong they are about each other. Lots of angst, Harry and Draco brotherly bonding and non-biological Severitus.
Whispers in the Castle(38k): Nine-year-old Harry Apparates himself to Hogwarts, and tries to hide in the castle to escape Little Whinging. Meanwhile, Severus attempts to put a name to a new, particularly tiny first-year. Fluffy with a little angst, and a fun Christmas-y undertone!
The Parent Trap(87k): Harry Evans, raised by single mother Lily Evans and her best friend Mary Macdonald, begins at Hogwarts and is shocked to meet his twin brother, Simon Potter. The two of them quickly begin plotting to get their parents back together, and switch places over the summer. Closely based off the movie.
Sybillance(457k): A Wrong-Boy-Who-Lived fic where Harry Potter is taken back from the Dursleys aged nine to live with his family. He has to learn to try and bond with his parents and siblings after growing up without them. Features parental Sirius Black, Slytherin Harry and lots of angsty family moments.
Evening, Prime Minister!(5.6k): Minister for Magic Hermione Granger tries to cope as she is forced to deal with Boris Johnson's incompetence during the pandemic.
have yourself a merry little christmas(9.1k): The marauders all gather in Godric's Hollow for Christmas, all with secrets they're trying to hide from each other. Entirely Christmas fluff. Wolfstar and Jily.
Harry Potter and the Duke of Edinburgh Award(11.9k): Harry and his Gryffindor yearmates go on DofE together, featuring all of the drama that brings.
The Rat Trap: Sequel to the Parent Trap. Peter Pettigrew escapes from Azkaban, and Harry and his family must cope with the fallout, including the revelation that Simon may not actually be the Boy-Who-Lived. Also features Seer Ron, and a Regulus Black who isn't as dead as some might think.
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wearingaberetinparis · 8 months
Seven Sentences
Thank you for tagging me @kay-elle-cee! I'm giving you seven sentences of my January Jily Challenge fic Down Comes The Night, which I might finish in February, seeing as January is ending too soon? (Aaaaah!) Down Comes The Night
As the Wizarding World grows ever darker, the threat of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters looming, James Potter – Gryffindor at heart – and Lily Evans – Ravenclaw of mind – are appointed Head Boy and Girl.
A frown appeared on her forehead as she scanned the front page of the newspaper her father had left lying on the kitchen table: In light of the “Yorkshire Ripper” murders, police encourage women in the Manchester area to stay out of public spaces after dark. She pursed her lips at the realization that whichever world she found herself in these days, it appeared that death was a constant. Only that morning, had she read an opinion column in The Daily Prophet which had questioned whether Muggleborns should still be welcome at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry now that Death Eater attacks were growing ever more frequent and violent. “The question arises,” the Minister of Magic himself had been quoted, “whether the Wizarding World still has a place for those who were not born into magical families. The International Statute of Secrecy was once created to safeguard the wizarding community in 1692, yet one should consider if the safety of those that enter from outside it can still be guaranteed a near three centuries onwards.” It made her consider if she would ever belong. It made her wonder if she was perhaps doomed never to.
Tagging @mppmaraudergirl, @petalsinwoodvale, @practicecourts, @athenasparrow, @annabtg if you feel like it!
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jilyarchive · 1 year
Hi, can you recommend any Jily office-based fics? Also, just wanted to say thank you so much for running this blog <3
Try these (noting that I'm trying not to rec incomplete stuff where I can so these are the ones I could think of!):
Title: Question Time Author: fetchalgernon Rating: M Genre(s): Muggle AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: ~11,000 Summary: Newly-elected Prime Minister Potter has his work cut out for him. If only a certain red-headed MP weren’t deliberately making life harder for him.
Title: put a bow on it Author: thequibblah Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Smut Chapters: 1 Word Count: 12,032 Summary: The Departments of International Magical Cooperation and Magical Games and Sports always throw a joint holiday party. A pair of unfortunate junior employees are always stuck with planning it against their will. And the party itself is always forgettable. Not this time — not if Lily Evans, a minor miscommunication, and those pesky interdepartmental memos have anything to say about it.
Title: Shout Out To My Ex Author: ritaskeetered Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Smut Chapters: 8 Word Count: 108,441 Summary: Phoenix Radio is going through a rough period with the arrival of the new and controversial Riddle Radio. Albus Dumbledore, founder of the country’s number one radio station, asks his team to get ready to rebrand. Gone are the days of family friendly radio, a show where two exes talk about where their relationship went wrong and deliver relationship advice live on air, named Shout Out To My Ex, is exactly what Phoenix Radio needs. Who better to co-host this show than Lily Evans and James Potter, two Phoenix Radio employees who absolutely despise each other, or do they?
Let us know if you have any other recs!
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FSF if possible? new-blood Lily Evans/Tom Riddle (Marvolo Gaunt). A genfic would also be ok, just interested in seeing how you'd write this ship :) (Have a great day!)
Miss Lily Evans reads through the betrothal offers on her desk, which her Sponsor has passed on to her; as the head of her own magical line as a New Blood, all such decisions are her own to make--it's a wealth of pressure.
"Think before writing a response," she reminds herself, because while she has every right to refuse anyone she wants, cruelly or carelessly worded declinations will taint her reputation.
There's an offer from Heir James Potter, of course, and Lady Bellatrix Black, one of the Malfoy cousins, a Ravenclaw she shared an Ancient Runes project with, a--
Lily pauses, staring at the next offer with wide eyes, and whispers a soft, "Oh."
Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr., the Minister for Magic, the most powerful New Blood in centuries has sent her an offer of courtship; she waits for her hand to stop shaking before she pens her acceptance.
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
The only Logical Solution
The only Logical Solution https://ift.tt/ThxRY4H by NerosDad After the events of the Cursed Child, and Delphini Diggory's attempts to rewrite history, Minister for Magic Hermione Weasley Granger realises there is only one logical Solution. Is it worth the sacrifice? Does she have the right to do it. Words: 2499, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Lily Evans Potter Relationships: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Compliant, One Shot via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/oD9bUw4 May 01, 2024 at 11:22PM
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hpknotfest · 2 years
Tumblr media
Week 2 Recap!
We finished with Week 2, and what a FANTASTIC group of fics. Did you miss one? Here's the recap.
The Tying of Canines by @heartofspells
Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Summary: It isn't Sirius' fault that he's curious about new things. Peter should have known better than to bring it up. Remus should have known better than to let Sirius slip away to the library on his own.
Knot in the Job Description by @theresthesnitch
Pairing: Kingsley Shacklebolt/Percy Weasley Summary: Minister of Magic Kingsley simply has to go to this meeting, even if he's going into a rut. Luckily his assistant Percy can multitask: taking his knot and attending the meeting.
Choice by @demidreamer
Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Summary: This isn't the first time Sirius runs away from home. Sirius Black, an heir to one of the wealthiest families in England, is well-known for his craving for all kinds of trouble. So of course this isn't the first time he does that. But it's still fucking thrilling.
Helping your werewolf best friend lose his virginity and other occupational hazards by @remolupini
Pairing: James Potter/Remus Lupin Summary: James is told a very interesting rumour about werewolves at work. A mix of the moment he asks and a life long attraction to him make asking Remus about it a much more interactive experience than expected
Afterglow by @orange-peony and @pato-roldnart
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Summary: Draco owns a pub for outcasts. Harry is a lovely mess.
No One There To Tell Us What To Do by @hermioneclone
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape Summary: With the full moon high over the lake, Hermione Granger dives deep into its waters, chasing the green glow that will give her everything she desires.
Eyes Gon Golden Like Coins by @lqtraintracks
Pairing: Harry/Teddy Summary: ���Wish I could knot you,” I hear myself say. His eyes flash golden, like Galleons fresh from the Gringotts mint. When we’ve finished and we’re lying all tangled up, he asks softly. “You can… can’t you?”
Stuck (on You) by @puuvillaa
Pairing: Regulus Black/Remus Lupin Summary: Remus wasn’t expecting to encounter Regulus during his mission, and he definitely wasn’t expecting what happened next.
In My Room, I Want You Here by @apckrfan
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape/animagus!Severus Snape Summary: Severus Snape knew he was destined to die. He didn’t know how, when, where, or why, but did know who. As a result, he kept one thing hidden on his person at all times from the day Voldemort returned. A time turner of his creation to get the hell out of whatever predicament he was in. Of course, as with everything in his life when he activates it in the Shrieking Shack he doesn’t go where he hoped, or even how he hoped. He does discover he has a mate, though.
potion in the cauldron by knowinglook
Pairing: Severus Snape/Lily Evans Potter Summary: Severus stopped in front of the shelf where they keep their own personal stash of potions. He reached for a contraceptive potion. He invented this variation solely for himself, entirely catered to his own body, eliminating the known side-effects of the other commercial contraceptives in circulation. For years, the potion worked efficiently. Perhaps tonight, there wouldn't be any need for it.
More fics to come next week! Stop by for more!
Happy Knotting!
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weirdraccoon · 1 year
Flufftober day 2: Family, friends, loved ones
Tomarry - Tom Riddle x Harry Potter
A family dinner, nothing more
“Tom Riddle.”
“So, it’s you who Harry can’t stop talking about,” James said, eyeing the young man in front of him with contempt. “Riddle, is it?”
“James,” Lily intervened, shaking Tom’s offered hand when her husband ignored it completely. “Be good. Or did you forget that your son has my blood, too?”
“Only a little,” James mumbled behind her. “Harry’s more Black than Evans.”
“And he wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me, do hush,” Lily growled, pushing him away from the young assistant. “Lily Evans, nice to meet you. That’s James, Harry’s dad. Sirius and Harry should be here any minute now, come in.”
Tom smiled tightly and followed the redhead into the Potter’s dining room.
It was a spacious room with the Potter crest right above the fireplace on one side of the room. The table was long and elegant, covered with different types of food that could rival Hogwarts' usual dinner menu. He couldn’t imagine how dinner parties were in the Potter household.
Lily was glaring at James, who sat idly at one end of the table. Tom would lie if he said he wasn’t nervous but well… He wasn’t there to date his darling’s father, he was there to meet his darling’s parents and if they didn’t like him, well, Harry had offered once to elope already.
“Tom!” Before Tom could react, he had an armful of Harry while his hair tickled his nose.
Sirius Black stood by the doorway, smirking warmly at his son. He seemed more friendly than James, at least, and Tom knew that he had two of three approvals.
“Hello, darling,” Tom whispered, hugging back before pushing Harry to look at him. “You look delightful.”
Harry blushed and offered a shy smile.
“You too,” he said, eyeing Tom’s robes. “How is the future Minister of Magic doing?”
Tom rolled his eyes fondly and turned to introduce himself to Sirius, but the man surprised him by pulling him into a hug before he could utter a single word.
“Hurt him and you won’t get to even dream about being Minister,” the man whispered in his ear, then pulled back and offered a grin that looked sincere, but Tom couldn’t be sure after that threat. “Harry’s told us so much about you I feel like I know you already,” he said. “James won’t admit it but he’s jealous. So, don’t mind him.”
Tom tried to smile back, comfortingly, but he knew he was grimacing more than smiling.
“It’s an honor to finally meet you, sir,” Tom said. “Harry told me a lot about you too.”
“Come sit,” Lily called from the table at James’ left. “The house-elves were pretty excited when told we had a guest.”
“And they love Harry,” Sirius added, sitting at James’ right. “When they knew it was his boyfriend who was visiting they decided to cook a bit of everything.”
“They also have orders to protect Harry and destroy whatever or whoever dares to hurt him,” commented James casually, waving a hand dismissively as if it was nothing. “Just so you know.”
Tom gulped and Harry pulled him to sit next to him on one side of the table, Lily’s side.
“Dad, don’t threaten my boyfriend,” Harry said, grinning at the word boyfriend. “You’ll have to learn to share me,” he added. “Like Papa and Auntie Lily.”
“Papa doesn’t have a problem because you’re a Potter, not a Black,” James shrugged. “And Auntie Lily has no opinion in this matter.”
Lily frowned at him, but with a look from Sirius, she decided to drop it and turned to Tom instead, smiling warmly and invitingly.
“Harry tells us you’re working for Minister Dumbledore,” she began. “How’s the old man doing? I haven’t seen him since he was our Headmaster. Does he still have a bowl of lemon drops on his desk?”
Tom thanked the change in topic and readily spoke about his time working for Dumbledore. Harry was watching him with stars in his eyes, and Tom couldn’t help but preened under the attention, adding some details about current projects and problems.
Lily was listening attentively and even Sirius seemed happy to listen to the inner gossip of the Ministry, only James looked as if he was counting the seconds until Tom would leave his house but Tom didn’t let it deter him. It helped that Harry took his hand under the table, offering silent support.
“Well, Tom,” James said once they finished dinner. “I got to say you’re not so bad. This doesn’t mean you have my blessing or anything but seeing as Harry won’t listen to me on this,” he glared at his son, who glared back and pulled Tom’s hand into his lap, “I have to at least approve of your current… relationship.”
Sirius grinned and stood up, following his husband out of the dining room and giving Tom a thumbs up.
“Nice meeting you,” he waved. “Don’t let Harry get you into too much trouble.”
Lily rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I’ll say this was a successful dinner,” she nodded, looking at Tom. “Just try to stay alive. Harry,” she turned to Harry with a serious expression. “Now it’s time for him to know everything.”
Harry stared wide-eyed and nervous. Tom had never seen him nervous. Not even before a Quidditch match. Harry nodded slowly.
“It was a pleasure, Tom,” Lily said before leaving. “It’s good to have you in the family.”
Harry choked on air and Tom handed him his goblet of wine. It was still half full since he wasn’t too much of a drinker.
“So,” Tom prompted. “What does she mean by ‘everything’?”
Harry stuttered and avoided eye contact, deciding to look at the fire still burning in the fireplace.
“Well, you see,” he said in a low voice. “You know how there’s a bunch of dark wizards attacking Dumbledore’s inner circle?”
Tom nodded. So far, three people had disappeared: Moody, Diggle, and Dodge. There were no clues or evidence as to what happened to them, and they only knew they disappeared because Dumbledore had tried to communicate with them in the last two weeks. No one knew how long they’d been gone or if they were the only ones.
“Dumbledore mentioned he had to check in with other members of his Order,” Tom said.
“Well,” Harry trailed off, playing with a spoon over the table. “Dad, James, might be the leader of this group…”
Tom’s eyebrows shot up. Now he truly felt threatened by Lord Potter.
“And- What?”
“I tell you now because Lily seems to trust you’d be part of the family soon,” Harry shrugged. “And honestly, if you’re becoming Minister then it makes sense. You’ll have our support, and Dad and Papa have most of the old families on their side. It’s not too bad,” he soothed. “We only want to stop Dumbledore from opening our world to the muggles.”
“But… isn’t Lily a muggle-born?” 
“Yes, and she knows how despicable muggles can be,” Harry explained. “You told me how awful the muggle orphanage was. Surely you understand more than I do.”
Tom hummed in thought and looked at the fire.
“Well, I can’t deny I don’t agree with Dumbledore’s plan,” he said slowly.
“Perfect,” Harry stood up suddenly, taking Tom’s hand. “Now that that’s cleared and out of the way, I’ll show you my room. You can stay,” he winked. “Just don’t let anyone catch you in the morning.”
“That sounds foreboding,” Tom chuckled.
“The elves can be overprotective,” Harry warned with a smile. “But they know I care about you, so they won’t hurt you too much. Don’t worry about Dad and Papa either. They know I would be cross with them if they tried to curse you.”
Tom smirked and kissed Harry’s knuckles.
“Well, it sounds like we’d get along,” and he meant it. 
He didn’t survive a hateful orphanage or a couple of years of bullying in Slytherin to run away when he actually had something to fight for. Harry was worth all the sneers and pranks and possible curses that James or Sirius could throw his way. In the end, Tom would be Harry’s family, and it was up to Harry if they continued being so.
Tom didn’t need anyone else but Harry.
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ciacconne · 7 months
Selfless Love (33275 words) by Ciacconne Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Lily Evans Potter Additional Tags: Drama, Angst, Dark, Psychological Trauma, Psychological Torture, Grooming, Manipulation, Possessive Tom Riddle, Manipulative Tom Riddle, Tom Riddle Raises Harry Potter, Therapy, Dubious Morality, Age Difference, Mentor Tom Riddle, Unhealthy Relationships, Dubious Consent, threats of murder, Dark Harry Potter, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, tags to be updated, Cockwarming, Consensual Somnophilia, Minister for Magic Tom Riddle, Food Kink, Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Politics, Orgasm Denial, Switch Harry Potter, Switch Tom Riddle, Edgeplay Series: Part 5 of His Perfect Child Summary:
They didn’t understand it.
They thought they had saved him.
Did it matter in the end? Harry had made his choice.
This is the main arc. Sequel to His World, Secret Love, The Perfect Friend & His Perfect Child.
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mortem0 · 2 years
just remember:
lily evans-potter’s spell was the one that killed voldemort the first time
hermoine granger saved the wizarding world and became the minister of magic
marlene mckinnon was described as one of the best witches of their age
ginny weasley was powerful and confident with or without harry and became a professional quidditch player
luna lovegood loved everyone for who they are and stood by them even in danger
mary macdonald chose to do what’s best for her and left the wizarding word, outliving those she grew up with
dorcas meadowes was killed by voldemort himself
happy national women’s day
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rosie-love98 · 1 year
Ask-Anything: The Snape-Hardbroom-Hobbes Family: Context And Rules:
Part 1: The Early Years:
Severus Snape and Constance Hardbroom first met back in 1977 as students. Constance’s school-Cackle’s Academy-was visiting Hogwarts for the Spring Term. Over time (and with the secret help of Lily Evans and James Potter), Severus and Constance began a bit of a romance. But, this was short lived. After Constance, Severus, James and Lily had to fight off a Death Eater attack at Hogwarts, Snape was confronted by his Slytherin peers-reminding him of his true loyalties.
 When Constance and the rest of Cackle’s students returned to their Overblown Castle, Severus continued to work with the Dark Arts. As for James and Lily, though they were upset about Severus still being into the Dark Arts, the two couldn’t help but sense the best in him. A feeling James and Lily kept to each other. Even in their last days.
Then came September 1st, 1982. It has almost been a year since Lord Voldemort’s defeat at the cost of James and Lily Potter. The then 22-years-old, Snape worked as Hogwarts’ Potions Master much to his own chagrin. With his own personal demons, Severus proved himself to be unpopular among staff and students alike. He was arrogant, antisocial and outright petty. With him being head of the Slytherin Household, Severus could let his underlings get away with murder. Yet, on this day, Albus Dumbledore announced to all that Cackle’s Academy was going to make a longer visit than last time; from October all the way to July.
Halloween arrived in a flash and Cackle’s Academy made their much awaited arrival. Among the visitors was one of the younger teachers; Constance Hardbroom. Now in a long, black dress, and dark-brown hair wrapped in an extremely tight bun, Severus was surprised to see her again. This was said for Constance as she always thought Severus would never-for any reason-return to Hogwarts after graduating. Not to mention, she was still mad at Severus for not keeping in contact with her as he had promised.
While they had an awkward start, a couple of incidents would drive Constance and Severus to let love bloom. Albeit in strict secrecy. And when July arrived, the pair wrote dozens of letters to each other. The relationship got so serious that marriage was often brought up. 
Given his past and current situations, Severus was reluctant to take such a step. Eventually, Severus would buck up the courage to marry Constance. But not without confessing his Death-Eater ways, his job as Dumbledore’s agent and even what had happened to Lily Evans. While that was a lot for Constance to process, she would decide to marry Severus on August 1, 1983. With retired Minister of Magic, Elphinstone Urquart, officiating the elopement, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Amelia Cackle served as witnesses.
At first, the newlyweds were in bliss in spite of having to continue their long-distance romance due to their respective jobs. But, as time went on,  problems would start to resurface. And when it’s discovered that a baby was on the way, a scared Severus put divorce on the table. As a result, a heart-broken Constance decided to put their upcoming baby up for adoption in hopes to give him/her a stable upbringing. Something Constance nor Severus could give.
Throughout the months, Constance would hide away in the Flamel House in France thanks to Dumbledore’s friendship with Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel. Amelia Cackle, Minerva McGonagall, Elphinstone Urquart and later Poppy Pomfrey would be around to help. As for Severus, he would visit when not teaching or spying. Yet, he and Constance would hardly speak with each other. 
Then, on Christmas morning, a son was born; “Nicholas Brian”. Ecstatic as they were to see their son, Severus and Constance forced themselves back to earth. They finally got around to signing both the divorce and adoption papers and gave the nine-day-old newborn to Elphinstone who would give the baby to Kezia and Huw Hobbes.
In his grief, Severus decided to do something drastic; collect his memories in flasks, put those in a box and have Dumbledore obliviate any memories that involved Constance and their son. A task a solemn Dumbledore agreed to do. As for the box of memories, it would be given to Dumbledore and then to the next headmistress, McGonagall to give to Nicholas Brian if he ever arrived at Hogwarts.
Part 2: Resurrections And Reunions:
  In 1998, the Second Wizarding War was fought and won by the Order of the Phoenix. However, among the casualties was none other than Severus Snape. Hated by the Order, it was Harry Potter who would clear the air and explain Snape’s true intentions to the Wizarding World. Yet, Severus had to have his funeral without his corpse for, during the battles, he would be whisked away by an obscure, but dangerous group known as “R”. With most of their former members dead, the remaining party, Verruca Snyde, Patricia Rakepick, Eustace Burke and Kazuhiro Shiratori had managed to escape Azkaban during a 1997 mass breakout. Trying to gain their goal of immortality, the smaller “R” often tried and failed to reach it. Then they came across a peculiar formula that holds to the key to revival. And once finding the body of Severus Snape, they took their chance.
Once the corpse was in their hideout, a concoction was made with the tears of a phoenix, the wings of fairies, the horn of a unicorn, a few plants and the Resurrection Stone. This, the Revival Potion, was what brought Severus Tobias Snape back from the grave with his scars and infamous Death-Mark gone. But this potion came with a cost; with the Resurrection Stone being one of the main properties, Snape’s DNA has been mutated; gaining the Hallow’s powers, he could summon the Heaven-bound at will. All while both of his palms bore the symbol of the Deathly Hallows with the stone emblem being the most pronounced.
Disgusted with what’s been done to him, Severus escaped his captors and lived on his own in the woods of Great Britain. Over time, he created unique potions and mailed them to apothecary shops and St. Mungo’s Hospital under the alias, “Sephtis Surgo”. He would obtain a good portion of wealth as a result, yet remained in isolation. All Severus would have for company were the summoned Dumbledore and Lily Evans.
Then, in the spring of 2006, a potions experiment caused a terrible house fire which would’ve killed Severus had he not been rescued by students of the nearby Cackle’s Academy. As he was cared for by Amelia Cackle and the school nurse, Constance Hardbroom was shocked and lost for words when finding Severus again. Over time, she and Severus had to work to rekindle their troubled flame. Not only that, they would reunite with their long lost son, 22-year-old Nicholas Hobbes of Weirdsister College.
The Characters You Can Ask:
Severus Snape.
Constance Hardbroom.
Nicholas Brian Hobbes.
Ethel Hallow.
Mildred Hubble.
Harry Potter.
Ginny Weasley-Potter.
Ron Weasley.
Hermoine Granger.
Minerva McGonagall.
Albus Dumbledore.
Amelia Cackle.
James Potter.
Lily Evans.
The Rules:
Questions must be appropriate and family-friendly.
Must be on topic to anyone on the questionnaires. 
Get creative with your questions!
Just so you know, this will be in written form so it’s best to not expect any comics concerning this Ask-Anything. I’m drawing other stuff still but not for this.
Please be patient.
Now with all of this in mind, ask away!
@theworstwitch @queen-ramsey @yaviae @mmad-lover @constancehardbroompics @theworstwitchforever @phantasmhoran @nimielsy @ladyemeraldpigeon @dandelionscarf @danse-de-macabre @big-scary-bird @mildred-hubble-bubble
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athenasparrow · 1 year
12 14 16 18
I'm not sure which game you meant, but we're going with the fic-rec one!!!
💘 A fic you couldn't stop reading once you started
Stolen by @missgryffin - I've just noticed the rewrite has iMessages!
He lost a bet, she had a dare, he didn't get her number, and she stole his heart. For the prompt kissing booth at a summer fair/carnival.
🤩 A fic that made you SLAM that “subscribe” button
We Are Here by elaven91
James Potter has just swept into the Premiership on a wave of Brexit outrage and, on his first night in office, a woman strolls out of his fire and tells him she’s the Minister for Magic. She tells him not to worry, he’ll never see her again unless something really serious happens. It goes, perhaps, without saying, that something really serious happens. As the anti-Muggle and anti-Muggleborn sentiments that have been brewing in the wizarding world once again ignite, Lily Evans finds herself in a position where she has to address the prejudice that has followed her her whole career. And she’s prepared to do that alone, but the Prime Minister isn’t nearly so willing to let her handle everything off-screen.
💞 A fic that led to you making friends with the author
I think @wearingaberetinparis and I went from friendly to proper friendship after Call It What You Want commenced! It's not out yet, so you'll just have to wait (and beg Mary for snippets)!
😭 A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
Dead To Me by @itsjamespotter
I saw a quote once that said: "How many times have I loved a thing, just because you loved it? Including me." This story is about love, but is not to be confused with a love story. It's about the love we should have had. The love we don't think we deserve. The crooked love we settle for. It is about how, in letting others love us, we learn to love ourselves.
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lily and sirius x reader (platonic)
Enigma Masterlist
some wolfstar
You know that everyone’s staring at you. You can feel hundreds of eyes piercing through you as you are introduced by Professor Dumbledore - as the first ever American transfer student to Hogwarts. You know rumors. You know how they spread.
And you know that the boys you spent the train ride up here with are talkers.
By morning, there will be every rumor imaginable about your transfer.
All except the truth, of course.
You are right.
That morning, everyone thinks you’re the minister’s long lost daughter or that you’re secretly a dragon trainer.
A pretty red headed girl with unusually green eyes sits down next to you- James on your other side. She gives him a distasteful look that he ignores and introduces herself. you recognize her vaguely from one of the girls who invited you to play magical cards last night.
“I’m lily, remember? You and I have the same schedule, so i’ll be showing you the ropes, you know.” She pauses, handing you a think envelope. “here is your schedule, school map, really anything you’ll need is in here, so when you’re done, we can head to potions.”
You smile. “Yeah, thanks. Im actually done now, so should we…” you point a thumb to the door and click your tongue.
“wait, Evans, you’re not going to brainwash her quite yet,” James winks at you. Lily crosses her arms. You get the feeling that you’re caught in the middle of a feud. 
“We’re going down to slughorn’s, and i am not brainwashing her, Potter.”
“what’s your first class, James?” you ask. “do you know?”
James is staring a Lily. There is history here.
“Potions,” he says tersely. 
“great!” you exclaim. “we can wait for him.”
Lily looks less than happy, but takes a seat. You two start up a chatty conversation. Lily tells you some of the history hogwarts, her favorite places, and how the prefects work, while james takes his absolute time drinking his pumpkin juice (which you found absolutely disgusting) and taking minuscule bites of his eggs. You can tell lily is getting antsy, but you wait.
Eventually, he finishes, and the three of you set out, you holding mediating conversation between lily’s passive aggressive comments and james’s withheld responses. You can tell James is holding back biting comments to retort Lily’s- you’ve heard him talk with his friends, he’s smart. You appreciate this, and although lily is sort of attacking one of your only friends here, you admire her wit, and when she speaks to you, she’s perfectly civil. You will have to get the backstory, you think, to understand.
so you head down to the damp and dark castle dungeons - a far cry from the well-lit alchemy tower at ilvermorny - with the two of them. The teacher, a plump old wizard in extravagant robes, lights up when he lays eyes on the three of you, or rather, on lily.
lily goes and entertains his exclamations, and james waves a hand to a seat, once again staring at your new redheads friend.
“James?” you whisper after a second. “We should sit here.”
he seems to snap out of it and nods politely, putting his book bag in the chair to his left. You take the one on his right.
“what’s up with lily?” you ask carefully, wondering if this is a sensitive topic. James deflates. 
“We- She….” He seems to struggle with his words. You busy yourself with arranging your materials on the desk. “it’s complicated. I was an airhead last year.”
“you still are, bud,” Sirius plops down next to James, dark eyes dancing with humor. He winks at you. 
Remus, whose normally tidy brown hair is mussed and his tie is loose, gives you a sheepish look. You pull at your tie, making him look down. His cheeks flame bright red and he scrambles to adjust his appearance. Sirius has a shit-eating grin on his devilish face.
You glance at james, who purses his lips, laughing silently. 
“Is this new?” you whisper, as Slughorn begins the lecture. Lily has taken the seat in front of you. 
“Moony and padfoot? yeah. Brand.” 
“Nicknames?” you snort, but quickly open up you textbook of advanced potion making to the page slughorn has written on the board.
When he shows you the three cauldrons, your hand is the first in the air, followed by Lily’s, and then, belatedly, Remus.
“Ah, our American prodigy, yes.”
You ignore the nickname and stand up, sauntering up to the cauldrons. 
you catch a whiff of vanilla and a soft floral scent, and then a harder, woody cologne. you can smell parchment and mint toothpaste and the smell of a chlorinated swimming pool. 
“This is amortentia,” you point at the pinkish potion. Its steam hovers in swirls, low hanging. “not brewed correctly, But it’s definitely amortentia. And this….”
You take one glance at the clear liquid. “veritiserum. and the gold pen is felix felicis.”
Slughorn gives you an approving look, his small beady eyes boring into you. 
“And why, my dear, do you say the Amortentia is brewed incorrectly?”
you take a deep breath and wave your hand through the steam. it clings yo your skin, but still doesn’t disappear.
“It’s lingering, sir. The spirals should be constantly dissolving in the air, but you can see they’re low hanging.”
“very good, miss!” you cut you eyes to the floor and beat it back to your seat. James gives you an admiring look, And lily grins, high giving you.
A pretty successful first class, if you do say so yourself.
your next class is divination. 
(“That’s a waste of time,” James remarks when you inform him that you have to climb up to the tower. “she’s full of hogwash.” 
You ignore his slang and cross your arms. “It’s interesting, even if it is hogwash.”
James grabs your satchel and holds it over his head.
“you can’t go if you don’t get this! Jesus, what’s in here? rocks?”
“no, it’s the weight i bench,” you say sarcastically, standing on your tippy toes trying to get your materials. “James, I’m going to be late!”
“You know, I actually don’t care,”  James lets out a surprisingly high pitched giggle, and then covers his mouth, eyes wide.
Through your fit of giggles, you jump and grab your satchel, hitting his head on the way down. 
Lily gives you an approving glance and offers a hand- she’s a toucher, you’ve observed)
Your professor - Antiope - is a weary looking old loon. Her hair is greying and falling out, you swear, from every movement she makes. Elaborate pearls and beads drape off her goth, mothball smelling frame.
She has a whisper of a voice, blue smoke whispers out of her lungs when she exhales Lily gives you a knowing look and whispers “she’s a bit of a kook, but… what she believes, what she teaches is very interesting.”
You believe her. The books you lugged up the silver latter weighed a ton.
Class goes quickly, only an overview of the things you’ll be learning this year, boring, but you write all of it down.
Lily points at your handwriting.
“How do you read that?” She points at her own, slightly more legible slanted script. 
“that’s the secret,” you say. “You actually can’t, but some days i can see the shorthand.”
“Ah,” Lily taps her quill, and then pops the cork down into the inkwell. “shall we go?”
You strap your satchel tight over your shoulder. you must admit, you have an irrational fear of ladders. Specifically, descending a ladder. You smile tightly.
“Go on.”
lily steps down the porthole and the ladder jangles. You hang back, until it is you and Sirius Black alone. 
“You going down?” you wave a hand at the porthole. Sirius has that look on his face that you’ve seen many times - he’s here to make you uncomfortable.
“Ladies first. I insist.” 
“Well, go on then,” You tell him. He spins his wand lazily. Your fingers instinctively twitch for yours. You grip the strap of your satchel instead. His easy smile is teasing, but you know- he’s going to make you.
“You really should just go.”
Sirius looks down into the floor. 
“Evans is waiting.”
Sure enough, Lily and all her bright red hair are waiting at the bottom of the ladder. She peers up at them.
“Sirius,” You sigh. “I can’t. Ladders aren’t my thing.”
Sirius falters, his smile sliding off his face.
“You’re going to have to go down eventually.”
“nope. I live up here now, with Antiope.”
Both of you glance over at the drooling professor.
“Yes. No. You need to get to transfiguration. We’re going to be late anyway. Evans hates that.”
You bite your tongue. 
“Cmon, I’ll take your stuff down for you. Just hang on.”
You give him the satchel. but keep your wand tucked in your uniform. You won’t need it. You won’t need it to save yourself when you fall to your doom.
Sirius lopsidedly climbs his way down to the floor. You hear his heavy feet on the floor, and you can hear a short handed conversation between Lily and Sirius. You take a deep breath and know that it’s your turn.
Sirius is standing at the bottom. 
Lily hovers near the side, wand drawn, ready to cast a padding charm.
You miss the last rung and scream and fall backwards. Sirius huffs as your full weight falls into him and sends you both toppling to the cushioned floor.
You lay there mortified. back against Sirius’s chest, and then both of you bursts out laughing, Lily following quickly after, into a fit of giggles.
“I think-“ you gasp through your laughs. “I’m quitting divination.”
Sirius, who is now sitting up, claps you on the shoulder solemnly.
“It’s for the best.”
Transfiguration- the class your nerves and excitement have been building up for - your first actual practical class.
James is in it, and when you, Sirius, and lily walk in, red faced from both laughter and running down to the class, late, he seems approving. You meet his eyes and stifle your smile at the disapproving glare that Professor Mcgonagall is directing at the three of you. She has piercing eyes and deep green robes, but something about her makes her seem almost comfortable. Her severe face draws close together.
“Miss Evans. Mister Black. Miss (Y/l/n). Late. on the first day, i will excuse it, although you must not expect leniency in the future.”
You file to your empty seats in the front with a series of “yes ma’am’s,” and “sorry, professor,” and “really, Minnie, with these two, you can’t expect anything.” (Sirius)
“this year, we will focus on nonverbal spellwork, as all students in my class have achieved an exceeds expectations or higher on the O.W.L.S. Nonverbal spellwork requires an intense amount of focus, and you will see that we will begin with rudimentary magic, nonverbal.”
Mcgonagall writes three common spells on the board, using her wand as a stick of chalk. 
You reach into your robes and pull out your wand- a white elder, with the core of a phoenix feather. It’s carved simply and you hold it with ease. The beetles you were supplied scramble around on the desk - the smallest animals imaginable. 
You flick your wand. The beetle morphs easily into a button. With almost no willpower.
Lily seems to be struggling, so you peek over her shoulder.
“What are you thinking?” you ask her. She stares at wonder at the shiny black button on your desk. Her pale cheeks flush red. 
“The spell. What were you?”
“You can’t just think the word, You need to picture what you want. Specifically. Like.. it’s so hard to explain, but you need to zoom in. Nothing is beetle. It’s the button.”
Lily sticks her tongue out between her lips and flicks her wrist.
The beetle turns into a button and lily screams in delight, and then hugs you tightly around the neck. You laugh into her shoulder.
This is a good start to a soon to be legendary year.
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Please please please post "Jammiest bit of Jam(es)" soon!
Aww, you're a sweetheart! I'll first finish Lily in the Sky with Diamonds, it's all happening without me and my Jily December Challenge fics, but then I'm definitely going to continue working on Jammiest Bit of Jam(es), because it's so much fun to write that one and it might very well turn into my latest obsession. I anticipate a December update of the first chapter. To tide you over... another long snippet.
Jammiest Bit of Jam(es)
“Miss Evans?” Her eyes widened and she very nearly dropped her wand. She turned around ever so slowly, schooling her face into a neutral and thoroughly unimpressed expression. “Ah,” she spoke, hoping to sound dismissive and unaffected, while – in reality – her heart pounded a mile a minute, “it is you.” Lord James Potter – the far too handsome Pure-blooded dunderhead – examined her closely, took a small step towards her. “Are you well? You appear to be lost.” “Oh,” she said, tilting her chin, “lost I’m most certainly not.” He cocked his head to the side. “In trouble then?” “Now, whatever would make you say that?” “Well, since you’re dressed as a young Hogwarts school boy –” She refused to let her confidence falter as she scoffed at him. “Clearly, you have no idea about the intricate goings-on at Queen Mary’s. Maybe this is just how we would prefer to dress when there’s no wizards about.” “You’d wear a cloak with the Hogwarts crest at Queen Mary’s?” he raised his eyebrows. Infuriatingly, he was all the more attractive for it. “Do you fancy yourself an Auror, sir?” she stubbornly crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Not quite yet,” he muttered as if he wasn’t destined to become the next Minister of Magic, like his father and grandfather before him, taking another step forward, the toes of their shoes – similar in looks, comically different in size – nearly touching, forcing her to look up at him. “Now, tell me, Miss Evans. What are you doing at Hogwarts? You weren’t planning on calling on a suitor were you?” “A suitor?” she couldn’t hide the scandalised tone in her voice, the way her breath caught on the word. “How dare you insinuate such a thing –” He held up his hands, his wand resting between the fingers of his left hand. “Do forgive me, Miss Evans, for drawing such a conclusion when you are attempting to open a door to an empty Hogwarts classroom that has a rather sordid history.” “A sordid history?” He leaned forward, brought his lips closer to her ear. “Rumour has it Rowena Ravenclaw and Godric Gryffindor favoured the room when they were courting each other.” She felt her cheeks pinken, her breath catch. It had, of course, nothing to do with his close proximity. I’m not that desperate, she thought angrily to herself. It’s just the smell of his cologne that is making me feel rather dizzy. The absolute ponce. It is sure to be some expensive bottle imported from France.
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